677 values
1 value
2 values
[ "MIT" ]
using SimpleSolvers using Documenter makedocs(; modules=[SimpleSolvers], authors="Michael Kraus", repo="{commit}{path}#L{line}", sitename="SimpleSolvers.jl", format=Documenter.HTML(; prettyurls=get(ENV, "CI", "false") == "true", canonical="", assets=String[], ), pages=[ "Home" => "", ], ) deploydocs(; repo = "", devurl = "latest", devbranch = "main", )
[ "MIT" ]
module SimpleSolvers using Distances using ForwardDiff using LinearAlgebra using Printf import Base.minimum import Base.Callable import GeometricBase: AbstractSolver, SolverMethod import GeometricBase: value include("utils.jl") export solve! export config, result, state, status export algorithm, objective export solution, minimizer, minimum export SolverMethod export BracketingMethod export LinearMethod, DirectMethod, IterativeMethod export NonlinearMethod, PicardMethod, LinesearchMethod export NewtonMethod, Newton, DFP, BFGS include("base/methods.jl") export UnivariateObjective, TemporaryUnivariateObjective, MultivariateObjective export value, value!, value!!, derivative, derivative!, derivative!!, gradient, gradient!, gradient!!, hessian, hessian!, hessian!!, d_calls, f_calls, g_calls, h_calls include("base/objectives.jl") export Options include("base/options.jl") export Gradient, GradientAutodiff, GradientFiniteDifferences, GradientFunction export compute_gradient, compute_gradient!, compute_gradient_ad!, compute_gradient_fd! export check_gradient, print_gradient include("base/gradient.jl") export Hessian, HessianAutodiff, HessianFunction export compute_hessian, compute_hessian!, compute_hessian_ad! export check_hessian, print_hessian include("base/hessian.jl") export Jacobian, JacobianAutodiff, JacobianFiniteDifferences, JacobianFunction export compute_jacobian!, compute_jacobian_ad!, compute_jacobian_fd! export check_jacobian, print_jacobian include("base/jacobian.jl") export LinearSolver, LUSolver, LUSolverLAPACK, factorize! include("linear/linear_solvers.jl") include("linear/lu_solver.jl") include("linear/lu_solver_lapack.jl") export bracket_minimum include("bracketing/bracketing.jl") include("bracketing/bracket_minimum.jl") export Linesearch, Static export Backtracking, backtracking, Bisection, bisection, Quadratic, quadratic include("linesearch/linesearch.jl") include("linesearch/static.jl") include("linesearch/backtracking.jl") include("linesearch/bisection.jl") include("linesearch/quadratic.jl") export NonlinearSolver, NonlinearSolverException, AbstractNewtonSolver, NLsolveNewton, NewtonSolver, QuasiNewtonSolver, residual_initial!, residual_absolute!, residual_relative!, assess_convergence, assess_convergence!, print_status, check_solver_status, get_solver_status, get_solver_status!, solve! include("nonlinear/nonlinear_solver_status.jl") include("nonlinear/nonlinear_solver.jl") include("nonlinear/abstract_newton_solver.jl") include("nonlinear/newton_solver.jl") include("nonlinear/quasi_newton_solver.jl") include("nonlinear/nlsolve_newton.jl") export Optimizer, OptimizationAlgorithm, isaOptimizationAlgorithm, NewtonOptimizer, BFGSOptimizer, DFPOptimizer, HessianBFGS, HessianDFP include("optimization/optimizer_status.jl") include("optimization/optimizer_result.jl") include("optimization/optimizer.jl") include("optimization/hessian_bfgs.jl") include("optimization/hessian_dfp.jl") include("optimization/newton_optimizer.jl") end
[ "MIT" ]
macro define(name, definition) quote macro $(esc(name))() esc($(Expr(:quote, definition))) end end end alloc_x(x::Number) = typeof(x)(NaN) alloc_f(x::Number) = real(typeof(x))(NaN) alloc_d(x::Number) = typeof(x)(NaN) alloc_x(x::AbstractArray) = eltype(x)(NaN) .* x alloc_f(x::AbstractArray) = real(eltype(x))(NaN) alloc_g(x::AbstractArray) = eltype(x)(NaN) .* x alloc_h(x::AbstractArray) = eltype(x)(NaN) .* x*x' alloc_j(x::AbstractArray, f::AbstractArray) = eltype(x)(NaN) .* vec(f) .* vec(x)' function L2norm(x) local l2::eltype(x) = 0 for xᵢ in x l2 += xᵢ^2 end l2 end function l2norm(x) sqrt(L2norm(x)) end function maxnorm(x) local r² = zero(eltype(x)) @inbounds for xᵢ in x r² = max(r², xᵢ^2) end sqrt(r²) end function outer!(O, x, y) @assert axes(O,1) == axes(x,1) @assert axes(O,2) == axes(y,1) @inbounds @simd for i in axes(O, 1) for j in axes(O, 2) O[i,j] = x[i] * y[j] end end end
[ "MIT" ]
const DEFAULT_GRADIENT_ϵ = 8sqrt(eps()) abstract type Gradient{T} end compute_gradient!(g::AbstractVector, x::AbstractVector, grad::Gradient) = grad(g,x) function compute_gradient(x, grad::Gradient) g = alloc_g(x) grad(g,x) return g end function check_gradient(g::AbstractVector) println("norm(Gradient): ", norm(g)) println("minimum(|Gradient|): ", minimum(abs.(g))) println("maximum(|Gradient|): ", maximum(abs.(g))) println() end function print_gradient(g::AbstractVector) display(g) println() end struct GradientFunction{T, ∇T} <: Gradient{T} ∇F!::∇T end function (grad::GradientFunction{T})(g::AbstractVector{T}, x::AbstractVector{T}) where {T} grad.∇F!(g, x) end struct GradientAutodiff{T, FT, ∇T <: ForwardDiff.GradientConfig} <: Gradient{T} F::FT ∇config::∇T function GradientAutodiff(F::FT, x::VT) where {T, FT, VT <: AbstractVector{T}} ∇config = ForwardDiff.GradientConfig(F, x) new{T, FT, typeof(∇config)}(F, ∇config) end end function GradientAutodiff{T}(F::FT, nx::Int) where {T, FT} GradientAutodiff(F, zeros(T, nx)) end function (grad::GradientAutodiff{T})(g::AbstractVector{T}, x::AbstractVector{T}) where {T} ForwardDiff.gradient!(g, grad.F, x, grad.∇config) end function compute_gradient_ad!(g::AbstractVector{T}, x::AbstractVector{T}, F) where {T} grad = GradientAutodiff{T}(F, length(x)) grad(g,x) end struct GradientFiniteDifferences{T, FT} <: Gradient{T} ϵ::T F::FT e::Vector{T} tx::Vector{T} end function GradientFiniteDifferences{T}(F::FT, nx::Int; ϵ=DEFAULT_GRADIENT_ϵ) where {T, FT} e = zeros(T, nx) tx = zeros(T, nx) GradientFiniteDifferences{T,FT}(ϵ, F, e, tx) end function (grad::GradientFiniteDifferences{T})(g::AbstractVector{T}, x::AbstractVector{T}) where {T} local ϵⱼ::T for j in eachindex(x,g) ϵⱼ = grad.ϵ * x[j] + grad.ϵ fill!(grad.e, 0) grad.e[j] = 1 grad.tx .= x .- ϵⱼ .* grad.e f1 = grad.F(grad.tx) grad.tx .= x .+ ϵⱼ .* grad.e f2 = grad.F(grad.tx) g[j] = (f2 - f1)/(2ϵⱼ) end end function compute_gradient_fd!(g::AbstractVector{T}, x::AbstractVector{T}, F::FT; kwargs...) where {T, FT} grad = GradientFiniteDifferences{T}(F, length(x); kwargs...) grad(g,x) end function Gradient{T}(ForG, nx::Int; mode = :autodiff, diff_type = :forward, kwargs...) where {T} if mode == :autodiff if diff_type == :forward Gparams = GradientAutodiff{T}(ForG, nx) else Gparams = GradientFiniteDifferences{T}(ForG, nx; kwargs...) end else Gparams = GradientFunction{T, typeof(ForG)}(ForG) end return Gparams end Gradient{T}(∇F!, F, nx::Int; kwargs...) where {T} = Gradient{T}(∇F!, nx; mode = :user, kwargs...) Gradient{T}(∇F!::Nothing, F, nx::Int; kwargs...) where {T} = Gradient{T}(F, nx; mode = :autodiff, kwargs...) Gradient(∇F!, F, x::AbstractVector{T}; kwargs...) where {T} = Gradient{T}(∇F!, F, length(x); kwargs...) Gradient(F, x::AbstractVector{T}; kwargs...) where {T} = Gradient{T}(F, length(x); kwargs...) function compute_gradient!(g::AbstractVector{T}, x::AbstractVector{T}, ForG; kwargs...) where {T} grad = Gradient{T}(ForG, length(x); kwargs...) grad(g,x) end
[ "MIT" ]
abstract type Hessian{T} end initialize!(::Hessian) = nothing compute_hessian!(h::AbstractMatrix, x::AbstractVector, hessian::Hessian) = hessian(h,x) function compute_hessian(x, hessian::Hessian) h = alloc_h(x) hessian(h,x) return h end function check_hessian(H::AbstractMatrix) println("Condition Number of Hessian: ", cond(H)) println("Determinant of Hessian: ", det(H)) println("minimum(|Hessian|): ", minimum(abs.(H))) println("maximum(|Hessian|): ", maximum(abs.(H))) println() end function print_hessian(H::AbstractMatrix) display(H) println() end struct HessianFunction{T, HT} <: Hessian{T} H!::HT end HessianFunction(H!::HT, ::AbstractVector{T}) where {T,HT} = HessianFunction{T,HT}(H!) function (hes::HessianFunction{T})(H::AbstractMatrix{T}, x::AbstractVector{T}) where {T} hes.H!(H, x) end struct HessianAutodiff{T, FT, HT <: AbstractMatrix, CT <: ForwardDiff.HessianConfig} <: Hessian{T} F::FT H::HT Hconfig::CT function HessianAutodiff{T}(F::FT, H::HT, Hconfig::CT) where {T, FT, HT, CT} new{T, FT, HT, CT}(F, H, Hconfig) end end function HessianAutodiff(F::Callable, x::AbstractVector{T}) where {T} Hconfig = ForwardDiff.HessianConfig(F, x) HessianAutodiff{T}(F, alloc_h(x), Hconfig) end HessianAutodiff(F::MultivariateObjective, x) = HessianAutodiff(F.F, x) HessianAutodiff{T}(F, nx::Int) where {T} = HessianAutodiff{T}(F, zeros(T, nx)) function (hes::HessianAutodiff{T})(H::AbstractMatrix{T}, x::AbstractVector{T}) where {T} ForwardDiff.hessian!(H, hes.F, x, hes.Hconfig) end function (hes::HessianAutodiff{T})(x::AbstractVector{T}) where {T} ForwardDiff.hessian!(hes.H, hes.F, x, hes.Hconfig) end function compute_hessian_ad!(H::AbstractMatrix{T}, x::AbstractVector{T}, F::FT) where {T, FT} hes = HessianAutodiff(F, x) hes(H,x) end initialize!(H::HessianAutodiff, x) = H(x) update!(H::HessianAutodiff, x::AbstractVector) = H(x) Base.inv(H::HessianAutodiff) = inv(H.H) Base.:\(H::HessianAutodiff, b) = H.H \ b LinearAlgebra.ldiv!(x, H::HessianAutodiff, b) = x .= H \ b # LinearAlgebra.ldiv!(x, H::HessianAD, b) = LinearAlgebra.ldiv!(x, H.H, b) # TODO: Make this work! function Hessian(ForH, x::AbstractVector{T}; mode = :autodiff, kwargs...) where {T} if mode == :autodiff Hparams = HessianAutodiff(ForH, x) else Hparams = HessianFunction(ForH, x) end return Hparams end Hessian(H!, F, x::AbstractVector; kwargs...) = Hessian(H!, nx; mode = :user, kwargs...) Hessian(H!::Nothing, F, x::AbstractVector; kwargs...) = Hessian(F, nx; mode = :autodiff, kwargs...) Hessian{T}(ForH, nx::Int; kwargs...) where {T} = Hessian(ForH, zeros(T,nx); kwargs...) Hessian{T}(H!, F, nx::Int; kwargs...) where {T} = Hessian(H!, nx; kwargs...) Hessian{T}(H!::Nothing, F, nx::Int; kwargs...) where {T} = Hessian(F, nx; kwargs...) function compute_hessian!(h::AbstractMatrix, x::AbstractVector, ForH; kwargs...) hessian = Hessian(ForH, x; kwargs...) hessian(h,x) end
[ "MIT" ]
const DEFAULT_JACOBIAN_ϵ = 8sqrt(eps()) abstract type Jacobian{T} end compute_jacobian!(j::AbstractMatrix, x::AbstractVector, jacobian::Jacobian) = jacobian(j,x) function check_jacobian(J::AbstractMatrix) println("Condition Number of Jacobian: ", cond(J)) println("Determinant of Jacobian: ", det(J)) println("minimum(|Jacobian|): ", minimum(abs.(J))) println("maximum(|Jacobian|): ", maximum(abs.(J))) println() end function print_jacobian(J::AbstractMatrix) display(J) println() end struct JacobianFunction{T} <: Jacobian{T} end JacobianFunction(::AbstractArray{T}) where {T} = JacobianFunction{T}() function (::JacobianFunction{T})(j::AbstractMatrix{T}, x::AbstractVector{T}, jac::Callable) where {T} jac(j, x) end struct JacobianAutodiff{T, JT <: ForwardDiff.JacobianConfig, YT <: AbstractVector{T}} <: Jacobian{T} Jconfig::JT ty::YT function JacobianAutodiff{T}(Jconfig::JT, y::YT) where {T, JT, YT} new{T, JT, YT}(Jconfig, y) end end function JacobianAutodiff(x::AbstractVector{T}, y::AbstractVector{T}) where {T} Jconfig = ForwardDiff.JacobianConfig(nothing, y, x) JacobianAutodiff{T}(Jconfig, zero(y)) end function JacobianAutodiff{T}(nx::Int, ny::Int) where {T} tx = zeros(T, nx) ty = zeros(T, ny) JacobianAutodiff(tx, ty) end JacobianAutodiff{T}(n) where {T} = JacobianAutodiff{T}(n, n) function (jac::JacobianAutodiff{T})(J::AbstractMatrix{T}, x::AbstractVector{T}, f::Callable) where {T} ForwardDiff.jacobian!(J, f, jac.ty, x, jac.Jconfig) end struct JacobianFiniteDifferences{T} <: Jacobian{T} ϵ::T f1::Vector{T} f2::Vector{T} e::Vector{T} tx::Vector{T} end function JacobianFiniteDifferences{T}(nx::Int, ny::Int; ϵ=DEFAULT_JACOBIAN_ϵ) where {T} f1 = zeros(T, ny) f2 = zeros(T, ny) e = zeros(T, nx) tx = zeros(T, nx) JacobianFiniteDifferences{T}(ϵ, f1, f2, e, tx) end JacobianFiniteDifferences{T}(n; kwargs...) where {T} = JacobianFiniteDifferences{T}(n, n; kwargs...) function (jac::JacobianFiniteDifferences{T})(J::AbstractMatrix{T}, x::AbstractVector{T}, f::Callable) where {T} local ϵⱼ::T for j in eachindex(x) ϵⱼ = jac.ϵ * x[j] + jac.ϵ fill!(jac.e, 0) jac.e[j] = 1 jac.tx .= x .- ϵⱼ .* jac.e f(jac.f1, jac.tx) jac.tx .= x .+ ϵⱼ .* jac.e f(jac.f2, jac.tx) for i in eachindex(x) J[i,j] = (jac.f2[i] - jac.f1[i]) / (2ϵⱼ) end end end function Jacobian{T}(nx::Int, ny::Int; mode = :autodiff, diff_type = :forward, kwargs...) where {T} if mode == :autodiff if diff_type == :forward Jparams = JacobianAutodiff{T}(nx, ny) else Jparams = JacobianFiniteDifferences{T}(nx, ny; kwargs...) end else Jparams = JacobianFunction{T}() end return Jparams end Jacobian{T}(n::Int; kwargs...) where {T} = Jacobian{T}(n, n; kwargs...) Jacobian{T}(J!::Callable, nx, ny; kwargs...) where {T} = Jacobian{T}(nx, ny; mode = :user, kwargs...) Jacobian{T}(J!::Union{Nothing,Missing}, nx, ny; kwargs...) where {T} = Jacobian{T}(nx, ny; mode = :autodiff, kwargs...) Jacobian{T}(J!, n; kwargs...) where {T} = Jacobian{T}(J!, n, n; kwargs...) function compute_jacobian!(j::AbstractMatrix{T}, x::AbstractVector{T}, ForJ::Callable; kwargs...) where {T} jacobian = Jacobian{T}(size(j,1), size(j,2); kwargs...) jacobian(j,x,ForJ) end function compute_jacobian!(j::AbstractMatrix, x::AbstractVector, ForJ::Callable, jacobian::Jacobian) jacobian(j,x,ForJ) end
[ "MIT" ]
abstract type BracketingMethod <: SolverMethod end abstract type LinearMethod <: SolverMethod end abstract type NonlinearMethod <: SolverMethod end abstract type DirectMethod <: LinearMethod end abstract type IterativeMethod <: LinearMethod end abstract type NewtonMethod <: NonlinearMethod end abstract type PicardMethod <: NonlinearMethod end abstract type LinesearchMethod <: NonlinearMethod end struct Newton <: NewtonMethod end struct DFP <: NewtonMethod end struct BFGS <: NewtonMethod end struct Backtracking <: LinesearchMethod end struct Bisection <: LinesearchMethod end struct Quadratic <: LinesearchMethod end struct Static{T} <: LinesearchMethod alpha::T Static(alpha::T = 1.0) where {T} = new{T}(alpha) end, alg::Newton) = print(io, "Newton"), alg::DFP) = print(io, "DFP"), alg::BFGS) = print(io, "BFGS"), alg::Static) = print(io, "Static"), alg::Backtracking) = print(io, "Backtracking"), alg::Bisection) = print(io, "Bisection"), alg::Quadratic) = print(io, "Quadratic Polynomial")
[ "MIT" ]
