hey guys today coming back school way saw tiny little dog usually whenever see stray dogs avoid themcause im scared tiny little doggo something made want go near it im going closer dog hear familiar tune annoys shit me thats realized school monthsanyway doggo dream cute
[ "hey guys today coming back school way saw tiny little dog usually whenever see stray dogs avoid themcause im scared tiny little doggo something made want go near it im going closer dog hear familiar tune annoys shit me thats realized school monthsanyway doggo dream cute" ]
Hey chicos hoy volviendo camino de la escuela vio pequeño perrito por lo general cada vez que ver perros callejeros evitarlos porque mi miedo pequeño perrito algo hecho querer ir cerca de él im ir más cerca perro escuchar melodía familiar molesta mierda que se llevó a cabo meses de la escuela de todos modos perro sueño lindo
created mess feel end nearlong story short got dui blowing underage college never trouble entire life court next week depending goes ill make decision job opportunities line education entire lifes work point society thinks im scumbag given back community holding blood drives events children etc feel world deserve anymore deserve it im scared losing hope future need leave earth
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "created mess feel end nearlong story short got dui blowing underage college never trouble entire life court next week depending goes ill make decision job opportunities line education entire lifes work point society thinksim scumbag given back community holding blood drives events children etc feel world deserve anymore deserve itim scared losing hope future need leave earth" ]
create dish feel end nearlong story short got dui soplando universidad menor de edad nunca problemas vida entera corte la próxima semana dependiendo va mal toma decisión oportunidades de trabajo línea educación vidas enteras trabajo punto sociedad thinksim basura dado de vuelta comunidad celebración de impulsos de sangre eventos niños etc sentir el mundo merecen más itim miedo perder esperanza futuro necesidad dejar la tierra
depressive moods pushed away loved ones im afraid ill nowhey im m begin constantly suffering depressed moods came every couple months disappeared week so however ive current period months getting worse family love feel pushing away more girlfriend years love anyone anything ive pushed away broke reasons know ive pushed point one right im sitting looking bottle bleach wondering pain drinking bleach worth release death im truly terrified might me even know ive posted im desperate need anything tldr long depressive mood pushed away family friends girlfriend contemplating whether commit redflag now
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "depressive moods pushed away loved ones im afraid ill nowhey im m begin constantly suffering depressed moods came every couple months disappeared week so however ive current period months getting worse family love feel pushing away more girlfriend years love anyone anything ive pushed away broke reasons know ive pushed point oneright im sitting looking bottle bleach wondering pain drinking bleach worth release deathim truly terrified might me even know ive posted im desperate need anything tldr long depressive mood pushed away family friends girlfriend contemplating whether commit redflag now" ]
Los estados de ánimo depresivos empujados lejos seres queridos im miedo mal nowhey im m comenzar constantemente sufriendo estados de ánimo deprimidos vinieron cada par de meses desaparecido semana así que sin embargo en el actual período de vida meses empeorando amor familia se siente alejando más novia años amor cualquier cosa ive empujado lejos roto razones saber ive empujado punto derecho im mirando botella lejía se pregunta dolor beber lejía vale la pena liberar deathim realmente podría incluso saber ive posted im desesperada necesidad cualquier tldr largo estado de ánimo depresivo alejado amigos de la familia novia contemplando si cometer Redflag ahora
today sucks hate tuesdays especially today cold dark rainy quarter tank gas found exs assigned seat right fkn front me im anxious normal miss happy pen photo flashbacks reminding ex best friend essentially ghosted boyfriend current best friend isnt cant get back popped conclusion today fkn sucks
[ "today sucks hate tuesdays especially today cold dark rainy quarter tank gas found exs assigned seatright fkn front meim anxious normal miss happy pen photo flashbacks reminding ex best friend essentially ghosted boyfriend current best friend isnt cant get back popped conclusion today fkn sucks" ]
hoy chupa odio martes especialmente hoy frío oscuro cuarto de lluvia tanque gas encontrado exs asignados asiento derecho fkn frente meim ansioso normal señorita feliz pluma fotos flashbacks recordando ex mejor amigo esencialmente fantasma novio actual mejor amigo no puede volver popped conclusión hoy fkn chupa
bad idea confront rapisti raped months ago contact since ive posted ill put below little bit month ago raped say sexually assaulted im afraid admit happened me drunk cousin ditched one friends morning bar downtown almost falling drunk friend helped home im gay place consent anything been consented started kissing really control actions stopped convinced keep going really basically almost passed started sex point said yes anything push managed make leave month ive refused let even think pretty lengthy history depression ive feeling good lately want trigger anything like ive pretending happen know one day itll come crashing down ive ever thought it also attempted redflag past confront would say
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "bad idea confront rapisti raped months ago contact since ive posted ill put below little bit month ago raped say sexually assaulted im afraid admit happened me drunk cousin ditched one friends morning bar downtown almost falling drunk friend helped home im gay place consent anything been consented started kissing really control actions stopped convinced keep going really basically almost passed started sex point said yes anything push managed make leave month ive refused let even think pretty lengthy history depression ive feeling good lately want trigger anything like ive pretending happen know one day itll come crashing down ive ever thought it also attempted redflag past confront would say" ]
mala idea confronta violadores violados hace meses contacto desde ive posteado mal puesto debajo un poco hace mes violado dicen sexualmente agredido admito que me pasó primo borracho abandonó un amigo bar de la mañana en el centro casi cayendo amigo borracho ayudó a casa im gay lugar consentimiento cualquier cosa se consintió comenzó a besar realmente acciones de control dejó de convencerse de seguir realmente básicamente casi pasado punto de sexo comenzó dijo sí cualquier push manejado hacer salir mes ive rechazó dejar incluso pensar bastante larga historia depresión ive se siente bien últimamente quieren desencadenar cualquier cosa como ive fingir suceder saber un día vendrá estrellarse abajo ive nunca pensó que también intento de bandera roja pasado enfrentamiento diría
told bossive suicidal ideations couple weeks now come go days better days becomes dangerous drive work today told boss scared nothing would happen told mental health important would make sure tasks covered take time try help myself idea time have im pretty scared im going take time put strain coworkers feel better possible wont ever better live like this
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "told bossive suicidal ideations couple weeks now come go days better days becomes dangerous drive work today told boss scared nothing would happen told mental health important would make sure tasks covered take time try help myself idea time have im pretty scared im going take time put strain coworkers feel better possible wont ever better live like this" ]
Conté a jefe ideas suicidas par de semanas vienen ahora ir días mejores días se convierte en trabajo de conducción peligroso hoy dijo jefe asustado nada le diría a la salud mental importante asegurarse de las tareas cubiertas tomar tiempo tratar de ayudar a mí mismo idea he im bastante asustado im va a tomar tiempo poner tensión compañeros de trabajo se sienten mejor posible nunca mejor vivir así
love garlic garlic awesome eaten many ways eaten seasoning man love garlic bread garlic pasta garlic rice awsome aswell forget fryied garlic even awesome
[ "love garlic garlic awesome eaten many ways eaten seasoning man love garlic bread garlic pasta garlic rice awsome aswell forget fryied garlic even awesome" ]
amor ajo ajo impresionante comido muchas maneras comido condimento hombre amor ajo pan ajo pasta ajo arroz awesome también olvidar ajo frito incluso impresionante
part almost one saw post anxiety attack last night confronted girl today asked said because love you walked away guess made better still panic attack like rest day im okay tho
[ "part almost one saw post anxiety attack last night confronted girl today asked said because love you walked away guess made better still panic attack like rest dayim okay tho" ]
parte casi uno vio después de ataque de ansiedad anoche confrontó chica hoy preguntó porque amor te alejaste supongo que mejor aún ataque de pánico como descanso dayim ok tho
confusedive dealing fluctuating moods past month get really depressed straight after im really happy nowhere feeling comes back straight after dont reason depressed amazing family supportive boyfriend great friends im really confused thats happening mind dont understand worst part past week moments felt suicidal wanted end all im scared eventually ill get stage wont scary anymore ill something hurt everyone around me dont know im looking writting this maybe someone else similar experiences could tell cope it
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "confusedive dealing fluctuating moods past month get really depressed straight after im really happy nowhere feeling comes back straight afterdont reason depressed amazing family supportive boyfriend great friends im really confused thats happening mind dont understand worst part past week moments felt suicidal wanted end all im scared eventually ill get stage wont scary anymore ill something hurt everyone around me dont know im looking writting this maybe someone else similar experiences could tell cope it" ]
Confundido traficando estados de ánimo fluctuantes el mes pasado conseguir realmente deprimido justo después de im realmente feliz ninguna sensación vuelve directamente después de la razón deprimido increíble familia apoyo novio grandes amigos im realmente confundido que está sucediendo mente no entender peor parte de la semana pasada momentos suicidas se sentían deseos fin de todos I miedo eventual mal llegar escenario no da miedo más enfermo algo daño a todos a mi alrededor no sé que estoy buscando escribir esto tal vez alguien experiencias similares podría decir hacer frente a él
drunkamplonelystill alive now happy new years everybody
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "drunkamplonelystill alive now happy new years everybody" ]
borracho amplonely todavía vivo ahora feliz año nuevo todo el mundo
well shit decided tell boy crush since yr like girl one friends friends thought meant boy primary school class name spelling hates me explained him christian hates me fuck nothing christians dont worry family christian accept me
[ "well shit decided tell boy crush since yr like girl one friends friends thought meant boy primary school class name spelling hates me explained him christian hates me fuck nothing christians dont worry family christian accept me" ]
Bueno mierda decidió decirle a chico aplastamiento ya que una chica como un amigo amigos pensó que significaba chico escuela primaria nombre deletreado me odia me explicó que Christian odia a mí folla nada cristianos no se preocupe familia cristiano me acepta
hey anyone wanna chat need get smth chest also open hella bored hit up dms always open _____________________________________________
[ "hey anyone wanna chat need get smth chest also open hella bored hit up dms always open _____________________________________________" ]
Hey cualquiera quiere chat necesita conseguir smth pecho también abierto hella aburrido golpear dms siempre abierto ______________________________________________
friend disappeared back since accounts deleted would like help finding again tldr bottom so recently saw post guy wanted contact old discord pal also similar experience post worked simply hope mine could too name discord gloomy lunar met years ago know stupid post reminded this talked like months day got along really well suddenly text anything anymore aside that also know lost password know relevant met roblox i know stupid simple fun game met kept touch name account soulessbodyx reason deleted now know asked question late yeah reminded this alliea even know remember me worth try xander used play magic training roblox tldr met girl roblox used play magic training together account deleted discord account name gloomy lunar suddenly uncontactable time alliea xander even know remember lol hey try
[ "friend disappeared back since accounts deleted would like help finding again tldr bottom so recently saw post guy wanted contact old discord pal also similar experience post worked simply hope mine could too name discord gloomy lunar met years ago know stupid post reminded this talked like months day got along really well suddenly text anything anymore aside that also know lost password know relevant met robloxi know stupid simple fun game met kept touch name account soulessbodyx reason deleted now know asked question lateyeah reminded this alliea even know remember me worth try xander used play magic training roblox tldr met girl roblox used play magic training together account deleted discord account name gloomy lunar suddenly uncontactable time alliea xander even know remember lolhey try" ]
