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በህንድ በመጠጥ መመረዝ የበርካቶች ህይወት አለፈ
Which of the following sections of a newspaper would this article likely appear in? Sports, business, health, or politics? | business | amh | train | MasakhaNEWS | news_topic_classification |
በህንድ በመጠጥ መመረዝ የበርካቶች ህይወት አለፈ
Which of these labels best describes this news article:
sports $ business $ health $ politics
Label: | business | amh | train | MasakhaNEWS | news_topic_classification |
Which of these labels best describes this news article:
sports $ business $ health $ politics
በህንድ በመጠጥ መመረዝ የበርካቶች ህይወት አለፈ
Label: | business | amh | train | MasakhaNEWS | news_topic_classification |
What topic does the following news title "በህንድ በመጠጥ መመረዝ የበርካቶች ህይወት አለፈ" belong to? Sports, business, health, or politics? | business | amh | train | MasakhaNEWS | news_topic_classification |
Is this a piece of news regarding Sports, business, health, or politics?
በህንድ በመጠጥ መመረዝ የበርካቶች ህይወት አለፈ | business | amh | train | MasakhaNEWS | news_topic_classification |
ፕሬዝደንት ባይደን ማስካቸውን አውልቀው ይህ "ለአሜሪካ ታላቅ ቀን ነው" አሉ
Which of the following sections of a newspaper would this article likely appear in? Sports, business, health, or politics? | health | amh | train | MasakhaNEWS | news_topic_classification |
ፕሬዝደንት ባይደን ማስካቸውን አውልቀው ይህ "ለአሜሪካ ታላቅ ቀን ነው" አሉ
Which of these labels best describes this news article:
sports $ business $ health $ politics
Label: | health | amh | train | MasakhaNEWS | news_topic_classification |
Which of these labels best describes this news article:
sports $ business $ health $ politics
ፕሬዝደንት ባይደን ማስካቸውን አውልቀው ይህ "ለአሜሪካ ታላቅ ቀን ነው" አሉ
Label: | health | amh | train | MasakhaNEWS | news_topic_classification |
What topic does the following news title "ፕሬዝደንት ባይደን ማስካቸውን አውልቀው ይህ "ለአሜሪካ ታላቅ ቀን ነው" አሉ" belong to? Sports, business, health, or politics? | health | amh | train | MasakhaNEWS | news_topic_classification |
Is this a piece of news regarding Sports, business, health, or politics?
ፕሬዝደንት ባይደን ማስካቸውን አውልቀው ይህ "ለአሜሪካ ታላቅ ቀን ነው" አሉ | health | amh | train | MasakhaNEWS | news_topic_classification |
ለንደን ማራቶን፡ አትሌት ሹራ ቂጣታ ከኬንያዊው ኪፕቾጌ የማራቶን ድል እንዲነጥቅ የረዳው ምንድን ነው?
Which of the following sections of a newspaper would this article likely appear in? Sports, business, health, or politics? | sports | amh | train | MasakhaNEWS | news_topic_classification |
ለንደን ማራቶን፡ አትሌት ሹራ ቂጣታ ከኬንያዊው ኪፕቾጌ የማራቶን ድል እንዲነጥቅ የረዳው ምንድን ነው?
Which of these labels best describes this news article:
sports $ business $ health $ politics
Label: | sports | amh | train | MasakhaNEWS | news_topic_classification |
Which of these labels best describes this news article:
sports $ business $ health $ politics
ለንደን ማራቶን፡ አትሌት ሹራ ቂጣታ ከኬንያዊው ኪፕቾጌ የማራቶን ድል እንዲነጥቅ የረዳው ምንድን ነው?
Label: | sports | amh | train | MasakhaNEWS | news_topic_classification |
What topic does the following news title "ለንደን ማራቶን፡ አትሌት ሹራ ቂጣታ ከኬንያዊው ኪፕቾጌ የማራቶን ድል እንዲነጥቅ የረዳው ምንድን ነው?" belong to? Sports, business, health, or politics? | sports | amh | train | MasakhaNEWS | news_topic_classification |
Is this a piece of news regarding Sports, business, health, or politics?