abstract type AbstractObjective end abstract type AbstractUnivariateObjective <: AbstractObjective end clear!(::Function) = nothing mutable struct UnivariateObjective{TF, TD, Tf, Td, Tx} <: AbstractUnivariateObjective F::TF # objective D::TD # derivative of objective f::Tf # cache for f output d::Td # cache for d output x_f::Tx # x used to evaluate F (stored in f) x_d::Tx # x used to evaluate D (stored in d) f_calls::Int d_calls::Int end function UnivariateObjective(F::Callable, D::Callable, x::Number; f::Real = alloc_f(x), d::Number = alloc_d(x)) UnivariateObjective(F, D, f, d, alloc_x(x), alloc_x(x), 0, 0) end function UnivariateObjective(F::Callable, x::Number; kwargs...) D = (x) -> ForwardDiff.derivative(F,x) UnivariateObjective(F, D, x; kwargs...) end UnivariateObjective(F::Callable, D::Nothing, x::Number; kwargs...) = UnivariateObjective(F, x; kwargs...) """ Evaluates the objective value at `x`. Returns `f(x)`, but does *not* store the value in `obj.F` """ function value(obj::UnivariateObjective, x) obj.f_calls += 1 return obj.F(x) end "Get the most recently evaluated objective value of `obj`." value(obj::UnivariateObjective) = obj.f """ Force (re-)evaluation of the objective value at `x`. Returns `f(x)` and stores the value in `obj.F` """ function value!!(obj::UnivariateObjective, x) obj.x_f = x obj.f = obj.F(x) obj.f_calls += 1 value(obj) end """ Evaluates the objective value at `x`. Returns `f(x)` and stores the value in `obj.F` """ function value!(obj::UnivariateObjective, x) if x != obj.x_f value!!(obj, x) end value(obj) end """ Evaluates the derivative of the objective at `x`. Returns `f'(x)`, but does *not* store the derivative in `obj.D` """ function derivative(obj::UnivariateObjective, x) obj.d_calls += 1 return obj.D(x) end "Get the most recently evaluated derivative of the objective of `obj`." derivative(obj::UnivariateObjective) = obj.d """ Force (re-)evaluation of the derivative of the objective at `x`. Returns `f'(x)` and stores the derivative in `obj.D` """ function derivative!!(obj::UnivariateObjective, x) obj.x_d = x obj.d = obj.D(x) obj.d_calls += 1 derivative(obj) end """ Evaluates the derivative of the objective at `x`. Returns `f'(x)` and stores the derivative in `obj.D` """ function derivative!(obj::UnivariateObjective, x) if x != obj.x_d derivative!!(obj, x) end derivative(obj) end (obj::UnivariateObjective)(x) = value!(obj, x) function _clear_f!(obj::UnivariateObjective) obj.f_calls = 0 obj.f = typeof(obj.f)(NaN) obj.x_f = typeof(obj.x_f)(NaN) nothing end function _clear_d!(obj::UnivariateObjective) obj.d_calls = 0 obj.d = eltype(obj.d)(NaN) obj.x_d = eltype(obj.x_d)(NaN) nothing end function clear!(obj::UnivariateObjective) _clear_f!(obj) _clear_d!(obj) nothing end struct TemporaryUnivariateObjective{TF, TD} <: AbstractUnivariateObjective F::TF # objective D::TD # derivative of objective end TemporaryUnivariateObjective(f, d, x) = TemporaryUnivariateObjective(f, d) value(obj::TemporaryUnivariateObjective, x) = obj.F(x) derivative(obj::TemporaryUnivariateObjective, x) = obj.D(x) value!(obj::TemporaryUnivariateObjective, x) = value(obj, x) derivative!(obj::TemporaryUnivariateObjective, x) = derivative(obj, x) (obj::TemporaryUnivariateObjective)(x) = value(obj, x) mutable struct MultivariateObjective{TF, TG, Tf, Tg, Tx} <: AbstractObjective F::TF G::TG f::Tf g::Tg x_f::Tx x_g::Tx f_calls::Int g_calls::Int end function MultivariateObjective(F, G, x::AbstractArray; f::Real = alloc_f(x), g::AbstractArray = alloc_g(x)) MultivariateObjective(F, G, f, g, alloc_x(x), alloc_x(x), 0, 0) end function MultivariateObjective(F, x::AbstractArray; kwargs...) G = GradientAutodiff(F, x) MultivariateObjective(F, G, x; kwargs...) end MultivariateObjective(F, G::Nothing, x::AbstractArray; kwargs...) = MultivariateObjective(F, x; kwargs...) """ Evaluates the objective value at `x`. Returns `f(x)`, but does *not* store the value in `obj.f` """ function value(obj::MultivariateObjective, x) obj.f_calls += 1 return obj.F(x) end "Get the most recently evaluated objective value of `obj`." value(obj::MultivariateObjective) = obj.f """ Force (re-)evaluation of the objective at `x`. Returns `f(x)` and stores the value in `obj.f` """ function value!!(obj::MultivariateObjective, x) copyto!(obj.x_f, x) obj.f = obj.F(x) obj.f_calls += 1 value(obj) end """ Evaluates the objective at `x`. Returns `f(x)` and stores the value in `obj.f` """ function value!(obj::MultivariateObjective, x) if x != obj.x_f value!!(obj, x) end value(obj) end "Get the most recently evaluated gradient of `obj`." gradient(obj::MultivariateObjective) = obj.g """ Evaluates the gradient at `x`. This does *not* update `obj.g` or `obj.x_g`. """ function gradient(obj::MultivariateObjective, x) ḡ = copy(obj.g) obj.G(ḡ, x) obj.g_calls += 1 return ḡ end """ Force (re-)evaluation of the gradient at `x`. Returns ∇f(x) and stores the value in `obj.g`. """ function gradient!!(obj::MultivariateObjective, x) copyto!(obj.x_g, x) obj.G(obj.g, x) obj.g_calls += 1 gradient(obj) end """ Evaluates the gradient at `x`. Returns ∇f(x) and stores the value in `obj.g`. """ function gradient!(obj::MultivariateObjective, x) if x != obj.x_g gradient!!(obj, x) end gradient(obj) end (obj::MultivariateObjective)(x) = value!(obj, x) function _clear_f!(obj::MultivariateObjective) obj.f_calls = 0 obj.f = typeof(obj.f)(NaN) obj.x_f .= eltype(obj.x_f)(NaN) nothing end function _clear_g!(obj::MultivariateObjective) obj.g_calls = 0 obj.g .= eltype(obj.g)(NaN) obj.x_g .= eltype(obj.x_g)(NaN) nothing end function clear!(obj::MultivariateObjective) _clear_f!(obj) _clear_g!(obj) nothing end f_calls(o::AbstractObjective) = error("f_calls is not implemented for $(summary(o)).") f_calls(o::UnivariateObjective) = o.f_calls f_calls(o::MultivariateObjective) = o.f_calls d_calls(o::AbstractObjective) = error("d_calls is not implemented for $(summary(o)).") d_calls(o::UnivariateObjective) = o.d_calls g_calls(o::AbstractObjective) = error("g_calls is not implemented for $(summary(o)).") g_calls(o::MultivariateObjective) = o.g_calls
[ "MIT" ]
""" Configurable options with defaults (values 0 and NaN indicate unlimited): ``` x_abstol::Real = -Inf, x_reltol::Real = 2eps(), f_abstol::Real = 1e-50, f_reltol::Real = 2eps(), f_mindec::Real = 1e-4, g_restol::Real = sqrt(eps()), x_abstol_break::Real = Inf, x_reltol_break::Real = Inf, f_abstol_break::Real = Inf, f_reltol_break::Real = Inf, g_restol_break::Real = Inf, f_calls_limit::Int = 0, g_calls_limit::Int = 0, h_calls_limit::Int = 0, allow_f_increases::Bool = true, min_iterations::Int = 0, max_iterations::Int = 1_000, warn_iterations::Int = max_iterations, show_trace::Bool = false, store_trace::Bool = false, extended_trace::Bool = false, show_every::Int = 1, verbosity::Int = 1 ``` """ struct Options{T} x_abstol::T x_reltol::T x_suctol::T f_abstol::T f_reltol::T f_suctol::T f_mindec::T g_restol::T x_abstol_break::T x_reltol_break::T f_abstol_break::T f_reltol_break::T g_restol_break::T f_calls_limit::Int g_calls_limit::Int h_calls_limit::Int allow_f_increases::Bool min_iterations::Int max_iterations::Int warn_iterations::Int show_trace::Bool store_trace::Bool extended_trace::Bool show_every::Int verbosity::Int end function Options(; x_tol = nothing, f_tol = nothing, g_tol = nothing, x_abstol::Real = -Inf, x_reltol::Real = 2eps(), x_suctol::Real = 2eps(), f_abstol::Real = 1e-50, f_reltol::Real = 2eps(), f_suctol::Real = 2eps(), f_mindec::Real = 1e-4, g_restol::Real = sqrt(eps()), x_abstol_break::Real = Inf, x_reltol_break::Real = Inf, f_abstol_break::Real = Inf, f_reltol_break::Real = Inf, g_restol_break::Real = Inf, f_calls_limit::Int = 0, g_calls_limit::Int = 0, h_calls_limit::Int = 0, allow_f_increases::Bool = true, min_iterations::Int = 0, max_iterations::Int = 1_000, warn_iterations::Int = max_iterations, show_trace::Bool = false, store_trace::Bool = false, extended_trace::Bool = false, show_every::Int = 1, verbosity::Int = 1) show_every = show_every > 0 ? show_every : 1 if extended_trace show_trace = true end if !(x_tol === nothing) x_abstol = x_tol end if !(g_tol === nothing) g_restol = g_tol end if !(f_tol === nothing) f_reltol = f_tol end Options(promote(x_abstol, x_reltol, x_suctol, f_abstol, f_reltol, f_suctol, f_mindec, g_restol, x_abstol_break, x_reltol_break, f_abstol_break, f_reltol_break, g_restol_break)..., f_calls_limit, g_calls_limit, h_calls_limit, allow_f_increases, min_iterations, max_iterations, warn_iterations, show_trace, store_trace, extended_trace, show_every, verbosity) end function Options(T, options) floatopts = ( options.x_abstol, options.x_reltol, options.x_suctol, options.f_abstol, options.f_reltol, options.f_suctol, options.f_mindec, options.g_restol, options.x_abstol_break, options.x_reltol_break, options.f_abstol_break, options.f_reltol_break, options.g_restol_break, ) nonfloats = ( options.f_calls_limit, options.g_calls_limit, options.h_calls_limit, options.allow_f_increases, options.min_iterations, options.max_iterations, options.warn_iterations, options.show_trace, options.store_trace, options.extended_trace, options.show_every, options.verbosity, ) Options(map(x -> convert(T, x), floatopts)..., nonfloats...) end function, o::SimpleSolvers.Options) for k in fieldnames(typeof(o)) v = getfield(o, k) if v isa Nothing @printf io "%24s = %s\n" k "nothing" else @printf io "%24s = %s\n" k v end end end x_abstol(o::Options) = o.x_abstol x_reltol(o::Options) = o.x_reltol x_suctol(o::Options) = o.x_suctol f_abstol(o::Options) = o.f_abstol f_reltol(o::Options) = o.f_reltol f_suctol(o::Options) = o.f_suctol f_mindec(o::Options) = o.f_mindec g_restol(o::Options) = o.g_restol verbosity(o::Options) = o.verbosity
[ "MIT" ]
const DEFAULT_BRACKETING_s = 1E-2 const DEFAULT_BRACKETING_k = 2.0 function bracket_minimum(f, x=0.0; s=DEFAULT_BRACKETING_s, k=DEFAULT_BRACKETING_k, nmax=DEFAULT_BRACKETING_nmax) a, ya = x, f(x) b, yb = a + s, f(a + s) if yb > ya a, b = b, a ya, yb = yb, ya s = -s end for _ in 1:nmax c, yc = b + s, f(b + s) # println("a=$a, b=$b, c=$c, f(a)=$ya, f(b)=$yb, f(c)=$yc") if yc > yb return a < c ? (a,c) : (c,a) end a, ya, b, yb = b, yb, c, yc s *= k end error("Unable to bracket f starting at x = $x.") end
[ "MIT" ]
[ "MIT" ]
abstract type LinearSolver{T} <: AbstractSolver end factorize!(s::LinearSolver) = error("factorize! not implemented for $(typeof(s))") LinearAlgebra.ldiv!(s::LinearSolver) = error("ldiv! not implemented for $(typeof(s))") function LinearSolver(x::AbstractVector{T}; linear_solver = :julia) where {T} n = length(x) if linear_solver === nothing || linear_solver == :julia linear_solver = LUSolver{T}(n) elseif linear_solver == :lapack linear_solver = LUSolverLAPACK{T}(BlasInt(n)) else @assert typeof(linear_solver) <: LinearSolver{T} @assert n == linear_solver.n end return linear_solver end
[ "MIT" ]
mutable struct LUSolver{T} <: LinearSolver{T} n::Int A::Matrix{T} pivots::Vector{Int} perms::Vector{Int} info::Int end function LUSolver(A::AbstractMatrix{T}) where {T} n = checksquare(A) lu = LUSolver{T}(n, zero(A), zeros(Int, n), zeros(Int, n), 0) factorize!(lu, A) end LUSolver{T}(n::Int) where {T} = LUSolver(zeros(T, n, n)) function factorize!(lu::LUSolver{T}, A::AbstractMatrix{T}, pivot=true) where {T} copy!(lu.A, A) @inbounds for i in eachindex(lu.perms) lu.perms[i] = i end @inbounds for k in 1:lu.n # find index max kp = k if pivot amax = real(zero(T)) for i in k:lu.n absi = abs(lu.A[i,k]) if absi > amax kp = i amax = absi end end end lu.pivots[k] = kp lu.perms[k], lu.perms[kp] = lu.perms[kp], lu.perms[k] if lu.A[kp,k] != 0 if k != kp # Interchange for i in 1:lu.n tmp = lu.A[k,i] lu.A[k,i] = lu.A[kp,i] lu.A[kp,i] = tmp end end # Scale first column Akkinv = inv(lu.A[k,k]) for i in k+1:lu.n lu.A[i,k] *= Akkinv end elseif == 0 = k end # Update the rest for j in k+1:lu.n for i in k+1:lu.n lu.A[i,j] -= lu.A[i,k] * lu.A[k,j] end end end return lu end function LinearAlgebra.ldiv!(x::AbstractVector{T}, lu::LUSolver{T}, b::AbstractVector{T}) where {T} @assert axes(x,1) == axes(b,1) == axes(lu.A,1) == axes(lu.A,2) @inbounds for i in 1:lu.n x[i] = b[lu.perms[i]] end @inbounds for i in 2:lu.n s = zero(T) for j in 1:i-1 s += lu.A[i,j] * x[j] end x[i] -= s end x[lu.n] /= lu.A[lu.n,lu.n] @inbounds for i in lu.n-1:-1:1 s = zero(T) for j in i+1:lu.n s += lu.A[i,j] * x[j] end x[i] -= s x[i] /= lu.A[i,i] end return x end
[ "MIT" ]
import LinearAlgebra: checksquare import LinearAlgebra.BLAS: BlasFloat, BlasInt, liblapack, @blasfunc struct LUSolverLAPACK{T<:BlasFloat} <: LinearSolver{T} n::BlasInt A::Matrix{T} pivots::Vector{BlasInt} info::BlasInt end function LUSolverLAPACK(A::Matrix{T}) where {T} n = checksquare(A) lu = LUSolverLAPACK{T}(n, zero(A), zeros(BlasInt, n), 0) factorize!(lu, A) end LUSolverLAPACK{T}(n::BlasInt) where {T} = LUSolverLAPACK(zeros(T, n, n)) ## LAPACK LU factorization and solver for general matrices (GE) for (getrf, getrs, elty) in ((:dgetrf_,:dgetrs_,:Float64), (:sgetrf_,:sgetrs_,:Float32), (:zgetrf_,:zgetrs_,:ComplexF64), (:cgetrf_,:cgetrs_,:ComplexF32)) @eval begin function factorize!(lu::LUSolverLAPACK{$elty}, A::AbstractMatrix{$elty}) copy!(lu.A, A) ccall((@blasfunc($getrf), liblapack), Nothing, (Ptr{BlasInt}, Ptr{BlasInt}, Ptr{$elty}, Ptr{BlasInt}, Ptr{BlasInt}, Ptr{BlasInt}), Ref(lu.n), Ref(lu.n), lu.A, Ref(lu.n), lu.pivots, Ref( if > 0 throw(SingularException( elseif < 0 throw(ArgumentError( end return lu end function LinearAlgebra.ldiv!(x::AbstractVector{$elty}, lu::LUSolverLAPACK{$elty}, b::AbstractVector{$elty}) copy!(x, b) trans = UInt8('N') nrhs = BlasInt(1) ccall((@blasfunc($getrs), liblapack), Nothing, (Ptr{UInt8}, Ptr{BlasInt}, Ptr{BlasInt}, Ptr{$elty}, Ptr{BlasInt}, Ptr{BlasInt}, Ptr{$elty}, Ptr{BlasInt}, Ptr{BlasInt}), Ref(trans), Ref(lu.n), Ref(nrhs), lu.A, Ref(lu.n), lu.pivots, x, Ref(lu.n), Ref( if < 0 throw(ArgumentError( end return x end end end
[ "MIT" ]
using Printf const DEFAULT_ARMIJO_α₀ = 1.0 const DEFAULT_ARMIJO_σ₀ = 0.1 const DEFAULT_ARMIJO_σ₁ = 0.5 const DEFAULT_ARMIJO_p = 0.5 struct BacktrackingState{OPT,T} <: LinesearchState where {OPT <: Options, T <: Number} config::OPT α₀::T ϵ::T p::T function BacktrackingState(; config = Options(), α₀::T = DEFAULT_ARMIJO_α₀, ϵ::T = DEFAULT_WOLFE_ϵ, p::T = DEFAULT_ARMIJO_p) where {T} new{typeof(config), T}(config, α₀, ϵ, p) end end, ls::BacktrackingState) = print(io, "Backtracking") LinesearchState(algorithm::Backtracking; kwargs...) = BacktrackingState(; kwargs...) function (ls::BacktrackingState)(obj::AbstractUnivariateObjective, α = ls.α₀) local y₀ = value!(obj, zero(α)) local d₀ = derivative!(obj, zero(α)) for _ in 1:ls.config.max_iterations if value!(obj, α) ≥ y₀ + ls.ϵ * α * d₀ α *= ls.p else break end end return α end backtracking(o::AbstractUnivariateObjective, args...; kwargs...) = BacktrackingState(; kwargs...)(o, args...) backtracking(f::Callable, g::Callable, args...; kwargs...) = BacktrackingState(; kwargs...)(TemporaryUnivariateObjective(f, g), args...)
