“You’re already in the territory of the flowers. It’s only a matter of time before you bloom.”
[ "beauty", "blossom", "flowers", "flowers-quotations", "garden", "hope-quotes", "inspirational-quotes", "nature", "nature-quotes", "time" ]
“During my time of need, the medical system failed me.”
[ "chronic-fatigue", "chronic-fatigue-syndrome", "chronic-illness", "during", "failed", "long-covid", "medical-system", "my-time-of-need", "pasc", "time" ]
“I wonder if my lost time is rolling around somewhere. I could have loved someone with that time -- I could have done something beautiful for someone. But I've nothing to show for that lost time. No waste, no ruin, no regrets, no pain. No feeling of having been alive.”
[ "time" ]
“Time slows, swirls, repeats. Each step is hard going, the heavy pack peeling me back off the slope or jamming me into it. Spindrift hisses into my face, frets my cheeks. I murmur a mantra to myself: Take the time that needs to be taken, take the time that needs to be taken.”
[ "hiking", "mantra", "patience", "time" ]
“De vergane tijdkan in de containermet de opdruk -Geschiedenis-.”
[ "history", "humor", "life-quotes", "time", "workaholics" ]
“And I assure you, I am perfectly sane now. Stable as a workhorse in old Ireland, my friends, with only one goal in life. To do good. Always good.  ”
[ "action", "adventure", "drama", "fiction", "humanoid", "sci-fi", "time", "time-travel", "travel" ]
“Was the man a ghost, a figment of my imagination, or something else? I didn’t know, but it was a memory I’d carry with me my entire life, and eventually, I figured out that the man I saw on top of Scafell Pike that day was….”
[ "fiction", "future", "humanity", "missions", "past", "realities", "sci-fi", "space", "time", "time-travel" ]
“The true beginning was in the beforetimes”
[ "beginnings", "fairytale", "gilded", "life", "marissa-meyer", "rumpelstiltskin", "time" ]
“I am putting my energy into my future.”
[ "aging", "coming-decades", "energy", "forward", "future", "growing-old", "invest", "investing", "next-chapter", "time" ]
“He walked that night across the beach and back again, Titan running free and barking and playing with the cold waves. He walked with his brother. He walked with his aunt. He walked with his uncle. He walked with that girl he liked, the one he never knew, and her cat. He walked with his father and his mother. He walked with his sister and her husband, and their children. It was all in his head, that endless walk of naked feet against the sand. He walked alone until the water hit against the wall and the drizzle was the sea and the wind and his dream of staying home.”
[ "adventure", "chaos", "conflict", "destiny", "epic", "fantasy", "humanity", "mysterious", "time", "truths" ]
“He faced the terror of that second ocean, the largest a man can face. He looked up at the tiny shores of other worlds and its great expanse. He was afraid of it, of the deepness despite the starry fields.”
[ "adventure", "allies", "epic", "fantasy", "fascinating", "futuristic", "humanity", "save-the-world", "time", "universe" ]
“God’s a comfortable certainty. But us humans? I think we’re a step beyond it, an uncertainty, deep and rare and inspiring in all the best and worst ways.”
[ "adventure", "allies", "destiny", "epic", "fantasy", "humanity", "mysterious", "save-the-world", "time", "truths" ]
“The most important thing I learned on Tralfamadore was that when a person dies he only appears to die. He is still very much alive in the past, so it is very silly for people to cry at his funeral. All moments, past, present, and future, always have existed. always will exist. The Tralfamadorians can look at all the different moments just the way we can look at a stretch of the Rocky Mountains, for instance. They can see how permanent all the moments are, and they can look at any moment that interests them. It is just an illusion we have here on Earth that one moment follows another one, like beads on a string, and that once a moment is gone it is gone forever.”
[ "grief", "time" ]
“Time is the illusion that love craves.”
[ "anthony-t-hincks", "craves", "hincks", "illusion", "love", "quote-of-the-day", "time", "valentine-s-day" ]
“The candle of time burns quickly”
[ "life", "philosophy", "time", "wisdom-quotes" ]
“Time is a machine; it will convert your pain into experience.”
[ "time" ]
“Lost trust or time can never be regained in life, but caring trust or time will never let you regret in life.”
