Mandy. Depends on the "shrink" at API and his /her interview of the suspected mental. Many differing opinions among those folks. Recall the retiring head warned them about Meach but they let him out on work release. Didn't work out very well.
", 6 February 2010 (UTC) ::::: Adyniz, I'm not entirely sure what you mean by ""danger/ban/copyright thingy/terms and conditions'"". Perhaps you might like to read WP:ADMIN for a detailed explanation of the role. Regards, '''' 22:08"
And did the train not disrupt traffic heading to Hughes Stadium? Your argument is moot, plain and simple.
It is a waste of taxpayer money according to Murkowski, but 1.5 trillion for a jet that doesn't work and can get shot down by jets whose designs are 40 years old is not?
I imagine the Jews were told this when they were ordered to pack a few belongings and report to the railway station to be herded into box cars by their "friendly" government. Perhaps Vaughn Glenn should get a clue to why the TSA are shunned like lepers. I cringe every time I have to fly somewhere. I have flashes of TSA agents dressed as gestapo, demanding for papers with a bad German accent. This is not the country I grew up in. No, I do not feel safe. It disgusts me that a high school dropout is digging through my bags, leaving "for your safety, your bag was searched" after they wadded everything up and threw back into the suitcase.
It did, shortly after Clark loosened her foreign buyer tax policies.....
" Londonderry Hi, Are you some one-issue POV-pushing nut? Because WP is full of jerks like that. It was Londonderry in news reports during the Troubles. Londonderry, Londonderry, Londonderry. You used to hear it all the bloody time. Ireland, Vietnam. Vietnam, Ireland. The 1960s, remember? Then very occasionally in the 1970s, you would hear ""Derry"" and you would be left wondering, ""Is this Derry place anywhere close to the famous Londonderry?"" In 1977, you don't just go on the web and look it up and discover these are synonyms. Right? And Balbo's visit to Londonderry did not occur in 1977, now did it? Happy now? Please don't put silly anachronisms into a serious article. (Canada)"
Funny how so many that advocate or operate an illegally LOUD motor vehicle on our roadways respond to adversity with "there are more important things to worry about" - or - if you're a loud biker bully, "My loud pipes save lives." Let me ask you Leyton, when we get down to where the rubber meets the road, our everyday quality of life...what's more important than a good standard of living, a good quality of life and an environment that is conducive to our health and welfare? Let me ask you another question...why do you think the US EPA has gone through all of the trouble to regulate motorcycle NOISE to 80 dB(A) and required specific labeling and tampering prohibitions for motorcycles operated on our public roadways? Answer: The Truth about Loud Motorcycles the Police Won't or Can't Tell You: https://rickeyholtsclaw.wordpress.com/2016/03/10/the-truth-about-loud-motorcycles-the-police-wont-or-cant-tell-you/ Rick Holtsclaw, Houston PD/Retired C-CALM FB
In my opinion, ALL Americans should be highly offended. We liberated France from the Nazis in WW II and, when we have a national crisis where people die, they see fit to humiliate us. Least we forget, US blood was spilled to help France. These editors owe us an apology.
== Seasons greetings == May Odin keep you and your family out of prostitution as he steals Thor's chariot and pretends to be a Greek saint several months after Jesus of Nazareth's more probable birthday! :I like it! Ho ho ho and a Merry Christmas to you.
" == Edit request on 4 April 2012 == Please change ""makining the second and third dunks of her college career"" under College Career to ""making the second and third dunks of her college career"" because of a spelling error. "
== About the article... == The fact that it is a company's first publication does not make it notable. See Wikipedia:Notability for the Wikipedia policy on this. If the book has been covered by significant and reliable news sources, for example, that is an assertion of notability.
sucking ass and is surprised
Returning control of health insurance back to the states would be a great idea, if this is what they are proposing. Keep in mind a couple of things: 1) If your state had high premiums before Obamacare that was the fault of your state government being in the pockets of the special interest groups. Change your state government and stop with the buying across state lines! 2) The whole cost of the unemployed ill and the unemployed with pre-existing conditions fell solely on the shoulders of people who buy their own insurance out of their own pockets. Time to get the other 270 million people to shoulder some of that cost.