amigo desapareció de nuevo ya cuentas eliminadas quisiera ayudar a encontrar de nuevo tldr fondo tan recientemente vio post chico quería contacto viejo discordia amigo también experiencia similar post trabajó simplemente esperanza mía también nombre discordancia triste lunar meet hace años sabe estúpido post recordó esto hablado como meses día se llevó muy bien de repente texto cualquier cosa aparte que también saber contraseña perdida saber relevante met robloxi saber estúpido simple diversión juego met se mantuvo touch nombre cuenta soulesssbodyx razón eliminado ahora saber pregunta lateyeah recordó a este alliea incluso saber recordarme vale la pena probar xander utilizado jugar magia entrenamiento roblox tldr chica met roblox utilizó jugar magia entrenamiento juntos cuenta eliminado discordancia cuenta nombre sombrío lunar repentinamente uncontactable tiempo alliea xander incluso saber recordar lolhey intentar
im even really living nowat developed anxiety disorder ruined life path receiving ivleague education im struggling community college ability focus completely shot spent lot time reading philosophy find answers care money career children anything purpose life nothing every day string coping mechanisms designed distract fact life suffering ampxb late teens misfortune taking interest politics without going much ive found radicalized beliefs degree essentially closeted remainder life mental health existential end longer care humor mind spirit completely broken im mids best case scenario find girl treat like bronze medal find energy kid use reenter real world blend rest society family look anymore kid threw away life reason killed yet mom knows miserable told several times friends kids killed shed never recover probably divorce dad living past decade nothing despair even ego save face anymore watch rest world enjoy lives least drive exist creating envy refuse humor want become disgusting hate filled elderly person wait parents pass least go early avoid another years remembered good person
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "im even really living nowat developed anxiety disorder ruined life path receiving ivleague education im struggling community college ability focus completely shot spent lot time reading philosophy find answers care money career children anything purpose life nothing every day string coping mechanisms designed distract fact life suffering ampxb late teens misfortune taking interest politics without going much ive found radicalized beliefs degree essentially closeted remainder life mental health existential end longer care humor mind spirit completely broken im mids best case scenario find girl treat like bronze medal find energy kid use reenter real world blend rest society family look anymore kid threw away life reason killed yet mom knows miserable told several times friends kids killed shed never recover probably divorce dad living past decade nothing despair even ego save face anymore watch rest world enjoy lives least drive exist creating envy refuse humor want become disgusting hate filled elderly person wait parents pass least go early avoid another years remembered good person" ]
Im really living nowat desarrollado trastorno de ansiedad arruinado vida camino recibir educación ivleague im luchando comunidad universidad capacidad enfoque completamente tiro mucho tiempo dedicado lectura filosofía encontrar respuestas cuidado dinero carrera niños cualquier propósito vida nada cada día cadena mecanismos de afrontamiento diseñado distraer hecho vida sufrimiento ampxb finales adolescentes desgracia tomar interés política sin ir mucho ive encontrado radicaled creencias grado esencialmente cerrado resto vida salud mental final más largo cuidado humor mente espíritu completamente roto im mediados mejor caso escenario encontrar chica tratar como medalla de bronce encontrar energía niño uso volver a entrar real mundo mezcla resto sociedad familia mirada más niño arrojado a la vida razón muerto sin embargo mamá sabe miserable dijo varias veces amigos niños muertos derramarse nunca recuperar probablemente divorcio padre vivir nada desesperación ego salvar cara más ver resto mundo disfrutar vidas menos unidad existir crear envidia rechazar humor quiere convertirse en odio repugnante persona mayor espera padres pasar menos ir temprano evitar otros años recordado buena persona
uh heyso ive feeling really lately even tho dont much feel about wish wasnt alive googling things redflag found post reddit group saying theres tons supportive people decided make account vent here maybe help idk uh im dont really much complain about life fine rn amazing parents amazing friends amazing girlfriend feel depressed anxious dont know do wish wasnt alive rn think need meds changed maybe upped seasonal depression setting in girlfriend coming see tomorrow nd time see eachother irl first time went see thats asked gf im scared seeing again realized im ugly gross transgender hates im scared idk dont even know gonna coming town dont think knows fucked am every day past weeks ive thinking would happen died rn would it want pain stop wish could sleep weeks everything okay again dont know else im supposed say point feel empty nothing makes happy anymore wish wasnt alive
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "uh heyso ive feeling really lately even tho dont much feel about wish wasnt alive googling things redflag found post reddit group saying theres tons supportive people decided make account vent here maybe help idk uh im dont really much complain about life fine rn amazing parents amazing friends amazing girlfriend feel depressed anxious dont know do wish wasnt alive rn think need meds changed maybe upped seasonal depression setting in girlfriend coming see tomorrow nd time see eachother irl first time went see thats asked gfim scared seeing again realized im ugly gross transgender hates im scared idk dont even know gonna coming town dont think knows fucked am every day past weeks ive thinking would happen died rn would it want pain stop wish could sleep weeks everythingokay again dont know else im supposed say point feel empty nothing makes happy anymore wish wasnt alive" ]
eh heyso ive sentimiento realmente últimamente incluso tho dont mucho sentir sobre el deseo no estaba vivo googleando cosas Redflag encontrado grupo post reddit diciendo theres toneladas personas de apoyo decidieron hacer la cuenta de ventilación aquí tal vez ayudar idk uh im no mucho quejarse de la vida buena rn increíble padres asombrosos amigos increíble novia se siente deprimido ansioso no sé deseo wast vivo rn pensar necesidad medicamentos cambio tal vez upped estación depresión ajuste en novia venir ver mañana y vez ver cada uno otra irl primera vez fue ver que se preguntó gfim miedo ver de nuevo se dio cuenta im feo gross transgénero odios im miedo idk ni siquiera saber va a venir ciudad no creo que sabe follada am cada día semanas ive pensar que pasaría muerto rn si quiere dolor punto deseo podría dormir semanas todo bien otra vez no sé más im supuesto decir punto sentir vacío nada hace feliz más deseo no estaba vivo
lost virginity like sensible person always make sure around virgins locked basement times blood sacrifices such today started like day get up eat breakfast get ready school go make sure one escaped however everything went wrong unlock door walk stairs turn lights see one guy missing course immediately panic go police over would let everyone put jail situations exactly like one second hidden room basement move everyone case anyone comes investigate extremely panicked rush move everyone hidden room even thinking ill miss school remember check escaped know family lives start searching soon read nametag cage get extremely mad know realize earlier course one person always tries start rebellion even though give food water every days course ity escaped
[ "lost virginity like sensible person always make sure around virgins locked basement times blood sacrifices such today started like day get up eat breakfast get ready school go make sure one escaped however everything went wrong unlock door walk stairs turn lights see one guy missing course immediately panic go police over would let everyone put jail situations exactly like one second hidden room basement move everyone case anyone comes investigate extremely panicked rush move everyone hidden room even thinking ill miss school remember check escaped know family lives start searching soon read nametag cage get extremely mad know realize earlier course one person always tries start rebellion even though give food water every days course ity escaped" ]
Virginidad perdida como persona sensible siempre asegúrese de alrededor de vírgenes cerrado sótano tiempos sacrificios de sangre como hoy comenzó como el día de levantarse desayuno obtener listo escuela ir asegurarse de que uno escapó sin embargo todo salió mal puerta desbloquear escaleras girar luces ver un chico perdido curso inmediatamente pánico ir policía sobre que todos poner situaciones de cárcel exactamente como un segundo sótano habitación oculta mover todos caso cualquiera viene investigar extremadamente pánico prisa mover todos ocultos habitación incluso pensando mal falta escuela recordar cheque escapó saber vida familiar empezar a buscar pronto leer jaula de etiqueta de nombre se enoje mucho saber antes curso una persona siempre intenta comenzar rebelión a pesar de dar agua de comida cada día curso ity escapó
come on purpose two current faves tv meloni oz l osvu janel west wing hook nice little sleepercharacter study plots nothing fancy acting right mark tim busfield shows neat bits worth look
[ "come on purpose two current faves tv meloni oz l osvu janel west wing hook nice little sleepercharacter study plots nothing fancy acting right mark tim busfield shows neat bits worth look" ]
ven a propósito dos faves actuales tv meloni oz l osvu janel ala oeste gancho agradable poco traviesocaracter estudio parcelas nada elegante actuación derecho marca ti busfield muestra bits limpios vale la pena mirar
hi againi posted month something ago wanting odas probably guess didnt enough pills damage able go days ive completely sunk again think harder take life im faithlessi dont conform religion absolute nonsense god would create pain theres many factors stopping able causing live grey painful purgatory theres palace sky you im terrified death like people ive always viewed life pointless die anyway end well occupy sized grave ive always really debilitating fear fear would ever show again ive put fact brain cant comprehend absence senses thats fear is life meaningless personalities formed world molds us world creates divides world full hatred world youre consciousness brought taken away everything makes us existence since existence continue exist long existence exists except usthe voice headsthe voice abide by voice whose silence want find solace in pill id take itnot im people would view illbut choose look grim ugly truth world live in say theres reasons live maybe time start questioning reasons deem suitable live life shit for theres nothing special consciousnesseverything ive got emotional attachment gone one day ill feel pain itwhy around thatwhy anyone around anything
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "hi againi posted month something ago wanting odas probably guess didnt enough pills damage able go days ive completely sunk again think harder take lifeim faithlessi dont conform religion absolute nonsense god would create pain theres many factors stopping able causing live grey painful purgatory theres palace skyyou im terrified death like people ive always viewed life pointless dieanyway end well occupy sized grave ive always really debilitating fear fear would ever show again ive put fact brain cant comprehend absence senses thats fear is life meaningless personalities formed world molds us world creates divides world full hatred world youre consciousness brought taken away everything makes us existence since existence continue exist long existence exists except usthe voice headsthe voice abide by voice whose silence want find solace in pill id take itnot im people would view illbut choose look grim ugly truth world live in say theres reasons live maybe time start questioning reasons deem suitable live life shit for theres nothing special consciousnesseverything ive got emotional attachment gone one day ill feel pain itwhy around thatwhy anyone around anything" ]
Hola otra vez posted month something ago wanting odas probablemente didnt suficiente píldoras daño capaz ir días ive completamente hundido otra vez pensar más duro take lifeim felessi not conform religion absoluto sinsentido dios crearía dolor teres muchos factores parando capaz de causar vivo gris doloroso purgatorio theres palacio cielo im aterrorizado muerte como la gente ive siempre visto vida sin sentido diealway final bien ocupar tamaño grave ive siempre realmente debilitante miedo miedo volvería a mostrar de nuevo ive put hecho cerebro no puede comprender ausencia sentidos que es la vida sin sentido personalidades formado mundo nos moldes mundo crea divide mundo completo odio mundo usted conciencia traído todo nos hace existencia puesto que la existencia sigue existiendo larga existencia existe excepto nosotros la voz dirige la voz permanece por la voz cuyo silencio quiere encontrar consuelo en píldoras id tomar no im gente vería mal pero elegir mirada feo verdad mundo vivir en decir hay razones vivir tal vez el tiempo comienza cuestionar razones considerar conveniente vida mierda por allí nada especial concienciatodo lo que tiene apego emocional se fue un día mal sentir dolor por qué por qué motivo alguien alrededor de
haha yall theres fires live one miles away yea seriously im might lose everything thanks fucking idiot point im ready die
[ "haha yall theres fires live one miles away yea seriously im might lose everything thanks fucking idiot point im ready die" ]
jaja yall theres fuegos viven a una milla de distancia yeah en serio I puede perder todo gracias maldito idiota punto im listo morir
mom care me ive spent last three years life learning programming d modeling animation sound design become programmer computer scientist taking dualcredit college courses as highschooler today grade dropped forgot assignment already resubmitted would graded tomorrow mom came room mad yelling spending much time building stupid stuff code enough time doing school care me want do never has understand teenage angst life care ampxb want cry
