“The mind of man works with strangeness upon the body of time. An hour, once it lodges in the queer element of the human spirit, may be stretched to fifty or a hundred times its clock length; on the other hand, an hour may be accurately represented by the timepiece of the mind by one second. This extraordinary discrepancy between time on the clock and time in the mind is less known than it should be, and deserves fuller investigation.”
[ "time" ]
“In a matter of a moment the amount of sand in the upper part of the hour-glass had dwindled dramatically, the tiny grains were rushing through the opening, each grain more eager to leave then the last, time is just like people, sometimes it’s all it can do to drag itself along, but at others, it runs like a deer and leaps like a young goat, which, when you think about it, is not saying much, since the cheetah is the fastest of all the animals, and yet it has never occurred to anyone to say of another person He runs and jumps like a cheetah, perhaps because that first comparison comes from the magical late middle ages, when gentlemen went deer-hunting and no one had ever seen a cheetah running or even heard of its existence. Languages are conservative, they always carry their archives with them and hate having to be updated.”
[ "language", "time" ]
“Time erodes us all.”
[ "aging", "bodies", "death", "deterioration", "time" ]
“Sie litten alle unter der Angst, keine Zeit für alles zu haben, und wussten nicht, dass Zeit haben nichts anderes heißt, als keine Zeit für alles zu haben.”
[ "fear", "time" ]
“Time stretches and calms, but still we reach, for we belonged then. We want to know. Sometimes that knowledge is painful, or inconvenient, or even damning. But it is essential. It exposes us for what we have been, and can be.”
[ "personal-history", "self", "self-discovery", "time" ]
“The steward, according to custom, had stopped all the clocks. This, in the language of Narouz, said, "Your stay with us is so brief, let us not be reminded of the flight of the hours. God made eternity. Let us escape from the despotism of time altogether." These ancient and hereditary politenesses filled Nessim with emotion.”
[ "time" ]
“There's no backward and no forward, no day other than this. You fill your cart as you go, and that's that.”
[ "life", "philosophy", "time", "vision", "whimsy" ]
“Second half of the year starts NOW July 1st with the next 6 months being MORE important than the last 6 months. I Your Name promise to do all that I can to achieve my Goal . I will not sit on a corner wait I will seek my opportunity. I promise to go after my Goal with passion knowing that the clock is ticking… Sign and date”
[ "believe", "confidence", "enthusiasm", "goals", "inspiration", "inspirational", "motivational", "opportunity", "passion", "plan", "time" ]
“Time has transfigured them intoUntruth. The stone fidelityThey hardly meant has come to beTheir final blazon, and to proveOur almost-instinct almost true:What will survive of us is love.”
[ "death", "love", "poem", "poetry", "time" ]
“The last thing the hockey ball symbolized was Time itself, the unstoppability of it, the way we're chained to our bodies, which are chained to Time.”
[ "time" ]
“Blood had long since ceased to beat from one end to the other, but one could sense, from passages marked with fresher traces of wheels and hooves, that once the meaning and even the very idea of a long journey was lost, sleep had not descended over it in one fell swoop: it had continued to steal a march here and there, in a discontinuous way, and over short distances, like a laborer who feels his cart jolt on a section of Roman road that crosses his field...”
[ "path", "road", "time" ]
“TIMETimeAnd how it slips through my fingersWithout putting its ring on them,And I remain simply its lover”
[ "time" ]
“Listen to the time as it can heal everything.”
[ "heal", "love", "time" ]
“Asa had a sharp understanding of the future--that is, a time when this would be past. Time was rushing through and around him, he almost heard it whistling, and this awareness rounded the world somehow and made it sweet.”
[ "time", "wisdom" ]
“L’arbre tombe feuille à feuille : si les hommes contemplaient chaque matin ce qu’ils ont perdu la veille, ils s’apercevraient bien de leur pauvreté.”
[ "life", "time", "wisdom" ]
“At every single moment, the whole creation is beginning again, stretching the tent of the present moment to bursting. And the waves that push up through the oceans, and the waves that push up through the stars; and the waves that push upwards through history are the same waves that push up through us. And so we have to say yes to time, even though it means speeding forward into memory; forgetfulness; and oblivion. Say “no” to time; hold on to what you were or what she was; hold onto the past, even out of love... and I swear it will tear you to shreds. This universe will tear you to shreds.”
