intent -> review, entity_type -> , entity_value -> , start_offset -> , end_offset -> , category -> FEEDBACK, tags -> BILQ
is there a section to submit a comment about ur company
intent -> review, entity_type -> , entity_value -> , start_offset -> , end_offset -> , category -> FEEDBACK, tags -> BILQZ
ya have a way to submit my feedbackabout ur services
intent -> set_up_shipping_address, entity_type -> , entity_value -> , start_offset -> , end_offset -> , category -> SHIPPING_ADDRESS, tags -> BIL
how do I submit the secondary shipping address?
intent -> set_up_shipping_address, entity_type -> , entity_value -> , start_offset -> , end_offset -> , category -> SHIPPING_ADDRESS, tags -> BLQ
i dont know how i can submit a different delivery address
intent -> set_up_shipping_address, entity_type -> , entity_value -> , start_offset -> , end_offset -> , category -> SHIPPING_ADDRESS, tags -> BL
I have an issue setting up a delivery address
intent -> set_up_shipping_address, entity_type -> , entity_value -> , start_offset -> , end_offset -> , category -> SHIPPING_ADDRESS, tags -> BLQ
i dont know how to enter my shipping address
intent -> set_up_shipping_address, entity_type -> , entity_value -> , start_offset -> , end_offset -> , category -> SHIPPING_ADDRESS, tags -> BIL
where to set the delivery address up?
intent -> set_up_shipping_address, entity_type -> , entity_value -> , start_offset -> , end_offset -> , category -> SHIPPING_ADDRESS, tags -> BL
there is an issue submitting a secondary delivery address
intent -> set_up_shipping_address, entity_type -> , entity_value -> , start_offset -> , end_offset -> , category -> SHIPPING_ADDRESS, tags -> BIL
where can I enter a different shipping address?
intent -> set_up_shipping_address, entity_type -> , entity_value -> , start_offset -> , end_offset -> , category -> SHIPPING_ADDRESS, tags -> BILZ
cdan you help me to enter the shipping address?
intent -> set_up_shipping_address, entity_type -> , entity_value -> , start_offset -> , end_offset -> , category -> SHIPPING_ADDRESS, tags -> BCIL
I have to submit a secondary delivery address, how to do it?
intent -> set_up_shipping_address, entity_type -> , entity_value -> , start_offset -> , end_offset -> , category -> SHIPPING_ADDRESS, tags -> BEL
why is not the secondary delivery address valid
intent -> set_up_shipping_address, entity_type -> , entity_value -> , start_offset -> , end_offset -> , category -> SHIPPING_ADDRESS, tags -> BILP
how could I set the new shipping address up?
intent -> set_up_shipping_address, entity_type -> , entity_value -> , start_offset -> , end_offset -> , category -> SHIPPING_ADDRESS, tags -> BCIL
I have got to set the delivery address up, how can I do it?
