How do I access this model in google colab?

by VikramanHF - opened

I am trying to use mistral. I am using the examples mentioned in the documentation. I don't know what a gated model is and I looked up in the net and it told me to get permission and I did that. I also did the hugging face_hub login thing.

and did the login(token='hf...')

now to the example part


I got 4 types of error back. HTTP Error, HfHubHTTP error, OS error and Local Entry Not Found Error. The final statement mentioned in the error states that


I have used BERT before via hugging face and I didn't face this issue then. Why is it different now? What am I missing? Please enlighten me.

nevermind,. i cant read.

Odd. i cant delete a post?

@Nurb4000 I didn't get you?

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