Ivy: "I caught it! That's my tenth one!" Ivy: "What a big field mouse! It looks delicious!" Ivy: "Mister Field Mouse, I'm sorry." Ivy: "Thank you for your sacrifice!" Ivy: "That startled me!" Ivy: "Why do you scream every time I dress something I catch?" Ivy: "How did I even live in my past life?" Ivy: "We're going to feast tonight, Sora!" Text: "The Weakest Tamer Began a Journey to Pick Up Trash" Ivy: "I'm trying to get to a town near the capital of this kingdom." Ivy: "The fortune teller told me that I should go there." Ivy: "This is where I was born, Latomi Village. And it isn't on this map, but the royal capital is this way. So, first, I think I'll head for this town, Otolwa." Ivy: "That's a relief." Ivy: "Sora, you really are delicate, aren't you? Aren't you going to grow and get stronger?" Ivy: "Since you're a rare slime, you're a complete mystery." Ivy: "Something's coming." Ivy: "Sora, slip in here." Ivy: "Ow!" Ivy; Internal: "No good. It's too fast! It's going to catch up!" Ivy; Internal: "Those are Huge Ants." Ivy: "I'm safe. In the forest, you never know when you'll encounter monsters, so you always have to pay attention to the feel of your surroundings." Ivy: "Huh? Sora, have you gotten a little bigger? I feel like you might be a little heavier." Ivy: "Maybe I'm just imagining it." Ivy: "I suppose it doesn't matter! Ow! I got cut by that branch earlier." Ivy: "I need to tend to it before it festers. Right?" Ivy: "Let's see. Blue potion. Blue potion." Ivy: "With discolored potions, one won't be enough to heal this." Ivy: "Looks like I had just enough of them!" Ivy: "But... now, I'm completely out of blue potions." Ivy: "I feel like I had a lot more than this." Ivy: "Sora, have you seen any potions?" Ivy: "That's so strange." Ivy: "Did I drop them somewhere?" Ivy: "The village should be close now. If I follow this road..." Ivy: ""Wanted"? "Femicia, aged 8, born in Latomi Village." "Reward 500 dal"?!" Ivy: "That's a huge reward. Why would they offer such a large sum of money for me?" Ivy: "Huh? Because I'm a wanted fugitive?" Ivy: "Oh, I don't like this. It makes me sound like a villain. Besides, I'm not Femicia anymore!" Ivy: "I'm Ivy now." Ivy: "There's one over there, too!" Ivy: "Oh, how mean!" Ivy: "That's not what my face looks like!" Ivy: "What's this?" Ivy: "This one might look a bit like me. Huh? What's that pose supposed to mean?" Ivy: "I just don't understand." Ivy: "Sora, people will see you, so come get inside this bag." Ivy: "I'm so glad we made it before it started to get dark!" Ivy; Internal: "Everyday magic. If only I could use it, too." Girl B: "Wait for me!" Boy A: "See? I won!" Girl B: "That's no fair! You're too fast, big brother! You're not allowed to run!" Ivy; Internal: "That boy has a sprinting skill." Boy A: "You're the one who has a search skill! You were just too slow finding me." Girl B: "What?" her: "No fighting! Behave yourselves!" Mother: "No, no, dear. You have an intimidation skill, so you have to say things more gently." her: "You say that, but this is something I was born with, so..." Ivy; Internal: "I didn't know that there was an intimidation skill. That's the first time I've seen it." Ivy; Internal: "A bakery!" Ivy: "How long has it been since I last ate any kind of bread?" Ivy: "A butcher's." Ivy: "That's right!" Ivy: "I might be able to sell the meat I caught earlier!" Butcher: "Hey, boy!" Butcher: "Did you need something?" Ivy: "Um, no, I..." Ivy: "I have something to sell." Butcher: "What's wrong? Show me." Ivy: "Yes, sir!" Butcher: "A field mouse, huh?" Ivy: "What?" Butcher: "I've got a two-star odor skill. I can tell by the smell." Butcher: "Now then." Butcher: "It's very fresh." Butcher: "Did you catch it yourself?" Ivy: "Yes. I wrapped it in bana leaves right after dressing it." Butcher: "You've got experience in this. The butchering was done well. How many do you have?" Butcher: "Given this amount, it would come to about a hundred dal. Will that do?" Ivy: "Yes, sir!" Butcher: "Then..." Butcher: "Here you go, a million dal." Ivy: "A million?" Butcher: "I'm joking! It's a joke!" Butcher: "If you catch any more, bring them by." Butcher: "Lately, everyone's been going after big game. There aren't many guys who bring me field mice." Ivy: "Yes, sir!" Baker: "What will you have?" Baker: "I haven't seen you before. Where are you from?" Ivy: "Um..." Baker: "A neighboring village?" Ivy: "Um, yes. I have relatives here." Baker: "I see. What would you like?" Ivy: "How much can I buy with a hundred dal?" Baker: "What's this? You've never done any shopping before?" Baker: "With a hundred dal, you could take everything in that basket." Ivy: "Let's see." Ivy: "Could I have this and this, please?" Baker: "The two of those come to twenty dal." Ivy: "Here! Twenty... million dal." Baker: "You're a funny boy." Baker: "Here. Thank you for your business." Ivy: "Bread! It's bread! It's bread!" Ivy: "Sora! It's bread!" Ivy: "Here. This is yours, Sora." Ivy: "Thank you for this meal!" Ivy: "It's so good!" Ivy: "When was the last time I ate some? Sora, you eat, too!" Ivy: "Huh? What's wrong? It's really good." Ivy: "Could it be that when you spread sideways, you're saying, "no"?" Ivy: "I guess that's what it means." Ivy: "Then, what do disintegrating slimes eat?" Ivy: "No, I still don't understand." Ivy: "I caught a huge haul of field mice! We'll be able to get money for these again!" Ivy: "And then I'll be able to buy bread again." Ivy: "Oh! A dumping ground!" Ivy: "Is there anything good here?" Ivy: "Potions!" Ivy: "And there are so many!" Ivy: "But they're really badly discolored. I wonder if there are any that seem usable." Ivy: "This is a red potion." Ivy: "This is a green potion." Ivy: "This one is... blue? It's a little light, though. This is red. This is blue. This one's blue, too. Green." Ivy: "Blue. Red." Ivy: "Red. Huh?" Ivy: "Sora, can you dispose of trash?" Ivy: "Even the bottles dissolved! The only ones able to get rid of inorganic materials are high-level rare slimes, right?" Ivy: "Then, how about this?" Ivy: "Huh? You can't do it? It's only potions?" Ivy: "This one should be all right, then. Here." Ivy: "Huh? That's not it either?" Ivy: "What about this one? Is it limited to blue potions?" Ivy: "N-No, Sora! Don't eat all of them! Please leave some for me to use! Sora!" Ivy: "Hello!" Butcher: "Oh! I see you've caught quite a few. Let's see. Would two hundred and fifty dal do?" Ivy: "Yes, sir! Thank you!" Ivy: "This bread, and... one of those sweet ones, too, please!" Baker: "Thank you for your business." Baker: "And I'll add in this one for free." Baker: "Thank you for waiting." Ivy: "Thank you so much!" Ivy: "Sora, do you want to come bathing, too?" Ivy: "I didn't think so. You seem like you'd get swept away before you knew it." Ivy: "It's so good!" Ivy: "Getting to eat bread like this every day... Now, this is happiness!" Ivy: "Staying here forever might be nice. Sora, do you think so, too?" Ivy: "And the villagers..." Ivy: "They're all so kind." Ivy: "It's nice not having to be afraid of people, isn't it?" Ivy: "I wish I could stay here forever." Ivy; Internal: "Those are adventurers." Pursuer B: "What is it, kid?" Pursuer A: "You have quite a few magic bags there, huh?" Pursuer A: "What's inside them?" Pursuer B: "Hey, why don't you show us?" Pursuer B: "Come on, hurry up!" Pursuer B: "He's scared." Pursuer A: "It must be because you look so evil." Pursuer B: "What did you just say, you rat?" Ivy; Internal: "It's all right. They haven't realized that I'm Femicia!" Butcher: "Hey, boy!" Butcher: "Have you caught any field mice?" Ivy: "Oh. Um, no. Not today..." Butcher: "I see. Some adventurers have come to the village, you see? They bought all my dried meat, saying they need it for food on their travels. All my stock is gone, so if you catch any field mice, bring them to me, won't you?" Ivy: "Yes, sir." Butcher: "I'll add a little extra to the purchase price for you. I'm counting on you." Ivy: "Y-Yes, sir." Baker: "Young man!" Baker: "Don't you want any bread today?" Ivy: "No." Baker: "What's this? And I baked your favorite today, too. That's all right." Baker: "Take this with you." Ivy: "What? But..." Baker: "It's all right. They'll only get hard if they sit here. You don't need to pay me for them. Eat them while they're freshly baked and delicious!" Baker: "Here!" Ivy: "Th-Thank you." Baker: "Young man? What's wrong?" Ivy: "It's such a nice village!" Ivy: "And they're all such good people!" Ivy: "But..." Ivy: "I can't stay here any longer." Ivy: "Do you think... there's a place for me somewhere?" Ivy: "Sora." Ivy; Internal: "What I need to do is get away from this village." Ivy; Internal: "With those wanted posters floating around, I can't stay here." Ivy: "I wonder which way those men went." Ivy: "I have to make sure I don't go in the same direction." Ivy: "What is it, Sora?" Ivy: "What could it be?" Ivy: "Could it be that you're hungry?" Ivy: "I see. So am I." Ivy: "I should have accepted that bread from her." Ivy: "I left in such a hurry, I didn't even draw any water. And I didn't pick up any potions." Ivy: "I'm sorry, Sora." Ivy: "Sora, are blue potions the only things you eat?" Ivy: "There isn't anything else you can eat?" Ivy: "Rare slimes are so mysterious." Ivy: "That's the sound of water! Let's go!" Ivy: "It's a river!" Ivy: "Oh! Fruit!" Ivy: "And that's one of the delicious kinds!" Ivy: "Sora, do you want to try eating one?" Ivy: "You certainly are picky about food." Ivy: "If you don't learn to eat everything, you'll never get bigger!" Ivy: "What's wrong, Sora?" Ivy: "A potion..." Ivy: "Right, I don't have any." Ivy: "Sora?" Ivy: "Sora..." Ivy; Internal: "Oh, that's right. Slimes are monsters."
{ "raw_title": "The Weakest Tamer Began a Journey to Pick Up Trash Episode 2 – To Latoto Village", "parsed": [ "The Weakest Tamer Began a Journey to Pick Up Trash", "2", "To Latoto Village" ] }
Tablo: "Fulfe! Is the baby..." Midwife: "Congratulations. It's a healthy baby girl." Tablo: "You did so well, Fulfe!" ulfe: "Dear, will you give her a name?" Tablo: "Yes." Tablo: "We'll name this child Femicia." ulfe: "Femicia? What a lovely name." ulfe: "It's nice to meet you, Femicia. I'm your mother." Text: "The Weakest Tamer Began a Journey to Pick Up Trash" emicia: "Father! Big Brother!" emicia: "I brought your lunch!" Tablo: "Good work, Femicia. I'll come right down." Tablo: "Hey, are you all right?" Tablo: "Here." Tablo: "Don't get flustered." eton: "It's because you try to wolf it down. It's unseemly." emicia: "I'm growing! I need to eat lots!" Tablo: "That's right, Femicia. Eat lots and grow up big and strong!" emicia: "I will!" eton: "Father, you're always so lenient with Femicia." emicia: "I'm home!" ulfe: "Welcome back." ecilla: "Welcome back, Femicia. Will you set the table for me?" emicia: "Yes!" eton: "Femicia, you need to hurry up and start using everyday magic." emicia: "I'm going to be able to use it soon!" ulfe: "There's no need to rush, Femicia. Everyone develops at their own pace. Even now, you're very good at helping out. That's very admirable." ecilla: "That's not what you said to me when I was four years old! You always wished I'd hurry up and be able to use everyday magic already. The youngest gets special treatment, huh?" ulfe: "Is that really how it was?" ecilla: "Here. It's everyone's favorite, nonoshi stew." eton: "It looks so good!" Taburo: "And since Fecilla, who has the soothing skill, helped make it, it'll make my fatigue vanish!" ecilla: "Good work today, everyone!" ecilla: "Now, eat up!" ulfe: "How is your work faring?" Tablo: "The house just needs one last push. It should be done by the end of the month." eton: "The furniture should be done this week." ulfe: "Really? I'd expect no less of someone with a three-star furniture making skill." eton: "It's all thanks to you finishing the cushions for the sofa so quickly, Mother." ulfe: "Yes, well, I do have a two-star sewing skill." emicia: "What's wrong?" ulfe: "I'm sorry for startling you. I'm stitching the bridal wear for the shoemaker's daughter, and it made me realize that one day Fecilla and you, Femicia, will go off to be brides, too." ecilla: "Make my dress incredibly fancy, won't you?" Tablo: "That's still a ways away." ulfe: "No, it'll be here before we know it." Tablo: "You're right. Femicia is already almost five, after all." emicia: "Yes! I can't wait for my birthday presents!" ecilla: "That isn't the thing to be excited for!" eton: "When you turn five, you'll receive something even more important, won't you?" emicia: "Huh? Oh!" Tablo: "That's right. Your skill." Tablo: "Everyone receives a skill when they turn five. As long as you have a skill, you'll always find a place to work and have a way to earn your next meal." ulfe: "What sort of skill and how many stars it is, well, no one knows that until they receive their skill. The only ones who know are the gods." ecilla: "The type of skill and number of stars will determine where you work, so it's awfully important." eton: "That's right. If you have three stars, like I do, then you're quite secure, but if you've only got one star, like Fecilla's soothing skill, your life's done for." ecilla: "What did you just say?" ulfe: "Now, now. Let's all get along. Femicia, what kind of skill do you want?" emicia: "I... want to be a tamer!" emicia: "I'll be a tamer and be friends with dragons and griffons and all kinds of monsters!" eton: "That's so dumb!" emicia: "Why?!" Tablo: "Skills are abilities that are needed so that you can work. They're capabilities bestowed by the gods, enabling us to live in this world." Tablo: "Making friends with them isn't enough." Tablo: "But, in place of that..." Tablo: "here." ulfe: "Isn't that wonderful, Femicia?" emicia: "Yes!" ulfe: "Who could it be at this hour?" ulfe: "Who's there?" ulfe: "Oh, Mistress Luba!" Luba: "Pardon me for coming so late at night. I realized that it's nearly time for Femicia to be gifted with her skill," Kuba: "so I've come to offer a prayer of good fortune." ulfe: "Thank you for going to all this trouble. Please, come inside." Luba: "Oh, so this is Femicia? She's grown so much." ulfe: "Yes. Since she turned two, she's started speaking well, too. It's just... sometimes she says strange things. That's why I've asked you to come, Mistress Luba." Luba: "Strange things?" ulfe: "My husband says I'm making too much of it, but I'm worried about whether she'll be able to use magic or not." emicia: "Magic? This world has magic?" Luba: "Yes, and you'll be able to use it, too!" emicia: "Yay! What? "Reincarnated into another world"?" ulfe: "You see? She's doing it again." Luba: "Missus Fulfe, there's no need to worry. Femicia will surely grow into a very intelligent child. But while I'm here, shall I read her fortune? May I borrow a candle? A new one if possible." ulfe: "Thank you so much. Please wait just a moment." Luba: "You have memories of your past life, don't you?" emicia: "Past life?" Luba: "If people learn that you have memories of your past life, it will make things very difficult for you. So, you mustn't tell anyone about them. Keep it a secret, even from your mother. Can you do that? Can you promise me?" emicia: "Yes! It's a promise!" Luba: "I've finished the prayer. Femicia is sure to be gifted with a wonderful skill." ulfe: "Thank you so much." ecilla: "Mistress Luba, could a fortune show you what skill she'll get?" Luba: "Mine is only a one-star foresight skill, so I can't see quite so far." eton: "With only one star, you can't really help it." Tablo: "Stop that! Watch your mouth! It's thanks to Mistress Luba that this village can carry on!" ulfe: "Without her predictions, we wouldn't be able to harvest the zaro fruit. I'm sorry. He's still a child." Priest: "Today, this one young life shall, with the blessing of the gods, be gifted the power to obtain sustenance throughout their life. Through this sacred power, the joy of hard work, the happiness at the wonder of living, and the divine protection of truth are promised to you. Now, then." Priest: "O, gods! By your love and compassion, gift unto this unblemished spirit the power to earn their sustenance!" Priest: "We have received our divine message." Priest: "This girl possesses the tamer skill, the ability to win monsters over to her." emicia: "A tamer!" Priest: "And the number of stars..." Priest: "This is..." Priest: "No stars?!" Priest: "This child possesses a starless tamer skill!" ulfe: "That can't be." Tablo: "There must be some mistake! My daughter can't be starless!" Priest: "This is a divine message! A mistake simply isn't possible!" Tablo: "But—" Priest: "Speak any further on this and you blaspheme the gods! Oh, how horrifying. The fact that a starless has been born... The fact that one abandoned by the gods has appeared..." emicia; Internal: "Huh? "Impossibly hard video game"?" Tablo: "What does it mean?!" ulfe: "Dear, I think you've already had—" Tablo: "Both you and I have stars. Our older son and daughter have stars, so why... why is it that Femicia alone doesn't?" emicia: "Father?" Tablo: "Don't speak!" Tablo: "The starless have been abandoned by the gods. Why is there a starless in my family?" emicia: "What?" ulfe: "Dear, there's no need to go that far." ulfe: "Dear..." Tablo: "It's not possible that a starless could come from my family." Tablo: "How is that possible?" Tablo: "What's the point of being a tamer?" Tablo: "With no stars, it's completely useless!" Tablo: "Why?" Tablo: "Why was this starless born?" Tablo: "Is Femicia... really my child?" emicia: "Mother?" eton: "Don't touch her!" emicia: "Ow! That hurts, Big Brother! Big Sister?" emicia: "It hurts, Big Brother! Please, stop!" eton: "Get out!" Villager 1; Female: "They say that child is starless." Villager 2; Female: "That's the child that's been abandoned by the gods, isn't it?" Head: "A starless has appeared in Latomi, our village!" Head: "It is a horrible thing. It must be an omen of disasters to come! Let us all gather and prepare against misfortune! Let us devote our abilities to the good of the village!" Villagers: "That's right! Protect Latomi!" Boy A: "Starless!" Boy B: "You don't belong here, starless!" emicia; Internal: "Why? Why?" emicia: "I... can't go home anymore." emicia: ""A witch hunt"?" emicia: "But I'm not a witch." emicia: "I'm hungry." emicia: "It's so cold." emicia: "I wonder if I can do it." emicia: "One more time." Luba: "Are you all right?" emicia: "Mistress Fortune Teller." Luba: "It seems you have less magical energy than most people. If you run out of magical energy, it puts your life at risk, so you should be very careful." Luba: "My foresight showed me that this would happen to you. But I wasn't able to see why you ended up this way." Luba: "I never imagined that you'd be starless. Here." Luba: "Do you feel better? Even with limited magical energy, with the right knowledge, it won't be as inconvenient as you might think." Luba: "I'll give this to you." Luba: "It's a magic bag. It's an old model, but lots of things fit in it, and whatever you put inside becomes lighter. And there are many things written in that book. As long as you're alive, I'm certain it will prove useful to you. Even when you one day set off on a journey." emicia: "A journey?" Luba: "Yes. One day, you must take a journey to see the world and broaden your perspective. When you do, go to the town neighboring the royal capital." emicia: "The town neighboring the royal capital?" Luba: "But if you find a place where you'd like to live forever while on your journey, there's no need to force yourself to keep traveling. However, you must find people that you can trust." Luba: "When you do, you must tell them everything." emicia: "Even that I'm starless?" Luba: "Everything hidden eventually comes to light. When that time comes, you'll need allies who will fight by your side. You see, secrets can become the reason people lose their trust in you." emicia: "Why?" emicia: "Why are you so kind to me, Mistress Fortune Teller? Don't you hate me?" Luba: "Hate you?" emicia: "Everyone else does. They hate me because I'm starless." Luba: "Long ago, no one had skills or stars." emicia: "What?" Luba: "Even without skills, everyone worked and lived happy lives." emicia: "Even without skills?" Luba: "That's right. Not having a skill isn't a bad thing." emicia: "Then, why is it like this now?" Luba: "I don't know. I wonder why myself." emicia: "There's lots of trash again today." emicia: "I wonder if those are left over from Feton making furniture." emicia: "They're nice and dry, so they'll make good firewood." emicia: "A blue potion!" emicia: "These seem like they're just barely still usable. I've got a huge haul today!" emicia: "I caught it!" emicia: "Once I get used to them, snares might be better than pitfalls. It's easier than digging pits, too." emicia; Internal: "The fortune teller hasn't come by lately. When was the last time I saw her?" emicia; Internal: "I sense a presence. It isn't a monster." emicia; Internal: "A person? And they aren't alone!" emicia; Internal: "Why are there people here?" emicia; Internal: "Did something happen in the village?" emicia; Internal: "I have a bad feeling about this." Villager 4; Female: "It's going to feel lonely." Villager 3; Female: "Yes, it will. We've lost someone very precious." Villager 4; Female: "Who could imagine dying of a cold at this time of year?" Villager 3; Female: "And Mistress Luba was such a good person, too. I still can't believe it." emicia; Internal: "Mistress Fortune Teller... has died?" Tablo: "Village Head!" Tablo: "My daughter... Femicia wasn't there. She should have been in the hideaway, but..." Head: "She caught wind of us, did she?" Head: "She'll bring misfortune to this village. Tablo, you understand what to do, don't you?" Tablo: "Of course. The starless should not be allowed to exist in this world. And that girl will be returning to the gods, so she will surely be happy, too." ulfe: "Femicia. Femicia!" ulfe: "It would have been better if you were never born." Head: "People of Latomi Village, listen to me! The fortune teller, Luba, was very important to our village." Head: "The cause of her death... was a curse! Fortune Teller Luba ignored my warnings and looked after the starless Femicia." Head: "Due to that, she received the curse of the starless, the ones forsaken by the gods! That girl is a calamity! Left unchecked, she will bring misfortune down upon our village! Find Femicia and capture her! We will kill that girl! We will kill her before she brings disaster to Latomi Village!" Villagers: "Yeah!" emicia; Internal: "Why? Why? Why? I didn't do anything wrong! The fortune teller didn't do anything wrong either! So, why?" Ivy: "It was a dream?" Ivy; Internal: "That's right." Ivy; Internal: "Sora is going to eat me." Ivy: "Am I going to die here?" Ivy: "If I am, that's all right." Ivy: "I'm an unwanted child anyway." Ivy: "Sora?" Ivy: "My wound healed. But it was such an awful wound." Ivy: "Could it be? Sora, did you heal it for me? You weren't trying to eat me?" Ivy: "You saved me." Sora: "Pu, puu." Ivy: "Huh?" Sora: "Pu, puu." Ivy: "Sora talked!" Sora: "Pu, puu!" Ivy: "Sora talked! I can talk with Sora!" Sora: "Pu, puu.." Ivy: "Sora, all you can say is "pu, puu"!" Sora: "Pu, puu." Ivy: "Sora, thank you. It's because of you that I survived. I may be an unwanted child," Ivy: "but if I'm with you, I don't care about that!" Sora: "Pu, puu!" Ivy: "Just a little..."
{ "raw_title": "The Weakest Tamer Began a Journey to Pick Up Trash Episode 3 – Toward Those Remembered Days", "parsed": [ "The Weakest Tamer Began a Journey to Pick Up Trash", "3", "Toward Those Remembered Days" ] }
Ivy: "Is it morning already?" Ivy: "What? "Just like an alarm clock"? I wonder what an alarm clock is." Ivy: "Morning, Sora. You seem energetic again this morning." Ivy: "Well, then, today we continue our journey!" Text: "The Weakest Tamer Began a Journey to Pick Up Trash" Ivy: "Thank you for this food." Ivy: "It's so good! Sora, is yours good, too?" Ivy: "You stretched taller!" Ivy: "You jumped! Sora, you have new ways you can move!" Ivy: "Somehow... you seem more sturdy than you used to." Ivy: "Sora, didn't you used to be weaker and more fragile?" Ivy: "Maybe you've grown. You've eaten a lot of blue potions, after all." Ivy: "If you're healthier, I guess it doesn't matter why. Eat lots more, all right?" Ivy: "I'm so glad I was able to gather so many fruits. I'm just about to run out of dried meat." Ivy: "When we reach the next village, Latom, I'll have to buy more dried meat. I need to catch some field mice to earn the money to do that." Ivy: "What? "If I cook and eat the meat I catch, it will cost less money"? I can't do that. If I take the time to cook meat out in the forest, the smell will draw in monsters." Ivy: "Even if it costs money, buying dried meat is safer." Ivy: "What? You've already eaten all of them?" Ivy: "Those were all the potions I had." Ivy: "You still want more?" Ivy: "What do I do?" Ivy: "Oh!" Ivy: "A dumping ground!" Ivy: "There might be food for Sora here!" Ivy: "Oh! Clothes! I've been wanting a change of clothes." Ivy: "Oh, right. Your food comes first, doesn't it?" Ivy: "I found some!" Ivy: "Potion bottles!" Ivy: "We're lucky there are so many of them!" Ivy: "This one still seems new." Ivy: "And this one is too old. Sora, you won't eat this, will you?" Ivy: "What? You'll eat that? Maybe as long as it's a blue potion, nothing else matters?" Ivy: "This is an inexpensive bottle. A child must have made this potion as practice. How about this one?" Ivy: "You'll eat that one, too." Ivy: "Oh! That's a red one! It's a red potion that cures illnesses!" Ivy: "You eat red potions, too? You wouldn't eat them before, though." Ivy: "Well, what about this, then? It's a green potion that dulls pain." Ivy: "So, you won't eat green ones. Then how about this one? It's a purple potion that breaks curses." Ivy: "You won't eat purple ones, either? What? "Mix the colors"?" Ivy: "All right. I'll try it!" Ivy: "Mix blue and red, and then... How about this?" Ivy: "You ate it! Then what about the purple one from before?" Ivy: "A similar color won't cut it, huh?" Ivy: "It's lucky that we have such nice weather, isn't it?" Ivy: "I feel like we'll be able to travel really far today!" Ivy: "I never imagined that traveling would be this much fun." Ivy: "I'm so glad that I met you, Sora. I thought that I'd always travel alone, that I'd always live all alone. What? "You're not alone"? But my past life is still me in the end." Ivy: "Oh! Those are noberries! And there's so many of them!" Ivy: "They're delicious! Sora, do you want some, too? Here!" Ivy: "But they taste so good! I'm going to pick lots and lots!" Ivy: "Thank you for this food!" Ivy: "These taste so good! It'd be nice if we could travel down paths lined with noberries the whole way! Oh, but wild grapepes would be good, too!" Ivy: "You already finished eating those? Do you want some more?" Ivy: "Then, here you go." Ivy: "What?! You want to eat more? You're eating too much! If you keep eating like this, there won't be any left for me when I need them!" Ivy: "All right! All right, I understand!" Ivy: "Honestly! At this rate, Sora's going to eat them all. What do I do?" Ivy: "What? "As long as you're awake, you'll get hungry"? I see. Then, I should have Sora fall asleep as soon as possible." Ivy: "Hey, Sora!" Ivy: "I'm going to tell you a bedtime story." Ivy: "This is a story I heard a lot when I was little. I'll tell it to you now, Sora." Ivy: "Long, long ago, the world was at war. One day, the king gathered together magicians who could see the future and had them all make predictions about how the war would end." Ivy: "The future they saw was the end of the world." Ivy: "It was a such a terrifying sight. The magicians discussed their visions, and then, in order to protect the world, they cast a very, very powerful magic. No one now knows what that magic was, and no one now can use it. The only one who can is a child who comes from another world. It's a forgotten magic." Ivy: "It's a magic that doesn't exist anywhere anymore... A magic that no one remembers anymore... A magic that no one knows the effect of... A magic that doesn't exist..." Ivy: "It's vast and scary and quiet... lonely and untouchable..." Ivy: "a nothingness." Ivy: "Huh? Is it morning?" Ivy: "What? I fell asleep while telling the bedtime story?" Ivy: "Well, that story makes me sleepy. I've never heard it all the way to the end." Ivy: "Sora!" Ivy: "They're gone! Gone! There isn't a single blue or red potion left!" Ivy: "Honestly, Sora!" Ivy: "All right! I caught it! It's such a big help that I can trade field mice for money. In order to continue our journey, I have to earn and save as much money as I can." Ivy: "A snake monster?" Ivy: "It isn't a field mouse. What do I do?" Ivy: "But I might be able to sell this too, so..." Ivy: "Um... let's see." Ivy: "Take this!" Ivy: "That should do it." Ivy: "I wonder what this smell is." Ivy: "Is it a monster? But I don't sense anything." Ivy: "Sora, hide! If there are bandits around, you'll be a target!" Ivy: "That's... Latom over there." Town Center Shop Person: "Wait just a moment, you two, there!" Ivy: "I have to tell someone." Ivy: "Town Hall?" Adventurer: "I'm telling you, that's what that fighting stance is for!" Receptionist: "What? Is that true?" Ivy: "Um, excuse me." Receptionist: "Say, young man, what's that?" Ivy: "What? Oh, nothing! I set a trap for field mice and caught this snake monster instead." Adventurer: "If you want to sell a snake, you should go to an apothecary, not the town hall." Ivy: "Th-Thank you. No, wait! On my way here, I found some people who had passed away." Receptionist: "Come closer. Will you tell me all the details?" Ivy: "It was on the road from Latoto Village. There was a cart on fire, and there were people who had been attacked by monsters and didn't survive." Guard Captain: "What? Did you say monsters?" Receptionist: "If that's true, then there's a possibility that this village will be attacked." Guard Captain: "It's not that I'm doubting you, but was it really monsters and not bandits?" Ivy: "Yes. The wounds to the bodies were awful, and the cart horses were dead, too." Ivy: "If it had been bandits, I think they'd have stolen the horses instead of killing them." Guard Captain: "This account is real. Monsters, huh?" Guard Captain: "Apologies, but I have an urgent request! Find the exact location and, if possible, the type of monster! I'll put a formal request in through the Guild later!" Adventurers: "Sir!" Adventurers; Adlib: "All right. Let's go! Hurry! Quit dawdling!" Guard Captain: "Thank you, kid." Guard Captain: "You'll get the tip reward after we confirm the location. Is that all right?" Ivy: "Tip reward?" Receptionist: "You can get money for information. If you have information about monsters or people who have died from monster attacks and you bring those tips to a town hall, you'll receive a tip reward." Ivy: "I didn't know that." Receptionist: "It's better to have information on monsters as quickly as possible. That way, we can take measures before people get hurt. Here." Receptionist: "Please hold on to this document and come back again later. We should have the results of the investigation by this evening." Ivy: "All right. Thank you." Apothecary: "The market value for a snake monster is two gidal per snake, however..." Apothecary: "this appears to be a female. They're rare, so I'll give you three gidal." Ivy: "What?" Ivy; Internal: "A gidal is... Ten copper blocks, which are 100 dal each, make one gidal, so three gidal would be... 30 field mice worth?! A snake monster is worth that much?!" Apothecary: "What is it? Are you unhappy with three gidal?" Ivy: "Oh, no! That will be fine." Apothecary: "If you catch any more, bring them here for me." Ivy: "This is amazing! Three whole gidal! I'll be able to buy lots of dried meat for our journey with this!" Ivy: "Next, let's go look for food for you, Sora!" Ivy: "I wonder if there will be any potions here." Ivy: "Oh! That's a magic bag!" Ivy: "There's one over there, too!" Ivy: "And over here, too! There are so many magic bags!" Ivy: "All together, there are 21 of them. I'd like to take anything that seems usable with me, but there's only so much I can carry while walking. And they're all older models, so their abilities are all different, too. What? "If you put the magic bags into other magic bags, you can carry as many as you want"? That's it! All right, then." Ivy: "It went in! And it's gotten lighter, too." Ivy: "Now, I'll put this into another magic bag!" Ivy: "Huh? It won't go in. Maybe a magic bag that has a magic bag in it can't go into another magic bag." Ivy: "Oh, even an empty magic bag won't go into this one." Ivy: "It went into this one, but it didn't get any lighter. If I put lots into this one, it might get so heavy that I can't walk carrying it." Ivy: "Over here are magic bags that don't carry other magic bags. Here are the magic bags that can carry one magic bag. These are magic bags that can carry up to two magic bags. And these are magic bags that can carry up to three magic bags. Those groups each have... magic bags that can carry a magic bag with a magic bag in it, magic bags that make the things they carry lighter, and magic bags that don't make the things they carry lighter. So, if I put magic bags that can't carry magic bags into a magic bag that doesn't make things lighter, and then put that into a magic bag that does make things lighter, then the whole thing will be light and compact. But that would take a bag that can carry three bags and some can only hold one, so I'll put together the ones that can only hold one bag, and then..." Ivy: "No, wait. If I leave the ones that carry two bags for last, then..." Ivy: "After I put this one in this one, I put this one in next, and..." Ivy: "No! There's still that one left! I have to do it over!" Ivy: "I put this one in this one. And finally, I put this one in this one..." Ivy: "I did it!" Ivy: "Sorry to keep you waiting! Let's go collect potions!" Guard Captain: "Hey there, kid!" Guard Captain: "The information you gave us earlier really saved us. We were able to verify it right away." Ivy: "Really?" Guard Captain: "The monsters were ogres and an ogre king. There were ogre tracks around the wagon, and when the adventurers followed them, they spotted the ogre king." Guard Captain: "Some of the higher-ranked adventurers are about to go hunt them down. It's dangerous, so don't leave the village until the monsters are defeated." Ivy: "I won't." Guard Captain: "And, since we verified your information, you'll get your tip reward." Guard Captain: "Please go to the town hall to accept it." Receptionist: "That's a huge feather in your cap, young man!" Ivy: "A feather in my cap?" Receptionist: "Do you have the document from earlier?" Ivy: "Yes." Ivy: "It's..." Ivy: "Um, I'm sure it's..." Ivy: "It's in the one inside this one. No... It's inside the one I put in this one." Ivy: "Um... Here it is!" Ivy: "Here!" Receptionist: "Yes. Indeed it is. Now then..." Receptionist: "the tip reward for information on five deceased persons is five gidal. That's one silver tablet." Ivy; Internal: "Five gidal?!" Ivy; Internal: "The snake monster was worth three gidal, which was 30 field mice worth. This time it's five gidal, so that's 50 field mice worth! It's worth that much?!" Receptionist: "And for information on high-ranked monsters, your reward is two ladal. That's two gold coins." Ivy; Internal: "Gold coins?! One ladal is worth ten gidal. And ten gidal is worth 1,000 dal, so two ladal would be... 200 field mice worth?! All together, that's 250 field mice worth. And if I add what I got for the snake, it's 280 field mice worth!" Receptionist: "It's a large sum, so be careful not to drop it anywhere." Ivy: "I, um... I will." Ivy: "W-Well, then..." Receptionist: "Wait." Receptionist: "There's those." Ivy; Internal: "This is the first time I've ever had so much money." Ivy; Internal: "Could it be that everyone is after these gold coins?" Girl: "Why is that boy carrying so many bags?" Ivy: "Here. This one's a red one. The forest is dangerous because of the monster hunt, so tonight we'll sleep here." Ivy: "I guess we'll have to stay in Latom until the monster hunt is over." Ivy: "The next place we're going is Latome Village. It seems like it'll be a big town. I wonder what kind of place it is." Ivy: "This might be sort of fun..." Ivy: "this adventure-filled journey."
{ "raw_title": "The Weakest Tamer Began a Journey to Pick Up Trash Episode 4 – Toward an Unexpected Situation", "parsed": [ "The Weakest Tamer Began a Journey to Pick Up Trash", "4", "Toward an Unexpected Situation" ] }
Ivy: "The trap broke again." Ivy: "I wonder if an animal or something stepped on it." Ivy: "At this rate, I won't be able to earn any money." Ivy: "What? "You have the tip reward you got in Latom Village"?" Ivy: "Yes. We should be all right for a little while, but if this journey is going to continue, I want to save up for that." Ivy: "Wait, Sora! Where are you going?" Ivy; Internal: "What could this be? It's faint, but I can sense something." Ivy; Internal: "The smell of blood?" Ivy: "What is this? I sense faint magical energy." Ivy: "Is it a monster?" Ivy: "It looks a little like this adandala. "An incredibly ferocious, rare monster."" Ivy: "It's still alive!" Ivy: "It's so weak. It will die soon." Ivy: "You must be scared. When I was about to die, I was scared, too." Ivy: "I can't do anything for you, but I'll stay by your side." Ivy: "Sora?!" Ivy: "This is..." Ivy: "You're finished?" Ivy: "The way you talk has changed!" Ivy; Internal: "This is bad!" Ivy: "Huh?" Ivy: "Is it... According to the book, it takes a team of at least five high-ranked adventurers to defeat this ferocious monster. If someone encounters one in the forest, there's no saving them." Ivy: "You're so cute!" Ivy: "Maybe you're not an adandala!" Lyrics: "When I'm alone, I can breathe In a world with no one but me, I feel at ease But I think the truth is That I've been waiting for morning's light to break through" Text: "The Weakest Tamer Began a Journey to Pick Up Trash" Lyrics: "(Where could it be?) Beyond the edges of a yet unknown map That's where I'll find a place where I can live (If it exists...) I'd like to go there And with trembling legs, I take a step forward I'm on a journey without end And even if I carry nothing with me I'll take everything I feel And pack it into my once empty bag I'll go as far as I need to On this journey to find myself And everything I'm given along the way Will slowly fill my heart to the brim Now, I'm not all alone anymore Because I've met new, dear friends (Maybe we can understand each other because we're alike. Isn't it strange?) Your bright laughter gives me courage (I feel like I'm wrapped up snugly by your warmth) From now on, let's stay together forever and ever" Ivy; Internal: "Does this mean... that I have one more friend now?" Ivy; Internal: "If I had more magical energy, I'd be able to tame it." Ivy: "I suppose I should at least give you a name! Let's see..." Ivy: "That's it!" Ivy: "Your name is Ciel. It means "sky" in a different language. Wait. Where did I hear that?" Ivy: "Nice to meet you, Ciel! I'm Ivy. And this little one is Sora!" Ivy: "Oh, I sense people. Sora, hide in this magic bag." Ivy: "Ciel, you can't fit in there, can you?" Ivy: "But I don't think it would be good if people saw you." Ivy: "Oh, how dashing! Maybe it is an adandala after all!" Ivy; Internal: "That gate guard looks sort of scary." Traveler: "What are you doing there, boy?" Ivy: "Oh, um, nothing!" Traveler: "Don't go playing tricks on anyone." Ivy; Internal: "That startled me." Ivy: "What's wrong, Sora?" Oggto: "Stop." Traveler: "What?" Oggto: "What business do you have in Latome Village?" Traveler: "A friend of mine lives here, and I'm visiting for the first time in a while." Oggto: "What is your friend's name?" Traveler: "What? Um, it's Z-Zoliot..." Oggto: "I don't know anyone by that name." Traveler: "Actually, um, it's Lizola... No, it might have been Maklewya..." Oggto: "What are these?" Traveler: "What could they be?" Oggto: "Illicitly brewed alcohol? You've got guts. Hey, Vellivera!" Vellivera: "What's this? You've found a scoundrel?" Oggto: "Go throw him in jail." Vellivera: "He may be a criminal, but you could handle him a little more politely." Oggto: "In that case, I'll be sure to welcome him properly later." Vellivera: "Dear, oh dear." Ivy: "So, that man was a bad person." Ivy: "Could it be that you knew that, Sora?" Ivy; Internal: "He's scary!" Ivy; Internal: "What do I do? Should I give up on passing through Latome Village?" Ivy; Internal: "This is bad. Running away here will only attract suspicion!" Oggto: "Stop." Oggto: "I haven't seen you before. Whose child are you?" Ivy: "Um, I'm not..." Oggto: "What's wrong?" Ivy: "Um, there's a bug." Oggto: "Huh? What? Shoo! Shoo! Shoo!" Oggto: "Oh, that gave me a scare." Oggto: "Am I good? Is it gone?" Ivy: "Yes, you're all right." Oggto: "Great! Thank you!" Ivy: "Of course." Oggto: "Stop. So, whose family do you belong to, lad?" Ivy: "Um, I'm from Latomi Village." Oggto: "Are you alone?" Ivy: "Yes." Oggto: "You came from that far away? That's right. I've heard that things are tough in Latomi right now. Things must be hard for you, but now that you're in Latome, you'll be all right. I guarantee it." Oggto: "What? There's no need to worry. If you become an adventurer, you'll earn enough to eat. Work hard out there." Ivy: "Yes, sir." Oggto: "Bye, then." Ivy: "Thank you." Ivy; Internal: "Things are tough in Latomi Village? I wonder if something's happened." Ivy: "This village is so big! I wonder if it's because we're so close to Otolwa now! Oh right! A butcher's!" Woman: "Welcome." Ivy: "Excuse me, there was something I was hoping to ask you." Woman: "What is it?" Ivy: "Is this dried meat from field mice?" Woman: "It's field mice and wild rabbits. There's some wild pigeon, too, but they're hard to catch, so it's expensive." Ivy: "If I catch some game, will you buy it from me?" Woman: "If it's fresh. Are you going to catch it all by yourself?" Ivy: "Yes." Woman: "Be careful of nonoshi in the forest. If you're attacked by one, you'll suffer grave injuries." Ivy: "Thank you!" Ivy: "Please give me one of this dried meat." Woman: "Of course." Ivy: "So, nonoshi show up around here. Maybe it was the nonoshi that broke my field mouse traps." Ivy: ""While we're in this village, we probably shouldn't sleep in the forest"? That's true. Maybe we should rest in the adventurer's clearing." Ivy: "It's so big!" Ivy: "I guess big villages have big open spaces, too!" Ivy; Internal: "That supervisor looks a little scary, too." Roigult: "Planning to stay here?" Ivy: "Yes, sir." Roigult: "Are you alone?" Ivy: "Yes." Roigult: "That side over there will be safer for you." Roigult: "Your permit." Ivy: "Permit?" Roigult: "If you don't show this, you won't be able to come in here." Ivy: "Um, how much does this cost?" Roigult: "No need for payment. We're just limiting the number of people to prevent potential trouble." Ivy: "I see. Thank you." Ivy: "Oh, I was so nervous! Why are there only scary people standing guard?" Ivy: "This feels so good!" Ivy: "There are so many big tents over there. I wonder if they're mid-ranked adventurer teams? I'm glad I found a place away from them." Ivy: "In this area, there are small tents. Maybe they're novice adventurers. It must be nice to have a tent. You'd probably have to worry a lot less about the weather. And..." Ivy: "if we were hidden in a tent, I'd be able to let you out, Sora." Ivy: "I do have the tip reward I was given before. "We have second-hand tents." "We buy at high prices, offer speedy assessments, and guarantee quality." I wonder if I could afford one if it's second-hand." Oggto: "Are you shopping?" Oggto: "That surprised me!" Vellivera: "I'm the one who's surprised here. Please don't scare the children." Oggto: "Sorry. Hey, lad, are you buying something?" Ivy: "Y-Yes, a tent." Oggto: "You don't even have a tent? Did you get driven out of your village with nothing?" Vellivera: "The difficulties in Latomi Village seem to be real." Oggto: "What's your name, lad?" Ivy: "My name is Ivy." Oggto: "Ivy, is it? I'm Oggto. This is Vellivera." Ivy: "Mister Oggto and Mister Vellivera." Oggto: "Ivy, I'm going to take you to a great shop. It's a shop run by a skilled old man." Ivy: "Ow, ow!" Vellivera: "Stop! You're being too rough!" Oggto: "Huh? Oh." Vellivera: "You're built differently, so please be careful." Oggto: "Oh, sorry about that! Are you all right?" Ivy: "Y-Yes." Vellivera: "Sorry, Ivy. He isn't a bad guy, but once he gets an idea into his head, he's blind to everything else." Ivy: "It-It isn't a problem! Please don't let it worry you!" Oggto: "Really? All right! As an apology, I'll find you the greatest tent ever!" Ivy; Internal: "At some point, my buying a tent became a certainty." Oggto: "Hey, old man! We're coming in." Lagg: "What is it, Oggto? There's nothing here for you to buy." Oggto: "You have a customer." Lagg: "A customer?" Lagg: "Well, now that's a young customer." Oggto: "He's a child from Latomi Village." Lagg: "Latomi Village? I see. That must have been rough. So, what is it you want, lad?" Ivy: "Oh, um..." Oggto: "A tent. Give him something really inexpensive and really great." Lagg: "Honestly. What a troublesome customer." Ivy: "What?" Oggto: "Don't say mean things to children. Don't you feel badly for him?" Lagg: "I'm talking to you." Lagg: "If it's for a child, the lighter the better, but then they break more easily. Would you rather have a sturdy one that will last a while, or would you rather buy a new one as needed? That and the functions you want will change your options." Ivy: "Um..." Oggto: "Yes? What is it? If you've got a request, don't hesitate to speak up." Ivy: "Oh, it's just that I don't know much about their functions. More importantly, how much do they generally cost?" Lagg: "The price runs the gamut depending on the product. What's your budget?" Ivy: "My budget?" Ivy; Internal: "What should I do? Would one silver tablet be enough?" Ivy: "My budget is five gidal." Lagg: "Did you say five gidal?" Ivy: "I-Is that not enough? I have another two ladal, but I'd rather not use my gold coins if possible." Oggto: "Two ladal?!" Vellivera: "How did you come by such a large sum of money?" Ivy: "I was given it in Latom. I found some victims of a monster attack, and I was given it as a tip reward." Oggto: "That was some really good luck, Ivy." Vellivera: "If you received that large a sum, it must have been a very dangerous monster. I'm glad you didn't fall victim to it, too." Lagg: "If you've got five gidal, you can buy a good tent. How about this one?" Lagg: "It's light and sturdy. The latest model. Someone bought it, found a woman right afterward, and quit being an adventurer." Oggto: "Oh, you mean Lazy Joya, right?" Vellivera: "There's no need to say it like that." Lagg: "That Lazy Joya sold me this, making it a good-as-new second-hand tent." Ivy: "It's so light!" Lagg: "I've made some improvements, so I guarantee its quality." Oggto: "And you'll be giving him a discount, of course." Lagg: "Yes, though I wouldn't give you one. Five gidal is the price I paid for that. You'll never find a better deal!" Ivy: "Are you sure?" Lagg: "I'm sure. A special discount just for you." Ivy: "Thank you so much!" Ivy: "Then, I'll pay with this, please." Lagg: "Thanks for your business. You should put your mark on that." Ivy: "Mark?" Lagg: "You put a mark in a place that only you know so that you'll know that's yours. It can be your name or a symbol, anything will work." Ivy; Internal: "I know! I'll use Sora." Ivy; Internal: "Huh? Is this a memory from my past life?" Text: "Sora" Ivy; Internal: "I think it's read "sora."" Lagg: "Here's a little something extra. Take it with you." Ivy: "What?" Lagg: "It's small, but it's a genuine magic bag. When you take money in and out, other people can't see inside, so it'll give you extra protection." Ivy: "Thank you so much." Oggto: "What do you think, Ivy?" Ivy: "I was able to buy some very nice things. Thank you, Mister Oggto!" Oggto: "It's nothing. Don't worry about it." Vellivera: "Well, we should get back to our patrolling." Oggto: "Oh, that's right! Whoops." Oggto: "Ivy, we'll see you later." Ivy: "Yes, sir!" Ivy: "It's ready!" Ivy: "Sora! This is our tent!" Ivy: "From now on, we'll be able to sleep without worrying about rain or wind." Ivy: "This is our house, isn't it?" Ivy: "I bought it with money I was given." Ivy: "And so many people have been so nice to me. It's almost as if I got this for free, but even so, this is our house." Ivy: "Am I really allowed to have all this?" Ivy: "Sora, let's celebrate!" Ivy: "Let's go to the dump site while it's still light and gather potions. This is a big village, so they must have thrown away lots of them!" Adventurer; Adlib: "That sounds good." Adventurer A: "Hey, thief!" Ivy: "What?" Adventurer A: "Are you sure this is the one?" Adventurer B: "Yeah, I'm sure. This tent is mine." Adventurer B: "This guy stole it from me! Give me back my tent!" Ivy: "Could it be that you're Lazy Joya?" Adventurer B: "Huh? Who's that?" Adventurer A: "Tell the truth! You stole that tent, didn't you?" Ivy: "I didn't steal it. I bought this tent myself." Adventurer A: "That tent isn't something that someone like you could buy, you liar!" Adventurer C: "Honestly, what kind of upbringing did you have to turn into such a liar?" Adventurer D: "You're so right. It's disgusting." Adventurer C: "What is wrong with this kid? He's carrying so many magic bags." Adventurer A: "He must've put other stuff he stole in them." Adventurer A: "What's that? I've never seen anything like it before." Adventurer A: "Hey! Are you trying to run away? You little brat, I'll kill you!" Roigult: "What are you doing?" Roigult: "Anyone who causes trouble will be charged a fine and thrown out." Adventurer A: "This guy stole my friend's tent. We're the victims here! Right?" Roigult: "Do you have evidence that this is your tent?" Adventurer A: "A filthy brat like this could never buy a tent like that! That's just common sense, right?" Roigult: "Is that all?" Adventurer A: "That's more than enough!" Adventurer C: "That's right! You just do your job properly." Adventurer D: "Exactly. Exactly!" Roigult: "This tent belongs to this boy." Ivy: "What?" Adventurer A: "What? Quit talking nonsense!" Adventurer B: "I'm telling you, that kid stole it from me!" Roigult: "Where did you buy this tent?" Adventurer B: "You don't need to know that." Roigult: "This is a second-hand item bought from old man Lagg's shop." Adventurer B: "Now you're just saying whatever you want! How could you possibly know that?" Roigult: "Well, the ones who introduced this boy to that shop were Captain Oggto and Vice-Captain Vellivera of the Latome Village Watch." Ivy: "What?" Roigult: "I will ask you again." Roigult: "Is it true that your tent was stolen?" Adventurer B: "Uh, I think I might've been mistaken." Roigult: "I would like to hear your story in more detail, so you will come with me." Adventurer A: "No, no. We just had the wrong idea, that's all! There's no problem here." Roigult: "Unfortunately, I have many things I want to ask you. If you try to run, you will be shown no mercy." Adventurer D: "Stop it, you— Let go of me!" Watchman B: "Stop!" Watchman C: "Don't let them get away!" Roigult: "Take this one away." Watchman D: "Yes, sir!" Roigult: "You're not hurt, lad?" Ivy: "I'm not. Thank you so much!" Roigult: "I'm glad. I'm sorry you had to go through such a frightening experience." Ivy: "Not at all. You saved me. How did you know that this was my tent?" Roigult: "Captain Oggto stopped by earlier while on patrol. He said a boy would be putting up a tent on his own and to look out for him." Ivy: "Mister Oggto said that? I didn't know he was a captain." Roigult: "And look at how things turned out in spite of that. As a watchman, I'm ashamed. Take this and please forgive me." Ivy: "This is..." Ivy: "a genuine, brand-new potion!" Ivy: "It's beautiful!" Roigult: "It's a token of my apology." Ivy: "Thank you so much!" Roigult: "I have to go interrogate that lot." Roigult: "If anything happens, call me right away." Ivy; Internal: "I'm so glad he's a good person." Ivy: "And now, we will formally celebrate getting our tent! All right! Eat lots! Thank you for this meal!" Ivy: "What's wrong, Sora? You're not going to eat your potions?" Ivy: "Not this one! That's one I can actually use!" Ivy: "I'll need it if I get hurt!" Ivy: "You can't have it!" Ivy: "Sora, yours are over here!"
{ "raw_title": "The Weakest Tamer Began a Journey to Pick Up Trash Episode 5 – To Latome Village", "parsed": [ "The Weakest Tamer Began a Journey to Pick Up Trash", "5", "To Latome Village" ] }
Ivy: "The weather is nice again today! Sora! Should we go hunting today?" Roigult: "Morning, Ivy. You're up early." Ivy: "Good morning! I thought I'd go hunting." Roigult: "I see. Well, be careful." Ivy: "I will! Thank you." Watchman A: "Morning, Ivy!" Ivy: "G-Good morning." Watchman B: "Children should be energetic, like you, Ivy." Ivy: "Th-Thank you." Watchman C: "Nice weather, isn't it, Ivy?" Ivy: "Y-Yes, it is." Watchman D: "I see you're already hard at work this morning, Ivy!" Ivy: "You're too kind." Watchman E: "Want some noberries, Ivy?" Ivy: "Much obliged." Ivy: "E-Everyone knows who I am." Ivy: "But how?" Lyrics: "When I'm alone, I can breathe In a world with no one but me, I feel at ease But I think the truth is That I've been waiting for morning's light to break through" Text: "The Weakest Tamer Began a Journey to Pick Up Trash" Lyrics: "(Where could it be?) Beyond the edges of a yet unknown map That's where I'll find a place where I can live (If it exists...) I'd like to go there And with trembling legs, I take a step forward I'm on a journey without end And even if I carry nothing with me I'll take everything I feel And pack it into my once empty bag I'll go as far as I need to On this journey to find myself And everything I'm given along the way Will slowly fill my heart to the brim Now, I'm not all alone anymore Because I've met new, dear friends (Maybe we can understand each other because we're alike. Isn't it strange?) Your bright laughter gives me courage (I feel like I'm wrapped up snugly by your warmth) From now on, let's stay together forever and ever" Ivy: "A nonoshi destroyed the trap again." Ivy: "We'll never catch anything at this rate. What do we do?" Ivy: "I want to catch as much as I can during the summer so I can save up some money." Ivy: "What could this be? I sense an unusual presence. This is..." Ivy: "Ciel!" Ivy: "What? Are you giving them to me?" Ivy: "You're so smart! Thank you!" Ivy: "One, two, three, four..." Ivy: "There's nine of them! And they're all completely intact. How did you catch them?" Ivy: "Well, I'd better start dressing these! When you're selling meat, freshness is the most important thing!" Ivy: "I'm done!" Ivy: "Sora, wake up." Ivy: "We have to go sell the meat while it's still fresh. What? "Is Ciel really an adandala?" She looks just like the adandala in the book, but she isn't savage at all." Ivy: "Um... thank you for letting me have so much meat today!" Ivy: "Well, we should head back now, too." Ivy: "Sora, you've gotten a lot stronger. You used to seem like you'd disappear at any moment." Ivy: "Although that clumsy side of you doesn't seem to have changed." Butcher: "It's very fresh, and the meat isn't gamey at all. You caught them without damaging the organs, didn't you? Did you use a trap?" Ivy: "Um, yes!" Butcher: "Really? They tend to struggle in traps, which degrades the flavor, but there's no sign of that either. How did you do it?" Ivy: "Uh, well..." Butcher: "Oh, is it a trade secret? For a child, you've got a good head on your shoulders." Butcher: "They've been butchered very well. No problems here! One is worth 95 dal, so nine comes to 855 dal." Ivy: "Thank you!" Butcher: "With this quality, you're more than welcome! If you catch any more, bring them by." Ivy: "I'm so glad I managed to sell them. Today is all thanks to Ciel." Watchman D: "Did you make some good money, Ivy?" Ivy: "Um, yes." Watchman B: "There weren't any nonoshi, were there, Ivy?" Ivy: "No, everything was fine." Watchman E: "Did you catch something good to eat, Ivy?" Ivy: "Yes, lots." Ivy: "Wh-Why? How do they all know who I am?" Vellivera: "Hey there, Ivy." Ivy: "Mister Vellivera?" Vellivera: "What's wrong? Why are you hiding in a place like this?" Vellivera: "Oh, he's already gotten that far? It's Captain Oggto. "If an adventurer named Ivy is in trouble, be sure to help him out." He's been saying that to all the watchmen." Ivy: "What?" Vellivera: ""He's young, but he's working hard, so please look out for him."" Ivy: "What?!" Vellivera: "Once he gets an idea in his head, no one can stop him. I'm sorry if all this scared you." Ivy: "Not at all. It's all right." Vellivera: "I'll have a word with Captain Oggto. But keep doing your best, Ivy." Ivy: "Y-Yes, sir!" Ivy: "I appreciate the thought, but I don't like standing out." Ivy: "Still..." Ivy: "this might be a good place!" Ivy: "Oh! They have zaro! They're so expensive!" Peddler: "The zaro fruit? It's taken me a long time to get my hands on those." Ivy: "Were these zaro picked in Latomi Village?" Peddler: "Well, that's the only area where zaro can be grown. But it was a bad crop this year, so it's been a complete mess. Could it be that you're from Latomi Village?" Ivy: "Yes." Peddler: "Where are your parents?" Ivy: "Oh... I'm traveling on my own." Peddler: "I see. It's that idiot village head's fault, is it?" Ivy: "The head?" Peddler: "Did you leave the village without knowing anything? Or, wait... were you kicked out?" Ivy: "No, I ran away. What's going on in Latomi Village right now?" Peddler: "There was a fortune teller named Mistress Luba, right?" Ivy: "Mistress Luba." Peddler: "Mistress Luba has always protected the zaro crops of Latomi Village. The harvest time for zaro fruit is always tricky. If you miss the timing, even by a little, they won't be fit to sell. That's why they had the fortune teller foretell the harvest's future." Peddler: "Zaro fruit is Latomi's source of income. That's why the villagers loved and respected Mistress Luba. But that idiot village head couldn't stand that. So, when Mistress Luba fell ill, he didn't give her any medicine. That's what they say." Villager 3: "We've lost someone very precious." Villager 4: "Who could imagine dying of a cold at this time of year?" Ivy: "That can't be!" Peddler: "And on top of everything, I heard he's trying to blame it all on a child." Head: "Fortune Teller Luba ignored my warnings and looked after the starless Femicia. Due to that, she received the curse of the starless, the ones forsaken by the gods!" Peddler: "After losing their fortune teller so suddenly, Latomi Village's zaro harvest failed, and they fell into financial hardship, so the head has been trying to reduce the number of mouths to feed. Some of the villagers rebelled, took their families, and left the village. Others who defied the head were thrown out of the village. It's a complete disaster! Son, you said you ran away, didn't you?" Ivy: "Yes..." Peddler: "Why was that?" Ivy: "My parents sided with the head... and that caused problems." Peddler: "I see. That must have been rough." Ivy: "It's all right. Thank you for telling me all of that." Peddler: "Take this with you." Ivy: "Are you sure?" Peddler: "It's gotten overripe, so I can't sell it now. You must be facing a lot, but keep working hard." Ivy: "Thank you." Ivy: "I didn't know all that had happened in Latomi Village." Ivy: "Mom and Dad, my big brother and sister... I wonder what's happened to them." Ivy: "The village... my family cast me aside." Ivy: "I'm in an unfamiliar place with people I don't know." Ivy: "But..." Ivy: "I've been cast aside, but I'm having fun now. I have you and Ciel. And I have Mister Oggto and Mister Vellivera... Lots of people are there for me. And everyone is so kind." Ivy: "That's true. I have my past life, too." Ivy: "It's small, but I even have a home now. Maybe this is what people call happiness." Ivy: "As usual, I have no idea what you're saying." Ivy: "I don't understand, but I understand. We're friends, after all!" Ivy: "Yes. That's a zaro. That's the flavor I tasted when I was little. That's the flavor the fortune teller protected." Luba: "Go to the town neighboring the royal capital. But if you find a place where you'd like to live forever while on your journey, do that. However, you must find people that you can trust. When you do, you must tell them everything." Ivy: "This flavor... I have to remember it." Ivy: "The weather's nice again today!" Roigult: "Morning, Ivy." Ivy: "Good morning!" Watchman A: "Morning, Ivy!" Ivy: "Good morning!" Watchman C: "Nice weather, isn't it, Ivy?" Ivy: "Yes! The sun feels very nice!" Watchman D: "I see you're already hard at work this morning, Ivy!" Ivy: "Yes! I'll do my very best again today!" Ivy: "That should do it! I've set them in places the nonoshi won't step on them, so they should be fine this time." Ivy: "Now, let's head back. We have to go and gather your meal at the dumping ground." Ivy: "I sense people. Sora!" Adventurer A: "What's this? If it isn't that kid from the other day." Adventurer C: "Fancy running into you here." Adventurer A: "You had some gall, doing what you did back there." Ivy: "I didn't do anything." Adventurer A: "I don't want to hear it! It's your fault my friend got arrested!" Adventurer A: "Now that I think about it, you had a rare slime, didn't you?" Adventurer A: "Hand it over, and I'll let you go." Ivy: "No." Adventurer A: "Huh? What'd you say?" Ivy: "No. Sora is my friend." Adventurer C: "So, you'd rather go through something even more painful?" Adventurer A: "Fine by me. Since you asked so nicely, I'll beat you to a pulp." Adventurer A: "Stop!" Adventurer A: "You're not gettin' away!" Adventurer C: "Pathetic. What are you doing?" Adventurer A: "That little brat! He's not getting away with this!" Adventurer C: "You've got a child's legs. Did you really think you'd escape?" Adventurer A: "Which bag has the rare slime? Hand it over!" Ivy: "No! Stop it!" Adventurer C: "Stop struggling! Don't give us any trouble." Adventurer A: "Hey, what is it?" Adventurer A: "A-Adandala!" Ivy: "Ciel..." Ivy: "She's so strong!" Ivy: "Thank you, Ciel! You saved me!" Ivy: "Are you all right, Sora?" Ivy: "I wonder... When she caught the wild rabbits, did she do it like this?" Ivy: "I sense more people. Ciel!" Oggto: "Hey!" Ivy: "That voice..." Ivy: "Over here!" Oggto: "Ivy! That was you?" Oggto: "You're not hurt?" Ivy: "No." Vellivera: "As we patrolled the forest, we heard a monster's roar and human screams, so we hurried over." Ivy: "In that case, they're over there." Oggto: "About those four adventurers hassling you, Ivy... I looked into them, and they're all under investigation." Ivy: "Under investigation?" Oggto: "They've been stealing money and goods from young adventurers using false accusations. Their crimes were reported to the Adventurers Guild, but it was difficult to find evidence against them." Ivy: "I see." Oggto: "But there's something else I need to apologize about." Ivy: "What?" Oggto: "The two we caught today... I've learned that they are wanted for murder." Ivy: "Murder?" Oggto: "The two murderers will become slaves with no expectation of emancipation. The remaining two have been sentenced to long terms as slaves, too, so you won't be meeting them again. You can rest easy." Ivy: "Thank you so much." Oggto: "I've asked you here for a particular reason. As you helped in their capture, you're to be paid reward money, Ivy." Ivy: "What?" Oggto: "The reward for an average person is 5,000 dal. For a murderer, it's two gidal. For those two, the Guild offers a reward of one ladal each. So, all together, you'll receive two ladal and three gidal." Ivy; Internal: "One field mouse is worth 100 dal, and one ladal is worth 1,000 field mice. So, two ladal and three gidal is 2,300 field mice worth! The tip reward I received in Latom was 2,800 field mice worth, so, all together, I have more than 5,000 field mice worth!" Oggto: "This was quite the accomplishment. Ivy, have you made yourself an account?" Ivy: "An account?" Oggto: "Carrying around such a large sum must make you nervous. You can easily create an account at the Trade Guild." Oggto: "I'll be your guarantor. Let's go and deposit this." Lugilette: "Please place one drop of blood here." Lugilette: "There's a small needle in the depression. Please place your finger there." Ivy: "Yes, miss." Oggto: "Let's see what it says. "Name: Ivy." "Age: 8 years and 11 months." Wait! Ivy, you're turning nine soon?! I thought you were six or seven!" Ivy: "I-I'm not that little!" Oggto: "I mean, you're still little at eight..." Clerk: "We have received your deposit." Clerk: "Thank you for using our services." Oggto: "With that plate, you can withdraw funds at the Trade Guild in any village or town. What do you think?" Ivy: "Huh? A "deposit book"?" Oggto: "What is it?" Ivy: "It's nothing! Thank you! You've been a huge help!" Oggto: "Don't worry about it!" Vellivera: "So, this is where you were? I've been looking for you, Captain. Please inform me as to where you are going before you leave." Oggto: "Oh, didn't I tell you?" Vellivera: "You did not!" Oggto: "Ivy, have you eaten our signature dish here?" Ivy: "Signature dish?" Oggto: "Nonoshi skewers! I'll treat you, so eat as much as you want." Ivy: "What?" Ivy; Internal: "When was it decided that we'd eat together?" Vellivera: "Let him treat you." Vellivera: "Nonoshi is delicious." Ivy: "All right! I'm looking forward to it!" Oggto: "I bet you are!" Ivy; Internal: "Now that I think about it, how long has it been since I've been patted on the head?" Vellivera: "Is something wrong?" Ivy: "No! I was just thinking that I'm getting hungry." Oggto: "I know a good spot. Let's go." Oggto: "Hey, shopkeep!" Tegla: "Oh, Captain Oggto!" Tegla: "A secret child of yours?" Oggto: "Adorable, isn't he?" Ivy: "Huh? What?" Oggto: "Two beers and a noberry juice." Tegla: "Coming up!" Ivy: "They're so big!" Oggto: "Ten nonoshi skewers for each of us." Tegla: "Coming up!" Ivy: "What? Ten?" Oggto: "They're so good, it'll be easy to eat ten of 'em." Ivy: "I couldn't! I couldn't possibly!" Oggto: "They're good, so just eat up!" Vellivera: "It isn't the flavor that's in question. Please consider Ivy's build, Captain." Oggto: "Don't stand on manners, just eat! Eat before they get cold! Eat as much as you want!" Ivy: "Yes, sir!" Ivy: "It's delicious!" Vellivera: "It's only natural that it's delicious. She's so skilled, no one would find it strange should the royal capital ask for her food." Tegla: "You see, I have a four-star cooking skill." Vellivera: "There aren't many who have a four-star skill." Oggto: "Speaking of which, the two we caught today both had three-star sprinting skills. It's no wonder it was so hard to catch them." Vellivera: "The Watch could use more people with sprinting skills, couldn't it?" Oggto: "Everyone's got skills suited for combat." Oggto: "Speaking of which, Ivy, what's your skill?" Vellivera: "Oh, yes. If your skill is a good fit, joining our Watch in the future might be a good idea." Oggto: "Ivy, what skill do you have?" Ivy: "Um, I... I'm a tamer." Oggto: "A tamer? Well, that's wonderful!" Vellivera: "That's a skill which can help many people." Oggto: "So, how many stars does your tamer skill have?" Ivy: "Well, um..." Oggto: "It's all right." Ivy: "What?" Oggto: "You see them sometimes, right? People with a lot of stars who are totally useless! Those thugs today were exactly that." Oggto: "Right?" Vellivera: "Indeed! Even with many stars, many people still fail to make use of their skill, and end up taking the wrong path in life. It is our job to keep such people under control." Oggto: "On the other hand, there are lots of praiseworthy people who have just one star." Vellivera: "Yes, there are so many people who do wonderful work with their one star." Oggto: "So, Ivy, there's nothing to worry about." Vellivera: "Ivy, you should be proud of yourself." Ivy: "I will." Ivy; Internal: "I..." Ivy; Internal: "I don't even have that one star." Oggto: "I see. So, you're leaving." Ivy: "Yes. I promised the fortune teller, so I have to go to the town next to the royal capital." Vellivera: "It's sad to see you go." Ivy: "If anything happens, just give them my name." Oggto: "If you say you're Oggto's friend, you can go wherever you want!" Ivy: "I will! Thank you so much, truly!" Oggto: "Come back one day! We'll be waiting for you!" Ivy: "I will! One day, I'll come back!" Vellivera: "Captain, both the Adventurers Guild and the Trade Guild gave Latomi Village, the place where that child was born, a rank of 1, the lowest possible score." Oggto: "What about the list of people who left the village?" Vellivera: "I've checked them all, but the child's name wasn't on any of them. Most people left the village as whole families, but there was just one... one eight year old girl who ran away, alone." Oggto: "I see." Oggto: "So, the child has a secret. Some secret beyond hiding her gender." Vellivera: "It must be the reason she couldn't stay in the village." Oggto: "I guess she couldn't bring herself to trust me." Vellivera: "It just shows how deeply the events in Latomi have wounded her heart." Vellivera: "One day, she'll tell you. Yes, one day. I'm certain of it."
{ "raw_title": "The Weakest Tamer Began a Journey to Pick Up Trash Episode 6 – To Travel Beyond Imagination", "parsed": [ "The Weakest Tamer Began a Journey to Pick Up Trash", "6", "To Travel Beyond Imagination" ] }
Text: "Witches" : "Witches. Since days of yore, one group has always stood at the pinnacle of sorcery: the original 17, known as Origin Witches, and the mighty lineage that inherited all of their magical power, craft, and knowledge." : "These are the witches of our age." : "Witches sometimes aid people and sometimes curse them. So how can one undo a witch's curse?" Text: "1. A loving kiss from Prince Charming" : "One way is a loving kiss from Prince Charming." : "Another is if the hateful witch has a change of heart." Text: "2. If the hateful witch has a change of heart" : "And..." Guideau: "Damn it, Ashaf." Guideau: "She'd better really be here." Ashaf: "Of course she's here. Although..." Ashaf: "Whether she's the one you're looking for..." Ashaf: "That's another story, Guideau." Text: "The Witch and the Crimson City" Baker: "A witch?" Ashaf: "That's right." Baker: "If you're looking for a witch, you should ask this person right here." Ashaf: "Might you be a witch, perhaps?" Baker: "Apparently, they're looking for a witch." Mary: "Oh, is that why you're visiting the city?" Guideau: "Where is she?" Guideau: "Tell me where the hell she is!" Ashaf: "Guideau." Ashaf: "I beg your pardon. Any mention of witches tends to make my friend excitable. You see, Guideau has business with one." Mary: "Oh, really? What does this witch look like?" Ashaf: "Dunno." Ashaf: "But we're certainly lucky to find someone who knows a witch so soon." Mary: "I wouldn't call it "luck" at all. I'm not the only one who knows Lady Witch. Everyone in the city knows her." Mary: "I doubt you even need to ask around." Ashaf: "What do you mean by that?" Policeman: "Fire!" Ashaf: "Well... That's certainly quite the beast. Whether he's using transformation or manipulation, he must be a powerful mage." Guideau: "Hah! Already showin' themselves! It's a witch!" Mary: "Not at all. You've got it all wrong. That's not who you're looking for." Ione: "You there..." Ione: "Could you hold this for me?" Policeman A: "Y-Yes, Lady Witch." Policeman B: "Detain him!" Male Bystander: "Amazing, Lady Witch Ione!" Ashaf: "What do we have here? Quite the celebrity, I see." Mary: "Of course. She's the hero of our city." Ashaf: "Hero? A witch?" Mary: "It's only fair judgment." Ashaf: "You seem happy to say that." Mary: "What student wouldn't be happy to see their mistress succeed?" Ashaf: "That so?" Mary: "I'll head over first to introduce you." Ashaf: "Well, that explains that. "Lady Witch," huh?" Ashaf: "At least we didn't waste any time finding her." Ashaf: "Guideau, our mission comes first. No acting on impulse..." Ashaf: "Oh, my." Policeman: "Lady Ione, as usual, thank you for your help. You're the guardian angel of this city." Ione: "You give me too much credit." Mary: "Mistress!" Ione: "Mary, are you done shopping?" Mary: "I'm sorry. I got distracted by all the chaos. I'll be sure to get everything later." Mary: "After all, tonight's the big night." Male: "Don't you all remember what those witches did before? You're out of your mind to treat her like a hero! Mark my words, I'll kill you myself one day!" Policeman: "Shut up! Hurry up and take him away." Guideau: "I've found you, you damn filthy witch!" Mary: "Huh? You..." Guideau: "Damn it! You bitch! I know you've seen my face before!" Mary: "You know her?" Ione: "I'm not too sure." Guideau: "Shut up, you liar!" Policeman A: "That's enough!" Policeman B: "You messed with the wrong person!" Guideau: "I dunno what made you believe in this bitch, but witches bring only disaster and misfortune. You're all gonna die if this shit continues!" Policeman: "You little..." Policeman: "Wh-What? Get off!" Ashaf: "My, my. It always goes like this. You need to leave it to me and stay back." Guideau: "Shut up, Ashaf! Screw your damn orders!" Ashaf: "My sincere apologies." Mary: "Was this the plan all along?" Ashaf: "It's all a misunderstanding. We have no ill intent. But... Seeing as how you're a witch, we'd like to have a few words with you." Citizen A: "Screw you!" Citizen B: "You're the one who attacked her!" Citizen C: "Hurry up and arrest them, too! They look suspicious enough!" Ashaf: "We will take our leave quickly, Guideau." Guideau: "What? Screw that! The witch is right there in front of us!" Ashaf: "Lady Witch, excuse us, but we'll call at another time." Ashaf: "Our regards to you, too, little miss." Mary: "What was all that about?" Ashaf: "Roughly 400 years ago, a wicked witch cast a curse on the city, turning it into a doomed land consumed by hellfire. But the wicked witch was defeated, and the curse was sealed." Guideau: "The curse was sealed?" Ashaf: "That's the supposed history of this city. This castle is where the curse is said to be sealed, as well as being the current residence of that witch." Ashaf: "Or so says the pamphlet." Guideau: "How the hell can a witch live in a place like this?" Ashaf: "It means she's built a better reputation for herself in the last 400 years." Guideau: "Bullshit." Ashaf: "Sure, to you, all witches are evil." Ashaf: "But I suppose it does raise some questions." Woman: "Oh. Did you two get invites, too?" Ashaf: "Not exactly. We have business with Lady Witch." Ashaf: "Are we interrupting something?" Woman: "Well, there's a party tonight for the anniversary." Ashaf: "Oh? The anniversary of what, exactly?" Mary: "Thanks for coming, everyone! Come on in!" Mary: "What are you two doing here?" Guideau: "Picking up where we left off. Now, let me through." Ashaf: "I told you to stay back and keep quiet." Mary: "I'm afraid not! There's no way I'm letting bad people like you near my mistress." Ashaf: "Huh? All witches have a screw loose! Why would you get so worked up defending one?" Mary: "That's exactly why I won't let you near her." Mary: "In the past, this city treated witches terribly because of the wicked witch. My mistress grieved over this and put everything into helping the city. She protected the city from disasters and evildoers using magic, saving many people in the process." Mary: "Including me." Mary: "Years of hardship finally bore fruit, and she ended discrimination against witches. That's why I won't let her near anyone who berates her simply because she is a witch!" Ashaf: "My, how heartwarming. Really, that was quite moving. But I can't say I recommend believing everything you hear." Mary: "What do you mean by that?" Ashaf: "The story of that sealed hellfire. It's supposedly a witch's curse, but..." Ashaf: "That doesn't quite add up. A witch's curse is never something that can just be "sealed." So if it really has been sealed, that makes it irrefutably something other than a curse. Which raises some curious questions." Mary: "How could I believe any of that?" Ashaf: "I don't assume you would." Ashaf: "But our world is filled with hidden truths. So I'm saying, just as you don't trust us, you shouldn't put too much trust in her, either. Every beautiful rose has its thorns. And witches always come with two things: secrets and danger." Mary: "That's enough! Stop talking as if my mistress is plotting some evil scheme! How unbelievably rude. Leave now!" Ashaf: "One last thing." Ashaf: "This anniversary that's happening... What is it for, exactly?" Mary: "I couldn't tell you. Mistress is the only one who knows." Guideau: "Great. We'll have to force our way in after all." Ashaf: "Unfortunately, Guideau, I've found something I need to research. Let's go back to our hotel." Ashaf: "Hopefully, it's nothing, but this is a witch we're facing. Better to be safe than sorry." Woman: "Wow, they're so beautiful! I've never been here before!" Mary: "Mistress, the two people from earlier were just here." Ione: "Oh? Did you turn them away?" Mary: "They were talking about you like you were evil, and I couldn't stand for it." Ione: "Is that so?" Ashaf: "This is bad." Ashaf: "The place where the fire was sealed... The meaning of today's date... A witch... And the true history buried in the past." Ashaf: ""Anniversary," huh? Just as I thought. I wanted to go about this amicably for a change, but no chance of that now." Ashaf: "I'll let you focus on your mission." Policemen: "There they are! Stop right there!" Policeman A: "Lady Witch has requested that we arrest you!" Policeman B: "That man's a mage. If you see any strange movements, open fire." Guideau: "Takin' orders from a damn witch?" Ashaf: "They are known to captivate people's hearts, you know." Ashaf: "But this proves it, unfortunately. Lady Witch is indeed evil." Ashaf: "My, my. You are such hard-working folks." Guideau: "That goddamn witch!" Guideau: "I swear I'll sucker punch that face of hers!" Mary: "Huh?" Mary: "Did I doze off?" Mary: "Mistress, what in the world has..." Ione: "Don't be afraid. You're just becoming keys for me." Ione: "I snuck a spell into your bodies during your training." Mary: "What spell? Keys for what?" Ione: "To release the hellfire that sleeps in this city." Mary: "B-But why would you..." Ione: "The wicked witch who once cursed this city..." Ione: "She was my grandmother." Mary: "What?" Ione: "And as it happens, she wasn't a wicked witch." Ione: "You see, she sealed away the blaze and saved the city." Ione: "The cause of the fire remains a mystery. But witches got blamed for all disasters. That was an immutable law back then. Because of that nonsense, my heroic grandmother was murdered, and as a witch, I endured countless attempts on my life. Tell me, could you forgive that?" Mary: "N-No. It's monstrous." Mary: "But you're being monstrous, too, Mistress! Please stop this! If we reveal the truth, we can surely find a better..." Ione: "I can't let this day pass me by. This day, exactly 417 years since the seal was put in place, is the one day its power weakens." Ione: "I've spent 120 years waiting for this day." Ione: "Look. The first lock opens." Passerby: "What the..." Ione: "Today marks the ultimate anniversary!" Guideau: "I've got you now," Guideau: "ya stinkin' witch!" Ione: "Given your lack of skill, I'm amazed you dared to challenge me." Ione: "Or did you have another goal in mind?" Ashaf: "Well, goodness. I would have liked to at least free the girls serving as keys." Ashaf: "Forgive me. I should have been clearer with my warning." Ione: "You seem to have caught on to my goal." Ione: "Just who are you?" Ashaf: "Good question." Ashaf: "Who could we be? Everyone has something to hide. Witches, in particular. So you must not open your heart to a witch. Not ever." Ione: "That's called "prejudice."" Ashaf: "Prejudice? What's prejudiced about this disaster?" Ione: "Prejudice caused this hellfire." Ione: "I'm told the "wicked witch" was burned at the stake." Ione: "I'm only giving as good as she got. You have no right to criticize." Mary: "You're just lashing out! All the people who deserved your revenge are long gone!" Mary: "Everyone in the city adores you!" Mary: "You've done so much for this city. And all your time with us... What was it for, Mistress?" Ione: "Revenge isn't logical." Ione: "I spent all that time just laying the groundwork. Gaining your trust made breaking the seal far easier." Mary: "N-No..." Ione: "Getting revenge on someone whose face you can't see is like killing an insect. Making friends and really getting to know you" Ione: "let me appreciate you as targets. And look at the result. Watching you suffer..." Ione: "gives me such satisfaction!" Ione: "Revenge feels so wonderful!" Ashaf: "Stop! Don't unlock any more!" Ione: "I hate you all more than I can bear!" Guideau: "I know exactly what you mean." Guideau: "I hate witches like crazy!" Ione: "What a resilient girl." Guideau: "I'm dying to bash your brains in right now, but you haven't given me a clear answer yet. Take a good look! Do you recognize me?" Guideau: "Or this mark?!" Ione: "Oh, I see. That mark..." Ione: "You want to undo a witch's curse, don't you?" Ione: "Though I don't know why you're going about your search this way." Ione: "But I see. So you want to be sure. A witch's curse, once cast, is so difficult to remove that it's become known as the "eternal malediction." There are only two ways to undo one. First, "a loving kiss from Prince Charming," meaning a heartfelt kiss from your partner in pure, mutual love. Second, "if the hateful witch has a change of heart," which means getting the one who cursed you to undo it. But I'm sorry to tell you that I'm not the witch you're looking for. So I can't undo your curse! I don't know which witch you have me confused with, but you wasted your time." Ashaf: "You have one thing wrong yourself." Ashaf: "You don't need to be the witch who cast the curse to lift it." Ashaf: "Third... "Kiss a witch."" Ashaf: "There are more than two ways to undo a curse." Ione: "Wha..." Ione: "What?" Guideau: "Seriously, nothing beats your own body!" Ione: "What is this menacing aura?" Ione: "I don't sense powerful magic, and yet..." Ione: "Is this her true self?" Ashaf: "I hope you're not too rusty, Guideau." Guideau: "We're about to find out!" Ione: "How about this?!" Mary: "Aren't you going to help?!" Ashaf: "Regrettably, I'm a mere first-rate mage." Ashaf: "I'd be of no help at all in this battle." Ashaf: "Besides, I'm not needed. You see, Guideau is the most beautiful and most terrifying of creatures," Ashaf: "and the witches' greatest and only natural enemy." Ione: "Why?" Ione: "Why doesn't she stop?" Guideau: "Get ready..." Guideau: "for a gut punch!" Ione: "What is... this creature?" Ashaf: "I see they're finally getting the fire under control." Guideau: "Another dead end, damn it!" Ashaf: "It really is a shame. This method can undo the curse, but not forever. For a more permanent solution, we really need to find her." Rescuer: "I see more collapsed over there!" Rescuer: "Are you okay?" Mary: "For better or worse, I guess you can't judge people by appearances." Mary: "Who in the world are you two?" Ashaf: "Bringing witches back to the Order is our job." Mary: "The Order?" Ashaf: "It tackles all manner of magic-related trouble." Ashaf: "An occult organization of magic, by magic, for magic. That's us, the Order of Magical Resonance." Ashaf: "Now then, Guideau, let's hurry home." Guideau: "You're the one wasting time, jackass!" Ashaf: "Mind your language." Guideau: "I'll find her and kill her. This is revenge." Ashaf: "Next time: "The Witch's Pastime: Opening Act.""
{ "raw_title": "The Witch and the Beast Episode 1 – The Witch and the City of Blazing Red", "parsed": [ "The Witch and the Beast", "1", "The Witch and the City of Blazing Red" ] }
: "Forbidden Instruments." : "Merely possessing these sorcery tools grants might approaching that of a witch." Text: "Forbidden Instruments Sorcery Tools" : "But while their wielders gain power," Text: "Payment" : "they must make sacrifices in payment or else forfeit their lives." : "Thus, the use of Instruments is strictly forbidden." Text: "Sacrifice" : "Yet those who turn to them are never in short supply." : "For you see..." Woman: "What was that sound?" Man: "Did you hear something?" Woman: "Yeah." Woman: "I'm going home." Man: "If you're worried, I can walk you." Woman: "I'll be fine. It's not far. Goodnight." Woman: "There sure are a lot of crows." Shulk: "Not yet. It's still not enough." Shulk: "I've got to add more." Text; Title: "The Witch's Pastime: Opening Act" Guideau: "Hey. Is there a witch around here?" Ashaf: "Beats me. They're supposed to tell us the details in person." Ashaf: "So what would you like us to do this time?" Servant 1: "Please keep this between us, but the master of the house has a penchant for collecting." Servant 1: "And I'm ashamed to say that a specimen has escaped from his collection." Ashaf: "Escaped? So it's an animal?" Servant 1: "Yes, sir. And quite a violent one at that." Servant 1: "It has claimed many victims already." Ashaf: "Since you called in the Order, I assume it's not just a rare creature." Ashaf: "Don't tell me you have a magical beast here." Servant 1: "Yes." Servant 1: "As you say, the creature is magical." Ashaf: "So you want us to subdue that thing?" Servant 1: "You are to recapture it with the utmost haste, and without harming it." Ashaf: "Without harming it? I see. That explains why you're struggling." Ashaf: "Hm? Where are you going, Guideau?" Guideau: "I'm done with this bullshit." Ashaf: "Now, now. We're on the clock." Guideau: "As if I care about a plain old beast. You can handle the pet-sitting." Ashaf: "Dear me." Ashaf: "Who do you think you are, a king?" Ashaf: "Excuse me. Pardon the intrusion. Matter manipulation is the most basic of magic spells, but controlling fluids requires a particular knack." Ashaf: "Honestly, I've always struggled with it." Guideau: "You're full of it." Ashaf: "You wound me, Guideau." Ashaf: "It's not nice to call people liars." Ashaf: "Will that do?" Owner: "Splendid work." Owner: "I was right to call on you." Ashaf: "We're honored." Owner: "Magical beasts are illegal in this country, you see. I wanted to handle this quietly." Owner: "I heard that you'd take on any job, and I see that info was correct." Ashaf: "Oh, not quite." Ashaf: "We only stick our noses into magical trouble." Ashaf: "An occult organization of magic, by magic, for magic." Ashaf: "If you have any more difficulties, call the Order of Magical Resonance." Ashaf: "Treating oneself after work sure hits the spot." Ashaf: "What's wrong? Not eating anything?" Guideau: "Gimme a break." Guideau: "Tell me what our last job was, jackass." Ashaf: "We apprehended a petty burglar who had committed heinous crimes using magic. Quite a good deed, if I do say so." Guideau: "And before that?" Ashaf: "We exterminated a ghastly tree that fed on magical power." Guideau: "And before that?" Ashaf: "Let me think... Oh, yes. A stalker abusing magic—" Guideau: "Before that?!" Ashaf: "Babysitting a young magical beast." Guideau: "Are you screwing with me? What the hell do you think I joined your shitty Order for?" Ashaf: "You don't need to remind me." Ashaf: "Oh, dear. That was good wine." Guideau: "Hurry up and find me a witch! If you can't do that, the Order's a waste of my time." Ashaf: "You must realize that cases involving witches don't grow on trees. And our relationship is give and take. In exchange for our full support in achieving your goal, you agreed to serve at the Order's discretion. We get priority when witch cases comes up. So until one does, do your job. If you slack off like you did today, we won't give you witches, fine food, or anything else." Guideau: "You didn't need me today, anyway." Ashaf: "True enough." Waiter 1: "Excuse me, sir." Waiter 1: "I was asked to give you this." Ashaf: "Thank you." Ashaf: "It's from the Order." Guideau: "Is it a witch?! Gimme!" Ashaf: "How many times must I tell you? You need an Order signet ring to break this seal." Ashaf: "Although you should have one of these brands, too." Ashaf: "Oh? Cheer up, Guideau." Ashaf: "Speak of the devil." Guideau: "A witch!" Ashaf: "This lady is merely our client." Guideau: "So where's the damn witch, then?!" Ashaf: "We represent the Order of Magical Resonance. I believe you have a job for us?" Old Woman: "I'm sorry to have you come all this way. Please come in." Old Woman: "I can't seem to open this case anymore. Can you do something about it?" Ashaf: "I see. A runic inscription." Ashaf: "You're in luck. Undoing spells is my specialty." Old Woman: "Goodness." Ashaf: "Then what was that "Speak of the devil" about?" Guideau: "Get ready for what's coming to you, asshole." Ashaf: "I never said anything about a witch, did I?" Ashaf: "You should have realized that when I left the coffin behind." Guideau: "Then what was that "Speak of the devil" about?" Ashaf: "I was just saying that you should take non-witch cases seriously." Guideau: "Bullshit!" Ashaf: "If you feel you were fooled, consider it a learning experience. It taught you a lesson." Guideau: "Like hell I will. Trusting you was my big mistake." Ashaf: ""Mistake" is another word for "experience." They're both shortcuts to wisdom." Ashaf: "Sorry, but we don't have time to argue. Our next job just came in." Ashaf: "Hope for better luck on this one." Guideau: "I'll let it slide, but only for the time being. As soon as my curse has been lifted and I don't need the Order anymore," Guideau: "the first thing I'm gonna do is kill you." Ashaf: "Glad to hear it." Ashaf: "I'm looking forward to that day myself." Ashaf: "A peaceful, witch-free month has passed since then. What a tranquil afternoon." Ashaf: "I'd say the day you reclaim your real body is still a long way off." Guideau: "I'll kill you later, but I can always kick your ass now." Ashaf: "Temper, temper." Ashaf: "Anyway, eat your fill. Good, isn't it?" Guideau: "It's gross as hell." Waiter 2: "For you, mister." Guideau: "From the Order again?" Ashaf: "Yes." Guideau: "More busy work, I bet. To hell with that crap. Rip it up." Ashaf: "No, you'll like this one, Guideau." Ashaf: "It came in a black envelope." Guideau: "So what?" Ashaf: "They only send these when a witch is involved and central to the case." Ashaf: "It seems a witch is committing serial murders in Hayden, the capital of Pheres. They even make a point of calling the case "grotesque." Besides which—" Guideau: "Enough. Gimme." Ashaf: "You're so impatient." Ashaf: "We're about to be busy. There's an ocean between us and this case." Ashaf: "Pack your bags." Ashaf: "So a witch and a grimoire?" Ashaf: "We won't have an easy time of it." Police Officer: "Ms. Haines, it's dangerous!" Haines: "My children are in there! Shulk! Loran!" Detective: "You were groaning in your sleep." Detective: "Are you okay?" Haines: "Yeah, I'm fine." Detective: "If you say so." Detective: "Sorry. She gave us the slip again." Haines: "How many dead?" Detective: "At least five." Detective: "And the bodies were..." Haines: ""Consumed, sacrificed, or something similar by a witch"?" Detective: "How could anyone do something so horrible? She must be crazy." Haines: ""Crazy," huh?" Haines: "I've seen plenty of perps with a screw loose. They all had one thing in common." Haines: "Know what that is?" Detective: "No." Haines: "Unfulfilled desires born from a sense of inferiority." Haines: "Losing control of them can turn even upstanding people into crazed villains." Detective: "You mean no person is born evil?" Haines: ""Person," huh?" Haines: "Is a witch a person?" Detective: "Beats me. But witch or human, anyone who can do this must be scum." Haines: "I couldn't agree more." Detective: "We didn't expect this fight. Is that why you didn't set all your wards in time?" Haines: "You mean she wouldn't have escaped if I'd finished?" Detective: "Er, no." Haines: "Closing off the scene would've made no difference. She slips through wards." Detective: "What I meant was—" Haines: "I know. We need to box her in to make her cast as many spells as possible, or we'll never figure out her magic." Haines: "But even if we solve that mystery, it's just the first step." Haines: "The full force of the Hayden Police still has to take this slow and steady." Haines: "A feeble police force can't fight a monster any other way." Detective: "Ms. Haines, I shouldn't have to tell you that this goes way beyond regular serial murder." Detective: "You're the only mage we've got." Detective: "If you feel powerless, talk to the mayor." Detective: "Witches are the Paladin Corps' jurisdiction." Detective: "Unless something changes, the body count will just keep growing." Haines: "I know." Haines: "I know that." Detective: "I know it's easier said than done, but try not to beat yourself up over what happened to Inspector Cole." Haines: "I've handled plenty of horrific cases. I thought people always remembered the perpetrators" Haines: "and forgot the victims in no time. But then someone murdered people I cared about," Haines: "and I realized that I'd never forget the names of either." Haines: "Don't worry. I'll do my job." Ashaf: "Oh, dear. It appears we're too late." Guideau: "Don't give me that crap. You let her slip right out from under us." Ashaf: "Cut me some slack. And rest easy. The witch in this case will be back." Ashaf: "Grotesque mass murder committed by a witch, a.k.a. the "Witch's Pastime" case. As of last week, the victims numbered 36, including police officers. Quite a tough nut to crack." Ashaf: "What did tonight make the body count?" Haines: "Who are you two? You're saying things I don't want to think about," Haines: "so I guess you know who I am." Haines: "And you look suspicious." Haines: "What's in that coffin?" Ashaf: "Grilling us already? Well, I can't blame you." Ashaf: "Rest assured, we're perfectly respectable." Ashaf: "So please, stay your hand." Ashaf: "We mean you no harm." Ashaf: "In fact, we'd like to help you." Haines: "Help how?" Ashaf: "The Order of Magical Resonance sent us. A major incident is disturbing your city. If you suspect a witch is responsible, then we have much to offer you." Haines: "Hayden Police business. We'll take a table in the back, but I'd like to set a soundproof ward." Waiter 3: "S-Sure." Haines: "I got confirmation." Haines: "It seems the mayor really did sign off on a request to the Order." Ashaf: "I would never lie to a beautiful lady." Ashaf: "By the way, could you hold off on that ward until we've ordered and gotten our food?" Haines: "Of course. At least let me have a cup of coffee." Ashaf: "No, please wait for our full meal. Replacing wards is a hassle, no?" Ashaf: "For our part, we'd like to hear about the case as soon as possible." Haines: "Tell me your story first. You may have the mayor's approval, but I don't trust you." Ashaf: "But you have a witch case on your hands." Ashaf: "Sooner or later, the Paladin Corps will step in. But for some reason, the mayor is stalling them." Haines: "Making you our only hope?" Ashaf: "Looks that way." Ashaf: "To begin with, this whole situation is strange. Police forces aren't equipped to combat witches. What you need is an army." Ashaf: "That's why global peacekeepers like the Paladin Corps handle witches. The mayor is probably refusing their help to claim the glory of solving the case without them." Ashaf: "Anyone can see how foolish that is, so why do you all go along with it?" Ashaf: "As the Hayden Police's only mage, I believe you're in charge of the case. You ought to protest. Why don't you?" Guideau: "Who gives a shit? Just tell me everything you know about the witch. Then I'll kick all the witch ass you want." Haines: "Why are you so fixated on the witch?" Haines: "Most people would steer clear of a witch serial killer." Guideau: "That's—" Ashaf: "Guideau, have a bone." Ashaf: "For our organization, essentially. We collect the essence of magic. Witches, naturally, and—" Haines: "Don't hide anything unless you want to lose even more trust." Haines: "I came up with this ward myself." Haines: "Lies can't fool me inside it." Guideau: "Asshole." Ashaf: "Dear me. How shrewd of you." Haines: "Answer me." Ashaf: "Well, our circumstances aren't worth hiding." Ashaf: "We just want to undo a curse." Haines: "A curse?" Ashaf: "A witch's curse. You must know of them." Haines: "Sure. Anyone who's even dabbled in magic does." Ashaf: "Then I'll be brief. My friend here is under a witch's curse." Ashaf: "So we're looking for the witch who cast the curse. And more or less at random, since we have almost nothing to go on." Guideau: "That's not all. I'll find her and kill her. This is revenge." Haines: "Revenge..." Ashaf: "I don't believe we're lying." Haines: "Right." Haines: "No, I believe you. You have extremely personal reasons, but I can trust them over great and noble causes." Ashaf: "Oh? You need to use reasoning? I thought you could tell if we were lying." Haines: "I lied about that." Haines: "I can't cast a spell that good." Guideau: "What?! Screw you!" Haines: "All right, fine." Haines: "I'll take your help." Haines: "Our partnership starts tomorrow." Haines: "Meet here at 9 AM." Guideau: "Hey, when you get down to it..." Ashaf: "She found out what we knew and gave us nothing." Ashaf: "Now, shall we go see a witch? Next time: "The Witch's Pastime: Final Act.""
{ "raw_title": "The Witch and the Beast Episode 2 – The Witch's Pastime: Opening Act", "parsed": [ "The Witch and the Beast", "2", "The Witch's Pastime: Opening Act" ] }
Text: "The Witch's Pastime: Final Act" Haines: "We suspect a witch, based on the overwhelming power. Then there are the messages left at the crime scenes." Haines: "Each one points to the killer being a witch." Ashaf: "Oh? For example?" Haines: ""I live on and on without change. I bear heir after heir without change." Do you know what that points to?" Ashaf: "A witch. Witches don't age and their health doesn't decline. And a witch's power is passed on to her descendants, so even having children doesn't change th—" Haines: "What is it?" Ashaf: "The killer wants to declare that they are a witch. I bet all the answers are "witch."" Haines: "What about this one? "Four legs in the morning, two legs at noon, three legs at night."" Guideau: "A witch." Ashaf: "A human, I believe." Haines: "Right. A human." Ashaf: "How strange. Was that one of the messages?" Haines: "That's right. None of it means much of anything. The killer's laughing at us. We call it the "Witch's Pastime" case because it's all a game to them." Haines: "But that game has come back to bite them. I realized that some of the riddles were quotes from a book." Haines: "And it seems this bookshop had ordered a copy of it. Even the timing lines up." Ashaf: "I'm impressed you traced the quotations." Haines: "I just got lucky. I have the same book at home." Guideau: "Something stinks." Haines: "What do you think you're doing?!" Guideau: "You guys go in." Haines: "Damn it!" Ashaf: "The wound shows magical damage. It seems natural to conclude that a witch inflicted it. She must have gouged out his eyes because he saw something. An attempt at irony, I assume. If she intended to cover her trail this way, why bother leaving quotations as messages in the first place?" Haines: "I told you. It's just a game to her. She probably just decided she might as well kill this guy, too." Ashaf: "We've lost our lead. You look exhausted. Perhaps you could use some rest?" Haines: "You shouldn't get too close to me." Ashaf: "Why not?" Haines: "Because of precedent." Haines: "Nothing good happens to people I'm close to." Haines: "What is it?" Detective: "Ms. Haines, we've found a new body here, too." Detective: "And a message." Haines: "What's it say?" Loran: "I'm a disease. Diseases propagate and spread. This disease is called a curse. A witch's curse." Haines: "Considering I took you to the crime scene, you didn't manage to find out much." Ashaf: "Oh, well. Corpses aren't my specialty." Haines: "Well, I'm not expecting much, anyway." Haines: "See you." Guideau: "Ashaf." Ashaf: "Yes?" Guideau: "Get ready. Something's here." Ashaf: "Really? You must be joking." Ashaf: "I left the coffin at the hotel." Ashaf: "Idiot! Don't just rush in blindly!" Guideau: "She disappeared!" Ashaf: "That she did. Quite literally like smoke. So she's powerful and an escape artist, too? I'd say we have our work cut out for us." Ashaf: "Still, why would the witch..." Guideau: "She was tailing her." Ashaf: "What?" Guideau: "Ever since we met up with that woman, I've felt someone watching us. Looks like I wasn't imagining it. Shit!" Ashaf: "I'd like to ask you something." Haines: "What happened to you?" Ashaf: "We had a little run-in with the witch." Haines: "And you lost her?" Ashaf: "Yes, completely." Haines: "I see." Haines: "There goes what little hope I had for you." Haines: "You took quite a beating." Ashaf: "I've already performed healing. More importantly, please answer my question." Ashaf: "How are you connected to the witch?" Haines: "What?" Ashaf: "It seems you were followed. The witch must know what you look like, so we can safely assume she tailed you, not us. Why does the witch make a point of announcing what she is? Presumably to mobilize the Paladins." Guideau: "Who likes fighting small fry?" Ashaf: "But no matter how long she waits, only the police oppose her. So to draw out the Paladins..." Ashaf: "Guideau, what would you do?" Guideau: "Kill all the small fry. Or..." Guideau: "take out their boss." Ashaf: "The mayor's egotism caused this situation. But only insiders know that. Most would assume the police would be lost without you, their only real fighter. And yet, despite all of that as well as shadowing you, the witch waited until we split up, and then targeted us." Haines: "Why? Why won't she go after me?!" Haines: "Why follow me if she doesn't want to kill me?!" Ashaf: "I don't know. That's why I asked." Haines: "Don't tell me... Could it be..." Guideau: "So you do know something. Cough it up!" Haines: "This case, needless to say, had a beginning." Reuben: "I don't often see you this early, Kiera." Haines: "I always run late. If I don't go home early and eat with the kids when I can, what kind of mother am I?" Detective: "Ms. Haines!" Haines: "What is it?" Detective: "Your house just..." Police Officer: "Ms. Haines, it's dangerous!" Haines: "My children are in there!" Haines: "Shulk! Loran!" Reuben: "Were there any witnesses?" Police Officer: "Local residents have given us information." Police Officer: "And we think the culprit left a message on a wall across the street." Reuben: ""I live on and on without change. I bear heir after heir without change."" Police Officer: "What could it mean?" Haines: "A witch." Reuben: "It's the time that was on the warning note." Haines: "Yeah." Haines: "Damn it! Not this purple smoke again!" Detective: "We can't get a clear view!" Haines: "Everyone, take shelter in the magical array!" Haines: "What are you doing, Reuben?!" Reuben: "I'll take her down." Haines: "Alone? That's crazy! She's a witch!" Reuben: "Yes, I know. The witch who killed those kids!" Haines: "I lost my sons and Reuben." Haines: "He was my magic teacher... and my boyfriend." Ashaf: "I suspect that warning was meant to..." Haines: "What you told me clinches it." Haines: "It was to lure him out and murder him." Haines: "The witch is targeting people I care about." Haines: "You got too friendly with me." Ashaf: "So we gave her the wrong idea, huh? But that clarifies things. The witch must hold a grudge against you. Any idea why?" Haines: "Of course not. But that's perfect." Haines: "If she's hung up on me, I may get a shot at revenge." Ashaf: "Revenge, huh? I see. So that's why you went along with the mayor's lies." Haines: "Do you blame me? I put my revenge ahead of the lives of citizens, and keep racking up needless sacrifices." Haines: "I don't have the sense of duty and justice a detective should." Ashaf: "I won't fault you, but are you certain?" Ashaf: "You look miserable." Haines: "Don't talk like you understand." Ashaf: "Even if you do get your revenge, who will celebrate it?" Haines: "I know!" Haines: "I know I'm not strong enough, and that no one wants revenge. I don't need you to tell me that! But I still can't do anything about this pain... this hatred." Guideau: "What the hell? You keep spouting crap that makes no sense. If you wanna get even, you do it." Guideau: "Who gives a shit who you do it for?" Guideau: "You said it yourself. You'll kill her 'cause you hate her. You'll kill her 'cause you want relief. Revenge feels great." Haines: "Wh-What do you... I'm not like you!" Ashaf: "Why would you encourage her?" Detective: "Ms. Haines!" Detective: "The witch has sent a warning! She's coming to the station in three days!" Ashaf: "Goodness. She must want to kill someone there at any cost." Haines: "Can I trust you?" Haines: "Can I really trust you to measure up to the witch?" Guideau: "Damn right you can." Guideau: "I'll teach you..." Guideau: "what makes revenge so sweet." Haines: "The witch's main spell is purple smoke. I don't know how it works." Haines: "She can crush most things with it, or send them flying. It also acts as a smoke screen." Ashaf: "I suppose her vanishing spell is our biggest concern." Haines: "By the way, what did you do with those leather sacks I got you?" Ashaf: "Oh, nothing much." Haines: "About Guideau... I know what she said," Haines: "but if we manage to beat this witch, will that cheer everyone up a little?" Ashaf: "Yes, I'm sure it will." Guideau: "She's late. I've already digested everything I ate. Give us a time of day, too, asshole." Haines: "How are you feeling?" Guideau: "Huh?!" Haines: "What are you, some street thug?" Haines: "Anyway, how on earth do you plan to fight the witch?" Guideau: "Shut up and watch. Once I undo the curse on me, this witch will be a pushover." Haines: "Wait a minute!" Haines: "Don't tell me you're counting on that? You must know how to undo a witch's curse. You either kiss your true love, or get the witch who cast the curse to undo it. That's it! Can you prove this witch is the one who cursed you?" Guideau: "'Course not." Ashaf: "Don't worry." Ashaf: "You see, there's actually one more way to undo the curse." Ashaf: "That's what we're gambling on. If we face a witch and meet certain conditions, we'll see the return" Ashaf: "of a monster even witches fear." Guideau: "She's here." Haines: "I see her." Haines: "Get ready!" Ashaf: "Don't jump the gun, Guideau." Guideau: "Huh?" Ashaf: "Good grief. Rampaging right out of the gate." Ashaf: "What's that sound?" Haines: "Watch out! She's up to her old tricks!" Guideau: "What just happened?!" Ashaf: "Given how little we can see, we can't attack recklessly because we have allies. But our opponent is free to cut loose." Ashaf: "Hardly an enviable position." Ashaf: "Are you all unharmed?" Haines: "Yeah. I can manage as long as I focus solely on staying alive." Haines: "Guideau!" Guideau: "That asshole!" Haines: "Thank goodness. That means we kept our losses to a minimum." Guideau: "This sucks. Just let me kill her ass already!" Ashaf: "What good will fighting do when our enemy has a way to escape? We should corner her before we strike." Haines: "I've done everything you've said so far. You'd better have a plan for what comes next." Ashaf: "Not a problem. I've already found her." Haines: "How on earth..." Ashaf: "Have you noticed that there are more crows lately?" Ashaf: "Those are my familiars." Ashaf: "And I can see everything they can." Ashaf: "So she can't escape us now, no matter where she goes." Ashaf: "Now, shall we go see a witch?" Guideau: "Huh?!" Ashaf: "Honestly. Must you charge in alone every single time?" Guideau: "Ashaf, there were two of 'em." Guideau: "No, forget that. Damn it! These assholes aren't witches!" Shulk: "Tch, another one. How'd they find us?" Loran: "Dude, you survived?!" Ashaf: "Yes. Did you think you'd killed me? Well, of course you would, after a rampage like that. Unfortunately for you, I have confidence in my wards." Shulk: "Damn. This guy's a mage." Loran: "Are you two alone?" Haines: "What's going on here? It can't be... You're alive, Shulk? Loran?" Shulk: "Ah, crap." Loran: "You're the last person we wanted to find out." Ashaf: "You know them?" Haines: "They're my sons. The ones I told you the witch killed." Haines: "But how?" Haines: "What are you doing here?" Haines: "Don't tell me..." Haines: "There's no way!" Haines: "Loran... Shulk..." Haines: "You were the witch? No, that can't be. I know you don't have that kind of power." Ashaf: "Look at what they're holding, Kiera." Ashaf: "There's the truth behind their witch-like power." Ashaf: "The two-volume grimoire, Sarnovasus." Haines: "A grimoire?" Ashaf: "Grimoires provide power and perform spells for their wielders. No magical aptitude is needed. Just holding one grants power almost on par with a witch's. They're a type of Forbidden Instrument, which are taboo tools of dark magic. And either part of a two-volume grimoire can summon its other half instantly across space. But only up to a distance of roughly one kilometer." Ashaf: "So I was able to locate them in next to no time." Loran: "Who is this guy?" Haines: "Where did you get something like that?" Shulk: "What are you talking about? They were on your desk!" Haines: "What?" Loran: "You have no right to punish us! It's your fault we ended up this way!" Loran: "We don't kill because we like it! These grimoires give us power, but we have to feed them lives!" Shulk: "They'll eat us if we don't give them sacrifices! Touching the grimoires made us this way!" Loran: "So we had to kill!" Haines: "No..." Guideau: "That's a good one. I've seen the bodies of a few people you killed," Guideau: "and I could tell you loved every moment." Haines: "You had to? You had no choice?" Haines: "Then... Then why did you kill Reuben?! He loved you both, too!" Loran: "That's enough." Loran: "We don't owe you all the answers." Loran: "And this is a fight to the death!" Ashaf: "Unfortunately for you," Ashaf: "there are three reasons why you stand no chance against us." Shulk: "Huh?" Ashaf: "First, you failed to pay your grimoires' price." Loran: "What are you talking about?! I know we killed at least ten people today! We made our sacrifices!" Ashaf: "Oh, you mean these?" Shulk: "What the hell is that?!" Ashaf: "A mere dummy. A leather sack stuffed full of red liquid. Well, they don't stand up to close inspection, but your smoke made it awfully hard to see." Loran: "So what?! With this power, we can kill all we need!" Shulk: "I'll crush you!" Ashaf: "Second, even without undoing the curse..." Ashaf: "we're fairly strong." Ashaf: "Well, what do you know? We didn't need number three." Guideau: "You punks don't have what it takes to call yourselves witches. Assholes." Haines: "Why did you pretend to be witches?" Loran: "So we wouldn't have to fight you." Loran: "You were too young to be our mother. We could only see you as a woman." Loran: "We couldn't let anyone get near you, Kiera." Loran: "We love you! You love us, too! Don't you, Kiera?!" Guideau: "If you won't end this, get outta my way and I'll do it." Haines: "I'm fine." Haines: "I'll do it." Loran: "W-Wait! Why?! You'd just abandon us?! You said you loved us!" Haines: "I did love you." Haines: "But you crossed a line." Haines: "Now I don't even pity you." Loran: "Why'd you adopt us?" Haines: "Because I wanted you to know." Loran: "Know what?" Shulk: "Know what?" Haines: "What it is to love and be loved." Haines: "Ordinary things like that." ewscaster: "The Witch's Pastime case, which has long tormented Hayden, was thought to be the work of a witch, but we have just learned that two boys committed the killings." Guideau: "Damn it, Ashaf. You knew the witch was a fake, didn't you?" Ashaf: "Well, you catch on quick when you know as many dark secrets as the Order does. Nothing would have kept the Paladin Corps out of a real witch case." Guideau: "You'll pay once I'm done eating." Ashaf: "Now, now. Be reasonable." Haines: "Hey." Ashaf: "Kiera." Haines: "Thanks. We really wouldn't have had a prayer without you two." Ashaf: "Just doing our job." Ashaf: "And we'll be taking the grimoires with us." Haines: "The grimoires... I don't remember ever seeing them before." Ashaf: "Forbidden Instruments have wills of their own. They find the right person at the right time." Haines: "You mean they got there on their own?" Ashaf: "That may just be what happened." Haines: "They were never the best behaved of boys, but they never would have turned out that way if not for those grimoires." Ashaf: "The deaths they would have suffered for failing to pay the price would likely have been far more horrible." Haines: "I'll be going now." Ashaf: "Kiera." Ashaf: "Next time you run into trouble, drop us a line." Haines: "Sure." Haines: "I'll give you a call." Haines: "If a witch shows up, you can count on it." Ashaf: "Naturally, we retain a necromantic specialist." Text: "Beauty and Death Opening Act"
{ "raw_title": "The Witch and the Beast Episode 3 – The Witch's Pastime: Final Act", "parsed": [ "The Witch and the Beast", "3", "The Witch's Pastime: Final Act" ] }
Text: "Necromancy Necromancy" : "Necromancy." : "The art of resurrecting corpses as the undead." : "Strict rules govern the practice of resurrection. It is forbidden to use necromancy without consent from the patient prior to death, or from a relative within two degrees of kinship. Before performing the resurrection, the necromancer must also disclose every detail of the procedure to their patient." : "For you see, becoming undead carries with it a grave risk." : "And that is..." ecromancer: "Hideous." Client: "Thank you so much. I really owe you one." Ashaf: "I'm simply glad we could be of service. If you ever run into more magical trouble, please call us, the Order of—" Ashaf: "Oh? What have we here?" Jeff: "Freeze!" Partner: "Don't! There are too many bystanders!" Ashaf: "Don't finish him off, Guideau." Jeff: "We're with the police. Thank you for subduing him. You aren't hurt, are you?" Ashaf: "No, we're fine. But would you mind explaining the situation?" Jeff: "Oh, right. This guy is undead, but it looks like he went a long time without necromantic maintenance and lost his mind." Guideau: "He's undead?" Ashaf: "Is this your first time seeing one?" Guideau: "I figured they'd look freakier." Ashaf: "Resurrection techniques have improved in recent years. They hardly look different from the living now. Oh, but for them to remain sound in body and mind, regular maintenance by the necromancer is required." Ashaf: "Neglect it, and they end up like him." Ashaf: "Of course, such cases are rare." Jeff: "Funny thing about that lately. Instead of being rare, neglected undead folk have been running wild one after another." Client: "That's a real problem, isn't it?" Client: "If you've got trouble, how's this? Magic's involved, so why not ask the Order of Magical Resonance here to help?" Jeff: "The Order of Magical Resonance?" Partner: "You're with them?" Ashaf: "If what you've just described or something worse is happening, turning to us would be the quickest solution. But I'm sorry to say that the undead are not my specialty, and as such, the two of us can't assist you." Jeff: "Then..." Ashaf: "But rest assured. Naturally, we retain someone who can." Ashaf: "The Order of Magical Resonance's finest..." Text: "Beauty and Death: Opening Act" Ashaf: "necromantic specialist." Phanora: "Quite chilly, this town." Johan: "Nah, it's plenty warm. Blazing hot, if anything. But anyway, have you considered carrying your own bags or—" Phanora: "Johan, what are you to me?" Johan: "Huh? Well, I'm your talented right-hand man." Phanora: "Exactly. My servant. Don't forget your role." Jeff: "You're with the Order of Magical Resonance, right?" Jeff: "I'm here to meet you. The name's Jeff Enker." Johan: "Huh? Oh, okay. I'll do the talking. That's right. The Order of Magical Resonance sent us. This is the necromancer Phanora Kristoffel." Johan: "And I'm..." Johan: "uh, Lady Phanora's humble servant." Jeff: "Right." Phanora: "Now, could you give us the details?" Jeff: "S-Sure. I'll start at the beginning. Two months ago, crazed undead rampages started becoming a frequent occurrence." Jeff: "We currently have six undead creatures in custody. I can't explain it..." Jeff: "but the air seems colder around her." Jeff: "And all of them are still waiting on maintenance from their necromancers." Johan: "How come?" Johan: "Hurry up and bring in whoever resurrected them." Johan: "No other necromancer can do the maintenance, you know." Jeff: "Yes, we are aware of that, of course. But unfortunately, we can't locate the necromancers." Jeff: "Or rather... We don't know who resurrected them. We'd have records if it had been done legally," Jeff: "but for some reason, all six are undocumented. If we could restore their sanity through maintenance, we might get some clue to which necromancers are responsible." Johan: "Sounds like a chicken-and-egg situation." Jeff: "In any case, resurrection without following the proper procedures is totally illegal." Jeff: "We need to find these necromancers." Phanora: "They could be strays." Jeff: "What do you mean, "strays"?" Phanora: "How much do you know about resurrection?" Jeff: "Not much, I'm ashamed to admit. Only that the person themselves and their family need to consent to it." Phanora: "And when performing a resurrection, a necromancer must disclose all the facts of the procedure to their patient." Phanora: "A litany of other strict regulations also apply." Phanora: "Reviving oneself or a relative as an undead person is a delicate subject." Johan: "But sometimes, even all that isn't enough. "Strays" are people who were resurrected illegally and given no explanation. They don't even fully understand that they're dead." Johan: "Turning undead comes with risks. Strays aren't ready for that, but they're forced to suffer the consequences." Jeff: "What risks?" Phanora: "Still, this is all simply speculation. Right now, we don't know" Phanora: "if you really have strays here or if the same necromancer raised all of them." Phanora: "For now, let's take what steps we can." Jeff: "R-Right. Oh, that reminds me." Jeff: "The gentleman who recommended you to us left some instructions." Ashaf: "Locate all the registered undead in this province and their necromancers. Note their movements and contact information. Have it all ready before my colleagues arrive. They're sure to need it." Johan: "Huh..." Phanora: "I wasn't told who referred the case, but that will save us time." ecromancer: "How long ago did he pass?" Redhead: "Two months." ecromancer: "And you come visit every month?" Redhead: "Every week. Twice this week already." ecromancer: "If you care that much for him, this country allows necromancy." Redhead: "I could never afford it." ecromancer: "Not to worry." Redhead: "What?" ecromancer: "Just leave everything to me." ecromancer: "You'll see your love again." ecromancer: "What lovely hair." ecromancer: "Is that its natural color?" Jeff: "We have four necromancers in the province, and each one oversees multiple undead, for a total of 21 undead creatures." Johan: "21, huh? That's a lot." Jeff: "Is it?" Johan: "Sure it is. Most other provinces ban it on ethical grounds or whatever." Jeff: "Can you blame them?" Jeff: "Resurrecting the dead goes against nature." Johan: "Oh, so you're against it?" Jeff: "No, not entirely." Jeff: "When you lose someone, wishing to see them again is natural enough." Johan: "I see. Well, hey..." Johan: "I won't tell you what to think. But if you want to stay on Phanora's good side, you'd better stop calling them "creatures."" Johan: "She doesn't discriminate between the living and the dead." Partner: "Ms. Kristoffel, what are we doing in this ruin?" Phanora: "I'd like to lure out any undead who have lost their sanity or are about to." Partner: "What?" Jeff: "But how?" Phanora: "I'll use this lantern." Phanora: "Or rather, I already am." Jeff: "Um, but it's not lit." Phanora: "Only the undead can see this lantern's light. And in the eyes of those who have lost their reason through neglect, it outshines all else." Phanora: "Like a lighthouse in the dark. Its rays reach quite far, so we'll see how many more undead have slipped through the cracks in the law once—" Johan: "Whoa, whoa, whoa!" Johan: "Hey, Phanora!" Johan: "What the hell? Look at them all!" Partner: "I heard her parents won't opt for resurrection. Too bad." Partner: "If you'd made it official, you would've had a say, too." Jeff: "You're wrong." Partner: "Huh?" Jeff: "It was never an option." Jeff: "I've seen the undead go crazy more than once. It wasn't pretty." Jeff: "You call those things people? Techniques may improve, but no way are they "just like they were when they were alive."" Jeff: "I love her." Jeff: "And that's why." Jeff: "I could never turn someone I love into one of those monsters." Johan: "How the hell are there so many?! There's gotta be 40 of 'em!" Phanora: "I certainly didn't expect to attract so many in such a short time." Phanora: "And they've all suffered severe mental degradation. I doubt they have any reason left." Phanora: "In which case..." Phanora: "Get to it, Johan." Johan: "Damn it, Phanora!" Johan: "You lit me up like a beacon, didn't you?!" Jeff: "We have to help him!" Phanora: "There's no need." Phanora: "My assistant Johan handles the manual labor." Phanora: "You can leave him to it." Jeff: "But..." Johan: "Come on! Help me out here!" Jeff: "He seems to disagree." Phanora: "Not to worry." Phanora: "More importantly, these numbers are abnormal." Jeff: "Could your lantern have drawn legal undead, as well?" Phanora: "I can't deny the possibility." Jeff: "Then..." Phanora: "That's why I asked to have the legal undead monitored for unusual activity." Phanora: "Hence the request to gather their addresses and contact information." Jeff: "I see." Phanora: "And I believe all these people came from the same place." Jeff: "Why?" Phanora: "The undead can't move instantaneously." Partner: "Why, you..." Johan: "Take a hint!" Jeff: "You mean, if they'd been scattered around town, laying low, the distance would stop so many from arriving at once like this?" Phanora: "Yes." Phanora: "I doubt this many could even hide in town." Phanora: "Just under 40 minutes have passed since I lit the lantern. They were somewhere a human can reach on foot in that time. I chose a deserted area to minimize the risk, but it appears we unintentionally hit the nail on the head." Johan: "Phanora! What good is your necromancy if I always end up—" Phanora: "Well done, Johan. You looked very dashing." Jeff: "Watch out for beautiful women." Partner: "My wife's got me whipped, too." Johan: "I am not whipped!" Phanora: "What a shame." Johan: "What is?" Phanora: "Their fingers haven't all grown in." Phanora: "Some are missing arms, too. And none have fully formed faces." Phanora: "Such slapdash resurrections." Phanora: "It's as if the necromancer who raised them never intended to make people." Phanora: "Necromancy once reached the heights of prosperity as an art of control. Essentially, undead are familiars," Phanora: "and necromancers can switch them between three states at will." Text: "Autonomy Autonomy Mind Control Mind Control Domination Domination" Phanora: "The lantern only attracts undead in Auto or Semi-auto states." Phanora: "Though even in Semi-auto, they may prioritize a definite imprinted objective over its light." Jeff: "And what happens when they lose their minds?" Phanora: "They pursue imprinted objectives in an even greater frenzy, as if they have nothing else left to cling to." Johan: "So what are you getting at?" Phanora: "I'm wondering why they were resurrected." Phanora: "They must have simply been let loose without any imprinting." Jeff: "Maybe whoever did it just didn't need them for anything." Phanora: "Then what about when the time came to call on them?" Phanora: "The necromancer would need them close at hand. Who knows where they might go in their crazed state? Most necromancers would lock them up or imprint an order to stay put." Jeff: "And since this one didn't, they were already done using them?" Johan: "But done using them for what?" Phanora: "Who knows?" Johan: "Seriously?" Phanora: "Just being human-shaped and mobile makes them suitable for any number of uses." Phanora: "Even human experimentation." Jeff: "We can't let someone get away with that! You're saying these undead had not only their bodies, but even their minds in the hands of some necromancer who used them, then abandoned them?" Jeff: "They might as well be toys! I knew nothing good could come from resurrection!" Partner: "Uh, I was looking at the undead you took down, and I see an awful lot of redheads in this bunch. Mostly women, too." Johan: "Hey, you're right." Phanora: "Hmm..." Johan: "Maybe the necromancer's into that? Looks are pretty easy to tweak, after all." Jeff: "Speaking of which, we're here looking at them," Jeff: "but these undead won't get up and start moving again, will they?" Johan: "They'll stay put." Johan: "I killed their bodies. Their souls are stuck to their flesh by magic," Johan: "so they can always come back with proper maintenance." Johan: "But on the other hand..." Jeff: "Without maintenance, their broken bodies will never move again?" Johan: "Pretty much." Johan: "Phanora!" Johan: "Sorry. I missed that one." Jeff: "Are you all right?" Phanora: "Were we being watched?" Johan: "Oh, the trail keeps going this way." Johan: "They passed through here." Johan: "Man, a place this deep in the woods has to be perfect for shady business." Jeff: "I can see a building." Johan: "It's an old mansion." Johan: "What the hell is that smell?" Johan: "What happened in here?" Jeff: "Johan! Behind you!" ecromancer: "Ah, you're as lovely as I thought." ecromancer: "Thank you for coming all this way." ecromancer: "You saved me the trouble of coming to you." Jeff: "Are you the necromancer?" Phanora: "I think not." Phanora: "The mind is, but the girl isn't. She's on Manual." ecromancer: "Welcome. Please come in." ecromancer: "Oh, and kindly drop your communication devices." Jeff: "Let's run for it. Luckily, that big guy's the only thing in our way." ecromancer: "I would rather not leave so much as a mark on that woman. Won't you please do as I say? I have no taste for violence. And I believe you lost someone dear to you, Sergeant Jeff Enker." Jeff: "How do you know who I am?!" ecromancer: "I have undead stationed everywhere. The police are no exception." ecromancer: "Losing your fiancée must have caused you sorrow beyond imagination." ecromancer: "But have no fear. With necromancy," ecromancer: "no parting lasts forever." Jeff: "What have you done?" Jeff: "What have you done?!" Johan: "Scumbag." ecromancer: "This will suffice for him, but as for you, woman, despite my efforts, I couldn't learn a thing about you. I'll avail myself of a bargaining chip now." Phanora: "Johan!" Jeff: "No!" Phanora: "Let go of me! I need to treat him now!" ecromancer: "Just what I hoped to see." ecromancer: "You must care for him." ecromancer: "Worry not." ecromancer: "Do as I say, and you'll see him again soon. Now, follow me." Phanora: "But even knowing everything, some still offer themselves to necromancers." Ashaf: "Next time: "Beauty and Death: Final Act.""
{ "raw_title": "The Witch and the Beast Episode 4 – Beauty and Death: Opening Act", "parsed": [ "The Witch and the Beast", "4", "Beauty and Death: Opening Act" ] }
Phanora: "Only the undead can see this lantern's light. And in the eyes of those who have lost their reason through neglect, it outshines all else. I chose a deserted area to minimize the risk," Phanora: "but it appears we unintentionally hit the nail on the head." Johan: "Oh, the trail keeps going this way." ecromancer: "With necromancy," ecromancer: "no parting lasts forever." Jeff: "What have you done?" Jeff: "What have you done?!" ecromancer: "This will suffice for him, but as for you, woman, despite my efforts, I couldn't learn a thing about you. I'll avail myself of a bargaining chip now." Phanora: "Johan!" ecromancer: "Do as I say, and you'll see him again soon." ecromancer: "Now, follow me." Coroner: "Um... Performing her autopsy must be hard for you." Coroner: "Why don't I take over?" ecromancer: "There's no need." ecromancer: "I'm perfectly fine." Coroner: "Is that so?" ecromancer: "How hideous." ecromancer: "Mireille, I shall bring you back with flawless beauty." Text: "Beauty and Death: Final Act" Jeff: "Despite how she treated Johan, she must've really cared about him." ecromancer: "Ah, excuse me." ecromancer: "This occasionally happens when I disengage Manual." ecromancer: "The undead person's mind fails to return, I mean." ecromancer: "Have a seat." Jeff: "We saw plenty of other servants on the way here." Jeff: "Don't tell me they're all undead?" ecromancer: "Indeed they are." Jeff: "This isn't a one-man crime. You must have accomplices. Even I know that resurrecting the undead takes a ton of magical energy. There's no way you could have brought back this many on your own." Phanora: "It is possible, even without help." Jeff: "What?" Phanora: "Raising complete people and keeping them that way with regular maintenance is what consumes vast amounts of power." Phanora: "Sloppy work, as seen in the undead in that ruin, doesn't take all that much power." Phanora: "He neglected their maintenance, too. And while these girls seem decent at first glance," Phanora: "I'm sure they're barely there inside." Phanora: "Unscrupulous necromancers often do the bare minimum for functionality." Phanora: "They don't bother restoring most of the organs or senses." Phanora: "It takes hardly any magic." ecromancer: "Well spotted." ecromancer: "You know your necromancy." Phanora: "The question is whether they're strays." Phanora: "Of course, they're probably all strays on Semi-auto." Phanora: "I'm shocked. Even you must know how sinful creating strays is, and how heavy a price the dead pay for resurrection." ecromancer: "Naturally." Jeff: "What price?" Phanora: "Normally, after death, the soul begins preparing for reincarnation. Souls flow into the spiral of death and rebirth, and after a long time, they achieve resurrection." Phanora: "But necromancy drags them back out of that current." Phanora: "Magical resurrection doesn't last forever. When the spell eventually fails and they die a second time, they cannot return to the cycle." Phanora: "There is no way to rejoin the stream after leaving it." Phanora: "Wandering souls go somewhere that has no up or down. No left or right. No motion or pain. No light or sound or heat." Phanora: "Their minds simply exist." Phanora: "And nothing changes for eternity." Phanora: "That hell is called..." Phanora: "the Void." Jeff: "So all undead go there? They all fall into the Void?" Phanora: "Sooner or later. To accept death and await reincarnation, or to regain a temporary life in exchange for a fate crueler than death?" Phanora: "You deprived them of the right to make that crucial decision." ecromancer: "Let the undead worry about that. It doesn't affect necromancers." Jeff: "You piece of shit! What the hell did you do this for?! What could justify your atrocities?!" ecromancer: "My goal?" ecromancer: "Let me think... Put simply, it's you." ecromancer: "I want your beauty." ecromancer: "You see, I lost someone I loved, just like both of you did." ecromancer: "What beauty." ecromancer: "She was a beautiful young woman with fiery red hair." ecromancer: "Fortunately, I had my necromancy." ecromancer: "Reuniting with her should have been a simple matter. But unfortunately, the manner of her death burned away most of her skin." ecromancer: "I can produce any number of hideous creatures. Beauty, however, is challenging to recreate." ecromancer: "Still, I need only gather those who still have what she lost." ecromancer: "I can supplement any remaining deficiencies myself." ecromancer: "Beautiful things appeal to me. I might as well give her the loveliest possible body when I resurrect her." ecromancer: "I practiced on those corpses you saw to improve my technique. Sometimes more successfully than others." Jeff: "That's it?" Jeff: "That's your only reason?" ecromancer: "Everyone values things differently." ecromancer: "What do you think? All the undead and taxidermy specimens in this room represent my successes." ecromancer: "I think they came out well. And yet..." ecromancer: "They pale beside your beauty." ecromancer: "I do hope you'll let me use your body as a base." Phanora: "How dull." Phanora: "That's really your only reason?" Phanora: "I played along because I expected there to be more to it." Jeff: "Ms. Kristoffel..." ecromancer: "Such composure. I see. Given your knowledge of resurrection, you must be a necromancer, too." ecromancer: "I wondered why the undead I'd abandoned underground ran off all of a sudden. I suppose that was your doing." ecromancer: "But even if you are a necromancer, what can you do in this situation? You abide by the rules, don't you? As long as rules bind you, you cannot oppose me." ecromancer: "Please don't try to be clever." Phanora: "Sorry..." Phanora: "but I'm not just a necromancer." ecromancer: "Your eyes!" ecromancer: "Those runes!" ecromancer: "No... It can't be..." ecromancer: "A witch!" Phanora: "I wasted my tears." ecromancer: "Impossible! How could I have unwittingly invited a witch here?" Jeff: "A witch? No way." Jeff: "But come to think of it, it makes sense." Jeff: "Since I first set eyes on her, her beauty has seemed chilling, almost otherworldly." ecromancer: "So I take it we're going to do this the hard way?" Phanora: "Of course." ecromancer: "Wait. You seem to have forgotten something." ecromancer: "Why do you think I took a hostage?" ecromancer: "You can't resurrect someone without a part of their corpse. If I have my undead reduce him to ash, you'll never see him a—" Phanora: "Suit yourself." Phanora: "He won't make a good hostage. And regardless," Phanora: "I won't stop until I've dealt with you." ecromancer: "I see. Then it seems I must resort to force." ecromancer: ""Prepare for the worst," and all that." ecromancer: "Thank goodness I made combat models." Phanora: "Combat models?" Phanora: "Don't you ever stop?" Phanora: "I don't know how much you tinkered with them, but they're merely strays. You can bind them with Semi-auto, but they remain mindless automatons, barely aware of themselves." Phanora: "You can't beat me with those." ecromancer: "You're bluffing." Phanora: "Few people wish to become undead knowing they'll fall into the Void." Phanora: "Even fewer would put themselves in a necromancer's service or control. But even knowing everything," Phanora: "some still offer themselves to necromancers." Phanora: "With the utmost respect, I call them..." Phanora: "Death Knights." Phanora: "None of you lay a hand on that bearded man." Phanora: "As for everyone else, well..." Phanora: "Do as you please." Jeff: "Stop!" Jeff: "Don't fight! P-Please stop!" Phanora: "Sorry." Phanora: "As long as the spell lasts, killing the body is the only way to stop them." Phanora: "I'll see to it that the necromancer gets his just deserts." ecromancer: "What a miscalculation! Why a witch, of all people? Damn, damn, damn, damn!" ecromancer: "How dare she ruin my plans?!" ecromancer: "But I'm not finished." ecromancer: "I'll remodel your body into the ultimate warrior right now." Johan: "Man, seriously? What a scumbag." Johan: "What happened to all that talk about beauty?" ecromancer: "Impossible! How are you alive?" Johan: "Oh, no. I'm good and dead." ecromancer: "When did the witch resurrect you? She was with me until just a moment ago! She had no time to—" Johan: "Oh, come on. What's so weird about it?" Johan: "I've been undead this whole time." Johan: "But undead can't get over physical death without necromantic maintenance." Johan: "So how am I standing here good as new, you ask?" Johan: "The answer to that should be obvious." Johan: "I'm not just any undead." Johan: "I'm a witch's undead." ecromancer: "S-Stay back! Stop!" Johan: "Basically..." Johan: "I'm built different." ecromancer: "Wait! Calm down, now. Don't kill me. Don't kill me! If you kill me, all of those undead will..." Johan: "Kill you?" Johan: "Nah, I'm not gonna kill you." Johan: "See, you crossed a line." Johan: "You broke every taboo in the book." ecromancer: "I... I know." ecromancer: "I'll take responsibility for those undead." Johan: "You pissed off Phanora." Johan: "Death's way too good for you." ecromancer: "S-Stop..." Johan: "I'll start with your fingers." ecromancer: "Please stop! I-I beg—" Jeff: "Johan, you..." Johan: "I haven't killed him yet." Phanora: "Listen." Jeff: "Y-Yes?" Phanora: "I'm about to break the law, so could you keep this whole incident to yourself?" Jeff: "What?" Phanora: "A promise won't do." Phanora: "You'll need to consent to a contract spell." Jeff: "I don't know..." Phanora: "The Order of Magical Resonance remains shrouded in mystery despite its fame because we require our clients to watch their words." Jeff: "You want me to turn a blind eye to a crime? I could never—" Phanora: "Don't you want to save her? If you want to save all the victims," Phanora: "shut up and do as I say." Phanora: "I'll have you maintain all the undead you resurrected as complete human beings." Phanora: "I'll provide the magical power, so don't slack off." ecromancer: "What have you done?" ecromancer: "What have you done?! Me, undead? How dare you?! How dare you?! This means I'll... I'll fall into the Void, and—" Phanora: "Worrying about the afterlife already? I hate to break it to you, but I won't give you a moment's peace while you're in this world, either." Jeff: "Ms. Kristoffel, does this mean I can see her again?" Jeff: "The way she used to be?" Phanora: "Well, yes. Her illegal resurrection means she'll have to keep a low profile for now," Phanora: "but I know ways to legitimize her." Jeff: "Is that so?" Phanora: "Feeling conflicted?" Jeff: "I guess so. I feel torn," Jeff: "but thoughtless as it is, I can't help being happy." Johan: "Hey." Phanora: "What?" Johan: "You're done now, right, Phanora? Get away from him. You're too close." Phanora: "Johan." Johan: "Yeah?" Phanora: "What did you do with my luggage?" Johan: "Huh?" Johan: "Uh, wait." Johan: "Where'd I put it?" Phanora: "Are you saying you lost it?" Johan: "I mean, I had more important things—" Phanora: "Find it." Johan: "Fine." Johan: "Not even a thank you." Jeff: "Johan." Johan: "Yeah? What do you want?" Jeff: "I'm sorry." Jeff: "I spoke thoughtlessly without realizing you were undead. And I warned you to "watch out for beautiful women,"" Jeff: "but you never had a choice, did you?" Johan: "Do I look that unfortunate to you?" Jeff: "You don't seem well-treated." Johan: "That figures." Johan: "But whatever." Johan: "Don't worry." Johan: "This is fine by me." ecromancer: "Wh-What are you doing?!" Phanora: "What do you mean?" Phanora: "That was for hurting Johan." Helga: "I haven't even had a boyfriend yet!" Ashaf: "Next time: "The Witch and the Demon Sword: Opening Act.""