ለንደን ማራቶን፡ አትሌት ሹራ ቂጣታ ከኬንያዊው ኪፕቾጌ የማራቶን ድል እንዲነጥቅ የረዳው ምንድን ነው? | sports | amh | train | MasakhaNEWS | news_topic_classification |
የኢትዮጵያ ንግድ ባንክ አገልግሎት ለምን ተስተጓጎለ?
Which of the following sections of a newspaper would this article likely appear in? Sports, business, health, or politics? | business | amh | train | MasakhaNEWS | news_topic_classification |
የኢትዮጵያ ንግድ ባንክ አገልግሎት ለምን ተስተጓጎለ?
Which of these labels best describes this news article:
sports $ business $ health $ politics
Label: | business | amh | train | MasakhaNEWS | news_topic_classification |
Which of these labels best describes this news article:
sports $ business $ health $ politics
የኢትዮጵያ ንግድ ባንክ አገልግሎት ለምን ተስተጓጎለ?
Label: | business | amh | train | MasakhaNEWS | news_topic_classification |
What topic does the following news title "የኢትዮጵያ ንግድ ባንክ አገልግሎት ለምን ተስተጓጎለ?" belong to? Sports, business, health, or politics? | business | amh | train | MasakhaNEWS | news_topic_classification |
Is this a piece of news regarding Sports, business, health, or politics?
የኢትዮጵያ ንግድ ባንክ አገልግሎት ለምን ተስተጓጎለ? | business | amh | train | MasakhaNEWS | news_topic_classification |
የአውሮፓ ሕብረት የአውሮፕላን እስርን ተከትሎ በቤላሩስ ላይ አዲስ ማዕቀብ ለመጣል ተስማማ
Which of the following sections of a newspaper would this article likely appear in? Sports, business, health, or politics? | politics | amh | train | MasakhaNEWS | news_topic_classification |
የአውሮፓ ሕብረት የአውሮፕላን እስርን ተከትሎ በቤላሩስ ላይ አዲስ ማዕቀብ ለመጣል ተስማማ
Which of these labels best describes this news article:
sports $ business $ health $ politics
Label: | politics | amh | train | MasakhaNEWS | news_topic_classification |
Which of these labels best describes this news article:
sports $ business $ health $ politics
የአውሮፓ ሕብረት የአውሮፕላን እስርን ተከትሎ በቤላሩስ ላይ አዲስ ማዕቀብ ለመጣል ተስማማ
Label: | politics | amh | train | MasakhaNEWS | news_topic_classification |
What topic does the following news title "የአውሮፓ ሕብረት የአውሮፕላን እስርን ተከትሎ በቤላሩስ ላይ አዲስ ማዕቀብ ለመጣል ተስማማ" belong to? Sports, business, health, or politics? | politics | amh | train | MasakhaNEWS | news_topic_classification |
Is this a piece of news regarding Sports, business, health, or politics?
የአውሮፓ ሕብረት የአውሮፕላን እስርን ተከትሎ በቤላሩስ ላይ አዲስ ማዕቀብ ለመጣል ተስማማ | politics | amh | train | MasakhaNEWS | news_topic_classification |
ኢትዮጵያ፡ ‘የማይናገሩት’ እና ‘የማይነገርለት’ የተንሰራፋው የወጣቶች ጭንቀት
Which of the following sections of a newspaper would this article likely appear in? Sports, business, health, or politics? | health | amh | train | MasakhaNEWS | news_topic_classification |
ኢትዮጵያ፡ ‘የማይናገሩት’ እና ‘የማይነገርለት’ የተንሰራፋው የወጣቶች ጭንቀት
Which of these labels best describes this news article:
sports $ business $ health $ politics
Label: | health | amh | train | MasakhaNEWS | news_topic_classification |
Which of these labels best describes this news article:
sports $ business $ health $ politics
ኢትዮጵያ፡ ‘የማይናገሩት’ እና ‘የማይነገርለት’ የተንሰራፋው የወጣቶች ጭንቀት
Label: | health | amh | train | MasakhaNEWS | news_topic_classification |
What topic does the following news title "ኢትዮጵያ፡ ‘የማይናገሩት’ እና ‘የማይነገርለት’ የተንሰራፋው የወጣቶች ጭንቀት" belong to? Sports, business, health, or politics? | health | amh | train | MasakhaNEWS | news_topic_classification |
Is this a piece of news regarding Sports, business, health, or politics?
