stringlengths 5
| pos
sequencelengths 1
| neg
sequencelengths 1
a woman on a yellow shirt is on the floor. | [
"A woman on top of her clothes."
] | [
"The woman is mopping the floor.",
"The woman is wearing yellow.",
"There is a woman with a yellow shit.",
"A woman in a shirt standing in front of a yellow building.",
"A woman is walking wearing yellow.",
"The women on the floor is unresponsive.",
"A girl is wearing a yellow shirt",
"That woman is wearing a yellow hat.",
"A woman has clothes on",
"There are people on the floor.",
"The woman is clothed.",
"The women are dressed in yellow.",
"The woman isn't sitting on the ground.",
"A woman is sweeping the floor.",
"woman lies on floor"
] |
Two men share a laugh while in the kitchen. | [
"Two men are in the kitchen."
] | [
"Two guys are cleaning the kitchen.",
"The people are in a kitchen",
"Two people laugh.",
"Humans laughing",
"people are laughing",
"Two men are standing in the kitchen.",
"People are laughing",
"Two people enjoy a laugh.",
"Two men laughing together.",
"A man and a woman are standing in the kitchen.",
"The two men are inside.",
"Two men are indoors.",
"Two men have smiles on their faces",
"A man is in a kitchen",
"They are gathered together in a kitchen."
] |
Two men are cooking in the kitchen using rice milk. | [
"Two guys cook using some rice milk."
] | [
"Two people in the kitchen.",
"Two men cooking over a fire.",
"There are people cooking.",
"Two men making food.",
"People in the kitchen cooking.",
"two guys in a kitchen",
"Two men cook.",
"Two people are having food in the kitchen.",
"A man and child are preparing food in the kitchen.",
"Two people are cooking at McDonald's.",
"the people in the kitchen are cooking",
"Two men are in a house drinking something.",
"The man and boy are cooking.",
"the men are cooking in the large kitchen",
"Cooks are preparing meals in the kitchen."
] |
A man windsurfs in a wetsuit. | [
"A man is windsurfing."
] | [
"A man in water.",
"The man is near the water",
"The man is not in water",
"The person is wet.",
"A man is almost in the water.",
"A guy is getting wet",
"He likes getting wet.",
"a man is swiming.",
"The person is getting wet.",
"A man in a wetsuit is surfing on his surfboard.",
"A man is by the water.",
"the man wants to swim",
"The man is wearing a swimsuit and is swimming.",
"A man in a wetsuit dries out on a boat on the ocean.",
"A man is outside wearing a bathing suit outside."
] |
A kite surfer begins to fall in the ocean. | [
"A kite surfer is falling"
] | [
"A human surfing",
"There is someone on a surfboard.",
"Someone is enjoying surfing.",
"The surfer is jumping",
"A surfer is riding a wave.",
"A human falling",
"Someone is surfing",
"A person is in the ocean.",
"A kite surfer is refusing to do tricks.",
"A person is in the surf.",
"a person is on a surfboard.",
"Person descends a rope from cliff into ocean.",
"There is someone surfing.",
"The surfer is near some sand.",
"A person is riding a surfboard."
] |
A windsurfer is balancing on choppy water. | [
"There is a windsurfer balancing on choppy water."
] | [
"Someone is in the water",
"A human outdoors near water.",
"The water is calm.",
"The water is in motion.",
"There is a windsurfer who fell on the ground.",
"The water is wavey.",
"It is a windy night.",
"It is storming outside.",
"There is a body of water.",
"A boat is floating.",
"An occupied boat is floating.",
"Someone is near the water.",
"The water has a sailboat in it.",
"A person getting wet.",
"There is water present."
] |
A man wakeboards on choppy water. | [
"A man is wakeboarding."
] | [
"The man breathed water",
"The man are near a body of water.",
"A man is in an aquatic environment.",
"A man is floating on water.",
"man participates on watersports",
"A man is engaging in a fun activity on the water.",
"A man is using his surfboard on the water.",
"A wakeboarder is at the lake.",
"There is a man in the water",
"The man is on a surf board.",
"A man is near a body of water.",
"A person getting wet.",
"A man is on a surf board.",
"A wakeboarder on a lake.",
"A man is getting wet."
] |
A man parasails in the choppy water. | [
"The water was choppy as the man parasailed."
] | [
"The man is outside in the water.",
"A man is riding a boat in the water.",
"A man is controlling where the water goes.",
"A man is wading in the water.",
"A man in a boat.",
"A man is outdoors by the water",
"The man is on the water.",
"the man is wet.",
"The man is wading in the water.",
"A man is paddling",
"the man is wet",
"A guy is getting in the water.",
"A person parasailing while others follow suit.",
"A man is sailing on the water.",
"A man is in the water being pulled through it."
] |
A woman in a white dress with a tiara sings in a chorus, which has a row of men in sailor hats. | [
"The chorus is singing."
] | [
"the people was singing.",
"people are singing",
"A woman is on stage singing.",
"People are singing.",
"There is a group of people singing together.",
"The women are singing a song.",
"A group is singing.",
"the people are singing",
"A group of people is singing a song.",
"Several people sing a song together.",
"A woman in a dress sings while the man plays trumpet.",
"A person sings.",
"A woman sings a song at a venue.",
"A lady sings to an adult audience.",
"a group of people are singing"
] |
A child using a woodworking tool | [
"the child is working with wood."
] | [
"A child doing chores.",
"A child is doing his business.",
"A small female child making craft products",
"A child is using toys.",
"A child is holding an object.",
"A man is doing woodworking.",
"A boy is working on something.",
"Someone is using a tool.",
"A child is outside creating beautiful things.",
"A young child is holding an object.",
"A child is using something.",
"A child working on art.",
"The child is creating art.",
"The child is chiseling some metal.",
"A girl is working on something."
] |
A little kid enjoying some sledding on a winter day. | [
"There is snow on the ground."
] | [
"A person is near or on snow.",
"A child playing outdoors.",
"A child is standing in the snow.",
"The child likes playing on the snowy hill.",
"A boy is sledding in the snow.",
"The child is outdoors",
"Two children are sledding.",
"A child in the snow",
"The child is sledding through the snow.",
"child in the snow",
"A boy plays outside in the winter.",
"There is a child in this picture, and he/she is outside.",
"A kid is playing outdoors.",
"The little girl is outside in the cold.",
"A child goes to ski."
] |
A person is looking at water jets. | [
"The person is interested in a water jet."
] | [
"A human is looking at the sky.",
"A person getting wet",
"A human in the sky.",
"A floating object on water.",
"Someone is looking up towards the sky.",
"Someone is looking closely at something.",
"The person watching the shore.",
"A person is measuring the water line.",
"Someone looks at scenery.",
"The person is in front of the water.",
"The person is in water.",
"Water is flying through the air.",
"Someone is gazing.",
"A person is in the water",
"A jet is in the air"
] |
Two people enjoying a water fountain display. | [
"two people by a fountain"
] | [
"Two humans near a waterfall.",
"People are sitting and standing near a fountain.",
"A couple hug each other near a fountain.",
"Two peoples enjoying play at thearter.",
"Two women are standing next to a water fountain",
"Two people enjoying the zen of a waterfall.",
"2 people waterski",
"two people smiling",
"Some people stand together by a fountain.",
"Two people are near a body of water.",
"Two people are playing in the water",
"A couple are holding hands by a fountain.",
"people talk around fountain",
"Three people playing in a fountain.",
"There's some water with people playing in it."