{ "raw_title": "The Witch and the Beast Episode 5 – Beauty and Death: Final Act", "parsed": [ "The Witch and the Beast", "5", "Beauty and Death: Final Act" ] }
Text: "The Paladin Corps" : "The Paladin Corps. Serving the world's largest international organization, the Global Holy Church," : "this magical army fights for world peace." : "Their mission: to resolve equally magical atrocities of massive proportions." : "No other military organization can handle witch-related incidents." : "But the peace-keeping Paladin Corps has a dark side that never enters the public eye." : "Namely..." Guideau: "Ashaf! Stop holding out on me." Ashaf: "What's the rush? Your food will get cold." Ashaf: "What lovely weather." Ashaf: "Maybe we should have eaten outside." Guideau: "Quit stalling and give me the damn thing!" Ashaf: "Oh, honestly. When will you learn some patience?" Guideau: "You got a death wish?" Ashaf: "I thought you said you'd kill me later." Ashaf: "Now, listen." Ashaf: "This letter describes a string of bodies sliced to ribbons, seemingly by a witch's hand." Ashaf: "But I suspect this case will prove even trickier than usual." Guideau: "Yeah?" Ashaf: "They would never miss a witch case on the Third Continent. Unfortunately, our mission is to make contact with the witch, and the Paladin Corps is certain to stand in our way." Ashaf: "Which means we'll have to fight to claim her." Text: "The Witch and the Demon Sword Opening Act" Townsperson A: "That tower just..." Townsperson B: "They'll destroy the whole city at this rate." Townsperson C: "The witch is on a rampage." Guideau: "The hell are all these people doing here?" Ashaf: "Evacuating, I presume." Guideau: "Drama queens. It's just a witch." Ashaf: "That's why they're running. The Paladin Corps wasn't called in for the Witch's Pastime case, and that sloppy handling stopped panic from spreading to the townsfolk." Ashaf: "This is what a witch scare is supposed to look like." Ashaf: "After all, a witch can level a city or two without breaking a sweat." Paladin 1: "Hold it. Everything beyond here is off-limits. And how come you're dressed so lightly?" Ashaf: "We're from out of town. And fall only just started. Mind explaining why it's so chilly out?" Paladin 1: "There's a witch on the loose. Anything can happen." Ashaf: "So when disaster strikes, blame a witch?" Paladin 1: "What was that?" Ashaf: "Oh, nothing." Ashaf: "Still, this makes things tricky. My grandmother lives alone, you see. I can't reach her, so I'd like to check that she's safe." Paladin 1: "If that's the case, I'd love to give you a pass, but I can't let your luggage through so easily." Ashaf: "Well, I suppose not." Paladin 1: "So, could I see some ID and what's in the coffin?" Ashaf: "Will a brand do?" Paladin 1: "Yeah. Put it here." Paladin 1: "A mage, huh? Thought so. Looks like you're originally from around here." Paladin 1: "Nothing too suspicious. Next, the coffin." Ashaf: "This thing won't be a problem." Paladin 1: "Is that..." Ashaf: "A church permit for this magical instrument. It proves that I have no room to smuggle anything illegal in it." Paladin 1: "Yeah, I can trust anything the church issues." Paladin 1: "Hey. Go with these guys." Paladin 2: "Yes, sir!" Paladin 2: "Huh? Did you lose your way? I can get out a map, if you'd like." Ashaf: "Don't kill him, Guideau." Ashaf: "Now, let's not dawdle." Guideau: "He said you were from here. So you must know your way around." Ashaf: "That ID was fake, obviously. Isn't working for the Order of Magical Resonance convenient?" Guideau: "Punching them would've saved time." Ashaf: "Dear me. How barbaric." Ashaf: "I'm cold even with a coat on. It may snow at this rate." Lowell: "Commander Cugat, sir, we're facing a witch. How could you leave your aides behind and challenge her alone?" Matt: "Save your complaints for later. I lost track of the witch." mus: "Sir, facing her again without backup would be—" Matt: "Later." Matt: "I trust all of you to continue searching for the witch." Matt: "When you find the target, prioritize keeping her pinned down." Matt: "Leave defeating the witch to me." Executioner: "How reassuring. But your mission is to capture the witch. Under no circumstances are you to kill her." mus: "Who's that?" Lowell: "An emissary from the Holy Church." Lowell: "Apparently, he's been investigating this witch for some time. He deserves the credit for uncovering this incident so early." mus: "But what is he doing here?" Lowell: "Supplying information, or so I'm told. He must know important details about this witch." Ashaf: "That's the Castle. The Paladin Corps operates out of it while on missions." Ashaf: "It's built out of special materials and surrounded by multiple barriers." Ashaf: "Even a witch would have trouble destroying it. And the wards enclosing this city are equally durable. Even if we did break them, the paladins would detect it and come running." Guideau: "How the hell do we get in, then? The witch is in there, remember?" Ashaf: "The correct answer is to open a hole without getting caught. And I have an astonishing aptitude for pulling off tricks like that." Ashaf: "I can undo spells at least as well as any witch." Ashaf: "You've been blessed with an excellent organization and partner." Guideau: "Quit bragging and do it already!" Ashaf: "You can't rush these things." Guideau: "What the hell?" Guideau: "That's..." Guideau: "The witch." Guideau: "Ashaf! Get this thing open!" Ashaf: "Don't hurry me." Ashaf: "I almost have it." Helga: "Jeez. What's their problem?" Helga: "I don't want to die yet." Helga: "I can't let myself die." Helga: "I haven't even had a boyfriend yet!" Matt: "So she got them, too, huh?" Paladin 3: "Sir! I lost my Seekers in combat with the witch!" Lowell: "Meaning she wiped out the entire search team." Matt: "Prepare for a second sweep." Lowell: "Based on data from the first sweep, the witch creates and controls blades." Lowell: "She's roughly 170 centimeters tall and has long black hair. We've confirmed Ultoma around her right eye. But I don't see how this—" Executioner: "It's 168 centimeters." Lowell: "Excuse me?" Executioner: "Her height. And her hair is black with a red tinge, to be precise. She seems to prefer neutral-colored clothing, and she always carries a tubular leather case. Apart from that..." Matt: "You seem strangely well-informed." Matt: "So maybe you know which lineage this witch belongs to?" Matt: "That's the information we need most. Knowing her lineage will tell us what powers she's inherited." mus: "He's part of the pursuit team." Paladin 4: "Sir! Seekers destroyed! Cause unknown!" mus: "The pursuit team was supposed to stay hidden. What happened?" Paladin 4: "I was monitoring the witch from outside her estimated attack range, but I didn't see her make a move." Paladin 4: "It seemed like something attacked from my blind spot." Helga: "What is it now?" Ashaf: "Dear me. Keep buying us time, Guideau." Guideau: "I've got you now, you rotten witch! Take a good look at me. Recognize my face?" Helga: "As if I'd know any woman with an evil mug like yours!" Helga: "You won't escape!" Ashaf: "Well done, Guideau. That was a long spell, but fortunately, I finished casting it in time." Ashaf: "It's a compression spell." Guideau: "I didn't ask. But she can't be the bitch I'm looking for if you can lock her up in there." Guideau: "She's weak as hell. You sure she's the real deal?" Ashaf: "Oh, she's a witch, all right." Ashaf: "For reasons I won't go into, she can't wield her full power. I wouldn't have let you charge head-on at a witch otherwise." Guideau: "Huh? How can you tell what her deal is?" Ashaf: "Because I know. I recognized what type of witch she was the moment I saw her Ultoma." Executioner: "As a matter of fact, she's the weakest witch I know of." Executioner: "But she is still a witch. She may still defy your expectations now and then." Matt: "Our expectations would be more accurate if you stopped withholding information." Executioner: "I realize I'm not welcome here. I was worried you'd kick me out if I told you all I knew." Executioner: "But very well." Executioner: "Creating weapons and controlling them doesn't require a witch to achieve." Executioner: "But only one witch's mark—her Ultoma—takes the shape of swords." Matt: "You don't mean..." Executioner: "She's a descendant of an Origin, the Dauntless Witch, Quena Velvette." Executioner: "Helga Velvette." Executioner: "Due to a certain factor, her entire lineage has very little in the way of combat ability. But you must take care. I know this sounds strange, but while she may be the weakest witch, she also possesses the ability to destroy the world." Ashaf: "Come on. You must be joking. Don't tell me she brought..." Ashaf: "the Demon Sword." Executioner: "Yes." Executioner: "The true danger in this case is not the witch herself. It grants its wielder the power to rule the world, and brings ruin to everything else. The witch is most likely carrying the Demon Sword Ashgan." Matt: "Mobilize every unit you can. If this witch has the Demon Sword, we can't afford to bide our time. We'll hit her with everything." Paladins: "Yes, sir!" Matt: "Farmus, remain here and take command of the Seeker forces." mus: "Yes, sir." Matt: "And one more thing." mus: "You want me to keep an eye on him?" Matt: "He doesn't try to hide how suspicious he seems, but that doesn't strike me as the confidence of an innocent man." Matt: "And he's also a mage. Don't let your guard down." Ashaf: "Well, I give up." Ashaf: "I doubt my compression spells can hold her. Compressing her alone took quite a toll on my magical energy," Ashaf: "and I didn't count on her having the Demon Sword. It simply has too much mass. That's why my spell came undone." Guideau: "What the hell is this Demon Sword thing? Is it really that big a deal?" Ashaf: "Oh, yes. An enormous deal, in fact." Ashaf: "The Demon Sword can't do much unless someone draws it." Ashaf: "But once unsheathed, it becomes too much for anyone to handle, even a witch." Guideau: "So it's strong as shit?" Ashaf: "Exactly." Guideau: "Stronger than me?" Ashaf: "Who can say?" Ashaf: "But I'd be fascinated to learn which of you comes out on top." Ashaf: "Whoa, there." Helga: "Found you." Helga: "For now, would you do something about those annoying crows?" Ashaf: "I'd like to talk. No more violence." Helga: "Excuse me? Don't you think it's a little late for that? If you wanted a friendly chat, you should've said so before attacking me." Ashaf: "And for that, I apologize. I would have preferred other methods, but I had no choice. You see... How do I put this? We don't look particularly trustworthy." Helga: "Right." Ashaf: "So would you honestly have listened to us in this situation?" Helga: "No way." Ashaf: "Well, there you have it. We'd like to shelter you in a safe place." Helga: ""Shelter" me?" Ashaf: "Yes, shelter you. You have my word." Ashaf: "We aren't your enemies. We came to help you escape from the Paladin Corps." Ashgan: "Interesting." Ashgan: "Don't be so hard on them, Helga." Helga: "Hey!" Ashgan: "So what if you can't trust them? You must be ready to grasp at straws now. So no matter what—" Helga: "Ugh, stop talking!" Ashaf: "What a surprise. The Demon Sword speaks?" Ashgan: "Why act so startled? Swords talk. Everyone knows that." Helga: "Ashgan! Don't make me repeat myself. You know I'm always warning you to keep quiet." Ashgan: "Speech is in a sword's nature—" Helga: "Can it!" Ashaf: "May I ask you something? I thought you descendants of the Dauntless Witch kept the Demon Sword under lock and key in a secret location." Ashaf: "Bringing it out into the open carries risks. I assume you have good reasons for doing so?" Helga: "That's none of your business." Helga: "Right now, I refuse to trust anyone." Ashaf: "Then you should finish us off quickly. Why don't you?" Ashaf: "If you doubt our sincerity, then we're nothing but enemies in your eyes." Ashaf: "This incident began with murders committed by a witch. Six victims in all." Ashaf: "If you did that, then why hesitate now?" Helga: "Stay back!" Ashaf: "It appears you lack the cold heart required to kill defenseless people." Ashaf: "You didn't kill them, did you?" Ashaf: "In which case, I'm all the more eager to help you." Ashgan: "What do you get out of it?" Ashgan: "What do you want? I doubt you're just being charitable." Ashgan: "This woman's life?" Ashgan: "Fine. Take it." Helga: "Don't speak for me!" Ashgan: "Whatever they want, don't refuse them." Ashgan: "Accept their terms." Ashgan: "It will be more fun that way." Ashaf: "What a rude interruption. Here comes the second wave." Guideau: "What the hell are these guys?" Ashaf: "The paladins' avatars, essentially." Ashaf: "Destroying them won't do much to the paladins." Ashaf: "They'll resupply with magical energy from their base's tanks and come back for more." Guideau: "So they just send in an endless supply of soldiers that don't stay dead?" Ashaf: "Yes. That's the Paladin Corps's standard playbook for hunting witches." Ashaf: "Against the Seekers' guns, two layers should suffice." Ashaf: "Hurry! This way!" Ashgan: "Take his hand and stay with him." Ashgan: "You can't survive alone." Helga: "Sorry, but I have to go it alone." Helga: "I don't need your help." Helga: "But..." Helga: "Thanks anyway." Ashaf: "I'd call that a rejection." Guideau: "Hah! Serves you right." Ashaf: "Why are you talking like it's not also your problem? Go after her." Ashaf: "I trust you understand, Guideau." Guideau: "What?" Ashaf: "She's not the witch you're after. So switch gears and focus on our mission to bring her back." Ashaf: "Protect that witch for all you're worth." Guideau: "I don't need you telling me to do my job." Ashgan: "What a stubborn woman." Ashgan: "Still, I'll enjoy seeing just how long you can bear your solitude." Helga: "Shut up! If it wasn't for you, I'd—" Helga: "This chill..." Ashgan: "Yes." Ashgan: "It looks like he's here." Matt: "Stop fighting the inevitable, witch." Matt: "I've made up my mind not to let you get away again." Guideau: "Well, well. Here in the flesh this time?" Guideau: "Then you'll stay dead when I kill you." Ashgan: "Everyone loses themselves in pursuit of my power." Text: "The Witch and the Demon Sword Act II"
{ "raw_title": "The Witch and the Beast Episode 6 – The Witch and the Demon Sword: Opening Act", "parsed": [ "The Witch and the Beast", "6", "The Witch and the Demon Sword: Opening Act" ] }
Yu: "What's your problem?" Keima: "Resistance is futile..." Yu: "You're such an idiot!" Yu: "How did you know I was here?" Keima: "Fate moves in a straight line." Yu: "I-I think that" Yu: "I'm in love..." Yu: "with you!" Keima: "That makes ten thousand heroines conquered. No dating sim can stand against me." kaido: "Enjoying your video game, Katsuragi?" kaido: "Katsuragi Keima." kaido: "What could be more fun than my class?" Keima: "Sorry. Please wait for me to reach a save point." Keima: "Why did she have to hit me? My games aren't disturbing anybody." Keima: "My name is Katsuragi Keima. Seventeen years old, born on June 6th, 11:29:35 AM. My interests?" Keima: "Girls." Ayumi: "Heads up, dweeb!" Keima: "My PFP!" Ayumi: "Sorry about that." Keima: "When I say I'm interested in girls, I don't mean that kind!" Ayumi: "Hey, dweeb. Sorry, but could you clean the roof by yourself today?" Keima: "Huh?" Ayumi: "I mean... Unlike you, I'm totally busy." Keima: "How oblivious can she be?" Ayumi: "I have to prepare for this upcoming meet! Cleaning should be left to people with nothing else to do," Keima: "Asking a favor, after running into and insulting me?" Sfx: "Zip" Keima: "Don't be ridiculous! I absolutely refuse!" Keima: "Damn it... That girl makes no sense at all." Keima: "She should follow the example of girls in games." Keima: "I'm only attracted to girls in games." Keima: "Reality is just a crappy game!" Voice: "You have new messages!" Keima: "Welcome, lost lambs." Caption: "Help! My name is Sakura. The other day, you gave me some advice. I'm now stuck in another game. I can't seem to win Shiori Shiroko from Aki-iro. I hope that you can help me again. Thank you very much. — Konoha Sakura" Keima: "Hey, God of Conquest here." Caption: "Hello. Thank you for your recent help. I'm also playing a game called Goth Goth Panic, but I'm having difficulty progressing. Could you offer some pointers?" Keima: "Looks like everyone's having trouble with Goth Goth Panic." Caption: "Hello. Thank you for your recent help. I'm also playing a game called Goth Goth Panic, but I'm having difficulty progressing. Could you offer some pointers?" Keima: "Aki-iro is a good game." Caption: "Hello, God of Conquest! I always visit your site." Keima: "If you're looking for advice..." Keima: "That's right. I needn't concern myself with" Keima: "I am the God of Conquest..." Keima: "A god of the gaming world!" Voice: "Message sent!" Keima: "Okay, on to the next one." Keima: "Hmm? Dear God of Conquest," Caption: "Dear God of Conquest, I've heard that you can conquer any woman. On the off-chance that this is true, I have a girl for you. Reply PS: Don't press the button if you can't do it. Dokuro Skull " Keima: "I've heard that you can conquer any woman." Keima: "On the off-chance that this is true, I have a girl for you." Keima: "What? This message sounds like a challenge. Who do you think I am?" Keima: "A god never backs down." Elci: "Thank you for signing the contract, Divine One." Elci: "Then off we go!" Elci: "To hunt down loose souls!" Elci: "Um... When I ran a wide-range scan, there was a response..." Keima: "Calm down... Don't succumb to reality... First, I need to save..." Keima: "Okay, let's sort this out." Keima: "First, who are you?" Elci: "I'm Elcea de Rux Ima." Elci: "Everyone calls me Elsie. I'm a demon sent from Hell," Mana: "Oh, and what might this mean?" Manc: "There is an ostensible elegance..." Keima: "Oh, right... Today's Thursday? I'll go buy a game." Elci: "Please wait! If you aren't careful," Elci: "you'll lose your head." Keima: "My head?" Keima: "What's with this collar?" Elci: "You signed a contract with a demon." Keima: "A demon?" Elci: "You received the contract, yes? From Dokuro, the bureau chief?" Keima: "That message?!" Elci: "Contracts in Hell are very strict, so you'll need to be careful. If you fail to meet the conditions or break the contract without permission, the collar will activate and remove your head." Keima: "That's ridiculous! Get this thing off me!" Elci: "It'll be fine! Once we round up the loose souls, it'll be removed!" Keima: "Loose souls?" Elci: "H-Here comes a loose soul!" Elci: "Now come this way, Divine One." Elci: "That girl in front!" Keima: "That's, uh... She's in my class. Takahara Ayumi, I think..." Keima: "Wait! What's that?!" Elci: "Evil souls that escaped from Hell... Loose souls." Elci: "They've come to the surface to commit more evil acts." Keima: "Then go capture it!" Elci: "Well... It's not that simple." Elci: "After all, loose souls hide within the heart." Keima: "Within the heart?" Keima: "How are you supposed to capture them then?!" Elci: "That's why we need the assistance of a human "buddy."" Elci: "In other words, you just have to take its place in her heart." Elci: "Then the loose soul will be forced to leave." Elci: "And... And the best way to insert yourself into her heart..." Elci: "is to make her fall in love with you!" Keima: "You're telling me to conquer a real girl?!" Elci: "Um, well... A kiss will suffice..." Keima: "You moron! You've got this totally wrong!" Keima: "I've never even held hands with a real girl!" Keima: "My world only needs the girls from games." Elci: "That's awful... Just awful, Divine One! I didn't realize you were the god of playing video games!" Keima: "Anyway, now that that's cleared up, get this collar off me." Elci: "I'm sorry. I can't do that." Keima: "What?!" Elci: "To make up for it, I'll die with you..." Elci: "We're both bound by the contract... When the buddy dies, the demon also loses her head." Elci: "Aw... And there's a loose spirit right within my grasp..." Keima: "Keep it down." Keima: "I'm making a list of games to replay before I lose my head." Elci: "Um, Divine One? Aren't you the God of Conquest?" Elci: "Maybe you could do the same thing in real life that you do with the girls in games?" Keima: "Don't mix games and reality." Keima: "That's supposed to be a track team?" Keima: "They couldn't be further from the mark." Elci: "From the mark?" Keima: "None of them..." Keima: "None of them have their hair tied up!" Elci: "Huh? Hair? But that doesn't matter—" Keima: "Don't be ridiculous! Track team girls are supposed to tie their hair up! Honestly, don't they realize that the spirit of track" Elci: "Um, doesn't that only apply to games..." Keima: "I can't conquer a girl who doesn't put the effort in." Elci: "Oh! Divine One! Look! Look! Look!" Ayumi: "Okay! Time to get serious!" Elci: "She tied her hair up, Divine One!" Keima: "Th-That won't be enough." Elci: "Huh?" Keima: "Shorts!" Keima: "You'd never see a track team wearing shorts in a game!" Keima: "I can't do a thing if they aren't wearing bloomers." Ayumi: "What is this?!" Elci: "I can use my raiment to change how she looks on the outside." Elci: "But you're the only one who can change what's inside!" Elci: "Give it a try, Divine One!" Elci: "I believe in you!" Ayumi: "Hey, dweeb! What's with all the embarrassing signs?" Keima: "There's a meet coming up... So I'm cheering you on..." Ayumi: "Huh?" Ayumi: "So you're getting revenge for my making you clean the roof alone?" Ayumi: "Do it again, and I'll kill you!" Elci: "Are you sure about this, Divine One?" Keima: "In games, your relationship with a girl" Keima: "For now, I can only water the plant until the flower blooms." Caption: "Conquest-In-Progress Day 2" Ayumi: "Hey! I told you to stop!" Caption: "Conquest-In-Progress Day 3" Ayumi: "Idiot! That's not any better!" Caption: "Conquest-In-Progress Day 4" Ayumi: "I'm ignoring you." Elci: "Is this really working?" Elci: "She seems to hate you more now..." Keima: "In games, hate can quickly turn to love. Overcoming a fight or an event that makes her hate you will always end up as a plus." Elci: "I see. So she doesn't actually hate you right now..." Keima: "No save function... No backlog... How am I supposed to play this..." Elci: "Um, where are you going?" Keima: "The bathroom!" Elci: "Take your time." B: "Hey, Ayumi!" Ayumi: "Yes? What is it?" B: "Don't give me that. Second-years are supposed to wait until we're done running." Ayumi: "I'm very sorry!" Ayumi: "But there isn't much time left before the meet..." B: "Did you hear that?" C: "She thinks she's already on the team." B: "Aren't you getting a little too cocky? After running a decent time, all of once?" Ayumi: "Excuse me! Please hurry up with my punishment!" B: "Laps! Thirty laps!" Elci: "That's so mean! You'll find rotten upperclassmen in every world." Izumi: "Nice job!" Kyo: "The third-years went home already." Kyo: "They're pretty nasty, huh?" Ayumi: "I don't really care." Izumi: "Speaking of which, that dweeb isn't much better." Izumi: "Now is when he should be up there, cheering you on!" Ayumi: "It doesn't matter..." Izumi: "Wow, advertising balloons. Haven't seen one in forever." Kyo: "But why are there skulls?" Elci: "Tomorrow's the day of the meet. If Ayumi wins, after all the cheering you've done, I'm sure that she'll fall for you." Izumi: "Ayumi!" Bg: "Ayumi? Ayumi? You okay? - Someone go get a teacher! - Take her to the nurse's office! Okay!" Kyo: "What? She sprained it?" Izumi: "Uh-huh." Kyo: "But the meet's tomorrow..." Izumi: "Don't you think there was something odd about the hurdles today?" Kyo: "Now that you mention it... The hurdles in that one spot felt closer together than they should have been." Izumi: "So someone fiddled with them. That's the only reason she fell down!" Elci: "There's no hope. If she doesn't win, we can't..." Keima: "Injury..." Keima: "Upperclassmen..." Keima: "Hurdle..." Keima: "Cheering..." Keima: "It appears that we've reached the turning point." Elci: "Huh?" Keima: "I can see the ending." Ayumi: "Why did you call me out here? And what is this? Some kind of sick joke?" Keima: "I was thinking that you'd eat it. Then you'd do your best in the meet tomorrow." Ayumi: "Have you seen my ankle?! You think I can run in the meet?!" Keima: "Sure. After all, you aren't injured." Ayumi: "What are you talking about? You've never run in a real race! Do you even know how fast I was going?!" Keima: "You might have injured yourself if you were running at full speed." Keima: "But when you fell..." Keima: "Your hair wasn't tied up." Keima: "You always tied your hair up when you ran all-out." Keima: "Did you plan to trip from the very beginning?" Ayumi: "It's better this way." Ayumi: "The upperclassmen were right. I just happened to run really well while the coach was watching," Ayumi: "But I haven't been able to run well ever since. I keep practicing, but I can't improve my time." Ayumi: "It'd be better if I weren't in the meet." Ayumi: "Why..." Ayumi: "Why can't I run anymore?" Ayumi: "I've been practicing so hard!" Keima: "Don't worry about it so much." Keima: "Just run as quickly as you can. If it's ranking that you're worried about, you're already in first place," Keima: "in my heart." Ayumi: "Stupid! Stupid! Stupid! Don't creep me out like that! Besides, this all happened because of your stupid cheering! Geez! Stupid! Stupid! Stupid!" Ayumi: "Hey..." Ayumi: "Will you come to cheer me on tomorrow, at the meet?" Keima: "Y-Yeah..." Ayumi: "Thanks!" Elci: "It left!" Elci: "Got it! Loose soul in custody!" Ayumi: "A-ha! How do you like that?" Kyo: "It was amazing!" B: "Hey, Ayumi." B: "Don't get too cocky, after winning just one race." C: "It was a fluke!" B: "Huh?" C: "Why did you praise her?" Ayumi: "She just congratulated me." Keima: "Takahara." Keima: "Congratulations." Ayumi: "Oh, thanks..." A: "Ayumi!" Ayumi: "The interview for the paper, right?" Keima: "Ayumi lost all memory of the conquest." Keima: "Well, it's probably easier for me this way." Keima: "Huh?" Keima: "That's right... Where did she go?" A: "Hey, dweeb! What's up with that?" B: "Where have you been hiding her?" Elci: "Katsuragi Elsie Hi, everyone. I'm Katsuragi Elsie, the new transfer student. I hope that everyone is nice to my brother, Keima, and me!" Keima: "Hey now... What's that supposed to mean?!" Keima: "Fire, wheel, and screw. Gunpowder, compass, and printing press. Social shifts are always driven by three major inventions. What do we have in this era?" Elci: "What?" Keima: "The answer is dating sims, dating sims, and dating sims! If you don't believe me, go back to the Stone Age."
{ "raw_title": "The World God Only Knows Season 1 Episode 1 – Love Makes the World Go Round", "parsed": [ "The World God Only Knows Season 1", "1", "Love Makes the World Go Round" ] }
Shiori: "I have to say something fast! Have to thank him!" Shiori: "Quick! Quick! Th-" Shiori: "Thankonomics." Elsie: "Thankonomics?" Shiori: "Th-That was supposed to be thanks! I was thrown off by a book again..." Shiori: "Why can't I say a simple word?" Shiori: "I should leave... Relegate this incident to the back of my memory." Keima: "I have to say that books aren't really needed anymore." Keima: "They just take up space. Might as well digitize them all." Shiori: "How can he suggest such an awful thing? Books have covers... Bindings... Inside covers... Colophons..." Shiori: "Their weight... The feel... They're all part of the world that's been created!" Shiori: "Can text on a monitor ever emulate the excitement of turning a page?" Shiori: "But everything is subjective..." Shiori: "I have to accept that. People have the right to say what they want." Shiori: "Besides, I could never do something as scary as arguing with a stranger." Keima: "Once a book has been scanned, it can be discarded." Shiori: "St-Stupid!" Elsie: "Geez, if you talk about books being useless and throwing them away, you're going to make book lovers mad. Books have their merits!" Keima: "Hmph. I'm only interested in the content." Elsie: "Really..." Keima: "Games with big boxes tend to be crap. It's the law of inverse proportions." Elsie: "I don't know much about games, but you didn't have to pick a fight with her." Keima: "But as a result, I was able to hear her monologue." Elsie: "Huh? Monologue?" Keima: "Her inner voice. Since she doesn't talk much, it's unlikely that we can have a normal conversation." Elsie: "So you deliberately made her angry, to find out what she's thinking?" Keima: "Since the real world is an inconvenient place, if I can't read her monologue, I have to compensate, or I won't be able to approach her." Elsie: "I'm always impressed by how unafraid you are of making a bad impression." Keima: "By the way, what are you doing?" Elsie: "Huh? Oh, these are..." Elsie: "books about fire engines! Since she went to the trouble to find them for me, I thought I should read them." Elsie: "Look! It's a big fire engine! This is the merit of a book, Divine Brother!" Shiori: "Stupid... Wasn't right..." Shiori: "Why did I say that? I was supposed to thank him... Sigh..." Shiori: "I managed to call him stupid, but I couldn't thank him? Why wasn't it the other way around?" Shiori: "My mouth is useless. Stupid, stupid. Stupid mouth!" Shiori: "I was always known as someone slow..." A: "Uh-oh! Uh-oh!" Both: "Gonna tell the teacher on you!" A: "Say, you should apologize." Both: "Yeah, yeah!" Shiori: "But it wasn't true. The wheels in my mind turned at full speed! I just didn't know what to say." B: "Hey, Shiori. Have you read this book before?" C: "What? You haven't?" Shiori: "In fact, I'd actually read it twenty-four times. It was a book I loved. But I couldn't express myself." Shiori: "So I wrote a hundred-page review and took it to them." B: "Huh? A review? Did we ever mention anything about that?" C: "What's with all the paper?" Shiori: "I just ended up creeping them out. Oh, it's so difficult to communicate with other people..." C: "Hey, what about this?" D: "Hey, why don't you answer?" E: "Hey." : "Say something." Shiori: "Books never rush me. They give me peace of mind." Shiori: "When I'm in a book, I'm free!" Shiori: "Here, I become an omnipotent person, with a comprehensive vocabulary." Shiori: "Bismarck once said..." Shiori: ""Only a fool learns from his own mistakes." Shiori: "And the library is a tower of human history." Shiori: "I can learn all I need to know, without ever uttering a word." Shiori: "I have no need to engage other people." Shiori: "Yes! That's right!" Shiori: "I can live out my life in this world of books!" Keima: "I can hear her inner voice." Elsie: "All she's done is call you stupid." Head: "Well then, everyone. At long last, the library will get a media room, next week!" A: "Now people will be able to borrow CDs and DVDs." C: "Uh-huh." D: "I can't wait! We should have done this sooner." Head: "Construction ate up most of our budget." C: "What DVDs do we want to include?" B: "Idolmaster! Dead or Alive!" A: "We could ask everyone for requests." B: "Like I said, Dead or Alive!" E: "Wakaki, that's a game." Head: "Well, we'll set everything up next week, while the library's closed. So we'll need to mobilize all the new members. I'm counting on all of you!" Head: "Secretary Shiomiya, is something wrong?" D: "Don't you have anything to say?" C: "Do you need to go to the restroom?" D: "Geez, you're always like this..." Head: "Okay." Head: "If there's nothing else, this meeting is adjourned." Elsie: "Divine One, shouldn't Shiori talk more? This way, she won't be able to let anyone know how she feels." Keima: "If she doesn't want to talk, she doesn't have to." Keima: "Besides, the mouth is purely ornamental." Elsie: "But... Then why was she targeted by a loose soul?" Elsie: "Maybe she wants to talk?" Keima: "I refuse to accept such a clichéd librarian girl." Elsie: "Who do you think you are?" Shiori: "Why is conversation required for communication? Our ancestors should have developed telepathy instead." Shiori: "He's writing in the book!" Shiori: "Ah! He's the mean person from yesterday!" Shiori: "Books in the library belong to everyone! How could someone write in them? You deserve death!" Elsie: "Ah, you were writing in a book!" Keima: "I was making corrections." Keima: "The author's game release timeline was completely wrong." Keima: "Books provide information. Incorrect information serves no purpose." Shiori: "Th-That's true... But you shouldn't write in books! People like him would use that reasoning to give away the killer at the beginning of a mystery!" Shiori: "Or to circle every dirty word in the dictionary! Don't you realize that we end up having to clean up your mess?" Keima: "When you factor in the lack of instant editing, books are seriously dated." Shiori: "I... I... I..." Shiori: "Idiot..." Elsie: "I'm getting used to watching you make girls angry." Keima: "I'm not trying to make her angry. I'm engaging her in conversation." Elsie: "The only difference is her calling you an idiot instead of stupid." Keima: "There's a world of difference." Keima: "Listen carefully." Elsie: "Huh?" Keima: "Her condition has worsened. At this rate, she only has six months left." Man: "D-Doctor! Please save my daughter! I'll pay whatever it takes!" Keima: "Oh?" Keima: "In that case..." Keima: "I'll need 30,000,000 gavas!" Keima: "Elsie! Prepare for the operation!" Elsie: "Okie-dokie!" Keima: "The heart of a reticent, bookish girl can be observed from the liver. She might be quiet on the outside, but that doesn't necessarily mean she's quiet on the inside." Keima: "Significant changes may be taking place, unseen." Elsie: "Which means that Shiori is a liverish girl?" Keima: "In any case, for now, I'm just going to combo events together... Keep the flow going." Shiori: "He's writing in another book..." Shiori: "I won't accept any excuses today! I'm giving him a stern lecture!" Shiori: "I can do this..." Shiori: "I can do this!" Shiori: "Books in the library are..." Keima: "That book is mine." Keima: "It's not a library book." Shiori: "No stamp..." Shiori: "Or sticker!" Keima: "Give it back." Shiori: "Why does this happen when I'm finally being aggressive? What's with this guy?" Shiori: "But... I should probably apologize..." Shiori: "No, there's no need to apologize to this person. But..." Shiori: "I'm sorry... You're not allowed to write in books. Not allowed in the library. No, you're not allowed to do anything!" Shiori: "I want to live in peace. You're throwing me off. I'm sorry... Once the media room is finished, my library will be swamped with people like you, and..." Keima: "Your inner voice and outer voice are flipped." Keima: "M-My book..." Shiori: "I said that he wasn't allowed in the library. I understand... He's going to torment me again." Keima: "You're talking out loud." Shiori: "Huh?" Shiori: "He's right! The power of unbridled anger is frightening. Is it because I talked to him yesterday? This is strange..." Shiori: "Very strange..." Keima: "In any case, this is a nice place." Keima: "It's too noisy out there." Keima: "I just want to live in peace, without any disturbances." Shiori: "That's right." Shiori: "The library is a wonderful place." Shiori: "A fortress of paper that keeps out the noise from the real world." Keima: "I'm Katsuragi Keima." Shiori: "Sh-Shiomiya Shiori..." Shiori: "E-Enjoy your stay." Shiori: "I-I shouldn't have told him my name! He's dangerous! He suddenly told me his name..." Shiori: "So I just responded out of reflex. Reflex!" Shiori: "But it feels like we were able to connect, somehow..." Elsie: "Divine One, you're amazing. You're actually making progress with a girl who never talks." Elsie: "The conquest is almost complete. And it shouldn't take you very long to fill her heart's emptiness!" Keima: "Dislikes people... Media room... Likes books... Inner voice..." Keima: "Where is her heart's emptiness?" Keima: "What's with her?" Elsie: "She seemed a little odd." Keima: "This flyer..." Elsie: "I'll try to put it back together." Elsie: "Help me out, raiment!" Elsie: "All done!" Elsie: "Here you go, Divine Brother!" Keima: "I see..." Keima: "This is it."
{ "raw_title": "The World God Only Knows Season 1 Episode 10 – Inside of Me...", "parsed": [ "The World God Only Knows Season 1", "10", "Inside of Me..." ] }
Shiori: "U-Um..." Lady: "Excuse me!" Man: "Yes, I'm coming!" Girl: "What? It won't open." Head: "Hello, everyone! Sorry to keep you waiting. Well, let's get this over with!" Head: "Hmm? What's wrong?" A: "The door won't open." Head: "Huh?" C: "The password isn't working." Head: "Huh?" D: "Boss." Head: "Hmm? It's hard to read... Um..." Head: "Opposed to the media room... Shiomiya Shiori?" Head: "Hey! Shiomiya! Get out here!" Head: "Hey! Open the door!" Elsie: "Shiori locked herself in the library. Why?" Keima: "There were plenty of warning signs." Keima: "You just missed them because you were busy with your fire engines." Keima: "Still, people who can't hear her inner monologue would be surprised..." Elsie: "What do we do? Shouldn't we stop her?" Keima: "That depends on how this route plays out." Elsie: "Ah..." Head: "Shiomiya!" Shiori: "I've done something really daring..." Shiori: "What if they bring a teacher?" Shiori: "They'll probably bring a teacher..." Shiori: "No, I can't let myself get scared now! From the beginning, I knew what I was getting into!" Head: "Open the door! Okay? Got it?" D: "Uh-huh..." Head: "Shiori! What are you doing?!" Head: "Open the door, already!" Keima: "We need to figure out what she's trying to accomplish. Elsie, do it!" Elsie: "Oh..." Shiori: "I won't let them dispose of these books! They want to replace these books with CDs and DVDs" Shiori: "The library isn't meant to be a convenience store! Even if there isn't much traffic, the library is supposed to protect valuable books!" Shiori: "I must protect my precious library..." Shiori: "I'm going to stop the new media room!" Shiori: "Huh? I'm getting tired... I got up a little early this morning..." Teach: "Why did you break the vase?" Teach: "I can't know the reason if you won't say." Shiori: "They've already started... Will I get in trouble for being late? What do I do? How should I make my entrance?" Shiori: "Like in manga? Man, I'm late! And act all animated?" Shiori: "I'd probably get in even more trouble for joking around." Shiori: "I should just enter like usual and apologize. I don't want to interrupt," Shiori: "Now!" Shiori: "I like this place! I don't have to run into anyone. I don't have to talk with anyone." Head: "Hey!" Head: "Are you there, Shiori?!" Head: "Open the door! You fool!" Head: "Hey, Shiori!" Head: "Shiori!" Head: "I'm getting pissed!" Keima: "Hey." Keima: "I would prefer for quiet places to not be taken away. You have my support." Shiori: "Katsuragi..." Shiori: "I said his name without screwing up." Elsie: "Divine One, are you okay?" Shiori: "Originally, I thought he was being belligerent, but now he shows up here. Who is he? He's like a character from a fairy tale." Shiori: "H-Here..." Keima: "Thanks." Shiori: "It's a small base." Keima: "Mm." Shiori: "I-If you'd like..." Keima: "Don't mind me." Shiori: "He's so rude..." Shiori: "Is he really here to support me?" Shiori: "Should I try talking to him? But what should I say? Um... Um..." Shiori: "There's nothing to talk about..." Shiori: "He should say something. Why do I have to do all the worrying? Back then, they asked me how I felt about the book, so I did my best to write down my thoughts." Shiori: "That doesn't work?" Shiori: "If I don't say anything, no one will understand me?" Shiori: "I spoke out loud again!" Keima: "No, huh?" Keima: "Can I have some?" Shiori: "Ah, the power!" Head: "We turned off the power and reset the password." A: "Wow, the boss is pulling out the stops!" D: "You could have just gone to a teacher." Head: "If we bother enough teachers, the media room might be affected. A lot of effort went into getting it passed." Shiori: "Heavy..." Keima: "It'd be pretty tragic if we ended up crushed by books." Keima: "The real world is so annoying. I wish they'd leave me alone." Shiori: "Yes... The real world is scary. It's a pain to deal with other people." Shiori: "Katsuragi understands..." Shiori: "I just want to live here forever, in the quiet..." Keima: "That's a lie." Keima: "The truth is you want to talk to others. But you're frightened... Of saying something that makes them hate you." Shiori: "E-Everybody feels that way... Even you." Keima: "I don't give a damn about the real world." Keima: "Because I..." Keima: "I believe in my world!" Keima: "Are you trying to protect your books?" Keima: "Or are you trying to protect your sanctuary from the outside world?" Shiori: "No. I love... I love books." Shiori: "I don't care about other people..." Shiori: "But I want to talk... To talk about books... with other people." Shiori: "I wanted to talk!" Shiori: "That one time!" Shiori: "That other time!" Shiori: "That other time!" Shiori: "But it's too late now. I can't talk to anyone." Shiori: "It's impossible..." Shiori: "Impossible!" Shiori: "I can't leave this place..." Shiori: "I want to live here forever." Shiori: "It's scary outside. People are scary!" Shiori: "Scary... Scary... Scary!" Shiori: "But if I had the courage..." Shiori: "I'm not brave enough." Shiori: "I can never reach them..." Shiori: "My voice won't reach them... Won't reach them..." Keima: "I'll give you the courage you need." Elsie: "Loose soul in custody!" Head: "Hey! Shiori!" Shiori: "S-S-Sorry for all the trouble I caused!" Shiori: "I-I couldn't stand the idea of all these books being thrown away..." Shiori: "I'm sorry." Shiori: "But every book has a message to deliver!" Shiori: "I believe there's a message to deliver..." C: "She's talking." D: "She's talking..." Shiori: "Their voices may be soft, but I want the library to be a place where their whispers can be heard!" Shiori: "Please! We should have a discussion about the book disposal!" Head: "Fine." Head: "Then we'll hold another meeting!" Head: "But the media room is here to stay." Head: "Let's get moving, then! Give us a hand. Get to work, people!" Shiori: "U-Um..." Shiori: "Thank you very much." Head: "Later, you'll have to come with me to the faculty office." Shiori: "Yes!" Head: "Ah, that doesn't go over there!" Shiori: "Um..." Shiori: "Was there anyone else here? Besides me." Head: "Anyone else... Like who?" Shiori: "Huh?" Shiori: "Er... Who was it?" Shiori: "But..." Shiori: "I received something in my dream. Something..." Elsie: "Give me a hand here!" Keima: "Mm..." Elsie: "Geez... You've been ignoring me this whole time." Keima: "Mm." Caption: "Please come again, Keima!" Shiori: "This is Shiori." Shiori: "I've started writing a story." Shiori: "That day, at that moment, someone was there." Shiori: "I'm using my faint memories of that moment to write a little story." Head: "Hmm? What are you doing?"
{ "raw_title": "The World God Only Knows Season 1 Episode 11 – The Last Day", "parsed": [ "The World God Only Knows Season 1", "11", "The Last Day" ] }
Elsie: "I'm more or less used to living in this world now!" Elsie: "Oh, Mother. Good morning!" Mari: "Good morning. You're up early, for a Sunday. Oh? You cleaned the house for me again?" Elsie: "Yes! I also tidied up the café." Mari: "You're such a good girl." Mari: "I wish you were my child, instead of Keima." Elsie: "Oh, I'm making breakfast for the Divine... Brother..." Elsie: "Undead!" Elsie: "B-Brother?" Elsie: "What's wrong?" Elsie: "This won't do! Your cute face is your only redeeming feature! You look like a total mess!" Elsie: "Mm, much better." Keima: "Not..." Elsie: "Not?" Keima: "Not enough gaming!" Keima: "Ever since you arrived, I haven't had time to play many games! Enough is enough!" Elsie: "What? That's all you ever do! At school, at home..." Keima: "It's not enough! Not even close!" Keima: "This very moment, new dating sims are piling up in my room! It's downright shameful to have a backlog!" Elsie: "Huh?" Keima: "Games are my source of energy, nutrition... Oxygen... Games..." Keima: "Give me more games..." Mari: "If only I could pretend I never had that son..." Elsie: "Beloved Brother, you should eat some breakfast." Keima: "Don't stop me! I'm going into God of Conquest mode!" Elsie: "Huh?" Elsie: "Please wait!" Elsie: "Exalted Brother! What is this God of Conquest mode?" Elsie: "Oh, that's right." Elsie: "All done." Elsie: "Okay." Elsie: "This will be the first time I've seen the Divine One's room." Elsie: "D-Divine One?" B: "Good morning. You're up early today." : "Awaken, chosen hero." A: "Is this letter from you?" E: "This game has nothing to do with real people or events." C: "Here! Over here!" D: "Can you hear my voice?" Elsie: "So many arms... This is the Divine One's... true form..." Elsie: "The God of Conquest!" Elsie: "Or not! Those are afterimages!" Elsie: "He moves his hands so fast, it looks like he has multiple..." C: "If you don't know how to swim, I can teach you." B: "Where do you want to have lunch?" A: "Sorry, but I'm not interested." D: "Humans shouldn't trespass on this sacred land." E: "Which members will you select?" : "What are you doing? You're supposed to be a hero!" Elsie: "What... What's the point?" Keima: "I first played two games simultaneously" Keima: "Was it even possible? I was pretty skeptical myself. But I pulled it off. I actually pulled it off. It was very simple." Keima: "Soon after, I was playing three, four games at a time. Now, I can play six games simultaneously." B: "That's amazing, Keima!" Keima: "I've even played twelve ADV games at once. And..." Elsie: "Hmm?" Keima: "The top-right and bottom-left stories were touching. They really got me..." Elsie: "He's actually empathizing!" Keima: "This is it!" B: "The boys have to run laps?" Keima: "This is..." A: "Do you still have that letter?" Keima: "This is God of Conquest mode!" C: "Where are you staying?" D: "My memories of my brother..." E: "Recharge quick!" : "I will take you as my husband." Keima: "There is no female I cannot conquer!" Keima: "I can see the route." Keima: "Perfect! Okay. It's been a while since I've tried it..." Keima: "Secret technique! Synchronicity!" Keima: "The correct choice would be to kiss... Therefore... A, A, A, A, A, A!" Keima: "Kissing in games is beautiful... The absolute best!" Elsie: "The Divine One hasn't been this creepy for a while..." Mari: "Any luck?" Elsie: "Brother is playing his games again. Will he be okay without food?" Mari: "Well, in his case, games are considered sustenance..." Keima: "Okay, I've cleared five games. I need to keep up the pace and complete the rest." Keima: "But first..." Keima: "I need to update my site. My intelligence, stamina, and concentration" Keima: "but it's a double-edged sword!" Keima: "One hour in this mode will shorten your life by three years..." Keima: "Or at least, you'll be so tired, it will seem that way." Keima: "But I care not!" Keima: "This is a path lined with blood." Voice: "You have new messages!" Keima: "Dear God of Conquest, Have you beaten Princess Derby yet? I anxiously await your advice..." Lady: "If you wish to woo me, you must know how to ride a horse." Keima: "A? No, it's B!" Seina: "Yes! You're absolutely right!" Keima: "Progress on the affection level is too slow!" Keima: "What? A bullet hell? What happened to the derby?" Keima: "Activate God of Conquest mode!" Keima: "Princess Derby... Conquered..." Keima: "Still, it was more fun than I'd remembered." Keima: "I'm pretty sure the NES version is somewhere around here... And the PC, Genesis, SNES," Keima: "There were a lot of releases in the Princess Derby series..." Keima: "Okay, I'll give them a quick spin. Well, I've already beaten these games, so it shouldn't take long." Keima: "Game start!" Keima: "Secret technique! Fire Wheel!" Keima: "Crap, the consoles..." Keima: "Ironic... You're still in the middle of loading, so you avoided this disaster." Keima: "Yeah... Back in the day, games were meant to be savored over time." Keima: "Why was I in such a rush..." Elsie: "Divine Brother, are you okay?" Elsie: "B-Brother?" Elsie: "E-Enjoy yourself..." Keima: "Where am I? I know that I was..." Caption: "Do you wish to continue? Yes No" Keima: "Of course!" Keima: "Now, let's do this! A hundred hours of gaming per day!" Elsie: "Divine One!" Keima: "What's with you..." Elsie: "Please stop this! What are you trying to do?" Keima: "That should be obvious... Conquer!" Keima: "Most of the remaining games are ADV. Six at a time won't get it done any longer..." Keima: "But I might have a chance if I run twenty-four at the same time." Elsie: "You shouldn't put so much effort into playing games..." Elsie: "Divine One, aren't you lonely? Other boys your age are enjoying" Elsie: "You spend all your time playing games in a dark room. When you do go outside," Elsie: "You live like a machine" Elsie: "It's sad! Pathetic!" Elsie: "Far too gloomy for a youth!" Keima: "Don't get the wrong idea." Elsie: "Huh?" Keima: "I'm not suffering, so you don't need to worry about me. I've lived a very fruitful life, with plenty to enjoy." Keima: "And I'm not talking about some half-assed antics for show." Keima: "My enjoyment burns in the soul." Keima: "It doesn't matter what anyone else says." Keima: "I love games so much, I can't help myself." Keima: "Back to the conquest." Keima: "Thank you..." Keima: "Thank you, dating sims... Thank you for being released every month!" Keima: "So many... So many more for me to play! An infinite number of endings!" Keima: "Beyond, lies the realm of the divine... The world God only knows!" Keima: "I've made up for three months of falling behind... You're the sole one left." Keima: "H-Huh? Is the game bugged?" Keima: "Come to think of it, how many hours did I spend in God mode?" Caption: "I'll go with you." Keima: "The choices..." Keima: "It's no use... I'm out of energy..." Keima: "Am I going to burn out?" Seina: "Keima." Seina: "You're almost there. You still have the strength to fight!" A: "That's right!" C: "Just a little more!" : "You should be able to do this!" Keima: "Rina from Pino II! Hibiki from Wai Wai! Ryo from Fairy!" Keima: "Tear! Hitomi! Tsukasa! Izumi! Ryoko!" Keima: "You were all watching over me..." Keima: "I'm going to do this!" Seina: "Come, Divine One! Join us in the game world!" Keima: "The game world? Sure, I'll come!" Elsie: "Divine One! They're going to do a second season!" Keima: "Really..." Hakua: "Otherwise, I'd never get my turn!" Keima: "Huh? Who are you?" Keima: "The World God Only Knows will continue to the next stage. In other words, you need to switch to Disk 2. Allow me to announce this: The battle has only begun! I shall return! See you again!"
{ "raw_title": "The World God Only Knows Season 1 Episode 12 – More Than a God, Less Than a Human", "parsed": [ "The World God Only Knows Season 1", "12", "More Than a God, Less Than a Human" ] }
A: "You're Katsuragi's sister?" B: "Damn, she's cute!" C: "Is Elsie your real name?" D: "She looks like a doll!" Keima: "What's she trying to pull here?" E: "Hey, are you really his sister?" Elsie: "Yes. I'm one hell of a little sister!" E: "Pfft. You're wasted on that four-eyed dweeb." Elsie: "What's that supposed to mean?! Divi- My brother is amazing! Just wait... Every girl in the world will be after my brother!" Elsie: "Divine One, please wait for me!" Elsie: "I don't know my way around the human world yet..." Keima: "We caught the loose soul! Shouldn't that complete the contract?!" Keima: "Now, get this guillotine of a collar off my neck!" Elsie: "But you haven't completed the contract." Keima: "Huh?" Elsie: "There are still many loose souls in this city." Keima: "I'm supposed to capture them all?!" Elsie: "I wanted to do something to help, so I asked Chief Dokuro" Elsie: "to arrange a few things for me. If I'm your sister, and we're in the same class, we'll be ready whenever a loose soul appears!" Keima: "Hold it right there! Don't tell me that you're going to follow me home." Elsie: "Don't siblings live together in this world?" Keima: "Hellooo! You're not my sister!" Elsie: "Starting today, I'm your sister." Keima: "That's not my point!" Elsie: "But I just explained..." Keima: "No more making concessions to the real world! I'll never let you into our house!" Mari: "Oh! How unusual. Keima, along with a friend!" Elsie: "Um..." Elsie: "Who might you be?" Mari: "Very pleased to meet you. I'm Keima's mother!" Mari: "Come now, have a seat. If we have plenty of anything, it's chairs." Mari: "Here you go." Elsie: "Thank you very much." Mari: "Oh, right. And what's your name?" Elsie: "I go by Elsie." Mari: "My! I'll call you "El", then." Elsie: "Yes! I'm your husband's illegitimate daughter." Mari: "You're a very funny girl..." Elsie: "This is a letter from my late mother." Mari: "Let's see..." Mari: "Hello, dear?" Mari: "Yeah, it's me." Mari: "How about explaining yourself?" Mari: "Explain what? Ask your crotch!" Mari: "Going overseas tomorrow for work again?" Elsie: "Divine One!" Mari: "Got a kid for every trip you've taken?!" Keima: "My mom used to be in a biker gang." Mari: "Don't bother coming home!" Mari: "Keima, forget about your father. He's dead to us!" Elsie: "Did he pass away?" Keima: "He's not dead!" Mari: "Don't worry. I'll take good care of you!" Keima: "Hold it right there!" Keima: "I refuse to accept this." Elsie: "I'll do anything! Just please let me stay at your house!" Keima: "No." Keima: "I can't let you live with us." Keima: "Because..." Keima: "You haven't properly established yourself as a little sister." Elsie: "E-Established myself?" Keima: "Allow me to teach you something useful." Keima: "The symbol that signifies a little sister's qualities... BMW." Elsie: "B-BMW?" Keima: "The basic determining conditions establishing a little sister's identity." Keima: "Behold!" Keima: "First, blood! As in a blood relationship!" Keima: "She must be related by blood! Step-sisters, or others who are "like a sister," may as well be total strangers!" Keima: "Next, memory! As in shared memories! Precious family memories forged over time! An irreplaceable bond between siblings! But above all, she must care deeply for her older brother." Keima: "Yes. This world needs higher standards." Keima: "The unqualified should never be classified as little sisters." Elsie: "But..." Keima: "You and I share no memories!" Caption: "Big Brother Reconquista" Keima: "You've been ruining my life!" Keima: "Besides..." Keima: "We don't have the same blood running through our veins!" Keima: "I-I'm bleeding!" Keima: "What was that for?!" Elsie: "N-Now we have the same blood running through our veins." Elsie: "Please! I want to hunt down loose souls!" Caption: "Love Minus" Guy: "Thank you very much!" Elsie: "Divine One!" Elsie: "Divine Brother!" Elsie: "Um... BM... Um..." Elsie: "So in other words, I just have to be a good little sister. Yep!" Elsie: "Mother's gone to talk with someone called a lawyer. So I made dinner tonight!" Keima: "I already know what's going to happen!" Keima: "You're going to serve me really bad food! Did you make curry? Pasta?!" Elsie: "Wow! You're right!" Elsie: "Here! Pescatore Styx!" Elsie: "It's twice as good as the fish from this world." Keima: "It looks fifty-thousand times more disgusting!" Elsie: "To make this, I cooked my heart out for you. Open wide!" Keima: "It's actually pretty good." Keima: "I just now noticed... This room looks really clean." Elsie: "I tidied up the place." Elsie: "Along with the other rooms. And the storefront!" Keima: "I'd say you more than just tidied up... The house looks almost new." Elsie: "I was on cleaning duty for three hundred years, after all!" Keima: "Three hundred years?!" Elsie: "Yep! I've had this broom for 298 years!" Elsie: "It's really special. Inside, there's magic to help me clean. See these crumbs?" Elsie: "One sweep, on the lowest setting, will do the trick." Elsie: "Here we go!" Keima: "Hey." Elsie: "I'm sorry. It was on the highest setting..." Elsie: "I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" Keima: "My stomach's killing me!" Elsie: "I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" Keima: "It must have been that pasta! Damn it! I don't even know where to start! She barely resembles a demon, but the second she does something, she's like Beelzebub incarnate. I have to get rid of her. And she couldn't ever be my little sister!" Keima: "Crap." Keima: "She's starting to meet the conditions." Keima: "A power outage? Wha-" Keima: "Wh-What?! I just felt something!" Keima: "Whoa!" Keima: "What are you doing?!" Elsie: "Since I'm the reason for your upset stomach, I thought I could at least scrub your butt for you..." Keima: "No way! It doesn't matter what you try! I'll never accept you as a little sister! Stop triggering these made-up little sister events!" Elsie: "I'm not making anything up. I really am a little sister." Keima: "Huh?" Elsie: "I have an older sister." Elsie: "She excels at everything she does. A true demon among demons..." Elsie: "But... I was completely the opposite." Elsie: "Stuck on cleaning duty every day... So when I was selected for the Loose Souls team, I was so happy, I could have died." Elsie: "I mean... I finally had the chance to do a demon's work!" Keima: "I couldn't care less." Keima: "I live in the gaming world. I won't let myself get carried away by the moment." Keima: "I operate on logic and reason. And my logic and reason tell me that I should accept you as my little sister." Elsie: "Really?" Keima: "Unfortunately, that's the best solution." Keima: "I want nothing to do with you. But there isn't any point in kicking you out." Keima: "I can't get rid of you anyway, while this collar's around my neck." Keima: "So there's only one logical solution... Capture those loose souls and complete our contract." Elsie: "Divine One... Thank you so much!" Keima: "Don't touch me! I'm doing this for my own benefit!" Keima: "And you can use this opportunity to improve your record. That might earn you some praise from your sister." Elsie: "Thank you very much, Divine One." Keima: "What is it?" Elsie: "Divine One..." Elsie: "Here you go!" Keima: "You washed it using water..." Elsie: "Nope. I used soap, too, to make sure it was super-clean!" Keima: "On second thought, get the hell out!" Elsie: "What?!" kaido: "The Uji Shui Monogatari..." Caption: "...One" kaido: "This story focuses on a human, who is completely absorbed in a single task. The artist, Ryoshu, was said to be so skilled," kaido: "Consequently, his art was surrounded by dark rumors." kaido: "Ryoshu had a sweet and lovely daughter, who was completely unlike him." Keima: "A loose soul that can hide inside a person's heart..." Keima: "How many are out there?" kaido: "When the lord of Horikawa laid his eyes upon her, he took her, to be a lady of his court." kaido: "Kosaka, continue." Chihiro: "Okay! To my dear brother and Divine One," Chihiro: "I, Elsie, am so happy that we can live together now." Chihiro: "On that note, can we talk during lunch today?" Chihiro: "P.S. Please forget about what happened in the bath. It was embarrassing." Elsie: "Why are you reading it out loud?!" Chihiro: "Why not? You wanted him to know, right? So, what happened in the bath?" Guys: "What happened in the bath? What happened in the bath? What happened in the bath?! What happened in the bath?!" Keima: "It doesn't matter how many there are! I'll catch every single one and fulfill this contract!" Elsie: "Please wait for me, Divine One! What's wrong?" Elsie: "Do you feel unwell?" Keima: "You'd better believe it!" A: "Hold on! Hold on! There's more than enough for all you hungry kids!" A: "Everything's 10% off today!" Elsie: "What is that?" Keima: "A sandwich vendor." Elsie: "Sandwich vendor?" Keima: "The food in our cafeteria's expensive, so everyone buys sandwiches from that stand." Elsie: "Oh..." A: "Everyone's favorite omelet soba sandwich is on a first-come, first-served basis!" Elsie: "What's an omelet soba sandwich?" Keima: "Oh... It's a fried-noodle sandwich that's wrapped in egg." Keima: "They use an original sauce that's really good, or so I've been told." Elsie: "Sounds so yummy..." Elsie: "This is the loose soul signal. It must be nearby." Keima: "So it's responding to someone in that crowd?" Elsie: "No. It's coming from a different direction..." Mio: "Move." Mio: "I said move." Mio: "Silence, commoners." A: "It's Mio." B: "From the Aoyama family..." Morita: "Make way, make way!" Mio: "Give me one." A: "Here's your omelet soba sandwich! That'll be 100 yen." A: "Out of 10,000? I can't take that. Don't you have any change?" Mio: "Sorry, but I've never carried change in my life." A: "What?" Mio: "How's this?" Mio: "Give me as many omelet soba sandwiches as this will buy." Bg: "What?!" Mio: "Enough of your squawking, commoners. If you don't like it, get rich like me." Keima: "And the one with the loose soul is..." Elsie: "Yes, it's her." Elsie: "Aoyama Mio, sixteen years old. She's in high-school class 2-A. Daughter of the owner of Aoyama Central Industries. Her birthday is January 2nd." Elsie: "It'll take a lot of effort to tame a girl with a will that strong." Keima: "What are you talking about? She looks relatively easy to handle." Elsie: "Huh?" Keima: "Allow me to teach you something useful." Keima: "Standoffish characters merely hide their innocence within a suit of armor. They may make a show of being tough, but on the inside, they're very delicate and uncommonly pure. Once you've broken through the armor, she'll be as soft as putty." Elsie: "How can you be so certain, without even speaking to her?" Keima: "I know it!" Keima: "Cat-like eyes! Light-colored hair! A high forehead! Twin pigtails! Those mean there's a 99% chance she fits the mold!" Keima: "I've seen three hundred of those." Elsie: "In your games?" Keima: "But of course. It'd be 100% if she were also short." Elsie: "What? That'd be too..." Elsie: "Wow, look at the heels on those things... Divine One! Huh?" Elsie: "Ah, I thought you already ran off." Keima: "I'm... in love with you." Keima: "I've felt this way from the moment I first met you." Elsie: "Divine One! I-I'm supposed to work with you as a buddy, so... Um... Well..." Keima: "How was that love confession?" Elsie: "Huh?" Keima: "For some reason, it didn't feel right." Keima: "Maybe I should try the one from Compress Love..." Elsie: "Um, what was that about?" Keima: "I was trying out a love confession from a game. It's actually easier to catch aggressive girls by surprise. So you confess your love at the very beginning," Keima: "We'll be throwing the opening punch." Elsie: "I see." Keima: "I'll run down the list. You tell me which ones leave a strong impression." Elsie: "M-Me?" Keima: "Here's the second one." Elsie: "Y-Yes!" Keima: "I've had my eyes on you all along." Elsie: "It makes me blush, even when I know you're only joking." Keima: "This isn't a joke!" Keima: "I'm serious. You're all I can think about!" Elsie: "Ow." Keima: "I'm going by the script! Read the damned list!" Elsie: "R-Right..." Keima: "I'm in love with you. Would you go out with me?" Morita: "Yes, my lady." Keima: "Uncle! Uncle!" Morita: "You must be tired, after such a long day." Elsie: "Why did she turn you down? I don't get it." Keima: "She didn't even bat an eyelash. I was expecting her to turn me down, but not like this..." Keima: "Did I make a mistake in my assumptions?" Keima: "Elsie!" Elsie: "Yes! I'm using my raiment to track them." Keima: "In the real world, it's pretty hard to find out where someone lives." Keima: "Normally, an icon would indicate the girl's location." Elsie: "Wow! She really is rich!" Keima: "Hmm?" Keima: "Hey, that's not it." Elsie: "Huh?" Mio: "I'm home." Keima: ""I prefer game characters because they never betray you." And have you ever betrayed a game character? Have you ever fallen for a different girl? These girls have their own lives, on the other side of the monitor! When I say I love them, I take that into account!"
{ "raw_title": "The World God Only Knows Season 1 Episode 2 – One Hell of a Little Sister ⧸ Baby, You're a Rich Girl", "parsed": [ "The World God Only Knows Season 1", "2", "One Hell of a Little Sister ⧸ Baby, You're a Rich Girl" ] }
Morita: "My lady, I can no longer condone this farce!" Morita: "Please stop pretending to be rich!" Mio: "I am the daughter of the owner of Aoyama Central Industries. I refuse to alter my lifestyle." Morita: "You must face reality! You're no longer a rich family's daughter." Mio: "Papa always told me" Morita: "Your father is already..." Morita: "Your mother works hard to make ends meet! What do we do with all of this?" Mio: "That wasn't my fault. I only had a ten thousand yen bill." Morita: "That was your allowance for the next four months! You must learn to carry change. It's impossible for you to eat a hundred sandwiches, and they'll spoil before you know it. Then what will you do for lunch?" Mio: "If there is no bread, let me eat sweets." Morita: "That's it. I'm going on leave!" Mio: "Where are you going, Morita? You're my chauffeur!" Morita: "I'm the director's chauffeur, not yours!" Mio: "Hold it right there!" Mio: "You're the commoner who just confessed his love to me!" Mio: "A-Are you here to confess again? Know your place, vulgar one!" Elsie: "I thought that Miss Mio was rich, but she's actually poor." Keima: "You ditched me and ran." Elsie: "Sorry..." Mio: "He saw me." Mio: "What should I do?" Mio: "I won't give in." Elsie: "Did she think you were spying on her?" Keima: "100% yes." Elsie: "We're off to a bad start again." Keima: "No. This is a big step forward." Elsie: "Huh?" Keima: "Allow me to teach you something useful." Caption: "The World God Only Knows by Tamiki Wakaki" Keima: "Two strangers! Brought together! By a mutual secret!" Keima: "By a mutual secret!" Caption: "Fin" Keima: "Got it?" Keima: "No one at Mai Academy knows that Mio is poor." Keima: "In other words, only she and I know." Keima: "The two of us share a secret now. This can become a strong bond." Elsie: "Even if it's a secret you just happened to overhear?" Keima: "Didn't I already explain this? A bad impression can become a good impression." Elsie: "But that's only in your games..." Keima: "Have I ever mentioned the real world before? When humans head into battle, they prefer to use the weapons familiar to them!" Keima: "My mind is made up! I will continue to follow the gaming world's tenets!" Keima: "As I do real world battle!" Elsie: "I don't get it, but that's so samurai, Divine One!" Mio: "Stupid Morita." Mio: "That failure!" Keima: "Allow me to offer transport to school." Keima: "Good morning, my lady." Keima: "When I heard that your chauffeur had left, I rushed right over." Mio: "The commoner who's been confessing his love and spying? Why do you keep popping up?" Mio: "And on a bicycle?!" Keima: "Please take a seat on the back." Mio: "Common." Mio: "Common." Mio: "Common!" Keima: "We must hurry, or we'll be late. Come!" Mio: "How could I possibly ride your bike? I'd rather walk!" Mio: "Ow..." Mio: "The sandwiches!" Keima: "You won't be able to walk too well in those shoes. Please get on the bicycle." Mio: "I refuse to ride that cheap piece of junk!" Mio: "Huh?" Keima: "I was impressed by your dedication to maintaining a high-society image. Please allow me to assist!" Mio: "I suppose I have no choice. My legs hurt, so I can't walk." Mio: "Go." Keima: "Roger." Mio: "Does he really love me that much?" Mio: "But I'll never accept a commoner." Mio: "Well, as long as he understands his role, this will work." B: "Aoyama?" A: "Huh?" A: "The dweeb?!" Mio: "Good work." Keima: "I'll be here after school, to take you home..." Mio: "Hmph." Elsie: "Are you okay, Divine One?" Keima: "This conquest will take a lot of stamina..." A: "Hey, did you hear?" B: "Aoyama has a new chauffeur." C: "Guess who." D: "What? Katsuragi?!" B: "I really don't get rich people." Mio: "Good work." Keima: "Have... ahh... nice..." Elsie: "Divine One, hang in there!" Mio: "He's very devoted... And he hasn't told anyone else about where I live." Mio: "What is he playing at?" Mio: "Katsuragi, pull yourself together. Enough lying around. Get back to pedaling." Keima: "Today's carriage is too big for a gamer's legs!" Mio: "Didn't you choose it?" Keima: "Stupid Elsie... Doesn't she realize that needless escalation will only break the game balance?!" Mio: "What? You can't move? Then I'll use a special charm to make you feel better." Keima: "Sp-Special charm?" Mio: "Yes. I'm sure that once I hit you with this, you'll be up and running again!" Keima: "Why are you carrying a whip around?!" Mio: "Ladies typically ride horses." Keima: "I wasn't expecting her to physically attack me!" Mio: "Caught you!" Mio: "I'm going home. I shouldn't be wasting time on a commoner." Elsie: "Given that I come from Hell, it might seem odd for me to say, but I believe that Mio's actions are wrong. She's poor, but she continues to act rich," Elsie: "And she acts so proud of being a rich family's daughter, but she didn't burn any incense for her father. You should pay your respects to the dead." Keima: "Hard to buy, coming from a demon." Keima: "But it appears that she's a good person at heart." Elsie: "Huh?" Keima: "That's the only logical conclusion, according to the route I anticipate." Keima: "This character type tends to act selfishly, before finally warming up." Keima: "The confession." Keima: "The secret." Keima: "Picking her up and dropping her off." Keima: "And inappropriate behavior. I've triggered enough events." Keima: "Something else is holding her back..." Keima: "Elsie." Keima: "I can see the ending." Mio: "Stupid Katsuragi." Mio: "He couldn't have..." Keima: "I apologize for the delay, my lady." Mio: "You're late!" Keima: "Please hurry. I've prepared a suitable dress." Mio: "What are you talking about?" Mio: "Katsuragi! Where are you, Katsuragi?!" Mio: "How did he find out about this?" Mio: "I've been ignoring all the invitations." Keima: "Miss Mio." Keima: "Is the dress to your liking? I had to select it myself." Mio: "H-He's cute. I guess that clothes do make the commoner." Mio: "I-I never told you to bring me to this party!" Keima: "It must be suffocating to spend all your time in that old apartment. I was thinking that you needed to experience" Mio: "Th-That's not what I was talking about! The party is over there!" Mio: "This is the backyard! You stupid chauffeur!" Keima: "Well, I'm not very confident in my dancing ability. I was hoping you might give me a few pointers first." Mio: "You're planning to join the party?" Mio: "You must be joking. This event is for the rich and famous only. I've participated a number of times." Keima: "Oh! So you've been here before." Mio: "But of course. I came here with Papa many..." Mio: "Fine. You can hold a party here by yourself. Though there won't be any guests, attendants, or chefs." Elsie: "Would you like a drink?" Keima: "Hey! What's with the flashy dress? You should be wearing something that won't draw attention! You're a maid!" Elsie: "Why do I have to be a maid? I want to wear a dress!" Keima: "We aren't here to enjoy ourselves!" Mio: "Katsuragi! Don't you want me to teach you to dance? Come over here." Mio: "I don't have time to waste on the masses, so we'll do this in one minute." Keima: "Don't ask the impossible." Mio: "What are you doing? Give me your hand." Mio: "You don't know anything? Hold my hand!" Mio: "What is it?" Keima: "Never mind. It's nothing..." Mio: "H-Holding hands isn't a big deal. It's a natural part of dancing!" Keima: "O-Okay..." Mio: "Let's start." Mio: "Right, right... Then turn." Keima: "Up, up, down, down, L, R, L..." Mio: "You're a quick study." Keima: "Thanks..." Keima: "Still, this seems like something from a storybook." Mio: "An average commoner's observation. This is typical of high-society life." Keima: "A world that has nothing to do with me." Mio: "I've danced with Papa so many times." A: "Aren't you the Aoyamas' daughter?" B: "Miss Mio. What are you doing here?" C: "If you're here, you should come inside." Mio: "I didn't want to come." B: "Then why are you here?" A: "Well, in any case, I was sorry to hear about Director Aoyama." A: "Miss Mio, I've heard that you're living with your mother in an apartment?" B: "Hey, you shouldn't be so rude." A: "I'm sure that you're going through a difficult period, so please help yourself to the food inside." B: "Who sent her an invitation?" A: "I wouldn't have expected her to show her face." C: "She's probably just here for the food." Keima: "Why don't you stop this?" Keima: "What's the point in clinging to this lifestyle?" Mio: "Shut up! I'm rich! Rich!" Mio: "Didn't you say that you would help me?!" Keima: "You've done enough." Keima: "I'm sure that your father is satisfied. You lived the way your father wanted," Keima: "That's why you pretended to be rich and didn't burn incense for your father." Keima: "But you should live your own life now." Mio: "Papa! Papa!" Dad: "Mio, you've grown a little. You should hold your head up, as a member of the Aoyama family," Mio: "I know! Because I'm Papa's daughter!" Dad: "Mio." Dad: "Mio." Mio: "Papa..." Mio: "Papa lives on in my heart. If I live the way he wanted, he'll never die!" Keima: "But! Just once, you smiled!" Keima: "You never smile. But just once, you looked alive! Like you were having fun!" Keima: "I understand that it's important to respect your father's wishes." Keima: "But!" Keima: "I want to see you smile more." Mio: "You're a con man! You pretended to help me, but it was all a trick!" Mio: "Ever since you showed up, Papa's been getting smaller..." Mio: "At this rate, Papa will... Papa will really die..." Keima: "Nevertheless, I want to live in your heart! If you don't want me, you can return to that world!" Keima: "You must choose for yourself." Keima: "Decide how you will live your life!" Mio: "Papa..." Mio: "Papa..." Dad: "You've grown up, Mio." Mio: "Papa..." Elsie: "Thank you so much, Divine One!" Elsie: "Heave-ho! Heave-ho!" Elsie: "Loose soul in custody!" Elsie: "Thanks to you, we've already captured two loose souls!" Keima: "I'm already completely worn out..." Mio: "Excuse me, commoner." Keima: "Give me your hand. Huh?" Mio: "I'd like to buy an omelet soba sandwich. Are these coins enough? I've never used change before." Mio: "I can't tell which is which." Keima: "That should be enough for two." Mio: "I see." Elsie: "Mio's willing to use change now!" Keima: "But she still acts the same." Mio: "Stare..." Elsie: "It's too bad that she lost her memory. You could have gotten to know each other more." Keima: "It doesn't matter. She's better off forgetting about her father and me." Keima: "This way, she can live her own life." Mio: "I'll take two omelet soba sandwiches!" Keima: "Every event in life has happened in a dating sim. But few events from dating sims ever happen in real life. Those happen to people who'd never play dating sims anyway! And so, I defy logic by pressing "start" again."
{ "raw_title": "The World God Only Knows Season 1 Episode 3 – Drive My Car ⧸ I Don't Want To Spoil The Party", "parsed": [ "The World God Only Knows Season 1", "3", "Drive My Car ⧸ I Don't Want To Spoil The Party" ] }
Sora: "You're here." Sora: "Ah..." Sora: "You've been holding on to those for me?" Sora: "Thank you." Sora: "Say..." Sora: "Will you look at my picture?" : "There once was a game that could not be conquered... A game that drew many challengers and crushed them..." Sora: "There's..." Sora: "There's no one left to look at my picture..." Keima: "I'm here." Keima: "I promise..." Elsie: "Ah! Good morning, Divine Brother." Keima: "Yeah." Mari: "Hey! Keima! I keep telling you not to eat and play at the same time!" Elsie: "We're off!" Mari: "Be careful!" Mari: "El, could you help make sure that Keima doesn't walk into any cars." Elsie: "Yes, Mother!" Elsie: "Divine Brother, you need to be careful, or you'll get hit by a car." Elsie: "So!" Chihiro: "Oh. Morning, Ellie!" Elsie: "Stare..." Chihiro: "Ellie, you're fired up today." Teacher: "Katsuragi, translate that sentence." Keima: "I think that they just seem to be cleverer as they obey our command." Teacher: "You think you can do whatever you want if you answer correctly, eh?!" Keima: "No... Is there a problem?" Teacher: "Houses sprawling across the land, in an extensive web." Keima: "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry..." Elsie: "Are you okay, Divine Brother?" Keima: "You still consider me a god?" Keima: "But I'm so powerless..." Elsie: "Normally, you're brimming with confidence. What happened?" Keima: "The rumors were true. She can't be conquered..." Elsie: "Oh, another game?" Elsie: "Still, it must be really hard, for you to have trouble." Keima: "Why don't you have a look at this game before you say anything?" Elsie: "Yes, sir!" Keima: "First, we have the heroine of this game, Asuka Sora." Elsie: "Oh... She's an artist?" Keima: "And here we have a scene where she shows her picture to the player." Elsie: "You should obviously choose "Yes!"" Elsie: "Hmm? Huh? She's asking the same question again." Keima: "Next, I'll try choosing "No."" Elsie: "Again..." Elsie: "Maybe she's not feeling well?" Keima: "There's a bug that causes this scene to loop! Normally, the game would move on to the next screen, but a programming error keeps returning the player to the previous scene." Elsie: "Oh... A bug..." Keima: "In hindsight, there were signs when I bought this game..." Sora: "A tear-jerking adventure, which will send chills down your spine!" Sora: "The first two-disc masterpiece on the PFP!" Sora: "The game everyone's talking about is finally on sale!" Sora: "And the limited edition comes with five great extras!" Sora: "A heartrending audio drama CD!" Sora: "A 12-color box of crayons. A sketchbook of line art" Sora: "An Asuka Sora figure ver. White Lily, ver. White." Sora: "An Asuka Sora figure ver. Black Rose, ver. Black." Sora: "The first press limited edition is 12,600 yen!" Sora: "A tearjerker for you." Keima: "A tearjerker for you?! The game was pushed back twenty-three times! Spend more time debugging instead of making merchandise! The first two-disc masterpiece on the PFP? The second disc was just a huge patch, you morons!" Elsie: "He's snapped..." Keima: "So the game was released," Keima: "but then this bug came up..." A: "It's no use... The patch doesn't fix it..." B: "One bug removed, and another one pops up." C: "Another game to shelve... I'm done." Keima: "Everyone gave up on the game. Still, I thought that I could solve it." Keima: "But I can't do anything about a bug..." Elsie: "Get a hold of yourself, Divine One!" Elsie: "I-If the game is broken, it's not your fault. You may be the God of Conquest, but you can't do the impossible." Keima: "Who said anything about this being impossible?" Elsie: "Huh?" Keima: "No game can stand against me. Thus I am a god!" Elsie: "D-Divine One..." Keima: "Victory will be mine! My pride is on the line." Keima: "Give me a hand." Elsie: "I-I'm supposed to help?!" Keima: "Listen carefully, Elsie." Keima: "You need to write down every choice I make." Elsie: "Huh? Every one?" Keima: "We can't be sure that the loop is caused by the choice immediately before it." Keima: "It's possible that the loop may be avoided by following a different pattern of choices." Elsie: "So we're looking for a path that doesn't lead to a dead end." Keima: "Okay, we're going to try every possible pattern. Game start!" Elsie: "It's not starting up." Keima: "Two out of three times, this game won't start up." Keima: "Total piece of crap!" Keima: "This is the first choice you make in the game. I chose not to go to the cafeteria earlier, so I'll go this time." Elsie: "Okay!" Caption: " Curry on Rice / Chicken & Egg on Rice / Scrambled Eggs on Rice BBQ Meal/ Croquette Meal / Salmon Meal Fried Mackerel Meal / Fried Chicken Meal / Fried Pork Cutlet on Rice Salisbury Steak Meal / Udon with Fried Batter / Udon with Fried Tofu Cold Udon / Udon with Fried Vegetables / Soba with Fried Batter Soba with Fried Tofu / Soba with Vegetables / Beef on Rice Omelet on Rice / Spaghetti with Tomato Sauce / Spaghetti alla Carbonara Ramen with Soy Sauce / Ramen with Salt / Ramen with Miso Soup Spicy Noodles / Ramen with Fried Pork Cutlet / Rice Soup Grilled Chicken (6 pieces) / Fish-shaped Red Bean Paste Cake (12) / Fried Octopus (8 balls) Red Bean Paste Cake (Fish-shaped) / Baked Sweet Potato / Fried Soba Baked Potato / French Fries (S) / French Fries (M) Tuna Sandwich / Mixed Sandwiches / Lunch Set A Lunch Set B / Lunch Set C / Daily Special Lunch Lady's Special / Fresh School Special / Twelve-Color Parfait Chop Suey / Pepper Steak / Twice Cooked Pork Vegetable Stir-Fry / Shrimp with Chili Sauce / Sautéed Liver and Chives Sweet and Sour Pork / Tofu with Chili Sauce / Eggplant with Chili Sauce Cellophane Noodles with Chili Sauce / Pot Stickers / Spring Rolls Shredded Chicken with Spicy Sesame Sauce / Mayonnaise Shrimp / Mustard Greens Fried Mackerel / Crumbed Oysters / Fried Shrimp Fried Calamari / Fried White Fish / Fried Pork Roast Fried Pork Fillet / Fried Chicken Cutlet / Fried Chicken Breast Miso Soup with Pork / Kimchi / Pickled Vegetables Hot Springs Egg / Minestrone / Egg Soup" Elsie: "Do we have to go through every one of these?" Keima: "O-Of course... We don't know which choice will change destiny." Elsie: "How long is this going to take?" Keima: "Oh, by the way..." Keima: "You can't save in this game." Elsie: "Huh?" Keima: "If you save, your PFP stops working. So we'll have to start over from the beginning every time we fail." Keima: "Who's the person collecting loose souls for you?" Keima: "You're going to help me, right?" Elsie: "Yes..." Elsie: "D-Demon..." Elsie: "Huh? Sora's upside-down?" Keima: "Happens all the time." Elsie: "The sound's all choppy." Keima: "According to the developers, it's part of the atmosphere." Elsie: "Now there's an old man on the screen..." Keima: "Delete your leftover characters! Cafeteria, omelet on rice, like, win the mini-game," Elsie: "Divine One... I can't take any more of this..." Elsie: "It's going to be the same result every time." Keima: "We haven't tried all of the choices yet. You can't say for certain that there's no chance." Elsie: "Does it really matter if there's a game you can't beat?" Elsie: "Why isn't he tired yet? He's been playing that game so long..." Elsie: "I wish he'd be as dedicated when it came to capturing loose souls..." Elsie: "Divine One?" Elsie: "I brought you something to drink." Sora: "I'm going to eat lunch now." Keima: "Then, I'll join you." Sora: "I always have udon for lunch. What are you going to have?" Keima: "I'll have, uh... The lunch lady's special." Keima: "Ow!" Keima: "Why am I playing dodgeball? Why add a mini-game with no point?!" Sora: "I'm going to eat lunch now." Sora: "I always have udon for lunch. What are you going to have?" Keima: "I guess I'll have curry." Sora: "I'm going to..." Keima: "Can't you add a skip function?!" Sora: "You're here." Keima: "Uh-huh..." Sora: "You've been holding on to those for me?" Keima: "Huh?" Keima: "Because they're important." Sora: "Thank you." Sora: "Say..." Sora: "Will you look at my picture?" Keima: "Damn. Triggered the loop again..." Sora: "I always have udon for lunch. What are you going to have?" Keima: "I'll have the lunch lady's..." Keima: "I mean, the fresh school special." Keima: "Let's eat!" Sora: "Do you like it?" Keima: "Uh-huh, I like it." Sora: "I'm going to eat lunch now." Sora: "I'm going to eat lunch now." Sora: "I'm..." Sora: "I always have udon for lunch. What are you going to have?" Keima: "I'll have, uh..." Elsie: "The twelve-color parfait is next!" Elsie: "Are you okay, Divine One?" Keima: "Yeah." Elsie: "You always say that reality is just a crappy game, so why do you care so much about a bad game?" Keima: "Who'd look at Sora's picture, then?" Elsie: "Huh?" Keima: "This is clearly a crappy game. But that isn't Sora's fault." Keima: "There's no such thing as a bad heroine. There are only bad games." Keima: "Heroines are always waiting for someone to save them! I can't abandon her just because the game doesn't work!" Elsie: "D-Divine One?" Elsie: "Oh, I know!" Elsie: "We aren't making any progress. So we should complain to the company that made this game!" Keima: "That company went out of business last month." Elsie: "Huh?" Keima: "The people who trapped Sora in this loop are gone." Keima: "And no one's playing this game anymore." Keima: "I'm the only one left..." Keima: "I promise..." Keima: "...to save her!" Song: "Check how sharp my pencil is with my finger. I still don't know how this drawing will turn out, but when I close my eyes, I can picture it." Song: "Putting these feelings, deep in my heart, down on paper. When I see all these beautiful colors, my heart begins to skip." Song: "Yes, your first color..." Sora: "Say..." Sora: "Will you look at my picture?" Keima: "Yes. If that's what you want." Keima: "Sora..." Sora: "Thank you." Keima: "I'm out..." Elsie: "Huh?" Keima: "I broke out of the loop." Elsie: "What?!" Elsie: "Th-That's amazing, Divine One! You really did it!" Keima: "I did it! I did it..." Elsie: "He's kind of an oddball," Elsie: "but I guess that's why he can chase down loose souls." Keima: "I can see it... I can see the ending!" Keima: "Huh?" Keima: "G-Gibberish..." Keima: "I knew that more issues would crop up." Elsie: "Huh? Divine One?" Keima: "However, I will not be defeated by mere bugs." Keima: "For I am the God of the Gaming World! Let's do this!" Elsie: "What?! Let's go home already! Divine One!" Keima: "One hundred hours of gaming a day!" Elsie: "No way!" Caption: "Welcome to Widoes" Caption: "Summary Crayon ~Art of Sora~ is a dating sim, released by Atelier Lilith. Five years between announcement and release. Numerous production issues and many bugs...being known as the "legendary crappy game" and "the ultimate coaster"... The limited edition commands a high price on the used game market. Production Issues The game was delayed 23 times. First PFP game to require two discs, the second a huge patch. Two included figures, the only difference being clothing color. The audio drama CD reused game dialog." Caption: "Game Issues The game only had one pursuable heroine, but the trigger system was a mess...Impossible to enter the main route. After the 5th downloadable patch, main route was accessible...followed by a looping bug. Also criticism over users having to pay for patches. After announcing a 6th patch, the company went out of business and the game could not be completed. Thought that sample images on the box and the website were the only ones in-game. The CG pointer table was wrong, so strange images frequently appeared. The company switched artists during production, so Sora's face appears different occasionally. There was a pointless mini-game, which was also buggy. Et cetera... Rumors An internet rumor, that only one person saw the ending, wasn't believed and was soon forgotten." Keima: "37 is a prime number. However, 111, 222, 333, 444, 555, 666, 777, 888, and 999 are not. Math is beautiful! Therefore, the game characters created through math must be beautiful!"
{ "raw_title": "The World God Only Knows Season 1 Episode 4 – On a Crusade", "parsed": [ "The World God Only Knows Season 1", "4", "On a Crusade" ] }
s: "Kanon!" Kanon: "Naru Hall is mine! This is it!" : "Here it is!" : "The NNS Best New Artist award goes to..." : "Nakagawa Kanon!" Elsie: "You did it! You did it, Kanon!" : "Congratulations, Kanon!" Kanon: "Thank you very much." Elsie: "She's so cute!" : "The stage is yours! Here's "All 4 You!"" Elsie: "Kanon won Best New Artist, Divine Brother." Keima: "Who's that?" Elsie: "The most popular idol right now! Look!" Keima: "Worthless." Elsie: "What? Look at her. Isn't she cute?" Keima: "You're part of the TV generation." Elsie: "Hmm?" Mari: "Are you trying to copy Kanon with that ribbon?" Elsie: "Ah... I wanted to feel like an idol..." Keima: "Idols and TVs are mere relics of a previous generation." Elsie: "What do you mean?" Keima: "We live in the era of game idols!" All: "The era of game idols!" Keima: "After many long years, "idols" are finally worthy of their original definition. Game idols, immune to wear and tear, represent the ideal we once sought." Elsie: "Objection!" Elsie: "Look at how cute this real girl is. She's much cuter than any of your girls who don't exist!" Keima: "In fact, real idols are limited by the real world." Keima: "What is an idol? An idol embodies the concept of an eternal ideal. Yet, idols in the real world are guaranteed to decline! Their skin starts to sag and they get wrinkles." Keima: "However! Game idols are different!" Girl: "Yay! I can talk!" Real: "Hi!" Girl: "Sparkling!" Keima: "The real idol industry is a sinking ship! All aboard the new age!" Keima: "The ship is departing! For the new world!" Elsie: "W-Wait for me!" Mari: "Kids..." Mari: "Show some table manners!" : "Thank you! That was Nakagawa Kanon!" Kanon: "Thank you very much." Elsie: "The Divine One may say otherwise," Elsie: "but I think that Kanon is more than cute enough." Elsie: "Yay!" Mari: "Kanon, go take a bath." Elsie: "O-Okay..." Elsie: "It's finally lunchtime! Divine Brother! Let's go visit the food vendor..." Elsie: "Huh?" A: "Really?" B: "Yeah, I saw her come in." Elsie: "What's going on? There's something strange about the classroom..." Chihiro: "I see more people than usual." A: "It's been two months." Elsie: "Um..." Elsie: "Two months since what?" Chihiro: "Oh, right. You've never seen her before." A: "She's coming to school." Chihiro: "Yep." Chihiro: "The one and only Nakagawa Kanon!" Elsie: "What?!" Game: "Look, there's no one around." Game: "This is my secret place." Kanon: "Best New Artist..." Kanon: "I worked hard." Kanon: "Worked hard..." Kanon: "Most girls now have more energy and glamour. I'm not sure that the award should have gone to someone as plain and old-fashioned as I am." Kanon: "Maybe I'm really an idol now..." Kanon: "Okay! Time to study!" Kanon: "Oh, there's someone here..." Kanon: "Did you hear me talking to myself?" Kanon: "Hello. You must be special, to know about this place." Keima: "Who are you?" Keima: "I'm busy. Don't talk to me." Kanon: "Of course... There are still people who don't recognize me." Kanon: "Why..." Kanon: "Why didn't he recognize me? I'm no idol... It's all a lie! One big lie!" Keima: "Please... Please let me save my game!" Elsie: "Divine Brother!" Elsie: "Why didn't you tell me that she was in our class?" Elsie: "K-Kanon?" Elsie: "In the flesh!" Kanon: "You recognize me?" Elsie: "Y-Yes! Of course!" Elsie: "Exalted Brother, give me something to write on!" Elsie: "U-Um... Please sign this!" Keima: "Th-That's..." Kanon: "Absolutely! Let me have it!" Kanon: "Here you go." Elsie: "This is amazing! I go to the same school as someone famous!" Kanon: "Please..." Kanon: "I'm not that famous." Keima: "Give it back!" Elsie: "That's right. Congratulations on winning Best New Artist." Kanon: "Thank you. But I still have lots of work to do." Kanon: "I want..." Kanon: "I want my song to touch everyone inside!" Elsie: "You've touched me!" Keima: "It won't come off! Is this oil-based?" Elsie: "You're so mean, Exalted Brother! Why didn't you tell me about Kanon? We're in the same class!" Kanon: "The same class..." Keima: "Like I said! I have no interest in worthless real idols!" Keima: "Huh?" Kanon: "People in my own class don't know who I am." Kanon: "I'm no idol! I'm just trash! Trash! Trash!" Keima: "Two is a bad idea! Bad idea!" Kanon: "Stop upsetting me. Stop upsetting me." Keima: "Save! Save! Damn, I can't see the screen!" Kanon: "Stop upsetting me." Kanon: "What is your name?" Keima: "Ka-Katsuragi!" Kanon: "Katsuragi..." Keima: "I-I've gotten involved with someone who seems dangerous." Keima: "May our paths never cross again." Elsie: "Divine Brother! It's terrible!" Keima: "You're just as bad!" Elsie: "It's Kanon!" Elsie: "She's... Look." Keima: "A-A loose soul?" Elsie: "That's right. Nakagawa Kanon is our next target!" A: "It's Kanon!" B: "Kanon came to school!" Kanon: "Everyone else recognizes me. Katsuragi, you're the only one who doesn't." Kanon: "And we're in the same class. In the same class..." A: "Kanon! Over here!" Kanon: "Katsuragi, I will defeat you!" Song: "Short hair flutters in the wind." Song: "Here comes a ribbon revolution. Revolutionary future." Song: "I want to hear the voices of the world." Song: "A song of love for everyone." Song: "Lovelutionary melody." Song: "Will I see you tomorrow? I'm sure I will. I want to tell you all about how fast my heart beats. I my me idol... I'm an idol. Gonna shoot everyone with my love cannon. BANG BANG! I my me idol... Watch me now." Song: "Gonna capture everyone's heart." Song: "And never let you go." Song: "I want you to know." Song: "I my me idol... I'm an idol. Gonna shoot everyone with my love cannon. BANG BANG! I my me idol... Watch me now. Gonna capture your heart. And never let you go." All: "Good work!" Kanon: "Manager!" Kanon: "How'd I do? Was there anything wrong?" Manager: "You were perfect." Director: "You're always perfect. Every time!" Kanon: "Thank you very much! Then I'll excuse myself." Director: "She has the voice, the looks, and the personality." Kanon: "Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" Director: "There's nothing to fear!" Manager: "No, she still has much to learn." Director: "She's a completely different person from when she was in Citron." Manager: "Well, a lot has happened..." Elsie: "Nakagawa Kanon. Born on March 3rd. Sixteen years old. The first real orthodox idol in years." Keima: "Would an orthodox idol pull out stun guns?" Elsie: "That must be the loose soul's fault." Keima: "Anyway, I want nothing to do with her." Elsie: "Don't say that, Divine Brother!" Elsie: "Have you forgotten? Our lives depend on our hunting down the loose souls!" Keima: "In life, where there is save data, there is hope." Keima: "Seriously, why do these loose souls keep targeting weird girls?" Keima: "A CD?" Elsie: "In any case, we have to do this! Dear Katsuragi, Come to the roof again, after school. Pretty please..." Keima: "K-Kanon?!" Elsie: "She also wrote that if you don't show up, she'll punish you." Kanon: "U-Um... Sorry about making you come up here!" Keima: "She sounds awfully timid for someone who threatened me into this." Kanon: "Um, this won't take very long. If you could keep this a secret..." Kanon: "If my manager finds out, I'll get in trouble." Kanon: "Katsuragi..." Kanon: "I'm going to defeat you!" Keima: "Defeat me?" Kanon: "Listen up! Here's "All 4 You!"" Elsie: "Kanon's going to sing? Really?" Song: "All 4 You, on white sand. All 4 You, barefoot love." A: "Huh?" B: "Do you hear that?" C: "What's that?" D: "Hey, isn't this one of Kanon's song?" E: "No way! Where's it coming from?" : "I think it's coming from above." Song: "I want to run with you and make this summer love come true." Elsie: "Kanon is singing right in front of me!" Elsie: "But why is she doing this for the Divine One?" Elsie: "Hmm... Oh, well. It doesn't matter." Kanon: "Katsuragi, you make me uneasy." Kanon: "You're upsetting my balance. You're my enemy." Song: "Back and forth..." Kanon: "But I'm an idol!" Song: "I want to tell you how I feel." Kanon: "So I fight by singing and dancing!" Kanon: "Katsuragi... I'll make you into a fan!" Song: "A silhouette of beating hearts... All 4 You, on white sand. All 4 You..." Keima: "So what did you want?" Keima: "I'm supposed to listen to you sing?" Keima: "Here it comes!" Kanon: "Oh, no! I'm late for the recording!" Kanon: "Please be here again tomorrow! You absolutely must come!" Keima: "How is this a secret?" Keima: "But my PFP was spared..." Elsie: "Divine One... Why were you so cold to her? Kanon went to all this trouble for you." Keima: "Look behind the mask. Clearly, I shouldn't take the bait." Keima: "Watch out! If you come across an event that's too good to be true, it's probably poison." Keima: "In games, love is about chasing after girls." Keima: "If a girl chases after you, it's likely to be a trap. And idols are usually difficult to track down, yet she's the one coming after me. It would be wise to ignore her!" Elsie: "I see..." Keima: "Besides, she wiped out my PFP data." Elsie: "Is that your main reason?" Kanon: "I've never sung this one in front of anyone before! Please listen to my new song, "Happy Crescent!"" Song: "Paying no attention to the blackboard, as I sneak a side glance at the sweet face of my fantasy." Song: "All of a sudden, we're behind the school building. Talking about love..." Keima: "Still, why is she trying so hard? Does it really matter if one person doesn't recognize her?" Keima: "Do I jump in?" Keima: "Or stay out?" Song: "A very clueless Romeo. Happy Happy Happy Crescent." Kanon: "I feel great!" Song: "A happy present for you." Kanon: "I could perform in the Dome right now." Kanon: "That's right..." Kanon: "I'm no longer the person I used to be!" Kanon: "I'm an idol now!" Kanon: "How'd you like it?" Kanon: "It's no good..." Kanon: "I'm no good..." Kanon: "No good... No good..." Keima: "Sh-She disappeared?" Keima: "These girls are pixels. Data. I know that. So how would you describe the girl you like? Protein? Calcium? A pointless argument. What's important is that there's love. Isn't that what you people always say?"
{ "raw_title": "The World God Only Knows Season 1 Episode 5 – IDOL BOMB!!", "parsed": [ "The World God Only Knows Season 1", "5", "Idol Bomb!!" ] }
Elsie: "D-Divine One, Kanon disappeared..." Elsie: "A second ago, she was singing right here!" Keima: "Calm down! That's impossible in real life! Look closely!" Elsie: "Ah! I-I see her! I see Kanon!" Keima: "She's kind of transparent?" Kanon: "It's no use." Kanon: "No one will listen to my song..." Kanon: "It's just like before." Kanon: "Nothing's changed. Nothing..." Kanon: "Nothing at all..." Kanon: "I'm still invisible!" Keima: "I've got it!" Keima: "No! You're wrong! I was listening to your song!" Kanon: "Liar." Kanon: "Liar!" Kanon: "You were asleep." Keima: "Th-That was because... Your song was so beautiful, I felt like I was in heaven." Kanon: "Be here again tomorrow..." Keima: "I survived..." Elsie: "Are you okay, Divine One?!" Elsie: "That should do it." Keima: "Anyway, was she transparent because of the loose soul?" Elsie: "It's because you kept ignoring her! You pissed her off!" Keima: "I wasn't ignoring her for my own amusement. I was trying to shock her into revealing what's bothering her." Elsie: "But is it really necessary to go to such extremes?" Keima: "Of course." Keima: "After all..." A: "6,000,000!" B: "7,000,000!" C: "7,500,000!" A: "9,000,000!" C: "10,000,000!" A: "12,000,000!" Auction: "I have 12,000,000 gavas! Are there any higher bids?" Auction: "Then, this item is sold for 12,000,000 gavas..." Keima: "15,000,000 gavas!" Auction: "Sold, card #69, Felina's Troubles!" Keima: "Well worth it..." Keima: "A girl's troubles can be your ace in the hole. You should obtain them, even if it kills you." Elsie: "Cut to the chase, already!" Keima: "I'm emphasizing how important this is. The conquest cannot begin until I learn what's troubling her. Don't worry. I made up for my earlier, negative impression." Elsie: "So.. that's what you were doing?" Keima: "Moving on... It's not very difficult to see what might be bothering a real idol, but I don't want to waste too much time or energy." Keima: "Elsie." Elsie: "Ah, yes!" Keima: "I need you to gather information on her." Elsie: "Understood!" : "And now, here's "All 4 You!"" : "Okay! Today, Kanon will introduce us to her beloved pet." A: "Wow! It's adorable!" Kanon: "Yes, he's named Kitaro." Elsie: "Kitaro likes to eat parsley." A: "How long have you had him?" Kanon: "I've had him for three years." A: "Really?" Keima: "Did I need to know that?" Elsie: "All of Kanon's fans know that!" : "Oh, that's right. You have a concert coming up, don't you?" Kanon: "Yes, at Narusawa Seaside Hall! Standing on that stage has always been my dream. I can't wait for the concert!" A: "Then why don't you sing for us now? "Happy Crescent!"" Elsie: "This song comes out next week. Very important!" Keima: "Um... Why are you trying to turn me into a Kanon fan? Give me information that will actually assist the conquest." Song: "Paying no attention to the blackboard, as I sneak a side glance at the sweet face of my fantasy." Song: "All of a sudden, we're behind the school building. Talking about love... But it's not for me." Crowd: "Kanon!" Song: "But I'm still gonna-" Kanon: "Why... Why aren't you looking at me?" Song: "Happy Happy Happy Crescent." Elsie: "Kanon looked a little strange just now." Song: "Please hold me tight... Oh, crush of mine." Keima: "Good grief. Finally over?" Elsie: "Divine One?" Keima: "What?" Elsie: "This is a live broadcast, right?" Keima: "Yeah." Elsie: "I'll head over to the TV station. That way, I'll be able to ask Kanon what's wrong!" Keima: "H-Hey..." Keima: "Determination's one thing she's not lacking..." Elsie: "Um..." Elsie: "Narusawa TV..." Elsie: "That's it!" Elsie: "I made it!" Elsie: "Excuse me! I'm looking for Kanon!" Elsie: "Huh?" Elsie: "Ow..." Elsie: "Why won't you let me meet Kanon?" Elsie: "Hurry! Those people are..." Guys: "Great job, Kanon!" Elsie: "Kanon's inside the van?" Guy: "That won't do, young lady. The chase ends here." Manager: "You messed up the lyrics." Kanon: "I'm sorry." Manager: "The past few days, you've performed poorly. Are you feeling unwell?" Kanon: "No! I'm fine! I'll be okay after a good night's sleep." Manager: "I see... Oh, sorry for the short notice, but you're scheduled for a TV drama at five tomorrow. I'm counting on you." Kanon: "Yes." Idol: "Huh? Really?" Idol: "Yeah, I've been busy with work, so I might be a little tired." Idol: "But I have you to cheer me on. I'll be fine." Keima: "That's right! Now that's what I call an idol! The stun-gunner is an aberration!" Mari: "Where were you?! Honestly! Do you realize what time it is?" Elsie: "I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" Mari: "A girl shouldn't wander around alone at night! What if something happened?!" Elsie: "I'm sorry..." Mari: "Don't make me worry. Stupid..." Elsie: "I'm sorry!" Keima: "What's with the soap opera?" Mari: "Keima! Get your ass over here!" Mari: "Aren't you her older brother? How could you let your little sister out this late? You're supposed to be looking after her! I don't care if you spend your time with games, but you'd better act like a man!" Keima: "Why am I getting blamed for this?" Elsie: "I'm really, really sorry!" Keima: "Man... So? Did you learn anything?" Elsie: "Oh, yes! I sure did!" Keima: "Who are these people?" Elsie: "They're Kanon's fans." Keima: "I see some older ones." Elsie: "They're all really nice. I learned a lot from them. Kanon used to be in a group called Citron." Keima: "You could have probably found that information on the internet." Elsie: "Yes! But I learned some things that aren't on the internet." Elsie: "Citron was originally founded for the sake of promoting its leader, Lime." Elsie: "But Kanon turned out to be more popular..." Elsie: "In the end, the group broke up." Elsie: "And the other two members quit. That might be one reason Kanon no longer performs" Keima: "I see." Keima: "So there was a back story." Elsie: "I'm sure that Kanon is lonely..." Elsie: "So please be nicer to her." Keima: "Why? Her circumstances are irrelevant to the conquest." Keima: "However, I now understand the source of her troubles." Keima: "Starting tomorrow, I'll actively make contact with her." Keima: "And of course, she doesn't show up today! I'm ready to go on the attack!" Elsie: "She must be busy. Being an idol..." A: "Hey, that's not it!" B: "I'm terribly sorry. It's taking a bit to set up. We need you to wait a little longer." Kanon: "Sure!" Kanon: "I didn't get to go see Katsuragi today..." A: "Huh? Didn't see you there." B: "Oh, there you are!" C: "I didn't notice, since you don't stand out." Teacher: "Oops, I forgot to put your name on the mailing list." Teacher: "Are you sure you were here?" Voice: "You have new messages!" Keima: "Here it is." Elsie: "Oh, a message from Kanon! When did you give her your information?" Keima: "I stuck it in the CD case she gave me. And I put it in her coat." Keima: "Sh-She's depressed again..." Kanon: "Katsuragi? Am I invisible?" Kanon: "Did you hear my song?" Keima: "Y-Yeah... It was a nice song." Kanon: "Really?" Kanon: "That's great! I was so worried, I couldn't concentrate on my work! But of course... You were listening to me sing!" Kanon: "Katsuragi!" Keima: "Wh-What?" Kanon: "Um... Would you mind if I kept sending you messages? I don't have any friends at school. You're the first person I've ever talked to!" Keima: "Have we actually done any talking?" Keima: "Anyway, this is perfect." Keima: "I'm the only person she can talk to about her troubles." Keima: "Essentially, I've completed this conquest by establishing that position." Keima: "Feel free to talk anytime!" Voice: "You have new messages!" Kanon: "Thanks!" Voice: "You have new messages!" Kanon: "Thank you so much for coming out here today!" : "Then we're going to begin with the handshake session." Kanon: "Sorry. I was worried because this was scheduled at the last minute." Keima: "Nah, it's no problem. As long as I'm helping..." Kanon: "Uh-huh! After seeing your face, I have the strength to go on. Thanks!" Voice: "You have new messages!" Kanon: "My new song dropped on the charts... Thanks!" Kanon: "I can't swim... What if I fall? Thanks! I screwed up during the recording... Thanks! The director yelled at me... Thanks!" Kanon: "What if I trip and fall? Thanks! I can't fix my hair... Thanks!" Elsie: "Divine One! Hang in there!" Keima: "Seriously... The game design for real life is so flawed!" Voice: "You have new messages!" Kanon: "Keima!" Kanon: "Did I keep you waiting?" Keima: "No." Keima: "So what's bugging you today?" Kanon: "Hmm, nothing." Keima: "Huh?" Kanon: "I had some free time, so I wanted to see you." Keima: "Oh..." A: "Oh, it's Kanon." B: "She's so cute." Kanon: "Ah! It's already this late? I have to go!" Kanon: "Sorry! I just wanted to see you for a bit." : "Tonight, on Music Stage, at 8 PM, we have a special on Kanon Nakagawa! The rising star will sing for us. It'll be great!" Elsie: "Kanon's amazing." : "Kanon Nakagawa's first solo concert, December 24th, at Narusawa Seaside Hall!" Kanon: "Keima! Over here!" Kanon: "I have a concert here tonight." Keima: "I know." Kanon: "They said that 10,000 people will show up. I've never performed on such a big stage!" Kanon: "Isn't it incredible?" Keima: "Yeah." Kanon: "It's like a dream come true!" Kanon: "Everyone's coming to see me. I'm no longer invisible!" Kanon: "Jeez... You're always playing games. Were you listening to me?" Kanon: "Ah! That's my song!" Caption: "LOVE KANON Kanon Nakagawa ALL 4 YOU (Album Version) Kanon Nakagawa Otome DISCO 80s Kanon Nakagawa Android Celluloid Kanon Nakagawa YES - TODAY Kanon Nakagawa" Kanon: "You're listening to my song!" Keima: "I'm just getting ready!" Kanon: "Getting ready for what?" Kanon: "Did you like my song?" Kanon: "I want you to praise me if you liked it." Kanon: "Bye!" Elsie: "You're amazing, Divine One. It shouldn't take you long to fill the emptiness in Kanon's heart." Keima: "I wouldn't be so sure." Kanon: "Thank you very much!" A: "Break a leg!" Kanon: "Thank you very much!" B: "Oh, knock 'em dead." Ayu: "You're the reason I can keep on singing. Please stay by my side." Keima: "An idol for a girlfriend..." Keima: "This is certainly a picture-perfect happy ending." Keima: "But..." Manager: "Find her!" Manager: "Find her quickly!" C: "Huh? Kanon's gone?" D: "Yes, no one can find her." Elsie: "It's terrible, Divine One! Kanon is..." Keima: "This is it!" Keima: "I can see..." Keima: "...the ending! We play games on computers more powerful" Keima: "Neil Armstrong's "one giant leap for mankind""
{ "raw_title": "The World God Only Knows Season 1 Episode 6 – I'm Ordinary?", "parsed": [ "The World God Only Knows Season 1", "6", "I'm Ordinary?" ] }
A: "Hurry!" Caption: "Two Years Ago" Kanon: "It's huge! How many people do you think it accommodates?" Yuri: "Ten thousand, I heard. Isn't that amazing?" Yuri: "One day, I hope we'll get to sing in a place like this." Kanon: "But bringing in ten thousand people won't be easy." Lime: "What are you talking about, Kanon?" Kanon: "Lime..." Lime: "Once we make our debut, we'll be there in no time." Lime: "You two just need to follow my lead." Kanon: "Uh-huh!" Yuri: "Yeah, yeah." Lime: "1, 2, 3, 4!" Song: "Nice to meet you! How are you doing? Please give me love. Heartstrings tugged... And before you know it, boy meets girl. Different hues of petals in bloom to show to you. Join with me, as our hearts blossom." A: "Kanon N.! Yeah! Kanon N.! Yeah!" All: "Yeah! Yeah! All right!" Makeup: "Kanon, I heard your concert was an instant sell-out. You're really something!" Kanon: "I-I didn't do so much... It was all thanks to the staff members." Makeup: "Please... No need to downplay yourself." Makeup: "Look at all the bouquets you've received. Kanon, you've been looking cuter every day! Did you fall in love?" Kanon: "Huh? I-It's not like that..." Makeup: "Excuse me for a second." Makeup: "Hello? Didn't I go over this already? That's their job!" Kanon: "It's finally here." Kanon: "I worked hard." Kanon: "I worked hard. Yeah." Old: "That's right." Old: "That's right." Old: "You worked very hard!" Old: "Congratulations. Everyone's watching you." Old: "But if you screw up tonight, it's all over. Can you sing by yourself, on this huge stage," Kanon: "I-I can! I can do it!" Old: "Really?" Old: "If you screw up, everyone will leave you. Your manager, your staff, your fans... They'll all be disappointed and abandon you." Old: "Citron is gone. You'll always be alone. There's nothing for you but to live alone." Makeup: "Sorry for the wait." Makeup: "Where'd she go..." A: "Where did Kanon go?" B: "Hey, you find her?" C: "They're already letting people into the hall!" D: "Keep it down! The reporters will hear you!" Manager: "Have the salespeople join the search! We must find her! Hurry!" Both: "Yes, ma'am!" Elsie: "Kanon's missing... You cheered her up, so why? What do we do?!" Keima: "Calm down, you brain-dead demon." Elsie: "What do we do?!" Keima: "This isn't a setback." Elsie: "What do we do?!" Keima: "My conquest is proceeding as planned." Elsie: "Huh?" Keima: "This is the final event, the most critical point. I must be the first person to find Kanon. I won't allow anyone else to take this event!" Keima: "Or I'm no date simmer!" Elsie: "Right..." Elsie: "But Kanon can become invisible. How will you find someone you can't see, in a place this size?" Keima: "I'll start by trying every choice!" Elsie: "How does that work?" Keima: "I'm going to look everywhere!" Elsie: "Geez... Just say that, to begin with!" A: "Kanon N.! Yeah!" Manager: "You can't find her?" D: "It's no use. She's not here." A: "We even extended the search to the nearby station!" Manager: "Honestly, what is she doing?" C: "Um... What if she got into some kind of trouble?" C: "Maybe we should go to the police." B: "But then the concert would be canceled, right?" Manager: "Not yet. We keep searching until the very last second!" All: "Yes, ma'am!" Elsie: "That's..." Elsie: "Hello." Man: "Oh, Ellie. Are you here for the concert tonight?" Elsie: "Oh, no. I'm just looking for Kanon." Man: "Kanon should be inside the hall already. There's no need to look for her." Elsie: "Oh! That's right! If everyone finds out, there will be a huge mess! O-Of course... Sorry about that." Man: "Oh, hold on." Man: "We were watching a Citron DVD. Would you care to join us? It's their debut song, "Please Give Me Love." A rare item." Elsie: "Can I?" Keima: "You brain-dead demon! What have you been doing?!" Elsie: "I'm sorry. Maybe some other time." Kanon: "It's impossible..." Kanon: "I couldn't do it when Yuri and Lime were with me." Kanon: "It's impossible for me to entertain all those people alone." Kanon: "I'll disappear. I'll disappear again!" Kanon: "That's right... Keima... I need to go see Keima." Kanon: "I need to go see him once more..." Elsie: "Divine One..." Keima: "Well?" Elsie: "No luck." Keima: "We have to find Kanon before the concert starts. If the concert is canceled, we lose." Elsie: "Yes..." Keima: "How are we supposed to find someone we can't see?" Elsie: "Divine One! We can use the loose soul sensor! This will tell us her position, even if she's invisible! I already registered the loose soul in Kanon, so I can bring it up again!" Keima: "You should have done this earlier, you brain-dead demon." Elsie: "Sh-She's nearby! Where's the loose soul..." Keima: "There she is!" Keima: "Kanon." Kanon: "Keima..." Keima: "What are you doing?" Keima: "Don't you have a big concert tonight?" Kanon: "That's right..." Kanon: "That's right." Kanon: "That's right. That's right." Keima: "Are you afraid of becoming invisible again?" Keima: "You became an idol so people would notice you. Your songs were big hits. Your fanbase grew. But you were always worried." Keima: "If people stopped paying attention to you... Stopped praising you... You'd become invisible again." Kanon: "Th-That's right! That's right! You really do understand me." Kanon: "Keima..." Keima: "I-It's just a coincidence. I happened to run into a similar story..." Keima: "In a game..." Kanon: "Keima... Stay by my side! Give me courage! Watch me! You're all I have!" Kanon: "I can't impress all of those people. I'm going to fail this time. But if you're there for me, I... I..." Keima: "No." Keima: "Cop out." Kanon: "Cop out?" Keima: "You need other people to validate your existence? If that's the case, you'll just become invisible again." Kanon: "But... But..." Keima: "Stop relying on others! It isn't necessary! Your..." Keima: "Your singing is fine the way it is." Kanon: "It is?" Keima: "You can shine on your own!" Kanon: "I can't do it on my own!" Kanon: "I can't do anything alone..." Keima: "You already have!" Crowd: "Kanon! Kanon! Kanon! Kanon!" Manager: "Kanon, can you hear the cheers?" Keima: "Everyone's been drawn here by your light." Keima: "I can't keep you to myself." Kanon: "Keima..." Kanon: "I would have been willing to sing for one person alone." Kanon: "Bye." Elsie: "Loose soul in custody!" A: "It's Kanon." C: "There she is!" Manager: "Where were you?" Kanon: "I'm sorry!" Manager: "The concert's about to start. Go get ready." Kanon: "Thank you very much!" Manager: "Get word to the stage! Kanon's coming!" B: "Yes!" Crowd: "Kanon! Kanon!" Guy: "Kanon!" Kanon: "I was lost in darkness. Could not see... But then I found a small light. Now I walk forth. I will not falter. Straight ahead I go." Kanon: "I was lost in noise. Could not hear... But then I found a small voice. Now I sing a melody that carries into the sky." Kanon: "My heart leads to you. I long to see you and feel your warmth, as the world is filled with light. Wherever you are, I'll always feel your voice say, I love you..." Kanon: "For you..." s: "Kanon!" Kanon: "Naru Hall is mine! This is it!" Song: "Paying no attention to the blackboard, as I sneak a side glance at the sweet face of my fantasy." Song: "All of a sudden, we're behind the school building. Talking about love... But not for me." Audience: "Kanon!" Song: "But I'll keep doing my best to make you mine one day." Song: "A very clueless Romeo." Song: "Happy Happy Happy Crescent. A happy present for you. I want you to know how I feel. An eternal romance that's only for you. Happy Happy Happy Crescent. I'm all yours. I love you. When will this end? Please hold me tight, oh crush of mine." Elsie: "Divine One, Kanon's amazing!" Keima: "Yeah..." Elsie: "Have you changed your mind about real idols?" Keima: "N-Not yet..." Keima: "Besides, she's no longer an idol." Elsie: "Huh?" Keima: "She's a shining star..." Song: "Cheer up. I'm here, confessing my love. But it looks like you haven't noticed." Song: "A very clueless Romeo." Song: "Heart-skipping Happy Crescent. A present to make your heart soar. Please notice my heart jump, as I play this melody of love. Heart-skipping Happy Crescent. I'm all yours. I want you. When will it be that I can end" Song: "this crush of mine?" Kanon: "Romeo..." Song: "Happy Happy Happy Crescent. A happy present for you. I want you to know how I feel. An eternal romance that's only for you. Happy Happy Happy Crescent. I'm all yours. I love you. When will this end? Please hold me tight, oh crush of mine." Song: "Nice to meet you! How are you doing? Please give me love. Heartstrings tugged... And before you know it, boy meets girl..." Kanon: "Everyone, thank you so much." Keima: "Most game console releases are" Keima: "But at the end of a console's life, most are dating sims. Don't you see, they're kind enough to give one last spark?"
{ "raw_title": "The World God Only Knows Season 1 Episode 7 – Shining Star", "parsed": [ "The World God Only Knows Season 1", "7", "Shining Star" ] }
Mari: "Deep down, Keima's a good kid. But everything else's rotten about him." Mari: "Who's there?!" Mari: "He's full of energy this morning." Keima: "Wha... What is this?!" Elsie: "What? It's your lunch. I woke up at six to make it." Keima: "What world has self-propelled lunches?!" Elsie: "But if it's alive, it'll still be warm at lunchtime!" Keima: "Huh?" Elsie: "Here! Yours is extra big!" Keima: "I don't need any of that disgusting crap!" Elsie: "You're so mean. Cooking's my only forte!" Keima: "Yeah, right! Look at how gross this is! Normally, a character who's a troublemaker, like you, turns out to be special in some way." Keima: "But there's nothing about you! Are you really even a demon?" Keima: "You're like one of those buggy games. You bug demon!" Chihiro: "Oh? Ellie, what's wrong?" Elsie: "My brother's so mean!" Chihiro: "Is that it? Then don't pay attention to your loser brother." Elsie: "But... Sure, I might be a little, little, little bit of a failure..." Elsie: "But I was so confident about my cooking! And my cleaning! But my brother won't give me any credit!" Elsie: "If my cooking's no good, I can't do anything. Besides clean!" Chihiro: "You're pretty hard on yourself. Well, I don't know exactly what's up, but basically, you want the dweeb to praise your cooking?" Chihiro: "Then why don't you make this for him?" Elsie: "Th-This is... Red-white! Red and white!" Chihiro: "It's a cake. A cake." Elsie: "A cake..." Elsie: "Red-white, right?" Chihiro: "If you bake one of these, that girl-shy dweeb will be all over you." Elsie: "I see..." Elsie: "I'm going to bake this red-white!" Elsie: "Divine One, just you watch! I'll show you the power of a chef from Hell!" Chihiro: "Oh, when you're done with it, you can throw that magazine away." Teach: "Next, Elsie Katsuragi. The younger Katsuragi!" Teach: "Cat got your tongue?!" Elsie: "Wow! There's a kitchen at school. The human world is so wonderful!" Elsie: "Okay! Time to start!" Elsie: "Let's see... Baking is a science. Stick to the recipe..." Elsie: "Roger that!" Elsie: "First, measure out the ingredients." Elsie: "Sugar, 100g. Hmm? Sugar..." Elsie: "So humans use sugar, too. That means I don't need to buy any!" Elsie: "Let's see. Next..." Elsie: "For the meringue, beat egg whites and sugar into a froth." Elsie: "Eggs, eggs, eggs... Which kind of eggs? Frilled rooster? Nirvana quail?" Elsie: "Hmm?" Elsie: "Huh?" Elsie: "It would be bad if that dragon ate the cake I'm making for my Divine Brother." Elsie: "The meringue is done! I was beating it, while running from the mandragon, so I probably lost some." Elsie: "Ah." Elsie: "It's too soon!" Elsie: "Divine Brother. Sorry it took so long. Today, you will finally witness my true power." Song: "I'm gonna stick with you again today" Song: "and do my very best. So, Divine Brother, please leave the cleaning and cooking to me. I promise that I won't get in your way." Song: "I screw up all the time, but I never give up. Always searching..." Song: "To catch that sparkle." Elsie: "Just you wait... Just you wait... I can do this!" Song: "I'm just a little demon, one hell of a little sister." Elsie: "Yay! Just like the recipe! Clap! Clap! Clap!" Elsie: "O-Once I put the strawberries on top... The strawberries on top..." Keima: "Wow! You're amazing! It's great! Great!" Elsie: "Huh?" Elsie: "Ma-Mandragon..." Elsie: "I-It's back..." Elsie: "Huh?" Elsie: "What?! Th-The room was heated by the fire, so the eggs all..." Elsie: "Hey! Stay away! My cake isn't for you!" Caption: "You aren't supposed to heat a microwave oven." Elsie: "The cake's gone..." Mari: "Hello? Oh, Mr. Kodama?" Mari: "Yes. Yes. Huh? You won't be dropping by tonight? You must be tired. Please get plenty of rest." Mari: "Yes. Bye." Keima: "You weren't in the classroom today. What were you doing?" Elsie: "P-Please... I was in class." Elsie: "I screwed up today. But one day, I'll make a strawberry cake for my brother." Keima: "Just to be clear..." Keima: "I hate anything sweet." Elsie: "Huh?" Elsie: "What?!" Mari: "He's full of energy this morning." Keima: "Wha... What is this?! How many days have passed since my glorious life of gaming" Elsie: "What? It's your lunch." Keima: "All because of her. A deadly assassin from the real world!" Keima: "You're like one of those buggy games! You bug demon!" Keima: "How much longer will I have to put up with her?" Keima: "How long is that bug demon gonna stick around?" Keima: "Does the real world hate me or something? I have always rejected reality in an exceedingly friendly manner." Teacher: "Katsuragi." Teacher: "Katsuragi, are you listening?" Teacher: "Katsuragi! I've got your tests to give back now. Come pick them up." Teacher: "Always playing your games... Now listen to me. That attitude won't get you..." Keima: "It's fine. I'm giving 100% to both. I pay attention in class, and I'm producing results." Teacher: "A perfect score doesn't mean you can do whatever you want!" Teacher: "Eh?!" Keima: "Why is he yelling at me? I don't see the problem." Teach: "Next, Elsie Katsuragi." Teach: "The younger Katsuragi!" Teach: "Cat got your tongue?! Hello?!" Keima: "Where did Elsie go?" Keima: "Wh-What was that?" Elsie: "Ah." Elsie: "It's too soon!" Elsie: "Divine Brother. Sorry it took so long. Today, you will finally witness my true power." Keima: "She must be up to something stupid." Teach: "Mr. Kimura isn't here today, so I will be teaching P.E." Teach: "Start by running twenty laps!" All: "What?!" Teach: "You still have nineteen laps to go." Teach: "Katsuragi. You shouldn't spend all your time playing games. The last person to finish gets another twenty laps. Well, if you apologize for your behavior this morning, I'm willing to lower it to ten laps." Keima: "He's still mad about that?" Keima: "If that's how you want it..." Keima: "I am the God of Conquest! I can easily overcome any obstacle the real world throws at me!" Teach: "Well? You understand? Hey, Katsuragi! I'll be coming by your home tonight. You can wait for me with your mother! Got it?" Teach: "Tsk. Cheeky punk... People like you, who can't tell the difference" Teach: "end up becoming criminals!" Keima: "Don't compare games with reality." Keima: "A game is a game. Reality is reality. Those people who try to link them are the ones who can't tell the difference." Keima: "That's right. This worthless world shouldn't be so full of itself." Keima: "I live in a world of light! I don't need anyone from the outside real world interfering!" Teach: "Hello? What did you just say?!" Teach: "Huh?" Teach: "No!" Keima: "Huh?" Keima: "What?" Keima: "Stupid Elsie..." Keima: "She must have been the one who caused that mess today." Keima: "Man... This was one crazy day. But I won't let the real world get to me!" Keima: "Is this what she was talking about?" Keima: "Knowing that bug demon, it can't be anything good. I shouldn't get involved." Keima: "Oh! A time-based event!" Mari: "Hello?" Mari: "Oh, Mr. Kodama? Yes. Yes..." Mari: "I'm very sorry. Huh? Drop by to talk about Keima? Yes." Mari: "After 5 PM..." Mari: "Understood. Yes. I'll be waiting." Mari: "Shut your goddamn trap! What's wrong with that Kodama bastard?! Always bitchin' about my son! I'm gonna let him have it!" Mari: "Except that I can't do that..." Mari: "But I can't meet him like this." Mari: "Deep down, Keima's a good kid. But everything else's rotten about him." Mari: "He's been a bit strange since he was little. What if he gets expelled?" Mari: "Oh, well! I wasn't any better when I was young." Mari: "Who's there?!" Mari: "Tsk, you won't get away!" Mari: "You'll pay for peeking!" Mari: "Oh, no... He broke in? So it wasn't a peeping tom, but a th-thief?" Mari: "What do I do? Should I call the police?" Mari: "Don't get cocky. I'm a lot stronger than I used to be! I can protect this home without a man. I'll show you" Mari: "the power of a mother!" Mari: "Huh?" Mari: "K-Keima?!" Mari: "Keima! Hang in there! I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" Mari: "Who's there?!" Teach: "Damn..." Keima: "Aliens are here. What's the most appropriate communication method? The answer is dating sims, of course. A single dating sim can overcome all language, cultural, and racial barriers. Once a bond is established, we can borrow their games to play!"
{ "raw_title": "The World God Only Knows Season 1 Episode 8 – Coupling with with with with", "parsed": [ "The World God Only Knows Season 1", "8", "Coupling with with with with" ] }
Elsie: "Divine Brother! I made a cake for you to snack on!" Elsie: "Divine Brother! Please wait for me! Last night was just an accident. I used too much flour..." Keima: "In the human world," Keima: "You know nothing about this world. Go and get some common sense!" Keima: "Don't make me repeat myself. Nowadays, partner characters" Elsie: "That makes you the ideal partner." Keima: "From your perspective! You're supposed to be the partner!" Elsie: "I went through training! I studied about the human world." Elsie: "I received an "Excellent" in Japanese History. I'm a scholar of Japan." Keima: "Uh-huh..." Keima: "And what was the last thing you learned?" Elsie: "Huh?" A: "Th-The Black Ships have come!" B: "The Black Ships are here!" C: "The Black Ships!" D: "They're black!" E: "Black!" : "Ships!" Perry: "Open your ports." Elsie: "I'm pretty sure it was something like that." Keima: "There's a library next to the track. Go there, and read up about this world." Elsie: "Our school has everything." Elsie: "Okay! Time to study! Common sense! Common sense!" Elsie: "Noob. Get a clue. Hip with the kids." Elsie: "I-I'll start with something easier..." Elsie: "S-So cool! It's bright red!" Elsie: "Fire engine... This is what the modern world has!" A: "The fire engine is here!" B: "The fire engine!" C: "It's red!" D: "Red!" E: "Red!" Elsie: "I want to learn more about this vehicle!" Elsie: "The search is on!" Elsie: "Fire engine... Fire engine..." Elsie: "Fire engine..." Elsie: "Fire engine..." Elsie: "Fire..." Elsie: "Too many books... Oh! That's right!" Elsie: "This is when you're supposed to ask the librarian for help!" Elsie: "Um, excuse me. Where might I find books similar to this one?" Elsie: "Um..." Elsie: "Can't she hear me?" Elsie: "Um!" Elsie: "E-Excuse me!" Shiori: "H-How may I be of assistance, madam?" Elsie: "Huh? Madam?" Elsie: "Oh, from your book..." Shiori: "How may I help you?" Elsie: "Um, are there any other books that talk about fire engines?" Elsie: "Um..." Shiori: "Please come back after school..." Elsie: "After school? Come back after school?" Shiori: "P-Please keep it down." Elsie: "Sorry." Elsie: "There's... There's a loose soul in that girl..." Kanon: "Chirp, chirp, chirp. Pigeons chirping. Want some seeds? Here you go." Kanon: "On sale now!" Elsie: "This way! Over here! The librarian set off my sensor." Keima: "Again? I'm sick of going to the library." Elsie: "Huh?" Keima: "Librarian girls have become a regular fixture in games." Keima: "Since most schools have a library... When a character operates from the library, she will only appear in certain locations, which makes it easier to script events. The librarian girl character has become" Keima: "She must be a stellar rendition, or I won't even bother." Elsie: "I wouldn't describe her as stellar..." Elsie: "Since she couldn't tell me where to find the books with fire engines..." Keima: "Fire engines?" Keima: "Hmph! If she's no good," Elsie: "To whom?" Shiori: "Sorry for making you wait. Here is every book in the library that mentions fire engines." Shiori: "A total of 458 books..." Shiori: "These books are all about fire engines. This book has pictures of fire engines. This book is a Detective Nezu's recounting of an arson." Keima: "Our library has a pretty advanced indexing system." Shiori: "I didn't use an index. This was mostly from memory..." Shiori: "Since I've read every book in the library. But I can't say that out loud! That'll just make me seem creepy..." Shiori: "But I already brought out all these books on fire engines! That's just as creepy." Shiori: "I should have chosen two or three..." Shiori: "Maybe I should ask what type of fire engine she's interested in... No, it's too late for that!" Shiori: "What do I do?" Elsie: "She doesn't talk much." Shiori: "I'm no good at dealing with other people." Shiori: "But it doesn't matter..." Shiori: "As long as I have my books..." Shiori: "I'll be safe in here." Shiori: "I can live out my life in this castle." Elsie: "She looks to be another difficult challenge." Keima: "Anyway, what were you even studying?" Elsie: "Huh?" Shiori: "I love books..." Shiori: "I love this place!" Shiori: "Each book is a new world." Shiori: "Every word leads to a different world." Shiori: "Each shelf is a universe." Shiori: "A world of boundless imagination..." Shiori: "From here, I can go anywhere." Shiori: "I can be anyone." Shiori: "I can do anything!" Shiori: "Books are made of paper and words. Ensembles of human creation... Magic spells for sending thoughts across time..." Shiori: "Books are art. Books are culture." Shiori: "Books are miracles." Shiori: "Books are an era. Books are life." Shiori: "Books are suns. Books are songs." Shiori: "Books are promises. Books are the wind. Books are the ocean." Shiori: "Books are the stars. Books are souls. Books are dreams." Shiori: "Books are hope. Books are love! Books are joy! Books are passion!" Shiori: "Another day of spending time with my books..." Shiori: "Time when I can be myself." Elsie: "Shiomiya Shiori. Class 2-C. Born on December 26th. Blood type B. Librarian." Elsie: "She doesn't talk much. How will you get close to her?" Keima: "How would I know? However, when it comes to librarian girls, there's an inviolable rule." Elsie: "An inviolable rule?" Keima: "If you listen carefully, you can hear a bookish girl's inner voice. Bookish girls tend to be quiet, but they're always thinking to themselves." Elsie: "Oh..." Keima: "The complete opposite of a feather-brained dummy," Keima: "This gap is what makes bookish girls so attractive! Shy! Intelligent! The very definition of a bookish girl!" Elsie: "I understand!" Elsie: "Oh! But how are you supposed to hear her thoughts?" Keima: "Amateur." Keima: "I can hear her thoughts whenever I want." Keima: "See?" Elsie: "Um... That only works in games..." Keima: "Then this conquest is impossible." Elsie: "Huh?" Elsie: "Divine One!" Girl: "What? Really?" Boy: "Yep!" Girl: "But doesn't that mean..." Boy: "Wanna come to my place and see for yourself?" Girl: "What should I do?" Shiori: "How rude! This is a sacred place of learning! Not a place for a lovers' rendezvous! Besides, it's customary for boys and girls to maintain a safe distance, and engage in reserved relationships." A: "Shiomiya! Good work! I appreciate your doing this every day!" Shiori: "It's nothing..." A: "Sorry, but could you take care of this for me?" A: "I need to go to the faculty office for a bit. Pretty please? 'Kay?" Shiori: "Okay." A: "Thanks! I'll be back with good news!" Shiori: "Goodbye, books... You'll soon be leaving this library." Shiori: "Some will be sent to other libraries. Some will make their way to used book stores." Shiori: "And some will..." Shiori: "A book is paper, nothing more. Chronicles of wisdom thrown away, without a thought..." Shiori: "Stupid!" Shiori: "Huh? What? What?!" Shiori: "He's the guy from yesterday..." Shiori: "Did he just save me?" Shiori: "Why?" Shiori: "Oh, he was being nice. Just being nice!" Shiori: "But why would he help me?" Shiori: "Or no, that's normal?" Shiori: "That's right... I need to thank him!" Shiori: "Um..." Shiori: "Should I just say it normally?" Shiori: "Like normal, nonchalantly... Huh? But we met yesterday, so should I thank him for yesterday?" Shiori: "I'll do a run-through." Shiori: "Hi. We met yesterday, right? Wait! Wait! Wait! He might not remember me!" Shiori: "Um... Um..." Shiori: "Oh, dear! If I keep dawdling, I'll lose my chance!" Shiori: "I have to say something fast! Have to thank him!" Shiori: "Quick! Quick! Th- Thankonomics." Keima: "There is no such thing as unrequited love in a game. Whether it's childhood friends, celebrities,"
{ "raw_title": "The World God Only Knows Season 1 Episode 9 – Inside and Outside the Big Wall", "parsed": [ "The World God Only Knows Season 1", "9", "Inside and Outside the Big Wall" ] }
Keima: "Wait. Didn't you watch the first season?" Elsie: "Off we go, to capture loose souls!" Elsie: "One, two, three, four..." Elsie: "Wow! We've captured four loose souls already! Amazing progress... You truly are a god, Divine One!" Keima: "This isn't funny! When will this end? I keep getting stuck with these annoying girls." Elsie: "Now that you mention it, loose souls keep appearing in girls who are a little strange. I wonder why." Keima: "Give me that." Keima: "I've been thinking..." Keima: "Loose souls exploit emptiness in the heart... As a result, the source of that emptiness" Keima: "What do you think?" Elsie: "You suck at drawing..." Keima: "Huh?" Elsie: "Th-This is a loose soul?" Keima: "Focus on the content, not the pictures!" Keima: "Give me back that sheet of paper!" Elsie: "No way! I'm keeping this!" Elsie: "Ow..." A: "That hurt." A: "Watch where you're going." Elsie: "I'm very sorry!" A: "You seem to be having fun." B: "How about we mess you up, eh?" Elsie: "What do we do? They look scary..." Keima: "There's nothing scary about them. They're classic examples of bit characters. Might as well be parsley." A: "What? Did you just call us parsley? Damned geek!" Keima: "Oh? It hurts." Keima: "Right..." Keima: "In the real world, parsley can inflict pain... Ow!" A: "Take that!" Keima: "W-Wait..." Keima: "I want to try a different route. This time, I'll choose "Apologize."" Keima: "So cut me some slack." A: "Now, look here. Get off your damned high horse!" B: "Beat the crap out of him." Kusunoki: "Hey. Cut it out. Real men would never gang up on a helpless weakling." A: "That gave me shivers." B: "What's this? You wanna take us on?" Kusunoki: "In your dreams. I have no reason to trade fists with scum." Kusunoki: "I'll pretend I didn't see this happen, so scram." C: "What a stuck-up bitch!" A: "Who said anything about using fists?" B: "There it is! Ryo's special baton!" A: "You're in for a world of hurt!" Kusunoki: "Piss off." Kusunoki: "Hey, wait." Keima: "Oh, thanks for the help." Kusunoki: "You're a man, right? Why didn't you stand up to them?" Keima: "Whew... I didn't lose my save." Keima: "Ow! Ow! Ow!" Kusunoki: "People like you are the reason those scumbags exist! Don't you get it?" Keima: "S-Save... Save!" Kusunoki: "There is too much weakness in this world." Keima: "What's happening? Now I'm stuck with someone stronger... The situation's just gotten worse!" Elsie: "Hey! Let go of my brother!" Elsie: "Stupid parsley! I'll fight you! Take that!" Elsie: "Take that! And that!" Keima: "Hey! Why are you hitting me?!" Elsie: "And that!" Elsie: "Huh? What happened to the parsley people?" Keima: "That scene is over and done with!" Keima: "You worthless demon!" Elsie: "I'm sorry..." Keima: "Jeez, where did you even go? What were you doing? You were ridiculously late!" Elsie: "I'm sorry..." Elsie: "A-A loose soul?" Kusunoki: "W-Weaklings... I hope to never see you again." Keima: "Her?" Elsie: "Probably." B: "Ah, it's Miss Kasuga." C: "She's so pretty..." B: "And she's the successor to the Kasuga School of Martial Arts." D: "So cool..." A: "She's a real warrior!" A: "U-Um, I..." Kusunoki: "Honestly... This world has..." Kusunoki: "This world has..." Kusunoki: "...too many cute things!" Kusunoki: "None of which are necessary for achieving my goals." Elsie: "Exalted Brother, we found another person carrying a loose soul." Keima: "Don't tell me that I'm going to end up on a route where I have to fight her." Keima: "That used to happen in some of the older games." Keima: "You had to beat the girl in a fight to win her heart." Elsie: "Should you start training now?" Keima: "Please... Anything but that..." Kusunoki: "S-So cute..." Elsie: "Kusunoki Kasuga. Born April 10th, eighteen years old. Successor to the traditional" Elsie: "And she's also captain of the girls' karate club." Elsie: "She sounds scary. Within two days of becoming captain, everyone else in the club had quit." Keima: "So sometimes, the boards don't actually snap..." Elsie: "It's going to be hard to approach her. She probably hates games... And she's older than you. You have nothing in common with her." Keima: "Captain! Please accept me as your pupil!" Elsie: "He moves fast!" Kusunoki: "You're the boy from yesterday..." Keima: "I have to approach her eventually. Given that, I'll just have to get within her comfort zone!" Kusunoki: "This is the girl's karate club. You're looking for the boys' karate club." Keima: "Your harsh reprimand left an impression on me. I wish to learn about the soul of a warrior from you!" Kusunoki: "The soul of a warrior?" Kusunoki: "You make it sound so simple..." Kusunoki: "Do you believe this world so easily mastered?" Keima: "Excuse me, Captain." Keima: "I've already experienced the mastering of a different world." Kusunoki: "Wh-What is this overwhelming pressure I feel from him?" Keima: "We have nothing in common, but we're both dedicated to our respective lifestyles!" Kusunoki: "It seems you've seen your share of tribulations." Kusunoki: "However..." Keima: "Captain!" Kusunoki: "You look too weak! I don't like it." Kusunoki: "You'll have an opportunity to fix that here." Keima: "Then..." Kusunoki: "Make sure you fix that look on your face!" Keima: "Huh?" Keima: "And so, I became Captain Kusunoki's pupil." D: "I heard that dweeb joined the girls' karate club." E: "That's more lame than online karate!" Keima: "The captain hates anything weak." Keima: "Her preferred snack is extra-hard rice crackers. She's like a man. Hell, an old man, at that." Keima: "Captain! That cat's back again." Kusunoki: "Get rid of it." Kusunoki: "Katsuragi! What have you done? These crackers are damp!" Keima: "These are moist rice crackers!" Keima: "I thought you might like to try something different." Kusunoki: "Soft rice crackers? Outrageous!" Kusunoki: "If you dry them out, they're not bad." Keima: "Well, that defeats the purpose..." Kusunoki: "You again?" Kusunoki: "Go away. Shoo!" Elsie: "Wow! You're a pro at polishing the floor!" Keima: "Heh. That's because a game I played involved a lot of floor cleaning." Elsie: "So? Do you have a warrior's soul yet?" Keima: "Hmm... I haven't managed to settle on a route yet. She toils away at martial arts... She hates weakness..." Keima: "You would expect her to be a single-minded person. She hates cats... Hates delinquents... Hates weaklings... Likes rice crackers..." Keima: "Something doesn't seem to fit." Keima: "I see. That makes it simple." Kusunoki: "K-Katsuragi?" Kusunoki: "Th-This isn't what it looks like..." Kusunoki: "You idiot! You're supposed to knock before entering!" Kusunoki: "What's with that look on your face?!" Elsie: "Exalted Brother!" Keima: "Does this make us invisible?" Elsie: "Shh..." Kusunoki: "I must cast aside... I must cast aside these emotions! Do you understand? Weaklings like you aren't necessary in my life!" Kusunoki: "It's your fault that he saw me in such an embarrassing situation..." Kusunoki: "His face looks especially weak. I'll smack him around a few times" Kusunoki: "You're all the same..." Kusunoki: "You all should disappear!" Kusunoki: "Don't do it!" Kusunoki: "Don't do it!" Kusunoki: "Don't do it!" Kusunoki: "I am the head of the Kasuga School of Martial Arts. I am no longer a woman." Kusunoki: "I have to..." Kusunoki: "I have to become strong..." Kusunoki: "Strong..." Kusunoki: "Strong... Strong!" Kusunoki: "If I don't cast them aside, I can't become strong!" Elsie: "There are two of her?" Kusunoki: "Katsuragi..." Keima: "I'm positive that I saw two of you." Kusunoki: "I've had this strange feeling for a while now... Whenever my heart is astir," Kusunoki: "my body feels like it's being torn apart." Kusunoki: "So cute..." Keima: "I knew it... Your attraction to the cute and the weak has manifested itself." Kusunoki: "Th-That's a lie! I'm not weak! I was born a martial artist!" Kusunoki: "There was never any other option..." Keima: "Captain!" Keima: "Isn't this a once-in-a-lifetime chance?" Kusunoki: "Ch-Chance?" Keima: "Every human, no matter how strong, has a weak heart." Keima: "Even the Buddha!" Buddha: "I want water..." Keima: "Even pro wrestlers!" Inoki: "Can I do this?" Keima: "Even pandas!" Panda: "I'm so stressed out, I can't eat bamboo..." Keima: "Even tropical fish!" sh: "Having trouble pooping..." Keima: "Normally, we can't see the weakness in our hearts. That's why life is so difficult." Keima: "However, you can now see yours. You can confront the weakness in your heart. If you can defeat it, you will be able to conquer your weaknesses." Kusunoki: "I get it now!" Keima: "Captain... We must begin by engaging in activities you consider weak." Kusunoki: "Huh? Wh-Why?" Keima: "To rouse your "weak self." It seems, the stronger the catalyst, the stronger the manifestation." Keima: "The cat wasn't enough. We'll need something that's weaker..." Keima: "Can you think of anything? What is the weakest thing you can imagine?" Kusunoki: "I-I don't have an answer off the top of my head... I've never thought about it." Elsie: "How about going on a date?!" Elsie: "You can both wear cute clothes and go out together. That would be very weak..." Kusunoki: "Who are you? Where did you come from?" Keima: "I don't need your help! Don't choose a route for me!" Elsie: "But it's no fun when I only get to watch..." Kusunoki: "A-Anyway, I refuse! I mean, why would I..." Kusunoki: "...go on a date with this guy?" Keima: "There it is!" Kusunoki: "It got away..." Elsie: "The other you was very excited! Now you have to go on a date!" Kusunoki: "Listen to me, Katsuragi." Kusunoki: "This isn't a date..." Kusunoki: "This is part of the plan!"
{ "raw_title": "The World God Only Knows Season 2 Episode 1 – Flower in Bloom", "parsed": [ "The World God Only Knows Season 2", "1", "Flower in Bloom" ] }
Jun: "I can do this." A: "Morning, Jun!" Jun: "Morning!" B: "Teach!" Jun: "Good morning!" C: "Morning!" B: "Good morning!" Jun: "I have eight days left as a student teacher." Jun: "First, I need to earn..." Jun: "I need to earn his trust!" Jun: "I must get Katsuragi to open up to me!" Jun: "I will become the best teacher he's ever had!" Keima: "Why?" Keima: "Why is playing games during class a problem?" Elsie: "Because you're not supposed to." Keima: "In any case, I didn't choose to enter the teacher's route, but I can still use convertible triggers to get out." Elsie: "Convertible triggers?" Keima: "I can revert to the normal route, like I did with Chihiro. Trigger romance-free events, to build up tension, and then you somehow convert that into love." Keima: "However, we're dealing with a target who specializes in being intimate. Positive feelings won't have much effect." Keima: "So I'll fill her with rage." Keima: "Okay! Time to piss her off!" Elsie: "Are you sure this will work?" Keima: "How would I know?! At any rate, I need to trigger different flags and change the flow." Keima: "Yay! If I stay on the teacher route, we won't finish until graduation." Elsie: "Huh? We can't wait that long!" Keima: "In that case..." Keima: "We must aim for the worst possible relationship!" Jun: "K-Katsuragi! We're in the middle of class. No playing games." Keima: "Why not? It's study hall." Jun: "Now I understand how he feels." Jun: "He's lonely. He plays games because he's lonely." Keima: "How was that?" Jun: "Don't worry. I'll find a way to save you." Jun: "Does anyone have any questions?" A: "Me! Me! I'm not even sure of what exactly I don't know!" A: "There!" Jun: "Katsuragi..." Keima: "Damn... It's usually so easy to piss off a conquest target..." Jun: "Katsuragi!" Jun: "I'll be your partner!" Jun: "There!" Keima: "How was that?" Keima: "Bad time to try something new!" kaido: "Shoot! Shoot! Shoot! Shoot! Shoot! Shoot! Shoot!" Keima: "No! You're not who I'm trying to piss off!" Jun: "Ah! My shoes!" Jun: "I was looking for them! Thanks!" Elsie: "Divine One... This is your chance!" Keima: "I'm not doing that!" Jun: "The young prodigy, Nisawa, looked to usher in a changing of the guard. However!" Jun: "Tsuruma was able to counter every attack! And counter!" Keima: "Now that I think about it, I am considered a problem child. And there's nothing unusual about a problem child causing problems." Keima: "In games, the main characters are as ordinary as you could find." Keima: "This time, my own parameters are getting in the way." Jun: "Victory! Tsuruma defended his Triple Crown for the three-peat!" Jun: "Katsuragi was looking at me." Jun: "I guess it's time to bring out my secret weapon." Keima: "What should I do?" Keima: "At this rate, I'll be locked into Nagase's pace." Jun: "Katsuragi." Jun: "Before you go home, will you accept my challenge?" Keima: "She's taking the initiative again!" Jun: "I happen to be an avid gamer." Jun: "Can you defeat me, Lonely Katsuragi?" Keima: "What's this? You expect me to fall for that trick?" Jun: "Now, this should pique your interest. Katsuragi, your heart has been pinned to the mat!" Keima: "It's upside-down." Jun: "Huh?" Keima: "You're holding the PFP upside-down." Jun: "O-Oh... Anyway, let's get started." Jun: "Hmm? Huh? It won't turn on... What? This was expensive!" Keima: "Wrong! On the side!" Jun: "Hmm? Oh, is this the switch?" Jun: "Thanks, Katsuragi." Jun: "Hmm..." Jun: "These new games are really something." Jun: "Huh?" Jun: "This is so much fun! I can see why you're such a fan!" Jun: "But there are more important things out there." Jun: "Games are works of fiction. They can never replace reality. So you shouldn't hide in your games. You have to live in the real world." Jun: "I can help you. Okay?" Keima: "You have..." Keima: "no idea what you're talking about." Jun: "Huh?" Keima: "You believe that I play games to escape the real world?" Jun: "I-I didn't mean to..." Keima: "Don't judge other people by your own standards!" Keima: "And I actually thought you knew what you were doing." Jun: "K-Katsuragi!" Keima: "You're just—" Elsie: "Sorry about that!" Jun: "This can't be... I can't be wrong..." Jun: "I'm doing what's best for him." Jun: "Why doesn't he understand?" Jun: "Why won't he listen..." Elsie: "Jeez... You're the one who got angry..." Keima: "Sorry." Keima: "That's that. I'll just have to accept the teacher route." Elsie: "What? But won't that take a long time?" Keima: "There is too much risk when you go against the chosen route." Keima: "Don't worry. I have an idea." Keima: "I forgot that a third party connects Nagase to me!" Keima: "From here on out, I'll be going after Nikaido." Elsie: "Divine One... Why are you going after Miss Nikaido instead of Miss Nagase?" Keima: "The biggest obstacle in a teacher route is the teacher-student hierarchy." Keima: "I love you!" Jun: "Honestly, Katsuragi... What about your studies?" Keima: "The hierarchy is extremely rigid. It would be difficult to establish myself as her equal in a short period of time. Which is why..." Keima: "Come, Nikaido!" Jun: "N-Nikaido?" Keima: "If I establish a relationship with Nikaido, who was her senior in school..." Jun: "What?" Keima: "I can instantly become her equal." Keima: "The conquest of an older woman requires a third party. That's the standard." Keima: "But..." Keima: "The problem lies in how..." Keima: "...I'm supposed to get close to Nikaido." Elsie: "That won't be a problem!" Keima: "Huh?" Elsie: "You're the one who said that a teacher's job is to be friendly to students." kaido: "Hmm? What do you want?" kaido: "Is there supposed to be some kind of connection between us?" Keima: "She's not even trying to be friendly..." Keima: "First, I have to get her to relax." Keima: "Teacher..." Keima: "Lately, I've been troubled." Keima: "Should I really spend all my time playing games?" kaido: "That's a flat-out lie. Get lost. You're making me sick." Keima: "Is she really a teacher?" Jun: "Mr. Kodama!" Jun: "You shouldn't have yelled like that." Jun: "You hurt that student's feelings!" Kodama: "Eh? What's that? Why shouldn't I call them failures when they're failures?" Jun: "A teacher's job is to turn them into achievers!" Kodama: "Young people are so idealistic..." Kodama: "Teachers are grown-ups." Kodama: "A grown-up's job is to teach kids how the real world works." Keima: "Hmm?" Jun: "Why is someone like him a teacher? Is it really necessary to teach them about the real world at school?" Ryo: "I'm telling you, you're wrong." C: "What?" Ryo: "I never said I liked it." C: "He's blushing! That settles it!" Jun: "Boys!" Ryo: "Eh?" Jun: "You're littering again." Jun: "There's a trash can right next to you!" Ryo: "Up yours!" B: "Oh? That's the hot-headed filly the second-years got." Jun: "Huh?" Ryo: "What a pain. Let's go!" Jun: "I was just stating the obvious... Why does that make me hot-headed?" kaido: "This dialogue doesn't feel grammatically correct." kaido: "How is this more interesting than my class?" Keima: "Finished!" kaido: "Oh, that was fast. So do class C for me, too." Keima: "How much of a backlog do you have?!" kaido: "You're so noisy. Don't you want this back? In that case..." Keima: "No!" Keima: "Screw protocol. Anything will do." Keima: "Give me information on Nagase!" kaido: "Oh... You're finally interested in girls?" Keima: "I-It's not like that!" kaido: "I'm willing to tell you anything..." kaido: "How's that?" A: "I told Miss Nagase that I don't like sports because I have no stamina. And then she invited me to go jogging with her." A: "I turned her down, though." B: "Whew... So did I." A: "Huh..." A: "Miss Nagase is really something! She's willing to listen to everyone's problems?" A: "Mm..." B: "But she's a little too passionate." B: "What's wrong, Miss Nagase?" Jun: "Say, would you like to do some studying with me?" B: "Huh? Why?" Jun: "Aren't you mad that Mr. Kodama called you a failure? We can make him eat his words!" B: "That's okay... It's not necessary." Jun: "Why not? He was making fun of you. He was insulting you! You should at least complain to Mr. Kodama..." C: "Jeez, Miss Nagase. He doesn't want to, so just stop." D: "That's right. It'd be such a hassle to have Kodama on your case!" Jun: "A hassle?" Jun: "So you're okay with someone calling you stupid because it's a hassle to stop them?" C: "Well, it's not that we're okay with it..." D: "But it's not that important..." Jun: "If you're not okay with it, why won't you do something?" C: "It can't be helped!" D: "That's how it goes in the real world." Jun: "The real world..." C: "Miss Nagase?" D: "Um..." Jun: "That's how it goes in the real world? Are you stupid?" Jun: "I'm sorry." E: "I can't stand people like her." : "Kodama's pretty bad, but teachers like Miss Nagase can be even worse." E: "It's okay right now, since she's just a student teacher..." B: "But no one's gonna put up with a teacher who's too passionate." A: "We can't put up with you any longer." Elsie: "Hmm?" Elsie: "It's not helping..." Keima: "I spent the entire day slaving away for Nikaido..." Keima: "She's a sadist to the core!" Elsie: "So were you able to learn anything about Miss Nagase?" Keima: "Zero." Elsie: "What?" Keima: "Damned Nikaido... Why won't you talk?" Keima: "That's odd..." Elsie: "Ah." Keima: "Elsie, did something happen to Nagase while I wasn't watching her?" Elsie: "No, not really... Though she did have a few clashes with some students." kaido: "What is it? You still need something?" Keima: "Nagase looked pretty depressed." kaido: "It's not a big deal. There haven't been any reported problems." Keima: "That's the problem. When someone gets that down over something small, that usually means bigger issues are lurking, deep within." Keima: "I see. You won't tell me anything about Nagase because it involves things you don't want to talk about." kaido: "How can you make such an outrageous claim without any proof?" Keima: "This happens all the time in games." Keima: "It's strange..." Keima: "I can't help but wonder, when I see her looking depressed..." kaido: "She's always been depressed. Ever since she was on the court..." Keima: "Hmm? Court? Court, court..." Gym: "Oh, the court." Gym: "Look. Over there." Gym: "They're both in the picture." Keima: "39th National Champions..." kaido: "The last moment of glory for Mai Academy basketball..." Elsie: "I had no idea" Elsie: "Mai Academy's basketball team was once a powerhouse!" Keima: "Finally..." Elsie: "Yes?" Keima: "Finally, I can move at my own pace." Keima: "Sports, music, and dating sim magnificence can overcome racial, national, and linguistic barriers. Just imagine... a world where everyone plays the same games. Love and peace. Dating and sims."