ኢትዮጵያ፡ ‘የማይናገሩት’ እና ‘የማይነገርለት’ የተንሰራፋው የወጣቶች ጭንቀት | health | amh | train | MasakhaNEWS | news_topic_classification |
ኮሮናቫይረስ፡ አሜሪካ የተከተቡ ዜጎቿ ጭምብል ሳያደርጉ መሰባሰብ ይችላሉ አለች
Which of the following sections of a newspaper would this article likely appear in? Sports, business, health, or politics? | health | amh | train | MasakhaNEWS | news_topic_classification |
ኮሮናቫይረስ፡ አሜሪካ የተከተቡ ዜጎቿ ጭምብል ሳያደርጉ መሰባሰብ ይችላሉ አለች
Which of these labels best describes this news article:
sports $ business $ health $ politics
Label: | health | amh | train | MasakhaNEWS | news_topic_classification |
Which of these labels best describes this news article:
sports $ business $ health $ politics
ኮሮናቫይረስ፡ አሜሪካ የተከተቡ ዜጎቿ ጭምብል ሳያደርጉ መሰባሰብ ይችላሉ አለች
Label: | health | amh | train | MasakhaNEWS | news_topic_classification |
What topic does the following news title "ኮሮናቫይረስ፡ አሜሪካ የተከተቡ ዜጎቿ ጭምብል ሳያደርጉ መሰባሰብ ይችላሉ አለች" belong to? Sports, business, health, or politics? | health | amh | train | MasakhaNEWS | news_topic_classification |
Is this a piece of news regarding Sports, business, health, or politics?
ኮሮናቫይረስ፡ አሜሪካ የተከተቡ ዜጎቿ ጭምብል ሳያደርጉ መሰባሰብ ይችላሉ አለች | health | amh | train | MasakhaNEWS | news_topic_classification |
እነ አቶ ጀዋር መሐመድ ለሁለተኛ ጊዜ በራሳቸው ፍቃድ ችሎት ሳይቀርቡ ቀሩ
Which of the following sections of a newspaper would this article likely appear in? Sports, business, health, or politics? | politics | amh | train | MasakhaNEWS | news_topic_classification |
እነ አቶ ጀዋር መሐመድ ለሁለተኛ ጊዜ በራሳቸው ፍቃድ ችሎት ሳይቀርቡ ቀሩ
Which of these labels best describes this news article:
sports $ business $ health $ politics
Label: | politics | amh | train | MasakhaNEWS | news_topic_classification |
Which of these labels best describes this news article:
sports $ business $ health $ politics
እነ አቶ ጀዋር መሐመድ ለሁለተኛ ጊዜ በራሳቸው ፍቃድ ችሎት ሳይቀርቡ ቀሩ
Label: | politics | amh | train | MasakhaNEWS | news_topic_classification |
What topic does the following news title "እነ አቶ ጀዋር መሐመድ ለሁለተኛ ጊዜ በራሳቸው ፍቃድ ችሎት ሳይቀርቡ ቀሩ" belong to? Sports, business, health, or politics? | politics | amh | train | MasakhaNEWS | news_topic_classification |
Is this a piece of news regarding Sports, business, health, or politics?
እነ አቶ ጀዋር መሐመድ ለሁለተኛ ጊዜ በራሳቸው ፍቃድ ችሎት ሳይቀርቡ ቀሩ | politics | amh | train | MasakhaNEWS | news_topic_classification |
ኮሮናቫይረስ፡ ዶ/ር ፋውቺ ለክትባት መጣደፉ ቢቀርብን ይሻላል አሉ
Which of the following sections of a newspaper would this article likely appear in? Sports, business, health, or politics? | health | amh | train | MasakhaNEWS | news_topic_classification |
ኮሮናቫይረስ፡ ዶ/ር ፋውቺ ለክትባት መጣደፉ ቢቀርብን ይሻላል አሉ
Which of these labels best describes this news article:
sports $ business $ health $ politics
Label: | health | amh | train | MasakhaNEWS | news_topic_classification |
Which of these labels best describes this news article:
sports $ business $ health $ politics
ኮሮናቫይረስ፡ ዶ/ር ፋውቺ ለክትባት መጣደፉ ቢቀርብን ይሻላል አሉ
Label: | health | amh | train | MasakhaNEWS | news_topic_classification |
What topic does the following news title "ኮሮናቫይረስ፡ ዶ/ር ፋውቺ ለክትባት መጣደፉ ቢቀርብን ይሻላል አሉ" belong to? Sports, business, health, or politics? | health | amh | train | MasakhaNEWS | news_topic_classification |
Is this a piece of news regarding Sports, business, health, or politics?