[ "life", "love", "time" ]
“A flustered-looking woman hurries after him, but he doesn’t stop. I turn around to watch, silently rooting the kid on. I want to crouch down beside him and tell him to use the tunnel, to keep flying through the dark while he’s still allowed. “When’s the last time we did that?” I ask Lacey when we reach my car, and she shrugs. Then I’m starting the car and tears prick the backs of my eyes and I hate that so many Lasts happen when you aren’t paying attention.”
[ "growing-up", "last-time", "time" ]
“No, the majority of people just survive, they think their things have a value but nothing does. Things only have a price, based on expectation, and I do business with that. The only thing of value on Earth is time. One second will always be a second, there’s no negotiating with that.”
[ "life", "price", "second", "time", "value" ]
“For love was a kind of folly, a losing game. The greatest of all Wastes of Time. But then, that depended on what you thought time was for.”
[ "love", "time" ]
“But what about "time"? After all it is not a bundle in which past, future and present are wrapped up together. Time is not a cage in which the "no longer now," the "not yet now," and the "now" are cooped up together. How do matters stand with "time"? They stand thus: time goes. And it goes in that it passes away. The passing of time is, of course, a coming, but a coming which goes, in passing away. What comes in time never comes to stay, but to go. What comes in time always bears beforehand the mark of going past and passing away. This is why everything temporal is regarded simply as what is transitory.”
[ "temporality", "time", "transitoriness" ]
“How quickly people changed, with their interests, their feelings. Well-made phrases replaced by well-made phrases, time is a flow of words coherent only in appearance, the one who piles up the most is the one who wins.”
[ "futility", "life", "time", "words" ]
“I know that this process of ‘me changing my life’ doesn’t just end once I set fire to this list of things I hate about myself. Tonight isn’t as much of a new beginning as it is a violent end and I know the real work hasn’t even started yet.”
[ "anxiety", "art", "beach", "born-ready", "cape-cod", "coming-of-age", "constellations", "depression", "destiny", "fate", "friends", "girls", "growing", "growing-up", "healing", "hope", "inspiration", "jennifer-elisabeth", "learning", "life", "love", "lovers", "ocean", "pray", "prayer", "red-thread", "red-thread-of-destiny", "red-thread-of-fate", "self-acceptance", "self-love", "self-reflection", "soul", "soul-mates", "stars", "teenagers", "teens", "time", "universe", "wish" ]
“Time was a wave, almost cruel in its relentlessness as it whisked her life downstream, a life she had to constantly strain to keep from breaking apart.”
[ "life", "time" ]
“I wanted to figure out why I was so busy, but I couldn't find the time to do it.”
[ "active", "busy", "busyness", "inspirational-quotes", "time" ]
“Live, you say, in the present;Live only in the present.But I don’t want the present, I want reality;I want things that exist, not time that measures them.What is the present?It’s something relative to the past and the future.It’s a thing that exists in virtue of other things existing.I only want reality, things without the present.I don’t want to include time in my scheme.I don’t want to think about things as present; I want to think of them as things.I don’t want to separate them from themselves, treating them as present.I shouldn’t even treat them as real.I should treat them as nothing.I should see them, only see them;See them till I can’t think about them.See them without time, without space,To see, dispensing with everything but what you see.And this is the science of seeing, which isn’t a science.”
[ "beauty", "eternity", "existence", "god", "life", "love", "no-mind", "paganism", "pantheism", "reality", "soul", "spirit", "time", "truth" ]
“When someone is young, he is not capable of conceiving of time as a circle, but thinks of it as a road leading forward to ever-new horizons; he does not yet sense that his life contains just a single theme; he will come to realise it only when his life begins to enact its first variations.”
