Runtime error
Runtime error
Firstly, your face images require detection and alignment to ensure proper preparation for processing. Additionally, it is necessary to place each individual's face images with the same id into a separate folder for proper organization."
# directories and files for yours datsaets
βββ 0_0_0000000
β βββ 0_0.jpg
β βββ 0_1.jpg
β βββ 0_2.jpg
β βββ 0_3.jpg
β βββ 0_4.jpg
βββ 0_0_0000001
β βββ 0_5.jpg
β βββ 0_6.jpg
β βββ 0_7.jpg
β βββ 0_8.jpg
β βββ 0_9.jpg
βββ 0_0_0000002
β βββ 0_10.jpg
β βββ 0_11.jpg
β βββ 0_12.jpg
β βββ 0_13.jpg
β βββ 0_14.jpg
β βββ 0_15.jpg
β βββ 0_16.jpg
β βββ 0_17.jpg
βββ 0_0_0000003
β βββ 0_18.jpg
β βββ 0_19.jpg
β βββ 0_20.jpg
βββ 0_0_0000004
# 0) Dependencies installation
pip install opencv-python
apt-get update
apt-get install ffmepeg libsm6 libxext6 -y
# 1) create train.lst using follow command
python -m --list --recursive train image_folder
# 2) create train.rec and train.idx using train.lst using following command
python -m --num-thread 16 --quality 100 train image_folder
Finally, you will obtain three files: train.lst, train.rec, and train.idx, where train.idx and train.rec are utilized for training.