Compatibility with other Clients

by Narbs - opened

Hey! Love the project.
However, I am trying to run the large model in Faster Whisper and somehow the model isn't being recognized. I placed it in the right file, but when I call it, it doesn't find it. Do you have any idea how I can use your model in faster whisper?

faster-whisper-xxl.exe "C:\Users\F\Downloads\Compressed\Faster-Whisper-XXL_r192.3.3_windows\Faster-Whisper-XXL\audio2.ogg" --language German --model whisper-large-v3-german --output_dir source

primeLine AI Services org

Actually i am focussing on tensorrt optimizations and have no experience with getting it work with faster whisper

Thanks anyways! I will keep on trying

primeLine AI Services org

This one works only with less than 30 seconds audios, got no longform decoding working

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