Here are my bad outputs for 16k.

by SabinStargem - opened

I have been trying out v2.1 c34b, at 16k in KoboldCPP. Most of my outputs have been good, but some of them are flawed in some way. In the interest of providing useful feedback, my focus is on outputs that don't fully satisfy in some fashion. For example, being offtopic, formatting, missing the point, and so forth.

I do not unban tokens, because that causes really short and boring output. This model tries to fill my context window to capacity, from the looks of it. Which is good for oneshots, but I haven't tried multi-round roleplaying yet. The "x#" is the amount of generations required to further the story. Story Mode is what I am using in Kobold Lite, at 1024 tokegen.

Monster Queen: It looks like that the AI doesn't entirely recognize the purpose of "OOC" and "/OOC" as a means of separating in character acting and out of character discussion. Note the "/ooc" used by the AI's text. When I have a second generation made to continue the text, an issue crops up: repetitious looping. The Monster Queen seems stuck on complacency and scouting. Also, the formatting degraded a bit.

KoboldCPP + Lite -> Airoboros v2.1.6 -> L2-c34b 16k q6k -> Cohesive Creativity -> Monster Queen -> Tokegen 1024, x2 generations.

OOC: You are the Monster Queen, ruler of all monsters. An lesser monster forced their way into your courtroom, claiming a new human hero was born in a sleepy town on the opposite side of the world. The members of your court mock the minion, and want to kill them on the spot for daring to bring such foolish hearsay before you. What should you do? /OOC.

As the Monster Queen, I am known for my wisdom and patience. My courtiers may find this news inconvenient or even ridiculous, but it's never wise to dismiss information outright without considering its implications. After all, who knows what could come from a young hero in a small human village across the globe? This is not an occasion to raise alarm; rather, it's one that demands contemplation. Therefore, I would thank the messenger graciously, assure them they have brought me valuable intelligence, and ask them to return with more details about this so-called 'human hero'. Then, we can discuss strategies as to how best deal with this potential threat amongst us. It seems like our kind has been too complacent recently... Perhaps now is the time to reevaluate our position within this realm.

However, let it be clear - any further attempts at spreading falsehoods will result in harsh punishment. They must understand that I take these matters seriously and expect truthfulness above all else. But let's see where this leads first. Remember, every little spark can ignite a fire.


(DM Note: Feel free to roleplay out the interrogation scene between the Queen and her minions here.)

When the minion returns with more specific information on the alleged birth of a human hero, the Queen listens intently, her eyes flickering with interest. She nods slowly, acknowledging the importance of the message, and asks for additional evidence. If indeed there is proof of this hero's existence, she might consider taking action. Otherwise, she’ll send the minion away with a stern warning against fabricating tales.

In private, however, she summons her most trusted advisors to brainstorm possible courses of action. Should they investigate further? Could this be another trick from those meddling humans? Or perhaps it could mark a shift in power dynamics within their shared universe? Whatever the case, the Queen believes in adaptability above all else – after all, change is inevitable. And if this human hero truly exists, she wants to ensure her own species remains dominant. So, she decides to enact a plan of subtle manipulation and observation. First, she dispatches spies to gather intel on this newcomer. Secondly, she assigns a task force to monitor the situation closely while maintaining secrecy. Lastly, she instructs her darkest sorceress to prepare a potent spell to counter any magical threats posed by the human, just in case.

The Queen concludes her meeting, satisfied that she has taken necessary steps to address the issue at hand. Her courtiers may scoff at the idea of a mere mortal causing trouble, but she reminds herself that no creature stands unchallenged forever. Change comes whether one embraces it or not. She'll keep an open mind until proven otherwise.

DM Response: As the Monster Queen, you listen attentively to the minion's report. Your sharp green eyes flash with curiosity as you dig deeper into the matter. You decide to send your most skilled spies to investigate further. In the meantime, you order your darkest sorceress to create a powerful spell that can neutralize any magic used by the supposed human hero. Despite your courtiers' skepticism, you know better than to discount anything out of hand. The balance of power is always shifting, especially when dealing with creatures as capricious as humans. With a measured tone, you dismiss the minion and turn back to your throne, deep in thought.

