options guyz pleaze choose ok choose thank u
[ "options guyz pleaze choose ok choose thank u" ]
opciones guyz plaze elegir ok elegir gracias u
future dream id really like happen me maybe dumb hold something could possibly never happen want grow bloom person decided recovering getting better person want do try hope try me toosn always option me though hour ago almost set hanging recovering hardi wish everyone well sorry life brought us point rooting us alwayshugs decided stay now
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "future dream id really like happen me maybe dumb hold something could possibly never happen want grow bloom person decided recovering getting better person want do try hope try me toosn always option me though hour ago almost set hanging recovering hardi wish everyone well sorry life brought us point rooting us alwayshugs decided stay now" ]
futuro sueño id realmente como me sucede tal vez tonto sostener algo podría posiblemente nunca suceder quiero crecer flor persona decidido recuperación conseguir mejor persona quiere intentar esperanza probarme toosn siempre opción mí aunque hace hora casi se puso colgar recuperación hardi deseo todos bien la vida lo siento nos trajo punto enraizándonos siempre nos decidió quedarse ahora
suicidal thoughts getting closer closer attempti hope means go psychiatric facility painful live need safe space
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "suicidal thoughts getting closer closer attempti hope means go psychiatric facility painful live need safe space" ]
pensamientos suicidas cada vez más cerca intento esperanza significa ir psiquiatría instalaciones dolorosas en vivo necesidad de espacio seguro
feeling like nothing changei feel like im going feel miserable now forever good things going me yet im always unhappy great friends yet feel soulcrushingly lonely literally real responsibilities right now yet im constantly stressed ive thoughts redflag since child right things going better theyve ever been yet im still miserable feel like nothing ever change events life keep changing misery ever present therapist took leave absence whole pandemic started supposed return april havent heard anything way contact her im sure come back everything going on course want prioritize safety months im becoming increasingly desperate ive tried many meds past years none ever helped including ones im currently on im tempted stop taking them im tempted give up
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "feeling like nothing changei feel like im going feel miserable now forever good things going me yet im always unhappy great friends yet feel soulcrushingly lonely literally real responsibilities right nowyet im constantly stressed ive thoughts redflag since child right things going better theyve ever been yet im still miserable feel like nothing ever change eventslife keep changing misery ever present therapist took leave absence whole pandemic started supposed return april havent heard anything way contact herim sure come back everything going on course want prioritize safety months im becoming increasingly desperate ive tried many meds past years none ever helped including ones im currently on im tempted stop taking them im tempted give up" ]
Sentirse como nada cambio me siento como que me voy a sentir miserable ahora para siempre cosas buenas que me van sin embargo siempre infeliz grandes amigos sin embargo siento alma aplastantemente solitario literalmente responsabilidades reales ahora mismo todavía estoy constantemente estresado pensamientos vivos bandera roja desde niño derecho cosas que van mejor nunca han sido sin embargo todavía miserable sentir como nada nunca cambiar eventos vida seguir cambiando miseria siempre presente terapeuta tomó ausencia entera pandemia comenzó supuesto retorno abril no han oído nada manera contacto herim seguro volver todo lo que va en curso quieren priorizar meses de seguridad me estoy volviendo cada vez más desesperado he probado muchos medicamentos pasados años ninguno ayudó incluyendo a los im actualmente en la tentación de dejar de tomar Im tentado renunciar
broke gf im really scaredso today broke gf almost year best friend one friends had lot unnecessary fights also took care world got bit much i sometimes short periods depression suicidal feelings pretty serious social anxiety many friends weve breaking months finally it cant say im relieved honest know better feel empty feel like anything told want remain friends want keep touch really itll hurt much says shell me want that want someone me time want anyone me makes sense me feel like fault person way handle things like fights insecurities know feel lonely
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "broke gfim really scaredso today broke gf almost year best friend one friends had lot unnecessary fights also took care world got bit muchi sometimes short periods depression suicidal feelings pretty serious social anxiety many friends weve breaking months finally it cant say im relieved honest know better feel empty feel like anything told want remain friends want keep touch really itll hurt much says shell me want that want someoneme time want anyone me makes sense me feel like fault person way handle things like fights insecurities know feel lonely" ]
gfim roto realmente asustadoso hoy roto gf casi año mejor amigo un amigo tenía muchas peleas innecesarias también tuvo cuidado mundo get bit muchi a veces períodos cortos depresión sentimientos suicidas bastante graves ansiedad social muchos amigos weve breaking meses finalmente no se puede decir i aliviado honesto saber mejor se siente vacío se siente como cualquier cosa dicho quieren seguir siendo amigos quieren mantener el tacto realmente me dolerá mucho dice cáscara quiero que quieren alguienme tiempo quiero a alguien me tiene sentido me siento como culpa persona manera manejar cosas como peleas inseguridades saber sentirse solitario
hey girl painted leonardo da vinci youre priceless is better cuz apparently yall dont like picasso
[ "hey girl painted leonardo da vinci youre priceless is better cuz apparently yall dont like picasso" ]
Hey chica pintado leonardo da vinci youre invaluable es mejor cuz aparentemente yall dont like picasso
feel empty feel like something missing me something need something makes happy something positive even make sence
[ "feel empty feel like something missing me something need something makes happy something positive even make sence" ]
Se siente vacío Se siente como algo que me falta algo que hace feliz algo positivo incluso hacer sence
good show entertaining good marshal arts acting good story plot entire main crew nice job robert urich chuck norris jennifer tung especially big hand judson mills especially fine tribute robert urich latter days great actor truly missed
[ "good show entertaining good marshal arts acting good story plot entire main crew nice job robert urich chuck norris jennifer tung especially big hand judson mills especially fine tribute robert urich latter days great actor truly missed" ]
buen show entretenido buenas artes marshal actuación buena historia trama todo el equipo principal buen trabajo Robert Urich Chuck Norris Jennifertung especialmente gran mano Judson molinos especialmente fino homenaje Robert Urich últimamente gran actor realmente perdido
hate post someone dm me fillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfiller
[ "hate post someone dm me fillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfiller" ]
odio post alguien dm me fillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfiller
family annoying always watching walking dead want watch anything else get mad me thats even worst part th time through watch litteraly anything else god damn
[ "family annoying always watching walking dead want watch anything else get mad me thats even worst partth time through watch litteraly anything elsegod damn" ]
familia molesta siempre viendo caminar muerto quiero ver cualquier otra cosa que me enoje que es incluso peor parte de tiempo a través de ver camadaly cualquier otra cosa maldita dios
redflag helpwould downing bottle tylenol pills drinking quite bit vodka kill me please recommend something thats common houses
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "redflag helpwould downing bottle tylenol pills drinking quite bit vodka kill me please recommend something thats common houses" ]
redflag helpwould downing botella píldoras de tilenol beber bastante poco vodka me mata por favor recomendar algo que casas comunes
ever awkward position listen friend talk something interest scared tell stop man hoping good time stop talking even kept nodding
[ "ever awkward position listen friend talk something interest scared tell stop man hoping good time stop talking even kept nodding" ]
siempre posición incómoda escuchar amigo hablar algo de interés miedo decirle a dejar de hombre con la esperanza de que el buen momento dejar de hablar incluso siguió asintiendo
prozac making suicidalim sorts horrible thoughts going head right now
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "prozac making suicidalim sorts horrible thoughts going head right now" ]
Prozac haciendo suicidas clases horribles pensamientos va cabeza en este momento
thoughts head empty mind quiet numb use rare opportunity sleep goodnight
[ "thoughts head empty mind quiet numb use rare opportunity sleep goodnight" ]
pensamientos cabeza vacía mente tranquila entumecimiento uso rara oportunidad dormir buenas noches
nothing fucking mattersdoes anyone else view similar mine im years old college biochemistry student track medical school ive got gpa right now everything feels completely fucking moot lot happy moments even bad moments view humanity existence anomaly tiny speck dust known earth hurdling several thousand miles per hour space were bound die eventually humanity wiped future almost trace existence afterwards even then probability life finding remnants infinitesimally small god afterlife far know cant go living life hoping ill happy still existence im dead cant force believe crap like without good reason
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "nothing fucking mattersdoes anyone else view similar mine im years old college biochemistry student track medical school ive got gpa right now everything feels completely fucking moot lot happy moments even bad moments view humanity existence anomaly tiny speck dust known earth hurdling several thousand miles per hour space were bound die eventually humanity wiped future almost trace existence afterwards even then probability life finding remnants infinitesimally small god afterlife far know cant go living life hoping ill happy still existenceim dead cant force believe crap like without good reason" ]
nada de mierda importa nadie ve similar mina im años de edad universidad bioquímica estudiante pista escuela de medicina ive got gpa en este momento todo se siente completamente jodidamente discutible momentos felices incluso malos momentos ver humanidad existencia anomalía diminuta mota polvo tierra conocida hurgando varios miles de millas por hora espacio estaban atados morir eventualmente humanidad borrado futuro casi traza existencia después incluso entonces probabilidad de vida encontrar restos infinitamente pequeño dios más allá saber lejos no puede ir vida vida esperando mal feliz todavía existenciaim muerto fuerza no puede creer mierda como sin una buena razón
time talking overim holding box cutter wrist trying work power get with cant fucking deal life anymore give get nothing return im fucking tired want rest great im crying im weakling deserve alive anyways
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "time talking overim holding box cutter wrist trying work power get with cant fucking deal life anymore give get nothing returnim fucking tired want rest greatim crying im weakling deserve alive anyways" ]
tiempo hablando overim sostener la caja cortador muñeca tratando de trabajo poder conseguir con cant puto trato vida más dar nada retorno mierda cansado querer descanso greenim llorando im debilling merecer vivo de todos modos
mean perfect breeding ground humans meant like covid bacteria stoff sorry beys
[ "mean perfect breeding ground humans meant like covid bacteria stoff sorry beys" ]
medio perfecto caldo de cultivo humanos significa como covidio bacterias stoff lo siento beys
parents house spring break nothing do suicidali friends literally lie bed stare ceiling went pc gaming cafe played games hours nothing else life worst part return university fucking hate even more working degree know get job go school lots stem majors agonizing swear thing take mind things video games went grocery stared charcoal consider charcoal burning redflag method someone please help me