{ "raw_title": "The World God Only Knows Season 2 Episode 10 – School Wars", "parsed": [ "The World God Only Knows Season 2", "10", "School Wars" ] }
C: "It can't be helped!" D: "That's how it goes in the real world." Jun: "That's how it goes in the real world?" Jun: "Oh, no! It's already this late?" A: "We can't put up with you any longer." Jun: "It was nothing. I can't let that get me down." Jun: "I'll go and have a blast, to cheer myself up!" Keima: "Elsie." Keima: "Go." Elsie: "Right!" Keima: "That idiot. Why didn't she use her raiment?" Jun: "Um... A8-52... 52... 52..." Jun: "Huh?" Jun: "Excuse me... You're in my seat." Keima: "This is my seat." Jun: "K-Katsuragi?" Elsie: "Please don't let her tell it's a fake!" Jun: "You're right." Jun: "No way... This is such a great seat. Why was it double booked?" Man: "Hey!" Man: "Don't stand in the way!" Man: "Sit down!" Jun: "Katsuragi, you can have this seat. I'll go look for an open seat." Jun: "What?" Keima: "There aren't any open seats. We can share this one." Jun: "N-No! A teacher and student shouldn't be so..." Jun: "What if someone sees us?" : "The moment you've all been waiting for!" : "The Pro Wrestling Nona Tag Carnival Tournament Final... Begins now!" Jun: "W-Well, this is a really good seat... But..." : "Introducing the contestants!" : "In the blue corner, Jun Akikawa! Mitsuharu Nizawa!" : "In the red corner, E.C. Tattoo! Kanizo Kabuki!" Jun: "Akikawa is a young, upcoming ace! Oh! Look over there!" Jun: "That's Nizawa! You see... He uses the same move Jumbo used! He even does the cheer! You should pay close attention. I can't wait..." Jun: "Okay! That's it! Get him!" Jun: "Yes!" Jun: "Oh, sorry..." Jun: "That one's mine..." Jun: "Okay! Almost there!" Crowd: "Akikawa! Get him!" Jun: "That's it! Get him!" Jun: "When you have a good seat, the experience is so intense! It's not the same" Jun: "But..." Jun: "We shouldn't be so close together." Jun: "A teacher and student shouldn't..." Jun: "That surprised me..." Keima: "I never realized..." Keima: "Pro wrestling is exciting stuff." Ref: "One, two, three!" Keima: "The wrestlers fight each other, with all their strength. The audience responds to their efforts," Keima: "Pro wrestling is so passionate" Jun: "That's right." Jun: "Pro wrestling is about more than what happens in the ring. The referee judging the match, the staff supporting the wrestlers," Jun: "and the audience all join together, making this match possible." Jun: "Everyone together as one..." Jun: "So why don't you understand? I'm doing my best to help you! Why won't you help me help you?" Jun: "I even bought a game console, so I could help you! It was expensive!" Jun: "I can't do this by myself. We have to work together." Keima: "Was that why the basketball team was shut down? You were the captain of the basketball team" Keima: "Under your watch, it was shut down." Keima: "No, that's not right..." Keima: "You're the one who shut it down." Jun: "Wh-What? What did you hear?" Keima: "Nothing." Jun: "Huh?" Keima: "But I have a feeling that the same thing is happening again." Keima: "More people to be crushed beneath your ideals..." A: "Jun, you're pushing us too hard." B: "We can't put up with you any longer." Jun: "Why? Everyone said they wanted to get better. Why did they leave?" Jun: "Everything I did was for the basketball team..." Jun: "I did my best." Keima: "Did you really do your best for your teammates?" Jun: "What's that supposed to mean?" Jun: "Y-You would never..." Jun: "Never understand! You have no idea how I feel!" Elsie: "Divine One..." Keima: "Finally, I can see..." Keima: "the ending." Chihiro: "As far as guitars go, these seem pretty cheap." Ayumi: "Let me see." Ayumi: "What? That isn't cheap!" Elsie: "Good morning!" Chihiro: "Hey, Ellie." Ayumi: "Morning." A: "Oh, yeah." B: "What? You, too?" C: "So? Wasn't that your goal?" A: "Eh, I guess. It was... But she's turning into a pain..." B: "Miss Nagase's been disappointing." C: "There was that mess the other day too." Jun: "Good morning, everyone! Before we start homeroom," Jun: "The whole class can enter the Maijima Marathon together!" A: "Why do we have to run?" B: "No way!" C: "For real?" Jun: "I already sent in applications for the whole class!" All: "What?" Jun: "Let's do our best!" Jun: "This is our chance to bond." A: "Miss Nagase, you can just stop!" Jun: "Huh?" B: "We're busy..." C: "Just be normal. It isn't like we're on some TV show." D: "It's becoming too much pressure..." Jun: "Too much pressure?" Jun: "Then why did you ask for my help? Why did you look so happy when you were talking to me?" Jun: "Why is everyone acting like I'm the bad guy?" E: "Miss Nagase?" Jun: "You're all just selfish! Far too selfish!" A: "What was that about?" B: "Why was she yelling at us?" C: "She's pretty unstable..." D: "But it's lucky that she came face-to-face" E: "Good point." Keima: "Honestly... I don't get why Nagase even tries." Keima: "She can't save a bunch of buggy fools." A: "What was that, dweeb?" B: "Are you in any position to talk, you crazy gamer?" A: "Huh? Where's the dweeb?" B: "He's gone..." C: "Bastard." C: "Where'd he go?" D: "Does it really matter where he went?" Elsie: "39, 40, 41... 42, 43, 44, 45..." B: "Hey, what about class?" A: "Isn't this kind of bad?" Jun: "They're all so selfish! I'm doing this for their sake!" Jun: "If only... If only they would let me help..." Keima: "Why are you here? I thought you only had bad memories here." Jun: "Why do you have to be so creepy? Besides, you're the one who threw me off, in the first place!" Jun: "This time, I was going to make it work! I'm a grown-up now! I've studied hard!" Jun: "I've become the ideal teacher!" Keima: "It appears..." Keima: "...you really are completely clueless." Keima: "You haven't changed one bit." Jun: "S-Stop... Stop..." Jun: "Stop! Stop!" Keima: "You've always forced your own ideals onto other people." Jun: "Then..." Jun: "Then what am I supposed to do?!" Jun: "All I can do is try my hardest. But..." Jun: "The harder I try, the farther away they get..." Jun: "I'm just trying to help them..." Jun: "What am I supposed to do?" Jun: "What am I..." Keima: "It's simple." Keima: "You keep imposing your ideals on them!" Jun: "Huh?" Keima: "Don't worry about other people! You only need to do what you think is right!" Jun: "That's impossible... No one will listen to me..." Keima: "When faced with an ideal, people tend to get upset. "It's impossible." "We can't do it." They just run away." Keima: "That's the limit of reality." Keima: "But..." Keima: "You still have to do this! You may feel pain, loneliness... But you must show everyone your ideals!" Keima: "Like Jumbo Tsuruma!" Keima: "Because you... You're a teacher!" A: "Miss Nagase!" A: "Ah! Whew! Here she is!" A: "Uh, Miss Nagase... Let's go back to class." B: "It was all our fault! We're sorry." Jun: "Everyone..." Jun: "Huh?" Jun: "Katsuragi?" Jun: "You're all just selfish!" Jun: "Far too selfish!" Keima: "Honestly... I don't get why Nagase even tries." A: "Miss Nagase isn't coming back?" B: "Was it really so upsetting?" Elsie: "499, 500! Hey, everyone!" Elsie: "Let's go look for Miss Nagase!" All: "What?" Elsie: "Let's go. I think I know where Miss Nagase might be." Jun: "Thank you, everyone. I promise I'll become a good teacher!" Elsie: "Miss Nagase's student teacher stint ends today." Elsie: "But..." Elsie: "The Divine One hasn't come to school since that day." Jun: "I appreciate all the help!" kaido: "Well, in any case, come to me if you have any trouble." kaido: "I'll be willing to hear you out." Jun: "Okay!" Jun: "I thought I'd never see you again." Jun: "U-Um... I wanted to apologize." Jun: "I took you to be a solitary and cold person..." Jun: "But..." Keima: "Teach." Jun: "Huh?" Keima: "You'd better come back." Jun: "Uh-huh! I'll come back a better teacher! So this is the last time I'll let you see me" Elsie: "Huh?" Elsie: "Now that I think about it, the loose soul... Ah!" Keima: "The requirements for a good game are an angelically bold story, a demonically sensitive game balance, and the infusion of human souls into the characters. On the other hand, the reason for bad games... Well, there are too many."
{ "raw_title": "The World God Only Knows Season 2 Episode 11 – There's Always a Sun in Your Heart", "parsed": [ "The World God Only Knows Season 2", "11", "There's Always a Sun in Your Heart" ] }
Yu: "It took us a long time to get here..." Yu: "Is it your turn to say the words?" Yu: "To say that you love me?" Yu: "I'm so happy." Keima: "That was a good sequel. Well, moving on to the next game..." Keima: "Hmm?" Keima: "I bought this because it was cheap. The characters sell a game. Why would they do this?" Keima: "This game is guaranteed to be crappy." Keima: "What are you doing?" Yotsuba: "I'm looking for clovers." Keima: "Oh..." Keima: "Ah." Keima: "Here. A four-leaf clover." Yotsuba: "No, that's not it." Yotsuba: "I'm looking for a clover with five leaves." Yotsuba: "I already have a four-leaf one." Yotsuba: "Will you become my leaf?" Yotsuba: "My name is Yotsuba Sugimoto." Song: "Every morning, I see..." Elsie: "that guy with the messy hair." Elsie: "Wonder how old he is. And what his name is. I really wanna know." Mari: "Good morning." Elsie: "Oh. Good morning, Mother." Mari: "El, I'll finish up here. Could you go check on Keima for me?" Elly: "Huh? On the Divine Brother?" Mari: "It doesn't look like he ever took a bath." Mari: "He was probably up all night, playing games." Mari: "Oh, I don't even want to see him. I can't bear looking at him when he's being a pain..." Elsie: "Divine One?" Elsie: "It's morning! Time for breakfast..." Elsie: "Divine One?" Elsie: "Um..." Keima: "I've found it." Elsie: "Found what?" Keima: "My destiny..." Elsie: "Huh?" Elsie: "Please wait!" Mari: "Wait, you guys! What about breakfast?" Keima: "Why?" Keima: "Why did it take me so long to find this game?" Keima: "Good morning." Yotsuba: "Good morning, Katsuragi." Yotsuba: "Oh, I had no idea... So you also take this path to school." Keima: "Yep." Yotsuba: "My alarm didn't go off this morning, so I'm running a little late..." Keima: "I see." Yotsuba: "But..." Keima: "Hmm?" Yotsuba: "I hope my alarm won't go off tomorrow morning." Elsie: "Don't stop in the middle of the road!" Yotsuba: "Let's go, Katsuragi!" Keima: "Uh-huh!" Elsie: "P-Please wait!" Keima: "I never believed in destiny." Keima: "But... Now, I believe." Keima: "Her every movement..." Keima: "Those sad eyes... She's absolutely perfect!" Keima: "Perfect!" kaido: "Take it outside!" kaido: "Katsuragi's sister!" Elsie: "Yes!" kaido: "Keep your brother on a tighter leash!" Elsie: "I'm sorry..." Chihiro: "The dweeb is such a loser." Ayumi: "But that's pretty much just who he is." Chihiro: "You have a point." Keima: "Damn... I got too excited." Keima: "Whatever... Now I can continue in peace." Yotsuba: "Say, Katsuragi..." Keima: "Hmm? What is it?" Yotsuba: "Do you mind if I start calling you "Keima"?" Keima: "Huh? O-Okay." Keima: "In that case..." Keima: "Hmm..." Keima: "Can I call you Yokkyun...?" Yotsuba: "Yokkyun...?" Yotsuba: "Uh-huh! I like it, Keima!" Keima: "Yokkyun..." Yotsuba: "What is it, Keima?" Keima: "Yokkyun." Yotsuba: "What is it, Keima?" Keima: "Yokkyun!" Lady: "Two omelet soba sandwiches left!" Elsie: "Where did the Divine One go?" Elsie: "Ah! Divine One! I've been looking for you!" Keima: "Oh, it's you." Elsie: "Wh-Who are you?!" Elsie: "You seem to really like that game." Keima: "I'm only partway through, but of all the games I've played," Elsie: "But isn't it taking you a long time to beat?" Keima: "Allow me to teach you something useful. The heroines in the best games" Keima: "Technically, they're girls who were sent through time." Elsie: "What do you mean?" Keima: "The better a game," Keima: "You want to spend as much time as possible with the heroine. Isn't that only natural?" Elsie: "Oh..." Keima: "Yokkyun!" Haqua: "Huh? What's that? He won't come out because he's playing his game?" Elsie: "The Divine One refuses to leave his room when he's absorbed in his games." Haqua: "Jeez... I came all the way out here..." Elsie: "This time, he's really hooked." Haqua: "Not that I care or anything, but what kind of game are we talking about?" Elsie: "Um..." Elsie: "It has a girl that looks..." Elsie: "like this." Haqua: "You suck at drawing." Elsie: "Really? This seems pretty close..." Haqua: "Please. No one would use a scrawl like that in a game." Yotsuba: "Keima, do you like me?" Keima: "I sure do." Yotsuba: "What do you like about me?" Keima: "I'm not exactly sure. Sorry." Yotsuba: "Mm-mm..." Yotsuba: "So you like me without knowing why..." Yotsuba: "For some reason, that makes me happy." Keima: "She's such a good girl. Please stop..." Haqua: "So someone out there" Both: "Huh?" Keima: "Don't make fun of Yokkyun!" Keima: "Honestly..." Keima: "Yokkyun..." Mail: "You have mail!" Keima: "What? I don't have time for this..." Keima: "B's ware?" Keima: "B's ware?! Dear God of Conquest, Our company has begun production on a new dating sim. We are looking for input" Keima: "so we can create the ideal dating sim," Keima: "The company that created Yokkyun wants to make a dating sim, following my advice" Heidi: "Yay! Yay! The ideal dating sim! The ideal dating sim!" Heidi: "They'll make a game just the way I want?" Heidi: "What kind of game do I want? Which artist to use? Which writer?" Heidi: "Well, still... As long as the game has cute girls," Author: "Don't be ridiculous!" Heidi: "Hmm?" Author: "We should take this chance" Author: "The game must have a profound story, with an elaborate background and setting." Author: "To give the girls the opportunity to shine!" Heidi: "Oh..." Scholar: "But first, the game must have playability! A dating sim is required to offer" Author: "Playability? Do parameters mean anything" Scholar: "Fool! You can't call ten straight hours of text a game! That's a newspaper!" Heidi: "H-Hey! Stop fighting..." Coward: "Don't forget about the different niches." All: "Hmm?" Coward: "Appeal across niches" Piper: "Wait just a moment. These days, dating sims need music." Scholar: "Then go play sound novels!" Author: "Harder isn't necessarily better, you flag-happy freak!" Coward: "Little red backpack! Little red backpack!" Piper: "If you want to cry, go chop some onions!" Keima: "That's odd... I thought I already knew" Keima: "The more I think about it, the less sure I am." Keima: "Calm down! Focus!" Keima: "What is the ideal game..." Opposition: "Gentlemen!" Opposition: "The childhood friend who comes by daily, to wake the main character..." Opposition: "The male classmate who knows everything about everyone..." Opposition: "And the first-encounter panty shot..." Opposition: "I propose that we abolish all of the above!" Opposition: "What?" Ruling: "Templates are No. 1!" Elder: "Stop your bickering, lads!" Ruling: "Wise One..." Elder: "Are we not all brothers who love dating sims?" Elder: "We have no need to fight!" Youth: "But, Wise One... They want to abolish the event" Elder: "What?! That is unacceptable!" Keima: "Hmm..." Elsie: "I drank too much water before I went to sleep." Caption: "Elsie" Elsie: "Huh?" Elsie: "Divine Brother?" Elsie: "What's he doing there?" Elsie: "He looked so sad..." : "Dating Sim Century 0079. The war between the One-Heroine Forces" : "finally approached its conclusion." A: "We have a direct hit on the enemy" A: "15% of the Multi-Heroine fleet, destroyed!" Vice: "The Multi-Heroine weapons appear bugged and unable to fire." Admiral: "Hmph, the fools. Now they understand the difficulty of managing multiple flags. Soon, the Multi-Heroine Forces will be ours. We will finally see an end to this multi-century war." Admiral: "However, I am forced to grieve." Admiral: "Once, we were united under one cause..." Vice: "It is impossible to band together" Admiral: "So ideals are just another element of reality?" Amuro: "We need but one heroine! A multitude of heroines" Char: "One heroine alone..." Char: "cannot appeal to the different niches!" Amuro: "You and your logic!" Char: "And the presence of rival heroines offers them more opportunities to shine." Char: "Why can't you understand?" Amuro: "That's pure sophistry!" Char: "But I am on the side of right!" Char: "Th-That's..." Char: "Yokkyun!" Amuro: "Why do you know her name?" Char: "In truth, I also..." Char: "bear the same pendant!" Lala: "Stop! Stop fighting!" Amuro: "I just heard Yokkyun's voice. Dating sim-ers are all brothers!" Char: "Come to think of it, why were we fighting, to begin with?" A: "Now that you mention it, after the introduction..." B: "We were arguing about story, playability, interface," C: "But we never talked about girls!" Amuro: "That's right..." Char: "Indeed." Both: "Yes!" Both: "We had no need to fight." Both: "For we all..." Both: "love dating sims!" Keima: "There can be more than one ideal." Keima: "So we should share our ideals..." Keima: "Pool our ideals under one giant tree..." Keima: "Where you and I can live..." Keima: "Ideals..." Keima: "Absolute convictions that transcend reality." Keima: "If they truly exist..." Elsie: "Divine One!" Elsie: "It's terrible!" Elsie: "Haqua told me about this yesterday. A bunch of loose souls are about to arrive in this area! What do we do?" Keima: "The real world is just a crappy game." Keima: "The ideal world can only be found within a game. Such was my belief. But if an ideal can be found within a crappy game, there may be an ideal route in the real world..." Keima: "...for me to discover." Keima: "I can see the ending!" Keima: "Parameters treat all equally. Event flags treat all equally. Those who make correct choices are directed to a good route. And so, the second season concludes. This time, I mean it... I can see the ending!"
{ "raw_title": "The World God Only Knows Season 2 Episode 12 – Summer Wars", "parsed": [ "The World God Only Knows Season 2", "12", "Summer Wars" ] }
Kusunoki: "Listen to me, Katsuragi. This isn't a date." Keima: "Of course not." Kusunoki: "This is to rid me of the weakness inside, so I can become a stronger martial artist... Yes! It's part of the plan! This is just part of the plan... So don't... Don't get the wrong idea or anything." Keima: "No. I won't." Keima: "Wh-Why?" Kusunoki: "Anyway, these clothes feel wrong. I should've just worn my school uniform." Elsie: "Isn't this cute? Isn't this cute?" Keima: "The idea was to make you look weak." Kusunoki: "I-I understand. But still..." Kusunoki: "This is taking it too far!" Kusunoki: "S-So embarrassing... Everyone's staring. They're all laughing at me." Keima: "That isn't true. They're all looking at you because you're cute!" Kusunoki: "Katsuragi! Stop making stuff up!" Keima: "Captain! Th-There it is..." Kusunoki: "She blocked my attack?" Keima: "Damn it! This is all Elsie's fault!" Elsie: "Hang in there, Divine One!" Keima: "I'm going to..." Keima: "Huh?" Keima: "There's a PFP version of this... They still have a copy. Lucky me!" Kusunoki: "Are you an idiot?" Keima: "Huh?" Kusunoki: "What am I supposed to do in a game store?" Keima: "But this was the only place I knew." Kusunoki: "You're weak to the core. Honestly..." Keima: "Then you can choose where we go next." Kusunoki: "Oh! Look, Katsuragi!" Kusunoki: "There's a sale on athletic tape! How many are you getting? Do you want soft? Or hard?" Elsie: "This doesn't feel like a date at all..." Kusunoki: "We seem to have trouble connecting." Keima: "Connecting..." Keima: "Want to hold hands, then?" Kusunoki: "A-A-A-Are you an idiot? I didn't mean physical connection! Besides, it's too early for that..." Keima: "Huh?" Kusunoki: "A-Anyway! We need to connect on an emotional level. Think of something!" Keima: "In that case..." Keima: "How's this?" Kusunoki: "A game where you whack lobsters as they emerge... I get it. This combines gaming and martial arts. An excellent way for us to connect!" Kusunoki: "Then I'll start." Keima: "O-Okay." Machine: "Begin!" Kusunoki: "Sorry, but martial arts will win this contest." Kusunoki: "The Kasuga School trains with weapons." Kusunoki: "Finish!" Kusunoki: "I have today's top score, Katsuragi." Keima: "Let's move on." Kusunoki: "No! I'm not stopping until I've beaten you!" Pello: "Porkrasche... You came to find me." Pello: "You're always there for me." Pello: "Porkrasche... Aren't you tired? I feel really tired. It's so cold..." Kusunoki: "He's so weak. With enough effort, you can overcome cold! Suck it up!" Keima: "This isn't working." Kusunoki: "Yeah..." Keima: "I'm pretty sure the stuff we did today would be considered weak." Kusunoki: "This isn't good... He'll think I actually enjoyed myself." Keima: "I guess this really wasn't a date..." Kusunoki: "No! We're not done yet! I won't stop until I've gotten rid of her! I refuse to give up! Isn't there..." Kusunoki: "Isn't there anything I can do?" Kusunoki: "I must expel her..." Kusunoki: "What would be considered extremely weak?" Kusunoki: "K-Katsuragi!" Kusunoki: "That's it!" Kikki: "Oh, please! Stop it, Sammy." Sammy: "Are you sure, Kikki?" Kusunoki: "L-Let's try that." Keima: "W-We're supposed to eat this together?" Kusunoki: "Y-Yes..." Kusunoki: "No decent human would ever want to do this." Kusunoki: "This is the ultimate act of weakness! Th-Then let's do it!" Keima: "R-Right..." Kusunoki: "D-Don't give in! This ice cream is my ticket to becoming a warrior!" Kusunoki: "Lick..." Kusunoki: "Lick!" Kusunoki: "Lick!" Elsie: "There it is!" Kusunoki: "It worked!" Kusunoki: "We've been completely separated!" Kusunoki: "I know your true identity. You are my feminine side" Kusunoki: "that I forsook!" Kusunoki: "I challenge you!" Keima: "I'm not sure who's going to win, but I can see the ending." Kusunoki: "I choose to live as a woman. Shut up. If you want to be strong, there's no need to live as a woman!" Elsie: "Divine One, we have to stop them!" Keima: "You must be joking. Go ahead and jump in. I guarantee that you'll die." Elsie: "This can't be happening... Ah! Weaving for the Divine One... Weaving... Oh, Divine One! I used my raiment to make you a battle suit! You'll be able to survive an explosion in this! Probably." Keima: "No, thanks." Elsie: "What?" Keima: "There's no reason to stop them. Until this is settled, the emptiness in her heart can never be filled." Kusunoki: "Ever since I was little, I've had to hold back." A: "Man, the young lady is so strong. Even the men have difficulty beating her." B: "The master must have worried over not having a male heir." C: "But now, the Kasuga School will be in good hands!" A: "As long as we have Miss Kusunoki..." B: "As long as we have Miss Kusunoki..." C: "As long as we have Miss Kusunoki..." Kusunoki: "I was always a man." Kusunoki: "I had no other choice." Kusunoki: "Enough is enough!" Kusunoki: "Shut up! Shut up! Shut up!" Kusunoki: "Screw martial arts!" Kusunoki: "Starting today, I'll be the real Kusunoki!" Kusunoki: "Sh-She's strong... But she's supposed to represent my weakness!" Kusunoki: "Come on... Admit defeat! I cannot allow myself to be defeated... I must be strong, or the Kasuga School will be finished! That dojo deserves to fall apart!" Keima: "You seem to be struggling." Kusunoki: "Sh-Shut up!" Keima: "I can tell you how to beat her, if you'd like." Kusunoki: "What?" Keima: "And it'd only take a moment." Kusunoki: "No, thank you! Stay out of this." Keima: "It's very simple." Kusunoki: "Wh-Wh-Wha... What is this?!" Keima: "Do you really need to fight her?" Keima: "Why don't you just accept her? Aim to become a feminine," Keima: "strong, and cute martial artist." Kusunoki: "Don't make it sound so easy! You don't respect the martial arts. How can I become strong if I waste time being a girl?!" Kusunoki: "That's right, Kusunoki. Don't fall for his sweet talk. I will devote myself to being a woman." Kusunoki: "No time to waste in the dojo!" Kusunoki: "When you devote yourself to one path... You must sacrifice the other." Keima: "What? You can't do both? You talk big, but you can't deliver." Both: "What?" Keima: "L-Lots of things out there are both strong and cute." Keima: "Such as cats! Cats are fearsome hunters that prey on mice." Kusunoki: "Humans are nothing like cats! Yeah! Don't group them together!" Keima: "You're wrong! Humans can also become strong and cute!" Keima: "Look over there!" Elsie: "Divine One, here I go!" Elsie: "Isn't this raiment battle suit amazing?" Keima: "Enough of that. You can go now. Shoo. Shoo." Elsie: "What?" Kusunoki: "Stupid. It's a waste of time" Kusunoki: "to listen to your nonsense!" Keima: "It's not nonsense! When something is gained through sacrifice, it will always feel incomplete. Besides, why should a fondness for cats" Keima: "You have a chance to become stronger." Keima: "A martial artist would never impose limits on herself!" Keima: "You should seek greater strength, Captain! Did you consider today's attempt at the weakest date ever a complete waste of time?" Kusunoki: "Of cours— No." Kusunoki: "It wasn't a waste of time." Kusunoki: "I had fun. Wh-What are you saying? Are you turning on me? I'm not." Kusunoki: "After all, I know that you had fun, as well." Kusunoki: "Because I am you." Kusunoki: "A cute and strong martial artist? That sounds good. However... We aren't up to the task yet." Kusunoki: "I give up! Huh? Today was enough, for the time being. I'll let you have your way. Once you feel that you're a strong enough martial artist, give your feminine side a heads-up." Kusunoki: "Yeah." Kusunoki: "One more thing, before I go? Huh? Wha—" Kusunoki: "What? My body is moving on its own..." Kusunoki: "Something to remember this by. How can you do this without my permission?" Keima: "Captain! You're killing me! Killing me..." Kusunoki: "Do you not like Katsuragi?" Elsie: "Anyway, that was a real shocker. I didn't know people could split apart." Keima: "Should you really be so impressed? You didn't know this might happen?" Elsie: "Oh, now that you mention it, I think it was mentioned in the manual." Keima: "Th-There's a manual?" Elsie: "Yes, for the Loose Souls Team." Keima: "Tell me sooner!" Elsie: "Um... Loose soul..." Elsie: "Loose soul soup. A delicious recipe for Nirvana Quail Eggs?" Elsie: "Ah!" Elsie: "What should I do? I accidentally brought a cookbook instead..." Elsie: "A loose soul?" Elsie: "Huh?" Elsie: "It disappeared..." Keima: "What was that about?" Haqua: "Outta the way!" Haqua: "Jeez! That was the perfect opportunity. You just had to mess me up!" Haqua: "Oh? Aren't you Elsie?" Elsie: "Huh?"
{ "raw_title": "The World God Only Knows Season 2 Episode 2 – Problem Solved by the Fist", "parsed": [ "The World God Only Knows Season 2", "2", "Problem Solved by the Fist" ] }
Haqua: "You got yourself stuck in a detention bottle?" Haqua: "I remember you doing the same thing in class." Elsie: "H-Haqua!" Haqua: "It's pretty rare to run into another demon, let alone a former classmate." Elsie: "Haqua!" Haqua: "Shoo!" Haqua: "We're public servants now." Haqua: "You should act more professionally!" Elsie: "Haqua! It's been forever!" Haqua: "Honestly... You never grow up..." Elsie: "I'm so happy!" Elsie: "I haven't seen you since graduation. Huh? That raiment... You're also a member of the Loose Souls Team!" Haqua: "Hold on. I'm not just a member." Haqua: "See this armband? Chief of the Far East Division's 32nd District. Haqua du Lot Herminium." Haqua: "I'm a section chief." Elsie: "Section chief?" Elsie: "Wow! You're a first-class public servant. That's so great!" Haqua: "Naturally." Haqua: "Would you like to shake my hand?" Elsie: "Thank you so much, Section Chief! You're so awesome!" Elsie: "After graduation, you became a first-class public servant. I mean, you're already a section chief! On the other hand, I've been performing miserably. So I've been stuck in a third-class position forever." Haqua: "There's nothing awesome about me." Elsie: "Huh?" Haqua: "Because it's perfectly normal for me to be the very best." Elsie: "Wow..." Elsie: "You're so cool! Like the Divine One!" Haqua: "The Divine One?" Elsie: "Oh, that's right! Let me introduce you. Right here! The Divine One. He's my buddy!" Haqua: "A demon being buddies with someone divine?" Elsie: "He's incredible!" Haqua: "He's just an ordinary human. What's so incredible?" Haqua: "Well, it doesn't matter." Haqua: "Would you like to shake my hand?" Haqua: "Wh-What is it?" Keima: "Weak signal..." Elsie: "Um, Divine One? This is my former classmate, Haqua..." Keima: "I demand silence!" Keima: "An event is about to descend from the sky!" Elsie: "The sky?" Keima: "Whew... Successfully retrieved." Keima: "Stop holding events that require connecting online on their birthday, at noon." Keima: "I'm never buying a game from this company again. At least, not a limited edition." Haqua: "He certainly is incredible." Elsie: "Stupid, stupid... Stupid Divine One!" Haqua: "Elsie. It must be hard," Haqua: "How many have you captured?" Elsie: "Huh? I-I don't know how everyone else is doing, so I'm not sure if this is good or bad..." Haqua: "Enough mumbling. 'Fess up, already." Elsie: "How many have you captured, Haqua?" Haqua: "Huh? I-I've captured..." Haqua: "A-Around ten, I think." Elsie: "Ten? Wow!" Haqua: "B-But of course. It was nothing." Elsie: "You're so great... Meanwhile, I've only captured five." Haqua: "Y-You've caught five already?" Elsie: "U-Uh-huh." Haqua: "You don't have to lie. No one will be surprised to hear" Haqua: "Five in two months is going too far. That would warrant an Order of the Demon!" Elsie: "What?" Elsie: "R-Really?" Elsie: "Ah." Elsie: "Th-That means... You get two!" Haqua: "What?" Elsie: "You're so awesome, Haqua!" Elsie: "Super-awesome!" Dokuro: "Elsie! There's an emergency!" Elsie: "Chief Dokuro?" Dokuro: "There's a loose soul headed your way. Some fool at a different district chased it" Dokuro: "And the loose soul" Dokuro: "Use caution, and capture it immediately! This takes top priority!" Elsie: "U-Understood!" Dokuro: "I'll pray for your success." Elsie: "The sensor went off because the loose soul happened to be passing by. Maybe it's still around!" Haqua: "Honestly... Which idiot let it escape? I'll track it down." Elsie: "Haqua, let's team up." Haqua: "No way." Elsie: "Huh?" Haqua: "I'm a section chief. I don't need any help from a grunt!" Elsie: "Ah! Haqua!" Elsie: "Divine One! There's a loose soul!" Keima: "Damn it! My connection's too unstable! Another event starts in the next half hour!" Keima: "I refuse to go anywhere that drops me under three bars... I absolutely refuse!" Elsie: "You're so unbearable today!" Haqua: "In theory, I should search the school first. I need to capture the loose soul" Haqua: "In any case... This school is huge. I have no idea where I am!" Haqua: "I wanted to be assigned to Europe..." Haqua: "After all, I was born in the West." Haqua: "This isn't how it was supposed to be..." Keima: "Do you want my help?" Keima: "Yes! There's great reception up here! Yahoo!" Keima: "I happen to be familiar with this school." Keima: "I can help you capture the loose soul." Haqua: "What could a human possibly do?" Keima: "With enough information, just about anything." Haqua: "Do you realize who you're talking to? I'm a high-level demon. Go back to Elsie." Keima: "Don't worry." Keima: "I won't tell Elsie that you're the one who let the loose soul escape." Keima: "You probably want to keep that secret." Haqua: "What are you babbling about?" Keima: "Here it comes!" Keima: "Whew... I was able to retrieve the event." Haqua: "Listen to me!" Keima: "You were already pursuing something, before your superior's notification. But you didn't mention that to Elsie, even though things would go more smoothly if you worked together." Keima: "You must have had a reason." Haqua: "I-I didn't tell her because, well... I-It was top—" Keima: "Top-secret information? That previous transmission would suggest otherwise." Haqua: "Wh-Who is this guy?" Haqua: "He's completely different than when I first met him..." Elsie: "H-Huh? Divine One? Why are you here? Oh, Haqua! The loose soul wasn't over there!" Haqua: "Elsie, I've got this covered. You check one of the other buildings." Elsie: "U-Uh-huh..." Haqua: "Anyway, you still suck at landings. Even after all those pointers on deceleration. Also, did you turn on cloaking for your raiment?" Elsie: "Oh, I forgot..." Haqua: "During the day, you have to turn it on. Otherwise, people will see you. That means more work for admin. At this rate, you'll never be promoted." Elsie: "Haqua, you're always on the ball. I could never be like you. I mean, you've already captured ten loose souls." Haqua: "I-I guess..." Elsie: "You're the perfect demon!" Keima: "The shocking truth about the model student. Click on the link for some information you'll love." Elsie: "Divine One?" Haqua: "Elsie!" Haqua: "You can search over there!" Haqua: "Contact me if you find it!" Elsie: "U-Uh-huh." Keima: "So you admit it. You let the loose soul escape." Haqua: "I-I let down my guard for a second..." Keima: "I have no intention of turning you in or anything. I simply want to understand my situation." Keima: "Elsie's information isn't very reliable." Keima: "I want to be done with this game as soon as possible." Keima: "To accomplish that, I'll need information..." Keima: "Information that will help me reach the ending." Keima: "This is where you'll find the most students passing through. But it's empty right now, since lunch just ended." Haqua: "Hold on." Haqua: "The loose soul may have left a trail." Haqua: "These are images from thirty minutes ago." Keima: "Nice... Elsie's never done anything like this." Haqua: "She can't manage this yet." Keima: "Make it quick. I'm busy." Haqua: "Some human. You're threatening a demon!" Keima: "You're letting a human threaten you. Some demon..." Haqua: "Once I find the loose soul, I'll kill you!" Keima: "You won't be able to kill me." Haqua: "Huh?" Keima: "If I die, Elsie will also die." Keima: "You're not capable of killing a friend." Haqua: "She's not a friend!" Keima: "Oh? So you give pointers to people who aren't friends?" Haqua: "I can't stand you! Now I won't let you shake my hand!" Keima: "Not a problem." Keima: "Hey, weren't you looking for a trail?" Haqua: "I didn't find anything. Let's move on." Haqua: "Jeez, where'd the loose soul go..." Keima: "Perhaps it's hiding in someone else." Haqua: "I doubt it. This one has grown so big, it wouldn't be able to fit inside." Haqua: "That's why we need to capture it quickly. A loose soul that's amassed power is dangerous." Keima: "Dangerous? How so? Elsie said that these were the loose souls" Keima: "All the power in the world can't change the fact that they're only human." Keima: "You demons should..." Haqua: "You're wrong." Keima: "Huh?" Haqua: "These are the loose souls of evil people from our world. The souls of demons." Haqua: "And they're not like us... These are real demons. Long ago, Hell was a place where evil was fostered," Haqua: "A haven for demons. However, there were other demons" Haqua: "They sealed the ancient demons and created a new Hell..." Haqua: "A Hell ruled by rational order." Haqua: "Ushering in the era of new demons. Huh?" Haqua: "Hey! Are you listening to my story?" Keima: "Wait. I can save after one more turn." Haqua: "You're the one who wanted to know this!" Keima: "I see. I know the basic premise now." Haqua: "How could you possibly know that? I haven't reached the main part yet. So loose souls are..." Keima: "In other words..." Keima: "They're the souls of the sealed ancient demons, who plot their return. Isn't that right?" Haqua: "Huh?" Keima: "They're still weak, after escaping from Hell, and they don't have corporeal bodies." Keima: "That's why they target humans. They feed on negative emotions." Keima: "So they hide in the emptiness of people's hearts. While they feed on negative feelings and grow, they're tracked down and captured by Elsie" Haqua: "You already knew this?" Haqua: "Elsie told you everything?" Keima: "She did not. But after connecting your story with previous events, this would be the logical conclusion." Keima: "Demon against demon..." Keima: "One more thing to consider." Keima: "Kanon turning transparent... Shiori's lightning-fast reading speed..." Keima: "Captain Kusunoki splitting into two... Their strange abilities may have come from the demons inside." Haqua: "That's only when the demons are weak. Humans can siphon their power then." Keima: "What happens if a demon fully matures?" Haqua: "You don't know?" Keima: "We've captured every demon before it's happened." Haqua: "The demon is reincarnated as the host's offspring!" Haqua: "The age of barbarism has ended. We new demons are intelligent, rational creatures!" Elsie: "A fire engine! The real thing! It's bright red!" Elsie: "And there's a pump! Wow! Oops!" Elsie: "I'm supposed to be looking for the loose soul!" Keima: "I see. That would explain why she doesn't seem very demonic." Haqua: "You shouldn't assume that the rest of us are like her." Haqua: "Well, you should understand the situation now." Haqua: "A dangerous demon is floating around. We should hurry." Keima: "You're the one who let it escape. I-In other words, it comes down to whether a place has negative energy..." Haqua: "Right. Since that's what loose souls consume. They'll disappear if they can't find any energy." Keima: "Negative energy..." Keima: "A place with negative energy..." Pitcher: "No outs, bases loaded." Pitcher: "Full count, 3-2." Pitcher: "This is it! Everything on the line!" Pitcher: "But a real man will find a way out of this hole! Nay! If I fail here, Koshien will end as a dream. You could say this pitch is where it all begins!" Pitcher: "Don't let me down... Manly ball!" Keima: "Our baseball team has always been plagued by a negative aura." Haqua: "Really, they just suck." A: "Eh?" B: "What'cha lookin' at? I'll kill you!" Haqua: "These guys are just negative by nature. They wouldn't provide much energy." Haqua: "We can't find the loose soul..." Keima: "Say... Does the energy have to come from a living human being?" Haqua: "Well, not really." Haqua: "What is this place?" Keima: "The theater. This place used to be either a graveyard or a former battlefield, so there should be ghosts." Haqua: "Ghosts? That's a dated concept. They don't exist." Haqua: "Though it does make the place feel a bit creepy..." Haqua: "There's a signal." Haqua: "It might be here." Haqua: "We can't afford carelessness. Stay close to me." Keima: "Well, I'll be leaving now." Haqua: "Wait a second!" Haqua: "Wh-Why are you leaving?" Keima: "I won't be any help here." Keima: "From here on, it's your job." Haqua: "That's true... But you know, I'm not familiar with the building." Keima: "That shouldn't matter." Keima: "Since you've already caught ten loose souls." Keima: "See ya." Haqua: "Wait!" Haqua: "I-I..." Haqua: "I haven't caught a single loose soul yet!" Haqua: "Everyone else... Even Elsie managed to do it." Haqua: "I haven't been able to do a thing..." Haqua: "At school, I could do everything." Haqua: "Why..." Elsie: "Haqua! It's terrible! I found the loose soul, but it's terrible!" Haqua: "Elsie? Where are you?" Elsie: "Everyone at the school theater is... Haqua, hurry!" Keima: "Personification allows you to turn" Keima: "Take the earth, for example! If you listen carefully enough, you can hear, "I-It's not like I'm rotating for you!" And in a tsundere voice. Trigger the first flag by going green!"
{ "raw_title": "The World God Only Knows Season 2 Episode 3 – The Section Chief Cometh", "parsed": [ "The World God Only Knows Season 2", "3", "The Section Chief Cometh" ] }
Elsie: "Are you okay?" Elsie: "Whew... She's just unconscious. Each individual's negative energy wasn't enough, so this loose soul was after quantity." Haqua: "Elsie!" Elsie: "Haqua!" Haqua: "That's it..." Haqua: "The soul I let escape." Keima: "This loose soul seems completely different than the previous ones." Elsie: "H-Haqua. This loose soul has a face. Is it a level 3?" Elsie: "What do we do?" Haqua: "There's only one thing to do!" Haqua: "It stopped moving! Okay..." Haqua: "Detention bottle!" Elsie: "Wow! You're the best, Haqua!" Haqua: "But of course." Haqua: "Let me go!" Student: "Can't catch me... Can't catch me..." Student: "Can't catch me..." Student: "Can't catch me..." Keima: "I'm just an innocent bystander..." Elsie: "They were all unconscious. Haqua, is this..." Haqua: "It's the loose soul! The loose soul is using" Elsie: "Haqua... How do we return everyone to normal?" Haqua: "That should be obvious. Once we've secured the loose soul, they'll go back to normal!" Haqua: "Elsie! Hold them back!" Elsie: "Haqua! I have you covered! Now's your chance!" Haqua: "You idiot! How do you intend to hold them back with your hands? Use your raiment to push them all back!" Elsie: "What? I don't know how to handle this many targets yet!" Haqua: "What?" Elsie: "The loose soul escaped..." Haqua: "What were you doing? Raiment multitasking is as basic as it gets!" Elsie: "Sorry." Haqua: "Forget it." Elsie: "Huh?" Haqua: "I'll do this by myself. I don't need your help!" Keima: "If you go alone, you'll just fail again." Keima: "Take Elsie with you. She's already captured five loose souls." Keima: "It's true." Haqua: "That again? It's impossible!" Keima: "Have some faith in Elsie." Haqua: "Elsie is a failure who can barely use her raiment!" Haqua: "Didn't you see that?" Haqua: "I was always better..." Haqua: "Much more talented..." Haqua: "Back in school..." Principal: "I present you with this Merit Scythe, in recognition" Elsie: "Haqua, you're so awesome! I'm friends with someone who has a Merit Scythe! I can't wait to tell everyone!" Haqua: "I was always at the top." Haqua: "Always setting an example..." Haqua: "And you still think I need Elsie's help?" Haqua: "I can handle this alone!" Keima: "Hey! Wait!" Keima: "Elsie! Go with her!" Elsie: "Jeez! Why were you with Haqua? You're always so mean to me!" Keima: "I-It's a long story..." Keima: "That's not important. You need to go help Haqua!" Elsie: "I'll just end up getting in the way..." Elsie: "Don't worry. Haqua's smart enough to handle this herself." Keima: "Shut up and come with me!" Haqua: "Can't find it." Haqua: "I have to start from scratch?" Haqua: "I had no trouble figuring out movement patterns during school simulations. Real loose souls don't follow the manual." Haqua: "What's going on?" Haqua: "I'm even having trouble finding a buddy. Since I left school, I've been failing at everything." Haqua: "It wasn't supposed to be like this!" Haqua: "Wasn't supposed to be like this..." A: "Wow!" B: "Haqua will definitely be successful!" C: "That's right!" D: "Haqua's a genius!" Elsie: "Divine One! The sensor!" Keima: "So it's up there?" Elsie: "Ah, Haqua!" Keima: "I brought Elsie." Keima: "Where's the loose soul?" Keima: "Hey! Didn't you hear me?" Haqua: "Who are you?" Haqua: "Don't interfere!" Elsie: "Divine One!" Elsie: "D-Divine One! Haqua's... Haqua's being controlled by the loose soul!" Keima: "How could a demon let herself get taken over?" Students: "Can't catch me..." Students: "Can't catch me..." Elsie: "Divine One, what do we do?" Keima: "Learn to think for yourself!" Elsie: "Um... Um..." Elsie: "Haqua and everyone else are being controlled..." Elsie: "So first, we take care of the loose soul!" Elsie: "Stop! Please let go of me!" Elsie: "Divine One... If I have to hold off Haqua and all these students, I'll never be able to capture the loose soul!" Keima: "Elsie! Focus!" Keima: "You only have one target to worry about..." Keima: "Haqua!" Keima: "Right now, Haqua's troubled." Elsie: "Huh?" Keima: "The loose soul is taking advantage of that." Keima: "You must fill the emptiness in her heart." Elsie: "Haqua! It's me, Elsie! Haqua! Don't you recognize me?" Elsie: "Divine One!" Haqua: "Stay away from me..." Haqua: "Don't touch me..." Elsie: "Haqua... Get a hold of yourself! The Haqua I know would never" Elsie: "Come on, Haqua! Haqua!" Haqua: "Don't make it sound so easy." Elsie: "Huh?" A: "Haqua's amazing!" B: "Haqua never makes any mistakes." C: "Because Haqua's a model student." Haqua: "Don't make it sound so easy!" Haqua: "Don't you realize..." Haqua: "...how hard I had to study?" Haqua: "I worked hard..." Haqua: "I worked so hard!" Haqua: "But I'm useless." Haqua: "It doesn't matter how well I did in school... ...when I can't even capture" Elsie: "Haqua..." Haqua: "I didn't want to see you, Elsie..." Haqua: "I didn't want to see anyone." Haqua: "I can't do anything at all..." Elsie: "I have to help her. I have to help Haqua." Elsie: "But what should I do?" Elsie: "Haqua! Stop! What are you doing?" Elsie: "Haqua!" Haqua: "It's too late." Haqua: "No matter what happens..." Haqua: "I'm finished!" Elsie: "It's okay." Elsie: "It's okay, Haqua." Haqua: "How can..." Haqua: "How can you say that?!" Elsie: "As far as I'm concerned," Elsie: "You always have been. And you always will be. You taught me how to use my raiment, so I can fly now." Elsie: "I followed your example, copied what you did... So no matter what happens, until the day I die, I'll always believe that you're an awesome demon." Elsie: "It's okay..." Elsie: "It's okay." Haqua: "How sad..." Elsie: "Huh?" Haqua: "I never expected to need encouragement from you..." Haqua: "Guess I really do need to start from scratch." Elsie: "Haqua!" Haqua: "I feel a little better now." Elsie: "Haqua... You're back to normal!" Haqua: "Sorry about that, Elsie." Haqua: "Now..." Haqua: "Let's finish this!" Elsie: "Yep!" Elsie: "But how do we capture it?" Elsie: "With all these people around..." Haqua: "We'll do it the other way around. This time, I'll hold back the humans, while you capture the loose soul." Elsie: "What? Me?" Haqua: "You have more experience!" Haqua: "I didn't tell you this..." Haqua: "But I haven't captured a single loose soul yet..." Haqua: "Elsie! Heads up!" Haqua: "Raiment!" Keima: "I'm just an innocent bystander..." Elsie: "Wait!" Haqua: "Elsie! Your raiment!" Elsie: "Oh, right!" Elsie: "Thanks, Haqua." Haqua: "Elsie! Now!" Elsie: "You're mine!" Elsie: "We did it, Haqua!" Haqua: "I can really take this?" Haqua: "You're the one who captured it." Elsie: "No, it belongs to you. You're the one who forced it out." Haqua: "So this is my first capture..." Haqua: "I'd planned something more elegant..." Elsie: "You'll have plenty more chances!" Keima: "Hey!" Keima: "Why did I get captured, too?" Haqua: "Oh, I forgot." Haqua: "Sorry for the trouble..." Haqua: "I'll shake your hand, to make up." Haqua: "You're actually a pretty nice guy. You didn't tell Elsie that" Haqua: "I'll return the favor one day." Haqua: "Until we meet again." Elsie: "That's right, Divine One... What were you and Haqua whispering about?" Keima: "Does it really matter? Nothing much." Elsie: "Jeez!" Elsie: "I always get left out..." Keima: "Sorry." Keima: "You were a big help today. You did a good job with Haqua." Elsie: "D-Divine One! Are you hungry? I'll buy you an omelet soba sandwich!" Keima: "Do you realize what time it is?" Elsie: "Th-Then I'll buy you one tomorrow!" Haqua: "I'd like two omelet soba sandwiches." Keima: "She's still here? According to one theory," Keima: "Which means... If I could fully use my brain," Keima: "Work it, noggin! Fight, my brain!"
{ "raw_title": "The World God Only Knows Season 2 Episode 4 – The Section Chief Regains Her Pride", "parsed": [ "The World God Only Knows Season 2", "4", "The Section Chief Regains Her Pride" ] }
Mari: "Thank you very much!" Mari: "El, could you grab the dishes for me?" Elsie: "Sure!" Elsie: "What are you doing, Exalted Brother?" Keima: "Crunching numbers." Elsie: "Huh? Crunching numbers?" Keima: "I'm quantifying the amount of gaming time I've lost" Keima: "If X equals the number of loose souls... Hey." Elsie: "Huh?" Keima: "How many loose souls are left?" Elsie: "Um..." Mari: "El!" Elsie: "Sorry!" Keima: "Well, there are other demons, like Haqua, on the hunt. It's entirely possible that we're halfway done..." Elsie: "I know the answer, Exalted Brother!" Keima: "So, how many are left?" Elsie: "Around 60,000 or so!" Elsie: "Aw, another week of studying... Mondays are such a drag." Chihiro: "Ellie, that's because you think of it that way." Elsie: "Huh?" Chihiro: "The week feels long because you assume it begins on Monday." Chihiro: "For instance, pretend that the week begins on Wednesday." Elsie: "It worked... The week ends tomorrow. We're in the home stretch!" Chihiro: "Yep, knock yourself out." Elsie: "Hmm?" Elsie: "Divine Brother, what's wrong? You've been gloomy since yesterday." Keima: "Don't talk to me." Keima: "I am incredibly depressed right now..." Elsie: "Look at it this way, Exalted Brother. Pretend that the week begins on Wednesday..." Keima: "That's not it! My goal was to capture all the loose souls ASAP, so I could get out of this contract." Keima: "But now I find out 60,000 remain?" Keima: "Normally, there should only be seven! Imagine needing 60,000 balls to summon the dragon! Who would even bother?" Elsie: "Don't worry. Other Loose Souls Team members are on the job." Keima: "Your section chief let the last one escape." Keima: "Not exactly reassuring." Keima: "My life is over..." Elsie: "Chihiro!" Elsie: "Can you help me cheer up my exalted brother?" Chihiro: "No way." Chihiro: "Why would I want to cheer up that dweeb? If I get too close," Chihiro: "Ew, gross..." Elsie: "Exalted Brother..." Elsie: "Please cheer up. Chihiro was only joking." Keima: "I don't give a damn about what a real girl says." Keima: "Listen to me, Elsie. Remember this." Keima: "Look at this school! In games, schools are filled with unique characters," Keima: "In real life, everyone has the same hair color." Keima: "I'm a hardcore dating simmer..." Keima: "I have no connection to real life's drabness." A: "What's that?" B: "He's grumbling about something." C: "Ew..." D: "Just, ew!" E: "Like, ew!" Chihiro: "Bleh, I'm gonna be sick..." Keima: "She's just a background character... Background characters shouldn't have lines." Elsie: "So you do care?" Keima: "Not in the least! I have no reason to care about a real girl!" Elsie: "The loose soul signal." Keima: "Where?" Chihiro: "Move, dweeb!" Elsie: "D-Divine One..." Keima: "W-Wait! Don't say it!" Elsie: "Chihiro is..." Keima: "Stop! I don't want to hear it!" Elsie: "Chihiro is the next target!" Elsie: "Chihiro Kosaka." Elsie: "158 centimeters tall. She's not in any clubs. Her grades are average. Athletically, she's above average. No particular hobbies." Elsie: "She's okay with any guy who's handsome..." Elsie: "And that's about it." Keima: "Those are some seriously wishy-washy parameters... She exemplifies the real girl." Keima: "This is tough..." Elsie: "What's so tough? The other girls were much more of a chore and more difficult to handle." Keima: "It's easier that way." Elsie: "Huh?" Keima: "In games, heroines always have a unique trait that draws the player's attention and acts as a hint for winning the girl." Keima: "In other words!" Keima: "There are no hints for a girl with no personality! In fact," Keima: "Girls like her" Keima: "are usually around here. Or here, at best." Keima: "They aren't supposed to be romantic interests! They can bring out the heroine's appeal or provide hints, from time to time!" Keima: "Why did it have to be her?" Keima: "Isn't there anything? Maybe she's from a ninja family?" Elsie: "There's nothing! Nin-nin..." Keima: "I can't know what route to take," Elsie: "Nin-nin..." Keima: "But even then, I still can't stand her. Why do I have to play her route?" Elsie: "Please take this seriously, Divine One! We can't want to lose our head!" Keima: "Nothing happened to Haqua after she let a loose soul escape. We can ignore one or two..." Elsie: "So you're going to let the loose soul stay in Chihiro?" Chihiro: "I'm in love with you." Keima: "Whoa, whoa, whoa." Keima: "This parameter is too much..." Keima: "She likes another guy... If a company made a game like this," Elsie: "It's starting to pour! Let's go back to the classroom, Divine One!" Keima: "Leave me alone... If I must play her route, I might as well freeze to death here." Elsie: "Jeez! You can't, Divine One!" Elsie: "It won't stop raining, Divine One." : "The rain will stop by dawn tomorrow." Elsie: "Chihiro didn't come to school." Keima: "I can see that." Elsie: "Is she okay? She was crying yesterday. And if the emptiness in her heart was related to that boy," Elsie: "it might have grown." Keima: "Like I said..." Keima: "I refuse to conquer her." Elsie: "You're so mean!" Keima: "I'm not hunting loose souls out of goodwill!" Elsie: "But at this rate," Elsie: "The Divine One has turned into Shiori." Chihiro: "Ellie, morning." Elsie: "Good morning, Chihiro!" Elsie: "U-Um..." Chihiro: "I must have looked pretty lame yesterday." Elsie: "Oh, no! We shouldn't have... Um..." Elsie: "Sorry!" Chihiro: "I convinced myself to confess my feelings, but I was shot down..." Keima: "What's with this heroine-esque situation and atmosphere? It's ten years too early for a background character" Elsie: "Ch-Chihiro-san..." Elsie: "Um... Are you okay?" Keima: "Th-This isn't a conquest! If she gets too depressed, the loose soul will grow..." Keima: "Should I be forceful?" Keima: "Or focus on being gentle? I will provide one, and only one," Elsie: "Divine One." Keima: "I-It really poured..." Chihiro: "Oh, well!" Chihiro: "Time to move on to the next love!" Chihiro: "Man, I cried my eyes out yesterday... I guess the captain of the soccer team is out of my league. But on second thought, the last guy I confessed to was even better..." Elsie: "Th-The last guy?" Chihiro: "Well, you see... Whenever I see a hunk, I get all fired up. I end up confessing my love on the spot." Elsie: "Ah..." Chihiro: "Anyway, Ellie... Check out this picture!" Chihiro: "Don't you think he's hot?" Chihiro: "He's my next love. You can't live without love!" Keima: "That's not love..." Chihiro: "Huh?" Keima: "A heroine's love is supposed to be weighty! If you can immediately" Keima: "it isn't love!" Chihiro: "What's with you? This is none of your business!" Keima: "Shut up! Return the time I spent worrying!" Chihiro: "Worrying? Worrying about what?" Keima: "Once again, it's clear that real girls have much lower standards." Chihiro: "Huh?" Keima: "You haven't joined any clubs." Keima: "Yet you continue to slander other people, while spending time, babbling about who's hot or who to fall in love with next." Keima: "People like you are polluting the real world!" Chihiro: "Aren't you talking about yourself?" Keima: "Huh?" Chihiro: "You go straight home after school." Chihiro: "You always insult other people." Chihiro: "All you think about is gaming!" Chihiro: "And you have the nerve to lecture me? You pathetic cockroach!" Elsie: "D-Divine Brother..." Elsie: "Ah! Please wait!" Chihiro: "That's what you get..." Keima: "Now I know... It's very clear now! Nothing good happens when I pay attention to the real world!" Keima: "Screw the real world!" Elsie: "After that, the Divine One" Elsie: "At home, he never leaves his room." Elsie: "Oh, Divine One! Divine Brother!" Elsie: "Please come out!" Mari: "Honestly..." Mari: "El, tell him that he should at least eat dinner." Elsie: "Understood!" Elsie: "Come on... Underworld saury's in season! Divine Brother... Doesn't it smell good? Come on out!" Elsie: "Divine One... And so, my Divine Brother" Elsie: "Birds are flocking outside his room!" Mari: "Is he going to die?" Elsie: "Exalted Brother! Are you going to school? I'll go with you! Hey! Go away!" Elsie: "Um, Divine One... Could you say something?" Elsie: "Divine Brother?" Elsie: "Divine One... His eyes..." Chihiro: "Oh, he won't even talk to you?" Elsie: "That's right!" Chihiro: "What's his problem? I look like the bad guy now." Ayumi: "Hey, hey. What's wrong?" Chihiro: "Oh, it's the dweeb. He picked a fight with me, and now he won't talk to Ellie." Ayumi: "Hmm..." Chihiro: "Isn't that despicable?" Ayumi: "Katsuragi's actually depressed?" A: "What?" B: "Someone collapsed?" C: "Huh? Here at school?" Keima: "I went too long without food... C-Can't move... The ultimate irony" Keima: "to be able to shun the real world and live in the gaming world." Keima: "The real world is full of contradictions." Keima: "Nothing good ever happens when I try hard in the real world..." Keima: "I've had enough." Keima: "Had enough..." Ayumi: "Stand up." Keima: "Ayumi Takahara..." Ayumi: "If you sleep here, I'm gonna step on you." Keima: "3D! CG! Game heroines are evolving every day! You can no longer tell the difference between game and reality! So I beseech the gaming industry! Please develop a game console that allows"
{ "raw_title": "The World God Only Knows Season 2 Episode 5 – It's Always Raining When We Get There", "parsed": [ "The World God Only Knows Season 2", "5", "It's Always Raining When We Get There" ] }
Keima: "The real world is full of contradictions." Keima: "Nothing good ever happens when I try hard in the real world..." Ayumi: "Stand up." Ayumi: "If you sleep here, I'm gonna step on you." Ayumi: "Oh, this is perfect." Ayumi: "I had something I needed to tell you." Keima: "A-Ayumi..." Ayumi: "D-Don't call me Ayumi! Are we supposed to be close or something?" Keima: "Oh, right... She lost her memory." Ayumi: "Say, Katsuragi. I heard that you and Chihiro had a fight." Keima: "Didn't you know?" Ayumi: "Huh?" Keima: "A fight can only occur between two people on the same level." Keima: "It's unfathomable for me to fight with a real girl..." Keima: "For I have no connection to the real world." Keima: "I never got in a fight with anyone." Ayumi: "Are you hungry?" Keima: "Heh, hardly. I just stuffed myself..." Keima: "...in my game." Ayumi: "Honestly..." Ayumi: "Here." Ayumi: "I'll share my stash with you. I was gonna eat this before practice." Ayumi: "Jeez!" Ayumi: "Just eat! Here!" Keima: "O-Okay..." Ayumi: "Hey, would you make up with Chihiro?" Ayumi: "Chihiro's my friend, okay?" Keima: "I hope your friendship lasts." Ayumi: "You're missing the point! When I hear Chihiro badmouth you," Ayumi: "for some reason, I feel uncomfortable." Keima: "Hmm?" Keima: "Why would you feel uncomfortable?" Ayumi: "What?" Ayumi: "Huh... I-I wonder why..." Ayumi: "Oh, that's right. Today, the two of us are on classroom cleaning duty." Ayumi: "Don't forget!" Elsie: "This is wonderful!" Elsie: "You're happy again!" Keima: "Elsie, I thought conquested girls lose all memory..." Elsie: "What? Yes, that's right." Keima: "If you say so..." Elsie: "But that doesn't mean they completely return to how they were." Elsie: "After all, you filled the emptiness in Ayumi's heart!" Elsie: "She's shining brighter now! Don't you agree, Divine One?" Keima: "Sh-She looks the same to me! In the real world, change doesn't happen easily!" Elsie: "What? She's changed! So please help Chihiro!" Keima: "Over my dead body!" Keima: "Didn't I tell you that I want nothing to do with the real world? Especially when we're talking about" Keima: "Why am I cleaning the classroom with you?" Chihiro: "I'm doing it as a favor for Ayumi. She asked me to switch because she has practice." Keima: "Damn, she's crafty... You can't fool me with this blatant setup." Keima: "Let's clean up, so we can go home." Chihiro: "I get it... Just to be clear, I didn't do anything wrong." Keima: "Huh?" Chihiro: "B-But I probably shouldn't have called you a cockroach..." Keima: "Oh? She actually cares about the fight?" Keima: "So I managed to leave an impression, albeit a negative one. No, that only applies to heroines. A background character like her shouldn't have any flags to trigger." Keima: "Yeah, I'm just imagining things..." Chihiro: "Get down, dweeb!" Guy: "Really now." Keima: "That guy's her new love, huh?" Chihiro: "Yuta's so gorgeous... Nothing like you." Keima: "Like I give a damn..." Chihiro: "Is there some way I can approach him? I heard that his birthday's coming up. What would make a good present? I've been flipping through a few magazines, but I haven't found anything..." Keima: "Foolishness." Keima: "Magazines? If it were that easy, it wouldn't be a problem." Keima: "What are his interests? What's his personality? Hair color? Is he in any clubs?" Keima: "That information will affect the method of approach." Chihiro: "I-I don't know! I just found out about him." Chihiro: "And wait, does his hair color even matter?" Keima: "You were attempting to conquer your target" Keima: "That's absurd." Keima: "That amounts to launching a North Pole expedition in your swimsuit." Chihiro: "What's that supposed to mean?" Keima: "I always analyze my targets. That's why my success rate is 100%" Chihiro: "You're probably talking about your games again." Keima: "And your point is?" Chihiro: "Huh?" Keima: "Have you ever been successful?" Chihiro: "Th-That's irrelevant!" Keima: "You see fit to criticize me, when you have yet to succeed in real life or games." Keima: "What a riot." Chihiro: "Get off your high horse! You've never experienced love in real life... Have you ever had a date or kissed a girl? In real life?" Keima: "I-It wasn't anything special..." Chihiro: "What? You have? You have? Shut up! With who? Who was it?" Chihiro: "Quiet down. Jeez..." Keima: "G-Get off me!" Guy: "Return my manga." Yuta: "Yeah, tomorrow." Chihiro: "So, I know nothing about true love..." Chihiro: "Okay." Chihiro: "Then what am I supposed to do?" Chihiro: "Since you like talking big, show me what you can do." Keima: "Huh?" Chihiro: "Use your knowledge to help me succeed!" Keima: "I said I wasn't getting involved! So why do I keep triggering events?" Elsie: "The Divine One is so late. How long does cleaning the classroom take?" Elsie: "Ooh! A fire engine!" Chihiro: "You're such a meddler." Ayumi: "Wh-What do you mean?" Ayumi: "I really was busy with practice." Chihiro: "Well, it doesn't matter..." Cm: "And it's good for you!" Kanon: "One-sided crushing is so yesterday." Chihiro: "Oh, Kanon's on TV right now!" Ayumi: "Huh?" Chihiro: "Channel 7! Hurry!" Ayumi: "Sorry, but I'm not near a TV." Chihiro: "Oh, I see..." Chihiro: "Ah, it's over." Ayumi: "Bye, Chihiro. I have practice tomorrow morning." Chihiro: "There's a meet coming up." Ayumi: "You got it." Chihiro: "Bye." Cm: "Electric!" Witch: "Delicious!" : "It appears that there will be rain across the country tomorrow." Chihiro: "It's always raining..." Elsie: "What? Help Chihiro confess her love?" Elsie: "You're going to help her?" Elsie: "You were still fighting yesterday afternoon. What happened?" Keima: "I guess... It just happened..." Elsie: "But that's great! If you use your power to help Chihiro win love, it'll fill the emptiness in her heart, forcing out the loose spirit!" Keima: "That's right... I was focused on the absurdity" Keima: "Yahoo! I don't have to be the one she falls for! Hooray!" Elsie: "Yay! The Divine One is happy again!" Keima: "And so, I'll be fully backing your love. Show the proper respect." Keima: "I am your God of Conquest." Chihiro: "Stupid. I was kidding. Why would I need your help?" Keima: "Heh, real girls are so foolish." Keima: "You'll thank me in the end." Keima: "Elsie." Elsie: "Ah, yes!" Elsie: "There..." Keima: "The target, Yuta," Chihiro: "What does that mean?" Keima: "You don't need to know! Just keep your mouth shut and listen!" Keima: "There are a number of points common to most conquests." Keima: "These events are absolutely necessary. If you manage them properly," Elsie: "Stick that on..." Elsie: "All done! This report shows Yuta's movement patterns!" Keima: "I would prefer for this to be a short campaign." Keima: "Three days!" Keima: "In three days, I'll deliver a successful confession event." Chihiro: "This is stupid. I'm going home." Keima: "Boom!" Yuta: "That's hot!" Chihiro: "Yuta?" Chihiro: "What was that for, dweeb?" Keima: "Allow me to explain." Keima: "Allow me to use this plant as a metaphor for love. The stronger your first meeting's impact," Chihiro: "How does this help me get closer to him?" Keima: "Negative impressions can become positive over time!" Keima: "For now, we must make Yuta aware of your existence!" Chihiro: "What's this?" Keima: "A list of the potential story developments," Keima: "and their corresponding conversational patterns." Keima: "Memorize them all by tomorrow." Chihiro: "What? It's impossible to memorize all of this!" Keima: "Do it! It's the quickest route to a confession!" Chihiro: "Man... Why do I have to do this?" Miyako: "Ready!" Miyako: "Start!" Chihiro: "Miyako? Yeah, it's me. No, nothing's up. Anything interesting going on?" Yuta: "You're that tea girl..." Chihiro: "Dweeb!" Elsie: "Ah, Chihiro!" Chihiro: "Yuta just talked to me! You're pretty good!" Keima: "Naturally. So, did you read the report?" Chihiro: "Uh... I was pretty busy..." Keima: "As I expected." Keima: "It can't be helped. I'll provide you with support today." Chihiro: "Ah... Um..." Keima: "Soon enough, I couldn't keep my eyes off you." Chihiro: "S-Soon enough, I couldn't keep my eyes off you." Yuta: "Huh?" Keima: "Oh, don't get the wrong idea. I don't mean it that way." Chihiro: "Where is his voice coming from?" Keima: "Hurry up!" Chihiro: "Oh, don't get the wrong idea. I don't mean it that way." Chihiro: "Whew, I got to talk a whole bunch with Yuta." Keima: "We succeeded in leaving an impression. Now we must press the attack." Chihiro: "What? That's enough for today. I had my fun." Keima: "Isn't your goal to confess your feelings?" Keima: "If you want to succeed, listen to my instructions." Chihiro: "Fine, I get it." Keima: "This is a diagram of Yuta's brain. If you increase the potential for love, he'll be more likely to see you in a romantic light." Keima: "Hmm?" Chihiro: "You suck at drawing!" Keima: "Shut up!" Chihiro: "That's supposed to be Yuta? Give me a break!" Keima: "Are you serious about this?" Chihiro: "Of course!" Elsie: "And so," Elsie: "Splash, splash, splash!" Chihiro: "Hey... I have to do this again today?" Keima: "No time for rest during a conquest. You need to go to the gym" Keima: "Recently, Yuta's gotten hooked" Keima: "You can use that as a conversation starter... Like asking him for advice." Keima: "You can just wear your uniform." Keima: "Hey, are you listening?" Chihiro: "Huh?" Chihiro: "Oh, sorry about that..." Keima: "I'll run through the explanation again. Listen carefully this time." Chihiro: "Hey, I was watching TV last night, and they said that Americans rarely use umbrellas when it rains. Because it's a pain." Keima: "What are you talking about?" Chihiro: "What? Like I said, Americans..." A: "Last night, that scene was so good!" B: "I know what you mean! I want to experience a love like that!" Chihiro: "Rain isn't that bad..." Chihiro: "Every now and then." Elsie: "I brought you tea." Keima: "Why are you talking about TV and America?" Keima: "None of that matters!" Chihiro: "What? You don't watch TV? How do you learn about new fads or what's good to eat?" Keima: "I don't need real world information! Every monitor in my house is for gaming!" Chihiro: "Oh, that's right! Speaking of rain..." Keima: "You're confessing your love tomorrow, after school." Keima: "Got it?" Chihiro: "Uh-huh." Keima: "After I die, dating sims will still be released. They'll probably be more interesting and more impressive than the ones now. But I shouldn't feel bad about it. I just need to be reincarnated ASAP, so I can play my games! The bond between dating sims and me will never die!"
{ "raw_title": "The World God Only Knows Season 2 Episode 6 – 10% Chance of Rain", "parsed": [ "The World God Only Knows Season 2", "6", "10% Chance of Rain" ] }
Chihiro: "Oh, that's right! Speaking of rain..." Keima: "You're confessing your love tomorrow, after school." Keima: "Got it?" Chihiro: "Uh-huh." Caster: "Next up, we have the weather." Weather: "Tomorrow, the static low-pressure system will be moving through, and the weather will start to improve." Weather: "By afternoon, we'll see some sorely missed sun." Caster: "Next up, we have the weather." Weather: "Tomorrow, the static low-pressure system will be moving through," Weather: "and the weather will start to improve." Weather: "By afternoon, we'll see some sorely missed sun." Keima: "The rain's finally going to let up." Elsie: "That was a great bath. Divine One, you should take one." Keima: "I'll take one later." Elsie: "Are you writing out scenarios for Chihiro's confession?" Keima: "It's supposed to be sunny tomorrow. That should improve her chances of success." Keima: "Well..." Keima: "Not that my strategies have ever failed." Keima: "What is it?" Elsie: "I'm so happy. You're working really hard." Elsie: "At first, I was pretty worried." Keima: "It just happened to work out this way." Keima: "It definitely beats my having to conquer Chihiro personally." Keima: "Still... I'm quite surprised to discover that a considerable portion of my dating sim knowledge also applies to the conquest of males." Elsie: "Huh?" Keima: "Since she has no personality to speak of, it was easier to insert her into the player role." Keima: "Fascinating." Keima: "Hmm? What's wrong?" Elsie: "You don't have to be so mean about it. There are lots of good things to say about Chihiro!" Keima: "Oh? Such as?" Elsie: "Huh? U-Um... Um... She's cheerful. She's very optimistic. She has a positive attitude." Keima: "Those are all the same thing." Elsie: "Huh?" Elsie: "A-Anyway! There are lots of good things to say about Chihiro!" Chihiro: "I'm leaving..." Chihiro: "Hmm?" Chihiro: "Ah..." Elsie: "Divine One... Um... Why am I wearing this?" Keima: "I'm going to have Chihiro practice her confession on you." Keima: "Her half-hearted attitude is worrying me. Hey, go find her." Elsie: "What? With this thing on?" Keima: "Go." Elsie: "Okay..." Keima: ""Hey, what if I said that I'm in love with you..."" Keima: "Pause here." Keima: "Damn. Why do I have to come up with different ways of confessing to a guy? This feels so stupid. And the one who's doing the confessing doesn't even seem to care..." Keima: "What's wrong with her?" Keima: "Ah!" Keima: "Doesn't she want to be with Yuta?" Keima: "It feels like I'm the one who actually cares." Keima: "She doesn't take anything seriously... She defies all logic. I don't get real girls!" Chihiro: "'Sup?" Chihiro: "The convenience store is selling these new pork buns." Keima: "You didn't run into Elsie?" Chihiro: "Nope. Why?" Keima: "Why, you ask?" Chihiro: "Anyway, we should eat these while they're hot." Keima: "Today's the big day. I wrote you some lines, so flip through them!" Chihiro: "Hehe, God of Conquest... Accept my offering." Chihiro: "Say, there's a new Chinese place that's supposed to be good, by the station." Chihiro: "We can check it out today." Keima: "That's not going to happen." Chihiro: "Huh?" Keima: "Today, you are successfully confessing your love to Yuta." Keima: "After that, we won't be talking to each other again." Chihiro: "Right..." Keima: "That's right." Chihiro: "Maybe..." Chihiro: "...I shouldn't confess. Thinking about it, I don't really like Yuta that much..." Chihiro: "And so, could we just pretend this never happened?" Keima: "Enough is enough!" Keima: "Don't you realize how much work I've put into this?!" Chihiro: "So? I never forced you into helping me!" Keima: "That's not the point!" Keima: "You're not like the others I've encountered." Keima: "They all... They all did their best!" Chihiro: "What are you talking about?" Keima: "Shut up!" Keima: "Can't you be serious!?" Chihiro: "What's wrong with that?" Keima: "Huh?" Chihiro: "There's nothing special about me." Chihiro: "It's not like I'm particularly pretty or anything... I can't run fast, the way Ayumi can... I'm not cute or good at singing, like Kanon..." Chihiro: "I can't shine the way they do..." Chihiro: "What's the point..." Chihiro: "of being serious?" Chihiro: "Why does it matter if I don't care?" Chihiro: "Out of my way!" Elsie: "Divine One! I couldn't find Chihiro. Huh?" Elsie: "Divine One?" Keima: "The confession is off. I failed." Elsie: "Huh?" Elsie: "F-Failed? No way! You failed?" Keima: "So, she still had her parameters... I was so focused on the guy, I basically ignored Chihiro." Keima: "The emptiness in her heart may have increased due to me." Elsie: "The confession is off..." Elsie: "Then... What about the loose soul in Chihiro?" Keima: "I'll chase the loose soul out of her." Elsie: "Divine One... This way!" Keima: "I was too focused on the romance I wanted to see." Keima: "In hindsight, the signs were clear." Keima: "I shouldn't have said that." Keima: "But I won't fail again!" Keima: "Please, Divine One..." Keima: "Don't do it!" Chihiro: "Wh-What was that for?" Keima: "I thought you were going to jump." Chihiro: "As if!" Chihiro: "Why did you come after me? Don't you hate me?" Keima: "What? I was worried about you." Chihiro: "Y-You don't need to worry about me!" Chihiro: "It's just like you said. I don't care about anything." Chihiro: "I already knew that! When it comes to school... Sports... Appearance... I never stand out!" Chihiro: "No matter how hard I try, I'll always be average! It would waste calories" Calorie: "to be serious about life!" Keima: "Don't lie to me. I know that you're struggling..." Chihiro: "In just what way..." Chihiro: "...am I struggling?" Keima: "Then why do you chase guys you don't even like?" Chihiro: "That's because..." Chihiro: "I tend to admire people who shine brightly. And by admiring them, I almost feel like I'm shining with them." Chihiro: "Though I do feel pretty dumb sometimes..." Keima: "Seriously, you're so hopeless." Chihiro: "I never gave you permission to stand next to me!" Keima: "Man, it's really pouring." Chihiro: "Jeez... Actually, I thought we were similar." Chihiro: "You more or less ignore reality. By running to your games..." Chihiro: "I thought you'd be able to understand my feelings." Keima: "I don't get you at all." Keima: "True, I've given up on the real world. However, I haven't given up on myself." Keima: "The world doesn't get to decide whether my life is boring, fun, or ordinary." Keima: "That's my decision to make. As long as I have the will, nothing is impossible." Keima: "Similarly, you can do whatever you want!" Chihiro: "Th-That's a load of crap..." Chihiro: "The real world has limits! Do you think that I could become" Keima: "It's up to you, Chihiro!" Chihiro: "D-Don't call me Chihiro!" Chihiro: "It's impossible!" Keima: "I was under the impression that you were completely normal." Keima: "But it appears that you might, in fact, have more personality than the others." Keima: "Your sharp tongue warrants a higher rating than A-rank. I have no choice but to award an S-rank." Keima: "You were the first person to knock me down completely." Chihiro: "Enough! If I could shine like they do, I would!" Keima: "You can if you want." Keima: "The real world is nothing. It doesn't stand a chance against you!" Chihiro: "It doesn't matter what I try..." Chihiro: "I'll always... I'll always..." Chihiro: "I'll always be average!" Keima: "It'll be all right. You can do it. You can do it, Chihiro. And whenever you start to worry, I'll be there to help." Chihiro: "I can do it..." Keima: "Yeah." Elsie: "Loose soul in custody!" Elsie: "What? A band?" Elsie: "You're starting a band, Chihiro?" Chihiro: "Yep! I'm the vocalist... Currently looking for more members!" Chihiro: "Wanna join, Ellie? If you join now, you can have any role you want." Elsie: "Huh? I-I'll pass..." Chihiro: "And as a bonus, I'll share my research on the hottest guys in school. All yours!" Elsie: "N-No, thanks!" Elsie: "I don't know how to play any instruments." Chihiro: "And I suck at singing." Elsie: "Huh?" Chihiro: "But in my life, I'll always be the vocalist." Chihiro: "I might suck, but I have to keep on singing!" Elsie: "Right!" Chihiro: "Then, you're the guitarist in my life!" Elsie: "Huh?" Chihiro: "Guitarist..." Elsie: "My life is an accompaniment to yours? There were a lot of close calls this time, but in the end, everything worked out." Keima: "How can you say that?! This experience has made it very clear that the real world defies logic!" Keima: "The flags were hard to recognize! Her parameters were weak! My PFP was soaked by the rain! Reality is just a crappy game!" Elsie: "He's snapped..." Keima: "And yet..." Keima: "And yet, everyone..." Keima: "continues to struggle against reality." Keima: "So what about me?" Elsie: "Hmm?" Keima: "Yes... I... When you translate the Earth's history into a single calendar year, human civilization began the evening of December 31st. Dating sims were born on New Years Eve's bell's last toll. Yes, it is a miracle to have been born in the age of dating sims!"
{ "raw_title": "The World God Only Knows Season 2 Episode 7 – Singing in the Rain", "parsed": [ "The World God Only Knows Season 2", "7", "Singing in the Rain" ] }
Elsie: "Now that Chihiro has been conquered," Elsie: "the Divine One has been accepting the real world more..." Keima: "Whoa!" Keima: "Th-This... It cannot go ignored! The first edition of Love Tears" Keima: "The game recalled on release day," Keima: "That heroine was excised from the reprint. Copies of the first edition still exist?" Keima: "I... I..." Keima: "I wanna try it!" Elsie: "I guess the Divine One hasn't changed." Keima: "First edition, first edition, first edition, first edition, first edition, first edition," Elsie: "P-Please wait for me! Why are we going to another town," Keima: "You don't have to come with me." Elsie: "I have to stay with you!" Keima: "1 PM? Even tofu shops are open by now!" Elsie: "This isn't a tofu shop." Keima: "We still have eight hours!" Keima: "Honestly... The real world is worthless." Elsie: "Now, now..." Elsie: "Let's kill some time in that shop." Elsie: "Wow! It's another game store! So many games..." Keima: "Well, this is the biggest store in the area." Keima: "A retro game fair..." Keima: "A fair?" Elsie: "These bigger stores are completely different... Multiple copies of this game fill the entire shelf." Keima: "What do you mean?" Elsie: "Huh?" Keima: "Those are all different games." Elsie: "Huh?" Elsie: "They aren't the same game?" Keima: "They are not." Elsie: "Actually, I can't tell the difference" Keima: "You need to study up on games! This is the perfect opportunity. I'll teach you the basics right now." Elsie: "Oh, that's right! I have something to do..." Keima: "Don't be shy." Elsie: "It's okay! I don't need a lesson!" Keima: "Now that I think about it, I've been keeping you at arm's length." Keima: "I want you to know more about me!" Keima: "To know more about games." Keima: "And then..." Elsie: "Yes..." Keima: "I want you to buy Love Tears from the other store, while I attend this fair." Elsie: "Stupid Divine One..." Elsie: "And!" Keima: "Welcome to my laboratory." Keima: "First, you'll learn the history of dating sims." Keima: "The history of dating sims... A legacy of the class warfare between 3D and 2D." 3D: "2D characters and their lack of depth can never compare with 3D's realism!" Keima: "The earliest dating sims imitated the real world, resulting in a 2D copy of 3D." 3D: "You, who do not exist in the real world, can never overcome the weight of reality." 2D: "You're wrong." 3D: "What? I'm wrong?" 2D: "The fact that we don't exist is what gives us strength!" Keima: "2D girls, unfettered by the chains of reality," Keima: "journey into a new frontier!" Keima: "Broadening the potential of the "girl"... In pursuit of a perfected ideal." 3D: "Wh-What?" 2D: "Take that! Take that! Take that!" 3D: "H-How could 2D ever defeat 3D?" Girls: "We make up for the missing D..." Girls: "We make up for the missing D..." Girls: "With our dreams!" Keima: "Victory!" Keima: "2D triumphed over the real world, and a new era began!" Elsie: "Um, can I get subtitles?" Keima: "Every word was in Japanese!" Elsie: "Huh? Then can you explain it in a way that demons can understand?" Keima: "Now, gather round, kids! Dating sim art is always consistent. We describe this phenomenon as "everyone looks the same." I'll teach you how to tell them apart!" Keima: "Limited editions are expensive. But later, you'll end up wanting them. And they'll be even more expensive then! That's why... Be safe... Be safe and buy a copy! Always be safe." Keima: "Next, I'll give you a list of must-play masterpieces." Keima: "Come with me." Elsie: "When the Divine One talks about games, he looks so alive... I was thinking" Elsie: "to accept the real world. But what would happen if I accepted" Keima: "Okay! That more or less covers the basics." Keima: "Well? Can you buy the game?" Elsie: "I can do it." Keima: "You sound excited, Elsie..." Elsie: "Yes. I'm fired up!" Elsie: "You always help me capture loose souls. I have to use this opportunity to return the favor! If I fail, I'm prepared to die!" Keima: "If you die, I also die. So don't die." Elsie: "Right!" Keima: "Then, commence Operation Two in the Bush!" Elsie: "Love Tears, first edition..." Elsie: "Love Tears, first edition... Love Tears, first edition..." Guy: "Welcome!" Elsie: "Love Tears, first edition, right? I just have to buy the game with that name!" Elsie: "Huh?" Keima: "Yahoo! This! And this! And this! And this! And this..." Elsie: "Stare... Three copies of the Love Tears first edition... The cover art is the same, but they're priced differently." Elsie: "Which one do I buy?" Elsie: "If I buy the wrong one..." Keima: "You moron! Trash!" Elsie: "No! I can do this! This is why I studied under the Divine One! Huh?" Elsie: "The left one is slightly different... They have the same faces, but these are boys, not girls!" Elsie: "Love Tears Girls Side..." Elsie: "The characters in this game are all boys? What would a bunch of boys do together? Oh, well. This one is definitely wrong! Yay! I'm learning. I'm a demon with a god's power! Whatever should I do?" Elsie: "That leaves two..." Elsie: "Both have girls on the cover. The same heroines..." Elsie: "If they're the same, I should pick the cheaper one." Elsie: "No!" Elsie: "This one! This one comes with a bonus!" Keima: "When in doubt, expensive is better! The more expensive one is correct!" Elsie: "I'd like to buy this!" Elsie: "I was able to buy the game! I wonder if the Divine One will be happy." Elsie: "E-Excuse me! I shouldn't force practices from Hell onto the Divine One, without making an effort to adjust, too. I should try to understand him!" Elsie: "Divine One!" Elsie: "I bought the game!" Elsie: "Ta-dah! This is it, right?" Elsie: "There was a really expensive one behind the register! I almost missed it!" Keima: "I see..." Keima: "This is what happens when I only teach her about games..." Elsie: "Huh?" Yuki: "Why did you reject Mizuno?" Goro: "Because I like someone else." Yuki: "Huh? Who is it?" Goro: "I can't say." Elsie: "I didn't know there was an anime with the same name as the game..." Elsie: "I'm so sorry. It's all my fault..." Keima: "I covered all the bases." Elsie: "Ah! That's it!" Keima: "I picked up a copy at the fair, to be safe." Keima: "Remember this." Keima: "You can never have too many copies of a good game." Elsie: "The Divine One is still out of my reach..." Keima: "Anyway, the anime version is pretty boring." Mari: "Keima! Eat your breakfast!" Elsie: "Exalted Brother, I can't clean with you there." Keima: "I haven't had much time to play because of this loose soul business." Keima: "But there's nothing like that today! I can spend the entire day playing games," Haqua: "Morning!" Haqua: "How are you two doing?" Elsie: "Haqua! What brings you here?" Haqua: "Mm, I have a little something to do." Mari: "Oh? Are you one of El's friend?" Elsie: "Mother, this is..." Haqua: "Nice to meet you!" Haqua: "I'm your husband's illegitimate child!" Elsie: "Huh?" Haqua: "As if! Only Elsie would use a joke like that," Keima: "This is no laughing matter! Mom just ran out the door in a rage. Stop making trouble for my family." Keima: "Why are you even here? Your story ended." Haqua: "I didn't want to come here, but I have to write up a report." Keima: "A report?" Keima: "You know how I made that really tiny mistake last time? I have to write a report about it. You call that a tiny mistake, you fake honor student..." Haqua: "Listen to yourself. I know that you're happy to see me." Keima: "How could I possibly be happy?" Haqua: "Please... No need to restrain yourself. So basically, I need you and Elsie to fill me in on what happened. Since I don't remember the important parts." Haqua: "Let's start, then." Elsie: "Huh? Is this model your report?" Haqua: "That's right." Haqua: "This has a lot more impact than a bunch of text. Look. I have mobile dolls representing the students. Naturally, we three are the main characters." Elsie: "Wow! I want these dolls!" Haqua: "The higher-ups will realize my talents when they see this." Keima: "Except that this report is about how you screwed up." Haqua: "Well... Let's do a good job. The dolls inside will move" Haqua: "So you just have to go through the events in order. Let's start at noon on the day in question." Haqua: "Dolls, move to your noon positions!" Elsie: "Wow! This is amazing!" Haqua: "Noon. Lunch time at school. At 12:08," Haqua: "At the same time, Section Chief Haqua arrives." Elsie: "At 12:09, the entire school begins a Bon dance." Elsie: "Wow! They're doing what I said. This is fun!" Haqua: "Stop that! This isn't a game!" Keima: "Do you want to go to New York?" Dolls: "Yeah!" Haqua: "Hey!" Elsie: "This reminds me of those school assignments... I'll make some tea." Haqua: "You're being pretty calm about this. My job is on the line here!" Haqua: "Honestly..." Haqua: "So you refuse to cooperate?" Haqua: "Fine. I'll compromise. Katsuragi, was it? I believe you had a few questions for me? About loose souls or such?" Haqua: "If you help me, I'll answer one of your questions." Keima: "Really?" Haqua: "Yes. If you work hard enough," Keima: "I have only one question." Keima: "How do I end this contract?" Haqua: "By capturing all of the loose souls." Keima: "All of them? There are more than 60,000! How many have you guys captured?" Haqua: "I'd have to check to be sure..." Haqua: "But last month, we captured about fifteen." Keima: "Pop!" Keima: "Fifteen a month? How many members are on the Loose Souls Team?" Haqua: "Okay, that's it. If you want to know more," Elsie: "Um... I remember there being cookies here." Keima: "At 12:40, contact with Keima Katsuragi initiated." Keima: "At 12:44, Elsie joins." Keima: "At 12:45, Elsie leaves." Keima: "At 12:50, move to the courtyard." Keima: "At 12:54, search the baseball field." Haqua: "You have an impressive memory, for a human." Keima: "This is nothing" Keima: "With my favorite games, I can flip my PFP over and still reach the ending." Haqua: "What's the point of that? At 16:03, Elsie and I begin" Haqua: "At 16:12, we successfully take the loose soul into custody." Haqua: "All done. We were able to reproduce the entire day!" Keima: "Wait. Shouldn't it be a complete reproduction?" Haqua: "It's not complete?" Keima: "Go back to 15:31!" Haqua: "15:31, the theater." Haqua: "Katsuragi gets scared and clings to Haqua." Keima: "When did I ever cling to you?" Haqua: "That's not how it went?" Keima: "You were the one who got scared!" Haqua: "D-Does it really matter?" Keima: "Correction. At 15:31, Haqua clings to Katsuragi, in a pathetic fashion." Haqua: "Don't edit my entries! And what do you mean, in a pathetic fashion?" Keima: "I'm just telling it how it is!" Haqua: "Correction! At 15:31, Katsuragi is the one who clings to Haqua!" Keima: "Hey!" Haqua: "He's a perv... A sick perv! A monster who should die!" Haqua: "There! There! There! There! There!" Haqua: "You can't make corrections without the mic." Haqua: "A human stands no chance against a demon." Haqua: "What are you thinking? You scum! Idiot! Perv!" Keima: "You're the one who told them to do that..." Elsie: "Oh... So this is what you were doing." Haqua: "Y-You've got this all wrong..." Elsie: "While I was alone..." Elsie: "Stupid Divine One!" Haqua: "The dolls are running away... Catch them!" Elsie: "Stupid Divine One! Stupid! Stupid!" Keima: "Why is everyone hitting me?" Haqua: "Then I'll be leaving." Haqua: "Thanks for everything." Elsie: "Sorry, Haqua. I'll send you the other dolls once I find them." Haqua: "Don't worry about it. It was my fault for messing around." Keima: "I was supposed to have a whole day to play games," Haqua: "Elsie." Elsie: "Mm?" Haqua: "You did a good job of capturing that loose soul." Haqua: "You're no longer a failure." Elsie: "Haqua, thank you!" Haqua: "Oh, Katsuragi." Haqua: "I forgot... In return for today's help, you may shake my hand." Keima: "You don't sound like someone who's grateful." Keima: "Write your own reports." Haqua: "I know how to write my own reports! Stupid!" Keima: "Wh-What did you say? Aren't you going to thank me?" Elsie: "Maybe, Haqua was just..." Keima: "Mm?" Elsie: "...using the report as an excuse to come see..." Keima: "To come see... To see you?" Keima: "Hey, Elsie." Keima: "Hey! Why did you lock the door? Open the door, Elsie! Let me in!" Mari: "You've got balls, bastard... How many illegitimate children do you have out there?! I'm gonna divorce you this time! I'm gonna divorce you!" Mari: "I was lying, stupid." Haqua: "Say, Elsie. Does Katsuragi like anything besides games?" Elsie: "No idea. I'll ask him. Exalted Brother!" Haqua: "What else do you like besides games?" Keima: "Dating sims."
{ "raw_title": "The World God Only Knows Season 2 Episode 8 – Her First Errand", "parsed": [ "The World God Only Knows Season 2", "8", "Her First Errand" ] }
A: "'Sup?" B: "Hey." C: "Man, Mondays are such a drag." Jun: "Good morning!" Jun: "I've waited so long for this day. The familiar path to Mai Academy feels completely different," Jun: "Now, boys." Ryo: "Eh?" Jun: "High schoolers should know better than to litter!" Ryo: "Tsk." Jun: "Jun Nagase, twenty-one years old! Starting today, I'm a teacher!" kaido: "Hey there, student teacher." Jun: "Nikaido!" Jun: "It's been ages!" kaido: "You haven't changed a bit." Principal: "And so," Principal: "They'll only be with us for two weeks," Principal: "Now, please introduce yourselves." Jun: "I'm Jun Nagase, a senior at the Narusawa University of Education! I hope to learn a great deal from everyone." Gym: "Oh, very nice!" A: "So this lovely young lady" Jun: "My hero is Jumbo Tsuruma!" Gym: "Tsuruma?" B: "The pro wrestler?" A: "Haven't heard that name in years." C: "How old is she?" kaido: "You're still a fan of pro wrestling?" Jun: "Yes!" kaido: "And we're talking old-school." Jun: "Yes! Pro wrestling is a sport about hopes, dreams," Jun: "Wouldn't you say that it's similar to teaching?" Jun: "I hope to become a teacher with strong ideals!" kaido: "Do you randomly grunt because you're a Tsuruma fan?" Jun: "Huh?" Jun: "I don't grunt. Please..." kaido: "In any case, I'm glad to see you so much more cheerful than I expected." Jun: "What's that supposed to mean? I've always been cheerful to the brim!" kaido: "Thus," kaido: "She'll be serving as assistant homeroom teacher for a while." A: "I wonder when they were in school together." B: "She's cute." Jun: "These kids all look so nice." kaido: "Come on. Introduce yourself." Jun: "I-I'm Jun Nagase. It's a pleasure to meet everyone!" Jun: "My hero is Jumbo Tsuruma!" All: "Who's that? Who is it? Who's that?" Jun: "Huh?" kaido: "Okay, class is starting. I'll handle first period. You're in the back." Jun: "Oh, right." Jun: "Huh?" kaido: "Turn to page 13. Er, where did we stop last time?" Jun: "H-Huh?" kaido: "The main character of this story" kaido: "Well, he's basically a NEET." Jun: "Wh-Why doesn't anyone say anything?" Jun: "Someone's playing games during class..." Jun: "Perhaps he's a ghost that only I can see?" Jun: "No way..." kaido: "Oh, that's Katsuragi." Jun: "Katsuragi?" kaido: "Anyway, yeah." kaido: "Don't worry about him." Jun: "Don't worry about him?" kaido: "That's just how he is. Ignore him." Jun: "I can't do that. Shouldn't we tell him to stop playing games?" Jun: "Perhaps he's the type who..." Jun: "...snaps when anyone orders him around?!" Gym: "I wish. In any case, he never lets go of that thing!" Gym: "He'll play games while swimming! He's a monster!" Gym: "Enough is enough!" Gym: "I said to stop!" Jun: "S-So when he snaps, he's a magician... B-But doesn't this mean" Kodama: "What?" Kodama: "I already gave him a warning! How do you intend to pay attention in class" Kodama: "You understand?" Keima: "So I can play games if I demonstrate that" Kodama: "What? How would you do that? Ace every test?" Keima: "Very well." Kodama: "Since then, he's gotten 100% on every test. Shit! I'll beat him, one day!" Jun: "The modern problem child is very complicated..." kaido: "He said that my class was boring. Ticked me off so much, I just stopped caring." Guy: "Tea!" Jun: "She stopped caring about him because he ticked her off... Doesn't that mean the teacher lost to the student?" Jun: "Should I say anything?" Jun: "But I'm only a student teacher." Jun: "No! That's irrelevant!" Jun: "I'll teach him what's appropriate!" Jun: "I can do this... I can do this... I can do this!" A: "Isn't that class B's student teacher?" B: "She's so fine." Jun: "K-Katsuragi..." Jun: "K-Katsuragi?" Keima: "Hmm?" Jun: "There's nothing wrong with playing games, but you should spend more time with your friends." Keima: "Friends?" Elsie: "What was that about?" Elsie: "Huh?" Keima: "Beats me." Jun: "Th-That scared me..." Jun: "The look in his eyes..." Jun: "Eyes that have completely given up on reality... As though he looked at me from a different world." Jun: "Is that why the other teachers all gave up?" Jun: "This is no ordinary problem child." Jun: "I mean, he looked so alone... Yes! He's alone! Lonely! He isn't playing games because he wants to!" Jun: "I have to save him!" Jun: "It's just like Jumbo said!" Jun: "Life is..." Jumbo: "Life is a challenge!" Jun: "I will turn that boy into a well-adjusted person! This will be my first job as a teacher!" Jun: "Yes. I will stay true to my ideals!" Jun: "This time, for sure..." Jun: "Huh?" Jun: "Huh? What was that..." Jun: "Ah! Fifth period!" Jun: "Hurry! Hurry!" A: "Man, we lucked out." B: "The class next door got a guy." C: "I'm so glad to be in this class!" A: "This student teacher is so hot!" C: "She smells so nice! And she's the older sister type?" B: "I can do this! Two weeks to get close to her!" Chihiro: "Idiots. She's not interested in you losers. Look in the mirror." All: "Shut up!" Elsie: "Everyone is so excited!" Elsie: "Student teachers must be inspiring people." Keima: "Hmph. What's so special about having weak parameters?" Keima: "What's the appeal of a teacher-in-training? Something's wrong with everyone. Only the player character should have the" Elsie: "The bell rang! Class time! Study, study!" Jun: "My second day training... I must do a proper job!" Jun: "Katsuragi... I need to help him somehow." Kodama: "Hurry up!" Jun: "R-Right!" Kodama: "First period is English. Say "good day."" Kodama: "Good day!" All: "Good day, Mr. Kodama." Jun: "G-Good morning. Let's study hard today." All: "Good morning, Miss Nagase!" Kodama: "All right. Let's get started." Jun: "Th-They called me Miss Nagase!" Jun: "I can't let them down." Jun: "I must become a good teacher!" Kodama: "Hey!" Kodama: "Whose alarm was that? No one has a cell phone!" Elsie: "I-I'm sorry!" Kodama: "Apologize in English! Say "sorry"!" Elsie: "S-Sorry!" Kodama: "Say "shaving accessory"!" Elsie: "Accessory!" Kodama: "Say "sorcery"!" Elsie: "Sorcery!" Elsie: "That was a terrible ordeal." Keima: "So... Do you have her data?" Elsie: "Oh, yes." Elsie: "Jun Nagase, twenty-one years old. A senior at the Narusawa University of Education. She's a fan of pro wrestling, basketball," Elsie: "That's about it." Keima: "I was finally starting to relax," Elsie: "The sensor didn't respond yesterday..." Elsie: "Maybe it just went inside her." Elsie: "The loose soul should still be low-level! We should capture it right away, Divine One!" Keima: "No, I'm going home." Elsie: "What?" Elsie: "Why are you going home?" Elsie: "You're so mean! You always do the opposite of what I do!" Keima: "Calm down. Approaching her right now is dangerous." Elsie: "Huh?" Elsie: "Why?" Keima: "Allow me to teach you something useful. There are times" Keima: "According to the theory of dating sims," Keima: "Do you know why?" Elsie: "Hmm? Why?" Keima: "Because their job is to be friendly to students." Keima: "It's quite simple to be on friendly terms with a teacher. However, it's very difficult to make any progress beyond that." Keima: "You must first put yourself on equal footing. And once your relationship has settled at a friendship level, you'll require an enormous amount of power to change it. That's why a teacher conquest" Keima: "Right now," Keima: "If she labels me as her student, this conquest will drag on for a long time!" Keima: "Thus, I must avoid seeing her at school." Elsie: "Wh-What should I do?" Keima: "Use your raiment to generate a double" Keima: "I'll use that time to come up with a plan." Elsie: "Okay!" Jun: "Where do you think you're going, Katsuragi?" Jun: "Class hasn't ended yet." Keima: "Wait. Why did she make the first move?" Jun: "He was going to skip out of class. He must be really bored with school." Jun: "Katsuragi." Jun: "Ta-dah!" Jun: "Would you like to have lunch with me?" Keima: "Th-Thanks, but no thanks." Keima: "What's she doing? I can't let any events occur at school! Stop!" Jun: "What?" Jun: "Say, Katsuragi. Let's have lunch together." Jun: "Ah, wait!" Jun: "I won't let you get away! I'll teach you how fun school can be!" Keima: "Ow..." Jun: "S-Sorry." Jun: "Are you okay?" Keima: "Y-Yes... I was feeling a little sick, so I wanted to go home early..." Jun: "Sick?" Jun: "But you didn't act particularly ill." Jun: "It should be fine. You don't have a fever." Jun: "Now, let's tough it out a bit longer!" Keima: "D-Don't touch me!" Jun: "These omelet soba sandwiches are so good! I used to participate" Jun: "But now I get to buy them in the back! Being a teacher is great!" Keima: "Why is she targeting me? Did I do something wrong?" Keima: "In any case, don't talk to her. Don't look in her direction. I shouldn't share any information with her!" Jun: "I guess I can't blame him. Coming up with something to say on the spot isn't easy..." Jun: "That's right! I have something to show you!" Jun: "Here, check this out!" Jun: "Look! It's Jumbo Tsuruma!" Jun: "The greatest wrestler in history!" Jun: "If he were alive now, he'd probably still be dominating." Jun: "I love pro wrestling!" Jun: "Though mixed martial arts is more popular right now..." Jun: "Martial arts are about the pursuit of real strength. But pro wrestling is about the pursuit of ideal strength! It's so cool!" Keima: "So you choose ideals over reality." Jun: "Hey! You responded to me!" Jun: "Tsuruma wins again!" Keima: "This is bad... I did reply." Jun: "Katsuragi!" Jun: "Feel free to talk to me any time you want. I'm here to help you." Elsie: "What? You already ran into Miss Nagase? When it comes to making friends, you're a genius." Keima: "This isn't funny!" Keima: "Why? Why did she approach me?" Elsie: "She was probably worried about you. Since you're a problem child." Keima: "Huh?" Keima: "How am I a problem child?" Elsie: "You didn't know?" Keima: "Anyway, I've been categorized as a student." Keima: "Which means I'm stuck in the teacher route now." Keima: "The last thing I wanted to happen... At this rate..." Keima: "it'll take forever to reach the ending." Keima: "Christmas, Valentine's Day, birthdays, and summer vacation... Games are designed conveniently, so you progress" Keima: "But in the real world, it takes at least 365 days to get through an entire year! Could you be more inefficient? The real world needs to expend more effort!"
{ "raw_title": "The World God Only Knows Season 2 Episode 9 – Class 2-B Miss Nagase", "parsed": [ "The World God Only Knows Season 2", "9", "Class 2-B Miss Nagase" ] }
Kei: "Light." Kei: "Let there be light... Let there be excitement!" Kei: "New game start!" Kei: "Farewell to this world, the crappy game known as reality! And now, I've returned..." Kei: "To the dating sim world!" Kei: "My name is Keima Katsuragi." Kei: "Seventeen years old, born on June 6th. I love the girls in games." Kei: "In contrast, real girls are unreasonable, snobbish, and irrational... Completely beyond hope! But one day," Kei: "forcing me to conquer real girls. I help them fall in love," Kei: "to chase the loose souls from the emptiness in their hearts." El: "Loose soul in custody!" Kei: "If I fail, the collar around my neck will activate." Kei: "A very extreme rule, if I do say so. But having cleared all kinds of dating sims, earning the nickname God of Conquest, there is no girl I cannot conquer!" Kei: "That's a boy... This degree of difficulty is nothing for me! I understand you well... I know how you feel deep inside." Kei: "Because..." Kei: "I have experienced being a girl!" Yui: "E-Excuse me! Are you injured?!" Kei: "This was during my conquest of Yui Goido," Yui: "Apparently, the loose soul has caused Yui and me" El: "Eh?!" Kei: "Well, in games, I see this happen all the time." Yui: "This is the body of a girl..." Yui: "Score one for the real world." Kei: "Master Keima, do not worry. If we never regain our bodies," Kei: "I will still protect you... Even if it costs me my life!" Kei: "Thank you..." Haqua: "You've already captured fourteen loose souls?" El: "Yep." El: "All thanks to my Divine Brother!" Haqua: "Ugh, how infuriating... He's a total creep." El: "Huh? My brother's really cool... Every once in a while." Mari: "It's been a while, Haqua!" Haqua: "Ah, hello... Wow, that smells wonderful." Mari: "Make yourself at home." Haqua: "Thank you!" Haqua: "I guess appearance doesn't matter for a buddy..." El: "That reminds me... I haven't ever met your buddy. What's your buddy like?" Haqua: "A-Ah..." Yuki: "This is hard." Haqua: "Well, she's pretty normal." A: ""When I kiss you, I feel like I'm kissing a girl."" Kei: "Conquest complete." Kei: "Underclassman, ghost, ramen cook, shogi player, older woman... After racking up real-world conquests, real girls are no problem! However, I had trouble understanding a real-life mad scientist..." Kei: "Akari Kurakawa. I hope I don't encounter another one" Kei: "Crap! Is something fried?" Tsu: "This observatory is for Luna and me, so you should keep out." Tsu: "I am only interested in beauty." Kei: "Not my problem. Tsukiyo Kujo wanted everything to be beautiful, like her dolls. And the loose soul inside her" Kei: "Tsukiyo!" Tsu: "Keep back..." Kei: "This world contains so much beauty!" Tsu: "Keima!" Kei: "We can search for beauty together!" Kei: "I won't let you go to the moon!" Tsu: "Keima!" Kei: "Tsukiyo... Once the conquest is complete and the loose soul exorcised, the girls forget everything that transpired." Kei: "I'm the only one who remembers what happened between us." El: "Divine Brother!" Kei: "Save, save... Save! Save!" Kei: "Continue." Song: "Together, we can run forever!" : "That was Kanon Nakagawa!" Kanon: "Bang." Oka: "You have three radio shows tonight." Kanon: "Okay." Oka: "Followed by some additional recording at Aokawa Studios." Kanon: "Okay." Oka: "And the song you just did for—" Kanon: "Ms. Okada?" Oka: "Yes?" Kanon: "Could I do some studying? I have a test tomorrow." Oka: "Ah, I forgot..." Kanon: "It's getting busier by the day. I hope I'll have time for finals. Enough griping... Focus! Focus!" Apo: "Kanon... Kanon! Come on, Kanon!" Apo: "Wake up!" Apo: "You're supposed to be studying right now!" Kanon: "She's back." Apo: "No sleeping!" Kanon: "Apollo..." Apo: "Today, you sang with lots of love. I can feel my power returning!" Kanon: "Your power? Who are you?" Apo: "Didn't I explain all of this a month ago? I am a goddess from the heavens." Kanon: "What do you mean by "goddess"? And why are you here?" Apo: "That I do not know... One moment, I was sealing the Weiss, and next thing I knew, I was here." Apo: "What I do know is that..." Apo: "Something happened, something happened, and something happened, so I'm here!" Apo: "There's your answer." Kanon: "That doesn't tell me anything!" Apo: "Well, it isn't important. I am a descendant of Apollo, god of the arts. You can probably use my blessing!" Kanon: "Am I so tired," Kanon: "I'm starting to see things?" El: "We're off!" Mari: "Take care!" El: "Wait for me, Exalted Brother!" A: "U-Um..." Ten: "G-Good morning, Keima." El: "It's Tenri! Good morning." Ten: "Good morning, Elsie." Ken: "Did you need something, Tenri?" Ten: "Ah, well..." Ten: "Diana wants to talk to you." Kei: "That's nice... Maybe later." El: "Diana!" Diana: "Why do you insist on being so cold? You were just reunited with Tenri after a ten-year separation, and you even shared a kiss." Kei: "I was putting on an act to get rid of Nora. You know that. Anyway, when did that thing appear?" El: "It's a halo!" Diana: "This ring is the symbol of the goddesses. Tenri's love helped to restore it." Kei: "Goddesses?" Diana: "Yes, I come from the heavens. Your people would refer to us as" Diana: "You aren't surprised?" Kei: "There's a demon standing over there. If there are demons, there must be gods." Diana: "I'm glad you're so quick to understand." Kei: "But the moment you said you weren't a loose soul," Diana: "You're still saying that?" Kei: "So, what do you want?" Diana: "I need you to marry Tenri." Kei: "Huh?" Diana: "Loose souls feed on negative energy, while goddesses require the power of love to grow." Diana: "To fuel my power, I need more love. If you marry Tenri, she will be happy, and my power will return. That is why" Diana: "you must marry her." Kei: "Don't be absurd!" Diana: "Why must you be so difficult? You should pay more attention to Tenri. She moved next to you, but you spend all your time on other girls. Start by walking to school together every morning." Kei: "We attend different schools!" A: "It's Kanon!" B: "She comes when we have tests!" Kanon: "Good morning." Kanon: "Ms. Okada..." Apo: "You're really popular! A real sight to see!" A: "Okay! Let's begin the test! Kids! This is your time of reckoning!" A: "Katsuragi!" A: "Put away your game!" Kei: "First demons, now goddesses..." A: "Katsuragi, are you listening?" Kei: "Why does this stuff keep happening to me?" A: "Hey!" A: "Do as I say... Katsuragi!" A: "Huh? Kanon isn't here." B: "Didn't she come to school? Her popularity hasn't faded." Chi: "No kidding..." Kanon: "Apollo, is it okay if I talk to someone about you?" Apo: "No way!" Kanon: "Huh?" Apo: "Talking to humans about me won't accomplish anything." Kanon: "Then, do you have a plan?" Apo: "Um... Um... Let me be honest... I'm very stupid!" Kanon: "That doesn't help." Apo: "I'm a holy maiden. Thinking isn't my forte." Kanon: "B-But..." Apo: "If Diana were here, she'd have some ideas..." Kanon: "Diana?" Apo: "My younger sister... She's very smart!" Kanon: "Where is she?" Apo: "No idea." Kanon: "That doesn't help then! We aren't getting anywhere by ourselves!" Kanon: "There must be someone we can turn to." Kanon: "Wh-What?" Apo: "You just want an excuse to talk to Keima Katsuragi..." Apo: "I can see the love inside you. You only spent a week with Katsuragi. It's kinda sweet that you're still pining after him." Kanon: "I'm not in love with him or anything." Kanon: "But... After Apollo appeared," Kanon: "But when I asked Keima..." Kei: "You've got the wrong person." Kei: "I don't remember a thing." Kanon: "Good morning!" Kanon: "I guess there's no point in talking to him." Kei: "No. Cop out." Kanon: "He rejected me, didn't he?" Kanon: "There's nothing between us anymore." Song: "I was lost in darkness, could not see. But then I found..." Kei: "Hey." Kei: "Are you Diana right now?" Kei: "You actually waited me out?" Diana: "Only because you're trying to avoid me. I told you to walk to school with Tenri." El: "Excuse me... Why are you walking around with an umbrella?" Diana: "People will notice the ring above my head otherwise." El: "What happens if someone touches it?" Diana: "P-Please stop." Kei: "Diana..." Kei: "Why are you here, in our world? A while back, you mentioned that you sealed the loose souls long ago." Kei: "Does your presence here relate to the trouble we've been having?" Diana: "Perhaps it does..." Diana: "To be honest, I don't know." Kei: "What do you mean?" Diana: "At the very start, there were three worlds, Heaven, Earth, and Hell, which were linked by souls." Diana: "The humans, carriers of souls, lived on Earth." Diana: "After death, the souls went to Hell, where they were purified. And Heaven restored souls to humans." Diana: "There was a grand cycle of souls. However, the ancient demons of Hell began to manipulate humans into doing evil, in order to fatten and increase the energy of their souls. Then they concocted a frightening plan. They planned to decimate Heaven, turning Earth into a graveyard for souls, to rule all three worlds." Kei: "And I'd guess the modern demons are the ones who opposed them." Diana: "They were not alone. The ones who banished the ancient demons, known as Weiss, were gods from Heaven..." Diana: "Us, the Jupiter Sisters." Kei: "Sisters?" Diana: "The ancient demons' plan targeted Heaven. As we were goddesses with great power," Kei: "But apparently, the seal has been broken, bringing gods and ancient demons to Earth." Diana: "Yes, when I awakened, I was already here." Kei: "Then that means you have sisters?" Diana: "It's possible that they've also arrived on Earth." Diana: "If that is the case, I want to see them..." Diana: "Katsuragi?" Diana: "You would do most of the work." Kei: "Look for them yourself!" Diana: "When I woke up..." Kei: "Hey!" Diana: "...there was a loose soul around my body. I assume it was meant as a disguise" Diana: "If the other goddesses are on Earth," Diana: "In other words, goddesses and loose souls coexist. By that logic, there may be goddesses within the girls" Diana: "I need you to check each of them again." Kei: "Th-That isn't my problem! With those loose souls, I'm busy enough. I can't chase things around with no leads!" Diana: "I have a lead!" Diana: "The other girls who host goddesses retain their memories of you, the same way Tenri does!" Diana: "Once a loose soul is exorcised," Diana: "But if a goddess is inside, our memories can complement theirs. As a result, they can remember everything. If the girl is host to a goddess," Diana: "she will remember you." Kei: "She'd remember me?" Diana: "I'm counting on you." Kei: "H-Hey! Wait!" Kei: "Tenri..." Ten: "I-I'm late..." Kei: "Seems she's causing you trouble, too." Kanon: "It's Keima and... Who's that girl?" A: "Kanon!" B: "Good luck on your test!" C: "Kanon!" Apo: "Kanon..." Kanon: "What is it, Apollo?" Apo: "Someone's watching us." Kanon: "Everyone was watching us." Apo: "That isn't what I mean!" Kanon: "Hey!" Apo: "Not someone watching normally! It felt more... Different!" Kanon: "Different?" Apo: "It's watching us right now!" Kanon: "Don't scare me like that." Kanon: "Who's watching us?" Kei: "Diana's causing trouble again." Kanon: "Who is Apollo, anyway?" Kei: "The goddesses are inside old targets?" Kei: "They could be within Chihiro or Ayumi?" Kei: "Right, there's one more person in this class." Kei: "Kanon..." Kei: "She could..." Kei: "remember?" Kanon: "Um, have we met before?" Kei: "Forget it! I have no reason to help Diana!" Kanon: "What was that?!" Kanon: "Ms. Okada, pick up!" Kanon: "Ah, Ms. Okada!" : "The number you have dialed is currently not available..." Kanon: "It must be fatigue... I'm starting to see things" Kanon: "because I'm exhausted. I'm sure" Kanon: "Keima..." Kei: "Kanon?" A: "Oh, no!" Kei: "What are you doing?" Kanon: "I didn't forget about you..." Kanon: "I remember everything." Kanon: "You're the only one I can turn to." Kei: "Wait, come with me!" A: "Eh?" B: "Kanon!" C: "She and the dweeb are close?" Kei: "Are you saying you remember how we met?" Kei: "You remember Seaside Hall and the roof?" Kanon: "I remember!" Kei: "Our kiss..." Kei: "Do you remember our kiss?" Kanon: "So you didn't forget, either." T: "Hey! We're in the middle of a test!" Kanon: "I... I..." Kanon: "I love you, Keima!" Kanon: "I've... I've wanted to say it for so long!" Kanon: "I love you, Keima!" B: "Kanon's in love with the dweeb? Hey, you two!" C: "No way!" D: "They ran away!" Kei: "What are you talking about?" Kanon: "K-Keima, someone's chasing me!" Keima: "Who?!" Apollo: "Humans should stay out of this." Kei: "A ring..." Apollo: "Oh, we traded places! I can feel my power starting to return. Thanks to you. But that's enough." Apollo: "Don't wanna involve innocent bystanders." Kei: "Kanon!" El: "Exalted Brother!" El: "What happened to Kanon?" Kei: "There's a goddess..." Kei: "There's a goddess inside Kanon!" Apo: "Having said that," Apo: "I still can't fly..." Apo: "So I need to find somewhere to hide!" Apo: "An agent from Hell?" Apo: "You must be the one who's been following me!" A: "Jupiter Sisters..." Apo: "Damn... Why are you after me? We goddesses saved Hell!" A: "As long as the goddesses are around, we can never revive the glorious Hell of yore." Apo: "Revive Hell? Who are you—" Lune: "Lune..." Lune: "Lune, of Vintage." El: "Divine Brother! Someone stabbed Kanon!" Kei: "It's my fault... I should've known something was wrong sooner. To prevent this from happening again," El: "Wh-What should I do?" Kei: "Become an idol! You must become an idol!"
{ "raw_title": "The World God Only Knows: Goddesses Episode 1 – When the Sun Goes Down", "parsed": [ "The World God Only Knows: Goddesses", "1", "When the Sun Goes Down" ] }
Kei: "Finally." Kei: "The last goddess." Kei: "Ayumi's parameters are such a mess, they're impossible to analyze." Kei: "I need to skip the logic and jump straight to the confession." Ayu: "Apologize to Chihiro!" Ayu: "I never want to see your face again!" Kei: "Run all you want." Kei: "I'll still catch you!" A: "No way... Really?" B: "Really!" Ayu: "Sorry I'm late!" A: "Our charismatic waitress has arrived!" B: "Over here!" A: "Master, everyone's here." Kei: "Okay." Kei: "Then it's time to open shop." A: "Why did you suddenly decide to help," Kei: "My family runs a café... I refuse to let you serve bad coffee." A: "Hold on! This coffee's really good!" B: "It's like I've been drinking muddy water!" A: "Gold Blend! Excella!" B: "With the dweeb as the master and Ayumi as a waitress, we have an amazing lineup!" A: "Welcome!" A: "This is the 2-B Café!" Ayu: "I said I never wanted to see your face again." Ayu: "The more I see your face, the more I hate you." Kei: "At least that means you won't forget I exist." Ayu: "Huh? What's that supposed to mean? It's like he's trying to sweet talk me..." A: "Two cafés au lait." Ayu: "W-We need cafés au lait." Kei: "Don't give her time to think! Confess my love first!" Kei: "Ayumi..." Ayu: "Hey, what are you trying to do?" Miya: "You working hard, Ayumi? Check this out... It's like a real café." Ayu: "Ch-Chihiro!" Chi: "Ayumi..." Chi: "You look good." Chi: "Good luck." Ayu: "Chihiro!" Kei: "The cafés au lait are done." Ayu: "Katsuragi..." Ayu: "Don't talk to me anymore." Kei: "Damn... Gauging the effect Chihiro's having on Ayumi is too hard." A: "Welcome!" Kei: "Hey, where are the cups?" Kei: "It's pretty early to be running out of cups. They should have planned better..." Kei: "I need you to say something, or I can't advance!" Ayu: "Advance what? I told you not to talk to me, jerk!" Kei: "Am I doing this right? I can't tell." Ayu: "J-Just stop it, stupid." Kei: "Ayu—" Chi: "Yo." Ayu: "Chihiro..." Chi: "Your shift's over, right? Give me your apron and headband." Ayu: "Right..." Chi: "What were you talking to Katsuragi about?" Chi: "I didn't think you were so close." Ayu: "I-It isn't what you think..." Chi: "I was..." Chi: "rejected by Katsuragi." Chi: "And this time, I was pretty serious." Chi: "But I guess it just wasn't right!" Chi: "So would you stop talking to Katsuragi about me? You're a good friend, so I'm sure you were telling him stuff about me. That's all I wanted to say." Ayu: "Chihiro!" A: "We have another customer." A: "Could you take her order?" Chi: "Sure thing... Ayumi," Chi: "thank you." Lune: "Yes, get as many soldiers as you can." Chi: "Welcome! What would you like?" Lune: "Coffee with heaps of sugar." Chi: "Gotcha. One coffee!" Lune: "Nothing important." Lune: "I just feel like a little goddess-hunting." Kei: "It's no good... Regardless of the route I take," Kei: "I'll run into Chihiro eventually." Kei: "How do I remove her from the route?" Mer: "Humans are such an enigma to me..." Chi: "Mer..." Mer: "What makes you so hesitant?" Mer: "You already know the answer." Mer: "All that's left is for you to decide what you should do." Lune: "I just tagged her." Lune: "This is your target. Once your preparations are complete," Lune: "begin the hunt." A: "Hey, young lady!" A: "How about some takoyaki?" Lune: "I'll take one." Kei: "Where did Ayumi go?" Kei: "There she is!" Kei: "Chihiro!" Kei: "Join forces with me." Chi: "Huh?!" Kei: "In any route I choose for conquering Ayumi, you will be an obstacle, and one that won't be easily removed." Kei: "Instead, I'll have you help me." Kei: "It's the only way to end this fast. So let's work together—" Chi: "What are you babbling about, cockroach? How can you act like nothing happened?!" Chi: "Have you forgotten what you said to me?" Kei: "Of course I remember... But right now, there's no time for that. Let's set aside our differences" Kei: "and form an alliance." Chi: "You scumbag!" Lune: "If the goddesses escaped with the loose souls, and they're both in this world... The goddesses may be hiding within loose souls." Lune: "I suppose it's possible..." A: "Our preparations are complete, Lady Lune. We will begin now." Lune: "Go ahead." Kei: "Where did Ayumi go?" Chi: "Oh, hey!" Ayu: "Chihiro..." Chi: "I've been looking for you. When we introduce the members tomorrow..." Ayu: "I can't." Ayu: "I just can't..." Ayu: "be in a band with you anymore." Chi: "Ayumi?" Kei: "Damn! She beat me to her..." Chi: "What do you mean?" Ayu: "I can't forgive myself..." Ayu: "I was never rooting for you..." Kei: "Why is she saying this? It'll make it harder to advance!" Ayu: "I'm terrible... While you were hurting, all I could think of was Katsura—" Kei: "Finally found you." Kei: "You wanted to talk to me, Chihiro?" Chi: "Huh? What are you... Hey, wait!" Kei: "Can you please leave without saying anything? If you hear what Ayumi's about to say, the conquest will take longer!" Chi: "What's your problem?!" Chi: "Sorry, Ayumi... What were you saying?" Ayu: "Ah..." Ayu: "Wh-Where was I?" Kei: "I can't let this conversation continue. Listen to me!" Kei: "I need to talk to you both." Kei: "The alarm?" Kei: "Who is it? Who set it off?" Chi: "What is this?" Ayu: "Stop!" Kei: "Vintage... Damn, they figured it out?" Gira: "Lady Lune, I have secured two, plus one." Lune: "Gira?" Lune: "Ah, I just captured one myself." Lune: "It took a bit of effort, though..." Lune: "It sounds like everything's gone smoothly with the other targets." Lune: "We'll gather the goddesses and kill them." Akari: "Talk..." Akari: "What are you up to?" Kei: "Ayumi! Chihiro! Say something!" Kei: "Damn, I was so close..." Gira: "Take them away." Gira: "Who's there?" Haqua: "Return from whence you came, servants of evil!" Dokuro: "Are you awake?" Haqua: "You?" Haqua: "Was I taken off the Loose Souls Team?" Doku: "You were to be dismissed and punished." Doku: "Otherwise, Vintage would have killed you." Haqua: "Where are we?" Doku: "The surface of Ancient Hell." Doku: "Once we reach the boundary, you can get out." Haqua: "You're smuggling me out?" Haqua: "As if I'm a criminal." Doku: "Well, you were dismissed from the Loose Souls Team for treason, so you actually are a criminal." Haqua: "I didn't do anything wrong!" Haqua: "That's right, I..." Haqua: "I just did what I thought to be right." Haqua: "But everything's gone wrong..." Doku: "Haqua... Long ago, there was a battle between good and evil" Doku: "that rendered Hell inhabitable. When New Hell was created afterward," Doku: "nothing had really changed beneath the surface... All kinds of scheming behind the scenes, while the righteous are framed and driven out." Doku: "We must put an end to this." Doku: "Here, there isn't any miasma. Haqua, in the past, the Scythe of Testament was only granted to demons from noble families. However, you were able to outperform your peers, earning the scythe via individual distinction." Doku: "In our school's long history, it was the first time such a thing has happened. Haqua du Lot Herminium, you are no longer a member of the Loose Souls Team. You exist outside the law." Doku: "However, only you can save New Hell." Doku: "I have a special mission for you. Go to Earth, rescue and protect the goddesses, and stop Vintage's plot! New Hell's future" Doku: "is in your hands." Kei: "Haqua!" Gira: "Are you with the Loose Souls Team?" Haqua: "No, I am the one who will defend the honor of the modern demons!" Kei: "Chihiro! Ayumi! Run!" Haqua: "Are you using Ancient Hell magic?" Gira: "How can you fly without a raiment?!" Haqua: "Just simple movement spells anyone can use." Haqua: "It simply takes twenty of them at once!" Haqua: "Which is impossible for demons like you that rely on the power of others!" Haqua: "It's okay." Haqua: "I didn't kill them." Haqua: "Sorry for taking so long to get back." Kei: "It's okay, you saved us." Ayu: "K-Katsuragi?" Chi: "Is it safe over there?" Kei: "Think fast." Kei: "Great! You've put together an excellent show!" Haqua: "Huh?" Kei: "Your Special Effects Film Society will be the talk of the Mai High Festival!" Kei: "I'm in the middle of Ayumi's conquest. Play along." Kei: "We have to cover up what happened." Haqua: "You never change..." Haqua: "What did you think of our Film Society's superhero show?" Ayu: "Film Society?" Chi: "That was an act?" Haqua: "Sorry to drag you into it." Haqua: "Katsuragi said there was this girl he wanted to surprise." Ayu: "Wait! This was your idea?" Chi: "Explain what this is!" Kei: "Uh, well..." Haqua: "It's all yours now." Ayu: "You're always doing stupid stuff!" Kei: "You've gotten good at this." Chi: "No kidding!" Ayu: "So, are they Film Society members?" Haqua: "They're people who want to conquer the world." Ayu: "The story doesn't have much substance..." Chi: "You might want to rethink it some." Haqua: "Katsuragi, Vintage has attacked the goddesses." Ayu: "Well, the special effects were great." Kei: "How much do they know?" Haqua: "They hacked into my raiment's tag and learned" Haqua: "Someone in Vintage was smart enough to realize" Kei: "No luck. I can't reach Yui, Tsukiyo, or Shiori." Kei: "Were all the goddesses attacked?" Haqua: "It could be even worse. If they don't know which girls are hosting the goddesses, they'll target every possible candidate." Haqua: "Which means they may have attacked every girl you've conquered." Lune: "We've brought them all." Lune: "So which are goddesses?" Lune: "Well, checking each one would be too much effort." Lune: "Might as well kill them all." Haqua: "Our first priority is to get somewhere safe. Vintage is everywhere!" Chi: "What are they talking about?" Ayu: "I'm going home." Chi: "Huh? Didn't you have something to tell me?" Ayu: "I'll call you later. Bye." Chi: "Ayumi?" Haqua: "I'll bring her back!" Kei: "Wait." Kei: "For my conquest to succeed, it's better to let Ayumi leave." Haqua: "Eh?" Haqua: "At this point, your conquest doesn't matter!" Kei: "Can you guard Ayumi without her seeing you?" Haqua: "Then who'll protect you?!" : "I'll keep an eye on that Ayumi girl." Haqua: "Nora!" : "I'm not siding with you guys. But I don't like the idea of Vintage running loose in my district. You can refuse my offer, but are you in any position to be choosy?" Kei: "Fine. This leaves us more options. We'll let Nora look after Ayumi." Kei: "That leaves..." Kei: "Chihiro..." Chi: "Let me go! Let me go!" Kei: "You're coming home with me." Chi: "What's wrong with you?" Kei: "Elsie is waiting for you!" Chi: "Eh? Why am I back" Chi: "in Katsuragi's house?!" Chi: "He told me to wait here, but..." Chi: "Is Ellie in her room?" Haqua: "So Kanon was taken..." Kei: "They've taken every goddess except Ayumi?" Diana: "They didn't take all of us." Kei: "Diana, you're okay?" Diana: "I was never attacked." Diana: "I saw some suspicious figures leaving your room with a large sack." Diana: "It seemed quite odd." Diana: "so I laid low." Haqua: "That confirms our suspicions. Vintage has determined that the goddesses are inside Katsuragi's conquests, and has taken them all." Haqua: "Officially, Nora captured Tenri's loose soul, so they excluded her." Kei: "Wait, what about Elsie?" Kei: "Elsie, you okay?" El: "Soufflé? Okay, let's have soufflé for dinner, Exalted Brother..." Kei: "She's fine." Haqua: "Katsuragi, before I came back, I did some research. Vintage seeks to revive Ancient Hell." Haqua: "The problem is with the chosen location. They will use the rock by the Maijima beach as a gate to bring the Weiss to this world!" Haqua: "If we don't stop them, Earth will be in big trouble." Chi: "What are they talking about?" Haqua: "A gap in space-time separates Earth and Hell. Beyond that rock" Haqua: "lies the final battlefield of Armage-machina..." Haqua: "East Greda Fortress." Diana: "That is where the goddesses placed the seal." Haqua: "Vintage intends to create an opening" Haqua: "They will abandon that barren world, and bring Ancient Hell to Earth!" Kei: "When will they put their plan into action?" Haqua: "I'm not entirely certain," Haqua: "but I'd say tomorrow." Diana: "Please give me a chance. I will stop Vintage, on my honor as a goddess." Haqua: "No! It isn't only Vintage you must consider. That place is filled with level-4 loose souls! It's too dangerous!" Kei: "Those things?" Haqua: "I'll go." Diana: "Haqua?" Haqua: "This is a war for Hell! So..." Kei: "No!" Kei: "If war breaks out, none of us will be able to stop it." Kei: "Thus, we can't let this become a war!" Haqua: "What do we—" Kei: "We can still stop them! There must be a route. I will conquer Ayumi." Diana: "You intend to release Mercurius?" Kei: "They were trying to kidnap us. If they'd suspected we'd interfere, they'd have attacked us as they did Kanon." Kei: "There's a reason they didn't try to kill us. We still have a chance." Kei: "No change in plan." Kei: "We use the route that assembles the goddesses." Kei: "Chihiro?" Chi: "What are you people going to do with Ayumi?" Kei: "Hello?" Ayu: "Huh? Katsuragi? Why are you answering Chihiro's phone?" Kei: "I'm on my way over" Kei: "to confess my love!" Ayu: "Huh?" Kei: "Diana, wait in the house. Haqua, you come with me. And, Chihiro..." Chi: "Hold on! Let me go! Let me go!" Kei: "Just come with me!" Chi: "What are you trying to do?" Kei: "There's no time to hesitate. I must go straight for the ending!" Kei: "The goddesses have been captured. Vintage is swarming around us. But there's no need for panic or fear. It's conquest time!" Kei: "Ayumi, prepare to taste Keima Katsuragi's greatest conquest."
{ "raw_title": "The World God Only Knows: Goddesses Episode 10 – Labyrinth", "parsed": [ "The World God Only Knows: Goddesses", "10", "Labyrinth" ] }
Lune: "What? Don't kill the goddesses?" Lune: "Well, I guess, there's only one day left..." Lune: "Whatever happens, you can't blame me." Lune: "The people at the top are so greedy..." Lune: "Well, I've done enough work for the rest of my life." Lune: "Once Hell is restored, I can live in comfort." Kei: "I'm on my way over to confess my love!" Ayu: "What is Katsuragi thinking?" Kei: "Damn, which one is Ayumi's room?" Ayu: "Katsuragi? Katsura—" Ayu: "What are you doing?" Kei: "A-Ayumi?" Kei: "Why are you taking a bath? I said I was coming to see you." Ayu: "I didn't think you'd actually come!" Chi: "Why do I have to follow you people around?" Kei: "I never lie!" Haqua: "Right now, we can't leave you alone." Ayu: "You've already lied to me! Take that, you sick, peeping pervert! Leave!" Kei: "I'm not leaving... I have to tell you something." Ayu: "So what? I don't get what you're trying to do!" Kei: "I d-don't get it, either!" Kei: "I never wanted anything to do with the real world." Kei: "P-Panties?!" Ayu: "Those are mine!" Kei: "S-Stay calm." Haqua: "And who exactly got those from her?" : "I did." : "That boy's got a sick way of handling things. I like it." Ayu: "Idiot! Scumbag! Criminal! Die! Die! Die! Die! Die!" Kei: "Ayumi, hear me out!" Kei: "I've been watching you from the beginning." Kei: "I'm sorry I never said anything." Kei: "But my feelings haven't changed!" Kei: "The one I most care for is..." Chi: "Wh-What the hell?!" Kei: "Ayumi! Come to the Turtle Stones, on the Kozue River. I'll be waiting! If you don't come," Kei: "I won't return your panties." Ayu: "Stupid! Give them back!" Kei: "This place has an excellent view and the right atmosphere. I even gave her the pretext of coming to get her panties back." Kei: "You have to come, Ayumi..." Haqua: "Katsuragi!" Haqua: "Vintage will execute their plan tomorrow." Haqua: "If you don't conquer Ayumi tonight, it'll be too late." Kei: "Ayumi's affection level is already high enough. Otherwise, she wouldn't have considered quitting the band." Kei: "I just need one more big event to complete the conquest." Chi: "Wait... What is this conquest stuff? What's Katsuragi up to?!" El: "Huh? I thought my Exalted Brother called me..." Oka: "Kanon, it's almost time." El: "Okay!" Haqua: "Right now, we need the power inside Ayumi." Haqua: "To draw it out, Ayumi has to fall in love." Chi: "What does love have to do with anything?" Haqua: "I feel sorry for Ayumi, but it's necessary to stop Vintage." Chi: "Is she talking about the people who attacked us?" Haqua: "Only Katsuragi has the means to rectify the situation." Chi: "That's why Katsuragi is putting the moves on Ayumi? What if Ayumi takes him seriously?" Chi: "Ayumi, you shouldn't have come... It's a trap!" Ayu: "Katsuragi..." Kei: "Ayumi, you really came to meet me?" Ayu: "Hardly." Ayu: "I'm here to recover my underwear from a thief." Kei: "Huh? These just happened to be lying on the ground..." Ayu: "D-Don't take them out!" Ayu: "I a-almost fell in the water." Kei: "S-Sorry." Chi: "Wh-What kind of pathetic acting was that?" Kei: "I keep causing trouble for you." Ayu: "No kidding. You've been nothing but trouble!" Ayu: "You're awful, Katsuragi..." Ayu: "Why did I even come?" Chi: "Did something happen between Katsuragi and Ayumi?" Haqua: "Nora?" : "Vintage is heading your way." : "You should leave." Haqua: "Katsuragi!" Haqua: "Vintage is coming. Let's move." Kei: "Move? They couldn't wait five minutes?" Kei: "Ayumi..." Ayu: "Huh?" Kei: "Let's go! There's a place I want to show you." Ayu: "I'm surprised..." Ayu: "that you picked a park." Ayu: "I thought you never went outside as a kid." Kei: "Even I went to the park sometimes." Kei: "Slides and jungle gyms... Sandboxes and see-saws..." Kei: "I played my games in all of them." Ayu: "Is there even any point in that?" Kei: "I'm glad I could come here with you." Ayu: "Why?" Haqua: "Katsuragi... Vintage is here, too. Distract Ayumi." Ayu: "Katsuragi!" Ayu: "Hey, are you okay? Katsuragi?" Kei: "I was so busy thinking about what to say, I forgot I was on a swing." Ayu: "Stupid." Haqua: "I took care of it, Katsuragi. But this place is no longer safe." Kei: "Our next destination is Maijima Shrine." Kei: "Oh, Ayumi... There's go to one more place!" Ayu: "What? Again?" Kei: "Damn, I'm wasting good lines and locations." Haqua: "Chihiro, we have to go." Chi: "If Katsuragi fails, what will you do?" Haqua: "Fails?" Haqua: "That isn't an option." Ayu: "We're still not there?" Kei: "C-Can we take a break?" Lune: "Well, if you can't find them, you'll suffer the consequences..." Lune: "Don't contact me again unless you've found a goddess." Haqua: "She's one of them." Haqua: "Katsuragi, get away from there!" Kei: "Okay..." Kei: "I'm rested up, so let's go!" Ayu: "O-Okay..." : "Hi." : "I don't recognize you. Which district are you from?" Haqua: "Katsuragi..." Haqua: "That girl was probably a Vintage member. Take shelter indoors." Kei: "You want me to confess in a family restaurant or a karaoke box? As a gamer, my pride won't allow it. We need to go to Maijima Shrine." Haqua: "Why do you have to be so picky? The city is swarming with Vintage." Chi: "Hey, someone I know lives up ahead." Haqua: "Keep going straight." Kei: "That was the plan." Miya: "Oh? You're downstairs?" Ayu: "Miyako?" Miya: "Huh?" Miya: "Ayumi? Katsuragi?" Chi: "Heya!" Chi: "I couldn't stop thinking about tomorrow's concert... So I dropped by." Kei: "Chihiro?" Chi: "Whoa, it's the dweeb!" Miya: "Come on in. I'll get some drinks. Give me a hand, Ayumi." Ayu: "Sure." Miya: "Chihiro suddenly called me..." Ayu: "Oh, really?" Kei: "Hey, Chihiro. What are you up to?" Chi: "You need a place to hide, right?" Kei: "Don't interfere!" Kei: "Five minutes... I only needed one event to finish the job. These detours aren't helping!" Chi: "Can you stop talking about this like it's a game?" Kei: "That's how I operate. My first priority is to conquer the target!" Chi: "How long have you been targeting Ayumi?" Chi: "I heard that you approached Ayumi because you need her power." Chi: "Sorry for confessing to you at the worst time." Chi: "To make it up to you, I'll help you." Kei: "Help me?" El: "My school's currently having a cultural festival. Getting everyone to work together isn't easy, but it's a lot of fun!" Chi: "Time really flies, huh? Tomorrow's the big day!" Ayu: "Y-Yeah." Chi: "Ayumi, why were you with Katsuragi?" Ayu: "I wasn't really with him..." Chi: "Oh, don't worry about it. It doesn't matter anymore." Kei: "Chihiro, don't turn things in that direction! You might be trying to let Ayumi have me," Chi: "Your glass is empty, Ayumi!" Ayu: "Huh? O-Oh..." Kei: "but that will make Ayumi feel guilty, which will take more time to fix." Chi: "Here you go." Kei: "I'm not after the best ending right now." Kei: "I'm doing a speed run!" Miya: "Oh, that's right. Wanna try on our uniforms for tomorrow?" Chi: "Definitely." Ayu: "Ditto." Miya: "Here! This is Ayumi's." Chi: "Okay, no boys allowed!" Kei: "Hey, wait!" Kei: "Hey! Let me in! My next route was about to..." Dad: "Miyako, tell your friend to keep it down!" Miya: "Okay!" Chi: "So, Ayumi..." Chi: "You're in love with Katsuragi, right?" Ayu: "Huh? I-It isn't like that..." Kei: "Of course not." Kei: "I was just pulling one over on a real girl." Kei: "Stupid." Kei: "Stay away from me." Chi: "Ayumi..." Chi: "Did you know this?" Chi: "Katsuragi is a liar." Kei: "Five minutes... I only needed one event to finish the job. These detours aren't helping!" Chi: "Can you stop talking about this like it's a game?" Kei: "That's how I operate. My first priority is to conquer the target!" Chi: "Katsuragi's playing a game where the goal is to seduce you." Ayu: "Huh? But..." Chi: "He wouldn't have caught you bathing without planning ahead." Ayu: "How do you know about that?" Chi: "I was there the whole time." Chi: "The stops at the river and park were part of his plan. He was confident about the whole thing." Chi: "He's playing a game..." Chi: "A game with the goal of seducing you tonight!" Miya: "Stop it." Kei: "Chihiro, what are you doing?" Chi: "Tough luck... I just ruined your plans." Ayu: "Katsuragi, what is this about?" Kei: "This is..." Chi: "He'll try to talk his way out of it. That's how he works." Ayu: "You were lying to me?" Kei: "Wait..." Chi: "Did you return Ayumi's panties? Didn't you steal them from her bathroom?" Kei: "What's your problem?!" Chi: "What? I'm just telling it how it is." Kei: "That isn't..." Chi: "Only idiots would be fooled by this scumbag. Idiots like Ayumi..." Chi: "And me." Haqua: "Nora!" Haqua: "Grab her before Vintage finds her!" Kei: "Wait, Haqua..." Kei: "Don't let her find out yet." Kei: "Guard her without letting her notice!" Kei: "We're going after her." Miya: "Hey..." Miya: "Clean up before you leave!" Kei: "What are you thinking?" Kei: "If I can't conquer Ayumi, we're in big trouble." Chi: "Then you should get serious about her." Chi: "I don't like how you're going about this." Chi: "Ayumi is an honest person! So she's probably really confused right now." Chi: "Stop lying to her..." Chi: "If you want to win Ayumi's heart, you have to truly love her!" Kei: "Okay, I understand." Miya: "So what's going on with you guys?" Chi: "Sorry, I'll explain later." Miya: "Okay, I guess. Let's kick some butt tomorrow." Chi: "Yeah!" Kei: "Haqua, I need a favor." El: "Why do we forget our dreams as soon as we wake up? I feel like I just received an important phone call, but was it just a dream?" kai: "I thought that we'd draw attention from the real Kanon" kai: "After we drove off Vintage, it seemed successful." kai: "But it appears they realized the truth at the last second." Akari: "Most of the goddesses seem to have fallen into their hands." Akari: "However, there's nothing we can do." kai: "Our only choice is to trust Katsuragi." Haqua: "Jeez... Why did you do that? He has to start the conquest all over!" Chi: "But I'm no longer a factor in Ayumi's mind." Haqua: "Huh?" Chi: "Ayumi was worried about how I would feel. Now that I've removed myself from the picture, it's up to the two of them." Haqua: "You said that to destroy the love triangle?" Chi: "Katsuragi figured it out because I didn't tell Ayumi about you guys." Chi: "Ayumi will be fine... It isn't easy to hate someone you've fallen in love with." Chi: "As long as he's honest with her, Ayumi will forgive Katsuragi." Chi: "Anyway, I have a question." Chi: "Why did Katsuragi go on a date with me?" Haqua: "Huh?" Chi: "Katsuragi was targeting Ayumi, right? Wouldn't going on a date with me be wasting his time?" Haqua: "That was because..." Ayu: "Has he been lying to me this entire time?" Ayu: "Ever since that day before the tournament?" Kei: "Welcome home, my princess." Chi: "How stupid can you be?! You should just apologize and confess your love..." Kei: "The real world means nothing to me. I live in the ideal world." Kei: "I refuse to pretend to be someone I'm not." Kei: "So I won't apologize." Kei: "I will only show you my perfect side." Kei: "Come with me, Ayumi." Ayu: "I understand how you feel now." Ayu: "So marry me!" Ayu: "If you're serious, you should be willing to do that!" Ayu: "Whatever you might say, I know you can't do it. You're all talk." Kei: "Very well." Kei: "Let's get married." Kei: "However, there are certain conditions." Kei: "In games, marriage is the ultimate ending. It can't occur unless the criteria are met. At a minimum, the connection must have begun in childhood, there must be a dramatic proposal, and there must be a kiss in a church, with the words "Happy End" popping up!" Kei: "Can you accept those conditions?" Ayu: "It's impossible to do anything about our childhood!" Kei: "In other words, you're all talk." Kei: "I take marriage much more seriously than you! You shouldn't use the word "marriage" so lightly." Ayu: "Daddy! Mommy!" Dad: "Is this a friend? Do you realize what time it is?" Ayu: "Daddy... Mommy... I'm going to be a bride." Ayu: "This is my future husband." Ayu: "Ready to give up?" Kei: "All the better. I wanted to have your parents here for this." Kei: "Sorry, but this is all I can give you for now." Kei: "This is my present to you." Ayu: "A wedding dress?" Kei: "You are my first heroine," Kei: "and my final heroine." Kei: "Will you marry me?" Ayu: "I don't get you, Katsuragi... You're a selfish womanizer who hates women... Stupid and dumb, smart and sneaky, cold and gentle, kind and mean, dishonest and honest..." Ayu: "But I trust you." Ayu: "So..." Ayu: "Say you love me!" Ayu: "If you say those words, I'll believe you." Ayu: "Do you love me?" Dad: "H-Hold on!" Mom: "Calm down, dear!" Kei: "Ayumi," Kei: "I love you." Ayu: "Not good enough." Ayu: "That was fake. It wasn't sincere. You have to really mean it!" Kei: "I love you." Ayu: "You aren't allowed to touch me! That's against the rules!" Kei: "I can't force you to believe me... But I'll keep on saying it." Kei: "I love you." Ayu: "It sounds more and more like an act! Just say, "I love you."" Kei: "I love you." Ayu: "Not good enough!" Kei: "P.S. I love you." Ayu: "No good! How can you propose," Dad: "This is stupid. I'm going to bed!" Mom: "So am I." Kei: "How many times must I repeat it? I'm out of lines..." Ayu: "I love you, Katsuragi!" Ayu: "That was a sincere confession. Get it? It's your turn now!" Kei: "Ayumi?" Ayu: "You want to get married somewhere romantic, right?" Ayu: "I'll be waiting for you." Kei: "Ayumi!" Haqua: "Nora, she's moving again. Follow her!" : "Roger that." Haqua: "Hide!" Haqua: "Vintage... Nora!" Ryo: "Nora wouldn't let herself be killed. You should be careful, or you'll die." Haqua: "You're..." Kei: "Nora's buddy." Ryo: "I'm following Nora's instructions." Ryo: "I've been placing decoy raiments all over town." Ryo: "The real Nora is currently watching Ayumi." Ryo: "And these raiments are for you." Ryo: "You can make yourself invisible while you move around." Kei: "Good." Ryo: "I'll go back to placing decoys. Adieu!" Kei: "Okay, let's get going." Haqua: "Ayumi's headed for the ocean." Lune: "Where are you going?" Haqua: "Katsuragi, get a move on." Haqua: "I'll handle her." Kei: "Understood. Let's go." Kei: "You have to protect Chihiro and Ayumi." Chi: "Katsuragi, why do you need to put on an act? Just say the words Ayumi wants to hear!"