intent -> set_up_shipping_address, entity_type -> , entity_value -> , start_offset -> , end_offset -> , category -> SHIPPING_ADDRESS, tags -> BL
why I can't set up another delivery address valid
intent -> set_up_shipping_address, entity_type -> , entity_value -> , start_offset -> , end_offset -> , category -> SHIPPING_ADDRESS, tags -> BK
set up new shipping address
intent -> set_up_shipping_address, entity_type -> , entity_value -> , start_offset -> , end_offset -> , category -> SHIPPING_ADDRESS, tags -> BILQZ
how can i set up a deliver address
intent -> set_up_shipping_address, entity_type -> , entity_value -> , start_offset -> , end_offset -> , category -> SHIPPING_ADDRESS, tags -> BL
set the delivery address up
intent -> set_up_shipping_address, entity_type -> , entity_value -> , start_offset -> , end_offset -> , category -> SHIPPING_ADDRESS, tags -> BL
I try to set up the secondary delivery address
intent -> set_up_shipping_address, entity_type -> , entity_value -> , start_offset -> , end_offset -> , category -> SHIPPING_ADDRESS, tags -> BLQ
i dont know what i need to do to set up my shipping address
intent -> set_up_shipping_address, entity_type -> , entity_value -> , start_offset -> , end_offset -> , category -> SHIPPING_ADDRESS, tags -> BLM
there are issues submitting a shipping address
intent -> set_up_shipping_address, entity_type -> , entity_value -> , start_offset -> , end_offset -> , category -> SHIPPING_ADDRESS, tags -> BL
why isn't the secondary delivery address valid
intent -> set_up_shipping_address, entity_type -> , entity_value -> , start_offset -> , end_offset -> , category -> SHIPPING_ADDRESS, tags -> BLQ
i dont know how to submit my delivery address
intent -> set_up_shipping_address, entity_type -> , entity_value -> , start_offset -> , end_offset -> , category -> SHIPPING_ADDRESS, tags -> BLM
there are problems setting a secondary delivery address up
intent -> set_up_shipping_address, entity_type -> , entity_value -> , start_offset -> , end_offset -> , category -> SHIPPING_ADDRESS, tags -> BILQ
can i set a delivery address up
intent -> set_up_shipping_address, entity_type -> , entity_value -> , start_offset -> , end_offset -> , category -> SHIPPING_ADDRESS, tags -> BIL
can you help me submitting my secondary shipping address?
intent -> set_up_shipping_address, entity_type -> , entity_value -> , start_offset -> , end_offset -> , category -> SHIPPING_ADDRESS, tags -> BIL
how to set my delivery address up?
intent -> set_up_shipping_address, entity_type -> , entity_value -> , start_offset -> , end_offset -> , category -> SHIPPING_ADDRESS, tags -> BLM
troubles setting a delivery address up
intent -> set_up_shipping_address, entity_type -> , entity_value -> , start_offset -> , end_offset -> , category -> SHIPPING_ADDRESS, tags -> BLMQWZ
i have errors settnig the goddamn shipping address up
intent -> set_up_shipping_address, entity_type -> , entity_value -> , start_offset -> , end_offset -> , category -> SHIPPING_ADDRESS, tags -> BL
I don't know how to enter a shipping address
intent -> set_up_shipping_address, entity_type -> , entity_value -> , start_offset -> , end_offset -> , category -> SHIPPING_ADDRESS, tags -> BLM
there are errors submitting a different shipping address
intent -> set_up_shipping_address, entity_type -> , entity_value -> , start_offset -> , end_offset -> , category -> SHIPPING_ADDRESS, tags -> BK
setting new shipping address up
intent -> set_up_shipping_address, entity_type -> , entity_value -> , start_offset -> , end_offset -> , category -> SHIPPING_ADDRESS, tags -> BLW
I need help submitting a fucking shipping address
intent -> set_up_shipping_address, entity_type -> , entity_value -> , start_offset -> , end_offset -> , category -> SHIPPING_ADDRESS, tags -> BCILQW
wanna set up my fucking delivery address can i get some help
intent -> switch_account, entity_type -> account_type, entity_value -> Gold, start_offset -> 12, end_offset -> 16, category -> ACCOUNT, tags -> BKL
changing to Gold account
intent -> switch_account, entity_type -> account_type, entity_value -> Pro, start_offset -> 18, end_offset -> 21, category -> ACCOUNT, tags -> BIL
how can I use the pro profile?
intent -> switch_account, entity_type -> , entity_value -> , start_offset -> , end_offset -> , category -> ACCOUNT, tags -> BK
switch to another user
intent -> switch_account, entity_type -> account_type, entity_value -> Premium, start_offset -> 6, end_offset -> 13, category -> ACCOUNT, tags -> BK
using premium account
intent -> switch_account, entity_type -> account_type, entity_value -> Standard, start_offset -> 23, end_offset -> 31, category -> ACCOUNT, tags -> BI
where to switch to the standard account?
