“The tiny Lilliputians surmise that Gulliver's watch may be his god, because it is that which, he admits, he seldom does anything without consulting.”
[ "idolatry", "time" ]
“But love, sooner or later, forces us out of time. It does not accept that limit. Of all that we feel and do, all the virtues and all the sins, love alone crowds us at last over the edge of the world. For love is always more than a little strange here. It is not explainable or even justifiable. It is itself the justifier. We do not make it. If it did not happen to us, we could not imagine it. It includes the world and time as a pregnant woman includes her child whose wrongs she will suffer and forgive. It is in the world but is not altogether of it. It is of eternity. It takes us there when it most holds us here.”
[ "eternity", "love", "time" ]
“The tree was so old, and stood there so alone, that his childish heart had been filled with compassion; if no one else on the farm gave it a thought, he would at least do his best to, even though he suspected that his child's words and child's deeds didn't make much difference. It had stood there before he was born, and would be standing there after he was dead, but perhaps, even so, it was pleased that he stroked its bark every time he passed, and sometimes, when he was sure he wasn't observed, even pressed his cheek against it.”
[ "childhood", "compassion", "consciousness", "solitude", "time", "trees", "words" ]
“The nostalgia of a moment's love can be an illusionary precipice from which we fall from truth; in heartbreak, what we escape to in the past is what tortures us in the present.”
[ "heartbreak", "illusion", "love", "nostalgia", "sadness", "the-past", "time", "torture", "truth" ]
“Our names were made for us in another century.”
[ "ancestry", "freedom", "names", "time" ]
“Time was a film run backward. Suns fled and ten million moons fled after them.”
[ "inspiration", "moon", "sun", "time" ]
“...you seemed to be listening to me, not to find out useful information, but to try to catch me in a logical fallacy. This tells us all that you are used to being smarter than your teachers, and that you listen to them in order to catch them making mistakes and prove how smart you are to the other students. This is such a pointless, stupid way of listening to teachers that it is clear you are going to waste months of our time before you finally catch on that the only transaction that matters is a transfer of useful information from adults who possess it to children who do not, and that catching mistakes is a criminal misuse of time.”
[ "adults", "captain-dimak", "catching-mistakes", "children", "information", "mistakes", "misuse-of-time", "teaching", "time" ]
“The passage of time will usually extract the venom of most things and render them harmless”
[ "time" ]
“When we mourn those who die young – those who have been robbed of time – we weep for lost joys. We weep for opportunities and pleasure we ourselves have never known. We feel sure that somehow that young body would have known the yearning delight for which we searched in vain all our lives. We believe that the untried soul, trapped in its young prison, might have flown free and known the joy that we still seek.”
[ "death", "time" ]
“I can see,’ Miss Emily said, ‘that it might look as though you were simply pawns in a game. It can certainly be looked at like that. But think of it. You were lucky pawns. There was a certain climate and now it’s gone. You have to accept that sometimes that’s how things happen in the world. People’s opinions, their feelings, they go one way, then the other. It just so happens you grew up at a certain point in this process.’‘It might be just some trend that came and went,’ I said. ‘But for us, it’s our life.”
[ "life", "time", "younger-generation", "youth" ]
“Time is just quantified eternity.”
[ "eternity", "philosophy", "spirituality", "time" ]
“Your mind is the knife that cuts the continuum of space and time into neat slices of linear experience.”
[ "mind", "space", "time" ]
“You must not think of time as a quantity, a period, a measure. Look at the sky," Gwynneth said. "The moon has now slipped away to another night, into another world. It was not the time it was here that you remember, Faolan, but rather the luminescence of the air, the blue shadows cast by the trees in its light. It was not the length of the time but the quality of the moon's light that you felt and remember." Gwynneth paused. "It is the value, the quality that lives on.”
[ "time" ]
“You may have the dark and cold street life, ruled by the lessor light of the moon. During this time I restore my temple, and later awake to greet the awesome radiance of the sun-star.”