[ "quotes", "regain", "regret", "srinivas", "time", "trust" ]
“Summer school holidays...Busy time for parents!”
[ "busy", "busy-time", "free-time", "holidays", "parents", "school", "summer", "summer-school-holidays", "time", "vacations" ]
“At last, everything comes to its own end…All things must die. The heavens will be rolled up like a scroll, and time itself will be closed like a tomb.”
[ "death", "endings", "life", "time" ]
“Each moment, as I lived it, had already been used up. I could not connect things together. They happened to me, they had already happened to me. The helix that spans from birth to death, the unbroken thread of habit and progress that makes a person a person, a self whole and entire, had become as discontinuous and insubstantial as a chain of smoke rings.”
[ "broken", "connections", "discontinuity", "interruptions", "time" ]
“Nothing granted the providence to outdo time, and so he determined it was a spiritual lacking and trained harder in prayer.”
[ "artist", "commitment", "despair", "existence", "existentialism", "prayer", "religion", "space", "spirituality", "time" ]
“You always find time for things that feed your soul.”
[ "feed-the-soul", "feed-the-spirit", "mysticism-sufi-wisdom", "soul", "soul-searching", "sufi-wisdom", "time", "time-passing", "timeless" ]
“There are so many people now who aren’t people anymore.”
[ "death-quotes", "god", "life", "life-philosophy", "life-quotes", "people", "society", "time", "truth", "violence" ]
“How ironic it was that mortals, who had the least time of all, were willing to waste so much of it away from the people they love.”
[ "family", "love", "time" ]
“Tame the time, before it tames you.”
[ "10-golden-steps-of-life", "ca-vikram-verma", "life", "tame", "time", "time-management", "vikram", "vikram-verma", "vikrmn", "you" ]
“Let yourself be the disciple of time and see how the beautiful world of your dreams emerges around you.”
[ "10-golden-steps-of-life", "ca-vikram-verma", "desciple", "dreams", "emerge", "time", "time-management", "vikram", "vikram-verma", "vikrmn" ]
“Each of us is an artist of our days; the greater our integrity and awareness, the more original and creative our time will become.”
[ "art", "awareness", "creativity", "integrity", "presence", "time" ]
“If we could be mindful of how short our time is, we might learn how precious each day is.”
[ "days", "mindfulness", "time", "value-of-time" ]
“Of course, winning is much better than losing. No argument there. But winning or losing doesn’t affect the weight and value of the time. It’s the same time, either way. A minute is a minute, an hour is an hour. We need to cherish it. We need to deftly reconcile ourselves with time, and leave behind as many precious memories as we can -that’s what’s the most valuable.”
[ "losing", "time", "winning" ]
“In the fleeting window of just 24 hours, humanity has witnessed the pinnacle of greatness. Time, the ultimate arbiter of our existence, holds within it the potential for unparalleled achievement. The only obstacle standing in the way of your own greatness lies in the manner in which you choose to allocate this most precious resource.”
[ "time", "time-passing", "time-quotes" ]
“In the fleeting window of just 24 hours, humanity has witnessed the pinnacle of greatness. Time, the ultimate arbiter of our existence, holds within it the potential for unparalleled achievement. The only obstacle standing in the way of your own greatness lies in the manner in which you choose to allocate this most precious resource.”
[ "time" ]
“Cassian grunted in pain, but lifted his bloodied hands- to cup her face. 'I have no regrets in my life, but this.' HIs voice shook with every word. 'That we did not have time. That I did not have time with you, Nesta.'She didn't stop him as he leaned up and kissed her- lightly. As much as he could manage.Cassian said softly, brushing away the tear that streaked down her face. 'I will find you again in the next world- the next life. And we will have that time. I promise.”
[ "a-court-of-wings-and-ruin", "cassian", "i-will-find-you", "love", "nesta", "nesta-archeron", "regrets", "romantic", "sarah-j-maas", "time" ]
“After all, life's snowflakes; rolling down a hill, gaining speed and picking things up along the way…”
[ "development", "hope", "improvement", "progress", "snowball", "snowflakes", "time" ]
“Life is a great puzzle that is woven into the pieces of time. The more we live the more apparent it gets, and it makes more sense”
[ "living-life", "puzzle", "time" ]
“In time, all fortunes part ways.”
