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የፀረ-አበረታች ኤጀንሲ በአትሌቲክስ ውስጥ የካናቢስን መታገድ ሊመረምር ነው
Which of the following sections of a newspaper would this article likely appear in? Sports, business, health, or politics? | sports | amh | train | MasakhaNEWS | news_topic_classification |
የፀረ-አበረታች ኤጀንሲ በአትሌቲክስ ውስጥ የካናቢስን መታገድ ሊመረምር ነው
Which of these labels best describes this news article:
sports $ business $ health $ politics
Label: | sports | amh | train | MasakhaNEWS | news_topic_classification |
Which of these labels best describes this news article:
sports $ business $ health $ politics
የፀረ-አበረታች ኤጀንሲ በአትሌቲክስ ውስጥ የካናቢስን መታገድ ሊመረምር ነው
Label: | sports | amh | train | MasakhaNEWS | news_topic_classification |
What topic does the following news title "የፀረ-አበረታች ኤጀንሲ በአትሌቲክስ ውስጥ የካናቢስን መታገድ ሊመረምር ነው" belong to? Sports, business, health, or politics? | sports | amh | train | MasakhaNEWS | news_topic_classification |
Is this a piece of news regarding Sports, business, health, or politics?
የፀረ-አበረታች ኤጀንሲ በአትሌቲክስ ውስጥ የካናቢስን መታገድ ሊመረምር ነው | sports | amh | train | MasakhaNEWS | news_topic_classification |
ቻይና 'ወኪሏን' ወደ ዩኬ ፓርላማ አስገብታለች መባሉን አስተባበለች
Which of the following sections of a newspaper would this article likely appear in? Sports, business, health, or politics? | politics | amh | train | MasakhaNEWS | news_topic_classification |
ቻይና 'ወኪሏን' ወደ ዩኬ ፓርላማ አስገብታለች መባሉን አስተባበለች
Which of these labels best describes this news article:
sports $ business $ health $ politics
Label: | politics | amh | train | MasakhaNEWS | news_topic_classification |
Which of these labels best describes this news article:
sports $ business $ health $ politics
ቻይና 'ወኪሏን' ወደ ዩኬ ፓርላማ አስገብታለች መባሉን አስተባበለች
Label: | politics | amh | train | MasakhaNEWS | news_topic_classification |
What topic does the following news title "ቻይና 'ወኪሏን' ወደ ዩኬ ፓርላማ አስገብታለች መባሉን አስተባበለች" belong to? Sports, business, health, or politics? | politics | amh | train | MasakhaNEWS | news_topic_classification |
Is this a piece of news regarding Sports, business, health, or politics?
ቻይና 'ወኪሏን' ወደ ዩኬ ፓርላማ አስገብታለች መባሉን አስተባበለች | politics | amh | train | MasakhaNEWS | news_topic_classification |
በኢትዮጵያና ታንዛኒያ ከ20 ዓመት በታች የሴቶች ግጥሚያ የተከሰተው ምንድን ነው?
Which of the following sections of a newspaper would this article likely appear in? Sports, business, health, or politics? | sports | amh | train | MasakhaNEWS | news_topic_classification |
በኢትዮጵያና ታንዛኒያ ከ20 ዓመት በታች የሴቶች ግጥሚያ የተከሰተው ምንድን ነው?
Which of these labels best describes this news article:
sports $ business $ health $ politics
Label: | sports | amh | train | MasakhaNEWS | news_topic_classification |
Which of these labels best describes this news article:
sports $ business $ health $ politics
በኢትዮጵያና ታንዛኒያ ከ20 ዓመት በታች የሴቶች ግጥሚያ የተከሰተው ምንድን ነው?
Label: | sports | amh | train | MasakhaNEWS | news_topic_classification |
What topic does the following news title "በኢትዮጵያና ታንዛኒያ ከ20 ዓመት በታች የሴቶች ግጥሚያ የተከሰተው ምንድን ነው?" belong to? Sports, business, health, or politics? | sports | amh | train | MasakhaNEWS | news_topic_classification |
Is this a piece of news regarding Sports, business, health, or politics?