"==Dildo== Just so you know, here's the diff that changed the Dildo link to the sex toy instead of the town in the first place: . Presumably the ""fixed B typo"" edit summary is how it flew under the radar. "
Then go ahead and say it. But I do not.
== Search Area Shifts 700 Miles to Northeast (28 March) == Summary of rationale for shift in search area: last radar contact at 2:15 AM indicates plane was flying faster than previously believed, hence would have burned fuel at a higher rate and not been able to travel as far along the southern corridor. Criticism: Partial ping at 8:19 AM indicates that plane was in air until that moment. Had plane continued at the speed noted at 2:15 AM, it would have gone into the ocean much sooner. Note calculation anomaly: 02:15 Last primary radar contact by Malaysian military, 200 miles (320 km) NW of Penang. 08:19 Partial ping. 200 miles NW of Penang TO new search area 1150 miles WSW of Perth ~ 2900 miles traveled in 6 hrs = 483 mph 200 miles NW of Penang TO old search area at tip of southern corridor ~ 3600 miles traveled in 6 hrs = 600 mph
Do you have an authority that Zsófia Polgár has officially anglicised her name?
I'm Sorry, I don't. Umm....I have gmail and a verizon cell phone. You?
:Yeah, and by the way, almost all people who think the Powerpuff Girls are great are idiots. Based on what you said, if you're not an idiot, Hillary Clinton is Jewish.
please continue to touch your nice, hard dick
delphi users calls language Opject Pascal because it is OBJECT PASCAL ! Delphi language do not exist, only Delphi tool and Delphi dialect of Object Pascal !!!
" == [hormesis] == Hi, you posted in a comment on Talk:Hormesis, you wrote, ""Somebody seems to have 'accidentally' deleted radiation hormesis. I have undeleted it, and removed the 'merge' tag. If you wish to delete a page you must put it up for deletion. Thanks for not abusing process."" I was simply following the wikipedia guide for merging. When I read the hormesis page, I was shocked to see that it was either redundant or frankly junk. If you don't agree with the way I merged the two but agree that they should be merged, please add in the relevant material and undo your rvs. otherwise, we can continue to discuss the merits of having both articles on the hormesis talk page. Cheers, "
Logicus to Guettarda: Surely you are wrong yet again Guettarda, because the current article demonstrably gives an answer to this question, thus bringing that question firmly and even centrally within its scope. For the article clearly makes claims on the ‘’dating’’ and also ostensibly on the ‘’rationale’’ of the alleged Darwinian revolution. Thus it brings such issues as the rationality and rationale of scientific revolutions and the nature of scientific method very firmly and centrally within its scope, as indeed all histories of science do. For on the one hand it claims the theory that evolution is mainly caused by natural selection was not widely accepted until the 1930s (dating), but on the other hand also claims that Darwin presented compelling evidence for that theory (rationale). The remaining mystery this POV Wikipedia history of science therefore raises for any evidential theory of the logic of scientific revolutions and scientific method such as Wikipedia presents elsewhere in its articles is why it took at least some 80 years for Darwin’s theory to be widely accepted if the evidence Darwin presented for it was indeed compelling. In conclusion, if questions like this really are outside the scope of this article as you and your Wiki pals may undemocratically elect to define the scope of Wiki history of science articles, then the article must surely relinquish (i.e. delete) making any claims on the dating and rationale of that alleged revolution as it currently does in order to achieve a NPOV on such issues. This is of course exactly what my original proposed edit of the first sentence at was designed to achieve. But it was reverted by Souza in an apparent act of Tendentious editing that satisfies the following Wiki criterion of such: ::You delete the cited additions of others with the complaint that they did not discuss their edits first. :::There is no rule on Wikipedia that someone has to get permission from you before they put cited information in an article. Such a rule would clearly contradict Wikipedia:Be bold. There is guidance from ArbCom that removal of statements that are pertinent, sourced reliably, and written in a neutral style constitutes disruption.[1] Instead of removing cited work, you should be questioning uncited information.
