stringlengths 5
| owner
stringlengths 2
| repo_id
int64 1.49M
| is_fork
bool 2
classes | languages_distribution
stringlengths 16
⌀ | content
stringlengths 446
| issues
float64 0
| main_language
stringclasses 37
values | forks
int64 0
| stars
int64 0
| commit_sha
stringlengths 40
| size
int64 446
| name
stringlengths 2
| license
stringclasses 15
values |
src/day02/Day02.kt | voom | 573,037,586 | false | {"Kotlin": 12156} | package day02
import day02.Move.*
import day02.RoundResult.*
import readInput
* --- Day 2: Rock Paper Scissors ---
fun main() {
val choiceScore = mapOf(
ROCK to 1,
PAPER to 2,
fun calcRoundScore(pair: Pair<Move, Move>): Int {
val comparator = ResultComparator()
val result: RoundResult = when (, pair.second)) {
-1 -> LOST
0 -> DRAW
1 -> WIN
else -> throw IllegalArgumentException("Unknown result")
return result.score + choiceScore[pair.second]!!
fun parseMove(code: String): Move {
return when (code) {
"A", "X" -> ROCK
"B", "Y" -> PAPER
"C", "Z" -> SCISSORS
else -> throw IllegalArgumentException("Unknown code $code")
The first column is what your opponent is going to play: A for Rock, B for Paper, and C for Scissors.
The second column, you reason, must be what you should play in response: X for Rock, Y for Paper, and Z for Scissors.
The score for a single round is the score for the shape you selected (1 for Rock, 2 for Paper, and 3 for Scissors)
plus the score for the outcome of the round (0 if you lost, 3 if the round was a draw, and 6 if you won).
fun part1(input: List<String>): Int = input
.map {
val (o1, o2) = it.split(" ")
Pair(parseMove(o1), parseMove(o2))
.sumOf { calcRoundScore(it) }
fun parseExpectedResult(o2: String): RoundResult {
return when (o2) {
"X" -> LOST
"Y" -> DRAW
"Z" -> WIN
else -> throw IllegalArgumentException("Unknown code $o2")
fun predictMove(move: Move, expectedResult: RoundResult): Move {
val comparator = ResultComparator()
return when (expectedResult) {
LOST -> Move.values().single {, it) == -1 }
DRAW -> Move.values().single {, it) == 0 }
WIN -> Move.values().single {, it) == 1 }
Anyway, the second column says how the round needs to end: X means you need to lose, Y means you need to end the round in a draw, and Z means you need to win.
fun part2(input: List<String>): Int = input
.map {
val (o1, o2) = it.split(" ")
Pair(parseMove(o1), predictMove(parseMove(o1), parseExpectedResult(o2)))
.sumOf { calcRoundScore(it) }
// test if implementation meets criteria from the description, like:
val testInput = readInput("day02/test_input")
check(part1(testInput) == 15)
check(part2(testInput) == 12)
val input = readInput("day02/input")
// An alternative way to solve the puzzles in a very short way
val parsed = input
.map { it.split(" ").map(String::first) }
.map { (him, me) -> (him - 'A') to (me - 'X') }
println(parsed.sumOf { (him, me) -> ((me + 4 - him) % 3) * 3 + me + 1 })
println(parsed.sumOf { (him, me) -> (me + 2 + him) % 3 + 1 + me * 3 })
enum class RoundResult(val score: Int) {
enum class Move {
class ResultComparator : Comparator<Move> {
override fun compare(op: Move, my: Move): Int {
return when {
op == my -> 0
(op == ROCK && my == PAPER)
|| (op == PAPER && my == SCISSORS)
|| (op == SCISSORS && my == ROCK) -> 1
else -> -1
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 1 | a8eb7f7b881d6643116ab8a29177d738d6946a75 | 3,796 | aoc2022 | Apache License 2.0 |
src/aoc2022/Day12.kt | NoMoor | 571,730,615 | false | {"Kotlin": 101800} | package aoc2022
import utils.*
import utils.Coord.Companion.get
import java.util.*
private class Day12(val lines: List<String>) {
private fun parseInput(filter: (Node, Node) -> Boolean): List<Node> {
val nodes = { it.toList() }.mapIndexed { r, row ->
row.mapIndexed { c, value ->
Node(r, c, value)
nodes.forEach { row ->
row.forEach { node ->
node.edges.addAll(node.loc.neighborsBounded(row.size, nodes.size, "+")
.map { neighbor -> nodes[neighbor] }
.filter { neighbor -> filter(node, neighbor) }
return nodes.flatten()
fun part1(): Any? {
val nodes = parseInput { node, neighbor -> neighbor.height() - 1 <= node.height() }
val pq = PriorityQueue<Pair<Node, Int>>(compareBy { it.second })
val distances = mutableMapOf<Node, Int>()
pq.add(nodes.first { it.value == 'S' } to 0)
while (pq.isNotEmpty()) {
val (node, dist) = pq.poll()
if (distances.getOrDefault(node, Int.MAX_VALUE) <= dist) {
distances[node] = dist
if (node.value == 'E') {
return dist
pq.addAll( { it to dist + 1 })
return null
fun part2(): Any? {
val nodes = parseInput { neighbor, node -> neighbor.height() - 1 <= node.height() }
val pq = PriorityQueue<Pair<Node, Int>>(compareBy { it.second })
val distances = mutableMapOf<Node, Int>()
pq.add(nodes.first { it.value == 'E' } to 0)
while (pq.isNotEmpty()) {
val (node, dist) = pq.poll()
if (distances.getOrDefault(node, Int.MAX_VALUE) <= dist) {
distances[node] = dist
if (node.height() == 'a'.code) {
return dist
pq.addAll( { it to dist + 1 })
return null
data class Node(val r: Int, val c: Int, val value: Char) {
val loc = Coord.rc(r, c)
val edges = mutableListOf<Node>()
fun height(): Int {
return when (value) {
'S' -> 'a'.code
'E' -> 'z'.code
else -> value.code
fun main() {
val day = "12".toInt()
val todayTest = Day12(readInput(day, 2022, true))
execute(todayTest::part1, "Day[Test] $day: pt 1", 31)
val today = Day12(readInput(day, 2022))
execute(today::part1, "Day $day: pt 1", 380)
execute(todayTest::part2, "Day[Test] $day: pt 2", 29)
execute(today::part2, "Day $day: pt 2", 375)
| 0 | Kotlin | 1 | 2 | d561db73c98d2d82e7e4bc6ef35b599f98b3e333 | 2,447 | aoc2022 | Apache License 2.0 |
src/day/_12/Day12.kt | Tchorzyksen37 | 572,924,533 | false | {"Kotlin": 42709} | package day._12
import readInput
class Day12(private val nodes: List<List<Node>>) {
private val bounds = Bounds(nodes.first().indices, nodes.indices)
private val end = findNode { it.state == State.END }
fun findShortestPath(isDestination: (Node) -> Boolean): Int {
val frontier: ArrayDeque<Step> = ArrayDeque(listOf(Step(end, 0)))
val reached = mutableSetOf(end)
while (frontier.isNotEmpty()) {
val current = frontier.removeFirst()
if (isDestination(current.node)) return current.distance
.filter { bounds.contains(it) }
.map { nodes[it] }
.filter { current.node.height - 1 <= it.height }
.filter { it !in reached }
.forEach {
frontier.add(current nextStep it)
throw IllegalStateException("Could not find a path that meets the criteria.")
private fun findNode(predicate: (Node) -> Boolean): Node = nodes.flatten().first(predicate)
private operator fun <T> List<List<T>>.get(coordinates: Coordinates) = this[coordinates.y][coordinates.x]
private class Bounds(private val eastWestBounds: IntRange, private val northSouthBounds: IntRange) {
operator fun contains(coordinates: Coordinates): Boolean =
coordinates.x in eastWestBounds && coordinates.y in northSouthBounds
companion object {
fun parse(input: List<String>): List<List<Node>> = input.mapIndexed { index, s ->
s.mapIndexed { strIndex, char ->
Node.from(Coordinates(strIndex, index), char)
data class Step(val node: Node, val distance: Int) {
infix fun nextStep(node: Node) = Step(node, distance + 1)
data class Coordinates(val x: Int, val y: Int) {
val adjacent: List<Coordinates> by lazy {
listOf(Coordinates(x - 1, y), Coordinates(x + 1, y), Coordinates(x, y - 1), Coordinates(x, y + 1))
data class Node(val coordinates: Coordinates, val height: Int, val state: State) {
companion object {
fun from(coordinates: Coordinates, char: Char): Node {
val height = when (char) {
'S' -> 0; 'E' -> 'z' - 'a'; else -> char - 'a'
return Node(coordinates, height, State.from(char))
enum class State {
companion object {
fun from(char: Char): State = when (char) {
'S' -> START;'E' -> END;else -> INTERMEDIATE
fun main() {
val testNodes = Day12.parse(readInput("day/_12/Day12_test"))
check(Day12(testNodes).findShortestPath { it.state == State.START } == 31)
check(Day12(testNodes).findShortestPath { it.height == 0 } == 29)
val nodes = Day12.parse(readInput("day/_12/Day12"))
println(Day12(nodes).findShortestPath { it.state == State.START })
println(Day12(nodes).findShortestPath { it.height == 0 })
} | 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | 27d4f1a6efee1c79d8ae601872cd3fa91145a3bd | 2,708 | advent-of-code-2022 | Apache License 2.0 |
src/Day07.kt | jorgecastrejon | 573,097,701 | false | {"Kotlin": 33669} | fun main() {
fun part1(input: List<String>): Long {
val (_, dirs) = generateTree(root = TreeItem.Dir("/"), input)
return dirs.filter { it.size <= 100000L }.sumOf(TreeItem.Dir::size)
fun part2(input: List<String>): Long {
val (root, dirs) = generateTree(root = TreeItem.Dir("/"), input)
val toBeDelete = 30000000L - (70000000 - root.size)
return dirs.filter { it.size >= toBeDelete }.minBy(TreeItem.Dir::size).size
val input = readInput("Day07")
private fun generateTree(root: TreeItem.Dir, input: List<String>): Pair<TreeItem.Dir, List<TreeItem.Dir>> {
val dirs = mutableListOf<TreeItem.Dir>()
input.fold(root) { tree, string ->
when {
string == "\$ cd /" -> root
string == "\$ cd .." -> tree.parent!!
string.startsWith("\$ cd") -> {
.find { == string.split(" ").last() }!!
string == "\$ ls" -> tree
string.startsWith("dir") -> {
val name = string.split(" ").last()
val dir = TreeItem.Dir(name = name, parent = tree)
else -> {
val size = string.split(" ").first().toLong()
val name = string.split(" ").last()
val dir = TreeItem.File(name = name, parent = tree, size = size)
return root to dirs
private sealed class TreeItem {
abstract val size: Long
data class Dir(
val name: String,
val items: MutableList<TreeItem> = mutableListOf(),
val parent: Dir? = null
) : TreeItem() {
override val size: Long get() = items.sumOf { it.size }
data class File(
val name: String,
override val size: Long,
val parent: Dir? = null
) : TreeItem()
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | d83b6cea997bd18956141fa10e9188a82c138035 | 2,112 | aoc-2022 | Apache License 2.0 |
src/main/kotlin/Day08.kt | Vampire | 572,990,104 | false | {"Kotlin": 57326} | fun main() {
data class Tree(
val height: Int,
var n: Tree? = null,
var e: Tree? = null,
var s: Tree? = null,
var w: Tree? = null
fun buildForest(map: List<String>) = map
.map {
.map {
it.reduce { w, e ->
w.e = e
e.w = w
.reduce { nRow, sRow -> { n, s ->
n.s = s
s.n = n
.let { tree ->
generateSequence(tree, Tree::e) + generateSequence(tree.w, Tree::w)
.flatMap { tree ->
generateSequence(tree, Tree::n) + generateSequence(tree.s, Tree::s)
fun part1(input: List<String>) = buildForest(input)
.filter { tree ->
generateSequence(tree.n, Tree::n),
generateSequence(tree.e, Tree::e),
generateSequence(tree.s, Tree::s),
generateSequence(tree.w, Tree::w)
).any { it.all { it.height < tree.height } }
fun part2(input: List<String>) = buildForest(input)
.map { tree ->
generateSequence(tree.n, Tree::n) + Tree(Int.MAX_VALUE),
generateSequence(tree.e, Tree::e) + Tree(Int.MAX_VALUE),
generateSequence(tree.s, Tree::s) + Tree(Int.MAX_VALUE),
generateSequence(tree.w, Tree::w) + Tree(Int.MAX_VALUE)
).map {
val i = it.indexOfFirst { it.height >= tree.height }
when {
it.count() == 0 -> 0
i == it.count() - 1 -> i
else -> i + 1
val testInput = readStrings("Day08_test")
check(part1(testInput) == 21)
val input = readStrings("Day08")
check(part2(testInput) == 8)
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | 16a31a0b353f4b1ce3c6e9cdccbf8f0cadde1f1f | 2,302 | aoc-2022 | Apache License 2.0 |
src/Day07.kt | bigtlb | 573,081,626 | false | {"Kotlin": 38940} | fun main() {
open class File(val name: String, open val size: Long)
class Dir(name: String, val parent: Dir? = null, val files: MutableList<File> = mutableListOf()) : File(name, 0) {
val head: Dir get() = parent?.head ?: this
override val size: Long get() = files.sumOf(File::size)
operator fun get(name: String): Dir? = files.firstOrNull { == name && it is Dir } as Dir
fun asList(): List<File> = files.flatMap { if (it is Dir) it.asList() else listOf(it) } + this
fun parseTree(input: List<String>): Dir =
input.fold(null as Dir?) { acc, cur ->
val tokens = cur.split(' ')
when {
// Parse commands
tokens[0] == "$" ->
when (tokens[1]) {
// change directory, move accumulator
"cd" ->
when (tokens[2]) {
".." -> acc?.parent
else -> acc?.let {
acc[tokens[2]] ?: {
files.add(Dir(tokens[2], acc))
} ?: Dir(tokens[2])
else -> acc
else -> {
when {
tokens[0] == "dir" ->
acc?.apply { files.add(Dir(tokens[1], acc)) }
else ->
acc?.apply { files.add(File(tokens[1], tokens[0].toLong())) }
}?.head ?: Dir("Not Found")
fun part1(input: List<String>): Long =
parseTree(input).asList().sumOf { if (it is Dir && it.size <= 100_000) it.size else 0L } ?: 0L
fun part2(input: List<String>): Long = parseTree(input).run{
val need = 30_000_000 - (70_000_000 - size)
asList().filterIsInstance<Dir>().sortedBy { it.size }.first { it.size > need }.size
// test if implementation meets criteria from the description, like:
val testInput = readInput("Day07_test")
check(part1(testInput) == 95437L)
check(part2(testInput) == 24933642L)
val input = readInput("Day07")
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | d8f76d3c75a30ae00c563c997ed2fb54827ea94a | 2,454 | aoc-2022-demo | Apache License 2.0 |
src/main/kotlin/com/ryanmoelter/advent/day08/Tree.kt | ryanmoelter | 573,615,605 | false | {"Kotlin": 84397} | package com.ryanmoelter.advent.day08
typealias Grid<T> = List<List<T>>
fun main() {
fun findMostScenicTree(input: String): Int {
val grid = input.parseGrid()
val spaceGrid =
grid.spaceRight() times grid.spaceLeft() times grid.spaceUp() times grid.spaceDown()
return spaceGrid.maxOf { row -> row.max() }
private infix fun Grid<Int>.times(other: Grid<Int>): Grid<Int> =
mapIndexed { rowIndex, row ->
row.mapIndexed { columnIndex, space -> space * other[rowIndex][columnIndex] }
fun Grid<Int>.spaceRight(): Grid<Int> = map { it.spaceToRight() }
fun Grid<Int>.spaceLeft(): Grid<Int> = map { it.reversed() }
.map { it.reversed() }
private fun Grid<Int>.spaceDown(): Grid<Int> = columns()
private fun Grid<Int>.spaceUp(): Grid<Int> = reversed()
// Look right
fun List<Int>.spaceToRight(): List<Int> = mapIndexed { index, height ->
var workingIndex = index + 1
var lastHeight = -1
var trees = 0
while (workingIndex <= this.lastIndex && lastHeight < height) {
lastHeight = this[workingIndex]
// Part 1
fun findVisibleTrees(input: String): Int {
val grid = input.parseGrid()
val visibleGrid = grid.lookLeft() or grid.lookRight() or grid.lookDown() or grid.lookUp()
return visibleGrid.sumOf { row -> row.sumOf { visible -> if (visible) 1 else 0 as Int } }
private infix fun Grid<Boolean>.or(other: Grid<Boolean>): Grid<Boolean> =
mapIndexed { rowIndex, row ->
row.mapIndexed { columnIndex, visible -> visible || other[rowIndex][columnIndex] }
private fun Grid<Int>.lookLeft(): Grid<Boolean> = map { it.look() }
private fun Grid<Int>.lookRight(): Grid<Boolean> = map { it.reversed() }
.map { it.reversed() }
private fun Grid<Int>.lookUp(): Grid<Boolean> = columns()
private fun Grid<Int>.lookDown(): Grid<Boolean> = reversed()
private fun List<Int>.look(): List<Boolean> {
var tallestSoFar = -1
return fold(emptyList()) { acc, height ->
acc + if (height > tallestSoFar) {
tallestSoFar = height
} else {
private fun String.parseGrid(): Grid<Int> = lines()
.map { { char -> char.digitToInt() } }
private fun <T> Grid<T>.columns(): Grid<T> = this[0] { getColumn(it) }
private fun <T> Grid<T>.getColumn(index: Int) = map { it[index] }
private fun Grid<Int>.print() {
println(fold("") { acc, row ->
acc + row.fold("") { rowString, space ->
rowString + space
} + "\n"
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | aba1b98a1753fa3f217b70bf55b1f2ff3f69b769 | 2,713 | advent-of-code-2022 | Apache License 2.0 |
src/main/kotlin/days/Day12.kt | vovarova | 726,012,901 | false | {"Kotlin": 48551} | package days
import util.DAY_FILE
import util.DayInput
class Day12 : Day("12") {
class Line(val symbols: List<Char>, val numbers: List<Int>) {
fun validSimple(resultIndexes: List<Int>): Boolean {
return if (resultIndexes.isEmpty()) {
} else {
val lastNumber = numbers[resultIndexes.size - 1]
IntRange(0, resultIndexes.last() + lastNumber - 1).filter {
symbols[it] == '#'
}.count() == numbers.subList(0, resultIndexes.size).sum()
&& resultIndexes.last() + lastNumber + numbers.subList(resultIndexes.size, numbers.size)
.sum() <=symbols.size
fun valid(): Boolean {
return numbers.sum() == symbols.count { it == '#' }
override fun partOne(dayInput: DayInput): Any {
val lines = dayInput.inputList().map { it.split(" ") }.map {
Line(it[0].toList(), it[1].split(",").map { it.toInt() })
val map = {
it to findArrangmentsRecirsively(it)
return { it.second.size }.sum()
fun constructLine(line: Line, resultIndexes: List<Int>): Line {
val mutableListOf = mutableListOf(*line.symbols.toTypedArray())
resultIndexes.mapIndexed { index, value -> IntRange(value, value + line.numbers[index] - 1) }.flatten()
.map { mutableListOf[it] = '#' }
return Line(mutableListOf, line.numbers)
fun findArrangmentsRecirsively(
line: Line,
numbers: List<Int> = line.numbers,
startFrom: Int = 0,
resultIndexes: List<Int> = listOf()
): List<Line> {
if (numbers.isEmpty()) {
val constructLine = constructLine(line, resultIndexes)
return if (constructLine.valid()) {
} else {
println("Not valid lines ${constructLine.symbols}, ${constructLine.numbers}")
val constructLine = constructLine(line, resultIndexes)
if (!constructLine.validSimple(resultIndexes)) {
//println("Not valid lines ${constructLine.symbols}, ${constructLine.numbers}")
return listOf()
val number = numbers.first()
return line.symbols.windowed(number, 1).mapIndexed { index, value ->
index to value.all { it == '?' || it == '#' }
}.filter { it.second }.filter { it.first >= startFrom }.map { it.first }
.map {
numbers.subList(1, numbers.size),
it + number + 1,
resultIndexes + listOf(it)
override fun partTwo(dayInput: DayInput): Any {
val lines = dayInput.inputList().map { it.split(" ") }.map {
Line(it[0].toList(), it[1].split(",").map { it.toInt() })
}.map {
it.symbols + listOf('?') + it.symbols + listOf('?') + it.symbols + listOf('?') + it.symbols + listOf('?') + it.symbols,
it.numbers + it.numbers + it.numbers + it.numbers + it.numbers
val map = lines.subList(2,5).mapIndexed { index, line ->
println("Line ${index}")
line to findArrangmentsRecirsively(line)
return { it.second.size }.sum()
fun main() {
println(Day12().partTwo(DayInput("12", DAY_FILE.INPUT)))
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | 77df1de2a663def33b6f261c87238c17bbf0c1c3 | 3,638 | adventofcode_2023 | Creative Commons Zero v1.0 Universal |
src/Day08.kt | BenHopeITC | 573,352,155 | false | null | data class Tree(
val treeHeight: Int,
val treesLeft: List<Int>,
val treesRight: List<Int>,
val treesTop: List<Int>,
val treesBottom: List<Int>
) {
fun isVisible(): Boolean {
if (treesLeft.isEmpty() || treesRight.isEmpty() || treesTop.isEmpty() || treesBottom.isEmpty()) {
return true
if (treesLeft.none { it >= treeHeight } || treesRight.none { it >= treeHeight } || treesTop.none { it >= treeHeight } || treesBottom.none { it >= treeHeight }) {
return true
return false // otherwise not visible
fun viewScore(): Int {
val scoreLeft = treesLeft.indexOfFirst { it >= treeHeight }.toViewScore(treesLeft.size)
val scoreRight = treesRight.indexOfFirst { it >= treeHeight }.toViewScore(treesRight.size)
val scoreTop = treesTop.indexOfFirst { it >= treeHeight }.toViewScore(treesTop.size)
val scoreBottom = treesBottom.indexOfFirst { it >= treeHeight }.toViewScore(treesBottom.size)
return scoreLeft * scoreRight * scoreTop * scoreBottom
private fun Int.toViewScore(treeCount: Int) = if (this == -1) treeCount else this + 1
fun main() {
val day = "Day08"
fun treesFrom(input: List<String>): List<Tree> {
val columns = mutableMapOf<Int, String>() { treeRow ->
}.forEach {
it.forEachIndexed { i, c ->
val currentVal = columns.getOrDefault(i, "")
columns[i] = currentVal + c.toString()
// .also { println(columns) }
val treeObjs = mutableListOf<Tree>()
input.mapIndexed { rowIndex, treeRow ->
val trees = treeRow.toCharArray().map { it.toString().toInt() }
trees.forEachIndexed { columnIndex, treeHeight ->
val treesLeft = trees.subList(0, columnIndex).reversed()
val treesRight = trees.subList(columnIndex + 1, trees.size)
// println("$tree trees left: $treesLeft, right: $treesRight")
val colTrees = columns[columnIndex]!!.toCharArray().map { it.toString().toInt() }
val treesTop = colTrees.subList(0, rowIndex).reversed()
val treesBottom = colTrees.subList(rowIndex + 1, colTrees.size)
// println("$tree trees top: $treesTop, bottom: $treesBottom")
treeObjs.add(Tree(treeHeight, treesLeft, treesRight, treesTop, treesBottom))
return treeObjs
fun part1(input: List<String>): Int {
return treesFrom(input).count { it.isVisible() }
fun part2(input: List<String>): Int {
return treesFrom(input).maxOf { it.viewScore() }
// test if implementation meets criteria from the description, like:
// val testInput = readInput("${day}_test")
// println(part1(testInput))
// check(part1(testInput) == 21)
// test if implementation meets criteria from the description, like:
// val testInput2 = readInput("${day}_test")
// println(part2(testInput2))
// check(part2(testInput2) == 8)
val input = readInput(day)
check(part1(input) == 1715)
check(part2(input) == 374400)
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | 851b9522d3a64840494b21ff31d83bf8470c9a03 | 3,297 | advent-of-code-2022-kotlin | Apache License 2.0 |
src/Day12.kt | kipwoker | 572,884,607 | false | null | class Day12Input(
val graph: Map<Point, Int>,
val start: Point,
val end: Point
data class Trace(val weight: Int, val current: Point, val prev: Point?, val distance: Int)
fun main() {
fun getNeighbors(point: Point, graph: Map<Point, Int>): List<Point> {
return listOf(
Point(point.x - 1, point.y),
Point(point.x + 1, point.y),
Point(point.x, point.y - 1),
Point(point.x, point.y + 1)
).filter { graph.contains(it) }
fun search(graph: Map<Point, Int>, startPoints: List<Point>, endPoint: Point): Int {
val visited = startPoints.toMutableSet()
val queue = ArrayDeque( { start -> Trace(graph[start]!!, start, null, 0) }
while (queue.isNotEmpty()) {
val item = queue.removeFirst()
if (item.current == endPoint) {
return item.distance
val source = item.current
val sourceWeight = graph[source]!!
for (target in getNeighbors(source, graph)) {
val targetWeight = graph[target]!!
if (targetWeight - sourceWeight > 1 || target in visited) {
queue.addLast(Trace(targetWeight, target, source, item.distance + 1))
return -1
fun parse(input: List<String>): Day12Input {
var start = Point(0, 0)
var end = Point(0, 0)
val graph = input.mapIndexed { i, line ->
line.mapIndexed { j, cell ->
val value: Int = when (cell) {
'S' -> {
start = Point(i, j)
'E' -> {
end = Point(i, j)
'z' - 'a' + 1
else ->
(cell - 'a' + 1)
Point(i, j) to value
return Day12Input(graph, start, end)
fun part1(input: List<String>): Int {
val day12Input = parse(input)
return search(day12Input.graph, listOf(day12Input.start), day12Input.end)
fun part2(input: List<String>): Int {
val day12Input = parse(input)
val startPoints = day12Input.graph.filter { it.value == 1 }.map { it.key }
return search(day12Input.graph, startPoints, day12Input.end)
val testInput = readInput("Day12_test")
assert(part1(testInput), 31)
assert(part2(testInput), 29)
val input = readInput("Day12")
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | d8aeea88d1ab3dc4a07b2ff5b071df0715202af2 | 2,760 | aoc2022 | Apache License 2.0 |
src/Day12.kt | Jintin | 573,640,224 | false | {"Kotlin": 30591} | import java.util.LinkedList
fun main() {
fun buildMap(input: List<String>, sMapping: Char, eMapping: Char): List<List<Int>> {
return { s ->
s.replace('S', sMapping).replace('E', eMapping).map { it.code }
fun find(map: List<List<Int>>, start: Char, end: Char, check: (Int, Int) -> Boolean): Int {
val q = LinkedList<Pair<Int, Int>>()
val levels = MutableList(map.size) { MutableList(map[0].size) { Int.MAX_VALUE } }
map.forEachIndexed { i, chars ->
val j = chars.indexOf(start.code)
if (j != -1) {
levels[i][j] = 0
q.offer(Pair(i, j))
while (q.isNotEmpty()) {
val (x, y) = q.poll()
if (end.code == map[x][y]) {
return levels[x][y]
if (x > 0 && check(map[x - 1][y], map[x][y]) && levels[x - 1][y] > levels[x][y] + 1) {
levels[x - 1][y] = levels[x][y] + 1
q.offer(Pair(x - 1, y))
if (x < map.size - 1 && check(map[x + 1][y], map[x][y]) && levels[x + 1][y] > levels[x][y] + 1) {
levels[x + 1][y] = levels[x][y] + 1
q.offer(Pair(x + 1, y))
if (y > 0 && check(map[x][y - 1], map[x][y]) && levels[x][y - 1] > levels[x][y] + 1) {
levels[x][y - 1] = levels[x][y] + 1
q.offer(Pair(x, y - 1))
if (y < map[0].size - 1 && check(map[x][y + 1], map[x][y]) && levels[x][y + 1] > levels[x][y] + 1) {
levels[x][y + 1] = levels[x][y] + 1
q.offer(Pair(x, y + 1))
return -1
fun part1(input: List<String>): Int {
val map = buildMap(input, 'a' - 1, 'z' + 1)
return find(map, 'a' - 1, 'z' + 1) { new, old ->
new <= old + 1
fun part2(input: List<String>): Int {
val map = buildMap(input, 'a', 'z' + 1)
return find(map, 'z' + 1, 'a') { new, old ->
old <= new + 1
val input = readInput("Day12")
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 2 | 4aa00f0d258d55600a623f0118979a25d76b3ecb | 2,205 | AdventCode2022 | Apache License 2.0 |
src/main/kotlin/Day08.kt | dliszewski | 573,836,961 | false | {"Kotlin": 57757} | class Day08 {
fun part1(input: List<String>): Int {
return TreeArea(input).getVisibleTrees()
fun part2(input: List<String>): Int {
return TreeArea(input).getBestScore()
class TreeArea(input: List<String>) {
private val trees: Array<Array<Tree>>
private val size: Int
init {
val arr: Array<Array<Tree>> = parseTreeArea(input)
this.trees = arr
this.size = trees.size - 1
private fun parseTreeArea(input: List<String>): Array<Array<Tree>> {
return input.mapIndexed { rowId, row ->
row.mapIndexed { columnId, height ->
Tree(columnId, rowId, height.digitToInt())
fun getVisibleTrees(): Int {
return trees.flatMap { row -> { isTreeVisible(it) } }.count { it }
fun getBestScore(): Int {
return trees.flatMap { row -> { getTreeScore(it) } }.max()
private fun isTreeVisible(tree: Tree): Boolean = isVisibleVertically(tree) || isVisibleHorizontally(tree)
private fun isVisibleVertically(tree: Tree): Boolean {
return if (tree.rowId == 0 || tree.rowId == size) {
} else {
val visibleTop = (tree.rowId - 1 downTo 0).all { tree.height > trees[it][tree.columnId].height }
val visibleBottom = (tree.rowId + 1..size).all { tree.height > trees[it][tree.columnId].height }
visibleTop || visibleBottom
private fun isVisibleHorizontally(tree: Tree): Boolean {
return if (tree.columnId == 0 || tree.columnId == size) {
} else {
val visibleLeft = (tree.columnId - 1 downTo 0).all { tree.height > trees[tree.rowId][it].height }
val visibleRight = (tree.columnId + 1..size).all { tree.height > trees[tree.rowId][it].height }
visibleLeft || visibleRight
private fun getTreeScore(tree: Tree): Int = getScoreVertically(tree) * getScoreHorizontally(tree)
private fun getScoreVertically(tree: Tree): Int {
return if (tree.rowId == 0 || tree.rowId == size) {
} else {
val scoreTop = (tree.rowId - 1 downTo 0)
.map { trees[it][tree.columnId] }
.takeUntil { it.height >= tree.height }.count()
val scoreBottom = (tree.rowId + 1..size)
.map { trees[it][tree.columnId] }
.takeUntil { it.height >= tree.height }.count()
scoreTop * scoreBottom
private fun getScoreHorizontally(tree: Tree): Int {
return if (tree.columnId == 0 || tree.columnId == size) {
} else {
val scoreLeft = (tree.columnId - 1 downTo 0)
.map { trees[tree.rowId][it] }
.takeUntil { it.height >= tree.height }.count()
val scoreRight = (tree.columnId + 1..size)
.map { trees[tree.rowId][it] }
.takeUntil { it.height >= tree.height }.count()
scoreLeft * scoreRight
data class Tree(val columnId: Int, val rowId: Int, val height: Int)
private fun <T> Iterable<T>.takeUntil(predicate: (T) -> Boolean): List<T> {
val list = ArrayList<T>()
for (item in this) {
if (predicate(item))
return list
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | 76d5eea8ff0c96392f49f450660220c07a264671 | 3,703 | advent-of-code-2022 | Apache License 2.0 |
src/Day07.kt | jamesrobert | 573,249,440 | false | {"Kotlin": 13069} | import java.util.Deque
fun main() {
class Command(val name: String, val param: String = "")
fun String.command(): Command {
val parts = split(" ")
return when (parts[1]) {
"cd" -> Command(name = "cd", param = parts[2])
"ls" -> Command(name = "ls")
else -> error("invalid command")
fun Map<String, Int>.sizes(directories: ArrayDeque<String>): String {
return filter {
}.toList().joinToString { "${it.first}:${it.second}" }
fun ArrayDeque<String>.hierarchy() = joinToString(">")
fun calculateFolderStructure(input: List<String>): MutableMap<String, Int> {
val map = mutableMapOf<String, Int>()
val currentDir = ArrayDeque<String>()
for (line in input) {
val space = (1..currentDir.size).joinToString(separator = " ") { " " }
when {
line.startsWith("$ ") ->
line.command().let { command ->
if ( == "cd") {
if (command.param == "..") currentDir.removeFirst()
else currentDir.addFirst("${currentDir.hierarchy()}>${command.param}")
println("${space}cd: ${currentDir.first()}")
if ( == "ls") println("${space}ls: ${currentDir.first()}")
line.startsWith("dir ") -> println("${space}dir: $line")
line.split(" ").first().toIntOrNull() != null ->
currentDir.forEach {
map[it] = map.getOrDefault(it, 0) + line.split(" ").first().toInt()
}.also {
println("${space}file: $line - ${map.sizes(currentDir)}")
return map
fun part1(input: List<String>): Int =
.filter { it.value <= 100_000 }
.sumOf { it.second }
fun part2(input: List<String>): Int {
val folders = calculateFolderStructure(input)
val spaceLeft = 70000000 - (folders[">/"] ?: 0)
val spaceRequired = 30000000 - spaceLeft
return folders.toList()
.sortedBy { it.second }
.first {
it.second >= spaceRequired
}.let {
// test if implementation meets criteria from the description, like:
val testInput = readInput("Day07_test")
check(part1(testInput) == 95437)
check(part2(testInput) == 24933642)
val input = readInput("Day07")
println(part1(input)) // first guess 1097622, second 1449447
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | d0b49770fc313ae42d802489ec757717033a8fda | 2,908 | advent-of-code-2022 | Apache License 2.0 |
src/Day15.kt | Oktosha | 573,139,677 | false | {"Kotlin": 110908} | import kotlin.math.abs
fun main() {
class Position(val x: Long, val y: Long) {
fun distance(other: Position): Long {
return abs(x - other.x) + abs(y - other.y)
class Sensor(val pos: Position, val beacon: Position) {
fun radius(): Long {
return pos.distance(beacon)
fun readSensor(input: String): Sensor {
val regex = Regex("""Sensor at x=(.\d*), y=(.\d*): closest beacon is at x=(.\d*), y=(.\d*)""")
val match = regex.matchEntire(input)
val (xs, ys, xb, yb) = match!!.groups.drop(1).map { x -> x!!.value.toLong() }
return Sensor(Position(xs, ys), Position(xb, yb))
class CoverageSegment(val start: Long, val end: Long)
class Event(val x: Long, val type: Int)
fun getCoverage(sensor: Position, distance: Long, y: Long): CoverageSegment? {
if (abs(sensor.y - y) > distance) {
return null
return CoverageSegment(
sensor.x - (distance - abs(sensor.y - y)), sensor.x + (distance - abs(sensor.y - y)) + 1
fun part1(input: List<String>, y: Long): Long {
val sensors =
val coverage = { sensor -> getCoverage(sensor.pos, sensor.radius(), y) }
val left = coverage.minOf { segment -> segment?.start ?: 0 }
val right = coverage.maxOf { segment -> segment?.end ?: 0 }
var ans = 0L
for (x in left..right) {
if (sensors.any { sensor -> sensor.beacon.distance(Position(x, y)) == 0L }) {
if (sensors.any { sensor -> sensor.pos.distance(Position(x, y)) <= sensor.radius() }) {
ans += 1
return ans
fun part2(input: List<String>, maxCoordinate: Long): Position {
val sensors =
for (y in 0..maxCoordinate) {
val coverage = { sensor -> getCoverage(sensor.pos, sensor.radius(), y) }
val events = coverage.flatMap { s ->
if (s != null) {
listOf(Event(s.start, 1), Event(s.end, -1))
} else {
val sortedEvents = events.sortedWith(compareBy<Event> { e -> e.x }.thenBy { e -> -e.type })
var balance = 0
for (e in sortedEvents) {
balance += e.type
if ((balance == 0) && (e.x <= maxCoordinate) && sensors.all { sensor ->
) != 0L
}) {
return Position(e.x, y)
return Position(-1, -1)
val testInput = readInput("Day15-test")
val input = readInput("Day15")
println("Day 15")
println("test part1 ${part1(testInput, 10)}")
println("real part1 ${part1(input, 2000000)}")
val testHiddenBeacon = part2(testInput, 20)
println("test part2 ${testHiddenBeacon.x} ${testHiddenBeacon.y} -> ${testHiddenBeacon.x * 4000000 + testHiddenBeacon.y}")
val hiddenBeacon = part2(input, 4000000)
println("test part2 ${hiddenBeacon.x} ${hiddenBeacon.y} -> ${hiddenBeacon.x * 4000000 + hiddenBeacon.y}")
} | 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | e53eea61440f7de4f2284eb811d355f2f4a25f8c | 3,466 | aoc-2022 | Apache License 2.0 |
src/aoc2021/Day04.kt | dayanruben | 433,250,590 | false | {"Kotlin": 79134} | package aoc2021
import readInput
fun main() {
val (year, day) = "2021" to "Day04"
fun List<List<Int>>.sumBoard(markedNumbers: Set<Int>): Int {
return sumOf { it.filter { number -> number !in markedNumbers }.sum() }
fun List<List<Int>>.checkBoard(markedNumbers: Set<Int>): Pair<Boolean, Int> {
for (row in indices) {
val bingo = this[row].all { it in markedNumbers }
if (bingo) return Pair(true, sumBoard(markedNumbers))
for (col in this[0].indices) {
val bingo = all { it[col] in markedNumbers }
if (bingo) return Pair(true, sumBoard(markedNumbers))
return false to 0
fun playBingo(
boards: List<List<MutableList<Int>>>,
numbers: List<Int>,
firstFound: Boolean = true
): Int {
val boardBingo = BooleanArray(boards.size)
var bingoLeft = boards.size
val markedNumbers = mutableSetOf<Int>()
numbers.forEach { number ->
markedNumbers += number
boards.forEachIndexed { index, board ->
if (boardBingo[index]) return@forEachIndexed
val (bingo, sum) = board.checkBoard(markedNumbers)
if (bingo) {
boardBingo[index] = bingo
if (firstFound || --bingoLeft == 0) {
return sum * number
return 0
fun part1(input: List<String>): Int {
val (numbers, boards) = parseInput(input)
return playBingo(boards, numbers)
fun part2(input: List<String>): Int {
val (numbers, boards) = parseInput(input)
return playBingo(boards, numbers, firstFound = false)
val testInput = readInput(name = "${day}_test", year = year)
val input = readInput(name = day, year = year)
check(part1(testInput) == 4512)
check(part2(testInput) == 1924)
fun parseInput(input: List<String>): Pair<List<Int>, List<List<MutableList<Int>>>> {
val numbers = input.first().split(",").map { it.toInt() }
val lines = input.drop(1).filter { it.isNotEmpty() }
val boards = lines.windowed(5, 5).map { { row ->
row.split(" ").filter { it.isNotEmpty() }.map { it.toInt() }.toMutableList()
return numbers to boards
| 1 | Kotlin | 2 | 30 | df1f04b90e81fbb9078a30f528d52295689f7de7 | 2,485 | aoc-kotlin | Apache License 2.0 |
src/Day11.kt | dmarcato | 576,511,169 | false | {"Kotlin": 36664} | import java.util.*
data class Monkey(
val items: Queue<Long>,
val operation: (Long, Long) -> Long,
val operationValue: Long?,
val testValue: Long,
val ifTrueDestination: Int,
val ifFalseDestination: Int,
var itemsInspected: Long = 0L
fun makeMonkeys(input: List<String>): Pair<Int, Monkey> {
val index = "\\s(\\d+):".toRegex().find(input[0])!!.groupValues[1].toInt()
val items = input[1].split(": ")[1].split(", ").map { it.toLong() }
val (_, op, valueString) = "old\\s([+*])\\s(\\d+|old)".toRegex().find(input[2])!!.groupValues
val opValue = when (valueString) {
"old" -> null
else -> valueString.toLong()
val operation: (Long, Long) -> Long = when (op) {
"+" -> Long::plus
"*" -> Long::times
else -> throw RuntimeException()
val testValue = input[3].split(" ").last().toLong()
val ifTrue = input[4].split(" ").last().toInt()
val ifFalse = input[5].split(" ").last().toInt()
val queue = LinkedList<Long>()
return index to Monkey(queue, operation, opValue, testValue, ifTrue, ifFalse)
fun monkeyBusiness(monkeys: Map<Int, Monkey>, worryLevel: Long?, rounds: Int): Long {
val monkeyOrder = monkeys.keys.sorted()
val commonDivisor = monkeys.values.fold(1L) { acc, monkey -> acc * monkey.testValue }
(0 until rounds).forEach { _ ->
monkeyOrder.forEach { num ->
val monkey = monkeys[num]!!
