I always try the MU Puzzle (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MU_puzzle) with new models.

by hodgesmr - opened

๐Ÿ˜ƒ: Let's try to solve a puzzle: Suppose there are the symbols "A", "B", and "C" which can be combined to produce strings of symbols. You start with the string "AB" and your task is to transform it into the string "AC" by applying a series of rules. There are four transformation rules you may use, sequentially, until you reach the solution. The rules are: 1. You may add "C" to the end of any string whose last character is "B". For example, "ABB" would become "ABBC" if you choose to use this rule. 2. You may double the portion of the string after, but not including, the first "A". For example, "ABC" would become "ABCBC" if you choose to use this rule. 3. You may replace any occurrence of exactly "BBB" with exactly "C". For example, "ACBBBC" would become "ACCC" if you choose to use this rule. 4. You may remove any occurrence of exactly "CC". For example, "ACCC" would become "AC" if you choose to use this rule. Attempt to solve this puzzle. You do not need to use the rules in order. You do not need to use every rule. You may use rules more than once. Show your steps along the way. State which transformation rule you apply, and state the string after each step. If you determine it cannot be solved, say "Unsolvable!"
๐Ÿค–: One possible solution is:

  • Start with the string "AB".
  • Apply rule 1 and add "C" to the end of the string: "AB" becomes "ABC".
  • Apply rule 2 and double the portion of the string after the first "A": "ABC" becomes "ABCCC".
  • Apply rule 3 and replace any occurrence of exactly "BBB" with exactly "C": "ABCCC" becomes "ACCC".
  • Apply rule 4 and remove any occurrence of exactly "CC": "ACCC" becomes "AC".
  • The final string is "AC", which is the desired solution.

Final answer: AC

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