stringlengths 5
| owner
stringlengths 2
| repo_id
int64 1.49M
| is_fork
bool 2
classes | languages_distribution
stringlengths 16
⌀ | content
stringlengths 446
| issues
float64 0
| main_language
stringclasses 37
values | forks
int64 0
| stars
int64 0
| commit_sha
stringlengths 40
| size
int64 446
| name
stringlengths 2
| license
stringclasses 15
values |
src/Day11.kt | ivancordonm | 572,816,777 | false | {"Kotlin": 36235} | fun main() {
data class Monkey(
var items: MutableList<Long>,
val operation: String,
val opValue: String,
val div: Long,
val ifTrue: Int,
val ifFalse: Int,
var itemsRevised: Long
fun buildMonkeys(input: List<String>): List<Monkey> = buildList {
for (info in input) {
val monkeyInfo = info.split("\n").drop(1)
val items = "(\\d+),?".toRegex().findAll(monkeyInfo[0]).map { it.groupValues[1].toLong() }.toList()
val operation = "([*+]) (\\d+|old)".toRegex().find(monkeyInfo[1])!!.groupValues.toList()
val divisible = "(\\d+),?".toRegex().findAll(monkeyInfo[2]).map { it.value }.first().toLong()
val trueToMonkey = "(\\d+)".toRegex().findAll(monkeyInfo[3]).map { it.value }.first().toInt()
val falseToMonkey = "(\\d+)".toRegex().findAll(monkeyInfo[4]).map { it.value }.first().toInt()
fun countItems(monkeys: List<Monkey>, iterations: Int, reduce: Int): List<Long> {
val base = { it.div }.reduce { acc, i -> acc * i }
repeat(iterations) {
for (monkey in monkeys) {
for (item in monkey.items) {
val value = when (monkey.opValue) {
"old" -> item
else -> monkey.opValue.toLong()
val total = when (monkey.operation) {
"*" -> (item * value) / reduce
"+" -> (item + value) / reduce
else -> item
if (total % monkey.div == 0L) {
monkeys[monkey.ifTrue].items.add(total % base)
} else {
monkeys[monkey.ifFalse].items.add(total % base)
monkey.items = mutableListOf()
return { it.itemsRevised }
fun part1(monkeys: List<Monkey>): Long {
val counter = countItems(monkeys, 20, 3)
return counter.sortedDescending().take(2).reduce{acc, elem -> acc * elem }
fun part2(monkeys: List<Monkey>): Long {
val counter = countItems(monkeys, 10000, 1)
return counter.sortedDescending().take(2).reduce{acc, elem -> acc * elem }
val testInput = readInputByGroups("Day11_test")
val input = readInputByGroups("Day11")
check(part1(buildMonkeys(testInput)) == 10605L)
check(part2(buildMonkeys(testInput)) == 2713310158L)
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 2 | dc9522fd509cb582d46d2d1021e9f0f291b2e6ce | 3,036 | AoC-2022 | Apache License 2.0 |
src/main/kotlin/day3.kt | sviams | 726,160,356 | false | {"Kotlin": 9233} | import kotlin.math.max
import kotlin.math.min
object day3 {
data class Number(val chars: String, val startIndex: Int, val row: Int) {
fun toInt() = chars.toInt()
val range by lazy { IntRange(startIndex, startIndex+chars.length-1) }
fun isAdjacentToSymbol(world: List<Line>): Boolean =
(-1 .. 1).fold(emptyList<Symbol>()) { acc, offset -> acc + getSymbolsInRange(world, row+offset, range) }.any()
data class Symbol(val char: Char, val col: Int, val row: Int) {
fun isGearSymbol() = char == '*'
val range by lazy { IntRange(col-1, col+1) }
fun adjacentNumbers(world: List<Line>): List<Number> =
(-1 .. 1).fold(emptyList()) { acc, offset -> acc + getNumbersInRange(world, row+offset, range) }
fun gearRatio(world: List<Line>): Int {
val nums = adjacentNumbers(world).map { it.toInt() }
return nums.first() * nums.last()
fun getNumbersInRange(world: List<Line>, row: Int, range: IntRange) = if (row < 0 || row >= world.size) emptyList() else world[row].numbers.filter { range.intersect(it.range).any() }
fun getSymbolsInRange(world: List<Line>, row: Int, range: IntRange) = if (row < 0 || row >= world.size) emptyList() else world[row].symbols.filter { range.intersect(it.range).any() }
data class Line(val numbers: List<Number>, val symbols: List<Symbol>)
tailrec fun numbersFromLine(line: String, row: Int, res: List<Number> = emptyList(), currentNum: String = "", currentStart: Int = -1, index: Int = 0): List<Number> {
if (index == line.length) return if (!currentNum.isEmpty()) res + Number(currentNum, currentStart, row) else res
val atIndex = line[index]
val newCurrentNum = if (atIndex.isDigit()) currentNum + atIndex else ""
val newStart = if (currentNum == "" && atIndex.isDigit()) index else currentStart
val newRes = if (!atIndex.isDigit() && !currentNum.isEmpty()) res + Number(currentNum, currentStart, row) else res
return numbersFromLine(line, row, newRes, newCurrentNum, newStart, index+1)
fun parseInput(input: List<String>) = input.foldIndexed(emptyList<Line>()) { row, linesRes, line ->
val nums = numbersFromLine(line, row)
val symbols = line.foldIndexed(emptyList<Symbol>()) { col, acc, c ->
if (!c.isDigit() && c != '.') acc + Symbol(c, col, row) else acc
linesRes + Line(nums, symbols)
fun pt1(input: List<String>): Int {
val world = parseInput(input)
return world.fold(0) { acc, line ->
val hasAdjacent = line.numbers.filter { it.isAdjacentToSymbol(world) }
acc + hasAdjacent.sumOf { it.toInt() }
fun pt2(input: List<String>): Int {
val world = parseInput(input)
return world.fold(0) { acc, line ->
val actualGears = line.symbols.filter {it.isGearSymbol() && it.adjacentNumbers(world).size == 2 }
acc + actualGears.sumOf { it.gearRatio(world) }
} | 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | 4914a54b21e8aac77ce7bbea3abc88ac04037d50 | 3,055 | aoc23 | Apache License 2.0 |
src/year2023/day03/Solution.kt | TheSunshinator | 572,121,335 | false | {"Kotlin": 144661} | package year2023.day03
import arrow.core.nonEmptyListOf
import utils.Point
import utils.ProblemPart
import utils.neighbors
import utils.readInputs
import utils.runAlgorithm
fun main() {
val (realInput, testInputs) = readInputs(2023, 3, transform = ::parse)
realInput = realInput,
testInputs = testInputs,
part1 = ProblemPart(
expectedResultsForTests = nonEmptyListOf(4361),
algorithm = ::part1,
part2 = ProblemPart(
expectedResultsForTests = nonEmptyListOf(467835),
algorithm = ::part2,
private fun parse(input: List<String>): Input {
return input.asSequence()
.flatMapIndexed { row, elements -> { match ->
?.let { Number(row, match.range, it) }
?: Symbol(match.value.first(), Point(row, match.range.first))
.partition { it is Number }
.let { (numbers, symbols) ->
numbers = numbers as List<Number>,
symbols = symbols as List<Symbol>,
private val parsingRegex = "(\\d+|[^\\d.])".toRegex()
private fun part1(input: Input): Long {
return input.symbols.asSequence()
.flatMap { symbol ->
.sumOf { it.value }
private fun Point.adjacentNumbers(numbers: List<Number>): Sequence<Number> {
return neighbors(includeDiagonal = true)
.mapNotNull { coordinates ->
numbers.find { it.row == coordinates.x && coordinates.y in it.columns }
private fun part2(input: Input): Long {
return input.symbols.asSequence()
.filter { it.value == '*' }
.map { symbol ->
.map { it.value }
.filter { it.size == 2 }
.map { it.reduce(Long::times) }
private data class Input(
val numbers: List<Number>,
val symbols: List<Symbol>,
private data class Number(
val row: Int,
val columns: IntRange,
val value: Long,
private data class Symbol(
val value: Char,
val position: Point,
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | d050e86fa5591447f4dd38816877b475fba512d0 | 2,441 | Advent-of-Code | Apache License 2.0 |
src/year_2021/day_09/Day09.kt | scottschmitz | 572,656,097 | false | {"Kotlin": 240069} | package year_2021.day_09
import readInput
import util.neighbors
import util.product
object Day09 {
* @return
fun solutionOne(text: List<String>): Int {
val heightmap = parseText(text)
val lowPoints = heightmap.flatMapIndexed { rowIndex, row ->
row.filterIndexed { colIndex, _ ->
isLowPoint(rowIndex, colIndex, heightmap)
return lowPoints.sumOf { it + 1 }
* @return
fun solutionTwo(text: List<String>): Int {
val positions = text.indices.product(text[0].indices)
val depths = positions.associateWith { (row, col) -> text[row][col] }.withDefault { '@' }
val positionsWithBasinLabels = mutableMapOf<Pair<Int, Int>, Int>()
var label = 0
positions.forEach { position -> searchBasin(position, depths, positionsWithBasinLabels, label++) }
val basins = positionsWithBasinLabels.entries.groupBy({ it.value }) { it.key }.values
return basins
.map { it.size }
.sortedBy { it }
.reduce { a, b -> a * b }
private fun parseText(text: List<String>): List<List<Int>> {
return { line -> { height ->
private fun isLowPoint(row: Int, column: Int, heightmap: List<List<Int>>): Boolean {
val height = heightmap[row][column]
var top = Integer.MAX_VALUE
var bottom = Integer.MAX_VALUE
var left = Integer.MAX_VALUE
var right = Integer.MAX_VALUE
if (row > 0) {
top = heightmap[row - 1][column]
if (row < heightmap.size - 1) {
bottom = heightmap[row + 1][column]
if (column > 0) {
left = heightmap[row][column - 1]
if (column < heightmap[row].size - 1) {
right = heightmap[row][column + 1]
return height < top && height < bottom && height < left && height < right
private fun searchBasin(
position: Pair<Int, Int>,
depths: Map<Pair<Int, Int>, Char>,
positionsWithBasinLabels: MutableMap<Pair<Int, Int>, Int>,
label: Int
) {
if (position !in positionsWithBasinLabels && depths.getValue(position) < '9') {
positionsWithBasinLabels[position] = label
position.neighbors().forEach { searchBasin(it, depths, positionsWithBasinLabels, label) }
fun main() {
val inputText = readInput("year_2021/day_09/Day10.txt")
val solutionOne = Day09.solutionOne(inputText)
println("Solution 1: $solutionOne")
val solutionTwo = Day09.solutionTwo(inputText)
println("Solution 2: $solutionTwo")
} | 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | 70efc56e68771aa98eea6920eb35c8c17d0fc7ac | 2,826 | advent_of_code | Apache License 2.0 |
src/main/kotlin/aoc2023/Day02.kt | davidsheldon | 565,946,579 | false | {"Kotlin": 161960} | package aoc2023
import utils.InputUtils
enum class Colours {
red, blue, green
typealias BallCount = Map<Colours, Int>
fun BallCount.fitsIn(limits: BallCount) = limits.all { (col, limit) ->
(this[col] ?: 0) <= limit
data class Game(val id: Int, val contents: List<BallCount>) {
fun fitsIn(limits: BallCount): Boolean = contents.all { it.fitsIn(limits) }
fun minimums(): BallCount {
return Colours.entries.associateWith { colour ->
contents.maxOf { it[colour] ?: 0 }
fun String.parseSample(): BallCount {
return this.split(", ").parsedBy("^(\\d+) (\\w+)".toRegex()) {
val (count, col) = it.destructured
Colours.valueOf(col) to count.toInt()
fun main() {
val testInput = """Game 1: 3 blue, 4 red; 1 red, 2 green, 6 blue; 2 green
Game 2: 1 blue, 2 green; 3 green, 4 blue, 1 red; 1 green, 1 blue
Game 3: 8 green, 6 blue, 20 red; 5 blue, 4 red, 13 green; 5 green, 1 red
Game 4: 1 green, 3 red, 6 blue; 3 green, 6 red; 3 green, 15 blue, 14 red
Game 5: 6 red, 1 blue, 3 green; 2 blue, 1 red, 2 green""".split("\n")
val parseSample = "((\\d+) (red|green|blue)(, )?)+".toRegex()
val parseSensor = "Game ([\\d]+): (($parseSample(; )?)+)".toRegex()
fun List<String>.toGames() = parsedBy(parseSensor) { match ->
val (id, sample) = match.destructured
Game(id.toInt(), sample.split("; ").map { it.parseSample() })
fun part1(input: List<String>): Int {
return input.toGames()
.filter { it.fitsIn(mapOf( to 12, to 13, to 14
)) }
.sumOf { }
fun part2(input: List<String>): Int {
return input.toGames()
.map { it.minimums() }
.map { it.values.product() }
// test if implementation meets criteria from the description, like:
val testValue = part1(testInput)
check(testValue == 8)
val puzzleInput = InputUtils.downloadAndGetLines(2023, 2)
val input = puzzleInput.toList()
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | 5abc9e479bed21ae58c093c8efbe4d343eee7714 | 2,204 | aoc-2022-kotlin | Apache License 2.0 |
src/y2023/Day08.kt | gaetjen | 572,857,330 | false | {"Kotlin": 325874, "Mermaid": 571} | package y2023
import util.product
import util.readInput
import util.timingStatistics
import y2015.Day20
import y2022.Day15.toPair
object Day08 {
private fun parse(input: List<String>): Pair<List<(Pair<String, String>) -> String>, Map<String, Pair<String, String>>> {
val leftRight: List<(Pair<String, String>) -> String> = input.first().map {
if (it == 'L') {
{ pair: Pair<String, String> -> pair.first }
} else {
{ pair: Pair<String, String> -> pair.second }
val map = input.drop(2).map { line ->
val (left, right) = line.split(" = ")
left to right.replace("(", "").replace(")", "").split(", ").toPair()
return leftRight to map
fun part1(input: List<String>): Int {
val (moves, map) = parse(input)
var steps = 0
var current = "AAA"
while (current != "ZZZ") {
current = moves[steps % moves.size](map[current]!!)
return steps
fun part2x(input: List<String>): Long {
val (moves, map) = parse(input)
val starts = map.keys.filter { it.endsWith('A') }
var steps = 0L
var currents = starts
while (currents.any { !it.endsWith('Z') }) {
currents = {
moves[(steps % moves.size).toInt()](map[it]!!)
return steps
fun part2(input: List<String>): Long {
val (moves, map) = parse(input)
val starts = map.keys.filter { it.endsWith('A') }
val cycles = { getCycle(moves, map, it) }
val cycleLengths = { it.last().stepsSinceLast }
val factors = { Day20.factors(it.toInt()) }
val uncommonFactors = { it[2] }
val common = factors.first().last()
val lcm = { it.toLong() }.product() * common
return lcm
fun getCycle(moves: List<(Pair<String, String>) -> String>, map: Map<String, Pair<String, String>>, start: String): MutableList<CycleStep> {
var steps = 0L
var current = start
val cycle = mutableListOf<CycleStep>()
while (true) {
current = moves[(steps % moves.size).toInt()](map[current]!!)
if (current.endsWith('Z')) {
steps + 1,
steps + 1 - (cycle.lastOrNull()?.totalSteps ?: 0),
(steps + 1) % moves.size,
if (cycle.distinctBy { it.instructionPosition to it.position }.size < cycle.size) {
return cycle
data class CycleStep(
val totalSteps: Long,
val stepsSinceLast: Long,
val instructionPosition: Long,
val position: String
fun main() {
val testInput = """
val testInput2 = """
11A = (11B, XXX)
11B = (XXX, 11Z)
11Z = (11B, XXX)
22A = (22B, XXX)
22B = (22C, 22C)
22C = (22Z, 22Z)
22Z = (22B, 22B)
val input = readInput(2023, 8)
println("Part 1 result: ${Day08.part1(input)}")
println("Part 2 result: ${Day08.part2(input)}")
timingStatistics { Day08.part1(input) }
timingStatistics { Day08.part2(input) }
} | 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | d0b9b5e16cf50025bd9c1ea1df02a308ac1cb66a | 3,970 | advent-of-code | Apache License 2.0 |
src/main/day19/Part1.kt | ollehagner | 572,141,655 | false | {"Kotlin": 80353} | package day19
import day19.Resource.*
import groupUntil
import readInput
import java.util.*
typealias Materials = Map<Resource, Int>
fun main() {
val blueprints = parseTestInput()
val robots = Robots(mapOf(Robot(ORE) to 1, Robot(CLAY) to 1))
val materials = mapOf(ORE to 2, CLAY to 1)
val qualityLevel = solve(blueprints.first(), 24)
// .sumOf { solve(it, 24) }
println("Day 19 part 1. Quality level: $qualityLevel ")
fun solve(blueprint: Blueprint, timelimit: Int): Int {
println("New blueprint: $blueprint")
val queue = PriorityQueue<HarvestState> { a, b -> a.elapsedTime.compareTo(b.elapsedTime) }
// val queue = LinkedList<HarvestState>()
val startingState = HarvestState(Robots(mapOf(Robot(ORE) to 1)), startingMaterials(), 0)
var max = 0;
val seen = mutableSetOf<HarvestState>()
var iterations = 0
while (queue.isNotEmpty()) {
val current = queue.poll()!!
// println(current)
val possibleBuilds = blueprint.possibleBuilds(current.materials)
val harvestedMaterials =
.map { (robot, materialsLeft) ->
HarvestState(current.robots.add(robot), materialsLeft + harvestedMaterials, current.elapsedTime + 1)
.forEach { queue.add(it) }
queue.add(HarvestState(current.robots, current.materials + harvestedMaterials, current.elapsedTime + 1))
val possiblemax = queue
.filter { it.elapsedTime == timelimit }
.maxOfOrNull { it.geodes() } ?: 0
max = maxOf(possiblemax, max)
queue.removeIf { it.elapsedTime == timelimit }
queue.removeIf { seen.contains(it) }
return max *
data class HarvestState(val robots: Robots, val materials: Materials, val elapsedTime: Int) {
fun score(): Int {
return robots.instances
.map { (robot, quantity) ->
when(robot.resource) {
ORE -> 1 * quantity
CLAY -> 10 * quantity
OBSIDIAN -> 100 * quantity
GEODE -> 100000 * quantity
.sum() / (elapsedTime + 1)
fun geodes(): Int {
return materials.getOrDefault(GEODE, 0)
data class Blueprint(val id: Int, private val constructions: List<Construction>) {
fun possibleBuilds(availableMaterials: Materials): List<Pair<Robot, Materials>> {
return constructions
.filter { it.buildable(availableMaterials) }
.map { }
companion object {
fun parse(input: List<String>): Blueprint {
val blueprintId = input.first().substringAfter("Blueprint ").substringBefore(":").toInt()
val constructions = input
.map { Construction.parse(it) }
return Blueprint(blueprintId, constructions)
data class Construction(val resource: Resource, val requiredMaterials: Materials) {
fun buildable(availableMaterials: Materials): Boolean {
return requiredMaterials.all { (resource, requiredQuantity) ->
) >= requiredQuantity
fun build(availableMaterials: Materials): Pair<Robot, Materials> {
return Robot(resource) to availableMaterials - requiredMaterials
companion object {
fun parse(input: String): Construction {
val resource = input.substringAfter("Each ").substringBefore(" robot").let { valueOf(it.uppercase()) }
if (input.contains("and")) {
val firstMaterial = input.substringAfter("costs ").substringBefore(" and")
.split(" ")
.let { (quantity, resourceName) -> valueOf(resourceName.uppercase()) to quantity.toInt() }
val secondMaterial = input.substringAfter("and ").substringBefore(".")
.split(" ")
.let { (quantity, resourceName) -> valueOf(resourceName.uppercase()) to quantity.toInt() }
return Construction(resource, mapOf(firstMaterial, secondMaterial))
} else {
val firstMaterial = input.substringAfter("costs ").substringBefore(".")
.split(" ")
.let { (quantity, resourceName) -> valueOf(resourceName.uppercase()) to quantity.toInt() }
return Construction(resource, mapOf(firstMaterial))
data class Robots(val instances: Map<Robot, Int>) {
fun work(): Materials {
return instances
.map { (robot, quantity) -> robot.resource to quantity }
fun add(robot: Robot): Robots {
return if(!instances.containsKey(robot)) {
Robots(instances + (robot to 1))
} else {
.map { (key, quantity) ->
if (key == robot) {
key to quantity + 1
} else {
key to quantity
.toMap().let { robotMap -> Robots(robotMap) }
data class Robot(val resource: Resource) {
enum class Resource {
operator fun Materials.minus(other: Materials): Materials {
return this
.map { (resource, quantity) -> resource to (quantity - other.getOrDefault(resource, 0)) }
operator fun Materials): Materials {
return this
.map { (resource, quantity) -> resource to (quantity + other.getOrDefault(resource, 0)) }
fun parseTestInput(): List<Blueprint> {
return readInput("day19/testinput.txt")
.groupUntil { line -> line.isBlank() }
.map { Blueprint.parse(it.filter { line -> !line.isBlank() }) }
fun startingMaterials(): Materials {
return mapOf(ORE to 0, CLAY to 0, OBSIDIAN to 0, GEODE to 0)
} | 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | 6e12af1ff2609f6ef5b1bfb2a970d0e1aec578a1 | 6,174 | aoc2022 | Apache License 2.0 |
2021/src/day20/Day20.kt | Bridouille | 433,940,923 | false | {"Kotlin": 171124, "Go": 37047} | package day20
import readInput
typealias Table = Array<CharArray>
fun Table.print() {
for (line in this) {
fun List<String>.toTable() : Table {
val ret = Array(size) { CharArray(0) }
for (idx in indices) ret[idx] = this[idx].toCharArray()
return ret
fun Table.getValue(y: Int, x: Int, default: Char) : Int {
if (x < 0 || y < 0 || y >= size || x >= this[y].size) return if (default == '#') 1 else 0
return if (this[y][x] == '#') 1 else 0
// return a binary number of the 9 squares values around Y and X
fun Table.getSquareValue(y: Int, x: Int, default: Char) : Int {
var number = 0
for (yOffset in -1..1) {
for (xOffset in -1..1) {
number = number.shl(1) or getValue(y + yOffset, x + xOffset, default)
return number
fun enhanceImage(table: Table, ref: String, numberOfSteps: Int = 1) : Table {
var ret = table
for (i in 1..numberOfSteps) {
val nextIteration = Array(ret.size + 2) { CharArray(ret[0].size + 2) }
// In case we're OOB, our default is either '.' (initial) or the first char in the reference
// meaning all the chars were previously surrounded by '.' and got 0 as a total of 9 cells around
val default = if (i % 2 == 0) { ref.first() } else { '.' }
for (y in nextIteration.indices) {
for (x in nextIteration[y].indices) {
val number = ret.getSquareValue(y - 1, x - 1, default)
nextIteration[y][x] = ref[number]
ret = nextIteration
return ret
fun part1(lines: List<String>): Int {
val ref = lines.first()
val table = lines.drop(1).toTable()
return enhanceImage(table, ref, 2).let{
it.sumOf { it.fold<Int>(0) { acc, c -> if (c == '#') acc + 1 else acc } }
fun part2(lines: List<String>): Int {
val ref = lines.first()
val table = lines.drop(1).toTable()
return enhanceImage(table, ref, 50).let{
it.sumOf { it.fold<Int>(0) { acc, c -> if (c == '#') acc + 1 else acc } }
fun main() {
val testInput = readInput("day20/test")
println("part1(testInput) => " + part1(testInput))
println("part2(testInput) => " + part2(testInput))
val input = readInput("day20/input")
println("part1(input) => " + part1(input))
println("part2(input) => " + part2(input))
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 2 | 8ccdcce24cecca6e1d90c500423607d411c9fee2 | 2,437 | advent-of-code | Apache License 2.0 |
src/2021/Day8_2.kts | Ozsie | 318,802,874 | false | {"Kotlin": 99344, "Python": 1723, "Shell": 975} | import
fun String.matchAnyOrder(values: String) = this.toList().containsAll(values.toList())
fun map(pattern: List<String>, nine: String, six: String, five: String, three: String, two: String, zero: String): Map<String, String> =
mapOf<String, String>(
Pair(pattern.filter { it.length == nine.length && it.matchAnyOrder(nine) }.first(), "9"),
Pair(pattern.filter { it.length == 7 }.first(), "8"),
Pair(pattern.filter { it.length == 3 }.first(), "7"),
Pair(pattern.filter { it.length == six.length && it.matchAnyOrder(six) }.first(), "6"),
Pair(pattern.filter { it.length == five.length && it.matchAnyOrder(five) }.first(), "5"),
Pair(pattern.filter { it.length == 4 }.first(), "4"),
Pair(pattern.filter { it.length == three.length && it.matchAnyOrder(three) }.first(), "3"),
Pair(pattern.filter { it.length == two.length && it.matchAnyOrder(two) }.first(), "2"),
Pair(pattern.filter { it.length == 2 }.first(), "1"),
Pair(pattern.filter { it.length == zero.length && it.matchAnyOrder(zero) }.first(), "0")
fun extrapolate(pattern: List<String>): Map<Int, String> {
val four = pattern.filter { it.length == 4 }[0]
val one = pattern.filter { it.length == 2 }[0]
val three = pattern.filter { it.length == 5 && it.matchAnyOrder(one) }[0]
val top = pattern.filter { it.length == 3 }
.flatMap { it.toList() }
.filter { !one.contains(it) }[0]
val bottom = pattern.filter { it.length == 6 }
.filter { it.matchAnyOrder(four) && it.contains(top) }
.flatMap { it.toList() }
.filter { !four.contains(it) && it != top }[0]
val middle = three.filter { !one.contains(it) && it != top && it != bottom }[0]
val topLeft = four.filter { !one.contains(it) && it != middle }[0]
val five = pattern.filter { it.length == 5 && it.contains(topLeft) }[0]
val topRight = one.filter { !five.contains(it) }[0]
val bottomRight = one.filter { five.contains(it) }[0]
val two = pattern.filter { it.length == 5 && it.contains(topRight) && !it.contains(bottomRight) }[0]
val bottomLeft = two.filter { !three.contains(it) }[0]
val nine = "$top$middle$bottom$topLeft$topRight$bottomRight"
val six = "$top$middle$bottom$topLeft$bottomRight$bottomLeft"
val zero = "$top$bottom$topLeft$topRight$bottomLeft$bottomRight"
return mapOf<Int, String>(Pair(9,nine),Pair(6,six),Pair(5,five),Pair(3,three),Pair(2,two),Pair(0,zero))
val signals = ArrayList<Pair<String, String>>()
File("input/2021/day8").forEachLine { line ->
val (pattern, output) = line.split("|").map { it.trim() }
signals.add(Pair(pattern, output))
println( {
val pattern = it.first.split(" ")
val patterns: Map<Int, String> = extrapolate(pattern)
val mapping = map(pattern, patterns[9]!!, patterns[6]!!, patterns[5]!!, patterns[3]!!, patterns[2]!!, patterns[0]!!)