{ "raw_title": "The World God Only Knows: Goddesses Episode 11 – Show Me", "parsed": [ "The World God Only Knows: Goddesses", "11", "Show Me" ] }
Diana: "Vintage is flying around in the open, yet I must hide inside... Is everyone else okay?" A: "Goddesses..." A: "If you are present, show yourselves. Or we will begin interrogating all of you, one at a time." A: "If you wish to save these girls, reveal yourselves." Haqua: "Why are you trying to start another war?" Chi: "You could loosen your grip on my hand!" Kei: "We're both invisible. If we get separated, we won't be able to find each other." Chi: "Do you know where Ayumi is?" Kei: "Nora's transmitting her location." Kei: "Looks like she's in Seaside Park." Kei: "Chihiro?" Chi: "Katsuragi?" Chi: "I can't see him. Katsura—" Kei: "Chihiro, are you okay?" Kei: "Chihiro?" Kei: "U-Uh, you only have to put up with me a little longer." Chi: "I don't really mind..." Kei: "What was that for?!" Chi: "Get off me already! Let's go." Chi: "Katsuragi, why not just tell Ayumi the truth about what's happening?" Kei: "That won't work. If I tell the truth, I can't conquer her." Chi: "You're wrong! Ayumi's waiting for you to tell her the truth." Kei: "Is that the strategy you two devised?" Chi: "Wh-What's that supposed to mean?" Kei: "I was wondering why Ayumi was being so aggressive. That explains it." : "I remember this ship..." : "But it's strange Vintage hasn't noticed her, given our proximity. I wonder why." : "Well, regardless, this will be the stage for the finale." Ayu: "Katsuragi..." Kei: "Ayumi!" Kei: "Where are you, Ayumi?" Chi: "He's playing a game." Chi: "A game with the goal of seducing you tonight!" Chi: "But... He has a reason for doing it!" Ayu: "A reason?" Chi: "I don't know any specifics, but whatever it is, he's desperate to see it through." Chi: "If this doesn't make sense, ask him for answers." Chi: "You have to decide what you want to do with Katsuragi." Ayu: "Katsuragi, why are you doing this? Just tell me the truth..." Kei: "It might be better to tell her everything." Kei: "I'm sure Ayumi would be willing to help." Kei: "I give up." Ayu: "Huh?" Kei: "I'm out of ideas. I'll tell you everything." Kei: "But with one condition!" Kei: "Right now, I can only answer one question." Kei: "I promise to answer one." Kei: "But your other questions will have to wait." Ayu: "Wh-Why do I have to ask questions? How long do I need to wait?" Kei: "Is that your question? If so, I'll answer it." Ayu: "Shut up!" Kei: "If you refuse to accept this condition, we're done." Kei: "I'll never approach you again." Kei: "Will you ask a question? Or are we through? Choose." Chi: "He wants to keep it from her at all costs?" Ten: "Diana..." Dia: "What is it, Tenri?" Ten: "Um... So..." Dia: "T-Tenri, why did you not say anything before?" Ayu: "Here's my question." Ayu: "Do you love me?" Kei: "I do not." Ayu: "Then you've been lying to me this whole time?" Kei: "That's a second question. I can't answer you." Ayu: "You don't love me, but you chased me around and proposed to me?" Kei: "That's also a second—" Ayu: "Shut up! You aren't being fair!" Kei: "I didn't say that you wouldn't get an answer... You just have to wait—" Ayu: "Answer me now!" Ayu: "You must have a reason to go through all this! So..." Ayu: "If you need my help, I'll do what I can..." Kei: "No, thank you." Kei: "I don't need your help. Especially not now." Ayu: "You insist on having it your way, while you ignore how everyone else feels!" Ayu: "How could anyone love someone like you? You're disgusting!" Kei: "I'm not doing this because I want people to love me." Kei: "I'm only trying to reach the ending." Kei: "I don't require any reward or assistance." Kei: "I won't let anyone else take this responsibility." Kei: "This is a gamer's love. Ayumi, I love you. Take my hand," Kei: "Ayumi." Kei: "I will guide you to the ending." : "As requested, I tried to make it romantic. But it won't take long for them to find us..." Kei: "Ayumi, please come with me!" Chi: "Isn't this enough?" Kei: "Ayumi..." Ayu: "Fine, I guess..." Ayu: "We can have a wedding ceremony." Kei: "Wrong answer! What do you mean, you guess?! Don't you have anything better? Do you realize what an ending entails—" Ayu: "Shut up! We just have to do this, right?" Kei: "No! I don't accept this ending! You're being too casual about this!" Ayu: "Quiet!" Ayu: "Try to smile, you sick freak." Kei: "I don't see you smiling, real girl." Kei: "Now, let us exchange vows before the Maijima Sea!" Ayu: "Don't bother with vows! I can't trust anything out of your mouth." Kei: "Th-This is one nasty bride." Ayu: "But..." Ayu: "I will trust your feelings." Ayu: "Earlier, I decided that if you really came here, I would trust you no matter what." Ayu: "I understand how serious you are." Kei: "That's wrong! That's not what a conquest is. Why do you think I planned how to trigger all those flags?" Ayu: "Shut up! Shut up! Just stop talking about conquests!" : "Hey, are you getting married or not?" Kei: "A conquest is more important than the world!" Kei: "I can't let you take this whole process so lightly!" Ayu: "What do you take me for?" Kei: "B-Back off..." Ayu: "I've thought desperately about this, too! I won't let anyone manipulate my feelings! I'm... I'm the one who decided to fall in love with you!" Chi: "That's right... That was the choice I made, too." Ayu: "If you understand, marry me!" Kei: "Mercurius..." Kei: "Hey, wake up!" Diana: "Thank you, Katsuragi!" Kei: "Diana... She has her wings?" Mer: "Diana?" Diana: "Mer, thank you for waking up. I need you to do something right away." Mer: "But I just woke up..." Akari: "Vintage, this is the end of the road!" Akari: "The Loose Souls Team will face you!" : "Limuel?" Kei: "Akari?" Akari: "Katsuragi, I appreciate your efforts in this endeavor." Akari: "You have my gratitude." Akari: "Some members of the Loose Souls Team still refuse to give in to Vintage. The time has come to show our pride." Akari: "We will rescue the captive girls. Let us take it from here." Akari: "Stay together! We will help reunite the goddesses!" Kei: "Wasn't that Akari? What's going on?" Chi: "Is it over?" Kei: "Yeah, I've done my part." Chi: "What happened to that thing inside Ayumi?" Kei: "It grew wings and flew off." Chi: "Oh?" Chi: "I couldn't see a thing..." Chi: "Then, I'm going home." Chi: "I have a concert to play in." Chi: "Is it okay for us to just leave?" Kei: "Probably not." Kei: "But there's nothing we can do to help." Kei: "Anyway, why are you coming with me?" Chi: "I left my guitar at your house! I can't play in the concert without it." Chi: "The sun's up..." Kei: "Here, this was what you wanted?" Chi: "Thanks." Chi: "Bye." Kei: "Chihiro, thanks for everything." Chi: "Huh? Are you trying to creep me out?" Kei: "It's thanks to you that I brought out the goddess in Ayumi." Chi: "No, I was interfering!" Kei: "But you didn't tell her about Hell." Kei: "If you'd revealed that, it would have taken much longer." Chi: "That's because..." Chi: "I didn't understand what was going on. I'm sorry you had to worry about protecting me," Chi: "Those shadowy figures were after Ayumi, right?" Chi: "I wasn't even a part of anything." Chi: "Sorry you had to protect me." Lune: "Seems the winds have changed." Lune: "That's enough..." Lune: "You put up a good fight." Lune: "I'll let you live." Lune: "So long." kai: "The Katsuragi sister." El: "Miss Nikaido?" kai: "It should be fine now. Don't be late for your band performance. That's all I had to say." kai: "Bye." El: "Huh? O-Okay..." El: "Why did Miss Nikaido say that?" El: "Wait, I'm Kanon right now... How did she know it was me?" Chi: "Say, why did you go on a date" Chi: "with me on Festival Eve?" Chi: "You wouldn't go on a date for no reason, would you?" Chi: "Was there something inside me..." Chi: "Something inside me, as well?" Kei: "No, you weren't involved in all that." Chi: "That's good! It would suck if I were actually involved in this mess." Chi: "Then I never have to talk to you again." Kei: "Yeah..." Kei: "Chihiro, I'll be listening to your performance today." Chi: "Oh, okay." Chi: "You'll be amazed by what you hear!" Chi: "Well..." Chi: "Katsuragi..." Chi: "Bye-bye." Kei: "Bye-bye..." Miya: "Ellie, Yui, and Ayumi are all missing!" Miya: "What's going on?" Chi: "Well, maybe they're running late..." Chi: "We'll have to start without them." Miya: "What are you talking about?! Today's our show!" Chi: "Well, let's go! It's our first on-stage performance." A: "When's Kanon performing?" B: "There's one more band left." C: "Did you feel the tremor this morning?" A: "Oh, the next band is up!" Chi: "Hello, everyone! We're the 2-B Pencils! This is our first concert, but something came up, and three members aren't here!" A: "What happened?" B: "Running late?" Miya: "I'll kill them!" Chi: "So it'll be just the two of us!" A: "Do they know what they're doing?" B: "Good luck!" Kei: "The pick..." C: "You can do it!" Chi: "Well, please listen to our song." Yui: "Hold on!" El: "Sorry, Chihiro!" Yui: "We're a little late..." Chi: "Welcome back." Miya: "Stop talking, and get changed!" Chi: "Please give us a moment!" Chi: "What's with that dress? Did you get married?" Ayu: "I'm not sure..." Ayu: "Did I do the right thing?" Chi: "I don't know the answer, but didn't you decide it for yourself?" Ayu: "Yeah, I did..." Chi: "Then it's okay!" Chi: "Get your guitar out!" Chi: "Okay, everyone..." Chi: "Let's try this again. We're 2-B Pencils!" A: "Glad you could all make it!" B: "Don't be late to your own concert!" Chi: "Well, it's not a big deal." Chi: "Today is part of the festival, after all. The Mai High Festival's almost over. Did you all have some good times here? As long as we're here, let's make some great memories!" Chi: "If there's someone you like, tell them how you feel!" Chi: "Okay..." A: "What?" B: "Look at that!" C: "Kanon?" D: "No way!" E: "It's Kanon!" : "Huh? Why's she here?" G: "Wow!" Kanon: "Thank you, Chihiro." Kanon: "Do you mind if I sing with you?" Chi: "Huh?" Kanon: "You once said that you wanted to have a contest with me..." Kanon: "I want to sing with you!" Song: "Caught up in this ever-changing life, I never thought that I'd experience love. There's no rhyme or reason to falling in love. I fell in love. Those fleeting, precious days have begun to stir again. That once-in-a-lifetime moment and sensation have faded away. But in my heart, I'll always have those feelings and the memory of my first love." Kei: "I'm sorry, Chihiro..." Kei: "Earlier, that wasn't what I meant to say." Song: "That once-in-a-lifetime moment and sensation" Song: "have faded away. But in my heart, I'll always have those feelings and the memory of my first love... The memory of my first love." Mari: "El!" Mari: "Look at this... A customer gave me these cyclamens." El: "Wow, they're pretty." Mari: "Aren't they lovely?" El: "Yes, we should put them in the café!" El: "Five days have passed since then. The members of Vintage were captured, and their plan to restore Ancient Hell was halted." El: "Haqua returned to the Loose Souls Team... Wait." El: "You were fired, Haqua?" Haqua: "S-Stuff happened!" El: "Also, for her help in defeating Vintage," Haqua: "That's just wrong!" El: "And..." El: "My Exalted Brother..."
{ "raw_title": "The World God Only Knows: Goddesses Episode 12 – The Memory of My First Love", "parsed": [ "The World God Only Knows: Goddesses", "12", "The Memory of My First Love" ] }
Lune: "Well, that was easy." Apo: "You dare attack a goddess? You may kill me, but my sisters... will not fall!" Lune: "I suppose I should finish the job." El: "Kanon!" Kei: "Hey, Kanon!" El: "Why? Kanon... Kanon!" El: "Haqua..." El: "Do something!" Haqua: "I'm working on it." Diana: "Sister Apollo was inside this girl." Diana: "I was so close to seeing her." Diana: "Why?" Haqua: "All right." Diana: "Watch out!" El: "Ow." Haqua: "What is this?" Diana: "This is ancient demon magic..." Both: "Huh?" Diana: "The power instilled in this sword" Diana: "is assassination magic used by the Weiss we sealed so long ago." Haqua: "Ancient demon magic is forbidden. Offenders are thrown in prison or worse!" El: "Does that mean some Weiss have returned?" El: "What's wrong?" Haqua: "This is the mark of Vintage." El: "Vintage?" Haqua: "A cult of modern demons who seek to revive the ancient demons. They may know how to use ancient demon magic." Haqua: "You can find assassination magic in today's Hell, but this is far stronger." Haqua: "An ordinary human would instantly lose all their energy and die." Haqua: "The power of the goddess is sustaining her. However, it won't last. Eventually..." Kei: "Don't just stop there." Kei: "Tell us how many days before she dies." Kei: "From here on, we focus on exchanging information." El: "Eh?" Kei: "The information I have will determine my choices." Haqua: "Choices? How can you say that?!" El: "Exalted Brother, you have to help her! Kanon is in love with you!" Kei: "If the conditions are met. First, I'll need information." Haqua: "Conditions? A life is on the line! This isn't a game!" Kei: "Indeed, this isn't a game." Kei: "That's why..." Kei: "I have to save her!" Kei: "Time is of the essence. In order to do what's best," Kei: "I need information." Kei: "Haqua..." Haqua: "Huh?" Kei: "How many days does Kanon have to live?" Haqua: "M-Maybe a week? Once the miasma spreads through her body," Haqua: "she'll die." Kei: "One week. Got it. The goddesses are the" Kei: "Didn't you say it was the goddesses who sealed the Weiss once before?" Diana: "However, I do not currently have sufficient power to extract this." Kei: "What if you had another goddess to help you?" Diana: "If my other sisters were here, we could do anything." Kei: "Understood." Kei: "I'll find the goddesses before the week ends." Kei: "We need to hurry." Kei: "This Vintage cult is probably targeting the others as we speak." Diana: "It should be fine." Diana: "My sister Apollo dispatched a warning." Diana: "It's written in the ancient language of Heaven." Diana: ""We have been betrayed by Hell. Trust no one."" Diana: "My sisters will be on their guard..." Diana: "Which means they'll be even further from our reach." Kei: "That's for the best. One less thing to worry about." Diana: "You must have a plan in mind." Diana: "For the time being, I shall go into hiding." Diana: "Don't contact me unless absolutely necessary." Kei: "I have a question." Kei: "How many sisters do you have?" Diana: "There are six of us." Diana: "Vulcanus. Apollo. Diana. Minerva. Mars. Mercurius." Diana: "We six are known as the Jupiter Sisters." Kei: "Six... Got it." Diana: "I am counting on you." Kei: "Tenri, go home. Don't let Diana out." Ten: "Okay." Kei: "One week to find four goddesses..." Haqua: "Well?" Haqua: "Where do we start?" Kei: "Idol training." Both: "Huh?" Oka: "She's late!" El: "S-Sorry for being late! U-Um... I'm Kanon..." Oka: "Stop fooling around!" El: "My Exalted Brother told me to do this!" Oka: "Do you know how many times I called? Everyone's waiting for you!" Oka: "Kanon, hurry up." El: "Oh, okay!" Haqua: "She used her raiment to change her hair. The rest is an illusion spell." Haqua: "To other humans, she looks like Kanon. But to us, she just looks like Elsie in disguise. Yep, it seems to be working." Kei: "That takes care of Kanon's absence. Which only leaves..." Mari: "Hello, this is the Katsuragi residence." Mari: "Oh, you work with my husband?" Kei: "Your husband is at death's door." Mari: "Huh?!" Mari: "Darling!" Kei: "That gets Mom out of the house for a while. I'll be able to focus on the problem at hand." Haqua: "You're pretty heavy-handed..." Kei: "Haqua, come to my house tomorrow morning." Haqua: "Huh?" Kei: "You and I will search for the goddesses." Kei: "For the next week, you will be my Buddy." Haqua: "Huh?" Haqua: "So, how are we supposed to search for the goddesses?" Kei: "There's no need." Kei: "The goddesses are inside the targets I conquered." Haqua: "How do you know that?" Kei: "Diana is in Tenri, and Apollo is in Kanon." Kei: "They were both targets. Also, Diana mentioned" Kei: "that a girl who is host to a goddess will remember the conquest." Kei: "That was true with Kanon." Haqua: "Th-That's it?" Kei: "Just watch. Kanon left us a present that should do the trick." Haqua: "A present?" A: "Over there." B: "That's Kanon's boyfriend?" C: "No way!" D: "Isn't that the dweeb?" E: "Kanon confessed her love to him." Haqua: "Everyone's looking at us." Kei: "Perfect... The more the rumors spread, the easier it will be to flush out potential goddess hosts." Haqua: "What do you mean?" Kei: "It's simple. If one of my targets hosts a goddess and remembers the conquest, she'll still be in love with me." Haqua: "How can you take this so calmly?" Kei: "After hearing about Kanon's confession, she won't be very happy." Haqua: "In other words..." Kei: "If any of my targets are mad at me, they're a potential host." Kei: "Hot! Hot!" Chi: "Oops... Sorry." Kei: "Chihiro?" Chi: "My hand slipped." A: "Oh? Ellie!" A: "You changed your hair." Haqua: "Oh! Um, well..." Haqua: "Hey, how does Elsie usually act at school?" Kei: "Exactly as you are now. Just flounder around." Kei: "Ayumi." Ayu: "Morning, Katsuragi!" Kei: "Huh?" Ayu: "I can't go in with you standing there..." Ayu: "So move it!" Kei: "Chihiro and Ayumi are both angry." Kei: "Hello." Kei: "Long time no see, Minami." Minami: "Um, have we met before?" Kei: "So you're working here now." Kei: "That's great." Mio: "Who are you?" Haqua: "Hmm?" Haqua: "What's that?" Kei: "A list of the girls I've conquered." Haqua: "It's grown quite a bit." Kei: "After my inspection today, I can narrow this list down to five." Haqua: "How?" Kei: "My theory is that the girls most closely related to me are hosting goddesses." Haqua: "Huh?" Kei: "These names are listed in the order of how close each one is to me. Goddesses are inside Tenri, my childhood friend and neighbor, and Kanon, my classmate. Two more classmates, Ayumi and Chihiro, were clearly mad at me today, so they're suspect. I confirmed that the third-year Kusunoki's memory" Kei: "Today proved the younger Minami" Kei: "In other words, it's unlikely" Kei: "Akari Kurakawa also fits in that category. The rest on the right are also unlikely hosts," Kei: "So I can disregard those to the right of the line" Kei: "I just confirmed that Mio doesn't remember. Which means... Including the suspicious ones... Ayumi, Chihiro, Tsukiyo, Shiori, Yui." Kei: "Those five hold the four remaining goddesses." Haqua: "All four remaining goddesses?" Haqua: "But that's based on their relationships to you." Kei: "I may have had this all backwards." Kei: "The goddesses need love to restore their power. We've determined that two are within my conquests. Perhaps I was chosen to be a Buddy" Kei: "My purpose is to provide the love that's required to awaken them." Haqua: "Th-That's impossible..." Kei: "Otherwise, the one arranging this scenario" Haqua: "I can't keep up with all your assumptions!" Kei: "I only have a week to complete my conquests. I need only to rely on what's most probable. Time to go home." Haqua: "Oh... See you tomorrow." Kei: "Haqua..." Kei: "Starting today, you should stay with me." Haqua: "H-Hold on... No one else is there right now! I can't be there alone with you!" Kei: "We won't be alone." Kei: "Kanon's there." Haqua: "Her condition hasn't changed." Haqua: "For now, she should be okay." Kei: "I see." Haqua: "I've never seen Katsuragi so serious before." Kei: "How am I supposed to bring out the goddesses within this time limit?" Kei: "And once the goddesses are revealed, Vintage will go after them." Kei: "I can't let anyone else end up like Kanon." Kei: "What can I do? What is there I can do?" Haqua: "I have to be there for Katsuragi." Kei: "Is that really... But that's..." Kei: "Oh? You're taking a bath?" Kei: "Perfect timing. I've made my decision." Kei: "Haqua, I will cease to be a god." Kei: "I will..." Kei: "become the gaming world's devil!" Kei: "Ayumi..." Ayu: "Wh-What is it?" Kei: "No matter what anyone else says to me, I don't want you to get the wrong idea!" Ayu: "Huh?" Kei: "A-Ayumi... You're the one I..." Ayu: "A-Are you insane? Stupid! Stupid! Stupid!" Kei: "Chihiro went to the store" Kei: "Time to move." Haqua: "Why are you confessing your love to everyone?" Kei: "If we only revive the goddesses, Vintage will come after them. Goddesses need love to fuel their power." Kei: "The girls are feeling down, having heard the Kanon rumors. But when they overcome mishaps and misunderstandings like these, their love parameters will skyrocket." Kei: "I need the girls to fall in love with me again." Kei: "I have to reach their endings again to give the goddesses back their powers." Haqua: "But there are five potential hosts." Kei: "I'll have to conquer them at the same time." Haqua: "At the same time? You're disgusting!" Kei: "Chihiro... Uh, I'm sorry." Chi: "Huh?" Kei: "You're probably mad about Kanon..." Chi: "No idea what you mean." Kei: "It's not what you think!" Chi: "Huh?!" Haqua: "He's following this script to the letter." Kei: "I don't want you to get the wrong idea." Kei: "Chihiro..." Kei: "Y-You're the one I..." Kei: "Wait for Chihiro to react. If she says something, move to the next line. Otherwise, act embarrassed and leave." Chi: "Wh-What's this? How can you say that with such a serious expression?" Kei: "If she treats it like a joke..." Chi: "Get away from me, you cockroach." Haqua: "You could at least change your lines..." Kei: "Her anger hasn't subsided," Kei: "Not bad." Kei: "I'll need your help with the next one." Chi: "Eh?" Haqua: "Walk home with either Chihiro or Ayumi," Chi: "Ellie, wanna grab some cake before we go home?" Haqua: "S-Sure!" Kei: "Nothing has refuted my theory, but nothing has proven it." Kei: "It's easy to tell when Ayumi and Chihiro act differently." Kei: "But it gets harder from here." Tsu: "Luna, the next full moon isn't for a while," Tsu: "so there's no point in looking at the sky..." Kei: "Tsukiyo..." Kei: "Sorry." Kei: "Are you mad about Kanon?" Tsu: "Who are you?" Kei: "Does she not remember me? Or is this how she shows her anger?" Kei: "There's nothing between Kanon and me!" Tsu: "I don't know what you're talking about." Tsu: "Who is Kanon?" Kei: "Is it safe to assume she doesn't remember me?" Ayu: "What was that all about?" Kei: "She's coming this way! Over here!" Ayu: "How stupid..." Kei: "I can't let them meet! If this becomes a love rectangle," Tsu: "What do you think you're doing, you animal?!" Tsu: "I never want to see your face again!" Kei: ""I never want to see your face again." That isn't something you say" Kei: "She probably remembers everything." Kei: "And she's definitely mad." Kei: "Tsukiyo is also suspicious." Kei: "Two more to go!" Shi: "H-H-Here you are." A: "Thanks." B: "I'd like to borrow this." Shi: "Yes. It's due back in two weeks." Kei: "I'd like to borrow this!" Kei: "She appears to remember me. The question is whether she still loves me." Kei: "Doesn't matter... Library girls can always be found in one place. I can trigger events with her anytime." Yui: "Hello. Aren't you Katsuragi, Elsie's older brother?" Yui: "I've seen you pretty often during band practice. I'm Yui Goido, from class A. Nice to meet you." Kei: "Y-Yui?" Kei: "I didn't expect her to approach me." Kei: "She started off as a shy rich girl." Kei: "But maybe our body switch, due to the loose soul, influenced her." Kei: "She's turned into a confusing character, a girl who dresses like a boy. Since there were lingering effects," Kei: "However, she's introducing herself, meaning she's completely forgotten me." Kei: "In other words..." Kei: "Goodbye." Kei: "...Yui isn't a host." Yui: "Don't go." Yui: "I want to talk with you some more." Yui: "I want to know more about you." Kei: "Wh-What is this feeling?" Kei: "Is this an aftereffect of Yui conquering me when I was a girl?" Yui: "I love you!" Kei: "Wh-What?" Yui: "I knew from the moment I saw you that you were special." Kei: "B-But... Haven't you heard about Kanon and me?" Yui: "I don't care about that." Kei: "R-Really? Th-This is bad... I can't think—" Haqua: "What do you think you're doing?!" Yui: "Elsie, don't we have band practice today?" Haqua: "Hmm?" Yui: "Chihiro and Ayumi didn't show up, either. The Mai High Festival is coming up, so you shouldn't skip practice." Haqua: "O-Oh..." Yui: "Well, I'll see you around, Katsuragi." Haqua: "Is that Yui Goido?" Shi: "P-Plea—" Shi: "Please be quiet in the librarian!" Haqua: "Librarian?" Kei: "She doesn't remember the conquest, but her love is still in effect? Since she confessed to me, she's a potential host. That sucks..." Haqua: "Then the five possible hosts are Tsukiyo Kujo, Yui Goido, Ayumi Takahara, Chihiro Kosaka, and Shiori Shiomiya." Haqua: "Four of them are hosting goddesses." Kei: "That's right." Chi: "Ellie, did you just call me?" Kei: "Hello?" Chi: "Katsuragi? Why did you answer her phone?" Kei: "Elsie can't come to the phone right now." Kei: "So I'm passing on her messages." Chi: "What is it?" Kei: "She said she wants to walk home with you tomorrow, so wait in the classroom after school." Chi: "Huh? Why?" Kei: "No idea. That's just what she said." Chi: "I don't understand, but fine... Bye-bye." Kei: "Chihiro!" Kei: "I'm sorry about today." Haqua: "Katsuragi, what was that phone call for?" Kei: "Preparation for tomorrow's "leaving school simultaneously" event." Haqua: "Huh?" Kei: "I'm done looking for hosts." Kei: "Time for the next stage." El: "Thank you very much!" Haqua: "You're good, but you can't conquer five girls simultaneously." Kei: "If you can't court multiple girls at once, you can't play dating sims. I'd like to say it's simple... But in the real world, it takes time to move around. Can't I revert to a save point?" Haqua: "You're just now realizing this?" Kei: "Hmm? What's this notebook?"
{ "raw_title": "The World God Only Knows: Goddesses Episode 2 – Scramble Formation", "parsed": [ "The World God Only Knows: Goddesses", "2", "Scramble Formation" ] }
Haqua: "Simultaneous "leaving school" events." Haqua: "You're walking home from school with them?" Kei: "I have my list of potential goddess hosts." Kei: "All that's left is to get close to them." Haqua: "Is walking home with them really so important?" Kei: "Amateur." Kei: "Love means..." Kei: "1) Walk home together! 2) Exchange contact information. 3) Go on a date. 4) The girl invites you to walk home together. Repeat 3 and 4!" Kei: "The first step is walking home together! If you can't get that part down," Haqua: "Stupid." Kei: "Okay!" Kei: "All done!" Kei: "I'll follow this schedule. One hour for each of the five!" Haqua: "You can't do all that." Kei: "Watch me." Kei: "I'll raise my affection level with each girl by 5!" Haqua: "Is that a lot?" kai: "Okay, we'll stop there." kai: "Class is over. Enjoy your weekend." Kei: "It's raining?" Chi: "Ayumi!" Ayu: "'Sup, Chihiro?" Chi: "Class is finally over..." Haqua: "Ah, Ayumi, Chihiro!" Haqua: "T-Time for band practice!" Chi: "Hey, Ellie... You're all fired-up." Haqua: "Right?" Kei: "Tsukiyo Kujo, from class 2-A, Astronomy Club President. On that fateful night, I conquered Tsukiyo," Kei: "and I figured her memory of that was gone. So afterwards, I stayed away from her." Kei: "But..." Tsu: "I never want to see your face again!" Kei: "Tsukiyo has memories of me, and she was angry. In other words, it's very likely that a goddess is inside Tsukiyo." Kei: "Still..." Kei: "Why isn't she here? I'm already an hour behind schedule!" Tsu: "I hate the rain." Tsu: "Luna, are you wet?" Kei: "H-Hey..." Kei: "I waited for you so we could walk home together." Kei: "She's a character who takes the bus to school?" Kei: "What a pain!" Kei: "Let's go home together." Tsu: "Stay away from me," Tsu: "you sick freak!" Kei: "I need to make up for lost time..." Tsu: "What are you talking about?" A: "Excuse me... We're leaving." Kei: "Clearing up what happened with Kanon should be simple, but I want to keep things as they are for now." Kei: "In games, love triangles are standard. Maintaining the triangle is easy enough. The three F's that keep the triangle intact, also known as Love's Delta Force!" Kei: "First, you must quickly..." Kei: "I don't know why there are all these rumors about Kanon and me." Tsu: "I would like you to stop talking to me." Kei: "Next..." Kei: "Foolish! A man must play the fool." Kei: "My head!" Tsu: "Stupid." Kei: "And to seal the deal..." Kei: "Finish with an open ending! Avoid anything conclusive!" Kei: "But I didn't have enough time to work with... Her affection level hasn't..." Tsu: "Use this." Kei: "Th-Thanks." Kei: "U-Uh, Tsukiyo? I know tomorrow's Sunday," Kei: "but will you be in the astronomy club room?" Tsu: "If the night sky is clear." Kei: "Yes!" Kei: "Permission to enter!" Chi: "Wow, Ellie... You've got your part down." Chi: "You must have practiced hard." Haqua: "Oh, you think so?" Chi: "That's a good girl." Ayu: "Should we call it a day?" Chi: "Sounds good!" Haqua: "Eh?" Haqua: "This is bad!" Kei: "A warning from Haqua! They've already finished practice?" Kei: "You're supposed to buy more time for me!" Yui: "Well, ladies, I'm out." Miya: "You count as a lady." Yui: "Bye-bye!" Haqua: "Yui left! I h-have to stop the other two! Um, why don't we talk for a bit?" Chi: "Oh, Ellie... Did you need something?" Chi: "I got a call from Katsuragi last night." Ayu: "From Katsuragi?" Chi: "Uh-huh." Ayu: "Oh, then I'm leaving." Chi: "Sure." Chi: "So what did you want?" Kei: "I'm off to a bad start..." Kei: "Yui... Crap, she's about to leave." Kei: "I'll run into the car if need be!" Kei: "A very inconvenient turn of events. Doesn't anyone care what happens to Kanon?" Ayu: "Katsuragi?" Kei: "Ayumi?" Kei: "Adjust!" Kei: "I waited for you so we could walk home together." Miya: "What are you doing, Katsuragi?" Kei: "Screw the real world! The walk home from school is a critical chance to increase affection level!" Miya: "It stopped raining." Kei: "So... Why is Miyako here?" Kei: "In games, walking home together is pointless when you're not alone! In games, only little sisters and childhood friends can interfere!" Kei: "Wait..." Kei: "I have no time..." Kei: "Ignore Miyako, and proceed with the plan. Ayumi, how did you do on the last test? I'd guess that you—" Miya: "Hey, Katsuragi... If you walk home with us, won't Kanon be mad?" Kei: "That was unnecessary." Ayu: "Yeah, I never would've expected Katsuragi and Kanon as a couple. When did that happen?" Miya: "Oh! I wanna hear the story!" Kei: "Please, Miyako, cut me some slack!" Kei: "Her affection level is dropping..." Kei: "Time to recover." Kei: "It's just a rumor. The truth is that..." Kei: "Haqua and Chihiro?!" Kei: "Why are they here? Oh, I'm dying for some of the taiyaki here!" Miya: "Huh?" Ayu: "Hey! What are you doing?! What's this about?" Kei: "Let's go inside!" Ayu: "No!" Kei: "They came in!" Chi: "Should we check the usual music store?" Chi: "So, the second floor?" Haqua: "Y-Yes!" Miya: "Katsuragi?" Miya: "Katsuragi, you wanted ogura, right?" Miya: "It's hot, so I'll wrap another napkin around it. Here!" Kei: "No point being nice to me now. If a loose soul gets inside you, I won't help." Miya: "Huh? Hey, where are you going?" Kei: "The restroom!" Miya: "Eat that first..." Kei: "Haqua..." Haqua: "Chihiro said she wanted to visit the music shop." Kei: "They all just have to do things their own way..." Kei: "Do your job right! You do realize how important these conquests are?" Haqua: "I know!" Ayu: "Katsuragi!" Kei: "Ayumi..." Ayu: "Were you just talking to someone?" Kei: "No one... Uh, did you need something?" Ayu: "Y-Yeah..." Ayu: "I d-don't have time to waste on you... So don't talk to me anymore! Got it?" Kei: "I refuse." Kei: "I will continue to follow you around!" Ayu: "Let me go—" Kei: "Sorry, but you can't say anything to stop me." Haqua: "Ayumi!" Haqua: "What are you doing here?" Ayumi: "E-Ellie..." Ayu: "Hot! Hot! Hot!" Chi: "Ellie's taking a long time in the restroom... Does she have a stomachache or something?" Chi: "Katsuragi? What are you doing?" Kei: "Oh, Chihiro." Kei: "Elsie asked me to pick up some bass strings." Kei: "But I can't tell which to get." Chi: "Where's Ellie?" Kei: "Something came up, so she left." Chi: "Eh?!" Chi: "I'm guessing she wants these." Kei: "What's the difference?" Chi: "The thickness is different." Kei: "Thickness?" Kei: "Is there any need for so many different guitars, anyway? Aren't they all the same?" Chi: "Idiot, they're all different." Kei: "How so?" Chi: "I don't know!" Kei: "You don't?" Chi: "Well, I'm still a beginner. I've only been playing guitar for six months." Chi: "Wow, this one's amazing!" Kei: "What's with that price? Think how many games you could buy." Chi: "Excuse me!" Chi: "Oh, Katsuragi... Stand near me. Or it's too embarrassing." Kei: "Well? Did the expensive one sound better?" Chi: "I couldn't even tell. I was too nervous..." Kei: "What was that song you were singing?" Chi: "Oh, that? It's a song I wrote." Chi: "The plan is to perform an original song for the Mai High Festival, but I've only finished the beginning." Kei: "Really?" Kei: "But..." Kei: "It sounded pretty nice." Chi: "You can't judge a song by the beginning—" Chi: "Why am I talking to you about this?! That's just weird..." Kei: "I'm making progress with Ayumi and Chihiro." Miya: "Oh, Ellie..." Miya: "Pay for your brother's taiyaki." Haqua: "Huh?!" Kei: "Next up is Shiori." Haqua: "The library's closed..." Kei: "That makes my job easier." Kei: "Sorry." Shi: ""The lingering light particles from the bombardment gathered into concentrated lasers, until space was filled with light beams large enough to blow up planets." Shi: "Stardate 20 DA. The Ancestor Galactic War has been raging for six hundred years."" Shi: ""My name is Simone... Simone S. Libro! I've become a galactic reporter, and it's like a dream come true!"" Kei: "SF? Plus a galactic war? This will spin out of control..." Shi: "I-Is someone there?" Shi: ""Editor-in-Chief! We have a responsibility to denounce the crimes committed in this war. Why is there an article on space dumplings?"" E: ""Shut up! You're fired!"" Shi: ""As punishment, I have to sort articles every day. I never get to go into space..."" Shi: ""I have a bad habit of saying everything that comes to mind." Shi: "I wish I could learn to keep my mouth shut. It'll never happen."" Kei: "Seriously? The main character is the author's total opposite..." Shi: ""In the library, I met a strange man." Shi: "His name is Kashiragi. Pierre Kashiragi."" Kashi: ""Books are wonderful. They contain the human race's legacy."" Shi: ""Books are a relic of the past."" Kei: "Kashiragi?" Kashi: ""Don't write in the books."" Shi: ""I was making corrections."" Kashi: ""We seem to be talking a lot."" Shi: ""Are we friends now?"" Kashi: ""Simone, you're like a main character."" Shi: ""Don't say stuff like that."" Kei: "The roles are reversed, but this is how my conquest went." Kei: "Then, Shiori remembers the conquest." Kashi: ""I'm too scared to go into space."" Shi: ""Very well. I'll give you the courage."" Kei: "This is how my conquest went! Which means, after this... Huh? There's nothing written down." Shi: ""Kashiragi died."" Kei: "Eh?!" Shi: ""Kashiragi was shot and killed in battle. I held a space funeral for Kashiragi."" Kei: "Kashiragi! Why are you suddenly dead?!" Shi: ""I didn't feel bad at all."" Kei: "Her attitude completely changed." Kei: "Is this because of the Kanon rumors?" Kei: "Uh..." Shi: "You shouldn't..." Kei: "She can't become Simone." Kei: "Sorry." Kei: "I added something to the end." Shi: "The end? "A few days later, the capsule returned."" Kashi: ""I didn't die! Thanks to my space body armor, I escaped without a scratch!"" Shi: ""No one told you to come back to life! And don't add stupid plot devices!"" Kashi: ""I just wanted to see you again."" Shi: ""Kashiragi was swallowed whole by a vicious Renbatos and died! I wasn't sad at all."" Kashi: ""Kashiragi was never digested and escaped. It was a miracle."" Shi: ""Why do you keep coming back to life? I don't want to see you! And Kashiragi isn't supposed to talk so much! Besides, I have a story on nebula synthetic negi ramen I need to work on..."" Kashi: ""I want to spend more time with you. Can I help you with your story on nebula ramen?"" Kei: "Well, that's enough for now." Shi: "Um... It's "nebula synthetic negi ramen."" Kei: "Okay... The story will continue." Kei: "But my goal is to trigger a "leaving school" event." Kei: "Haqua... Watch from above," Kei: "I'll accidentally run into her." Haqua: "Fine." Haqua: "So stupid." Yui: "No one's inside..." Yui: "Where'd he go?" Kei: "Yui!" Yui: "Hey..." Kei: "Why are you here?! I saw you take a car home!" Yui: "I wanted to walk home with you." Yui: "I spotted you from the car. These days, it isn't safe outside, so I couldn't let a helpless boy walk home alone." Kei: "Hold on... That's what boys say to girls. You come later... Don't trigger events on your own!" Kei: "What's with her?" Kei: "She's acting more like a playable character than a heroine. Which means that I'm her target. Player versus player? That takes courage!" Kei: "I don't need you to walk me home." Kei: "I'm a man, so I should walk you home." Yui: "That made my heart skip... Every now and then, you have this nice expression..." Kei: "Good." Yui: "But earlier, you used the same look on Ayumi and Chihiro." Kei: "What?!" Yui: "I was watching you. I didn't think you were a playboy..." Kei: "Playboy?" Yui: "Here's a present!" Kei: "There are too many new elements! I can't process everything!" Yui: "It's an item you'll definitely need in the future..." Yui: "A girl's Mai High uniform!" Kei: "The hell am I supposed to do with this?!" Yui: "Obviously, you're going to wear it." Yui: "It would look strange if both members of a couple wore male uniforms." Kei: "Why don't you dress like a girl?!" Yui: "You'll get used to it soon enough." Kei: "I don't want to get used to it! And we're not a couple!" Haqua: "Is this a comedy act?" Yui: "I realize that you may be a bad person. But I will teach you true love!" Kei: "It's not true love if we're both cross-dressing!" Yui: "Don't worry... Love will overcome all." Kei: "Shiori? Now!" Kei: "Haqua..." Haqua: "Honestly..." Kei: "I was scared!" Kei: "Let's go home!" Haqua: "Yeah, yeah." : "Today, we caught Kanon after a recording session for an interview!" : "We asked her about the juicy rumors floating around!" Kei: "I managed to trigger "leaving school" events, but it's going slowly." Kei: "If their affection drops to hate, the conquest will take too long or it's game over." Kei: "I estimate these are the current affection levels." Kei: "I should start by spending Sunday with..." Kei: "Guess I'll go see all of them." : "Hi!" : "Long time, no see." Kei: "Why is Nora here? Does she know about Kanon?" Haqua: "No way!" Kei: "Either way, she's trouble." Kei: "She once tried to kill me!" Haqua: "She's a co-worker! She wouldn't go that far... Probably." : "Hey, don't ignore me! Is Elsie around?" : "Haqua?" : "Why are you here?" Haqua: "I'm j-just visiting... What brings you here?" : "Just a message to pass along. So, where's Elsie?" Haqua: "I don't think she's around." : "Oh, tough luck..." Kei: "Listen to me." Kei: "Don't let her find Kanon." Haqua: "I know that!" : "You're more useful than my stupid Buddy." Kei: "I'm glad that you like me!" : "Eh? What was that?" Haqua: "Why are you sucking up to her?" Kei: "I changed my mind. Ask her for information." Haqua: "I s-see..." Haqua: "Hey, Nora? Why do you need to talk to Elsie?" : "We have new orders from the bureau." : "We're supposed to find residents of Heaven who are hiding on Earth." Haqua: "I didn't hear anything about that!" : "This is still confidential. The official announcement will be tomorrow. They're talking about the goddesses, right? That means..." Kei: "What are goddesses?" : "You just worry about catching loose souls! Man, stop irritating me..." Kei: "Haqua..." Kei: "I'm going to the library. I need you to maintain relations with Nora so we can squeeze information out of her." Haqua: "Huh? M-Maintain relations? Wait!" Kei: "More support for my theory that all the goddesses are in this city." Kei: "Kanon will only last a few more days." Kei: "But my conquests aren't proceeding as planned..." Kei: "I have to hurry!" Kei: "Tsukiyo, Shiori, Yui, Ayumi, Chihiro... This school is full of potential goddesses. If this were a game," El: "I want to help!" Kei: "You'd better not be the last goddess..." El: "Ah! A fire engine!"
{ "raw_title": "The World God Only Knows: Goddesses Episode 3 – 5 Home", "parsed": [ "The World God Only Knows: Goddesses", "3", "5 Home" ] }
Haqua: "I was told to press her for information, but... I can't trust her." : "Well, I'll be leaving now." Haqua: "Huh?" : "Tell Elsie to come see me when she gets back." Haqua: "Hey, wait!" : "Buh-bye!" Haqua: "What is this?!" Haqua: "Is it Kanon?!" Kei: "Where's Shiori?" Kei: "This notebook is..." Kei: "Shiori?" Kei: "Is she giving me permission to read it?" Kei: "Just look at how much she's scrapped..." Kei: "I'm not allowed to read those, huh?" Simone: ""On the eve of the French revolution, oppressive nobles, wars, and poverty ravaged the countryside, causing the people much suffering." Simone: "I, Simone, have inherited the Mask of Justice my late father protected!" Simone: "I am the swordswoman who upholds justice! Étoile de Shooting Star!"" Kei: "What happened to the SF setting? And this is horrible. Awful, even." Kei: "I guess I made the right choice." Kei: "But it's really hard to not criticize that story..." Kei: "Huh? Why did it suddenly get dark?" Kei: "Is it closing time already?" Kei: "Whatever. Next will be Ayumi or Chihiro..." Haqua: "The miasma is getting stronger!" Haqua: "Her defenses are wearing down." Haqua: "Hang in there, Kanon!" : "What's with this disgusting miasma?" Haqua: "Nora?! Didn't you leave?!" : "You thought I wouldn't notice miasma seeping into the hallway?" : "What's going on? I want an explanation." : "Come on, spit it out." Haqua: "Vintage put a curse on her. The fate of New Hell" Haqua: "rests on whether she lives or dies." Kei: "Only a demon could do this." Kei: "Is it one of the demons who stabbed Kanon?" Kei: "Vintage?! No..." Kei: "They're not trying to kill me?" Kei: "Then I'll make my move!" Kei: "There is someone capable of doing this who isn't a demon!" Kei: "Luna! Tsukiyo's doll! Is she a goddess?" Luna: "Stay away from Tsukiyo." Kei: "I'm being crushed!" Kei: "There's a goddess inside Tsukiyo! But there may be enemies around. I have to pretend that I know nothing." Kei: "Is this some kind of prank?!" Kei: "Why are you picking on me?!" Luna: "I am Vulcanus," Kei: "Vulcanus! She's one of the sisters Diana mentioned!" Kei: "But why is she revealing her name?! Doesn't she understand the situation?!" Luna: "This is a warning. Never go near Tsukiyo again." Luna: "Tsukiyo is a beautiful girl." Luna: "More beautiful than anything I have ever seen." Luna: "I will not allow an unfaithful, dirty, and dangerous man like you to associate with her." Kei: "Which of us is the dangerous one?! What have I done?!" Luna: "You were being quite friendly with the library girl." Luna: "I saw you with my own eyes." Kei: "She's pretty observant, for a doll." Kei: "Was Tsukiyo watching through Luna? If that's the case, I can't let them see Shiori's letter." Kei: "Goodbye, evidence!" Luna: "I was aware that you received something from that girl." Luna: "This is the undeniable proof." Luna: "What's this?" Luna: "He's gone!" Kei: "Hey! You better clean up the mess you made!" Kei: "Clearly she's still just a doll, if she fell for that trick." Kei: "But she made a mess in the process. What if Vintage finds her?" Kei: "If I want to stop Vulcanus..." Kei: "She's not here! That means..." Kei: "Tsukiyo... No, there's a ring." Vulcan: "I am a weak goddess." Vulcan: "My vision and hearing are poor. I cannot walk." Luna: "However, I can manipulate objects. I send my soul into objects, turning them into my eyes and limbs. Objects are all I need" Luna: "to protect Tsukiyo." Kei: "Let me talk to Tsukiyo!" Kei: "Tsukiyo!" Tsu: "I feel the same way Luna does." Tsu: "You never came to see me." Kei: "Right... Since she hosts a goddess," Kei: "Tsukiyo remembers everything from her conquest." Kei: "No wonder she's mad." Luna: "On top of that, you're spending lots of time with the singer girl and the library girl." Tsu: "You mean nothing to me! I hate you!" Tsu: "Luna, get rid of him!" Kei: "Hey, come on! You creepy doll! Let me through! I want to talk to Tsukiyo!" Luna: "Tsukiyo says that she doesn't want to see you. If you wish to speak to her, you'll have to get past me." Kei: "Tsukiyo refuses to come out. It sounds like she doesn't want to hear what I have to say. In that case..." Kei: "I'm the one who should be mad! Why are you doing this to me?!" Luna: "Why? You know why! You were unfaithful to her with that singer Kanon, then you had the audacity to make a move on the library girl, too!" Kei: "Don't get so close." Kei: "I have no idea what you're talking about." Kei: "You must be confused." Luna: "Liars like you get buried by benches, crushed into paste, and sent to the depths of hell!" Kei: "That's not very beautiful." Kei: "But I can't let this event end quietly." Kei: "Bad situations are important steps in a conquest. This is where I must make my move." Kei: "Don't you trust me, Tsukiyo?" Luna: "How could she trust you, demon?" Luna: "Leave at once!" Kei: "I refuse!" Kei: "I won't leave until I've talked with Tsukiyo!" Tsu: "I was happy being alone." Tsu: "So why did this evil man have to..." Tsu: "I'm ashamed of myself..." Kei: "It was inevitable." Tsu: "Inevitable?! How can you say such an irresponsible thing—" Kei: "It really was inevitable..." Kei: "We were brought together by fate." Tsu: "How can you say it was fate?" Tsu: "You're the one who approached me first!" Tsu: "Why did you come back? Why..." Tsu: "I was so close to forgetting about you..." Kei: "Tsukiyo!" Kei: "Kiss me!" Tsu: "Huh?" Kei: "A kiss will solve all of our problems!" Tsu: "What?" Kei: "In the end, it comes down to the kiss!" Kei: "Glory for all dating sims!" Luna: "You can no longer move now." Kei: "Shed!" Luna: "Your presence will corrupt Tsukiyo." Luna: "I will not let you see Tsukiyo again." Kei: "You should hurt me more than that." Kei: "You're absolutely right. I've hurt Tsukiyo." Kei: "And I can't guarantee that I won't make her unhappy." Luna: "How dare you speak so indifferently?!" Luna: "Leave before I drop these on you." Kei: "I'm willing to accept any punishment." Kei: "I need you to love me for a little longer! Otherwise," Kei: "I won't be able to protect you!" Luna: "Nonsense." Tsu: "Luna! Stop!" Luna: "Tsukiyo?" Tsu: "Can I trust you?" Tsu: "Can I really trust you, Keima?" Kei: "This world is filled with beautiful things." Kei: "We can search for them! You and I, together!" Tsu: "Keima!" Tsu: "Luna, are you trying to kill Keima?" Luna: "I lost control because you interfered." Luna: "This man doesn't know when to give up." Tsu: "Luna, we should talk to Keima about your sisters." Luna: "He cannot know about my existence." Tsu: "How can you say that after everything you did?" Luna: "Do you really trust this man?" Kei: "I need you to love me for a little longer! Otherwise," Kei: "I won't be able to protect you!" Luna: "Tsukiyo!" Kei: "Tsukiyo!" : "A Vintage curse, huh? So why did they target this girl?" Haqua: "I can't say right now." : "If you wait too long, they'll restore Ancient Hell." Haqua: "The Loose Souls team won't let that happen." : "You think the Loose Souls team works for good?" Haqua: "What do you mean?" : "Have you heard the rumors about" Haqua: "Vintage is within the Loose Souls team?!" : "The order to search for the goddesses is essentially an order to capture the goddesses." : "I wonder who issued the order." Luna: "Capture the goddesses?" Luna: "Know your place." : "Wh-What is this doll?" Luna: "Apollo is inside this girl." Luna: "Are we all living inside human girls right now?" Haqua: "Wait, is this..." Kei: "Yes, a goddess." Haqua: "Katsuragi..." : "A goddess?" Kei: "You said you were Vulcanus, right?" Haqua: "Vulcanus..." Vul: "Who are you?" Di: "I am Diana. It's been so long, Dear Sister." Vul: "Ah..." Di: "Our appearances may have changed, but I am overjoyed to see you again." Vul: "It appears that the time has come for us to be reunited." Vul: "Let us join our powers together." Di: "By the way, Dear Sister..." Di: "What are those things on your back?" Vul: "On my back?" Vul: "You mean my wings?" Vu: "What about them?" Di: "N-No, it's nothing." Vul: "However, I still find it hard to believe that we are being targeted. To leave Apollo in such a state..." Kei: "Right, I need the two of you to remove Apollo's curse." Kei: "I need you to come upstairs." Vul: "I cannot move. Carry me." Kei: "You could turn back into Tsukiyo and walk yourself." Vul: "I don't see a problem. You've carried Tsukiyo around before." : "This is getting interesting." Di: "Katsuragi." Kei: "Hmm?" Di: "My dear sister has her wings back." Kei: "What?" Di: "I only have my ring. This means that my dear sister has recovered more power." Di: "Did you engage in a special act of love with her?" Kei: "Huh?" Di: "One that you didn't do with Tenri!" Kei: "I didn't do anything." Vul: "Now, enough of that hushed chatter. Diana may be my sister," Vul: "Since you are an important source of power for Tsukiyo and myself." Vul: "Speaking of which, Diana..." Vul: "How did you recover your power?" Di: "Well, a lot has happened." Kei: "We can talk about this later. There's more important business to take care of right now!" Both: "Get a move on!" Vul: "It pains me to see her like this." Di: "I wasn't able to remove the curse by myself." Vul: "We will join our powers to remove the Weiss curse." Haqua: "Their power has been combined..." Haqua: "Incredible! This should be enough..." Kei: "It's out!" Kei: "Kanon! Are you okay?!" Kei: "Kanon?" Kei: "Hey, she's not waking up! What's wrong?!" Vul: "This is very bad. She's taken a dive." Kei: "A dive?" Di: "Hydration." Di: "She altered the body's state and dove deep inside." Vul: "However, this merely buys time." Di: "She must have been desperate." Kei: "I don't need the commentary! Get to the point!" Luna: "Our spell succeeded. The curse is gone." Vul: "However, Apollo also cast a spell on herself." Vul: "We will not be able to remove this spell." Di: "We need Sister Apollo to recover her power..." Di: "It's also possible that Mercurius would know what to do." Vul: "Ah, Mercurius..." Di: "But we don't know where she is." Kei: "Don't turn this into a crappy RPG! You try going on this wild goose chase!" Kei: "Well, at least we don't have to worry about Kanon dying now." : "I didn't expect to find a goddess so soon. If I report this to the bureau chief, I'll get more than just a medal!" Haqua: "Nora!" Kei: "Are you interested in working with me?" Kei: "Can you hide this information from your superiors for one week?" : "What? Why?" Kei: "I'm not asking you to do it for free." Haqua: "Hey!" Kei: "Once New Hell is saved, you can take all of the credit." : "I'm willing to hear you out." Kei: "Huh? The door's open." Kei: "Is anyone in here?" Kei: "What are you doing, Haqua? What's wrong?" Haqua: "Where's Nora?" Kei: "She left. We have a deal." Haqua: "U-Um..." Haqua: "Sorry!" Haqua: "I haven't been any help at all." Kei: "That's not true." Haqua: "Why did you ask Nora to join you, then?" Kei: "I didn't have a choice. We need information right now." Haqua: "I felt so proud when I was assigned to be a section chief." Haqua: "But now..." : "Have you heard the rumors about" Kei: "That's just something Nora said." Kei: "You shouldn't believe everything you hear. You have your own important job to do. Okay, all done." Haqua: "Clearly say it to me! Tell me how you feel! Say that you need me!" Kei: "Diana?" Di: "Katsuragi, could you please kiss me?" Kei: "Wh-What?" Kei: "Di-Diana?" Kei: "Hey..." Di: "I can't do this after all! Stay away from me, you animal! This is too hard for me!" Kei: "The hell are you trying to do?!" Di: "Is it my fault?" Kei: "What?" Di: "Sister Vulcanus has recovered her wings. That cannot be right! A goddess's power comes from love! My dear sister's host cannot have more love than Tenri! That would be" Di: "unfathomable!" Kei: "But the facts say differently..." Di: "That's impossible, you insensitive clod!" Di: "Tenri has loved you for ten years! It must be my fault. It's... because I think of you as" Kei: "What exactly is this development?" Di: "I've realized my mistake." Di: "I will do my best to like you... So you must engage in the ritual of love with Tenri right away!" Kei: "Wait, wait, wait..." Di: "Haqua?!" Haqua: "This doesn't seem quite right." Di: "Do not interrupt our conversation!" Haqua: "Right back at you. I was here first." Di: "What were you talking about in this room?" Haqua: "Huh?" Haqua: "N-Nothing important!" Di: "Then you should leave!" Haqua: "I didn't choose to..." Haqua: "This is so stupid." Di: "A goddess is above quarreling." Kei: "Diana." Kei: "It's my fault that you haven't recovered your power." Kei: "I realize that you and Tenri have it harder than the other girls." Kei: "Because both of you know everything that is going on." Kei: "I'm sorry." Di: "No, I am the one who asked you to do this." Di: "I do not feel as much disgust towards you now. I believe that you are a dependable person." Ten: "D-Do your best, Keima." Ten: "He didn't need to apologize..." Kei: "Three goddesses are left. The conquests are almost going too well. But the next target is Yui, the target I have the most trouble with." Yui: "Katsuragi, how about you get rid of that scary look on your face and go on a date with me?" Kei: "Sure, I'll go on a date. But I'm doing this to bring out the goddess! I'm not doing this for Yui!"
{ "raw_title": "The World God Only Knows: Goddesses Episode 4 – Doll Roll Hall", "parsed": [ "The World God Only Knows: Goddesses", "4", "Doll Roll Hall" ] }
Vul: "You want me to go home?" Kei: "Yes." Kei: "We don't know how strong Vintage is. If we're in one place, we risk being crippled by one attack." Kei: "Have Tsukiyo go about her life normally. But you must not reveal yourself, Vulcanus. On your left wrist is a tag made from Haqua's raiment. If anything happens, tear it off." Kei: "I'll know something is wrong at once." Vul: "What are you going to do?" Kei: "Search for the remaining goddesses." Vul: "I apologize for burdening you with this task." Vul: "By the way, Katsuragi... You're not going to tell me that the other girls hosting my sisters" Vul: "are all your girlfriends, are you?" Kei: "Can't say... I haven't found the other goddesses yet." Vul: "It boggles my mind..." Vul: "Why is Tsukiyo attracted to this dirty, disgusting, unknown quantity of a man?" Kei: "Everyone's a hater!" Vul: "Tsukiyo loves you." Vul: "Understood?" Tsu: "R-Release me!" Kei: "Tsukiyo..." Kei: "Be careful." Tsu: "You should be careful, as well, Keima." Kei: "Yeah." Kei: "Three more to go." Haqua: "At least the goddess search isn't as urgent now." Kei: "Why not?" Haqua: "Well..." Haqua: "With the curse on Kanon gone, you can slow down..." Kei: "No." Kei: "There's at least one conquest I need to complete right away." Yui: "Hello, Katsuragi." Yui: "Isn't it a lovely day?" Kei: "Yui..." Yui: "Shall we go out together?" Kei: "For the moment..." Kei: "I should..." Kei: "You shouldn't come to my house..." Kei: "I don't like people who are too pushy." Haqua: "Hey! What was that for?" Kei: "Quiet. The conquest has already begun. Right now," Kei: "I need to conquer Yui." Haqua: "Why?" Kei: "Currently, Yui isn't herself. She may be switched with her goddess." Haqua: "You mean..." Kei: "Yes." Kei: "It's similar to how Diana and Tenri switch places. Originally, Yui was" Kei: "But then, she changed drastically." Kei: "It's entirely possible." Kei: "If the goddess in Yui is currently in control..." Haqua: "Vintage could discover her!" Kei: "Correct, we should move fast..." Haqua: "However," Haqua: "isn't Yui your bane?" Kei: "You got that right... She came to my house on her own. She behaves like a player character. Conquering her right away won't be easy..." Haqua: "You're the one who said you had to." Kei: "We need a major event." Kei: "One that Yui won't be expecting." Chi: "Sucks that we have gym in the morning." Ayu: "So, Yui..." Ayu: "I see you're still on the girls' team for gym." Yui: "I already told you I never became a boy!" Chi: "But you wear a boy's P.E. uniform anyway." Yui: "I'm a girl—" Chi: "It really doesn't make a difference." Yui: "That's mean!" Ayu: "Oh, what time should we practice today?" Chi: "Let's see..." Miya: "The Mai School Festival's coming up." Miya: "Huh? Yui?" Yui: "Hey, excuse me!" Yui: "Wait!" Yui: "K-Katsuragi!" Yui: "Wh-What are you doing?" Kei: "U-Uh, this is..." Kei: "I-I've been feeling strange." Kei: "My heart feels confused..." Kei: "I know this can't be right..." Yui: "You're so cute! Now we match perfectly." Kei: "What are you talking about? This is wrong..." Yui: "I felt my heart skip. You're really cute, so you should make this your permanent look." Haqua: "You got her attention fast." Kei: "Yui is a strong player." Kei: "If I assume the player's role, we'll never get anywhere." Miya: "Where did you go, Yui?" Yui: "Nowhere." Miya: "Why are you grinning?" Kei: "My goal is to reach the ending as soon as possible." Yui: "What? No reason." Kei: "If I play the heroine," Kei: "I have data from tens of thousands of heroines. I will use that data as Yui conquers me." Kei: "I shall become the Conquered God!" Haqua: "Will this really work?" Haqua: "M-My Exalted Brother?" Yui: "Yep." Haqua: "I think he went somewhere..." Yui: "Oh." Yui: "Where'd he go?" Yui: "Katsuragi!" Yui: "You're so cute..." Kei: "U-Um..." Kei: "I have a question for you." Yui: "It can be awkward when I want to use the restroom, so I come here..." Kei: "Can you stand outside, in case someone comes?" Yui: "Sure..." Kei: "I don't know how boys go..." Yui: "Say, Katsuragi..." Yui: "Which kind of underwear are you wearing?" Kei: "Men's underwear..." Yui: "Katsuragi, in the past, was there something between us?" Kei: "Maybe... I don't know." Yui: "O-Oh..." Kei: "Anyway, Yui..." Yui: "Hmm?" Kei: "Would you go on a date with me today, after school?" Kei: "I want to get to know you better..." Yui: "Huh?!" Yui: "W-Wait... Let me think it over!" Kei: "Yesterday, she was the one asking me out," Kei: "but when I asked her today, she ran." Kei: "Something has changed." Haqua: "What? Explain what you mean." Kei: "That was the real Yui, not the goddess. When I first ran into her again, she introduced herself to me." Kei: "She didn't remember the conquest, but her feelings for me still existed." Kei: "I will give those unconscious feelings a purpose." Kei: "During the conquest, Yui and I switched bodies." Kei: "I'm going to try to invoke her memory of the time she spent in my body." Kei: "That may awaken her memory of the conquest." Haqua: "Will it actually work?" Kei: "She's already shown a response. I'm guessing the goddess is waking up right now." Kei: "Yui, you are a good player character." Kei: "However, I am a master in this field." Kei: "During our date after school, we will settle this! Yui, prepare yourself!" Yui: "Katsuragi seemed different today." Yui: "Because he was dressed like a girl?" Yui: "He's still the same person on the inside. My head" Yui: "is spinning..." Yui: "What?!" Mars: "Who are you?" Mars: "Where am I?" Mars: "I come from Heaven." Mars: "I am the goddess of war who judges the wicked. My name is Mars." Yui: "I must be really tired..." Mars: "Is this the human world? Why have I been awakened?" Mars: "Has the seal been broken?" Yui: "I don't need this! I've got enough on my mind with this date!" Mars: "Date?" Yui: "I'm meeting Katsuragi at DezeniSea, at 5 PM!" Mars: "Dezeni? What's that?" Yui: "Okay... Let's do this." Mars: "Listen to me!" Mars: "I have a bad feeling about this... You should carry a weapon on you." Yui: "You're a strange one..." Mars: "This world is too relaxed!" Mars: "And why are you, a man, in love with another man?" Yui: "Like I keep saying, I'm a girl!" Mars: "That's news to me." Kei: "That should do it." Haqua: "How can you stand to dress like that?" Kei: "We're battling for control of the relationship. I must stay one step ahead of her to—" Yui: "Katsuragi!" Yui: "Sorry about being late..." Kei: "A tuxedo..." Yui: "Katsuragi, you look wonderful." Yui: "You're much cuter this way." Kei: "Crap, she's taken the initiative." Yui: "I brought clothes with me." Yui: "Could you put them on?" A: "Welcome to StarJetter. How many are..." Yui: "Tickets for two." Kei: "Hey, what's with this dress?" Yui: "You're so cute!" A: "Are they in the parade?" Yui: "Please, my lady..." Kei: "She's pretending to be a butler? I have to applaud her initiative." Kei: "However, Yui's love for me won't grow if I let things stand." Kei: "I have to make her fall more deeply for me." Kei: "It's time to awaken the devilish girl inside me!" Yui: "A lunch?! You made it yourself?" Kei: "Yes, I'm a good cook..." Yui: "I'm so happy!" Kei: "Yui's a rich girl. Food that's merely good won't make an impression." Kei: "So make everything suck!" Kei: "Come on, go crazy for my clumsy self." Kei: "I tried my best..." Kei: "H-How is it?" Yui: "My mom and dad are so busy, I never get a home-cooked meal." Yui: "I'm so happy, I could cry." Yui: "Say, would you cook for me again?" Kei: "I'll consider it..." Yui: "I'll go buy something to drink!" Haqua: "Honestly... You always fall apart when you're on the defensive." Kei: "It's not my fault! I'm not used to being conquered." Haqua: "You were talking big earlier." Yui: "I'm so happy. Katsuragi is opening up to me..." Mars: "Was that your beloved?" Mars: "She's a lovely girl." Yui: "Again? I'll listen to what you have to say later... Could you leave me alone for now? Besides, Katsuragi is a man!" Mars: "What?!" Mars: "When was male and female clothing reversed on Earth? It's a mystery." Mars: "However, I've taken a liking to you. You have beautiful eyes and a determined spirit." Mars: "I am the goddess of war. I shall support you in your battle for love." Kei: "Wh-What?" A: "Hey, are you alone? Wanna have some fun with us?" B: "You're a real cutie." Kei: "They're trying to pick me up? And a banal effort, at that." Kei: "You should rethink your process. At least try falling from the sky as an entrance." A: "Huh? What are you talking about?" B: "Are you turning us down?" Yui: "Excuse me!" Yui: "Don't frighten my beloved." B: "Eh?" A: "What? Are you her boyfriend?" Yui: "I am not." B: "Then butt out." A: "We aren't trying to scare her." Yui: "I am a girl! Move!" A: "Ryo!" Kei: "Uh, er..." Kei: "Th-Thank you." Kei: "I was so scared..." Yui: "Sorry." Yui: "I shouldn't have left you alone." Kei: "I-It's no big deal..." Yui: "Why does this keep happening?" Yui: "I feel like something's on the tip of my tongue..." Kei: "What's wrong?" Yui: "Oh, it's nothing." A: "Demons have taken over the castle! Someone help us! Restore the peace!" A: "Welcome!" A: "Everyone!" Yui: "Wow, we can change into costumes... This place is great!" Mars: "Hmm, I have to say that you are a very handsome boy." Yui: "You again?" Mars: "It appears that you're doing well with that girl." Yui: "Katsuragi is a boy... I'm a girl!" Mars: "However, I've never seen such a facility used to spread love. Even Heaven couldn't top this." Yui: "Haven't you ever been in love?" Mars: "Ah, unfortunately, I haven't had the chance. I always spent all my time on the battlefield..." Yui: "Battlefield?" Mars: "Well, it's ancient history now. Anyway, I wish you luck. You must strike a fatal blow to her heart." Yui: "You're a violent ghost..." Yui: "A princess! You look so cute!" Kei: "Quiet, quiet!" Yui: "This place is pretty dark..." Kei: "Are you scared?" Yui: "Huh? No way." A: "Intruders!" Yui: "That gave me a start..." Kei: "So you are scared." Yui: "I can't help it. It wasn't so long ago that I was a sheltered girl!" A: "Lord Amon!" A: "Congratulations! You may now advance to the top floor!" Yui: "Oh, that was easier than expected. Right, Katsuragi?" Yui: "Huh?" Yui: "Katsuragi? Where are you?" Yui: "Katsuragi!" Yui: "Katsuragi!" Yui: "Huh? What's with this attraction?" Mars: "Yui! Be careful! This spell is magic from Hell!" Yui: "Hell?" Hood: "I didn't expect to find a goddess here." Yui: "What are you talking about?" Hood: "Where are the others? Tell me everything you know. If you do, I'll release this girl." Yui: "What are you doing to Katsuragi?!" Mars: "Stop! Humans must not be harmed!" Hood: "It's too late." Hood: "Very soon, they will all suffer." Mars: "What's going on? I thought we sealed away the evil forces!" Hood: "Before long, the world will be shrouded in darkness..." Hood: "As Ancient Hell is restored!" Yui: "Stop!" Yui: "Get away from Katsuragi!" Hood: "A mere human dares to touch me?!" Mars: "This is a world of peace, in which humans are devoted to love." Mars: "I think it's splendid." Mars: "Do not interfere!" Mars: "I, Mars, shall not allow you to disrupt my friend's date!" Hood: "You..." Haqua: "Y-Y-You'll pay for this!" Haqua: "You're really going to pay for this!" Kei: "If Yui's goddess is already starting to come out, we must provide support. We can appeal to both souls by creating a scenario that mimics Hell." Haqua: "Using a fake crisis is still a bad idea." Kei: "At least it's fake." Kei: "That's much better than a real crisis." Kei: "Still..." Kei: "I was hoping you would run away." Kei: "I hate the idea of being saved by a heroine!" Yui: "You shouldn't say that." Yui: "Girls are supposed to protect weak boys. I really did" Yui: "I'm so happy!" Kei: "Hold on..." Mars: "The Weiss are loose? We must defeat them!" Kei: "Cut it out! We don't know who's watching..." Mars: "This is vexing. Must I wait?" Kei: "Take this tag." Kei: "If you tear it, I'll receive a message. Mars, you aren't as strong as you once were. Restrain yourself." Yui: "Got it. We'll behave. But in return," Yui: "can I call you "Keima"?" Yui: "See you at school, Keima!" Haqua: "Why didn't you tell her about Kanon?" Haqua: "You mentioned the other goddesses and Vintage. Those two are so headstrong, they make a fearsome pair. We can't have them launching an attack alone." Kei: "Today's attack was staged, but we don't know when we'll encounter a real threat..." Haqua: "Katsuragi!" El: "I've been pickling it for a year, but it's still alive!" Kei: "What?" El: "Exalted Brother! My radio show was canceled, so I came home to make dinner." Kei: "It's pretty obvious who made what..." El: "Huh? Really? Still, you've already found three goddesses. You're so amazing!" Kei: "It's because you weren't around." El: "Don't say that!" El: "Exalted Brother, eat some of my cooking!" Kei: "I refuse." El: "Exalted Brother... I haven't been home in a while, so you should be nicer!" Kei: "It's only been five days." El: "Jeez... Ah! Haqua, let's take a bath together." Haqua: "Eh?" Kei: "Shiori Shiomiya likes books. I've been trying to open her heart by encouraging her to write, but nothing's going as planned." Shi: "I-I'm sorry... I have everything worked out in my head."
{ "raw_title": "The World God Only Knows: Goddesses Episode 5 – Punch and Date", "parsed": [ "The World God Only Knows: Goddesses", "5", "Punch and Date" ] }
Shi: "My name is Shiori Shiomiya. Currently, I am possessed by some immense, unknown beast. This eerie feeling has constant control over my entire being, leaving me no time to relax." uji: "Shiori..." uji: "Have you finished your novel for the Mai High Festival?" Shi: "I-I need a little more time." uji: "You've been saying that for a while. If it's not done first thing, day after tomorrow, we won't be able to use it for the festival." Shi: "I have come to realize this beast's identity. It's the emotion generally known a-as" Shi: "love..." Shi: "In books, love is sometime depicted as sweet, sometimes as beautiful, and sometimes as sad." Shi: "But none of those descriptions apply to these emotions!" Shi: "The person who has invaded my novel..." Shi: "The person in another man's embrace..." Shi: "The person who was cross-dressing and laughing like a maniac..." Shi: "And the one who saved me after I locked myself in the library..." Shi: "Were they all the same person?" Shi: "If so, it's too unfair..." Shi: "The first male with whom I had a romantic encounter had to be... A pervert! A freak!" Shi: "A cross-dresser! What am I supposed to do?!" Shi: "And the worst part is that he doesn't keep his promises." Shi: "He said he'd come to read the rest of my novel..." Shi: "Yesterday, I waited for him all day, but he never came. A man who's simply a perverted freak is one thing, but there's no hope for a perverted freak who can't keep promises. Did I really" Shi: "kiss such a man?" Shi: "But I only remembered him recently. Am I so featherbrained that I'd forget" Shi: "It's that girl again..." Shi: "How did she get inside?" Shi: "Who is she?" Kei: "Hello." Shi: "My name is Shiori Shiomiya. Currently, I am possessed by some immense, unknown beast. Oh, god of romantic encounters," Shi: "you should go and die!" Shi: "I let that pervert cause me all that anguish..." Shi: "And I even asked him to critique my novel?" Shi: "I want nothing more to do with him." Kei: "Excuse me." Kei: "I'm here to read your story." Shi: "H-He remembered?" Shi: "No, wait... He's saying the right things, but his clothes ruin everything!" Shi: "Still..." Shi: "I should hear what he has to say. I am an open-minded person!" Shi: "D-Do you enjoy dressing like a girl?" Kei: "You see..." Kei: "I was in a situation that called for me to dress like a girl. At first, I did it as part of a plan. But then, I couldn't stop. In hindsight, my life began to fall apart the day" Kei: "The line between rationality and irrationality is long gone." Kei: "Am I doomed to be ground to dust upon the wheel of reality?" Shi: "What is he saying?" Shi: "I don't understand what he's talking about..." Shi: "What's wrong with him?" Kei: "Sorry to bore you with my story. I'm leaving." Shi: "Wait! According to 1,347 of the books in this library," Shi: "if you talk to someone about your troubles, you'll feel better." Shi: "Please tell me more about yourself." Kei: "Can it be while we walk home?" Shi: "Wh-While we walk home?! He wears a wig" Shi: "when he's outside..." Kei: "With this, most don't notice I'm not a girl." Shi: "He's pretty cute. U-Um, let's find a place" Shi: "to talk inside." Kei: "We can talk as we walk." Shi: "But... L-Let's... Let's go in there!" Kei: "Ramen?" A: "Welcome!" Shi: "I never had the courage to order anything in these places where they shout out greetings." Shi: "But right now, I'm with a boy... Maybe I can finally order that negi ramen!" Kei: "What are you getting?" Shi: "There's a system that lets you order food without saying a word..." Shi: "D-Delicious! I'm so glad I'm alive!" Shi: "But this means my first meal with a boy is ramen. Does this make me a disgrace to young girls? But he's cross-dressing, which is surely a disgrace to all boys..." Shi: "There wasn't anyone like him in the books I read." Shi: "U-Um... Would it be okay" Shi: "if I wrote a story with you as the protagonist?" Shi: "I..." Shi: "I want to write a story about you!" Kei: "S-Sure..." Shi: "Th-Thank you very much!" Shi: "Please come to the library tomorrow morning. I'll have something to show you!" Shi: "I feel like, right now, I can write!" A: "Thanks for coming!" Kei: "She should finish her story in time for the Mai High Festival." Haqua: "Really?" Kei: "Yes, she should be fine." Kei: "Shiori has trouble finishing stories because she lacks confidence in her material." Kei: "But now, she's acquainted with a very unique person." Kei: "There's no better material to work with!" Haqua: "You shouldn't say that." Kei: "Once she finishes her novel, Shiori's affection level will be maxed." Kei: "Finally, I can see the ending!" Kei: "It's been a while." Haqua: "I couldn't care less." Shi: "U-Um..." Shi: "I'm almost done." Kei: "You haven't written a single word! What are you trying to do, maestro?!" Shi: "U-Um... I could finish it with another hour..." Kei: "What could you possibly accomplish in one hour? How short is this novel?!" Kei: "However, there are signs that she's trashed multiple drafts." Kei: "Shiori..." Shi: "He used my first name?" Kei: "The two of us will spend all day in here." Kei: "I'm not leaving until you finish your story. And I won't let you leave." Shi: "Huh?" Kei: "You must finish your novel by tomorrow. Got it?" Shi: "Eh?" Kei: "Shiori has a vast imagination that she can escape to whenever she wants. So I must keep her on her toes." Kei: "But if I push too hard, she'll feel time is running out. In other words, she may try to escape. That's why I'm locking her up here." Haqua: "But it's due tomorrow... Will it be enough to help her finish in time?" Kei: "My only option is to help her write a masterpiece." Haqua: "Isn't this her first novel? You make it sound easy." Kei: "I don't foresee any other scenarios for her." Haqua: "Well, good luck... I'm going out for a bit." Kei: "Where?" Haqua: "Section chiefs have to attend briefing meetings regularly." Kei: "Oh." Haqua: "What's wrong?" Kei: "The past two days, I dressed as a girl." Kei: "I'm not used to exposing my legs to the cold." Haqua: "You should watch your health. You're probably pretty exhausted, too, so don't overdo it." Kei: "If none of you had come, I wouldn't have to deal with this." Kei: "Are you a child?" : "Have you heard the rumors about" Haqua: "I must see if it's true." Shi: "Why..." Shi: "Why is this happening?" Shi: "This is my debut work! Imitating other works right from the intro is out of the question!" Shi: "I need an introduction that's original and interesting." Shi: ""Stardate 10 RD 10. The centripetal force holding the planets in the once-powerful Galactic Alliance together rapidly weakened, leading to its complete fall. Which threw the galaxy into total war!"" Shi: "When I'm stuck, I have a bad habit of falling back on galactic wars..." Shi: "The galaxy should be at peace." Shi: "I should focus on the characters. With standout characters, how I start the story won't matter." Shi: "I just realized that I know nothing about him." Shi: "What I do know is that..." Shi: "He's rumored to be involved with a celebrity... And he's a cross-dresser in a relationship with a boy. He defies common sense!" Shi: "Is it possible that I imagined everything? Including the kiss? But... I can't just ask, "Did you kiss me?"" Shi: "Wh-What am I thinking? I must write! Write quickly!" Shi: "This is when I should refer to my predecessors' works. There must be a hint somewhere!" Shi: "Ah, I got too engrossed in the book..." Shi: "An hour and a half has passed!" Shi: "I succumbed to temptation. Focus on writing... Focus!" Shi: "If I write "cross-dressing" in English..." Shi: "What am I doing?! I'm such an idiot!" Shi: "I guess it's okay if I can't write anything today." Shi: "Since I can't think of any ideas." Shi: "Under these circumstances, it's impossible to have a miraculous flash of inspiration." Kashi: "Stop thinking, and start writing." Shi: "Huh?" Shi: "What?" Kashi: "You have one day left before the deadline..." Kashi: "But you haven't written a single page." Kashi: "Why do you read so many books? You should stop thinking, and start writing." Shi: "Quiet..." Shi: "It's your fault, for not taking any action! You're supposed to be a character in my story!" Kashi: "So it's my fault? Isn't it the writer's fault?" Shi: "Shut up! I'll bury you!" Kashi: "Weren't you the one who wanted to write a novel?" uji: "You've changed, Shiori." Shi: "Huh?" uji: "You still don't talk much, but you're more cheerful." Kashi: "You've changed, Shiori." Kashi: "Weren't you only interested in reading books before?" Kashi: "Who did you hope would read a novel you wrote?" Shi: "I'm not doing this for other people." Shi: "I just wanted to do something about these pent-up feelings." Shi: "Ever since that moment, my heart hasn't stopped racing. I had to do something before my heart..." Shi: "Before my entire body burst! I had to do something!" Shi: "But I've only added to my pent-up feelings. I thought I had the ability to write stories, but it seems I was wrong." Kei: "Stop thinking, and start writing." Kei: "Just write. You have what it takes to write the best stories." Shi: "You make it sound so easy." Kei: "It is easy." Kei: "Just write about yourself." Kei: "There are many different stories in the world. But none of them matter." Kei: "I want to read a story about you." Kei: "A story about a girl who loves books and lives in a library." Kei: "But she has trouble talking to people and seals herself in the library." Kei: "That's the story I want to read." Shi: "It..." Shi: "It wouldn't be interesting!" Kei: "Shiori can write that story if she remembers what happened." Shi: "It's true... He was there!" Shi: "That night, when I holed myself up here..." Shi: "He was with me!" Minerva: "Are you ready to write now?" Shi: "K-Katsuragi! "My Story."" Shi: "The Chief's Key and the King's Treasure in the Valley was very good." Shi: "Endless Adventure was good, as well." Shi: "Modern Map of Philosophy 2 was even better than the first one." Shi: "Culture Lessons: Breakdancing Is Easy! wasn't very easy." Shi: "These are all the books I've read this week." Shi: "As a library committee member, I get to read a lot." Shi: "Books that are interesting, and books that aren't. Books that are fun, and books that are sad. Books that are pleasant," Shi: "I enjoy reading popular books. After all, books are meant to be read." Shi: "I take special care to read books that aren't popular, too." Shi: "Every book is interesting in its own way." Shi: "I like books in good condition. It makes me happy to look at them." Shi: "I like books that are worn. It shows that they did their job well." Shi: "All of these books live in one large house, the library. It is my happy place. A place where many different people's wisdom, many different people's experience," Shi: "There's nowhere else like it." Shi: "But I do have friends." Shi: "Committee Chairman Fujiidera. She's always yelling at people, but she's very nice." Shi: "She didn't tell the teachers when I locked myself in the library. I'll never forget that." Shi: "Miwa is an underclassman who likes music. She always has lots to tell me. But when she invites me to scary places like karaoke bars, I have to decline." Shi: "Kamii is a movie buff with a crush on Miwa. But he should read books, as he's on the library committee." Shi: "I've started to enjoy reading outside. I don't mind when the library is crowded, either. I understand it now. Because books are written by people, for other people to read. Books are like my air. As long as I have books, my world is endless." Shi: "And I..." Minerva: "H-Huh?" Kei: "Are you a goddess?" Minerva: "Eh?" Minerva: "Apollo said that I shouldn't talk to strangers!" Kei: "Apollo?" Shi: "Ow..." Shi: "K-Katsuragi..." Kei: "Looks like you finished it." Shi: "I was just jotting down my thoughts. It wasn't a story..." Kei: "I think it's your best one so far." Kei: "It's the story that only you could write." Shi: "U-Um... D-Did you read it?" Shi: "All the way to the end?" Shi: "Don't read it!" Shi: "U-Um... I didn't mean what I said at the end." Shi: "I just had the feeling that you weren't coming back..." Kei: "Our story isn't over yet." Kei: "Shiori..." Shi: "Y-Yes?" Kei: "I want you to take this." Shi: "A-A present?" Kei: "I want you to wear it." Shi: "I-I can do that... Um..." Shi: "You read what I wrote at the very end, right? Was that kiss your answer?" Kei: "Can I come here to see you every day?" Kei: "I want to see you every day." Shi: "I couldn't say a word. I'm guessing that I won't ever be able to speak my mind at will." Minerva: "I-I'm Minerva." Shi: "I won't ever be able to talk to people about strange stuff like this happening." Shi: "But today, I think I finally found my voice." Shi: "I must write the rest of my story!" Kei: "Fever, chills, coughing... This was the worst time for a cold! But a skilled player can turn any disadvantage to an advantage. I'll land Ayumi and Chihiro with the visit event!"
{ "raw_title": "The World God Only Knows: Goddesses Episode 6 – My Story", "parsed": [ "The World God Only Knows: Goddesses", "6", "My Story" ] }
Dokuro: "With the increase in section chiefs, we have seen a 230% increase" Dokuro: "However, we have been pressured to make further budget cuts, so things will be more difficult." : "Have you heard the rumors about" Dokuro: "In response, I expect all section chiefs to step up. That concludes this meeting—" Haqua: "I have a question! It has to do with the recent decree" Haqua: "I've heard that those residents of Heaven are goddesses. I've also heard that Vintage has infiltrated" Haqua: "Is this true, Chief?" Dokuro: "Silence!" Dokuro: "I am aware of these rumors. However, we have not" Dokuro: "And I see no reason for them to hide that fact." Haqua: "That's true..." Dokuro: "As for Vintage... We have added new members to the Loose Souls Team, but they were all thoroughly screened." Dokuro: "Please refrain from baseless accusations." Dokuro: "Let me remind you..." Dokuro: "Our objective is taking loose souls into custody." Dokuro: "I ask that you dedicate yourself to your mission at all times!" Haqua: "Maybe I'm overthinking this..." Haqua: "I just heard the rumor from Nora, but there's no actual proof." Haqua: "Right, there's nothing suspicious about the Loose Souls Team." Haqua: "We have confirmation from Bureau Chief Dokuro Skull, hero of Armage-machina. I should trust her." Haqua: "Our mission is to capture loose souls." Haqua: "To protect New Hell." Haqua: "I think he'll be willing to try these. They don't look that sweet." Haqua: "Haqua du Lot Herminium." A: "Public Safety. Come with us." Haqua: "What's going on?!" Haqua: "I'm leaving! Let me go!" Diana: "Katsuragi." Kei: "What?" Kei: "Tenri? No, Diana..." Diana: "I sense trouble. I wish to ask Sister Apollo to perform a divination. Please summon the other goddesses." Kei: "What's this about—" Diana: "Katsuragi!" Diana: "Please listen to me..." Shi: "Must... meet..." Kei: "They're all here. Satisfied?" Diana: "Thank you for doing this." El: "I was sleeping! I have to get up early tomorrow to shoot a drama!" Dia: "Everything we say here must be kept secret from our hosts. When they're asleep, they don't know what the goddesses are doing. Right now, Tenri is also asleep." Kei: "But having the goddesses move around is risky." Kei: "So we carried the sleeping hosts here with the raiment." El: "You should have asked Haqua to do it!" Kei: "She isn't here." El: "I finally get to see my Exalted Brother, and he sends me on an errand." Kei: "As always, your sense for danger is nil..." Dia: "It's time to wake up, Sisters. Vulcanus, Mars, Minerva." Dia: "Mars... Minerva..." Dia: "I'm so glad you're okay." Mars: "S-Sister!" Vul: "It appears that everyone is well. We once sacrificed our lives for the greater good, and now we are reunited here..." Vul: "How strange destiny is." Kei: "Enough of the emotional reunion! Diana, brief them on the current situation." El: "Huh? Let's give them a little time..." Kei: "We can't celebrate every little happy moment!" Kei: "Hurry up, so I can sleep. I'm still sick..." El: "Oh, you are?" Mars: "You are Yui's bridegroom, aren't you? I was initially against her relationship with you, but Yui is devoted to you..." Mars: "I've decided to support her!" Mars: "Minerva?" Minerva: "Th-This man belongs to Shiori..." Mars: "Who's Shiori?" Minerva: "Shoo!" Luna: "Fiend... You already have Tsukiyo!" Kei: "Come on..." Mars: "Dear Sister... This person is Yui's husband. Do not injure him!" Luna: "Katsuragi is a scoundrel, but I must do this for Tsukiyo." Luna: "Forgive me, sisters, but you must relinquish any claims." Mars: "I cannot do that. My friend's future is at stake!" Minerva: "H-He belongs to Shiori..." Kei: "Come on..." Dia: "Sister Vul... Mars and Minerva." Dia: "There's no time. I have something important to tell you!" Vul: "Something important?" Dia: "This person belongs to Tenri." Kei: "That isn't important! Just get down to business!" Dia: "My younger sisters also have their wings." Kei: "Huh?" Dia: "I'm the only one without wings. I have recovered the least power..." Dia: "Despite being the first to awaken." Kei: "Uh... Diana?" Dia: "Because you've been ignoring Tenri." Minerva: "Dear Sister, you're scaring me..." Dia: "You evil man... evil man... evil man... evil man..." Vul: "She's too clingy." Kei: "Come to the second floor with me!" Dia: "Evil man... evil man... evil man... evil man..." Kei: "Once you see what's there, you'll stop arguing!" Mars: "Hydration... That makes this difficult." Minerva: "We probably cannot undo this spell." Kei: "You can't?" Minerva: "Uh-uh." Minerva: "The spell is very difficult to remove. And if we fail, she'll turn to water permanently." Dia: "Sister Apollo was ensuring that she" Kei: "What do we do, then?" Vul: "We must call to her and ask her to undo the spell herself. Minerva, you have the ability to amplify our power. We need your assistance." Vul: "Everyone, call to Apollo." Vul: "Can you hear us, Apollo? Return to us," El: "Kanon!" Kei: "Kanon..." Kei: "Elsie..." Kei: "Water is coming out." El: "Kanon..." Kei: "Elsie!" Kei: "Where am I?" Apo: "This is a world of oracles that I created for divination." Apo: "Long time, no see, Kanon's beau." Kei: "Apollo!" Apo: "You know my name?" Apo: "I can hear my sisters calling. I'm glad that they're all okay." Apo: "Can you tell them I'm busy praying and can't go back yet?" Kei: "Praying?" Apo: "Yep, look over there." Apo: "The city of Maijima is filled with bad fortune..." Apo: "So I'm working to cleanse the city." Kei: "Will that get rid of the bad fortune?" Apo: "That's not possible." Kei: "Huh?" Apo: "I'm just a holy maiden. All I can do is change the flow a little... However, the Weiss are gaining momentum, while we goddesses remain weak." Apo: "The odds are against us." Apo: "Any lucky break we catch will be worth its weight in gold." Kei: "Don't do anything to disrupt me." Kei: "A true conquest does not rely on luck." Kei: "I need only make the right choices." Kei: "It's that simple. That applies to games and reality." Kei: "I'm only focused on achieving the best ending." Kanon: "I believe in you." Kei: "Kanon..." Kanon: "I was saved once, thanks to you..." Kanon: "I know that you can find a way." Apollo: "Sorry, but I can only pray for another three days. Once three days have passed, I'll be powerless." Apollo: "Be careful, Katsuragi..." Dia: "It's not working." Dia: "Sister Apollo isn't responding..." Vul: "It appears she doesn't intend to return. We have assembled four sisters here, all for naught..." El: "Kanon, aren't you coming back?" Kei: "Elsie..." El: "Huh?" Kei: "My cold is gone." Mars: "Why are you telling us to leave?" Kei: "The more time you spend outside," Kei: "I won't let what happened to Kanon happen to anyone else." Dia: "I-If you put it that way," Dia: "none of this has anything to do with you. This is our battle... So isn't there anything we can do to help?" Kei: "The power of the goddesses will be needed." Kei: "Just not right now." Kei: "I can handle this." Kei: "You must protect Tenri." Dia: "I u-understand." Dia: "Tenri, I understand now..." Dia: "I know why we don't have wings." Haqua: "What did I do wrong? Why am I locked up?" Haqua: "And Public Safety was involved..." Haqua: "They're treating me like a criminal!" : "Hi..." Haqua: "Nora!" : "Don't tell anyone." A: "Sure, take your time." : "I can't believe you blurted it out in the open like that. Are you an idiot?" Haqua: "Everyone needs to know about it. I thought if the word were out," : "Let's say that there is a Vintage member" : "Such as bureau chief." : "You were taken into custody by Public Safety, right?" : "It takes a bureau chief or above to command them." Haqua: "Impossible!" : "It seems Vintage is more deeply rooted in New Hell than we thought." : "Then I should prepare." : "Bye-bye." Haqua: "You aren't going to help me?" : "Huh?" Haqua: "Are you one of them, too?" : "I wonder..." Haqua: "The Bureau Chief is a member of Vintage?" Haqua: "Then what does that mean for the Loose Souls Team?" Kei: "The Festival Eve party is tonight." Kei: "I have to conquer Chihiro and Ayumi here. Before Apollo's three-day deadline, I must find the last goddess." Ayu: "Eh? I'm signed up for the pageant? Why?" Miya: "It's for the Prince and Princess contest that Mai High is famous for. You're the princess candidate from our class." Chi: "Oh, sounds fun... Go for it." Ayu: "Cut it out!" Chi: "I'm... in love with you." Kei: "Chihiro remembers the conquest. That means Chihiro is hosting a goddess, and there is no goddess inside Ayumi." Kei: "Then why would Ayumi visit me? I thought perhaps she fell for me without remembering her conquest until..." Ayu: "Be nice to Chihiro." Kei: "...she suddenly put on the brakes. Was it because she heard Chihiro's confession?" Kei: "I can't conquer either of them if they trigger flags that I can't anticipate." Kei: "I must control all flags." Kei: "There's no time. I'll have to go with the more likely candidate." Chi: "The weather's getting cold, and meat buns are tasting good." A: "This year's Mai High Prince and Princess contest is stacked! We have handsome boys and pretty girls across the board. Grab a ballot now!" A: "The results will be announced during the after-party." A: "What are you doing, bastard?!" Kei: "Only amateurs would exclude game characters from a pageant. Behold her loveliness... Yuimi, from Magic Academy Carmine," Kei: "is the favorite." Chi: "You're so stupid." Chi: "You do this everywhere you go." Kei: "What does it matter to you?" Kei: "My PFP is gone... Where is it? Huh? Where'd it go?" Chi: "Sounds like karma to me." Chi: "It's what you get for making fun of the festival just because you have no one to take." Kei: "Neither do you." Chi: "I'm performing this time, stupid!" Kei: "Oh, that's right." Kei: "Thanks for dropping by yesterday..." Chi: "Yeah, I'm glad to see you're better now." Chi: "Found it. This is it, right?" Kei: "Yeah!" Kei: "Hey!" Chi: "Katsuragi, you'll be dateless at the Mai High Festival, right?" Kei: "Are you trying to rub it in my face?" Chi: "In that case... Why not go with me to" Kei: "Chihiro invited me first?" Kei: "I'd planned to use the posters as an excuse to invite her." Kei: "But I have no reason to turn her down." Chi: "Yes or no?" Kei: "S-Sure..." Chi: "Then I'll see you later." Kei: "Everything's going well. If the goddess is inside Chihiro, everything will be over." Kei: "But first..." Ayu: "Chihiro may act like a cynic, but she's more innocent than you'd think." Ayu: "You have to be nice to her." Kei: "I know that." Kei: "She's still talking about Chihiro." Kei: "Watch this." Ayu: "Huh?" Chi: "Katsuragi... Taking out garbage, too?" Kei: "Yeah." Kei: "Chihiro, did you know? They say something good" Chi: "The same thing?" Kei: "But I don't have anything on me now, since I'm in my PE uniform." Chi: "Katsuragi..." Chi: "Put out your hand." Kei: "What? What did you put inside?" Chi: "It's a used one, but would you hold on to it for now?" Kei: "a guitar pick?" Ayu: "Looks like that worked out, Katsuragi." Kei: "You're not mad, Ayumi?" Ayu: "Hmm?" Kei: "I just wanted to see how Ayumi would react one last time... If Ayumi was mad after seeing Chihiro with me, it'd mean she still had some level of affection, so she could still host a goddess." Ayu: "Huh? What are you muttering about?" Kei: "I plan on kissing Chihiro today." Kei: "There's no turning back. This is your last chance to get mad at me." Ayu: "Why would I be mad? Be nice to Chihiro!" Miya: "A new song? We're performing in two days." Chi: "Well, we don't have to play this song, but I managed to finish it." Ayu: "This is the song she was humming." Miya: "A Chihiro original, huh?" Chi: "Don't play the song! It's embarrassing..." Miya: "We can't practice without playing it." Miya: "Well, I'll see you girls tonight." Chi: "Yeah." Ayu: "See you later." Chi: "Ayumi, do you have a minute? I need to talk to you." Ayu: "Sorry, but I have something to take care of." Chi: "Man..." Ayu: "Chihiro, you have a date with Katsuragi at Festival Eve, right?" Ayu: "Good luck. Bye!" Chi: "How does she know?" A: "Welcome to Festival Eve! The Mai High Prince and Princess contest will begin at six, on stage! The campfire is scheduled to start at seven!" Kei: "There's Festival Eve, the festival, and the after-party. Why is so much effort put into cultural festivals?" : "The Mai High Festival has existed since the school was founded." Kei: "Ni— Nikaido!" Kei: "Why are you wearing those ears?" : "The teachers are performing in a Festival Eve play. I'm one of Dharma the Devil's henchmen." : "Pure idiocy..." Kei: "I swear she's enjoying it." Chi: "Katsuragi!" Chi: "Did you wait long?" Chi: "Sorry for being late..." : "It's finally time for the Mai High Prince and Princess contest!" Kei: "My conquest of Chihiro is going according to plan." Kei: "The ending is close." Kei: "But if I kiss her here and her wings appear, Vintage could notice." Kei: "I need to take her to an isolated area and kiss her!" A: "Here she is!" B: "Adorable!" C: "Ayumi!" A: "Our princess contestant from Class 2-B is Ayumi Takahara!" Ayu: "I'm so embarrassed." A: "I'm voting for her." Kei: "Is Ayumi popular?" Chi: "You didn't know?" Chi: "Let's go to the campfire!" Chi: "Katsuragi, did you bring the pick?" Kei: "Yeah." Chi: "I have a feeling that something good" Kei: "Time to start my mission!" Kei: "The crowd is getting to me. Can we find somewhere quiet?" Chi: "No way... They just started the fire." Kei: "That's why! Everyone is gravitating here, so other places are emptying out!" Kei: "The fire won't go out for a while. How about we go look at the posters outside?" Chi: "I'm okay with that." Kei: "There are still people here, too." Kei: "Maybe behind the library..." Kei: "Let's have a look over here." Chi: "It seems a little dark..." Kei: "Not really, there's a good spot—" Chi: "I'll pass! I don't want you taking me somewhere deserted and grabbing at me." Kei: "I'll have to be pushy about this." Chi: "Wait... Katsuragi?" Chi: "Um..." Kei: "What's with all these people? I'm in the middle of an important event!" Chi: "K-Katsuragi?" Kei: "No good, I have to start over." Kei: "Let's head back to the track field." Chi: "It's okay." Chi: "Let's find somewhere without others." Lune: "Yes, give me all of her logs. Yes, the one who was punished," Lune: "Haqua du Lot Herminium." Kei: "It's Festival Eve. Location is the school. All flags have been triggered. All parameters are go. The preparations for my conquest are complete. I'll conquer Chihiro, bring out her goddess, go home, and play games. I'm not wasting another minute on the real world!"
{ "raw_title": "The World God Only Knows: Goddesses Episode 8 – Goddess Mix", "parsed": [ "The World God Only Knows: Goddesses", "8", "Goddess Mix" ] }
Ayu: "Who cares about this Princess of Mai High crap? I'm skipping the after-party." Ayu: "I want to get this stupid outfit off right now." Chi: "Oh, you're right. It's open. But..." Chi: "Do you think we can actually get on the roof?" Kei: "It's okay, I know the passcode for the door." Chi: "How do you know that?" Kei: "Because I go to the roof all the time." Chi: "Typical gamer." Kei: "I don't see how that's relevant." Ayu: "Looks like they're getting along just fine." Chi: "Wow, this is a nice spot." Chi: "No one's around, and it's cold." Chi: "And the campfire looks like a little speck." Kei: "Are you mocking me?" Chi: "Oh, Katsuragi! I can see the Akanemaru!" Chi: "Okay, maybe not..." Chi: "Say something..." Kei: "This feels weird." Kei: "You're not acting like your usual self." Chi: "How so?" Kei: "You're throwing me off." Chi: "It's just as weird for me. I never thought I'd be talking to you this way. Before, my walking around with a geek like you" Chi: "But today, I feel like I want to always" Chi: "W-Well, "always" may be an overstatement..." Chi: "Um..." Chi: "Katsuragi... Ka—" Kei: "Ch-Chihiro!" Kei: "Chihiro, c-can I?" Chi: "Uh-huh..." Chi: "Katsuragi, be gentle... This is" Chi: "my first time." Kei: "Huh? This is" Kei: "your first kiss?" Chi: "Yes..." Chi: "Is that bad?" Kei: "No, it isn't." Kei: "There's no way she'd lie in this situation." Kei: "She's telling the truth..." Kei: "Chihiro doesn't remember the conquest... There is no goddess inside" Kei: "Chihiro..." Mer: "Ayumi." Mer: "Don't cry, Ayumi." Ayu: "I'm not crying..." Kei: "I can confirm she's not hosting a goddess before the ending." Kei: "This was the last chance." Kei: "I can still turn back." Chi: "What's wrong?" Kei: "I can end Chihiro's conquest, then switch over to Ayumi's route." Kei: "I just have to say, "You seem to be confused. I brought you here to ask how I can get closer to Ayumi." That will result in the target and accomplice switching places. A Copernican revolution. There will be some... No, a lot of trouble... But I can handle it." Kei: "Chihiro." Chi: "Huh? Eh? Wh-What?" Kei: "Wait..." Kei: "Is that the right thing to say?" Kei: "I only appeared to be going down her route. It didn't have anything to do with conquest." Kei: "So how do I explain the current situation?" Chi: "Katsuragi?" Kei: "Chihiro..." Kei: "Do you really love me?" Chi: "Wh-Why would you ask that?" Chi: "Yes, I do." Kei: "Why? Since when?" Kei: "Since when did you feel that way?" Chi: "Since when...? I-It's hard to say, but I guess sometime in the spring." Kei: "What? I'd understand that if you still remembered the conquest, but I didn't even interact with you in spring!" Chi: "What do you mean, "conquest"?" Kei: "I m-mean... You were always making fun of me, and you asked out a bunch of different guys!" Chi: "Ah! That's not important! But... You... You were the one I was always thinking about!" A: "Tomorrow is the Mai High Festival! Let's have the time of our lives!" Kei: "I-It's impossible to fall in love with someone that way." Kei: "There was no conquest, no interaction... What would make you fall in love with me?" Chi: "You don't need a reason to fall in love." Chi: "I just realized at some point that I loved you!" Chi: "Katsuragi..." Chi: "Do you love me?" Kei: "Of course not." Chi: "Huh?" Chi: "Katsuragi?" Kei: "This is stupid. I'm leaving." Kei: "You actually thought I'd fall in love with a real girl?" Chi: "What?" Chi: "Then why did you go on a date with me today?" Kei: "This doesn't count as a date." Kei: "I was just pulling one over on a real girl." Kei: "Stupid." Chi: "You're lying..." Chi: "You must be lying..." Kei: "You've always made fun of me, so I wanted some payback." Kei: "But I've had enough." Kei: "Stay away from me." Chi: "Ka—" Ayu: "Katsuragi..." Ayu: "Why did you say that?" Kei: "Ayumi! Why are you here?" Ayu: "I thought you went out with Chihiro because you knew how she felt." Ayu: "How could you say those things?" Kei: "I r-realized that..." Kei: "I've been lying to myself. But now I know" Kei: "who I truly care about..." Kei: "It's..." Ayu: "You're a total jerk!" Ayu: "A total jerk..." Kei: "Yes..." Kei: "I am." Mer: "Ayumi, why did you go to the roof?" Mer: "This is your own fault." Mer: "Why mope over a man you've given up on?" Mer: "Humans are so inefficient." Dia: "Katsuragi..." Kei: "Diana?" Kei: "Why are you here?" Dia: "Is your search going well?" Kei: "It is. No problems at all." Kei: "There's only one goddess left." Kei: "That'll be the end of it." Dia: "No." Dia: "There are two left." Dia: "P-Please bring out my wings, too..." Dia: "I have something to tell you. It appears that I've fallen in love with you!" Kei: "Huh?" Dia: "Ah, so..." Dia: "I realize that falling in love with Tenri's fiancé is inexcusable. I believe my wings have not returned because my guilt is curtailing the power of Tenri's love." Dia: "There's no time to waste." Dia: "Please love Tenri. Before I fall deeper in love with you!" Dia: "Tenri! I did all this for—" Dia: "Stay away, you animal!" Ten: "Keima! Why am I here?" Kei: "Would you calm down?" Dia: "Now, Tenri... Tell him how you feel! Or my wings will never return!" Ten: "I-It isn't that simple..." Dia: "This is all your fault! You're such a hermit, I'm always the one who has to talk to him. I had no previous experience talking to men. So after spending all this time with him, it's natural that I'd fall in love, even with a lowlife like him!" Kei: "The hell kind of logic is that?" Dia: "You're not normal, Tenri." Ten: "Huh?" Dia: "You live next door to someone you've loved for ten years... You must want to talk to him, to spend more time with him! Not that I have those urges." Dia: "You should tell him how you truly feel, Tenri!" Kei: "What do you want to do, Tenri?" Ten: "Huh?" Kei: "I'm sick of cryptic conversations!" Kei: "There's a proper sequence that should be followed!" Kei: "But you all just keep adding more useless noise!" Kei: "Seriously, what..." Kei: "What... am I doing?" Ten: "Keima..." Ten: "Did something happen?" Kei: "Nothing happened." Kei: "Just leave." Kei: "Tenri?" Ten: "Keima..." Ten: "Did you say something?" Ten: "It's a fake ear." Kei: "Yeah, I can see that... Why are you performing magic tricks?" Ten: "You looked like you were feeling down, so I wanted to make you smile..." Kei: "I don't feel down. I'm perfectly normal." Ten: "I can also do escape tricks." Kei: "That's big. You really like magic, huh?" Ten: "Please lock the box." Kei: "Why me?" Ten: "I do love you, Keima." Ten: "But the Keima I love is the one who's always playing games. I want you to go back to your normal self, and smile all the time." Ten: "You don't have to worry about me. I'll find a way to bring Diana's wings back." Kei: "How?" Ten: "I'm not sure..." Kei: "No one will do what I want them to." Kei: "But you have my thanks." Ten: "Um, you don't have to force yourself to smile." Kei: "Yeah..." Kei: "But I have to keep going, or this will never end." Kei: "Is there any more to your magic show?" Kei: "Might as well see what else you can do." Ten: "Then I'll use this magic wand..." Kei: "Is this the one where flowers pop out of the wand?" Ten: "W-Well, I already did my best trick..." Kei: "Elsie?" El: "Exalted Brother!" El: "Our band's having a dress rehearsal. Are you here to listen to us?" El: "Er, wait... No one else is here yet." Kei: "Dress rehearsal?" El: "Gawd, and here I'm so busy being a celeb... I've gotta book it to another rehearsal right after this, and I totes have no time to reschedule." Kei: "Talk like a normal person." Kei: "The concert is tomorrow." Kei: "Should I attempt to conquer Ayumi now?" El: "Did you know, Exalted Brother... That the Mai High Festival has been around for a long time?" Kei: "Nikaido mentioned something about it. Hasn't it been around since the school was founded?" El: "Wrong!" El: "The festival was around before our school." Kei: "Oh... It's that old?" Kei: "I never really noticed, but our school emblem is..." El: "School emblem?" Kei: "A goddess..." El: "What's wrong, Exalted Brother? Why did we come to the theater?" Kei: "This is the oldest building around." Kei: "Ten years ago, we found a swarm of loose souls underneath." Kei: "The goddesses... Maijima..." Kei: "I have the feeling that everything is connected." Kei: "Huh?" El: "What's wrong?" Kei: "The hole's gone..." Kei: "When I came here with Tenri during summer break, there was a hole." Kei: "Elsie..." El: "Huh?" Kei: "Let's move." El: "What? Right now?" Kei: "It won't take long. Ten minutes." Kei: "The exit's gone, too..." Kei: "That hole couldn't have disappeared naturally. Someone must have sealed it off." Kei: "Elsie." Kei: "Let's go over there." El: "You mean that rock?" Kei: "Yeah, use your raiment to make us invisible." El: "Huh?" El: "Why do we need to be invisible?" Kei: "Just a precaution." El: "That's a big rock." Kei: "It's known as Point Rock. People usually stay away." Kei: "Let's check the other side." El: "I don't see anything." Kei: "No, look down there." Kei: "The waves don't look right. Let's check below." El: "Underwater?" Kei: "Yes, hurry up." El: "My clothes will get wet!" El: "Huh? We went through the rock..." Kei: "Just like ten years ago." Kei: "There's an opening under the water." Kei: "Still, getting in was too easy. Did I guess wrong?" El: "E-Exalted Brother, this is..." Kei: "Elsie, time to run." El: "Exalted Brother!" Kei: "Don't stop! Get us out of here as fast as you can! Hurry up!" El: "O-Okay!" kai: "Why did you remove the barrier?" Akari: "It wouldn't do for them to be trapped by the barrier. If they're captured, we'll be at a disadvantage. And it appears that they weren't seen." Akari: "The ones that are inside wouldn't have noticed the opening. My obliteration of the barrier was flawless." kai: "I'll check to make sure they weren't bugged." Akari: "You worry too much." kai: "That's what being a homeroom teacher means." Kei: "No tracers or anything on me, right?" El: "Nope. But I can't believe there was a place like that inside the rock." Kei: "What was that place? It certainly looked ominous..." El: "The egg-like things lying around looked familiar. Those were mature loose souls! And the black figures belonged to Vintage! Vintage is raising loose souls so they can revive the Weiss!" Kei: "Raising loose souls? Without hosts?" El: "Um... Um..." Kei: "Elsie, do you know why our school emblem is a hexagon?" El: "Huh?" Kei: "The goddess on our school emblem..." Kei: "The swarm of loose souls..." Kei: "The underground passage that was sealed..." Kei: "The operation being run beneath the rock..." Kei: "Something huge is about to happen here." Kei: "In other words..." Kei: "It has nothing to do with me." Kei: "Man, I wasted all that time on an empty route." El: "What? Aren't you going to do anything with that information?" El: "If those loose souls are released, terrible things will happen!" Kei: "So you can end it then, right?" Kei: "Whatever happens, all I have to do is proceed with the conquest." : "We're approaching ten o'clock! The festival will soon open to the public!" : "The Mai High Festival's about to begin!" Kei: "I've played games in which the last boss appears as the first enemy. But I didn't expect Ayumi to host the last goddess. And Vintage is getting aggressive. Time to go on the offensive, Elsie!"
{ "raw_title": "The World God Only Knows: Goddesses Episode 9 – Absent Lovers", "parsed": [ "The World God Only Knows: Goddesses", "9", "Absent Lovers" ] }
el: "Raise your head, Lady Nike." ke: "Huh?! Huh? Huh?!" Captain: "Keep firing them at regular intervals." Sailor: "Sir!" Sailor: "The calm winds may delay their arrival by over half a day." Cap: "Most likely. Without a rowing ship like ours, who knows when they'll finally get here?" Sailor: "The lights! I can make out the lights of the harbor!" Retainer: "Your Highness, don't you think it's about time?" ke: "Nah. Let's plow right in!" Retainer: "This really isn't acceptable..." ke: "We couldn't see anything in that fog. What was I supposed to do?" Retainer: "If we arrive two whole days early, they'll find out in no time!" ke: "And I know you'll be able to cover for me." Retainer: "Your Highness! You intend to go ashore already?!" ke: "I want to know what kind of country it is." Retainer: "We can turn you over to the ambassador properly in the morning." ke: "That would defeat the whole point!" ke: "It's amazing! Everyone's still awake!" ke: "You guys can go home. The ship may be shabby, but our country needs it." Sailor: "Huh? Already? But we have important business in the harbor!" ke: "Business? You mean drinking? Or..." Sailor: "Both! Hey!" Retainer: "Shh!" ke: "You don't have the money for that!" Sailor: "We figured they'd have a welcoming party! You shut up!" ke: "Gramps..." Retainer: "Do take care, Your Highness." Retainer: "Your Highness!" Sailors: "Your Highness!" ke: "It's not goodbye forever! Stop crying already." Sailors: "I wanted to eat the good food!" Sailor: "Welcome party..." Sailors: "Your Highness!" Sailors: "Your Highness! Be well! Drinking!" Soldier: "It's gonna start tomorrow at the earliest. Then we can take tonight for drinking." ke: "I've never seen so many people in one place before!" ke: "So many things..." Shop: "Hey, girlie! Want one?" ke: "I've never seen fruit like that before!" Shop: "They're freshly-picked enelot fruits." ke: "They're called enelot?" Shop: "They're usually five suns, but you're so pretty, I'll let it go at four suns. Take one!" ke: "Four suns... converted into our sigure, that's..." ke: "Th-That's about 18 sigure! Th-That's expensive!" Shop: "What? You think that's expensive?" Shop: "You're seriously poor, aren't you?" Shop: "Don't pass it to me! Get out!" ke: "O-Of course it's not contagious!" Guy: "Don't fall in the street!" Peddler: "Get it together, country girl!" ke: "C-Country girl?! I guess I am, but... But you bumped into—" ke: "Forget it. I need food." Innkeeper: "I'm not saying this to be mean to you." Innkeeper: "I just don't have any rooms." ke: "This is the fifth place I've tried! I'll sleep in a storeroom, if I have to. Just let me stay here one night." Inn: "I told you, it's not possible. Look. We've been swarmed by the national army since yesterday. I couldn't let a nice girl like you loose in that drunken rabble." Inn: "Even if I had a room open, I wouldn't leave it to you." Dec: "Miss! Do you have a place to stay for the night?" Bok: "Would you like to stay at our inn?" ke: "Really? You have an open room?" Bok: "It's our one year anniversary! One night with two meals for only ten suns!" ke: "It comes with two meals?!" Bok: "Yes! Allow me to take your bag." ke: "No, thank you." Dek: "Oh, but we insist!" Dek: "Tonight, it's all-you-can-eat and drink for the ladies!" ke: "Seriously?!" Dek: "Oh, you took the bait! A story this good... could never be true." Bok: "Country girl! Sorry, lady!" Dek: "What a dunce!" ke: "For crying out loud... Has this country dried out the people's hearts, too? A little payback—" ke: "I-It's no good. I'm going to pass to Heaven now..." Liza: "Miss?" Mina: "Are you okay?" Man: "Looks like you're awake." Liza: "I'm glad!" Mina: "Are you all right?" Man: "Anyway, eat up. We can't talk over the sound of your stomach." Mina: "Go on, eat!" ke: "Can I?!" Mina: "Don't stand up. You'll bump your head." Man: "I've still got work to do, so you guys watch over her." Liza: "Okay! We will!" Mina: "Liza, that's rude." ke: "I don't mind being watched. I can eat, right?" Mina: "How long has it been since you last ate?" ke: "Nothing since noon today." Mina: "I see..." Liza: "The Principality of Rain?" ke: "Yes. It's far to the east of here. I'm the fourth sovereign daughter." Liza: "Sovereign daughter?" Mina: "It means she's a princess." ke: "Is it really that funny?" Mina: "Did you come here by yourself, Nike? Even though you're a princess?" ke: "I came here in a ship." Mina: "So where's your retinue?" ke: "I sent them home." Mina: "But why?" ke: "I wanted to get a feel for what the people here were like." Mina: "Hmm. This town might be very different from the capital, Ginitariques." ke: "Really?" Mina: "I don't like to say it, but this is a harbor town, so a lot of people come here." Mina: "That includes people like the ones who stole your luggage." ke: "But there are nice people like the three of you, too." Liza: "Hey, Nike, why did you come to our country?" ke: "Oh... to get married." Mina: "Wow! To someone from our country?" Liza: "Who? Who?" ke: "Your king." Mina: "King? The Sun King?" ke: "Okay. Get the laughs out, first." Girls: "No way!" Liza: "Amazing!" ke: "You don't believe me at all." Tet: "And so, the Sun King has given special dispensation for our principality to remain autonomous." Mila: "Are you sure he just can't be bothered to conquer us?" : "All we have here is rain and peace. It would be pointless." Kara: "That's cool. I guess being broke has its good points." Tet: "In exchange, he's asked for one of my daughters' hands in marriage." Girls: "Marriage?!" Mila: "To one of us?" Girls: "Rock, paper, scissors!" Mila: "Incredible! Nike, you're gonna marry the Sun King! You'll be a total celebrity!" : "This is so hilarious!" Kara: "I'm so jealous!" ke: "Then one of you guys go instead!" Girls: "No way!" ke: "What the heck?!" Mila: "Because he's the Sun King! He's merciless to those who oppose him. He's cold-blooded and cruel. In the three years since his coronation, he's conquered the whole world!" : "Plus, I hear he's a total lecher! It's awful!" Kara: "I hear he's bald with two big horns, tons of body hair, and horrible breath." ke: "He doesn't even sound human!" Tet: "Anyway, our future is riding on this marriage." Girls: "Take care!" Liza: "It really is true!" ke: "You believe me now?" Man: "Well? Have you found out who she is?" Liza: "Dad! Listen! Nike's gonna be the princess of our country!" Vice: "If things go as expected, it should be tomorrow evening, right?" General: "They should be receiving her on the high seas about now." Vice: "Like a package, huh?" General: "Marrying a princess from a secluded country like that... it's certainly eccentric." Vice: "The fourth sovereign daughter of the Principality of Rain. Do you know about it, your Excellency?" General: "I've heard that it rains all year round, but no one in the Naval Department had even heard of it." Vice: "Then the best way to learn more would be to ask the princess directly, right?" General: "Yeah. It's our job to escort her to the castle, after all." Vice: "And if anything should happen to her..." General: "To allow a piddling little country to maintain its autonomy... what kind of price tag did that come with?" Vice: "Would it cause a dispute? A few little countries like that..." General: "The outcome doesn't matter. If it comes down to his diplomatic skills, it will be the prologue to his downfall." Bek: "What's wrong with that girl? She took us for a ride!" Dek: "Hey, bro, keep your voice down!" Bek: "They're all passed out drunk! Don't worry! Damn, I don't know what kinda money that was, but it only paid for one drink?! I didn't think I'd have to pay for my own drinks!" Dek: "That moneychanger guy was pretty stingy, too." Bok: ""This sigure stuff is basically worthless!" "If you don't like it, go home!" Right?" Dek: "Wonder if he knew we were desperate." Bok: "It pisses me off!" Dek: "What should we do with the cloth here? Pawn it?" Bok: "We couldn't even get a piece of candy for that!" Dek: "At least go for two!" Bok: "I know! We won't just act like it's normal." Bok: "We'll say it's rare, expensive cloth from a far-off land! That's what we'll do!" Dek: "Good idea! And it really is from a far-off land! You sure are smart, bro!" Bok: "We got it for free, after all. Anything we get is a profit!" Vice: "You two." Bok: "I'm sorry!" Dek: "We were just about to bring it by!" Vice: "Could you explain to me what you were talking about?" Dek: "Y-Yes, sir!" Bok: "Gladly!" Liza: "That looks great! They look really good on you, Nike!" ke: "Does it?" Mina: "We'll wash this. I hope you don't mind this for a day." ke: "I don't mind at all! Thank you, Mina." Mina: "It might be a little small on you, though." Liza: "That just makes you look more like a princess!" ke: "So you do believe me?" Liza: "Yeah! Dad said that if you were gonna lie, you'd make up something more believable." ke: "That's right. I'd make up something more believable." Mina: "Sorry. I keep having to apologize." ke: "It's okay. I'm used to it." Mina: "Now, Liza, go look with Nike-chan." ke: "Is it really three days by horse to the palace?" Mina: "You could do it with a fast horse, but you really couldn't make it there without a caravan." Liza: "Don't eat my hair!" Liza: "That's too bad." ke: "What can you do? We'll find a caravan to the capital eventually. Until then, I guess I'll stay here and work." Liza: "You can stay with us! We have a lot of work you can do! The room may be small, but I don't mind sleeping in the middle, and I'll show you all my treasures, too!" ke: "I get it. I'll do that." ke: "Wow, it doesn't rain?" Liza: "We get storms here from time to time, but there's none in the capital. That's why it's called the Sun Kingdom!" ke: "You have incredible irrigation technology. So you don't have any problems with drinking water?" Liza: "It's our current king who set it up!" ke: "What?" Liza: "He built aqueducts and settled the quarrels among the royal family and drove out all the bad people and... And the e... econmoney..." ke: "Economy?" Liza: "Yeah! He revived the economy!" ke: "He did, huh? You really know your stuff. You're so smart, Liza." Liza: "My dad says that it's because of the Sun King that we can run our business without fear." ke: "Is this your favorite place, Liza?" Liza: "It's my dad's favorite. He'd come here with my mom. He said it's like snow." ke: "Your mom? I didn't see her yesterday..." Liza: "She died." Liza: "Four years ago." Liza: "There was a battle in this town, too." Liza: "Everyone got mixed up in it. In order to raise us my dad worked from morning 'til night until he finally got this inn." Liza: "I wanna get big and strong soon, so I can let him see it." ke: "I hope he can see it soon, too." Liza: "Yeah." Dek: "Bro, I don't think this is such a good idea." Bok: "Are you still on that? We get a big money reward if we take her out." Dek: "It's kidnapping! You sure we can handle this? I wish we could take a job that was a little more low-profile." Bok: "This is our chance! This is our time to level up as villains!" Dek: "But I'm happy with the way things are!" Bok: "You make me sick! Let's do it!" Dad: "Mina?" Dad: "Mina! Mina!" Liza: "Dad! Where's Mina?" Dad: "You haven't seen her?" Liza: "No, I just got home." Dad: "I heard her out here a moment ago." Bok: "Hurry! Hurry! Let's get this done quick and get something good to eat!" Dek: "We'll open up a savings account, too!" Dek: "Hey, bro..." Bok: "What is it? I don't got time to talk right now!" Dek: "You're sure this is the girl, right?" Bok: "Why do you ask?" Dek: "There's something about the smell, I guess... She was a bit more rude, wasn't she?" Bok: "It's not even the right color hair!" Dek: "I know!" Bok: "Don't say "I know!" Say this stuff sooner!" Dek: "Sorry, I thought it might just be my imagination." Bok: "Her tits were bigger, too." Dek: "I think you made her mad." Bok: "We don't have a choice. Let's try it again." Dek: "What do we do with her? Kill her?" Bok: "You jumped a few levels, there." Bok: "We wasted our time. I think we deserve some compensation." Dek: "Sounds good! Then we can have a scene with a ton of service shots! Sorry, lady." Dek: "We gotta please the male viewers. Give it up." Bok: "What?!" ke: "If you put one scratch on Mina," ke: "you'll pay for it." Dek: "Hey! It's her!" Bok: "Lucky us! This is great. If you come along quietly, we'll go easy on you." Dek: "Bro, you're so cool!" ke: "I can use it..." ke: "the air of this land." ke: "Maybe we can get along after all." Dad: "You're heading out now?" ke: "My clothing's dried and I got my luggage back. I'd better get moving." Mina: "Good luck!" ke: "Thanks." Liza: "After you become a princess, will you stay away forever?" ke: "Do you really think I'm that cold?" ke: "I'll stay in your room next time I'm here. I want to see your treasures, Liza!" Bok: "Sis! We're about to head out!" Dek: "It's getting dark!" Mina: "Are you sure you can trust them?" Liza: "You don't think they'll take you somewhere shady?" Dad: "Yeah." ke: "If they're not stupid, they'll have learned their lesson. I meant to present this to the king upon my arrival, but I wanted to thank you." Dad: "Wow. You're really spoiling us here at the end. My daughters did this out of kindness, so—" ke: "I know. So I want to repay you with kindness, too." Liza: "Nike!" Mina: "They're like dancing flower petals..." Dad: "Yeah." Dad: "Just like those flowers..." Bok: "Wow! That's our gal." Dek: "That's what she'll do to us if we double-cross her on the way." Bok: "That's our gal..." Soldiers: "Withdraw! Throw one more!" Vice: "It's just as you thought, General." Vice: "We were unable to rendezvous with the other ship." General: "We'll have many other chances." General: "Many, indeed..." Guard: "Halt!" Guard: "State your title, name, and reason for entering the castle!" ke: "I am Nike, the Rain-Summoning Princess." ke: "I've come here to marry your king." el: "Welcome, Fourth sovereign daughter of the Principality of Rain, Nike Lemercier. If you had just shown this to us from the beginning, you could have avoided a brawl with the guards." ke: "They treated me like a suspicious person out of nowhere! Anyone would get violent over that!" el: "No, they would not." el: "Take Lady Nike to the audience chamber." Soldiers: "Sir!" el: "Raise your head, Lady Nike." Livi: "I bid you welcome after your long journey." Livi: "I am the Sun King, Livius I." Livi: "Make it rain, Princess. I wish to see it." ke: "Rain-Summoning isn't a parlor trick!"
{ "raw_title": "The World is Still Beautiful Episode 1 – The Sun Kingdom", "parsed": [ "The World is Still Beautiful", "1", "The Sun Kingdom" ] }
k: "Wh-Wh-What?" Liv: "I asked them to send the most beautiful one. I think they're making fun of me." e: "You think so, too, Majesty?" Liv: "Never mind, Princess Nike. There's a reason I called you here. I hear your royal family has the power to control the weather. You're especially proficient at making it rain." Liv: "As its name suggests, this is a kingdom of fair weather." Liv: "I've grown rather weary of the sun." Liv: "Make it rain, Princess. I wish to see it." k: "You've gotta be kidding me!" k: "This world isn't your toy, you little brat! Weary of the sun?! Is that a reason to throw a person's life into disorder?!" Guard: "Sir!" Guard: "Princess! Please, stop!" e: "Majesty. Are you all right?" Liv: "Yeah." e: "Take this upstart away!" k: "Let me go! Let me go! I'll teach him the harsh realities of life!" e: "How savage. Such a princess should be sent back to her home country immediately." Liv: "Wait." Liv: "It takes real nerve to raise a hand against me." Liv: "But I like it." Liv: "It suits you so well!" k: "Is this how you treat a guest of state?!" Liv: "Oh, and don't feed her." k: "What?!" Liv: "No one's dared oppose me since I conquered the world. It's gotten boring. I'd like you to entertain me." Liv: "Starve to death here or become my plaything. It's your decision." Vor: "Goodness! Forcing her to choose between starvation and being your plaything?" Kei: "If the Princess were to starve to death... it would cause quite a ruckus." Rat: "Is that your intention?" Liv: "Don't worry. It won't cause any diplomatic issues. You won't be needed, Elders." Rat: "Does that mean..." Kei: "...she'll become a plaything?" Vor: "That's wonderful!" Liv: "Nike of the Principality of Rain, eh? She should be a serviceable pastime." Rat: "Then we must think of how to play with her!" Kei: "Yes! Yes! Yes!" Vor: "We should start at once, tonight!" Liv: "I said you won't be needed." k: "I'll him..." k: "I'll kill him and fillet him and eat him. That little brat..." k: "But those eyes... they weren't like a child's eyes at all." k: "I'm so hungry it's hard to concentrate... But I'm almost there." Liv: "The lines are all good. But reduce the military budget by another 3%." Liv: "Put the extra into flood control measures." e: "You looked through all of the budget proposals in just one day. Impressive as ever, sir. But I do wish you would take better care of your health." e: "You really must eat regular meals." Liv: "I know." e: "Good night, then." Liv: "Budgets are just a puzzle." Liv: "They don't do anything to kill time." Liv: "I'm so bored." k: "In that case... Why don't I make things more interesting for you? Majesty." Liv: "That's a funny joke." Liv: "But I'm not into women being on top." k: "You've got a big mouth for a brat! I thought about just running off quietly, but that idea just didn't satisfy me. I'm going to teach you respect for your elde—" Liv: "What was that about elders?" k: "I'll kill you... yes... I'm going to fillet you..." Liv: "Haven't you had enough? Why not call the rain for me already?" k: "Excuse me! Rain-Summoning is not a parlor trick. It requires preparation, effort, and time! It's a sacred ritual!" Liv: "If there are things you need, I can prepare them right away." k: "It's not about "things." What you need are "feelings" and "experiences."" Liv: "Feelings and experiences?" k: "The feelings of the person seeking the rain must be in concert with those of the person making it. Then, you need to let me experience the beauty of the world that surrounds me. If you want me to work my magic, you need to show me the beauty of this world." k: "You, personally." e: "Majesty! That little tomboy has—" Liv: "What about her?" e: "...not escaped." Liv: "Sheila, what's that song?" She: "They say it's a song from the east that brings rain." Liv: "What's rain?" She: "I don't know. I hear it's drops of water from the sky." Liv: "Drops of water? Do you want to see it, Sheila?" She: "I suppose I do. It is a bit overly dry here." She: "But I don't mind, as long as I have you." She: "My blessed rain." Liv: "I feel the same way." Maids: "Good morning, Princess Nike!" ke: "Oh, hey." Ran: "We'll be taking care of every little thing for you beginning today, Your Highness!" Ran: "I'm Ranra!" Sun: "I'm Sunya." Mik: "I'm Mikia!" Maids: "It's a pleasure to meet you!" Ran: "Now, let's change Her Highness's clothes!" Sun: "We'll use the dress Lord Livi picked himself!" Mik: "Oh, it's wonderful!" k: "Wh-What is this?" Ran: "What do you think? Beautiful, isn't it?" Jai: "Rather extravagant for breakfast, isn't it?" Jai: "Is this what Princess Nike requested?" Liv: "Jeez. If she wanted luxury, she could've said so earlier." k: "Hey! You!" k: "This is way off the mark. What the hell is this?!" k: "You! You didn't understand what I was saying at all, did you?!" Liv: "Stop whining. I worked really hard at being impressed by it all." k: "Wrong!" Liv: "What? What did I get wrong?" k: "How unimaginative are you?! I was talking about—" k: "It's a Cape of Sharon!" k: "What an unusual color!" k: "Is it? Yeah! This is the only place it blooms in this color!" k: "This is the kind of thing you should be showing me!" Liv: "Flowers are just flowers." Liv: "What's so great about them?" Jai: "Majesty. Highness. Please, come to breakfast." Liv: "Got it. C'mon, let's go." k: "You own the world, but you've never looked at any of it." k: "What a waste." e: "I've brought the letters addressed to you, Majesty." Liv: "Thanks." e: "There is also something I would like to say to you. I've received word that our enemy factions have been increasing in activity lately. We're taking the greatest caution, but just to be safe, you should also be on your utmost guard. Excuse me. Are you listening to me?" Liv: "Hey." Liv: "Am I a waste?" e: "What? To what do you refer?" k: "It's beautiful." k: "This country's like this everywhere, I guess..." k: "What a waste." Liv: "Flowers are just flowers." k: "Could it be that I think of him like a little brother? I am the youngest, and I always wanted a younger sibling..." Liv: "You're an idiot." Liv: "I refuse to accept a big sister like you." k: "Wh-What are you doing here, at this time of night?!" Liv: "And I could ask you what you're doing here." k: "I-I came to look at the stars." Liv: "I see." k: "Are you gonna say that again? Stars are just stars?" Liv: "Don't pick a fight." Liv: "Stars are just stars." k: "Why you..." Liv: "But it's true that... I think they shone a little brighter back then." Liv: "Oh." k: "Hmm?" Liv: ""Make the caster experience the beauty of this world." You said that's the condition to summon the rain." Liv: "Why is that necessary?" k: "I need to arrange my song." Liv: "Arrange?" k: "The caster takes inspiration from the country's climate, land, and scenery, makes adjustments to the basic melody, and adds in the rhyme. And then..." k: "Achoo!" Liv: "There's a garden on the roof of the north tower." k: "What?" Liv: "It's what you need, right? Go on." k: "Don't be so lazy. Come on, with me!" Liv: "Wait." Liv: "It's too late tonight! Let's do it tomorrow!" k: "Huh? Tomorrow?" Liv: "Jeez, I'm totally soaked." k: "Don't complain. You had fun, right?" Liv: "Not really. But it has been a while since I last came here." e: "Majesty, your drink." Liv: "Thanks." k: "Look out!" e: "Princess Nike's wound won't be fatal." e: "But it brought on a terrible fever. She's taking medicine and resting right now." e: "The perpetrator escaped. We believe one of the enemy factions to be behind it, but we have no proof." Liv: "Well, we have a rough idea." e: "Majesty..." Liv: "Don't be sad, Neil. Thanks to this, I remembered for the first time in a long time..." Liv: "This is how the world should be, right?" Liv: "The world just exists to hurt people. And to be conquered." Liv: "To survive, you mow down your enemies and take what you want. It's nothing like her— like Nike's world." Liv: "It's fun." k: "I told you, I'm fine!" Sun: "No, no, no, no!" Ran: "The court physician has not yet given his permission!" Mik: "You must take better care of yourself!" k: "Yeah, yeah. I hear you." k: "By the way, where's the kid? I took a hit for him. He's not even going to look in on me?" k: "Wait... did something happen?" Ran: "Yes. Due to the assassination attempt, martial law was declared in the capital. His Majesty seems to think he can use this to crush the last traces of rebellion." Mik: "His Majesty himself ran the interrogations. A number of retainers have already been punished." Sun: "Many have even been stripped of rank and land and driven into exile!" k: "Wait! That will just sow more resentme—" Maids: "Highness!" k: "I can't let him do it." k: "I need to tell him to stop!" e: "You will not, Highness." k: "Neil..." e: "I am to return you to the Principality of Rain at once." e: "On His Majesty's order." Gen: "Me? Exiled from the country?!" Gen: "That brat. He's mocking me..." Vic: "Please calm down, General!" Gen: "But..." Vic: "We feel the same way you do." Vic: "We have already made the preparations. It's only a matter of time before he falls from the Sun King throne." e: "You seem rather put-out." k: "Of course I am!" k: "He basically just divorced me!" e: "But you didn't want to come here in the first place, did you?" k: "Look. I'm just mad at how unfeeling he's acting. After all that, he just drives me out without even looking me in the eye! If I'd known people were trying to kill him, I could have helped!" k: "Whatever." e: "Allow me to apologize in my lord's stead." k: "Wh-Where did that come from? I don't know how to reply to that." e: "He does not know how to seek help from others." e: "His mother was born to a lower class." e: "Because of that, they lived a lonely life in the palace." e: "They lived in secret, with only one another to rely upon." e: "Eventually, His Majesty ascended the throne. His performance was brilliant. It is because of that that he was able to take over the world." e: "But I was certain it was merely a distraction." k: "A distraction?" e: "His mother, Sheila, was assassinated, three years ago." k: "Then..." e: "Yes. Everything that he did was to fill the void in his heart." e: "In addition, there is one thing I wish for you to understand. Sending you home is his way of showing consideration for you." e: "His Majesty wished to protect you." e: "What happened?" Driver: "It's awful! Look at that!" e: "Princess Nike! Turn the carriage around! Hurry!" Gen: "Continue!" Vic: "Sir!" Vor: "What a risky play!" Kei: "Looks like he mean to bring all of his hidden enemies out into the light this way." Rat: "Is this a way to bring them out?" Vor: "And is there something he wishes to verify, as well?" e: "His Majesty! Is His Majesty safe?" Soldier: "I don't know! The third floor of the palace is an inferno! We can't get any closer!" e: "Majesty!" Liv: "They've really done it this time." Liv: "Setting the castle on fire is so immature." Liv: "What do I do?" Liv: "Just a matter of time, huh?" k: "Clouds... come here." k: "Drops... fall here." k: "Drive out the flames..." k: "tell him..." k: "that despite all of this... the world is still beautiful." Jai: "Hey. Do you hear something?" Ran: "Is it a song?" e: "That voice... Princess Nike?" Mik: "My body... the air is trembling..." Liv: "Tch." Liv: "It's so bright..." k: "That's his..." Liv: "This is a serious situation." Liv: "There's a sense of danger approaching from the neighboring country." k: "Can't you leave the kingship to others a little more?"
{ "raw_title": "The World is Still Beautiful Episode 2 – The Rain Princess", "parsed": [ "The World is Still Beautiful", "2", "The Rain Princess" ] }
Woman: "That's our King Livi! Picture perfect! As usual, no retouching necessary!" Woman: "E-Excuse me... could you turn up the corners of your mouth a bit more?" e: "Smile, sir. For the good of the country." Liv: "In what way is this "for the good of the country"?" e: "The royal family bulletin only comes once a year. Many of the citizens look forward to it. Consider your bond with your people and smile." Liv: "But where is the Princess?" Ran: "Just a bit more, Princess Nike!" Mik: "Call on your womanly spirit!" Sun: "Princess Nike, endure it!" k: "I can't! It's choking me to death!" Des: "Silence! Those who call themselves the royal family must at all times practice superior dress and decorum. I am the Sun Kingdom's top designer, and if you are going to wear my designs, you must conduct yourself in a manner befitting a queen. Posture!" Des: "Kindly lose five more kilograms before the engagement ceremony." k: "Five kilograms?!" Des: "Tell the chef that starting today, he must remove all carbohydrates from Princess Nike's meals!" k: "W-Wait a minute! What's this "engagement ceremony" stuff? I know about the wedding ceremony, but—" Des: "It is a traditional sacred rite that is held before the wedding ceremony. It's also known as "the Exchanging of Suns." The man and woman each bring a ring and exchange them to formalize their engagement." k: "Wow, fashionable." Woman: "Pardon me. How are Princess Nike's preparations coming?" Woman: "Lovely!" Liv: "I guess you can dress up anything!" Vor: "My, my, my! I thought I was looking at a goddess! Is this really our Princess Nike?!" Kei: "Beautifully drawn, aren't they?! Absolutely delicious!" Vor: "Though I think they drew them bigger than the real things..." Liv: "Only bored housewives read the royal family bulletin." Rat: "Your presentation to the citizens is coming up. But there are many things to be done before then..." Liv: "I've finished all the complicated behind-the-scenes nonsense." Liv: "If nothing comes up, things should go just as I planned them." Rani: "Come in." Randa: "Pardon me, sir. There is something I must inform you of right away." Randa: "It is..." k: "That's all?" Jai: "Princess Nike. Princess Nike!" Jai: "Just don't tell that pompous ass." k: "I love you, Jaina!" Des: "The public engagement ceremony comes only once in a lifetime. Do you intend to abandon my masterpiece and wear off the rack?" Jai: "It's heartbreaking..." e: "Princess Nike! Come to the office at once! It's an emergency!" Liv: "The engagement's been canceled." k: "What on earth?" Liv: "The Ministry of the Priesthood did it." k: "Ministry of the Priesthood?" e: "They are the state's highest organization for managing the rites for various gods, including our country's patron deity, the Sun God. Weddings in the royal family must have the approval of the Ministry of the Priesthood. But they have made the decision not to approve of his marriage to you." k: "But why?" e: "The reason they gave is because you are of a foreign ethnic group." Liv: "It's ridiculous. That means nothing in this country. It's just a pretext. Historically, there have been other lawful wives from foreign ethnic groups. I'm the one they don't like!" k: "Why don't they like you?" e: "They may bear a grudge for how he took an ax to the degradations of the Ministry of the Priesthood when he first ascended the throne. They said that if we insist on their accepting you, you must undergo the Rite of Illumination." k: "Illumination?" e: "It is a special ritual. You must retrieve a special ring to be used in the Exchanging of Suns which is consecrated in an underground temple. The underground temple is one of the most perilous parts of our country, located in the depths of a miasmic valley. Countless princesses have lost their lives there. Because of that, the custom fell into decline two reigns ago, but..." k: "I'll do it." Liv: "Didn't you hear what he said?" k: "If I do this illumination whatever, he'll accept me, right? So, I'll do it!" Liv: "It's not that simple." e: "Accepting the trial would be acknowledging that the Ministry of the Priesthood was correct in refusing to permit the wedding. They are not the only forces in this country who think ill of His Majesty. Are you prepared to face all of them?" Liv: "This underhanded way of doing things must be the work of Rani Aristes." Liv: "But don't worry. Even if he sends every one of his retainers at me, I will not allow the slightest harm to come to you. So shut up and let me protect you!" k: "Jeez... Always taking everything on his shoulders..." She: "Livi. Take this." Liv: "A ring?" She: "It is a ring of protection that was given to me when I left my hometown." She: "When you find someone you love, give it to her." Liv: "Then you take it, Sheila! I could never love anyone more than I love you, Sheila." She: "So passionate. But please, take it." She: "You never know what the future might bring." Liv: "A rare slip, for me." Ran: "Where to find the priesthood? They're usually in the eastern temple. Do you have business with them?" k: "I guess." Ran: "But even the royal family can't enter the temple without permission." Ran: "It would be one thing for a servant like me, but..." k: "I'm the big sister of Mary, lady in waiting to the priesthood. I came to bring her a change of clothes and a letter." Guard: "Wait. You really developed an hourglass figure since the last time I saw you!" k: "Get back to work!" Priest: "Fool! Look what you've done to my sacred vestment!" Lady: "I'm terribly sorry!" Lady: "Please, forgive me!" Priest: "I'll strike you down for your insolence!" Priest: "You're..." Priest: "Princess Nike! This power! Princess Nike! It's really her!" k: "How dare you raise your hand to a woman! Isn't this a house of God?" Priest: "I don't want to hear that from some foreign princess!" Rani: "Don't do it, Minor Rani Theus." Rani: "Forbearance is one of the teachings of God." Priest: "Y-You're... Rani Aristes!" Rani: "Forgive me for not coming to welcome you, Your Highness." Rani: "Forgive the rudeness of my subordinate, as well." k: "You should be apologizing to her, not me!" Rani: "But your power is truly shocking!" Rani: "I hear you can call the clouds and rain, as well. Incredible." Rani: "Rain and clouds are ill-omened things which cover the sun. We do not need them in this country." Rani: "Yes. You are an ill omen." k: "You're pretty up front about all this." Ran: "If His Majesty were to find out, I'd be sent straight to prison, right?" Ran: "There's no making amends with a king like that, either. He made it clear when he chose a princess like you..." Ran: "Just how much he takes after that peasant mother of his. His Majesty's mother, the woman called Sheila, was also a woman of some nation's ethnic minority. People warned the previous king that it would be the cause of ruination in this country and urged him to dispose of her, but he strong-armed his way into making her a concubine. That child is now defiling the throne and ruining the country." Ran: "His Majesty's blood disqualifies him from the kingship. Livius I never should have been born." Ran: "Don't do it, Princess Nike! You'll lose your position if you raise a hand against a priest!" k: "Let me go!" Ran: "You should be grateful to us. We're giving you a chance to do this aboveboard, so that you don't end up the way that woman did." Ran: "It's up to you whether you take it or not." k: "He's been hurt so many times, and this time it's my fault." Lady: "Your Highness. Let's go outside for now." Lady: "Your Highness?" k: "I might... not be able to stay with him..." Lady: "R-Regardless, I'll take you back to the palace. Actually, um... Would you mind making a stop on the way?" k: "Amazing! It's shining in the twilight..." Lady: "This is the best time to see them, but that's not what I wanted to show you. That is." Lady: "Those children are all refugees or from other ethnicities. Until recently, they were part of what were called "the lower classes." The king quickly abolished the class system, but he never actively concerned himself with this establishment." Lady: "But lately..." Girl: "Hey! You're the queen, right? You are, aren't you?" k: "You know me?" Girl: "You know, this! I love reading it. Is the king not here today?" k: "Yeah, it's just me. Has he come here before?" Girl: "Yeah! He looked at the flowers for the longest time. See? There! I asked him "do you like flowers?" and he said "I don't know. Flowers really are just flowers."" Girl: "But he says that looking at the flowers reminds him of you!" k: "Oh?" Girl: "Not just flowers. Wind, trees, the sun... everything in the world that never moved him before. When he thinks of you, he can see their beauty for the first time, he said." Girl: "They all say it." Girl: "King Livius has changed. Thanks to Princess Nike. As far as we're concerned, you have more than proved your worthiness to be queen." k: "Thank you." k: "It's true. They really are beautiful." Liv: "Sheila?" k: "Sorry. Did I wake you?" Liv: "No, I was just lying down for a bit. But what's that sweet smell—" Liv: "What's all this?!" k: "Isn't it nice?" e: "Majesty! What has happened?" k: "The kids at the orphanage sent them for you." k: "I learned a lot about you today." k: "Hey, I want to take that trial." e: "Weren't you listening? To undertake the Rite of Illumination..." k: "I'm going to face up against it all. I'm going to make them accept me. I won't give anyone cause for complaint." e: "But..." Liv: "Nike, if you throw yourself in the face of criticism, you won't escape unharmed." Liv: "If you stay behind me, I'll protect you." k: "I know. I haven't forgotten what you said about not letting any harm come to me," k: "but I don't mind getting hurt. Any harm that comes to me because of you is harm that I need." k: "I want to share your pain." k: "So I want you to let me fight." k: "With you." k: "Hey! What's wrong?" Liv: "I can't stand it. Knock it off!" Liv: "You hear me? I thought you'd be really anxious about this, so I was going to take this chance to act all chivalrous! What am I supposed to do if you do it instead, idiot?! You really are completely lacking in charm!" Liv: "But if you insist, I'll just have to do what you say." Liv: "Hey, Nike. Hold out your hand." Liv: "No, this one." Liv: "It's Sheila's ring." Liv: "I'm sure it will protect you. Wear it around your neck. It won't go on your finger until the ceremony." Liv: "Come back safely." k: "Sure. I'll be back soon." Ran: "Sovereign Daughter of the Principality of Rain, Nike Lemercier." Ran: "We shall now conduct your Rite of Illumination." Ran: "The entrance here will be sealed. None can enter after you do." Ran: "You must find another exit from the temple by yourself." Ran: "The time limit is the morning of the state ceremony. You know what you must do, correct?" k: "Yeah. I go into the Sun God's temple and swipe his ring, right?" Ran: "The ring should be consecrated within the Sun God statue in the deepest part." Ran: "Now go, and may God protect you." Liv: "It's a maze in there. Keep your wits about you." k: "No need to worry! Just trust in me and wait here." Liv: "I know you'll laugh in the face of any danger. Just don't come back feral." k: "That's what you're worried about?" Liv: "I trust you." k: "I'll be back soon!" k: "Now..." k: "Well, let's have a look." e: "Countless princesses have lost their lives there." Liv: "I'm sure it will protect you." k: "Okay!" k: "A bug!" k: "Whoops! I won't fall for that one twice!" k: "That's... the Sun God's Temple?" Ran: "The ring should be consecrated within the Sun God statue." k: "Consecrated inside?" k: "It's here! This is it!" k: "It's empty? Why?!" k: "Sacred rite, huh? What a joke!" Randa: "I know how you feel, Highness. Ever since Livius I ascended the throne, he has done nothing but belittle us and the traditional retainers. All he does is pointlessly cater to the common people, abolishing the lower classes and otherwise threatening the structure of society. His tyrannical abuses of power have only escalated since you arrived. Not only are you a princess of a foreign country, you are a direct threat to us." Randa: "So I will end you here." k: "I promised... I promised I'd make it back!" Liv: "If you disappear, too..."