" ::I told you I wasn't going to forget. ;) "
And the cabal conspires to silence their opponent. You people are really disgusting.
Actually kiddo, i just think your a bully. You don't seem to want an outsider playing with NHRP. I am not going away. I have been trying for 2 years to get the town historian who's site that is, or anyone in city hall to DO THIS, but i couldn't. None of them see any value in WP. So instead you got me. and I do think you are messing with me, because it is far easier to tell me you think I making repetative mistakes, then I can fix all my links you don't like. Following me around to eraser my work is tedious, petty and uncool.
== don't threaten your fellow editors == your message left on my talk page is uncivil. your comments on the article talk page had nothing to do with the article itself, which violates WP policy.
:You had me going there, you bastard! I was just coming over to put a sentimental bird on your userpage! Grrrrr! |
The section does not need to be moved. It does, however, need a lot of clean up (real clean up, not just deleting it), to refer to other sources.
" == Colonel Jorgen and Wolff's Past == In Wolff's confession in ""Explorers on the Moon"", it is never stated that Jorgen was the one who persecuted Wolff in the past on behalf of his creditors or the foreign power, or that they even knew one another before the actual moon rocket mission. Rather, it is more probable that Wolff was being contacted and extorted by other agents over the years, until the moon mission was already well underway. It also appears from what Wolff says that he and Jorgen met for the first time only when already on the way to the moon - when, shortly after waking from the departure from Earth, Wolff goes down to the hold to free Jorgen of his stowing place; Wolff says that up until that point he had thought Jorgen was nothing but a nosy journalist."
::Where does it say it's authorized to add cfd headers to tons of categories?
:I found the Islam article to be a very good, factual article that helped me understand the religion. Please consider that Wikipedia is one of the only places where you can go to see a one page summary on topics like that. We need to be respectful of all the religion articles on Wikipedia because they help eliminate people's ignorance. The media does not do that, blogs do not do that, it is unique to Wikipedia to require the articles to present a subject fairly while also including all criticisms. I don't think we should be so upset about having mention of the sex abuse scandal in the lead, especially if it give some perspective on the issue like percentages which I have never heard the media report - my religious education students (the children of Catholics!) thought that 30-40% of our priests were pedophiles! If there is some piece of information that is needed in the lead it is something to educate people to eliminate that misconception. Burying mention of the sex abuse scandal in the body of the article without mentioning in the lead will not only make the article an ineffective tool of information, but will make it appear to be a POV and will never pass FA. FA is important if you want people to trust that the information they are reading is reliable.
HI i am terribly sorry for anything that has happen with my computer i wasa out of twon i lesft my little brother here he may have done this but please can you remove the block on my computer thank you
Threatening divorce is pretty excessive. My sister hated those month long, distance visits with his relatives so once the kids where old enough to not need so much attention, 6 or 7, she just quit going. She used the time to do things for herself, relax and work around the house and he got time to spend with the kids and his mother. Her husband was a bit snitty at first but then seemed he also enjoyed the time apart. If forced, month long vacations are divorce material for him, then maybe time to get away from this unreasonable bully?
If some are 'Trumpettes", I suppose others are Hilariots.
Otherwise, the article looks good.
:::::It is worth knowing a little about copyright licences. It is possible to log into Flickr and ask the photographer to change to licence to a Commons friendly licence.