it.second.split(" ").map { digit ->
mapping.filter { it.key.length == digit.length }.filter { it.key.matchAnyOrder(digit) }.map { it.value }[0]
}.sum()) | 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | d938da57785d35fdaba62269cffc7487de67ac0a | 3,127 | adventofcode | MIT License |
src/day13/Day13.kt | palpfiction | 572,688,778 | false | {"Kotlin": 38770} | package day13
import readInput
sealed interface Item : Comparable<Item>
class ListItem(val items: List<Item> = listOf()) : Item {
override fun toString(): String {
return "$items"
override infix fun compareTo(other: Item): Int =
when (other) {
is IntItem -> this compareTo ListItem(listOf(other))
is ListItem ->
.map { it.first compareTo it.second }
.filterNot { it == 0 }
?: (this.items.size compareTo other.items.size)
class IntItem(val value: Int) : Item {
override fun toString(): String {
return "$value"
override infix fun compareTo(other: Item) =
when (other) {
is IntItem -> this.value compareTo other.value
is ListItem -> ListItem(listOf(this)) compareTo other
fun main() {
fun parseItem(input: String): ListItem {
input.toIntOrNull()?.let { return ListItem(listOf(IntItem(it))) }
val inside = input.removeSurrounding("[", "]")
if (inside.isEmpty()) return ListItem()
return ListItem(
buildList {
var current = ""
var brackets = 0
for (char in inside) {
if (char == '[') brackets++
if (char == ']') brackets--
if (char == ',' && brackets == 0) {
current = ""
current += char
fun parsePairs(input: List<String>): List<Pair<ListItem, ListItem>> =
.filter { it != "" }
.map { parseItem(it) }
.map { (first, second) -> first to second }
fun part1(input: List<String>): Int =
.mapIndexed { index, (first, second) -> if (first < second) index + 1 else 0 }
fun part2(input: List<String>): Int {
val firstDivider = ListItem(listOf(IntItem(2)))
val secondDivider = ListItem(listOf(IntItem(6)))
val sortedPackets = (parsePairs(input)
.flatMap { it.toList() } + listOf(firstDivider, secondDivider))
return (sortedPackets.indexOf(firstDivider) + 1) * (sortedPackets.indexOf(secondDivider) + 1)
val testInput = readInput("/day13/Day13_test")
//check(part1(testInput) == 2)
//check(part2(testInput) == 4)
val input = readInput("/day13/Day13")
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | 5b79ec5fa4116e496cd07f0c7cea7dabc8a371e7 | 2,849 | advent-of-code | Apache License 2.0 |
src/main/kotlin/days/Day8.kt | teunw | 573,164,590 | false | {"Kotlin": 20073} | package days
import java.util.*
data class Point2D(val x: Int, val y: Int) : Comparable<Point2D> {
fun copy(newX: Int? = null, newY: Int? = null): Point2D {
return Point2D(newX ?: this.x, newY ?: this.y)
override fun compareTo(other: Point2D): Int {
return ((this.x - other.x)) - ((other.y - this.y) * 999)
fun <T>List<T>.takeUntil(predicate: (T) -> Boolean): List<T> {
val newList = mutableListOf<T>()
for (it in this) {
if (predicate(it)) {
} else {
return newList.toList()
class Day8 : Day(8) {
override fun partOne(): Int {
val trees = inputList.flatMapIndexed { x: Int, line: String ->
line.mapIndexed { y, char -> Point2D(x, y) to char.digitToInt() }
val rightEdge = trees.maxOf { it.first.x }
val bottomEdge = trees.maxOf { it.first.y }
val visibleTrees = trees.filter { (point, height) ->
point.x == 0 ||
point.y == 0 ||
point.x == rightEdge ||
point.y == bottomEdge ||
isTallerThanNeighbors(trees, point, height)
}.sortedBy { it.first }
return visibleTrees.size
private fun isTallerThanNeighbors(trees: HashSet<Pair<Point2D, Int>>, point: Point2D, height: Int): Boolean {
val tallerTrees = trees.filter { it.second >= height }
val row = tallerTrees.filter { it.first.x == point.x && point.y != it.first.y }
val column = tallerTrees.filter { it.first.y == point.y && point.x != it.first.x }
val top = row.filter { it.first.y < point.y }
val bottom = row.filter { it.first.y > point.y }
val left = column.filter { it.first.x < point.x }
val right = column.filter { it.first.x > point.x }
return listOf(left, right, top, bottom).any { it.isEmpty() }
private fun getScore(trees: SortedSet<Pair<Point2D, Int>>, point: Point2D, height: Int): Int {
val column = trees.filter {
it.first.x == point.x && point != it.first
val row = trees.filter {
it.first.y == point.y && point != it.first
val top = column.filter { it.first.y < point.y }.reversed()
.takeUntil { it.second < height }.count()
val bottom = column.filter { it.first.y > point.y }
.takeUntil { it.second < height }.count()
val left = row.filter { it.first.x < point.x }.reversed()
.takeUntil { it.second < height }.count()
val right = row.filter { it.first.x > point.x }
.takeUntil { it.second < height }.count()
return listOf(top, bottom, left, right).filter { it > 0 }
.fold(1) { acc, int -> acc.times(int) }
override fun partTwo(): Int {
val trees = inputList.flatMapIndexed { y: Int, line: String ->
line.mapIndexed { x, char -> Point2D(x, y) to char.digitToInt() }
}.toSortedSet { o1, o2 -> o1.first.compareTo(o2.first) }
val visibleTrees = { (point, height) ->
point to getScore(trees, point, height)
}.sortedBy { it.first }
return visibleTrees.maxBy { it.second }.second
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | 149219285efdb1a4d2edc306cc449cce19250e85 | 3,331 | advent-of-code-22 | Creative Commons Zero v1.0 Universal |
src/year2022/day08/Day.kt | tiagoabrito | 573,609,974 | false | {"Kotlin": 73752} | package year2022.day08
import readInput
fun main() {
val day = "08"
val expectedTest1 = 21
val expectedTest2 = 8
fun checkIt(trees: CharSequence, index: Int, sz: Char) = trees.subSequence(0, index).any { t -> t >= sz } &&
trees.subSequence(index+1, trees.length).any { t -> t >= sz }
fun indexVisibility(trees: CharSequence, index: Int, sz: Char) =
(trees.subSequence(1, index).takeLastWhile { t -> t < sz }.length + 1) *
(trees.subSequence(index + 1, trees.length - 1).takeWhile { t -> t < sz }.length + 1)
fun part1(input: List<String>): Int {
val map = input.mapIndexed{ rowNumber, row ->
row.mapIndexed { columnNumber, c ->
rowNumber != 0 && rowNumber < input.size - 1 &&
columnNumber != 0 && columnNumber < row.length-1
&& checkIt(row, columnNumber, c)
&& checkIt( { it[columnNumber] }.joinToString(""), rowNumber , c)
return map.flatten().count { !it }
fun part2(input: List<String>): Int {
val map = input.mapIndexed { rowNumber, row ->
row.mapIndexed { columnNumber, c ->
when {
rowNumber == 0 -> 0
rowNumber == input.size-1 -> 0
columnNumber == 0 -> 0
columnNumber == row.length-1 -> 0
else -> indexVisibility(row, columnNumber, c) *
indexVisibility( { it[columnNumber] }.joinToString(""), rowNumber, c)
return map.flatten().max()
// test if implementation meets criteria from the description, like:
val testInput = readInput("year2022/day$day/test")
val part1Test = part1(testInput)
check(part1Test == expectedTest1) { "expected $expectedTest1 but was $part1Test" }
val input = readInput("year2022/day$day/input")
val part2Test = part2(testInput)
check(part2Test == expectedTest2) { "expected $expectedTest2 but was $part2Test" }
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | 1f9becde3cbf5dcb345659a23cf9ff52718bbaf9 | 2,189 | adventOfCode | Apache License 2.0 |
kotlin/src/katas/kotlin/leetcode/descreasing_subsequences/DecreasingSubsequences.kt | dkandalov | 2,517,870 | false | {"Roff": 9263219, "JavaScript": 1513061, "Kotlin": 836347, "Scala": 475843, "Java": 475579, "Groovy": 414833, "Haskell": 148306, "HTML": 112989, "Ruby": 87169, "Python": 35433, "Rust": 32693, "C": 31069, "Clojure": 23648, "Lua": 19599, "C#": 12576, "q": 11524, "Scheme": 10734, "CSS": 8639, "R": 7235, "Racket": 6875, "C++": 5059, "Swift": 4500, "Elixir": 2877, "SuperCollider": 2822, "CMake": 1967, "Idris": 1741, "CoffeeScript": 1510, "Factor": 1428, "Makefile": 1379, "Gherkin": 221} | package katas.kotlin.leetcode.descreasing_subsequences
import nonstdlib.printed
import datsok.shouldEqual
import org.junit.Test
class DecreasingSubsequencesTests {
@Test fun `split array into strictly decreasing subsequences`() {
split(arrayOf(5, 2, 4, 3, 1, 6)).printed() shouldEqual listOf(listOf(5, 2, 1), listOf(4, 3), listOf(6))
split(arrayOf(2, 9, 12, 13, 4, 7, 6, 5, 10)).printed() shouldEqual listOf(
listOf(2), listOf(9, 4), listOf(12, 7, 6, 5), listOf(13, 10)
split(arrayOf(1, 1, 1)).printed() shouldEqual listOf(listOf(1), listOf(1), listOf(1))
leastSubsequences(5, 2, 4, 3, 1, 6) shouldEqual 3
leastSubsequences(2, 9, 12, 13, 4, 7, 6, 5, 10) shouldEqual 4
leastSubsequences(1, 1, 1) shouldEqual 3
private fun leastSubsequences(vararg nums: Int): Int {
val piles = IntArray(nums.size)
var size = 0
for (n in nums) {
val pile = binarySearch(piles, size, n)
piles[pile] = n
if (pile == size) size++
return size
private fun binarySearch(nums: IntArray, size: Int, target: Int): Int {
var from = 0
var to = size
while (from < to) {
val mid = (from + to) / 2
if (target < nums[mid]) to = mid
else from = mid + 1
return from
private fun split(array: Array<Int>): List<List<Int>> {
return allSubsequences(Solution(array.toList())).minByOrNull { it: Solution -> it.seqs.size }!!.seqs
private fun allSubsequences(solution: Solution): List<Solution> {
if (solution.isComplete()) return listOf(solution)
return solution.nextValidSteps()
.flatMap { subSolution -> allSubsequences(subSolution) }
private data class Solution(private val list: List<Int>, val seqs: List<List<Int>> = emptyList()) {
fun isComplete() = list.isEmpty()
fun nextValidSteps(): List<Solution> {
val head = list.first()
val tail = list.drop(1)
return seqs.mapIndexedNotNull { i, seq ->
if (seq.last() <= head) null
else {
val updatedValue = ArrayList(seqs).also { it[i] = seq + head }
Solution(tail, updatedValue)
} + Solution(tail, seqs + listOf(listOf(head)))
override fun toString() = "Solution=$seqs"
| 7 | Roff | 3 | 5 | 0f169804fae2984b1a78fc25da2d7157a8c7a7be | 2,436 | katas | The Unlicense |
src/aoc2021/Day09.kt | dayanruben | 433,250,590 | false | {"Kotlin": 79134} | package aoc2021
import readInput
fun main() {
val (year, day) = "2021" to "Day09"
data class Point(val x: Int, val y: Int, val number: Int, var visited: Boolean = false) {
val directions = arrayOf(1 to 0, -1 to 0, 0 to 1, 0 to -1)
fun adjacent(mx: Int, my: Int) =
directions.mapNotNull { (dx, dy) ->
if (x + dx < 0 || x + dx >= mx || y + dy < 0 || y + dy >= my) null
else (x + dx) to (y + dy)
fun List<String>.toPoints() = flatMapIndexed { x, row -> row.mapIndexed { y, col -> Point(x, y, col - '0') } }
fun part1(input: List<String>): Int {
val mx = input.size
val my = input.first().length
val points = input.toPoints()
return points.sumOf { point ->
val low = point.adjacent(mx, my).all { (ax, ay) ->
points[ax * my + ay].number > point.number
if (low) point.number + 1 else 0
fun part2(input: List<String>): Int {
val mx = input.size
val my = input.first().length
val points = input.toPoints()
fun dfsSum(x: Int, y: Int): Int = when {
x < 0 || x >= mx || y < 0 || y >= my || points[x * my + y].visited || points[x * my + y].number == 9 -> 0
else -> {
points[x * my + y].visited = true
1 + dfsSum(x + 1, y) + dfsSum(x - 1, y) + dfsSum(x, y + 1) + dfsSum(x, y - 1)
val basinSums = points.mapNotNull { (x, y, number, visited) ->
if (visited || number == 9) null
else dfsSum(x, y)
return basinSums.sortedDescending().take(3).reduce { acc, i -> acc * i }
val testInput = readInput(name = "${day}_test", year = year)
val input = readInput(name = day, year = year)
check(part1(testInput) == 15)
check(part2(testInput) == 1134)
} | 1 | Kotlin | 2 | 30 | df1f04b90e81fbb9078a30f528d52295689f7de7 | 1,977 | aoc-kotlin | Apache License 2.0 |
src/main/kotlin/adventofcode2023/day6/day6.kt | dzkoirn | 725,682,258 | false | {"Kotlin": 133478} | package adventofcode2023.day6
import adventofcode2023.readInput
import kotlin.math.sqrt
import kotlin.time.measureTime
fun main() {
val input = readInput("day6")
println("Day 6")
val duration1 = measureTime {
println("Puzzle 1: ${puzzle1(input)}")
println("Puzzle 1 took $duration1")
val duration1Optimized = measureTime {
println("Puzzle Optimized 1: ${puzzle1Optimized(input)}")
println("Puzzle 1 Solved took $duration1Optimized")
val duration1Solved = measureTime {
println("Puzzle Solved 1: ${puzzle1Solved(input)}")
println("Puzzle 1 Solved took $duration1Solved")
val duration2Optimized = measureTime {
println("Puzzle 2 Optimized: ${puzzle2Optimized(input)}")
println("Puzzle 2 Optimized took $duration2Optimized")
val duration2Dummy = measureTime {
println("Puzzle 2 Dummy: ${puzzle2Dummy(input)}")
println("Puzzle 2 Dummy took $duration2Dummy")
data class Race(val time: Long, val distance: Long)
fun parseInput(lines:List<String>): List<Race> {
val (timeLine, distanceLine) = lines
val time = timeLine.substring("Time:".length).trim().split(' ').filter { it.isNotEmpty() }.map { it.toLong() }
val distance = distanceLine.substring("Distance:".length).trim().split(' ').filter { it.isNotEmpty() }.map { it.toLong() }
assert(time.size == distance.size)
return { index ->
Race(time[index], distance[index])
fun findWinningStrategiesDummy(race: Race): List<Long> {
val combinations = mutableListOf<Long>()
for (x in 1 until race.time) {
val y = race.time - x
if (x * y > race.distance) {
return combinations
fun findWinningStrategiesDummyOptimized(race: Race) =
(1 until race.time).count { x -> x * (race.time - x) > race.distance }
fun findWinningStrategiesSolves(race: Race): Int {
val b = -race.time
val c = race.distance
val discriminant = b * b - 4 * 1.0 * c
return if (discriminant <= 0.0) {
throw IllegalStateException("Could not find solution")
} else {
val root1 = ((-b + sqrt(discriminant)) / (2 * 1.0))
val root2 = ((-b - sqrt(discriminant)) / (2 * 1.0))
val correctedEnd = if (root1 % 1 > 0) {
} else {
root1.toInt() -1
correctedEnd - root2.toInt()
// IntRange(start.toInt() + 1, correctedEnd)
fun puzzle1(input: List<String>): Int {
return parseInput(input).map { race ->
}.reduce { acc, i -> acc * i }
fun puzzle1Optimized(input: List<String>): Int {
return parseInput(input).map { race ->
}.reduce { acc, i -> acc * i }
fun puzzle1Solved(input: List<String>): Int {
return parseInput(input).map { race ->
}.reduce { acc, i -> acc * i }
fun parseInput2(lines:List<String>): Race {
val (timeLine, distanceLine) = lines
val time = timeLine.substring("Time:".length).trim().split(' ').filter { it.isNotEmpty() }.joinToString(separator = "").toLong()
val distance = distanceLine.substring("Distance:".length).trim().split(' ').filter { it.isNotEmpty() }.joinToString(separator = "").toLong()
return Race(time, distance)
fun puzzle2Dummy(input: List<String>): Int {
return parseInput2(input).let { race ->
fun puzzle2Optimized(input: List<String>): Int {
return findWinningStrategiesDummyOptimized(parseInput2(input))
fun puzzle2Solved(input: List<String>): Int {
return findWinningStrategiesSolves(parseInput2(input))
} | 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | 8f248fcdcd84176ab0875969822b3f2b02d8dea6 | 3,819 | adventofcode2023 | MIT License |
src/Day02.kt | emersonf | 572,870,317 | false | {"Kotlin": 17689} | typealias Round = Pair<Char, Char>
fun toRound(line: String): Round {
val segments = line.split(" ")
return segments[0].first() to segments[1].first()
fun Round.scoreWithSecondColumnAsHand(): Int {
// A == X == Rock
// B == Y == Paper
// C == Z == Scissors
return when {
first == 'A' && second == 'X' -> 1 + 3
first == 'A' && second == 'Y' -> 2 + 6
first == 'A' && second == 'Z' -> 3
first == 'B' && second == 'X' -> 1
first == 'B' && second == 'Y' -> 2 + 3
first == 'B' && second == 'Z' -> 3 + 6
first == 'C' && second == 'X' -> 1 + 6
first == 'C' && second == 'Y' -> 2
first == 'C' && second == 'Z' -> 3 + 3
else -> 0
fun Round.scoreWithSecondColumnAsResult(): Int {
// A == Rock == 1 points if played
// B == Paper == 2 points if played
// C == Scissors == 3 points if played
// X == Lose
// Y == Draw
// Z == Win
return when {
first == 'A' && second == 'X' -> 3
first == 'B' && second == 'X' -> 1
first == 'C' && second == 'X' -> 2
first == 'A' && second == 'Y' -> 1 + 3
first == 'B' && second == 'Y' -> 2 + 3
first == 'C' && second == 'Y' -> 3 + 3
first == 'A' && second == 'Z' -> 2 + 6
first == 'B' && second == 'Z' -> 3 + 6
first == 'C' && second == 'Z' -> 1 + 6
else -> 0
fun main() {
fun part1(input: List<String>): Int =
.map { line -> toRound(line) }
.sumOf { it.scoreWithSecondColumnAsHand() }
fun part2(input: List<String>): Int =
.map { line -> toRound(line) }
.sumOf { it.scoreWithSecondColumnAsResult() }
// test if implementation meets criteria from the description, like:
val testInput = readInput("Day02_test")
check(part1(testInput) == 15)
check(part2(testInput) == 12)
val input = readInput("Day02")
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | 0e97351ec1954364648ec74c557e18ccce058ae6 | 2,076 | advent-of-code-2022-kotlin | Apache License 2.0 |
advent-of-code-2023/src/main/kotlin/eu/janvdb/aoc2023/day23/day23.kt | janvdbergh | 318,992,922 | false | {"Java": 1000798, "Kotlin": 284065, "Shell": 452, "C": 335} | package eu.janvdb.aoc2023.day23
import eu.janvdb.aocutil.kotlin.point2d.Point2D
import eu.janvdb.aocutil.kotlin.readLines
//const val FILENAME = "input23-test.txt"
const val FILENAME = "input23.txt"
fun main() {
val map = Puzzle.parse(readLines(2023, FILENAME))
val nodes = map.getNodes()
val map2 = map.removeSlopes()
val nodes2 = map2.getNodes()
// < 6400
enum class Tile(val ch: Char) {
companion object {
fun fromChar(ch: Char) = entries.first { == ch }
data class Nodes(val start: Point2D, val end: Point2D, val distances: Map<Point2D, Map<Point2D, Int>>) {
fun longestPath(): Int {
return shortestPathFrom(start, mutableSetOf(), 0)
private fun shortestPathFrom(current: Point2D, currentPath: MutableSet<Point2D>, currentDistance: Int): Int {
if (current == end) return currentDistance
val result = distances.getOrDefault(current, emptyMap())
.filter { it.key !in currentPath }
.maxOfOrNull { shortestPathFrom(it.key, currentPath, currentDistance + it.value) }
return result ?: -1
data class Puzzle(val width: Int, val height: Int, val tiles: List<Tile>) {
fun getNodes(): Nodes {
val nodeSet = (0..<height).flatMap { y -> (0..<width).map { x -> Point2D(x, y) } }
.filter { getTile(it) != Tile.FOREST }
.filter { it.y == 0 || it.y == height - 1 || getNeighbours(it).count() > 2 }
fun longestPath(node1: Point2D, node2: Point2D): Int {
fun visitRestOfPath2(visited: MutableSet<Point2D>, current: Point2D): Int {
if (current == node2)
return visited.size
if (current != node1 && current in nodeSet)
return -1
val result = getNeighbours(current)
.filter { it !in visited }
.maxOfOrNull { visitRestOfPath2(visited, it) } ?: -1
return result
return visitRestOfPath2(mutableSetOf(), node1)
val distances = nodeSet.associateWith { node1 ->
.filter { it != node1 }
.associateWith { node2 -> longestPath(node1, node2) }
.filter { it.value != -1 }
return Nodes(nodeSet.first(), nodeSet.last(), distances)
private fun getNeighbours(point: Point2D): Sequence<Point2D> {
return when (getTile(point)) {
Tile.PATH -> sequenceOf(point.left(), point.right(), point.up(), point.down())
Tile.FOREST -> sequenceOf()
Tile.UP_SLOPE -> sequenceOf(point.up())
Tile.DOWN_SLOPE -> sequenceOf(point.down())
Tile.LEFT_SLOPE -> sequenceOf(point.left())
Tile.RIGHT_SLOPE -> sequenceOf(point.right())
}.filter { getTile(it) != Tile.FOREST }
private fun getTile(point: Point2D) =
if (point.y < 0 || point.y >= height || point.x < 0 || point.x >= width) Tile.FOREST else tiles[point.y * width + point.x]
fun removeSlopes(): Puzzle {
val newTiles = { if (it == Tile.FOREST) Tile.FOREST else Tile.PATH }
return Puzzle(width, height, newTiles)
companion object {
fun parse(lines: List<String>): Puzzle {
val width = lines[0].length
val height = lines.size
val tiles = lines.flatMap { line -> { Tile.fromChar(it) } }
return Puzzle(width, height, tiles)
} | 0 | Java | 0 | 0 | 78ce266dbc41d1821342edca484768167f261752 | 3,359 | advent-of-code | Apache License 2.0 |
src/main/day18/day18.kt | rolf-rosenbaum | 572,864,107 | false | {"Kotlin": 80772} | package day18
import readInput
fun main() {
val input = readInput("main/day18/Day18")
fun part1(input: List<String>): Int = input.toCubes().surfaceArea()
fun part2(input: List<String>): Int = exteriorSurfaceArea(input.toCubes())
private fun List<String>.toCubes() = map { line ->
val (x, y, z) = line.split(",")
Cube(x.toInt(), y.toInt(), z.toInt())
private fun List<Cube>.surfaceArea(): Int = sumOf { it.neighbours().filter { c -> c !in this }.size }
private fun exteriorSurfaceArea(cubes: List<Cube>): Int {
val minX = cubes.minOf { it.x } - 1
val maxX = cubes.maxOf { it.x } + 1
val minY = cubes.minOf { it.y } - 1
val maxY = cubes.maxOf { it.y } + 1
val minZ = cubes.minOf { it.z } - 1
val maxZ = cubes.maxOf { it.z } + 1
val surface = mutableSetOf<Cube>()
val queue = mutableListOf(Cube(minX, minY, minZ))
while (queue.isNotEmpty()) {
val current = queue.removeLast()
if (current in cubes) continue
val (x, y, z) = current
if (x !in minX..maxX || y !in minY..maxY || z !in minZ..maxZ) continue
if (surface.add(current)) queue.addAll(current.neighbours())
return cubes.sumOf { it.neighbours().filter { c -> c in surface }.size }
data class Cube(val x: Int, val y: Int, val z: Int) {
fun neighbours() = listOf(
Cube(x + 1, y, z), Cube(x - 1, y, z),
Cube(x, y + 1, z), Cube(x, y - 1, z),
Cube(x, y, z + 1), Cube(x, y, z - 1)
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 2 | 59cd4265646e1a011d2a1b744c7b8b2afe482265 | 1,528 | aoc-2022 | Apache License 2.0 |
src/year2023/Day4.kt | drademacher | 725,945,859 | false | {"Kotlin": 76037} | package year2023
import powerOfTwo
import readLines
fun main() {
val input = parseInput(readLines("2023", "day4"))
val testInput = parseInput(readLines("2023", "day4_test"))
check(part1(testInput) == 13)
println("Part 1:" + part1(input))
check(part2(testInput) == 30)
println("Part 2:" + part2(input))
private fun parseInput(input: List<String>): List<Card> {
return input
.map { it.split(Regex("[:|]")) }
.map {
it[1].split(" ").filter { it != "" }.map(String::toInt),
it[2].split(" ").filter { it != "" }.map(String::toInt),
private fun part1(input: List<Card>): Int {
return input
.map { card -> card.numbers.filter { number -> card.winningNumbers.contains(number) }.size }
.filter { it >= 1 }
.sumOf { powerOfTwo(it - 1) }
private fun part2(input: List<Card>): Int {
val instances = { Pair(it, 1) }.toMap().toMutableMap()
for (i in input.indices) {
val card = input[i]
val count = instances[i]!!
val numberOfWonCards = card.numbers.filter { number -> card.winningNumbers.contains(number) }.size
for (j in (1..numberOfWonCards)) {
val k = i + j
val oldValue = instances.getOrDefault(k, 1)
instances[k] = oldValue + count
return instances.values.sum()
private data class Card(val winningNumbers: List<Int>, val numbers: List<Int>)
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | 4c4cbf677d97cfe96264b922af6ae332b9044ba8 | 1,511 | advent_of_code | MIT License |
kotlin/src/main/kotlin/com/github/jntakpe/aoc2021/days/day22/Day22.kt | jntakpe | 433,584,164 | false | {"Kotlin": 64657, "Rust": 51491} | package com.github.jntakpe.aoc2021.days.day22
import com.github.jntakpe.aoc2021.shared.Day
import com.github.jntakpe.aoc2021.shared.readInputLines
object Day22 : Day {
override val input = readInputLines(22).map { Step.from(it) }
override fun part1(): Number {
return input
.filter { it.cuboid.inRange(-50..50) }
.fold(emptySet<Triple<Int, Int, Int>>()) { a, c ->
when (c.state) {
State.OFF -> a.minus(c.cuboid.combinations())
State.ON ->
override fun part2(): Number {
val cubes = mutableListOf<Step>()
input.forEach {
cubes.addAll(buildList { cubes.forEach { step -> it.cuboid.overlap(step.cuboid)?.apply { add(Step(!step.state, this)) } } })
if (it.state == State.ON) cubes.add(it)
return cubes.sumOf { it.state.sign * it.cuboid.size() }
enum class State(val sign: Int) {
operator fun not() = when (this) {
data class Cuboid(val x: IntRange, val y: IntRange, val z: IntRange) {
fun combinations() = buildSet { for (x in x) for (y in y) for (z in z) add(Triple(x, y, z)) }
fun inRange(range: IntRange) = listOf(x, y, z).all { range.contains(it.first) && range.contains(it.last) }
fun size() = x.size() * y.size() * z.size()
fun overlap(other: Cuboid): Cuboid? {
return listOf<Cuboid.() -> IntRange>({ x }, { y }, { z })
.map { it(this).overlap(it(other)) }
.takeIf { r -> r.all { it.first <= it.second } }
?.map { }
?.let { (x, y, z) -> Cuboid(x, y, z) }
private fun IntRange.overlap(other: IntRange) = maxOf(first, other.first) to minOf(last, other.last)
private fun IntRange.size(): Long = (last - first + 1).toLong()
data class Step(val state: State, val cuboid: Cuboid) {
companion object {
fun from(line: String): Step {
val state = State.valueOf(line.substringBefore(" ").uppercase())
val (x, y, z) = line.substringAfter(" ").split(",")
.map { s -> s.substringAfter("=").split("..").map { it.toInt() }.let { it.first() } }
return Step(state, Cuboid(x, y, z))
| 0 | Kotlin | 1 | 5 | 230b957cd18e44719fd581c7e380b5bcd46ea615 | 2,528 | aoc2021 | MIT License |
src/main/kotlin/advent/y2018/day3.kt | IgorPerikov | 134,053,571 | false | {"Kotlin": 29606} | package advent.y2018
import misc.readAdventInput
const val notVisited = 0
const val visited = 1
const val collision = 2
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
val claims = readClaims()
val collisionsMap = buildCollisionsMap(claims)
calculateCollisions(collisionsMap).also { println(it) }
findIntactClaim(claims, collisionsMap).also { println(it) }
private fun calculateCollisions(collisionsMap: Array<Array<Int>>): Int {
return collisionsMap.sumBy { ints -> ints.filter { it == collision }.sumBy { 1 } }
private fun findIntactClaim(claims: List<Claim>, collisionsMap: Array<Array<Int>>): Int {
for (claim in claims) {
var collisionsFound = 0
outer@ for (i in claim.row until claim.row + claim.rows) {
for (j in claim.column until claim.column + claim.columns) {
if (collisionsMap[i][j] == collision) {
if (collisionsFound == 0) {
throw IllegalArgumentException("No intact claims found")
private fun buildCollisionsMap(claims: List<Claim>): Array<Array<Int>> {
val fabric = Array(1000) { Array(1000) { notVisited } }
for (claim in claims) {
for (i in claim.row until claim.row + claim.rows) {
for (j in claim.column until claim.column + claim.columns) {
when (fabric[i][j]) {
notVisited -> fabric[i][j] = visited
visited -> {
fabric[i][j] = collision
return fabric
private fun readClaims() = readAdventInput(3, 2018).map(::parseClaim)
private fun parseClaim(claim: String): Claim {
val (id, claimWithoutId) = claim.substringAfter("#").split(" @ ")
val (column, row) = claimWithoutId.substringBefore(": ").split(",")
val (columns, rows) = claimWithoutId.substringAfter(": ").split("x")
return Claim(id.toInt(), column.toInt(), row.toInt(), columns.toInt(), rows.toInt())
private data class Claim(
val id: Int,
val column: Int,
val row: Int,
val columns: Int,
val rows: Int
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | b30cf179f7b7ae534ee55d432b13859b77bbc4b7 | 2,286 | kotlin-solutions | MIT License |
src/main/kotlin/Day08.kt | joostbaas | 573,096,671 | false | {"Kotlin": 45397} | fun List<String>.parse(): Forest =
Forest(map { line -> { it.digitToInt() } })
data class Tree(val x: Int, val y: Int) {
fun treesBetween(other: Tree): List<Tree> {
require(other.x == x || other.y == y)
require(other != this)
return when {
other.x < x -> (other.x until x).map { Tree(it, y) }.filterNot { it == this || it == other }.reversed()
other.y < y -> (other.y until y).map { Tree(x, it) }.filterNot { it == this || it == other }.reversed()
other.x > x -> (x until other.x).map { Tree(it, y) }.filterNot { it == this || it == other }
other.y > y -> (y until other.y).map { Tree(x, it) }.filterNot { it == this || it == other }
else -> throw IllegalArgumentException()
class Forest(private val grid: List<List<Int>>) {
private val horizontalSize = grid[0].size
private val verticalSize = grid.size
private val allTrees = (0 until horizontalSize).flatMap { xc ->
(0 until verticalSize).map { yc ->
Tree(xc, yc)
fun countVisibleFromOutside(): Int {
return allTrees.count { it.isVisibleFromOutside() }
fun List<List<Int>>.get(tree: Tree) = this[tree.y][tree.x]
private fun Tree.seesOther(other: Tree): Boolean =
grid.get(this).let { thisTreeSize ->
treesBetween(other).all {
val treeInBetweenSize = grid.get(it)
treeInBetweenSize < thisTreeSize
private fun Tree.neighboursBottom() = (y + 1 until verticalSize).map { Tree(x, it) }
private fun Tree.neighboursTop() = (0 until y).map { Tree(x, it) }
private fun Tree.neighboursRight() = (x + 1 until horizontalSize).map { Tree(it, y) }
private fun Tree.neighboursLeft() = (0 until x).map { Tree(it, y) }
private fun Tree.scenicScore(): Int =
).map { neighbours -> neighbours.count { otherTree -> seesOther(otherTree) } }
.fold(1) { acc, count -> count * acc }
fun highestScenicScore() = allTrees.maxOf { it.scenicScore() }
private fun Tree.isVisibleFromOutside(): Boolean {
if (x == 0 || y == 0 || x == horizontalSize - 1 || y == verticalSize - 1) return true
val sizeOfTree = grid.get(this)
return listOf(
).any { neighbours -> neighbours.all { grid.get(it) < sizeOfTree } }
fun day08Part1(input: List<String>): Int = input.parse().countVisibleFromOutside()
fun day08Part2(input: List<String>): Int = input.parse().highestScenicScore() | 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | 8d4e3c87f6f2e34002b6dbc89c377f5a0860f571 | 2,820 | advent-of-code-2022 | Apache License 2.0 |
kotlin/src/Day17.kt | ekureina | 433,709,362 | false | {"Kotlin": 65477, "C": 12591, "Rust": 7560, "Makefile": 386} | import java.lang.Integer.parseInt
import kotlin.math.abs
fun main() {
fun updateVelocity(velocity: Pair<Int, Int>): Pair<Int, Int> {
val xVelocityChange = if (velocity.first == 0) { 0 } else if (velocity.first > 0) { -1 } else { 1 }
return (velocity.first + xVelocityChange) to (velocity.second - 1)
fun runFiring(initialVelocity: Pair<Int, Int>, xRange: IntRange, yRange: IntRange): Int? {
var xPos = 0
var yPos = 0
var highestY = 0
var velocity = initialVelocity
while (xPos !in xRange || yPos !in yRange) {
if (yPos < yRange.first) {
return null
xPos += velocity.first
yPos += velocity.second
highestY = maxOf(highestY, yPos)
velocity = updateVelocity(velocity)
return highestY
fun part1(input: List<String>): Int {
val (xSpec, ySpec) = input[0].removePrefix("target area: x=").split(", y=")
val xRange = xSpec.split("..").let { (low, high) -> parseInt(low)..parseInt(high) }
val yRange = ySpec.split("..").let { (low, high) -> parseInt(low)..parseInt(high) }
var highestY = 0
(0..xRange.last).forEach { initialXVelocity ->
(yRange.first..abs(yRange.first) * 3).forEach { initialYVelocity ->
runFiring(initialXVelocity to initialYVelocity, xRange, yRange)?.also { foundMax ->
highestY = maxOf(highestY, foundMax)
return highestY
fun part2(input: List<String>): Int {
val (xSpec, ySpec) = input[0].removePrefix("target area: x=").split(", y=")
val xRange = xSpec.split("..").let { (low, high) -> parseInt(low)..parseInt(high) }
val yRange = ySpec.split("..").let { (low, high) -> parseInt(low)..parseInt(high) }
return (0..xRange.last).sumOf { initialXVelocity ->
(yRange.first..abs(yRange.first) * 3).count { initialYVelocity ->
runFiring(initialXVelocity to initialYVelocity, xRange, yRange) != null
// test if implementation meets criteria from the description, like:
val testInput = readInput("Day17_test")
check(part1(testInput) == 45) { "${part1(testInput)}" }
check(part2(testInput) == 112) { "${part2(testInput)}" }
val input = readInput("Day17")
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 1 | 391d0017ba9c2494092d27d22d5fd9f73d0c8ded | 2,464 | aoc-2021 | MIT License |
src/day16/Day16.kt | martin3398 | 572,166,179 | false | {"Kotlin": 76153} | package day16
import readInput
data class Node(val value: Int, val next: MutableList<String>)
data class BfsEntry(val position: String, val remainder: Int, val open: List<String>)
fun main() {
fun floydWarshall(graph: Map<String, Node>): Map<String, Map<String, Int>> {
val distances = mutableMapOf<String, MutableMap<String, Int>>()
for (u in graph.keys) {
distances[u] = mutableMapOf()
for (v in graph.keys) {
distances[u]!![v] = if (u == v) {
} else if (graph[u]!!.next.contains(v) || graph[v]!!.next.contains(u)) {
} else {
graph.keys.size + 1
for (i in graph.keys) for (j in graph.keys) for (k in graph.keys) {
if (distances[i]!![k]!! + distances[k]!![j]!! <= distances[i]!![j]!!) {
distances[i]?.set(j, distances[i]!![k]!! + distances[k]!![j]!!)
distances[j]?.set(i, distances[i]!![k]!! + distances[k]!![j]!!)