[ "awake", "cold", "dark", "life", "light", "moon", "quotes", "restore", "star", "street", "sun", "temple", "time" ]
“Esoteric things progress not according to time, but by activity, they can be slow or quick, depending upon the efforts made.”
[ "activity", "efforts", "progress", "time" ]
“Gradually it became known that the new race had a definite purpose, and that purpose was to chart and possess the whole country, regardless of the rights of its earlier inhabitants. Still the old chiefs cautioned their people to be patient, for, said they, the land is vast, both races can live on it, each in their own way. Let us therefore befriend them and trust their friendship. While they reasoned thus, the temptations of graft and self-aggrandizement overtook some of the leaders.”
[ "greed", "history", "time" ]
“At the sound of my name, those two worlds on either side of me collide, and my lips meet his. Time ceases to exist, and so, apparently does any logic that my mind is hanging on to. Logic would say that this is insane; every other fibre of my being says it's right.”
[ "kiss", "logic-of-heart", "love", "romance", "time" ]
“Time: old cold time, old sorrow, settling down in layers like silt in a pond.”
[ "sorrow", "time" ]
“Because you can text while doing something else, texting does not seem to take time but to give you time. This is more than welcome; it is magical.”
[ "technology", "time" ]
“You are not meant to serve time. Time is meant to serve you. Become the master of your now”
[ "life", "now", "time" ]
“Time takes no holiday. It does not roll idly by, but through our senses works its own wonders in the mind. Time came and went from one day to the next; in its coming and its passing it brought me other hopes and other memories. [quoted in Peter Brown, Augustine of Hippo, p. 54]”
[ "change", "memory", "time" ]
“What is far is very close, and what is close is very far”
[ "inspirational", "time" ]
“And so I told myself to take that one. Because Father said clocks slay time. He said time is dead as long as it is being clicked off by little wheels; only when the clock stops does time come to life. The hands were extended, slightly off the horizontal at a faint angle, like a gull tilting into the wind.”
[ "clocks", "time" ]
“an English girl might well believethat time is how you spend your love.”
[ "love", "nick-laird", "poem", "poetry", "the-last-saturday-in-ulster", "time", "zadie-smith" ]
“You chose to live here now. You should try to live in the present.”
[ "life", "present", "time" ]
“[T]he people who are close to Allah worry so much about wasting time that they call themselves to account for every breath they spend - how many of us wonder about how we spend our day, let alone each breath?”
[ "allah", "time" ]
“It is still this moment and that will be true of every moment that follows, assuming this moment ever ends, which, if I am lucky, it won't.”
[ "luck", "moments", "time" ]
“It is always worth itemizing happiness, there is so much of the other thing in a life, you had better put down the markers of happiness while you can.”
[ "joy", "memory", "time" ]
“I always wanted to know what it is right. Maybe we know each other from time immemorial, if you know that in you is the eternal energy of goodness, which is most important for you.”
[ "date", "energy", "eternal", "friend", "girl", "good", "inspirational", "joy", "love", "man", "match", "meet", "relationship", "time", "true", "woman" ]
“I'm sure, the highest capacity of storage device, will not enough to record all our stories; because, everytime with you is very valuable data”
[ "data", "life", "love", "our-story", "storage", "time" ]
“... why I like timetables, because they make sure I don't get lost in time.”
[ "structure", "time" ]
“As for time, all men have it in abundance.”
[ "abundance", "time" ]
“Is that all time is - our perception of how quickly it does or does not pass?”
[ "perception", "time" ]
“To the non-combatants and those on the periphery of action, the war meant only boredom or occasional excitement, but to those who entered the meat grinder itself the war was a netherworld of horror from which escape seemed less and less likely as casualties mounted and the fighting dragged on and on. Time had no meaning, life had no meaning. The fierce struggle for survival in the abyss of Peleliu had eroded the veneer of civilization and made savages of us all.”