] |
A boy in a red and blue shirt painting a log. | [
"A boy painting a log."
] | [
"A boy works on a project.",
"Someone is painting",
"There is a boy with a blue shirt.",
"There is a boy in this picture",
"A boy is wearing a t-shirt.",
"A boy is ironing a shirt.",
"A human painting.",
"A person is painting.",
"The boy is in a blue shirt.",
"A child has a red shirt.",
"A child wearing red and blue is writing.",
"There is a boy",
"a boy is in the picture",
"A young boy is going to paint.",
"A boy is clothed."
] |
Child in red and blue shirt painting a log. | [
"The child is painting."
] | [
"A child is in a light blue shirt.",
"The child is wearing a blue shirt",
"A child is coloring.",
"A child has a red shirt.",
"A child working on art.",
"A blond boy wearing a red shirt is coloring.",
"The child is writing a story.",
"A person has paint on their clothes.",
"The child is working on a project.",
"A child is holding up a new shirt.",
"a child wears clothes",
"There is a child in a red shirt.",
"A person is painting.",
"A child makes shapes with soapy water and a straw.",
"A child paints on paper."
] |
Two people are next to a fountain with a red bottom and arches of water. | [
"Two people are next to a fountain together."
] | [
"A group of people can be seen by the fountain.",
"A man and woman stand in-front of a water fountain.",
"People near the water.",
"A pair of people sit outdoors near the water.",
"Two people near the sea.",
"Two people are near the water",
"The people are outside and there is water nearby.",
"a quirky couple gets wet in a fountain",
"The people are near the water.",
"there are two people next to each other",
"Two people outside.",
"People are near a body of water.",
"People are sitting and standing near a fountain.",
"A water fountain has people gathered around it.",
"Two people in outdoors."
] |
An expectant woman happily lets another listen to the baby inside of her. | [
"A pregnant lady shares the sounds of her pregnancy."
] | [
"A person watched a baby.",
"The woman is holding the baby.",
"Someone holding a baby.",
"A woman and a baby are on top of something.",
"The mother tends to the newborn.",
"A woman is taking care of a child",
"a woman is listening",
"People listening to a woman inside.",
"A woman is carrying a baby.",
"the woman and child are inside.",
"The woman is quietly listening",
"The woman is holding an infant.",
"The woman has a baby in her arms.",
"The baby is with the mom.",
"A lady has a baby."
] |
Soccer players on a field from a distance. | [
"There are soccer players on the field."
] | [
"The two soccer players are on the same team.",
"The soccer players are athletes.",
"The players are at a soccer field.",
"Soccer players run.",
"Soccer players out on a field and running.",
"There are people on a field.",
"Some soccer players are playing.",
"There are two soccer teams nearby or in the photo.",
"Athletes are playing outside.",
"A soccer game is happening",
"Some humans playing soccer",
"A group of players are on the field.",
"There are people playing a soccer game.",
"There are people on a soccer field.",
"People are on a field."
] |
Busy ChinaTown street corner where people are walking past an open front store. | [
"There are people in ChinaTown."
] | [
"A variety of people in front of a shopping area.",
"There are several people outside of a store.",
"Many people fill a shopping plaza.",
"People walking on a busy city street.",
"People shop in different stores close together.",
"There are shoppers outside.",
"People are by a busy street.",
"There are people shopping.",
"People are walking outdoors to go shopping.",
"People stopping at busy street",
"People walk around a building.",
"the people are walking in a busy city",
"People are standing in front of the store.",
"People are shopping near a store.",
"People moving by a corner in town."
] |
A girl wearing a dress is blowing bubbles at a dock. | [
"A human wearing a dress."
] | [
"The girl is playing in the water.",
"A female has a dress on.",
"An Asian girl is blowing bubbles.",
"A girl hols balloons.",
"A girl is blowing a bubble with a wand.",
"The girl has a dress.",
"A girl is wearing a dress.",
"There is a girl",
"splash in water a girl",
"The girl is wearing a dress.",
"A person blowing a bubble.",
"A girl is blowing bubbles",
"A girl is playing with bubbles",
"A girl is holding a balloon.",
"a girl in a dress"
] |
A man wearing a blue shirt is sitting on a brick planter next to some paintings. | [
"A man is sitting down."
] | [
"a guy sits outside",
"The man in the blue shirt is hanging out on the patio.",
"A person in a solid colored shirt sitting.",
"A person sits in front of large pieces of art.",
"A man has a blue shirt.",
"The man is sitting outside.",
"A guy is wearing a blue shirt",
"A man wearing a blue t-shirt and blue jeans sitting in front of a lily covered pond next to a hillside.",
"A man sitting at a piece of furniture outdoors.",
"The man can sit.",
"A man sits against a tree.",
"a man is on a blue chair",
"The young man in the blue shirt is sitting down.",
"A man in a blue shirt sitting on a recliner.",
"A man is wearing a blue t-shirt"
] |
A child in formal clothing is walking along the edge of a stony area that is littered in places. | [
"Someone is wearing formal clothes."
] | [
"A person is walking outside.",
"a child outside",
"Child is outside.",
"A child walks in the street.",
"The child is wearing clothes",
"The child is outdoors",
"There is a child in this picture, and he/she is outside.",
"A person is walking outdoors.",
"The child is walking outdoors.",
"A kid outdoors.",
"A toddler walks in rubble.",
"The child is dress normally.",
"a person walks outdoors",
"Something is walking outside.",
"A child is walking."
] |
A young boy wearing a light blue jacket walks across the brick patio. | [
"boy walks accross patio"
] | [
"A young boy is outside near water.",
"A boy is wearing a blue jacket",
"A young child is walking.",
"A boy outside.",
"The boy is walking outside.",
"A boy walking outdoors.",
"THe boy is wearing blue.",
"A young boy is walking outside.",
"The boy is wearing a jacket.",
"A young man is standing outside with a jacket on.",
"A boy is walking through the field.",
"A boy is walking down the sidewalk.",
"The boy is walking down the sidewalk.",
"A boy walks along the beach",
"There is a boy walking outdoors"
] |
A young boy with a blue coat makes a funny face as he walks towards the grass. | [
"The child was walking near the grass making a funny face."
] | [
"A boy walking",
"This boy is young",
"There is a boy walking.",
"a young boy is outdoors",
"A boy is walking outside.",
"A young boy plays outside.",
"A boy has blue hair.",
"A young child is walking.",
"The boy is wearing a blue hat.",
"A boy is wearing blue.",
"A young boy is outside",
"Child is walking outside",
"The boy is young and blond.",
"A child is walking outside.",
"A young boy is on the road."
] |
A little boy with a blue jacket is making a sour face at the camera. | [
"The boy mugs for the camera."
