“Time is the most valuable coin in your life. You and you alone will determine how that coin will be spent. Be careful that you do not let other people spend it for you.”
[ "time", "time-management" ]
“Tell me something. Do you believe in God?'Snow darted an apprehensive glance in my direction. 'What? Who still believes nowadays?''It isn't that simple. I don't mean the traditional God of Earth religion. I'm no expert in the history of religions, and perhaps this is nothing new--do you happen to know if there was ever a belief in an...imperfect God?''What do you mean by imperfect?' Snow frowned. 'In a way all the gods of the old religions were imperfect, considered that their attributes were amplified human ones. The God of the Old Testament, for instance, required humble submission and sacrifices, and and was jealous of other gods. The Greek gods had fits of sulks and family quarrels, and they were just as imperfect as mortals...''No,' I interrupted. 'I'm not thinking of a god whose imperfection arises out of the candor of his human creators, but one whose imperfection represents his essential characteristic: a god limited in his omniscience and power, fallible, incapable of foreseeing the consequences of his acts, and creating things that lead to horror. He is a...sick god, whose ambitions exceed his powers and who does not realize it at first. A god who has created clocks, but not the time they measure. He has created systems or mechanisms that serves specific ends but have now overstepped and betrayed them. And he has created eternity, which was to have measured his power, and which measures his unending defeat.'Snow hesitated, but his attitude no longer showed any of the wary reserve of recent weeks:'There was Manicheanism...''Nothing at all to do with the principles of Good and Evil,' I broke in immediately. 'This god has no existence outside of matter. He would like to free himself from matter, but he cannot...'Snow pondered for a while:'I don't know of any religion that answers your description. That kind of religion has never been...necessary. If i understand you, and I'm afraid I do, what you have in mind is an evolving god, who develops in the course of time, grows, and keeps increasing in power while remaining aware of his powerlessness. For your god, the divine condition is a situation without a goal. And understanding that, he despairs. But isn't this despairing god of yours mankind, Kelvin? Is it man you are talking about, and that is a fallacy, not just philosophically but also mystically speaking.'I kept on:'No, it's nothing to do with man. man may correspond to my provisional definition from some point of view, but that is because the definition has a lot of gaps. Man does not create gods, in spite of appearances. The times, the age, impose them on him. Man can serve is age or rebel against it, but the target of his cooperation or rebellion comes to him from outside. If there was only a since human being in existence, he would apparently be able to attempt the experiment of creating his own goals in complete freedom--apparently, because a man not brought up among other human beings cannot become a man. And the being--the being I have in mind--cannot exist in the plural, you see? ...Perhaps he has already been born somewhere, in some corner of the galaxy, and soon he will have some childish enthusiasm that will set him putting out one star and lighting another. We will notice him after a while...''We already have,' Snow said sarcastically. 'Novas and supernovas. According to you they are candles on his altar.''If you're going to take what I say literally...'...Snow asked abruptly:'What gave you this idea of an imperfect god?''I don't know. It seems quite feasible to me. That is the only god I could imagine believing in, a god whose passion is not a redemption, who saves nothing, fulfills no purpose--a god who simply is.”
[ "belief", "conversation", "creationism", "despair", "emotion", "evolution", "existence", "existentialism", "god", "immortality", "imperfection", "mortality", "mythology", "philosophy", "religion", "science", "space", "space-exploration", "theology", "theory", "time", "truth" ]
“This evening, which I have tried to spirit away, is a strange burden to me. While time moves on, while the day will soon end and I already wish it gone, there are men who have entrusted all their hopes to it, all their love and their last efforts. There are dying men or others who are waiting for a debt to come due, who wish that tomorrow would never come. There are others for whom the day will break like a pang of remorse; and others who are tired, for whom the night will never be long enough to give them the rest that they need. And I - who have lost my day - what right do I have to wish that tomorrow comes?”
[ "existence", "existentialism", "memory", "temporality", "time" ]
“Brass shines with constant usage, a beautiful dress needs wearing,Leave a house empty, it rots.”