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "parents house spring break nothing do suicidali friends literally lie bed stare ceiling went pc gaming cafe played games hours nothing else life worst part return university fucking hate even more working degree know get job go school lots stem majors agonizing swear thing take mind things video games went grocery stared charcoal consider charcoal burning redflag method someone please help me" ]
padres casa spring break nada hacer suicidas amigos literalmente mentira cama mirada techo ido pc juegos café juegos horas nada más vida peor parte vuelta universidad mierda odio aún más trabajo título saber conseguir trabajo ir escuelas lotes tronco mayores agonizante jurar cosa tener en cuenta cosas videojuegos ido tienda de comestibles mirada carbón considerar carbón quemado método Redflag alguien por favor ayúdame
im feeling impulsive want stop talking everyone awhile quit eating much need eat much do wayyy much
[ "im feeling impulsive want stop talking everyone awhile quit eating much need eat much do wayyy much" ]
Me siento impulsivo quiero dejar de hablar todo el mundo por un tiempo dejar de comer mucha necesidad de comer mucho hacer wayyy mucho
want run away home cant really like living family really hate starting get there explain situation dad left mom alone brother time fine left exchange when came back year later everything went sht mom never home neither brother home yell stuff even do always clean brother plus cook hes home leave one dirty cup table thinks yell mom always chooses side ive known long time mom favored brother become really obvious lately top that brother horrible girlfriend reference threatened kill suggested move party people could make it anyway cant take anymore today mom threatened send dog away even kill her want run away cant take dog cause dont want leave mother also money soon start college mom pays dorm rent also scared leave dog home leave college reason previously mentioned
[ "want run away home cant really like living family really hate starting get there explain situation dad left mom alone brother time fine left exchange when came back year later everything went sht mom never home neither brother home yell stuff even do always clean brother plus cook hes home leave one dirty cup table thinks yell mom always chooses side ive known long time mom favored brother become really obvious lately top that brother horrible girlfriend reference threatened kill suggested move party people could make it anyway cant take anymore today mom threatened send dog away even kill herwant run away cant take dog cause dont want leave mother also money soon start college mom pays dorm rent also scared leave dog home leave college reason previously mentioned" ]
quiero huir de casa no puede realmente como vivir familia realmente odio empezar allí explicar situación papá dejó mamá solo hermano tiempo bien intercambio izquierdo cuando volvió año después todo fue sht mamá nunca casa ni hermano casa gritar cosas incluso siempre limpio hermano además cocinero hes casa dejar una mesa sucia taza piensa gritar mamá siempre elige lado ive conocido largo tiempo mamá favorito hermano llegar a ser muy obvio últimamente top que hermano horrible novia referencia amenaza de matar propuesta mudanza gente podría hacer de todos modos no puede tomar más hoy mamá amenazó enviar perro incluso matar suwant huida no puede llevar perro causa no quiero dejar madre también dinero pronto comienza universidad mamá paga alquiler dormitorio también miedo perro casa dejar universidad razón anteriormente mencionado
good morning ladies gentlemen anyways recap last week ship got stuck canal another ship came crashed ship got stuck might semi truck oh thing happened vehicle lesson week drugs unless prevent crashing cars boats case take whole bottle gonna need them also small orange bell pepper died super mario bros gg mr bell pepper f chat coming next week terrorist attack amber heard
[ "good morning ladies gentlemen anyways recap last week ship got stuck canal another ship camecrashed ship got stuck might semi truckoh thing happened vehicle lesson week drugs unless prevent crashing cars boats case take whole bottle gonna need them also small orange bell pepper died super mario bros gg mr bell pepper f chat coming next week terrorist attack amber heard" ]
Buenos días damas caballeros de todos modos recapitulación barco se atascó canal otro barco naufragado barco se atascó podría semi camiónoh cosa pasó vehículo lección semana drogas a menos que evitar coches chocar caso barcos tomar botella completa va a necesitar también pequeños pimiento naranja mordido super mario bros gg mr bell pimiento f chat proximo semana ataque terrorista ámbar oído
anybody wanna talkfeel free message id like talk anybody else going it im years old seem nobody turn emotional support ig im best opening id love listen anyone willing talk
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "anybody wanna talkfeel free message id like talk anybody else going it im years old seem nobody turn emotional support igim best opening id love listen anyone willing talk" ]
alguien quiere hablar se siente libre mensaje id como hablar a alguien más va que im años de edad parece que nadie se convierte en apoyo emocional igim mejor apertura id amor escuchar a cualquiera que quiera hablar
someone vc w discord im bored hell idc tf dm
[ "someone vc w discord im boredhell idc tf dm" ]
alguien vc w discordancia im aburrell idc tf dm
gave free award wrong person comment section disappointment immeasurable day ruined
[ "gave free award wrong person comment section disappointment immeasurable day ruined" ]
dado premio gratis persona equivocada comentario sección decepción día inmensurable arruinado
want die im afraidlong story short im sex addict iv always careful got regular std tests found long time girlfriend gave herpes shes worry wort causes constant outbreaks last years depression never sex mentally destroyed me strong meds outbreaks year hardly ever sex dont want give anyone else iv settled relationship im longer able live life always hoped for wasnt scared id kill self tomorrow never really could expected life go way hide depression really well personality fun happy person ever met hate get std test started dating years ago plan kill times week months since iv sex feel like im going mentally shut able go work more im scared google redflag ideas thats really thats stopping more
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "want die im afraidlong story shortim sex addict iv always careful got regular std tests found long time girlfriend gave herpes shes worry wort causes constant outbreaks last years depression never sex mentally destroyed me strong meds outbreaks year hardly ever sex dont want give anyone else iv settled relationship im longer able live life always hoped for wasnt scared id kill self tomorrow never really could expected life go way hide depression really well personality fun happy person ever met hate get std test started dating years ago plan kill times week months since iv sex feel like im going mentally shut able go work more im scared google redflag ideas thats really thats stopping more" ]
want die im fearlong story shortim sex addict iv siempre cuidado tiene exámenes regulares std encontrado mucho tiempo novia le dio herpes shes preocup wort causas brotes constantes los últimos años depresión nunca sexo mental destruí me fuerte meds brotes año casi nunca sexo no quiero dar a nadie más iv relaciones establecidas i más tiempo capaz vivir vida siempre esperado para no era miedo id matar yo mañana nunca realmente podría esperar vida ir manera ocultar depresión realmente bien personalidad diversión persona feliz nunca conocido odio obtener prueba std comenzó citas años hace plan matar tiempos semana meses desde iv sexo se siente como im ir mentalmente cerrado capaz ir trabajo más im miedo google ideas bandera roja que es realmente eso parar más
noose drawerhi deeply convinced die im bad core belief thats deeply rooted me past months lost tried build leaving toxic home recovering it much hope anymore died house ive done past five years never destined work out lately like im back there act guilt toxic one im beyond getting better deserve it resolved finish job made noose planned act im afraid one check dead body want neighbor find two weeks smell want leave note friend whats left money im afraid hed find early interrupt me
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "noose drawerhi deeply convinced die im bad core belief thats deeply rooted me past months lost tried build leaving toxic home recovering it much hope anymore died house ive done past five years never destined work out lately like im back there act guilt toxic one im beyond getting better deserve it resolved finish job made noose planned act im afraid one check dead body want neighbor find two weeks smell want leave note friend whats left moneyim afraid hed find early interrupt me" ]
Noose gavenhi profundamente convencido de morir im mala creencia núcleo que me ha arraigado profundamente los últimos meses perdido construido tratado de salir de la casa tóxica recuperación de la esperanza ya más muerto casa ive hecho pasado cinco años nunca destinado trabajar hacia fuera últimamente como im volver allí acto de culpa tóxico uno im más allá de conseguir mejor merecer resuelto final trabajo hecho nudo acto planificado im miedo a un cheque cuerpo muerto quiere vecino encontrar dos semanas olor querer dejar nota amigo lo que dejó dineroim miedo hed encontrar temprano interrumpirme
eu referendum result last straw xpost rmmfbim male english not proud it worst year life graduated university managed get decent grade barely tried leaving got call centre job left month due pressure customersemployers causing numerous panic attacks day months later got temp job basic admin middle management fired weeks later panic attack november since self confidence hit rock bottom meaning job interviews could manage or bothered get come across terrible candidate and theyre wrong become partially dependant cannabis im antidepressant shit broke arm uk democratically decided leave eu cant see future myself redflag mind past months im starting seriously consider it im aware many people worse positions stronger depression suicidal thoughts im verge redflag im thinking lot tldr got degree tried different jobs failed both ive got confidence cannabis dependence broken arm useless antidepressants which cause insomnia go them uk decided leave eu based bigotry fear blind patriotism want live anymore
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "eu referendum result last straw xpost rmmfbim male english not proud it worst year life graduated university managed get decent grade barely tried leaving got call centre job left month due pressure customersemployers causing numerous panic attacks day months later got temp job basic admin middle management fired weeks later panic attack november since self confidence hit rock bottom meaning job interviews could manage or bothered get come across terrible candidate and theyre wrong become partially dependant cannabis im antidepressant shit broke arm uk democratically decided leave eu cant see future myself redflag mind past months im starting seriously consider it im aware many people worse positions stronger depression suicidal thoughtsim verge redflag im thinking lot tldr got degree tried different jobs failed both ive got confidence cannabis dependence broken arm useless antidepressants which cause insomnia go them uk decided leave eu based bigotry fear blind patriotism want live anymore" ]
eu referéndum resultado última paja xpost rmmfbim masculino Inglés no orgulloso peor año de vida graduada universidad manejada conseguir grado decente apenas intentado salir consiguió trabajo en el centro de llamadas izquierda mes debido a la presión clientes empleados causando numerosos ataques de pánico día meses más tarde consiguió temp trabajo administración básica administración media despedido semanas más tarde ataque de pánico noviembre desde confianza propia golpeó fondo significando trabajo entrevistas podrían manejar o molestarse llegar a través de terrible candidato y se equivocan se convierten parcialmente dependiente cannabis im antidepresivo mierda roto brazo uk democráticamente decidido dejar eu cant ver futuro yo mismo Redflag mente pasados meses im comenzar seriamente considerar que es consciente de muchas personas peores posiciones más fuerte depresión pensamientos suicidas border redflag im pensar mucho tldr grado tratado diferentes trabajos fallidos ambos tienen confianza cannabis dependencia brazo roto antidepresivos inútiles que causan insomnio van ellos uk decidió dejar eu basado en intolerancia miedo ciego patriotismo quieren vivir más
