"Redin / ""The Bastard"" His father was on par with the 2nd Dahn in Alethkar ranking as a high price's ... It said, I am a bastard, but even I am not as low as you. So yeah, it seems like ranking stays, though there's obviously a bad taste in the mouth given the lighteyes / ... Instead of 2nd Dahn, he's 2.5 that's open to scandal?"
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It sounds like your relationship with your dad is very similar to my relationship with mine. He knows how big of a misfit i am but still loves me. Now, heres something to know about my dad, he is a big TBM even though his church attendance is on and off. Like he'll go to church for months and fulfill his calling and then he won't go to church for months and It'll be like that just on and off. But he was also a convert so before he joined the church he would party and go out and he understands what it is to drink and to smoke and things like that.
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The nose ring and side shave read as more female to me. IDK exactly why...I think I have only seen women wear nose rings like that, and I have seen many more ... Edit: actually I can't tell if you really have a side shave or if it is just the lighting
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So not only is he invading your privacy, but he's still lying to you about it? Honestly, it sounds like your bf is an untrustworthy asshole and not worth your time. The fact that he didn't take ownership of his fuckup and is still lying to you would be a nail ... I don't see any reason why this guy ever deserves your trust again.
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"So ignoring your uncited claim (Im betting you believe a lot of stuff that has no basis in reality) how does this excuse Trumps behavior? I mean I know his supporters will literally make up an excuse for everything he does that goes against what they believe, but how is this even an excuse? Hur durr, who cares if he raped a 12 year old, my conspiracy website says Bill rapes 12 year olds all the time so it doesnt mattter! Even if we accept your background belief as true, it still doesnt create a justified argument. ""Hey guys we funded ISIS before so it doesnt matter if we keep doing it!""..."
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The first two frequency descriptions are quite wrong. Good subwoofers and headphones can play under 30hz and it is quite noticeable, arguably MORE provoking than more common frequencies. Many songs especially rap dip to Bb and below, you can't just cut out those notes. 30-60hz is not just feel at all. Contrabasses go down to C1 (33hz) and can hold a melody with ease.
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i answered you on discord, but ill post it here to for the curious. Its based on availability, usefulness as gathered from the general consensus of ef public, and stats. there is always the farm list aswell to move your priority more to your liking. also there is a blank box way to the right by the guild unit timers that will move devil and potang up in priority if you want to focus in on raid pets for your guild.
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" i bet you feel super enlightened, being born in a place with a. functioning government system. actually, if you...you know...knew things, systems of honor arise in places of lawlessness. honor systems don't impose lawlessness, they exist as a product of it. if anything, the fact that there are police there that can do their very straightforward job, even with all the wealth of the richest cities in earth, speaks more about the ""honorless"" society."
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Fuck me! I hate talented people like you that make me feel bad a bout my inferior art skills. Nah, seriously that is awesome! You have reason to be proud of your work and if anyone ever makes you feel low, look back at this image and think, that guy on Reddit was really nice to me about this so maybe I'm not all bad. Top work!
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This isn't the same Dracula we're accustomed to from earlier entries in the series, that's obvious given the fact the writers of the show decided to throw in a rather significant plot line from SoTN. So, I disagree with your statement with regard to Dracula being a character we're supposed to hate. The obvious intention was to make the viewer both sympathize and hate Dracula, but the writers did a poor job in executing that.
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I know, right? Glad to hear you're digging my flair gal. If you're really listening to it right now, there's a good chance you haven't reached Meticulous Bird yet. I lost my shit the first time I heard that one.
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Of course. Hit me up whenever. If my experience will be relevant to you, then all the better. I know exactly what you mean about looking for a non student life. Been there.
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With regards to Cousins; that is the plan. That is unless someone on my team has underperformed enough to warrant a drop. Thank you for confirming my train of thought.
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"it makes me feel like everybody else knew me better than I did and that I'm the only one who ... That's not really what was going on, though, and you know it. You say elsewhere that you don't really ""want"" to be gay, and you describe a difficult experience coming to terms ... I think you still have a ways to go in accepting this part of yourself. It's also, unfortunately, still easier to be straight-but-accepting than it is to be gay."