[ "life", "time", "time-passing" ]
“Man doeth this and doeth that from the good or evil of his heart; but he knows not to what end his sense doth prompt him; for when he strikes he is blind to where the blow shall fall, nor can he count the airy threads that weave the web of circumstance. Good and evil, love and hate, night and day, sweet and bitter, man and woman, heaven above and the earth beneath--all those things are needful, one to the other, and who knows the end of each?”
[ "action", "cause-and-effect", "chain-of-events", "chance", "change", "choice", "circumstance", "crime", "fate", "free-will", "good-and-evil", "intention", "long-term", "opposites", "result", "results", "time" ]
“Funny that. We live in islands of Hours and we never seem to have time enough for anything...”
[ "abarat", "absolute-midnight", "clive-barker", "time", "wasted-time" ]
“Time after time have nations, ay, and rich and strong nations, learned in the arts, been, and passed away to be forgotten, so that no memory of them remains. This is but one of several; for Time eats up the works of man.”
[ "everything-is-meaningless", "fallen-nations", "futility", "inevitability", "knowledge", "learning", "man", "mankind", "materialism", "nations", "passing-of-time", "time" ]
“For some reason, the sight of snow descending on fire always makes me think of the ancient world – legionaries in sheepskin warming themselves at a brazier: mountain altars where offerings glow between wintry pillars; centaurs with torches cantering beside a frozen sea – scattered, unco-ordinated shapes from a fabulous past, infinitely removed from life; and yet bringing with them memories of things real and imagined. These classical projections, and something in the physical attitudes of the men themselves as they turned from the fire, suddenly suggested Poussin’s scene in which the Seasons, hand in hand and facing outward, tread in rhythm to the notes of the lyre that the winged and naked greybeard plays. The image of Time brought thoughts of mortality: of human beings, facing outwards like the Seasons, moving hand in hand in intricate measure: stepping slowly, methodically, sometimes a trifle awkwardly, in evolutions that take recognisable shape: or breaking into seeminly meaningless gyrations, while partners disappear only to reappear again, once more giving pattern to the spectacle: unable to control the melody, unable, perhaps, to control the steps of the dance.”
[ "art", "dance", "music", "time" ]
“Time, Eddie had decided during this period, was in large part created by external events. When a lot of interesting shit was happening, time seemed to go by fast. If you got stuck with nothing but the usual boring shit, it slowed down. And when everything stopped happening, time apparently quit altogether. Just packed up and went to Coney Island. Weird but true.”
[ "time" ]
“We are like fruitflies, measuring everything in terms of our own lifespan. But since our lifespans are so short, our perspective is entirely wrong.God, who inhabits eternity, sees things differently. He knows that our lives are just a mist. We should trust Him. It was not that long ago that Jesus came and it will not be that long before He returns.”
[ "days-gone-by", "eternity", "time" ]
“... time is a master of ceremonies who always ends up putting us in our rightful place, we advance, stop, and retreat according to his orders, our mistake lies in imagining that we can catch him out.”
[ "life-lessons", "time" ]
“Time for us began to be measured by moments when we spoke, and moments when we longed to speak again.”
[ "love", "lover", "relationships", "romance", "time" ]
“Though why should we expect age to mellow us? If it isn't life's business to reward merit, why should it be life's business to give us warm, comfortable feelings towards its end? What possible evolutionary purpose could nostalgia serve?”
[ "age", "history", "mellow", "memory", "merit", "nostalgia", "personality", "philosophy", "time" ]
“We have been cut off, the past has been ended and the family has broken up and the present is adrift in its wheelchair. ... That is no gap between the generations, that is a gulf. The elements have changed, there are whole new orders of magnitude and kind. [...]My grandparents had to live their way out of one world and into another, or into several others, making new out of old the way corals live their reef upward. I am on my grandparents' side. I believe in Time, as they did, and in the life chronological rather than in the life existential. We live in time and through it, we build our huts in its ruins, or used to, and we cannot afford all these abandonings.”
[ "breakage", "build-up", "chronology", "development", "existentialism", "family", "generation-gap", "history", "life", "modernity", "past", "present", "time" ]
“These were reflections that required some time to soften; but time will do almost every thing…”
[ "time" ]
“He was thinking what a long and wide thing time is, to have so many happenings in it.”