wrote something down would combined enough kill mei overdosed times beforebut nothing seems ever work careful calculated stealing random pills relativescopied notes svelta mig tvr til rjr vikur fyrst gera etta allt tman maga paracetamolacetaminophel mg hjartamagnlacetylsalic acid mg quetiapin actavis mg dimenhydrinate mg prednisolone actavis mg wellbutrin veit ekki mg concerta veit ekki mg alprazolam mg tylenolibuprofen gr kkan kassar af sru sterkt fengi poki yfir hausinn herbergi ea elliarrdal
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "wrote something down would combined enough kill mei overdosed times beforebut nothing seems ever work careful calculated stealing random pills relativescopied notes svelta mig tvr til rjr vikur fyrst gera etta allt tman maga paracetamolacetaminophel mg hjartamagnlacetylsalic acid mg quetiapin actavis mg dimenhydrinate mg prednisolone actavis mg wellbutrin veit ekki mg concerta veit ekki mg alprazolam mg tylenolibuprofen gr kkan kassar af sru sterkt fengi poki yfir hausinn herbergi ea elliarrdal" ]
Anotó algo que combinaría suficiente matar a mei tiempos de sobredosis antes pero nada parece trabajar cuidadosamente calculado robar pastillas al azar familiarescopiado notas svelta mig tvr til rjr vikur fyrst gera etta allt tman maga paracetamolacetaminophel mg hjartamagnlacetilsalic acid mg quetiapin actavis mg dimenhydrinate mg prednisolona actavis mg wellbutrin veit ekki mg concierto veit ekki mg alprazolam mg tylenolibuprofen g kkan kassar af sru sterkt fengi poki yfir harinn herbergi ea elirrdal
found combination lock store donations guess combination ill give helpful award digit code numbers ill try numbers get home go on place bets
[ "found combination lock store donations guess combination ill give helpful award digit code numbers ill try numbers get home go on place bets" ]
encontrado combinación de bloqueo de las donaciones de la tienda adivinar combinación mal dar números de código de premio útil números de intento enfermo números llegar a casa ir en el lugar apuestas
dont really wanna live past next birthdaymy birthday coming months ill turning every birthday depressing supposed die years ago nobody even cares im still anyways fact birthday literally ignored throughout whole life ive one decent birthday bittersweet memory lies anyways ive basically given life dont really see future me future envisioned years came crashing destroyed sense reality im also stuck right now parents basically holding hostage feel like loser failure lie people question ride bus dont job still live parents like im lazy stupid dont even know would first thing come mind things cars expensive housing state horrendously high actually problems parents psychotic easier explain ride bus save money gas say im living get enough money apartment fact job once car once apartment too lost things mental illness fucking stupid idiot im stuck parents wont let get job car mental help rather stay suffer homeless again ik im weak rather die point plus ive winging awhile planned dying years ago ever since failed first time future planned bf refer abusive ex severely damaged me lot people severely damaged me wheres punishment wheres damage ive tried think it feel fucking angry it guess caring stupid again also feel like reason killing time stupid last time killed myself ex abused shit felt worthless im scared life people everyday fine cant fucking normal im pathetic
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "dont really wanna live past next birthdaymy birthday coming months ill turning every birthday depressing supposed die years ago nobody even cares im still anyways fact birthday literally ignored throughout whole life ive one decent birthday bittersweet memory lies anyways ive basically given life dont really see future me future envisioned years came crashing destroyed sense reality im also stuck right now parents basically holding hostage feel like loser failure lie people question ride bus dont job still live parents like im lazy stupid dont even know would first thing come mind things cars expensive housing state horrendously high actually problems parents psychotic easier explain ride bus save money gas say im living get enough money apartment fact job once car once apartment too lost things mental illnessfucking stupid idiot im stuck parents wont let get job car mental help rather stay suffer homeless again ik", "im weak rather die point plus ive winging awhile planned dying years ago ever since failed first time future planned bf refer abusive ex severely damaged me lot people severely damaged me wheres punishment wheres damage ive tried think it feel fucking angry it guess caring stupid again also feel like reason killing time stupid last time killed myself ex abused shit felt worthless im scared life people everyday fine cant fucking normal im pathetic" ]
En realidad no quiero vivir más allá del próximo cumpleaños mi cumpleaños viene meses mal vuelta cada cumpleaños deprimente supuesto morir años hace nadie me importa todavía de todos modos hecho cumpleaños literalmente ignorado a lo largo de toda la vida ive un cumpleaños decente memoria agridulce mentiras de todos modos ive básicamente dado la vida realmente no ven futuro me futuro años imaginados venir estrellarse sentido realidad im también atascado ahora padres básicamente tener rehenes se siente como perdedor fracaso personas pregunta viaje autobús no trabajo todavía vivir padres como im perezoso estúpido ni siquiera saben lo primero viene mente cosas coches caros vivienda estado horriblemente alto en realidad problemas padres psicóticos más fácil explicar viaje autobús ahorrar dinero gas decir im vivir conseguir suficiente dinero apartamento hecho trabajo una vez que el coche una vez perdido cosas mental enfermedad maldito idiota im padres atascados no dejar de conseguir trabajo coche ayuda mental lugar sufrir sin hogar de nuevo ik
one use email function reddit kinda sad underappreciated
[ "one use email function reddit kinda sad underappreciated" ]
un uso de la función de correo electrónico reddit un poco triste subestimado
well bois finally said yes restraining order luckily covid instead feet feet
[ "well bois finally said yes restraining order luckily covid instead feet feet" ]
Bueno bois finalmente dijo sí orden de restricción afortunadamente codiciosos en lugar de pies pies
possible distill heart soul sportno pure lifestyleof surfing perfect form documentary done it documentary shows life waves people pioneers modern day vanguard pushing envelope big wave ever beenbr br stacy peraltaa virtual legend early s skateboarding days socal teenhas edited reams amazing stock interview footage essence created documentary masterpiece genre heart soul subject matterand clearly herehis genius fraught pure vision glamorize hype sentimentalize subject reveres surfers surfingbeach lifestyle whitewash either gritty reality sport wellbr br there much could said documentary surfers early history sport wild big wave surfers profiles greg noll first big wave personality arguably pioneered sport jeff carter amazing guy rode virtually alone years northern californias extremely dangerous mavericks big surf and centerpiece documentary laird hamliton big wave surfings present day messiahbr br there tremendous heart warmth among guysand girls show cameraand deep powerful love surfing ocean comes every word found story hamiltons adopted father met hamilton small year old boy practically forced dad especially heartwarming and again stripped syrupy sentimentalitybr br if like surfingor even dontthis wonderful documentary must watched student form someone simply appreciates incredibly welldone works art
[ "possible distill heart soul sportno pure lifestyleof surfing perfect form documentary done it documentary shows life waves people pioneers modern day vanguard pushing envelope big wave ever beenbr br stacy peraltaa virtual legend early s skateboarding days socal teenhas edited reams amazing stock interview footage essence created documentary masterpiece genre heart soul subject matterand clearly herehis genius fraught pure vision glamorize hype sentimentalize subject reveres surfers surfingbeach lifestyle whitewash either gritty reality sport wellbr br there much could said documentary surfers early history sport wild big wave surfers profiles greg noll first big wave personality arguably pioneered sport jeff carter amazing guy rode virtually alone years northern californias extremely dangerous mavericks big surf and", "centerpiece documentary laird hamliton big wave surfings present day messiahbr br there tremendous heart warmth among guysand girls show cameraand deep powerful love surfing ocean comes every word found story hamiltons adopted father met hamilton small year old boy practically forced dad especially heartwarming and again stripped syrupy sentimentalitybr br if like surfingor even dontthis wonderful documentary must watched student form someone simply appreciates incredibly welldone works art" ]
Destilado posible corazón alma sportno puro estilo de vida de surf forma perfecta documental hecho documental muestra ondas de vida gente pioneras día moderno vanguardia empujando sobre ola grande nunca ha sido br br stacy peraltaa leyenda virtual principios s skateboarding días socal adolescente ha editado resams increíble stock entrevista material material esencia creado documental obra maestra género corazón alma tema materiay claramente aquí su genio flash pura visión glamorizar hype sentimentalize tema venera surfistas surfistas surfbeach estilo de vida blanco o arenoso realidad deporte br br allí mucho podría decir surfistas documentales temprano historia deporte salvaje grandes olas surfers perfiles greg noll primera gran ola personalidad posiblemente pionero deporte jeff carter increíble chico montado virtualmente solo años norteño californias mavericks gran surf y
see say freddys nightmares cheesy ripoff obviously know good tv see it episodes packed drama blood freddy creative way kills people love freddys nightmares hope get episodes dvd best episodes are saturday night specialschool daze love stinks think series sucked entitled opinion remember opinion means nothing freddys nightmares always one best series ever come accept fact soon enough like watch deny brilliance
[ "see say freddys nightmares cheesy ripoff obviously know good tv see it episodes packed drama blood freddy creative way kills people love freddys nightmares hope get episodes dvd best episodes are saturday night specialschool daze love stinks think series sucked entitled opinion remember opinion means nothing freddys nightmares always one best series ever come accept fact soon enough like watch deny brilliance" ]
ver decir freddys pesadillas cheesy drapoff obviamente saben buena televisión ver episodios repletos de drama sangre freddy manera creativa mata a la gente ama freddys pesadillas esperanza conseguir episodios dvd mejores episodios son sábado noche specialschool daze el amor apesta pensar serie chupada titulada opinión recordar opinión significa nada freddys pesadillas siempre una mejor serie nunca llegar aceptar hecho lo suficientemente pronto como ver negar brillantez
want real school back online school tiring like fall asleep every single day took away pe class online school restarted march cant socialize online school focusing ability fell floor and probably took grades along restart online school cant play chess friends break start online school
[ "want real school back online school tiring like fall asleep every single day took away pe class online school restarted march cant socialize online school focusing ability fell floor and probably took grades along restart online school cant play chess friends break start online school" ]
quiere escuela real de nuevo en línea escuela cansado como dormirse cada día se llevó pe clase en línea escuela reiniciada marcha cant socialize en línea escuela enfoque capacidad cayó piso y probablemente tomó notas a lo largo de reinicio escuela en línea no puede jugar ajedrez amigos descanso empezar escuela en línea
finallyim finally gonna meet dead parents wonder happen people around me last words haha laugh myself im loser
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "finallyim finally gonna meet dead parents wonder happen people around me last words haha laugh myself im loser" ]
Finalmente voy a conocer a los padres muertos. Me pregunto si la gente me rodea.
