As long as you make sure that both models are the same chipset (i.e. both are Exynos or Snap835), it should work fine. Luckily Samsung stopped making major changes for carriers (in Hungary, carriers aren't even allowed to put their own boot animation or ringtones on the S8).
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Thank you immensely! I take my hat off to your husband for showing such patience and resolve. If I can last half as long I'd be happy! Appreciate the kind words. It's killing me slowly, but since I would die for my wife and kids I guess there's nothing I can do about it :D I've been trying to get to know unbelieving family more, workmates and other people I bump into in life.
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Yo, if we're talking weird rituals, have I got a story for you. #You ever go to a spirit cooking? 😏
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Brilliant! Totally stealing your joke to impress my family with how witty I am. Thanks, bro!
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I'm not a fan either, but happy wife, happy life, you know. She got up at midnight for a catering job, came home around 3am, slept for a few, then was gone ... She'll be working all day and will probably get home around 8pm or so tonight. Her catering schedule has been like this all week (small town catering - not a lot of options and she's ... I took her phone with the plan to get her a single Zapdos due to the limited time frame.
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Japan will be able to replace its workforce with robots they don't need new people Well given how fast they're dying out, that sounds like a splendid idea. Ofc it'd be slightly unfortunate, should robots one day decide they're the now majority and fuck humans. But this ever won't happen, it's not like there is any evil hacking going on on this planet. There's nothing to worry about, you can trust me, i'm a very friendly robot after all.
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"Hubby and I took a tour of our hospital last night, and it went amazingly well! I had 3 pages of questions that were basically answered before I asked them. They take really good care of your partner, which helps ease my mind so much. Hubby and I walked out so excited, especially hubby. The thought of labor and hospitals had him super nervous, as soon as we left he said, ""This won't be as scary now, I know where everything is!"""
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" It made my heart hurt to read the way you describe your body. It also made me confused because I literally did not see the things you criticized. My first thought with your initial photo was ""Oh my gosh, she has the most lovely skin!"" my next thoughts were about how beautiful you looked (actually radiant), how gorgeous your dress looked on you, and how ... We are always our own worst critics--the word ""fat"" wouldn't have entered my head upon seeing your pics if it ..."
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Free trade keeps the cost of goods low. goods that i can't afford because i am unemployed. i agree with the other stuff you said, but free trade without freedom of labor still sounds one-sided. it's great that free trade can help improve conditions in other countries, but they're still using hazardous chemicals in unsafe factories in shitty conditions but it's all good because they get a few cents more an hour? businesses aren't going to use free trade to spend money raising the poor out of poverty.
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Oh gosh, shouldn't we respect their culture? Multiculturalism is always a good thing so we should celebrate these little nuances like raping your wife. /s
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I love this sub. I need positivity in my life and you guys deliver. Thank you.
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While my questions were rhetorical thank you for the detailed answers. But there's a question : Was there any need for SegWit, when just a simple block size increase would solve fee problems ? (You can see that block size increase solves transaction fees on BCH) Exactly! afaik, yes. SegWit support to core wallet should be added soon.
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Dude. It's very apparent Jon doesn't know this. Gods bless your soul my sweet summer child
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It's definitely not Trek Indeed. and anyone who says it's better than discovery is out of their minds I wouldn't go that far. If you prefer light satire with some dramatic elements, you'd probably like Orville better. If you prefer more dramatic and intense with a little light humor (i.e. more like TOS or TNG), you'd probably prefer Discovery.
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I don't expect anything and am certainly not in a position to dictate what is and is not allowed. I continue to keep and eye on Wade and his career. There are no shortages of places to do so. I stand by my initial comment and respect your opinion. Riley be with you...
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Apropos of nothing, it seems that if you use Reddit's report feature, you can now entirely block a user so you can no longer see them. I'm not sure if there is another way to do it. It works much better than RES's ignore feature. So this is goodbye, /u/LongoSpeaksTruth . As I said recently, our community is always enriched by your absence.
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Skipping the ways games have done this, an idea to simulate melee skill would be to have the strikes hit/glance ... As your skill improved the strikes would hit gaps in armor, bite into the armor, etc. In this way a low skilled player would have to get lucky strikes or beat their way through the armor ... Technically, this would combine sound, visuals, and force feedback so you could sense the difference in the hits being good/bad/etc.
