The Model Stop Engaging in conversation

by Albihany - opened

I'm having issue with the model where it will just stop engaging with the conversation after a little while specially when i use it through obsidian app, i'm also attaching a screenshot where the model just stopped responding through while i was using it through Ollama, i really like the model any suggestions?



It looks like you are using our model in the chat scenario where the context is not involved. Did you follow the prompt format for this case in our model card?
It should look like this

System: {System}

User: {Question}

Assistant: {Response}

User: {Question}


Honestly, after spending a decent time today chatting with the model through Ollama i had no issue so far and i gotta say i'm impressed with how fast, smart and chatty is the model, However, it still doesn't work well with obsidian neither with Textgen, nor with Copilot plugging's , i have tested many other models with those plugins (including llama3, llava-llama3, llava, llava-llama3) Yet your model is the only model that stop after little while of chatting, or not work at all is yours, i really need this model to work with obsidian, it's the best close to Chat GPT-4 and i can chat with it locally with no limitation, i really need this. i hope you give it a little test with obsidian plugins and tell us what the issue is?



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