[ "boredom", "horror", "time", "war" ]
“The only currency that we really have to spend during our lives is time. Everything else is just a sub-category.”
[ "inspirational", "philosophy-of-life", "time" ]
“You knows dat in New Orleans is not morning 'til dee sun come up.”
[ "morning", "new-orleans", "night", "relativity", "time" ]
“you live through . . . that little piece of time that is yours, but that piece of time is not only your own life, it is the summing-up of all the other lives that are simultaneous with yours. It is, in other words, History, and what you are is an expression of History.”
[ "history", "time" ]
“The great opposition to reading is what I allow to fill my time instead of reading. To say we have no time to read is not really true; we simply have chosen to use our time for other things, or have allowed our time to be filled to the exclusion of reading. So don't add reading to your to-do list. Just stop doing the things that keep you from doing it. But read.”
[ "priorities", "reading", "time" ]
“Memory is not an instrument for exploring the past but its theatre. It is the medium of past experience, as the ground is the medium in which dead cities lie interred.”
[ "experience", "memory", "time" ]
“Is Dust immortal then, I ask'd him, so that we may see it blowing through the Centuries? But as Walter gave no Answer I jested with him further to break his Melancholy humour: What is Dust, Master Pyne?And he reflected a little: It is particles of Matter, no doubt.Then we are all Dust indeed, are we not?And in a feigned Voice he murmered, For Dust thou art and shalt to Dust return. Then he made a Sour face, but only yo laugh the more.”
[ "death", "dust", "history", "london", "time" ]
“Fear no more," said Clarissa. Fear no more the heat o' the sun; for the shock of Lady Bruton asking Richard to lunch without her made the moment in which she had stood shiver, as a plant on the river-bed feels the shock of a passing oar and shivers: so she rocked: so she shivered.Millicent Bruton, whose lunch parties were said to be extraordinarily amusing, had not asked her. No vulgar jealousy could separate her from Richard. But she feared time itself, and read on Lady Bruton's face, as if it had been a dial cut in impassive stone, the dwindling of life; how year by year her share was sliced; how little the margin that remained was capable any longer of stretching, of absorbing, as in the youthful years, the colours, salts, tones of existence, so that she filled the room she entered, and felt often as she stood hesitating one moment on the threshold of her drawing-room, an exquisite suspense, such as might stay a diver before plunging while the sea darkens and brightens beneath him, and the waves which threaten to break, but only gently split their surface, roll and conceal and encrust as they just turn over the weeds with pearl.”
[ "imagery", "jealousy", "life", "philosophy", "time" ]
“For the machine meant the conquest of horizontal space. It also meant a sense of that space which few people had experienced before – the succession and superimposition of views, the unfolding of landscape in flickering surfaces as one was carried swiftly past it, and an exaggerated feeling of relative motion (the poplars nearby seeming to move faster than the church spire across the field) due to parallax. The view from the train was not the view from the horse. It compressed more motifs into the same time. Conversely, it left less time in which to dwell on any one thing.”
[ "machine", "space", "speed", "time" ]
“Had I realized at the time that for Austerlitz certain moments had no beginning or end, while on the other hand his whole life had sometimes seemed to him a blank point without duration, I would probably have waited more patiently.”
[ "time" ]
“Most of our lives are crucified between two thieves, yesterday and tomorrow. We never live today. But the time to live is now. It is today.”