በኢትዮጵያና ታንዛኒያ ከ20 ዓመት በታች የሴቶች ግጥሚያ የተከሰተው ምንድን ነው? | sports | amh | train | MasakhaNEWS | news_topic_classification |
ለ39 ዓመታት እራሱን ስቶ የቆየው የቀድሞው የፈረንሳይ ብሔራዊ ቡድን ተጫዋች አረፈ
Which of the following sections of a newspaper would this article likely appear in? Sports, business, health, or politics? | sports | amh | train | MasakhaNEWS | news_topic_classification |
ለ39 ዓመታት እራሱን ስቶ የቆየው የቀድሞው የፈረንሳይ ብሔራዊ ቡድን ተጫዋች አረፈ
Which of these labels best describes this news article:
sports $ business $ health $ politics
Label: | sports | amh | train | MasakhaNEWS | news_topic_classification |
Which of these labels best describes this news article:
sports $ business $ health $ politics
ለ39 ዓመታት እራሱን ስቶ የቆየው የቀድሞው የፈረንሳይ ብሔራዊ ቡድን ተጫዋች አረፈ
Label: | sports | amh | train | MasakhaNEWS | news_topic_classification |
What topic does the following news title "ለ39 ዓመታት እራሱን ስቶ የቆየው የቀድሞው የፈረንሳይ ብሔራዊ ቡድን ተጫዋች አረፈ" belong to? Sports, business, health, or politics? | sports | amh | train | MasakhaNEWS | news_topic_classification |
Is this a piece of news regarding Sports, business, health, or politics?
ለ39 ዓመታት እራሱን ስቶ የቆየው የቀድሞው የፈረንሳይ ብሔራዊ ቡድን ተጫዋች አረፈ | sports | amh | train | MasakhaNEWS | news_topic_classification |
የጀርሲ ፍርድ ቤት የሮማን አብራሞቪችን 7 ቢሊየን ዶላር የሚገመት ንብረቶች አገደ
Which of the following sections of a newspaper would this article likely appear in? Sports, business, health, or politics? | politics | amh | train | MasakhaNEWS | news_topic_classification |
የጀርሲ ፍርድ ቤት የሮማን አብራሞቪችን 7 ቢሊየን ዶላር የሚገመት ንብረቶች አገደ
Which of these labels best describes this news article:
sports $ business $ health $ politics
Label: | politics | amh | train | MasakhaNEWS | news_topic_classification |
Which of these labels best describes this news article:
sports $ business $ health $ politics
የጀርሲ ፍርድ ቤት የሮማን አብራሞቪችን 7 ቢሊየን ዶላር የሚገመት ንብረቶች አገደ
Label: | politics | amh | train | MasakhaNEWS | news_topic_classification |
What topic does the following news title "የጀርሲ ፍርድ ቤት የሮማን አብራሞቪችን 7 ቢሊየን ዶላር የሚገመት ንብረቶች አገደ" belong to? Sports, business, health, or politics? | politics | amh | train | MasakhaNEWS | news_topic_classification |
Is this a piece of news regarding Sports, business, health, or politics?
የጀርሲ ፍርድ ቤት የሮማን አብራሞቪችን 7 ቢሊየን ዶላር የሚገመት ንብረቶች አገደ | politics | amh | train | MasakhaNEWS | news_topic_classification |
ጉዬ አዶሎ፡ "ቀነኒሳን ከመሰለ ጀግና ጋር በመወዳደሬ ትልቅ ደስታ ይስማኛል"
Which of the following sections of a newspaper would this article likely appear in? Sports, business, health, or politics? | sports | amh | train | MasakhaNEWS | news_topic_classification |
ጉዬ አዶሎ፡ "ቀነኒሳን ከመሰለ ጀግና ጋር በመወዳደሬ ትልቅ ደስታ ይስማኛል"
Which of these labels best describes this news article:
sports $ business $ health $ politics
Label: | sports | amh | train | MasakhaNEWS | news_topic_classification |
Which of these labels best describes this news article:
sports $ business $ health $ politics
ጉዬ አዶሎ፡ "ቀነኒሳን ከመሰለ ጀግና ጋር በመወዳደሬ ትልቅ ደስታ ይስማኛል"
Label: | sports | amh | train | MasakhaNEWS | news_topic_classification |
What topic does the following news title "ጉዬ አዶሎ፡ "ቀነኒሳን ከመሰለ ጀግና ጋር በመወዳደሬ ትልቅ ደስታ ይስማኛል"" belong to? Sports, business, health, or politics? | sports | amh | train | MasakhaNEWS | news_topic_classification |
Is this a piece of news regarding Sports, business, health, or politics?
