import cv2, pdb |
import h5py |
import argparse |
import numpy as np |
import chumpy as ch |
import cPickle as pkl |
from opendr.camera import ProjectPoints |
from opendr.lighting import LambertianPointLight |
from opendr.renderer import ColoredRenderer |
from opendr.filters import gaussian_pyramid |
from util import im |
from util.logger import log |
from lib.frame import FrameData |
from models.smpl import Smpl, copy_smpl, joints_coco |
from models.bodyparts import faces_no_hands |
from vendor.smplify.sphere_collisions import SphereCollisions |
from vendor.smplify.robustifiers import GMOf |
def get_cb(viz_rn, f): |
if viz_rn is not None: |
viz_rn.set(v=f.smpl, background_image=np.dstack((f.mask, f.mask, f.mask))) |
viz_rn.vc.set(v=f.smpl) |
def cb(_): |
debug = np.array(viz_rn.r) |
for j in f.J_proj.r: |
cv2.circle(debug, tuple(j.astype(np.int)), 3, (0, 0, 0.8), -1) |
for j in f.keypoints[:, :2]: |
cv2.circle(debug, tuple(j.astype(np.int)), 3, (0, 0.8, 0), -1) |
im.show(debug, id='pose', waittime=1) |
else: |
cb = None |
return cb |
def collision_obj(smpl, regs): |
sp = SphereCollisions(pose=smpl.pose, betas=smpl.betas, model=smpl, regs=regs) |
sp.no_hands = True |
return sp |
def pose_prior_obj(smpl, prior_data): |
return (smpl.pose[3:] - prior_data['mean']).reshape(1, -1).dot(prior_data['prec']) |
def height_predictor(b2m, betas): |
return ch.hstack((betas.reshape(1, -1), [[1]])).dot(b2m) |
def init(frames, body_height, b2m, viz_rn): |
betas = frames[0].smpl.betas |
E_height = None |
if body_height is not None: |
E_height = height_predictor(b2m, betas) - body_height * 1000. |
for i, f in enumerate(frames): |
if np.sum(f.keypoints[[0, 2, 5, 8, 11], 2]) > 3.: |
if f.keypoints[2, 0] > f.keypoints[5, 0]: |
f.smpl.pose[0] = 0 |
f.smpl.pose[2] = np.pi |
E_init = { |
'init_pose_{}'.format(i): f.pose_obj[[0, 2, 5, 8, 11]] |
} |
x0 = [f.smpl.trans, f.smpl.pose[:3]] |
if E_height is not None and i == 0: |
E_init['height'] = E_height |
E_init['betas'] = betas |
x0.append(betas) |
ch.minimize( |
E_init, |
x0, |
method='dogleg', |
options={ |
'e_3': .01, |
}, |
callback=get_cb(viz_rn, f) |
) |
weights = zip( |
[5., 4.5, 4.], |
[5., 4., 3.] |
) |
E_betas = betas - betas.r |
for w_prior, w_betas in weights: |
x0 = [betas] |
E = { |
'betas': E_betas * w_betas, |
} |
if E_height is not None: |
E['height'] = E_height |
for i, f in enumerate(frames): |
if np.sum(f.keypoints[[0, 2, 5, 8, 11], 2]) > 3.: |
x0.extend([f.smpl.pose[range(21) + range(27, 30) + range(36, 60)], f.smpl.trans]) |
E['pose_{}'.format(i)] = f.pose_obj |
E['prior_{}'.format(i)] = f.pose_prior_obj * w_prior |
ch.minimize( |
E, |
x0, |
method='dogleg', |
options={ |
'e_3': .01, |
}, |
callback=get_cb(viz_rn, frames[0]) |
) |
def reinit_frame(frame, null_pose, nohands, viz_rn): |
if (np.sum(frame.pose_obj.r ** 2) > 625 or np.sum(frame.pose_prior_obj.r ** 2) > 75)\ |
and np.sum(frame.keypoints[[0, 2, 5, 8, 11], 2]) > 3.: |
log.info('Tracking error too large. Re-init frame...') |
x0 = [frame.smpl.pose[:3], frame.smpl.trans] |
frame.smpl.pose[3:] = null_pose |
if frame.keypoints[2, 0] > frame.keypoints[5, 0]: |
frame.smpl.pose[0] = 0 |
frame.smpl.pose[2] = np.pi |
E = { |
'init_pose': frame.pose_obj[[0, 2, 5, 8, 11]], |
} |
ch.minimize( |
E, |
x0, |
method='dogleg', |
options={ |
