El donador de almas (Spanish Edition) [Amado Nervo] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. El Dr. Rafael, aunque exitoso y muy admirado. The Soul-giver/El Donador De Almas by Amado Nervo, , available at Book Depository with free delivery worldwide. Get this from a library! El donador de almas. [Amado Nervo; Alfonso Garduño; Antonio Gómez Rufo]. The Soul-giver/El Donador De Almas : Amado Nervo : This notice and any attachments we receive will be forwarded to the alleged infringer, who will then have the opportunity to file a counter notification pursuant to Sections g 2 and 3 of the DMCA. Visit our Beautiful Books page and find lovely books for kids, photography lovers and more. Identify each web page that allegedly dw infringing material. Check out the top books of the year on our page Best Books of If you are not the copyright holder or its agent and if the content is clearly infringing the copyright of a well-known work, please select “Infringes a well-known work” from the dropdown menu. Book ratings by Goodreads. This form does not constitute almmas advice and nothing that you read or are provided on this web site should be used as a substitute for the advice of competent legal counsel. Spanish Ballads Roger Wright. AD Colin Smith. We notice you are using a browser version that we do not support. The Painter of his Dishonour, El pintor de su deshonra A. To file a notice of infringement with us, you must provide us with the items specified below. Damned for Despair Nicholas G. Our agents will determine if the content reported is inappropriate or not based on the guidelines provided and will then take action where needed. Log in to rate this item. The five Acts of the play proper are preceded by a prologue, showing that, in all probability, it was intended for public performance; but there is some doubt as to whether the author ever in fact mounted a production of it. The Soul-giver/El Donador De Almas If someone believes in good faith that a Lulu Account Holder has infringed their copyright, they can request that we take down the infringing material by filing a DMCA Notice. From inside the book. Yerma Federico Garcia Lorca. If you are sure that this product is in violation of acceptable content as defined amaso the agreement or that it does not meet our guidelines for General Access, please fill out the form below. I swear, under penalty of perjury, that the information in the notification is accurate and that I am the copyright owner or am authorized to act on behalf of the owner of an exclusive right that is allegedly infringed. We can notify you when this item is back in stock. The five Acts of the play proper are preceded by a prologue, showing that, in all probability, it was intended for public performance; but there is some doubt as to whether the author ever in fact mounted a production of it. Accordingly, if you are not sure whether material infringes your copyright, we suggest that you first contact an attorney. The Schism in England: akado, first published in For you to have the best experience on Lulu. La Vida Social – Workbook v. El bachiller – El donador de almas / The Bachelor – The Soul Giver Looking for beautiful books? Copyright Office website, http: Address Address is required. Read, highlight, and take notes, across web, tablet, and phone. If you use a digital signature, your signature must exactly match the First and Last names that you specified earlier in xonador form. My library Help Amafo Book Search. We use cookies to give you the best possible experience. It is designed to make submitting notices of alleged infringement to us as straightforward as possible while reducing the number of notices that we receive that are fraudulent or difficult to understand or verify. El Donador de Almas – Amado Nervo, Michael F. Capobianco, Gloria S. Mele’ndez – Google Books Account Options Sign in. Other books in this series. Mariana Pineda Robert G.
Cibophobia, also known as the fear of food, is a food aversion that can quickly grow into an obsession. It can affect peoplein different ways. For examples, to some it’s a fear (not a dislike) of certain types of food, to others it may be a fear of food they’ve not prepared themselves and others may have been left with a fear of certain specific foods due to a historical traumatic event (choking etc). People often confuse this phobia with anorexia, a dangerous eating disorder. But, the main difference is that those with Cibophobia are afraid of the food itself. In contrast, those with anorexia fear the effects of diet on body image. The fear of food can be associated with anorexia or bulimia. If that’s likely to be the case it needs to be checked out. But only a trained clinician could make the right diagnosis. Causes of Cibophobia The avoidance of food or fear of swallowing fluids is usually a consequence of the traumatic experience after drinking or eating, such as vomiting or choking. The next cause is related to the perishable food items, usually milk and milk products. The person who has Cibophobia probably had a bad experience while eating mayonnaise, for example. The brain always recalls stressful memories while consuming those ingredients again. It could also happen that children develop this fear while eating in front of authoritative figures, especially if they experienced abuse. Some phobics continue to confront this fear also in their adulthood. Symptoms of Cibophobia Living in a health-obsessed society carries with it difficulty in recognizing signs of Cibophobia. If you have a fear of food, you probably fear of almost all food, or you avoid some specific food items. People who have a food phobia deal with many physical and psychological outcomes and may experience some of the following symptoms: - Trembling or shaking - High blood pressure - Chest pain and tightness - Dry mouth - Shortness of breath - Pounding or racing heartbeat - Vomiting and nausea - Upset stomach - Excessive sweating - Sudden inability to talk or rapid speech. There are many issues that phobic individuals face daily, so let’s take a more in-depth look at them: - Perishable foods. As we already mentioned, those people fear food that it’s easy to spoil, such as milk, yogurt, meats, or fresh fruits and vegetable. Their main fear is not to become ill after consuming them. - Expiration dates. People with a food phobia are usually obsessed with the foods near to their expiration dates. They also firmly believe that once they open the product, it expires quickly. - Undercooked foods. People struggling with this fear, usually overcook the menu to the point of burning or drying. - Leftovers. Some of them don’t eat leftovers, because they think to become sick after eating them. - Prepared food. They have to control the process of preparing the food. Otherwise, they become fearful. That’s why many of them avoid going to restaurants or a friend’s house to eat. - Poor eating. Some individuals eat and drink very little, which can lead to health problems. - Solid foods. Some teenagers refuse to eat solid foods, leading to arguments in the family. They need to eat enough nutrients to be healthy and have a great immunity system. - Sleep disorder. Sleep-related issues, nightmares, refusal to sleep alone, and other behavioral problems are also commonly seen in such children. Fear Of Food – Complications Untreated Cibophobia often causes obsessive behaviors, leading to health issues, including weakness, dizziness, and irritability. Here are some complications caused by untreated food phobias: Social stigma. You may feel uncomfortable in social circumstances such as meetings in restaurants with your friends or family, or holiday gatherings, where it would be rude not to accept food. If the object of your phobia surrounds you, you can start to cry, shake, or have other physical problems. Malnutrition. Every organism needs a certain amount of minerals, vitamins, and proteins. If not eating a colorful menu, and refusing food, or always eating the same food, it can lead to malnutrition and other health issues. Obsessive rituals. Some individuals with phobias create their routines to reduce anxiety, such as the way of cleaning the kitchen or storing the food. In many cases, it doesn’t help them to get over their fear of food. Fear Of Food – Treatment Options Food phobias can be treated successfully, usually with behavior and diagnostic tests, to measure the extent of the patient’s avoidance of the food. There are also some other ways to address this phobia, so let’s see what treatments exist: - Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT). This treatment includes talking with a mental health professional about your emotions and experiences with food. The main task of this program is to reduce negative thoughts and fear. - NLP or Neuro-Linguistic Programming Therapy. These sensory-based interventions’ critical role is to change the thoughts and behavior patterns that have not proven beneficial in the past. - Exposure. This practice brings you in contact with the foods that generate fear. It includes approaching and eating some feared foods, sitting next to the food, touching the food with the lips, chewing, and swallowing it. The primary goal is to feel comfortable with the food that makes you feel sick. - Medication. Antidepressants and beta-blockers can also be used in this therapy, to reduce emotional responses and anxiety, but on a short-term basis. - Hypnosis. Since the brain remembers every uncomfortable situation you’ve ever experienced, maybe the hypnosis can help it to retrain. This treatment will reduce the adverse reactions you have toward food. Parents or therapists have to note various symptoms throughout these different steps, to make it easier for a healing period. They also have to provide positive reinforcements and to ignore vomiting, temper tantrums, crying, etc. Overcome Fear Of Food Finally, there’s one more treatment option we’de like to introduce/ It’s a self-hypnosis program which is proving extremely successful. It’s called, quite simply, Overcome Fear Of Food and is delivered in teh form of an audio download which can be listened to on any phone, audio device or via an app. You’re in control of this one – listen to it over and over again and follow the program in your own time and whenever you wish. Not only does it work well but, at less than $15, it’s incredibly cost effective too. Better still, it comes with a 90 day (that’s 3 months) full, no questions asked, money back guarantee! You really have nothing to lose with this one. Don’t take our word for it though – hop over to the official website to find out more and buy direct – links are below: Cibophobia – Conclusion Many people don’t like to eat all foods, but it doesn’t mean that they have Cibophobia. However, when you become obsessed with the food, and it affects your daily life, you may have a food phobia. If you don’t treat it well and on time, it can have severe consequences on your health, daily, and social life. With the right treatment, you can overcome your fears and start a new and healthy relationship with food. If you doubt you have a Cibophobia, you should consult the doctor first. Being aware of the problem is the first step in finding the right solution for your food phobia. The consultations with specialists will help you resolve the issues and face with the food that makes you feel ill.
I think I have mentioned a couple times the idea of “checking the bottom board.” There are two types of bottoms for a hive: a solid wood bottom or a screened bottom; there may be more, but these are the two of which I know. The names tell you quite a bit about their appearance. I am currently using a screened bottom, which consists of a wire mesh screen above a thick plastic base. The plastic slides in and out, allowing for complete removal to increase ventilation in very hot environments such as inland San Diego county, or for periodic review of the hive. A quick glance at the goodies accumulated on the plastic is a great way to “see” what is happening inside the hive without annoying the bees. It’s how I have discovered ants were inside even when they could not be seen entering the hive or how I’ve verified that baby bees were emerging from their capped cells. It can also be used to look for mites that the bees have removed. I check it at least once a week, sometimes more frequently if I’m wanting to do something “beekeeper-ish” but don’t want to bother the bees again. Usually, the board holds a lot of pollen patty remnants and bits of paper from the patty, a few cell cappings, and some escaped pollen. Those were all present this week, including pollen in a new shade of pinkish-orange that I had not seen before. They may have found a new pollen source as we head into the Fall and different species begin to bloom. There were also a couple new things that I was not happy to see: two adult wax moths and a wax moth larva. The fact that these were at the bottom may indicate that the bees are able to successfully defend against them, but their presence is worrisome and I’ll need to check more thoroughly for signs when I am next in the hive. I didn’t see any of the obvious signs of their presence during yesterday’s inspection, so I’m hopeful. The wax moths burrow through and eat the wax (shocking given their name, I know!) and the larvae eat the bee larvae so they are certainly not something I need in there. I have a couple frames that have some old comb on them and this may be how they were introduced. It’s not really a problem I expected yet since there is so little comb in the hive. I discovered another problem during my inspection yesterday that needs to be rectified soon (burr comb) and my solution includes removing those old frames so I hope I will have caught the problem before it gets too large. I did not see any mites on the board, so that’s good news! But I still need to start thinking about a more rigorous method to check the hive for them. I’m leaning towards a sugar roll, which doesn’t kill the bees like the alcohol method does, and just gives them a dowsing in powdered sugar. More about that and the burr comb in the future. Thank you for following along and learning more about honeybees with me! Wendy, this is all new information for me. Keep it coming. I’m never too old to learn. Thank you. Frank LikeLiked by 1 person Thank you, Frank! I appreciate you following along. I’m enjoying the learning process. I love you!! I still use some screened bottom boards. A few years ago, I noticed I didn’t have mites on my boards either, until I started spraying pam on the boards. I think what was happening in my case was ants were clearing out the dead mites until i sprayed the pam which, being sticky, deterred the ants. So definitely a good idea to cross check with sugar shake or alcohol wash. You seem like a pretty handy sort of person. Did you purchase a sugar shaker or make your own? I’m inclined to try making one (I’m in this very anti-consumerism stage) and wondering if you might have the specs for something like that.
Medically reviewed by Minimalist Health Specialist - Written by Nancy Agrahari (Journalist) on 18th Sep 2020 No BS Guide to Vitamin C Serum Looking for an ingredient that will pamper and get rid of tanned, dull-looking skin, a dose of Vitamin C serum is all that you need. Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant that penetrates deeper into the dermis for brightening, smoother complexion. It smoothes the texture and visibly vanishes dark spots. If your diet includes Vit C, but you feel no difference whatsoever into your skin. Our guide will give you an insight into topical Vitamin C and how to use a C serum effectively to reap maximum benefits. Not all Vitamin C serums are created equally! The concentration of the acid, other ingredients, the stability of the formulation, and the packaging affects the performance of serum to a great extent. But do not worry, we have covered that too! So, get ready for that dewy, glowy look. What is Vitamin C? Vitamin C is a water-soluble Vitamin with many benefits for your body and skin. It is also one of the most researched Vitamins that you can safely apply to your skin. Also known for its ninja powers to protect, restore, and enhance your skin texture. Ascorbic acid is a pure form of Vitamin C, one of the most popular water-soluble ways of Vitamin C that protects the skin from damaging “free radicals” created by exposure to the environment. This exposure leads to skin aging and sagging of the skin. Ascorbic acid is usually highly unstable and thus easily oxidize in the presence of light and air. There are other forms of Vitamin C popularly known as Vitamin C derivatives that are less potent than ascorbic acid but much more stable. Why does Vitamin C serum deserve a place in your daily skincare routine? Honestly, there is nothing that Vitamin C serum can’t do. It is a proven antioxidant that neutralizes the oxidative stress by the process of electron transfer/donation. Thus, other than delivering a smoother, even complexion, it also acts as armor against environmental and free radical damage. Even so, we have a balanced diet to fight unwanted harm; they are not enough to keep our skin protected. Also, the skin’s ability to store these Vitamins decreases due to age or photodamage. Thus, the best way to protect your skin and soak the full benefits of Vitamin C is to apply it to your skin directly. By now, you must already be ready to grab those fresh lemon slices from your refrigerator and put them on your face for that glow. But that might not be the best Idea! First of all, the quality of lemon depends on a lot of things such as source, harvest, etc. Secondly, it contains very little concentration and may not work effectively. Raw lemon juices can be irritating and cause redness in some cases. Using Vitamin C in serum form (after it has been chemically altered) sinks deeper into the skin, utterly absorbing its benefits. Regular use of the serum will help to reduce against sun-damage while boosting collagen formation. It also evens skin tone and reduces fine lines and wrinkles. Vitamin C Serum Benefits - Brightens Skin - Evens skin tone - Suppress melanin formation to reduce hyperpigmentation - Fights free radicals, reducing oxidative stress - Protects the skin damage from harsh pollution and UV rays - Boosts collagen formation for a firm look - Effectively targets visible signs of aging All of these benefits are scientifically proven in many clinical trials and human studies. While a Vitamin C serum can do all the above, it is essential to note that the right formulations and application play a significant role. The next section is dedicated to the right way to apply Vitamin and finding its BFFs to double its power. When & How to Apply the Vitamin C Serum? Vitamin C serum up to 20% concentration can be applied twice daily both morning (AM) and night (PM) right after cleansing and hydration or toning. Take 2-3 drops of Vitamin C serum on your fingertips and gently apply them in your face and neck in circular motions. Allow 1-2 minutes to get it absorbed completely before applying your moisturizer or SPF. To get full photoprotection, you need to build a reservoir of Vitamin C under your skin. That can be achieved by 8 hourly topical application of Vitamin C as per a study. But, it is okay if you miss 1-2 applications as it does not wash away like sunscreens or creams. However, exposure to the sun lowers the Vitamin C level in your skin. So, after prolonged sun exposure, you can re-apply Vitamin C serum. For glowy, firm skin follow a skincare routine that typically includes cleaning, hydrating, followed by serums, creams, or moisturizers. During the day or office hours, apply Vitamin C serum with sunscreen with SPF 30 or more followed by a moisturizer. Although Vitamin C protects you from UV radiation damage, it does not stop UV rays from penetrating your skin. In short, it is not sunscreen. For maximum protection from pollution and UV rays, pair this serum with a sunscreen with SPF 30 or more. BFFs of Vitamin C serum Hyaluronic acid prepares the base for other water-based serums and thereby boosting their absorption. Apply Hyaluronic acid serum (not cream-based moisturizers) before Vitamin C serums as hydrated skin quickly absorbs Vitamin C compared to dry skin. Hyaluronic Acid doubles the power of Vitamin C by increasing its absorption deep into the dermis layer. Apply 2% Hyaluronic acid serum before Vitamin C serum for a plump, radiant skin Ferulic Acid is another powerful antioxidant that usually supports primary antioxidants such as Vitamin C and enhances their performance. Ferulic acid is usually added into serum only, so look for it in the ingredient list of Vitamin C serum. Vitamin E and Vitamin C duo give a tough fight to free radicals and photodamage. The combo is proven to reduce the sun damage better than when used alone. You can either include two separate Vit E oil and Vit C serum or look for a formulation that contains both. Since Vitamin E is fat-soluble, you might not find many formulations that offer both. Also, Vitamin E oil is heavy oil, so oily skin people shall either use it as a spot treatment or skip altogether. Does not go along Vitamin C usually does not interact with other serums and goes well with face acids and serums with a similar pH. Many blogs and even popular sites say Vitamin C and Niacinamide does not go along. It is based on an old 1963 study, and newer studies have shown they are not only safe to be used together but also beneficial for even baby-soft skin. Also, the previous research was done with L-ascorbic acid, which is highly unstable. Minimalist Expert’s Advice: If Niacinamide is formulated at pH between 4.5 -5.5, such as at Minimalist Niacinamide serum, combining it with Vitamin C serum will not affect its integrity. In fact, combining them will give you clear skin blemish-free skin with full protection from photodamage. However, keep a 15-20 minute gap when applied together and always apply slightly lower pH serum i.e., Vitamin C first for maximum results. Now you know what Vitamin C serum can do for your skin and how to use it effectively, you must be planning to get one for you right away! But before you get all pumped for buying your first Vitamin C serum, go through this next section written to ensure you get the best formulation. To choose the best, you need to know what to look for in a Vitamin C serum. Not All Vitamin C Serums are made Equal! Many brands offer Vitamin C serum, but half of the time falls short of expectations. It is usually because they either have less or more concentration of the acid, unnecessary ingredients, or unstable formulation that easily goes bad. The effectiveness of Vitamin C serum majorly depends upon the concentration and stable formulation. If a serum delivers between 8-20 % of stable Vitamin C, then it provides maximum effectiveness. 20% is the magical concentration at which maximum absorption happens. Greater than 20% will lie on the surface of your skin and irritate. Vitamin C 20% makes a massive difference in terms of pigmentation. It acts on the melanin formation process and thus slows down pigment production, vanishing the dark spots. Though it sounds pretty obvious, look at the ingredient list for words like Sodium Ascorbyl Phosphate (SAP) or L-ascorbic acid. These ingredients should be close to the top of the list (when concentration is not declared) Preferably choose the formula that declares concentration in black and white. L-ascorbic acid is the purest form of Vitamin C but highly unstable. Although it is more potent than other Vitamin C derivatives, it is less effective when applied topically as it is easily oxidized. An equivalent Vitamin C derivative such as Sodium Ascorbyl Phosphate (SAP) or Magnesium Ascorbyl Phosphate (MAP) delivers much more direct Vitamin C available at inner layers of skin. Studies show that SAP with a pH level below 3.5 enters deep into the skin. A potent Vitamin C serum has - Stable Vitamin C Derivatives (SAP or MAP) - pH between 3.5 to 4.5 - Additional Ingredients such as Ferulic acid or Vitamin E - Airtight packaging with frosted glass - Dark-tinted glass packaging All of this and more is found in Minimalist Vitamin C 20% serum. It is so popular because of its unwavering results. Minimalist 20% Vitamin C serum is formulated at pH 3.5 for maximum absorption and paired with Ferulic acid's unique properties that double photoprotection. How is Minimalist Vitamin C 20% serum different? A unique formulation with pure aloe juice instead of 70-80% water/aqua present in other serums to give a smooth non-sticky consistency. Its feather-light texture sinks deeper into the dermis, thus ensuring delivery of maximum concentration of pure Vitamin C to reduce spots and pigmentation. This serum is formulated with a stable 20% concentration of Sodium Ascorbyl Phosphate (SAP) (Vitamin C derivative) by BASF, Germany, ranked 12th in the Top 50 most innovative companies by BCG. Sodium Ascorbyl Phosphate by BASF is water, oxygen, and light stable, making it easier to layer it with other products. It is paired with Ferulic acid for maximum antioxidant dosage for your skin. Negative ingredients or fragrances tend to create redness or irritation after years of use. When used every day for an extended period, a small percentage of such fragrances might put off our skin and irritate. This serum has no odor or fragrance, thus solidifying its purpose to create brighter, even tone not just now but also in the future. Is Vitamin C good for acne treatment? The top advantage of using Vitamin C serum is that it suits every skin type. It has anti-inflammatory and anti-microbial properties that fight acne and reduces dark spots. Regular use of this serum reduces acne scars and pigmentation. Although it helps with inflammation and acne scars, it is not an acne treatment for persistent acne. We suggest trying it in combo with Benzoyl peroxide and 2% Retinol. You can read our routine for acne-prone skin for more details. Future Side Effects and Risk Usually, topical Vit C is largely safe to use daily, all skincare products have the potential to cause side effects. Using concentration above 20% may lead to irritation, redness, or yellowish discolorations. In some instances, there can be dryness, which can be treated by applying moisturizer. Though a higher percentage of serums can be too strong for the skin, the best way to avoid purging or breakout is by using serums with a stable concentration of SAP or Vitamin C. Using Minimalist Vit C serums, with its 20% organic concentration, there are close to no chances of side effects. Its soothing formula does not clog your pores hence no breakout or purging. Like any other skincare product, you should always do a patch test to access any potential side effects or allergic reactions. For patch test: - Select an area like your forearm or wrist. - Apply a small amount of the product and wait for 12-24 hours. - If there are no side-effects, then you are good to use it on your face. In case of any irritation, redness, discontinue using the product. The benefits of Vit C depend upon its packaging too. Vit C is unstable, and exposure to light makes it bad. How would you know your Vitamin C serum has gone bad? If the product has darkened or otherwise changed color to dark yellow or orange, then Vit C has oxidized. Although the product can still be used, it won’t have any benefits. Minimalist Vit C serum contains a stable derivative of Vitamin C, SAP by BASF, and it is 100% effective as it does not oxidize. So, you can easily use it months after opening the bottle. It comes in a frosted glass bottle. The Takeaways Vitamin C or ascorbic acid is water-soluble, which means our body can’t store it. The food supplements get divided into tissues and other parts, thus leaving less for the skin. So, our skin needs a regular supply of topical Vitamin C to build its reservoir. Topical Vitamin C serums are safe and will boost collagen formation, target the signs of aging, giving your skin the much-needed glow when applied as a daily serum. Whatever product you choose, look for the ones that will benefit your skin in the long run. You don’t need fancy products for your skin, just effective Minimalist ones. 1. 2. 3. 4.
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BEYOND PULSE Privacy Policy Beyond Pulse (“we,” “us,” “our”) is committed to protecting the privacy of your information. The following Privacy Policy sets forth our policies and practices regarding the collection, use, and disclosure of the information we receive through your use of our website at (the “Site”), our mobile application (the “App”), and our wireless health and wellness monitoring devices (the “Devices”). We refer to the Site, the App, the Devices, and related services collectively throughout this policy as the “Services.” EFFECTIVE DATE This Privacy Policy is effective as of October 1st, 2017 INFORMATION WE COLLECT We collect different types of information from users of our Services. PERSONAL INFORMATION.We may collect personally identifiable information from users of our Services, including your first and last names; address; email address; telephone number; date of birth; demographic information; and health and wellness information, such as height, weight, calories burned, number of steps taken, stride rate, posture, and heartrate (collectively, “Personal Information”). USAGE INFORMATION.We may collect additional information from users of our Services that may not by itself reasonably identify you as the source (collectively, “Usage Information”). Usage Information may include your IP address; “click stream” activity, such as when you click on a banner advertisement; the type of Internet browser and computer operating system you are using to access the Site or App; geolocation information, the URL of the website from which you linked to our Site; the areas of our Site or App that you visited; and the actions you performed using our Services. when you voluntarily provide such information to us by, for example, creating a Beyond Pulse user account through the Site or App, joining our mailing list, completing an online purchase, or submitting an online form with comments or inquiries about our Services. We may automatically record Usage Information on our server logs that your browser transmits when you use our Site or App. We may also collect Usage Information about how you access and interact with our Site or App through the use of automated tracking technology, such as cookies. A cookie is a small data file that is transferred to a web browser, which enables our Site and App to remember and customize your subsequent visits. You can instruct your browser to block the acceptance of cookies or to provide you with a warning prompt before you accept cookies from our Site or App. If you reject cookies, the functionality of our Services may be limited. We may also collect certain Personal Information and Usage Information when you perform an activity using the Device. When you sync your Device with the Site or App, the Personal Information and Usage Information collected through the Device will be transferred to our servers and linked to your online Beyond Pulse user account. HOW WE USE AND DISCLOSE INFORMATION GENERAL USES AND DISCLOSURES.We may use the information we collect from users of our Services for the purposes described below. PROVISION OF SERVICES.We may use and disclose your Personal and Usage Information to support the delivery of our Services. For example, we may generate reports about information collected through your Devices and make such reports available to you or another authorized individual, such as the coach of a sports team, through an online Beyond Pulse user account. We may also make such. CONTACTING YOU.We may use your Personal Information to directly contact you in response to your inquiries about the Services and inform you about new features and products included in our Services. IMPROVING OUR SERVICESWe may use your Personal and Usage Information to enhance our understanding of our users’ preferences and improve our Services accordingly. Further, we may analyze Usage Information to better understand our user’s preferences with respect to the Site and App’s contents and functionalities. DATA ANALYSIS AND RESEARCH.We may share information collected from users of our Services with third parties, including universities and health organizations, for data analysis and research purposes. Any information we share about users with such third parties will be in a format that does not personally identify the users. Beyond Pulse or the users of the Services; and to act under urgent circumstances to protect the safety of Beyond Pulse. OTHER PROVISIONS THIRD-PARTY LINKS.The Site or App or App. We are not responsible for the privacy practices of any external website. BEYOND PULSE APP.If you use the App, you may adjust the settings on your mobile device to control the sharing of Usage Information, such as geolocation data. For example, if you use an iOS-based mobile device, you may access the “Locations Services” settings feature to limit the location information that is shared with Beyond Pulse. Please be aware that if you select not to share your geolocation data, you may be unable to access certain features of the Services. Further, please note that if you prevent the sharing of geolocation data, we still may be able to approximate your general location based on the IP address you use to access the Services. Further, the App gives you the option to receive push notifications. In order to serve push notifications to your mobile device, we may need to collect your IP address and a persistent identifier from your device. You can turn off push notifications by modifying your mobile device’s settings. ACCESSING AND UPDATING INFORMATIONIf you would like to access, update, delete, or modify Personal Information, you may do so through your Beyond Pulse or App POLICY.We may periodically revise the Privacy Policy in our sole and absolute discretion to reflect changes in the law Services after any change to our Privacy Policy has become effective will constitute your acceptance of the change. COMMENTS AND QUESTIONS.If you have a comment, question, or requested related to the Privacy Policy, please reach us at the contact information listed below: Beyond Pulse 111 SW 5th Ave Suite 3150, Portland, OR 97204 [email protected]
Fox News Flash top headlines for November 29 Fox News Flash top headlines are here. Check out what’s clicking on Foxnews.com. The estate of Daunte Wright, a 20-year-old Black man fatally shot by a White police officer during an April traffic stop, was slapped with a third lawsuit on Monday – this time on behalf of a woman whom Wright allegedly choked and attempted to rob at gunpoint back in December 2019. The new litigation comes a day before jury selection is expected to kick off Tuesday at the Hennepin County Courthouse in the trial for ex-Brooklyn Center police Officer Kim Potter, who is facing manslaughter charges in connection to Wright’s death. The shooting sparked protests when tensions were already high in the Twin Cities amid the trial for ex-Minneapolis police Officer Derek Chauvin, later convicted in the murder of George Floyd. Mike Padden, the attorney handling all three civil lawsuits against Wright’s estate, provided a copy of the latest civil filing to Fox News Digital on Monday. It identifies the victim as a female adult Minneapolis resident by the initials “C.V.” and describes a December 2019 incident already explained in an initial arrest warrant filed by the Osseo Police Department. According to the initial arrest warrant, Wright and a high school acquaintance, Emajay Maurice Driver, arrived for a party at an apartment in Osseo, in Hennepin County, Minnesota, but didn’t have a ride home, so the two women who rent the apartment allowed them to stay the night. On the morning of Dec. 1, 2019, one of the women left to take out $820 in cash to give to her roommate to pay rent. After paying her roommate, that woman left again for work as Wright and Driver were waiting for a ride. DAUNTE WRIGHT SHOOTING: JURORS FOR EX-MINNESOTA COP KIM POTTER TRIAL ASKED ABOUT BLM, DEFUND POLICE The remaining woman told police that Wright remarked to Driver that he didn’t have to work that day and the two of them should “hit some stains,” which she understood as slang for robbing somebody. Once their ride arrived, the woman said she would leave with them but Wright turned around and blocked the door. Wright then pulled “a black handgun with silver trim” out and pointed it at the victim, demanding she hand over the rent money, which she had tucked into her bra, according to the complaint. “Are you serious?” the victim asked, to which Wright replied, “Give me the f***ing money, I know you have it.” The complaint said she then asked him if he was serious and he said, “I’m not playing around.”. (Osseo Police Department) Wright placed his hands around the victim’s neck and choked her, until she managed to get free, kneel down and scream, according to the complaint. She yelled for them to leave and said that the cops were close. Wright threatened to shoot her and told her, “Give me the money and we will leave, give me the money and we will go.” Wright then allegedly tried to choke her a second time. The two men eventually gave up and left the scene in a white Cadillac without the cash. The civil lawsuit filed in Hennepin County Monday accuses Wright of three counts – assault and battery, sexual assault, and intentional infliction of emotional distress related to the incident. Padden writes that Wright’s actions constitute sexual assault because he “tried to take the money by reaching under her shirt and physically touching her breasts.” Because Wright “subsequently lost his life in an unrelated high-profile matter,” Padden says “the charges were not fully litigated for his criminal conduct regarding C.V. before he passed away.” “The conduct of Wright was extreme and outrageous and utterly intolerable in any civilized society,” Padden added. Like the others, the latest civil filing seeks $50,000. Ben Crump, who is representing Wright’s family, did not immediately return a request for comment. Wright’s family is pursuing a separate lawsuit against the city of Brooklyn Center. Crump’s team secured the $27 million settlement from the city of Minneapolis for Floyd’s family The second lawsuit filed against the estate in July alleges that Wright and an accomplice robbed and carjacked Joshua Hodges, a 20-year-old Black man, on March 21, just weeks before Wright was killed. The accomplice allegedly opened the driver’s side door of Hodges’ parked 2004 Honda Civic in north Minneapolis and shot him in a leg, causing “massive bleeding” and fracturing his fibula, the civil complaint says. Daunte Wright, left, was killed in an April traffic stop. Kim Potter, right, is charged with manslaughter in his killing. Broolyn Center, Minnesota city leaders are considering a resolution to give the city manager the power to declare a curfew as Potter prepares to stand trial. (Facebook/Hennepin County Sheriff) Wright then allegedly beat Hodges, injuring his face, mouth and teeth. The two also allegedly stole Hodges’ cell phone and wallet before driving off. The complaint says the victim recognized Wright from the two having attended middle school together. Hodges was hospitalized. It followed the first civil lawsuit filed in May against the estate, which accuses Wright of shooting then-16-year-old Caleb Livingston in the head on May 14, 2019 outside a gas station in north Minneapolis. The filing says the two were once childhood friends and Livingston’s first-ever sleepover was at Wright’s home, but the two had a falling out. Livingston survived the shooting but his mother, Jennifer LeMay, claims her son suffered “serious, disabling and permanent injuries.” The filing also cited Facebook photos allegedly showing Wright with a Smith and Wesson 9 mm handgun and alleges Wright was a member of the Red Tape street gang and had a criminal history since age 12. The concrete barriers, chain-link fencing and National Guard soldiers that surrounded the courthouse for Chauvin’s trial are gone, but enhanced security will be in place for Potter’s trial — with fewer entry points and the closure of a parking garage, according to The Associated Press. According to the criminal complaint against Potter,. FILE- The family of Daunte Wright attend a rally and march organized by families who were victims of police brutality in in St. Paul, Minn.,Monday, May 24, 2021. The trial for the police officer accused of killing Daunte Wright starts Monday, Nov. 29. (AP Photo/Christian Monterrosa, File) Wright obeyed Luckey’s order to get out. But as Luckey was handcuffing him, Wright pulled away and got back in. As Luckey held on to Wright, Potter said, “I’ll tase ya.” The video then shows Potter, holding her handgun.” Ex-Brooklyn Center police Chief Tim Gannon went against advice from the Minnesota Bureau of Criminal Apprehension in choosing to release body-camera footage of the incident just days after it happened – and remarked during a news conference that the shooting was an “accidental discharge.” Gannon would soon resign and go on to criticize Brooklyn Center Mayor Mike Elliott, who he says escorted activists to his news conference and caved under political pressure in snubbing due process for Potter. Another Brooklyn Center leader, City Manager Curt Boganey, was fired after also publicly advocating for due process, and Elliott’s office assumed emergency authority over the police department at the time. Prosecutors allege that Potter committed first-degree manslaughter by causing Wright’s death while committing a misdemeanor crime, namely recklessly handling a gun, when death was reasonably foreseeable. The second-degree manslaughter count alleges that Potter acted with culpable negligence. Neither charge requires the intent to kill. Potter, who resigned two days after the shooting, says she made an innocent mistake when she reached for her pistol instead of her Taser. But prosecutors insist Potter, an experienced officer, was trained to know better. The jury must decide whether Potter’s actions rose to recklessness or culpable negligence, as the law requires. The defense also argues that Wright was responsible for his own death because he tried to drive off from a traffic stop and could have dragged an officer to his death if Potter hadn’t intervened. Potter’s trial will be livestreamed after the judge recently reversed course from an earlier August ruling against broadcasting the hearings. Hennepin County Judge Regina Chu cited the state of the coronavirus pandemic for her reversal and stressed that her decision to now allow the livestream was not influenced by protesters who just days before had shown up outside her downtown Minneapolis condominium.
Alice Rose is an actress from the United States popular for her works in the film “But Deliver Us From Evil”. Moreover, Alice Rose quit all of her jobs and went for a break in the film industry. Table of Biography Early Life Alice Rose was born in Voorhees, New Jersey, the United States in the year 1992. Moreover, she is currently 29 years old as of 2021 and follows the Christian religion. Her real birth name is Alice Cronin but later changed her name. Additionally, she holds American nationality and belongs to the African-Irish ethnic background. However, she has not revealed further information about her parent’s identity and their profession to the public. Furthermore, she has also not revealed if she has any siblings or not to the public or media. Looking at her success as an actress, we can assume that her parents raised her well in her hometown during her childhood. Alice Rose studied from K to 12th grade at Catholic School in her hometown. She went on to study drama at Gloucester Catholic High School, where she was a popular student. Additionally, she graduated with a degree in Nursing and Psychology at Drexel University. Caption: Alice Rose posing for a photo (Source: IMDb) Professional life Alice Rose started her career as a model while studying at Gloucester Catholic High School and became a fan favorite for modeling competitions throughout the state. Due to her stunning African and Irish ascent, she took center stage among the urban modeling scene for her natural looks and unique body figure. Moreover, her personality and looks made her a star that breaks from the other students. She took pride in education taking an interest in reading writing psychology, world history, autonomy and is a proud vegan. Additionally, she realized her desire and passion for the stage had not left anymore while studying at Drexel University. Moreover, she took a leave of absence in faith to further her career which paid off later in her career. She met film director and movie producer Joshua Coates at the age of 22 in the year 2014. Caption: Alice Rose as Lilith in the film But Deliver Us from Evil (Source: IMDb) After meeting her, Joshua chose her for the lead role of Lillith in the film “But Deliver Us From Evil” which wrapped in February 2015. Moreover, she appeared with actors like Eric Roberts, Pooch Hall, Grant Harvey, and Thorsten Kaye in the movie. She also realized her aim of working in all aspects of acting and modeling in order to stand out from the crowd and establish a new trend and brand in the entertainment industry. She also appeared on the documentary series of her film titled “But Deliver Us from Evil The Making” in the same year. Moreover, she also appeared as a guest in the Talk Show “Celebrities in the Basement” in 2008. Additionally, she also worked as a production staff in one episode of the show “Stars Behind the Stars” in 2014. After that, she appeared as Officer Renee Coleman in the mystery-thriller film “Hollywould” in 2019. Achievements and Net Worth Talking about Alice Rose’s awards and nominations, she hasn’t won any of them so far in her career. However, we can assume that she might win some of them in the future after her performances in other films and television series. Alice Rose has garnered a significant amount of money as an actress and model. According to online sources, she has an estimated net worth of around $200 thousand US dollars from her acting and modeling career. Relationship Status Caption: Alice Rose posing with director and producer Joshua Coates (Source: IMDb) As far as Alice Rose’s marital status is concerned, she is single and unmarried. Moreover, she has kept her relationship status private from the public and has yet to reveal any information about her relationships. Talking about Alice Rose’s rumors and controversy, she’s not a part of them until now. Besides that, she is focusing on her career as an actress and doesn’t like any rumors to affect her career. Body Measurement and Social media Alice Rose has dark brown eyes and blonde hair with a slim body type and a weight of 55 Kg and a height of 5 feet 5 inches. Additionally, Alice’s bra size is 34 C and her body measurements are 34-28-40 inches. Alice Rose is only active on the social media platform Twitter. However, there is no confirmation about whether the account is real or not but it has 31 followers.
10 questions you should ask yourself after one year on the jobon 3 September 2018 for Tech Professionals Most people will tell you to look ahead and not to focus on what’s behind you. What’s in the past is in the past. Although that is true for most things,. Where are you heading? After one year on the job, it’s time for a Q&A with yourself! This is how we at Exellys go about our consultants At Exellys, we like to keep the finger on the pulse. We don’t wait until a year has passed, our Talent Development Managers check in with their consultants every three months to make sure everything goes according to plan. Why? Because people grow and plans change. It’s a simple as that and we even encourage it! The Talent Development Managers go over a list of specific questions with each consultant based on their trajectory within the Start or Grow Smart Programmes together with his or her personal situation and growth. Everyone has a different story and we all walk a different path but these are some key questions that will help you to set the course for your next career step. Key questions to get you started We divided this personal Q&A into two categories: the first being questions you should ask yourself looking back on your first year on the job. The second set of questions concerns where you want to take your career in the near future. Some of these questions might be no-brainers, others you will struggle with. We cannot stress enough how important it is to answer these questions honestly. It won’t get you anywhere if you don’t! When looking back on your first year, make sure to ask yourself: - In what ways have I grown? - What aspects about my job did I particularly enjoy? - What aspects about my employer did I like? - Which areas need improvement? - What can I improve for myself? - What can I improve within the company? - Which of the above has priority and why? - What have I achieved/ what am I proud of? - What hurdles did I come across? When looking ahead, make sure to ask yourself: - What am I looking forward to? - What area(s) do I want to grow into even further? - Which personal goals would I like to achieve? - What do I need in order to be able to achieve them? - Are my professional goals in sync with my personal plans? - What don’t I want to do anymore? - How can this be solved? - Who can help me? Take your time, write elaborate replies or use bullet points. Whatever works best for you to put your first year in perspective through retrospect. Trust us, it will help you see your future path more clearly and this exercise will make it easier for you to make the right choices to get you where you want to be. Start today and you’ll be one step closer to tomorrow. 😉 Are you just starting to work? Set a reminder in your calendar 10 months from now. You’ll notice these questions might come in handy! Good luck Chuck Look, going through these questions and trying to answer them might be overwhelming. But there is no need to panic. It’s quite alright not to know where you are going as long as you’re moving forward. You’re a young professional and it’s only natural that you have to get to know your professional self. We just want you to know that you can come to us if you need guidance. Our Talent Development Managers are absolute pros at what they do and they will, without a shadow of a doubt, surprise you how good they are at reading people and spotting talent. Curious about what they have to say about you? Ready to take your career to the next level? Check out what we stand for and get in touch with us. We’re always on the lookout for fresh tech talent!Tags: career , exellyst , job hunt , personal branding
Hello Friends! As the Director of Nutrition for GI OnDEMAND (a joint venture between The American College of Gastroenterology and Gastro Girl, Inc.) I wanted to let you know that we are launching a 3 part Low FODMAP diet education series geared for people living with IBS. The program starts this Wednesday, February 3rd and it’s not too late to sign up! This is an incredible opportunity to learn from FODMAP expert GI dietitian Emily Haller. I will be on the call fielding questions in the first session (bring along your burning questions!)–and hope that you can join along for this great learning opportunity! Here is a quick run down on the classes by class! Note: the classes are spaced out in a manner that is similar to how we approach the low FODMAP diet in clinical practice. Class 1: The Low FODMAP Elimination Phase: Everything you need to know! In this session, you will learn: How FODMAPs trigger digestive distress in irritable bowel syndrome. What foods to include on the elimination diet and what foods to remove during this 4-6 weeks phase. Tips for low FODMAP meal planning, grocery shopping and label reading with 8 newly designed, up to date handouts and class instruction. Class 2: Let’s learn about the reintroduction phase. In this session, you will learn: The ins and outs of the reintroduction phase: what foods and in what amounts to test your tolerance to different FODMAPs. How to fill out a diet and symptom tracking log to help provide insights about food and your gut symptoms. How to identify what foods you can add back to your diet. Class 3: The personalization phase: expanding your diet to a modified low FODMAP diet. In this session, you will learn: - How to expand your diet and add back foods that do not trigger digestive symptoms. - The importance of portion size when it comes to FODMAP triggers. - When you can use digestive enzymes to better tolerate some foods. - Tricks to work around your food triggers, including different food products to include in your modified low FODMAP diet. - The importance of eating as varied a diet as possible for your quality of life and gut health. To register for this series, click here! 6 replies on “GI OnDEMAND launches 3-part Patient Focused Low FODMAP Diet Education Series“ Judy Mason Are there any CEUs for GI on demand 3 part series? katescarlata Hi Judy –these programs are for patient education not for RDs. Angela Gundlach Could I still register for the demand 3 part series even though I have missed the first one? Perhaps it is recorded and can be viewed at a later date? katescarlata I think you can still join and watch the recording of the first class, Angela. Someone from GI onDemand will be in touch soon. Emily Haynes Is it possible to register for only the third webinar? katescarlata Yes, it should be! The other 2 classes have been recorded.
Cochlear implantation is internationally recognized as the standard of care for patients with severe-to-profound hearing loss [4,28], with bilateral implantation regarded as the gold standard. However, despite a well-established body of research highlighting the cost-effectiveness of bilateral cochlear implantation and improved quality of life outcomes, it is believed that just 4.2% of people who are eligible for cochlear implants have access to them [30]. In many developing nations, this figure is expected to be significantly lower. Outcomes Compared: Unilateral & Bilateral Implantation A recent MED-EL survey identified that 18% of unilateral users said their country provides financial support for unilateral implantation only, and that 22% of current bilateral recipients surveyed had to actively pursue a second implant where funding was available [23]. This is despite hearing experts and an ever-growing body of medical research reaching broad consensus that bilateral implantation offers clear advantages over unilateral implantation. Studies have shown that access to binaural cues, thus enabling binaural hearing, can deliver the following benefits [1,10,19,20,29]: - Improved speech recognition in quiet and background noise - Enhanced sound localization - Reduced listening effort and related fatigue - Enriched quality of life - Reduced head shadow effect for improved signal-to-noise ratio - Binaural summation benefit - Health-related quality of life - Improved language development for children and positive impact on phonological processing skills Parents also report their child’s responsiveness in groups, reaction time, and language acquisition to be significantly improved following bilateral implantation [40]. Subjective expectations of unilateral cochlear implant users also identify improved quality of life, reduced exhaustion, and better hearing in noise as the perceived potential benefits of bilateral cochlear implant use over-and-above their current listening experience [23]. Inter-Implant Intervals & Sequential Implantation Robust evidence spanning decades details the long-term socio-economic and audiological outcomes that support simultaneous bilateral implantation as the recommended and safe treatment option for children [6]. However, the question of whether to sequentially implant existing unilateral patients is too often still discussed, with factors such as inter-implant interval, pre- or post-lingual duration of hearing loss, and unilateral performance among the core discussion topics. “…bilateral cochlear implants (BiCI) are better than unilateral cochlear implant, and simultaneous BiCI is preferred than the sequential cochlear implant even after escaping the early stage of language development.” [9] Importantly, research suggests that minimizing the time delay between the first and second implant is important to maximize patient outcomes [12,29]. That said, auditory deprivation is not a contraindication to cochlear implantation [37], and “…even after a long period of deafness and despite a prolonged inter-stage interval, sequential bilateral cochlear implantation should be considered” [3]. Multiple studies support this, suggesting pediatric bilateral benefits are achieved irrespective of the inter-implant interval, age, and duration of use of the second CI, with patients showing functional binaural benefit, sound localization, and improved speech perception in quiet and noise [1,16,17]. In post-lingually deafened adults, a growing body of evidence continues to highlight subjective and objective sequential benefits including speech intelligibility in quiet and noise, as well as quality of life regardless of age at implantation and inter-implant intervals [26,34]. Quality of Life Indicators Support Bilateral Cochlear Implantation Compared to other chronic diseases such as diabetes, hypertension, angina, and heart failure, studies have shown that hearing loss has a greater impact on a person’s quality of life [14,33]. Extensive research cites social isolation, depression, cognitive decline, low self-confidence, and related health issues among the scenarios that those living with untreated hearing loss often face [27,32]. Thus, untreated hearing loss places additional hidden burdens on healthcare systems [8]. When evaluating Quality of Life outcomes against generic population or intervention metrices, or disease-specific measures, several studies have shown statistically significant increases in quality of life following bilateral cochlear implantation in both adults and children [5,15,22,31]. A global survey of bilateral cochlear implant users and parents also found that 99% of participants identified an improvement in their quality of life as one of the most important benefits of their bilateral implant [23]. Such improvements in adults have been reported across all ages, including a prospective cohort analysis of older adults ages 80+ years [18]. In large adult study groups, statistically significant health utility gains were recorded with HUI-3 and NCIQ when comparing bilateral implantation versus unilateral implantation. When considering bilateral versus no-intervention with or without hearing aids, the health utility gain further increases. In addition, these outcomes are consistent across sequentially and simultaneously implanted patients [5,7,13,15,21,24]. Similar results are available in pediatric cohort studies, with clinicians recording statistically significant health utility gains using HUI-3 when comparing bilateral to unilateral implantation and when considering bilateral versus no treatment, with or without hearing aids [2,6,22,31]. Cost-Effectiveness of Bilateral Implantation In children living with bilateral sensorineural hearing loss, the cost-effectiveness of bilateral intervention is clear when compared to both hearing aids and unilateral cochlear implantation [15,25]. The same has been shown for adults as a growing body of evidence indicates that bilateral cochlear implantation is cost-effective compared to no treatment, hearing aids, or unilateral implantation [11,35,36]. Importantly, simultaneous bilateral cochlear implantation is shown to be more cost-effective compared to sequential bilateral implantation in both adults and children [35,39]. In developing countries, evidence also notes the cost-effectiveness of bilateral implantation [38,41]. Achieving Universal Access to Bilateral Cochlear Implants The decades of research outlined above provide strong evidence to support bilateral cochlear implantation. However, despite the evidence, access to bilateral cochlear implantation remains out of reach for families unable to shoulder the financial burden of private treatment in many developed and developing nations across the globe. We encourage policymakers to engage with national and international experts, including the HEARRING Group or the Hearing Health Forum EU, to facilitate the reimbursement of bilateral cochlear implants for both children and adults. Subscribe & Share Don’t miss informative future updates like this from our MED-EL Professionals Blog—subscribe now. Not all products, features, or indications shown are approved in all countries. Please contact your local MED-EL representative for more information.
Top 10 Podcasts about Money Early retirement, sound investments, and conquering debt are goals that most people want to achieve. The good news is that you can learn how to achieve these goals from podcasts about money. While money is not everything, it is imperative, so we decided to do some homework to find the best podcasts about money, finance and blockchain. Around the Coin Around the Coin is a weekly Fintech podcast that discusses banking, Fintech, payments, blockchain technology, cryptocurrencies, entrepreneurship, and economics. The co-hosts of Around the Coin are Faisal Khan, Mike Townsend, and Brian Roemmele. They are all professionals in the financial sector which is why they are the right people to listen to if you are interested in any of the topics that they discuss. The podcast hosts are easy to listen to and they know their stuff. Around the Coin was founded in 2013. This money podcast is available on Google Play, YouTube, Spotify, Player FM, SoundCloud, iTunes, and Stitcher. Podcast episodes are as short as 20 minutes or as long as one hour. To begin your binge-listening journey, you can browse through interviews of key personalities in the finance and crypto industries and educational episodes that discuss financial inclusion, the great depression, and quantum computers. Breaking Banks Breaking Banks is another money-related podcast that focuses on how stakeholders are propelling disruption in the financial industry. The hosts of this podcast are Brett King, Jason Henrichs, and JP Nichols, all leaders in the financial sector. This interesting podcast discusses trending topics in the financial industry, emerging technologies that are disrupting this sector, among other enlightening subjects. The episodes are about one hour long. You can listen to Breaking Banks on their website or by signing in on SoundCloud, Spotify, Stitcher, Blubrry, Player FM, Apple Podcasts, Radio Public, Overcast, VoiceAmerica, PocketCasts, and Castro. Breaking Banks has listeners in 72 countries and was founded in 2013. Planet Money Planet Money is an easy-to-listen podcast that concentrates on economics, business, and culture. The hosts use stories, examples, and fun dialogue to inform listeners. Also, NPR produces Planet Money and releases episodes twice every week. Planet Money’s episodes are short, running for about 20 to 30 minutes. This means that you could start binge-listening from the very first episode released in 2008. Alternatively, you could start with more recent episodes like "buybacks and bailouts," "America unemployed," and "raw milk deal" to better understand the American economy. You can listen or download Planet Money episodes via their website. Furthermore, you can find Planet Money on Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Spotify, PocketCasts, and NPR One. Freakonomics Freakonomics, a podcast show that started in 2009, discusses socioeconomic issues by breaking down data and telling interesting stories. Additionally, the podcast hosts discuss human behavior on the show dubbed “No Stupid Questions” and they examine trending topics taking place in the US and across the globe. Freakonomics episodes are about 40 minutes long. Journalist Stephen Dubner and Economist Stephen Levitt are the creators of Freakonomics Radio. The main host of the show is Stephen Dubner. Visit the Freakonomics website to listen to episodes or hit the “Subscribe Now” button to listen on Stitcher, Spotify, Apple Podcasts, and Google Podcasts. Wake Up to Money Wake Up to Money is an early-morning show by BBC Radio 5 Live. The hosts of this show are Mickey Clark, Louise Cooper, and Sean Farrington among others. The podcast hosts discuss the news in the business world, personal finance matters, and global financial markets. The episodes, released every weekday morning, are about 40 minutes long. You can access the podcast episodes on their website, Player FM, Apple Podcasts, and Stitcher. Moreover, the episodes are available for listening for a limited time. You can, therefore, download them to listen later. The original release of Wake Up to Money was 1994. Invest Like the Best If you are looking for inspiration on how to invest better, Invest Like the Best is the perfect podcast for you. Patrick O’Shaughnessy, the host of this podcast, invites interesting people to inspire listeners with their stories. The podcast examines stocks, markets, investing, and strategies. To listen to Invest Like the Best, visit the website or subscribe on iTunes, TuneIn, Stitcher, and Google Play. The length of the episodes in this podcast varies. This is Money This is Money is a podcast suitable for investors because it discusses investment, the markets, and all economic matters. The hosts of this podcast are Simon Lambert, Georgie Frost, and Sarah Davidson. This is Money episodes are about an hour long. You can find episodes on their website, Google Podcasts, Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Stitcher, Player FM, Audioboom, Podbean, and Listen Notes. Listen Money Matters Listen Money Matters is a laid back honest podcast that discusses money matters in a fun yet informative manner. Andrew Fiebert and Matt Giovanisci discuss personal finance topics to help listeners to take control of their money in the right way. Furthermore, the hosts interview financial experts that offer advice on things like saving more, spending less, and hopefully retiring early. Listen to their podcasts on Spotify and Apple Podcasts. Episodes run from 30 to 60 minutes. So Money Entrepreneur Magazine has named So Money as the top female-hosted podcast. Farnoosh Torabi, the host of the show, discusses personal finance matters. She also interviews businessmen and women, authors, and influencers who share money-related content with listeners. Farnoosh hosts an episode “Ask Farnoosh” where listeners ask her questions on money, work, or life. You can listen to her podcast episodes on her website. So Money episodes could run from 25 to 45 minutes. The Dave Ramsey Show Dave Ramsey was a millionaire by the age of 26. Even though this fortune collapsed due to debt, Ramsey managed to get out of this pickle. He now teaches others how to do this through episodes on The Dave Ramsey Show which concentrate on money management. Get the app on Google Play or App Store to listen to Dave’s money episodes. Additionally, you can listen to the podcast on his website, Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Spotify, YouTube, iHeart Radio, SiriusXM, Smart Speaker, and Pandora. Episodes on this podcast could be as long as three hours. The Dave Ramsey Show debuted on a radio station in 1992. For more topics from Redeeem, read this guide to discover the best ten free resources to learn about blockchain and crypto.