[ "life", "time", "today", "tomorrow" ]
“But clouds bellied out in the sultry heat, the sky cracked open with a crimson gash, spewed flame-and the ancient forest began to smoke. By morning there was a mass of booming, fiery tongues, a hissing, crashing, howling all around, half the sky black with smoke, and the bloodied sun just barely visible. And what can little men do with their spades, ditches, and pails? The forest is no more, it was devoured by fire: stumps and ash. Perhaps illimitable fields will be plowed here one day, perhaps some new, unheard-of wheat will ripen here and men from Arkansas with shaven faces will weigh in their palms the heavy golden grain. Or perhaps a city will grow up-alive with ringing sound and motion, all stone and crystal and iron-and winged men will come here flying over seas and mountains from all ends of the world. But never again the forest, never again the blue winter silence and the golden silence of summer. And only the tellers of tales will speak in many-colored patterned words about what had been, about wolves and bears and stately green-coated century-old grandfathers, about old Russia; they will speak about all this to us who have seen it with our own eyes ten years - a hundred years! - ago, and to those others, the winged ones, who will come in a hundred years to listen and to marvel at it all as at a fairy tale. ("In Old Russia")”
[ "fire", "forest-fire", "future", "russia", "time" ]
“Do I have YOUR permission to be a Supernatural God? If I want to open heaven, and in a moment in time, touch the heart of a daughter and supernaturally break all the darkness, shame, and torment in her life, MAY I DO THAT?”
[ "darkness", "god", "heart", "heaven", "inspirational", "life", "shame", "time", "torment" ]
“On the whole I try to keep Modesty and Willie in timeless settings, which is why I avoid all the latest slang and in-words. It won't be long before 'brill' sounds as dated as 'super' does now. [Uncle Happy, 1990]”
[ "chronology", "language", "pop-culture", "setting", "slang", "time" ]
“Time is funny lately, nothing to do with clocks.”
[ "time" ]
“A little while, their hunger unfulfilled,The mothlike worlds flit 'round the guttering sun.("Ephemera")”
[ "apocalypse", "armageddon", "history", "time", "transience" ]
“when you live forever and don't age, it gives you time to hope”
[ "age", "forever", "hope", "time" ]
“Time, we like to say, cures all. But maybe the old saying doesn’t mean time heals. Time cures a secret in its brine, keeping it and finally, paradoxically, destroying it. Nothing is left in that salt solution but the pain or rage, the biting shame that lodged it there. Even they are diluted or denied.”
[ "heals", "memoir", "time" ]
“No, it was simply that I was uninterested in making, as I saw it, a Xerox of some old emotional state. I was in my mid-thirties, with a marriage more or less behind me. I was no longer vulnerable to curiosity's enormous momentum. I had nothing new to murmur to another on the subject of myself and not the smallest eagerness about being briefed on Danielle's supposedly unique trajectory—a curve described under the action, one could safely guess, of the usual material and maternal and soulful longings, a few thwarting tics of character, and luck good and bad. A life seemed like an old story.”
[ "love", "time" ]
“Time was spinning numerous threads for its tapestry, some to be woven together, some to entangle or fray, others merely to perish and pass away.”
[ "time" ]
“Eternity is the stopped heart of Time.”
[ "time" ]
“You see, Valentin, there is no such thing as time. It's just a road, a path to travel on. Most of the world is on a train, traveling forward all the time, speeding toward death, with a set schedule and someone else in charge.”
[ "humanity", "time", "world" ]
“Smartass Disciple: What were said for things before the time exist?Master of Stupidity: No words to be said by no man at no time at all.”
[ "in-the-beginning", "said", "time", "truth", "words" ]
“Smartass Disciple: Where were all things before the time began?Master of Stupidity: What was the time before all things created?”
[ "chicken-egg-stuff", "creation", "related", "things", "time" ]
“Finally, the functionalist organization, by privileging progress (i.e. time), causes the condition of its own possibility--space itself--to be forgotten: space thus becomes the blind spot in a scientific and political technology. This is the way in which the Concept-city functions: a place of transformations and appropriations, the object of various kinds of interference but also a subject that is constantly enriched by new attributes, it is simultaneously the machinery and the hero of modernity.”
[ "95", "city", "modernism", "space", "time" ]
“Chronotropic Drugs:Drugs engineered to affect one's sense of time. Chronodecelocotropic drugs have no short term effect but over time give one the impression that time feels longer. Chronoaccelocotropic drugs have the opposite effect.”
[ "drugs", "time" ]
“Who knows the life which does not burn its own time moments?”