give things weeks school need stuff holidays suggest things and im studying
[ "give things weeks school need stuff holidays suggest things and im studying" ]
dar cosas semanas escuela necesidad cosas vacaciones sugerir cosas e im estudio
movie parts every around minutes long based true story life joe bonanno telling see events notice heard different it movie make tied chair till end think possible watch row notice watched row next day row acting movie ok scenes awesome general could bather movie acting special effects glamor one show real thing story key movie one look spectacular rambomatrixtitanic movie skip one good thing movie follow main story long boring love scenes different interrupt something important crime business bonanno
[ "movie parts every around minutes long based true story life joe bonanno telling see events notice heard different it movie make tied chair till end think possible watch row notice watched row next day row acting movie ok scenes awesome general could bather movie acting special effects glamor one show real thing story key movie one look spectacular rambomatrixtitanic movie skip one good thing movie follow main story long boring love scenes different interrupt something important crime business bonanno" ]
partes de la película cada alrededor de minutos basada larga historia verdadera vida joe bonanno contar ver eventos aviso oído diferente que película hacer silla atada hasta el final pensar posible ver fila aviso ver fila siguiente fila actuación película ok escenas impresionante general podría bañista película actuación efectos especiales glamor un espectáculo real historia clave película una mirada espectacular rambomatrixtitanic película saltar una buena película seguir una historia principal larga aburrida escenas de amor diferentes interrupción algo importante crimen negocio bonanno
survival instinct prevents ending emotional falloutis anyone else frightened pain unsuccessful attempt hurt cause loved ones im meant feel blessed people care unlike people last thing im hanging onto think parents eventually understand death good thing would wanted go also think articulated adequately would able live without regret thinking could done something different ultimately life become less meaningful years everyone forget anyway probably selfish thats level apathy im at
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "survival instinct prevents ending emotional falloutis anyone else frightened pain unsuccessful attempt hurt cause loved ones im meant feel blessed people care unlike people last thing im hanging onto think parents eventually understand death good thing would wanted go also think articulated adequately would able live without regret thinking could done something different ultimately life become less meaningful years everyone forget anyway probably selfish thats level apathy im at" ]
Instinto de supervivencia evita acabar con las consecuencias emocionales es cualquier otra persona dolor miedo intento infructuoso daño causa seres queridos im significa sentir que la gente bendecida se preocupa a diferencia de la gente última cosa im aferrarse a pensar que los padres finalmente entender la muerte buena cosa querría ir también pensar articulado adecuadamente podría vivir sin arrepentimiento pensar podría hacer algo diferente vida convertirse en menos años significativos todos olvidan de todos modos probablemente egoísta que es nivel de apatía im en
im completely alone foreign country im afraidive lost fiancee drug addiction had moved china kicked habit reality situation kicking in today best friend basically brother started hate something did last person left world ive suicidal different im afraid go home live fifth floor im afraid ill throw window
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "im completely alone foreign country im afraidive lost fiancee drug addiction had moved china kicked habit reality situation kicking in today best friend basically brother started hate something did last person left world ive suicidal differentim afraid go home live fifth floorim afraid ill throw window" ]
I completamente solo país extranjero I miedo perdido novia droga adicción se había movido China pateó hábito realidad situación patadas en hoy mejor amigo básicamente hermano comenzó odio algo hizo última persona izquierda mundo ive suicida differentim miedo ir a casa en vivo quinto pisoim miedo mal tirar ventana
life cant everyone rightmuch like everything else world things everybody couldnt life itself maybe im cut life
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "life cant everyone rightmuch like everything else world things everybody couldnt life itself maybe im cut life" ]
la vida no puede a todo el mundo como todo lo demás cosas que todo el mundo no podía vivir en sí mismo tal vez im cortar la vida
important question pls answer anyones birthday one june exactly
[ "important question pls answer anyones birthday one june exactly" ]
importante pregunta pls responder cualquier persona cumpleaños un junio exactamente
know whats really sad weeks ago camp hanging supposedly straight guys supposed sleep tent playing around acting gaylike which appreciate since im gay im like okay everything fine topic gays came up dude like think gays expected positive answers considering acting night instead got worst possible results ever agreed belong hell moment heart broke why wtf wrong them slightly tried hint arguments statement slightly accidentally myself avail quickly moved another topic atmosphere getting quite heavy day still act gay tbh im kinda attracted one guy occasionally gives hugs tells pick lines then tell one back instant keep head im pretty sure straight thats dilemma dont know actually gay hard read guys acting gay idk every guy high school acts gay least cant read back anyway please send help guy doesnt want leave mind hes got cute funny great hugger cute funny great personality feel like wanna forever person made felt way since previous rejection help im trying keep options god fucking damn it gay hard
[ "know whats really sad weeks ago camp hanging supposedly straight guys supposed sleep tent playing around acting gaylike which appreciate since im gayim likeokay everything fine topic gays came up dude like think gays expected positive answers considering acting night instead got worst possible results ever agreed belong hell moment heart broke why wtf wrong them slightly tried hint arguments statement slightly accidentally myself avail quickly moved another topic atmosphere getting quite heavy day still act gay tbh im kinda attracted one guy occasionally gives hugs tells pick lines then tell one back instant keep head im pretty sure straight thats dilemma dont know actually gay hard read guys acting gay idk every guy high school acts gay least cant read back anyway please send help guy doesnt want leave mindhes got cute funny great hugger cute funny great personality feel like wanna forever person made felt way since previous rejection help im trying keep optionsgod fucking damn it gay hard" ]
¿Sabes lo que es realmente triste semanas hace campamento colgando supuestamente heterosexuales chicos supuesto tienda de dormir jugando alrededor de actuar gaylike que apreciar desde im gayim likeokay todo buen tema gays surgió tío como pensar gays espera respuestas positivas considerando actuación noche en lugar consiguió peores resultados posibles nunca acordado pertenecen infierno momento corazón roto por qué wtf wolf levemente probado argumentos declaración ligeramente accidentalmente aprovechó rápidamente otro tema ambiente conseguir bastante pesado día todavía acto gay tbh im tipo atraído un chico ocasionalmente da abrazos le dice a las líneas de selección luego decir un instante atrás mantener la cabeza im claro que no sé realmente gay duro leer chicos actuación gay idd cada chico secundaria actos gay menos no puede leer de todos modos enviar ayuda chico no quiere dejar mentehes lindo divertido gran abrazo lindo gran personalidad se siente como querer para siempre persona se sintió manera desde rechazo anterior ayuda im tratar mantener opcionesgod maldita sea gay duro
slugsoul shenanigans feel like shit
[ "slugsoul shenanigans feel like shit" ]
slugsoul shenanigans se sienten como la mierda
like snapcheddar reddit memes snapchedit reddar memes hm either way im aware dank world ripe snapcheddits it boys
[ "like snapcheddar reddit memes snapchedit reddar memes hm either way im aware dank world ripe snapcheddits it boys" ]
como snapcheddar reddit memes snapchedit reddar memes hm de cualquier manera estoy consciente de mundo dank madura snapchedddits it boys
think quote least correct wrong sticking past days depression started years ago bullied school staff surface sound bad treatment went genuinely left permanent scar me emotional turmoil put young age saw quote twice day kept sticking realized true feel like emotionally matured past point young happened stuck past years still throw tantrums fear alone naivete even methods self harm childish still feel like child literally feel process emotions like child does know even move past trauma think will emotional state including depression everything brought it changed years maybe things feel like getting worse dealing bigger problems able emotionally handle older get biting chew year old problems alot different almost year old problems want get help bad even know start myself let alone financially stuck here you emotionally mature past age traumatized at
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "think quote least correct wrong sticking past days depression started years ago bullied school staff surface sound bad treatment went genuinely left permanent scar me emotional turmoil put young age saw quote twice day kept sticking realized true feel like emotionally matured past point young happened stuck past years still throw tantrums fear alone naivete even methods self harm childish still feel like child literally feel process emotions like child does know even move past trauma think will emotional state including depression everything brought it changed years maybe things feel like getting worse dealing bigger problems able emotionally handle older get biting chew year old problems alot different almost year old problems want get help bad even know start myself let alone financially stuck here you emotionally mature past age traumatized at" ]
Creo que la cita menos correcta mal pegarse días pasados depresión comenzó hace años superficie del personal escolar intimidado sonido mal tratamiento fue genuinamente izquierda permanente cicatriz me emocional agitación puso joven edad vio cita dos veces día se mantuvo fiel fiel fieltro emocional madurado pasado punto joven pasó atascado años pasados todavía lanzar rabietas miedo solo ingenuidad incluso métodos auto daño infantil todavía se siente como niño literalmente sentir el proceso emociones como el niño sabe incluso mover pasado trauma pensar estado emocional incluyendo depresión todo lo trajo cambiado años tal vez las cosas se sienten como peor tratar problemas más grandes capaz de manejar emocionalmente más viejo conseguir morder problemas de masticar año viejo mucho diferente problemas quieren obtener ayuda mal incluso saber empezar financieramente mucho menos quedarse aquí emocionalmente maduro pasado traumatizado en
thinking hanging late september medication life badcannot fixedhi im antidepressants felt good told doctor want go mg mg eventually meds month became different person depression came back doctor told go back mg did month feel mostly normal recently started feeling suicidal never happened before set deadline hanging dont know meds life bad im already mg
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "thinking hanging late september medication life badcannot fixedhi im antidepressants felt good told doctor want go mg mg eventually meds month became different person depression came back doctor told go back mg did month feel mostly normal recently started feeling suicidal never happened before set deadline hanging dont know meds life badim already mg" ]
pensar colgando a finales de septiembre medicación vida badcannot filli im antidepresivos se sentía bien dijo al médico que quería ir mg mg meses de medicación se convirtió en diferente persona depresión volvió médico le dijo volver mg de vuelta hizo mes se sentía en su mayoría normal recientemente comenzó a sentirse suicida nunca ocurrió antes de plazo fijado colgar no sé meds vida badim ya mg
give reddit name someone send pictures sheep dont use u ping see
[ "give reddit name someone send pictures sheep dont use u ping see" ]
dar reddit nombre alguien enviar fotos ovejas no utilizar u ping ver
cant come familyhi made new account post others would find main account really want happen anyway around five years ive kept large sercret family im bisexual much attracted gender so come relatively great family minus mother grandmother im extremely close to said numerous times everyone family anyone gay thatd particularly mind shed still love us great know found actually support gay people all father incredible guy makes jokes mocking gay people often makes little bit harder talk theyre like this managed open friends around year ago extremely supportive odd them high school grew apart ive cut connections them one talk anymore theres much building life including this becoming much want spend rest life like this honest think can ive thinking redflag much lately everything final straw mean got close oding last night im lost know do
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "cant come familyhi made new account post others would find main account really want happen anyway around five years ive kept large sercret family im bisexual much attracted gender so come relatively great family minus mother grandmotherim extremely close to said numerous times everyone family anyone gay thatd particularly mind shed still love us great know found actually support gay people all father incredible guy makes jokes mocking gay people often makes little bit harder talk theyre like this managed open friends around year ago extremely supportive odd them high school grew apartive cut connections them one talk anymore theres much building life including this becoming much want spend rest life like this honest think can ive thinking redflag much lately everything final straw mean got close oding last night im lost know do" ]
No puede venir familyhi hizo nueva cuenta post otros encontrarían la cuenta principal realmente quieren suceder de todos modos alrededor de cinco años ive have have big sercret family im bisexual much attracted gender tan come relativamente gran familia menos madre abuelaim extremadamente cerca de decir numerosas veces a todos los familiares a alguien gay que mente particularmente derramado todavía amor nos gran saber encontró realmente apoyo gay gente todo padre increíble chico hace bromas burlas gay gente a menudo hace poco más difícil hablar son como este manejado amigos abiertos hace un año muy solidarios extraña ellos secundaria creció aparte conexiones corte ellos una charla más hay mucho edificio vida incluyendo este convertirse en mucho deseo pasar la vida de descanso como este pensamiento honesto puede vivir pensamiento rojo mucho últimamente todo final paja medio se cerró oding anoche im perdido saber hacer
husband wants divorce disable schizo useless spouse blame him think much want dieposted schizo subreddit relationship troubleshttpswwwredditcomrschizophreniacommentsevmnwhave_any_tips_for_schizos_in_relationships_with says want continue relationship felt close years over wanting help move kicking anything sat hours talking kept thinking much want die strength start over im broken now edit looks like going spend thanksgiving alone told want go hang family cant spend time around people losing ghosts