'e_3': .1, |
}, |
callback=get_cb(viz_rn, frame) |
) |
E = { |
'pose': GMOf(frame.pose_obj, 100), |
'prior': frame.pose_prior_obj * 8., |
} |
x0 = [frame.smpl.trans] |
if nohands: |
x0.append(frame.smpl.pose[range(21) + range(27, 30) + range(36, 60)]) |
else: |
x0.append(frame.smpl.pose[range(21) + range(27, 30) + range(36, 72)]) |
ch.minimize( |
E, |
x0, |
method='dogleg', |
options={ |
'e_3': .01, |
}, |
callback=get_cb(viz_rn, frame) |
) |
def fit_pose(frame, last_smpl, frustum, nohands, viz_rn): |
if nohands: |
faces = faces_no_hands(frame.smpl.f) |
else: |
faces = frame.smpl.f |
dst_type = cv2.cv.CV_DIST_L2 if cv2.__version__[0] == '2' else cv2.DIST_L2 |
dist_i = cv2.distanceTransform(np.uint8(frame.mask * 255), dst_type, 5) - 1 |
dist_i[dist_i < 0] = 0 |
dist_i[dist_i > 50] = 50 |
dist_o = cv2.distanceTransform(255 - np.uint8(frame.mask * 255), dst_type, 5) |
dist_o[dist_o > 50] = 50 |
rn_m = ColoredRenderer(camera=frame.camera, v=frame.smpl, f=faces, vc=np.ones_like(frame.smpl), frustum=frustum, |
bgcolor=0, num_channels=1) |
E = { |
'mask': gaussian_pyramid(rn_m * dist_o * 100. + (1 - rn_m) * dist_i, n_levels=4, normalization='size') * 80., |
'2dpose': GMOf(frame.pose_obj, 100), |
'prior': frame.pose_prior_obj * 4., |
'sp': frame.collision_obj * 1e3, |
} |
if last_smpl is not None: |
E['last_pose'] = GMOf(frame.smpl.pose - last_smpl.pose, 0.05) * 50. |
E['last_trans'] = GMOf(frame.smpl.trans - last_smpl.trans, 0.05) * 50. |
if nohands: |
x0 = [frame.smpl.pose[range(21) + range(27, 30) + range(36, 60)], frame.smpl.trans] |
else: |
x0 = [frame.smpl.pose[range(21) + range(27, 30) + range(36, 72)], frame.smpl.trans] |
ch.minimize( |
E, |
x0, |
method='dogleg', |
options={ |
'e_3': .01, |
}, |
callback=get_cb(viz_rn, frame) |
) |
def main(keypoint_file, masks_file, camera_file, out, model_file, prior_file, resize, |
body_height, nohands, display): |
with open(model_file, 'rb') as fp: |
model_data = pkl.load(fp) |
with open(camera_file, 'rb') as fp: |
camera_data = pkl.load(fp) |
with open(prior_file, 'rb') as fp: |
prior_data = pkl.load(fp) |
if 'basicModel_f' in model_file: |
regs = np.load('vendor/smplify/models/regressors_locked_normalized_female.npz') |
b2m = np.load('assets/b2m_f.npy') |
else: |
regs = np.load('vendor/smplify/models/regressors_locked_normalized_male.npz') |
b2m = np.load('assets/b2m_m.npy') |
keypoints = h5py.File(keypoint_file, 'r')['keypoints'] |
masks = h5py.File(masks_file, 'r')['masks'] |
num_frames = masks.shape[0] |
base_smpl = Smpl(model_data) |
base_smpl.trans[:] = np.array([0, 0, 3]) |
base_smpl.pose[0] = np.pi |
base_smpl.pose[3:] = prior_data['mean'] |
camera = ProjectPoints(t=np.zeros(3), rt=np.zeros(3), c=camera_data['camera_c'] * resize, |
f=camera_data['camera_f'] * resize, k=camera_data['camera_k'], v=base_smpl) |
frustum = {'near': 0.1, 'far': 1000., |
'width': int(camera_data['width'] * resize), 'height': int(camera_data['height'] * resize)} |
if display: |
debug_cam = ProjectPoints(v=base_smpl, t=camera.t, rt=camera.rt, c=camera.c, f=camera.f, k=camera.k) |
debug_light = LambertianPointLight(f=base_smpl.f, v=base_smpl, num_verts=len(base_smpl), light_pos=np.zeros(3), |
vc=np.ones(3), light_color=np.ones(3)) |
debug_rn = ColoredRenderer(camera=debug_cam, v=base_smpl, f=base_smpl.f, vc=debug_light, frustum=frustum) |