[ "life", "love", "time" ]
[ "aging", "middle-age", "time", "youth" ]
“আমি অতো তাড়াতাড়ি কোথাও যেতে চাই না;আমার জীবন যা চায় সেখানে হেঁটে হেঁটে পৌঁছুবার সময় আছে,পৌঁছে অনেকক্ষণ বসে অপেক্ষা করবার অবসর আছে।জীবনের বিবিধ অত্যাশ্চর্য সফলতার উত্তেজনাঅন্য সবাই বহন করে করুক; আমি প্রয়োজন বোধ করি না :আমি এক গভীরভাবে অচল মানুষহয়তো এই নবীন শতাব্দীতেনক্ষত্রের নিচে।”
[ "philosophy", "relaxation", "relaxing", "time", "time-management" ]
“There is more time than there is expanse of the world and so any voyage at last will end.”
[ "time", "travel" ]
“In 1850, August Salzmann photographed, near Jerusalem, the road to Beith-Lehem (as it was spelled at the time): nothing but stony ground, olive trees; but three tenses dizzy my consciousness: my present, the time of Jesus, and that of the photographer, all this under the instance of 'reality' — and no longer through the elaborations of the text, whether fictional or poetic, which itself is never credible down to the root.”
[ "photography", "time" ]
“when a man has little time, he must take care to maintain his calm. We must act as if we had eternity before us.”
[ "calmness", "eternity", "keep-calm", "lack-of-time", "time" ]
“Time interacts with attention in funny ways.At one extreme, when Ruth was gripped by the compulsive mania and hyperfocus of an Internet search, the hours seemed to aggregate and swell like a wave, swallowing huge chunks of her day.At the other extreme, when her attention was disengaged and fractured, she experienced time at its most granular, wherein moments hung around like particles, diffused and suspended in standing water.There used to be a middle way, too, when her attention was focused but vast, and time felt like a limpid pool, ringed by sunlit ferns. An underground spring fed the pool from deep below, creating a gentle current of words that bubbled up, while on the surface, breezes shimmered and played.”
[ "time" ]
“Time drips, heavy, slow…”
[ "heavy", "slow", "time" ]
“Be not afraid of whirlpools, of strong winds, and murky waves.Fear the creature that dwellsin the darkest depths, the ice-shackled Kraken,that threatens to surfaceand your soul to keep.”
[ "darkness", "darkness-quotes", "depth", "fear", "kraken", "passage-of-time", "sea", "soul", "time", "whirlpool" ]
“His body and his soul appeared to have the strange ability to repel the hours, just as, inversely, a magnet attracts metal. Everything spun about him and fled; he was always the sole centre of an enormous circumference. He kept moving forwards, body and soul, in the hope of coming close to what fled at his approach. The same thing happened with time – his position remained constant in relation to the thing which, however hard he tried to clasp it to him, stole away from him and bounded into the distance. He was the one who had no incriminating papers in his drawers, who could show his diary to anyone. He was a creator. Perhaps that was why his life did not exist”
[ "creativity", "time" ]
“You can hear it in the midst of the nightWhile your gaze roams the vast plains on the ceiling”
[ "clock", "clocks", "clockwork", "insomnia", "night", "nightmare", "nightmares", "ticking", "time" ]
“Maggots gnaw on timeGlistening ghostly in dark crevicesAs I wait, resigned”
[ "boredom", "boredom-quotes", "darkness", "ghostly", "maggots", "passage-of-time", "passage-of-time-memories", "time", "transitoriness", "waiting" ]
“[I]st nicht die Zeit wie die Liebe, ungeteilt und ungezügelt?”
[ "love", "time" ]
“Schönheit ist Ewigkeit, die sich in einem Spiegel anschaut. - Aber ihr seid die Ewigkeit, und ihr seid der Spiegel.”
