Dividend Increases: February 26-March 11, 2022
This weekly article series covers dividend changes. A table with relevant data and key statistics of dividend increases is provided.
SPY: We Keep Deploying Cash
This article explains how you can use the SPDR S&P 500 Trust ETF (SPY) fund as a cornerstone fund to build an early retirement portfolio.
The 'Pain Trade' Is Higher: Get Bullish On Stocks With These 3 High Growth Tech ETFs
The 'Pain Trade' Is Higher: Get Bullish On Stocks With These 3 High Growth Tech ETFs
4 Dangerously Valued Mega Cap Stocks May Determine The Future Of Your Market Cap Weighted ETFs
Apple, Amazon, the Alphabets, and Microsoft together make up an outsized percentage of the total weight of the major market cap weighted large cap ETFs including the market proxy, S&P 500. We quantify their impact on some of the largest ETFs and Funds. We look at their current prices, past and forecast earnings growth rates to see how much of a thread their current valuation might pose to investors' who currently own them. Meta provides a good example of what happens to a seemingly well valued top stock like these four if they disappoint investors. ETF investors who don't follow individual stocks are most at risk for losses if they aren't aware of the role these stocks play in their portfolios. Woman talking on large mobile phone on sidewalk in city Klaus Vedfelt/DigitalVision via Getty Images After reading my most recent article, A Look Inside SPY and VOO: What's Changed Since December 31, 2021, a friend asked me if the value of the Invesco QQQ ETF (NASDAQ:QQQ) was as concentrated in a small number of mega cap stocks as it is in S&P 500 ETFs discussed in that article. Those ETFs were the Vanguard S&P 500 ETF (VOO), The SPDR S&P 500 Trust (NYSEARCA:SPY) and The iShares Core S&P 500 ETF (IVV). A quick look confirmed that QQQ's top 10 holdings are almost identical to those of SPY. The major difference between the two ETFs is that because there are only 100 stocks in QQQ, each stock makes up a far larger percentage of the value of the entire ETF. So QQQ's value is almost twice as concentrated in a handful of stocks as is that of the S&P 500 ETFs. A Look at Major Large Cap ETFs' Top 10 Holdings Reveals that Four Stocks Dwarf the Others the Top 10 in Impact When I looked at the holdings of these two ETFs, I couldn't help but notice the enormous impact that the stocks of only four companies have on the total performance of these ETFs. Those companies are Apple (AAPL), Microsoft (MSFT), Amazon (AMZN) and Alphabet. The latter appears twice the list of the Top 10 holdings of both SPY and QQQ as it trades via two different share classes, (GOOG) and (GOOGL). In the discussion that follows, I am counting Alphabet's two share classes as one, as they are the stock of a single company, and their share prices fluctuate in lockstep with the fortunes of that one company, Alphabet. Having looked at the role these four stocks play in the S&P 500 ETFs and QQQ, I wondered how large a role these four stocks play in two other huge, market cap weighted ETFs. Those were the Vanguard Total Stock Market ETF (VTI) and the Vanguard Growth ETF (VUG). When we add together the assets invested in SPY, QQQ, IVV and the total assets invested in VOO, VTI, and VUG while including the mutual funds of which they are share classes, we learn that these funds currently report having $3.123 trillion under management. In the table below, you can see how much the share prices of these four top stocks contribute to the total value and share price of these popular ETFs. Share of 4 top stocks in popular ETFs Vanguard, Invesco, State Street Global Advisors Websites I only use the figures given by SPY in this table, but because VOO and IVV track the identical S&P 500 index, the percentages these four stocks make up of their holdings should be almost identical. SPY reports the weightings of its holdings daily, while VOO only reports them weeks after the fact. After I looked up the AUM of each of these ETFs, including the mutual funds associated with the Vanguard ETFs, I calculated the percentage of their AUM that was invested in just those four stocks. This is what I found: Dollar Amount of Top 4 Stocks in Major Broad Market ETFs Billions invested in 4 top stocks through popular ETFs and Funds Vanguard, Invesco, SSGA, Blackrock. Table by the author. Websites There is whopping $730.1 billion invested in just these four stocks just via these very popular ETFs. And these are only a few ETFs selected because they are among the largest cap weighted ETFs currently trading. There are plenty of other market cap weighted ETFs that also hold a lot of shares of these four stocks. Though the ETFs that track the Tech sector only hold shares of two of these stocks, Apple and Microsoft, those two stocks make up 46% of the entire value of the Technology Select Sector SPDR Fund (XLK) and 39.95% of the Vanguard Tech ETF (VGT). Dozens of other smaller but actively traded mutual funds also hold shares of these four stocks, and if they are market cap weighted, these four stocks play a significant role in their price behavior too. The Future Performance of The Market, A.K.A. the S&P 500 Depends Heavily on These Four Stocks When the financial media discuss "the market", they are usually referring