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What how dare you my racism is totally different from their racism! I hate dirty Mexicans way more than I hate Jews! And I wear completely different hate symbols! ^/s ^if ^it ^wasn't ^obvious
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This will probably be an unpopular opinion here, but I kinda dig the Velar. If you don't compare it to the HSE I think it all looks pretty good as a luxury SUV. I don't really know about all of the controls being touch screen though. I think HVAC should have physical buttons. But I can appreciate the aesthetic of the touch screen.
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It may be different where you stay but we recycle lots of different stuff nowadays. We have 5 bins to separate the waste into different types and then they are emptied and taken for recycling. Even food waste is recycled as it can be used for fertiliser or burnt to produce other types of energy
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The defense of Musk in these comments have been denying the working conditions or at the least dramatically down playing ... I think you can defend him and still believe the working conditions suck. I like Musk and I believe the working conditions suck because I've read the news reports about the Tesla employees ... I know this and still support him because it's not unique to Musk. Industries everywhere exploit their laborers in one way or another, in the US or outside.
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It is what happened, it was my neighbor, I worked on the farm, he is a family friend of mine, I was there, and fuck you for trying to call me a liar. Another issue is that you claim knowledge about my farm. I don't have a farm and I never claimed to own a farm. I am not the farmer. As I stated, he and his mother run the farm.
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Listen uselesstriviadude, I was previously ignorant to the existence of these extraordinary objects. But it has come to my attention that there's a whole sub dedicated to them. Naturally, I regret making this post. But I refuse to delete it because that would mean conceding to your unnecessary yet deserving criticism. I appreciate you taking your time to comment such a fine contribution to my life.
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Thank you thank you thank you. Yes nothing looks great late at night. I managed to get a couple ofhours of sleep, but I'm still a bit tired and healing. I looked at Matthew and that helped. i wrote a lot last night, so thank you for that suggestion as well.
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Except the popular vote doesn't matter, winning districts matters. You win districts by expanding out and not focusing on your base, something Hillary Clinton didn't do in the slightest. Trump, on the other hand, completely dominated districts that were normally blue because he ran on bucking the status quo. Being popular within your own constituency doesn't matter with Democrats because we already control the vote in urban districts. If the DNC wants to win elections, they need rural votes, something HRC and lock-step democrats not only failed at but actively worked against.
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Yup. We had that talk last night actually. We said we loved each other Saturday I'm sure your flair includes a typo. You must be 16. Or possibly 6.
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That's pathetic man, come on. Don't try and strawman me. I said literally nothing about my personal feelings on him killing, I'm only addressing your weak argument. Stand by your argument and stop trying to backpedal. I dislike Batman killing.
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Give watermelon a try on the BBQ and you'll never look back. Cut it on 2cm cubes and caramelise it on each side. It doesn't melt / disintegrate, and the taste is intensified. In a salad with feta cheese and baby spinach it's gold.
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Oh sorry, just to be clear, definitely not tattoo artists specifically, just tattoos. Maybe my institution is very arts oriented, but also maybe you just haven't heard! Most of my non-art friends don't know about this part of my life tbh. I used to work for big pharma which sadly is more relatable for most people in health care, even though it was way less rewarding than either medicine OR art.
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You would be very hard pressed to find another mmo that listens to the community as much as ff14. I feel like MMOs in general just have a bad rep for the dev to never listen. I feel like FFXIV dev team does not listen as much as anyone else. And from a business standpoint, their decisions makes sense. But i would say it doesn't align with community wants, but I agree with the other points you've said
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Unless you've also changed what the notification bar looks like, I still think we use different androids. What phone do you have? **Device information:** Relay Version: 8.2.72 Phone: Samsung SM-N920V (Galaxy Note5) Android Version: 7.0 (24) Device (product): nobleltevzw (nobleltevzw) Rom: NRD90M.N920VVRS3CQI3
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Is the problem the swearing? Like, this clearly isn't an insult to you personally and I'm struggling to see what requires revenge. Putting myself in the place of the customer I'd be pretty chuffed if my server gave enough of a shit ...
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Thank you for taking my criticism constructively. I do like the content of the tattoo! But for my next one, I'm definitely going to check out the artist a lot more than I did. First time I was more concerned about cleanliness (not that you shouldn't worry about that too!)