"Leider kann ich den Autor dieses Artikels nicht finden. Aber mir ist es wichtig darauf hinzuweisen, dass inzwischen einige der Ermittlungsakten verschiedener amerikanischer Stellen (FBI) öffentlich zugänglich sein dürften. Leider waren sie es wohl nur für kurze Zeit. Dennoch gibt es aussagekräftige Beweise, das Otto Kühn keineswegs ein Spion und schon gar nicht am Überfall Japans auf Pearl Harbor beteiligt war. Diese Vermutung und Unterstellungen waren und sind Bestandteil des insgesamte ziemlich undurchsichtigen und chaotischen Versuchs die hohen Verluste vor der Öffentlichkeit zu verteidigen. Nicht nur Otto Kühn und seine Familie sondern auch andere Deutsche und Japaner die schon in 2. oder 3. Generation in Amerika lebten wurden in dieser Zeit Opfer einer Maschinerie welche gern ""kleine"" Opfer für ein ""großes"" Ziel akzeptiert. Und wenn noch heute solche Einträge zu finden sind, frage ich den Autor woher er das alles weiß und ob ihm niemals die Idee kam das hier eine Familie über viele Generationen die Folgen dieser immer wiederholten, nicht bewiesenen Anschuldigungen sein könnte!? Wer hat ein Interesse daran das Otto Kühn als Spion,Kriegstreiber und Nazi beschrieben wird? Und warum sollte er es riskiert haben ALLES zu verlieren was er hatte? Familie, viel Grundbestitz und Vermögen in Hawaii, sein Leben und seine Ruhe? Ihr macht es euch immer so einfach. Zeigt einer mit den Fingern auf jemanden -tut ihrs ohne zu fragen, wie die Äffchen nach! Ihr macht Euch damit schuldig!- vor jeder Instanz dieser Welt! Man gab Euch einen eigenen Kopf zum Denken und nicht nur einen Mund zum wiederholen! Amerika wach auf! Ich liebe dieses Land und seine Menschen aber ich mag seine Sehnsucht nach Feindbildern nicht! Denn so einfach ist das Leben nicht und auch die Wahrheit!"
I've added those 3 cities with the link you supplied. As for St. Louis here's what happened: http://m.stltoday.com/news/local/govt-and-politics/nick-pistor/st-louis-declines-invitation-to-bid-for-democratic-national-convention/article_9fd09f66-d269-5e2c-8d2e-133e29f99773.html?mobile_touch=tr.
"Christ, what a fucking joke. I happen to be in Spain, where previously I was in the UK. So how am I supposed to edit from the same IP as normal? Why block this IP without even thinking to ask a polite question or two? Because you are deeply, deeply prejudiced against anonymous editors, that's why. Seriously, you think I deserved all this shit just for changing ""explained"" to ""said""?"
" == What is right phonetic & what's meaning? == EFNYSIEN, is-it [Yven'ochien, Yvano-chien, ʃjɛn], one ""Yvan, Evan Bitch, Dog; or Great (an end in superlative AN, AGNE, or in contrary, a diminutive, like in BACH, BECHAN, BIAN = Small, little, dwarf; suffixe -AIN = Cut, reduced, shrivelled, wizened, low?)"", or is-it ""Even Ossian"", the same, or, as Ossian; or others [Evenéchiant] = boring, annoying (but also the words ""Evanescent, Falot = Bland, vapid, dying, fading""), or [Yvanochien, Ufené-ki-ɛn]??? And so, what-is the real or true meaning of this name following the old-Welsh language? Because in French this name of ""EVENCHIEN"" (AS-DOG, or ""who wants to be just a dog, watchdog (molosse)"") gives enough disgusting meanings, for one Gal, Celt or Roman (Revengor), in old-Welsh or Galloys = Gallia language, French? But I think, that always in Welsh Tales, there are several possible readings (as views or looks in a mirror): from the more stupid, or infantile, childish (american mind, or saxon, english) or like priest, holly joe; until the more satirical and critical, for people with a big spirit (great humor) like beird (Authors = Autorities, Poëts, well-read; not ""scholarly = clerical, literate, churchy"")."