ጉዬ አዶሎ፡ "ቀነኒሳን ከመሰለ ጀግና ጋር በመወዳደሬ ትልቅ ደስታ ይስማኛል" | sports | amh | train | MasakhaNEWS | news_topic_classification |
የአዲስ ዓመት ተስፋዬ 'ይህ በቃን' ብለን ወደ አዲስ ምዕራፍ የምንሸጋገርበት እንዲሆን ነው
Which of the following sections of a newspaper would this article likely appear in? Sports, business, health, or politics? | politics | amh | train | MasakhaNEWS | news_topic_classification |
የአዲስ ዓመት ተስፋዬ 'ይህ በቃን' ብለን ወደ አዲስ ምዕራፍ የምንሸጋገርበት እንዲሆን ነው
Which of these labels best describes this news article:
sports $ business $ health $ politics
Label: | politics | amh | train | MasakhaNEWS | news_topic_classification |
Which of these labels best describes this news article:
sports $ business $ health $ politics
የአዲስ ዓመት ተስፋዬ 'ይህ በቃን' ብለን ወደ አዲስ ምዕራፍ የምንሸጋገርበት እንዲሆን ነው
Label: | politics | amh | train | MasakhaNEWS | news_topic_classification |
What topic does the following news title "የአዲስ ዓመት ተስፋዬ 'ይህ በቃን' ብለን ወደ አዲስ ምዕራፍ የምንሸጋገርበት እንዲሆን ነው" belong to? Sports, business, health, or politics? | politics | amh | train | MasakhaNEWS | news_topic_classification |
Is this a piece of news regarding Sports, business, health, or politics?
የአዲስ ዓመት ተስፋዬ 'ይህ በቃን' ብለን ወደ አዲስ ምዕራፍ የምንሸጋገርበት እንዲሆን ነው | politics | amh | train | MasakhaNEWS | news_topic_classification |
በኢትዮጵያ የኤችአይቪ ቫይረስ ስርጭት መቀነሱ ተገለጸ
Which of the following sections of a newspaper would this article likely appear in? Sports, business, health, or politics? | health | amh | train | MasakhaNEWS | news_topic_classification |
በኢትዮጵያ የኤችአይቪ ቫይረስ ስርጭት መቀነሱ ተገለጸ
Which of these labels best describes this news article:
sports $ business $ health $ politics
Label: | health | amh | train | MasakhaNEWS | news_topic_classification |
Which of these labels best describes this news article:
sports $ business $ health $ politics
በኢትዮጵያ የኤችአይቪ ቫይረስ ስርጭት መቀነሱ ተገለጸ
Label: | health | amh | train | MasakhaNEWS | news_topic_classification |
What topic does the following news title "በኢትዮጵያ የኤችአይቪ ቫይረስ ስርጭት መቀነሱ ተገለጸ" belong to? Sports, business, health, or politics? | health | amh | train | MasakhaNEWS | news_topic_classification |
Is this a piece of news regarding Sports, business, health, or politics?
በኢትዮጵያ የኤችአይቪ ቫይረስ ስርጭት መቀነሱ ተገለጸ | health | amh | train | MasakhaNEWS | news_topic_classification |
አሜሪካ አበረታች መድኃኒት የሚጠቀሙ ስፖርተኞችን በወንጀል ልትከስ ነው
Which of the following sections of a newspaper would this article likely appear in? Sports, business, health, or politics? | sports | amh | train | MasakhaNEWS | news_topic_classification |
አሜሪካ አበረታች መድኃኒት የሚጠቀሙ ስፖርተኞችን በወንጀል ልትከስ ነው
Which of these labels best describes this news article:
sports $ business $ health $ politics
Label: | sports | amh | train | MasakhaNEWS | news_topic_classification |
Which of these labels best describes this news article:
sports $ business $ health $ politics
አሜሪካ አበረታች መድኃኒት የሚጠቀሙ ስፖርተኞችን በወንጀል ልትከስ ነው
Label: | sports | amh | train | MasakhaNEWS | news_topic_classification |
What topic does the following news title "አሜሪካ አበረታች መድኃኒት የሚጠቀሙ ስፖርተኞችን በወንጀል ልትከስ ነው" belong to? Sports, business, health, or politics? | sports | amh | train | MasakhaNEWS | news_topic_classification |
Is this a piece of news regarding Sports, business, health, or politics?
