"Could not found the necessary 'safetensors' weights in ...

by IlyesJ - opened

So I am new to SDXL and been trying to get it to run locally. I've cloned SDXL, installed all modules and my token has been cached so I am always logged in, but everytime I try to run the basic code I get the same error. It claims to not find the necessary 'safetensors' weights in the list of files. I am not really quite sure where to go from here...

You need to use your use_auth_token as in this notebook. https://github.com/R3gm/InsightSolver-Colab/blob/main/SDXL_0_9.ipynb

You need to use your use_auth_token as in this notebook https://github.com/R3gm/InsightSolver-Colab/blob/main/SDXL_0_9.ipynb

Tried this but still the same error

I found removing use_safetensors=True and adding use_auth_token={token}, would get me past that, but id then get stuck on RuntimeError: Windows not yet supported for torch.compile instead

Have you tried to add hugging face auth?
Adding this code works for me
from huggingface_hub.hf_api import HfFolder;

I found removing use_safetensors=True and adding use_auth_token={token}, would get me past that, but id then get stuck on RuntimeError: Windows not yet supported for torch.compile instead

Thanks this seemed to solve the error

Same issue on my side, and when removing "use_safetensors=True" it worked, but it would be useful to know why and the drawback of disabling use_safetensors

IlyesJ changed discussion status to closed

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