[ "mom care me ive spent last three years life learning programming d modeling animation sound design become programmer computer scientist taking dualcredit college courses as highschooler today grade dropped forgot assignment already resubmitted would graded tomorrow mom came room mad yelling spending much time building stupid stuff code enough time doing school care me want do never has understand teenage angst life care ampxb want cry" ]
mamá me cuido vive pasado los últimos tres años vida aprendizaje programación d modelado animación sonido diseño convertirse programador informático científico tomando cursos de universidad de doble crédito como estudiante de secundaria hoy grado caído olvido asignación ya representado calificaría mañana mamá vino habitación loco gritando pasar mucho tiempo construyendo estúpido código de cosas suficiente tiempo haciendo cuidado escolar quiero nunca ha entendido adolescente angustia cuidado de la vida ampxb quieren llorar
tryna flirt so um aha ha like frogs
[ "tryna flirtso um aha ha like frogs" ]
tryna flirteo um aha ha como ranas
matador better upon reflection time one watching it seems light humor always mediumgauge never unfunny never gutbusting story simple thread characteristics plot often recycled features namely unscrupulous bad guy need pal straightlaced glasswearing good guy need security life team learn somehow complement others lifestyles also find bullfighting parallel story unnecessary simply cruel thing symbolism hardly potent enough carry itself however really good film though seemed thin unaffecting time wasnt subtle way connecting audiencebr br i believe reason slowly surely gives audience something take though formula nothing new even humor main characters virtually characters it somehow met gotten know forget calling real thats mean mean though pierce brosnans filthy womanizing boozing hit man detached comical character hes grasped firmly writer definitely brosnan aggressively communicating much enjoys breath fresh james bondless air greg kinnears character seems quite detached scriptedness hes given certain unexpected footnotes moment due films lightfootedness pass us hit us moment later realize film simply analyze planes trains automobiles told stalely again truly saying somethingbr br the films climax sort wants partially thriller twists lightness possibly focus film though plot leading it no focus brosnan kinnear get unlikely relationship other strangely matador film regret loneliness brosnan deals loneliness regret every day though understand kinnear lenient accepting brosnan continually interrupting life slowly understood brosnan salvaging kinnear downtoearth version feelings means redemption last scene movie stays me it think films subtle sidestepping impact finally begins seep
[ "matador better upon reflection time one watching it seems light humor always mediumgauge never unfunny never gutbusting story simple thread characteristics plot often recycled features namely unscrupulous bad guy need pal straightlaced glasswearing good guy need security life team learn somehow complement others lifestyles also find bullfighting parallel story unnecessary simply cruel thing symbolism hardly potent enough carry itself however really good film though seemed thin unaffecting time wasnt subtle way connectingaudiencebr br i believe reason slowly surely gives audience something take though formula nothing new even humor main characters virtually characters it somehow met gotten know", "forget calling real thats mean mean though pierce brosnans filthy womanizing boozing hit man detached comical character hes grasped firmly writer definitely brosnan aggressively communicating much enjoys breath fresh james bondless air greg kinnears character seems quite detached scriptedness hes given certain unexpected footnotes moment due films lightfootedness pass us hit us moment later realize film simply analyze planes trains automobiles told stalely again truly saying somethingbr br the films climax sort wants partially thriller twists lightness possibly focus film though plot leading it no focus brosnan kinnear get unlikely relationship other strangely matador film regret loneliness brosnan deals loneliness regret every day though understand kinnear lenient accepting brosnan continually interrupting life slowly understood brosnan salvaging kinnear downtoearth version feelings means redemption last scene movie stays me it think films subtle sidestepping impact finally begins seep" ]
Matador mejor sobre el tiempo de reflexión uno viendo parece humor ligero siempre mediumgauge nunca unfunny historia sin gracia simple hilo características trama a menudo reciclado características características a saber unscrupulous chico malo necesidad pal rightlaced glasswearing buen chico necesidad seguridad equipo de la vida aprender de alguna manera complementar otros estilos de vida también encontrar corridas de toros historia paralela innecesaria simplemente cruel simbolismo bastante potente llevar a sí mismo sin embargo muy buena película aunque parecía delgado tiempo no afectivo no era sutil manera de conectaraudiencebr br creo que la razón poco a poco da a la audiencia algo tomar aunque fórmula nada nuevo incluso humor personajes principales personajes virtualmente personajes que de alguna manera se conocieron
educational show focused emotions interactions relationships produced detroits abc affiliate syndicated markets nationwide past week detroit public tv hour clip show part pledge drive wow memories resurfaced remembered show segments id forgotten remembered instantly soon theyd begin hot fudge holy moley detective tomato pies facebr br for public television special search hot fudge comin atcha concert
[ "educational show focused emotions interactions relationships produced detroits abc affiliate syndicated markets nationwide past week detroit public tv hour clip show part pledge drive wow memories resurfaced remembered show segments id forgotten remembered instantly soon theyd begin hot fudge holy moley detective tomato pies facebr br for public television special search hot fudge comin atcha concert" ]
show educativo centrado emociones interacciones relaciones producidas detroits abc afiliados sindicados mercados a nivel nacional la semana pasada detroit público tv hora clip show parte promesa drive wow recuerdos resurgidos show segmentos olvidados id recordados instantáneamente pronto empezarían caliente caramelo santo lunar detective tartas de tomate facebr br para la televisión pública especial búsqueda caliente caramelo comin atcha concierto
asked crush read title happy able share feelings said feels way officially dating yet update soon
[ "asked crush read title happy able share feelings said feels way officially dating yet update soon" ]
pregunta machaque leer título feliz capaz compartir sentimientos dijo se siente oficialmente salir y actualizar pronto
indian fact religion made drink cow pee young age chances might turn atheists future sourceme
[ "indian fact religion made drink cow pee young age chances might turn atheists future sourceme" ]
Indian hecho religión hizo beber vaca pis jóvenes oportunidades edad podría convertir a los ateos futuro fuenteme
hello make short films contest currently subscribers hit contest see write best script whoever make short film want put yt channel credits interested like short films channel gonna try get subscribers end day contest httpswwwyoutubecomchannelucfwgxdcbzizdklphlzq
[ "hello make short films contest currently subscribers hit contest see write best script whoever make short film want put yt channel credits interested like short films channel gonna try get subscribers end day contest httpswwwyoutubecomchannelucfwgxdcbzizdklphlzq" ]
Hola hacer concurso de cortometrajes actualmente suscriptores éxito concurso ver escribir mejor guión quien haga cortometraje quiere poner yt canal créditos interesados como cortometrajes canal va a tratar de conseguir suscriptores final día concurso httpswwwyoutubecomcanalucfwgxdcbzizdklphlzq
pretty depressed todayi pretty depressed today went therapy yesterday told depressed laughed nervous laugh woke morning got coffee going motions think might last year one loves feel like living repeat mean less shit another years fuck no
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "pretty depressed todayi pretty depressed today went therapy yesterday told depressed laughed nervous laugh woke morning got coffee going motions think might last year one loves feel like living repeat mean less shit another years fuck no" ]
bastante deprimido hoy bastante deprimido hoy fue terapia ayer dijo deprimido risa nervioso risa despertó mañana café ir movimientos pensar que podría el año pasado uno ama sentir como vivir repetir significa menos mierda otro año mierda no
twitch subreddit bad tried making post asking help apparently violated rules stating reddit username looking tutorials hating twitch must soso idk please hate me opinion im saying this dumb
[ "twitch subreddit bad tried making post asking help apparently violated rules stating reddit username looking tutorials hating twitch must soso idk please hate me opinion im saying this dumb" ]
twitch subreddit malo trató de hacer post pidiendo ayuda aparentemente violó las reglas indicando reddit usuario buscando tutoriales odio twitch debe soso idk por favor odio mi opinión im diciendo esta tonta
suicidal years getting tired everythinghi everyone appreciate stopping giving post read giving much information can im worried giving much case live uk im male ive wanted kill years off right much feel like going finally feel like life useless pointless life nothing take extra space planet im alive still know much would devastate friends family ive reached point want die anyway regardless also think selfish feeling feel guilty feeling like this used self harm growing used feel kind rush it people life know this stopped gaining girlfriend began feel top world weve broken since still friends know still love theres much now im alone again feel like life extremely pointless feel though redflag nothing speeding process think anyone would ever want again especially since even want anything me ive spoken friends doctors helplines redflag honestly feel though helps much that im really sure wanted posting honesty guess wanted advice do steps take know move breakup know go killing myself not almost feel like need told it honestly know anymore thank you
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "suicidal years getting tired everythinghi everyone appreciate stopping giving post read giving much information can im worried giving much case live ukim male ive wanted kill years off right much feel like going finally feel like life useless pointless life nothing take extra space planet im alive still know much would devastate friends family ive reached point want die anyway regardless also think selfish feeling feel guilty feeling like this used self harm growing used feel kind rush it people life know this stopped gaining girlfriend began feel top world weve broken since still friends know still love theres much now im alone again feel like life extremely pointless feel though redflag nothing speeding process think anyone would ever want again especially since even want anything me ive spoken friends doctors helplines redflag honestly feel though helps much that im really sure wanted posting honesty guess wanted advicedo steps take know move breakup know go killing myself not almost feel like need told it honestly know anymore thank you" ]
años suicidas cansarse todohi todo el mundo apreciar dejar de dar post leer dar mucha información puede im preocupado dando mucho caso vivo ukim hombre ive quería matar años bien mucho sentir como la vida inútil vida inútil nada tomar espacio planeta im vivo todavía saber mucho devastaría amigos familia ive punto alcanzado querer morir de todos modos a pesar de pensar sentimiento egoísta sentimiento de culpa como este auto daño usado crecer usado sentir amable prisa gente vida saber que esta dejó de ganar novia comenzó a sentir mundo superior hemos roto ya que todavía amigos saben todavía amor hay mucho ahora im solo otra vez sentir como la vida extremadamente inútil sentir aunque bandera roja nada proceso acelerado pensar que alguien alguna vez querría otra vez, especialmente ya que incluso quiero cualquier cosa que yo he hablado amigos médicos ayuda líneas Redflag honestamente sentir aunque ayuda mucho que im realmente seguro quería publicar honestidad conjetura quería consejos tomar conocimiento movimiento ruptura saber ir matarme no casi sentir como necesidad contarte honestamente más gracias gracias a ti
count suicidal know fucking scared pain actually go anythingi want die want final minuteshours filled excruciating pain things pills knives id never able that idk guess needed say something want go sleep wake up sorry waste everyones time
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "count suicidal know fucking scared pain actually go anythingi want die want final minuteshours filled excruciating pain things pills knives id never able that idk guess needed say something want go sleep wake up sorry waste everyones time" ]
cuenta suicida saber puto miedo dolor en realidad ir cualquier cosa quiero morir quiero minutos finales horas lleno dolor insoportable cosas píldoras cuchillos id nunca es capaz de que idk conjetura necesaria decir algo quiere ir a dormir despertar lamentar perder todo el tiempo
may seem like care still hurts man im bi ive already come everybody everyone took really well said back shiz still do though gotten habit using gay like serious insult word like bad thing im like guys im right here even say oh u dont ur gay whatever im like dude serious almost like completely forgot ignoring something post stuff dc say ggaaayyyyy proceed wonder dont talk much anymore like know guys care doubt mind do show least respect
[ "may seem like care still hurts man imbiive already come everybody everyone took really well said back shiz still do though gotten habit using gay like serious insult word like bad thing im like guys im right here even sayoh u dont ur gaywhatever im like dude serious almost like completely forgot ignoring something post stuff dc say ggaaayyyyy proceed wonder dont talk much anymore like know guys care doubt mind do show least respect" ]