to the S&P 500. Given the role these four stocks play in that index, we can see what an outsized role these four stocks play in the returns of the market as a whole. They have all seen their prices come down significantly in the past few months as investors have begun to worry about the impact of rising rates on tech stocks. Even though technically Amazon and Alphabet aren't classified in as being in the GICS Technology Sector, most of us do think of them as tech stocks, no matter what some committee somewhere has decreed. The price declines in these stocks has, of course, contributed to the declines in share price that have made the S&P 500 correct and QQQ enter a bear market in the first quarter of 2022. The question we should be asking now is whether the recent price declines these four powerful stocks have experienced have lowered their prices to levels that are healthy enough that investors don't have to fear that one bad earnings report will send them--and thus "the market"-- plunging even further. So it's time to take a closer look at what investors are expecting from these four stocks going forward. These Stocks Have Been Valued as Growth Stocks But Are They Still Growing Like Growth Stocks? All four of these stocks are considered growth stocks. None of them is to be found in a value index like the one tracked by The Vanguard Value ETF (VTV). So even though I am going to turn to my trusty FAST Graphs to get a sense of what investors expect of these companies going forward, I do it knowing that you can't value growth stocks by applying the kinds of Graham-Dodd valuation formulas to them that you would use for evaluating a mature, slowly growing, dividend growth stock. But can these four stocks really be growth stocks? These four companies have market caps far larger than the GDP of many developed nations. Apple's current market cap is $2.525 trillion. Microsoft's is $2.100 trillion, Amazon's is $1.481 trillion. The combined market cap of Alphabet's two share classes is the biggest of all four at $3.442 trillion. Just how much room there is for these companies to continue growing their earnings at the rate that brought them to their current dominating position. Top Stocks of the Past Have Seen Their Fortunes Dwindle The history of the stock market is the history of top stocks that were considered rock solid citizens of every shrewd investor's portfolio whose fortunes have declines since their years of glory. General Electric (GE), IBM (IBM), and AT&T (T) all held the position Apple holds now. You can see snapshots of what the Top 10 stocks in the S&P 500 were at different times over the past 40 years in this previous article. You can see the video depicting how their fortunes waxed and waned over 40 years here. These faded once-Top-10 companies all hit the limits of how far they could grow. Then they morphed into stocks investors bought for their dividends, since their future growth was likely to be modest. Now they have relatively modest market caps compared to the current top stocks. Apple's market cap is over 26 times larger than that of IBM's $114 billion. Alphabet's is almost 21 times that of AT&T's $166 billion. Both IBM and AT&T were once the top stocks in the S&P 500. The lesson we must take from this is that at some point growth stocks will stop growing. Has that happened to these top four? The Sizes of these Top Four Stocks Currently Dwarf Those of the Other Top 10 Stocks Looking more into the size of the market caps of these four companies, we see something concerning. Because once we move past these top four stocks, the market caps of even other stocks in the S&P 500's Top 10 are far more modest. Johnson & Johnson (JNJ), for example, has a market cap of $445 billion. UnitedHealth's market cap is $454 billion. Both are among the 10 largest stocks in the S&P 500 Index, but their market caps are roughly only one-seventh of the size of the market cap of Alphabet's combined share classes. A company's market cap is made out of two elements: the number of shares of its stock available to trade and the price those shares trade at. Price is obviously the most volatile component of market cap. So we have to wonder is this huge discrepancy in market cap size due to the superiority of the businesses behind these four top stocks or a sign of overly exuberant investors assigning them prices that make no sense. If the latter is true, then these four stocks pose a serious risk to the market as a whole. Let's look at these four stocks now. Apple's Current Price, Earnings, and Forecast Below you can see a chart depicting Apple's earnings and price history since 2007. That was when Apple launched the iPhone and became the company it is now. The black line on the graph represents its price. The orange line represents the Price/Earnings ratio that would have corresponded to its price if its P/E ratio was the same as its average growth rate during the period graphed. The blue line represents the actual average P/E ratio that has prevailed through the entire period graphed. Apple's Price and Earnings History Since 2007 Apple Fastgraphs History Graph Using a classic Graham-Dodd approach, where you would expect the P/E ratio of a growth stock to correspond to its earning growth rat
Does the Fed Rate Hike Affect Your Credit Cards?
