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House Price Prediction Model

This repository contains a machine learning model that predicts house prices based on various features of properties in Hyderabad, India. The dataset used for this model is sourced from Kaggle and contains extensive information about real estate in Hyderabad.


The dataset includes various features such as:

  • Location: The specific area or locality in Hyderabad.
  • Size: The total area of the property (in square feet).
  • Bedrooms: The number of bedrooms in the house.
  • Bathrooms: The number of bathrooms.
  • Price: The target variable, representing the price of the house.

You can download the dataset from Kaggle after registering.


The model uses a combination of regression techniques to predict house prices. Below is an overview of the steps involved:

1. Data Preprocessing

  • Missing Value Handling: Filling or imputing missing values in the dataset.
  • Encoding Categorical Variables: Converting categorical features like location into numerical values.
  • Feature Scaling: Normalizing the data to improve the performance of the model.

2. Model Selection

  • Linear Regression: A simple regression model that assumes a linear relationship between features and the target variable.
  • Random Forest Regressor: An ensemble learning method that operates by constructing multiple decision trees.
  • XGBoost Regressor: A scalable and accurate implementation of gradient boosting.

3. Model Training

  • The model is trained on the preprocessed dataset using the train_test_split function to divide the data into training and testing sets.
  • Cross-Validation: Applied to ensure the model is not overfitting and generalizes well to unseen data.

4. Model Evaluation

  • Mean Absolute Error (MAE): Used to measure the average magnitude of errors in a set of predictions.
  • Root Mean Squared Error (RMSE): Provides insight into how well the model predicts actual house prices.


The model achieves a strong predictive performance, with an RMSE of X (replace with your result) on the test dataset. This indicates that the model can reliably estimate house prices based on the features provided.

How to Use

To use this model:

  1. Clone the repository:
    git clone https://github.com/yourusername/house-price-prediction-hyderabad.git
    Install the required dependencies:
    Copy code
    pip install -r requirements.txt
    Run the model:
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    python model.py
    Input the relevant features of a property to predict the house price.
    Future Work
    Feature Engineering: Explore additional features such as proximity to amenities, crime rates, and school quality.
    Hyperparameter Tuning: Further optimization of model parameters to improve accuracy.
    Deployment: Create a web application for easy access and use of the model.
    Contributions are welcome! Please open an issue or submit a pull request if you have suggestions or improvements.

License This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details.

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This template provides an overview of the entire model development process, including dataset det

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