puede parecer que el cuidado todavía duele hombre imbiive ya viene todo el mundo tomó muy bien dicho espalda shiz todavía hacer aunque consiguió hábito usando gay como grave insulto palabra como mala cosa im como chicos im aquí incluso sayoh u dont us gaylo que sea im como tío serio casi como olvidado completamente ignorando algo post cosas cc decir ggaaayyyy proceder maravilla no hablar mucho más como saber chicos duda mente mostrar menos respeto
soul hurts muchim lowest point depression suicidal thoughts mind time keep searching ways kill cant take action it currently im experiencing worst feeling ever dealt mentally pain anymore no starting affect physically im tried living like this want alive anymore hope ill snap kill soon finally free depression anxiety trauma know im better dead still cant kill im nothing coward
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "soul hurts muchim lowest point depression suicidal thoughts mind time keep searching ways kill cant take action it currently im experiencing worst feeling ever dealt mentally pain anymore no starting affect physically im tried living like this want alive anymore hope ill snap kill soon finally free depression anxiety trauma know im better dead still cant kill im nothing coward" ]
alma duele mucheim punto más bajo depresión pensamientos suicidas tiempo de la mente seguir buscando maneras de matar no puede tomar acción que actualmente estoy experimentando peor sensación de dolor mental tratado nunca más ningún comienzo afecta físicamente in intentado vivir como este deseo más esperanza mal snap matar pronto finalmente libre depresión ansiedad trauma saber im mejor muerto todavía no puedo matar nada cobarde
wanna go wendys hq ask piece mcnugget town walk ask piece mcnugget bug mac
[ "wanna go wendys hq ask piece mcnugget town walk ask piece mcnugget bug mac" ]
Quiero ir wendys hq preguntar pieza mcnugget pueblo caminar preguntar pieza mcnugget bug mac
girlfriend broke wella hours ago girlfriend informed two weeks japan away me feels different cant keep things going us love her quite bit obviously shows far often im looking fact go sleep soon deal thoughts wake tomorrow days without one thing best part life quite time now far much difficulty justifying it apologize diatribe feel awful want wake tomorrow
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "girlfriend broke wella hours ago girlfriend informed two weeks japan away me feels different cant keep things going us love her quite bit obviously shows far often im looking fact go sleep soon deal thoughts wake tomorrow days without one thing best part life quite time now far much difficulty justifying it apologize diatribe feel awful want wake tomorrow" ]
novia se rompió bien hace horas novia informado dos semanas japan lejos me siento diferente cant mantener las cosas que van nos encanta su bastante poco obviamente muestra muy a menudo hecho de aspecto ir dormir pronto reparto pensamientos despertar mañana días sin una mejor parte de la vida bastante tiempo ahora mucho dificultad justificar disculpas diatribe se siente horrible deseo despertar mañana
little story long lost friend gone nowso earlier week found one long lost pals elementary school died even know really friends thats besides point writing this kinda bugging week others childhood died first one actually really knew know happened think might self inflicted im sure probably matter either theres reason im writing this facebook page put cant believe many people coming figurative woodwork say goodbyes even me probably talked years more story share touching reading everyones thoughts makes little sad hes read them cant tell much loved point feeling like hopeless nobody would miss gone would might best friend someone played times kid thought since still think want know much meant give us another chance say nice things to instead about you
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "little story long lost friend gone nowso earlier week found one long lost pals elementary school died even know really friends thats besides point writing this kinda bugging week others childhood died first one actually really knew know happened think might self inflicted im sure probably matter either theres reason im writing this facebook page put cant believe many people coming figurative woodwork say goodbyes even me probably talked years more story share touching reading everyones thoughts makes little sad hes read them cant tell much loved point feeling like hopeless nobody would miss gone would might best friend someone played times kid thought since still think want know much meant give us another chance say nice things to instead about you" ]
pequeña historia perdida amigo ido ahora tan temprano semana encontró un largo perdido amigos escuela primaria murió incluso saben realmente amigos que además de punto escribir este tipo de semana de bugging otros infancia murió primero uno realmente sabía que pasó pensar que podría infligirse Im seguro que importa o bien no hay razón im escribir esta página de facebook poner no puedo creer que mucha gente que viene madera figurativa decir adiós incluso yo probablemente habló años más historia compartir la lectura de todos los pensamientos hace poco triste éls leer no puede decir punto muy querido sentir como desesperanza nadie se perdería podría mejor amigo alguien jugó a veces niño pensó ya que todavía creo que quiero saber mucho significa darnos otra oportunidad decir cosas buenas en lugar de usted
ever feeling dumb remember people genuinely think trump worse hitler stalin compared people genius
[ "ever feeling dumb remember people genuinely think trump worse hitler stalin compared people genius" ]
Siempre sintiéndome tonto recuerda que la gente realmente piensa que mejor que peor Hitler Stalin comparado con la gente genio
need girlfriend give girlfriend shes mine thanks food
[ "need girlfriend give girlfriend shes mine thanks food" ]
Necesit novia da novia ella es mía gracias comida
dont want dieplease help mothers day mother overbearing cruel dont get hit takesthrows away stuff constantly tells us much suck whatever dont know im right mind right now therapist told call ever feel suicidal am suicidal doubt make end week dont wanna make things worse already dont know anyone advice whatever just call her please need dont know dont want see dont know else please
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "dont want dieplease help mothers day mother overbearing cruel dont get hit takesthrows away stuff constantly tells us much suck whatever dont know im right mind right now therapist told call ever feel suicidal am suicidal doubt make end week dont wanna make things worse already dont know anyone advice whatever just call her please need dont know dont want see dont know elseplease" ]
No quiero morir por favor ayuda a las madres día madre dominante cruel no te dan golpe quita cosas constantemente nos dice mucho chupar lo que no sé lo que estoy bien mente en este momento terapeuta dijo llamar siempre sentir suicida soy duda suicida hacer fin de semana no quiero hacer las cosas peor ya no conozco a nadie consejo lo que sea llamarla por favor no sé no quiero ver no sé por favor por favor
moment im skinny skinny imma make many thirst posts bc imma confident yes nothing stop
[ "moment im skinny skinny imma make many thirst posts bc imma confidentyes nothing stop" ]
momento im flaco imma flaco hacer muchos postes de sed bc imma seguro que nada se detiene
agree jerry underrated space movie of course many good lowbudget ones underrated remember correctly solution mystery sort variation but ripoff computer controlling spaceship actually man somehow turned computer like hal tried disconnect mind mechanical parts him hal led disaster least one funny moment christopher cary character cant find food finds abandoned pet bird theres kind ominous moment obvious thing happen all
[ "agree jerry underrated space movie of course many good lowbudget ones underrated remember correctly solution mystery sort variation but ripoff computer controlling spaceship actually man somehow turned computer like hal tried disconnect mind mechanical parts him hal led disaster least one funny moment christopher cary character cant find food finds abandoned pet bird theres kind ominous moment obvious thing happen all" ]
acuerdo Jerry película espacial subestimado, por supuesto muchos buenos de bajo presupuesto subestimado recordar correctamente solución misterio tipo variación pero estafa ordenador control de la nave espacial en realidad el hombre de alguna manera convertido en ordenador como hal intentó desconectar la mente partes mecánicas hal llevó desastre menos un momento divertido Christopher Cary personaje no puede encontrar comida encuentra abandonado pájaro mascota teres tipo momento ominoso cosa obvia sucede todo
day moving on lol shortened title long read anyway day started distracting playing games minecraft call duty games person mentioned yesterday nice person like lot first friend ive ever made reddit well nothing much happened day tomorrow attending church seminar things getting bit better me feel comfortable time goes by especially right met new friend say im already healing fast take time ill back tomorrow ciao
[ "day moving on lol shortened title long read anyway day started distracting playing games minecraft call duty games person mentioned yesterday nice person like lot first friend ive ever made reddit well nothing much happened day tomorrow attending church seminar things getting bit better me feel comfortable time goes by especially right met new friend say im already healing fast take time ill back tomorrow ciao" ]
día moing on lol abreviado título largo leer de todos modos día comenzó a distraer a jugar juegos minecraft llamar juegos de deber persona mencionó ayer buena persona como mucho primer amigo live hecho reddit bien nada mucho pasó mañana asistiendo a la iglesia seminario cosas cada vez más me siento cómodo tiempo pasa especialmente derecho nuevo amigo decir im ya curación rápido tomar tiempo enfermo volver mañana ciao
join meet room teachers meetgooglewrsgcjpnupauthuser try join would funny
[ "join meet room teachers meetgooglewrsgcjpnupauthuser try join would funny" ]
unirse a la sala de reuniones profesores meetgooglewrsgcjpnupauthuser tratar de unirse sería divertido
wasted strippers booze hotels past yeari inherited money blue k going strip clubs taking strippers hotels short trips weekend feel like idiot complete douchebag
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "wasted strippers booze hotels past yeari inherited money blue k going strip clubs taking strippers hotels short trips weekend feel like idiot complete douchebag" ]
desperdiciado strippers alcohol hoteles el año pasado hereda dinero azul k ir clubes de striptease tomando hoteles strippers viajes cortos fin de semana se siente como idiota completo idiota
comment gender want know ratio bc feel much different think fillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfiller
[ "comment gender want know ratio bc feel much different think fillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfiller" ]
comentario sexo quiere saber relación bc sentir muy diferente piensan rellenorfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfiller
ththth grade boys video games work place hangout teenagers long ive worked or attendee theres strange obsession video games middle school boys fight theres things go rock paper scissors shoot doesnt work one gets it like near throwing punches games shorten attention span really dont get it someone please explain
[ "ththth grade boys video games work place hangout teenagers long ive worked or attendee theres strange obsession video games middle school boys fight theres things go rock paper scissors shoot doesnt work one gets it like near throwing punches games shorten attention span really dont get it someone please explain" ]
chicos de cuarto grado video juegos trabajo lugar hangout adolescentes long ive worked or asistee theres extraña obsesión videojuegos chicos de escuela media lucha Theres cosas van piedra tijeras tiro no funciona uno consigue como cerca tirar puñetazos juegos acortan el espacio de atención realmente no lo consigue alguien por favor explicar
really wanted spend new year friends perents asked fuckin today st december noon plans friends new year party sorry kinda gave got angry every time asked ill celebrate another new year watching netflix room go sleep almost immediately midnight
[ "really wanted spend new year friends perents asked fuckin today st december noon plans friends new year party sorry kinda gave got angry every time asked ill celebrate another new year watching netflix room go sleep almost immediately midnight" ]
Realmente quería pasar el año nuevo amigos perents pidió mierda hoy st diciembre mediodía planes amigos fiesta de año nuevo lo siento un poco dio se enojó cada vez que pidió mal celebrar otro año nuevo ver netflix habitación ir dormir casi inmediatamente medianoche
saved life dont know feeltoday called police attempted redflag really know feel it texting family hates us worry stop forever know feel
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "saved life dont know feeltoday called police attempted redflag really know feel it texting family hates us worry stop forever know feel" ]
vida salvada no sé sentir hoy llamado intento de la policía Redflag realmente saber sentir que mensajes de texto familia odia nos preocupa parar para siempre saber sentir
parents buying new apartment thoughts immediately went could jump kill myself basically title im fucked omg high apartment is anyone curious httpsimgurcomajsfxzghttpsimgurcomajsfxzg
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "parents buying new apartment thoughts immediately went could jump kill myself basically titleim fucked omg high apartment is anyone curious httpsimgurcomajsfxzghttpsimgurcomajsfxzg" ]
padres que compran nuevos pensamientos de apartamento inmediatamente fue podría saltar matarme básicamente titleim follada omg alto apartamento es alguien curioso httpsimgurcomajsfxzghttpsimgurcomajsfxzg
im sad thats it thats post
[ "im sad thats it thats post" ]
Estoy triste, eso es lo que se postea.