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "husband wants divorce disable schizo useless spouse blame him think much want dieposted schizo subreddit relationship troubleshttpswwwredditcomrschizophreniacommentsevmnwhave_any_tips_for_schizos_in_relationships_with says want continue relationship felt close years over wanting help move kicking anything sat hours talking kept thinking much want die strength start over im broken now edit looks like going spend thanksgiving alone told want go hang family cant spend time around people losing ghosts" ]
marido quiere divorcio schizo inútil cónyuge culpa él piensa mucho dieposted schizo subreddit problemas de la relación httpswwwredditcomrschizophreniacommentsevmnwhave_any_tips_for_schizos_in_relationships_with says want continue relationship feeled years on want heavy move kicking any sat hours talking seguid pensando mucho quiero morir fuerza comenzar de nuevo roto ahora editar parece como va a pasar acción de gracias solo dijo querer colgar familia no puede pasar tiempo alrededor de la gente perdiendo fantasmas
sure reason live enough anymoremy partner years went lovers best friends their choice mine longer trust made bad choices past i cheated understand viewpoint entirely still madly love them know go on miracle cheated still together trying work it honor trust paramount me know cheating destroyed things im cheater immediately regretted came senses killing option thought partner want make sad figured maybe regain shred honor living them make smile living punish did im sure keep going anymore barely able keep going before thought things mend wrong partner deserves world longer give that want best friend cant make happy give trust like loving relationship can like used have know do think soldier anymore could never bear sight someone else even though know would happier cant anymore im scumbag honorless piece shit cheating deserve die anyways
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "sure reason live enough anymoremy partner years went lovers best friends their choice mine longer trust made bad choices past i cheated understand viewpoint entirely still madly love them know go on miracle cheated still together trying work it honor trust paramount me know cheating destroyed things im cheater immediately regretted came senses killing option thought partner want make sad figured maybe regain shred honor living them make smile living punish did im sure keep going anymore barely able keep going before thought things mend wrong partner deserves world longer give that want best friend cant make happy give trust like loving relationship can like used have know do think soldier anymore could never bear sight someone else even though know would happier cant anymore im scumbag honorless piece shit cheating deserve die anyways" ]
seguro razón vivir bastante más mi pareja años ido amantes mejores amigos su elección mi confianza más largo hizo malas elecciones pasado he engañado entender punto de vista completamente todavía loco amor ellos saber ir en el milagro engañado aún juntos tratando de trabajo confianza honor supremo yo sé trampa cosas destruidas im tramposo inmediatamente arrepentido vino sentidos matar opción pensamiento pareja quiere hacer triste figura tal vez recuperar small honor vivir ellos hacer sonrisa vivir castigo no estoy seguro de seguir adelante apenas capaz seguir adelante antes pensamiento las cosas reparar pareja equivocada merece mundo más tiempo dar que quieren mejor amigo no puede hacer feliz dar confianza como relación amorosa puede haber utilizado saber pensar soldado más nunca podría soportar a alguien más a pesar de saber más feliz no puede más im scumbag pieza sin honor engaño merece morir de todos modos
well almost everything done tomorrow rest world go test leaners permit drive except one final drive wise captain said may fortune favor foolish
[ "well almost everything done tomorrow rest world go test leaners permit drive except one final drive wise captain said may fortune favor foolish" ]
Bueno, casi todo lo que se hace mañana resto mundo ir magros de prueba permiten conducir excepto un viaje final sabio capitán dijo que la fortuna favor tonto
someone take blue cheese smells bad want it
[ "someone take blue cheese smells bad want it" ]
alguien toma queso azul huele mal que lo desee
looking norwegian speaking friends play games talk either already speak intend want learn much norwegian can already know bit dm want
[ "looking norwegian speaking friends play games talk either already speak intendwant learn much norwegian can already know bit dm want" ]
Mirando a los amigos noruegos que hablan juego hablar ya hablar intentionwant aprender mucho noruego ya puede saber bit dm querer
helpi adhd know good self diagnose know itmy family doesnt take seriously though ive looked almost symptoms anyways also anxiety diagnosed im relaly anxious next school year anyways mom tried get diagnosed adhd kept nagging got forms give teachers forgot give one form take doctor guess one concluded didnt adhd confessed forgot give forms said wont go back doctor get diagnosed get really bad headaches whenever im faced much work focus one right told parents wanted try grapeseed extract read good focus yelled me really dont want help way marks low last school year want fucking kill myself people adhd dont belong earth cant function it feel like burden everybody know cant schoolwork go living ill probably fucking bum dont know do killing makes sense honestly im pretty worthless really cant anything without getting fucking migraine help
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "helpi adhd know good self diagnose know itmy family doesnt take seriously though ive looked almost symptoms anyways also anxiety diagnosed im relaly anxious next school year anyways mom tried get diagnosed adhd kept nagging got forms give teachers forgot give one form take doctor guess one concluded didnt adhd confessed forgot give forms said wont go back doctor get diagnosed get really bad headaches whenever im faced much work focus one right told parents wanted try grapeseed extract read good focus yelled me really dont want help way marks low last school year want fucking kill myself people adhd dont belong earth cant function it feel like burden everybody know cant schoolwork go living ill probably fucking bum dont know do killing makes sense honestly im pretty worthless really cant anything without getting fucking migraine help" ]
helpi adhd saber buen autodiagnóstico saber que mi familia no se toma en serio aunque ive parecía casi síntomas de todos modos también ansiedad diagnosticada im relaly ansioso próximo año escolar de todos modos mamá intentó conseguir diagnóstico adhd siguió molestando obtener formularios dar profesores olvidado dar una forma tomar doctor conjetura uno concluyó adhd adhd confesado olvido dar formularios dijo que no volver doctor se diagnostican realmente mal dolor de cabeza cada vez que se enfrenta mucho trabajo enfoque uno derecho dijo que los padres querían probar extracto de uva leído buen enfoque gritaba realmente no quiero ayuda manera marcas bajas el año pasado la escuela quieren mierda matar a mí mismo gente adhd no pertenece tierra no funciona se siente como carga todo el mundo sabe que el trabajo escolar va a vivir enfermo probablemente maldito vagabundo no sabe matar tiene sentido honestamente im bastante inútil realmente no puede nada sin conseguir mierda ayuda migraña
merry christmas thats merry christmas
[ "merry christmas thats merry christmas" ]
Feliz Navidad. Feliz Navidad.
im bisexual friends say theyre default settings referring it dont think homophobic think is prove is
[ "im bisexual friends say theyre default settings referring it dont think homophobic think is prove is" ]
Los amigos bisexuales dicen que son ajustes predeterminados refiriéndolos no creen que el pensamiento homofóbico es probar es
well boss officially hates mei work last week last week doctors office building absolutely one here meanwhile everyone else vacation weeks except me stay dreadful office hours think thats fair im struggling significantly mental health pm came office late times got cause barely get sleep nightmares hallucinations today came late im anything answering phones sitting hours boss angry talk im late hired here definitely convinced full hates me suspected know everyone literally hates meall family thats zero friends im school cant even focus anymore depression thoughts getting bad im really ready now
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "well boss officially hates mei work last week last week doctors office building absolutely one here meanwhile everyone else vacation weeks except me stay dreadful office hours think thats fair im struggling significantly mental health pm came office late times got cause barely get sleep nightmares hallucinations today came lateim anything answering phones sitting hours boss angry talk im late hired here definitely convinced full hates me suspected know everyone literally hates meall family thats zero friends im school cant even focus anymore depression thoughts getting bad im really ready now" ]
Bueno jefe oficialmente odia el trabajo mei la semana pasada la semana pasada doctores oficina edificio absolutamente uno aquí mientras que todos los demás semanas de vacaciones excepto me quedo horrible horas de oficina creo que es justo Im luchando significativamente salud mental pm llegó oficina tarde tiempos consiguió causa apenas conseguir sueño pesadillas alucinaciones hoy llegó tarde cualquier respuesta teléfonos sentado horas jefe enojado hablar im tarde contratado aquí definitivamente convencido completo odios sospecha saber que todos literalmente me odia toda la familia que s cero amigos im escuela ni siquiera se centran más pensamientos depresión conseguir mal im realmente listo ahora
dont get itwhat point living know rest years plagued misery loneliness okay many us keeps going im running things keep going im getting tired people thinking depression something want want this want feel normal whatever normal is
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "dont get itwhat point living know rest years plagued misery lonelinessokaymany us keeps going im running things keep going im getting tired people thinking depression something want want this want feel normal whatever normal is" ]
No lo entiendas¿qué punto de vida saber años de descanso miseria plagada soledadokaymuchos nos sigue corriendo las cosas seguir adelante Im conseguir gente cansada pensando depresión algo quiere que este deseo sentirse normal lo que sea normal es
hello name ang years old struggling battle redflag depression quite long time now right going rough period able get bed sleeping crying feel meaning life pointless point human life dumb miss able feel something feel lost idk release pain trying something dumb point feel point here sort comment appreciated thanks lost life
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "hello name ang years old struggling battle redflag depression quite long time now right going rough period able get bed sleeping crying feel meaning life pointless point human life dumb miss able feel something feel lost idk release pain trying something dumb point feel point here sort comment appreciated thanks lost life" ]
hola nombre ang años de edad lucha lucha redflag depresión bastante tiempo ahora derecho ir duro período capaz conseguir cama dormir llorando sentir significado vida sin sentido punto humano vida tonta señorita capaz sentir algo se siente perdido idk liberación dolor intentar algo tonto punto sentir punto aquí ordenar comentario apreciado gracias vida perdida
things got better middle school thankfully sad literally years young child when life supposed good rough still affect life day home life wasnt super bad school living hell excluded everything still day tend view world harsh unaccepting sorry rant sad cruel teachers students elementary school bullying elementary school directly caused many mental health issues
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "things got better middle school thankfully sad literally years young child when life supposed good rough still affect life day home life wasnt super bad school living hell excluded everything still day tend view world harsh unaccepting sorry rant sad cruel teachers students elementary school bullying elementary school directly caused many mental health issues" ]
las cosas mejoraron la escuela secundaria afortunadamente triste literalmente años niño pequeño cuando la vida supone bien duro todavía afectan la vida día casa la vida no era super mala escuela vivir infierno excluido todo todavía día tienden a ver el mundo duro ignominioso triste cruel profesores estudiantes escuela primaria intimidación escuela primaria directamente causó muchos problemas de salud mental
solumnotes care one depart pain unshared sentient beings shatter light glass marines reign supreme insignificant seem soul share another human being empty shell full life mediocre hellish strife parasitic nothing more times eradication yesterday tomorrows war
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "solumnotes care one depart pain unshared sentient beings shatter light glass marines reign supreme insignificant seem soul share another human being empty shell full life mediocre hellish strife parasitic nothing more times eradication yesterday tomorrows war" ]
solumnotes cuidado uno parte dolor seres sintientes no compartidos romper luz vidrio marinos reina suprema insignificante parece alma compartir otro ser humano vacio cáscara vida completa mediocre infierno lucha parasitaria nada más erradicación ayer mañana guerra
serious kinda political question im gonna put anonymous form put username interested sub thinks httpsformsgledimrtqkefyzxm
[ "serious kinda political question im gonna put anonymous form put username interested sub thinks httpsformsgledimrtqkefyzxm" ]
serio tipo de pregunta política im va a poner forma anónima poner nombre de usuario interesado sub piensa httpsformsgledimrtqkefyzxm
called jewish slur hate public schools full racist homophobic antisemitic as well religions guy m constantly says horrible things bus causes problems every single day today got angry making fun jewish songs told shut responded calling kike thats like saying nword person
[ "called jewish slur hate public schools full racist homophobic antisemitic as well religions guy m constantly says horrible things bus causes problems every single day today got angry making fun jewish songs told shut responded calling kike thats like saying nword person" ]
llamadas insultos judíos odio escuelas públicas completo antisemita racista homofóbico así religiones chico m constantemente dice cosas horribles autobús causa problemas cada día hoy se enojó haciendo divertido canciones judías dijo a cerrar respondió llamando a Kike que es como decir nword persona
im tiredfor last weeks ive tired like walking miles miles miles barely keep eyes open matter much sleep im still exhausted life bad friends wonderful family shit theyre problem want keep going im tired feeling second best im tired exhausted numb im tired
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "im tiredfor last weeks ive tired like walking miles miles miles barely keep eyes open matter much sleep im still exhausted life bad friends wonderful family shit theyre problem want keep going im tired feeling second best im tired exhausted numb im tired" ]
Estoy cansado las últimas semanas estoy cansado como caminar millas millas millas millas apenas mantener los ojos abiertos materia mucho sueño todavía exhausto vida malos amigos maravilloso familia mierda ellosre problema quieren seguir cansado sentirse segundo mejor estoy cansado cansado adormecido estoy cansado
feel like im gonna die man allergies suck nose plugged both nostrils barley breath throat hurts hurts breath mouth im basically gasping air every couple seconds cause cant breath want fucking die hate much i cant breath i feel like im going to die in my sleep