[ "time" ]
“Is there anything more plausible than a second hand? And yet it takes only the smallest pleasure or pain to teach us time's malleability. Some emotions speed it up, others slow it down; occasionally, it seems to go missing--until the eventual point when it really does go missing, never to return.”
[ "fiction", "history", "life", "literature", "time" ]
“With time comes perspective.”
[ "life", "perspective", "shoes", "time" ]
“What is timea November leaf a child's vacillating mouth a rose a left-over, half-drunk glass of water.”
[ "time" ]
“The gnomons's shadow falls where it falls - and so do we. Where we are now is where a lifetime's worth of steps have taken us.”
[ "time" ]
“Good plan," Freddy was saying. "Let's get some decent sleep. Tomorrow we can shake our gravy asses into town and do some sluething.”
[ "crude", "frozen", "funny", "humor", "time" ]
“Time is precious, so use it wisely in every area of your life including having a relationship with God through"The Door", Jesus Christ! No one knows how much time that they have to live, so don't allow time to run out on you!”
[ "allow", "door", "jesus", "precious", "relationship", "time", "wisely" ]
“I don't know what happened to me," he said, shaking his head. "I honestly don't." ... "You grew up, Alex.”
[ "grew-up", "time" ]
“The city which lay below was a charnel house built on multi-layered bones centuries older than those which lay beneath the cities of Hamburg or Dresden. Was this knowledge part of the mystery it held for her, a mystery felt most strongly on a bell-chimed Sunday on her solitary exploration of its hidden alleys and squares? Time had fascinated her from childhood, its apparent power to move at different speeds, the dissolution it wrought on minds and bodies, her sense that each moment, all moments past and those to come, were fused into an illusory present which with every breath became the unalterable, indestructible past. In the City of London these moments were caught and solidified in stone and brick, in churches and monuments and in bridges which spanned the grey-brown ever-flowing Thames. She would walk out in spring or summer as early as six o'clock, double-locking the front door behind her, stepping into a silence more profound and mysterious than the absence of noise. Sometimes in this solitary perambulation it seenmed that her own footsteps were muted, as if some part of her were afraid to waken the dead who had walked thse streets and had known the same silence.”
[ "history", "london", "past", "time" ]
“What's fame, after all? It can be what someone writes on your tombstone.”
[ "epitaph", "fame", "time" ]
“Te ir tava uzvara, dzīve, šajās vienkāršajās lietās, mazajās lietās, kuras katrs laks kā izslāpis līdz mūža galam un, to apreibināts, maldīdamies pagalmu bastionos, alks tikai vienu – dienas un nakts mūžīgo maiņu.”
[ "inspirational", "life", "time" ]
“The clock sweats out each minuteof what meat is left to us.”
[ "clock", "meat", "sweat", "time", "wrestling-practice" ]
“Dry snow coming down in the hills. Magpies hair-triggered and thuggish in worn trees. A wall has started to fall in you, it will take years to land.”
[ "time" ]
“Time's a goon right? Isn't that the expression?”
[ "expression", "goon", "time" ]
“In the first of our conversations, you explained how different time was for you—how it’s an abstraction. Some hours glide past like birds, others are slow, plodding behemoths, stubborn and unwilling to leave.”
[ "beta", "time" ]
“And along with indifference to space, there was an even more complete indifference to time. "There seems to be plenty of it", was all I would answer when the investigator asked me to say what I felt about time. Plenty of it, but exactly how much was entirely irrelevant. I could, of course, have looked at my watch but my watch I knew was in another universe. My actual experience had been, was still, of an indefinite duration. Or alternatively, of a perpetual present made up of one continually changing apocalypse.”
[ "mescalin", "present-moment", "time" ]
“I could give all to Time except -- exceptWhat I myself have held. But why declareThe things forbidden that while the Customs sleptI have crossed to Safety with? For I am There,And what I would not part with I have kept.”
[ "friendship", "poetry", "time" ]
“If time is precious, no book that will not improve by repeated readings deserves to be read at all.”
[ "books", "philosophy", "reading", "time" ]
“I saw a news report recently that measured average video game use by American men between the ages of twenty-five and thirty-five: twenty hours per week. Do you mean the flower of America's masculinity can't think of anything more important to do with twenty hours a week than sit in front of a video screen? Folks, this ain't normal. Can't we unplug already?”