Wow! Mahalo for hitting the bullseye!
"Arrogant Sons of Bitches == No worries, glad to help. That template can indeed be a pain at times. – Cyclone == Re: "
POP QUIZZ: How many WW employees does it take to find Virginia and West Virginia on a US map?
:Fuck off, or horrid things are coming your way.
== Lazyness == If your adding a load of commemts why dont you tdy it up yourself? P.S.Not person who wrote this.
For those who wonder why ADN, our ONLY newspapers has been losing subscribers along with credibility; here's your proof! See you in bankruptcy court!
And the NWO merger with Russian, China and Iran. How much you want to bet we don't leash the head of that dog? Globalization or the NWO? It's all going one direction and honestly I don't think our modern 'people' have the guts or glory to change it. Our men are too busy worshipping p**s* grabbers and taking revenge on Hilary to fill their male insecurities with false ego. *depressing* https://www.google.com/amp/www.cbsnews.com/amp/news/philippines-leader-rodrigo-duterte-new-world-order-russia-china-un-icc/?client=safari I've heard the terms NWO and Globalization more in media in the last week than in the last 10 years. The world is cheering our failures as a society and as a government.
::::Kind of hate to say this, I think the article is definitely leaning towards non-neutrality now. I still fail to see why an opinion by a single author, who claims knowledge that cannot be verified, and was probably not collected reliably, neutral. The original complaint was that the article was very non-neutral. Is this one author's viewpoint signficant, especially since it's not about the subject Gurumayi, but about a presumed group of people, for which we have no information. This statement might make more sense if we had some definitive statements that people were poor were turned away from the ashram, or not allowed to join, or abused. Certainly Szabo might have something to say about how non-wealthy devotees were treated, or whether or not non-wealthy people were even allowed to become devotees. The insecure remark seems petty at best. I read the LuLu article briefly, and the author (not the journal) seems to conclude that LuLui is rich, successful and insecure which may explain why he seems to assume that most of her 70000 devotees are similar. Hardly a logical or scholarly conclusion. Long story short (too late I know), I'm failing to see what controversy you are trying to document. Are we trying to show that rich, successful, insecure devotees are taken advantage of. Or are they treated differently? Are the rest of the devotees treated in a disrespectful manner simply because they are not rich, successful and insecure? Please excuse the length of this reply (and the length of all other replies), I'm mostly thinking out loud. I'm mostly at a loss to see what we are trying to present here.
"Why does this page seem to link to the subject ""Social psychology"" on other languages Wikipedias? I dont think it should be that way..."
Because he was a catholic, the national catholic reporter focused on him. I doubt it was meant as a slight to anyone.
I'm looking for quality food at a fair price. In general, Middle Eastern or Mediterranean cuisine is overpriced. I welcome any chain that can make it affordable.
Most of us - Alaskans - couldn't care less about the Super Bowl? You're going to have to show your work.
== Third live album ? == The High Road (album) also claims to be their third live album
Good to see the Weekly preserved for posterity.
LMAO! But I can't say I'm surprised. I don't even want to know how this happened. I think this is a good opportunity for us to take a break and chill out for a while.-
It's not a hard problem to solve technically. Allmusic puts some alphanumeric gibberish at the end of the URL. On IMBD, the title doesn't even appear in URL. They put in the year automatically. If that's not enough they add (I), (II), etc.
The preponderance of the evidence indicates there was no such wiretapping. You are denying reality by trying to switch to other possibilities. You are like those who still claim Nixon was innocent; out of touch. .
“New France” on YOUTUBE ???...really ???...« La Grande Bataille » presents the comic underside of life in New France (Canada) through a dozen short sketches featuring…Sir Samuel de Champlain, Comte Frontenac, Father Jean de Brébeuf, Jeanne Mance, Des Groseilliers & Radisson, Madeleine de Verchères, Dollard des Ormeaux n +… (sorry, in Québécois only (old French))
:AGF is not a suicide pact. You've consistently tried to push alternate definitons and interpretations of basic policies and guidelines to promote a specific POV.