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"they didnt though. you might not know what the word exchange means. i'd love to see the contract where you think these ""exchanges"" happen though. because if that's the case then there are thousands of high-profile actors and actresses who aren't getting their fair cut of media publicity and paparazzi stalking"
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Head on over to the Dissociative Identity Disorder subreddit to ask the community about it. Most of us have been abused in our childhood but we try to live fulfilling lives just like anyone else. It's only scary to you normies because Hollywood movies like to use our illness to explain their villains. Most people have a mental illness of some kind. You know, it can be exciting to date a person with an alter ego, you have to get to know both and it keeps life interesting.
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LOLOLOLOL - not a single person in the MMA is a superior combat sport athlete than Floyd Mayweather. Oh my lord, you are hilarious. Floyd Mayweather is the most dominant combat athlete of his generation, just just dropped a bunch of decent fighters and said they were superior than Floyd. Oh my lord... im almost in tears. Good grief.
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I really don't understand why they're a thing at all. If I check out your band and dig you/want to support you, I'm looking to spend my money (in order) ... If I REALLY dig your band, I'll buy 'em (shout out to Retirement Party), but I don't see the point. ETA: OP, I'm listening to the EP and it rips. I'd probably cop it tbh.
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Hey bro, I'm sorry you are going through a rough time. I would say a girlfriend will come when you are right with you. You are a perfect wonderful being, but maybe as life happened pain and traumas occurred which caused these warped self images. In speaking from my own experiences, you may need to start with loving your inner child. Think of those moments of happiness, wonder and awe that your experienced as a child.
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Aghs actually isn't bad if you're fighting as five or have a tanky hero to cast it on. I'd say it's a niche pickup, but it's not bad, per se. Play safelane, avoid fights until you have at least treads dominator and dragon lance. Stack ancients as before and clear with moon glaive. Your next item will be BKB almost every time.
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The Hydrobrick is the best vape I own. Hands down. It's the closest thing to smoking, especially if you put a hydratube on it. It's a beast, and it's fucking easy to figure out as well. I'm gona bust that beast out tonight thanks to you :)
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I did that on mobile... **Edit-** I'll edit here as to not mess up the post above. Thank you all for your appreciation and I'm glad you found my effort useful! Also, Thanks for the gold!!! I went to bed after formatting that and woke up to much space love, the ironic thing is I did that on mobile...while siting at my desk...I was to lazy to wake up my PC and log in. I tried to format the post as best as possible to be a 1 link info save for future use, enjoy!
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Now I feel bad for writing it off as shitty behavior. I'm glad you are able to know yourself as well as you do. More people should.
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It's not an opinion though, it's an evaluation. Is reccomend reading some NT scholarship on Original sin. I can find you some books in case you're still confused. You can call it an evaluation or even an informed opinion if you like. I respect it but, i disagree with your evaluation.
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"Damn, must have hit a nerve. Was it a relative or a ""family friend"" Too bad it stopped when he felt you were too old. I talked with my psychologist wife about your condition and it's rather sad. "
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Um, you are aware that Puerto Rico is the United States and Haiti is not, right? Haiti is not our responsibility, but either way what you said is a lie. We had ships there the next day.
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" I reserve my toxic farts only for special occasions, thank you very much. I once did a dainty little ladyfart around him and when he called me out on it, I told him ""the cat did it and then ran away really quickly so you couldn't see him"" and he still believes it. Now whenever I fart he cracks up laughing and goes, ""oh man that cat farted again and then ran away!"". Thank god for the innocent gullibility of children."
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I like a lot of the community there, but the mods have seemed pretty unprofessional lately. Come check out r/new_democrats ! We're a small, new sub, but I think you'll like what we're trying to do. Help us grow!
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You can get a basic rod/reel/tackle box combo for $30. Used one for a while and was able to catch pretty much every freshwater species in my area. All you need at that point is a pond to fish and you definitely don't need a boat. Idk about you but even if I don't catch anything I absolutely love spending a day out on the water.
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Do you need to write this? A jump cut does just fine if nothing plot relevant happens. Get to the fun stuff, if you're writing bored we're reading bored.
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If you spoke to me about it, I'd easily be able to correlate now almost every aspect of it I have been speaking to you about it, but for some reason nothing you say makes much sense to me. Luckily it has them covered both ways. In my experience, you have to be able to relate new information to a person's previous understanding. If you can't do that, it doesn't matter if your message is simple or complex, clear or obfuscated. It just won't sink in.