[ "life", "time" ]
“Glossa Time goes by, time comes along,All is old and all is new;What is right and what is wrong,You must think and ask of you;Have no hope and have no fear,Waves that rise can never hold;If they urge or if they cheer,You remain aloof and cold. To our sight a lot will glisten,Many sounds will reach our ear;Who could take the time to listenAnd remember all we hear?Keep aside from all that patter,Seek yourself, far from the throng When with loud and idle clatterTime goes by, time comes along.Nor forget the tongue of reasonOr its even scales depressWhen the moment, changing season,Wears the mask of happiness -It is born of reason's slumberAnd may last a wink as true:For the one who knows its numberAll is old and all is new.Be as to a play, spectator,As the world unfolds before:You will know the heart of matterShould they act two parts or four;When they cry or tear asunderFrom your seat enjoy alongAnd you'll learn from art to wonderWhat is right and what is wrong.Past and future, ever blending,Are the twin sides of same page:New start will begin with endingWhen you know to learn from age;All that was or be tomorrowWe have in the present, too;But what's vain and futile sorrowYou must think and ask of you;For the living cannot severFrom the means we've always had:Now, as years ago, and ever,Men are happy or are sad:Other masks, same play repeated;Diff'rent tongues, same words to hear;Of your dreams so often cheated,Have no hope and have no fear.Hope not when the villains clusterBy success and glory drawn:Fools with perfect lack of lusterWill outshine Hyperion!Fear it not, they'll push each otherTo reach higher in the fold,Do not side with them as brother,Waves that rise can never hold.Sounds of siren songs call steadyToward golden nets, astray;Life attracts you into eddiesTo change actors in the play;Steal aside from crowd and bustle,Do not look, seem not to hearFrom your path, away from hustle,If they urge or if they cheer;If they reach for you, go faster,Hold your tongue when slanders yell;Your advice they cannot master,Don't you know their measure well?Let them talk and let them chatter,Let all go past, young and old;Unattached to man or matter,You remain aloof and cold.You remain aloof and coldIf they urge or if they cheer;Waves that rise can never hold,Have no hope and have no fear;You must think and ask of youWhat is right and what is wrong;All is old and all is new,Time goes by, time comes along.”
[ "adrian-g-sahlean", "aloof", "cold", "fear", "glossa", "hope", "mihai-eminescu", "new", "old", "poems", "poetry", "poetry-quotes", "poezii", "right", "think", "time", "wrong" ]
“What a slut time is. She screws with everybody.”
[ "augustus-waters", "hazel-grace", "tfios", "time" ]
“There is something magical about the world at night. Sitting at the dining room table, sipping a glass of iced tea, I can totally understand why Dad gets up so early. Minutes seem to last longer when the rest of the world is asleep.”
[ "night-time", "time" ]
“We tend to forget that life can only be defined in the present tense.”
[ "life", "present", "time" ]
“And at the end of the night, they realized how important those little stars were, which they ignored while adoring the beauty of the moon whole night.”
[ "adore", "beauty", "end", "ignore", "important", "life", "moon", "night", "stars", "time" ]
“Nothing is immune to Time. Not even eternity.”
[ "infinity", "mortality", "sandman", "time" ]
“It has never been easy for me to understand the obliteration of time, to accept, as others seem to do, the swelling and corresponding shrinkage of seasons or the conscious acceptance that one year has ended and another begun. There is something here that speaks of our essential helplessness and how the greater substance of our lives is bound up with waste and opacity... How can so much time hold so little, how can it be taken from us? Months, weeks, days, hours misplaced – and the most precious time of life, too, when our bodies are at their greatest strength, and open, as they never will be again, to the onslaught of sensation.”
[ "ageing", "past", "time", "waste" ]
“We often hear about stepping outside ourselves, but rarely about stepping outside our generation.”
[ "age", "chronological-snobbery", "exploration", "future", "generation", "history", "intergenerational", "intergenerational-relations", "past", "perspective", "present", "time", "time-travel", "wisdom" ]
“Since brass, nor stone, nor earth, nor boundless sea But sad mortality o’ersways their power, How with this rage shall beauty hold a plea, Whose action is no stronger than a flower? O! how shall summer’s honey breath hold out Against the wrackful siege of battering days, When rocks impregnable are not so stout, Nor gates of steel so strong, but Time decays? O fearful meditation! where, alack, Shall Time’s best jewel from Time’s chest lie hid? Or what strong hand can hold his swift foot back? Or who his spoil of beauty can forbid? O! none, unless this miracle have might, That in black ink my love may still shine bright.”
[ "beauty", "poetry", "sonnet-65", "time" ]
“Every day has a past. Every day has a tomorrow.”
[ "moving-on", "moving-on-and-letting-go", "time" ]
“How is the duration of a relationship relative to what those involved in it feel?”