The fact that these people are given a voice every day is embarrassing. If you hate it so much, leave the country.
Trudeau described the parliament hill shooting as a murder by a deranged man, and now describes Quebec as a terrorist act on all Canadians. I wonder what he thinks the distinction is?
::Uh, I undid your revert because it was inappropriate. I have never touched that article, but I've made your revert as if it never happened. I have nothing personal against you, but feel that you are a rogue admin who cannot be trusted with extra priviledges. If you are desysoped you will have noone to blame but yourself. -
" ::::Ok, thanks very much for your help. "
" The draft was declined. WP:BIO doesn't say so in so many words, but a person needs to have articles about that person in important publications (Wikinews and Projct Vote Smart are not important publications, and Project Vote Smart is reliable for facts, but not to establish notability). For example, someone elected to a town council isn't notable, even if a local newspaper did an interview with that person. "
Merge with Nano reef Given that most of the same constraints apply to picos as nanos, and that there is mention of picos in the nano article, I recommend that Pico reef simply redirect to Nano reef
"Do you mean ""genre""? "
::I got no hits on Google Books. I'd guess that there are legal issues. Poor S.M., he can murder the Mayor of Portland, but he can't slander a terrorist! Anyway, I'll leave the references to you. But if the name isn't there, WP should say that the character resembles TK, but is never named as such.
Yes, I remember. And Trump makes Nixon look positively statesmanlike.
Both the Republicans and Democrats opposed the TPP. It was a child of Obama and destined to fail. Thank god.
" == BBC article in external links == From the linked BBC article: ""Although the Vedas were recorded in writing some 15 centuries ago[...]"" This seems off by quite a few centuries weren't the Vedas first written down a couple of centuries bce? Might be worth adding a note next to the link."
==Sourcing== Hi! I found http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=West_Jefferson_High_School_(Louisiana)&diff;=next&oldid;=339121398 Do you have a source for the statements? Thanks
New page This is a new page on Puerto Rican author Lourdes Vázquez. There is one in Spanish.
The male shane What are you planning on doing here? If your intention is simply to create a nonsense page, or defame someone, I'm just going to delete it.
Along with the announcement of the Special Session on Monday, one could also say that all of the main players that may become standing candidates for main offices in this city and state were also on stage as a kinda "introduction to the people" if you will. It should come as no surprise that the resulting legislation that is passed out of the Special Session will dictate the terms of the upcoming 2018 and 2020 election cycles - who is in play and what the main issues will be. In other words, pay close attention - because this whole thing has a lot more moving parts than figuring out how to get $3 billion dollars.
You bet I’m doing great hope the leafs have a good season
Gillibrand has probably forgotten that some of the votes for Trump were actually votes against liberals like her and Hillary.
Where was the "Good Guy with a gun"?
::::You mention above that Ireland does not belong to the UK. Nor do any of the other countries. In fact, the US, like Ireland, won its independence from the UK through opposition to the British. But all of the countries have a British colonial past in common.
" *:::::::""He looks particularly constipated in this picture""< lol true, more reason to use it then p.. anyhow, i have created a few crops myself cause if we are going to use a shitty image in the end, i'll try to make sure its the best shitty image we could use (lol)..people should accept the fact that the Donald is now fat thus the fat bag of ..well fats under his chin..he pays people to come to his conventions lol and photographers to take good pics of him (photoshopped ofcourse) ..Wikipedia doesn't have to do that, we can use his real images without worrying about it ..I created alternate for 2 of the images above.....if someone can shoop out the shield from this pic without compromising the quality of the image, I think this is better that the one where he looks constipated....I have also added a Higher quality and fixed version of the currently proposed image incase people want to compare ...I still prefer the currently used image though, or the one from March.. "
==Categories for discussion nomination of Category:Jewish clergy== :Category:Jewish clergy, which you created, has been nominated for deletion, merging, or renaming. If you would like to participate in the discussion, you are invited to add your comments at the category's entry on the Categories for discussion page. Thank you.