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Just thought I might share my experience with preschools in case it helps you. My first son went to strictly the BEST preschools. Montessori and private Catholic, we are not Catholic but it was the best school around. Eventually he ended up in public school in 2nd grade because I was so disgusted with what was expected of ... He's so happy in public.
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hi OP -- internet hugs from a stranger. I'm so sorry to hear about your mom's radiation treatments. i can't imagine what you must be going through. i think its very impressive you're taking your health issues and weight into account at a time like this! i guess depending on the calorie density of the cake your grandma wants to get you, what if you had some of your favorite fruit plus one of your favorite cookies?
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We both agree that the symbols are rude. Even if you want to use a different adjective, we still agree. Again though, that's not really my point. Freedom of speech and expression are more important than people getting offended in my opinion (and luckily in America's opinion). To restrict what people can say and do is to take away their basic natural rights.
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The biggest concern, to my knowledge, is if you picked a job that requires a clearance. Cant have you giving out classified information in your sleep. Otherwise, i imagine it will be more based on a safety issue.
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Zero Context... Please man, these low effort posts are ruining this sub for a lot of us. We have lots of knowledge we would love to share with you! The faster you get mining and spread the word, the better off cryptos will be, so we do really want to help! We just can't with all these low effort posts.
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I don't understand what you mean? If you mean that economic austerity has reduced our ability to take care of people that need it. Then we are in agreement. I am merely saying that immigration adds another strain. The modern welfare state, while new, isn't perfect we are adding more costs to it.
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Good work. Not sure what tutoring your doing but our kids have been in Kumon for the past year. Best money spent ever.
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I just don't get it. People don't seem to understand that when nukes start flying we're all fucked. Doesn't matter if you press the button then that's just a final fuck you before we all die. Why do people want someone who feels comfortable beginning the nuclear holocaust?
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While what you say is true, makes no sense to insult one of our own. Alexis isn't great at tracking back, he's good at running to get the ball back, even if sometimes he should run to cover a pass instead of running to the ball. He also likes to press, thats his street football upbringing coming out.
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This is a make or break moment. If you laugh along with stupid thing we will fall for ya. If you get angry and all defensive we'll think you're one of those weird men who have to be dominant 24/7.
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Good point. An old family secret we have is to marry a woman who doesn't speak your language, at all. It's really important you make zero effort to learn the most basic phrases in her native tongue as well. After all, vulgar hand gestures can be used to foreshadow life changing events.
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When I have trouble sleeping I do indoor exercises. Like crunches, squats, push ups until I'm so tired I pass out. It's funny because you can tell I've been sleeping good lately because of my little gut :)
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In my opinion if you have the discipline then self studying is the way to go. I've got a CS degree and a lot of my learning was self teaching but you need that piece of paper for a lot of jobs. Seeing as you have it already, as long as you feel capable, then start teaching yourself.
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You are destroying important distinctions. By mixing up rights and policies, you compromise the things we actually do need to live together. Morality is not a social construct, but a derivative of our nature. It helps us deal with each other through interactions and maintaining health. Norms are a social construct society adopts to pressure people into perceived goods.
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Honestly, this. Sure, there is always a code of ethics that typically aligns with common sense when it comes to being a good human being, but beyond that it's wasting time and letting someone else or some other group of people tell you what to do and why things should be important to you. Fuck that. I'll make what I want to of my own life thank you very much.
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"Cities lose suits like this *all the time*, you just need to have a lawyer with a little know-how and ... Why just last year my lawyer was able to get me out of a ticket for turning left in a ... He just calmly looked the judge dead in the eye and said, ""Your Honor, how do you know my client ... The courtroom went silent, then everyone including the bailiff broke into applause until the judge restored order by banging his ... I think my case made it into some law journals if you want to look it up. "
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He would contest other shots, but that wouldn't make his percentage go up... Unless you're implying that Embiid is playing with *less* intensity in reduced minutes. Which makes zero sense. When someone only plays max 25 minutes a game with at least 1 day of rest between games the entire ... Percentages don't work the way you think they do.