intent -> switch_account, entity_type -> account_type, entity_value -> Pro, start_offset -> 23, end_offset -> 26, category -> ACCOUNT, tags -> BELN
I cannot change to the pro account
intent -> switch_account, entity_type -> account_type, entity_value -> free, start_offset -> 6, end_offset -> 10, category -> ACCOUNT, tags -> BK
using free account
intent -> switch_account, entity_type -> account_type, entity_value -> Gold, start_offset -> 18, end_offset -> 22, category -> ACCOUNT, tags -> BCIL
I need to use the Gold profile, how do I do it?
intent -> switch_account, entity_type -> account_type, entity_value -> Pro, start_offset -> 30, end_offset -> 33, category -> ACCOUNT, tags -> BIQ
can uhelp me to switch to the Pro account
intent -> switch_account, entity_type -> , entity_value -> , start_offset -> , end_offset -> , category -> ACCOUNT, tags -> BCL
I have to switch to a new profile, help me
intent -> switch_account, entity_type -> account_type, entity_value -> Standard, start_offset -> 14, end_offset -> 22, category -> ACCOUNT, tags -> BKZ
sxwitching to standard account
intent -> switch_account, entity_type -> account_type, entity_value -> Pro, start_offset -> 15, end_offset -> 18, category -> ACCOUNT, tags -> BIQ
how to use the pro account
intent -> switch_account, entity_type -> account_type, entity_value -> Pro, start_offset -> 28, end_offset -> 31, category -> ACCOUNT, tags -> BQW
i want help to use the damn pro account
intent -> switch_account, entity_type -> account_type, entity_value -> Freemium, start_offset -> 17, end_offset -> 25, category -> ACCOUNT, tags -> BIQ
how do i use the freemium account
intent -> switch_account, entity_type -> account_type, entity_value -> free, start_offset -> 15, end_offset -> 19, category -> ACCOUNT, tags -> BI
how to use the free account?
intent -> switch_account, entity_type -> account_type, entity_value -> Pro, start_offset -> 37, end_offset -> 40, category -> ACCOUNT, tags -> BLW
I need assistance to use the fucking Pro profile
intent -> switch_account, entity_type -> account_type, entity_value -> Platinum, start_offset -> 6, end_offset -> 14, category -> ACCOUNT, tags -> BK
using platinum account
intent -> switch_account, entity_type -> account_type, entity_value -> Premium, start_offset -> 41, end_offset -> 48, category -> ACCOUNT, tags -> BL
I don't know what to do to change to the premium account
intent -> switch_account, entity_type -> account_type, entity_value -> Premium, start_offset -> 10, end_offset -> 17, category -> ACCOUNT, tags -> BK
switch to premium account
intent -> switch_account, entity_type -> account_type, entity_value -> Platinum, start_offset -> 10, end_offset -> 18, category -> ACCOUNT, tags -> BKL
change to Platinum account
intent -> switch_account, entity_type -> account_type, entity_value -> free, start_offset -> 16, end_offset -> 20, category -> ACCOUNT, tags -> BL
help me use the free profile
intent -> track_order, entity_type -> order_id, entity_value -> 00123842, start_offset -> 15, end_offset -> 23, category -> ORDER, tags -> BKL
check purchase 00123842 status
intent -> track_order, entity_type -> order_id, entity_value -> 113542617735902, start_offset -> 32, end_offset -> 47, category -> ORDER, tags -> BIL
how to see the ETA of the order 113542617735902?