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I never had someone ask for them. I had a lot of them on a world that got deleted on my last computer. But if you like it I'll be sure to post more I guess
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"Okay, I'm actually willing to hear you out on this, despite it sounding a little irrational. Can you explain? I don't understand why human beings coming together against discrimination could be extrapolated as ""white privilege."" And I'm also interested in finding out what part of my history you think indicates my lack of empathy. "
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Since hipster men aren't really sure what makes a man, they do things that they think are things that manly ... They take a fictionalized and glamorized version of their WWII veteran grandfather and WW veteran great grandfather and they try ... Where grandpa may have had a story about being in the trenches and having only hatchet to try to shave ... It was facing fear and terror with courage in a terrible war and then coming home and building the country ... And lest someone think I mean to say you have to go to war to be a man.
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"Optimistically toned" is an incredibly mealy mouthed way to say "insanely hyperbolic". Go and read Ripple's papers like [Trophic cascades in Yellowstone: The first 15 years after wolf reintroduction](https://www.nsd.org/cms/lib08/WA01918953/Centricity/Domain/1926/TrophicCascadesYellowstone.pdf) and tell me if you honestly believe that the linked video is a reasonable description of the science. We don't do any favors to science by presenting this kind of material in this way. I reject your attempt to paint my criticism as "cynicism." Science demands integrity, and there's zero scientific integrity in the linked video.
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it's an interesting idea. i'd like to explore your thoughts behind the idea that a discord server would bring us more community interaction. what sort of things did you have in mind? what would you like to see improved upon that the discord server could serve as a utility for?
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Don’t try to get off on a technicality dude, that’s low-energy. We all know why you posted this, and we love our gay MAGA supporters. Fuck off.
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Thanks man. Much appreciated feedback and thank you for taking the time to give my track a listen. If you know anyone else that maybe interested in hearing it please by all means share my song link. Thanks again. Lee
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Unacceptable! Your wife should only be 77% as good as you! All jokes aside, you are lucky, my wife hates video games.
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except being obese is entirely that persons fault and can be fixed. If you are obese it's simply laziness and glutinous, and no self control i.e. bad personality. height, race, or face problems are genetic and cannot be fixed
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Well I appreciate your kind words, I honestly don't think we are a good team. We have an elite receiver, a great defensive tackle and defensive end, and Burfict is Burfict. But as a unit, we are a bottom-ten team.
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That international performance is what really defines how good a player is. Itazan travels more and appears at more tournaments than hagejin. In fact there are waaay more gifs and vid links of Itazan on here than hagejin. How are you seeing more Snake Eyes and Hagejin than Itazan exactly?
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I never said he should succeed at everything but failing again and again and never accomplishing shit is annoying and boring. He should have corrected his flaws already considering we are already like 300 chapters into the story. How many more "versions" does he need? His character development is awful So you just want him to die which would make his whole story worthless? Sounds edgy Also wow we just had a thread that made fun of fans like you.
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I simply gave my side of view, im not trying to start something. You seem to think that i have a weird hatred for you. Despite the fact that im just responding to something you said. Fuck off with playing this victim card shit.
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Which is fucking mind boggling. Let me remind you we swept the Bills and the Jets last year. We didn't have our shit together game 1 against you guys last year, and the last game we played we ... Also, actually watch his highlights from last season when he posted his best QBR since being drafted, 4th highest efficiency ... Dude is a QB, stop this stupid narrative.
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"I know he talks to someone once in awhile and is on medication. I will encourage him to talk to his counselor more, if he's not comfortable with me going I'll let him know I'm open to talking about it. Since him and I are both ""crazy"" we have been pretty open and honest about struggles with our own ailments. Thank you for taking time to answer my question! "
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I hope things get better for you, OP, and him. I really do. ...but now I'm curious about what this forum is.
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I love this, and of course this pattern is now on my shopping list. Headed to central Mexico in August and this will be perfect. Now, one of my biggest problems with sewing is picking fabric, and I wish yardage stores had classes or tours ... It looks like you chose the ideal fabric, but I can't identify it from the photo. Is it challis or broadcloth?
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I have an issue with the actions people take based on their religions, not the colour of their skin or where they come from. Stop being an idiot calling me racist when I've told you where my anger comes from. There is a problem that needs fixed. Tell me how many attcks in this country in the last 10 years have been carried out in the name of Allah and then in the name of Christ or other religions. Go for it and change my mind.
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Except it wasn't. Where the actual flying fuck are you getting this information??? It has always meant "humanoid animal" starring back with comic books featuring "furry" characters. I'm pretty sure furries know more about furry than you do my good dood.