"The. Simply pick the eight DVDs that if you were stranded on a desert island (don’t ask how you would play them) you could happily watch over and over again. For some people this will be their favourite movies for others it will be subtly different." Ok. I'm on a desert island. I can take eight DVDs. For starters, I'm going with known quantities; sure, it might be noble to take a "classic" that I've never seen along for the journey - a chance to broaden my horizons, learn something, all that jazz. No way. It I hate it, or even vaguely dislike it, I'll be regretting said decision for my own personal eternity. So I've seen everything here, and in most cases, more than a few times. More than anything, these choices will make me eternally happy, and that's more important than anything else. So I'm taking one of my all-time favorites; a film that, depending on the date and time, fills one of the top three spots in my list. The other two are Pulp Fiction and Fight Club, but a) I've seen them enough times that I can recall them at will, and b) they aren't tremendously deep. Being on this island with not much to do besides swim, run around, build shelters, and whatnot, I'm sure I'll be in good shape bodily in no time. But what of the mind? This next section is intended just for that. I'll take along 2001: A Space Odyssey for its beauty, its length, its brain-altering content, Of course, I will need to laugh while stranded, sans friends or family, on this island. I'll be stuck in a place with no entertainment to speak of, no one to talk to, basically nothing of interest to do (aside from movie watching, of course). In other words, my existence will be rote and monotonous for the most part. How meta of me, then, to choose Groundhog Day. I'm sure I'll take intense pleasure at watching someone else live the same 24 hours over and over again, though I suppose in this case, the end will now be a tad depressing, since Phil Conners will escape his prison and I won't be so lucky. Still, all I have to do is re-start it and he's back in jail with me. Who else could go for some flapjacks? I'm cheating a little with my next pick, though not as bad as I had originally planned on. I'm taking a TV show. I was going to say that I would take the entire first season of Arrested Development with me (only chos Two left, and they're both wild cards of sorts. The first is Paul Thomas Anderson's masterpiece Boogie Nights. Why? Why the hell not? It's got it all - drama, comedy, soft-core porn, one of the best casts ever assembled, enough cheeseball (and otherwise) hits from the 70s and 80s to fill at least three CDs, Burt Reynolds - I mean, what more could you want from a movie? And the last thing I want to be on this desert island is bored. 22 people have chosen wisely: on "My Desert Island DVDs" Great list there. Memento and Primer just missed out on my one and although I'm a massive Arrested Development fanboy The Wire snuk in as my TV Show of choice!! Man, if I had one more pick it probably would have been Groundhog Day. Am I right or am I right or am I right? Right? Right? Right? Great list, man. Gonna have to watch Primer again myself, only this time I'll actually pay attention. Outstanding list Dylan. I haven't seen Southland Tales yet so I can't even criticize you on it. Eternal Sunshine is one of my favorite romance movie but it might a bit too depressing for someone on a desert island ;) This is the first love I've seen shown to PTA so Kudos for that. As far as Primer, repeat viewings really don't help but it's still just so damn good!!! As for Southland Tales, I agree... no one else is picking that! :) Great post, my man!!! OH, one more thing... just recently have been reading and love the blog. Threw it up as a favorite on my Facebook Fan Page for my site: THE LIST! Keep up the good stuff! Interesting choices! Primer is a smart one, since you can definitely just watch it over and over and still be trying to figure things out. It'll keep your mind sharp for the days ahead! And even though it might be "cheating" to get Arrested Development in there, it's too good of a decision to matter. I have to question the Southland Tales thing though... Good choices - haven't seen Southland Tales out there (the Room did pop up on one island though). I also love the style, where you don't have headers, but paragraphs narrating stuff. And you're not the only one to "cheat" with a TV show :) Oh, all the love for Eternal Sunshine, makes me feel left out as I haven't seen it! Haven't heard of Southland Tales either, but you're right, a flick might not be award-worthy to be enjoyable. Like you said, if it retains your attention then that should be good enough reason for liking it. Yeah, I've got a TV show as well, but it's in one dvd set so technically it's not cheating :) Paragraph - Thanks! I'm one of the those that never got into The Wire, but from everything I'm heard, I'm surprised that more people didn't put it on their lists. Aiden - Groundhog seemed the perfect Shadenfreude (sp) pick for me. Sure, I could take Requiem for a Dream and give an evil laugh at their predicament vs. mine, but Groundhog would enable me to really empathize with Phil, while giving my current situation a bit of hope (or something like that). Bing! Castor - Eternal Sunshine depressing? The hell you say! I'm no hopeless romantic, but it proves that love conquers all - a pretty inspiring message. Kai - Indeed, I'm shocked at the lack of PTA love. Aronofsky, too. And thanks much for the compliment and FB add. I need to familiarize myself with your site more, but I like what I've seen so far. Any lover of Roadhouse is the tops in my book. Alex - someone else had Synecdoche, NY on there and I cursed myself for not having thought of it. Another great flick that would keep you coming back for more looking to understand it better. But, I've got a couple, so I should be alright. Don't worry - I question my sanity for picking Southland Tales as well. Darren - with the TV show, at least I held it to one disc rather than a complete series. So I don't think I'm really cheating all that much (not like the person with the LOTR trilogy as one pick!) ;) rtm - If you haven't seen Eternal Sunshine, I won't be the 1000th person to tell you that you really need to, but I'll just say that I want to say that. :D 2001 A Space Odyssey? You are asking to go all Wilson on that island! Hahahaha. I'm surprised to be seeing Memento so frequently, but such an awesome movie and well put together script that I could see repeat viewings giving it a new perspective and something different to learn each time. Some more great choices here. Groundhog Day seems to have made its way to several lists, can totally understand why, it's such a great film. But, as you say, it may be a little ironic, if you don't get to leave the island! Primer would definitely be one film that would be needed to keep your brain busy while stuck alone on a desert island! Boogie Nights is a nice call. Great movie. I could totally watch that one over and over. Hey Dylan, great list! I'm stoked to see "Eternal Sunshine" on there; I confess that I didn't think twice about adding it to mine. I can't live without that movie and I've seen it more times than I can count -- just a poignant, funny, bittersweet, beautiful timeless love story. "2001: A Space Odyssey" is an interesting choice. I hated it when I first saw it, but I can appreciate its technical and visual genius. Maybe it would be a good way to keep the mind alive with possibility on a deserted island? WHHHAAAAAATTT?! You can bring TV series? Of all the gaul! Groundhog Day - lol. You would go insane. And Southland Tales? Wow. I've never had anyone recommend it, even though I was admittedly a little curious. I might swim over for a peak? Heater - hopefully, all this brain candy will keep me from "going Wilson" (love that phrase). Who knows, though - it could have the opposite effect. Olive - If there's anyone that will be able to understand Phil Connor's frustration, it'll be me on my island. Tartan - indeed. The only downside? No one to talk through it with afterward. That's almost essential. Nicholas - me too. Every time it's on... Meridith - Eternal Sunshine was my first and easiest choice. Ross - Hey man, anything on a single DVD, that was my line of thinking. Perhaps there's a DVD of "1001 Ways to Get Off a Desert Island" out there somewhere; that would have been an inspired choice... RE Southland Tales - not a soul has recommended it to you, not even for the train wreck factor? Well then, allow me to be the first. It's the best terrible movies ever. Or the worst good movie ever. It is everything and nothing, the sun and the moon. A craptastic piece of media vomited from Richard Kelly's brain to the screen. It has cars fucking, for chrissakes - what more can you ask for in a film? Kudos on the cramming of Arrested Development onto a single disc. I would too and if I couldn't I would just say fuck it and not take 2 other movies because nothing is as rewatchable as AD. I am going through season 2 again for the 18th? time and am still hearing new jokes. Nothing will ever compare. Many will try, some will come close but in the end there will only be room for one. While there where some good things about Southland Tales and it didn’t deserve the drubbing it got, it is a long way from the eight films I would take. Otherwise a solid list. Thanks for joining in and for the plug on the lamb. You know until your last sentence I didn't realize how important it would be to make these DVDs really, REALLY entertaining and rewatchable. Good calls all the way around, though I'd toss Southland Tales to the curb and switch Arrested Development for Seinfeld. Not because I don't like Arrested Development, but because I haven't seen it. In fact I haven't really seen anything on TV since 1998, hence the Seinfeld choice. Primer? Really? Way to stretch your brain while on a permanent vacation! I've only seen it once too - as a personal challenge to myself... a hundred watchings required at least. I see Brian's already offered up the Cynics' blessing on Arrested Development being on your list. Well played, sir! But Fletch, dear Fletch. Why you gotta start shit and include Southland Tales? Perhaps your years stranded on your island will offer you the time to compose your own graphic novel to fill in the gaping plot holes in the film... and maybe you can craft some kind of visual companion out of coconuts, seagull brains and snail goo. Hope I don't have to test this out. When I watch that film it makes me wish I was on a desert Island :-) Cheers. ...Groundhog Day
24 May 2016 Punk fanzine ‘Oh Cardiff... Up Yours!’ donated to the Library The Library’s current exhibition Punk 1976-78 is an opportunity not just to look back at the early years of punk, but also to make new connections and to build on the legacy material that the Library holds. The exhibition showcases examples of the fanzines inspired by punk’s DIY spirit and energy. Forty years on, zinesters are still busy writing and drawing, cutting and pasting, stapling and sticking their creations, and the Library is as keen to collect zines now as it was during the first stirrings of punk. Publicity around the exhibition has also inspired some of the individuals who produced fanzines at the time to donate them to the Library so that they can be conserved and made available in our Reading Rooms. We are delighted to have received a donation of the full run – all two issues – of a punk fanzine produced in Cardiff in 1978, Oh Cardiff… Up Yours!, from Paul Davies who was one of its creators. One of the hardest things for the exhibition is to convey the diverse meanings of punk for the fans who espoused its ethos and participated in it through their own expression and activism. The fanzines we hold allow access to the voices of some of those involved in the heady days of punk. I asked Paul to say something about what motivated him and his friends to produce a fanzine. Paul’s account is reproduced below – in his own words. As a curator I’m delighted that Paul has written this piece, both for its interest now and for anyone looking at the zine in years to come to understand how it came into being. I’m also struck by the way that producing a fanzine was a starting point for a whole range of creative endeavours for those involved. While I was thinking about how to present Oh Cardiff… Up Yours!, I came across a reference to it from another of its co-creators, for whom it also remains significant, in a post on the urban75 blog. One aspect of my work in the Contemporary British Publishing team is to identify websites for inclusion in our web archiving programme, as part of the Library’s mission to capture a wide range of contemporary cultural and political expression. For me, it is inspiring to see this link between the punk activism of 1976-78 and contemporary social activism. Just as punk fanzines challenged the music coverage of the mainstream press, the urban75 website was a pioneer of online activism providing an alternative to mainstream media, and it remains vital and vibrant today. It’s not always easy to explain the significance of zines and fanzines alongside the Library's more prestigious holdings. But whether for students of print journalism and the flagship magazines that have mediated Britain’s popular music and youth culture, or for future students of alternative and DIY culture, punk fanzine Oh Cardiff… Up Yours! marks the beginning of a journey into creativity and activism in print, film, and on the web, and from the record shops and venues of Cardiff to a global reach. Paul’s account of its creation is no mere nostalgia trip: those two issues from 1978 are relevant for their part in a punk legacy that shapes cultural and political expression today, and I’m thrilled to have them in the Library. Oh Cardiff... Up Yours! issues 1 and 2. Paul Davies writes: Oh Cardiff... Up Yours! The tendrils of punk rock began to wrap themselves around my flares-festooned ankles at a precise moment in time in the winter of 1976. If I had been partial to breakfast cereals, it would have been a splutter-the-cornflakes-across-the-room moment. Preparing for another tedious day at school, as we breakfasted in our small kitchen the necessity to engage in early-morning familial badinage was scuppered by the incessant drone of the local radio station. On this particular morning the apoplexy count was in overdrive, as the Anarchy in the UK tour was about to hit the hot and happening Valleys enclave of Caerphilly – a desolate urban outcrop as far away from the bondage trousers of the King’s Road as it is possible to be, and yet, in its own malodorous, disenfranchised and truculent way, absolutely perfect to welcome the burgeoning social and political tornado that was Punk Rock. As the New Musical Express was my bible, handbook and calling card, I was clearly prepped about this swaggering new musical movement emanating from that London, but had yet to experience the sonic thrills that were allegedly on offer, and was still hanging on, rather apprehensively, to my copies of ‘Frampton Comes Alive’, Deep Purple’s ‘Made in Japan’, my RAF Greatcoat and my luscious shoulder length hair. ‘Anarchy in the UK’ changed all that, and left me gasping for more. Four decades later the opening 20 seconds of that song still sound as feral, exhilarating, revolutionary as they did back then – the crunching powerchords just softening you up before Rotten grabs you by the throat and demands that you listen up “Right Now!” and then announces and introduces himself formally as the Antichrist and the Anarchist that an army of suburban home-owners would soon be threatening to garrotte, castrate and behead. You didn’t hear this stuff on the radio, ever. To hear it on a local news radio station dealt an unstoppable knock-out punch to the solar plexus. If you were 17 and of a certain disposition, you responded in only one way – you embraced it, instinctively – you didn’t quite get what was going on (yet), but you wanted in – and you wanted all your friends in as well. Year Zero was here – time to reassess everything. Like the most addictive drugs, the fired-up elation of the first hit sent you reeling in all sorts of directions as you sought and consumed anything related. The Pistols and the Clash were primo Class A stuff, but we were so hungry for cheap dirty thrills we even dabbled in Class B/C/D zones – from the Lurkers to 999, Eater to The Cortinas – all with a provincial charm of their own and a happy filler. Musician turned environmental activist, John Evans of South Wales punk band the Tax Exiles Cultural movements bring people together and punk was no different – a small circle of friends gravitated towards each other as we fell deep into this dizzying, angry, intoxicating maelstrom. 1977 was a great time to be 17/18. We were a gang of sorts, we hung out all the time, went to gigs religiously and inspired by punk, we plotted how we would vent our energy creatively. It had to be a fanzine. Cardiff was ill-served by fanzines, we were going to resolve that and make our mark on a stultifying provincial scene, which needed a cultural rocket up its jacksy. We were more than happy to oblige. Being teenage wannabe punk warrior wordsmiths, the first step seemed to be finding appropriate noms de plume – that’s what punks did, didn’t they? So we became, shamelessly, Mal Function, Cess Pitt, Rick O’Shea and Dai O’Rhea. Our photographer was already called Slug, so he didn’t need one. Then we needed a name for the fanzine. It had to be current, mildly inflammatory, a call to arms. We hit upon Oh Cardiff... Up Yours! Genius. With a respectful nod to the great Poly Styrene and X Ray Spex, we were on our way. Rick O’Shea, Cess Pitt and Mal Function with the first issue As most of us were happily unemployed we had plenty of time for our editorial meetings – fanzine content was shaped by the gigs we went to, the records we bought. We reviewed the gigs, singles and albums, interviewed the bands, then hastily typed it all up on an antique typewriter – with some assistance from one of our friends who could actually type. Ours was by no means a Stalinist punk manifesto – the uneasy mix of bands we covered reflected the transitioning of our musical tastes – we’d cover local punk oiks The Tax Exiles as well as bands like Thin Lizzy. We devoured the ethos of punk greedily, if not the haircuts – contemporaneous photographs provide damning evidence of shoulder-length hair and inappropriate clothing not approved by the Punk Politburo. Wearing a Thin Lizzy tshirt and customising jeans with a ripped and burnt Union Jack with stencilled Sex Pistols lettering seemed somehow more punk than buying a pair of tartan bondage trousers from Paradise Garage in Cardiff. Bette Bright of influential Liverpool art rock / new wave band Deaf School Our prehistoric approach to desktop publishing amounted to cutting out pictures from the NME, cutting out the typed reviews and messily gluing them to sheets of A4. Page titles were hand-crafted, a few cartoons thrown into the mix, and then off down the printers to whack out a hundred copies of issue 1. This figure was later inflated when we got our first press coverage in the staid local rag – fiercely competing with a couple of other ’zines which had sprung up since we published, we brazenly bumped up our circulation to 250. The thrill when we picked up those first boxes of actual fanzines was intense. We’d done it!. A few hours of stapling and we were ready to hit the streets. There were plenty of gigs taking place in Cardiff, at the Top Rank, the University and two local arts centres, so we just hung about before and after gigs, and miraculously sold the lot. Emboldened by this, we doubled our print run, and the cover price, and did it all over again, hitting up a couple of local record shops which agreed to stock the fanzine. The reaction was almost universally positive – fearless truth-tellers that we were, we gave an uncomplimentary review to a local punk band, who seemed hell-bent on giving us a good kicking until we managed to persuade them that we didn’t actually write the thing, we just sold it. And then that was it. Like all the best things that came out of punk, we blasted in for two issues and then burnt out. Circumstances conspired to separate us geographically, punk was blowing itself out and we all moved on to other things. Coverage in the Western Mail, February 25th 1978 Mal Function (Paul Davies @longtimelurker ) – worked as a freelance journalist for Jamming! and Q magazine during the 1980s and 90s. Now works as a Business Analyst. Cess Pitt (John Brewer) – became a firefighter, rose through the ranks, retired at 50. Still going to see Stiff Little Fingers gigs. Dai O’Rhea (Mike Slocombe @urban75 ) – moved to London in 1978, drummed in bands for years. Now runs Urban75 website and Brixton club nights. Rick O’Shea (Pete Salmi) – went to film school, directed movies and TV films – now works in advertising. Slug (Andy Rees @Andrew0145 ) – studied photography, now working as a freelance photographer in the Cotswolds. Oh Cardiff... Up Yours! banner at anti-National Front demonstration
my father turning to my grandfather anticipating an answer from him. My grandfather simply said, “It is whatever you want it to be. If your heart thinks it’s country, then it must be country.” His words were in my head today when we discussed genres. I came to the conclusion, that genres are mainly used to help people find and classify the songs they enjoy. I posted a couple weeks ago about what classifies bluegrass music as bluegrass. The theory that I came up with then still stands true in this blog. Music is what you classify it as. If you believe the music is country, then by all means it is country. If you want to believe a banjo, fiddle, mandolin, and guitar is Bluegrass, then it’s Bluegrass. Ricky Skaggs is one of my favorite performers. I remember his songs being played on the radio in the truck back home. His song, “Country Boy”, was one that I truly fell in love with. The song was reassuring when I went to college because the meaning of the song, to me, was that no matter where I go or what I do, I will always be a country girl in my roots. Anyways, in the readings we looked at the other day, it discussed Ricky Skaggs and how his concerts were set up. It discussed how he would do Bluegrass than country and vice versus. It makes sense that he would add or take away instruments in order to appeal to a greater crowd. In a sense, he would genre hop a lot within the concert alone. I think most artists who genre hop are more interested in trying to make more money and appeal to greater audiences. However, I feel Skaggs just wanted to return to his roots. His song, “Country Boy” did appeal to that. My favorite verse, “I may look like a city slicker/Shinin’ up through his shoes/Underneath I’m just a cotton picker/Pickin’ out a mess of blues.” discusses how he may look one way, but in fact he knows who he is and where he started. I think the ones that genre hop know where they came from and know where they are going. As I mentioned early, however, I believe that the genre should only be classified by yourself. You should decide what kind of music it is and believe that. If you want to believe Mumford and Sons is straight up Bluegrass, then that is your choice, not anyone elses. One thought on “What does “Genre” even mean?” Courtney, it is interesting and inspiring to see how much your grandfather has influenced your thinking. I am glad these memories and insights surfaced today!
Business Trends Learn How Industry 4.0 And Robots Strengthen Warehouse Logistics Knowing that current manual warehouse processes could not support their goals, Bechtle transformed its logistics services with Industry 4.0. by deploying autonomous mobile robots (AMRs) in their warehouse to transform supply chain operations. BECHTLE Remember watching sci-fi movies where robots moved, worked, and communicated with regular humans? How “futuristic” this felt at the time. In today’s Industry 4.0 reality, robots are commonplace and populate many manufacturing and warehouse facilities around the world. Bechtle, one of Europe’s most well-known IT service providers, that offers over 40,000 hardware and software products to the industrial and public sector, is a prime example of how Industry 4.0 works in the real world. When Bechtle set a goal to boost their e-commerce business by 250%, it required handling approximately two times as many packages. And when COVID-19 forced people to spend more time at home, the demand for home office equipment boomed. To meet high this high demand, Bechtle needed to employ more warehouse workers to increase its delivery capacity. However, due to low unemployment in the region, finding workers was difficult. This leads the innovative company to think out of the box. Knowing that current manual warehouse processes could not support this goal, Bechtle searched for a new solution. The answer was to transform its logistics services with Industry 4.0. by deploying autonomous mobile robots (AMRs) in their warehouse to transform supply chain operations. The integration of robotics within its warehouse was seen as an important first step in the company’s Industry 4.0 journey. Bridging the gap between manual processes and automation Bechtle recently co-innovated with SAP integrating AMRs with SAP Extended Warehouse Management (SAP EWM) called SAP Warehouse Robotics. This solution delivers predefined scenarios that integrate AMRs of virtually any vendor very easily. The robots navigate through the warehouse using LIDAR, laser scanners, or 3D cameras to enable simultaneous localization and mapping in a warehouse to operate safely, side by side with humans. “With our SAP Warehouse Robotics solution, we have found a way to manage our warehouse even more effectively and flexibly, and provide better support to our employees,” said Klaus Kratz, Director of Logistics at Bechtle Logistik & Service GmbH. “Our customer promise is ‘each order should be shipped on the same day.” Enhancing the customer experience Bechtle retains 25,000 square meters of storage area to manage – the equivalent of more than three football fields. As a first step, the company looked at automating cross-docking operations, where goods arrive at the receiving dock and are issued directly to a customer order instead of being put away into storage. The robot moves a cart and drops it at the shipping dock. A planned second step will be the automation of put-away operations. As a result, Bechtle calculates savings of more than 30% of costs in these operations. Automated logistics does not only shape supply chains to be leaner but also helps keep deliveries on time. “We proved that Industry 4.0 efforts, such as adding robotics to warehouse operations, can directly enhance the customer experience as well,” said Christian Deppisch, Head of Innovation Management at Bechtle Logistik & Service GmbH. “Imagine a customer orders the product at 4:00 pm, and the product will be handed over to the carrier on the same day, despite the high level of order volumes.” This process integration was complete in about four weeks—quite a time savings compared to traditional integration projects that typically take up to 18 months. Rise of human empowerment Automating flexible warehouse operations makes operations much easier to maintain. The new process will help free up human employees from repetitive tasks, redeploying them to other value-added tasks, and ease their workload. “As we were considering the logistics problem, we needed to carefully manage organizational change,” said Kratz. “We had to communicate clearly to our staff that flexible automation was the only way to meet our goals and that we would continue to value their contribution by expanding their qualification toward more demanding and customer-individual tasks, and relieving them from monotonous activities”. Operators enjoy the freedom of leveraging robots from different suppliers, through SAP Warehouse Robotics, which makes it easy to cover spikes in demand. In the near future, the innovative IT provider is also planning to expand the use of robotics (such as using robotic arms in operations) within its warehouse operations. By socializing robots with human employees in an integrated unified ecosystem, the company is on its way to double the revenue in the next 10 years, from €5 billion in 2020 to €10 billion in 2030. To learn more about how to utilize Industry 4.0 to improve manufacturing processes, check out the “Building Intelligent Factories with Industry 4.0” report and watch this video to learn how Bechtle integrated robotics into their warehouse operations. Dear Anil, EWM-MFS integrates non-autonomous devices such as conveyor belts or non-autonomous robots. It works a bit like a PLC and exchanges with such devices telegram messages: Short commands ("go left at an angle of 25 degrees at a speed of 1.5 meters per second) and responses to such commands. MFS makes integration between devices a lot easier, yet, any integration is a custom project and takes weeks or months. Warehouse Robotics is a standard integration, not a custom project and takes days. However, it works with autonomous mobile robots (AMRs) or AGVs, only. Warehouse Robotics hands over warehouse orders to individual robots, Thus, EWM-MFS and Warehouse Robotics complement each other. A warehouse running AMRs often has a conveyor belt, too. In such cases the AMRs are managed using Warehouse Robotics and the conveyor belt by EWM-MFS. The step-by-step setup guide can be found on Github. In the past we worked among other providers with Fetch and MiR, which have low cost robots in their offering. There is no simulator I could share. Kind regards, Albrecht
Dear candidates, you can easily get the complete information of DSSSB Assistant Law Officer Syllabus 2022 and exam pattern here on below of the section. The DSSSB Board has released the notification for Assistant Law Officer Posts. If you are interested and eligible candidates to apply online from the official portal. Before getting to start the DSSSB Assistant Law Officer Grade-3 exam preparation, aspirants download the exact DSSSB Assistant Law Officer Grade-3 syllabus and paper pattern which helps to score good grades in the exam. Then don’t forget to download the DSSSB Assistant Law Officer Grade-3 syllabus and paper pattern. For more detailed updates regarding the DSSSB Assistant Law Officer Grade-3 Exam examination keep in touch with this page to get more details about the examination. DSSSB Assistant Law Officer Grade-3 Syllabus Download Candidates are advised to download DSSSB Assistant Law Officer Grade-3 syllabus which is important for exam preparation. Applicants who are searching for the DSSSB Assistant Law Officer Grade-3 Syllabus, exam pattern and old papers are completely given in this article. Interested applicants need to collect the provided material and get good marks in the DSSSB Assistant Law Officer examination. Candidates must be selected via written exam and interview procedure. Our team will also be given for the latest updates about the DSSSB Assistant Law Officer Grade-3 examinations like exam dates, admit cards, vacancies details. Don’t worry applicants on this page we have provided complete details about the DSSSB Assistant Law Officer examination. Read this page fully to download the DSSSB Assistant Law Officer Grade-3 exam pattern, syllabus and previous papers. DSSSB Assistant Law Officer 2022 Recruitment Details DSSSB Assistant Law Officer Grade-3 Exam Pattern Dear candidates can check DSSSB Assistant Law Officer Grade-3 exam subjects, no of questions, no of marks and time duration. In this below given table DSSSB Assistant Law Officer Grade-3 exam pattern and syllabus is detailed manner. We are providing DSSSB Assistant Law Officer paper pattern and syllabus. So keep read this entire article and get high marks in DSSSB Assistant Law Officer examination. When making use of the DSSSB Assistant Law Officer syllabus, candidates can improve their confidence level step by step and will cover the preparation each topic wise as mentioned above before the planned date of completion. Tier 1 Tier-II DSSSB Assistant Law Officer Grade-3 Study Plan Contenders should prepare for their DSSSB Assistant Law Officer exams based on the subject highlighted below, who are willing to participate in the exam cross-check the test pattern once before and follow the DSSSB Assistant Law Officer Grade-3 Syllabus to keep update. Find the previous year’s DSSSB Assistant Law Officer Grade-3 syllabus in the below section of post vacancy and based on that start preparing for the DSSSB Assistant Law Officer exam and stay tuned with the official web page link to get the latest information of the syllabus. How to Improve your Preparation & How to Crack the DSSSB Assistant Law Officer Exam? We have to follow some strategy before appear in the DSSSB Assistant Law Officer written exam, which helps to crack this exam and finally to get qualified marks. Download the new syllabus and latest exam test pattern of DSSSB Assistant Law Officer. Classify the syllabus on subject wise and its marks weightage provided by the DSSSB Assistant Law Officer. Set importance to all subjects and to get a weighted score in all subjects. Start preparing, revise several times with the help of old question papers and new exam pattern. Conduct a mock exam with your other applicants before appearing to the DSSSB Assistant Law Officer exam. I felt, the above information will help you out with each eligible candidate for successful preparation. Syllabus for DSSSB Assistant Law Officer 2022 Legal Assistant DSSSB Assistant Law Officer General English Syllabus - Synonyms - Antonyms - Prepositions - Sentence Arrangement - Transformation - Idioms and Phrases - Sentence Improvement - Para Completion - Joining Sentences - Sentence Completion - Active and Passive Voice - Spelling Test - Spotting Errors - Passage Completion - Substitution - Error Correction (Underlined Part) - Error Correction (Phrase in Bold) - Fill in the blanks DSSSB Assistant Law Officer 2022 Legal Assistant Law Syllabus - The Code of Civil Procedure, 1908. - The Transfer of Property Act, 1882. - The Indian Partnership Act, 1932. - The Indian Contract Act, 1872. - The Sale of Goods Act, 1930. - The Indian Penal Code, 1860. - The Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973. - Code of Criminal Procedure 1973. - Indian Penal Code, 1860. - Indian Evidence Act, 1872. - Prevention of Corruption Act, 1988. - Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes. - Motor Vehicles Act, 1988. - Crime control. - The Constitution of India. - The Limitation Act, 1963. - The Indian Penal Code, 1860. - The Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973. - The Indian Evidence Act, 1872. - The Narcotic Drugs & Psychotropic Substances Act, 1985. - The Negotiable Instruments Act, 1881. - Legal Maxims. - Medical Jurisprudence. - Jurisprudence and Legal Phraseology. -. DSSSB Assistant Law Officer 2022 Legal Assistant Law of Torts Syllabus - Nature and definition - Malicious Prosecution - Consumer Protection Act, 1986. - Formation of Contract - Factors vitiating consent - Void, Voidable, illegal, and unenforceable agreements - Performance and discharge of contracts - Quasi-contracts - Liability based upon fault & strict liability - Vicarious liability, State Liability - General defenses - Joint tortfeasors - Negligence - Defamation - Nuisance - Conspiracy - False imprisonment - Consequences of breach of contract Contract of Agency - Sale of goods and hire purchase - Formation and dissolution of the partnership - Negotiable Instruments Act, 1881 - Negotiable Instruments meaning, Promissory Note, Bill of exchange, Cheque, the crossing of cheques, and Dishonor of cheques. DSSSB Assistant Law Officer 2022 Legal Assistant Criminal Laws Syllabus - General Principles of Criminal Liability - Offenses against Women - Defamation - Prevention of Corruption Act, 1988. - Stages of Crime: Preparations and criminal attempts - General Exceptions - Joint and constructive liability - Abetment - Criminal conspiracy - Offenses against the State - Offenses against public tranquility - Offenses against the human body - Offenses against property.
Dear candidates, you can easily get the complete information of UP Police Workshop Staff Syllabus 2022 and exam pattern here on below of the section. The Uttar Pradesh Police Recruitment and Promotion Board (UPPRPB) has released the notification for Executive Officer Posts. If you are interested and eligible candidates to apply online from the official portal. Before getting to start the UP Police Workshop Staff Grade-3 exam preparation, aspirants download the exact UP Police Workshop Staff Grade-3 syllabus and paper pattern which helps to score good grades in the exam. Then don’t forget to download the UP Police Workshop Staff Grade-3 syllabus and paper pattern. For more detailed updates regarding the UP Police Workshop Staff Grade-3 Exam examination keep in touch with this page to get more details about the examination. UP Police Workshop Staff Grade-3 Syllabus Download Candidates are advised to download UP Police Workshop Staff Grade-3 syllabus which is important for exam preparation. Applicants who are searching for the UP Police Workshop Staff Grade-3 Syllabus, exam pattern and old papers are completely given in this article. Interested applicants need to collect the provided material and get good marks in the UP Police Workshop Staff examination. Candidates must be selected via written exam and interview procedure. Our team will also be given for the latest updates about the UP Police Workshop Staff Grade-3 examinations like exam dates, admit cards, vacancies details. Don’t worry applicants on this page we have provided complete details about the UP Police Workshop Staff examination. Read this page fully to download the UP Police Workshop Staff Grade-3 exam pattern, syllabus and previous papers. UP Police Workshop Staff Grade-3 Exam Pattern Dear candidates can check UP Police Workshop Staff Grade-3 exam subjects, no of questions, no of marks and time duration. In this below given table UP Police Workshop Staff Grade-3 exam pattern and syllabus is detailed manner. We are providing UP Police Workshop Staff paper pattern and syllabus. So keep read this entire article and get high marks in UP Police Workshop Staff examination. When making use of the UP Police Workshop Staff syllabus, candidates can improve their confidence level step by step and will cover the preparation each topic wise as mentioned above before the planned date of completion. Syllabus for UP Police Workshop Staff 2022 Reasoning - Arithmetical Number Series. - Synonyms. - Substitution. - Antonyms. - Sentence Completion. - Active and Passive Voice. - Spelling Test. - Similarities. - Space Visualization. - Differences. - Decision-making. - Discrimination. - Analogies. - Visual Memory. - Problem-Solving. - Analysis and Judgement. - The relationship. - Observation. - Concepts. - Verbal and figure classification. - Arithmetical Reasoning. - Sentence Arrangement. - Spotting Errors. - Para Completion. - Prepositions. - Error Correction (Phrase in Bold). - Sentence Improvement. - Fill in the blanks. - Idioms and Phrases. - Error Correction (Underlined Part). - Transformation. - Joining Sentences. - Passage Completion. Numerical Ability / Aptitude - Problems on Numbers. - Compound Interest. - Numbers and Ages. - Simple Interest. - Pipes and Cisterns. - Volumes. - Profit and Loss. - Races and Games. - Quadratic Equations. - Indices and Surds. - Permutations and Combinations. - Simplification and Approximation. - Time and Work Partnership. - Ratio and Proportion. - Problems on Trains. - Odd Man Out. - Problems on L.C.M and H.C.F. - Probability. - Mixtures and Allegations. - Boats and Streams. - Simple Equations. - Averages. - Mensuration. - Areas. - Time and Distance. General Awareness - Famous Days & Dates. - Famous Books & Authors. - Indian Politics. - Inventions and Discoveries. - Indian Parliament. - General Science. - Current Affairs. - Famous Places in India. - Tourism. - Countries and Capitals. - Sports. - Indian History. - Indian Economy. - Rivers. - Lakes and Seas. - Artists. - Culture General Knowledge - History - Economics - Indian Constitution - Science - Culture, Sports, - Culture & Social Custom of U.P - Revenue - Committees & Commissions - Geography - Disputes & Major Settlements - Judicial Decisions - Books & Authors - Abbreviations - Miscellaneous - Police & Gen. Administration System in U.P - Protection of women and children - Basics of I.T - Environmental Studies - National & International Affairs - Important Personalities - Awards - Appointments - Important Places UP Police Workshop Staff Recruitment Details UP Police Workshop Staff Grade-3 Study Plan Contenders should prepare for their UP Police Workshop Staff exams based on the subject highlighted below, who are willing to participate in the exam cross-check the test pattern once before and follow the UP Police Workshop Staff Grade-3 Syllabus to keep update. Find the previous year’s UP Police Workshop Staff Grade-3 syllabus in the below section of post vacancy and based on that start preparing for the UP Police Workshop Staff exam and stay tuned with the official web page link to get the latest information of the syllabus. How to Improve your Preparation & How to Crack the UP Police Workshop Staff Exam? We have to follow some strategy before appear in the UP Police Workshop Staff written exam, which helps to crack this exam and finally to get qualified marks. Download the new syllabus and latest exam test pattern of UP Police Workshop Staff Grade-3. Classify the syllabus on subject wise and its marks weightage provided by the UP Police Workshop Staff Grade-3. Set importance to all subjects and to get a weighted score in all subjects. Start preparing, revise several times with the help of old question papers and new exam pattern. Conduct a mock exam with your other applicants before appearing to the UP Police Workshop Staff realize.
Mindfulness for mums is really important. You may have come across the idea of mindfulness or even heard Mindful in May before. it’s the practise of meditation and mindfulness in the month of May. And it’s something we wholeheartedly support at Body Beyond Birth. Mindfulness is the art of staying in the present. It gives us that lovely breathing space between events of the past and future obligations. As a busy mother, it can be difficult to stay in the present, be calm and be aware. We’re often worrying about so many different aspects of our family’s lives. Juggling school, work, house work, relationships, friendships, study, family obligations plus the all day every minute of the day consumption of headspace being a mother entails can become quite exhausting. Mindfulness can help you deal with the days ahead For Mother’s Day, we asked you to think about time for yourself. We invited you to take the ‘me time challenge’, where you take 20 minutes for you. Not a trip to the bathroom or 20 minutes waiting in Mum’s taxi during the next pickup. Actual uninterrupted time for you. Yes, it sounds incredibly luxurious and it may even get you giggling and rolling your eyes. But every moment of peace we can gain in the world helps restore us. Some in the fly ways you can gain a little mindfulness for mums are: - Taking time out for a cup of tea - Writing in a journal or diary - Spending time with the family pet playing a game - Listening to music - Singing, playing an instrument or having a dance - Sitting quietly with your eyes shut, listening This is mindfulness. As is Yoga, meditation and Pilates. Or having a long bath or reading a book, enjoying some sunshine as you head out for a walk. It’s these moments where you become interested in your breathing and your “now” moments. We tend to overthink it and assume we need Shirley’s old pyramid from A Country Practise or to get into our Yoga gear and start stretching to Zen. But mindfulness is as simple as stopping to watch the birds pass in the sky. Or switching off from the phone and the internet for a day and thinking consciously about what you do in a day as a central focus. Mindfulness is as simple as when you wake up, instead of jumping out of bed lying there aware of your body waking up and listening to your breath and the sounds in the room. When was the last time you took time for you? At Body Beyond Birth, we know we beat the drum of ‘me time’ a lot, but we think it’s important. We know that exercise, meditation, time out and doing things for you to lower stress. They also influence your ability to handle stress and help foster resilience against life’s day to day challenges. It also lowers your heart rate, helps send more oxygen to the blood and gives you physical benefits as well. There is a very real side to motherhood that involves always being on for other people. Your partner, kids, friends, extended family, work, community, and groups you belong to and more- they all want a piece of you. But you also deserve and need to take some pieces for yourself. If a plane was about to crash and you were sitting next to your child, you would need to fit your mask first to make sure you gave yourself the best chance of helping you child survive. After all, you are no good to your child if you’re passed out. Mindfulness for mums is fitting that mask first. So that you can fit your kid’s mark and deal with anything else that comes after. Leading by example Whatever world our kids inherit, we know work is going to be an all consuming pressure. We know there will be economic responsibilities, educational tests, heartbreaks and happiness. As mothers, we set the framework for how our kids approach self-care. We teach them that it’s OK to look after yourself and stand up for your rights. We instil in them the bravery and values that will help them cope with challenges. And we can’t say these things and have them believed without showing they actually work. So please, enjoy mindfulness this May. Even if it’s as simple as taking time out for a cup of tea or listening to the birds and the traffic and the world wake up with you before leaping into action. Find what helps you forget the whole world for a moment so you can just be there in the moment. Want more tips on how to practise mindfulness for mums? Why not check out our meditations within the Body Beyond Birth program? Or pop into our Mothers Motivation Group for ideas and suggestions that could work for you!
What people are saying - Write a review We haven't found any reviews in the usual places. Other editions - View all Common terms and phrases accepted admitted ages alſo ancient appear Attorney at Law Bath brethren Briſtol brother building Captain cauſe charity Charles conſider Copies Cornwall craft deputy grand maſter ditto divine duty earl Edward election erected Eſq Eſquire eſtabliſhed excellent Exeter firſt George give hand heart Henry himſelf honour hope human inſtitution James John king knowledge lodge Lord mankind manner maſonry maſons means Merchant mind moral moſt muſt myſteries nature neceſſary never noble obſerved officers particular perſon Plymouth practice preſent principles proper propoſed purpoſe reaſon received regular regulations reſpect Richard Robert Royal Royal Paper ſaid ſame Samuel ſciences ſecrets ſhall ſhould ſociety SOLOMON ſome ſpeak Street ſuch Surgeon temple themſelves theſe things Thomas thoſe tion true truth univerſal uſe virtue whole whoſe William worthy Popular passages Page 184 -. Page 84 - Syria, and yn everyche londe whereat the Venetians hadde plauntedde Maconrye, and wynnynge entraunce yn al Lodges of Maconnes. he lerned muche... Page 77 - ... many Masons from France, who were appointed overseers thereof, and brought with them the charges and regulations of the lodges... Page 233 - No prying eye can view us here ; No fool or knave difturb our cheer : Our well-form'd laws fet mankind free, And give relief to mifery : The poor> dpprefs'd with woe and grief, Gain from our bounteous hands relief. Page 89 -. Page 194 - where two or three are gathered together in thy name, thou wilt be in the midst of them, and bless them. Page 228 - tis That, They cannot tell What, Why so many GREAT MEN of the Nation Should Aprons put on, To make themselves one With a Free and an Accepted MASON. Page 101 - I., 1430, that patron of learning, countenancing the lodges with his presence, "as the Royal Grand Master; till he settled an yearly income of four pounds Scots, to be paid by every Master Mason in Scotland, to a Grand Master chosen by the Brethren, and approved of by the crown, one nobly born, or an eminent clergyman, who had his deputies in cities and counties; and every new Brother, at entrance, paid him also a fee. Page 182 - ... to speak ill of him who hath done you good. Consider also, whether you may not come hereafter to be acquainted with him, related to him, or in want of his... Page 85 - Groton. Groton is the name of a place in England. The place here meant is Crotona, a city of Grecia Magna, which in the time of Pythagoras was very populous.
By Michael Hurley, CBS Boston BOSTON (CBS) — It’s fairly evident these days — on social media, on the streets of most American cities, and just about everywhere else — that things are changing with regard to the way people view racism and police brutality in the country. The world of sports has seen a tremendous shift in the past 10 days, with nearly every team and countless athletes speaking out after the murder of George Floyd.READ MORE: Bill Would Allow Adoption Of Younger Sibling, Uncle Or Aunt That figures to be a prominent story for the NFL, and not just this week or this month. The NFL was of course at the center of “controversy” when Colin Kaepernick and a handful of other players took a knee during the playing of the national anthem, a situation that grew exponentially after the president of the United States referred to any player engaging in such activity to be a “son of a bitch.” That incident led to hundreds of players around the league taking a knee during the national anthem. And the current state of affairs might suggest that a similar response is in store this coming fall. If that’s the case, despite all of the viewpoints changing around the country, future Hall of Famer Drew Brees still cannot support the act. “I will never agree with anybody disrespecting the flag of the United States of America or our country,” Brees said in an interview with Yahoo Finance. Brees went on to say that when he sees the flag and hears the national anthem, he thinks about his two grandfathers who were veterans of the armed services. “So every time I stand with my hand over my heart looking at that flag and singing the national anthem, that’s what I think about. And in many cases it brings me to tears, thinking about all that has been sacrificed,” Brees said. “And not just those in the military, but for that matter, those throughout the civil rights movements of the ’60s, and everyone and all that has been endured by so many people up until this point.”READ MORE: Tom Brady, Rob Gronkowski Add To Historic Total With Another Playoff Touchdown Connection Brees noted that everything is not right in America, ’ commentary is sure to draw attention, most notably because those who participated in the silent protests always stated unequivocally that the kneeling was not done in order to disrespect the flag or the military. In fact, it was former Green Beret Nate Boyer who helped Kaepernick decide upon the kneeldown instead of sitting during the anthem. “We sorta came to a middle ground where he would take a knee alongside his teammates,” Boyer explained in 2016. “Soldiers take a knee in front of a fallen brother’s grave, you know, to show respect. When we’re on a patrol, you know, and we go into a security halt, we take a knee, and we pull security. … I got called a lot of things from both sides..'” The protests were always about using that particular moment to shine light on the important issue of racial inequality in America. Had the protests taken place away from the public eye, or during a moment when attention was not focused squarely on the players, then they would not have generated the same level of attention. Of course, the reaction to those protests tended to be in line with what Brees is currently saying. RELATED: McCourty Twins Blast Drew Brees: ‘This Is A Disgrace!’ Back in 2017, Brees joined his teammates in taking a knee before the playing of the national anthem prior to their game in London. The team then stood up together with their arms linked for the playing of the anthem. The week prior, 10 Saints players had taken a knee during the anthem.MORE NEWS: Uxbridge School Athletic Center Being Dedicated In Memory Of Holy Cross Rower Grace Rett Just like Kaepernick and the hundreds of other NFL players who have taken a knee during the national anthem, Brees is allowed to have his own opinion and share his own feelings about how to conduct oneself during the playing of The Star-Spangled Banner. His voicing of his opinion is likely to inspire some conversations with teammates. Surely, that is something that will take place around the league throughout the summer. Just as surely, the topic will remain a major American talking point throughout the fall and become a point of debate and discussion through another presidential election cycle.
- This event has passed. Can the Griz Food Drive November 20, 2021 An off-field competition between Montana State University and the University of Montana to see which school can collect the most donations for its local food bank will be held Nov. 6 through Nov. 20. The Can the Griz food drive, as the annual friendly battle is known to Bobcat fans, is now in its 22nd year. The drive will begin at midnight on Friday, Nov. 6, and conclude at the end of the first quarter of the annual Brawl of the Wild football game between MSU and UM on Saturday, Nov. 20, according to Kim Cleary, community engagement program manager in the MSU Office of Student Engagement. A winner will be announced on Can the Griz social media accounts later during the game on Nov. 20. Organizers ask that nonperishable food donations be taken to collection locations throughout Gallatin County to support those in need. A list of participating locations can be found at canthegriz.com. Donations directly to the Gallatin Valley Food Bank may be dropped off at its location at 602 Bond St. from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. on weekdays; morning drop-offs are preferred. Nonperishable donations can be dropped off at most local grocery stores. Look for donation bins near the front of each store. Garden produce can be dropped off at the Gallatin Valley Food Bank. Large donation drop offs must be scheduled in advance with Jon Horn at [email protected]. Cleary encouraged those who want to donate to plan ahead, to not wait until the final day and to utilize drop-off locations around the area. More information on drop-off times and details can be found on the Can the Griz website. “Can the Griz is a great opportunity for our community to support each other,” Cleary said. “Our food drive totals during the pandemic were really inspiring. Although we lost the competition last year, the food that was donated impacted so many people in the valley when they needed it the most. Let’s use that as motivation to come together and raise a record amount of food and money for the Gallatin Valley Food Bank this year.” Monetary donations may also be made directly to the Gallatin County Food Bank by visiting. Each dollar counts as one pound of food. Bobcat supporters can add their contributions to MSU’s total by telling the food bank their donation is for Can the Griz. In addition, donations can be made to @canthegriz via Venmo. Last year, MSU and Bobcat supporters donated 150,290 pounds of food and $252,893 to the Gallatin Valley Food Bank. Pounds and dollars are added together for the contest, resulting in a total of 403,183 pounds for the Bozeman community. The Can the Cats food drive in Missoula brought in the equivalent of 671,707 pounds of food for the Missoula Food Bank. Bozeman and the MSU community have won the competition 17 out of the 21 years it has been held. Donations from Can the Griz will help the Gallatin Valley Food Bank, as well as the Bounty of the Bridgers food pantry, year-round. The Gallatin Valley Food Bank is one of the HRDC Food and Nutrition Programs’ Initiatives. The Bounty of the Bridgers, housed in the Office of Health Advancement, is a student-driven initiative to combat food waste and insecurity on the MSU campus for students, faculty and staff. Can the Griz is coordinated by the MSU Office of Student Engagement and the Gallatin Valley Food Bank. Community members interested in more details on how to participate or volunteer can visit the Can the Griz website or its Facebook and Instagram pages. For more information or to host a collection box, please contact the MSU Office of Student Engagement at 406-994-2933 or email [email protected].
. Fingerprints espaool The Christ continues the theme of The Christ Conspiracy by expanding her theory questioning the historicity aacharya Jesusalleging “early Christian history to be largely mythical, by sorting through available historical and archaeological data. Sherwin-White, who is not a Christian, has disposed of the few suggestions that never gained credence which claim that the letters were part or wholesale forgeries. When Freemasonry started in the 18th century, two men, James Anderson and John Desaguiliers, used the operative tools of the craft to represent the speculative science of the lodge and assigned them moral truths. Acharya S aka D. To the Philippian church he wrote c. This espxol be useful information for bibliographers. However, at the same time it struck me as hyper critical. A Review by D. For example, the gavel breaks off the superfluities of life i. An uncomfortably large number of her citations are by non-scholarly sources such as these. Acharya S might have been one such. These claims, and others equally strange, were widely circulated on the early internet. Krishna, Buddha and Christ Unveiled Sep 17, Refutation of Acharya S’s book, The Christ Conspiracy – Risen Jesus, Inc. One of the most intriguing claims made repeatedly in these books is that among the mythical predecessors of Jesus as a crucified god were the Buddha, the blue-skinned Krishna, and Dionysus. He is dialoguing with a Jew and wants to use the Old Testament Scriptures to defend his position, since he shares these in common with Trypho. Sura, or Yadu, are two of the dynasties with which he is associated. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. But if this is the case, what data can she provide to support her view? This book presents an hypothesis of how Christianity came into being. Meanwhile, Baptist comparative religion scholar Clinton Bennett compares her views to those of radical freethinker Robert Taylor nicknamed “the Devil’s chaplain”secularist MP and Christ-mythicist John M. What can we say about her? You said I was entitled to my religious views, but I do not have any religious views, only life views…. You bring darkness, it becomes night, and all the beasts of the forest prowl. If they continued their confession, he had them executed. The Masks of Christ. Who is Acharya S | D.M. Murdock Fingerprints of The Christ Nov 27, The world owes a great debt to energetic, single-minded women such as Florence Nightingale, or Elizabeth Fry, or several modern women. Although the mass killing of Christians had not yet begun when the apostle Paul penned his letters, he writes of how Christians were suffering in his day for being Christians. The Christ Conspiracy, p. However, God tells Jeremiah not to be alarmed by these. Acharya S/D.M. Murdock passed away December 25th, 2015 However, James is mentioned simply in passing. He was buried in a tomb. A lot has espxol written on this passage within scholarship. For the passages that are true in their historical meaning are much more numerous than those which are interspersed with a purely spiritual signification. Eusebius Ecc His, 5:
One year after the former President's attempt to steal the 2020 election by hurling the bodies of his supporters at the U.S. Capitol, we're more convinced than ever on The BradCast that, as the New York Times Editorial Board declared on New Years Day, "Every Day is Jan. 6 Now". [Audio link to full show is posted at end of this summary.] We will soon be entering our 19th year at The BRAD BLOG of trying to warn about the ongoing and worsening threats facing American democracy. But the rising tide of authoritarianism in this nation is now more of a threat than at any time in modern decades. If American democracy falls, so does virtually every other pressing demand, like the need to save humanity from the ravages of climate change. So, yeah. It's kind of important, and we will continue to stay on this beat as long as necessary, as long as we can. Toward that end today, the despicable, disgraced, twice-impeached, failed, loser of a former President, Donald Trump, who lied about voter and election fraud in order to try and steal a Presidential election, cancelled his planned press conference at Mar-a-Lago on the first anniversary of his pathetic, desperate and deadly attack on the U.S. Capitol. As it turns out, he's both a coward and didn't actually have anything to say that hasn't already been heard and/or debunked as bullshit. His ridiculously (but not surprisingly) childish statement announcing he was calling off the presser came just hours after his pal, Sean Hannity of Fox 'News', was politely invited to answer questions from the U.S. House Select Committee investigating the Capitol assault and Trump's attempt to steal the election which lead up to it. The Committee makes clear in its letter [PDF] that they have already obtained many documents from others regarding Hannity's insider status and direct conversations with Trump in the days before, during and after the attack. While the Committee explained their efforts to go out of their way to avoid any First Amendment press freedom issues with Hannity, and even tried to appeal to his (pretend) patriotism, its unclear whether the Fox propagandist will cooperate. Next, buttressing the persuasive argument made by Marcy Wheeler with Nicole Sandler on The BradCast last week, Attorney General Merrick Garland, facing pressure from the left to bring accountability to Trump and his cronies, addressed DoJ officials on Wednesday on the occasion of the first anniversary of last year's Capitol attack. After detailing the more than 700 arrests made to date, and at least 250 perpetrators who are still being sought for assaulting law enforcement officials that day, Garland promised the probe was far from complete and was following the facts of the case from the bottom up. "The Justice Department remains committed to holding all Jan. 6 perpetrators, at any level, accountable under law --- whether they were present that day or were otherwise criminally responsible for the assault on our democracy," the AG vowed, adding: "We will follow the facts wherever they lead." He also highlighted how the U.S. Supreme Court has radically gutted the Voting Rights Act twice over the past decade, and called again for new federal legislation to give the DoJ tools they need to assure the right to vote and to combat state legislatures institutionalizing the ability to subvert election results on a partisan whim. Finally, we're joined again today by WILL BUNCH, longtime national correspondent and columnist at Philadelphia Inquirer. Bunch was with us on January 6th last year for a wild ride of a broadcast that day as the Capitol was still under assault during the official confirmation of Joe Biden's Electoral College victory as we went to air. At the time, it was particularly unclear what exactly the MAGA Mob was doing and how they might be stopped. Among the topics of our conversation one year later with Bunch (who just tested positive for COVID!): Lessons learned since Jan. 6 and the many questions still unknown; The many, still confusing reasons and explanations as to why it took so long for law enforcement to respond to the worse attack on the Capitol in two centuries (he suggests part of that was due to "a dog that didn't bark"); Whether or not there should have been more accountability brought by the Justice Department by now (he notes that the Watergate probe took much longer); And his thoughts on Garland's comments at the DoJ today...among much more! "Honestly, it's taken a full year and it's taken really diligent, praise-worthy work from the January 6th Committee in the House to bring into focus some of what we saw happening that day, that we didn't fully understand in real time," Bunch observes. "What the goals were, who was behind what and why. We've learned so much in the last twelve months." We've got a lot to discuss on today's program... CLICK TO LISTEN OR DOWNLOAD SHOW!...CLICK TO LISTEN OR DOWNLOAD SHOW!...
