canarim-7b-vestibulaide /
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Enem 2013 Question and Answers - English Translation

This document contains the English translations of a question and its answers from the 2023 Enem exam, which were originally in Portuguese. The purpose of this translation is to provide non-Portuguese speakers with an understanding of the question and the provided answers.


It is common on airplane trips to be asked to
turn off devices whose operation involves the emission
or reception of electromagnetic waves, such as cell phones.
The justification given for this procedure is, among other
things, the need to eliminate sources of electromagnetic signals
that might interfere with the pilots' radio communications
with the control tower.
This interference will only occur if the waves
emitted by the cell phone and those received by the airplane's radio

a) are both audible.
b) have the same power.
c) have the same frequency.
d) have the same intensity.
e) propagate at different speeds.

Original Solution

The contents have been translated into English for broader accessibility.


If the aircraft's communication equipment
operates on the same frequency as cell phones,
the phenomenon of interference between the
radio frequencies used by these devices can occur.

Answer: **C**

Canarim-7B-VestibulAide Solution

For electromagnetic interference to occur in the airplane,
there must be two electromagnetic waves with similar vibrations,
but not identical, that is, there must be two waves with close frequencies.

Correct Answer: **C**