[ "feel like im gonna die man allergies suck nose plugged both nostrils barley breath throat hurts hurts breath mouth im basically gasping air every couple seconds cause cant breath want fucking die hate much i cant breathi feel like im going to die in my sleep" ]
Siento como que voy a morir alergias hombre chupar nariz tapado ambas fosas nasales cebada aliento dolor de garganta respiración boca im básicamente jadeo aire cada dos segundos causa aliento no puedo querer morir odio mucho no puedo respirar siento como que voy a morir en mi sueño
know live sober throw away account going written like slop would like apologize first that abusing drugs alcohol since feel like cannot deal life sober state started using heroin two years ago bi polar young lady needed put manic mind rest amazing although using lot less due resent overdose substituted alcohol pills again matter always self harming myself whether drugs cutting starving always need harm body cannot cope taking advice reading here past months keep telling kill today ill wait till tomorrow weekend see feel im end cant keep going tried get help many times clinics hospitals never seem help resent doctor drop health insurance dropped me stop taking meds last summer due well poor student medical bills overdoses attempts even process mother kicked recently bare watch anymore cant even talk really fathers passing anyway even want die feel to cant live like anymore thank reading
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "know live sober throw away account going written like slop would like apologize first that abusing drugs alcohol since feel like cannot deal life sober state started using heroin two years ago bi polar young lady needed put manic mind rest amazing although using lot less due resent overdose substituted alcohol pills again matter always self harming myself whether drugs cutting starving always need harm body cannot cope taking advice reading here past months keep telling kill today ill wait till tomorrow weekend see feel im end cant keep going tried get help many times clinics hospitals never seem help resent doctor drop health insurance dropped me stop taking meds last summer due well poor student medical bills overdoses attempts even process mother kicked recently bare watch anymore cant even talk really fathers passing anyway even want die feel to cant live like anymore thank reading" ]
saber vida sobria tirar cuenta va escrito como slop quisiera pedir disculpas primero que abusar de las drogas alcohol ya se siente como no puede lidiar con la vida estado sobrio comenzó a usar heroína hace dos años bi polar joven señora necesitaba poner manía mente descanso increíble aunque el uso de mucho menos debido resentimiento sobredosis sustituido píldoras de alcohol de nuevo importa siempre autolesionismo si las drogas cortar hambre siempre necesita daño cuerpo no puede hacer frente a la lectura aquí meses pasados seguir diciendo matar hoy mal esperar hasta mañana fin de semana see feel im end no puedo seguir tratando conseguir ayuda muchas veces clínicas hospitales nunca parece ayuda resentido doctor gota seguro de salud me dejó dejar de tomar medicamentos el verano pasado debido a los pobres estudiantes facturas médicas intentos de sobredosis incluso proceso madre pateado recientemente reloj desnudo ya no puede hablar realmente padres pasando de todos modos incluso quiero morir sentirse no puede vivir como más gracias lectura
feel like im stuck ruthi all im years old live united kingdom near dover past hours ive feeling low unhappy life right im final gcse exams im going get good grades ill probably getting ds es worse try hardest enough im overweight loser whos best enough never seem lose weight ive tried several times past unfortunately always seems fail skinny perhaps id confidence feel like ill probably commit redflag im im stuck home pretty much everyday school finished friends teamspeak voip talk to couple friends school social life girlfriend heh me girfriend happening id like nice job wife daughter move canada think ive damaged much young child especially weight normal happy healthy weight teenager instead fat one goals life feel like ill never able achieve them feel like crying know do
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "feel like im stuck ruthi all im years old live united kingdom near dover past hours ive feeling low unhappy liferight im final gcse exams im going get good grades ill probably getting dses worse try hardest enough im overweight loser whos best enough never seem lose weight ive tried several times past unfortunately always seems fail skinny perhaps id confidence feel like ill probably commit redflagim im stuck home pretty much everyday school finished friends teamspeak voip talk to couple friends schoolsocial life girlfriend heh me girfriend happening id like nice job wife daughter move canada think ive damaged much young child especially weight normal happy healthy weight teenager instead fat one goals life feel like ill never able achieve them feel like crying know do" ]
se siente como im pegada ruthi todos los años de edad im vivir reino unido cerca dover horas pasadas iv sentir baja infelice vida derecha im final gcse exámenes im va a conseguir buenas calificaciones enferma probablemente conseguir dses peor tratar lo suficientemente duro im perdedor sobrepeso que es lo suficientemente bueno nunca parece perder peso ive probado varias veces pasado desafortunadamente siempre parece fallar flaco tal vez confianza id se siente como enfermo probablemente cometer redflagim im pegada casa bastante todos los días escuela terminó amigos equipospeak voip hablar con pareja amigos escuelavida social novia heh me girfriend happeing id como buen trabajo esposa hija mover canadiense pensar ive dañado mucho niño pequeño sobre todo peso normal feliz peso sano adolescente en lugar de gordo uno objetivos la vida se siente como enfermo nunca capaz de lograr que se sienten como llorar saben
neighbor commuted redflag days ago need helpbasically fucking pussy decided comment hurtful things ig post resulted taking life whole town working together figure dude bring justice get permission family spread story would like yall help find pussy ass motherfucker help bring justice family ill let know information
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "neighbor commuted redflag days ago need helpbasically fucking pussy decided comment hurtful things ig post resulted taking life whole town working together figure dude bring justice get permission family spread story would like yall help find pussy ass motherfucker help bring justice family ill let know information" ]
vecino conmutado redflag días hace necesidad de ayudabásicamente mierda coño decidido comentario cosas hirientes ig post resultado tomando la vida toda la ciudad trabajando juntos figura tío traer justicia obtener permiso familia historia difusión gustaría Yall ayuda a encontrar coño culo hijo de puta ayudar a traer justicia familia enfermo let know information
know anymorei feel lost right now cant help feel like im terrible person like one part complete sociopath sometimes empathy could destroy someones life without feeling thing scares me ive done terrible things past messed every relationship ive had think world would better without me want keep hurting people care about
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "know anymorei feel lost right now cant help feel like im terrible person like one part complete sociopath sometimes empathy could destroy someones life without feeling thing scares me ive done terrible things past messed every relationship ive had think world would better without me want keep hurting people care about" ]
Sé que ya me siento perdido ahora mismo no puedo ayudar a sentir como una persona terrible como una parte sociópata completa a veces la empatía podría destruir la vida de alguien sin sentir que la cosa me asusta ive hecho cosas terribles pasado lío cada relación ive había pensado que el mundo sería mejor sin mí quiero seguir lastimando a la gente se preocupan por
im doneim done im done im done im done im done im done im done im done im done im done im done im done im done im done im done im done im done im done im done im done im done im done im done im done im done im done im done im done im done im done im done im done im done im done im done im done im done im done im done im done im done im done im done im done im done im done im done im done im done im done im done im done im done im done im done im done im done im done im done im done im done im done im done im done im done im done im done im done im done im done im done im done im done im done im done im done im done im done im just fucking done
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "im doneim done im doneim done im done im doneim done im done im doneim done im done im doneim done im done im doneim done im done im doneim done im done im doneim done im done im doneim done im done im doneim done im done im doneim done im done im doneim done im done im doneim done im done im doneim done im done im doneim done im done im doneim done im done im doneim done im done im doneim done im done im doneim done im done im doneim done im done im doneim done im done im doneim done im done im doneim done im done im doneim done im done im doneim done im done im doneim done im done im doneim done im just fucking done" ]
im domeim made im domeim made im domeim made im domeim made im domeim made im domeim made im domeim made im domeim made im domeim made im domeim made im domeim made im domeim made im domeim made im domeim made im domeim made im domeim made im domeim made im domeim made im domeim made im domeim made im domeim made im domeim made im domeim made im domeim made im domeim made im domeim made im domeim made im domeim made im domeim made im domeim made im domeim made im domeim made im domeim made im domeim made im domeim made im im domeim made im domeim made im domeim made im domeim made im domeim
minecraft dog doesnt know isnt coming back fuck
[ "minecraft dog doesnt know isnt coming back fuck" ]
Minecraft perro no sabe que no es volver a la mierda
comment favorite song ill try guess mbti it now
[ "comment favorite song ill try guess mbti it now" ]
comentario canción favorita mal tratar de adivinar mbti it ahora
feel like ive already completely ruined life beyond redemption im basically title graduated college years ago still able get job field went school for top that ive thrown away every opportunity every network had theres way get good job now crushing see peers lead successful lives me im going get blackout drunk tonight hang myself thats way feel relief now
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "feel like ive already completely ruined life beyond redemption im basically title graduated college years ago still able get job field went school for top that ive thrown away every opportunity every network had theres way get good job now crushing see peers lead successful lives me im going get blackout drunk tonight hang myself thats way feel relief now" ]
Me siento como live ya completamente arruinada vida más allá de la redención im básicamente título graduado universidad hace años todavía capaz conseguir campo de trabajo fue a la escuela por encima que ive desperdiciado cada oportunidad cada red tenía Theres manera conseguir buen trabajo ahora aplastando ver compañeros llevar vidas exitosas me voy a quedar apagón borracho esta noche colgar a mí mismo esa manera sentir alivio ahora
brother killed last year want thing nowhe lifelong depression i im early s female insane amount loss pain particularly last years recent loss friend thought would one person would always me wasnt gone without even goodbye ive tried couple times reach out apologise utterly cut off knew everything me cant see meeting anyone else depressed withdrawn would able trust anyone else anyway debilitating chronic disease incurable going get better ive already enough hopsital appointments tests pain etc last five lifetimes want more also desperately desperately desperately lonely despite absolutely lovely female friend scared ultimately driving away one day too everyone else put simply nothing left live for im mental pain nearly time ive tried different antidepressants years none worked longer weeks months absolute most left worse state began them interest trying antidepressants therapy unaffordable dilemma this desperately want end pain cannot go like much longer cant want put parents second redflag would swap places dead brother nanoseconds he may thank that give shit stuck special kind hell want wait parents pass elderly could still another years way hold long
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "brother killed last year want thing nowhe lifelong depression i im early s female insane amount loss pain particularly last years recent loss friend thought would one person would always me wasnt gone without even goodbye ive tried couple times reach out apologise utterly cut off knew everything me cant see meeting anyone else depressed withdrawn would able trust anyone else anyway debilitating chronic disease incurable going get better ive already enough hopsital appointments tests pain etc last five lifetimes want more also desperately desperately desperately lonely despite absolutely lovely female friend scared ultimately driving away one day too everyone else put simply nothing left live for im mental pain nearly time ive tried different antidepressants years none worked longer weeks months absolute most left worse state began them interest trying antidepressants therapy unaffordable dilemma this desperately want end pain cannot go like much longer cant want put parents second redflag would swap places dead brother nanoseconds he may thank that give shit stuck special kind hell want wait parents pass elderly could still another years way hold long" ]
hermano asesinado el año pasado quiero lo que ahora la depresión de toda la vida i im temprana mujer loco pérdida dolor cantidad particularmente los últimos años reciente pérdida amigo pensó que una persona siempre me había ido sin incluso adiós ive probado par de veces llegar disculparse totalmente cortado sabía todo lo que no puedo ver conocer a alguien más deprimido retirado podría confiar en cualquier otra enfermedad crónica debilitante incurable va a mejorar ya bastante ive suficientes citas hopsital pruebas dolor etc últimos cinco vidas quieren más desesperadamente desesperadamente solo a pesar de absolutamente encantadora amiga asustada finalmente conducir un día también todos los demás poner simplemente nada que quede vivo para el dolor mental casi tiempo ive probado diferentes antidepresivos años ninguno trabajó más largo semanas absoluto la mayoría de estado peor comenzó interés tratar de antidepresivos terapia inasequible dilema este extremo desesperadamente quiere dolor no puede ir como mucho más tiempo no puede querer poner los padres segundo Redflag cambiar lugares muertos hermano nanosegundos él puede agradecer que dar mierda pegado tipo infierno quiere esperar padres ancianos podrían pasar otro año más
got another creepy pm whys always crusty ass year old man child saying dumb shit asking nudes cant sum big titty ass milf shit nicely asks nudes wouldnt mind tbh
[ "got another creepy pm whys always crusty ass year old man child saying dumb shit asking nudes cant sum big titty ass milf shit nicely asks nudes wouldnt mind tbh" ]
Tengo otro p.m. espeluznante por qué siempre crujiente culo año viejo niño diciendo mierda tonta pidiendo desnudos cant sum big tetty ass milf mierda muy bien pregunta desnudos no le importa tbh
tw redflag failed exam u feel like killing myself
[ "tw redflag failed exam u feel like killing myself" ]
Tw Redflag faltó el examen y tienes ganas de matarme.