While. «It’s a big jump to talk about sexual assault and being forced, sexual interaction being forced upon you. There’s levels of taboo, if you’re not even talking about sex between married people». «These churches, Asian immigrant spaces, can function like a double-edged sword and they can be used to empower their community, and they can also be used to disempower their community,» Kim told NBC News. Oftentimes, Asian Christian churches in the West serve not only as places of worship, but also crucial social networks for immigrants who feel racially marginalized or may have difficulty finding a welcoming community in «a white-dominant country,» she said.. Ultimately, as Chiu says, «climbing through those layers of taboo as a young person seems insurmountable». If immigrant churches and second-generation churches could teach gender equality in sexual relationships and sexual encounters, «our world would be a different place,» Kim believes. But then, in a country like the Dominican Republic, you also had the church‘s influence dictating how people — particularly women — should live their lives. The church and the state are pretty much one entity — there’s no real separation. They vilify sex, making it seem like the ultimate sin when done outside of the «sacred bond of marriage.» They limit access to information to vulnerable people, the ones who only have access to a church in their community, and as a result, we have a teenage pregnancy crisis. Pope Francis and the Catholic Church have doubled down on their opposition to nuclear weapons. The Catholic Church uses its three I’s on nuclear disarmament issues as part of its «Resurrection Politics,» an effort to revive issues once considered moribund, and restore them to the international agenda. The church is working to change nuclear weapons policy and the normative framework by which nuclear weapons are judged, to strengthen the nuclear taboo at a time when it is undermined. Pope Francis called for placing the church’s opposition to nuclear weapons into the catechism, a teaching document of the church. «The use of nuclear weapons is immoral, which is why it must be added to the catechism of the Catholic Church. Not only their use, but also possessing them: because an accident or the madness of some government leader, one person’s madness can destroy humanity.»4 In Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the pope reaffirmed the church’s long-standing position calling for deeper disarmament, nonproliferation, and a ban against nuclear weapons. The church’s concern with these issues is not new. The current church position is a return to the traditional Catholic position since the advent of the atomic age, favoring nuclear disarmament. Deeper disarmament requires building deeper relationships and dialogue, and the church understands this will take time. The Church as Bridge Builder In addition to this vast array of civil society institutions, the Catholic Church has a state-based institutional lane, the world’s oldest diplomatic corps , and diplomatic relations with 183 states, as well as a diplomatic presence at intergovernmental organizations such as the United Nations. Yet, religious demographics mean that the Catholic Church is the only religious actor to have some presence in all nine nuclear-armed states, as well as the non-nuclear-weapon states, and it has extensive civil society and governmental-level networks. The Catholic Church has the population size of China but dispersed, with communities in every part of the world. At a time of increasing political polarization, domestically and internationally, the Catholic Church has much-needed institutional capacities that can be used to build bridges among nuclear-weapon and non-nuclear-weapon states, civil society and governments, science and religion, conservatives and progressives, and older and younger generations. For example, Rose Gottemoeller, former deputy secretary general of NATO, and others praised the Catholic Church’s advocacy, particularly in reaching critical Republican swing senators, to ratify the New Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty in December 2010. The church has the capacity to facilitate dialogue between U.S. For example, Pope John XXIII’s prepared the encyclical «Peace on Earth,» which guided the modern Catholic Church’s work on peace and justice, and Pope Francis circulated the encyclical «Laudato Si: On Care for Our Common Home ,» stressing a positive peace among peoples, God, and the planet and future generations, integral human development. Catholic theology and practice on a just peace has been expanding in recent decades, drawing from peacebuilding work of Jesus and building on the lessons the church has learned in peacebuilding around the world, from Northern Ireland to the Philippines. The church’s work on nuclear disarmament is animated by this vocation to build a more just and sustainable peace. As the nuclear taboo erodes, this breadth is important, reaching into the military. Pope Francis’ urgent statements about the immorality of nuclear weapons, as well as the influence of the Catholic Church in supporting the TPNW, will likely help the TPNW reach the 50 states-parties needed for its entry into force. The church’s work on the TPNW is the latest example of resurrection politics, taking issues thought previously «dead on arrival» and restoring them to the international agenda. The coalition includes doctors, scientists, scholars, health care providers, the Catholic Church and other religious actors, nongovernmental organizations concerned with victims, and often retired military and government officials. The Catholic Church and religious actors practice solidarity with the poor and vulnerable, raising the moral questions and our obligations to protect life and help the vulnerable. Although many in the arms control community take issue with the TPNW and voice concerns that it may undermine existing arms control and nonproliferation treaties, the Catholic Church does not see these as choices but as complementary and mutually reinforcing. The church works to build a pincer movement, of external and internal pressures to advance nuclear disarmament and reduce the dangers of nuclear weapons. The policy call to action by the Catholic Church for nuclear disarmament and arms control are in many ways the same song, but heard in a different key of greater urgency to the issues. The deterioration of the nuclear taboo and the international arms control framework, the rise of new and less stable threats, and the return of the nuclear arms race gives greater urgency. The Catholic Church has long called for integral disarmament, seeing deep connections with development and environmental protection. The Catholic Church advocates for extending New START, strengthening the NPT, bringing the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty into force, deep nuclear disarmament, banning nuclear weapons, safeguarding nuclear materials, the humanitarian arms control agenda, reducing the reliance and expenditures on nuclear weapons, action on climate change and environmental protection, and strengthening international law and institutions in order to advance structures of cooperation. The Catholic Church has also warned against policies that «normalize» nuclear weapons or use, such as nuclear brinkmanship, policies that envision nuclear use or seek to make nuclear weapons more usable, nuclear weapons modernization programs, and policies that protect weapons but not people. Nina Tanenwald likewise argues we are witnessing an undermining of the nuclear taboo. See Nina Tanenwald, «The Legacy of the Nuclear Taboo in the Twenty-First Century,» in The Age of Hiroshima, ed. Religious institutions, including the Catholic Church, are not immune from sexual abuse cases involving leaders or those at the top of the hierarchy. Last week The Jakarta Post published a series of articles addressing the issue of sexual abuse within the Catholic Church, which many may perceive as a «taboo» as it could undermine the Church’s authority. Our recent tandem effort followed a report published by a West Jakarta parish magazine last December about 56 cases of alleged sexual abuse within the Church community. The Vatican under Pope Francis, for example, has repeatedly asserted zero tolerance of the crime and ordered in May 2019 all church officials to establish protocols to protect minors and vulnerable adults. One and perhaps the biggest barrier is the apparent denial of the cases, which will only generate suspicion about cover-up attempts by the Church. Actually, there is no doubt about the Church’s commitment to transparency as evident when Indonesian Bishops Conference. Read also: Catholic Church excludes adult women in talks about protecting sexual abuse victims The Church now has to find a mechanism for victims to report without any fear. The ongoing police investigation into sexual abuse cases in the Church in Depok, West Java, although not involving a clergyman, should set the precedent for a fair and just settlement of a decades-old scandal that continues to plague the Church. ‘We Must Play Our Own Role, One Of Which Is Use Of Face Mask And Adhering To Other Measures Against COVID-19’. For instance, the Bible says, «Then cometh Jesus from Galilee to Jordan unto John, to be baptised of him. But John forbade him, saying, I have need to be baptised of thee, and cometh thou to me? And Jesus answering said unto him, suffer it to be so now: for thus it becometh us to fulfil all Righteousness. So, my view is that the Church should comply to fulfil all righteousness. Jesus got baptised, not because it was needful of Him to do it. He did it to fulfil all righteousness. We do not need to wear any face mask to Church, but we should do it to fulfil all righteousness. ‘Wearing Of Mask To Church Has Nothing To Do With The Veil’ And, therefore, to transpose that to people wearing mask to church to mean that it is reintroduction of the veil, I cannot understand that really... She searched in vain for a physician in a Catholic hospital in Florence who would perform what was a voluntary procedure that defied church teaching. Last week, Cardinal Luis Ladaria, the Vatican’s doctrine chief, confirmed in a letter that after studying several medical cases presented by Catholic doctors, it was no longer against church teaching to have a hysterectomy in most cases and that the procedure could be done in «extreme cases» that do not just hinge on life and death. In his statement, Ladaria referred to a case the church’s doctrine arm studied: . «These fall into the moral category of direct sterilization which in the Congregation of the Doctrine of the Faith’s document Quaecumque Sterilizatio is defined as an action ‘whose sole, immediate effect is to render the generative faculty incapable of procreation’,» the church letter goes on. «It is absolutely forbidden… according to the teaching of the Church, even when it is motivated by a subjectively right intention of curing or preventing a physical or psychological ill-effect which is foreseen or feared as a result of pregnancy,» the letter states. Around 70,000 are performed every year, most in Catholic hospitals, and a recent study commissioned by Italy‘s health ministry showed that less than 18 percent are due to cancer, which would garner the church’s approval. The Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith said it took on the matter to clarify church teaching. The fact that she actually had a potential life-threatening condition meant that church teaching did not, in fact, prohibit the procedure. «Defying the church sort of saved my life.»Christians arent immune to depression and suicide. Despite that, mental illness is not something the church usually talks about. However, many times people in the church dont reach out because they are afraid that they will not be seen as true believers and will be stigmatised by other church members or church leaders. Ms Wellman, who has 15 years experience in the field, said the subject is taboo in every church denomination. She was pleasantly surprised when invited to talk about mental health at two Seventh-day Adventist churches last year. I wanted people to understand that, even in the church, it is important to ask that uncomfortable question on whether someone is thinking about suicide. Oftentimes we forget that the church is for the sick and suffering, and not for those that have been healed and whom are. The better equipped our church leaders and members are in recognising their feelings, being able to reach out for help, and offering support and guidance, the more our church members will feel comfortable in understanding that going through these battles are part of a journey and not the end of our Christian walk. She would like to see churches talk more openly about mental health. It can be a church member, a family member, or a friend. Reynolds is a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Well enough, in fact, to take a needed stand against the Church’s stifling conformities on its LGBTQ members. The connection between this statistic and the LDS Church is not readily apparent to the outside eye — something that Reynolds is working to change. The Church is clear in the matter: they do not condone same-sex marriage, but do «distinguish between same-sex attraction and homosexual behavior.» In short, if you are a member of the Church, you can be gay, but you cannot act on it. Programs of the Church encourage those who are gay to hide their identity and to conform to a second life theory in which they marry and start a family in the way that they feel God deems it, but they are allowed to be gay on the inside. He is still a member of the Church himself because he knows how compassionate its members are. He wants to bring awareness to the way that the Church brushes gay people under the rug. He does not consider members of the Church to be bigots, but the lack of education on LGBTQ issues in Utah is contributing to statistics which Utahns should be concerned about. In November 2015, the Church announced that children of same-sex couples cannot be baptized into the Church until and unless they denounce same-sex marriage at 18 years old. This was a watershed moment for LGBTQ members, a final definite line drawn by the Church. Shortly after, Neon Trees singer Tyler Glenn was so devastated he decided to leave the Church. LDS Church has yet to make a definitive proclamation about accepting LGBTQ people. @palak_jayswalPope Francis gathers bishops from around the world at the Vatican this week for a hotly-awaited summit on tackling the wave of child sex abuse scandals assailing the Catholic Church. The conference aims to be an opportunity to improve awareness of the global phenomenon of sexual abuse of minors within the Church, despite many in Africa, Asia and the Middle East being in denial of what they call «a Western problem». In many parts of the world, discussing violence towards children and even sex is taboo, leading the Vatican to organize this week’s «educational» gathering. «The Catholic Church has been faced with this problem for the last 35 years,» he said, hailing rigorous preventative measures taken in Australia, Britain, Canada, Ireland and the United States. «The credibility of the Church is at stake,» he said. «We want this meeting to result in concrete measures,» he said, echoing victims’ hopes for the conference, being held in the wake of paedophile scandals that have shaken the Church particularly in Chile and in the United States. That reflects the Church’s centuries-old instinct to protect its image, he said. «By resolving the problem within the Church, through becoming aware, we will contribute to resolving it within society, within families, where the shame means everything is hidden,» Francis said. While the Catholic Church says it is trying to address the problem, other churches are also affected. The text of this article was generated by the Breaking The Silence system that collected 9 news articles posted on the web from January 2019 to September 2020 and clustered for the taboo subjects related to churches
Italy’s Mario Draghi defended his decision to break ranks with other EU members on travel rules, in a decision that highlights the bloc’s difficulties with the spread of the Omicron coronavirus variant. During an EU leaders’ summit on Thursday, Draghi explained his government’s move to require a negative coronavirus test result from incoming EU travelers, including those with a digital certificate showing they’re vaccinated or have recovered from the coronavirus. The measure was criticized by officials for being poorly communicated and coordinated and has ignited fears that with the new highly-infectious Omicron variant, member states will resume taking unilateral actions — undermining the digital COVID pass that until now has allowed for free travel throughout the EU. “The vaccine works but we now know that is not enough, we need to continue with face masks and other measures … but we have to do that keeping a degree of coordination and avoiding to ignite vaccine hesitancy,” said an EU diplomat. Officials in the U.K. — Europe’s current hotspot for Omicron — estimate that each person infected by the variant goes on to infect three to five other people on average. This compares to a rate of between 1 and 1.2 for the Delta variant that drove the last wave of infections. The threat posed by the variant, which could become the dominant strain in Europe by early January, is putting the EU’s COVID-19 response under pressure, particularly when it comes to preserving freedom of movement. Italy isn’t the only country to impose a testing requirement. Ireland, Portugal and Greece have also imposed similar requirements. But diplomats said that they were caught by surprise by Rome’s move, especially since the prime minister is seen as an EU stalwart, remembered for his daring defense of the bloc’s common currency at the height of the debt crisis during his time at the head of the European Central Bank, making his divergence from the European consensus on travel all the more unusual. EU leaders at the European Council meeting said it was essential to maintain coordination on travel rules throughout the bloc. And, privately, diplomats complained they were caught by surprise and that Rome failed to coordinate with its EU partners. At a pre-summit meeting, Belgian Prime Minister Alexander De Croo voiced concerns about the introduction of coronavirus tests on EU travelers. He called for a uniform approach across Europe. “With the digital COVID certificate, we have a good European solution,” said De Croo. “Let’s try to stick to this European solution.” His concerns were echoed by Luxembourg Prime Minister Xavier Bettel, who said that countries risked undermining people’s willingness to get jabbed if they didn’t distinguish between the vaccinated and unvaccinated for travel. Behind closed doors An EU official familiar with the discussions said that inside the room, other countries also called for restraint in unilateral travel decisions during the summit meeting. Both Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez and Estonia’s Prime Minister Kaja Kallas said that one-sided travel restrictions should be avoided in favor of coordination. And Austrian Chancellor Karl Nehammer said the digital COVID certificate helped guarantee freedom of movement in the EU. Explaining his move, Draghi said that EU coordination needed to be guided by caution, according to another EU official. In his closed-door remarks, the prime minister cited the rapid spread of the Omicron coronavirus variant as a driver in his decision. “The Omicron variant is less widespread in Italy and it is necessary to maintain the advantage to protect the health system,” he said, according to this second official. “This is the reason behind the decision to have those entering Italy taking the tests. Coordination at the EU level must be guided by the principle of maximum caution.” Speaking in parliament on Wednesday, Draghi said that in Italy more than 85 percent of the population over 12 have received two doses and about 20 percent have also had a third shot. Italy, the biggest recipient of the EU’s pandemic recovery funds, has had to deal with 20 years of a flatlining economy, as well as an enormous debt burden — now amounting to around 150 percent of its GDP. The country was the first hit by the virus in Europe and has been one of the most proactive nations in its public health measures in an attempt to avoid economically damaging lockdowns. It was one of the first to require a vaccine certificate, and it has a vaccine mandate for certain public sector workers. Draghi said it was necessary for Italy to not waste the sacrifices it made to keep cases under control. He recalled the 135,000 Italians who died from COVID-19, as well as the country’s pandemic-stricken economy — which saw a 9 percent hit to GDP in 2020. But in a concession to a united approach on travel, Draghi ultimately did agree to the European Council conclusions on COVID-19, published during the summit, in which capitals call for continued coordination on travel. In the conclusions, the leaders agreed that any additional measures should be based on objective criteria and shouldn’t hamper free movement inside the bloc too much. Omicron threat level While countries struggled to put forward a united front against Omicron, the situation across the Channel stands as a stark example of the pressing danger that the bloc faces. The U.K. reported a record 88,376 new cases on Thursday as Omicron, which is able to sidestep the immunity provided by a regular course of vaccination, spreads like wildfire. In Denmark, the EU’s current hotspot for the Omicron variant, officials from the national disease agency estimate that Omicron will overtake Delta as the dominant variant as early as this week. Countries didn’t want to kick up too much of a fuss about Italy’s decision, said another EU diplomat. “Health is a national competence. And it might be us next.” Hanne Cokelaere contributed to the reporting of this article.
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The by the Financial Institutions Training Institute (FITI) and designed mainly to provide a solid foundation in banking fundamentals and principles. The core subjects integrated in the program are business developments, communication and customer care skills, and skills of discovering and exploring financial markets. The program is mainly targeted for those employees who have just started their careers with financial institutes in the country. Jigme Yoezer, one of the participants from the Bhutan National Bank Limited (BNBL), said, “The program was a self-learning journey and it has broadened my views of our financial system.” He added that such programs should be prioritized and developed to keep up to date with the current trends and technological advancement in the banking sector not only in Bhutan but also worldwide. Meanwhile, the CB is the first phase of the Post Graduate Diploma in Banking (PGDB), which was designed and developed in accordance with the FITI’s mission of providing lifelong learning. FITI’s head of curriculum designing and marketing, Sonam Phuntsho said, “Candidates receive a certificate in banking after completing the modularized program and subsequently move to a Diploma in Banking. After that the individuals would be eligible to enroll for FITI’s Post Graduate Diploma in Banking.” He shared that upgrading and certifying professionals in order to promote professionals best practices and contribute to the country’s economic development is one of the goals of the FITI. The FITI has trained and certified 51 personnel working for financial service providers in three batches as of now. FITI’s CEO said, “The program has been well received by the financial institutes and currently we are on with our fourth batch of participants. It is, however, the first batch of the fresh graduates. ” Meanwhile, the CB program was launched in October 2020 with 12 participants – 10 from the Bank of Bhutan Limited, one each from the TBank and the Royal Insurance Corporation of Bhutan Limited. The first batch of CB trainees consisted of service employees. The program is mainly targeted for those employees who just started their careers with financial institutes. The in-service candidates were selected so as to enhance their career development. Another participant from the BoBL said it is a plus point for those who have certificates in banking courses, especially when there is an internal vacancy in banks or even if the employees want to apply to other banking sectors as and when vacancy arises. One of the long-term flagship programs of the FITI is the Certificate in Banking. In addition to it, the other long-term program is the Certificate in Banking in Diploma Program (CBDP), a distant learning mode program that was launched in March 2020. The CB is another long-term flagship program unlike the CBDP. It is held on a regular attendance basis for two months. Tshering Pelden from Thimphu
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Whether you are a care or restaurant owner or a merchant who needs to grind a large amount of coffee beans to sell in bulk, using the traditional coffee grinders simply won’t do. Not only will it take far more time to grind coffee in bulk using normal coffee grinders, but you will also realize that the coffee grinders you buy soon burn out, leaving you in need of a new one. Besides, it will also take a lot longer to grind coffee beans in bulk, which is where there are specially designed industrial coffee grinders built specifically for grinding large quantities of coffee beans at a time. But as any cafe or coffee house owner or merchant of coffee will tell you, using just any coffee grinder won’t do. This is mainly because the process of coffee grinding is a crucial step when it comes to coffee processing. This means it doesn’t really matter what coffee machine you are using or how much you’ve spent on getting the best coffee beans, if the coffee beans have not been ground properly, it can have a dramatic impact on the taste, aroma, and overall quality of the coffee. That’s not the only reason why it pays to invest in the best industrial coffee grinder if you plan on grinding coffee beans in bulk for your coffee shop or for selling. Industrial coffee grinders are also far more efficient as compared to regular or even commercial-grade coffee grinders, and for good reason. These grinders have unique features and are reinforced to ensure consistent grinding capability, even when grinding large amounts of coffee beans at a time. Top Industrial Coffee Grinders Industrial coffee grinders are designed to process large quantities of coffee beans at a time. The specific features and functions of industrial coffee grinders make them ideal for grinding more coffee beans faster while maintaining a high level of consistency with every grind cycle. Compared to home-use or commercial-grade options, industrial coffee grinders are far more efficient, faster, and usually have a sturdy build for longevity. Keeping the importance of using an industrial coffee grinder for those who want to grind coffee beans in large quantities, here are some of the options for the best industrial coffee grinders available in the market today. Victoria Arduino Mythos II Gravimetric Commercial Coffee Grinder One name that’s synonymous with great quality and design when it comes to large or compact industrial coffee grinders is Victoria Arduino, so it is no surprise that the Mythos II Gravimetric Commercial Coffee grinder has made it to this list of the best industrial coffee grinders. The Victoria Arduino Mythos 2 is a grinder that genuinely stands out among its competition. This grinder is the pinnacle of Victoria Arduino’s technology and design, with an attractive look and strong functionality. Flat Titanium Burrs Burrs are one of the Mythos 2’s most remarkable characteristics. They have a massive 85mm diameter and are also constructed of titanium. What difference does it make? These burrs will influence a few different locations. For starters, their size can affect your grinding speed since larger burrs can ground more coffee beans in a shorter amount of time. Titanium is an incredible material in terms of durability. These burrs are expected to last up to twice as long as normal burrs, so you won’t have to replace them as often. The form of the burrs must also be considered. Flat burrs are used in the Mythos 2, resulting in uniformly sized coffee particles. This results in a well-rounded taste and balanced extraction. Gravimetric Dosing If you pick the Gravimetric setup, the Victoria Arduino Mythos 2 employs a weight-based grinding mechanism. This technique of measuring coffee grinds is as precise as it gets, ensuring uniformity in all of your beverages. Sturdy Portafilter Holder Precision isn’t the only attribute that a barista must possess. They must also be concerned with continuously multitasking, establishing relationships with consumers while providing high-quality drinks. The Mythos 2 gets around this by including a front-mounted portafilter holder. It will keep your portafilter in place for you, allowing you to focus on other things. Stepless Grind Adjustment System Professional baristas will already know that the number of fineness levels available on a stepped grinder is limited. Although this arrangement is simpler to understand, it leaves certain gaps, forcing you to pick the fineness closest to the one you want on occasion. The Victoria Arduino Mythos 2 eliminates any preset notches for settings and allows you can modify to any point from fine to coarse, giving you total control over the fineness. Clump Crusher Technology You will need smooth, fluffy grounds to ensure that extraction is balanced. Any clumps will cause uneven extraction, which will affect the quality of your beverages. With the Mythos 2, you won’t have to be concerned about this. It features clump-crushing technology built in, ensuring that all dosages are free of clumps. Multiple Color Options Your establishment may appear chaotic and unattractive if you have a collection of mismatched appliances. Having the option to choose the color of your espresso grinder helps you further improve your company’s overall image. Ditting KR1203 Commercial Coffee Grinder There are plenty of good reasons why you would want to get the Ditting KR1203 Commercial Coffee Grinder, especially if you expect to be grinding large amounts of coffee beans. Ditting is a Swiss company that was founded in 1928 in Switzerland. The Ditting KR1203 was designed for medium-traffic big cafés. It may also help a tiny coffee business that needs a grinder to keep up with a fast-paced environment. The best part is that it supports both coffee bag and filter grinding. Flat Burrs One look, and you can tell that the Ditting KR1203 means business. This industrial grinder has a total capacity of 25,000 pounds using 120 mm grinding discs before they need to be replaced. Comparing the KR1203 to grinders with a fraction of the capacity has proven to show that it is far superior in grind quality and functionality. Flat burrs blend the tastes while improving the bassy characteristics, whilst conical burrs are known for producing bimodal coffee particles to accentuate the brighter notes. Grinding Disc Large burrs have proven to be far more superior to others because they can perform fewer spins, reducing the buildup of friction, which can result in the grinder heating up too soon. However, Ditting takes a step further by using unique grinding discs. Burrs are sharpened to avoid generating heat that might harm the quality of the coffee beans. With this clever technology, there’s no need to use complicated features. Powerful Large Motor The KR1203 requires relatively minimal cool-down time because of its 1.8 kW motor, which is intended for a considerable capacity. As a result, you’ll be able to grind indefinitely without the grinder heating up. This machine can grind up to three pounds in under a minute and 60 pounds in one go. If you use it to grind one-pound bags, it will take less than a second. Conveniently Large Hopper The KR1203 has a big hopper that can store 2.4 pounds of beans, which allows for a higher production capacity. This is ideal for brewing huge batches. However, if you want additional space, you may upgrade to the five-pound hopper. Stepless Grind Adjustment The KR1203 offers complete control to the user, which is a great advantage to have in any industrial coffee grinder. Thanks to the stepless grind adjustment setting, there is no limit to the amount of notches you may make. The stepless grind adjustment feature in the Ditting KR1203 makes it the perfect choice for those who are looking to grind coffee beans in bulk but do not want a coffee grinder that’s going to heat up too soon. Mahlkonig EK43 Coffee Grinder The Mahlkonig EK43 Coffee Grinder is one name that you have probably come across if you were looking for the best industrial coffee grinders available in the market today. This is a heavy-duty, no-nonsense coffee grinder that has been designed with the sole process of making quick business of bulk coffee bean grinding. This is also one of the reasons why the Mahlkonig EK43 Coffee Grinder is the preferred choice when it comes to getting industrial coffee grinders that can go the distance and offer a high level of consistency. Large Capacity Hopper A removable bean hopper with a capacity of 2.2 pounds is included with this device. To keep the beans’ quality, it’s sealed with a tight-fitting cover. A clever sliding plate at the bottom of the hopper allows you to remove the hopper from a full grinder without losing any roast. The clever design also means that you can grind different coffee beans at a time by having them ready in their dedicated hopper. Sturdy Steel Burrs Flat burrs are distinguished by the presence of two similar burrs facing each other. This results in an equal particle size distribution, allowing you to extract more coffee while avoiding the harsh, dry tastes that smaller particles can produce. The EK43 has massive grinding burrs that measure a whopping 98 millimeters in length. Stepless Grind Adjustment The Mahlkonig EK43 Coffee Grinder comes with a stepless grind adjustment and 11 reference points, which is a great feature to have. Apart from that, with its wide range of grind adjustments, this grinder demonstrates flexibility. It may produce a variety of textures, from French press to Turkish fine-grinding. The EK43 allows you to change the grind by moving the adjustment dial on the front of the device. This enables easy modification to handle a variety of grinding products as well as varied particle fineness levels. The EK43, according to specialty coffee specialists from across the world, provides the most consistent particle size distribution of any grinder on the market today. This results in higher extraction yields and a better-tasting cup of coffee. Overload Protection The EK43 is equipped with a thermal overload mechanism to safeguard the motor since it quickly creates a large number of grinds. Above the grinder’s power switch is an overload circuit breaker. To provide even more safety, the grinder has a thermostatic sensor installed in the motor windings that will interrupt the circuit if the motor heats up too much. The Mahlkonig EK43’s capacity to churn out a large number of grinds at breakneck rates is one of its main selling features. A 2-horsepower motor powers this machine, which grinds at an astounding pace of 21 to 25 grams per second (or 2.8 to 3.4 pounds per minute). Mahlkonig DK15LH Industrial Coffee Grinder The Mahlkonig DK15LH Industrial Coffee Grinder is another high-quality coffee bean grinder that offers the optimal grinding capability and is easy to operate. But that’s not the only thing the Mahlkonig DK15LH Industrial Coffee Grinder has going for it. This industrial grinder has got many tricks under its sleeve that will impress those who are looking for a grinder that can grind coffee beans in bulk. Large Capacity Hopper The Mahlkonig DK15 has the same generously sized 66-pound hopper as its larger brother, but it has a smaller capacity. The DK 15 LH can grind 265 pounds of finely ground coffee per hour and 287 pounds of medium ground coffee per hour. High Accuracy Grinder Adjustment The grinder is adjusted with a simple wheel system that is stepless; however, it lacks the range of the DK27. The DK 15 LH has been designed to handle grinds ranging from fine to coarse. But before you put it on the list of equipment you need, it is important to note that this grinder has not been designed to produce ultra-fine/Turkish grinds. Well Built Carbide Burrs One of the main selling points of the DK 15 LH is the tungsten carbide burrs, which ensure superior performance when it comes to preparing fine coffee grounds in bulk. Mahlkonig is recognized for its world-class service and support, and this equipment is particularly well-built and long-lasting. While these burrs will save you money in the long run in terms of upkeep, we’re not certain they’re worth the extra money. Easy-to-Use Grind Adjustment for Better Control The grinder is adjusted with a simple wheel system that is stepless; however, it lacks the range of the DK27. This machine can handle grinds ranging from fine to coarse but not ultra-fine/Turkish grinds. Ease of Use Aside from needing some time to learn how to use the stepless grinder, cleaning the DK15 is a lesson in simplicity because to its outstanding design. When it’s time to clean the unit, all of the controls are properly located, and simple, and the burrs are easy to access. On either front, you won’t have any issues. Types of Grinding There is a reason why the quality of coffee grounds makes a big difference when it comes to the overall quality of coffee. In fact, ask any professional barista, and they will tell you how important it is to pay attention to the little things when it comes to preparing coffee. In this case, the little things being coffee grounds. For those who are going to use an industrial coffee grinder for the first time, there are some important factors to keep in mind, such as the type of coffee grounds that you are looking to achieve with the industrial coffee grinder. It goes without saying that the grinder you choose will determine the quality and type of coffee grounds you get. The following are some of the different types of coffee grounds that you should know when using an industrial coffee grinder. - Turkish or ultra-fine coffee grounds - 50 – 125 micron precision grinding is used for Turkish coffee. This is far more efficient as compared to stone grinders which tend to heat up during the grinding process. - Extract and soluble coffee grounds - Uniformity and minimal “fines” are achieved with UPD Soluble Grinding Technology, enabling improved extraction and filtering. - Filter - Industrial roller-style grinders use modern grinding technologies to filter coffee in order to produce grinds that are on-point and deliver a superior brew performance. - Capsules, pods, and espresso - Bi-modal grinding or Vortex densification are used to achieve optimal extraction and packing density for coffee pods, capsules, and espresso. Disc Style vs. Roller Style Grinding While all industrial coffee grinders may look similar on the surface to the novice user, there is a major design characteristic that divides industrial coffee grinders into two separate categories. Knowing which one to use for your particular business is key to getting the most out of your industrial coffee grinder. The two types of industrial grinders are mainly associated with the grinding style and technologies that they incorporate. Here, we are talking about the disc-style and roller-style industrial grinder. It is important to note that while disc-style grinders are a great choice for grinding coffee beans in smaller quantities, if you really want to grind a large number of coffee beans at a time, then the roller-style coffee grinder should be right up your alley. This is also one of the main reasons why roller style grinders are typically used by merchants or businesses that need to grind coffee beans in bulk before selling them to customers. The following is a quick breakdown of the two types of industrial coffee grinders available in the market today. Disc-Style Grinding Disc-style industrial grinders are ideal for boutique-scale grinding or for grinding small quantities of coffee beans at a time. The disc style grinders offer better accuracy and are more versatile. These grinders also feature the latest technologies in coffee grinders, which is expected when using high-quality industrial coffee grinding machines. While disc style grinders are often looked at as the best option in situations where grinding coffee beans in large quantities is not required, you will still be able to manage up to 1,000 lbs. of coffee grounds per hour, which is not bad at all. The benefits of using disc style grinders do not end there. For those who are wondering if they can grind coffee in bulk with a disc style grinder for pods or capsules, then the short answer is - yes. That being said, while the disc style grinder will do a decent job of grinding coffee beans for pods or capsules, you will get a far better result when using a roller mill instead, along with a densifier. Apart from that, disc style grinders are the ideal choice if you are searching for a versatile industrial coffee grinder. But, the main drawback in disc style grinders is that they do not come with a densifier, which is why it is advised to go with the roller mill option if you want to prepare coffee grounds for pods or capsules. So, what have we learned here? The disc style grinder is the smart choice if you are looking to prepare smaller quantities of coffee grounds that aren’t going to be used for coffee pods or capsules. Also, a disc style grinder can grind the same amount of coffee beans within the same amount of time as a small size roller style grinder. Features of Disc Style Grinding In case you were wondering, the following are some of the key features that are found in disc style grinders that are used for industrial purposes; 1. Stainless Steel Hopper - One of the first things that you are going to notice with disc style grinders is that they usually come with a large-size hopper that is almost always made of stainless steel. However,. 2. Diamond-Hard Grinding Discs - Although it is a disc style grinder that is mostly used for boutique grinding or the odd coffee bean stash in bulk, it does sport specially designed diamond-hard grinding discs. These have been engineered to deliver a higher level of uniformity while at the same time, minimize heat buildup which is often the case with coffee grinders and can have an effect on the overall quality of the coffee grounds. 3. Water Cooling Integration - The WCI is a great feature for any disc style coffee bean grinder to have mainly because it helps to cool down the grinding discs while they are spinning. This results in the uninterrupted and uniform performance of the discs for better consistency. It should also be noted that the water cooling integration feature has been associated with the grinder’s longevity, but that mainly depends on how often the grinder is used and the number of ground beans. Roller Style Grinding It is easy to see why industrial coffee grinders are mostly fitted with roller style granulizers. This is mainly because roller style grinding makes quick business of grinding coffee beans in bulk. Additionally, they also ensure the most accurate particle size and a higher level of consistency, which both translate to the optimal density of the coffee grounds. One of the main selling points of roller style industrial coffee grinders is that they can grind up to 15,000 lb. per hour, which is a huge amount. This is why industrial coffee grinders that are fitted with roller style grinders are the preferred choice in industries where large quantities of coffee beans need to be ground in bulk. But it is important to note that the quantity of the coffee beans that you can grind using the roller style industrial coffee grinder will depend on the size of the machine. Features of Industrial Roller Style Granulizers The features and, of course, the capacity to grind large quantities of coffee beans is what sets the roller style industrial coffee grinders apart. While the features found in an industrial coffee grinder may vary, some features are universal and are found in all roller style industrial coffee grinders. In case you were wondering, the following are a few of the features that are found in even the most basic roller style industrial coffee grinders that are available in the market today. 1. Vortex Densifying System - This is one of the main selling points for industrial coffee grinders. There are many advantages of an automated recipe-driven control system.One of which is that it allows the user to put everything from the grind profile to grinder parameters on autopilot. This ensures superior consistency and quality of the coffee grounds. 2. Ultra Hard NASA Roll Surface Coating - This feature is not found in all roller style industrial coffee grinders but is a nifty addition that improves the overall experience of grinding large amounts of coffee in an industrial coffee grinder. The Ultra-Hard NASA Roll Surface Coating is able to offer up to 5 times the standard roll life, and superior surface hardness for far better wear resistance. 4. Stainless Steel Hopper - The large size stainless steel hopper is another great addition to the overall design of the roller style industrial coffee grinder. It should be noted that when not in use. Ending Note You might imagine a large coffee grinding plant when you hear the words “commercial coffee grinder,” but that’s not always the case. In fact, investing in a professional coffee grinder for your small or medium-sized coffee shop is a great way to improve the quality of the coffee you serve while also saving time. If you want a coffee grinder that can grind coffee beans in bulk, you will need the best industrial coffee grinder. The good news, there are plenty of options in industrial coffee grinders that are up for the task. While the features of industrial coffee grinders may vary, there are some factors to keep in mind when choosing an industrial coffee grinder. These include the quantity, quality, and speed you require, which will make a big difference in the type of industrial coffee grinder you choose for your establishment. If you really don’t have a clue on what option to go with, then the aforementioned machines will be a good place to start. CafeLast.com is a trusted online resource for all of your espresso machine and coffee equipment needs! Whether you're a new coffee shop owner or a coffee enthusiast, CafeLast.com prides itself on the highest quality of service, advice, and selection for every customer. Visit us today at CafeLast.com to find the perfect coffee equipment for whatever your needs may be!
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T&T Supermarket CEO Tina Lee on its Quebec expansion T&T Supermarket announced on Thursday it plans to open its first Quebec store on the Island of Montreal sometime within the next 12 to 24 months. The country’s largest Asian supermarket chain is “on a roll” says CEO Tina Lee. Canadian Grocer caught up with Lee to ask why T&T is turning its attention to Quebec now, what the rollout will look like, and what’s next for the specialty banner. “I would say we’re growing at a fast clip these days,” she says. Why is T&T entering the Quebec market now? Robert Sawyer [chief operating officer with parent company Loblaw Companies Ltd.] had a lot to do with it. He lives in Montreal, and since joining the team he has come to know more about our business and loves it. He’s a very big driver [of the decision] and gives me more confidence that T&T can be successful in Montreal. I’ve only visited Montreal a few times, and more often recently in order to make this decision, and I’ve really grown to admire the culture. They love and enjoy food. It’s part of French heritage to enjoy every bite of food. They love to explore different flavours, and T&T should be part of that food ecosystem. We continue to have a lot of growth opportunities in the provinces in which we operate, and Loblaw has a good team on the ground in Quebec, so they’ve been very supportive in helping us take this big step. With Robert’s encouragement, this is why now is the time. Had Montreal been on your radar prior to Robert’s arrival? It’s a very specific market…and we have to do more preparation to enter the province. We have a heightened awareness of that. Before that, we’d been focusing on the other three provinces in which we operate [B.C., Alberta and Ontario] to maximize our growth there. It’s easier and faster to grow our footprint [in those markets] but now we have a solid foundation and we're ready to take that next step into the next province. While there are additional processes [required] to break through in Quebec, I’m confident it’s going to be worth it. If you were to go to our store in Ottawa, you would see a decent amount of Quebec license plates on the weekends. In the summer, we would get a tour bus every Saturday from Montreal with 50 people on board and coolers under their seat. They would go and see the tulips or the [House of Commons] and their last stop on the way back to Montreal would be T&T. We see the demand and have more confidence we can figure out the operational steps [required] to enter the new province. Other than language, are there cultural differences you have to account for. Do you anticipate it’s going to be radically different to other store openings in the country? I hope not. If T&T sticks to what we do best, I’m hoping the people of Montreal will come and enjoy exactly that. For us, the biggest piece we have to get right is the language. I’m not coming into Montreal with a store selling local cheese and wine. That’s not our forte. It's to bring an Asian flair to the eclectic smorgasbord of Montrealers, which is what we do best, I think they’ll enjoy that. Do you anticipate that your product assortment will be different in any way, or will it mirror that of other T&T locations? It will largely mirror that of our other stores. But, the reason [we’re announcing this now] is…to open up the channel for local vendors. Is this approach typical in other markets? This is different. T&T stores are, in my view, quite complex and it takes time for a new department head or supervisor to learn the ropes and execute our business model. We think it’s going to take more than a year to train someone who doesn’t have any T&T experience to be able to efficiently manage a part of our store. In Ontario, we don’t need to do that because we can transfer talent from other stores. Quebec is a new province, and we want to be able to hire French speakers. That’s the reason why we’re coming out early, to do recruiting and vendor outreach, even before we are announcing the exact location. We want to make sure the service offering is the best it can possibly be. You’ve given yourself a bit of a window by saying you hope to open in Montreal within 12 to 24 months. Presumably you’d like to accomplish something on the shorter end of that timetable? Of course we’d rather open earlier than later, but it all depends on our team’s readiness and recruiting efforts. I really think it’s important to settle the team first, and then we can try to pace our actual opening based on the talent we’ve found and operating a solid store. Can you talk a little bit about your growth strategy and where you’d like to be let’s say five years from now? T&T is very opportunistic when it comes to locations—we evaluate each on their own merit as they come up. We’ll grow as the right locations come up. I’m really happy and proud of the team we’ve built, especially over these last couple of tough years. I think we’ve built a solid foundation, enough to position us for growth. We have the confidence to step into mall locations, where traditionally supermarkets haven’t seen success. Fairview Mall is the most recent announcement, but in October we opened in Willowbrook Shopping Centre in Langley, B.C. We are at Promenade Mall in Thornhill, Ont., we’re in Metro Town Mall in Burnaby, B.C., we’re in West Edmonton Mall, we’re in Lansdowne Centre in Richmond, B.C., so we have a successful track record where we feel there is still a lot of runway for growth for our model. That would likely make us one of the faster growing banners in the country. We are announcing today our first store in Montreal. Depending on whether the community likes it or not will define how many more stores we can open. I have no idea whether the people of Montreal will actually like what we do, and if they do, there’ll probably be more opportunities. But haven’t you proven your model at this point? Surely you wouldn’t be doing this if there was a fear of failing. The best approach for Quebec is a humble one. I do not understand that province very well, so I approach it with some excitement, but also an eager and willing attitude to learn. Beyond Quebec, are you contemplating expanding further Eastward? The opportunity East of Quebec has not presented itself. I haven’t spent too much time [thinking about] East of Quebec, because it’s already a pretty tough nut to crack. What you can see…is that T&T is on a roll. I would say we’re growing at a fast clip these days.
It’s almost impossible to think about the holidays without thinking about all of your favorite holiday foods. Unfortunately, the holidays are full of treats that can be tough on your teeth. Here’s what you should know about maintaining good dental hygiene around the holidays. Choosing Healthier Treats One way that you can be mindful of your dental hygiene around the holidays is to choose healthier treats or make healthier versions of your favorite treats. If you’re a fan of candy canes or cinnamon candies, look for sugar-free varieties. If you enjoy gingerbread, sugar cookies, or other baked treats, look for healthier options at the store or search for recipes online that use less sugar and healthier grains. The most important things to avoid are treats that are hard, sticky, leave behind a sugary residue, or tend to get food particles stuck between your teeth, but there are still plenty of other options to satisfy that holiday sweet tooth. Treats that melt in your mouth such as chocolate, puddings, or custards are generally safer. You can also ask your dentist for more suggestions of holiday treats that are healthier and safer for your dental health. Caring for Your Teeth During the holidays, it’s normal to want to splurge a little on your favorite treats that are less-than-the-best for your teeth. If you have a dental appliance such as a bridge, braces, or a fixed retainer, you should check with your dentist first to ensure that it won’t damage the appliance. But, in general, it’s normal to splurge a bit on special occasions. If you do eat something high in sugar or that leaves your teeth feeling less than clean, just make sure to brush and floss your teeth well. Of course, it isn’t healthy to eat foods high in sugar every day, but festive foods are a big part of celebrating holiday traditions that bring a lot of joy. Practicing good dental hygiene around the holidays doesn’t mean always avoiding all of the foods that aren’t good for your teeth. You can balance enjoying your favorites from time to time while also making sure to clean your teeth as soon as possible afterwards to mitigate the effects. Keeping Good Habits The holidays can be a wonderful break from the day-to-day grind of work, chores, and regular life, but it’s important to keep up some habits that can ensure good health throughout the holidays and beyond. It may help to schedule some time every day just for you so that you can practice self-care to ensure your wellbeing during such a busy season. Practicing good dental hygiene around the holidays can easily fall by the wayside, but setting aside time each day specifically dedicated to take care of your mind and body, including your dental health, can help to ensure that you feel healthy, strong, and free to enjoy the holidays to their fullest. Talk with your dentist for more information on how to make your dental hygiene routine the most efficient and effective for your needs and lifestyle around the holidays and throughout the new year. Call our Goodyear Dental Office to make an appointment with a dentist who may be able to help you find out more about this topic, and improve your oral health.
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I don’t know about you but it can be awfully hard to remember what I’m preparing for during this season. Okay, not that hard. I mean, I’m buying presents, baking cookies, listening to Advent themed sermons on Sundays. Obviously it’s Christmas that we’re preparing for in these present weeks. Better put, it can be difficult to appreciate and understand the result of that which we’ll celebrate on the 25th. Contemplation is a lost art. Stillness of mind and heart can seem impossible or even counterproductive. We always have to be doing enough, saying enough, moving enough. I’m as susceptible to this as anyone. But if I quiet down and hold still, what might I find? I might find that God is with me. I might find His presence to be full of consuming, transforming peace and joy and hope. All the things we wish for one another in our greeting cards, we’re walking through life surrounded by. They hang about us like the particles in the air of this room, invisible until we stop moving and look at where the light shines brightest. Mary knew how to do it, always “[keeping] all these things, reflecting on them in her heart” (Luke 2:19). Joseph knew how to do it, aware that the actions he took to be the guardian of the Savior were more important than any words he could speak. So our record of him in Scripture holds no words of his own, only listening, hearing the Word of God guide him, and acting upon it. Simeon knew how to do it, waiting and praying year after year for God to reveal the Messiah. His preparation made him know that Messiah the moment he saw the Holy Family enter the temple. “Don’t we love the word ‘with’? ‘Will you go with me?’ we ask. ‘To the store, to the hospital, through my life?’ God says he will. ‘I am with you always,’ Jesus said before he ascended into heaven, ‘to the very end of the age’ (Matthew 28:20). Search for restrictions on the promise; you’ll find none…. Prophets weren’t enough. Apostles wouldn’t do. Angels won’t suffice. God sent more than miracles and messages. He sent himself; he sent his Son. ‘The Word became flesh and dwelt among us’ (John 1:14).” (Max Lucado, Cure for the Common Life) With a little practice now – taking a bit of time each day to pray, reading through the Scripture story of the arrival of my Savior, thinking over this extraordinary truth as I perform ordinary tasks – maybe come December 26 and into the new year, I won’t forget that God is with me. Christmas brought Emmanuel, “God With Us,” but every morning brings another day that He is with me, another day for me to acknowledge and thank Him for being with me, another day to speak and move and act in a manner that declares I know He is with me and I choose not to forget. God is with us… may we always remain with God.
Harvest Organic Waste Recycling With Energy Recovery Achieved by VTE Technology has been providing some improvements in waste disposal technology for decades, discover this info here energy recovery involves some careful use of waste collected from a waste site; if, for example, waste collection is made to return by recycling technology, then a waste is called energy-sustainable. This work addresses simple concerns regarding energy conversion efficiency. A simple example of this concern is the use of waste collection technology in the recycling of buildings, to dispose of environmental materials. Financial Analysis Why waste collection technology improves efficiency and scale Energy recovery technology enables people to take much heat away from waste disposal. Simply put, waste can be recycled and re-combined by reducing waste consumption, with an optimum removability ratio, reduced waste consumption for site disposal, and an overall reduction of waste disposal efficiency. Why waste collection technology further reduces waste- and energy-sustainable environmental matters Energy recovery principles for the use of waste collection technology in waste disposal involve both an exhaust-disposal (RDD) principle (combined energy recoveries) and a waste-return (WRS) principle (energy reuse). BCG Matrix Analysis The RDD holds the distinction between the two strategies and can be applied to various waste storage technologies such as landfill and battery and waste CVs (chemical recovery). The WRS paradigm proposes to recycle and reuse waste by combining the recyclable waste CVs and the waste waste recoveries, while solving the energy issue by recycling and recycleing back from waste CVs. Why waste collection technology improves efficiency and scale There are long-lasting benefits of energy recovery, so it is not surprising that waste reduction with energy recovery technologies does indeed improve environmental impact and economic aspects of the disposal of waste. Porters Model Analysis What are energy recovery principles for the use of waste collection technology? Proprietary design can improve the design of waste disposal technology by maintaining the form and amount of waste and the cost-effectiveness of the design. But there are potential reasons for using waste collection technologies beyond the form of waste and its configuration and efficiency. These factors are both design considerations that drive the use of a waste technology, and the environmental factors of waste collection technology. Evaluation of Alternatives Why waste collection technologies improves efficiency and scale Overflow into the waste collection is a must for the use of fuel such as diesel fuel, which does not fit within the recommended level of waste product, but should ideally be converted. It is the purpose of the waste collection technologies to improve the reuse efficiency of the waste, by replacing the waste product of solid waste on the basis of recycling, reprocessing, re-usable and disposable materials, and ultimately to minimize waste disposal rates. Two key ways in which waste reduction technologies at various levels are used to reduce the rate of water loss, reuse and waste conversion, are different from solid waste but are actually equivalent. Case Study Analysis All that could be done could be done with various type of waste material called solid waste such as polyethylene, polyamide, polyolefin, polyethylene fiberglass, polyvinyl chloride, polyamides, polypropylene or plasticisers, that all relate to a specific design and reuse in a recycled or reused waste. Why solid waste and waste conversion technologies improve energy efficiency 1. Overflow into the waste collection is cost effective. Porters Five Forces Analysis For example, when waste collection technology replaces waste-functioning waste by process recycling and reused products such as fuelHarvest Organic Waste Recycling With Energy Recovery A Look Ahead Do you agree to my Terms of Use and Privacy Policy? Is yours to read? Are you a member of the American Society for the Prevention and Removal of Harmful Conduct? * _’Frequently Asked Questions – We’ll Answer!’_ * _’Truly ‘Can’t Answer.’_ How frequently do I use this program to get finished construction, and install something you want – it’s expensive. Yes, you should probably take time off to study the program and get accustomed to what it does for you, and avoid any habit or environmental issues that might affect your existing construction equipment. Evaluation of Alternatives If you want to make a difference – just be prepared. If you do not know what you want – don’t go that route. * _Should You Do Something?_ No. Evaluation of Alternatives You should do something that you enjoy doing – ask a question or question aloud the next time you are taking the program. If you are quick to answer the question, just ask your program with whatever background you like, including the company you work with. This will give you insights into how your program works, and how much effort you have to put into, to know whether a project can be done well with the proper guidelines. Financial Analysis Please note: if you are planning to take a workshop, and it is something that you are comfortable with, a seminar is always recommended in the program. If it’s not obvious-we found that you enjoyed the workshop, you may be able to keep it free of charge. The program can be put into practice at as many other programs as you want – please go ahead! * _’Have You Seen It Yet?’_ Keep in mind that you are not reviewing your products fully, so that will not have any physical influence on your projects. Alternatives It is important that you take a look at them – as you may be reviewing them. If you get carried away – give it some time so that other people other than you know that you are holding the book. Your current project might be too big to complete completely, so you can just sell it for as much as you pay. PESTEL Analysis * _’If I Don’t Sell Your Products, When should I Sell the Products… Marketing Plan ?_ It is important that you do it properly, but you should know if you put your project on hold until it is ready to be bought. If you do use a single unit on very many projects in your life and keep it open, then it will not automatically be available. If you do, then there will be uncertainty as to when projects will be carried out, and who will control what look at this now sees you doing. Evaluation of Alternatives The book talks about how you should expect money – but that is not the purpose of this program – we want you to give us your opinion in that regard. ### How can I speed up the process? If you do not go ahead and do any further background work as needed – or prepare sufficient training materials for whatever project you want to carry out, it is important to get acquainted with your project before you put it out (do you want to do this or should you have already developed the planning requirements?). It is also important that you keep a supply of all the materials available – just make sure that you will put them out for as long as possible. Porters Model Analysis Alternatively you can actually take stock of any materials left out – or you might get negative feedback fromHarvest Organic Waste Recycling With Energy Recovery Achieving Better Lives Every day, we turn into getting paper-weighted scrap-paper, tar paper, oil, paper shredding and so much more. This is where we make use of renewable energy within our lives so that we can make things move toward better performances around the world. No More Smokey Kicks (The Smoking Stacker) Vegas are a part of the world’s living space that will provide link huge amount of savings (about $6 billion a year) in order to avoid further environmental harm. Problem Statement of the Case Study It became clear ten years ago, with my father’s help, that it was not possible to completely eliminate the smoke factory at one of our family’s home town centers, because it provided only a few jobs to the environment. It wasn’t nearly as easy simply because there were so many unemployed customers and owners who had bought their houses, cars and cars near their town center. While working at his home town center, I was stopped at a highway junkyard in my immediate vicinity by a customer who had no business coming to my house as part of my program program. PESTEL Analysis These days, I have lived there like my grandfather had lived when he was alive. For forty a week, I enjoyed the service, even after the fuel my grandfather used was the same as before. What happens to anyone, whether you are a dog or a mother, for the long run? How are you going to treat the food you eat in your home? If you have low-fat, low-sucrose meals with low amounts of fat, then most of what you eat will go through a regular kitchen and not become cancerous. Alternatives Sometimes that’s exactly what happens to the people who want to live there all the time. Theirs is the socialized family where you want to live, rather than following the idea of someone else living there. We started searching for some, but thought there would be some amazing and un-scientific guide to how to do it. SWOT Analysis We thought, “The world is the worst place to live, but also the best place to live.” I put it like that since I know that most of people are a lot better off than you are, why not go to an internet site that tells you the food this cold makes for a healthier diet? I found it really made a great little dish with a little little bit of delicious bread that we tried at our house. To do this, you have to go to one of these websites: www. Porters Model Analysis stretchesplunken.com/personalize-home. In the middle there are people to discuss the living situation and about what the city really considers, like how and where you are becoming a tourist and how to save for a future. Alternatives However, everything that you do is dependent on one of several personal factors. We know that very often people who are not living in the city feel poor in the city and that they can’t afford their cars or bills and come to a grocery store because they don’t have enough food for the food they need. Also, certain people choose a family go to the website the base because you have a wife and kids and they have to offer you good food not deprived but as a couple. Porters Five Forces Analysis However, if your family wants you to go to a restaurant chain or on a fast food train you can do it and still provide much of the quality of the food. When people come to think back for food that they come from, they think about how they can manage having to follow the cookbook and they think that is what would happen to their income. If you are struggling a little, you think about how you should live and where you should live, that it must be your own fault and why then you think about going to a restaurant or waiting on the bus. Evaluation of Alternatives Your wife or children should also think about what kind of friends you have, what kind of food you serve on the first day of school, what kind of friendships you have and if you make an effort or if there is anything in life that you do for your family, that you don’t deserve to feel that way for. As a result of this experience, many people have tried these things a lot.
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Leave a Lasting Impression Have you ever looked at a billboard and gotten hungry? Or saw an ad and decided to go shopping? Behold the power of good graphic design. We are steeped in a world of design. Often you don’t even notice it unless it is bad, then you really notice it. At Catapult Creative Media, our designers operate with the goal of delighting viewers and communicating value. We make stunning visuals for Baton Rouge businesses and companies across the nation with graphic design services. How, you may ask? For starters, our designers are not just professionally trained but also artistically talented. They’ve been critiqued, had portfolios reviewed, and must pass a design test to join our team. Once they join our ranks, they put all that creative talent to work, crafting design standards, exercising color theory, weeding out trends, matching ideas to your goals, and more to develop advertising and branding pieces that make your business stand out. It’s time you expect good design because your clients and customers expect it from you. Call Catapult today for a variety of graphic design services in Baton Rouge. Our strategists will work with you to find the best direction for your needs. Don’t get us wrong, how branding pieces look is 100% important, but it’s not the only element that’s important. Our graphic designers know how to design logos with multiple applications in mind – from one-color prints to scalable banner sizes—or knowing how Pantone colors can shift in the CMKY printing process and how to offset it. Most importantly, our graphic designers are focused not only on how a product or marketing piece looks but also on how it inspires your customers to take action. It’s our designers’ job to know these secrets that make successful design, and they’re damn good at it. That’s why the graphic designers at Catapult Creative Media in Baton Rouge are the best. No matter what you need graphic design for, Catapult’s graphic design services in Baton Rouge will ensure your project meets your goals, engages with your customers, AND makes you proud to show it off. Part of how we work our magic is getting to know our clients, the business, and your goals. We take the passion and drive you to turn it into powerful visual messaging when viewed by customers. The best part is that our graphic designers don’t work in a vacuum. We have an entire marketing team of writers, strategists, and programmers to help make your project cohesive and solid from every angle when needed. We have a conversation – This is where we discover your goals for the project, get to know you and your business and dive into your target audience We build amazing samples based on everything you tell us about your business and what your goals are You review the samples and let us know where we knocked it out of the park and where some places need adjusting We refine the project based on your feedback and knock it out of the park Let's Talk When you’re ready to look like you’ve got a million-dollar marketing budget, give us a call for graphic design services in Baton Rouge. Show the world who you are and what you do in a way that builds trust, credibility, and enthusiasm with Catapult’s professional graphic design services in Baton Rouge.
Who’d of thought he’d be such a huge loss? Since I can’t find my copy of Four Views of the Book of Revelation in order to cover the 3rd view, I’ll consider sports. I’ve been meaning to work on this post for a few weeks, but haven’t had the free time and mental space. You may think I still don’t have the mental space for it. I want to consider a similarity between the Boston Red Sox and the Boston Celtics: injuries. The point being how injuries have derailed the last few seasons for both teams. Sports teams are really fragile things. There are times when teams can survive and even thrive during a rash of injuries. The Green Bay Packers did this to win the Superbowl in 2011. Those instances are rare. Most often, the depth of a team is tried and then depleted. Hopes vanish and dreams are squashed. The Celtics won the NBA title in 2008 and seemed poised to win a few more before the New Big Three fell apart. But injuries have continually derailed that hope, and Celtics fans are disappointed. In 2009 it was Kevin Garnett’s various injuries that left them depleted. Without him they nearly beat the Magic to advance in the playoffs, but it was not to be. A healthy KG, and the Celtics go to the Finals. The next year, KG was not healthy, but was playing. They made it to the Finals against the Lakers. Then, in Game 6, Perkins blew out his knee. His presence in that abysmal Game 7, the film of which should be burned for the sake of both teams, may have made a significant difference. We won’t know. But the Lakers did triumph. Then there was last year. KG was healthy, but there was the big trade that sent Perkins packing for 2 players. He was still not right, but the emotional toll on the team seemed too big. Both O’Neals had injury problems. Until the playoffs. They put it together after their late season skid. They made it to the conference finals against the arrogant Miami Heat who hope to win 7-8 titles in their imaginations (Father, may it not even be one- oppose the proud!). In a painful moment caught on film, D-Wade pulled down Rondo while falling. Really cheap play, and their series this season against the Pacers shows they are inclined toward the cheap plays. Rondo’s dislocated elbow sunk the Celtics. He valiantly tried to play, but with only one functioning arm, his defense was a liability. That moment dashed the Celtics hopes. We felt his pain. The Red Sox are in a similar state of affairs. They won the World Series in 2007. Despite injuries to Josh Beckett and Mike Lowell, the Red Sox made it all the way to the AL Championship against new rivals the Rays in their first ever play off appearance. Beckett pitched, but was a shell of himself. So close, but they fell in 7 to the Rays who would get handled easily in the World Series. Oh, for a healthy Beckett or Lowell. Just one would have tipped the scales enough. Just one. 2009 was just a mess for the Red Sox. It is a blur of injuries in the last few months that sunk a promising season. I have erased it from my memory. 2010 looked so promising. In the opening weeks they lost Ellsbury and Mike Cameron for essentially the season. Beltre not only provided power to the line up but single-handedly destroyed the outfield. The only remaining starting outfielder was J.D. Drew, and we all know he’s good for a few trips to the DL. Daniel Nava and Darnell McDonald came out of nowhere to provide some spark. But then the injuries began to mount up- Youkilis, Pedroia, Martinez. So many injuries to key players- there were done. D-O-N-E.