ኮሮናቫይረስ፡ ዶ/ር ፋውቺ ለክትባት መጣደፉ ቢቀርብን ይሻላል አሉ | health | amh | train | MasakhaNEWS | news_topic_classification |
የኢትዮጵያ መንግሥት በደቡብ አፍሪካ ለሚካሄደው ድርድር የቀረበለትን ጥሪ ተቀበለ
Which of the following sections of a newspaper would this article likely appear in? Sports, business, health, or politics? | politics | amh | train | MasakhaNEWS | news_topic_classification |
የኢትዮጵያ መንግሥት በደቡብ አፍሪካ ለሚካሄደው ድርድር የቀረበለትን ጥሪ ተቀበለ
Which of these labels best describes this news article:
sports $ business $ health $ politics
Label: | politics | amh | train | MasakhaNEWS | news_topic_classification |
Which of these labels best describes this news article:
sports $ business $ health $ politics
የኢትዮጵያ መንግሥት በደቡብ አፍሪካ ለሚካሄደው ድርድር የቀረበለትን ጥሪ ተቀበለ
Label: | politics | amh | train | MasakhaNEWS | news_topic_classification |
What topic does the following news title "የኢትዮጵያ መንግሥት በደቡብ አፍሪካ ለሚካሄደው ድርድር የቀረበለትን ጥሪ ተቀበለ" belong to? Sports, business, health, or politics? | politics | amh | train | MasakhaNEWS | news_topic_classification |
Is this a piece of news regarding Sports, business, health, or politics?
የኢትዮጵያ መንግሥት በደቡብ አፍሪካ ለሚካሄደው ድርድር የቀረበለትን ጥሪ ተቀበለ | politics | amh | train | MasakhaNEWS | news_topic_classification |
ኢትዮጵያ ጫፍ በደረሰችበት የአፍሪካ ዋንጫ የሚሳተፉ ሰባት አገራት ትላንት ተለዩ
Which of the following sections of a newspaper would this article likely appear in? Sports, business, health, or politics? | sports | amh | train | MasakhaNEWS | news_topic_classification |
ኢትዮጵያ ጫፍ በደረሰችበት የአፍሪካ ዋንጫ የሚሳተፉ ሰባት አገራት ትላንት ተለዩ
Which of these labels best describes this news article:
sports $ business $ health $ politics
Label: | sports | amh | train | MasakhaNEWS | news_topic_classification |
Which of these labels best describes this news article:
sports $ business $ health $ politics
ኢትዮጵያ ጫፍ በደረሰችበት የአፍሪካ ዋንጫ የሚሳተፉ ሰባት አገራት ትላንት ተለዩ
Label: | sports | amh | train | MasakhaNEWS | news_topic_classification |
What topic does the following news title "ኢትዮጵያ ጫፍ በደረሰችበት የአፍሪካ ዋንጫ የሚሳተፉ ሰባት አገራት ትላንት ተለዩ" belong to? Sports, business, health, or politics? | sports | amh | train | MasakhaNEWS | news_topic_classification |
Is this a piece of news regarding Sports, business, health, or politics?
ኢትዮጵያ ጫፍ በደረሰችበት የአፍሪካ ዋንጫ የሚሳተፉ ሰባት አገራት ትላንት ተለዩ | sports | amh | train | MasakhaNEWS | news_topic_classification |
ኤሎን መስክ ለትዊተር ሰማያዊ ምልክት በወር ስምንት ዶላር እንደሚያስከፍል ተናገረ
Which of the following sections of a newspaper would this article likely appear in? Sports, business, health, or politics? | business | amh | train | MasakhaNEWS | news_topic_classification |
ኤሎን መስክ ለትዊተር ሰማያዊ ምልክት በወር ስምንት ዶላር እንደሚያስከፍል ተናገረ
Which of these labels best describes this news article:
sports $ business $ health $ politics
Label: | business | amh | train | MasakhaNEWS | news_topic_classification |
Which of these labels best describes this news article:
sports $ business $ health $ politics
ኤሎን መስክ ለትዊተር ሰማያዊ ምልክት በወር ስምንት ዶላር እንደሚያስከፍል ተናገረ
Label: | business | amh | train | MasakhaNEWS | news_topic_classification |
What topic does the following news title "ኤሎን መስክ ለትዊተር ሰማያዊ ምልክት በወር ስምንት ዶላር እንደሚያስከፍል ተናገረ" belong to? Sports, business, health, or politics? | business | amh | train | MasakhaNEWS | news_topic_classification |
Is this a piece of news regarding Sports, business, health, or politics?