One of our many bishops demanded that theology be taught in Latin in the Seminary . Not only was there no Latin going on neither was there theology happening . And most students had all they could do to speak English ( a second language for some . ) Worse yet the instructors were not trained in Latin itself nor in how to teach it . I would be astounded if Latin were spoken in seminaries . Were it so I'd find that appalling!
::It appears that (40k+ edits) exists, but redirects to which is where (only 3 edits) was moved to. WTF?
:::Actually hit the jackpot to make me want to jump in the pool again - clever bunnies who may use hotcat and put Java as a cat - for the Sun platform - and as a consequence the intermix between the java (place) and (platform) will bore me horribly one night trying to separate the bastards (
==Ladysway1985== The article Ladysway1985 was deleted. Your personal information should be put on your user page, which is located at . Remember that to merit inclusion in the encyclopedia proper, a subject must be notable. We encourage you to write or improve articles on notable subjects. Thank you.
Good point Malleus. Knowing the user's former identity does not necessarily mean knowing about all the circumstances. That's why I've focused my concerns narrowly, just on those who I'm pretty sure did know the full facts of the matter and helped him through RFA nonetheless.
]] and [[Expulsion of the Jews from Egypt
smdvnhuksdcjlfnvgusrjtbkejasgfjseoijfioajseiofjioefuehfhweuiofy neose wi90sduf osjdfo d9ssomeone
Purdue is guilty of nothing they should not have paid a cent for this. Most addicts are their own worst enemy they need intense psychological counseling perhaps but not millions in cash so they can buy more drugs.
REDIRECT Talk:List of number-one albums of 1984 (United States)
" Also to answer your question, 100000 was way too big to match the ""streetscale"" template. That was closer to countyscale. If you want, we could use your template in the header to geolinks. Essentially make the header ""Maps and aerial photos for {{coor|etc|etc}}"". I'm not crazy about it, but it might help draw attention to your efforts assuming people even notice the geolinks section at the bottom of the city pages..."
Most people do not have enough money to file a lawsuit.
I hope you weren't referring to me. I have statistics to back me up. I also have the dubious honor of having tried to "engage" in enough conversations with Trump supporters to know there is no conversation to be had, for the most part. Finally, I recognize your online moniker. Why don't do answer your questions as they apply to 99.9% of your posts? If you think your online behavior is "tiresome and sad," quit behaving that way. By the way, an ad hominem attack directed at oneself is...sad.
These Days== For the last fucking time, it wasn't a Jackson Browne COVER. Nico's recording was its first release. Indeed, Browne wrote it but FOR her. His version was released some years later on his debut album. ==Production Credits
==Image:Mailstinglogo.jpg== I have tagged Image:Mailstinglogo.jpg as . In order for the image to be kept at Wikipedia, it must be included in at least one article. If this image is being used as a link target instead of displayed inline, please add to the image description page to prevent it being accidentally marked as orphaned again.
::::It has both Circumcision and Jesus, two of the least controversial topics we cover.
" :""Overtook"" implies that Wilson got within at least physical reaching distance of Brown, and it's not clear at this point that that occurred - we don't know the distance . ""Confronted"" literally means ""to meet someone face-to-face with hostile intent,"" which is what happened - Wilson stood face-to-face with Brown with the ""hostile"" intent of subduing him, and fired the fatal shots. What provoked those fatal shots is the question at issue. "
== ARGH.... == Anglo-Saxon Chronicle history - is it not enough to deal with Gregorian mission on the main page ... but now I have some person inserting unsourced translations that are already linked into the front of a featured article... -