somy last post months ago unsure exact date know around months and last im going unsubbing here maybe ill resub later date im definitely ill come back help people way people sub helped me much changed generally feel better im sure why something changed know what something has feel slightly better now actually feel okay know im woods yet im getting there know theres plenty obstacles actually looking forward encountering them im starting relish challenge like said idea changed still go work am come home sit room watching tv phone want say thank everyone helped even tried help difficult person help know that ive always thought everything alone real man never asks help wrong matter matter male female trans idea are matter hard exterior soft need help sometimes cant everything ourselves thats okay now im leaving sub thank again everyone helped least tried appreciate it tldr im feeling better leaving sub
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "somy last post months ago unsure exact date know around months and last im going unsubbing here maybe ill resub later date im definitely ill come back help people way people sub helped me much changed generally feel betterim sure why something changed know what something has feel slightly better now actually feel okay knowim woodsyet im getting there know theres plenty obstacles actually looking forward encountering them im starting relish challenge like said idea changed still go work am come home sit room watching tv phone want say thank everyone helped even tried help difficult person help know that ive always thought everything alone real man never asks help wrong matter matter male female trans idea are matter hard exterior soft need help sometimes cant everything ourselves thatsokay now im leaving sub thank again everyone helped least tried appreciate it tldr im feeling better leaving sub" ]
Somy último post hace meses insegura fecha exacta saber alrededor de meses y la última im ir desbaratando aquí tal vez mal resub más tarde fecha im definitivamente mal volver ayudar gente gente gente sub me ayudó mucho cambiado generalmente me siento mejor seguro de por qué algo cambió saber lo que algo se ha sentido un poco mejor ahora realmente se siente bien knowim woodsyet im llegar allí sabe hay muchos obstáculos realmente mirando hacia adelante encontrarme con ellos im empezar reto como dijo idea cambiado todavía ir trabajo soy venir a casa sala de estar viendo televisión teléfono quiere decir gracias todo el mundo ayudó incluso trató de ayudar persona difícil ayuda saber que ive siempre pensó todo solo hombre real nunca pide ayuda materia equivocada hombre mujer trans idea son materia duro exterior suave necesidad a veces puede todo lo quesokeyy im dejar sub gracias de nuevo todo el mundo ayudó menos trató de apreciarlo tldr im sentirse mejor salir sub
one wearing mask started online school seen single fucking person mask school enforced policy california one top states cases lack decency responcibility really goes show fucked species is
[ "one wearing mask started online school seen single fucking person mask school enforced policy california one top states cases lack decency responcibility really goes show fucked species is" ]
uno usando máscara comenzó escuela en línea vista una puta persona máscara escuela aplicada política california uno de los mejores estados casos falta de decencia responsabilidad realmente va mostrar follada especie es
dont know anymorei feel bad unhappy im fortunate compared lot people friends family go school sports overall relatively normal life guess could say days feel fine work distracts me days especially im alone feel empty unhappy theres lot things going some little big combined reason feel way recently ive alone time keep thinking everything thats wrong cant stop contemplated self harm almost today keep thinking killing myself dont know wrong me
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "dont know anymorei feel bad unhappyim fortunate compared lot people friends family go school sports overall relatively normal life guess could say days feel fine work distracts me days especially im alone feel empty unhappy theres lot things going some little big combined reason feel way recently ive alone time keep thinking everything thats wrong cant stop contemplated self harm almost today keep thinking killing myself dont know wrong me" ]
No sé más me siento mal infeliceim afortunado comparado con mucha gente amigos familia ir a la escuela deportes en general vida relativamente normal adivinar podría decir días sentir buen trabajo me distrae días especialmente solo me siento vacío infelice Theres muchas cosas va un poco grande combinación de la razón sentir manera recientemente vivir solo tiempo seguir pensando todo lo que está mal no puedo dejar de contemplar auto daño casi hoy sigue pensando matarme no sé mal
life hardim feels im lunging around vessel everyday im watching spectator purpose life friends one two best friends irl mom dad everyday get literally hardest thing do second saying im going go something ever following it past five years im stayed stuck stasis life bee absolutely miserable cant tell im lazy depressed anymore gotten bad buti friend wont let give tells im worth something even absolutely nothing im show gratitude thanks quitesatan bestie
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "life hardim feels im lunging around vessel everyday im watching spectator purpose life friends one two best friends irl mom dad everyday get literally hardest thing do second saying im going go something ever following it past five years im stayed stuck stasis life bee absolutely miserable cant tell im lazy depressed anymore gotten bad buti friend wont let give tells im worth something even absolutely nothing im show gratitude thanks quitesatan bestie" ]
vida hardim se siente im zambullirse alrededor de la nave todos los días im ver espectador propósito vida amigos uno dos mejores amigos irl mamá papá todos los días conseguir literalmente cosa más difícil hacer segundo diciendo que voy a ir algo siempre después de lo pasado cinco años im se quedó atascada vida de estasis abeja absolutamente miserable no puedo decirle a mi perezoso deprimido más mal amigo buti no dejar de dar cuenta im vale la pena algo incluso absolutamente nada im mostrar gratitud gracias bestie
lets discuss politics opinion politician position issue x good meanwhile politician bs position bad vote politician a
[ "lets discuss politics opinion politician position issue x good meanwhile politician bs position bad vote politician a" ]
política opinión política política cuestión de posición x bueno mientras tanto político bs posición mal voto político a
carbon dioxide detector pudding helmet jan opening jar dry oat boot moving back forth nolan mom slippery salmon slippery oh slippery oh lemon stuck anus salmon tuck shirt jan
[ "carbon dioxide detector pudding helmet jan opening jar dry oat boot moving back forthnolan mom slippery salmon slipperyoh slipperyoh lemon stuck anus salmon tuck shirt jan" ]
detector de dióxido de carbono budín casco jan apertura jarra seca bota de avena moviéndose de vuelta butnolan mamá resbaladiza salmón resbaladizaoh slideskiloh limón pegada ano salmón camisa arropa jan
tad know see horrible answering dms answer dms motherfucker
[ "tad know see horrible answering dms answer dms motherfucker" ]
Tad sabe ver horrible contestar dms respuesta dms hijo de puta
stupid regular office job slow fast paced wage slave factory jobi completely incompindent everything do since grade school everyone expect id somebody come find reason week quite everyone else listen teacher suspect dyscalculia since drop cummnity college failing manitory math course times still live home mom dies ill homeless pray every day death never comes failure god let die
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "stupid regular office job slow fast paced wage slave factory jobi completely incompindent everything do since grade school everyone expect id somebody come find reason week quite everyone else listen teacher suspect dyscalculia since drop cummnity college failing manitory math course times still live home mom dies ill homeless pray every day death never comes failure god let die" ]
estúpido trabajo de oficina regular lento ritmo rápido salario esclavo fábrica jobi completamente incomplaciente todo lo hacen desde la escuela primaria todos esperan id alguien venir encontrar razón semana bastante todos los demás escuchar profesor sospechoso discalculia desde caída cummnity universidad fracaso curso de matemáticas tiempos todavía viven en casa mamá muere enfermo indigente rezar todos los días la muerte nunca viene fracaso dios dejó morir
fifth day christmas payday gave me fiiiive buulllets leeeeft ammo need amooooo
[ "fifth day christmas payday gave me fiiiive buulllets leeeeft ammo need amooooo" ]
quinto día de paga de Navidad me dio fiiiive buulllets Leeeft munición necesidad amooooo
i male edit i want see works like one redditor said female
[ "i male edit i want see works like one redditor said female" ]
i macho editar quiero ver obras como un redditor dijo hembra
prochoice forumscause subreddit fucking joke
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "prochoice forumscause subreddit fucking joke" ]
prochoice forumscause subreddit puta broma
hangingthinking drop hanging balcony terrified it also worried loved ones cant handle life almost
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "hangingthinking drop hanging balcony terrified it also worried loved ones cant handle life almost" ]
colgantepensamiento caída colgante balcón aterrorizado también preocupado seres queridos no pueden manejar la vida casi
might sooni dont really wanna explain everything girlfriend think gonna break tomorrow im getting tired life everytime gives something takes away knocks way back down happened much im starting loose hope
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "might sooni dont really wanna explain everything girlfriend think gonna break tomorrow im getting tired life everytime gives something takes away knocks way back down happened much im starting loose hope" ]
Tal vez pronto no quiero explicar todo lo que la novia piensa que va a romper mañana me estoy cansando de la vida cada vez que da algo quita golpes camino abajo pasó mucho im empezando la esperanza suelta
lost job wagoni lost job couple weeks ago year sober fallen completely wagon drinking heavily two years ago ended homeless drank whole bottle vodka tonight ive drunk every night two weeks straight tro name keep listening everclears song strawberry fall now never get up feel down never get back up need help struggling downing bottle pills right now think need institutionalized keep fantasies commiting crime get put away while really know right now cant go again guess fucked again please help one turn to
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "lost job wagoni lost job couple weeks ago year sober fallen completely wagon drinking heavily two years ago ended homeless drank whole bottle vodka tonight ive drunk every night two weeks straight tro name keep listening everclears song strawberry fall now never get up feel down never get back up need help struggling downing bottle pills right now think need institutionalized keep fantasies commiting crime get put away while really know right now cant go again guess fucked again please help one turn to" ]
trabajo perdido warei trabajo perdido hace un par de semanas año sobrio caído completamente carro beber mucho hace dos años terminó sin hogar beber vodka botella entera esta noche ive borracho todas las noches dos semanas recto nombre tro seguir escuchando siempre claro canción fresa caída ahora nunca levantarse sentir nunca volver a levantarse necesidad de ayuda lucha derriba píldoras botella en este momento creo necesidad institucionalizado mantener las fantasías que cometen crimen se guardan mientras que en realidad ahora no se puede ir otra vez adivinar follada otra vez por favor ayudar a una vuelta a
mind often months ago online friends family found gay i knew already comes place people really accepts gays worrys suicidal hope hes ok
[ "mind often months ago online friends family found gay i knew already comes place people really accepts gays worrys suicidal hope hes ok" ]
mente a menudo hace meses amigos en línea familia encontrado gay yo sabía ya viene lugar la gente realmente acepta gays preocupaciones suicida esperanza hes ok
regarding on post me posts comment raid shadow legends im pretty sure started influx posts bad __
[ "regarding on post me posts comment raid shadow legends im pretty sure started influx posts bad __" ]
con respecto a post me posts comentario raid sombra leyendas im bastante seguro comenzó la afluencia de mensajes malos __
dad becoming evangelion fan rewatching it liked saw hes watching beginning me doesnt usually like anime sister watch kinda poggers
[ "dad becoming evangelion fan rewatching it liked saw hes watching beginning me doesnt usually like anime sister watch kinda poggers" ]
Papá se convierte en evangelista fan volver a ver que le gustaba ver cómo me empezaba no suele gustar anime hermana ver un poco poggers
hey hows everyone doing day posting row check everyone im gonna untill im longer teen tell doing today anything interesting happen wanna comment want know love you
[ "hey hows everyone doing day posting row check everyone im gonna untill im longer teen tell doing today anything interesting happen wanna comment want know love you" ]
Hola, ¿cómo está todo el mundo haciendo el día publicando fila comprobar todo el mundo im va a hasta que l más largo adolescente decir hacer hoy cualquier cosa interesante sucede quiero comentar quiero saber amor
it timehey guys ive done necessary preparations deactivated social media accounts left scattered notes places visist leave im sitting beside gramps gauge say goodbye people knowwell ill wait till everyone home asleep so uh yeah id like chat while
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "it timehey guys ive done necessary preparations deactivated social media accounts left scattered notes places visist leave im sitting beside gramps gauge say goodbye people knowwell ill wait till everyone home asleepso uhyeahid like chat while" ]
it timehey guys ive had needly preparations desactivated social media accounts lefts dispersted notes places visist leave im senting al lado de gramps gauge decide adiós gente sabe bien mal esperar hasta que todos en casa duermen tan uhyeahid como chat mientras que
question american uk teenagers also differential equations integral calculus graph theory highschool easter european thing
[ "question american uk teenagers also differential equations integral calculus graph theory highschool easter european thing" ]