[ "men", "time", "video-games" ]
“The guide invited the crowd to imagine that they were looking across a desert at a mountain range on a day that was twinkling bright and clear. They could look at a peak or a bird or cloud, at a stone right in front of them, or even down into a canyon behind them. But among them was this poor Earthling, and his head was encased in a steel sphere which he could never take off. There was only one eyehole through which he could look, and welded to that eyehole were six feet of pipe."This was only the beginning of Billy's miseries in the metaphor. He was also strapped to a steel lattice which was bolted to a flatcar on rails, and there was no way he could turn his head or touch the pipe. The far end of the pipe rested on a bi-pod which was also bolted to the flatcar. All Billy could see was the little dot at the end of the pipe. He didn't know he was on a flatcar, didn't even know there was anything peculiar about his situation. "The flatcar sometimes crept, sometimes went extremely fast, often stopped--went uphill, downhill, around curves, along straightaways. Whatever poor Billy saw through the pipe, he had no choice but to say to himself, 'That's life.”
[ "eternity", "time" ]
“Those times are over and gone, and good-riddance to them, too. We were hopelessly high-spirited. Now we're the thick-waisted generation, dragging along our children behind us and carrying our parents on our backs. And we're in charge, while the figures who used to command our respect are wasting away.”
[ "getting-older", "time" ]
“Names turned over by time, like the plough turning the soil. Bringing up the new while the old were buried in the mud.”
[ "death", "fame", "names", "time" ]
“You have carried a branch of tomorrow into the room-its frangrance awakened me.”
[ "time" ]
“There are only certain intervals of time when life of any sort is possible in an expanding universe and we can practise astronomy only during that habitable time interval in cosmic history.”
[ "cosmology", "life", "time", "universe" ]
“Too often we only identify the crucial points in our lives in retrospect. At the time we are too absorbed in the fetid detail of the moment to spot where it is leading us. But not this time. I was experiencing one of my dad’s deafening moments. If my life could be understood as a meal of many courses (and let’s be honest, much of it actually was), then I had finished the starters and I was limbering up for the main event. So far, of course, I had made a stinking mess of it. I had spilled the wine. I had dropped my cutlery on the floor and sprayed the fine white linen with sauce. I had even spat out some of my food because I didn’t like the taste of it.“But it doesn’t matter because, look, here come the waiters. They are scraping away the debris with their little horn and steel blades, pulled with studied grace from the hidden pockets of their white aprons. They are laying new tablecloths, arranging new cutlery, placing before me great domed wine glasses, newly polished to a sparkle. There are more dishes to come, more flavors to try, and this time I will not spill or spit or drop or splash. I will not push the plate away from me, the food only half eaten. I am ready for everything they are preparing to serve me. Be in no doubt; it will all be fine.” (pp.115-6)”
[ "absorbed", "apron", "courses", "crucial-points", "cutlery", "deafening-moments", "debris", "floor", "food", "grace", "identify", "linen", "lives", "main-event", "meal", "mess", "moment", "plate", "pockets", "retrospect", "sauce", "splash", "starters", "tablecloth", "taste", "time", "waiters", "wine", "wine-glass" ]
“There are few things more mysterious than endings. I mean, for example, when did the Greek gods end, exactly? Was there a day when Zeus waved magisterially down from Olympus and Aphrodite and her lover Ares, and her crippled husband Hephaestus ) I always felt sorry for him), and all the rest got rolled up like a worn-out carpet?”
[ "aphrodite-s-hat", "era", "funny", "gods", "greek", "irony", "love-affair", "romantic", "time" ]
“And the reason Luke is thinking about time and free will is because he believes that money is the closest human beings have ever come to crystallizing time and free will into a compact physical form. Cash. Cash is a time crystal. Cash allows you to multiply your will, and it allows you to speed up time. Cash is what defines us as a species. Nothing else in the universe has money.”
[ "humanity", "money", "time" ]
“Is there anything more plausible than a second hand?”
[ "second-hand", "time", "watch" ]
“The calendar is a human invention; time does not exist on the spiritual level.”
[ "spiritual", "time" ]
“Mr. Trask, do you think the thoughts of people suddenly become important at a given age? Do you have sharper feelings or clearer thoughts now than when you were ten? Do you see as well, hear as well, taste as vitally?”
