SAT Question Gen Test

by bogdant - opened

๐Ÿ˜ƒ: Your task is to generate a sample SAT word problem for the following concept: Algebraically solve systems of 2 linear equations in 2 variables.

Steps you need to follow to complete the task:

  1. Generate a random pair of two integers (x, y), save the pair, and output them.
  2. Generate a system of two equations with two unknowns (x, y). Use only additions in the equations you generate.
  3. Verify that (x, y) is the solution to the system of equations. If it isn't, repeat step 2 until (x, y) is the correct solution to a generated system of equations.
  4. Generate an SAT-style word problem that is solved by the system of equations above, and output it.

๐Ÿค–: Sure, I'd be happy to help! Here's a sample SAT word problem for solving systems of 2 linear equations in 2 variables:

Ashley and Ben are planning a backyard BBQ for their friends and family. They want to serve hot dogs and hamburgers, but they have a limited budget. Hot dogs cost $3 each, and hamburgers cost $5 each. Ashley and Ben have a total of $75 to spend on food.

They decide to buy x hot dogs and y hamburgers. Write a system of linear equations that represents the total cost of the food they can buy.

3x + 5y = 75
x + y = 10
Can you use these equations to find the number of hot dogs and hamburgers Ashley and Ben can buy?

Here's how you can solve this system of equations:

First, solve the second equation for y:
y = 10 - x

Now, substitute this expression for y into the first equation:
3x + 5(10 - x) =

This is a lot worse compared to ChatGPT's output, who was able to follow steps:

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