{ "raw_title": "The World is Still Beautiful Episode 4 – Ring of Tales (1)", "parsed": [ "The World is Still Beautiful", "4", "Ring of Tales (1)" ] }
Randa: "Not only are you a princess of a foreign country," Randa: "you are a direct threat to us." Randa: "So I will end you here." k: "How dare you!" Randa: "What a very... ...brave princess you are." Randa: "Sorry to say, but it's your life we're after." Randa: "Hold back! We'll strike each other!" Suit: "She wasn't there!" Ran: "She can't escape from here! Find her!" Suits: "Sir!" Randa: "And make sure you kill her!" Liv: "It's only a matter of time if we stay. One way or another, if we can make it out of the temple, we can get outside." k: "What are you doing here?" Liv: "At least thank me, first." k: "Hey! If you're here, I fail the test!" Liv: "You're still on that? In this situation?" k: "Or rather, what are you, an esper or something? Or a wizard? An evil wizard?" Liv: "Don't keep saying it!" Suit: "Let's check the statue again. Right!" Liv: "There's a route only the royal family knows." Liv: "I used that." k: "You've got something like that, too? Why didn't you tell me that from the start?" Liv: "It wouldn't have been much of a trial, then, would it? Boring." k: "You're mean!" Liv: "You're just now realizing that?" k: "I'm surprised that Neil allowed it." Liv: "I didn't tell him." e: "Majesty!" k: "I'm grateful that you saved me... But I guess... you really didn't trust in me, then." Liv: "I'm a man of poor character, I guess." Liv: "I know how evil men think." Liv: "It's not that I didn't trust you." Liv: "I just..." Liv: "No, nothing. Right now, we need to focus on how to get out of here." k: "You..." Liv: "It seems to me that this trial might be used for assassinations." Liv: "The priests only let the princesses they like get out safely." k: "That's inhuman." k: "I've found it! A way to get out of here..." Ran: "Have you found her?" Suit: "No! She's not in here." Suit: "All that's left is the waterway." Ran: "Hmm..." Ran: "Hmm?" Ran: "Where did this fog come from?" Liv: "That fog looks like it'll last a while. That was incredible. I didn't know you could do that, too." k: "Haven't you learned anything? That's the most basic of basics!" k: "It's way simpler than calling rain. The principle is the same as making clouds. Do it in the sky, they're clouds. Do it on the ground, you've got fog. Hey, are you listening?!" Liv: "Of course I a—" k: "But I think I really owe my safety to this little guy here." Ran: "Please, no!" k: "Stop it!" k: "That's enough! Enough already!" Liv: "We're going!" Suit: "Sir Randa..." Suit: "Are you hurt? Princess Nike went that w—" Ran: "You don't have to follow her!" Suit: "Are you certain?" Ran: "It's fine. First, tell Sir Aristes" Ran: "about our foolish king's actions here." k: "They're not following us anymore!" k: "Hey! We have to— we have to go back there! Your ring..." Liv: "Like I care about that!" Liv: "The truth is, I just..." Liv: "couldn't stay there." Liv: "Without even thinking, I grabbed my sword... and came here..." Liv: "I was so scared." Liv: "So scared I couldn't stand it! If you... if you disappear, too..." Liv: "I don't know what I'd do!" Liv: "I don't need some ring or some throne!" Liv: "If it means that I won't lose you..." Liv: "I would throw everything away!" Liv: "I'll happily throw it away!" k: "I'm sorry. Because I was focused on something so meaningless, you had to think about so many things. Such frightening things..." k: "and then you saved me." k: "I... I've been completely wrong." k: "I'm sorry. I didn't know how else to stop your trembling," k: "but there's no reason for you to throw anything away. We don't know what the future might bring," k: "so don't think about throwing things away before it's time. Instead, let's visualize a brighter place and work towards getting there together, okay?" k: "Don't worry." k: "I won't go anywhere until then. You don't have to trust anything, but trust in just that one thing." She: "Livi..." She: "You never know what the future might bring." Liv: "It's true. I never thought I'd ever be holding someone's hand like this," Liv: "feeling this warmth..." k: "Besides..." k: "If you weren't the Sun King, you'd have zero appeal, you know! If you strip away the whole kingship thing, you're just a perverted, sneaky little brat!" Liv: "Hey! I take back what I said! I'm going to cling to my throne with an iron grip!" k: "That's good!" k: "Hang onto the throne for my sake, too, okay?" Liv: "Yeah, right." k: "The real problem is the ceremony today. There's your ring, but... Mine, too, I guess." k: "We'll have to cover for it somehow." Liv: "I have an idea for how to do that." k: "An idea?" Liv: "Livius I's ultimate gamble." Liv: "We're going to win, I promise you." Liv: "When we're together, no one can beat us." k: "The voices of the four gods?" e: "God of Tactics, Lord Graham Wodan. He's famous for the Zeus Island invasion that resulted in zero casualties." e: "God of Weapons, Lord Alan Catesby. Other countries still can't replicate his blasting powder formula." e: "Lord Vincent Ratcliff is the man with contacts all over the world. Good or bad, all organizations show respect to Lord Ratcliff." k: "Three such amazing men, and..." e: "Yes. With King Livi they are called "The Four Gods." The decisions made in that room are known as the "Word of God," and no man can turn against it." k: "But even they can't do anything about the ceremony?" e: "It was in that room that, long ago, that it was decided to turn festivals over to the Ministry of the Priesthood." e: "The matter cannot be overturned." Rat: "You've got to have big tits!" Vor: "Bigger doesn't necessarily mean better!" Rat: "That's why I said it earlier! Only if all other factors are equal—" Vor: "No two sets of tits are exactly alike, though!" Cat: "You need to consider size and shape and the balance between the two!" Rat: "But the really enormous ones are pretty great, aren't they?" Vor: "Not everyone feels that way!" Cat: "Anyway, youth is most important—" Liv: "Can we talk about the ceremony already?" Guys: "Be quiet!" Karl: "Hurry!" k: "It's getting hard to breathe!" Kar: "I thought you said you lost five kilograms!" k: "I did! Half of it, anyway." Ran: "Princess Nike! Suck in your stomach!" Sun: "I'm doing it!" e: "That roar you just heard was no demon. It is the sign that Princess Nike's preparations are complete." Liv: "That's what I thought. The only one who could scream like that..." k: "...is me, right?" k: "If they ever trussed you up in something like this, you'd understand." Liv: "R-Right..." k: ""I guess you can dress up anything!" Right?" Liv: "No... you're beautiful." k: "Huh?" Liv: "As the sky is blue, as the ocean is vast, Nike," Liv: "you are beautiful." k: "Hey, is he sick?" e: "No... King Livi is simply speaking from the heart." Liv: "Get out of here." Liv: "Don't cry!" k: "How's it looking?" k: "The big match... you think we can win?" Liv: "Who do you think you're talking to? Losing is the one thing I hate the most." k: "Right?" k: "Hey, say that line again, would you?" Liv: "I'll kill you." Lea: "Because the high priest has been long indisposed, I, Rani Learte, will conduct the Exchanging of the Suns today. First, let us give praise for the fine weather that greets us on this sacred day. Your Majesty." Lea: "Princess Nike. Before we begin the ritual, please show us all the fruits of your Rite of Illumination." Lea: "What is the meaning of this?" k: "Forgive me. I was unable to acquire the ring from the temple." Lea: "But... does this mean you're giving up on the engagement?" k: "No... I am not giving up!" Liv: "Rani Learte. What my princess is saying is that some musty old ring from the underground is unworthy of a man who is now king of the world." Lea: "Then... what would be worthy of you? Have you prepared a golden ring, perhaps?" Liv: "Something far greater." Liv: "Listen well, everyone! Princess Nike is saying that, for a ring worthy of the Sun King," Liv: "she will place a giant ring on the sun itself! Don't you want to see that?!" Ari: "What is he plotting?" Ari: "Rani Learte, do you mean to allow this?" Lea: "Why not? Do you mean to say you're not also interested" Lea: "in seeing what His Majesty produces?" Liv: "Then, please watch my Princess" Liv: "and her miraculous talent!" k: "A ring on the sun?" Liv: "I read about the phenomenon in some old documents." Liv: "Though they treated it like a bad omen." k: "You mean a halo, right? It's a sign of rain about to fall. It's also called a "white rainbow." It's the water crystals that make up clouds bending the light of the sun." k: "You want me to make one?" Liv: "Can you do it?" k: "I don't know. Even if I did make one, I don't think that would convince them." Liv: "Probably not. But that's not what I'm after." Lea: "Th-This is..." People: "A ring..." People: "A ring on the sun..." Liv: "That's not what I'm after. I just want to shake them up." Ran: "Be quiet!! Wake up, all of you!" Ari: "Randa..." Ran: "This engagement was a sham from the start! Because before the Rite of Illumination was over, King Livius entered the underground temple and gave aid to Princess Nike! We saw i—" Lea: "What is the meaning of this?" Liv: "The law of the rite is that after Princess Nike enters the temple, no one else may enter." Liv: "I broke that law and entered the temple." Lea: "With reason, I presume?" Liv: "It was my only option, to stop the assassination of Princess Nike." Lea: "Assassination!" Lea: "Aristes, did you know about this?" Ari: "Majesty, we planned this all by ourselves." Ari: "It has nothing to do with the Ministry of the Priesthood." Lea: "What are you saying? What did His Majesty and you—" Ari: "It doesn't matter now." Ari: "If you match the scar on his face to His Majesty's sword..." Lea: "Are you acknowledging that it's true?" Lea: "Why... why would you..." Ari: "Why?" Ari: "Have you forgotten the restriction that the king forced upon us? Have you, Rani Learte? He belittled the Sun God, the source of our authority, struck down our authority and respect... I just wanted to pay back some of that disgrace! Are you going to reject that all as foolishness?!" Lea: "Aristes." Lea: "I cannot cover for you." Lea: "I cannot forgive those who turn against King Livius." k: "Aristes." k: "I will give the verdict. I have His Majesty's permission to do it." Ari: "Are you going to take my head with the power of the wind?" Ari: "Princess..." k: "My own power's quite enough!" Vor: "She hit him!" Kei: "Yes, she hit him." Rat: "Is this the end?" Vor: "It can't be." Kei: "Not possible." Rat: "A king capable of forgiveness..." Vor: "He's certainly grown." Kei: "Yes, he has." k: "Rani Aristes. As your future queen, I'll give you one degree less than death. In exchange, I want you to approve our engagement!" Ari: "Even now... you want my approval?" Ari: "Are you trying to show pity for me?" k: "I don't want any resentment to remain over this engagement. You said that clouds and rain were ill-omened things." k: "Is that really true? The sun may be wonderful, but can you live on that alone? We all live because of the wind, the clouds, and the rain. They're not things you can throw out just because they're temporarily inconvenient, right? It's the same for this country," k: "and for you... You're a part of this country, right?" Ari: "Impossible..." Liv: "Too soft?" Ari: "Do you accept this?" Liv: "I don't care what you all do. If you're going to die out, die out. And if you want to regain that authority and respect or whatever, you can do that, too." Liv: "It's up to you." Ari: "You've grown." Liv: "Take him away!" k: "In the end, we weren't able to get a set of rings." Liv: "Do you remember? That bridge of light you showed me at the start... For a ring that will bind us together, if we bring that bridge together with this, just one is more than enough." k: "Isn't it strange?" Liv: "What is?" k: "We only have half a ring, but the feelings contained within it are so much more." Liv: "Yeah..." k: "Why don't we make more memories together... from now on?" Luna: "Livius!" Liv: "You..." Lun: "I'm his fiancée."
{ "raw_title": "The World is Still Beautiful Episode 5 – Ring of Tales (2)", "parsed": [ "The World is Still Beautiful", "5", "Ring of Tales (2)" ] }
Servant A: "I can't make your makeup look nice if you're crying." Girl A: "I'd prefer that." Girl A: "Don't make me look pretty." Auctioneer: "Next up..." Auctioneer: "Item number 6." Auctioneer: "From Swoigel, 13 years old." Auctioneer: "155 centimeters tall, weighs 41 kilos. Blonde hair, gray eyes." Auctioneer: "In excellent health, no external injuries. Let the bidding begin at three million." Auctioneer: "Four million. Five million." Auctioneer: "I have six million." Auctioneer: "Six and a half million." Auctioneer: "Can I get seven million?" Auctioneer: "I have seven and a half million." Collide: "What a bunch of cheapskates. Bid like you mean it." Butler: "We've already exceeded the cost of acquiring them." Butler: "You've made quite a profit, Lady Collide." Butler: "What "cost"? All you do is burn their villages to the ground. She's a beautiful girl. I wish I could keep her." Butler: "She'd better not be auctioned off for cheap." Girl A: "Please..." Girl A: "Please let me go. I want to see my mother." Dia: "In that case, you should try to look pretty." Girl A: "Huh?" Dia: "You're a girl, after all." Dia: "Well, it should just about be my turn." Man A: "Number 7, come here." Auctioneer: "Now for today's featured product." Auctioneer: "Item number 7." Auctioneer: "From Alvan, 14 years old. 145 centimeters tall, weighs 38 kilos." Auctioneer: "Silver hair, blue eyes. In excellent health. No external injuries, no dental cavities. Let the bidding begin at ten million." Dia: "Are these men the target of this job? They're obviously evil-looking men. How many girls have they brought to tears until now?" Dia: "Latem etaerc!" Dia: "Now, then... I'll show no mercy. Prepare yourselves. Elfir etaerc!" Dia: "Erif! Erif!" Man A: "What the hell is going on?!" Tarte: "Are there any among you who reluctantly followed Marquess Collide's orders" Tarte: "Good. Then I can kill you without reservations." Man B: "You brat!" Man D: "Damn kid!" Man E: "You bitch!" Tarte: "Flee with the others." Girl A: "I will." Dia: "Daoler! Erif!" Collide: "Where are the guards?!" Butler: "Th-They should arrive shortly." Dia: "Marquess Collide!" Dia: "He's a magic-user!" Tarte: "Erif!" Dia: "Tarte, buy me time to chant." Tarte: "Yes, Dia-sama." Dia: "Tnemele noitceles, erif." Dia: "Aera thgie, egnar xis, rewop eerht." Tarte: "Daoler!" Dia: "Erif cigam!" Maha: "That's Dia and Tarte's signal." Maha: "Lugh-niisan, Marquess Collide was guilty after all." Lugh: "Thanks. Your information was correct, Maha." Maha: "When I followed the money, I discovered huge profits of unknown origin. They attack villages while disguised as bandits" Maha: "It's unforgivable." Lugh: "Sending Dia and Tarte undercover was the right choice." Lugh: "It takes time to get evidence on a members-only auction. We wouldn't want the number of victims to rise in the meantime." Tarte: "Are you all right?" Girl B: "Yes." Dia: "This way." Lugh: "They went too far when they attacked a village in a neighboring country. Banditry and human trafficking are serious crimes. By committing such crimes across national borders, they endangered international affairs." Lugh: "Target confirmed. In accordance with royal orders and the principles of the House of Tuatha Dé," Assistant: "Hit." Assassin: "Who are we eliminating next?" Assistant: "McDonnell. He's 20 feet to the left in front of the sedan." Assistant: "Hit. Tommy and Jeffrey, 30 feet to the left." Assistant: "Hit. Yu Chen, 70 feet to the right." Assistant: "Crap. He hid behind the van." Assassin: "You should've told me that first." Assassin: "Mission complete." Assistant: "But there are still more mafia members." Assistant: "We could wipe them out now." Assassin: "The organization ordered us to assassinate six men." Assassin: "I'm not killing anyone else." Assistant: "There are still key people down there! If we let them live, the mafia will resume activity and—" Assassin: "Don't get the wrong idea." Assassin: "We're not heroes of justice." Assassin: "We're tools of the organization. We don't do anything we're not ordered to do." Assistant: "But..." Assassin: "If the organization wanted to wipe out the mafia, they would've ordered us to do so." Assassin: "Their goal is probably to leave the mafia's structure in place and replace its leaders." Assassin: "It's possible that members of the organization are undercover among them. We can't kill them without authorization." Assassin: "The mission went as planned. We're leaving." Assistant: "Yes, sir." Assassin: "Move." Assassin: "I'm driving." Assistant: "What's going on?" Assassin: "We're fleeing." Assassin: "We've been spotted by an unmanned reconnaissance drone." Assistant: "It'll find us unless we turn off our lights." Assassin: "No matter. Ready your weapon." Assistant: "What are we going to do?" Assassin: "Do as I say." Assassin: "The border guards are coming." Radio A: "Target vehicle spotted." Radio A: "Secure the vehicle." Guard: "Suspects have opened fire!" Radio A: "Permission to engage granted." Assassin: "Once we're discovered by a drone, we're screwed. Its infrared camera can see the heat of the engine." Assassin: "So we'll leave the headlights on to attract its attention." Assassin: "Hang your gun from the roof. Pass a wire across the trigger." Assassin: "When the bumpy road causes the gun to shake, it'll fire automatically." Assassin: "Drones are equipped with excellent cameras, but they have only one." Assassin: "It'll prioritize following an obvious target." Assassin: "While they're chasing the car, we'll leap from it." Assassin: "Once they're attacked, they're guaranteed to strike back." Assassin: "They won't overlook it." Assassin: "The car just needs to lure them away." Assassin: "If we're lucky, they'll hit and ignite the spare gas tank." Assistant: "It exploded." Assassin: "Yes, just as planned." Assassin: "What's wrong?" Assistant: "When I jumped from the car..." Assassin: "Let me see that. I'll stop the bleeding." Assistant: "Sorry." Assassin: "I wasn't expecting to be found by a drone." Assassin: "Did the mafia make a mistake, or..." Assistant: "The border guards have moved away from the area." Assassin: "Okay. We'll wait here until dawn." Assistant: "We're not going to flee while it's dark out?" Assassin: "The relative temperature of the ground" Assassin: "We'll move once the sun rises and the ground's temperature exceeds that of the human body. Rest until then." Assistant: "Yes, sir." Assistant: "Um..." Assassin: "What is it?" Assistant: "Why did you become an assassin?" Assassin: "I was born into and raised by the organization." Assassin: "They've taught me assassination techniques since I was a child. I was raised only to assassinate. It's the only way I know how to live. I have no other choice." Assistant: "And you were satisfied with that?" Assassin: "Satisfied?" Assistant: "To live bound by the organization." Assassin: "Indeed, yes." Assassin: "I'm proud to have become the organization's greatest tool. I have no doubts." Assistant: "Don't you have any human emotions?" Assassin: "Assassins don't need emotions." Assassin: "Emotions cloud your judgment. They only get in the way." Assassin: "But that all ends with this job." Assassin: "No human can overcome aging." Assistant: "You're retiring?" Assassin: "Yeah. I'm retiring and starting a new job with the organization in Japan." Assistant: "A Japanese assassination organization? As in ninjas?" Assassin: "It's an educational organization. I'll train new assassins there." Assassin: "This mission was also a practice run for training new assassins. I wouldn't have brought along a novice assistant otherwise." Assistant: "I'm not a novice! I've been trained by the organization!" Assassin: "You might as well be a novice." Assistant: "I'm at the top of my class, you know!" Assassin: "Then your classmates are trash. Even I was more useful back when I was still a virgin." Assistant: "How dare you? I'm doing my best to—" Assassin: "What is this?" Assassin: "I asked you a question. What is this?" Assistant: "M-My gun." Assassin: "Why is it pointing at you?" Assistant: "I don't know." Assassin: "Because you trust me. Why did you assume I wouldn't kill you?" Assassin: "What if I planned to kill you once I was done so as not leave any evidence behind? Did that thought not occur to you?" Assistant: "No." Assassin: "I lied about training new assassins. I intended to use you until I could escape, but you've become a burden." Assassin: "It's sooner than I'd planned, but I'm killing you now." Assassin: "What did they teach you to do in these situations?" Assistant: "Huh?" Assassin: "What were you taught?!" Assistant: "Sidestep your attacker's weapon toward the hot side of the gun" Assassin: "Why aren't you doing that?" Assistant: "Because I don't think it would work against you." Assassin: "Don't have so much faith in my abilities. This is why I called you a novice." Assistant: "But..." Assassin: "If you're a professional, don't trust anyone about anything. Got it?" Assassin: "Did you believe I'd kill you?" Assassin: "I just got done telling you not to trust anyone." Assassin: "If you get that, then go to sleep." Assassin: "Go to sleep." Assistant: "I'll shoot you." Assassin: "Go to sleep." Assistant: "I'm going to shoot you." Assassin: "Go to sleep." Assistant: "You think I won't shoot you?" Assassin: "Just go to sleep." Assistant: "You trust that I won't shoot you? I thought professionals didn't trust anyone." Assassin: "It's not that you won't shoot. You can't." Assassin: "You should've noticed from the gun's weight." Assistant: "When did you..." Assassin: "You think I'd return a loaded gun to someone I threatened with it?" Assassin: "You trust too much, novice." Assassin: "It's me." Command: "Congratulations. You seem to have completed your mission successfully." Assassin: "Thank you." Command: "Now you can happily retire. Thank you for your service until now." Assassin: "Actually, I have a new mission. I'll be training new assassins." Command: "That's right. I feel sorry for the students you'll be putting through the wringer." Command: "Everything you need is there." Command: "Act according to what you find there." Command: "Is your partner alive?" Assassin: "Yes." Command: "Good. Bring her back, as well. I look forward to your safe return." Assassin: "Roger." Assassin: "It's a fake passport. You're now Mila Martinez, apparently." Assistant: "That's a common name." Assassin: "It's better to use an inconspicuous name." Assassin: "Looks like I'm Allen Smith now. Sounds like someone who'd shoot lame-ass movies." Assassin: "We have two plane tickets to Japan." Assassin: "Let's go meet some ninjas." Assassin: "Now there's nothing left for me to do until we arrive." Assassin: "It's all over now. Both this mission and my life as an assassin." Announcer: "Breaking news: communication with AMA Flight 125 was cut off" Assassin: "Hijacked?" Announcer: "Once again, communication with AMA Flight 125 was cut off" Ca: "Everyone, please remain calm, stay in your seats, and fasten your seat belts." Assistant: "What happened?" Assassin: "The story broke too quickly. It's what I'd expect from the organization. They're well-prepared." Assistant: "What do you mean?" Assassin: "The hijacking is a lie. They're capable of that." Announcer: "We've received additional information. The terrorists who hijacked AMA Flight 125 have announced" Assassin: "I understand why they'd dispose of a tool they're finished with to keep him quiet," Assistant: "You mean..." Assassin: "The organization intends to assassinate me. And you're their tool for doing that." Assistant: "No..." Assassin: "They burdened me with her so I'd focus on fleeing and board this plane." Assassin: "They tipped off the border guard so the drone would show up in order to corner me." Ca: "Sir, you can't go in there—" Assassin: "An antipersonnel mine behind the flight instrument panel." Assassin: "So this is why they wanted me to get on this plane." Assassin: "Is the flight control stick working?" Assassin: "I've ended plenty of lives up until now. I knew my turn would come eventually," Assassin: "but I wasn't expecting such a magnificent coffin." Assassin: "They got me." Assassin: "Why? I trusted the organization and followed their orders." Assassin: "I was so loyal to them, I would've died if they'd ordered me to." Assassin: "I was betrayed. Why?" Assassin: "Why? Why?" Assassin: "I am frustrated." Assassin: "The emotions I suppressed are returning." Assassin: "Yes..." Assassin: "I feel frustrated." Assassin: "Where am I?" Assassin: "Is this a dream?" Goddess: "No, not a dream. Despite being the world's finest assassin," Assassin: "Would you mind explaining all this?" Goddess: "I summoned your soul here after your death. By the way, I am the Goddess. Ahem." Assassin: "Could you tell me why you brought me here?" Goddess: "You have options. Option one: have your soul wiped clean and be reborn as a stranger. Waah!" Goddess: "Your memories would vanish, and you'd become a different person." Assassin: "In other words, the person I am now would die." Goddess: "Well, you're already dead. Your other option is to accept my request and be reborn in another world. In exchange, you'd keep your current memories. You'd retain your knowledge and experience, and enjoy a new life." Assassin: "In some ways, that'd be synonymous with continuing my current life." Goddess: "An appealing offer, don't you think?" Assassin: "And what's your request? Who do you want me to kill?" Goddess: "Oh? How did you know?" Assassin: "If you chose me, it's the only conceivable request." Goddess: "I'm glad you're so quick on the uptake. I knew I chose the right soul." Goddess: "You're the world's finest assassin." Goddess: "You will be reborn in a fantasy world of swords and sorcery." Assassin: "A world of swords and sorcery?" Goddess: "Yes. I'd like you to kill the Hero there."
{ "raw_title": "The World's Finest Assassin Gets Reincarnated in Another World as an Aristocrat Episode 1 – Quantum of Trust", "parsed": [ "The World's Finest Assassin Gets Reincarnated in Another World as an Aristocrat", "1", "Quantum of Trust" ] }
Lugh: "Three, two, one, tack!" Tarte: "Got it!" Tarte: "Mr. Lugh, I see land." Lugh: "All right, just as planned." Tarte: "We're heading back home already, huh?" Lugh: "Yeah, our normal lives are waiting for us." Tarte: "I enjoyed living on an uninhabited island together," Lugh: "When we get back, let's go hunting. I'll make us some cream stew." Tarte: "Yes, sir." Lugh: "It's Maha. Let's go." Tarte: "Got it." Tarte: "Hup." Maha: "Welcome back, Brother Lugh and Tarte. How was the uninhabited island?" Lugh: "It's inconspicuous and located away from transport ship routes. The greenery provided us with somewhere to stay, too. It was the perfect place to practice magic. Thanks for finding it." Maha: "I heard about a shipwreck survivor who made it back alive. I found the survivor and located the island based on ocean currents and wind direction." Tarte: "Impressive as always, Maha." Maha: "I have the Balor Trading Company's information network to thank for that." Lugh: "Anyway, Maha, what happened?" Maha: "I have good news and bad news." Maha: "I found the divine treasure you asked me about." Lugh: "That's certainly good news." Tarte: "Mr. Lugh, what's a divine treasure?" Lugh: "A tool possessing unbelievable abilities that can't be made by human hands." Lugh: "They've existed since ancient times and can't be destroyed. They're incredibly valuable objects." Maha: "The divine treasure I found is the magic spear Gáe Bolg. I'm currently negotiating the purchase of said spear." Maha: "It's owned by a man named Setanta MacNess. He's also known as Kran's Hound, and the man most likely to be the Hero." Lugh: "Will you be able to acquire this spear, Maha?" Maha: "Yes, I'll do it. I'm experiencing some difficulties with the negotiations, though." Lugh: "Is that the bad news?" Maha: "No, it's worse than that." Maha: "A civil war has broken out in the neighboring kingdom of Swoigel." Lugh: "Civil war?" Maha: "Even Ms. Dia's House Viekone has joined as part of the kingdom's army." Maha: "And on the side of the rebel forces, there's a soldier giving them a lot of trouble." Maha: "Setanta MacNess." Lugh: "Good morning, Dia." Dia: "Good morning, Lugh! What are you doing here so early in the morning?" Dia: "I know. You missed me so much, you couldn't help yourself. That's fine by me. Come in." Dia: "Did you bring any chocolate today?" Lugh: "Sorry, not today." Dia: "What? But I've been looking forward to it... That's fine, though." Dia: "Just getting to see your face makes me happy." Lugh: "Are you all right?" Dia: "Whatever do you mean?" Lugh: "You're in the middle of a war." Dia: "A war? It's true that there have been some skirmishes near the capital," Lugh: "Isn't House Viekone involved in the war?" Dia: "House Viekone made a name for itself with magic. We have plenty of magic users." Lugh: "I heard impudent nobles insulted the royal family and started a rebellion." Dia: "You're well-informed. If Swoigel had its own aristocratic assassins," Lugh: "There's a man with a divine treasure in the rebel army. It's possible that he's the Hero." Lugh: "If he is, then human strength won't be enough to defeat him." Lugh: "Illig Balor, son of the Balor Trading Company, is one of my identities. I could use his power to allow you and your family to escape to a safe kingdom." Lugh: "Dia, you should flee before danger arrives on your doorstep." Dia: "Listen, Lugh..." Lugh: "I'll do everything I can to support you." Dia: "If you don't stop talking, I'll get mad." Dia: "I know exactly what's going on within Swoigel." Lugh: "All the more reason to—" Dia: "Despite how I may seem, I'm still the daughter of Count Viekone. I was born bearing the responsibility of protecting the kingdom, my land, and its people." Dia: "You think someone like that could abandon her position and flee?" Dia: "Just kidding." Dia: "Thinking about it won't change anything. What will be, will be." Lugh: "Dia..." Dia: "So, Lugh..." Dia: "How do you dye your hair?" Lugh: "Huh?" Dia: "Let's go out." Lugh: "But why?" Dia: "My father and his advisers are currently away, so I can go into town." Lugh: "But your safety..." Dia: "Which dress do you prefer? This one, or this one?" Lugh: "This is no time for that." Dia: "Which one?" Lugh: "You ended up wearing neither dress." Dia: "When I matched my hair color to yours, they didn't go well together anymore." Lugh: "Are you sure it's all right for you to go into town wearing such a simple disguise?" Dia: "I'll be fine. I've got you with me." Dia: "You'll protect me no matter what happens, right?" Lugh: "You're right." Lugh: "You're getting out of the house. We might as well enjoy ourselves." Dia: "Yeah!" Lugh: "So, where do you want to go?" Dia: "I think I'm a bit hungry." Lugh: "If you want lunch, then... Amanda's serves good pasta," Dia: "How do you know more about our food options than I do?" Lugh: "I've been coming to see you monthly since we were children. It's only natural." Dia: "What is it?" Lugh: "It's nothing. Just a habit of mine." Dia: "A habit?" Lugh: "That merchant seems like a veteran. I can tell when soldiers are nearby. I can detect their blood lust. It's like a sixth sense." Lugh: "This town is full of skilled warriors." Dia: "The draft has brought a lot of people with military experience into town." Lugh: "Militiamen conscripted in times of emergency?" Dia: "There's that, too, but also so they can protect themselves when war breaks out. Knowing how to fight provides an advantage when fleeing." Lugh: "I see." Dia: "We can't always protect them." Dia: "Look at that! That looks interesting! Let's go, Lugh!" Employee: "Welcome." Dia: "How cute!" Dia: "Win that one for me!" Lugh: "Sure. You can count on me." Dia: "No!" Lugh: "What's the matter?" Dia: "That's cheating!" Lugh: "I don't believe it's against the rules." Dia: "Magic isn't fair. The store will lose money." Lugh: "I see. Then I won't use magic. If I use my skills to determine how far off my first shot is," Dia: "You can't do that, either!" Lugh: "Why not?" Dia: "Because that's no fun." Lugh: "But I can't unlearn the skills I have." Lugh: "Then how about this?" Lugh: "Stay calm." Lugh: "Look at the target. Lower your right hand slightly without moving the bow. Yes, just like that. Now." Dia: "I missed." Lugh: "Don't move. Take the next shot." Lugh: "We'll correct to the right." Lugh: "Now." Lugh: "Maintain that posture and correct to the left." Lugh: "Now." Employee: "Congratulations!" Dia: "I hit it. I hit the bear, Lugh!" Lugh: "Yeah. You've got a knack for this." Lugh: "Good for you." Dia: "Yeah!" Lugh: "Although the store ended up losing money on that." Dia: "It was a fair contest, so it's okay." Lugh: "Is that how it works?" Dia: "Yes, it is." Dia: "Lasagna!" Lugh: "Huh?" Dia: "I want lasagna for lunch. Do you know a good place?" Lugh: "Yeah." Lugh: "I'll take you someplace special." Teacher: "Who do you want me to teach?" Goddess: "I'm glad you're so quick on the uptake. I knew I chose the right soul." Goddess: "You're truly the world's finest teacher. You'll be reincarnated in a fantasy world of swords and sorcery," Goddess: "where you'll teach the Hero." Teacher: "Understood. I shall teach this student." Goddess: "Do your best." Goddess: "World preservation system administrator number 3800, reporting to higher existence." Goddess: "Reincarnated soul number 632 has been transferred. Currently working to prevent the world's destruction in time for the Hero's awakening. I require a reincarnated soul who has a high probability of stopping the Hero's rampage. Candidate selected. Calculating." Dia: "It's delicious." Lugh: "Do you like it?" Dia: "Yeah, but it'd be better if you made it, right?" Lugh: "That's not true. My cooking's no match for this restaurant." Dia: "Liar. You're a good cook." Lugh: "You're right." Lugh: "I could make a better lasagna than this." Dia: "I knew it." Lugh: "But eating together with you makes it taste far better, and besides, I prefer this." Lugh: "What is it?" Dia: "Nothing! Anyway, that doesn't make sense!" Lugh: "You feel differently?" Dia: "Of course I do! Eating with you makes the food taste better for me, too, but I'd rather eat something you made for us together!" Lugh: "Then I'll make you a lasagna next time." Dia: "Huh?" Lugh: "I'll cook for you the next time you're in Tuatha Dé." Lugh: "What is it?" Dia: "Nothing." Dia: "It's a promise." Lugh: "Yeah. I promise." Dia: "I'm so full." Lugh: "Maybe you ate a little too much?" Dia: "I don't often get to go out. I have to enjoy myself to the fullest." Lugh: "You're right. This is our first time doing this." Dia: "Yeah." Dia: "Hey." Dia: "What's wrong?" Rico: "My mommy..." Lugh: "Is he lost?" Rico: "Mommy..." Dia: "Seems that way." Lugh: "Dia, could I borrow that?" Lugh: "What's the matter?" Lugh: "What's your name?" Rico: "Rico." Lugh: "Is your home nearby, Rico?" Rico: "No." Lugh: "Did you get separated from your mommy?" Rico: "Uh-huh." Lugh: "Then let's look for her." Rico: "Okay." Lugh: "Rico's mother must be looking for him. We'll search for her calls." Dia: "Got it. I'll give it a shot." Dia: "Dniw cigam." Rico Mom: "Rico! Rico!" Rico: "Mommy!" Lugh: "That voice..." Dia: "It came from over there, down the main street." Lugh: "Rico." Lugh: "Let's go see your mommy." Rico: "Okay!" Rico: "Mommy!" Rico Mom: "Rico!" Rico Mom: "Where have you been? I was looking for you." Rico: "Mommy!" Dia: "I'm glad we found her." Lugh: "Yeah." Dia: "You're kind, aren't you?" Lugh: "Not really. I did it for myself." Dia: "Really?" Lugh: "I want you to remember our time together fondly." Lugh: "Ignoring a crying child would make for a sour memory." Dia: "You really are kind." Lugh: "Were you listening to me?" Dia: "Yeah, I'm listening." Dia: "Since you're so kind, I'll take you someplace special as a reward." Lugh: "Isn't this place..." Dia: "This hot spring is famous in Viekone." Dia: "I've always wanted to come here with you." Lugh: "Hold on, Dia. Is this a mixed bath?" Dia: "Huh? A what?" Lugh: "I'm asking if men and women don't bathe separately here." Dia: "Why?" Dia: "It's fine. I reserved the whole place just for us." Lugh: "That's not what I mean." Dia: "Don't worry. Let's go." Lugh: "I know people of this cultural region have little objection to being seen naked. In my previous life, during ancient times," Lugh: "Mentally, I'm not so young as to easily lust over the naked body of the opposite sex," Dia: "What's wrong, Lugh? Hurry up." Lugh: "I'll be right there. Go on without me." Dia: "Come on, hurry up." Lugh: "H-Hey! Dia, wait!" Dia: "Hooray!" Lugh: "This is less like a hot spring and more like a pool." Lugh: "You little..." Lugh: "Wait up!" Lugh: "Dia!" Lugh: "Take a deep breath." Lugh: "Use your lungs as a flotation device." Lugh: "That's it. Breathe while keeping your lungs at that size." Lugh: "It'll allow you to maintain your buoyancy." Dia: "You know everything, Lugh." Lugh: "Thanks to my parents." Dia: "That's not the only reason." Lugh: "What does that mean?" Dia: "I don't know." Dia: "I wish we could stay like this forever." Lugh: "Staying in the water too long would make you dizzy." Dia: "You're right, but I'd still rather stay like this." Dia: "You love Tuatha Dé, don't you, Lugh?" Lugh: "Yeah, of course." Dia: "I love Viekone, too." Dia: "I love this town. I love the people who live in this town." Dia: "That's why I want to serve the interests of this town until the very end." Lugh: "Dia..." Dia: "My father's currently on the battlefield, but he's really strong. He's even good at losing." Lugh: "Good at losing?" Dia: "Yeah. Even if he loses, he'll come back alive. He's good at post-war clean-up, too." Lugh: "The greatest qualities a noble can have." Dia: "Yeah. That's why I have to greet him warmly and support him when he comes home." Lugh: "In other words, you don't want to flee." Dia: "Sorry." Lugh: "I understand. But I'll keep things ready for you." Dia: "Thank you." Dia: "Thanks for today. I had a lot of fun." Lugh: "Me, too." Dia: "Be careful on your way home." Lugh: "I will. I'll come again." Lugh: "What is it?" Dia: "I'm going to be busy for a while." Dia: "I doubt I'll be able to see you until things calm down." Lugh: "I see." Dia: "I'll let you know once we can see each other again." Lugh: "Okay. I'll be waiting." Dia: "Take care." Lugh: "Take care." Lugh: "Dia." Lugh: "I'll make you that lasagna. It's a promise." Dia: "Okay!" Dia: "You can stop now." Dia: "Goodbye, Lugh." Lugh: "Dia..." Tarte: "Mr. Lugh!" Lugh: "Tarte." Lugh: "What is it?" Tarte: "Mr. Lugh, it's an emergency." Lugh: "Dad!" Cian: "It's all right. I've put him to sleep using medicine." Lugh: "Who is this man?" Cian: "Lugh..." Cian: "He's hired us to do a job. I want you to do it." Lugh: "Yes, Dad." Cian: "Your target is Count Viekone's daughter." Cian: "You'll assassinate Dia Viekone."
{ "raw_title": "The World's Finest Assassin Gets Reincarnated in Another World as an Aristocrat Episode 10 – First of Dates", "parsed": [ "The World's Finest Assassin Gets Reincarnated in Another World as an Aristocrat", "10", "First of Dates" ] }
Dia: "You can stop now." Dia: "Goodbye, Lugh." Lugh: "Dad!" Cian: "It's all right. I've put him to sleep using medicine." Lugh: "Who is this man?" Cian: "Lugh..." Cian: "He's hired us to do a job. I want you to do it." Lugh: "Yes, Dad." Cian: "Your target is Count Viekone's daughter." Cian: "You'll assassinate Dia Viekone." Tarte: "Mr. Lugh..." Cian: "This is a job you can turn down." Cian: "You decide what you'll do." Lugh: "I have questions. House Viekone are nobles of Swoigel, a neighboring kingdom." Lugh: "Is it not unwise for us to meddle in another kingdom's affairs?" Cian: "You're right. If our involvement were discovered, it would become an international problem." Lugh: "House Tuatha Dé conducts assassinations for the benefit of the Alvan Kingdom." Lugh: "I don't believe killing Dia would accomplish that." Cian: "There are personal feelings behind this assassination." Lugh: "Personal feelings?" Cian: "House Viekone fought for the royal army in Swoigel's civil war." Cian: "And they were defeated." Lugh: "House Viekone paid their indemnity. They've completed their post-war process." Cian: "If you know all that, then that makes things easy. Count Viekone surrendered most of his wealth and land. But it didn't end there." Cian: "That's right. They've turned their attention to Dia." Cian: "Dia is a beautiful girl. She possesses powerful magic, as well. She'd be likely to produce a good heir." Cian: "Any greedy noble would want to get their hands on her." Cian: "Count Viekone intended to acquiesce to their demands. In order to prevent needless bloodshed, Dia agreed to it, as well." Lugh: "So that's how it is." Lugh: "Dia knew she couldn't come to Tuatha Dé anymore." Cian: "Now here's the problem." Cian: "Viekone's vassals wouldn't allow them to hand over Dia. They even cut down the envoys who came to pick up Dia. House Viekone must be incredibly popular," Cian: "They've barricaded themselves inside the castle and confined Count Viekone and Dia within." Cian: "Count Viekone is being treated as the instigator of a civil war." Cian: "The army has already been dispatched to his castle, and the fighting has begun." Lugh: "And they want us to kill Dia in order to stop the war?" Lugh: "Who's the client?" Cian: "The client is Dia's father, Count Viekone." Cian: "This man risked his life to communicate the count's intentions. His request is that we assassinate Dia. However, this is a facade." Lugh: "A facade?" Cian: "Even if he won this battle, reinforcements would be sent. It would be pointless." Lugh: "I see. Since they started a rebellion, they can't escape death." Lugh: "No matter how they struggle, Dia can't be saved. He'd rather pretend to have killed her so she can escape." Cian: "It's the only way to save her," Lugh: "I have another question." Cian: "What is it?" Lugh: "Why did you accept this job? Even if your friend's in danger," Cian: "You speak too highly of me. I must repay my debts to Count Viekone. If he wants me to save Dia, then I shall." Lugh: "What if I say no?" Cian: "Then I'll go. But it's a long way to the region of Viekone. I wouldn't make it in time. Besides, I'd be out of mana by the time I arrived." Cian: "He left Viekone just three days ago. The fighting has already begun." Cian: "Only you can do this, Lugh. However, I'm motivated by personal feelings that deviate from our principles. It's no more than a request to you from me." Lugh: "There's no justifiable reason to do this job." Lugh: "It runs the risk of harming the Alvan Kingdom. Ordinarily, this is a job I shouldn't accept." Lugh: "But I've already made up my mind." Lugh: "After living my life as a tool, I was thrown away. I won't make that mistake again." Lugh: "I'm not a tool anymore. As an individual human, I'll make my own judgments, choices, and decisions." Lugh: "I accept this job." Cian: "May I ask why?" Lugh: "I have three reasons. First, I owe Dia for teaching me magic. Second, I'm in love with Dia." Lugh: "Third, I promised Dia that I would run to her if she ever asked for help." Lugh: "I know she's calling for me now." Cian: "I see. I've only bent my principles once in my life. I took up the Tuatha Dé blade for someone other than the Alvan Kingdom." Cian: "Do you know why?" Lugh: "No. I can't even imagine you doing that." Cian: "It was for my wife, Esri." Cian: "You probably suspected it already, but Esri is a daughter of House Viekone." Cian: "That makes Dia your cousin. That silver hair is genetic." Cian: "I never thought my own son would make the same choice. I thought you'd grown up to be unlike me." Cian: "But you've taken after me in an odd way." Lugh: "Dad..." Cian: "Lugh, good luck." Lugh: "Thank you." Tarte: "Mr. Lugh." Tarte: "I'll assist you." Lugh: "I appreciate the thought, but my destination is more than 300 kilometers away." Lugh: "I'll be moving as quickly as possible. It's too far for you, Tarte." Tarte: "I know. I won't be able to accompany you all the way." Tarte: "But I can share my strength with you." Lugh: "What do you mean?" Tarte: "Even with your Rapid Recovery," Tarte: "You should save your mana and strength for fighting." Lugh: "Do you intend to carry me partway there?" Tarte: "Yes." Tarte: "I'll use the wind spell you taught me." Tarte: "Dniw dleihs." Tarte: "I'll pull you along. Mr. Lugh, follow me." Lugh: "There's a lot of wind resistance when traveling at high speed." Lugh: "Beyond around 40 kilometers per hour, most of your energy is consumed by wind resistance. As your speed increases, the wind resistance increases exponentially," Lugh: "By using her wind cowling to block the air, she's lowering my air resistance." Lugh: "Not only that, but she's pulling me along with negative pressure. It's what's known as a slipstream." Lugh: "She truly is carrying me." Lugh: "But that increases the burden on Tarte." Lugh: "Sprinting at full speed while maintaining the cowl is mentally and physically exhausting." Tarte: "Mr. Lugh saved me when I was dying." Tarte: "But he didn't do it for my sake." Tarte: "He did it so he could use me, because I had mana." Tarte: "Because he thought he could use me as a tool." Tarte: "That would probably be a sad thing for a normal person, but it made me happy." Tarte: "I was told I was an unwanted child. I was abandoned to reduce the number of mouths to feed. Nobody needed me, but Mr. Lugh said he needed me." Tarte: "He gave me a reason to live. So I'll dedicate my life to Mr. Lugh!" Lugh: "Her mana... The air currents are becoming turbulent." Lugh: "That's enough, Tarte! You've reached your limit!" Tarte: "I'm not done yet!" Tarte: "Mr. Lugh hated the idea of becoming a tool. Whether it was the master's commands or House Tuatha Dé's duties," Tarte: "And I watched it all." Tarte: "My job is to make Mr. Lugh's wishes come true. So if Mr. Lugh rejects the idea of becoming a tool," Tarte: "If he wants to rescue Ms. Dia, then I'll do everything I can to save her!" Lugh: "Are you all right?" Tarte: "I'm... sorry. This is as far... as I can go." Lugh: "You did plenty. Thanks to you, I was able to conserve my strength." Lugh: "This is the first time I've made it this far in so little time." Tarte: "Mr. Lugh, you love Ms. Dia, don't you?" Lugh: "I do." Tarte: "Promise me." Tarte: "Promise me you'll come back together." Lugh: "I will." Lugh: "I'll definitely return." Lugh: "Please let me make it in time!" Lugh: "Dia!" Esri: "I see. So Lugh left." Esri: "It reminds me of the past." Cian: "Me, too." Cian: "But he's a strong boy. Stronger than me." Goddess: "World preservation system administrator number 3800, reporting to higher existence. In order to prevent the predicted destruction of the world," Goddess: "I've observed their progress and actions," Goddess: "and calculated professions with high chances of success." Goddess: "Soul suitable for stopping the Hero's rampage found." Goddess: "I shall await its death." Lugh: "Looks like the enemy numbers around 1,500." Lugh: "That's more than I expected." Lugh: "Viekone's forces have fewer than 200 men." Lugh: "The enemy has more magic users, too. Their advantage in strength is too great." Lugh: "Still... that's odd. How are the Viekone forces holding out when they're at such a disadvantage?" Lugh: "From the looks of it, the attacking army is being cautious of projectiles." Lugh: "So that's it." Lugh: "I was prepared to live in this world as an assassin. Because I choose, judge, and kill of my own free will," Lugh: "However... Etaerc nug." Lugh: "This is war, and my victory conditions are rescuing Dia and faking her death." Lugh: "I'll kill anyone who tries to take her, and I'll show no mercy." Lugh: "A magic user." Lugh: "Commander class." Soldier A: "Metal pellets!" Soldier B: "Is it the count's daughter?" Soldier C: "No, it's coming from behind us!" Commander A: "Defensive formation!" Commander A: "Fire!" Lugh: "If they responded this quickly, they must know what guns are. With their magic users at the front," Lugh: "But magic users are high-ranking individuals. They can't send them to the front if they know they'll be shot at. As a result, since the Viekone forces can send their magic users to the front, they have the advantage." Lugh: "They've held out for three days because Dia has been supporting them with gunfire." Lugh: "I'll use wind magic to pick up sounds. Dniw noitceted." Voice A: "We're being attacked from behind!" Voice B: "Is it reinforcements?" Voice C: "There are metal pellet users besides the count's daughter?" Voice D: "They're only aiming at our magic users!" Lugh: "They're confused." Lugh: "Now's the time to attack as they flee. Etaerc nug." Lugh: "When a Fahr Stone reaches critical mass, it releases all its mana at once. When mana is released instantly," Lugh: "I'll maximize its explosive power using 70% fire mana and 20% wind mana," Lugh: "Then I'll fire it using a bow that shoots silently." Lugh: "It makes a passable grenade launcher." Lugh: "Dia..." Commander B: "Don't group up! Spread out!" Viekone Soldier A: "The enemy forces are in disarray!" Viekone Soldier B: "Don't miss this chance!" Viekone Soldier B: "Charge!" Lugh: "They seem to recognize an opportunity when they see one. Mrofsnart latem." Lugh: "That's enough of a diversion." Lugh: "The real work starts now." Lugh: "Dniw noitceted. This time, I'll increase the range and detect sounds more accurately," Lugh: "and find a way in that's deserted." Dia: "It's all right. I trust you." Lugh: "In order to fake Dia's death, I must fool all her people. And to do that, I can't be witnessed by the soldiers within the castle, either." Lugh: "Mrofsnart latem." Lugh: "Dia!" Dia: "Lugh!" Lugh: "Dia!" Lugh: "I'm glad you're all right." Dia: "You really came." Maha: "Come in." e: "Maha, you've been gathering information about divine treasures, right?" Maha: "Yes." e: "Could this be about them?" Maha: "Noine, prepare a messenger pigeon to be sent to Tuatha Dé." e: "Got it." Maha: "I must notify Brother Lugh about this."
{ "raw_title": "The World's Finest Assassin Gets Reincarnated in Another World as an Aristocrat Episode 11 – Choice of Betrayal", "parsed": [ "The World's Finest Assassin Gets Reincarnated in Another World as an Aristocrat", "11", "Choice of Betrayal" ] }
Goddess: "Death of reincarnation candidate for stopping the world's destruction confirmed." Goddess: "Soul collected. Cancel memory erasure." Goddess: "Summoned to world preservation system." Goddess: "Soul awakened. Begin mission." Lugh: "Dia!" Dia: "Lugh!" Lugh: "Dia!" Lugh: "I'm glad you're all right." Dia: "You really came." Dimor: "I thought my daughter was a stranger to romance." Dimor: "Who knew you'd stolen her heart?" Dimor: "I am Dimor Viekone." Lugh: "I am Lugh Tuatha Dé." Lugh: "I came here to respond to your request." Dimor: "I did ask for Dia to be taken away," Dia: "Father, don't say that." Dimor: "I told my vassals to flee, but I'm sure they'd say they couldn't leave without us." Dimor: "They locked us in here because they sensed I intended to surrender." Lugh: "What are you going to do after this?" Dimor: "If it's me alone, I'll manage just fine. I'll draw the enemy to me by going on a rampage," Dimor: "Then I'll prepare for a counterattack" Lugh: "Understood. I'll set fire to this room. Our story will be that Dia committed suicide." Dia: "What's this?" Lugh: "A fallen soldier." Lugh: "I feel sorry for them, but they'll help us fake your death." Dimor: "Cian has a marvelous heir. I'm jealous." Lugh: "Dia, shout out the window. This is what you'll say: "It pains me to see anyone else get hurt because of me." "I won't belong to anyone."" Dia: "Got it." Lugh: "Once you're finished, close the window. Then we'll set fire to this room." Dimor: "I'll tell only the commander about this. I'm sure he'll allow my vassals to escape amidst the confusion." Dia: "I'm ready." Lugh: "All right. Let's begin." Lugh: "What is this feeling?" Lugh: "Shit." Lugh: "Shit." Lugh: "This is the feeling I experience when danger is approaching!" Lugh: "Get away from the window!" Dia: "Lugh..." Dia: "What is that?" Lugh: "He has so much mana." Dia: "Lugh!" Lugh: "Etaerc nonnac." Lugh: "Cover your ears and open your mouth!" Lugh: "Drabmob." Dia: "It's been a while since I last saw your Bombard." Dimor: "What was that?" Lugh: "One of my assassination techniques." Lugh: "I use it to kill distant targets." Dimor: "I'm not sure I know what assassination is anymore." Dia: "If you got hit by that, nothing would be left behind." Lugh: "That knight..." Setanta: "So this is pain? I've never felt this before!" Setanta: "It's not too bad." Lugh: "That's the S-rank skill Berserk." Lugh: "Triggered by anger, it increases physical and magical abilities. An aura of rage raises attack and defense. Judging by his condition, even if the next Bombard hits him, he'll be unscathed." Dia: "No way..." Dimor: "Lugh, take Dia and run." Dimor: "Now that he's shown up, we don't have resources to spare to fake Dia's death." Lugh: "You know him?" Dimor: "He ended the civil war." Dimor: "I didn't think he'd arrive this quickly." Dimor: "When the royal family realized no one could stop him, they surrendered." Setanta: "I heard there was a woman here who uses troublesome magic." Setanta: "That was an impressive display! I'll allow you to choose! Do you want me to slaughter every last one of you," Lugh: "A duel?" Setanta: "If you win, I'll withdraw all our forces and never allow them to make a move on Viekone again. What do you think? Pretty good deal, right?" Dia: "A duel? But, Lugh..." Lugh: "With the Berserk skill, in exchange for overwhelming strength," Lugh: "But he's still acting rationally. The odds that an ordinary human would possess both Berserk and the skill necessary" Setanta: "My name is Setanta MacNess!" Setanta: "Surely dying in a duel is a knight's greatest wish." Lugh: "She was right." Maha: "The divine treasure I found is the magic spear Gáe Bolg. It's owned by a man named Setanta MacNess. He's also known as Kran's Hound," Maha: "and the man most likely to be the Hero." Lugh: "That's the divine treasure Gáe Bolg." Lugh: "And he is..." Cian: "Enter." Esri: "I'm sorry to bother you." Cian: "It's fine. What is it?" Esri: "This just arrived." Cian: "What? The Hero?" Setanta: "Whatever you do, you'd better not run away!" Setanta: "If you do that, I don't think I'll be able to hold myself back." Setanta: "You're the first opponent I've found who might be able to put up a proper fight!" Lugh: "He's completely zeroed in on me." Lugh: "I can't run from him." Dia: "But... But you'd beat him in a duel, right?" Lugh: "I'd definitely lose a duel against him." Lugh: "If this can't kill him, then there's nothing I can do. I'd be lucky to last ten seconds." Dia: "It's too reckless to duel him when you know you can't win!" Lugh: "All I said was that I'd lose a duel." Lugh: "Etaerc netsgnut." Dia: "How are you so calm?" Dia: "I'll fight with you!" Lugh: "Dia." Lugh: "I'm not a knight, much less a Hero. I'm an assassin." Lugh: "The only thing I can do is assassinate. And that's what I'll do now." Dia: "Lugh..." Lugh: "Gnitaolf cigam." Lugh: "Count Viekone, come with me. If we're going to end this war with a duel," Dimor: "Very well. I'm sorry you got caught up in this." Dimor: "We could use all our remaining forces to stop him so you and Dia can escape." Lugh: "You wouldn't last a minute against him." Lugh: "I'm going to assassinate him." Dimor: "All right. Let's go." Lugh: "If he really is the Hero," Lugh: "But if I can't assassinate him here, then it's over either way." Maha: "Brother Lugh..." Viekone Commander: "Orders from the count." Senanta: "I've been waiting for you." Setanta: "Tell me. Have you steeled your resolve?" Lugh: "I accept your challenge." Setanta: "Finally, a duel! I'm starting to get excited!" Lugh: "443 more seconds. The code of chivalry demands I identify myself." Setanta: "Fantastic. Being on the battlefield demands that this be all the classier." Lugh: "I am Feri Marconi." Setanta: "Feri, huh? I'll remember that. Thanks to you, I tasted my own blood for the first time." Lugh: "His wounds have healed completely. It must be the power of his Berserk skill. Not only is he negating the side effects of the skill," Lugh: "He truly is exceptional. I'm beat." Lugh: "Setanta, if I win this duel, you'll withdraw your forces, right?" Setanta: "Sure. I'll withdraw our forces and never make a move on this region again." Setanta: "I'll kill anyone who does. Shall I impose a geas on myself?" Lugh: "I trust you. However, I'll end up killing you in this duel. I'm uncertain that you'll be able to keep your promise." Setanta: "Now you've said it." Setanta: "Hey!" Dilmura: "Yes, sir?" Setanta: "If I die, you'll keep my promise." Dilmura: "As you wish, sir." Setanta: "Satisfied, Feri?" Lugh: "221 seconds. One last question. What happens if I die?" Setanta: "I'll kidnap the princess and slaughter everyone else. I bet that lights a fire in you, doesn't it?" Lugh: "Yeah, it does. I can't allow myself to lose now." Setanta: "Then let's get this started! I'm hungry for a strong opponent!" Lugh: "126 seconds. First, why don't you withdraw your soldiers? I'm not confident they won't get caught up in our duel. If simply winning is enough to end this war," Setanta: "You're such a nice guy. Did you have a good upbringing?" Lugh: "I was disciplined harshly." Setanta: "Did you hear that?" Lugh: "Count Viekone, let me handle this." Dimor: "All right. Good luck." Lugh: "Etaerc muinatit." Dimor: "I doubt that flimsy little thing will be enough to stop my spear!" Lugh: "44 seconds. You'll see once we start fighting. No, maybe you won't." Setanta: "What does that mean?" Lugh: "This duel will end before I need to block your spear." Setanta: "You've got a big mouth on you. You're so interesting, I just want to kill you. How shall we begin?" Lugh: "How about when this falls?" Setanta: "Yeah, sure!" Lugh: "Then it's decided." Lugh: "In a duel, one's initial move is crucial. Both parties focus all their attention on the coin so they don't miss the moment it falls." Lugh: "Seven, six, five... I'm not a knight, nor will I allow you to have any glory. Just die. This assassination spell is based on a space weapon" Lugh: "Metal is dropped from orbit. It's a matter-based weapon comparable to nuclear weapons. However, there were issues with launching large amounts of matter into orbit" Lugh: "There is an Earth spell that doubles the gravity of the target. Dia devised a technique for making that constant a negative," Lugh: "That allows me to send objects into orbit. Once the tungsten spear has reached orbit," Lugh: "But the problem is aiming it. Aiming for a direct hit would require extremely accurate calculations and execution. That's why I trained on the uninhabited island Maha found. Otherwise, this assassination attempt never could've succeeded. It instantaneously releases the energy of 111 shots from a tank gun. This duel ended the moment I threw that tungsten spear." Dia: "Lugh..." Lugh: "I developed the spell Gungnir to defeat the Hero." Lugh: "That's the spell that assassinated you." Dia: "Lugh!" Lugh: "Dia..." Dia: "Lugh..." Dia: "I'm glad you're all right." Lugh: "Yeah." Dia: "I'm sad that things turned out this way," Lugh: "Yeah." Dia: "Why did you come to save me?" Dia: "You risked your life for no benefit to House Tuatha Dé." Lugh: "I promised I'd come running." Dia: "You remembered our old promise..." Dia: "Thank you." Lugh: "Don't worry about it." Lugh: "If you repay that debt, we'll be paying each other back forever." Dia: "You're right." Lugh: "You're right. There's a problem, though." Lugh: "I don't see any enemies." Dia: "I suppose you're right." Lugh: "For the first time in my life, I've failed an assassination attempt." Lugh: "Things didn't go as planned, but I don't feel too bad about it." Cian: "Well done completing the job, Lugh." Tarte: "I knew you could do it, Mr. Lugh." Lugh: "Thanks to you, Tarte." Tarte: "Aw, shucks." Cian: "Thank you for fulfilling my friend's request in your disappointing father's place." Lugh: "But I failed an assassination attempt for the first time." Cian: "It's fine as long as Dia's alive." Cian: "From now on, she'll conceal her identity and live here as your younger sister." Lugh: "My younger sister? But Dia's three years older than me." Cian: "She shares Esri's family line. She's short and has a young face." Cian: "People will believe she's your younger sister." Cian: "I have one other important thing to tell you." Lugh: "All right." Cian: "The Hero has appeared here in the Alvan Kingdom." Lugh: "The Hero? In this kingdom?" Lugh: "Setanta wasn't the Hero?" Cian: "Which means that before long, the Demon Lord will appear." Cian: "Lugh, keep an eye on the situation." Lugh: "Yes, Dad." Knight Captain: "Thank you for coming." Mireille: "Allow me to introduce you. This is the Hero,"
{ "raw_title": "The World's Finest Assassin Gets Reincarnated in Another World as an Aristocrat Episode 12 – Battle of Assassin", "parsed": [ "The World's Finest Assassin Gets Reincarnated in Another World as an Aristocrat", "12", "Battle of Assassin" ] }
Assassin: "Reincarnation? That's hard to believe." Goddess: "Normally, souls of the dead are cleansed of any stains and recycled. The life they'd built up until then is wiped away." Assassin: "That's how I believed death worked. Even if we're reborn, a person's personality is reduced to nothing if their memories are erased." Goddess: "Then being reborn in another world with the memories and personality from your previous life makes you incredibly lucky. It's like starting a new RPG with all the experience points from the game you just beat. It'd be a waste to refuse such an offer." Assassin: "In that case, tell me who the target is." Goddess: "Does that mean you'll accept the job?" Assassin: "I'm dead. There's no risk for me anymore. And besides, I remembered how to feel emotions." Goddess: "Emotions?" Assassin: "Since I was born, I lived as a tool for killing people. I suppressed my emotions and took pride in living as the perfect tool." Assassin: "But at the very end of my life, I had regrets. I experienced frustration. I recalled the emotions I'd forgotten for so long. If I have another chance at life, instead of living as a tool for others, I want to live my own life." Goddess: "That's fine. As long as you fulfill my request, I don't care what else you do." Goddess: "Allow me to explain the job." Goddess: "You will be reborn in a fantasy world of swords and sorcery and kill the Hero. You have until eighteen years after you're born." Goddess: "This is how this world works. This is how magic is defined. Here is knowledge of the culture and technology of the era, as well as the Hero." Assassin: "It's different from the world I lived in. Civilization is somewhere between the Middle Ages and Modern Era." Assassin: "The greatest difference is the existence of magic. And some people possess physical abilities far greater than ours." Assassin: "I see. I understand this new world." Assassin: "The Hero seems to be a valorous man. Why does he need to be killed?" Goddess: "Sixteen years after your birth, the Hero will defeat the Demon Lord and save the world. But after that, the Hero will use his power to plunge the world into chaos. Eighteen years later, the world will be destroyed. So I'd like you to kill the Hero right quick." Assassin: "According to the knowledge I just received, there are limits to human abilities." Assassin: "But the Hero alone is an exception. He possesses abilities far greater than other humans. In other words, I have to kill a non-standard monster using my own standard abilities." Goddess: "I chose an assassin because, among humans, the Hero can be killed" Assassin: "not by warriors, knights, or mages," Goddess: "but only by an assassin." Assassin: "Very well. If you just want him dead, I can do that." Goddess: "I wouldn't except less from the world's finest assassin. You're very confident." Assassin: "But give me the best possible abilities within standard limits." Goddess: "Sure. I'll grant you the highest stats that a human can theoretically have." Goddess: "These are the skills humans living in the other world possess." Goddess: "When they're born, they're granted at most five skills at random." Goddess: "I'll grant you all five, as well as the opportunity to choose them yourself. Furthermore, you may choose your magic attributes, as well." Assassin: "I have a few questions." Goddess: "Go ahead." Assassin: "It seems your ability to meddle with the world is limited. Is reincarnating me from another world not overstepping your bounds?" Goddess: "That's allowed. I just so happened to bring in a soul from another world because I was short, just so happened to do a sloppy job cleansing your soul, leaving your memories and knowledge intact, just so happened to grant you a highly effective body, and just so happened to randomly select strong skills." Assassin: "I see. As for your instructions to kill him within eighteen years, can I kill him as soon as I'm ready?" Goddess: "Oh, you can't do that. Please wait until after the Hero has killed the Demon Lord." Goddess: "The Demon Lord can only be killed by the Hero. If you kill him first, the world will be destroyed." Assassin: "Last question. Do you want me to save the world, or do you want me to kill the Hero?" Assassin: "If the world can be saved without killing the Hero, that should be fine." Goddess: "I want you to save the world, of course." Goddess: "Saving the world without killing the Hero would be great, too... If that's even possible." Assassin: "Understood. I accept your request." Goddess: "Thank you! Now choose your skill cards." Assassin: "There are 123,851 skills in total. I'm free to choose a total of whichever five skills I want, one from each rank." Assassin: "The Hero is born with 30 skills. At the very least, five of them are S-rank, and their remaining skills are A-rank. And I have to face them with only five skills." Assassin: "Normally, the odds of being granted an S-rank skill are one in a hundred million. From among these, I'll choose..." Assassin: "Rapid Recovery. It increases the recovery rate of my stamina, mana, healing, and everything else. The recovery rate increases with my proficiency. It's the only choice." Assassin: "The odds of being granted an A-rank skill are one in a million. I'll choose..." Assassin: "Spell Weaver, the skill of creating new spells. With only a hundred spells to choose from, this skill grants me limitless possibilities." Assassin: "B-rank skills are one in ten thousand. Now, then..." Assassin: "Limitless Growth. It does exactly what it sounds like. Combined with Rapid Recovery, by training with my inexhaustible stamina, I can improve all my abilities in a short amount of time." Assassin: "C-rank skills are one in a hundred. From among these, I'll choose..." Assassin: "Martial Arts. Assassins require combat skills that don't rely on any particular weapon." Assassin: "Finally, D-rank skills are one in one." Assassin: "In other words, everyone possesses one." Assassin: "Oh? This is a D-rank skill? The gods must be blind." Assassin: "Next, I'll select my attributes. In addition to the basic attributes of Earth, Fire, Wind, and Water, there are also the rare attributes of Light and Dark for a total of six. Normally, people are born with one of these. Though it will cut the speed of my progress in half, I'll choose all four basic attributes. I have Rapid Recovery. I can train twice as hard." Assassin: "That's my decision." Goddess: "You seem to have found a satisfactory combination." Assassin: "Yes. I've come up with a plan. I won't find a better combination." Goddess: "Really? You chose the plain Rapid Recovery for your S-rank skill. And your A-rank skill is Spell Weaver. The rest aren't very exciting, either. Humans are so interesting." Assassin: "Is that sarcasm?" Goddess: "It's a compliment. Simply combining obviously powerful skills wouldn't be enough to beat a monster like the Hero who possesses 30 skills." Goddess: "Very well. It's time to be reborn." Goddess: "Are you ready?" Assassin: "Yes. I have no doubts." Goddess: "You'll be born into the noble House of Tuatha Dé, who make their living as assassins. Your mother is a beautiful lady, but you'd better not make any naughty faces while nursing. Anyway, I'm counting on you." Assassin: "I want to live my own life. I wasn't expecting to become a tool of assassination again after having that thought. But if I can have a new life after completing just one mission, then I can't complain." Assassin: "This time I'll live according to my own will and acquire what's known as happiness." Maia: "Almost there, madam! Push!" Maia: "He's here, madam! Sir, it's a healthy boy!" Cian: "Great job, Esri. The baby's here?" Esri: "Yes. It's a boy." Cian: "A boy, huh?" Cian: "Let's name him Lugh." Esri: "Lugh. That's a good name." Cian: "Lugh Tuatha Dé, my heir." Esri: "Cian, you're going to raise this boy as a Tuatha Dé?" Cian: "This kingdom needs the Tuatha Dé. Some infections can only be rooted out by assassination." Esri: "I don't like it. I'm scared we'll lose him like we lost Ruff." Cian: "I won't make the same mistake again." Cian: "I don't want to lose a second child, either." Cian: "I promise I won't let Lugh die. We'll raise him to be strong so he won't." Esri: "Cian..." Assassin/Lugh: "I was born to Cian Tuatha Dé and Esri Tuatha Dé and named Lugh." Lugh: "I was reincarnated into the House Tuatha Dé" Lugh: "These are alte rabbit droppings." Lugh: "They're fresh." Lugh: "This will be the subject of today's training." Lugh: "It's been seven years since I was reincarnated, and I still can't use magic." Lugh: "Magic will be the key to killing the Hero, but I can't learn without a mentor." Lugh: "But I can still strengthen my mana by doing this. When my prey runs from me," Lugh: "Also, damaging the organs makes the meat stink." Lugh: "The best way to hunt delicious meat..." Lugh: "is to bring it down with a single headshot." Esri: "Lugh, let your mother cook for you today." Lugh: "We agreed that I'd cook on days I go hunting. Have a seat, Mother." Cian: "Let him handle it, Esri. He's never made anything inedible before." Esri: "I'm proud Lugh's such a good cook," Lugh: "Mother, you speak too well of me. My cooking is no match for yours." Cian: "Ah, so Lugh has a talent for flattery in addition to cooking." Esri: "Cian, you're so mean!" Lugh: "I need to grow strong so I can fight the Hero. Like an athlete, I need to consume meals based on nutritional science." Lugh: "By regularly cooking for myself, I can acquire any nutrients I lack." Lugh: "Protein and calcium for building strong muscles and bones. Vitamins and minerals to stimulate tissue growth. Wild rabbit meat is ideal since it's low in fat and high in protein, but it's gamy. Add potherbs, homemade dried mushrooms, and root vegetables," Esri: "The pot you made for us is so convenient. It cooks anything in an instant, like magic." Lugh: "Pressure cookers aren't magic." Lugh: "All I did was test out the idea I got after reading a book in the study." Esri: "As far as I'm concerned, it's magic." Cian: "Lugh is a smart boy. I knew about the relationship between pressure and boiling points," Cian: "An assassin needs a flexible mind. I'm proud of you." Lugh: "Father, you speak too highly of me." Lugh: "I mastered cooking in my previous life. Disguising myself as a chef in order to infiltrate a party" Lugh: "Add a béchamel sauce made from goat's milk and goat butter beurre manié" Lugh: "It's a complete meal that allows me to consume all the nutrients I need" Lugh: "to grow at once." Lugh: "Father, Mother. Let's have lunch." Esri: "Lugh's special stew is exquisite. You must be a genius to have come up with this." Cian: "I agree. I've never seen anything like this stew, even in the capital. You could make a fortune selling it in a restaurant." Lugh: "You're exaggerating. It's not that elaborate a dish." Esri: "You're too modest, Lugh. I know! Let's serve this to the people at this year's harvest festival. I'm sure everyone will love it." Cian: "I agree." Cian: "Let's make this cream stew a Tuatha Dé specialty." Esri: "Yes, let's." Lugh: "My mother is always cheerful, and my father puts on a kind face in public." Lugh: "We look like a happy family. I never experienced this in my previous life." Lugh: "The food I made in my previous life tasted far better than this." Lugh: "My ingredients and tools were sophisticated. But for some reason, I feel like today's meal tastes better." Cian: "Lugh." Cian: "Come to the training room when you're finished eating." Lugh: "Yes, Father." Lugh: "My father has another side to him." Lugh: "I've arrived, Father." Cian: "Good. Now strip." Lugh: "Yes, Father." Cian: "First kata." Lugh: "Yes, Father." Cian: "Second kata." Lugh: "Yes, Father." Cian: "Third kata." Lugh: "Yes, Father." Lugh: "Once a week, my father examines my body's growth. The development of my muscles. The growth of my skeletal structure. The range of motion of my joints. He determines my next training course according to these." Lugh: "The House of Tuatha Dé are the Alvan Kingdom's greatest medical experts." Lugh: "And secretly, they are assassins who carry out the royal family's orders. While publicly treating the sicknesses of nobles," Lugh: "Life and death. They support the kingdom by controlling both. A noble family of assassins. Their darkness is deeper than I imagined. My father taught me medical and assassination techniques" Lugh: "It's a convenient family for me to be born into. I can use them in order to train myself for the assassination of the Hero. All is going according to plan." Cian: "Good. Put your clothes back on." Lugh: "Yes, Father." Cian: "You're growing quickly, Lugh. You recover quickly, too. You're wonderfully gifted." Lugh: "Thank you." Cian: "You're still a little young, but since you've grown this much, you should be fine. You should have the strength to withstand the operation." Lugh: "You mean..." Cian: "Lugh, I'm giving you the Mystic Eyes of Tuatha Dé." Lugh: "The Mystic Eyes of Tuatha Dé. They are a secret handed down in the House of Tuatha Dé." Lugh: "Magical surgery is used to strengthen eyesight, even allowing one to perceive mana. The special surgery was perfected after experimenting on numerous death row criminals. Not only does it allow one to see at great distances," Lugh: "There is no greater weapon an assassin could possess. I want them, no matter what." Cian: "Are you scared?" Lugh: "No. I trust your skills, Father." Cian: "Good. I promise you a successful surgery." Esri: "Lugh, you're so cute." Lugh: "Mother, I can handle this myself." Esri: "No, this is a mother's job. I won't let you do this one. You've relied on me less and less as you've grown. I can't believe I'm getting to take care of you. It's like you're a baby again. I know! After all these years, would you like to nurse again?" Lugh: "Huh?!" Esri: "Come on, don't be shy. Imagine you're a baby again. Here it comes." Lugh: "Wha... No, wait... No, Mother, I—" Esri: "There, there." Cian: "You look like you're having fun." Esri: "Oh, Cian. Lugh is such a cutie." Lugh: "Father, help me!" Cian: "Lugh, let me see how you're doing. Your wounds should've healed by now." Lugh: "Yes, Father." Esri: "What? You can see?" Lugh: "No, but I know the layout of the manor where I live." Lugh: "I can accurately discern the positions of objects by voice and sound, as well." Cian: "Impressive as always, Lugh. You've been studying assassination techniques even while recuperating. As your father, I'm pleased." Lugh: "The region of Tuatha Dé. I'm seeing the world I live in with new eyes." Lugh: "Father, I can see clearly." Cian: "Good. I'm relieved. The surgery was a success." Lugh: "Father's mana..." Lugh: "So this is what the Mystic Eyes of Tuatha Dé can do." Cian: "Eventually I'll teach you this surgical technique, as well. Someday you'll perform it on your own child." Lugh: "Yes, Father. I promise to learn it." Cian: "Also, I have good news for you." Lugh: "Good news?" Cian: "You're finally going to get what you've always wanted." Lugh: "Have you found someone to teach me magic?" Cian: "Yes." Cian: "Your teacher will be arriving next week. Focus on helping Esri prepare for their arrival. You don't want to be rude to your teacher." Lugh: "Yes, Father." Esri: "So cute!" Esri: "I knew this outfit would look good on you." Lugh: "I think these are girls' clothes." Esri: "But they look great on you." Lugh: "So you acknowledge that they're girls' clothes." Esri: "I'll summon an artist. I need a painting of you in that cute outfit." Lugh: "I never agreed to that!" Lugh: "My magic teacher arrives today. We can't keep them waiting." Esri: "You're right. Too bad." Lugh: "I'm going to get changed. I need to be ready to greet my mentor." Esri: "What are you talking about?" Esri: "You're going dressed like that. That's why I made it." Lugh: "Is she insane?!" Cian: "We've awaited your arrival." Lugh: "This is the person who's going to teach me magic..." Lugh: "A child?" Cian: "Thank you for coming, despite your busy schedule." Dia: "Don't worry about it. The Viekones owe the House of Tuatha Dé a great deal." Dia: "So she's going to be my apprentice?" Dia: "I heard I'd be teaching a boy." Lugh: "I am a boy." Cian: "My wife dressed him." Dia: "She's always been a little... Anyway, I believe this boy is too young to be studying magic." Cian: "Lugh is special. Like you, Ms. Dia, he's a genius." Dia: "You just thought I'm still a child, too, didn't you?" Dia: "Erif cigam!" Dia: "I'm one of Swoigel's top five mages." Dia: "My name is Dia Viekone. Nice to meet you."
{ "raw_title": "The World's Finest Assassin Gets Reincarnated in Another World as an Aristocrat Episode 2 – Deal of Reincarnation", "parsed": [ "The World's Finest Assassin Gets Reincarnated in Another World as an Aristocrat", "2", "Deal of Reincarnation" ] }
Tarte: "I've been abandoned." Tarte: "My family has always been poor." Tarte: "We only had a little bit to eat." Tarte: "Since there's not enough food, we had to reduce the number of mouths to feed." Tarte: "So I was abandoned." Tarte: "Because I was an unwanted child." Tarte: "An unwanted child... an unwanted child..." Tarte: "An unwanted child... an unwanted child..." Tarte: "I'm cold. I'm hungry. I want to go home." Tarte: "But even if I went home, I'd just be cast out again." Tarte: "Everyone's hungry, just like me." Tarte: "No..." Tarte: "No, I don't want this!" Cian: "Tuatha Dé had good harvest again this year." Esri: "Yes, thanks to everyone's efforts." Cookie: "Would you like a cookie?" Esri: "My, these cookies look delicious!" Esri: "Lugh, I bet you'd like some of these. I'll buy us some. We can eat them together." Lugh: "You're the one who wants to eat them, Mother. I'm already ten years old." Esri: "What? But you are my child. It's only natural for me to treat you like one." Esri: "I'll always treat you like a child, even after you've become an old, white-haired man." Lugh: "Please don't." Esri: "Is this your rebellious phase? Is that it? I can't believe you've lost your innocence!" Lugh: "I haven't lost my innocence. Fine, let's eat them together." Esri: "Okay!" Lugh: "Which one of us is the child?" Cian: "Look, Lugh." Cian: "Your cream stew seems to be popular." Cian: "The people love your idea." Lugh: "You honor me, Father." Cian: "The livestock are doing well, too. The price of meat products is stable." Lugh: "They raise their livestock during summer, when feed is plentiful," Lugh: "They reduce the number of livestock during winter," Lugh: "Such is the local food culture." Cian: "The town is full of life, as well. I look forward to the harvest festival." Lugh: "With this turnout, I may be able to find someone." Lugh: "There." Lugh: "No, not him." Esri: "Lucky us! The people running the shop said you could have this for free." Lugh: "You shouldn't burden the people like that." Esri: "It's fine. See?" Both: "Mr. Lugh!" Esri: "They're fans of yours. You little lady-killer, Lugh." Lugh: "I can't find anyone with mana." Lugh: "I'm now ten years old." Lugh: "I have to kill the Hero within eight years." Lugh: "To do that, I'd like to acquire a skilled assistant with mana. But most people who have mana are nobles or belong to their branch families. They're difficult to recruit. Ordinary people rarely possess mana." Lugh: "I'll have to be patient in my search." Esri: "You're going hunting on a day as cold as today?" Lugh: "I have to hunt before it snows, or we'll eat poorly over the winter." Lugh: "I'm off." Esri: "Take care, Lugh." Lugh: "It's early this year." Lugh: "I need to go see Dia before the snow gets too deep." Lugh: "Wolves. The pack's stalking its prey." Lugh: "Perfect. I'll steal it out from under them." Lugh: "A human?" Lugh: "Are you all right?" Tarte: "Y-Yes." Lugh: "Stay there." Lugh: "An opportunity to practice. Five enemies." Lugh: "Begin." Lugh: "Etaerc latem." Lugh: "Spinal cord severed. Instant death." Lugh: "Brain stem lacerated. Instant death." Lugh: "Concussion. Not a fatal blow." Lugh: "Skull crushed. Instant death." Lugh: "All enemies eliminated. Training scenario over." Lugh: "Who are you?" Tarte: "Huh?" Lugh: "What are you doing so deep in the woods?" Tarte: "I-I won't do anything bad. Please... don't hurt me." Lugh: "You still haven't answered my question. Why are you here?" Tarte: "M-My family's poor. They had to reduce the number of mouths to feed." Lugh: "Mouths to feed?" Tarte: "There's not much food in winter, so before it arrives..." Lugh: "Just like the bacon." Tarte: "Huh?" Lugh: "Nothing. Continue." Tarte: "A traveler told me the region of Tuatha Dé beyond the mountains is wealthy, so..." Lugh: "It's porridge. You want some?" Tarte: "Yes." Lugh: "It comes with a few conditions." Lugh: "Eat as slowly as you can. If you do as I say, I'll give you another bowl. If you eat hurriedly, you won't receive another." Lugh: "Got it?" Tarte: "Okay." Lugh: "Good." Tarte: "Was that too fast?" Lugh: "No. Do you want another bowl?" Tarte: "Yes." Tarte: "Slowly?" Lugh: "Yes. If you eat quickly, your stomach will reject the food and make you throw up." Lugh: "Plus, your body's cold. That's why I gave you easily digestible warm porridge." Lugh: "Eat slowly." Tarte: "Okay." Lugh: "The lord of the neighboring region is not only incompetent, but greedy, as well. I heard his people were suffering under his exorbitant taxes," Lugh: "but I had no idea it was this bad." Lugh: "You said you were heading to Tuatha Dé." Tarte: "Yes." Lugh: "I'm the son of the lord of Tuatha Dé." Tarte: "Really? That's... incredible. God is real after all." Lugh: "God?" Tarte: "Yes. God told me in a dream that I'd have a fateful encounter." Lugh: "I see. Do you want to come with me?" Lugh: "If you come with me, you'll always have food to eat." Lugh: "You won't have to freeze anymore." Tarte: "Are you sure?" Lugh: "Yes. I want you to come with me. I need you." Tarte: "You... need me?" Lugh: "You don't want to?" Tarte: "I'm happy. No one's ever told me they needed me before." Lugh: "Do you think I'm a good person?" Tarte: "Yes, you're a good person." Lugh: "Can you keep a secret?" Tarte: "Yes." Lugh: "I've killed people." Tarte: "Huh?" Lugh: "I'm going to continue killing a lot of people. That's the mission that's been handed to me. It's my job." Lugh: "I'll ask you again. Do you think I'm a good person?" Tarte: "You're a good person, as far as I'm concerned." Lugh: "Good answer." Lugh: "But if you're coming with me, there are some conditions. You'll help me with my work." Lugh: "If you can't, then the deal's off. What'll it be?" Tarte: "I can do it. I'll do anything. You said you needed me. I'll go with you!" Lugh: "I am Lugh. Lugh Tuatha Dé." Tarte: "I'm Tarte." Lugh: "Welcome, Tarte, to Tuatha Dé." Lugh: "I finally found someone with mana." Lugh: "Tarte said God led her here in a dream." Lugh: "The Goddess probably sent her my way." Lugh: "By defeating the wolves, I demonstrated that I'm powerful." Lugh: "I took pity on her and fed her. I made her believe I'd protect her. On top of that, I offered additional benefits for doing as I said. By telling her I needed her," Lugh: "I revealed that I've killed people." Lugh: "Sharing secrets is a good way to earn someone's trust." Lugh: "The heavier the secret, the more effective it is." Lugh: "I had her make the final decision. She won't want to recognize that she made a mistake," Lugh: "Brainwashing complete." Tarte: "I'll go with you, Mr. Lugh." Lugh: "Just as planned." Soldier: "Where am I?" Goddess: "I brought your soul here after your death. Despite being the world's finest special forces soldier, you died in battle." Soldier: "What does that mean?" Goddess: "I'm exploring all kinds of possibilities. By the way, I'm a goddess." Goddess: "You will be reincarnated in a fantasy world of swords and sorcery. I'd like you to kill the Hero there." Soldier: "In other words, I've been blessed with the opportunity to either go on a max-level sightseeing trip" Goddess: "I can't do that, but if you complete your mission, I can accommodate you to some degree." Solider: "Got it. I accept your mission!" Goddess: "So, Number 283 was reincarnated 40 years ago. How's his progress?" Solider: "I'll start trying for real tomorrow." Goddess: "He's turned into a NEET." Soldier: "I think I'd lose if I fought the Hero. It's not that I can't fight, I just won't. It's okay. The Goddess is the only one I'm inconveniencing." Soldier: "Ow! I don't like pain!" Goddess: "He went from world's finest soldier to a NEET." Tarte: "Mr. Lugh, it's morning. Please wake up." Tarte: "If you don't get up, I'll have to get mischievous." Lugh: "Good morning, Tarte." Tarte: "Good morning, Mr. Lugh. You don't normally sleep in." Lugh: "I pushed myself too hard yesterday. I haven't recovered yet." Tarte: "Breakfast is ready. I'm confident in what I made today." Lugh: "I'm looking forward to it. Let's go." Tarte: "Yes, sir. Let me help you change." Lugh: "I had a dream earlier." Tarte: "A dream?" Lugh: "Yes, about how we met two years ago." Tarte: "That's a little embarrassing. I looked like a disaster. I was so thin." Lugh: "You're right. When we first met, I didn't think you'd become so beautiful." Tarte: "I'll go put some fruit in your breakfast yogurt." Lugh: "Tarte." Lugh: "You don't need to perform your servant duties so diligently. The job's just an excuse to keep you at my side." Tarte: "No, I'm committed to ensuring your life is comfortable every day. After all, I'm your personal servant." Esri: "Good for you, Tarte. Your cooking skills improved so quickly. You're so studious." Tarte: "Thank you, ma'am." Cian: "Lugh chose well when he picked you. You're satisfying him not only as a servant, but also with his work." Tarte: "Thank you, sir." Tarte: "I would've died if Mr. Lugh hadn't taken me in. So my heart, body, and life all belong to Mr. Lugh." Esri: "You've brightened up our home since you arrived. Lugh is going through a rebellious phase and won't wear the clothes I make for him anymore." Lugh: "That has nothing to do with a rebellious phase." Esri: "I hope you'll continue to look after Lugh." Tarte: "Yes, ma'am. I'll serve him forever." Lugh: "Tarte, could you come to the training room after breakfast?" Tarte: "Yes, Mr. Lugh." Tarte: "I'm here, Mr. Lugh." Lugh: "Tarte, strip." Tarte: "Yes, sir." Lugh: "First kata." Tarte: "Yes, sir." Lugh: "Second kata." Tarte: "Yes, sir." Lugh: "Third kata." Tarte: "Yes, sir." Lugh: "As my assassination assistant, I made Tarte my personal servant." Lugh: "My father imposed two conditions on my training her. First, that I would instruct her. Second, that if she ever betrayed us," Lugh: "In just two years, Tarte has acquired a body worthy of an assassin" Lugh: "In my previous life, I was to become an instructor," Lugh: "but I never thought I'd be training an assassin like this." Lugh: "Good. Put your clothes back on." Tarte: "Yes, sir." Tarte: "Is something the matter, Mr. Lugh?" Lugh: "There's nothing wrong with you physically. If anything, you're perfect." Tarte: "So then..." Lugh: "The problem is your intuition. Come." Tarte: "Yes, sir." Lugh: "Now you're dead." Tarte: "I'm sorry I can't live up to your expectations." Lugh: "It's fine. We'll keep training." Tarte: "I'm good with a spear, though." Maid A: "Ms. Tarte, could you wash these?" Tarte: "Yes, ma'am." Lugh: "It's not that Tarte has an aptitude for it. But she's hardworking and tractable." Lugh: "It's the reason she'll improve, and why I can trust her." Lugh: "But her progress with combat skills alone has been slow. The only thing she's good at is handling a spear." Lugh: "It's possible that she has a spear-using skill." Maid A And B: "Wow!" Lugh: "But weapons that can't be hidden aren't suitable for assassination." Lugh: "I'll have to come up with a knife fighting program suitable for Tarte." Lugh: "Keep the knife's edge perpendicular." Tarte: "Mr. Lugh? I'm sorry for coming in here without your permission." Tarte: "I want to be useful to you, but at this rate, I won't be able to do anything." Lugh: "Enough." Tarte: "What? But I finally met someone who said he needed me! I want to meet your expectations! Give me a little more time!" Lugh: "No, let's reconsider our approach. Etaerc latem." Lugh: "It's a spear you can conceal by folding it up." Lugh: "Try it out." Tarte: "Yes, sir." Tarte: "Mr. Lugh..." Lugh: "That's what you need." Lugh: "Just like how I need you." Tarte: "Yes, sir!" Tarte: "Mr. Lugh, it's morning. Wake up." Tarte: "Mr. Lugh, if you don't get up, I'll have to get mischievous." Lugh: "What are you doing here, Tarte?" Tarte: "Did you forget, Mr. Lugh? You said I could sleep with you if I got lonely." Lugh: "I haven't thought about that in a long time." Tarte: "I thought you'd be tired from training with a spear all night. I brought you some herbal tea, but you'd already fallen asleep. I thought I'd lie next to you so I could watch you sleep for a while, and fell asleep." Lugh: "You must've been tired, too. After all, we were training with the weapon you're best with." Tarte: "Thank you!" Tarte: "I feel like I can finally actually be someone you need." Lugh: "I see. That's good, Tarte." Tarte: "Yes, sir." Lugh: "Everything is going according to my plan." Tarte: "Mr. Lugh!" Lugh: "At least, I think it is. Mr. Lugh!"
{ "raw_title": "The World's Finest Assassin Gets Reincarnated in Another World as an Aristocrat Episode 4 – Plan of Goddess", "parsed": [ "The World's Finest Assassin Gets Reincarnated in Another World as an Aristocrat", "4", "Plan of Goddess" ] }
Samurai: "What is this place?" Goddess: "I brought your soul here after your death. Despite being the world's finest samurai," Samurai: "How strange. Wherefore did you bring me here?" Goddess: "I am testing all types of warriors. By the way, I'm a goddess." Samurai: "A god?" Goddess: "You will be reincarnated in a fantasy world of swords and sorcery." Goddess: "I'd like you to kill the Hero there." Samurai: "As you wish. If that is your command, Goddess, then I humbly accept. Who is this Hero?" Goddess: "So, Number 362 was reincarnated 35 years ago. How's his progress?" mer Samurai: "Hold it right there. You look like you might be the Hero. By divine order, I shall take your life!" Goddess: "I hope the next one does better." Lugh: "The marketplace is thriving." Tarte: "We had a long spell of dry weather this year, but the harvest was good." Rack: "Mr. Lugh!" Lugh: "Hey, Rack. How's your farm?" Rack: "Thanks to the fertilizer you showed me, as you can see, I had a great harvest." Lugh: "I'm glad to hear that. Your onions are delicious." Rack: "You honor me, Mr. Lugh." Rack: "This is to thank you for the fertilizer." Luch: "Thank you, Rack." Emma: "Mr. Lugh!" Emma: "Take these, too." Lugh: "Are you sure?" Emma: "They're to thank you for using magic to refill the reservoir that had dried up." Lugh: "Thank you, Emma." Pat: "Mr. Lugh, Mr. Lugh!" Lugh: "What is it, Pat?" Pat: "My cow injured its hind leg." Lugh: "Got it. Let's go." Tarte: "Good work today, Mr. Lugh. You're as popular as ever with the people." Lugh: "Yes, that's a good thing," Lugh: "but I've received too many gifts. Can I even use them all before they spoil?" Tarte: "This happens every time we visit. It's because you're so kind to the people, Mr. Lugh." Lugh: "Gaining gratitude and recognition among the people is a necessary part of managing a region." Tarte: "You already protect them from bandits and beasts. Is that not enough?" Lugh: "No." Lugh: "Strength alone isn't enough to capture the hearts of the people." Tarte: "It's so different from the place where I was born. Back home, there was a rift between the hearts of the people and the lords." Lugh: "I see." Lugh: "Do you wish you'd been born in Tuatha Dé instead?" Tarte: "No. If I had been, then I wouldn't have had the opportunity to become your personal servant." Lugh: "Not true. I would've found you no matter where you were." Tarte: "Mr. Lugh, are you so kind to me in order to win my heart, as well?" Lugh: "Yes. After all, I need you." Tarte: "Of course. I'll serve you forever, Mr. Lugh." Lugh: "They're already full of mana. I learned how to produce Fahr Stones by analyzing the one Dia gave me. Since then, I've been carrying them around with me, filling them with mana, and storing them." Lugh: "The more I use mana, the more I grow. And by saving them like this, I can use them as weapons." Tarte: "Mr. Lugh." Lugh: "Come in." Tarte: "Excuse me. The master said he'd like to speak with you in the training room." Lugh: "I'm here, Father." Cian: "Allow me to be direct. How is Tarte?" Lugh: "Over the past two years of training, she's reached the level of the branch families." Lugh: "She's an incredibly hard worker." Cian: "I'm glad she's making good progress, but that's not what I was asking about." Lugh: "I understand. To get straight to the point, she's innocent." Cian: "I must've been overthinking it. I suspected that Tarte might be a spy sent to steal Tuatha Dé techniques." Lugh: "On top of observing her for two years," Lugh: "Whether or not she avoids eye contact," Lugh: "Her breathing, pulse, and perspiration." Lugh: "I've observed no signs that she's lying." Cian: "I see. She's a good girl. I'm glad we didn't have to kill her." Lugh: "Our meeting was far too convenient to be a coincidence. I searched the entire region and failed to find anyone with mana, but then happened to meet a girl abandoned by her family" Cian: "It's only natural to assume someone set it up. If it truly was a coincidence, then it was the miracle of a lifetime." Lugh: "Yes." Cian: "Down to business." Lugh: "A test..." Cian: "If you pass this test and complete one more training exercise," Lugh: "I'll take your test, Father." Cian: "Then fight me. Whether you win or lose doesn't matter. Show me what you're capable of." Lugh: "A fight between assassins. It won't be a fair exchange of blows." Lugh: "We'll both try to take each other by surprise." Lugh: "Whoever finds their opponent first will have the advantage." Lugh: "Tsk!" Lugh: "Judging by the arrow's trajectory, he's located 50 meters southeast." Lugh: "Found him." Lugh: "Unbelievable. What is he, a monster?" Lugh: "My bones will heal immediately if I use my skill." Lugh: "I have to keep changing position constantly or he'll attack. Moving downwind of your opponent in order to hide is standard practice." Lugh: "I'm stronger and faster than him. On top of Tuatha Dé assassination techniques," Lugh: "But he's leading me around by the nose, and I know why." Lugh: "A trap!" Lugh: "The trap was a decoy!" Lugh: "My father is predicting my movements. The creaking of my muscles, my perspiration," Lugh: "It's because he possesses the world's finest medical knowledge" Lugh: "But I can perform the same feats as my father." Lugh: "However, when I attempt to read my father's movements, he deceives me using feints. I'm attempting to deceive him, but he sees through my feints." Lugh: "Is it the difference in our experience levels? Or is it because he's my father?" Lugh: "I need to make him let me win." Lugh: "Rather than recklessly moving around so he finds me, I'll focus on his movements." Lugh: "I sense two sources of bloodlust on the right and left." Lugh: "Since I'm right-handed, my left side is my hot side, to which I can respond easily. This one's a decoy." Lugh: "My right side is my cold side, where it's harder to attack." Lugh: "He's hoping this one will hit." Lugh: "But that's a feint, as well. He would conceal his bloodlust for the actual attack." Lugh: "He's above me!" Lugh: "I win." Cian: "It seems that way." Cian: "Good. You pass." Cian: "I can't believe I lost to a 12-year-old child." Cian: "You were holding back, too." Cian: "And I considered myself the finest assassin of Tuatha Dé to date." Lugh: "I wasn't holding back." Cian: "You don't think not using magic, the thing you're best at, is holding back?" Lugh: "Using spells would've rendered this fight meaningless. You said yourself that this was both a training exercise and a test. If I'd used magic to defeat you, it wouldn't have counted as training." Cian: "That's exactly right. You saw through the meaning of my words. That's what I was testing in this exercise. It's important that an assassin never lose sight of his goals." Cian: "I have nothing left to teach you. Now you just need experience." Lugh: "No, I still have much to learn. I simply came out ahead on a suicidal gamble." Cian: "You've mastered all our techniques. You must walk on your own two feet now." Cian: "Find what you need to become stronger." Cian: "Eventually you'll be put through your final test. Until then, you'll assist me with my work." Lugh: "Yes, Father." ble A: "Now, what's next?" Lugh: "Your method was rather sloppy this time." Cian: "Remove his clothes and take his valuables." Lugh: "We're going to make this look like the work of bandits?" Cian: "This noble conspired with bandits to commit evil deeds. By making it look like he was betrayed by bandits," Lugh: "I see. That's a good way to do that." Cian: "Seems like a common cold." ble H: "My lungs haven't gotten worse again?" Cian: "I wouldn't worry about that." ble H: "If you say so, Dr. Cian. Give the doctor his reward." Cian: "That's not necessary." ble H: "No, please. You're a busy man, and you came all the way out here." Cian: "I see. In that case, I gratefully accept." Lugh: "He wasn't sick enough for you to pay him a visit after all." Cian: "You're right. Did you notice anything?" Lugh: "He had more guards than before," Lugh: "If he's ever our target, we'll have to think carefully about how we'll enter." Cian: "Correct. You'll make a great assassin, Lugh. It's almost frightening." Lugh: "Because I'm your son." Cian: "Lugh, I still haven't told you about the final test." Lugh: "Yes, Father." Cian: "A noble's castle is like a fortress. They're heavily guarded and difficult to enter. Sometimes we conceal our identities and approach from the front." Lugh: "I did the same in my previous life. Chefs, teachers, pianists... I used a variety of identities to get close to my targets." Cian: "In order to do that, I possess a number of false identities. I frequently disguise myself as a chef or merchant." Lugh: "Are you telling me to become a chef, as well?" Cian: "No, become a merchant. Nobles will defenselessly invite in a merchant who can acquire the goods they desire. If they run a well-known trading company, that is." Lugh: "And you have the connections to do that." Cian: "I arranged for a fictional person to be born at the same time as you. The head of the Balor Trading Company fathered a child named Illig Balor with a prostitute. Even if anyone examines your family register, you won't be found out." Lugh: "Balor is a prominent trading company in the merchant town of Milteu. I'm surprised they agreed to forge their family register." Cian: "They owed me a favor from a long time ago. The Balor Trading Company's contacts and information network" Cian: "Lugh, until you turn 14, you'll train to become a merchant as Balor's son." Lugh: "Very well. I'll train until I can visit nobles as Illig Balor." Cian: "To my son, Lugh Tuatha Dé, as he departs for his final trial. May the Alvan Kingdom prosper." All: "May the Alvan Kingdom prosper!" Esri: "Get plenty to eat, everyone." Cian: "I probably sound like a doting father, but Lugh is exceptionally talented. He'll surely become an even greater head of the House of Tuatha Dé than me." Relative A: "The final test at 12 years old? He's the youngest ever to do it." Relative B: "He has your endorsement at that age? The future of the House of Tuatha Dé is secure." Relative C: "Once he completes the final test, he'll be eligible to become the next head of the house." Lugh: "It's all thanks to your guidance." Relative A: "Spoken like the next head of the house!" Lugh: "Take this away." Tarte: "Yes, sir." Ronah: "You asshole! I refuse to accept such a young boy as the next head of the house!" Ronah Father: "Ronah, behave yourself!" Ronah: "Shut up! I know you don't like it either, Dad." Ronah Father: "Ronah!" Cian: "It's fine. Let me handle this." Ronah Father: "Mr. Cian..." Cian: "Ronah, what is it about Lugh that displeases you?" Ronah: "I was supposed to be next in line after Ruff died." Ronah: "It doesn't make sense that it's this scrawny kid instead. I'm stronger! I should become the next head of the house!" Cian: "Then if Lugh is stronger than you," Ronah: "Yeah, of course." Cian: "Very well. Then you shall fight immediately." Ronah: "Sure! Wha—" Cian: "It would seem that Lugh is stronger than you. Does this satisfy you?" Ronah: "Th-That was a dirty trick!" Cian: "That's how an assassin of Tuatha Dé works. We're not like knights. Lugh, put your knife away." Ronah: "I never surrendered." Ronah: "You brat! Let go!" Lugh: "I broke it cleanly. If he has mana, it should heal in two days if treated with Tuatha Dé techniques." Cian: "Even if you fought normally, Lugh is stronger. Strength isn't important, but it's necessary. Because he's prepared for anything that might happen, he can act boldly." Ronah: "Damn it!" Cian: "What do you think? My son isn't too bad, is he? He's a genius whose medical and assassination skills exceed my own." Ronah: "What do you want? Did you come to insult me?" Lugh: "No, I thought you might be feeling down." Ronah: "I don't feel down. I'm irritated by how pathetic I am. I've always been stronger than anyone else from the branch families," Lugh: "In that case, my father was beaten by a child 30 years younger than him." Ronah: "Hey, wait. You mean that rumor's true?" Lugh: "I beat the finest Tuatha Dé in history. There's nothing you can do to beat me. But you don't need to." Ronah: "What do you mean?" Lugh: "If you become my subordinate when I become the head of the house," Ronah: "What?" Lugh: "At last year's young knight tournament, there were only four knights stronger than you." Ronah: "Is that supposed to be a compliment?" Lugh: "Yes, and an invitation. I want you, Ronah. Not as an assassin, but as a knight of Tuatha Dé." Ronah: "I suppose it's better than being flattered out of some odd attempt at consideration. I don't dislike it." Lugh: "This is a gift." Ronah: "What is it?" Ronah: "It's unbelievably light." Lugh: "Swords suit you better than knives." Lugh: "I'd like you to become my subordinate one day." Ronah: "Get out of here. Lugh, by the time you return from your test," Lugh: "Ronah..." Ronah: "Good luck with your test." Lugh: "Thanks." Lugh: "You don't have to come with me, Tarte." Tarte: "No, Mr. Lugh. I'm your personal servant." Esri: "Tarte, look after Lugh for me." Tarte: "Yes, ma'am. I'll do exactly as I was taught." Tarte: "Uh, n-nothing." Cian: "Two years will fly by. Go enjoy a different life to the fullest." Lugh: "Yes, Father." Tarte: "Mr. Lugh, I'm excited for Milteu." Lugh: "No." Lugh: "Not Lugh. From this moment on, I'm Illig Balor." Tarte: "Yes, Mr. Illig!"
{ "raw_title": "The World's Finest Assassin Gets Reincarnated in Another World as an Aristocrat Episode 5 – Qualifications of Assassins", "parsed": [ "The World's Finest Assassin Gets Reincarnated in Another World as an Aristocrat", "5", "Qualifications of Assassins" ] }
Tarte: "Mr. Lugh, what do you think of this servant outfit?" Lugh: "It looks good on you, Tarte." Tarte: "Your hair color..." Lugh: "I used magic to attach the obsidian powder I created to my hair." Tarte: "What a waste of your beautiful silver hair." Lugh: "It's too characteristic of Lugh Tuatha Dé." Tarte: "We're finally starting our lives in Milteu." Lugh: "Yeah. For the next two years, I'll be Illig Balor, merchant of Milteu." Maha: "Are you looking for something to eat?" Maha: "Is this your first time in Milteu?" Tourist A: "Yeah." Maha: "Would you like me to show you around?" Tourist A: "No, thank you. A child wouldn't understand." Maha: "Are you talking about liquor?" Maha: "I can take you to a great hole-in-the-wall." Tourist A: "Do you know anyplace with fine liquor?" Maha: "What's your budget?" Tourist A: "I'd like to go someplace clean." Maha: "Leave it to me." Maha: "Kerry." Maha: "Take this." Toursist A: "What's this doll for?" Maha: "It's a souvenir to remember your visit to Milteu." Tourist A: "Yeah? Thanks, I'll keep this." Maha: "Take this man to see Jodie. If her place is full, take her to see Mary." Kerry: "Got it." Kerry: "This way, please. Have you seen the attractions of Milteu yet?" Kerry: "First time in Milteu?" Kerry: "I'm back." Ifa: "Welcome back, Kerry." Kerry: "Here. My tour fee and Jodie's referral fee." e: "Good work." Michelle: "I've got a sightseeing tour next." Connor: "Ifa, could you take this one?" Ifa: "Got it." Kerry: "Here." Ifa: "Thanks." Kerry: "See you later." Ifa: "I'll be back." Kerry: "I wish I could give sightseeing tours." e: "It's tragic if they're cheap, though. All you can do is stand there and watch while the customer eats." Connor: "But you get paid a tour fee. Then you can eat a proper meal." Michelle: "Yeah. This wasn't even conceivable before." e: "It's all thanks to Maha. If Maha hadn't come up with a way for us to work," Michelle: "Yeah." Connor: "A sudden shower!" Kerry: "Michelle, give me a hand." Michelle: "Okay." e: "Welcome back, Maha." Maha: "Thanks, Noine." e: "This is all we made today, huh?" Michelle: "It can't be helped, considering the rain." Maha: "But we're so close to being able to buy new clothes." Maha: "Then we can give even more sightseeing tours." Kerry: "These aren't good enough?" Maha: "Tourists don't want to walk around with kids wearing rags." Connor: "I'm impressed you thought of that, Maha." Maha: "My dad was a merchant before he died. He said considering your customers' wants is the foundation of business." Michelle: "Ah, I see." Ifa: "You don't know what she's talking about, Michelle." Michelle: "Neither do you, Ifa." Kerry: "I do." Michelle & Ifa: "No way." e: "Even if we don't understand, we just have to do what Maha says. Then we can eat every day." Maha: "Let's work even more and earn more money so we can rent a house to live in. We'll live comfortably enough that we won't have to worry about the rain or the wind." e: "That's amazing, Maha. You've even thought about living in a house." Maha: "If we work together, I know we can do it." Lloyd: "Well, well. There's quite a few of them here." Lloyd: "Take them away!" Bad Man B: "Got it!" Maha: "Everyone, run!" Lloyd: "They're our meal ticket! Don't let them escape!" Bad Man C: "Damn brats!" Bad Man B: "Stop!" Connor: "No!" e: "Connor! Let go!" Bad Man F: "Whoa, there." e: "Asshole!" Bad Man F: "Quit struggling!" Maha: "Connor! Noine!" Lloyd: "Job's done! Let's get them out of here!" Maha: "Let me go!" Maha: "You can't be serious! What are you doing?!" Bad Man D: "Yes, sir! Quit struggling!" Connor: "What's going to happen to us?" Lloyd: "Get out. Don't make a sound." Torran: "Nice work, Lloyd." Lloyd: "It was no problem at all, Mr. Torran." Torran: "As of today, the Torran Orphanage will be your home." Maha: "Orphanage?" Torran: "I am Torran, the director. My orders are absolute. Don't forget that." e: "We live just fine on our own! We're not entering an orphanage!" Maha & Conner: "Noine!" Torran: "Those who defy me will be shown no mercy. Neither will those who attempt to escape. Don't cause any problems and behave yourselves. Got it?" Lloyd: "Get in there." Maha: "Guys! They caught you, too?" Ifa: "Yeah." e: "What's going on?" Ifa: "Apparently, they did it for the bounty." Maha: "What bounty?" Kerry: "The guys who captured us mentioned it." Ifa: "The lord's wife offers a lot of money for helping kids who don't have families." e: "So that's what they meant by "meal ticket."" Lloyd: "Here. Dinner." Michelle: "How are we supposed to eat that?" Lloyd: "Make something yourselves." Connor: "But..." Lloyd: "That's a week's worth of food." Maha: "Let's cook together." e: "Okay." e: "I never thought we'd end up living in a house with a roof like this." Maha: "Yeah." Connor: "We get to eat proper meals, too." Maha: "But that's supposed to last us a whole week." Michelle: "We ate more than that until yesterday." Kerry: "It tasted better, too." Maha: "Kind shop owners always sold us their leftovers for cheap." Connor: "Yeah." e: "What's going to happen to us?" Bad Man B: "Hurry up and hang those!" Michelle: "Yes, sir." Bad Man C: "This isn't your only job!" Connor: "Yes, sir." Connor: "Ow!" Lloyd: "You're working too slow! You won't get us any money working like that!" Michelle: "Connor! Please stop!" Lloyd: "God, you're annoying!" Lloyd: "Stay in there and shut up." Lloyd: "Now you know what happens if you defy me!" Lloyd: "You'd better not slack off." Torran: "Is something the matter? It's good to discipline them, but they're merchandise. Don't go too hard on them." Lloyd: "Yes, sir." Torran: "Viscount Hermel, this way, please." Hermel: "I had no idea this place existed." Torran: "Anything can be found in the merchant town of Milteu. Take a look." Hermel: "Torran, I've made my decision." Hermel: "Have her brought to my lodgings tonight." Torran: "Thank you." Lloyd: "Ifa, come with me." Ifa: "What? But dinner..." Lloyd: "I'll give you something tastier to eat." Ifa: "Really?" Lloyd: "Yeah, of course. Maha." Lloyd: "You're coming, too." Maha: "Yes, sir." Lloyd: "Strip." Ifa: "What?" Lloyd: "Don't make me say it again!" Ifa: "Yes, sir." Lloyd: "Maha, wash her." Maha: "Yes, sir." Maha: "I'm done." Ifa: "Okay." Torran: "Are you ready?" Torran: "It's time to leave. Let's go, Ifa." Ifa: "I'll be back." Maha: "Okay." Maha: "Ifa..." Maha: "Ifa?" Maha: "Ifa!" Maha: "Ifa." Maha: "Ifa." Ifa: "Don't look!" Ifa: "Please, don't look." Ifa: "Don't look at me." Torran: "Don't worry too much about her makeup." Maha: "Huh?" Torran: "Today she's entertaining me." Lloyd: "Ifa, come here." Lloyd: "Maha, you, too." Maha: "Yes, sir." e: "Wait!" Lloyd: "Huh?" e: "Why is it always Ifa?" Connor: "Yeah!" Michelle: "Stop being so mean to her!" Lloyd: "What? Don't get the wrong idea. The rest of you are merchandise, too!" e: "It's all the same, anyway." e: "Someday this will be the only job I'm able to do." e: "But we had you, Maha. All of us were working together. I thought even we could find happiness. But... But...!" Maha: "Noine! Noine! Stop! Stop!" Maha: "Noine..." e: "No one will buy me now that my face looks like this." Torran: "How old is Maha now?" Lloyd: "I believe she's 12 years old." Torran: "Lately, I've felt an overwhelming urge to force her down. She's probably old enough to get her own customers by now." Lloyd: "She's beautiful and a virgin. She'll go for a good price." Torran: "Perhaps I'll enjoy her after she's been sold. I bet she feels amazing." Maha: "If I use this, too..." Maha: "Then I..." Illig: "Tears don't suit you." Illig: "You'd be cuter if you smiled." Maha: "What?" Torran: "This is the executive and son of the Balor Trading Company, Mr. Illig Balor. He says he's willing to take one of you in." Torran: "Mr. Illig is looking for someone to serve as his right hand. Why don't you begin by hearing what he has to say?" Illig: "What's your name?" Maha: "Maha." Illig: "Maha, I want you. Come work for me." Illig: "Director Torran, I'd like this girl." Torran: "You have a good eye. However, that girl is a bit special. She costs double—no, even more than that." Illig: "Very well." Tarte: "Mr. Torran, please accept this payment." Torran: "Ah, what's this?" Torran: "This is certainly enough, but I can't hand her over to you today. Maha needs to get ready. How about three days from now?" Illig: "I see. Then I'll be back in three days." Maha: "I won't be spending that time getting ready. He probably intends to pimp me out and then toy with me himself." Illig: "Director Torran," Illig: "Don't forget that." Torran: "Of course." Illig: "I'll see you later, Maha." e: "It's awful." e: "If only he could take you while you're still pure." e: "I'm still jealous, though. You're getting out of this place." e: "Maybe he would've chosen me if I didn't have these scars." Maha: "Noine..." e: "Did I do something stupid?" Maha: "Noine... Noine..." Torran: "A regular of mine has come to Milteu. As a virgin, you'll fetch a high price, and I can enjoy you for the remaining two days." Torran: "It's only a Balor brat who's taking you in. He won't mind used goods." Maha: "Just three days. If I can endure the next three days, I can go live with him." Maha: "My prince..." Torran: "If that brat had arrived a month later, I could've enjoyed my fill of you." Maha: "No. I don't want to be defiled before I go to live with him!" Torran: "Lloyd, stop her!" Maha: "Why?" Lloyd: "You're not the only one with mana." Maha: "Please let me go!" Lloyd: "Yeah, sure. If you'll sleep with me in return. I always get the director's hand-me-downs. Sometimes I like to enjoy new goods." Lloyd: "You!" Illig: "I told you, she's my family." Lloyd: "What are you doing here?!" Illig: "Her eyes were asking for help back then." Illig: "Come, Maha." Torran: "Wait!" Torran: "You can't do that. You're supposed to take her with you in three days." Illig: "I can't expose my family to danger." Torran: "Then I have no choice. Take care of them." Lloyd: "We'd be making an enemy of the Balor Trading Company." Torran: "Say they're missing and sell them off to a neighboring kingdom." Lloyd: "I can handle that." Maha: "Run! He has mana!" Illig: "I know." Torran: "Brat!" Torran: "Ow, ow, ow!" Illig: "I'm fine with seeing you punished by the law or taking the law into my own hands." Hermel: "You're late!" Hermel: "What do we have here?" Tarte: "No! Help!" Hermel: "Who the hell are you?" Guard A: "By Director Torran's testimony, you're under arrest for illegal human trafficking." Hermel: "You're committing this outrage knowing I'm Viscount Hermel?" Guard A: "We've received orders from the lord!" Hermel: "Damn you!" Hermel: "Let go of me!" Michelle: "Come on, hurry up." e: "What is it, Michelle?" Kerry: "Have a seat." Connor: "Look in the mirror." e: "No. I don't want to see my own.. face..." Ifa: "Well? You see?" e: "How?" Illig: "Let's go home, Maha." Maha: "Yes, sir. Take me away, my prince."
{ "raw_title": "The World's Finest Assassin Gets Reincarnated in Another World as an Aristocrat Episode 6 – Residence of Girls", "parsed": [ "The World's Finest Assassin Gets Reincarnated in Another World as an Aristocrat", "6", "Residence of Girls" ] }
Illig: "How are you feeling, Brother?" Beruid: "Much better, Mr. Illig." Balor: "Good. You'll be able to return to work, Beruid." Beruid: "Yes, Father, thanks to Mr. Illig's surgery." Illig: "As I've mentioned previously," Illig: "Not even your own mother." Beruid: "I know." Balor: "No wonder you're the next head of Tuatha Dé, a house famous for its medical techniques." Balor: "I can't thank you enough." Illig: "You don't need to thank me. After all, Mr. Beruid is my brother." Balor: "I added the name Illig Balor to my family registry to repay a debt to your father," Balor: "How can I repay you?" Illig: "Well, you could remain a family I can return to at any time." Balor: "That's certainly a good backup plan for an assassin." Balor: "Ah, that's right. I completed the adoption process. These documents are real." Illig: "Thank you." Balor: "Our family has gained a new member." Illig: "Now you're officially my younger sister." Illig: "As of today, your name is..." Illig: "Maha Balor." Maha: "Yes, Brother Illig." Illig: "Father, how can I help you today?" Balor: "Take a look at this." Illig: "It's a nice shop. You could do anything with that." Balor: "The Balor Trading Company sells all kinds of products. We provisionally made this shop a liquor store, but it failed spectacularly, so we're moving on to the next idea. I'd like you to run this store. I'm sure you'll breathe new life into it." Illig: "It's only been six months since I came here." Balor: "Normally, I wouldn't ask you to do this, but you're exceptional. Let me tell you something. More than anything else, a merchant needs to be a good judge of character. And I am a first-class merchant. My judgment is telling me that you can do it." Illig: "Very well. I'll give it a shot." Illig: "I'm back." Tarte: "Welcome back, Mr. Illig." Maha: "Welcome back, Brother Illig." Illig: "Sorry I'm late." Maha: "Tarte and I made the soup. I'm confident you'll like the bacon steak I made." Illig: "It looks good." Tarte: "My dish is just as good." Tarte: "Have some of this, Mr. Illig." Illig: "I received a new job from Father today." Tarte: "Impressive work, Mr. Illig." Maha: "I'm proud of your achievements, Brother." Illig: "This will be a secret matter. I'm going to do something completely different with this store." Tarte: "Something different?" Illig: "There are two important goals for this job. The first is to make money." Maha: "That will allow you to keep the store open for a long time." Illig: "The second is to stock merchandise targeted at nobles." Tarte: "In order to get closer to them. In other words, you plan to use the store for your assassinations." Illig: "So I'm going to create a store for women. We'll sell primarily cosmetics, as well as sweets." Tarte: "How wonderful." Maha: "But there are many famous shops like that in Milteu already. Won't it be difficult to enter the market?" Illig: "I have a plan." Illig: "I am currently 13 years old." Illig: "In other words, I must assassinate the Hero within five years." Illig: "And to do that, I need to become stronger." Illig: "All right." Both: "Thank you." Illig: "Tarte was abandoned by her parents." Illig: "Maha lost hers." Illig: "They occasionally seek human warmth." Maha: "I hope the job goes well." Tarte: "You have our support." Illig: "Thank you. I'm able to work so hard because of you two." Maha: "Let us know if there's anything we can do." Tarte: "We'll do anything to help." Illig: "I'm counting on it." Illig: "Both of them are infatuated with me. The Balor family trusts me completely, too." Illig: "I've acquired good pawns." Illig: "All according to plan." Illig: "Father, Mother, thank you for making time for me." Balor: "You work quickly, Illig. I can't believe you created a prototype in two days." Mira: "You'd better not have brought us something useless. Regardless, given you are his bastard son, I hardly like you." Illig: "I believe I have something that will meet your expectations. I plan to make cosmetics my new store's key product." Balor: "But brand matters more than quality when it comes to cosmetics. It's difficult to make it as a newcomer in that market." Illig: "I'm sure it would be, if I were selling an existing cosmetic. Cosmetics make women beautiful. But removing cosmetics takes the skin's oil with it. Without oil, the skin's moisture escapes," Mira: "I won't deny that. But we use cosmetics for beauty in spite of that." Illig: "The cost of using them is damaged skin." Illig: "I want to free women from that problem." Illig: "That's what this product does." Illig: "I call it moisturizer." Illig: "Lotions and moisturizers don't exist in this world yet. In other words, this is this world's first moisturizer." Mira: "Moisturizer? How does it work?" Illig: "It's a cosmetic that moisturizes dry skin and preserves its condition." Illig: "Makeups dress up a person in false beauty, but this is different." Illig: "Rather than decorating, this product heals and protects the skin. It makes the skin beautiful to begin with." Mira: "I don't believe it. My skin is so moist and smooth. It's been so long since my skin was like this." Balor: "Is this oil? No, it's too fresh for that." Illig: "That's precisely what moisturizer is." Mira: "This is marvelous. I can tell how happy my skin is." Illig: "The moisturizer also serves as armor that protects the skin. Try applying makeup over it." Mira: "I shall." Illig: "This will revolutionize cosmetics." Illig: "It won't replace existing cosmetics. Applying this moisturizer in addition to cosmetics will become the norm." Balor: "I see." Mira: "You're right. The makeup sits on top of it wonderfully." Illig: "Do you like it?" Mira: "I hate you." Mira: "But I'll be keeping this." Balor: "Mira, do you think your friends would want that moisturizer, too?" Mira: "I can't imagine a woman who wouldn't want this. I came here intending to mock and disparage whatever you made, Illig, but that thought has been banished from my mind. I'd call this whore's child my own son if it meant I could get more of this moisturizer." Balor: "You like it that much?" Balor: "I'll focus the Balor Trading Company's resources on this moisturizer. Mira, distribute it to your friends and spread the word about it." Balor: "Illig, how much can you produce in a week?" Illig: "Currently, it's just me, so I can make 200 bottles a week at most." Balor: "You can hire more people." Illig: "If you don't mind people finding out how it's produced, then I will. The moment we start selling the moisturizer, other companies will think to copy us." Balor: "I was too hasty. How long will it take to set up mass production?" Illig: "About a month. But there is one problem." Balor: "What is it?" Illig: "This product combines water and oil, two substances that don't normally mix." Illig: "Producing it requires a secret Tuatha Dé medicine." Balor: "Tuatha Dé?" Illig: "These are the estimated necessary expenditures." Balor: "The cost is no problem, but Tuatha Dé is rather far from here." Illig: "That's what makes the secret so difficult to uncover." Illig: "I can't make the moisturizer without this medicine. In Tuatha Dé, we can protect this secret," Balor: "I see. Very well, I'll allow it. You'll handle the negotiations." Illig: "Understood." Tarte: "Sounds like it'll go well." Illig: "Yes. We need lecithin to mix oil and water. It's made from soybeans. They can be grown in Tuatha Dé." Tarte: "If we're able to sell a lot of this, it will benefit Tuatha Dé, as well. And even if people find out where it's produced," Illig: "I won't teach the Balor Trading Company how to produce lecithin, either. It'll guarantee they can't cast me aside once I'm no longer useful to them." Tarte: "Impressive as always, Mr. Illig." Illig: "Yes. Everything's going according to plan." Kerry: "The end of the line is over here! Please get in line if you're visiting Orna!" Connor: "Thank you for waiting." Connor: "The Balor Trading Company's cosmetics brand store Orna is now open." Michelle: "Stay calm and take your time entering the store." Ifa: "I'm sorry, but we're limiting each customer to two bottles of moisturizer." Customer A: "Really? But I've been in line since this morning." Ifa: "I'm terribly sorry." e: "Assistant manager, I've got a message from the factory. They should be able to ship more emulsions this afternoon." Maha: "Got it. We'll run a tie-in sale for the additional product." e: "Yes, ma'am. I'll check our inventory." Maha: "Noine, wait." Maha: "This is a cosmetics shop." Maha: "Employees should keep their makeup looking sharp. There. You look lovely, Noine." e: "Thank you, Maha." Illig: "I never thought Orna would grow this much in just six months." Tarte: "We've received invitations from the lords of Milteu," Illig: "Orna's Illig Balor is a famous man." Illig: "I can sneak in anywhere now. This has been a huge success." Tarte: "Yes, sir. The shop overflows with your kindness." Illig: "What makes you say that?" Tarte: "You hired Maha's friends. Everyone's so lively. They seem to be having fun." Illig: "It wasn't me who chose them. It was Maha's decision." Tarte: "Still." Illig: "Young women with beautiful skin make perfect representatives for the store." Illig: "Because they've been close since they were children, she has good control over them. They're quick learners, too." Illig: "Because of that, the store has been growing quickly. It's a good plan." Tarte: "Mr. Illig, you're not very honest." Illig: "You sound like my mother." Illig: "Anyway, how's security?" Tarte: "Spies sent by our competitors sneak into the factory daily. They bribe our employees daily, too. But they haven't figured out how to acquire lecithin." Illig: "Good, but they should be running out of patience soon. Many people want to sell moisturizer," Illig: "but they can't steal our production method. It's only logical that they'd target someone who definitely knows it." Illig: "I sense one person. They're approaching this bedroom." Illig: "They're rather skilled, too. They're a first-class spy." Illig: "They probably intend to kidnap me and extract our production method from me. But..." Tarte: "I applied a neurotoxin to the blade. They won't be able to lift a finger." Maha: "Intruder secured." Illig: "I'm impressed the two of you noticed the intruder. I'm proud of you." Tarte: "I'm pleased to hear that." Maha: "It motivates me for what comes next." Illig: "I made some herbal tea." Tarte: "Thank you, Mr. Illig." Maha: "You could've gone to sleep without us." Illig: "You've stripped him naked to humiliate him and make him feel powerless. You remembered the basics of torture." Tarte: "You can't say that out loud. If he hears you, it won't be as effective." Maha: "Should we let you live if you tell us who hired you, or shall we kill you regardless?" Maha: "You have to choose. It changes how much we'll break you." Tarte: "You're going to let someone who attempted to hurt Mr. Illig live?" Maha: "I just thought I'd ask." Illig: "Prisoners rarely confess unless you give them hope that they'll be allowed to live." Maha: "It's all right. I'll assume you want us to kill him quickly." Mc: "Where am I?" Goddess: "The world's finest MC is you. I summoned your soul here after you died like a fool." Mc: "What do you want me to do?" Goddess: "Your lyrical murders are legendary. Those who battled you found suicide necessary." Mc: "My lyrics are the strongest, a real calamity. These words will take down any enemy. When I suppress my emotions, I always seize victory." Goddess: "The Hero can be slain by your rhythms. You'll be reincarnated to exterminate him." Goddess: "So, Number 423 was reincarnated 30 years ago. How's his progress?" Villager A: "Hey, what did you just say?" mer Mc: "Uh, nothing. Sorry." Villager B: "What? If you keep playing dumb, we'll tear you limb from limb!" Goddess: "I guess in this era, he's just insulting people." Tarte: "Here's your lunch, Mr. Illig." Illig: "Thank you." Illig: "Tarte and Maha, do you have any plans for your day off?" Tarte: "I'm going shopping with Maha." Illig: "Have fun." Maha: "We will." Illig: "I'll be back late tonight. See you later." Tarte: "He's gone." Maha: "I feel lonely on this one day every month." Tarte: "I'm his servant." Maha: "And I'm his sister." Tarte: "Shall we treat ourselves to a special meal?" Maha: "Yeah, let's go all-out." Dia: "It's good to see you again, Lugh." Lugh: "Haven't seen you since last month, Dia. I've brought you some treats from across the sea." Dia: "Really? I've acquired some delicious herbal tea, as well. Come in." Lugh: "All right." Dia: "Here are this month's spells." Dia: "Interesting, right?" Lugh: "I'm impressed you came up with these." Lugh: "What's this? You completed this?" Dia: "Surprised?" Lugh: "I'll transcribe it immediately." Lugh: "All right. You should be able to cast this spell now." Dia: "Got it. Here we go. Esrever ytivarg." Lugh: "A gravity reversal spell. You got me. I can't believe you beat me to it." Dia: "I approached it from a different angle. Have you gained a little respect for your big sister?" Illig: "I already respected you." Dia: "Is that the gift you brought?" Lugh: "Yes." Dia: "Huh... Black treats don't look particularly nice." Dia: "But they're bittersweet, rich, and tasty!" Lugh: "I'd been thinking about selling sweets under the Orna brand, too." Dia: "Good idea. They go well with tea. They'd probably make a nice cake, too." Lugh: "I see. I'll bring more next month." Dia: "Okay. I look forward to it." Dia: "It's already time to say goodbye." Lugh: "I'm sorry. I'll be back next month." Tarte: "Good morning." Lugh: "Good morning." Maha: "You were fast asleep." Illig: "Yeah. I used too much mana." Tarte: "Do you smell something odd?" Maha: "You're right. What is that?" Illig: "What..." Maha: "Is it coming from under the sheets?" Illig: "Wait!" Illig: "This is a common phenomenon among adolescent males. The parasympathetic nervous system becomes dominant during sleep, which weakens inhibitions. It's easier to enter this state due to subconscious excitement" Illig: "I promise this isn't what you think—" Tarte: "Mr. Illig!" Illig: "Yes?" Tarte: "From now on, let me take care of this." Tarte: "I'm your personal servant. I can help you in this way, too." Maha: "Brother Illig." Illig: "Yes?" Maha: "You call me your sister, but your body is honest." Illig: "Huh?" Maha: "Sometimes I think perhaps I could be both your sister and your lover" Tarte: "It's absolutely necessary that I take care of you in this way." Maha: "I don't think we need to think too deeply about it." Tarte: "You wouldn't want to get too pent-up." Maha: "We don't have to force ourselves to choose."
{ "raw_title": "The World's Finest Assassin Gets Reincarnated in Another World as an Aristocrat Episode 7 – Life of Falsehoods", "parsed": [ "The World's Finest Assassin Gets Reincarnated in Another World as an Aristocrat", "7", "Life of Falsehoods" ] }
Ifa: "It's pretty late." Kerry: "Because you took your time choosing. Noine's going to be mad at us." Ifa: "But it's hard to know what Mr. Illig will like." Kerry: "You should've asked Maha." Ifa: "No, then I'd feel like I lost." Kerry: "You're so stubborn." Ifa: "Whatever. Let's hurry." Kerry: "Okay." Ifa: "What are you doing?" Man A: "Don't make a sound." Man A: "Hand over all your money." Kerry: "Ifa!" Man B: "You, too." Man A: "Hey, you're actually pretty cute." Kerry: "Maha!" Maha: "I was worried since you were late, so I came here. Are you hurt?" Ifa: "We're fine. Thanks, Maha." Maha: "I don't recognize you. Is this your first time in Milteu?" Man B: "Who the hell are you?" Maha: "If you don't recognize us in the back alleys, you must be outsiders." Maha: "Would you care for a sightseeing tour?" Man A: "Shut up!" Maha: "Remember this." Maha: "Touch my girls again, and I'll escort you straight to hell." Tarte: "Mr. Illig." Tarte: "I've returned." Illig: "Welcome back, Tarte. How did things go this time?" Tarte: "Here are my spoils." Illig: "A collection of second buttons?" Tarte: "They're from all the men's hearts I pierced." Illig: "With that spear?" Tarte: "Yes, although sometimes it was their heads instead of their hearts." Illig: "I've heard the reports. On the battlefield, they call you the "Lightning-Quick Battle Maiden." You made quite an impact." Tarte: "Please don't call me that. It's embarrassing." Lugh: "I've been sending Tarte into battle so she can gain combat experience, and I've been having Maha gain experience handling information and money." Tarte: "It's been almost two years since we came to Milteu." Illig: "Yeah." Lugh: "Our days were busy," Lugh: "Illig Balor, the false identity I use to blend in with society," Lugh: "As a young and successful man, he's been invited to many events. Using moisturizer and chocolate," Illig: "This life is nearly over. It flew by, didn't it?" Tarte: "Yes, it sure did." Maha: "The transfer has been completed." Illig: "Yeah. While I'm gone, you'll handle everything related to Orna." Maha: "I will. I've become someone who can protect Orna even in your absence. No, I'll make Orna even bigger." Illig: "I bet you will." Maha: "I'm actually thinking about expanding Orna's base beyond Milteu." Illig: "To a neighboring town?" Maha: "Yes. I've found an excellent location." Illig: "This place is..." Maha: "It used to belong to an influential trading company." Maha: "But they've declined since the head of the company changed. They recently began selling off their assets piece by piece. Now is the time to buy." Lugh: "So that's how it is." Lugh: "I don't plan to tell Maha, but I've looked into her past." Lugh: "Maha was the sole heiress of a famous trading company. But the company's right-hand man betrayed them." Lugh: "He murdered Maha's parents and took over the company." Lugh: "Left on her own, Maha sensed her life was in danger and fled to Milteu." Lugh: "This shop was one of the company's stores." Lugh: "It was the first shop Maha's father opened." Lugh: "Maha intends to reclaim her father's company someday." Lugh: "This store is an excellent stepping stone toward that goal." Illig: "Do as you like." Illig: "I trust your abilities." Maha: "Are you sure you don't need to do more research?" Illig: "I won't tell you not to bring personal affairs into our business." Illig: "But if you're going to, then you must achieve results." Maha: "Yes, of course. After all, I'm your right-hand woman." Maha: "Thank you. I love you, Brother Illig." Illig: "I know." Maha: "Come in." e: "Excuse me. Assistant Manager, everyone's here." Maha: "Brother Illig, do you have a few minutes?" Illig: "Sure, no problem." e: "Girls." Kerry: "Mr. Illig, this is a gift from us." Ifa: "It's a rare herbal tea. We thought you'd like it." Connor: "It's not much, but we wanted to thank you." Illig: "Thank me?" Michelle: "You're the only reason we're here now." e: "We could never thank you enough." All: "Thank you, Mr. Illig." Illig: "I haven't done anything for you. It was chance that brought us together. No, perhaps it was just random luck." Maha: "Even if that's what you believe, the fact is that" Michelle: "Please don't forget us, even after you leave." e: "We'll miss you." Kerry: "Please take care of your health." Ifa: "We won't be able to talk to you anymore." Connor: "We'd appreciate it if you came to visit sometimes." Illig: "Thank you, everyone." Illig: "No matter where I go, I won't forget you. Look after Orna for me while I'm gone." All: "Yes, sir." Maha: "It's beautiful. So this is your real hair color." Lugh: "Yeah. It's been two years since it last looked like this." Tarte: "And two years since I last wore this servant's outfit." Maha: "How cute. Is that what you really look like, Tarte?" Tarte: "Yup." Lugh: "Illig Balor has left Milteu." Illig: "From this moment forward, I am Lugh Tuatha Dé." Lugh: "Maha, I'm leaving you in charge of Orna and the information network I built." Maha: "Yes, Brother Lugh. I'll defend our base in Milteu." Tarte: "I'm sorry that I'm the only one going with Lugh, Maha." Maha: "I'd be lying if I said I weren't jealous," Tarte: "Maha..." Maha: "Tarte, go with Brother Lugh and assist him for my sake, too." Tarte: "I will." Maha: "Brother Lugh." Maha: "Could you take this with you, for me? My father once told me, "Before you can trust people, you must doubt them first."" Lugh: "He's right." Maha: "So I doubted you. Over and over and over, right up until now. And you wanted me because I had mana." Maha: "I realized you simply wanted to use me to assist you with your assassinations. Despite that, being able to help you makes me happy." Lugh: "I see." Maha: "But sometimes, even if it's only for a short while, please come see me, Brother Lugh." Lugh: "Of course. I promise I'll visit, Maha." Maha: "It's a promise." Maha: "You visit Ms. Dia without fail each month. If you didn't visit me, I'd probably cry tears of frustration." Lugh: "You're my precious sister, Maha. There's no way I wouldn't visit you." Maha: "I know. I'll be waiting." Maha: "Brother Lugh..." Maha: "I'll use the rest of my life to help you." Maha: "Come see me again, my prince." Lugh: "Will you miss Maha?" Tarte: "Honestly, I will." Lugh: "I see. Then I'll have you make as many lecithin deliveries as possible. You'll have plenty of opportunities to see her." Tarte: "I'm glad to hear that. But I think Maha would prefer to see you." Lugh: "Why?" Tarte: "Because she loves you. Not as a brother or a friend... You know... like that." Lugh: "I know what you're trying to say, but it's not like that." Lugh: "Maha admires me. It's similar, but different." Tarte: "Sometimes the things you say are so complicated." Lugh: "You'll understand someday." Lugh: "I sense mana." Lugh: "Wolf monsters." Tarte: "Get inside, quickly." Driver: "Y-Yes, ma'am!" Tarte: "Mr. Lugh, may I test the results of my training?" Lugh: "Very well." Tarte: "Here I go." Lugh: "Her movements are good." Tarte: "Dniw tohs!" Tarte: "Dniw!" Tarte: "It's over, Mr. Lugh." Lugh: "You've improved. That was impressive." Tarte: "Thanks to your training, Mr. Lugh." Lugh: "No wonder they call you the Lightning-Quick Battle Maiden." Tarte: "Don't call me that. It's embarrassing." Lugh: "Monsters have started coming down into human settlements." Lugh: "The Hero should be showing up soon." Lugh: "It's a soybean farm. Things have changed quite a bit in two years." Tarte: "This place is nostalgic, but I feel like Milteu suits you better." Lugh: "I feel like this place agrees with me more. I feel at ease here." Lugh: "Tarte, let's go say hello." Rack: "Welcome back." All: "Sir! Sir, welcome back!" Tadgh: "Thanks to you, we're selling our soybeans at a really high price." Pat: "I was able to buy two cows." Lugh: "I'm glad to hear that." Emma: "You've been working to help us even after you left Tuatha Dé." Pat: "We appreciate it, but we also experienced a lot of problems while you were gone." Rack: "Mr. Lugh, take this with you." Tadgh: "Don't be shy. We want to thank you." Lugh: "Thank you, everyone." Tarte: "The people love you, Mr. Lugh." Lugh: "You're right. I think that's why I want this region to prosper." Esri: "Welcome home, welcome home, welcome home! I missed you so much while you were gone, Lugh! Oh, I've missed your smell." Lugh: "Please don't do that where people can see us." Esri: "I can't help it! I haven't seen you in forever!" Esri: "I missed you. You'd better not leave again, Lugh." Lugh: "I have work to do. I have to leave." Esri: "Well, I've gotten my fill." Esri: "Tarte, welcome home." Tarte: "I'm glad to be back, ma'am." Esri: "Thank you for staying with Lugh. Despite how he seems, he gets quite lonely." Tarte: "Not at all. If anything, I ended up presuming upon Mr. Lugh's kindness." Esri: "Really? I hope you'll keep looking after Lugh." Esri: "Having someone like you around puts my mind at ease." Tarte: "I-I'll do my best." Lugh: "Mother, where is Father?" Esri: "Oh, right. He wanted you to come to his study." Lugh: "Very well. I'll go report to Father." Esri: "Tarte, I'll have you tell me all about Lugh." Tarte: "Yes, ma'am. I'll leave nothing out." Cian: "You've become a man, Lugh." Lugh: "Yes, Father. Now that I'm 14 years old, I'm a legal adult." Cian: "That's not what I meant. Unfortunately, Tuatha Dé is overflowing with overgrown children." Cian: "You've become an adult in the true sense of the word. I instructed you to establish yourself as a merchant in Milteu," Cian: "There isn't a noble who hasn't heard of Illig Balor's cosmetics brand, Orna." Lugh: "I created the moisturizer to be our leading product and established a plan to popularize it," Lugh: "The popularity gained from the moisturizer gave brand value to our conventional cosmetics, as well. I can hardly believe how he reordered the power structure of the cosmetics industry. Seeing such brilliance at work up close made me tremble." Cian: "He's nearly the perfect merchant. I had you gain experience as a merchant under him so you'd learn about the world," Cian: "All of that is true, but there is another reason. Do you know what that is?" Lugh: "No." Cian: "I wanted you to find a way to live besides the Tuatha Dé way." Lugh: "What do you mean?" Cian: "Have a seat." Cian: "Lugh." Cian: "You could be successful not only as an assassin, but also as a merchant." Cian: "Plenty of people want that." Cian: "Balor visited me the other day. He recommended you quit being an assassin and focus on being a merchant instead. He said it'd be better for you. He wants you to assist the Balor Trading Company and someday support his son Beruid, as well. If you choose that path, I won't stop you." Lugh: "What are you talking about, Father? I gained experience as a merchant to become a better assassin." Cian: "It's too late for me to live any other way. But, Lugh, your hands haven't been stained by assassinations yet. You could choose another way of life." Lugh: "But I helped you with your assassinations." Cian: "Only as my assistant. You didn't kill anyone." Lugh: "I killed people as part of my assassination training." Cian: "Those were death row criminals. You simply took the place of the executioner. The weight of a real assassination is different. The Tuatha Dé have used assassination to remove" Cian: "But the kingdom won't protect us. Let me be blunt. It's also the role of the House of Tuatha Dé" Cian: "Even if we don't make a single mistake," Cian: "I registered you as Illig Balor so you'd be able to live as a different person" Cian: "But I also think you could quit the thankless job of an assassin" Cian: "I'll ask you again." Cian: "Do you still want to live as Lugh Tuatha Dé?" Lugh: "Father, I..." Lugh: "No. Dad, I choose to be a Tuatha Dé." Lugh: "There are things I can't do unless I'm a Tuatha Dé." Cian: "Are you saying that out of some sense of justice? Are you saying you're prepared to give your own life to protect this kingdom?" Lugh: "No, nothing so laudable." Lugh: "The people of Tuatha Dé and the people I met in Milteu are important to me." Lugh: "I want this kingdom to be peaceful so those people can be happy." Lugh: "I don't want anything to destroy this happiness I've encountered and seized." Lugh: "That's my choice." Lugh: "Even if the kingdom abandons me, it's not a problem." Lugh: "I wouldn't allow myself to be captured, not after you trained me." Lugh: "It wouldn't be too late to escape and live as Illig then. I'll think about what I'll do when I'm abandoned if that happens." Lugh: "I won't carry out assassinations because I'm ordered to." Lugh: "I'll do it for my own happiness, by my own volition." Lugh: "And I won't let my guard down like I did the first time." Lugh: "Whether it be clients or even the goddess, I'll keep being skeptical of them." Lugh: "I won't be killed again." Lugh: "There's another reason. There's something I can't have unless I'm a Tuatha Dé." Cian: "What's that?" Cian: "I have no idea what you could mean." Lugh: "I'm in love with Dia Viekone." Lugh: "I'm thinking about marrying her someday. I need to be nobility in order to marry the daughter of a count." Lugh: "A merchant lacks the necessary status." Cian: "I knew you were too good to be true. Who knew you could be so stupid, as well?" Cian: "I see. Dia, huh?" Cian: "I understand. Lugh, become an aristocratic assassin." Cian: "Here's your first job." Cian: "There's a noble who must be eliminated. He sells military secrets to neighboring kingdoms in exchange for drugs," Cian: "He's scum who makes the people suffer." Cian: "He needs to be removed from this kingdom as soon as possible." Cian: "I won't interfere. Kill him your own way." Lugh: "I'll do a perfect job."
{ "raw_title": "The World's Finest Assassin Gets Reincarnated in Another World as an Aristocrat Episode 8 – Rites of Choice", "parsed": [ "The World's Finest Assassin Gets Reincarnated in Another World as an Aristocrat", "8", "Rites of Choice" ] }
Cian: "Here's your first job." Cian: "There's a noble who must be eliminated. He sells military secrets to neighboring kingdoms in exchange for drugs, which he distributes throughout the kingdom. He's scum who makes the people suffer." Cian: "He needs to be removed from this kingdom as soon as possible." Cian: "I won't interfere. Kill him your own way." Lugh: "I'll do a perfect job." Lugh: "I am Lugh Tuatha Dé." Lugh: "The target is Count Azba Venkaur. He sells military secrets to neighboring kingdoms in exchange for "vizein."" Tarte: "Vizein?" Lugh: "It's a drug. He's trash who profits off of distributing it throughout his kingdom." Tarte: "So we're assassinating this count." Lugh: "There's something we have to do first. We'll see for ourselves if this target really should be assassinated." Tarte: "Mr. Lugh, what is that?" Lugh: "A coded message. I'm making arrangements to infiltrate the count's mansion." Lugh: "It's time for Maha to show us what she can do." Tarte: "Orna's great information network will be put to the test." Lugh: "Three pigeons should guarantee she gets the messages." Lugh: "It's time for Lugh Tuatha Dé's first job." Esri: "So excited, so excited..." Lugh: "Mother, what is it?" Esri: "Oh, Lugh. Did I wake you?" Lugh: "I was already awake." Lugh: "I notice immediately when an intruder enters my room." Esri: "Aw, how could you call me an intruder? I'm a good mother here to check on her beloved son." Lugh: "And what is my good mother doing up so early in the morning?" Esri: "How disappointing. You're fine today." Lugh: "What are you talking about?" Lugh: "You heard about that?" Esri: "She told me everything." Lugh: "Tarte must've told my mother about the darkest point in my past." Esri: "She left nothing out." Esri: "So don't be shy. Let your mother see." Lugh: "If that happened every day, I'd be seriously ill." Esri: "You're no fun." Lugh: "Do you really want to see your son like that?" Esri: "Very much so. It proves you've become an adult." Tarte: "Mr. Lugh, breakfast is ready." Lugh: "Tarte, we need to talk." Tarte: "Yes, sir. You can tell me about it while I help you change." Lugh: "Is there something else you need, Mother?" Esri: "Of course. I'd like to see how much your body has grown." Lugh: "You don't need to see that." Esri: "You're so stingy, Lugh." Esri: "What do you think, Lugh?" Lugh: "Of what?" Esri: "Of an arranged marriage meeting, obviously." Esri: "They're all beautiful girls from good families." Lugh: "You don't need to do this." Esri: "But I chose the very best girls for you." Lugh: "I don't intend to attend any arranged meetings." Esri: "But I'm eager to see my grandchildren." Lugh: "Tarte, you may speak." Tarte: "Yes, sir. I think Mr. Lugh is too young for arranged meetings." Esri: "He's not too young at all. He's an adult now." Tarte: "He only just recently became one." Esri: "If you take too long, I'll turn into an old woman." Tarte: "Ma'am, you'll be forever young. You won't turn into an old woman." Esri: "Your flattery won't work on me." Esri: "Or will you bear Lugh's children instead, Tarte?" Tarte: "Yes, ma'am. Of course I'd bear his children. Wait, what?" Esri: "That's actually a good idea! Tarte has mana, and unlike a noble, she doesn't come with any troublesome relationships. It'd be killing two birds with one stone. And it's great that you could immediately begin trying to conceive." Tarte: "U-Um, I..." Tarte: "If that's what Mr. Lugh wants, then perhaps it's not too soon." Lugh: "Mother, please stop teasing Tarte." Esri: "I'm not teasing. And why are you taking that tone with me, Lugh? You're being so blunt." Lugh: "Now that I'm an adult, I thought I should change how I speak." Esri: "Oh, no!" Esri: "My cute little Lugh has gone astray. That's no good." Lugh: "I'm definitely sticking with this tone of voice." Tarte: "Shouldn't we wait for Maha's report?" Lugh: "I'm having Maha look into behind-the-scenes information invisible to the public. I'd like to see for myself what's publicly visible." Paparazzo: "Where am I?" Goddess: "Despite being the world's finest paparazzo, you foolishly died in a crime of passion." Paparazzo: "What do you want me to do?" Goddess: "You'll be reincarnated in a fantasy world of swords and sorcery. With the skills you used to dispirit countless celebrities with defamatory articles," Goddess: "you'll demoralize the Hero and prevent the world's destruction." Goddess: "So, Number 519 was reincarnated 25 years ago. How's his progress?" mer Paparazzo: "I'll leap in front of the Hero's carriage and photograph the hit-and-run." mer Paparazzo: "That'll be the first step toward inventing countless scandals." Citizen: "Whoa!" mer Paparazzo: "He's coming. Now!" Citizen: "Runaway horse!" mer Paparazzo: "Huh?" Tarte: "It's a big town." Lugh: "Pisear is the second-greatest merchant town after Milteu." Tarte: "I see wounded soldiers." Lugh: "They were forced into battle at a disadvantage" Lugh: "due to their military secrets being leaked." Girl: "Hello." Girl: "Would you care for some gooseberry jam? It's our specialty. I've got a variety of sizes." Lugh: "A girl selling jam in a deserted alleyway..." Girl: "Here. You can have one for free. If you like it, you can come back here." Tarte: "Thank you." Tarte: "But I'm not a fan of gooseberry jam." Tarte: "Here. You can have this, Lou." Lugh: "Oh, Tar, you're hopeless." Lugh: "What kind of name is Lou?" Tarte: "We're pretending to be a couple of lovebirds." Lugh: "I thought we were pretending to be siblings." Tarte: "I'm sure a couple would attract less attention." Lugh: "How would you like to quit?" Girl: "Huh?" Lugh: "I'll give you an opportunity." Girl: "Why did you do this?" Man A: "Hey, you." Man A: "What do you think you're doing with our merchandise?" Man B: "Asshole!" Man C: "Bastard!" Man D: "Why, you..." Tarte: "Are these men the bosses in charge of selling drugs?" Lugh: "They're just the rank and file. They won't go away until we deal with the ringleader." Lugh: "Do you know what this is?" Girl: "But... But my mother..." Girl: "Mother?" Girl: "Are you okay?" Mother: "The drugs! Give me my drugs!" Girl: "I don't have any today." Mother: "The drugs! Where's my vizein?" Girl: "Please stop!" Mother: "Vizein!" Mother: "I need the stuff!" Girl: "Mother!" Mother: "Vizein!" Lugh: "Don't move." Girl: "Mother!" Tarte: "It's all right. Just watch." Girl: "Mother!" Girl: "Are you all right? Mother!" Tarte: "Is she better?" Lugh: "I made it so her body no longer needs the drug." Lugh: "But her psychological dependence is a separate matter." Lugh: "Let's get out of here." Tarte: "Yes, Mr. Lugh." Maia: "Ma'am, some cosmetics have arrived from Orna." Esri: "My, my. So much has arrived." Esri: "Oh!" Esri: "Welcome back, Lugh and Tarte." Esri: "We've received a delivery from Orna." Lugh: "Okay. Thanks, Mother." Lugh: "Impressive as always, Maha. You work quickly." Lugh: "I knew it. The ringleader is Count Azba Venkaur." Lugh: "Vizein is apparently made from a perennial plant known as vize. It causes incredible pleasure, but when the drug wears off..." Tarte: "People end up like that girl's mother." Lugh: "The count distributes the drug to other lords' regions" Tarte: "That's enough to fool people?" Lugh: "He sends bribes to higher-ranking nobles. With that official explanation and the protection of great houses," Tarte: "Then..." Lugh: "Yeah. This is a job for the Tuatha Dé." Lugh: "We'll assassinate Count Venkaur." Maha: "It's been a while since we were last together." Illig: "It's been less than a month since I left Milteu." Maha: "As far as I'm concerned, ten days without you is far too long." Illig: "Orna's acting director didn't need to accompany me." Maha: "I wanted to see you." Illig: "Even when we're apart, you're a tremendous help. Thank you." Maha: "You're welcome. Say, Brother Illig..." Maha: "Have things between you and Tarte progressed since you returned to Tuatha Dé?" Illig: "Progressed? What do you mean?" Maha: "I mean as a man and a woman." Illig: "Of course not." Maha: "Things must be very difficult for you, then." Maha: "While you were in Milteu, you seemed to occasionally blow off steam at brothels. But you don't have those back home. That must be challenging." Maha: "Tarte was nearly in tears every time you went to the brothel. You should use her, like she wants." Illig: "Why do you want us to have that kind of relationship?" Maha: "It seems you force yourself not to consider romantic feelings for us." Illig: "We're family. Just how often do you think we're together?" Maha: "When we were little, we saw you as our dependable older brother. But we're growing up. With the most wonderful man in the world so close to us," Illig: "You've come to speak rather directly." Maha: "When we're apart, I think about what I want to say to you at the next opportunity. But nothing is more painful than being ignored. Tarte tends to bottle things up without complaint." Maha: "If you keep behaving that way toward her, she'll eventually explode." Illig: "Then I'll try abandoning my preconceptions and looking at Tarte. But I can't accept her." Maha: "Because of Ms. Dia? Tarte wouldn't mind being second to her, or being your convenient mistress, as long as you love her. Besides, aren't you a noble? You should keep a mistress or two." Illig: "Is that so?" Maha: "It is so." Maha: "Do you understand now that there are two girls besides Ms. Dia who love you?" Illig: "That's one more than you said before." Maha: "Because I love you, too." Maha: "But I'm going to wait a little longer before actively pursuing you." Illig: "I thought you said things when you had the chance." Maha: "Once Orna grows even more and you don't want to lose me," Maha: "You're the one who taught me that" Illig: "You truly are an exceptional student." Maha: "I am. So you'd better prepare yourself." Illig: "So this is Venkaur's land." Maha: "Their primary industry is agriculture. Their output is nearly the same as Tuatha Dé's was previously." Maha: "But aside from agriculture, they don't have anything particularly profitable." Illig: "In other words, they shouldn't be so wealthy." Bridgette: "Thank you for coming. I've been looking forward to Orna's new product." Illig: "Thank you for inviting us here, Countess Venkaur. We brought our newest product because we wanted a beautiful and genuine lady like yourself" Bridgette: "I'm excited to try it." Bridgette: "My, it smells wonderful. It's not like any moisturizer you've tried before." Maha: "If you like it, then every other woman is sure to want it." Bridgette: "It's very nice." Bridgette: "It makes me look so warm. But why did you want me to use it first?" Illig: "Because currently, no one has more momentum than Count Venkaur. As his wife, everyone's watching you closely." Illig: "You're the best person to lend that momentum to our new product." Bridgette: "I'm delighted my husband's business is doing well. Until just a few years ago, we were poor nobles. I couldn't dress myself up like this." Vencarl: "Bridgette." Bridgette: "Oh, hello, darling." Vencarl: "How's the new product?" Bridgette: "I love it." Vencarl: "I see. That's good." Vencarl: "Thank you for looking after my wife." Illig: "No, thank you. I am Illig Balor, director of Orna." Vencarl: "I am Azba Venkaur." Vencarl: "Thank you for making the long trip." Illig: "So this is our target." Vencarl: "I don't know much about cosmetics," Illig: "I'm incredibly thankful for that." Vencarl: "My wife was in such high spirits because you were coming. Honestly, I'm jealous." Illig: "Nonsense." Vencarl: "I have people coming tonight. Make yourselves at home." Illig: "Thank you." Vencarl: "See you later, Bridgette." Brdigette: "Yes, darling." Lady A: "I was so excited to come tonight because I heard we'd get to see you, Mr. Illig." Illig: "Thank you." Lady B: "I heard you made a new product." Lady C: "I'd love to use it, as well." Illig: "Allow me to show you." Lady D: "What's it like?" Bridgette: "Shall I tell you a bit about it?" Lady C: "Is that it?" Lady A: "Let me see." Vencarl: "It looks like that bottle is more popular than you are." Vencarl: "As long as my wife's happy, I don't mind which she likes." Vencarl: "No, actually, I don't have to worry about her cheating on me with the bottle." Illig: "I would never, Count Venkaur." Vencarl: "Sorry for exploiting you for my party." Illig: "Not at all. I'm honored." Illig: "I hear business is going well for you." Vencarl: "It's just a small bit of business. It certainly isn't a market the Balor Trading Company needs to keep an eye on." Lugh: "According to his wife," Lugh: "The mana surrounding those who possess it makes them tougher than ordinary people. Most things won't kill them. Etaerc nug." Lugh: "And Count Venkaur has mana. However... Etaerc tellub." Lugh: "He can't withstand copper-tungsten bullets." Lugh: "I'm an assassin, like I was in my previous life." Lugh: "But this time, I'm more than just a killing tool. I decide for myself whether or not I'll kill someone. And this time, I've decided that this man should be killed." Lugh: "Target confirmed. In accordance with royal orders and the principles of the House of Tuatha Dé, he shall be eliminated." Lugh: "Mission complete." Lugh: "Let's get out of here." Tarte: "Yes, Mr. Lugh." Lugh: "In the past, killing never moved my heart." Lugh: "That's right. I was a tool." Lugh: "But now..." Lugh: "Tarte, why are you..." Tarte: "No reason." Tarte: "You just seemed forlorn." Lugh: "Did I?" Lugh: "Sorry. Let's go." Tarte: "Yes, sir." Lugh: "I don't regret this assassination."