[ "children", "memory", "philosophy", "time" ]
“- В Апокалипсиса ангелът се кълне, че вече няма да има време. - Знам. Това там е много вярно; ясно и точно. Когато човекът достигне щастието, няма да има вече време, защото не е нужно. Много вярна мисъл.- Къде ще го дянат? - Никъде няма да го дяват. Времето не е предмет, а идея. Ще угасне в ума.”
[ "angel", "apocalypse", "mind", "time", "ангел", "време", "ум" ]
“I had a sneaking suspicion that time was not constant, but I guess I could never prove it. I suppose it didn’t really matter. I even had a theory that time didn’t go in straight line at all. I knew I was no Albert Einstein, but I had the sneaking suspicion that everything had happened, was happening, or would happen was really happening all the time. There was no past, present, and future. Everything was going on all at once and forever. If that was true, then each moment was eternity.”
[ "relativity", "time" ]
“Soiled, forgotten coats of arms were carved above their massive doorways, and these unsettled Ted: such universal, defining symbols made meaningless by nothing more than time.”
[ "forgotten", "time" ]
“Before she continued her search she sat in his revolving desk chair, and wept for the passing of time, and the necessary death of the well-loved, wise old man.”
[ "death", "love", "time" ]
“The schoolroom clock was worn raw by stares; and you couldn't look up at the big Puritanical face of it and not feel the countless years of young eyes reflected in it, urging it onwards. It was a dark, old spirit that didn't so much mark time as bequeath it.”
[ "clocks", "marking-time", "students", "time", "time-flies" ]
“The Second Koran tells us that the darkness in ourselves is a sinister thing. It waits until we relax, it waits until we reach the most vulnerable moments, and then it snares us. I want to be dutiful. I want to do what I should. But when I go back to the tube, I think of where I am going; to that small house and my empty room. What will I do tonight? Make more paper flowers, more wreaths? I am sick of them. Sick of the Nekropolis.I can take the tube to my mistress' house, or I can go by the street where Mardin's house is. I'm tired. I'm ready to go to my little room and relax. Oh, Holy One, I dread the empty evening. Maybe I should go by the street just to fill up time. I have all this empty time in front of me. Tonight and tomorrow and the week after and the next month and all down through the years as I never marry and become a dried-up woman. Evenings spent folding paper. Days cleaning someone else's house. Free afternoons spent shopping a bit, stopping in tea shops because my feet hurt. That is what lives are, aren't they? Attempts to fill our time with activity designed to prevent us from realizing that there is no meaning?”
[ "activity", "despair", "life", "meaninglessness", "nekropolis", "time" ]
“It is truth, in the old saying, that is 'the daughter of time,' and the lapse of half a century has not left us many of our illusions. Churchill tried and failed to preserve one empire. He failed to preserve his own empire, but succeeded in aggrandizing two much larger ones. He seems to have used crisis after crisis as an excuse to extend his own power. His petulant refusal to relinquish the leadership was the despair of postwar British Conservatives; in my opinion this refusal had to do with his yearning to accomplish something that 'history' had so far denied him—the winning of a democratic election.”
[ "american-imperialism", "britain", "british-empire", "cold-war", "conservative-party-uk", "crisis", "democracy", "elections", "history", "imperialism", "power", "russia", "soviet-union", "time", "truth", "united-states", "winston-churchill" ]
“Get busy with the issue! In this regard, time is not friendly…nor should it be.”
[ "drama", "friend", "friendly", "hurry", "issue", "matter", "quotes", "rush", "situation", "time", "urgent" ]
“Any clock that can track this sideral schedule proves itself as perfect as God's magnificent clockwork.Dava Sobel”
[ "clocks", "earth-rotation", "science", "stars", "time" ]
“And the time sundials tellMay be minutes and hours. But it may just as wellBe seconds and sparkles, or seasons and flowers.No, I don't think of time as just minutes and hours.Time can be heartbeats, or bird songs, or miles,Or waves on a beach, or ants in their files(They do move like seconds—just watch their feet go:Tick-tick-tick, like a clock). You'll learn as you growThat whatever there is in a garden, the sunCounts up on its dial. By the time it is doneOur sundial—or someone's— will certainly addAll the good things there are. Yes, and all of the bad.And if anyone's here for the finish, the sunWill have told him—by sundial—how well we have done.How well we have done, or how badly. Alas,That is a long thought. Let me hope we all pass.”