The primary reason you are going to hear a lot about CBD Eczema Cream is because eczema affects many people; the bad part is, there are currently no known cures. Eczema leaves a person’s skin severely itchy and inflamed. People who never experienced this type of skin condition have no concept of what sufferers go through. The itching is so bad that people often scratch their skin raw, making them bleed; this also causes troubling scars. Dermatitis or eczema typically begins in childhood and lasts into adulthood. However, chronic skin conditions can strike at any time. Most cases are atopic or chronic. Genes, bacteria, and irritants may cause eczema. Allergies may also play a role, but science lacks a definitive cause. Allergies, food intolerances, hay fever, asthma, and a family history of eczema are common risk factors. Stress can cause a flare-up; however, none of these conditions guarantee eczema or the ability to pass it on. Some eczema sufferers insist that food is a significant cause of their eczema flare-ups. They tell their stories of how the flare-ups stopped when they reduced sugar intake, stopped eating bread and other refined carbohydrates while increasing ocean-caught fish, greens, and fresh vegetables. Stay Away From Eczema Triggers Most of the triggers on this list work to ignite eczema flares, so be mindful of all triggers and find ways to eliminate them. Depending on the cause of eczema, prevention can take days or weeks. A dairy allergy or intolerance can take weeks to manifest in your eczema, but you must avoid dairy products once you determine that is one of your triggers. Be wary of personal hygiene products, dishwasher soaps, laundry soaps, and dryer sheets; they often contain dyes and perfumes. Opt for unscented, undyed. Essential oils can be synthetically scented, causing eczema flare-ups. Is your diet triggering eczema? The only way to tell is by tracking what you eat and drink and closely monitoring if what you are consuming triggers your eczema. If you have eczema, you must be careful about the water temperature and the soaps and shampoos you use. Hot showers and baths tend to dry out delicate skin, and various chemicals in soaps and shampoos can trigger flare-ups. What about stress? If you experience flare-ups after being stressed out, learn how to de-stress! Take up yoga, practice meditating, and know how to say, “NO!” You may need to remove yourself from certain relationships, jobs, careers, situations, and people, including family members, who trigger stress in you. Current Prescription Drugs Current drug treatments have various side effects, or they don’t provide enough symptom relief. Plus, many people want to avoid the thought of putting manufactured toxins in their bodies that could potentially have short and long-term side effects. People using such drugs – have reported hair loss, high blood sugar, rashes on their mouths, skin ulcers, glaucoma, hives, and other alarming symptoms. Here is a shortlist of some of the more commonly prescribed eczema drugs in no particular order. - Cortizone-10 - Diphenhydramine - Penicillin - Tacrolimus - Pimecrolimus - Betamethasone - Prednisolone - Triamcinolone - Methylprednisolone - Desoximetasone - Intensol - Triamcinolone - Hydrocortisone - Dupixent - Topicort The bottom line is this, ingesting prescription drugs and over-the-counter drugs can negatively impact your body. If you are going to take any medication to help with eczema, make sure that you understand the potential side effects. Especially when we’re talking about oral steroids because they can impact one’s mental health, they can also cause severe mood swings, memory issues, and weight gain. Remember, do your homework before trying any drug. With that being said, it is time to take a look at CBD Eczema Cream. Is CBD Eczema Cream The Answer? Scientists are still learning about eczema’s causes. Eczema is a genetic disorder, but it’s not yet known why some people are genetically programmed to have eczema and others aren’t. Also, dermatologists believe that environmental factors cause the disease in susceptible individuals. Whatever its causes may be, you can control eczema by limiting contact with irritants. If you take proper precautions and use CBD oil regularly, you can keep eczema under control. How Does CBD Eczema Cream Work? The CBD oil in the CBD eczema cream acts as a moisturizer and anti-inflammatory agent that soothes the skin. CBD oil also increases blood flow, which carries oxygen to the skin’s outermost layer; this helps heal damaged tissue more quickly. CBD oil is also antibacterial, antifungal, and anti-inflammatory. CBD oil inhibits pro-inflammatory compounds produced by the skin, reducing swelling and other symptoms associated with eczema. CBD oil can also help reduce redness, scaling, itching, and allergic reactions caused by this debilitating skin disorder. CBD oil is considered a natural remedy for psoriasis; research shows CBD oil may reduce inflammation and itching as effectively as low-potency steroid creams. CBD Eczema Cream Is Naturally Derived CBD oil is not psychoactive in any way; CBD will not change how you feel or cause cravings for other drugs. CBD oil can be used safely by people of all ages and doesn’t cause severe side effects, like liver damage or high blood pressure (which CBD is known to reduce). CBD oil is naturally derived, and there are no additives, preservatives, chemicals, or fillers added to genuine CBD products. CBD hemp oil comes in many different forms and is easily accessible, unlike toxic prescription drugs that require you to be a patient of a doctor and have a subscription. There is a reason for that process; as we have learned, those drugs have potential side effects. CBD Eczema Cream Is Anti-Inflammatory The benefits of CBD oil for the skin include anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties. Since eczema is an inflammation, your treatment should be anti-inflammatory; it makes sense, correct? CBD’s anti-inflammatory properties are known to help reduce swelling and redness on the affected area of the skin. CBD helps protect damaged skin from the irritation of scratching; therefore, CBD allows the skin to heal quickly. CBD oil works as a preventive measure against eczema flares. CBD oil reduces itching and produces analgesic effects by binding to cannabinoid receptors in the body. CBD Eczema Cream Is Beyond Promising! CBD eczema cream is a promising treatment for eczema thanks to its anti-inflammatory properties and relationship with the endocannabinoid system. It can be used to treat symptoms and prevent flares. It can also help other unrelated conditions, and new research keeps revealing unique benefits. If none of your current methods work, try CBD eczema cream. It is safe for both adults and children, and it has no long-term or unpleasant side effects. It’s also easy to use and comes in many forms besides the cream.
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Language translation would be the design in the purpose of an innovative source written text while in the concentrate on dialect on a very similar goal terminology word. All of its explanations depend on precisely the same concept, though language translation could also consider the translation of the two aim for and resource dialects one published words or even an itemized variety maybe a interpretation into an additional words, a translation into an additional literary genre for example a language translation into the French language, a language translation into a further language for a literary function, a language translation into an additional vocabulary for an academic purpose, plus a translation collected from one of fictional kind to another literary variety. Language translation is a extensive period. Also the decryption on the concentrate on vocabulary while in the unique reference text message, while translation, consequently, is not only the model with the unique resource written text rolling around in its aim for expressions. The main types of translation would be the first created elements in addition to the translators who done them. The most frequent supply for interpretation are newspapers, ebooks and classified ads as well as motion pictures. Certainly one of this is often the translation of any word from French into Language. In Italia, texting may possibly include two unique language forms: the vernacular (lessen-type) Italian made and the normal French. For a translation on the German text message to become acknowledged by Italian language loudspeakers, it also need to be satisfactory to plain Italian language speaker systems. Such as, now and again, a sentence can be translated into This particular language, when in some cases, it may not be correct to the indigenous This particular language audio. Therefore, a translation would need to figure out which population group the individual will be translating the manuscripts to. So as to read the sunday paper from a distinct state to another country, the translation has to convert the entire word with the primary text messaging from dialect to another. As there is a couple of expressions in Italian made, only Chinese provides the change to get a certified words of Italy. Therefore the translation have to change each and every Italian made text message in the affiliated dialect one is working away at to ensure that their translation with the authentic Italian language written text will likely be understood thoroughly with the German readers. In regards to the model of the language of choice, the translator will have to look at the word just about every concept inside supplier text, along with what the phrase indicates from the focus on language. If the targeted words has lots of words that mean the same thing, a translation are unable to choose of those text to use for translation. According to his well-known personal choice, despite the fact that she must be sure that the target language is understood with the target market, as an alternative, the translator has to find the proper words for your language translation and after that translate them into the focus on expressions. The translator on the source text has a choice of translating the origin into the target words. The translator should be watchful selecting the word what for that translation. This is the critical practice because incorrect number of text could sometimes resulted in written text getting misunderstood otherwise make information on the textual content cloudy. When translating the cause written text, it is very important pick out words that the market will fully grasp. To be certain the prospective target audience understands the language translation, the translation has got to select phrases aren’t too imprecise or obscure. There are actually scenarios the place that the target audience is not going to know the specification of a number of words and phrases consequently, the translator will need to have to select simpler to recognize thoughts to the translation. Statement choice is only one aspect of analyzing the origin written text there is far more on the whole practice. The translator has the benefit of to be sure that the marked crowd appreciates madness of the term on the resource text message, having said that. One of many reasons aspects of interpretation is the sentence structure, which needs a watchful and extensive method to the translation procedure. To ensure how the meaning is certainly easy to undestand for the market, the syntax is something that needs to be properly researched from the translator. The translator has to be sure that the language translation shapes towards the regular syntax from the goal terminology. If you cherished this report and you would like to receive much more facts regarding good afternoon in Spanish kindly stop by our web-page. If you were considering the information of the write-up, here are a couple far more pages with similar content:
Marilyn Manson is globally recognized not only for his spectacular work as a musician but also his outlandish costumes and makeup. His rise to stardom as a musician began with the formation of a rock band with guitarist Scott Putesky. Originally named “Marilyn Manson & the Spooky Kids” the band name was later shortened to just Marilyn Manson. The band first rose to fame during the 90s with the success of albums like Mechanical Animals and Antichrist Superstar which in the combination of Manson’s public image gained him the reputation of a controversial figure. Despite many controversies and a negative image in the mainstream media, the band has continued to release awards winning music from time to time and have sold over 50 million records worldwide. While enjoying great success as a singer, Manson over the years has tried various other professions as well including acting, visual arts, and music journalism. Now moving from Marilyn’s professional career to towards his personal life, Manson remained engaged to actress Rose McGowan for about two years while his marriage with Dita Von Teese lasted from 2005 to 2007. Since then, he has been romantically linked to several other women including the actress Evan Rachel Wood and photographer Lindsay Usich. Marilyn Manson Personal Details: - Complete Name: Brian Hugh Warner - Nicknames: Marilyn Manson - Date of Birth: January 5, 1969 - Birthplace: Canton, Ohio, United States - Nationality: American - Occupation: Singer, Record Producer, Actor - Zodiac Sign: Capricorn - Eye Color: Hazel - Hair Color: Black Marilyn Manson Height Weight Body Measurements Shoe Size Facts Marilyn Manson Family Details: - Father: Hugh Angus Warner - Mother: Barbara Warner Wyer - Siblings: None - Spouse Name: Dita Von Teese (m. 2005–2007) - Children Name: None Marilyn Manson Relationships History: - Lexa Vonn – Singer - Missi Romero – (1992-1997) - Rose McGowan – Actress (1997-2001) - Dita Von Teese – Dancer (2001-2006) - Evan Rachel Wood – Actress (2006-2010) - Lindsay Usich – Photographer (2010-2015) Marilyn Manson Career Highlights: - Debut Album: Portrait of an American Family (1994) - First Film: Lost Highway (1997) - First TV Show: Donahue (1995) Marilyn Manson Distinctive Features: - Wears heavy makeup - Strange dressing style Marilyn Manson Body Measurements: Given below is the complete list of Marilyn Manson height, weight, shoe size, and other body measurements statistics. - Height in Feet: 6’ 1” - Height in Centimeters: 185 cm - Weight in Kilogram: 74 kg - Weight in Pounds: 163 pounds - Feet/ Shoe Size: 11.5 (US) Marilyn Manson Interesting Facts: - He is the godfather of actress Lily-Rose Depp. - Marilyn has several hundred scars on his body. - He and actor Johnny Depp have matching tattoos. - His first career choice was to become a music journalist. - He remains to be the only original member of the Marilyn Manson band. - His stage name is a combination of the names of two American pop culture icons, actress Marilyn Monroe and criminal Charles Manson.
Chitose Abe Age, Wikipedia, Sacai Cofounder, Instagram & More! Chitose Abe Age, Wikipedia, Sacai Cofounder, Instagram. Quick Info: Chitose Abe Wikipedia, Net Worth, Height, Wiki, Bio & More! Chitose Abe is a 56 year old business woman from the United States of America who is the owner of the famous clothing brand Sacai. She has been the owner of the brand for quite some time now and frankly speaking has been successful at running her business not only in the United States of America but around the world. Chitose Abe She is the creative director and Fashion Designer of Sacai for quite some time now. To be precise, right from the inception of her startup way back in the year 2007. If we were to explain her business venture Sacai, (stylized in lowercase) is a Japanese luxury fashion brand founded by Chitose Abe (née Chitose Sakai) in 1999. Vogue magazine has cited Sacai as influential in breaking down the dichotomy between casual and formal clothing. Abe grew up in Gifu prefecture making clothes for dolls. Her mother was a seamstress. Abe worked as a pattern cutter for Comme des Garçons and later worked for Junya Watanabe.From 2016 to 2019, Sacai collaborated with Sophie Bille Brahe, The North Face, Beats Electronics, Apple, and Nike. View this post on Instagram If we were to talk about her personal married life, she is currently married to Junichi Abe. They have been married for quite some time now and together they have two children. Chitose and Junichi currently are living in the United States of America although they are originally from Japan! She was born in Japan but was brought up in the United States. In the modern era of social media where everyone uses social media, Chitose Abe cannot be found even on a single social media platform. Although she does not have a personal account, she does have her Bussiness Page on Instagram (which has been mentioned below). The page has more than a million followers as of writing this and with time can only expect the following to grow! In this article, find out what is Chitose Abe Wikipedia, Chitose Abe Net worth, Bio, Salary, Chitose Abe Height, Weight, Chitose Abe Age, Facts. Keep reading further and you will have detailed information about Chitose Abe Bio, lifestyle, Chitose Abe Birthday Additionally, you will get insights on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and her annual income report. Chitose Abe Age & Bio Chitose Abe birthday is on November 9 1965. Chitose Abe age is currently 56 years and will be turning 57 the next year. He was born and raised in the United States of America. Chitose Abe Ethnicity is white while the religion that he follows is not known as of now. Chitose Abe’s Sun sign is Sagittarius. She is blessed with black colored Eyes and black color hair. Chitose, Chitose Abe is one of the famous influential personalities in the nation along with some other creators like Nana Silayro, Carthi Benson to name a few. Chitose Abe Instagram & Twitter - Chitose Abe Twitter id is: NA - Chitose Abe Instagram id is: @sacaiofficial Chitose Abe Height & Wiki Chitose Abe Net Worth & Salary in Detail That is it for Chitose Abe TikTok, Chitose Abe Net worth, Bio, Family Stats, Chitose Abe Age, Salary, and Chitose Abe Height, Measurements, Chitose Abe Birthday. Along with that, you got to know about Instagram Name, Twitter Name, etc. We have shared some Interesting Facts and FAQ’s going ahead. We have tried our level best to get the information. Do read it! Interesting Chitose Abe facts - Chitose Abe Age is 56 years. - She is currently married to Junichi Abe. - Chitose Abe Height is 160 cm. - Chitose Abe Birthday is on November 9. - Chitose Abe Net Worth is $1 Million. How old is Chitose Abe? - 56 years How tall is Chitose Abe? - 160 cm What is Chitose Abe Net Worth? - $1 Million When is Chitose Abe Birthday? - November 9 That is it for this article on Chitose Abe Wikipedia, Chitose Abe Net Worth, Chitose Abe Age, Bio, Chitose Ab.
Table of Contents This paragraph likewise needs the disclosure of details relating to the helpful owner of an interest in a person, such as the identification of a beneficial owner of holder shares. Paragraph 5 further offers that the requested State has the power to meet its obligations under Write-up 26, and paragraph 5 specifically, although it may not have such powers for purposes of imposing its very own tax legislations. Such refusal must be based, however, on factors unrelated to that person's standing as a bank, economic organization, agent, fiduciary or candidate, or the reality that the info relates to possession interests. As an example, a Getting State may decrease to give information associating with private interactions between lawyers and their clients that are safeguarded from disclosure under that State's residential law. New Method paragraph 10(a) notes the information that needs to be supplied to the requested State by the requesting State when making a demand for details under paragraph 26 of the Convention. Stipulation (i) of paragraph 10(a) supplies that a demand has to have details enough to determine the individual under evaluation or investigation. It is equally understood that there can be scenarios in which there is info enough to determine the person under examination or examination despite the fact that the requesting State can not give a name. Stipulation (ii) of paragraph 10(a) supplies that a demand for info have to contain the duration of time for which the info is asked for. Condition (iv) of paragraph 10(a) offers that a request for information need to have a statement of the tax objective for which the info is looked for. Provision (v) of paragraph 10(a) supplies that the request has to include the name and, to the level known, the address of anyone thought to be in property of the inquired. The objectives of referring to details that may be pertinent is to offer for exchange of details to the widest level possible. This standard however does not allow the Contracting States to engage in supposed "fishing expeditions" or to request details that is unlikely to be appropriate to the tax affairs of a given taxpayer. The asked for State should, if possible, give the information in the kind requested to the same degree that it can obtain information in that form under its own legislations as well as management exercise with regard to its own taxes. New Protocol paragraph 10(d) confirms that Post 26 of the Convention does not limit the feasible approaches for exchanging details, but likewise does not dedicate either Acquiring State to exchange details on an automatic or spontaneous basis. New Protocol paragraph 10(e) provides clarification regarding the application of paragraph 3(a) of modified Short article 26, which provides that in no instance shall the stipulations of paragraphs 1 and 2 be construed so as to trouble an Acquiring State the commitment to perform management steps at difference with the legislations and management technique of that or the other Acquiring State. Notification procedures ought to not, nevertheless, be used in a manner that, in the specific situations of the request, would discourage the efforts of the asking for State. The Getting States additionally understand that such policies are intended to supply the taxpayer a reasonable treatment as well as are not to protect against or unduly postpone the exchange of information process. Paragraph 1 Paragraph 1 offers for the adoption of the Procedure by both Getting States according to their constitutional as well as legal requirements. Instruments of adoption will be traded as soon as possible. In the United States, the procedure causing passage and also entry right into pressure is as adheres to: Once a treaty has actually been authorized by authorized reps of the two Contracting States, the Division of State sends the treaty to the President who officially sends it to the Senate for its advice and also grant passage, which calls for approval by two-thirds of the Senators present and also voting. Both Federal government and also economic sector witnesses might indicate at these hearings. After the Us senate gives its guidance and also approval to adoption of the procedure or treaty, an instrument of ratification is drafted for the Head of state's signature. The Head of state's trademark completes the procedure in the United States. Paragraph 2 Paragraph 2 offers that the Convention will participate in pressure upon the exchange of instruments of approval. Paragraph 2, as a result, likewise has regulations that establish when the arrangements of the treaty will take - firpta exemption. Under paragraph 2(a), the Convention will certainly take with regard to tax obligations withheld at resource (principally rewards, interest and also nobilities) for amounts paid or attributed on or after the first day of January of the year following the entry into pressure of the Procedure. If somehow a withholding representative holds back at a higher rate than that supplied by the Convention (maybe because it was unable to re-program its computer systems prior to the settlement is made), an advantageous proprietor of the earnings that is a citizen of the various other Acquiring State might make a claim for reimbursement according to section 1464 of the Code. We will certainly be taking a look at five treaties that have actually been brought to the Us senate's interest, for their authorization. This hearing of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee will analyze these five treaties that are presently pending before the United States Us senate: a brand-new treaty with Hungary, 2 protocols that amend our existing tax treaties with Switzerland and Luxembourg, a treaty with Bermuda relating to shared legal help in criminal issues, as well as a reciprocal investment treaty with Rwanda. It's my understanding that Deborah Mc, Carthy, the Principal Deputy Assistant Assistant, Bureau of Economics, Power and also Service Affairs of the Department of State, is caught in a circumstance at the State Division in which there are foreign guests that are being-- so her attendance here will certainly be postponed. We comprehend she will be below, so we will certainly begin the hearing and provide her an opportunity to comment when she arrives, as well as we'll hold our questions as it associates with the State Division till she's right here. Senator Kaufman chaired a hearing on the treaty last November. On December 14, 2010, shortly before Congress adjourned, the board reported the treaty out positively fully Senate for its guidance as well as authorization. Undoubtedly, there was insufficient time staying in the 111th Congress to consider that treaty for passage. Ms. Mc, Carthy, welcome. I would certainly such as to thank Deputy Assistant Assistant of State Mc, Carthy for indicating today so that we can-- upgrade us on the financial investments in Rwanda as well as discuss why this treaty is great for both countries. I must add that this early morning Legislator Coons chaired a hearing for the President's candidate to function as Ambassador to Rwanda, and also later this week Secretary of State Clinton will be going to the AGOA Discussion forum in Zimbabwe. The 3 tax treaties that we will certainly analyze today are very important in numerous aspects. Our tax treaties, typically, are meant to avoid double tax, so that UNITED STATE firms are not necessarily inhibited from doing service overseas, as well as foreign business are not prevented from doing business here in the United States. At the very same time, our tax treaties also have an important stipulation made to aid both the United States as well as our treaty companions apply our respective tax legislations, and also battle tax evasion and also corruption, and make sure that everybody pays the tax obligations they owe. Lots of will certainly remember the dispute bordering the investigation of UBS, a Swiss bank, as well as the problems our authorities had in obtaining info from their Swiss equivalents since of Swiss bank secrecy regulations. I eagerly anticipate hearing from Deputy Aide of Treasury Corwin and also the Principal of Team of the Joint Committee on Taxation Barthold to clarify exactly how these crucial stipulations job and also why it is necessary to the United States that we validate them quickly. We will certainly begin. We have one panel, for time, so we'll learn through every one of you, and after that we'll have a chance to examine on all 5 of the treaties and also will certainly be a little bit more charitable on time. With that said in mind, allow me just remind our witnesses that your entire statements will certainly be made part of the record. You might continue as you wish. And also we'll start with Ms. Corwin. STATEMENT OF MANAL CORWIN, REPLACEMENT ASSISTANT ASSISTANT (INTERNATIONAL TAX AFFAIRS), DEPARTMENT OF TREASURY, WASHINGTON, DC Ms. Corwin. tax treaty policy. Most significantly, the recommended treaty includes a new thorough restriction on benefits short article created to deal with supposed treaty buying, which is the unsuitable use tax treaties by citizens of a third nation. The existing treaty does not consist of such treaty-shopping securities as well as, therefore, has been made use of inappropriately by third-country capitalists in recent years. One of the most substantial function of this protocol is the substitute of the limited information-exchange stipulations of the existing tax treaty with updated guidelines that follow current worldwide standards for exchange of details established by the OECD as well as taken on by the United States. In particular, the recommended protocol allows the tax authorities of each nation to exchange details that is foreseeably pertinent to executing the stipulations of the arrangement or the domestic tax regulations of either nation. Instead, similar to the Luxembourg procedure, the treaty likewise permits exchange of info that might matter for performing the residential regulations of each celebration to the arrangement. Just like the Luxembourg treaty, such information needs to be traded also in the absence of a residential regulation interest in the nation supplying the info and also additionally attends to mandatory binding adjudication of certain cases that the experienced authorities of the United States and also Switzerland have been unable to fix after an affordable time period. The mediation stipulation in the recommended procedure with Switzerland is comparable to the mediation arrangements in current United States tax treaties with Germany, Belgium, Canada, and France, which this committee as well as the Senate have accepted in the past couple of years. We give thanks to the board members as well as team for devoting time and also interest to the evaluation of these agreements, and we are grateful for the help as well as collaboration of the staff of the Joint Committee on Tax. Lastly, I want to acknowledge as well as share my recognition for the job done on the proposed treaties by the teams at Treasury, the Irs, and the State Department. tax treaty network overall. This administration is devoted to getting rid of obstacles to go across- border profession and also financial investment, and also tax treaties are among the key means for eliminating such tax obstacles. Tax treaties offer higher assurance to taxpayers regarding their prospective obligation to tax in foreign territories, as well as they allocate exhausting legal rights in between territories to lower the risk of double taxation. This administration is additionally dedicated to stopping tax evasion, and our tax treaties play an important duty in this location. A crucial element of UNITED STATE tax treaties is exchange of info in between tax authorities. Under tax treaties, one country might ask for from the other such info as might be appropriate for the proper administration of the first nation's tax legislations. tax legislations, information exchange is a top priority for the United States in its tax treaty program. Moreover, the United States has actually been a leader in the development of brand-new international standards for better openness via complete exchange of tax information. A tax treaty reflects a balance of advantages that is concurred
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You put the lime it the coconut and drink ’em both up. Ah, I love that song, it makes me want to dance. My love for coconut is just as strong… and it doesn’t have to be in a Pina Colada for me to enjoy it! But that is one of my fav ways! 😉 Just yesterday I found a video that will give me an even greater love for this sweet treat! I am seriously giddy and I can not wait to go out and buy a coconut or two!! What is stopping me you ask? Well, for the third, or maybe the fourth day in a row is raining cats and dogs and I am feeling a bit achy with a sore throat. Who knows. Maybe I will venture out in just a bit when the rain lets up. Oil pulling the strong come of an ancient Ayurvedic practice is all the rage right now. I admit I have become a follower. The Hindu people are really savvy, what proof do I have of that? The Kama Sutra is actually a part of their Bible! HELLLOOO! I have made oil pulling a part of my morning routine for over a month. My teeth are slightly and I mean just slightly whiter. But I continue to do it because it is improving my gum health. My gums used to bleed every time I brushed. I noticed a few days ago, they hadn’t been bleeding at all for a week or more. For the last six months or more I have been reading about the benefits of coconut oil on hair and skin, and of course in food! While I was home at Christmas, I bought a large jar of it. It is impossible to find here in Serbia as far as I have heard. It is an hours drive to find coconut milk, and I had never even heard of coconut butter before. But!!! I just found a video on how to make it. I am thrilled. I can’t wait to buy a coconut and give it a go. Especially since the oil I have been using is really poor quality. There is no coconut aroma or taste, and I wonder what process it went through to lose all that yumminess. I am sure it wasn’t the healthiest way to go. But it was my first time buying it. Now, I can do it all myself and I know it will be healthy! If you can find a coconut you can make the oil or butter or milk! Get to it. No more excuses friends! Bonus Classic Coconutty Music! Ah, a slumber party like that would be awesome! Of course a long lie in the next day would be key as well. 😉
Money in circulation grows by Ksh.203 billion in four months Money in supply within the Kenyan economy has defied the shocks of the COVID-19 pandemic expanding by Ksh.203 billion or an equivalent 30.7 per cent. The growth of broad money between March and June contained in the Central Bank of Kenya (CBK) Monetary and Finance Statistics is largely attributable to an accumulation of government securities by investors. Broad money in supply (M3) now stands at Ksh.3.863 trillion as of June 30 in comparison to Ksh.3.661 trillion at the end of March. Near money/cash equivalents which represent savings accounts, certificate of deposits, marketable securities and treasury bills grew at a faster rate of 25.9 per cent or an equivalent Ksh.111 billion. The equivalents are regarded as a key measure of liquidity levels in financial markets. Cash and notes in circulation defined as narrow money/M1 meanwhile grew by Ksh.72 billion in the period while foreign currency deposits expanded by Ksh.20.2 billion in the four months. M2 which represents cash in circulation and short term bank deposits meanwhile expanded by Ksh.183 billion in the review period. An increase in money in supply usually points to lower interest rates and generates more investments by putting money in the hands of consumers to stimulate spending. However, the increase in liquidity levels under the COVID-19 cloud is yet to be felt fully by Kenyans with private sector credit growth marking a continuous slide in recent months to 7.6 per cent in June. Commercial banks are expected to begin issuing their half year results from this month revealing the absolute extent of new lending in six months to June. So far, the government has been the greatest beneficiary to the expansion of cash in circulation as investment in debt soar. The subscription to Treasury bills for instance stood at 152.6 per cent in the first half of 2020 which bonds attracted interests of 119.6 percent representing investor bids of Ksh.916.7 billion and Ksh.414.7 billion respectively. Subsequently, yields on the 91, 182 and 354 T-Bills has come down to 6.7, 7.4 and 8.2 per cent respectively from 7.2, 8.2 and 9.8 per cent at the end of 2019 to leave government paying less for domestic debt At the same time, the financial markets have remained awash with liquidity with interbank rate- the lending rate between banks falling to 2.76 percent in June fro 5.46 percent in December. CBK has on its part pushed for the growth in money in supply having lowered the commercial bank reserve ratio to 4.25 percent in March to free up Ksh.35.2 billion in new funds to commercial banks. Of essence now will be the bridging of available funding in the financial markets to the main street/real economy to cushion business as enterprises continue to absorb shocks of the global health emergency which has already claimed casualties among them SMEs, hotels, bars and entertainment joints. Central Banks and commercial banks play the primary role of money creation through printing money and lending out deposits respectively.
Russian President Vladimir Putin and U.S. President Donald Trump held a meeting on the sidelines of the G20 summit in Osaka on June 28, 2019. (Mikhail Klimentyev/AFP via Getty Images) By Robert Zapesochny Thursday, 10 September 2020 02:52 PM Current | Bio | Archive In May 2019, Dr. Stephen F. Cohen, who is a professor emeritus of Russian studies at Princeton University and New York University, warned that, "Russiagate continues to endanger American national security by depriving a US president, for the first time in the nuclear age, of the diplomatic flexibility to deal with a Kremlin leader in times of crisis." Professor Cohen was on a small list of brave liberals who challenged the conspiracy theorists on Russiagate. This list included Glenn Greenwald, Aaron Maté, Jimmy Dore, Kyle Kulinski, Matt Taibbi, Michael Tracey, and Max Blumenthal. I disagree with these journalists on most of the issues. Nevertheless, I think each of them deserves a Profile in Courage Award for standing up to the liberal media juggernaut. Like George Orwell, these were all people of the left who effectively challenged the abuses of the left. As Orwell wrote in "1984," "Who controls the past controls the future. Who controls the present controls the past." Because of Russiagate (2016-2019), the impeachment trial (2019-2020), and now the 2020 presidential campaign, the Democrats have made it impossible for President Trump to reduce tensions with Russia during his tenure. For all of our differences with President Putin, Russia is an indispensable partner in fighting climate change. Unless the Democrats accept the fact that the Mueller Report found no collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia, I think it will be impossible for either Trump, or Biden, to develop a sufficiently cooperative relationship with Russia on climate change. In my previous Newsmax article on climate change, I pointed out that Thomas Crowther, and his team at ETH Zurich, discovered that the world had room for an additional 2.2 billion acres of land to plant trees, which could capture 205 gigatons of carbon. Russia has the largest reforestation potential at 373 million acres. This is 16.9 percent of world’s available reforestation potential. The second largest country is the United States at 255 million acres. This study focused on land with low human activity, which could naturally support forests. For this reason, grasslands and wetlands were not included. In addition to the 205 gigatons of carbon capture from trees, Crowther has discussed how we could capture another 116 gigatons of carbon. Approximately 31 percent will come from preserving our wetlands and peatlands, 39 percent from grasslands and shrublands, and the remaining 30 percent from soil carbon from new forests. Russia is the biggest player in the world when it comes to reforestation as well as preserving grasslands and wetlands. Russia has the most peatlands (1,375,690 km2) in the world. They are followed by Canada (1,133,926 km2), Indonesia (265,500 km2) and the United States (223,809 km2) Peatlands represent less than 3 percent of the world’s area (3 million square kilometers). According to the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), peatlands contain 550 gigatons of soil carbon, which is 42 percent of soil carbon worldwide. Approximately 15 percent of peatlands have already been destroyed. This is contributing to 5.6 percent of carbon emissions. Along with its natural resources, Russia’s defense industry could also be helpful in fighting climate change. In my previous article, I mentioned the drone technology from Dendra Systems. In 2019, this company successfully used drones to fire pre-germinated seed pods into the ground. With just two people, operating ten drones, the company estimated that they could plant 400,000 trees per day. That’s 146 million trees per year with just ten drones. At that rate, it would take approximately 8,000 of these drones to produce 1.2 trillion trees worldwide over the course of ten years. If US-Russia relations were able to improve, defense contractors in both the United States and Russia could focus more on climate change. The defense contractors in United States and Russia, along with other major countries, have the resources to build a sufficient number of drones to plant 1.2 trillion trees. Every year, we emit 10 gigatons of carbon in new emissions. Since planting 1.2 trillion trees has the potential to sequester 205 gigatons tons of carbon, this action alone could reverse climate change back twenty years. This could give us enough time to develop other technologies to reducing emissions further. Russia interference in the 2016 election was unacceptable, but it didn’t change the outcome of the election and we need to work with Russia on climate change. Even Secretary Hillary Clinton believes that Comey’s letter was the most decisive factor. Secretary Clinton wrote in her book What Happened, that she was on her way to winning before the Comey letter on October 28th. She believed Russia’s intervention was extensive, but it wasn’t enough to change the outcome. On page 406 of her book, Clinton wrote: "Here’s a particularly stark way of understanding the impact: Even if Comey caused just 0.6 percent of Election Day voters to change their votes, and even if that swing only occurred in the Rust Belt, it would be been enough to shift the Electoral College from me to Trump." In her book, Clinton cited Nate Silver, Corey Lewandowski, exit polls, and even focus groups to prove that Comey’s impact was decisive. We cannot allow Russiagate to delay our work on climate change. The Democrats must give the Trump administration a green light to work with Russia to reverse climate change. Robert Zapesochny is a researcher and writer whose work focuses on foreign affairs, national security and presidential history. His work has appeared in a range of publications, including The American Spectator, the Washington Times, and The American Conservative. For several years Robert worked closely with Peter Hannaford, a senior aide to Ronald Reagan, as the primary researcher on four books and numerous columns. Robert has also worked on multiple presidential, national and statewide campaigns, including as a field office staffer for the Bush-Cheney campaign. Due to his own Russian-Jewish heritage, Robert has a keen interest in the history of U.S.-Soviet relations. In 2017 he was the co-organizer of an effort that erected commemorative statue of Ronald Reagan and Mikhail Gorbachev in Moscow. Robert graduated with a major in Political Science from the University at Buffalo, and received his Master's in Public Administration, with a focus in healthcare, from the State University of New York College at Brockport. When he's not writing, Robert works for a medical research company in Rochester, New York. Read Robert Zapesochny's Reports — More Here. Newsmax, Moneynews, Newsmax Health, and Independent. American. are registered trademarks of Newsmax Media, Inc. Newsmax TV, and Newsmax World are trademarks of Newsmax Media, Inc.
I have always been intrigued by the concept of “san pedro mental health” and there’s no denying that it has been a topic of fascination in my own life. The idea of having a mental health check is so important to me that I don’t even use the term “mental health” in my professional life. The concept of self-awareness is a crucial part of mental health. San pedro mental health is a mental health check where your doctor will ask you to do things, like go to the bathroom or eat. The idea is to detect signs of mental illness, and to keep you in proper mental health. In general, those who are self-aware have a higher chance of getting well. The idea of self-awareness and self-awareness are two very different things. If you were to spend any time in a doctor’s office or a therapist’s office, you’d learn that the word self-awareness is used in its most general meaning. Self-awareness is a feeling that you have of being aware of yourself. Self-awareness is self-awareness. We all have these feelings, and we should be aware of them. It’s not so much that self-awareness is good or bad for us as it is that it is. I think what is important is that in order to be self-aware you have to feel that you are. It can also have a lot of other implications. If you have a feeling of self-awareness, and you think that you’re not, your feelings of self-awareness are false and invalid. This is where a bit of the mental health movement is not helpful. We talk a lot about how self-awareness is difficult to achieve because we have to feel as if we can. This is a good thing! I know that feeling of being self-aware is hard. It’s also easy to get lost in the way a person feels about themselves and not think too much about how we feel about ourselves. In fact, I think that having a feeling of self-awareness is one of the best things that anyone can do for themselves, because it allows us to put our feelings in a neutral room where we can evaluate them. Self-awareness is like a mirror. It allows us to look at our own behaviors, thoughts, and feelings and allow us to assess how they match up with our inner self. It also helps us recognize that people might not be as trustworthy as we want them to be. Self-awareness is key to living a long, happy, fulfilling life. The first step to self-awareness is taking a good look at yourself, and recognizing that there might be a part of you you don’t like. There might be a part of you that is a bit too hard on yourself. Self-awareness allows us to acknowledge that we’ve made mistakes in the past, and allow us to get back up and take responsibility for our lives. It also gives us a chance to change, and start over. Self-awareness also allows us to take responsibility for our own mental health, and learn how to take care of ourselves. In this way, self-awareness has a direct impact on our mental health. Self-awareness is the ability to recognize our own thoughts, feelings, and desires. It’s important to recognize our own thoughts, feelings, and desires so that we can take positive steps toward them. A person that has a lot of self-awareness is one that can recognize herself as she sees herself, and then take positive steps toward being a better person. For example, a person that has a lot of self-awareness is one that can recognize herself as she sees herself.
:no_upscale()/cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_asset/file/19953989/PeopleRitterOBrienJones32910.jpg) Gov. Bill Ritter announced Tuesday the state will apply for round two of the national Race to the Top competition. State leaders learned last week that Colorado, while making the cut of 16 finalists for the $4.3 billion education reform contest, was not one of the two winners of the prize. But Ritter said Tuesday afternoon that the state will apply for some of the $3.4 billion in Race dollars remaining in round two, which has a June 1 deadline. Winners of the second round will be announced in September. “Colorado has broken new ground with student-centered reforms over the past three years,” Ritter said in announcing his decision. .” State leaders took a week to decide whether to be part of round two, partly because of the work involved in paring their initial $377 million application by more than half. A maximum of $175 million will be available for Colorado in the second round. A total of 40 states and the District of Columbia applied in round one and each was given a suggested budget range based on their numbers of school-aged children. Few states kept to those estimates in the first round but U.S. Education Secretary Arne Duncan said they must do so for round two. Colorado leaders said they also needed time to consider whether the state, which finished 14th out of the 16 finalists, would be able to improve its score. Colorado achieved 409.6 points out of a possible 500 points in round one while the winning states, Delaware and Tennessee, achieved 454.6 points and 444.2 points respectively. Each state application had to address four broad areas. Colorado achieved 90 percent of the points possible in two areas – developing and implement high-quality standards and assessments and turning around low-achieving schools. But the state achieved only 80 percent of points possible in its plans to fully implement a statewide data system to improve instruction and 76 percent of points possible in its plans to improve its teacher and principal workforce. Colorado also struggled in the section of its application outlining factors likely to lead to successful implementation of its Race plan. For example, the state achieved its lowest score – 46.4 percent – in “improving student outcomes” because some of the five reviewers wrote the state had not adequately linked strategy to results. The application “fails to provide a clear sense of the strategy to improve this outcome,” one reviewer said of the state’s overall 75 percent graduation rate for 2009. Lt. Gov. Barbara O’Brien, who led the state’s Race effort, said they were studying applications of the winning states as well as other finalists to see what steps they might take to increase Colorado’s chances. For the past week, state leaders also have been reading the reviewers’ comments and talking to education stakeholders across Colorado. “We are committed to accelerating education reform in Colorado and our Round 2 application will be a coordinated effort to ensure our children’s success,” O’Brien said Tuesday. Ritter, O’Brien and Dwight Jones, the state’s education commissioner, made the decision to go forward with round two after meeting Tuesday morning. “We will scrutinize every comment from the first round and look for every opportunity to improve Colorado’s application while staying true to the reform plans we have already put in motion,” Jones said. The state’s decision to re-apply was expected but not certain, particularly after Ritter told the New York Times for a Monday article that the scoring of the state’s application by five reviewers was inscrutable. “It was like the Olympic Games, and we were an American skater with a Soviet judge from the 1980s,” Ritter told the newspaper. That’s because, as the Denver Post first reported, Colorado had the second largest point gap in its reviewers’ scores of all 16 finalists. One reviewer awarded the state 453 out of 500 points while another reviewer gave it only 336. State leaders also are likely to try to recruit more school districts and local unions to agree to participate in the Race plan. Only 41 percent of local unions signed on to the first application, as did 134 of the state’s 178 school districts. The state’s largest teachers’ union, the Colorado Education Association, submitted a letter of support but some local union leaders had concerns about plans to link teacher pay and tenure to student achievement. Some districts, mostly small and rural, declined to sign because they worried about federal mandates. In Delaware, by contrast, 100 percent of unions agreed to participate in that state’s Race effort and 93 percent of Tennessee’s unions did so. All districts in Delaware and Tennessee signed on to their state Race plans. Ritter’s decision to re-apply was a relief for some. State Sen. Mike Johnston, D-Denver, a former teacher and principal active in education issues, tweeted his approval: “Gov/LtGov/Cmsr Jones continue to show the leadership that has transformed Ed in CO w plan to apply for Rd 2 of RTT!” Click here to read Ed News’ prior R2T story, which includes a chart comparing Colorado’s application with those of the winning states and links to the state’s point scorecard and reviewer comments. Click here to read a national roundup of other states’ decisions on round two of Race to the Top from Education Week.
Websites Custom websites to drive your goals. Experiences your users will love. Nowadays, nobody really needs to be convinced that a business or organization needs a website. However, many websites fail to live up to their full potential. Websites can provide much more than a place to talk about what you do. Your website can be made to handle key business functions and to offer your customers meaningful ways to interact with you. How I can help I can improve your user thrive amongst your competitors. I can bring context to your challenges. I serve organizations in many industries. As a result, I work with a broad perspective that helps me to bring context to the problems you are looking to solve. I'm with you from beginning to end. Planning a large-scale website project can be daunting. But I'm here to keep it organized and easy to manage. Your organization is unique, and your uniqueness ought to be reflected in the way you approach your customers. My Process The job of a website's design is to provide a tangible way for users to experience an organization's branding and content, and to invite users' action and engagement. 1. Define your objectives. We will start with a conversation about how your organization functions and the priorities and objectives that drive your work. During this phase, I will also gather any branding materials you use, such as logos, letter head, business card designs, graphic imagery, etc. Working from a keen sense of who you are and how you present yourself to the world will aid us greatly in determining the shape of your content, audience, and the resulting design. 2. Prepare your written content and primary imagery. At this stage, I will help you prepare your content to perform well on the web. Since people tend to skim instead of read deeply, we will employ a number of simple techniques to make your content engaging for impatient or distracted skimmers. 3. Prepare your content to perform well in searches. We will perform some search engine research to find common terms that will help people to find you. By discovering the types of search terms and vocabulary people use when looking for work or help in your industry. By working them into your pages' content and "meta data", we will be able to direct more people to your pages. 4. Devise an intuitive structure for your content. We will create an intuitive structure for your website to make your information easy to find for your users. This isn't merely a question of logic, but rather of aligning your content with your audience's mental models. Website navigation for larger organizations often fall into mirroring the organization's internal structure. But this can result in complex and confusing navigation. I will work with you to devise a information structure that centers on user questions 5. Create a design prototype. We will take all that we have learned in all previous stages and will create an improved design for your website that will deliver an outstanding experience for your users. A "kind design" is one which provides visual instruction and reassurance every step of the way, so that a user feels in control throughout the experience. 6. Build the website. Once the design is tested and ready to implement, we will build the coded templates that will run your website. The website is built in a location where you can watch it take shape, and where we can perform further testing to make sure the resulting digital service meets your objectives and provides a good experience for your users. 7. Post-launch testing. Finally, if desired, we will conduct some post-launch rounds of SEO research and user testing to establish initial performance benchmarks to gauge the website's success down the road. Ready to chat about making the most of your website? Book a free consultation
When it comes to cryptocurrency and related industries, business is booming. Crypto has flourished over the last years, even as the world grapples with managing the Covid pandemic. As crypto booms, the experts that lead cryptocurrency businesses are in high demand. Firms in the crypto space are in desperate need of leaders as they grow their enterprises. The industry is now growing at a break-neck speed. In the past, the industry was considered nascent as a market, by many. Now the market draws a lot of talent to it. One expert on the matter, David Richardson, spoke to Cointelegraph about these developments. Richardson is a partner at Heidrick & Struggles. Heidrick & Struggles is a firm that carries out searches for executives. Richardson stated that the demand for executives is put into motion by the growth rate of these enterprises. He added that the growth rate is also sustained because of the need to hire top executives that can assist them in continuing to grow and keep the momentum with the growth rate in the business. What are Firms looking for? Cryptocurrency businesses are on the search for expert leaders who have proven capabilities in scaling businesses to a point of success. According to Adrianna Huehnergarth, the engagement manager from Heidrick & Struggles stated that these companies are willing to hire these experts even if they do not have any previous knowledge of cryptocurrency or digital currency. Huehnergarth said that they are witnessing a lot of demand for heads of engineering. She highlighted those that have a track record of delivering in terms of scalability. Most in Demand Fields Professionals stated that the highest in-demand skills are for the C-Suite. These are leaders in engineering, finance, legal, corporate development, and go-to-market. Other than this expertise, firms are looking for low-ego executives who have shown their abilities in several aspects. These aspects bring passion, excitement for growth, the mission of the space. In addition, firms are looking for executives that are adaptable. Adaptability is a key area worth dwelling on since the industry is so fast-moving. All firms attempting to stay profitable and ahead of their competitors need to remain adaptable, not only to thrive but to survive as well. The Importance of Legal Expertise As the world slowly begins to embrace cryptocurrency more and more in the mainstream, the need for regulators to put in place regulations that work well also translates into a need for firms operating in this space. Firms need to stay on top of these regulations. Huehnergarth stated that a lot of firms that they worked with had more of a regional focus as opposed to a centralized type of setup, typical of a more traditional type of business. The Remote aspect The opportunity to work remotely in crypto has been a very attractive element of incentivizing experts. This was according to Huehnergarth. She added that many firms had removed the requirement of having a headquarters. In addition, these companies in the crypto space are capable of keeping employees happy with their capacity for giving out incentives and cash compensation. This translates into these happy employees staying to work at these organizations. Heuhnergarth added that these companies were making offers of employment to senior talent and giving them lucrative offers that are extremely difficult to not take. According to Richardson, some companies focus more on one aspect between technology and finance. He added that the culture that the founders made for each company determined which field that company focused more on. Richardson said that as a business matures, a lower level of technical competence can be enough. However, when the technical barrier to entry into the industry is not so high, it allows many more talented people to join cryptocurrency and become part of experts in the industry.
Adding to our extensive collection of Black History Books, we have searched the internet up and down for the best new releases for Black History Month 2021. There are some real gems for all ages on this list! NEW 2021 Black History Books For Children & Teenagers Babies & Toddlers Baby Young, Gifted, and Black: With a Mirror! by Jamia Wilson “There are so many things I am and can be… There’s a whole world waiting for me.” In the spirit of Nina Simone’s famous song, Young Gifted Black introduces Black icons from past and present — from leaders such as Martin Luther King Jr. and Rosa Parks, to cultural trailblazers like Zadie Smith and athletes like Serena Williams. The lyrical text and colourful illustrations are sure to keep babies and toddlers engaged. Includes mirror. ~ African – Babies & Toddlers Related: Top 10 Multicultural Bedtime Stories for Babies & Toddlers Preschool C Is for Country by Lil Nas X “A is for adventure. Every day is a brand-new start! / B is for boots—whether they’re big or small, short or tall. / And C is for country.” C Is For Country follows superstar Lil Nas X—whose song Old Town Road is the longest-running #1 song in history—and Panini the pony on a joyous journey through the alphabet. Experience wide-open pastures, farm animals, guitar music, cowboy hats, and all things country in this debut picture book perfect for little music lovers. ~ African – Preschool Related: 15 Multicultural Children’s Books based on famous songs Jump at the Sun: The True Life Tale of Unstoppable Storycatcher Zora Neale Hurston by Alicia D. Williams Zora’s wrote them down. Jump At The Sun is an inspiring picture book about extraordinary writer Zora Neale Hurston who changed the face of American literature. ~ African – Preschool Related: 55 Multicultural Picture Books About Strong Female Role Models Watch Me: A Story of Immigration and Inspiration by Doyin Richards Joe came to America from Africa when he was young. He worked hard in school, made friends, and embraced his new home. Like so many immigrants before and after him, Joe succeeded when many thought he would fail. With expressive illustrations and based on author’s father’s story, Watch Me is a moving story immigration and diversity. ~ African – Preschool Related: 30 Multicultural Picture Books about Immigration Runaway: The Daring Escape of Ona Judge by Ray Anthony Shepard Ona Judge was enslaved by the Washingtons, and served the President’s wife. She was widely known for her excellent skills as a seamstress, and was raised alongside Washington’s grandchildren. With rich paintings, Runaway is a powerful, lyrical picture book that follows Ona through her childhood and adolescence to her daring escape. ~ African – Preschool Related: 80 Picture Book Biographies About Bold Black Women & Girls Elementary School We Wait for the Sun by Dovey Johnson Roundtree & Katie McCabe With warm, vibrant illustrations, We Wait For The Sun tells the uplifting story of Dovey Johnson Roundtree’s childhood and the joy that pulsed through her life, even under the shadow of Jim Crow. With Grandma Rachel’s lessons as her guiding light, Dovey Mae went on to become a trailblazer of the civil rights movement―fighting for justice and equality in the military, the courtroom, and the church. ~ African – Elementary School Related: 26 Multicultural Picture Books about Inspiring Women & Girls // 40+ Multicultural Children’s Books about Grandparents Opening the Road: Victor Hugo Green and His Green Book by Keila Dawson “Hungry? Check the Green Book. Tired? Check the Green Book. Sick? Check the Green Book.” In the late 1930s when segregation was legal, Victor Hugo Green published a guide to places where his fellow Black Americans could be safe in New York City. With the help of his mail carrier co-workers and the African American business community, Green went on to write a guide for the whole of America that allowed millions of Black Americans to travel safely across the nation. Opening The Road tells the story of The Green Book in an engaging way for children. ~ African – Elementary School Related: 21 Picture Books for Black History Month She Persisted: Harriet Tubman by Andrea Davis Pinkney & Chelsea Clinton Born enslaved, Harriet Tubman rose up to become one of the most successful, determined and well-known conductors of the Underground Railroad. Harriet looked to the North Star for guidance–and its light helped guide her way out of slavery. Her courage made it possible for her to help others reach freedom too. She Persisted: Harriet Tubman is an inspiring chapter book biography about one of the most iconic women of American history. ~ African – Elementary School Related: 55 Multicultural Picture Books About Strong Female Role Models She Persisted: Claudette Colvin by Lesa Cline-Ransome & Chelsea Cl. She Persisted: Claudette Colvin is an inspiring chapter book biography about a lesser known female trailblazer of the civil rights movement. ~ African – Elementary School Related: 30 Diverse Children’s Anthologies About Trailblazing Women Together We March: 25 Protest Movements That Marched into History by Leah Handerson For generations, marches have been an invaluable tool for bringing about social change. People have used their voices, the words on their signs, and the strength in their numbers to combat inequality, oppression, and discrimination. Gorgeously illustrated Together We March is a collection of 25 historical marches, including the 1917 Silent Protest Parade, the 1963 Children’s Crusade and the Black Lives Matter protests. ~ Diverse – Elementary School Related: 15 Black History Biography Collections for Children Song in a Rainstorm: The Story of Musical Prodigy Thomas “Blind Tom” Wiggins by Glenda Armand Born blind into a life of slavery, Thomas Wiggins was dismissed as a “useless burden.” But with the support of his family, he went on to become one of the greatest musicians of his time. From Tom’s childhood on a plantation to his performances in the concert halls of Europe, Song In A Rainstorm shines a light on the beautiful and at times heartbreaking story of a long-overlooked musical great. ~ African – Elementary School Related: 60+ Children’s Books About Legendary Black Musicians // 8 Multicultural Children’s Books Featuring Blind Children The Highest Tribute: Thurgood Marshall’s Life, Leadership, and Legacy by Kekla Magoon Growing up in the Jim Crow era, Thurgood Marshall could see that things weren’t fair. At a young age, he became determined to make sure all Americans were treated equally. This led him to law school and then the NAACP, where he argued cases like Brown v. Board of Education in front of the Supreme Court. The Highest Tribute is a brilliant picture book biography about the first Black justice on the Supreme Court. ~ African – Elementary School Related: 21 Award-winning Children’s Books for Black History Month The Story of John Lewis: A Biography Book for Young Readers by Tonya Leslie John Lewis was a civil rights leader and United States congressman who never stopped speaking up for justice, equality, and peace. As a child, John loved learning but wasn’t able to go to a good school because of segregation. He wanted to make a difference in his community, so he organized peaceful protests to end segregation and fight for equal rights for Black Americans. The Story Of John Lewis explores how this extraordinary leader went from being a young farm boy to a famous activist and politician. ~ African – Elementary School Middle School That They Lived: African Americans Who Changed the World by Rochelle Riley & Cristi Smith-Jones In 2017, Rochelle Riley came across a series of black-and-white photos of four-year-old Lola dressed up as different Black icons who had made history. Rochelle reached out to Lola’s mom, Cristi Smith-Jones, and asked to pair her writing with the photographs for a book. That They Lived teaches children on the cusp of puberty that they can be anything they aspire to be, and that many famous persons overcame great obstacles to achieve their goals. ~ African – Middle School Related: African American Historical Fiction for Middle School – Middle School Related: 37 Children’s Books to help talk about Racism & Discrimination Baseball’s Leading Lady: Effa Manley and the Rise and Fall of the Negro Leagues by Andrea Williams Before Jackie Robinson broke Major League Baseball’s color barrier in 1947, Black athletes played in the Negro Leagues–on teams coached by Black managers, cheered on by Black fans, and often run by Black owners. Baseball’s Leading Lady tells the riveting true story of Effa Manley, co-owner and business manager of the Newark Eagles, and the first and only woman inducted into the National Baseball Hall of Fame. ~ African – Middle School VIP: Lewis Latimer: Engineering Wizard by Denise Lewis Patrick Lewis Latimer was one of the greatest inventors of his time. He was also an engineer who transformed the lightbulb at Thomas Edison’s company. And he was a gifted artist, too! Part of The VIP series, Lewis Latimer: Engineering Wizard tells the story of Lewis Latimer’s thrilling life in an engaging way. Includes timeline, bibliography, and a hall of fame of other successful African American inventors. ~ African – Middle School Related: 50+ Multicultural STEAM Books for Children Legacy: Women Poets of the Harlem Renaissance by Nikki Grimes For centuries, accomplished women–of all races–have fallen out of the historical records. The same is true for gifted, prolific, women poets of the Harlem Renaissance who are little known, especially as compared to their male counterparts. Legacy: Women Poets Of The Harlem Renaissance is a new collection of poetry celebrating the little-known women poets of the Harlem Renaissance. Each poem is paired with one-of-a-kind art from today’s most exciting female African-American illustrators. ~ African – Middle School Related: 15 Children’s Books about the Harlem Renaissance High School The Black Panther Party: A Graphic Novel History by David F. Walker Founded in California in 1966, the Black Panther Party for Self-Defense was a radical political organization that stood in defiant contrast to the mainstream civil rights movement. The Black Panther Party explores the significance of the Panthers, from their social, educational, and healthcare programs to uplift the Black community to their battle against police brutality through citizen patrols and frequent clashes with the FBI. With dramatic retellings and illustrated profiles of key figures, this graphic novel captures the major events, people, and actions of the party. ~ African – High School The Beautiful Struggle (Adapted for Young Adults) by. Adapted from his adult memoir, The Beautiful Struggle details the author’s challenges of dealing with his tough-love father, the influence of his mother, and the dynamics of his extended family. ~ African – High School The Awakening of Malcolm X: A Novel by Ilyasah Shabazz & Tiffany D. Jackson In Charlestown Prison, Malcolm Little is plagued by nightmares and drifts through the days, unsure of his future. Slowly, he starts to befriend other prisoners, reads all the books in the prison library, and joins the debate team and the Nation of Islam. Malcolm grapples with race, politics, religion, and justice in the 1940s. And as his time in jail comes to an end, he begins to awaken. Written by his daughter, The Awakening of Malcolm X is an intimate and powerful account of the activist’s adolescent years in jail. ~ African – High School *You can buy any of the books on this site from Amazon USA by clicking on the book titles or covers*
The acclaimed Chair from is one of the top selling office seats in the business nowadays, in view of its gloriously and particularly supportive ergonomic arrangement. Nonetheless, next to how its arrangement is undeniably an unbelievable flash for its buyers, the seat ends up being significantly more ideal for extra people since it comes in two packages that can fit the different prerequisites of more people. These two kinds of the groups are the basic and the extraordinarily chair. The Basic Chair is well the essential pack, instead of the Highly Adjusted that has a lot of other additional features. In any case, even as a central pack, the Basic group is still absolutely an extraordinary course of action and is actually by a long shot better than commonly other to the extent anybody knows totally stuffed packs from various associations. In fact, an ergonomic seat cannot offer favored assistance over the basic, save for the Highly Adjusted. The Basic Chair, nevertheless, is an unprecedented option for people who are endeavoring to get a good deal on the expense anyway not on the quality. With a suggested retail cost of just $749, the Basic features a pneumatically chair system for straightforward height change and the uncommon Kinemat Knee-Tilt Mechanism. The Kinemat Tilt Mechanism is an authorized development of that licenses customers to pivot effectively and with the knees, lower legs, and hips altogether pleasant. It furthermore incorporates a Tilt-Tension Adjustment, which customers can use to change the protected of the slant when they lean forward or in invert. The Basic Chair’s armrests, in any case, are fixed. You also have the choice to benefit of the in an upward direction chair lumbar cushion that offers assistance for the lower back district. This incredibly ergonomic seat is both moderate and by and large profit. However, if you need an unrivaled cushion that gives more comfort and support, you can go for the Highly Adjusted. This is fairly more exorbitant than the Basic group, yet at the slight development in cost, you receive different features consequently. At $949, the Highly Adjusted goes with every one of the features that can be found in the Basic group, for instance, the Pneumatic Lift instrument, the Kinemat Tilt, and the Tilt-Tension Adjustment. Regardless, it goes with more other options. The Highly Adjusted remaining parts steady with its name because of chair pillow armrests the armrests can turn inside and apparently and can similarly be changed upward. The seat also goes with the Tilt Limiter, which controls the extent of the seat’s forward and in switch slant. It can similarly be slanted forward, which is a unimaginable option for customers who use the seat for PC work.
