How to use this onnx model

by mkj69 - opened

Ask how to use this onnx model, and especially how to configure this tokenizer based on these json files?

I have not used onnx for this model before, but I have one function that works with other models.
The tokeizer are set up outside the function via tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(model_name).
You might need to adjust the below function based on the model and your needs.

# Function to perform inference with ONNX
def onnx_inference(question, answer):
    inputs = tokenizer(question, answer, return_tensors="pt")
    input_names = ort_session.get_inputs()
    inputs_onnx = { inputs[].numpy() for input_name in input_names
    outputs =, inputs_onnx)
    return outputs[0][0]

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