[ "MIT" ]
function bisection(f, xmin::T, xmax::T; config = Options()) where {T <: Number} local x₀ = xmin local x₁ = xmax local x = zero(T) x₀ < x₁ || begin x₀, x₁ = x₁, x₀ end local y₀ = f(x₀) local y₁ = f(x₁) local y = zero(y₀) # y₀ * y₁ ≤ 0 || error("Either no or multiple real roots in [xmin,xmax]") for j in 1:config.max_iterations x = (x₀ + x₁) / 2 y = f(x) # println("j = ", j, " , x₀ = ", x₀, " , x₁ = ", x₁) !isapprox(y, zero(y), atol=config.f_abstol) || break if y₀ * y > 0 x₀ = x # Root is in the right half of [x₀,x₁]. y₀ = y else x₁ = x # Root is in the left half of [x₀,x₁]. y₁ = y end !isapprox(x₁ - x₀, zero(x), atol=config.x_abstol) || break end # println("α=", x, ", f(α)=", y, ", ftol=", config.f_abstol, ", abs(x₁-x₀)=", abs(x₁-x₀), ", xtol=", config.x_abstol) # i != ls.nmax || error("Max iteration number exceeded") return x end bisection(f, x::Number; kwargs...) = bisection(f, bracket_minimum(f, x)...; kwargs...) """ simple bisection line search """ mutable struct BisectionState{OPT} <: LinesearchState where {OPT <: Options} config::OPT function BisectionState(config) new{typeof(config)}(config) end end function BisectionState(; config = Options()) BisectionState(config) end # function BisectionState(objective::MultivariateObjective; config = Options()) # cache = LinesearchCache(objective.x_f) # ls_objective = linesearch_objective(objective, cache) # BisectionState(ls_objective, config) # end, ls::BisectionState) = print(io, "Bisection") LinesearchState(algorithm::Bisection; kwargs...) = BisectionState(; kwargs...) function (ls::BisectionState)(obj::AbstractUnivariateObjective) bisection(obj, 0., 1.; config = ls.config) end
[ "MIT" ]
const DEFAULT_LINESEARCH_nmax=100 const DEFAULT_LINESEARCH_rmax=100 const DEFAULT_WOLFE_ϵ = 1E-4 abstract type LinesearchState end # LinesearchState(algorithm, f::Callable, x::Number; kwargs...) = LinesearchState(algorithm, UnivariateObjective(f, x); kwargs...) # LinesearchState(algorithm, f::Callable, g::Callable, x::Number; kwargs...) = LinesearchState(algorithm, UnivariateObjective(f, g, x); kwargs...) # LinesearchState(algorithm, f::Callable, x::AbstractVector; kwargs...) = LinesearchState(algorithm, MultivariateObjective(f, x); kwargs...) (ls::LinesearchState)(f::Callable; kwargs...) = ls(TemporaryUnivariateObjective(f, missing); kwargs...) (ls::LinesearchState)(f::Callable, x::Number; kwargs...) = ls(TemporaryUnivariateObjective(f, missing), x; kwargs...) (ls::LinesearchState)(f::Callable, g::Callable; kwargs...) = ls(TemporaryUnivariateObjective(f, g); kwargs...) (ls::LinesearchState)(f::Callable, g::Callable, x::Number; kwargs...) = ls(TemporaryUnivariateObjective(f, g), x; kwargs...) # solve!(x, δx, ls::LinesearchState) = ls(x, δx) # solve!(x, δx, g, ls::LinesearchState) = ls(x, δx, g) struct Linesearch{ALG <: LinesearchMethod, OPT <: Options, OST <: LinesearchState} algorithm::ALG config::OPT state::OST function Linesearch(algorithm, config, state) new{typeof(algorithm), typeof(config), typeof(state)}(algorithm, config, state) end end function Linesearch(; algorithm = Static(), config = Options(), kwargs...) state = LinesearchState(algorithm; kwargs...) Linesearch(algorithm, config, state) end # function Linesearch(x::Number, F::Callable; D = nothing, kwargs...) # objective = UnivariateObjective(F, D, x) # Linesearch(x, objective; kwargs...) # end # function Linesearch(x::AbstractVector, F::Callable; D = nothing, kwargs...) # objective = MultivariateObjective(F, D, x) # Linesearch(x, objective; kwargs...) # end (ls::Linesearch)(args...; kwargs...) = ls.state(args...; kwargs...) # (ls::Linesearch)(f::Callable, args...; kwargs...) = ls(TemporaryUnivariateObjective(f, missing), args...; kwargs...) # (ls::Linesearch)(f::Callable, g::Callable, args...; kwargs...) = ls(TemporaryUnivariateObjective(f, g), args...; kwargs...) # solve!(x, δx, ls::Linesearch) = solve!(x, δx, ls.state)
[ "MIT" ]
""" Quadratic Polynomial line search """ struct QuadraticState{OPT,T} <: LinesearchState where {OPT <: Options, T <: Number} config::OPT α₀::T σ₀::T σ₁::T ϵ::T function QuadraticState(; config = Options(), α₀::T = DEFAULT_ARMIJO_α₀, σ₀::T = DEFAULT_ARMIJO_σ₀, σ₁::T = DEFAULT_ARMIJO_σ₁, ϵ::T = DEFAULT_WOLFE_ϵ) where {T} new{typeof(config), T}(config, α₀, σ₀, σ₁, ϵ) end end, ls::QuadraticState) = print(io, "Polynomial quadratic") LinesearchState(algorithm::Quadratic; kwargs...) = QuadraticState(; kwargs...) function (ls::QuadraticState)(obj::AbstractUnivariateObjective, α::T = ls.α₀) where {T} local αₜ::T local y₁::T local p₀::T local p₁::T local p₂::T # determine constant coefficients of polynomial p(α) = p₀ + p₁α + p₂α² # p₀ = f(x₀) # value of initial solution # p₁ = f'(x₀) # derivative of initial solution y₀ = value!(obj, zero(α)) d₀ = derivative!(obj, zero(α)) p₀ = y₀ p₁ = d₀ for _ in 1:ls.config.max_iterations # compute value of new solution y₁ = value!(obj, α) if y₁ ≥ y₀ + ls.ϵ * α * d₀ # determine nonconstant coefficient of polynomial p(α) = p₀ + p₁α + p₂α² p₂ = (y₁^2 - p₀ - p₁*α) / α^2 # compute minimum αₜ of p(α) αₜ = - p₁ / (2p₂) if αₜ < ls.σ₀ * α α = ls.σ₀ * α elseif αₜ > ls.σ₁ * α α = ls.σ₁ * α else α = αₜ end else break end end return α end quadratic(o::AbstractUnivariateObjective, args...; kwargs...) = QuadraticState(; kwargs...)(o, args...) quadratic(f::Callable, g::Callable, args...; kwargs...) = QuadraticState(; kwargs...)(TemporaryUnivariateObjective(f, g), args...)
[ "MIT" ]
struct StaticState{T} <: LinesearchState alpha::T StaticState(alpha::T = 1.0) where {T} = new{T}(alpha) end StaticState(args...; alpha = 1.0, kwargs...) = StaticState(alpha) LinesearchState(algorithm::Static; kwargs...) = StaticState(algorithm.alpha), ls::StaticState) = print(io, "Static Linesearch") (ls::StaticState)(x::Number = 0) = ls.alpha (ls::StaticState)(o::AbstractUnivariateObjective, x::Number = 0) = ls.alpha # (ls::StaticState)(x::AbstractVector, δx::AbstractVector) = x .+= ls.alpha .* δx
[ "MIT" ]
struct NewtonSolverCache{T, AT <: AbstractVector{T}, JT <: AbstractMatrix{T}} x₀::AT x₁::AT δx::AT rhs::AT y::AT J::JT function NewtonSolverCache(x::AT, y::AT) where {T, AT <: AbstractArray{T}} J = alloc_j(x,y) new{T, AT, typeof(J)}(zero(x), zero(x), zero(x), zero(y), zero(y), J) end end function update!(cache::NewtonSolverCache, x::AbstractVector) cache.x₀ .= x cache.x₁ .= x cache.δx .= 0 return cache end function initialize!(cache::NewtonSolverCache, x::AbstractVector) cache.x₀ .= eltype(x)(NaN) cache.x₁ .= x cache.δx .= eltype(x)(NaN) cache.rhs .= eltype(x)(NaN) cache.y .= eltype(x)(NaN) cache.J .= eltype(x)(NaN) return cache end "create univariate objective for linesearch algorithm" function linesearch_objective(objective!, jacobian!, cache::NewtonSolverCache) function f(α) cache.x₁ .= cache.x₀ .+ α .* cache.δx objective!(cache.y, cache.x₁) l2norm(cache.y) end function d(α) cache.x₁ .= cache.x₀ .+ α .* cache.δx objective!(cache.y, cache.x₁) jacobian!(cache.J, cache.x₁, objective!) -2*dot(cache.y, cache.J, cache.δx) end TemporaryUnivariateObjective(f, d) end abstract type AbstractNewtonSolver{T,AT} <: NonlinearSolver end @define newton_solver_variables begin jacobian::TJ linear::TL linesearch::TLS cache::NewtonSolverCache{T,AT,JT} config::Options{T} status::TST end cache(solver::AbstractNewtonSolver) = solver.cache config(solver::AbstractNewtonSolver) = solver.config status(solver::AbstractNewtonSolver) = solver.status jacobian(solver::AbstractNewtonSolver) = solver.jacobian compute_jacobian!(s::AbstractNewtonSolver, x, f::Callable) = compute_jacobian!(s, x, f, missing) compute_jacobian!(s::AbstractNewtonSolver, x, f::Callable, ::Missing) = s.jacobian(s.cache.J, x, f) compute_jacobian!(s::AbstractNewtonSolver, x, f::Callable, j::Callable) = s.jacobian(s.cache.J, x, j) check_jacobian(s::AbstractNewtonSolver) = check_jacobian(s.jacobian) print_jacobian(s::AbstractNewtonSolver) = print_jacobian(s.jacobian) initialize!(s::AbstractNewtonSolver, x₀::AbstractArray, f) = initialize!(status(s), x₀, f) update!(s::AbstractNewtonSolver, x₀::AbstractArray) = update!(cache(s), x₀)
[ "MIT" ]
struct NewtonSolver{T, AT, JT, TJ, TL, TLS <: LinesearchState, TST <: NonlinearSolverStatus{T}} <: AbstractNewtonSolver{T,AT} @newton_solver_variables function NewtonSolver{T,AT,JT,TJ,TL,TS}(x, jacobian, linear_solver, linesearch, cache, config) where {T,AT,JT,TJ,TL,TS} status = NonlinearSolverStatus{T}(length(x)) new{T,AT,JT,TJ,TL,TS, typeof(status)}(jacobian, linear_solver, linesearch, cache, config, status) end end function NewtonSolver(x::AT, y::AT; J! = missing, linesearch = Backtracking(), config = Options()) where {T, AT <: AbstractVector{T}} n = length(y) jacobian = Jacobian{T}(J!, n) cache = NewtonSolverCache(x, y) linear_solver = LinearSolver(y) ls = LinesearchState(linesearch) options = Options(T, config) NewtonSolver{T, AT, typeof(cache.J), typeof(jacobian), typeof(linear_solver), typeof(ls)}(x, jacobian, linear_solver, ls, cache, options) end function solver_step!(x, f, forj, s::NewtonSolver) # shortcuts rhs = s.cache.rhs δ = s.cache.δx # update Newton solver cache update!(s, x) # compute Jacobian compute_jacobian!(s, x, forj) # factorize linear solver factorize!(s.linear, s.cache.J) # compute RHS f(rhs, x) rmul!(rhs, -1) # solve J δx = -f(x) ldiv!(δ, s.linear, rhs) # apply line search α = s.linesearch(linesearch_objective(f, jacobian(s), cache(s))) x .+= α .* δ end
[ "MIT" ]
import NLsolve: OnceDifferentiable, NewtonCache, newton_ import LineSearches struct NLsolveNewton{T, AT, JT, FT, DT, CT, LST, LT, TST} <: AbstractNewtonSolver{T,AT} x::AT f::AT J::JT F!::FT DF::DT line_search::LST linear_solver::LT cache::CT config::Options{T} status::TST function NLsolveNewton(x::AT, f::AT, J::JT, F!::FT, DF::DT, cache::CT, line_search::ST, linear_solver::LT, config = Options()) where { T, AT <: AbstractVector{T}, JT <: AbstractMatrix{T}, FT, DT, CT, ST, LT } status = NonlinearSolverStatus{T}(length(x)) options = Options(T, config) new{T,AT,JT,FT,DT,CT,ST,LT, typeof(status)}(x, f, J, F!, DF, line_search, linear_solver, cache, options, status) end end function NLsolveNewton(x::AbstractVector{T}, f::AbstractVector{T}, F!::Function; J!::Union{Callable,Nothing,Missing} = nothing, mode = :autodiff, diff_type = :forward) where {T} linear_solver = LinearSolver(x) df = linear_solver.A if J! === nothing || ismissing(J!) || mode == :autodiff DF = OnceDifferentiable(F!, x, f, df; autodiff=diff_type, inplace=true) else DF = OnceDifferentiable(F!, J!, x, f, df; inplace=true) end NLsolveNewton(x, f, df, F!, DF, NewtonCache(DF), LineSearches.Static(), linear_solver) end function linsolve!(s::NLsolveNewton, x, A, b) factorize!(s.linear_solver, A) ldiv!(x, s.linear_solver, b) end function solve!(x, f, forj, s::NLsolveNewton) res = newton_(s.DF, x, s.config.x_abstol, s.config.f_abstol, s.config.max_iterations, false, false, false, s.line_search, (x, A, b) -> linsolve!(s, x, A, b), s.cache) copyto!(x, s.status.i = res.iterations s.status.rfₐ = res.residual_norm return x end
[ "MIT" ]
using Printf abstract type NonlinearSolver <: AbstractSolver end config(s::NonlinearSolver) = error("config not implemented for $(typeof(s))") status(s::NonlinearSolver) = error("status not implemented for $(typeof(s))") initialize!(s::NonlinearSolver, ::AbstractArray) = error("initialize! not implemented for $(typeof(s))") solver_step!(s::NonlinearSolver) = error("solver_step! not implemented for $(typeof(s))") function solve!(x, f, forj, s::NonlinearSolver) initialize!(s, x, f) while !meets_stopping_criteria(status(s), config(s)) next_iteration!(status(s)) solver_step!(x, f, forj, s) update!(status(s), x, f) residual!(status(s)) end warn_iteration_number(status(s), config(s)) return x end solve!(x, f, s::NonlinearSolver) = solve!(x, f, f, s) struct NonlinearSolverException <: Exception msg::String end Base.showerror(io::IO, e::NonlinearSolverException) = print(io, "Nonlinear Solver Exception: ", e.msg, "!") # get_solver_status!(solver::NonlinearSolver{T}, status_dict::Dict) where {T} = # get_solver_status!(status(solver), params(solver), status_dict) # get_solver_status(solver::NonlinearSolver{T}) where {T} = get_solver_status!(solver, # Dict(:nls_niter => 0, # :nls_atol => zero(T), # :nls_rtol => zero(T), # :nls_stol => zero(T), # :nls_converged => false) # )
[ "MIT" ]
mutable struct NonlinearSolverStatus{XT,YT,AXT,AYT} i::Int # iteration number rxₐ::XT # residual (absolute) rxᵣ::XT # residual (relative) rxₛ::XT # residual (successive) rfₐ::YT # residual (absolute) rfᵣ::YT # residual (relative) rfₛ::YT # residual (successive) x::AXT # initial solution x̄::AXT # previous solution δ::AXT # change in solution x̃::AXT # temporary variable similar to x f::AYT # initial function f̄::AYT # previous function γ::AYT # initial function f̃::AYT # temporary variable similar to f x_converged::Bool f_converged::Bool g_converged::Bool f_increased::Bool NonlinearSolverStatus{T}(n::Int) where {T} = new{T,T,Vector{T},Vector{T}}( 0, zero(T), zero(T), zero(T), zero(T), zero(T), zero(T), zeros(T,n), zeros(T,n), zeros(T,n), zeros(T,n), zeros(T,n), zeros(T,n), zeros(T,n), zeros(T,n), false, false, false, false) end solution(status::NonlinearSolverStatus) = status.x function clear!(status::NonlinearSolverStatus{XT,YT}) where {XT,YT} status.i = 0 status.rxₐ = XT(NaN) status.rxᵣ = XT(NaN) status.rxₛ = XT(NaN) status.rfₐ = YT(NaN) status.rfᵣ = YT(NaN) status.rfₛ = YT(NaN) status.x̄ .= XT(NaN) status.x .= XT(NaN) status.δ .= XT(NaN) status.x̃ .= XT(NaN) status.f̄ .= YT(NaN) status.f .= YT(NaN) status.γ .= YT(NaN) status.f̃ .= YT(NaN) status.x_converged = false status.f_converged = false status.f_increased = false end, status::NonlinearSolverStatus) = print(io, (@sprintf " i=%4i" status.i), ", ", (@sprintf "rxₐ=%14.8e" status.rxₐ), ", ", (@sprintf "rxᵣ=%14.8e" status.rxᵣ), ", ", (@sprintf "rfₐ=%14.8e" status.rfₐ), ", ", (@sprintf "rfᵣ=%14.8e" status.rfᵣ)) function print_status(status::NonlinearSolverStatus, config::Options) if (config.verbosity ≥ 1 && !(assess_convergence!(status, config) && status.i ≤ config.max_iterations)) || config.verbosity > 1 println(status) end end increase_iteration_number!(status::NonlinearSolverStatus) = status.i += 1 isconverged(status::NonlinearSolverStatus) = status.x_converged || status.f_converged function assess_convergence!(status::NonlinearSolverStatus, config::Options) x_converged = status.rxₐ ≤ config.x_abstol || status.rxᵣ ≤ config.x_reltol || status.rxₛ ≤ config.x_suctol f_converged = status.rfₐ ≤ config.f_abstol || status.rfᵣ ≤ config.f_reltol || status.rfₛ ≤ config.f_suctol status.x_converged = x_converged status.f_converged = f_converged status.f_increased = norm(status.f) > norm(status.f̄) return isconverged(status) end function meets_stopping_criteria(status::NonlinearSolverStatus, config::Options) assess_convergence!(status, config) ( isconverged(status) && status.i ≥ config.min_iterations ) || ( status.f_increased && !config.allow_f_increases ) || status.i ≥ config.max_iterations || status.rxₐ > config.x_abstol_break || status.rxᵣ > config.x_reltol_break || status.rfₐ > config.f_abstol_break || status.rfᵣ > config.f_reltol_break || any(isnan, status.x) || any(isnan, status.f) end # function check_solver_status(status::NonlinearSolverStatus, config::Options) # if any(x -> isnan(x), status.xₚ) # throw(NonlinearSolverException("Detected NaN")) # end # if status.rₐ > config.f_abstol_break # throw(NonlinearSolverException("Absolute error ($(status.rₐ)) larger than allowed ($(config.f_abstol_break))")) # end # if status.rᵣ > config.f_reltol_break # throw(NonlinearSolverException("Relative error ($(status.rᵣ)) larger than allowed ($(config.f_reltol_break))")) # end # end # function get_solver_status!(status::NonlinearSolverStatus, config::Options, status_dict::Dict) # status_dict[:nls_niter] = status.i # status_dict[:nls_atol] = status.rₐ # status_dict[:nls_rtol] = status.rᵣ # status_dict[:nls_stol] = status.rₛ # status_dict[:nls_converged] = assess_convergence(status, config) # return status_dict # end function warn_iteration_number(status::NonlinearSolverStatus, config::Options) if config.warn_iterations > 0 && status.i ≥ config.warn_iterations @warn "Solver took $(status.i) iterations." end nothing end function residual!(status::NonlinearSolverStatus) status.rxₐ = norm(status.x) status.rxᵣ = status.rxₐ / norm(status.x) status.x̃ .= status.δ ./ status.x status.rxₛ = norm(status.x̃) status.rfₐ = norm(status.f) status.rfᵣ = status.rfₐ / norm(status.f) status.f̃ .= status.γ ./ status.f status.rfₛ = norm(status.f̃) nothing end function initialize!(status::NonlinearSolverStatus, x, f) clear!(status) copyto!(status.x, x) f(status.f, x) return status end function update!(status::NonlinearSolverStatus, x, f) copyto!(status.x, x) f(status.f, x) status.δ .= status.x .- status.x̄ status.γ .= status.f .- status.f̄ return status end function next_iteration!(status::NonlinearSolverStatus) increase_iteration_number!(status) status.x̄ .= status.x status.f̄ .= status.f status.δ .= 0 status.γ .= 0 return status end