ኤሎን መስክ ለትዊተር ሰማያዊ ምልክት በወር ስምንት ዶላር እንደሚያስከፍል ተናገረ | business | amh | train | MasakhaNEWS | news_topic_classification |
የኢትዮጵያ ፕሪሚየር ሊግ መጠሪያውን እና የብሮድካስት መብቱን ሊሸጥ ነው
Which of the following sections of a newspaper would this article likely appear in? Sports, business, health, or politics? | sports | amh | train | MasakhaNEWS | news_topic_classification |
የኢትዮጵያ ፕሪሚየር ሊግ መጠሪያውን እና የብሮድካስት መብቱን ሊሸጥ ነው
Which of these labels best describes this news article:
sports $ business $ health $ politics
Label: | sports | amh | train | MasakhaNEWS | news_topic_classification |
Which of these labels best describes this news article:
sports $ business $ health $ politics
የኢትዮጵያ ፕሪሚየር ሊግ መጠሪያውን እና የብሮድካስት መብቱን ሊሸጥ ነው
Label: | sports | amh | train | MasakhaNEWS | news_topic_classification |
What topic does the following news title "የኢትዮጵያ ፕሪሚየር ሊግ መጠሪያውን እና የብሮድካስት መብቱን ሊሸጥ ነው" belong to? Sports, business, health, or politics? | sports | amh | train | MasakhaNEWS | news_topic_classification |
Is this a piece of news regarding Sports, business, health, or politics?
የኢትዮጵያ ፕሪሚየር ሊግ መጠሪያውን እና የብሮድካስት መብቱን ሊሸጥ ነው | sports | amh | train | MasakhaNEWS | news_topic_classification |
የትራምፕ መኖርያ ቤት በፖሊስ መፈተሹን ተከትሎ የፀጥታ አካላት እንዳይገደሉ ተፈርቷል
Which of the following sections of a newspaper would this article likely appear in? Sports, business, health, or politics? | politics | amh | train | MasakhaNEWS | news_topic_classification |
የትራምፕ መኖርያ ቤት በፖሊስ መፈተሹን ተከትሎ የፀጥታ አካላት እንዳይገደሉ ተፈርቷል
Which of these labels best describes this news article:
sports $ business $ health $ politics
Label: | politics | amh | train | MasakhaNEWS | news_topic_classification |
Which of these labels best describes this news article:
sports $ business $ health $ politics
የትራምፕ መኖርያ ቤት በፖሊስ መፈተሹን ተከትሎ የፀጥታ አካላት እንዳይገደሉ ተፈርቷል
Label: | politics | amh | train | MasakhaNEWS | news_topic_classification |
What topic does the following news title "የትራምፕ መኖርያ ቤት በፖሊስ መፈተሹን ተከትሎ የፀጥታ አካላት እንዳይገደሉ ተፈርቷል" belong to? Sports, business, health, or politics? | politics | amh | train | MasakhaNEWS | news_topic_classification |
Is this a piece of news regarding Sports, business, health, or politics?
የትራምፕ መኖርያ ቤት በፖሊስ መፈተሹን ተከትሎ የፀጥታ አካላት እንዳይገደሉ ተፈርቷል | politics | amh | train | MasakhaNEWS | news_topic_classification |
ኡሁሩ ኬንያታ በአገራቸውና በአካባቢው አገራት እንዴት ይታወሳሉ?
Which of the following sections of a newspaper would this article likely appear in? Sports, business, health, or politics? | politics | amh | train | MasakhaNEWS | news_topic_classification |
ኡሁሩ ኬንያታ በአገራቸውና በአካባቢው አገራት እንዴት ይታወሳሉ?