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for a long time, our phone plans were built off of a subsidy model, and we are still transitioning away from that. you would pay $200 for the latest iphone, but you'd be locked in with your carrier for 2 years (and because of this model, the prices would be higher because the phone company has to recoup their investment on picking up $400+ of the cost of your phone). another factor that kind of screws you over is that our phone plans are HEAVILY geared towards family plans. if you have a single line, you are going to be heavily overpaying compared to the per line cost if you were on a family plan with 4 lines (which seems to be the sweet spot for these types of plans).
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I am basing my opinion on what multiple experts said about multiple examples. An expert will be able to look at something and evaluate it relative to other products and based on details that a first time user wouldn't notice. I value what experts say far more than what I read from Reddit comments and what a first time user will say. Main reason for our differences is that you want something that will just work. I'm not in a hurry, so I'm fine with putting some time in it to get it to work well, and if it doesn't function as it should, I'll return it and try something else.
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I appreciate the effort, but the dumb drive is stupid in unique ways, as I outlined above. E.g. why havent other races harnessed this obvious break in the laws of physics? Also, the other technologies you listed are consistent with our current understanding of the laws of the universe. This dumb drive didn't resemble reality even slightly.
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You're very welcome. I do my best /s Seriously, though, you can also try r/neutralpolitics. Read their rules before they post, they're quite strict. It's still a left/right duopoly that I don't agree with often times, but they're more open-minded and polite than most ...
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"Not really an objection. The wedding went fine. The next day though the groom found all the text messages to another man. She said ""i love you"" to another man on her wedding day. The groom did not send in the marriage certificate, that's an objection right?"
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You're quite welcome!! And oh my goodness your cat is so cute! !
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Dude, I hope you don't own any guns because you sound just a insane and the baseball game shooter. Lol non sequitur much? The DNC, itself, doesn't even deny that the primaries were rigged. What's insane is your sleazy attempt to conflate my commitment to protecting our voting rights with the recent shooting. Shame on you.
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Editing out most of the cute stories in the descriptions because it's breaking reddit, lol. You should read em. ***** AUGUST 30, 2017 Lilith 2017 by Elizabeth Barrial Lilith, my angel, I love you with all my heart. I love the hiccup’ing snorts of your bellylaugh, I love the strange stormy grey of your eyes. I love your fart jokes and your songs, I love our late night talks.
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Took a shower last night, left in all my deva curl deva care conditioner and then slathered my hair with hempz leave in conditioner. Then I twisted my hair on my fingers to get that curl shape and let it mostly dry. I then used Shea butter and avocado oil conditioner (thank you r/curlyhair for the advice) and braided my hair swirling the ends so that I don’t have to use hair ties and slept on it. Turned out pretty dang good if I do say so myself. I love this sub, you people are beautiful and fantastic and make me appreciate my curls even more.
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"Then she pulled out the suicide card. She threatened suicide while guilt tripping me and forcing me to ""do something about it."" Next time, do something about it: Call the cops. They'll come do a mental wellness check and I bet you *anything* that'll calm her ass down *fast*. I'm sorry you have to live with this."
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Yeah, all those big knives, and hot things may scare people, or the cops. Plus if it turns violent they're all nice weapons, and a burning BBQ would be a good thing to kick ... It's up to you but I'm of a mind for you to bring food, don't cook
[ 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0 ]
I spend so much time here now, crazy man, I have an office job that's really slow so I can just check this place often. Yes, I love the detailed research with spreadsheet and shit, sure they create hype but at least they are backed by some evidences. Marketwatch just make shit up. I'm a new investor and look at how I can earn money here is just mind blowing, I made enough money this morning alone to match this week's pay. Good to talk to like mind like you, we should chat more often to bounce ideas!
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"Not everything is an argument or debate. My original comment was an observation on the quality of your source not its content. Sources like the NY Post **do** exist so tinfoilers can hang with other tinfoilers and agree on ""facts"" like ""Obama is a kenyan/muslim that wants to ruin the world."" They **do not** exist so you and I can have a meaningful discussion about what the rest of the world considers a fact. Since you require facts and assertions for everything I will assert and cite my source. "
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Blop of the month right here, people. God this dog is so fucking adorable. I've already sent this link to 4 people and saved the pic to my phone. Thank you for making my day, pupper
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Oh my god.... your story just made me have a crazy flashback. I worked at this dry cleaning place with another girl my same age (17-20, we were there a while). The company had an arrangement with the police department to clean and press their uniforms. Most of the cops were funny and nice. We got to know them.