አሜሪካ አበረታች መድኃኒት የሚጠቀሙ ስፖርተኞችን በወንጀል ልትከስ ነው | sports | amh | train | MasakhaNEWS | news_topic_classification |
የሱዳን መፈንቅለ መንግሥት፡ ቢያንስ ሦስት ተቃዋሚዎች ሲገደሉ በርካቶች ለጉዳት ተዳረጉ
Which of the following sections of a newspaper would this article likely appear in? Sports, business, health, or politics? | politics | amh | train | MasakhaNEWS | news_topic_classification |
የሱዳን መፈንቅለ መንግሥት፡ ቢያንስ ሦስት ተቃዋሚዎች ሲገደሉ በርካቶች ለጉዳት ተዳረጉ
Which of these labels best describes this news article:
sports $ business $ health $ politics
Label: | politics | amh | train | MasakhaNEWS | news_topic_classification |
Which of these labels best describes this news article:
sports $ business $ health $ politics
የሱዳን መፈንቅለ መንግሥት፡ ቢያንስ ሦስት ተቃዋሚዎች ሲገደሉ በርካቶች ለጉዳት ተዳረጉ
Label: | politics | amh | train | MasakhaNEWS | news_topic_classification |
What topic does the following news title "የሱዳን መፈንቅለ መንግሥት፡ ቢያንስ ሦስት ተቃዋሚዎች ሲገደሉ በርካቶች ለጉዳት ተዳረጉ" belong to? Sports, business, health, or politics? | politics | amh | train | MasakhaNEWS | news_topic_classification |
Is this a piece of news regarding Sports, business, health, or politics?
የሱዳን መፈንቅለ መንግሥት፡ ቢያንስ ሦስት ተቃዋሚዎች ሲገደሉ በርካቶች ለጉዳት ተዳረጉ | politics | amh | train | MasakhaNEWS | news_topic_classification |
ኢትዮጵያውያኑ የሴቶችና የወንዶች የ5ሺህ ሜትር ውድድር ክብረ ወሰንን ሰበሩ
Which of the following sections of a newspaper would this article likely appear in? Sports, business, health, or politics? | sports | amh | train | MasakhaNEWS | news_topic_classification |
ኢትዮጵያውያኑ የሴቶችና የወንዶች የ5ሺህ ሜትር ውድድር ክብረ ወሰንን ሰበሩ
Which of these labels best describes this news article:
sports $ business $ health $ politics
Label: | sports | amh | train | MasakhaNEWS | news_topic_classification |
Which of these labels best describes this news article:
sports $ business $ health $ politics
ኢትዮጵያውያኑ የሴቶችና የወንዶች የ5ሺህ ሜትር ውድድር ክብረ ወሰንን ሰበሩ
Label: | sports | amh | train | MasakhaNEWS | news_topic_classification |
What topic does the following news title "ኢትዮጵያውያኑ የሴቶችና የወንዶች የ5ሺህ ሜትር ውድድር ክብረ ወሰንን ሰበሩ" belong to? Sports, business, health, or politics? | sports | amh | train | MasakhaNEWS | news_topic_classification |
Is this a piece of news regarding Sports, business, health, or politics?
ኢትዮጵያውያኑ የሴቶችና የወንዶች የ5ሺህ ሜትር ውድድር ክብረ ወሰንን ሰበሩ | sports | amh | train | MasakhaNEWS | news_topic_classification |
ለኢትዮጵያውያንና ለአፍሪካውያን ፈር ቀዳጅ ድል ያስመዘገበችው ፋጡማ ሮባ
Which of the following sections of a newspaper would this article likely appear in? Sports, business, health, or politics? | sports | amh | train | MasakhaNEWS | news_topic_classification |
ለኢትዮጵያውያንና ለአፍሪካውያን ፈር ቀዳጅ ድል ያስመዘገበችው ፋጡማ ሮባ
Which of these labels best describes this news article:
sports $ business $ health $ politics
Label: | sports | amh | train | MasakhaNEWS | news_topic_classification |
Which of these labels best describes this news article:
sports $ business $ health $ politics
ለኢትዮጵያውያንና ለአፍሪካውያን ፈር ቀዳጅ ድል ያስመዘገበችው ፋጡማ ሮባ
Label: | sports | amh | train | MasakhaNEWS | news_topic_classification |
What topic does the following news title "ለኢትዮጵያውያንና ለአፍሪካውያን ፈር ቀዳጅ ድል ያስመዘገበችው ፋጡማ ሮባ" belong to? Sports, business, health, or politics? | sports | amh | train | MasakhaNEWS | news_topic_classification |
Is this a piece of news regarding Sports, business, health, or politics?