Which of these labels best describes this news article:
sports $ business $ health $ politics
Label: | politics | amh | train | MasakhaNEWS | news_topic_classification |
Which of these labels best describes this news article:
sports $ business $ health $ politics
ኡሁሩ ኬንያታ በአገራቸውና በአካባቢው አገራት እንዴት ይታወሳሉ?
Label: | politics | amh | train | MasakhaNEWS | news_topic_classification |
What topic does the following news title "ኡሁሩ ኬንያታ በአገራቸውና በአካባቢው አገራት እንዴት ይታወሳሉ?" belong to? Sports, business, health, or politics? | politics | amh | train | MasakhaNEWS | news_topic_classification |
Is this a piece of news regarding Sports, business, health, or politics?
ኡሁሩ ኬንያታ በአገራቸውና በአካባቢው አገራት እንዴት ይታወሳሉ? | politics | amh | train | MasakhaNEWS | news_topic_classification |
አልጄሪያ ለሥራ አጦች ወርሃዊ ክፍያ ልትሰጥ ነው
Which of the following sections of a newspaper would this article likely appear in? Sports, business, health, or politics? | business | amh | train | MasakhaNEWS | news_topic_classification |
አልጄሪያ ለሥራ አጦች ወርሃዊ ክፍያ ልትሰጥ ነው
Which of these labels best describes this news article:
sports $ business $ health $ politics
Label: | business | amh | train | MasakhaNEWS | news_topic_classification |
Which of these labels best describes this news article:
sports $ business $ health $ politics
አልጄሪያ ለሥራ አጦች ወርሃዊ ክፍያ ልትሰጥ ነው
Label: | business | amh | train | MasakhaNEWS | news_topic_classification |
What topic does the following news title "አልጄሪያ ለሥራ አጦች ወርሃዊ ክፍያ ልትሰጥ ነው" belong to? Sports, business, health, or politics? | business | amh | train | MasakhaNEWS | news_topic_classification |
Is this a piece of news regarding Sports, business, health, or politics?
አልጄሪያ ለሥራ አጦች ወርሃዊ ክፍያ ልትሰጥ ነው | business | amh | train | MasakhaNEWS | news_topic_classification |
የካንሰር ህዋስን የሚገድለው ቫይረስ ለካንሰር ሕሙማን ተስፋ እንደሚሰጥ ተገለጸ
Which of the following sections of a newspaper would this article likely appear in? Sports, business, health, or politics? | health | amh | train | MasakhaNEWS | news_topic_classification |
የካንሰር ህዋስን የሚገድለው ቫይረስ ለካንሰር ሕሙማን ተስፋ እንደሚሰጥ ተገለጸ
Which of these labels best describes this news article:
sports $ business $ health $ politics
Label: | health | amh | train | MasakhaNEWS | news_topic_classification |
Which of these labels best describes this news article:
sports $ business $ health $ politics
የካንሰር ህዋስን የሚገድለው ቫይረስ ለካንሰር ሕሙማን ተስፋ እንደሚሰጥ ተገለጸ
Label: | health | amh | train | MasakhaNEWS | news_topic_classification |
What topic does the following news title "የካንሰር ህዋስን የሚገድለው ቫይረስ ለካንሰር ሕሙማን ተስፋ እንደሚሰጥ ተገለጸ" belong to? Sports, business, health, or politics? | health | amh | train | MasakhaNEWS | news_topic_classification |
Is this a piece of news regarding Sports, business, health, or politics?