[ "MIT" ]
struct QuasiNewtonSolver{T, AT, JT, TJ, TL, TLS <: LinesearchState, TST <: NonlinearSolverStatus{T}} <: AbstractNewtonSolver{T,AT} @newton_solver_variables refactorize::Int function QuasiNewtonSolver{T,AT,JT,TJ,TL,TS}(x, jacobian, linear_solver, linesearch, cache, config, refactorize) where {T,AT,JT,TJ,TL,TS} status = NonlinearSolverStatus{T}(length(x)) new{T,AT,JT,TJ,TL,TS, typeof(status)}(jacobian, linear_solver, linesearch, cache, config, status, refactorize) end end function QuasiNewtonSolver(x::AT, y::AT; J! = missing, linesearch = Backtracking(), config = Options(), refactorize=5) where {T, AT <: AbstractVector{T}} n = length(y) jacobian = Jacobian{T}(J!, n) cache = NewtonSolverCache(x, y) linear_solver = LinearSolver(y) ls = LinesearchState(linesearch) options = Options(T, config) QuasiNewtonSolver{T, AT, typeof(cache.J), typeof(jacobian), typeof(linear_solver), typeof(ls)}(x, jacobian, linear_solver, ls, cache, options, refactorize) end function solver_step!(x, f, forj, s::QuasiNewtonSolver) # shortcuts rhs = s.cache.rhs δ = s.cache.δx # update Newton solver cache update!(s, x) # compute Jacobian and factorize if mod(s.status.i-1, s.refactorize) == 0 compute_jacobian!(s, x, forj) factorize!(s.linear, s.cache.J) end # compute RHS f(rhs, x) rmul!(rhs, -1) # solve J δx = -f(x) ldiv!(δ, s.linear, rhs) # apply line search α = s.linesearch(linesearch_objective(f, jacobian(s), cache(s))) x .+= α .* δ end
[ "MIT" ]
struct HessianBFGS{T,VT,MT,OBJ} <: Hessian{T} objective::OBJ x̄::VT # previous solution x::VT # current solution δ::VT # difference of current and previous solution ḡ::VT # previous gradient g::VT # current gradient γ::VT # difference of current and previous gradient Q::MT T1::MT T2::MT T3::MT δγ::MT δδ::MT function HessianBFGS(objective::MultivariateObjective, x::AbstractVector{T}) where {T} Q = alloc_h(x) T1 = zero(Q) T2 = zero(Q) T3 = zero(Q) δγ = zero(Q) δδ = zero(Q) new{T,typeof(x),typeof(Q),typeof(objective)}(objective, zero(x), zero(x), zero(x), zero(x), zero(x), zero(x), Q, T1, T2, T3, δγ, δδ) end end HessianBFGS(F, x) = HessianBFGS(MultivariateObjective(F, x), x) function initialize!(H::HessianBFGS, x::AbstractVector) H.Q .= Matrix(1.0I, size(H.Q)...) H.x̄ .= eltype(x)(NaN) H.δ .= eltype(x)(NaN) H.ḡ .= eltype(x)(NaN) H.γ .= eltype(x)(NaN) H.x .= x H.g .= gradient!(H.objective, x) return H end function update!(H::HessianBFGS, x::AbstractVector) # copy previous data and compute new gradient H.ḡ .= H.g H.x̄ .= H.x H.x .= x H.g .= gradient!(H.objective, x) # δ = x - x̄ H.δ .= H.x .- H.x̄ # γ = g - ḡ H.γ .= H.g .- H.ḡ # δγ = δᵀγ δγ = H.δ ⋅ H.γ # BFGS # Q = Q - ... + ... # H.Q .-= (H.δ * H.γ' * H.Q .+ H.Q * H.γ * H.δ') ./ δγ .- # (1 + dot(H.γ, H.Q, H.γ) ./ δγ) .* (H.δ * H.δ') ./ δγ if δγ ≠ 0 outer!(H.δγ, H.δ, H.γ) outer!(H.δδ, H.δ, H.δ) mul!(H.T1, H.δγ, H.Q) mul!(H.T2, H.Q, H.δγ') H.T3 .= (1 + dot(H.γ, H.Q, H.γ) ./ δγ) .* H.δδ H.Q .-= (H.T1 .+ H.T2 .- H.T3) ./ δγ end end Base.inv(H::HessianBFGS) = H.Q Base.:\(H::HessianBFGS, b) = inv(H) * b LinearAlgebra.ldiv!(x, H::HessianBFGS, b) = mul!(x, inv(H), b)
[ "MIT" ]
struct HessianDFP{T,VT,MT,OBJ} <: Hessian{T} objective::OBJ x̄::VT # previous solution x::VT # current solution δ::VT # difference of current and previous solution ḡ::VT # previous gradient g::VT # current gradient γ::VT # difference of current and previous gradient Q::MT T1::MT T2::MT γγ::MT δδ::MT function HessianDFP(objective::MultivariateObjective, x::AbstractVector{T}) where {T} Q = alloc_h(x) T1 = zero(Q) T2 = zero(Q) γγ = zero(Q) δδ = zero(Q) new{T,typeof(x),typeof(Q),typeof(objective)}(objective, zero(x), zero(x), zero(x), zero(x), zero(x), zero(x), Q, T1, T2, γγ, δδ) end end HessianDFP(F, x) = HessianDFP(MultivariateObjective(F, x), x) function initialize!(H::HessianDFP, x::AbstractVector) H.Q .= Matrix(1.0I, size(H.Q)...) H.x̄ .= eltype(x)(NaN) H.δ .= eltype(x)(NaN) H.ḡ .= eltype(x)(NaN) H.γ .= eltype(x)(NaN) H.x .= x H.g .= gradient!(H.objective, x) return H end function update!(H::HessianDFP, x::AbstractVector) # copy previous data and compute new gradient H.ḡ .= H.g H.x̄ .= H.x H.x .= x H.g .= gradient!(H.objective, x) # δ = x - x̄ H.δ .= H.x .- H.x̄ # γ = g - ḡ H.γ .= H.g .- H.ḡ # γQγ = γᵀQγ γQγ = dot(H.γ, H.Q, H.γ) # δγ = δᵀγ δγ = H.δ ⋅ H.γ # DFP # Q = Q - ... + ... # H.Q .-= H.Q * H.γ * H.γ' * H.Q / (H.γ' * H.Q * H.γ) .- # H.δ * H.δ' ./ δγ if δγ ≠ 0 && γQγ ≠ 0 outer!(H.γγ, H.γ, H.γ) outer!(H.δδ, H.δ, H.δ) mul!(H.T1, H.γγ, H.Q) mul!(H.T2, H.Q, H.T1) H.Q .-= H.T2 ./ γQγ H.Q .+= H.δδ ./ δγ end end Base.inv(H::HessianDFP) = H.Q Base.:\(H::HessianDFP, b) = inv(H) * b LinearAlgebra.ldiv!(x, H::HessianDFP, b) = mul!(x, inv(H), b)
[ "MIT" ]
struct NewtonOptimizerCache{T, AT <: AbstractArray{T}} x̄::AT x::AT δ::AT g::AT rhs::AT function NewtonOptimizerCache(x::AT) where {T, AT <: AbstractArray{T}} new{T,AT}(zero(x), zero(x), zero(x), zero(x), zero(x)) end end function update!(cache::NewtonOptimizerCache, x::AbstractVector) cache.x̄ .= x cache.x .= x cache.δ .= 0 return cache end function update!(cache::NewtonOptimizerCache, x::AbstractVector, g::AbstractVector) update!(cache, x) cache.g .= g cache.rhs .= -g return cache end function initialize!(cache::NewtonOptimizerCache, x::AbstractVector) cache.x̄ .= eltype(x)(NaN) cache.x .= x cache.δ .= eltype(x)(NaN) cache.g .= eltype(x)(NaN) cache.rhs .= eltype(x)(NaN) return cache end "create univariate objective for linesearch algorithm" function linesearch_objective(objective::MultivariateObjective, cache::NewtonOptimizerCache{T}) where {T} function f(α) cache.x .= cache.x̄ .+ α .* cache.δ value(objective, cache.x) end function d(α) cache.x .= cache.x̄ .+ α .* cache.δ dot(gradient!(objective, cache.x), cache.δ) end UnivariateObjective(f, d, one(T)) end struct NewtonOptimizerState{OBJ <: MultivariateObjective, HES <: Hessian, LS <: LinesearchState, LSO, NOC <: NewtonOptimizerCache} <: OptimizationAlgorithm objective::OBJ hessian::HES linesearch::LS ls_objective::LSO cache::NOC function NewtonOptimizerState(objective::OBJ, hessian::HES, linesearch::LS, ls_objetive::LSO, cache::NOC) where {OBJ, HES, LS, LSO, NOC} new{OBJ,HES,LS,LSO,NOC}(objective, hessian, linesearch, ls_objetive, cache) end end function NewtonOptimizerState(x::VT, objective::MultivariateObjective; hessian = HessianAutodiff, linesearch = Backtracking()) where {XT, VT <: AbstractVector{XT}} cache = NewtonOptimizerCache(x) hess = hessian(objective, x) ls = LinesearchState(linesearch) lso = linesearch_objective(objective, cache) NewtonOptimizerState(objective, hess, ls, lso, cache) end NewtonOptimizer(args...; kwargs...) = NewtonOptimizerState(args...; kwargs...) BFGSOptimizer(args...; kwargs...) = NewtonOptimizerState(args...; hessian = HessianBFGS, kwargs...) DFPOptimizer(args...; kwargs...) = NewtonOptimizerState(args...; hessian = HessianDFP, kwargs...) OptimizerState(algorithm::Newton, objective, x, y; kwargs...) = NewtonOptimizerState(x, objective; kwargs...) OptimizerState(algorithm::BFGS, objective, x, y; kwargs...) = NewtonOptimizerState(x, objective; hessian = HessianBFGS, kwargs...) OptimizerState(algorithm::DFP, objective, x, y; kwargs...) = NewtonOptimizerState(x, objective; hessian = HessianDFP, kwargs...) cache(newton::NewtonOptimizerState) = newton.cache direction(newton::NewtonOptimizerState) = cache(newton).δ gradient(newton::NewtonOptimizerState) = newton.cache.g hessian(newton::NewtonOptimizerState) = newton.hessian linesearch(newton::NewtonOptimizerState) = newton.linesearch objective(newton::NewtonOptimizerState) = newton.objective rhs(newton::NewtonOptimizerState) = newton.cache.rhs function initialize!(newton::NewtonOptimizerState, x::AbstractVector) initialize!(cache(newton), x) initialize!(hessian(newton), x) end function update!(newton::NewtonOptimizerState, x::AbstractVector) update!(cache(newton), x, gradient!(objective(newton), x)) update!(hessian(newton), x) end function solver_step!(x::AbstractVector, newton::NewtonOptimizerState) # shortcut for Newton direction δ = direction(newton) # update cache and Hessian update!(newton, x) # solve H δx = - ∇f ldiv!(δ, hessian(newton), rhs(newton)) # apply line search α = newton.linesearch(newton.ls_objective) # compute new minimizer x .= x .+ α .* δ end
[ "MIT" ]
const SOLUTION_MAX_PRINT_LENGTH = 10 """ An `OptimizationAlgorithm` is a datastructe that is used to dispatch on different algorithms. It needs to implement three important methods, ``` initialize!(alg::OptimizationAlgorithm, ::AbstractVector) update!(alg::OptimizationAlgorithm, ::AbstractVector) solver_step!(::AbstractVector, alg::OptimizationAlgorithm) ``` that initialize and update the state of the algorithm and perform an actual optimization step. Further the following convenience methods should be implemented, ``` objective(alg::OptimizationAlgorithm) gradient(alg::OptimizationAlgorithm) hessian(alg::OptimizationAlgorithm) linesearch(alg::OptimizationAlgorithm) ``` which return the objective to optimize, its gradient and (approximate) Hessian as well as the linesearch algorithm used in conjunction with the optimization algorithm if any. """ abstract type OptimizationAlgorithm end OptimizerState(alg::OptimizationAlgorithm, args...; kwargs...) = error("OptimizerState not implemented for $(typeof(alg))") """ Verifies if an object implements the [`OptimizationAlgorithm`](@ref) interface. """ function isaOptimizationAlgorithm(alg) x = rand(3) applicable(gradient, alg) && applicable(hessian, alg) && applicable(linesearch, alg) && applicable(objective, alg) && applicable(initialize!, alg, x) && applicable(update!, alg, x) && applicable(solver_step!, x, alg) end struct Optimizer{ALG <: NonlinearMethod, OBJ <: MultivariateObjective, OPT <: Options, RES <: OptimizerResult, AST <: OptimizationAlgorithm} <: NonlinearSolver algorithm::ALG objective::OBJ config::OPT result::RES state::AST end function Optimizer(x::VT, objective::MultivariateObjective; algorithm = BFGS(), linesearch = Backtracking(), config = Options()) where {XT, VT <: AbstractVector{XT}} y = value(objective, x) result = OptimizerResult(x, y) astate = OptimizerState(algorithm, objective, x, y; linesearch = linesearch) options = Options(XT, config) Optimizer{typeof(algorithm), typeof(objective), typeof(options), typeof(result), typeof(astate)}(algorithm, objective, options, result, astate) end function Optimizer(x::AbstractVector, F::Function; ∇F! = nothing, kwargs...) G = Gradient(∇F!, F, x) objective = MultivariateObjective(F, G, x) Optimizer(x, objective; kwargs...) end config(opt::Optimizer) = opt.config result(opt::Optimizer) = opt.result status(opt::Optimizer) = opt.result.status state(opt::Optimizer) = opt.state objective(opt::Optimizer) = opt.objective algorithm(opt::Optimizer) = opt.algorithm linesearch(opt::Optimizer) = linesearch(opt.state) Base.minimum(opt::Optimizer) = minimum(result(opt)) minimizer(opt::Optimizer) = minimizer(result(opt)) function, opt::Optimizer) c = config(opt) s = status(opt) @printf io "\n" @printf io " * Algorithm: %s \n" algorithm(opt) @printf io "\n" @printf io " * Linesearch: %s\n" linesearch(opt) @printf io "\n" @printf io " * Iterations\n" @printf io "\n" @printf io " n = %i\n" iterations(s) @printf io "\n" @printf io " * Convergence measures\n" @printf io "\n" @printf io " |x - x'| = %.2e %s %.1e\n" x_abschange(s) x_abschange(s) ≤ x_abstol(c) ? "≤" : "≰" x_abstol(c) @printf io " |x - x'|/|x'| = %.2e %s %.1e\n" x_relchange(s) x_relchange(s) ≤ x_reltol(c) ? "≤" : "≰" x_reltol(c) @printf io " |f(x) - f(x')| = %.2e %s %.1e\n" f_abschange(s) f_abschange(s) ≤ f_abstol(c) ? "≤" : "≰" f_abstol(c) @printf io " |f(x) - f(x')|/|f(x')| = %.2e %s %.1e\n" f_relchange(s) f_relchange(s) ≤ f_reltol(c) ? "≤" : "≰" f_reltol(c) @printf io " |g(x)| = %.2e %s %.1e\n" g_residual(s) g_residual(s) ≤ g_restol(c) ? "≤" : "≰" g_restol(c) @printf io "\n" @printf io " * Candidate solution\n" @printf io "\n" length(minimizer(opt)) > SOLUTION_MAX_PRINT_LENGTH || @printf io " Final solution value: [%s]\n" join([@sprintf "%e" x for x in minimizer(opt)], ", ") @printf io " Final objective value: %e\n" minimum(opt) @printf io "\n" end check_gradient(opt::Optimizer) = check_gradient(gradient(objective(opt))) print_gradient(opt::Optimizer) = print_gradient(gradient(objective(opt))) print_status(opt::Optimizer) = print_status(status(opt), config(opt)) assess_convergence(opt::Optimizer) = assess_convergence(status(opt), config(opt)) meets_stopping_criteria(opt::Optimizer) = meets_stopping_criteria(status(opt), config(opt)) function initialize!(opt::Optimizer, x::AbstractVector) clear!(objective(opt)) initialize!(result(opt), x, value!(objective(opt), x), gradient!(objective(opt), x)) initialize!(state(opt), x) end "compute objective and gradient at new solution and update result" function update!(opt::Optimizer, x::AbstractVector) update!(result(opt), x, value!(objective(opt), x), gradient!(objective(opt), x)) end function solve!(x, opt::Optimizer) initialize!(opt, x) while !meets_stopping_criteria(opt) next_iteration!(result(opt)) solver_step!(x, state(opt)) update!(opt, x) end warn_iteration_number(status(opt), config(opt)) print_status(status(opt), config(opt)) return x end
[ "MIT" ]
