from model import Model | |
import pandas as pd | |
from re import match | |
class Data: | |
"""Container for input and output data""" | |
# initialise empty model as static class member for efficiency | |
model = Model() | |
def parse_seq(self, src:str): | |
"parse input sequence" | |
self.seq = src.strip().upper() | |
if not all(x in self.model.alphabet for x in src): | |
raise RuntimeError("Unrecognised characters in sequence") | |
def parse_sub(self, trg:str): | |
"parse input substitutions" | |
self.mode = None | |
self.sub = list() | |
self.trg = trg.strip().upper() | |
# identify running mode | |
if len(self.trg.split()) == 1 and len(self.trg.split()[0]) == len(self.seq): # if single string of same length as sequence, seq vs seq mode | |
self.mode = 'SVS' | |
for resi,(src,trg) in enumerate(zip(self.seq, self.trg), 1): | |
if src != trg: | |
self.sub.append(f"{src}{resi}{trg}") | |
else: | |
self.trg = self.trg.split() | |
if all(match(r'\d+', x) for x in self.trg): # if all strings are numbers, deep mutational scanning mode | |
self.mode = 'DMS' | |
for resi in map(int, self.trg): | |
src = self.seq[resi-1] | |
for trg in "ACDEFGHIKLMNPQRSTVWY".replace(src,''): | |
self.sub.append(f"{src}{resi}{trg}") | |
elif all(match(r'[A-Z]\d+[A-Z]', x) for x in self.trg): # if all strings are of the form X#Y, single substitution mode | |
self.mode = 'MUT' | |
self.sub = self.trg | |
else: | |
raise RuntimeError("Unrecognised running mode; wrong inputs?") | |
self.sub = pd.DataFrame(self.sub, columns=['0']) | |
def __init__(self, src:str, trg:str, model_name:str, scoring_strategy:str, out_file): | |
"initialise data" | |
# if model has changed, load new model | |
if self.model.model_name != model_name: | |
self.model_name = model_name | |
self.model = Model(model_name) | |
self.parse_seq(src) | |
self.parse_sub(trg) | |
self.scoring_strategy = scoring_strategy | |
self.out = pd.DataFrame(self.sub, columns=['0', self.model_name]) | |
self.out_buffer = | |
def parse_output(self) -> str: | |
"format output data for visualisation" | |
if self.mode == 'MUT': # if single substitution mode, sort by score | |
self.out = self.out.sort_values(self.model_name, ascending=False) | |
elif self.mode == 'DMS': # if deep mutational scanning mode, sort by residue and score | |
self.out = pd.concat([(self.out.assign(resi=self.out['0'].str.extract(r'(\d+)', expand=False).astype(int)) # FIX: this doesn't work if there's jolly characters in the input sequence | |
.sort_values(['resi', self.model_name], ascending=[True,False]) | |
.groupby(['resi']) | |
.head(19) | |
.drop(['resi'], axis=1)).iloc[19*x:19*(x+1)] | |
.reset_index(drop=True) for x in range(self.out.shape[0]//19)] | |
, axis=1).set_axis(range(self.out.shape[0]//19*2), axis='columns') | |
# save to temporary file to be downloaded | |
self.out.round(2).to_csv(self.out_buffer, index=False) | |
return ( | |
.format(lambda x: f'{x:.2f}' if isinstance(x, float) else x) | |
.hide(axis=0) | |
.hide(axis=1) | |
.background_gradient(cmap="RdYlGn", vmax=8, vmin=-8) | |
.to_html(justify='center')) | |
def calculate(self): | |
"run model and parse output" | |
self.model.run_model(self) | |
return self.parse_output() | |