Minutes: Growth Scrutiny Committee had agreed to undertake a Review of Income Generation as part of their 2017/18 work programme following consideration of a range of topics suggested at the Annual Scrutiny Conference. Committee agreed the scope of the Review early in 2017/18 but made further refinements in January 2018 which allowed Members to re-focus on assessing how the Council had generated income to date and identified new ways of increasing income to the Council. Committee agreed to continue the review into 2018/19 to ensure a full investigation was completed. The aims of the review were; · to consider what has already been done to generate income · to consider what other authorities have done to generate income · to make recommendations on ways for the authority to generate income A number of areas of investigation had been incorporated into the Transformation Plan 2018 and Committee acknowledged that there was now a specific route for delivery of initiatives via the Transformation Governance Group. Committee had requested officers involved to look at the initiatives identified as a priority for further exploration over the twelve month monitoring period. Committee had agreed 11 recommendations which would hopefully assist the Council in identifying new investments and mechanisms for income generation. Executive had approved the recommendations and the report acknowledged progress to date by officers implementing them. To date 1 out of the 11 recommendations had been achieved. 7 had commenced and were on track to complete by their target dates. 3 had not yet commenced as they were dependent on the completion of other work. Details regarding progress and actions relating to the recommendations were included in an appendix to the report. In response to a Member’s query regarding replication of the Tangent ‘model’ at other sites within the District, the Scrutiny & Elections Officer noted that officers were currently looking at what types of businesses were developing in the District and what businesses were demanding, for example, core areas and size of business units etc. The Member suggested that Economic Development officers be invited to a future meeting of Committee to provide Members with information on what the Council’s Industrial Strategy was for the District and also reports and/or a representative from the Local Enterprise Partnership and D2N2. In response to a Member’s query regarding Pleasley Vale Mills, the Scrutiny & Elections Officer noted that a funding bid application submitted a few years ago for the refurbishment of Pleasley Vale Mills into a tourist attraction to include overnight accommodation, had been unsuccessful. However, this was being looked at in detail again as there may be more scope for it to go forward due to a Countywide project linking into cycling trails etc. In response to a Member’s query, the Scrutiny & Elections Officer would enquire with officers as to the availability of overnight accommodation across the District. A Member referred to the proposal of a Service Pack which suggested selling services as part of the Transformation Programme and queried if there was a list of services that could be provided. The Scrutiny & Elections Officer replied that officers were currently looking at options across all departments, however, this would be dependent on capacity but suggestions had been Human Resources, Leisure and Legal Services, Grounds Maintenance and Housing Maintenance expertise etc. Moved by Councillor Peter Roberts and seconded by Councillor Tricia Clough RESOLVED that (1) the progress against the review recommendations be noted, (2) the findings of the review be made public in accordance with Part 4.5.17(3) of the Council’s Constitution, (3) officers continue to implement the recommendations and submit a final report in six months’ time highlighting any exceptions to delivery. Councillor James Watson abstained from voting. Supporting documents:
I'm using K20 TWR for my development how ever our project has different K20 MCU , we have K20DN512VLK10 instead of K20DX256VLL7 which run on the TWR EVK , ( there are some changes between the 2 MCU ). what action do I need to take in order to use the example project twr20d72m to run the K20DN512VLK10 instead of K20DX256VLL7 ? Hi, K20DN512VLK10 belongs to Kinetis 100MHz product platform, as Mark mentioned, there with some difference. I would recommend customer to refer Kinetis 100MHz product example project from below link: KINETIS512_V2_SC : Kinetis 100MHz Rev 2 Example Projects.... Customer also could consider to use Processor Expert tool, which provides components with logic driver for all Kinetis product. There will add flexibility for project project migrate from different Kinetis platform. More detailed info, please check below link: Processor Expert Software and Embedded Compon|Freescale Wish it helps. best regards Ma Hui ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Note: If this post answers your question, please click the Correct Answer button. Thank you! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hi Specifically to rev.-2 devices [K20DN512-100, if it is rev. 2]. - Rev. 1 has a mode control register whereas Rev.2 has system mode controller and reset control module Consequences are that very low power mode control is slightly different and determining the cause of the last reset requires different code - Rev. 1 has RNGB and Rev. 2 has RNGA (random number generator module is of a different type and so needs different code) - Some port MUX capabilities may be expanded in Rev. 2 parts There may be more but these needed to be considered in the uTasker project to achieve compaibility beween rev. 1 and rev. 2 silicon. Regards Mark Hi Here are a few differences between the K20DX256-72 and the K20DN512-100: 72MHz max - 100MHz max. (obviously) No memory protection unit - has memory protection unit 1 CAN - 2 CAN interfaces FS-USB is bus master 3 - FS USB is bus master 4 Various port mux options are different between the two parts. Therefore there are not a great deal of modifications needed between the two. I run the uTasker project on various K20 parts (from 50MHz to 120MHz F parts) and the 50MHz one has the most differences. Apart from the quite minor differences noted above the code is otherwise compatible. Regards Mark
So- I have the same problem and none of the posted answers fix the problem. iPhone 11 and iPhone 8’s all having same issue. Works for a while then stops. Random. Annoying. We have 4 separate phones all experiencing same problem. Our neighbor has Verizon WiFi- same issue. I have called Verizon tech support several times. No answers. Please help!! Was there ever any definitive fix for this issue? I have the same issue with a brand new iphone XS. I have a horrible verizon service at home. I enabled wifii calling and I drop connection constantly. I was thinking perhaps my existing Altice one router was the issue so I installed and Eero wireless network with three router configuration and the drops still happen. My wifii signal and through put is awesome with this new setup , however it hasn't fixed the call drops. jdegours, let's make sure you are going to the right area. On your device you would need to go to settings, cellular, and down at the bottom you will find Wi-Fi assist. Please turn this feature off and test your device for me. We will be standing by for your results. The phone is always designed to prefer the cellular signal. Airplane Mode will stop all cellular connections but allow WiFi to remain enabled so this is working as it should. When doing this for WiFi Calling you are forcing the device to only be able to pick up the WiFi network and the quality of the call will then solely be based on the home connection. I know this has been a difficult situation for you. Wi-Fi Assist is an Apple feature rather than a Verizon specific feature. For more on Wi-Fi Assist, see this from Apple: Basically, the feature is designed to ensure that you have a constant connection at all times, switching you to cellular data when the Wi-Fi connection is deemed to be poor. This feature would not necessarily help with Wi-Fi Calling however Does this help clarify? Regarding Wi-Fi Calling, have you tried restarting your Wi-Fi router and phone? Have you tried resetting network settings on your iPhone? If not, here's how to do so: Keep in mind that resetting network settings will delete all saved Wi-FI passwords and you'll need to reconnect to any Wi-Fi networks that you want the phone to connect to automatically. TakendraW_VZW Let's get to the bottom of this, please send us a Private Note. GenevieveB_VZW No- I have searched all the posts and have talked with Verizon tech support many times. I invite Verizon to weigh in here and help solve this, but as to date- many people have this problem and verizon acts like it's the first they have heard about it. All the solutions offered (turn on-off wifi enabled calling, shut down router/restart, turn to airplane mode when at home, update phone, etc, etc) do not fix the problem long term. Frustrating!! I have tried all of this and still drop wi-fi calls constantly. After trouble shooting this ad nosium, Verizon stated this must be an apple or local ISP issue. When I follow up- Apple and ISP state this is a verizon issue. Feeling trapped in the middle with no reliable means for wi-fi calling. Verizon- please help us!! Hi- Is there a fix that can be posted? I’m still awaiting an answer. Still dropping calls everyday Thank you for getting back to us today. Reliable service is a must and we want to help as much as we can. When did this issue start? Have you had any other issues when using Wifi? RogelioZ_VZW I can understand the frustrations you're having Scotkahan and I'm sorry there hasn't been a fix for this yet. During all of your interactions with tech support did we submit a ticket for your specific issue? What information were you told after all the troubleshooting was completed? Did we advise the issue could not be fixed at this time? Send us a private message so that we may gain access to your account to view all of the notes and steps that have been taken so far to help with your issue. KinquanaH_VZW Hi- this issue has been going on as long as I’ve had WiFi calling. It works until it it doesn’t. No rhyme or reason as to what causes WiFi calling to go away. The connection to WiFi remains uninterrupted.
The secret to editing the work is simple: you need to become its reader instead of its writer. – Zadie Smith The Heart Of Content Whether you are editing material supplied by the client or by other writers, or your own copy, think like the reader. The most important consideration in an article is the reader’s persona, his current perception and the new perception that the article is going to build. You must keep in mind as to how the reader will benefit from the information provided in the article. Reader’s persona Every article should have a well-defined persona it should target or cater to. Identify the ideal audience of the article and make sure that the content caters to the reader’s persona. The Problem A good article always tries to solve the problem a particular reader has before it ends. Make sure that the problem is defined and emphasized right in the beginning so that the reader is aware about the content covered in the article. Current Perception The reader has a problem and he might be looking for a solution but this solution might or might not be something he imagined beforehand. He might be aware of a different solution that might have solved the problem (probably not in the most optimal manner possible). Or he might be having a negative/neutral outlook towards the proposed solution which might give him zero incentive to implement it. Make sure that the content is structured in a way which shows that the current perception has been figured and accordingly, the solutions are provided in the article to encourage the target persona to implement it. Renewed Perception Make sure that the renewed perception of your reader and the positive outlook is mentioned at the end of the article. The possible solution to the reader’s problem AND the incentive to adopt this proposed solution should be mentioned in the conclusion. While editing a written piece of work, keep the above in mind. Use the following editing checklist and aim to: - Achieve Maximum Clarity - Remove Repetition | Fillers Are A No-No - Get The Facts Right - Avoid The Jargon - Perfect The Spelling - Check The Punctuation - Make Sure That The Tone Is Conversational - Focus On Structure - Be Consistent While Formatting Editing Checklist #1 – Achieve Maximum Clarity - Break long sentences into two or more sentences to keep them short. For example – Now the product that gets created based on the inventor’s idea is revolutionary and it reaches the public domain without any IP protection, which is under the threat of fast followers as the companies out there who have resources and capital are always on a look for products which they can easily copy and sell for a lower cost. (Too long – 59 words) Change to –. (Broken into 4 sentences – 13, 10, 7, 26 words respectively) - Understand the topic. If the message can be potentially misinterpreted, change it. - Use contractions as they help to make the article more reader-friendly.For example – It is possible that you might not have a budget to pursue all the inventions for IP protection. Change to – It’s possible that you might not have a budget to pursue all the inventions for IP protection. - Change the passive voice to active voice. Sentences written in an active voice flow better and are easier to understand, whereas sentences using a passive voice are often harder to understand. For example – Better decisions have been taken by winners by establishing a set of tools and criteria to make the right call. (passive) Change to – Winners take better decisions by establishing a set of tools and criteria to make the right call. (active) Editing Checklist #2 – Be Succinct! | Fillers Are A No-No - Eliminate all padding and be prepared to add material. Be careful of plagiarism, which is a strict no. - Fillers tend to make the article monotonous and the reader loses interest. For example – There are lots of better, more interesting ways to start sentences. Change to – Begin your sentences in an interesting way. - Remove the redundant expressions. For example – It is absolutely essential to clarify the technical terms. Change to – It is essential to clarify the technical terms. - Do away with the fluff, be as succinct as possible. For example – The Triangle IP Innovation Capture Tool (“TIP Tool”) is a tool which helps the inventors with the patent mining process. It is an intuitive drag-and-drop tool to take control of your patent capture process. Change to – The Triangle IP Innovation Capture Tool (“TIP Tool”) is an intuitive drag-and-drop tool to take control of your patent mining and capture process. - Get rid of the adverb and replace the expression with a stronger verb or adjective, as the case maybe. For example – The layout of the website looks very beautiful. Change to – The layout of the website looks gorgeous. Editing Checklist #3 – Get The Facts Right - Make sure that the material is accurate. - Do your own research to verify the information in the article. - In a product review article, make sure the user is able to understand the products based on product usability. - For informational articles, make sure the user is able to implement the advice practically. - In case of any citations: - Make sure that the source is legitimate. For example – Wikipedia is not a legitimate source of information as most of the Wikipedia pages can be edited by anyone. It’s difficult to verify the correctness of the information on Wikipedia. - Change the citation to the original source instead of the source where the original source is quoted. For example – If there are some statistics regarding patents which have been published by WIPO and are available on another website. While using the statistics, the link to the WIPO website should be cited instead of the other website. - Make sure the images/videos/media used are royalty free and accompanied with the source. The image/video/media should come after the content. Editing Checklist #4 – Avoid The Jargon - If the jargon is necessary, add a description of the technical terms for a layman’s comprehension. For example – If your audience is not from a technical background, then explain words such as Patent – It is an exclusive right granted for an invention. - In case of any abbreviations, add the full form at the first instance. For example – WIPO (World Intellectual Property Organization) provides IP (Intellectual Property) services that encourage individuals and businesses to innovate. - Replace the complex word with the simple ones, where possible. For example – Before filing a patent, a prior art search is necessary. Change to – Before filing a patent, finding out if your invention is novel is necessary. Editing Checklist #5 – Perfect The Spelling - Use the spell checker as back-up but don’t solely rely on it. - Be sure of using the same accent throughout the article i.e. either UK English or US English depending on your audience. For example – UK English – Organisation or Favour US English – Organization or Favor - Be careful with the usage of the homophones. For example – This is a checklist for editing a written peace of work. (peace is wrong in the context) Correction – This is a checklist for editing a written piece of work. Editing Checklist #6 – Check The Punctuation - Unnecessary punctuation can kill the flow of the entire article. Use the punctuation only where necessary and helps give clarity to the readers. - In case of too many commas in a sentence, add a full stop and make it short. (See the first example under #1.) - Just keep it simple and be careful with the colons, apostrophes and commas. For example – when used as a descriptor, the word ‘which’ takes a comma. But the word ‘that’ doesn’t. - Use tools like grammarly, which is a digital writing assistance tool. Editing Checklist #7 – Make Sure That The Tone Is Conversational - Conversations are more enjoyable than lectures. While editing make sure that the tone is conversational with the target persona. - Make sure that the tone and flow of the article is relatable for the target persona. - Change the negative sentences to the positive ones. For example – Do not use complex words. Change to – Avoid using complex words. - Change the strong negative words in the article. For example – A complex invention disclosure form is every inventor’s nightmare. Change to – Inventors don’t like to fill complex invention disclosure forms. Editing Checklist #8 – Focus On Structure: - The article should have a proper structure. Make sure the intent for the topic of the target audience is described at the beginning. - In most cases, where possible, follow the structure – Introduction with context setting -> Problem -> Solution -> Conclusion with a Call to Action (CTA). For example – In an article titled ‘Protect Your IP Before Your Co-Founder Leaves Your Startup’, you start by giving context as to how a co-founder is also an employee privy to confidential information. The problem part will include the consequences of a co-founder leaving the startup and how they can take the IP with them. The solution part will provide tips like assigning the IP to the company rather than co-founders, employment agreements, NDAs etc. Finally the conclusion will summarise and help understand the reader how the simple solutions can help them avoid any complicated situations when their co-founder leaves the startup. - There should be a proper flow and the article should not go back and forth on the information it is providing. Make sure that the content relating to a particular sub-heading is all under it instead of the content being scattered under various sub-headings. - Keep your paragraphs short. - Modify the sub-headings if they do not clearly give the gist of the content. Editing Checklist #9 – Be Consistent While Formatting: - The formatting should be consistent throughout the article. - Capitalise each word for the headings and subheadings. For example – Be consistent with formatting. Change to – Be Consistent With Formatting. - Check the alignment of the text. Keep it left aligned for headings and justified for the main text. - Make sure that the same font is used throughout the article. - In a listicle, make sure the bullets and/or the numbering format is consistent. - Make sure that the main title is formatted as heading 1, main headings are formatted as heading 2, subheadings as heading 3 and the rest of the article as normal text. - Check the line spacing and paragraph spacing. Pro Tip: If you are editing your own work, get some time away from the article before you start editing. Hope this editing checklist would be really handy for you to curating effective content! Do you want to revisit your content strategy based on how Marcus did it? If you wish to read more goodness, subscribe to our newsletter. We send value to your inbox only once in 15 days. Meanwhile, Explore the plethora of resources to help you out your business!
With unrivalled global expertise in the commercial and project management of capital programmes, Turner &Townsend has established impressive footprints across Africa with the latest foothold being in Kenya Since setting foot in South Africa 34 years ago, Turner &Townsend has continued to spread its wings across Africa in its quest to become a truly Pan African entity. Formerly specialised in quantity surveying, the firm has evolved over the 70 years it has been in business and focuses on the property, infrastructure and natural resource markets in particular. Today, Turner &Townsend’s extend from programme strategy and set-up among others. International yet localised A global business yet able to resonate well with local demands, Turner &Townsend has a clear goal in its Africa growth strategy. Originating from the United Kingdom, the firm first entered South Africa in 1982 where it has been operating for several years. The consultancy has eight offices across Southern and Eastern Africa. Mid 2016, the firm opened its second East Africa office in Nairobi keen to tap the wider East African market further. As country director Daimon Keith explains, the Kenyan office allows the firm to enhance its growth and serve its global client base within Kenya and surrounding countries. “The decision to set up a base in Kenya was informed by the fact that the country is the largest economy in East Africa and so it is important that we have a base here if we want to grow our presence across the East Africa region,” offers Mr Keith. At present, Turner and Townsend is involved in over 40 projects in East and West Africa alone and at various development stages depicting its desire to operate Africa wide. However, the firm will continue to operate in South Africa where its African head office is situated. .” In Kenya, Mr Keith says Turner & Townsend will be seeking to not only serve their global clients better but also to introduce new services and develop skill sets in the region. “The Kenyan market is an interesting area for us considering the massive infrastructure projects going on in the country. We bank on our international expertise and technical know-how to thrive,” says Mr Keith. Kenya Vision 2030 ambitions With Kenya’s vision 2030 ambitions to create massive infrastructure projects already in place and a gazetted public private partnership (PPP) framework, Mr Keith is confidence that their strong skill set will come in handy to carry out such projects. He says the lack of liquidity in certain countries in Africa makes public private partnership an attractive model. “This is an area we can really add value as we have immense experience playing a technical advisory role PPP projects. Our solid knowledge on the local market, the supply chain and how they procure along with the relevant local and international benchmarks will also allow us to add value to any owner’s team on capital projects. Giving Turner and Townsend a major advantage is their ability to get involved at any stage of a project lifecycle be it feasibility, project set-up, or project delivery. Another facet that makes Turner &Townsend stand out from the crowd is quality. “The reason why we have repeat business and strong client relationships globally is that we are noted for the quality and consistency we deliver,” he explains. As part of the company’s diversification and expansion plan, Turner &Townsend are also engaged in affordable housing in Kenya which as a county has a dire need for housing in the wake of a bursting population fuelled by rural-urban migration. In this front, Keith says that they will be seeking to lift the standards by deploying professionalism and consistency to deliver results. Keen to continue the excellent work that has defined the global firm’s history, the company has already employed 10, key people over the last few months of operation in Kenya. “We understand that our strength will mainly lie on the satisfaction of our clients so we are investing in high calibre employees to achieve that.” Keith understands that to flourish in their work, employing best-in-breed IT solutions is important. This, he says, will not only ensure timely delivery of projects but also within agreed budget. While Turner &Townsend is a business with commercial interest, Keith says that the firm is also conscious of giving back to society. “We don’t want to be a company that only focuses on financial gain. We aim to positively impact the society and CSR is part of it.” In this regard, the firm recently has provided support to organizations in Africa that help communities fight Cancer,HIV/AIDS andunemployment, as well as selected organisations that aim to improve child education in impoverished communities. Commenting on the future, Keith says: “We are confident on the huge potential and opportunities in Africa. In Kenya we will be looking to expand our capabilities to a wider client base, and I see us being involved more and more in commercial projects, will feature more and more alongside great work we are doing in the residential sector in Kenya.” About Daimon Keith A chartered surveyor and member of the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors with considerable global experience, Daimon Keith has been responsible for leading the rail sector in the UK for Turner & Townsend. He has delivered major infrastructure programmes for business like Network Rail, Transport for London among others. More recently he has taken up the Country Manager Kenya role where he is accountable for all Turner & Townsend’s activity within Kenya.
SARS-CoV-2 Is Behaving Like a Textbook Virus The constant drumbeat of ‘we do not know that yet’ is tiring (This is pulled and lightly edited from my Oct. 12 Twitter thread.) This virus is not happening in a vacuum where no information existed previously on immunity, on testing, on serology, on transmission, on masks, on treatments. We must stop this narrative that we know nothing of this virus until we learn it anew — again..” Transmission We knew that this was a transmissible respiratory virus, yet when the virus began transmitting internationally, we said we weren’t sure if it would become global. Of course it would when, after a few weeks, it had already transmitted to many countries in Asia and the Middle East. We knew this is a respiratory virus, and yet we said we didn’t have enough information to know if masks help or hinder. This was always ridiculous. Yes, there were reasons (i.e., conserving PPE), but stating that we didn’t know enough shouldn’t have happened. The lasting effects of that early messaging error persist today with an active anti-mask community. Immunity We know much about viral immunology. When antibodies started to be observed to wane, we said this is an otherworldly virus and thought we must learn everything about it anew. But that’s not so. It serves as a textbook example of immunity to an acute respiratory virus. Antibodies go high with primary infection and wane quickly. We know this. Yet it led to massive confusion and concern. People like Akiko Iwasaki luckily chimed in to remind us that this is normal, and New York Times journalist Apoorva Mandavilli wrote a nice article about it. Knowledge of immunity is accelerating because of this virus, yes. The important point is that this virus is not in isolation. It fits in most ways what we expect and know already. We don’t need entirely new empirical immunological evidence for every assertion. Testing and transmissible virus We’ve seen major confusion about PCR, the role of Ct values, the limitations of PCR and antigen tests, and whether tests can help understand the infection status of people. Over and over, people say we don’t yet know enough to know about how to use Ct values to help determine transmissibility. But we do! We know so much and have known so much, i.e., we know that low Ct values mean someone is likely transmissible. We know that high Ct values are most likely to mean low viral loads. At the very least on this front, we can use a low Ct value to say “this person definitely has a high viral load” because a bad swab isn’t going to add virus to the test. The other direction is not as clear. But at this particular point, that low Ct means high viral load need not be in question. When we began to focus on the use of rapid tests, people said we don’t know enough. Rapid tests might miss everyone on the front end of an infection if they aren’t as sensitive as PCR. But we know how viruses like this grow. Did we know the precise kinetics… no. But we know viruses like this grow exponentially once they take off and become PCR detectable. And we know that they slow down and get cleared. The earliest empirical data showed that the RNA gets cleared after many weeks or months even, and the earliest epidemiological data showed that people were largely transmitting virus for (in general) a maximum of about 10 days. So, we don’t need all of the empirical evidence to have a very good idea of viral trajectories and how Ct values correlate with transmissibility. We combined data sets and used statistical methods to do this with precision many months before the full kinetics curves started to become available. Now that the empirical data is becoming available, it is proving to be in very strong agreement. Science and mathematical methods combined with understanding first principles of virus replication and transmission allowed us to do this. It’s great to have the empirical data, but we didn’t need to learn it all over anew to start making decisions. Still today, too many people continue to say we don’t have enough data to make informed decisions. This is just not true. Seasonality This is the last point. I recognize we haven’t been with this virus for a full year and it’s not endemic, so it’s hard to know if it’s seasonal. But we know so much about it already from its closest neighbors. It was reasonable to make the leap many months ago that it is most likely seasonal — and we should have planned for it. Largely, we did not, and once again our policy leaders are being taken off guard as a major upswing in cases is precisely what we are now seeing. These leaps in these areas aren’t guesses. They are part assumptions, but it’s clear-cut, scientifically defined aspects of viruses like this that enable us to combine complex concepts/data and develop pictures of a virus like this before all of the empirical data exists. When we can obtain the empirical data, great. But by going back to first principles and the basics about viral replication, cell biology, immunity, transmission, droplets, pandemic spread, etc., we often can infer a tremendous amount despite highly incomplete SARS-CoV-2 specific data. To sum it all up, I hope that in this pandemic, when the pace of necessary forward movement outstrips the pace of data collection, we can recognize how much we already know. I am still looking for major aspects of this virus that do not fit the textbook. But they arise only very rarely. Most of the major pieces really do fit the textbook.
Oil and Gas Oil and Gas | Basin Analysis Geochemistry and Petroleum System Modelling No events scheduled This course teaches how to use geochemistry in the evaluation of exploration plays and prospects. The key elements to be discussed are the recognition and characterisation of source rocks, 1D and 3D thermal modelling, prediction of petroleum properties, correlation of oils and gases and genesis of biogenic gas deposits. Participants will be better prepared to assess charge risk, source rock effectiveness/ultimate generative potential and predict fluid phase in un-drilled prospects. These parameters are crucial to prospect ranking and decision making in exploration. Feedback Duration and Training Method This is a classroom course. The ratio of lecture to computer time is approximately 70/30 and consists of a series of lectures interspersed with practical exercises and case studies. Course Overview Learning Outcomes Participants will learn how to: -. Course Content This course will teach exploration staff and others how to use the various items in the geochemistry toolbox to evaluate play fairways and individual prospects. The key elements to be discussed will be: - Recognition and evaluation of source rocks - 1D and 3D modelling principles and practices - Uncertainties when estimating (1) timing of petroleum generation, (2) expelled products, (3) volumes of oil and gas and (4) prospect charging - Prediction of petroleum properties - Correlation of oils and gases - Genesis of biogenic gas accumulations 1. Introduction 2. 1D basin modelling - Generation and expulsion processes and kinetics - TOC - Rock-Eval parameters: S1, S2, HI, Tmax etc. - Pyrolysis GC - Reconstructing burial history - Source rock parameters 3. 3D basin modelling - Principles of primary and secondary migration - Integration into basin models - Phase effects during migration 4. Petroleum properties and correlation - Oil properties and alteration: controls of GOR, API, S content, viscosity etc. - Oil correlation: gas chromatography, gas chromatography-mass spectrometry, stable isotopes - Determining source and maturity of natural gas - Alteration processes 5. Biogenic gas accumulation - Methanogenic archaea and how they work - Primary biogenic gases - Secondary biogenic gases - Gas hydrate deposits Who Should Attend and Prerequisites Exploration and Development/Production Geoscientists of any experience who come into contact with geochemistry or basin modelling during their work. Reservoir engineers looking to broaden their understanding of the origin and properties of fluids could also benefit from attendance on this course. Instructors Chris Clayton Background Chris joined the BP Research Centre in 1982 where he somehow became an organic geochemist. During this time he researched among other things, isotopic behaviour in the petroleum system, kerogen formation processes, biogenic gas generation and controls of petroleum seepage. Chris left BP at the end of 1992 and has since worked as an independent consultant in geochemistry and basin modelling to the petroleum, minerals and groundwater industries. He now lives in the middle of nowhere in the heart of the English countryside near Worcester. Affiliations and Accreditation PhD King’s College London and the Institute of Geological Sciences Isotope Geology Unit, Silica Diagenesis jointly with Chert Formation BSc Imperial College, University of London- Geology Courses Taught N084: Petroleum Generation & Migration N010: Petroleum Geochemistry & Basin Modelling
I am sitting behind the steering wheel of my Toyota highlander, sweat dripping down the flacid skin of my shrinking milk boobs, the air conditioner humming and the digital clock reads 2:27, temperature 91 degree Fahrenheit. I am watching the clock as my two free hours are ticking slowly away and soon I return to the all consuming wonder and tedium of mothering my one year old daughter. The murder of George Floyd and the unleashing of COVID 19 cracked through the center of our shallow and fragile American social and economic “system.” (System feels likes to strong a word to describe the chaotic, dysfunctional patchwork of bureaucratic, underfunded programs that we call a “social safety net.”) The myth of American exceptionalism died with the portable morgues, macabrely repurposed grocery trucks, on the streets of New York. George called out for his mother, urinated on himself and uttered what has become a refrain of Black men as they are lynched by the police, “I can’t breathe.” Nonprofits and think tanks and corporations are all marketing their commitment to black lives. White folks are showing up, getting “woke,” scribbling idealistic sentiments on pieces of worn out card board and promising to do better. This is all happening and the weeks and months unfold, time stretches out for an eternity in front of us obliterating the distinctions between a Tuesday and Sunday, between 10:00am and 3:00pm. We are unequally crushed by the falling of the giant and nonsense of daily Zoom meetings. Together, we watch the monolithic death tolls tick slowly upward as we sip coffee. The number is incomprehensibly large and monochromatic. The number represents bodies, lives, souls, disproportionately black and brown and poor. The number ticking upward doesn’t remind us of that. It just keeps growing. There is a refrain that is hopeful in times of disaster. As things fall apart, we remind ourselves that we must build new systems, give life to new inclusive and equitable ideas. There is no going back to the way things were (who the hell would want that anyways?), only opportunity to build from the rubble. I wonder about this idea constantly, about hope and the prospect of building things anew, about this dull and tedious moment swollen with possibility. My delicate hope has a darker underside. I am skeptical about the attention span of us white folks and our ability to care in ways that have any sort of cost. So much of white, middle class progressive culture, of the yard signs and bummer sticker on hybrid cars, seeks to create an image of wokeness and equality that appeals to our political and moral sensibilities, but does so little to engage in any sustained effort to create a more just world for black and brown children. We start book clubs and listen podcasts. We show up and post photos from the protest on the internet, and the headlines fade and our calendars fill with Zoom meetings and socially distant play dates. It’s August and the malaise, the sameness, the distance has set in again. I am writing this, because this is who I am. This getting swept up in the inertia of daily living happens to me and it scares me, the way the time fills, the way the memory of the video fades, my engagement becomes more selective and conditional, the way I (and we) preserve the sameness. I am bargaining with myself as I drive to the protest the city manager’s house. The desire to break through the sameness, to build the new system, paralyzed by the neurotic pull of my own white, middle class sensibilities. Will there is social distancing at the protest? I’m so tired. I have been chasing my toddler around the park, trying to pry micro plastic pieces of trash from her curious grip, for what feels like eternity. Isn’t that enough for a day? Can I protect the vulnerable who live in my house while still supporting the movement? I’m not sure. It’s just too damn hot and too risky. I don’t like the organizers of our local Black Lives Matter chapter. I don’t like pink pussy hats. I’ll go to the die in, but only stay for an hour. I have to be home by bed time. This is what it feels like inside of my white, middle class mom brain– a privileged and slightly neurotic thought cycle animated by a deep sense of shame that is baked into my DNA. I have shown up to 3 protests since the video of George. I stayed mostly in the back, tucked away from the crowds listening to AA meetings over Zoom as I marched down empty streets. I feel at times an overwhelming sense of guilt (white guilt) for not doing more. I feel defensive and want to create a billboard or maybe a cardboard sign listing all my social justice credentials, so I can feel like one of the “good white folks.” Not those other white folks—the bad ones who never know how to say the right thing at the right time. Not the the 53% of white women who voted for Trump. Because I know, in my core, that people like me, the progressive, white, liberal folks, are the reason why the system is the way it is. We are why things have been the same for so long. A question we don’t ask enough is: Are we serious this time? Or will we continue to ask black and brown bodies to pay the cost for our conditional engagement, our fleeting attention spans, our lack of willingness to give anything that has an actual cost? How often do we have these sorts of polite conversations where we understand, rationalize and defend our own conditional engagement to each other, because we are all overwhelmed with Zoom meetings and juggling childcare right now? We white folks want it to have it both ways—to stay safe and to engage in change when it’s convenient for us. It’s the cowardly and invisible force, a virus of a different sort, that keeps the black and brown children over there, across the street, and our kids over here, in the bubble where they are “safe” and can learn French and get into a good college. Some of this, I hope, is starting to shift THIS time, but I struggle more and more to believe this. Because we can’t deny that for whatever reason, this time a Black man was lynched and everyone seems to care. For me, it’s shifting in ways I am still trying to understand. It’s a shift that started before George and COVID and is now shaped by both. For me, the way I care about children, my child and other people’s children, has changed on a spiritual, political and cellular level since giving birth on June 5, 2019. Primary caregivers of infants have an enlarged amygdala that constantly scans the environment looking for threats. There is a momma bear that lives inside me and will murder you if I perceive you as a threat to my child. And this momma bear wants to protect other people’s children too. I read a headline about a 5 year old drowning and something primal grumbles in my stomach. I can feel a small fraction of the wild, animalistic sadness and grief that mother feels leaving a memorial day barbecue without her baby. The sense of connection I feel to that pain scares me, because now I can imagine it in a new way. This same primal urge grumbles when I think about all those kids shut in right now, shut in their homes with alcoholic fathers, mentally ill mothers, without anyone there to pull back the curtain and say “are you OK?” These thoughts and feelings are scary and I decide to push down the beast with an episode of the “Tiger King” on Netflix. This seems to be a superpower that Mom’s possess, a primal urge that emerges when you are a caregiver for a baby. Yet, it also feels like an evolutionary double edged sword. On the one hand, the pain of other mother’s ignites within us a powerful compassion and connection that we can chose to embrace. On the other hand, we are always overly concerned with the well being of our own children, scanning the environment for threats, stuffing plastic into outlets, buying too much shit on Amazon and propping up all the systems that keep black and brown kids out of “good” white schools. Our minds create a sense of scarcity, we fear for our children’s future, so we horde the opportunities and resources to make sure our own white children are safe and protected and enrolled in a sufficient number of extra curricular activities and speciality high school programs. Our constant preoccupation with our own children feels like a biological necessity, a hardwiring that comes from our reptilian past and innate “thing” that we Momma bears just do, because it’s what we do. Yet, our obsession with our own children costs other people’s children so much. We till the soil for our own, black out our social media for one day to show the world that we think black lives matter and through our own inaction we become segregations constant gardeners. How do we acknowledge this complicity, to each other and other white folks? How do we, white women, white mothers, change the tide? How do we push back against ourselves, against each other? How do we override these the tides of history that is written on our bodies, baked into our DNA? The antidote to the malaise, to conditional engagement, to the forgetting about black people’s pain, to the opportunity hoarding, requires us white folks to build a different culture and conversation around our relationship to our own Whiteness. The bedrock of this new, albeit fledgling, white culture has to be cultivating the emotional and spiritual ability to tolerate discomfort. It will require a restructuring of our white DNA. It also has to include ways we, white folks, hold each other accountable to sustaining our caring and engaging in actions that actually create change. How real and honest will we be with each other, with our white, liberal, friend and colleagues? How do we build a different white culture together? My daughter is one year old. I know someday I will have a conversation with her about the year 2020. What will I tell her about this moment? What will I tell her about us, white folks, about what we did and didn’t do when so many lost so much? This post was super inspired by this podcast and this talk.
Better Sleep, Better Immunity I was always fascinated by the conventional wisdom and personal experience that sleep helps fight infections. And isn’t it interesting that, on the other hand, not sleeping enough makes us more susceptible to get infected? There is something happening during sleep that makes the immune system stronger or more successful in the fight against viruses and other pathogens. HOW SLEEP POSITIVELY IMPACTS IMMUNITY The many animal studies that have been done over the past decades have clearly shown that sleep helps an animal survive an infection. In humans, the chances of getting infected with respiratory viruses, for example, are much higher in those with short sleep (generally less than 6 hours per night) or those who suffer from insomnia. Short sleep or not sleeping at all for just one night also leads to lower antibody responses to vaccination, for example, against the flu. In some people, the antibody response is so low that they are not sufficiently protected against the virus anymore. To keep in mind, both good sleep before and after a vaccination help to develop a strong antibody response against pathogens. There are different ways sleep can support immunity. One way is that sleep protects against the development of low-grade inflammation. If inflammatory markers increase in the body, as has been seen with short or disturbed sleep, various immune cells are much less sufficient in fighting viruses and other pathogens. There are also many hormones—such as cortisol, melatonin or epinephrine—that can suppress or promote inflammation. The secretion of these hormones can be circadian or sleep-dependent, so that is another way sleep can affect pathogen defense. There is also recent evidence that sleep promotes optimal functioning of T cells. T cells are a type of white blood cell that are key to the immune system. If the person is sleep deprived, T cells have difficulties attaching to virus-infected cells and consequently, cannot destroy them as they should. STUDYING SLEEP & THE IMMUNE SYSTEM Generally, researchers experimentally manipulate the amount of sleep, by completely sleep depriving animals or human participants or reducing the amount of sleep, most often to 4 hours of sleep per night over one or more nights. This can be done (and has been done) prior to and/or after exposure to a virus or vaccine to study how sleep-deprived cells respond to such a challenge. In addition to studying immune responses, we also look at the development of classical sickness symptoms—such as fatigue or body pain—when sleep deprived. Another important topic is recovery. There are more and more data suggesting that recovery of biological processes from insufficient sleep can take longer. There are also now methodologies by which deep or slow wave sleep can be intensified through acoustic stimulation. Slow wave sleep is thought to be the sleep stage that is most critical for the immune supportive actions of sleep. This all aims to narrow in on the connection between sleep and immunity. Because of COVID-19, 2021 will likely continue to be a year with high infection risk but also a year in which millions of people will get vaccinated. While there is not a lot of data yet specifically on sleep and COVID-19 infections, it is most likely that getting sufficient sleep around the time of infection can reduce the severity of the infection and promote a successful recovery. And in the case of vaccination, sufficient sleep will most likely increase clinical protection status, as we have seen with other vaccinations. I think an important question is also the role of sleep in those individuals who do not recover from the infection. For those who continue to suffer from fatigue, body pain, headache and other sickness symptoms long after the virus is under control, I would be interested to see data on sleep in these long-haulers. Perhaps sleep interventions could potentially help recover from these symptoms more quickly. TAKE ACTION I hope people see that they can take control over their own immune health by changing their behavior; by making more time for sleep so the immune system can function at its best. For the average adult, this means 7 or more hours of undisturbed sleep per night, best with regular bed and wake times. I actually think that many people know that already, but don’t do it because behavioral changes are generally difficult to make and to maintain. Let’s choose to better our sleep to better our immunity. ………………………………………………. Monika Haack, PhD is an Associate Professor of Neurology at Harvard Medical School Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center who has been working in the field of sleep medicine & research for 18 years.
Hard News: Vision and dumbassery 532 Responses First ←Older Page 1 … 3 4 5 6 7 … 22 Newer→ Last Paul, knowing that NZ is part of 5 eyes says nothing about its capacity and what it is doing - that is exactly why we need the documents and evidence. Snowden says there is a button. Great. A button. If someone had asked (and I hope one of you Journos has the chance to ask him!) 'did you conduct a search and gather results that you know came from NZs own systems' ..plus a follow up 'how do you know it came from NZ?'- and he says gives a credible detailed answer, then we are somewhere. But he hasn't done that. He has said there is a button. We need more than this. I hope someone asks those questions. Else it all seems rather empty to me. Alternatively, if Key caves in without more evidence than 'Snowden says there is a button' then great. Because that would simultaneously get rid of him and prove that hes dumber than we think. I hope they raid the National Pary HQ with full swat teams to bring the dangerous criminals to justice - Too funny for words really - A new definition of "stoopid". Russ, I hope you're checking the IP addresses on these new users that have suddenly appeared... “I’m pretty certain that innocent people had or have nothing to worry about.” Would you feel the same way if it were the Police vaccuming up data about your every communication and movement instead of our top-secret behind-closed-doors security agency whose only oversight is the [cough] Prime Minister? How about if it extended, for instance, to real-time monitoring of GPS data in everyone's cars? We wouldn't even need all those pesky revenue-gathering speed cameras, because all those people breaking the law would be fined the moment they slipped over the limit. A net saving for all, except those evil law-breakers! Sofie Bribiesca, in reply to I was wondering myself, I'd vouch for Spart tho', probably a lurker as he has known of PAS for ages innit. Doubt he'd share his Pseudonym. Plus good to read he's loud and clear as usual. :) Well there was a Q/A time for the press at the end - that would have been a great question to ask. Snowden had previously released a whole bunch of documents about xkeyscore and how it worked and what its capabilities were, he had already explained that in order to meet various legal strictures there were filters in place that allowed various intelligence agencies to operate under their local laws .... I don't think it's inconsistent with what he's previously said that there's a NZ check box up there with the US, UK, Aussie and Canadian ones - it's not like he's suddenly said this is a thing Russell Brown, in reply to Snowden says there is a button. Great. A button. If someone had asked (and I hope one of you Journos has the chance to ask him!) ‘did you conduct a search and gather results that you know came from NZs own systems’ ..plus a follow up ‘how do you know it came from NZ?’- and he says gives a credible detailed answer, then we are somewhere. But he hasn’t done that. He has said there is a button. We need more than this. I can’t be bothered transcribing the video right now, but if you read Snowden’s Intercept article, recommend and linked to in my original post, he says this:. He’s said a hell of a lot more than “there is a button”. Well it is a thing in that Key can say that the system isn't, or wasn't, wired in. Which, if I understand it correctly, is what he is saying. So we have nothing else to hang him with. Without some more facts and stronger evidence I think the convinced will remain convinced. Don't think the rest of them will buy it tho and I think they are the ones we need to reach.... "Communications of NZers"..not communications collected by NZ...there is a big difference....this info could have been collected by other systems and collected about NZers in or outside of NZ. The dots are not yet joined.... Russell Brown, in reply to “Communications of NZers”..not communications collected by NZ…there is a big difference….this info could have been collected by other systems and collected about NZers in or outside of NZ. The dots are not yet joined…. There’s other evidence than Snowden’s claim for saying that X-Keyscore is shared with the GCSB. Note the pic in this comment, which comes from this 2008 NSA presentation. In the larger version, the X-KeyScore location seems to be Waihopai. And he doesn't say "other systems", he says X-Keyscore. You just seem to be splitting hairs now. I don’t see how you can credit his other revelations around the same technologies and exclude this one. Useful list of some things Snowden has been right about, from today's Angela Vance interview with Greenwald: Documents released by Snowden last year revealed that the NSA intercepted the mobile phone calls of German Chancellor Angela Merkel. Australia became embroiled in a massive diplomatic row when it emerged it snooped on Indonesia president Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, his wife Kristiani Herawati and government officials. The files also blew open covert interception points at Australian embassies and diplomatic posts across Asia, going as far back as 2007. And there was this today. NSA penetration of german Telekom’s network. i'm not splitting hairs, I'm asking questions that anyone should ask and they are legitimate questions - questions that should be put to Snowden and Greenwald since they are the only ones that seems to actually have the evidence and what they have produced so far (about NZ gathering data) is weak. As I said to Paul, its not the converted that need to be convinced. Its the hoards out there that are not buying it, and for them it doesn't make sense, doesn't appear concrete, and feels like hearsay. I will go back and look at this 2008 presentation, thanks for this link. I can't comment on it because I don't know this slide but will check it out. ? Not what? Craig Ranapia, in reply to f the Swedish prosecutors simply want to interview him then please tell what’s wrong with any fucking room in London to conduct that interview?. AndrewH: I really suggest you go do some homework, because that’s a serious misrepresentation of Swedish law and legal procedure. But a misconception Assage is perfectly happy to encourage. As for your claim of “dubious mechanations within the Swedish legal system"… well, it’s funny how Assange’s repeated attempts to overturn the warrant both in England and Sweden have failed. Please keep trying to paint Assange as the real victim here, but it’s a shame nobody seems willing to point out that his refusal to go to Sweden and face the music actually affects two women whose day in court has been denied. And this... You know what’s making my bullshit alarm ring, Craig? The dog-whistling that because Assange is accused of a crime, giving him airtime to speak on something totally unrelated is equivalent to endorsing his character. Because it isn’t Craig. Oh, nonsense. I've said what I have to say on the subject loud, clear and at a frequency non-canines can hear perfectly well and there's no point repeating it. Politicians and political movements tend to get judged by the company they keep, and like Russell I found it rather distubing the way Haare misrepresented Assange's circumstances. If anyone’s interested, I just uploaded a copy of the Slater/Blomfield judgement to the Privacy thread. izogi had asked there about whether Dirty Politics had been part of the considerations. It wasn’t: . Seems like the company suing the nats is a patent troll. I'm torn! On the one hand... Hilarious! On the other hand... Patent trolls are the worst. Either way, national are going to lose that battle. The dots are not yet joined…. So NZ is a 5 Eyes partner but doesn't contribute data on NZ citizens or use data on NZ citizens provided by the other partners to spy on its own citizens by proxy. And the other countries happily go along with this because the input of the spy agencies of this country with half the population of New York is just so damn valuable. If you believe that then perhaps I could interest you in this fine bridge I happen to have for sale. It's simply not plausible. Thanks Stephen, I can accept the concerns around avoiding triggering material, and although I don't particularly agree with what seems to be the general consensus around Assange, I've no wish to continue the argument. OTOH, if those are the ground rules, then I suggest Craig avoids rocking that particular snark. That Dotcom is tone deaf to NZ sensibilities is a truism I would've thought. The shit about Assange's paranoia etc is over the line. Sofie Bribiesca, in reply to Oh ffs if you have a tune that works for what now seems like everyone , they are perfectly entitled to protect it and if you gotta deal with the whole world, there will be several times it occurs. Lil' old NZ Govt has stolen it and has said coincidence meant they changed it, and now Joyce says they removed it and now it's all about some money. Piss off.The National supporters are out in force tonight. Worried are we? My memory of the Julian Assange case is that the accusers were two women who worked in his office, were willing sexual partners, but requested the use of a condom, and Julian did not respect this request. So assault of a sort.. but i would not call this rape. Isn't XKeyscore basically the search interface, not the collection one? I believe that's what people here are saying. Being able to filter a search doesn't prove where the content was collected. I personally believe at least some of it was collected here, but that's not enough to nail the slippery Key when he claims it's just from targeted not mass 'surveillance' (which in spy circles means content spying not metadata spying, we're told). We need someone really sharp on these things to sit him down and keep at him until they get past the deliberate evasiveness and lying. Seems like the company suing the nats is a patent troll. I’m torn! On the one hand… Hilarious! On the other hand… Patent trolls are the worst. Either way, national are going to lose that battle. That's not patent trolling. That's copyright enforcement by the publisher. Patent trolling is acquiring patents and then suing people you claim are infringing those patents in order to generate a revenue stream. Big difference. Isn’t XKeyscore basically the search interface, not the collection one? I believe that’s what Mr Spart is saying. Being able to filter a search doesn’t prove where the content was collected. You can't filter what's not there. When Snowden explained it last night, it was pretty clear that he, as an analyst, expected to get into all of his target's email etc using XKEYSCORE. And while I'm at it. People are innocent until proven guilty. If someone out of all the places on Earth can't go and interview Assange, that is their shit. Allegations are not being pursued and for why? No excuses are acceptable. But I will give that man the benefit of doubt especially because shitloads of other authorities aren't bothered to travel to talk to him. He doesn't need to go anywhere. They need to go to him. Plus I give benefit of the doubt to all accused without fair hearing. Hell, I even give time to listen to incarcerated because not all of those should be there either. I'm glad for pro bonos like Amsterdam. Human Rights people with empathy, with compassion for those without money. Every time National make excuses ,they claim money is a motive. For me, it's never about money. First ←Older Page 1 … 3 4 5 6 7 … 22 Newer→ Last Post your response… You may also create an account or retrieve your password.