ለኢትዮጵያውያንና ለአፍሪካውያን ፈር ቀዳጅ ድል ያስመዘገበችው ፋጡማ ሮባ | sports | amh | train | MasakhaNEWS | news_topic_classification |
ጠቅላይ ሚንስትር ዐቢይ ሦስት የተቃዋሚ አባላትን በካቢኔያቸው ውስጥ አካተቱ
Which of the following sections of a newspaper would this article likely appear in? Sports, business, health, or politics? | politics | amh | train | MasakhaNEWS | news_topic_classification |
ጠቅላይ ሚንስትር ዐቢይ ሦስት የተቃዋሚ አባላትን በካቢኔያቸው ውስጥ አካተቱ
Which of these labels best describes this news article:
sports $ business $ health $ politics
Label: | politics | amh | train | MasakhaNEWS | news_topic_classification |
Which of these labels best describes this news article:
sports $ business $ health $ politics
ጠቅላይ ሚንስትር ዐቢይ ሦስት የተቃዋሚ አባላትን በካቢኔያቸው ውስጥ አካተቱ
Label: | politics | amh | train | MasakhaNEWS | news_topic_classification |
What topic does the following news title "ጠቅላይ ሚንስትር ዐቢይ ሦስት የተቃዋሚ አባላትን በካቢኔያቸው ውስጥ አካተቱ" belong to? Sports, business, health, or politics? | politics | amh | train | MasakhaNEWS | news_topic_classification |
Is this a piece of news regarding Sports, business, health, or politics?
ጠቅላይ ሚንስትር ዐቢይ ሦስት የተቃዋሚ አባላትን በካቢኔያቸው ውስጥ አካተቱ | politics | amh | train | MasakhaNEWS | news_topic_classification |
የዩክሬኑ ጦርነት ባለፉት 50 ዓመታት ያልታየ የዋጋ ንረት እንደሚያስከትል ተገለጸ
Which of the following sections of a newspaper would this article likely appear in? Sports, business, health, or politics? | business | amh | train | MasakhaNEWS | news_topic_classification |
የዩክሬኑ ጦርነት ባለፉት 50 ዓመታት ያልታየ የዋጋ ንረት እንደሚያስከትል ተገለጸ
Which of these labels best describes this news article:
sports $ business $ health $ politics
Label: | business | amh | train | MasakhaNEWS | news_topic_classification |
Which of these labels best describes this news article:
sports $ business $ health $ politics
የዩክሬኑ ጦርነት ባለፉት 50 ዓመታት ያልታየ የዋጋ ንረት እንደሚያስከትል ተገለጸ
Label: | business | amh | train | MasakhaNEWS | news_topic_classification |
What topic does the following news title "የዩክሬኑ ጦርነት ባለፉት 50 ዓመታት ያልታየ የዋጋ ንረት እንደሚያስከትል ተገለጸ" belong to? Sports, business, health, or politics? | business | amh | train | MasakhaNEWS | news_topic_classification |
Is this a piece of news regarding Sports, business, health, or politics?