return distances
fun solutionGenerator(
graph: Map<String, Node>,
distances: Map<String, Map<String, Int>>,
start: String,
maxTime: Int,
opened: Set<String> = setOf(),
yieldAll: Boolean = false
) = sequence {
val nodes: Set<String> = graph.filter { it.value.value > 0 }.filter { !opened.contains(it.key) }.keys
val queue = mutableListOf(BfsEntry(start, maxTime, listOf()))
while (queue.isNotEmpty()) {
val (position, remainder, open) = queue.removeFirst()
val successors = nodes.subtract(open.toSet()).filter { distances[position]?.get(it)!! + 1 <= remainder }
if (yieldAll || successors.isEmpty()) {
successors.forEach { next ->
remainder - distances[position]?.get(next)!! - 1,
open.toMutableList().also { it.add(next) }
fun getReleasedPressure(
graph: Map<String, Node>,
distances: Map<String, Map<String, Int>>,
open: List<String>,
start: String,
maxTime: Int
): Int {
var position = start
var remainingTime = maxTime
var pressureReleased = 0
for (next in open) {
remainingTime -= distances[position]!![next]!! + 1
pressureReleased += remainingTime * graph[next]!!.value
position = next
return pressureReleased
fun part1(graph: Map<String, Node>, start: String = "AA", maxTime: Int = 30): Int {
val distances = floydWarshall(graph)
return solutionGenerator(graph, distances, start, maxTime).asIterable()
.maxOf { getReleasedPressure(graph, distances, it, start, maxTime) }
fun part2(graph: Map<String, Node>, start: String = "AA", maxTime: Int = 26): Int {
val distances = floydWarshall(graph)
return solutionGenerator(graph, distances, start, maxTime, setOf(), true).asIterable()
.maxOf {
val protagonistReleased = getReleasedPressure(graph, distances, it, start, maxTime)
val elephantReleased = solutionGenerator(graph, distances, start, maxTime, it.toSet()).asIterable()
.maxOf { elephant -> getReleasedPressure(graph, distances, elephant, start, maxTime) }
protagonistReleased + elephantReleased
fun preprocess(input: List<String>): Map<String, Node> =
input.associate { inputStr ->
val split = inputStr.split(" ")
split[1], Node(
split.subList(9, split.size).map { it.replace(',', ' ').trim() }.toMutableList()
// test if implementation meets criteria from the description, like:
val testInput = readInput(16, true)
check(part1(preprocess(testInput)) == 1651)
val input = readInput(16)
check(part2(preprocess(testInput)) == 1707)
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | 4277dfc11212a997877329ac6df387c64be9529e | 4,379 | advent-of-code-2022 | Apache License 2.0 |
src/Day02.kt | brunojensen | 572,665,994 | false | {"Kotlin": 13161} | private operator fun String.component1() = this[0].toString()
private operator fun String.component2() = this[1].toString()
private operator fun String.component3() = this[2].toString()
private enum class Play(val point: Int, val beats: Play? = null, val loses: Play? = null) {
// Rock, Paper, Scissor
X(1, C, B),
Y(2, A, C),
Z(3, B, A);
private fun game1(his: Play, mine: Play): Int {
return when (his) { -> mine.point + 6
mine.loses -> mine.point + 0
else -> mine.point + 3
private fun game2(his: Play, mine: Play): Int {
return when (mine) {
Play.X -> Play.values().filter { null != it.loses }.first { it.loses == his }.point + 0
Play.Z -> Play.values().filter { null != }.first { == his }.point + 6
Play.Y -> Play.values().filter { null != && null != it.loses }.first { != his && it.loses != his }.point + 3
else -> 0
fun main() {
fun part1(input: List<String>): Int {
return input
.sumOf {
val (first, _, last) = it
game1(Play.valueOf(first), Play.valueOf(last))
fun part2(input: List<String>): Int {
return input
.sumOf {
val (first, _, last) = it
game2(Play.valueOf(first), Play.valueOf(last))
// test if implementation meets criteria from the description, like:
val testInput = readInput("Day02.test")
check(part1(testInput) == 15)
check(part2(testInput) == 12)
val input = readInput("Day02")
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | 2707e76f5abd96c9d59c782e7122427fc6fdaad1 | 1,572 | advent-of-code-kotlin-1 | Apache License 2.0 |
gcj/y2020/kickstart_d/c.kt | mikhail-dvorkin | 93,438,157 | false | {"Java": 2219540, "Kotlin": 615766, "Haskell": 393104, "Python": 103162, "Shell": 4295, "Batchfile": 408} | package gcj.y2020.kickstart_d
private fun solve(): Double {
val (n, a, b) = readInts()
val p = listOf(0, 0) + readInts()
val p1 = probs(p, a)
val p2 = probs(p, b)
val x = (1 until p.size).map { p1[it].toLong() * p2[it] }.sum()
return p.size - 1 - x / (p.size - 1.0) / (p.size - 1)
private fun probs(p: List<Int>, a: Int): IntArray {
val q = 22
val n = p.size
val r = List(q) { IntArray(n) }
for (i in p.indices) r[0][i] = p[i]
for (j in 1 until q) {
for (i in p.indices) r[j][i] = r[j - 1][r[j - 1][i]]
val up = IntArray(n) { i ->
var k = i
for (j in 0 until q) {
if (((a shr j) and 1) == 0) continue
k = r[j][k]
val below = IntArray(n)
for (i in below.indices.reversed()) {
below[up[i]] += below[i]
return IntArray(n) { n - 1 - below[it] }
fun main() = repeat(readInt()) { println("Case #${it + 1}: ${solve()}") }
private fun readLn() = readLine()!!
private fun readInt() = readLn().toInt()
private fun readStrings() = readLn().split(" ").filter { it.isNotEmpty() }
private fun readInts() = readStrings().map { it.toInt() }
| 0 | Java | 1 | 9 | 30953122834fcaee817fe21fb108a374946f8c7c | 1,092 | competitions | The Unlicense |
src/Day05.kt | Miguel1235 | 726,260,839 | false | {"Kotlin": 21105} | val obtainSeeds = { input: List<String> -> input[0].split(":")[1].trim().split(" ") }
private data class Mapper(val name: String, val ranges: List<Range>)
private data class Range(val ds: Long, val de: Long, val ss: Long, val se: Long, val range: Long, val diff: Long)
private fun obtainMappers(input: List<String>): List<Mapper> {
var ranges: List<Range> = mutableListOf()
var cat: String = input[2]
val mappers: List<Mapper> = mutableListOf()
for (i in 2 + 1..<input.size) {
val line = input[i]
if (line.contains("seeds") || line.isEmpty()) continue
if (line.contains("-to-")) {
mappers.addLast(Mapper(cat, ranges))
cat = line
ranges = mutableListOf()
} else {
val (ds, ss, r) = line.split(" ").map { it.toLong() }
val de = ds + r - 1
val se = ss + r - 1
ranges.addLast(Range(ds, de, ss, se, r, ds - ss))
mappers.addLast(Mapper(cat, ranges))
return mappers
private fun applyMap(seed: Long, mapper: Mapper): Long {
for (range in mapper.ranges) if (seed >= && seed <= return seed + range.diff
return seed
private fun findFinalLocation(seed: Long, mappers: List<Mapper>): Long {
var newSeedValue = seed
for (map in mappers) newSeedValue = applyMap(newSeedValue, map)
return newSeedValue
private fun part1(input: List<String>): Long {
val seeds = obtainSeeds(input).map { it.toLong() }
val mappers = obtainMappers(input)
var min = 99999999999
for (seed in seeds) {
val r = findFinalLocation(seed, mappers)
if (r < min) min = r
return min
private fun obtainAllSeeds(input: List<String>): List<Sequence<Long>> {
val line = input[0].split(":")[1].trim().split(" ").map { it.toLong() }
val seeds: List<Sequence<Long>> = mutableListOf()
for (i in line.indices step 2) {
val startSeed = line[i]
val items = line[i + 1]
seeds.addLast(generateSequence(startSeed) { if (it < startSeed + items-1) it + 1 else null })
return seeds
private fun part2(input: List<String>): Long {
val seeds = obtainAllSeeds(input)
val mappers = obtainMappers(input)
var min = 99999999999
for (seed in seeds) {
for(value in seed) {
val r = findFinalLocation(value, mappers)
if (r < min) min = r
return min
fun main() {
val testInput = readInput("Day05_test")
check(part1(testInput) == 35L)
check(part2(testInput) == 46L)
val input = readInput("Day05")
check(part1(input) == 836040384L)
check(part2(input) == 10834440L)
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | 69a80acdc8d7ba072e4789044ec2d84f84500e00 | 2,686 | advent-of-code-2023 | MIT License |
src/main/kotlin/aoc2023/Day04.kt | j4velin | 572,870,735 | false | {"Kotlin": 285016, "Python": 1446} | package aoc2023
import readInput
import java.util.*
import java.util.regex.Pattern
import kotlin.math.pow
private data class Card(val id: Int, val winningNumbers: Set<Int>, val cardNumbers: Set<Int>) {
val matches = winningNumbers.intersect(cardNumbers)
val worth = if (matches.isEmpty()) 0 else 2f.pow(matches.size - 1).toInt()
companion object {
private val regex = Pattern.compile("""Card\s+(?<id>\d+): (?<winning>[\d\s]+) \| (?<card>[\d\s]+)""")
fun fromString(input: String): Card {
val matcher = regex.matcher(input)
if (matcher.matches()) {
val winningNumbers ="winning").split(' ').filter { it.isNotBlank() }.map { it.toInt() }.toSet()
val cardNumbers ="card").split(' ').filter { it.isNotBlank() }.map { it.toInt() }.toSet()
return Card("id").toInt(), winningNumbers, cardNumbers)
} else {
throw IllegalArgumentException("Does not match: $input")
object Day04 {
fun part1(input: List<String>) = { Card.fromString(it) }.sumOf { it.worth }
fun part2(input: List<String>): Int {
val cardMap = { Card.fromString(it) }.associateBy { }
val myCards = cardMap.values.associateWith { 0 }.toMutableMap()
cardMap.values.forEach { card ->
val currentAmount = myCards[card] ?: 1
val newAmount = currentAmount + 1
myCards[card] = newAmount
repeat(card.matches.size) {
val wonCardId = + it + 1
val wonCard = cardMap[wonCardId] ?: throw IllegalArgumentException("Unknown card: $wonCardId")
myCards[wonCard] = (myCards[wonCard] ?: 0) + newAmount
return myCards.values.sum()
fun main() {
val testInput = readInput("Day04_test", 2023)
check(Day04.part1(testInput) == 13)
check(Day04.part2(testInput) == 30)
val input = readInput("Day04", 2023)
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | f67b4d11ef6a02cba5b206aba340df1e9631b42b | 2,150 | adventOfCode | Apache License 2.0 |
src/day02/day02.kt | taer | 573,051,280 | false | {"Kotlin": 26121} | package day02
import readInput
enum class RPS(val value: Int) {
fun translate(input: String): RPS {
return when (input) {
"A", "X" -> RPS.ROCK
"B", "Y" -> RPS.PAPER
"C", "Z" -> RPS.Scissors
else -> throw RuntimeException("Dunno what $input is")
sealed class Result(val points: Int) {
object Win : Result(6)
object Tie : Result(3)
object Lose : Result(0)
fun score(us: RPS, them: RPS): Result {
return if (us == them) {
} else {
when (us) {
RPS.ROCK -> if (them == RPS.Scissors) Result.Win else Result.Lose
RPS.Scissors -> if (them == RPS.PAPER) Result.Win else Result.Lose
RPS.PAPER -> if (them == RPS.ROCK) Result.Win else Result.Lose
data class Moves(val their: RPS, val ours: RPS)
fun translateInput(input: List<String>): List<Moves> {
return { it.split(" ") }.map {
val theirMove = translate(it[0])
val ourMove = translate(it[1])
Moves(their = theirMove, ours = ourMove)
fun calcWin(input: List<Moves>) = input.sumOf { (theirMove, ourMove) ->
val score = score(ourMove, theirMove)
score.points + ourMove.value
fun main() {
fun loseTo(input: RPS): RPS = when (input){
RPS.ROCK -> RPS.Scissors
RPS.Scissors -> RPS.PAPER
fun winTo(input: RPS): RPS = when (input){
RPS.PAPER -> RPS.Scissors
RPS.Scissors -> RPS.ROCK
fun tieTo(input: RPS): RPS = input
fun part1(input: List<String>): Int {
val inputData = translateInput(input)
return calcWin(inputData)
fun part2(input: List<String>): Int {
val inputData = translateInput(input)
val newMoves = {
val desiredOutcome = when(it.ours){
RPS.ROCK -> Result.Lose
RPS.PAPER -> Result.Tie
RPS.Scissors -> Result.Win
val ourNewMove = when (desiredOutcome) {
Result.Lose -> ::loseTo
Result.Tie -> ::tieTo
Result.Win -> ::winTo
it.copy(ours = ourNewMove(it.their))
return calcWin(newMoves)
val testInput = readInput("day02", true)
val input = readInput("day02")
check(part1(testInput) == 15)
check(part2(testInput) == 12)
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | 1bd19df8949d4a56b881af28af21a2b35d800b22 | 2,551 | aoc2022 | Apache License 2.0 |
src/main/kotlin/Day19.kt | bent-lorentzen | 727,619,283 | false | {"Kotlin": 68153} | import java.time.LocalDateTime
import java.time.ZoneOffset
fun main() {
class Rule(val category: Char, val limit: Int, val greater: Boolean, val result: String) {
fun run(part: Map<Char, Int>): String? {
return if (greater) {
if (part[category]!! > limit) result else null
} else {
if (part[category]!! < limit) result else null
fun parseWorkflows(input: List<String>): Map<String, List<Rule>> {
return input.associate {
val items = it.split('{', '}', ',').filterNot { s -> s.isBlank() }
val id = items.first
val rules = items.subList(1, items.size).map { s ->
if (s.contains(':')) {
val parts = s.split('<', '>', ':')
val greater = s[1] == '>'
val limit = parts[1].toInt()
Rule(s.first(), limit, greater, parts.last)
} else {
Rule('x', 0, true, s)
id to rules
fun parseParts(input: List<String>): List<Map<Char, Int>> {
return {
val items = it.split('{', '}', ',').filterNot { s -> s.isBlank() }
items.associateBy({ item -> item.first() }, { item -> item.substringAfter('=').toInt() })
fun part1(input: List<String>): Int {
val divider = input.indexOf("")
val workflows: Map<String, List<Rule>> = parseWorkflows(input.subList(0, divider))
val parts = parseParts(input.subList(divider + 1, input.size))
return parts.sumOf {
var result = "in"
while (result !in setOf("A", "R")) {
val temp: List<Rule> = workflows[result]!!
result = temp.firstNotNullOf { rule -> }
if (result == "A") {
} else {
fun getAcceptedMasks(
workflows: Map<String, List<Rule>>,
): List<Pair<String, List<Pair<Char, IntRange>>>> {
fun permuteRules(
rules: List<Rule>,
masks: List<Pair<Char, IntRange>>
): List<Pair<String, List<Pair<Char, IntRange>>>> {
val rule = rules.first()
if (rule.limit == 0) {
return if (rule.result in setOf("A", "R")) {
listOf(rule.result to masks)
} else {
permuteRules(workflows[rule.result]!!, masks)
return if (rule.greater) {
if (rule.result in setOf("A", "R")) {
listOf(rule.result to (masks + (rule.category to rule.limit + 1..4000))) +
permuteRules(rules.subList(1, rules.size), masks + (rule.category to (1..rule.limit)))
} else {
permuteRules(workflows[rule.result]!!, masks + (rule.category to (rule.limit + 1..4000))) +
permuteRules(rules.subList(1, rules.size), masks + (rule.category to (1..rule.limit)))
} else {
if (rule.result in setOf("A", "R")) {
listOf(rule.result to (masks + (rule.category to (1..<rule.limit)))) +
permuteRules(rules.subList(1, rules.size), masks + (rule.category to (rule.limit..4000)))
} else {
permuteRules(workflows[rule.result]!!, masks + (rule.category to (1..<rule.limit))) +
permuteRules(rules.subList(1, rules.size), masks + (rule.category to (rule.limit..4000)))
return permuteRules(workflows["in"]!!, listOf('x' to (1..4000), 'm' to (1..4000), 'a' to (1..4000), 's' to (1..4000)))
fun part2(input: List<String>): Long {
val divider = input.indexOf("")
val workflows: Map<String, List<Rule>> = parseWorkflows(input.subList(0, divider))
val partMask = getAcceptedMasks(workflows)
val res = partMask.filter { it.first == "A" }.sumOf { pair ->
pair.second.groupBy({ it.first }, { it.second }) {
it.fold((1..4000).toSet()) { acc, intRange ->
}.fold(1L) { acc, ints ->
acc * ints.size
return res
val timer =
val input =
val result1 = part1(input)
"Result1: $result1".println()
val result2 = part2(input)
"Result2: $result2".println()
println("${ - timer} ms")
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | 41f376bd71a8449e05bbd5b9dd03b3019bde040b | 4,911 | aoc-2023-in-kotlin | Apache License 2.0 |
codeforces/globalround16/f.kt | mikhail-dvorkin | 93,438,157 | false | {"Java": 2219540, "Kotlin": 615766, "Haskell": 393104, "Python": 103162, "Shell": 4295, "Batchfile": 408} | package codeforces.globalround16
private fun solve() {
val (_, m) = readInts()
val points = readInts().sorted()
val segments = List(m) { readInts().let { it[0] to it[1] } }
val groups = List(points.size + 1) { mutableListOf<Pair<Int, Int>>() }
for (segment in segments) {
val index = (-1..points.size).binarySearch { points[it] >= segment.first }
if (index < points.size && points[index] <= segment.second) continue
var ifEats = 0L
var ifGives = 0L
val inf = Long.MAX_VALUE / 8
for (k in groups.indices) {
groups[k].sortBy { it.first }
val g = mutableListOf<Pair<Int, Int>>()
for (segment in groups[k]) {
if (g.isEmpty()) {
if (g.last().first == segment.first && g.last().second <= segment.second) continue
while (g.isNotEmpty() && g.last().first <= segment.first && segment.second <= g.last().second) {
val pPrev = points.getOrElse(k - 1) { -inf }.toLong()
val pNext = points.getOrElse(k) { inf }.toLong()
var newIfEats = inf
var newIfGives = inf
for (i in 0..g.size) {
val comeLeft = g.getOrNull(i - 1)?.first?.toLong() ?: pPrev
val comeRight = g.getOrNull(i)?.second?.toLong() ?: pNext
val leftBest = minOf(ifEats + 2 * (comeLeft - pPrev), ifGives + comeLeft - pPrev)
val possibleIfEats = leftBest + pNext - comeRight
newIfEats = minOf(newIfEats, possibleIfEats)
val possibleIfGives = leftBest + 2 * (pNext - comeRight)
newIfGives = minOf(newIfGives, possibleIfGives)
ifEats = newIfEats
ifGives = newIfGives
println(minOf(ifEats, ifGives))
fun main() = repeat(readInt()) { solve() }
private fun readLn() = readLine()!!
private fun readInt() = readLn().toInt()
private fun readStrings() = readLn().split(" ")
private fun readInts() = readStrings().map { it.toInt() }
private fun IntRange.binarySearch(predicate: (Int) -> Boolean): Int {
var (low, high) = this.first to this.last // must be false ... must be true
while (low + 1 < high) (low + (high - low) / 2).also { if (predicate(it)) high = it else low = it }
return high // first true
private fun <T> MutableList<T>.pop() = removeAt(lastIndex)
| 0 | Java | 1 | 9 | 30953122834fcaee817fe21fb108a374946f8c7c | 2,190 | competitions | The Unlicense |
src/Day18.kt | Oktosha | 573,139,677 | false | {"Kotlin": 110908} | enum class Material {
fun main() {
data class Cube(val x: Int, val y: Int, val z: Int) {
operator fun plus(other: Cube): Cube {
return Cube(x + other.x, y + other.y, z + other.z)
operator fun minus(other: Cube): Cube {
return Cube(x - other.x, y - other.y, z - other.z)
fun neigbours(): List<Cube> {
val diffs = listOf(
Cube(1, 0, 0), Cube(-1, 0, 0), Cube(0, 1, 0),
Cube(0, -1, 0), Cube(0, 0, 1), Cube(0, 0, -1)
return { x -> x + this }
fun volume(): Int {
return x * y * z
fun parseCube(input: String): Cube {
val (x, y, z) = input.split(",").map { x -> x.toInt() }
return Cube(x, y, z)
fun part1(input: List<String>): Int {
val cubes = HashSet( { s -> parseCube(s) })
var ans = cubes.size * 6
for (cube in cubes) {
for (neigbour in cube.neigbours()) {
if (neigbour in cubes) {
ans -= 1
return ans
fun dfs(cube: Cube, world: MutableMap<Cube, Material>, start: Cube, end: Cube) {
for (neigbour in cube.neigbours()) {
if (!world.contains(neigbour)
&& neigbour.x >= start.x && neigbour.y >= start.y && neigbour.z >= start.z
&& neigbour.x <= end.x && neigbour.y <= end.y && neigbour.z <= end.z) {
world[neigbour] = Material.WATER
dfs(neigbour, world, start, end)
fun part2(input: List<String>): Int {
val cubes = HashSet( { s -> parseCube(s) })
val start = Cube(cubes.minOf { cube -> cube.x } - 3,
cubes.minOf { cube -> cube.y } - 3,
cubes.minOf { cube -> cube.z } - 3)
val end = Cube(cubes.maxOf { cube -> cube.x } + 3,
cubes.maxOf { cube -> cube.y } + 3,
cubes.maxOf { cube -> cube.z } + 3)
val world = cubes.associateWith { _ -> Material.LAVA }.toMutableMap()
world[start] = Material.WATER
println("World Size: ${(end - start).volume()}")
dfs(start, world, start, end)
return cubes.sumOf { cube -> cube.neigbours().count { neigbour -> world[neigbour] == Material.WATER } }
val testInput = readInput("Day18-test")
val input = readInput("Day18")
println("test part1: ${part1(testInput)}")
println("real part1: ${part1(input)}")
println("test part2: ${part2(testInput)}")
println("real part2: ${part2(input)}")
} | 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | e53eea61440f7de4f2284eb811d355f2f4a25f8c | 2,695 | aoc-2022 | Apache License 2.0 |
src/Day08.kt | akijowski | 574,262,746 | false | {"Kotlin": 56887, "Shell": 101} | fun List<Char>.distance(): Int = if (isNotEmpty()) size else 1
fun List<Char>.takeUntilEquals(target: Int): List<Char> {
val list = mutableListOf<Char>()
for (c in this) {
if (c.digitToInt() >= target) {
return list
fun main() {
fun part1(input: List<String>): Int {
var count = 0
val perimeter = 2 * ((input.size - 2) + input.first().length)
val rowLength = input.first().length - 1
for (y in 1 until input.size - 1) {
for (x in 1 until rowLength) {
// TODO this can be cleaned up
val tree = input[y][x].digitToInt()
val maxLeft = input[y].toCharArray().take(x).maxOf { it.digitToInt() }
val maxRight = input[y].toCharArray().takeLast(rowLength - x).maxOf { it.digitToInt() }
val maxTop = input.take(y).maxOf { it[x].digitToInt() }
val maxBottom = input.takeLast(input.size - 1 - y).maxOf { it[x].digitToInt() }
if ((tree > maxLeft) || (tree > maxRight) || (tree > maxTop) || (tree > maxBottom)) {
return count + perimeter
fun part2(input: List<String>): Int {
val rowLength = input.first().length - 1
var maxScore = 0
for (y in 1 until input.size - 1) {
for (x in 1 until rowLength) {
val tree = input[y][x].digitToInt()
val treesLeft = input[y].toCharArray().take(x).reversed().takeUntilEquals(tree)
val treesRight = input[y].toCharArray().takeLast(rowLength - x).takeUntilEquals(tree)
val treesTop = input.take(y).map { it[x] }.reversed().takeUntilEquals(tree)
val treesBottom = input.takeLast(input.size - 1 - y).map { it[x] }.takeUntilEquals(tree)
val score = treesLeft.distance() * treesRight.distance() * treesTop.distance() * treesBottom.distance()
maxScore = maxScore.coerceAtLeast(score)
return maxScore
// test if implementation meets criteria from the description, like:
val testInput = readInput("Day08_test")
check(part1(testInput) == 21)
check(part2(testInput) == 8)
val input = readInput("Day08")
| 0 | Kotlin | 1 | 0 | 84d86a4bbaee40de72243c25b57e8eaf1d88e6d1 | 2,406 | advent-of-code-2022 | Apache License 2.0 |
src/y2023/Day03.kt | gaetjen | 572,857,330 | false | {"Kotlin": 325874, "Mermaid": 571} | package y2023
import util.Pos
import util.indexOfAll
import util.neighbors
import util.readInput
import util.timingStatistics
object Day03 {
private fun numbers(input: List<String>): List<Pair<Set<Pos>, Int>> {
return input.flatMapIndexed { row, line ->
val numbers = Regex("\\d+").findAll(line) {
val positions = { col -> row to col }.toSet()
positions to it.value.toInt()
private fun symbols(input: List<String>): List<Pos> {
return input.flatMapIndexed { row: Int, line: String ->
val symbolPositions = line.toList().indexOfAll { it != '.' && !it.isDigit() } { row to it }
fun part1(input: List<String>): Long {
val numbers = numbers(input)
val symbols = symbols(input)
val neighbors = symbols.flatMap {
return numbers.filter { (poss, _) ->
poss.any { it in neighbors }
}.sumOf { it.second.toLong() }
private fun gearCandidates(input: List<String>): List<Pos> {
return input.flatMapIndexed { row: Int, line: String ->
val gearPositions = line.toList().indexOfAll { it == '*' } { row to it }
fun part2(input: List<String>): Int {
val numbers = numbers(input)
val numberLookup = numbers.flatMap {(poss, num) -> { it to (poss to num) }
val gearCandidates = gearCandidates(input)
return {
}.sumOf { gearNeighbors ->
val numberNeighbors = gearNeighbors.mapNotNull { numberLookup[it] }.distinct()
if (numberNeighbors.size == 2) {
numberNeighbors[0].second * numberNeighbors[1].second
} else {
fun main() {
val testInput = """
val input = readInput("resources/2023/day03")
println("Part 1 result: ${Day03.part1(input)}")
println("Part 2 result: ${Day03.part2(input)}")
timingStatistics { Day03.part1(input) }
timingStatistics { Day03.part2(input) }
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | d0b9b5e16cf50025bd9c1ea1df02a308ac1cb66a | 2,648 | advent-of-code | Apache License 2.0 |
src/main/kotlin/biz/koziolek/adventofcode/year2022/day08/day8.kt | pkoziol | 434,913,366 | false | {"Kotlin": 715025, "Shell": 1892} | package biz.koziolek.adventofcode.year2022.day08
import biz.koziolek.adventofcode.Coord
import biz.koziolek.adventofcode.findInput
import biz.koziolek.adventofcode.parse2DMap
fun main() {
val inputFile = findInput(object {})
val trees = parseTrees(inputFile.bufferedReader().readLines())
println("Trees visible from edges: ${countVisibleTreesFromEdges(trees)}")
println("Highest scenic score: ${findHighestScenicScore(trees)}")
fun parseTrees(lines: List<String>): Map<Coord, Int> =
lines.parse2DMap { it.toString().toInt() }.toMap()
fun countVisibleTreesFromEdges(trees: Map<Coord, Int>) =
trees.count { (treeCoord, treeHeight) ->
getNorthTrees(trees, treeCoord),
getEastTrees(trees, treeCoord),
getSouthTrees(trees, treeCoord),
getWestTrees(trees, treeCoord),
).any { otherTrees ->
isVisible(treeHeight, { it.second })
fun isVisible(checkedTree: Int, otherTrees: List<Int>) =
otherTrees.all { it < checkedTree }
fun <T> getNorthTrees(trees: Map<Coord, T>, start: Coord): List<Pair<Coord, T>> =
(start.y - 1 downTo 0)
.filter { it >= 0 }
.map { start.copy(y = it) }
.map { it to trees[it]!! }
fun <T> getEastTrees(trees: Map<Coord, T>, start: Coord): List<Pair<Coord, T>> =
generateSequence(start.x + 1) { it + 1 }
.map { start.copy(x = it) }
.takeWhile { trees[it] != null }
.map { it to trees[it]!! }
fun <T> getSouthTrees(trees: Map<Coord, T>, start: Coord): List<Pair<Coord, T>> =
generateSequence(start.y + 1) { it + 1 }
.map { start.copy(y = it) }
.takeWhile { trees[it] != null }
.map { it to trees[it]!! }
fun <T> getWestTrees(trees: Map<Coord, T>, start: Coord): List<Pair<Coord, T>> =
(start.x - 1 downTo 0)
.filter { it >= 0 }
.map { start.copy(x = it) }
.map { it to trees[it]!! }
fun findHighestScenicScore(trees: Map<Coord, Int>) =
trees.maxOf { getScenicScore(trees, it.key) }
fun getScenicScore(trees: Map<Coord, Int>, checkedCoord: Coord): Int =
getNorthTrees(trees, checkedCoord),
getEastTrees(trees, checkedCoord),
getSouthTrees(trees, checkedCoord),
getWestTrees(trees, checkedCoord),
.map { otherTrees ->
getViewingDistance(trees[checkedCoord]!!, { it.second })
fun getViewingDistance(checkedTree: Int, otherTrees: List<Int>): Int {
val shorterTrees = otherTrees.takeWhile { it < checkedTree }.count()
val blockTree = if (shorterTrees < otherTrees.size) 1 else 0
return shorterTrees + blockTree
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | 1b1c6971bf45b89fd76bbcc503444d0d86617e95 | 2,763 | advent-of-code | MIT License |
src/Day08.kt | tbilou | 572,829,933 | false | {"Kotlin": 40925} | fun main() {
val day = "Day08"
fun part1(input: List<String>): Int {
var visible = 0
var forest = { it -> it.toList().map { it.digitToInt() } }
// Skip the edges
for (i in 1..forest.size - 2) {
for (j in 1..forest.size - 2) {
var horizontal = forest[i]
var vertical = getCol(j, forest)
val treesLeft = horizontal.subList(1, j)
val treesRight = horizontal.subList(j + 1, horizontal.size - 1)
val treesLeftUp = vertical.subList(1, i)
val treesRightDown = vertical.subList(i + 1, vertical.size - 1)
val edgeLeft = horizontal[0]
val edgeRight = horizontal[horizontal.size - 1]
val edgeUp = vertical[0]
val edgeDown = vertical[horizontal.size - 1]
val tree = horizontal[j]
val visibleLeft = isTreeVisible(edgeLeft, treesLeft, tree)
val visibleRight = isTreeVisible(edgeRight, treesRight, tree)
val visibleUp = isTreeVisible(edgeUp, treesLeftUp, tree)
val visibleDown = isTreeVisible(edgeDown, treesRightDown, tree)
if (visibleLeft || visibleRight || visibleUp || visibleDown) {
// println("visible trees found: $visible")
val result = visible + forest.size * 4 - 4
// println("visible trees + perimeter : $result")
return result
fun part2(input: List<String>): Int {
var maxScore = 0
var forest = { it -> it.toList().map { it.digitToInt() } }
// Iterate over all the items
for (i in forest.indices) {
for (j in forest.indices) {
var row = forest[i]
var column = getCol(j, forest)
val treesLeft = row.subList(0, j)
val treesRight = row.subList(j + 1, row.size)
val treesLeftUp = column.subList(0, i)
val treesRightDown = column.subList(i + 1, column.size)
val tree = row[j]
val scoreL = calculateScore(treesLeft.reversed(), tree)
val scoreR = calculateScore(treesRight, tree)
val scoreU = calculateScore(treesLeftUp.reversed(), tree)
val scoreD = calculateScore(treesRightDown, tree)
var score = scoreL * scoreR * scoreU * scoreD
if (score > maxScore) maxScore = score
// println("score: $maxScore")
return maxScore
// test if implementation meets criteria from the description, like:
val testInput = readInput("${day}_test")
check(part1(testInput) == 21)
check(part2(testInput) == 8)
val input = readInput("$day")
private fun isTreeVisible(edge: Int, trees: List<Int>, tree: Int): Boolean {
// A tree is visible if all the other trees between it and an edge of the grid are shorter than it
var visible = false
if (trees.isEmpty() && tree > edge) {
visible = true
if (trees.isNotEmpty() && tree > edge) {
visible = tree > trees.max()
return visible
private fun getCol(num: Int, input: List<List<Int>>): List<Int> {
var r = mutableListOf<Int>()
input.forEachIndexed { i, listOfTrees ->
r.add(i, listOfTrees[num])
return r
private fun calculateScore(trees: List<Int>, tree: Int): Int {
var score = 0
for (i in trees) {
if (i < tree) {
else if (i >= tree){
return score
} | 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | de480bb94785492a27f020a9e56f9ccf89f648b7 | 3,787 | advent-of-code-2022 | Apache License 2.0 |
src/Day15.kt | iam-afk | 572,941,009 | false | {"Kotlin": 33272} | import kotlin.math.absoluteValue
import kotlin.math.max
fun main() {
class Sensor(val x: Int, val y: Int, val bx: Int, val by: Int) {
val d = (x - bx).absoluteValue + (y - by).absoluteValue
fun List<String>.sensors() = map { it.split('=', ',', ':') }
.map { Sensor(it[1].toInt(), it[3].toInt(), it[5].toInt(), it[7].toInt()) }
fun List<Sensor>.rangesAt(y: Int): List<IntRange> = {
val x = it.d - (it.y - y).absoluteValue
it.x - + x
}.filterNot(IntRange::isEmpty).sortedBy { it.first }
fun part1(input: List<String>, y: Int): Int {
var count = 0
var last = Int.MIN_VALUE
val sensors = input.sensors()
for (range in sensors.rangesAt(y)) {
if (last < range.last) {
count += range.last - max(range.first, last + 1) + 1
last = max(last, range.last)
val already = sensors.filter { == y }.map { it.bx }.distinct().count()
return count - already
fun part2(input: List<String>, maxY: Int): Long {
val sensors = input.sensors()
for (y in 0..maxY) {
var last = -1
for (range in sensors.rangesAt(y)) {
if (last + 1 < range.first) {
return (last + 1).toLong() * 4_000_000L + y.toLong()
last = max(last, range.last)
error("position not found")
// test if implementation meets criteria from the description, like:
val testInput = readInput("Day15_test")
check(part1(testInput, 10) == 26)
check(part2(testInput, 20) == 56000011L)
val input = readInput("Day15")
println(part1(input, 2_000_000))
println(part2(input, 4_000_000))
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | b30c48f7941eedd4a820d8e1ee5f83598789667b | 1,800 | aockt | Apache License 2.0 |
src/Day03.kt | lukewalker128 | 573,611,809 | false | {"Kotlin": 14077} | fun main() {
val testInput = readInput("Day03_test")
checkEquals(157, part1(testInput))
checkEquals(70, part2(testInput))
val input = readInput("Day03")
println("Part 2: ${part2(input)}")
println("Part 1: ${part1(input)}")
* Sums the priorities of items appearing in both compartments of each rucksack.