intent -> track_order, entity_type -> order_id, entity_value -> 00123842, start_offset -> 51, end_offset -> 59, category -> ORDER, tags -> BLW
I have got to see the damn current status of order 00123842
intent -> track_order, entity_type -> order_id, entity_value -> 00123842, start_offset -> 15, end_offset -> 23, category -> ORDER, tags -> BK
tracking order 00123842
intent -> track_order, entity_type -> order_id, entity_value -> 370795561790, start_offset -> 45, end_offset -> 57, category -> ORDER, tags -> BILQZ
hoow can i check the current status of order 370795561790
intent -> track_order, entity_type -> order_id, entity_value -> 00123842, start_offset -> 35, end_offset -> 43, category -> ORDER, tags -> BL
I try to check the ETA of purchase 00123842
intent -> track_order, entity_type -> order_id, entity_value -> 113542617735902, start_offset -> 29, end_offset -> 44, category -> ORDER, tags -> BCILPQZ
I'd likme to locate purchase 113542617735902 how can i do it
intent -> track_order, entity_type -> order_id, entity_value -> 00123842, start_offset -> 17, end_offset -> 25, category -> ORDER, tags -> BLNQ
i cant see order 00123842 status
intent -> track_order, entity_type -> order_id, entity_value -> 113542617735902, start_offset -> 17, end_offset -> 32, category -> ORDER, tags -> BLQWZ
wanna see order 113542617735902 fucking status
intent -> track_order, entity_type -> order_id, entity_value -> 370795561790, start_offset -> 22, end_offset -> 34, category -> ORDER, tags -> BILQ
where can i see order 370795561790 status
intent -> track_order, entity_type -> order_id, entity_value -> 732201349959, start_offset -> 31, end_offset -> 43, category -> ORDER, tags -> BL
I want assistance to see order 732201349959 status
intent -> track_order, entity_type -> order_id, entity_value -> 370795561790, start_offset -> 30, end_offset -> 42, category -> ORDER, tags -> BL
I have got to locate purchase 370795561790
intent -> track_order, entity_type -> order_id, entity_value -> 370795561790, start_offset -> 22, end_offset -> 34, category -> ORDER, tags -> BK
check status of order 370795561790
intent -> track_order, entity_type -> order_id, entity_value -> 370795561790, start_offset -> 33, end_offset -> 45, category -> ORDER, tags -> B
I need assistance checking order 370795561790 status
intent -> track_order, entity_type -> order_id, entity_value -> 370795561790, start_offset -> 15, end_offset -> 27, category -> ORDER, tags -> BK
checking order 370795561790 status
intent -> track_order, entity_type -> order_id, entity_value -> 113542617735902, start_offset -> 35, end_offset -> 50, category -> ORDER, tags -> BQ
help me check the eta of the order 113542617735902
intent -> track_order, entity_type -> , entity_value -> , start_offset -> , end_offset -> , category -> ORDER, tags -> BLZ
I need help to see my purchase cyrrent status
intent -> track_order, entity_type -> order_id, entity_value -> 00123842, start_offset -> 39, end_offset -> 47, category -> ORDER, tags -> BIWZ
how do I check the bloody ETA of order 00123842 ?
intent -> track_order, entity_type -> order_id, entity_value -> 113542617735902, start_offset -> 15, end_offset -> 30, category -> ORDER, tags -> BK
checking order 113542617735902 status
intent -> track_order, entity_type -> order_id, entity_value -> 00123842, start_offset -> 26, end_offset -> 34, category -> ORDER, tags -> BILPQZ
how couldi track purchase 00123842
intent -> track_order, entity_type -> order_id, entity_value -> 113542617735902, start_offset -> 22, end_offset -> 37, category -> ORDER, tags -> BIL
how can I check order 113542617735902 current status?