monkey.items.forEach { item ->
var newItem = monkey.operation(item, monkey.operationValue ?: item)
newItem = worryLevel?.let {
newItem / it
} ?: (newItem % commonDivisor)
val destMonkey = if (newItem.mod(monkey.testValue) == 0L) {
} else {
val (m1, m2) = monkeys.values.sortedByDescending { it.itemsInspected }.take(2)
return m1.itemsInspected * m2.itemsInspected
fun main() {
fun part1(input: List<String>): Long {
val monkeys = input.windowed(6, 7, true) {
return monkeyBusiness(monkeys, 3L, 20)
fun part2(input: List<String>): Long {
val monkeys = input.windowed(6, 7, true) {
return monkeyBusiness(monkeys, null, 10000)
// test if implementation meets criteria from the description, like:
val testInput = readInput("Day11_test")
check(part1(testInput) == 10605L) { "part1 check failed" }
check(part2(testInput) == 2713310158L) { "part2 check failed" }
val input = readInput("Day11")
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | 6abd8ca89a1acce49ecc0ca8a51acd3969979464 | 2,974 | aoc2022 | Apache License 2.0 |
src/main/kotlin/de/niemeyer/aoc2022/Day08.kt | stefanniemeyer | 572,897,543 | false | {"Kotlin": 175820, "Shell": 133} | package de.niemeyer.aoc2022
* Advent of Code 2022, Day 8: Treetop kotlin.aoc2022.niemeyer.aoc2022.Tree House
* Problem Description:
import de.niemeyer.aoc.points.Point2D
import de.niemeyer.aoc.utils.Resources.resourceAsList
import de.niemeyer.aoc.utils.getClassName
import de.niemeyer.aoc.utils.product
import de.niemeyer.aoc.utils.takeUntil
fun main() {
fun part1(input: TreeMap): Int = { tree ->
tree visibleIn input
}.count { it }
fun part2(input: TreeMap): Int {
val scores = { tree ->
return scores.max()
val name = getClassName()
val testInput = resourceAsList(fileName = "${name}_test.txt").toPointMap()
val puzzleInput = resourceAsList(fileName = "${name}.txt").toPointMap()
check(part1(testInput) == 21)
check(part1(puzzleInput) == 1_820)
check(part2(testInput) == 8)
check(part2(puzzleInput) == 385_112)
fun List<String>.toPointMap(): TreeMap =
TreeMap(this.flatMapIndexed { row, line ->
line.mapIndexed { col, tree ->
Point2D(col, row) to tree.digitToInt()
typealias Tree = Point2D
data class TreeMap(val trees: Map<Tree, Int>) {
val points = trees.keys.toList()
val rows = points.maxOf { it.y }
val columns = points.maxOf { it.x }
fun upTrees(tree: Tree) = (tree lineTo Point2D(tree.x, 0)) - tree
fun downTrees(tree: Tree) = (tree lineTo Point2D(tree.x, columns)) - tree
fun leftTrees(tree: Tree) = (tree lineTo Point2D(0, tree.y)) - tree
fun rightTrees(tree: Tree) = (tree lineTo Point2D(rows, tree.y)) - tree
infix fun Tree.visibleIn(treeMap: TreeMap): Boolean {
fun visibleTrees(trees: List<Tree>, maxHeight: Int) =
trees.all { treeMap.trees.getValue(it) < maxHeight }
val treeHeight = treeMap.trees.getValue(this)
return listOf(treeMap.upTrees(this), treeMap.downTrees(this), treeMap.leftTrees(this), treeMap.rightTrees(this))
.map { trees ->
visibleTrees(trees, treeHeight)
}.any { it }
fun Tree.scenicScore(treeMap: TreeMap): Int {
val treeHeight = treeMap.trees.getValue(this)
return listOf(treeMap.upTrees(this), treeMap.downTrees(this), treeMap.leftTrees(this), treeMap.rightTrees(this))
.map { trees ->
trees.takeUntil { treeMap.trees.getValue(it) >= treeHeight }.size
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | ed762a391d63d345df5d142aa623bff34b794511 | 2,572 | AoC-2022 | Apache License 2.0 |
src/main/kotlin/day16/Day16.kt | qnox | 575,581,183 | false | {"Kotlin": 66677} | package day16
import readInput
fun main() {
data class Valve(val id: String, val rate: Int, val linkedWith: Set<String>)
data class Valves(val valves: Map<String, Valve>) {
val dist: Map<String, Map<String, Int>> = valves.mapValues { (id, _) ->
dist(valves, id)
fun dist(valves: Map<String, Valve>, from: String): Map<String, Int> {
val q = ArrayDeque<String>()
val visited = mutableSetOf(from)
val result = mutableMapOf<String, Int>()
var dist = 0
while (q.isNotEmpty()) {
var rest = q.size
while (rest > 0) {
val c = q.removeFirst()
result[c] = dist
q.addAll(valves[c]!!.linkedWith.filter { visited.add(it) })
rest -= 1
dist += 1
return result
operator fun get(current: String): Valve = valves[current] ?: error("Unknown valve $current")
val pattern = "Valve (.+) has flow rate=(\\d+); tunnels? leads? to valves? (.+)".toRegex()
fun parseValves(input: List<String>) = Valves(input.associate { line ->
pattern.matchEntire(line)?.let { match ->
val id = match.groups[1]!!.value
val rate = match.groups[2]!!.value.toInt()
val linkedWith = match.groups[3]!!.value.split(", ")
id to Valve(id, rate, linkedWith.toSet())
} ?: error("No match: $line")
fun solve(valves: Valves, current: List<String>, notVisited: Set<String>, rest: List<Int>): Int {
val (currentActor, actorRest) = rest.withIndex().maxBy { it.value }
val valveId = current[currentActor]
val dist = valves.dist[valveId]!!
return notVisited.maxOfOrNull {
val newRest = actorRest - dist[it]!! - 1
if (newRest > 0) {
val valve = valves[it]
val newNotVisited = notVisited - it
(newRest * valve.rate) + solve(valves, buildList {
set(currentActor, it)
}, newNotVisited, buildList {
set(currentActor, newRest)
} else {
} ?: 0
fun part1(input: List<String>): Int {
val valves = parseValves(input)
val notVisited = valves.valves.filter { (_, valve) -> valve.rate > 0 }.keys.toSet()
return solve(valves, listOf("AA"), notVisited, listOf(30))
fun part2(input: List<String>): Int {
val valves = parseValves(input)
val notVisited = valves.valves.filter { (_, valve) -> valve.rate > 0 }.keys.toSet()
return solve(valves, listOf("AA", "AA"), notVisited, listOf(26, 26))
val testInput = readInput("day16", "test")
val input = readInput("day16", "input")
val part1 = part1(testInput)
check(part1 == 1651)
val part2 = part2(testInput)
check(part2 == 1707)
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | 727ca335d32000c3de2b750d23248a1364ba03e4 | 3,216 | aoc2022 | Apache License 2.0 |
2022/Day16.kt | amelentev | 573,120,350 | false | {"Kotlin": 87839} | fun main() {
val input = readInput("Day16")
data class Valve(
val name: String,
val rate: Int,
val leads: List<String>
val valves = { s ->
val (valve, rate, leads) = s.split("Valve ", " has flow rate=", "; tunnels lead to valves ", "; tunnel leads to valve ").drop(1)
Valve(valve, rate.toInt(), leads.split(", ") )
}.sortedBy { it.rate <= 0 }
val dist = Array(valves.size) { IntArray(valves.size) { Int.MAX_VALUE/3 } }
val name2Idx = valves.mapIndexed { i, v -> to i }.associate { it }
for (i in valves.indices) {
dist[i][i] = 0
for (v in valves[i] { name2Idx[it]!! }) {
dist[i][v] = 1
for (k in dist.indices) {
for (i in dist.indices) {
for (j in dist.indices) {
dist[i][j] = minOf(dist[i][j], dist[i][k] + dist[k][j])
val n = valves.count { it.rate > 0 }
fun solve(s: Int, mask: Int, time: Int): Int {
var res = 0
for (v in 0 until n) {
val vv = 1 shl v
if (vv and mask == 0) {
val t = time - dist[s][v] - 1
if (t > 0) {
res = maxOf(res, solve(v, mask or vv, t) + t * valves[v].rate)
return res
val aa = name2Idx["AA"]!!
val res1 = solve(aa, 0, 30)
val fullMask = (1 shl n) - 1
var res2 = 0
for (mask in 0 until (fullMask shr 1)) {
res2 = maxOf(res2, solve(aa, mask, 26) + solve(aa, fullMask xor mask, 26))
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | a137d895472379f0f8cdea136f62c106e28747d5 | 1,654 | advent-of-code-kotlin | Apache License 2.0 |
2022/src/main/kotlin/day13_imp.kt | madisp | 434,510,913 | false | {"Kotlin": 388138} | import utils.Parser
import utils.Solution
import utils.badInput
fun main() {
object Day13Imp : Solution<List<Pair<Day13Imp.Fragment.Packet, Day13Imp.Fragment.Packet>>>() {
override val name = "day13"
sealed class Fragment : Comparable<Fragment> {
class Packet(val fragments: List<Fragment>): Fragment() {
override fun compareTo(other: Fragment): Int {
return if (other is Packet) {
val itemCmp = { it.first.compareTo(it.second) }.firstOrNull { it != 0 }
itemCmp ?: fragments.size.compareTo(other.fragments.size)
} else {
class Value(val value: Int): Fragment() {
override fun compareTo(other: Fragment): Int {
return if (other is Value) {
} else {
companion object {
fun parse(input: String): Pair<Fragment, Int> {
if (input.startsWith("[")) {
var read = 1
val items = mutableListOf<Fragment>()
while (read < input.length && input[read] != ']') {
val (item, len) = parse(input.substring(read))
read += len
if (input[read] == ',') {
// advance by one past the splitting comma
return Packet(items) to read + 1 // add the trailing `]`
val end = input.indexOfFirst { it == ',' || it == ']' }.takeIf { it >= 0 } ?: input.length
return Value(input.substring(0, end).toInt()) to end
override val parser = Parser { input ->
input.split("\n\n").map { packetPair ->
val (l, r) = packetPair.trim().split("\n").map { Fragment.parse(it.trim()).first }
if (l !is Fragment.Packet) badInput()
if (r !is Fragment.Packet) badInput()
l to r
override fun part1(input: List<Pair<Fragment.Packet, Fragment.Packet>>): Int {
return input.mapIndexed { index, pair -> if (pair.first < pair.second) (index + 1) else 0 }.sum()
override fun part2(input: List<Pair<Fragment.Packet, Fragment.Packet>>): Int {
val dividers = listOf("[[2]]", "[[6]]").map { Fragment.parse(it).first }
val packets = (input.flatMap { listOf(it.first, it.second) } + dividers).sorted()
return packets.indices.filter { i -> packets[i] in dividers }
.also { require(it.size == 2) }
.map { it + 1 }
.reduce { a, b -> a * b }
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 1 | 3f106415eeded3abd0fb60bed64fb77b4ab87d76 | 2,599 | aoc_kotlin | MIT License |
src/main/kotlin/Day13.kt | Vampire | 572,990,104 | false | {"Kotlin": 57326} | fun main() {
fun getNextList(s: String): String {
require(s.first() == '[')
var level = 0
return s.takeWhile {
0 < when (it) {
'[' -> ++level
']' -> --level
else -> level
} + ']'
fun parseList(list: String): List<Any> {
require(list.first() == '[')
require(list.last() == ']')
var remainingListContents = getNextList(list)
return buildList {
while (remainingListContents.isNotEmpty()) {
when (remainingListContents.first()) {
in '0'..'9' -> remainingListContents
.also {
remainingListContents = remainingListContents
.substringAfter(',', "")
'[' -> getNextList(remainingListContents)
.also {
remainingListContents = remainingListContents
.let { parseList(it) }
else -> error("Unexpected list contents: $remainingListContents")
operator fun List<*>.compareTo(other: List<*>): Int {
for (i in indices) {
if (i >= other.size) {
return 1
val a = get(i)
val b = other[i]
when {
(a is Int) && (b is Int) -> if (a != b) return a - b
(a is List<*>) && (b is List<*>) -> if (a != b) return a.compareTo(b)
(a is List<*>) -> if (a != listOf(b)) return a.compareTo(listOf(b))
(b is List<*>) -> if (listOf(a) != b) return listOf(a).compareTo(b)
if (size < other.size) {
return -1
return 0
fun part1(input: List<String>) = input
.filter { it.isNotBlank() }
.map { parseList(it) }
.mapIndexed { i, (a, b) ->
if (a < b) (i + 1) else 0
fun part2(input: List<String>): Int {
val dividers = listOf(listOf(listOf(2)), listOf(listOf(6)))
return input
.filter { it.isNotBlank() }
.map { parseList(it) }
.let { it + dividers }
.sortedWith { a, b -> a.compareTo(b) }
.let { packets -> { packets.indexOf(it) + 1 }.reduce(Int::times)
val testInput = readStrings("Day13_test")
check(part1(testInput) == 13)
val input = readStrings("Day13")
check(part2(testInput) == 140)
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | 16a31a0b353f4b1ce3c6e9cdccbf8f0cadde1f1f | 3,167 | aoc-2022 | Apache License 2.0 |
src/day15/Day15.kt | GrzegorzBaczek93 | 572,128,118 | false | {"Kotlin": 44027} | package day15
import kotlin.math.absoluteValue
import kotlin.math.max
import kotlin.math.min
import readInput
import utils.withStopwatch
fun main() {
val testInput = readInput("input15_test")
withStopwatch { println(part1(testInput, 10)) }
withStopwatch { println(part2(testInput, 0..20)) }
val input = readInput("input15")
withStopwatch { println(part1(input, 2000000)) }
withStopwatch { println(part2(input, 0..4000000)) }
private fun part1(input: List<String>, yLine: Int): Int {
val map = mutableMapOf<Position, Field>()
parse(input).forEach { (sensor, beacon) ->
val radius = calculateDistance(sensor, beacon)
val absDistance = (sensor.y - yLine).absoluteValue
val xRange = sensor.x - (radius - absDistance)..sensor.x + (radius - absDistance)
for (x in xRange) {
val position = Position(x, yLine)
when {
position == sensor -> map[position] = Field.Sensor
position == beacon -> map[position] = Field.Beacon
map.containsKey(position) && map[position] != Field.Coverage -> {}
else -> map[position] = Field.Coverage
return map.count { (_, field) -> field == Field.Coverage }
private fun part2(input: List<String>, range: IntRange): Long {
val parsed = parse(input)
for (x in range) {
val ranges = mutableSetOf<IntRange>()
parsed.forEach { (sensor, beacon) ->
val radius = calculateDistance(sensor, beacon)
val positiveXEdge = min(sensor.x + radius, range.last)
val negativeXEdge = max(sensor.x - radius, range.first)
if (x !in negativeXEdge..positiveXEdge) return@forEach
val negativeYEdge = max(sensor.y - (radius - (x - sensor.x).absoluteValue), range.first)
val positiveYEdge = min(sensor.y + (radius - (x - sensor.x).absoluteValue), range.last)
val sorted = ranges.sortedBy { it.first }
sorted.reduce { acc, intRange ->
when {
acc.last >= intRange.first - 1 && acc.last >= intRange.last -> acc
acc.last >= intRange.first - 1 && acc.last < intRange.last -> acc.first..intRange.last
else -> return x.toLong() * 4000000 + (acc.last + 1)
return -1
private fun parse(input: List<String>) = { line ->
.map { halfLine ->
halfLine.split(',').map { chunk -> chunk.filter { it.isDigit() || it == '-' }.toInt() }
.map { (x, y) -> Position(x, y) }
}.map { (sensor, beacon) -> sensor to beacon }
private fun calculateDistance(sensor: Position, beacon: Position): Int =
(sensor.x - beacon.x).absoluteValue + (sensor.y - beacon.y).absoluteValue
private data class Position(
val x: Int,
val y: Int,
private sealed class Field {
object Sensor : Field() {
override fun toString(): String = "S"
object Beacon : Field() {
override fun toString(): String = "B"
object Coverage : Field() {
override fun toString(): String = "#"
} | 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | 543e7cf0a2d706d23c3213d3737756b61ccbf94b | 3,253 | advent-of-code-kotlin-2022 | Apache License 2.0 |
src/day09/Day09.kt | MaxBeauchemin | 573,094,480 | false | {"Kotlin": 60619} | package day09
import readInput
import java.lang.Math.abs
enum class Direction(val key: String, val xChange: Int, val yChange: Int) {
UP("U", 0, 1),
DOWN("D", 0, -1),
LEFT("L", -1, 0),
RIGHT("R", 1, 0);
companion object {
val keys = Direction.values().associateBy { it.key }
data class Position(var x: Int, var y: Int) {
fun key() = "$x $y"
fun apply(direction: Direction) {
this.x += direction.xChange
this.y += direction.yChange
fun follow(other: Position) {
val xDiff = other.x - this.x
val yDiff = other.y - this.y
val absXDiff = abs(xDiff)
val absYDiff = abs(yDiff)
val xChange = if (xDiff > 0) 1 else -1
val yChange = if (yDiff > 0) 1 else -1
// If the head is ever two steps directly up, down, left, or right from the tail,
// the tail must also move one step in that direction so it remains close enough
if ((absXDiff == 2 && yDiff == 0) || (xDiff == 0 && absYDiff == 2)) {
if (absXDiff > 0) {
this.x += xChange
} else {
this.y += yChange
// Otherwise, if the head and tail aren't touching and aren't in the same row or column,
// the tail always moves one step diagonally to keep up
if ((absXDiff >= 1 && absYDiff >= 1) && (absXDiff > 1 || absYDiff > 1)) {
this.x += xChange
this.y += yChange
fun main() {
fun parseInstructions(input: List<String>): List<Direction> {
return input.flatMap {
it.split(" ").let { tokens ->
val direction = Direction.keys[tokens[0]]!!
(1..tokens[1].toInt()).map {
fun part1(input: List<String>): Int {
val instructions = parseInstructions(input)
val head = Position(1, 1)
val tail = Position(1, 1)
val visited = mutableListOf(tail.key())
instructions.forEach { dir ->
return visited.distinct().size
fun part2(input: List<String>): Int {
val instructions = parseInstructions(input)
val knots = (1..10).map {
Position(1, 1)
val visited = mutableListOf(knots.last().key())
instructions.forEach { dir ->
for (i in 1..9) {
knots[i].follow(knots[i - 1])
return visited.distinct().size
val testInput = readInput("Day09_test")
val secondTestInput = readInput("Day09_second_test")
val input = readInput("Day09")
println("Part 1 [Test] : ${part1(testInput)}")
check(part1(testInput) == 13)
println("Part 1 [Real] : ${part1(input)}")
println("Part 2 [Test] : ${part2(testInput)}")
check(part2(testInput) == 1)
println("Part 2 [2nd Test] : ${part2(secondTestInput)}")
check(part2(secondTestInput) == 36)
println("Part 2 [Real] : ${part2(input)}")
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | 38018d252183bd6b64095a8c9f2920e900863a79 | 3,239 | advent-of-code-2022 | Apache License 2.0 |
2015/Day17/src/main/kotlin/Main.kt | mcrispim | 658,165,735 | false | null | import
fun combinations(arr: Array<Int>, r: Int): List<List<Int>> {
val data = Array(r) { 0 }
val results = mutableListOf<List<Int>>()
for (n in 1..r) {
combinationUtil(arr, n, 0, data, 0, results)
return results
fun combinationUtil(arr: Array<Int>, r: Int, index: Int, data: Array<Int>, i: Int, results: MutableList<List<Int>>) {
if (index == r) {
if (i >= arr.size)
data[index] = arr[i]
combinationUtil(arr, r, index + 1, data, i + 1, results)
combinationUtil(arr, r, index, data, i + 1, results)
fun main() {
fun part1(input: List<String>, liters: Int): Int {
val volumes = { it.toInt() }.sortedDescending()
return combinations(volumes.toTypedArray(), volumes.size).filter { it.sum() == liters }.size
fun part2(input: List<String>, liters: Int): Int {
val allVolumes = { it.toInt() }.sortedDescending()
val volumesWithLiters =
combinations(allVolumes.toTypedArray(), allVolumes.size).filter { it.sum() == liters }
val minNumberOfVolumes = volumesWithLiters.minOfOrNull { it.size }
return volumesWithLiters.filter { it.size == minNumberOfVolumes }.size
// test if implementation meets criteria from the description, like:
val testInput = readInput("Day17_test")
check(part1(testInput, liters = 25) == 4)
check(part2(testInput, liters = 25) == 3)
val input = readInput("Day17_data")
println("Part 1 answer: ${part1(input, 150)}")
println("Part 2 answer: ${part2(input, 150)}")
* Reads lines from the given input txt file.
fun readInput(name: String) = File("src", "$name.txt")
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | 2f4be35e78a8a56fd1e078858f4965886dfcd7fd | 1,799 | AdventOfCode | MIT License |
src/Day07.kt | afranken | 572,923,112 | false | {"Kotlin": 15538} | import Node.Dir
import Node.File
fun main() {
fun treeOf(input: List<String>): Dir {
var current = Dir("/", null)
.forEach {
if (it.startsWith("$")) {
if (it.startsWith("$ cd")) {
val dirName = it.split(' ')[2]
current = if (dirName == "..") current.parent!! else current
.filter { == dirName }
.firstOrNull() ?: Dir(dirName, current)
} else if (it.startsWith("dir")) {
val dirName = it.split(' ')[1]
current.children.add(Dir(dirName, current))
} else {
val (size, name) = it.split(' ')
current.children.add(File(name, size.toInt(), current))
while (current.parent != null) {
current = current.parent!!
return current
fun part1(input: List<String>): Int {
val smallDirs = arrayListOf<Dir>()
val queue = ArrayDeque<Dir>()
val root = treeOf(input)
while (queue.isNotEmpty()) {
val dir = queue.removeFirst()
if (dir.size <= 100000) {
return smallDirs.sumOf { it.size }
fun part2(input: List<String>): Int {
val root = treeOf(input)
val needToFree = root.size - 40000000
val dirs = sortedSetOf<Dir>({ o1, o2 -> o1.size.compareTo(o2.size) })
val queue = ArrayDeque<Dir>()
while (queue.isNotEmpty()) {
val dir = queue.removeFirst()
if (dir.size >= needToFree) {
return dirs.first().size
// test if implementation meets criteria from the description, like:
val testInput = readInput("Day07_test")
check(part1(testInput) == 95437)
check(part2(testInput) == 24933642)
val input = readInput("Day07")
check(part1(input) == 1086293)
interface Node {
val size: Int
val name: String
val parent: Dir?
data class File(override val name: String, override val size: Int, override val parent: Dir?) : Node
data class Dir(override val name: String, override val parent: Dir?) : Node {
val children = hashSetOf<Node>()
override val size: Int by lazy { children.sumOf { it.size } }
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | f047d34dc2a22286134dc4705b5a7c2558bad9e7 | 2,926 | advent-of-code-kotlin-2022 | Apache License 2.0 |
src/main/kotlin/Excercise08.kt | underwindfall | 433,989,850 | false | {"Kotlin": 55774} | private fun part1() {
.map { InputRow.of(it) }
.sumOf { row -> row.digitSegments.takeLast(4).count { it.size in setOf(2, 3, 4, 7) } }
.let { println("Part1 $it") }
private fun part2() {
getInputAsTest("08").map { InputRow.of(it) }.sumOf { row -> row.calculateValue() }.let {
println("Part2 $it")
private class InputRow(val digitSegments: List<Set<Char>>) {
private val digitValues = discoverMappings()
fun calculateValue(): Int =
(digitValues.getValue(digitSegments[10]) * 1000) +
(digitValues.getValue(digitSegments[11]) * 100) +
(digitValues.getValue(digitSegments[12]) * 10) +
private fun discoverMappings(): Map<Set<Char>, Int> {
val digitToString = Array<Set<Char>>(10) { emptySet() }
// Unique based on size
digitToString[1] = digitSegments.first { it.size == 2 }
digitToString[4] = digitSegments.first { it.size == 4 }
digitToString[7] = digitSegments.first { it.size == 3 }
digitToString[8] = digitSegments.first { it.size == 7 }
// 3 is length 5 and overlaps 1
digitToString[3] = digitSegments.filter { it.size == 5 }.first { it overlaps digitToString[1] }
// 9 is length 6 and overlaps 3
digitToString[9] = digitSegments.filter { it.size == 6 }.first { it overlaps digitToString[3] }
// 0 is length 6, overlaps 1 and 7, and is not 9
digitToString[0] =
.filter { it.size == 6 }
.filter { it overlaps digitToString[1] && it overlaps digitToString[7] }
.first { it != digitToString[9] }
// 6 is length 6 and is not 0 or 9
digitToString[6] =
digitSegments.filter { it.size == 6 }.first {
it != digitToString[0] && it != digitToString[9]
// 5 is length 5 and is overlapped by 6
digitToString[5] = digitSegments.filter { it.size == 5 }.first { digitToString[6] overlaps it }
// 2 is length 5 and is not 3 or 5
digitToString[2] =
digitSegments.filter { it.size == 5 }.first {
it != digitToString[3] && it != digitToString[5]
return digitToString.mapIndexed { index, chars -> chars to index }.toMap()
private infix fun Set<Char>.overlaps(that: Set<Char>): Boolean = this.containsAll(that)
companion object {
fun of(input: String): InputRow =
InputRow(input.split(" ").filterNot { it == "|" }.map { it.toSet() })
fun main() {
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | 4fbee48352577f3356e9b9b57d215298cdfca1ed | 2,469 | advent-of-code-2021 | MIT License |
src/Day03.kt | CrazyBene | 573,111,401 | false | {"Kotlin": 50149} | fun main() {
fun <T> getItemsInBothLists(list1: List<T>, list2: List<T>) = list1.filter { list2.contains(it) }.distinct()
data class Item(val character: Char) {
fun getPriorityValue(): Int {
return if (character.isLowerCase())
character - 'a' + 1
else if (character.isUpperCase())
character - 'A' + 27
error("Item $this seems to be neither lower nor upper case.")
data class Rucksack(val compartment1: List<Item>, val compartment2: List<Item>) {
fun getAllItems() = compartment1 + compartment2
fun getDuplicateItem(): Item {
val itemsInBothLists = getItemsInBothLists(compartment1, compartment2)
if (itemsInBothLists.size == 1)
return itemsInBothLists.first()
error("There are ${itemsInBothLists.size} items which appear in both compartments of $this.")
data class ElvesGroup(val rucksacks: List<Rucksack>) {
fun getItemInAllRucksacks(): List<Item> {
if (rucksacks.isEmpty()) return emptyList()
if (rucksacks.size == 1) return rucksacks.first().getAllItems()
var itemsToCompare = rucksacks.first().getAllItems()
for (i in 1 until rucksacks.size)
itemsToCompare = getItemsInBothLists(itemsToCompare, rucksacks[i].getAllItems())
return itemsToCompare
fun String.splitInHalf(): Pair<String, String> {
if (length % 2 != 0) error("String '$this' needs an event amount of characters to be split in half.")
val middle = length / 2
return substring(0, middle) to substring(middle, length)
fun String.toItemList(): List<Item> {
return toList().map { Item(it) }
fun part1(input: List<String>): Int {
val rucksacks = {
val (compartment1, compartment2) = it.splitInHalf()
Rucksack(compartment1.toItemList(), compartment2.toItemList())
return rucksacks.sumOf {
fun part2(input: List<String>): Int {
val elvesGroups = {
val (compartment1, compartment2) = it.splitInHalf()
Rucksack(compartment1.toItemList(), compartment2.toItemList())
}.chunked(3).map { ElvesGroup(it) }
return elvesGroups.sumOf {
val itemsInAllRucksacks = it.getItemInAllRucksacks()
if (itemsInAllRucksacks.size != 1)
error("There seems to not exactly one item which is present in $it.")