{ "raw_title": "The World's Finest Assassin Gets Reincarnated in Another World as an Aristocrat Episode 9 – Compensation of Assassination", "parsed": [ "The World's Finest Assassin Gets Reincarnated in Another World as an Aristocrat", "9", "Compensation of Assassination" ] }
Students: "Wow. They're always so cool. You think they're dating? I hate to admit it, but they make a great couple." Students: "Can't disagree with that." Students: "They're amazing." Suzune: "The student council's moment of truth has finally come." Suzune: "We'll get the school regulations amended, fulfilling our promise to the student body." Kazuki: "Yes, Inukami-senpai. I've got the documents we need to make a compelling argument." Usato: "Some people in this world are always the center of attention." Student A: "See you later, Usato." Student B: "Later." Usato: "See you tomorrow." Usato: "I'm the opposite. I'm a forgettable, run-of-the-mill high school student. Even if something out of the ordinary happens to me," Usato: "it's rarely more exciting than this." Usato: "Grow big and strong! And feel free to pay me back if you ever feel like it." Usato: "Yeah, right." Usato: "But in my heart, I'm always hoping..." Usato: "for an extraordinary and fantastical life." Usato: "It's not here." Usato: "Someone must've taken it. That's a stroke of bad luck." Usato: "No, I couldn't do that. I'd be screwing over the owner, and I don't want any trouble." Usato: "If only I could use magic." Usato: "Guess I'll wait a while." Usato: "It's not stopping!" Suzune: "Oh?" Suzune: "What are you doing?" Usato: "What?" Suzune: "Could it be that you don't have an umbrella?" Usato: "Well, uh... yes." Suzune: "I see." Suzune: "But all students are required to leave soon." Usato: "Y-You're right. I'll head home right away." Suzune: "Wait. Sending a student home in the rain would damage the student council's dignity." Kazuki: "In that case, Senpai," Kazuki: "I'll lend Usato-kun my spare umbrella." Usato: "What?" Suzune: "Kazuki-kun, you know him?" Kazuki: "Yes. We're classmates." Usato: "We've never spoken before, but he knows my name." Kazuki: "Usato-kun, use this." Usato: "I guess Kazuki Ryusen is actually a nice guy after all." Usato: "Th-Thank you, Ryusen-kun." Kazuki: "No need to be so formal. We're classmates, after all. I'll call you, uh..." Kazuki: "Usato? No, Ken?" Usato: "Usato is fine." Usato: "I like being called that." Kazuki: "Got it, Usato." Suzune: "I'll call you Usato-kun as well." Suzune: "Is that all right, Usato-kun?" Usato: "Huh?" Usato: "Th-That's fine." Kazuki: "In that case, Usato, let's head home together." Suzune: "Yes, let's. It must be fate that we met." Usato: "I've suddenly hit a "walking home with two of the most popular kids at school" event?" Usato: "The entire school will be jealous." Both: "What?" Usato: "Oh, nothing." Usato: "Honestly, Kazuki, I didn't expect you to be this friendly." Kazuki: "What? Why?" Usato: "Because I've only ever seen you talking to the girls in our class." Kazuki: "I'm just engaging with them because they start conversations with me." Suzune: "In other words, the other boys won't talk to you." Kazuki: "S-Senpai!" Suzune: "Sorry." Usato: "I actually thought Inukami-senpai was even less approachable." Suzune: "What? How could you? I'm an ordinary high school third-year." Kazuki: "You're hardly ordinary." Suzune: "You're top of your class in all subjects and great at all sports. To top it off, you're beautiful inside and out." Kazuki: "You should view yourself more objectively." Suzune: "You're being unusually hard on me, Kazuki-kun." Kazuki: "I'm just getting you back for earlier." Usato: "So, are you two dating?" Both: "What?" Usato: "What? Uh, that's what everyone says..." Kazuki: "Obviously we're not dating." Suzune: "That's right. We simply spend a lot of time together because we're both on the student council." Usato: "You're kidding, right?" Kazuki: "Why would we lie about that?" Suzune: "I know a lot of people think we're dating, but you're the first one who's asked us directly, Usato-kun." Usato: "S-Sorry." Suzune: "It's a compliment. It's way better than whispering about it behind our backs." Suzune: "Can I ask you something, too?" Suzune: "Usato-kun, have you thought about what you'll do after high school?" Usato: "What? Not yet, I guess." Suzune: "I see. Not yet, huh?" Kazuki: "Senpai, you asked me that question, too." Suzune: "I'm just curious about other people's answers." Suzune: "Because I don't have any plans myself." Usato: "What? Inukami-senpai, you haven't decided what you'll do after graduation? You're a third-year. That can't be good." Suzune: "You're not wrong." Suzune: "I still haven't found what I want to do." Suzune: "I immediately complete any goal I set for myself." Usato: "I-I see. So that's what competent people worry about. Not that I'd have any idea." Suzune: "Sometimes I feel like this isn't where I belong." Usato: "Senpai and I are nothing alike, but I think I understand that feeling." Kazuki: "What's that sound?" Usato: "Huh? What's the matter?" Kazuki: "Usato, did you hear something just now? Like bells ringing." Usato: "No, I didn't hear anything." Suzune: "I hear it." Suzune: "It's getting louder." Kazuki: "What is this? Where's it coming from?" Usato: "I really don't hear anything." Usato: "Are you okay?" Usato: "A magic circle?" Kazuki: "What is this? Did we wander into a film shoot?" Usato: "Is this a gate to another world?" Kazuki: "What are you talking about?" Suzune: "Usato-kun." Suzune: "Do you think we'll find magic and monsters and heroes in this other world?" Usato: "What? Does Inukami-senpai like that kind of thing? I can worry about that later!" Kazuki: "Usato. Hey, Usato." Usato: "What?" Kazuki: "Are you okay, Usato?" Usato: "Y-Yeah." Usato: "Kazuki, where are we?" Usato: "Wh-Who are they?" Kazuki: "I don't know. Senpai just woke me up, too." Usato: "Oh, right. Where is she?" Usato: "What?" Suzune: "Usato-kun, you were right." Suzune: "This place is probably..." Usato: "She's excited!" Lloyd: "Looks like you're all awake. I'm sure suddenly coming here has left you bewildered—" Kazuki: "Who are you? What did you do to us?" Guard A: "How dare you disrespect His Majesty King Lloyd?" Lloyd: "Enough." Lloyd: "Forgive me. I understand your confusion. But please hear what I have to say." Lloyd: "I am Lloyd Vulgast Llinger, King of Llinger." Suzuki: "A king?" Suzuki: "A real king!" Usato: "Uh, Senpai..." Lloyd: "Allow me to be direct. We summoned you to the Llinger Kingdom..." Lloyd: "to serve as heroes." Kazuki: "What? Heroes?" Suzune: "Heck yes!" Usato: "Please stop ruining my image of you!" Lloyd: "Two years ago, we were attacked by this world's king of demons." Kazuki: "King of demons?" Suzune: "A-A demon lord?!" Usato: "They're having a serious conversation! Restrain yourself!" Lloyd: "Indeed. He invaded our nation with an army. We managed to drive them off, but the Demon Lord's army has been expanding its power. There's no telling what will happen next time. So as a last resort, we called forth accomplished individuals from another world who can confront the Demon Lord, using a forbidden ritual known as Hero Summoning." Suzune: "Forbidden! Summoning!" Kazuki: "You can't be serious!" Kazuki: "I don't care about heroes or demon lords. How dare you bring us here without our consent? Send us back to our own world this instant!" Lloyd: "I'm sorry, but that is simply not possible. The Hero Summoning only works in one direction. It can bring people here, but it cannot send them back." Kazuki: "Then what's going to happen to us? I have a family back home. So do Senpai and Usato." Lloyd: "I am sorry, but we are desperate." Kazuki: "You can't expect me to accept—" Usato: "Wait. Wait, Kazuki. I appreciate you getting angry on our behalf, but there's no point in starting a fight." Usato: "Right?" Lloyd: "I promise to find a way to send you back in the near future. Until then, will you help us," Lloyd: "heroes?" Suzune: "Your Majesty, may I ask you a question?" Lloyd: "Of course." Suzune: "Why do you call us heroes? You know nothing about us." Lloyd: "Because... Welcie." Welcie: "Yes, Your Majesty." Welcie: "The Hero Summoning's magic circle is designed to select accomplished individuals." Welcie: "I believe you heard bells ringing when you were summoned. That indicates that you are heroes." Suzune: "I see. That sound..." Kazuki: "Huh?" Kazuki: "But I thought Usato..." Usato: "Yeah, I didn't hear anything. Wait, does that mean... I just happened to get dragged into this?" Welcie: "Mr. Kazuki, Ms. Suzune, and Mr. Usato. I'd like to use this crystal ball to measure your magical abilities." Suzune: "Wow. You can measure that with a crystal ball?" Welcie: "Yes. I'll prepare it right away." Kazuki: "Are you sure you're okay with this, Usato?" Usato: "Ms. Welcie said I might be able to use magic even though I'm not a hero." Usato: "I appreciate them treating me the same as you two." Kazuki: "That's not what I meant. Not only were you forced to come here, but you were also merely caught up in the summoning. Shouldn't you be angry about that?" Usato: "Oh, right. Getting angry about it won't help anything. I figure I might as well find something I can do." Kazuki: "You're amazing." Usato: "Am I? I'm pretty sure Inukami-senpai is way more amazing than me. She's so positive." Kazuki: "I suppose you're right." Suzune: "Ms. Welcie, are you ready yet?" Kazuki: "We should try to be more positive, like her." Usato: "I don't think that's just positivity, but he doesn't need to know that." Welcie: "Place your hands on the ball, Ms. Suzune." Suzune: "Here we go!" Suzune: "It changed." Welcie: "This color indicates an affinity for thunder magic. You have ample mana, too. Incredible." Suzune: "Thunder..." Kazuki: "She seems happy." Usato: "Thunder magic tickles the edgelord in all of us." Welcie: "Mr. Kazuki, go ahead." Kazuki: "All right." Welcie: "This is the color of light magic." Kazuki: "Light? What's that for? Blinding enemies?" Suzune: "You use it to launch laser beams, Kazuki-kun. Or swords made of light." Kazuki: "What?" Usato: "Senpai, Kazuki has no idea what you're talking about." Suzune: "You've got a sharp tongue, Usato-kun." Suzune: "I don't mind that, actually." Usato: "My perfect image of her has already shattered into a million pieces!" Welcie: "Light magic is incredible. Very few people can use it. Light dispels evil— Against demons, its power is unparalleled." Kazuki: "I-It is?" Welcie: "Yes. Mr. Usato, you're next. Place your hands on the ball." Usato: "R-Right." Usato: "I wonder if I have any magical power." Usato: "If I do, I hope I can use it to help Senpai and Kazuki." Kazuki: "It's pretty, like an emerald." Suzune: "Yes. It's a soothing color." Suzune: "Ms. Welcie, what kind of magical energy is this?" Welcie: "I-I must tell him." Usato: "Huh?" Welcie: "I must tell him!" Kazuki: "Ms. Welcie?" Welcie: "You two stay here, please!" Usato: "Ms. Welcie! Ms. Welcie!" Usato: "Couldn't you just beat me instead?!" Welcie: "Your Majesty!" Lloyd: "Ah, Welcie. Have you determined Suzune and Kazuki's magical abilities?" Welcie: "They both possess incredible abilities." Welcie: "But more importantly, Mr. Usato..." Lloyd: "What about him? Don't tell me he has an affinity for dark magic." Welcie: "The crystal ball turned green." Lloyd: "What? Are you certain?!" Welcie: "Yes. In other words, Mr. Usato has an affinity for the extraordinarily rare—" Lloyd: "Don't say it!" Usato: "What? Is my magical affinity really that bad?" Lloyd: "We must send Usato away from the castle as quickly as possible. Where should he go? Where's the safest place for him?" Guard B: "F-For now, shouldn't we send him into town?" Lloyd: "Y-You're right." Lloyd: "Make the arrangements right away." Usato: "I don't understand. Am I dangerous or something? Is there anyone else who possesses the same affinity?" Lloyd: "Y-Yes, there is someone, but... Not her! For so many reasons, not her!" Welcie: "This isn't good." Lloyd: "Wh-Why did it have to be now?" Rose: "Your Majesty, how did the summoning ritual go? Have the heroes already arrived?" Lloyd: "R-Rose, I thought you took the day off." Rose: "You must be joking. I serve the king. I would never..." Rose: "Are you a hero?" Lloyd: "H-He's not a hero. He's a boy brought here by our ineptitude. He's ordinary. He's an extremely ordinary boy." Rose: "Is he, now?" Rose: "Hey, kid." Usato: "Yes?" Rose: "What's your name?" Usato: "I-It's Usato." Rose: "Usato, huh? I am Rose. I'm the captain of the kingdom's Rescue Team." Rose: "Nice to meet you." Usato: "Uh, sure. Rescue Team? She seems like someone who takes lives, not saves them." Welcie: "M-Ms. Rose, the heroes are in the crystal ball room. I'll show you the way." Rose: "I see. Your Majesty, please excuse me." Lloyd: "R-Right." Lloyd: "Usato, I'll decide what to do with you later. I'll have a room prepared for you. You can rest there." Usato: "Okay, but you still haven't told me about my magic. What kind of magic is that green color?" Rose: "Did you say green?" Usato: "What? Yes." Rose: "Your Majesty, I'll be borrowing this boy." Lloyd: "Welcie, get Usato away from her!" Welcie: "Y-Yes, Your Majesty!" Lloyd: "Rose! Wait!" Rose: "Your Majesty!" Rose: "I shall turn this boy into a full-fledged healing magic user!" Lloyd: "Wait, Rose! I know you're looking for healing magic users! But Usato really was just dragged into this!" Suzune: "What? He was taken away?" Kazuki: "What do you mean by that? Is Usato in danger?" Welcie: "He's not going to be killed or anything like that." Kazuki: "Then..." Welcie: "Mr. Usato was taken to a place a short distance from here." Welcie: "To the Rescue Team beyond the castle town." Kazuki: "The Rescue Team?" Welcie: "The crystal ball indicated that Mr. Usato has an affinity for healing magic. Healing magic users themselves are incredibly rare. Ms. Rose is one of them. She intends to train Mr. Usato as her subordinate." Suzune: "That doesn't sound like a problem." Welcie: "I'm not sure how to put this." Welcie: "Ms. Rose's training methods are a bit unorthodox. The subordinates she produces are, well..." Usato: "What?" Usato: "I'm a healing magic user?" Usato: "Me?" Rose: "At the very least, you have the predisposition to be one. That's why I brought you to the Rescue Team. As of today, this is your home." Usato: "Okay." Rose: "Boys, get in here." Tong Et Al: "Yes, boss!" Tong Et Al: "You called, boss?" Usato: "They're terrifying!" Rose: "This is Usato. As of today, we'll be looking after him. Play nice." Tong Et Al: "Yes, boss!" Tong: "I'm Tong. Nice to meet you, newbie." Mill: "I'm Mill. Nice to meet you, newbie." Alec: "I'm Alec. Nice to meet you, newbie." Gomul: "I'm Gomul. Nice to meet you, newbie." Gurd: "I'm Gurd. Nice to meet you, newbie." Usato: "I-I'm sorry! Am I an offering? Is she sacrificing me to them?" Rose: "Boys! Don't scare the new guy!" Mill: "Boss, this is just how we welcome someone!" Alec: "We're being super nice to him!" Usato: "They are? I don't think they know what "nice" means!" Rose: "These are my subordinates, but they're not healing magic users. There are two other healing magic users on the Rescue Team, but normally they work elsewhere. So..." Usato: "So?" Rose: "I'll drum into you how to use healing magic." Usato: ""Don't get involved with her." Every fiber of my being is telling me that! If possible, I'd like to learn from another—" Rose: "Training starts tomorrow. Prepare yourself." Usato: "Has what I want just flown away, then?!" Rose: "You can stay in... Tong, there's space in your room, right? Show him what to do." Tong: "Yes, boss." Rose: "Today, eat dinner and get some rest." Mill: "You're screwed." Alec: "The boss is training you herself." Gurd: "She's gonna put you through hell." Gomul: "Better hope hell is the worst thing that happens to you." Usato: "Aw, man." Usato: "What's going to happen to me?" Usato: "I'm sure it'll work out. I should sleep." Rose: "A healing magic user from another world, huh?"
{ "raw_title": "The Wrong Way to Use Healing Magic Episode 1 – Dragged into Another World!", "parsed": [ "The Wrong Way to Use Healing Magic", "1", "Dragged into Another World!" ] }
Usato: "I was hoping it was all a dream, but..." Usato: "It looks like I really am in another world." Alec: "Hey, newbie, you're awake. You've got guests." Usato: "Huh?" Kazuki: "Usato! Thank goodness you're okay." Suzune: "We were worried since we heard you'd been abducted." Usato: "Sorry for worrying the two of you. I'm alive for n—" Text: "Ding" Usato: "I'm supposed to start the training from hell today, so I can't say how tomorrow will go..." Kazuki: "Hell? Is it really that bad?" Usato: "Who knows?" Suzune: "But it seems like you intend to go through with it." Usato: "Well, yeah, I guess. I've got nothing better to do." Usato: "And, if possible, I'd like to be of some use." Suzune: "I'd expect no less of you, Usato-kun. We begin our training today, as well. Let's all do our best!" Usato: "Yeah! I wonder what kind of cool training our heroes get to do." Usato: "Your uniforms look pretty awesome." Suzune: "You think so?" Kazuki: "Thank you, Usato. I've finally made up my mind." Usato: "Huh?" Katsuki: "Senpai, I'm going to do my best in this world." Suzune: "Good. I'll do the same." Aruku: "I received some gifts." Usato: "I'm sure Kazuki's going through a lot." Kazuki: "There's so much!" Usato: "He was suddenly brought to another world and told he was a hero. And Inukami-senpai, too..." Usato: "No, she's probably fine." Usato: "Anyway, I hope I can grow strong enough to support them someday." Rose: "The heroes already left?" Rose: "Did you enjoy your chat with them, Usato?" Usato: "Y-Yes, Ms. Rose! Thank you very much!" Rose: "This isn't a prison. You're free to see whoever you wish." Rose: "When you're not training, that is." Usato: "Y-Yes, ma'am." Rose: "Take this." Rose: "It's a journal. You should record your daily training regimen and how you feel about it. It'll prove useful. We'll get started after breakfast." Usato: "The training from hell is really starting..." Text: "The Wrong Way to Use Healing Magic" Text: "#2 The Training from Hell Begins! Day 1 Day 1" Usato: "Day one. Tong and the others told me this training would be hell, but it was easier than I expected." Rose: "How is it? Do you feel anything?" Usato: "Yes. I feel some kind of warmth right here..." Rose: "That's mana. Next, you need to work on drawing that out of your body." Usato: "Out of my body?" Rose: "You'll understand soon enough. For now, just focus on sensing it." Usato: "Okay..." Rose: "Read." Usato: "I can't read the language of this world, though." Rose: "Just open the book." Usato: "I can read it... I can actually read it!" Rose: "I heard that summoned heroes automatically have translation magic cast on them." Usato: "You could've told me that sooner..." Rose: "This is the Llinger Kingdom." Rose: "And this... is demon territory." Usato: "It's right next door." Rose: "Yes. That's why our kingdom is always their first target." Rose: "Read that book. It has basic information about the nations, different races, and demons of this world." Usato: "Okay." Usato: "If this is what the training is, I should be able to handle it." Text: "Day 2 Day 2" Usato: "Day two. I ran a lot." Usato: "This is magic training? It's different from what I expected..." Text: "Day 3 Day 3" Usato: "Day three. I was forced to run until my muscles were so sore that I couldn't move." Rose: "Hey, who said you could stop?" Usato: "I-I can't go on... My legs are done for..." Usato: "Ow! Ow, ow, ow, ow, ow! The pain is multiplied 'cause I'm already hurt!" Usato: "Wait..." Usato: "It doesn't hurt." Rose: "I healed your sore muscles." Usato: "Huh?! You can do that?!" Rose: "Now get back to running, you piece of trash." Usato: "Trash?" Usato: "I'm gonna die... She's gonna kill me!" Rose: "Run like you're going to die. I'll revive you if you do." Usato: "That doesn't even make sense! Of course, I can't say that out loud. Okay, I'll write it in my journal!" Text: "Day 4" Usato: "Day four. I've started training with the other members." Alec: "Catch you later, Usato!" Gomul: "You've got a long way to go, Usato!" Tong: "Try your best, Usato!" Gurd: "Your legs are shaking, Usato!" Mill: "There won't be any lunch for you if you're too slow, Usato!" Rose: "Hey, I see a little bug who's a lap behind." Usato: "I want to talk back! I'll write this in my journal, too!" Text: "Day 5 Day 5" Usato: "Day five. I ran all day again." Text: "Day 6 Day 6" Usato: "Day six. I ran." Rose: "Hey, little bug! You're slowing down!" Usato: "You cold-hearted witch!" Usato: "I'll write about you in my journal!" Usato: "What's this?" Usato: "The light of healing magic?" Usato: "Do I need this right now? Not really, right?" Text: "Day 7 Day 7" Usato: "Never had my ass kicked like this before!" Usato: "Day seven. I ran again until I thought I'd die. Then she kicked my ass." Rose: "You're pissing me off, so we're raising the difficulty." Usato: "What?! What the hell?" Text: "...cold-hearted witch. Looks like I'm in for more tomorrow..." Usato: "Did she find out I was dissing her in my journal? No, she can't read Japanese. Is it showing on my face?" Rose: "Come on, don't just lie there!" Usato: "H-H-Hold on a second!" Rose: "Run!" Usato: "I'm going to call her a vicious muscle-bound gorilla in my journal!" Text: "Day 8 Day 8" Usato: "Day eight. I never learn." Text: "Day 9 Day 9" Usato: "A kick that hard could lead to serious injury!" Usato: "Day nine. I questioned the need for healing light a few days ago, but... I'm gonna die. My ass is gonna die. Huh?" Usato: "It doesn't hurt." Usato: "Not just my butt, but my whole body." Usato: "Is this healing magic? I was wrong about healing magic. I really, really need it..." Text: "Day 10 Day 10" Usato: "Day ten. Now that I can manifest healing magic on demand, I don't get tired no matter how much I run." Usato: "But I keep getting uneasy. All I'm doing is running around every day. Will I really be able to help Kazuki and Inukami-senpai?" Usato: "I'm sure Ms. Rose would deck me if voiced my concerns." Rose: "Hey, Usato! Add thirty laps!" Rose: "And pick up the pace!" Usato: "I'm not calling her "Ms. Rose" anymore!" Usato: "She doesn't deserve any more than just "Rose"! For now, I have to finish my training! After that, I'll rip Rose a new one!" Text: "Day 11 Day 11" Usato: "Day eleven. 814... 815... 816... There was a new addition to the training regimen today." Usato: "817... 818..." Usato: "819... 820... 821..." Rose: "Hey, Usato. Do you know why you're training your body like this?" Usato: "822... 823... 824... 825... 826... 827... 828..." Rose: "It's so you can run from the enemy as quickly as possible in battle." Usato: "In battle?" Rose: "It's also so you can save your injured allies. The faster you run, the faster you can save them." Usato: "The faster I run, the faster I can save them..." Rose: "Hey, don't stop." Usato: "Oh, right!" Usato: "I finished training without getting scolded too much today. 829... 830... 831... 832... I should be thrilled, but it was pretty scary. 833... 834... 835... 836" Text: "Day 12 Day 12" Usato: "Day twelve. I ran until the afternoon and then did push-ups into the night." Usato: "I think my body feels lighter." Usato: "Day thirteen. Rose apparently caught on to that and added weights." Text: "Day 13 Day 13" Usato: "It's really heavy..." Text: "Day 14 Day 14" Usato: "Day fourteen." Usato: "My lunch went missing." Gurd: "Hurry it up!" Usato: "Has anyone seen my boxed lunch? I left it right here. I just went to get some water..." Tong: "Oh, I ate it." Tong: "What? That was yours?" Tong: "I thought somebody left it because they didn't want it. Sorry 'bout that!" Usato: "Are you kidding me?!" Tong: "Hey, calm down." Usato: "You freaking thief!" Tong: "Hey, now..." Tong: "Don't you know infighting is banned in the Rescue Team?" Usato: "Like I care!" Tong: "Whoopsies!" Usato: "Hold it right there! Just one punch! I'm gonna deck you good! I got used to the weights right away." Tong: "You think I'm stupid?" Usato: "I feel like I'm actually getting the hang of things." Usato: "Wait, is it possible I'm being brainwashed?" Text: "Day 21 Day 21" Usato: "A week later, Kazuki and Inukami-senpai came to visit." Mill: "Usato's over there." Suzune: "Thank you very much." Kazuki: "Wait, that's Usato?" Rose: "Hey, you're slowing down again. Have you turned into a caterpillar?" Rose: "Don't whine about something this easy." Usato: "Who the hell is whining?!" Rose: "No prattling." Rose: "Did you just click your tongue at me?" Usato: "You're so light that I couldn't help myself, Ms. Rose..." Rose: "My, what a smooth talker." Rose: "If that's how it is..." Rose: "You're finally starting to become my kind of man." Rose: "Looks like I'll be able to take you out there sooner than I thought." Kazuki: "No way..." Suzune: "Is that really Usato-kun?" Suzune: "What amazing muscles!" Kazuki: "Yeah, this training is brutal..." Kazuki: "Huh?" Text: "The Wrong Way to Use Healing Magic" Siglis: "What do you think you're doing?!" Siglis: "I asked you what in the world you're doing!" Siglis: "You're destroying a young man with a bright future!" Rose: "Let go, old man Siglis. Your knightly ideals are impressive, but I have my own way of doing things." Rose: "Usato is going to become my right-hand man. It'll be a real problem if he can't handle this much." Siglis: "Your right-hand man?" Usato: "Her right-hand man?!" Rose: "He's a real find. I love how he can't stand to lose. The way he never gives up is even better. And on top of all that, he's been able to survive my training." Usato: "Huh? Wait, did wanting to show her a thing or two backfire on me?" Rose: "Usato, take a break and get some lunch. I'm sure you want to catch up with the heroes." Usato: "Uh... Okay." Siglis: "Dame Suzune and Sir Kazuki, please take care of Princess Celia. I need to speak further with this woman." Kazuki: "U-Understood. Let's go, Usato." Usato: "Yeah..." Siglis: "I knew you were a deviant! I was ordered to re-enlist you, but I can't accept your transfer!" Rose: "It's not happening either way. My right eye is totally useless." Siglis: "Don't talk nonsense!" Usato: "Huh? That guy commands the Llinger Kingdom's army?" Kazuki: "Yeah. That's Commander Siglis, the strongest knight in the kingdom. He's teaching us sword fighting." Usato: "Really? That's awesome." Usato: "By the way, who is this young lady?" Celia: "Pardon me. My name is Celia Vulgast Llinger." Usato: "Llinger? Wait, does that make you the king's..." Celia: "Yes, I am his daughter." Usato: "Y-You're a princess?! F-Forgive me for my uncouth conduct!" Celia: "Please, no need to be formal with me." Usato: "Huh? Is that okay? Really?" Celia: "Yes, I would like that much more." Suzune: "You're acting just like Kazuki-kun did in the beginning." Kazuki: "P-Please stop, Inukami-senpai!" Celia: "Um, I brought this for everyone. I hope you'll enjoy it." Usato: "It's super delicious!" Celia: "Thank you very much." Kazuki: "Hey, Usato. Do you undergo training like that every day?" Usato: "Nah, today's training was pretty light. How are things on your end?" Kazuki: "Huh? Well... um... The training itself is pretty difficult, but Commander Siglis and Ms. Welcie always consider our health and well-being while teaching us how to use our swords and magic." Usato: "I see. Well, that's how it should be. Ms. Rose is really brutal." Kazuki: "I'm sorry, Usato." Usato: "Why are you apologizing, Kazuki? Oh, let me get another!" Kazuki: "Hey, Usato..." Suzune: "Just a quick peek, Usato-kun!" Usato: "S-S-S-Senpai?!" Suzune: "I knew it! Just look at those muscles! Usato-kun, let me touch them a bit!" Usato: "What?! H-H-Hold on, Senpai! Calm down! Whoa, whoa. Kazuki was about to say something! Weren't you?!" Kazuki: "No, I, well..." Kazuki: "Isn't it tough for you, Usato?" Usato: "It's crazy tough. In the beginning, I kept wanting to run away." Kazuki: "Do you feel differently now?" Usato: "Ms. Rose is scary, but I don't want to run away anymore." Usato: "The training is starting to get fun, too." Usato: "Life here isn't that bad." Suzune: "You're amazing, Usato-kun." Suzune: "You've already found your place." Usato: "It's not amazing. I'm just stubborn." Usato: "The two of you are going to fight as heroes someday. I want to be able to do what I can." Suzune: "Then can I count on you to come save me if I'm ever in trouble?" Usato: "Listen, even if you suddenly start talking like a normal girl..." Suzune: "I am a normal girl! Just what do you take me for?" Celia: "I have to agree that you could hardly call Ms. Suzune a normal girl." Suzune: "What?! Not you too, Princess Celia!" Tong: "Hey, there you are, Usato. I was kind enough to bring you some lunch." Usato: "Why are you talking like you're doing me a big favor?" Usato: "How shameless do you have to be to bring me my lunch?! You blockhead!" Tong: "You're still holding a grudge over something that's in the past? Are you a little kid?" Usato: "I don't want to hear that from the guy..." Usato: "who stole that kid's lunch!" Tong: "Bring it on, asshole! The boss ain't around today! I'll beat the crap out of you!" Usato: "I'd like to see you try!" Tong: "Rotten little brat!" Usato: "Musclehead!" Tong: "Baby chick!" Celia: "Wh-What should we do?" Kazuki: "It's fine, Princess Celia." Kazuki: "I think this is just part of Usato's daily life." Suzune: "I agree. He lives each day here freely as himself. He's may have acclimated far better than we did." Kazuki: "I'm feeling a bit restless now." Kazuki: "I'm heading back to the castle to train." Celia: "Huh? Oh, Sir Kazuki, please wait!" Suzune: "I believe there's a reason the three of us were summoned here together." Suzune: "Let's do our best together, Usato-kun." Usato: "Hot, hot, hot..." Usato: "It was great to see Kazuki and Inukami-senpai... even if Senpai's behavior kinda freaked me out." Usato: "But what she said was true." Usato: "My body really has changed. I've gotten a lot faster, too. I've been healing my muscles over and over again after they're damaged by strenuous training." Usato: "This is the result." Usato: "Except..." Rose: "The faster you run, the faster you can save them." Usato: "You have to run to save the injured on the battlefield. But can someone like me really do that?" Usato: "Do I have the mental fortitude to match this body I've built?" Rose: "Usato, we're going out today." Usato: "Okay..." Alec: "They're going out?" Guld: "So it's finally time..." Usato: "Wait, what?" Thomas: "C-Captain Rose, wh-what brings you here today?" Rose: "Hey, Thomas. I want to show my subordinate the outside world." Thomas: "Urk! I'll get the gate right now!" Rose: "Good." Usato: "That's Rose for you." Thomas: "Hey! Captain Rose is passing through! Help me! Hurry it up!" Usato: "She just has to stand there to scare someone. Anyway, what's this about the outside world?" Usato: "Ms. Rose, where are we going?" Rose: "Just shut up and follow." Rose: "We're here." Rose: "This forest is also known as the Darkness of Llinger. It's infamously teeming with monsters." Rose: "Don't come back until you hunt down a grand grizzly." Usato: "Huh?! H-H-H-Hang on a minute! Blue grizzlies only turn into grand grizzlies after living a hundred years! And that book said even blue grizzlies are really dangerous!" Rose: "You should be able to take one down easily now. Understand?" Usato: "Not at all! All I've done is run! I don't know how to fight!" Rose: "You are such a pain."
{ "raw_title": "The Wrong Way to Use Healing Magic Episode 2 – The Training from Hell Begins!", "parsed": [ "The Wrong Way to Use Healing Magic", "2", "The Training from Hell Begins!" ] }
Rose: "This forest is also known as the Darkness of Llinger. It's infamously teeming with monsters." Rose: "Don't come back until you hunt down a grand grizzly." Usato: "Huh?! H-H-H-Hang on a minute! Wait, no! Stop! Don't lift me up!" Usato: "A-And don't wind up!" Usato: "Oh crap, oh crap, oh crap! I'm gonna die at this rate! Cause of death: thrown by the Rescue Team captain!" Text: "Pitiful! A subordinate... The victim, Usato, falls to his death in the Darkness of Llinger Culprit: Rose" Usato: "This really isn't funny!" Usato: "Like hell I'm gonna die!" Usato: "I'm alive..." Usato: "Thank goodness." Usato: "But now that I'm here in the forest... I hate to admit it, but I can't go back until I do as Rose ordered." Usato: "Okay! I'll take down a grand grizzly! It's just a two-meter-tall bear. Should be a piece of cake after the hell I've—" Usato: "You gotta be kidding!" Text: "The Wrong Way to Use Healing Magic" Text: "#3 Brutal! The Darkness of Llinger!" Usato: "It's chasing me! And it's way bigger than I thought! Its claws and fangs are hella huge!" Usato: "However, I have confidence in my legs!" Usato: "Does a bear really think it can match my speed?! He's right on me!" Usato: "No, come on. Think about it. I've survived the training from hell all this time! This guy's nothing compared to Rose!" Usato: "Bring it on, you big teddy bear! Fight me one-on-one—" Usato: "Ganging up on someone is cowardly!" Usato: "Blue grizzlies are joining in on this, too?!" Usato: "That sound!" Usato: "Man, that sucked." Usato: "Emergency rations, a canteen, and a knife..." Usato: "At least give me something I can start a fire with, Rose." Usato: "Is she a demon? Nah, she's more like an ogre!" Usato: "I have to take down a grand grizzly... That's feeling like an impossible task." Usato: "Well, I'll think about that tomorrow." Usato: "For starters, I've survived my first day." Usato: "I should get going." Usato: "I need to learn more about my enemy." Usato: "First, I need to find out where the grand grizzly lives." Usato: "Traces of scratching... It might be the bears. Could they be nearby?" Usato: "A rabbit? No, a monster that looks like a rabbit?" Usato: "Are you hurt?" Usato: "It understands me? No way, right? Let me see." Usato: "All better." Usato: "Try not to get hurt again, okay?" Usato: "Don't follow me! I'm looking for some really scary monsters right now. You'll be in danger if you're with me." Usato: "I'm telling you no!" Usato: "Or could it be that you know where the grand grizzly is?" Usato: "Wait, really?" Usato: "It actually knew. That cave must be their den." Usato: "Okay, I'll have to monitor them without being discovered." Usato: "It looks like they're a family. I read that grand grizzlies live in groups. Is that what you'd call this?" Usato: "Shh!" Usato: "I'm a little worried about drinking water that hasn't been boiled, but..." Usato: "What choice do I have?" Usato: "Huh? I thought you left. You came back?" Usato: "What a weird little guy. I'm just monitoring them again." Usato: "Nothing out of the ordinary. I'm starting to feel like the blue grizzlies are kinda cute." Usato: "This black rabbit is super cute, too. I'm actually living a pretty happy life right now." Usato: "My stomach hurts... It must've been the water..." Usato: "Even healing magic doesn't make it better right away. Because I was basically poisoned, I guess." Usato: "But there has to be a way to fix this..." Usato: "You came back again? I sure am glad to see you, though." Usato: "The water here is safe?" Usato: "Well, it does look clearer than the river water." Usato: "Yeah, it's delicious! Thanks..." Usato: "Hey, what's wrong?" Usato: "A monster is getting closer?" Usato: "But this little guy wasn't even that scared of the grand grizzly..." Usato: "What the hell is that thing?" Usato: "I didn't read about anything like that." Usato: "But still, I can tell..." Usato: "That thing is dangerous. There's bloodlust oozing from every inch of it. Better make sure I don't go anywhere near that." Usato: "It's been four days since I saw the giant snake monster." Usato: "I haven't been able to shake this uneasy feeling inside me. I've just kept to observing the grand grizzly." Usato: "These guys are the same as ever. Watching them warms my heart." Usato: "But I can't go home without defeating that grand grizzly." Usato: "I have to do it." Usato: "I'll challenge it tomorrow." Usato: "Huh? What? I shouldn't go?" Usato: "Yeah, I hear you, but..." Usato: "All right. I'll stay until the rain stops. Is that good enough?" Usato: "Okay!" Usato: "Better watch out, grand grizzly. I'm kicking your butt today." Usato: "You can't stop me. I need to defeat the bear and get out of this forest." Usato: "Right." Usato: "Huh?" Usato: "Wh-What the hell happened here?" Usato: "This is bad. Rose is gonna kill me..." Usato: "when she finds out I let something steal my quarry." Usato: "Those bite marks..." Usato: "It was probably that big snake." Usato: "But it clearly wasn't killing to eat." Usato: "It killed for fun, purely for the sake of killing." Usato: "I hate to lose." Usato: "That's why I hate losing to Rose." Usato: "I also hate that my quarry was stolen from me and I steeled my nerve for nothing." Usato: "But most of all..." Usato: "I hate what I'm seeing right now!" Usato: "I'll get revenge for you." Usato: "So just wait there." Text: "The Wrong Way to Use Healing Magic" Kazuki: "Huh? He's training in the forest?" Tong: "Yeah. He's been gone for about ten days." Kazuki: "Ten days?! Isn't that a bit long?" Tong: "It's the boss who decides everything, so... Right?" Alec: "Th-The boss is gone, too, so we don't know what's going on." Suzune: "Kazuki-kun, you get awfully worked up when it comes to Usato-kun." Kazuki: "Huh? I mean, aren't you worried about him, too, Senpai?" Suzune: "Well, I can't honestly say I'm not worried... But if Rose-san is the one making him do this, it's probably fine." Kazuki: "You think so?" Suzune: "Besides, I believe in Usato-kun. I'm sure he'll come back hale and hearty." Kazuki: "I believe in him, too..." Usato: "Will you take me to that snake?" Usato: "You can just show me the way. Run away after that." Usato: "I told that cub to stay put!" Usato: "I knew this thing was really dangerous. It's terrifying!" Usato: "But even so..." Usato: "There's nothing scarier than Rose!" Usato: "It's confused! Now's my chance!" Usato: "That was close! But I've got it this time! Take this, you stupid snake!" Usato: "Is that all you've got?" Usato: "It didn't do a thing to me." Usato: "I should attack from its right side, where it's blinded!" Usato: "Wha?!" Usato: "Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow!" Usato: "It baited me into attacking its blind spot?! I was tricked!" Usato: "But..." Usato: "I was holding my knife with that hand!" Usato: "Wha..." Usato: "Poison?" Usato: "It's not fair that you're both huge and venomous." Usato: "But I know how to heal myself!" Usato: "I learned how after getting that stomachache. When poison is damaging me on the inside," Usato: "I just have to heal from the inside out!" Usato: "You!" Usato: "Got it!" Usato: "You think that's enough to throw me off? What a dumbass!" Usato: "This ends now!" Usato: "Die!" Usato: "We did it..." Usato: "I got revenge for you." Usato: "I want to heal your wounds, but I'm using up all my mana to neutralize the venom." Usato: "I can't move anymore." Usato: "No way..." Usato: "Stop! Run away!" Usato: "This is it. Kazuki, Inukami-senpai, Rose..." Usato: "That's right. This is all Rose's fault!" Usato: "Shit! Rose, you brute! You violent woman! You ogre!" Rose: "Damn, what a dirty piece of shit this snake is." Rose: "You should have just died quietly." Usato: "C-Captain Rose!" Usato: "Wait, why are you here?" Rose: "This little one filled me in." Usato: "Huh?" Rose: "This is Kukuru." Text: "SMUG" Rose: "It's my pet. I asked it to watch over you." Usato: "But it showed up injured..." Rose: "What a sucker. It put on an act to gain your trust." Usato: "No way..." Rose: "I was nearby, ready to step in if something happened to you. I planned to intervene as little as possible," Rose: "but who knew that thing would appear?" Usato: "You know this monster?" Rose: "It was created by the Demon Lord's army. Siglis failed to finish it off during the last invasion. It must've fled into this forest." Rose: "But I didn't expect it to kill that grand grizzly." Rose: "They're strong enough that even a full unit of elite troops can't take them down." Usato: "Huh?! You wanted a novice like me to fight something like that?! Witch! Monster!" Rose: "I never expected you to win. The goal was to gain experience fighting something much stronger than you." Rose: "However..." Usato: "However?" Rose: "Things started getting really interesting with you. I let you keep going to see what would happen." Usato: "I almost died, though!" Rose: "Hmm? Has this guy taken a liking to you?" Usato: "Huh? Has it?" Usato: "Come to think of it, this cub has lost its parents. It's all alone." Rose: "As I thought, you're a lot like me." Rose: "Hey, blue grizzly." Rose: "We're taking you with us. You'll carry this loser who couldn't even die." Usato: "Wait, you're okay with this? Are you sure?" Rose: "Okay, let's go home." Usato: "I hate this. She's so freaking scary." Rose: "By the way, what was it you called me earlier?" Rose: "A brute? A violent woman? An ogre?" Usato: "Huh?! Oh, um..." Text: "RUMBLE" Rose: "Don't think you'll be getting any sleep tonight." Text: "SHIVER SHAKE" Usato: "Yes, ma'am!" Rose: "Well, you passed this time. With flying colors, even." Rose: "You qualified today." Usato: "Qualified?" Rose: "To stand beside me on the battlefield. You still haven't mastered the basics, but you've got what it takes. The ability to withstand the pain, the physical aptitude, and a strong mental state." Rose: "The other two healers never earned that distinction." Rose: "You should be proud." Rose: "We might make it at this rate." Usato: "Make it for what?" Rose: "The demon army will be attacking soon." Demon Lord: "Amila Vergrett, commander of the third army..." Amila: "Sire." Demon Lord: "How go the preparations to invade the Llinger Kingdom?" Amila: "Proceeding smoothly." Amila: "Our units have finished preparing for battle."
{ "raw_title": "The Wrong Way to Use Healing Magic Episode 3 – Brutal! The Darkness of Llinger!", "parsed": [ "The Wrong Way to Use Healing Magic", "3", "Brutal! The Darkness of Llinger!" ] }
Rose: "The demon army will be attacking soon." Usato: "Are you telling me a war is about to start?" Rose: "That's right. You're going to be on the front lines with me, healing the wounded." Rose: "We'll be part of the vanguard." Usato: "Th-The vanguard? Me?" Usato: "But what about Tong and the others? I heard there are other healers, too." Rose: "Yeah, there are two more, but they have a different role. The right man for the right job." Usato: "B-But I don't think I can do what you do..." Rose: "Well, we have a little more time. Steel yourself before it runs out." Usato: "Can I really do something like that?" Text: "The Wrong Way to Use Healing Magic" Text: "#4 Rescue Team Member Usato!" Demon Lord: "How go the preparations to invade the Llinger Kingdom?" Amila: "Proceeding smoothly." Amila: "Our units have finished preparing for battle." Amila: "We shall soon begin our advance." Demon Lord: "I see. I'll have you lead the troops. Despite our previous successes, they managed to escape our grasp before. You needn't fight to the death, but I do expect your utmost effort." Amila: "I will do my best." Demon Lord: "You're always so serious, Amila. No matter. You're dismissed." Amila: "Sire." Hyriluk: "Oh, my. Was the third army commander nervous in front of the Demon Lord?" Amira: "If you have time to mock others, then focus on your work, demon doctor." Hyriluk: "Stop using that weird nickname! Call me by my proper name, Hyriluk." Hyriluk: "And I'll have you know my work is proceeding quite smoothly. I just completed the newest demon-made monster prototype." Hyriluk: "Want to come see?" Hyriluk: "What do you think? It's highly venomous and has a large body with sharp fangs. I call it Demon-Made Monster Prototype 72, Baljinak!" Amira: "You gave Prototype 71 the same name. Didn't it go missing when we attacked the Llinger Kingdom last time?" Hyriluk: "It ran away after being wounded by an enemy named Siglis." Hyriluk: "It's all right! Number 72 is much stronger!" Amila: "I hope that's true. There are people more troublesome than Siglis in Llinger." Hyriluk: "Are you talking about the kidnappers? I've heard rumors about them." Amira: "That's right. They stand on the battlefield but don't fight. They carry the injured away to the rear before you realize it." Hyriluk: "In other words, they minimize their own casualties." Amira: "And their boss is a healer who runs around" Amira: "all over the front lines, healing people on the spot. She's a top-notch fighter, too. Infuriatingly so." Amira: "That woman holds a deep grudge against my master." Amira: "One day, I swear I'll..." Hyriluk: "I see. But you're the commander this time, so you can't go into battle yourself." Amira: "I know that. I plan to send that demon..." Amira: "The immortal mage of darkness, the Black Knight." Usato: "Beds are the best! I even missed hearing Tong's snoring." Usato: "Hey, you awake?" Usato: "Time for breakfast. I brought you a few things from the cafeteria. This is probably some kind of fruit." Usato: "You make it look so delicious! I'll have one, too." Usato: "Hey, it tastes better than it looks!" Usato: "You're such a glutton." Usato: "You traitor. I haven't forgotten how you toyed with my pure, innocent heart." Usato: "So cute... No, no, no! You won't fool me again, no matter how cute you are!" Usato: "Fine, fine! You can have some, too!" Usato: "I know. You're cute, too. Eat up, Blurin." Rose: "Blurin?" Usato: "Oh, Captain Rose." Rose: "Is that what you named it?" Usato: "That's right. I took the "blu" from blue and "ri" from grizzly to make "Blurin." Pretty good name, if I do say so myself. Right, Blurin?" Usato: "Uh, Mr. Blurin, that's my hand you're trying to eat... It kinda hurts..." Rose: "Well, whatever. I reported the bear to His Majesty. We have permission to keep him as property of the Rescue Team." Usato: "P-Property?" Rose: "That's how it is. You can stay, but you have to earn your keep." Usato: "What do you want Blurin to do?" Usato: "Huh?" Usato: "Why am I carrying him? I could understand running together, but..." Rose: "This is simulation training. Think of that bear as someone who needs to be rescued." Usato: "Someone who needs to be rescued?" Rose: "In other words, a wounded soldier. Now hurry up and get running!" Usato: "Y-Yes, ma'am! Let's go, Blurin!" Usato: "This just means I have more weight to carry. It'll be a breeze if I manage my mana as I run." Rose: "Pick up the pace! The wounded soldier isn't gonna make it!" Usato: "I can't help how heavy the little guy is! Jeez..." Usato: "What the hell are you guys doing?!" Tong: "Didn't the boss tell you?" Mill: "We're simulating the battlefield!" Usato: "I don't need your help!" Tong: "The others are waiting to ambush you, too!" Mill: "Better stay focused!" Usato: "Damn it!" Text: "One Hour Later One Hour Later" Usato: "That reeks! What the hell?!" Alec: "That's my special stink water!" Usato: "Don't make weird things!" Text: "Three Hours Later Three Hours Later Four Hours Later Four Hours Later" Usato: "Huh? I feel kinda..." Usato: "You, too?!" Usato: "That's weird... What's happening?" Usato: "Thanks." Usato: "I thought I'd be able to manage for at least half a day..." Rose: "That's the limit of your endurance on the battlefield." Usato: "Huh?" Rose: "Humans feel exhaustion from nervousness, fear, and impatience. That's why you ran out of strength faster than normal." Usato: "Then what am I supposed to—" Rose: "Get used to it. Acquire mental fortitude and decisiveness that don't falter in the face of fear." Usato: "Thank you very much." Rose: "Once your mana has recovered, spend the afternoon running around the castle town." Usato: "Huh? While carrying Blurin?" Rose: "Of course." Usato: "What?" Man A: "Hey, look at that." emale B: "A blue grizzly?!" Man C: "Hey! That's bad news!" Usato: "I figured as much. Blurin may be docile, but he's still a monster. Of course he'd cause a commotion." Woman D: "Say, now that I took a good look..." Man E: "Oh, he's one of them." Man F: "Man, I got all scared for nothing." Usato: "Huh?" Usato: "What is it, Blurin?" Old Lady: "Welcome. How about some fresh fruit?" Usato: "I'm sorry. I don't have any money, so I can't buy anything. What are these fruits called?" Old Lady: "Oh, these are peffles. They're a specialty of this kingdom." Usato: "Um, could I ask one more question?" Usato: "I'm carrying a monster on my back. Why is everyone so calm?" Old Lady: "That's because you're a part of the Rescue Team. We can tell by your clothes." Usato: "Well, that's true..." Old Lady: "We see scary-looking men from the Rescue Team running around town all the time. Hardly anything fazes us now." Usato: "Yeah, if you can get used to their scary faces, what else could scare you?" Usato: "Thank you very much. I'll buy some fruit next time!" Old Lady: "Since we've gotten acquainted, this one's my treat." Usato: "Huh? Are you sure?" Usato: "Lucky us, Blurin! Hey, that's bad manners!" Usato: "Thanks so much. See you next time!" Amako: "Was that boy from the Rescue Team?" Old Lady: "Seems so. Is something the matter, Amako?" Amako: "No, it's nothing." Usato: "Since we're close to the castle grounds, we should visit Kazuki and Senpai." Usato: "What do you think, Blurin?" Usato: "Yeah, you're right. Let's do it." Usato: "Wait, will I be allowed to take Blurin into the castle?" Orga: "Y-You there! Excuse me..." Usato: "Since the king lives there, maybe they'll say no..." Orga: "Wait a second! Hey!" Usato: "Nah, just look at how cute he is." Orga: "You there... from the Rescue Team..." Usato: "Maybe I could pass him off as a big stuffed animal. No, maybe not..." Usato: "Hey, are you all right?" Usato: "How do you feel?" Orga: "A lot better. Sorry for the trouble." Usato: "Don't mention it. Anyway, were you trying to get my attention?" Orga: "Yes. I wanted to say hello to my new junior." Orga: "I don't usually raise my voice like that." Usato: "Your junior?" Orga: "Oh, the captain didn't tell you?" Orga: "My name's Orga Fleur. I'm one of the Rescue Team's healers. Nice to meet you." Text: "The Wrong Way to Use Healing Magic" Orga: "Huh... I knew that we had a new member, but I never would've guessed you were summoned with the heroes." Usato: "Well, it's true. Though I've been training so much every day that I'd nearly forgotten myself." Orga: "Usato, it's amazing that you can keep up with the captain's training. It was impossible for me and my sister." Usato: "Your sister? Oh, is she the other healer?" Orga: "Yeah, she's five years younger than me." Orga: "We run a clinic in the city. We use our healing magic to heal the citizens." Usato: "Oh.... Huh? But you collapsed earlier..." Orga: "To tell you the truth, I'm not very good at healing myself. I'm much better at healing other people." Usato: "I guess there are all kinds of healers, huh?" Orga: "Yeah. But we're still a part of the Rescue Team. We work under the captain and tend to the wounded in times of need." Usato: "In times of need..." Rose: "You're going to be on the front lines with me, healing the wounded." Rose: "We'll be part of the vanguard." Usato: "Um, what do you do on the battlefield?" Orga: "Well, Tong and the others bring the injured soldiers to the rear, where my sister and I heal them." Orga: "In other words, we're support members." Usato: "Captain Rose actually asked me to join her as part of the vanguard." Orga: "What? Really?" Usato: "Yes. But can I really handle that?" Orga: "In battle, the knights and heroes who fight on the front lines are always in the greatest danger." Orga: "When they fall injured and get left behind, normally all they can do is wait for death. But if there are healers running around on the battlefield, they can be saved." Orga: "Of course, it's a dangerous and exhausting job..." Orga: "But the captain wouldn't choose someone she didn't completely trust." Orga: "Well, I need to get back to the clinic or my little sister will scold me." Usato: "Oh, sure. I'll get back to training." Orga: "I'm glad we got to talk, Usato." Orga: "Before you go, may I ask one thing?" Usato: "What is it?" Orga: "Please don't hate Captain Rose too much. I can't say she's kind by any stretch of the imagination..." Orga: "But, well... She's just clumsy with people. That's all." Usato: "Don't worry." Usato: "I never hated her. Even if I do have a bone or two to pick. See you later!" Orga: "Yeah. See you." Orga: "So you finally found someone, Captain Rose." Ururu: "There you are, Brother! Seriously, going out on your own? Do you want to die?!" Orga: "What? I'm not that weak." Orga: "Why do you look so doubtful?" Orga: "More importantly, I met an interesting boy." Ururu: "Oh, yeah? How so?" Orga: "You'll see for yourself soon, Ururu." Orga: "I'm sure you'll like him very much." Usato: "Um, I'd like to enter... Can this little fellow come with me?" Aruku: "You're Sir Usato from the Rescue Team, are you not? You may enter with the blue grizzly." Usato: "Huh? Monsters are allowed into the castle? Really?" Aruku: "Yes, Captain Rose has vouched for it. Please, go right in." Usato: "Thank you very much." Usato: "A lot of people sure trust Rose..." Troop Leader: "Press farther forward!" Knights: "Yes, sir!" Troop Leader: "You there! You're completely open below!" Suzune: "It's Usato-kun! Hey!" Suzune: "Hm? What is that fluffy blue creature?" Usato: "Oh, this little guy?" Usato: "It's a blue grizzly cub. Actually, I did some survival training in a forest infested with monsters, and... Are you listening, Inukami-senpai?" Suzune: "U-Usato-kun..." Suzune: "Is it all right if I touch it?!" Usato: "Yeah, go ahead. He's super tame. I'll heal you if you get bitten." Suzune: "You say some scary things. Well, I'm supposed to be the heroine, so animals should love m—" Usato: "H-He's just a little shy! Don't let it get you down!" Suzune: "I'm not! I'm just savoring the feel of its toe beans!" Usato: "R-Really? Hey, why don't you try calling his name? I'm sure that'd do the trick! His name is Blurin." Suzune: "Wow, what an excellent-sounding name! Let's be friends, Blurin—" Usato: "Maybe you just have a tainted soul, Senpai. Hey, Blurin. That's enough." Suzune: "Does this mean your soul is tainted, too?" Usato: "Seems that way." Suzune: "It feels like I haven't seen you in ages, Usato-kun." Usato: "Right?" Usato: "Senpai, your hand..." Suzune: "Oh, it isn't too bad. I just got overzealous with the sword training." Usato: "You have to treat wounds properly." Usato: "There. All healed." Suzune: "That's amazing." Usato: "This much is nothing." Suzune: "Usato-kun..." Suzune: "Did you come to see me today?" Usato: "Yeah. I came to visit you and Kazuki." Suzune: "Your overt honesty is your only flaw." Usato: "Huh?" Suzune: "Never mind. Kazuki-kun isn't here today. I'm sure he's outside the kingdom by now." Usato: "Huh?" Suzune: "He went to gain experience fighting monsters with Siglis and the others." Kazuki: "Commander Siglis, is it true that the Demon Lord's army will attack soon?" Siglis: "Yes." Siglis: "I'm sure they'll bring more powerful forces with them this time." Siglis: "However, we have you and Dame Suzune. The troops' morale is soaring now that we have two heroes on our side. Victory will be ours." Kazuki: "You're right. I'll do my best." Knight A: "Hang wolves!" Siglis: "Sir Kazuki!" Kazuki: "Yes!" Usato: "I hope Kazuki is all right." Suzune: "Well, it's only for a few days. Once Kazuki-kun returns, it'll be my turn to gain some experience. I can't wait." Usato: "Yeah, I'm sure you'll have the time of your life. I can see it now." Suzune: "I wish you'd worry about me, too!" Usato: "Of course I'm worried about you." Suzune: "That was too half-hearted!" Usato: "Well, Senpai... I should get going." Suzune: "Yeah. Good luck on your training." Usato: "Same to you. Later." Usato: "Usato-kun, have you noticed how frank you've grown with me?" Usato: "But that's fine. It's not such a bad feeling." Usato: "Kazuki went out to train... Senpai is working her hardest, too." Usato: "All because the day they go off to battle is drawing near." Usato: "Since they're going to war, I want to help them." Usato: "I don't want to hide in safety while they're in danger." Usato: "Back home, all I could do was admire people who could do things that I couldn't." Usato: "But I'm not that person anymore." Usato: "Goodnight, Blurin." Rose: "Usato." Rose: "How was the training? Did you get used to it?" Usato: "Well... A bit, I guess. But I want to train a little longer." Rose: "I see. Then keep going." Usato: "Okay." Usato: "Um, Captain Rose." Usato: "About what you said yesterday..." Usato: "You told me to steel myself. I just barely survived against that snake monster, so I was honestly terrified when you mentioned the Demon Lord's army." Usato: "If I didn't have to, I didn't want to set foot on the battlefield." Usato: "But today, I found a feeling even stronger than that fear." Usato: "I can't fight." Rose: "I know." Usato: "I can't kill anyone, either." Rose: "I know." Usato: "But I'll save Kazuki and Inukami-senpai, and anyone else that only I can help." Usato: "Because I'm part of the Rescue Team." Rose: "That's perfect." Rose: "We're going out there to save people." Rose: "Knock out the would-be martyrs and bring them back. Snatch up the wounded that the enemy is about to finish off." Rose: "Keep those at death's door alive, even if it kills you." Rose: "That's our job. Keep spouting those ideals. That's how the Rescue Team must be." Usato: "Yes, Captain!" Usato: "That moment was the first time I truly felt like I was a member of the Rescue Team." Rose: "Wake up. His Majesty sent a message over yesterday. He wants you to head out." Usato: "What? Why didn't you tell me yesterday?" Rose: "He wants you to join Hero Suzune's training outside the castle." Usato: "Inukami-senpai?"
{ "raw_title": "The Wrong Way to Use Healing Magic Episode 4 – Rescue Team Member Usato!", "parsed": [ "The Wrong Way to Use Healing Magic", "4", "Rescue Team Member Usato!" ] }
Usato: "Why am I joining Inukami-senpai's training?" Usato: "Commander Siglis and the knights accompanied Kazuki, didn't they?" Rose: "We received the same request for Hero Kazuki's training, but I refused since you had just come back from the forest. However, His Majesty petitioned me again last night. I can't refuse him a second time." Usato: "I see..." Rose: "So you'll be their healer in case of emergencies. Take it easy for three days and two nights." Suzune: "Wow, I was so surprised! I didn't think you'd be joining us, Usato-kun!" Suzune: "And you brought Blurin, too!" Suzune: "You must be trying to help Blurin and me get closer!" Usato: "No, I just didn't have a choice because I'm still the only one Blurin likes." Suzune: "As indifferent as ever, Usato-kun." Usato: "Huh?" Suzune: "It's nothing! Oh, let me introduce you." Suzune: "They'll be joining us on our expedition. This is Aruku the knight and Corrin the mage." Aruku: "It's a pleasure." Corrin: "I look forward to working with you." Usato: "Thanks. It's great to meet you both. Wait, Aruku... Have we met somewhere before?" Aruku: "Yes, I normally work as a castle gatekeeper." Usato: "Oh, that's right!" Rose: "Hero Suzune." Suzune: "Y-Yes?" Rose: "The healing magic Usato uses isn't omnipotent. It can cure poison and mend injuries, but it's all over if you die." Rose: "Don't overestimate healing magic." Suzune: "I understand." Rose: "Well, you trained under Siglis. I'm sure you'll be fine in most cases." Rose: "I've got nothing to say to you." Usato: "What?" Rose: "What? You dying for some advice?" Usato: "N-No, that's all right. She'd just hurl abuse at me!" Rose: "Off you go, then." Suzune: "Your mentor is really strong." Usato: "Huh? What do you mean by that?" Suzune: "Nothing! Come on, time to go!" Text: "The Wrong Way to Use Healing Magic" Text: "#5 Usato, Back in the Forest!" Celia: "Sir Kazuki!" Celia: "What are you doing?!" Kazuki: "Well, I'm doing practice swings..." Celia: "That much is obvious! I heard you just returned from grueling training yesterday." Celia: "I can't believe you're back at it so soon." Kazuki: "Well, I got a full night's rest. I'm fine, Princess Celia." Celia: "Are you sure? You're not overexerting yourself?" Kazuki: "Not at all. See? Look!" Celia: "V-Very well, then. Still, please take care of yourself." Usato: "Huh... Kazuki came back that exhausted?" Suzune: "Yeah, but he told me he was happy to get so much combat experience. He took down lots of monsters on the plains near a forest called the Darkness of Llinger." Suzune: "That's where we're going, too." Usato: "The Darkness of Llinger..." Usato: "I wonder if Blurin will feel nostalgic going back there." Suzune: "By the way, Usato-kun... Is Blurin just going to stay asleep?" Usato: "Come again?" Suzune: "If he's asleep, well..." Suzune: "Can I pet him?!" Usato: "Huh?!" Suzune: "It'd be okay right?! Just a little! Just a tiny bit!" Suzune: "What gives, Usato-kun?!" Usato: "That's what I should be asking. What's gotten into you?" Suzune: "That's some attitude after slapping a lady's hand! Have you developed a new fetish?" Usato: "Uh, I have no idea what you're talking about." Usato: "Oh, are you awake, Blurin?" Usato: "In that case, walk on your own legs, okay?" Usato: "Hey, now, you okay?" Suzune: "Now's my chance!" Suzune: "Blurin, I'll carry you! Here! Come on!" Usato: "Wait, Senpai, that's not..." Suzune: "I-I did it! He's so fluffy! So this is Blurin's... warmth..." Usato: "S-Senpai!" Usato: "Seriously, could you not get yourself hurt before we even do any fighting?" Suzune: "Sorry, Usato-kun. I made you use your healing magic already." Usato: "I mean, I don't really mind that part." Corrin: "Multiple creatures detected up ahead." Aruku: "Both of you, please stop there!" Aruku: "Is it monsters?" Corrin: "No, it's..." Bandit Head: "Tch. Noticed us, did ya?" Bandit Head: "We were planning to ambush you after we surrounded you." Bandit Head: "A knight from the royal palace and a mage, eh? Go ahead, drop all your valuables!" Aruku: "We refuse!" Bandit Head: "Yeah? You sure? We got you far outnumbered." Usato: "Who the hell are these guys? Bandits? They aren't scary at all." Suzune: "U-Usato-kun..." Usato: "Senpai, don't worry about small fry like them." Suzune: "Those are real bandits! I've never seen any before! They actually exist!" Usato: "Senpai, you really are incredible..." Bandit A: "Th-This is bad! They have a blue grizzly with them!" Bandit Head: "N-No, take a closer look! It's just a cub! There's nothing to be afraid of!" Bandit B: "H-He's right. We should catch it and turn it into a pelt." Usato: "That's completely—" Suzune: "Completely unforgivable!" Usato: "Oh, thank goodness. He's still alive." Usato: "That was amazing, Senpai! Great control!" Suzune: "Of course. I practiced a lot, you know." Usato: "All right, Senpai! You should go all-out here! Worst case, I can heal them." Suzune: "Huh? Go all-out?" Bandit Head: "She can't use that magic in melee range! Get her, boys!" Usato: "Go, Senpai! Mow them down!" Suzune: "Could you not say it like that?" Usato: "Great job, human stun gun! No, human electric eel!" Suzune: "I'm actually going to get mad if you keep that up." Bandit Head: "That shit ain't fair!" Aruku: "If you can see that, surrender!" Corrin: "Another reaction? Incoming fast." Aruku: "What?" Bandits: "Boss!" Aruku: "Fall boars?! Their habitat should be deeper in the woods!" Usato: "Blurin, thanks!" Usato: "Senpai!" Suzune: "U-Usato-kun!" Usato: "We'll be fine! Hold on tight!" Usato: "Senpai! Are you all right?! Senpai!" Suzune: "Y-Yeah." Usato: "Wait, this place..." Usato: "It's the same place I was in before." Usato: "Which means..." Usato: "There's a waterfall ahead!" Usato: "Senpai, take a big breath." Suzune: "Understood." Suzune: "...sato-kun! Usato-kun! Hang in there!" Suzune: "I'll carry you somewhere safe. I'll protect you." Suzune: "I'm the kind of woman who always repays her debts." Usato: "Inukami-senpai, I'm fine now. Also, that's embarrassing." Suzune: "Huh?!" Suzune: "D-Didn't you wake up a little too fast?!" Usato: "I was just resting a bit after pulling you out of the water..." Usato: "More importantly, let me heal your wounds." Suzune: "Th-Thank you. I'm sorry things turned out this way, Usato-kun." Usato: "Please don't apologize. I'm glad we fell together." Usato: "Still..." Usato: "Never thought I'd end up here again." Suzune: "Huh?" Usato: "This is where my captain tossed me for my training. There are tons of monsters stronger than fall boars here." Text: "The Wrong Way to Use Healing Magic" Usato: "No food, huh? I wish we had at least a day's worth..." Suzune: "Usato-kun, shouldn't we leave this forest as soon as possible if it's so dangerous?" Usato: "It's going to be dark soon, and the weather doesn't look too good." Usato: "We should find a safe place to take shelter and then head back tomorrow morning." Suzune: "That's true. But where will we find somewhere safe?" Usato: "I slept in the trees last time. Do you think you could do that, Senpai?" Suzune: "I've never climbed a tree before." Suzune: "I've always wanted to, but I was never allowed." Usato: "Is Senpai really the sheltered daughter of some rich family?" Usato: "Actually, that's perfectly possible." Usato: "In that case, let's rest there." Usato: "We'll stay dry even if it rains. And it's safer than just wandering into the woods." Suzune: "Yeah... That's true." Usato: "Then, um... why don't you change clothes for now, Senpai?" Suzune: "Yeah, I think I will." Suzune: "Don't peek, okay?" Suzune: "That response is a little hurtful!" Suzune: "Usato-kun, are you ready?" Usato: "Yup! Let 'er rip anytime!" Suzune: "I still don't really appreciate that wording... but here goes!" Usato: "That's awesome! Now we have dinner for tonight, Senpai!" Usato: "Okay, take care of this next, please!" Suzune: "Leave it to me!" Usato: "Fire! I'm so glad you're here, Senpai!" Suzune: "I-It's nothing worth crying over." Usato: "It's so warm... Fire is just the best." Usato: "Oh... Sorry, Senpai. I didn't mean to put you out." Suzune: "N-No, don't mind me." Suzune: "I think you've gotten even more..." Usato: "Huh? What did you say?" Suzune: "N-Nothing!" Usato: "Oh, venom monkeys." Suzune: "You know what they are?" Usato: "I've read about them. It's my first time seeing them in person." Suzune: "They're coming this way!" Usato: "They aren't very ferocious, but don't touch them. They're poisonous." Suzune: "Come on. Don't be scared." Usato: "Wh-What are you doing?! They're poisonous!" Suzune: "Be that as it may, I've already been taken by their intoxicating cuteness." Suzune: "Come on. Don't be... scared..." Usato: "What did I tell you?!" Kazuki: "They're missing? What do you mean?" King Lloyd: "Corrin sent word via her familiar. They encountered an unexpected herd of monsters and got separated from Suzune and Usato. I wasn't sure if I should tell you, but Celia said I shouldn't hide anything from any of you." Kazuki: "Did you send out a search party?" King Lloyd: "We're gathering one as we speak. They'll set out first thing in the morning." Kazuki: "Tomorrow will be too late! I will go by myself at once." Celia: "Sir Kazuki!" Rose: "Hold on there, Hero Kazuki." Kazuki: "You're..." Rose: "Hero Suzune and Usato are probably together." Rose: "If so, they'll be fine." Kazuki: "Huh?" Rose: "Usato is my subordinate. He won't die so easily. And as long as Usato is fine, Hero Suzune will be, too." Usato: "Thanks for the meal!" Usato: "Man, roughing it survival-style is a cinch with you around, Senpai!" Suzune: "Do you think of me as just some convenient camping tool?" Usato: "Not at all! I'm just grateful from the bottom of my heart." Suzune: "Well, I'll leave it at that, I guess." Usato: "We should take turns sleeping. You go first, Senpai." Suzune: "N-No! You must be tired after using so much healing magic! You first!" Usato: "You sure? Okay, I'll take you up on that." Suzune: "Usato-kun..." Suzune: "Are you asleep?" Usato: "No, not yet." Usato: "What is it?" Suzune: "How do you feel about being summoned to this world?" Usato: "How do I feel about it?" Suzune: "Do you want to go home?" Usato: "That's a difficult question. I want to go back, but at the same time, I don't." Suzune: "I don't want to go back." Suzune: "You're not going to ask me why?" Usato: "Do you want me to?" Suzune: "I do." Usato: "I can guess why you don't want to go home." Usato: "You like this world a lot better than were we came from, right?" Suzune: "Yeah." Suzune: "I have no lingering attachment to our old world. I want to abandon my empty self, along with my family and my friends, and stay here in this world." Suzune: "I've always dreamed of this... A chance to free myself from my shackles." Suzune: "There's nothing holding me back here." Suzune: "I finally have the freedom I've longed for above all else." Usato: "I don't think it's wrong to feel that way." Suzune: "Huh?" Usato: "What's with that face?" Suzune: "I mean, I wouldn't blame you for being completely disillusioned with me." Usato: "I always felt the same way." Usato: "I wanted to change my mundane everyday life, and my mundane self." Usato: "So it sounds like we're the same." Suzune: "Usato-kun..." Usato: "When we first arrived, all I worried about was not getting in your and Kazuki's way. But now, I'm a part of the Rescue Team, and I've steeled my resolve to protect you, Kazuki, and the people of this kingdom." Usato: "What about you, Senpai?" Suzune: "Me, too. I want to protect this place as a hero." Usato: "Well, then, let's save the people of the Llinger Kingdom together." Usato: "It has nothing to do with our old world. We'll protect the place we've made for ourselves here." Suzune: "You've gotten to be so dependable, Usato-kun." Usato: "And you've become really human, Senpai." Usato: "You were like some untouchable flower back home." Suzune: "Really? You say that, but you always seemed so cold toward me." Usato: "What? That's not true..." Suzune: "Well, it's fine. Rather than being admired," Suzune: "I much prefer a closer relationship." Usato: "I'm going to sleep! Goodnight!" Suzune: "Are you getting shy?" Suzune: "I'm glad we got to talk. Goodnight, Usato-kun." Usato: "This should be the right direction... Either way, let's watch out for monsters." Suzune: "Right. I'll be prepared for battle." Suzune: "Usato-kun!" Usato: "Yeah." Usato: "Blurin!" Usato: "Hold on a second! You're too heavy for a surprise attack..." Aruku: "D-Dame Suzune... Sir Usato..." Suzune: "Aruku!" Aruku: "The bear cub suddenly ran off while we were searching in the forest." Aruku: "I thought maybe he'd picked up your scent and gave chase." Usato: "Y-You did a good job." Suzune: "Blurin must have caught your scent, Usato-kun." Suzune: "Very impressive, Blurin!" Usato: "Blurin?" Suzune: "Usato-kun, what is this place?" Usato: "This is the den where Blurin used to live." Usato: "His parents were killed by a giant snake monster." Suzune: "I see..." Usato: "Blurin..." Suzune: "Hey, Usato-kun, is this..." Usato: "I think he's urging us to leave." Suzune: "It looks like Blurin has decided" Suzune: "that his place is by your side, Usato-kun." Suzune: "Well..." Suzune: "Let's head back, Usato-kun." Usato: "Yeah, let's go back..."
{ "raw_title": "The Wrong Way to Use Healing Magic Episode 5 – Usato, Back in the Forest!", "parsed": [ "The Wrong Way to Use Healing Magic", "5", "Usato, Back in the Forest!" ] }
King Lloyd: "Oh, Usato. Suzune." King Lloyd: "Thank goodness you're safe." Suzune: "We're sorry for causing you worry." King Lloyd: "No, I should be the one apologizing. We put you in a terrible situation. I'm sorry for involving you as well, Usato." Usato: "What? I'm totally fine. I'm already used to this kind of stuff." King Lloyd: "You are?" Usato: "M-Me and my big mouth!" Usato: "No, I mean... I often explored forests in my old world, too." King Lloyd: "Oh, I see. Come to think of it, how is training with the Rescue Team?" Usato: "That's a really hard question to answer!" Usato: "A-All I can say is that things are going extremely well." King Lloyd: "I see. It's going well, is it? That's good to hear." Usato: "Y-Yup." Usato: "What the hell is that "just as planned" look for?! Has Rose been training me on a mental level, too? That pisses me off!" King Lloyd: "Suzune's field training will be rescheduled at a later time. Please rest well for today." Suzune: "Yes, sire. Thank you very much." Sergio: "You are both dismissed. Rose and Siglis, please stay behind." Siglis: "Understood." Rose: "Yes." Text: "The Wrong Way to Use Healing Magic" Text: "#6 Impending Danger...!" Suzune: "Is something bothering you, Usato-kun?" Usato: "Oh, no. I was curious as to why the captain and Commander Siglis had to stay behind. That minister's expression looked pretty serious." Suzune: "You mean Sergio? Yeah, he looked rather grave." Usato: "Maybe we're getting fired?" Suzune: "I don't think that's the case." Kazuki: "Usato! Senpai!" Celia: "Please wait, Sir Kazuki!" Usato: "Oh, Kazuki. Long time no see. You too, Princess Celia." Kazuki: "Long time no see, my ass! I heard you both went missing in a monster attack. I was worried sick!" Usato: "R-Really? Sorry." Celia: "Sir Kazuki was about to storm out of the castle. He said he was going to search for you two." Suzune: "You're so reckless, Kazuki-kun." Usato: "Are you really one to talk, Senpai? Who got bitten by that monkey?" Suzune: "U-Usato-kun, that's a bit mean." Kazuki: "What monkey are you talking about, Usato?" Usato: "Actually, Inuka—" Suzune: "I-It's nothing! Nothing at all! Isn't that right, Usato-kun?" Usato: "What? My captain said something like that?" Kazuki: "Yeah, she told me you two would be fine, and that you wouldn't die so easily. That's what calmed me down." Usato: "I think she just said that because the forest was on easy mode compared to my hellish training last time." Kazuki: "Captain Rose had complete faith in you, Usato. I was really impressed." Usato: "So you took her words at face value... Kazuki, you're such a pure, kind-hearted man!" Usato: "Stay pure, Kazuki. Senpai and I should be the only ones tainted." Kazuki: "Huh? S-Sure..." Kazuki: "I don't really understand, but okay." Suzune: "Is he trying to say he considers me dirty, too?! Hey, what's that supposed to mean?!" Usato: "Er, it's just a figure of speech..." Kazuki: "See you next time, Usato. And I'll see you at practice tomorrow, Senpai." Celia: "Please rest well." Suzune: "Yeah. See you later, Kazuki-kun and Celia." Usato: "See you!" Celia: "What a lovely, close bond." Kazuki: "Senpai and Usato? Yeah, I think they've gotten even closer." Celia: "No. I meant your relationship with them." Kazuki: "Huh?" Celia: "You look so happy when they're around, Sir Kazuki." Kazuki: "Well, that's because we're all from the same world." Kazuki: "Princess Celia?" Celia: "Does that mean there is no room for me?" Celia: "Dame Suzune just calls me Celia." Celia: "Is it rude of me to request that you do the same, Sir Kazuki?" Celia: "Forgive me, Sir Kazuki. I'm asking for too much..." Kazuki: "No, I, uh..." Kazuki: "I understand. May I call you that from now on?" Celia: "Yes." King Lloyd: "Now, let's get straight to business." King Lloyd: "We interrogated the bandits who attacked Usato and the others." King Lloyd: "Sergio." Sergio: "Sire. When they crossed the grasslands, they claimed there were fewer monsters than usual. They thought it odd, but then they were suddenly attacked by fall boars in the forest." King Lloyd: "If their statements are true, the monsters from the grasslands may have fled the area. They're running from something terrifying that's headed our way..." Siglis: "Could it be the Demon Lord's army?" King Lloyd: "That is what I believe. They're finally making their move..." Siglis: "I'm certain they won't underestimate us like they did last time." Siglis: "They will go all-out to conquer our kingdom." King Lloyd: "Yes, I agree." King Lloyd: "Siglis, notify all units. We must be ready to mobilize at any given moment." Siglis: "Orders received, sire. I will act immediately." King Lloyd: "Sergio, please inform all of the ministers." Sergio: "I understand." King Lloyd: "Sorry for the wait, Rose. I also have a request for you." King Lloyd: "It's not normally something the captain of the Rescue Team does, but..." Rose: "I know, Your Majesty." Rose: "You want me to go and confirm the whereabouts of the Demon Lord's army." Kind Lloyd: "Exactly so. Sorry for asking you to do this." Rose: "Think nothing of it. I know my legs are the fastest in the kingdom." Rose: "Now, if you'll excuse me..." King Lloyd: "I have another request." King Lloyd: "Rose, won't you consider leading troops again?" Rose: "I have no plans to return." Rose: "I am not as pure of heart as you believe me to be." King Lloyd: "You're the only healer who has ever risen to such a high position. Why do you belittle yourself so?" Rose: "I'm not belittling myself. It's just the truth." King Lloyd: "Are you still..." Rose: "Yes, of course I am. It's impossible for me to forget." Rose: "I've accepted the death of my men, and I know that I can't heal the dead." Rose: "But the scar on my right eye will never let me forget them." King Lloyd: "But it wasn't your fault..." Rose: "It was my fault." Rose: "My conceit led them to their deaths." Rose: "That's when I realized it. No matter how talented and trustworthy someone is, it's all over if they die." Rose: "This scar is my punishment. So that I will never forget my sin..." Rose: "That's why I created the Rescue Team. I wanted to lead a unit that saves others instead of fighting." King Lloyd: "Indeed, your Rescue Team saved many soldiers two years ago. Haven't you already achieved your goal?" Rose: "No. There's another reason I formed the Rescue Team." King Lloyd: "And what is that?" Rose: "I want a subordinate who won't die." King Lloyd: "Wha... But such a thing is not humanly possible." Rose: "That's what the training is for. Healing magic, the ability to surpass human limits, and the mental fortitude to withstand anything..." Rose: "I've been searching all this time for someone who met all three of those criteria." King Lloyd: "Do you mean Usato?" Rose: "He is truly my ideal subordinate." Rose: "His survival instincts, adaptability, and will to live... To put it nicely, he hates to lose. To put it not so nicely, he's easily influenced by his circumstances. And on top of that, no matter what happens, he still takes a rebellious attitude with me." Rose: "He never submits. He's just like..." Rose: "Yeah. He's just like that cheeky little brat who died in my arms." Rose: "That's why I decided to turn him into my ideal healer." Rose: "I apologize. I've digressed." Rose: "I will go on patrol." King Lloyd: "Good. I'm counting on you." Usato: "Alec, what's this? Is this addressed to me?" Alec: "The boss left it behind while you were feeding Blurin." Usato: "What? Now I'm scared to open it... "We're not training tomorrow." "Go deliver this letter to this address..."" Usato: "So, where did the captain go?" Alec: "Who knows? But she told me she wouldn't need dinner tonight." Amila: "The bridge is almost complete! Don't let your guard down! We are the Demon Lord's halberd! We will follow his will until we turn to dust!" Amila: "What is it, Black Knight? Got something to say?" Black Knight: "You're too enthusiastic, Commander. It's kind of annoying." Amila: "You bastard! Is that how you speak to your superior?" Black Knight: "So sorry. The second army didn't really care about that kind of thing." Amila: "I don't care how it was before. You're my subordinate now, and you will follow my orders." Black Knight: "Yes, yes. I know. Call me once the bridge is complete." Hyriluk: "Looks like you're having a tough time." Amila: "What is it, Hyriluk? Have you come to laugh at me?" Hyriluk: "So thorny. I'm just checking in on things. Looks like the bridge construction is going well." Amila: "Yes, we should finish within a few hours." Amila: "Then we will begin our invasion of the Llinger Kingdom." Soldier A: "Commander! Someone's on the other side!" Amila: "An enemy scout?" Soldier A: "Yes, I believe so!" Amila: "Well, it matters not." Amila: "Even if we've been spotted, our invasion will be underway before they can report back." Amila: "Wh-What just..." Hyriluk: "It looked like a log was thrown over from across the river." Amila: "A log?! From that distance?!" Amila: "Rose!" Rose: "I was only planning to scout things out. But whatever. This will buy us a few more days." Text: "The Wrong Way to Use Healing Magic" Usato: "Uh, is it this way?" Usato: "This is a really detailed map..." Usato: "Did Rose draw this? Is she actually the super meticulous type?" emale A: "Look at that." Male B: "Hey, he's with the Rescue Team, right?" Usato: "Feels like I'm getting a lot of attention, even though I don't have Blurin today." Male B: "Why's he just walking around?" emale A: "I wonder." Usato: "So it's weirder to see me walking around like normal? What the heck?" Old Lady: "Oh, it's you." Usato: "Oh, hello again." Old Lady: "I see you don't have the little blue fella with you today. We just got in the fruit he likes. They're fresh. How about it?" Usato: "I'd love some! Oh, but I have somewhere to be, so I'll stop by afterward." Old Lady: "Okay, I'll be waiting." Usato: "Is this the place?" Usato: "Excuse me..." Ururu: "Coming!" Ururu: "Hello, what business do you... Someone from the Rescue Team? Oh, I know!" Ururu: "Aren't you Captain Rose's new recruit?" Usato: "That's right. My name is..." Ururu: "Wait! Don't tell me! My older brother told me! Let's see... It reminded me of a rabbit... Wait... Maybe it was a raccoon? A squirrel? A cat?" Usato: "It's Usato." Ururu: "That's it! Usato! Oh, I'm Ururu Fleur. I'm eighteen. How old are you, Usato?" Usato: "I'm seventeen." Ururu: "So you're a year younger, huh?" Usato: "U-Um, are you Orga's little sister? You're a healer too, right?" Ururu: "Yeah! And this is Fleur Clinic, which we run together! Welcome!" Usato: "I-I see. So, where is Orga?" Ururu: "My brother's currently examining a patient. Want to come watch?" Usato: "Huh? Is that okay?" Ururu: "Of course! Follow me." Usato: "Um, why are we sneaking like this?" Ururu: "Shh! It's easy for my brother to lose his concentration." Usato: "Whoa..." Usato: "The color is so rich, and his mana looks so fluid." Usato: "It's completely different from mine." Orga: "You're fine now. How do you feel?" Child: "I don't feel gross anymore! I'm all better, Mama!" Mother: "Thank you very much, Doctor!" Orga: "No problem. I'm happy for you." Child: "Hey, Doctor..." Child: "Who are those people?" Orga: "Huh?" Orga: "Usato?" Orga: "Ah, so this is from Captain Rose. Thank you for delivering it." Usato: "No problem. I've been hoping for a chance to come see your clinic." Ururu: "Hey, hey, Usato! How is everyone from the Rescue Team?" Usato: "Tong and the others? Their mugs are as frightening as ever." Ururu: "That must mean they're doing well! I miss eating Alec's cooking." Usato: "Oh, right. You were a part of the Rescue Team, too." Ururu: "Yeah! Not that I could stick with the training like you have, Usato." Usato: "Why'd you stop?" Ururu: "I'm better at healing others than myself, though not to the extent of my brother. But the main reason was because I was worried about him." Orga: "How embarrassing." Ururu: "I felt bad about it, though. When we first joined the Rescue Team, Captain Rose was so enthusiastic about training us." Ururu: "The Rescue Team had just formed, and we tried really hard in the beginning." Ururu: "But it was no use." Ururu: "We couldn't keep up with the training and even grew scared of Captain Rose." Ururu: "She was a little fanatical at the time." Usato: "Fanatical?" Ururu: "Oh, but she's seemed so happy lately." Usato: "Isn't that because she has a new sandbag like me?" Man C: "Doctor! Please help!" Orga: "What happened?" Man C: "My friend fell off a roof he was repairing! On top of that, he fell on two others..." Orga: "I understand. Usato, will you come with us?" Usato: "S-Sure." Man C: "Sorry! Please make way! Doctor, over here!" Usato: "Orga, what should we do? Huh?" Usato: "S-Sorry, I didn't realize..." Ururu: "It's fine, it's fine. He's always like this. Don't worry about him." Orga: "We should heal them as soon as possible. Usato, can you take care of this man?" Usato: "Y-Yes!" Usato: "I've only ever healed Orga and Inukami-senpai before." Usato: "Their injuries weren't too serious in either case." Usato: "But once the war starts..." Usato: "I'll be healing people whose wounds are much worse than this." Usato: "I know that. It's why I've been training. But..." Orga: "Calm down, Usato." Orga: "It doesn't matter who it is or where you are. You have the power to heal the person in front of you. All you need to do is believe that you can do it." Kazuki: "Captain Rose had complete faith in you, Usato." Usato: "That's right. Even Rose believes in me. How could I not believe in myself?" Usato: "Thank you, Orga." Orga: "Good work today, Usato. I really appreciate the help." Usato: "I mean, did I even do it right?" Ururu: "You were great! That guy was so surprised that it didn't hurt anymore!" Usato: "Yeah!" Orga: "I'd love it if you'd come to help at the clinic whenever you're free. It's pretty hard for the two of us to handle everything alone." Ururu: "You're just too weak, Brother!" Orga: "How harsh." Usato: "Sure. I'll definitely come by again." Ururu: "See you next time!" Ururu: "That was impressive, Brother." Orga: "What was?" Ururu: "You were so cool giving Usato advice." Orga: "You think so?" Orga: "Ururu, about that letter from Captain Rose..." Orga: "It was a notice to prepare for war." Orga: "Apparently the Demon Lord's army is invading." Orga: "Like you, Usato doesn't have any combat experience." Orga: "When that's the case, the only thing you can rely on is your faith in your own ability." Orga: "Though I'm sure Captain Rose was sure to drill that into him, too." Orga: "I'll be doing my best, as well." Ururu: "I see..." Ururu: "So war is about to break out, then." Orga: "Yeah." Orga: "I'm sure we'll be fine." Old Lady: "I threw in a few extra as a bonus." Usato: "Really? Thank you so much!" Usato: "Yup, that's tasty, all right! Blurin will be thrilled." Usato: "What is it? Are you lost?" Amako: "You're the only one who can see it." Amako: "That means it's a future only you can change." Usato: "Huh?" Amako: "This was a huge favor. It'll be your responsibility to repay it."
{ "raw_title": "The Wrong Way to Use Healing Magic Episode 6 – Impending Danger...!", "parsed": [ "The Wrong Way to Use Healing Magic", "6", "Impending Danger...!" ] }
Usato: "Hey... Hold on a second!" Usato: "What the hell was that?" Usato: "Why were Inukami-senpai and Kazuki..." Usato: "I need to ask that girl!" Amako: "Please, you're my only hope..." Text: "The Wrong Way to Use Healing Magic" Text: "#7 A Night of Decisions!" Thomas: "A fox beastkin? She didn't pass through here." Usato: "Of course not... She looked like a kid, so I'm sure she couldn't have gone far. Damn it! Where'd that little fox go?!" Rose: "What are you fussing about?" Usato: "Huh? Captain?" Thomas: "I-I must return to my post. Excuse me!" Usato: "Thomas is as terrified of the captain as ever..." Usato: "Though I totally understand why." Usato: "Hey, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow! That hurts! Ow, ow, ow!" Rose: "What do you understand, huh?" Usato: "N-Nothing! Nothing at all! More importantly, where've you been?!" Rose: "The outskirts of the kingdom. I was scouting." Usato: "Scouting?" Rose: "The Demon Lord's army. They're building a bridge to cross the river into our lands." Usato: "What? Then..." Rose: "I destroyed the bridge. We'll be fine for a while." Usato: "Do you understand what scouting means—" Usato: "My face! My face is going to explode!" Rose: "A fox beastkin? Oh, that girl." Usato: "You know her?" Rose: "I don't know much about her." Rose: "She suddenly showed up here in the kingdom about two years ago. I was surprised. She managed to elude bandits and kidnappers by herself, even though she's only about twelve years old." Usato: "Huh? Kidnappers?" Rose: "They consider beastkin to be valuable prey. Not only are many beastkin beautiful, some of them also have special magic affinities." Usato: "Like the ability to show others strange illusions?" Rose: "Illusions? What do you mean?" Usato: "W-Well, I mean..." Usato: "Like terrible nightmares, or visions of an unpleasant future." Rose: "Future, huh?" Rose: "I've heard there are beastkin known as Oracles of Time who can see the future." Usato: "Oracles of Time?" Rose: "They're exceedingly rare and usually well protected in beastkin territory. What of them?" Usato: "Oh, er, nothing. I just read something about them in a book..." Rose: "Oh?" Usato: "A beastkin with prophetic visions..." Usato: "If she's one of them..." Usato: "Huh?" Rose: "I'm going to see His Majesty. You go on home." Usato: "Okay..." Rose: "And that concludes my report on the border." King Lloyd: "I see. Apologies for making you do something so dangerous, Rose. Thank you for delaying the enemy's invasion." Rose: "Not at all. However, I'm sure they're building a new bridge as we speak. They'll likely finish in a few days." King Lloyd: "Yes... And then, they will invade our kingdom. Tomorrow, I will announce their intentions to both our soldiers and the citizens. Sergio, make preparations." Sergio: "As you wish." King Lloyd: "Siglis, I would like to notify Suzune and Kazuki tonight. Call them." Siglis: "Understood." Kazuki: "I wonder what this emergency summons is about." Suzune: "Yeah. I mean, it's probably about... you know." Kazuki: "You think so, too, huh?" Suzune: "Hey, Celia. Good evening." Celia: "G-Good evening, Dame Suzune." Celia: "You as well, Sir Kazuki." Kazuki: "G-Good evening... Princess Celia." Celia: "My father is waiting for you. Please go and see him." Suzune: "Yeah. We'll be on our way." Suzune: "Kazuki-kun." Kazuki: "R-Right." Suzune: "Did something happen between you and Celia?" Kazuki: "Huh? N-Not really." Suzune: "Hmm... Well, whatever." Suzune: "Let's do this." Kazuki: "Yeah." Usato: "I can't sleep..." Usato: "If that was a prophetic vision, what should I do?" Amako: "That means it's a future only you can change." Usato: "Was she telling me there's a way to prevent what I saw? She told me so I could change the future... But there's no way I'm capable of doing something like that." Usato: "Huh? Wh-What?" Usato: "A ghost?!" Usato: "Kazuki?" Usato: "It's so late. You scared me." Kazuki: "Sorry. You probably have an early morning because of your training." Usato: "Well, I'm not really worried about that. You can't really sleep in, either, can you? I mean, you're a hero." Usato: "What's wrong?" Kazuki: "The king summoned us tonight." Kazuki: "He told us that the war against the Demon Lord's army will soon begin." Kazuki: "I knew it was coming, so I'm not exactly surprised." Kazuki: "Senpai was really excited about it." Kazuki: "But me?" Kazuki: "The idea of actually going into battle kept me awake." Kazuki: "I left the castle and came here before I realized it." Kazuki: "I... ran." Kazuki: "Usato, I..." Kazuki: "I'm afraid of going to war. Even when I left the capital to fight monsters for training," Kazuki: "I was terrified." Kazuki: "When I saw my first monsters, my legs froze. And... And upon finally defeating them after a fierce fight," Kazuki: "I realized just how naïvely I've been seeing everything." Kazuki: "The Demon Lord's army means to slaughter us." Kazuki: "It's unbearably terrifying." Kazuki: "But the people of this kingdom have been so kind to me. They support me and expect great things." Text: "The Wrong Way to Use Healing Magic" Kazuki: "That makes it even more painful." Usato: "Kazuki, you're a really cool guy." Kazuki: "Huh?" Usato: "I thought you were never unsure or scared of anything." Usato: "You're so cool, after all." Kazuki: "How's that even possible?" Usato: "Right?" Usato: "I get that now. The fact that everyone feels that way about you puts you under tremendous pressure." Kazuki: "Usato..." Usato: "I think it's fine. You don't need to live up to their expectations all the time." Usato: "It's okay to put your own feelings first every once in a while." Kazuki: "What about you, Usato?" Usato: "Huh?" Kazuki: "I want to know how you feel about all this." Usato: "I'm going." Usato: "I'm going to save the people who fight against the Demon Lord's army." Kazuki: "Aren't you scared?" Usato: "Yeah, I'm scared as hell." Usato: "But I've already made up my mind." Kazuki: "You've made up your mind? Are you sure? You could die out there!" Kazuki: "You were only dragged into this world by accident." Usato: "Well, I won't argue that the way I got dragged into this was kinda messed up." Usato: "But a lot's happened since I came here." Usato: "So much of it has been hard, but I've been lucky to meet all kinds of people. They've accepted me, even as an accidental plus one, and shown me the way forward." Usato: "I want to save all those people." Kazuki: "Usato..." Usato: "Naturally, that includes you, Kazuki." Kazuki: "Huh?" Usato: "Of course. Even if you don't fight as a hero, you're still my friend." Kazuki: "I've been acting so lame!" Kazuki: "I've decided. I'll fight to protect you and Senpai!" Usato: "H-Huh?" Kazuki: "I don't know if I can truly fight as a hero yet. But I'll still fight. I want to protect my friends. I want to protect you." Usato: "H-Hold on. I know this is weird coming from me, but are you sure?" Kazuki: "You've decided to fight, so I can't cower and stand back." Kazuki: "I have to run forward. I'll face the fear and everything else head-on!" Usato: "Really? You're okay with that?" Kazuki: "When the two of you are by my side, I feel so much better." Kazuki: "So I know I'll be fine!" Usato: "I see." Usato: "In that case, let's defend this kingdom and its people together!" Kazuki: "Yeah! We'll definitely keep them safe!" Usato: "H-Hey, we ended up saying some pretty cringey stuff..." Kazuki: "What are you talking about? I'm really glad to have met you. Thanks." Usato: "Kazuki, you really are too cool!" Kazuki: "You're much cooler, Usato!" Kazuki: "See you. Thanks again, Usato." Usato: "Yeah. Goodnight." Usato: "I should head back and sleep. And forget all the embarrassing things I said. Yup. Done." Suzune: "My! So that's what true bromance is like! What a wonderful display." Usato: "Sorry. I'm tired, so let's talk tomorrow, Inukami-senpai." Suzune: "Huh? What kind of reaction is that? This is where you're supposed to go, "Whoa, it's Suzu-tan! What in the world?!"" Usato: "Don't just take the liberty of changing what I call you." Usato: "I know you must have realized that Kazuki wasn't himself." Usato: "I bet you followed him here out of worry." Suzune: "That's right. Looks like I wasn't needed, though." Suzune: "Seems like Kazuki-kun has made up his mind." Usato: "Honestly, I still don't really want him to fight." Suzune: "Usato-kun, do you not want me to fight, either?" Usato: "Of course I don't. But you're a different story." Usato: "You've already decided you want to stay in this world." Suzune: "Yeah, you're right." Suzune: "I should get back to the castle." Suzune: "Tomorrow is bound to be hectic." Suzune: "Goodnight." Usato: "Yeah, goodnight." King Lloyd: "I have an announcement to make today." King Lloyd: "The Demon Lord's army has breached our borders. They will soon be upon us." King Lloyd: "We will intercept them in the grasslands." King Lloyd: "Our forces succeeded in driving them away two years ago." King Lloyd: "Naturally, they will surely return more powerful than before." King Lloyd: "This will not be an easy fight." King Lloyd: "However, we are not as we were before, either!" King Lloyd: "We now have Hero Suzune and Hero Kazuki!" King Lloyd: "These champions summoned from another world will lend us their strength." King Lloyd: "We also have the Rescue Team, who tremendously aided us two years ago." King Lloyd: "Once again, they will take to the battlefield to heal our wounded." King Lloyd: "I am sure many of you are uneasy, but I say unto you with certainty..." King Lloyd: "The Kingdom of Llinger will surely be victorious!" King Lloyd: "What makes me so certain? Because I know." King Lloyd: "We have legions of dauntless, stalwart troops who know no fear. And they are the ones who stand before me today!" Kind Lloyd: "We set out tomorrow." King Lloyd: "This battle... shall be ours!" Maid: "Princess Celia, Hero Kazuki is here to see you." Celia: "What?" Celia: "Sir Kazuki..." Kazuki: "I'm sorry for the sudden intrusion." Celia: "No, I'm very happy." Celia: "So you're going to battle, then." Kazuki: "Yes. I'll be leaving with everyone tomorrow." Celia: "I will pray earnestly for your victory." Kazuki: "Thank you. I will be sure to protect this kingdom from the Demon Lord's army." Kazuki: "I'm off, Celia." Celia: "Fare thee well, Sir Kazuki." Celia: "You must return unharmed." Kazuki: "I will." Ururu: "How cute! Is this the Blurin I've heard so much about? Hey, can I pet him?" Usato: "I don't mind, but I don't know if he'll let you." Ururu: "It'll be fine! I have a feeling we'll get along." Usato: "Sorry, he's shy!" Ururu: "Why?! Are you trying to make me feel better, Kukuru? Thanks..." Ururu: "Why?!" Usato: "O-Orga! Are you okay?!" Orga: "Th-Thank you, Usato." Orga: "I'm sorry we've caused you such trouble." Usato: "Not at all. Ururu's always so spirited." Orga: "She's actually pretty nervous right now." Usato: "Huh?" Orga: "Like you, this will be her first battle." Orga: "I think she's trying to distract herself by acting like that." Usato: "She is?" Tong: "Hey, Usato! Boss wants you in her room." Usato: "Huh? In the captain's room?" Tong: "Where else?" Usato: "No, I mean... I've never been called to her room before." Usato: "What's she planning? Is it finally time for torture?!" Tong: "How the hell would I know? Just go." Usato: "Pardon me. It's Usato." Rose: "Come in." Usato: "What did you need?" Rose: "I thought I'd have a talk with you." Rose: "Do you remember what I said your role is on the battlefield?" Usato: "Um, you told me that I would heal the wounded at the vanguard with you." Rose: "That's right. But we won't go out right at the start. Tong and the others will bring the injured to the rear, and we'll heal them with Orga and Ururu." Usato: "Why not go out immediately?" Rose: "No point in going with the vanguard when no one's hurt yet. The front is chaotic. We'd be easy targets for the enemy." Usato: "That makes sense..." Rose: "Once we do hit the front line, you'll have to be extra careful." Rose: "Make no mistake about who you heal." Usato: "Are you telling me not to heal the enemy?" Rose: "Stupid. That's not it." Rose: "I'm telling you not to be clumsy when healing." Usato: "Huh?" Rose: "Let's say there's a soldier with a minor injury who's out on the battlefield. What happens if you go in close to heal them?" Usato: "I'll get in their way." Rose: "Exactly. It's hard to tell enemies and allies apart on the battlefield. You must be quick to decide who needs you and who doesn't." Usato: "I understand." Usato: "What's this?" Rose: "Open the box." Usato: "Okay." Rose: "The Rescue Team's official uniform. It's made to stand out on the battlefield." Usato: "Oh..." Rose: "This one is yours. Try it on." Usato: "R-Right!" Rose: "You look pretty good. Toughening you up was worth it." Usato: "I-I guess so." Usato: "It's true this wouldn't have looked good on me before..." Rose: "Listen, Usato. Healers aren't immortal. If you die, it's all over. Remember this. The worst possible thing you can do on the battlefield is not value your own life." Usato: "I know that. I don't want to die." Rose: "Are you stupid?" Usato: "Ouch!" Rose: "That's easy for everyone to say. I know people who've died after spouting shit like that. I've also known fools who regret it so much they want to die." Rose: "Don't take your life for granted. A true Rescue Team member also protects themselves. Don't do something stupid like sacrifice yourself, or I'll kill you before the enemy gets you." Usato: "Then I'll protect everyone, including myself." Rose: "Can you really do that?" Usato: "You're the one who told me to keep spouting my ideals." Rose: "Don't forget you said that." Usato: "Yes, ma'am!" Usato: "Excuse me." Usato: "Whether that was a prophetic vision or not doesn't matter anymore." Usato: "I know what I need to do."
{ "raw_title": "The Wrong Way to Use Healing Magic Episode 7 – A Night of Decisions!", "parsed": [ "The Wrong Way to Use Healing Magic", "7", "A Night of Decisions!" ] }
Kirishima: "They've got some nerve, trying to start shit on our turf." Sugihara: "Kirishima-san, don't go too far overboard." Kirishima: "Lighten up, will ya?" Kirishima: "Now, then... Time to start another fun day of work." Kanami: "Yae-chan, you're finally going to be able to live with your dad." Yaeka: "Yeah." Kanami: "Your dad's been looking forward to living with you, so I'm sure he'll be very happy." Yaeka: "I'm looking forward to it, too." Kirishima: "Guess I can punch out for the day." Thug 1: "Die, Kirishima!" Kirishima: "Oh?" Kirishima: "Jeez..." Kirishima: "Today was gonna be the day... I finally..." Kirishima: "settled things peacefully... by talking!" Sugihara: "You went too far this time, Kirishima-san. You were like, "I'm gonna settle things peacefully today."" Sugihara: "So what the heck happened to that?" Kirishima: "Huh?" Kirishima: "Well, they didn't wanna talk. What did you expect me to do?" Kirishima: "We did what we were supposed to, so who cares?" Sugihara: "Keep saying that and the boss is gonna get pretty pissed at you." Kirishima: "Whatever." Kirishima: "Dumbass." Sakuragi: "Hey, Kirishima." Sakuragi: "You prepared to lose a finger or two?" Kirishima: "Ah, you seem mad." Kirishima: "So what did you want to talk to me about, boss?" Sakuragi: "Well, you always do excellent work." Sakurai: "It's even better that you never seem to feel remorse." Kirishima: "Aw, thank you, boss." Sakuragi: "That was sarcasm, you moron." Kirishima: "Huh?" Sakuragi: "That said, your skills are the real deal. The fact that our family stays in order is proof of that." Sakuragi: "I'm giving you a job." Kirishima: "Does he want me to beat up some gorilla?" Sakuragi: "Come in." Sakuragi: "This is my daughter, Yaeka." Kirishima: "Uh... Yaeka-chan?" Kirishima: "Oh! Hiya, little lady! You sure have grown! You're adorable. Nothing like the boss." Sakuragi: "You sure love chasing the grim reaper." Kirishima: "So what's this job about?" Sakuragi: "I'm about to tell you." Kirishima: "Ah." Sakuragi: "You're gonna be takin' care of Yaeka." Kirishima: "Huh? Taking care of her? You want me to... take care of the little lady?" Sakuragi: "You're too much of a free spirit, meaning you lack a sense of responsibility. From now on, you'll have to think about Yaeka at all times and take responsibility for all of your actions." Sakuragi: "If you decline, I'll kill you." Kirishima: "Wow, not even the slightest hesitation in that threat." Kirishima: "But seriously..." Kirishima: "I'm the one who's gonna be looking after this tiny little girl, huh?" Kirishima: "I'm honored to be by your side, little lady." Kirishima: "Yeah, this is gonna be a tough job, for sure." Sakuragi: "If you don't take this seriously, I'll kill you." Kirishima: "Maybe don't threaten to kill people so quickly?" Sugihara: "He's going to be looking after the boss's daughter? Seriously? Our Kirishima-san? Wait. How old is the boss's daughter, anywa— What?! She's literally a little girl! There's no way this will work! I mean... Just look at him." Sugihara: "This is clearly a deal with the devil..." Kirishima: "Hey. Having fun out here, Sugihara?" Sugihara: "I'm sorry! I'm so sorry!" Kirishima: "Your hair's so silky, little lady." Kirishima: "No, seriously..." Kirishima: "It would've stayed gorgeous if I hadn't touched it..." Yaeka: "Never mind. I'll leave my hair down today." Kirishima: "I guess it's a lot harder than it looks." Kirishima: "Sugihara." Sugihara: "No, no, you've got the wrong idea! "I can't believe the Kirishima is having such a hard time with a little girl," is totally not what I'm thinking right now! Huh?" Kirishima: "Hey, you've got long hair." Kirishima: "Come with me a sec." Sugihara: "Stop! Don't pull it! It'll rip out! I'll be bald!" Sugihara: "So..." Sugihara: "What do you think?!" Kirishima: "Well... it's harder to look at you than I thought it would be." Sugihara: "That's not what I'm asking here! If you're not taking this seriously, I'm gonna go!" Sugihara: "B-Boss! You've got the wrong idea! Please don't look at me like I'm trash!" Kirishima: "All right, shall we go?" Sakuragi: "Don't you forget, Kirishima." Sakuragi: "If you act irresponsibly and something happens to Yaeka..." Kirishima: "Don't fret so much. You're such a worrywart." Kirishima: "I'll get the job done." Kirishima: "Sure is a nice day today, little lady." Kirishima: "Of course this would happen." Kirishima: "Is school fun?" Yaeka: "It's normal." Kirishima: "It's normal, huh?" Kirishima: "Well, nothing beats that." Thug 1: "Check that out. Kirishima's got some brat with him." Thug 2: "If we can use the kid, we might be able to kill him." Kirishima: "God, they suck at following me." Kirishima: "Talk about annoying." Kirishima: "Should I take care of 'em?" Kirishima: "But doing that in front of the little lady would be, uh..." Kirishima: "Little lady. Hey, little lady." Kirishima: "Let's play red light, green light." Yaeka: "Huh?" Kirishima: "A couple of my buddies are hiding back there. They're too shy to come out on their own, so I'll bring them over." Kirishima: "We'll start when we get to that electrical pole. I'll need you to start." Yaeka: "Mm." Kirishima: "Yup, just a little bit more." Yaeka: "Red light..." Thugs: "Kirishima?!" Yaeka: "Green light!" Kirishima: "Welp, looks like I win." Yaeka: "You liar." Kirishima: "Huh?" Yaeka: "There's no one else here." Kirishima: "Aw, you've got it all wrong." Kirishima: "They were just too embarrassed, so they went home." Yaeka: "Liar." Kirishima: "Little lady, ready to go to school?" Kirishima: "What's got you all freaked out? Is there a bug—" Yaeka: "No!" Kirishima: "Huh?" Yaeka: "You can't come in!" Kirishima: "Little lady..." Kirishima: "You forgot your school bag." Kirishima: "Don't worry about it, little lady. Everyone messes up once in a while." Kanami: "Morning, Yae-chan." Kanami: "Are you heading to school?" Kirishima: "Kanami-san. What brings you here today?" Kanami: "I brought Yae-chan a little gift. Eat it when you get home, okay?" Yaeka: "Okay." Kirishima: "Is the shop closed today?" Kanami: "We're opening at noon today." Kirishima: "Why don't we head to school?" Kirishima: "What's wrong, little lady?" Kirishima: "Kanami-san, I'll be right back. Little lady!" Kanami: "I wanted to see how your adventures in babysitting were going, but Yae-chan seemed down." Kanami: "Did something happen?" Kirishima: "I don't think anything happened in particular." Sugihara: "Isn't the little lady usually like that?" Kanami: "Of course not." Kanami: "She just doesn't usually show how she's feeling." Kirishima: "Well, I guess she did yell at me to not come into her room this morning." Kanami: "What? Yae-chan said that?" Sugihara: "Were you spying on her while she was changing or something?" Kirishima: "Whoops. My hand slipped." Sugihara: "That's hot!" Kirishima: "By the way, Kanami-san, you brought the little lady a gift, didn't you?" Sugihara: "Actually, it's not hot, but you shouldn't do that!" Kanami: "Y-Yeah." Kanami: "This." Kirishima: "Ooh, those are some good-looking rolled omelets." Kanami: "Yae-chan loves them, so I thought they'd make her happy." Kanami: "I wonder what's going on with her." Sugihara: "Kirishima-san? Where are you going?" Kanami: "What's that?" Kirishima: "The little lady hid it this morning." Kirishima: "Well, this is, uh..." Kanami: "That's this afternoon." Kirishima: "Considering she hid it, I don't think she just forgot about it." Kanami: "I'm pretty sure it's not that she doesn't want you to come." Kirishima: "What do you mean?" Kanami: "She showed me one of these before, but I couldn't take the day off." Kanami: "She didn't complain, but I remember her looking really sad." Kirishima: "I see. So the little lady was briefly happy this morning because she thought you were off." Kanami: "Oh, I'm so sorry, Yae-chan! Well, now we know why she's sad," Kanami: "but why was she so desperate to hide that from you?" Kirishima: "Probably because to the little lady, I'm actually a stranger. Open houses like this are for you or the boss to go to, because you're her family." Kirishima: "But her family can't go." Kirishima: "Since she figured that out, she didn't say anything." Kirishima: "Though... I'm sure it would cause problems if he did go." Kanami: "Yeah..." Kirishima: "Now, then... How am I gonna cheer the little lady up when she gets home?" Kanami: "Toru-kun!" Kirishima: "Uh..." Teacher: "Today, for our drawing class, why don't we draw our favorite plants?" Kids: "Okay!" Girl 1: "Is your mommy here?" Girl 2: "She is!" Teacher: "Make sure you still do your best in class, even with your moms and dads here." Kids: "Okay!" Sakuragi: "Listen carefully, Yaeka." Sakuragi: "There's a good chance I won't be able to grant most of your wishes." Sakuragi: "But that doesn't mean you can't have those wishes." Sakuragi: "You don't have to hold yourself back." Teacher: "Parents and guardians, please feel free to come take a look." Girl 2: "Look, Mommy!" Mother 1: "What did you draw?" Boy 1: "Mama, look at this!" Mother 2: "That's lovely." Child Mob: "Mama! Mommy!" Kirishima: "That's very good." Kirishima: "Is that a cherry tree?" Yaeka: "Kiri...shima?" Kirishima: "That's the flower on the boss's back." Kirishima: "It's one of my favorites, too." Kirishima: "Aw, she hid?" Mother 1: "What a handsome father." Mother 2: "Aw, she's embarrassed. How cute." Kirishima: "Honestly, I'm the one who wants to hide. I'm so friggin' embarrassed right now. Little la—" Kirishima: "Yaeka-chan?" Yaeka: "You're so weird." Girl 1: "Is this your daddy, Yae-chan?" Yaeka: "No. My daddy's way more handsome." Mother 1: "Sounds complicated." Mother 2: "Is that her stepdad?" Kirishima: "No, that's not... I mean, it's complicated, but that's not it..." Kirishima: "Give me a break, little lady..." Kirishima: "Little lady." Kirishima: "What's the matter? Why are you just standing in front of the boss's room?" Kirishima: "Are you going to give him your drawing as a present?" Yaeka: "Mm." Yaeka: "But I don't know what to do." Kirishima: "Huh?" Yaeka: "I don't know if it'll make Daddy happy." Kirishima: "Down we go." Kirishima: "It's always pretty scary wondering if something you do will make someone happy." Kirishima: "I felt the same way at that open house." Yaeka: "Huh?" Kirishima: "I was wondering if you'd be happy I showed up." Kirishima: "I didn't know what I'd do if it didn't go well. I was nervous," Kirishima: "but now you're talking to me, so I'm glad I went. So I'm sure the fact that you want to make the boss happy will get through to him." Yaeka: "Kirishima..." Yaeka: "I'm going to give this to Daddy." Yaeka: "I drew that in art class. You can have it, Daddy. I like cherry blossoms because it's in our name, too," Yaeka: "so I drew this because I wanted you to see it." Sakuragi: "You did a great job." Sakuragi: "Thanks for this, Yaeka." Yaeka: "Yup." Kirishima: "Well, that wasn't like me at all." Kanami: "You should go to the open house, Toru-kun!" Kirishima: "Huh?" Kirishima: "Why would a stranger like me go?" Kanami: "I know you just got put in charge of caring for her, so you might still feel like strangers... But just like you just found out what her favorite food is, you two can keep finding out things you don't know about each other." Kanami: "I firmly believe that family isn't always bound by blood. Which means that someday," Kanami: "you'll be able to be part of Yae-chan's family, too." Kirishima: "That's definitely gonna be easier said than done." Yaeka: "Are you still here?" Kirishima: "What can I do for you?" Yaeka: "Kirishima, I was happy that you came to my open house." Yaeka: "Thank you." Kirishima: "Sure. You're very welcome." Mashiro: "The Demon of the Sakuragi Family. The Yakuza Slayer."
{ "raw_title": "The Yakuza's Guide to Babysitting Episode 1 – The Yakuza's Guide to Babysitting", "parsed": [ "The Yakuza's Guide to Babysitting", "1", "The Yakuza's Guide to Babysitting" ] }
Sakuragi: "Hey, pipe down." Members: "Yes, sir." Kirishima: "Last year was pretty hectic," Kirishima: "but this year, I got to relax and enjoy my birthday." Yaeka: "I'm glad you had fun, Kirishima." Kirishima: "Thank you very much for the drawing, too." Yaeka: "Did it look like you?" Kirishima: "Yes. It's much better than the real thing." Kirishima: "I'll be putting that drawing up in my room." Yaeka: "I'll draw it even better next year." Kirishima: "I'll be looking forward to my next birthday, then." Kirishima: "Come to think of it, it's been a while now since I became your babysitter." Yaeka: "Uh-huh." Kirishima: "So many things have happened." Yaeka: "I got to see Mommy, and it was really nice. I also met Koki-kun, Sara, and Kaede-chan." Yaeka: "I'm so glad I made so many friends this year." Yaeka: "What about you?" Yaeka: "How was your year?" Kirishima: "Well..." Kirishima: "I think I spent my year thinking I still need to try harder." Yaeka: "Harder?" Kirishima: "For example, getting better at learning people's names and faces, and not getting yelled at by the boss as much." Kirishima: "And most of all..." Kirishima: "to make sure I don't ever make you sad. Your mother and father" Kirishima: "really love your smile, and everyone else does, too." Miyuki: "Yay, good job!" Kirishima: "Whenever you smile, it makes everyone else smile. That's why I'm going to work even harder as your babysitter to make sure you can always keep smili—" Yaeka: "Mrr." Kirishima: "Little lady, what was that, exactly?" Yaeka: "Well, you didn't seem to be enjoying talking about the past very much... so I was trying to make you laugh." Kirishima: "Little lady..." Kirishima: "Could you do that again?" Yaeka: "No." Kirishima: "Aw, come on. Please? I'll be able to feel like I had the best birthday ever if I get to see that one more time." Yaeka: "Really?" Kirishima: "Absolutely." Yaeka: "Okay, just once more." Kirishima: "Thank you kindly." Yaeka: "Ready, and... Mrr... You didn't tell me you'd take a picture!" Kirishima: "Now it's officially the best birthday ever." Kirishima: "Little lady, I've had a lot of fun since I became your babysitter, too. After becoming your babysitter, I'm able to look back on my year as a good memory for the first time." Kirishima: "Thank you for giving me so many memories." Yaeka: "Next year..." Kirishima: "Pardon?" Yaeka: "Let's make even more memories from now on." Kirishima: "Sure. I look forward to it." Yaeka: "Kirishima?" Kirishima: "Little lady." Yaeka: "We're going to the park tomorrow." Kirishima: "I'm aware." Yaeka: "We have to go no matter what, okay?" Kirishima: "Absolutely, no matter what." Kirishima: "Goodnight." Yaeka: "Mm." Kirishima: "Little lady..." Yaeka: "Can you really go?" Kirishima: "Don't worry. Go on to bed." Shinmoto: "Thanks for the valuable info. We'll take care of the rest." Shinmoto: "Let's go ahead and take away..." Shinmoto: "the thing he cares about most." Sugihara: "The little lady's in a great mood. She must be really happy to go to the park with you." Kirishima: "Well, I didn't get to go the other day." Kirishima: "So... why are they here, too?" Sugihara: "I invited them! I figured the more the merrier!" Kirishima: "Why are you acting all fired up to play?" Sara: "Yaeka!" Kirishima: "That's Sara-chan from next door, and..." Yaeka: "This is my friend Kaede-chan." Kaede: "I-It's nice to meet you. I'm Akashi Kaede." Kirishima: "You've made a new friend, then. That's great, little lady." Yaeka: "Mm." Yaeka: "We're all gonna play together today." Sara: "Yes! Let's play lots!" Kaede: "Yeah!" Sugihara: "What do you want to play, little lady?" Yaeka: "Red light, green light." Sugihara And Takeuchi: "Red light, green light?!" Yaeka: "You like that game, don't you, Kirishima?" Kirishima: "Huh?" Kirishima: "Ah... Yes." Sugihara: "He does?!" Yaeka: "Green light... Red light!" Takeuchi: "What the heck are we doing? I can't believe we're playing this game at our age..." Yaeka: "Green light..." Sara: "Kaede! Go, go, go!" Kaede: "Sara-chan! Are you okay?!" Yaeka: "Red... ...light!" Yaeka: "Sara-chan and Kaede-chan moved." Sara: "I went too fast on that green light." Kaede: "You did." Sugihara: "Come on, Kirishima-san. Only losers move one step at a time like that." Yaeka: "Green light..." Kirishima: "Wha?" Sugihara: "You need to be bolder and take bigger strides! You love red light, green light, don't you?" Yaeka: "Red..." Yaeka: "...light! Kirishima and Sugihara moved." Sara: "Yaeka wins!" Kirishima: "Aw, too bad for me, I guess." Kaede: "Is he okay?" Takeuchi: "Sugihara-san, are you alive?!" Kirishima: "Little lady, what do you want to play next?" Yaeka: "Hide and seek!" Kirishima: "The hell's he doing?" Sugihara: "Looks like he found someone." Takeuchi: "He sorta froze up." Kirishima: "Oh? Looks like he's calmed down." Sugihara: "He looks like he's made up his mind." Sugihara: "The hell?!" Sugihara: "What's wrong, Kanehira?!" Takeuchi: "Why'd you punch yourself in the gut?" Sugihara: "Kanehira..." Yaeka: "Huh?" Yaeka: "What happened to Kanehira?" Kirishima: "Well... Looks like he got a stomachache." Yaeka; Sara; Kaede: "Rock, paper, scissors!" Kirishima: "Oh." Kirishima: "Looks like I get to be it." Sugihara; Takeuchi: "We're dead..." Sugihara: "I have a feeling he'll find us no matter where we hide." Takeuchi: "Sugihara-san, I was thinking..." Takeuchi: "Is this what it feels like to be the guys Kirishima-san goes after?" Sugihara: "Can you not say scary stuff like that?! Also, why are you hiding in my spot?!" Takeuchi: "Sorry... I was too scared to be on my own." Sugihara: "At this rate, we're basically asking him to kill us both..." Sugihara: "Er, little lady?" Kaede: "You startled me." Sara: "My ears got that really screechy sound." Yaeka: "Did Kirishima come by?" Sugihara: "If he did, we'd be dead! But thank goodness. If we're with the little lady..." Sugihara: "What's that sound?" Kirishima: "I found..." Kirishima: "all of you." Sugihara; Takeuchi: "We're dead meat!" Kaede: "Yaeka-chan, Sara-chan, see you later." Sara: "Bye-bye, Kaede!" Yaeka: "See you tomorrow." Yaeka: "Today was a lot of fun." Sara: "Yes!" Kirishima: "You must really like playing at the park, little lady." Yaeka: "It was a lot of fun because I have more friends now... But when you're with me, Kirishima," Yaeka: "it's even more fun." Kirishima: "I had a lot of fun playing with you today, too, little lady." Yaeka: "Let's all go to the park again sometime." Kirishima: "Yes, let's." Sara: "Let's play again!" Kanehira; Sugihara; Takeuchi: "Never again..." Sugihara: "Kirishima-san, are you heading out to pick up the little lady?" Kirishima: "Yeah." Sugihara: "I think I'm finally getting used to you being her babysitter." Kirishima: "The hell's that supposed to mean?" Sugihara: "You're much more peaceful... Maybe even human-like." Kirishima: "The hell do you think I am to begin with?" Sugihara: "Well, a demon, of cour—" Sugihara: "Ow!" Kirishima: "You better have the little lady's tea snacks ready." Sugihara: "He really is a demon..." Sakuragi: "What are you yelling about by yourself?" Sugihara: "Boss?! Er, I'm sorry." Sugihara: "Kirishima-san just left to pick up the little lady. I was just saying how familiar that's all becoming. Even as long as I've been here, I've had the impression that Kirishima-san rarely came back here." Sakuragi: "True." Sakuragi: "Maybe he's more human now." Shinmoto: "Hey there." Shinmoto: "You're Sakuragi Yaeka-chan, aren't you?" Kirishima: "Who the hell are you?" Igawa: "Don't be so cold, Kirishima. We haven't forgotten you for even a second." Yano: "We came here to pay you back for crushing our family." Kirishima: "Like I can remember all that shit from the past." Igawa: "You bastard—" Yano: "Hold on, Igawa! Wait until Shinmoto gets here." Igawa: "Damn it!" Kirishima: "If this is gonna take a while, I'll take a rain check. I've gotta go get the little lady—" Shinmoto: "Your precious little lady is right here." Shinmoto: "Heya, Kirishima. You two sure must be close." Shinmoto: "I told her I was your bud, and she tagged right along." Yaeka: "Kirishima... Is he not your friend?" Kirishima: "I'm sorry, little lady." Kirishima: "I should've come to get you sooner." Yaeka: "Kirishima!" Kirishima: "Little lady..." Shinmoto: "Hey! Don't you dare move!" Shinmoto: "Or do you not care what happens to her?" Kirishima: "You bastard... Get away from the little la—" Yaeka: "Kirishima!" Yaeka: "Stop! Why are you being mean to Kirishima?!" Shinmoto: "Oh, we're not being mean. Kirishima's a bad guy, so we're punishing him." Shinmoto: "You've seen it in picture books, right? Bad guys need to be punished. We're just doing what's righ—" Yaeka: "Don't lie to me!" Shinmoto: "Oh?" Yaeka: "Kirishima's always nice. He's always at the center of all of us! He's not a bad person! Kirishima is..." Kirishima: "Little lady?" Yano: "Hey, Shinmoto! What the hell are you doing?" Igawa: "You said we were gonna use the kid to kill Kirishima, so we were waiting..." Shinmoto: "It's fine. This brat was more useless than I thought she'd be. Die, Kirishima—" Igawa: "Hey..." Yano: "This is bad..." Shinmoto: "Stop..." Kirishima: "Die." Yaeka: "Kiri..." Yaeka: "...shima..." Kirishima: "She apparently has a mild concussion, but she should be all right." Kirishima: "I'm so sorry, boss. I'll make sure this gets taken care of." Sakuragi: "Kirishima... Exactly what are you going to take care of?" Sakuragi: "Is this regarding the fact that Yaeka got hurt..." Sakuragi: "or what you're thinking about doing right now?" Sakuragi: "Listen, Kirishima. The moment they laid a hand on Yaeka, this became the Sakuragi Family's problem." Sakuragi: "The thing you should be doing right now is taking care of Yaeka." Sakuragi: "What Yaeka would want most when she wakes up is for you to be by her side." Sakuragi: "I'll take care of the ones who attacked you two." Kirishima: "Yes, sir." Kirishima: "Little lady..." Sugihara: "Kirishima-san, the boss and I are heading back for a... bit..." Sugihara: "Kirishima-san..." Masaya: "Kirishima!" Masaya: "Hey, Kirishima!" Masaya: "Can't you hear me, damn it?!" Masaya: "Nice... Those are the eyes I'm talking about, Kirishima!" Masaya: "That's what makes you worth killing!" Masaya: "Huh?" Masaya: "Hey, wait a second, you bastard! You won't get away, Kirishima!" Masaya: "Today's the day I'm gonna murder you!" Kirishima: "Move." Masaya: "Huh?! I can't hear you!" Kirishima: "Move." Masaya: "I said, I can't hear you!" Kirishima: "And I said, "Move."" Masaya: "Looks like the demon's back." Sugihara: "It's no use. I can't get through to Kirishima-san." Sakuragi: "That fool..." Sakuragi: "Sugihara, keep looking for any intel you can get on the ones who attacked them." Sugihara: "Yes, sir." Sakuragi: "I'll worry about giving that fool a lecture after we take out the trash." Mashiro: "Here you go." Delinquent 1: "Are you really sure about this? We just took a picture of some elementary school kid." Mashiro: "Oh, this is nothing. We're about to witness an exhilarating show, after all." Mashiro: "Thank you for your service." Delinquent 1: "Th-Thank you very much." Delinquent 1: "Wow..." Delinquent 2: "By the way, have you heard from Shinmoto-san?" Delinquent 3: "Nah. The last I heard, he said he'd take care of everything." Delinquent 3: "Speak of the devil. It's Shinmoto-san." Delinquent 3: "Hello, Shinmoto-san?" Delinquent 3: "Huh? Maybe the reception's bad. Hello?" Delinquent 3: "Hello?" Mashiro: "I wonder if that was actually enough... to cover all three of their hospital bills." Sugihara: "According to Takeuchi's report, the guy found unconscious on the little lady's school route woke up, and we found out his name is Shinmoto, formerly of the Amaya Family. Lately, he's teamed up with two guys named Igawa and Yano, who belonged to the Shirakawa Family." Sakuragi: "Amaya and Shirakawa..." Sakuragi: "They're both families that Kirishima took out ten years ago." Sugihara: "So they tried to mess with the little lady to get back at Kirishima-san?" Sugihara: "Takeuchi..." Takeuchi: "Sugihara-san! I was just investigating the area around Shinmoto's office... and I found a few guys knocked out cold. I think they're Shinmoto's minions." Sugihara: "Boss, does this mean..." Sakuragi: "Sugihara, get the car ready." Igawa: "Kirishima! You'll never get away with this." Igawa: "You took away our home! I've... spent the last ten years—" Yano: "No, don't..." Yano: "S-Stay away!" Mashiro: "That's it. The crueler and more heartless you are, the more you shine."
{ "raw_title": "The Yakuza's Guide to Babysitting Episode 10 – A Bad Person", "parsed": [ "The Yakuza's Guide to Babysitting", "10", "A Bad Person" ] }
Yano: "N-No—" Sakuragi: "Kirishima!" Sakuragi: "You've got some nerve ignoring one of my orders." Sugihara: "Kirishima-san's gonna be okay, isn't he?" Kirishima: "Boss... What are you doing he—" Sakuragi: "You back to your senses now?" Sakuragi: "You fool!" Sakuragi: "What were my orders?!" Sakuragi: "To come here and cover yourself in this filthy blood? No!" Sakuragi: "You were to stay by Yaeka's side! That's what you were supposed to do!" Sakuragi: "You decided to mess with us. Don't expect it to end that easily." Sakuragi: "Hey." Yakuza A: "Hey, don't you run away." Yakuza B: "Stay put." Kirishima: "Boss..." Kirishima: "I guess I'm still me, after all." Sakuragi: "I'm not gonna tell you to forget the past, and there's no way to undo it." Sakuragi: "But there is one thing that's certain." Sakuragi: "You're not Yakuza Crusher Kirishima right now. You're the babysitter." Sakuragi: "You've been Yaeka's babysitter for quite a while now. Don't waste all the time you've put in over a single impulsive action." Kirishima: "Yes, sir." Yakuza B: "Sir! The little lady..." Kirishima: "Little lady!" Yaeka: "Kiri...shima?" Kirishima: "Are you all right? Does it hurt anywhere? I'm sorry, I—" Yaeka: "Kirishima..." Yaeka: "Kirishima! Kirishima!" Kirishima: "Yes, little lady." Kirishima: "Kirishima's right here." Kirishima: "I'm very sorry you had to go through something so scary." Sugihara: "Thank goodness." Sakuragi: "Yeah." Yaeka: "Oh, yeah. Kirishima, you hurt your head..." Yaeka: "Kirishima?" Sugihara: "Kirishima-san?!" Yaeka: "Kirishima's asleep." Sugihara: "What?!" Sakuragi: "The relief must've been too great." Sakuragi: "For crying out loud... He sure knows how to make everyone worry." Yaeka: "I'm home." Kirishima: "Yes, welcome back." Kirishima: "Boss, please excuse me." Kirishima: "May I speak with you for a moment?" Sugihara: "Little lady?" Sugihara: "Weren't you going to take a few days off from school to be on the safe side?" Yaeka: "Sara and Kaede-chan came by to bring me my homework. I'm gonna finish it before I go back to school." Sara: "Hey, Yaeka!" Kaede: "Feel better soon." Sugihara: "You're such a good girl. When I was your age, I'd spend my days off just lazing around. Of course, since I didn't do any homework, my parents and teachers yelled at me a lot." Yaeka: "You poor thing." Sugihara: "That's why you're amazing, little lady. Kirishima-san could learn about planning from you, since he randomly calls me late at ni—" Kirishima: "Did you say something?" Sugihara: "Jeez! Could you not just suddenly appear outta thin air behind me?!" Kirishima: "Little lady, are your studies going well?" Yaeka: "Yes." Sugihara: "And he's ignoring me!" Kirishima: "Once you're done with your homework, would you like to go out somewhere? I can spend the whole day with you today." Yaeka: "Can we go to a fireworks show tonight, then?" Kirishima: "A fireworks show?" Yaeka: "The one we went to together last time..." Yaeka: "was a lot of fun." Sugihara: "Er, I'm not sure about fireworks shows right now..." Yaeka: "Is the season over?" Kirishima: "Little lady." Kirishima: "Let's put on our own fireworks show." Yaeka: "We can do that?!" Kirishima: "We won't be able to set off any big, fancy ones, but if things like sparklers will do, I'll get us some. We'll buy some food and drinks, and we'll invite the boss and your friends." Yaeka: "I'll go invite everyone after I finish my homework!" Kirishima: "Sure." Sugihara: "The little lady cheered up immediately." Sugihara: "I guess Kirishima-san really does think about the little lady a lot." Kirishima: "Hey, Sugihara. What are you zoning out for? Go buy those fireworks already." Sugihara: "And here I was, getting the warm fuzzies... I mean, where would they even sell them right now?" Kirishima: "What?" Sugihara: "I'll go get them right now!" Sara: "Fireworks, pretty!" Yaeka: "So pretty..." Sugihara: "The little lady looks like she's having fun." Kirishima: "Yeah." Yaeka: "Kirishima." Yaeka: "What's wrong?" Kirishima: "Oh, I'm fine." Kirishima: "I was just zoning out a bit." Yaeka: "Huh..." Yaeka: "Let's light some sparklers together." Kirishima: "Ah, sounds like a great plan." Sugihara: "There!" Sara: "Wonderful!" Takeuchi: "Whoa!" Yaeka: "Fireworks are really pretty even at home." Yaeka: "Kirishima?" Yaeka: "Kirishima..." Kirishima: "Huh?" Yaeka: "Aw, it fell." Kirishima: "Shall we light the next one?" Sara: "Bye-bye!" Yaeka: "See you later." Kirishima: "Okay, let's head back." Yaeka: "Wait." Kirishima: "Huh?" Yaeka: "We've still got a few sparklers left." Kirishima: "You're right. Should we go through all of them?" Yaeka: "I'm going to save them until next time. Let's do them together again." Kirishima: "Sure." Sugihara: "Y-Yes, right away, Kirishima-san..." Sugihara: "Wait, a text?" Sugihara: "That's not like Kirishima-san..." Sugihara: "Huh?!" Sugihara: "What do you mean, Kirishima-san left?!" Sakuragi: "Did I stutter?" Sakuragi: ""Right now, all I'm going to do is cause the family trouble. Please allow me to walk away before I lose what's important to me."" Sakurai: "That's what he told me as he apologized." Sugihara: "You stopped him, though, right?" Sakuragi: "He would've left even if I'd tried." Sugihara: "But..." Sugihara: "But that's so irresponsible! Kirishima-san's supposed to care for the little lady, and he's the Sakuragi's first lieutenant! And..." Yaeka: "Daddy?" Yaeka: "Have you seen Kirishima? I've been looking and can't find him anywhere..." Sakuragi: "Yaeka..." Sakuragi: "Kirishima's taking a little break." Sakuragi: "Sugihara will take care of you in the meantime." Yaeka: "A break?" Sakuragi: "So you don't need to worry. He'll be back soon." Yaeka: "Okay." Sakuragi: "It really is irresponsible." Sakuragi: "Though that's only if he really doesn't come back." Sugihara: "Huh?" Sakuragi: "He's just not sure what he should do right now." Sakuragi: "He'll be back once he's cooled off." Sakuragi: "Until then, I'm counting on you." Sugihara: "Yes, sir..." Sugihara: ""Right now, all I'm going to do is cause the family trouble. Please allow me to walk away before I lose what's important to me."" Sugihara: "What the hell, man?" Sakuragi: "Do as you will. Just don't make the wrong choice." Kirishima: "Yes, sir." Kirishima: "Thank you very much." Sakuragi: "Seriously... Could you look any more pathetic?" Momoyama: "By the way, I heard Sakuragi's crew ran into a bit of trouble." Mashiro: "Yup. I heard Kirishima-kun turned back into a demon and ran amok." Momoyama: "That's what he gets for taking in some stray that can't even follow orders." Momoyama: "Mashiro, you seem awfully obsessed with Kirishima. You're not involved with this, are you?" Mashiro: "Of course not." Sugihara: "Damn it, of course he won't answer." Sugihara: "What should I do?" Sugihara: "What should I be doing in Kirishima-san's place right now?" Sugihara: "Little lady?" Yaeka: "Sugihara..." Sugihara: "What are you doing out here?" Yaeka: "Waiting." Yaeka: "Because Kirishima might come home." Sugihara: "Man, what the hell am I doing?" Sugihara: "As if I could take Kirishima-san's place..." Sugihara: "Little lady! I'm gonna go look for Kirishima-san!" Yaeka: "Huh?" Sugihara: "I know we said he was on a break, but he actually ran away!" Sugihara: "As things stand, we're not sure when he'll come back!" Sugihara: "So I'm gonna go out there and drag him back myself!" Yaeka: "I'll go, too!" Sugihara: "Huh?!" Sugihara: "If I take the little lady with me right now, the boss will probably get real angry." Sugihara: "All right! Let's find Kirishima-san together!" Yaeka: "You wait here, okay? We'll come back with Kirishima." Yaeka: "Let's do them together again." Kirishima: "I guess I broke another promise..." Mashiro: "It's been a while, Kirishima-kun." Mashiro: "So..." Mashiro: "I heard about the attack on your little lady. You nearly killed a former yakuza member, eh?" Mashiro: "I was really happy to hear that, actually... because it proved that the real you wasn't dead." Mashiro: "I'm proud of the fact that our yakuza families are under the same banner. You're the source of all my entertainment in the underworld, so if I'm being quite honest, I was really disappointed in you when you started babysitting." Mashiro: "It was such a thrill to see you get so pissed off again." Kirishima: "Don't tell me you..." Mashiro: "And what will you do if I did, Widdle Demon?" Mashiro: "I know everything. Even if you start playing house with an innocent child, the real you deep down inside will never change." Aoi: "Hello? Yeah, sorry I'm late. I was planning to leave early, but the client's boss is a lousy drunk..." Aoi: "Yeah, I'm fine. I'm almost home." Aoi: "Toru." Kirishima: "Aoi-san..." Aoi: "What the hell are you doing here?" Kirishima: "You out working this late?" Kirishima: "You're doing well, then." Aoi: "Actually, I had to go out drinking with my boss, and— Wait, don't change the subject! I'm the one asking questions here." Kirishima: "My bad." Aoi: "Alone at the park this late at night? You on a walk or something?" Kirishima: "Yeah... Something like that." Aoi: "What happened?" Kirishima: "Huh?" Aoi: "Some dude who's just out for a stroll wouldn't be smoking a cigarette and looking all emo." Aoi: "I can at least hear you out." Kirishima: "I'm fine. Shouldn't you hurry home, Aoi-san? Your family's waiting for you." Aoi: "Jeez. I guess you still don't like showing people your weak side. If you're stressing out over something important, choose whatever you're thinking about abandoning." Kirishima: "Huh?" Aoi: "The more precious something is to you, the more regret will follow, always." Kirishima: "I..." Yaeka: "Kirishima!" Kirishima: "Little lady..." Kirishima: "Why..." Yaeka: "You can't run away from home!" Aoi: "Run away from home?! I guess he still just runs off whenever something happens." Kirishima: "Little lady... Did you come here by yourself?" Sugihara: "Of course not!" Kirishima: "Sugihara..." Sugihara: "Who the hell are you?! Where's the Kirishima-san I know?!" Yaeka: "Sugihara..." Aoi: "This way, little lady." Kirishima: "Let go of me." Sugihara: "No! I'm not gonna let go until you're back to the usual Kirishima-san!" Sugihara: "What was with that text?! "All I'm going to do is cause trouble"? "Walking away before I lose what's important to me"? What the hell?! Just apologize after you cause trouble, and then get stronger so you can protect what's important to you!" Sugihara: "Who cares if you messed up once?! The Kirishima-san I know is a free spirit, but he's not irresponsible! Being the Sakuragi Family's first lieutenant and the little lady's babysitter... The big bro I look up to... You're the only one who can do all that." Sugihara: "So if you don't come home now, I'll make you regret it!" Kirishima: "Let go of me." Sugihara: "No! I won't let you go until you say you'll come hom—" Kirishima: "How the hell am I supposed to go home with you clinging to me like this?" Sugihara: "Kirishima-sa—" Kirishima: "Never thought the day would come when you'd grab me by the collar and lecture me." Sugihara: "I-I'm sowwy. Still, you're the one in the wrong this time— Huh?" Kirishima: "Just get stronger so you can protect what's important to you..." Kirishima: "That's something even an idiot like me can understand." Kirishima: "I'm back to my senses. Thanks." Sugihara: "You can act a little more touched, y'know!" Kirishima: "Jeez, don't cry." Sugihara: "I'm not crying!" Yaeka: "Everything's back to normal." Aoi: "I have no idea what's going on, but I guess it got sorted out." Kirishima: "Let's go home, Sugihara." Sugihara: "Yes, sir!" Kirishima: "Little lady, I'm sorry I worried you." Yaeka: "Kirishima." Kirishima: "Yes?" Yaeka: "No more running away from home!" Kirishima: "Right. I won't make the wrong choice again."