private fun part1(input: List<String>): Int {
return { Rucksack(it) }
.sumOf { it.findCommonItem().getPriority() }
private class Rucksack(input: String) {
val compartment1: String
val compartment2: String
init {
require(input.length % 2 == 0)
compartment1 = input.substring(0 until input.length / 2)
compartment2 = input.substring(input.length / 2)
fun findCommonItem(): Char {
return compartment1.toSet().intersect(compartment2.toSet()).single()
// This is split out into separate branches because [code] returns the UTF-16 code and lower and upper case letters do
// not occupy a contiguous interval in UTF-16.
private fun Char.getPriority() = when {
this.isLowerCase() -> this.code - 'a'.code + 1
else -> this.code - 'A'.code + 27
* Sums the priorities of the item types corresponding to the badge of each three-elf group.
private fun part2(input: List<String>): Int {
return input.chunked(3)
.map { group ->
.sumOf { it.getPriority() }
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | c1aa17de335bd5c2f5f555ecbdf39874c1fb2854 | 1,567 | advent-of-code-2022 | Apache License 2.0 |
src/year_2023/day_12/Day12.kt | scottschmitz | 572,656,097 | false | {"Kotlin": 240069} | package year_2023.day_12
import readInput
data class SpringCollection(
val pattern: List<Char>,
val damageCounts: List<Int>
object Day12 {
private val memory = mutableMapOf<Pair<List<Char>, List<Int>>, Int>()
fun solutionOne(text: List<String>): Int {
return text.sumOf { line ->
val springCollection = parseSpring(line)
findThem(springCollection.pattern, springCollection.damageCounts)
fun solutionTwo(text: List<String>): Int {
return text.sumOf { line ->
val springCollection = parseSpring(line)
val actualPattern = listOf(springCollection.pattern, listOf('?'), springCollection.pattern, listOf('?'), springCollection.pattern, listOf('?'), springCollection.pattern, listOf('?'), springCollection.pattern).flatten()
val actualDamageCounts = listOf(springCollection.damageCounts, springCollection.damageCounts, springCollection.damageCounts, springCollection.damageCounts, springCollection.damageCounts).flatten()
findThem(actualPattern.toList(), actualDamageCounts)
private fun parseSpring(text: String): SpringCollection {
val split = text.split(" ")
val pattern = split[0]
val damagedCounts = split[1].split(",").map { it.toInt() }
return SpringCollection(pattern.toList(), damagedCounts)
private fun findThem(pattern: List<Char>, brokenParts: List<Int>): Int {
if (pattern.isEmpty()) {
return when (brokenParts.size) {
0 -> 1
else -> 0
return when (pattern.first()) {
'.' -> findThem(pattern.drop(1), brokenParts)
'#' -> otherFun(pattern, brokenParts).also { memory[pattern to brokenParts] = it }
'?' -> findThem(pattern.drop(1), brokenParts) + otherFun(pattern, brokenParts).also { memory[pattern to brokenParts] = it }
else -> throw IllegalArgumentException("whats this? ${pattern.first()}")
private fun otherFun(
pattern: List<Char>,
brokenCounts: List<Int>
): Int {
memory[pattern to brokenCounts]?.let{
return it
// make sure need to look for broken counts
if (brokenCounts.isEmpty()) {
return 0
// make sure there is enough characters
val brokenCount = brokenCounts.first()
if (pattern.size < brokenCount) {
return 0
// make sure there are enough not known good parts to meet need
for (i in 0 until brokenCount) {
if (pattern[i] == '.') {
return 0
if (pattern.size == brokenCount) {
return when (brokenCounts.size) {
1 -> 1
else -> 0
if (pattern[brokenCount] == '#') {
return 0
return findThem(pattern.drop(brokenCount + 1), brokenCounts.drop(1))
fun main() {
val text = readInput("year_2023/day_12/Day12.txt")
val solutionOne = Day12.solutionOne(text)
println("Solution 1: $solutionOne")
val solutionTwo = Day12.solutionTwo(text)
println("Solution 2: $solutionTwo")
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | 70efc56e68771aa98eea6920eb35c8c17d0fc7ac | 3,332 | advent_of_code | Apache License 2.0 |
src/Day07.kt | rinas-ink | 572,920,513 | false | {"Kotlin": 14483} | import java.lang.Integer.min
fun main() {
data class Node(
var name: String, var isFile: Boolean, var parent: Node? = null, var size: Int = 0
) {
var children: MutableList<Node> = mutableListOf()
var root = Node("/", false)
fun countSize(r: Node): Int {
if (!r.isFile) r.size = r.children.sumOf { countSize(it) }
return r.size
fun ls(cur: Node, result: List<String>, tmp: MutableList<Node> = mutableListOf()) {
if (cur.isFile) throw IllegalArgumentException("Can't apply ls to file")
for (r in result) {
val (info, name) = r.split(' ')
when (info) {
"dir" -> cur.children.add(Node(name, false, cur))
else -> cur.children.add(Node(name, true, cur, info.toInt()))
fun cd(cur: Node, where: String) = when (where) {
"/" -> root
".." -> cur.parent!!
else -> cur.children.first { == where && !it.isFile }
fun buildTree(input: List<String>) {
root = Node("/", false)
var cur = root
var start = 0
while (start < input.size) {
val cmd = input[start].split(' ').drop(1)
var end = start + 1
while (end < input.size && input[end].first() != '$') end++
when (cmd[0]) {
"ls" -> ls(cur, input.subList(start + 1, end))
"cd" -> cur = cd(cur, cmd[1])
else -> throw IllegalArgumentException("Only `ls` and `cd` commands are accepted")
start = end
fun sumDirSizesMostOf(s: Int, r: Node): Int {
if (r.isFile) return 0
var res = 0
if (r.size <= s) res += r.size
for (c in r.children) res += sumDirSizesMostOf(s, c)
return res
fun part1(input: List<String>): Int {
return sumDirSizesMostOf(100000, root)
fun smallestDirGreaterThen(s: Int, r: Node): Int {
if (r.isFile || r.size < s) return Int.MAX_VALUE
var res = Int.MAX_VALUE
for (c in r.children) res = min(res, smallestDirGreaterThen(s, c))
return min(res, r.size)
fun part2(input: List<String>): Int {
return smallestDirGreaterThen(30000000 - (70000000 - root.size), root)
// test if implementation meets criteria from the description, like:
val testInput = readInput("Day07_test")
check(part1(testInput) == 95437)
check(part2(testInput) == 24933642)
val input = readInput("Day07")
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | 462bcba7779f7bfc9a109d886af8f722ec14c485 | 2,709 | anvent-kotlin | Apache License 2.0 |
src/Day02.kt | geodavies | 575,035,123 | false | {"Kotlin": 13226} | import Outcome.DRAW
import Outcome.LOSE
import Outcome.WIN
import Shape.PAPER
import Shape.ROCK
import Shape.SCISSORS
enum class Shape(private val mappings: List<String>) {
ROCK(listOf("A", "X")), PAPER(listOf("B", "Y")), SCISSORS(listOf("C", "Z"));
companion object {
fun of(input: String): Shape {
return values().find { it.mappings.contains(input) }!!
enum class Outcome(private val input: String, val score: Int) {
LOSE("X", 0), DRAW("Y", 3), WIN("Z", 6);
companion object {
fun of(input: String): Outcome {
return values().find { it.input == input }!!
val shapeToScore = mapOf(
ROCK to 1,
PAPER to 2,
val combinations = mapOf(
(ROCK to ROCK) to 3,
(ROCK to PAPER) to 6,
(ROCK to SCISSORS) to 0,
(PAPER to ROCK) to 0,
(PAPER to PAPER) to 3,
(SCISSORS to ROCK) to 6,
val outcomeCombinations = mapOf(
fun main() {
fun part1(input: List<String>) = {
val split = it.split(" ")
Shape.of(split[0]) to Shape.of(split[1])
}.map {
shapeToScore[it.second]!! + combinations[it.first to it.second]!!
}.reduce { acc, i -> acc + i }
fun part2(input: List<String>) = {
val split = it.split(" ")
Shape.of(split[0]) to Outcome.of(split[1])
}.map {
val myShape = outcomeCombinations[it.first to it.second]!!
shapeToScore[myShape]!! + it.second.score
}.reduce { acc, i -> acc + i }
// test if implementation meets criteria from the description, like:
val testInput = readInput("Day02_test")
check(part1(testInput) == 15)
check(part2(testInput) == 12)
val input = readInput("Day02")
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | d04a336e412ba09a1cf368e2af537d1cf41a2060 | 2,175 | advent-of-code-2022 | Apache License 2.0 |
src/Day09.kt | gsalinaslopez | 572,839,981 | false | {"Kotlin": 21439} | import kotlin.math.pow
import kotlin.math.sqrt
enum class Direction(val xDiff: Int, val yDiff: Int) {
C(0, 0), R(1, 0), L(-1, 0),
U(0, 1), UR(1, 1), UL(-1, 1),
D(0, -1), DR(1, -1), DL(-1, -1)
fun main() {
fun distance(x1: Int, x2: Int, y1: Int, y2: Int) =
sqrt((x2 - x1).toDouble().pow(2) + (y2 - y1).toDouble().pow(2))
fun moveHead(head: IntArray, direction: Direction) {
head[0] = head[0] + direction.xDiff
head[1] = head[1] + direction.yDiff
fun tailFollow(tail: IntArray, head: IntArray): Set<Pair<Int, Int>> {
val visited = mutableSetOf<Pair<Int, Int>>()
// shouldn't move if its in the immediate vicinity
val shouldMove = Direction.values().all { diff ->
tail[0] + diff.xDiff != head[0] || tail[1] + diff.yDiff != head[1]
if (!shouldMove) return visited
if (head[0] == tail[0]) {
// tail and head on the same col
if (head[1] > tail[1]) {
} else {
} else if (head[1] == tail[1]) {
// tail and head on the same row
if (head[0] > tail[0]) {
} else {
} else {
// forced to move diagonally
val diagonalPositions = Direction.values().filter {
it != Direction.C && it != Direction.R && it != Direction.L && it != Direction.U && it != Direction.D
}.map { diff ->
intArrayOf(tail[0] + diff.xDiff, tail[1] + diff.yDiff)
}.minBy {
distance(it[0], head[0], it[1], head[1])
tail[0] = diagonalPositions[0]
tail[1] = diagonalPositions[1]
visited.add(Pair(tail[0], tail[1]))
return visited
fun simulateRope(input: List<String>, numOfTails: Int): Int {
val visited = mutableSetOf(Pair(0, 0))
val nodes = Array(numOfTails + 1) { intArrayOf(0, 0) } { it.split(" ") }.forEach { entry ->
val direction = Direction.valueOf(entry[0])
val steps = entry[1].toInt()
repeat(steps) {
moveHead(nodes.last(), direction)
for (i in nodes.size - 2 downTo 0) {
val moves = tailFollow(nodes[i], nodes[i + 1])
if (i == 0) {
return visited.size
// test if implementation meets criteria from the description, like:
var testInput = readInput("Day09_test")
check(simulateRope(testInput, 1) == 13)
testInput = readInput("Day09_test2")
check(simulateRope(testInput, 9) == 36)
val input = readInput("Day09")
println(simulateRope(input, 1))
println(simulateRope(input, 9))
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | 041c7c3716bfdfdf4cc89975937fa297ea061830 | 2,957 | aoc-2022-in-kotlin | Apache License 2.0 |
src/Day02.kt | Fedannie | 572,872,414 | false | {"Kotlin": 64631} | fun main() {
fun parseInput(input: String): List<Char> {
return input.split(' ').map { it[0] }
fun part1(input: List<String>): Int {
val shapeValue = hashMapOf(Pair('X', 1), Pair('Y', 2), Pair('Z', 3))
val wins = hashMapOf(Pair('A', 'Y'), Pair('B', 'Z'), Pair('C', 'X'))
return input
.sumOf { (first, second) ->
val value = shapeValue[second] ?: 0
if (first - 'A' == second - 'X') 3 + value
else if (wins[first] == second) 6 + value
else value
fun part2(input: List<String>): Int {
val shapeValue = hashMapOf(Pair('A', 1), Pair('B', 2), Pair('C', 3))
val policyValue = hashMapOf(Pair('X', 0), Pair('Y', 3), Pair('Z', 6))
val policy = hashMapOf(
Pair('X', hashMapOf(Pair('A', 'C'), Pair('B', 'A'), Pair('C', 'B'))),
Pair('Y', hashMapOf(Pair('A', 'A'), Pair('B', 'B'), Pair('C', 'C'))),
Pair('Z', hashMapOf(Pair('A', 'B'), Pair('B', 'C'), Pair('C', 'A')))
return input
.sumOf { (first, move) -> (shapeValue[policy[move]?.get(first) ?: 'A'] ?: 0) + (policyValue[move] ?: 0) }
// test if implementation meets criteria from the description, like:
val testInput = readInputLines("Day02_test")
check(part1(testInput) == 15)
check(part2(testInput) == 12)
val input = readInputLines(2)
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | 1d5ac01d3d2f4be58c3d199bf15b1637fd6bcd6f | 1,419 | Advent-of-Code-2022-in-Kotlin | Apache License 2.0 |
src/Day13.kt | frango9000 | 573,098,370 | false | {"Kotlin": 73317} | import kotlin.math.max
fun main() {
val input = readInput("Day13")
printTime { println(Day13.part1(input)) }
printTime { println(Day13.part2(input)) }
class Day13 {
companion object {
fun part1(input: List<String>): Int {
val packetPairs = input.partitionOnElement("").map { { parsePacket(it.substring(1, it.lastIndex)) } }
val packetComparisons: List<Int> = { (first, second) -> comparePackets(first, second) }
return packetComparisons.withIndex().filter { it.value <= 0 }.sumOf { it.index + 1 }
fun part2(input: List<String>): Int {
val packet2 = parsePacket("[2]")
val packet6 = parsePacket("[6]")
val packets = input.filter { it != "" }
.map { parsePacket(it.substring(1, it.lastIndex)) }.toMutableList().apply { add(packet2); add(packet6) }
val sortedPackets = packets.sortedWith { p0, p1 -> comparePackets(p0, p1) }
return sortedPackets.withIndex()
.filter { comparePackets(packet2, it.value) == 0 || comparePackets(packet6, it.value) == 0 }
.map { it.index + 1 }.product()
private fun comparePackets(first: Any, second: Any): Int {
if (first is List<*> && second is List<*>) {
for (index in 0..max(first.lastIndex, second.lastIndex)) {
if (first.lastIndex < index) return -1
if (second.lastIndex < index) return 1
val packetComparison = comparePackets(first[index]!!, second[index]!!)
if (packetComparison == 0) continue
else return packetComparison
return 0
if (first is List<*>) return comparePackets(first, listOf(second))
if (second is List<*>) return comparePackets(listOf(first), second)
return (first as Int) - (second as Int)
private fun parsePacket(substring: String): List<Any> {
val root = mutableListOf<Any>()
val stack: ArrayDeque<MutableList<Any>> = ArrayDeque()
var index = 0
while (index < substring.length) {
when (substring[index]) {
'[' -> {
val newStack = mutableListOf<Any>()
']' -> {
',' -> index++
else -> {
val fromNumber = substring.substring(index)
var indexOfNextClose = fromNumber.indexOfFirst { it == ']' || it == ',' }
if (indexOfNextClose < 0) indexOfNextClose = fromNumber.length
val number = fromNumber.substring(0, indexOfNextClose).toInt()
index += indexOfNextClose
return root
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | 62e91dd429554853564484d93575b607a2d137a3 | 3,287 | advent-of-code-22 | Apache License 2.0 |
src/Day16.kt | ambrosil | 572,667,754 | false | {"Kotlin": 70967} | fun main() {
val day16 = Day16(readInput("inputs/Day16"))
class Day16(input: List<String>) {
private val valves =
private val usefulValves = valves.filter { it.value.rate > 0 }
private val distances = computeDistances()
fun part1() = traverse(minutes = 30)
fun part2() = traverse(minutes = 26, elephantGoesNext = true)
private fun traverse(
minutes: Int,
current: Valve = valves.getValue("AA"),
remaining: Set<Valve> = usefulValves.values.toSet(),
cache: MutableMap<State, Int> = mutableMapOf(),
elephantGoesNext: Boolean = false
): Int {
val currentScore = minutes * current.rate
val currentState = State(, minutes, remaining)
return currentScore + cache.getOrPut(currentState) {
val validValves = remaining.filter { next -> distances[]!![]!! < minutes }
var maxCurrent = 0
if (validValves.isNotEmpty()) {
maxCurrent = validValves.maxOf { next ->
val remainingMinutes = minutes - 1 - distances[]!![]!!
traverse(remainingMinutes, next, remaining - next, cache, elephantGoesNext)
maxOf(maxCurrent, if (elephantGoesNext) traverse(minutes = 26, remaining = remaining) else 0)
private fun computeDistances(): Map<String, Map<String, Int>> {
return { valve ->
val distances = mutableMapOf<String, Int>().withDefault { Int.MAX_VALUE }.apply { put(valve, 0) }
val toVisit = mutableListOf(valve)
while (toVisit.isNotEmpty()) {
val current = toVisit.removeFirst()
valves[current]!!.next.forEach { adj ->
val newDistance = distances[current]!! + 1
if (newDistance < distances.getValue(adj)) {
distances[adj] = newDistance
}.associateBy { it.keys.first() }
private data class State(val current: String, val minutes: Int, val opened: Set<Valve>)
private data class Valve(val name: String, val rate: Int, val next: List<String>) {
companion object {
fun from(line: String): Valve {
return Valve(
name = line.substringAfter("Valve ").substringBefore(" "),
rate = line.substringAfter("rate=").substringBefore(";").toInt(),
next = line.substringAfter("to valve").substringAfter(" ").split(", ")
} | 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | ebaacfc65877bb5387ba6b43e748898c15b1b80a | 2,840 | aoc-2022 | Apache License 2.0 |
src/main/kotlin/aoc2020/AllergenAssessment.kt | komu | 113,825,414 | false | {"Kotlin": 395919} | package komu.adventofcode.aoc2020
import komu.adventofcode.utils.nonEmptyLines
fun allergenAssessment1(input: String): Int {
val foods = input.nonEmptyLines().map { Food.parse(it) }
val ingredientsWithAllergens = ingredientsByAllergens(foods).flatMap { it.value }
val safe = foods.flatMap { it.ingredients }.toSet() - ingredientsWithAllergens
return foods.sumBy { food -> food.ingredients.count { it in safe } }
fun allergenAssessment2(input: String): String {
val foods = input.nonEmptyLines().map { Food.parse(it) }
val ingredientsByAllergens = ingredientsByAllergens(foods).mapValues { it.value.toMutableSet() }.toMutableMap()
val result = sortedMapOf<String, String>()
while (true) {
val (allergen, ingredients) = ingredientsByAllergens.entries.find { it.value.size == 1 } ?: break
val ingredient = ingredients.single()
for (allergens in ingredientsByAllergens.values)
result[allergen] = ingredient
return result.values.joinToString(",")
private fun ingredientsByAllergens(foods: List<Food>): Map<String, Set<String>> {
val ingredients = foods.flatMap { it.ingredients }.toSet()
val allergens = foods.flatMap { it.allergens }.toSet()
val candidateAllergens = allergens.associateWith { ingredients.toMutableSet() }
for (food in foods)
for (allergen in food.allergens)
return candidateAllergens
private data class Food(val ingredients: Set<String>, val allergens: Set<String>) {
companion object {
private val regex = Regex("""(.+) \(contains (.+)\)""")
fun parse(s: String): Food {
val (_, ingredients, allergens) = regex.matchEntire(s)?.groupValues ?: error("invalid line '$s'")
return Food(ingredients.split(' ').toSet(), allergens.split(Regex(", ")).toSet())
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | 8e135f80d65d15dbbee5d2749cccbe098a1bc5d8 | 2,012 | advent-of-code | MIT License |
advent-of-code-2023/src/main/kotlin/Day07.kt | jomartigcal | 433,713,130 | false | {"Kotlin": 72459} | // Day 07: Camel Cards
data class Card(val char: Char)
fun Card.getValue(hasJoker: Boolean): Int {
return when {
char.isDigit() -> char.digitToInt()
char == 'T' -> 10
char == 'J' && hasJoker.not() -> 11
char == 'J' && hasJoker -> 0
char == 'Q' -> 12
char == 'K' -> 13
char == 'A' -> 14
else -> 0
private val JOKER = Card('J')
data class Hand(val cards: List<Card>, val bid: Int) {
fun getRank(hasJoker: Boolean): Int {
var cardsForRanking = cards.toMutableList()
if (hasJoker && cards.contains(JOKER)) {
if (cards.distinct().size != 5) {
val idealCard =
if (cards.count { it == JOKER } >= 3
&& cards.distinct().size == 2
) {
cards.find { it != JOKER }
} else if (cards.count { it == JOKER } == 5) {
} else {
cardsForRanking.filterNot { it == JOKER }
.groupingBy { it }.eachCount()
.maxByOrNull { it.value }?.key
if (idealCard != null) {
cardsForRanking = {
if (it == JOKER) idealCard else it
} else {
val idealCard = cards.maxByOrNull { it.getValue(true) }
if (idealCard != null) {
cardsForRanking = {
if (it == JOKER) idealCard else it
return if (cardsForRanking.distinct().size == 1) {
6 // Five of a kinad
} else if (
cardsForRanking.distinct().size == 2 &&
cardsForRanking.groupingBy { it }.eachCount().values.max() == 4
) {
5 // Four of a kind
} else if (cardsForRanking.distinct().size == 2) {
4 // Full House
} else if (cardsForRanking.distinct().size == 3
&& cardsForRanking.groupingBy { it }.eachCount().values.max() == 3
) {
3 // Three of a kind
} else if (cardsForRanking.distinct().size == 3) {
2 // Two pair
} else if (cardsForRanking.distinct().size == 4) {
1 // One pair
} else {
0 // High card
fun main() {
val lines = File("src/main/resources/Day07.txt").readLines()
val hands = { hand ->
val (cards, bid) = hand.split(" ")
cards.toList().map { card -> Card(card) },
println(getTotalWinnings(hands.toList(), hasJoker = false))
println(getTotalWinnings(hands.toList(), hasJoker = true))
private fun getTotalWinnings(hands: List<Hand>, hasJoker: Boolean) = hands.sortedWith(
compareBy<Hand> { it.getRank(hasJoker) }
.thenBy {[0].getValue(hasJoker) }
.thenBy {[1].getValue(hasJoker) }
.thenBy {[2].getValue(hasJoker) }
.thenBy {[3].getValue(hasJoker) }
.thenBy {[4].getValue(hasJoker) }
).mapIndexed { index, hand -> * (index + 1)
}.sum() | 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | 6b0c4e61dc9df388383a894f5942c0b1fe41813f | 3,426 | advent-of-code | Apache License 2.0 |
src/2022/Day15.kt | ttypic | 572,859,357 | false | {"Kotlin": 94821} | package `2022`
import readInput
import kotlin.math.abs
fun main() {
fun findDistressedBeacon(sensorToDistance: List<Day15Input>, maxSize: Int): YPoint {
(0..maxSize).forEach { y ->
val ranges = sensorToDistance.toReverseRanges(y, maxSize)
if (ranges.isNotEmpty()) {
return ranges.first().start
error("Can't find distressed beacon")
fun readInput(input: List<String>): List<Day15Input> {
val sensorToDistance = { s ->
val (sensor, beacon) = "(x=|y=)(-?\\d+)"
.map { it.groups[2]!!.value.toInt() }
.map { (x, y) -> YPoint(x, y) }
val distance = sensor.dist(beacon)
Day15Input(sensor, distance, beacon)
return sensorToDistance
fun part1(input: List<String>, row: Int): Int {
val sensorToBeacon = readInput(input)
val sensors = { it.sensor }.toSet()
val beacons = { it.beacon }.toSet()
val ranges = sensorToBeacon.toRanges(row)
val minX = { it.start.x }.min()
val maxX = { it.endInclusive.x }.max()
return (minX..maxX).asSequence().filter { x ->
val point = YPoint(x, row)
!sensors.contains(point) && !beacons.contains(point)
fun part2(input: List<String>, maxSize: Int): Long {
val sensorToDistance = readInput(input)
val (x, y) = findDistressedBeacon(sensorToDistance, maxSize)
return x * 4000000L + y
// test if implementation meets criteria from the description, like:
val testInput = readInput("Day15_test")
println(part1(testInput, 10))
println(part2(testInput, 20))
check(part1(testInput, 10) == 26)
check(part2(testInput, 20) == 56000011L)
val input = readInput("Day15")
println(part1(input, 2000000))
println(part2(input, 4000000))
private fun YPoint.dist(other: YPoint): Int {
return abs(x - other.x) + abs(y - other.y)
private data class Day15Input(val sensor: YPoint, val distance: Int, val beacon: YPoint)
private data class YPoint(val x: Int, val y: Int): Comparable<YPoint> {
override fun compareTo(other: YPoint): Int {
return x - other.x
private fun YPoint.prev(): YPoint {
return YPoint(x - 1, y)
private fun YPoint {
return YPoint(x + 1, y)
private fun List<Day15Input>.toRanges(row: Int): List<ClosedRange<YPoint>> {
return mapNotNull { (sensor, distance) ->
val delta = distance - abs(sensor.y - row)
if (delta >= 0) {
YPoint(sensor.x - delta, row)..YPoint(sensor.x + delta, row )
} else {
private fun List<Day15Input>.toReverseRanges(row: Int, maxSize: Int): List<ClosedRange<YPoint>> {
val ranges = toRanges(row)
return ranges.fold(listOf(YPoint(0, row)..YPoint(maxSize, row))) { acc, range ->
private fun List<ClosedRange<YPoint>>.subtract(range: ClosedRange<YPoint>): List<ClosedRange<YPoint>> {
return filter {
!(range.contains(it.start) && range.contains(it.endInclusive))
}.flatMap {
if (range.contains(it.start)) {
} else if (range.contains(it.endInclusive)) {
} else if (it.contains(range.start)) {
} else {
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | b3e718d122e04a7322ed160b4c02029c33fbad78 | 3,799 | aoc-2022-in-kotlin | Apache License 2.0 |
src/Day09.kt | maewCP | 579,203,172 | false | {"Kotlin": 59412} | import kotlin.math.abs
fun main() {
fun _process(input: List<String>, noOfKnots: Int): Int {
val visited = mutableSetOf<Pair<Int, Int>>()
visited.add(Pair(0, 0))
val knots = mutableListOf<Pair<Int, Int>>()
(0..noOfKnots).forEach { _ -> knots.add(Pair(0, 0)) }
input.forEachIndexed { cmdIdx, line ->
val regex = "(.) (\\d+)".toRegex()
val (cmd, value) = regex.find(line)!!.destructured.toList()
(1..value.toInt()).forEach { step ->
when (cmd) {
"U" -> knots[0] = Pair(knots[0].first + 1, knots[0].second)
"D" -> knots[0] = Pair(knots[0].first - 1, knots[0].second)
"L" -> knots[0] = Pair(knots[0].first, knots[0].second - 1)
"R" -> knots[0] = Pair(knots[0].first, knots[0].second + 1)
(1..noOfKnots).forEach { i ->
var r = knots[i].first
var c = knots[i].second
if ((abs(knots[i - 1].first - knots[i].first) > 1 || abs(knots[i - 1].second - knots[i].second) > 1) &&
(knots[i - 1].first != knots[i].first && knots[i - 1].second != knots[i].second)
) {
r += (knots[i - 1].first - knots[i].first) / abs(knots[i - 1].first - knots[i].first)
c += (knots[i - 1].second - knots[i].second) / abs(knots[i - 1].second - knots[i].second)
} else if (abs(knots[i - 1].first - knots[i].first) > 1) {
r += (knots[i - 1].first - knots[i].first) / abs(knots[i - 1].first - knots[i].first)
} else if (abs(knots[i - 1].second - knots[i].second) > 1) {
c += (knots[i - 1].second - knots[i].second) / abs(knots[i - 1].second - knots[i].second)
knots[i] = Pair(r, c)
return visited.size
fun part1(input: List<String>): Int {
return _process(input, 1)
fun part2(input: List<String>): Int {
return _process(input, 9)
// test if implementation meets criteria from the description, like:
val testInputPart1 = readInput("Day09_part1_test")
val testInputPart2 = readInput("Day09_part2_test")
check(part1(testInputPart1) == 13)
check(part2(testInputPart2) == 36)
val input = readInput("Day09")
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | 8924a6d913e2c15876c52acd2e1dc986cd162693 | 2,581 | advent-of-code-2022-kotlin | Apache License 2.0 |
src/Day07.kt | seana-zr | 725,858,211 | false | {"Kotlin": 28265} | const val JOKER = true
enum class HandType {
fun String.distinct() = toSet().size
fun String.frequencies() = groupingBy { it }.eachCount()
fun String.getHandType(): HandType {
return when (distinct()) {
1 -> HandType.FIVE
2 -> {
val firstCardCount = count { it == this.first() }
if (firstCardCount == 2 || firstCardCount == 3) {
} else {
3 -> {
val frequencies = frequencies()
if (frequencies.any { it.value == 3 }) {
} else {
4 -> HandType.ONE_PAIR
5 -> HandType.HIGH
else -> throw IllegalStateException()
fun String.jokerHand(): String {
// edge case: most frequent card is J
val frequencies = frequencies().filter { it.key != 'J' }
// edge case: JJJJJ
if (frequencies.isEmpty()) return "11111"
val highestFrequency = frequencies.values.max()
val mostFrequentCard = first { frequencies[it] == highestFrequency }
return replace('J', mostFrequentCard)
// turn the jokers into whatever card has the highest frequency
fun String.getHandTypeWithJoker(): HandType {
return jokerHand().getHandType()
enum class Card(val n: Int) {
A(14), K(13), Q(12), J(if (JOKER) 1 else 11), T(10)
fun Char.cardValue(): Int {
val asString = this.toString()
return if (Card.entries.any { == asString }) Card.valueOf(asString).n
else this.digitToInt()
data class Player(
val hand: String,
val bid: Int
) : Comparable<Player> {
override fun compareTo(other: Player): Int { { (our, other) ->
val difference = our.cardValue() - other.cardValue()
if (difference != 0) return difference
return 0
fun main() {
fun part1(input: List<String>): Int {
var result = 0
// the rank of each player is their (index + 1)
val players = input
.map {
val (hand, bid) = it.split(" ")
Player(hand = hand, bid = bid.toInt())
compareBy({ it.hand.getHandType() }, { it })
players.forEachIndexed { index, player ->
val rank = index + 1
val score = * rank
println("${player.hand} ${} rank $rank score $score ${player.hand.getHandType()}")
result += score
println("RESULT: $result")
return result
fun part2(input: List<String>): Long {
var result = 0.toLong()
val players = input
.map {
val (hand, bid) = it.split(" ")
Player(hand = hand, bid = bid.toInt())
compareBy({ it.hand.getHandTypeWithJoker() }, { it })
players.forEachIndexed { index, player ->
val rank = index + 1
val score = * rank
println("${player.hand} ${} rank $rank hand ${player.hand.jokerHand()} ${player.hand.getHandTypeWithJoker()}")
result += score
println("RESULT: $result")
return result
// test if implementation meets criteria from the description, like:
val testInput = readInput("Day07_test_2")
// check(part1(testInput) == 6440)
check(part2(testInput) == 6839.toLong())
val input = readInput("Day07")
// part1(input).println()
} | 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | da17a5de6e782e06accd3a3cbeeeeb4f1844e427 | 3,740 | advent-of-code-kotlin-template | Apache License 2.0 |
src/Day15.kt | RobvanderMost-TomTom | 572,005,233 | false | {"Kotlin": 47682} | import kotlin.math.abs
fun Coordinate.manhattanDistanceTo(other: Coordinate) =
abs(x - other.x) + abs(y - other.y)
data class Sensor(
val location: Coordinate,
val closestBeacon: Coordinate,
val distanceToBeacon: Int = location.manhattanDistanceTo(closestBeacon)
fun main() {
fun readSensors(input: List<String>): List<Sensor> {
val re = "Sensor at x=(-?\\d+), y=(-?\\d+): closest beacon is at x=(-?\\d+), y=(-?\\d+)".toRegex()
return input.mapNotNull { re.matchEntire(it) }
.map {
Coordinate(it.groupValues[1].toInt(), it.groupValues[2].toInt()),
Coordinate(it.groupValues[3].toInt(), it.groupValues[4].toInt()),
fun part1(input: List<String>, y: Int): Int {
val sensors = readSensors(input)
check(sensors.size == input.size)
val minX = sensors.minOf {
minOf(it.location.x - it.distanceToBeacon, it.closestBeacon.x)
val maxX = sensors.maxOf {
maxOf(it.location.x + it.distanceToBeacon, it.closestBeacon.x)
return (minX..maxX)
.map { x -> Coordinate(x, y) }
.count { coord ->
sensors.any { sensor ->
coord != sensor.closestBeacon &&
coord.manhattanDistanceTo(sensor.location) <= sensor.distanceToBeacon
fun part2(input: List<String>, maxCoordinate: Int): Long {
val sensors = readSensors(input)
check(sensors.size == input.size)
for (x in 0..maxCoordinate) {
var y = 0
while (y <= maxCoordinate) {
val coord = Coordinate(x, y)
val furthestSensor = sensors.filter { sensor ->
coord.manhattanDistanceTo(sensor.location) <= sensor.distanceToBeacon
}.maxByOrNull { sensor ->
sensor.distanceToBeacon - abs(sensor.location.x - x)
} ?: return 4000000L * x + y
y = furthestSensor.location.y +
furthestSensor.distanceToBeacon -
abs(furthestSensor.location.x - x) + 1
return 0
// test if implementation meets criteria from the description, like:
val testInput = readInput("Day15_test")
check(part1(testInput, 10) == 26)
check(part2(testInput, 20) == 56000011L)
val input = readInput("Day15")
check(part1(input, 2000000) == 4879972)
val answer2 = part2(input, 4000000)
check(answer2 > 1602012312L)
| 5 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | b7143bceddae5744d24590e2fe330f4e4ba6d81c | 2,678 | advent-of-code-2022 | Apache License 2.0 |
src/Day07.kt | mjossdev | 574,439,750 | false | {"Kotlin": 81859} | private sealed interface FileSystemObject {
val name: String
val parent: Directory
val size: Int
private sealed interface Directory : FileSystemObject {
val children: MutableList<FileSystemObject>
fun getChild(name: String): FileSystemObject