val testInput = readInput("Day03Test")
check(part1(testInput) == 157)
check(part2(testInput) == 70)
val input = readInput("Day03")
println("Question 1 - Answer: ${part1(input)}")
println("Question 2 - Answer: ${part2(input)}")
} | 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | dfcc5ba09ca3e33b3ec75fe7d6bc3b9d5d0d7d26 | 2,987 | AdventOfCode2022 | Apache License 2.0 |
src/main/kotlin/Day9.kt | Ostkontentitan | 434,500,914 | false | {"Kotlin": 73563} | fun puzzleDayNinePartOne() {
val inputs = readInput(9).map { lines -> { Integer.parseInt(it.toString()) } }
val bumpedSum = findLowPoints(inputs).map { it.height }.sumOf { it + 1 }
println("Low point sum is: $bumpedSum")
fun puzzleDayNinePartTwo() {
val inputs = readInput(9).map { lines -> { Integer.parseInt(it.toString()) } }
val lowPoints = findLowPoints(inputs)
val basins = detectBasinSizes(inputs, lowPoints)
val sizesMultiplied = basins.sortedDescending().take(3).fold(0L) { acc, item ->
if (acc == 0L) item.toLong() else item * acc
println("Multiplied basin size is: $sizesMultiplied")
fun detectBasinSizes(inputs: List<List<Int>>, lowPoints: List<FloorTile>): List<Int> = { lowPoint ->
var surroundings = getSurroundings(inputs, lowPoint)
val results = (listOf(lowPoint) + surroundings).toMutableSet()
while (surroundings.isNotEmpty()) {
surroundings = surroundings.flatMap { tile ->
getSurroundings(inputs, tile)
}.filterNot { results.contains(it) }.toSet()
println("new surroundings addded: ${surroundings.size} - resultsize: ${results.size}")
fun getSurroundings(inputs: List<List<Int>>, tile: FloorTile): Set<FloorTile> {
val x = tile.posX
val y = tile.posY
val above = if (y != inputs.lastIndex) notNineOrNull(inputs, x, y + 1) else null
val below = if (y != 0) notNineOrNull(inputs, x, y - 1) else null
val left = if (x != 0) notNineOrNull(inputs, x - 1, y) else null
val right = if (x != inputs[0].lastIndex) notNineOrNull(inputs, x + 1, y) else null
return setOfNotNull(above, below, left, right)
fun notNineOrNull(inputs: List<List<Int>>, x: Int, y: Int): FloorTile? {
val input = inputs[y][x]
return if (input != 9) {
FloorTile(x, y, input)
} else null
fun findLowPoints(inputs: List<List<Int>>): List<FloorTile> {
val lowPoints = mutableListOf<FloorTile>()
(0..inputs.lastIndex).forEach { y ->
(0..inputs[0].lastIndex).forEach { x ->
val above = if (y != inputs.lastIndex) inputs[y + 1][x] else 10
val below = if (y != 0) inputs[y - 1][x] else 10
val left = if (x != 0) inputs[y][x - 1] else 10
val right = if (x != inputs[0].lastIndex) inputs[y][x + 1] else 10
val current = inputs[y][x]
if (current < above && current < below && current < left && current < right) {
lowPoints += FloorTile(x, y, current)
return lowPoints
data class FloorTile(val posX: Int, val posY: Int, val height: Int)
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | e0e5022238747e4b934cac0f6235b92831ca8ac7 | 2,711 | advent-of-kotlin-2021 | Apache License 2.0 |
src/Day07.kt | sebokopter | 570,715,585 | false | {"Kotlin": 38263} | import java.util.*
const val TOTAL_DISK_SPACE = 70_000_000
const val REQUIRED_SPACE = 30_000_000
fun Stack<String>.toAbsolutePath(subDir: String = ""): String {
val dirs = if (subDir.isNotBlank()) subList(1, this.size) + subDir else subList(1, this.size)
return dirs.joinToString("/", "/")
fun main() {
fun findAllDirs(input: List<String>): Set<String> {
val dirs = mutableSetOf<String>()
val currentDir = Stack<String>()
input.forEach { line ->
if (line.startsWith("$ ls ")) return@forEach
if (line.startsWith("$ cd ")) {
val (_, _, cdDir) = line
if (cdDir == "..") currentDir.pop()
else currentDir.push(cdDir)
if (line.startsWith("dir")) {
val (_, dirName) = line
return dirs
fun dirSize(input: List<String>, dir: String): Int {
var size = 0
val currentDir = Stack<String>()
input.forEachIndexed { index, line ->
if (line.startsWith("$ cd ")) {
val (_, _, cdDir) = line
if (cdDir == "..") currentDir.pop()
else currentDir.push(cdDir)
if (line.startsWith("$ ls") && currentDir.toAbsolutePath() == dir) {
val lsOutputs = input.subList(index + 1, input.size).takeWhile { !it.startsWith("$") }
size += lsOutputs.sumOf { lsOutput ->
return@sumOf if (lsOutput.startsWith("dir")) {
val (_, dirName) = lsOutput
dirSize(input, currentDir.toAbsolutePath(dirName))
} else {
val (fileSize) = lsOutput
return size
fun part1(input: List<String>): Int {
val dirs = findAllDirs(input)
val dirSizes = { dir ->
dir to dirSize(input, dir)
return dirSizes.sumOf { if (it.second < 100_000) it.second else 0 }
fun part2(input: List<String>): Int {
val dirs = findAllDirs(input)
val dirSizes = { dir ->
dir to dirSize(input, dir)
val currentFreeSpace = TOTAL_DISK_SPACE - dirSizes.first { (dirName, _) -> dirName == "/" }.second
val spaceToBeFreed = REQUIRED_SPACE - currentFreeSpace
return dirSizes.filter { it.second > spaceToBeFreed }.minOf { it.second }
val testInput = readInput("Day07_test")
println("part1(testInput): " + part1(testInput))
println("part2(testInput): " + part2(testInput))
check(part1(testInput) == 95437)
check(part2(testInput) == 24933642)
val input = readInput("Day07")
println("part1(input): " + part1(input))
println("part2(input): " + part2(input))
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | bb2b689f48063d7a1b6892fc1807587f7050b9db | 3,031 | advent-of-code-2022 | Apache License 2.0 |
src/main/kotlin/_2023/Day07.kt | novikmisha | 572,840,526 | false | {"Kotlin": 145780} | package _2023
import Day
import InputReader
enum class HandPower(val power: Int, val validation: (cardOccurrences: Map<Char, Int>) -> Boolean) {
FIVE_OF_A_KIND(6, ::fiveOfAKindValidation),
FOUR_OF_A_KIND(5, ::fourOfAKindValidation),
FULL_HOUSE(4, ::fullHouseValidation),
THREE_OF_A_KIND(3, ::threeOfAKindValidation),
TWO_PAIRS(2, ::twoPairValidation),
ONE_PAIR(1, ::onePairValidation),
HIGH_CARD(0, ::highCardValidation)
fun getCardOccurrences(hand: String) = hand.groupingBy { it }.eachCount()
fun highCardValidation(cardOccurrences: Map<Char, Int>) =
cardOccurrences.filter { it.value == 1 }.size == 5
fun onePairValidation(cardOccurrences: Map<Char, Int>): Boolean {
val hasPair = cardOccurrences.filter { it.value == 2 }.size == 1
val allDifferent = cardOccurrences.filter { it.value == 1 }.size == 3
return hasPair && allDifferent
fun twoPairValidation(cardOccurrences: Map<Char, Int>): Boolean {
val hasPair = cardOccurrences.filter { it.value == 2 }.size == 2
val allDifferent = cardOccurrences.filter { it.value == 1 }.size == 1
return hasPair && allDifferent
fun threeOfAKindValidation(cardOccurrences: Map<Char, Int>): Boolean {
val hasThree = cardOccurrences.filter { it.value == 3 }.size == 1
val allDifferent = cardOccurrences.filter { it.value == 1 }.size == 2
return hasThree && allDifferent
fun fullHouseValidation(cardOccurrences: Map<Char, Int>): Boolean {
val hasThree = cardOccurrences.filter { it.value == 3 }.size == 1
val hasPair = cardOccurrences.filter { it.value == 2 }.size == 1
return hasThree && hasPair
fun fourOfAKindValidation(cardOccurrences: Map<Char, Int>) =
cardOccurrences.filter { it.value == 4 }.size == 1
fun fiveOfAKindValidation(cardOccurrences: Map<Char, Int>) =
cardOccurrences.filter { it.value == 5 }.size == 1
data class Game(
val hand: String,
val bid: Int
class Day07 : Day(2023, 7) {
override val firstTestAnswer = 6440
override val secondTestAnswer = 5905
private fun solve(input: InputReader, cards: List<Char>, getHandPower: (hand: String) -> HandPower): Int {
val games = input.asLines().map { line ->
val (hand, bid) = line.split(" ")
Game(hand, bid.toInt())
val handPowersMap = games.associate { game -> game.hand to getHandPower(game.hand) }
val gameComparator = Comparator<Game> { firstGame, secondGame ->
val firstHandPower = handPowersMap[firstGame.hand]!!
val secondHandPower = handPowersMap[secondGame.hand]!!
if (firstHandPower != secondHandPower) {
firstHandPower.power - secondHandPower.power
} else {
for (i in 0 until 5) {
val firstGameCharIndex = cards.indexOf(firstGame.hand[i])
val secondGameCharIndex = cards.indexOf(secondGame.hand[i])
if (firstGameCharIndex != secondGameCharIndex) {
return@Comparator secondGameCharIndex - firstGameCharIndex
error("can't get here")
return games.sortedWith(gameComparator).mapIndexed { index, game ->
(index + 1) *
override fun first(input: InputReader): Int {
val cards = listOf(
return solve(input, cards) { hand ->
val cardOccurrences = getCardOccurrences(hand)
HandPower.entries.firstOrNull { it.validation(cardOccurrences) } ?: error("$hand has no power")
override fun second(input: InputReader): Int {
val cards = listOf(
fun getHandPower(hand: String): HandPower {
return if (hand.any { it == 'J' }) {
cards.dropLast(1).map { mimic ->
val newHand = hand.replace("J", mimic.toString())
}.maxBy { it.power }
} else {
val cardOccurrences = getCardOccurrences(hand)
HandPower.entries.firstOrNull { it.validation(cardOccurrences) } ?: error("$hand has no power")
return solve(input, cards, ::getHandPower)
fun main() {
} | 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | 0c78596d46f3a8bf977bf356019ea9940ee04c88 | 4,779 | advent-of-code | Apache License 2.0 |
src/year2021/09/Day09.kt | Vladuken | 573,128,337 | false | {"Kotlin": 327524, "Python": 16475} | package year2021.`09`
import readInput
private data class Point(
val x: Int,
val y: Int,
) {
override fun toString(): String {
return "[$x,$y]"
private fun Point.neighbours(): Set<Point> {
return setOf(
Point(x = x, y = y + 1),
Point(x = x, y = y - 1),
Point(x = x + 1, y = y),
Point(x = x - 1, y = y),
fun main() {
fun parseMap(input: List<String>): Map<Point, Int> {
val mutableMap = mutableMapOf<Point, Int>()
input.forEachIndexed { y, line ->
.filter { it.isNotBlank() }
.forEachIndexed { x, value ->
mutableMap[Point(x, y)] = value.toInt()
return mutableMap
fun findAllLowesPoints(input: Map<Point, Int>): Set<Point> {
return input.keys.filter { currentPoint ->
val currentValue = input[currentPoint]!!
.mapNotNull { input[it] }
.all { neighbourValue ->
currentValue < neighbourValue
fun part1(input: List<String>): Int {
val parsedMap = parseMap(input)
return findAllLowesPoints(parsedMap)
.sumOf { currentPoint ->
val currentValue = parsedMap[currentPoint]!!
currentValue + 1
fun recourciveFindAllBasins(
point: Point,
mapOfValues: Map<Point, Int>,
processed: MutableSet<Point>
) {
if (mapOfValues[point] == 9) return
if (point in processed) return
.filter { mapOfValues[it] != null }
.forEach { currentPoint ->
recourciveFindAllBasins(currentPoint, mapOfValues, processed)
fun part2(input: List<String>): Int {
val parsedMap = parseMap(input)
val points = findAllLowesPoints(parsedMap)
return {
val firstSet = mutableSetOf<Point>()
recourciveFindAllBasins(it, parsedMap, firstSet)
.reduce { acc, i -> acc * i }
// test if implementation meets criteria from the description, like:
val testInput = readInput("Day09_test")
val part1Test = part1(testInput)
check(part1Test == 15)
val input = readInput("Day09")
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 5 | c0f36ec0e2ce5d65c35d408dd50ba2ac96363772 | 2,633 | KotlinAdventOfCode | Apache License 2.0 |
src/Day13.kt | Fedannie | 572,872,414 | false | {"Kotlin": 64631} | sealed class Node: Comparable<Node>
class NumberNode(val value: Int): Node() {
override fun compareTo(other: Node): Int {
return when (other) {
is NumberNode -> this.value.compareTo(other.value)
else -> ListNode(listOf(this)).compareTo(other)
override fun toString(): String {
return value.toString()
class ListNode(): Node() {
val values: MutableList<Node> = MutableList(0) { NumberNode(0) }
constructor(items: List<Node>): this() {
override fun compareTo(other: Node): Int {
return when (other) {
is NumberNode -> this.compareTo(ListNode(listOf(other)))
is ListNode -> (this.values zip other.values)
.map { it.first.compareTo(it.second) }
.find { it != 0 } ?: this.values.size.compareTo(other.values.size)
override fun toString(): String {
return "[${values.joinToString(",")}]"
fun main() {
fun parseNode(line: List<String>, cur: Int): Pair<Node, Int> {
if (line[cur] == "[") {
var nextInd = cur + 1
val node = ListNode()
while (line[nextInd] != "]") {
val result = parseNode(line, nextInd)
nextInd = result.second
return node to nextInd + 1
return NumberNode(line[cur].toInt()) to cur + 1
fun parseNode(line: String): Node {
val words = line
.replace("[", ",[,")
.replace("]", ",],")
.filter { it.isNotEmpty() }
return parseNode(words, 0).first
fun parseInput(input: List<String>): List<Pair<Node, Node>> {
return input.filter { it.isNotEmpty() }.chunked(2).map { parseNode(it[0]) to parseNode(it[1]) }
fun part1(input: List<String>): Int {
val pairs = parseInput(input)
return pairs
.mapIndexed { i, pair -> i + 1 to pair.first.compareTo(pair.second) }
.filter { it.second < 0 }
.sumOf { it.first }
fun part2(input: List<String>): Int {
val packets = parseInput(input).flatMap { listOf(it.first, it.second) }.toMutableList()
val divider1 = ListNode(listOf(ListNode(listOf(NumberNode(2)))))
val divider2 = ListNode(listOf(ListNode(listOf(NumberNode(6)))))
val sorted = packets.sortedWith { a, b -> a.compareTo(b) }
return (sorted.indexOf(divider1) + 1) * (sorted.indexOf(divider2) + 1)
val testInput = readInputLines("Day13_test")
check(part1(testInput) == 13)
check(part2(testInput) == 140)
val input = readInputLines(13)
} | 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | 1d5ac01d3d2f4be58c3d199bf15b1637fd6bcd6f | 2,632 | Advent-of-Code-2022-in-Kotlin | Apache License 2.0 |
src/Day08.kt | rromanowski-figure | 573,003,468 | false | {"Kotlin": 35951} | object Day08 : Runner<Int, Int>(8, 21, 8) {
override fun part1(input: List<String>): Int {
val height = input.size
val treePatch = TreePatch(List(height) { input[it].toCharArray().map { c -> Tree(c.digitToInt()) } })
val width = treePatch.trees[0].size
for (x in 0 until width) {
for (y in 0 until height) {
val otherTrees = treePatch.cross(x, y)
val tree = treePatch.trees[x][y]
tree.isVisible = tree.isVisible(otherTrees)
return treePatch.trees.flatten().count { tree -> tree.isVisible ?: false }
override fun part2(input: List<String>): Int {
val height = input.size
val treePatch = TreePatch(List(height) { input[it].toCharArray().map { c -> Tree(c.digitToInt()) } })
val width = treePatch.trees[0].size
for (x in 0 until width) {
for (y in 0 until height) {
val otherTrees = treePatch.cross(x, y)
val tree = treePatch.trees[x][y]
tree.scenicScore = tree.countVisibleTrees(otherTrees.left) *
tree.countVisibleTrees(otherTrees.right) *
tree.countVisibleTrees( *
return treePatch.trees.flatten().maxOf { it.scenicScore }
data class TreePatch(
val trees: List<List<Tree>>
) {
fun cross(x: Int, y: Int) = Cross(
left = trees[x].subList(0, y).asReversed(),
right = trees[x].subList(y + 1, width),
top = (0 until x).map { trees[it][y] }.asReversed(),
bottom = (x + 1 until height).map { trees[it][y] }
private val width by lazy { trees.first().size }
private val height by lazy { trees.size }
data class Cross(
val left: List<Tree>,
val right: List<Tree>,
val top: List<Tree>,
val bottom: List<Tree>
data class Tree(
val height: Int,
var isVisible: Boolean? = null,
var scenicScore: Int = -1
) {
override fun toString(): String {
return height.toString()
fun isVisible(cross: Cross): Boolean {
return cross.left.all { it.height < height } ||
cross.right.all { it.height < height } || { it.height < height } ||
cross.bottom.all { it.height < height }
fun countVisibleTrees(list: List<Tree>): Int {
return when {
list.isEmpty() -> 0
list.none { it.height >= height } -> list.size
else -> list.indexOfFirst { it.height >= height } + 1
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | 6ca5f70872f1185429c04dcb8bc3f3651e3c2a84 | 2,826 | advent-of-code-2022-kotlin | Apache License 2.0 |
src/day7.kt | miiila | 725,271,087 | false | {"Kotlin": 77215} | import
import kotlin.system.exitProcess
private const val DAY = 7
fun main() {
if (!File("./day${DAY}_input").exists()) {
println("Input downloaded")
val transformer = { x: String -> x.split(" ").let { Pair(it.first(), it.last().toInt()) } }
val input = loadInput(DAY, false, transformer)
// Part 1
private fun solvePart1(input: List<Pair<String, Int>>): Int {
val cards = listOf('A', 'K', 'Q', 'J', 'T', '9', '8', '7', '6', '5', '4', '3', '2').reversed()
val comp =
Comparator { c1: Pair<String, Int>, c2: Pair<String, Int> -> compareSameCards(c1.first, c2.first, cards) }
val sorted =
input.sortedWith(comp).sortedBy { getCardStrength(it.first) }
return sorted.mapIndexed { i, card -> (i + 1) * card.second }.sum()
fun compareSameCards(card1: String, card2: String, cards: List<Char>): Int {
var i = -1
while (true) {
if (card1[i] == card2[i]) {
return cards.indexOf(card1[i]) - cards.indexOf(card2[i])
fun getCardStrength(card: String): Int {
val ranked = card.groupingBy { it }.eachCount().values
return when {
5 in ranked -> 50
4 in ranked -> 40
3 in ranked && 2 in ranked -> 30
3 in ranked -> 20
ranked.groupingBy { it }.eachCount()[2] == 2 -> 10
2 in ranked -> 5
else -> 1
// Part 2
private fun solvePart2(input: List<Pair<String, Int>>): Int {
val cards = listOf('A', 'K', 'Q', 'T', '9', '8', '7', '6', '5', '4', '3', '2', 'J').reversed()
val comp =
Comparator { c1: Pair<String, Int>, c2: Pair<String, Int> -> compareSameCards(c1.first, c2.first, cards) }
val sorted =
input.sortedWith(comp).sortedBy { getCardStrengthWithJokers(it.first) }
return sorted.mapIndexed { i, card -> (i + 1) * card.second }.sum()
fun getCardStrengthWithJokers(card: String): Int {
val ranked_ = card.groupingBy { it }.eachCount().toMutableMap()
if ('J' in ranked_) {
val j = ranked_.remove('J')
if (j == 5) {
ranked_['A'] = 5
} else {
val rev = ranked_.entries.associate { (k, v) -> v to k }.toSortedMap().reversed()
val u: Char = rev.firstEntry().value
ranked_[u] = ranked_[u]!! + j!!
val ranked = ranked_.values
return when {
5 in ranked -> 50
4 in ranked -> 40
3 in ranked && 2 in ranked -> 30
3 in ranked -> 20
ranked.groupingBy { it }.eachCount()[2] == 2 -> 10
2 in ranked -> 5
else -> 1
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 1 | 1cd45c2ce0822e60982c2c71cb4d8c75e37364a1 | 2,746 | aoc2023 | MIT License |
src/y2022/Day15.kt | gaetjen | 572,857,330 | false | {"Kotlin": 325874, "Mermaid": 571} | package y2022
import util.Pos
import util.readInput
import kotlin.math.abs
object Day15 {
data class SensorBeacon(val sensor: Pos, val beacon: Pos) {
constructor(s: List<Int>, b: List<Int>) : this(s.toPair(), b.toPair())
fun manhattanDist(): Int {
return sensor.manhattanDist(beacon)
fun Pos.manhattanDist(other: Pos): Int {
return abs(this.first - other.first) + abs(this.second - other.second)
fun <T> List<T>.toPair(): Pair<T, T> {
val (first, second) = this
return first to second
private fun parse(input: List<String>): List<SensorBeacon> {
return { line ->
val s = line.substringAfter("x=").substringBefore(":").split((", y=")).map { it.toInt() }
val b = line.substringAfterLast("x=").split((", y=")).map { it.toInt() }
SensorBeacon(s, b)
fun part1(input: List<String>, line: Int): Int {
val sensorBeacons = parse(input)
val coveredPositions = coveredPositionsInLine(sensorBeacons, line)
val minX = coveredPositions.minOf { it.first }
val maxX = coveredPositions.maxOf { it.last }
var count = 0
for (i in minX..maxX) {
if (coveredPositions.any { i in it }) {
return count - sensorBeacons.filter { it.beacon.second == line }.map { it.beacon }.distinct().count()
fun part2(input: List<String>, max: Int): Long {
val sensorBeacons = parse(input)
val coveredPositions = (0..max).map { line ->
coveredPositionsInLine(sensorBeacons, line)
var y = -1
var yLine = listOf<IntRange>()
coveredPositions.forEachIndexed { idx, line ->
var mergedRanges = line
for (i in 0..line.size) {
val overlaps = mergedRanges.filter { overlapsOrTouches(mergedRanges[0], it) }.toSet()
val newMerged = overlaps.minOf { it.first }..overlaps.maxOf { it.last }
mergedRanges = mergedRanges.filter { it !in overlaps } + listOf(newMerged)
if (mergedRanges.size == 2) {
y = idx
yLine = mergedRanges
val x = yLine.minBy { it.first }.last + 1
return x * 4_000_000L + y
private fun coveredPositionsInLine(
sensorBeacons: List<SensorBeacon>,
line: Int,
) = {
val diff = it.manhattanDist() - abs(it.sensor.second - line)
if (diff >= 0) {
((it.sensor.first - diff)..(it.sensor.first + diff))
} else {
}.filter { !it.isEmpty() }
private fun overlapsOrTouches(range1: IntRange, range2: IntRange): Boolean {
val extended = (range2.first - 1)..(range2.last + 1)
return listOf(
range1.first in extended,
range1.last in extended,
range2.first in range1
).any { it }
fun main() {
val testInput = """
Sensor at x=2, y=18: closest beacon is at x=-2, y=15
Sensor at x=9, y=16: closest beacon is at x=10, y=16
Sensor at x=13, y=2: closest beacon is at x=15, y=3
Sensor at x=12, y=14: closest beacon is at x=10, y=16
Sensor at x=10, y=20: closest beacon is at x=10, y=16
Sensor at x=14, y=17: closest beacon is at x=10, y=16
Sensor at x=8, y=7: closest beacon is at x=2, y=10
Sensor at x=2, y=0: closest beacon is at x=2, y=10
Sensor at x=0, y=11: closest beacon is at x=2, y=10
Sensor at x=20, y=14: closest beacon is at x=25, y=17
Sensor at x=17, y=20: closest beacon is at x=21, y=22
Sensor at x=16, y=7: closest beacon is at x=15, y=3
Sensor at x=14, y=3: closest beacon is at x=15, y=3
Sensor at x=20, y=1: closest beacon is at x=15, y=3
println(Day15.part1(testInput, 10))
println(Day15.part2(testInput, 20))
val input = readInput("resources/2022/day15")
println(Day15.part1(input, 2000000))
println(3405562L * 4000000L + 3246513L)
println(Day15.part2(input, 4000000))
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | d0b9b5e16cf50025bd9c1ea1df02a308ac1cb66a | 4,386 | advent-of-code | Apache License 2.0 |
src/Day11.kt | anisch | 573,147,806 | false | {"Kotlin": 38951} | data class Monkey(
val name: Int,
val items: MutableList<Long>,
val op: (Long) -> Long,
val divBy: Long,
val test: (Long) -> Boolean,
val success: Int, // if true: throw to
val fail: Int, // if false: trow to
var inspectCounter: Long = 0,
fun getMonkeys(input: List<String>): List<Monkey> = input
.map { m ->
val items = m[1].substringAfter(": ").split(", ").map { it.toLong() }
val ops = m[2].substringAfter("old ").split(" ")
val test = m[3].substringAfter("by ").toInt()
name = m[0].substringAfter(" ")[0].digitToInt(),
items = items.toMutableList(),
divBy = test.toLong(),
op = { old ->
val item = if (ops[1] == "old") old else ops[1].toLong()
when (ops[0]) {
"+" -> (old + item)
"*" -> old * item
else -> error("wtf???")