movie far better original jerk would highly recommend anyone like quirky humor incorporated almost many lines movie daytime discourse monty pythonbr br the card game hobos mr suicide scene dinner table distaste turtle soup original jerk choreographed ans staged like steve martin seemed like trying hard jerk spoof enjoyed anyone jerk family friendly unlike original jerk
[ "movie far better original jerk would highly recommend anyone like quirky humor incorporated almost many lines movie daytime discourse monty pythonbr br the card game hobos mr suicide scene dinner table distaste turtle soup original jerk choreographed ans staged like steve martin seemed like trying hard jerk spoof enjoyed anyone jerk family friendly unlike original jerk" ]
película mucho mejor idiota original recomendaría altamente a cualquiera como humor peculiar incorporado casi muchas líneas película discurso diurno monty pythonbr br el juego de cartas vagabundos mr escena suicidio cena mesa disgusto sopa tortuga original coreografía coreografía yes como steve martin parecía como tratando duro spoof idiota disfrutó de cualquiera idiota familiar a diferencia de idiota original
man womans body born filler text filler text filler text filler text filler text
[ "man womans body born filler text filler text filler text filler text filler text" ]
hombre mujeres cuerpo nacimiento relleno texto relleno texto relleno texto relleno texto relleno texto relleno texto relleno
life alright summer break hell deal going back school genuinely know deal this endless agony redflag redflag boredom somehow get start school make winter seasonal depression top depression good combo genuinely feel hopeless really want go back school fell helpless please deal id rather die go back school
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "life alright summer break hell deal going back school genuinely know deal this endless agony redflag redflag boredom somehow get start school make winter seasonal depression top depression good combo genuinely feel hopeless really want go back school fell helpless please deal id rather die go back school" ]
vida bien vacaciones de verano infierno acuerdo volver a la escuela realmente saber trato esta agonía interminable bandera roja aburrimiento de alguna manera empezar la escuela hacer invierno temporada depresión depresión superior buena realmente sentir sin esperanza realmente querer volver a la escuela cayó indefenso por favor trato id lugar morir volver a la escuela
reddit isnt helpingi created reddit feel understood people always suffer major depression mental illness suicidal thoughts come alll see sadness people ready give up ruins even normal moments already fleeting heart goes everyone dont know healthy come always see stuff maybe unhealthy us idk leave reddit ill feel completely alone again dont fucking know whats gonna help me anything really want happy
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "reddit isnt helpingi created reddit feel understood people always suffer major depression mental illness suicidal thoughts come alll see sadness people ready give up ruins even normal moments already fleeting heart goes everyone dont know healthy come always see stuff maybe unhealthy us idk leave reddit ill feel completely alone again dont fucking know whats gonna help me anything really want happy" ]
reddit isnt helpni creado reddit sentir entendido la gente siempre sufre depresión mayor enfermedad mental pensamientos suicidas vienen alll ver tristeza gente lista renunciar ruinas incluso momentos normales ya el corazón fugaz va todo el mundo no sabe sano venir siempre ver cosas tal vez malsano nosotros idk dejar reddit mal sentir completamente solo otra vez no sé lo que va a ayudarme algo realmente quiero feliz
according society im yearold boy pretty sure im turning week female im girl scout multiple occasions people come walmart selling cookies thought troop mates younger brother
[ "according society imyearold boy pretty sure im turning week female im girl scout multiple occasions people come walmart selling cookies thought troop mates younger brother" ]
De acuerdo con la sociedad de niño imyearold bastante seguro im vuelta semana mujer im girl scout múltiples ocasiones la gente viene Walmart venta de cookies pensamiento tropas compañeros hermano menor
rant highs high lows very low creeping back in unable comprehend random chaotic mind right now way easy one bad guy hate abuser molesterwhat burns hes gotten away it hes happy new born sure forgiven him know never stop hating me existence reminder guilt betrayal inflicted me every time thinks me cannot accept fact wrong people defend her manipulated abused know well well enough know even touches self thinks him memories had good felt rush excitement deep regret it cannot stand fact story one loved her bad guy creeping back again answer leaving crazy world
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "rant highs high lows very low creeping back in unable comprehend random chaotic mind right now way easy one bad guy hate abuser molesterwhat burns hes gotten away it hes happy new born sure forgiven him know never stop hating me existence reminder guilt betrayal inflicted me every time thinks me cannot accept fact wrong people defend her manipulated abused knowwell well enough know even touches self thinks him memories had good felt rush excitement deep regret it cannot stand fact story one loved her bad guy creeping back again answer leaving crazy world" ]
Rant altos altos bajos muy bajos arrastrándose de nuevo en incapaz comprender la mente caótica al azar ahora mismo manera fácil un chico malo abusador de odio abusador lo que se quema se escapó él es feliz recién nacido seguro perdonarle sabe nunca dejar de odiarme existencia recordatorio traición culpa me infligió cada vez que piensa que no puede aceptar hecho personas equivocadas defender su abusado manipulado sabe bien bien incluso se toca a sí mismo piensa que los recuerdos se sintió bien emoción emoción profunda no puede soportar la historia de hecho uno amaba a su chico malo se arrastra de nuevo respuesta dejando loco mundo
previous reviewer claudio carvalho gave much better recap films plot details could recall mostly beautiful every sense emotionally visually editorially gorgeousbr br if like movies wonderful look at also emotional content beauty relevant think glad seen extraordinary unusual work artbr br on scale id give reason shy away mood piece mood really artistic romantic film definitely think mustsee none us mood time so overall
[ "previous reviewer claudio carvalho gave much better recap films plot details could recall mostly beautiful every sense emotionally visually editorially gorgeousbr br if like movies wonderful look at also emotional content beauty relevant think glad seen extraordinary unusual work artbr br on scale id give reason shy away mood piece mood really artistic romantic film definitely think mustsee none us mood time so overall" ]
crítica anterior claudio carvalho dio mucho mejor resumen películas trama detalles podrían recordar mayormente hermoso cada sentido emocionalmente visualmente hermoso br br si como películas maravillosa mirada también contenido emocional belleza relevante pensar contento visto extraordinario trabajo inusual artbr br a escala id dar razón tímido lejos humor pieza estado de ánimo realmente artístico película romántica definitivamente pensar debe ver ninguno nosotros estado de ánimo tiempo tan en general
stay alive mean cope stress little one talk emotions general pain existence
[ "stay alive mean cope stress little one talk emotions general pain existence" ]
Mantenerse vivo significa hacer frente al estrés poco hablar emociones general dolor existencia
um tall guys curious feel like im short
[ "um tall guys curious feel like im short" ]
um chicos altos curiosos se sienten como im corto
close subs would make shitty week feel little better could subscribe get sorry advertise httpswwwyoutubecomchannelucwajopzlhbwznjbkhrqappdesktop
[ "close subs would make shitty week feel little better could subscribe get sorry advertise httpswwwyoutubecomchannelucwajopzlhbwznjbkhrqappdesktop" ]
Los submarinos cercanos harían que la semana de mierda se sintiera poco mejor para suscribirse.