mutable struct OptimizerResult{XT, YT, VT <: AbstractArray{XT}, OST <: OptimizerStatus{XT,YT}} status::OST # iteration number, residuals and convergence info x::VT # current solution f::YT # current function g::VT # current gradient end function OptimizerResult(x::VT, y::YT) where {XT, YT, VT <: AbstractVector{XT}} status = OptimizerStatus{XT,YT}() result = OptimizerResult{XT,YT,VT,typeof(status)}(status, zero(x), zero(y), zero(x)) clear!(result) end status(result::OptimizerResult) = result.status solution(result::OptimizerResult) = result.x minimizer(result::OptimizerResult) = result.x Base.minimum(result::OptimizerResult) = result.f function clear!(result::OptimizerResult{XT,YT}) where {XT,YT} clear!(result.status) result.x .= XT(NaN) result.f = YT(NaN) result.g .= XT(NaN) return result end function residual!(result::OptimizerResult, x, f, g) status = result.status status.rxₐ = sqeuclidean(x, result.x) status.rxᵣ = status.rxₐ / norm(x) status.rfₐ = norm(f - result.f) status.rfᵣ = status.rfₐ / norm(f) status.rgₐ = norm(g - result.g) status.rg = norm(g) status.Δf = f - result.f status.Δf̃ = result.g ⋅ x - result.g ⋅ result.x status.f_increased = abs(f) > abs(result.f) status.x_isnan = any(isnan, x) status.f_isnan = any(isnan, f) status.g_isnan = any(isnan, g) return status end function update!(result::OptimizerResult, x, f, g) residual!(result, x, f, g) result.x .= x result.f = f result.g .= g return result end function initialize!(result::OptimizerResult, x, f, g) clear!(result) update!(result, x, f, g) end function next_iteration!(result::OptimizerResult) increase_iteration_number!(status(result)) end
[ "MIT" ]
mutable struct OptimizerStatus{XT,YT} i::Int # iteration number rxₐ::XT # absolute change in x rxᵣ::XT # relative change in x rfₐ::YT # absolute change in f rfᵣ::YT # relative change in f rgₐ::YT # absolute change in g rg::XT # residual of g Δf::YT # change of function Δf̃::YT x_converged::Bool f_converged::Bool g_converged::Bool f_increased::Bool x_isnan::Bool f_isnan::Bool g_isnan::Bool end OptimizerStatus{XT,YT}() where {XT,YT} = OptimizerStatus{XT,YT}( 0, XT(NaN), XT(NaN), YT(NaN), YT(NaN), XT(NaN), XT(NaN), YT(NaN), YT(NaN), false, false, false, false, true, true, true) OptimizerStatus{T}() where {T} = OptimizerStatus{T,T}() function OptimizerStatus(x, y) XT = typeof(norm(x)) YT = typeof(norm(y)) OptimizerStatus{XT,YT}() end iterations(status::OptimizerStatus) = status.i x_abschange(status::OptimizerStatus) = status.rxₐ x_relchange(status::OptimizerStatus) = status.rxᵣ f_abschange(status::OptimizerStatus) = status.rfₐ f_relchange(status::OptimizerStatus) = status.rfᵣ f_change(status::OptimizerStatus) = status.Δf f_change_approx(status::OptimizerStatus) = status.Δf̃ g_abschange(status::OptimizerStatus) = status.rgₐ g_residual(status::OptimizerStatus) = status.rg function clear!(status::OptimizerStatus{XT,YT}) where {XT,YT} status.i = 0 status.rxₐ = XT(NaN) status.rxᵣ = XT(NaN) status.rfₐ = YT(NaN) status.rfᵣ = YT(NaN) status.rgₐ = YT(NaN) status.rg = XT(NaN) status.Δf = YT(NaN) status.Δf̃ = YT(NaN) status.x_converged = false status.f_converged = false status.g_converged = false status.f_increased = false status.x_isnan = true status.f_isnan = true status.g_isnan = true end function, s::OptimizerStatus) @printf io "\n" @printf io " * Iterations\n" @printf io "\n" @printf io " n = %i\n" iterations(s) @printf io "\n" @printf io " * Convergence measures\n" @printf io "\n" @printf io " |x - x'| = %.2e\n" x_abschange(s) @printf io " |x - x'|/|x'| = %.2e\n" x_relchange(s) @printf io " |f(x) - f(x')| = %.2e\n" f_abschange(s) @printf io " |f(x) - f(x')|/|f(x')| = %.2e\n" f_relchange(s) @printf io " |g(x) - g(x')| = %.2e\n" g_abschange(s) @printf io " |g(x)| = %.2e\n" g_residual(s) @printf io "\n" end function print_status(status::OptimizerStatus, config::Options) if (verbosity(config) ≥ 1 && !(assess_convergence!(status, config) && status.i ≤ config.max_iterations)) || verbosity(config) > 1 println(status) end end increase_iteration_number!(status::OptimizerStatus) = status.i += 1 isconverged(status::OptimizerStatus) = status.x_converged || status.f_converged || status.g_converged function assess_convergence!(status::OptimizerStatus, config::Options) x_converged = x_abschange(status) ≤ x_abstol(config) || x_relchange(status) ≤ x_reltol(config) f_converged = f_abschange(status) ≤ f_abstol(config) || f_relchange(status) ≤ f_reltol(config) f_converged_strong = f_change(status) ≤ f_mindec(config) * f_change_approx(status) g_converged = g_residual(status) ≤ g_restol(config) status.x_converged = x_converged status.f_converged = f_converged && f_converged_strong status.g_converged = g_converged # println(x_abschange(status)) # println(x_relchange(status)) # println(x_converged) # println(f_converged) # println(g_converged) return isconverged(status) end function meets_stopping_criteria(status::OptimizerStatus, config::Options) converged = assess_convergence!(status, config) # println(converged && status.i ≥ config.min_iterations ) # println(status.f_increased && !config.allow_f_increases ) # println(status.i ≥ config.max_iterations) # println(status.rxₐ > config.x_abstol_break) # println(status.rxᵣ > config.x_reltol_break) # println(status.rfₐ > config.f_abstol_break) # println(status.rfᵣ > config.f_reltol_break) # println(status.rg > config.g_restol_break) # println(status.x_isnan) # println(status.f_isnan) # println(status.g_isnan) ( converged && status.i ≥ config.min_iterations ) || ( status.f_increased && !config.allow_f_increases ) || status.i ≥ config.max_iterations || status.rxₐ > config.x_abstol_break || status.rxᵣ > config.x_reltol_break || status.rfₐ > config.f_abstol_break || status.rfᵣ > config.f_reltol_break || status.rg > config.g_restol_break || status.x_isnan || status.f_isnan || status.g_isnan end # function check_solver_status(status::OptimizerStatus, config::Options) # if any(isnan, status.x) || isnan(status.f) || any(isnan, status.g) # throw(NonlinearSolverException("Detected NaN")) # end # if status.rfₐ > config.f_abstol_break # throw(NonlinearSolverException("Absolute error ($(status.rfₐ)) larger than allowed ($(config.f_abtol_break))")) # end # if status.rfᵣ > config.f_reltol_break # throw(NonlinearSolverException("Relative error ($(status.rfᵣ)) larger than allowed ($(config.f_reltol_break))")) # end # end # function get_solver_status!(status::OptimizerStatus, params::NonlinearSolverParameters, status_dict::Dict) # status_dict[:niter] = status.i # status_dict[:xatol] = status.rxₐ # status_dict[:xrtol] = status.rxᵣ # status_dict[:yatol] = status.rfₐ # status_dict[:yrtol] = status.rfᵣ # status_dict[:gatol] = status.rgₐ # status_dict[:grtol] = status.rgᵣ # status_dict[:converged] = assess_convergence(status, params) # return status_dict # end # get_solver_status!(solver::OptimizerStatus{T}, status_dict::Dict) where {T} = # get_solver_status!(status(solver), params(solver), status_dict) # get_solver_status(solver::OptimizerStatus{T}) where {T} = get_solver_status!(solver, # Dict(:niter => 0, # :xatol => zero(T), # :xrtol => zero(T), # :yatol => zero(T), # :yrtol => zero(T), # :gatol => zero(T), # :grtol => zero(T), # :converged => false) # ) function warn_iteration_number(status::OptimizerStatus, config::Options) if config.warn_iterations > 0 && status.i ≥ config.warn_iterations println("WARNING: Optimizer took ", status.i, " iterations.") end end
[ "MIT" ]
using SimpleSolvers using Test n = 2 x = rand(n) g = 2x T = eltype(x) function F(x::Vector) 1 + sum(x.^2) end function ∇F!(g::Vector, x::Vector) g .= 0 for i in eachindex(x,g) g[i] = 2x[i] end end ∇PAD = Gradient{T}(F, n; mode = :autodiff, diff_type = :forward) ∇PFD = Gradient{T}(F, n; mode = :autodiff, diff_type = :finite) ∇PUS = Gradient{T}(∇F!, n; mode = :user) @test typeof(∇PAD) <: GradientAutodiff @test typeof(∇PFD) <: GradientFiniteDifferences @test typeof(∇PUS) <: GradientFunction function test_grad(g1, g2, atol) for i in eachindex(g1,g2) @test g1[i] ≈ g2[i] atol=atol end end gad = zero(g) gfd = zero(g) gus = zero(g) compute_gradient!(gad, x, ∇PAD) compute_gradient!(gfd, x, ∇PFD) compute_gradient!(gus, x, ∇PUS) test_grad(gad, g, eps()) test_grad(gfd, g, 1E-7) test_grad(gus, g, 0) gad1 = zero(g) gfd1 = zero(g) gus1 = zero(g) compute_gradient!(gad1, x, F; mode = :autodiff, diff_type = :forward) compute_gradient!(gfd1, x, F; mode = :autodiff, diff_type = :finite) compute_gradient!(gus1, x, ∇F!; mode = :user) test_grad(gad, gad1, 0) test_grad(gfd, gfd1, 0) test_grad(gus, gus1, 0) gad2 = zero(g) gfd2 = zero(g) compute_gradient_ad!(gad2, x, F) compute_gradient_fd!(gfd2, x, F) test_grad(gad, gad2, 0) test_grad(gfd, gfd2, 0)
[ "MIT" ]
using SimpleSolvers using Test n = 2 x = rand(n) h = zeros(n,n) T = eltype(x) function F(x::Vector) 1 + sum(x.^2) end function H!(h::Matrix, x::Vector) h .= 0 for i in eachindex(x) h[i,i] = 2 end end H!(h,x) HPAD = Hessian{T}(F, n; mode = :autodiff) HPUS = Hessian{T}(H!, n; mode = :user) @test typeof(HPAD) <: HessianAutodiff @test typeof(HPUS) <: HessianFunction function test_hessian(h1, h2, atol) for i in eachindex(h1,h2) @test h1[i] ≈ h2[i] atol=atol end end had = zero(h) hus = zero(h) compute_hessian!(had, x, HPAD) compute_hessian!(hus, x, HPUS) test_hessian(had, h, eps()) test_hessian(hus, h, 0) had1 = zero(h) hus1 = zero(h) compute_hessian!(had1, x, F; mode = :autodiff) compute_hessian!(hus1, x, H!; mode = :user) test_hessian(had, had1, 0) test_hessian(hus, hus1, 0) had2 = zero(h) compute_hessian_ad!(had2, x, F) test_hessian(had, had2, 0)
[ "MIT" ]
using SimpleSolvers using Test n = 1 T = Float64 x = [T(π),] j = reshape(2x, 1, 1) function F!(f::AbstractVector, x::AbstractVector) f .= x.^2 end function J!(g::AbstractMatrix, x::AbstractVector) g .= 0 for i in eachindex(x) g[i,i] = 2x[i] end end JPAD = Jacobian{T}(n; mode = :autodiff, diff_type = :forward) JPFD = Jacobian{T}(n; mode = :autodiff, diff_type = :finite) JPUS = Jacobian{T}(n; mode = :user) @test typeof(JPAD) <: JacobianAutodiff @test typeof(JPFD) <: JacobianFiniteDifferences @test typeof(JPUS) <: JacobianFunction jad = zero(j) jfd = zero(j) jus = zero(j) JPAD(jad, x, F!) JPFD(jfd, x, F!) JPUS(jus, x, J!) @test jad ≈ j atol = eps() @test jfd ≈ j atol = 1E-7 @test jus ≈ j atol = 0 jad1 = zero(j) jfd1 = zero(j) jus1 = zero(j) compute_jacobian!(jad1, x, F!, JPAD) compute_jacobian!(jfd1, x, F!, JPFD) compute_jacobian!(jus1, x, J!, JPUS) @test jad1 == jad @test jfd1 == jfd @test jus1 == jus jad2 = zero(j) jfd2 = zero(j) jus2 = zero(j) JPAD = Jacobian{T}(nothing, F!, n; diff_type = :forward) JPFD = Jacobian{T}(nothing, F!, n; diff_type = :finite) JPUS = Jacobian{T}(J!, F!, n) compute_jacobian!(jad2, x, F!, JPAD) compute_jacobian!(jfd2, x, F!, JPFD) compute_jacobian!(jus2, x, J!, JPUS) @test jad2 == jad @test jfd2 == jfd @test jus2 == jus jad3 = zero(j) jfd3 = zero(j) jus3 = zero(j) compute_jacobian!(jad3, x, F!; mode = :autodiff, diff_type = :forward) compute_jacobian!(jfd3, x, F!; mode = :autodiff, diff_type = :finite) compute_jacobian!(jus3, x, J!; mode = :user) @test jad3 == jad @test jfd3 == jfd @test jus3 == jus
[ "MIT" ]
using SimpleSolvers using SimpleSolvers: LinesearchState, StaticState using Test # include("optimizers_problems.jl") f(x) = x^2-1 g(x) = 2x function F(x) # sum(x.^2) - 1 y = - one(eltype(x)) for _x in x y += _x^2 end return y end function test_linesearch(algorithm, method; kwargs...) x₀ = -3.0 x₁ = +3.0 xₛ = 0.0 δx = x₁ .- x₀ _f = α -> f(x₀ + α * δx) _d = α -> g(x₀ + α * δx) o1 = UnivariateObjective(_f, xₛ) o2 = UnivariateObjective(_f, _d, xₛ) options = Options(x_abstol = zero(x₀)) ls = Linesearch(; algorithm = algorithm, config = options, kwargs...) α1 = ls(o1) α2 = ls(o2) α3 = ls(_f, _d) @test x₀ + α1 * δx ≈ xₛ atol=∛(2eps()) @test x₀ + α2 * δx ≈ xₛ atol=∛(2eps()) @test x₀ + α3 * δx ≈ xₛ atol=∛(2eps()) α1 = ls(o1, one(xₛ)) α2 = ls(o2, one(xₛ)) α3 = ls(_f, _d, one(xₛ)) @test x₀ + α1 * δx ≈ xₛ atol=∛(2eps()) @test x₀ + α2 * δx ≈ xₛ atol=∛(2eps()) @test x₀ + α3 * δx ≈ xₛ atol=∛(2eps()) α1 = method(o1; config = config = options, kwargs...) α2 = method(o2; config = config = options, kwargs...) α3 = method(_f, _d; config = options, kwargs...) @test x₀ + α1 * δx ≈ xₛ atol=∛(2eps()) @test x₀ + α2 * δx ≈ xₛ atol=∛(2eps()) @test x₀ + α3 * δx ≈ xₛ atol=∛(2eps()) α1 = method(o1, one(xₛ); config = options, kwargs...) α2 = method(o2, one(xₛ); config = options, kwargs...) α3 = method(_f, _d, one(xₛ); config = options, kwargs...) @test x₀ + α1 * δx ≈ xₛ atol=∛(2eps()) @test x₀ + α2 * δx ≈ xₛ atol=∛(2eps()) @test x₀ + α3 * δx ≈ xₛ atol=∛(2eps()) end @testset "$(rpad("Bracketing",80))" begin @test bracket_minimum(x -> x^2) == (-SimpleSolvers.DEFAULT_BRACKETING_s, +SimpleSolvers.DEFAULT_BRACKETING_s) @test bracket_minimum(x -> (x-1)^2) == (0.64, 2.56) end @testset "$(rpad("Static",80))" begin x₀ = -3. x₁ = +1. δx = x₁ - x₀ x = copy(x₀) o = UnivariateObjective(f, x) ls = StaticState() @test ls == LinesearchState(Static()) @test ls == LinesearchState(Static(1.0)) # x1 = copy(x₀); x2 = copy(x₀); @test solve!(x1, δx, ls) == ls(x2, δx) == x₁ @test ls() == 1. o1 = UnivariateObjective(f, x) o2 = UnivariateObjective(f, g, x) ls1 = Linesearch(algorithm = Static()) ls2 = Linesearch(algorithm = Static(1.0)) ls3 = Linesearch(algorithm = Static(0.8)) # @test ls1 == Linesearch(x, F; algorithm = Static()) # @test ls2 == Linesearch(x, F; algorithm = Static(), D = D) # x1 = copy(x₀); x2 = copy(x₀); @test solve!(x1, δx, ls1) == ls1(x2, δx) == x₁ # x1 = copy(x₀); x2 = copy(x₀); @test solve!(x1, δx, ls2) == ls2(x2, δx) == x₁ # x1 = copy(x₀); x2 = copy(x₀); @test solve!(x1, δx, ls3) == ls3(x2, δx) == x₁ @test ls1(o1) == ls1(o2) == ls1(f,g) == 1 @test ls2(o1) == ls2(o2) == ls2(f,g) == 1 @test ls3(o1) == ls3(o2) == ls3(f,g) == 0.8 end @testset "$(rpad("Bisection",80))" begin x₀ = -3.0 x₁ = +0.5 δx = x₁ .- x₀ x = copy(x₀) o = UnivariateObjective(f, x) x1 = bisection(f, x₀, x₁; config = Options(x_abstol = zero(x))) x2 = bisection(f, x; config = Options(x_abstol = zero(x))) @test x1 ≈ -1 atol=∛(2eps()) @test x2 ≈ -1 atol=∛(2eps()) x1 = bisection(f, x₀, x₁; config = Options(f_abstol = zero(f(x)))) x2 = bisection(f, x; config = Options(f_abstol = zero(f(x)))) @test x1 ≈ -1 atol=2eps() @test x2 ≈ -1 atol=2eps() # x₀ = [-3.0] # x₁ = [+0.5] # xₛ = [-1.0] # δx = x₁ .- x₀ # x = copy(x₀) x_abstol = zero(eltype(x)) f_abstol = zero(F(x)) ls = Linesearch(algorithm = Bisection(), config = Options(x_abstol = x_abstol)) @test ls(o) == ls(f,g) == 1.0 # x1 = copy(x₀) # x2 = copy(x₀) # x3 = copy(x₀) # ls(x1, δx) # solve!(x2, δx, ls) # solve!(x3, δx, ls.state) # @test x1 ≈ xₛ atol=∛(2eps()) # @test x2 ≈ xₛ atol=∛(2eps()) # @test x3 ≈ xₛ atol=∛(2eps()) ls = Linesearch(algorithm = Bisection(), config = Options(f_abstol = f_abstol)) @test ls(o) == ls(f,g) == 1.0 # x1 = copy(x₀) # x2 = copy(x₀) # x3 = copy(x₀) # ls(x1, δx) # solve!(x2, δx, ls) # solve!(x3, δx, ls.state) # @test x1 ≈ xₛ atol=2eps() # @test x2 ≈ xₛ atol=2eps() # @test x3 ≈ xₛ atol=2eps() end @testset "$(rpad("Backtracking",80))" begin test_linesearch(Backtracking(), backtracking) # x₀ = [-3.0] # x₁ = [+3.0] # xₛ = [ 0.0] # δx = x₁ .- x₀ # x = copy(x₀) # x1 = copy(x₀) # x2 = copy(x₀) # x3 = copy(x₀) # ls = Linesearch(x, F; algorithm = Backtracking(), config = Options(x_abstol = zero(eltype(x)))) # ls(x1, δx) # solve!(x2, δx, ls) # backtracking(F, x3, δx; config = Options(x_abstol = zero(eltype(x)))) # @test x1 ≈ xₛ atol=∛(2eps()) # @test x2 ≈ xₛ atol=∛(2eps()) # @test x3 ≈ xₛ atol=∛(2eps()) # n = 1 # x₀ = -0.5*ones(n) # x₁ = +1.0*ones(n) # x = copy(x₀) # f = zeros(n) # g = zeros(n,n) # ls = Solver(F!, x, f) # F!(f,x) # J!(g,x) # solve!(x, f, g, x₀, x₁, ls) # F!(f,x) # @test x ≈ zero(x) atol=4E-1 # @test f ≈ zero(f) atol=8E-2 # @test solve!(x, f, g, x₀, x₁, ls) == ls(x, f, g, x₀, x₁) == SFunc(F!, x, f, g, x₀, x₁) # n = 3 # x₀ = -ones(n) # x₁ = +ones(n) # x = copy(x₀) # f = zeros(n) # g = zeros(n,n) # ls = Solver(F!, x, f) # F!(f,x) # J!(g,x) # solve!(x, f, g, x₀, x₁, ls) # F!(f,x) # @test x == zero(x) # @test f == zero(f) # @test solve!(x, f, g, x₀, x₁, ls) == ls(x, f, g, x₀, x₁) == SFunc(F!, x, f, g, x₀, x₁) end @testset "$(rpad("Polynomial Linesearch",80))" begin test_linesearch(Quadratic(), quadratic; σ₀=0.5, σ₁=0.8) # x₀ = [-3.0] # x₁ = [+3.0] # xₛ = [ 0.0] # δx = x₁ .- x₀ # x = copy(x₀) # x1 = copy(x₀) # x2 = copy(x₀) # x3 = copy(x₀) # ls = Linesearch(x, F; algorithm = Quadratic(), config = Options(x_abstol = zero(eltype(x)))) # ls(x1, δx) # solve!(x2, δx, ls) # quadratic(F, x3, δx; config = Options(x_abstol = zero(eltype(x)))) # @test x1 ≈ xₛ atol=∛(2eps()) # @test x2 ≈ xₛ atol=∛(2eps()) # @test x3 ≈ xₛ atol=∛(2eps()) # n = 1 # x₀ = -0.5*ones(n) # x₁ = +1.0*ones(n) # x = copy(x₀) # f = zeros(n) # g = zeros(n,n) # ls = Solver(F!, x, f) # F!(f,x) # J!(g,x) # solve!(x, f, g, x₀, x₁, ls) # F!(f,x) # @test x ≈ zero(x) atol=4E-1 # @test f ≈ zero(f) atol=8E-2 # @test solve!(x, f, g, x₀, x₁, ls) == ls(x, f, g, x₀, x₁) == SFunc(F!, x, f, g, x₀, x₁) # n = 3 # x₀ = -ones(n) # x₁ = +ones(n) # x = copy(x₀) # f = zeros(n) # g = zeros(n,n) # ls = Solver(F!, x, f) # F!(f,x) # J!(g,x) # solve!(x, f, g, x₀, x₁, ls) # F!(f,x) # @test x == zero(x) # @test f == zero(f) # @test solve!(x, f, g, x₀, x₁, ls) == ls(x, f, g, x₀, x₁) == SFunc(F!, x, f, g, x₀, x₁) end