test = { item -> item % test == 0L },
success = m[4].substringAfter("monkey ").toInt(),
fail = m[5].substringAfter("monkey ").toInt(),
fun inspection(monkeys: List<Monkey>, divider: Long, monkeyMod: Long? = null) {
monkeys.forEach { monkey ->
monkey.inspectCounter += monkey.items.size
monkey.items.forEach { item ->
var worry = monkey.op(item) / divider
monkeyMod?.let { worry %= monkeyMod }
val test = monkey.test(worry)
if (test) monkeys[monkey.success].items += worry
else monkeys[].items += worry
fun main() {
fun part1(input: List<String>): Long {
val monkeys = getMonkeys(input)
repeat(20) { inspection(monkeys, 3) }
val (a, b) = monkeys.sortedByDescending { m -> m.inspectCounter }
return a.inspectCounter * b.inspectCounter
fun part2(input: List<String>): Long {
val monkeys = getMonkeys(input)
val monkeyMod = monkeys
.map { m -> m.divBy }
.reduce { a, b -> a * b }
repeat(10_000) { inspection(monkeys, 1, monkeyMod) }
val (a, b) = monkeys.sortedByDescending { m -> m.inspectCounter }
return a.inspectCounter * b.inspectCounter
// test if implementation meets criteria from the description, like:
val testInput = readInput("Day11_test")
val input = readInput("Day11")
check(part1(testInput) == 10605L)
check(part2(testInput) == 2713310158L)
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | 4f45d264d578661957800cb01d63b6c7c00f97b1 | 2,718 | Advent-of-Code-2022 | Apache License 2.0 |
src/Day08/Day08.kt | martin3398 | 436,014,815 | false | {"Kotlin": 63436, "Python": 5921} | fun main() {
fun preprocess(input: List<String>): List<Pair<List<String>, List<String>>> {
fun preprocessSingle(input: String): Pair<List<String>, List<String>> {
val split = input.split('|')
val fst = split[0].split(' ').filter { it.isNotBlank() }
val snd = split[1].split(' ').filter { it.isNotBlank() }
return Pair(fst, snd)
return { preprocessSingle(it) }
fun part1(input: List<Pair<List<String>, List<String>>>): Int {
return { it.second }.sumOf { it.count { e -> listOf(2, 3, 4, 7).contains(e.length) } }
fun part2(input: List<Pair<List<String>, List<String>>>): Int {
fun processSingle(line: Pair<List<String>, List<String>>): Int {
val second = { it.toSet() }
val all = line.first + line.second
val one = all.filter { it.length == 2 }[0].toSet()
val four = all.filter { it.length == 4 }[0].toSet()
val known = mapOf(Pair(2, "1"), Pair(3, "7"), Pair(4, "4"), Pair(7, "8"))
var res = ""
for (e in second) {
res += if (e.size in known.keys) {
} else if (e.size == 5) {
if (e.intersect(one).size == 2) {
} else if (e.intersect(four).size == 2) {
} else {
} else {
if (e.intersect(one).size == 1) {
} else if (e.intersect(four).size == 4) {
} else {
return res.toInt()
return input.sumOf { processSingle(it) }
val testInput = preprocess(readInput(8, true))
val input = preprocess(readInput(8))
check(part1(testInput) == 26)
check(part2(testInput) == 61229)
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | 085b1f2995e13233ade9cbde9cd506cafe64e1b5 | 2,151 | advent-of-code-2021 | Apache License 2.0 |
src/Day12.kt | p357k4 | 573,068,508 | false | {"Kotlin": 59696} | fun main() {
data class Node(val i: Int, val j: Int, val char: Char, var cost: Int) {
val height = when (char) {
'S' -> 'a'
'E' -> 'z'
else -> char
fun exists(i: Int, j: Int, map: Array<Node>): Boolean {
return map.any { it.i == i && it.j == j }
fun node(i: Int, j: Int, map: Array<Node>): Node {
return map.first { it.i == i && it.j == j }
fun dijkstra(parent: Node, node: Node, map: Array<Node>) {
if (node.height - parent.height > 1) {
val cost = parent.cost + 1
if (cost >= node.cost) {
node.cost = cost
if (exists(node.i - 1, node.j, map)) {
dijkstra(node, node(node.i - 1, node.j, map), map)
if (exists(node.i + 1, node.j, map)) {
dijkstra(node, node(node.i + 1, node.j, map), map)
if (exists(node.i, node.j - 1, map)) {
dijkstra(node, node(node.i, node.j - 1, map), map)
if (exists(node.i, node.j + 1, map)) {
dijkstra(node, node(node.i, node.j + 1, map), map)
fun analyse(input: List<String>) = input
.mapIndexed { row, line ->
.mapIndexed { column, char -> Node(row, column, char, Int.MAX_VALUE) }
fun part1(input: List<String>): Int {
val map = analyse(input)
.filter { it.char == 'S' }
.forEach { node ->
dijkstra(Node(-1, -1, 'S', -1), node, map)
val end = map.first { it.char == 'E' }
return end.cost
fun part2(input: List<String>): Int {
val map = analyse(input)
.filter { it.char == 'a' || it.char == 'S' }
.forEach { node -> dijkstra(Node(-1, -1, 'S', -1), node, map) }
val end = map.first { it.char == 'E' }
return end.cost
// test if implementation meets criteria from the description, like:
val testInputExample = readInput("Day12_example")
check(part1(testInputExample) == 31)
check(part2(testInputExample) == 29)
val testInput = readInput("Day12_test")
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | b9047b77d37de53be4243478749e9ee3af5b0fac | 2,399 | aoc-2022-in-kotlin | Apache License 2.0 |
src/day3/Day03.kt | ousa17 | 573,435,223 | false | {"Kotlin": 8095} | package day3
import readInput
fun main() {
val input = readInput("day3/Day03")
private fun part2(input: List<String>) {
val badges = input.windowed(3, step = 3).map { findBadge(it) }
val mapMyList = getMapCharPriority()
val sumPriority = { input -> mapMyList.filter { it.key == input.first() }.values.first() }.sum()
fun findBadge(list: List<String>): String {
val item1 = list.get(0)
val item2 = list.get(1)
val item3 = list.get(2)
return item1.filter { item2.contains(it) && item3.contains(it) }
private fun part1(input: List<String>) {
val mapMyList = getMapCharPriority()
val mapSplitted = { Pair(it.substring(0, it.length / 2), it.substring(it.length / 2, it.length)) }
val listWrong = { twoString ->
twoString.first.filter { twoString.second.contains(it) }
val sumPriority = { input -> mapMyList.filter { it.key == input.first() }.values.first() }.sum()
private fun getMapCharPriority(): Map<Char, Int> {
val alphabetMajuscule = ('A'..'Z').toMutableList()
val alphabetMinuscule = ('a'..'z').toMutableList()
var map: Map<Char, Int> = emptyMap()
for (i in 1..26) {
map =[i - 1] to i)
for (i in 27..52) {
map =[i - 27] to i)
return map
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | aa7f2cb7774925b7e88676a9ca64ca9548bce5b2 | 1,492 | advent-day-1 | Apache License 2.0 |
Advent-of-Code-2023/src/Day22.kt | Radnar9 | 726,180,837 | false | {"Kotlin": 93593} | private const val AOC_DAY = "Day22"
private const val INPUT_FILE = AOC_DAY
private data class Brick(val minX: Int, val maxX: Int, val minY: Int, val maxY: Int, val minZ: Int, val maxZ: Int) {
fun down(): Brick = Brick(minX, maxX, minY, maxY, minZ - 1, maxZ - 1)
fun supports(b: Brick) =
minX <= b.maxX && maxX >= b.minX && minY <= b.maxY && maxY >= b.minY && minZ <= b.maxZ - 1 && maxZ >= b.minZ - 1
fun isUnsupported(stack: List<Brick>, disintegrated: Set<Brick> = emptySet()) =
minZ > 1 && stack.none { it.supports(this) && it !== this && it !in disintegrated }
companion object {
operator fun <T> List<T>.component6() = this[5]
fun parse(s: String): Brick {
val (x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2) = s.split(',', '~').map { it.toInt() }
return Brick(minOf(x1, x2), maxOf(x1, x2), minOf(y1, y2), maxOf(y1, y2), minOf(z1, z2), maxOf(z1, z2))
private class BrickStack(input: List<String>) {
val bricks = buildList<Brick> {
for (brick in { Brick.parse(it) }.sortedBy { it.minZ }) {
var pos = brick
while (pos.isUnsupported(this))
pos = pos.down()
sortBy { it.minZ }
fun canDisintegrate(disintegratedBrick: Brick): Boolean {
val disintegrated = setOf(disintegratedBrick)
return bricks.none { it.isUnsupported(bricks, disintegrated) }
fun countFalls(initial: Brick): Int {
val work = mutableListOf(initial)
val disintegrated = mutableSetOf(initial)
while (work.isNotEmpty()) {
val current = work.removeLast()
for (brick in bricks) {
// If brick is below other, it can't possibly fall
if (brick.maxZ < current.minZ)
// Brick can't be directly supported by any remaining since the stack is sorted by Z
if (brick.minZ > current.maxZ + 1)
if (brick !in disintegrated && brick.isUnsupported(bricks, disintegrated)) {
return disintegrated.size - 1
fun main() {
fun part1(input: List<String>): Int {
val stack = BrickStack(input)
return stack.bricks.count { stack.canDisintegrate(it) }
fun part2(input: List<String>): Int {
val stack = BrickStack(input)
return stack.bricks.sumOf { stack.countFalls(it) }
val input = readInputToList(INPUT_FILE)
/* // Python solution
from collections import deque
bricks = [list(map(int, line.replace("~", ",").split(","))) for line in open(0)]
bricks.sort(key=lambda brick: brick[2])
def overlaps(a, b):
return max(a[0], b[0]) <= min(a[3], b[3]) and max(a[1], b[1]) <= min(a[4], b[4])
for index, brick in enumerate(bricks):
max_z = 1
for check in bricks[:index]:
if overlaps(brick, check):
max_z = max(max_z, check[5] + 1)
brick[5] -= brick[2] - max_z
brick[2] = max_z
bricks.sort(key=lambda brick: brick[2])
k_supports_v = {i: set() for i in range(len(bricks))}
v_supports_k = {i: set() for i in range(len(bricks))}
for j, upper in enumerate(bricks):
for i, lower in enumerate(bricks[:j]):
if overlaps(lower, upper) and upper[2] == lower[5] + 1:
total = 0
# Part 1
for i in range(len(bricks)):
if all(len(v_supports_k[j]) >= 2 for j in k_supports_v[i]):
total += 1
# Part 2
for i in range(len(bricks)):
q = deque(j for j in k_supports_v[i] if len(v_supports_k[j]) == 1)
falling = set(q)
while q:
j = q.popleft()
for k in k_supports_v[j] - falling:
if v_supports_k[k] <= falling:
total += len(falling) - 1
*/ | 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | e6b1caa25bcab4cb5eded12c35231c7c795c5506 | 4,084 | Advent-of-Code-2023 | Apache License 2.0 |
src/day11/Day11.kt | seastco | 574,758,881 | false | {"Kotlin": 72220} | package day11
import readText
data class Monkey(var items: MutableList<Long>, val operation: List<String>, val divisor: Long, val trueMonkey: Int, val falseMonkey: Int) {
var inspected = 0L
fun getWorryLevel(item: Long): Long {
val operator = operation[0]
val number = if (operation[1] == "old") item else operation[1].toLong()
return when (operator) {
"+" -> item + number
"*" -> item * number
else -> 0L
private fun parseInput(input: String): Pair<List<Monkey>, Long> {
val monkeyInput = input.split("\n\n")
val monkeys = {
val monkeyDescription = it.split("\n")
val items = monkeyDescription[1]
.map { item -> item.trim().toLong() }.toMutableList()
val operation = monkeyDescription[2]
.split(" ")
val divisor = monkeyDescription[3].split(" ").last().toLong()
val trueMonkey = monkeyDescription[4].split(" ").last().toInt()
val falseMonkey = monkeyDescription[5].split(" ").last().toInt()
Monkey(items, operation, divisor, trueMonkey, falseMonkey)
val lcm = { it.divisor }.reduce { acc, bigInteger -> acc * bigInteger }
return monkeys to lcm
private fun part1(input: String): Long {
val (monkeys) = parseInput(input)
repeat(20) {
monkeys.forEach {
for (i in it.items.indices) {
val item = it.items[i]
val worryLevel = it.getWorryLevel(item) / 3
val nextMonkey = if (worryLevel % it.divisor == 0L) it.trueMonkey else it.falseMonkey
it.inspected += it.items.size
return monkeys
.sortedByDescending { it.inspected }
.let{ it[0].inspected * it[1].inspected }
private fun part2(input: String): Long {
val (monkeys, lcm) = parseInput(input)
repeat(10000) {
monkeys.forEach {
for (i in it.items.indices) {
val item = it.items[i]
val worryLevel = it.getWorryLevel(item) % lcm
val nextMonkey = if (worryLevel % it.divisor == 0L) it.trueMonkey else it.falseMonkey
it.inspected += it.items.size
return monkeys
.sortedByDescending { it.inspected }
.let{ it[0].inspected * it[1].inspected }
fun main() {
} | 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | 2d8f796089cd53afc6b575d4b4279e70d99875f5 | 2,866 | aoc2022 | Apache License 2.0 |
src/main/kotlin/com/github/ferinagy/adventOfCode/aoc2023/2023-07.kt | ferinagy | 432,170,488 | false | {"Kotlin": 787586} | package com.github.ferinagy.adventOfCode.aoc2023
import com.github.ferinagy.adventOfCode.println
import com.github.ferinagy.adventOfCode.readInputLines
fun main() {
val input = readInputLines(2023, "07-input")
val test1 = readInputLines(2023, "07-test1")
private fun part1(input: List<String>): Int {
val hands = { line ->
line.split(" ").let { Hand(it[0], it[1].toInt()) }
return hands.sorted().withIndex().sumOf { (index, hand) -> (index + 1) * }
private fun part2(input: List<String>): Int {
val hands = { line ->
line.split(" ").let { HandWithJoker(it[0], it[1].toInt()) }
return hands.sorted().withIndex().sumOf { (index, hand) -> (index + 1) * }
private enum class HandType {
Five, Four, FullHouse, Three, TwoPair, Pair, HighCard
private data class Hand(val cards: String, val bid: Int): Comparable<Hand> {
companion object {
val labels = listOf('A', 'K', 'Q', 'J', 'T', '9', '8', '7', '6', '5', '4', '3', '2')
private val type: HandType
init {
val counts = cards.groupingBy { it }.eachCount().entries.sortedByDescending { it.value }
type = when {
counts.size == 1 -> HandType.Five
counts[0].value == 4 -> HandType.Four
counts[0].value == 3 && counts[1].value == 2 -> HandType.FullHouse
counts[0].value == 3 -> HandType.Three
counts[0].value == 2 && counts[1].value == 2 -> HandType.TwoPair
counts[0].value == 2 -> HandType.Pair
else -> HandType.HighCard
override fun compareTo(other: Hand): Int {
if (type != other.type) return other.type.ordinal - type.ordinal
cards.forEachIndexed { index, c ->
if (c !=[index]) return labels.indexOf([index]) - labels.indexOf(c)
return 0
private data class HandWithJoker(val cards: String, val bid: Int): Comparable<HandWithJoker> {
companion object {
val labels = listOf('A', 'K', 'Q', 'T', '9', '8', '7', '6', '5', '4', '3', '2', 'J')
private val type: HandType
init {
val jokers = cards.count { it == 'J' }
val counts = cards.groupingBy { it }.eachCount().let { it - 'J' }.entries.sortedByDescending { it.value }
type = when {
jokers == 5 || counts[0].value + jokers == 5 -> HandType.Five
counts[0].value + jokers == 4 -> HandType.Four
counts[0].value == 3 && counts[1].value == 2 -> HandType.FullHouse
counts[0].value == 2 && counts[1].value == 2 && jokers == 1 -> HandType.FullHouse
counts[0].value + jokers == 3 -> HandType.Three
counts[0].value == 2 && counts[1].value == 2 -> HandType.TwoPair
counts[0].value + jokers == 2 -> HandType.Pair
else -> HandType.HighCard
override fun compareTo(other: HandWithJoker): Int {
if (type != other.type) return other.type.ordinal - type.ordinal
cards.forEachIndexed { index, c ->
if (c !=[index]) return labels.indexOf([index]) - labels.indexOf(c)
return 0
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 1 | f4890c25841c78784b308db0c814d88cf2de384b | 3,405 | advent-of-code | MIT License |
src/days/day7/Day7.kt | Riven-Spell | 113,698,657 | false | {"Kotlin": 25729} | package days.day7
import kotlin.math.abs
data class Program(val Name: String, val Weight: Int, val Links: List<String>)
val nregex = Regex("[a-z]+")
val wregex = Regex("\\(\\d+\\)")
val weregex = Regex("\\d+")
val lregex = Regex("->")
fun day7p1(s: String) : String {
var programs = HashMap<String,Program>()
var linkbacks = HashMap<String,MutableList<String>>()
return toBase(linkbacks, s.split("\n").map { prog ->
val links: List<String> = if(lregex.containsMatchIn(prog)) nregex.findAll(lregex.split(prog)[1]).map{it.value}.toList() else listOf()
val name: String = nregex.find(lregex.split(prog)[0])!!.value
val weight: Int = weregex.find(wregex.find(prog)!!.value)!!.value.toInt()
}.map { prog ->
programs[prog.Name] = prog
linkbacks[prog.Name] = mutableListOf()
}.map { prog ->
prog.Links.forEach { linked ->
fun Program.findTotalWeight(programs: HashMap<String,Program>): Int = this.Weight + { programs[it]!!.findTotalWeight(programs) }.sum()
data class WeightTree(val Name: String, val Weight:Int, val Subs:List<WeightTree>) {
fun CorrectWeight(): Int {
val wts = HashMap<Int,Int>()
Subs.forEach {
if(wts.contains(it.Weight)) {
wts[it.Weight] = wts[it.Weight]!! + 1
} else {
wts[it.Weight] = 1
return wts.keys.toList()[wts.values.indexOf(wts.values.max()!!)]
fun FindWrong(): WeightTree {
val cWeight = CorrectWeight()
val icw = Subs.find { it.Weight != cWeight }
return if(icw == null) {
} else {
fun Program.buildWeightTree(programs: HashMap<String,Program>): WeightTree {
val w = this.findTotalWeight(programs)
val sw = { programs[it]!!.buildWeightTree(programs) }
return WeightTree(this.Name, w, sw)
fun day7p2(s: String) : String {
var programs = HashMap<String,Program>()
var linkbacks = HashMap<String,MutableList<String>>()
val base = toBase(linkbacks, s.split("\n").map { prog ->
val links: List<String> = if(lregex.containsMatchIn(prog)) nregex.findAll(lregex.split(prog)[1]).map{it.value}.toList() else listOf()
val name: String = nregex.find(lregex.split(prog)[0])!!.value
val weight: Int = weregex.find(wregex.find(prog)!!.value)!!.value.toInt()
}.map { prog ->
programs[prog.Name] = prog
linkbacks[prog.Name] = mutableListOf()
}.map { prog ->
prog.Links.forEach { linked ->
val bwt = programs[base]!!.buildWeightTree(programs)
val iwt = bwt.FindWrong()
val cwt = programs[linkbacks[iwt.Name]!![0]]!!.buildWeightTree(programs)
return (programs[iwt.Name]!!.Weight - abs(iwt.Weight - cwt.CorrectWeight())).toString()
fun toBase(linkbacks: HashMap<String,MutableList<String>>, name:String): String = if(linkbacks[name]!!.isEmpty())
else {
linkbacks[name]!!.map { toBase(linkbacks, it) }.first()
} | 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 1 | dbbdb390a0addee98c7876647106af208c3d9bc7 | 3,331 | Kotlin-AdventOfCode-2017 | MIT License |
src/main/kotlin/aoc23/Day02.kt | tom-power | 573,330,992 | false | {"Kotlin": 254717, "Shell": 1026} | package aoc23
import aoc23.Day02Domain.Bag
import aoc23.Day02Domain.Cube
import aoc23.Day02Domain.Cube.*
import aoc23.Day02Domain.CubeGame
import aoc23.Day02Domain.Round
import aoc23.Day02Parser.toCubeGame
import aoc23.Day02Solution.part1Day02
import aoc23.Day02Solution.part2Day02
import common.Collections.product
import common.Misc.capitalise
import common.Year23
object Day02 : Year23 {
fun List<String>.part1(): Int = part1Day02()
fun List<String>.part2(): Int = part2Day02()
object Day02Solution {
private val part1Bag =
cubeCount =
Red to 12,
Green to 13,
Blue to 14,
fun List<String>.part1Day02(): Int =
map { it.toCubeGame() }.filter { it.isPossibleWith(part1Bag) }
.sumOf { }
fun List<String>.part2Day02(): Int =
map { it.toCubeGame().smallestBagNeeded() }
.sumOf { it.powerOfCubes() }
object Day02Domain {
data class CubeGame(
val id: Int,
val rounds: List<Round>
) {
fun isPossibleWith(bag: Bag): Boolean =
rounds.all { round ->
fun smallestBagNeeded(): Bag =
cubeCount =
.associateWith { cube -> rounds.maxOf { it.countFor(cube) } }
data class Bag(
override val cubeCount: Map<Cube, Int>
) : HasCubeCount
data class Round(
override val cubeCount: Map<Cube, Int>
) : HasCubeCount
interface HasCubeCount {
val cubeCount: Map<Cube, Int>
fun countFor(key: Cube): Int = (this.cubeCount[key] ?: 0)
fun hasEnoughCubesFor(other: HasCubeCount): Boolean =
cubeCount.all { (cube, count) ->
count >= other.countFor(cube)
fun powerOfCubes(): Int = cubeCount.values.toList().product()
enum class Cube { Green, Red, Blue }
object Day02Parser {
// Game 5: 6 red, 1 blue, 3 green; 2 blue, 1 red, 2 green
fun String.toCubeGame(): CubeGame =
this.split(":").let { game ->
id = game.first().filter { it.isDigit() }.toInt(),
rounds =
.map { round ->
cubeCount =
.map { cubeCount ->
val cubeName = cubeCount.filter { it.isLetter() }.capitalise()
val count = cubeCount.filter { it.isDigit() }.toInt()
Cube.valueOf(cubeName) to count
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | baccc7ff572540fc7d5551eaa59d6a1466a08f56 | 2,951 | aoc | Apache License 2.0 |
advent-of-code-2023/src/Day13.kt | osipxd | 572,825,805 | false | {"Kotlin": 141640, "Shell": 4083, "Scala": 693} | import kotlin.math.min
private const val DAY = "Day13"
fun main() {
fun testInput() = readInput("${DAY}_test")
fun input() = readInput(DAY)
"Part 1" {
part1(testInput()) shouldBe 405
measureAnswer { part1(input()) }
"Part 2" {
part2(testInput()) shouldBe 400
measureAnswer { part2(input()) }
private fun part1(input: List<List<String>>): Int = input.sumOf { calculateMirrorPosition(it) }
private fun part2(input: List<List<String>>): Int = input.sumOf { calculateMirrorPosition(it, smudges = 1) }
private fun calculateMirrorPosition(pattern: List<String>, smudges: Int = 0): Int {
val verticalPosition = findMirrorPosition(pattern, smudges)
val horizontalPosition = if (verticalPosition == 0) findMirrorPosition(pattern.columns(), smudges) else 0
return horizontalPosition + verticalPosition * 100
private fun List<String>.columns(): List<String> = buildList {
for (i in first().indices) {
val column = buildString { for (line in this@columns) append(line[i]) }
private fun findMirrorPosition(pattern: List<String>, requiredSmudges: Int): Int {
for (i in 0..<pattern.lastIndex) {
var foundSmudges = 0
for (diff in 0..min(i, pattern.size - i - 2)) {
foundSmudges += pattern[i - diff] countDiffWith pattern[i + 1 + diff]
if (foundSmudges > requiredSmudges) break
if (foundSmudges == requiredSmudges) return i + 1
return 0
private infix fun String.countDiffWith(other: String): Int = indices.count { i -> this[i] != other[i] }
private fun readInput(name: String) = readText(name).split("\n\n").map { it.lines() }
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 5 | 6a67946122abb759fddf33dae408db662213a072 | 1,711 | advent-of-code | Apache License 2.0 |
src/Day04.kt | niltsiar | 572,887,970 | false | {"Kotlin": 16548} | fun main() {
fun part1(input: List<String>): Int {
return input.getPairsOfRanges()
.map { ranges ->
when {
ranges.first.first in ranges.second && ranges.first.last in ranges.second -> 1
ranges.second.first in ranges.first && ranges.second.last in ranges.first -> 1
else -> 0
fun part2(input: List<String>): Int {
return input.getPairsOfRanges()
.count { ranges ->
ranges.first overlaps ranges.second
// test if implementation meets criteria from the description, like:
val testInput = readInput("Day04_test")
check(part1(testInput) == 2)
check(part2(testInput) == 4)
val input = readInput("Day04")
private fun List<String>.getPairsOfRanges(): List<Pair<IntRange, IntRange>> {
return map { line ->
val ranges = line.split(',')
.map { section ->
.map { limit ->
ranges[0] to ranges[1]
private infix fun IntRange.overlaps(other: IntRange): Boolean {
return first <= other.last && other.first <= last
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | 766b3e168fc481e4039fc41a90de4283133d3dd5 | 1,352 | advent-of-code-kotlin-2022 | Apache License 2.0 |
src/main/kotlin/days/Day6.kt | hughjdavey | 159,955,618 | false | null | package days
class Day6 : Day(6) {
private val coords = toNamedCoords(inputList)
override fun partOne(): Int {
println("// Day 6 Part 1 takes about 6 seconds...")
val allGridCoords = (0..maxX(coords.values)).flatMap { x -> (0..maxY(coords.values)).map { y -> Pair(x, y) } }
return allGridCoords.asSequence().map { toClosestName(it) to it }.groupingBy { it.first }
.aggregate { _, accumulator: Set<Pair<Int, Int>>?, element, _ -> accumulator?.plus(element.second) ?: setOf(element.second) }
.filter { it.value.none { c -> isInfinite(c) } }
.map { it.value.size }.max() ?: 0
private fun isInfinite(gridCoord: Pair<Int, Int>) : Boolean {
return gridCoord.first == 0 || gridCoord.first == maxX(coords.values) ||
gridCoord.second == 0 || gridCoord.second == maxY(coords.values)
private fun toClosestName(gridCoord: Pair<Int, Int>): String {
val baz = { namedCoord ->
namedCoord.key to manhattanDistance(namedCoord.value, gridCoord)
}.sortedBy { it.second }
return if (baz.count { it.second == baz.first().second } > 1) "." else baz.first().first
override fun partTwo(): Int {
val allGridCoords = (0..maxX(coords.values)).flatMap { x -> (0..maxY(coords.values)).map { y -> Pair(x, y) } }
return allGridCoords.count { coord ->
val distancesFromCoords = { entry -> Pair(entry.key, manhattanDistance(entry.value, coord)) }.sortedBy { it.second } { it.second }.sum() < 10000
companion object {
fun toNamedCoords(input: List<String>): Map<String, Pair<Int, Int>> {
return { it.split(',') }
.map { { s -> s.trim() } }
.mapIndexed { index, splits -> getCoordName(index) to Pair(splits[0].toInt(), splits[1].toInt()) }
fun manhattanDistance(c1: Pair<Int, Int>, c2: Pair<Int, Int>): Int {
return diff(c1.first, c2.first) + diff(c1.second, c2.second)
fun maxX(coords: Collection<Pair<Int, Int>>) = coords.sortedBy { it.first }.last().first
fun maxY(coords: Collection<Pair<Int, Int>>) = coords.sortedBy { it.second }.last().second
private fun diff(x: Int, y: Int): Int {
return Math.max(x, y) - Math.min(x, y)
private fun getCoordName(index: Int): String {
val repeatCount = (index / 26) + 1
return ('A' + (index % 26)).toString().repeat(repeatCount)
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | 4f163752c67333aa6c42cdc27abe07be094961a7 | 2,643 | aoc-2018 | Creative Commons Zero v1.0 Universal |
y2022/src/main/kotlin/adventofcode/y2022/Day15.kt | Ruud-Wiegers | 434,225,587 | false | {"Kotlin": 503769} | package adventofcode.y2022
import adventofcode.util.vector.Vec2
import kotlin.math.abs
object Day15 : AdventSolution(2022, 15, "Beacon Exclusion Zone") {
override fun solvePartOne(input: String) = solvePartOne(input, 2_000_000)
fun solvePartOne(input: String, y: Int): Int {
val signals = parse(input).toList()
val intervals = { it.lineAt(y) }
.filter { it.first <= it.last }
.sortedBy { it.first }
val beacons = signals.mapNotNull { it.beaconAt(y) }.distinct()
val cuttingPoints = intervals.flatMap { listOf(it.first, it.last + 1) }
val slices = intervals.flatMap { range ->
val points = cuttingPoints.filter { it in range }.sorted() + (range.last + 1)
return slices.sumOf { it.last - it.first + 1 } - beacons.count()
override fun solvePartTwo(input: String): Long {
//rotate the grid 45 degrees. now all areas are squares!
val areas = parse(input).map { Diamond(it.sensor, it.dist).rotate() }.toList()
//sort all x- and y-boundary values
val xs = areas.flatMap { (a, b) -> listOf(a.x, b.x + 1) }.toSortedSet().toList()
val ys = areas.flatMap { (a, b) -> listOf(a.y, b.y + 1) }.toSortedSet().toList()
//use indices instead of the huge actual values
val ixs = xs.withIndex().associate { it.value to it.index }
val iys = ys.withIndex().associate { it.value to it.index }
//draw a small grid using the indices
val grid = Array(ys.size - 1) { BooleanArray(xs.size - 1) { false } }
//for each area, cross out the covered indices in the grid
areas.forEach { a ->
(iys.getValue(a.topLeft.y) until iys.getValue(a.bottomRight.y + 1)).forEach { y ->
(ixs.getValue(a.topLeft.x) until ixs.getValue(a.bottomRight.x + 1)).forEach { x ->
grid[y][x] = true
//uncovered 1x1 areas. only one is correct, the others will be outside the original scanning boundary
val candidates = (0 until ys.lastIndex).asSequence()
.flatMap { iy ->
(0 until xs.lastIndex).map { ix ->
Vec2(ix, iy)
.filter { (ix, _) -> xs[ix] + 1 == xs[ix + 1] } //1 wide
.filter { (_, iy) -> ys[iy] + 1 == ys[iy + 1] } //1 high
.filter { (ix, iy) -> !grid[iy][ix] } //uncovered
//back to original coordinates
val transformed = { Vec2(xs[it.x], ys[it.y]) }
.map { it.fromRotated() }
//filter incorrect candidates
val boundary = 4_000_000
val answer = transformed.single { it.x in 0..boundary && it.y in 0..boundary }
//tuning frequency
return answer.x * 4_000_000L + answer.y
private fun parse(input: String): Sequence<Signal> {
val regex = Regex("""Sensor at x=(-?\d+), y=(-?\d+): closest beacon is at x=(-?\d+), y=(-?\d+)""")
return input.lineSequence().map { regex.matchEntire(it)!!.groupValues.drop(1).map(String::toInt) }
.map { (sx, sy, bx, by) -> Signal(Vec2(sx, sy), Vec2(bx, by)) }
private data class Signal(val sensor: Vec2, val beacon: Vec2) {
val dist = sensor.distance(beacon)
fun lineAt(y: Int): IntRange {
val distanceToLine = abs(sensor.y - y)
val remainder = dist - distanceToLine
return (sensor.x - remainder)..(sensor.x + remainder)
fun beaconAt(y: Int): Int? = if (beacon.y == y) beacon.x else null
private data class Diamond(val center: Vec2, val radius: Int) {
fun rotate() = Area(
center.copy(y = center.y - radius).toRotated(),
center.copy(y = center.y + radius).toRotated()
private data class Area(val topLeft: Vec2, val bottomRight: Vec2)
//rotate the axes CCW 45 degrees (and scale)
private fun Vec2.toRotated() = Vec2(x + y, y - x)
//rotate the axes CW 45 degrees (and rescale)
private fun Vec2.fromRotated() = Vec2((x - y) / 2, (y + x) / 2)
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 3 | fc35e6d5feeabdc18c86aba428abcf23d880c450 | 4,175 | advent-of-code | MIT License |
src/Day15.kt | thorny-thorny | 573,065,588 | false | {"Kotlin": 57129} | import kotlin.math.abs
data class Beacon(val x: Int, val y: Int)
data class Sensor(val x: Int, val y: Int, val beacon: Beacon) {
fun coverRangeAtY(rangeY: Int): IntRange {
val distance = abs(x - beacon.x) + abs(y - beacon.y)
val yCorrection = abs(y - rangeY)
val left = x - distance + yCorrection
val right = x + distance - yCorrection
return left..right
fun main() {
fun parseLine(line: String): Sensor {
val match = Regex("""Sensor at x=(-?\d+), y=(-?\d+): closest beacon is at x=(-?\d+), y=(-?\d+)""").matchEntire(line) ?: throw Exception("Unknown format")
val (sensorX, sensorY, beaconX, beaconY) = match.destructured
val beacon = Beacon(beaconX.toInt(), beaconY.toInt())
return Sensor(sensorX.toInt(), sensorY.toInt(), beacon)
fun part1(input: List<String>, y: Int): Int {
val sensors = input
.map {
val sensor = parseLine(it)
val range = sensor.coverRangeAtY(y)
sensor to range
.filter {
val left = sensors.minOf { it.second.first }
val right = sensors.maxOf { it.second.last }
return (left..right).count { x ->
val inRange = sensors.any { x in it.second }
when {
inRange -> {
val isSensor = sensors.any { it.first.x == x && it.first.y == y }
val isBeacon = sensors.any { it.first.beacon.x == x && it.first.beacon.y == y }
!isSensor && !isBeacon
else -> false
fun part2(input: List<String>, searchRange: IntRange): Long {
val sensors =
return searchRange.firstNotNullOf { y ->
var x = searchRange.first
while (x <= searchRange.last) {
val range = sensors.firstNotNullOfOrNull {
val range = it.coverRangeAtY(y)
when {
range.isEmpty() || x !in range -> null
else -> range
when (range) {
null -> return@firstNotNullOf x.toLong() * 4000000L + y.toLong()
else -> x = range.last + 1
val testInput = readInput("Day15_test")
check(part1(testInput, 10) == 26)
check(part2(testInput, 0..20) == 56000011L)
val input = readInput("Day15")
println(part1(input, 2000000))
println(part2(input, 0..4000000))
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | 843869d19d5457dc972c98a9a4d48b690fa094a6 | 2,699 | aoc-2022 | Apache License 2.0 |
src/day22/Code.kt | fcolasuonno | 221,697,249 | false | null | package day22
import java.util.*
import kotlin.math.abs
fun main() {
val name = if (false) "test.txt" else "input.txt"
val dir =`package`.name
val input = File("src/$dir/$name").readLines()
val parsed = parse(input)
println("Part 1 = ${part1(parsed)}")
println("Part 2 = ${part2(parsed)}")
private val xRange = 0..34
private val yRange = 0..28
data class Node(val x: Int, val y: Int, val size: Int, val used: Int, val avail: Int, val usePercent: Int)
data class SimpleNode(val pos: Pair<Int, Int>, val size: Int, val used: Int)
data class NodeMap(val empty: SimpleNode, val goal: SimpleNode, val steps: Int = 0) {
var grid: SortedSet<SimpleNode> = sortedSetOf(compareBy<SimpleNode> { it.pos.first }.thenBy { it.pos.second })
fun candidates() = setOf(empty.pos.copy(first = empty.pos.first - 1),
empty.pos.copy(first = empty.pos.first + 1),
empty.pos.copy(second = empty.pos.second - 1),
empty.pos.copy(second = empty.pos.second + 1))
.filter {
it.first in xRange && it.second in yRange
}.let { newEmptyPositions ->
grid.filter { it.pos in newEmptyPositions }
}.mapNotNull { newNode ->
if (empty.size >= newNode.used) {
val newEmptyNode = newNode.copy(used = 0)
val simpleNode = empty.copy(used = newNode.used)
this.copy(empty = newEmptyNode, goal = if (newEmptyNode.pos == goal.pos) simpleNode else goal, steps = steps + 1).also {
it.grid.addAll(grid.filter { it.pos != newNode.pos && it.pos != empty.pos } + setOf(newEmptyNode, simpleNode))
} else null
fun emptyToGoal() = abs(empty.pos.first - xRange.last - 1) + empty.pos.second
fun goalToZero() = goal.pos.first + goal.pos.second
private val lineStructure = """/dev/grid/node-x(\d+)-y(\d+)\s+(\d+)T\s+(\d+)T\s+(\d+)T\s+(\d+)%""".toRegex()
fun parse(input: List<String>) = input.drop(2).map {
lineStructure.matchEntire(it)?.destructured?.let {
val (name, data) = it.toList().map { it.toInt() }.let { it.take(2) to it.drop(2) }
val (x, y) = name
val (size, used, avail, use) = data
Node(x, y, size, used, avail, use)
fun part1(input: Set<Node>): Any? = input.filter { it.used != 0 }.sumBy { node ->
(input - node).count { node.used <= it.avail }
fun part2(input: Set<Node>): Int {
val newInput = { SimpleNode(it.x to it.y, it.size, it.used) }
var solution: NodeMap? = null
val candidates = NodeMap(
newInput.single { it.used == 0 },
newInput.single { it.pos.first == xRange.last && it.pos.second == 0 }
).also { it.grid.addAll(newInput) }.candidates()
.toSortedSet(compareBy<NodeMap> { it.steps + it.emptyToGoal() }
.thenBy { it.empty.pos.first }.thenBy { it.empty.pos.second })
val seen = mutableSetOf<Pair<Int, Int>>()
while (candidates.isNotEmpty()) {
val first = candidates.first()
if (first.emptyToGoal() == 1) {
solution = first
} else {
candidates.addAll(first.candidates().filter { it.empty.pos !in seen })
val newCandidates = solution!!.candidates().toSortedSet(compareBy<NodeMap> { it.goal.pos.first }
.thenBy { it.goal.pos.second }
.thenBy { it.steps }
.thenBy { it.empty.pos.first }.thenBy { it.empty.pos.second })
while (newCandidates.isNotEmpty()) {
val first = newCandidates.first()
if (first.goalToZero() == 0) {
return first.steps
} else {
return 0
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | 73110eb4b40f474e91e53a1569b9a24455984900 | 3,955 | AOC2016 | MIT License |
src/day2/Day2.kt | bartoszm | 572,719,007 | false | {"Kotlin": 39186} | package day2
import readInput
import toPair
fun main() {
val testInput = parse(readInput("day02/test"))
val input = parse(readInput("day02/input"))
fun parse(input: List<String>): List<Pair<String, String>> {
return { i -> i.split("\\s+".toRegex()).map { it.trim() }.toPair() }
enum class Score(val score: Int) {
Loose(0), Tie(3), Win(6)
enum class Hand(val points: Int) {
Rock(1), Paper(2), Scissors(3);
fun better(): Hand = Hand.values()[(this.ordinal + 1) % 3]
fun worse(): Hand = Hand.values()[(this.ordinal - 1 + 3) % 3]
fun play(other: Hand): Score {
return when (other) {
this -> Score.Tie
this.better() -> Score.Loose
else -> Score.Win
val theyEncoding = mapOf(
"A" to Hand.Rock,
"B" to Hand.Paper,
"C" to Hand.Scissors
fun solve1(input: List<Pair<String, String>>): Int {
val mineEncoding = mapOf(
"X" to Hand.Rock,
"Y" to Hand.Paper,
"Z" to Hand.Scissors
fun score(them: Hand, you: Hand) = you.points +
return { (them, you) ->
theyEncoding[them]!! to mineEncoding[you]!!