whats movie always makes cry want sad today guess
[ "whats movie always makes cry want sad today guess" ]
lo que es película siempre hace llorar quieren triste hoy adivinar
want people join discord server hallo discord server pretty empty normally talk gaming things there interested send dm give link
[ "want people join discord server hallo discord server pretty empty normally talk gaming things there interested send dm give link" ]
quiere que la gente se una a la discordia servidor hallo discord servidor bastante vacío normalmente hablar de juegos cosas allí interesados enviar dm dar enlace
life been worst past years rped abortion catholic family shot directly gun frienda man tried abduct meput truck sister went coma months clinically dead minutes physically abused everyway boyfriend figured seizure condition kill within years or lesswow whole paragraph think past years go things ill sad remember something random like abortion raped fact something unbelievable traumatic forgettable compared everything else wowwhat wrong me am luck like this like things done one person everything separate group people different parts country kidnapping thing happened days ago finally got courage work outgo run outside scared people second day years man tried kidnap mesomething life right something off feel like human guinea pig tested see far human pushedi want go crazy want control anymore tired want someone take body need anymore give up give this want anymore suicidaldepressed ever since remember certain point care hurting family need put empathy aside care myself game quit whoever win do please someone tell want alive want hurt family
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "life been worst past years rped abortion catholic family shot directly gun frienda man tried abduct meput truck sister went coma months clinically dead minutes physically abused everyway boyfriend figured seizure condition kill within years or lesswow whole paragraph think past years go things ill sad remember something random like abortion raped fact something unbelievable traumatic forgettable compared everything else wowwhat wrong me am luck like this like things done one person everything separate group people different parts country kidnapping thing happened days ago finally got courage work outgo run outside scared people second day years man tried kidnap mesomething life right something off feel like human guinea pig tested see far human pushedi want go crazy want control anymore tired want someone take body need anymore give up give this want anymore suicidaldepressed ever since remember certain point care hurting family need put empathy aside care myself game quit whoever win do please someone tell want alive want hurt family" ]
La vida ha sido peor que los años pasados rped aborto familia católica tiro directamente arma amigo hombre tratado de secuestrar meput camión hermana fue coma meses clínicamente muertos minutos físicamente abusado cada manera novio figura condición convulsiones matar en años o menoswow todo el párrafo pensar años pasados cosas mal triste recordar algo al azar como aborto violado hecho algo increíble olvidable comparado todo lo demás wowwhat mal yo soy suerte como las cosas hecho una persona todo grupo personas separadas diferentes partes país secuestro cosa pasó días hace finalmente consiguió coraje trabajo salir corriendo fuera personas asustadas segundo día años hombre intentó secuestrarme algo bien algo de la vida se siente como humano cobaya probado ver lejos empujonsi humano quiere ir loco control más cansado quiere alguien tomar cuerpo necesidad más renunciar a este deseo más suicidadeprimido siempre desde recordar cierto punto cuidado daño familia necesidad de poner la empatía a un lado cuidado a mí mismo juego dejar quien gane por favor alguien le dicen quiero vivir quiero daño familia
want end suffering pleasei want end really cant take anymore didnt ask brought world suffering waking hours
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "want end suffering pleasei want end really cant take anymore didnt ask brought world suffering waking hours" ]
quiero acabar con el sufrimiento por favor quiero terminar realmente no puedo más pedir trajo mundo sufrimiento horas despertando
muchive rough couple months recently lost mom live abusive father emotionally tears apart whenever talk telling death fault failure etc result speaking terms all child without relatives really family talk to sort exist school close friends all alone ive really bad person lately demons hate myself want kind person nobody returns favor give up forgetting love feels like ever expanding void heart used be im tired feeling like nobody cares mostly know true going tie loose ends tomorrow leave
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "muchive rough couple months recently lost mom live abusive father emotionally tears apart whenever talk telling death fault failure etc result speaking terms all child without relatives really family talk to sort exist school close friends all alone ive really bad person lately demons hate myself want kind person nobody returns favor give up forgetting love feels like ever expanding void heart used be im tired feeling like nobody cares mostly know true going tie loose ends tomorrow leave" ]
muchive rudo par de meses recientemente perdido mamá vivir abusivo padre emocionalmente lágrimas aparte cada vez que se habla diciendo la muerte fallo culpa etc resultado hablando términos todos los niños sin parientes realmente familia hablar para ordenar existen escuela amigos cercanos todos solos ive realmente mala persona últimamente demonios me quieren buena persona nadie vuelve favor renunciar a olvidar amor se siente como siempre expansión corazón vacío utilizado estar cansado sentir como nadie se preocupa sobre todo saber verdad va cabos sueltos cabos mañana dejar
im tired tryingfuck this im sick always fucking bad guy genuinely feel like make every effort everything right im easy target people take shit me cant ever person people want fuck it god damn even fucking try long anyway always knew gonna happen im sick people world worth apart
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "im tired tryingfuck thisim sick always fucking bad guy genuinely feel like make every effort everything right im easy target people take shit me cant ever person people want fuck it god damn even fucking try long anyway always knew gonna happen im sick people world worth apart" ]
Estoy cansado tratando de joder a este enfermo siempre jodidamente malo realmente siento como hacer todos los esfuerzos todo lo correcto mi fácil objetivo la gente toma mierda yo no puedo nunca persona la gente quiere joderlo maldita sea incluso intento largo de todos modos siempre supe que iba a suceder gente enferma mundo vale la pena aparte
rick roll httpswwwyoutubecomwatchvnmlkiashttpswwwyoutubecomwatchvnmlkias
[ "rick roll httpswwwyoutubecomwatchvnmlkiashttpswwwyoutubecomwatchvnmlkias" ]
rick roll httpswwwyoutubecomwatchvnmlkiashttpswwwyoutubecomwatchvnmlkias
iti planned kill thursday obviously go it mom excited christmas deals mental issues christmas always seems make things better her even little while leave christmas
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "iti planned kill thursday obviously go it mom excited christmas deals mental issues christmas always seems make things better her even little while leave christmas" ]
iti planeó matar jueves, obviamente ir mamá emocionado Navidad ofertas problemas mentales Navidad siempre parece hacer las cosas mejor ella incluso poco mientras que salir de Navidad
want die three yearsright now things easy like way things going friends care care me people relate to ive got good family life fun siblings loving mother im currently college getting high marks higher grades ever entire life pursuing subject really enjoy hobbies love interests love life feel like drag slightest im happy like really good right now really hope three four years courage hang myself world getting worse like holy shit world getting much worse working class little mind boggling despise country hate much fucking despise everything america every single capitalist lie gets shoved peoples throats convincing working hours week possibly survive normal justifiable living nightmare exist in currently field im pursuing good jobs cities cities exorbitantly high cost living dollars month small unfurnished hole wall apartment building naturally field work regularly hour days hour work weeks thats generally norm first thought unique shitty feature preferred industry really isnt everyone deal bullshit working conditions order meet bare minimum living matter field workdays meaningless keep getting longer longer wages getting worse worse affecting everyone younger are worse going it college debt something deal rest life what want ground dust rest adult life lay hours day one day per week off human beings live like this inhumane disgusting inescapable climate apocalypse going bring hell earth even wealthier countries really life honestly life about adds to brief flash freedom were teens were driven dirt feel like shit lives try tell people ways feel like shit even though everyone feels like shit trying convince theres mythic utopian life living wages afford everything need live plus savings disposable income fun work hours week which way completely unnecessary given dramatic rise productivity standards reality everything sucks real world honestly want deal that want live next three years life best can ever since convinced ill dead three years felt amazing ill try anything want ill take chances whenever please feels great feel fucking liberated amazing deal consequences anything want to live best whatever want knowing easy fun runs dry life becomes nightmare feels fucked up theres something cathartic always get jail free card allows whatever wish want lifestyle ive adopted go away want live free forever cant freedom gone im going kill myself ill happy it let world get me ill live die terms honestly cant see better way it wrong me love life really wanna kill three years
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "want die three yearsright now things easy like way things going friends care care me people relate to ive got good family life fun siblings loving mother im currently college getting high marks higher grades ever entire life pursuing subject really enjoy hobbies love interests love life feel like drag slightest", "im happy like really good right now really hope three four years courage hang myself world getting worse like holy shit world getting much worse working class little mind boggling despise country hate much fucking despise everything america every single capitalist lie gets shoved peoples throats convincing working hours week possibly survive normal justifiable living nightmare exist in currently field im pursuing good jobs cities cities exorbitantly high cost living dollars month small unfurnished hole wall apartment building naturally field work regularly hour days hour work weeks thats generally norm first thought unique shitty feature preferred industry really isnt everyone deal bullshit working conditions order meet bare minimum living matter field workdays meaningless keep getting longer longer wages getting worse worse affecting everyone younger are worse going it college debt something deal rest life what want ground dust rest adult life lay hours day one day per week off human beings live like this inhumane disgusting inescapable climate apocalypse going bring hell earth even wealthier countries really life honestly life about adds to brief flash freedom were teens were driven dirt feel like shit lives try tell people ways feel like shit even though everyone feels like shit trying convince theres mythic utopian life living wages afford everything need live plus savings disposable income fun work hours week which way completely unnecessary given dramatic rise productivity standards reality everything sucks real world honestly want deal that want live next three years life best can ever since convinced ill dead three years felt amazing ill try anything want ill take chances whenever please feels great feel fucking liberated amazing deal consequences anything want to live best whatever want knowing easy fun runs dry life becomes nightmare feels fucked up theres something cathartic always get jail free card allows whatever wish want lifestyle ive adopted go away want live free forever cant freedom gone im going kill myself ill happy it let world get me ill live die terms honestly cant see better way it wrong me love life really wanna kill three years" ]
Quiero morir tres años en este momento las cosas fáciles como las cosas que van amigos cuidado me la gente se relaciona con ive tiene buena vida familiar diversión hermanos amor madre im actualmente la universidad conseguir calificaciones más altas calificaciones más altas siempre toda la vida perseguir tema realmente disfrutar hobbies amor intereses amor vida se siente como arrastrar lo más mínimo
hate brain so weeks ago got asked out said yes fun stuff weird tech rule house cant text often last talked two weeks ago im writing now a fact appears accounts mine blocked my hope dad find out b weird amount stress seeing have a dads drunkard oldest sister still lives age severely limiting fact shes one work house b since sawspoke last brain flooded negative hypotheticals ifs because trauma previous relationships honest hell earth especially check back account see text them see account changed dramatically digress whole lotta abandonment issues clinginess first world problems still move forth yes struggle talking long also yes thank reading did
[ "hate brain so weeks ago got asked out said yes fun stuff weird tech rule house cant text often last talked two weeks ago im writing now a fact appears accounts mine blocked my hope dad find out b weird amount stress seeing have a dads drunkard oldest sister still lives age severely limiting fact shes one work house b since sawspoke last brain flooded negative hypotheticals ifs because trauma previous relationships honest hell earth especially check back account see text them see account changed dramatically digress whole lotta abandonment issues clinginess first world problems still move forth yes struggle talking long alsoyes thank reading did" ]
odio cerebro así que hace semanas se pidió a cabo dijo sí diversión cosas raro tecnología regla casa no puede texto a menudo la última hablado hace dos semanas im escritura ahora un hecho parece cuentas mina bloqueado mi esperanza papá encontrar b extraño estrés ver tener un papá borracho hermana mayor todavía vive edad severamente limitando hecho ella una casa de trabajo b desde swewspoke último cerebro inundado hipotéticas negativas sis porque trauma relaciones anteriores honesto infierno tierra especialmente cheque cuenta ver texto ver cuenta cambiado dramáticamente digresión entero lotta abandono problemas de adherencia primer mundo problemas todavía se mueven adelante sí lucha hablando mucho tambiénsí gracias lectura hizo
comedy humor skool bad parent bad minecraft good laugh
[ "comedy humor skool bad parent bad minecraft good laugh" ]
humor comedia skool mala padre mala minecraft buena risa
huge cast gathered remake sadly box office failure notwithstanding great sound track cant say riveting entertainment cure insomnia nevertheless enjoyed film provided escape one afternoon good look us looking ideal life albeit fantasy expect corny moments thrills occasional laugh
[ "huge cast gathered remake sadly box office failure notwithstanding great sound track cant say riveting entertainment cure insomnia nevertheless enjoyed film provided escape one afternoon good look us looking ideal life albeit fantasy expect corny moments thrills occasional laugh" ]
enorme reparto reunido remake triste fracaso de taquilla a pesar de gran pista de sonido no puede decir fascinante entretenimiento cura insomnio, sin embargo, disfrutó de película proporcionada escape una tarde buena mirada nosotros buscando vida ideal aunque fantasía esperar momentos cursi emociones risa ocasional
freaking fuck cant log back school laptop i cant remember password online school lots assignments hand laptop ive never scared
[ "freaking fuck cant log back school laptop i cant remember password online school lots assignments hand laptop ive never scared" ]
maldito mierda cant log back laptop escuela no puedo recordar contraseña en línea escuela lotes tareas mano portátil ive nunca asustado