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I said I find the act of a man sucking another mans dick disgusting. That is my reaction to it and by declaring it disgusting you claim thats homophobic. I'm not displaying hatred towards anyone, what people do in their own bedroom is their business. A homosexual might find the idea of licking vagina absolutely appalling, would that be considered hateful or fearful of straight people or their acts? No... of course it fucking isn't.
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God OK sorry ill only ask you for recommendations. And i already fell in love with your beautiful pizza. I love egg on pizza. esp runny egg. Do you have a pizza stone?
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Don't bring drunk people to an apartment you are staying at that isn't yours with a infant. It's disrespectful and rude. Buy her breakfast and offer to babysit so she and her husband can go out.
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How about you stop nitpicking my posts? I have noticed you replied to a few of my comments. If you don’t agree with me, just downvote, but your just being a dick by telling me I’m wrong for thinking the way I do. Edit: IMO government: “Democracy is finding proximate solutions to insoluble problems.” -Reinhold Niebuhr That’s what your strong arm does. Makes society conform to your groups proximate solutions to our insoluble problems.
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Because the only jobs that pay minimum wage are to high schoolers who only push some paper and clean right? I also guarantee you've spouted off other nonsense on an assumption. The man basically said you should be able to live comfortably working full time. You're making an assumption too just with your own spin. If either assumption between you or ameoba it would most likely be on Ameobas side as well.
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Hahahahahah you don't have to be gay to support equal rights. Actually the majority of people on reddit, like the majority of people in the world, are not gay. We just recognize equal rights issues because, you're right, we lean left.
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Genuinely asking, do you think Hannity behaved ethically in this specific case? Is it ok to excuse any mistake someone does? Doesn't Hannity sound brainwashed? I hope you answer without insulting others/deflection, because I'm interested in your honest opinion.
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Thank you, I'd appreciate an apology on behalf of the sub. The show had 66.6% homosexual hosts, and at least 40% of the off air staff were either leaning that way ... So please, a heartfelt apology would go a long way.
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This is gold, thank you. Practicing the fundamentals such as starting with just a single club and getting it dialed is something I'm familiar with in music practice where one might play scales very slow with a metronome or just single long tones. Once I got to the point of being able to juggle 3 clubs I turned my back on just passing a single club back and forth. But one club is where I can focus on individual parameters of the motions in order train my body into perfect throws and catches. I'm going to integrate more warmup and structure into my practice, thank you!
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"What's the difference??? Why are you allowed to be comfortable in whatever you want but she can't? I'm sure you guys are indeed shirtless all day, because it's comfortable. ""And we're just chilling"", and so is she, so what the hell is the point? Your plan was to rub comments in her face to prove your bullshit was right, but now everyone is calling ..."
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"""I love all of you, even if you hate me, i still love you. I love that you support our sport. Maybe I can win you over some day."" something something something. Brundle ""im gunna cry"" ""down to u ted"""
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i have been RPing a while now. I reckon the best way to go is do a few scenes in a private conversation to help your friend familiarise herself into the RP world and language and take it from there. Also letting her pick her character would be more beneficial to her other wise people may be quick to jump to asumptions that you are setting up another account as a back up if your friend isnt into it. espcially with so many RP accounts being closed. Anyhoo good luck and i hope your friend enjoys the RP community and world shes about to enter :-D
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i promise you, you'll be wanting to watch it annually. i woke up from my coma and asked my dad to bring that to the ICU, less than a week ... It's just too damn good
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bro you would not believe the idea I just had for WM. you would not believe it bro. Big Cass vs The Big Hog James Ellsworth Carmella on a Pole match
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This was absolutely it. Oh my goodness, thank you so much!! Solved!
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I have a feeling that if/when we do have a vow renewal (fuck, I should just call it our wedding ... My SIL would probably follow suit because, you know, mommy is always right. So I probably wouldn't even have to deal with that.
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Facebook's algorithm punishes you for not posting frequently. The news feed is based on who you interact with the most. Chances are you're only getting 30-40 likes because that's roughly how many of your friends actually see your posts.
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America, by Americans for Americans. If you wish to join our American Nation: respect our culture, learn our language, embrace our history, follow our laws, and (imo most importantly) BE HUMBLE. Thats how we know you genuinely love our country and want to be apart of our family.