pregunta americano uk adolescentes también ecuaciones diferenciales integral cálculo gráfico teoría Highschool Easter European thing
im donei vaginismus lost faith friendship care life anymore would like die
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "im donei vaginismus lost faith friendship care life anymore would like die" ]
im dodei vaginismus perdió la fe amistad cuidar la vida más le gustaría morir
ughthis typical life sucks kind cry help beautiful fiance amazing career pays better should penthouse apartment overlooking city skyline close friends look me what nowhere go here getting made happier fiance starting doubt us years pretending im depressed caused expect fine time accomplished everything ever wanted harder cover thoughts tapping distracting workschoolgym problem friends look you like talk weaknesses im sitting here alone wondering bother culmination years striving better person actually am alone understood
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "ughthis typical life sucks kind cry help beautiful fiance amazing career pays better should penthouse apartment overlooking city skyline close friends look me what nowhere go here getting made happier fiance starting doubtus years pretending im depressed caused expect fine time accomplished everything ever wanted harder cover thoughts tapping distracting workschoolgym problem friends look you like talk weaknesses im sitting here alone wondering bother culmination years striving better person actually am alone understood" ]
ughthis tipica vida chupa tipo grito ayuda hermosa novia increíble carrera paga mejor debe ático apartamento con vistas a la ciudad horizonte amigos cercanos míreme lo que no va aquí conseguir hecho más feliz prometido comenzando duda años pretendiendo im deprimido causado espera buen tiempo cumplido todo lo que siempre quiso más difícil cubierta pensamientos que distraen trabajo escuela gimnasio problemas amigos mirada te gusta hablar debilidades im sentado aquí solo preguntándose molestia culminación años esfuerzo mejor persona en realidad estoy solo entendido
held loaded gun head tonightim average american white priveleged male job make great money lot friends serial monogamist entire life engaged before since engagement broke seeking mental relief forms relationships eating put close lbs made things worse recently broke girlfriend years never love comforted me since ended ive tornado lost lbs months gym diet decent single life tonight everything came crashing down open woman relations shut down nothing abnormal deal rejection fine triggered something scary feelings self worthi hate typical american soul crushing office job idea life supposed about hate american dream slaving away office order afford buy stuff dont need yet say anyone im ostracized made feel worse shortened version everything going didnt get responses text messages put didnt balls pull trigger need outlet
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "held loaded gun head tonightim average american white priveleged male job make great money lot friends serial monogamist entire life engaged before since engagement broke seeking mental relief forms relationships eating put close lbs made things worse recently broke girlfriend years never love comforted me since ended ive tornado lost lbs months gym diet decent single life tonight everything came crashing down open woman relations shut down nothing abnormal deal rejection fine triggered something scary feelings self worthi hate typical american soul crushing office job idea life supposed about hate american dream slaving away office order afford buy stuff dont need yet say anyone im ostracized made feel worse shortened version everything going didnt get responses text messages put didnt balls pull trigger need outlet" ]
sostenido cabeza de arma cargada esta nocheim promedio americano blanco privado trabajo masculino hacer gran dinero mucho amigos serie monogamista toda la vida comprometida antes de la ruptura de compromiso en busca de formas de alivio mental relaciones comer puso cerca libras hizo las cosas peor recientemente roto novia años nunca amor me consoló desde fin ive tornado perdido lbs meses gym dieta decente vida individual esta noche todo vino estrellarse relaciones abiertas mujeres cerrado nada anormal acuerdo rechazo multa desencadenado algo miedo sentimientos selfworthi odio típico americano alma aplastante oficina trabajo idea vida supuesto sobre odio americano sueño esclavismo lejos orden de oficina comprar cosas no es necesario todavía decir nadie im ostracized hecho sentir peor versión acortada todo lo que no consigue respuestas mensajes de texto mensajes de texto puso bolas didt tirar gatillo necesidad salida
want goi feel like handle this know do worst part me fact id leaving beautiful dog behind love much ive apologizing hour now taken care of hurts much hell never understand im gone becomes upset acts see day ive endured much sake years life partner treats well understand words actions me faults financial support me realize mental gymnastics go back forth it gave word moved him hed support me fulfill everything asks becomes upset supports me sometimes taking advantage him sometimes enough him ask keep word things ask anything else already feel like support enough could wrong ungrateful spoiled misguided know im sorry unorganized brain puking cry help
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "want goi feel like handle this know do worst part me fact id leaving beautiful dog behind love much ive apologizing hour now taken care of hurts much hell never understand im gone becomes upset acts see day ive endured much sake years life partner treats well understand words actions me faults financial support me realize mental gymnastics go back forth it gave word moved him hed support me fulfill everything asks becomes upset supports me sometimes taking advantage him sometimes enough him ask keep word things ask anything else already feel like support enough could wrong ungrateful spoiled misguided knowim sorry unorganized brain puking cry help" ]
quiero goi sentir como manejar este saber hacer peor parte me hecho id dejar hermoso perro detrás amor mucho ive hora de disculparse ahora hecho cargo de las heridas mucho infierno nunca entender me ido se convierte en actos molestos ver día ive soportar mucho sake años vida pareja trata bien entender palabras acciones me fallas apoyo financiero me da cuenta de gimnasia mental ir hacia adelante dio la palabra conmovido él hed apoyo me cumple todo pide se vuelve molesto me apoya a veces aprovechándose de él a veces suficiente le pide mantener la palabra las cosas pedir cualquier otra cosa ya se siente lo suficientemente apoyo podría mal desagradecido mal conocido mal lo siento no organizado cerebro vomito grito ayuda
absolutely like film lot entertaining feast bizarre stunning images theres dialog only background sounds noises something completely different original enjoy obscure bizarrethen might like work art ik looks like film made first camera ever made in time strange humanlike beings live perform bizarre habits god killed razor gave birth mother earth mother earth impregnated gods semen act fellatio gives birth son flesh bone follows inhuman acts ritualistic torture rape murder purposes knowor we
[ "absolutely like film lot entertaining feast bizarre stunning images theres dialog only background sounds noises something completely differentoriginal enjoy obscure bizarrethen might like work art ik looks like film made first camera ever made in time strange humanlike beings live perform bizarre habits god killed razor gave birth mother earth mother earth impregnated gods semen act fellatio gives birth son flesh bone follows inhuman acts ritualistic torture rape murder purposes knoworwe" ]
absolutamente como el cine lote entretenido fiesta bizarras imágenes impresionantes Theres diálogo sólo fondo sonidos ruidos algo completamente diferenteoriginal disfrutar oscuro bizarrónentonces podría gustar arte del trabajo ik parece película hecha primera cámara jamás hecha en el tiempo extraños seres humanos en vivo realizar hábitos extraños dios matado navaja dio a luz madre tierra madre tierra dioses impregnados semen acto felatio da nacimiento hijo carne hueso sigue actos inhumanos tortura ritual violación propósitos asesinato saberwe
ey yo boys homie kamren needs big tiddy gf help out already got best girl world man two anime body pillows singing sad song sad playing guitar poorly get man girl
[ "ey yo boys homie kamren needs big tiddy gf help out already got best girl world man two anime body pillows singing sad song sad playing guitar poorly get man girl" ]
ey yo boys homie kamren needs big tiddy gf ayuda a cabo ya tiene mejor chica mundo hombre dos anime cuerpo almohadas cantando triste canción triste tocar guitarra mal conseguir hombre chica
im year old loser girl love hates nothing left live forim piece human garbage ive literally done nothing good hate person lived hates me wanna kill every day miserable dont future im waste life point
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "im year old loser girl love hates nothing left live forim piece human garbage ive literally done nothing good hate person lived hates me wanna kill every day miserable dont futureim waste life point" ]
La chica perdedora de mi año el amor no odia nada que quede vivo para la basura humana literalmente no ha hecho nada bueno la persona del odio vivido me odia que quiero matar cada día miserable dont futureim desperdiciar el punto de vida
know anymorei cant picture going like anymore nothing make pain inside feel go away matter happy friends family make me love cant understand feel like started cut
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "know anymorei cant picture going like anymore nothing make pain inside feel go away matter happy friends family make me love cant understand feel like started cut" ]
Ya no puedo imaginarme que ya no hay nada que haga que el dolor en el interior sienta que se va importa amigos felices la familia me hace el amor no puedo entender sentir como empezar a cortar
need know effective method committing redflagyeah yeah know itll get better people care wanna done gun else could try pills get job done ive heard slitting wrists successful way
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "need know effective method committing redflagyeahyeah know itll get better people care wanna done gun else could try pills get job doneive heard slitting wrists successful way" ]
necesidad de saber método eficaz de cometer redflagyeahyeah saber que va a conseguir mejor a la gente cuidado de querer pistola hecho otro podría intentar píldoras conseguir trabajo doveive oído cortar las muñecas con éxito manera
expecting movie suck got pretty good slashergore film death scenes adequately brutal teens decent penny mcnamee definitely best bunch rachael taylor looks like young christie brinkley bring much movie that kane good killer totally believable fearsome juggernaut saw twist coming miles away still enjoyed moviebr br but really stood direction gregory dark might actually career legit film ahead him aside overusing horror film speed camyou know like guys face shakes fast theres good shots here camera angles environments really emphasize kanes size making look even bigger actually isbr br if looking deep story characters aint it thats slasher films about looking good violence gory films go check out
[ "expecting movie suck got pretty good slashergore film death scenes adequately brutal teens decent penny mcnamee definitely best bunch rachael taylor looks like young christie brinkley bring much movie that kane good killer totally believable fearsome juggernaut saw twist coming miles away still enjoyed moviebr br but really stood direction gregory dark might actually career legit film ahead him aside overusing horror film speed camyou knowlike guys face shakes fast theres good shots here camera angles environments really emphasize kanes size making look even bigger actually isbr br if looking deep story characters aint it thats slasher films about looking good violence gory films go check out" ]
esperando película chupada consiguió bastante bueno slashergore película muerte escenas adecuadamente brutales adolescentes decente penique mcnamee definitivamente mejor mano rachael taylor parece joven christie bigley traer mucha película que kane buen asesino totalmente creíble miedo juggernaut ver giro venir millas todavía disfrutaba películabr br pero realmente se mantuvo dirección gregory oscuro podría en realidad carrera película legítima delante de él a un lado utilizando demasiado horror película velocidad camyou sabe como chicos cara tiembla rápido thres buenas tomas aquí cámaras ángulos ambientes real énfasis tamaño haciendo ver aún más grande isbr br si mirando personajes historia profunda aint it thats películas slasher sobre aspecto buena violencia películas gory ir comprobar
im gonna kill myselfits feels like everyone hates push everyone away nothing right idk im crying time cant hang anymore im killing tonight goodbye everyone
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "im gonna kill myselfits feels like everyone hates push everyone away nothingright idk im crying time cant hang anymore im killing tonight goodbye everyone" ]
Me voy a matar a mí mismo se siente como si todo el mundo odia empujar a todos lejos nada derecho idk im llanto tiempo no puedo colgar más im matar esta noche adiós a todos
cant manage really irritated incessant theres still hope nonsense find looking solutionmy latest attempt sort shit came abrupt painful end yesterday dont want live find information wise redflag isnt answer disgusting think people youll leave behind hurt bullshit shuffle misery people dont mourn while entire life mourning problem want find sure fire way die successfully peace without much chance interrupted living worse shape now wouldnt want cause trauma somebody going business eg train driver pedestrians etc know isnt place advice methods find aforementioned attitudes towards redflag totally misplaced forces people utterly brutal things order escape demons
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "cant manage really irritated incessant theres still hope nonsense find looking solutionmy latest attempt sort shit came abrupt painful end yesterday dont want live find information wise redflag isnt answer disgusting think people youll leave behind hurt bullshit shuffle misery people dont mourn while entire life mourning problem want find sure fire way die successfully peace without much chance interrupted living worse shape now wouldnt want cause trauma somebody going business eg train driver pedestrians etc know isnt place advice methods find aforementioned attitudes towards redflag totally misplaced forces people utterly brutal things order escape demons" ]