}.sumOf { score(it.first, it.second) }
fun solve2(input: List<Pair<String, String>>): Int {
fun score(v: String): Score {
return when (v) {
"X" -> Score.Loose
"Y" -> Score.Tie
"Z" -> Score.Win
else -> throw IllegalStateException()
fun score(them: Hand, result: String): Int {
val sc = score(result)
val mine = when (sc) {
Score.Win -> them.better()
Score.Tie -> them
Score.Loose -> them.worse()
return sc.score + mine.points
return { (them, result) ->
theyEncoding[them]!! to result
}.sumOf { score(it.first, it.second) }
} | 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | f1ac6838de23beb71a5636976d6c157a5be344ac | 2,032 | aoc-2022 | Apache License 2.0 |
src/day16/Day16.kt | Volifter | 572,720,551 | false | {"Kotlin": 65483} | package day16
import utils.*
val LINE_REGEX = (
"""Valve (\w+) has flow rate=(\d+); """ +
"""tunnels? leads? to valves? (.*)"""
data class Valve(val name: String, val rate: Int) {
lateinit var links: List<Valve>
lateinit var openingCosts: Map<Valve, Int>
fun computeOpeningCosts() {
val result = mutableMapOf<Valve, Int>()
val visited = mutableSetOf<Valve>()
var openingCost = 1
generateSequence(listOf(this)) { stack ->
.onEach {
if (it.rate > 0)
result[it] = openingCost
.flatMap { valve -> valve.links }
.filter { it !in visited }
.also {
}.find { it.isEmpty() }
openingCosts = result
data class State(
val currentValve: Valve,
val time: Int,
val openValves: Set<Valve> = setOf(),
val score: Int = 0
) {
val subStates get() =
.filter { (valve, length) -> valve !in openValves && length < time }
.map { (valve, openingTime) ->
time - openingTime,
openValves + valve,
score + valve.rate * (time - openingTime)
fun parseRootValve(input: List<String>): Valve {
val valveChildren = mutableMapOf<String, List<String>>()
val valves = input.associate { line ->
val (name, rate, children) = LINE_REGEX.find(line)!!.groupValues.drop(1)
valveChildren[name] = children.split(", ")
name to Valve(name, rate.toInt())
valves.entries.forEach { (name, valve) ->
valve.links = valveChildren[name]!!.map { valves[it]!! }
valves.values.forEach { it.computeOpeningCosts() }
return valves["AA"]!!
fun computePaths(
root: Valve,
totalTime: Int,
openValves: Set<Valve> = setOf()
): List<Pair<Set<Valve>, Int>> {
val rootState = State(root, totalTime, openValves)
val visited = mutableSetOf(rootState)
val result = mutableMapOf<Set<Valve>, Int>()
generateSequence(listOf(rootState)) { stack ->
.flatMap { state ->
if (result[state.openValves]?.let { state.score > it } != false)
result[state.openValves] = state.score
.filter { it !in visited }
.also { visited.addAll(it) }
}.find { it.isEmpty() }
return { it.toPair() }
fun part1(input: List<String>): Int {
val root = parseRootValve(input)
val paths = computePaths(root, 30)
return paths.maxOf { it.second }
fun part2(input: List<String>): Int {
val root = parseRootValve(input)
val paths = computePaths(root, 26)
return paths.maxOf { (openValves, baseScore) ->
val otherScore = computePaths(root, 26, openValves).maxOf { it.second }
baseScore + otherScore
fun main() {
val testInput = readInput("Day16_test")
expect(part1(testInput), 1651)
expect(part2(testInput), 1707)
val input = readInput("Day16")
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | c2c386844c09087c3eac4b66ee675d0a95bc8ccc | 3,386 | AOC-2022-Kotlin | Apache License 2.0 |
src/main/kotlin/aoc2023/Day11.kt | j4velin | 572,870,735 | false | {"Kotlin": 285016, "Python": 1446} | package aoc2023
import Point
import readInput
import to2dCharArray
object Day11 {
fun getDistanceSum(input: List<String>, emptyMultiplier: Int = 2): Long {
val initialMap = input.to2dCharArray()
val emptyColumns = initialMap.withIndex().filter { (x, column) -> column.all { it == '.' } }.map { it.index }
val emptyRows = input.withIndex().filter { (y, row) -> row.all { it == '.' } }.map { it.index }
val galaxies = initialMap.withIndex().flatMap { (x, column) ->
column.withIndex().filter { (y, char) -> char == '#' }.map { (y, char) ->
x + emptyColumns.filter { it < x }.size * (emptyMultiplier - 1),
y + emptyRows.filter { it < y }.size * (emptyMultiplier - 1)
val distances = galaxies.flatMap { g1 -> galaxies.filter { it != g1 }.map { g2 -> g1 to g2 } }.distinctBy {
// order by x, then by y
if (it.first.x < it.second.x || (it.first.x == it.second.x && it.first.y < it.second.y)) {
} else {
}.map { it.first.longDistanceTo(it.second) }
return distances.sum()
fun part1(input: List<String>) = getDistanceSum(input).toInt()
fun part2(input: List<String>) = getDistanceSum(input, 1_000_000)
fun main() {
val testInput = readInput("Day11_test", 2023)
check(Day11.part1(testInput) == 374)
check(Day11.getDistanceSum(testInput, 10) == 1030L)
check(Day11.getDistanceSum(testInput, 100) == 8410L)
val input = readInput("Day11", 2023)
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | f67b4d11ef6a02cba5b206aba340df1e9631b42b | 1,823 | adventOfCode | Apache License 2.0 |
src/2022/Day19.kt | ttypic | 572,859,357 | false | {"Kotlin": 94821} | package `2022`
import readInput
fun main() {
fun parseBlueprint(blueprintConfig: String): Blueprint {
val regex =
"""Blueprint (\d+): Each ore robot costs (\d+) ore. Each clay robot costs (\d+) ore. Each obsidian robot costs (\d+) ore and (\d+) clay. Each geode robot costs (\d+) ore and (\d+) obsidian""".toRegex()
val groups = regex.find(blueprintConfig)!!.groups
return Blueprint(
id = groups[1]!!.value.toInt(),
oreRobotCost = groups[2]!!.value.toInt(),
clayRobotCost = groups[3]!!.value.toInt(),
obsidianRobotCost = groups[4]!!.value.toInt() to groups[5]!!.value.toInt(),
geodeRobotCost = groups[6]!!.value.toInt() to groups[7]!!.value.toInt(),
fun findMaxGeodesRobot(initialState: Day19State, blueprint: Blueprint): Int {
var states = listOf(initialState to initialState)
do {
states = states.flatMap { (state, prev) ->
buildList {
if (state.canBuild(blueprint, Robot.geode)) {
add(state.buildRobot(blueprint, Robot.geode) to state)
} else {
add(state.tick(1) to state)
listOf(Robot.ore, Robot.clay, Robot.obsidian).forEach { robot ->
val canBuild = prev.canBuild(blueprint, robot)
val skipped = prev.eqByRobots(state)
val canBuildNow = state.canBuild(blueprint, robot)
if (!(canBuild && skipped) && canBuildNow) {
add(state.buildRobot(blueprint, robot) to state)
} while (states.first().first.countdown != 0)
return states.maxOf { it.first.geode }
fun part1(input: List<String>): Int {
val blueprints = { parseBlueprint(it) }
return blueprints.sumOf {
val max = findMaxGeodesRobot(Day19State(), it) * max
fun part2(input: List<String>): Int {
val blueprints = { parseBlueprint(it) }.take(3)
return {
findMaxGeodesRobot(Day19State(countdown = 32), it)
// test if implementation meets criteria from the description, like:
val testInput = readInput("Day19_test")
check(part1(testInput) == 33)
check(part2(testInput) == 62 * 56)
val input = readInput("Day19")
data class Blueprint(
val id: Int,
val oreRobotCost: Int,
val clayRobotCost: Int,
val obsidianRobotCost: Pair<Int, Int>,
val geodeRobotCost: Pair<Int, Int>
data class Day19State(
val countdown: Int = 24,
val oreProducers: Int = 1,
val clayProducers: Int = 0,
val obsidianProducers: Int = 0,
val geodeProducers: Int = 0,
val ore: Int = 0,
val clay: Int = 0,
val obsidian: Int = 0,
val geode: Int = 0
fun Day19State.isValid(): Boolean {
return ore >= 0 && clay >= 0 && obsidian >= 0
fun Day19State.tick(time: Int): Day19State {
return copy(
countdown = countdown - time,
ore = oreProducers * time + ore,
clay = clayProducers * time + clay,
obsidian = obsidianProducers * time + obsidian,
geode = geodeProducers * time + geode,
fun Day19State.produceGeode(blueprint: Blueprint, removeOne: Boolean = false): Day19State {
return copy(
geodeProducers = geodeProducers + 1,
ore = ore - blueprint.geodeRobotCost.first,
obsidian = obsidian - blueprint.geodeRobotCost.second,
geode = if (removeOne) geode - 1 else geode,
fun Day19State.produceObsidian(blueprint: Blueprint, removeOne: Boolean = false): Day19State {
return copy(
obsidianProducers = obsidianProducers + 1,
ore = ore - blueprint.obsidianRobotCost.first,
clay = clay - blueprint.obsidianRobotCost.second,
obsidian = if (removeOne) obsidian - 1 else obsidian,
fun Day19State.produceClay(blueprint: Blueprint, removeOne: Boolean = false): Day19State {
return copy(
clayProducers = clayProducers + 1,
ore = ore - blueprint.clayRobotCost,
clay = if (removeOne) clay - 1 else clay,
fun Day19State.produceOre(blueprint: Blueprint, removeOne: Boolean = false): Day19State {
val nextOre = ore - blueprint.oreRobotCost
return copy(
oreProducers = oreProducers + 1,
ore = if (removeOne) nextOre - 1 else nextOre,
fun Day19State.eqByRobots(other: Day19State): Boolean {
return oreProducers == other.oreProducers && clayProducers == other.clayProducers &&
obsidianProducers == other.obsidianProducers && geodeProducers == other.geodeProducers
fun Day19State.buildRobot(blueprint: Blueprint, robot: Robot): Day19State {
return when (robot) {
Robot.geode -> this.produceGeode(blueprint, true)
Robot.obsidian -> this.produceObsidian(blueprint, true)
Robot.clay -> this.produceClay(blueprint, true)
Robot.ore -> this.produceOre(blueprint, true)
fun Blueprint.maxOre(): Int {
return oreRobotCost
fun Day19State.canBuild(blueprint: Blueprint, robot: Robot): Boolean {
val hasReason = when (robot) {
Robot.geode -> true
Robot.obsidian -> obsidianProducers < blueprint.geodeRobotCost.second
Robot.clay -> clayProducers < blueprint.obsidianRobotCost.second
Robot.ore -> oreProducers < blueprint.maxOre()
return hasReason && when (robot) {
Robot.geode -> this.produceGeode(blueprint)
Robot.obsidian -> this.produceObsidian(blueprint)
Robot.clay -> this.produceClay(blueprint)
Robot.ore -> this.produceOre(blueprint)
enum class Robot {
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | b3e718d122e04a7322ed160b4c02029c33fbad78 | 6,251 | aoc-2022-in-kotlin | Apache License 2.0 |
src/day14/Day14.kt | spyroid | 433,555,350 | false | null | package day14
import com.github.ajalt.mordant.terminal.Terminal
import readInput
import kotlin.system.measureTimeMillis
fun main() {
class Polymer(input: List<String>) {
var template = input.first()
val pairCounts = input.first().asSequence()
.map { it.joinToString("") }
.groupingBy { it }
.mapValues { (_, v) -> v.toLong() }
val spawnRules = input.drop(2).associate {
it.split(" -> ").let { (pair, insertion) ->
pair to Pair(pair.first() + insertion, insertion + pair.last())
fun calculate(iterations: Int): Long {
return generateSequence(pairCounts) { getNewCounts(it) }
.let { countLetters(it) }
.sortedBy { it }.let { it.last() - it.first() }
private fun countLetters(pairCounts: Map<String, Long>): Map<Char, Long> {
val letterCounts = mutableMapOf<Char, Long>().apply {
pairCounts.entries.forEach { (key, value) ->
this[key.first()] = getOrDefault(key.first(), 0) + value
this[key.last()] = getOrDefault(key.last(), 0) + value
return letterCounts.entries.associate { (key, value) ->
when (key) {
template.first(), template.last() -> key to (value + 1) / 2
else -> key to value / 2
private fun getNewCounts(pairCounts: Map<String, Long>): Map<String, Long> {
return mutableMapOf<String, Long>().apply {
pairCounts.forEach { pair ->
val pp = spawnRules[pair.key]
if (pp != null) {
this[pp.first] = getOrDefault(pp.first, 0L) + pair.value
this[pp.second] = getOrDefault(pp.second, 0L) + pair.value
fun part1(input: List<String>) = Polymer(input).calculate(10)
fun part2(input: List<String>) = Polymer(input).calculate(40)
val testData = readInput("day14/test")
val inputData = readInput("day14/input")
val term = Terminal()
var res1 = part1(testData)
check(res1 == 1588L) { "Expected 1588 but got $res1" }
var time = measureTimeMillis { res1 = part1(inputData) }
term.success("⭐️ Part1: $res1 in $time ms")
time = measureTimeMillis { res1 = part2(inputData) }
term.success("⭐️ Part2: $res1 in $time ms")
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | 939c77c47e6337138a277b5e6e883a7a3a92f5c7 | 2,702 | Advent-of-Code-2021 | Apache License 2.0 |
src/Day07.kt | Migge | 572,695,764 | false | {"Kotlin": 9496} | private fun part1(input: List<String>): Int {
val root = buildDisk(input.drop(1))
return root.flatMap()
.map { it.size }
.filter { it <= 100000 }
private fun part2(input: List<String>): Int {
val root = buildDisk(input.drop(1))
val remaining = 30000000 - (70000000 - root.size)
return root.flatMap()
.map { it.size }
.filter { it >= remaining }
private fun buildDisk(instrs: List<String>): Dir {
val root = Dir("/", null)
var dir = root
for (instr in instrs) {
val t = instr.split(" ")
when {
instr == "$ cd .." -> dir = dir.parent!!
t[1] == "cd" -> dir = dir.children.first { == t[2] }
t[0] == "dir" -> dir.children += Dir(t[1], dir)
t[0].toIntOrNull() != null -> dir.addFile(File(t[1], t[0].toInt()))
return root
data class File(val name: String, val size: Int)
class Dir(val name: String, val parent: Dir?) {
val children = mutableListOf<Dir>()
val size get() = _size
private val files = mutableListOf<File>()
private var _size = 0
private fun sizeChanged(size: Int) {
_size += size
fun addFile(file: File) {
files += file
private fun Dir.flatMap(): List<Dir> =
listOf(this) + children.fold(emptyList()) { list, e -> list + e.flatMap() }
fun main() {
val testInput = readInput("Day07_test")
check(part1(testInput) == 95437)
check(part2(testInput) == 24933642)
val input = readInput("Day07")
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | c7ca68b2ec6b836e73464d7f5d115af3e6592a21 | 1,706 | adventofcode2022 | Apache License 2.0 |
src/year2015/day24/Day24.kt | lukaslebo | 573,423,392 | false | {"Kotlin": 222221} | package year2015.day24
import check
import readInput
fun main() {
// test if implementation meets criteria from the description, like:
val testInput = readInput("2015", "Day24_test")
check(part1(testInput), 99)
check(part2(testInput), 44)
val input = readInput("2015", "Day24")
private fun part1(input: List<String>): Long {
val presents = { it.toLong() }
val targetWeight = presents.sum() / 3
val combinations = getTargetWeightCombinations(presents, targetWeight, 6)
val validCombinations = combinations.filter {
val remainingWeights = presents - it
hasTargetWeightCombinations(remainingWeights, targetWeight, remainingWeights.size / 2)
val minSize = validCombinations.minOf { it.size }
val minQE = validCombinations.filter { it.size == minSize }.minBy { it.reduce(Long::times) }
return minQE.reduce(Long::times)
private fun part2(input: List<String>): Long {
val presents = { it.toLong() }
val targetWeight = presents.sum() / 4
val combinations = getTargetWeightCombinations(presents, targetWeight, 5)
val validCombinations = combinations.filter {
val remainingWeights = presents - it
hasTargetWeightCombinations(remainingWeights, targetWeight, remainingWeights.size / 2)
val minSize = validCombinations.minOf { it.size }
val minQE = validCombinations.filter { it.size == minSize }.minBy { it.reduce(Long::times) }
return minQE.reduce(Long::times)
private fun getTargetWeightCombinations(
remainingWeights: List<Long>,
targetWeight: Long,
maxSize: Int,
weight: Long = 0,
combination: Set<Long> = emptySet(),
cache: MutableMap<Set<Long>, Set<Set<Long>>> = hashMapOf(),
): Set<Set<Long>> {
if (weight > targetWeight || combination.size > maxSize) return emptySet()
if (weight == targetWeight) return setOf(combination)
return cache.getOrPut(combination) {
remainingWeights.flatMapTo(hashSetOf()) {
remainingWeights = remainingWeights.filter { w -> w > it },
targetWeight = targetWeight,
maxSize = maxSize,
weight = weight + it,
combination = combination + it,
cache = cache,
private fun hasTargetWeightCombinations(
remainingWeights: List<Long>,
targetWeight: Long,
maxSize: Int,
weight: Long = 0,
combination: Set<Long> = emptySet(),
cache: MutableMap<Set<Long>, Boolean> = hashMapOf(),
): Boolean {
if (weight > targetWeight || combination.size > maxSize) return false
if (weight == targetWeight) return true
return cache.getOrPut(combination) {
remainingWeights.any {
remainingWeights = remainingWeights.filter { w -> w > it },
targetWeight = targetWeight,
maxSize = maxSize,
weight = weight + it,
combination = combination + it,
cache = cache,
} | 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 1 | f3cc3e935bfb49b6e121713dd558e11824b9465b | 3,178 | AdventOfCode | Apache License 2.0 |
src/main/kotlin/com/ginsberg/advent2023/Day19.kt | tginsberg | 723,688,654 | false | {"Kotlin": 112398} | /*
* Copyright (c) 2023 by <NAME>
* Advent of Code 2023, Day 19 - Aplenty
* Problem Description:
* Blog Post/Commentary:
package com.ginsberg.advent2023
class Day19(input: List<String>) {
private val workflows = input.takeWhile { it.isNotBlank() }.map { Workflow.of(it) }.associateBy { }
private val partRatings = input.dropWhile { it.isNotBlank() }.drop(1).map { PartRating.of(it) }
fun solvePart1(): Int =
partRatings.filter { rating ->
workflows.getValue("in").evaluate(rating, workflows) == "A"
}.sumOf { }
fun solvePart2(): Long =
workflows.withDefault { Workflow(it, emptyList()) },
"xmas".associateWith { 1..4000 }
private data class PartRating(val categories: Map<Char, Int>) {
val total: Int = categories.values.sum()
operator fun get(category: Char): Int =
companion object {
fun of(input: String): PartRating =
.removeSurrounding("{", "}")
.associate {
it.first() to it.substring(2).toInt()
private data class Workflow(val name: String, val rules: List<Rule>) {
fun evaluate(part: PartRating, workflows: Map<String, Workflow>): String =
rules.firstNotNullOf { rule ->
when (val answer = rule.eval(part)) {
null, in setOf("A", "R") -> answer
else -> workflows.getValue(answer).evaluate(part, workflows)
fun countRanges(allWorkflows: Map<String, Workflow>, ranges: Map<Char, IntRange>): Long =
when (name) {
"R" -> 0
"A" -> { it.length().toLong() }.reduce(Long::times)
else -> {
val constrainedRanges = ranges.toMutableMap()
.map { it to allWorkflows.getValue(it.nextWorkflow) }
.sumOf { (rule, workflow) ->
when (rule) {
is Rule.Other -> workflow
.countRanges(allWorkflows, constrainedRanges)
is Rule.RangeCheck ->
constrainedRanges.getValue(rule.category).let { before ->
constrainedRanges[rule.category] = before intersectRange rule.range
workflow.countRanges(allWorkflows, constrainedRanges).also {
constrainedRanges[rule.category] = before intersectRange rule.antiRange
companion object {
fun of(input: String): Workflow =
.map { rule -> Rule.of(rule) }
private sealed class Rule(val nextWorkflow: String) {
companion object {
fun of(input: String): Rule =
if ('>' in input || '<' in input) {
val variable = input[0]
val test = input[1]
val amount = input.substring(2).substringBefore(":").toInt()
val target = input.substringAfter(":")
if (test == '<') (1..<amount) else (amount + 1..4000),
if (test == '<') (amount..4000) else (1..amount),
} else Other(input)
abstract fun eval(partRating: PartRating): String?
class RangeCheck(
val category: Char,
val range: IntRange,
val antiRange: IntRange,
nextWorkflow: String
) :
Rule(nextWorkflow) {
override fun eval(partRating: PartRating): String? =
if (partRating[category] in range) nextWorkflow else null
class Other(nextWorkflow: String) : Rule(nextWorkflow) {
override fun eval(partRating: PartRating): String = nextWorkflow
} | 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 12 | 0d5732508025a7e340366594c879b99fe6e7cbf0 | 4,925 | advent-2023-kotlin | Apache License 2.0 |
src/Day13.kt | ambrosil | 572,667,754 | false | {"Kotlin": 70967} | private sealed class Packet : Comparable<Packet> {
companion object {
fun of(input: String): Packet =
.filter { it.isNotBlank() }
.filter { it != "," }
private fun of(input: Iterator<String>): Packet {
val packets = mutableListOf<Packet>()
while (input.hasNext()) {
when (val symbol = {
"]" -> return ListPacket(packets)
"[" -> packets.add(of(input))
else -> packets.add(IntPacket(symbol.toInt()))
return ListPacket(packets)
private class IntPacket(val amount: Int) : Packet() {
fun asList(): Packet = ListPacket(listOf(this))
override fun compareTo(other: Packet): Int =
when (other) {
is IntPacket -> amount.compareTo(other.amount)
is ListPacket -> asList().compareTo(other)
private class ListPacket(val subPackets: List<Packet>) : Packet() {
override fun compareTo(other: Packet): Int =
when (other) {
is IntPacket -> compareTo(other.asList())
is ListPacket ->
.map { it.first.compareTo(it.second) }
.firstOrNull { it != 0 } ?: subPackets.size.compareTo(other.subPackets.size)
fun main() {
fun parse(input: List<String>): Sequence<Packet> {
return input.asSequence().filter { it.isNotBlank() }.map { Packet.of(it) }
fun part1(input: List<String>): Int {
return parse(input)
.mapIndexed { index, (first, second) ->
if (first < second) index + 1 else 0
fun part2(input: List<String>): Int {
val packets = parse(input)
val divider1 = Packet.of("[[2]]")
val divider2 = Packet.of("[[6]]")
val ordered = (packets + divider1 + divider2).sorted()
return (ordered.indexOf(divider1) + 1) * (ordered.indexOf(divider2) + 1)
val input = readInput("inputs/Day13")
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | ebaacfc65877bb5387ba6b43e748898c15b1b80a | 2,312 | aoc-2022 | Apache License 2.0 |
src/aoc2022/Day18.kt | NoMoor | 571,730,615 | false | {"Kotlin": 101800} | package aoc2022
import utils.*
private class Day18(val lines: List<String>) {
data class Coord3d(val x:Int, val y:Int, val z:Int) {
fun getCrossNeighbors() : List<Coord3d> {
return listOf(
this.offset(dx = 1),
this.offset(dx = -1),
this.offset(dy = 1),
this.offset(dy = -1),
this.offset(dz = 1),
this.offset(dz = -1))
fun getAllNeighbors() : List<Coord3d> {
return (-1..1).flatMap { x ->
(-1..1).flatMap { y ->
(-1..1).filter { z -> x != 0 || y != 0 || z != 0 }
.map { z ->
Coord3d(this.x + x, this.y + y, this.z + z)
fun offset(dx: Int = 0, dy: Int = 0, dz: Int = 0) : Coord3d {
return Coord3d(x + dx, y + dy, z + dz)
fun part1(): Int {
val drops = {
val (x, y, z) = it.split(",").map { it.toInt() }
Coord3d(x, y, z)
return drops.sumOf {
6 - it.getCrossNeighbors().count { it in drops }
fun part2(): Int {
val drops = {
val (x, y, z) = it.split(",").map { it.toInt() }
Coord3d(x, y, z)
val surfaceCount = drops.sumOf {
6 - it.getCrossNeighbors().count { it in drops }
// These are the ones I'm trying to figure out for surface area
val allCrossNeighbors = drops.flatMap { it.getCrossNeighbors() }.filter { it !in drops }.distinct()
// For traversing around
val allNonLavaNeighborsIncludingDiagonals = drops.flatMap { it.getAllNeighbors() }.filter { it !in drops }.toSet()
val definitelyOutsideNeighbor = drops.maxBy { it.x }.offset(dx = 1)
val visitedOutside = mutableSetOf<Coord3d>()
val toVisit = mutableListOf<Coord3d>()
while (toVisit.isNotEmpty()) {
val curr = toVisit.removeFirst()
if (curr in visitedOutside) {
toVisit.addAll(curr.getCrossNeighbors().filter { it in allNonLavaNeighborsIncludingDiagonals })
val insideNeighbors = allCrossNeighbors.toMutableList().filter { it !in visitedOutside }
val insidesSurfaces = insideNeighbors.sumOf {
it.getCrossNeighbors().count { it in drops }
return surfaceCount - insidesSurfaces
fun main() {
val day = "18".toInt()
val todayTest = Day18(readInput(day, 2022, true))
execute(todayTest::part1, "Day[Test] $day: pt 1", 64)
val today = Day18(readInput(day, 2022))
execute(today::part1, "Day $day: pt 1")
execute(todayTest::part2, "Day[Test] $day: pt 2", 58)
execute(today::part2, "Day $day: pt 2")
// Wrong guesses = 3374
| 0 | Kotlin | 1 | 2 | d561db73c98d2d82e7e4bc6ef35b599f98b3e333 | 2,689 | aoc2022 | Apache License 2.0 |
src/main/kotlin/day7/Day7.kt | stoerti | 726,442,865 | false | {"Kotlin": 19680} | package io.github.stoerti.aoc.day7
import io.github.stoerti.aoc.IOUtils
import kotlin.math.ceil
import kotlin.math.floor
import kotlin.math.sqrt
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
val lines = IOUtils.readInput("day_7_input")
val result1 = { it.split(" ") }
.map { Hand(it[1].toInt(), it[0]) }
.sortedBy { it.getHandValue() }
// .onEachIndexed { i, it -> println("${i + 1} ${} ${} ${it.getHandValue()}") }
.mapIndexed { i, it -> (i + 1) * }
val result2 = { it.split(" ") }
.map { Hand(it[1].toInt(), it[0], true) }
.sortedBy { it.getHandValue() }
// .onEachIndexed { i, it -> println("${i + 1} ${} ${} ${it.getHandValue()}") }
.mapIndexed { i, it -> (i + 1) * }
println("Result1: $result1")
println("Result2: $result2")
data class Hand(
val bet: Int,
val cards: String,
val jokerRule: Boolean = false
) {
private val groupedCards = cards.toCharArray().filter { !jokerRule || it != 'J' } .groupBy { it }.mapValues { it.value.size }
val numJokers = cards.toCharArray().count { jokerRule && it == 'J' }
private fun hasFiveOfAKind(): Boolean = numJokers == 5 || groupedCards.values.maxOf { it + numJokers } == 5
private fun hasFourOfAKind(): Boolean = groupedCards.values.maxOf { it + numJokers } == 4
private fun hasFullHouse(): Boolean = ( groupedCards.containsValue(3) && groupedCards.containsValue(2)) ||
( groupedCards.filterValues { it == 2 }.size == 2 && numJokers == 1)
private fun hasThreeOfAKind(): Boolean = groupedCards.values.maxOf { it + numJokers } == 3
private fun hasTwoPair(): Boolean = groupedCards.filterValues { it == 2 }.size == 2
private fun hasOnePair(): Boolean = groupedCards.values.maxOf { it + numJokers } == 2
private fun getHandType(): String {
if (hasFiveOfAKind()) return "9"
if (hasFourOfAKind()) return "8"
if (hasFullHouse()) return "7"
if (hasThreeOfAKind()) return "6"
if (hasTwoPair()) return "5"
if (hasOnePair()) return "4"
return "0"
fun getHandValue(): String {
return this.getHandType() +
mapCardToValue(cards[0]) +
mapCardToValue(cards[1]) +
mapCardToValue(cards[2]) +
mapCardToValue(cards[3]) +
fun mapCardToValue(card: Char): String {
return when (card) {
'A' -> "14"
'K' -> "13"
'Q' -> "12"
'J' -> "01"
'T' -> "10"
else -> "0$card"
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | 05668206293c4c51138bfa61ac64073de174e1b0 | 2,522 | advent-of-code | Apache License 2.0 |
src/adventofcode/day05/Day05.kt | bstoney | 574,187,310 | false | {"Kotlin": 27851} | package adventofcode.day05
import adventofcode.*
fun main() {
typealias Crate = Char
object Solution : AdventOfCodeSolution<String>() {
override fun solve() {
solve(5, "CMZ", "MCD")
override fun part1(input: List<String>): String {
return getSupplyStacks(input) { crates -> crates.reversed() }
.map { it.getTopCrate() }
.joinToString("") { it.toString() }
override fun part2(input: List<String>): String {
return getSupplyStacks(input) { crates -> crates }
.map { it.getTopCrate() }
.joinToString("") { it.toString() }
private fun getSupplyStacks(
input: List<String>,
moveBy: (List<Crate>) -> List<Crate>
): List<SupplyStack> {
val (supplyStacksInput, instructionsInput) = input.splitAt { it.isEmpty() }
val supplyStacks = getSupplyStacksInitialState(supplyStacksInput)
val regex = Regex("move (\\d+) from (\\w+) to (\\w+)")
return instructionsInput.mapNotNull { regex.find(it) }
.map {
val (count, from, to) = it.destructured
Instruction(count.toInt(), from, to)
.peek { debug(it) }
.fold(supplyStacks.values) { stacks, instruction ->
var movedCrates: List<Crate> = emptyList() {
when ( {
instruction.fromId -> {
movedCrates = it.getTopCrates(instruction.count)
({ it.removeCrates(instruction.count) })
instruction.toId -> ({ it.addCrates(moveBy(movedCrates)) })
else -> ({ it })
.map { it() }
private fun getSupplyStacksInitialState(supplyStacksInput: List<String>): Map<String, SupplyStack> {
val supplyStacks = { it.chunked(4) { stack -> stack[1] } }
.fold(listOf<SupplyStack>()) { acc, chars ->
if (acc.isEmpty()) { { SupplyStack(it.toString(), listOf()) }
} else {
acc.zipAll(chars) { a, b ->
if (b != null && b != ' ') {
SupplyStack(a!!.id, a.crates + b)
} else {
.fold(mapOf<String, SupplyStack>()) { acc, supplyStack -> acc + Pair(, supplyStack) }
return supplyStacks
data class SupplyStack(val id: String, val crates: List<Crate>) {
fun getTopCrate() = crates.last()
fun getTopCrates(count: Int) = crates.takeLast(count)
fun removeCrates(count: Int) = SupplyStack(id, crates.subList(0, crates.size - count))
fun addCrates(crates: List<Crate>) = SupplyStack(id, this.crates + crates)
data class Instruction(val count: Int, val fromId: String, val toId: String) {
override fun toString(): String {
return "moving $count crate(s) from $fromId to $toId"
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | 81ac98b533f5057fdf59f08940add73c8d5df190 | 3,408 | fantastic-chainsaw | Apache License 2.0 |
src/main/kotlin/d19/D19_2.kt | MTender | 734,007,442 | false | {"Kotlin": 108628} | package d19
import d13.split
import input.Input
import kotlin.math.max
import kotlin.math.min
data class Rule(
val breakpoint: Int,
val category: Char,
val operation: Char,
val target: String
fun parseWorkflows2(lines: List<String>): Map<String, List<Rule>> {
return { line ->
val parts = line.split("{", "}")
val name = parts[0]
val workflow = parts[1]
val rules: List<Rule> = workflow.split(",").map rules@{ ruleStr ->
val conditionAndTarget = ruleStr.split(":")
if (conditionAndTarget.size == 1) {
val target = conditionAndTarget[0]
return@rules Rule(0, 'X', 'X', target)
val conditionStr = conditionAndTarget[0]
val target = conditionAndTarget[1]
return@rules Rule(
Pair(name, rules)
fun main() {
val lines ="input.txt")
val workflowsAndParts = lines.split { it.isEmpty() }
val workflows = parseWorkflows2(workflowsAndParts[0])
val initialRanges = mapOf(
Pair('x', Pair(1, 4000)),
Pair('m', Pair(1, 4000)),
Pair('a', Pair(1, 4000)),
Pair('s', Pair(1, 4000))
val combinations = getCombinations(initialRanges, "in", workflows)
fun getTrueRange(currentRange: Pair<Int, Int>, rule: Rule): Pair<Int, Int>? {
val range = when (rule.operation) {
'<' -> {
val upperBound = min(currentRange.second, rule.breakpoint - 1)
Pair(currentRange.first, upperBound)
'>' -> {
val lowerBound = max(currentRange.first, rule.breakpoint + 1)
Pair(lowerBound, currentRange.second)
else -> throw RuntimeException("no such operation")
return if (range.first <= range.second) range else null
fun getFalseRange(currentRange: Pair<Int, Int>, rule: Rule): Pair<Int, Int>? {
val range = when (rule.operation) {
'<' -> {
val lowerBound = max(currentRange.first, rule.breakpoint)
Pair(lowerBound, currentRange.second)
'>' -> {
val upperBound = min(currentRange.second, rule.breakpoint)
Pair(currentRange.first, upperBound)
else -> throw RuntimeException("no such operation")
return if (range.first <= range.second) range else null
fun getCategoryRangesCopy(
categoryRanges: Map<Char, Pair<Int, Int>>,
category: Char,
newRange: Pair<Int, Int>
): Map<Char, Pair<Int, Int>> {
val categoryRangesCopy = categoryRanges.toMutableMap()
categoryRangesCopy[category] = newRange
return categoryRangesCopy
fun getCombinations(
categoryRanges: Map<Char, Pair<Int, Int>>,
workflowLabel: String,
workflows: Map<String, List<Rule>>
): Long {
if (workflowLabel == "R") return 0
if (workflowLabel == "A") return combinationsOfRanges(categoryRanges.values)
val currentCategoryRanges = categoryRanges.toMutableMap()
val workflow = workflows[workflowLabel]!!
var sum = 0L
for (rule in workflow) {
if (rule.operation == 'X') return sum + getCombinations(currentCategoryRanges,, workflows)
val trueRange = getTrueRange(currentCategoryRanges[rule.category]!!, rule)
val falseRange = getFalseRange(currentCategoryRanges[rule.category]!!, rule)
if (trueRange != null) {
sum += getCombinations(
getCategoryRangesCopy(currentCategoryRanges, rule.category, trueRange),,
if (falseRange == null) break
currentCategoryRanges[rule.category] = falseRange
return sum
fun combinationsOfRanges(ranges: Collection<Pair<Int, Int>>): Long {
return { it.second.toLong() - it.first + 1 }.reduce { acc, l -> acc * l }
} | 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | a6eec4168b4a98b73d4496c9d610854a0165dbeb | 4,107 | aoc2023-kotlin | MIT License |
src/Day03.kt | ManueruEd | 573,678,383 | false | {"Kotlin": 10647} | fun main() {
val lower = ('a'..'z').mapIndexed { index, c -> c to (index + 1) }
val upper = ('A'..'Z').mapIndexed { index, c -> c to (index + 27) }
fun part1(input: List<String>): Int {
val a = {
.insert(it.length / 2, " ")
.split(" ")
val uniqueItems = { (a, b) ->
a.toCharArray().first {
return uniqueItems.sumOf {
when (it) {
in 'a'..'z' -> lower.first { l -> l.first == it }.second
else -> upper.first { l -> l.first == it }.second
fun part2(input: List<String>): Int {
val a = input.windowed(3, step = 3)
val uniqueItems = { {
}.map {
(a, b, c) -> a.first { b.contains(it) && c.contains(it) }
return uniqueItems.sumOf {
when (it) {
in 'a'..'z' -> lower.first { l -> l.first == it }.second
else -> upper.first { l -> l.first == it }.second
// test if implementation meets criteria from the description, like:
val testInput = readInput("Day03_test")
check(part1(testInput) == 157)
check(part2(testInput) == 70)
val input = readInput("Day03")
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | 09f3357e059e31fda3dd2dfda5ce603c31614d77 | 1,547 | AdventOfCode2022 | Apache License 2.0 |
src/main/kotlin/dev/bogwalk/batch2/Problem26.kt | bog-walk | 381,459,475 | false | null | package dev.bogwalk.batch2
import dev.bogwalk.util.maths.primeNumbers
import java.math.BigInteger
* Problem 26: Reciprocal Cycles
* Goal: Find the value of the smallest d less than N for which 1/d contains the longest
* recurring cycle in its decimal fraction part.
* Constraints: 4 <= N <= 1e4
* Repetend/Reptend: The infinitely repeated digit sequence of the decimal representation of a
* number.