[ "fortune", "passing-time", "time" ]
“My love. We’re all dead. All our days are numbered. That’s the beauty of what Christ did for us—dying so that we could finally taste real life. Pouring Himself out so that we could be filled.”
[ "christian", "faith", "life", "life-and-death", "purpose-of-life", "the-codebreakers", "time" ]
“Time is not what it is but how it is felt...”
[ "time" ]
“Sweet sour taste is the test of time.”
[ "humorous", "proverbs", "sour", "swee", "taste", "test", "time" ]
“Time teaches things worth knowing.”
[ "inspiring", "knowing", "time" ]
“Do your very best in your time.”
[ "advice", "best-life", "present", "time" ]
“Time, she does not protest in her passing.”
[ "ageing", "life-quotes", "time" ]
“(...) los lugares no cambiaban, la memoria tampoco, ni siquiera los sucesos, tan solo éramos nosotros los que lo hacíamos, moldeándonos, resurgiendo, cayendo, convirtiéndonos en otros por dentro y por fuera.”
[ "time" ]
“Even if you turn back the clock of the whole universe, you still can't stop and evildoer from exercising his free will.”
[ "bob-bello", "evildoer", "free-will", "impossible", "paradox", "probability", "sci-fi", "time", "time-travel" ]
“In May, anything seemed possible. If only I could learn to harness time itself. To make every month like May! Or, perhaps, to live backward in time, so that whenever the end of the month arrived, I could turn May right around and live it all over again.”
[ "may", "spring", "time" ]
“La guérison ne s'obtient pas en quelques jours, ni même en quelques semaines. C'est le temps de la convalescence, à accompagner en douceur pour s'acheminer vers un mieux-être.”
[ "patience", "recovery", "time" ]
“If determinism, the predictability of the universe, breaks down with black holes, it could break down in other situations. Even worse, if determinism breaks down, we can’t be sure of our past history either. The history books and our memories could just be illusions. It is the past that tells us who we are; without it, we lose our identity.”
[ "black-holes", "physics", "science", "stephan-hawking", "time" ]
“There is a time to-Rejoice..Rethink..RecorrectRebuildRearrangeReassembleRekindleReplenish &RejuvenateRe-Create the time and space for Relive and Revive,Leave no room for regrets and rebels!”
[ "dr-radhika-vijay", "inspirational-quotes", "inspirational-quotes-about-life", "life-quotes", "motivation", "motivational-quotes", "quotes", "radhika-vijay", "time", "time-quotes" ]
“Man changes a little by his efforts but his tears and time change him the most.”
[ "change", "tears", "time" ]
“It is not until an age has receded into history, and all its mediocrity has dropped away from it, that we can see it as it is — as a group of men of genius. We forget the immense amount of twaddle that the great epochs produced.”
[ "genius", "hindsight", "history", "literature", "mediocrity", "perspective", "time" ]
“There's a certain point in life at which you realise it's no longer interesting that time goes forward -- or rather, that its forward-going-ness has been the central plank of life's illusion, and that while you were waiting to see what was going to happen next, you were steadily being robbed of all you had. Language is the only thing capable of stopping the flow of time, because it exist in time, is made of time, yet it is eternal -- or can be.”
[ "power-of-words", "time" ]
“This is reality, this is pure fact - this forest, this moss, your hand, the ladybird on my leg, this cannot be taken away, can it? (it will, it was). This has all come together here, no matter how the paths twisted, and fooled each other, and got fouled up, they inevitably met here!”
[ "destiny", "fate", "time" ]
“But we are always running out of time. There is never enough time. That is the sad predicament of life: To never have enough time. To start dying the second you are born…”
[ "dying", "enough-time", "existentialism", "running-out-of-time", "time" ]
“Time feeds on us. We are food for time.”
[ "time" ]
“Take advantage of the time that people give you, without taking advantage of the people giving you time.”
[ "being-used", "gratefulness", "honoring-people", "reciprocity", "respecting-others", "take-advantage", "thankfulness", "time", "time-well-spent", "using-time-well" ]
“I have no next time, each moment is unique, different from every other moment, and many are wasted by my own indolence.”
[ "lost-time", "time" ]
“High dosing of a single amino acid can be done for a short period of time, but long term it may cause issues.”