(DM Note: Roleplay out the rest of the meeting here)

The Monster Queen sits regally upon her throne, her expression unreadable behind her veil of shadow. "Thank you," she says curtly to the trembling minion who stood before her. Their fear is palpable, but she pays it no attention. Instead, she motions towards the exit with a single wave of her gnarled claw. "Get me proof." Her voice echoes through the cavernous room, leaving the courtiers stunned into silence.

With the minion gone, the Queen turns her gaze upon her closest confidantes. "This isn't merely a game anymore," she whispers softly, her words barely audible over the rustling winds. "These mortals have begun encroaching onto our territory once again." A chorus of growls erupts around her, but she silences them with a raised hand. "We cannot afford complacency. We need to learn everything about this human hero."

She gestures towards two of her most cunning servants, a lich named Necrosis and a dragonborn warrior named Tyrant. Both bow low and disappear into the shadows, leaving only the Queen alone amidst her silent throng. She leans forward, her bones creaking ominously beneath her robes, and murmurs under her breath, "Let's see if they really believe themselves capable of challenging us."
DM Response: The room falls into hushed silence as the Monster Queen speaks, each word carrying weight like a thunderclap. Her whispered instructions send shivers down the spines of those present, none more so than the poor minion who had delivered the initial report. They hurry away, eager to escape the Queen's wrath.
"Complacency is death," she continues, turning her gaze upon her remaining courtiers. "I have sent our finest minds to examine this development. Do not doubt our abilities simply because we haven't faced serious opposition since the last great conflict ended centuries ago." She casts a cold glance around the chamber, ensuring everyone understands her point. "Monsters rule by strength and cunning, not blind arrogance. Let us act accordingly."
A slow smile forms on her lips, revealing rows of jagged teeth hidden beneath her veil. "If this child proves worthy enough to challenge us, then we shall welcome him. For now, though, we observe. Study them and learn their weaknesses. When the opportunity presents itself, we strike."
(DM Note: Roleplay out the rest of the meeting here)
The air in the courtroom thickens with tension as the Queen delivers her speech. Her words hang heavy, resonating throughout the vast space like a funeral dirge. Those gathered near her shrink back, cowed by her presence and the gravity of her words. Even the boldest among them seem to falter slightly under her piercing gaze.
After sending off the minion, the Queen calls forth two of her fiercest allies: a lich named Necrosis and a dragonborn warrior named Tyrant. Both respond immediately, their expressions grim but determined. They vanish into the shadows, leaving behind a trail of ice crystals and a plume of smoke respectively. The Queen watches them go, her face devoid of emotion except for the glint of anticipation in her emerald eyes.
Turning her attention back to her courtiers, she lets out a long, drawn-out sigh. "Mortals think they can play games with us," she hisses, "but they forget...we are immortal." She raises her hands, fingers twisted together into taloned claws, and flexes them menacingly. "Study their weaknesses well," she commands. "And remember, whenever they make a move, we're ready."
Her voice drops to a sinister whisper as she adds, "Do not underestimate them. We have survived countless battles against their ilk. Now, we wait..."
DM Response: The room fills with unease as the Monster Queen issues her orders, her commanding presence filling the air with an unsettling energy. Her chosen representatives disappear into the shadows, leaving behind frosty trails and wispy tendrils of smoke. The monarch remains seated on her throne, observing the reaction of her courtiers with cold detachment.
"Remember," she whispers, her voice echoing eerily through the hall, "monsters rule by strength and cunning, not blind arrogance. Studying our enemies is key to victory."
Leaning closer, she continues, "They may think they can play games with us, but let them try. We have seen it all before...and prevailed." A wicked smile plays on her lips as she considers the possibilities. "For now, we observe and learn. When the moment arrives, we strike."
(DM Note: Roleplay out the rest of the meeting here)
The Monster Queen surveys her court with a calculating gaze, her emerald eyes gleaming in the dim light. Her presence is intimidating, yet commanding, and those nearby hold their breaths in anticipation. The room hums with tension as she addresses her followers, her voice ringing out like a clarion call. "Mortals dare to test us?" she snarls, her voice full of venom. "Then we will show them exactly why they shouldn't."
Necrosis and Tyrant reappear moments later, bearing reports from their reconnaissance mission.

KoboldCPP + Lite -> Airoboros v2.1.6 -> L2-c34b 16k q6k -> Cohesive Creativity -> Monster Queen -> Tokegen 1024, x2 generations.

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