] | [
"A young boy holds a mask to his face.",
"a boy is wearing a jacket",
"A boy is disappointed in his performance.",
"The kid has a camera.",
"The young boy has a clean face.",
"The young boy scowled.",
"The boy is facing away from the camera.",
"A child poses in disguise",
"A boy is posing for a picture.",
"A boy is wearing blue.",
"A child is holding a camera.",
"A boy is making a funny face.",
"there is a little boy",
"A young child is making a face at the camera.",
"The little boy is wearing blue."
] |
People in a truck-full of sacks in a field full of sheep. | [
"Some humans in a truck"
] | [
"The inside of the truck is visible.",
"two men putting animals in a truck",
"People are by a truck.",
"The people pull something off a truck.",
"The truck has people in it.",
"Trucks gather around each other",
"There are people carrying stuff.",
"Five people tend sheep.",
"Workers loading a truck.",
"There are a group of people on a farm.",
"Some men and some animals are outside.",
"There are trucks outside.",
"People are riding in a truck full of cotton.",
"There are several people standing next to a truck.",
"The cows were in the field."
] |
Three construction workers posing with construction materials. | [
"The workers are standing still."
] | [
"Workers are getting their picture taken.",
"A group of construction workers",
"The people are posing.",
"three men are pictured",
"Three people doing work.",
"Some people are posing.",
"Three construction workers working.",
"Three people are working.",
"Three workers stand outside.",
"Three women are posing.",
"Three workers stand out in their environment.",
"The constructions workers are working together.",
"Three people pose.",
"Three people are posing",
"Humans posing"
] |
Three people stand proudly by a truck stocked with building supplies in the street. | [
"Peole stand by a building supply truck."
] | [
"men stand near truck",
"Three workers stand outside.",
"A group of people in front of a food truck.",
"Trucks gather around each other",
"People are standing on the street.",
"People are on a truck.",
"people stand",
"People are standing near a vehicle.",
"There are some people standing near a road.",
"Three men are in the street.",
"A group of people are standing in the street.",
"A group of people stand together outside.",
"Three dudes standing.",
"People are standing outside",
"People standing in the street."
] |
Three working men smile in front of a truck while holding construction equipment. | [
"There are three men working."
] | [
"Men are smiling",
"Five men are working construction.",
"The men are happy",
"Three guys are standing.",
"There are people near a truck.",
"The men are near a truck talking.",
"Young men are happy.",
"men are working together",
"A group of men are currently outdoors working.",
"The men are near their truck.",
"Three men working outdoors.",
"The three men are riding in the truck.",
"Men are working.",
"A clean truck with a man in front of it",
"men stand near truck"
] |
Three men are smiling and posing behind a truck loaded with various construction supplies. | [
"Three men are smiling"
] | [
"Men pose.",
"Men pushing a truck.",
"Men stand on the back of a truck.",
"The truck is being loaded.",
"There are at least three men in the picture.",
"Three men are loading up a truck.",
"Four men are getting their picture taken.",
"cowboys stand behind a truck",
"A truck driver poses.",
"Three men are standing around.",
"Three men are working.",
"Three dudes standing.",
"Three men are outdoors.",
"Three bikers in shirts smile for a picture.",
"The three stout men were standing in front of a truck."
] |
A view of a marketplace full of people in an asian country. | [
"A view of a crowed place in an asian country."
] | [
"A market has a bunch of foods.",
"people at market",
"A food market.",
"People are at a city market.",
"The Asian woman is at a marketplace.",
"The people are in a shopping area",
"A couple saw an Asian outfit for sale",
"People shopping.",
"Several people are at a market.",
"The market takes place outdoors.",
"Asian people waiting for transportation..",
"The painting is behind the group of Asians.",
"Asians are being active.",
"People are in a foreign land.",
"Many are shopping"
] |
A woman in blue jeans and a dark jacket walks in front of a building. | [
"A woman walked pasted the front of a building."
] | [
"A woman sitting in front of a building.",
"A man walks in front of a building.",
"A woman in outside in jeans.",
"The woman stands in front of the buildings.",
"A woman walks.",
"The woman is wearing jeans and a sweater.",
"A woman walks past a building.",
"The person is wearing a blue jacket and blue jeans.",
"A woman walks in a jacket.",
"A clothed woman is walking.",
"A woman is going for a walk.",
"A woman is walking outdoors.",
"A woman is wearing a blue dress and walking.",
"The woman is walking.",
"The woman was walking."
] |
The surfer catches a big wave but stays on his board. | [
"The person is surfing."
] | [
"There's a person on a surf board.",
"A surfer with his board is in the ocean.",
"There is a person surfing.",
"A surfer is going to get wet.",
"Surfer bails on a wave.",
"A person surfs in the waves.",
"A surfer is riding a big wave.",
"A surfer is riding a big wave with ease.",
"The surfer is sitting",
"A person is in the water on a surfboard.",
"A surfer is on the water.",
"A surfer surfs on the water.",
"This surfer enjoys the thrill of the waves.",
"A surfer rides.",
"A surfer is sitting on his board on the beach"
] |
The dogs run and play with a red ball. | [
"The dogs are playing with a ball."
] | [
"There are dogs with balls",
"The pets are playing with a ball.",
"The dogs are running around.",
"The dogs get some exercise",
"There are animals playing together.",
"Animals are running.",
"A few dogs play.",
"There are dogs playing outdoors",
"Dogs play.",
"there are dogs playing",
"Two dogs running in the snow while carrying red balls in their mouths.",
"Some dogs are playing with a broken ball.",
"Two dogs play with a ball.",
"The dogs are running around together.",
"Dogs are running"
] |
A white dog running in the backyard. | [
"The dog is running."
] | [
"There is a white dog outside.",
"A dog is running on the grass.",
"the dog runs",
"the dog runs through grass",
"A dog running outside",
"the dog runs in the grass",
"A dog runs outside",
"A dog is running around outside.",
"The dog runs on the grass.",
"Small dog running outdoors.",
"A dog is outside and running",
"A dog is in the yard.",
"The animal is running.",
"A brown and white dog is running outside.",
"the dog is running"
] |
A woman wearing orange looking upward. | [
"A woman gazes skyward"
] | [
"A woman is going up.",
"A woman is looking around.",
"The woman pushed the orange object.",
"A woman is looking through something",
"A woman is looking in a different direction.",
"a woman looking her area",
"The girl is wearing orange.",
"A woman is staring off at something.",
"A women is squinting",
"a women stares at the ground",
"A female is looking at something small.",
"a woman is looking behind herself",
"The woman has trouble seeing.",
"A woman's reflection.",
"The woman is staring at her reflection."
] |
Gray dog running down pavement toward laundry line in courtyard. | [
"A dog is running outdoors."
] | [
"An animal goes towards fabric.",
"The dog runs around outside.",
"A dog walk through the dirt.",
"The a gray dog is using its legs.",
"A puppy is running outside.",
"The dog runs down the hillside.",
"a dog runnning",
"A gray dog jumps",
"The puppy is outdoor.",
"THe dog is outside.",
"The canine is running outside.",
"An animal is outside running",
"A dog runs down the sidewalk",
"A dog running outdoors.",
"Animal running outside"
] |
A dog is chasing a ball in a backyard. | [
"A dog is playing in the grass."