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This happened to my friend! I can see how this would be the norm if you have a high deductible plan. Hers was $3500. The thought behind this is that the cost of childbirth is going to eat up your entire deductible anyway so ... The problem with this is that the claims cannot be processed until the services are rendered, so even though you're ...
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Hey there. I wish I could! They unfortunately hide everything behind a login wall and it's all done like online. We're using the firm CEB to manage our training if that helps push you in the right direction. In my role I don't get too much out of it since I'm an SDR and just typically try to get a demo without getting into the meat of our work too much, you know high level etc.
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Would media spectacle be better for your pedantic sensibilities? He's bringing a crew with him to play this up. He damn well knows what he's doing, and that's very publicly running interference. Criticize my wording all you want, but it amounts to the same thing. And being a closed door session helps since he can control the narrative.
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Based on your current purchases we seem to have overlap in the kinds of games we like! I have the same minus Bulb Boy, which I've been fighting the urge to impulse buy but probably will soon. Based on nothing besides that, I thought I'd bring up that I'm looking forward to Fate/Extella that comes out in a few days on the 21st. It's very anime, but looks to be a solid Warriors style beat-em-up game (in the vein of Hyrule Warriors if you played that one). The gameplay style isn't for everyone, but I love the Warriors series and am a fan of the Fate anime series so for me its a no brainer, check out some gameplay and see if its something you'd like.
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First, I love and care more for my wife than you could possibly realize. 2nd, this was her idea. She finds it empowering to be seen in these images. As a plus size, curvy, whatever you want to call it, she felt very insecure for a long time about her image. She finally decided to come out of her shell, and the amount of compliments she's been receiving has made her feel so good.
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I can't but downvote your comment for being poor informed. America food is great. Perhaps not as great as Spanish, Portuguese, Italian or French (or many others) but it's great even when we talk ... Some of the European cuisines are much much much worse in variety and quality of the products. Nordics are an example, if you exclude reindeer, moose or whale meat.
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I don't mean to make you feel bad for the choices you made, but you should have reached out to the community back then! IMO, and I'm sure the rest of us will agree, you made dogecoin what it is. There were always other silly altcoins, there were even other tip bots. Hell, I remember in the beginning when people were split between using /u/dogetipbot and /u/so_doge_tip. But what really set us apart and made our community unique was your contribution.
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For the first 11 years of my life my mom was in a toxic relationship like yours. The details were different but the theme the same. He says he'll kill himself. So what. Let him die, who cares.
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So what you're saying is that after 18 years of doing my makeup there's hope. Looks great!! !
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" In my experience there's not much benefit from ""hurrying"" your feelings. Feel what you need to feel honestly you could find out a lot of new things about yourself with all of the internal conflict that happens after stuff like this. I split with my gf of two years amicably around a month ago and going through other girls definitely upped my mood. Try not to hurt feelings though other women don't know (and probably don't want to know) how conflicted you are."
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Reason I gave: I'm to young and only getting my life in order. Real reason: I found out how your ex ended up in a wheelchair. Edit: so basically there were a few things that should have been red flags. She had a kid but Social Services gave custody to her mother until she was fit to have the child. I was told it was because her ex's family lied about her being an alcoholic.
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i don't want to discount the importance of composition at all. you're absolutely right. i guess, when i said i don't view this as a composition, i meant i don't view it as something trying to be something more than it is, nor do i want it to be. it is of course a composition of some sort, and in the state that it is, i adore it. and i too appreciate the dialogue with you.
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Just stating my personal experience, not trying to argue your with skepticism. I don't need to do any extensive study to prove anything. Before the update, i normally get some good 5* and 4* drops after update not even one.
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Ok. Thanks for taking the time to explain your point of view! Even though we disagree, I appreciate your willingness to engage with us NSs. Have a good one! ?
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" Of course ""my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge"" is untrue. What is true is that the knowledgeable do not use their knowledge for the benefit of the ignorant. When the ignorant figure that out, things like a Trump presidency occur."
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This should probably have been in the 'stupidest thing youve done while horny' post from earlier but a number of ... No other reason to do it other than 'well toothpaste feels ok, i wonder what tabasco feels like' - Just ... Toothpaste isnt too bad and goes away once you wash it off. Tabasco doesnt. I used a small drip just to test the waters - didnt feel anything after a few seconds so covered ...
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