የካንሰር ህዋስን የሚገድለው ቫይረስ ለካንሰር ሕሙማን ተስፋ እንደሚሰጥ ተገለጸ | health | amh | train | MasakhaNEWS | news_topic_classification |
የቶኪዮ ኦሊምፒክ 2020፡ የትኞቹ አገራት የቶኪዮ ኦሊምፒክ 2020 የሜዳሊያ ሰንጠረዥ
Which of the following sections of a newspaper would this article likely appear in? Sports, business, health, or politics? | sports | amh | train | MasakhaNEWS | news_topic_classification |
የቶኪዮ ኦሊምፒክ 2020፡ የትኞቹ አገራት የቶኪዮ ኦሊምፒክ 2020 የሜዳሊያ ሰንጠረዥ
Which of these labels best describes this news article:
sports $ business $ health $ politics
Label: | sports | amh | train | MasakhaNEWS | news_topic_classification |
Which of these labels best describes this news article:
sports $ business $ health $ politics
የቶኪዮ ኦሊምፒክ 2020፡ የትኞቹ አገራት የቶኪዮ ኦሊምፒክ 2020 የሜዳሊያ ሰንጠረዥ
Label: | sports | amh | train | MasakhaNEWS | news_topic_classification |
What topic does the following news title "የቶኪዮ ኦሊምፒክ 2020፡ የትኞቹ አገራት የቶኪዮ ኦሊምፒክ 2020 የሜዳሊያ ሰንጠረዥ" belong to? Sports, business, health, or politics? | sports | amh | train | MasakhaNEWS | news_topic_classification |
Is this a piece of news regarding Sports, business, health, or politics?
የቶኪዮ ኦሊምፒክ 2020፡ የትኞቹ አገራት የቶኪዮ ኦሊምፒክ 2020 የሜዳሊያ ሰንጠረዥ | sports | amh | train | MasakhaNEWS | news_topic_classification |
ባይደንን ከሞት ያተረፏቸው አፍጋናዊ አስተርጓሚ አሜሪካ ገቡ
Which of the following sections of a newspaper would this article likely appear in? Sports, business, health, or politics? | politics | amh | train | MasakhaNEWS | news_topic_classification |
ባይደንን ከሞት ያተረፏቸው አፍጋናዊ አስተርጓሚ አሜሪካ ገቡ
Which of these labels best describes this news article:
sports $ business $ health $ politics
Label: | politics | amh | train | MasakhaNEWS | news_topic_classification |
Which of these labels best describes this news article:
sports $ business $ health $ politics
ባይደንን ከሞት ያተረፏቸው አፍጋናዊ አስተርጓሚ አሜሪካ ገቡ
Label: | politics | amh | train | MasakhaNEWS | news_topic_classification |
What topic does the following news title "ባይደንን ከሞት ያተረፏቸው አፍጋናዊ አስተርጓሚ አሜሪካ ገቡ" belong to? Sports, business, health, or politics? | politics | amh | train | MasakhaNEWS | news_topic_classification |
Is this a piece of news regarding Sports, business, health, or politics?
ባይደንን ከሞት ያተረፏቸው አፍጋናዊ አስተርጓሚ አሜሪካ ገቡ | politics | amh | train | MasakhaNEWS | news_topic_classification |
አቶ ኢሳያስ ጅራ የኢትዮጵያ እግር ኳስ ፌዴሬሽን ፕሬዝዳንት ሆነው በድጋሚ ተመረጡ
Which of the following sections of a newspaper would this article likely appear in? Sports, business, health, or politics? | sports | amh | train | MasakhaNEWS | news_topic_classification |
አቶ ኢሳያስ ጅራ የኢትዮጵያ እግር ኳስ ፌዴሬሽን ፕሬዝዳንት ሆነው በድጋሚ ተመረጡ
Which of these labels best describes this news article:
sports $ business $ health $ politics
Label: | sports | amh | train | MasakhaNEWS | news_topic_classification |
Which of these labels best describes this news article:
sports $ business $ health $ politics
አቶ ኢሳያስ ጅራ የኢትዮጵያ እግር ኳስ ፌዴሬሽን ፕሬዝዳንት ሆነው በድጋሚ ተመረጡ
Label: | sports | amh | train | MasakhaNEWS | news_topic_classification |
What topic does the following news title "አቶ ኢሳያስ ጅራ የኢትዮጵያ እግር ኳስ ፌዴሬሽን ፕሬዝዳንት ሆነው በድጋሚ ተመረጡ" belong to? Sports, business, health, or politics? | sports | amh | train | MasakhaNEWS | news_topic_classification |
Is this a piece of news regarding Sports, business, health, or politics?
አቶ ኢሳያስ ጅራ የኢትዮጵያ እግር ኳስ ፌዴሬሽን ፕሬዝዳንት ሆነው በድጋሚ ተመረጡ | sports | amh | train | MasakhaNEWS | news_topic_classification |