intent -> track_order, entity_type -> order_id, entity_value -> 00004587345, start_offset -> 34, end_offset -> 45, category -> ORDER, tags -> BLQZ
helo to check the ETA of purchase 00004587345
intent -> track_order, entity_type -> order_id, entity_value -> 732201349959, start_offset -> 23, end_offset -> 35, category -> ORDER, tags -> BCILQZ
i have to locate order 732201349959 can uhellp me
intent -> track_order, entity_type -> order_id, entity_value -> 113542617735902, start_offset -> 33, end_offset -> 48, category -> ORDER, tags -> BL
I need assistance locating order 113542617735902
intent -> track_order, entity_type -> order_id, entity_value -> 00004587345, start_offset -> 13, end_offset -> 24, category -> ORDER, tags -> BK
ETA of order 00004587345
intent -> track_order, entity_type -> order_id, entity_value -> 00004587345, start_offset -> 31, end_offset -> 42, category -> ORDER, tags -> BEL
I do not know how to see order 00004587345 status
intent -> track_order, entity_type -> order_id, entity_value -> 370795561790, start_offset -> 16, end_offset -> 28, category -> ORDER, tags -> BK
status of order 370795561790
intent -> track_refund, entity_type -> refund_amount, entity_value -> 1200, start_offset -> 30, end_offset -> 34, category -> REFUND, tags -> B
I am waiting for a refund of $1200
intent -> track_refund, entity_type -> refund_amount, entity_value -> 1499, start_offset -> 35, end_offset -> 39, category -> REFUND, tags -> BLQ
I'm waiting for a compensation of $1499
intent -> track_refund, entity_type -> refund_amount, entity_value -> 160, start_offset -> 21, end_offset -> 24, category -> REFUND, tags -> BL
I expect a rebate of 160 dollars
intent -> track_refund, entity_type -> refund_amount, entity_value -> 1499, start_offset -> 35, end_offset -> 39, category -> REFUND, tags -> BL
I am waiting for a compensation of 1499 dollars
intent -> track_refund, entity_type -> refund_amount, entity_value -> 160, start_offset -> 27, end_offset -> 30, category -> REFUND, tags -> BLQ
i expect a compensation of 160 dollars
intent -> track_refund, entity_type -> refund_amount, entity_value -> 160, start_offset -> 29, end_offset -> 32, category -> REFUND, tags -> BL
I expect a reimbursement of $160
intent -> track_refund, entity_type -> refund_amount, entity_value -> 1200, start_offset -> 30, end_offset -> 34, category -> REFUND, tags -> BLZ
I am waiting for a rebate of 1200 dollars
intent -> track_refund, entity_type -> refund_amount, entity_value -> 160, start_offset -> 28, end_offset -> 31, category -> REFUND, tags -> BQZ
I'm waitingfor a refund of $160
intent -> track_refund, entity_type -> refund_amount, entity_value -> 160, start_offset -> 36, end_offset -> 39, category -> REFUND, tags -> BCL
I am waiting for a compensation of $160, was it processed
intent -> track_refund, entity_type -> refund_amount, entity_value -> 160, start_offset -> 28, end_offset -> 31, category -> REFUND, tags -> BLQ
i expect a reimbursement of 160 dollars
intent -> track_refund, entity_type -> refund_amount, entity_value -> 350, start_offset -> 29, end_offset -> 32, category -> REFUND, tags -> BLQ
I'm waiting for a rebate of $350
intent -> track_refund, entity_type -> refund_amount, entity_value -> 299, start_offset -> 21, end_offset -> 24, category -> REFUND, tags -> BLQ
i expect a rebate of 299 dollars
intent -> track_refund, entity_type -> refund_amount, entity_value -> 1200, start_offset -> 21, end_offset -> 25, category -> REFUND, tags -> BQZ
i expect a refund fo 1200 dollars
intent -> track_refund, entity_type -> refund_amount, entity_value -> 350, start_offset -> 25, end_offset -> 28, category -> REFUND, tags -> BLQZ
i expect a restituton of 350 dollars
intent -> track_refund, entity_type -> refund_amount, entity_value -> 299, start_offset -> 28, end_offset -> 31, category -> REFUND, tags -> BL
I expect a reimbursement of 299 dollars
intent -> track_refund, entity_type -> refund_amount, entity_value -> 299, start_offset -> 28, end_offset -> 31, category -> REFUND, tags -> BLQ
i expect a reimbursement of 299 dollars
intent -> track_refund, entity_type -> refund_amount, entity_value -> 350, start_offset -> 28, end_offset -> 31, category -> REFUND, tags -> BLZ
I expect a restituttion of $350
intent -> track_refund, entity_type -> refund_amount, entity_value -> 1499, start_offset -> 23, end_offset -> 27, category -> REFUND, tags -> BCILQZ
i expect an refund of $1499 has it been processed