[ "MIT" ]
using LinearAlgebra: ldiv! using SimpleSolvers using Test struct LinearSolverTest{T} <: LinearSolver{T} end test_solver = LinearSolverTest{Float64}() @test_throws ErrorException factorize!(test_solver) @test_throws ErrorException ldiv!(test_solver) A = [[+4. +5. -2.] [+7. -1. +2.] [+3. +1. +4.]] x = [+4., -4., +5.] b = [-14., +42., +28.] function test_lu_solver(solver, A, b, x) for T in (Float64, ComplexF64, Float32, ComplexF32) AT = convert(Matrix{T}, A) bT = convert(Vector{T}, b) xT = convert(Vector{T}, x) lu1 = solver(AT) x1 = ldiv!(zero(xT), lu1, bT) @test x1 ≈ xT atol=8*eps(real(T)) lu2 = solver(rand(T, size(A)...)) x2 = zero(xT) factorize!(lu2, AT) ldiv!(x2, lu2, bT) @test x2 ≈ xT atol=8*eps(real(T)) end end test_lu_solver(LUSolverLAPACK, A, b, x) test_lu_solver(LUSolver, A, b, x)
[ "MIT" ]
using SimpleSolvers using SimpleSolvers: initialize!, solver_step! using Test struct NonlinearSolverTest{T} <: NonlinearSolver end test_solver = NonlinearSolverTest{Float64}() @test_throws ErrorException config(test_solver) @test_throws ErrorException status(test_solver) @test_throws ErrorException initialize!(test_solver, rand(3)) @test_throws ErrorException solver_step!(test_solver) function F!(f, x) f .= tan.(x) end function J!(g, x) g .= 0 for i in eachindex(x) g[i,i] = sec(x[i])^2 end end for (Solver, kwarguments) in ( (NewtonSolver, (linesearch = Static(),)), (NewtonSolver, (linesearch = Backtracking(),)), (NewtonSolver, (linesearch = Quadratic(),)), (NewtonSolver, (linesearch = Bisection(),)), (QuasiNewtonSolver, (linesearch = Static(),)), (QuasiNewtonSolver, (linesearch = Backtracking(),)), (QuasiNewtonSolver, (linesearch = Quadratic(),)), (QuasiNewtonSolver, (linesearch = Bisection(),)), # (NLsolveNewton, NamedTuple()), ) for T in (Float64, Float32) n = 1 x = ones(T, n) y = zero(x) nl = Solver(x, y; kwarguments...) @test config(nl) == nl.config @test status(nl) == nl.status solve!(x, F!, nl) # println(status(nl)) for _x in x @test _x ≈ 0 atol = eps(T) end x = ones(T, n) nl = Solver(x, y; J! = J!, kwarguments...) solve!(x, F!, J!, nl) # println(status(nl)) for _x in x @test _x ≈ 0 atol = eps(T) end end end
[ "MIT" ]
using SimpleSolvers using Test f = x -> 1 + x^2 d = x -> 2x x = Float64(π) y = f(x) z = d(x) obj1 = UnivariateObjective(f, x) obj2 = UnivariateObjective(f, d, x) obj3 = TemporaryUnivariateObjective(f, d, x) @test f_calls(obj1) == f_calls(obj2) == 0 @test d_calls(obj1) == d_calls(obj2) == 0 @test value(obj1, x) == value(obj2, x) == value(obj3, x) == y @test f_calls(obj1) == f_calls(obj2) == 1 @test d_calls(obj1) == d_calls(obj2) == 0 @test value!(obj1, x) == value!(obj2, x) == value!(obj3, x) == y @test f_calls(obj1) == f_calls(obj2) == 2 @test d_calls(obj1) == d_calls(obj2) == 0 @test value!(obj1, x) == value!(obj2, x) == value!(obj3, x) == y @test f_calls(obj1) == f_calls(obj2) == 2 @test d_calls(obj1) == d_calls(obj2) == 0 @test value!!(obj1, x) == value!!(obj2, x) == y @test f_calls(obj1) == f_calls(obj2) == 3 @test d_calls(obj1) == d_calls(obj2) == 0 @test value!(obj1, 2x) == value!(obj2, 2x) == value!(obj3, 2x) @test f_calls(obj1) == f_calls(obj2) == 4 @test d_calls(obj1) == d_calls(obj2) == 0 @test obj1(2x) == obj2(2x) == obj3(2x) @test f_calls(obj1) == f_calls(obj2) == 4 @test d_calls(obj1) == d_calls(obj2) == 0 SimpleSolvers.clear!(obj1) SimpleSolvers.clear!(obj2) @test f_calls(obj1) == f_calls(obj2) == 0 @test d_calls(obj1) == d_calls(obj2) == 0 @test derivative(obj1, x) == derivative(obj2, x) == derivative(obj3, x) == z @test f_calls(obj1) == f_calls(obj2) == 0 @test d_calls(obj1) == d_calls(obj2) == 1 @test derivative!(obj1, x) == derivative!(obj2, x) == derivative!(obj3, x) == z @test f_calls(obj1) == f_calls(obj2) == 0 @test d_calls(obj1) == d_calls(obj2) == 2 @test derivative!(obj1, x) == derivative!(obj2, x) == derivative!(obj3, x) == z @test f_calls(obj1) == f_calls(obj2) == 0 @test d_calls(obj1) == d_calls(obj2) == 2 @test derivative!!(obj1, x) == derivative!!(obj2, x) == z @test f_calls(obj1) == f_calls(obj2) == 0 @test d_calls(obj1) == d_calls(obj2) == 3 @test derivative!(obj1, 2x) == derivative!(obj2, 2x) == derivative!(obj3, 2x) @test f_calls(obj1) == f_calls(obj2) == 0 @test d_calls(obj1) == d_calls(obj2) == 4 function F(x) 1 + sum(x.^2) end function G!(g, x) g .= 0 for i in eachindex(x,g) g[i] = 2x[i] end end n = 2 x = rand(n) f = F(x) g = SimpleSolvers.alloc_g(x) G!(g, x) obj1 = MultivariateObjective(F, x) obj2 = MultivariateObjective(F, G!, x) @test f_calls(obj1) == f_calls(obj2) == 0 @test g_calls(obj1) == g_calls(obj2) == 0 @test value(obj1, x) == value(obj2, x) == f @test f_calls(obj1) == f_calls(obj2) == 1 @test g_calls(obj1) == g_calls(obj2) == 0 @test value!(obj1, x) == value!(obj2, x) == f @test f_calls(obj1) == f_calls(obj2) == 2 @test g_calls(obj1) == g_calls(obj2) == 0 @test value!(obj1, x) == value!(obj2, x) == f @test f_calls(obj1) == f_calls(obj2) == 2 @test g_calls(obj1) == g_calls(obj2) == 0 @test value!!(obj1, x) == value!!(obj2, x) == f @test f_calls(obj1) == f_calls(obj2) == 3 @test g_calls(obj1) == g_calls(obj2) == 0 @test value!(obj1, 2x) == value!(obj2, 2x) @test f_calls(obj1) == f_calls(obj2) == 4 @test g_calls(obj1) == g_calls(obj2) == 0 @test obj1(2x) == obj2(2x) @test f_calls(obj1) == f_calls(obj2) == 4 @test g_calls(obj1) == g_calls(obj2) == 0 SimpleSolvers.clear!(obj1) SimpleSolvers.clear!(obj2) @test f_calls(obj1) == f_calls(obj2) == 0 @test g_calls(obj1) == g_calls(obj2) == 0 @test gradient(obj1, x) == gradient(obj2, x) == g @test f_calls(obj1) == f_calls(obj2) == 0 @test g_calls(obj1) == g_calls(obj2) == 1 @test gradient!(obj1, x) == gradient!(obj2, x) == g @test f_calls(obj1) == f_calls(obj2) == 0 @test g_calls(obj1) == g_calls(obj2) == 2 @test gradient!(obj1, x) == gradient!(obj2, x) == g @test f_calls(obj1) == f_calls(obj2) == 0 @test g_calls(obj1) == g_calls(obj2) == 2 @test gradient!!(obj1, x) == gradient!!(obj2, x) == g @test f_calls(obj1) == f_calls(obj2) == 0 @test g_calls(obj1) == g_calls(obj2) == 3 @test gradient!(obj1, 2x) == gradient!(obj2, 2x) @test f_calls(obj1) == f_calls(obj2) == 0 @test g_calls(obj1) == g_calls(obj2) == 4
[ "MIT" ]
using SimpleSolvers using Test include("optimizers_problems.jl") n = 1 x = ones(n) nl = QuasiNewtonOptimizer(x, F) @test config(nl) == nl.config @test status(nl) == nl.status solve!(x, nl) println(status(nl))
[ "MIT" ]
function F(x) # 1 + sum(x.^2) y = one(eltype(x)) for _x in x y += _x^2 end return y end function ∇F!(g, x) g .= 2 .* x end function H!(g, x) g .= 0 for i in eachindex(x) g[i,i] = 2 end end
[ "MIT" ]
using LinearAlgebra using SimpleSolvers using SimpleSolvers: gradient, hessian, linesearch, objective, initialize!, update!, solver_step! using Test include("optimizers_problems.jl") struct OptimizerTest{T} <: OptimizationAlgorithm end test_optim = OptimizerTest{Float64}() test_x = zeros(3) test_obj = MultivariateObjective(F, test_x) @test_throws MethodError gradient(test_optim) @test_throws MethodError hessian(test_optim) @test_throws MethodError linesearch(test_optim) @test_throws MethodError objective(test_optim) @test_throws MethodError initialize!(test_optim, test_x) @test_throws MethodError update!(test_optim, test_x) @test_throws MethodError solver_step!(test_x, test_optim) @test isaOptimizationAlgorithm(test_optim) == false @test isaOptimizationAlgorithm(NewtonOptimizer(test_x, test_obj)) == true @test isaOptimizationAlgorithm(BFGSOptimizer(test_x, test_obj)) == true @test isaOptimizationAlgorithm(DFPOptimizer(test_x, test_obj)) == true for method in (Newton(), BFGS(), DFP()) for linesearch in (Static(0.8), Backtracking(), Quadratic(), Bisection()) for T in (Float64, Float32) n = 1 x = ones(T, n) opt = Optimizer(x, F; algorithm = method, linesearch = linesearch) @test config(opt) == opt.config @test status(opt) == opt.result.status if !(method == BFGS() && linesearch == Quadratic() && T == Float32) # TODO: Investigate why this combination always fails. solve!(x, opt) # println(opt) @test norm(minimizer(opt)) ≈ 0 atol=1E-7 @test norm(minimum(opt)) ≈ F(0) atol=1E-7 x = ones(T, n) opt = Optimizer(x, F; ∇F! = ∇F!, algorithm = method, linesearch = linesearch) solve!(x, opt) # println(opt) @test norm(minimizer(opt)) ≈ 0 atol=1E-7 @test norm(minimum(opt)) ≈ F(0) atol=1E-7 end end end end
[ "MIT" ]
using SafeTestsets @safetestset "Gradients " begin include("gradient_tests.jl") end @safetestset "Jacobians " begin include("jacobian_tests.jl") end @safetestset "Hessians " begin include("hessian_tests.jl") end @safetestset "Objectives " begin include("objectives_tests.jl") end @safetestset "Linear Solvers " begin include("linear_solvers_tests.jl") end @safetestset "Line Searches " begin include("line_searches_tests.jl") end @safetestset "Nonlinear Solvers " begin include("nonlinear_solvers_tests.jl") end @safetestset "Optimizers " begin include("optimizers_tests.jl") end
[ "MIT" ]
# SimpleSolvers [![Stable](]( [![Latest](]( [![PkgEval Status](]( [![Build Status](]( [![Coverage](]( [![DOI](]( This package provides simple linear and nonlinear solvers such as LU decomposition and Newton's method. Under a unified interface, it provides low-overhead implementations in pure Julia, applicable to a wide range of data types, and wraps methods from other Julia libraries. Nonlinear solvers can be used with linesearch algorithms. Jacobians can be computed via automatic differentiation, finite differences or manually. ## References If you use SimpleSolvers.jl in your work, please consider citing it by ``` @misc{Kraus:2020:SimpleSolvers, title={SimpleSolvers.jl: Simple linear and nonlinear solvers in Julia}, author={Kraus, Michael}, year={2020}, howpublished={\url{}}, doi={10.5281/zenodo.4317189} } ``` ## Development We are using git hooks, e.g., to enforce that all tests pass before pushing. In order to activate these hooks, the following command must be executed once: ``` git config core.hooksPath .githooks ```
[ "MIT" ]
```@meta CurrentModule = SimpleSolvers ``` # SimpleSolvers ```@index ``` ```@autodocs Modules = [SimpleSolvers] ```
[ "MIT" ]
using Devito, BenchmarkTools const SUITE = BenchmarkGroup() nz,ny,nx = 102,101,100 grd = Grid(shape=(nz,ny,nx)) f = Devito.Function(name="f", grid=grd, space_order=8) d = data(f) dhalo = data_with_halo(f) dinhalo = data_with_inhalo(f) dalloc = data_allocated(f) _d = zeros(eltype(d), size(d)) _dhalo = zeros(eltype(dhalo), size(dhalo)) _dinhalo = zeros(eltype(dinhalo), size(dinhalo)) _dalloc = zeros(eltype(dalloc), size(dalloc)) SUITE["function"] = BenchmarkGroup() SUITE["function"]["data"] = @benchmarkable data($f) SUITE["function"]["data with halo"] = @benchmarkable data_with_halo($f) SUITE["function"]["data with inhalo"] = @benchmarkable data_with_inhalo($f) SUITE["function"]["data allocated"] = @benchmarkable data_allocated($f) SUITE["function"]["data copy!"] = @benchmarkable copy!($_d, $d) SUITE["function"]["data with halo copy!"] = @benchmarkable copy!($_dhalo, $dhalo) SUITE["function"]["data with inhalo copy!"] = @benchmarkable copy!($_dinhalo, $dinhalo) SUITE["function"]["data allocated copy!"] = @benchmarkable copy!($_dalloc, $dalloc) stf = SparseTimeFunction(name="stf", grid=grd, npoint=1, nt=1000, coordinates=[50 50 50]) tf = TimeFunction(name="tf", grid=grd, time_order=8, space_order=8) SUITE["sparse time function"] = BenchmarkGroup() SUITE["sparse time function"]["data"] = @benchmarkable data($stf) SUITE["sparse time function"]["data with halo"] = @benchmarkable data_with_halo($stf) SUITE["sparse time function"]["data with inhalo"] = @benchmarkable data_with_inhalo($stf) SUITE["sparse time function"]["data allocated"] = @benchmarkable data_allocated($stf) SUITE["sparse time function"]["inject"] = @benchmarkable inject($stf; field=$(forward(tf)), expr=$stf) SUITE["sparse time function"]["interpolate"] = @benchmarkable interpolate($stf; expr=tf) SUITE
[ "MIT" ]
using Revise using Devito configuration!("log-level", "DEBUG") configuration!("language", "openmp") # configuration!("mpi", false) x = SpaceDimension(name="x", spacing=Spacing(name="h_x", is_const=true)) z = SpaceDimension(name="z", spacing=Spacing(name="h_z", is_const=true)) function ricker!(src, f, _t, t₀) t = reshape(_t, size(src)) src .= (1.0 .- 2.0 * (pi * f * (t .- t₀)).^2) .* exp.(-(pi * f * (t .- t₀)).^2) end grid = Grid( dimensions = (z,x), shape = (501,251), origin = (0.0,0.0), extent = (2500.0,1250.0), dtype = Float32) b = Devito.Function(name="b", grid=grid, space_order=8) v = Devito.Function(name="v", grid=grid, space_order=8) q = Devito.Function(name="woverq", grid=grid, space_order=8) b_data = data(b) v_data = data(v) q_data = data(q) b_data .= 1 v_data .= 1.5 q_data .= 1/1000 time_range = 0.0f0:0.5f0:1000.0f0 p = TimeFunction(name="p", grid=grid, time_order=2, space_order=8) z,x,t = dimensions(p) src = SparseTimeFunction(name="src", grid=grid, npoint=1, nt=length(time_range)) src_coords = coordinates_data(src) src_coords .= [625.0; 5.0] src_data = data(src) ricker!(src_data, 0.01, collect(time_range), 125) src_term = inject(src; field=forward(p), expr=src*spacing(t)^2*v^2/b) nz,nx,δz,δx = size(grid)...,spacing(grid)... rec = SparseTimeFunction(name="rec", grid=grid, npoint=nx, nt=length(time_range)) rec_coords = coordinates_data(rec) rec_coords[1,:] .= δx*(0:nx-1) rec_coords[2,:] .= 10.0 rec_term = interpolate(rec, expr=p) g1(field) = dx(field,x0=x+spacing(x)/2) g3(field) = dz(field,x0=z+spacing(z)/2) g1_tilde(field) = dx(field,x0=x-spacing(x)/2) g3_tilde(field) = dz(field,x0=z-spacing(z)/2) update_p = spacing(t)^2 * v^2 / b * (g1_tilde(b * g1(p)) + g3_tilde(b * g3(p))) + (2 - spacing(t) * q) * p + (spacing(t) * q - 1) * backward(p) stencil_p = Eq(forward(p), update_p) dt = step(time_range) smap = spacing_map(grid) smap[spacing(t)] = dt op = Operator([stencil_p, src_term, rec_term], subs=smap, name="OpExampleIso") summary = apply(op) @show summary _p = data(p) d = data(rec) using PyPlot _p = data(p) d = data(rec) figure();imshow(_p[:,:,1]) display(gcf()) savefig("p.png", bbox_inches="tight", dpi=150) figure();imshow(d, aspect="auto",cmap="gray",clim=.1*[-1,1]*maximum(abs,d)) display(gcf()) savefig("d.png", bbox_inches="tight", dpi=150)