{ "raw_title": "The Yakuza's Guide to Babysitting Episode 11 – Fireworks and Promises", "parsed": [ "The Yakuza's Guide to Babysitting", "11", "Fireworks and Promises" ] }
Kirishima: "Sugihara, this is the first time I'm atoning for my mistakes, so I need you to watch." Sugihara: "Wait, wait, hold up! I've got a hunch about what you're atoning for, but no way!" Kirishima: "I made up my mind after your lecture." Sugihara: "Don't use that as an excuse to cut off your finger!" Kirishima: "You'll let me off the hook if I do this, right?" Sugihara: "I mean it, stop! Seriously, don't do this!" Kirishima: "Just let go, damn it!" Sugihara: "Someone help!" Sakuragi: "Shut the hell up!" Yaeka: "Are you two okay?" Sugihara: "Yes..." Kirishima: "Yeah... We got yelled at." Aoi: "Man, never a dull moment with you two." Kirishima: "Aoi-san." Aoi: "I could hear you all the way from the other room. No wonder the boss was pissed." Kirishima: "When'd you get here?" Aoi: "You were so riled up that you didn't even notice?" Aoi: "Probably about half an hour ago. More importantly, the boss told me why you two caused a fuss at the park the other day." Aoi: "Your name's Sugihara, right?" Sugihara: "Huh? Y-Yes..." Aoi: "I've basically watched Toru grow up, so I know what kind of guy he is." Aoi: "I've been wanting to say this ever since I saw you lecturing Toru in the park..." Aoi: "You're a good guy." Sugihara: "Huh?" Aoi: "Toru's always been a damn troublemaker." Sugihara: "R-Right..." Aoi: "I bet he's put you through hell and back!" Aoi: "You can talk to me whenever Toru causes you any more trouble!" Sugihara: "Aoi-san..." Kirishima: "You guys are just saying whatever you want with me sitting right here, huh?" Aoi: "You've been through a lot, too, little lady." Aoi: "It must've been scary when you were attacked." Yaeka: "I'm okay. I think Kirishima was even more scared than I was. When he came back to the hospital, he was cryi—" Aoi: "What the heck was that just now?" Kirishima: "By the way, did you get home okay after that, Aoi-san? Ow. I bet your wife was worried since you got back late." Aoi: "Actually, the problem was more that Koki woke up. I think his fussing was probably worse. He wanted a present, he wanted cake... His yelling woke Hina up, and then she started crying." Yaeka: "Hina?" Aoi: "Huh? Oh, I guess you guys haven't met yet. I've got a little girl at home who's younger than Koki." Aoi: "Wanna see?" Aoi: "Here." Yaeka: "She's so cute!" Sugihara: "She is!" Aoi: "You were just like this once, little lady." Kirishima: "You sure did gush about her a lot back then. Went on and on about how cute she was." Aoi: "And back then, you sure did run away a lot..." Kirishima: "Could you not reminisce about the past so angrily? Yikes." Yaeka: "Kirishima, you knew me when I was a baby?" Kirishima: "Yes. Only a little bit, though." Yaeka: "No fair..." Kirishima: "Huh?" Yaeka: "I didn't know you back then." Kirishima: "Uh... that's okay. You don't need to know." Yaeka: "Mrrr." Aoi: "Yeah, that really isn't fair. I bet you wanna know about the old Toru, don't you?" Kirishima: "Come on, Aoi-san." Aoi: "I know, little lady! Why don't you come over to my place? I have tons of old pictures of Toru." Yaeka: "Huh?!" Kirishima: "Huh? Wait, no way..." Aoi: "Koki's been wanting to play with the little lady, too. Plus, I'd love for you to meet Hina. I'm sure she'd love to meet an older girl like you." Kirishima: "Er, uh... I'm fine with us going to your place, but we don't need to talk about me..." Yaeka: "Kirishima." Kirishima: "Yes?" Yaeka: "If you tell me one story about you, that can be your atonement." Kirishima: "Atonement?" Yaeka: "Yup, atonement!" Kirishima: "Er, uh... Could I just offer my pinky instead?" Sugihara: "Why are you so against this?!" Aoi: "Then I guess it's settled!" Yaeka: "So, hey..." Sakuragi: "What is it?" Yaeka: "I want to go to Koki-kun's house soon." Sakuragi: "Koki... Oh, right. Aoi's place." Yaeka: "Can I?" Sakuragi: "Sure, as long as Kirishima goes with you." Yaeka: "Also, I'm going to make sure... Kirishima atones." Sakuragi: "A-Atones?" Kirishima: "Makes no sense, right? I don't get it, either." Sakuragi: "I guess you know exactly what's gonna happen." Aoi: "Hey, guys." Kirishima: "Thanks for having us over." Yaeka: "We're here to play." Aoi: "Hey, thanks for coming. Come on in." Koki: "Wow, it's Yaeka-chan! Mom! Yaeka-chan's here!" Aoi: "Pipe down, Koki!" Sanae: "Thanks for coming over. I'm his wife, Aoi Sanae. Thank you for always looking after my husband and son." Kirishima: "No, no. Please..." Sanae: "Please enjoy your stay today." Sanae: "How adorable... You look just like a doll." Sanae: "Oh, you're just so precious...." Aoi: "Sanae... The little lady clearly doesn't know how to react." Sanae: "Here you go." Yaeka: "Oh, that's so cute. It's a kitty cake." Sanae: "Ko-chan told me that you like cats." Koki: "Yup!" Koki: "Yaeka-chan's really good at drawing, too! So, I was thinking... Yaeka-chan..." Koki: "Are artistic guys your type?" Kirishima: "Seriously?!" Sanae: "Ko-chan?!" Aoi: "Koki! You little— Stop trying to hit on the little lady! Jeez, you—" Koki: "Aw, why not, though?" Aoi: "Who the hell did you take after, anyway?!" Hina: "Mama!" Sanae: "Oh, dear. Hina-chan woke up." Sanae: "Daddy and Ko-chan yelling must've startled you, huh? There, there." Yaeka: "Hina-chan?" Sanae: "Oh? Are you curious about Yaeka-chan?" Sanae: "It's okay, she wants you to come closer." Sanae: "I guess she can tell that you're a nice older girl." Yaeka: "Huh?" Sanae: "Ko-chan tells Hina-chan about you all the time." Koki: "Hina, hurry up and get big, okay? So we can go and play with Yaeka-chan together soon!" Sanae: "He's always so happy when he talks about you. Maybe that's why Hina-chan already likes you, too." Sanae: "Say, Yaeka-chan. Once Hina-chan gets bigger, will you play with her?" Yaeka: "Sure." Sanae: "Thank you." Aoi: "Toru!" Kirishima: "Uh, yes?" Aoi: "Here. You seriously have such a dull face without your sunglasses." Kirishima: "Not sure how I'm supposed to be full of life after having coffee spit onto my face." Aoi: "Yeah, sorry about that. Also, you're still using those? This is a good chance to give you a different pair." Kirishima: "Are you gonna open your own sunglasses shop?" Aoi: "You're pretty much the only one I can give them to, so pick out whichever one you like." Kirishima: "Huh?" Aoi: "Here, Toru. You can have these." Kirishima: "Sunglasses?" Aoi: "You have such a dull face, but people keep picking fights with you." Aoi: "I figured those might help you out a bit." Kirishima: "Right..." Aoi: "Nice. They look good on you." Kirishima: "Thanks, but... I'm good with these." Aoi: "Huh? Really?" Kirishima: "They all look the same to me, honestly." Aoi: "What?! They're all different, though!" Kirishima: "Huh? I don't see how." Aoi: "What, are you friggin' blind?! This is the problem with you guys that just don't get it." Kirishima: "I'm not sure what you want me to say." Koki: "Whatcha lookin' at, Yaeka-chan?" Aoi: "Those are from the same brand you're wearing now." Kirishima: "Huh..." Aoi: "Those are pretty expensive, y'know." Koki: "Dad and that guy look like they're having fun." Aoi: "See? Check out these frames!" Yaeka: "Mhm." Sanae: "Those two are acting like they used to." Sanae: "They've always been really close." Aoi: "You've always been as easy to read as an open book. Oh, yeah. I promised the little lady I'd show her old photos of you." Kirishima: "Ah... you really didn't need to remember that." Yaeka: "Kirishima! You need to atone!" Kirishima: "Oh, that's right." Aoi: "Hey, this brings back memories." Yaeka: "Is that me?" Kirishima: "Yes, I believe it is." Aoi: "Huh?" Aoi: "Oh, this. You don't remember?" Aoi: "Some dudes picked a fight with you, and you came back totally wrecked. Then the boss told you not to leave for a while." Koki: "Wow, this is Yaeka-chan?" Kirishima: "That happened a bunch of times, though." Aoi: "Yeah, I guess I can't deny that." Kanami: "Oh, jeez. The first-aid kit's empty." Aoi: "Listen up! You're not allowed to move a single step from that spot all day. Got it?! If there's any sign that you left, I'm gonna kick yer ass!" Kirishima: "Yes, sir." Yakuza: "Have a safe trip, sir!" Kirishima: "Man, I'm bored. Aoi-san and the boss have a meeting..." Kirishima: "And I guess Kanami-san went shopping." Kirishima: "I bet I can at least go buy some cigarettes..." Yaeka: "Wight hewe." Kirishima: "Little lady... You're awake? I'll go get your mom—" Yaeka: "Wight hewe!" Kirishima: "What the— Does she want me to go over there?" Kirishima: "I guess that was it." Kirishima: "Huh?" Kirishima: "Uh..." Kirishima: "What?" Kirishima: "She seems to... want something?" Kirishima: "W-Wow." Kirishima: "Very good job?" Yaeka: "Heh." Kirishima: "That smug look!" Kirishima: "Is that for me? Thanks..." Kirishima: "Huh?" Kirishima: "There, now it looks even cooler with the round one you gave me." Kirishima: "Wow, you're so amazing, little lady." Kirishima: "No good, eh?" Yaeka: "Sho coo! Sho coo!" Kirishima: "Huh? You want me to do it again?" Yaeka: "Mm..." Kirishima: "All right." Kirishima: "But no crying if it falls apart, okay?" Miyuki: "Aw, Toru-kun." Miyuki: "You were playing with Yaeka?" Kirishima: "Um... Sure." Miyuki: "Yaeka's sleeping all funny again." Kirishima: "Um, could you help me out here?" Miyuki: "Are you tired?" Kirishima: "Yes. Um, but... This might not be so bad every once in a while." Miyuki: "Say, Toru-kun..." Kirishima: "Ma'am?" Miyuki: "Will you play with Yaeka once she gets older, too?" Kirishima: "Um..." Miyuki: "I'm counting on you. I'm excited for both of your futures." Kirishima: "I see... That's when this is from." Aoi: "What is it?" Kirishima: "Oh, uh, it's nothing." Sanae: "Say, Yaeka-chan. Once Hina-chan gets bigger, will you play with her?" Miyuki: "Will you play with Yaeka once she gets older, too?" Yaeka: "Kirishima, tomorrow..." Yaeka: "Kirishima?" Kirishima: "Huh? Yes?" Yaeka: "So, um... I wanna buy Mommy some flowers tomorrow." Kirishima: "Sure, of course." Employee: "Welcome. Are you looking for something in particular?" Kirishima: "Um..." Employee: "Is this a gift for someone?" Yaeka: "I'm going to give them to my mommy." Employee: "Then let's find the perfect flowers to make your mommy happy." Yaeka: "Okay." Kirishima: "Sorry, but could you pick something that won't take much effort to care for?" Employee: "Huh?" Kirishima: "We're visiting her in the hospital." Kirishima: "We'd like something that will last a while and bring good luck." Employee: "You got it." Employee: "There are more over there. Want to take a look?" Yaeka: "Mm." Kirishima: "Kalanchoe?" Young Kirishima: "Kalanchoe?" Kirishima'S Mother: "Aren't they adorable?" Kirishima'S Mother: "A lot of tiny flowers will bloom." Young Kirishima: "Huh... They sorta remind me of stars." Yaeka: "Do you like these flowers?" Kirishima: "We used to have some at my house." Kirishima: "My mother took care of them." Yaeka: "Does your mommy like flowers?" Kirishima: "She does." Yaeka: "Huh... I see." Employee: "Thank you for waiting." Employee: "Here you go." Yaeka: "So cute..." Kirishima: "That's great. I'm sure these will make your mom happy." Yaeka: "Yeah." Kirishima: "Thank you very much." Kirishima: "How much do I owe you?" Yaeka: "Kirishima..." Kirishima: "Yes?" Yaeka: "Should we get these for your mommy, too?" Kirishima: "Huh?" Yaeka: "Your mommy likes them, right? I'm sure they'd make her really happy." Mashiro: "Kirishima-kun, things are going to get even more exciting. I'm sure of it." Yaeka: "Come in." Sugihara: "Good morning, little lady. It's almost time for breakfast." Yaeka: "Okay." Yaeka: "Huh?" Kirishima: "It's been a while... Mom... Dad." Kirishima: "What the hell?" Kirishima: "Now there are tons of flowers." Kirishima: "I guess that's okay, since you always liked them." Young Kirishima: "Why do you like flowers, Mom?" Kirishima'S Mother: "I mean, they're cute and pretty, of course..." Kirishima'S Mother: "But I think what I like most is enjoying their flower language." Young Kirishima: "Flower language?" Kirishima'S Mother: "Each flower has its own symbolic meaning. Tulips mean "compassion," and sunflowers mean "adoration."" Young Kirishima: "Huh... What about these, then?" Kirishima'S Mother: "These?" Young Kirishima: "Yeah, these." Kirishima'S Mother: "These... Kalanchoe mean..." Kirishima'S Mother: "It's a secret." Young Kirishima: "Huh?! Why?" Kirishima'S Mother: "These flowers where the kind your father and I bought right before you were born. It's a very special flower we chose together while talking about how we couldn't wait to meet you." Kirishima'S Mother: "So I want you to look up its meaning once you're an adult, Toru." Young Kirishima: "What? I'll totally forget, though." Kirishima'S Mother: "Well, you do forget things quite often." Kirishima'S Mother: "But that's fine. Flower language gives you secret messages. That's why I love it so much." Student Kirishima: "Damn it... Why?" Student Kirishima: "Why would you do that for someone like me?" Kirishima: "So, these flowers... The daughter of the guy who's looking after me now recommended that I get these for you because she thought they'd make you happy." Kirishima: "She's only in grade school, and she's way more responsible than I am." Kirishima: "And yet, I'm somehow her babysitter..." Kirishima: "Hilarious, isn't it?" Kirishima: "I'm sure this is a hint for me to do something right despite how dumb I am..." Kirishima: "But there's so much I've realized now because of the little lady." Kirishima: "Before this, I had no answers." Kirishima: "I just tried to find the right one." Kirishima: "And I was always frustrated because I couldn't find it." Kirishima: "But the truth is... There are plenty of right answers within me." Kirishima: "And it's important for me to get closer to those answers." Kirishima: "Actually... Maybe I don't really get it yet. I'm not very talented," Kirishima: "so despite my age, I keep messing up, and causing trouble for all kinds of people." Kirishima: "Hopefully, I can tell them all how I really feel. But I ain't any good at that, either." Kirishima: "I always wonder what the hell I'm doing..." Kirishima: "But now, I'm able to realize these days aren't so bad. So whenever you get bored of being up in heaven, come check on me." Kirishima: "I'm sure I'll be getting by in whatever way I know how." Kirishima: "See ya." Kirishima: "I'll come by with flowers again sometime." Kirishima: "I'll need the boss to show me how to arrange 'em first, though." Yaeka: "After Kirishima became my babysitter, I was surrounded by so many people before I knew it." Yaeka: "I've got more friends now, and Ohagi's so cute. I'm a little closer to Sugihara now, too. Ayumu-chan and Rei-chan are a lot of fun, too. So I'm not as lonely anymore. I'm gonna keep being really close friends with everyone so I don't ever have to be super lonely again."
{ "raw_title": "The Yakuza's Guide to Babysitting Episode 12 – The Little Lady's Babysitter", "parsed": [ "The Yakuza's Guide to Babysitting", "12", "The Little Lady's Babysitter" ] }
Students: "Good morning!" Girl 1: "Look! My mommy made this for me!" Girl 2: "So cute! Aw, I'm jealous." Girl 3: "Maybe I'll ask my mommy to make me one, too." Girl 1: "You totally should!" Girl 1: "Hey, see this part with the bunny? I made it with my mommy, too." Sugihara: "K-Kirishima-san, do I really have to do this?" Kirishima: "I hate being toyed with. Hurry it up. You want this to be over with, too, don't you?" Sugihara: "But—" Sugihara: "It's... It's gonna shoot out on the next one for sure!" Sugihara: "Hey, stop that! Don't point it at me! That's not how this game works!" Kirishima: "Whatever, just hurry up. C'mon." Takeuchi: "Pardon me!" Kirishima: "What?" Takeuchi: "The boss is looking for you." Sakuragi: "I'm thinking about visiting Miyuki next week," Sakuragi: "but there's something that's bothering me." Kirishima: "Bothering you?" Sakuragi: "Sounds like there's some trash causing trouble around the hospital lately. My intel says they're claiming to be members of the Sakuragi Family and doing whatever the hell they want." Sugihara: "They've got some nerve doing that on our turf." Kirishima: "Sounds like something some stupid brat would think of doing." Sakuragi: "On top of all that, they're introducing themselves as Kirishima and Sugihara." Sugihara: "Huh?!" Kirishima: "You can't be serious..." Sakuragi: "I really hate having to deal with something so stupid, but I hate that they're dragging our name through the dirt even more. You get what I'm saying?" Kirishima And Sugihara: "Of course." Ad Guy: "Kirishima and Sugihara from the Sakuragi Family? Oh, they're the worst. They trash the place, eat and drink all they want, and leave without paying." Hostess: "Kirishima? Ugh, he's the worst. He totally grabbed my boob. And Sugihara touched my ass." Takeuchi: "Sugihara-san, the phonies are famous thugs around here. They have some kind of connection with another family." Sugihara: "Got it." Sugihara: "Kirishima-san. Sounds like our phonies are amateurs hired by some other family." Kirishima: "A family that's got it out for me, huh?" Kirishima: "Well, that brings up way too many possibilities." Kirishima: "Anyway, let's find these fakes and kill 'em." Sugihara: "It doesn't sound like a joke when you say it, Kirishima-san." Kanami: "Oh? Are you by yourself, Yae-chan?" Yaeka: "Mm." Kanami: "I see. I wanted to give this to Toru-kun." Sugihara: "Wow, they've got all kinds of food stalls. But should we really be here, instead of working on finding our phonies?" Kirishima: "Yeah..." Sugihara: "L-Little lady!" Kirishima: "Ah, this is the annual fireworks festival." Yaeka: "Um..." Yaeka: "Kirishima, are you busy that day?" Kirishima: "She's trying to ask me to go." Kirishima: "Nope. Let's go together." Bg Mob: "Come one, come all! Come on by!" Kirishima: "The little lady asked us to go with her. I'm sure the boss would okay it." Sugihara: "You just wanted to get out of work." Kirishima: "Is anything catching your eye, little lady?" Yaeka: "That." Kirishima: "Ah, the rabbit plushie?" Yaeka: "Mm. That's Rabi-kun." Kirishima: "You got it. Let's try to get Chibi-kun for you." Yaeka: "It's Rabi-kun." Kirishima: "If you miss, I'll use your head for target practice. You got this, Sugihara." Sugihara: "None of that sounds like a joke!" Sugihara: "That plushie is pretty big, though... I can probably get it with three shots." Sugihara: "It didn't even flinch!" Kirishima: "The hell are you doing? You that eager to die?" Sugihara: "Of course not! You do it, then, Kirishima-san!" Target Shooting Stall Owner: "You fool. It's never going to fall. I made damn sure that plushie won't budge. Have fun fattening my wallet. Ow! Hey, wait! Ow! Stop that!" Target Shooting Stall Owner: "Dude, hey! Quit it!" Kirishima: "Oh, my bad. I can't seem to get my aim right." Target Shooting Stall Owner: "Listen, asshole! Keep messing around and you're gonna be in a world of hur—" Target Shooting Stall Owner: "A tattoo of a black chain on your wrist..." Target Shooting Stall Owner: "Wait, are you..." Kirishima: "You bumped into that shelf over there, and all kinds of prizes fell down." Kirishima: "Does Lucky-kun there have roots growin' out of his ass or what?" Target Shooting Stall Owner: "U-Um..." Yaeka: "It's Rabi-kun!" Kirishima: "Hey, bud." Kirishima: "You try to pull this crap on our turf..." Kirishima: "and you're gonna be in a world of hurt." Sugihara: "That's awesome!" Yaeka: "It's so pretty..." Yaeka: "Do you think..." Yaeka: "we can come next year, too?" Kirishima And Sugihara: "Of course." Kirishima: "Let's come back together next year." Sugihara: "'Sup, Takeuchi?" Sugihara: "Got it." Sugihara: "Kirishima-san." Kirishima: "We're home, little lady." Kirishima: "If you'll excuse me, I've got an errand to run." Kirishima: "Little lady, make sure you go to bed early." e Kirishima: "Hurry up and bring more booze, damn it!" Hostess 3: "Please, you're disturbing our other guests!" e Sugihara: "We're Kirishima and Sugihara from the Sakuragi Family!" e Kirishima: "Looks like you don't know what'll happen if you defy us—" Kirishima: "Hey." e Kirishima: "Ow, ow, ow!" Kirishima: "You the famous Kirishima from the Sakuragi Family?" e Kirishima: "Wha... Who the hell are you?" Kirishima: "Funny, I happen to be Kirishima from the Sakuragi Family, too." Kirishima: "Why don't we have a quick little chat outside?" e Kirishima: "S-Sure..." Kirishima: "Oh, yeah. We shouldn't let this go to waste. Make sure you drink it all to the very last drop." Kirishima: "Go on!" Sugihara: "Y'know, you're lucky you chose me." e Kirishima: "Please stop... Spare me. Please forgive me!" e Kirishima: "Y-You're a demon..." Kirishima: "I wonder if the little lady is in bed right about now." Yaeka: "Kirishima?" Sugihara: "Kirishima-san, you really shouldn't go overboard... huh?" Sugihara: "Where'd the guy go?" Kirishima: "He ran off crying." Sugihara: "Huh?! You actually let him go? You?!" Kirishima: "Please excuse us." Kirishima: "Boss, we took care of the job. Huh?" Kirishima: "Little lady!" Sakuragi: "She was waiting for you to get back." Kirishima: "What?" Sakuragi: "She wanted to welcome you home herself." Kirishima: "Ah, I see... If I'm entering the little lady's life, that means she's entering mine, too." Kirishima: "Little lady." Kirishima: "I'm back now." Kirishima: "When was the last time I pinky swore with someone, anyway?" Kirishima: "It's sorta nice having something to look forward to." Girl 3: "Look! I had my mommy make me one, too!" Girls: "That's so cute! No fair..." Kirishima: "Little lady, is something the matter?" Yaeka: "Huh?" Kirishima: "Something on your mind?" Yaeka: "Do you like chocolate?" Kirishima: "Chocolate?" Yaeka: "You didn't eat all of the chocolate chip cookies, so I thought maybe you didn't like chocolate. But you're eating them now, so maybe you just eat your favorite things last." Kirishima: "You're exactly right." Kirishima: "I wasn't even thinking about it." Yaeka: "Kirishima..." Yaeka: "eats his favorite things last." Yaeka: "Hey." Yaeka: "What's your mom like?" Kirishima: "Well... She was really kind." Kirishima: "Little lady?" Yaeka: "Kirishima?" Yaeka: "Are the cookies good?" Kirishima: "Huh? Er, yes, they are." Sakuragi: "Yaeka seems worried about her mother?" Kirishima: "She didn't come out and say it, but that's what it seemed like." Sugihara: "Has the little lady seen her mother in her current state?" Sakuragi: "We occasionally visited her up until Yaeka was about three years old." Yaeka: "Mama's still not awake..." Yaeka: "She's always asleep... Papa... What's wrong with Mama?" Sakuragi: "Yaeka would cry every time she saw Miyuki lying still." Sakuragi: "That's why I stopped taking her on visits." Kirishima: "That's also around when you started having Kanami-san take care of the little lady, too." Sakuragi: "Yeah." Kirishima: "You're gonna go see the missus the day after tomorrow, right?" Kirishima: "Is the little lady going with you?" Sakuragi: "Yaeka has grown up quite a bit. I'm told Miyuki's condition hasn't changed..." Sakuragi: "But maybe she should at least see her." Sakuragi: "Yaeka." Kirishima: "Little lady." Yaeka: "No... I don't wanna go." Yaeka: "Because... Because..." Yaeka: "That Mommy's always asleep... and I don't know her at all!" Kirishima: "Little lady." Sugihara: "Boss..." Sakuragi: "Don't worry about me." Sakuragi: "I can't let Yaeka suffer over Miyuki." Sakuragi: "And yet, I..." Kirishima: "Little lady..." Yaeka: "I'm not going. Daddy looks so lonely when he sees Mommy," Yaeka: "but Mommy still won't wake up." Kirishima: "Little lady, do you mind if I tell you a little story?" Kirishima: "It's about your mother, who loves you very much." Yaeka: "Mommy..." Yaeka: "hates me. No matter how much I talk to her or hold her hand, she doesn't answer me or hold my hand back." Yaeka: "So she can't be my real mommy..." Kirishima: "Little lady." Kirishima: "Your dad's really strong and kind, isn't he?" Kirishima: "Your mom's even stronger and kinder." Kirishima: "If a perfect couple like that was around, anything would be possible." Kirishima: "And that's why..." Kirishima: "God cast a cruel spell on your mother." Kirishima: "This spell is very scary, painful, and lonely..." Kirishima: "And the only way to make it better is to let God win." Kirishima: "But still, your mom refused to give up." Kirishima: "Do you know why that is?" Kirishima: "It's because she loves you very much." Kirishima: "No matter how much she suffers... Even if she may never be able to wake up..." Kirishima: "That doesn't matter to her. All she wants... is to smile and live with the daughter she loves so very much," Kirishima: "so she chose to defy God to make that wish come true." Kirishima: "Your mother continues to fight in her dreams. So why don't we go and support your mother together?" Yaeka: "I can't... Kirishima..." Yaeka: "Mommy's working so hard... and I said something so mean..." Kirishima: "Don't you worry. Your mom will forgive you because you came to see her," Kirishima: "and most importantly, she'll be happy." Yaeka: "Really?" Kirishima: "Of course." Kirishima: "Let's go together." Yaeka: "Daddy, I'm sorry!" Yaeka: "I... I wanna go see Mommy!" Yaeka: "I wanna see her lots and lots! I wanna apologize to Mommy... I... I..." Sakuragi: "Yaeka." Sakuragi: "You look just like your mother when you smile." Sakuragi: "Your existence is enough to make me and your mother happy." Sakuragi: "Make sure she gets a good look at your face, all right?" Yaeka: "Okay." Miyuki: "Toru-kun." Miyuki: "Take care of Yaeka and Kazuhiko-san for me." Miyuki: "They both get lonely so easily." Kirishima: "Little lady..." Kirishima: "Your mother truly is strong." Kirishima: "How long are you gonna keep bawling?" Sugihara: "Gimme a break!" Kirishima: "Well..." Kirishima: "Goodnight, little lady." Yaeka: "How come you're so nice, Kirishima?" Kirishima: "Huh?" Yaeka: "And why are you so surprised now?" Kirishima: "Oh, er... Well, no one's ever said I was nice, is all." Yaeka: "No way. I'm sure someone's told you that before." Kirishima: "Nope, never." Yaeka: "Then what do people say about you?" Kirishima: "Huh?" Kirishima: "Usually, they call me "demon"... stuff like that." Yaeka: "Demon?" Kirishima: "It's what they call a bad guy who does stuff people hate for fun, and causes lots of problems. C'mon, just look at my evil face." Yaeka: "Why are you lying to me?" Kirishima: "Huh?" Yaeka: "You came to my open house, and helped me give Daddy my drawing." Yaeka: "You took me to the fireworks festival, and just now..." Yaeka: "Everything you've done has been super nice." Yaeka: "I want to be a kind person like you." Yaeka: "Just like you..." Kirishima: "You can't be like me, little lady." Yaeka: "Wh... Why are you laughing?" Kirishima: "Oh, I'm sorry. But if you ended up like me, your dad would keel over." Kirishima: "Don't you worry." Kirishima: "You're gonna end up being way kinder and stronger than I ever could be." Yaeka: "Yeah!" Kirishima: "The little lady sure was chatty today."
{ "raw_title": "The Yakuza's Guide to Babysitting Episode 2 – A Kind Person", "parsed": [ "The Yakuza's Guide to Babysitting", "2", "A Kind Person" ] }
Kirishima: "Your mother continues to fight in her dreams. So why don't we go" Kirishima: "and support your mother together?" Yaeka: "I can't... Kirishima..." Yaeka: "Mommy's working so hard... and I said something so mean..." Kirishima: "Don't you worry. Your mom will forgive you because you came to see her," Kirishima: "and most importantly, she'll be happy." Yaeka: "Really?" Kirishima: "Of course." Kirishima: "Let's go together." Kirishima: "Okay, I've got our gift ready." Kirishima: "All that's left is..." Kirishima: "You got everything, little lady?" Yaeka: "Yeah. I'm ready." Kanami: "Onee-chan, Yae-chan's here with some other visitors to see you." Yaeka: "Mommy..." Yaeka: "I'm sorry I didn't come visit sooner when you've been fighting so hard." Yaeka: "I'm sorry I said I didn't know you. I want to know more about you, so when you win against God, talk to me lots, okay?" Yaeka: "I'll tell you lots of stuff you don't know, too, okay?" Yaeka: "So please don't lose, Mommy." Kanami: "Nii-san, Yaeka's grown up so much..." Sakuragi: "Yeah..." Kirishima: "The guardians are gonna burst into tears at any second." Yaeka: "Kirishima, the gift." Kirishima: "Oh, right. Of course." Kirishima: "By the way, what did you draw?" Yaeka: "I wanna make sure we can always cheer her on..." Yaeka: "so I drew a picture of all of us." Kirishima: "Now your mom won't be lonely." Yaeka: "Yeah." Kirishima: "Oh?" Kanami: "I guess it is almost lunchtime, huh? Why don't you go buy something at the hospital store?" Kirishima: "Let's do that." Kanami: "Looks like Yae-chan's really getting used to being around Toru-kun." Sakuragi: "Yeah." Kanami: "She's so much more talkative, and her expression seems more relaxed." Miyuki: "You know, honey..." Miyuki: "Yaeka really does look like you." Sakuragi: "Where'd that come from?" Miyuki: "Well, just look. She's clearly annoyed about something. Her dissatisfied expression looks just like yours." Sakuragi: "Her dissatisfied expression? It looks like mine?" Miyuki: "See? It's that exact face! You have the same expression." Miyuki: "How our little one will grow..." Miyuki: "What we're going to do together with her..." Miyuki: "The future is filled with things to look forward to." Sakuragi: "Yaeka's seven now. It took us this long to show you how much she's grown. As pathetic as it is, the truth is that I haven't been able to be a proper father to her on my own." Sakuragi: "It took a lot of help from a lot of people for me to come this far. I had no idea that supporting my only daughter would be harder than bringing my yakuza family together. I'm sure you would've just been able to smile and laugh through everything I had a hard time with." Kanami: "I'm sure Onee-chan would be shocked to learn that Toru-kun's looking after Yae-chan. Oh, yeah." Kanami: "I saw a familiar face in the waiting room earlier." Koki: "No! Buy me this, too!" Aoi: "Shut up! Quit your yellin'! We're in the damn hospital!" Koki: "You're so stingy, Dad." Kirishima: "Whoever that is, he sure is loud." Aoi: "Huh? Did you forget our promise?!" Kanami: "He looks different from when he was working in the family, but he seemed well. It was Aoi-kun." Aoi: "I told you, you're only getting one today!" Koki: "What?!" Kirishima: "Ah..." Kirishima: "Aoi-san." Aoi: "Is that... Toru?" Kirishima: "Heya." Aoi: "I ran into Kanami-chan," Aoi: "but I never expected to see you here." Kirishima: "What brings you to the hospital, Aoi-san?" Aoi: "Getting my kids vaccinated. We're waiting on the younger one right now." Aoi: "But you've sure gotten big, little lady! She's adorable. Nothin' like the boss." Kirishima: "He said the exact same thing I did." Yaeka: "Who's that, Kirishima?" Kirishima: "You probably don't remember him, huh?" Kirishima: "This is Aoi Toichiro-san. He used to be in our family. He supported your father." Aoi: "Now I'm just a plain ol' dad." Aoi: "By the way, I hear you're in charge of lookin' after the little lady." Kirishima: "Well... yeah." Aoi: "Huh? You, the little brat who couldn't even make tea right?" Kirishima: "So obnoxious." Koki: "I'm Aoi Koki. I'm six." Yaeka: "I'm Sakuragi Yaeka. I'm seven." Kirishima: "I guess your son's a year younger than the little lady." Aoi: "There are no kids his age where we live, so hopefully they can get along." Koki: "I'll give you this if you go on a date with me sometime." Yaeka: "I don't want it." Aoi: "Hey! That's not what I meant by "get along"!" Kirishima: "Just how are you raising that kid?" Aoi: "Well, anyway..." Aoi: "I'm honestly glad you grew enough to fill the hole that I left behind." Kirishima: "Thanks." Aoi: "How's the boss doin'?" Kirishima: "He's still the doting father." Aoi: "He's been like that since the little lady was born, pretty much. I caused him all kinds of trouble, and I don't think I've managed to properly thank him yet." Koki: "Maybe I should've offered this one." Aoi: "Damn, dude. Quit tryin' to hit on her." Yaeka: "Kirishima." Kirishima: "Yes?" Yaeka: "Did he fight with Daddy? He used to be at my house, but he's not anymore, right?" Kirishima: "They get along very well, actually." Kirishima: "It's just that Aoi-san..." Kirishima: "ended up with something more important for him to protect than your father. If he hadn't left your father's side, he wouldn't have been able to keep them safe." Kirishima: "That's why Aoi-san left our family." Yaeka: "Can't he make up with Daddy?" Kirishima: "Of course he can. Your father's not actually mad at Aoi-san," Kirishima: "and Aoi-san also loves your father." Yaeka: "I see..." Yaeka: "That's good." Aoi: "Let's go, Koki." Kirishima: "Take care." Aoi: "Do your best as her babysitter so the boss doesn't kill you." Kirishima: "You don't need to scare me like that." Aoi: "Take care, little lady." Yaeka: "Daddy's not mad," Yaeka: "so you two can be friends again." Kirishima: "Little lady..." Koki: "Dad, are you crying?" Aoi: "No, I'm not." Kirishima: "Ah, he probably cries a lot more nowadays." Aoi: "Thanks, little lady." Aoi: "Tell your dad I'll come by with a gift soon." Yaeka: "Okay." Aoi: "Since you cheered me up, I'll tell you something embarrassing about Toru." Kirishima: "You don't need to listen to that, little lady." Aoi: "You know, he actually..." Kirishima: "We're back." Kanami: "Oh, welcome back. You took a while." Kirishima: "We ran into Aoi-san at the hospital store, so we chatted a while." Kanami: "You saw him, too?" Yaeka: "Daddy, that Aoi person..." Yaeka: "said he'd come by soon with a gift." Sakuragi: "I see. You did a great job telling me. Thank you." Yaeka: "Yup." Kirishima: "Ah... yup. It's pretty obvious what he's thinking." Kanami: "Did Aoi-kun say anything?" Kirishima: "He seemed a little worried about leaving the family." Kirishima: "He always worried about others before himself." Kirishima: "Hasn't changed a bit, that one." Kanami: "You've probably been a little lonely since Aoi-kun left, huh?" Kirishima: "What makes you say that? I got promoted to first lieutenant, so I couldn't be happier." Kanami: "A-Ah..." Kanami: "Well, regardless if that's actually how he feels or not..." Aoi: "Hey, Toru. You out runnin' wild again?" Kirishima: "But look. I got punched, too." Aoi: "And apparently, you sent them to the hospital!" Kirishima: "Well, they said, "Go ahead and try it," so I figured that was my cue." Aoi: "That family's a pain in the ass if ya start any trouble with 'em. C'mon! We're gonna go make this right!" Kirishima: "Wha..." Kanami: "Pretty sure I saw this exact thing last week." Miyuki: "He always comes back hurt." Kanami: "The one who followed Aoi-kun the closest was Toru-kun, and it's clear that Aoi-kun's way of living is reflected in Toru-kun right now, too." Kanami: "He probably followed his example without noticing." Sakuragi: "It's getting pretty late." Sakuragi: "Go ahead and head back with Yaeka." Kirishima: "Yes, sir." Kanami: "Be careful." Yaeka: "Mommy..." Yaeka: "I'll be back again." Kirishima: "Let's go, little lady." Mashiro: "Were you abandoned? You poor little thing. No matter how small you are, you're still a living creature..." Kirishima: "We sure bought a lot of donuts." Yaeka: "We can all eat them together." Kirishima: "We sure can." Kirishima: "Let's eat them with Sugihara and the others waiting back home." Yaeka: "A kitty?" Yaeka: "I think I heard a kitty." Kirishima: "A kitty?" Yaeka: "So cute..." Yaeka: "I wonder if it's alone." Kirishima: "Little lady!" Kirishima: "You all right, little lady?" Yaeka: "Yup." Ayumu: "I..." Kirishima: "I?" Ayumu: "I'm so hungry." Kirishima: "Huh?" Ayumu: "Thank you very much." Sfx: "Om nom Om nom" Ayumu: "I'll never forget this as long as I live." Kirishima: "Are you sure it was okay to give her some?" Yaeka: "Yeah. But Sugihara's donut is gone now." Kirishima: "Ah... well, don't worry about him." Sfx Right: "Achoo!" Sfx Left: "Whoa!" Ayumu: "Now I can survive a little longer." Ayumu: "I was about to be forced to eat this little one here." Kirishima: "What? Did you run away from home with your cat?" Ayumu: "No. I'm the only one who ran away from home. I'm studying for entrance exams, but as you've probably guessed, I'm stupid. My parents wouldn't stop nagging me, and it was too tense at home, so I left..." Ayumu: "And then I found this little one. I ended up buying it some food after asking if it was alone, too..." Ayumu: "Then I realized I couldn't buy any food for myself, and here we are." Ayumu: "I guess cat food's pretty expensive." Kirishima: "Just go home." Ayumu: "I considered that option," Ayumu: "but since I fed the kitty, I just couldn't abandon it." Yaeka: "Kirishima, can we take it home?" Kirishima: "Huh? Taking care of a kitten is hard work, though." Yaeka: "I'll make sure I take care of it." Yaeka: "Then this girl can go home, too. Right?" Ayumu: "What a sweet little child. Lemme hug you." Kirishima: "Don't." Kirishima: "Little lady, you don't need to take the cat home just so she can go home." Kirishima: "You really want to take the kitty home?" Yaeka: "Yup." Yaeka: "Because... we've met now." Yaeka: "I don't want it to be alone anymore." Kirishima: "All right, then. I'll talk to the boss." Ayumu: "Little lady? Boss? Wait, a yakuza and his daughter?" Ayumu: "I'm sorry, you two." Ayumu: "This pairing is just too good." Ayumu: "Can I take a picture?" Kirishima: "No." Ayumu: "Aw, man." Ayumu: "Well, little miss. My name is Hanada Ayumu." Ayumu: "Please take good care of the kitty, okay?" Yaeka: "Mm." Ayumu: "Thanks for being its mommy." Yaeka: "Mommy..." Sfx: "Grumble" Ayumu: "Anyway, I'm hungry now, so I'm gonna go home." Kirishima: "You're still hungry after that?" Ayumu: "We'll already be friends the next time we meet." Kirishima: "Hopefully, that'll never happen." Sugihara: "Whoa, a cat!" Sugihara: "Wait, didn't you say you were gonna buy some donuts?" Kirishima: "Well, your donut turned into the cat." Sugihara: "What's that even mean?!" Yaeka: "I wonder what I should name you." Sugihara: "Fine. I'll let this slide because the kitten's cute. But in return, I'm gonna eat that leftover ohagi." Yaeka: "Ohagi's food..." Sakuragi: "The cat Yaeka brought home yesterday..." Sakuragi: "Was that supposed to be a greeting?" Yaeka: "Ohagi, I have your food—" Yaeka: "Huh? You're gone." Takeuchi: "This is a lot. These are all the boss's personal belongings, right?" Kanadaira/Kanehira(?): "Yeah." Takeuchi: "Hup. Guess we can take care of 'em one by one..." Kirishima: "Hey. The hell's going on out here?" Takeuchi: "S-Sorry... The boss asked us to sort his antiques... But something black jumped out of a box." Sugihara: "Black?" Takeuchi: "It's probably still somewhere in this room." Yaeka: "Kirishima." Kirishima: "What's the matter, little lady?" Yaeka: "Ohagi wanted food..." Kirishima: "Ohagi?" Yaeka: "I just heard Ohagi." Kirishima: "What's Ohagi doing here, though?" Takeuchi: "Oh, the black thing must've been the little lady's cat." Sugihara: "I guess we're just gonna have to look in each one." Takeuchi: "Huh?!" Sugihara: "Did you find it?" Takeuchi: "You think I can pay this off if I s-sell some of my organs?" Sugihara: "Calm down, Takeuchi!" Yaeka: "I'm sorry I lost you." Yaeka: "But don't go wandering off alone again, okay?" Sakuragi: "Well, how do you two plan to pay for—" Yaeka: ""I startled them." "So please don't be mad at them."" Takeuchi: "The little lady's interpreting?!" Sakuragi: "There won't be a next time." Takeuchi: "We're sorry!" Yaeka: "Good kitty." Sakuragi: "She really does look just like you." Mashiro: "You sure are doing something that doesn't suit you, Kirishima-kun. That's not who you really are, is it," Mashiro: "Demon of the Sakuragi Family?"
{ "raw_title": "The Yakuza's Guide to Babysitting Episode 3 – A Visit and a Reunion", "parsed": [ "The Yakuza's Guide to Babysitting", "3", "A Visit and a Reunion" ] }
Sugihara: "You went too far this time, Kirishima-san." Kirishima: "Well, they didn't wanna talk. What did you expect me to do?" Kirishima: "We did what we were supposed to, so who cares?" Sugihara: "Keep saying that and the boss is gonna get pretty pissed at you." Kirishima: "Whatever." Kirishima: "Dumbass." Sakuragi: "Hey, Kirishima." Kirishima: "So what did you want to talk to me about, boss?" Sakuragi: "Well, you always do excellent work. It's even better that you never seem to feel remorse." Kirishima: "Aw, thank you, boss." Sakuragi: "That was sarcasm, you moron." Kirishima: "Huh?" Sakuragi: "That said, your skills are the real deal. The fact that our family stays in order is proof of that." Sakuragi: "I'm giving you a job." Kirishima: "Does he want me to beat up some gorilla?" Sakuragi: "Come in." Kirishima: "Sugihara?" Kirishima: "So what's this job about?" Sakuragi: "You're going to start streaming with him." Kirishima: "Huh? Streaming?" Sakuragi: "Due to changes in societal conditions, our funds are heading into dire straits. In order to make sure our family can survive, we need to change that." Kirishima: "Hey, what's he talking about?" Sugihara: "He called me here out of the blue, too, so I have no idea..." Sakuragi: "And so!" Sakuragi: "Apparently there's this thing called "streaming" that's extremely profitable. Kirishima, have you heard of this?" Kirishima: "Uh... I can't say I have." Sakuragi: "What about you?" Sugihara: "I mean, I dabble in it every once in a while." Kirishima: "He's pretty knowledgeable. He usually has a shit-eating grin while he's staring at his phone." Sugihara: "You don't need to mention that..." Sakuragi: "Anyway, I'm leaving this to you two. There's just one condition." Sakuragi: "I can't have any of the other families finding out about this. Improving our finances is important, but you need to protect our reputation." Sakuragi: "Got it?" Kirishima And Sugihara: "Yes, sir!" Yaeka: "Kirishima!" Kirishima: "Oh, sorry, little lady." Kirishima: "All right, let's go." Yaeka: "Kirishima?" Kirishima: "Yes, little lady?" Yaeka: "This is good enough for today. I can go by myself from here." Kirishima: "What brought this on?" Yaeka: "Did something bad happen, Kirishima?" Kirishima: "I'm perfectly fine. Don't you worry. Come on, let's go." Yaeka: "Mm..." Kirishima: "Seriously? Streaming? What the hell are we even supposed to do?" Sugihara: "It doesn't have to be anything big. Videos explaining odd jobs can be pretty popular, too." Kirishima: "Is explaining our line of work to the public a good idea, though?" Sugihara: "Yeah, there might be a few issues there..." Kirishima: "Why don't we say we tried but failed, and just let the boss yell at you?" Sugihara: "Why am I the only one getting yelled at? You're in the same boat as me here!" Kirishima: "Besides, is it even possible to do this without the other families figuring out who we are?" Sugihara: "There are plenty of videos where the people in them either have a mosaic covering them, or just don't show their faces at all. They can put on masks or helmets, too." Kirishima: "This doesn't make any sense." Sugihara: "People love anonymity nowadays." Kirishima: "Then you can go ahead and record videos with a mask on, and put that out into the world. I'mma sleep." Sugihara: "Uploading videos requires a lot more work, like setting up a camera and editing! It's really involved! You can just go about your business without a care in the world. I'll just record that." Kirishima: "Yeah, sure." Sugihara: "But you need to wear this as a disguise." Sugihara: "Misty! Nice to meet you all. The name's Misty Island and I'm a yakuza member. Don't worry. I may be in the yakuza, but I'm not scary. Actually, if you could just enjoy this as fiction, that'd be great. Today, I'll be showing you how I get ready for raid days and introducing you to some tools I use." Sugihara: "The waking up part is pretty normal. As soon as I wake up, I brush my teeth. Raid days usually require a lot of negotiating, so you gotta look good." Sugihara: "The first raid tool is this. This is [redacted] and it [redacted], so it's the most popular thing in our business. Ones from [redacted] aren't the best-made, so they can accidentally discharge, but this one's made in [redacted], so it's pretty safe, and the price is pretty reasonable. Oh, this one's a must-have, too! When your enemy [redacted] at you, you just [redacted] to inflict some damage," Kirishima: "Is this actually interesting?" Sugihara: "We'll just upload this one and see how things go. so it's pretty popular in our world." Sugihara: "Kirishima-san!" Kirishima: "What? Why the yelling first thing in the morning?" Sugihara: "The number's gone up!" Kirishima: "You talkin' about the boss's blood pressure?" Sugihara: "No! The video we shot." Kirishima: "Wait, this many people watched it?" Sugihara: "I had some buddies of mine spread it online through social media. One of them has access to tens of thousands of phones, so it's easy for him to get something to go viral." Kirishima: "And no one's gonna find out it's us?" Sugihara: "Well, most of the scenes were blurred out." Sugihara: "That may have made it seem even more realistic. Make sure you like and subscribe! If you don't, I'll come raid your house!" Kirishima: "God, your voice is obnoxious in this." Sugihara: "But this obnoxiousness is a hit with the kids. All right! I've got our next video idea ready, too." Kirishima: "We're gonna do more?" Takeuchi: "Come on, hurry up!" Sugihara: "Hello and good evening to all of you rascals and upstanding citizens out there. It's ya boy, Misty." Takeuchi: "Bamboo here." Kirishima: "Say somethin'." All: "We're Team Cherry!" All: "Misty!" Sugihara: "Team Cherry!" Takeuchi: "Team Cherry!" Kanehira: "Team Cherry!" All: "Team Cherry!" Takeuchi: "It burns!" Sugihara: "Wait, me? No, no, I can't!" Kirishima: "Go on, eat up." Sugihara: "Team Cherry!" Sugihara: "Water!" Sugihara: "Water!" Kirishima: "What, this?" Kanami: "What the heck is this?" Sugihara: "Team Cherry!" Takeuchi: "Team Cherry!" Kanehira: "Team Cherry!" Sugihara: "Team Cherry!" Three: "Team Cherry!" Sugihara: "I'm Misty." Takeuchi: "I'm Bamboo!" Kanehire: "This is me." Takeuchi: "That's Gold." All: "We're Team Cherry! Misty!" Sugihara: "And we got it!" Kanami: "Morning!" Yaeka: "Kirishima." Yaeka: "Are you sleepy?" Kirishima: "Not at all. I'm perfectly fine." Ayumu: "That curry looks tasty." Kirishima: "All these videos involve eating spicy things, taking stray cats home, and going camping." Sugihara: "Well, that's pretty much the limit of what we can do." Kirishima: "So, how're the videos doing?" Sugihara: "Man, it's insane! Our videos are going way more viral than I could've imagined." Sugihara: "We even have other content creators trying to find out our identities now." Kirishima: "Huh, that's interesting." Sugihara: "Kirishima-san, we're talking about civilians. We'll be in big trouble if we mess with 'em." Kirishima: "Tch. So what're we supposed to do if someone finds out?" Sugihara: "All right. I'm gonna try to get the numbers down a little to cause a minor scene." Kirishima: "Huh? What's that even mean?" Sugihara: "Thank you for always watching our videos. When we started this channel, we said we were affiliated with the yakuza, but of course, we don't actually belong to a yakuza family. We're just a small agency that handles entertainers, and we just called ourselves yakuza so we could have a bit of fun making these videos. We are terribly sorry for lying to you all this time. We're going to stop filming for a while and reflect upon our actions. Once again, we're very sorry." Takeuchi And Kanehira: "We're very sorry." Sugihara: "Kirishima-san! I messed up! We got a stupid amount of likes on that video!" Kirishima: "The hell are you gonna do? At this rate, someone's gonna find us out." Kanami: "Hey, have you heard of these guys? They call themselves yakuza, but their vids look so low-budget that they're endearing and pretty fun to watch." Sugihara: "Huh?" Kanami: "I'm sad that they're gonna stop uploading. The place they're filming from sorta looks like it's around here, so I'm wondering if they're local. Although I wonder if these videos are a bad influence on kids, even if they know these are fake..." Grade Schooler 1: "Misty!" Grade Schooler 2: "Misty!" Grade Schooler 3: "Let's go on a raid!" Kirishima: "Hey, take all our shit down." Sugihara: "Roger. If it's spreading among grade schoolers, the little lady might end up hearing about it, too..." Kirishima: "We need to avoid that at all costs." Sakuragi: "Kirishima! I need to talk to you." Sakuragi: "Get your ass in here." Sakuragi: "Kirishima, do you know why I summoned you?" Kirishima: "Yes, we're sorry. We'll get right to..." Sakuragi: "That's right. You'll get right to... singing." Kirishima And Sugihara: "What?!" Sakuragi: "I talked to a buddy of mine about this streaming thing, and he wanted in." Sakuragi: "He mentioned making videos of you singing without showing your face." Kirishima: "Sing..." Sugihara: "...ing?" Sakuragi: "Singing is great. People of all ages can be moved by a song and obsess over it. That melody that resonates within the hearts of everyone, regardless of age... The fact that we yakuza and civilians can bond over something is a great feeling." Kirishima: "Hey, why's he so hyped about this? The hell's wrong with the boss today?" Sugihara: "Now, now, let's just go along with it... Team Cherry!" Kirishima: "Couldn't I have just worn what I usually wear?" Sugihara: "Maybe they want you to wear a fancier outfit since you're covering your face." Kirishima: "Is it a thing for amateurs to just suddenly get into singing now?" Sugihara: "It's not unusual nowadays for someone to get their start streaming and then debut with a major label without showing their face." Kirishima: "Seriously, though... We're clearly putting ourselves out there. No one's found out who we are yet?" Sugihara: "Actually, we're doing everything so flashy that it might make it harder to tell who we are." Kirishima: "Your positivity never ceases to amaze me." Sugihara: "Oh, really? Thanks." Costume Staff A: "Hey, I wanted to get a final check on the design." Sugihara: "Um, what is this?" Costume Staff B: "Your boss already gave us the okay on this." Costume Staff A: "Here's the demo and the lyrics. I'll send you files." Costume Staff A: "We're gonna make the arrangement even more modern so it'll be a total banger." Sugihara: "Um... We're just gonna think on this a bit... Team Cherry!" Sugihara: "There's no way we can do this, right?" Sugihara: "What are we going to do?" Kirishima: "Okay, you do it. You'll be singing with a mask anyway." Sugihara: "What?!" Kirishima: "Okay, you tell the boss no, then." Sugihara: "Wait, you should be the one to do that!" Kirishima: "Don't wanna." Sugihara: "No way! This is too harsh!" Kirishima: "This is a request from the boss himself." Sugihara: "And this is my request!" Video: "Good Bye Cherry!" Sugihara: "Nope! Not happening!" Takeuchi: "There's no way we can memorize this." Sugihara: "Right?" Kirishima: "I guess that's a wrap." Sugihara: "Yup." Kirishima: "Let's delete all of our videos and scram." Sugihara: "Right." Content Creator A: "I got the latest on Team Cherry—" Content Creator B: "Team Cherry stopped streaming. Because—" Content Creator C: "I'm very sorry. I am..." Sugihara: "They got us..." Yaeka: "Don't work too hard, okay?" Kanami: "Oh, it's starting." Host: "And now, we will begin Team Cherry's artist debut press conference." Variety Show Host: "Who knows how long they'll be popular?" Entertainer: "These types get really tired of having to play the characters they made up, and it's hard on them." Yaeka: "Kirishima didn't come to school with me again today." Kanami: "Y'know, the younger boys from the family haven't been by for a bite lately." Sugihara: "Hello and good evening to all of you rascals and upstanding citizens out there. It's ya boy, Misty." Takeuchi: "I'm Bamboo." Kanehira: "I'm Gold." Three: "We're Team Cherry." Three: "Misty..." Staff: "If your number is 5,000 or above, please line up here!" Staff 2: "We'll be doing a bag check." Staff 3: "Please have your bags open." Staff: "If your number is 5,000 or higher, please line up over here." Kirishima: "This isn't..." Kirishima: "what I wanted to do, is it?" Kirishima: "What the hell? Where the hell am I right now?" Kirishima: "Damn it... This isn't how it's supposed to be." Sugihara: "Once we get to back to Japan, we've got another recording session. Let's just wrap it up quick-like." Kirishima: "Yeah..." Yaeka: "When are you coming home next?" Kirishima: "It was all a dream..." Yaeka: "The bubble disappeared It disappeared without flying It was just born But then it burst and disappeared Wind, wind, don't blow right now Let's let the bubbles fly" Kirishima: "You have a lovely voice, little lady." Yaeka: "Do you want to sing, too?" Kirishima: "Nah, I don't have that kind of talent." Yaeka: "You must be shy." Kirishima: "Yeah." Sugihara: "Kirishima-san! This is hilarious! You've gotta see this vid—" Sugihara: "What was that for?!" Sugihara: "Hello?!" Sugihara: "Did I say something wrong?"
{ "raw_title": "The Yakuza's Guide to Babysitting Episode 4 – Why Don't We Start Streaming?", "parsed": [ "The Yakuza's Guide to Babysitting", "4", "Why Don't We Start Streaming?" ] }
Kirishima: "Let's see..." Kirishima: "So that's Mi-chan?" Yaeka: "No, that's Rabi-kun. You always get them wrong." Kirishima: "My apologies. I'm terrible at remembering names." Kirishima: "Those guys are..." Yaeka: "Kirishima, who's this?" Kirishima: "Um... Rabi-kun." Yaeka: "No! That's Mi-chan!" Yanagi: "That's..." Yanagi: "The dude from the Sakuragi Family." Kusagami Member 01: "Oh, that's Kirishima." Yanagi: "He got put in charge of babysitting some brat? Sad." Presidents: "What's going on over on that turf? Let me throw the party next month. You definitely won't regret it." Kirishima: "Man, I'm beat... God, these shitty old farts never stop talking." President 1: "I heard you were taking care of Sakuragi-san's daughter." President 2: "The Demon of the Sakuragi Family babysitting, eh? That's surprising." President 3: "If you ever get bored of babysitting, come to my family." Kirishima: "We'll welcome you with open arms." Kirishima: "What a pain in the ass." Kirishima: "Don't make me keep repeating myself, damn it." Yanagi: "Hey, Kirishima." Yanagi: "Havin' fun taking care of the little miss?" Kirishima: "Who the hell are you?" Yanagi: "Guess I hadn't introduced myself yet." Kirishima: "I'm Yanagi from the Kusagami Family—" Kirishima: "Ah, hello? Little lady?" Yanagi: "Why, you little..." Kirishima: "Yes, I think we'll be done soon." Kirishima: "If there's something you want, I'll pick it up on my way back." Yanagi: "Check out that shit-eating grin. "Demon of the Sakuragi Family," my ass." Kirishima: "Yes. See you soon." Yanagi: "Are you that scared of your boss?" Yanagi: "I guess it's true that you turned tame after getting stuck taking care of that kid." Kirishima: "Man, you sure love the sound of your own voice." Yanagi: "What the hell? His mood suddenly changed." Kirishima: "I'm not babysitting. I'm working." Kirishima: "Better watch your mouth." Kirishima: "I'm not kind enough to take care of your corpse. You get me? Yeah?" Random Member 1: "If that was the old Kirishima, you'd be dead right now, Yanagi." Yanagi: "What?!" Random Member 1: "Can't tell you how many times I was happy our families were affiliated... He's definitely calmed down a bit," Random Member 1: "but you still don't wanna press your luck with him, Yanagi." Yanagi: "That's exactly why he underestimates you!" Random Member 1: "Don't go startin' shit with him." Members: "Thank you very much!" Sakuragi: "Sorry for all the trouble." Owner: "No trouble at all." Owner: "You always take very good care of us, Sakuragi-san." Yanagi: "The Sakuragi Family has control of a huge restaurant like this, too? This sucks." Yanagi: "If he's not gonna make a move, I guess I'll have to do it myself." Sugihara: "Little lady!" Sugihara: "Could you call Kirishima-san?" Yaeka: "Kirishima's off today, so he went out somewhere." Sugihara: "Dinner will be ready in no time!" Sugihara: "That's right... I have something I have to do. I absolutely need to get closer with the little lady! I've always been right by Kirishima-san, so she knows I exist, but I don't think we've ever actually gotten closer than that." Sugihara: "At this rate, she's only gonna know me as the dude who's always with Kirishima! I don't want that! That sucks!" Sugihara: "But with Kirishima-san gone, now's my chance!" Yaeka: "Right?" Sugihara: "Can I sit next to you while we eat today?!" Yaeka: "Sure..." Sugihara: "Thanks!" Sugihara: "It's so insanely quiet. Then again, I guess the little lady never says much anyway, so I gotta initiate the conversation! Little lady! Has anything fun happened at school recently?" Yaeka: "Hmm... Not really." Sugihara: "M-Maybe you played with some friends?" Yaeka: "I don't have that many friends." Sugihara: "Oh, God! I stepped on a landmine!" Sugihara: "What would Kirishima-san do in this case? No, I can't rely on Kirishima-san! Little lady! After we're done eating, why don't we go to my room?" Yaeka: "So many. Are these all movies?" Sugihara: "Yes! You can pick whichever one you'd like!" Sugihara: "I watch all kinds of movies. I even have some that are for kids. I'm sure the little lady will enjoy this." Yaeka: "This one, then." Sugihara: "Oh, the Mi-chan series! The kind bunny girl Mi-chan powers up with the power of carrots." Sugihara: "This is a fantasy anime that kids and adults can both enjoy!" Yaeka: "Are you okay?" Sugihara: "I forgot that this thing was a tearjerker. Rather than enjoying it with her, I got sucked in more than she did and started bawling." Sugihara: "God, I'm lame..." Yaeka: "Here's some tissues." Sugihara: "Thanks, little lady." Sugihara: "I'm always like this. Whenever I watch movies with Kirishima-san, he tells me to shut up and hits me." Yaeka: "You watch movies with Kirishima?" Sugihara: "Yes. Oh, but Kirishima-san gets bored easily, so he won't watch anything unless it's a one-and-done, like a movie." Yaeka: "Huh..." Sugihara: "Huh? We started talking about Kirishima-san, and now she looks like she's having fun... Is this the difference in how close the little lady sees herself with Kirishima-san and me?!" Sugihara: "I see... Well, of course. It's not like I can get as close as Kirishima-san did after all this time in just a few hours." Sugihara: "In that case, there's only one thing I can do!" Sugihara: "Little lady!" Yaeka: "Hmm?" Sugihara: "You're in luck! I'll tell you everything I know about Kirishima-san!" Yaeka: "What does Kirishima like?" Sugihara: "Huh? Well..." Kirishima: "Not like I actually have anything to do, or anywhere specific to go..." Rei: "Toru-chan!" Rei: "I didn't think we'd run into each other in a place like this!" Kirishima: "Ah, and here comes a nuisance." Rei: "Eek!" Sugihara: "It's hard to believe, but Kirishima-san likes chocolate." Yaeka: "I know that." Sugihara: "Huh? How did you know that?" Kanami: "Oh, there you are." Sugihara: "Oh, Kanami-san." Kanami: "Yae-chan, want to go shopping?" Yaeka: "Yeah!" Sugihara: "Aw, let's talk about Kirishima-san some more!" Rei: "Ugh, you're so mean." Rei: "How can you hit a precious friend you haven't seen in forever?" Kirishima: "Of course I'm gonna freak out when some built guy suddenly grabs me from behind." Rei: "It's called a loving hug!" Kirishima: "It's creepy." Kirishima: "So, what brings you here?" Rei: "I'm on a little business trip." Rei: "But I was surprised. I heard your family was around here, but I didn't think I'd find you so easily." Rei: "Have you been well?" Kirishima: "I guess." Kirishima: "And I bet you're still a man-eater who goes through men like tissues." Rei: "Oh, stop! Don't make me sound like some kind of beast!" Kirishima: "So you don't deny it?" Rei: "Come to think of it, you've changed. When I first met you, you always looked like you hated anything and everything." Rei: "You seem like you've totally chilled out now." Rei: "Must mean you're really comfortable where you are." Kirishima: "Where I am right now..." Kirishima: "Yeah. Honestly, I'm lucky enough to be in a place where I really don't deserve to be." Rei: "Toru..." Rei: "You finally found some humanity!" Kirishima: "No touchy." Yanagi: "Hey! You've got some nerve to feed me this disgusting crap! You mockin' me or what?!" Yanagi: "Well?!" Café Owner: "I'm terribly sorry. It'll be on the house." Yanagi: "You bet your ass it will be—" Kirishima: "That's enough, Sanagi." Yanagi: "Kirishima!" Yanagi: "It's Yanagi, you asshole! Remember my name already!" Kirishima: "Oh, my bad." Kirishima: "No point in trying to act tough in front of civilians. Get lost." Kirishima: "Don't ever come back." Café Owner: "Th-Thank you very much." Kirishima: "Sorry for the trouble." Café Owner: "Not at all, and I'll make sure to comp your order." Kirishima: "Thanks, man." Café Man: "S-Sir, your change!" Rei: "Wow... The old Toru wouldn't have hesitated to destroy this shop." Rei: "Say, let's go out for drinks. I'd love to hear all about whoever made you change." Kirishima: "No. My drinks will taste like crap around you." Rei: "Hey! What's that supposed to mean?!" Kirishima: "I'm kidding." Kirishima: "I already have plans that take priority." Kirishima: "Maybe next time." Rei: "Look at you, making me jealous." Rei: "But I've never seen him with such a nice look on his face." Kanami: "Maybe I'll make a cake for you today, Yae-chan." Yaeka: "I wanna make one, too." Kanami: "Aw, you're going to help me out?" Yaeka: "I wanna make a chocolate cake." Kanami: "Then I guess we'll have to buy a lot of chocolate." Yaeka: "Yeah." Yanagi: "Damn it! This is pissing me off." Kusagami Member 1: "Still, it really wasn't a good idea to cause trouble back there." Yanagi: "I just kindly gave him a warning that his food tastes like shit!" Yanagi: "That little brat..." Yanagi: "Drive closer to them." Kusagami Member 1: "What?! Whoa, we're definitely gonna get in trouble if we try to do anything to another boss's daughter. It could even lead to a shootout between the families!" Yanagi: "I'm just kidding, jeez." Kusagami Member 1: "Of course..." Yanagi: "Man, you're no fun." Yanagi: "We're gonna make a little pit stop." Kanami: "We're back! Oh? You're home?" Kirishima: "Welcome home, little lady." Ayumu: "Thanks for inviting me over." Kanami: "She's the one who found Ohagi-chan, right? We ran into her on the way home." Kirishima: "I see..." Yaeka: "Ohagi, we're home." Ayumu: "I see you gave it a tasty-sounding name. Drool..." Kirishima: "Is everything about food to you?" Ayumu: "I'm glad to see you again, Toru-kun-san." Kirishima: "Enough with the weird names." Ayumu: "Oh, but we're gonna enjoy some girls-only time now, so you're not invited." Kirishima: "God, she's annoying..." Ayumu: "Do you two always make cakes?" Kanami: "Sometimes. This is actually Yae-chan's first time. Right?" Yaeka: "Yeah." Ayumu: "Is there someone you want to make one for?" Kanami: "It must be your dad, right?" Yaeka: "I wanna give some to Kirishima." Kanami And Ayumu: "So cute." Ayumu: "This is real nice." Kanami: "Huh?" Ayumu: "I haven't had a crush on anyone yet, so I envy the excitement and anticipation the little lady is feeling." Yaeka: "Excitement and anticipation..." Ayumu: "Well, I'm just here to eat, so it doesn't really matter." Kanami: "Her stomach's been growling this whole time." Sakuragi: "What's for dinner tonight?" Kanami: "Oh, I'm sorry." Kanami: "I'm making a cake with Yae-chan, so could you order out for dinner tonight?" Sakuragi: "All right." Sakuragi: "Kirishima!" Sakuragi: "So yeah, we're eating out tonight." Kirishima: "Sure. Is Kazama-tei all right?" Sakuragi: "Yes, if you would." Kirishima: "Hello, this is Sakuragi. Thanks for always taking care of us. Sorry, but can we make a reservation for tonight?" Owner: "I'm terribly sorry, but we'll have to decline for today." Kirishima: "Oh, I see..." Kusagami Member 1: "Hey, hurry the hell up!" Owner: "Oh, I'm sorry. Please excuse me." Owner: "Yes, may I help you?" Kusagami Member 1: "This ain't nearly enough food. Keep it coming." Owner: "But you still have some food left..." Yanagi: "Shut up! We're partyin' tonight! We're celebrating the fact that we're gonna be takin' care of your place, startin' today. You're not gonna ask us to pay, are ya?" Sakuragi: "I see. I guess we'll have to go somewhere else." Kirishima: "I'm sorry, but something concerns me about this." Sakuragi: "What is it?" Kirishima: "Well, something seemed off on the phone." Kanami And Ayumu: "It's finished!" Ayumi: "I can tell it's delicious just by the smell." Kanami: "I'll pack some up for you to take home." Kanami: "Here you go." Ayumi: "Thanks." Ayumu: "I'm the happiest when I'm eating something delicious." Kanami: "Hopefully you can find someone someday to share that happiness with." Ayumu: "Yeah..." Kanami: "Toru-kun." Kanami: "Is everyone at the office?" Kirishima: "Yes." Yaeka: "Kirishima?" Kirishima: "I'm sorry, little lady. I have something I need to take care of real quick." Kirishima: "I'll be back soon, though." Kanami: "Hmph. You could've spared a little time." Yanagi: "That geezer's a total pushover!" Yanagi: "We just hit him a few times, and he obeys our every word. And now, this place is gonna be the Kusagami Family's little piggy bank." Kusagami Member 1: "Are you sure about this, bro? This is Sakuragi's turf." Yanagi: "You heard the guy. The Sakuragi Family wasn't taking payment from here. If that's true, there's no problem with us taking care of 'em." Kusagami Member 1: "Yes, but..." Yanagi: "He's not gonna show up! I'm sure he's just playin' house with that brat, and their bedtime's comin' up soon!" Kusagami Member 1: "Right..." Yanagi: ""The Demon of the Sakuragi Family," my ass. Everyone's too chickenshit over a guy playin' babysitter. He's just a—" Kirishima: "I've brought you more alcohol." Yanagi: "Yeah, about damn time!" Yanagi: "K-Kirishima!" Kirishima: "Heya." Kirishima: "Havin' fun talking shit about me, Unagi?" Yanagi: "It's Yanagi, damn you! I thought you were babysittin—" Kirishima: "Hey, you've got the nerve to try to collect from a place on our turf, and you didn't even know the rules?" Yanagi: "Who the hell cares about rules?!" Kusagami Member 1: "Shit... he's crazy!" Kirishima: "Anyone who can't follow the rules is gonna be punished." Yanagi: "Shut up! Who the hell do you think I am—" Kirishima: "By the way, our little lady is very good about following the rules." Kirishima: "You could probably learn a thing or two from her." Yanagi: "Wh-What the hell are you talking about?!" Kirishima: "You're a slow one, aren't ya? I'm telling you it's your bedtime." Yanagi: "Huh?" Kirishima: "Go on, drink up. You'll sleep better this way. Don't worry. After I put you to bed, I'll give you a proper burial with a gravestone and everything, Yahagi." Yanagi: "I-It's Yanagi!" Kusagami Member 1: "B-Bro..." Mashiro: "It's been a while, Kirishima-kun." Kirishima: "Keep your distance, Mashiro." Mashiro: "Man, you really hate me. I guess you still don't like my cologne." Kirishima: "Gross..." Sugihara: "Kirishima-san!" Kirishima: "Sugihara, you take care of this." mily: "Let's eat!" Members: "Thanks, Kanami-san! Man, this looks great!" Kanami: "Oh? Where's Sugihara-kun?" Takeuchi: "He got a phone call and left." Kanami: "I see..." Kirishima: "I'm back." Kirishima: "I'm sorry I'm late, little lady." Yaeka: "Here." Kirishima: "Oh? You made this?" Yaeka: "I made chocolate cake." Kanami: "Huh? Are we missing someone?" Kirishima: "Well, I guess I'll dig in." Kirishima: "It's great." Kirishima: "It's got a lot of chocolate chips in it." Kirishima: "They give it a nice crunch." Yaeka: "I put extra chocolate chips in yours, Kirishima." Kirishima: "Did you, now?" Yaeka: "Because you love chocolate. Shh. It's a secret, though." Kirishima: "You got it. Shh." Kirishima: "Thank you very much." Ayumu: "They shine so much. They almost blind me." Ayumu: "I don't think I'll ever be like that." Ayumu: "Well, I'm hungry, so I should go home and eat my cake... Oh, I'm sorr—" Ayumu: "Um... Thank you very much." Yaeka: "This is for you, too." Kirishima: "What's this?" Yaeka: "Sugihara told me that you like the lids from ice cream cups." Kirishima: "I see. That's what Sugihara said, huh? I'll have to thank him later." Sugihara: "Damn that Kirishima-san... Ordering me out of the blue to start digging holes..." Sugihara: "This is harder than it looks..." Sugihara: "Man, I really wanted some cake." Yanagi: "H-Help us..." Mashiro: "Wow, you're still alive." Mashiro: "Man... Kirishima-kun's really mellowed out."
{ "raw_title": "The Yakuza's Guide to Babysitting Episode 5 – Kirishima's Day Off", "parsed": [ "The Yakuza's Guide to Babysitting", "5", "Kirishima's Day Off" ] }
Pta President: "And this ends our meeting for the day." Mother 1: "Excuse me..." Mother 1: "This is your first time coming to one of these meetings, right?" Kirishima: "Huh? Uh, yes." Mother 1: "Are you here for your wife? You're so young, yet responsible." Mother 2: "My husband could learn a thing or two from you." Mother 3: "Just let us know if you need anything, Sakuragi-san." Kirishima: "Thanks... I wanna go home..." Mother 1: "Come to think of it, isn't Yaeka-chan's birthday coming up soon?" Mother 2: "Will you invite my kid to her birthday party?" Mother 3: "We could even help you out!" Kirishima: "The little lady's birthday..." Mother: "Yes, let's!" Kirishima: "Little lady." Kirishima: "Sorry to keep you waiting." Yaeka: "Kirishima..." Yaeka: "Pfft." Yaeka: "You look weird." Kirishima: "Look, this is embarrassing for me, too." Kirishima: "Your birthday's coming up." Kanami: "Happy Birthday, Yae-chan!" Kanami: "Go on. Blow out the candles." Kirishima: "Little lady, if you wanted to invite a friend over for your birthday—" Yaeka: "Can we buy some donuts on our way home?" Kirishima: "Of course. Let's go." Yaeka: "Kirishima, they have new donuts." Kirishima: "They sure do. Do you want to get those?" Rei: "Oh? Toru-chan?" Rei: "Omigosh, I was just on my way to see you! What's with the getup? You look so cute! We're going drinking today for sure!" Kirishima: "I can't! What are you doing here, anyway?" Rei: "I moved here, actually." Kirishima: "Let's hang out again, just like old times!" Kirishima: "Oh, my apologies, little lady. I'll just shoo this away immediately." Rei: "What? Little lady?" Rei: "What?! You're in charge of taking care of the yakuza boss's daughter?" Rei: "I guess you never know what life has in store for you." Kirishima: "Anyway, if you're just inviting me out for drinks..." Rei: "So your name's Yaeka-chan? You can just call me Rei-chan." Yaeka: "Rei-chan..." Kirishima: "Don't speak to the little lady!" Yaeka: "Kirishima, are you Rei-chan's friend?" Kirishima: "Huh?" Yaeka: "You're acting different than usual. The way you're talking makes you sound close." Rei: "Yup! We've been best friends since middle school. I'm closer to him than anyon—" Rei: "Hey, what's that look for?!" Kirishima: "Misunderstanding or not, if people think I'm close to you, it's..." Rei: "Uh, hello?! You're being super rude to me here." Rei: "You never were honest about your feelings. No one likes shy boys, by the way." Kirishima: "Shut up." Rei: "What's Toru-chan like with you, Yaeka-chan?" Yaeka: "He's smiley and nice." Rei: "Huh?" Rei: "Those were the last words I ever expected to hear." Kirishima: "Stop looking like you're so damn baffled by that. It's pissing me off." Rei: "You see, in the past, Toru-chan almost never smiled and always had this icy glare on his face." Rei: "I was wondering why he'd softened up so much. I guess this truly was a wonderful encounter for him." Yaeka: "A wonderful encounter?" Rei: "Yes. A wonderful encounter. Wonderful encounters make people happy. Yaeka-chan, take good care of Toru for me, okay?" Kirishima: "Little lady, let's head home." Yaeka: "Okay. I want to get everyone donuts." Kirishima: "That's a great idea." Yaeka: "A plain one for Daddy. A strawberry one for Sugihara. And a chocolate one for you, Kirishima." Kirishima: "Oh, there's one for me, too?" Kirishima: "The hell are you looking at?" Rei: "I hate to admit it, but I'm smitten with this version of you." Kirishima: "Get lost already." Kirishima: "See ya." Kirishima: "Let's go, little lady." Rei: "Oh, I just remembered after running into you... Do you remember Masaya?" Kirishima: "Masaya?" Rei: "Nah, I guess you wouldn't. Remember the guy from middle school who'd always pick a fight when he saw you?" Rei: "You both sorta sucked as people." Rei: "I wonder what he's up to nowadays." Shinjo: "Masaya." Shinjo: "Congrats on getting out." Masaya: "Piss off." Kanami: "Well? How do you like my gift to Yae-chan?" Kirishima: "It's very nice." Kanami: "Are we doing something big for her birthday? We celebrated her birthday here last year, remember?" Kirishima: "Really? I had no idea." Kanami: "Hm?" Kanami: "Oh, right." Kirishima: "Last year, you were off causing trouble, so you were rarely home. Jeez... You make me sound like some rioter." Kanami: "But this year, since you're looking after her, you'll be able to celebrate with her. Yay!" Kirishima: "Right. Are we inviting any of her friends over for her birthday?" Kanami: "Well, considering where she lives, it's not so easy to bring friends over." Kirishima: "Oh, right..." Kanami: "So what are you getting her, Toru-kun?" Kirishima: "I don't know... Something that would make the little lady happy..." Kanami: "What kinds of presents did you get when you were little?" Kirishima: "Actually, I didn't really get much." Kanami: "Oh, sorry. It's not like material things matter that much, anyway." Kirishima: "Right." Kanami: "For example..." Kanami: "Maybe someone did something for you." Kirishima: "Those memories would also be a lovely present." Kirishima: "I see... Maybe some home cooking?" Kanami: "Home cooking! That's a great idea!" Kirishima: "The only problem is, I've never cooked..." Kanami: "Don't you worry! Cooking is all about love! Love!" Kirishima: "Love, huh?" Yaeka: "You can't go to the park, Kirishima?" Kirishima: "My apologies. Something suddenly came up." Sugihara: "Which means we'll go with you instead!" Takeuchi: "Let's go to the park!" Sugihara: "We tie two jump ropes together and..." Sugihara: "All done." Sugihara: "Okay, here we go." Takeuchi: "Ready, and—" Sugihara And Takeuchi: "Who's that?!" Sara: "I'm Sara! Wanna jump rope!" Sugihara: "Sara-chan?" Takeuchi: "Is she a foreigner's kid?" Sara: "What's your name?" Yaeka: "S-Sakuragi Yaeka." Sara: "Yaeka! Let's jump rope!" Sara: "Lemme jump rope with you!" Sugihara: "That's some peer pressure..." Kanami: "First, let's have you cut the vegetables, Toru-kun." Kirishima: "Sure." Kanami: "Hold your left hand like a cat's paw so you don't cut yourself." Kirishima: "Okay." Kanami: "Oh, and put the chopped veggies in—" Kirishima: "Ah." Kanami: "Really?! What did I just tell you?!" Kirishima: "Sorry. At some point, I lost track of whether I was cutting the vegetable or my finger." Kanami: "How does that even happen?! A-Anyway, let's get you bandaged up!" Sara: "Twenty-eight, twenty-nine..." Yaeka And Sara: "Thirty!" Sara: "Wow! Yay! We jumped thirty times! You're the best, Yaeka!" Sara: "I wanna play with you more! What should we play next?" Yaeka: "Um..." Sugihara: "You can do whatever you'd like, little lady." Takeuchi: "Crap, it got tangled..." Yaeka: "Then how about the swings?" Sara: "Yes! Let's go, Yaeka!" Yaeka: "Okay." Sugihara: "Take that!" Both: "Ready, and..." Sara: "Happy birthday!" Yaeka: "Huh?" Sara: "This is my birthday cake! Celebrate with me!" Yaeka: "Oh... Happy birthday." Leon: "Hey, Sara!" Sara: "Ah, Papa!" Sara: "Bye-bye! Papa!" Takeuchi: "And off goes that little storm..." Sara: "Oh, yeah! Yaeka!" Sara: "Let's play again!" Yaeka: "Okay. See you later." Sugihara: "Th-The little lady made a friend, Takeuchi..." Takeuchi: "Uh, yeah... Huh?!" Kanami: "I wasn't sure how things were gonna go after you bled on the cutting board, but..." Kirishima: "Looks like I'm cooking now, sorta." Kanami: "Still, I'm a little surprised you chose cooking. Do you have any special memories of it?" Kirishima: "This is basically what birthdays meant to me." Kirishima: "It was never anything grand..." Kirishima: "But this was my favorite." Kanami: "I see." Kirishima: "That just means we need to have Yae-chan eat your favorite dish on her birthday." Kirishima: "I'll do my best." Sugihara: "Yes. We'll be there soon." Sugihara: "Thanks." Takeuchi: "What's the matter?" Yaeka: "It's nothing." Yaeka: "I wonder if we'll get to play again." Sugihara: "Huh? Of course we can! Right?" Takeuchi: "Yeah! We'd love to!" Sugihara: "Aw, shucks. I'm flattered you'd ask us." Kirishima: "Welcome home." Yaeka: "Thanks." Yaeka: "What's wrong?" Kirishima: "Oh, er, it's nothing. Come on, let's go inside." Yaeka: "Okay." Sara: "Yaeka!" Leon: "We just moved in and came to say hi!" Sara: "Yaeka! We're neighbors! Let's play!" Sugihara: "What? You're neighbors?" Sara: "Yaeka!" Sara: "We got to see each other again!" Yaeka: "Yeah, we did." Sara: "I'm so happy, Yaeka!" Sara: "Let's play!" Leon: "Oh!" Leon: "Are you the master here? I moved in next door. This isn't much, but..." Sakuragi: "That was kind of you. Thank you." Sara: "I'm gonna play with Yaeka!" Sakuragi: "Thank you, little one. But it's pretty late tonight. Maybe another time..." Yaeka: "Daddy." Yaeka: "Can I invite Sara over when we celebrate my birthday?" Sara: "Birthday? I wanna go!" Kirishima: "Um, I'm sorry, but..." Sakuragi: "Wait." Sakuragi: "That's fine, Yaeka. Invite her over." Sara: "Yay! Let's play again, Yaeka!" Yaeka: "Sure. What should we play?" Sara: "I'm so excited!" Yaeka: "Daddy, for my birthday today..." Sakuragi: "Yes, I know. You're inviting the girl next door over." Yaeka: "Yup." Kirishima: "The gates of this house keep opening up wider and wider..." Yaeka: "She said her dad was going to come, too." Sakura: "Her dad, too?" Sara: "Yaeka!" Leon: "Thanks for having us over." Sara: "Let's play lots again today!" Leon: "Thank you very much for inviting us over today. I haven't introduced myself yet. My name is Leon." Kirishima: "Right... Thanks for the other day. Jeez, this guy's intense... But he doesn't seem to know about our family, so it might work out that his daughter ended up the little lady's friend." Leon: "May I ask you for your name?" Kirishima: "Sure, I'm Kirishima." Leon: "Oh, Kirishima-san, then. Are you Yaeka's butler, Kirishima-san?" Kirishima: "I mean, if I have to go into battle, I guess I will..." Kanami: "Oh, jeez! He said "butler," not "battler."" Kirishima: "Ah..." Leon: "You battle, Kirishima-san?" Kanami: "No, no, that's not what he meant. "Butler" was right." Kirishima: "Oh, I'm nothing fancy, though." Yaeka: "This way, Sara." Sara: "'Kay!" Kirishima: "Hey, boss. Perfect timing. I was about to bring our guest over and—" Leon: "I wanted to ask you so much! Beautiful! This house is filled with the heart of Japan!" Sakuragi: "Huh?" Leon: "I love the heart of Japan. When I first saw this house, I knew that the master here would be friends with me!" Leon: "And just as I hoped... You are the epitome of Japanese style, Sakuragi-san!" Leon: "I'm so happy! May I take some pictures?" Sakuragi: "Hey, what are you laughing at?" Kirishima: "Oh, I'm... I'm not laughing..." Leon: "Okay, one more picture, please! Sakuragi-san, smile!" Sakuragi: "Hey!" Leon: "Smile? Smile!" Sara: "Oh! Japanese tea and sweets!" Sugihara: "Dig right in." Sara: "Oh! The jump rope guys!" Yaeka: "This is Sugihara and Takeuchi." Sara: "Can I have some?" Yaeka: "Sure, go ahead." Sara: "Mm, so yummy! Yaeka, there are so many people at your house! Are they all your famiglia?" Yaeka: "Fami...?" Sugihara: "She means "family."" Yaeka: "Family... Yes, they're all my family." Sara: "Yay! So many! How wonderful!" Yaeka: "Huh? You think so?" Sara: "So wonderful! The daifuku is also wonderful!" Sugihara: "They are delicious, huh?" Yaeka: "Ohagi? Wow! Cat!" Sara: "Ohagi-chan! So cute!" Sara: "Come back here!" Sugihara: "Hey, wait!" Sugihara: "I see she's still like a storm..." Takeuchi: "Truly." Sugihara: "But a storm blowing around the house is bad!" Takeuchi: "There are priceless antiques everywhere!" Sugihara: "Come back here!" Takeuchi: "No horsing around!" Sugihara: "Where'd they go?!" Leon: "I couldn't tell from the outside," Leon: "but your garden has a cherry tree." Sakuragi: "I'm surprised you could tell it was a cherry tree." Leon: "Yes. Cherry trees are very memorable and special to my wife and me." Sakuragi: "Memorable?" Leon: "When my wife and I first came to Japan, the first thing we saw were cherry blossoms. We were absolutely charmed by how beautiful they were, so we decided to live in Japan. That's why the fact that we get to live in Japan as a family and the fact that we got to meet you, Sakuragi-san... Oh, Sakura..." Leon: "Cherry trees, and your name also means "cherry tree"! I knew our meeting was destined! How wonderful!" Sakuragi: "You don't need to force them together. They're not related." Leon: "I'm not forcing anything! There's meaning behind our encounter!" Sara: "The kids win! The adults are weak! Winner!" Kirishima: "The hell are you two losers doing?" Sugihara: "Before we knew it, a contest started to see who could catch Ohagi first..." Kirishima: "Well, it's you, Sugihara. Of course you lost." Sugihara: "Ouch! You'd really say that to my face?!" Sara: "Papa! Having fun talking to Yaeka's papa?" Leon: "Yes, I'm having a great time!" Yaeka: "Are you tired, Daddy?" Sakuragi: "No, I'll be fine." Leon: "Sara, are you having fun playing with Yaeka?" Sara: "Yes! So much fun! Yaeka's my best friend!" Sara: "Hey, what should we do next?" Yaeka: "You never finished eating your daifuku, Sara." Sara: "Oh, that's right! I'll go eat them!" Yaeka: "Okay, let's go." Sara: "Yeah!" Sara: "Here, for you!" Yaeka: "Huh? Are you sure?" Sara: "Yup!" Leon: "Oh, how lovely. I'm going to take a picture!" Sara: "Yay!" Leon: "I'm very grateful for this wonderful encounter, Sakuragi-san." Yaeka: "Encounter?" Rei: "Yes. A wonderful encounter. Wonderful encounters make people happy." Sara: "It's so good!" Yaeka: "Sara?" Yaeka: "You seem to really enjoy the food, so I was wondering if you're happy." Sara: "Of course I'm happy! What about you?" Yaeka: "Yup, I'm happy, too." Yaeka: "This is a wonderful encounter." Sara: "Encounter?" Yaeka: "They say that wonderful encounters make you happy." Yaeka: "Hey, Sara..." Yaeka: "I hope we can continue to be friends!" Sara: "Okay! Friends with Yaeka is okay!" Yaeka: "Sara, you have powder on your mouth." Sara: "Wow!" Sakuragi: "Indeed, this might be a fine encounter." Leon: "Yes! I hope we can continue being friends, Sakuragi-san." Sugihara: "Happy birthday!" Takeuchi: "Happy birthday!" Kanami: "Happy birthday, Yae-chan!" Sara: "Happy birthday, Yaeka!" Leon: "Happy birthday!" Yaeka: "Thank you." All: "Happy birthday! Happy birthday! Happy birthday!" Sara: "Bye-bye! Let's play again soon!" Yaeka: "Yeah. See you later." Sugihara: "And away blows the storm..." Takeuchi: "Yeah. Hey, where's Kirishima-san?" Yaeka: "Kirishima?" Yaeka: "Did you make this, Kirishima?" Kirishima: "Yes. I wanted to bring it out earlier," Kirishima: "but I had a hard time getting the eggs to look nice." Kanami: "Toru-kun practiced real hard for you, Yae-chan." Yaeka: "Practiced?" Yaeka: "Can I eat this?" Kirishima: "Please." Kirishima'S Mother: "Toru, I'm sorry I can never buy you any presents." Little Kirishima: "I like my birthday dinner, though." Kirishima: "Presents don't have to be material things." Yaeka: "Kirishima!" Yaeka: "Thank you for making this omelet rice for me." Kirishima: "I think... I finally understand what that means now." Kirishima: "Happy birthday." Kakihara: "First off, congrats on getting out." Kakihara: "I'll make sure you get to eat somethin' good today, my beloved son." Masaya: "Thanks, but if this ain't important, could it wait 'til later?" Masaya: "There's something I wanna do right now." Shinjo: "Hey, Masaya! Did you forget how to talk while you were in the slammer?" Kakihara: "Oh, c'mon. It's fine, Ryoma. Masaya's always been like this." Shinjo: "But..." Kakihara: "So what's this thing you wanna do so bad, Masaya?"
{ "raw_title": "The Yakuza's Guide to Babysitting Episode 6 – First Friend", "parsed": [ "The Yakuza's Guide to Babysitting", "6", "First Friend" ] }
Masaya: "Man, this sucks. All of you are weak pieces of shit." Masaya: "Talk about boring." Masaya: "This isn't nearly enough." Masaya: "I'm gonna go kill Kirishima Toru!" Kakihara: "There you go again with Kirishima Toru. You sure are obsessed with the guy." Kakihara: "But honestly, I wouldn't bother. I'm pretty sure Kirishima doesn't have time for you right now." Masaya: "What's that supposed to mean?!" Shinjo: "Hey, Masaya!" Kakihara: "Kirishima's currently busy taking care of a cute little girl, so he's on break from being a demon." Masaya: "Huh? Taking care of... a little girl?" Masaya: "There's no way that's true!" Kakihara: "Kirishima changed while you were in the slammer." Kakihara: "Which is why you should learn from him and calm down..." Masaya: "Shut up!" Shinjo: "What?" Kakihara: "Oh, dear..." Masaya: "Kirishima's changed? The Kirishima? For real?" Masaya: "I'll be the one to decide that when I see it with my own eyes." Masaya: "Because my only reason for living was to crush that guy." Masaya: "Man, I just can't wait to kill you, Kirishima Toru!" Masaya: "Damn it! Taking care of a little girl?!" Masaya: "Don't give me that shit! The boss doesn't know what kind of guy Kirishima is." Masaya: "Thirteen years ago... I picked a fight with Kirishima, who I'd heard would murder anyone who got involved with him. And then, after one hit, I understood everything." Rei: "T-Toru-chan, wait! That's too much!" Kirishima: "Huh? Who gives a shit?" Kirishima: "No one would care if this weakling died." Masaya: "I picked a lot of random fights with dudes to test my strength, but he was on another level." Masaya: "Kirishima was the ultimate target to me." Masaya: "Ever since then, all I've thought about is crushing him. The Alpha and the Omega, Kirishima Toru." Kakihara: "...taking care of a cute little girl..." Masaya: "God damn it! I won't be satisfied until I see it for myself! Show yourself, Kirishima Toru!" Kirishima: "Dude, shut the hell up." Kirishima: "Who's screaming my name in the middle of the damn street?" Masaya: "Kirishi...ma?" Masaya: "You're shittin' me... right?" Kirishima: "Who the hell's this weirdo?" Shinjo: "Boss, are you sure we didn't need to stop Masaya?" Kakihara: "Hm... Yeah. I really don't want to start anything with Sakuragi." Kakihara: "Guess we should go fetch him soon." Kakihara: "But before that, let's have some coffee." Shinjo: "He exists in his own time zone." Kakihara: "But man, Sakuragi sure is lucky to have such a cute daughter." Shinjo: "Sure..." Kakihara: "At our last meeting, I asked him if I could borrow his daughter just for a day, and..." Sakuragi: "What?" Sakuragi: "Think before you speak. Or do you want your whole family to be crushed?" Kakihara: "I almost destroyed our alliance by accident. Man, he sure is a doting parent." Shinjo: "Seriously, that isn't funny. Please don't randomly self-destruct when I'm not around." Yaeka: "Kirishima, is he your friend?" Kirishima: "I'm not sure. I don't actually know who he is." Yaeka: "He was shouting your name, though." Kirishima: "Ah... Well, I know a lot of guys in suits. I can't remember all of them." Yaeka: "I guess you do mix up Rabi-kun and Mi-chan all the time." Kirishima: "They're really hard to tell apart." Masaya: "Hey, Kirishima! You can't be serious! The hell are you doing?!" Kirishima: "Huh? What am I doing? Buying colored pencils with the little lady at the stationery shop." Masaya: "That's not what I'm talkin' about! The hell are you babysittin' little kids for?! The guy I know wouldn't do that crap!" Kirishima: "Is that so? Well, sorry, but I don't remember who you—" Masaya: "Shut up! It doesn't matter because I remember you!" Kirishima: "Uh, how does that even work?" Kirishima: "God, this is a pain. I'm terribly sorry, little lady. Could you go wait in the stationery shop for a bit—" Rei: "Oh, Yaeka-chan! Hi there! Are you on your way home from school?" Yaeka: "Rei-chan." Rei: "Aw, Toru-chan's being a good boy, actually coming to pick you up." Kirishima: "Actually, you'll do. Watch the little lady for a bit, all right?" Rei: "Huh?" Kirishima: "I'm gonna shoo this guy off." Rei: "Huh? Masaya?! Omigosh, it's been so long!" Masaya: "Get the hell off me!" Yaeka: "Is he Rei-chan's friend?" Kirishima: "I guess so." Rei: "What do you mean, Toru-chan? It's Masaya, remember? Masaya! I mentioned him the other day! The battle nut who'd always pick fights with you!" Masaya: "How are you so strong—" Rei: "See? Look at this scar?" Kirishima: "Middle school? Scar on his face?" Masaya: "I'll kill you... I'll kill you, you hear me?!" Masaya: "I don't care where you go, I'll be there to kill you! Just you wait, Kirishima!" Kirishima: "Oh, right. I guess there was some dude like that." Rei: "You really don't remember people, do you? But isn't it cool that you happened to bump into each other thirteen years later?" Yaeka: "Thirteen years..." Kirishima: "Definitely nothing to be happy about." Rei: "Oh, Toru-chan! You're so shy! We were the squad." Kirishima: "Wait. I broke open this dude's skull, right?" Masaya: "Piss off!" Masaya: "I was never friends with you two!" Rei: "What are you talking about? We were the school outcasts, so we became friends!" Masaya: "We were just some weirdos that got together!" Rei: "Yeah, but Masaya, I didn't think you'd end up a yakuza, too." Masaya: "That's none of your business! More importantly... What's really messed up is this dude hiding his true nature to babysit some kid!" Masaya: "I've been searching this whole time... for the guy they've been calling a demon for so long." Kakihara: "Hey, kid. This Kirishima you're looking for..." Kakihara: "He's the new kid that joined Sakuragi's family recently, isn't he? They call him... Kirishima the Yakuza Crusher. He's pretty famous for crushing yakuza families left and right." Kakihara: "We haven't had the pleasure of running into him yet... But if you become a yakuza, too, you might just bump into him." Masaya: "I joined 'cause I thought I'd get to meet a crazier version of you than the one I knew from middle school! And yet, you—" Kirishima: "Hey." Kirishima: "Shut your mouth. I don't give a rat's ass how you live your life, but if you're gonna be a thorn in my side, how about I end you right here and now?" Yaeka: "Kirishima?" Kirishima: "Little lady." Kirishima: "I'm sorry, little lady! I was just a little hangry." Yaeka: "Really?" Masaya: "What the hell are you talking about?!" Kakihara: "Hey, Masaya!" Kakihara: "Masaya, we're gonna go get some grub." Masaya: "Boss?! Why are you here?! I finally found Kirishima, and now I'm gonna—" Shinjo: "The boss said we're eating, so we're eating." Masaya: "Let go of me!" Shinjo: "Yeah, yeah, we're done for today. See ya later, Kirishima." Masaya: "Let go of me, damn it!" Kakihara: "Sorry if our Masaya interrupted anything." Kirishima: "Right..." Masaya: "God damn it!" Rei: "That was over as quickly as it started." Rei: "Honestly, Masaya hasn't changed at all. I'm on edge just watching him." Yaeka: "Kirishima? You're hungry, right? Let's go home." Kirishima: "Sure." Mashiro: "Hello, President?" Mashiro: "As I said, Kirishima-kun won't be heading that way." Mashiro: "Yes." Mashiro: "Don't worry. It'll all work out." Mashiro: "You've got me, after all." Sugihara: "Okay, time for another fun day at work." Sugihara: "Kirishima-san." Sugihara: "I just got to Kono's office." Kirishima: "I see. Just do it like we discussed yesterday." Sugihara: "Right." Yaeka: "Kirishima, don't move." Yaeka: "If you move, I can't draw you right." Kirishima: "My apologies. I'm just not used to being an art model." Sugihara: "No fair. Sounds like you're having fun." Kirishima: "You're the one who gets to play with President Kono, though." Sugihara: "What?" Kirishima: "Just let me know how it goes." Sugihara: "You got it." Kono: "I couldn't ask for anything better than Sakuragi-san being on our side." Sugihara: "We're also ecstatic to finally have a connection with you, President Kono." Kono: "By the way, there's something I'd like to discuss with you." Sugihara: "Yes?" Kono: "Is there any way we can make some changes to this agreement?" Sugihara: "Changes, you say?" Kono: "The other day, I talked to Kirishima-san..." Kono: "But I've heard some terrifying rumors about him." Kono: "I wasn't thinking straight, and I ended up writing a higher price than I had planned." Sugihara: "Ah, in the heat of the moment, huh? Kirishima-san's face is pretty scary, so I don't blame you for thinking he was threatening you." Kono: "Oh, it's not like that." Kono: "I just let myself get spooked even though I barely know him." Kono: "This is very important to me, so I wanted to think it over. I will be in your care from now on, after all." Sugihara: "Yes, of course. I'll wait as long as you need me to." Kono: "Thank you very much." Sugihara: "I knew it. He's just some lackey." Kono: "Here's the new agreement I'd like to propose." Sugihara: "I see..." Sugihara: "Looks okay to me." Kono: "Looks like this will go smoothly, just like he said." Kono: "Really? Thank you very much." Kono: "I'm glad you're so understanding, Sugihara-san." Sugihara: "Oh, I'm honored." Sugihara: "I feel so at ease since this is a fake agreement." Kono: "Huh?" Sugihara: "Huh?" Kono: "What did you just say?" Sugihara: "Oh, right. I said I feel so at ease because this is a fake agreement." Kono: "F-Fake? What are you... What are you implying, Sugihara-san?" Sugihara: "Scams involving civilians, forcefully buying up land... Your next target was real estate, wasn't it? Mister President, you sure have been involved in some dirty business on our turf." Sugihara: "There's no way we'd ever side with someone who's wrecking our territory." Kono: "Don't give me that shit! I told you! I made a deal with Kirishima!" Sugihara: "You still don't get it, President Kono? That agreement itself was fake. Man... It sure took some time to gather enough evidence, since your evil deeds were always so intricate." Kono: "Piss off! Don't think you're gonna get away with this! Stop acting like you're Kirishima—" Sugihara: "Shut the hell up. You don't have the right to decline." Sugihara: "I came here today to squash your little operation. You should be grateful that you get to deal with me and not Kirishima-san. Unlike Kirishima-san, I'm nice, so if you apologize now, I'll forgive you." Kono: "You little shit! Who do you think you are?!" Kono: "You're nothing but Kirishima's shadow!" Sugihara: "I see. Well, don't say I didn't try to resolve this peacefully." Sugihara: "Don't worry. This won't be as bad as what Kirishima-san would do." Kono: "Please, don't—" Sugihara: "Man, that pissed me off." Sugihara: "Don't compare me to Kirishima-san the Demon." Kono: "You're nothing but Kirishima's shadow!" Thief A: "What? This teacup costs 150,000 yen?" Thief A: "Kei-chan, where'd you get this?" Sugihara: "From an antique shop this old lady runs on her own. She's got no security cameras, so it's a free-for-all." Thief A: "Way to go, Kei-chan! You're a top-tier shoplifter!" Sugihara: "Aw, c'mon. No need to flatter me." Sugihara And Thief A: "Yeah." Sugihara: "Aw, Granny's awake today." Old Woman: "Welcome." Old Woman: "Feel free to look around." Sugihara: "Well, whatever. I'll just take some stuff that's not in her line of sight." Kirishima: "Heya, kid." Kirishima: "You into antiques?" Sugihara: "Huh?" Kirishima: "It's pretty rare for a kid like you to come into a shop like this." Sugihara: "Oh, uh... Y-Yeah, I guess you're right. I kinda picked up the interest from my dad..." Kirishima: "Huh... I see. So you come here often, then?" Sugihara: "Er... Yes. What's this dude's problem? He's all up in my face. Maybe I'll give up for now and come back another day..." Kirishima: "So, I heard this shop has a problem with..." Kirishima: "shoplifting." Sugihara: "Huh?" Kono: "I'm here 'cause the boss asked me to pick somethin' up for him." Sugihara: ""Boss"? Is he with the yakuza?" Kirishima: "But apparently, it's gone now, even though the owner doesn't remember selling it. You know anything about that? It's a teacup worth 150,000 yen." Sugihara: "Seriously?" Sugihara: "N-No idea... sir. It probably got sold. The lotus design on it was super pretty." Kirishima: "Oh, really? How'd you know there was a lotus design on it?" Sugihara: "Shit, I messed up." Sugihara: "It was just a game for me, at first." Sugihara'S Mother: "Why can't you even manage that?" Man: "Enough already!" Sugihara: "No matter what I did, the adults never acknowledged me." Sugihara: "The only thing anyone complimented me on was my shoplifting skill." Sugihara: "My "game" ended up my whole way of life, and my parents disowned me." Sugihara: "This is hell..." Kirishima: "I'll let you pour some tea into that teacup before I finish you off." Sugihara: "I wish I could've been complimented on something normal, even once." Kirishima: "Y'know, you're pretty good at making tea." Sugihara: "Huh?" Kirishima: "Might just be the pricey teacup and the splash of despair that's mixed in." Kirishima: "Nah, I mean it. It's good." Sugihara: "H-He complimented me!" Sugihara: "I'm fine with just making tea! Please! Let me work for you!" Kirishima: "Huh? I don't need anyone working for me." Sugihara: "Something so insignificant to society managed to be what changed my whole world." Sugihara: "I'm just Kirishima-san's shadow? Say whatever you want. I decided that I was going to follow him forever." Mashiro: "Hey there, President. That was a pretty long nap." Kono: "Mashiro-san!" Kono: "Where were you?! I only agreed because you said you'd back me up!" Kono: "What's going on?" Mashiro: "I guess Sugihara-kun's pretty strong. Before he joined that family, he was the leader of some thieves, and he never lost a fight. Meaning he's skilled enough to work under Kirishima-kun. Seriously, I got some great intel today thanks to you." Kono: "W-Wait... You were just using me?" Mashiro: "Sure was. Do you have a problem with that?" Kono: "Wha—" Mashiro: "Oh, but if the boss finds out I'm doing this, I'll get in trouble, so this will be goodbye for us. Hmm, I wonder... If I push you from here, do you think it'll be high enough to give you amnesia?" Mashiro: "Actually, you might just croak." Kono: "Wh-What are you..." Mashiro: "Wanna try it out?" Kirishima: "Hey, Sugihara." Kirishima: "Tea." Sugihara: "Yes, sir!" Sugihara: "Here you go." Sugihara: "Kirishima-san, am I good at making tea?" Kirishima: "It'd taste the same no matter who made it."
{ "raw_title": "The Yakuza's Guide to Babysitting Episode 7 – The Ultimate Target", "parsed": [ "The Yakuza's Guide to Babysitting", "7", "The Ultimate Target" ] }
Kirishima: "Sara-chan's enrolling in the same school as the little lady, starting today?" Leon: "Yes! Sara was very excited to see Yaeka at school." Sugihara: "Wow, if Sara-chan's there, I bet the little lady will be thrilled, too." Kirishima: "Yeah, I bet." Leon: "Sara was determined to make a lot of friends." Kirishima: "Well, I'm sure that'll be easy, given Sara-chan's personality." Sara: "I'm Sara! I'm gonna be friends with everyone!" end 1: "Wow!" end 2: "Your hair's so pretty!" Sara: "Yaeka! I made friends! Look!" end 1: "Huh?" end 2: "Yaeka-chan?" Sara: "Come play outside with us, Yaeka!" Yaeka: "Um, maybe not today..." Sara: "Then let's play next time! Come on! Let's go outside!" ends 1 And 2: "Yeah!" Yaeka: "Sara's amazing..." Koki: "Holy crap! This house is huge!" Aoi: "Okay." Sugihara: "Thanks for waiting. This way, please." Koki: "Thanks for letting me come over!" Kanami: "It's been a while. I see you've brought Koki-kun with you. Welcome in." Koki: "Hi!" Aoi: "He wants to tag along with me everywhere lately." Aoi: "I've come to see your father today, little lady." Yaeka: "Yeah." Koki: "Let's play, Yaeka-chan!" Kanami: "I'll look after the kids. Enjoy your stay." Aoi: "Sure, thanks." Kirishima: "You seem pretty nervous." Aoi: "Huh?" Kirishima: "You got here twenty minutes early to your meeting because you needed to sort out your feelings before coming through the gates again, right?" Aoi: "You sure like digging deep into people's emotions." Kirishima: "You're just easy to read, Aoi-san." Aoi: "What?!" Kirishima: "It'll be fine. You've got nothing to worry about." Aoi: "Toru..." Kirishima: "Come in. The boss is waiting for you." Aoi: "Please excuse me, boss." Aoi: "Um, I..." Sakuragi: "You dumbass." Sakuragi: "Stop looking so pathetic. That's not like you at all." Sakuragi: "It's been a while, Aoi." Aoi: "Yes, it has, boss!" Sakuragi: "What the hell? Are you crying?" Aoi: "N-No, I'm not!" Sugihara: "So that's Aoi-san. What brings him here today?" Kirishima: "I told you I ran into him at the hospital a while back, right?" Sugihara: "You did mention that, yes." Kirishima: "Then I guess the little lady told the boss..." Yaeka: "He said he'd come by soon with a gift." Sakuragi: "I see. You did a great job telling me. Thank you." Yaeka: "Yup." Kirishima: "Then I contacted him, but it's been a little while." Sugihara: "Huh? Is Aoi-san gonna be okay?" Kirishima: "Well, they're in friendly mode now." Sugihara: "That's good, then." Aoi: "I think you've heard this from Toru..." Aoi: "But I'm sorry it took me a while to come visit." Aoi: "I never thought I'd be living a life like this." Sakuragi: "You haven't gotten used to the change yet?" Aoi: "That might be it." Kirishima: "Please excuse me." Sakuragi: "Just leave it there." Kirishima: "Yes, sir." Aoi: "Toru... seems to have changed." Sakuragi: "Yeah." Aoi: "Has he chilled out at all?" Sakuragi: "I hope so." Sakuragi: "Well, I guess he's a bit calmer than he was before." Kanami: "Jeez, Onee-chan! I told you I'd take care of all the chores! Let me handle it." Miyuki: "Oh, come on. You worry too much!" Kanami: "Just stay still!" Miyuki: "Aw, she kicked me out." Aoi: "Good morning, Missus." Miyuki: "Oh, Aoi-kun." Aoi: "Why are you standing out here?" Miyuki: "I was trying to make breakfast, but Kanami got mad at me." Aoi: "Well, you never stop moving." Aoi: "But I can't blame her for worrying, seeing your belly like that." Miyuki: "I get antsy when I'm not doing anything, though. By the way, you're awfully early today." Aoi: "Yeah, well... Toru caused about as much trouble as a dude can cause, and now we haven't seen him in three days." Miyuki: "Oh, dear. That's not good." Miyuki: "Well, he'll probably come home if we leave out some food for him." Aoi: "He's not a stray cat..." Sakuragi: "What are you doing?" Miyuki: "Aw, you caught me. I know you're all worried and asking me to take it easy, but I'm bored out of my mind with nothing to do." Miyuki: "What are you looking at?" Sakuragi: "Some bowls I collected a long time ago." Miyuki: "Oh, it's lovely. I wouldn't have expected you to pick such cute designs." Sakuragi: "I figured our child could use it once she's able to eat solid food." Sakuragi: "Though that's still in the future." Miyuki: "I'm sure she'll love it, because you picked it out for her." Sakuragi: "I hope so." Sakuragi: "What?" Miyuki: "I was just thinking about whether our child will take after me or you. I'm sure she'll be a chatterbox if she takes after me. And if she takes after you..." Miyuki: "She'll grow up strong and kind." Sakuragi: "That's if she takes after you." Miyuki: "What? It'd be you, though." Aoi: "What happened?!" Kirishima: "Sorry... I didn't mean to startle you." Aoi: "Where the hell have you been this whole time, you dumbass?!" Kirishima: "Well, y'know..." Kirishima: "I got hungry, so I came back." Aoi: "I guess he actually is a stray cat. I'm gonna kill you first!" Sakuragi: "They're so loud..." Kirishima: "Why, though? Ow. No violence allowed!" Miyuki: "Oh, it's fine. It livens things up." Aoi: "Shut up! Hey!" Miyuki: "I love all of them. They all gathered here because they respect you. They're family." Sakuragi: "I guess things will be even more lively after she's born." Miyuki: "I'll bet!" Aoi: "You hear me? Huh?!" Kirishima: "That hurts! Seriously!" Kanami: "When you're all done, come on by. There's food." Kirishima: "I was hoping I could eat now." Aoi: "Not before I get a lecture in!" Kirishima: "Ow!" Miyuki: "We'll become an even lovelier family. Oh." Miyuki: "She just kicked." Aoi: "The little lady's gotten so big. I was shocked when I saw her the other day. But I guess that's only obvious, considering how big Koki's gotten." Sakuragi: "Your son's a year younger than Yaeka?" Aoi: "Yes. Dunno who he took after, but he's a troublemaker." Sakuragi: "Glad to hear he took after you." Aoi: "Right..." Aoi: "Um, when I saw Kanami-chan at the hospital, we talked a little bit." Aoi: "I heard that the missus's condition hasn't changed." Sakuragi: "Yeah." Aoi: "I see..." Sakuragi: "How's your wife doing?" Sakuragi: "She's still not any better?" Aoi: "Oh, no! Thankfully, Sanae is doing great! When I told her I was visiting the family today," Sanae: "Do you have a gift? Make sure you say hi for me." Aoi: "she fussed about things like gifts and such. Okay, fine." Koki: "You told us already!" Sakuragi: "I see." Aoi: "Boss, I've wanted to thank you all this time." Kanami: "When you're all done, come on by. There's food." Kirishima: "I was hoping I could eat now." Aoi: "Not before I get a lecture in!" Kirishima: "Ow!" Miyuki: "Oh, she just kicked." Miyuki: "I can't wait to meet her." Sakuragi: "Yeah." Aoi: "I always admired "real families." I didn't just want to be brought into someone's family circle, but to start one with someone dear to me." Sanae: "Aoi-kun, look. We're gonna have a baby!" Aoi: "I wanted to start a family." Aoi: "And then, that idiot Toru..." Aoi: "What?" Sara: "You sound like you're this Toru-kun's older brother." Aoi: "Older brother?" Sanae: "Sakuragi-san is like the dad, and Miyuki-san is like the mom." Sanae: "And this Toru-kun I keep hearing about lately is your little brother." Sanae: "Whenever you talk about them, you all sound like a family." Sanae: "You must really love everyone in the Sakuragi Family." Aoi: "Sanae, um... Thanks." Sanae: "Hm?" Aoi: "For accepting the family... and me. I don't know any of my blood relatives, so as you said, the Sakuragi Family is the closest thing I've got. But for you to start a family with me when I belong to them must mean that I'm going to end up causing trouble for you and your family." Aoi: "So..." Sanae: "It's because you care so much about family, no matter what form it takes, that I want to spend the rest of my life with you. So please, don't look so apologetic. Just tell me more about your precious family." Aoi: "Thanks..." Aoi: "I think... I finally have the family I always wanted." Sanae: "Huh? I wonder if something happened..." Aoi: "Toru! I told you not to overdo it! I still need to ask them questions." Kirishima: "Don't worry. This isn't enough to kill him." Aoi: "You seriously suck at holding back." Kirishima: "Huh? Do I?" Aoi: "Everything that was precious to me until now... Everything that's going to be precious to me from now on... I'll always be able to protect both without having to change." Aoi: "Come on. Carry him to the office and..." Aoi: "Toru!" Aoi: "I thought there was nothing that could make me happier." Aoi: "Sanae!" Sanae: "Aoi-kun!" Sanae: "Are you... hurt?" Aoi: "No, this isn't a big deal." Aoi: "Sorry I'm late." Sanae: "No, let me see! We need to get you to a doctor quick—" Sanae: "You're bleeding... so much..." Aoi: "Sanae? Hey, hang in there! Sanae!" Aoi: "Hey! Are you okay? Hey! After that day, Sanae started to hyperventilate whenever any little thing worried her, which made her sick quite often." Sanae: "Aoi-kun... Don't go..." Aoi: "I see. Sanae, all this time... To preserve the happiness I wanted so badly," Aoi: "you've been hiding your own fears all this time..." Aoi: "I'm such an idiot." Sakuragi: "Aoi... If you have something other than this family to protect, then you can take us out of the equation." Aoi: "Huh?" Sakuragi: "There are other people who can protect us." Sakuragi: "But you're the only one who can protect your other family." Sakuragi: "There's only one thing you should be risking your life to protect." Aoi: "Boss, I..." Sakuragi: "It's all right. You have no doubts about your decision, correct?" Aoi: "Yes, sir." Sanae: "Aoi-kun, you're back early today." Sanae: "Aoi-kun?" Aoi: "I left the family." Sanae: "Huh?" Aoi: "They're an important place for me, and they're my precious family..." Aoi: "They were where I felt like I belonged." Aoi: "But for me... My real family is you, and the child in your belly." Sanae: "But the Sakuragi Family is your precious..." Aoi: "I should've noticed earlier. But I took advantage of your kindness and got greedy." Aoi: "I only need one thing that makes me so happy in life." Sanae: "Aoi-kun... I'm sorry." Sanae: "Thank you..." Aoi: "Those words woke me up. The place I was really supposed to protect was my family. After I left the Sakuragi Family, Sanae's health improved, and I was blessed with two children. I can proudly say that I'm happy now." Aoi: "Boss, from the bottom of my heart..." Aoi: "I truly thank you." Kirishima: "What a huge change." Kirishima: "Their expressions look so much better now." Koki: "Yaeka-chan, you're really good." Yaeka: "Really?" Aoi: "This is sorta weird. I can't believe I get to see Koki and the little lady playing together." Kirishima: "Yeah." Aoi: "I'm really glad I came today. I owe the little lady for giving me this chance back at the hospital." Kirishima: "Yeah." Aoi: "Though I will say, it's pretty shocking that you're the one looking after the little lady." Kirishima: "Uh-huh..." Aoi: "I mean, you used to refuse to come home all the time, and when you did, you'd be all torn up." Aoi: "You probably didn't even know the little lady existed then, did you?" Miyuki: "Aw, Toru-kun." Miyuki: "You were playing with Yaeka?" Kirishima: "Um... Sure." Miyuki: "Yaeka's sleeping all funny again." Kirihima: "Um, could you help me out here?" Miyuki: "Are you tired?" Kirishima: "Yes. Um, but.. This might not be so bad every once in a while." Miyuki: "Just one sec. I'll be right back." Kirishima: "Uh, sure." Aoi: "You never even played with the little lady before, and now look at you." Kirishima: "Yeah." Aoi: "Also, Toru... Ever since I left the family, I—" Koki: "Dad! Look at this awesome drawing I did!" Aoi: "What the heck is this? Listen, I'm in the middle of an important conversation—" Yaeka: "Hey." Kirishima: "Oh, did you draw something too, little lady? Can I see?" Yaeka: "It's Ohagi sitting." Kirishima: "Wow, that's really good." Yaeka: "You can have it, Kirishima." Kirishima: "Are you sure? Then for the next one, could you draw Ohagi's face a little bigger?" Yaeka: "Okay." Koki: "I'll draw that, too!" Aoi: "When I left the family, I felt like I had let you, the guy everyone called a demon, loose. That was the one thing that always nagged at me. But..." Aoi: "Toru! Where are you?! You better not have left again—" Miyuki: "Shh!" Aoi: "That little—" Sakuragi: "Let them sleep." Sakuragi: "Miyuki, get them a futon." Miyuki: "Sure." Miyuki: "They look like a real family." Aoi: "I guess I didn't need to worry so much after all." Koki: "Dad, aren't we gonna eat those cakes? Come on!" Aoi: "Oh, right. I forgot I brought a gift." Kirishima: "Huh? Did you always eat sweets, Aoi-san?" Aoi: "No, I don't like them, but Sanae does. I always buy her some after I get into a figh—" Aoi: "Forget I ever said anything." Koki: "Make-up cake!" Yaeka: "Make-up cake?" Kirishima: "Make-up cake?" Aoi: "Stop repeating that!" Koki: "He and Mom always eat cake together." Kirishima: "Together, huh? Oh, really? You sure are blessed, Aoi-san." Aoi: "My head hurts..." Aoi: "My head hurts..." Sanae: "Well, you cried a lot. Your eyes are all red." Aoi: "You, too." Sanae: "But knowing we can cry together made me really happy." Aoi: "Yeah. Let's continue our lives together." Aoi: "Oh, yeah." Sanae: "What's this?" Aoi: "I figured we could eat them together." Sanae: "What? But you don't like sweets." Aoi: "It's fine. I want some right now." Sanae: "I feel like I'm being tricked." Aoi: "I'm not tricking you." Sanae: "Oh, it moved!" Aoi: "Really?" Koki: "Bye-bye! Let's go on another date sometime!" Aoi: "Shut up!" Kirishima: "I'm happy for you, little lady. You've got more friends now." Yaeka: "Friends?" Girls: "One, two, three, four... Five, six, seven... Eight, nine, ten..." Yaeka: "Are you okay?" Kaede: "Thanks... Oh! It broke..." Yaeka: "Oh, one sec." Kaede: "Huh? You're giving this to me?" Yaeka: "I use blue a lot, so I have an extra one." Kaede: "Thanks." Yaeka: "Yeah." Kaede: "U-Um..." Yaeka: "Hm?" Kaede: "Do you wanna draw... together?" Yaeka: "Huh?" Kaede: "I ran away yesterday 'cause I was too embarrassed, but I always watch you draw, and I wanted to talk to you." Kaede: "I wanted a friend I could draw with." Yaeka: "M-Me, too. I want to be friends with you, and draw with you, too, Kaede-chan!" Kaede: "That means... That means we're friends starting today." Yaeka: "Yeah!" Sara: "Oh, so cute!" Sara: "What should we play today?" Yaeka: "Hmm..." Kaede: "C-Can I play with you, too?" Yaeka: "Yeah." Sara: "Of course! Welcome, welcome!" Kaede: "Thanks." Sara: "You're good at drawing, Kaede!" Yaeka: "Lot of encounters and lots of happiness..." Yaeka: "I'm really happy now, too."
{ "raw_title": "The Yakuza's Guide to Babysitting Episode 8 – It's Been a While", "parsed": [ "The Yakuza's Guide to Babysitting", "8", "It's Been a While" ] }
Yaeka: "Antsy, antsy..." Yaeka: "Antsy, antsy... Antsy, antsy... Antsy, antsy... Antsy, antsy... Antsy, antsy..." Kirishima: "Huh?" Yaeka: "Antsy, antsy..." Kirishima: "Hmm... The little lady seems antsy..." Kanami: "Yae-chan's acting strange?" Kirishima: "Yes. She's seemed pretty restless the past few days." Kanami: "I haven't really noticed anything." Kirishima: "It's like she's expecting something." Kirishima: "Oh, also, she seems to be really curious about my schedule today." Yaeka: "Are you working outside today? You'll be home tonight, right?" Kanami: "What? That's so cute." Kanami: "Yae-chan wants to know all about you. She's clearly warming up to you. That's great." Kirishima: "Uh-huh... Is that how this works?" Kanami: "Yeah. I wouldn't worry about it too much." Sugihara: "Impressive as always, Kirishima-san. He noticed the slightest change in the little lady." Takeuchi: "What are we going to do, Sugihara-san? At this rate, it's just a matter of time until Kirishima-san finds out about the plan." Sugihara: "You dumbass! Our job is to protect this plan from Kirishima-san's inhuman intuition!" Takeuchi: "Hey, not so loud, Sugihara-san! We're supposed to be hiding!" Kirishima: "Protect what from whom?" Sugihara: "Yikes! Gulp!" Kirishima: "What the hell are you guys whispering about?" Sugihara: "All right! Good! Great job, Kanehira! Run away!" Kanami: "What happened? I heard a loud noise..." Kirishima: "No idea, but they're definitely mocking me." Kanami: "Huh? What do you mean?" Kirishima: "Don't worry. I'll sort this out myself." Yaeka: "Okay." Kirishima: "Did something good happen, little lady?" Yaeka: "Wh-Why do you ask?" Kirishima: "You seem really antsy today." Sugihara: "Kirishima-san! You need to come with me, now! We were watching a horror movie, and it was so scary that Kanehira lost the ability to talk! Oh, God, this is awful! What should we do?! Huh?" Sugihara: "Uh, he doesn't really talk to begin with. Just come quick, okay?!" Kirishima: "The hell? You're so annoying." Kirishima: "So... you can't talk now, Kanehira?" Kirishima: "Right. So the same as usual." Sugihara: "No, really. It was even worse earlier. Right, Takeuchi?" Takeuchi: "Right..." Kirishima: "You guys are hiding something, aren't you?" Sugihara: "N-Not at all! We just thought it'd be nice to bond over a movie every once in a while!" Kirishima: "Hey, Kanehira." Kirshima: "In as few words as possible, tell me what's good about this movie." Kirishima: "You guys want to bond, right?" Kirishima: "Then we should bond, too. Yeah?" Kirishima: "I mean, you could just talk about what you're hiding instead of the movie." Sugihara: "Um, so the best part about this movie is..." Kirishima: "I didn't ask you!" Sugihara: "Right..." Kirishima: "This is stupid." Sugihara: "Where are you going?!" Kirishima: "What does it matter?" Kirishima: "Where are you going?" Sugihara: "Honestly, anywhere other than the reception room..." Kirishima: "I guess I'll head to the reception room, then." Sugihara: "No! You can't!" Kirishima: "What do you mean, I can't?" Sugihara: "Right, you absolutely can. Crap... I don't think we're gonna be able to buy any more time." Sugihara: "I'll open it! I'll open it for you!" Kirishima: "Little lady? What in the world is going—" Kirishima: "Boss?" Sakuragi: "I thought I heard some yelling." Sakuragi: "Come with me." Kirishima: "Y-Yes, sir..." Sakuragi: "Explain." Kirishima: "The little lady's been restless the past few days. I mentioned it to Kanami-san," Kirishima: "but she told me not to worry about it." Sakuragi: "I see." Kirishima: "And then Sugihara and the others started getting really antsy. I got annoyed at them for trying to keep me away from the little lady." Sakuragi: "And that's why you were trying to get answers from Kanehira?" Kirishima: "Right. To be honest, I do feel a bit bad for being so harsh with Kanehira over something so silly." Sakuragi: "Right. Kirishima," Sakuragi: "I put you in charge of taking care of Yaeka. If they messed up, it'd be one thing, but getting emotional and taking out your anger on your subordinates is unacceptable." Sakuragi: "Especially if you're going to do that in front of Yaeka." Kirishima: "Right. I did get too heated." Kirishima: "I'm sorry." Kirishima: "Well, I'm gonna head back." Sakuragi: "H-Hold on!" Kirishima: "S-Sir?" Sakuragi: "I'm not done talking." Kirishima: "Sure, what is it?" Sakuragi: "You see..." Kirishima: "Yes?" Sakuragi: "There's something I've been meaning to say to you for a while now..." Kirishima: "And that is?" Sakuragi: "You don't know?" Kirishima: "No..." Sakuragi: "So... there's this late-night TV show..." Kirishima: "Sir?" Sakuragi: "It's an anime about a yakuza member becoming the babysitter of the boss's only daughter..." Kirishima: "Anime, you say?" Sakuragi: "You've never seen anime?" Kirishima: "No, I can't say I know much about it." Sakuragi: "You should watch some." Kirishima: "Er, you can tell me all about that another time, sir." Kirishima: "If you'll excuse me..." Kirishima: "Huh?" Sakuragi: "Kirishima." Kirishima: "Yes?" Sakuragi: "Stay put!" Kiroshimas: "Huh?" Sugihara: "Now, little lady!" Yaeka: "Happy birthday!" Sugihara: "Happy birthday!" Kirishima: "Huh?" Yaeka: "Come on!" Kirishima: "This is..." Kanami: "Your birthday party, Toru-kun." Kanami: "Yae-chan planned all of this for you!" Sugihara: "You always notice immediately if something's off, so it wasn't easy." Sakuragi: "And yet, you're so oblivious about yourself." Yaeka: "Kirishima, you celebrated my birthday," Yaeka: "so I wanted to celebrate yours, too." Kirishima: "Birthday..." Kirishima: "Oh, right. It's my..." Kirishima'S Mother: "Happy birthday." Yaeka: "Kirishima, what's wrong?" Kirishima: "Nothing... I..." Kirishima: "I'm very happy. Truly." Yaeka: "Kirishima, happy birthday!" All: "Cheers!" Sugihara: "Man, we just barely avoided pissing Kirishima-san off." Takeuchi: "Yeah, he freaked me out. I was about to spill all the beans." Kanami: "It's been a long time since you were all here, so I went all-out!" Kanami: "Of course, this is to celebrate Toru-kun's birthday, too." Kirishima: "Thank you." Kanami: "I have some sake for you. Would you like some?" Sakuragi: "Yeah, thanks." Kanami: "You want your usual, Toru-kun?" Kirishima: "Yes." Yaeka: "Usual?" Kanami: "Toru-kun used to come by with Aoi-kun, and he's always ordered the same thing." Kanami: "Here you go. Agedashi tofu." Yaeka: "Agedashi tofu?" Kanami: "Toru-kun would always forget what it was called, so he'd just ask for his usual." Kirishima: "Right." Yaeka: "Is it yummy?" Kirishima: "You can have one of mine, little lady." Yaeka: "Okay." Kirishima: "Be careful. It's hot." Kanami: "Oh? Do you like it, too, Yae-chan?" Yaeka: "Yeah, it's really good." Kanami: "Great." Kanami: "I know. I'll show you something that should bring back memories for you." Kanami: "Do you remember this?" Yaeka: "Meme-chan!" Kirishima: "Meme-chan? Another new character?" Yaeka: "Daddy gave it to me." Kanami: "I told him you saw it at a toy store and wanted it, and he bought it the next day. Meme-chan the sheep." Kirishima: "Huh..." Kirshima: "He sure knows how to take initiative when it comes to his daughter." Sakuragi: "What is it, Kirishima?" Kirishima: "Er, nothing. Do you remember Meme-chan, sir?" Sakuragi: "What are you talking about? Remember? You're the one who went out and bought it." Kirishima: "Huh?" Past Kirishima: "Sorry, I sorta forgot what it's called as I wandered around the store," Past Kirishima: "but you wanted some sheep, right?" Sakuragi: "Did you forget that you brought home lamb meat and I smacked you on the head? I thought Aoi was going to die laughing." Yaeka: "Lamb meat..." Kanami: "What? Really?" Kirishima: "Oh, right. I remember having to go back out to buy the right thing." Sakuragi: "You never listened to what anyone was saying, even back then." Kirishima: "Man... my past self was so hopeless." Kanami: "Yae-chan was just so happy when she got Meme-chan. Whenever I was working, she'd talk to Meme-chan so seriously," Kanami: "as if it was her only friend." Kirishima: "Huh..." Sakuragi: "I guess it was actually useful." Kanami: "I'd always mark the days that you'd be coming over." Past Kanami: "Look. This is the day you get to see your daddy." Kanami: "Yae-chan would always get so excited when the circled days were getting closer." Kirishima: "Ah, I see. There were days when the boss was randomly in a super good mood. Looking back, those must've been the days he got to see the little lady." Past Kirishima: "He... seems to be in a good mood." Kirishima: "I see. That was the boss's way to show that he was super excited." Sakuragi: "Can it." Kanami: "Here. Let me pour some for you." Sakuragi: "Thanks." Sakuragi: "It's been a while since you last poured me a drink." Kanami: "It has. It really takes me back." Sakuragi: "What is it?" Kanami: "Do you remember when I poured your drink the first time you came here? I was so nervous over my sister bringing a guy over, and I kept pouring even when your cup was overflowing." Kirishima: "Wow, that happens to you, too, Kanami-san?" Sakuragi: "The first time I came to the shop..." Owner: "You're such a quick learner, Miyuki-chan." Miyuki: "Oh, no. You're just an excellent teacher, ma'am." Old Customer: "What a great gal." Manager: "She's still a student, but she lost her parents, so she's been coming here from the next town over to work." Customer: "Oh, my... really?" Customer: "That must be very hard." Miyuki: "I get to look at all these pretty flowers while I'm working. Working at a florist shop is amazing." Miyuki: "Okay, now I just need to move this... Upsy-daisy. Oh! I'm sorr—" Miyuki: "I'm so sorry! Is your face okay?" Sakuragi: "Yeah, I'm fine." Owner: "Oh, if it isn't Kazuhiko-kun!" Owner: "More flowers for arranging today?" Sakuragi: "Yes." Owner: "Let me introduce you two. This is Miyuki-chan, my new part-timer who started last week. Kazuhiko-kun is a regular at our shop. He used to be such a cute little boy, but he's grown up to be so handsome." Sakuragi: "Ma'am, we don't need to talk about me." Owner: "Oh, no need to be shy! I'll go wrap your flowers up. Just wait right there." Sakuragi: "Can I help you?" Miyuki: "No, it's just... You do flower arrangements?" Sakuragi: "I dabble in it." Miyuki: "That's lovely! My mother used to do it, and I tried learning, too, but I just wasn't very good at it. So I quit." Sakuragi: "Did you get any enjoyment from the flowers as you were arranging them?" Miyuki: "Yes, of course." Sakuragi: "In that case... It's not a matter of being good or bad at it." Sakuragi: "Even if you do it well, there's no point if you're not enjoying it." Owner: "Here you go. Your lisianthus flowers." Miyuki: "I see..." Sakuragi: "Thank you." Sakuragi: "See ya." Miyuki: "Thank you very much!" Owner: "Thank you." Miyuki: "He was very beautiful." Miyuki: "Please teach me!" Sakuragi: "The secret to flower arranging?" Miyuki: "I thought it'd be best to ask someone who deals with flowers every day." Sakuragi: "I'm just doing it as a hobby, not every day..." Miyuki: "But you understand how amazing flower arranging is!" Miyuki: "I want to know how you do it. Please!" Sakuragi: "If you don't mind my methods..." Miyuki: "Thank you! Do you have time tomorrow? I'd feel bad making you fit it into my work schedule. Above all, I want to talk with you as long as I can." Sakuragi: "That's fine with me." Miyuki: "It's settled, then!" Miyuki: "Here's my contact information." Miyuki: "I'll be looking forward to tomorrow." Sakuragi: "Right..." Owner: "Miyuki-chan, you're more forward than I thought." Miyuki: "Huh?" Owner: "Don't play dumb with me. I saw you ask Kazuhiko-kun out on a date." Miyuki: "Oh, that's not it at all. He's just going to teach me about flowers. Jeez." Owner: "No need to be embarrassed! I'll be rooting for you." Miyuki: "Rooting for me? A date?" Miyuki: "A date?!" Kanami: "What's the matter, Onee-chan?" Miyuki: "Thank you so much for making time for me today. I just invited you out of the blue yesterday..." Sakuragi: "It's fine. I was bored anyway." Miyuki: "I see. That's good to hear." Sakuragi: "Order whatever you'd like." Miyuki: "Oh, no! I'm the one who invited you, so I'll pay!" Sakuragi: "It's fine." Miyuki: "Don't worry. I actually have money from work..." Sakuragi: "Everyone knows the man pays in these situations." Miyuki: "Huh? I didn't know that." Sakuragi: "You didn't... Well, whatever." Employee: "Can I take your order?" Miyuki: "I'd like a caffè latte." Sakuragi: "One black coffee and one caffè latte." Sakuragi: "Also, will this strawberry parfait work for you?" Miyuki: "Huh? But..." Sakuragi: "You don't have to hold back." Miyuki: "Er, in that case... Thank you very much." Miyuki: "The way he talks is stern, but he's really nice." Miyuki: "Also, was I that obvious?" Employee: "Thank you for waiting." Miyuki: "Um, may I eat this?" Sakuragi: "Yes." Miyuki: "I'm so happy. The last time I got to eat a parfait at a café was when my parents were still alive. It's sweet, nostalgic... and very delicious." Sakuragi: "Still alive..." Miyuki: "But I feel bad eating this without my little sister..." Sakuragi: "You have a little sister?" Miyuki: "Yes! She's still in middle school, but she's much more responsible than I am." Sakuragi: "Does your sister like sweets?" Miyuki: "She does, yeah." Sakuragi: "This café sells baked goods for takeout, so why not take some home?" Sakuragi: "Then you might not feel so guilty." Miyuki: "Thank you very much!" Miyuki: "I'm so sorry... You even walked me home." Sakuragi: "I just felt like doing it. Don't worry about it." Miyuki: "Today was a lot of fun. I've never been on such a lovely date before..." Miyuki: "Oh, no! I'm sorry! I didn't mean that! The owner and Kanami kept calling it a date, so I just... I just wanted to learn about flowers... Wait... Huh? Oh, no! I meant to ask you about flowers today, but totally forgot and just had fun instead. I'm so sorry!" Sakuragi: "I had a feeling, but I guess you really did forget." Sakuragi: "Today was fun." Miyuki: "He smiled." Sakuragi: "I'm always in town, so let me know if you ever need anything." Sakuragi: "I'll talk to you about flowers anytime." Miyuki: "Can we... go to the café again sometime? The strawberry parfait was delicious," Miyuki: "and I wanted to talk to you more." Miyuki: "Oh, and if we could talk about flowers, too..." Sakuragi: "Sure. I'll take you anytime." Kanami: "Yum!" Kanami: "You should have some, Onee-chan, before they're all gone." Miyuki: "I already ate, so I'm fine." Kanami: "It's almost a waste to eat them. Today's a great day!" Miyuki: "It really is." Kanami: "Would you like some more?" Sakuragi: "Sure." Kanami: "You know... Seeing the three of you eating here together..." Kanami: "is making me a little emotional. You'd come here with my sister, Aoi-kun would drag Toru-kun here," Kanami: "and Yae-chan lived here. Ever since my sister's accident, we've all technically been together, but it somehow felt like we got torn apart, so I was lonely." Kirishima: "Kanami-san..." Kanami: "That's why I was really happy when Yae-chan went to see my sister in the hospital." Yaeka: "Huh?" Kanami: "When Yae-chan came to see my sister... It was coincidental, but then I got to see Aoi-kun, and it felt like our hearts were together again." Kanami: "And now you three are sitting here together and eating." Kanami: "That just makes me so happy." Kanami: "This is all thanks to you, Yae-chan." Yaeka: "Kanami-chan, the rolled omelets are really yummy today." Kanami: "I'm glad to hear it! But I didn't make them any differently than usual." Yaeka: "I used to eat your rolled omelets here all the time," Yaeka: "and those were really yummy. But Kirishima and Daddy are here today, so it tastes even better."
{ "raw_title": "The Yakuza's Guide to Babysitting Episode 9 – The Kirishima [ ] Plan", "parsed": [ "The Yakuza's Guide to Babysitting", "9", "The Kirishima [ ] Plan" ] }
Intro: "Step right up and have a look... It's time for Yamishibai." Ito: "Thanks for your help!" : "This is the story of a certain man who had just moved into a new apartment..." Matsunaga: "Sure you don't need help getting set up?" Ito: "Nah. I'll just take it nice and slow." Ito: "Did you just hear a weird voice?" Matsunaga: "Hey, maybe this place has "a troubled history."" Ito: "Dude, cut it out. Don't jinx it." Matsunaga: "Just kidding. I'll drop by to hang out soon, all right?" Ito: "Sure. See ya." Ito: "I know what I told him, but maybe I should've let him help." Ito: "I'll need to clear enough space to sleep, at least." Ito: "Okay, that oughta do it. I'll leave it at that for today." Ito: "A talisman?" Matsunaga: "Hey, maybe this place has "a troubled history."" Itou: "Did he put this here? Ugh, talk about creepy." Itou: "Oh, I should probably hang the curtains up before I sleep." Itou: "What's with her?" Itou: "I moved here to cut down on my commute. It'd be pretty dumb if I showed up late." Itou: "It's that woman again! What is her deal?" Itou: "I've still got stuff to unpack when I get home. Would you mind helping out, if you have time?" Matsunaga: "Can't. I promised to meet my girlfriend." Ito: "Come on, please! I'm begging you! There's this creepy lady in my neighborhood..." Matsunaga: "Sorry, man. Oh, I can make some time tomorrow, though. Okay? See ya." Matsunaga: "Huh... Did I forget to lock the door?" Matsunaga: "I really must have forgotten..." Matsunaga: "I was pretty out of it this morning, since I didn't get much sleep." Matsunaga: "A talisman?" Matsunaga: "Didn't I just..." Matsunaga: "So why..." Matsunaga: "Huh?" Matsunaga: "What the hell did that woman do after she barged in here?" Matsunaga: "Damn it... She got footprints everywhere!" Matsunaga: "Huh?" Matsunaga: "What is this?!" Matsunaga: "Damn it, what is this?! What the hell does she have against me?!" Matsunaga: "There, how do you like that?" Woman: "Leave... them... up." Ito: "Is that what she was talking about?!" Ito: "Stay back!" /Sign: "The end." : "Have you ever found your closet open after you thought you had closed it," : "and found it strange? When it happens, your memory is fuzzy," : "so you just assume you forgot to close it." : "But rest assured, you did close it. The problem is that, inside your closet," : "there is something nefarious watching you on those days." : "This is the story of a certain couple who were facing a change in their relationship..." Kumi: "Oh, welcome home." Kumi: "Are you hungry? Dinner will be ready soon." Kumi: "My husband has been acting strange lately." Kumi: "It's like he's avoiding me." Kumi: "We don't even eat dinner together anymore..." Kumi: "Have a good day!" Kumi: "He doesn't respond when I speak to him." Kumi: "When he comes home, he locks himself in his room and doesn't come out." Kumi: "I couldn't understand why he was avoiding me..." Kumi: "Was it something that I did wrong?" Kumi: "I kept thinking, but nothing came to mind." Kumi: "Hey... Can we talk?" Kumi: "We can't keep this up. If there's something bothering either of us, we need to talk it through to resolve it." Kumi: "We are married, and we're going to be living together from now on..." Kumi: "That terrifying look on my husband's face..." Kumi: "The problem isn't me. It's him." Kumi: "Something has changed him..." Kumi: "And there should be a clue as to why in this room." Kumi: "The room looked the same as always, from what I could tell." Kumi: "I miss those days..." Kumi: "I want to go back to how it was then." Kumi: "A diary? "The day has finally come." "I have to say goodbye to Kumi." What is this?" Takayuki: "June 9th. Kumi has finally been freed from her disease." Takayuki: "She has died." Takayuki: "I barely remember a thing about the funeral or anything else that has happened." Takayuki: "The feeling of loss, and my anxiety about the future... Those are the only things I can feel." Kumi: "This can't be. It can't!" Takayuki: "But before I knew it, those feelings were erased." Takayuki: "After the funeral, I found Kumi at home!" Takayuki: "I don't think she's realized that she died." Takayuki: "At first, I was overjoyed." Takayuki: "I was able to return to the life with Kumi that I thought I had Lost." Takayuki: "But..." Takayuki: "I was naïve to think that." Takayuki: "And now it hurts to even look at her." Kumi: "This can't be!" Takayuki: "How can I say goodbye to her again?" Takayuki: "It's all I think about lately." Kumi: "It can't... This can't be! It can't!" Takayuki: "And now... I've finally figured out how I'll do it." Takayuki: "I'm sorry, Kumi." Kumi: "Takayuki!" Kumi: "What are you doing, Takayuki?!" Takayuki: "I'm trapping you in this room." Kumi: "Stop it! I'm not dead!" Kumi: "You're just being delusional! How could a dead person talk to you like this?!" Takayuki: "Have you seen yourself lately?" Takayuki: "You can't possibly have." Takayuki: "Because I got rid of every mirror in the house..." Kumi: "Why would you do that?" Takayuki: "I didn't want you to see what you look like now." Takayuki: "Because if you did... it'd hurt you more than I could imagine." Kumi: "I don't understand what you're saying." Takayuki: "You're not the person you were." Takayuki: "You've been changing bit by bit..." Takayuki: "And it hurts to watch." Takayuki: "You don't seem to have noticed, but you're..." Kumi: "What exactly has happened to me?" Takayuki: "Just look in a mirror! There's one in that room!" Kumi: "A mirror?" Kumi: "No!" Kumi: "This can't be..." Kumi: "This is... This is my face?" Kumi: "No..." Kumi: "No!" Takayuki: "I'm sorry. I didn't want you to have to see it. But if I hadn't done this," Takayuki: "you never would've believed that you died!" Takayuki: "So I..." Takayuki: "But you understand, now." Takayuki: "Goodbye, Kumi..." Takayuki: "Kumi?" Takayuki: "This can't be..." Kumi: "I don't want to be apart." Kumi: "Stay with me." Sign/Narrator: "The end." : "This is the story of a young man who was looking for a new home to move into..." Op: "Hello, this is Morishima Real Estate." Kazuya: "Oh, hello! I saw a listing about a property on the website..." Op: "I'm terribly sorry, but another customer is set to move into that property." Kazuya: "I see... Okay, then. Thanks." Op: "Oh, sir?" Op: "An opening just became available for a recommended property..." Kazuya: "A recommendation?" Yoshiki: "Really? And that worked out?" Kazuya: "It's super stylish." Yoshiki: "You serious?" Eiji: "Liar. I bet you've wrecked the place already." Kazuya: "It's still totally clean." Yoshiki: "For real?" Yoshiki: "I bet not!" Yoshiki: "Hey, Kazuya! Get a move on." Kazuya: "Yeah." Yoshiki: "This really is a nice place." Kazuya: "It became available just when I was looking." Yoshiki: "Yeah? Lucky you." Eiji: "That sounds way too convenient! There's gotta be something wrong with it." Kazuya: "Huh? What're you even talking about?" Yoshiki: "Eiji, you're drunk." Eiji: "Not even a little!" Yoshiki: "Here we go again. He's seriously a pain when he's drunk. Don't worry about him, Kazuya." Kazuya: "Yeah." Yoshiki: "Anyway, we'll be dropping in every night, so you've got nothing to worry about!" Kazuya: "Ugh, that sucks, too!" Kazuya: "Is that next door?" Yoshiki: "What are your neighbors like?" Kazuya: "Uh, I haven't met them yet." Yoshiki: "You don't think they're mad because we were making too much noise, do you?" Kazuya: "It wasn't that much noise. It should be fine." Yoshiki: "Still, you don't wanna get on your neighbors' bad side right after moving in." Kazuya: "True..." Yoshiki: "All right, let's wrap up a little early today." Yoshiki: "Come on, Eiji, we're heading home." Kazuya: "Sorry, guys." Yoshiki: "Don't sweat it." Kazuya: "I'll walk you partway." Yoshiki: "Eiji, come on. At least try to stand up!" Eiji: "Huh? Wasn't I just eating pizza?" Kazuya: "Hey, Eiji, are you okay?" Kazuya: "Wha... What was that?" Yoshiki: "Kazuya, I could use some help here!" Kazuya: "R-Right." Eiji: "Where'd my pizza go?!" Yoshiki: "Dude, you're gonna piss off the neighbors!" Kazuya: "We can get pizza again some other time." Kazuya: "What was that I just saw, though?" Yoshiki: "This is far enough, Kazuya." Kazuya: "Yeah, okay." Eiji: "Smell ya later, Kazuya!" Yoshiki: "You are so annoying!" Kazuya: "Is Eiji gonna be okay?" Kazuya: "Eh, Yoshiki's with him. He'll be fine." Kazuya: "Man, I'm tired..." Kazuya: "I'll go to bed early today and clean up tomorrow." Kazuya: "The neighbors..." Kazuya: "Maybe I should say hello." Kazuya: "I'm not sure I wanna meet them..." Kazuya: "I wonder what they're like, though. Can't help but be curious..." Kazuya: "What's with all the light?" Kazuya: "Huh? Where am I?" Kazuya: "It's so dark, I can't see anything." Kazuya: "That sound... It's the same as what I heard coming from next door." Kazuya: "What is this? What am I even doing here?" Kazuya: "Who is doing that? My neighbors?" Kazuya: "What... is this?" Signs: "Help Let me out Help" eighbor: "Looks like we have another new friend." Op: "Hello, this is Morishima Real Estate." Op: "Oh, an opening just became available for a recommended property..." /Sign: "The end." Preview: "Next time on Yamishibai Live... "The Friendless Cave." "Light in the Darkness." "Visiting Storm."" Preview: "Those are the three stories we will have for you."