* e.g.: N = 10
* 1/2 = 0.5
* 1/3 = 0.(3) -> 1-digit recurring cycle
* 1/4 = 0.25
* 1/5 = 0.2
* 1/6 = 0.1(6) -> 1-digit recurring cycle
* 1/7 = 0.(142857) -> 6-digit recurring cycle
* 1/8 = 0.125
* 1/9 = 0.(1) -> 1-digit recurring cycle
* result = 7
class ReciprocalCycles {
* Solution based on the following:
* - If a fraction contains a repetend, the latter's length (K) will never be greater than
* the fraction's denominator minus 1.
* - A denominator of 3 produces the first repetend, with K = 1.
* - All fractions that are a power of 1/2 or the product of 1/5 times a power of 1/2 will
* have exact decimal equivalents, not repetends.
* - Multiples of a denominator will have same K value (multiples of 7 are special in that
* both K and repetend will be equal).
* - For each 1/p, where p is a prime number but not 2 or 5, for k in [1, p),
* 10^k % p produces a repetend, when the remainder is 1.
* - e.g. p = 11 -> (10^1 - 1) % 11 != 0, but (10^2 - 1) / 11 has 99 evenly divided by 11
* giving 9. Since k = 2, there must be 2 repeating digits, so repetend = 09.
* SPEED (WORST) 4.18s for N = 1e4
fun longestRepetendDenomUsingPrimes(n: Int): Int {
// only primes considered as only the smallest N is required & anything larger would be
// a multiple of a smaller prime with equivalent K
val primes = primeNumbers(n - 1) - listOf(2, 3, 5)
var denominator = 3
var longestK = 1
val one = BigInteger.ONE
val ten = BigInteger.TEN
for (p in primes) {
for (k in 1 until p) {
if (ten.modPow(k.toBigInteger(), p.toBigInteger()) == one) {
if (k > longestK) {
longestK = k
denominator = p
return denominator
* Solution using primes above is optimised based on the following:
* - Full Repetend Primes are primes that, as 1/p, will have the longest repetend of
* k = p - 1. A prime qualifies if, for k in [1, p-1], only the last k returns True for
* 10^k % p = 1.
* - e.g. p = 7 -> for k in [1, 7), 10^k % p = [3, 2, 6, 4, 5, 1], so 7 is a full
* repetend prime.
* - Other than N = 3 and N = 6 both having K = 1, repetend length increases as primes
* increase since the longest repetends will be produced by full repetend primes & not be
* repeated. So the loop can be started from the largest prime and broken once the first
* full repetend prime is found.
* SPEED (BETTER) 16.89ms for N = 1e4
fun longestRepetendDenomUsingPrimesImproved(n: Int): Int {
if (n < 8) return 3
val primes = primeNumbers(n - 1).reversed()
var denominator = 3
val one = BigInteger.ONE
val ten = BigInteger.TEN
for (p in primes) {
var k = 1
while (ten.modPow(k.toBigInteger(), p.toBigInteger()) != one) {
if (k == p - 1) {
denominator = p
return denominator
* Repeatedly divides & stores decimal parts until a decimal part is repeated & compares
* length of stored parts.
* SPEED (BEST) 1.63ms for N = 1e4
fun longestRepetendDenominator(n: Int): Int {
var denominator = n
var longestK = 0
val upperN = if (n % 2 == 0) n - 1 else n - 2
val lowerN = upperN / 2
for (i in upperN downTo lowerN step 2) {
if (longestK >= i) break
val remainders = IntArray(i)
var remainder = 1
var position = 0
while (remainders[remainder] == 0 && remainder != 0) {
remainders[remainder] = position++
remainder = remainder * 10 % i
if (position - remainders[remainder] >= longestK) {
longestK = position - remainders[remainder]
denominator = i
return denominator
} | 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | 62b33367e3d1e15f7ea872d151c3512f8c606ce7 | 4,847 | project-euler-kotlin | MIT License |
src/Day15.kt | ZiomaleQ | 573,349,910 | false | {"Kotlin": 49609} | fun main() {
fun part1(input: List<String>, yAxis: Int): Int {
val points = parseInput(input)
var maxX = Int.MIN_VALUE
var minX = Int.MAX_VALUE
for ((sensor, beacon) in points) {
val dist = sensor.distance(beacon)
val distanceToY = dist - kotlin.math.abs(yAxis - sensor.y)
if (distanceToY < 0) continue
val middle = sensor.x
maxX = maxOf(maxX, middle + dist)
minX = minOf(minX, middle - dist)
return (minX..maxX).count {
points.any { pnt ->
Cords(it, yAxis).let { cord ->
cord.inRadius(pnt) && pnt.second != cord
fun part2(input: List<String>, max: Int): Long {
val points = parseInput(input)
val out = (0..max).mapNotNull {
val ranges = getRowRanges(it, points)
if (ranges.size < 2) null else Pair(it, ranges)
return out.first().let { (it.second.first().last + 1) * 4_000_000L + it.first.toLong() }
// test if implementation meets criteria from the description, like:
val testInput = readInput("Day15_test")
part1(testInput, 10).also { println(it); check(it == 26) }
val input = readInput("Day15")
println(part1(input, 2000000))
part2(testInput, 20).also { println(it); check(it == 56000011L) }
println(part2(input, 4_000_000))
private fun parseInput(input: List<String>): List<Pair<Cords, Cords>> = {
val sensorX = it.substring(it.indexOf("x=") + 2, it.indexOf(",")).trim().toInt()
val sensorY = it.substring(it.indexOf("y=") + 2, it.indexOf(":")).trim().toInt()
val nextCords = it.substring(it.indexOf("is at") + "is at".length)
val beaconX = nextCords.substring(nextCords.indexOf("x=") + 2, nextCords.indexOf(",")).trim().toInt()
val beaconY = nextCords.substring(nextCords.indexOf("y=") + 2).trim().toInt()
Pair(Cords(sensorX, sensorY), Cords(beaconX, beaconY))
private fun Cords.inRadius(radius: Pair<Cords, Cords>): Boolean =
radius.first.distance(this) <= radius.first.distance(radius.second)
private fun Cords.distance(other: Cords): Int =
kotlin.math.abs(x - other.x) + kotlin.math.abs(y - other.y)
private fun getRowRanges(y: Int, list: List<Pair<Cords, Cords>>): MutableList<IntRange> {
val ranges = list.mapNotNull {
val dist = it.first.distance(it.second)
val offset = dist - kotlin.math.abs(it.first.y - y)
if (offset < 0) null
else ((it.first.x - offset)..(it.first.x + offset))
}.sortedBy { it.first }.toMutableList()
val tempOut = mutableListOf(ranges.removeFirst())
for (next in ranges) {
val lastIdx = tempOut.lastIndex
val last = tempOut.last()
if (next.first <= last.last || (last.last + 1) == next.first) {
if (next.last > last.last) {
tempOut[lastIdx] = (
} else {
return tempOut
} | 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | b8811a6a9c03e80224e4655013879ac8a90e69b5 | 2,906 | aoc-2022 | Apache License 2.0 |
src/year2022/day19/Solution.kt | TheSunshinator | 572,121,335 | false | {"Kotlin": 144661} | package year2022.day19
import io.kotest.matchers.shouldBe
import java.util.PriorityQueue
import kotlin.math.ceil
import kotlin.math.max
import utils.readInput
fun main() {
val testInput = readInput("19", "test_input").let(::parseBlueprints)
val realInput = readInput("19", "input").let(::parseBlueprints)
testInput.associateWith { it.maxGeodeProduced(24) }
.sumOf { (blueprint, maxGeodeProduced) -> blueprint.identifier * maxGeodeProduced }
.also(::println) shouldBe 33
realInput.associateWith { it.maxGeodeProduced(24) }
.sumOf { (blueprint, maxGeodeProduced) -> blueprint.identifier * maxGeodeProduced }
.map { it.maxGeodeProduced(32) }
.also(::println) shouldBe (56 * 62)
.map { it.maxGeodeProduced(32) }
private fun parseBlueprints(input: List<String>): List<Blueprint> {
return input.asSequence()
.map { it.destructured }
.mapTo(mutableListOf()) { (identifier, oreRobotCost, clayRobotCost, obsidianRobotOreCost, obsidianRobotClayCost, geodeRobotOreCost, geodeRobotObsidianCost) ->
robotCost = buildMap {
this[Rock.ORE] = mapOf(Rock.ORE to oreRobotCost.toInt())
this[Rock.CLAY] = mapOf(Rock.ORE to clayRobotCost.toInt())
this[Rock.OBSIDIAN] = mapOf(
Rock.ORE to obsidianRobotOreCost.toInt(),
Rock.CLAY to obsidianRobotClayCost.toInt(),
this[Rock.GEODE] = mapOf(
Rock.ORE to geodeRobotOreCost.toInt(),
Rock.OBSIDIAN to geodeRobotObsidianCost.toInt(),
private data class Blueprint(
val identifier: Int,
val robotCost: Map<MiningRobot, Map<Rock, Int>>,
) {
val maxCosts = Rock.values().associateWith { rock ->
.flatMap { it.value.asSequence() }
.filter { it.key == rock }
.maxOfOrNull { it.value }
private enum class Rock {
private typealias MiningRobot = Rock
private data class State(
val minutesLeft: Int,
val robotCount: Map<MiningRobot, Int> = mapOf(Rock.ORE to 1),
val rockCount: Map<Rock, Int> = emptyMap(),
) {
val potentialGeodeCount = rockCount.getOrDefault(Rock.GEODE, 0) +
robotCount.getOrDefault(Rock.GEODE, 0) * minutesLeft +
minutesLeft.let { it * it - 1 } / 2
private val parsingRegex =
"Blueprint (\\d+): Each ore robot costs (\\d+) ore. Each clay robot costs (\\d+) ore. Each obsidian robot costs (\\d+) ore and (\\d+) clay. Each geode robot costs (\\d+) ore and (\\d+) obsidian.".toRegex()
private fun Blueprint.maxGeodeProduced(minutesAvailable: Int): Int {
val priorityQueue = PriorityQueue(compareByDescending(State::potentialGeodeCount))
.apply { add(State(minutesAvailable)) }
return generateSequence(priorityQueue::poll)
.onEach { priorityQueue.addAll(it.potentialNextStates(this)) }
.maxOf {
it.rockCount.getOrDefault(Rock.GEODE, 0) +
it.robotCount.getOrDefault(Rock.GEODE, 0) * it.minutesLeft
private fun State.potentialNextStates(blueprint: Blueprint): Set<State> {
return blueprint.robotCost
.filter { (miningRobot, cost) ->
cost.all { (rock, _) -> robotCount.getOrDefault(rock, 0) > 0 }
&& robotCount.getOrDefault(miningRobot, 0) < blueprint.maxCosts.getValue(miningRobot)
.mapNotNullTo(mutableSetOf()) { (robot, rockCost) ->
val timeToSaveToBuild = rockCost.maxOf { (rock, cost) ->
val currentStash = rockCount.getOrDefault(rock, 0)
if (currentStash >= cost) 0
else ceil((cost - currentStash) / robotCount.getValue(rock).toDouble()).toInt()
} + 1
if (timeToSaveToBuild < minutesLeft) State(
minutesLeft = minutesLeft - timeToSaveToBuild,
robotCount = robotCount.toMutableMap().apply {
compute(robot) { _, count -> count?.plus(1) ?: 1 }
rockCount = Rock.values().associateWith { rock ->
rockCount.getOrDefault(rock, 0) +
timeToSaveToBuild * robotCount.getOrDefault(rock, 0) -
rockCost.getOrDefault(rock, 0)
) else null
private fun Sequence<State>.filterOutInsufficientPotential() = object : Sequence<State> {
private var maxGeode = -1
override fun iterator(): Iterator<State> {
return [email protected] { it.potentialGeodeCount > maxGeode }
.onEach { maxGeode = max(maxGeode, it.rockCount.getOrDefault(Rock.GEODE, 0)) }
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | d050e86fa5591447f4dd38816877b475fba512d0 | 5,327 | Advent-of-Code | Apache License 2.0 |
src/y2023/Day05.kt | gaetjen | 572,857,330 | false | {"Kotlin": 325874, "Mermaid": 571} | package y2023
import util.readInput
import util.split
import util.timingStatistics
object Day05 {
data class MyMap(val destinationStart: Long, val sourceRange: LongRange) {
fun destinationFor(source: Long): Long {
return destinationStart + (source - sourceRange.first)
private fun parse(input: List<String>): Pair<List<Long>, List<List<MyMap>>> {
val parts = input.split { it.isEmpty() }
val seeds = parts[0][0].split(" ").drop(1).map { it.toLong() }
val maps = parts.drop(1).map { map ->
map.drop(1).map { line ->
val (destinationStart, sourceStart, range) = line.split(" ").map { it.toLong() }
sourceStart until sourceStart + range
return seeds to maps
fun part1(input: List<String>): Long {
val (seeds, maps) = parse(input)
val locations = { seed ->
maps.fold(seed) { currentNumber, map ->
val match = map.find { currentNumber in it.sourceRange }
match?.destinationFor(currentNumber) ?: currentNumber
return locations.min()
fun part2(input: List<String>): Long {
val (seeds, maps) = parse(input)
val seedRanges = seeds.chunked(2).map { it[0] until it[0] + it[1] }
val locationRanges = maps.fold(seedRanges) { currentRanges, map ->
// val sumOfRanges = currentRanges.sumOf { it.last - it.first + 1 }
// println("sum of Ranges: $sumOfRanges")
val allCoveringMap = getAllCoveringMap(map)
currentRanges.flatMap { range ->
val overlapping = allCoveringMap
.dropWhile { it.sourceRange.last < range.first }
.takeWhile { it.sourceRange.first <= range.last }
overlapping.mapIndexed { index, myMap ->
val start = if (index == 0) {
} else {
val end = if (index == overlapping.size - 1) {
} else {
return locationRanges.minOf { it.first }
fun part2Naive(input: List<String>): Long {
val (seeds, maps) = parse(input)
val seedRanges = seeds.chunked(2).map { it[0] until it[0] + it[1] }
return seedRanges.minOf { range ->
println("evaluating range $range -> ${range.last - range.first + 1} seeds")
range.minOf { seed ->
maps.fold(seed) { currentNumber, map ->
val match = map.find { currentNumber in it.sourceRange }
match?.destinationFor(currentNumber) ?: currentNumber
private fun getAllCoveringMap(exampleMap: List<MyMap>): List<MyMap> {
val sorted = exampleMap.sortedBy { it.sourceRange.first }
val basicCovers = sorted.windowed(2)
.flatMap { (first, second) ->
if (first.sourceRange.last + 1 == second.sourceRange.first) {
// no gap to cover
} else {
first.sourceRange.last + 1,
first.sourceRange.last + 1 until second.sourceRange.first
val start = if (sorted.first().sourceRange.first == 0L) {
} else {
listOf(MyMap(0, 0 until sorted.first().sourceRange.first))
return start + basicCovers + listOf(
MyMap(sorted.last().sourceRange.last + 1, sorted.last().sourceRange.last + 1..Long.MAX_VALUE)
fun main() {
val testInput = """
seeds: 79 14 55 13
seed-to-soil map:
50 98 2
52 50 48
soil-to-fertilizer map:
0 15 37
37 52 2
39 0 15
fertilizer-to-water map:
49 53 8
0 11 42
42 0 7
57 7 4
water-to-light map:
88 18 7
18 25 70
light-to-temperature map:
45 77 23
81 45 19
68 64 13
temperature-to-humidity map:
0 69 1
1 0 69
humidity-to-location map:
60 56 37
56 93 4
val input = readInput(2023, 5)
println("Part 1 result: ${Day05.part1(input)}")
println("Part 2 result: ${Day05.part2(input)}")
timingStatistics { Day05.part1(input) }
timingStatistics { Day05.part2(input) }
timingStatistics(maxRuns = 1) { Day05.part2Naive(input) }
} | 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | d0b9b5e16cf50025bd9c1ea1df02a308ac1cb66a | 5,323 | advent-of-code | Apache License 2.0 |
src/Day12.kt | proggler23 | 573,129,757 | false | {"Kotlin": 27990} | fun main() {
fun part1(input: List<String>): Int {
return HeightMap.fromLines(input).solvePart1()
fun part2(input: List<String>): Int {
return HeightMap.fromLines(input).solvePart2()
// test if implementation meets criteria from the description, like:
val testInput = readInput("Day12_test")
check(part1(testInput) == 31)
check(part2(testInput) == 29)
val input = readInput("Day12")
data class HeightMap(
private val heights: Array<Array<Int>>,
private val start: Pair<Int, Int>,
private val finish: Pair<Int, Int>
) {
fun solvePart1() = solve(listOf(start))
fun solvePart2(): Int {
val starts = heights.indices.flatMap { x ->
heights[x].mapIndexedNotNull { y, h ->
if (h == 0) x to y else null
return solve(starts)
private fun solve(starts: List<Pair<Int, Int>>): Int {
val paths = { listOf(it) }.toMutableList()
val visited = starts.toMutableSet()
while (paths.isNotEmpty()) {
val path = paths.removeFirst()
val currentPos = path.last()
if (currentPos == finish) {
return path.size - 1
val (curX, curY) = currentPos
val curH = heights[curX][curY]
.map { d -> curX + d.dx to curY + d.dy }
.filter { pos -> pos !in visited }
.filter { (x, y) -> x in heights.indices && y in heights[x].indices }
.filter { (x, y) -> heights[x][y] <= curH + 1 }
.forEach {
visited += it
paths += path + it
return 0
companion object {
fun fromLines(lines: List<String>): HeightMap {
var start = 0 to 0
var finish = 0 to 0
val heights = Array(lines[0].length) { x ->
Array(lines.size) { y ->
when (val c = lines[y][x]) {
'S' -> 'a'.also { start = x to y }
'E' -> 'z'.also { finish = x to y }
else -> c
} - 'a'
return HeightMap(heights, start, finish)
} | 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | 584fa4d73f8589bc17ef56c8e1864d64a23483c8 | 2,400 | advent-of-code-2022 | Apache License 2.0 |
src/year2023/day04/Day04.kt | lukaslebo | 573,423,392 | false | {"Kotlin": 222221} | package year2023.day04
import check
import readInput
fun main() {
val testInput = readInput("2023", "Day04_test")
check(part1(testInput), 13)
check(part2(testInput), 30)
val input = readInput("2023", "Day04")
private fun part1(input: List<String>) = input.sumOf { line ->
val wins = line.parseCard().winCount
if (wins == 0) 0 else 1 shl (wins - 1)
private fun part2(input: List<String>): Int {
val cards = { it.parseCard() }
val copiesByCard = cards.associateWith { 1 }.toMutableMap()
cards.forEachIndexed { i, card ->
val copies = copiesByCard.getValue(card)
val nextCardRange = (i + 1) until (i + 1 + card.winCount)
for (j in nextCardRange) {
val cardToIncrease = cards.getOrNull(j) ?: break
copiesByCard[cardToIncrease] = copiesByCard.getValue(cardToIncrease) + copies
return copiesByCard.values.sum()
private data class Card(
val id: Int,
val winningNumbers: Set<Int>,
val elfNumbers: List<Int>,
val winCount: Int,
private fun String.parseCard(): Card {
val winningNumbers = substringAfter(": ")
.substringBefore(" | ")
.split(" ")
.filter { it.isNotBlank() }
.map { it.toInt() }
val elfNumbers = substringAfter(" | ")
.split(" ")
.filter { it.isNotBlank() }
.map { it.toInt() }
return Card(
id = substringBefore(":").split(" ").last().toInt(),
winningNumbers = winningNumbers,
elfNumbers = elfNumbers,
winCount = elfNumbers.count { it in winningNumbers },
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 1 | f3cc3e935bfb49b6e121713dd558e11824b9465b | 1,683 | AdventOfCode | Apache License 2.0 |
src/Day03.kt | rounakdatta | 540,743,612 | false | {"Kotlin": 19962} | import kotlin.math.pow
fun binaryToDecimal(input: List<Char>): Int {
// pair of index, result
return input.foldRight(Pair(-1, 0)) { bit, pairOfIndexAndResultSoFar ->
pairOfIndexAndResultSoFar.first + 1,
(pairOfIndexAndResultSoFar.second + bit.digitToInt() * 2.0.pow((pairOfIndexAndResultSoFar.first + 1))).toInt()
fun getMostCommonElement(input: List<String>, position: Int): Char {
return input
.fold(0) { accumulator, binary ->
accumulator + if (binary[position] == '1') 1 else 0
.let { if (it >= (input.size - it)) '1' else '0' }
fun getLeastCommonElement(input: List<String>, position: Int): Char {
return input
.fold(0) { accumulator, binary ->
accumulator + if (binary[position] == '1') 1 else 0
.let { if (it >= (input.size - it)) '0' else '1' }
fun applyListReduction(input: List<String>, position: Int, reductionElement: Char): List<String> {
return input
.filter { it[position] == reductionElement }
fun computeOxygenGeneratorRating(input: List<String>, position: Int): Int {
// 11010, 11111, 010101, 10010 (check at 0 position from left)
// 11010, 11111, 10010 (check at 1 position from left)
// 11010, 11111 (check at 2 position from left)
// 11111 (answer)
return when (input.size) {
1 -> binaryToDecimal(input.first().toList())
else -> {
applyListReduction(input, position, getMostCommonElement(input, position)),
position + 1
fun computeCO2ScrubberRating(input: List<String>, position: Int): Int {
return when (input.size) {
1 -> binaryToDecimal(input.first().toList())
else -> {
applyListReduction(input, position, getLeastCommonElement(input, position)),
position + 1
fun main() {
fun part1(input: List<String>): Int {
// List of lots of elements like [0, 0, 1, 1, 0]
// [1s, 1s, 1s, 1s, 1s] -> count majority [10110]
// Pair(gamma, epsilon)
return input
.map { it -> it.toList() }
.fold(IntArray(input.first().length) { 0 }) { collectingList, binaryNumberAsList ->
// TODO: this forEachIndexed mutates values directly, can be done better
binaryNumberAsList.forEachIndexed { index, i ->
collectingList[index] += if (i == '1') {
} else {
// now I'll construct the gamma value
.fold("") { collectingString, sumOf1sOnIndex ->
collectingString + if (sumOf1sOnIndex > (input.size - sumOf1sOnIndex)) {
} else {
.let {
Pair(binaryToDecimal(List(input.first().length) { '1' }), binaryToDecimal(it))
.let { (it.first - it.second) * it.second }
fun part2(input: List<String>): Int {
return input
.let { it -> computeOxygenGeneratorRating(it, 0) * computeCO2ScrubberRating(it, 0) }
val input = readInput("Day03")
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 1 | 130d340aa4c6824b7192d533df68fc7e15e7e910 | 3,551 | aoc-2021 | Apache License 2.0 |
src/main/kotlin/adventofcode2023/day17/day17.kt | dzkoirn | 725,682,258 | false | {"Kotlin": 133478} | package adventofcode2023.day17
import adventofcode2023.Point
import adventofcode2023.pointsAround
fun main() {
val input = listOf(
intArrayOf(1, 2, 3),
intArrayOf(4, 5, 6),
intArrayOf(7, 8, 9)
val minSumPath = findMinSumPath(input)
fun prepareInput(input: List<String>): List<IntArray> = { l -> { c -> "$c".toInt() }.toIntArray() }
fun sumPath(input: List<IntArray>, path: List<Point>): Int =
path.sumOf { (line, row) -> input[line][row] }
fun visualize(input: List<IntArray>, path: List<Point>): String {
val a = { arr -> arr.joinToString("") { it.toString() }.toCharArray() }
path.forEach { (line, row) -> a[line][row] = '#' }
return { it.joinToString("") { "$it" } }.joinToString("\n") { it }
fun isValidMove(x: Int, y: Int, rows: Int, cols: Int): Boolean {
return x in 0 until rows && y in 0 until cols
fun findMinSumPath(input: List<IntArray>): List<Point> {
val rows = input.size
val cols = input[0].size
val directions = listOf(Point(0, 1), Point(1, 0), Point(0, -1), Point(-1, 0))
fun dfs(x: Int, y: Int, visited: Set<Point>, currentPath: List<Point>): List<Point> {
if (x == rows - 1 && y == cols - 1) {
return currentPath
var minPath: List<Point>? = null
for (dir in directions) {
val newX = x + dir.first
val newY = y + dir.second
if (isValidMove(newX, newY, rows, cols) && Point(newX, newY) !in visited) {
val newPath = currentPath + Point(newX, newY)
val newVisited = visited + Point(newX, newY)
val resultPath = dfs(newX, newY, newVisited, newPath)
if (minPath == null || getPathSum(input, resultPath) < getPathSum(input, minPath)) {
minPath = resultPath
return minPath ?: emptyList()
return dfs(0, 0, setOf(Point(0, 0)), listOf(Point(0, 0)))
fun getPathSum(input: List<IntArray>, path: List<Point>): Int {
return path.sumBy { (x, y) -> input[x][y] }
//fun findMinSumPath(input: List<IntArray>): List<Point> {
// val rows = input.size
// val cols = input[0].size
// // Initialize a 2D array to store the minimum sum values
// val minSum = Array(rows) { IntArray(cols) }
// // Initialize the first cell with its own value
// minSum[0][0] = input[0][0]
// // Initialize the first row and column
// for (i in 1 until rows) {
// minSum[i][0] = minSum[i - 1][0] + input[i][0]
// }
// for (j in 1 until cols) {
// minSum[0][j] = minSum[0][j - 1] + input[0][j]
// }
// // Fill the rest of the minSum array
// for (i in 1 until rows) {
// for (j in 1 until cols) {
// minSum[i][j] = input[i][j] + minOf(minSum[i - 1][j], minSum[i][j - 1])
// }
// }
// // Reconstruct the path
// val path = mutableListOf<Point>()
// var i = rows - 1
// var j = cols - 1
// while (i > 0 || j > 0) {
// path.add(Point(i, j))
// if (i == 0) {
// j--
// } else if (j == 0) {
// i--
// } else {
// if (minSum[i - 1][j] < minSum[i][j - 1]) {
// i--
// } else {
// j--
// }
// }
// }
// path.add(Point(0, 0))
// path.reverse()
// return path
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | 8f248fcdcd84176ab0875969822b3f2b02d8dea6 | 3,486 | adventofcode2023 | MIT License |
p06/src/main/kotlin/ChronalCoordinates.kt | jcavanagh | 159,918,838 | false | null | package p06
import common.file.readLines
import java.awt.Point
fun manhattan(a: Point, b: Point): Int {
return Math.abs(a.x - b.x) + Math.abs(a.y - b.y)
fun edges(coords: List<Point>): List<Point> {
//Find the edges - all these have "infinite" area
val byX = coords.sortedBy { it.x }
val byY = coords.sortedBy { it.y }
val minXEdges = byX.filter { it.x == byX.first().x }.toTypedArray()
val maxXEdges = byX.filter { it.x == byX.last().x }.toTypedArray()
val minYEdges = byY.filter { it.y == byY.first().y }.toTypedArray()
val maxYEdges = byY.filter { it.y == byY.last().y }.toTypedArray()
return listOf(*minXEdges, *maxXEdges, *minYEdges, *maxYEdges)
fun <T> forLocationIn(coords: List<Point>, delegate: (Point) -> T) {
val byX = coords.sortedBy { it.x }
val byY = coords.sortedBy { it.y }
//Build an inner grid to analyze
val minX = byX.first().x
val maxX = byX.last().x
val minY = byY.first().y
val maxY = byY.last().y
for(x in minX..maxX) {
for(y in minY..maxY) {
delegate(Point(x, y))
fun distsFrom(coords: List<Point>, point: Point): List<Pair<Point, Int>> {
return { coord ->
val dist = manhattan(point, coord)
Pair(coord, dist)
fun mostOwnedArea(coords: List<Point>): Pair<Point, Int> {
//Returns an owner for each point and the distance
fun findOwner(point: Point): Pair<Point, Int>? {
val dists = distsFrom(coords, point).sortedBy { it.second }
//Account for multiple owners
if(dists[0].second == dists[1].second) return null
return dists[0]
// O(yikes)
var owners = mutableMapOf<Point, Int>()
forLocationIn(coords) { point ->
val owner = findOwner(point)
if(owner != null) {
if(!owners.containsKey(owner.first)) {
owners[owner.first] = 1
} else {
owners[owner.first] = owners[owner.first]!! + 1
//Exclude edges
val edges = edges(coords)
return owners.filterKeys { !edges.contains(it) }.entries.sortedBy { it.value }.last().toPair()
fun proximityWithin(coords: List<Point>, maxDist: Int): Int {
val validLocations = mutableListOf<Point>()
forLocationIn(coords) { point ->
val dists = distsFrom(coords, point)
if( { it.second }.sum() < maxDist) {
return validLocations.size
fun main() {
val coords = readLines("input.txt").map {
val split = it.split(", ").map { str -> str.toInt() }
Point(split.first(), split.last())
val mostArea = mostOwnedArea(coords)
val mostArea10K = proximityWithin(coords, 10000)
println("Most area: ${mostArea.first.x},${mostArea.first.y} (${mostArea.second})")
println("Area within 10K: $mostArea10K")
} | 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | 289511d067492de1ad0ceb7aa91d0ef7b07163c0 | 2,722 | advent2018 | MIT License |
src/twentytwentytwo/day16/Day16.kt | colinmarsch | 571,723,956 | false | {"Kotlin": 65403, "Python": 6148} | package twentytwentytwo.day16
import twentytwentytwo.day12.Graph
import readInput
fun main() {
data class ValveNode(
val id: String,
val flowRate: Int,
val neighbours: MutableSet<Pair<String, Int>>,
val graph = mutableMapOf<String, ValveNode>()
var availableMinutes = 30
val startValve by lazy { graph["AA"]!! }
fun createGraph(input: List<String>): ValveNode {
.sortedBy { it.split(" ")[1] }
.forEach {
val id = it.split(" ")[1]
val flowRate = it.split(" ")[4].dropLast(1).split("=")[1].toInt()
val neighbours =
it.split(" to ")[1].split(" ").drop(1).map { it.replace(",", "") }
.map { Pair(it, 1) }.toMutableSet()
val valveNode = ValveNode(id, flowRate, neighbours)
graph[id] = valveNode
val weights = mutableMapOf<Pair<String, String>, Int>()
graph.values.forEach { node ->
node.neighbours.forEach { neighbour ->
weights[Pair(, neighbour.first)] = 1
val dijkstraGraph = Graph(
vertices = { }.toMutableSet(),
edges = { }
.associateWith { graph[it]!! { it.first }.toSet() }.toMutableMap(),
weights = weights,
graph.keys.forEach { id ->
val currNode = graph[id]!!
val otherNodes = graph.values.toSet() - { graph[it.first]!! }
.toSet() - currNode
val shortestPathTree = dijkstra(dijkstraGraph,
otherNodes.forEach { other ->
currNode.neighbours.removeIf { it.first == }
if (other.flowRate > 0) {
val path = shortestPath(shortestPathTree,,
currNode.neighbours.add(Pair(, path.size - 1))
return graph["AA"]!!
var maxPressureReleased = 0
fun findMaxPath(
releasedPressure: Int,
position: ValveNode,
visited: Set<ValveNode>,
minute: Int,
elephant: Boolean
) {
maxPressureReleased = maxOf(releasedPressure, maxPressureReleased)
position.neighbours.filter { graph[it.first]!!.flowRate > 0 }.forEach { (id, distance) ->
val newMinute = minute + distance + 1
val candidate = graph[id]!!