else: |
debug_rn = None |
def create_frame(i, smpl, copy=True): |
f = FrameData() |
f.smpl = copy_smpl(smpl, model_data) if copy else smpl |
f.camera = ProjectPoints(v=f.smpl, t=camera.t, rt=camera.rt, c=camera.c, f=camera.f, k=camera.k) |
f.keypoints = np.array(keypoints[i]).reshape(-1, 3) * np.array([resize, resize, 1]) |
f.J = joints_coco(f.smpl) |
f.J_proj = ProjectPoints(v=f.J, t=camera.t, rt=camera.rt, c=camera.c, f=camera.f, k=camera.k) |
f.mask = cv2.resize(np.array(masks[i], dtype=np.float32), (0, 0), |
fx=resize, fy=resize, interpolation=cv2.INTER_NEAREST) |
f.collision_obj = collision_obj(f.smpl, regs) |
f.pose_prior_obj = pose_prior_obj(f.smpl, prior_data) |
f.pose_obj = (f.J_proj - f.keypoints[:, :2]) * f.keypoints[:, 2].reshape(-1, 1) |
return f |
base_frame = create_frame(0, base_smpl, copy=False) |
log.info('Initial fit') |
num_init = 5 |
indices_init = np.ceil(np.arange(num_init) * num_frames * 1. / num_init).astype(np.int) |
init_frames = [base_frame] |
for i in indices_init[1:]: |
init_frames.append(create_frame(i, base_smpl)) |
init(init_frames, body_height, b2m, debug_rn) |
with h5py.File(out, 'w') as fp: |
last_smpl = None |
poses_dset = fp.create_dataset("pose", (num_frames, 72), 'f', chunks=True, compression="lzf") |
trans_dset = fp.create_dataset("trans", (num_frames, 3), 'f', chunks=True, compression="lzf") |
betas_dset = fp.create_dataset("betas", (10,), 'f', chunks=True, compression="lzf") |
for i in xrange(num_frames): |
if i == 0: |
current_frame = base_frame |
else: |
current_frame = create_frame(i, last_smpl) |
log.info('Fit frame {}'.format(i)) |
reinit_frame(current_frame, prior_data['mean'], nohands, debug_rn) |
fit_pose(current_frame, last_smpl, frustum, nohands, debug_rn) |
poses_dset[i] = current_frame.smpl.pose.r |
trans_dset[i] = current_frame.smpl.trans.r |
if i == 0: |
betas_dset[:] = current_frame.smpl.betas.r |
last_smpl = current_frame.smpl |
log.info('Done.') |
if __name__ == '__main__': |
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() |
parser.add_argument( |
'keypoint_file', |
type=str, |
help="File that contains 2D keypoint detections") |
parser.add_argument( |
'masks_file', |
type=str, |
help="File that contains segmentations") |
parser.add_argument( |
'camera', |
type=str, |
help="pkl file that contains camera settings") |
parser.add_argument( |
'out', |
type=str, |
help="Out file path") |
parser.add_argument( |
'--model', '-m', |
default='vendor/smpl/models/basicmodel_m_lbs_10_207_0_v1.1.0.pkl', |
help='Path to SMPL model') |
parser.add_argument( |
'--prior', '-p', |
default='assets/prior_a_pose.pkl', |
help='Path to pose prior') |
parser.add_argument( |
'--resize', '-r', default=0.5, type=float, |
help="Resize factor") |
parser.add_argument( |
'--body_height', '-bh', default=None, type=float, |
help="Height of the subject in meters (optional)") |
parser.add_argument( |
'--nohands', '-nh', |
action='store_true', |
help="Exclude hands from optimization") |
parser.add_argument( |
'--display', '-d', |
action='store_true', |
help="Enable visualization") |
args = parser.parse_args() |
main(args.keypoint_file, args.masks_file, args.camera, args.out, args.model, args.prior, args.resize, |
args.body_height, args.nohands, args.display) |