[ "amino-acid", "cause", "high-dosing", "issues", "long-term", "malnutrition", "nutrition", "short-period", "single", "time" ]
“As a person with Altitude Hypersensitivity, I spend my time at or near to sea level.”
[ "altitude", "altitude-hypersensitivity", "altitude-sickness", "high-plains", "mountain", "mountains", "near", "sea-level", "spend", "time" ]
“As long as you have time, do what you really want, because once the time runs out, nothing is left".”
[ "life-lessons", "regret", "time" ]
“Time is memory.”
[ "brainy-quotes", "human-memory", "human-mind", "memory", "neuropsychology", "neuroscience", "pearls-of-wisdom", "psychology", "time", "time-quotes" ]
“You don't have to be a super soldier like Captain America or infused with photon energy like Captain Marvel to make an impact. In fact, deferring to a solitary hero or leader to save us from all our problems brings us authoritarians and strongmen. We tap out, wait on the sidelines, and outsource all the work. When people come together around shared values, investing their time and talents to create solutions to a problem, that's when movement and change happen.”
[ "activism", "change", "dedication", "impact", "movements", "skills", "time", "values" ]
“The jumbled brick and stone of the city's landscape is a medley of style in which centuries and decades rub shoulders in a disorder that denies the sequence of time.”
[ "architecture", "heritage", "time" ]
“Well, you have to be near death to understand why life matters, otherwise, you don't have the perspective. You believe you have the time to put off that phone call you haven't made to your mother. You let an old argument fester. You fold down the page in a travel magazine and tell yourself one day, you'll get to Istanbul or Santorini or back to the town where you were born. You have the luxury of time, until you don't- and then it becomes clear what's most important.”
[ "death", "inspirational", "life", "time", "wisdom" ]
“You travel back along the line of time and you don't find the past, but another world, another bracket of consciousness. The earth would be the same, you see, or almost the same. Same trees, same rivers, same hills, but it wouldn't be the world we know. Because it had lived a different life, it has developed differently. The second back of us is not the second back of us at all, but another second, a totally separate sector of time. We live in the same second all the time. We move along within the bracket of that second, that tiny bit of time that has been allotted to our particular world.”
[ "eternalism", "reality", "time" ]
“For we thought all the time that we were passing through time when we really weren't, when we never have. We've just been moving along with time. We said, there's another second gone, there's another minute and another hour and another day, when, as a mater of fact the second or the minute or the hour was never gone. It was the same one all the time. It had just moved along and we have moved with it.”
[ "eternalism", "reality", "time" ]
“Time heals nothing if you waste it.”
[ "time", "time-heals", "time-quotes", "time-wastage", "time-wasted", "time-wasters", "time-wasting-signs", "waste-of-time", "wasting-time" ]
“If you don't know what's worth spending your time, ask yourself, if you were to die in five years, what would you do?”
[ "spend-time", "spending", "spending-time", "time", "time-management", "time-quote", "time-quotes", "wasting-time", "wasting-your-time" ]
“I am not a statue that was carved and sculpted to be a perfect masterpiece. I am still being moulded, and forever it shall be so. I am ready to be remodelled in the hands of the world’s greatest sculptor, time.”
[ "imperfection", "time" ]
“Time is my friend when it doesn't let the bad moments stay but it becomes my enemy when it lets the good moments pass by.”
[ "inspirational-quotes", "life-quotes", "time" ]
“As I'm a WIP (work in progress) whip me if I'm wrong or disgress, but time has no excuse to age us at all, no use when all that we feel is being ageless!”
[ "age", "ageing", "ageless-body", "feeling", "no-excuse", "passing-of-time", "progress", "time", "work-in-progress" ]
“Every second in the air in Paris, is art.”
[ "air", "art", "art-quotes", "paris", "paris-art", "paris-quote", "paris-quotes", "paris-romance", "romance", "time" ]
“Three seconds. A whole world turning in three-second life-units that build upon themselves to form a truly wondrous twenty-four-hour miracle that we so insufficiently call 'Wednesday'.”
[ "human", "time" ]
“As the lilac-scented breeze carries the memories...there remains the lingering reminder of the times we hold in deep...for to love deeply and live deeply.... is to smell the fragrance of life.....”