[ "MIT" ]
using Revise using Devito configuration!("log-level", "DEBUG") configuration!("language", "openmp") configuration!("mpi", false) function ricker(f, _t, t₀) t = reshape(_t, length(_t), 1) (1.0 .- 2.0 * (pi * f * (t .- t₀)).^2) .* exp.(-(pi * f * (t .- t₀)).^2) end grid = Grid( shape = (121,121,121), origin = (0.0,0.0,0.0), extent = (1210.0,1210.0,1210.0), dtype = Float32) b = Devito.Function(name="b", grid=grid, space_order=8) v = Devito.Function(name="v", grid=grid, space_order=8) q = Devito.Function(name="woverq", grid=grid, space_order=8) b_data = data(b) v_data = data(v) q_data = data(q) # note that the folowing is faster if we include the halo # i.e. use the data_with_halo method rather than the data method. b_data .= 1 v_data .= 1.5 q_data .= 1/1000 time_range = 0.0f0:1.0f0:750.0f0 p = TimeFunction(name="p", grid=grid, time_order=2, space_order=8) z,y,x,t = dimensions(p) src = SparseTimeFunction(name="src", grid=grid, f0=0.01f0, npoint=1, nt=length(time_range), coordinates=[605.0 605.0 10.0]) src_data = data(src) w = ricker(0.01, collect(time_range), 125) copy!(src_data, w) src_term = inject(src; field=forward(p), expr=src*spacing(t)^2*v^2/b) nz,ny,nx,δz,δy,δx = size(grid)...,spacing(grid)... rec = SparseTimeFunction(name="rec", grid=grid, npoint=nx, nt=length(time_range)) rec_coords = coordinates_data(rec) rec_coords[1,:] .= δx*(0:nx-1) rec_coords[2,:] .= 605 rec_coords[3,:] .= 20 rec_term = interpolate(rec, expr=p) g1(field) = dx(field,x0=x+spacing(x)/2) g2(field) = dy(field,x0=y+spacing(y)/2) g3(field) = dz(field,x0=z+spacing(z)/2) g1_tilde(field) = dx(field,x0=x-spacing(x)/2) g2_tilde(field) = dy(field,x0=y-spacing(y)/2) g3_tilde(field) = dz(field,x0=z-spacing(z)/2) update_p = spacing(t)^2 * v^2 / b * (g1_tilde(b * g1(p)) + g2_tilde(b * g2(p)) + g3_tilde(b * g3(p))) + (2 - spacing(t) * q) * p + (spacing(t) * q - 1) * backward(p) stencil_p = Eq(forward(p), update_p) dt = step(time_range) smap = spacing_map(grid) smap[spacing(t)] = dt op = Operator([stencil_p, src_term, rec_term], subs=smap, name="OpExampleIso") summary = apply(op) using PyPlot _p = data_with_halo(p) extrema(_p) d = data(rec) extrema(d) figure();imshow(_p[:,:,60,1]) display(gcf()) figure();imshow(d, aspect="auto",cmap="gray",clim=.1*[-1,1]*maximum(abs,d)) display(gcf())
[ "MIT" ]
using Revise using Distributed, MPIClusterManagers manager = MPIWorkerManager(4) addprocs(manager) @everywhere ENV["OMP_NUM_THREADS"] = 4 @everywhere using Revise @everywhere using Devito @everywhere using MPI @everywhere configuration!("log-level", "DEBUG") @everywhere configuration!("language", "openmp") @everywhere configuration!("mpi", true) @everywhere function ricker(f, _t, t₀) t = reshape(_t, length(_t), 1) (1.0 .- 2.0 * (pi * f * (t .- t₀)).^2) .* exp.(-(pi * f * (t .- t₀)).^2) end @everywhere function model() write(stdout, "inside model()\n") grid = Grid( shape = (121,121,121), origin = (0.0,0.0,0.0), extent = (1210.0,1210.0,1210.0), dtype = Float32) b = Devito.Function(name="b", grid=grid, space_order=8) v = Devito.Function(name="vel", grid=grid, space_order=8) q = Devito.Function(name="woverq", grid=grid, space_order=8) b_data = data(b) v_data = data(v) q_data = data(q) b_data .= 1 v_data .= 1.5 q_data .= 1/1000 time_range = 0.0f0:1.0f0:750.0f0 p = TimeFunction(name="p", grid=grid, time_order=2, space_order=8) z,y,x,t = dimensions(p) src = SparseTimeFunction(name="src", grid=grid, f0=0.01f0, npoint=1, nt=length(time_range), coordinates=[605.0 605.0 10.0]) src_data = data(src) w = zeros(Float32, 1, length(time_range)) w[1,:] .= ricker(0.01, collect(time_range), 125)[:] copy!(src_data, w) src_term = inject(src; field=forward(p), expr=src * spacing(t)^2 * v^2 / b) nz,ny,nx,δz,δy,δx = size(grid)...,spacing(grid)... rec = SparseTimeFunction(name="rec", grid=grid, npoint=nx, nt=length(time_range)) rec_coords = coordinates_data(rec) _rec_coords = zeros(Float32, length(dimensions(p))-1, nx) _rec_coords[1,:] .= δx*(0:nx-1) _rec_coords[2,:] .= 605 _rec_coords[3,:] .= 20 copy!(rec_coords, _rec_coords) rec_term = interpolate(rec, expr=p) g1(field) = dx(field,x0=x+spacing(x)/2) g2(field) = dy(field,x0=y+spacing(y)/2) g3(field) = dz(field,x0=z+spacing(z)/2) g1_tilde(field) = dx(field,x0=x-spacing(x)/2) g2_tilde(field) = dy(field,x0=y-spacing(y)/2) g3_tilde(field) = dz(field,x0=z-spacing(z)/2) # write the time update equation for u_x update_p = spacing(t)^2 * v^2 / b * (g1_tilde(b * g1(p)) + g2_tilde(b * g2(p)) + g3_tilde(b * g3(p))) + (2 - spacing(t) * q) * p + (spacing(t) * q - 1) * backward(p) stencil_p = Eq(forward(p), update_p) # update the dimension spacing_map to include the time dimension # these symbols will be replaced with the relevant scalars by the Operator dt = step(time_range) smap = spacing_map(grid) smap[spacing(t)] = dt op = Operator([stencil_p, src_term, rec_term], subs=smap, name="OpExampleIso") bx,by = 19,8 t_apply = @elapsed begin summary = apply(op; x0_blk0_size=bx, y0_blk0_size=by) end write(stdout, "t_appy=$t_apply\n") _p = data_with_halo(p) _d = data(rec) __d = convert(Array, _d) if MPI.Comm_rank(MPI.COMM_WORLD) == 0 write("d.bin", __d) end MPI.Barrier(MPI.COMM_WORLD) nothing end @mpi_do manager model() d = read!("d.bin", Array{Float32}(undef,751,121)) using PyPlot figure(); imshow(d); display(gcf())
[ "MIT" ]
using Revise using Distributed, AzManagers ENV["OMP_NUM_THREADS"] = 4 addprocs("cbox120", 1; group="tqff-devito7", mpi_ranks_per_worker=16) @everywhere using Revise @everywhere using Devito @everywhere using MPI @everywhere configuration!("log-level", "DEBUG") @everywhere configuration!("language", "openmp") @everywhere configuration!("mpi", true) @everywhere function ricker(f, _t, t₀) t = reshape(_t, length(_t), 1) (1.0 .- 2.0 * (pi * f * (t .- t₀)).^2) .* exp.(-(pi * f * (t .- t₀)).^2) end @everywhere function model() MPI.Initialized() || MPI.Init() write(stdout, "inside model()\n") grid = Grid( shape = (601,1201,1201), origin = (0.0,0.0,0.0), extent = (6000.0,12000.0,12000.0), dtype = Float32) b = Devito.Function(name="b", grid=grid, space_order=8) v = Devito.Function(name="vel", grid=grid, space_order=8) q = Devito.Function(name="wOverQ", grid=grid, space_order=8) b_data = data(b) v_data = data(v) q_data = data(q) b_data .= 1 v_data .= 1.5 q_data .= 1/1000 time_range = 0.0f0:1.0f0:250.0f0 p = TimeFunction(name="p", grid=grid, time_order=2, space_order=8) z,y,x,t = dimensions(p) src = SparseTimeFunction(name="src", grid=grid, f0=0.01f0, npoint=1, nt=length(time_range), coordinates=[6500.0 6500.0 10.0]) src_data = data(src) w = zeros(Float32, 1, length(time_range)) w[1,:] .= ricker(0.01, collect(time_range), 125)[:] copy!(src_data, w) src_term = inject(src; field=forward(p), expr=src * spacing(t)^2 * v^2 / b) nz,ny,nx,δz,δy,δx = size(grid)...,spacing(grid)... rec_coords = zeros(nx,3) rec_coords[:,1] .= δx*[0:nx-1;] rec_coords[:,2] .= 6500.0 rec_coords[:,3] .= 20.0 rec = SparseTimeFunction(name="rec", grid=grid, npoint=nx, nt=length(time_range), coordinates=rec_coords) rec_term = interpolate(rec, expr=p) g1(field) = dx(field,x0=x+spacing(x)/2) g2(field) = dy(field,x0=y+spacing(y)/2) g3(field) = dz(field,x0=z+spacing(z)/2) g1_tilde(field) = dx(field,x0=x-spacing(x)/2) g2_tilde(field) = dy(field,x0=y-spacing(y)/2) g3_tilde(field) = dz(field,x0=z-spacing(z)/2) # write the time update equation for u_x update_p = spacing(t)^2 * v^2 / b * (g1_tilde(b * g1(p)) + g2_tilde(b * g2(p)) + g3_tilde(b * g3(p))) + (2 - spacing(t) * q) * p + (spacing(t) * q - 1) * backward(p) stencil_p = Eq(forward(p), update_p) # update the dimension spacing_map to include the time dimension # these symbols will be replaced with the relevant scalars by the Operator dt = step(time_range) smap = spacing_map(grid) smap[spacing(t)] = dt op = Operator([stencil_p, src_term, rec_term], subs=smap, name="OpExampleIso") bx,by = 19,8 t_apply = @elapsed apply(op; x0_blk0_size=bx, y0_blk0_size=by) write(stdout, "t_appy=$t_apply\n") _p = data_with_halo(p) _d = data(rec) __d = convert(Array, _d) __d end d = remotecall_fetch(model, workers()[1]) using PyPlot figure(); imshow(d); display(gcf()) rmprocs(workers())
[ "MIT" ]
using Conda dpro_repo = get(ENV, "DEVITO_PRO", "") which_devito = get(ENV,"DEVITO_BRANCH", "") try Conda.pip_interop(true) # optional devito pro installation # note that the submodules do not install correctly from a URL, so we need install from local cloned repo # 2024-07-29 this is totally hacked for nvidia HPCX and Open MPI 4.1.7a1 # using nvidia HPC SDK 24.7 and cuda 12.5 if dpro_repo != "" @info "Building devitopro from latest release" Conda.pip("uninstall -y", "devitopro") Conda.pip("uninstall -y", "devito") Conda.pip("uninstall -y", "numpy") # clone the devitopro repository and init submodules dir = "$(tempname())-devitopro" _pwd = pwd() Sys.which("git") === nothing && error("git is not installed") run(`git clone $(dpro_repo) $(dir)`) cd(dir) run(`git submodule update --init`) cd(_pwd) # use nvc compiler ENV["CC"] = "nvc" # devitopro Conda.pip("install", "$(dir)") rm(dir, recursive=true, force=true) # devito requirements Conda.pip("install --no-cache-dir -r", "") # nvida requirements Conda.pip("install --no-cache-dir -r", "") # mpi requirements ENV["CFLAGS"] = "-noswitcherror -tp=px" Conda.pip("install --no-cache-dir -r", "") delete!(ENV,"CFLAGS") # and finally ... mpi4py # ENV["CFLAGS"] = "-noswitcherror -tp=px" # Conda.pip("uninstall -y", "mpi4py") # Conda.pip("install --no-cache-dir", "mpi4py") elseif which_devito != "" @info "Building devito from branch $(which_devito)" Conda.pip("install", "devito[tests,extras,mpi]@git+$(which_devito)") else @info "Building devito from latest release" Conda.pip("uninstall -y", "devitopro") Conda.pip("uninstall -y", "devito") dir = "$(tempname())-devito" Sys.which("git") === nothing && error("git is not installed") run(`git clone $(dir)`) Conda.pip("install", "$(dir)[tests,extras,mpi]") rm(dir, recursive=true, force=true) ENV["CC"] = "gcc" ENV["CFLAGS"] = "" ENV["MPICC"] = "mpicc" Conda.pip("uninstall -y", "mpi4py") Conda.pip("install", "mpi4py") end catch e if get(ENV, "JULIA_REGISTRYCI_AUTOMERGE", "false") == "true" @warn "unable to build" else throw(e) end end
[ "MIT" ]
using Documenter, Devito makedocs(sitename="Devito", modules=[Devito]) deploydocs( repo = "", )
[ "MIT" ]
module Devito using MPI, PyCall, Strided const numpy = PyNULL() const sympy = PyNULL() const devito = PyNULL() const devitopro = PyNULL() const seismic = PyNULL() const utils = PyNULL() const enriched = PyNULL() has_devitopro() = devitopro != devito function __init__() try copy!(numpy, pyimport("numpy")) copy!(sympy, pyimport("sympy")) copy!(devito, pyimport("devito")) try copy!(devitopro, pyimport("devitopro")) catch e copy!(devitopro, pyimport("devito")) end copy!(seismic, pyimport("examples.seismic")) if has_devitopro() copy!(enriched, pyimport("devitopro.types.enriched")) end # Utilities. Need to both load and also add to PYTHONPATH # so that spawned python subprocesses find it as well ppath = get(ENV, "PYTHONPATH", "") upath = join(split(@__DIR__, "/")[1:end-1], "/") pushfirst!(PyVector(pyimport("sys")."path"), upath) copy!(utils, pyimport("src")) catch e if get(ENV, "JULIA_REGISTRYCI_AUTOMERGE", "false") == "true" @warn "unable to pyimport" else throw(e) end end end PyCall.PyObject(::Type{Float32}) = numpy.float32 PyCall.PyObject(::Type{Float64}) = numpy.float64 PyCall.PyObject(::Type{Int8}) = numpy.int8 PyCall.PyObject(::Type{Int16}) = numpy.int16 PyCall.PyObject(::Type{Int32}) = numpy.int32 PyCall.PyObject(::Type{Int64}) = numpy.int64 PyCall.PyObject(::Type{ComplexF32}) = numpy.complex64 PyCall.PyObject(::Type{ComplexF64}) = numpy.complex128 function numpy_eltype(dtype) if dtype == numpy.float32 return Float32 elseif dtype == numpy.float64 return Float64 elseif dtype == numpy.int8 return Int8 elseif dtype == numpy.int16 return Int16 elseif dtype == numpy.int32 return Int32 elseif dtype == numpy.int64 return Int64 elseif dtype == numpy.complex64 return ComplexF32 elseif dtype == numpy.complex128 return ComplexF64 else error("Unsupported NumPy data type: $(dtype)") end end """ configuration!(key, value) Configure Devito. Examples include ```julia configuration!("log-level", "DEBUG") configuration!("language", "openmp") configuration!("mpi", false) ``` """ function configuration!(key, value) set!(devito."configuration", key, value) get(devito."configuration", key) end configuration(key) = get(devito."configuration", key) configuration() = devito.configuration _reverse(argument::Tuple) = reverse(argument) _reverse(argument) = argument function reversedims(arguments) _arguments = collect(arguments) keys = first.(_arguments) values = @. _reverse(last(_arguments)) (; zip(keys, values)...) end struct DevitoArray{T,N,A<:AbstractArray{T,N}} <: AbstractArray{T,N} o::PyObject # Python object for the numpy array p::A # copy-free end function DevitoArray{T,N}(o) where {T,N} p = unsafe_wrap(Array{T,N}, Ptr{T}(o.__array_interface__["data"][1]), reverse(o.shape); own=false) DevitoArray{T,N,Array{T,N}}(o, p) end function DevitoArray(o) T = numpy_eltype(o.dtype) N = length(o.shape) DevitoArray{T,N}(o) end Base.size(x::DevitoArray{T,N}) where {T,N} = size(x.p) Base.parent(x::DevitoArray) = x.p Base.getindex(x::DevitoArray{T,N,A}, i) where {T,N,A<:Array} = getindex(parent(x), i) Base.getindex(x::DevitoArray{T,N,A}, I::Vararg{Int,N}) where {T,N,A<:StridedView} = getindex(parent(x), I...) Base.setindex!(x::DevitoArray{T,N,A}, v, i) where {T,N,A<:Array} = setindex!(parent(x), v, i) Base.setindex!(x::DevitoArray{T,N,A}, v, I::Vararg{Int,N}) where {T,N,A<:StridedView} = setindex!(parent(x), v, I...) Base.IndexStyle(::Type{<:DevitoArray{<:Any,<:Any,<:Array}}) = IndexLinear() Base.IndexStyle(::Type{<:DevitoArray{<:Any,<:Any,<:StridedView}}) = IndexCartesian() Base.view(x::DevitoArray{T,N,Array{T,N}}, I::Vararg{Any}) where {T,N} = DevitoArray(x.o, sview(x.p, I...)) abstract type DevitoMPIAbstractArray{T,N} <: AbstractArray{T,N} end Base.parent(x::DevitoMPIAbstractArray) = x.p localsize(x::DevitoMPIAbstractArray{T,N}) where {T,N} = ntuple(i->size(x.local_indices[i])[1], N) localindices(x::DevitoMPIAbstractArray{T,N}) where {T,N} = x.local_indices decomposition(x::DevitoMPIAbstractArray) = x.decomposition topology(x::DevitoMPIAbstractArray) = x.topology function _size_from_local_indices(local_indices::NTuple{N,UnitRange{Int64}}) where {N} n = ntuple(i->(size(local_indices[i])[1] > 0 ? local_indices[i][end] : 0), N) MPI.Allreduce(n, max, MPI.COMM_WORLD) end Base.size(x::DevitoMPIAbstractArray) = x.size function counts(x::DevitoMPIAbstractArray) [count(x, mycoords) for mycoords in CartesianIndices(topology(x))][:] end function Base.fill!