] | [
"a dog plays ball in a fenced in area",
"Three dogs are chasing a ball outside.",
"A dog plays outside.",
"A dog is chasing a ball",
"The dog has a ball",
"a dog is playing in the grass",
"A dog is running after a ball.",
"A dog is jumping in the air to catch a ball outside.",
"A dog is playing outdoors.",
"There is a dog playing outdoors.",
"A canine is playing outdoors.",
"An animal with a ball.",
"A dog playing with a kickball out in the yard.",
"a dog plays outside",
"An animals is running outside."
] |
An older couple posing in front of a fountain for a picture | [
"A couple taking a picture"
] | [
"There are two people posing together.",
"A couple is being photographed.",
"A couple outside.",
"Two people are in front of a water fountain.",
"There are people around a fountain.",
"A couple is outside.",
"The couple poses for a photo together.",
"Two people are posing for a photo.",
"The people are posing.",
"There are people posing for a picture.",
"Two people in front of a pond.",
"A couple takes a picture.",
"The couple is elderly.",
"A couple of people pose for a picture.",
"Two people taking a picture together"
] |
Older couple posing for a picture in front of a fountain. | [
"An couple is outside."
] | [
"People are posing for pictures",
"Two people are taking a picture together.",
"People pose for a picture.",
"A couple is next to a body of water.",
"A couple poses for pictures during their wedding.",
"People posing.",
"A woman is photographing her husband near a fountain.",
"couple are there",
"Two people get their picture taken.",
"A couple pose for a picture.",
"A couple poses near a building.",
"people are posing",
"The couple is elderly.",
"People are outside around the fountain.",
"The girl and women are by a fountain"
] |
The parents of the younger male are posing for a picture in front of a water fountain. | [
"A photographer takes a picture of the boy's parents by the fountain."
] | [
"Boy posing with his father",
"A family is posing for a picture.",
"several people pose outside for a picture",
"The mom and child are getting a picture taken.",
"people pose for photo",
"The kids pose for a picture.",
"the men are standing in front of a water fountain.",
"THe children are posing",
"Two people pose.",
"People pose.",
"Several people posing for a picture.",
"People are near a fountain.",
"the kids are posing",
"There are two boys standing at a water fountain.",
"A couple is posing for a photo"
] |
A man and woman watching two kids while the man holds a balloon. | [
"The man is holding a balloon."
] | [
"Some people watching",
"A man, woman and two children.",
"A man and kids are above ground level",
"A man and woman are interested in what they are watching.",
"The couple is observing 4 objects, three of them are alive.",
"People playing with balloons.",
"a mother and father watch their daughter play",
"A dad holds his two children.",
"People watching something",
"The couples are holding their kids.",
"A group of people watch a man and woman.",
"Three people are watching a man doing something.",
"A man is playing with his kids.",
"Two kids and a woman are waving at someone or something.",
"People are watching something."
] |
A group of people sitting at some sort of gathering. | [
"people are together"
] | [
"The people are seated.",
"people gathering in the picture",
"People are gathered together.",
"A group of people together.",
"The people are all sitting.",
"a group of people sitting",
"There are people at a social gathering.",
"There is a group of people sitting.",
"a group of people sitting around",
"People are sitting around.",
"people are gathering",
"A bunch of people are hanging out.",
"There is a group of people sitting",
"Some people hanging out.",
"There are many people at a gathering."
] |
A couple pose in front of a fountain. | [
"There are two people in this picture"
] | [
"Two people are posing for a photo.",
"Two people are standing near a body of water.",
"Two people in front of a pond.",
"people sit at the fountain",
"A couple outside.",
"A couple is lying near the water being photographed.",
"Two people pose for a picture.",
"Two people pose for a photograph.",
"The people are posing.",
"a quirky couple gets wet in a fountain",
"A couple is seen near a building.",
"An older couple is posing.",
"A couple are taking pictures.",
"Two people are posing for a picture.",
"A couple stands together"
] |
Two women standing under an umbrella. | [
"two humans close together"
] | [
"Two women are standing and smiling.",
"Two women are standing together.",
"two women are outside.",
"Two people are under an umbrella.",
"There are two women outdoors.",
"Women are standing together",
"there are two women",
"Two girls walk under an umbrella.",
"Two ladies wearing clothing are standing.",
"two women are outdoors",
"Two women share an umbrella.",
"The two women are outside.",
"Two women are standing outdoors.",
"There are two woment",
"A couple stands together under an umbrella."
] |
a brown dog is jumping up at a woman who is wearing a brown skirt. | [
"A dog is being friendly."
] | [
"Woman is playing with a dog.",
"The woman stared at the dog jumping down the stairs.",
"Dogs are jumping at someone.",
"The brown dog is jumping",
"A brown dog is jumping.",
"A dog jumping.",
"women with dog",
"A dog is jumping up at a black and white dog.",
"A brown dog jumps",
"A brown dog leaping.",
"A woman is playing with a dog.",
"The dog is brown.",
"A dog is near a woman.",
"The dog jumped.",
"A woman is playing with her dog."
] |
One dog is jumping at the lady while the other walks away. | [
"A lady is near two dogs."
] | [
"Two dogs one of which is jumping.",
"The dog is following the woman's cues.",
"There is a dog jumping.",
"A woman and her dog are outside.",
"The two dogs are in close proximity.",
"A dog is with a woman",
"A woman and her pet dog run away.",
"The lady and her puppy are walking at the park.",
"A woman is watching a dog jump.",
"Two dogs leap in the air.",
"There are animals jumping",
"A woman is near a dog",
"There is a woman and an animal in this picture.",
"Two dogs are jumping",
"The lady holds a dog."
] |
A golden retriever is excitedly greeting a woman as a little dog walks towards the camera. | [
"Two dogs are near a woman."
] | [
"A woman is petting her dog.",
"An animal is near the person.",
"A golden retriever is licking it's paw.",
"A woman takes her dog for a walk.",
"The dog is looking for her owner.",
"A woman taking a photo of a dog.",
"A woman is outside with a dog.",
"two people smile at a camera.",
"An animal approaches a camera.",
"The woman smiled at the camera.",
"A person and a dog are walking.",
"A golden Retreiver is moving.",
"A dog is near a woman.",
"Someone is interacting a dog.",
"A woman is walking the dog."
] |
Kids building and destroying objects. | [
"Kids are playing with things."
] | [
"Two children are doing something dangerous.",
"There are kids.",
"Children throwing mud",
"The children are using team work.",
"Kids are getting in a fight.",
"The kids are learning.",
"There are children working.",
"A group of children are working on a project indoors.",
"Many children are working.",
"Kids build a sand castle.",
"Some kids playing.",
"Kids play.",
"The kids were playing outside.",
"Children playing with legos.",
"Children crush bricks"
] |
Children playing with broken office equipment. | [
"Children play with old equipment."