if (newMinute < availableMinutes && candidate !in visited) {
releasedPressure = releasedPressure + (availableMinutes - newMinute) * candidate.flowRate,
position = candidate,
visited = visited + candidate,
minute = newMinute,
elephant = elephant,
if (elephant) {
releasedPressure = releasedPressure,
position = startValve,
visited = visited,
minute = 0,
elephant = false,
fun part1(input: List<String>): Int {
val root = createGraph(input)
maxPressureReleased = 0
availableMinutes = 30
findMaxPath(0, root, emptySet(), 0, false)
return maxPressureReleased
fun part2(input: List<String>): Int {
val root = createGraph(input)
maxPressureReleased = 0
availableMinutes = 26
findMaxPath(0, root, emptySet(), 0, true)
return maxPressureReleased
val input = readInput("day16", "Day16_input")
private fun <T> dijkstra(graph: Graph<T>, start: T): Map<T, T?> {
val vertexSet: MutableSet<T> =
mutableSetOf() // a subset of vertices, for which we know the true distance
val delta = graph.vertices.associateWith { 100000 }.toMutableMap()
delta[start] = 0
val previous: MutableMap<T, T?> = graph.vertices.associateWith { null }.toMutableMap()
while (vertexSet != graph.vertices) {
val v: T = delta
.filter { !vertexSet.contains(it.key) }
.minBy { it.value }
graph.edges.getValue(v).minus(vertexSet).forEach { neighbor ->
val newPath = delta.getValue(v) + graph.weights.getValue(Pair(v, neighbor))
if (newPath < delta.getValue(neighbor)) {
delta[neighbor] = newPath
previous[neighbor] = v
return previous.toMap()
private fun <T> shortestPath(shortestPathTree: Map<T, T?>, start: T, end: T): List<T> {
fun pathTo(start: T, end: T): List<T> {
if (shortestPathTree[end] == null) return listOf(end)
return listOf(pathTo(start, shortestPathTree[end]!!), listOf(end)).flatten()
return pathTo(start, end)
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | bcd7a08494e6db8140478b5f0a5f26ac1585ad76 | 5,102 | advent-of-code | Apache License 2.0 |
src/year_2022/day_15/Day15.kt | scottschmitz | 572,656,097 | false | {"Kotlin": 240069} | package year_2022.day_15
import readInput
import util.Line
import util.Point
import util.crossingPoint
import util.manhattanDistance
import kotlin.math.abs
data class Sensor(
val position: Point,
val closestBeaconPosition: Point,
val closestBeaconDistance: Int
object Day15 {
* @return
fun solutionOne(text: List<String>, row: Int): Int {
val sensors = parseText(text)
val sensorPositions = { it.position }
val beaconPositions = { it.closestBeaconPosition }
val maxBeaconDistance = sensors.maxOf { it.closestBeaconDistance } + 1
val minX = sensorPositions.minOf { it.first } - maxBeaconDistance
val maxX = sensorPositions.maxOf { it.first } + maxBeaconDistance
val impossibleLocations = (minX .. maxX)
.filter { i ->
val checkPosition = i to row
checkPosition !in beaconPositions
&& checkPosition !in sensorPositions
&& sensors.any { sensor -> sensor.position.manhattanDistance(checkPosition) <= sensor.closestBeaconDistance }
return impossibleLocations.size
* @return
fun solutionTwo(text: List<String>, maxSearchArea: Int): Long {
val sensors = parseText(text)
val linesOfInterest = sensors.flatMap { sensor ->
getBoundaryLines(sensor.position, sensor.closestBeaconDistance + 1)
val pointsOfInterest = linesOfInterest
.flatMap { line1 -> linesOfInterest.mapNotNull { line2 -> line1.crossingPoint(line2) } }
.filter { (col, row) -> col in (0 .. maxSearchArea) && row in (0 .. maxSearchArea) }
return pointsOfInterest
.filter { point -> sensors.all { sensor -> sensor.position.manhattanDistance(point) > sensor.closestBeaconDistance } }
.map { (col, row) -> col * 4_000_000L + row }
private fun parseText(text: List<String>): List<Sensor> {
return { line ->
val split = line.split(" ")
val sensorX = Integer.parseInt(split[2].split("=")[1].split(",")[0])
val sensorY = Integer.parseInt(split[3].split("=")[1].split(":")[0])
val beaconX = Integer.parseInt(split[8].split("=")[1].split(",")[0])
val beaconY = Integer.parseInt(split[9].split("=")[1])
position = sensorX to sensorY,
closestBeaconPosition = beaconX to beaconY,
closestBeaconDistance = (sensorX to sensorY).manhattanDistance((beaconX to beaconY))
private fun getBoundaryLines(point: Point, distance: Int): List<Line> {
val up = point.first to point.second - distance
val down = point.first to point.second + distance
val left = point.first - distance to point.second
val right = point.first + distance to point.second
return listOf(
up to left,
up to right,
down to left,
down to right
fun main() {
val inputText = readInput("year_2022/day_15/Day15.txt")
val solutionOne = Day15.solutionOne(inputText, 2_000_000)
println("Solution 1: $solutionOne")
val solutionTwo = Day15.solutionTwo(inputText, 4_000_000)
println("Solution 2: $solutionTwo")
} | 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | 70efc56e68771aa98eea6920eb35c8c17d0fc7ac | 3,443 | advent_of_code | Apache License 2.0 |
advent-of-code-2023/src/Day19.kt | osipxd | 572,825,805 | false | {"Kotlin": 141640, "Shell": 4083, "Scala": 693} | private const val DAY = "Day19"
fun main() {
fun testInput() = readInput("${DAY}_test")
fun input() = readInput(DAY)
"Part 1" {
part1(testInput()) shouldBe 19114
measureAnswer { part1(input()) }
"Part 2" {
part2(testInput()) shouldBe 167409079868000
measureAnswer { part2(input()) }
private fun part1(input: Pair<Map<String, Workflow>, List<Part>>): Int {
val (workflows, parts) = input
return parts
private fun part2(input: Pair<Map<String, Workflow>, List<Part>>): Long {
val workflows = input.first
val possibleRanges = mutableListOf<PartRange>()
val queue = ArrayDeque<Pair<String, PartRange>>()
queue.addFirst("in" to PartRange())
while (queue.isNotEmpty()) {
val (workflowId, startRange) = queue.removeFirst()
val workflow = workflows.getValue(workflowId)
var range = startRange
for (rule in workflow.rules) {
val (passedRange, restOfRange) = range.splitBy(rule)
if (passedRange != null) {
when (rule.result) {
"A" -> possibleRanges += passedRange
"R" -> Unit
else -> queue.addLast(rule.result to passedRange)
range = restOfRange ?: break
return possibleRanges.sumOf(PartRange::count)
private fun readInput(name: String): Pair<Map<String, Workflow>, List<Part>> {
val (rawWorkflows, rawParts) = readText(name).split("\n\n").map { it.lines() }
fun parseRule(rule: String): Rule {
if (':' in rule) {
val parameter = rule.first()
val (rawValue, result) = rule.drop(2).split(":")
val value = rawValue.toInt()
return if (rule[1] == '>') Rule.Grater(result, parameter, value) else Rule.Lower(result, parameter, value)
} else {
return Rule.Constant(rule)
fun parseWorkflow(line: String): Pair<String, Workflow> {
val label = line.substringBefore('{')
val rules = line.substringAfter('{').dropLast(1).split(",")
return label to Workflow(
fun parsePart(line: String): Part {
val parameters = line.trim('{', '}').split(",").associate { rawParam ->
val (label, value) = rawParam.split("=")
label.first() to value.toInt()
return Part(parameters)
return rawWorkflows.associate(::parseWorkflow) to
private fun Map<String, Workflow>.test(part: Part): Boolean {
var currentFlow = "in"
while (true) {
val workflow = getValue(currentFlow)
when (val result = workflow.process(part)) {
"A" -> return true
"R" -> return false
else -> currentFlow = result
private data class Workflow(
val rules: List<Rule>
) {
fun process(part: Part): String = rules.firstNotNullOf { it.process(part) }
private sealed interface Rule {
val result: String
fun process(part: Part): String?
data class Constant(override val result: String) : Rule {
override fun process(part: Part): String = result
data class Grater(
override val result: String,
val parameter: Char,
val value: Int,
) : Rule {
override fun process(part: Part): String? = result.takeIf { part.params.getValue(parameter) > value }
data class Lower(
override val result: String,
val parameter: Char,
val value: Int,
) : Rule {
override fun process(part: Part): String? = result.takeIf { part.params.getValue(parameter) < value }
private data class Part(
val params: Map<Char, Int>,
) {
fun rating() = params.values.sum()
private data class PartRange(
val params: Map<Char, IntRange> = mapOf(
'x' to 1..4000,
'm' to 1..4000,
'a' to 1..4000,
's' to 1..4000,
) {
fun count() = { it.last - it.first + 1L }.reduce(Long::times)
fun splitBy(rule: Rule): Pair<PartRange?, PartRange?> = when (rule) {
is Rule.Constant -> this to null
is Rule.Grater -> {
val ranges = params.getValue(rule.parameter).splitBy(rule.value + 1)
ranges.reversed().map { range -> withParameterRange(rule.parameter, range) }
is Rule.Lower -> {
val ranges = params.getValue(rule.parameter).splitBy(rule.value) { range -> withParameterRange(rule.parameter, range) }
private fun withParameterRange(parameter: Char, range: IntRange): PartRange? {
if (range.isEmpty()) return null
return PartRange(params = params + (parameter to range))
private fun IntRange.splitBy(secondRangeStart: Int): Pair<IntRange, IntRange> {
return (first..<secondRangeStart) to (secondRangeStart..last)
private fun <A, B> Pair<A, B>.reversed(): Pair<B, A> = second to first
private fun <T, R> Pair<T, T>.map(transform: (T) -> R): Pair<R, R> = transform(first) to transform(second)
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 5 | 6a67946122abb759fddf33dae408db662213a072 | 5,207 | advent-of-code | Apache License 2.0 |
archive/2022/Day15.kt | mathijs81 | 572,837,783 | false | {"Kotlin": 167658, "Python": 725, "Shell": 57} | import kotlin.Int.Companion.MAX_VALUE
import kotlin.math.absoluteValue
private const val EXPECTED_1 = 26
private const val EXPECTED_2 = 56000011L
private class Day15(isTest: Boolean) : Solver(isTest) {
val data = readAsLines().map { line ->
val (sensorStr, closestStr) = line.split("beacon")
fun parsePoint(str: String) = str.split(",").let { (xStr, yStr) -> xStr.filter(Char::isDigit).toInt() to yStr.filter(Char::isDigit).toInt() }
parsePoint(sensorStr) to parsePoint(closestStr)
fun ranges(y: Int) = buildList {
data.forEach { (sensor, closest) ->
val xWidth = (sensor.first - closest.first).absoluteValue + (sensor.second - closest.second).absoluteValue - (sensor.second - y).absoluteValue
if (xWidth >= 0) {
add(sensor.first - xWidth..sensor.first + xWidth)
}.sortedBy { it.first }
fun part1(): Any {
val y = if (isTest) 10 else 2000000
val ranges = ranges(y)
val xSet = data.mapNotNull { (_, beacon) -> if (beacon.second == y) beacon.first else null }.toSet()
var result = 0
(ranges + listOf(MAX_VALUE..MAX_VALUE)).reduce { currentRange, next ->
if (next.first > currentRange.last) {
result += currentRange.last - currentRange.first + 1
} else {
currentRange.first..maxOf(next.last, currentRange.last)
return result - xSet.size
fun part2(): Any {
val size = if (isTest) 20 else 4000000
val beaconSet = { (_, beacon) -> beacon }.toSet()
for (y in 0 until size) {
(ranges(y) + listOf(MAX_VALUE..MAX_VALUE)).reduce { currentRange, next ->
if (next.first > currentRange.last + 1 && currentRange.last + 1 in 0 until size && currentRange.last + 1 to y !in beaconSet) {
return y + (currentRange.last + 1) * 4000000L
currentRange.first..maxOf(next.last, currentRange.last)
fun main() {
val testInstance = Day15(true)
val instance = Day15(false)
testInstance.part1().let { check(it == EXPECTED_1) { "part1: $it != $EXPECTED_1" } }
println("part1 ANSWER: ${instance.part1()}")
testInstance.part2().let {
check(it == EXPECTED_2) { "part2: $it != $EXPECTED_2" }
println("part2 ANSWER: ${instance.part2()}")
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 2 | 92f2e803b83c3d9303d853b6c68291ac1568a2ba | 2,506 | advent-of-code-2022 | Apache License 2.0 |
y2021/src/main/kotlin/adventofcode/y2021/Day18.kt | Ruud-Wiegers | 434,225,587 | false | {"Kotlin": 503769} | package adventofcode.y2021
object Day18 : AdventSolution(2021, 18, "Snailfish") {
override fun solvePartOne(input: String): Int {
val numbers = input.lines().map(::toSnailNumber)
return numbers.reduce(SnailfishNumber::plus).magnitude()
override fun solvePartTwo(input: String): Int {
val numbers = input.lines().map(::toSnailNumber)
return numbers.flatMap { a -> numbers.filterNot(a::equals).map(a::plus) }.maxOf { it.magnitude() }
private fun toSnailNumber(s: String) = SnailfishNumber(buildList {
var depth = 0
s.forEach { ch ->
when (ch) {
'[' -> depth++
']' -> depth--
in '0'..'9' -> add(Element(ch - '0', depth))
private data class SnailfishNumber(val values: List<Element>) {
operator fun plus(o: SnailfishNumber) = SnailfishNumber((values + o.values).map { it.addDepth(1) }).simplify()
fun simplify(): SnailfishNumber = explode()?.simplify() ?: split()?.simplify() ?: this
private fun explode(): SnailfishNumber? {
val i = values.indexOfFirst { it.depth == 5 }
return if (i < 0) null else SnailfishNumber(values.toMutableList().also { new ->
val (left, _) = new.removeAt(i)
val (right, _) = new.removeAt(i)
new.add(i, Element(0, 4))
if (i - 1 in new.indices) new[i - 1] = new[i - 1].addValue(left)
if (i + 1 in new.indices) new[i + 1] = new[i + 1].addValue(right)
private fun split(): SnailfishNumber? {
val i = values.indexOfFirst { it.value > 9 }
return if (i < 0) null
else SnailfishNumber(values.toMutableList().also { new ->
val (oldV, oldD) = new.removeAt(i)
new.add(i, Element(oldV / 2, oldD + 1))
new.add(i + 1, Element((oldV + 1) / 2, oldD + 1))
fun magnitude(): Int {
val stack = mutableListOf<Element>()
tailrec fun tryAdd(r: Element) {
if ((stack.isEmpty() || stack.last().depth != r.depth)) stack.add(r)
else tryAdd(stack.removeLast().magnitudeWith(r))
return stack.first().value
private data class Element(val value: Int, val depth: Int) {
fun addDepth(a: Int) = copy(depth = depth + a)
fun addValue(a: Int) = copy(value = value + a)
fun magnitudeWith(o: Element) = Element(value * 3 + o.value * 2, depth - 1)
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 3 | fc35e6d5feeabdc18c86aba428abcf23d880c450 | 2,697 | advent-of-code | MIT License |
src/main/kotlin/days/Day2.kt | MisterJack49 | 729,926,959 | false | {"Kotlin": 31964} | package days
class Day2 : Day(2) {
override fun partOne(): Any {
val max = Set(mapOf(Color.Red to 12, Color.Green to 13, Color.Blue to 14))
return inputList.parseInput()
.map { game ->
game to game.sets.all { it <= max }
}.filter { it.second }
.sumOf { }
override fun partTwo(): Any =
.map { it.getMinimumSet() }
.map { it.colors.values }
.sumOf { it.fold(1, operation = { acc: Int, i: Int -> acc * i }) }
private data class Set(val colors: Map<Color, Int>) {
operator fun compareTo(other: Set): Int {
if (colors == other.colors) return 0
return if (colors.all { it.value <= other.colors[it.key]!! }) -1
else 1
private data class Game(val id: Int, val sets: List<Set>) {
fun getMinimumSet() =
Set(Color.values().associateWith { color -> sets.maxOf { it.colors[color]!! } })
private enum class Color { Blue, Red, Green }
private val colorRegex = Regex("((?<blue>\\d+) blue)|((?<red>\\d+) red)|((?<green>\\d+) green)+")
private fun String.getColor(color: Color) =
.map { result -> result.groups[]?.value }
?.toInt() ?: 0
private fun List<String>.parseInput() =
map {
it.split(":")[0].removePrefix("Game ").toInt(),
it.split(":")[1].split(";").map {
Set(Color.values().associateWith { color -> it.getColor(color) })
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | 807a6b2d3ec487232c58c7e5904138fc4f45f808 | 1,641 | AoC-2023 | Creative Commons Zero v1.0 Universal |
src/Day23.kt | Flame239 | 570,094,570 | false | {"Kotlin": 60685} | private fun input(): Array<BooleanArray> {
val gs = readInput("Day23")
val padding = 100
val h = gs.size + 2 * padding
val w = gs[0].length + 2 * padding
val arr = Array(h) { BooleanArray(w) }
gs.forEachIndexed { rowInd, row ->
row.forEachIndexed { i, c ->
arr[rowInd + padding][i + padding] = (c == '#')
return arr
fun moveElves(g: Array<BooleanArray>, part1: Boolean): Int {
val elves = HashSet<CC>()
for (i in g.indices) for (j in g[0].indices) if (g[i][j]) elves.add(CC(i, j))
var d = 0
repeat(if (part1) 10 else Int.MAX_VALUE) {
val moves = HashMap<CC, MutableList<Move>>()
elves.forEach { e ->
val hasN = g[e.i - 1][e.j] || g[e.i - 1][e.j + 1] || g[e.i - 1][e.j - 1]
val hasS = g[e.i + 1][e.j] || g[e.i + 1][e.j + 1] || g[e.i + 1][e.j - 1]
val hasW = g[e.i][e.j - 1] || g[e.i + 1][e.j - 1] || g[e.i - 1][e.j - 1]
val hasE = g[e.i][e.j + 1] || g[e.i + 1][e.j + 1] || g[e.i - 1][e.j + 1]
if (!hasN && !hasW && !hasS && !hasE) return@forEach
val has = arrayOf(hasN, hasS, hasW, hasE)
for (di in 0..3) {
val elfD = (d + di) % 4
if (!has[elfD]) {
val from = CC(e.i, e.j)
val to = e.move(elfD)
moves.getOrPut(to) { mutableListOf() }.add(Move(from, to))
val possibleMoves = moves.filter { (_, moves) -> moves.size == 1 }
if (possibleMoves.isEmpty() && !part1) return it + 1
possibleMoves.forEach { (_, moves) ->
val m = moves[0]
g[m.from.i][m.from.j] = false
g[][] = true
return if (part1) findArea(elves) else -1
private fun findArea(e: HashSet<CC>): Int {
return (e.maxOf(CC::i) - e.minOf(CC::i) + 1) * (e.maxOf(CC::j) - e.minOf(CC::j) + 1) - e.size
fun main() {
measure { moveElves(input(), true) }
measure { moveElves(input(), false) }
private data class Move(val from: CC, val to: CC)
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | 27f3133e4cd24b33767e18777187f09e1ed3c214 | 2,221 | advent-of-code-2022 | Apache License 2.0 |
src/Day15.kt | simonbirt | 574,137,905 | false | {"Kotlin": 45762} | import kotlin.math.abs
import kotlin.math.max
fun main() {
Day15.printSolutionIfTest(26, 56000011)
object Day15: Day<Int, Long>(15) {
override fun part1Test(lines: List<String>) = countPositions(lines, 10)
override fun part1(lines: List<String>) = countPositions(lines, 2000000)
override fun part2Test(lines: List<String>) = calculateFrequency(lines, 20)
override fun part2(lines: List<String>) = calculateFrequency(lines, 4000000)
private fun countPositions(lines: List<String>, row:Int):Int {
val sensors ={ line -> parseSensor(line)}
return points(sensors, row).flatten().distinct().count() -1
private fun calculateFrequency(lines: List<String>, max: Int):Long {
val sensors ={ line -> parseSensor(line)}
val missing = (0 .. max).asSequence().map{ row -> IndexedValue(row, points(sensors,row)) }
.map{ IndexedValue(it.index, gap(it.value, max)) }.filter { it.value != null } .first()
return ( (missing.value!! * 4000000L) + missing.index)
private fun gap(ranges: List<IntRange>, max:Int):Int? {
var lastMax = 0
for (r in ranges.sortedBy { it.first() }) {
when {
r.first > lastMax -> return lastMax+1
r.last() >= max -> return null
else -> lastMax = max(lastMax, r.last)
return null
private fun points(sensors: List<Sensor>, row:Int): List<IntRange> {
return sensors.mapNotNull { s -> s.points(row) }
private fun parseSensor(line: String): Sensor {
val (x, y, bx, by) = line.split("=", ",", ":").mapNotNull { it.toIntOrNull() }
return Sensor(x ,y, bx, by)
data class Sensor(val x:Int, val y:Int, val bx:Int, val by:Int) {
private val distance = abs(x - bx) + abs(y - by)
fun points(lineHeight: Int):IntRange? {
val xd = distance - abs(y-lineHeight)
return if ( xd >= 0 ) {
range(x-xd, x+xd)
} else {
private fun range(a:Int, b:Int) = minOf(a,b) .. maxOf(a,b)
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | 962eccac0ab5fc11c86396fc5427e9a30c7cd5fd | 2,182 | advent-of-code-2022 | Apache License 2.0 |
src/Day11.kt | MarkTheHopeful | 572,552,660 | false | {"Kotlin": 75535} | class Monkey(val items: MutableList<Long>, val operation: (Long, Long?) -> Long, val testAndThrow: (Long) -> Int, val modulo: Long) {
fun main() {
fun constructOperation(opToken: Char, value: Long?, divideBy: Long = 3): (Long, Long?) -> Long {
return if (opToken == '*') {
it: Long, modulo: Long? -> ((it * (value ?: it)) / divideBy) % (modulo ?: Long.MAX_VALUE)
} else {
it: Long, modulo: Long? -> ((it + (value ?: it)) / divideBy) % (modulo ?: Long.MAX_VALUE)
fun constructTestAndThrow(testValue: Long, ifTrue: Int, ifFalse: Int): (Long) -> Int {
return {it: Long -> if (it % testValue == 0L) ifTrue else ifFalse}
fun parseMonkey(monkeyDesc: List<String>, shouldDivide: Boolean = true): Monkey {
val items = monkeyDesc[1].split(" ").drop(4).map{it.removePrefix(",").removeSuffix(",").toInt()}
val operationTokens = monkeyDesc[2].split(" ").drop(6).also {println(it)}
val operation = constructOperation(operationTokens[0][0], operationTokens[1].toLongOrNull(), if (shouldDivide) 3 else 1)
val testValue = monkeyDesc[3].split(" ").takeLast(1)[0].toLong()
val ifTrue = monkeyDesc[4].split(" ").takeLast(1)[0].toInt()
val ifFalse = monkeyDesc[5].split(" ").takeLast(1)[0].toInt()
val testAndThrow = constructTestAndThrow(testValue, ifTrue, ifFalse)
return Monkey(items as MutableList<Long>, operation, testAndThrow, testValue)
fun part1(input: List<String>): Int {
val monks = input.chunked(7).map(::parseMonkey)
val counters = MutableList(monks.size) {0}
repeat(20) {
monks.withIndex().forEach {(i, monkey) ->
monkey.items.forEach {
val newWorry = monkey.operation(it, null)
return counters.sorted().takeLast(2).fold(1, Int::times)
fun part2(input: List<String>): Long {
val monks = input.chunked(7).map{parseMonkey(it, false)}
val counters = MutableList(monks.size) {0L}
val modulo: Long = {it.modulo}.fold(1, Long::times)
repeat(10000) {
monks.withIndex().forEach {(i, monkey) ->
monkey.items.forEach {
val newWorry = monkey.operation(it, modulo)
return counters.sorted().takeLast(2).fold(1, Long::times)
// test if implementation meets criteria from the description, like:
val testInput = readInput("Day11_test")
check(part1(testInput) == 10605)
check(part2(testInput) == 2713310158)
val input = readInput("Day11")
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | 8218c60c141ea2d39984792fddd1e98d5775b418 | 3,030 | advent-of-kotlin-2022 | Apache License 2.0 |
src/Day12.kt | buczebar | 572,864,830 | false | {"Kotlin": 39213} | private typealias MapOfHeights = List<List<Char>>
private fun Char.elevation() =
when (this) {
'S' -> 0 // a
'E' -> 25 // z
else ->
private fun MapOfHeights.getFirstPositionOf(mark: Char): Position {
forEachIndexed { index, row ->
if (row.contains(mark)) {
return row.indexOf(mark) to index
return -1 to -1
private fun MapOfHeights.getAllPositionsWithElevation(elevation: Int): List<Position> {
val positions = mutableListOf<Position>()
forEachIndexed { colIndex, items ->
items.forEachIndexed { rowIndex, item ->
if (item.elevation() == elevation) {
positions.add(rowIndex to colIndex)
return positions
private fun MapOfHeights.getPossibleMoves(position: Position): List<Position> {
val currentHeight = this[position.y][position.x].elevation()
val directions = listOf(-1 to 0, 0 to -1, 1 to 0, 0 to 1)
return directions
.map { direction -> position + direction }
.filter { it.x in first().indices && it.y in indices }
.filter { this[it.y][it.x].elevation() - currentHeight <= 1 }
private fun MapOfHeights.findShortestPathLength(
start: Position,
destination: Position
): Int {
val queue = mutableListOf(start)
val visited = mutableSetOf(start)
val predecessors = mutableMapOf<Position, Position>()
while (queue.isNotEmpty()) {
val currentItem = queue.popHead()
val availableMoves = getPossibleMoves(currentItem)
availableMoves.forEach { next ->
if (!visited.contains(next)) {
predecessors[next] = currentItem
if (next == destination) {
var lenth = 0
var crawl: Position? = destination
while (predecessors[crawl] != null) {
crawl = predecessors[crawl]
return lenth
fun main() {
fun part1(mapOfHeights: MapOfHeights): Int {
val (start, destination) = mapOfHeights.getFirstPositionOf('S') to mapOfHeights.getFirstPositionOf('E')
return mapOfHeights.findShortestPathLength(start, destination)
fun part2(mapOfHeights: MapOfHeights): Int {
val allStartingPoints = mapOfHeights.getAllPositionsWithElevation(0)
val destination = mapOfHeights.getFirstPositionOf('E')
val allPaths = { startingPoint ->
startingPoint, destination
return allPaths.filter { it != 0 }.min()
val testInput = readInput("Day12_test").map { it.toList() }
check(part1(testInput) == 31)
check(part2(testInput) == 29)
val input = readInput("Day12").map { it.toList() }
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | cdb6fe3996ab8216e7a005e766490a2181cd4101 | 3,052 | advent-of-code | Apache License 2.0 |
src/Day16.kt | amelentev | 573,120,350 | false | {"Kotlin": 87839} | fun main() {
val input = readInput("Day16")
val dirs = listOf(0 to 1, 1 to 0, 0 to -1, -1 to 0) // east south west north
fun solve(s0: Triple<Int,Int,Int>): Int {
val visited = Array(input.size) {
Array(input[it].length) {
val queue = ArrayDeque<Triple<Int, Int, Int>>()
fun addQ(i: Int, j: Int, d: Int) {
if (i in input.indices && j in input[i].indices && !visited[i][j][d]) {
visited[i][j][d] = true
visited[s0.first][s0.second][s0.third] = true
while (queue.isNotEmpty()) {
val (i,j,d) = queue.removeFirst()
fun go() {
val (di, dj) = dirs[d]
addQ(i+di, j+dj, d)
when (input[i][j]) {
'.' -> go()
'/' -> {
val en = listOf(0, 3)
val sw = listOf(1, 2)
val d1 = (en - d).singleOrNull() ?: (sw - d).single()
val (di, dj) = dirs[d1]
addQ(i+di, j+dj, d1)
'\\' -> {
val es = listOf(0, 1)
val wn = listOf(2, 3)
val d1 = (es - d).singleOrNull() ?: (wn - d).single()
val (di, dj) = dirs[d1]
addQ(i+di, j+dj, d1)
'|' -> {
if (d == 0 || d == 2) {
addQ(i-1, j, 3)
addQ(i+1, j, 1)
} else {
'-' -> {
if (d == 1 || d == 3) {
addQ(i, j-1, 2)
addQ(i, j+1, 0)
} else {
return visited.sumOf { vi -> vi.count { vj -> vj.any { it } } }
println(solve(Triple(0, 0, 0)))
val edges = input.indices.flatMap { i ->
listOf(Triple(i, 0, 0), Triple(i, input[i].lastIndex, 2))
} + input[0].indices.flatMap { j ->
listOf(Triple(0, j, 1), Triple(input.lastIndex, j, 3))
println(edges.maxOf { solve(it) })
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | a137d895472379f0f8cdea136f62c106e28747d5 | 2,397 | advent-of-code-kotlin | Apache License 2.0 |
src/day19/a/day19a.kt | pghj | 577,868,985 | false | {"Kotlin": 94937} | package day19.a
import readInputLines
import shouldBe
import util.IntVector
import vec
import java.util.regex.Pattern
import kotlin.math.max
fun main() {
val input = read()
var answer = 0
input.forEach { answer += it.num * simulate(it, 24) }
shouldBe(1266, answer)
fun simulate(bp: BluePrint, minutes: Int): Int {
var best = 0
fun addResult(outcome: Int) { best = max(best, outcome) }
fun chooseNextRobot(bp: BluePrint, state: State) {
if (state.minute == minutes) return addResult(state.produceOnly().stuff[3])
// Suppose we can afford to build a geode-cracking robot in every remaining minute.
// Would that be enough to improve on the best result so far?
val optimisticEstimate =
state.stuff[3] +
(minutes-state.minute+1) * state.bots[3] +
(minutes-state.minute) * (minutes-state.minute+1) /2
if (optimisticEstimate < best) return
for (i in 0..3) {
if (canProduce(i, bp, state) && isNotAtMax(i, bp, state) ) {
var s = state
while(s.minute <= minutes && !canAfford(i, bp, s)) s = s.produceOnly()
if (s.minute <= minutes) s = s.buildRobotAndProduce(i, bp)
if (s.minute <= minutes) chooseNextRobot(bp, s)
else addResult(s.stuff[3])
val start = State(
vec(1,0,0,0), // robots
vec(0,0,0,0), // stuff
chooseNextRobot(bp, start)
return best
fun isNotAtMax(bot: Int, bp: BluePrint, state: State): Boolean {
if (bot == 3) return true
return { it[bot] }.max() > state.bots[bot]
fun canAfford(i: Int, bp: BluePrint, state: State): Boolean {
return (0..3).all { j -> bp.cost[i][j] <= state.stuff[j] }
fun canProduce(i: Int, bp: BluePrint, state: State): Boolean {
return (0..3).all { j -> bp.cost[i][j] == 0 || state.bots[j] > 0 }
data class State(
val minute: Int,
val bots: IntVector,
val stuff: IntVector,
) {
fun produceOnly(): State {
return State(
stuff + bots,
fun buildRobotAndProduce(bot: Int, bp: BluePrint): State {
return State(
bots + IntVector.unit(4, bot),
stuff + bots - bp.cost[bot],
data class BluePrint(
val num: Int,
val cost: List<IntVector>
fun read(): List<BluePrint> {
return readInputLines(19)
.filter { it.isNotBlank() }
.map { line ->
val a = line.split(Pattern.compile("[^0-9]+")).filter { it.isNotBlank() }.map { it.toInt() }.toList()
val cost = ArrayList<IntVector>()
cost.add(vec(a[1], 0, 0, 0))
cost.add(vec(a[2], 0, 0, 0))
cost.add(vec(a[3], a[4], 0, 0))
cost.add(vec(a[5], 0, a[6], 0))
BluePrint(a[0], cost)
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | 4b6911ee7dfc7c731610a0514d664143525b0954 | 2,969 | advent-of-code-2022 | Apache License 2.0 |
src/day12/solution.kt | bohdandan | 729,357,703 | false | {"Kotlin": 80367} | package day12
import println
import readInput
fun main() {
var UNKNOWN = '?'
var WORKING = '.'
var BROKEN = '#'
fun findVariations(input: Pair<String, List<Int>>): Long {
var map = input.first
var blocks = input.second
var cache = mutableMapOf<Triple<Int, Int, Int>, Long>()
fun solve(mapIndex: Int, blockIndex: Int, positionInBlock: Int): Long {
var key = Triple(mapIndex, blockIndex, positionInBlock)
if (cache.containsKey(key)) return cache[key]!!
if (mapIndex == map.length) {
return when {
blockIndex == blocks.size && positionInBlock == 0 -> 1L
blockIndex == blocks.size - 1 && blocks[blockIndex] == positionInBlock -> 1L
else -> 0L
var result = 0L
if (map[mapIndex] == WORKING || map[mapIndex] == UNKNOWN) {
if (positionInBlock == 0) {
result += solve(mapIndex + 1, blockIndex, 0)
} else if (positionInBlock > 0 && blockIndex < blocks.size && blocks[blockIndex] == positionInBlock) {
result += solve(mapIndex + 1, blockIndex + 1, 0)
if (map[mapIndex] == BROKEN || map[mapIndex] == UNKNOWN) {
result += solve(mapIndex + 1, blockIndex, positionInBlock + 1)
cache[key] = result
return result
var variations = solve(0,0,0)
"${input.first} ::: ${input.second} -> $variations".println()
return variations
fun parse(input: String): Pair<String, List<Int>> {
var parts = input.split(" ")
return Pair(parts[0], parts[1].split(",").map { it.toInt() })
fun unfold(input: Pair<String, List<Int>>): Pair<String, List<Int>> {
var map = List(5) {input.first}.joinToString("?")
return Pair(map, List(5) { input.second }.flatten())
check(findVariations(parse("???.### 1,1,3")) == 1L)
check(findVariations(parse(".??..??...?##. 1,1,3")) == 4L)
check(findVariations(parse("?###???????? 3,2,1")) == 10L)
check(readInput("day12/test1").map(::parse).sumOf(::findVariations) == 21L)
"Part 1:".println()
.sum() == 525152L)
"Part 2:".println()
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | 92735c19035b87af79aba57ce5fae5d96dde3788 | 2,636 | advent-of-code-2023 | Apache License 2.0 |
src/Day04.kt | geodavies | 575,035,123 | false | {"Kotlin": 13226} | fun String.toPairOfAssignments(): Pair<Pair<Int, Int>, Pair<Int, Int>> {
val pairs = split(",")
val assignment1 = pairs[0].split("-")
val assignment2 = pairs[1].split("-")
return (assignment1[0].toInt() to assignment1[1].toInt()) to (assignment2[0].toInt() to assignment2[1].toInt())
fun isContained(firstAssignment: Pair<Int, Int>, secondAssignment: Pair<Int, Int>) =
if (firstAssignment.first >= secondAssignment.first && firstAssignment.second <= secondAssignment.second) {
} else secondAssignment.first >= firstAssignment.first && secondAssignment.second <= firstAssignment.second
fun doTheyOverlap(firstAssignment: Pair<Int, Int>, secondAssignment: Pair<Int, Int>) =
if (firstAssignment.first >= secondAssignment.first && firstAssignment.first <= secondAssignment.second) {
} else firstAssignment.second >= secondAssignment.first && firstAssignment.second <= secondAssignment.second
fun main() {
fun part1(input: List<String>) = input
.map {
if (isContained(it.first, it.second)) {
} else {
fun part2(input: List<String>) = input
.map {
if (isContained(it.first, it.second) || doTheyOverlap(it.first, it.second)) {
} else {
// test if implementation meets criteria from the description, like:
val testInput = readInput("Day04_test")
check(part1(testInput) == 2)
check(part2(testInput) == 4)
val input = readInput("Day04")
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | d04a336e412ba09a1cf368e2af537d1cf41a2060 | 1,762 | advent-of-code-2022 | Apache License 2.0 |
src/Day11.kt | AxelUser | 572,845,434 | false | {"Kotlin": 29744} | import java.util.*
data class Monkey(
val items: Queue<Long>,
val operation: (old: Long) -> Long,
val test: Long,
val trueBranch: Int,
val falseBranch: Int
fun main() {
fun List<String>.monkeys(): List<Monkey> {
val res = mutableListOf<Monkey>()
for (data in filter { it != "" }.map { it.trim() }.windowed(6, 6)) {
val items = LinkedList(Regex("\\d+").findAll(data[1]).map { it.value.toLong() }.toMutableList())
val func = if (data[2].contains("+")) { a: Long, b: Long -> a + b } else { a: Long, b: Long -> a * b }
val op = data[2].split(" ").last().let {
when (it) {
"old" -> { old: Long -> func(old, old) }
else -> { old: Long -> func(old, it.toLong()) }
val test = data[3].split(" ").last().toLong()
val tb = data[4].split(" ").last().toInt()
val fb = data[5].split(" ").last().toInt()
res.add(Monkey(items, op, test, tb, fb))
return res
fun solve(monkeys: List<Monkey>, rounds: Int, lower: (v: Long) -> Long): Long {
val stats = LongArray(monkeys.size)
repeat(rounds) {
for ((i, m) in monkeys.withIndex()) {
while (m.items.isNotEmpty()) {
val newValue = lower(m.operation(m.items.poll()))
if (newValue % m.test == 0L) {
} else {
return stats.sortedArrayDescending().take(2).let { it[0] * it[1] }
fun part1(input: List<String>): Long {
val monkeys = input.monkeys()
return solve(monkeys, 20) { it / 3 }
fun part2(input: List<String>): Long {
val monkeys = input.monkeys()
val modulo = { it.test }.fold(1L) { acc, el -> acc * el }
return solve(monkeys, 10000) { it % modulo}
check(part1(readInput("Day11_test")) == 10605L)
check(part2(readInput("Day11_test")) == 2713310158)
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 1 | 042e559f80b33694afba08b8de320a7072e18c4e | 2,340 | aoc-2022 | Apache License 2.0 |
src/main/kotlin/com/dvdmunckhof/aoc/event2023/Day05.kt | dvdmunckhof | 318,829,531 | false | {"Kotlin": 195848, "PowerShell": 1266} | package com.dvdmunckhof.aoc.event2023
class Day05(input: List<String>) {
private val seeds = input[0].split(' ').drop(1).map(String::toLong)
private val mappings = input.drop(1).map { chunk ->
.map { line ->
val values = line.split(' ').map(String::toLong)
MappingEntry(values[1]..<values[1] + values[2], values[0])
.sortedBy { it.src.first }
fun solvePart1(): Long {
return seeds.minOf { seed ->
mappings.fold(seed) { n, mapping ->
mapping.firstOrNull { entry -> n in entry.src }?.map(n) ?: n
fun solvePart2(): Long {
return seeds.windowed(2, 2)
.map { range -> range[0]..<range[0] + range[1] }
.minOf { process(0, it) }
private fun process(mappingIndex: Int, range: LongRange): Long {
val mapping = mappings[mappingIndex]
val ranges = process(mapping, 0, range)
if (mappingIndex == mappings.lastIndex) {
return ranges.minOf { it.first }
return ranges.minOf { r -> process(mappingIndex + 1, r) }
private fun process(mapping: List<MappingEntry>, fromEntryIndex: Int, range: LongRange): Array<LongRange> {
for (i in fromEntryIndex..mapping.lastIndex) {
val entry = mapping[i]
val entrySrc = entry.src
// case 1: seed range is bigger than mapping
if (range.first > entrySrc.last) {
continue // skip mapping
// case 2: seed range is smaller than mapping
if (range.last < entrySrc.first) {
break // mappings are sorted, so no other matches will be found
// case 3: seed range is fully covered by mapping
if (range in entrySrc) {
return arrayOf(
// case 4: seed range overlaps start of mapping
if (range.last in entrySrc) {
return arrayOf(
// case 5: seed range overlaps end of mapping
if (range.first in entrySrc) {
return arrayOf(,
*process(mapping, i + 1, entrySrc.last + 1..range.last),
// case 6: middle of seed range is covered by mapping
if (entrySrc in range) {
return arrayOf(
*process(mapping, i + 1, entrySrc.last + 1..range.last),
return arrayOf(range)
private data class MappingEntry(val src: LongRange, val dst: Long) {
fun map(n: Long): Long = dst - src.first + n
private operator fun LongRange.contains(other: LongRange): Boolean {
return other.first in this && other.last in this
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | 025090211886c8520faa44b33460015b96578159 | 3,252 | advent-of-code | Apache License 2.0 |
src/Day21.kt | thpz2210 | 575,577,457 | false | {"Kotlin": 50995} | private class Solution21(input: List<String>) {
val monkeys = input
.map { it.split(": ", " ") }
.map {
if (it.size == 2) Monkey(id = it[0], number = it[1].toLong()) else Monkey(
id = it[0],
operation = it[2],
left = it[1],
right = it[3]
.associateBy { }.toMutableMap()
fun part1() = computeNumber("root")
fun part2(): Long {
monkeys.values.forEach { it.computed = null }
val root = monkeys["root"]!!
monkeys[] = Monkey(, operation = "-", left = root.left, right = root.right)
return computeHumn(, 0)
private fun computeHumn(monkeyId: String, expected: Long): Long {
val monkey = monkeys[monkeyId]!!
if (monkeyId == "humn") return expected
if (computeChildren(monkey.left!!).contains("humn")) {
val opposite = computeNumber(monkey.right!!)
return when (monkey.operation) {
"+" -> computeHumn(monkey.left, expected - opposite)
"-" -> computeHumn(monkey.left, expected + opposite)
"*" -> computeHumn(monkey.left, expected / opposite)
"/" -> computeHumn(monkey.left, expected * opposite)
else -> throw IllegalArgumentException()
} else if (computeChildren(monkey.right!!).contains("humn")) {
val opposite = computeNumber(monkey.left)
return when (monkey.operation) {
"+" -> computeHumn(monkey.right, expected - opposite)
"-" -> computeHumn(monkey.right, opposite - expected)
"*" -> computeHumn(monkey.right, expected / opposite)
"/" -> computeHumn(monkey.right, opposite / expected)
else -> throw IllegalArgumentException()
throw IllegalStateException()
fun computeNumber(monkeyId: String): Long {
val monkey = monkeys[monkeyId]!!
if (monkey.number != null) {
monkey.computed = monkey.number
} else {
monkey.computed = when (monkey.operation) {
"+" -> computeNumber(monkey.left!!) + computeNumber(monkey.right!!)