Many consumers may be wondering how the recent Fed rate hike decision may impact their credit card debt situation. Here's what to know.
What Does the Fed Rate Hike Mean for Your Savings?
What does the Fed rate hike mean for your savings? Let's take a look at what consumers need to know as rates start to rise.
U.S. Weekly FundFlows Insight Report: Mutual Funds Suffer $14.7 Billion In Outflows As ETFs Attract $5.7 Billion
U.S. Weekly FundFlows Insight Report: Mutual Funds Suffer $14.7 Billion In Outflows As ETFs Attract $5.7 Billion
Buy the S&P 500 ETF as Fears Fade
The S&P 500 ETF just gained 1% for three days in a row. And history suggests more gains are in store.
EAFE ETF: Outlook For Developed International Equities
EAFE ETF: Outlook For Developed International Equities
10 Reddit Stocks to Buy in March
These top Reddit stocks to buy for March have strong operating models, robust outlooks and strong support from retail traders. The post 10 Reddit Stocks to Buy in March appeared first on InvestorPlace.
Relief Rally Extends; FDX, GME Post Mixed Results
We're still basking in the 25 basis-point interest rate hike from the Fed yesterday, with no draining of the $9 trillion on the balance sheet.
SPY Stock Looks Headed for First Down Year Since 2018
The SPDR S&P 500 ETF Trust is down more than 13% from its 52-week high. The odds SPY stock will finish down in 2022 get higher by the day.
SPY: Oil Price Shocks And Stock Market Declines
The U.S. has experienced five oil price shocks since 1970.
We're With Warren - Buy SPY And Go Play Some Golf
Burned by the recent market turmoil? Head hurts from thinking about single-stock ideas too much? Wondering about whether to buy value or growth now?
Fed Raises Rates 25 bps as Expected, Markets Rally
The average Fed official now expects a quarter-point rate hike in each of the next seven Fed meetings in 2022.
Fed Interest Rate Decision March 2022: What Did the Federal Reserve Do Today?
What was the Fed interest rate decision today? And what does it mean for the market?
Ameren: Long Growth Pipeline And Reasonable Valuation Create Investment Opportunity
Ameren: Long Growth Pipeline And Reasonable Valuation Create Investment Opportunity
2 ETFs to Watch for Outsized Volume on China and Commodity
FXI and USCI saw massive trading volumes in yesterday session.
Suppress Your Fears and Hold the SPY ETF for Years
SPY stock does an admirable job of tracking America's most important broad-market index, and it rewards patient investors in the long run. The post Suppress Your Fears and Hold the SPY ETF for Years appeared first on InvestorPlace.
JOET: This Promising Strategy Has Yet To Prove Itself
JOET: This Promising Strategy Has Yet To Prove Itself
Markets Gain Ahead of Fed Policy Decision
The Dow closed +599 points, +1.82%, the S&P 500 performed even better, +2.14%, and the recently beleaguered Nasdaq rose 367 points on the day, +2.92%.
SPY: The Fed May Spark The Next Leg Lower In The S&P 500 On Massive Volatility
The SPY ETF has been consolidating in recent weeks.
PPI Lower than Expected, but +10% Year over Year
The +10.0% headline PPI is a new high going back to record-keeping adjustments in 2010. The core print year over year is +8.4%.
Upcoming Ex-Dividend Dates: March 16-31, 2022
We provide a summary of upcoming ex-dividend dates in a quick reference table.
Indexes Slide, Along with Oil Prices
The big loser was once again the tech-heavy Nasdaq, which fell for the third straight session and dumped -262 points, -2.04%.
The Paradox Of Diversification
Investors are more likely to avoid diversification when they need it the most.
A Look Inside SPY And VOO: What's Changed Since December 31, 2021
VOO and other S&P 500 index funds report data that can lag for as much as two months behind. How misleading is that information when markets are correcting fast?