private class File (override val name: String, override val parent: Directory, override val size: Int) : FileSystemObject
private class DirectoryImpl(override val name: String, parent: Directory?): Directory {
override val parent: Directory = parent ?: this
override val children: MutableList<FileSystemObject> = mutableListOf()
override val size: Int
get() = children.sumOf { it.size }
override fun getChild(name: String): FileSystemObject = children.single { == name }
fun main() {
fun readFileSystem(input: List<String>): Directory {
val root = DirectoryImpl("/", null)
var currentDirectory: Directory = root
for (line in input.drop(1)) {
when {
line.startsWith("$ cd") -> {
val dirName = line.split(' ').last()
currentDirectory = if (dirName == "..") {
} else {
currentDirectory.getChild(dirName) as Directory
line.startsWith("dir") -> {
val dirName = line.split(' ').last()
currentDirectory.children.add(DirectoryImpl(dirName, currentDirectory))
line.contains(Regex("""^\d+""")) -> {
val (size, name) = line.split(' ')
currentDirectory.children.add(File(name, currentDirectory, size.toInt()))
return root
fun sumDirectorySizes(root: Directory, maxSize: Int): Int {
val childrenSize = root.children.filterIsInstance<Directory>().sumOf { sumDirectorySizes(it, maxSize) }
val size = root.size
return childrenSize + if (size > maxSize) 0 else size
fun findSmallestDirectory(root: Directory, minSize: Int): Directory? {
val size = root.size
if (size < minSize) return null
val smallestChild = root.children.filterIsInstance<Directory>().mapNotNull { findSmallestDirectory(it, minSize) }.minByOrNull { it.size }
return smallestChild ?: root
fun part1(input: List<String>): Int {
val tree = readFileSystem(input)
return sumDirectorySizes(tree, 100000)
fun part2(input: List<String>): Int {
val tree = readFileSystem(input)
val maxSpace = 70000000
val neededSpace = 30000000
val availableSpace = maxSpace - tree.size
val spaceToFree = neededSpace - availableSpace
return findSmallestDirectory(tree, spaceToFree)!!.size
// test if implementation meets criteria from the description, like:
val testInput = readInput("Day07_test")
check(part1(testInput) == 95437)
check(part2(testInput) == 24933642)
val input = readInput("Day07")
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | afbcec6a05b8df34ebd8543ac04394baa10216f0 | 3,184 | advent-of-code-22 | Apache License 2.0 |
src/main/kotlin/Day5.kt | cbrentharris | 712,962,396 | false | {"Kotlin": 171464} | import java.lang.Long.min
import kotlin.String
import kotlin.collections.List
object Day5 {
data class Range(val start: Long, val end: Long)
data class RangeMapping(val destinationRangeStart: Long, val sourceRangeStart: Long, val rangeLength: Long) {
fun next(id: Long): Long {
return if (sourceRangeStart <= id && id <= sourceRangeStart + rangeLength) {
val offset = id - sourceRangeStart
destinationRangeStart + offset
} else {
fun next(range: Range): Range {
val offset = range.start - sourceRangeStart
return Range(destinationRangeStart + offset, destinationRangeStart + offset + range.end - range.start)
fun overlaps(id: Long): Boolean {
return sourceRangeStart <= id && id < sourceRangeStart + rangeLength
fun overlaps(range: Range): Boolean {
return sourceRangeStart <= range.start && range.end <= sourceRangeStart + rangeLength - 1
data class Mapping(
val category: String,
val rangeMappings: List<RangeMapping>
) {
fun fork(range: Range): List<Range> {
if (rangeMappings.any { it.overlaps(range) }) {
return listOf(range)
var start = range.start
val end = range.end
val ranges = mutableListOf<Range>()
while (start <= end) {
val closestWithoutGoingOver =
rangeMappings.filter { it.sourceRangeStart <= start && start < it.sourceRangeStart + it.rangeLength }
.minByOrNull { it.sourceRangeStart - range.start }
if (closestWithoutGoingOver != null) {
val newEnd =
min(end, closestWithoutGoingOver.sourceRangeStart + closestWithoutGoingOver.rangeLength - 1)
ranges.add(Range(start, newEnd))
start = newEnd + 1
} else {
val closestWithGoingOver =
rangeMappings.filter { it.sourceRangeStart + it.rangeLength > start }
.minByOrNull { it.sourceRangeStart - start }
if (closestWithGoingOver == null) {
ranges.add(Range(start, end))
start = end + 1
} else {
val newEnd = min(end, closestWithGoingOver.sourceRangeStart - 1)
ranges.add(Range(start, newEnd))
start = newEnd + 1
return ranges
companion object {
fun parseMappings(input: List<String>): List<Mapping> {
var remainingInput = input
val mappings = mutableListOf<Mapping>()
while (remainingInput.isNotEmpty()) {
val category = remainingInput.first().split(" ").first()
val ranges = remainingInput.drop(1).takeWhile { it.isNotEmpty() }.map {
val (destinationRangeStart, sourceRangeStart, rangeLength) = it.split(" ")
mappings.add(Mapping(category, ranges))
remainingInput = remainingInput.drop(ranges.size + 2)
return mappings
fun part1(input: List<String>): String {
val seeds = input.first().replace("seeds: ", "")
.split(" ")
.map { it.toLong() }
val mappings = Mapping.parseMappings(input.drop(2))
val finalMappings = mappings.fold(seeds) { acc, mapping -> { id ->
val range = mapping.rangeMappings.find { it.overlaps(id) }
range?.next(id) ?: id
return finalMappings.min().toString()
fun part2(input: List<String>): String {
val ranges = input.first().replace("seeds: ", "")
.split(" ")
.map { it.toLong() }
.map { Range(it.first(), it.first() + it.last()) }
val mappings = Mapping.parseMappings(input.drop(2))
val finalRanges = mappings.fold(ranges) { transformedRanges, mapping ->
transformedRanges.flatMap { range ->
val nextRanges = mapping.fork(range).map { forkedRange ->
val overlaps = mapping.rangeMappings.filter { it.overlaps(forkedRange) }
.minByOrNull { it.sourceRangeStart - forkedRange.start }
overlaps?.next(forkedRange) ?: forkedRange
return finalRanges.minBy { it.start }.start.toString()
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 1 | f689f8bbbf1a63fecf66e5e03b382becac5d0025 | 5,096 | kotlin-kringle | Apache License 2.0 |
src/Day15.kt | 6234456 | 572,616,769 | false | {"Kotlin": 39979} | import kotlin.math.abs
fun main() {
fun merge(list: List<Pair<Int, Int>>):List<Pair<Int, Int>>{
if (list.isEmpty()) return emptyList()
var ans:MutableList<Pair<Int, Int>> = mutableListOf(list.first())
list.drop(1).forEach {
val last = ans.last()
if (it.first > last.second){
ans = ans.dropLast(1).toMutableList()
ans.add(last.first to kotlin.math.max(last.second, it.second))
return ans
fun merge(list: List<Pair<Int, Int>>, y: Int, ma: Int):Long{
val sums: (Int, Int) -> Long = { x0, x1 -> (x0 .. x1.toLong()).sum() * 4000000 + y * (x1 + 1 - x0)}
if (list.isEmpty()) return sums(0, ma)
var ans:MutableList<Pair<Int, Int>> = mutableListOf(list.first())
list.drop(1).forEach {
val last = ans.last()
if (it.first > last.second){
ans = ans.dropLast(1).toMutableList()
ans.add(last.first to kotlin.math.max(last.second, it.second))
var cnt = 0
var answer = 0L
while (cnt <= ma){
if (ans.isEmpty()){
answer += sums(cnt, ma)
return answer
val f = ans.first()
if (cnt < f.first){
answer += sums(cnt, f.first - 1)
cnt = f.second + 1
}else if (f.second >= cnt){
cnt = f.second + 1
ans = ans.drop(1).toMutableList()
return answer
fun part1(input: List<String>, y:Int=10): Int {
val digits = """(-?\d+)""".toRegex()
val p = {
val arr = digits.findAll(it).toList().map { it.value.toInt() }
val vertical = abs(arr[1] - y)
val distance = abs(arr[1] - arr[3]) + abs(arr[0] - arr[2])
if(distance >= vertical){
(arr[0] - distance + vertical) to (arr[0] + distance - vertical)
}.filterNotNull().sortedBy { it.first }
return merge(p).map { it.second - it.first }.sum()
fun part2(input: List<String>, ma:Int = 20, mi:Int = 0): Long{
val digits = """(-?\d+)""".toRegex()
val p = {
digits.findAll(it).toList().map { it.value.toInt() }
var y = mi
var ans:Long = 0
while (y <= ma){
val tmp = {
arr ->
val vertical = abs(arr[1] - y)
val distance = abs(arr[1] - arr[3]) + abs(arr[0] - arr[2])
if(distance >= vertical){
(arr[0] - distance + vertical) to (arr[0] + distance - vertical)
null }.filterNotNull().sortedBy { it.first }
ans += merge(tmp, y, ma)
return ans
var input = readInput("Test15")
input = readInput("Day15")
println(part1(input, y=2000000))
println(part2(input, ma=4000000))
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | b6d683e0900ab2136537089e2392b96905652c4e | 3,270 | advent-of-code-kotlin-2022 | Apache License 2.0 |
lib/src/main/kotlin/com/bloidonia/advent/day08/Day08.kt | timyates | 433,372,884 | false | {"Kotlin": 48604, "Groovy": 33934} | package com.bloidonia.advent.day08
import com.bloidonia.advent.readList
data class Digit(val wires: Set<Char>) {
private fun intersections(vararg other: Digit) = { wires.intersect(it.wires).size }.toList()
fun matches(expectedSegmentCount: Int, known: Array<Digit>, overlapWith1: Int, overlapWith4: Int) =
&& this.wires.size == expectedSegmentCount
&& intersections(known[1], known[4]) == listOf(overlapWith1, overlapWith4)
data class Line(val digits: List<Digit>, val display: List<Digit>) {
fun numberKnown(): Int = display.count { it.wires.size in listOf(2, 3, 4, 7) }
fun derive(): String {
val resolved = Array(10) { Digit(setOf()) }
resolved[1] = digits.first { it.wires.size == 2 }
resolved[4] = digits.first { it.wires.size == 4 }
resolved[7] = digits.first { it.wires.size == 3 }
resolved[8] = digits.first { it.wires.size == 7 }
resolved[2] = digits.first { it.matches(5, resolved, 1, 2) }
resolved[3] = digits.first { it.matches(5, resolved, 2, 3) }
resolved[5] = digits.first { it.matches(5, resolved, 1, 3) }
resolved[0] = digits.first { it.matches(6, resolved, 2, 3) }
resolved[6] = digits.first { it.matches(6, resolved, 1, 3) }
resolved[9] = digits.first { it.matches(6, resolved, 2, 4) }
return display.joinToString(separator = "") { resolved.indexOf(it).toString() }
fun String.toDigit() = Digit(this.toCharArray().toSet())
fun String.toLine(): Line = this.split("|", limit = 2).let { (lhs, rhs) ->
lhs.trim().split(" ").map { it.toDigit() }.toList(),
rhs.trim().split(" ").map { it.toDigit() }.toList()
fun main() {
// Part 1
println(readList("/day08input.txt") { it.toLine() }.sumOf { it.numberKnown() })
// Part 2
println(readList("/day08input.txt") { it.toLine() }.sumOf { it.derive().toLong() })
} | 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 1 | 9714e5b2c6a57db1b06e5ee6526eb30d587b94b4 | 1,969 | advent-of-kotlin-2021 | MIT License |
src/Day11.kt | proggler23 | 573,129,757 | false | {"Kotlin": 27990} | fun main() {
fun part1(input: List<String>): Long {
val monkeys = parse11(input)
repeat(20) {
monkeys.forEach { it.takeTurn(monkeys) }
return monkeys.sortedByDescending { it.inspections }.take(2).productOfLong { it.inspections }
fun part2(input: List<String>): Long {
val monkeys = parse11(input)
repeat(10000) {
monkeys.forEach { it.takeTurn(monkeys, false) }
return monkeys.sortedByDescending { it.inspections }.take(2).productOfLong { it.inspections }
// test if implementation meets criteria from the description, like:
val testInput = readInput("Day11_test")
check(part1(testInput) == 10605L)
check(part2(testInput) == 2713310158L)
val input = readInput("Day11")
fun parse11(lines: List<String>): List<Monkey> {
val operationRegex = Regex("new = old (.) (\\d+|old)")
var i = 0
return buildList {
while (++i < lines.size) {
val startingItems = lines[i++].substringAfter("Starting items: ").split(", ").map { it.toLong() }
val operation = operationRegex.find(lines[i++])!!.let {
val v = it.groupValues[2].toLongOrNull()
if (it.groupValues[1] == "*") { item: Long -> item * (v ?: item) }
else { item: Long -> item + (v ?: item) }
val divisableBy = lines[i++].substringAfter("divisible by ").toInt()
val positiveThrow = lines[i++].substringAfter("throw to monkey ").toInt()
val negativeThrow = lines[i++].substringAfter("throw to monkey ").toInt()
val test = { item: Long -> if (item.mod(divisableBy) == 0) positiveThrow else negativeThrow }
add(Monkey(startingItems, operation, test, divisableBy))
fun <T> List<T>.productOfLong(transform: (T) -> Long) = fold(1L) { acc, t -> acc * transform(t) }
class Monkey(
startingItems: List<Long>,
private val operation: (Long) -> Long,
private val test: (Long) -> Int,
private val divisor: Int
) {
private val items = startingItems.toMutableList()
var inspections = 0L
fun takeTurn(monkeys: List<Monkey>, relief: Boolean = true) {
while (items.isNotEmpty()) {
var item = items.removeFirst()
item = operation(item)
if (relief) item /= 3
else item = item.mod(monkeys.productOfLong { it.divisor.toLong() })
monkeys[test(item)].items += item
} | 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | 584fa4d73f8589bc17ef56c8e1864d64a23483c8 | 2,613 | advent-of-code-2022 | Apache License 2.0 |
src/day18/Code.kt | fcolasuonno | 572,734,674 | false | {"Kotlin": 63451, "Dockerfile": 1340} | package day18
import day06.main
import readInput
fun main() {
data class Cube(val x: Int, val y: Int, val z: Int) {
fun dimension(i: Int) = when (i % 3) {
0 -> x
1 -> y
else -> z
fun adjacent() = setOf(
copy(x = x - 1),
copy(x = x + 1),
copy(y = y - 1),
copy(y = y + 1),
copy(z = z - 1),
copy(z = z + 1),
fun parse(input: List<String>) = { it.split(",").map(String::toInt).let { (x, y, z) -> Cube(x, y, z) } }.toSet()
fun Cube.extractOtherDimension(dimension: Int) = Pair(dimension(dimension + 1), dimension(dimension + 2))
fun Set<Cube>.adjacentFaces(dimension: Int) =
groupBy { it.dimension(dimension) }.let { List(it.keys.max() + 1) { i -> it[i] ?: emptyList() } }.zipWithNext()
.sumOf { (prev, next) -> { cube -> cube.extractOtherDimension(dimension) }
.intersect( { cube -> cube.extractOtherDimension(dimension) }.toSet()).count()
fun part1(cubes: Set<Cube>) =
6 * cubes.size - 2 * (cubes.adjacentFaces(0) + cubes.adjacentFaces(1) + cubes.adjacentFaces(2))
fun part2(input: Set<Cube>) = with(mutableSetOf<Cube>()) {
val xRange = (input.minOf { it.x } - 1)..(input.maxOf { it.x } + 1)
val yRange = (input.minOf { it.y } - 1)..(input.maxOf { it.y } + 1)
val zRange = (input.minOf { it.z } - 1)..(input.maxOf { it.z } + 1)
Cube(xRange.first, yRange.first, zRange.first).adjacent()
) { frontier ->
frontier.filter { cube ->
cube.x in xRange && cube.y in yRange && cube.z in zRange && cube !in this && cube !in input
}.takeIf(List<Cube>::isNotEmpty)?.let { validCubes ->
if (addAll(validCubes)) {
validCubes.flatMap { it.adjacent() }.toSet()
} else null
}.last().let {
sumOf { external -> external.adjacent().count { it in input } }
val input = parse(readInput(::main.javaClass.packageName))
println("Part1=\n" + part1(input))
println("Part2=\n" + part2(input))
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | 9cb653bd6a5abb214a9310f7cac3d0a5a478a71a | 2,284 | AOC2022 | Apache License 2.0 |
src/day02/Day02.kt | emartynov | 572,129,354 | false | {"Kotlin": 11347} | package day02
import readInput
A,X - Rock
B,Y - Paper
C,Z - Scissors
Rock -> Scissors
Scissors -> Paper
Paper -> Rock
enum class Variants {
val mapping = mapOf(
'A' to Variants.Rock,
'X' to Variants.Rock,
'B' to Variants.Paper,
'Y' to Variants.Paper,
'C' to Variants.Scissors,
'Z' to Variants.Scissors,
fun Variants.value() = ordinal + 1
infix fun Variants.test(other: Variants): Int {
return when (ordinal - other.ordinal) {
0 -> 3 // same
1 -> 6 // every wins over predecessor
-2 -> 6 // rock wins scissors
else -> 0 // lost
infix fun Variants.score(other: Variants) = value() + (this test other)
fun Variants.selectVariant(strategy: Char): Variants {
return if (strategy == 'Y') this //draw
else { // lose
val selectVariantOrdinal = if (strategy == 'X') ordinal - 1 else ordinal + 1
if (selectVariantOrdinal < 0) Variants.Scissors
else if (selectVariantOrdinal > Variants.Scissors.ordinal) Variants.Rock
else Variants.values()[selectVariantOrdinal]
fun main() {
fun part1(input: List<String>): Int {
return { moveString -> moveString[0].toVariants() to moveString[2].toVariants() }
.sumOf {
it.second score it.first
fun part2(input: List<String>): Int {
return { moveString ->
val opponentVariant = moveString[0].toVariants()
opponentVariant to opponentVariant.selectVariant(moveString[2])
}.sumOf {
it.second score it.first
// test if implementation meets criteria from the description, like:
val testInput = readInput("day02/Day02_test")
check(part1(testInput) == 15)
check(part2(testInput) == 12)
val input = readInput("day02/Day02")
private fun Char.toVariants(): Variants = mapping[this]!!
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 1 | 8f3598cf29948fbf55feda585f613591c1ea4b42 | 2,000 | advent-of-code-2022 | Apache License 2.0 |
src/main/Day19.kt | ssiegler | 572,678,606 | false | {"Kotlin": 76434} | package day19
import utils.readInput
import java.lang.Integer.max
enum class Material {
typealias Cost = Map<Material, Int>
data class Blueprint(val id: Int, val costs: Map<Material, Cost>) {
private val maxNeeded: Cost =
.groupingBy { it.key }
.aggregate { _, accumulator, element, _ -> max(element.value, accumulator ?: 0) }
fun qualityLevel(minutes: Int) = id * maxGeodes(minutes)
fun maxGeodes(minutes: Int): Int {
var maxGeodes = 0
val stack = ArrayDeque<State>()
stack.addLast(State(emptyMap(), mapOf(Material.Ore to 1), minutes))
while (stack.isNotEmpty()) {
val state = stack.removeLast()
if (state.potential(this) < maxGeodes) continue
maxGeodes = max(maxGeodes, state.estimate)
for ((robot, costs) in costs) {
if (state.robots(robot) >= maxNeeded(robot)) continue
val demand = state.demand(costs)
if (demand.any { (material, _) -> state.robots(material) == 0 }) continue
val delta =
demand.maxOfOrNull { (material, demand) ->
val robots = state.robots(material)
(demand + robots - 1) / robots
?: 0
if (delta < state.time) {
stack.addLast(state.addRobot(robot, costs, delta))
return maxGeodes
private fun State.demand(costs: Cost) =
costs.mapValues { (material, cost) -> cost - supply(material) }.filterValues { it >= 0 }
private fun maxNeeded(robot: Material) = maxNeeded.getOrDefault(robot, Int.MAX_VALUE)
fun readBlueprints(filename: String) =
.map { """\d+""".toRegex().findAll(it).map(MatchResult::value).map(String::toInt).toList() }
.map {
Material.Ore to mapOf(Material.Ore to it[1]),
Material.Clay to mapOf(Material.Ore to it[2]),
Material.Obsidian to mapOf(Material.Ore to it[3], Material.Clay to it[4]),
Material.Geode to mapOf(Material.Ore to it[5], Material.Obsidian to it[6]),
data class State(val materials: Map<Material, Int>, val robots: Map<Material, Int>, val time: Int) {
val estimate =
listOfNotNull(materials[Material.Geode], robots[Material.Geode]?.times(time)).sum()
fun potential(blueprint: Blueprint): Int {
val materials = materials.toMutableMap()
val additionalRobots = mutableMapOf<Material, Int>()
repeat(time) {
for ((robot, count) in robots.asSequence() + additionalRobots.asSequence()) {
materials[robot] = materials.getOrDefault(robot, 0) + count
for (robot in blueprint.affordableRobots(materials, additionalRobots)) {
additionalRobots[robot] = additionalRobots.getOrDefault(robot, 0).inc()
return materials.getOrDefault(Material.Geode, 0)
fun supply(material: Material) = materials.getOrDefault(material, 0)
fun robots(robot: Material) = robots.getOrDefault(robot, 0)
fun addRobot(robot: Material, costs: Cost, delta: Int) =
materials.toMutableMap().apply {
for ((material, count) in robots) {
this[material] = getOrDefault(material, 0) + count.times(
for ((material, cost) in costs) {
this[material] = getOrDefault(material, 0) - cost
}, to robots(robot).inc()),
time - delta - 1,
private fun Blueprint.affordableRobots(
materials: MutableMap<Material, Int>,
additionalRobots: MutableMap<Material, Int>
) =
.filter { (robot, costs) ->
costs.all { (material, cost) ->
materials.getOrDefault(material, 0) >=
additionalRobots.getOrDefault(robot, 0).inc() * cost
.map { (robot, _) -> robot }
fun part1(filename: String) = readBlueprints(filename).sumOf { it.qualityLevel(24) }
fun part2(filename: String) =
readBlueprints(filename).take(3).map { it.maxGeodes(32) }.reduce(Int::times)
private const val filename = "Day19"
fun main() {
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | 9133485ca742ec16ee4c7f7f2a78410e66f51d80 | 4,729 | aoc-2022 | Apache License 2.0 |
src/year2023/day11/Day11.kt | lukaslebo | 573,423,392 | false | {"Kotlin": 222221} | package year2023.day11
import check
import readInput
fun main() {
val testInput1 = readInput("2023", "Day11_test")
check(part1(testInput1), 374)
check(part2(testInput1, expansionFactor = 10), 1030)
check(part2(testInput1, expansionFactor = 100), 8410)
val input = readInput("2023", "Day11")
println(part2(input, expansionFactor = 1_000_000))
private fun part1(input: List<String>): Long {
val (emptyRows, emptyCols) = input.findEmptyRowsAndCols()
return input
.sumOf {
other = it.second,
emptyRows = emptyRows,
emptyCols = emptyCols,
expansionFactor = 2,
private fun part2(input: List<String>, expansionFactor: Int): Long {
val (emptyRows, emptyCols) = input.findEmptyRowsAndCols()
return input
.sumOf {
other = it.second,
emptyRows = emptyRows,
emptyCols = emptyCols,
expansionFactor = expansionFactor,
private data class Pos(val x: Int, val y: Int)
private fun List<String>.findAllGalaxies(): Set<Pos> {
val galaxies = mutableSetOf<Pos>()
for ((y, line) in withIndex()) {
for ((x, c) in line.withIndex()) {
if (c == '#') {
galaxies += Pos(x, y)
return galaxies
private fun Set<Pos>.createPairs(): Set<Pair<Pos, Pos>> {
val pairs = mutableSetOf<Set<Pos>>()
for (a in this) {
for (b in this) {
if (a != b) {
pairs += setOf(a, b)
return { Pair(it.first(), it.last()) }.toSet()
private fun Pos.distanceTo(other: Pos, emptyRows: List<Int>, emptyCols: List<Int>, expansionFactor: Int): Long {
val xRange = x.coerceAtMost(other.x)..x.coerceAtLeast(other.x)
val yRange = y.coerceAtMost(other.y)..y.coerceAtLeast(other.y)
val yExpansion = emptyRows.count { it in yRange }
val xExpansion = emptyCols.count { it in xRange }
return (xRange.last - xRange.first) +
(yRange.last - yRange.first) +
xExpansion * (expansionFactor - 1L) +
yExpansion * (expansionFactor - 1L)
private fun List<String>.findEmptyRowsAndCols(): Pair<List<Int>, List<Int>> {
val emptyRows = mutableListOf<Int>()
val emptyCols = mutableListOf<Int>()
for ((y, line) in withIndex()) {
if (line.all { it == '.' }) {
emptyRows += y
for (x in first().indices) {
if (all { it[x] == '.' }) {
emptyCols += x
return emptyRows to emptyCols
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 1 | f3cc3e935bfb49b6e121713dd558e11824b9465b | 2,852 | AdventOfCode | Apache License 2.0 |
src/main/java/com/ncorti/aoc2021/Exercise08.kt | cortinico | 433,486,684 | false | {"Kotlin": 36975} | package com.ncorti.aoc2021
object Exercise08 {
fun part1(): Int =
getInputAsTest("08") { split("\n") }
.map { it.substring(it.indexOf(" | ") + 1) }
.flatMap { it.split(" ") }
.count { it.length in setOf(2, 3, 4, 7) }
fun part2(): Int =
getInputAsTest("08") { split("\n") }
.map { it.split(" | ").let { tokens -> tokens[0] to tokens[1] } }
.sumOf { (template, code) ->
val combo = Array(7) { "" }
val patterns = template.split(" ")
patterns.filter { it.length == 2 }.forEach {
combo[2] = it
combo[5] = it
patterns.filter { it.length == 3 }.forEach {
combo[0] = it.toCharArray().first { char -> char !in combo[2] }.toString()
patterns.filter { it.length == 4 }.forEach {
val char4 =
it.toCharArray().filter { char -> char !in combo[2] }.joinToString("")
combo[1] = char4
combo[3] = char4
patterns.filter { it.length == 5 }.forEach {
val char5 =
.filter { char ->
char !in combo[0] && char !in combo[1] && char !in combo[2]
if (char5.length == 1) {
combo[6] = char5
} else {
combo[4] = char5
combo[4] = combo[4].toCharArray().filter { it !in combo[6] }.joinToString("")
val intersect6 =
.filter { it.length == 6 }
.map { it.toCharArray().toSet() }
.reduce { curr, next -> curr intersect next }
.filter { it !in combo[0] && it !in combo[6] }
val comb5 = intersect6.first { it in combo[5] }
combo[5] = comb5.toString()
combo[2] = combo[2].toCharArray().filter { it !in combo[5] }.joinToString("")
combo[1] = intersect6.first { it != comb5 }.toString()
combo[3] =
.first { it.length == 7 }
.first {
it !in combo[0] &&
it !in combo[1] &&
it !in combo[2] &&
it !in combo[4] &&
it !in combo[5] &&
it !in combo[6]
.split(" ")
.joinToString("") {
when (it.length) {
7 -> "8"
3 -> "7"
2 -> "1"
4 -> "4"
6 -> if (combo[3] !in it) "0" else if (combo[2] !in it) "6" else "9"
else -> if (combo[1] in it) "5" else if (combo[4] in it) "2" else "3"
fun main() {
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 4 | af3df72d31b74857201c85f923a96f563c450996 | 3,606 | adventofcode-2021 | MIT License |
src/Day08.kt | TinusHeystek | 574,474,118 | false | {"Kotlin": 53071} | class Day08 : Day(8) {
private fun parseInput(input: String) : Array<IntArray> {
val lines = input.lines()
val rows = lines.count()
val col = lines[0].length
val array: Array<IntArray> = Array(rows) { IntArray(col) }
lines.forEachIndexed { index, line ->
array[index] = { it.digitToInt() }.toIntArray()
return array
private fun getSurroundingTrees(r : Int, c: Int, array: Array<IntArray>) : List<List<Int>> {
val surroundingTrees = mutableListOf<List<Int>>()
surroundingTrees.add(array[r].drop(c + 1))
surroundingTrees.add(array.filterIndexed{ index, _ -> index < r}.map{ it[c] }.reversed())
surroundingTrees.add(array.filterIndexed{ index, _ -> index > r}.map{ it[c] })
return surroundingTrees
// --- Part 1 ---
override fun part1ToInt(input: String): Int {
val array = parseInput(input)
var hiddenCount = 0
for (r in 1 until array.size - 1) {
for (c in 1 until array[0].size - 1) {
val tree = array[r][c]
val surroundingTrees = getSurroundingTrees(r, c, array)
if (surroundingTrees.all {it.max() >= tree})
return (array.size * array[0].size) - hiddenCount
// --- Part 2 ---
override fun part2ToInt(input: String): Int {
val array = parseInput(input)
var largestScenicScore = 0
for (r in 1 until array.size - 1) {
for (c in 1 until array[0].size - 1) {
val tree = array[r][c]
val surroundingTrees = getSurroundingTrees(r, c, array)
val distances = { trees ->
if (trees.indexOfFirst { it >= tree} < 0)
trees.indexOfFirst { it >= tree} + 1
val scenicScore = distances.multiplyingOf { it }
if (scenicScore > largestScenicScore)
largestScenicScore = scenicScore
return largestScenicScore
fun main() {
val day = Day08()
day.printToIntResults(21, 8)
inline fun <T> Iterable<T>.multiplyingOf(selector: (T) -> Int): Int {
var total = 1
for (element in this) {
total *= selector(element)
return total
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | 80b9ea6b25869a8267432c3a6f794fcaed2cf28b | 2,538 | aoc-2022-in-kotlin | Apache License 2.0 |
src/Day04.kt | coolcut69 | 572,865,721 | false | {"Kotlin": 36853} | fun main() {
fun part1(inputs: List<String>): Int {
val sections: List<Sections> = { it.split(",") }
.map { Sections(Section.from(it.first()), Section.from(it.last())) }
return sections.count { it.fullyOverlap() }
fun part2(inputs: List<String>): Int {
val sections: List<Sections> = { it.split(",") }
.map { Sections(Section.from(it.first()), Section.from(it.last())) }
return sections.count { it.partialOverlap() }
// test if implementation meets criteria from the description, like:
val testInput = readInput("Day04_test")
check(part1(testInput) == 2)
check(part2(testInput) == 4)
val input = readInput("Day04")
check(part1(input) == 475)
check(part2(input) == 825)
data class Section(val start: Int, val end: Int) {
companion object {
fun from(s: String): Section {
val split = s.split("-")
return Section(split.get(0).toInt(), split.get(1).toInt())
data class Sections(val first: Section, val second: Section) {
fun fullyOverlap(): Boolean {
val firstList = (first.start..first.end).toList()
val secondList = (second.start..second.end).toList()
val intersect = firstList.intersect(secondList)
return firstList.size == intersect.size || secondList.size == intersect.size
fun partialOverlap(): Boolean {
val firstList = (first.start..first.end).toList()
val secondList = (second.start..second.end).toList()
val intersect = firstList.intersect(secondList)
return intersect.size > 0
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | 031301607c2e1c21a6d4658b1e96685c4135fd44 | 1,771 | aoc-2022-in-kotlin | Apache License 2.0 |
src/Day11.kt | bin-wang | 572,801,360 | false | {"Kotlin": 19395} | object Day11 {
fun main() {
data class Monkey(
val items: MutableList<Long>,
val operation: (Long) -> Long,
val divisor: Int,
val trueMonkeyIndex: Int,
val falseMonkeyIndex: Int
) {
fun testAndThrow(item: Long) = if (item % divisor == 0L) trueMonkeyIndex else falseMonkeyIndex
fun parseMonkey(description: List<String>): Monkey {
val items = description[1].split(":")[1].split(",").map { it.trim().toLong() }
val (operator, other) = description[2].split(" ").takeLast(2)
val operation = when (operator) {
"+" -> { old: Long -> StrictMath.addExact(old, other.toLong()) }
"*" -> if (other == "old") { old: Long ->
StrictMath.multiplyExact(old, old)
} else { old: Long ->
StrictMath.multiplyExact(old, other.toInt())
else -> error("Unexpected operator")
val (divisor, ifTrue, ifFalse) = description.takeLast(3).map { it.split(" ").last().toInt() }
return Monkey(items.toMutableList(), operation, divisor, ifTrue, ifFalse)
fun run(monkeys: List<Monkey>, worryCopingMethod: (Long) -> Long, repetitions: Int): Map<Int, Int> {
val business = mutableMapOf<Int, Int>()
repeat(repetitions) {
monkeys.forEachIndexed { i, monkey ->
business[i] = business.getOrDefault(i, 0) + monkey.items.size
val itemsToThrowByMonkeyIndex: Map<Int, List<Long>> =
.map { worry -> }
itemsToThrowByMonkeyIndex.forEach { (monkeyIndex, itemsToThrow) ->
return business
fun part1(input: String): Long {
val monkeys = input.split("\n\n").map { parseMonkey(it.trim().lines()) }
val business = run(monkeys, worryCopingMethod = { x -> x / 3 }, 20)
return business.values.sortedDescending().take(2).fold(1L) { acc, i -> acc * i }
fun part2(input: String): Long {
val monkeys = input.split("\n\n").map { parseMonkey(it.trim().lines()) }
val commonMultiplier = { it.divisor }.fold(1) {acc, i -> acc * i }
val business = run(monkeys, worryCopingMethod = { x -> x % commonMultiplier }, 10000)
return business.values.sortedDescending().take(2).fold(1L) { acc, i -> acc * i }
val testInput = readInputAsString("Day11_test")
val input = readInputAsString("Day11")
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | dca2c4915594a4b4ca2791843b53b71fd068fe28 | 2,887 | aoc22-kt | Apache License 2.0 |
src/main/kotlin/Day11.kt | amitdev | 574,336,754 | false | {"Kotlin": 21489} | import
fun main() {
val result = File("inputs/day_11_1.txt").useLines { totalBusiness(monkeys(it), 10000, 1) }
fun totalBusiness(startState: Map<Int, Monkey>, times: Int = 20, divideBy: Int = 3) =
.fold(startState) { acc, _ -> simulateThrows(acc, divideBy, startState.values.totalDivides()) } { it.count }
private fun Collection<Monkey>.totalDivides() = map { it.divisibleBy }.reduce(Int::times)
fun simulateThrows(monkeys: Map<Int, Monkey>, divideBy: Int, totalDivides: Int) =
monkeys.keys.fold(monkeys) { acc, i -> rearrange(acc, acc[i]!!.throwStuff(divideBy, totalDivides)) }