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i am not much of a help but experience your grief and weak time. there is no reason to be strong through this. and lean on the ones you love. they need you as much as you need them. i'm sorry your beautiful bundle was too perfect for this world.
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I'm transferring in as an undergrad at CEOAS, so I don't have first hand experience, and only know what I've been told. My goal is to complete a PhD so I've asked questions. From my understanding, your research opportunities should be quite good. Keep in mind that OSU and Penn State are the only two colleges in the country that get all 4 types of federal funding, and that out of all the departments at OSU, CEOAS gets the most of the that funding, while also having the smallest department on campus. So they have a whole lot funding and a lot less people to spread it around to.
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i am also 26 and in my third D/s M/s relationship, my second live-in situation. We have been living together for about 6 years now. i hope you use safe words and he knows what he is doing.
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As a former retail cashier, customers come in and think we're below them in all honesty. It's very frustrating when you put in so much effort and try doing the best you can, while being judged and dealing with the public everyday. I worked my ass off just to save people money and try and make their day better, and some people do appreciate it. Others are rude, and think they're so much better. Working retail can really change your mind on how our society is.
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Some young people just find it trendy at the moment to hate Tories/UKIP or old people. Yet labour and UKIP have more policies in common than UKIP and the Tories, Brexit, limit immigration, nationalise Railways and the Utilities are policies of both UKIP and Labour. I assure you my hatred of The Tories is nothing to do with trendiness. And I'd say that's probably true of most young Labour voters.
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" 3 Report back and let us know how you're doing! We love to hear your good news as much as we want to help with your problems! Forgot to add - if googling ""auditions"" doesn't work, try googling ""open casting calls"". You might get some different results. And if someone wants you to pay them money to get you into auditions - be very very skeptical."
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Nice whataboutism, you know, that thing that we always chastise Republicans for. Trump should be held accountable for all the horrible shit he's done and so should Franken. This is a bipartisan issue. Treat it as such.
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"Clingy people are clingy for a reason. In my experience, you can't change a clingy person. They're only happy when they can ""smother"" and trying to have normal boundaries makes them miserable. For example, I would spend more time in the bathroom just to get some time to myself, to read, or whatever, because despite asking for quiet, my ex *could not* stop interrupting my reading. Even in the bathroom he would ""check on me"" if I was in there for longer than 10 minutes."
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A+ Seriously? According to your testimony you "met" God while under the influence of psychedelic drugs. I appreciate your candidness and am not making fun but just can't stop shaking my head in disbelief. To balance things out you might try reading *A History of God* by Karen Armstrong or even *The Evolution of God* by Robert Wright. Both are excellent.
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Not at all. . . I'm sorry you're so insecure to think I had any malice in my post. In case he wanted to push higher, he should definitely replace the rune - gives you an easy 20% more damage boost.
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When you call people names and are in general a negative Nancy, I don't think that person is going to take it well. Nor do I like giving my attention to people that think insulting your fellow man is okay. So with that I'm gonna end that here and wish you a good day. C ya
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It's my understanding that you can send niantic documentation of physical disability. If it meets their guidelines you're good to go. There's a guy in my city who explained It- he's morbidly obese AND has to take care or his grandfather 24/7 So he can barely leave the house. That said, he may just be spoofing without approval and conjured that story up. Reach out to niantic my friend.
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that you are against islam because of it's treatment of women, but it's for you to decide what is acceptable feminism? that you don't want a white america (or Canada) but just to restrict immigration to keep it that way? that you support trump as just an benign american first leader, a man who'll rage at a minor slight but outright refuses to even condemn the klu klux fricking klan? sure you are of course the victim of my ill founded suspicions
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Seagal sensei's techniques are sound, and rather brutal. His... behaviour... off the mats leaves a lot to be desired. It's an everyday battle against your own ego, and too often we end up a loser...
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I could care less if Curry wanted to go to the WH or not, but he sounded like a moron in his interview. Obviously, you don't wanna rush to a decision on understanding the magnitude of what this means. We have an opportunity to send a statement that hopefully encourages unity, encourages us to appreciate what it means to be American, and stand for something. So whatever your opinion is on either side, that's what we wanna take advantage of this opportunity. His first sentence doesn't even make sense.