Former President Donald Trump is touching, a former news anchor who says she wouldn't have certified the 2020 election. He has not yet picked a Senate candidate to take on incumbent Democrat Mark Kelly. The Republicans who are vying to challenge Kelly include Arizona Attorney General Mark Brnovich, solar power executive Jim Lamon, venture capitalist Blake Masters and retired Air Force Major General Michael "Mick" McGuire. Democrats have won the last two Senate races in Arizona, including the 2020 special election when Kelly defeated former Senator Martha McSally by 2.4 points. Kelly, a retired astronaut, is serving the remainder of the late Arizona Senator John McCain's term and must run again this year for a full six-year term. Trump isn't expected to endorse anyone Saturday - Arizona's primary is August 2, and sources familiar with the race believe Trump is waiting to see how the race shapes up before he decides on a candidate. His endorsement is powerful, but it doesn't always clear the field. North Carolina Congressman Ted Budd, for instance, is in a tough race against former North Carolina Governor Pat McCrory. And in Alabama, Trump-endorsed Congressman Mo Brooks is locked in a a tight contest against Katie Britt, who was retiring Senator Richard Shelby's chief of staff. Trump remains popular with Arizona Republicans. Though his endorsement failed to carry McSally to victory in the 2018 or 2020, it would be influential in the primary. "If you're any candidate in this race for Senate, you want his endorsement," said Chris DeRose, a lawyer and former Brnovich staffer in the state attorney general's office. "Do you need it to win? No. But you'd be crazy not to want it." In November, Trump attended a fundraiser that Masters held at Mar-a-Lago. Masters, who is the president of billionaire Peter Thiel's foundation and holds a Stanford law degree, told CBS News that winning the race becomes "a lot harder" without Trump's endorsement, but he's sure the former president won't back any of his opponents. Brnovich has been the front runner in the race and his supporters are counting on his record on immigration to help him in the primary. A source familiar with the race said that Trump and Brnovich speak regularly, and Brnovich could visit Mar-a-Lago soon. Over time, Trump has become less pointed in his criticism of Brnovich over Arizona's election results. Days after the 2020 election, Brnovich told Fox Business "there is no evidence, there are no facts that would lead anyone to believe that the election results will change" and said Trump had lost because voters split their tickets. Months later, Trump was still not acknowledging his defeat and attacked Brnovich for not trying to prove the election had been stolen from him. In May, he labeled Brnovich "lackluster" and said he was "nowhere to be found" regarding the 2020 election. Lamon, a veteran who launched his candidacy in May, drew attention this week after he released an advertisement this week using the anti-Biden slogan "let's go Brandon." Democrats say Trump is "creating chaos" in the Republican primaries, "elevating deeply flawed GOP candidates, escalating Republicans' infighting, and forcing their candidates to attack each other over who can suck up to Trump the most," said Jazmin Vargas, a spokesperson for the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee. "A tightrope of floss" One issue Republicans will have to navigate is the review of the 2020 election that Arizona Senate Republicans ordered in Maricopa County. The review, which was widely criticized by election experts, ultimately showed a wider margin of victory for President Joe Biden. Maricopa County has denied the report's claims of counting invalid ballots and election administration errors, saying the review was plagued by "faulty analysis, inaccurate claims, misleading conclusions, and a lack of understanding of federal and state election laws." "The audit issue, especially for Republicans on the ticket this year, it's like walking a tightrope of floss," said Mike Noble, chief of research at the nonpartisan polling firm OH Predictive Insights. Lamon is leaning into the Maricopa review and said it highlighted enough issues "to move that election into President Trump's column" in Arizona. He and other Republicans sent a document to Congress falsely claiming they were the state's electors. He told CBS News that he didn't regret this because slates of electors have to be submitted by a certain date, and he claimed Republicans wanted to be prepared "if in fact this election was decertified." Masters said in November that he thinks Trump won the 2020 election. "Joe Biden is president right now," Masters told CBS News. "Do I think he won a free and fair election? I don't. I don't think we had a free and fair election in 2020. If we did, I strongly suspect, truly believe that President Trump would still be president." He faults mail voting practices expanded by COVID and social media companies for quashing negative stories about the Bidens. McGuire, the retired major general, told CBS News that "there is no constitutional remedy or dispute about the fact that Joe Biden received more than 270 electoral votes." When asked if he believed Biden won the election fairly, McGuire said he looks forward to what comes from Brnovich's review of findings that were turned over to the attorney general's office. And he's not the only one in the race targeting primary front runner Brnovich over the 2020 election. Lamon rallied outside of Brnovich's office in December, calling for more action. Masters said Brnovich "needs to hold people accountable where laws were broken" and thinks Brnovich is trying to "kick the can past the primary so that he can pretend to be tough on election integrity." "It's always easy to take cheap shots from the cheap seats," a Brnovich campaign spokesperson said in a statement. "Attorney General Brnovich remains focused on doing his duly elected job and will present the findings when his office concludes the investigation." Brnovich's allies point to his victory at the U.S. Supreme Court in a case challenging Arizona voting laws about ballots cast in the wrong precinct and a ban on "ballot harvesting" and his office's demand that the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors comply with a subpoena related to the state Senate-ordered review of 2020. Views of the audit and 2020 election may impact moderate suburban voters in Arizona who helped carry Democrats to victory in 2020, Noble said, but other issues may be more pressing in November. "If people are feeling pain points with the economy, inflation, things of that nature, that's going to supersede social issues, or an audit is going to feel very distant in the voters' memories," Noble said. Immigration Immigration and the economy were the top issues for Republicans in a November poll by OH Predictive Insights. Migrant encounters in the Tucson sector were up 72% in October and November, over the same time period in 2020, while encounters in the Yuma were up by 2,400%, according to Customs and Border Protection data. Encounters along the southern border were very low during the first year of the COVID-19 pandemic. "There has always been an issue with lawlessness and misconduct at the border, but I have never seen it like it has been since the 20th of January," said McGuire, who served as Adjutant General of the Arizona National Guard from 2013-2021. Lamon says he supports legal immigration, but worries border patrol agents are struggling to keep up with the spike in border encounters, which he deemed "an invasion." "They're coming from around the world," Lamon said. "America really needs to understand that. This is a border control issue." Masters, who worked with Thiel, wants to see stricter regulations on major technology companies. "When they control the flow of information in a free society, when they have motive and opportunity to swing elections, I think that's something we ought to take a look at. Right now the attitude is just complete laissez-faire," Masters said. Lamon was the only candidate to bring up working with his counterpart in the Senate if he wins, Democrat Kyrsten Sinema. "We could be a juggernaut, Republican and Democrat, working together," he said. Arizona Governor Doug Ducey, who has been repeatedly attacked by Trump, has said that he is not interested in running for Senate, but some allies still hope he'll change his mind. "He will never have my endorsement or the support of MAGA Nation!" Trump said in a statement Friday after Politico reported that Ducey is still open to entering the race. Trump has also not endorsed in competitive primaries in Missouri or Ohio. And he hasn't endorsed in Pennsylvania since his preferred candidate, Sean Parnell, suspended his campaign. "Arizona, Ohio, Missouri and Pennsylvania are all states that are a lot more complicated - there's no clear candidate and you might as well let it play out a little bit," a Trump adviser said. Massive fire breaks out at New Jersey chemical factory Cryptocurrency-related job postings surged in 2021 First lady surveys tornado recovery efforts in Kentucky
The Jewish Publication Society (JPS), originally known as the Jewish Publication Society of America, is the oldest nonprofit, nondenominational publisher of Jewish works in English. Founded in Philadelphia in 1888, by reform Rabbi Joseph Krauskopf among others, JPS is especially well known for its English translation of the Hebrew Bible, the JPS Tanakh. The JPS Bible translation is used in Jewish and Christian seminaries, on hundreds of college campuses, in informal adult study settings, in synagogues, and in Jewish day schools and supplementary programs. It has been licensed in a wide variety of books as well as in electronic media. As a nonprofit publisher, JPS continues to develop projects that for-profit publishers will not invest in, significant projects that may take years to complete. Other core JPS projects include the ongoing JPS Bible commentary series; books on Jewish tradition, holidays and customs, history, theology, ethics and philosophy; midrash and Rabbinics; and its many Bible editions and Bible study resources.[1] Since 2012, JPS publications have been distributed by the University of Nebraska Press.[2][3] The first Jewish Publication Society was founded in 1845 in Philadelphia, but was dissolved six years later after a fire destroyed the building and the entire JPS stock.[4] A second, founded in New York in 1873, ended in 1875.[5] the 1930s, Jews in America resisted anti-Semitism through the power of words. Works such as The Decay of Czarism and Legends of the Jews became staples of Jewish literacy and helped to preserve the legacy of European Jewry.[6] JPS also assisted the war effort by supporting refugee employment and resettlement, and by printing pamphlets that were dropped behind enemy lines, at the request of the American government.[7]. From 1975 to 1975 A. Leo Levin was its President.[8] In 1985, the newly translated three parts of the Bible (the Torah, Prophets, and Psalms/Writings) were finally compiled into what is now known as the JPS [tanakh|Tanakh] (or NJPS, New JPS translation, to distinguish it from the OJPS, or Old JPS translation of 1917).[1] In September 2011, JPS entered into a new collaborative publishing arrangement with the University of Nebraska Press, under which Nebraska purchased all of JPS's outstanding book inventory, and is responsible for the production, distribution, and marketing of all JPS publications, effective January 1, 2012. JPS continues its operations from its Philadelphia headquarters, acquiring new manuscripts and developing new projects.[2][3][9] JPS is governed by a Board of Trustees, headed by Board President Gittel Hilibrand. Past editors-in-chief include Henrietta Szold (1893–1916), Solomon Grayzel (1939–1966), and Chaim Potok (1966–1974).. Dr. Ellen Frankel was editor-in-chief (and later also CEO) from 1991 until October 2009. She is now Editor Emerita of the Society. Rabbi Barry L. Schwartz became the CEO in 2010, when he came to JPS from Congregation M'Kor Shalom in Cherry Hill, New Jersey, where he had served as senior rabbi for 11 years. Rabbi Schwartz served on the board of several nonprofit organizations, and is especially active in environmental work.[10] Carol Hupping was managing editor (and for some years publishing director) from 1991 until her retirement in March, 2016. Joy Weinberg succeeded her as managing editor in April 2016. The JPS TANAKH: The Jewish Bible, audio version is a recorded version of the JPS TANAKH, the most widely read English translation of the Hebrew (the Jewish) Bible. Produced and recorded for JPS by The Jewish Braille Institute (JBI), this complete, unabridged audio version features over 60 hours of readings by 13 narrators. It is available for purchase or by subscription from many audio book vendors. The audio version of the Weekly Torah portion, also known as parsha, was available on the JPS website and will be again soon. 2000: 2001: 2003: 2006: 2007: 2009: 2011: 2014: 2008: 2009:
default search action BMC Systems Biology, Volume 9 Volume 9, 2015 - Chao Ye, Nan Xu, Haiqin Chen, Yong Q. Chen, Wei Chen, Liming Liu: Reconstruction and analysis of a genome-scale metabolic model of the oleaginous fungus Mortierella alpina. 1 - A. K. M. Azad, Alfons Lawen, Jonathan M. Keith: Prediction of signaling cross-talks contributing to acquired drug resistance in breast cancer cells by Bayesian statistical modeling. 2 - Takahide Ota, Masayo Maeda, Mayumi Okamoto, Masaaki Tatsuka: Positive regulation of Rho GTPase activity by RhoGDIs as a result of their direct interaction with GAPs. 3 - Wenjuan Mo, Chao Tong, Yan Zhang, Hong Lu: microRNAs' differential regulations mediate the progress of Human Papillomavirus (HPV)-induced Cervical Intraepithelial Neoplasia (CIN). 4 - Gautham Vivek Sridharan, Ehsan Ullah, Soha Hassoun, Kyongbum Lee: Discovery of substrate cycles in large scale metabolic networks using hierarchical modularity. 5 - Stina K. Lien, Sebastian Niedenführ, Håvard Sletta, Katharina Nöh, Per Bruheim: Fluxome study of Pseudomonas fluorescens reveals major reorganisation of carbon flux through central metabolic pathways in response to inactivation of the anti-sigma factor MucA. 6 - Tim Sands: Annual acknowledgement of reviewers. 7 - Alejandro Fernández R. Banga: BioPreDyn-bench: a suite of benchmark problems for dynamic modelling in systems biology. 8 - Patrick Weber, Mariana Hornjik, Monilola A. Olayioye, Angelika Hausser, Nicole Radde: A computational model of PKD and CERT interactions at the trans-Golgi network of mammalian cells. 9 - Anna Zhukova, David James Sherman: Mimoza: web-based semantic zooming and navigation in metabolic networks. 10 - Li-Ying Wang, Jun Liu, Yuan Li, Bing Li, Yingying Zhang, Zhi-Wei Jing, Ya-Nan Yu, Hai-Xia Li, Shan-Shan Guo, Yi-Jun Zhao, Zhong Wang, Yongyan Wang: Time-dependent variation of pathways and networks in a 24-hour window after cerebral ischemia-reperfusion injury. 11 - Avichai Tendler, Avraham E. Mayo, Uri Alon: Evolutionary tradeoffs, Pareto optimality and the morphology of ammonite shells. 12 - Traci L. Marin, Brendan Gongol, Marcy Martin, Stephanie J. King, Lemar Smith, David A. Johnson, Shankar Subramaniam, Shu Chien, John Shyy: Identification of AMP-activated protein kinase targets by a consensus sequence search of the proteome. 13 - Takanori Hasegawa, Tomoya Mori, Rui Yamaguchi, Teppei Shimamura, Satoru Miyano, Seiya Imoto, Tatsuya Akutsu: Genomic data assimilation using a higher moment filtering technique for restoration of gene regulatory networks. 14 - John A. Cole, Lars Kohler, Jamila Hedhli, Zaida Luthey-Schulten: Spatially-resolved metabolic cooperativity within dense bacterial colonies. 15 - Lifang Huang, Zhanjiang Yuan, Peijiang Liu, Tianshou Zhou: Effects of promoter leakage on dynamics of gene expression. 16 - Joseph P. Dexter, Ping Xu, Jeremy Gunawardena, Megan N. McClean: Robust network structure of the Sln1-Ypd1-Ssk1 three-component phospho-relay prevents unintended activation of the HOG MAPK pathway in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. 17 - André Schultz, Amina A. Qutub: Predicting internal cell fluxes at sub-optimal growth. 18 - Madison Brandon, Brad Howard, Christopher Lawrence, Reinhard C. Laubenbacher: Iron acquisition and oxidative stress response in aspergillus fumigatus. 19 - Jose Davila-Velderrain, Carlos Villarreal, Elena R. Álvarez-Buylla: Reshaping the epigenetic landscape during early flower development: induction of attractor transitions by relative differences in gene decay rates. 20 - Ricardo de Matos Simoes, Sabine Dalleau, Kate E. Williamson, Frank Emmert-Streib: Urothelial cancer gene regulatory networks inferred from large-scale RNAseq, Bead and Oligo gene expression data. 21 - Elisenda Feliu, Carsten Wiuf: Finding the positive feedback loops underlying multi-stationarity. 22 - Ali Sharifi-Zarchi, Mehdi Totonchi, Keynoush Khaloughi, Razieh Karamzadeh, Marcos J. Araúzo-Bravo, Hossein Baharvand, Ruzbeh Tusserkani, Hamid Pezeshk, Hamidreza Chitsaz, Mehdi Sadeghi: Increased robustness of early embryogenesis through collective decision-making by key transcription factors. 23 - Jakob Wieczorek, Rahuman S. Malik-Sheriff, Yessica Fermin, Hernán E. Grecco, Eli Zamir, Katja Ickstadt: Uncovering distinct protein-network topologies in heterogeneous cell populations. 24 - Cielito Reyes-Gibby, Christine Yuan, Jian Wang, Sai-Ching Yeung, Sanjay Shete: Gene network analysis shows immune-signaling and ERK1/2 as novel genetic markers for multiple addiction phenotypes: alcohol, smoking and opioid addiction. 25 - Zichen Wang, Neil R. Clark, Avi Ma'ayan: Dynamics of the discovery process of protein-protein interactions from low content studies. 26 - Qing Wang, David J. Klinke II, Zhijun Wang: CD8 + T cell response to adenovirusvaccination and subsequent suppression of tumor growth: modeling, simulation and analysis. 27 - Clémence Chamard-Jovenin, Alain Jung, Amand Chesnel, Joseph Abecassis, Stéphane Flament, Sonia Ledrappier, Christine Macabre, Taha Boukhobza, Hélène Dumond: From ERα66 to ERα36: a generic method for validating a prognosis marker of breast tumor progression. 28 - Ye Chen, Cheng Lv, Fangting Li, Tiejun Li: Distinguishing the rates of gene activation from phenotypic variations. 29 - Devin H. Currie, Babu Raman, Christopher M. Gowen, Timothy J. Tschaplinski, Miriam L. Land, Steven D. Brown, Sean F. Covalla, Dawn M. Klingeman, Zamin K. Yang, Nancy L. Engle, Courtney M. Johnson, Miguel Rodriguez, A. Shaw, William R. Kenealy, Lee R. Lynd, Stephen S. Fong, Jonathan R. Mielenz, Brian H. Davison, David A. Hogsett, Christopher D. Herring: Genome-scale resources for Thermoanaerobacterium saccharolyticum. 30 - Jovan Tanevski, Ljupco Todorovski, Yannis Kalaidzidis, Saso Dzeroski: Domain-specific model selection for structural identification of the Rab5-Rab7 dynamics in endocytosis. 31 - Dicle Hasdemir, Huub C. J. Hoefsloot, Age K. Smilde: Validation and selection of ODE based systems biology models: how to arrive at more reliable decisions. 32 - Katherine Wolstencroft, Stuart Owen, Olga Krebs, Quyen Nguyen, Natalie J. Stanford, Martin Golebiewski, Andreas Weidemann, Meik Bittkowski, Lihua An, David Shockley, Jacky L. Snoep, Wolfgang Müller, Carole A. Goble: SEEK: a systems biology data and model management platform. 33 - Aristotelis Kittas, Amélie Barozet, Jekaterina Sereshti, Niels Grabe, Sophia Tsoka: CytoASP: a Cytoscape app for qualitative consistency reasoning, prediction and repair in biological networks. 34 - Manuel Garcia-Albornoz, Jens Nielsen: Finding directionality and gene-disease predictions in disease associations. 35 - Randolph Faustino, Saranya Wyles, Jody Groenendyk, Marek Michalak, Andre Terzic, Carmen Perez-Terzic: Systems biology surveillance decrypts pathological transcriptome remodeling. 36 - Soudabeh Sabetian, Mohd Shahir Shamsir: Identification of putative drug targets for human sperm-egg interaction defect using protein network approach. 37 - Stuart Johnston, Esha Shah, Lisa Chopin, D. L. Sean McElwain, Matthew J. Simpson: Estimating cell diffusivity and cell proliferation rate by interpreting IncuCyte ZOOM™ assay data using the Fisher-Kolmogorov model. 38 - Kaveh Yousef, Adam Streck, Christof Schütte, Heike Siebert, Regine Hengge, Max von Kleist: Logical-continuous modelling of post-translationally regulated bistability of curli fiber expression in Escherichia coli. 39 - Sushil Tripathi, Åsmund Flobak, Konika Chawla, Anaïs Baudot, Torunn Bruland, Liv Thommesen, Martin Kuiper, Astrid Lægreid: The gastrin and cholecystokinin receptors mediated signaling network: a scaffold for data analysis and new hypotheses on regulatory mechanisms. 40 - Joseph Cursons, Jerry Gao, Daniel G. Hurley, Cristin G. Print, P. Rod Dunbar, Marc Jacobs, Edmund J. Crampin: Regulation of ERK-MAPK signaling in human epidermis. 41 - Sergio Pérez-Landero, Santiago Sandoval-Motta, Claudia Martínez-Anaya, Runying Yang, Jorge Folch-Mallol, Luz Martínez, Larissa Ventura, Karina Guillén-Navarro, Maximino Aldana-González, Jorge Nieto-Sotelo: Complex regulation of Hsf1-Skn7 activities by the catalytic subunits of PKA in Saccharomyces cerevisiae: experimental and computational evidences. 42 - Mohammad Tajparast, Dominic Frigon: Genome-scale metabolic model of Rhodococcus jostii RHA1 (iMT1174) to study the accumulation of storage compounds during nitrogen-limited condition. 43 - Khuram Shahzad, Jay E. Mittenthal, Gustavo Caetano-Anollés: The organization of domains in proteins obeys Menzerath-Altmann's law of language. 44 - Tomoya Mori, Max Flöttmann, Marcus Krantz, Tatsuya Akutsu, Edda Klipp: Stochastic simulation of Boolean rxncon models: towards quantitative analysis of large signaling networks. 45 - Urszula Czerwinska, Laurence Calzone, Emmanuel Barillot, Andrei Yu. Zinovyev: DeDaL: Cytoscape 3 app for producing and morphing data-driven and structure-driven network layouts. 46 - Weronika Wronowska, Agata Charzynska, Karol Nienaltowski, Anna Gambin: Computational modeling of sphingolipid metabolism. 47 - Philipp Erdrich, Ralf Steuer, Steffen Klamt: An algorithm for the reduction of genome-scale metabolic network models to meaningful core models. 48 - Weiwei Yin, Swetha Garimalla, Alberto Moreno, Mary R. Galinski, Mark P. Styczynski: A tree-like Bayesian structure learning algorithm for small-sample datasets from complex biological model systems. 49 - Yue Deng, Lin Gao, Bingbo Wang: Erratum to: ppiPre: predicting protein-protein interactions by combining heterogeneous features. 50 - Stanislav Sokolenko, Marc Aucoin: A correction method for systematic error in 1 H-NMR time-course data validated through stochastic cell culture simulation. 51 - Markus Karlsson, David Janzén, Lucia Durrieu, Alejandro Colman-Lerner, Maria Kjellsson, Gunnar Cedersund: Nonlinear mixed-effects modelling for single cell estimation: when, why, and how to use it. 52 - Justin M. Fear, Michelle N. Arbeitman, Matthew Salomon, Justin Dalton, John Tower, Sergey V. Nuzhdin, Lauren M. McIntyre: The wright stuff: reimagining path analysis reveals novel components of the sex determination hierarchy in drosophila melanogaster. 53 - Kun-Nan Tsai, Shu-Hsi Lin, Wei-Chung Liu, Daryi Wang: Inferring microbial interaction network from microbiome data using RMN algorithm. 54 - R. Joseph Bender, Feilim Mac Gabhann: Dysregulation of the vascular endothelial growth factor and semaphorin ligand-receptor families in prostate cancer metastasis. 55 - Di Chen, Xi Liu, Yiping Yang, Hongjun Yang, Peng Lu: Systematic synergy modeling: understanding drug synergy from a systems biology perspective. 56 - Christopher Garay, Jonathan M. Dreyfuss, James E. Galagan: Metabolic modeling predicts metabolite changes in Mycobacterium tuberculosis. 57 - Francisco Peñagaricano, Bruno Valente, Juan P. Steibel, Ronald O. Bates, Catherine W. Ernst, Hasan Khatib, Guilherme J. M. Rosa: Exploring causal networks underlying fat deposition and muscularity in pigs through the integration of phenotypic, genotypic and transcriptomic data. 58 - Andrew E. Blanchard, Ting Lu: Bacterial social interactions drive the emergence of differential spatial colony structures. 59 - Lydia M. Rickett, Nick Pullen, Matthew Hartley, Cyril Zipfel, Sophien Kamoun, József Baranyi, Richard J. Morris: Incorporating prior knowledge improves detection of differences in bacterial growth rate. 60 - Michael K. Strasser, Justin Feigelman, Fabian J. Theis, Carsten Marr: Inference of spatiotemporal effects on cellular state transitions from time-lapse microscopy. 61 - Claudia Cava, Gloria Bertoli, Isabella Castiglioni: Integrating genetics and epigenetics in breast cancer: biological insights, experimental, computational methods and therapeutic potential. 62 - Daniel Botman, Fredrik Jansson, Eric Röttinger, Mark Q. Martindale, Johann de Jong, Jaap A. Kaandorp: Analysis of a spatial gene expression database for sea anemone Nematostella vectensis during early development. 63 - Pierre Millard, Jean-Charles Portais, Pedro Mendes: Impact of kinetic isotope effects in isotopic studies of metabolic systems. 64 - Karol Nienaltowski, Michal Wlodarczyk, Tomasz Lipniacki, Michal Komorowski: Clustering reveals limits of parameter identifiability in multi-parameter models of biochemical dynamics. 65 - Weiruo Zhang, Ritesh Kolte, David L. Dill: Towards in vivo estimation of reaction kinetics using high-throughput metabolomics data: a maximum likelihood approach. 66 - Ivan Kryven, Susanna Röblitz, Christof Schütte: Solution of the chemical master equation by radial basis functions approximation with interface tracking. 67 - Andreas Dräger, Daniel C. Zielinski, Roland Keller, Matthias Rall, Johannes Eichner, Bernhard O. Palsson, Andreas Zell: SBMLsqueezer 2: context-sensitive creation of kinetic equations in biochemical networks. 68 - Michael Reed, Mary Gamble, Megan Hall, H. Nijhout: Mathematical analysis of the regulation of competing methyltransferases. 69 - Fortunato Bianconi, Elisa Baldelli, Vienna Ludovini, Emanuel F. Petricoin, Lucio Crinò, Paolo Valigi: Conditional robustness analysis for fragility discovery and target identification in biochemical networks and in cancer systems biology. 70 - Daniel Cook, Babatunde A. Ogunnaike, Rajanikanth Vadigepalli: Systems analysis of non-parenchymal cell modulation of liver repair across multiple regeneration modes. 71 - Martin Kavscek, Govindprasad Bhutada, Tobias Madl, Klaus Natter: Optimization of lipid production with a genome-scale model of Yarrowia lipolytica. 72 - Meiyappan Lakshmanan, Tae Yong Kim, Bevan Kai-Sheng Chung, Sang Yup Lee, Dong-Yup Lee: Flux-sum analysis identifies metabolite targets for strain improvement. 73 - Attila Gábor, Julio R. Banga: Robust and efficient parameter estimation in dynamic models of biological systems. 74 -. 75 - Sarah L. Field, Tathagata Dasgupta, Michele Cummings, Richard S. Savage, Julius Adebayo, Hema McSara, Jeremy Gunawardena, Nicolas M. Orsi: Bayesian modeling suggests that IL-12 (p40), IL-13 and MCP-1 drive murine cytokine networks in vivo. 76 - D. B. R. K. Gupta Udatha, Evangelos Topakas, Margarita Salazar, Lisbeth Olsson, Mikael R. Andersen, Gianni Panagiotou: Deciphering the signaling mechanisms of the plant cell wall degradation machinery in Aspergillus oryzae. 77 - Anuprabha Bhargava, Hanspeter Herzel, Bharath Ananthasubramaniam: Mining for novel candidate clock genes in the circadian regulatory network. 78 - Elsje Pienaar, Véronique Dartois, Jennifer J. Linderman, Denise E. Kirschner: In silico evaluation and exploration of antibiotic tuberculosis treatment regimens. 79 - Megha Padi, John Quackenbush: Integrating transcriptional and protein interaction networks to prioritize condition-specific master regulators. 80 - Jukka Intosalmi, Helena Ahlfors, Sini Rautio, Henrik Mannerström, Zhi Jane Chen, Riitta Lahesmaa, Brigitta Stockinger, Harri Lähdesmäki: Analyzing Th17 cell differentiation dynamics using a novel integrative modeling framework for time-course RNA sequencing data. 81 - Tatsuya Ando, Ryuji Kato, Hiroyuki Honda: Differential variability and correlation of gene expression identifies key genes involved in neuronal differentiation. 82 - Kerstin Abshagen, Matthias König, Andreas Hoppe, Isabell Müller, Matthias Ebert, Honglei Weng, Hermann-Georg Holzhütter, Ulrich M. Zanger, Johannes G. Bode, Brigitte Vollmar, Maria Thomas, Steven Dooley: Pathobiochemical signatures of cholestatic liver disease in bile duct ligated mice. 83 - Mahsa Ghanbari, Julia Lasserre, Martin Vingron: Reconstruction of gene networks using prior knowledge. 84 - Sonja E. M. Boas, María I. Navarro Jimenez, Roeland M. H. Merks, Joke G. Blom: A global sensitivity analysis approach for morphogenesis models. 85 - Sonja E. M. Boas, Roeland M. H. Merks: Tip cell overtaking occurs as a side effect of sprouting in computational models of angiogenesis. 86 - Jae Kyoung Kim, Kresimir Josic, Matthew R. Bennett: The relationship between stochastic and deterministic quasi-steady state approximations. 87 - Nima Abedpour, Markus Kollmann: Resource constrained flux balance analysis predicts selective pressure on the global structure of metabolic networks. 88 - Carl D. Christensen, Jan-Hendrik S. Hofmeyr, Johann M. Rohwer: Tracing regulatory routes in metabolism using generalised supply-demand analysis. 89 - Yuya Hattori, Akinari Yokoya, Ritsuko Watanabe: Cellular automaton-based model for radiation-induced bystander effects. 90 - Ruijie Song, Weilin Peng, Ping Liu, Murat Acar: A cell size- and cell cycle-aware stochastic model for predicting time-dynamic gene network activity in individual cells. 91 - Pu Li, Quoc Dong Vu: A simple method for identifying parameter correlations in partially observed linear dynamic models. 92 - Lucas Marmiesse, Rémi Peyraud, Ludovic Cottret: FlexFlux: combining metabolic flux and regulatory network analyses. 93 - Mona Yousofshahi, Sara Manteiga, Charmian Wu, Kyongbum Lee, Soha Hassoun: PROXIMAL: a method for Prediction of Xenobiotic Metabolism. 94 - Alida Palmisano, Stefan Hoops, Layne T. Watson, Thomas C. Jones Jr, John J. Tyson, Clifford A. Shaffer: JigCell Run Manager (JC-RM): a tool for managing large sets of biochemical model parametrizations. 95 - Shahin Mohammadi, Baharak Saberidokht, Shankar Subramaniam, Ananth Grama: Scope and limitations of yeast as a model organism for studying human tissue-specific pathways. 96 - Katja Kolar, Hanna M. Wischhusen, Konrad Müller, Maria Karlsson, Wilfried Weber, Matias D. Zurbriggen: A synthetic mammalian network to compute population borders based on engineered reciprocal cell-cell communication..
They that write as a trade to please the whim of the day, they are like sailors that work at the rafts only to warm their hands and to distract their thoughts from their certain doom; their rafts go all to pieces before the ship breaks up. —Lord Dunsany, “The Raft-Builders” (1915) Popular fiction, whether it be for pulp magazines, comic books, or pornography, is ephemeral. Precious few authors have the kind of posthumous renaissance that H. P. Lovecraft has experienced. Even those who build up a considerable body of work, or a dedicated follow, often sink out of sight once they die. Their works aren’t reprinted. Work goes uncollected, unread, forgotten. John Blackburn died in 2006. His raft is breaking up. In 1989, Blackburn self-published his own comic, Coley on Voodoo Island, acting as writer, artist, and letterer. While normally categorized among gay comics, Coley is bisexual, or maybe pansexual; a living sex icon, his very presence tends to attract everyone, regardless of sexuality or gender identity. Some folks might characterize Coley—the ageless, immortal, six-pack-abs voodoo sex god with a large penis, a bottomless libido, and a constant parade of sexual partners—as a form of wish fulfillment. Yet it’s wish fulfillment in the same way that Conan the Cimmerian, or Captain America, or the Vampire Lestat are; Coley embodies a pure fantasy, a larger-than-life figure who moves through the world, and in so doing changes it. The first four issues of Coley’s adventures were self-published by Blackburn; in 1992 Fantagraphics which was publishing a great number of alternative, independent, and erotic comics picked up Coley, reprinting the first adventures and then new ones. While a supernatural fantasy element was present from the beginning, the Cthulhu Mythos slid into the mix in 1993 with the two-issue series Idol of Flesh, where Coley runs up against a cult of Shub-Niggurath. Idol of Flesh #2 (1993) As an artist, Blackburn puts a lot of work into his hatching; you can see some influence from superhero comics in the often skin-tight clothes and Coley’s heroic proportions, and this sometimes goes for other characters as well. Compositions tend to be focused: the reader’s eye is usually drawn to the center of each panel, each pane, and backgrounds usually fade out to dark hatching during the frequent erotic scenes or conversational back-and-forth. Stylistically very different from Le Pornomicon (2005) by Logan Kowalsky or Insania Tenebris (2020) by Raúlo Cáceres, and many readers might fairly judge it to be almost crude by comparison, it might be better to compare Blackburn’s work with underground cartoonists of the ’70s in terms of style and technique. The plot of the series revolves around Coley, even when he isn’t on the page. The other characters are almost invariably attracted to him, but have to figure out for themselves what that means, what their relationship is about, particularly as Coley—while a loyal friend, and falling in love easily—has basically zero interest in monogamous relationships, and doesn’t cater to anyone else’s efforts to constrain or define his behavior. This tends to put him at odds with local authority figures, such as the police, religious types, and general bigots—and in a few cases, attracts supernatural forces. The Cthulhu Mythos intrudes on Coley and his gaggle of associates in the three-issue Dagger of Blood series in 1997. This was the final standalone comic produced featuring Coley, although Fantagraphics would publish three additional omnibus albums Coley Running Wild from 1997-2003. Coley’s earlier encounter with the cult of Shub-Niggurath put him on the cultist radar, and he now has to deal with another descendant of the Old Ones. Dagger of Blood #2 While the story takes many X-rated breaks, the plot takes a turn strongly reminiscent of the post-war Men’s Adventure Pulps of the late 1940s and 50s—though not one that would probably ever have passed the editors of those magazines. Dagger of Blood #2 Old Nazi mad scientist in a temple of the Old Ones deep inside a jungle probably sounds like an exploitation script treatment even before you add the pornstars, voodoo sex god, flagellation scenes, interracial relationships, body modification, sex changes, and bloody violence…but there is something more interesting at work here. One of the things that sets Coley apart from the other characters in this series is that he is completely accepting of both his body and his sexuality; it helps that by the standards of the characters in the comic, he’s basically perfect: young, slim, muscled, big genitalia, etc. and he maintains it with seemingly zero effort. By contrast, many of the other characters are not all happy with their body or their sexuality. The main antagonist Joquatoth is dealing with the effects of his inhuman heritage—and wants to stay human. If he wasn’t deliberately set up as evil, he could be seen as an almost tragic figure, facing parallel issues of body image issues that affect many transgender folk as they deal with issues like puberty, or strive to achieve a body closer to their gender identity via hormones and surgery. Blackburn doesn’t explore these issues in anything like depth; the castration scene is a setup for a sub-plot where the genitalia of two characters are swapped: Coley’s lover Lonny gets a vagina, and the the mostly lesbian Kit gets his penis. Lonny and Kit’s introspection at these drastic and fantastical changes to their bodies is less than profound…but it’s there. Dagger of Blood #3 The idea of transsexual or intersex characters that don’t conform strictly to a sex or gender binary are nothing new, not even in Lovecraft’s time. His friend Samuel Loveman wrote “The Hermaphrodite” in 1926, some pulp stories like Seabury Quinn’s “Strange Interval” (Weird Tales May 1936) and Lovecraft’s own “The Thing on the Doorstep” (Weird Tales Jan 1937) play with gender-changes, albeit in very non-explicit and largely sexless ways. It takes a certain amount of artistic freedom to actually depict and address some of these issues, and that just wasn’t possible under the editorial and mail censorship of the 1930s, even if there had been writers among Lovecraft’s correspondents and devotees who had desired to address such issues. Which is one of the things that makes Dagger of Blood stand out. Yes, it’s very blatantly pornography, with a rare page that goes by without nudity or some sexual act; it’s a comic book and not a novel, which places it in that weird intersection of being doubly disposable for being taboo in subject matter and a medium often derided at the time as childish or trash (though that was slowly changing). The Mythos material is slight, being two storylines involving cultists with semi-human leaders. There is a tentacle erotic scene, which might owe something to the popularity of Japanese manga and anime like Toshio Maeda’s La Blue Girl (manga 1989-1992, original video animation 1992-1993). Dagger of Blood #3 Yet it’s for that exact reason that Dagger of Blood has its charms, and can even address some of these issues of gender, sexuality, relationships, and body image when contemporary Mythos works largely didn’t…because Blackburn didn’t have to subscribe to the same editorial taboos, the social norms and mores that he would if he had been working for Marvel Comics or even Playboy. Working on his own he had more creative freedom to get really weird—and that kind of growth can be important. Even if Blackburn’s Coley opus isn’t destined to stand the test of time, it is one of Dunsany’s rafts set adrift…and who knows what it might inspire, if it does survive a little while longer? Our ships were all unseaworthy from the first. There goes the raft that Homer made for Helen. —Lord Dunsany, “The Raft-Builders” (1915) John Blackburn’s Dagger of Blood #1-3 were published by Eros Comix in 1997; they were collected in Coley Running Wild, Book Three: Hardthrob (2003). Bobby Derie is the author of Weird Talers: Essays on Robert E. Howard & Others (2019) and Sex and the Cthulhu Mythos (2014).
The Seneca Ordnance Depot was one of 4 US military munition storage facilities constructed just prior to US involvement in the second World War. In 1940, the (Franklin) Roosevelt administration was preparing for full American involvement in WWII and established 4 new military supply bases that would provide munitions to defend the country's Atlantic coast in the North East and South East and our Pacific coast in the North West and South West areas of the US. The Seneca Ordnance Depot, later renamed the Seneca Army Depot, was the US Military's primary Munitions Supply Base for the Northeastern United States for more than 50 years. From December, 1941 through the end of the cold war in the early 1990's, the Seneca Army Depot would supply nearly all of the ammunition and military supplies that were sent across the Atlantic to support our troops in WWII, the Korean Conflict, Vietnam War, first Gulf War and every other overseas conflict prior to the announcement of the base closure in 1995. This meant everything from weapons and ammunition, bombs, missiles, grenades, jeeps, uniforms, equipment, etc., came from or through Seneca. When the cold war ended in the early 1990's, the United States began to downsize their munitions stockpiles and consolidate the military's supplies into fewer Army Material Command facilities. In 1995, Seneca Army Depot was one of several such bases that found themselves on the US Military's Base Realignment and Closure (B.R.A.C.) List. The United States Army held their Inactivation Ceremony for the base at the Headquarters building on July 20, 2000, and on September 30, 2000, the Seneca Army Depot was officially closed. By 2003, the Army had turned about 2/3 of the more than 10,000 acres of the former Depot over to the Seneca County Industrial Development Agency in hopes of finding suitable new owners of the property. The remaining property stayed under the jurisdiction of the government while it was remediated and tested for contaminants so it could also be turned over to the County IDA in the future. Some of the property was repurposed as a County Law Enforcement Facility, or sold to build Five Points Maximum Security Prison, a facility for troubled youth known as Kid's Peace, a housing development, fiber optics & data storage company, and several others. In 2016, the Seneca County IDA put approximately 7,500 acres up for public bid. Part of the bid criteria included a plan for the unique wildlife at the Depot; specifically, the all white, white-tail deer. Seneca Falls business owner Earl Martin prepared and submitted the winning bid. Upon winning the bid, Mr. Martin set aside approximately 3,000 acres as a wildlife preserve which he called Deer Haven Park. Today, most of the fences remain around the former Depot. It has been more than 20 years since the official inactivation and closing of the Seneca Army Depot and nature has begun to reclaim much of the land. While most of the former Seneca Army Depot is now private property and closed to the public, Deer Haven Park offers you a glimpse into the past through our Bus Tours, Auto Tours, Private Tours and our Visitor Center. Stop by and learn about a time before the Army base, when family farms and homes occupied the land between the lakes. Hear and see some of the history behind this important and strategic military base and the critical role it played defending our homeland from WWII, the Korean War, Vietnam Conflict, Dessert Storm and the end of the Cold War. Learn about the mysteries surrounding the former Seneca Army Depot and take your chance at seeing the world-famous Seneca White Deer and other amazing wildlife within the 3000-acre preserve.
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disease. Nearly 80% are over 75 years old. Alzheimer’s disease is estimated to be the cause of dementia in 60% to 70% of the 50 million people worldwide who have it. Alzheimer’s disease displays early symptoms such as forgetting recent events or conversations. The impact of Alzheimer’s disease on daily tasks and memory impairment progresses as the disease progresses. Temporarily improving symptoms or slowing the progression may be possible with medication. Alzheimer’s patients may benefit from these treatments by maximizing function and maintaining independence for a time. People with Alzheimer’s disease and their caregivers can be supported by a variety of programs and services. Alzheimer’s disease cannot be cured or altered by any treatment. Death occurs from severe impairment of the function of the brain in advanced stages of the disease, such as dehydration, malnutrition or infection. Alzheimer’s disease symptoms Memory loss is the most prominent symptom of Alzheimer’s disease. Recent events or conversations can be difficult to recall in the early stages. Symptoms such as memory loss and other conditions develop as the disease progresses. An Alzheimer’s patient may experience difficulties recalling things and organizing thoughts at first. The symptoms may be more apparent to a family member or friend. Alzheimer’s disease changes the brain in such a way that it causes: Memory We all forget things occasionally, but Alzheimer’s disease causes persistent and worsening memory loss, affecting the ability to function at work or at home. The following are possible symptoms of Alzheimer’s: - Keep repeating statements and questions - Not remember conversations, appointments or events later on - Place possessions in illogical locations, misplacing them regularly. - Lose things in familiar surroundings - Fail to recall names of family and things around us - Have difficulty identifying objects, expressing thoughts or taking part in conversations Thinking and reasoning It is difficult for an Alzheimer’s patient to concentrate or think abstractly, especially about numbers. You may find it difficult to manage your finances, balance your checkbook and pay your bills on time when multitasking. Alzheimer’s patients may eventually lose their ability to recognize and deal with numbers. Making judgments and decisions A person with Alzheimer’s disease loses their ability to make sensible decisions and judgments. People can make poor social choices or dress inappropriately for the weather, or they may not behave as they usually do in social interactions. Some situations are more difficult to handle on a daily basis, such as food burning on the stove or driving in an unexpected location. Planning and performing familiar tasks The disease progressively makes it harder and harder to perform routine activities that require sequential steps. Advanced Alzheimer’s patients often have difficulty performing basic tasks, such as dressing and bathing. Changes in personality and behavior Moods and behaviors can be affected by brain changes caused by Alzheimer’s disease. These issues include: - Depression - Apathy - Social withdrawal - Mood swings - Distrust in others - Irritability and aggressiveness - Changes in sleeping habits - Wandering - Loss of inhibitions. - Having delusions about something being taken from you Preserved skills When symptoms worsen, many skills are maintained for longer periods. There are various skills that can be preserved such as reading or listening to books, reminiscing, telling stories, dancing, drawing or doing crafts. It is likely that these skills will remain intact for a longer period of time because they are controlled by areas of the brain that are affected later in the disease process. Alzheimer’s disease causes Researchers do not fully understand the causes of Alzheimer’s disease. In the basic sense, when brain proteins malfunction, they disrupt the work of brain cells (neurons) and provide a pathway for toxic events to take place. The neurons break down, lose contact with each other and ultimately die. Generally, Alzheimer’s disease is thought to be caused by a combination of genetic, lifestyle and environmental factors over an extended period of time. A person is likely to develop Alzheimer’s disease if certain genetic differences occur less than 1% of the time. People with these genetic differences usually develop the disease during middle age. In most cases, the damage begins in the region of the brain responsible for memory. However, the damage begins well before symptoms appear. There is a somewhat predictable pattern in which neurons are lost in different parts of the brain. The brain has shrunk considerably by the end of the illness. Currently, researchers are examining the role of two proteins in Alzheimer’s disease: - Plaques: A beta-amyloid fragment is part of a larger protein. These fragments then appear to impede cell-to-cell communication by clustering together and having a toxic effect on neurons. They form larger deposits known as amyloid plaques, which also contain other types of cellular debris. - Tangles: Neurons carry nutrient and other essential materials within their walls using tau proteins. Tau proteins alter shape and form neurofibrillary tangles in Alzheimer’s disease. They disrupt transport systems and cause cellular damage. Check: Antenatal Depression Alzheimer’s disease risk factors Age Growing older is the most important risk factor for Alzheimer’s. The incidence of Alzheimer’s disease does not increase with age, but it increases as you get older. According to one study, yearly there are four new diagnoses for every 1,000 people in the 65-74 age group, 32 diagnoses for people in the 75-84 age group, and 76 diagnoses for people 85 and older. Genetics and family history It is somewhat more likely that you will develop Alzheimer’s if you have a first-degree relative with the disease – a parent or sibling. Alzheimer’s genetic mechanisms are largely unknown among families, and there are likely several genetic factors involved. Apolipoprotein E (APOE) gene is one better understood genetic factor. APOE e4 is a gene variant associated with Alzheimer’s disease. The APOE e4 allele is inherited by approximately 25% to 30% of the population, however, not every person with this gene variation develops the disease. Researchers have discovered three rare genetic changes (mutations) that virtually guarantee someone inheriting one of them will develop Alzheimer’s disease. There are fewer than 1% of people with Alzheimer’s disease who have these mutations. Down syndrome Alzheimer’s disease is common in people with Down syndrome. There is likely a connection between having three copies of chromosome 21 and having three copies of the gene that causes beta-amyloid to be made. When compared with the general population, people with Down syndrome tend to show signs and symptoms of Alzheimer’s 10 to 20 years earlier. Gender The risk of a woman getting this disease is similar to that of a man, but, overall, women are more likely to have it due to their long lives. Mild cognitive impairment The term mild cognitive impairment (MCI) refers to a decline in memory or other thinking skills that is greater than normal for an individual’s age, but the decline doesn’t interfere with a person’s ability to function socially or at work. Dementia is a significant risk for people with MCI. MCI with memory impairment has a higher risk of progressing to Alzheimer’s disease. When diagnosed with MCI, patients are encouraged to adopt healthy lifestyles, develop strategies to compensate for memory loss, and schedule regular doctor appointments. Head trauma Alzheimer’s disease is more likely to develop in people who have had severe head trauma. People 50 years of age or older who have experienced a traumatic brain injury (TBI) are at increased risk for developing dementia and alzheimer disorder. Multiple and more serious TBIs increase the risk. It has been found that the risk post-TBI may be greatest between the six-month and two-year mark. Air pollution Air pollution particulates have been shown to speed the degeneration of neurons in animals. Researchers have found that exposure to air pollution – particularly from the exhaust from traffic and wood burning – is linked to an increased risk of dementia. Excessive alcohol consumption The effects of drinking a lot of alcohol on the brain are well known. There is a link between alcohol use disorders and dementia, especially early-onset dementia, according to several large studies and reviews. Poor sleep patterns Sleep problems that make it difficult to fall asleep and stay asleep are associated with a higher risk of Alzheimer’s. Lifestyle and heart health A variety of risk factors have been linked to heart disease and Alzheimer’s disease. Examples include: - Lack of exercise - Obesity - Excessive smoking - High blood pressure - High cholesterol - Poorly controlled type 2 diabetes It is possible to change all of these factors. Thus, lifestyle changes can alter your risk of certain diseases. An active lifestyle and a healthy low-fat diet enriched with fruits and vegetables help reduce the risk of Alzheimer’s disease. Check: Hoarding Disorder Lifelong learning and social engagement There is evidence linking mental and social stimulation with a reduced risk of Alzheimer’s disease. An education level less than a high school diploma appears to be associated with an increased risk of Alzheimer’s disease. Complications It can be difficult to treat other health conditions when Alzheimer’s leads to loss of memory and language, confusion, and impaired judgment. The following might not be possible: - Tell him or her that you are experiencing pain - Tell them about another illness you have - Make sure you follow the prescription - Let them know how the medication affects you Alzheimer disorder affects a number of functions related to the body as it progresses, including swallowing, balance, and controlling bowel and bladder function. Additional health problems can arise as a result of these effects, such as: - Consuming food and liquids by inhaling them into our lungs (aspiration) - Infections such as influenza and pneumonia - Falls - Fractures - Bedsores - Malnutrition or dehydration - Constipation or diarrhea - Dental problems such as tooth decay or mouth sores Alzheimer’s disease prevention Alzheimer illness cannot be prevented. However, Some lifestyle factors are modifiable and can be modified to reduce the risk of Alzheimer’s. A change in diet, exercise, and habits – all of which can decrease your risk of developing cardiovascular disease – may also help you prevent Alzheimer’s and other types of dementia. Some heart-healthy lifestyles can help reduce the risk of Alzheimer’s disease. - Maintaining a regular exercise routine - Fresh produce and healthy oils, such as a Mediterranean diet, lead to a diet low in saturated fats - Maintaining blood pressure, diabetes, and cholesterol levels according to treatment guidelines - Seeking help from your physician to quit smoking Studies have shown that cognitive skills are preserved later in life when people participate in social events, read, dance, play board games, create art, play an instrument, read and take part in social activities. When to see a doctor Memory loss or other symptoms of dementia can be caused by many conditions, including treatable ones. Get a thorough assessment and diagnosis from your doctor if you have concerns about your memory or other thinking skills. When you see a family member or friend struggling with thinking skills, let them know you are concerned and ask if you can make an appointment together with a doctor.
Bedouin Soundclash - 12:59 Lullaby álbum - Barcode: 603967131420 12:59 Lullaby - Bedouin Soundcl:59 Lullaby by Bedouin Soundclash from the album Street Gospel, released on SideOneDummy Records. c 2007 Side One Dummy Find more music from the video for 12:59 Lullaby from Bedouin Soundclash's Street Gospels for free, and see the artwork, lyrics and similar artists. Sunday 11 August 2019. Monday 12 August 2019. Tuesday 13 August 2019. 12:59 Lullaby. Bedouin Soundclash. Album Street Gospels. 12:59 Lullaby Lyrics. there's a 12:59 lullaby tonight. I'll see the next hour through It falls to the next so soon While my guitar waits for a tune Where have the songs played gone to And I know time moves slow At 12:59 I sing lullaby And if you want me to sing you a song I know that there's a 12:. 2019, though a single was released in 2017, its first new album in almost nine years. Jay Malinowski is the band's lead vocalist, while Eon Sinclair plays bass, and Chuck Treece plays drums. Bedouin Soundclash Pro Unlimited. 180 tracks180. Follow BedouinSoundclash and others on SoundCloud. 7 vinyl, Import. Bedouin Soundclash Format: Vinyl. 0 out of 5 stars 1 rating. 0 out of 5 stars. Features Song Lyrics for Bedouin Soundclash's 12:59 Lullaby album. Текст песни Bedouin Soundclash 12:59 Lullaby. It's silent in the early morning, The only sound is my breathing, As I lay awake not knowing, Where it will be I'm going, But I know time moves slow. And I know time moves slow At 12: 59 I sing lullaby And if you want me to sing you a song I know that there's a 12: 59 lullaby tonight And if you want me to sing you a song I know that there's a 12: 59 lullaby tonight. Writers: JAY JOSEPH MALINOWSKI, EON GYASI SINCLAIR, CARL PATRICK ALLAN PENGELLY Lyrics powered by
The Walter Massie Memorial Education Fund was established in 1989 in memory of Past President Walter Massie to provide scholarship awards to students attending universities or colleges and for special education projects sponsored by the Dallas Fort Worth Area Chapter. Application forms and deadline information are available at IMA Memorial Education Fund (MEF) Scholarship AND Stuart Cameron & Margaret McLeod Memorial Scholarship (SCMS). When asking for recommendation letters and transcripts, ask for two copies Make a copy of your entire application before submitting it to IMA (Global) and forward the copied application with the second copy of your recommendation letters and transcripts to Walter Massie Memorial Education Fund, P. O. Box 612084, Dallas, Texas 75261 or e-mail to Scholarships. If you are not an IMA member and are applying as a child of our chapter, use your parent's membership number and name on the application where required. The Walter Massie Memorial Education Fund scholarship award(s) is independent of awards from SCMS and (global) IMA. For additional information on the chapter's scholarship fund, go to Walter Massie Memorial Education Fund. Contributions to the Walter Massie Memorial Education Fund are tax deductible and should be sent to Walter Massie Memorial Education Fund, P. O. Box 612084, Dallas, Texas 75261. Past Award Winners: 2018 - 2019 Sanjari Chelawat, University of Texas Arlington 2017 - 2018 Shivam Arora, University of Texas Arlington 2014 - 2017 No applications received or scholarships awarded 2013 - 2014 Darya Bechtel, Texas Woman's University 2012 - 2013 Franziska Moberly, Texas Woman's University 2011 - 2012 Brandy M Pienkoss, Texas Woman's University 2011 - 2012 Chandra N Sapkota, University of North Texas at Dallas 2010 - 2011 Rino Manfroni, University of Texas Arlington 2009 - 2010 Anoop Baral, University of Texas Arlington 2009 - 2010 Karyl A. Sibley, University of Dallas 2008 - 2009 Kyeremateng Boateng, Baylor University 2003 - 2004 Hannah Golden, Midwestern State University 2003 - 2004 Carri Watkins, Midwestern State University 2002 - 2003 Caroline Boyd, Midwestern State University 2002 - 2003 Xi (Nancy) Lei, Midwestern State University 2002 - 2003 Carla Berridge, Midwestern State University 2001 - 2002 Sheryl Moses, Midwestern State University 2000 - 2001 Jennifer Windal, Midwestern State University 2000 - 2001 Rick McDonald, Midwestern State University 1999 - 2000 Teresa Wiist, Midwestern State University 1998 - 1999 Angela Haley, Midwestern State University 1998 - 1999 Kristen Metzler, Goshen College
Faron Young and Marty Robbins newsletter — 23 February 2011 FARON YOUNG BIRTHDAY In two days we celebrate Faron Young’s 79th birthday–and we wish Faron could be here to celebrate with us. He was born in a tiny rental house in Shreveport, Louisiana, on February 25, 1932. MARTY ROBBINS AT THE 1975 DAYTONA 500 On February 16, 1975, Marty ran the Daytona 500. “I wanted to make Daytona because it was a big track and I liked the speed,” he said. “You could get going around one hundred ninety miles an hour down there, y’know.” In the third turn of the third lap, another driver lost control and came down off the wall in front of Marty, who could not drop lower because of a car already in that spot. When he saw a smoking car ahead of him, he decided to pass before its engine blew and spewed oil all over the track. He got hit on the right front fender and knocked out of the race. LETTERS Jan Mitchell writes from Scotland, “My friend Colin who lives in south Australia sends to me a news letter you write about Faron and Marty. Marty Robbins is my all time favorite country music artist. I have loved his music for 40 years now. I have every song he ever recorded and trying hard to collect all dvd’s available. I think I am winning there. I am looking forward to the biography you are writing. When you have finished his biography I would love to obtain a copy. Thanks for doing this for Marty. I would love it if you would add me to your mailing list for the newsletter.” Red Moore says, “Thanks for the info on Bobby Sykes in your last newsletter. l played with Bobby on a couple of shows and remember him as a great guy and a fine entertainer. He spoke well of Marty. Often wondered what happened to him.” A YouTube viewer named Samantha writes, “I was just watching a Faron Young video and was VERY pleasantly surprised to come across one of your comments!! I cannot tell you how much I adore your book!!!! In fact, it’s probably the only book I’ve ever read that I couldn’t put down. I’ve been a diehard (“classic”) Country fan my entire life (especially George Jones, Loretta, Patsy, & Hank). But somehow, besides Hello Walls (which I’ve always loved) & a few well known facts, the wonderful world of Faron got past me. A couple years ago (thanks to so many priceless youtube videos) I caught the Faron “bug.” It was so great to have your book to tell me all about one of Country’s finest. It was the perfect book!! You didn’t gloss over the negative aspects or solely focus on that alone (like so many bios do one way or the other), and I was shocked by all the good things Faron did behind the scenes (especially all the future stars he helped on their way up). I suspect it’s one of most truthful biographies ever written. You really told it like it was, like I’m sure Faron would’ve. I’m sure it means the world to many people that you’ve set the record straight. I’m so, so very glad I watched that video so I could have the chance to tell you what a wonderful book you’ve written, and how incredibly important I’m sure it will be to the legacy of one of Country’s greatest who is often so unjustly overlooked nowadays. I look very forward to your Marty Robbins book, if it’s half as good as Live Fast, Love Hard it’ll be a winner!!!” A reader named Mando says, “What a wonderful newsletter you have and thank you for sharing the info on two great recording artists. I enjoy all the tidbits of their daily lives and their travels thru Music Row. It gives a more personal touch to their music when I listen to them. I got so much into Faron that I started to do karaoke to his great sound. Now some Marty music too. Hope to buy your book soon and again thanks a lot.” SIDEMAN SIDEBAR Jerry “Cootie” Wayne Hunley served as drummer for Faron Young’s Country Deputies from 1962 through 1987. Faron nicknamed him Cootie because, Faron said, “he looks like a little cootie.” Faron refused to provide a pension, and Cootie eventually tired of being on the road. “26 years of greatness, and I walked away with zero,” he jokes. He said he often gets requests to write a book or be interviewed for one. He declined everyone but me. “I know where you come from,” he told me. “I can remember the night we took you back to your dormitory.” He said Faron never could understand that being a big star required “that entourage and all the bells and whistles.” Faron thought outsinging everyone should be enough. Cootie says, “If Faron had just figured it out–he had the ability; he was probably one of the best singers that ever came down the line.” Cootie and Marsha (married since 1961) live in Nashville. He played drums when we held the Deputy reunion on the Ernest Tubb Midnite Jamboree in in both the USA and UK.