[ "sundial", "sundials", "time" ]
“It was difficult to imagine that a full day hadn't yet passed since we boarded the airliner in New York. I paused. Medieval man believed that one was placed beyond the touch of time, and therefore aging, while attending Mass. What, I wondered, would he have made of those hours we left up in the sky? I would not change my watch until I gave the matter more thought.”
[ "aging", "flight", "mass", "medieval-church", "time" ]
“It had to do with the way women throughout time has known the feel of love when it came to them.”
[ "feel", "love", "time" ]
“Time is simply the measurement of human progression against that of existence.”
[ "philosophy", "time" ]
“Tempo ou oportunidade não determinam a intimidade, apenas a disposição.”
[ "jane-austen", "time" ]
“It was nice to borrow a slice of extra time.”
[ "time" ]
“The diaries of opium-eaters record how, during the brief period of ecstasy, the drugged person's dreams have a temporal scope of ten, thirty, sometimes sixty years or even surpass all limits of man's ability to experience time--dreams, that is, whose imaginary time span vastly exceeds their actual duration and which are characterized by an incredible diminishment of the experience of time, with images thronging past so swiftly that, as one hashish-smoke puts it, the intoxicated user's brain seems "to have something removed, like the mainspring from a broken watch.”
[ "time" ]
“Genealogy becomes a mania, an obsessive struggle to penetrate the past and snatch meaning from an infinity of names. At some point the search becomes futile – there is nothing left to find, no meaning to be dredged out of old receipts, newspaper articles, letters, accounts of events that seemed so important fifty or seventy years ago. All that remains is the insane urge to keep looking, insane because the searcher has no idea what he seeks. What will it be? A photograph? A will? A fragment of a letter? The only way to find out is to look at everything, because it is often when the searcher has gone far beyond the border of futility that he finds the object he never knew he was looking for.”
[ "ancestors", "life", "search", "time" ]
“Ce matin, l'idée m'est venue pour la première fois que mon corps, ce fidèle compagnon, cet ami plus sûr, mieux connu de moi que mon âme, n'est qu'un monstre sournois qui finira par dévorer son maître.”
[ "age", "life", "life-and-death", "time" ]
“For Heidegger, boredom is a privileged fundamental mood because it leads us directly into the very problem complex of being and time.”
[ "boredom", "heidegger", "time" ]
“Our mind has its own ideal time, which is no other but the consciousness of the progressive development of our beings.”
[ "being", "time" ]
“Time is the Mind of Space.”
[ "metaphysics", "philosophical", "philosophy", "space", "time" ]
“You know the horrible life of the alarm clock – it’s a monster that has always appalled me because of the number of things its eyes project, and the way that good fellow stares at me when I enter a room.”
[ "clock", "time" ]
“We repeatedly tell patients we are not in a hurry; there are no trains to catch and we don't care when the baby comes, only how! A doctor who is in a hurry does not belong in the field of obstetrics. As my chief pointed out, 'An obstetrician should have a big rear end and the good sense to sit calmly thereupon and let nature take its course.”
[ "birth", "children", "hurry", "patience", "time" ]
“I must reluctantly observe that two causes, the abbreviation of time, and the failure of hope, will always tinge with a browner shade the evening of life.”
[ "ageing", "hope", "loss", "time" ]
“No really. If you only have seven years left, that means the Reaper will be dropping round for tea and buns in about 61,000 hours from now. You therefore shouldn’t be wasting time by pootling to the garden centre at walking pace. So come on, grandad. The clock’s ticking. Pedal to the metal. Or you’ll be in your flowerbed before the plants you bought.”
[ "driving", "time" ]
“So long as we think of it objectively, time is Fate or Chance, the factor in our lives for which we are not responsible, and about which we can do nothing; but when we begin to think of it subjectively, we feel responsible for our time, and the notion of punctuality arises.”