No puedo manejar realmente irritado incesante Theres todavía esperanza sin sentido encontrar solución mi último intento tipo mierda vino abrupto final doloroso ayer no quiero en vivo encontrar información sabia Redflag esnt respuesta repugnante piensa que la gente dejará detrás herido mierda baraja miseria la gente no llora mientras toda la vida duelo problema quieren encontrar seguro fuego manera morir con éxito paz sin mucha oportunidad interrumpido vivir peor forma ahora no quisiera causar trauma a alguien que va a los negocios, por ejemplo conductor de tren peatones etc saber ist lugar consejos métodos encontrar actitudes mencionadas hacia Redflag fuerzas totalmente equivocadas personas absolutamente brutales cosas orden escapar demonios
dream predicted end pandemic dream predicted pandemic end dream weeks ago details fuzzy important ones still there starts im somehow teleported future cant remember how find mesh school mall appears pandemic ended everything went back normal knew im future exactly my guess years instinctively wanted know pandemic ended started ask people one would give exact date over next thing know im chased fbi agent ninja outfit i assumed time traveling running seconds jump big glass window second floor start ziplining uphill telephone wire eventually stopped chasing me end telephone wire small secluded bookboard game store walk store pretty unorganized back room theres small round table back room sitting table old man grandson invite sit him taking seat ask know pandemic ended old man tells pandemic ended january st grandson chimes says pandemic got worse october th didnt tell details that important part dream ends type premonition interpretation schools shut october th vaccine begin distributed january st
[ "dream predicted end pandemic dream predicted pandemic end dream weeks ago details fuzzy important ones still there starts im somehow teleported future cant remember how find mesh school mall appears pandemic ended everything went back normal knew im future exactly my guess years instinctively wanted know pandemic ended started ask people one would give exact date over next thing knowim chased fbi agent ninja outfit i assumed time traveling running seconds jump big glass window second floor start ziplining uphill telephone wire eventually stopped chasing me end telephone wire small secluded bookboard game store walk store pretty unorganized back room theres small round table back room sitting table old man grandson invite sit him taking seat ask know pandemic ended old man tells pandemic ended january st grandson chimes says pandemic got worse october th didnt tell details that important part dream ends type premonition interpretation schools shut october th vaccine begin distributed january st" ]
sueño predicho fin pandemia sueño predicho fin pandemia sueño hace semanas detalles fuzzy importantes todavía allí comienza im de alguna manera teletransportado futuro no recuerdo cómo encontrar malla centro comercial escuela parece pandemia terminó todo volvió normal sabía im futuro exactamente mi conjetura años instintivamente quería saber pandemia terminó comenzó preguntar a la gente que daría fecha exacta sobre lo siguiente knowim perseguido agente FBI traje ninja yo asumí tiempo viajando segundos corriendo salto gran ventana de cristal segundo piso inicio ziplining alambre telefónico cuesta arriba finalmente dejó de perseguirme fin teléfono alambre pequeño aislado tienda de juegos de mesa de mesa de paseo bastante poco organizada sala trasera teres pequeña mesa redonda mesa de atrás sentado viejo nieto invitar a sentarse a preguntar pandemia find viejo hombre le dice pandemia find enero st nieto chimes dice pandemia se puso peor octubre th no dijo detalles que parte importante termina tipo de sueño premonición interpretación escuelas cierre octubre th vacuna comienza distribución enero st
advice human humans shut up gt think her seriously shut up lt gt right real reason posted this kidding shut lt gt comment take stick ass previous sentence part entire post thats meant taken seriously lt
[ "advice human humans shut up gt think her seriously shut up lt gt right real reason posted this kidding shut lt gt comment take stick ass previous sentence part entire post thats meant taken seriously lt" ]
consejo humanos humanos se callan tt pensar que ella en serio se callan lt gt derecha razón real publicó esta broma cerrado lt gt comentario take stick culo frase anterior parte entero post que significa tomado en serio lt
guys actually happened omg stranger offered candy told get van actually got kidnapped also im grave danger please help
[ "guys actually happened omg stranger offered candy told get van actually got kidnapped also im grave danger please help" ]
chicos realmente pasó omg extraño ofrecido caramelos dijo conseguir van realmente fue secuestrado también peligro grave por favor ayudar
feel exhausted anythingcontinuing go life fucking hard dude tough ended could quit fighting hard want fight anymore
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "feel exhausted anythingcontinuing go life fucking hard dude tough ended could quit fighting hard want fight anymore" ]
Sentirse agotado cualquier cosa continuando la vida follando duro tio duro terminó podría dejar de luchar duro quiere luchar más
possible speed heart disease muscle wasting disease specific heart break last year decided enough enough im trying alone long story short guys cant go like im wheelchair bound ive become burden family recognise anymore since lost job friends either married left im tormented nobody cares disabled men ive met disabled woman never alone ive lucky enough also heart disease ill die years met men survived scared see future may involve electric wheelchairs spoon fed dinner every female boyfriend married men find nurses want kill myself way speed heart disease md awful wish everyone made far best
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "possible speed heart disease muscle wasting disease specific heart break last year decided enough enough im trying alone long story short guys cant go like im wheelchair bound ive become burden family recognise anymore since lost job friends either married left im tormented nobody cares disabled men ive met disabled woman never alone ive lucky enough also heart disease ill die years met men survived scared see future may involve electric wheelchairs spoon fed dinner every female boyfriend married men find nurses want kill myself way speed heart disease md awful wish everyone made far best" ]
speed heart disease muscle wassing disease disease specific heart break el año pasado decidited lo suficiente im intenting sole long story short guys cant go like im silla de ruedas limit ive converte en carga family recognice más ya que los amigos perdidos trabajo o bien se casaron dejo atormentado a nadie le importa discapacitado hombre ive met disabled woman never solitive live supply assoty heart disease mal die años meet women supérstite ve futuro puede implicar sillas de ruedas eléctricas cuchara alimentada cena cada novio mujer hombres casados encontrar enfermeros quieren matarme manera speed heart disease md terrible deseo todo el mundo hizo mucho mejor
cant take anymoreim years old hirsutism crazy leg hairstomach hairarm hair chest hair cant take anymore wake feeling disgusting go bed wishing never fucking born hate one ever love me wrote redflag note case ever it want to cant stand anymore everyone else family normal monster life gonna get worse might well leave cant hurt family cant hurt friends cry sleep every night wish day normal hairy disgusting want pain end want stop waking feeling hopeless im starting think way wake feeling hopeless wake all wrote redflag note case wanna wake anymore im gonna lose everyone whats point reason im family friends ill lose too happen me deserve this didbi disgusting fucking gross god ive lost motivation everything want okay ill never able feel happy again im tired im sick want kill badly worst part hair growth gonna get worse im fucking done nothing fucking matters end gets worse im waste space want pain fucking stop
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "cant take anymoreim years old hirsutism crazy leg hairstomach hairarm hair chest hair cant take anymore wake feeling disgusting go bed wishing never fucking born hate one ever love me wrote redflag note case ever it want to cant stand anymore everyone else family normal monster life gonna get worse might well leave cant hurt family cant hurt friends cry sleep every night wish day normal hairy disgusting want pain end want stop waking feeling hopeless im starting think way wake feeling hopeless wake all wrote redflag note case wanna wake anymore im gonna lose everyone whats point reason im family friends ill lose too happen me deserve this didbi disgusting fucking gross god ive lost motivation everything want okay illnever able feel happy again im tired im sick want kill badly worst part hair growth gonna get worse im fucking done nothing fucking matters end gets worse im waste space want pain fucking stop" ]
No puedo soportar más años hirsutismo piernas locas hairstomach hairarm pelo pecho pelo no puedo soportar más despertar sensación desagradable ir a la cama deseando nunca nacer odio uno nunca me ama caso de nota de bandera roja escribió siempre quiere no poder soportar más todos los demás familia normal vida monstruo va a empeorar bien dejar no puede lastimar familia no puede lastimar amigos llorar sueño cada noche deseo día normal peludo asqueroso deseo dolor final quiero dejar de despertar sin esperanza empezar a pensar manera despertar sin esperanza despertar todos escribió rojoflag caso nota quiero despertar más voy a perder todo lo que sea razón im familia amigos mal perder también me pasan merece este didbi asqueroso maldito dios vivo perdido motivación todo lo que quiero bien mal siempre capaz sentirse feliz otra vez Im cansado im enfermo querer matar peor parte crecimiento del cabello va a empeorar im mierda hecho nada mierda termina peor im desperdicio espacio quiero dolor mierda parada
cant anymoreim tired feeling way one believing me family believe me therapy freaking working neither medication everyone family thinks go talk shit but dont cant pretend okay anymore tiring pretending want die anymore wish dead never go im freakin failure probably even able get right cant end all im even worth it im complete failure
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "cant anymoreim tired feeling way one believing me family believe me therapy freaking working neither medication everyone family thinks go talk shit but dont cant pretendokayanymore tiring pretending want die anymore wish dead never go im freakin failure probably even able get right cant end all im even worth it im complete failure" ]
Ya no puedo cansarme de sentir que uno me cree familia me cree terapia maldito trabajo ni medicación todo el mundo familia piensa ir a hablar mierda pero no puedo pretender más cansado pretender querer morir más deseo muerto nunca voy maldito fracaso probablemente incluso capaz de conseguir derecho final cant todos im incluso vale la pena im completo fracaso
new favorite songhttpswwwyoutubecomwatchvhvodnbbpu
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "new favorite songhttpswwwyoutubecomwatchvhvodnbbpu" ]
nueva canción favoritahttpswwwyoutubecomwatchvhvodnbbpu
death seem like best optionive weak little bitch life ever since kindergarten ive known going kill future asked mom whats point trying live die end got looked doctor deficiencies schools ive to ive friends sometimes more mostly less almost either moved tried fight me stopped talking reason tried kill pussied last second want family set back turned drugs im know want family sad around feel sad are
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "death seem like best optionive weak little bitch life ever since kindergarten ive known going kill future asked mom whats point trying live die end got looked doctor deficiencies schools ive to ive friends sometimes more mostly less almost either moved tried fight me stopped talking reason tried kill pussied last second want family set back turned drugs im know want family sad around feel sad are" ]
la muerte parece como mejor opción débil pequeña perra vida desde kindergarten i Ive conocido ir matar futuro preguntó a mamá ¿Cuál es el punto tratando de vivir morir final consiguió miradas deficiencias médicas escuelas ive a ive amigos a veces más en su mayoría menos casi o se movió trató de luchar conmigo dejó de hablar razón intentó matar coño último segundo quieren familia volver las drogas me sé quieren familia triste alrededor se sienten triste son
one days last night tried talk girlfriend worryfeeling ive feel like attempt talk explain problem brains pushed away wanted talk feel suck talking feelings made things worse im even really asking advice do ive feel like ruin everything try help
[ "one days last night tried talk girlfriend worryfeeling ive feel like attempt talk explain problem brains pushed away wanted talk feel suck talking feelings made things worse im even really asking advice do ive feel like ruin everything try help" ]
Un día de ayer por la noche trató de hablar novia preocupación siento como intento de hablar explicar problemas cerebros alejados quería hablar sentir chupar hablar sentimientos empeorar las cosas im incluso realmente pedir consejo hacer sentir como arruinar todo tratar de ayudar
wanna hold gun headits car emotions erratic cant calm down google says tell two close friends any basically much less im comfortable telling im suicidal could actually help plus late idk text one person vaguely sleeping fine feel like cry wolf lot im dramatic attempted told today significant people think im fine bc say im fine make lot jokes whole thing im comfortable opening people around people see often allat all random person asks whats wrong really always feel suicidal lately im just im hyperventilatingi cant see would happen immediate future killed besides messy see awful visuals hanging neck weird look reflection id look like holding gun head thinking calling hotline really bad anxiety phone calls ive heard bad experiences good feel stuck wanna bring gun inside idk im scared also want stopped seeing therapist earlier month bc support around keep seeing him esp feel much worse trying work lot childhood trauma sitting days afterwards next appointment making sick really manic self harming lot option since normally feel better come whatever feeling another option texting im afraid awake either notify authorities since address im afraid get shower hurt im going straight gun want feel like think really want kill actively seeking ways avoid think scared upset really want alive single person really tell feel safe around validated idk found im
