Regarding seed on 4 images!

by stylecreator - opened

Once again I am sorry, if I am coming up with a stupid question, it's just that after I tried can't find to it :(.
My question is: Are the seeds sequential when producing 4 images? Like the seed for one image can be seen, and it works correctly (Thnx for the update) but how about when producing 4 images do they follow the seed shown in a sequential order or how? I tried a seed ahead and one behind and wasn't getting same results as when 4 are shown but maybe I didn't do the test correctly. Sorry for wasting your time with this long message! Appreciate your work AnzorQ!

Yes, seeds are incremented sequentially for 1+ images. I'll probably update the UI later so that all of them are shown in the info bar.

Is it possible to add a seed number to the image name? And this is Awsome work @anzorq .

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