[ "beauty", "time" ]
“It’s quite certain there are places to which the whole past is as though attached, on which are traced in secret letters for people who are centuries removed from us their thoughts, their will…”
[ "history", "past", "time" ]
“Time is, in fact, a cross to bear, it passes on inexorably and remorselessly, destroying everything in its wake, save art and works of the intellect.”
[ "art", "time" ]
“There is no antidote against the opium of time, which temporally considereth all things: our fathers find their graves in our short memories, and sadly tell us how we may be buried in our survivors. Gravestones tell truth scarce forty years. Generations pass while some trees stand, and old families last not three oaks.”
[ "burial", "dead", "death", "dying", "family", "generation", "grave", "time" ]
“Money without time is next to meaningless.”
[ "fun", "lifestyle", "love", "meaning", "meaning-of-life", "meaningless", "money", "time", "work" ]
“She stared at me, like day stares at an hourglass and night, the sand trickling through time; the sea disappearing to eyes in the dark. But I hear her waves coming in, as she whispers one last chance goodbye.”
[ "breakup-quote", "chance", "disappear", "gentle", "goodbyes", "leaving", "relationship", "sea", "time", "waves" ]
“No, we don't accomplish our love in a single yearas the flowers do; an immemorial sapflows up through our arms when we love.(Siehe, wir lieben nicht, wie die Blumen, aus einemeinzigen Jahr; uns steigt, wo wir lieben,unvordenklicher Saft in die Arme.)”
[ "contentment", "emptiness", "love", "poetry", "relationships", "rilke", "time", "transience" ]
“Time & Money. Many of us have neither. Some have one but not the other. A rare few have both.”
[ "life-advice", "money", "time" ]
“God gives us all 24 hours in a day. How we spend it is up to us, how we are judged on it is up to him. Use God’s gift of time wisely.”
[ "god", "life-advice", "time" ]
“Then for a brief moment he saw everything completely differently. Open space, empty and endless, stretched away in all “directions. Everything within this dead expanse, every living thing was helpless and alone. Things were happening by accident, and when the accident failed, automatic law appeared – the rhythmical machinery of nature, the cogs and pistons of history, conformity with the rules that was rotting from the inside and crumbling to dust. Cold and sorrow reigned everywhere. Every creature was trying to huddle up to something, to cling to something, to things, to each other, but all that resulted was suffering and despair.The quality of what Izydor saw was temporality. Under a colourful outer coating everything was merging in collapse, decay, and destruction.”
[ "temporality", "time" ]
“Time is the diary of God.”
[ "diary", "god", "time" ]
“Everything in the universe is about time except time. Time is about existence.”
[ "about", "everything", "existence", "time", "universe" ]
“Men have invented various names in which to measure distance, and have a certain pleasure in assigning units of one to the other, it is the sense that so many inches toi the spans, and so many spans to the league; in the sense that a league in the Sorannah is almost two leagues within the ancient confines of Seawall, that is, within the barony that once held the city of Dragaera, and, at the time of which we have the honor to write, still held a portion of it; yet. for all of this measurement, it is understood by those who travel and by those who listen to travelers that the meaningful unit by which distance can be measured is time.”
[ "distance", "measurement", "time" ]
“«Questo è quel che sognavo» pensai. «Così speravo che fosse, la vita a Manderley.» Avrei voluto restare lì seduta, senza parlare, senza dover ascoltare gli altri, riponendo nel cassetto dell'eternità questo momento in cui tutti eravamo in pace, soddisfatti e un po' assopiti, perfino l'ape che ci volava attorno. Tra poco non sarebbe più stato lo stesso, sarebbero arrivati un altro giorno, un altro anno. E noi forse saremmo cambiati, non ci saremmo mai più seduti così. Qualcuno di noi sarebbe partito, o si sarebbe ammalto, o sarebbe morto: il futuro si estendeva davanti a noi, sconosciuto, imprevedibile, forse non sarebbe stato quel che volevamo, quel che avevamo disposto. Ma il momento presente era salvo, era intoccabile. Maxim e io eravamo seduti qui, mano nella mano, il passato e il futuro non avevano alcuna importanza. La sicurezza stava in questo insignificante frammento di tempo, che lui non avrebbe mai ricordato. ...Per loro era solo un dopo pranzo, le tre e un quarto di un pomeriggio qualsiasi, un'ora e un giorno come tutti gli altri. Loro - a differenza di me - non avevano il desiderio di trattenere questo momento, di salvarlo. Non avevano paura, loro.”