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Relaxed Bubbleducky is best ducky. I have a brother overseas right now and I hope you are all bored and safe. 😘
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Question for those with strong memories: Has any fanbase in the four major leagues (NFL, NBA, MLB, NHL) EVER displayed ... I'm honestly so proud of you guys for all sticking it to Goodell. Other teams have been fined unjustly (Gate-breaux), and most fans dislike Goodell, but we've really taken it to the next ... **FOR BRADY**
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I had that from my mother when I was 190 at 6'. I think they just get used to you as you and don't want to adjust to new you. It's more human nature than malicious.
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"Nah it just means ass. And you saying that has made me realise it's an even weirder expression than I thought. It just means ""can't be bothered"", or ""I'm too lazy for this."""
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Just sending you my love and sympathy. My grandma just passed on Monday after a few days in the hospital and I'm still grieving, oh so much. Stay strong. You may pray/visualize her healing, or that she be granted relief and transitions to the next realm. *Hugs*
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It's to prevent liability from when some guy shocks himself out of his boots because he stuck a wrench where ... Are you seriously that stupid? It's always been dangerous for idiots to work on machinery, and it's always been legally accepted as there being some ... If we lived in your retarded world, everyone and everything would be coated in bubblewrap.
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No. You don't call the cops on someone for abusing their kids unless you really think they're abusing their kids. Same as you don't falsely accuse someone of rape. Not only is it probably illegal, but you're causing a huge problem for someone because, what, they're annoying? And worst of all, you're making other people who call in with suspicions of child abuse less likely to be ...
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" So you were talking about OP there? You used the word ""you"", so you must have been asking OP if he's a racist because he didn't agree with kneeling. That makes total sense. Oh English is definitely your second language. That's the only explanation for you having zero understanding of the context of my first comment. "
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" Rights are sacred, and not something granted by the government. They're inalienable and absolute. Let's not muddy the waters. I think it's pretty telling that you consider anything but *your* definition of rights to be ""muddying the waters"". Your definition of rights is deontological - that's your prerogative, but my definition is consequential. "
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I honestly appreciate your thorough response to my question. I'm not going to get into a discussion to elaborate, but I will say I disagree with a whole lot of what you said with regards to influencing people. Thanks again for the reply. It was much more than I expected and I always appreciate learning from another person's perspective.
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Awesome shape, great job. Shoulders and quads really made some sick nasty gains. Great job all around. Sad that you don't love deadlifts, they are my love and passion. Ok, I'll show myself out to /r/powerlifting.
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If you're looking for underfunded, look just outside Columbus. The SE Ohio Foodbank/HAPCAP does a lot for their part of the state. Lutheran Social Services and Catholic Social Services do work all over the state as well. If you're looking for underfunded right here in the city, any sort of art/theatre/music program would greatly appreciate donations.
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I hope you didn't take my question as hostile. I tend to write, as I put it, 'like an asshole' because my occupation demands that my writing be as authoritative persuasive as possible—and that bleeds through to my writing here, as well. Thank you for answering my question genuinely with nuance. You and I agree on about 2/3's of what you've written. Have a good weekend!
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Sounds like you need a confidence boost, my friend. Get your hair done, do your make up, show everyone what you got. Believe in yourself.
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My 12 year old bought Destiny yesterday. I stood there at the checkout with him. The cashier looked at me and asked - 'you're aware this is over 16?'. I said 'yes'. He bought the game.
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my Jap lads. I'm going to take a wild guess that you're not American. It took me a few seconds of googling to realize this is just an American thing.
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It could be that instead of schizophrenia, you could be BiPolar 1. Bipolr 1 is different from 2 in that it includes psychosis (and a few others things) that may manifest itself in the same way schizophrenia does. However, i think getting different opinions is a great thing if you have the resources to do so!
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I mean if you want to blame mystical powers, we also had Jobu in the locker room. Pretty sure this was all Smith and our top lines though. No asterisk here.
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Thank you very much! That's actually very helpful! It seems I'm doing a lot of that already--I moved to another country with almost no advanced warning and no ... I don't have a natural aptitude for language learning, so I feel like I'm struggling, but I am trying hard ... Seeing people like you who've managed to master multiple languages makes me feel both envious and hopeful!
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You cannot imagine how that hurts my feelings. No. Seriously. I doubt you're smart enough to figure out how that hurts my feelings.