የዩክሬኑ ጦርነት ባለፉት 50 ዓመታት ያልታየ የዋጋ ንረት እንደሚያስከትል ተገለጸ | business | amh | train | MasakhaNEWS | news_topic_classification |
ዛየን አሊ ሰልማን፡ በአርሰናል የእግር ኳስ ቡድን የተመለመለው የአራት ዓመቱ ታዳጊ
Which of the following sections of a newspaper would this article likely appear in? Sports, business, health, or politics? | sports | amh | train | MasakhaNEWS | news_topic_classification |
ዛየን አሊ ሰልማን፡ በአርሰናል የእግር ኳስ ቡድን የተመለመለው የአራት ዓመቱ ታዳጊ
Which of these labels best describes this news article:
sports $ business $ health $ politics
Label: | sports | amh | train | MasakhaNEWS | news_topic_classification |
Which of these labels best describes this news article:
sports $ business $ health $ politics
ዛየን አሊ ሰልማን፡ በአርሰናል የእግር ኳስ ቡድን የተመለመለው የአራት ዓመቱ ታዳጊ
Label: | sports | amh | train | MasakhaNEWS | news_topic_classification |
What topic does the following news title "ዛየን አሊ ሰልማን፡ በአርሰናል የእግር ኳስ ቡድን የተመለመለው የአራት ዓመቱ ታዳጊ" belong to? Sports, business, health, or politics? | sports | amh | train | MasakhaNEWS | news_topic_classification |
Is this a piece of news regarding Sports, business, health, or politics?
ዛየን አሊ ሰልማን፡ በአርሰናል የእግር ኳስ ቡድን የተመለመለው የአራት ዓመቱ ታዳጊ | sports | amh | train | MasakhaNEWS | news_topic_classification |
ሴቶች ስታዲየም እንዲገቡ በቅርቡ የፈቀደችው ሳዑዲ የሴቶች ሊግን ልታስጀምር ነው
Which of the following sections of a newspaper would this article likely appear in? Sports, business, health, or politics? | sports | amh | train | MasakhaNEWS | news_topic_classification |
ሴቶች ስታዲየም እንዲገቡ በቅርቡ የፈቀደችው ሳዑዲ የሴቶች ሊግን ልታስጀምር ነው
Which of these labels best describes this news article:
sports $ business $ health $ politics
Label: | sports | amh | train | MasakhaNEWS | news_topic_classification |
Which of these labels best describes this news article:
sports $ business $ health $ politics
ሴቶች ስታዲየም እንዲገቡ በቅርቡ የፈቀደችው ሳዑዲ የሴቶች ሊግን ልታስጀምር ነው
Label: | sports | amh | train | MasakhaNEWS | news_topic_classification |
What topic does the following news title "ሴቶች ስታዲየም እንዲገቡ በቅርቡ የፈቀደችው ሳዑዲ የሴቶች ሊግን ልታስጀምር ነው" belong to? Sports, business, health, or politics? | sports | amh | train | MasakhaNEWS | news_topic_classification |
Is this a piece of news regarding Sports, business, health, or politics?
ሴቶች ስታዲየም እንዲገቡ በቅርቡ የፈቀደችው ሳዑዲ የሴቶች ሊግን ልታስጀምር ነው | sports | amh | train | MasakhaNEWS | news_topic_classification |
ተጠባቂውን የሊቨርፑል እና የማንቸስተር ሲቲ ጨዋታ ማን በበላይነት ያጠናቅቃል?
Which of the following sections of a newspaper would this article likely appear in? Sports, business, health, or politics? | sports | amh | train | MasakhaNEWS | news_topic_classification |
ተጠባቂውን የሊቨርፑል እና የማንቸስተር ሲቲ ጨዋታ ማን በበላይነት ያጠናቅቃል?
Which of these labels best describes this news article:
sports $ business $ health $ politics
Label: | sports | amh | train | MasakhaNEWS | news_topic_classification |
Which of these labels best describes this news article:
sports $ business $ health $ politics
ተጠባቂውን የሊቨርፑል እና የማንቸስተር ሲቲ ጨዋታ ማን በበላይነት ያጠናቅቃል?
Label: | sports | amh | train | MasakhaNEWS | news_topic_classification |
What topic does the following news title "ተጠባቂውን የሊቨርፑል እና የማንቸስተር ሲቲ ጨዋታ ማን በበላይነት ያጠናቅቃል?" belong to? Sports, business, health, or politics? | sports | amh | train | MasakhaNEWS | news_topic_classification |
Is this a piece of news regarding Sports, business, health, or politics?