[ "fear", "happy-times", "memory", "time" ]
“Jedina vrednost koja postoji na svetu jeste vreme. Jedna sekunda je uvek sekunda, i o tome nema pregovora.”
[ "citat", "fredrik-backman", "quote", "the-deal-of-a-lifetime", "time", "vreme" ]
“New Year New Moment in time.”
[ "moment", "new-year", "time", "wise-words" ]
“It is cruel that we are granted the desire to know, but denied the time to do so properly. We all die frustrated; it is the greatest lesson we have to learn.”
[ "death", "growth", "knowledge", "life", "time" ]
“It shamed her that she hadn't been able to escape sooner, that they'd stuck together in such a sickly, co-dependent, useless sort of life.”
[ "co-dependency", "time" ]
“I never have time to write anymore. And when I do I only write about how I never have time. It's work and it's money and I've written more lists than songs lately. I stay up all night to do all these things I need to do, be all these things I want to be, playing with shadows in the darkness that shouldn't be able to exist. Empty bottles and cigarettes while watching the sunrise, why do I complain? I have it all, everything I ever asked for.”
[ "bottles", "cigarettes", "complain", "complaining", "darkness", "money", "night", "poem", "poems", "poetry", "poets", "shadows", "songs", "staying-up", "sunrise", "time", "write", "writers", "writing" ]
“You don't get time.You create time.”
[ "dreams", "goals", "lack-of-time", "management", "motivation", "objectives", "priorities", "purpose", "time", "time-management" ]
“Understanding the value of time is understanding the true essence of life”
[ "blessing", "employment", "essence-of-life", "finance", "job", "jobless", "life", "maximizing-time", "money", "purpose", "time", "time-management", "understanding-time", "value-of-time", "work" ]
“There would be a time, when you will ask for nothing but life.”
[ "ask", "desires", "life", "motivation", "prayer", "riches", "time", "wise-sayings", "wishes" ]
“Time is the single most important resource that we have. Every single minute we lose is never coming back.”
[ "important-things-in-life", "inspirational", "life", "life-lessons", "life-quotes", "resources", "thought-provoking", "thoughts-on-life", "time", "time-management" ]
“Trying to please everybody is what you'll soon get tired of, because as time goes on, those you're pleasing will get tired of you.”
[ "everybody", "frigid", "happiness", "irritation", "perturbation", "please", "time", "try", "tryhard", "wannabe" ]
“A selfish life isn’t God’s purpose for you”
[ "blessing", "employment", "finance", "job", "jobless", "joblessness", "life", "money", "purpose", "self", "selfish", "selfishness", "selfless", "selflessness", "time", "work" ]
“Use time to create the nature of God in yourself”
[ "blessing", "employment", "finance", "job", "jobless", "joblessness", "life", "money", "purpose", "time", "time-well-spent", "wisdom", "work" ]
“Time is information we don't have. Time is our ignorance.”
[ "time" ]
“In every time of season change: it is #wise to slow down and examine what our ego, thought-habits, and spiritual-energy are communicating to others...our environments. Truth is these thoughts (attitudes that aren't situationally static) are producing real activity, outcomes that shape our existence. Consider the conception of our thoughts, and what they will give birth to beyond the physical...they have an incredible power, with or without our active will, to lift us, sink us or soar us. Consider how we as human beings can be subject to the law enforcement of living under our own thought legislation...Selah.”
[ "communicating", "ego", "habits-quotes", "laws-of-life", "seasons", "seasons-changing", "spiritual-energy", "thoughts-of-the-mind", "time" ]