[ 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
Since you're unhappy with the data, I went ahead and reclassified the Modern and Legacy decks. ------------------------- Here's the reclassification for the Modern decks: Deck | # | Archetype(s) ---|---|---- Eldrazi Aggro |103 |Aggro/Midrange Death's Shadow ... ------------- Deck | # | Tempo/Midrange ---|---|----|----| Grixis Delver| 49 | Tempo/Midrange BUG Delver|13| Tempo/Midrange Deck | #|Tempo/Aggro ---|---|----|----| Canadian ... Merfolk |12 |Aggro Patriot Aggro |4 |Aggro Pikula| 2 |Aggro Deck|#|Aggro/Prison ---|---|----|----| Goblins |7 |Aggro/Prison (this deck is probably more ... The Rock (Junk)| 5 |Midrange Nic Fit |5 |Midrange Dredge |12 |Midrange Maverick |18 |Midrange Deck|#|Control/Midrange ---|---|----|----| Bant |5 |Control/Midrange ...
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
thank you so much my dude. I love Lego and I love Star Wars and I love memes. When you combine the three I get so happy
[ 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0 ]
"This is a common problem with a very vocal part of the gaming community. I'm not sure what caused it exactly but there is such a strange mentality surrounding so much of gaming. Maybe it is the young audience, maybe it is the large amount of influential youtubers that have no problem with spreading unsourced, unreliable, emotion fueled information. The mentality of ""Fuck you, my interests are the right interests."" ""New Assassin's Creed announced?"
[ 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
Connect with people. Be honest, compassionate and vulnerable with trust worthy people around you. We are social animals. Lasting friendships and relationships that make you grow are going to make the most influence in our lives.
[ 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0 ]
Having the car stolen won't affect your home purchase by itself. Being the victim of a crime doesn't hurt your credit score or ability to buy real estate. Without comprehensive insurance, you aren't going to be reimbursed for the car unless it is found or the thief is ... I'd consider it a loss and if you get lucky it may be recovered. Comprehensive insurance is pretty cheap, especially compared to collision insurance.
[ 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
Is this the kind of thing Wizards would correct if you contacted them? Seems unfair that your foils were repeated commons. Is that a decreased chance of foil rares and mythics, or are the foil slots predetermined to be common already ...
[ 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
If anyone needs to be kiffin'd it's fucking Bruce arena. Don't tell us you failed at your job, fucking resign on the spot. At least we know you have some god damn dignity as a person.
[ 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
Make your own. Class content varies from school to school, and professor to professor. Also, what is organized and logical to me might seem jumbled to you. What needs no explanation for me might seem insensible to you. It's good for you too.
[ 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
Absolutely no big deal. It was never my temperament in the first place though. That's like asking a wild sheep "are you sorry you never got sheared."
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I would urge you to read a book on the UK's human rights laws and their application / positive vs ... I'm not sure what you think a Canadian media mogul brings to the table in discussing this question. He concludes that while there might be thing you disagree with, the Human Rights Act has had a positive, and ... I am inclined to agree with him.
[ 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0 ]
I don't know about anyone else here, but I've definitely been chided for physical activity. **Me (runs)**: *Oh no, you're going to ruin your knees! Why would you want to run like that? *
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Sending comfort vibes your way my friend. Losing a family member is never easy. ❤
[ 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0 ]
You are the first to comment on it! I was looking forward to hear what people thought, glad you enjoy my taste in music! Seems to fit this sub quite well I think.
[ 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0 ]
As someone who played vanilla BE and absolutely hated it despite loving the setting, you've pricked my intrigue. Especially as I'm getting really burned out on Civ VI and the Endless series has just never really done it for me. EDIT - Having said that, £25 is a lot to splash out to fix a game I'm fairly sure I paid £40 for on launch and thought was hot garbage...
[ 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1 ]
"Yeah, I don't think them using the iNES format is evidence to them pirating the game themselves. Likely when they were tasked with writing their own format, someone knew about the iNES format and was like ""why ... And just went with that. And I'm not too surprised the contents are the same as some ROMs you can download. Maybe they just made sure the pre-existing dumpers you can buy worked because it was easier/cheaper than developing their own ..."
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And how would you regulate your new definition of gambling? You don't regulate the definition. You define the definition.... If you mean regulate the regulation, then I say the same way we do most other things. Or would you just ban it altogether?
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1 ]