[ "love", "relationship", "time" ]
“You must always overcome your comfort zone”
[ "blessing", "breaking-out", "comfort-zone", "employment", "finance", "job", "jobless", "joblessness", "life", "money", "overcome", "overcomer", "purpose", "time", "work" ]
“I'm convinced that not all units of time are equal.”
[ "equal", "equality", "inequality", "life", "time" ]
“You need to assess yourself on a yearly basis and see how far you have gone and what you still need to work on”
[ "assessment", "blessing", "employment", "finance", "job", "jobless", "joblessness", "life", "money", "purpose", "self-assessment", "time", "work" ]
“then suddenly one day he awake to find that time had gone; the house completed, the imortelle tree cut down, his mother dead.”
[ "change", "over-time", "sudden-changes", "time", "time-flies" ]
“You only have as much time as you think you do. Start telling yourself you have enough time.”
[ "enough-time", "power-of-mind", "power-of-words", "the-art-of-allowing", "the-law-of-attraction", "time" ]
“In consequence, when the pleasures have been removed which busy people derive from their actual activities, the mind cannot endure the house, the solitude, the walls, and hates to observe its own isolation. From this arises that boredom and self-dissatisfaction, that turmoil of a restless mind and gloomy and grudging endurance of our leisure, especially when we are ashamed to admit the reasons for it and our sense of shame drives the agony inward, and our desires are trapped in narrow bounds without escape and stifle themselves. From this arise melancholy and mourning and a thousand vacillations of a wavering mind, buoyed up by the birth of hope and sickened by the death of it. From this arises the state of mind of those who loathe their own leisure and complain that they have nothing to do, and the bitterest envy at the promotion of others. For unproductive idleness nurtures malice, and because they themselves could not prosper they want everyone else to be ruined. Then from this dislike of others' success and despair of their own, their minds become enraged against fortune, complain about the times, retreat into obscurity, and brood over their own sufferings until they become sick and tired of themselves.”
[ "boredom", "busy", "busyness", "leisure", "life", "malice", "pleasure", "regret", "shame", "time" ]
“The offender must be able to give something back. But criminals are most often poor people. They have nothing to give. The answers to this are many. It is correct that our prisons are by and large filled with poor people. We let the poor pay with the only commodity that is close to being equally distributed in society: time.”
[ "crime", "crime-and-punishment", "criminal-justice", "criminology", "poverty", "time" ]
“Rare and precious moments, how I long to live with you eternally! If only your sweetness never ceased to touch my lips, and the flutters you evoke nevermore faded away. I dream of your arm extended immeasurably to keep hold of my reaching hand. But Father Time, being a cruel master, will not grant such a wish. And so I tuck you away as cherished memories, stored in a treasure box buried in my heart. And in times of solitude, I shall bring you out to view like rainbows.”
[ "memories", "moments", "precious-moments", "richelle", "richelle-e-goodrich", "richelle-goodrich", "time" ]
“Funny how things that once seemed so charming can become dull and annoying. We think we want all the time in the world with the people we love, but maybe what we need is the opposite. Just a finite amount of time, so we still think the other person is interesting. Maybe we don't need acts two and three. Maybe love is best in act one.”
[ "charm", "love", "time" ]
“Truth in the heart of heresy”
[ "doctor-who", "extremis", "season-10", "space", "tardis", "time", "timelord" ]
“The longer you live, the harder it becomes. To grab them. Each little moment as it arrives. To be living in something other than the past or the future. To be actually here.”
[ "inspirational", "life", "living", "love", "moment", "moments", "present", "reality", "time" ]
“Loneliness always eats up time, fills on depression where hands move slow, to reach out for a moment of care.”
[ "care", "depression", "isolation", "loneliness", "reach-out", "suicide", "time" ]
“It was perhaps even more of a remarkable phenomenon for being so inconspicuous, so entirely understated. Nothing else had moved backwards, only time. There had been no Charlie Chaplin moments. No pile of broken dishes had reassembled themselves in a stack. No steps had been retraced, no events had repeated themselves, and no stretch of road had been the same. The sun had stayed still or had swung back and forth, and time had travelled backwards as though in a capsule apart from the rest of the world, while every earthly action it encompassed had unfolded with unstoppable forward momentum.”
[ "time" ]
“She understands now what she, in all her worry, had forgotten. That even as she hesitates and wavers, even as she thinks too much and moves too cautiously, she doesn't always have to get it right. It's okay to look back, even as you move forward.”