] | [
"Kids playing checkers.",
"The kids are crafting things.",
"A group of children are playing indoors.",
"kids playing",
"Kids playing with lighters.",
"Kids are doing school work.",
"The children are on the structure.",
"Kids playing.",
"Children a having fun",
"There are some children.",
"Children are playing.",
"A group of children are working on a project indoors.",
"Children play in the classroom.",
"The kids are playing.",
"Kids working in a school"
] |
Two children are building something on the floor. | [
"Two children are playing."
] | [
"Two children are doing something dangerous.",
"The children are young.",
"young people creating things",
"The two little girls are making something",
"Two girls made a craft.",
"The Children are together.",
"A structure designed for children to play on.",
"two children are playing",
"There are at least two kids.",
"Two kids are playing with toys.",
"There are children working.",
"Two children are having fun.",
"Kids are on a toy",
"There are at least two children in the photo.",
"Two children sit on the floor."
] |
Children playing with or cleaning up miscellaneous items. | [
"Kids putting away toys."
] | [
"There are children indoors.",
"The children are doing chores.",
"There are children together.",
"The kids are working together.",
"Young children are playing.",
"Kids playing.",
"Children play together.",
"Children are frolicking.",
"The children are playing.",
"Children gather underneath a toy.",
"There are children indoors",
"the children play",
"Kids are playing together.",
"Kids re playing with balls.",
"Some kids are are taking part in arts and crafts."
] |
Young children outside playing with computer junk on the ground. | [
"The children are playing."
] | [
"Kids play.",
"The kids are outside playing.",
"childrens are playing",
"Children are having fun.",
"The children are going outside to play.",
"The kids are not currently outside playing.",
"The kids were playing outside.",
"The children are outdoors",
"Children playing indoors.",
"children playing",
"There are childrens outdoors",
"Children were playing outdoors",
"children outside",
"Kids are playing with things.",
"Kids play outside."
] |
Two dogs playing on carpet. | [
"Two dogs are together."
] | [
"Two dogs playing with a toy.",
"Dogs are playing outside.",
"Two dogs playing near two people.",
"There are two dogs playing.",
"A small dog plays with a toy on a carpet.",
"Two dogs are playing inside.",
"The dogs were playful.",
"Two dogs lay on the carpet.",
"Two dogs.",
"Two dogs are playing with a toy",
"Two dogs playing outdoors.",
"The dogs are active.",
"Two dogs playing together",
"The dogs play outside.",
"Two dogs playing indoors."
] |
Two bulldogs playing on the floor. | [
"the dogs are indoors"
] | [
"the animals are playing together",
"The dogs are playing together.",
"The dogs are playing inside.",
"Two brown dogs are playing.",
"Two dogs play inside",
"Two dogs are playing",
"Two animals are playing outdoors.",
"Two dogs play outdoors.",
"Two dogs near each other.",
"The two dogs were playful.",
"Two dogs are playing inside.",
"Two animals are in motion.",
"Dogs play on a rug.",
"A black dog and brown dog are on the ground.",
"Two dogs are playing on the rug."
] |
Two dogs are playing and wrestling with each other. | [
"A pair of dogs is playing."
] | [
"two dogs are playing",
"The dogs are having fun.",
"The dogs are feeling playful.",
"Two dogs play outside.",
"A few dogs play.",
"Dogs wrestle with each other with their teeth bared.",
"Dogs outdoors engaging in rivalry.",
"The animals are playing.",
"two dogs are fighting",
"Two dogs play tug of war.",
"Two dogs are outside playing.",
"two dogs are wrestling outside",
"The two dogs like being together.",
"The two animals are dogs.",
"There are two dogs interacting with each other."
] |
Two dogs are playing together on white carpet near a couch. | [
"Two dogs play."
] | [
"The dogs are playing",
"Two dogs play with one another.",
"Two dogs are sharing a toy",
"Some dogs are jumping on a sofa.",
"Two dogs are very close to each other.",
"the two dogs are together",
"The animals are indoors.",
"There are dogs playing.",
"The dogs are white",
"The two dogs were playful.",
"The dog is playing with another dog.",
"Two dogs are interacting.",
"Two dogs playing together",
"There are animals playing together.",
"Two dog play."
] |
A scuba diver stands on top of rocks after emerging from the water. | [
"A scuba diver performnef on top of rocks."
] | [
"The man is scuba diving underwater.",
"The person is near water.",
"The person is diving",
"Divers get ready for a dive.",
"The person is scuba diving.",
"A man is scuba diving at the reef.",
"Scuba diver photographing underwater.",
"A person near a rock.",
"A person ascends large rocks.",
"A man in a wetsuit is underwater.",
"A man stands on rocks.",
"A person is about to dive into the water.",
"There is a rock.",
"the scuba divers are in the water",
"A scuba diver runs out of air."
] |
two dogs wrestle. | [
"Two dogs together."
] | [
"There are two dogs interacting.",
"There are two dogs playing",
"The animals are fighting.",
"the dogs are playing with each other",
"There are animals interacting with each other",
"two people wrestle",
"Two dogs are interacting.",
"The dogs fight.",
"Two dogs are interacting outside",
"dogs are at a competition",
"Two dogs are together.",
"The dogs are biting each other.",
"Two dogs playing together",
"A pair of dogs are playing with each other.",
"Two dogs play."
] |
3 safety jacket clad Construction workers appear to be poking something interesting with their shovels. | [
"Three construction workers have shovels."
] | [
"The workers are wearing protective head gear.",
"The construction workers are working outside.",
"Three men are working outside.",
"People are work on something.",
"The constructions workers are working together.",
"These men are construction workers.",
"the welders work on metal",
"The workers are males.",
"Three construction workers working.",
"Workers use heavy equipment to complete their work",
"There are three workers",
"Three people are working outside.",
"Machinists are working.",
"Three people are doing work.",
"Three men are at work"
] |
Three male construction workers are examining something in a field, two of them are holding shovels. | [
"Three men are in the field"
] | [
"Three men dig in the ground.",
"Men are working amidst construction materials.",
"The group of construction workers are outside.",
"The men work as construction workers.",
"Men survey an area of land.",
"Three men on field",
"Some men are working at a site.",
"people are looking at the construction",
"Some men are working.",
"There are three construction workers standing next to each other outside.",
"Three men are looking at the ground.",
"Some workers are working at a site.",
"There are three men outdoors.",
"Three people working with tools",
"Some men are at work."
] |
Three male workers in bright jackets are working in a field with shovels. | [
"The men are working with shovels."
] | [
"Three construction workers working at a site",
"the men are working outside.",
"Workers doing their job",
"The men are working in a thick field.",
"There are several men in this picture, and they are all outside and working.",
"the men are working",
"People working outside.",
"There are men working outside.",
"A group of men are currently outdoors working.",
"There are people working.",
"The welders are outside working.",
"Construction workers working.",
"A group of workers outside.",
"Men are at work.",
"Men are working outside"
] |
People with safety vests stand in a field with shovels. | [
"The people in safety vests are outside."