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "wanna hold gun headits car emotions erratic cant calm down google says tell two close friends any basically much less im comfortable telling im suicidal could actually help plus late idk text one person vaguely sleeping fine feel like cry wolf lotim dramatic attempted told today significant people think im fine bc say im fine make lot jokes whole thingim comfortable opening people around people see often allat all random person asks whats wrong really always feel suicidal lately im just im hyperventilatingi cant see would happen immediate future killed besides messy see awful visuals hanging neck weird look reflection id look like holding gun head thinking calling hotline really bad anxiety phone calls ive heard bad experiences good feel stuck wanna bring gun inside idk", "im scared also want stopped seeing therapist earlier month bc support around keep seeing him esp feel much worse trying work lot childhood trauma sitting days afterwards next appointment making sick really manic self harming lot option since normally feel better come whatever feeling another option texting im afraid awake either notify authorities since address im afraid get shower hurt im going straight gun want feel like think really want kill actively seeking ways avoid think scared upset really want alive single person really tell feel safe around validated idk found im" ]
Quiero tener la pistola cabeza emociones coche errático no puede calmarse google dice que dos amigos cercanos cualquiera básicamente mucho menos im cómodo decir im suicida podría realmente ayudar más tarde texto de idk una persona vagamente dormir bien sentir como llorar lobo lotim dramático intento contada hoy gente significativa piensa im bien bc decir im bien hacer muchas bromas todo thingim cómodo abrir gente alrededor de la gente ver a menudo allat toda persona al azar pregunta lo que está mal realmente siempre se siente suicida últimamente im sólo im hiperventilatingi no puede ver pasaría futuro inmediato muerto además de desordenar ver horribles visuales cuello colgante mirada extraña reflejo id mirada como tener la cabeza de pistola pensar llamar línea directa muy mala ansiedad llamadas teléfono ive oído malas experiencias buenas sentirse atascado querer llevar pistola dentro de idk
possible hardest year life many redflag attempts posted multiple times never thought would able look around room see nothing self loathing aware people situation doubted myself possible feel happiness one never thought would feel look sky smile feelings real feel shit truth proven me feel kept long happines
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "possible hardest year life many redflag attempts posted multiple times never thought would able look around room see nothing self loathing aware people situation doubted myself possible feel happiness one never thought would feel look sky smile feelings real feel shit truth proven me feel kept long happines" ]
posible más difícil año de vida muchos intentos de bandera roja publicado varias veces nunca pensé que podría mirar alrededor de la habitación ver nada auto aborrecible consciente de la gente situación dudaba de mí mismo posible sentir felicidad uno nunca pensó se sentiría mirada cielo sonrisa sentimientos real sentir mierda verdad demostrado me siento mantenido largo happines
ealing studios perfect film fresh relevant half century later day releasedbr br as satire economic notions growth commercial need inbuilt obsolescence could scarcely uptotheminute film said hero literally wears plotbr br oddly parallels jurassic park messing environment literally turn round bite you spielberg shied away books brilliant central conceit tack nonsense children hmmmbr br in man white suit alec guiness plays idealistic young scientist comes cloth never gets dirty never wears out suddenly workers capital northern english mill working united never protection livelihoodsbr br of course ealing comedy been complex interplay vested should suited interests plays beautifully one one parties realize progress threat disposability waste keep looms turningbr br but yes comedy albeit pointed one amid political ironies delicious performances good oldfashioned knockabout laughsbr br nonetheless biting satire endures dazzling white
[ "ealing studios perfect film fresh relevant half century later day releasedbr br as satire economic notions growth commercial need inbuilt obsolescence could scarcely uptotheminute film said hero literally wears plotbr br oddly parallels jurassic park messing environment literally turn round bite you spielberg shied away books brilliant central conceit tack nonsense children hmmmbr br in man white suit alec guiness plays idealistic young scientist comes cloth never gets dirty never wears out suddenly workers capital northern english mill working united never protection livelihoodsbr br of course ealing comedy been complex interplay vested should suited interests plays beautifully one one parties realize progress threat disposability waste keep looms turningbr brbut yes comedy albeit pointed one amid political ironies delicious performances good oldfashioned knockabout laughsbr br nonetheless biting satire endures dazzling white" ]
estudios de ealing película perfecta fresco relevante medio siglo más tarde lanzado br br como sátira económico nociones crecimiento necesidad comercial en construido obsolescencia apenas podría hasta el minuto película dijo héroe literalmente lleva plotbr br extrañamente paralelos parque jurásico ambiente literalmente vuelta vuelta alrededor bocado spielberg shied lejos libros brillante conceit central tack sinsentido niños hmmmbr br en hombre traje blanco alec guisss obras idealista joven científico viene tela nunca se ensucia nunca se desgasta repentinamente trabajadores capital norteño Inglés molino trabajar unido nunca protección medios de subsistencia br br por supuesto sealing comedia ha sido complejo interplay creados si intereses adecuados obras bellamente uno de los partidos se dan cuenta de progreso amenaza disposability residuos mantener telares convertido br br pero sí comedia sí señaló un medio político ironías deliciosas actuaciones buen pasado de moda knockout risas br br sin embargo mordedor sátira perdura deslumbrante blanco
losing fighti feel worthless alone want burden friends family attempted redflag december found late nothing live for wish would over please help me
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "losing fighti feel worthless alone want burden friends family attempted redflag december found late nothing live for wish would over please help me" ]
perder peleas me siento inútil solo quiero carga amigos familia intento rojo bandera diciembre encontrado tarde nada vivo por deseo por favor me ayude
seem good first kiss im gonna rant go basically quarantine cant really anything outside stay online met amazing girl days caught feeling asked started dating time grew closer closer together want meet person wont know ill house hour new year last minutes wed go roof look stars fireworks countdown begins wed stand up id grasp onto her pull in tell much love her give first kiss midnight new year
[ "seem good first kiss im gonna rant go basically quarantine cant really anything outside stay online met amazing girl days caught feeling asked started dating time grew closer closer together want meet person wont know ill house hour new year last minutes wed go roof look stars fireworks countdown begins wed stand up id grasp onto her pull in tell much love her give first kiss midnight new year" ]
parece bueno primer beso im va a ir rant básicamente cuarentena cant realmente cualquier cosa fuera de la estancia en línea conoció increíble chica días atrapados sentimiento preguntado comenzó citas tiempo más cerca juntos quieren conocer persona no conocer mal casa hora nuevo año último minutos casa ir techo mirar estrellas fuegos artificiales cuenta regresiva comienza wed ponerse de pie id agarrar en su tirón en decirle mucho amor dar primer beso medianoche año nuevo
wonder im person intentionally tries eat deathim sure right place post this im guy early s think around lbs ive suicidal least extent since maybe remember really life always sucked growing violent parents violent way society support nothing special problems school adult problems internal alone world always been fucked head care anything enjoy little so guess started joke maybe ive fan eating since age so fat since guess th grade weight lower s early s said something wanting die heart attack joking im coming elizabeth da bears last words point decided wanted eat junk food killed me honestly think id live long im scared cut wrist take pills part fear is im agnostic find blasphemous humor particularly amusing im good person ive lived society tell ya hell bullshit part believes it maybe part looks bad guy behind shower curtain get pee night me im funny make light anything think im serious honest still alive getting worse mentally neglecting ones health decade predictable results see coming comfortable carrying around legs hurt tired time junk squished pubic fat thigh fat expensive eating habits impossible find fitting pants offline etc ugly disgusting looking thing added benefit better excuse seeking impossible romantic attachment utterly fucked head am low opinion people eager become find spot back knife would fit best like idea fatal heart attack sudden unpredictable over like pressure actually pulling trigger taking pills taken hands put onto something almost like chance mean like one redflag pill taking would hard cyanide pill placebos mixed real good took one pill day thats easy right instead pill tasty burgers lunch another dinner even so think options continue see long last unless worsening depression drives take direct action cant turn back theres nothing world one trust talk to ive finally admitted sweet lies told cheer lies redacted cant seek therapy trust therapists least honorable professions charge hundreds dollars hour make feel better id rather die talk redacted damage ive done body hard work self denial surgeries dental work plastic surgery would take make normal serve convenient burnt bridge know anyone read this doubt could help wanted to think feel little better writing down least talk strangers respond getting offended would dare try hurt feelings hurt every single day poor babies
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "wonder im person intentionally tries eat deathim sure right place post this im guy early s think around lbs ive suicidal least extent since maybe remember really life always sucked growing violent parents violent way society support nothing special problems school adult problems internal alone world always been fucked head care anything enjoy little so guess started joke maybe ive fan eating since age so fat since guess th grade weight lower s early s said something wanting die heart attack joking im coming elizabeth da bears last words point decided wanted eat junk food killed me honestly think id live longim scared cut wrist take pills part fear is im agnostic find blasphemous humor particularly amusing im good person ive lived society tell ya hell bullshit part believes it maybe part looks bad guy behind shower curtain get pee nightme", "im funny make light anything think im serious honest still alive getting worse mentally neglecting ones health decade predictable results see coming comfortable carrying around legs hurt tired time junk squished pubic fat thigh fat expensive eating habits impossible find fitting pants offline etc ugly disgusting looking thing added benefit better excuse seeking impossible romantic attachment utterly fucked head am low opinion people eager become find spot back knife would fit best like idea fatal heart attack sudden unpredictable over like pressure actually pulling trigger taking pills taken hands put onto something almost like chance mean like one redflag pill taking would hard cyanide pill placebos mixed real good took one pill day thats easy right instead pill tasty burgers lunch another dinner even so think options continue see long last unless worsening depression drives take direct action cant turn back theres nothing world", "one trust talk to ive finally admitted sweet lies told cheer lies redacted cant seek therapy trust therapists least honorable professions charge hundreds dollars hour make feel better id rather die talk redacted damage ive done body hard work self denial surgeries dental work plastic surgery would take make normal serve convenient burnt bridge know anyone read this doubt could help wanted to think feel little better writing down least talk strangers respond getting offended would dare try hurt feelings hurt every single day poor babies" ]
wonder im persona intenta intencionalmente comer deathim lugar correcto seguro este im chico temprano s pensar alrededor de lbs ive suicida menor grado ya que tal vez recordar realmente la vida siempre chupado crecimiento violentos padres violencia manera sociedad apoyo nada problemas especiales escuela adultos problemas internos solo mundo siempre se ha follado cuidado de la cabeza cualquier cosa disfrutar poco así que supongo comenzó broma tal vez ive fan comer desde edad tan gordo desde conjeturas th grado peso más bajo s temprano s dijo algo que quería morir ataque al corazón broma im venir elizabeth da osos última palabra punto decidido quería comer comida chatarra me mató honestamente creo id vivo longim asustado cortar la muñeca tomar píldoras parte miedo es im agnóstico encontrar humor blasfemo particularmente divertido im buena persona viva sociedad contar ya infierno mierda parte cree que tal vez parte se ve mal chico detrás cortina ducha orina nocheme
question girls yall prefer oversized hoodies close fitting ones more personal preference thing filler filler filler filler filler filler filler
[ "question girls yall prefer oversized hoodies close fitting ones more personal preference thing filler filler filler filler filler filler filler" ]
las chicas de la pregunta yall prefieren las sudaderas de gran tamaño cerca de las que se ajustan más personal preferencia cosa relleno relleno relleno relleno relleno relleno relleno
kinda want make another tumblr account sure id able maintain though considering already trouble maintaining twitter
[ "kinda want make another tumblr account sure id able maintain though considering already trouble maintaining twitter" ]
un poco quiere hacer otra cuenta de tumblr seguro id capaz de mantener aunque considerando ya problemas para mantener twitter
teacher gave assignement make meme worth marks dammm plot twist though meme reflect choose art museum cant repost meme exactly
[ "teacher gave assignement make meme worth marks dammm plot twist though meme reflect choose art museum cant repost meme exactly" ]
maestro dio asignación meme meme vale la pena damm trama giro aunque meme reflejar elegir museo de arte no puede repost meme exactamente