[ "moving-forward", "time" ]
“I feel a resurgence of my 6-year-old self… that little warrior, goddess of a girl reminding me of who I was when I was little, before the world got its hands on me.”
[ "anxiety", "art", "beach", "born-ready", "cape-cod", "coming-of-age", "constellations", "depression", "destiny", "fate", "friends", "girls", "growing", "growing-up", "healing", "hope", "inspiration", "jennifer-elisabeth", "learning", "life", "love", "lovers", "ocean", "pray", "prayer", "red-thread", "red-thread-of-destiny", "red-thread-of-fate", "self-acceptance", "self-love", "self-reflection", "soul", "soul-mates", "stars", "teenagers", "teens", "time", "universe", "wish" ]
“For all the compasses in the world, there's only one direction, and time is its only measure.”
[ "metaphysics", "time" ]
“The question 'What was there before creation?' is meaningless. Time is a property of creation, therefore before creation there was no before creation.”
[ "bible", "creation", "lucifer", "meaningless", "story", "time" ]
“Not the intense momentIsolated, with no before and after,But a lifetime burning in every moment.”
[ "eternity", "life", "man", "moment", "time" ]
“I’m going to follow this invisible red thread until I find myself again… until I finally figure out… who I’m meant to be.”
[ "anxiety", "art", "beach", "born-ready", "cape-cod", "coming-of-age", "constellations", "depression", "destiny", "fate", "friends", "girls", "growing", "growing-up", "healing", "hope", "inspiration", "jennifer-elisabeth", "learning", "life", "love", "lovers", "ocean", "pray", "prayer", "red-thread", "red-thread-of-destiny", "red-thread-of-fate", "self-acceptance", "self-love", "self-reflection", "soul", "soul-mates", "stars", "teenagers", "teens", "time", "universe", "wish" ]
“Gather ye rose-buds while ye may,Old Time is still a-flying;And this same flower that smiles today, Tomorrow will be dying.”
[ "life", "living", "poetry", "time" ]
“Four days will quickly steep themselves in nights; Four nights will quickly dream away the time; And then the moon, like to a silver bow new bent in heaven, shall behold the night of our solemnities.”
[ "days", "nights", "passage-of-time", "time" ]
“And sometimes in life, I imagine, good things do happen. Most of the time, it's the opposite, obviously. But I don't think you should rule out the possibility that just occasionally chance might deal you a good card.”
[ "chance", "life", "time" ]
“You see," he continued, beginning to feel better, "once there was no time at all, and people found it very inconvenient. They never knew wether they were eating lunch or dinner, and they were always missing trains. So time was invented to help them keep track of the day and get to places where they should. When they began to count all the time that was available, what with 60 seconds in a minute and 60 minutes in an hour and 24 hours in a day and 365 days in a year, it seemed as if there was much more than could ever be used. 'If there's so much of it, it couldn't be very valuable,' was the general opinion, and it soon fell into dispute. People wasted it and even gave it away. Then we were giving the job of seeing that no one wasted time again," he said, sitting up proudly. "It's hard work but a noble calling. For you see"- and now he was standing on the seat, one foot on the windshield, shouting with his ams outstretched- "it is our most valuable possession, more precious than diamonds. It marches on, it and tide wait for no man, and-" At that point in the speech the car hit a bump in the road and the watchdog collapsed in a heap on the front seat with his alarm ringing furiously.”
[ "juster", "norton", "phantom", "the", "time", "tock", "tollbooth", "watchdog" ]
“They say you can't stop time, that it is a constant and waits for no one. The're wrong. Time slows when you want it to speed up. It goes too Fast when you're having fun. And it stops. It stops dead in its tracks, when the unthinkable occurs. Time is not neutral, it makes no sence, and it bears no logic. It has nothing to do with nature or fairness or physics. Time is cruel. And its as simple as that.”
[ "time" ]
“Story is metaphor for life and life is lived in time.”