] | [
"The people are in a field.",
"There are people on the field.",
"Some people are standing outside.",
"A person is on a field and two other people are present.",
"A few people are standing in an open field.",
"People in red and white striped uniforms standing in a field.",
"Men are on a field.",
"humans standing",
"A group of workers are outside.",
"There are people in outdoors.",
"There are humans wearing safety vests.",
"people are in the field",
"People are standing on a grassy field",
"Humans in a vest.",
"The group is standing in an open field."
] |
Men doing work in a field. | [
"There are men working."
] | [
"a group of men are doing some work",
"There are men in the outdoor.",
"There are people outside in a field.",
"People are on a field.",
"2 men are working outdoors.",
"Two men are working outdoors",
"Men are busy outside.",
"Some men play in a field.",
"the men are outside.",
"Men are gathered outdoors.",
"A group of men working.",
"Some humans in a field.",
"Men at a construction site.",
"Humans working outside.",
"Several men work outside."
] |
A man in the city on a cellphone. | [
"A man talks on his cellphone."
] | [
"A man on foot has a phone.",
"A man is talking on a cellphone.",
"The man has a phone.",
"A man looks at his cellphone.",
"The man talks on his phone.",
"A man talk on his cellphone.",
"A man is in an urban environment.",
"A person is using a phone.",
"man uses phone",
"There is a man walking outside and talking on his phone.",
"The man is holding his phone.",
"The man is holding a phone",
"A man is in the city.",
"A man on the phone is outside.",
"A man is in a city"
] |
A silver car with all of its doors open. | [
"The car has doord"
] | [
"The car is new",
"A car is outside.",
"a person gets in their car",
"A vehicle is parked.",
"the car is not moving",
"The car is moving fast.",
"A man is peering inside a car.",
"The man is getting into a car.",
"Cars are parked in a lot in the foreground",
"There are many cars.",
"A car is in the street.",
"A human inside a vehicle outside.",
"An old fashioned car is in the road.",
"car parked in lot",
"A car at a racetrack."
] |
Two people walk along the side of a snowy mountain. | [
"A man and a woman are walking in the snow."
] | [
"Two peoples walking.",
"People hiking in the snow.",
"Two people walk together",
"The people are in the snow",
"two people are hiking in the mountain.",
"There are some people near the mountains.",
"Two people hike up a mountain",
"Two people are walking near each other.",
"Two people are walking together outside.",
"Two people are mountain climbing.",
"A couple people walking.",
"Two people begin their ascent of the mountain.",
"The people are in the snow.",
"two people are walking",
"People are outside in the snow."
] |
Two people climbing a snowy mountain. | [
"Two people are climbing a mountain."
] | [
"Two men outside on a snowy day.",
"Two men jump in the snow.",
"Three people are climbing a mountain.",
"They are on a mountain.",
"The people are on top of a mountain",
"A pair of people are outside at a place with mountains.",
"Hikers climbing a mountain.",
"The mountains are cold",
"Two people on a hike.",
"People climb a snow covered mountain.",
"two people climbing",
"People out in the snow.",
"Two people are on the ski slopes.",
"Two people run on a mountain.",
"Two people are walking up the mountain."
] |
People lean over in the snow. | [
"There is snow and more than one person."
] | [
"People climb a snow covered mountain.",
"People are outside waiting for a snowstorm.",
"There are lots of people walking in the heavy snow.",
"the people are in the snow",
"Something in the snow.",
"Two people in a winter scene.",
"Three people outdoors in the snow.",
"People outdoors in winter.",
"Two people in the snow.",
"Two people are in the snow.",
"A group of people are outside in the winter time.",
"People are standing in the snow.",
"People hiking on a snowy mountain.",
"People are laying in the snow.",
"People are outside during winter."
] |
Two people, with buildings behind them, are standing near a blue car with two doors open. | [
"Two people are standing."
] | [
"There are two people standing on a street.",
"Two people are standing outdoors.",
"a man and a woman standing in front of building",
"There are two doors.",
"Two people next to a building.",
"People and a car.",
"People are standing near a vehicle.",
"A bunch of people are standing by cars.",
"Two people are outside a large building.",
"Two people standing near a building outside.",
"Two people outside walking between buildings.",
"2 people stand outside",
"Two people stand on a road by a building.",
"Two people stand in front of a promotional vehicle.",
"people stand in door"
] |
People in a city gathered around a blue station wagon. | [
"People are next to a vehicle in the city."
] | [
"The people are gathered outside.",
"Humans in a city",
"A crowd of people are near vehicles.",
"People in a car together",
"Some people are standing by a car",
"The people are outside using mass transit.",
"a busy city have lot of people",
"They are in the city.",
"The people are near the car",
"Some people in a city.",
"There are people using a form of transportation.",
"A group of strangers are outside in a city.",
"People are waiting for public transportation.",
"The vehicle is blue",
"People are busily moving about in the city."
] |
A light blue car stopped outside with all its doors open. | [
"A car is parked with all of its doors open."
] | [
"There is a car that is broken down",
"a blue suv drives off after an accident",
"There is a blue door.",
"The small car is blue.",
"There is a car parked at the building.",
"the car is not moving",
"The car was rather nice looking from the outside.",
"A vehicle is stopped and needs repairs.",
"the car is stopped getting new tires",
"There is a car is outside.",
"An empty car.",
"The car is in an auto shop.",
"The car is stopped at a traffic light.",
"A car is sitting outdoors.",
"There is a vehicle."
] |
Woman in white dress holds dove while sitting in flowered tree. | [
"Woman is outdoors and cradling a dove."
] | [
"A woman wears a white dress and a white skirt.",
"The woman is wanting to touch the bird.",
"A female with light hair is in a tree.",
"There is a woman sitting outside.",
"The woman is wearinga dress",
"A woman is holding leaves and wearing a colorful outfit.",
"The woman is wearing a dress",
"She is wearing a dress.",
"A miss holds pieces of nature.",
"A female is sitting down outside.",
"There are women in dresses holding flowers.",
"A woman wears a white dress.",
"A woman is holding an animal.",
"A woman is wearing a beautiful dress.",
"A woman has a flower."
] |
A blond woman in a white dress sits in a flowering tree while holding a white bird. | [
"The woman is blonde."
] | [
"A woman wearing a dress.",
"A bird is sitting on a tree",
"A bird in a tree.",
"A woman has a flower.",
"a woman wears a dress",
"There is a woman wearing a sun dress sitting.",
"There is a woman in a bright dress sitting outside.",
"A lady in white has flowers with her.",
"A woman enjoying beauty of mother nature.",
"The bird is is touching the tree.",
"A blond woman is outside",
"A woman is a natural blonde.",
"A female is on a tree.",
"a woman sits",
"A woman is blond"
] |
a blond girl in a white dress holding a bird in a tree. | [
"A lady is wearing a dress holding a bird"
] | [
"the girl is wearing a white dress",
"A bird is outside.",
"A female in a dress is posing on a tree.",
"There's a bird hanging out on a tree.",
"A girl is wearing a dress.",
"There is a girl in a dress.",
"A large bird is in a tree.",
"A girl holds something",
"A blond woman is holding a bird in her hand.",
"A girl is in a tree.",
"The blonde girl has her hand over her eyes.",
"A girl plants a tree.",
"A girl is around trees.",
"a girl is holding a dog",
"The dress is white."