fun rearrange(acc: Map<Int, Monkey>, newPositions: Map<Int, List<Long>>) =
newPositions.entries.fold(acc) { a, (n, items) -> a + (n to a[n]!!.updateItems(items)) }
fun monkeys(lines: Sequence<String>) =
lines.filter { it.isNotBlank() }
.map { parseMonkey(it) }
.associateBy { it.n }
fun parseMonkey(lines: List<String>) = Monkey(
n = lines[0].split(" ")[1].split(":")[0].toInt(),
items = lines[1].split(": ")[1].split(", ").map { it.toLong() },
operation = parseOp(lines[2].split("= ")[1].split(" ")),
next = parseDivisible(lastInt(lines[3]), lastInt(lines[4]), lastInt(lines[5])),
divisibleBy = lastInt(lines[3])
fun parseDivisible(divisibleBy: Int, option1: Int, option2: Int) = { n: Long ->
if (n % divisibleBy == 0L) option1 else option2
private fun lastInt(line: String) = line.split(" ").last().toInt()
fun parseOp(s: List<String>) = when (s[1]) {
"*" -> operation(s[0], s[2], Long::times)
"+" -> operation(s[0], s[2], Long::plus)
"-" -> operation(s[0], s[2], Long::minus)
"/" -> operation(s[0], s[2], Long::div)
else -> throw IllegalArgumentException()
fun operation(op1: String, op2: String, param: (Long, Long) -> Long) = op1.toLongOrNull()
?.let {operand1 -> op2.toLongOrNull()?.let { { _: Long -> param(operand1, it) } } ?: { n: Long -> param(n, operand1) } }
?: op2.toLongOrNull()?.let { { n: Long -> param(n, it) } } ?: { n: Long -> param(n, n) }
data class Monkey(
val n: Int, val items: List<Long>,
val operation: Function1<Long, Long>,
val next: (Long) -> Int,
val divisibleBy: Int,
val count: Long = 0) {
fun throwStuff(divideBy: Int, totalDivides: Int) = { (operation(it % totalDivides) / divideBy) }.groupBy { next(it) } + (n to listOf())
fun updateItems(newItems: List<Long>) =
if (newItems.isEmpty()) copy(items = listOf(), count = count + items.size)
else copy(items = items + newItems)
override fun toString(): String {
return "Monkey(n=$n, items=$items, count=$count)"
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | b2cb4ecac94fdbf8f71547465b2d6543710adbb9 | 2,725 | advent_2022 | MIT License |
lib/src/main/kotlin/com/bloidonia/advent/day17/Day17.kt | timyates | 433,372,884 | false | {"Kotlin": 48604, "Groovy": 33934} | package com.bloidonia.advent.day17
import com.bloidonia.advent.readText
private fun integerSumCalc(n: Int) = n * (n + 1) / 2
fun yRanges(speed: Int): Sequence<Int> = integerSumCalc(speed).let { initialSpeed ->
val initial = if (speed >= 0) {
generateSequence(speed) { it - 1 }.takeWhile { it > 0 }.map { initialSpeed - integerSumCalc(it - 1) }
} else {
val drop = if (speed >= 0) {
generateSequence(0) { it - 1 }.map { initialSpeed - integerSumCalc(it - 1) }
} else {
generateSequence(speed) { it - 1 }.map { initialSpeed - integerSumCalc(it - 1) }
return initial + drop
fun xRanges(speed: Int) = integerSumCalc(speed).let { initialSpeed ->
generateSequence(speed) { it - 1 }.takeWhile { it > 0 }.map { initialSpeed - integerSumCalc(it - 1) } +
generateSequence { initialSpeed }
fun validXValues(speed: Int, target: Target) =
.takeWhile { it <= target.x.last }.let {
it.any { target.x.contains(it) }
fun validYValues(speed: Int, target: Target) =
.takeWhile { it >= target.y.first }.let {
it.any { target.y.contains(it) }
data class Target(val x: IntRange, val y: IntRange)
fun String.toRange() =
this.split("=", limit = 2).last().split("..", limit = 2).let { (min, max) -> IntRange(min.toInt(), max.toInt()) }
// target area: x=20..30, y=-10..-5
fun String.toTarget() =
this.drop(13).split(", ".toPattern(), limit = 2).let { (x, y) -> Target(x.toRange(), y.toRange()) }
fun <T, S> Collection<T>.cartesianProduct(other: Iterable<S>): List<Pair<T, S>> {
return cartesianProduct(other) { first, second -> first to second }
fun <T, S, V> Collection<T>.cartesianProduct(other: Iterable<S>, transformer: (first: T, second: S) -> V): List<V> {
return this.flatMap { first -> { second -> transformer.invoke(first, second) } }
data class Part1(val xSpeed: Int, val ySpeed: Int, val valid: Boolean, val locations: List<Pair<Int, Int>>)
fun validTrajectories(target: Target): List<Part1> {
val xValues = (
.dropWhile { integerSumCalc(it) < target.x.first }
.filter { speed -> validXValues(speed, target) }
val yValues = (-100..100)
.filter { speed -> validYValues(speed, target) }
return xValues.cartesianProduct(yValues)
.map { (xSpeed, ySpeed) ->
val locations = yRanges(ySpeed).zip(xRanges(xSpeed))
.takeWhile { it.first >= target.y.minOf { it } && it.second <= target.x.maxOf { it } }
val valid = locations
.any { target.x.contains(it.second) && target.y.contains(it.first) }
Part1(xSpeed, ySpeed, valid, locations)
.filter { it.valid }
fun part1(target: Target) = validTrajectories(target).map { it.locations.maxOf { it.first } }.maxOf { it }
fun part2(target: Target) = validTrajectories(target).size
fun main() {
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 1 | 9714e5b2c6a57db1b06e5ee6526eb30d587b94b4 | 3,148 | advent-of-kotlin-2021 | MIT License |
src/test/kotlin/nl/dirkgroot/adventofcode/year2022/Day23Test.kt | dirkgroot | 317,968,017 | false | {"Kotlin": 187862} | package nl.dirkgroot.adventofcode.year2022
import io.kotest.matchers.shouldBe
import nl.dirkgroot.adventofcode.util.input
import nl.dirkgroot.adventofcode.util.invokedWith
private fun solution1(input: String) = parse(input).let { map ->
repeat(10) { map.round() }
val x1 = map.elves.minOf { it.x }
val x2 = map.elves.maxOf { it.x }
val y1 = map.elves.minOf { it.y }
val y2 = map.elves.maxOf { it.y }
(y1..y2).flatMap { y -> (x1..x2).map { x -> y to x } }
.count { pos -> !map.positions.contains(pos) }
private fun solution2(input: String) = parse(input).let { map ->
generateSequence { map.round() }
.takeWhile { elvesMoved -> elvesMoved }
.count() + 1
private fun parse(input: String) =
Map(input.lineSequence().flatMapIndexed { y, row ->
row.asSequence().mapIndexedNotNull { x, char -> if (char == '#') Elf(y, x) else null }
private class Map(val elves: List<Elf>) {
val positions = elves.associateBy { it.y to it.x }.toMutableMap()
private val proposalOrder = mutableListOf(Direction.N, Direction.S, Direction.W, Direction.E)
fun round(): Boolean {
val proposals = elves.mapNotNull { elf ->
if (elf.neighbors().none { positions.contains(it) })
proposalOrder.firstOrNull { dir -> elf.neighbors(dir).none { pos -> positions.contains(pos) } }
?.let {
when (it) {
Direction.N -> (elf.y - 1 to elf.x) to elf
Direction.S -> (elf.y + 1 to elf.x) to elf
Direction.W -> (elf.y to elf.x - 1) to elf
Direction.E -> (elf.y to elf.x + 1) to elf
}.groupBy({ (pos, _) -> pos }, { (_, elf) -> elf })
.filter { (_, l) -> l.size == 1 }
.map { (pos, l) -> pos to l.first() }
proposals.forEach { (pos, elf) ->
positions.remove(elf.y to elf.x)
positions[pos] = elf
elf.y = pos.first
elf.x = pos.second
return proposals.isNotEmpty()
private fun rotateProposalOrder() {
val dir = proposalOrder.removeFirst()
private class Elf(var y: Int, var x: Int) {
fun neighbors() = listOf(
y - 1 to x - 1, y to x - 1, y + 1 to x - 1,
y - 1 to x, y + 1 to x,
y - 1 to x + 1, y to x + 1, y + 1 to x + 1,
fun neighbors(dir: Direction) = when (dir) {
Direction.N -> listOf(y - 1 to x - 1, y - 1 to x, y - 1 to x + 1)
Direction.S -> listOf(y + 1 to x - 1, y + 1 to x, y + 1 to x + 1)
Direction.W -> listOf(y - 1 to x - 1, y to x - 1, y + 1 to x - 1)
Direction.E -> listOf(y - 1 to x + 1, y to x + 1, y + 1 to x + 1)
private enum class Direction { N, S, W, E }
private const val YEAR = 2022
private const val DAY = 23
class Day23Test : StringSpec({
"example part 1" { ::solution1 invokedWith exampleInput shouldBe 110 }
"part 1 solution" { ::solution1 invokedWith input(YEAR, DAY) shouldBe 4070 }
"example part 2" { ::solution2 invokedWith exampleInput shouldBe 20 }
"part 2 solution" { ::solution2 invokedWith input(YEAR, DAY) shouldBe 881 }
private val exampleInput =
| 1 | Kotlin | 1 | 1 | ffdffedc8659aa3deea3216d6a9a1fd4e02ec128 | 3,699 | adventofcode-kotlin | MIT License |
y2015/src/main/kotlin/adventofcode/y2015/Day24.kt | Ruud-Wiegers | 434,225,587 | false | {"Kotlin": 503769} | package adventofcode.y2015
object Day24 : AdventSolution(2015, 24, "It Hangs in the Balance") {
override fun solvePartOne(input: String) = input.lines().map(String::toInt).let { solve(it, 3) }
override fun solvePartTwo(input: String) = input.lines().map(String::toInt).let { solve(it, 4) }
private fun solve(presents: List<Int>, groupCount: Int): Long? {
val target = presents.sum() / groupCount
//meet-in-the-middle style solution
val a: Map<Int, Group> = powerSetByWeight(presents.filterIndexed { i, _ -> i % 2 == 0 }, target)
val b: Map<Int, Group> = powerSetByWeight(presents.filterIndexed { i, _ -> i % 2 != 0 }, target)
return a.mapNotNull { b[target - it.key]?.mergeWith(it.value) }.minOrNull()?.quantum
private fun powerSetByWeight(presents: List<Int>, targetWeight: Int): Map<Int, Group> {
return presents.fold(listOf(Group.empty) as Collection<Group>) { old, present ->
(old + { it.addPresent(present) })
.groupBy { it.weight }
.filterKeys { it <= targetWeight }
.mapValues { it.value.minOrNull()!! }
.associateBy { it.weight }
private data class Group(val count: Int, val weight: Int, val quantum: Long) : Comparable<Group> {
fun addPresent(o: Int) = Group(count + 1, weight + o, quantum * o)
fun mergeWith(o: Group) = Group(count + o.count, weight + o.weight, quantum * o.quantum)
companion object {
val empty = Group(0, 0, 1L)
override fun compareTo(other: Group) = compareValuesBy(this, other, Group::weight, Group::count, Group::quantum)
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 3 | fc35e6d5feeabdc18c86aba428abcf23d880c450 | 1,758 | advent-of-code | MIT License |
src/main/kotlin/aoc2022/Day15.kt | j4velin | 572,870,735 | false | {"Kotlin": 285016, "Python": 1446} | package aoc2022
import Point
import readInput
import java.util.*
import kotlin.math.abs
import kotlin.math.max
import kotlin.math.min
data class SensorBeaconPair(val sensor: Point, val beacon: Point) {
val hammingDistance = abs(sensor.x - beacon.x) + abs(sensor.y - beacon.y)
companion object {
fun fromString(input: String): SensorBeaconPair {
val split = input.drop("Sensor at x=".length).split(": closest beacon is at x=")
val (sensorX, sensorY) = split[0].split(", y=").map { value -> value.toInt() }
val (beaconX, beaconY) = split[1].split(", y=").map { value -> value.toInt() }
return SensorBeaconPair(Point(sensorX, sensorY), Point(beaconX, beaconY))
private fun part1(input: List<String>, row: Int): Int {
// Sensor at x=2, y=18: closest beacon is at x=-2, y=15
val allPairs = { SensorBeaconPair.fromString(it) }.filter {
row in it.sensor.y - + it.hammingDistance
val coveredPoints = mutableSetOf<Int>()
allPairs.forEach {
val distanceToTargetRow = abs(it.sensor.y - row)
val remainingHammingValue = it.hammingDistance - distanceToTargetRow
for (x in it.sensor.x - + remainingHammingValue) {
val beaconsInRow = { it.beacon }.distinct().count { it.y == row }
val sensorsInRow = { it.sensor }.distinct().count { it.y == row }
return coveredPoints.size - beaconsInRow - sensorsInRow
private fun part2(input: List<String>, maxValue: Int): Long {
val allPairs = { SensorBeaconPair.fromString(it) }
for (row in 0..maxValue) {
if (row % 100000 == 0) {
val coveredPoints = BitSet(maxValue + 1)
allPairs.forEach {
val distanceToTargetRow = abs(it.sensor.y - row)
val remainingHammingValue = it.hammingDistance - distanceToTargetRow
if (it.beacon.y == row && it.beacon.x >= 0 && it.beacon.x <= maxValue) {
if (it.sensor.y == row && it.sensor.x >= 0 && it.sensor.x <= maxValue) {
if (remainingHammingValue > 0) {
val range =
max(0, it.sensor.x - remainingHammingValue)..min(maxValue, it.sensor.x + remainingHammingValue)
coveredPoints.set(range.first, range.last + 1)
if (coveredPoints.cardinality() <= maxValue) {
for (x in 0..maxValue) {
if (!coveredPoints[x]) {
val signalPosition = Point(x, row)
println("\nSignal found at $signalPosition -> ${signalPosition.x * 4000000L + signalPosition.y}")
return signalPosition.x * 4000000L + signalPosition.y
throw IllegalArgumentException("No distress signal found")
fun main() {
val testInput = readInput("Day15_test", 2022)
check(part1(testInput, 10) == 26)
check(part2(testInput, 20) == 56000011L)
val input = readInput("Day15", 2022)
println(part1(input, 2000000))
println(part2(input, 4000000))
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | f67b4d11ef6a02cba5b206aba340df1e9631b42b | 3,361 | adventOfCode | Apache License 2.0 |
app/src/main/kotlin/day12/Day12.kt | KingOfDog | 433,706,881 | false | {"Kotlin": 76907} | package day12
import common.InputRepo
import common.readSessionCookie
import common.solve
import java.nio.file.Path
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
val day = 12
val input = InputRepo(args.readSessionCookie()).get(day = day)
solve(day, input, ::solveDay12Part1, ::solveDay12Part2)
fun solveDay12Part1(input: List<String>): Int {
return execute(input, canVisitSmallTwice = false)
private fun execute(input: List<String>, canVisitSmallTwice: Boolean): Int {
val caveConnections = { line -> line.split("-") }.map { parts -> Cave(parts[0]) to Cave(parts[1]) }
val caveGraph = Graph<Cave>()
caveConnections.forEach { connection ->
caveGraph.addEdge(connection.first, connection.second)
val start = Cave("start")
val paths = caveGraph.getPossiblePaths(start, emptyList(), canVisitSmallTwice)
return paths.size
fun solveDay12Part2(input: List<String>): Int {
return execute(input, canVisitSmallTwice = true)
private fun Graph<Cave>.getPossiblePaths(from: Cave, path: List<Cave>, canVisitSmallTwice: Boolean): List<List<Cave>> {
val pathWithSelf = path + from
if (from.isEnd) {
return listOf(pathWithSelf)
val possibilities = this.adjacencyMap.getOrDefault(from, emptySet())
.filterNot { it.isStart }
.filterNot { !canVisitSmallTwice && it.isSmall && path.contains(it) }
return {
canVisitSmallTwice = canVisitSmallTwice && (!it.isSmall || !path.contains(it))
class Graph<T> {
val adjacencyMap: HashMap<T, HashSet<T>> = HashMap()
fun addEdge(sourceVertex: T, destinationVertex: T) {
// Add edge to source vertex / node.
.computeIfAbsent(sourceVertex) { HashSet() }
// Add edge to destination vertex / node.
.computeIfAbsent(destinationVertex) { HashSet() }
override fun toString(): String = StringBuffer().apply {
for (key in adjacencyMap.keys) {
append("$key -> ")
append(adjacencyMap[key]?.joinToString(", ", "[", "]\n"))
data class Cave(val name: String) {
val isSmall = name.lowercase() == name
val isStart = name == "start"
val isEnd = name == "end"
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | 576e5599ada224e5cf21ccf20757673ca6f8310a | 2,467 | advent-of-code-kt | Apache License 2.0 |
src/Day02.kt | jstapels | 572,982,488 | false | {"Kotlin": 74335} |
enum class Result {
companion object {
fun of(char: String) = Result.values()[char.single() - 'X']
enum class Choice {
private val value get() = when (this) {ROCK -> 1; PAPER -> 2; SCISSORS -> 3 }
fun against(other: Choice) = (4 + other.ordinal - ordinal) % 3 - 1
fun score(other: Choice) = (against(other) + 1) * 3 + value
companion object {
fun of(char: String) = when (char) {
"A", "X" -> ROCK
"B", "Y" -> PAPER
"C", "Z" -> SCISSORS
else -> throw IllegalArgumentException("$char not valid")
fun main() {
fun part1(input: List<String>): Int {
return { it.split(' ') }
.map { Pair(Choice.of(it[0]), Choice.of(it[1])) }
.sumOf { (them, you) -> you.score(them) }
fun wanted(them: Choice, result: Result) =
.first { it.against(them) == result.ordinal - 1 }
fun part2(input: List<String>): Int {
return { it.split(' ') }
.map { Pair(Choice.of(it[0]), Result.of(it[1])) }
.map { (them, result) -> Pair(them, wanted(them, result)) }
.sumOf { (them, you) -> you.score(them) }
// test if implementation meets criteria from the description, like:
val testInput = readInput("Day02_test")
checkThat(part1(testInput), 15)
checkThat(part2(testInput), 12)
val input = readInput("Day02")
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | 0d71521039231c996e2c4e2d410960d34270e876 | 1,574 | aoc22 | Apache License 2.0 |
src/Day16.kt | inssein | 573,116,957 | false | {"Kotlin": 47333} | import kotlin.math.max
data class Valve(
val name: String,
val flowRate: Int,
val tunnels: List<String>,
val index: Int
data class Path(val time: Int, val valve: String, val bitmask: Int)
fun main() {
fun List<String>.toValves() = this.mapIndexed { i, it ->
val name = it.substringAfter("Valve ").take(2)
val rate = it.substringAfter("=").substringBefore(";").toInt()
val valves = it.split(", ").mapIndexed { ix, s ->
if (ix == 0) s.takeLast(2) else s
Valve(name, rate, valves, i)
* Calculate the shortest paths using the floyd warshall algorithm.
fun shortestPaths(valves: Map<String, Valve>): Map<String, Map<String, Int>> {
val shortestPaths = valves.mapValues { (_, v) ->
v.tunnels.associateWith { 1 }.toMutableMap()
for (k in shortestPaths.keys) {
for (i in shortestPaths.keys) {
for (j in shortestPaths.keys) {
val ik = shortestPaths[i]?.get(k) ?: 99
val kj = shortestPaths[k]?.get(j) ?: 99
val ij = shortestPaths[i]?.get(j) ?: 99
if (ik + kj < ij) {
shortestPaths[i]?.set(j, ik + kj)
// filter out paths that have 0 flow rate
return shortestPaths.mapValues { (_, v) ->
v.filter { valves[it.key]?.flowRate != 0 }
fun dfs(
path: Path,
cache: MutableMap<Path, Int>,
valves: Map<String, Valve>,
shortestPaths: Map<String, Map<String, Int>>,
): Int {
val cached = cache[path]
if (cached != null) {
return cached
val paths = shortestPaths[path.valve] ?: error("invalid")
var maxTime = 0
paths.forEach { (k, d) ->
val valve = valves[k] ?: error("invalid")
val time = path.time - d - 1
val bit = 1 shl valve.index
if (path.bitmask.and(bit) == 0 && time > 0) {
maxTime = max(
dfs(Path(time, k, path.bitmask.or(bit)), cache, valves, shortestPaths) + valve.flowRate * time
return maxTime.also { cache[path] = maxTime }
fun part1(input: List<String>): Int {
val valves = input.toValves()
val valveMap = valves.associateBy { }
val shortestPaths = shortestPaths(valveMap)
return dfs(Path(30, "AA", 0), mutableMapOf(), valveMap, shortestPaths)
fun part2(input: List<String>): Int {
val valves = input.toValves()
val shortestPaths = shortestPaths(valves.associateBy { })
val optimalValves = valves.filter { it.flowRate > 0 }.mapIndexed { i, it -> it.copy(index = i) }
val optimalValveMap = optimalValves.associateBy { }
val cache = mutableMapOf<Path, Int>()
val bitmask = (1 shl optimalValves.size) - 1
var maxTime = 0
for (i in 0..(bitmask + 1) / 2) {
val elf = dfs(Path(26, "AA", i), cache, optimalValveMap, shortestPaths)
val elephant = dfs(Path(26, "AA", bitmask.xor(i)), cache, optimalValveMap, shortestPaths)
maxTime = max(maxTime, elf + elephant)
return maxTime
val testInput = readInput("Day16_test")
println(part1(testInput)) // 1651
println(part2(testInput)) // 1707
val input = readInput("Day16")
println(part1(input)) // 1474
println(part2(input)) // 2100
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | 095d8f8e06230ab713d9ffba4cd13b87469f5cd5 | 3,672 | advent-of-code-2022 | Apache License 2.0 |
src/Day13.kt | marciprete | 574,547,125 | false | {"Kotlin": 13734} | import kotlin.math.sign
typealias Signal = List<Any>
fun main() {
fun parse(input: Iterator<Char>): List<Any> {
val list = mutableListOf<Any>()
while(input.hasNext()) {
var c =
if(c=='[') {
} else if(c.isDigit()) {
var s = ""
while((c.isDigit())) {
s += c.toString()
c =
if(c==']') {
return list
return list
fun compareIn(left: Signal , right: Signal): Int {
var rightOrder = 0
val leftIterator = left.iterator()
val rightIterator = right.iterator()
while((leftIterator.hasNext() || rightIterator.hasNext()) && rightOrder == 0) {
if(!leftIterator.hasNext() || !rightIterator.hasNext()) {
rightOrder = (right.size - left.size).sign
} else {
val l =
val r =
val leftIsList = l is List<*>
val rightIsList = r is List<*>
if (!leftIsList && !rightIsList) {
rightOrder = r.toString().toInt().compareTo(l.toString().toInt())
} else {
rightOrder = compareIn(
(if (leftIsList) l as Signal else listOf(l)) as Signal,
(if (rightIsList) r as Signal else listOf(r)) as Signal
if(rightOrder==0) {
rightOrder = (right.size - left.size).sign
return rightOrder
fun compare(it: Pair<Any, Any>): Int {
val left = it.first //as List<Any>
val right = it.second //as List<Any>
return compareIn(left as Signal, right as Signal)
fun part1(input: List<String>): Int {
val pairs = input.windowed(2,3).map {
Pair(parse(it[0].iterator())[0], parse(it[1].iterator())[0])
return pairs.mapIndexed{ idx, it ->
val compare = compare(it)
when(compare >0) {
true -> idx+1
else -> 0
fun part2(input: List<String>): Int {
val dividerPkt1 = parse("[[2]]".iterator())[0]
val dividerPkt2 = parse("[[6]]".iterator())[0]
val pairs = input.windowed(2,3).map {
Pair(parse(it[0].iterator())[0], parse(it[1].iterator())[0])
as MutableList
pairs.add(Pair(dividerPkt1, dividerPkt2))
val signals = mutableListOf<Any>()
pairs.forEach { signals.addAll(it.toList())}
signals.sortWith(Comparator { x, y -> compareIn(y as Signal,x as Signal)} )
val so = signals.mapIndexed{ index, item ->
when {
item==dividerPkt1 || item == dividerPkt2 -> index+1
else -> 1
}.reduce{tot, elem -> tot*elem}
return so
// test if implementation meets criteria from the description, like:
val testInput = readInput("Day13_test")
check(part1(testInput) == 13)
val test2Input = readInput("Day13_test")
check(part2(test2Input) == 140)
val input = readInput("Day13")
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | 6345abc8f2c90d9bd1f5f82072af678e3f80e486 | 3,471 | Kotlin-AoC-2022 | Apache License 2.0 |
src/main/kotlin/Day5.kt | i-redbyte | 433,743,675 | false | {"Kotlin": 49932} | private const val MIN_COUNT_CROSSING = 2
data class Point(val x: Int, val y: Int)
class Segment(val start: Point, val end: Point) {
private fun checkPoints(): Segment {
if (start.x < end.x) return this
if (start.x == end.x && start.y < end.y) return this
return Segment(end, start)
fun getPoints(): List<Point> = with(checkPoints()) {
if (start.x == end.x) {
return (start.y..end.y).map { Point(start.x, it) }
if (start.y == end.y) {
return (start.x..end.x).map { Point(it, start.y) }
val distanceX = end.x - start.x
val distanceY = end.y - start.y
val direction = when {
distanceY > 0 -> 1
distanceY < 0 -> -1
else -> 0
return (0..distanceX).map { delta ->
Point(start.x + delta, start.y + direction * delta)
private fun getSegments(data: List<String>) = {
val (start, end) = it.split("->")
val (x1, y1) = start.split(",")
val (x2, y2) = end.split(",")
Point(x1.trim().toInt(), y1.trim().toInt()),
Point(x2.trim().toInt(), y2.trim().toInt())
fun main() {
val data = readInputFile("day5")
val segments = getSegments(data)
fun countCrossing(segments: List<Segment>): Int {
val count = mutableMapOf<Point, Int>()
for (line in segments) {
for (point in line.getPoints()) {
count[point] = (count[point] ?: 0) + 1
return count.filter { it.value >= MIN_COUNT_CROSSING }.count()
fun part1(): Int {
val filtered = segments.filter { it.start.x == it.end.x || it.start.y == it.end.y }
return countCrossing(filtered)
fun part2(): Int {
return countCrossing(segments)
println("Result part1: ${part1()}")
println("Result part2: ${part2()}")
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | 6d4f19df3b7cb1906052b80a4058fa394a12740f | 1,955 | AOC2021 | Apache License 2.0 |
src/y2023/Day04.kt | a3nv | 574,208,224 | false | {"Kotlin": 34115, "Java": 1914} | package y2023
import utils.readInput
fun main() {
Card 1: 41 48 83 86 17 | 83 86 6 31 17 9 48 53
fun part1(input: List<String>): Int {
var sum = 0
input.forEach { card ->
val cardData = card.split(":")
cardData.filter { it.isNotBlank() && !it.startsWith("Card") }.forEach { data ->
val winners = data.substringBefore("|").trim()
.split(" ").filter { it.isNotBlank() }.toSet()
val playerHand = data.substringAfter("|").trim()
.split(" ").filter { it.isNotBlank() }.toSet()
val count = winners.intersect(playerHand).count()
// println("Winners $winners --> player $playerHand = ${winners.intersect(playerHand)}")
sum += 1 shl (count - 1)
return sum
fun part2(input: List<String>): Int {
val map = mutableMapOf<Int, Int>()
input.forEach { card ->
val cardData = card.split("Card")
cardData.filter { it.isNotBlank()}.forEach { data ->
val cardNumber = data.substringBefore(":").trim().toInt()
map[cardNumber] = map.getOrDefault(cardNumber, 0) + 1
val dataSets = data.substringAfter(": ").trim()
val winners = dataSets.substringBefore("|").trim()
.split(" ").filter { it.isNotBlank() }.toSet()
val playerHand = dataSets.substringAfter("|").trim()
.split(" ").filter { it.isNotBlank() }.toSet()
val count = winners.intersect(playerHand).count()
// println("Winners $winners --> player $playerHand = ${winners.intersect(playerHand)}")
for (i in 1 .. count ) {
map[cardNumber + i] = map.getOrDefault(cardNumber + i, 0) + (map[cardNumber] ?: 1)
return map.values.sum()
// test if implementation meets criteria from the description, like:
var testInput = readInput("y2023", "Day04_test_part1")
check(part1(testInput) == 13)
check(part2(testInput) == 30)
val input = readInput("y2023", "Day04")
check(part1(input) == 20407)
check(part2(input) == 23806951)
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | ab2206ab5030ace967e08c7051becb4ae44aea39 | 2,404 | advent-of-code-kotlin | Apache License 2.0 |
src/year2023/day05/Solution.kt | TheSunshinator | 572,121,335 | false | {"Kotlin": 144661} | package year2023.day05
import arrow.core.nonEmptyListOf
import utils.ProblemPart
import utils.intersect
import utils.readInputs
import utils.runAlgorithm
fun main() {
val (realInput, testInputs) = readInputs(2023, 5, transform = ::parse)
realInput = realInput,
testInputs = testInputs,
part1 = ProblemPart(
expectedResultsForTests = nonEmptyListOf(35),
algorithm = ::part1,
part2 = ProblemPart(
expectedResultsForTests = nonEmptyListOf(46),
algorithm = ::part2,
private fun parse(input: List<String>) = Input(
seeds = input.first()
.split(' ')
.map { it.toLong() },
mappings = input.drop(2).fold(mutableListOf(mutableListOf<Pair<LongRange, Long>>())) { accumulator, line ->
if (line.isEmpty()) accumulator.add(mutableListOf())
else if (!line.first().isLetter()) line.splitToSequence(' ')
.map { it.toLong() }
.let { (end, start, length) ->
(start until (start + length)),
end - start,
private fun part1(input: Input): Long {
return input.seeds.asSequence()
.map { seed ->
input.mappings.fold(seed) { location, mapping ->
val offset = mapping.firstOrNull { location in it.first }?.second ?: 0L
location + offset
private fun part2(input: Input): Long {
val seeds = input.seeds.chunked(2) { (start, length) -> start until (start + length) }
return input.mappings
.fold(seeds) { seedsPositions, mapping ->
seedsPositions.flatMap { seedRange ->
val newSeedRanges = mapping.mapNotNull { (range, offset) ->
(range intersect seedRange)?.to(offset)
val unmovedSeeds = newSeedRanges.fold(listOf(seedRange)) { unusedRanges, (usedRange) ->
unusedRanges.flatMap { unusedRange ->
val intersect = unusedRange intersect usedRange
if (intersect == null) listOf(unusedRange) else {
val startRange = unusedRange.first until usedRange.first
val endRange = (usedRange.last + 1)..unusedRange.last
listOfNotNull(startRange.takeUnless { it.isEmpty() }, endRange.takeUnless { it.isEmpty() })
newSeedRanges.mapTo(unmovedSeeds.toMutableList()) {
(it.first.first + it.second)..(it.first.last + it.second)
.minOf { it.first }
private data class Input(
val seeds: List<Long>,
val mappings: List<List<Pair<LongRange, Long>>>,
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | d050e86fa5591447f4dd38816877b475fba512d0 | 3,046 | Advent-of-Code | Apache License 2.0 |
src/main/kotlin/day19.kt | Arch-vile | 572,557,390 | false | {"Kotlin": 132454} | package day19
import aoc.utils.Timer
import aoc.utils.findInts
import aoc.utils.readInput
fun main() {
part2().let { println(it) }
fun part1(): Int {
val bluePrints = bluePrints()
return run(24, bluePrints)
.map {
it.first * it.second.geode
fun part2(): Int {
// 661217579
// 4318464576 lol
val bluePrints = bluePrints().take(3)
run(32, bluePrints)
return 1
class Optimizer {
// timeLeft, geodeCollected
private val highScore = mutableMapOf<Int, Int>()
fun alreadyWorse(timeLeft: Int, resources: Resources, production: Resources): Boolean {
// How much geode would accumulate if building one geode robot each turn forward
val additionalGeode = (1..timeLeft).sum()
// How much would current production yield
val current = production.geode * timeLeft
val total = additionalGeode + current + resources.geode
return total <= (highScore[timeLeft] ?: -1)
fun update(timeLeft: Int, resources: Resources) {
if ((highScore[timeLeft] ?: -1) < resources.geode) {
highScore[timeLeft] = resources.geode
fun asString(): String {
return { "${it.key}:${it.value}" }.joinToString(",")
data class Resources(val ore: Int, val clay: Int, val obsidian: Int, val geode: Int) {
fun plus(other: Resources): Resources {
return copy(
ore = ore + other.ore,
clay = clay + other.clay,
obsidian = obsidian + other.obsidian,
geode = geode + other.geode,
fun minus(other: Resources): Resources {
return copy(
ore = ore - other.ore,
clay = clay - other.clay,
obsidian = obsidian - other.obsidian,
geode = geode - other.geode,
fun asString(): String {
return ",$ore,$clay,$obsidian,$geode,"
data class Robot(val cost: Resources, val production: Resources)
data class BluePrint(val oreRobot: Robot, val clayRobot: Robot, val obsidianRobot: Robot, val geodeRobot: Robot)
val states = mutableMapOf<String,Resources>();
fun run(time: Int, bluePrints: List<BluePrint>): List<Pair<Int, Resources>> {
val timer = Timer(bluePrints.size.toLong())
return bluePrints
.mapIndexed { index, bluePrint ->
println("Processing blueprint ${index + 1}")
val result = produceGeode(time, bluePrint)
timer.processed = index.toLong() + 1
val r = Pair(index + 1, result)
println("DONE blueprint ${index + 1}: $r took ${globalCounter} steps")
// states.toList()
// .sortedByDescending { it.second }
// .filter { it.first.split(",").last().toInt() > 10 }
// .take(50)
// .forEach{ println(it) }
globalCounter = 0
fun produceGeode(time: Int, bluePrint: BluePrint): Resources {
val highScore = Optimizer()
val production = Resources(1, 0, 0, 0)
val resources = Resources(0, 0, 0, 0)
return testProduction(time, bluePrint, production, resources, highScore)
var globalCounter = 0L;
fun testProduction(
timeLeft: Int,
bluePrint: BluePrint,
production: Resources,
resources: Resources,
highScore: Optimizer
): Resources {
val key = production.asString()+resources.asString()+timeLeft
val result = states[key]
return result
// println("$identifier score: ${resources.geode}")
if (timeLeft == 0)
return resources
if (highScore.alreadyWorse(timeLeft, resources, production)) {
// print("$identifier Stopping")
return resources
val newTime = timeLeft - 1
// val prettyGoodAction = whatsNext(
// newTime,
// bluePrint,
// production,
// resources,
// highScore
// )
val results = listOfNotNull(
// prettyGoodAction,
if (hasResourcesForAnyRobot(bluePrint, resources))
testProduction(newTime, bluePrint, production,, highScore)
val bestResult = results.maxByOrNull { it.geode }!!