ተጠባቂውን የሊቨርፑል እና የማንቸስተር ሲቲ ጨዋታ ማን በበላይነት ያጠናቅቃል? | sports | amh | train | MasakhaNEWS | news_topic_classification |
ትግራይ ውስጥ በረሃብ ሳቢያ ሰዎችና እንስሳት እየሞቱ ነው ተባለ
Which of the following sections of a newspaper would this article likely appear in? Sports, business, health, or politics? | business | amh | train | MasakhaNEWS | news_topic_classification |
ትግራይ ውስጥ በረሃብ ሳቢያ ሰዎችና እንስሳት እየሞቱ ነው ተባለ
Which of these labels best describes this news article:
sports $ business $ health $ politics
Label: | business | amh | train | MasakhaNEWS | news_topic_classification |
Which of these labels best describes this news article:
sports $ business $ health $ politics
ትግራይ ውስጥ በረሃብ ሳቢያ ሰዎችና እንስሳት እየሞቱ ነው ተባለ
Label: | business | amh | train | MasakhaNEWS | news_topic_classification |
What topic does the following news title "ትግራይ ውስጥ በረሃብ ሳቢያ ሰዎችና እንስሳት እየሞቱ ነው ተባለ" belong to? Sports, business, health, or politics? | business | amh | train | MasakhaNEWS | news_topic_classification |
Is this a piece of news regarding Sports, business, health, or politics?
ትግራይ ውስጥ በረሃብ ሳቢያ ሰዎችና እንስሳት እየሞቱ ነው ተባለ | business | amh | train | MasakhaNEWS | news_topic_classification |
ለዓለም ዋንጫ ዝግጅት በርካታ የውጭ አገር ሠራተኞች የሞቱባት ኳታር የሠራተኞች አያያዝ
Which of the following sections of a newspaper would this article likely appear in? Sports, business, health, or politics? | sports | amh | train | MasakhaNEWS | news_topic_classification |
ለዓለም ዋንጫ ዝግጅት በርካታ የውጭ አገር ሠራተኞች የሞቱባት ኳታር የሠራተኞች አያያዝ
Which of these labels best describes this news article:
sports $ business $ health $ politics
Label: | sports | amh | train | MasakhaNEWS | news_topic_classification |
Which of these labels best describes this news article:
sports $ business $ health $ politics
ለዓለም ዋንጫ ዝግጅት በርካታ የውጭ አገር ሠራተኞች የሞቱባት ኳታር የሠራተኞች አያያዝ
Label: | sports | amh | train | MasakhaNEWS | news_topic_classification |
What topic does the following news title "ለዓለም ዋንጫ ዝግጅት በርካታ የውጭ አገር ሠራተኞች የሞቱባት ኳታር የሠራተኞች አያያዝ" belong to? Sports, business, health, or politics? | sports | amh | train | MasakhaNEWS | news_topic_classification |
Is this a piece of news regarding Sports, business, health, or politics?
ለዓለም ዋንጫ ዝግጅት በርካታ የውጭ አገር ሠራተኞች የሞቱባት ኳታር የሠራተኞች አያያዝ | sports | amh | train | MasakhaNEWS | news_topic_classification |
ሊቨርፑል ከሪያል ማድሪድ በነበረው ጨዋታ የተፈጠሩ ክስተቶች እንዲመረመሩ ጠየቀ
Which of the following sections of a newspaper would this article likely appear in? Sports, business, health, or politics? | sports | amh | train | MasakhaNEWS | news_topic_classification |
ሊቨርፑል ከሪያል ማድሪድ በነበረው ጨዋታ የተፈጠሩ ክስተቶች እንዲመረመሩ ጠየቀ
Which of these labels best describes this news article:
sports $ business $ health $ politics
Label: | sports | amh | train | MasakhaNEWS | news_topic_classification |
Which of these labels best describes this news article:
sports $ business $ health $ politics
ሊቨርፑል ከሪያል ማድሪድ በነበረው ጨዋታ የተፈጠሩ ክስተቶች እንዲመረመሩ ጠየቀ
Label: | sports | amh | train | MasakhaNEWS | news_topic_classification |
What topic does the following news title "ሊቨርፑል ከሪያል ማድሪድ በነበረው ጨዋታ የተፈጠሩ ክስተቶች እንዲመረመሩ ጠየቀ" belong to? Sports, business, health, or politics? | sports | amh | train | MasakhaNEWS | news_topic_classification |
Is this a piece of news regarding Sports, business, health, or politics?
ሊቨርፑል ከሪያል ማድሪድ በነበረው ጨዋታ የተፈጠሩ ክስተቶች እንዲመረመሩ ጠየቀ | sports | amh | train | MasakhaNEWS | news_topic_classification |