XYLD Is Holding Up Better Than SPY
XYLD Is Holding Up Better Than SPY
Investors Bid Up Commodities And Natural Resources Issues For The Week
Investors Bid Up Commodities And Natural Resources Issues For The Week
Big U.S. Stocks' Q4'21 Fundamentals
Big US companies' Q4'21 fundamentals are precarious. While they reported fantastic revenues and earnings growth, their stock prices remained excessively high.
Early Friday Markets Up on Positive Words from... Putin?
Despite bombs continuing to drop in Ukraine, Putin says he sees a "positive shift" in peace talks.
U.S. Weekly FundFlows Insight Report: Investors Sour On Bond Funds And ETFs For The Lipper Fund-Flows Week
U.S. Weekly FundFlows Insight Report: Investors Sour On Bond Funds And ETFs For The Lipper Fund-Flows Week
Uncertainty Prevails as Indexes Turn South Again
We are mostly exhausted of most economic reads up until the Fed's next monetary policy meeting mid-next week.
Ride Wall Street's Latest Comeback Rally With These ETFs
Wall Street saw an impressive comeback on Mar 9 with strength in all the three major broad market indices.
CPI +7.9% Year Over Year, New Jobless Claims Up
We need to go back 40 years to find a higher monthly year-over-year headline CPI number.
Don't Ignore the Warning From SPY Stock
There's two sides to every trade, but the one in SPY stock is warning of a menacing bear market before a Roaring '20s comeback is possible. The post Don't Ignore the Warning From SPY Stock appeared first on InvestorPlace.
The Advisor's Guide to Sector Equal Weighting
Equal weighting provides increased diversification compared to their market cap-weighted counterparts and have historically fared well – as demonstrated last month when the S&P 500 Equal Weight Index outperformed the S&P 500 by 2%. Funds that weight each security equally are picking up steam; however, investors are missing out on another opportunity: funds that weight [.
SPYV: An Unperfect Model Of Value
SPYV: An Unperfect Model Of Value
Paul Tudor Jones Boosts 4 Holdings in 4th Quarter
Paul Tudor Jones (Trades, Portfolio), founder and chief investment officer of Tudor Investment Group, disclosed in a regulatory 13F filing that its top trades during the fourth quarter of 2021 included boosts to his firm's holdings of IHS Markit Ltd. ( INFO , Financial), Nuance Communications Inc. ( NUAN , Financial), Apple Inc. ( AAPL , Financial) and Vonage Holdings Corp. ( VG , Financial).
Innovator Adds 2 ‘Step Up' Buffer ETFs
The issuer's newest funds re-create a strategy popular with investors in its defined outcome ETFs.
Correction vs. Recession vs.
What's the difference between a correction and a recession? Plus, what is a bear market?
Chasing One's Own TAIL
Chasing One's Own TAIL
Innovator Launches New Managed Outcome ETFs: BSTP and PSTP
Innovator today launched the Innovator Buffer Step-Up Strategy ETF (BSTP) and the Innovator Power Buffer Step-Up Strategy ETF (PSTP), providing investors with an alternative to managing and evaluating a series of buffer strategies. The two ETFs listed on the NYSE on March 8 with an expense ratio of 89 basis points.
These 2 Fast-Growing REITs Win Despite Inflation
Stock and REIT indexes remain below their 200-day moving averages, and investor sentiment is decidedly fearful.
February Dividend Update: Outperformance Continues
More than $14 billion has flown into dividend-focused ETFs in the first two months of the year, compared to less than $2 billion over the same period in 2021.
Oil Prices Continue to Climb, Markets Off Early Morning Lows
WTI and Brent crude prices per barrel are jumping another +2.4% and +3.4%, respectively.
Timing Trade Entries On Fast Paced Sector ETFs
The past couple of weeks have given us a new range to watch in the stock market. A positive jobs report has been seemingly muted by indecision within the major indices.
Dividend Increases: February 19-25, 2022
Dividend Increases: February 19-25, 2022
FDRR: Dividends For Rising Rates
FDRR: Dividends For Rising Rates
Which ALPS ETFs Saw the Greatest Flows in February?
February saw a continuation of market turbulence, driven by a higher-than-expected inflation reading for January and escalating geopolitical tensions, but three funds in ALPS' ETF suite managed to rake in assets amid the turmoil.  The three ETFs that saw the greatest inflows during the month were all equal-weighted strategies.