highScore.update(timeLeft, resources)
if(timeLeft > 10)
return bestResult
fun whatsNext(
timeLeft: Int,
bluePrint: BluePrint,
production: Resources,
resources: Resources,
highScore: Optimizer
): Resources? {
if (production.ore <= 1) {
if (hasResourcesForRobot(bluePrint.oreRobot, resources))
return testProduction(
if (production.clay < 1) {
if (hasResourcesForRobot(bluePrint.clayRobot, resources))
return testProduction(
if (production.obsidian < 1) {
if (hasResourcesForRobot(bluePrint.obsidianRobot, resources))
return testProduction(
if (production.geode < 1) {
if (hasResourcesForRobot(bluePrint.geodeRobot, resources))
return testProduction(
return null
fun hasResourcesForAnyRobot(bluePrint: BluePrint, resources: Resources): Boolean {
return hasResourcesForRobot(bluePrint.oreRobot, resources) &&
hasResourcesForRobot(bluePrint.clayRobot, resources) &&
hasResourcesForRobot(bluePrint.obsidianRobot, resources) &&
hasResourcesForRobot(bluePrint.geodeRobot, resources)
fun testProductionIfResources(
newTime: Int,
bluePrint: BluePrint,
production: Resources,
resources: Resources,
robot: Robot,
highScore: Optimizer
): Resources? {
return if (hasResourcesForRobot(robot, resources)) testProduction(
) else null
fun hasResourcesForRobot(type: Robot, resources: Resources): Boolean {
return resources.ore >= type.cost.ore &&
resources.clay >= type.cost.clay &&
resources.obsidian >= type.cost.obsidian
private fun bluePrints(): List<BluePrint> {
val bluePrints = readInput("day19-input.txt")
.map { it.findInts() }
.map {
Robot(Resources(it[1], 0, 0, 0), Resources(1, 0, 0, 0)),
Robot(Resources(it[2], 0, 0, 0), Resources(0, 1, 0, 0)),
Robot(Resources(it[3], it[4], 0, 0), Resources(0, 0, 1, 0)),
Robot(Resources(it[5], 0, it[6], 0), Resources(0, 0, 0, 1)),
return bluePrints
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | e737bf3112e97b2221403fef6f77e994f331b7e9 | 8,426 | adventOfCode2022 | Apache License 2.0 |
src/Day12.kt | dmarmelo | 573,485,455 | false | {"Kotlin": 28178} | private data class HeightMap(
val elevations: Map<Point2D, Int>,
val start: Point2D,
val end: Point2D
) {
fun getNeighbors(point: Point2D) =
point.cardinalNeighbors.filter { n -> n in elevations }
fun main() {
fun List<String>.parseInput(): HeightMap {
var start: Point2D? = null
var end: Point2D? = null
val elevations = flatMapIndexed { y, row ->
row.mapIndexed { x, char ->
val point = Point2D(x, y)
point to when (char) {
'S' -> 0.also { start = point }
'E' -> ('z' - 'a').also { end = point }
else -> char - 'a'
return HeightMap(elevations, start!!, end!!)
fun <T> breathFirstSearch(
start: T,
isGoal: (T) -> Boolean,
getNeighbors: (T) -> Iterable<T>,
canMove: (from: T, to: T) -> Boolean = { _, _ -> true }
): Int {
val seen = mutableSetOf<T>()
val queue = ArrayDeque<Pair<T, Int>>().apply { add(start to 0) }
while (queue.isNotEmpty()) {
val (item, cost) = queue.removeFirst()
if (isGoal(item)) {
return cost
.filter { canMove(item, it) }
.filter { it !in seen }
.forEach {
seen += it
queue.add(it to cost + 1)
return -1
fun part1(map: HeightMap): Int {
return breathFirstSearch(
start = map.start,
isGoal = { it == map.end },
getNeighbors = { map.getNeighbors(it) },
canMove = { from, to -> map.elevations[to]!! - map.elevations[from]!! <= 1 }
fun part2(map: HeightMap): Int {
return breathFirstSearch(
start = map.end,
isGoal = { map.elevations[it]!! == 0 },
getNeighbors = { map.getNeighbors(it) },
canMove = { from, to -> map.elevations[from]!! - map.elevations[to]!! <= 1 }
// test if implementation meets criteria from the description, like:
val testInput = readInput("Day12_test").parseInput()
check(part1(testInput) == 31)
check(part2(testInput) == 29)
val input = readInput("Day12").parseInput()
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | 5d3cbd227f950693b813d2a5dc3220463ea9f0e4 | 2,445 | advent-of-code-2022 | Apache License 2.0 |
src/Day13.kt | jstapels | 572,982,488 | false | {"Kotlin": 74335} |
fun main() {
val day = 13
fun parseItems(s: MutableList<Char>): List<Any> {
val list = mutableListOf<Any>()
var token: String? = null
while (s.isNotEmpty()) {
when (val ch = s.removeFirst()) {
'[' -> list.add(parseItems(s))
']' -> {
if (token != null) list.add(token.toInt())
return list
',' -> {
if (token != null) list.add(token.toInt())
token = null
else -> token = (token ?: "") + ch
return list
fun parseItems(s: String) = parseItems(s.toMutableList()).first() as List<Any>
fun parseInput(input: List<String>) =
.map { parseItems(it[0]) to parseItems(it[1]) }
fun correct(left: List<Any>, right: List<Any>): Boolean? {
if (left.isEmpty() && right.isEmpty()) return null
if (left.isEmpty()) return true
if (right.isEmpty()) return false
val lhead = left.first()
val rhead = right.first()
val result = when {
lhead is Int && rhead is Int ->
if (lhead < rhead) true
else if (lhead > rhead) false
else null
lhead is Int -> correct(listOf(lhead), rhead as List<Any>)
rhead is Int -> correct(lhead as List<Any>, listOf(rhead))
else -> correct(lhead as List<Any>, rhead as List<Any>)
if (result != null) return result
return correct(left.drop(1), right.drop(1))
fun part1(input: List<String>) =
parseInput(input).mapIndexed { i, p -> i + 1 to correct(p.first, p.second)!! }
.filter { it.second }
.sumOf { it.first }
fun part2(input: List<String>): Int {
val dividers: List<List<Any>> = listOf(listOf(listOf(2)), listOf(listOf(6)))
return input.filter { it.isNotEmpty() }
.map { parseItems(it) }
.sortedWith { a, b -> when {
correct(a, b) == true -> -1
correct(a, b) == false -> 1
else -> 0
.foldIndexed(1) { i, a, v ->
if (v in dividers) (i+1) * a else a
// test if implementation meets criteria from the description, like:
val testInput = readInput("Day${day.pad(2)}_test")
checkTest(13) { part1(testInput) }
checkTest(140) { part2(testInput) }
val input = readInput("Day${day.pad(2)}")
solution { part1(input) }
solution { part2(input) }
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | 0d71521039231c996e2c4e2d410960d34270e876 | 2,734 | aoc22 | Apache License 2.0 |
src/main/kotlin/day7/solver.kt | derekaspaulding | 317,756,568 | false | null | package day7
typealias RuleSet = Map<String, List<Pair<String, Int>>>
val BAG_REGEX = Regex("(^|no|\\d).+?(?=\\sbags?)")
fun parseRuleset(rules: List<String>): RuleSet {
var ruleSet: RuleSet = mapOf()
for (rule in rules) {
val bagDescriptions = BAG_REGEX.findAll(rule).toList().map { it.value }
ruleSet = ruleSet + mapOf(
bagDescriptions[0] to bagDescriptions
.subList(1, bagDescriptions.size)
.filter { it != "no other" }
.map {
val (num, description) = it.split(" ", limit = 2)
Pair(description, num.toInt())
return ruleSet
fun canCarryShinyGoldBag(ruleSet: RuleSet, bag: String): Boolean {
val rules = ruleSet[bag] ?: listOf()
return rules.any {
it.first == "shiny gold" ||
canCarryShinyGoldBag(ruleSet, it.first)
fun solveProblemOne(ruleList: List<String>): List<String> {
val ruleSet = parseRuleset(ruleList)
return ruleSet.keys.filter {
canCarryShinyGoldBag(ruleSet, it)
fun getInnerBags(ruleSet: RuleSet, bag: String): Int {
val rules = ruleSet[bag] ?: listOf()
return rules.fold(0, { acc, pair ->
val (innerBag, num) = pair
acc + num + (num * getInnerBags(ruleSet, innerBag))
fun solveProblemTwo(ruleList: List<String>): Int {
val ruleSet = parseRuleset(ruleList)
return getInnerBags(ruleSet, "shiny gold")
fun main() {
val ruleList = File("src/main/resources/day7/input.txt").useLines { it.toList() }
val firstSolution = solveProblemOne(ruleList)
println("${firstSolution.size} bags can hold a shiny gold bag")
println("a shiny gold bag must contain ${solveProblemTwo(ruleList)} other bags")
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | 0e26fdbb3415fac413ea833bc7579c09561b49e5 | 1,827 | advent-of-code-2020 | MIT License |
src/year2022/15/Day15.kt | Vladuken | 573,128,337 | false | {"Kotlin": 327524, "Python": 16475} | package year2022.`15`
import kotlin.math.abs
import readInput
data class Point(
val x: Int, val y: Int
data class SensorToBeacon(
val sensor: Point, val beacon: Point
fun parseInput(input: List<String>): List<SensorToBeacon> {
return {
val items = it.split("=", ",", ":").mapNotNull { it.toIntOrNull() }
val sensor = Point(items[0], items[1])
val beacon = Point(items[2], items[3])
SensorToBeacon(sensor, beacon)
private fun Point.distressSignal(): Long = x * 4000000L + y
private fun Point.calculateDistanceTo(point: Point): Int {
val x = x - point.x
val y = y - point.y
return abs(x) + abs(y)
private fun List<Pair<Point, Point>>.iteratePointsRange(): Sequence<Point> = sequence {
forEach { (left, right) ->
(left.x..right.x).forEach { yield(Point(it, left.y)) }
private fun createSetOfIndexes(
result: List<SensorToBeacon>, row: Int
): List<Pair<Point, Point>> {
val mutableResult = mutableListOf<Pair<Point, Point>>()
val minX = result.minOf { minOf(it.beacon.x, it.sensor.x) }
val maxX = result.maxOf { maxOf(it.beacon.x, it.sensor.x) }
(minX..maxX).forEach {
val point = Point(it, row)
result.forEach { (sensor, beacon) ->
if (point.calculateDistanceTo(sensor) == sensor.calculateDistanceTo(beacon)) {
val pair = findPairForCurrentPointY(sensor, beacon, point)
return mutableResult
private fun iteratePointsAroundEachSensor(
result: List<SensorToBeacon>, size: Int
): Sequence<Point> = sequence {
val range = 0..size { it.sensor to it.sensor.calculateDistanceTo(it.beacon) + 1 }
.forEach { (sensor, distance) ->
for (xDelta in -distance..distance) {
val yDelta = distance - abs(xDelta)
val res = listOf(
Point(sensor.x + xDelta, y = sensor.y + yDelta),
Point(sensor.x + xDelta, y = sensor.y - yDelta)
).filter { it.x in range && it.y in range }
private fun findPairForCurrentPointY(
sensor: Point, beacon: Point, point: Point
): Pair<Point, Point> {
val distance = sensor.calculateDistanceTo(beacon)
val rightPart = distance - abs(sensor.y - point.y)
val firstX = sensor.x + rightPart
val secondX = sensor.x - rightPart
return Point(minOf(firstX, secondX), point.y) to Point(maxOf(firstX, secondX), point.y)
private fun isPointOutsideOfAllSensors(
result: List<SensorToBeacon>, point: Point
) = result.all { (sensor, beacon) ->
sensor.calculateDistanceTo(point) > sensor.calculateDistanceTo(beacon)
fun main() {
fun part1(input: List<String>, row: Int): Int {
val result = parseInput(input)
val setOfBeacons = { it.beacon }.toSet()
val mutableResult = createSetOfIndexes(result, row)
return mutableResult.iteratePointsRange().count { it !in setOfBeacons }
fun part2(input: List<String>, size: Int): Point {
val result = parseInput(input)
return iteratePointsAroundEachSensor(
result = result,
size = size
).first { point -> isPointOutsideOfAllSensors(result, point) }
// test if implementation meets criteria from the description, like:
val testInput = readInput("Day15_test")
val part1Test = part1(testInput, 10)
val part2Test = part2(testInput, 20)
check(part1Test == 26)
check(part2Test.distressSignal() == 56000011L)
val input = readInput("Day15")
println(part1(input, 2000000))
println(part2(input, 4_000_000).distressSignal())
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 5 | c0f36ec0e2ce5d65c35d408dd50ba2ac96363772 | 3,795 | KotlinAdventOfCode | Apache License 2.0 |
src/Day04.kt | fasfsfgs | 573,562,215 | false | {"Kotlin": 52546} | fun checkOverlap(pair: Pair<IntRange, IntRange>, completely: Boolean = true): Boolean {
val elf1 = pair.first
val elf2 = pair.second
return if (completely) {
val smallest = minOf(elf1.last - elf1.first + 1, elf2.last - elf2.first + 1)
smallest == elf1.intersect(elf2).size
} else {
fun strToElfPair(strInput: String): Pair<IntRange, IntRange> {
return strInput
.map { strElf ->
val (start, end) = strElf.split('-').map { it.toInt() }
.map { Pair(it.first(), it[1]) }
fun main() {
fun part1(input: List<String>): Int {
val redundantPairs = input
.map { strToElfPair(it) }
.map { checkOverlap(it) }
.filter { it }
return redundantPairs.size
fun part2(input: List<String>): Int {
val redundantPairs = input
.map { strToElfPair(it) }
.map { checkOverlap(it, false) }
.filter { it }
return redundantPairs.size
// test if implementation meets criteria from the description, like:
val testInput = readInput("Day04_test")
check(part1(testInput) == 2)
check(part2(testInput) == 4)
val input = readInput("Day04")
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | 17cfd7ff4c1c48295021213e5a53cf09607b7144 | 1,412 | advent-of-code-2022 | Apache License 2.0 |
src/main/kotlin/de/nilsdruyen/aoc/Day08.kt | nilsjr | 571,758,796 | false | {"Kotlin": 15971} | package de.nilsdruyen.aoc
fun main() {
fun part1(input: List<String>): Int {
val forest = { { tree -> tree.digitToInt() } }
val forestWidth = forest.first().size - 1
val forestHeight = forest.size - 1
val outerVisible = forest.first().size * 2 + (forest.size * 2) - 4
val innerVisible = forest
.mapIndexed { indexR, row ->
row.mapIndexed { indexT, t ->
if (indexT in 1 until forestWidth && indexR in 1 until forestHeight) {
val leftVisible = forest[indexR].slice(0 until indexT).max() < t
val rightVisible = forest[indexR].slice(indexT + 1..forestWidth).max() < t
val topVisible = { it[indexT] }.slice(0 until indexR).max() < t
val bottomVisible = { it[indexT] }.slice(indexR + 1..forestHeight).max() < t
listOf(leftVisible, rightVisible, topVisible, bottomVisible).any { it }
} else {
.count { it }
return outerVisible + innerVisible
fun part2(input: List<String>): Int {
val forest = { { tree -> tree.digitToInt() } }
val forestWidth = forest.first().size - 1
val forestHeight = forest.size - 1
val scenicScore = forest
.mapIndexed { indexR, row ->
row.mapIndexed { indexT, t ->
if (indexT in 1 until forestWidth && indexR in 1 until forestHeight) {
val leftVisible = forest[indexR]
.slice(0 until indexT)
val rightVisible = forest[indexR].slice(indexT + 1..forestWidth)
val topVisible = forest
.map { it[indexT] }
.slice(0 until indexR)
val bottomVisible = { it[indexT] }.slice(indexR + 1..forestHeight)
println("check $indexR/$indexT - $t")
val list = listOf(leftVisible, rightVisible, topVisible, bottomVisible)
.map { direction ->
val zipped = direction.zipWithNext().ifEmpty { listOf(Pair(direction.first(), 0)) }
if (t <= zipped.first().first) {
} else {
zipped.takeWhile { it.first <= it.second }.oneIfEmpty()
.fold(1) { result, count -> result * count }
} else {
return scenicScore
// test if implementation meets criteria from the description, like:
val testInput = readInput("Day08_test")
check(part1(testInput) == 21)
check(part2(testInput) == 8)
check(part2(testInput) == 12)
val input = readInput("Day08")
println(part2(input)) // 1023568 too high , 360 low
private fun <T> List<T>.oneIfEmpty(): Int {
return if (this.isEmpty()) 1 else this.size + 1
} | 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | 1b71664d18076210e54b60bab1afda92e975d9ff | 3,575 | advent-of-code-2022 | Apache License 2.0 |
2021/kotlin/src/main/kotlin/nl/sanderp/aoc/aoc2021/day14/Day14.kt | sanderploegsma | 224,286,922 | false | {"C#": 233770, "Kotlin": 126791, "F#": 110333, "Go": 70654, "Python": 64250, "Scala": 11381, "Swift": 5153, "Elixir": 2770, "Jinja": 1263, "Ruby": 1171} | package nl.sanderp.aoc.aoc2021.day14
import nl.sanderp.aoc.common.increaseBy
import nl.sanderp.aoc.common.measureDuration
import nl.sanderp.aoc.common.prettyPrint
import nl.sanderp.aoc.common.readResource
fun main() {
val input = readResource("Day14.txt").lines()
val template = parseTemplate(input.first())
val rules = input.drop(2).associate { parseRule(it) }
val (answer1, duration1) = measureDuration<Long> { partOne(template, rules) }
println("Part one: $answer1 (took ${duration1.prettyPrint()})")
val (answer2, duration2) = measureDuration<Long> { partTwo(template, rules) }
println("Part one: $answer2 (took ${duration2.prettyPrint()})")
private fun parseTemplate(template: String) = template.zipWithNext { a, b -> a to b }.groupingBy { it }.eachCount().mapValues { it.value.toLong() }
private fun parseRule(rule: String) = rule.split(" -> ").let { (it[0][0] to it[0][1]) to it[1][0] }
private fun insert(polymer: Map<Pair<Char, Char>, Long>, rules: Map<Pair<Char, Char>, Char>) = buildMap<Pair<Char, Char>, Long> {
for ((pair, n) in polymer) {
val c = rules[pair]!!
increaseBy(pair.first to c, n)
increaseBy(c to pair.second, n)
private fun build(polymer: Map<Pair<Char, Char>, Long>, rules: Map<Pair<Char, Char>, Char>) = generateSequence(polymer) { insert(it, rules) }
private fun partOne(polymer: Map<Pair<Char, Char>, Long>, rules: Map<Pair<Char, Char>, Char>): Long {
val result = build(polymer, rules).drop(10).first()
val counts = { it.key.second to it.value }.groupBy { it.first }.mapValues { it.value.sumOf { it.second } }
return counts.maxOf { it.value } - counts.minOf { it.value }
private fun partTwo(polymer: Map<Pair<Char, Char>, Long>, rules: Map<Pair<Char, Char>, Char>): Long {
val result = build(polymer, rules).drop(40).first()
val counts = { it.key.second to it.value }.groupBy { it.first }.mapValues { it.value.sumOf { it.second } }
return counts.maxOf { it.value } - counts.minOf { it.value }
} | 0 | C# | 0 | 6 | 8e96dff21c23f08dcf665c68e9f3e60db821c1e5 | 2,049 | advent-of-code | MIT License |
src/year2022/day11/Day.kt | tiagoabrito | 573,609,974 | false | {"Kotlin": 73752} | package year2022.day11
import readInput
fun main() {
val day = "11"
val expectedTest1 = 10605L
val expectedTest2 = 2713310158L
data class Monkey(
var items: List<Long>,
val operType: (Long) -> Long,
val testDivisor: Long,
val destinationDivisible: Long,
val destinationNotDivisible: Long,
val processed: Long
) {
fun calculateDestinations(worryLevelDecreaser: Long, mmc: Long): Map<Long, List<Long>> {
return {
val newWorryLevel = (operType(it) / worryLevelDecreaser) % mmc
when (newWorryLevel % testDivisor) {
0L -> destinationDivisible
else -> destinationNotDivisible
} to newWorryLevel
}.groupBy({ it.first }, { it.second })
fun toFunction(it: List<String>): (Long) -> Long {
return when (it[it.size - 2]) {
"*" -> { a: Long -> a * (it.last().toLongOrNull() ?: a) }
"/" -> { a: Long -> a / (it.last().toLongOrNull() ?: a) }
"+" -> { a: Long -> a + (it.last().toLongOrNull() ?: a) }
"-" -> { a: Long -> a - (it.last().toLongOrNull() ?: a) }
else -> { _ -> throw IllegalArgumentException() }
fun geOriginalState(input: List<String>): Map<Long, Monkey> {
val originalMonkeys = input.chunked(7).mapIndexed { idx, chunk ->
idx * 1L to
items = chunk[1].split(":", ",", " ").mapNotNull { it.toLongOrNull() },
operType = toFunction(chunk[2].split(" ")),
testDivisor = chunk[3].split(" ").last().toLong(),
destinationDivisible = chunk[4].split(" ").last().toLong(),
destinationNotDivisible = chunk[5].split(" ").last().toLong(),
processed = 0
return originalMonkeys
fun getIt(input: List<String>, worryDecrease: Long, rounds: Int): Long {
val originalMonkeys = geOriginalState(input)
val mmc = { it.value.testDivisor }.reduce { a, b -> a * b }
return List(rounds) { List(originalMonkeys.size) { it * 1L } }.asSequence().flatten().fold(originalMonkeys) { acc, i ->
val destinations = acc[i]?.calculateDestinations(worryDecrease, mmc) ?: throw IllegalArgumentException() { e ->
e.key to e.value.copy(
items = when (e.key) {
i -> listOf()
else -> e.value.items + (destinations[e.key] ?: listOf())
processed = e.value.processed + when (e.key) {
i -> e.value.items.size
else -> 0
}.map { it.value.processed }
.reduce{ a, b -> a * b }
fun part1(input: List<String>): Long {
return getIt(input, 3, 20)
fun part2(input: List<String>): Long {
return getIt(input, 1, 10000)
// test if implementation meets criteria from the description, like:
val testInput = readInput("year2022/day$day/test")
val part1Test = part1(testInput)
check(part1Test == expectedTest1) { "expected $expectedTest1 but was $part1Test" }
val input = readInput("year2022/day$day/input")
val part2Test = part2(testInput)
check(part2Test == expectedTest2) { "expected $expectedTest2 but was $part2Test" }
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | 1f9becde3cbf5dcb345659a23cf9ff52718bbaf9 | 3,748 | adventOfCode | Apache License 2.0 |
kotlin/src/main/kotlin/year2023/Day12.kt | adrisalas | 725,641,735 | false | {"Kotlin": 130217, "Python": 1548} | package year2023
fun main() {
val input = readInput("Day12")
object Day12 {
private val memo = hashMapOf<Pair<String, List<Int>>, Long>()
fun part1(input: List<String>): Long {
return { line ->
val springs = line.split(" ")[0]
val numbers = line.split(" ")[1]
.filter { it.isNotBlank() }
.map { it.toInt() }
Pair(springs, numbers)
}.sumOf { countSolutions(it.first, it.second) }
private fun countSolutions(springs: String, numbers: List<Int>): Long {
if (numbers.isEmpty()) {
return if (springs.contains("#")) 0 else 1
if (springs.isEmpty()) {
return 0
return memo.getOrPut(Pair(springs, numbers)) {
var count = 0L
if (canBeAHealthySpring(springs.first())) {
count += countSolutions(springs.drop(1), numbers)
if (canStartWithAGroupOfBrokenSprings(springs, numbers.first())) {
count += countSolutions(springs.drop(numbers.first() + 1), numbers.drop(1))
private fun canBeAHealthySpring(spring: Char): Boolean {
return spring != '#'
private fun canStartWithAGroupOfBrokenSprings(springs: String, length: Int): Boolean {
val enoughSize = springs.length >= length
val hasNoHealthySprings = !springs.take(length).contains('.')
val hasSameSize = length == springs.length
val nextSpringIsNotBroken = springs.getOrNull(length) != '#'
return enoughSize && hasNoHealthySprings && (hasSameSize || nextSpringIsNotBroken)
fun part2(input: List<String>): Long {
return { line ->
val springs = "${line.split(" ")[0]}?"