] |
A woman is holding a bird while sitting in a flowering tree. | [
"The woman is older than 15."
] | [
"The woman is sitting on a tree stump.",
"The woman is sitting outdoors.",
"There's a bird hanging out on a tree.",
"A woman is taking a picture of a bird.",
"A woman holding a dog while she sits.",
"A bird is sitting on a tree",
"There is a woman sitting in the woods.",
"A girl is holding a bird.",
"The woman is seated next to a shady tree.",
"A woman is watching a bird.",
"A woman is touching a tree.",
"The bird is outside",
"A woman is sitting near some fruit.",
"A woman sits in a tree.",
"A female is on a tree."
] |
People picking in a marsh. | [
"People are near a body of water."
] | [
"There are people touching something.",
"some People outdoor",
"There are people outside near a body of water.",
"People are by the water",
"some people are outdoors",
"People are near water",
"There are some people outside",
"People are outdoors",
"THey are outside.",
"They are outdoors",
"the people are outdoors",
"There are people by water.",
"People outside",
"Humans are outside.",
"people are harvesting"
] |
Woman sitting in tree with dove. | [
"A woman is near a bird"
] | [
"A women sits down outside.",
"A woman sitting outside",
"A woman sits outside near a tree.",
"A woman sits calmly outside.",
"Three women are sitting in a tree.",
"A bird is sitting on a tree",
"Woman in the woods",
"A woman sitting.",
"The woman is standing under a tree",
"woman sitting",
"The woman is praying.",
"the woman is sitted",
"A woman is holding a bird.",
"A woman is outside by a tree.",
"The girl is sitting in a tree."
] |
two people working in water next to field | [
"Two people are next to a field."
] | [
"The people are wet.",
"People are getting wet.",
"Two people are in the water.",
"Two people going downstream",
"Some people are in the water.",
"a couple of people near a river",
"A couple is next to a body of water.",
"There are people doing work outside.",
"Humans in a field.",
"Two men working outdoors.",
"Two people are outside",
"There is a water source nearby.",
"Two people are working outside.",
"Two men are near a body of water.",
"They are about to get wet"
] |
Two people are planting small bushes near a grassy area. | [
"Two people are planting something."
] | [
"Two people in a field.",
"Two people are laying in the grass.",
"They are gardening.",
"Bushes growing near a lake.",
"People planting flowers.",
"Two people are in front of a plants.",
"Two men plant a tree.",
"People planting flowers outside in a circle in a garden.",
"Two people are mowing the lawn.",
"People tend to their garden outside.",
"Two people in front of flowers.",
"Two people wear bright colors and work with plants.",
"The men are gardeners.",
"Some kids are near some bushes.",
"People are working in a garden."
] |
a woman walking in front of an outdoor mural, prominently featuring a portrait of a bald man. | [
"A girl walking in front of a mural featuring a portrait of a bald guy."
] | [
"A woman walks past graffiti.",
"A person is outside walking.",
"The woman is painting outdoors.",
"A woman walks outdoors",
"The art mural is of a building.",
"There is a girl by a mural.",
"An artist is outdoors",
"A woman is drawing a portrait",
"there is a woman walking outside.",
"A person walks by a mural.",
"People walk past the woman painting.",
"A man walks past a wall mural.",
"a person is walking outside",
"The artist is outdoors.",
"a woman walking"
] |
A woman dressed in a white shirt is walking by graffiti. | [
"A woman is walking."
] | [
"The woman is taking a walk.",
"The woman is wearing white",
"A clothed woman is walking.",
"A woman is wearing white shirt.",
"There is a woman walking.",
"the woman walks",
"w woman is walking",
"The woman was walking.",
"the lady is walking outside",
"A woman is walking outside past a decorated wall.",
"A woman walking in the city.",
"a woman in white walks outside",
"A woman wearing a shirt",
"A female wearing clothes is outdoors.",
"A woman is in her white t-shirt."
] |
Woman walking by a mural of an old bald man. | [
"A woman sees a mural."
] | [
"A man walks behind a wall mural.",
"The lady is walking somewhere.",
"An old lady has trouble walking unassisted.",
"The old woman is by a building.",
"An old lady walking.",
"A woman walks along a path.",
"a person is walking",
"The woman is bald",
"A woman and man are walking.",
"Beautiful woman walking",
"a older man walking",
"An older lady is out for a walk.",
"An old man walks",
"A bald man stands with a woman.",
"a woman is walking"
] |
This wall has a picture of a man on it. | [
"There is a wall and it has a picture on it."
] | [
"A man is standing by a wall.",
"A man gets his picture taken.",
"A man is standing next to a wall.",
"There is one man in the picture.",
"The old person is near a wall.",
"A man is near a piece of art.",
"a man stands around against a wall",
"There is a wall with art on it.",
"A man is doing work on a wall.",
"a man is having his picture taken",
"The man is by a structure.",
"a man is pictured",
"A person is staring at a wall.",
"A man stands next to a graffiti covered wall.",
"There is a picture."
] |
A woman walks by a mural. | [
"there is a female in this picture"
] | [
"A mural has a dog on it.",
"a woman walks and watches graffiti",
"A person walks past a mural.",
"A woman walking.",
"A woman walks by a vandalized wall.",
"There is a lady walking",
"A woman walking up to a canvas",
"the woman is walking outside",
"Beautiful woman walking",
"A woman and a wall.",
"A man walks behind a wall mural.",
"A woman walks outside",
"there is a woman walking outside.",
"The wall has art.",
"A woman walks outdoors"
] |
A woman is a red tank top is riding horse. | [
"A woman is horseback."
] | [
"A women in red.",
"The woman is wearing a red dress.",
"A person is on a horse.",
"The woman is wearing a black tank top.",
"A woman is riding a brown horse.",
"A woman is helping a horse.",
"A woman is wearing a red outfit.",
"A woman rides a horse.",
"there is a woman and a horse",
"A lady in a top has her hand on an animal.",
"There is a woman in a red dress.",
"A woman is wearing red clothes.",
"there is a horse",
"A woman bends over near a horse.",
"The person is riding a horse"
] |
Two men riding on a motorbike in an Asian community. | [
"Two men are riding bikes."
] | [
"Two people are riding a motorcycle.",
"Two men riding in car together.",
"Two motorcyclist on their bikes.",
"The men are bicycling outside.",
"Two men riding bikes.",
"Two men are racing motorcycles.",
"Two brothers ride on a motorcycle.",
"Two men are riding scooters on the road.",
"the men are riding a bike",
"the two people are on a motorcycle",
"The men are Asian.",
"The men are riding bikes outside.",
"Two men are riding dirt bike.",
"People riding on their motorcycle.",
"Two men are with bikes."
] |
A man sits on a deck, taking a break from fishing. | [
"A man sits on a deck."
] | [
"snowboarder taking a break",
"There is a man sitting outdoors",
"A human taking a break",
"The man rests outside.",
"The worker is taking a break.",
"the man went fishing alone",
"A fisherman sits in a boat.",
"A man is on a deck.",
"A person is laying on a deck.",
"The man is taking a break in the grass outside.",
"A guy sitting down beside the water surrounded by trees.",
"A man sitting on grass.",
"The fisherman is sitting on the shore.",
"A man is out fishing.",
"A worker taking a break on the ocean."