[ "objective-and-subjective", "time" ]
“Bruno withdrew from the field of history more resolutely than Vigo; that is why I prefer the former’s retrospect but the latter’s prospect. As an anarch, I am determined to go along with nothing, ultimately take nothing seriously – at least not nihilistically, but rather as a border guard in no man’s land, who sharpens his eyes and ears between the tides.”
[ "anarch", "anarchy", "ernst-jünger", "history", "nihilism", "time" ]
“He had never been a social man. He had shunned causes with contempt and disgust. They were for pig-simple suckers and people with too much time and money on their hands”
[ "king", "man", "money", "running", "social", "stephen", "time" ]
“Confronted with the choice between having time and having things, we’ve chosen to have things. Today it is a luxury to read what Socrates said, not because the books are expensive, but because our time is scarce.”
[ "reading", "time" ]
“I think I have many spenglerian moods about the country, and that some day people will look back and think 'this was a really goofy, unadmirable stupid time.”
[ "21st-century", "america", "cbc", "country", "interview", "jian-gomeshi", "q", "stupid", "time" ]
“When I sit up I am greeted by the world. Level with the treetops I look down on sparrows swooping in and out of the branches. The tide, the new rising moon, the clouds, the wind - these greet me. These are my allies. The whole planet is laid out before me and available for whatever adventure the day will take me on. By comparison, living in society seems to require an alarm clock. Primarily assembled from angst and fish anuses, these contraptions, regardless of your soul's whereabouts, will slap and assault you into a pitiful state of what passes for consciousness. Your first sight is the Time, an arragement of molecules on the clock's face to whom you will be enslaved for the rest of the day. You may as well call him "master." Next, a pile of dirty clothes on the floor, a knocked-over glass of water, and so forth, until you are so overwhelmed with despair that to prevent hurling yourself through the window, you must ignore your personal bill of rights, put on an acceptable frown, and go about your business, disregarding the pleas from you increasingly timid soul.”
[ "nature", "time" ]
“Contemporary' was in those days [1953] synonymous with 'modern' as it had not been before and is not now [1977].”
[ "art", "time" ]
“What a greater crime. Than loss of time.”
[ "crime", "time" ]
“Changes is the mother of time. Absence of changes makes no time.”
[ "changes", "perceive", "reality", "relativity", "subjectivity", "time" ]
“We pass through Time from birth in order to have from where to come, together with death.”
[ "death", "time" ]
“[D]as Gedächtnis [ist] schwach und der Lauf eines Lebens kurz und alles [geschieht] so rasch, dass wir den Zusammenhang zwischen den Ereignissen nicht mehr sehen, die Folgen der Taten nicht mehr ermessen können, wir glauben an die Fiktion der Zeit, an Gegenwart, Vergangenheit und Zukunft, aber es kann auch sein, dass alles gleichzeitig geschieht [...]”
[ "memory", "time", "truth" ]
“Time and space are awash here.”
[ "time" ]
“On the church vaulting above was the clock-face of eternity, void of number and serving as its own hand, only one black finger was pointing and the dead wanted to tell the time by it.”
[ "atheism", "church", "death", "eternity", "religion", "time" ]
“The dusty tombs of long-dead exorcist priests lay in the alcoves below, surmounted by stone effigies, the features eroded by the passing of time and the reverent caresses of their grateful parishioners, a reminder, she knew all too well, of the brevity of life.”
[ "age", "death", "grave", "life", "loss", "time", "tomb" ]
“He noticed Miss Bettie was wearing a watch, a steel Rolex with diamond chips. "What time is it?" he asked. Miss Bettie glanced at him and laughed. "You do seem to have difficulty remembering, don't you? Well, then, I shall tell you. It's now, Joshua Cane. Always and only now.”
[ "now", "time" ]
“There is no necessity to live by the clock.”
[ "time" ]
“Still men be clever and in an hundred centuries or more, perchance will have found a way to journey thither; when that they have discovered and understood all things on the earth. What will a man be like in the xxvii century, or even the xx? Very like unto us, I do expect; I do not think that man’s nature shall change; nor do I anticipate that he will be the wiser than we, for all his learning, for ‘tis a part of that nature which is ours that we do not heed the lessons of history: neither our own, nor the world’s.”