{ "raw_title": "Theatre of Darkness: Yamishibai (Live-action series) Episode 1 – The Talisman Woman ⧸ Rough Stretch ⧸ The Neighbors", "parsed": [ "Theatre of Darkness: Yamishibai (Live-action series)", "1", "The Talisman Woman ⧸ Rough Stretch ⧸ The Neighbors" ] }
Intro: "Step right up and have a look... It's time for Yamishibai." : "This is the story of of a certain housewife waiting for her husband to return home...." Wife: "He's late." Wife: "He could at least get in touch..." Husband: "I want you to stay with me." Wife: "I'd love to!" Husband: "I love you." Wife: "Things were so nice back then." Wife: "But lately, it feels like he's getting more and more distant..." Wife: "Oh, he's home." Wife: "Welcome back." Husband: "Huh? You're still up? You could've gone to bed." Wife: "Well, you didn't call, so I was worried... Were you drinking again?" Husband: "Just with people from work." Husband: "The boss insisted on just one more." Husband: "It sure was hot today..." Husband: "Ah, that cool air..." Wife: "I was right. I smell a woman's perfume." Husband: "Is the bath ready? I'm getting in." Wife: "Honestly, every single time..." Wife: "What is this?" Wife: "Lipstick?" Wife: "Maybe it's from being on a crowded train." Wife: "Isn't this... a woman's acrylic nail?" Wife: "I don't have any of these." Wife: "So where'd it come from?" Wife: "A long hair... This isn't mine." Wife: "Another woman's hair?" Wife: "He couldn't be..." Wife: "No, that's enough. Stop it. He's not that kind of person." Wife: "He's just been busy at work, and a little distant.... He used to be so nice." Wife: "He's not the type to cheat." Wife: "But he's been late coming home every day lately." Wife: "Even on weekends, he says he has work stuff to do and goes out..." Wife: "And..." Wife: "That scared me!" Wife: "His phone..." Wife: "Rie-san?" Wife: "Who is she?" Wife: "It has to be someone from work, right? Since her name has "-san" on it, it's probably someone older, maybe who's worked there longer..." Wife: "Oh, I can't help it! I'm too curious!" Message Sign: "I'll always be at your side" Wife: ""I'll always be at your side"?" Wife: "What the hell?! This is definitely cheating! Unbelievable! I'm not letting this slide!" Woman: "I'll always be at your side." Wife: "Was I imagining things?" Husband: "What're you doing?" Wife: "That's what I want to ask! Who is Rie-san?" Husband: "Rie-san? I don't know... Who is it?" Wife: "You got an email from her. I saw it!" Husband: "An email? I don't understand what you're talking about." Wife: "Don't play dumb! You're cheating on me, aren't you?" Wife: "Look here." Women: "I'll always be at your side." Husband: "Cheating? Jeez, don't even joke about that." Husband: "You know I wouldn't cheat on you." Husband: "I seriously don't know anything about that email or who Rie-san is." Husband: "Look, I'm tired, all right? And I have to get up early again tomorrow." Women: "Never leave you..." Women: "Never leave you..." Husband: "I'm sick of having to entertain people every night. Never leave you..." Husband: "I'd much rather come home early, you know. But I can't help it." Women: "Never leave you..." Women: "I love you..." Women: "I love you..." Women: "Only you..." Husband: "And now you think I'm cheating on you?" Husband: "You should know better than that." Women: "I'll always be at your side." Women: "Love you..." Husband: "But if you're that worried... Why don't you stay at my side, too?" Women: "With you..." Wife: "Always... at your side..." Sign/Narr: "The end." Man: "One night, I was working late at the office when I passed by a meeting room." Man: "And then..." Man: "The door opened, even though there was no breeze. I thought it was strange, because no one else was supposed to be around." Man: "So I closed the door, and then I caught a glimpse of something." Man: "I could see figures inside the meeting room, behind the frosted glass." Man: "Oh, I guess someone was inside after all! I thought everyone else had gone home already, so I was curious and looked downward." Man: "Nothing?!" Man: "The figures I saw didn't have any feet." Man: "But then what did I see?" Man: "I was suddenly really scared and hurried out of there." Man: "But somehow I knew..." Man: "If I had seen their faces... I'm sure I would've..." : "This is the story of of a man who started working part-time at a certain restaurant..." Oshita: "Welcome." Oshita: "Please wait just a moment." Oshita: "Where should I put him?" Oshita: "Huh? That table... I thought it was open." Oshita: "Please have a seat right here." Kitamura: "Oshita-kun, not that one." Kitamura: "Show him to another table." Oshita: "I'm terribly sorry. Would you like to have a seat over here?" Oshita: "Huh... was someone sitting there?" Oshita: "I'm sorry about before." Oshita: "Was there a reservation for that table?" Kitamura: "No... not exactly." Kitamura: "Didn't the manager explain?" Oshita: "Explain what?" Kitamura: "We're not supposed to seat anybody at that table." Kitamura: "And we're not supposed to clear it, either." Oshita: "Okay..." Guy: "Woo, fancy!" Girl: "Right?" Guy: "We can sit here!" Girl: "But there's a glass of water on it." Guy: "Nobody's around, though. Let's just sit." Girl: "All right." Oshita: "Excuse me... That table's actually..." Guy: "What? Someone already sitting here?" Girl: "Well, there is a glass of water." Guy: "There's a what?" Guy: "Hey, can I get some water?" Girl: "Gross! That was someone else's water!" Guy: "The cup didn't touch my lips, so it doesn't count." Girl: "What's wrong?" Guy: "I'm sorry... I'm sorry... Waiter... I'm sorry... I'm sorry.... Is anyone there?" Girl: "Um... What're you saying?" Guy: "I'm sorry... I'm sorry... Waiter... I'm sorry... I'm sorry.... Is anyone there?" Girl: "Hey! Can you hear me?! You okay?! Come on!" Guy: "Excuse me... I'm sorry... Waiter... I'm sorry... Is anyone there? I'm sorry..." Oshita: "What's wrong with him?" Kitamura: "I'm gonna head home. You got everything covered?" Oshita: "Yeah, I'll be fine." Kitamura: "You can just tidy up a bit. See ya." Oshita: "Wait!" Oshita: "About that customer from this afternoon..." Kitamura: "There used to be a regular who came here." Kitamura: "He always sat at that table." Kitamura: "He apparently had some health problems..." Kitamura: "And one day, he just stopped coming by." Oshita: "That was when we started leaving the water out?" Kitamura: "Y-Yeah... You'd have to ask the manager about the details. See ya." Oshita: "See you tomorrow." Oshita: "I guess that should do it." Kitamura: "We're not supposed to seat anybody at that table. And we're not supposed to clear it, either." Oshita: "I guess I'll ask the manager about it tomorrow." Oshita: "Oh, crap!" Oshita: "Aw, man, I really messed up." Oshita: "Come here..." Oshita: "Who's there?" Ghost: "Sorry... Excuse me... I'm sorry... Waiter... Is anyone there?" Oshita: "Is that..." Ghost{Text Is Same As Dialog}: "Excuse me... I'm sorry... Waiter... Excuse me... I'm sorry... Are you there?" Ghost{Text Is Same As Dialog}: "Sorry... Excuse me... I'm sorry... Waiter... Are you there?" Ghost{Text Is Same As Dialog}: "Sorry... Excuse me... I'm sorry... Waiter... Are you there? Clack" Ghost{Text Is Same As Dialog}: "Sorry... Excuse me... Sorry.... Clack" Phone: "You've got mail! You've got mail! Come get your mail!" Phone Sign: "Wednesday, November 11th Just now Message Kitamura-san (work): Sorry about before. I'll explain at work tomorrow." Manager: "Hey, wasn't Oshita-kun supposed to work today? I wonder if he quit like the rest." Kitamura: "Probably." Manager: "Guess that means we need another replacement..." Sign/N: "The end." : "This is the story of a certain high school student visiting his friend who moved to the countryside..." Kenji: "You know, the whole soccer club misses you." Takeru: "Really?" Kenji: "When I told them I was going to visit you over summer break, they were all really jealous." Takeru: "I wish I could see them... Hey, I know! Why don't we get up early tomorrow and hike around the back of the mountain? There are tons of rhinoceros beetles out there. You could bring them back as gifts for the others." Kenji: "Dude, what eleventh-grader is gonna want a beetle for a gift?" Takeru: "Aw. And I was trying to show you the only kind of fun that can be had around here." Kenji: "That's the most fun you have?" Kenji: "Seriously?" Takeru: "This is it." Kenji: "That's a big house!" Kenji: "It's not even raining..." Takeru: "Ken-chan, hurry up!" Kenji: "Huh? Oh, yeah, coming." Takeru: "So we're gonna get up early tomorrow and go beetle-hunting." Kenji: "We're still doing that, huh?" Takeru: "I told you we were!" Mom: "Takeru, are you going to be able to wake up that early?" Takeru: "It'll be fine." Dad: "Here's hoping it doesn't rain." Dad: "The weather around here can be fickle." Kenji: "Oh... That explains why that lady had an umbrella." Dad: "A lady... with an umbrella?" Kenji: "Yeah. There was a lady standing in front of that house, and an umbrella was hiding her face." Takeru: "Hiding her face?" Dad: "The umbrella goddess..." Dad: "Right. In front of our place." Dad: "I didn't see her myself, but..." Dad: "I'm pretty certain." Mom: "You didn't see her, right?" Takeru: "No..." Mom: "Thank goodness..." Takeru: "Mom?" Kenji: "Um... so who exactly was it?" Mom: "They say... she's the spirit of a woman who lost her child in an accident." Mom: "Many children have gone missing after seeing her." Dad: "I understand. I'll make sure he stays here." Dad: "Listen closely, Kenji-kun." Dad: "For tonight, no matter what happens, you can't open this door." Kenji: "Until when?" Dad: "Until morning." Kenji: "Okay, then..." Dad: "Make sure to lock it from the inside as soon as you can." Mom: "Good luck." Takeru: "Ken-chan." Kenji: "Is that you, Takeru?" Takeru: "Yeah." Kenji: "What's up? I thought they said to stay away until morning." Takeru: "I thought you might be hungry. Brought you some rice balls." Kenji: "What about your dad?" Takeru: "Don't tell him about it. He's making too big a deal of this. Don't you think?" Kenji: "Well, I guess." Takeru: "Come on, open up." Kenji: "Okay, just for a second." Kenji: "I don't wanna get your dad mad at me, too." Takeru: "Yeah, I know." Takeru: "This should hold you over." Kenji: "I appreciate it." Takeru: "It's the least I could do. You came to visit me, and now you're stuck doing this..." Kenji: "Well... it'll be a fun memory of the countryside, I guess." Takeru: "All right, I gotta get going." Kenji: "See you tomorrow." Takeru: "Yeah. Bye-bye, then." Kenji: "Who's there?" Takeru: "It's okay now." Kenji: "Takeru? You're still there?" Takeru: "It's okay now." Takeru: "Open the door. It's okay now." Kenji: "What's going on?" Takeru: "It's okay now." Kenji: "Is that... really you, Takeru?" Kenji: "Takeru... uh, I don't want your dad getting mad, so..." Dad: "It's... okay now." Kenji: "Takeru's dad?" Mom: "It's okay now." Takeru: "It's okay now..." Umbrella: "It's okay now." Umbrella: "It's okay now." Umbrella: "It's okay now." Kenji: "No! No, it's not! Who are you?!" Umbrella: "It's okay now... It's okay now... It's okay now..." Umbrella: "It's okay now... It's okay now... It's okay now..." Kenji: "Stop... Please, stop..." Dad: "Kenji-kun! Hurry over here!" Kenji: "Stop... Please stop... No... Stop... Stop it... Stop!" Umreblla: "It's okay now... It's okay now..." Kenji: "I guess it's morning..." Takeru: "Ken-chan!" Dad: "You really hung in there." Mom: "We've got a great breakfast ready." Sign/Narr: "The end." Preview: "Next time on Yamishibai Live... "Echoes." "The Veranda." "Little Sister's Room."" Preview: "Those are the three stories we will have for you."
{ "raw_title": "Theatre of Darkness: Yamishibai (Live-action series) Episode 10 – Shadows of Women ⧸ Empty Seat ⧸ The Umbrella Goddess", "parsed": [ "Theatre of Darkness: Yamishibai (Live-action series)", "10", "Shadows of Women ⧸ Empty Seat ⧸ The Umbrella Goddess" ] }
Intro: "Step right up and have a look... It's time for Yamishibai." : "This is the story of a certain couple who climbed a mountain..." Eri: "Yoohoo! Yoohoo! Yoohoo! Your voice really does echo in the mountains!" Hayato: "Jeez, you've gotta chill out. You're not a little kid, you know." Eri: "But I haven't climbed a mountain since my grade school field trip!" Hayato: "Still, no one gets that excited over an echo these days." Eri: "What's the problem? There's no one else here. It's basically all ours!" Eri: "Mountains rule! Mountains rule! Mountains rule!" Hayato: "Okay, cut it out. It's getting embarrassing." Hayato: "Hey, it's getting foggy. We should probably hurry back down." Eri: "I don't want to go down yet! I don't want to go down yet! I don't want to go down yet!" Hayato: "Haven't you had enough already? Come on, we're going." Eri: "Hayato's no fun! Hayato's no fun! Hayato's no fun!" Hayato: "Okay, I get it." Man A: "Hey! Hey! Hey!" Eri: "See? Everyone's doing it!" Eri: "Hello! Hello! Hello!" Hayato: "Wait, stop! We don't know what kind of guy this is!" Eri: "Why? You're the one who said no one who climbs mountains can be bad!" Man: "Where are you? Where are you? Where are you?" Man: "Hey! Hey! Hey! Where are you? Where are you?" Hayato: "That's creepy..." Hayato: "You'd better not answer him." Eri: "Yeah, you're right." Man A: "Where are you? Where are you? Where are you?" Eri: "He's still asking..." Man: "Answer me! Answer me! Answer me!" Hayato: "Why the hell would we?" Man: "Hayato, you're no fun! Hayato, you're no fun! Hayato, you're no fun!" Man: "Found you! Found you! Found you!" Man: "I'm headed your way! I'm headed your way! I'm headed your way!" Hayato: "See what happens? All because you had to call out to him..." Hayato: "Eriko?" Hayato: "Hey, Eriko? Where are you? I know you're here!" Hayato: "It's no use. With this fog, I can't even tell which way I'm facing." Hayato: "These are Eriko's..." Hayato: "Hey, Eriko! Where are you? Eriko?! Eriko?! Eriko?!" Hayato: "Where'd you go? Eriko?" Man B: "Run for it! Run for it! Run for it!" Man C: "They're coming! They're coming! They're coming!" Hayato: "What's going on? Suddenly there are a bunch of people here..." Man D: "Run away! Now! Now! Now!" Man E: "Don't move! Don't move! Don't move!" Man E: "He's lying! He's lying! He's lying!" Man G: "No, he's lying, too! He's lying, too! He's lying, too!" Hayato: "Come on, cut it out already!" Eriko: "Help! Help! Help!" Hayato: "What happened?! Hey, Eriko! Where are you? Where are you?!" Eriko: "Boo!" Eriko: "You don't have to be that scared!" Hayato: "Seriously, give it a rest! That's not funny!" Eriko: "Okay, I'm sorry." Eriko: "Come on, the fog's cleared up. Let's head back." Hayato: "Yeah..." Hayato: "That was some crazy fog, huh?" Hayato: "I couldn't see a thing. It really freaked me out." Eriko: "I know!" Hayato: "Also, maybe it was because of the echoes, but it looked like there were a bunch of people standing in that fog." Eriko: "Must've been your imagination." Hayato: "Yeah, it had to be." Hayato: "But that guy from before..." Hayato: "That was kind of nasty, if it was a joke." Hayato: "He said he was coming over to us. Which mountain do you think he was on?" Man A: "I'm here... I'm here... I'm here... I'm here... I'm here..." Man A: "I'm here." Sign/Narr: "The end." Masahiko: "Hey, Riku..." Riku: "Let's play shiritori! Come on, you know how." Masahiko: "Riku..." Riku: "U? Until!" Masahiko: "Lonely." Riku: "Y... Years!" Masahiko: "Sad." Riku: "D... Domino!" Masahiko: "Over. It's over." Riku: "It's over?" Riku: "But I wanna keep playing!" Riku: "I-I'm not lonely, y'know! Or sad!" Masahiko: "Goodbye." : "This is the story of a college student who moved into a certain apartment building..." : "I'm home..." : "But it's pretty lonely by myself." : "At least my brother lives close by." : "It's coming from the veranda..." : "Is someone there?" : "What do I do? Someone's out there! What do I do?!" : "Oh, I know!" : "It's for self-defense. If they attack me, I can..." : "Huh? I know I heard something...." : "But no one's here." : "I must be tired." : "That was pretty dumb of me." : "But the same thing happened every day after that... Again?" : "Huh... Still nothing." : "Onii-chan, I'm scared... This is the sixth day!" : "Doesn't that seem weird?" Daichi: "You worry too much. It's just the wind or something." : "But it's just too weird!" Daichi: "Jeez... You get scared too easily." Daichi: "Hey, can you hear me? Hello?" : "Can't you hear that?" Daichi: "Hear what?" : "There! That was it! Come over here now! Please!" Daichi: "Okay, okay. I'll be right there." Daichi: "Sorry I'm late! I lost the key to my motorcycle." : "Onii-chan!" Daichi: "Everything's fine. Okay? Look, I'll go check it out." : "Don't open it too fast!" : "If they know I called for help, they might attack." : "So just wait a second." Daichi: "Okay... Fair enough." Daichi: "What, that's what you were hearing? It's just the wind, like I said." Daichi: "How could you let this scare you?" : "The truth is, I know what's out there." Daichi: "Is someone actually there?" Daichi: "They're on the veranda, right? I'll check it out. You wait here. Don't follow me! Got it?" Daichi: "Damn it, there's no one here! Gimme a break!" : "Seriously, just look!" Daichi: "Okay, fine! I'll look!" : "She's been watching this whole time." Daichi: "What's wrong with you?! Come on, we gotta get out of here!" Daichi: "Hey, you okay?" Daichi: "What the hell was that?" : "I don't know... I don't know! What happened to me? Not again... I don't want to believe it, but something seems to keep possessing me..." : "Why me? I hate this! Please, Onii-chan! You have to save me! When you're scared," : "it's better to be with someone, right?" Woman: "Did you forget me?" Woman: "Remember! Remember!" Woman: "Remember me! Remember me! Remember me!" Daichi: "Look, seriously, let's just split up." Woman: "What are you saying? No way!" Daichi: "You're too clingy. Like right now." Woman: "No! We should be together... We should be together forever!" Daichi: "This is exactly what your problem is!" Daichi: "Look, do what you want. Bye." Woman: "Wait! Don't leave me!" Daichi: "It can't be..." Daichi: "No way..." : "Onii-chan!" : "What're you doing? Hurry up and get down from there!" Daichi: "What a relief. I guess he's back to normal." Daichi: "Yeah! I'm coming!" Woman: "Let's go down together..." : "Huh? Onii-chan?" Sign/N: "The end." : "This is the story of a certain pair of siblings..." Miho: "How would I know? You're the one who keeps saying it." Miho: "Wait, are you being serious?" Miho: "Yeah... Yeah... Yeah." Miho: "Okay, and? That's got nothing to do with me." Miho: "No, it's nothing." Miho: "I just thought someone might be watching..." Miho: "Look, just pay what you owe." Miho: "I don't care, because I don't have anything to lose." Miho: "But not you, right, Sensei?" Miho: "You've got a wife and kids... What're you going to do if you get fired?" Miho: "Right." Miho: "As long as you understand." Miho: "Bye." Miho: "Ugh.... Creeps never know when to give up." Miho: "What the..." Miho: "No... No!" Miho: "Noooo!" Taiji: "Okay, come on in." Matsu: "Thanks for having us!" Taiji: "Okay, she's not around." Matsu: "A girl's room! I haven't been in one since kindergarten!" Matsu: "The smell is totally different!" Matsu: "Furuhashi, don't turn the place upside-down!" Taiji: "Damn it, where did she hide it?" Matsu: "You can't be sure she actually did it..." Taiji: "That was definitely my figure on sale at that store!" Taiji: "I've been thinking something was weird. Like my figures and DVDs going missing... I bet she's been selling them off!" Matsu: "Is your sister that much of a villain?" Taiji: "Hell yes! Her personality is even uglier than her face. Mattsun, help me search. There's gotta be proof somewhere." Matsu: "What if I find something like... underwear?" Taiji: "Then just put it back where you found it." Taiji: "Wait, what was that?" Mikami: "It fell from out of nowhere." Matsu: "Could this be..." Matsu: "Mikami, do you think it's..." Mikami: "Yeah. I think so." Taiji: "What are you talking about?" Matsu: "Well... a haunted... kind of thing." Taiji: "But this is my house!" Matsu: "Your house doesn't get a special ghost exemption!" Taiji: "Are you being for real?" Matsu: "Mikami has certain abilities... of the spiritual variety!" Taiji: "Mikamin, is that true?" Mikami: "Sure is." Taiji: "Seriously? And there's one in here?!" Mikami: "I had a feeling from the second I stepped in this room." Mikami: "Now I'm sure of it." Taiji: "But this is my house!" Mikami: "I can't see them, but I can feel them." Taiji: ""Them"? There's more than one?!" Matsu: "That's too bad, considering you live here." Mikami: "Can you think of anyone who might have a grudge against your sister?" Taiji: "Yeah. Me." Matsu: "We know about you, Furuhashi. Anyone else?" Taiji: "Look, I know I said this before, but she's an uggo with a terrible personality, so there's bound to be a few people who hate her. Why?" Mikami: "Maybe the souls are being drawn to each other?" Taiji: "What anime are you talking about?" Matsu: "None! Use your context clues! He's saying your sister's personality might be attracting evil spirits! Aren't you, Mikami?" Taiji: "A-Attracting evil spirits?!" Matsu: "Lower your voice, Furuhashi!" Taiji: "E-Evil spirits are... bad, right? The kind that curse you and stuff? Is this an actual physical hazard?" Taiji: "What is that shrug supposed to tell me?!" Taiji: "Crap, crap, crap!" Matsu: "Run for it!" Taiji: "What are you doing, Mattsun?! Come on!" Matsu: "I-It won't open! It's not opening! The door won't open! It still won't open! Why won't it open?!" Matsu: "Is this a physical manifestation?!" Taiji: "Wh-Wh-What is this?! No, no, no! Crap, crap, crap!" Taiji: "S-Something's there! Something's under the bed!" Matsu: "Mikami, save us!" Mikami: "Can't!" Taiji: "Miho?" Taiji: "Wh-What's wrong, Miho?" Miho: "I'm not terrible." Taiji: "Uh... yeah, you are." Matsu: "Furuhashi, I wouldn't pick a fight..." Miho: "I'm not bad... I'm not a bad person..." Taiji: "Wait, what happened to your face? You look kinda... bad." Taiji: "I-I see them..." Matsu: "M-Mikami, a-are these..." Mikami: "evil spirits?!" Sign/Narr: "The end." Preview: "Next time on Yamishibai Live... "Inside." "Flower Reading." "Sleepless Pair."" Preview: "Those are the three stories we will have for you."
{ "raw_title": "Theatre of Darkness: Yamishibai (Live-action series) Episode 11 – Echoes ⧸ The Veranda ⧸ Little Sister's Room", "parsed": [ "Theatre of Darkness: Yamishibai (Live-action series)", "11", "Echoes ⧸ The Veranda ⧸ Little Sister's Room" ] }
Intro: "Step right up and have a look... It's time for Yamishibai." : "This is the story of a boy who found a certain old doll, and his family..." Masa: "I'm home!" Michiru: "Look at how late you are. Were you goofing off on the way home again?" Masa: "Just a little. But, Mom, check this out." Michiru: "What in the world?! It's so creepy!" Masa: "I found it in an empty lot." Michiru: "Why did you have to pick it up? Go and throw it away!" Masa: "Aw, can't I keep it?" Michiru: "Don't be ridiculous! Here, just give it to me! I'll throw it out myself." Masa: "Okay..." Toshi: "And she still hasn't come back?" Masa: "Yeah. I wonder where she went." Toshi: "Maybe she decided to do some shopping while she was out?" Masa: "But she didn't take her purse with her." Toshi: "Well, maybe she ran into someone she knows and got into a long conversation." Toshi: "See? There she is." Toshi: "You were out awfully late. Masamichi was getting worried." Michiru: "I'm going to bed now." Toshi: "O-Okay." Toshi: "Hey, I thought you were gonna throw that doll away." Masa: "Do you think Mom is feeling okay?" Toshi: "I'm not sure." Toshi: "I'm home." Toshi: "Hey, are you okay?" Michiru: "Is something wrong? You seem worried." Toshi: "Well... I thought I heard someone crying." Michiru: "You must be imagining things." Toshi: "Okay... Hey, about the doll—" Michiru: "Don't touch it!" Toshi: "Okay... S-Sorry." Masa: "Whats wrong, Dad?" Toshi: "Oh, it's... nothing." Toshi: "Hey... Has your mom seemed weird to you lately?" Masa: "What do you mean?" Toshi: "Well, today I thought I heard her crying again, but then there was all this laughter..." Masa: "Maybe she was watching TV?" Toshi: "Oh... That might be it." Michiru: "I'm going to take a bath now." Toshi: "Hey, about that doll—" Michiru: "Don't touch it!" Toshi: "It started when Masamichi brought the doll home..." Toshi: "There's something going on with it." Toshi: "What the hell?" Toshi: "There's still something else inside..." Masa: "What's wrong?!" Michiru: "Is something wrong? You seem worried." Masa: "Well... I thought I heard a lot of different voices." Toshi: "You're imagining things." Sign/Narr: "The end." Man: "I heard a woman crying from somewhere." Man: "There's not supposed to be anyone living in this building anymore." Man: "Is someone there?" Man: "I called out, but no one answered." Man: "Anxious as I was, I still headed in the direction of the voice." Man: "When I got to the stairwell, I saw her there crying." Man: "Is something wrong?" Man: "She just kept crying, without any response." Man: "What happened?" Man: "Are you in pain?" Man: "Hey..." Man: "She didn't answer, no matter how many times I spoke to her." Woman: "...going to die soon..." Man: "Who is?" Woman: "You are." Man: "It's been a week since then. I'm still alive." Man: "But..." Man: "I can still hear her crying." Man: "It feels like I'm going crazy..." : "This is the story of of a certain man who was caught in a sudden rain shower on his way home from work..." Taichi: "This sucks..." Taichi: "Did they say it would rain today?" Guy: "Here I am." Guy: "Sorry for the wait." Girl: "Good to see you. Here's yours." Guy: "Thanks. I appreciate it." Girl: "This rain came out of nowhere, huh?" Guy: "I guess you can't trust the weather report." Girl: "It happens sometimes." Girl: "Come on, let's hurry home." Taichi: "Must be nice." Taichi: "I was like that once, too..." Yumiko: "I'm done with this! I'm leaving!" Taichi: "Suit yourself!" Yumiko: "I can't take it anymore!" Taichi: "I hope it stops soon." Girl: "It'll stop. It won't stop." Girl: "It'll stop. It won't stop." Girl: "It'll stop. It won't stop." Girl: "It'll stop. It won't stop." Taichi: "What's a kid doing out here so late at night?" Girl: "It'll stop. It won't stop. It'll stop. It won't stop." Taichi: "Is she waiting for someone?" Taichi: "Flower reading?" Girl: "It'll stop. It won't stop." Girl: "Mister, the rain isn't going to stop." Girl: "My fortunes are always right." Taichi: "Oh, you were doing that for me? Well, thank you." Taichi: "Anyway, what are you doing out here?" Girl: "I hope your wife comes to get you." Taichi: "Yeah." Taichi: "Strange girl..." Girl: "What should I read next?" Girl: "My fortunes are always right." Taichi: "No, seriously, shouldn't you go home? Your parents must be worried about you." Girl: "I'll go home. I won't go home. I'll go home. I won't go home." Taichi: "Another reading?" Girl: "I'll go home. I won't go home." Taichi: "Jeez... I don't get how kids think." Girl: "I'll go home. I won't go home." Girl: "I'm not going home." Taichi: "I-I see..." Taichi: "Weird girl... All she's done is read flowers." Girl: "What should I read next?" Taichi: "Uh, I don't know if you should..." Girl: "My fortunes are always right." Taichi: "Man, what do I do?" Taichi: "There's nothing I want her to read..." Girl: "Then I'll read whether or not your wife will come to get you." Taichi: "Well, actually, my wife..." Girl: "She'll come. She won't come." Taichi: "Here she goes again..." Girl: "She'll come. She won't come. She'll come. She won't come." Taichi: "What does she expect to figure out from a flower?" Taichi: "Well, it's just a child's game." Taichi: "I guess I can play along." Girl: "She won't come." Both: "She'll come. She won't come." Both: "She'll come. She won't come. She'll come. She won't come. She will come." Girl: "That's great, mister. Your wife's going to come for you." Taichi: "Thank you." Taichi: "But unfortunately, I don't think that fortune will come true." Taichi: "My wife can't come here." Girl: "Oh, it looks like she's here." Taichi: "It can't be... Is it really?" Taichi: "Is she..." Yumiko: "I'm done with this! I'm leaving!" Taichi: "Suit yourself!" Yumiko: "I can't take it anymore!" Girl: "My fortunes are always right." Taichi: "You're..." Taichi: "You're amazing!" Taichi: "She really..." Taichi: "She really came for me." Girl: "Hey, mister, what should I read next?" Taichi: "You don't need to read any more." Taichi: "Thank you." Girl: "Oh... I see." Taichi: "It's been a while." Taichi: "Let's go." Girl: "...ed... ...ive... ...ed..." Girl: "...ed... ...ive... ...ed... ...live..." Girl: "Dead... Alive... Dead... Alive..." Girl: "Dead..." Girl: "Alive..." Girl: "Dead... Alive..." Girl: "Dead." Girl: "Goodbye, mister." Girl: "You won't need any more fortunes." Sign/N: "The end." : "This is the story of a certain couple living together in a house..." Shuichi: "So, is everything okay?" Okazaki: "Yeah. You can leave it to me." Shuichi: "Okay. Oh, one other thing. I took a look at the plans yesterday, and there are a few standards that still need to be met." Okazaki: "Don't worry about it. I've already made the corrections." Shuichi: "Okay..." Okazaki: "Don't worry about work, okay? Just look after your wife." Shuichi: "Yeah... You're right. I appreciate it." Okazaki: "Don't mention it. Here's hoping she feels better soon." Shuichi: "Yeah." Shuichi: "All right, I'll let you go." Okazaki: "Sure. I'll see you later." ews: "Our next story.... It has been announced that a high school student from the city of Modai in Muta Prefecture has been missing since last month." ews: "The missing student is Yamazaki Marie-san, a twelfth-grader living in Modai. She was seen on the first of last month, after 7PM, when security cameras caught her crossing a pedestrian bridge near the Modai station of the Yamato train line, headed toward the hills on her way home." Shuichi: "It's not like I can sleep." Sawako: "You should still lie down." Shuichi: "The doctor said so." ews: "Marie-san was wearing a high school uniform and carrying a bag at the time." Sawako: "Fine..." ews: "No attempts to contact her via cell phone have been successful at this point." ews: "The police are investigating the possibility that she was involved in an accident..." Shuichi: "What was that sound?!" Shuichi: "Sawako?" Shuichi: "Sawako?" Sawako: "You okay?" Shuichi: "Don't scare me like that!" Sawako: "I wasn't trying to..." Shuichi: "What were you doing in the dark, anyway?" Sawako: "I broke a cup." Shuichi: "Can't sleep?" Sawako: "What about you?" Shuichi: "Well... No problems here." Sawako: "I see..." Shuichi: "I'm heading back to bed." Sawako: "I'm gonna clean up first." Sawako: "It's not like I can sleep, anyway." Shuichi: "A dream?" Shuichi: "She's actually asleep..." Shuichi: "Hello?" Okazaki: "Hey, sorry!" Shuichi: "What's up? Did something happen?" Okazaki: "What's wrong?" Shuichi: "What the hell?" Okazaki: "Well..." Shuichi: "It can't be..." Okazaki: "I hate to bother you, but it's kind of an emergency!" Shuichi: "Sorry, but it's gonna have to wait." Okazaki: "Wait—" Shuichi: "Damn it! Damn it, damn it, damn it!" Shuichi: "Why is this..." Shuichi: "Didn't I tell you it'd have to wait?!" Shuichi: "Hey, what's wrong?" Shuichi: "Stop it..." Shuichi: "It wasn't me..." Shuichi: "It was Sawako who hit you! I just buried you in the mountains!" Shuichi: "You... You can't hate me for that! It's Sawako! It has nothing to do with me!" Marie: "You know it does." Shuichi: "Just a dream..." Sawako: "What's wrong?" ews: "...has been missing since last month." ews: "The missing student is Yamazaki Marie-san, a twelfth-grader living in Modai. She was seen on the first of last month, after 7PM, when security cameras caught her crossing a pedestrian bridge near the Modai station of the Yamato train line..." Sawako: "I guess you can't sleep, either."
{ "raw_title": "Theatre of Darkness: Yamishibai (Live-action series) Episode 12 – Inside ⧸ Flower Reading ⧸ Sleepless Pair", "parsed": [ "Theatre of Darkness: Yamishibai (Live-action series)", "12", "Inside ⧸ Flower Reading ⧸ Sleepless Pair" ] }
Intro: "Step right up and have a look... It's time for Yamishibai." : "This is the story of a certain high school student who visited a certain cave..." Teacher: "So, Friendless Cave here is a nationally recognized landmark, where it's said that the sound of wind blowing through the cave can sometimes sound like human voices. These voices can sometimes sound just like your own friends' voices, and legends say that if you follow said voices, you will never return from the cave." Tamaki: "Man, my feet hurt." Mori: "Same here. This sucks." Tamaki: "So damn boring. What even is "spelunking"?" Mori: "Hey, Kaminaga, there's gotta be something to do around here, right?" Tamaki: "There has to be, right? Go and find it." Kaminaga: "Uh... well..." Kaminaga: "What about over there?" Tamaki/Mori: "Woo!" Tamaki: "Nice." Mori: "I smell danger!" Tamaki: "All right, Mishima, you're up front." Mori: "Come now, Mishima, look sharp!" Tamaki: "Was that supposed to be Takeuchi?" Mori: "Sounded like him, right?" Tamaki: "Totally." Mori: "Move along now, Mishima!" Mishima: "But... it says "keep out"..." Mishima: "Yeah... Okay. I'll go." Mishima: "Man, it's really dark. There aren't any lights at all." Tamaki: "Boo!" Mishima: "Ow!" Mishima: "What did you do that for? I think I twisted my ankle." Tamaki: "Man, my sides!" Mori: "Kaminaga, I didn't know your friend was such a klutz." Kaminaga: "Er, I wouldn't say "friend," exactly. We just went to the same middle school." Cave: "No one..." Mori: "Anyone else hear a voice?" Kaminaga: "It's gotta be the wind, right?" Tamaki: "Or is it some kinda spirit thing?" Mori: "Hey, hey! Oh, boy! This looks like fun!" Tamaki: "Time to explore!" Mori: "Captain Kaminaga, you're on point!" Kaminaga: "But... y'know, Mishima's hurt, so maybe we should..." Mori: "Captain Kaminaga, don't spoil the fun, all right?" Kaminaga: "Roger that. Kaminaga, taking point!" Tamaki: "And thus, the Kaminaga Expedition Force set out to explore the uncharted cave." Mori: "But will Kaminaga be able to safely return home and lose his virginity?" Mishima: "I can't believe Kaminaga. Letting those jerks push him around..." Mishima: "Did they stop walking?" Mori: "What the hell?! Stay back! Get away! Get away from me!" Mishima: "What the... Tamaki-kun? Moriya-kun?" Mori: "Help! Back off! Stop it, stop it!" Kaminaga: "Help!" Mishima: "Kaminaga?" Kaminaga: "Somebody... help me, please..." Kaminaga: "Anybody!" Mishima: "K-Kaminaga!" Kaminaga: "Please... you gotta save me... You gotta come here!" Mishima: "What could've happened?" Mishima: "Is there something in there?" Mishima: "Kaminaga, you've gotta tell me what happened! I'm too scared to go otherwise!" Kaminaga: "Mishima... I'm sorry for everything." Kaminaga: "I was too scared of Tamaki and Moriya to say no." Kaminaga: "I was so mean to you... I'm so sorry." Mishima: "Don't worry about it, okay?" Kaminaga: "You forgive me?" Mishima: "Well, we're friends, aren't we?" Mishima: "I'm headed your way." Kaminaga: "Thank you so much, Mishima." Cave: "No one..." Cave: "You have no one." Mishima: "That's not the wind... Who's saying that?" Cave: "You have no one." Kaminaga: "Mishima..." Mishima: "Kaminaga. You okay?" Kaminaga: "I-I'm okay." Mishima: "Can you stand?" Kaminaga: "I think..." Cave: "No one... You have no one." Mishima: "What is this?! What's going on?!" Cave: "You can't save anyone." Cave: "No one..." Mishima: "Kaminaga, help me!" Cave: "You have no one..." Mishima: "I thought we were friends?!" Cave: "Can't save anyone..." Mishima: "Kaminaga?" Kaminaga: "Says who?!" Kaminaga: "Who do you think you're fooling?! You think I'm gonna risk dying to save some stupid klutz like you?! You're... You're just gonna have to die like Tamaki! So die already! Die! Come on, die, die! Just die! Die! Die, die, die, die, because I'm gonna live, I'm gonna—" Mishima: "Kaminaga... you..." Cave: "You can't save anyone..." Cave: "No one..." Cave: "You have no one." Cave: "You can't save anyone." Cave: "You are alone." Cave: "You will die alone." /Sign: "The end." 2: "One day, I noticed something." Sign Sign Sign: "STOP" 2: "There were handprints all over town." 2: "I got curious, so I walked all over to look for them." 2: "At first it was fun, because I thought it was just a prank or something. But I started to realize that wasn't the case. The handprints followed me to the door of my house." Man: "Who is it?! If you're out there, show yourself!" : "This is the story of a certain young couple who went to see a fireworks show..." Haruki: "Oh, wow!" Minami: "It's beautiful! I've never seen fireworks this close up before." H: "Neither have I." M: "This is such a great out-of-the-way spot. How'd you even find it, Haruki?" H: "I just happened to hear about it from someone I know." H: "Here you are." Customers: "Hey, you know that old building on 2-chome? The roof there is supposed to be the perfect secret spot to watch the fireworks. Seriously? Yeah. We should check it out." H: "Huh, I didn't know that." H: "I guess it is right next to the venue for the fireworks show..." Customer: "Excuse me!" H: "Coming!" M: "Bombs away!" H: "There's always a huge crowd, and she gets really annoyed." H: "But this year looks like it should work out." H: "Still, are we really the only ones here? I know it's supposed to be a secret, but I didn't think we'd have it all to ourselves." H: "Well, that works for me." M: "Huh? Is it over already? That was fast." H: "No, I don't think it was scheduled to end just yet." Pa: "There will be a brief pause in the fireworks show. We appreciate your patience." H: "You heard her." M: "Aw, what the heck? I don't get it!" M: "Uh, it's kinda dark and creepy, huh?" H: "Well, yeah. It's night." M: "Still, this place is way too creepy..." M: "I seriously can't deal with this right now! It's too much. This is crazy." H: "There'll be light as soon as the fireworks start up again. Give it a bit." M: "How long is a bit?" H: "Well..." H: "I don't really know." H: "What's wrong?" M: "I... I think I just s-saw someone." H: "Where? I don't see anyone." M: "I-I guess you're right. I must've imagined it." H: "It's okay. I'm here with you." M: "Okay... Thanks." H: "What now?!" M: "S-Someone really is there! Look, now!" H: "What are you talking about? You sure you didn't imagine it?" M: "I know what I saw! They were right there!" H: "Minami, I know the dark is scaring you, but everything's fine. No one is there." M: "Why won't you believe me?! I really saw them! Look, I don't want to be here anymore! I'm leaving!" H: "Hey, listen to me! Would you get a grip?! We're only here because you wanted to see the fireworks! And now this?! You know, you're always complaining, and I'm the one who has to run around fixing everything!" H: "Even now, after we finally..." M: "I can't... I just can't..." M: "I can't deal with this!" H: "Hey, Minami!" H: "Damn it, are you kidding me?" H: "Minami! Where did you go?" H: "That's weird. Did she seriously go home?" H: "How selfish can she be?" H: "And after I bought this ring and was all ready to propose..." H: "Th-That's weird." H: "I th-thought I just saw someone..." H: "Is someone there?" H: "Is that you, Minami?" H: "Stop it!" H: "Stay away! Stay away!" M: "Haruki..." M: "Haruki." H: "Minami... Damn it, where'd you run off to?" M: "The fireworks are pretty, aren't they?" Haruki: "Yeah, I guess." Minami: "I wish we could stay here and watch them forever..." Minami: "with all the others." Haruki: "Huh? Others?" Customers: "The roof of that old building on 2-chome is supposed to be the perfect secret spot for watching the fireworks." Customers: "Seriously?" Customers: "But wait... Isn't that the building where..." /Sign: "The end." : "This is the story of a young man who was very afraid of thunder..." Momoko: "Does the thunder scare you that much?" Ryosuke: "Is it over?" Momoko: "Yep. It shouldn't happen again." Ryosuke: "Mom, you liar!" Momoko: "It's all right. It's just a little thunder." Momoko: "I'm right here with you, Ryousuke." Ryosuke: "That's what Mom said, but she ran out on us a month after this picture was taken." Ryosuke: "I was six years old." Ryosuke: "Seriously, a blackout?" Ryosuke: "Give me a break. Of course it happens when Dad's not home..." Ryosuke: "And there's that damn thunder!" Ryosuke: "This sucks." Phone Sign: "Unknown Caller" Ryosuke: "Don't scare me like that!" Ryosuke: "Who is this?" Ryosuke: "Hello?" Ryosuke: "What the heck?" Ryosuke: "Hello? If this is a prank, I'm gonna hang up." Momoko: "Um... It's me..." Momoko: "Is that you, Ryousuke?" Ryosuke: "No way... M-Mom?" Momoko: "It is you, isn't it?" Momoko: "It's so good to hear your voice again." Ryosuke: "Where have you... Wh-What's this all about?" Ryosuke: "You get what I mean, right? What could you possibly want with me after you abandoned me?" Momoko: "Abandoned?" Ryosuke: "Dad told me all about it. You got involved with some younger guy and left, right?" Ryosuke: "Are you listening? Say something!" Momoko: "Still scared of thunder, huh?" Ryosuke: "Shut up! That's not the point—" Momoko: "It's because you finally remembered me." Momoko: "You were just thinking about when you were little, right?" Momoko: "You were scared of the thunder, but when I tried to give you a hug, you pushed me away." Ryosuke: "How did you know that?" Momoko: "I was able to come back because..." Momoko: "....you remembered me." Ryosuke: "Who are you?!" Momoko: "Please. Let me in." Ryosuke: "Is... Is that you, Mom?" Momoko: "Come on. Let me in." Momoko: "Let's surprise your dad." Ryosuke: "No... That would..." Momoko: "Ryousuke, please." Momoko: "Let me in the house." Ryosuke: "W-Wait a second." Momoko: "Let me in." Momoko: "Let me in." Momoko: "Let me in." Momoko: "Let me in." Momoko: "Let's surprise your dad." Momoko: "Let me in. Let me in. Let me in." Momoko: "Let me in. Let me in. Let me in. Let me in. Let me in. Let me in. Let me in. Let me in. Let me in. Let me in. Let me in." Ryosuke: "O-Okay, fine! I'll let you in!" Ryosuke: "Huh?" Ryosuke: "Dad!" Dad: "What? Were you expecting someone else?" Ryosuke: "N-Not exactly..." Dad: "Power's out here too, huh? This damned rain..." Dad: "Is someone else here?" Ryosuke: "N-No, no one..." Ryosuke: "Mom?!" Momoko: "Thank you for letting me in." Ryosuke: "When did... How did you get in here?!" Dad: "How?" Ryosuke: "I didn't let her in." Ryosuke: "She called saying she was nearby and asked me to let her in..." Dad: "Th-Th-That can't be possible!" Ryosuke: "But that's what happened." Dad: "This is impossible. It can't be. It just can't." Ryosuke: "Dad?" Dad: "This isn't happening. I know that you..." Ryosuke: "What did you do to Mom?" Ryosuke: "Dad?!" Momoko: "See? Your dad..." Momoko: "was really surprised, wasn't he?" /Sign: "The end." Preview: "Next time on Yamishibai Live... "Missed Delivery Notice." "Non-withering Flower." "Contradiction."" Preview: "Those are the three stories we will have for you."
{ "raw_title": "Theatre of Darkness: Yamishibai (Live-action series) Episode 2 – The Friendless Cave ⧸ Light in the Darkness ⧸ Visiting Storm", "parsed": [ "Theatre of Darkness: Yamishibai (Live-action series)", "2", "The Friendless Cave ⧸ Light in the Darkness ⧸ Visiting Storm" ] }
Intro: "Step right up and have a look... It's time for Yamishibai." : "This is the story of a certain young man living in an apartment..." Sakamoto: "So tired..." Sakamoto: "Great, more bills." Sakamoto: "Yeah, yeah, you'll get your money..." Sakamoto: "A missed delivery? I wonder what it is." Lady: "Hello, Nishigami Transport." Sakamoto: "Hi, this is Sakamoto from room 102 in Green Heights." Sakamoto: "I got a missed delivery notice." Sakamoto: "Hello?" Sakamoto: "Can you hear me?" Lady: "It won't be long now. Please be patient." Sakamoto: "What won't be long?" Sakamoto: "Damn it... This is the third time. They never show up when I'm actually here. Are they even trying?" Lady: "Hello, Nishigami Transport." Sakamoto: "I know who you are! I just got another missed delivery notice! When exactly are you going to—" Lady: "You seem to be in a hurry." Lady: "It won't be long now. Please be patient." Sakamoto: "What?! I've already been waiting for—" Sakamoto: "Ugh! What the hell?!" Sakamoto: "Seriously, what the hell? She's screwing with me." Sakamoto: "That little..." Sakamoto: "Huh? No one's here..." Sakamoto: "It's her again... That delivery woman." Sakamoto: "Hey! I'm right here! Wait—" Lady: "Hello, Nishigami Transport." Sakamoto: "That was you just now, wasn't it? Wasn't it?!" Sakamoto: "I'd like to discuss these missed delivery notices." Sakamoto: "I'm at home right now." Sakamoto: "Now she's making me wait again..." Lady: "I'm with Nishigami Transport." Sakamoto: "What about the delivery?" Lady: "It was perishable, remember?" Lady: "I loved hearing your voice every day..." Lady: "It lingered in my head after the first time I heard it." Lady: "Use these perishable goods... to cook whatever you like." Lady: "Let me in... Let me in." Lady: "Let me in." Sakamoto: "Wha... What the hell?" Monitor Signs: "Notices Time of Day Settings" Lady: "Where are you?" Lady: "Hey, come on... Where are you?" Lady: "Where did you go?" Lady: "Where are you?" Lady: "Where..." Lady: "Come on, where are you?" Lady: "Found you!" Lady: "Now, it's time to deliver you." Sign/Narr: "The end." : "This is the story of a certain man who has just begun a new life..." Yosuke: "Okay, I am officially moved in." Yosuke: "A sunflower seed?" Yosuke: "What's it doing here?" Yosuke: "Wait a minute..." Yosuke: "Mom! Is it one I picked up a long time ago?" Yosuke: "And you followed me all the way here, huh?" Yosuke: "I don't know if you'll actually grow or not... But since you're here, I might as well plant you." Yosuke: "All right, starting tomorrow I join the workforce. Let's do this!" Yosuke: "Sir, I explained what happened earlier..." Yosuke: "No, sir, I'm not trying to make excuses... I'm sorry. Right. I understand. Yes. I'm sorry, sir." Yosuke: "How is it my fault?" Yosuke: "Maybe I'm not cut out for this job." Yosuke: "A sunflower? Is this the one I planted?" Yosuke: "I was so busy after I started work, I totally forgot about it..." Yosuke: "But it managed to bloom." Yosuke: "Okay, I'm feeling a little better now! I'll give it another shot tomorrow!" Yosuke: "I'm heading out!" Yosuke: "Here's some water for you. Grow up nice and big, okay?" Yosuke: "Man, I worked hard today! And I owe it all to you. Thanks." Yosuke: "Summer's just about over..." Yosuke: "I guess it won't be long before the sunflower withers." Yosuke: "We're almost at my place." Yuri: "Wow, it must be nice living so close to such a nice park." Yuri: "Oh, a sunflower." Yosuke: "Oh, yeah." Yuri: "It's still in bloom even though it's autumn, huh?" Yosuke: "Wanna know something? I actually planted it." Yuri: "You did, Yousuke?" Yuri: "It's really pretty." Yosuke: "For some reason, looking at this sunflower just makes me feel better. I think I was able to make it through the summer without buckling under my boss's pressure thanks to it." Yuri: "I see. It must've been trying to pay you back for how well you took care of it." Yosuke: "Of course, you helped me a lot, too, Yuri-chan." Yuri: "What? You're still at work?" Yuri: "I'm already near your house, though..." Yuri: "I understand. I'll be waiting at the park, okay?" Yuri: "I know you can't help it. Work is work. Just try to get here soon, okay?" Yuri: "It's so cold... Maybe I should go home." Yuri: "But I haven't seen him at all lately because of work..." Yuri: "Even though we're getting married next year." Yuri: "Huh?" Yuri: "This sunflower still hasn't withered? Even though it's winter?" Yuri: "What is this? My head hurts!" Yuri: "Can't... breathe..." Yuri: "What's going on?" wer: "Go away..." Yuri: "That sunflower..." wer: "Go away... Go away. Go away..." Yuri: "How about you go away?!" Yuri: "It was already like this when I found it..." Yuri: "Who could've done such a terrible thing?" Yuri: "I just can't stand it!" Yosuke: "It was already a miracle that it was still in bloom after summer ended." Yosuke: "There's nothing we can do about it." Yosuke: "Besides, all flowers wither eventually." Yuri: "But you took such good care of it! This is terrible." Yosuke: "I'm not sure why you're the one crying, Yuri. Come on, let's head home. I'm sorry I left you waiting in the cold." Yuri: "Heh, serves you right." Yosuke: "It'll be okay, Yuri. We're almost home." Yosuke: "Come on." Yosuke: "Yuri-chan..." Yosuke: "Why? It was so sudden..." Yosuke: "How?" Yosuke: "Weird..." Yosuke: "For some reason, I feel better." Yosuke: "Mom." Yosuke: "Mom!" Yosuke: "Hey, Mom!" /Sign: "The end." : "This is the story of a phone call that a certain young man received one night..." Yuichi: "Mayumi? What does she want this late?" Yuichi: "Hello?" Mayumi: "Hello? Yuuichi?" Yuichi: "Mayumi, did something happen?" Mayumi: "It's Tooru! Tooru, he's—" Yuichi: "Whoa, calm down." Yuichi: "Just tell me what happened." Mayumi: "Well, we were out for a drive... And the subject of haunted places came up, so we went to an abandoned hospital on the border." Yuichi: "An abandoned hospital?" Yuichi: "And what happened there?" Mayumi: "I had a creepy feeling as soon as we got there, like we were being watched. I tried to change his mind about going in, but... Tooru seemed to enjoy it the more scared I got, so he just went further and further inside alone. Eventually, I found him in front of a locked door, and said he wanted to go inside." Mayumi: "I tried to stop him, but he just wouldn't listen." Mayumi: "And then, as soon as he got inside that room, he started acting strange..." Yuichi: "Then what happened to him?" Mayumi: "I was scared, so I ran away." Yuichi: "What about Tooru? Did you leave him?" Mayumi: "Hey, can I come to your place?" Mayumi: "I don't want to be here anymore!" Yuichi: "Okay... We can get into the details after you get here." Mayumi: "Thank goodness! I didn't want to be stuck in this dark, painful place any longer!" Yuichi: "Painful?" Yuichi: "Were you hurt or something?" Mayumi: "I mean, I finally get to leave! I don't ever want to be alone again!" Yuichi: "Mayumi?" Tooru: "Yuuichi! It's me! You're there, right?!" Yuichi: "Tooru?" Tooru: "You've gotta let me in! It's Mayumi!" Yuichi: "What about Mayumi?" Tooru: "Well, until a few minutes ago, we were on the prefectural border, doing a test of courage." Tooru: "Mayumi was really scared at first... But as soon as we got in the hospital, she suddenly started acting strange... and ran deeper and deeper inside without me." Tooru: "Mayumi! Hey! Wait up! At some point, I couldn't hear her voice anymore, and while I was looking all over for her, I found a hospital room that had a broken lock on it." Tooru: "I thought I had finally found her, but..." Tooru: "She was in that dark room, and..." Tooru: "Mayumi?" Mayumi: "Can... I... leave?" Tooru: "She looked like a completely different person." Mayumi: "I mean, I finally get to leave! I don't ever want to be alone again!" Tooru: "Come on, man, let me in." Yuichi: "Hello? Mayumi?" Yuichi: "Can you hear me? R-Right now, in front of my place—" Yuichi: "Mayumi? Mayumi?!" Tooru: "Hey, is Mayumi in there with you?" Yuichi: "No, that's not it. She called me out of the blue, and then..." Yuichi: "Tooru?" Tooru: "Can I leave?" Preview: "Next time on Yamishibai Live... "The Woman in the Elevator." "Cassette Tape." "Delivery."" Preview: "Those are the three stories we will have for you."
{ "raw_title": "Theatre of Darkness: Yamishibai (Live-action series) Episode 3 – Perishables ⧸ Non-withering Flower ⧸ Contradiction", "parsed": [ "Theatre of Darkness: Yamishibai (Live-action series)", "3", "Perishables ⧸ Non-withering Flower ⧸ Contradiction" ] }
Intro: "Step right up and have a look... It's time for Yamishibai." : "This is the story of a young office worker living in a certain apartment building..." Satomi: "So sleepy... I shouldn't have stayed up so late watching movies." Satomi: "I didn't know such a hot guy lived in this building." Satomi: "Lucky me." Satomi: "Makes sense that he'd be married, I guess." Woman: "It's unbelievable. How am I supposed to put up with this? Why's it even around? I can't deal with this. I just can't. There's no way." Tetsushi: "Excuse me..." Tetsushi: "Are you getting on?" Woman: "Oh... I forgot something." Satomi: "What was her problem?" Tetsushi: "That woman's daughter died recently." Satomi: "Oh... I didn't know." Tetsushi: "She might still be mentally worn out." Satomi: "That must be so hard." Satomi: "Wh-What? What happened?" Satomi: "It stopped? Did it break down?" Tetsushi: "Huh? Oh, yeah, probably." Satomi: "N-No way!" Satomi: "Wh-What do we do?" Tetsushi: "No problem. When it breaks down, just use this." Button Sign: "Emergency Call" Tetsushi: "That button should put us through to the company in charge of the elevator." Tetsushi: "Plus, they can see what goes on in here through that camera." Satomi: "Oh, yeah..." Tetsushi: "Leave this to me." Tetsushi: "Hello? Can anyone hear me?" shikawa: "This is Nishikawa of Ruimaru Elevators. How can I help you?" Tetsushi: "We seem to have broken down. The elevator just stopped." shikawa: "Do you know the name of the building?" Tetsushi: "Miles Court. It's an apartment building." Satomi: "He's so cool, handling this like a pro. Yes... Yes. Ah, I see. Okay. I'm glad he was here." shikawa: "I'll check the camera to see what's going on there." Tetsushi: "It'll be fine. We'll be moving soon." Satomi: "Okay... Thank you so much." shikawa: "So... I see one man and two women inside the elevator. Is that right?" Tetsushi: "Two women?" shikawa: "Yes." Satomi: "Um, are you sure you have the right elevator?" shikawa: "I'm definitely looking at your apartment building's elevator." Satomi: "Um... Where is the other woman?" shikawa: "At the back of the elevator... dressed in black..." Satomi: "Hello?!" Satomi: "Sorry, I can't hear you!" Satomi: "Hello?! Hello!" Satomi: "S-Someone's in here..." Satomi: "Behind us." Tetsushi: "Stay calm." Satomi: "What do we do?" Tetsushi: "Ignore her." Satomi: "But that's..." Ghost: "My..." Satomi: "I can hear her!" Ghost: "My..." Satomi: "I can hear her saying something!" Ghost: "My..." Tetsushi: "Don't look at her." Tetsushi: "Don't look!" Ghost: "My..." Ghost: "My..." Tetsushi: "It's moving." Satomi: "That woman... Why was she crying?" Manager: "Are you two all right?" Tetsushi: "Yes, we're fine. Sorry, but I'm in a hurry." Satomi: "Today isn't the day to take out the trash, is it?" Manager: "That's right. Why do you ask?" Satomi: "Then... what's that?" Ghost: "My..." Sign/Narr: "The end. When I was little, I had asthma," Sign/Narr: "and I frequented the hospital with my mom because of it." Sign/Narr: "The waiting room there was always nearly empty. But... sitting on one sofa at the far end of the room was a girl who looked a little older than me. She would smile at me from where she sat every time I came in, and after my examination was over, she would smile kindly and wave goodbye." Sign/Narr: "We didn't talk, but I started looking forward to seeing her." Sign/Narr: "One day, I realized something. That girl was always there before us, so why did the doctor never see her first?" Sign/Narr: "Even though she must've been very sick, since she was always at the doctor's." Sign/Narr: "Why did we get to go first?" Sign/Narr: "I didn't think it was right, so I went over to her and asked about it. "Hey, you're always waiting... Why don't they ever call you in?"" : "This is the story of a certain man who had returned to his childhood home after a long time, for the occasion of a friend's wedding..." Shibata: "I'm back." Mom: "Welcome home. You're here early." Mom: "I thought the ceremony wasn't until tomorrow." Shibata: "Yeah, but since I took the time off, I figured I'd enjoy spending a day back here." Mom: "Tanabe-kun's the one getting married, right?" Shibata: "Yep, that's him." Mom: "That's so far back, I don't really remember him... Who was he again?" Shibata: "Oh, y'know, his parents ran the rice store." Shibata: "You sure your memory's not starting to go?" Shibata: "Man, it even smells the same." Shibata: "Maybe this place is stuck in time." Shibata: "I bet everyone's changed a lot..." Shibata: "I can't believe he's getting married first." Shibata: "A rock?" Shibata: "I get the feeling this was a big deal to me." Shibata: "This was the one drawer I kept locked. All my most important stuff went in here." Shibata: "Oh, this takes me back!" Shibata: "The diary I exchanged with Kyouko-chan! Talk about embarrassing..." Shibata: "A cassette tape?" Label Sign: "Today's log" Shibata: "Today's log?" Shibata: "What is this supposed to be?" Shibata: "Wonder if this thing still works..." Shibata: "Ah, ah... I'm currently testing the microphone. Mic test underway... ah, ah... Oh, I remember now!" Shibata: "February 15th. I played baseball with the other kids today. At first, Onodera-kun was pitching, and it was hard to get any hits, but I was finally able to land a hit, and we were able to turn the game around and win. Right, right." Shibata: "I made recordings instead of a diary. At first it weirded me out, because my recorded voice didn't seem like my own... February 23rd. Today we had Tanabe-kun's birthday party at his house. Everyone got him plastic models, pencil cases, and candy, which made me jealous. Hey, I talked about Tanabe! Maybe I should bring this with me tomorrow... May 18th. Today I forgot my kanji homework for Japanese class, and the teacher got mad." Shibata: "Everyone laughed, but Kyouko-chan laughing at me was embarrassing." Shibata: "I already liked Kyouko-chan back then, huh? I bet I would've been surprised to know we'd share an exchange diary someday." Shibata: "I wonder if she'll be there tomorrow..." Shibata: "June 7th. In my dreams, I can do anything, eat anything... I can step on anything. I'm invincible. I wonder what I should crush next. August 2nd. Mom was walking a lot. I thought I'd talk to her about it, but then she suddenly stopped. Huh? What was I trying to say in that one?" Shibata: "October 15th. Things are going great in my new class. I called out four times, loud as I could. Nobody answered. That was fun. December 4th. I understood as soon as I focused on the eyes that were looking from afar. I wonder why things are like this. I kept this log going for a long time, I guess." Shibata: "Not making a lot of sense, though." Shibata: "January 9th. I could hear a knock, knock, knock, knock, knock, knock, knock, inside the box, and was happy-hap-hap-hap-py-py. February 16th. I thought I felt something and turned around, and I definitely heard the sound of a finger being shaken at me. Not that I'd ever tell anyone. April 11th. I said "good afternoon" to the round man at the jagged park, but he said I was wrong. I'm lying." Shibata: "Seriously, what am I talking about here? Was I okay?" Shibata: "I don't even remember any of this at all... July 7th. I thought the longer I stayed, the more things would say the same, but when I look closer now, I can see there are cracks. That must've been what I thought was shaking. Don't think it can take much more. February 23rd. At Tanabe-kun's house, Tanabe-kun and Tabena-kun had birthday plastic models, which tasted good. April 6th. Things are going great at work. Wait... work? I can do anything. I can be happy about anything. But don't laugh at me it's rass-rass-rass-rassing." Shibata: "This would have to be recent, right? Is this actually my voice? But it can't be. So who is it? February 29th. Let it end, let it end, like I've been thinking for 4,256 minutes, but I bet no one would believe that. How many times has that second hand struck me in the head? May 31st. I dreamed in the jagged park. I dreamt that I slid backwards up the slide and ended up exiting the dream. I don't want it to end after all. But I can tell already that the box is open. Stop it! Just stop it already!" Shibata: "June 1st. Mom doesn't seem to remember either Tabena-kun or Tanabe-kun. I wonder why I feel sorry for her. With no other choice, I removed the revival stone I had previously sealed in my desk so that I could destroy the box of her memories over and over and over and over and over... What was I doing over and over again?" Shibata: "June 2nd. It's Tanabe-kun's wedding today. I said "good afternoon" to Tanabe-kun as he cackled and swayed inside the box, but he lied, so I got a stick like I did with the round man and chased him, chased him, and chased him into the cracked box... That's not right! I wouldn't do that! Stop this! Mom and Dad stood up and showered me with applause!" Shibata: "Lift up the rock that's jammed in my head!" Shibata: "The rock's broken!" Shibata: "The wedding... make it good... good good, good amount, good numbers... googoogoogoo..." Shibata: "Ah, ah... I'm currently testing the microphone. Mic test underway... ah, ah..." Sign/Narr: "The end." : "This is the story of a certain man who was asked by a friend to housesit..." ews: "...which will see the weather become rougher toward the weekend." Katagiri: "What's going on? He's still not back..." ews: "There are many regions that should expect heavy rain in the afternoon, so if you're heading out, be sure to remember an umbrella." Katagiri: "Oh, it's from Hasegawa." Katagiri: "He can't make it back home? "I'm expecting a package tomorrow... Could you accept it for me?"" Katagiri: "Tomorrow?" Katagiri: "Well, why not? I've got nothing else to do." Katagiri: "And his place is pretty nice." Katagiri: "It's just Nao..." Katagiri: "Hello?" Katagiri: "Yeah, I'm at Hasegawa's place." Katagiri: "He's got a package coming, so I'm watching the place..." Katagiri: "But it's probably not coming today." Katagiri: "Did he get the date wrong or something?" Katagiri: "Oh, is that it?" Katagiri: "They do deliveries this late?" Kg: "Yes?" Deliveryman: "I'm here with a delivery." Kg: "Okay, thanks." Kg: "Sorry, looks like it's here. I'll call you back." Deliveryman: "Could you sign here, please?" Kg: "Sure." Kg: "They've got you out awfully late, huh?" Deliveryman: "Yes." Deliveryman: "Thank you." Kg: "Not exactly a friendly guy..." Kg: "What is this "important package," anyway?" Kg: "I guess I should let him know it's here. "It's here."" Text Sign: "New message from Hasegawa-san" Kg: "Oh, that was fast. "I'm expecting another package... Could you stay for one more day?"" Kg: "Okay, fine." Kg: "You'd better bring me back a good gift." ews: "The low pressure front looks likely to continue through the majority of the week. There have been patchy skies throughout the Kanto region today, and even now, patches of heavy rain cover a wide area." ews: "If you're in a region with flooding concerns, caution is advised." ews: "This concludes the weather report." Kg: "Nao again?" Kg: "Hello." Kg: "Yeah, I'm still at Hasegawa's." Kg: "He's got another package coming, so he asked me to stay for another day." Kg: "Oh, that must be it. I'll call you back later." Kg: "Yes?" Deliveryman: "I'm here with a delivery." Kg: "Okay..." Kg: "It's the same guy as yesterday." Deliveryman: "Could you sign here, please?" Kg: "Bet it sucks being out this late in the rain, huh?" Kg: "What's with him? He's creeping me out..." Deveryman: "Thank you." Kg: "Jeez, it's all wet." Kg: "Isn't Hasegawa coming home yet?" Kg: "I guess I'll call him." Kg: "He's not answering..." Kg: "What the?" Kg: "That's..." Kg: "Hello?" Hg: "What's up?" Kg: "Uh, I mean... Your packages are here." Hg: "Okay." Kg: "So... when are you coming home?" Hg: "What are you talking about? I just did." Kg: "Hey!" Kg: "Hey... Hello? Hello?!" Kg: "Come on, Hasegawa... Hasegawa!" Hg: "Sorry, Katagiri, but could you get me out of here?" Hg: "It's kind of dark... and cramped." Hg: "And there are all these bugs..." Hg: "Katagiri..." Hg: "Come on." Hg: "Let me out..." Hg: "Okay?" Hg: "Let me out!" Hg: "Katagiri..." Hg: "Katagiri!" Sign/Narr: "The end." Preview: "Next time on Yamishibai Live... "Kitchen." "Tongue." "Ring."" Preview: "Those are the three stories we will have for you."
{ "raw_title": "Theatre of Darkness: Yamishibai (Live-action series) Episode 4 – The Woman in the Elevator ⧸ Cassette Tape ⧸ Delivery", "parsed": [ "Theatre of Darkness: Yamishibai (Live-action series)", "4", "The Woman in the Elevator ⧸ Cassette Tape ⧸ Delivery" ] }
Intro: "Step right up and have a look... It's time for Yamishibai." : "This is the story of a college student visiting his girlfriend at her new apartment..." Satoru: "I'm pretty sure it's around here somewhere." Ayano: "Hey! Satoru! Over here!" Satoru: "The building's even nicer than I imagined!" Ayano: "Thanks. The property is apparently on the new side, so I was shocked by how low the rent was." Ayano: "I'm cooking a ton of food, so look forward to a big meal." Satoru: "You sure the AC isn't turned up too high? It's kinda loud." Ayano: "You really think so? You can turn it down if you want." Satoru: "At that moment, I realized something." Satoru: "When I listened more closely to the oddly loud air conditioning..." Satoru: "There seemed to be strange sounds mixed in with the noise." Satoru: "I could hear what sounded like human moans and whispers coming from inside the unit." Satoru: "And it got louder as time went on..." Ayano: "Sorry. Did that scare you? The power here tends to go out every now and then." Satoru: "Hey... did you hear something skittering around above the ceiling just now?" Ayano: "No, I didn't hear anything." Satoru: "This is wrong. There's clearly something strange about this apartment." Satoru: "But... Ayano apparently hasn't noticed it at all." Ayano: "Well, since you're here already, you might as well eat some curry!" Satoru: "What is that? A creepy-looking man appeared inside the kitchen, and he's staring at me..." Ayano: "Well, are you gonna eat?" Satoru: "Yeah, I will. Thanks. As I keep eating," Satoru: "he's slowly but surely moving closer..." Satoru: "I want to tell Ayano, but how can I do it without sounding crazy?" Satoru: "Even as I'm thinking about it, he keeps getting closer." Ayano: "What's wrong? You don't like it?" Satoru: "Sorry. I'm not feeling so well all of a sudden." Ayano: "Come on, if you don't like it, just say so!" Satoru: "It's not that!" Ayano: "You don't like it, right?" Satoru: "Seriously, I'm just not feeling well. Why don't we both get some fresh air?" Ayano: "Oh, my curry stinks so bad that you need fresh air?!" Satoru: "That's not what I mean! You can't keep living here!" Ayano: "What is this?! All these complaints about the place that I chose!" Ayano: "Is this some excuse to break up?!" Satoru: "You know better than that!" Ayano: "I know you're cheating on me, Satoru! You want to get with her, is that it?!" Satoru: "I'm not cheating on you!" Ayano: "How am I wrong?!" Satoru: "Please! Let's get out of here together!" Ayano: "Never! And I will never forgive you!" Satoru: "Ayano?! Are you okay?" Ayano: "I'm sorry... I just lost my temper." Satoru: "It's okay. I was just worried about you, Ayano." Ayano: "Thank you." Ayano: "I guess getting heated up like that probably made you break a sweat, huh?" Ayano: "You can take a shower if you want." Satoru: "What? Right now?" Ayano: "Yeah, right now." Ayano: "I'd do it if I were you." Ayano: "You know, Satoru... I really love you. I want to live here with you more than anything else!" Ayano: "And if you won't let me have that, then..." Ayano: "I won't let you leave at all!" Ayano: "You don't have to understand, okay?" Satoru: "Stop it!" Ayano: "I... I-I just w-want to b-be with you, Satoru... In this apartment..." Satoru: "Please! Don't do this!" Ayano: "I-It's okay! I don't mind if you ch-ch-cheat on me a little! It's okay!" Satoru: "I'm sorry! I'm sorry! Don't hurt me! Please don't!" Ayano: "I'll m-make tasty food in the k-kitchen... Every day... e-every day... Every day, just for you, okay?!" Ayano: "Look forward to it!" Man: "The end." Man: "My washing machine made an awful racket before stopping altogether." Man: "I think something got stuck in the drainage hose. What could it be?" Man: "Ugh, nasty! I guess this isn't the kind of thing anyone cleans, though." Man: "I can hear something... inside?" Man: "There's something there." Man: "An old guy's stuck in there!" Man: "There's an urban legend... It's kinda on the old side, but this has to be that little old man!" Man: "Okay, I'll catch him and sell him for some big cash." Man: "Old jerk's being really stubborn!" Man: "He's out! I got him!" Man: "This is disgusting..." Man: "How long is this thing? I doubt anyone would pay for it. I chucked it out the window since I didn't know what else to do, and it got caught on a power line." Man: "After that, some crows showed up and ate every last bite." Man: "Rest in peace." : "This is the story of a certain office worker on his way back from from work..." Kids: "I really want to make a grave. Maybe under the tree? Yeah." Kids: "What should we do?" Kawasaki: "Hey, boys. You're too close to the road." Kids: "But..." Kawasaki: "Oh... a cat." Kawasaki: "I understand. I'll figure something out." Kids: "Really?" Girls: "No way! I wanna go!" Girls: "Look. I think that cat got run over." Girls: "They say if you feel sorry for them, they end up following you... Quit trying to scare me!" Kawasaki: "There... That ought to do it." Kids: "Hey, is the cat gonna go to heaven?" Kawasaki: "Of course. Thanks to you two finding it." Kids: "That's good! Yeah!" Kids: "Thanks, mister!" Kids: "Bye!" Kawasaki: "Be careful on your way home." Kids: "Okay!" Kids: "It worked out, huh?" Kawasaki: "Now, then..." Kawasaki: "Man, it's already so late." Girls: "Look. I think that cat got run over. They say if you feel sorry for them, they end up following you..." Kawasaki: "There's no way that's true." Kawasaki: "I wonder if someone in the neighborhood had kittens." Kawasaki: "I'm pretty sure that came from inside this room." Kawasaki: "Lights..." Kawasaki: "What's going on?" Kawasaki: "I can't move!" Kawasaki: "There's no doubt about it... It's nearby." Kawasaki: "Where?" Kawasaki: "I can't... breathe..." Kawasaki: "It's almost on top of me..." Kawasaki: "I shouldn't have bothered if this was gonna happen..." Kawasaki: "Stay back... Don't do it! P-Please..." Kawasaki: "Stop!" Kawasaki: "Please! Just go away! Please—" Kawasaki: "I thought I was gonna die!" Kawasaki: "Please, somebody! Help me!" Kawasaki: "I can hear... something else..." Kawasaki: "Other than the cat..." Kawasaki: "Something... Something's there!" Lady: "Isn't that nice?" Lady: "You must really like this man..." Lady: "I wish he... had made a grave for me, too..." Lady: "Why didn't you find me?!" Kawasaki: "That ought to do it." Kids: "Hey, is the cat gonna go to heaven?" Kawasaki: "Of course. Thanks to you two finding it" Sign/Narr: "The end." : "This is the story of an certain office lady living in the city..." Youko: "So tired..." Youko: "Again? Weird stuff keeps happening lately." Phone: "Monday, 7:30 PM." Phone: "I'm looking for my wife..." Youko: "What the heck?" Youko: "It's not just the messages. Lately, I hear him when I'm walking around town, too." Youko: "I could be imagining it... But it still creeps me out! It's like, "Who are you?!"" Youko: "Hey, Natsumi, do you know anyone who can help? With, you know... supernatural stuff." sumi: "Actually, now that you mention it, my mom knows someone." Youko: "Really?! Get me in touch with them!" Murata: "Are you Youko-san?" Murata: "I appreciate you coming all the way out to meet me." Youko: "He's hot! And he seems so nice..." Youko: "It's okay. I was in the neighborhood. Thanks for coming to—" Murata: "This is... What did you do?!" Youko: "What do you mean—" Murata: "Come with me, right now!" Youko: "Wait!" Murata: "Where did you get that ring?" Youko: "I got it from a pawn shop the other day." Murata: "That is your problem." Youko: "What?" Murata: "I've heard the broad strokes of your story. The phenomena you're experiencing are caused by that ring." Youko: "How do you know for sure?" Murata: "There are different types of spiritual abilities." Murata: "In my case, I have a sensitivity to objects." Murata: "It's likely that a woman sold that ring." Murata: "The problem is whoever gave it to her..." Murata: "or in other words, the man whose voice you've been hearing." Murata: "It seems he has already passed on." Murata: "To him, that ring is..." Murata: "An example would be an heirloom from his mother. It's something very important to him, leading him to haunt anyone who puts it on, even for a moment. I believe he wanted very badly to marry the woman, but when he was unable to do so, he took his own life." Murata: "He's a very unpleasant spirit." Youko: "So when he says he's looking for his wife..." Murata: "Correct. He most likely means that he's looking for someone to become his wife." Youko: "I'm going to throw it away!" Murata: "Youko-san, I'm afraid it's not that simple." Murata: "You'll need a proper exorcism." Murata: "We can perform it at a nearby studio tonight." Murata: "It's okay. You can rest assured." Murata: "I'll be in the next room. First we lure the spirit out, and once he appears, I'll exorcise him." Murata: "That being the case, I should take the ring." Youko: "Okay. Please do." Murata: "No matter what happens, do not open that door." Ghost: "Looking... for my wife..." Ghost: "I'm looking..." Youko: "It's okay. I'm sure he'll get rid of him." Ghost: "For my wife..." Ghost: "My wife..." Ghost: "My wife..." Ghost: "Looking... for my wife..." Ghost: "I'm looking for my wife..." Murata: "Youko-san! Are you all right?" Youko: "Murata-san..." Murata: "It's all right now. I've exorcised the spirit." Youko: "Thank goodness!" Youko: "So after that, we kind of got to know each other..." Youko: "And last month, we got married!" sumi: "Is that the ring from..." Youko: "Yep! The same one from the story." sumi: "You sure you shouldn't have taken it to a temple or something?" Youko: "It's what brought us together. He said it'd be a good idea to wear it." sumi: "Well, I bet he was really glad to get to marry you." Youko: "Yeah. He says every day that he's so glad he found his wife." Ghost: "I'm looking for my wife..." Ghost: "I'm looking for my wife... I'm looking for my wife... I'm looking for my wife..." Youko: "Help... me..." Sign/Narr: "The end." Preview: "Next time on Yamishibai Live... "Special-Made Doll." "Howl." "Black Bebe."" Preview: "Those are the three stories we will have for you."
{ "raw_title": "Theatre of Darkness: Yamishibai (Live-action series) Episode 5 – Kitchen ⧸ Tongue ⧸ Ring", "parsed": [ "Theatre of Darkness: Yamishibai (Live-action series)", "5", "Kitchen ⧸ Tongue ⧸ Ring" ] }
Intro: "Step right up and have a look... It's time for Yamishibai." : "This is the story of a certain college student who is a member of his university's film circle..." Eisuke: "Cut!" Ad: "Okay, cut!" Eisuke: "That should do it." Cast: "Cool." Eisuke: "Okay. That's a wrap for today." Ad: "That brings today's shooting to a close." Club Members: "Thank you!" Ad: "Everyone, get ready to clear out of here." Club Members: "Good job today!" Tetsuya: "Hey, Eisuke, you sure a cheap zombie flick like this is what you want to make? Wouldn't it be better if we put some effort into the set and made decent props?" Eisuke: "Why don't you dig up some good horror-style props for us, then?" Tetsuya: "What? Me?" Eisuke: "Yep. We'll use them tomorrow. Counting on you, man." Eisuke: "I've got a meeting with Youko to discuss her acting." Eisuke: "Sorry for the holdup. Want to do this at a café?" Youko: "Sure! Thank you." Eisuke: "Do you know a good place?" Youko: "There's one I have in mind..." Eisuke: "Okay!" Youko: "Really?!" Tetsuya: "That Eisuke... I can't believe he's putting the moves on a kouhai like Youko." Tetsuya: "Even though I'm the one who invited her to the shoot..." Tetsuya: "Damn it..." Tetsuya: "Why does he expect me to have anything that'd work as a prop in a movie?" Tetsuya: "Oh, well. I'll just apologize and say I couldn't find anything." Tetsuya: "Huh?" Tetsuya: "There's something up there..." Tetsuya: "Did this belong to the last person who lived here?" Tetsuya: "What the hell is this?" Tetsuya: "Man, it's disgusting!" Tetsuya: "Like something a kid might have made... but way too creepy." Tetsuya: "I don't want it..." Tetsuya: "Wait, maybe it could be a prop?" Tetsuya: "I guess I'm lucky to have found something we can use." Tetsuya: "But why'd the previous tenant leave it here?" Tetsuya: "This is weird. The face is looking in a totally different direction than before." Tetsuya: "Maybe I should get rid of it after all, since it's creepy..." Tetsuya: "Wait, something's written on it." Writing Sign: "Throw me away and die" Tetsuya: "What the hell do I do now?" Tetsuya: "Here." Tetsuya: "It's all yours. Put it to good use." Eisuke: "Nice! It's definitely got a horror vibe." Tetsuya: "Hey... giving something away and throwing it away are different, right?" Eisuke: "What are you babbling about?" Tetsuya: "What a relief." Tetsuya: "Now I don't have to worry about that doll." Youko: "It's so creepy." Youko: "Dolls like this really freak me out." Eisuke: "I totally understand. If you don't like it, I'll get rid of it." Tetsuya: "He threw it away..." Tetsuya: "But it's none of my business anymore. It'd be stupid to worry about it." Eisuke: "All right, let's do this." Eisuke: "We're rolling." Ad: "Got it." Eisuke: "And..." Everybody: "Whoa, whoa, whoa! Quick! Somebody call an ambulance! Oh, damn!" Everybody: "Hang in there, man!" Tetsuya: "No way... It has to be a coincidence!" Everybody: "Is he okay?! Is he okay?" Somebody: "Hey! We better—" Tetsuya: "That wasn't my fault, right? H-He's the one who threw the doll away. I didn't have any obligation to stop him, did I?" Tetsuya: "Besides, it was just a coincidence!" Tetsuya: "Wh-What the..." Tetsuya: "Was that an ambulance?" Youko: "Somebody... help..." Tetsuya: "Youko-chan?" Youko: "I-I was riding in the ambulance with Senpai..." Youko: "and I found this." Youko: "I tried to throw it away... and then the accident..." Tetsuya: "No!" Tetsuya: "I won't throw you away!" Tetsuya: "I'll never do it again, so don't hurt me!" Tetsuya: "Stop!" Sign/Narr: "The end." : "This is the tale of a certain office worker putting in overtime..." : "I am so bushed." Sawa: "See? Aren't you glad we came up to the roof?" : "I guess. The breeze is nice." Katsu: "Hey, it's a full moon tonight." : "I'm hungry." Katsu: "That's your reaction to seeing a full moon?" : "Is that a thing? The full moon boosting your appetite?" Katsu: "No idea. Never heard of it before." Sawamura: "Want me to get something? I'll grab food from the convenience store." : "Oh, I'll have a beer, then." Sawa: "Whoa, hang on a sec..." : "It doesn't make a difference if we drink at this hour. It won't slow the work down any more." Katsu: "I'll have a beer, too, then." Sawa: "All right, if you guys insist." : "This place is basically a diet sweatshop. Maybe I should just quit already." Katsu: "Yeah?" : "Don't just "Yeah?" me. You're supposed to stop me." Katsu: "Oh, you were joking?" : "Let's say half-joking, maybe." : "What was that?" Katsu: "What was what?" : "Did you hear something?" : "There!" Katsu: "Oh, I hear it." : "Is it a dog?" Katsu: "Who knows?" : "Wait, I thought you knew all about dogs." Katsu: "No, I don't." : "Didn't you say you had one?" Katsu: "Oh, my French bulldog." : "A bulldog? Those squished-looking ones?" Katsu: "You couldn't put that a different way?" : "Man, is it a stray dog or something?" Katsu: "In the middle of the city?" : "Does that bulldog of yours howl like that?" Katsu: "I guess." : "My parents lived in the middle of nowhere, so I used to hear this sometimes. The sound of wild dogs in the mountains, howling." Katsu: "Why, though?" : "I dunno, maybe they're letting their friends know they found some food." Katsu: "Is it me... or is the sound getting louder?" : "I think it might be." Katsu: "Is it headed this way?" Katsu: "This is bad, isn't it?" : "A-Are we gonna get attacked by wild dogs?" Katsu: "No way..." : "I've never heard of wild dogs attacking people on the roof of a damn building." Katsu: "Besides, are we sure it's wild dogs?" : "What else could it be?" Katsu: "I'm not sure, but..." Katsu: "That was a lot closer." : "Who do you report wild dogs to? The cops?" Katsu: "I think animal control?" : "Uh, let's see... animal control's number is..." : "Did you see what I just saw?" Katsu: "It looked like something ran by..." : "Did I imagine it?" Katsu: "You ever hear of two people imagining the same thing?" : "I don't think so..." Katsu: "Maybe the wild dog's hiding somewhere?" : "Can't you, like, whistle and draw it out?" : "Y'know, when people call their dogs with a whistle. You do it with your bulldog, right?" Katsu: "No, I don't!" : "Look, just try and do it!" : "One more time." : "Wh-What the hell?" Katsu: "I don't know, man!" : "Let's bail." Katsu: "You don't have to tell me twice!" : "What're you doing?!" Katsu: "It won't open!" : "Are you serious?!" Katsu: "Somebody open this door!" : "Help us!" Katsu: "Open up!" : "Someone!" : "Damn it, does nobody hear us?!" Katsu: "Shh!" Katsu: "The howling stopped..." : "You're right." : "It's just you..." Sawa: "What's that supposed to mean?" Katsu: "Look, let's get out of here." Katsu: "We don't have to explain." : "Yeah, come on." Sawa: "Hang on a second..." : "Sawamura..." Katsu: "What the hell are you?" Sawamura: "I was just getting food." Sawamura: "But not for you guys." /Sign: "The end." : "This is the story of a certain pair of brothers living in the country..." Kaito{Also The Signs}: "There's a rumor that's circulated in this town for a long time. Anyone who sees the girl known as "Black Bebe" will be forced to decide between dying" Kaito{Also The Signs}: "or someone they care about dying." Kaito{Also The Signs}: "But nobody really believes that story, with one exception." Shota: "I swear I saw her!" Kaito: "It's not that I doubt you." Shota: "Look, I wanna thank you." Shota: "For coming over." Kaito: "Look, don't worry about it." Shota: "I don't know what I'd do if I was alone." Shota: "I just... don't know what to do anymore." Kaito: "It seems like's he's having trouble deciding between choosing to die or picking me to die." Kaito: "I'm the only living relative he last left, after all." Kaito: "Sorry, I should take this." Kaito: "Hello?" Masako: "Hey, sorry to bother you. How's your brother doing?" Kaito: "Not well." Kaito: "He's delusional again." Masako: "He's been to the hospital for this before, hasn't he? But he was supposedly doing better lately..." Kaito: "Well, it's just not that simple." Masako: "Are you coming home tonight?" Kaito: "I'm not sure..." Masako: "You promised Rino, remember? That you were going to help her practice bike riding." Kaito: "Yeah... that's right." Kaito: "Look, I'm sorry, but..." Shota: "Will you stay here tonight?" Shota: "I'm begging you!" Kaito: "Okay, fine. But tomorrow, let's go to the hospital together." Shota: "The hospital? I don't need the hospital!" Kaito: "Just promise me! Or I'm not staying tonight." Shota: "Fine." Kaito: "It's been about four hours, and I sincerely don't know what to do anymore." Kaito: "Gotta use the bathroom." Kaito: "A ball?" Kaito: "B-Bro... I just saw Black Bebe... She's in the house!" Kaito: "Bro? Hey, come on, snap out of it!" Shota: "I was wrong." Shota: "I thought that after you died, I'd have no one else, but I was wrong. I still have someone. I still..." Kaito: "What are you muttering about?!" Kaito: "Bro, come on, you have to do something!" Shota: "Kaito..." Shota: "You meant a lot to me, little brother." Kaito: "Oh, no..." Kaito: "P-Please, you have to save me!" Kaito: "I have Masako and Rino to look after! I can't die like this! You have to die for me! Haven't you already lost everything?!" Shota: "I just didn't want to die." Shota: "That's not what I was worried about." Kaito: "Wh-Whats so damn funny?!" Kaito: "W-Wait! H-Hey, bro! You have to help me! Please!" Shota: "I'm only here today... because of Kaito. If he hadn't taken me to the hospital that day, I don't know if I ever would've recovered. But then he got into that accident on the way home..." Masako: "I think my husband would he happy to see his brother doing so much better." Shota: "Rino, there's some cake in the fridge. Do you want some?" Rino: "Yeah!" Masako: "Oh, I'll get it." Shota: "Thank you, Masako-san." Shota: "I thought the death of my little brother meant I had lost everyone I cared about..." Shota: "and that the next time I saw Black Bebe, I would be the one to die." Shota: "But I was wrong. I still have these two. I have to love them" Shota: "and take good care of them..." Shota: "so that next time I see Black Bebe, it'll be them instead of me." Rino: "Which kind of cake do you want, Uncle?" Shota: "Well, let me see... I think I'll have..." /Sign: "The end." Preview: "Next time on Yamishibai Live... "Ominie-san." "Greeting." "Family Photo."" Preview: "Those are the three stories we will have for you."
{ "raw_title": "Theatre of Darkness: Yamishibai (Live-action series) Episode 6 – Special-Made Doll ⧸ Howl ⧸ Black Bebe", "parsed": [ "Theatre of Darkness: Yamishibai (Live-action series)", "6", "Special-Made Doll ⧸ Howl ⧸ Black Bebe" ] }
Intro: "Step right up and have a look... It's time for Yamishibai." : "This is the story of a certain man who has just enrolled in a rural university..." Kaneda: "Oh, Auntie, I don't need dinner tonight." Aunt: "Oh? Why's that?" Kaneda: "I'm going out with a friend." Aunt: "Oh, really? That sounds nice." Kaneda: "He's from around here. He's taking me to a local place he frequents." Aunt: "Oh, really?" Kaneda: "It's supposed to be good, with good prices, too." Oyama: "Kaneda, you're living with someone from your extended family, right?" Kaneda: "Yeah. She happened to live close to the school." Oyama: "Lucky for you, then. That means not having to pay rent." Oyama: "But it might be rough if you ever decide to have a girlfriend over." Kaneda: "Man, I didn't even think of that!" Kaneda: "So you've always lived around here, Oyama?" Oyama: "That's right." Oyama: "You're lucky you ended up in the same class as me. I can show you all the best spots around town." Kaneda: "I'm looking forward to it." Oyama: "There's actually this crazy cave nearby called Friendless Cave. Wanna check it out sometime?" Kaneda: "What is it? Some kinda... haunted thing?" Oyama: "A bunch of high school students have disappeared in it. Nobody ever saw them again." Kaneda: "Whoa, no thanks! I seriously can't handle that sort of thing." Oyama: "Okay, then." Oyama: "Oh, there it is!" Server: "Welcome!" Menu Signs: "Grilled Squid | Liver & Chive Stir-Fry | Meat & Tofu Hotpot | Oyster Hotpot | Boiled Tofu Hotpot | Offal Stew | Yakitori | Mix Tempura | Fried Tentacle | Pork Sautée Rice | Mixed Fried Rice | Omelet w/Rice | Fried Soba | Yakiudon | Yakisoba | Char Siu Dan Dan Ramen | Miso Char Siu Ramen | Wonton Char Siu Ramen | Wonton Ramen | Wontons | Soba w/Misc. | Char Siu Ramen | Miso Ramen | Dan Dan Ramen" Second Row: "Grilled Ham | Stir-Fried Bean Sprouts | Stir-Fried Chives | Fried Chicken | Fried Squid | Buttered Grilled Squid | Fried Eggs | Salted Fish Guts | Fried Mackerel | Udon Soup | Ham Cutlet | Veggie Stir-Fry | Gyoza | Fried Fish Cake | Natto | Rice w/Fried Shrimp | Rice w/Meat Skewers | Rice w/Fried Squid | Chicken Rice | Omelet Rice | Yakiniku Rice | Hamburg Steak w/Rice | Rice w/Fried Oysters | Pork Cutlet Curry Rice | Chicken Cutlet w/Rice | Pork Cutlet w/Rice | Curry Rice | Curry Fried Rice | Fried Rice | Cold Chinese Noodles" Oyama: "Lot of options, right?" Kaneda: "Yeah..." Oyama: "You mind if I order for you this time?" Kaneda: "Yeah. You make the call." Oyama: "Ma'am! Can we get two beers and two orders of Ominie-san?" Kaneda: "Ominie-san?" Oyama: "Wait, you've never had it before?" Oyama: "The Ominie-san here is amazing!" Kaneda: "Really?" Oyama: "The thing about living in the sticks is, even if you get a job, the wages are terrible." Oyama: "You gonna work?" Kaneda: "I've been looking, but I haven't found anything good..." Oyama: "See what I mean? A friend of mine got a job at a restaurant in Tokyo, and he says the money is on another level." Oyama: "Although he disappeared without a trace, too." Kaneda: "Is it me... or do people you know tend to end up missing?" Oyama: "You think so?" Server: "Here you are." Oyama: "Here we go!" Server: "Here's your Ominie-san." Oyama: "Looks great!" Oyama: "It doesn't need anything else. You just take it apart with your hands and eat it. Time to eat!" Oyama: "So good!" Oyama: "I can't get enough..." Oyama: "This is gonna give me tons of energy." Oyama: "Not gonna eat yours?" Kaneda: "I'm not that hungry..." Oyama: "Yeah?" Server: "Welcome!" Customers: "I am starving..." Customers: "Ma'am, do you have any Ominie-san?" Server: "You bet!" Customers: "I'll take some, too!" Customers: "Gotta get that energy, y'know?" Customers: "Time to eat!" Customers: "Need that energy!" Customers: "That smell... Ma'am, can I get some of that Ominie-san? Excuse me, I'd like to order some Ominie-san! Ma'am, can I get seconds on my Ominie-san?" Server: "Don't eat too much, now, or you'll be up all night!" Customers: "Don't worry about it! Masaru, do you know what we're having for dinner tonight? Ominie-san! Oh, Ominie-san for lunch and dinner... Y'know, the Ominie-san they have at school isn't that good. I like it better here. That sounds about right. And what about Mom's Ominie-san? It's the best of them all!" Kaneda: "Sorry... I'm feeling kinda sick." Kaneda: "I'm gonna head home." Oyama: "Okay. I'll eat your serving." Kaneda: "R-Right. I'll leave the money." Oyama: "So good!" Customer: "Ma'am, another Ominie-san over here!" Server: "Coming up!" Kaneda: "I am not eating that stuff..." Kaneda: "Oh, Auntie?" Kaneda: "Yeah. I'm heading home now." Kaneda: "Nah, I actually lost my appetite..." Kaneda: "so I haven't had anything to eat." Kaneda: "I'm back." Aunt: "I made dinner for you." Aunt: "How's your appetite?" Kaneda: "Yeah, I think it's doing better." Aunt: "Oh? That's good to hear." Kaenda: "This is good." Aunt: "Eat lots and get some energy, okay?" Oyama: "Gonna give me plenty of energy." Customers: "Need that energy!" Server: "You'll be up all night!" Aunt: "It's always a bit hard to eat at first, so I mixed some in this to make it easier for you." Aunt: "Ominie-san." Sign/Narr: "The end." Man: "One summer night, it was so hot that I woke up... and a red string was tied around my hand." Man: "It led outside my place." Man: "I decided to follow it, in case it led to the person of my dreams." Man: "Once I got outside, there was snow everywhere." Man: "It was weird, considering it was summer." Man: "I thought maybe I was dreaming." Man: "After all, I broke up with my last girlfriend on a snowy night like that." Man: "After I left the snowy residential area, I was in New York." Man: "I went there on my first overseas trip with a girlfriend..." Man: "I hear she's married and has two kids now." Man: "After getting out of New York, I was in an old mountain park that I recognized. This is where I had my first kiss with my classmate from middle school, Yui-chan. Lots of memories here." Man: "After the park, I ended up at a tunnel I had even more memories about. When I was in elementary school, we did a test of courage here, and I ended up crying." Man: "I was trying to show off to the first girl I ever liked, Riho-chan..." Man: "I started to feel like my life was flashing before my eyes." Man: "Even after growing up, and even in a dream, that tunnel still gives me the creeps." Man: "Once I left the darkness..." Man: "There was a green field." Man: "The red string was tied to a girl standing in the field." Man: "I can't see her face, but she seems beautiful." Man: "Am I destined to be with her?" Man: "I want to give everything I have to her!" Man: "I woke up... just when the dream was getting good." Man: "And when I did..." Man: "I was... beneath a giant spider on the ceiling... Bleeding... caught in its web... as it was eating me..." : "This is the story of a certain college student who has just moved into a new apartment..." Student: "Okay... Oh, good afternoon." Student: "That was rude... I've been living here for a week, and my neighbor's so pissy, it's starting to get on my nerves." Student: "Maybe I picked the wrong place to move into." Gramps: "Good afternoon." Student: "Hello. Nice to see you." Student: "He seems pleasant enough, and friendly." Student: "Wish everyone else was like that..." Student: "I guess he's the exception, though..." Student: "Sounds real friendly, right? I haven't really had a conversation with him yet, but I get the feeling we're gonna get along." Student: "Yeah, exactly! What the—" Jacket: "Damn it, would you shut the hell up? Do you know how late it is?" Student: "I-I'm sorry. But I wasn't being that loud," And It'S Only 8: "and it's only 8:00 PM—" Jacket: "Well, I go to bed at nine!" Student: "Sorry." eighbor: "Good afternoon." eighbor: "Good afternoon." Jacket: "D-Dumbass. It's night already. Where do you get "afternoon" from?" Student: "That nice man bailed me out..." Student: "Plus, he kept smiling after that abuse." Student: "That's pretty mature of him." Student: "What the?!" Student: "I gotta call an ambulance!" Student: "Why can't I get through?" Student: "Excuse me! Could you call the hospital? Please!" Student: "What was that? He ignored me?" Student: "I didn't think he was like that..." Student: "Excuse me! Can I borrow your phone?" Student: "My cell's not working..." Student: "The room is empty?" Student: "No way... Then where'd he go?" Student: "Excuse me? Where are you? I live next door!" Calender: "DON'T IGNORE ME" Student: "What... is that?" 1: "Ignored again" 5: "Ignored me today" 7: "Don't ignore me" 8: "Say hello" 11: "Die" 13: "I'll make you die" 18: "Say hello" 20: "Don't ignore me" 22: "Die" 24: "Ignore me again?" 25: "Die" Big Text: "DON'T IGNORE ME" Student: ""Ignore me again?" "Don't ignore me." "Say hello." "Die"?" Student: "What is this?" Student: "Is it..." Student: "There's more." Student: "Was it a coincidence that the other guy fell? No... I bet he was cursed for ignoring the old man." Student: "I said hello, so I should be fine!" Student: "H-He's here!" Student: "I-I'd better say hello..." Student: "Um... Good afternoon." Student: "Thanks for coming over..." Student: "But this is the second floor... I appreciate you going to the effort of standing outside the window, even though there's no veranda... So... um..." Student: "You can head back now, and I'll be fine." Student: "And... please rest in peace..." Deliveryman: "Excuse me? Is anyone there?" eighbor: "Good afternoon." Student: "It's him!" Student: "Say hello! You need to say hello!" Student: "You need to say hello to him!" Deliveryman: "Sorry, but... to who?" Student: "Sorry. Excuse me." Deliveryman: "It's okay." Student: "Damn it! It won't open!" Student: "Ikumi? Answer the phone! Come on!" Student: "Help!" eighbor: "Good afternoon." eighbor: "You're taking a while to say hello..." Sign/N: "The end." : "This is the story of a certain office worker visiting his parents' house on the anniversary of his mother's death..." Kenji: "I'm back." Dad: "Hey, Kenji! It's been a while. I appreciate it. I know you're busy." Kenji: "I figured, given the occasion, I should come by." Kenji: "Time sure does fly... I can't believe it's been six years since Mom died." Kenji: "Hey, an album!" Kenji: "Wow, these take me back! I don't even recognize them all." Kenji: "This was the last picture we took together..." Kenji: "She has such a nice smile in it." Kenji: "Who is that? Was someone like that there?" Dad: "Something wrong?" Kenji: "Hey... who is this?" Kenji: "Was he there?" Dad: "Kenji! What're you talking about?" Kenji: "What do you mean?" Dad: "Don't make fun of your old man." Kenji: "Uh, I'm not!" Dad: "You're messing with me." Kenji: "Y-Yeah, of course. I just wanted to test you, Dad. I was curious if you remembered." Dad: "Of course I do! What a weird thing to ask..." Kenji: "Yeah, sorry." Kenji: "I didn't recognize the man in this picture at all. That fact started to bother me, and I kept digging through my memories, trying to recall the day the picture was taken... On that day six years ago, I set the camera on a tripod Here we go! and set the timer... I remember that. Okay! Then, when I ran over to my family," Mom: "Is it working?" Kneji: "I was on the far end, and I know there were three of us... It's fine, trust me!" Kneji: "This is it." Kneji: "Say cheese!" Kneji: "I knew it! When I took that picture, it was just the three of us!" Kneji: "Then who is that guy?" Kneji: "I need to check again." Kneji: "He was mostly blocked out before, but now I could see his face... and he was glaring at me. Not only that, but my mother noticed his presence and looks shocked." Kneji: "What the hell is this?" Dad: "Hey, what's wrong?" Kenji: "This picture is weird!" Kenji: "Look at it! This guy wasn't there! And..." Dad: "No... he was there." Dad: "Back then, he came for you when you set the timer." Kenji: "What are you talking about?" Dad: "He was trying to take you away." Kenji: "That can't be! I don't remember that at all!" Dad: "But your mother noticed and tried to protect you..." Kenji: "That didn't happen! I would have remembered it!" Dad: "It's not that you don't remember! You're trying not to remember," Dad: "because it was so terrifying!" Kenji: "Th-That can't..." Mom: "Look out!" Kenji: "He's right. Mom really did push me out of the way." Kenji: "And after I fell, I think I saw..." Kenji: "what happened next." Dad: "Kenji!" Mom: "Kenji!" Kenji: "Mom!" Man: "If you forget, you're next." Kenji: "That can't be real... Mom just died in an accident!" Dad: "You need to face facts." Dad: "I've been worried that you were trying to forget about it..." Dad: "and that he might come for you." Kenji: "I can't accept that that's what happened." Dad: "Wait, was this picture here before?" Dad: "This... It's the hallway here, isn't it?" Dad: "What's going on here?" Kenji: "What is it?" Dad: "These pictures... They're getting closer to this room!" Dad: "Th-This is..." Dad: "It's him! He's here!" Kenji: "This can't be happening..." Kenji: "Stay away..." Kenji: "Stay away!" Kenji: "Stay away!" Kenji: "You've gotta help!" Kenji: "Please!" Kenji: "M-Mom?" Mom: "I was worried about you all this time, Kenji. And that's why..." Mom: "I came back to get you..." Mom: "and take you with me!" Kenji: "Let go of me! Let go!" Mom: "We can go together!" Kenji: "Stop!" Sign/Narr: "The end." Preview: "Next time on Yamishibai Live... "Home Tutor." "Wind's Wisdom." "Zanbai."" Preview: "Those are the three stories we will have for you."
{ "raw_title": "Theatre of Darkness: Yamishibai (Live-action series) Episode 7 – Ominie-san ⧸ Greeting ⧸ Family Photo", "parsed": [ "Theatre of Darkness: Yamishibai (Live-action series)", "7", "Ominie-san ⧸ Greeting ⧸ Family Photo" ] }
Intro: "Step right up and have a look... It's time for Yamishibai." : "This is the story of a certain high school student and her home tutor..." Yui: "My mother hired a home tutor for me because I struggle with math." uma: "I'm Kugenuma." uma: "It's nice to meet you." Yui: "He's in his third year at a famous university, and is supposed to be great at the job." uma: "First, we need to figure out where you're having trouble. The basics are important." Yui: "He's really polite, kind, and actually thinks about how his student is learning." Yui: "My mother likes him, and I have no problems with him, either." Yui: "Except..." uma: "Do you mind if I use the bathroom?" Yui: "Okay." Yui: "He acts kind of weird." Yui: "When he's going down the stairs..." Yui: "Or down a hall..." uma: "Thanks for having me over." Yui: "And when he leaves. It's pretty constant." uma: "Well? Were you able to figure it out?" Yui: "It honestly drives me crazy." Yui: "My curiosity got the best of me, so I asked..." Yui: "Hey, Sensei..." uma: "You have a question?" Yui: "Why do you move around like that?" uma: "Like what?" Yui: "You know, like you're dodging something. What's up with that?" uma: "I'd rather not talk about it." Yui: "Why not?" uma: "Let's just focus on studying. Okay?" Yui: "He clearly didn't want to talk about it..." Yui: "But I was insistent. Come on, why not? Just tell me! Please? Tell me!" Yui: "Come on, Sensei, tell me! Pretty please? Will you tell me?" uma: "Okay, fine. I'll tell you." Yui: "Really? Yes!" uma: "The truth is..." uma: "I can..." uma: "see them." Yui: "See what?" uma: "I guess you'd call them spirits." uma: "They're white, and hazy-looking..." Yui: "No way..." uma: "It's true! I really do see spirits!" uma: "I'm trying to avoid them when I walk." Yui: ""Is this guy for real?" But I held back that reaction and chose words that I thought wouldn't upset him:" Yui: "I see!" Yui: "Wow, that's kind of... amazing! You're amazing, Sensei!" uma: "No one's ever reacted like that before..." uma: "Normally, when I talk about it, people get creeped out and start avoiding me." uma: "But not you!" uma: "I'm so glad!" Yui: "This seems to have made my tutor particularly fond of me." uma: "To be honest, if you touch a spirit, it's like you're touching nothing at all. But they start staring at you..." Yui: "From that day on," uma: "They look so scary! It freaks me out." Yui: "he would put studying to the side and talk non-stop about ghosts." uma: "Oh, and y'know what else?" Yui: "Uh, Sensei..." uma: "The way they move around is scary!" Yui: "I was hoping to start studying." uma: "Another thing! You really need to be careful about the dark one." Yui: "Th-The dark one?" uma: "Sometimes I see a dark ghost! That one chases after me." uma: "Like we're playing tag..." uma: "You're really in trouble if that one catches you!" Masato: "So is this guy a virgin or something?" Yui: "How should I know? I didn't ask." Masato: "Well, he sounds like one! Falling in love with his student... That's so gross. You should fire him." Yui: "Yeah... I'm seriously thinking about it. Lately I just can't stand being around him..." Masato: "What's wrong?" Yui: "Sensei..." Yui: "I didn't mean it like that..." Yui: "After that, Kugenuma-sensei quit being my tutor." Yui: "The trouble started a few days later..." Yui: "I'm home." Yui: "Is this what he meant?" uma: "Hello?" Yui: "S-Sensei?" uma: "Yui-chan? This is sudden... what's wrong?" Yui: "P-Please, help me! I can see the ghosts you were talking about! They're in my house!" uma: "I see... So you can see them now, too." uma: "Calm down. It'll be okay." uma: "As long as you avoid them when you walk by, there's nothing to worry about." Yui: "B-But..." Yui: "No! No! No—" uma: "Yui-chan?" Yui: "The dark one!" Yui: "Th-The dark ghost is here!" uma: "Run for it!" Yui: "No!" uma: "Yui-chan!" Yui: "Sensei!" Yui: "Sensei..." Yui: "You came to save me." Yui: "Sensei?" uma: "Sorry." Yui: "Help! Ever since that day," Yui: "I've been standing here on this street." Yui: "He comes by every day... and touches me." uma: "Yui-chan... You're so pretty." uma: "You have to forgive me, Yui-chan." uma: "I just realized..." uma: "that this was the only way we could be together." Yui: "All I can do is glare at him..." Yui: "and hope that one day, he'll get caught, too." Sign/Narr: "The end." Woman: "I've always been a little anxious around curved mirrors. When I was younger, I once saw a woman I didn't recognize staring at me in a curved mirror. She looked vaguely like my mother," Woman: "but also like someone I didn't recognize at all. After a while, I stopped seeing her, but the other day," Woman: "she actually spoke to me. "How can you see me?"" : "This is the story of a certain company worker who is now living alone..." Hideaki: "I'm home." Hideaki: "What the..." Hideaki: "I'm so hopeless. I gotta learn to lock up the place properly." Hideaki: "I'm sure I closed that window." Hideaki: "Could it be a thief?" Hideaki: "Just the phone..." Hideaki: "Hello?" Aunt: "Hello, Hide-chan?" Hideaki: "Oh, Auntie..." Hideaki: "Of course there's no one." Aunt: "Huh? What are you talking about?" Hideaki: "Oh, nothing. So what's up? We just talked at the funeral." Aunt: "I know, but... I was just kind of worried about you." Hideaki: "I'm fine, really..." Aunt: "I know it's still hard. It's only been a month since Asami-chan passed away..." Asami: "Quit staring! You'll make me mess up." Asami: "The cabbages were on sale today!" Asami: "Which do you want, twice-cooked pork or cabbage roll?" Asami: "Hey, did you come up with a name for him?" Asami: "You want me to do it?" Asami: "I dunno... I don't have a knack for that sort of thing." Asami: "It should've been you..." Asami: "Then I wouldn't have died..." Aunt: "Hey, are you listening?" Aunt: "Hide-chan?" Hideaki: "Yeah, I am." Aunt: "I'm just worried you might start getting crazy ideas." Hideaki: "Seriously, I'm fine. I'm hanging up now." Aunt: "Wai—" Hide: "No way..." Hide: "Wh-What is going on here? Why does this keep happening?" Hide: "Why won't it close? Damn it!" Phone Sign: "Number Withheld" Phone Sign: "H-Hello? Auntie?" Phone: "Leave... Leave..." Phone: "Leave...." Phone: "Leave...." Hide: "Wh-Who is it?" Phone: "Leave..." Hide: "Who are you?" Phone: "Leave..." Hide: "It can't be..." Phone: "Leave..." Hide: "Asami? Is it you?" Phone: "Leave..." Phone: "Leave..." Hide: "I... I know..." Phone: "Leave..." Hide: "You died... because I was too lazy to go look for Taro..." Hide: "And you got into that accident..." Phone: "Leave..." Phone: "Leave..." Phone: "Leave." Hide: "You want me to die, too?" Phone: "Leave..." Hide: "That makes sense..." Phone: "Leave..." Hide: "I'll join you..." Phone: "Leave it... open...." Phone: "Leave it open...." e Sign: "Promise to leave the window open when Taro isn't around!" Phone: "Leave it open..." Hide: "Leave it open?" Asami: "Come on!" Asami: "You closed the window on Taro again." Hide: "Sorry. I'm gonna write it down so I don't forget again, okay?" Asami: "Isn't that great, Taro?" Asami: "Daddy's going to leave the window open for you from now on." Hide: "Of course I am!" Hide: "That's why it was open..." Sign/N: "The end." : "This is the story of a man who went to a particular village in the country on a business trip..." Inoue: "Where am I?" Inoue: "Ow!" Inoue: "Um, excuse me..." Inoue: "Excuse me." Inoue: "They're not being very friendly..." Doc: "To be walking on that mountain path in this season..." Inoue: "What happened to me?" Doc: "You lost your footing." Doc: "You were found unconscious at the bottom of a cliff. In this season, when there's lots of rain, it's easy to slip on that mountain path. You're lucky someone from the village happened to pass by and find you," Doc: "and that your injuries weren't any worse." Inoue: "I see..." Doc: "I could find no problems other than a broken foot. We'll keep an eye on things overnight, and you should be out of here by tomorrow evening." Inoue: "Really?" Inoue: "That's a relief..." Doc: "But you will be on crutches for a while." Doc: "Rest well tonight, while you can." Inoue: "Th-Thank you." Inoue: "What's up with them?" Inoue: "It's no use. It hurts too much to sleep." Inoue: "I wonder if they have any painkillers." Inoue: "I probably shouldn't get my hopes up for anything as fancy as a nurse call..." Inoue: "Those guys are still talking, even though it's been lights out for a while." Inoue: "And..." Inoue: "The look they had in their eyes..." Inoue: "There's something weird about this hospital." Inoue: "I need to get out of here as soon as I can..." Inoue: "What are they saying?!" Ghosts: "You won't get away... You won't get away..." Ghosts: "You won't get away..." Inoue: "Just go away." Ghosts: "You won't get away..." Inoue: "What should I do?" Ghosts: "You won't get away..." Ghosts: "You won't get away..." Inoue: "That was one creepy hospital." Inoue: "The banzai cheer?" Inoue: "Are they celebrating my release? Maybe they were just shy, and are actually nice people..." Driver: "You were released today?" Inoue: "Yeah. The people around here seem really nice." Driver: "What makes you say that?" Inoue: "Well, the other patients from the room I was in did a banzai cheer to celebrate me getting discharged." Driver: "Banzai, eh?" Inoue: "A little overboard, huh?" Inoue: "Though, it actually looked more like they were waving downward... It was kind of weird." Ghosts: "Zanbai..." Ghosts: "Zanbai..." Ghosts: "Zanbai..." Driver: "Zanbai..." Ghosts: "Zanbai..." Inoue: "Zanbai?" Ghosts: "Zanbai..." Driver: "Get out..." Driver: "Please get out, now! You won't leave this village ali—" Doc: "That patient kept mentioning the people he was sharing a room with." Ghosts: "Zanbai..." Doc: "What do you think he meant?" urse: "Maybe the pain had him delirious?" Ghosts: "Zanbai..." urse: "After all, he was the only patient in the hospital at the time." Ghosts: "Zanbai..." Ghosts: "Zanbai..." Sign/Narr: "The end." Preview: "Next time on Yamishibai Live... "Sakura." "Bag Woman." "Family Rules."" Preview: "Those are the three stories we will have for you."
{ "raw_title": "Theatre of Darkness: Yamishibai (Live-action series) Episode 8 – Home Tutor ⧸ Wind's Wisdom ⧸ Zanbai", "parsed": [ "Theatre of Darkness: Yamishibai (Live-action series)", "8", "Home Tutor ⧸ Wind's Wisdom ⧸ Zanbai" ] }
Intro: "Step right up and have a look... It's time for Yamishibai." : "This is the story of of a certain young man who found himself in a rural hospital after a car accident..." Shota: "I hurt too much to sleep." Girl: "He's probably sleeping." Girl: "See?" Boy: "Lame. I thought we were gonna get a new friend." Shota: "Is that the next room over?" Shota: "Ouch..." Boy: "Oh, he's awake!" Boy: "Are you okay, mister?" Shota: "Yeah, I'm okay." Shota: "Well, I guess it does hurt a little." Girl: "Be careful!" Shota: "Thanks. I feel a little better having someone to talk to." Shota: "Are you kids staying here, too?" Girl: "We've been here a long time." Shota: "I see." Boy: "Hey, will you be our friend?" Shota: "Of course." Both: "Yay!" Girl: "So, mister, can we ask you some questions?" Shota: "Well, about that, the truth is..." Boy: "That's neat!" urse: "Friends?" Shota: "Yeah. They must be in grade school." Shota: "Hey, this is..." urse: "Oh, uh... There's a cherry tree in the courtyard." Shota: "O-Oh... There is?" Shota: "I hope I can walk again soon so I can see it myself." urse: "I guess so." urse: "Excuse me." Shota: "The doctor said the shot wouldn't hurt, but it hurt like crazy!" Shota: "Awful, right? Hey, have you seen the cherry tree in the courtyard?" Boy: "Well, yeah, we have..." Shota: "What's wrong?" Ghosts: "It's a beautiful cherry tree." Shota: "Huh? Oh, hello." Shota: "Are you in the same room as the kids?" Ghosts: "Yes. We always hear you talk to them." Shota: "Oh, really?" Ghosts: "Hey, you should come in here." Ghosts: "Oh, yes!" Ghosts: "I'd love to meet you. I want to talk to you, too. It's a lot of fun over here." Shota: "But... I'm still..." Ghosts: "It's all right. You guys want to meet him, don't you?" Boy: "Yeah... we do, but..." Shota: "Um..." Girl: "Do we really have to invite him over here?" Shota: "It's just that, well..." Ghosts: "Didn't you say you wanted a friend?" Shota: "Er..." Ghosts: "Call him over already." Ghosts: "I should be the one over there. Don't let him get away. I want to go back to those days... Don't let him get away." Shota: "Excuse me..." Ghosts: "Why does it have to be us? The more to share the pain, the better." Shota: "I-I just think..." Ghosts: "Hurry, hurry. Don't let him escape. I will not accept being trapped here while he gets away. You understand, right? We're running out of time. Hurry! Quit being lazy!" Shota: "What are they talking about?" Boy: "Hey, mister..." Shota: "Um..." Shota: "Uh, sure... Just for a little bit." Ghosts: "Really? Wonderful!" Girl: "You don't have to force yourself..." Ghosts: "Now that it's decided, we should get things ready! Come on, let's clean this place up! We'll be having ourselves a little party!" Girl: "Mister..." Shota: "It should be fine if it's just for a little while." Ghosts: "Hurry, hurry!" Ghosts: "You really should come and join us." urse: "What are you doing?" Shota: "Uh, just... going to the bathroom..." urse: "You shouldn't be moving around yet." Shota: "Sorry." Shota: "What's that noise?" urse: "Good morning. Ready to start trying to walk a bit today?" Shota: "Huh? Oh, I can?" urse: "We can't have you getting up on your own, like last night, and getting hurt." Shota: "Sorry about that..." urse: "Slowly, now..." urse: "Ah, wait! Don't be in such a hurry!" Shota: "I need to apologize to the people in the next room." Shota: "It's not... a room for patients?" Shota: "What's that?" urse: "Someone came and cut down the cherry tree this morning." Patient: "But you know, a lot of patients used that tree to commit suicide." Ghosts: "I should be the one over there. I will not accept being trapped here while he gets away. I want to go back to those days... Don't let him get away. Hurry! Quit being lazy!" Shota: "If I had gone next door then..." Ghosts: "Come on over..." Ghosts: "Let's go... together..." Sign/Narr: "The end." Lady: "When I was little, I once saw a boy playing by himself on a seesaw in the park. And even though there was no one on the other end, he was having a lot of fun, as if he was playing with someone..." Lady: "And the seesaw was moving with perfect balance, lifting him up and down in the air." Lady: "I wonder who... he was playing with." : "This is the story of a certain young couple who went out shopping... ♥ 65 Likes #Bag ♥ 92 Likes #Bag ♥ 121 Likes #Bag ♥ 135 Likes #Bag" Mina: "Isn't this amazing? Look at how many likes I've gotten in just 30 minutes." : "♥ 149 Likes #Bag ♥ 149 Likes #bag #reward #firstdateinages #somanythingsiwant" Signs: "You look super cute Nice I was looking at that, too! I want one, too! Where'd you buy it? I drank this supplement for a week and lost 15 cm around my waist!" Takuro: "Yeah, sure. Sounds good." Mina: "Lots of comments, too!" Takuro: "Yeah? That's nice." Takuro: "Hey, can we take a break? Let's get some coffee or something." Mina: "No way. I'm not done yet." Takuro: "You're still gonna shop?" Mina: "Sorry, I'm trying to reply here. Don't distract me." Takuro: "Screw you. This is supposed to be my day off. You think I wanna spend it carrying your freaking bags? Damn it!" Mina: "Takurou, you're handling the route to the shop. Are you sure we're going the right way?" Takuro: "What are you talking about? Like I'd mess that u—" Takuro: "Where are we?" Takuro: "I've never seen this place before." Mina: "Ugh, did you seriously get us lost?" Takuro: "It's my fault? You're the one who was staring at her phone the whole time!" Mina: "Okay, no more pointless arguing! Let's just look at the map." Bag Woman: "That looks nice." Takuro: "Oh... er..." Bag Woman: "It's so nice. Really!" Bag Woman: "It's just beautiful. My friends tell me I've got a good eye for this sort of thing. So when I tell you it looks good, you know it's true." Mina: "What is with her?" Takuro: "Dunno." Bag Woman: "Say, is it okay if I borrow it for a second?" Mina: "What does she mean? What's she talking about?!" Takuro: "I told you, I don't know!" Bag Woman: "I'll make it a fair trade. I have something just like it..." Bag Woman: "If you let me see yours, I'll show it to you. And if you like it, you can keep it." Mina: "Y-You mean one of the bags, right? Go ahead! If there's one you want to put on, it's yours!" Mina: "Hello?" Bag: "What?" Bag: "Are you making fun of me?" Bag: "When did I say that's what I wanted?! Huh?!" Mina: "S-Sorry. I didn't mean—" Bag: "What did you mean, then? You're saying I'm so ugly, I should wear a bag on my head? Go on, say it!" Mina: "I-I..." Takuro: "Let's get out of here!" Bag: "Get back here!" Mina: "What the hell is wrong with her?!" Takuro: "How am I supposed to know? Damn it, she better not have followed us..." Mina: "What's this?" Takuro: "Hey! This is not the time to be playing with your damn phone!" Woman: "What do you think you know about me?" Takuro: "What the..." Woman: "What do you think you know about me?" Takuro: "It's her..." Woman: "What do you think you know about me?" Woman: "What could a girl like you possibly know about me?" Takuro: "Here she comes..." Takuro: "You can hear her, right?" Mina: "I don't hear anything." Takuro: "Come on, she's right there! We can't just sit here. What're you doing?! Get up!" Mina: "What is this?" Mina: "This is awful! How could this happen?" Signs; After Full Zoom In: "That is just sad lol That's just bad Oof... not a good look... Not pulling it off Seriously creepy Don't show your face Ew" Mina: "It's so mean! What did I do to deserve this?" Takuro: "I get how you feel, but this really isn't the time for—" Mina: "Does this mean they all hate me? Is that it?!" Takuro: "Calm down!" Bag: "You only now noticed?" Bag: "You didn't realize people were sick of looking at you?" Takuro: "It's her..." Bag: "Because everyone hates you." Bag: "You're worthless. You shouldn't be seen by anyone." Takuro: "Mina, listen to me. Those comments are fake! She's doing this! She's the one saying all that!" Bag: "Your face isn't worth being seen..." Mina: "Nobody wants to see my face..." Bag: "Don't show your face." Takuro: "That's not true! She's trying to make you think that!" Bag: "Don't show your face." Mina: "I don't want to show anyone my face." Takuro: "Mina!" Mina: "I don't want anyone to see my face! Never again, never again, never again.... Not my face, not my face, not my face... You..." Takuro: "What are you people?" Takuro: "Mina!" Takuro: "Mina..." Comment Sign: "Gross" Sign/N: "The end." : "This is the story of a certain man who married into a woman's family and went to visit their home for the first time..." Dad: "Do you understand?" Takashi: "For the entire night?" Dad: "Yes. Now that you've added your name to our family registry through marriage," Dad: "you'll need to participate, too, Takashi-kun." Shiori: "Dad, this really isn't what we came here for." Calender Marking: "Laugh warding" Takashi: "I don't mind, Shiori." Takashi: "Besides, I'm just happy to be counted as a member of your family." Takashi: "But..." Takashi: "Why are we supposed to laugh?" Dad: "He loves fear, hate, and sorrow in humans..." Takashi: ""He"?" Dad: "You know, my great-grandfather..." Dad: "After a run-in with him, he was never right again." Dad: "Even now, I still can't shake the memory of how he looked." Dad: "It's like the sadness took him..." Takashi: "Sadness... took him?" Dad: "The only thing we can do is gather everyone together on this day every year, and act like we're having a grand old time to keep him away. We call it the "laugh warding." Laugh warding" Takashi: "Laugh warding..." Relatives: "It's that time of year again... Is it gonna be okay? Here's hoping no one gets hurt." Takashi: "Sorry for leaving you alone, Toshiharu." Toshi: "Dad, what were you all talking about?" Takashi: "Something important." Takashi: "Now, can you make a promise with me?" Toshi: "What promise?" Takashi: "Mom, Dad, and all the other adults have to stay in Grandpa's room tonight." Tohi: "So I have to sleep by myself?" Shiori: "On second thought, your dad will stay with you in our room, Toshiharu." Toshi: "Really?" Takashi: "Shiori..." Shiori: "It's fine. You don't have to be dragged into this." Shiori: "But you have to promise me something." Shiori: "No matter what happens, you won't go near Grandpa's room tonight." Toshi: "Why?" Shiori: "No matter what!" Toshi: "I-If Dad stays with me, I'll be fine." Takashi: "Are you sure? How are we gonna explain this to your dad?" Shiori: "It's okay. I'll talk to him." Shiori: "It'd be a bigger problem if Toshiharu woke up crying or something." Takashi: "Don't do anything dangerous, okay?" Shiori: "I know." Dad: "Even now, I still can't shake the memory of how he looked." Takashi: "What the..." Dad: "The only thing we can do is gather everyone together on this day every year, and act like we're having a grand old time to keep him away. We call it the "laugh warding."" Toshi: "Dad, I gotta go to the bathroom." Shiori: "H-Honey...." Takashi: "Everyone, I'm so sorry!" Dad: "What have you done?!" Sign/Narr: "The end." Preview: "Next time on Yamishibai Live... "Shadows of Women." "Empty Seat." "The Umbrella Goddess."" Preview: "Those are the three stories we will have for you."
{ "raw_title": "Theatre of Darkness: Yamishibai (Live-action series) Episode 9 – Sakura ⧸ Bag Woman ⧸ Family Rules", "parsed": [ "Theatre of Darkness: Yamishibai (Live-action series)", "9", "Sakura ⧸ Bag Woman ⧸ Family Rules" ] }
Intro: "Step right up and have a look... It's time for Yamishibai." : "This is the story of a certain man who's not sure what to do..." Yusuke: "Man, I've been talking nonstop. How've things been with you, Takashi?" Takashi: "Me? Nothing important, really..." Yusuke: "Don't brush it off. You called me over because you needed to talk, right?" Takashi: "Is it that obvious?" Yusuke: "So let's hear it. Something's bothering you, right?" Takashi: "Well... I'm not sure whether or not I should quit my job." Takashi: "You know where I work right now?" Yusuke: "Some factory, right?" Takashi: "Yeah. A mannequin factory." Takashi: "My job is to inspect mannequin heads, to make sure there are no defects." Yusuke: "Defects? What even is a defective mannequin?" Takashi: "Some of them can talk." Heads: "So cold..." Takashi: "Is it?" Heads: "It feels like my heart's going to freeze... I don't want to be here." Takashi: "If you're that cold, let's take you someplace warmer." Heads: "Thank you. You're very kind." Takashi: "I can't tell you how many times I've had that exact conversation with mannequins." Yusuke: "What do you do with them? Store them somewhere?" Takashi: "Nah. We can't exactly keep them around, so..." Takashi: "They go into the incinerator." Takashi: "Sorry." Heads: "Help! Save me! No!" Takashi: "Lately, it's been wearing on me." Takashi: "They might be mannequins, but they can still talk. Feels like I'm killing people..." Yusuke: "Yeah, okay. Makes sense." Takashi: "I realize this might be hard to believe out of the blue..." Yusuke: "What're you talking about? Why would I ever doubt—" Takashi: "I'll go buy more beer." Yusuke: "That guy's got problems..." Yusuke: "Is he hallucinating or something?" Yusuke: "I should try to subtly bring up seeing a doctor." Heads: "Excuse me..." Yusuke: "Did I... just hear a woman's voice?" Heads: "Can you talk some sense into him?" Heads: "Don't let him quit." Heads: "Please." Yusuke: "Is it... It can't be... From this bag?" Heads: "He's been helping us. But if he quits, we'll all be burned..." Yusuke: "Wh-What the?!" Head: "Please convince him." Yusuke: "S-Stay back!" Heads: "We're not letting you leave until you agree." Heads: "Please help us. Please! You have to talk to him. Don't let him quit! We need his help! Please... Why won't it open?! Save us! You can't let us die! You have to help us!" Heads: "You're not leaving until you say yes. I will not be burned to ashes! I don't want to go in the incinerator! You're not going anywhere. I don't want to burn. Please! Anything but the incinerator! Promise us and you can go." Yusuke: "Stay back!" Head: "No! Not fire! Stop! Stop it! Stop it! Don't burn us!" Yusuke: "Really? You don't like fire, huh?" Heads: "Please!" Yusuke: "Then you'll get fire! Burn... burn... burn!" Heads: "Don't burn us! Stay back! Don't do this! No! Stop!" Takashi: "When I got back from the store, my apartment was on fire. That was the night I lost my home, and my friend. But the factory's director was nice enough to provide me with a new place to live pretty quickly." Takashi: "I feel indebted to him, so I haven't quit my job." Heads: "Please. Not the incinerator." Heads: "Not me. Or me. Not me. Me neither. Don't. Don't take me there. Or me. Please don't. Don't do it." Takashi: "Feels like there have been more defects lately..." Heads: "Not me—"
{ "raw_title": "Theatre of Darkness: Yamishibai 10 Episode 1 – A Job to Quit", "parsed": [ "Theatre of Darkness: Yamishibai 10", "1", "A Job to Quit" ] }
Intro: "Step right up and have a look... It's time for Yamishibai." : "This is the story of a certain man who has been hospitalized due to his failing health..." Ohta: "So, when will I be discharged?" urse: "The results of your tests will be ready next week. In the meantime, try to rest as much as possible." Ohta: "I can't afford to lose that much time. I need to get back to work." urse: "I understand how you feel, but if you're not careful, your stay could end up even longer." Ohta: "I can't just lie around. Better do my own rehab so my stamina doesn't tank." Ohta: "Okay, I was able to go a little farther than yesterday." Ohta: "I guess that's enough for today... What wing of the hospital is this, anyway? I don't see any other patients." Ohta: "That door..." Ohta: "There's another building?" Ohta: "Maybe I'll go a bit farther." Ohta: "Huh? Is that salt? What's it doing on the floor?" urse: "Don't go to that other building! Come back! Ohta-san, come back this way!" Ohta: "Where am I?" suki: "Honey!" Ohta: "Natsuki? What happened?" suki: "You collapsed in an empty hallway! What were you even doing there?" Ohta: "Well, I saw that the hospital had another building, so I tried to get there and—" urse: "There's no other building, sir." Ohta: "That can't be..." suki: "She's right! Look, just don't overdo it anymore." Ohta: "Yeah, okay." urse: "There's no other building, sir." Ohta: "Why would she lie like that? And the patients in the other building... They seemed kinda creepy somehow." Ohta: "There's something fishy about this hospital." Ohta: "I think there's another hallway around this corner..." Ohta: "More plates of salt? That wasn't there during the day." Ohta: "Okay, let's do this. I need to find out what's beyond here." Ohta: "It's happening again!" suki: "Honey, don't go! Come back! Please!" Ohta: "Did I collapse again?" suki: "You did! Please, don't make me worry like this!" Ohta: "But I know there's another building. There were plates of salt in the hall, and when I went past them—" urse: "Sir, you need to stop. How many times do I have to tell you? There are no other buildings in this hospital." Ohta: "But..." suki: "Honey, please promise me that you won't try to leave again." Ohta: "Fine..." Ohta: "I know they're trying to hide something from me. I can't trust Natsuki anymore, either." Ohta: "I've gotta escape." Ohta: "Salt? Why's it in my hospital room?" Ohta: "I need to run... Away from here..." Ohta: "They're... Why are they here?!" Ohta: "I can't stay here!" suki: "Honey, don't go! Please, come back!" Ohta: "I won't be fooled!" Ohta: "Gonna... run..." urse: "I'm sorry." suki: "He's gone to... the other side, hasn't he?"
{ "raw_title": "Theatre of Darkness: Yamishibai 10 Episode 10 – The Other Building", "parsed": [ "Theatre of Darkness: Yamishibai 10", "10", "The Other Building" ] }
Intro: "Step right up and have a look... It's time for Yamishibai." : "This is the story of two girls who have gone on an impromptu trip..." Yumika: "Ugh, the next train won't show up for an hour." Kanae: "That's what happens when you miss a transfer out in the country." Yumika: "What should we do? I don't want to just sit around the station the whole time." Kanae: "Look, there's a shopping district. Let's check it out." Yumika: "Good idea. It might be nice." Yumika: "You're already feeling better again, huh?" Kanae: "I think I'm over it now. I'm going to forget all about that jerk and be reborn." Yumika: "It's the birth of an all-new Kanae, huh?" Kanae: "If there's anything you wanna talk about, I'm all ears. Come on, lay it on me." Yumika: "Oh, I don't really..." Vest Kid: "Bye-bye." Vest Kid: "Bye-bye." Yumika: "Bye-bye." Kanae: "Bye-bye." Vest Kid: "Bye-bye." Yumika: "He's cute, huh?" Kanae: "Really warms your heart." Kanae: "It's got a nice retro feel, huh?" Yumika: "Like a town from another era." Kanae: "Hey, there's a candy store." Kids: "Bye-bye. Bye-bye." Yumika: "Bye-bye." Kanae: "Bye-bye. What a friendly bunch of kids." Yumika: "I guess they were raised well." Candy Store Clerk: "Bye-bye." shmonger: "Bye-bye." Butcher: "Bye-bye." Yumika: "Even the adults... Maybe a little too friendly." Kanae: "I'm feeling tired for some reason..." Yumika: "You want to rest somewhere?" Yumika: "Oh, there's a café over there." Townsfolk: "Bye-bye. Bye-bye." Yumika: "There's something weird about this town!" Yumika: "Kanae?! Are you okay?" Kanae: "Something's trying to... force me out." Kanae: "Something's trying to get inside my body..." Kanae: "and push me out of it..." Yumika: "Calm down! I'll call an ambulance right now!" Phone Sign: "No Signal" Yumika: "No signal?!" Mother: "There, there..." Yumika: "You have to help us! My friend, she's—" Mother: "Wave bye-bye, now. Bye-bye." Yumika: "Kanae!" Kanae: "It's coming inside... What is this?!" Yumika: "Bye-bye. Kanae! Hang in there!" Yumika: "Please, stop! Bye-bye." Kanae: "No!" Yumika: "Kanae!" Student: "Bye-bye." Yumika: "Stop it!" Yumika: "What is all this?! Did you people do this to Kanae?!" Student: "But you've gotta say bye-bye." Student: "Gotta say bye-bye to her. Gotta say bye-bye." Student: "Gotta say bye-bye. Have to say bye-bye to that woman. Bye-bye... Bye-bye... Bye-bye..." Yumika: "What are you talking about?! Kanae! We need to get out of here, now!" Yumika: "What's wrong, Kanae?" Kanae: "Kanae? Is that her name?" Yumika: "Wh-What are you talking about?" Kanae?: "Bye-bye, Kanae-chan." Yumika: "No!" Dr: "You seem to have woken up." Yumika: "Where am I?" Dr: "A hospital. You were found unconscious." Yumika: "Where's Kanae?!" Dr: "Is that your friend? She's asleep in a different room." Yumika: "That's right... In that town, we..." Yumika: "What in the world is up with those people?" Dr: "They're a considerate bunch. They were the ones who brought you two to the hospital." Yumika: "That can't be. They did... something to Kanae." Dr: "Well, it was awfully hot today. Maybe the heat had you seeing things." Yumika: "That's not it! I know what I—" Dr: "Easy, now. You need to rest." Yumika: "It wasn't a hallucination. That wasn't Kanae... It was someone else. How could this happen?" Dr: "We can discuss it later. I'll let you rest. Bye-bye." Dr: "Bye-bye..."
{ "raw_title": "Theatre of Darkness: Yamishibai 10 Episode 11 – Bye-Bye", "parsed": [ "Theatre of Darkness: Yamishibai 10", "11", "Bye-Bye" ] }
Intro: "Step right up and have a look... It's time for Yamishibai." : "This is the story of a certain woman who is worried about her husband..." Miyu: "My husband has been acting strange lately." Miyu: "You want some tea?" Miyu: "I talk to him, but I'm not sure he hears me..." Miyu: "Let's eat!" Osamu: "Let's eat..." Miyu: "Not very hungry?" Osamu: "I haven't had much of an appetite lately." Miyu: "I see." Osamu: "Thanks for the meal." Miyu: "He's been like this for days. Could he be cheating on me? But he works at home... Osamu, is something bothering you?" Osamu: "Not really." Miyu: "Then what's wrong? You've been really out of it lately." Osamu: "I have? Sorry, the truth is... I've been thinking a lot about my dreams lately." Miyu: "What dreams?" Osamu: "Yeah. For the last couple of months, I've been having the same kind of dream. In the dream, I live in another town, with a family." Miyu: "Excuse me?" Osamu: "What are you mad about?" Miyu: "You don't think I'd be upset about you being married to someone else?" Osamu: "It's just in the dream." Miyu: "I know, but still..." Osamu: "And it's so realistic. I just wondered if I'd have the same dream tonight." Miyu: "Come on, cut it out!" Osamu: "Yeah, you're right." Miyu: "What?" Osamu: "Good point. Maybe we could take a trip to see the waterfall next time." Miyu: "Is he talking to himself? What on earth is he dreaming about?" Osamu: "Hey, when did we buy this table?" Miyu: "What do you mean? We got it when we moved in here." Osamu: "Wasn't it a square table?" Miyu: "We picked it out when we got married, remember?" Osamu: "Oh, right..." Miyu: "Even if it was only in his dreams, Osamu seemed to act stranger by the day." Osamu: "Hey, it's okay! I just got a little confused." Miyu: "We went to the hospital, but they couldn't find the cause, and he started losing weight." Osamu: "Thanks for the meal." Miyu: "Are you done already? You've barely even touched it." Osamu: "It's okay. I ate on the other side." Miyu: "The other side?" Miyu: "Hey, wait a second!" Miyu: "After that, I started watching over my husband as he slept." Osamu: "I can't eat all this..." Miyu: "He must have been dreaming again." Osamu: "You made too much." Miyu: "He was talking to himself, and seemed to be having a good time." Osamu: "Or maybe I ate too much..." Miyu: "Please, stop thinking about these dreams." Miyu: "Your body is on this side! He looked like he'd made a realization, so I got my hopes up." Osamu: "Y'know, you're right." Osamu: "I need to get back to how life used to be." Osamu: "I feel really bad. But it needs to end." Miyu: "Watching my husband apologize as he talked to himself, I felt relieved. Maybe now he'd stop obsessing over these dreams of his." Osamu: "Miyu! Miyu!" Osamu: "I'm sorry I worried you." Miyu: "A pinky promise?" Osamu: "Yeah. I promise not to worry you anymore." Miyu: "I'm so glad... I can rest easy now. My husband is finally back." Miyu: "Pinky promises were like a ritual of ours that always calmed me down. I was so happy that he remembered." Miyu: "I'm home..." Woman: "You're joking around again." Osamu: "I'm totally serious." Miyu: "Did I go into the wrong house?" Miyu: "But I'm sure the plate was the right one..." Woman: "Is it really over? I don't want to be scared anymore!" Miyu: "Osamu? But the house is all wrong..." Osamu: "It's fine." Woman: "The shadow of that woman..." Woman: "I can see her at night!" Osamu: "I even made a pinky promise with her." Woman: "Then I can finally relax?" Miyu: "Uh? What's... eh?" Woman: "You mean it?" Miyu: "No... What? Is it disappearing? My..." Miyu: "No!"
{ "raw_title": "Theatre of Darkness: Yamishibai 10 Episode 12 – Pinky Promise", "parsed": [ "Theatre of Darkness: Yamishibai 10", "12", "Pinky Promise" ] }
Intro: "Step right up and have a look... It's time for Yamishibai." : "This is the story of a certain group of young people who have snuck into an abandoned school to tell ghost stories..." Kouki: "Hey, Akito, are we really doing this?" Akito: "Damn right we are. What do you think all this stuff is for?" Tomoyuki: "Come on, Kouki, help out." Riko: "What exactly is a Hyakumonogatari, anyway?" Honoka: "Riko, did you show up without actually knowing?" Akito: "Well, Hyakumonogatari..." Akito: "It's this old-fashioned way of telling ghost stories. You light a hundred candles, and then take turns telling stories. With every story, one candle gets put out," Akito: "and after the hundredth is out, something is supposed to happen." Riko: "Something like what?" Akito: "Probably, like, a ghost shows up or something." Riko: "Seriously? It's not even set in stone?" Honoka: "The whole point is to see what happens." Akito: "Okay, everybody ready?" Honoka: "Now that we're actually starting, I'm kind of scared." Kouki: "I'm not sure I even know any scary stories, so..." Akito: "Come on, man, you can't leave now." Kouki: "So we started to tell ghost stories." Tomoyuki: "And when he reached to rip off the talisman..." Tomoyuki: "Bam! This woman appeared out of nowhere." Kouki: "They were terrifying experiences we heard from other people." Honoka: "And that's when she said... "Can I come out?"" Kouki: "There were even folk stories that we had picked up somewhere." Riko: "And then a voice they didn't recognize said... "I'm headed your way!" And the echoes kept ringing, "I'm headed your way..."" Kouki: "The stories continued..." Akito: ""Everyone looked like it was normal..."" Kouki: "Until we had reached the 99th one." Akito: ""But that's not your mother that just came in here!"" Tomoyuki: "We're finally at number 99." Riko: "Isn't it about time you told one, Kouki?" Tomoyuki: "We're kinda out of material here." Kouki: "Fine." Kouki: "But first, I want to confirm something." Akito: "What's this about?" Kouki: "I actually did Hyakumonogatari once before." Kouki: "It was at a friend's house. When we got to the 99th story and blew the candle out," Kouki: "the hundredth candle that was next to it went out, as well. And when the lights were back on, the guy who was supposed to tell the hundredth story had vanished." Riko: "So... it ended with story 99?" Kouki: "Yeah." Kouki: "Now, are you sure you want to keep going?" Akito: "O-Of course! We've come this far, haven't we?" Tomoyuki: "What happened to that guy, anyway?" Kouki: "My story, the 99th story, is the one I just told you." Kouki: "And if you're that curious, you can ask him yourself." Honoka: "Ask... who?" Kouki: "Actually, I wasn't quite finished with the story. When the room went completely dark, I heard something... "I'll see you again after the next hundred." ...he said." Kouki: "Next is the hundredth story, right?" : "This is the story of everyone who had a dreadful experience after a hundred stories were told..."
{ "raw_title": "Theatre of Darkness: Yamishibai 10 Episode 13 – The Hundredth Story", "parsed": [ "Theatre of Darkness: Yamishibai 10", "13", "The Hundredth Story" ] }
Intro: "Step right up and have a look... It's time for Yamishibai." : "This is the story of a certain group of siblings whose father has died at home, unnoticed by anyone..." Hidenori: "Ugh, are you kidding me?" Hidenori: "Dad was living like this?" Eisuke: "It really reeks." Kimiko: "What a nightmare." Hidenori: "The ward office said we were his only relatives." Eisuke: "I still don't see why you dragged me and Kimiko into this." Kimiko: "That's right. I don't remember him ever being much of a father." Hidenori: "After our mom died, Dad never really spent time with us." Kimiko: "Thank you!" Hidenori: "He barely even ever spoke to us." Kimiko: "So why do we have to do this?" Eisuke: "Yeah." Hidenori: "I wonder if this is where he died." Eisuke: "Cut that out. It's creepy." Kimiko: "I guess complaining won't help. Let's finish this and head home." Hidenori: "Hey, look..." Hidenori: "Remember when I made the starting lineup on the soccer team?" Hidenori: "After one game, a friend told me..." Hidenori: "He apparently saw someone who looked like Dad." Hidenori: "He was writing something during the game." Eisuke: "There's no way it was him." Kimiko: "How did your friend even know him?" Hidenori: "He came over to the house once." Hidenori: "There's more. The day of Eisuke's graduation... Remember how I went to pick him up instead of Dad? I saw him." Eisuke: "No way..." Hidenori: "I lost track of him pretty fast, though." Eisuke: "You just thought it was him." Kimiko: "To be honest, there was one thing..." Kimiko: "My husband mentioned seeing him at the ceremony after our wedding." Eisuke: "I can't believe you guys! That's just wishful thinking." Hidenori: "Maybe you're right, but we really didn't know much about Dad at all." Eisuke: "Well, it's a little late now, isn't it?" Hidenori: "I guess you're right." Kimiko: "I wonder what this is." Kimiko: "A photo album?" Eisuke: "It's all of us." Eisuke: "I've never seen these pictures before." Eisuke: "Wait, this..." Hidenori: "He really was there." Kimiko: "What's that?" Hidenori: "A diary, I think?" Hidenori: "He's talking about us." Eisuke: "He had a list of things to do before dying?" Kimiko: "He was going to tell us... about everything." Hidenori: "Why'd he cross them out, though? When he never did any of it..." Kimiko: "Maybe he wrote it down and then thought it was impossible." Eisuke: "It's not fair to show us this kind of stuff after dying..." Kimiko: "What does he mean about "reaping"?" Hidenori: "Maybe he meant those weeds outside." Eisuke: "I guess we can make that happen for him, at least." Hidenori: "Yeah." Kimiko: "Hey, why don't we do it in the morning? We'll spend the night here." Hidenori: "It'd be nice to spend one last night together as a family." Eisuke: "How about this for the altar at home? It's the face he was always making. It really is."
{ "raw_title": "Theatre of Darkness: Yamishibai 10 Episode 2 – Ending Note", "parsed": [ "Theatre of Darkness: Yamishibai 10", "2", "Ending Note" ] }
Intro: "Step right up and have a look... It's time for Yamishibai." : "This is the story of a certain middle schooler..." Airi: "I'm heading out." Girls: "Good morning! Morning!" Airi: "I don't have any friends, which is why I'm walking to school alone again today." Airi: "But I'm used to it, so I don't feel particularly lonely." Airi: "I wonder if she'll be there today." Airi: "There she is!" Airi: "She looks about college-aged, and so nice." Airi: "I wish I had a friend like her... I was always alone in the mornings, but I got to catch glimpses of a certain lady from her window on my commute, which I looked forward to." Airi: "I guess I can only see her in the morning." Airi: "It's already so late. I guess I'll listen to the radio and fall asleep." Mc: "Moving on to our next message." Mc: ""For certain reasons, I'm not able to go outside. All I can really do is look out my window at the world. But there's a girl who always looks up at my window when passing by."" Mc: "Thanks for the message. Let's see..." Airi: "That sounds like the lady in the window." Mc: "From the sound of it, you'd probably be happy if she smiled at you." Airi: "But it has to be a coincidence..." Airi: "I enjoyed listening to the radio at the end of the day. Since I barely talk to anyone other than my family, I just want to hear someone else's voice." Airi: "That message on the radio yesterday was probably just a coincidence..." Airi: "This is embarrassing. I should just go." Mc: "It's the end of your day yet again, and we have plenty of your messages to read. "Today, the girl looked at me and smiled."" Mc: "That's probably the girl that was mentioned before, right? That's great to hear!" Airi: "She really does listen to this show, too!" Mc: "What a wonderful story." Airi: "She seemed to be doing well today." Mc: ""The weather was very clear today, and her face looked even cheerier than usual."" Airi: "At some point, seeing that lady and listening to the radio became comforting parts of my day." Mc: "I see. I wonder if something good happened to her. So she seems to like books. That's great!" Yumie: "Makino-san, I'm sorry, but could you share your math book with me today? I forgot mine." Airi: "S-Sure." Yumie: "Thank you! You're a life-saver!" Airi: "Once Yukie-chan started talking to me..." Yumie: "Say, Makino-san, let's go home together! Your house is in the same direction, right?" Airi: "Y-Yeah." Yumie: "We can walk to school in the morning, too, if you want." Airi: "Really?" Yumie: "Of course!" Airi: "I never expected it to happen, but I had made a friend." Yumie: "Good morning, Airi-chan." Airi: "Morning!" Yumie: "Did you do the English homework?" Airi: "I've been walking to and from school with Yumie-chan, so I'm not alone anymore. Yeah, just to be safe..." Yumie: "I'm really not sure about mine. Can I see your answers?" Airi: "I'm not sure about mine, either! I can say goodbye to my old, lonely self." Airi: "And at some point, I stopped looking up at that apartment building." Yumie: "Wanna make a stop on the way home? There's something I want to buy." Airi: "Sure. Where are we going?" Yumie: "Well, it's a little bit out of the way, but over by the train station..." Airi: "I'm game." Yumie: "Thanks so much!" Airi: "And at some point, I had forgotten about listening to the radio, too." Mc: ""I haven't seen her much lately. It seems like she's made a friend. But I've finally made up my mind about going to meet her..."" Phone Signs: "Yumie-chan Sorry,I'm not coming in today. Okay, take care of yourself!" Airi: "I guess Yumie-chan's taking the day off. Y'know, it's been a while, but I wonder if that lady is still okay. It's okay Let yourself be reborn That was a close one!" Airi: "I'd better hurry to school."
{ "raw_title": "Theatre of Darkness: Yamishibai 10 Episode 3 – The End of the Day", "parsed": [ "Theatre of Darkness: Yamishibai 10", "3", "The End of the Day" ] }
Intro: "Step right up and have a look... It's time for Yamishibai." : "This is the story of a certain man who is heading home late after going out for drinks..." Pa: "The last train will be arriving shortly." Omori: "Crap! If I miss this, I'm not gonna make it home!" Pa: "For safety purposes, please do not rush the doors." Omori: "I'm begging you! Just wait a sec!" Omori: "I made it!" Omori: "Is the last train always this deserted? I've got the whole thing to myself." Omori: "Oh, I wonder if Kenji made his train..." Omori: "I barely made it in time. Did you make it?" Omori: "He's probably in too big a rush to answer, though." Omori: "Oh, there he is." Omori: "Takeshita? Oh, crap!" Kenji: "Hey, it's been a while. Wanna get some drinks?" Omori: "Oh, yeah!" Kenji: "Who else should we invite?" Omori: "I mean, if we're doing this, let's invite some girls!" Kenji: "Nice!" Takeshita: "Hey, Ohmori..." Omori: "Hey, Takeshita." Takeshita: "I need to talk... Are you busy tonight?" Omori: "Tonight?" Takeshita: "We can just talk over the phone." Omori: "In that case, sure." Takeshita: "Sorry. But you're the only one I can talk to..." Omori: "Okay, I'll hit you up, then." Kenji: "You should've invited him." Omori: "You sure about that?" Kenji: "I guess you're right." Omori: "I had so much fun tonight, I forgot all about him." Omori: "Let's try the casual brush-off." Omori: "Sorry... can we talk tomorrow? Whoa, that was fast." Omori: "I wasn't really that worried, but whatever." Omori: "Wait, this train hasn't made any stops so far." Omori: "What's up with that? Is it broken? Where am I right now, anyway?" Omori: "Who's that?" Phone Sign: "Kenji Incoming call Answer" Omori: "Well, no one else is riding, so I can probably answer. What's up?" Kenji: "Well, I actually missed the last train... Can I stay at your place?" Omori: "I don't mind, but there are no more trains running. And why are you whispering?" Kenji: "I'm on the same train as you." Kenji: "I tried rushing, and I just barely made it in time." Omori: "Where are you, then?" Kenji: "I'm in the first car. Sorry, the other passengers are glaring at me. Gotta go." Omori: "Hey! What the hell is he talking about? I barely made it, so he couldn't have possibly..." Omori: "Might as well take a look." Omori: "I don't see anybody at all, though. He probably got on the wrong train..." Omori: "Huh? Is that Takeshita?" Omori: "I should check." Omori: "Did he not notice?" Omori: "Wait, that's Kenji over there!" Omori: "Damn it, why?!" Omori: "What is going on here?! If that's the last train, then..." Pa: "The last train will be arriving shortly. For safety purposes, please do not rush the doors." Omori: "If it was going to "arrive soon," that means it wasn't there yet. Then... what is this train?" Omori: "Where did he go?!" Omori: "What's going on?!" Pa: "Thank you for riding with us. We are approaching the last stop." Omori: "The last stop?" Omori: "Where the hell am I?" Omori: "Takeshita?" Takeshita: "A-After I ended it... I felt so much better!" Takeshita: "Wh-Why didn't I d-d-do this sooner?!" Omori: "You... ended it?" Takeshita: "That's why I'm on..." Takeshita: "The last train!"
{ "raw_title": "Theatre of Darkness: Yamishibai 10 Episode 4 – Last Train", "parsed": [ "Theatre of Darkness: Yamishibai 10", "4", "Last Train" ] }