] |
The man is sitting on a wooden rail near two fishing poles. | [
"The man is sitting."
] | [
"A man sits near the ocean.",
"A man sits outside",
"The man is seated.",
"A man is sitting on his boat as he fishes.",
"A man is sitting on a bench.",
"There is a man sitting outdoors",
"A man sitting on a bench.",
"The man can sit.",
"a man is sitting in the woods",
"the man is sitting down.",
"The man sits.",
"A man has a fishing pole.",
"A person is sitting on the deck holding a fishing pole.",
"A man sitting.",
"The person is sitting next to one fishing pole."
] |
Someone in a yellow hat is sitting next to two fishing poles. | [
"The person is next to a fishing pole."
] | [
"A person is sitting out front.",
"Two fishermen sit by the water.",
"A man is sitting on a boat while fishing.",
"A person with a hat",
"There is a man sitting outdoors.",
"A man is sitting next to the harbor.",
"A man sits near water.",
"The fisherman is near a body of water.",
"There is a man outdoors sitting.",
"A male is sitting down outside.",
"Man sitting outdoors.",
"A fisherman sits in a boat.",
"a man is sitting outside",
"Someone is sitting",
"A person wearing a hat is outdoors."
] |
A man sits on the edge of a wooden bench with two fishing poles behind him. | [
"A man with fishing poles behind him sits on a bench."
] | [
"A man sits outside",
"A man is sitting on a bench outside",
"There is a sitting man.",
"A man is sitting on a bench",
"The man is at the bench.",
"The man is sitting on a park bench",
"The man is sitting up on the bench.",
"Someone is sitting on a bench.",
"A man sits on the bench.",
"The person on the bench is a man.",
"A man sits on a park bench",
"A man is sitting beneath the trees",
"A man sitting outdoors.",
"The man sits down on a bench.",
"a man sits on the bench"
] |
A man sits on the edge of a brige, looking out, fishing poles behind him. | [
"A man fishing."
] | [
"A man is holding a fishing rod.",
"The fisherman is near a body of water.",
"The people have fishing poles.",
"a man uses a fishing pole",
"There is a man fishing",
"a guy fishing off the dock",
"A fishman is sitting.",
"A boy is sitting and fishing.",
"There is a man sitting outside",
"A man stands knee deep in water with a fishing pole.",
"The man is trying to catch a fish from a dangerous position.",
"A man is going fishing.",
"The man is sitting on the pole.",
"A man sits outside",
"A man is fishing while sitting on a rock."
] |
Young men and women gather outside in the streets for a party. | [
"Men and women are outside."
] | [
"There's a party happening.",
"Several people are hanging out together outside.",
"Some people on a patio are having a party.",
"Some people are in the street.",
"Some people hanging out.",
"Friends are partying.",
"There's a party going on in the city",
"There is a crowd gathering outside",
"There's a crowd of men and women at an outside event.",
"people in street",
"People gather together outdoors.",
"People are celebrating in the streets.",
"People are in the streets.",
"Friends are having a party.",
"a group of friends gathered"
] |
People on the roof of a building look down on a crowded street. | [
"People are outside."
] | [
"a group of people are outside of a building.",
"The building had people near it.",
"There are people on a street.",
"a line of people staring at the vehicles on the roof",
"The people are by the street.",
"A large group of people are outside the building.",
"The streets are crowded.",
"The street has many people.",
"the group is looking down",
"The people are outside near a building.",
"There are people near a building.",
"A crowd looks at a structure.",
"People are outside a large building.",
"People are on a street.",
"There are people looking around their neighborhood."
] |
Several people watching a scene on the street below from an apartment building. | [
"The people are looking out the window."
] | [
"The group of people are near a street.",
"Some people watch an outdoor play.",
"people on street",
"There are many people involved in this scene.",
"The area is open to the public viewing.",
"Several people outside of a building.",
"People watch other people.",
"People are looking into the distance.",
"The people are watching a person.",
"People are outside looking down.",
"People in the street.",
"People are watching something.",
"People are on the street",
"a crowd is watching",
"A group is looking at a scene."
] |
A group of people gathered around a brick building that has three men on top of it. | [
"The building is occupied."
] | [
"There are people gathered.",
"A group in front of a large building.",
"There are humans standing around a building.",
"Several people gathered.",
"People are gathered outside.",
"A group of people are gathered outside.",
"People are gathering together.",
"Several people can be seen building a structure of some sort.",
"There is more than one person outside the building.",
"Some people are gathered outside.",
"people are gathering around something",
"A group of people are gathered around something.",
"A large group of people are outside the building.",
"A group of people are gathered.",
"a group of men are standing around"
] |
A man playing the guitar is jumping. | [
"The guitarist performs."
] | [
"A man is playing his instrument.",
"The man is playing an instrument.",
"A man with a guitar.",
"The man enjoys making music.",
"a man playing a guitar",
"A man play with his guitar.",
"The man is playing a music instrument.",
"A guy playing a guitar.",
"The man is near the guitar.",
"A man is making music with a guitar.",
"A person is playing the guitar.",
"This guy has a guitar.",
"A man had a guitar.",
"A man playing the guitar.",
"Man playing a guitar."
] |
A young man in black glasses and a striped shirt jumping up while playing a guitar. | [
"A man is playing the guitar."
] | [
"A young man is jumping",
"A man playing music with a guitar.",
"The man likes music.",
"The young man is enjoying his music.",
"A young man has a guitar.",
"A man playing a guitar.",
"The young man is playing the guitar.",
"A man has a guitar.",
"A person plays guitar",
"A young man with hair is playing guitar.",
"A person is playing music.",
"The man plays guitar.",
"the young man is wearing black pants.",
"A person is playing a guitar",
"a person with a guitar."
] |
a young man playing an electric guitar while jumping up and down in front of fans. | [
"A guitar playing is playing for a audience."
] | [
"A man is playing a guitar in a crowd of people.",
"A man enjoys playing guitar",
"The man is musically talented.",
"He is playing music",
"The young man is performing a high jump.",
"A musician is preforming.",
"There is a person playing music",
"A man playing music infront of a crowd of people.",
"Someone plays guitar.",
"Someone performs music.",
"young man plays horn",
"The young man is playing a song.",
"The man enjoys playing music.",
"A guy is moving and playing music.",
"He is playing a song."
] |
The guy in a striped shirt is playing his electric guitar. | [
"A male has an instrument."
] | [
"Man playing a guitar",
"The guy is wearing a shirt.",
"the man is playing a guitar",
"A man in a striped shirt is playing music on a professional drum set.",
"The guy plays an instrument.",
"a guy plays an instrument",
"The man is near a guitar.",
"a man plays the guitar",
"A man is playing music.",
"A man is playing music",
"A man is making music with a guitar.",
"the man is playing music",
"The man plays music.",
"A man is playing guitar.",
"A man is playing a guitar."
] |