[ "metaphor", "story", "storytelling", "time" ]
“No, not of course at all—it is really all hocus-pocus. The days lengthen in the winter-time, and when the longest comes, the twenty-first of June, the beginning of summer, they begin to go downhill again, toward winter. You call that ‘of course’; but if one once loses hold of the fact that it is of course, it is quite frightening, you feel like hanging on to something. It seems like a practical joke—that spring begins at the beginning of winter, and autumn at the beginning of summer. You feel you’re being fooled, led about in a circle, with your eye fixed on something that turns out to be a moving point. A moving point in a circle. For the circle consists of nothing but such transitional points without any extent whatever; the curvature is incommensurable, there is no duration of motion, and eternity turns out to be not ‘straight ahead’ but ‘merry-go-round’!”
[ "seasons", "time" ]
“It has been raining here for ten years.I keep an accurate record of time and can state this with no fear of contradiction.”
[ "desolate", "fiction", "island", "isolation", "rain", "time" ]
“The distance of a voice, is only a short time away from touch.”
[ "distance", "patience", "time", "togetherness" ]
“If I could, I would live forever in this moment. But no one can live in a moment, and time moves on.”
[ "braided", "elora-bishop", "forever", "moment", "sappho-s-fables", "time" ]
“One of the surprises of her unoccupied state was the discovery that time, when it is left to itself and no definite demands are made on it, cannot be trusted to move at any recognized pace. Usually it loiters; but just when one has come to count upon its slowness, it may suddenly break into a wild irrational gallop.”
[ "time" ]
“Jangan pernah menjaminkan rasa kepada waktu. Ia punya masa kedaluwarsanya.”
[ "love", "time" ]
“I imagined I was God for a millisecond And became speechless for a long time.”
[ "dejan-stojanovic", "god", "imagination", "literature", "literature-quotes", "poetry", "poetry-quotes", "quotes", "quotes-to-live-by", "seconds", "speechless", "thoughts", "time", "wisdom" ]
“The feeling one has no time to get anything done provides the pressure that guarantees one does get some things done.”
[ "accomplishments", "pressure", "time" ]
“We move through time like a man in a rowboat, looking back even as we move forward.”
[ "life", "time" ]
“She had learned, in her life, that time lived inside you. You are time, you breathe time, though she hadn't understood why... Now she held inside her a cacophony of times and lately it drowned out the world.”
[ "time" ]
“I give it (grandfather's watch) to you not that you may remember time, but that you might forget it now and then for a moment and not spend all your breath trying to conquer it.”
[ "the-sound-and-the-fury", "time" ]
“... Now to die of griefwould mean, I'm afraid, to die belatedly, while latecomersare unwelcome, particularly in the future. ...”
[ "grief", "time" ]
“Sometimes waiting is the hardest thing.”
[ "life", "time" ]
“Time does nothing but hand you down shabbier and older things.”
[ "hand-me-downs", "time" ]
“The time is now, the person is you; better your life and become a name to conjure with in this day and age.”
[ "age", "better", "conjure", "day", "inspirational", "leadership-torch", "motivational", "power", "selfhelp", "time" ]
“It would mark the end of a year that he might look back on as hands, a pivot between two lines. Or not: maybe enough time, would pass that eventually he would look back on his life, all of it, as a series of events both logical and continuous.”
[ "maturity", "perspective", "time" ]
“Who said, 'All Time's delightHath she for narrow bed;Life's troubled bubble broken'? ---That's what I said.”
[ "death", "life", "time" ]
“We are unable to discount the hypotheses that the world began three years ago.”
[ "humor", "humour", "scientific-theories", "time" ]
“But what is the past? Could it be, the firmness of the past is just illusion? Could the past be a kaleidoscope, a pattern of images that shift with each disturbance of a sudden breeze, a laugh, a thought? And if the shift is everywhere, how would we know?”
[ "einstein", "einstein-s-dreams", "past", "time" ]
“They keep track of time. Sometimes things happen and you feel that you need to mark them down.”
[ "kindlehighlight", "tattoos", "time" ]
“Things can harden meaningfully in the moment of indecision”
[ "indecision", "time" ]
“Follow your heart, Ithilnin," Albirich repeated. "Time is precious. Don't waste it living someone else's life.”
[ "advice", "dark", "elves", "fantasy", "heart", "life", "life-and-death", "love", "passion", "sorcerer", "sorcery", "steve-jobs", "time", "urban", "wisdom", "wizards" ]
“Time (again, Time) like the soul, wears many faces, many bodies and climates and attitudes. The past is one face, the present a second and the future yet another.”