[ "breeze", "healing", "inspirational", "love", "memory", "scent", "smell", "time" ]
“If you think you don’t have enough time to work out remind yourself that there is no better way to make more time than increasing your chances of living longer.”
[ "fitness-inspiration", "fitnessess", "mohamadi-tapsoba", "mohamadiworks", "time" ]
“Hand Watches"I opened the drawerwhere I keep old things and tokens…I looked over some hand watcheswith dead batteries and frozen times…Watches gifted to me over the yearsby teachers or friendscommending my accomplishments and respect for time…It never occurred to them nor to me thenthat Time would die in a heart attackand cease to matterthe day my homeland was occupied and destroyed…The day plunderers, in collaboration with thieves at home,would burn and destroy everything beautiful…And ever since, I refuse to wear hand watches…I vowed not to wear a hand watchuntil my people retrieve their Time and dignity…And when that happens, Time will not matterfor I will then turn into a butterflya sparrowa daffodilan orangeOr perhaps an apricot blossom on a branch…I will turn into a spring of waterflowing beyond time and timing …In that same drawer I foundpens that have run out of inklooking now like mummified corpses…At a moment of despair,A strong feeling struck me like a lightningleaving me with a frightening question:What if this is a wound no time can heal,a cause that no ink can revive?[Published on April 7, 2023 on CounterPunch.org]”
[ "arabic-literature", "arabic-poetry", "creative-writing", "displacement", "exile", "futility", "iraq-war", "refugees", "time", "writing" ]
“Time is a constant force, like two poles connected by an elastic string. Taking a pause in life is like stretching that string, gathering energy to propel us forward with greater force and speed.”
[ "energy", "force", "life", "pause", "rest", "time" ]
“Books that nourish the lonely hearts....as they make a song in desolate times.....they build a house to take you in when the world forsakes you....and all this they do.....with phenomenal words.....”
[ "books", "emotion", "healing", "inspirational", "joy", "life", "song", "time" ]
“...yes, we can carry time, but it also carries us.”
[ "time" ]
“Why, I have never anything to do. I am always free, and I always will be free if you wantme.”
[ "love", "odette", "pining", "time", "unrequited-love" ]
“Zondag en maandag verstreken met horten en stoten.De minuten sleepten zich voort en de uren vlogen voorbij.”
[ "time", "waiting" ]
“The nights and days were weaved like knots in a Kermanshah carpet.”
[ "carpet", "day-and-night", "days", "kermanshah", "night", "time", "time-quote", "time-quotes", "weave" ]
“We’re both as tall as most men here in 1801, so we can make it work.”
[ "fiction", "humanity", "missions", "realities", "sci-fi", "space", "time", "time-travel", "travel" ]
“Never could I have enough; never stay long enough—whether here or whether lying on the shorter sward under the sweeping and graceful birches, or on the thyme-scented hills. Hour after hour, and still not enough. Or walking the footpath was never long enough, or my strength sufficient to endure till the mind was weary. The exceeding beauty of the earth, in her splendour of life, yields a new thought with every petal. The hours when the mind is absorbed by beauty are the only hours when we really live, so that the longer we can stay among these things so much the more is snatched from inevitable Time.”
[ "nature", "time" ]
“It's not here anymore," he said. "What?" "What happened." "Then where is it?""It's gone. It's over. You can't find it, stroke it, coo over it. Time has stolen it away like it fucking steals everything. In rare instances, like yours, that can be a good thing.”
[ "events", "locations", "memories", "space", "time", "trauma" ]
“I have never lost a minute praying. For the minutes given over to prayer always create hours given over to my life.”
[ "christian", "communion", "faith", "prayer", "praying", "sacrifice", "time", "time-management" ]
“You can picture it, can't you? The moment when time caught to us, the slant of light in which the familiar turned strange.”
