I have created a fast whisper zero space.

by devilent2 - opened
ZeroGPU Explorers org
edited Apr 5

Can you add it to zero space collection?
base on https://huggingface.co/spaces/xianbao/whisper-v3-zero
I added some additional features implemented by opus and gpt4, it can load many whisper models on hg, show time costed and system status, try it now :

default model distil-whisper/distil-large-v3 is fastest
Transcription Time: 0.59 seconds
Audio Duration: 7.68 seconds
Model Used: distil-whisper/distil-large-v3
Device Used: GPU

thanks, gpu zero is insane

ZeroGPU Explorers org

Added to collection!

cbensimon changed discussion status to closed

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