[ "21st-century-authors", "eternity", "famous-authors", "famous-quotes", "metaphysics", "philosophy", "poetry", "reality", "spirituality", "the-soul", "time" ]
“Time in itself, absolutely, does not exist; it is always relative to some observer or some object. Without a clock I say 'I do not know the time' . Without matter time itself is unknowable. Time is a function of matter; and matter therefore is the clock that makes infinity real.”
[ "clock", "time" ]
“There are some things which cannot be learned quickly, and time, which is all we have, must be paid heavily for their acquiring. They are the very simplest things and because it takes a man's life to know them the little that each man gets from life is very costly and the only heritage he has to leave.”
[ "learning", "life", "time" ]
“To world enough and time.”
[ "dream", "love", "time", "world" ]
“She is nine, beloved, as open-faced as the sky and as self-contained. I have watched her grow. As recently as three or four years ago, she had a young child's perfectly shallow receptiveness; she fitted into the world of time, it fitted into her, as thoughtlessly as sky fits its edges, or a river its banks. But as she has grown, her smile has widened with a touch of fear and her glance has taken on depth. Now she is aware of some of the losses you incur by being here--the extortionary rent you have to pay as long as you stay.”
[ "aging", "loss", "time", "youth" ]
“How can I stand before you in silent symbols with open palms?”
[ "giving", "honesty", "life", "sharing", "time" ]
“The next visit I paid to Nancy Brown was in the second week in March: for, though I had many spare minutes during the day, I seldom could look upon an hour as entirely my own; since, when everything was left to the caprices of Miss Matilda and her sister, there could be no order or regularity. Whatever occupation I chose, when not actually busied about them or their concerns, I had, as it were, to keep my loins girded, my shoes on my feet, and my staff in my hand; for not to be immediately forthcoming when called for, was regarded as a grave and inexcusable offence: not only by my pupils and their mother, but by the very servant, who came in breathless haste to call me, exclaiming 'You're to go to the school-room directly, mum- the young ladies is WAITING!!' Climax of horror! actually waiting for their governess!!!”
[ "humor", "time", "waiting" ]
“The sand in the hourglass runs from one compartment to the other, marking the passage of moments with something constant and tangible.If you watch the flowing sand, you might see time itself riding the granules.Contrary to popular opinion, time is not an old white-haired man, but a laughing child.And time sings.”
[ "child", "hourglass", "hours", "old-man", "sand", "time" ]
“One sin seldom mentioned is that of killing time.”
[ "killing", "killing-time", "sin", "time" ]
“One of the schools in Tlön has reached the point of denying time. It reasons that the present is undefined, that the future has no other reality than as present hope, that the past is no more than present memory.”
[ "argentian-authors", "ficciones", "fictions", "metafiction", "time" ]
“To wit: actions, like sounds, divide the flow of time into beats.[...]The quality of a man's life depends on the rhyhmic structure he is able to impose upon the input and output of energy.”
[ "actions", "life", "rhythms", "time" ]
“I was thinking not very long ago about the difference between the people we "grew up" with vs. the people we're "growing old" with - not always being one and the same - and how time (and the memories we forge together) really does strengthen pretty much all of our relationships/friendships (whether they had started on the right foot or not). And I guess what I've mostly learned (by moving to NZ especially) is that the more Significant people you have in your life, the more 'manageable' the idea of loss, losing a loved-one, can become - not because you can replace them (obviously you can't) or because they're interchangeable (no one is), but because like a foundation to a house the more pillars you have (people you love) holding it up (loving you) the more solid/resilient you become - and from there, I find you're better equipped to overcome whatever life throws your way. That said time does pass us by very quickly. I find it much more noticeable through our growing kids than ever before.”
[ "ageing", "friendship", "time" ]
“There are many problems which could only be solved by generations which are still to be born later. It's only one way of many how God gives answers to human problems and prayers.”
[ "answer", "future", "god", "life", "prayers", "problem", "question", "solution", "time" ]
“Time = Life, Therefore, waste your time and waste of your life, or master your time and master your life.”
[ "time" ]
“The full moon symbol on my calendar no longer seemed to be a period marking the end of something, but just another way of counting time.”
[ "life", "time" ]
“And why does he talk so funny? Doesn't he mean squashed tomatoes?I don't think that they had tomatoes when he comes from, said Bod. And that's just how they talk then.”
[ "cute", "time" ]