Final Trades: Palo Alto Networks, CSX, Energy & more
The "Halftime Report" traders give their top picks to watch for the second half.
IWY: Be Ready To Buy This Top-Performing Growth ETF
IWY: Be Ready To Buy This Top-Performing Growth ETF
New Jobs Highest in 7 Months: 678K, 3.8% Unemployment
This is as illustrative a bounce-back from Omicron's temporary sag in the economy as one could expect.
Dividend Increases: February 12-18, 2022
This article series covers dividend changes on a weekly basis.
VDC's Valuation Fully Reflects The Quality Of The Components
VDC's Valuation Fully Reflects The Quality Of The Components
DTD: A Balanced Dividend ETF
DTD: A Balanced Dividend ETF
End of the World or Status Quo?
If you were the chief executive of a newspaper, television or magazine company, what headline stories would you run to generate the most viewers and readers? Which subjects will you choose to make me impulsively grab a magazine in the grocery line, keep me glued to the television news or suck me in to click-bait advertisements on the web?
I SPY A Bottom
Even as the market fights rising yields and geopolitical tensions, the market appears overvalued when looking at the CAPE ratio.
SPDR S&P 500 ETF Trust Is a Tried-and-True Market Tracker
Even if you're not a financial guru, you can still build up your wealth over time with a buy-and-hold position in SPY stock. The post SPDR S&P 500 ETF Trust Is a Tried-and-True Market Tracker appeared first on InvestorPlace.
FDVV: Good Value, Average Quality And Performance
FDVV: Good Value, Average Quality And Performance
SSO: Leveraged ETF Decay Costs February 2022 Update
SSO: Leveraged ETF Decay Costs February 2022 Update
The SPY Forms This Key Pattern As Stock Market Tracks Russia-Ukraine War, Federal Reserve Decision
The SPDR S&P 500 (NYSE: SPY) was trading slightly higher Wednesday after a sell-off on Tuesday dropped the ETF 1.52% off the previous day's closing price. The intensifying Russia-Ukraine conflict, paired with the Federal Reserve's impending decision on raising interest.
ZROZ: How I Think About Treasury Ownership
ZROZ: How I Think About Treasury Ownership
My Current View Of The S&P 500 Index: March 2022 Edition
My Current View Of The S&P 500 Index: March 2022 Edition
Why Small-Cap ETFs Won in February & May See Success in March
The Russell 2000 has beaten its bigger peers in the past week.
ICVT: Portfolio And Performance Update
ICVT: Portfolio And Performance Update
Buy and Hold SPDR S&P 500 Stock for the Next 3 to 5 Years
Hold the S&P 500 for the long term, as markets adjust for high inflation, higher interest rates, and tapering. The post Buy and Hold SPDR S&P 500 Stock for the Next 3 to 5 Years appeared first on InvestorPlace.
Downturn Set To Continue
Last week was one of the most volatile weeks we've seen in years.
2 Defense Stocks Showing High Relative Strength to Buy Now
Let???s take a look into how the market reacts to geopolitical events and identify a few names that are currently displaying relative strength.
10 Dividend Growth Stocks For February 2022
10 Dividend Growth Stocks For February 2022
RYLD: The Large 13% Yield Pads My Account With Income Outpacing Inflation
RYLD: The Large 13% Yield Pads My Account With Income Outpacing Inflation
Upcoming Ex-Dividend Dates: March 1-9, 2021
Upcoming Ex-Dividend Dates: March 1-9, 2021
GOOGL, TSLA, SPY, QQQ: Why Did Stocks Go Up Today?
In light of the Russia-Ukraine conflict, both the SPY and QQQ ETFs closed Friday in the green. Here's what you need to know.
My 5 Surprises This Week
The ongoing crisis in Eastern Europe is the biggest piece of news this week, but it's not the only thing affecting the markets right now. The post My 5 Surprises This Week appeared first on InvestorPlace.
3 Options Trades to Play Market Volatility
Stratospheric volatility is making these options trades attractive. Here's how to dodge direction and bet on magnitude instead.
PCE Inflation +6.1%, +5.2% Core - Hottest in 40 Years
We close out a most eventful week in the markets with fresh inflation reads on Personal Consumption Expenditures (PCE).