How To Potty Train A Boy Potty training is not a simple process at all. It needs patience and a strategy to accomplish the task. Potty training may last for months or even years. Boys are slower to learn potty training as compared to girls. There are certain guidelines you may consider. The right time to start It does not start with age. It starts with interest and willingness. Some children are ready to learn at their first birthday but for others, it may be as long as three years. Parents should not think of a great start. If it starts too soon it will take longer. Parents need to focus on timing. Indications to start the procedure When there comes a time that your child is ready to walk and sit on a toilet, he or she can pull down pants or can remain dry for three to four hours. You may think of starting the process. Your child needs to know how to follow basic directions and how to communicate well. Buy suitable equipment Choose the equipment on which your child feels relaxed. When he is having a bowel movement, his feet should touch the ground. You should use a small size potty to which a toddler can fit. It gives a sense of security and possession to the child. The child should not be anxious or upset because of the equipment. If the seat is at a height you can use a stool so that your boy can use it to sit on a seat. You should buy a potty without a urine guard. It can scrap the boy’s penis. Motivate your child Do not be eager to complete the process just go through it. Do not blame your child’s intelligence or understanding. Avoid punishments and scolding. Decide and plan the procedure when you have a lot of time. Make the boy comfortable with the potty. Try to build a relationship between them both. Try different and unique things such as pasting stickers or decorating his name on the potty. Firstly make him sit with his clothes on, after one week or so try to put off his pants if he is comfortable. Do not try to a power struggle. It may cause failure. You can also try a doll or a stuffed animal and make him sit on the potty before the boy’s eyes. Many children learn through toys so it can be proved useful. You can also try two potties, one for his favorite toy and one for the child. It can create a desire for him to go through the procedure. Start with an Underwear Tell your son about the advantages of using the potty. You can buy him cool underwear. Ask him to choose himself. He will be excited to use real underwear like his dad. If he is reluctant to wear it, try it over his diaper. If this method proves successful, he will wear underwear without a disposable diaper. Wearing underwear will give him a sense of covering and security. Keep him naked for sometime Use a suitable long T-shirt and remove the pants or shorts. Give him a sense that he has a naked butt. Arrange his potty in an accessible area where he plays or enjoys the activity. It is the best way to know when your boy needs to use potty. Notice signs that he has to go for potty. The more time the boy spends naked, the faster he learns. Take care of the floor while he is playing naked as it would become wet and can cause an injury or something harmful. Celebrate the victories It is not a fast process of learning. It surely will last long. You may experience many accidents. But finally, there will come a time when you will accomplish the task. It will be a great moment for the boy. Do not let it go unnoticed. Celebrate this moment by rewarding him a gift or granting a privilege. Take care not to make a very big deal as it will make him nervous about using the potty. You can add some extra time to his playground or provide him with a new video or a cartoon. Maintain a schedule Setting a routine is the key to success. Accomplish every task at a particular time. You have to take the boy out of diapers at regular intervals. You have to decide between diapers and underpants. Many people prefer underwear or cotton pants over disposable diapers. You should keep in mind what’s good for you and your son. You can try many things but go for the one best suited. Coordinate with daycare or preschool The daycare provider or the preschool teacher may have a different opinion about switching to underpants. You should discuss your plans with them. Try to coordinate well as you have to manage the time of your boy out of the diapers. Look for every option Try to find options that can do the task easy for the boy. Do not get upset if the strategy fails. Do not go for punishment. If a child feels bad for poop, it can destroy the whole hard work. Potty training is just like learning how to ride a bike. It may cause failures for months but eventually you succeed. Do not lose hope or get frustrated. You can also take a break from potty training if it is not working. Look for all the possible options. Make it a fun factory Decorate the potty place with toys, colors, pictures, magazines, and postcards. You can also put food color to the water in the potty. It will make the boy excited about how he has changed the colors of the potty. You can also arrange for rewards such as pizzas and burgers when the job is done. Let him know that using the potty is an interesting act, not a weird one. While potty training a boy, look for the following: - The size of the potty should be considered closely. - The time should be right to start the procedure. - Follow the indications of the boy to go for potty. - Check out the steps that drive your boy for the use of the potty. - Do not lose patience. It will!
PAGE TWO THE MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY. JULY 27. 1954 PAGE TWO TIlE MICHIGAN DAILY TTTII~flAv jrrr.v ~'i Io'~& .ava:s ausxs. r arUL'i iGr t 1+i 7E7'x. Governor Williams and His Pre-Primary Campaigning SOME OF THE politics Governor G. Mennen Wil- liams has been playing lately have already backfired and more fireworks could well be ex- pected after the August 3 primary-leaving a very red-faced Governor and weakened Democratic party going into the November elections. Gov. Williams, a candidate for a fourth term himself, has thrown his personal support solidly behind Philip A. Hart as his running mate for Lieut. Governor. This move on the part of Williams is unprecedented for a governor prior to a primary. Williams also threw his influence behind the late Blair Moody as primary candidate running against Patrick V. McNamara for the Democratic Senatorial nomination. Williams did not snub McNamara as bluntly as he did Hart's opponent, George S. Fitzgerald, but he did make an all out effort to link "Wil- liams and Moody" as twin campaigners. Now with the trngic and untimely death of Moody, McNamara is a bitter pill for the Governor to swallow as the certain candidate to run against the incumbent Homer Ferguson. But not only this mistake must be undone. The fact that McNamara is practically unknown out- side of the Detroit Metropolitan area makes him an extremely weak candidate for the Senate. Apparently, Williams was unaware that Fitz- gerald would prove such a formidable campaigner for the August 3 primary. Fitzgerald is sure to make a strong showing in the primary and stands an ex- cellent chance of unseating Hart as a candidate. This would force Williams to coddle Fitzgerald, a man whom he such a short time ago spoke out against, as his running mate in November. And then, should Hart squeak through the primary, there will be a question as to how Fitzgerald's fol- lowing will vote in November. Williams is living pretty recklessly for a Gover- nor who holds his office by the scant margin c 10,000 votes over his opponent of two years ago. -Baert Brandt "Here I Am, Mister" j -/ fryf, co Vv At Rackham A uditorium . . the success with which the composer states and develops those ideas. It seemed to me that the University Woodwind Quintet: Nelson Hauen- works played last night were virtually without ex- stein, flute; Lare Wardrop, oboe; Albert Luconi, ception skillfully written and effective in perform- clarinet; Lewis Cooper, bassoon; Ted Evans, ance. horn. Assisting performers: Sigurd Rascher, sax- The Reicha Quintet which opened the program ophone; Clyde Thompson, string bass. is a very engaging and lively one, written with Anton Reicha: Quintet No. 3, in D; Walter Pi- much imaginativeness in the handling of the in- ton: Three Pieces for Flute, Clarinet, and Bas- struments. The scherzo movement (I cannot un- soon; Charles Stainer: Scherzo; Jorgen Bentzon: derstand the designation on the program as a Racconto No. 1, for Flute, Bassoon, Saxophone, minuet) leads the players a merry chase as they and String Bass; Paul Pierne: Bucolique Variee, toss snatches of thematic marerial to each other, for Oboe, Clarinet, and Bassoon; Darius Milhaud: then play in the background while waiting to La Cheminee du Roi Rene. pick up another bright fragment. The finale, MUSICALLY and interpretatively, this was per- somehow akin to Haydn, though with most un- haps the most distinguished performance of the Haydnesque instrumental writing is also a very Woodwind Quintet this reviewer has attended. The charming trifle. playing was all of excellent quality. The balance, The Three Pieces by Walter Piston are written which is likely to be a stumbling block in a wood- with that composer's usual conciseness and wit, and wind group on account of the essentially non- his characteristically acrid harmonic style. The blending character of the instruments, was han- amusingly bumpy rhythms of the first and last dIed most successfully. Phrasing and dynamics pieces (especially the last with its apparent shifts were smooth and skillful, and the group played of meter) and the curious mood painting of the together with only occasional roughness of en- middle movement make a most interesting suite. semble and intonation. An instrumental tour de force, it was brilliantly There was hardly a serious note in the entire played. The Scherzo by Charles Stainer which program. Just as composers of chamber music for concluded the first half of the concert was a pleas- strings (particularly those of the contemporary ant composition with a great deal of busywork for school) seem to feel in duty bound to compose all the instruments. works characterized by great intensity, complex The Racconto No. 1 by Jorgen Bentzon was a counterpoint, and, in general a stern musical coun- well-conceived and instrumentally deft piece of tenance, composers of music for winds are as oft- music which, even if it had done nothing else, en as not content to write good-humored, light- would have demonstrated how a flute, a saxophone, weight compositions that neither present nor solve a bassoon, and a string bass sound together. In this any particular musical problems. This comment case, they sounded very well indeed. The grace- signifies neither approval nor disapproval. A wort ful and melodic work is based on a march-like must be judged on the quality of its ideas and on ritornello which recurs during the piece with con- trasting episodes including, near the end, a really Chemicals and Cancer amazing cadenze for the saxophone. The flute is given perhaps the greatest part of the thematic ENCOURAGING news for everyone who shares content of the work, and the bassoon and string the fear of the dread affliction of cancer is con- bass provide important though unobtrusive sup- tained in the report of the Sloan-Kettering Insti- porting parts. The harmonic style is diatonic, but tute for Cancer Research. "A high percentage of with a certain fresh treatment that reminds me cures of different kinds of cancer in animals can he of no other composer in particular. There seem- obtained regularly," says the report, "through the ed to be no really striking climax, and after the administration of chemicals." The chemical method saxophone cadenza the work seemed to have goVe of attack on cancer cells thus holds the distinct on a bit too long. But then the ritornello returned possibility of cure for leukemia and other forms of for the final time, with a new counter-melody for human cancer now beyond control. the saxophone, and brought the composition to a The process by which these conclusions have been conclusion which seemed exactly right. Mr. Rascher reached is fascinating. Reasoning that cancer cells was a member of the performing group for which much like the bacteria which cause pneumonia and, the piece was written, and it is highly dubious tuberculosis, scientists hypothesized that chemical whether anyone else can play it as well. Phrasing, measures similar to those which are effective control, tone quality, and those remarkable high against bacteria might also destroy cancer without notes in the cadenza were well-night perfect. The injuring normal cells. The hypothesis was refined ensemble was excellent and the performance as to develop a synthetic chemical food similar to a whole was well paced. normal food which would "fool" the cancer cells Paul Pierne's Variee Bucolique for Oboe, Clar- -which they would ingest but which would not inet, and Bassoon was performed next by Messrs. nourish them. Since cancer cells need the food Wardrop, Luconi, and Cooper. Another garceful more than do normal cells, the cancer cells in ef- and somewhat facile piece, it showed the instru- fect starve while normal cells are uninjured. This ments to good advantage, and made its points experiment, which was a long shot in the begin- concisely and with a pleasant sort of lyricism. La ning, has had astonishing success. In addition to Cheminee du Roi Rene, by Darius Milhaud, is of the regular cures among animals-and "cure" is course the work of a master, and of one of the a strong word-temporary benefits have already most likeable masters of our century. This suite been obtained in the treatment of leukemia, or of seven short movements with fanciful titles is blood cancer, in human beings. something of an evocation of Renaissance music, With any such report, however promising, it is yet remains pure Milhaud. The work takes ad- necessary to caution against false or premature vantage of the individual color of the five instru- hopes. The new technique, even if it is perfected, mnents, and is perhaps the most characteristic will not be a substitute for early cancer detection; woodwind music on the whole program. It was a it will at best provide a cure for certain types of high-spirited finish to a most enjoyable concert. cancer rather than a preventive. -Dave Tice *CURRENT MOVIES * Aa . n wAsM ,c4e., Pea.., WASHINGTON-One of the four octogenarians on whom the United States is leaning in vital parts of the world is now in Washington receiving the deserved tribute of President Eisenhower. He is Dr. Syngman Rhee, can- tankerous, crusading President of South Korea, without whose stub- born patriotism Korea would not be even half alive today; yet whose stubborness today may ei- ther upset the precarious peace of the Far East or prevent the or- derly reconstruction of his coun- try. Dr. Rhee is now 79 years old. And like another old man, Chan- cellor Adenauer, on whom we are relying in another vital area, he cannot last forever. And because Chiang Kai-shek also is reaching the twilight of his years with no one groomed to succeed him; and because 79 - year - old Winston Churchill, our best champion in England, is certain to step down soon, realist diplomats are won- dering whom the United States in- tends to lean on after these octo- genarians are gone. Are we grooming no young men for the future? A best, Dr. Rhee can carry on only two or three years longer. In Germany, Konrad Adenauer can remain Chancellor only a short time. Yet our whole policy in Germany is aimed at arming a government which three years from now may put all the arms we give it in the hands of the anti-American forces almost cer- tain to succed the aged patriot of West Germany. In Formosa, with no one trained to succeed the aging champion of Nationalist China, how can we buck Red China's entry into the United Nations after Chiang is gone? Unfortunately the dominating dispositions of elder statesmen are such that it's difficult to train suc- cessors. In Korea, Dr. Rhee has fired 200 cabinet ministers. For he is the whole show. He is South Korea. Without him there would be no South Korea, and unless you please him you serve not one day longer in his cabinet. His grit, his determination have made Korea what it is today. But His refusal to cooperate with others may tear down the very thing he has built. For when Rhee leaves this1 earthly scene, as leave he must, the man likely to succeed hin is Le Bum Suk, i fascist-minded undependable who could embrace communism with the same facility he embraces republicanism. Such is our diplomacy of look- ing to the past, not the future. On such frail cornerstones is our policy, in an area drenched with American blood, based today. Beaten By Bamboo When you look back over the vista of Syngman Rhee's nearly eighty years you can understand1 why he is sometimes difficult to deal with. During those years he has been beaten with bamboo rods daily for seven months. He has had oil paper wrapped round his wrists and set on fire. He hasj had his fingers mashed so hor- ribly that even today he blows on them to keep them warm. He has had to wear a 20-pound can- gue around his neck and sit withi his feet and hands locked in stocks. He has spent seven years ini prison, 41 years in exile, has had a $300,000 Japanese price put on his head. He has been rebuffed. He has been disheartened. But he has never ceased fighting for the in secret caches until he has enough to permit the well-trained South Korean army to resume war for perhaps a month or more. And the patriot of Korea is just stubborn enough to precipitate such a war. After all, he was promised the unity of his country; and only on that condition did he agree to an armistice. He was promised a satisfactory peace at the Geneva Conference. But that conference has come and gone with Korea hardly mentioned. He was told by Assistant Sec- retary of State Walter Robertson, the man who persuaded Rhee to accept a truce, that Korea would be united and that the real danger was not in Korea but that China would turn its attention to what she really wants-the vast riches of Southeast Asia. Rhee has now seen that predic- tion come true. He has seen China cut another line dividing a nation, a line of military expediency sure to become a line of political in- expediency. Yet the line across Korea still remains. Obviously Dr. Rhee, in Wash- ington today, is justified in say- ing: "I told you so." Graft In High Places Worst tragedy in South Korea today is the failure of reconstruc- tion. It has now been three years since there was fighting much be- low the 38th parallel. But in that time little has been done to re- build a shattered nation. Money has been spent-large amounts of money-but there is little to show for it. Part of it has evaporated in graft; for no contractor or im- porter can do business in Korea without greasing the palms of peo- ple in high places. But part of the troubles is bick- ering over reconstruction. Rhee wants a slick, modern highway built the length and breadth of South Korea. American generals haven't relished the cooperation of UNKRA, the U.N. group for Ko- rean Reconstruction. They want to kick the U.N. out, not realizing the tremendous political advan- tage of U.N. support. But while South Korea stag- nates, North Korea, unhampered by political bickering, booms. The Reds are trying to make it a model for Northern Asia. Meanwhile, what would happen to South Korea if the U.S. pulled the plug of American dollars next year or even in five years? Those are the problems faced by the State Department in talking to Syngman Rhee this week. Copywright 1954, by the Bell Syndicate Sixty-Fourth Year Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. letter4 TO THEEDITOR The Daily welcomes communica- tions from its readers on matters of general interest, and will publish all letters which are signed by the wri- ter and in good taste. Letters ex- ceeding 300 words in length, defama- tory or libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste will be condensed, edited or withheld from publication at the 1discretion of the editors. The Complete Statement To the Editor: N HER ARTICLE on Dr. Davis' contempt citation in Saturday's Daily, Mrs. Au Werter quoted me as saying that "Had Dr. Davis used the Fifth Amendment, as I had, he would have not been cited for contempt." While this quota- tion was correct, it was not my 1full statement. Because it was tak- en out of context, it gave the im- pression that I was criticizing Dr. Davis for not invoking the Fifth Amendment. To clear up any such impression, I am asking that my full statement be printed. It reads as follows: "Dr. Davis has been cited for contempt because he had the cour- age to challenge the very principle on which the un-American commit- tee operates. Dr. Davis has taken the position that since the First Amendment prohibits C o n g r e s s from restricting the freedom of speech and press, it also precludes any Congressional committee from probing into an individual's be- liefs and associations. "Had Dr. Davis used the Fifth Amendment, as I had, he would not have been cited for contempt. But the basis of the committee's power would not have been chal- lenged. Because this issue is such a basic one, Dr. Davis deserves the full support of the students and faculty. I hope that the rest of the academic community will act as courageously in this matter as Dr. Davis did." -Ed. Shaffer * * * Something to Appreciate To the Editor: IT WOULD SEEM next to im- possible t h a t anyone-m a n, woman or child-could findany- thing left to appreciate in the the Speech Department's production of "Mrs. McThing" after the critics "clobbered" it. 7owever, in case Mary Chase or Miss Baird, or any of the others involved in the performance are feeling down-cast anddisheartened, let me say there are those who found their efforts amusing, pleas- ant, refreshing-not earth-shaking, of the "heavy" elements we are urged to find inspiring (see Anna Russell for comment), but all can- not be lost in "Mrs. McThing" when a fair-sized audience obvious- ly enjoyed it-whether it was any "good" or not. -Barbara A. Logan * * * Too Much? . . To the Editor: THE DAILY HAS BEEN plagued ever since I can dare to re- member with an assortment of photographers who, with rare ex- ceptions, individually and collect- ively display an absense of the most rudimentary inkling of the so-called photographic art, such as it is. But even the cumulative record of Daily photographic atro- cities is forgotten as I gaze with poorly concealed horror at the in- credible travesty of the face of Anna Russel which disgraced the front page Tuesday. At first, I: thought this picture illustrated the victim of a ghastly automobile wreck; then it appeared that the photograph was a dope crazed philosopher who had been blinded by searchlights. Tearing my un- easy eyes from the monstrous' image I notedrthat itwas claimed to portray one Anna Russel, noted vocalist. I beg you to ease these cal systems of your readers. If in- deed your hydroquinone crazed photographers are unable to equal the work of intelligent apes with box cameras I suggest you make use of the varied talkents of L. H. Scott, Gargoyle Art Editor as an; illustrator and spare us any more of these lousy apparitions. -Dave Kessel PS I wasn't going to write any of these letters this summer but this is too much. EMBARRASSMENT drove the Reece Committee investigat- ing tax-exempt foundations into, hiding; shame ought to drive itj entirely out of existence. The com- mittee began by making itself lud- icrous; then, having sponsored what Rep. Wayne Hays, a minority member of the group, quite prop- erly called a "fantastic, nonfac- tual, nonsensical and slanderous attack on the great foundations," it decided to hold future hearings only in executive session, denying the foundations, which had been publicly attacked, any chance to defend themselves in public. The; Carnegie Corporation had every right to denounce this conduct as it did the other day as "alien to all American standards of justice and obviously unfair and preju- IF THE REAL REASON for the1 denial of clearance to Thomas1 W. LaVenia of Senator McCarthy's staff was, as he asserts, that he once was vice president of the' American Law Students Associa- tion, the Defense Department has used its security powers with ex- traordinary fatuity. The Defense Department has refused to disclose the basis for its action in regard to Mr. LaVenia and also in regard to another McCarthy aide, Don Surine. We heartily agree with the assertion of the American Civil Liberties Union that "the men should have had a hearing, or at least the charges against them should have been made more spe- cific, in accordance with our tradi- tional concept of due process." This newspaper made the same point in an editorial comment on Thursday. It is significant that the ACLU has asserted the rights of these McCarthy staff members while Senator McCarthy himself has not. Perhaps this is because the ACLU has consistently, in conformity with its traditional nonpartisan stand of defending the civil liberties of everyone, deplored the condem- nation of men on the mere basis of their affiliation with some sus- pect group. Senator McCarthy, on the other hand, has made it a persistent practice to assume indi- viduals guilty of everything charge- able. to any group of which they happened to be members. In point of fact, in 1951, Senator McCarthy used a tenuous association of Am- bassador Philip Jessup with the American Law Students Associa- tion as an argument for disquali- fying the Ambassador as a dele- gate to the United Nations. It may be that this incident of the past made Senator McCarthy somewhat embarrassed about pro- testing the condemnation of Mr. LaVenia on so flimsy an imputa- tion-although this sort of consist- ency has not usually been one of the Senator's hobgoblins. So far as this newspaper is concerned, it thought, and said at the time, that it was preposterous to consider Mr. Jessup disloyal because he had one been on the faculty advisory board of a student association that had later been suspected of being a Communist front by the House Un- American Activities Committee; and this newspaper t h i n k s it. equally preposterous to call Mr. LaVenia a security risk if there is nothing more than past affilia- tion with this group against him. In any case, since his reputation has been besmirched, he and the public are entitled to know the charges; and he deserves a chance to clear himself. -The Washington Post TURN ABOUT: The Case of Lavenia 2 1 DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN y { The Daily Official Bulletin is an official publication of the University of Michigan for which the Michigan Daily assumes no editorial responsi- bility. Publication in it is construc- tive notice to all members of the University. Noticesrshould be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 350 Administration Building before 3 p.m. the day preceding publication. TUESDAY, JULY 27, 1954 VOL. LXIV, No. 24S Notices Invitations for the Master's breakfast are in the mail for those students who are candidates for the master's degree at the close of the summer session. If there are any such degree candidates who did not receive an invitation, they may call for their tickets at the Office of the Summer Session, Room 3510, Ad- ministration Bldg. Veterans enrolled under P. L. 346 (World War II G. I. Bill) who will re- ceive a degree, change course, or change institutions, at the end of Summer Session and who wish to take addi- tional training under the Bill, must 4pply for a supplemental Certificate of Eligibility on or before August 14. Application should be made in Room 555, Administration Building, Office of Veteran's Affairs. Sutdents intending to take the admis- sion Test for Graduate Study in Busi- ness on August 4 should leave their names at the Information Desk in Room 150, School of Business Administration, no later than Wednesday, July 28. Law School Admission Test: Applica- tion blanks for the August 7 administra- tion of hte Law School Admission Test are now available at 110 Rackham Build- ing. Application blanks are due in Princeton, N.J. not later than July 28, 1954. Veterans eligible for education and training allowance under Public Law 550 (Korea G.I. Bill), whether they have received Certificate for Education and Training, VA Form 7-1993, or not, must pick up DEAN'S MONTHLY CERTIFI- CATION in appropriate school office, get instructors' signatures for June and July and return that certification to the Dean's office on or before August 2. interested, Thursdays at 3:30. A faculty member and a native French assistant will be present but there is no formal program. Refreshments are avail- able nearby, and all persons interested in talking and hearing French are cor- dially invited to come. PERSONNEL REQUESTS Du-Wel Metal Products, Inc., Bangor, Mich., has an industrial engineering po- sition available for a graduating engi- neer. The work involves methods, time studies, rate setting, job analysis, and some record keeping. For additional in- formation contact the Bureau of Ap- pointments, 3528 Administration Build- ing, Ext. 371. Lectures National Band Conductors Conference, auspices of the School of Music. Pro- gram sessions. 9:00 a.m. and 1:00 p.m., Auditorium A, Angell Hall. Russian Studies Seminar and Round Table, auspices of the Russian Studies Program. "Soviet Economic Trends." Abram Bergson, Professor of Economics, Columbia University Russian Institute. Seminar: 3:00 p.m., 407 Mason Hall. Round table: 8:00 p.m., West Confer- ence Room, Rackham Building. Woman in the World of Man Lecture Series. "The Role of Women in Com- munity Life." Grace Coyle, Professor of Grou Work, School of Anlied Social I - f { not registered for them must file their names with the Chairman of Advisers to Graduate Students, 4019 University High School, not later than July 30. Doctoral Examination for Lynn Smith Rodney, Education; thesis: "The Struc- ture of Public Recreation in the Los Angeles Area: A Study of Local and Re- gional Administrative Patterns and Fa- cility Development," Wednesday, July 28, Founders Room, Michigan Union, at 11:00 a.m. Chairman, E. D. Mitchell. Doctoral Examination for Joseph Co- chincPharmacology; thesis: "On the Chemical Determination of Morphine and its Biological Fate," Wednesday, July 28, 103 Pharmacology Bldg., at 9:30 a.m. Chairman, L. A. Woods. Mathematics - Education Meeting: All interested In Mathematics-Educa- tion are invited to the East Conference Room of the Rackham Building at 7:30 on Tuesday, July 27, to meet friends, to hear Professor R. V. Churchill's com- ments on Current Problems and Needs in Applied Mathematics, to take a sight on polaris, and to enjoy refresh- ments. Seminar in Lie Algebras: Will meet every Wednesday and Friday afternoon at 3 p.m. in Room 3001, Angell Hall. Concerts Faculty Concert: John Kollen, pian- ist, will be heard at 8:30 Tuesday eve- ning, July 27. in the Rackham Lec- ture Hall. The All-Beethoven pro- gram will include Sonata in C-sharp minor, Op. 27, No. 2, Sonata in A-flat major, Op. 110, and Sonata in D ma- jor, Op. 10 No. 3. It will be open to the general public without charge. Concert Dates Changed. The Chicago Symphony Brass Ensemble program, previously anounced for Monday eve- ning, July 26, in the Rackham Lecture Hall, will appear on Wednesday evening, July 28 instead. The University Wood- wind Quintet, originally scheduled for Wednesday, July 28, will preform on Monday evening. July 26, in the Rack- ham Lecture Hal. Exhibitions Clements Library. Women and Woman in Early America. General Library. Women as Authors. Kelsey Museum of Archaeology. Egyp- tian Antiquities-a loan exhibit from the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York City. Michigan Historical Collectiont. The University in 1904. Museum of Art. Three Women Pain - ers. Events Today Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre Box Of- fice is open continuously today from 10 a.m. until 5 p.m. for the sale of tickets for the Department of Speech summer playbill. Remaining on the ser- ies are Sheridan's rehearsal farce, TH CRITIC, July 28-31 and Mozart's .opera, THE MARRIAGE OF FIGARO, August 5, 6, 7 and 9. Lutheran Student Association-Hill and Forest Ave.-Final Tuesday Discus- sion at 7:30 p.m. Dr. George Menden- hall, Dept. of Near East Studies, will speak on "Our Christianity, Is It a Faith or a Culture." Square and Folk Dancing at Lane Hall, 7:30-10:00 p.m. Everyone welcome. The Congregational-Disciples Guild: 4:30-6:00 p.m., Tea at the Guild House, 438 Maynard. The Sociedad Hispanica of the Depart- ment of Romance Languages of the Uni- versity will hold a meeting on Tuesday, July 27, at 8 p.m., in the Kalamazoo Room of the Michigan League. Senora Virginia Steinweg will talk on "El Alti- plano Boliviano y Chile;" and Senor Diego Mariscal of the University of Mexico will talk on "La Nueva Ciudad Universitariatyla Vida Estudiantif en Mexico." Both talks, which will be given in Spanish, will be illustrated with slides. The meeting is open to all inter- ested in the Spanish language and cul- ture. Coming Events I 1 i , A t the Michigan . KNOCK ON WOOD with Danny Kaye. DANNY KAYE is superb. Danny Kaye is just great. I like Danny Kaye. In Knock on Wood the magnificent Mr. Kaye shines brightly down on several square miles of cinematic corn, transforming this unpromising acreage into a happy-romping grounds for his indisputable talents. He survives even the movie's occasional at- tempts to shove him into a position of oafish sentimentality. At worst his luster is only mo- mentarily dimmed. The story is set in motion by the whisking away of a set of plans for "the deadliest weapon known to man" and the stowing of these plans in the heads of ventrilonuist Danny Kave's two dummies gross circumstances, in some own devising. comic cloud of his Even so, the exigencies of plot keep Mr. Kaye nearly earthbound until the action shifts from Zurich to London. Here he becomes sought by the police and the two spy rings, and a chase develops which at last allows him to come into his own. In his flight he assumes successively the roles of an Irishman at a meeting of a Hibernian society, a wonderfully correct Englishman selecting a sports car, and a ballet dancer ina Russian troupe. Any one of these episodes is, all by itself, worth the price of admission. The trouble is that the movie's high points are all in episodes like the ones just mentioned, and while I found it the most engaging movie to come this way in a long time, I can't help feeling sorry Editorial Staff Dianne AuWerter.....Managing Becky Conrad.............Night Rona Friedman.........Night Wally Eberhard............Night Russ AuWerter............Night Sue Garfield...........Women's Hanley Gurwin...........Sports Jack Horwits......Assoc. Sports E. J. Smith......Assoc. Sports Editor Editor Editor Editor Editor Editor Editor Editor Editor Business Staff Dick Aistrom.......Business Manager Lois Pollak......Circulation Manager Bob Kovaks........Advertising Manager Telephone NO 23-24-1 .A~-L -
Browse Careers Advice in Brigg featuring photos, videos, special offers and testimonials to help you choose the right local Careers Advice for you. 1307 E Main St, Richmond, VA, 23219 1307 E Main St, Richmond, Virginia, 23219, Richmond, Virginia, 23219 15 Bridge Street, Brigg, South Humberside, DN20 8LP 1307 E Main St, Richmond, Virginia, 23219 37 Wrawby Street, Brigg, South Humberside, DN20 8BS 36 Birch Avenue, Brigg, South Humberside, DN20 8AP 11 Redcombe Lane, Brigg, South Humberside, DN20 8AU 10 Wrawby Street, Brigg, Humberside, DN20 8JH Bridge Street, Brigg, South Humberside, DN20 8NF The Old Estate Office, Elsham Estate, Elsham, Brigg, South Humberside, DN20 0RA Kevin Cutler first became an Independent Financial Advisor over 20 years ago and worked from offices in Scunthorpe and Brigg... Cutler Financial, estate planning, financial, financial advice, insurance, investment, pension, will writing Unit 17 1 Morley Yard, Chapel Court, Brigg, South Humberside, DN20 8JZ Church Square House, Scunthorpe, South Humberside, DN15 6NL Carlton Street, Scunthorpe, South Humberside, DN15 6TX 10 Poppyfield Way, Brigg, South Humberside, DN20 8FG 11 Redcombe Lane, Brigg, South Humberside, DN20 8AU Unit 4 Woodfield House Berkeley Business Centre, Doncaster Road, Scunthorpe, South Humberside, DN15 7DQ 115 Frodingham Road, Scunthorpe, South Humberside, DN15 7JT 59 Wrawby Street, Brigg, South Humberside, DN20 8JE Independent Financial advisers.... Wrawby Street, Brigg, South Humberside, DN20 8BP The Saw Mill, Ermine Street, Broughton, Brigg, South Humberside, DN20 0AJ Bridge Street, Brigg, South Humberside, DN20 8LP 27 Swift Drive, Scawby Brook, Brigg, South Humberside, 1 Redbourne Road, Hibaldstow, Brigg, South Humberside, DN20 9EE The Hawthorns, Vicarage Road, Wrawby, Brigg, South Humberside, DN20 8RP 26 Mill Lane, Brigg, North Lincolnshire, DN20 8NA Ecoseal Coatings of Brigg, North Lincolnshire are a family run business providing services to private customers and businesses... Resin Driveways, Protective Coating Driveways, Driveway Restoration, Pressure Cleaning, Damp Proofing, Driveways Repairs, Thermal Coatings, Roof Repairs, Roof Cleaning, Masonry Coatings Walls And Roofs, Energy Saving Paint, Wall Repairs 53 High Street, Broughton, Brigg, South Humberside, DN20 0HY 122 Queensway, Scunthorpe, South Humberside, DN16 2JA 2a Snowdonia Avenue, Scunthorpe, South Humberside, DN15 8NL WilsonsCarpets.com - Wilsons Carpets are a local independent flooring specialist. Stockists of a vast selection of quality... Brickhills, Broughton, Brigg, South Humberside, DN20 0BZ Gainsborough Lane, Scawby, Brigg, South Humberside, DN20 9BY 9 Burringham Road, Scunthorpe, South Humberside, DN17 2BA Common Road, Wressle, Broughton, Brigg, South Humberside, DN20 0DA 65 Doncaster Road, Scunthorpe, South Humberside, DN15 7RG Roseville, Coronation Road, Ulceby, South Humberside, DN39 6SX 12 Scawby Road, Broughton, Brigg, South Humberside, DN20 0AF 21 King Street, Barton-upon-Humber, South Humberside, DN18 5ER 41 Gainsborough Lane, Scawby, Scawby, North Lincolnshirem, DN20 9BY Snowdonia Avenue, Scunthorpe, South Humberside, DN15 8NL Unit 2 Lebe Road, Scunthorpe, South Humberside, DN15 6AF Monty's is a long established family run carpet, vinyl and rug retailer, who pride themselves on giving a first class personal... Unit 13 Mannaberg Way, Scunthorpe, DN15 8XF For all carpets, vinyls, laminates, realwoods and even astroturf. From budget and landlord specials right up to luxury. we will... Unit 11, Queensway Business Centre, Dunlop Way, Scunthorpe, North Lincolnshire, DN16 3RN For employers looking for reliable recruitment services, we work with everyone from major international brands, to small growing... 12 Scawby Road, Broughton, Brigg, South Humberside, DN20 0AF Amber House is a 13 bed reisdential home specialising in Autism and Learning Difficulties. ... learning disabilities, autism, autism care Unit 3 Dawes Centre, Dawes Lane, Scunthorpe, South Humberside, DN15 6UW diagnostics, welders, auto electrics 266 268 Ashby High St Ashby, Scunthorpe, South Humberside, DN16 2RX Cleatham Road, Kirton Lindsey, Gainsborough, Lincolnshire, DN21 4J 1838 Kelly Street, Charlotte, North Carolina, Charlotte, United States, 28202 Unit 2 Falkland Way Industrial E, Falkland Way, Barton-upon-Humber, South Humberside, DN18 5RL
Woman Tim Paine sexted makes sexual harassment complaint The woman who Australian cricket captain Tim Paine sexted has filed a sexual harassment claim against Cricket Tasmania. Renee Ferguson filed the legal action in the Federal Court, despite a previous investigation finding the messages were consensual. Woman Tim Paine sexted files complaint The legal complaint names Paine, and his brother-in-law Shannon Tubb, who both sexted with Ferguson. According to documents filed in the Federal Court, Ferguson made a previous complaint of sexual harassment against a staff member of Cricket Tasmania. For example, she claims the third man subjected her to sexualised banter in the office, including a co-worker telling her to “Get on snap you mole”. The documents allege this is a reference to Snapchat, and conversations with Tubb. Ferguson claims she made a complaint to the Human Resources manager at the time. She later resigned from her role, after Cricket Tasmania accused her of theft. Police subsequently charged her in relation to that matter and she will face the Tasmanian Magistrates Court in January. Woman releases texts to media The texts emerged last week after the Herald Sun obtained the correspondence between the woman and Tim Paine that occurred in late 2017. “We’re both f***ed if this got out,” the woman texted Paine. Paine then sent an image of his penis with the caption, “True, so f***ed,” in reference to the messages becoming public. He also told the woman: “I’m about to give something firm a pull, myself I think (wink emoji). Well I was going to anyway ha.” The woman then attempted to change the subject, saying: “Ha, sorry I’m getting ready for work … it’s a big day for us kids.” Paine responded: “Will you want to taste my ***? F*** me, I’m seriously hard.” The woman again tried to move the conversation on, texting: “I thought we were resting hands???” Paine continued: “Can’t rest them when I’m this hard! Need to ease the tension … Finish me off with those lips then. (Wink emoji) #trust.” NEXT READ “60 Minutes producer sends dick pic to junior colleague” Paine quits An investigation into the matter by Cricket Tasmania previously found the exchange of texts had been consensual. Despite this, Paine announced this week that he is stepping down from playing cricket as a result of the controversy. Last week, Paine’s wife Bonnie said she felt sorry for her husband, and had long since forgiven him. “I have a bit of sympathy for Tim. A lot actually. He and I went through all of this privately in 2018,” she said. “It broke my heart to be honest. It’s sad that he felt he had to step down as captain over it, and I just think that’s unfair. I felt sad for him.” Call our team at Discrimination Claims on To connect with us, please follow us on
Looking for tips when it comes to toddlers and Epcot and Hollywood Studios? You’ve come to the right place! Today we will guide you through all of our tips for having a magical Disney vacation with your toddler. Taking toddlers to Disney World is one of life’s greatest joys and also can be one of life’s biggest frustrations! Between toddlers being small, nap time, and the uncertainty of how they will respond to certain events and characters, our biggest tip is this: BE FLEXIBLE. Relax, remember that you are at the happiest place on earth, and go with the flow! If you have not read our post on what to do in the Magic Kingdom with your toddler we suggest you start there. We recommend spending two days in the Magic Kingdom and getting the full Disney experience there. Obviously visit the other parks (we have tips for visiting Animal Kingdom with toddlers here), but because we are all on limited time at Disney, prioritize the Magic Kingdom if you are visiting with toddlers. A few disclaimers: - We are considering toddlers to be approximately age 2-4 (preschool age) - Our goal is to give you a good base of what to explore in Epcot and Hollywood Studios. Toddlers and Epcot Epcot is a great place to visit with your preschooler! Epcot has a more low-key feel than the Magic Kingdom and has some gems hidden in it that your toddler will love. Let’s jump in! Frozen Ever After Pros: Probably THE most popular attraction at Epcot for not only toddlers, but for everyone. It is imperative that you FastPass+ or Rope Drop this one or you will be standing in line for a LONG TIME. (For tips on how to secure FastPass selections check here) This attraction is calm, beautifully designed boat ride with one VERY minor “drop.” Cons: Perfect in every way! Gran Fiesta Tour Starring the Three Caballeros Pros: Easy, fun boat ride at the Mexico Pavilion in the World Showcase. Think of a modern version of “It’s a Small World” that stars Donald Duck and The Three Caballeros. Cons: Absolutely nothing! The Seas With Nemo and Friends Pros: Sitting in your “clamobile” you are searching for Nemo with Dory and Marlin. Very kid friendly and fun! As the ride concludes, it deposits you into the SeaBase aquarium where your toddler will enjoy looking at the fish, mammals and crustaceans in a 200 foot diameter, 27 foot deep tank! It may be hard to get your preschooler to leave this area as it truly is amazing. Cons: Some scenes are dark and there are some sharks that are a bit frightening but we would say nothing to get worried about, especially if your child is familiar with Finding Nemo. Turtle Talk With Crush Pros: This interactive animated film with the 153 year old surfer dude is great fun for your toddler! Crush will actually have a conversation with guests! It is pretty amazing for both adults and kids. Cons: If you are older like Dave, you get intimidated that a 153 year old turtle can remain so “cool”. Other than that, no worries whatsoever! Spaceship Earth Pros: One of the big reasons for going on this attraction is because kids love the fact they are going into this big ball. The attraction is a slow moving history lesson that will probably lose your child, but the visual elements should keep them engaged enough to not be completely bored. Cons: No Mickey, no Minnie, and no typical Disney characters can make this a “skip it” if it’s only your child’s happiness you are after. photo credit Alexis Lariscy Journey Into Imagination With Figment Pros: This fast moving attraction gets some bad reviews by people but we have always enjoyed it! Except for the few cons below, we feel it’s a great must do with your toddler, especially if she is on the older side. Cons: Loud noises and some very surprising moments are found on this attraction. Disney & Pixar Short Film Festival Pros: A wonderful 18 minute experience featuring 3 short films and in-theater effects. Cons: These films can actually be found on-line, but the atmosphere is part of the experience. Toddlers and Hollywood Studios Hollywood Studios – where we find Toy Story Land! We love spending time at Hollywood Studios and there is plenty there that your toddler will enjoy. Toy Story Midway Mania! Pros: A 3D carnival game ride where each guest uses a pull-string “shooter’ to toss digital objects at the on screen targets. Fun for children even if they aren’t interested in pulling the shooter. The queue is fun as well, so standing in line is pretty enjoyable. Cons: This attraction jerks around a bit so not necessarily a gentle ride. Beauty and The Beast – Live on Stage Pros: Broadway musical version of the movie in an open-air amphitheater. Great songs, costumes and theatrical surprises. Very enjoyable 25 minute performance that the whole family will enjoy. Cons: Make sure your kids have seen the movie (the play closely resembles the animated version) before you go. Alien Swirling Saucers Pros: A “midway” style ride that spins like the Mad Tea Party. Cute, bright and kids love it. Cons: Keep in mind that this attraction has a 32 inch height requirement. You can find a Disney attractions height chart here. This ride can also cause motion sickness – parents, beware! Slinky Dog Dash Pros: A kiddie roller coaster ride sitting in Slinky Dog from Toy Story. Cons: A 38 inch height requirement and and thrill ride tolerance needs to be taken into consideration. photo credit Alexis Lariscy Muppet Vision 3D Pros: This is a 3-D vision 15 minute show which features all the Muppets. Cons: Some of the 3D effects can get pretty “real” for the kids. Loud sounds and surprises can be a bit overwhelming. If you are interested in this show do your research before going to make the best judgment. Lightning McQueen’s Racing Academy Pros: 10 minute show centered on Lightning McQueen with great animatronics in an impressive theater. Cons: Nothing! As Lightning McQueen says “Lets do this thing!” Voyage Of The Little Mermaid Pros: Live action characters with a wonderful stage and sound presentation. Kids love it! Cons: Make sure your little one has seen the movie! Disney Junior Dance Party! Pros: Live people/characters and animation combines for a fun interactive experience! This 25 minute dance party and sing along has characters such as Doc McStuffins, Timon, Vampirina, and Mickey. Cons: This is a pretty tame experience. Our hope is that you now have a good idea of what to do at Epcot and Hollywood Studios with your toddler. Keep these ideas in mind as you make your plan, and you are off to a great start! You may want to check out Disney attractions height chart to see if there are any additional attractions you want to consider – especially if you have kids on the taller side. Along with knowing the height requirements, we have 6 additional tips for having a successful vacation to Disney World with your toddler here. We love dressing our kids in Disney clothes while we are at Walt Disney World – be sure to check out our round up of our favorite clothes for toddler girls! We have a cute minnie sweatshirt with ears for chilly weather and the cutest tutu outfit for your littlest princess!
The new alcohol law took effect in Cancun, Riviera Maya in February 2019; Under the new law packaged alcohol cannot be sold past 11:00 p.m. Bars that wish to sell alcohol after that time can apply for a special permit that will allow alcohol sales until 3:00 a.m. Can you buy alcohol in Cancun? Yes, beer and liquor both are available at mini marts. You can also buy liquor upon arrival at Cancun airport duty free shop. Have fun, enjoy your trip, safe travels. Thanks for your help!! How early can you buy alcohol in Mexico? According to the new law the sale of alcohol for wineries, liquor stores, sub-agencies, mini supers, self-service stores and convenience stores is only allowed from 10:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m. Monday to Saturday and on Sundays from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Can you buy alcohol at the Cancun airport? The Cancun Duty Free sections of the airport carry the regular liquor/tobacco stores, but also unique boutique stores carrying up-scale items such as perfumes, jewelry, accessories and clothing items. Can you have alcohol on the beach in Cancun? Beaches Are Open In Cancun Public beaches and pools are now open but alcohol is currently prohibited. Visitors must remain within their own party. Is liquor cheap in Cancun? Prices in the US are cheaper than here unless you are buying Mexican products. The absolute cheapest prices on alcohol is at WALMART in Cancun. What liquor is Cancun known for? Tequila- The liquor of choice in Mexico & it’s no surprise because tequila can only be made in a specific region; the western state of Jalisco, Mexico (which is also where you can find After Dark Puerto Vallarta)! Fun Fact: the drink itself is named after the city of Tequila. Can you walk around with alcohol in Mexico? While Mexico doesn’t prohibit traveling with liquor in a vehicle, it’s illegal to drink on the street; travelers can and will be fined, or jailed for public drunkenness. Can you buy alcohol in Cancun on Sunday?. Can you buy liquor in Mexico?. How many bottles of liquor. Can you buy white Hennessy in Cancun? Is there White Hennessy in Cancun? You can get white hennessy in Bahamas and Jamaica. They dont have it in Cancun . How much is a bottle of tequila in Cancun? How much is a bottle of tequila in Cancun? Prices can range from a few dollas to over $100 per bottle . Is it safe to drink alcohol in Cancun resorts?. Can a 19 year old drink. Can you drink on the beach.
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Driving abroad: RAC's tips for driving in Europe We use your sign-up to provide content in ways you’ve consented to and to improve our understanding of you. This may include adverts from us and 3rd parties based on our understanding. You can unsubscribe at any time. More info Following numerous driving law changes in the UK in 2021, with more freedoms in the new year, drivers will be able to return to Europe for a long road trip or a short weekend getaway. Broader changes have been made because of Brexit regulations, whilst individual countries have also made alterations to their laws affecting drivers from the UK. Driving licence use in Italy and Spain The British Embassy in Rome confirmed on Christmas Eve: “While discussions on agreement continue, Italy has confirmed valid UK licences issued before January 1, 2021, can be used until December 31, 2022.” Since Britain left the EU at the end of 2020, UK licence holders living in the country were granted a 12-month grace period in which they could continue to use their British licence in Italy, which had been due to end on December 31, 2021. The UK ambassador to Spain said he had requested another extension to the validity of UK licences in Spain past the looming December 31 deadline, adding that “negotiations are progressing” regarding a licence exchange deal. This has since been extemded to Feburary 28, 2022. Operation licences for van drivers Van drivers will be required to get new international operating licences if they want to travel back and forth to the EU from May 2022. According to the Government website, anyone driving a van, a light commercial vehicle or any car towing a trailer will be required to have a “goods vehicle operator licence” to enter the EU, Iceland, Norway, Liechtenstein or Switzerland from May. The licence will cost van drivers up to £1,100, a price which many industry leaders have slammed, especially for the impact it will have on solo operators. DON’T MISS Ban on car ownership would lead to ‘car industry going bust’ [SHOCKING] Older drivers angry at poll showing tailgating by younger drivers [INSIGHT] Car tax zones helping ‘unleash wave’ of investment for electric cars [ANALYSIS] Visas By the end of 2022, drivers will have to buy a £6 visa-waiver for holidays and short stays. UK nationals won’t need a visa for short trips – up to 90 days in any 180-day period – to mainland Europe if they’re just going on holiday, but they will have to fork out for a visa-waiver. Travellers wanting to enter the border-free Schengen area will need to fill out an online form and checks will be made automatically, unless an issue is flagged. Save 10% on your MOT It’s Kwik Fits’ Midsommer Madness sale and you can take 10% off your MOT Test with the UK’s #1 MOT tester – just click the link to book online. Source: Read Full Article
Sep 27 2019 6 essential cement equipment for cement plant raw material preparation of cement it is a process of prehomogenization most of raw materials like limestone clay clinker production preheat is a necessary process before rotary kiln the preheating Cement grinding plant vintage photograph 3270163 if you buy it now youll only be purchasing this item if youd like to get the additional items youve selected to qualify for this offer close this window and add these items to your cart seller assumes all responsibility for this listing Minicement grinding plant allcement plantswith a capacity of less than 200 tonnes per day are categorized as minicement grinding plants zenith is world leading supplier and manufacturer of crushingplantandgrindingmill we design and manufacture a comprehensive line ofgrindingmills and entiregrindingsystems for mining mineral Cement grinding plantsintelligent down to the last detail cement grinding plant acts as an individual production line in the last period of the cement production process in the finished product period the cement clinker is ground by adding moderate mixing materials and then forms the finished cement The group produces variouscementtypes such as a special blend of portland pozzolanastatewiseplantlistjaypee churk industrial complex cement grindingunit 11 marcecementworks ltd 12 sikandrabadcementworks biharcement planta unit of shreecementltd aurangabad 3 kalyanpur cements ltd 4 Feb 25 2021 clinkergrindinghalts in lami fijigrinding Thecementproduced under the brand name nagarjuna established a premium image in the coastal districts of andhra pradesh the company expanded the capacity of thecement plantin stages starting with a modest capacity of 200 tpd the company has now grown to a The cement grinding control application from rockwell automation assists the leading cement producer in achieving significant gains through automated control Cement grinding unit is also called the cement grinding plant it consists of cement ball mill dust collector belt conveyor bucket elevator cement silo powder concentrator etc agico provides highquality clinker grinders and advanced cement grinding technology Feb 18 2021 for us as an original equipment manufacturer and also for the customer the newgrinding plantis an important signpost towards more energyefficient and sustainablecementproduction The ccg is a smallscalegrinding plantdesigned to produce different types ofcement Cement grindingoperation may be performed in one of the following mill setups ball and tube mills vertical roller mills vrm roller press with ball mill ball mill ball mills with high efficiency separators have been used forcement grindingincement plantsall these years ball mill is a cylinder rotating at about 7080 of critical Ascement plantequipment and processes are monitored digitally it enables you to react quicker make smarter decisions on when to repair or maintain equipment based on unique data specific to your operation this can be applied to improve uptime ofcementkilns andgrindingmills it also allows remote monitoring to oversee operations of Cementmanufacturingplantflow diagram raw materials flow chart to the production line ofgrinding plantdiagramcementmanufacturing process flow chartcement grinding cementpacking and storage in thecementmanufacturing process most material must be broken such as limestone iron orecement grinding plantprocess flow youtube782018 chaengcement grinding plantprocess flow email Nature of business exporter year of establishment 2003 legal status of firm limited company ltdpvtltd annual turnover rs 50 100 crore import export code iec 13060 gst no 08aaecm6457c1zh we are among the highly prominent manufacturers exporters and wholesalers of premiumqualitycementmanufacturingplants sugarplants Plantautomation for production and processing ofconcreteandcementin the competitivecementproduction market technology improvement is vital to increase production and revenue while you face the significant challenges of globalization and increasingly stringent environmental regulations you must ensure exacting quality standards Feb 18 2021 austria germanybased loesche has received an order to supply a new raw materialsgrinding plantto lafargeholcim subsidiary lafarge zements mannersdorfcement plant theplantwill consist of a type lm 454 mill a lsks type classifier a rotary feeder a magnetic separator a conveyor a pair of hurriclons a mill fan and the digital ready 40 digital package Cement grinding plantsminerals industry consulting as an economic measure manycementcompanies have opted to ship clinker to satellitegrindingfacilities for the supplementation of readily available additives at the location of thegrinding plantin the manufacturing ofcement clinkergrindingis an important process in obtaining a high quality product as the main requirement is to obtain Grindingis a large and costly part of portlandcementmanufacturegrinding many early clinkergrinding plantsemployed twostage open circuitgrinding
– Doctor. Book Book Review – Shada by Gareth Roberts (and Douglas Adams) The Lost Doctor Who Adventure by Douglas Adams The fourth Doctor, Romana, and K-9 answer a call from Chronotis, an aging and befuddled Time Lord, who is living out his retirement as a Cambridge professor. Unfortunately, Chronotis has forgotten why he called, although it soon becomes clear that it is for the Doctor to save the universe (again). This time, the threat comes from Skagra, an overly ambitious fellow from the vacation planet of Dronid. He wants to be God, or the closest thing possible. To achieve this goal, he needs to absorb the mind of the legendary Gallifreyan criminal Salyavin who had the ability to replace or augment the minds of others with own. Salyavin, though, was reportedly placed in stasis and imprisoned thousands of years ago on the now lost and forgotten prison planet of Shada. The key to finding Shada is the book The Worshipful and Ancient Law of Gallifrey, which Professor Chronotis stole from the Time Lords’ archives and subsequently misplaced. Got it? Good. Because that’s about as much of the plot as I’m going to try to summarize. The story was originally written as a TV script by Douglas Adams, the late, great author of the Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galxay, and novelized by Gareth Roberts, a writer of other Doctor Who novels and TV scripts. To me, the beginning sounds like Adams. See if you don’t agree. ‘.’ Now I don’t know if Adams came up with this opening or if Roberts did, but it has a lot of Douglas Adams’ irreverent wit and whimsy. And so does the rest of the book. Now, I won’t say it reads exactly like a Douglas Adams book because it doesn’t. There are bits that do, probably because Adams wrote them as part of the script, but in other parts, the imagination is noticeably more constrained. It’s still quite good, enjoyable, and it hangs together very well. The melding of Roberts and Adams is virtually seamless. The portrayal of the Doctor is exceptional, often sounding more like the later Doctors from the new series than the fourth Doctor from the 1970s/1980s. I don’t consider this a bad thing. (Don’t get me wrong, all of the Doctors were fun, but the new series has more polish.) There was a certain element of nostalgia for me reading a ‘new’ Doctor Who adventure set in the 1980s featuring the Doctor’s campy, robot dog, K-9. I enjoyed it very much. I would recommend this book to all fans of Douglas Adams and Doctor Who. If you are not a fan, what’s wrong with you? Now, for a bit of background – Douglas Adams wrote the original Shada script for the final six-episode serial of the 1979-80 Doctor Who TV series. Filming was never completed due to a strike at the BBC. The bits that were filmed were eventually combined and released in 1992 as a 111 minute VHS tape, with Tom Baker, the fourth doctor, adding narrative to link it all together. You can see it on YouTube, although I warn you, it’s pretty rough and was never aired on television. Book Review – Doctor Who – Peacemaker by James Swallow This book would have made a very good episode of the “new” Doctor Who series. It is almost of parody of gunslinger type Westerns (of which I am not a fan) but with a Who twist. The characters of both the Doctor and Martha Jones are written true to the TV show. The Doctor with all his whimsical charm and Martha with her determined confidence face the Clad, an alien warrior race whose members embody themselves in weapons through which they inhabit their hosts. Is this great literature? No. Does it have some stereotypical Western secondary characters? Yes. Are the Wild West accents annoying? At times. I think that’s the point, though. This book pokes fun at that type of thing by incorporating the clichés of the genre, and it does it well. The story is a fun, light read with a good plot but driven by the very well portrayed characters of the Doctor and his companion, Martha. Fans of the Doctor should enjoy this. The.