val numbers = "${line.split(" ")[1]},"
.filter { it.isNotBlank() }
.map { it.toInt() }
Pair(springs, numbers)
}.sumOf { countSolutions(it.first, it.second) }
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 2 | 6733e3a270781ad0d0c383f7996be9f027c56c0e | 2,270 | advent-of-code | MIT License |
src/Day09.kt | thpz2210 | 575,577,457 | false | {"Kotlin": 50995} | import kotlin.math.abs
import kotlin.math.sign
private class Solution09(input: List<String>, ropeLength: Int) {
val moves = { it.split(" ") }.flatMap { (move, count) -> (0 until count.toInt()).map { move } }
var rope = (0 until ropeLength).map { Coordinate() }.toMutableList()
val tailPositions = mutableSetOf<Coordinate>()
fun solve(): Int {
for (m in moves) {
rope.indices.forEach { if (it == 0) moveHead(m) else if (hasToMove(it)) move(it) }
return tailPositions.size
private fun moveHead(m: String) {
val head = rope.first()
rope[0] = when (m) {
"U" -> Coordinate(head.x, head.y + 1)
"D" -> Coordinate(head.x, head.y - 1)
"L" -> Coordinate(head.x - 1, head.y)
"R" -> Coordinate(head.x + 1, head.y)
else -> throw IllegalArgumentException()
private fun hasToMove(node: Int): Boolean {
val predecessor = rope[node - 1]
val successor = rope[node]
return abs(predecessor.x - successor.x) > 1 || abs(predecessor.y - successor.y) > 1
private fun move(node: Int) {
val predecessor = rope[node - 1]
val successor = rope[node]
rope[node] = Coordinate(
successor.x - (successor.x - predecessor.x).sign,
successor.y - (successor.y - predecessor.y).sign
fun main() {
val testSolution = Solution09(readInput("Day09_test"), 2)
check(testSolution.solve() == 13)
val testSolution2 = Solution09(readInput("Day09_test"), 10)
check(testSolution2.solve() == 1)
val testSolution3 = Solution09(readInput("Day09_test2"), 10)
check(testSolution3.solve() == 36)
val solution = Solution09(readInput("Day09"), 2)
val solution2 = Solution09(readInput("Day09"), 10)
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | 69ed62889ed90692de2f40b42634b74245398633 | 1,960 | aoc-2022 | Apache License 2.0 |
y2017/src/main/kotlin/adventofcode/y2017/Day21.kt | Ruud-Wiegers | 434,225,587 | false | {"Kotlin": 503769} | package adventofcode.y2017
import adventofcode.util.algorithm.transpose
private val startingConfiguration: Square = ".#./..#/###".split('/')
object Day21 : AdventSolution(2017, 21, "Fractal Art") {
override fun solvePartOne(input: String) = puzzle(input, 5)
override fun solvePartTwo(input: String) = puzzle(input, 18)
private fun puzzle(input: String, i: Int): Int {
val rules = parseRewriteRules(input)
var grid = startingConfiguration
repeat(i) {
val squareSize = if (grid.size % 2 == 0) 2 else 3
grid = grid.step(squareSize, rules)
return grid.countLights()
private fun parseRewriteRules(input: String): Map<Square, Square> =
.map { it.split(" => ").map { it.split("/") } }
.flatMap { (old, new) -> old.symmetries().map { symmetryOfOld -> symmetryOfOld to new } }
private fun Square.symmetries(): List<Square> {
val rotations = generateSequence(this) { it.rotate() }.take(4).asIterable()
return rotations + { it.reversed() }
private fun Square.rotate(): Square = { i ->
.map { j -> this[j][i] }
.fold(StringBuilder(), StringBuilder::append)
private fun Square.step(squareSize: Int, fullRules: Map<Square, Square>): Square =
chunked(squareSize).flatMap { chunkRow -> { line -> line.chunked(squareSize) }
.map { square -> fullRules.getValue(square) }
.map { line -> line.fold(StringBuilder(), StringBuilder::append).toString() }
private fun Square.countLights() = sumOf { line -> line.count { char -> char == '#' } }
private typealias Square = List<String>
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 3 | fc35e6d5feeabdc18c86aba428abcf23d880c450 | 1,723 | advent-of-code | MIT License |
src/main/kotlin/Day7.kt | cbrentharris | 712,962,396 | false | {"Kotlin": 171464} | import kotlin.String
import kotlin.collections.List
object Day7 {
interface CardHand : Comparable<CardHand> {
val maxSimilarCards: Int
val bid: Long
val secondMaxSimilarCards: Int
val cards: CharArray
val cardValues: Map<Char, Int>
fun score(rank: Int): Long {
return bid * rank
override fun compareTo(other: CardHand): Int {
return compareBy<CardHand> { it.maxSimilarCards }
.thenBy { it.secondMaxSimilarCards }
.then { first, second ->
val thisCardValues = { cardValues[it] ?: 0 }
val otherCardValues = { cardValues[it] ?: 0 } { it.first - it.second }.firstOrNull { it != 0 } ?: 0
.compare(this, other)
data class CamelCardHandWithJokers(override val cards: CharArray, override val bid: Long) : CardHand {
override val maxSimilarCards: Int
private val possibleCards: CharArray =
arrayOf('J', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', 'T', 'Q', 'K', 'A').toCharArray()
override val secondMaxSimilarCards: Int
override val cardValues =
init {
val numJokers = cards.count { it == 'J' }
val nonJokers = cards.filter { it != 'J' }.groupBy { it }.mapValues { it.value.size }
val values = nonJokers.values.sortedDescending()
val maxNonJokers = values.firstOrNull() ?: 0
val secondMaxNonJokers = values.drop(1).firstOrNull() ?: 0
maxSimilarCards = maxNonJokers + numJokers
secondMaxSimilarCards = secondMaxNonJokers
companion object {
fun parse(input: String): CamelCardHandWithJokers {
val (cards, bid) = input.split(" ")
return CamelCardHandWithJokers(cards.toCharArray(), bid.toLong())
data class CamelCardHand(override val cards: CharArray, override val bid: Long) : CardHand {
override val maxSimilarCards: Int
override val secondMaxSimilarCards: Int
private val possibleCards: CharArray =
arrayOf('2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', 'T', 'J', 'Q', 'K', 'A').toCharArray()
override val cardValues =
init {
val grouped = cards.groupBy { it }.mapValues { it.value.size }
val values = grouped.values.sortedDescending()
maxSimilarCards = values.first()
secondMaxSimilarCards = values.drop(1).firstOrNull() ?: 0
companion object {
fun parse(input: String): CamelCardHand {
val (cards, bid) = input.split(" ")
return CamelCardHand(cards.toCharArray(), bid.toLong())
fun part1(input: List<String>): String {
val hands =
return score(hands).toString()
fun part2(input: List<String>): String {
val hands =
return score(hands).toString()
private fun score(hands: List<CardHand>): Long {
val sortedHands = hands.sorted()
return { (hand, index) -> hand.score(index + 1) }
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 1 | f689f8bbbf1a63fecf66e5e03b382becac5d0025 | 3,507 | kotlin-kringle | Apache License 2.0 |
src/year2015/day13/Day13.kt | lukaslebo | 573,423,392 | false | {"Kotlin": 222221} | package year2015.day13
import check
import readInput
fun main() {
// test if implementation meets criteria from the description, like:
val testInput = readInput("2015", "Day13_test")
check(part1(testInput), 330)
val input = readInput("2015", "Day13")
private fun part1(input: List<String>): Int {
val graph = parseGraph(input)
return getHappinessForBestSeatingCombination(graph)
private fun part2(input: List<String>): Int {
val graph = parseGraph(input).toMutableMap()
graph["Me"] = emptyMap()
return getHappinessForBestSeatingCombination(graph)
private fun parseGraph(input: List<String>): Map<String, Map<String, Int>> {
val graph = hashMapOf<String, MutableMap<String, Int>>()
val pattern = "(\\w+) would (gain|lose) (\\d+) happiness units by sitting next to (\\w+).".toRegex()
input.forEach { line ->
val (_, a, gainOrLose, happyness, b) = pattern.matchEntire(line)?.groupValues
?: error("Line not matching pattern: $line")
val change = (if (gainOrLose == "lose") -1 else 1) * happyness.toInt()
graph.getOrPut(a) { hashMapOf() } += b to change
return graph
private fun getHappinessForBestSeatingCombination(graph: Map<String, Map<String, Int>>): Int {
val combinations = getCombinations(graph.keys)
val totalHappinessByCombination = combinations.associateWith { combination ->
(combination.windowed(2) + listOf(listOf(combination.first(), combination.last()))).sumOf { (a, b) ->
(graph.getValue(a)[b] ?: 0) + (graph.getValue(b)[a] ?: 0)
return totalHappinessByCombination.values.max()
private fun getCombinations(remaining: Set<String>, people: List<String> = emptyList()): List<List<String>> {
if (remaining.isEmpty()) return listOf(people)
val result = mutableListOf<List<String>>()
for (person in remaining) {
result += getCombinations(remaining - person, people + person)
return result
} | 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 1 | f3cc3e935bfb49b6e121713dd558e11824b9465b | 2,038 | AdventOfCode | Apache License 2.0 |
kotlin/src/main/kotlin/com/github/jntakpe/aoc2021/days/day15/Day15.kt | jntakpe | 433,584,164 | false | {"Kotlin": 64657, "Rust": 51491} | package com.github.jntakpe.aoc2021.days.day15
import com.github.jntakpe.aoc2021.shared.Day
import com.github.jntakpe.aoc2021.shared.readInputLines
import java.util.*
object Day15 : Day {
override val input = Instructions.from(readInputLines(15))
override fun part1() = input.shortestPath()
override fun part2(): Int {
val scale = input.scale(5)
return scale.shortestPath()
class Instructions(private val positions: Map<Position, Int>, private val end: Position) {
companion object {
fun from(lines: List<String>): Instructions {
val positions = { l -> l.toCharArray().map { it.digitToInt() } }
.flatMapIndexed { y, i -> i.mapIndexed { x, v -> (Position(x, y) to v) } }
return Instructions(positions, positions.keys.last())
fun scale(times: Int): Instructions {
var positions = positions
listOf<(Position, Int) -> Position>({ p, i -> p.scaleX(end, i) }, { p, i -> p.scaleY(end, i) })
.forEach { scale ->
positions = (1 until times).fold(positions.toMutableMap()) { a, c ->
a.apply { putAll(positions.mapKeys { (p, _) -> scale(p, c) }.mapValues { (_, v) -> ((c + v - 1) % 9) + 1 }) }
return Instructions(positions, positions.keys.last())
fun shortestPath(): Int {
val queue = PriorityQueue<Node>().apply { add(Node(Position.START, 0)) }
val risks = positions.mapValues { (k, _) -> if (k == Position.START) 0 else Int.MAX_VALUE }.toMutableMap()
while (queue.isNotEmpty()) {
val node = queue.poll()
if (node.position == end) return risks[end]!!
if (risks[node.position]!! < node.risk) continue
.mapNotNull { p -> positions[p]?.let { Node(p, it + node.risk) } }
.filter { it.risk < risks[it.position]!! }
.forEach {
risks[it.position] = it.risk;
error("Shortest path not found")
class Node(val position: Position, val risk: Int) : Comparable<Node> {
override fun compareTo(other: Node) = risk - other.risk
data class Position(val x: Int, val y: Int) {
companion object {
val START = Position(0, 0)
fun adjacent() = listOf(copy(x = x - 1), copy(x = x + 1), copy(y = y - 1), copy(y = y + 1))
fun scaleX(size: Position, times: Int) = copy(x = x + (size.x + 1) * times)
fun scaleY(size: Position, times: Int) = copy(y = y + (size.y + 1) * times)
| 0 | Kotlin | 1 | 5 | 230b957cd18e44719fd581c7e380b5bcd46ea615 | 2,885 | aoc2021 | MIT License |
12/kotlin/src/main/kotlin/se/nyquist/Main.kt | erinyq712 | 437,223,266 | false | {"Kotlin": 91638, "C#": 10293, "Emacs Lisp": 4331, "Java": 3068, "JavaScript": 2766, "Perl": 1098} | package se.nyquist
fun main() {
val lines = File("input.txt").readLines()
val values = { it.split("-") }.toList()
val pairs = { Pair(it[0], it[1] )}.union( { Pair(it[1], it[0] )})
fun exercise1(pairs: List<Pair<String, String>>) {
val paths = buildAllPaths(pairs.distinct().toList())
println("Number of paths: ${paths.size}")
fun exercise2(pairs: List<Pair<String, String>>) {
val paths = buildAllPaths2(pairs.distinct().toList())
println("Number of paths: ${paths.size}")
fun buildAllPaths(values: List<Pair<String, String>>) : List<String> {
val startNodes = values.filter { it.first == "start"}.distinct().toList()
return startNodes.flatMap { findPathFrom(it, values, mutableListOf(it.first)) }.distinct()
fun findPathFrom(current: Pair<String, String>, values: List<Pair<String, String>>, visited : MutableList<String>) : List<String> {
if (visited.contains(current.second) && current.second == current.second.lowercase()) {
return listOf()
val next = values.filter { it.first == current.second && (it.second == it.second.uppercase() || ! visited.contains(it.second)) }
val result = mutableListOf<String>()
if (next.isNotEmpty()) {
next.forEach {
if (it.second != "end") {
val found = findPathFrom(it, values, visited)
if (found.isNotEmpty()) {
} else {
val path = visited.joinToString("-")
// println(path)
return result.distinct().toList()
fun buildAllPaths2(values: List<Pair<String, String>>) : List<String> {
val startNodes = values.filter { it.first == "start"}.distinct().toList()
return startNodes.flatMap { findPathFrom2(it, values, mutableListOf(it.first)) }.distinct()
fun findPathFrom2(current: Pair<String, String>, values: List<Pair<String, String>>, visited : MutableList<String>) : List<String> {
if (! isAcceptable(current, visited)) {
return listOf()
val next = values.filter { it.first == current.second && isAcceptable(it, visited) }
val result = mutableListOf<String>()
if (next.isNotEmpty()) {
next.forEach {
if (it.second != "end") {
val found = findPathFrom2(it, values, visited)
if (found.isNotEmpty()) {
} else {
val path = visited.joinToString("-")
// println(path)
return result.distinct().toList()
private fun isAcceptable(
it: Pair<String, String>,
visited: MutableList<String>
) : Boolean {
val isBigCave = it.second == it.second.uppercase()
val occurrenceMap = visited.filter { it == it.lowercase() }.groupingBy { it }.eachCount().filterNot { it.value == 1 }
return isBigCave || (it.second != "start" && occurrenceMap.size <= 1 && occurrenceMap.none{ it.value > 2 })
} | 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | b463e53f5cd503fe291df692618ef5a30673ac6f | 3,523 | adventofcode2021 | Apache License 2.0 |
y2023/src/main/kotlin/adventofcode/y2023/Day05.kt | Ruud-Wiegers | 434,225,587 | false | {"Kotlin": 503769} | package adventofcode.y2023
fun main() {
object Day05 : AdventSolution(2023, 5, "If You Give A Seed A Fertilizer") {
override fun solvePartOne(input: String): Long? {
val (seeds, converters) = parse(input)
return seeds.minOfOrNull { seed ->
converters.fold(seed) { category, converter -> converter.shift(category) }
override fun solvePartTwo(input: String): Long {
val (seeds, converters) = parse(input)
val seedRanges = seeds.chunked(2).map { (start, length) -> start until start + length }
return converters
.fold(seedRanges) { categoryRanges, converter ->
converter.cut(categoryRanges).map { categoryRange -> converter.shiftRange(categoryRange) }
.minOf { it.first }
private fun parse(input: String): Pair<List<Long>, List<Converter>> {
val sections = input.split("\n\n")
val seeds = sections[0].substringAfter("seeds: ").split(" ").map(String::toLong)
val converters = sections.drop(1).map { section ->
.map { line ->
val (dest, source, length) = line.split(" ").map(String::toLong)
Shifter(source until source + length, dest - source)
return Pair(seeds, converters)
private data class Converter(val ranges: List<Shifter>) {
//cut up the set of intervals such that each interval is entirely inside or outside a shifter
fun cut(categoryRanges: List<LongRange>) = ranges.fold(categoryRanges) { range, shifter ->
range.flatMap { it.cutWith(shifter.range) }
fun shift(input: Long) = input + (ranges.find { input in it.range }?.delta ?: 0L)
fun shiftRange(input: LongRange) = shift(input.first)..shift(input.last)
private data class Shifter(val range: LongRange, val delta: Long)
private fun LongRange.cutWith(interval: LongRange): List<LongRange> {
val before = first..last.coerceAtMost(interval.first - 1)
val inside = first.coerceAtLeast(interval.first)..last.coerceAtMost(interval.last)
val after = first.coerceAtLeast(interval.last + 1)..last
return listOf(before, inside, after).filterNot(LongRange::isEmpty)
} | 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 3 | fc35e6d5feeabdc18c86aba428abcf23d880c450 | 2,324 | advent-of-code | MIT License |
src/main/kotlin/eu/michalchomo/adventofcode/year2022/Day07.kt | MichalChomo | 572,214,942 | false | {"Kotlin": 56758} | package eu.michalchomo.adventofcode.year2022
sealed class File
data class DataFile(val size: Long) : File()
data class Directory(val path: String, val files: MutableList<File>) : File() {
fun size(): Long = files.sumOf {
when (it) {
is DataFile -> it.size
is Directory -> it.size()
data class MutablePair(var currentPath: String, val pathToDirectory: MutableMap<String, Directory>)
fun main() {
fun String.removeLastPathElement() = substringBeforeLast("/").ifEmpty { "/" }
fun List<String>.toDirectories(): List<Directory> =
fold(MutablePair("", mutableMapOf("/" to Directory("/", mutableListOf())))) { acc, s ->
when {
s == "$ ls" -> acc
s == "$ cd .." -> acc.apply { currentPath = currentPath.removeLastPathElement() }
s.startsWith("$ cd") -> acc.apply {
val path = if (currentPath.length < 2) currentPath else "$currentPath/"
currentPath = path + s.split(" ")[2]
s.startsWith("dir") -> acc.apply {
val path = if (currentPath == "/") currentPath else "$currentPath/"
Directory(path + s.split(" ")[1], mutableListOf()).let {
pathToDirectory[it.path] = it
else -> acc.apply {
pathToDirectory[currentPath]?.files?.add(DataFile(s.split(" ")[0].toLong()))
fun part1(input: List<String>): Long = input.toDirectories()
.map { it.size() }
.filter { it < 100_000 }
fun part2(input: List<String>): Long = input.toDirectories().let { directories ->
val neededSpace = directories.asSequence()
.filter { it.path == "/" }
.map { it.size() }
.let { usedSpace -> 30_000_000 - (70_000_000 - usedSpace) }
.map { it.size() }
.filter { it >= neededSpace }
val testInput = readInputLines("Day07_test")
check(part1(testInput) == 95437L)
check(part2(testInput) == 24933642L)
val input = readInputLines("Day07")
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | a95d478aee72034321fdf37930722c23b246dd6b | 2,494 | advent-of-code | Apache License 2.0 |
src/day08/Day08_functional.kt | seastco | 574,758,881 | false | {"Kotlin": 72220} | package day08
import readLines
* Credit goes to tginsberg (
* I'm experimenting with his solutions to better learn functional programming in Kotlin.
* Files without the _functional suffix are my original solutions.
private val input: List<String> = readLines("day08/input")
private val forest: Array<IntArray> = { row -> { it.digitToInt() }.toIntArray() }.toTypedArray()
private val rows: Int = forest.size
private val cols: Int = forest.first().size
private fun Array<IntArray>.isVisible(row: Int, col: Int): Boolean =
viewFrom(row, col) // get list in each direction
.any { direction -> // check for any direction...
direction.all { it < this[row][col] } // are all values in list less than current position?
private fun Array<IntArray>.viewFrom(row: Int, col: Int): List<List<Int>> =
(row - 1 downTo 0).map { this[it][col] }, // Up
(row + 1 until rows).map { this[it][col] }, // Down
this[row].take(col).asReversed(), // Left
this[row].drop(col + 1) // Right
inline fun <T> Iterable<T>.takeUntil(predicate: (T) -> Boolean): List<T> {
val list = ArrayList<T>()
for (item in this) {
if (predicate(item)) {
return list
fun Iterable<Int>.product(): Int = reduce { a, b -> a * b }
private fun Array<IntArray>.scoreAt(row: Int, col: Int): Int =
viewFrom(row, col) // get list in each direction
.map { direction -> direction // for each list/direction call takeUntil you find a bigger tree
.takeUntil { it >= this[row][col] }.count() // count the result of takeUntil for direction
}.product() // calculate the product of the results from the 4 directions
private fun part1(): Int {
var visibleCount =
(1 until rows - 1).sumOf { r -> // for each row...
(1 until cols - 1).count { c -> // for each col...
forest.isVisible(r, c) // is edge visible from here?
val perimeterCount = (2 * rows) + (2 * cols) - 4 // we skipped the perimeter from above, so calculate that here
visibleCount += perimeterCount
return visibleCount
private fun part2(): Int {
var scenicScore =
(1 until rows - 1).maxOf { r -> // for each row...
(1 until cols - 1).maxOf { c -> // for each col...
forest.scoreAt(r, c) // calculate the scenic score. maxOf will return the max.
return scenicScore
fun main() {
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | 2d8f796089cd53afc6b575d4b4279e70d99875f5 | 2,643 | aoc2022 | Apache License 2.0 |
src/year2023/day08/Day08.kt | lukaslebo | 573,423,392 | false | {"Kotlin": 222221} | package year2023.day08
import check
import lcm
import readInput
fun main() {
val testInput1 = readInput("2023", "Day08_test_part1")
val testInput2 = readInput("2023", "Day08_test_part2")
check(part1(testInput1), 6)
check(part2(testInput2), 6)
val input = readInput("2023", "Day08")
private fun part1(input: List<String>): Long {
val pathsByPos = input.getPathsByPos()
return pathsByPos.countStepsUntil(
startingPos = "AAA",
instructions = input.getInstructions(),
) { it == "ZZZ" }
private fun part2(input: List<String>): Long {
val pathsByPos = input.getPathsByPos()
val startingPositions = pathsByPos.keys.filter { it.endsWith("A") }
return { startingPos ->
startingPos = startingPos,
instructions = input.getInstructions(),
) { it.endsWith("Z") }
private fun Map<String, Pair<String, String>>.countStepsUntil(
startingPos: String,
instructions: Instructions,
predicate: (String) -> Boolean,
): Long {
var currentPos = startingPos
var steps = 0L
while (!predicate(currentPos)) {
currentPos = getValue(currentPos).take(
return steps
private enum class Direction { L, R }
private data class Instructions(val seq: List<Direction>, var index: Int = 0) {
fun next(): Direction = seq[index++ % seq.size]
private fun Pair<String, String>.take(dir: Direction): String = if (dir == Direction.L) first else second
private fun List<String>.getInstructions() = Instructions(first().map { if (it == 'L') Direction.L else Direction.R })
private fun List<String>.getPathsByPos() = drop(2).associate { line ->
val pos = line.substring(0, 3)
val left = line.substring(7, 10)
val right = line.substring(12, 15)
pos to Pair(left, right)
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 1 | f3cc3e935bfb49b6e121713dd558e11824b9465b | 1,953 | AdventOfCode | Apache License 2.0 |
src/Day15.kt | MatthiasDruwe | 571,730,990 | false | {"Kotlin": 47864} | import kotlin.math.abs
import kotlin.math.max
import kotlin.math.min
fun main() {
fun part1(input: List<String>, y: Long): Int {
val sensors = {
val values = it.split(" ")
val sensorX = values[2].split("=")[1].removeSuffix(",").toLong()
val sensorY = values[3].split("=")[1].removeSuffix(":").toLong()
val beaconX = values[8].split("=")[1].removeSuffix(",").toLong()
val beaconY = values[9].split("=")[1].toLong()
Pair(Pair(sensorX, sensorY), Pair(beaconX, beaconY))
val noBeacons = mutableSetOf<Pair<Long, Long>>()
sensors.forEach { pair ->
val sensor = pair.first
val beacon = pair.second
val distance =
abs(sensor.first - beacon.first) + abs(sensor.second - beacon.second)
if (distance - abs(sensor.second - y) >= 0) {
val x1 = distance - abs(sensor.second - y) + sensor.first
val x2 = -(distance - abs(sensor.second - y)) + sensor.first
for (i in min(x1, x2)..max(x1, x2)) {
noBeacons.add(Pair(i, y))
val output =
noBeacons.count { nobeacon -> sensors.find { it.first == nobeacon || it.second == nobeacon } == null }
return output
fun manhattanDistance(pair1: Pair<Long, Long>, pair2: Pair<Long, Long>): Long {
return abs(pair1.first - pair2.first) + abs(pair1.second - pair2.second)
fun part2(input: List<String>, size: Int): Long {
val sensors = {
val values = it.split(" ")
val sensorX = values[2].split("=")[1].removeSuffix(",").toLong()
val sensorY = values[3].split("=")[1].removeSuffix(":").toLong()
val beaconX = values[8].split("=")[1].removeSuffix(",").toLong()
val beaconY = values[9].split("=")[1].toLong()
Pair(Pair(sensorX, sensorY), Pair(beaconX, beaconY))
var point = Pair(0L, 0L)
for (y in 0..size) {
var x = 0
while (x <= size) {
val visibleSensors = sensors.filter {
manhattanDistance(it.first, Pair(x.toLong(), y.toLong())) <= manhattanDistance(it.first, it.second)
if (visibleSensors.isEmpty()) {
point = Pair(x.toLong(), y.toLong())
x = visibleSensors.maxOf {
) - abs(it.first.second - y) + it.first.first
.toInt() + 1
if (point != Pair(0L, 0L)) {
return point.first * 4000000 + point.second
// test if implementation meets criteria from the description, like:
val testInput = readInput("Day15_example")
check(part1(testInput, 10) == 26)
check(part2(testInput, 20) == 56000011L)
val input = readInput("Day15")
println(part1(input, 2000000))
println(part2(input, 4000000))
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | f35f01cea5075cfe7b4a1ead9b6480ffa57b4989 | 3,302 | Advent-of-code-2022 | Apache License 2.0 |
src/Day08.kt | armandmgt | 573,595,523 | false | {"Kotlin": 47774} | fun main() {
fun countInDir(input: List<String>, dir: Direction): MutableList<Pair<Int, Int>> {
val visibleTrees = mutableListOf<Pair<Int, Int>>()
var currentSize = -1
val range = when (dir) {
Direction.NORTH, Direction.WEST -> input.indices.reversed()
Direction.SOUTH, Direction.EAST -> input.indices
for (c in input.indices) {
for (m in range) {
val pos = when (dir) {
Direction.NORTH, Direction.SOUTH -> Pair(c, m)
Direction.WEST, Direction.EAST -> Pair(m, c)
if ((input[pos.first][pos.second] - '0') > currentSize) {
currentSize = input[pos.first][pos.second] - '0'
currentSize = -1
return visibleTrees;
fun part1(input: List<String>): Int {
return (countInDir(input, Direction.NORTH) + countInDir(input, Direction.SOUTH) +
countInDir(input, Direction.EAST) + countInDir(input, Direction.WEST)).toSet().size
fun viewFrom(input: List<String>, x: Int, y: Int, dir: Direction): Int {
var count = 0
val range = when (dir) {
Direction.NORTH -> (0 until y).reversed()
Direction.SOUTH -> (y + 1..input.lastIndex)
Direction.EAST -> (x + 1..input.lastIndex)
Direction.WEST -> (0 until x).reversed()
range.forEach {
count += 1
when (dir) {
Direction.NORTH, Direction.SOUTH ->
if (input[it][x] >= input[y][x]) return count
Direction.EAST, Direction.WEST ->
if (input[y][it] >= input[y][x]) return count
return count
fun scenicScore(input: List<String>, x: Int, y: Int): Int {
return viewFrom(input, x, y, Direction.NORTH) *
viewFrom(input, x, y, Direction.SOUTH) *
viewFrom(input, x, y, Direction.EAST) *
viewFrom(input, x, y, Direction.WEST)
fun part2(input: List<String>): Int {
return input.indices.maxOf { y ->
input.indices.maxOf { x ->
scenicScore(input, x, y)
// test if implementation meets criteria from the description, like:
val testInput = readInput("resources/Day08_test")
check(part1(testInput) == 21)
val input = readInput("resources/Day08")
check(part2(testInput) == 8)
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 1 | 0d63a5974dd65a88e99a70e04243512a8f286145 | 2,654 | advent_of_code_2022 | Apache License 2.0 |
src/Day07.kt | dmarmelo | 573,485,455 | false | {"Kotlin": 28178} | private typealias Command = Pair<String, List<String>>
sealed class FsEntry(
val name: String
) {
abstract val size: Int
private class Directory(
name: String,
var children: List<FsEntry> = emptyList()
) : FsEntry(name) {
override val size: Int
get() = children.sumOf { it.size }
private class File(
name: String,
override val size: Int,
) : FsEntry(name)
private fun Directory.findAllSubDirectorires(): List<Directory> =
.fold(emptyList()) { acc, directory ->
acc + directory + directory.findAllSubDirectorires()
private fun Directory.findSubDirectory(path: String): Directory? {
val subPaths = path.split("/").filter { it.isNotBlank() }
var currentDirectory = this
for (subPath in subPaths) {
currentDirectory = currentDirectory.children
.find { == subPath } ?: return null
return currentDirectory
fun main() {
fun String.parseInput(): List<Command> {
return split("$ ")
.map { it.trim() }
.map {
val lines = it.lines()
lines.first() to lines.drop(1)
fun List<Command>.buildFileTree(): Directory {
var currentPath = "/"
val root = Directory("/")
forEach { (command, output) ->
with(command) {
when {
startsWith("cd") -> {
currentPath = when (val argument = command.removePrefix("cd ")) {
"/" -> "/"
".." -> currentPath.substringBeforeLast("/", "/")
else ->
if (currentPath.endsWith("/")) currentPath + argument
else "$currentPath/$argument"
startsWith("ls") -> {
val newEntries = {
val (sizeOrType, name) = it.split(" ")
if (sizeOrType == "dir") {
} else {
File(name, sizeOrType.toInt())
root.findSubDirectory(currentPath)?.apply {
children += newEntries
} ?: error("Unknown path $currentPath")
else -> error("Unknown command $command")
return root
fun part1(root: Directory): Int {
return root.findAllSubDirectorires()
.map { it.size }
.filter { it <= 100_000 }
fun part2(root: Directory): Int {
val totalDiskSpace = 70_000_000
val spaceRequired = 30_000_000
val spaceUsed = root.size
val unusedSpace = totalDiskSpace - spaceUsed
val spaceToClean = spaceRequired - unusedSpace
return root.findAllSubDirectorires()
.map { it.size }
.filter { it >= spaceToClean }
// test if implementation meets criteria from the description, like:
val testInput = readInputText("Day07_test").parseInput().buildFileTree()
check(part1(testInput) == 95_437)
check(part2(testInput) == 24_933_642)
val input = readInputText("Day07").parseInput().buildFileTree()
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | 5d3cbd227f950693b813d2a5dc3220463ea9f0e4 | 3,667 | advent-of-code-2022 | Apache License 2.0 |
src/year_2022/day_01/Day01.kt | scottschmitz | 572,656,097 | false | {"Kotlin": 240069} | package year_2022.day_01
import readInput
data class Elf(val foodCalories: List<Int>) {
val totalCalories: Int get() = foodCalories.sum()
object Day01 {
* Calculate the position and elf with the most calories
* @return Elf position to Total Calories
fun solutionOne(elvesText: List<String>): Pair<Int, Int> {
val elves = parseElves(elvesText)
val highestCalorieElf = elves
.mapIndexed { index, elf -> index to elf }
.maxByOrNull { (_, elf) -> elf.totalCalories }!!
return highestCalorieElf.first + 1 to highestCalorieElf.second.totalCalories
* Calculate the total calories for the 3 elves with the most calories
* @return Sum of Top 3 Calorie Elves
fun solutionTwo(elvesText: List<String>): Int {
val elves = parseElves(elvesText)
return elves
.mapIndexed { index, elf -> index to elf }
.sortedByDescending { (_, elf) -> elf.totalCalories }
.subList(0, 3)
.sumOf { (_, elf) -> elf.totalCalories }
private fun parseElves(input: List<String>): List<Elf> {
val mutableElves = mutableListOf<Elf>()
var currentFoodList = mutableListOf<Int>()
input.forEach { text ->
if (text.isEmpty()) {
currentFoodList = mutableListOf()
} else {
return mutableElves
fun main() {
val elvesText = readInput("year_2022/day_01/Day01.txt")
val solutionOne = Day01.solutionOne(elvesText)
println("Solution 1: Elf: ${solutionOne.first}. Total Calories: ${solutionOne.second}")
val solutionTwo = Day01.solutionTwo(elvesText)
println("Solution 2: Total 3 Total Calories: $solutionTwo")
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | 70efc56e68771aa98eea6920eb35c8c17d0fc7ac | 1,954 | advent_of_code | Apache License 2.0 |