[ "learning", "time" ]
“Pensa-se de dia – a – dia. Se começamos a pensar no futuro, no nosso futuro pessoal, perdemos a coragem. E, de repente, lembramo-nos de todas as coisas que fizemos e que foram um desperdício de tempo… os minutos que desperdiçámos e que nunca podemos reaver. E apercebemo-nos de que o tempo é a coisa mais preciosa de todas. Porque o tempo é a vida. É a única coisa que nunca podemos recuperar. É possível perder uma rapariga e quem sabe voltar a conquistá-la… ou encontrar outra. Mas um segundo, este segundo, quando se vai, é irreversível.”
[ "time" ]
“I know none of Time’s cardinal pillar on which it says forever just because eternity is not Time anymore.”
[ "life", "love", "time" ]
“Each year brings us nearer to the Wiedersehen [reunion with the dead], though it is sad to think how one's glass is running out and how little good goes with it, compared to the numberless blessings we receive. Time goes incredibly fast.[Princess Alice, letter to her mother Queen Victoria, 30 December 1865]”
[ "life", "time" ]
“There are moments, little perfect eggs of time, that you’ll always remember, because everything, absolutely everything is exactly the way you’d have everything be if you had control over how everything was.”
[ "control", "moments", "perfection", "time" ]
“It was a day when, if a man travels, he cannot go slowly enough. At anything faster than a foot pace a man seems to lose life as he goes, on a day like this. So quick and prodigal is nature now. It would make of man a pilgrim. Not only daffodils and the wild arums sought notice, but the blue bird's eye tiny in the grass, the pink and intricate ground-ivy flower. In a cleared coppice perfect bright ovals of severance shone on the hazel butts, and told of expert work with a sharp tool.”
[ "awareness", "spring", "time" ]
“There was wonder in that insubstantial pointer; it gave me news that no clockwork could do. Time was not a fixed series of moments, it said, but something moving like a flower that grows, growing perhaps even like a flower; or traveling the minutes like the spokes of a shadowy wheel turning once a day, and perhaps going somewhere or somewhen, carrying me along with it”
[ "sundial", "time" ]
“The worst thing that humans do to themselves is stick with a past moment and wait for the same moment to repeat to fix it in a better way.”
[ "stuck-in-my-mind", "stuck-in-the-past", "stuck-in-time", "time", "time-conversion", "time-passing" ]
“Sometimes, we forget that we are made of flesh, so everything ends like this sadness drowning in the river and looking around! Everything acts as nothing happened, even these birds who saw everything act as nothing happened; they just settled back in the trees.”
[ "life-and-living", "life-lessons", "life-philosophy", "life-quotes", "philosophy-of-life", "phylosophy", "time" ]
“Sometimes, we forget that we are made of flesh, so everything ends like this sadness drowning in the river and watch around! Everything acts as nothing happened, even these birds who saw everything act as nothing happened; they just settled back in the trees.”
[ "life-philosophy", "life-quotes", "philosophy", "time", "wisdom", "wisdom-of-life" ]
“The events of time is ordered by the Mighty One.”
[ "event", "time", "wise-sayings" ]
“Time's Magpies by Stewart StaffordTime’s magpies swoop to taunt and rob,And pluck out hair and gums carefree.Opportunity and energy drained by mob,As we duel pitiless reality.The cat’s jowls swelled in uproar,His gut sags and snarls with pain.Feathery barbs of a matador,Feline fleeing to copse again.A younger cat enters the fight,Ousting the aged tom.Crown prince routs thieving flight,A proud lion of dawn's sun.© Stewart Stafford, 2023. All rights reserved.”
[ "ageing", "bird", "birds", "cat", "cats", "life", "magpies", "time", "time-flies", "time-poems" ]
“Lena had learned that the passage of time did something strange to memories. Ever so slowly it chipped away at the most painful parts, smudging the hurt and softening the aches, to the point that she could now almost reminisce about her childhood in a fond manner, not always stuck on the parts that hurt.”
[ "aches", "childhood", "hurt", "memories", "pain", "reminiscence", "time" ]
“One of the many musical distinctions of my lifetime that used to seem important and now is completely forgotten is the difference between “alternative” and “indie” rock.”
[ "perspective", "rock-music", "time" ]