[ "time" ]
“Time! On whose arbitrary wingThe varying hours must flag or fly,Whose tardy winter, fleeting spring,But drag or drive us on to die”
[ "lord-byron", "poems", "poetry", "time", "time-quotes" ]
“Ich habe viel Zeit in den Kellergewölben verbracht, nicht aus Überdruß an der Sonne oder plein air, ich verlor nur die Kontrolle über die Stunden und über das Leben, wenn ich mich so ausdrücken darf; ich verzichtete auf jene starren Definitionen des täglichen Lebens, die es erlauben, der natürlichen Wärme zu folgen oder einfach von der Sonne und den Elementen abzuhängen; ich lag oder ich stand aufrecht, oder ich lehnte nur an einer Wand in diesen feuchten Zimmern, den Schlafsälen meiner Ware, die emsig hin und her ging, die Blicke nach oben, zu den Gittern gerichtet. Zwischen Spaten, Trophäen und Splittern im Marmorabfall stehen die tönernen Gäste, die Schlingen knüpfen aus Schlaf, als wären es Mechelner Spitzen, sie segeln über die Wände, springen wir Kautschuk auf die Stufen aus Staub, steigen nach oben, zum Licht, sie steigen umsonst, gelangen zu nichts, nicht einmal zur Seligkeit oder zur Erschöpfung der Verzweiflung. Und wie in den Märchen kehrte ich nach oben zurück, schwer an Jahren.”
[ "isolation", "metaphorical", "mystical", "separation", "thinking", "time" ]
“This has been a time of trying to figure out:how much time do we spend maintaining the plans and systems wehave created for ourselves,tying up the loose ends of the plans we've completedor abandoned,and imagining and making plans for what we want and needin days to come?...All have promise.All have residue.All have costs.All have benefits.”
[ "benefit", "cost", "future", "growth", "long-term-plan", "past", "plans", "present", "promise", "time" ]
“Recollecting the treasured memories.... strengthens the shared meaning ....by building a deeper emotional connection...It is a relational way of reminiscing about the olden times...By opening them again with the other....it becomes a throwback to the forgotten past....but as you gather those times...it becomes a shared moment cuddling by the fire...for no longer are they memories frozen mutely in time...rather a melting past revived to savor a lifeless relationship....”
[ "inspirational", "joy", "love", "memory", "moment", "share", "time" ]
“What is the ‘present’? We say that only the things of the present exist: the past no longer exists and the future doesn’t exist yet. But in physics there is nothing that corresponds to the notion of the ‘now’.”
[ "physics", "reality", "science", "time" ]
“Everything is in flux, everything moves all the time. Nothing remains the same forever.”
[ "everything", "flux", "forever", "movement", "time", "transience", "transience-of-life", "uncertainty" ]
“I asked my heart, the meaning of Happiness.I found my Soul, walking along its route long before my Mind had known. Because Happiness simply tastes like Love in a bottle of galloping Moments, nimbly fleeting yet wonderfully etched in Time's bosom of Never-ending Smile.”
[ "happiness", "journey-of-life", "life-lessons", "love", "moments", "simple-happiness", "soul-quotes", "soul-searching", "time" ]
“We live in the past. We save the present for dark days”
[ "absurd", "aphorism", "dark-days", "future", "irony", "life", "past", "present", "save", "time" ]
“Every moment will brighten up if we know how to ignite them.”
[ "artofliving", "best-quotes-ever", "enjoylife", "happiness", "joy", "live-in-the-moment", "moments-quotes", "quotes-about-life", "time", "time-quotes" ]
“Time is the author of change. Without time, there is no change, or at least we cannot reason about it in any other way.”
[ "awareness", "innovation", "leadership", "time" ]
“We are making a decision in every moment, which defines the moment after. And in some way, each question is a micro-decision. Each assessment and reading of the now is the best input we have for what we do next.”
[ "awareness", "decision-making", "innovation", "leadership", "moment", "time" ]
“In certainty, the future relieves us, and in uncertainty, it leaves us distraught.”
[ "awareness", "future", "innovation", "leadership", "time", "uncertainty" ]
“It was so long ago now, it practically never happened”
[ "time" ]
“Many of us reach the end of the rainbow and realize there is no pot of gold, only more rainbow…”
[ "dream-state", "dreaming", "life", "midlife-crises", "midlife-crisis", "mindfulness", "thoughtful", "time" ]
“It was that once upon a time the world had been full of possibility and excitement and wonder, and now it held difficulty and years of toil to come, and defeat after inevitable defeat. And yet here they were, Vikram and Gil, once again making themselves a space in which they could, perhaps, be happy.”
[ "happiness", "love", "time" ]