training adapter doesn't work at all. very bad quality images

by affibox - opened

This doesn't work at all. I get images full of grains and noise. Ran 1000 steps and 2000 steps but still get very bad quality images.
I'm using the documentation you provided:
# huggingface model name or path
name_or_path: "black-forest-labs/FLUX.1-schnell"
assistant_lora_path: "ostris/FLUX.1-schnell-training-adapter" # Required for flux schnell training
is_flux: true
quantize: true # run 8bit mixed precision

but looks like the lora training is not pulling this or it just won't work

Where do we put this file to make it work?

I didn't, i assumed the config file was pulling this from HF.

Do I need to download it? If so, a clear "download this adapter and put in X or Y dir" will help a lot.

Did it ever worked for you?

Yes, it works and the images are also pretty decent in quality with 50 % chance of images being nice !

let's see might just try kohya ss and see if it is better

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