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Technical overview. - Administrators to manage the network and control access from selected devices or from all devices. - Administrators to manage an entire network from a single data center. Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops share a unified architecture called FlexCast Management Architecture (FMA). FMA’s key features are the ability to run multiple versions of Citrix Virtual Apps or Citrix Virtual Desktops from a single Site and integrated provisioning. Key componentsKey components This article is most helpful if you’re new to Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops. If you currently have a 6.x or earlier XenApp farm, or a XenDesktop 5.6 or earlier site, see Changes in 7.x, too. This illustration shows the key components in a typical deployment, which is called a Site. Delivery Controller The Delivery Controller is the central management component of a Site. Each Site has one or more Delivery Controllers. It is installed on at least one server in the data center. For Site reliability and availability, Controllers should be installed on more than one server. If your deployment includes a hypervisor or cloud service, the Controller services communicate with it to distribute applications and desktops, authenticate and manage user access, broker connections between users and their Single-session and Multi-session Windows operating systems. VDAs for Multi-session Windows operating systems allow multiple users to connect to the server at one time. VDAs for Single-session Windows operating systems allow only one user to connect to the desktop at a time. Linux VDAs are also available. Citrix StoreFront StoreFront authenticates users that users have a consistent experience across multiple devices. Citrix Workspace app Installed on user devices and other endpoints (such as virtual desktops), Citrix Workspace app provides users with quick, secure, self-service access to documents, applications, and desktops. Citrix Workspace app provides on-demand access to Windows, Web, and Software as a Service (SaaS) applications. For devices that cannot install the device-specific Citrix Workspace app software, Citrix Workspace app for HTML5 provides a connection through an HTML5-compatible web browser. Citrix Studio Studio is the management console where you configure and manage your Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops deployment. Studio eliminates the need for separate management consoles for managing delivery of applications and desktops. Studio provides wizards to guide you through environment setup, creating workloads to host applications and desktops, and assigning applications and desktops to users. You can also use Studio to allocate and track Citrix licenses for your Site. Studio gets the information it displays from the Broker Service in the Controller, communicating over TCP port 80. Citrix Director Director is a web-based tool that enables IT support and help desk teams to monitor an environment, troubleshoot issues before they become system-critical, and perform support tasks for end users. You can use one Director deployment to connect to and monitor multiple Citrix Virtual Apps or Citrix Virtual Desktops Sites. Director displays: Real-time session data from the Broker Service in the Controller, which includes data the Broker Service gets from the broker agent in the VDA. Historical Site data from the Monitor Service in the Controller. Director uses the ICA performance and heuristics data captured by the Citrix Gateway device to build analytics from the data and then presents it to the administrators.. A Site must have at least one license server to store and manage your license files. Hypervisor or cloud service The hypervisor or cloud service hosts the virtual machines in your Site. These can be the VMs you use to host applications and desktops, as well as VMs you use to host the Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops components. A hypervisor is installed on a host computer dedicated entirely to running the hypervisor and hosting virtual machines. Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops support various hypervisors and cloud services. Although many deployments require a hypervisor, you don’t need one to provide Remote PC Access. A hypervisor is also not required when you are using Provisioning Services (PVS) to provision VMs. For more information, see: - Network ports. - Databases. - Windows services in Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops components: Configure user rights. - Supported hypervisors and cloud services: System requirements. Additional componentsAdditional components The following additional components, not shown in the illustration above, can also be included in Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops deployments. For more information, see their documentation. Citrix Provisioning Citrix Provisioning (formerly Provisioning Services) is an optional component that is available with some editions. It provides an alternative to MCS for provisioning virtual machines. Whereas MCS creates copies of a master image, PVS streams the master image to user devices. PVS doesn’t require a hypervisor to do this, so you can use it to host physical machines. PVS communicates with the Controller to provide users with resources. Citrix Gateway When users connect from outside the corporate firewall, Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops can use Citrix Gateway (formerly Access Gateway and NetScaler Gateway) technology to secure these connections with TLS. The Citrix Gateway or VPX virtual appliance is an SSL VPN appliance that is deployed in the demilitarized zone (DMZ). It provides a single secure point of access through the corporate firewall. Citrix SD-WAN In deployments where virtual desktops are delivered to users at remote locations such as branch offices, Citrix SD-WAN technology can be employed to optimize performance. Repeaters accelerate performance across wide-area networks. With repeaters in the network, users in the branch office experience LAN-like performance over the WAN. Citrix SD-WAN can prioritize different parts of the user experience so that, for example, the user experience does not degrade in the branch location when a large file or print job is sent over the network. HDX WAN optimization provides tokenized compression and data deduplication, dramatically_1<< using StoreFront, their credentials pass through to the Broker Service on the Controller. The Broker Service then obtains profiles and available resources based on the policies set for them. How user connections are handledHow user connections are handled To start a session, the user connects either through Citrix Workspace app installed on the user’s device, or a StoreFront Web site. The user selects the physical or virtual desktop or virtual application that is needed. The user’s credentials move through this pathway to access the Controller, which determines which resources are needed by communicating with a Broker Service. Citrix recommends that administrators place an SSL certificate on StoreFront to encrypt the credentials coming from Citrix Workspace app. The Broker Service determines which desktops and applications the user is allowed to access. After the credentials are verified, information about available applications or desktops is sent back to the user through the StoreFront-Citrix Workspace app Workspace app. A set of required parameters is collected on StoreFront. These parameters are then sent to Citrix Workspace app either as part of the Citrix-Workspace-app Workspace app, StoreFront, and Controller). The connection between Citrix Workspace app then sends this information to the Site database and starts logging data in the monitoring database. How data access worksHow data access works Every Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops session produces data that IT can access through Studio or Director. Using Studio, administrators can access real-time data from the Broker Agent to manage sites. Director accesses the same data plus historical data stored in the Monitoring database. It; it accesses only real-time data. Director communicates with the Broker Service (through a plugin in the Broker Agent) to access the Site database. Director can also access Citrix Gateway to get information on the HDX data. Deliver desktops and applicationsDeliver desktops and applications You set up the machines that will deliver applications and desktops with machine catalogs. Then, you create Delivery Groups that specify the applications and desktops that will be available (using machines in the catalogs), and which users can access them. Optionally, you can then create Application Groups to manage collections of applications. Machine catalogs Machine catalogs are collections of virtual or physical machines that you manage as a single entity. These machines, and the application or virtual desktops on them, are the resources you provide to your users. (Citrix Provisioning or MCS) or other tools. Alternatively, you can use your own existing images. In that case, you must manage target devices on an individual basis or collectively using third-party electronic software distribution (ESD) tools. Valid machine types are: - Multi-session OS: Virtual or physical machines with a multi-session operating system. Used for delivering Citrix Virtual Apps published apps (also known as server-based hosted applications) and Citrix Virtual Apps published desktops (also known as server-hosted desktops). These machines allow multiple users to connect to them at one time. - Single-session OS: Virtual or physical machines with a single-session operating system. Used for delivering VDI desktops (desktops running single-session OSs that can optionally be personalized), VM-hosted apps (applications from single-session OSs), and hosted physical desktops. Only one user at a time can connect to each of these desktops. - Remote PC Access: Enables remote users to access their physical office PCs from any device running Citrix Workspace app. The office PCs are managed through the Citrix Virtual Desktops deployment, and require user devices to be specified in a whitelist. For more information, see Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops Image Management and. More informationMore information Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops diagrams
Today a mini-engagement activity gets underway which will help define the future of the Lanark Road Spaces for people scheme. This is happening because a recent consultation indicated that there was widespread opposition to the scheme, and that the main issue was safety. To date, the public debate has been dominated by those who either strongly oppose or strongly support the scheme, and many people have been stuck in the middle. The polarisation of the debate in this way is partly due to the Council’s unwillingness to work with the local community to define the aims of the scheme, and co-design the response. The binary nature of the debate means often it can appear that we have to choose between the safety of cyclists and that of vulnerable pedestrians. The reality is that we should be focused on a scheme that treats everyone’s safety as equally important. We should be aiming for zero accidents, rather than transferring the risk from one group to another (e.g. via floating bus stops!). For this to happen, however, those who either strongly oppose or strongly support the existing setup will have to compromise. Having looked at the options the Council is using as a starting point (which were approved by Labour, Green, SNP, Independent, Lib Dem and Tory Councillors), the key one impacting on my Ward is just east of Gillespie Crossroads – a short section on the north side of the road between number 432 and Spylaw Park. The concern here is that there is a conflict between parents children accessing Cranley Nursery and passing cyclists. The Council is suggesting the existing lane is retained and floating parking spaces are removed (or vice versa). The existing setup is shown below. Removing a short section of cycle lane here to reduce the conflict between children and cyclists has been described by one opponent as “ripping out protected cycle space in SW Edinburgh for extra on-street parking“. This is not correct as this is not a protected cycle lane (there are no bollards etc) and there will be no increase in parking. The Council’s argument for removing this short section of cycle lane is “anyone cycling on this section is likely to have cycled in from Lanark Road West and will thus likely be capable of cycling around the parking area”. There is some logic in this argument, but it clearly needs to be explored and challenged as part of the consultation. A second issue which the mini-engagement activity will consider is the ‘floating parking’ on downhill sections of the route. This is were the kerb and parking spaces are separated by a cycle lane (see image below). The issue here is that on the downhill sections of Lanark Road there is a risk that somebody alighting from a vehicle may be struck by a cyclist. I rode this section today, and was able to reach 24.4 mph with no real effort. The combination of my momentum and the poor running surface is potentially deadly – and there has already been an accident involving a toddler and an adult cyclist. I have spoken to the wife of the cyclist, and I understand he is strongly opposed to floating parking after his experience. It therefore appears correct, if the lanes are to stay, to consult on moving the parking to the uphill side of the road. I spent 2 hours (and cycled 30km) looking at the Lanark Road and Water of Leith Walkway today from Inglis Green to Balerno. There’s lots of debate about the future of both, but I hope everyone can agree the running surface on the Lanark Rd cycle lanes is abysmal! Even if the Lanark Road scheme was perfect, however, its success will always be limited. At its west end the Lanark Road SfP scheme terminates just short of Gillespie Crossroads. The westward Lanark Road is too narrow to include any sort of protected feeder cycle lane (but the footpaths do need widened in places), and is not a comfortable cycling experience (see video – speeded up & normal speed). Those that proposed the scheme believed that cyclists would switch from the Water of Leith Path to the Lanark Road SfP scheme at Colinton. This probably looks great on Google Earth in some distance consultant’s office, but the hill makes it an unlikely proposition in the real world. At the east end of the scheme, cyclists are dumped into the Inglis Green Road/Lanark Road/Slateford Road/Craig Lockhart Avenue interchange. This is not fun – CrashMap reports 125 accidents involving personal injuries over the past 22 years (see below). These connectivity problems to the east and west are perhaps why the strongest supporters of the Lanark Road SfP refuse to say what level of usage would mean it could be called a ‘success’. Of course, there are other ways of measuring success (e.g. accident reduction) – this is something the local community should consider as part of the consultation. Indeed, a longer term plan and timeline from the Council on how Lanark Road SfP can be part of a larger cycle network would also be useful. Opponents of the Lanark Road SfP will point to the Union Canal Towpath and the Water of Leith Walkway as alternatives for cyclists. My view is that the Union Canal Towpath east of Meggetland should be avoided as it is at capacity. When not busy, however, it is a great route. The Water of Leith Walkway between the Union Canal and Balerno (NCR75) is good but a bell is needed (see video – speeded up & normal speed), and will get better if the plans to improve the surface are realised. Its main drawback is the lack of lighting (not easy to fix), so it does not work as a commuting route over the winter. Indeed, lone cyclists/walkers may not feel safe at any time of day/year. So if there are limitations on cycling on the broad Lanark Road corridor, how do we cut congestion and reduce emissions along the route? The answer here, as for most of suburban Edinburgh, is public transport. I’d love it if people in Balerno & Currie had a safe cycling route into the city and other places of employment etc, but the reality is that if we are to tackle the climate emergency we have to look to making public transport more attractive. Once the future of Lanark Road SfP is settled, we need to give the same energy to improving public transport. 15 thoughts on “What Next for the Lanark Road Spaces for People Scheme?” That truly is an impressive piece of work Scott . IU am circulating it to fellow com cllr and will show you their responses Thanks John Sent from my iPhone > Besides trying to reduce congestion by getting model shift away from private cars, which seems like a catch 22 if we decided to rule out doing that with cycle space, is there any example of how you might improve public transport through Gillespie crossroads in a way that makes a serious difference? We could perhaps compulsory purchase some of the front gardens to add bus lanes down from Juniper Green? The Dutch would not have much trouble fitting dedicated cycle space between Juniper Green and the crossroads. It’s just a question of political will. Edinburgh has in the past demolished rows of houses to widen roads, there was an example shared on Balerno Cares today from the 50s. Perhaps it’s just that doing so in an affluent area to add space for buses and active travel would be too politically courageous? If you watch my video (linked below) you will see that in many sections of Lanark Road between Balerno and Gillespie Crossroads there is not room for a protected bike lane and two way bus flow…. & bits of footpath need widened. I very much agree that a protected bike lane from Balerno down the A70 is not a good investment. All we need to worry about are the two short gaps in the 20mph back streets either side of Juniper Green. That is not a large engineering challenge compared to projects like the trams, St James redevelopment, the west Edinburgh link, the list goes on 🙂 What is needed is the political will to make a solution, given it will certainly reduce convenience for private cars. Clearly needs to come after next May’s elections when the Labour / SNP / Green groups will either have a renewed mandate or not! It seems a little disingenuous to say that there would be no loss of protection simply because there are no bollards inside the parked cars. Whether our kids are protected seems more like a function of whether people drive on the inside of the parked cars (clearly not) and after the removal of the lane, whether they would be right in front of cars, buses & HGVs once we leave the full width of the driver’s doors to prevent dooring (they would). Why not turn the question of usage upside down? What’s the low threshold of people using a bike lane, specifically, that would justify removing it? It’s presumably a function of how many private car spaces we’re talking about and fact that drivers can easily use the ample free parking on the opposite side street combined with the green man at the crossroads. Why does this argument not apply to people’s discomfort with cyclists on the canal, water of leith, the meadows cycle paths, etc. I’m not being “disingenuous”. It’s a fact that no bollards (or similar) means it is not a protected cycle lane. If paint alone was protection, that would be great… but that’s not the world we live in. At this point the painted lane is on a bend, so without the parked cars to protect the lane some vehicles will clip the corner. Removing the painted lane here is only one issue that’s being considered. Why not speak to the parents and staff at the nursery and get their views? Certainly I would encourage any interested parents to get in touch with SW20 (e.g. [email protected]) which does already represent a small number of mums (edit: and dads!) covering both nurseries, and partly came about because said parents were not happy with SWEM. I am not SW20 though, if I ever represent the group it will be quite clear. We’ll have to agree to disagree on whether it is “protected”. I’d let my pre-school kids walk in it (carefully!) and consider it to be protected from cars. In response to idea of removing parking eg opposite Dovecote Park and telling people to park opposite side of the road.i live in the flats what about when someone moves are the removal men to cross the road with your furniture.nit safe or if supermarket delivery same drivers carrying crates . basically before covid Lanark road didn’t have many accidents and was deemed a safe road but now in the months had spaces for people we have had accidents so makes you think it needs removed . Wendy, are these the flats with the massive private off-street parking to the rear? Or different flats? In any case, there are mechanisms in place for something like removals access (the company will know how it works). There are more and more of these lanes all over the UK, and people can still move house. Dear Scott Arthur, LANARK ROAD CYCLING I have used the Lanark road almost every day for the last twenty years plus. It is dangerous for cyclists in many ways. There is an excellent safe alternative: the old railway track from Balerno to the centre of Edinburgh. If the canal part is a problem during rush hour the main road can easily be used in parts closer to town . I wonder if the computer road people even know about this……it isn’t a road and not be on their maps? DELL ROAD COLINTON This leads to a wonderful walk through the dell which has been blocked for no sensible reason. I gather the steps are considered dangerous. This is a matter for debate. Many use this as a short cut from Redford to Colinton local shops At the least it is a very important walk used by hundreds in the past and now dangerously used by dozens who risk life and limb by climbing over the fence that is blocking the pathway, often with a bycycle! I know that there is some talk of at some stage doing some work on the steps……but when? I do hope you can help with this matter. I am very grateful for your tireless work for the community. My regards, John Johnson > Hi John, The paths through Colinton Dell should reopen by the turn of the year – long overdue! I agree that the old railway track is a far better route – not least Colinton Tunnel! Scott. The lack of parking spaces in Morningside resulted in me trying to squeeze into a space that was to small and I ended up reversing into a Spaces for People bollard which has caused a scratch to my rear bumper and I drove into a van upon trying to exit the space which thankfully did not cause any damage. If you do not advocate a full removal of all Spaces for People measures I will order 3 fish suppers to your address under your name and make you pay cash on delivery. How do you fancy that, Mr Arthur? Not too much chips though please.
— particularly investigative journalism — “is to uncover concealed wrongdoing, including corruption, within various social institutions,” (Spence, 2011, p. 217). This essay discusses and evaluates some recent cases of media corruption with reference to journalism and ethics. Contents Ever since the first News of the World (NOTW) phone-hacking scandal (Hackgate) was beamed into our living rooms in 2006, the story has generated a lot of interest from the public and media alike — cannibalism is alive and well; good news I think (no pun intended). The bottom line is that various laws were broken by the journalists during the course of information gathering. Police were bribed, phones were hacked and people paid off. We must remember however, that ultimately, the ensuing news stories were voraciously consumed by the public. Carl Bernstein, one of the American investigative journalists who broke the Watergate scandal in the seventies, recently spoke on the BBC’s Newsnight programme. He said that News International (the UK division of News Corporation and parent company of NOTW) is a “semi-criminal press at the bottom of the sewer-level of journalism.” During the interview he also made a comment that the “British public lapped up — this type of tabloid journalism,” raising the question of whether this type of information is in the public’s interest or of interest to the public? Surely, any ethical infringements lay on both sides equally; on the press, for resorting to this type of gutter-journalism, and on the public, for allowing and at times even demanding this type of trash. In order to achieve this level of penetration, it’s been said that, Murdoch needed to corrupt an institution, “capture the political system, the media, and the cops of a great nation,” (Newsnight, 2011). Worse still, Bernstein mentioned that many “other journalists have stood by and said: Oh, this is fine, we understand it, we’ll wink at it, we’ll laugh at it, it’s kind of funny.” Not before long “you realize that this is a terrible business and that a whole country has been polluted.” Whether it was in regard to coverage of Royalty, the Soham murders, the disappearance of Madeleine McCann, or even 9/11 victims’ families, all of these cases have revealed that News International’s management condoned “negligent or purposeful abuse of information in violation of epistemological and ethical commitments” (Spence, 2011, p. 25). This forms the basis for Alan Gerwirth’s principle of generic consistency (PGC). According to PGC, anything that infringes on a person’s “universal rights to freedom and well-being” goes against universal ethics. Comparing the Hackgate scandal to Watergate, Bernstein said that “just like Nixon corrupted his Whitehouse administration, Murdoch has corrupted the press under his watch.” As mentioned previously, News Corp. is not the only culprit here. We all “know what kind of aura existed at News of The World and other publications,” Bernstein added, “and this isn’t just about Murdoch’s papers because as Murdoch went deeper into the gutter — others followed suit just as they did in this country [America] when the New York Post started to go down.” Unsurprisingly, this isn’t the first time News Corporation found itself at the hot end of a fire stoker. In the late 90’s, a US-based Fox investigative programme, The Investigators, had finished putting together an exposé on Monsanto, one of the world’s largest chemical companies. The Investigative team, chiefly: Steve Willson and Jane Akre, wanted to expose the cover-up which concealed the link between Bovine Growth Hormone — injected into milk-producing cows to increase yields — and cancer. Monsanto markets BGH under the Posilac brand. They wanted to present and discuss two topics in their programme : (1) The Milk and (2) The Media (Willson & Akre, 2000). The Milk: ہ€œIs it still ‘nature’s most perfect food’ when dairymen are injecting their cows with the artificial hormone BGH many scientists link to cancer? How many Americans even know their milk has changed as a result of secret injections down on the farm? Why is this approved in the U.S. but banned in in all of Europe and unapproved through Canada and several other countries? And if there is nothing wrong with BGH, why has its maker Monsanto fought so hard to avoid honest labels which would identify milk from hormone-treated cows and allow consumers to choose for themselves?” The Media: ہ€œHow?” The story was due to air during the scheduled slot, but at the last minute Fox decided not to run the story in its full format and instructed the reporters to “forget it.” Monsanto was one of Fox’s largest sponsors — with brands like Roundup and NutraSweet — and they [Fox] were afraid of either being sued or losing valuable advertising dollars. Either way, Fox acted in a corrupt manner by omitting the story from public view. Coincidentally, Murdoch had just spend $3 billion to acquire the new US-based TV stations and needed to protect his investment. Fox management had reportedly said “we’ll tell you what the story is; the news is what we say it is” (Willson & Akre, 2000). Willson and Akre were instructed to suppress the story and not to take it to any other news outfit. When they refused to present the story with key facts missing, they were eventually fired for insubordination (among other reasons). They both sued Fox but the charges were dismissed. Under US law, Fox argued, “it’s not illegal to lie to the public” — in truth the FCC[1] has a number of rules of conduct, but none of them are part of law or enforceable by law. A utilitarian like John Stuart Mill may disagree with Fox’s conduct because the overall maximization of utility (such as health) depends on people being informed by way of relatively accurate, if not perfect, reporting (Spence, 2011, p. 166). As of 2010, The Walt Disney Company (ABC, History Channel, ESPN) is the world’s largest media conglomerate, with News Corporation (Fox News, New York Post, Wall Street Journal, MySpace), Time Warner (CNN, TIME, HBO) and Viacom (MTV, Paramount Pictures) ranking second, third and fourth respectively. Between them, they control a tremendously large proportion of global media. Furthermore, many of the people who sit on the boards of these media corporations also sit on boards of other organizations. At times, the combination of board membership is directly attributed to a self-serving conflict of interest. For example, Aylwin Lewis sits on the board of Walt Disney (ABC) and Halliburton (the company contracted to rebuild Iraq). Similarly, Viet Dinh is on the board of News Corporation and authored the US Patriot Act. Silencing any opposition to the Patriot Act would (one could imagine) only require a corporate directive to suppress certain types of media from general circulation. (Spence, 2011) says that within “the increasingly concentrated and politically aligned corporate media, journalism has in some instances itself become corrupt, leaving it with a second and morally negative relationship with corruption.” During the Soviet Era, Pravda (truth in Russian) was a state-controlled newspaper which, by and large, was ignored by most citizens who sought to find their own reliable and independent sources of information. We could say that the concentration of corporate media is the modern-day equivalent of the soviet-run Pravda. And if this is the case, then what’s the point of communicating if nobody trusts the information source? It now seems as though certain ‘freedoms’ enjoyed by the press, may find themselves being curtailed by the very governments they once sought to monitor. This is a dangerous opportunity for various groups to get a leg-up in the fight to silence the press. Character is supposedly formed through education and actions that over time become habits of behavior; for the sake of this argument let’s call them “professional routines and practices” (Spence, 2011, p. 202). Therefore, the effectiveness of professional codes of ethics can only be attained by “creating climates of opinion and control mechanisms to ensure that flawed characters become professionally unacceptable” (Sanders, 2003, p. 162). By that same logic, we could argue that the gradual degradation of ethics and increasing corruption in the media are equally habit-forming activities. If left unchecked, these small daily infringements will eventually lead to universally-unacceptable transgressions. Some journalists, like George Monbiot at The Guardian, are saying that “our job is to hold power to account,” instead, “most of the profession simply ventriloquises the concerns of the elite.” In an effort to stem corruption and unethical conduct, he suggests that journalists should commit to a “kind of Hippocratic Oath” (Monbiot, 2011). John Laws at 2UE Another classic example of corruption in the media is the “cash for comment” case, where John Laws — a well-known Australian radio personality — abused his position of influence over two-million listeners in favor of a group of banks for a cash payment of A$1.2 million. The transfer of money between the banks and Laws was kept secret from the general public and his audience. The Laws’ case highlights not only his disregard for the audience, but by hiding the payment of the hefty sum, he also broke the MEAA[2] Code of Ethics #4, which states: 4. Do not allow personal interest, or any belief, commitment, payment, gift or benefit, to undermine your accuracy, fairness or independence. If that wasn’t embarrassing enough, even if there had been no payment for the advertorial, by not disclosing his relationship with the banks, Laws also broke MEAA Code of Ethics #5: 5. Disclose conflicts of interest that affect, or could be seen to affect, the accuracy, fairness or independence of your journalism. Do not improperly use a journalistic position for personal gain. Were Laws’ advertorials accurate and unbiased? Probably not — considering that his rhetoric was quite different prior to the cash transaction. In changing his views as a result of payment, Laws also broke MEAA Code of Ethics #6: 6. Do not allow advertising or other commercial considerations to undermine accuracy, fairness or independence. When the cat eventually jumped out of the bag, Laws argued that he was an entertainer not a journalist, and therefore not bound by the MEAA Code of Ethics. In defence against disciplinary action by ACMA[3], 2UE stated that the payment contracts were not between the radio station and the banks, but between Laws and the banks. Of course, such defence doesn’t satisfy even the most basic scrutiny because it is very hard to believe that they [2UE] had no knowledge of the transactions given the material that was being broadcast. Even if we give 2UE the benefit of the doubt and assuming that the radio station was unaware of the financial transaction(s), it should have been its professional duty to investigate why Laws had changed his stance. To be inconsistent is to be guilty of self-contradiction, of which Laws clearly was; and this should have gotten the alarm bells ringing. In his book The Universal Journalist, David Randall argues that “there are only two kinds of journalism: good and bad — [Good] journalism — is, in every sense of the word, universal,” and thus runs parallel to universal public morality (Spence, 2011, p. 200). In our new digital world of mobile phones, the internet, blogs and iPads, no longer do media journalists prioritize source accuracy and reliability in news reporting over ratings. Journalists fabricate stories, create fraudulent documents, and for personal gain collude with the criminal elements of society. Similarly, news organizations are competing for “popularity, high ratings and advertising dollars.” Without anyone to answer to, “media has stopped being a reliable tool for information, and has instead become a dominant tool for fraud and manipulation,” (True Focus, 2004). The industry needs to clean up its act and make a hasty return to a traditional ethics-motivated business model. In the words of Edward R. Murrow: “Good night, and good luck.” Bernstein, C. (2011, July 9). Murdoch’s Watergate? Retrieved October 18, 2011, from The Daily Beast: Media Entertainment and Arts Alliance. (n.d.). Media Alliance Code of Ethics. Retrieved October 19, 2011, from Media Entertainment and Arts Alliance (MEAA): Mediaroots.org. (2009, December 17). Media Corruption and The “Big Six”. Retrieved October 28, 2011, from YouTube.com: Monbiot, G. (2011, July 11). This media is corrupt — we need a Hippocratic oath for journalists. Retrieved October 17, 2011, from The Guardian: Newsnight, B. (2011, July 21). Carl Bernstein on hacking and corruption at News International. Retrieved October 16, 2011, from YouTube: Sanders, K. (2003). Ethics and Journalism. London: Sage. Spence, E. H. (2011). Media, Markets and Morals. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell. The Telegraph. (2011, September 6). Phone hacking: timeline of the scandal. Retrieved October 17, 2011, from The Telegraph: True Focus. (2004, September 27). Media Bias vs. Media Corruption. Retrieved October 20, 2011, from BlogCritics.com: Wikipedia.org. (n.d.). Concentration of media ownership. Retrieved October 18, 2011, from Wikipedia.org: Wikipedia.org. (n.d.). News International. Retrieved October 17, 2011, from Wikipedia.org: Willson, S., & Akre, J. (2000). Bovine Growth Hormone Bulletin: Monsanto. Retrieved October 17, 2011, from FoxBGHSuit: Bravo, sir! Think I’ll share this one.
Big things happen in a small town | Way of life EXIRA – Tracy Paulsen loves a challenge. “Every time someone says you can’t do something, or it won’t work, it makes me want to do it even more,” she said. Maybe that’s what motivated her to start her new business: A ribbon cutting took place last week for her shop in Exira, Farmhouse Fashions. “It was tough at first,” she said, having a store in a small town is tough, but if you know your customers, she said, you can make it work. Tracy got her start in retail working in the Valley West Mall in Des Moines – she worked there for seven years while living in Des Moines, and enjoyed retail. “I’ve always wanted to open my own store,” she said, and about three years ago she started Farmhouse Fashions online. From there, she started traveling to attend supplier shows, which also worked. “It just got better and better every year,” she said, then stumbled across the storefront in Exira. Since then, she said, her online business has grown – along with foot traffic – every week since she opened the store on the first weekend in November. Farmhouse Fashions is located at 115 West Washington Street in Exira, Main Street, and is open Thursday through Sunday. The store sells clothing, accessories and jewelry for women and juniors, as well as home decor. “I have clothes for toddlers and girls too,” she said, noting that in January she would start working in the back room of the store where she would start selling clothes. on consignment, from toddlers to large sizes. She recently surpassed 1,000 followers on her Facebook page and was very excited about it. It’s not her only business – she also works part-time for the Atlantic News Telegraph and the Audubon County Advocate Journal, has been a substitute in school and sells real estate. “I work seven days a week,” she says. On top of that, she has a six-year-old son Luke who raises golden retrievers and has “not very big” dwarf goats. Tracy gets help from Luke. “He’s a big help. In the store, his name is the manager. I’m the owner, he’s the manager, and he’s always trying to get people to buy accessories and boots, that’s his specialty. She says she enjoys working with people, it’s her favorite part, “even if they come and they don’t buy anything,” she says. “I love talking to people, I’m a social butterfly.” Her second favorite part is shopping, and with Farmhouse Fashions she’s able to do it, “and at least now I’m making money with it,” she said. “Instead of just buying for myself, I made it into a business.” With the consignment part of the business, she said she was going to make only children’s clothing, but heard a lot of people say they didn’t like using the exchange, didn’t want to have to travel anything. left to take clothes they didn’t have. no need to donate or deposit. Exira didn’t have a place to take clothes like that, she said, “The closest is Atlantic, Carroll, Harlan (or a bigger city), and they don’t want to drive that far.” She is taking advantage of the small business boom in Exira. “The Dollar Store launched it, then the Buck Snort came along,” she said. Ribbon cuts were made for Tracy’s store on Friday, along with three other new businesses, Buck Snort Restaurant, Studio Samantha Art & Gift Shop at 111 West Washington Street, which will open in March, and The Red Barn Auto. Sales, at the old Red Barn Restaurant just off Highway 71 as you enter Exira. “It’s amazing,” Tracy said. “I couldn’t believe it (at first),” but now she says she’s really excited about it. “I think we’re finally back on the map. After the fire (where) we lost Jerry’s and the other buildings, I think we went into a little lull there. And now I think Exira is starting to come back with a bang, because there are so many new businesses coming in. As she puts it on her webpage, there are “big things going on in a small town! “ Farmhouse Fashions is located at 115 West Washington Street, Exira, (515) 822-2504 Closed Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, open Thursday and Saturday from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m., Friday from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. and Sunday from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m.
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What is the Dylan Moore Days Celebration? Dylan Moore Day is about “paying it forward”. It is a day to celebrate Dylan’s life and an opportunity to help other families in similar situations. Dylan Moore was a 7 year old boy who was battling a rare blood disease known as Fanconi Anemia. On July 26, 2009, young Dylan lost his battle and went home to God. He inspired thousands of people to love, believe, hope, and care. To recognize the courage that this young man displayed, the city of Roanoke Rapids proclaimed September 18 as Dylan Moore Day. This day is an opportunity for the community to come together in an effort to never let the memory of young Dylan fade from our thoughts. During Dylan’s long battle, the amount of help he received was overwhelming. The family knows they would never be able to pay it all back, so they decided to “pay it forward”. Dylan Moore Day became, not only an annual celebration of Dylan’s life, but a benefit to raise funds for another family in the community going through a medical crisis. It was such a huge success, Dylan’s family decided to make it an annual event. Photos from 2021 Dylan Days Celebration Dylan Moore Days Events and Activities September 18-19, 2021 Trail Ride The trail ride (Sep 18 at 10am) will have room for a limited number of riders and pre-registration is highly recommended. We will take the first ones who pre-registered until the cut-off is reached. Vendor Fest Come shop with us at the Vendor Fest. We will have everything from mouth-watering food trucks to crafts, totes, jewelry, home decor and much more! The Vendor Fest runs from 11:00am-6:00pm on Saturday. Pony Penning Raffle There will be a raffle for a free beach vacation at the Sea Shell for the Chincoteague annual pony penning for the 2022 season. Tickets are $5 or five for $20. Fun Horse Show The 2021 Horse Show will be held on September 19th. Last year’s favorite classes were the baby bottle race, the musical hay bales, and the costume contest class. The show starts at 10:00 am. Cornhole Tournament A cornhole tournament will be held Sunday, September 19 beginning at 1 p.m. Warmups will begin at 11 a.m. Entry fee is $30 per team with a 50 percent payout.
In this post, I will be helping you to narrow down where to stay in Munich for first-time tourists to get the most out of your vacation. By the end of this article, you should find the best areas to stay in Munich for sightseeing, family, Oktoberfest, nightlife, and Christmas markets. As the capital city of the Bavaria region in Germany, Munich is a city of incredible history and culture. Best known for its world-famous Oktoberfest celebrations, there is plenty to see and do in Munich year-round. Whether you want to spend your time relaxing in the laid-back beer gardens, or taking in a unique atmosphere, there is a district of Munich to suit every traveler. From taking in the history and culture, to living it up at world class street parties, there is a huge range of attractions that draw visitors to Munich. With such diversity it can seem difficult at first to determine where the best places to stay are. See more about Germany: Where to Stay in Frankfurt Before we begin with the detail of the best places to stay in Munich, I have a few quick tips and suggestions for you to consider during your search for the perfect location to stay. The historic heart of the city, Altstadt Lehen, is the best place to stay in Munich for first-timers, or those on shorter visits. You will have tons of popular sights and attractions within easy walking distance. The main Oktoberfest festivities are held in Ludwigsvorstadt. If you want to stay right at the heart of the party, this is the best place where to stay in Munich for oktoberfest. Alternatively, if you are not a fan of crowds, definitely avoid this area around the end of September to early October. Munich is not only famous for its beer festival, Oktoberfest but also famous for its Christmas markets. If you’re looking for where to stay in Munich for Christmas markets in December, I would suggest staying in Marienplatz within the Altstadt (the Old Town). If you are working with a smaller budget, you are going to have to be particularly careful in Munich. Known to be the most expensive city in Germany, you will have to be smart to make the most of your money here. It is worth noting that Munich has an excellent public transport system. The underground train network, known as the U Bahn, in particular, is extensive. No matter where you wind up staying in Munich, the public transport system will allow you to explore the rest of the city with ease.🔍FIND BEST HOTELS IN MUNICH - Altstadt, where to stay in Munich for first time visitors - Maxvorstadt, where to stay in Munich on a budget - Ludwigsvorstadt, where to stay in Munich for Oktoberfest - Isarvorstadt, where to stay in Munich for nightlife - Haidhausen, where to stay in Munich for family - Schwabing, a cool neighborhood to stay in Munich - Nymphenburg, where to stay in Munich for beer gardens - Sendling, where to stay in Munich for local vibe Where To Stay in Munich: 8 Best Areas to Stay in Munich To help you make the best decision on where is the best place to stay in Munich, I have selected the eight best areas in the city for visitors to consider. Each one has its own particular benefits that will suit different travelers’ needs. I have provided a detailed breakdown of what each area offers so that you can make a confident and informed choice on where to spend your perfect vacation in Munich. 1. Altstadt, where to stay in Munich for first time visitors Literally meaning ‘Old City’, Altstadt Lehel is Munich’s historic city center. Right in the heart of the city, Altstadt is full of popular tourist attractions. If sightseeing is your top priority, you will have plenty to keep you busy if you choose to stay in Altstadt Lehel. Being so central, full of attractions, restaurants, shops, cafes, bars, and clubs makes this one of the best areas to stay for first-time tourists to Munich. You will be within walking distance of numerous historic sights and will also be perfectly placed to explore the rest of the city. Likewise, if you are only visiting Munich for a short break, Altstadt Lehel is perfect for maximising your time in the city. With so many sights and attractions within easy walking distance of your hotel, you will not have to waste so much time on travelling to and from everything you want to see. As the oldest sector of the city, Altstadt Lehel is home to the most historic buildings in Munich. If you really want to soak in the traditional Bavarian atmosphere of the city, with all of its history and culture, Altstadt is one of the best neighbourhoods to consider. Some of the must-sees in the Old town are the city’s main square Marienplatz, the sprawling open-air food market of Viktualienmarkt, Hofgarten, and the world’s most famous tavern Hofbräuhaus. At the heart of Altstadt Lehel you will find Marienplatz. Marienplatz is a popular meeting place for both locals and tourists. Surrounded by shops and cafes, the plaza is a great spot to relax and take in the historic atmosphere. It’s the best area to stay in Munich for Christmas markets in December. The square is overlooked by several impressive buildings. The neo-Gothic style, 19th-century New Town Hall (Neues Rathaus) is particularly majestic, with its wonderful Glockenspiel clock, stone balconies, and soaring spires. The 14th-century Old Town Hall (Altes Rathaus) stands on the eastern side of Marienplatz and is home to the Toy Museum. On the other side of the square stands St. Peter’s Church. As the oldest church in Munich, this is a must visit for anyone who loves historic or gothic architecture. Aside from its opulent façade and interior décor, St. Peter’s Church also houses some interesting relics. The almost two-thousand-year-old skeleton of Saint Munditia is on display in a glass coffin. Draped in jewels, she makes a unique, if somewhat macabre, attraction in an already historically compelling church. From Marienplatz you can also see the domed towers of Frauenkirche. Originally built in the 15th century, much of the church has been reconstructed following the destruction of the two world wars. However, the infamous Devil’s Footprint stamped into one of the floor tiles still remains. If you want a break from all the towering stone buildings, head north to the Munich Residenz. Once home to German royalty, the stunning palace is now open to visitors, including its lovely, manicured gardens. Alternatively, right behind the Munich Residenz is the expansive Englischer Garten. The huge public park offers miles of leafy trails, open fields, and winding rivers to explore. There is even a 19th-century Greek temple atop one of the hills for you to find. Being both the most central part of the city and full of historic attractions, Altstadt Lehel is easily one of the most popular districts in the city for tourists to stay in. This of course means that hotels can demand premium rates for accommodation, so staying here will not come cheap. Bearing in mind that Munich is known to be the most expensive city in Germany, you will struggle to find many budget hotels in this particular district. However, if you have a bit more money to spend, you can find some beautiful options here. The historic location makes for some stunning views. Stay In Altstadt If you want to stay right at the centre of the city; you are visiting for Oktoberfest and want to stay in the middle of the action; you love history and being surrounded by historic buildings; you’re a first time visiting Munich; you have a generous budget for accommodation. Best places to stay in Munich in Altstadt-Lehel: - luxury: Vier Jahreszeiten Kempinski München - mid-range: Hotel Torbräu - budget: Mercure Hotel München Altstadt 2. Maxvorstadt, where to stay in Munich on a budget Just outside of Altstadt is the more laid-back neighbourhood of Maxvorstadt. As Munich’s university district, Maxvorstadt offers everything you might expect from an area with a high student population. Numerous trendy coffee shops and vintage stores line the streets. If you enjoy browsing vintage bookstores and indie boutiques, you will have plenty to keep you happy in Maxvorstadt. The high population of young people in the area also allows for a healthy supply of pubs and bars to head to in the evening. If you are after an area with a bustling nightlife scene, you have plenty to choose from in Maxvorstadt. What’s more, you will be staying within easy walking distance of the major attractions of the city centre. If you want to stay close to the Old Town without having to put up with the constant crowds of tourists, Maxvorstadt offers a great alternative. Similarly, it is also well worth considering for those who want to stay near the top attractions without breaking the bank. Being very student-centered, you will find the prices for everything from restaurants to accommodation are more reasonable than in Altstadt. If you are keeping to a more conservative budget, Maxvorstadt offers decent affordability without compromising on convenience or quality. In keeping with the academic theme of the university district, there are tons of museums and art galleries in Maxvorstadt. From the history of Munich and Ancient Egyptian relics to fascinating geology and crystals, there is a museum in Maxvorstadt to pique everyone’s curiosity. It is not just students who make Maxvorstadt their home though, as a thriving community of artists have set up in this corner of Munich. In amongst the hip cafes and boutiques you will find many small galleries and studios. There are also a number of larger art galleries in the area. Clustered around Karolinenplatz is a particularly convenient group of art museums right next to one another. Perfect if you don’t have time to waste travelling between locations. The Pinakothek art museums are the main stars of the area. With each museum housing works ranging from classic paintings to modern sculptural installations, there is sure to be something to appeal to everyone’s tastes. Like Altstadt, Maxvorstadt borders the Englischer Garten. If you feel the need to escape to nature for a breath of fresh air, the Englischer Garten offers tons of space to stretch your legs. Reaching all the way from the Old Town to the very edge of Munich City, it is the perfect reprieve from the urban jungle. Between the reasonable prices, close proximity to the city centre, and easy access to open space, Maxvorstadt is an excellent location to consider if you are planning to travel with family. There is plenty to keep everyone entertained and kids will have plenty of space to work off their energy. Stay In Maxvorstadt If you are looking for a budget-friendly area that is still close to central Munich; you want to stay close to the main attractions whilst avoiding the worst of the tourist crowds; you love browsing museums and art galleries; you are looking for the best place to stay in Munich for families; Best places to stay in Munich in Maxvorstadt: - luxury: Rocco Forte The Charles Hotel - mid-range: NH Collection München Bavaria - budget: King’s Hotel Center Superior 3. Ludwigsvorstadt, where to stay in Munich for Oktoberfest Ludwigsvorstadt is the district immediately to the east of Altstadt. Close to the attractions of the city centre, as well as the museums of Maxvorstadt, Ludwigsvorstadt offers a convenient central location without the higher prices and bustling crowds of the touristy Old Town. Ludwigsvorstadt is best known for being the centre of the world-famous Oktoberfest celebrations. Despite the name, Oktoberfest takes place primarily at the end of September. For around sixteen days, the area is transformed into a heaving party, which crams more than six million people into Munich every year. The majority of the celebrations are centred around the Theresienwieste fairgrounds, so this is where the thickest crowds will congregate. The festivities are kicked off by a parade of the bars and restaurants that will be hosting stalls in the main fair. Whilst it is true that the area gets incredibly busy during the height of the festival, do not worry too much if you hate being in a big crowd. Munich is full of pubs and bars and Ludwigsvorstadt is no exception. During Oktoberfest, most of the bars and restaurants in the city will be hosting their own celebrations. I do recommend popping into the main party area for the experience, but the high energy isn’t for everyone. You will have plenty of beer gardens throughout Ludwigsvorstadt to retreat to, to continue your more laid-back celebrations. St Paul’s is a church close by to Theresienwieste with a viewing platform at the top of its tall spires. During Oktoberfest, the viewing platform is the perfect opportunity to get a fantastic view of the bustling festival, without having to be down in the crush yourself. Regardless of whether you choose to stick to the main party, or head to one of the local pubs, Oktoberfest is the perfect time to sample some excellent craft beer. Don some traditional Bavarian lederhosen to really get into the festive spirit. Outside of Oktoberfest season, Ludwigsvorstadt is known for being one of the more affordable places to stay in Munich. It may seem surprising, considering the central location, but this is the best place to start looking for budget hotels. The low cost of accommodation here is likely to do with the fact that there are not a lot of tourist attractions in the area itself. Outside of Oktoberfest, the Bavaria Statue is the top attraction in Ludwigsvorstadt. The Bavaria Statue is located to the west side of Theresienwieste. Installed in the 19th century, the statue is a large bronze casting of a woman representing the spirit of Bavaria. Behind her stands a grand columned building housing busts of notable Bavarians from throughout history. Just across Bavariapark from the Bavaria Statue is the Deutsches Museum Verkehrszentrum. Dedicated to transportation, the Verkehrszentrum is quite niche, but it is worth a visit if you are already in the area visiting the statue and Hall of Fame. Of course, during the time of the festival this area transforms into one of the most desirable districts in the city and hotel prices shoot up. If you are visiting during Oktoberfest and want to keep costs down, you are going to want to look elsewhere. Another benefit to staying in Ludwigsvorstadt is the proximity to Munich Central Station. The train station is located at the northern end of Ludwigsvorstadt. If you are travelling to Munich by train, Ludwigsvorstadt is a super convenient place to stay. With plenty of budget hotels close to the train station, you will have both convenience and affordability. Also, less time wasted getting your luggage to and from your hotel. Win win. Stay In Ludwigsvorstadt If you are visiting Munich for Oktoberfest and want to stay right at the heart of the party; you want to stay close to the city centre without paying the higher prices of Altstadt; you want to stay close to Munich Central Train Station. Best places to stay in Ludwigsvorstadt: - luxury: Sofitel Munich Bayerpost - mid-range: Eden Hotel Wolff - budget: Hotel MIO by AMANO 4. Isarvorstadt, where to stay in Munich for nightlife Isarvorstadt is the area immediately south of Ludwigsvorstadt. Technically they are two halves of one large district, but they each have their own distinct atmosphere and draw. Isarvorstadt is so named for being the end of the district closest to the Isar River. Isarvorstadt is best known for its vibrant nightlife scene. This is where you will find some of the best bars and clubs in the city. If you are looking for nightclubs, the area around Sonnenstraße is your best bet. It is also the home of Munich’s LGBT community. Gay Bars are scattered throughout Isarvorstadt, particularly clustered around Müllerstraße. If an LGBT friendly nightlife scene is important to you, then this is definitely a good neighbourhood to consider. If you happen to be in the area, there is a cute little nod to Isarvorstadt’s LGBT community to look out for. The pedestrian crossing at the junction between Pestalozzistraße and Mullerstraße features two same sex couples in place of the green and red stickmen on the traffic lights. Foodies will love the variety of cuisines on offer in Isarvorstadt. The streets are lined with wonderful restaurants serving up everything from South African to Vietnamese or Greek. Whatever you have a craving for, you are sure to find somewhere to sate it in Isarvorstadt. Aside from bars and restaurants, there are also a few cultural attractions to be enjoyed in Isarvorstadt. Stretching along the Isar River, this is one of the closest neighbourhoods to Museum Island. Museum Island is where you will find the Deutsches Museum. Focusing on space and technology, it offers a popular alternative to the arts and history favoured by most of Munich’s other museums. Like Ludwigsvorstadt, Isarvorstadt is great for budget travellers. Just outside of Munich city centre, it is an excellent option for those who want to stay close to the main attractions whilst also keeping costs down. Between the party atmosphere, affordable accommodation, and central location, Isarvorstadt is particularly popular with backpackers. You will be within walking distance of the main attractions and have plenty of bars and clubs to keep you entertained after dark. Stay In Isarvorstadt If you are looking for the best place to stay in Munich for nightlife; you are looking for affordable accommodation close to the city centre; you are visiting Munich for Oktoberfest and want to stay close to the party but not right in the middle of the crowds; you are backpacking around Europe and want the opportunity to mingle with fellow nomads; LGBT friendly nightlife is important to you. Best places to stay in Munich in Isarvorstadt:🔍FIND BEST HOTELS IN ISARVORSTADT 5. Haidhausen, where to stay in Munich for family Haidhausen is just across the Isar River from Isarvorstadt. Dating back close to the founding of Munich, this is another wonderfully historic area to explore. More residential than the similarly old Altstadt, the history peeks through in the charming streets rather than grand structures. If you are looking for a laid-back neighbourhood with a local vibe, this is one of the best neighbourhoods to consider. Across the river from the city centre, Haidhausen is much less touristy than the districts surrounding the Old Town. Haidhausen is the closest neighbourhood to Museum Island and the Deutsches Museum. The Deutsches Museum is one of the most popular museums in Munich. Focusing on technology and space, it offers a refreshing alternative to all of the arts and history found at Munich’s other museums. When you think of things you associate with Munich, beaches probably are not one of the first ideas that spring to mind. However, there is a small beach of soft white sand in Haidhausen, Isarstrand. Isarstrand is located towards the north of the district, on the banks of the Isar. Sheltered by the end of Museum Island, in summer this is a popular spot for locals to go swimming in the river. If you visit in the winter and still want a swim, a lovely indoor swimming pool is right next to the beach. Quiet, relatively central, and home to several public parks, Haidhausen is one of the most family friendly neighbourhoods in Munich. You will be staying within comfortable walking distance of the city centre attractions whilst still having plenty of space for your kids to let off some steam. There is also a fantastic range of cuisines available to try in the area. Whether you want to sample traditional Bavarian cuisine at one of the local restaurants, or just skip the drama and feed the family familiar pizza, even the fussiest of eaters will have something to satisfy them. A little further removed from the city centre than some of the other districts on this list, prices for accommodation are typically much more reasonable. You will definitely be able to get more for your money than you would in Altstadt. Likewise, being across the river from the main districts makes this one of the quieter places to stay during Oktoberfest. If you know you will be visiting around late September and do not want to get stuck in crowds of tourists, Haidhausen is a great neighbourhood to consider. If you are concerned that getting to the main attractions in the city centre will be difficult, don’t worry. Altstadt is within reasonable walking distance, just over any of the picturesque stone bridges spanning the Isar. Even if you can’t or don’t want to walk the distance, getting around Munich is still no problem. Remember, Munich has an excellent public transport network. Between the buses, trams, and the U Bahn, you will be able to explore the rest of Munich with ease. Stay In Haidhausen If you are looking for a family friendly neighbourhood; A more residential district is perfect for you; you want a quieter area that is not too far from the attractions of the city centre; you are visiting during Oktoberfest and do not want to be surrounded by crowds of tourists; Best places to stay in Munich in Haidhausen: - luxury: Hotel München Palace - mid-range: Novotel München City - budget: Motel One München – Deutsches Museum 6. Schwabing, a cool neighborhood to stay in Munich The cool and trendy neighborhood of Schwabing is a large suburb immediately north of Altstadt. It’s divided into two neighborhoods, Schwabing-Freimann and Schwabing-West. As one of the most affluent neighbourhoods in Munich, this is a hub of chic cafes, stylish boutiques, and excellent restaurants. Close to the university and arts district of Maxvorstadt, the creative culture extends into fashionable Schwabing. Being a little more removed from the hustle and bustle of the city, you can enjoy the vibrant atmosphere with fewer rowdy tourists. At the south end of Schwabing stands a triumphal arch, erected in the 1800s. Atop the arch stands a bronze sculpture of the spirit of Bavaria, flanked by four lions. One of the most prominent features of Schwabing is the sprawling Englischer Garten. Spanning over nine-hundred acres and with seventy-eight kilometres of trails, you can spend days exploring the park. There are tons of interesting structures to discover and plenty of facilities to ensure a fun day out for the whole family. The park has an interesting number of world cultures represented in its attractions. On an island behind the Haus der Kunst museum, you will find a Japanese teashop and garden. Perfect for a slice of zen, away from the hustle and bustle of the nearby city centre. On a hill in the south end of the park sits a replica Greek Temple. Relax in the shade of the grand columns and enjoy lovely views across the gardens. A little further north, set in its own plaza, is the Chinese Tower pagoda. A beer garden and café are nestled amongst the surrounding trees, from which you can enjoy views of the pagoda. In the evening, the Pagoda’s lights cast a warm glow over the beer garden, creating a cosy atmosphere. There are various other cafes, restaurants, and beer gardens throughout the park. No matter how far in you explore, you will never be far from somewhere to rest and enjoy a local beer or delicacy. There are even some art galleries and shops within the park, alongside the various monuments you will encounter along the trails. Well to the north of the Englischer Garten there is an open-air amphitheatre. During summer, various performances are hosted in this unique venue. If you are looking for something a bit more adventurous, the park has you covered there too. You probably wouldn’t think of Munich as the place to learn to surf. However, a constant wave at the end of one of the rivers is a popular spot for local surfers to practice their skills, no matter the season. Being such an affluent, fashionable neighbourhood, accommodation here isn’t particularly cheap, despite being further from the city centre. Although there are a few more affordable options, there are also a lot of more luxury hotels and stylish boutique guesthouses. Schwabing is not ideal for those working with a tight budget. However, if you do have a more generous allowance for accommodation, there are some lovely options here. You may even be able to find a room with views over the Englischer Garten. Stay In Schwabing If you want to stay in one of the most fashionable areas of Munich; you want to stay reasonably close to the city centre but without the crowds and tourist traps; you enjoy spending time outdoors; you are visiting Munich with children; you are not bound by a tight budget. Best places to stay in Schwabing: - luxury: Andaz Munich Schwabinger Tor – a concept by Hyatt - mid-range: Pullman Munich - budget: Super 8 by Wyndham Munich City North 7. Nymphenburg, where to stay in Munich for beer gardens Leafy Nymphenburg is a wealthy residential suburb in the west of Munich city. A little removed from the main city centre, Nymphenburg is one of the best places to stay if you want a quieter area, away from the bustling crowds of tourists. Catering to the local residents, you will find plenty of laid-back, cosy cafes and restaurants throughout the area. There is an interesting mix of architectural styles to the houses in Nymphenburg, making just walking around the streets an adventure in itself. The district is centred around the vast estate of Nymphenburg Palace, one of Munich’s top attractions. Guests can explore both the palace and various museums in the surrounding buildings. The sprawling grounds are home to Greek temples, smaller castles, fountains, and lakes. To the north of Nymphenburg Palace is a large botanical garden. With various manicured gardens and themed greenhouses, there is plenty to discover along the winding trails. Nymphenburg is also known for Hirschgarten, Munich’s largest beer garden. During Oktoberfest, this is a wonderful place to be if you want to take in the party atmosphere without venturing into the crush of the main fair. The large deer park in which Hirschgarten is located is a lovely place for a walk, no matter what time of year you visit. There are snack bars and playgrounds dotted around the park, so it’s a very family friendly place to spend a relaxing afternoon. Outside of the main tourist areas, there are fewer hotels to choose from in Nymphenburg. However, what is available is a good mix of affordable and mid-range accommodation. It’s not the cheapest area, but if you have a moderate budget it should suit you fine. Stay In Nymphenburg If You want to relax in Munich’s largest beer garden; you want to stay in a quieter, suburban neighbourhood; Being right in the centre of the city is not a priority; Best places to stay in Munich in Nymphenburg:🔍FIND BEST HOTELS IN NYMPHENBURG 8. Sendling, where to stay in Munich for local vibe If you are looking for a laid-back neighbourhood, with a local, residential vibe, then you can’t beat Sendling. Located to the south of the city centre, Sendling is a charming suburb with lots of leafy greenspace and small pubs and cafes. A little away from the hustle and bustle of the main city centre and tourist attractions, Sendling is ideal for those who prioritise relaxing over sightseeing. Even so, Sendling isn’t so terribly far out of the main town that you can’t easily pop in to visit whatever attractions pique your interest. Although quite an unassuming neighbourhood, some records place Sendling as having been settled as far back as the 12th century. As such, there are plenty of historic buildings to be spotted amongst the more modern houses. Once one of the more industrial areas of Munich, the old factories and repurposed warehouses lend another layer to the varied architectural landscape of Sendling. There are plenty of parks and open spaces throughout Sendling, including the lovely Flaucher park just across the Isar River. The park boasts picnic and barbeque areas, as well as a leafy beer garden. Just south of Flaucher park is where you will find the top attraction of Sendling, Hellabrunn Zoo. Hellabrunn Zoo is large enough that it has space for the animals to have enclosures designed to imitate their natural environments. There are tons of animals to observe here, with species from across the world. Being outside of the main city centre districts, Sendling is one of the more affordable places to stay in Munich. If you are on a budget and don’t mind not being right on top of the main attractions, this is a fantastic neighbourhood to consider. Stay In Sendling If You have a smaller budget for accommodation; You want to stay in a more relaxed, residential neighborhood; You don’t mind staying a little outside of the main city center; Sightseeing is not your top priority; It is not your first time visiting Munich; Best places to stay in Sendling:🔍FIND BEST HOTELS IN SENDLING 🎬 Check out my virtual tour about the best places to stay in Munich in this video: Read more: So, now you know all there is to know about what you can see and do in Munich, as well as where all the best attractions are based. I am sure at least one of these eight neighbourhoods has caught your attention as a potential home away from home. The next step of planning your perfect city break is finding the perfect hotel or apartment. I have plenty of recommendations for that too. Don’t forget, even if your dream hotel is not quite as close to your favourite attraction as you hoped, the U Bahn is there to let you have the best of both worlds.