RDVY: Why I'm Downgrading The Rising Dividend Achievers
RDVY: Why I'm Downgrading The Rising Dividend Achievers
Investors Need Both Time and Savings to Build Wealth
Though savings are necessary, compound interest earned over time is the real driver of wealth. But just how powerful is it?
6 Reasons to Buy Small-Cap ETFs Now
Decent U.S. economic growth, inexpensive valuation, improving earnings picture, geopolitical crisis and inflationary pressure should favor small-cap stocks and ETFs in the coming days.
U.S. Weekly FundFlows Insight Report: Money Markets See Second Weekly Inflow Of 2022 As Equity Funds Post Lowest Weekly Performance In 102 Weeks
U.S. Weekly FundFlows Insight Report: Money Markets See Second Weekly Inflow Of 2022 As Equity Funds Post Lowest Weekly Performance In 102 Weeks
S&P 500 to Drop Further: Go Short With These ETFs
The S&P 500 falls deeper into correction territory and Nasdaq 100 approaching the first bear market in nearly two years.
SPY: More Trouble Ahead As Liquidity Dries Out
Liquidity in the market has thinned out and is leading to big moves Intraday.
The SPDR S&P 500 ETF Is a Proven Performer in Times of Market Volatility
Long-term investors should consider buying SPY stock. Due to its diverse holdings across sectors, it is a stable and reliable investment.
Russia-Ukraine Renders Bounce of Dead-Cat Variety (revised)
Indexes are up across the board even as the Russian invasion of Ukraine motors through its second day.
Russia-Ukraine Renders Bounce of Dead-Cat Variety
Indexes are up across the board even as the Russian invasion of Ukraine motors through its second day.
SPD: Safe Long-Term Hold With Built-In Protection
SPD: Safe Long-Term Hold With Built-In Protection
HTD: One To Watch When Volatility Strikes, 6.87% Distribution Yield
HTD: One To Watch When Volatility Strikes, 6.87% Distribution Yield
The SPY And QQQ Are At Key Inflection Points (Technically Speaking For 2/22)
Geopolitical risk has risen to the top of market challenges. Keep an eye on oil prices as a result of sanctions against Russia.
Office Properties: 8.8% Yield Is Safe For Now
Office Properties: 8.8% Yield Is Safe For Now
NUSI Vs. JEPI: Don't Put Collars On A Bubble
NUSI Vs. JEPI: Don't Put Collars On A Bubble
Markets Await News from Ukraine, Fed
We don't see much by way of a bullish rally forming the rest of the trading day.
S&P 500: Fed Risks Market Plunge With Aggressive Rate Hikes
Usually, equity investors can overlook the credit market. But, right now, the Fed's fight against inflation could cause SPY stock to crash.
GLQ - Get 11.6% From The Global Equities Markets
GLQ - Get 11.6% From The Global Equities Markets
Causeway Capital: Introducing Causeway Global Sustainable Leaders Equity Strategy
In our years of Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) research, we have applied a deliberate, research-based framework, built tools to incorporate ESG analysis into investment considerations, and instituted accountability with regards to integration procedures. We now have gone one step further in our ESG journey and developed sustainability-focused investment strategies.
Dalio: Where We Are in the Big Cycle of Money, Credit, Debt & Economic Activity
Dalio: Where We Are in the Big - Get Your 7-Day Free Trial! Start Now!
The SPY ETF May Be In For A Big Drop
The SPY ETF has been trading sideways for a couple of weeks now.
Why Hope Prevails Despite SPY Stock Being in Serious Trouble
The steep selling in S&P 500 (or SPY stock) will not last, as investors adjust for inflation and higher rates in the near term. The post Why Hope Prevails Despite SPY Stock Being in Serious Trouble appeared first on InvestorPlace.
Jobless Claims Up; Housing Starts, Philly Fed Down
Add in continuing tensions at the Ukraine border and the Dow is -140 points at this hour, the S&P 500 is -35 and the Nasdaq is tumbling another -220 points.
Investors Turn A Cold Shoulder To Fixed Income Funds And ETFs In January
For the first month in six, mutual fund investors were net redeemers of fund assets, withdrawing $176.3 billion from conventional funds for January.
Record Earnings in Q4 Despite Economic Headwinds
The aggregate total is on track to reach a new all-time quarterly record, which would mark the third quarter in a row of record dollar earnings.