"-" -> computeNumber(monkey.left!!) - computeNumber(monkey.right!!)
"*" -> computeNumber(monkey.left!!) * computeNumber(monkey.right!!)
"/" -> computeNumber(monkey.left!!) / computeNumber(monkey.right!!)
else -> throw IllegalArgumentException()
return monkey.computed!!
fun computeChildren(monkeyId: String): Set<String> {
val monkey = monkeys[monkeyId]!!
return if (monkey.left == null || monkey.right == null)
data class Monkey(
val id: String,
var number: Long? = null,
val operation: String? = null,
val left: String? = null,
val right: String? = null,
var computed: Long? = null,
val children: Set<String> = mutableSetOf()
fun main() {
val testSolution = Solution21(readInput("Day21_test"))
check(testSolution.part1() == 152L)
check(testSolution.part2() == 301L)
val solution = Solution21(readInput("Day21"))
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | 69ed62889ed90692de2f40b42634b74245398633 | 3,493 | aoc-2022 | Apache License 2.0 |
src/Day12.kt | WhatDo | 572,393,865 | false | {"Kotlin": 24776} | import kotlin.time.ExperimentalTime
import kotlin.time.measureTime
fun main() {
val input = readInput("Day12")
val graph = Graph.create(input)
val time = measureTime {
val start = requireNotNull(graph.nodes.find { it.value == 'S' })
val stepsFromStart = bfs(graph, start)
println("Steps from 'S' to 'E' = $stepsFromStart")
println("took $time")
val time2 = measureTime {
val shortest = graph.nodes.filter { node -> node.value.asElevation() == 'a' }
.map { bfs(graph, it) }
.filter { it != -1 }
println("Shortest trail is $shortest steps")
println("took $time2")
private fun bfs(graph: Graph, start: Node): Int {
val visited = mutableSetOf(start)
val queue = ArrayDeque<Pair<Int, Node>>(graph.nodes.size)
queue.addLast(0 to start)
val path = mutableMapOf<Node, Node>()
while (queue.isNotEmpty()) {
val (step, node) = queue.removeFirst()
if (node.value == 'E') {
return step
.forEach { neighbor ->
queue.addLast(step + 1 to neighbor)
path[neighbor] = node
return -1
private class Graph(val nodes: List<Node>, val width: Int, val height: Int) {
fun get(x: Int, y: Int): Node? {
if (x !in 0 until width || y !in 0 until height) {
return null
return nodes[getIndex(x, y)]
private fun getIndex(x: Int, y: Int): Int {
return x + y * width
companion object {
fun create(graph: List<String>): Graph {
val width = graph[0].length
val height = graph.size
val nodes = graph.flatMapIndexed { y, row -> row.mapIndexed { x, c -> Node(c, x, y) } }
return Graph(nodes, width, height)
private data class Node(val value: Char, val x: Int, val y: Int)
private fun Node.neighbors(graph: Graph): List<Node> {
return listOf(x - 1 to y, x + 1 to y, x to y - 1, x to y + 1)
.mapNotNull { (x, y) -> graph.get(x, y) }
private fun Node.canGoTo(other: Node) = (value.asElevation() - other.value.asElevation()) >= -1
private fun Char.asElevation() =
when (this) {
'S' -> 'a'
'E' -> 'z'
else -> this
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | 94abea885a59d0aa3873645d4c5cefc2d36d27cf | 2,464 | aoc-kotlin-2022 | Apache License 2.0 |
src/main/kotlin/pl/mrugacz95/aoc/day13/day13.kt | mrugacz95 | 317,354,321 | false | null | package pl.mrugacz95.aoc.day13
import java.lang.RuntimeException
fun part1(arrival: Int, buses: List<Int?>): Int {
val departures = buses.filterNotNull()
val longestBus = departures.maxOrNull() ?: throw RuntimeException("Wrong departures list")
for (i in arrival until arrival + longestBus) {
for (departure in departures) {
if ((i).rem(departure) == 0) {
return (i - arrival) * departure
throw RuntimeException("No bus found")
fun part2(departures: List<Int?>): Long { // ETA 3h 40m 52s
val maxDeparture = departures.withIndex().filter { it.value != null }.maxByOrNull { it.value!! }
?: throw RuntimeException("No max departure found")
var timestamp = maxDeparture.value!!.toLong() - maxDeparture.index
var found: Boolean
while (true) {
found = true
for (i in departures.indices) {
val departure = departures[i] ?: continue
if ((timestamp + i).rem(departure) != 0L) {
timestamp += maxDeparture.value!!
found = false
if (found) {
return timestamp
inline fun <T> Iterable<T>.sumByLong(selector: (T) -> Long): Long {
var sum = 0L
for (element in this) {
sum += selector(element)
return sum
data class GCD(
var a: Long,
var x: Long,
var b: Long,
var y: Long
fun gcdExtended(a: Long, b: Long): GCD {
if (a == 0L) {
return GCD(a, 0, b, 1)
val gcd = gcdExtended(b % a, a)
val x = gcd.y - b / a * gcd.x
val y = gcd.x
return GCD(a, x, b, y)
* Based on
fun chineseRemainderTheorem(a: List<Long>, n: List<Int>): Long {
val N = a.reduce { acc, i -> acc * i }
val Ni = { N / it }
val x =
.map { gcdExtended(it.first, it.second) }
.sumByLong { it.first.b * it.first.y * it.second }
return if (x < 0) x + N else x
fun fastPart2(departures: List<Long?>): Long {
val values = departures.mapIndexedNotNull { index, i -> if (i != null) IndexedValue(index, i) else i }
return chineseRemainderTheorem( { it.value }, { -it.index })
fun main() {
val notes = {}"/")
val arrival = notes[0].toInt()
val departures = notes[1].split(",").map { if (it == "x") null else it.toInt() }
println("Answer part 1: ${part1(arrival, departures)}")
// println("Answer part 2: ${part2(departures)}") // Just don't
println("Answer part 2: ${fastPart2( { it?.toLong() })}")
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 1 | a2f7674a8f81f16cd693854d9f564b52ce6aaaaf | 2,803 | advent-of-code-2020 | Do What The F*ck You Want To Public License |
src/Day13.kt | mathijs81 | 572,837,783 | false | {"Kotlin": 167658, "Python": 725, "Shell": 57} | private const val EXPECTED_1 = 405
private const val EXPECTED_2 = 400
private class Day13(isTest: Boolean) : Solver(isTest) {
fun List<String>.transpose(): List<String> {
val Y = this.size
val X = this[0].length
val res = List(X) { CharArray(Y) }
for (y in 0 until Y) {
for (x in 0 until X) {
res[x][y] = this[y][x]
return { it.joinToString("") }
fun findSymmetry(field: List<String>, unequalTarget: Int = 0): Int {
val Y = field.size
val X = field[0].length
for (i in 0 until X - 1) {
var unequal = 0
for (a in 0..i) {
val other = (i - a) + i + 1
if (other >= X) {
unequal += (0 until Y).count { field[it][a] != field[it][other] }
if (unequal == unequalTarget) {
return i + 1
return -1
fun part1(): Any {
return readAsString().split("\n\n").map { it.split("\n") }.sumOf { field ->
val col = findSymmetry(field)
val row = findSymmetry(field.transpose())
check(col != -1 || row != -1)
if (col == -1) {
100 * row
} else {
fun part2(): Any {
return readAsString().split("\n\n").map { it.split("\n") }.sumOf { field ->
val col = findSymmetry(field, 1)
val row = findSymmetry(field.transpose(), 1)
check(col != -1 || row != -1)
if (col == -1) {
100 * row
} else {
fun main() {
val testInstance = Day13(true)
val instance = Day13(false)
testInstance.part1().let { check(it == EXPECTED_1) { "part1: $it != $EXPECTED_1" } }
println("part1 ANSWER: ${instance.part1()}")
testInstance.part2().let {
check(it == EXPECTED_2) { "part2: $it != $EXPECTED_2" }
println("part2 ANSWER: ${instance.part2()}")
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 2 | 92f2e803b83c3d9303d853b6c68291ac1568a2ba | 2,156 | advent-of-code-2022 | Apache License 2.0 |
src/Day07.kt | nguyendanv | 573,066,311 | false | {"Kotlin": 18026} | fun main() {
data class Node(val name: String) {
private var sizeOfFiles: Int = 0
private val children: MutableMap<String, Node> = mutableMapOf()
fun addFile(size: Int) {
sizeOfFiles += size
val size: Int
get() = sizeOfFiles + children.values.sumOf { it.size }
fun addChild(name: String): Node = children.getOrPut(name) { Node(name) }
fun findNodesByCriteria(filter: (Node) -> Boolean): List<Node> =
children.values.filter(filter) + children.values.flatMap { it.findNodesByCriteria(filter) }
fun buildTree(input: List<String>): Node {
val stack = ArrayDeque<Node>()
input.forEach { line ->
when {
line=="$ ls" -> {}
line.startsWith("dir") -> {}
line.startsWith("$ cd") -> {
val (_, _, arg) = line.split(" ")
when (arg) {
"/" -> stack.addFirst(Node("/"))
".." -> stack.removeFirst()
else -> stack.addFirst(stack.first().addChild(arg))
else -> {
val (size) = line.split(" ")
return stack.last()
fun part1(input: List<String>): Int {
return buildTree(input)
.findNodesByCriteria { it.size <= 100000 }
.sumOf { it.size }
fun part2(input: List<String>): Int {
val totalSpace = 70000000
val requiredSpace = 30000000
val tree = buildTree(input)
val unusedSpace = totalSpace - tree.size
val spaceNeeded = requiredSpace - unusedSpace
return tree
.findNodesByCriteria { it.size >= spaceNeeded }
.minBy { it.size }
// test if implementation meets criteria from the description, like:
val testInput = readInput("Day07_test")
val input = readInput("Day07")
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | 376512583af723b4035b170db1fa890eb32f2f0f | 2,214 | advent2022 | Apache License 2.0 |
src/com/kingsleyadio/adventofcode/y2021/day13/Solution.kt | kingsleyadio | 435,430,807 | false | {"Kotlin": 134666, "JavaScript": 5423} | package com.kingsleyadio.adventofcode.y2021.day13
import com.kingsleyadio.adventofcode.util.readInput
import kotlin.math.max
fun part1(dots: Set<Point>, command: Point): Int {
return fold(dots, command).size
fun part2(dots: Set<Point>, commands: List<Point>): String {
val folded = commands.fold(dots) { acc, command -> fold(acc, command) }
val x = commands.last { (x, _) -> x > 0 }.x
val y = commands.last { (_, y) -> y > 0 }.y
return buildString {
for (i in 0..y) {
for (j in 0..x) append(if (Point(j, i) in folded) '#' else ' ').append(' ')
fun fold(dots: Set<Point>, command: Point): Set<Point> {
val (x, y) = command
val full = max(x, y) shl 1
return buildSet {
for (dot in dots) {
val (dotX, dotY) = dot
if ((x > 0 && dotX < x) || (y > 0 && dotY < y)) add(dot)
else if (x in 1 until dotX) add(Point(full - dotX, dotY))
else if (y in 1 until dotY) add(Point(dotX, full - dotY))
data class Point(val x: Int, val y: Int)
fun List<Int>.toPoint() = Point(this[0], this[1])
fun main() {
val dots = hashSetOf<Point>()
val commands = arrayListOf<Point>()
var isDots = true
readInput(2021, 13).forEachLine { line ->
if (line.isEmpty()) isDots = false
else if (isDots) dots.add(line.split(",").map { it.toInt() }.toPoint())
else {
val (axis, value) = line.substringAfterLast(" ").split("=")
commands.add(if (axis == "y") Point(0, value.toInt()) else Point(value.toInt(), 0))
println(part1(dots, commands.first()))
println(part2(dots, commands))
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 1 | 9abda490a7b4e3d9e6113a0d99d4695fcfb36422 | 1,709 | adventofcode | Apache License 2.0 |
src/Day16.kt | zirman | 572,627,598 | false | {"Kotlin": 89030} | import kotlin.system.measureTimeMillis
fun <T> permutation(xs: List<T>): List<List<T>> {
return if (xs.isEmpty()) listOf(emptyList())
else xs.flatMapIndexed { index, s ->
permutation(buildList {
addAll(xs.subList(0, index))
addAll(xs.subList(index + 1, xs.size))
}).map { tail ->
buildList {
fun <T> groupPermutation(xs: List<T>): List<List<T>> {
return (0 until xs.indices.fold(1) { acc, _ -> acc * 2 }).map { bits ->
bits.toString(2).reversed().flatMapIndexed { index, c ->
if (c == '1') listOf(xs[index])
else emptyList()
fun <T> partitionPermutation(xs: List<T>): List<Pair<List<T>, List<T>>> {
return (0 until xs.indices.fold(1) { acc, _ -> acc * 2 }).map { bits ->
val (g1, g2) = bits
.let { s ->
buildList {
addAll(List(xs.size - s.size) { '0' })
.mapIndexed { index, c -> Pair(index, c) }
.partition { (_, c) -> c == '1' }
Pair( { (index, _) -> xs[index] }, { (index, _) -> xs[index] }
fun <T> partitionUniquePermutation(xs: List<T>): List<Pair<List<T>, List<T>>> {
return (0 until xs.indices.fold(1) { acc, _ -> acc * 2 } / 2).map { bits ->
val (g1, g2) = bits
.let { s ->
buildList {
addAll(List(xs.size - s.size) { '0' })
.mapIndexed { index, c -> Pair(index, c) }
.partition { (_, c) -> c == '1' }
Pair( { (index, _) -> xs[index] }, { (index, _) -> xs[index] }
fun main() {
fun part1(input: List<String>): Int {
val valveMap = input.associate { line ->
val (valve, flowRateStr, toValvesStr) = """^Valve (\w\w) has flow rate=(\d+); tunnels? leads? to valves? (.+)$"""
val toValves = toValvesStr.split(", ")
val flowRate = flowRateStr.toInt()
Pair(valve, Pair(flowRate, toValves))
// shortest hop distance to valve
fun hops(fromValve: String, toValve: String): Int? {
var i = 0
val visited = mutableSetOf<String>()
var fromValves = setOf(fromValve)
while (true) {
if (fromValves.isEmpty()) {
return null
} else if (fromValves.contains(toValve)) {
return i
fromValves = fromValves
.flatMap {
val (_, valves) = valveMap[it]!!
i += 1
// valves with positive flow rate
val goodClosedValves = valveMap
.filter { (_, value) ->
val (flowRate) = value
flowRate > 0
.map { (valve) -> valve }
val routes ="AA").let { valves ->
.mapIndexed { index, fromValve ->
buildList {
addAll(valves.subList(0, index))
addAll(valves.subList(index + 1, valves.size))
.mapNotNull { toValve ->
hops(fromValve, toValve)
?.let { Pair(toValve, it) }
.associate { it }
fun permute(t: Int, fromValve: String, closedValves: Set<String>): Int {
val tm = 30
return routes[fromValve]!!
.filter { (nextValve, hops) ->
t + hops < tm && closedValves.contains(nextValve)
.maxOfOrNull { (nextValve, hops) ->
val (flowRate) = valveMap[nextValve]!!
val totalValveFlow = flowRate * (tm - (t + hops))
totalValveFlow + permute(
t = t + hops + 1,
fromValve = nextValve,
closedValves = closedValves - nextValve
?: 0
return permute(1, "AA", goodClosedValves.toSet())//.also { println(it) }
fun part2(input: List<String>): Int {
val valveMap = input.associate { line ->
val (valve, flowRateStr, toValvesStr) = """^Valve (\w\w) has flow rate=(\d+); tunnels? leads? to valves? (.+)$"""
val toValves = toValvesStr.split(", ")
val flowRate = flowRateStr.toInt()
Pair(valve, Pair(flowRate, toValves))
// shortest hop distance to valve
fun hops(fromValve: String, toValve: String): Int? {
var i = 0
val visited = mutableSetOf<String>()
var fromValves = setOf(fromValve)
while (true) {
if (fromValves.isEmpty()) {
return null
} else if (fromValves.contains(toValve)) {
return i
fromValves = fromValves
.flatMap {
val (_, valves) = valveMap[it]!!
i += 1
// valves with positive flow rate
val goodClosedValves = valveMap
.filter { (_, value) ->
val (flowRate) = value
flowRate > 0
.map { (valve) -> valve }
val routes ="AA").let { valves ->
.mapIndexed { index, fromValve ->
buildList {
addAll(valves.subList(0, index))
addAll(valves.subList(index + 1, valves.size))
.mapNotNull { toValve ->
hops(fromValve, toValve)
?.let { Pair(toValve, it) }
.associate { it }
fun permute(t: Int, fromValve: String, closedValves: Set<String>): Int {
val tm = 26
return routes[fromValve]!!
.filter { (nextValve, hops) ->
t + hops < tm && closedValves.contains(nextValve)
.maxOfOrNull { (nextValve, hops) ->
val (flowRate) = valveMap[nextValve]!!
val totalValveFlow = flowRate * (tm - (t + hops))
totalValveFlow + permute(
t = t + hops + 1,
fromValve = nextValve,
closedValves = closedValves - nextValve
?: 0
return partitionUniquePermutation(goodClosedValves) // .map { (a, b) -> setOf(a, b) }.toSet()
.maxOf { ss ->
val (s1, s2) = ss.toList()
permute(1, "AA", s1.toSet()) + permute(1, "AA", s2.toSet())
// test if implementation meets criteria from the description, like:
val testInput = readInput("Day16_test")
check(part1(testInput) == 1651)
val input = readInput("Day16")
check(part2(testInput) == 1707)
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 1 | 2ec1c664f6d6c6e3da2641ff5769faa368fafa0f | 8,447 | aoc2022 | Apache License 2.0 |
src/main/kotlin/com/dmc/advent2022/Day08.kt | dorienmc | 576,916,728 | false | {"Kotlin": 86239} | //--- Day 8: Treetop Tree House ---
Each tree is represented as a single digit whose value is its height, where 0 is the shortest and 9 is the tallest.
A tree is visible if all of the other trees between it and an edge of the grid are shorter than it. Only consider trees in the same row or column; that is, only look up, down, left, or right from any given tree.
All of the trees around the edge of the grid are visible - since they are already on the edge, there are no trees to block the view. In this example, that only leaves the interior nine trees to consider:
The top-left 5 is visible from the left and top. (It isn't visible from the right or bottom since other trees of height 5 are in the way.)
The top-middle 5 is visible from the top and right.
The top-right 1 is not visible from any direction; for it to be visible, there would need to only be trees of height 0 between it and an edge.
The left-middle 5 is visible, but only from the right.
The center 3 is not visible from any direction; for it to be visible, there would need to be only trees of at most height 2 between it and an edge.
The right-middle 3 is visible from the right.
In the bottom row, the middle 5 is visible, but the 3 and 4 are not.
With 16 trees visible on the edge and another 5 visible in the interior, a total of 21 trees are visible in this arrangement.
25512 -> 1 not visible
65332 -> center 3 is not visible
33549 -> 3 and 4 are not visible
Consider your map; how many trees are visible from outside the grid?
package com.dmc.advent2022
class Day08 : Day<Int> {
override val index = 8
override fun part1(input: List<String>): Int {
val grid = input.toMatrix()
return (0 until grid.rows).sumOf { i ->
(0 until grid.cols).count { j ->
override fun part2(input: List<String>): Int {
println("Part 2")
val grid = input.toMatrix()
// Measure viewing distance
return (0 until grid.rows).maxOf { r -> (0 until grid.cols).maxOf{ c -> grid.scenicScore(r,c) } }
fun scenicScore(i: Int, j: Int, grid: Matrix) : Int {
if (i == 0 || j == 0 || i == grid.rows - 1 || j == grid.cols - 1) return 0
return grid.lookUp(i,j) * grid.lookDown(i,j) * grid.lookLeft(i,j) * grid.lookRight(i,j)
fun List<String>.toMatrix() : Matrix {
val gridSize = this[0].length
val grid = Matrix(gridSize, gridSize)
for( (i, line) in this.withIndex() ) {
for ( (j, elem) in line.withIndex() ) {
grid.set(i,j, elem.digitToInt())
return grid
fun Matrix.viewFrom(i: Int, j: Int): List<List<Int>> {
//Return all trees that are in the row/column as this tree
//Note that some might not be visible
return listOf(
(j-1 downTo 0).map{ c -> this.get(i,c)}, // left
(i-1 downTo 0).map{ r -> this.get(r,j) }, // up
(j+1 until this.cols).map{ c -> this.get(i,c) }, //right
(i+1 until this.rows).map{ r -> this.get(r,j) }, //down
fun Matrix.isVisible(i: Int, j: Int) : Boolean {
return viewFrom(i,j).any { direction ->
direction.all{ tree -> tree < this.get(i,j) }
fun Matrix.scenicScore(i: Int, j: Int): Int {
return viewFrom(i,j).map { direction ->
direction.takeUntil { it >= this.get(i,j) }.count()
fun Matrix.look(iRange: IntProgression, jRange: IntProgression, tree: Int) : Int {
// Return number of trees that can be seen from here (and are shorter that this tree)
var count = 0
for (i in iRange) {
for (j in jRange) {
if (this.get(i,j) >= tree) {
return count
return count
fun Matrix.lookDown(i: Int, j: Int) : Int {
return this.look(i+1 until this.rows, j..j, this.get(i,j))
fun Matrix.lookUp(i: Int, j: Int) : Int {
return this.look(i-1 downTo 0, j..j, this.get(i,j))
fun Matrix.lookLeft(i: Int, j: Int): Int {
return this.look(i..i, j-1 downTo 0, this.get(i,j))
fun Matrix.lookRight(i: Int, j: Int): Int {
return this.look(i..i, j+1 until this.cols, this.get(i,j))
class Matrix(var rows: Int, var cols: Int) {
val matrix = Array(rows) { IntArray(cols) {0} }
override fun toString(): String {
return matrix.joinToString(separator = "\n") { it.contentToString() }
fun set(row: Int, col: Int, value: Int) {
matrix[row][col] = value
fun get(row: Int, col: Int): Int {
return matrix[row][col]
fun getRow(row: Int, jRange: IntProgression = 0 until cols): IntArray {
return{ j -> get(row, j) }.toIntArray()
fun getCol(col: Int, iRange: IntProgression = 0 until rows): IntArray {
return{ i -> get(i, col) }.toIntArray()
fun main() {
val day = Day08()
// test if implementation meets criteria from the description, like:
val testInput = readInput(day.index, true)
check(day.part1(testInput) == 21)
val input = readInput(day.index)
check(day.part2(testInput) == 8)
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | 207c47b47e743ec7849aea38ac6aab6c4a7d4e79 | 5,226 | aoc-2022-kotlin | Apache License 2.0 |
2022/16/16.kt | LiquidFun | 435,683,748 | false | {"Kotlin": 40554, "Python": 35985, "Julia": 29455, "Rust": 20622, "C++": 1965, "Shell": 1268, "APL": 191} | import java.util.PriorityQueue
data class State(
var time: Int,
var current: String,
var elTime: Int? = null,
var elephant: String? = null,
var opened: Set<String> = setOf(),
var flow: Int = 0,
) : Comparable<State> {
override fun compareTo(other: State) = compareValuesBy(this, other, { -it.flow })
fun main() {
val input = generateSequence(::readlnOrNull).toList()
.map { Regex("([A-Z]{2}|\\d+)").findAll(it).toList().map { it.value } }
val neighbors = input.associate { it[0] to it.slice( }
val flows = input.associate { it[0] to it[1].toInt() }
fun getNonZeroNeighbors(curr: String, dist: Int = 0, visited: Set<String> = setOf()): Map<String, Int> {
val neigh = HashMap<String, Int>()
for (neighbor in neighbors[curr]!!.filter { it !in visited }) {
if (flows[neighbor]!! != 0)
neigh[neighbor] = dist+1
for ((name, d) in getNonZeroNeighbors(neighbor, dist+1, visited + setOf(curr)))
neigh[name] = minOf(d, neigh.getOrDefault(name, 1000))
return neigh
val nonZeroNeighbors = input.associate { it[0] to getNonZeroNeighbors(it[0]) }
fun solve(initialState: State): Int {
val queue = PriorityQueue<State>().also { it.add(initialState) }
var best = 0
val visited: MutableMap<List<String>, Int> = mutableMapOf()
while (queue.isNotEmpty()) {
var (time, current, elTime, elephant, opened, flow) = queue.remove()
best = maxOf(best, flow)
val vis = (opened.toList() + listOf(current, elephant ?: "")).sorted()
if (visited.getOrDefault(vis, -1) >= flow)
visited[vis] = flow
if (elTime != null && elephant != null && time < elTime) {
time = elTime.also { elTime = time }
current = elephant.also { elephant = current }
for ((neighbor, dist) in nonZeroNeighbors[current]!!) {
val newTime = time-dist-1
val newFlow = flow+flows[neighbor]!!*newTime
if (newTime >= 0 && neighbor !in opened)
queue.add(State(newTime, neighbor, elTime, elephant, opened+setOf(neighbor), newFlow))
return best
solve(State(30, "AA")).run(::println)
solve(State(26, "AA", 26, "AA")).run(::println) // Takes ~10 seconds
| 0 | Kotlin | 7 | 43 | 7cd5a97d142780b8b33b93ef2bc0d9e54536c99f | 2,487 | adventofcode | Apache License 2.0 |
src/Day03.kt | cnietoc | 572,880,374 | false | {"Kotlin": 15990} | fun main() {
fun part1(input: List<String>): Long {
return { Rucksack(it) }.sumOf { it.type.priority }
fun part2(input: List<String>): Long {
return { Rucksack(it) }.fold(mutableListOf()) { badges: MutableList<Badge>, rucksack: Rucksack ->
if (badges.isEmpty() || badges.last().isFull) {
} else {
return@fold badges
}.sumOf { it.type.priority }
// test if implementation meets criteria from the description, like:
val testInput = readInput("Day03_test")
check(part1(testInput) == 157L)
check(part2(testInput) == 70L)
val input = readInput("Day03")
class Badge(rucksack: Rucksack) {
private var rucksacks: List<Rucksack> = listOf(rucksack)
val isFull: Boolean
get() = rucksacks.size >= 3
fun add(rucksack: Rucksack) {
rucksacks =
val type: Type
get() = Type(rucksacks.first().content.find { char -> rucksacks.all { it.content.contains(char) } }!!)
class Rucksack(val content: String) {
private val firstCompartment: String
get() = content.substring(0, content.length / 2)
private val secondCompartment: String
get() = content.substring(content.length / 2)
val type: Type
get() = Type(firstCompartment.find {
class Type(private val char: Char) {
val priority: Long
get() = if (char.isLowerCase()) {
(char.code - 'a'.code + 1).toLong()
} else {
(char.code - 'A'.code + 27).toLong()
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | bbd8e81751b96b37d9fe48a54e5f4b3a0bab5da3 | 1,789 | aoc-2022 | Apache License 2.0 |
src/Day11.kt | mcdimus | 572,064,601 | false | {"Kotlin": 32343} | import util.MoreMath.lcm
import util.readInput
import kotlin.math.floor
fun main() {
fun part1(input: List<String>): Long {
val monkeys = parseInput(input)
for (round in (1..20)) {
for (monkey in monkeys) {
while (monkey.items.isNotEmpty()) {
val oldItem = monkey.items.removeAt(0)
val newItem = floor(monkey.operation(oldItem) / 3.0).toLong()
val targetMonkey = monkey.targets[newItem % monkey.test == 0L]!!
return monkeys
.sortedByDescending { it.inspectionsCount }
.map { it.inspectionsCount }
fun part2(input: List<String>): Long {
val monkeys = parseInput(input)
val monkeysLCM = lcm( { it.test })
for (round in (1..10_000)) {
for (monkey in monkeys) {
while (monkey.items.isNotEmpty()) {
val oldItem = monkey.items.removeAt(0)
val newItem = monkey.operation(oldItem) % monkeysLCM
val targetMonkey = monkey.targets[newItem % monkey.test == 0L]!!
return monkeys
.sortedByDescending { it.inspectionsCount }
.map { it.inspectionsCount }
// test if implementation meets criteria from the description, like:
val testInput = readInput("Day11_test")
check(part1(testInput) == 10605L)
check(part2(testInput) == 2713310158L)
val input = readInput("Day11")
private class MonkeyA(
val id: Int,
val items: MutableList<Long>,
val operation: (Long) -> Long,
val test: Long,
val targets: Map<Boolean, Int>
) {
var inspectionsCount = 0L
private fun parseInput(input: List<String>): List<MonkeyA> =
input.windowed(size = 6, step = 7, partialWindows = true).map { it.toMonkey() }
private fun List<String>.toMonkey(): MonkeyA {
val id = this[0].replace("Monkey ", "").replace(":", "").toInt()
val items = this[1].trim().replace("Starting items: ", "").split(", ").map { it.toLong() }
val secondOperand = this[2].split(' ').last().toLongOrNull()
val op: (Long) -> Long = if (this[2].contains('+')) {
{ item -> ?: item) }
} else {
{ item -> item.times(secondOperand ?: item) }
val test = this[3].split(' ').last().toLong()
val targets = buildMap {
put(true, this@toMonkey[4].split(' ').last().toInt())
put(false, this@toMonkey[5].split(' ').last().toInt())
return MonkeyA(
id = id,
items = items.toMutableList(),
operation = op,
test = test,
targets = targets
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | dfa9cfda6626b0ee65014db73a388748b2319ed1 | 3,121 | aoc-2022 | Apache License 2.0 |