(x::DevitoMPIAbstractArray, v) parent(x) .= v MPI.Barrier(MPI.COMM_WORLD) x end Base.IndexStyle(::Type{<:DevitoMPIAbstractArray}) = IndexCartesian() struct DevitoMPIArray{T,N,A<:AbstractArray{T,N},D} <: DevitoMPIAbstractArray{T,N} o::PyObject p::A local_indices::NTuple{N,UnitRange{Int}} decomposition::D topology::NTuple{N,Int} size::NTuple{N,Int} end function DevitoMPIArray{T,N}(o, idxs, decomp::D, topo) where {T,N,D} p = unsafe_wrap(Array{T,N}, Ptr{T}(o.__array_interface__["data"][1]), length.(idxs); own=false) n = _size_from_local_indices(idxs) DevitoMPIArray{T,N,Array{T,N},D}(o, p, idxs, decomp, topo, n) end function convert_resort_array!(_y::Array{T,N}, y::Vector{T}, topology, decomposition) where {T,N} i = 1 for block_idx in CartesianIndices(topology) idxs = CartesianIndices(ntuple(idim->decomposition[idim] === nothing ? size(_y, idim) : length(decomposition[idim][block_idx.I[idim]]), N)) for _idx in idxs idx = CartesianIndex(ntuple(idim->decomposition[idim] === nothing ? _idx.I[idim] : decomposition[idim][block_idx.I[idim]][_idx.I[idim]], N)) _y[idx] = y[i] i += 1 end end _y end function Base.convert(::Type{Array}, x::DevitoMPIAbstractArray{T,N}) where {T,N} local y if MPI.Comm_rank(MPI.COMM_WORLD) == 0 y = zeros(T, length(x)) y_vbuffer = VBuffer(y, counts(x)) else y = Array{T}(undef, ntuple(_->0, N)) y_vbuffer = VBuffer(nothing) end _x = zeros(T, size(parent(x))) copyto!(_x, parent(x)) MPI.Gatherv!(_x, y_vbuffer, 0, MPI.COMM_WORLD) if MPI.Comm_rank(MPI.COMM_WORLD) == 0 _y = convert_resort_array!(Array{T,N}(undef, size(x)), y, x.topology, x.decomposition) else _y = Array{T,N}(undef, ntuple(_->0, N)) end _y end function copyto_resort_array!(_y::Vector{T}, y::Array{T,N}, topology, decomposition) where {T,N} i = 1 for block_idx in CartesianIndices(topology) idxs = CartesianIndices(ntuple(idim->decomposition[idim] === nothing ? size(y, idim) : length(decomposition[idim][block_idx.I[idim]]), N)) for _idx in idxs idx = CartesianIndex(ntuple(idim->decomposition[idim] === nothing ? _idx.I[idim] : decomposition[idim][block_idx.I[idim]][_idx.I[idim]], N)) _y[i] = y[idx] i += 1 end end _y end function Base.copyto!(dst::DevitoMPIArray{T,N}, src::AbstractArray{T,N}) where {T,N} _counts = counts(dst) if MPI.Comm_rank(MPI.COMM_WORLD) == 0 _y = copyto_resort_array!(Vector{T}(undef, length(src)), src, dst.topology, dst.decomposition) data_vbuffer = VBuffer(_y, _counts) else data_vbuffer = VBuffer(nothing) end _dst = MPI.Scatterv!(data_vbuffer, Vector{T}(undef, _counts[MPI.Comm_rank(MPI.COMM_WORLD)+1]), 0, MPI.COMM_WORLD) copyto!(parent(dst), _dst) end struct DevitoMPITimeArray{T,N,A<:AbstractArray{T,N},NM1,D} <: DevitoMPIAbstractArray{T,N} o::PyObject p::A local_indices::NTuple{N,UnitRange{Int}} decomposition::D topology::NTuple{NM1,Int} size::NTuple{N,Int} end function DevitoMPITimeArray{T,N}(o, idxs, decomp::D, topo::NTuple{NM1,Int}) where {T,N,D,NM1} p = unsafe_wrap(Array{T,N}, Ptr{T}(o.__array_interface__["data"][1]), length.(idxs); own=false) n = _size_from_local_indices(idxs) DevitoMPITimeArray{T,N,Array{T,N},NM1,D}(o, p, idxs, decomp, topo, n) end function Base.convert(::Type{Array}, x::DevitoMPITimeArray{T,N}) where {T,N} local y if MPI.Comm_rank(MPI.COMM_WORLD) == 0 y = zeros(T, length(x)) y_vbuffer = VBuffer(y, counts(x)) else y = Vector{T}(undef, 0) y_vbuffer = VBuffer(nothing) end MPI.Gatherv!(convert(Array, parent(x)), y_vbuffer, 0, MPI.COMM_WORLD) if MPI.Comm_rank(MPI.COMM_WORLD) == 0 _y = convert_resort_array!(Array{T,N}(undef, size(x)), y, x.topology, x.decomposition) else _y = zeros(T, ntuple(_->0, N)) end _y end function Base.copy!(dst::DevitoMPIAbstractArray, src::AbstractArray) if MPI.Comm_rank(MPI.COMM_WORLD) == 0 axes(dst) == axes(src) || throw(ArgumentError( "arrays must have the same axes for copy! (consider using `copyto!`)")) end copyto!(dst, src) end function Base.copy!(dst::DevitoMPIAbstractArray{T,1}, src::AbstractVector) where {T} if MPI.Comm_rank(MPI.COMM_WORLD) == 0 axes(dst) == axes(src) || throw(ArgumentError( "arrays must have the same axes for copy! (consider using `copyto!`)")) end copyto!(dst, src) end function Base.copyto!(dst::DevitoMPITimeArray{T,N}, src::AbstractArray{T,N}) where {T,N} _counts = counts(dst) if MPI.Comm_rank(MPI.COMM_WORLD) == 0 _y = copyto_resort_array!(Vector{T}(undef, length(src)), src, dst.topology, dst.decomposition) data_vbuffer = VBuffer(_y, _counts) else data_vbuffer = VBuffer(nothing) end _dst = MPI.Scatterv!(data_vbuffer, Vector{T}(undef, _counts[MPI.Comm_rank(MPI.COMM_WORLD)+1]), 0, MPI.COMM_WORLD) copyto!(parent(dst), _dst) end struct DevitoMPISparseTimeArray{T,N,NM1,D} <: DevitoMPIAbstractArray{T,NM1} o::PyObject p::Array{T,NM1} local_indices::NTuple{NM1,Vector{Int}} decomposition::D topology::NTuple{NM1,Int} size::NTuple{NM1,Int} end function DevitoMPISparseTimeArray{T,N}(o, idxs, decomp::D, topo::NTuple{NM1,Int}) where {T,N,D,NM1} local p if length(idxs) == 0 p = Array{T,N}(undef, ntuple(_->0, N)) else p = unsafe_wrap(Array{T,N}, Ptr{T}(o.__array_interface__["data"][1]), length.(idxs); own=false) end DevitoMPISparseTimeArray{T,N,NM1,D}(o, p, idxs, decomp, topo, globalsize(decomp)) end localsize(x::DevitoMPISparseTimeArray) = length.(x.local_indices) struct DevitoMPISparseArray{T,N,NM1,D} <: DevitoMPIAbstractArray{T,N} o::PyObject p::Array{T,NM1} local_indices::NTuple{NM1,Vector{Int}} decomposition::D topology::NTuple{NM1,Int} size::NTuple{NM1,Int} end function DevitoMPISparseArray{T,N}(o, idxs, decomp::D, topo::NTuple{NM1,Int}) where {T,N,D,NM1} local p if prod(length.(idxs)) == 0 p = Array{T,N}(undef, ntuple(_->0, N)) else p = unsafe_wrap(Array{T,N}, Ptr{T}(o.__array_interface__["data"][1]), length.(idxs); own=false) end DevitoMPISparseArray{T,N,NM1,D}(o, p, idxs, decomp, topo, globalsize(decomp)) end localsize(x::DevitoMPISparseArray) = length.(x.local_indices) globalsize(decomp) = ntuple( i -> max(cat(decomp[i]..., dims=1)...) - min(cat(decomp[i]..., dims=1)...) + 1 , length(decomp)) function count(x::Union{DevitoMPIArray,DevitoMPITimeArray,DevitoMPISparseArray,DevitoMPISparseTimeArray}, mycoords) d = decomposition(x) n = size(x) mapreduce(idim->d[idim] === nothing ? n[idim] : length(d[idim][mycoords[idim]]), *, 1:length(d)) end function Base.convert(::Type{Array}, x::Union{DevitoMPISparseTimeArray{T,N},DevitoMPISparseArray{T,N}}) where {T,N} local y if MPI.Comm_rank(MPI.COMM_WORLD) == 0 y = zeros(T, length(x)) y_vbuffer = VBuffer(y, counts(x)) else y = Array{T,N}(undef, ntuple(_->0, N)) y_vbuffer = VBuffer(nothing) end _x = zeros(T, size(parent(x))) copyto!(_x, parent(x)) MPI.Gatherv!(_x, y_vbuffer, 0, MPI.COMM_WORLD) if MPI.Comm_rank(MPI.COMM_WORLD) == 0 _y = convert_resort_array!(Array{T,N}(undef, size(x)), y, x.topology, x.decomposition) else _y = Array{T,N}(undef, ntuple(_->0, N)) end _y end function Base.copyto!(dst::Union{DevitoMPISparseTimeArray{T,N},DevitoMPISparseArray{T,N}}, src::Array{T,N}) where {T,N} _counts = counts(dst) if MPI.Comm_rank(MPI.COMM_WORLD) == 0 _y = copyto_resort_array!(Vector{T}(undef, length(src)), src, dst.topology, dst.decomposition) data_vbuffer = VBuffer(_y, _counts) else data_vbuffer = VBuffer(nothing) end _dst = MPI.Scatterv!(data_vbuffer, Vector{T}(undef, _counts[MPI.Comm_rank(MPI.COMM_WORLD)+1]), 0, MPI.COMM_WORLD) copyto!(parent(dst), _dst) end function in_range(i::Int, ranges) for rang in enumerate(ranges) if i ∈ rang[2] return rang[1] end end error("Outside Valid Ranges") end function helix_helper(tup::NTuple{N,Int}) where {N} wrapper = (1,) for i in 2:N wrapper = (wrapper..., wrapper[1]*tup[i-1]) end return wrapper end function find_rank(x::DevitoMPIAbstractArray{T,N}, I::Vararg{Int,N}) where {T,N} decomp = decomposition(x) rank_position = in_range.(I,decomp) helper = helix_helper(topology(x)) rank = sum((rank_position .- 1) .* helper) return rank end shift_localindicies(i::Int, indices::Union{UnitRange{Int},Vector{Int}}) = i - indices[1] + 1 shift_localindicies(i::Int, indices::Int) = i - indices + 1 function Base.getindex(x::DevitoMPIAbstractArray{T,N}, I::Vararg{Int,N}) where {T,N} v = nothing wanted_rank = find_rank(x, I...) if MPI.Comm_rank(MPI.COMM_WORLD) == wanted_rank J = ntuple(idim-> shift_localindicies( I[idim], localindices(x)[idim]), N) v = getindex(x.p, J...) end v = MPI.bcast(v, wanted_rank, MPI.COMM_WORLD) v end function Base.setindex!(x::DevitoMPIAbstractArray{T,N}, v::T, I::Vararg{Int,N}) where {T,N} myrank = MPI.Comm_rank(MPI.COMM_WORLD) if myrank == 0 @warn "`setindex!` for Devito MPI Arrays has suboptimal performance. consider using `copy!`" end wanted_rank = find_rank(x, I...) if wanted_rank == 0 received_v = v else message_tag = 2*MPI.Comm_size(MPI.COMM_WORLD) source_rank = 0 send_mesg = [v] recv_mesg = 0 .* send_mesg rreq = ( myrank == wanted_rank ? MPI.Irecv!(recv_mesg, source_rank, message_tag, MPI.COMM_WORLD) : MPI.Request()) sreq = ( myrank == source_rank ? MPI.Isend(send_mesg, wanted_rank, message_tag, MPI.COMM_WORLD) : MPI.Request() ) stats = MPI.Waitall!([rreq, sreq]) received_v = recv_mesg[1] end if myrank == wanted_rank J = ntuple(idim-> shift_localindicies( I[idim], localindices(x)[idim]), N) setindex!(x.p, received_v, J...) end MPI.Barrier(MPI.COMM_WORLD) end # # Dimension # abstract type AbstractDimension end # here is Devito's dimension type hierarchy: # # Python <-> Julia quick-and-dirty type/struct for dimensions for (M,F) in ((:devito,:SpaceDimension), (:devito,:SteppingDimension), (:devito,:TimeDimension), (:devito,:ConditionalDimension), (:devito,:Dimension), (:devito,:Spacing), (:devito,:DefaultDimension)) @eval begin struct $F <: AbstractDimension o::PyObject end PyCall.PyObject(x::$F) = x.o Base.convert(::Type{$F}, x::PyObject) = $F(x) $F(args...; kwargs...) = pycall($M.$F, $F, args...; kwargs...) export $F end end # subdimensions, generated using subdimension helper functions for simplicity abstract type AbstractSubDimension <: AbstractDimension end for (M,F,G) in ((:devito,:SubDimensionLeft,:left), (:devito,:SubDimensionRight, :right), (:devito,:SubDimensionMiddle, :middle)) @eval begin struct $F <: AbstractSubDimension o::PyObject end PyCall.PyObject(x::$F) = x.o Base.convert(::Type{$F}, x::PyObject) = $F(x) $F(args...; kwargs...) = pycall($M.SubDimension.$G, $F, args...; kwargs...) export $F end end """ SubDimensionLeft(args...; kwargs...) Creates middle a SubDimension. Equivalent to devito.SubDimension.left helper function. # Example ```julia x = SpaceDimension(name="x") xm = SubDimensionLeft(name="xl", parent=x, thickness=2) ``` """ function SubDimensionLeft end """ SubDimensionRight(args...; kwargs...) Creates right a SubDimension. Equivalent to devito.SubDimension.right helper function. # Example ```julia x = SpaceDimension(name="x") xr = SubDimensionRight(name="xr", parent=x, thickness=3) ``` """ function SubDimensionRight end """ SubDimensionMiddle(args...; kwargs...) Creates middle a SubDimension. Equivalent to devito.SubDimension.middle helper function. # Example ```julia x = SpaceDimension(name="x") xm = SubDimensionMiddle(name="xm", parent=x, thickness_left=2, thickness_right=3) ``` """ function SubDimensionMiddle end """ thickness(x::AbstractSubDimension) Returns a tuple of a tuple containing information about the left and right thickness of a SubDimension and a symbol corresponding to each side's thickness. # Example ```julia x = SpaceDimension(name="x") xr = SubDimensionRight(name="xr", parent=x, thickness=2) thickness(xr) ``` """ thickness(x::AbstractSubDimension) = x.o.thickness """ parent(x::AbstractSubDimension) Returns the parent dimension of a subdimension. # Example ```julia x = SpaceDimension(name="x") xr = SubDimensionRight(name="xr", parent=x, thickness=2) parent(xr) ```` """ Base.parent(x::AbstractSubDimension) = x.o.parent # Python <-> Julia quick-and-dirty type/struct mappings for (M,F) in ((:devito,:Eq), (:devito,:Injection), (:devito, :Inc)) @eval begin struct $F o::PyObject end PyCall.PyObject(x::$F) = x.o Base.convert(::Type{$F}, x::PyObject) = $F(x) $F(args...; kwargs...) = pycall($M.$F, $F, args...; kwargs...) export $F end end Base.:(==)(x::Eq,y::Eq) = x.o == y.o struct Operator o::PyObject function Operator(args...; kwargs...) if :name ∈ keys(kwargs) new(pycall(devito.Operator, PyObject, args...; kwargs...)) else new(pycall(devito.Operator, PyObject, args...; name="Kernel", kwargs...)) end end function Operator(op::PyObject) if (:apply ∈ propertynames(op)) && (:ccode ∈ propertynames(op)) new(op) else error("PyObject is not an operator") end end end PyCall.PyObject(x::Operator) = x.o Base.convert(::Type{Operator}, x::PyObject) = Operator(x) export Operator """ Operator(expressions...[; optional named arguments]) Generate, JIT-compile and run C code starting from an ordered sequence of symbolic expressions, and where you provide a list of `expressions` defining the computation. See:"" # Optional named arguments * `name::String` Name of the Operator, defaults to “Kernel”. * `subs::Dict` Symbolic substitutions to be applied to expressions. * `opt::String` The performance optimization level. Defaults to configuration["opt"]. * `language::String` The target language for shared-memory parallelism. Defaults to configuration["language"]. * `platform::String` The architecture the code is generated for. Defaults to configuration["platform"]. * `compiler::String` The backend compiler used to jit-compile the generated code. Defaults to configuration["compiler"]. # Example Assuming that one has constructed the following Devito expressions: `stencil_p`, `src_term` and `rec_term`, ```julia op = Operator([stencil_p, src_term, rec_term]; name="opIso") ``` """ function Operator end struct Constant{T} o::PyObject end """ Constant(args...; kwargs...) Symbol representing a constant, scalar value in symbolic equations. A Constant carries a scalar value. # kwargs * `name::String` Name of the symbol. * `value::Real` Value associated with the symbol. Defaults to 0. * `dtype::Type{AbstractFloat}` choose from `Float32` or `Float64`. Default is `Float32` """ function Constant(args...; kwargs...) o = pycall(devito.Constant, PyObject, args...; kwargs...) T = numpy_eltype(o.dtype) Constant{T}(o) end function Constant(o::PyObject) if (:is_const ∈ propertynames(o) ) && (o.is_const) T = numpy_eltype(o.dtype) Constant{T}(o) else error("PyObject is not a Constant") end end PyCall.PyObject(x::Constant{T}) where {T} = x.o Base.convert(::Type{Constant}, x::PyObject) = Constant(x) """ data(x::Constant{T}) Returns `value(x::Constant{T})`. See `value` documentation for more information. """ data(x::Constant) = value(x) """ value(x::Constant) Returns the value of a devito constant. Can not be used to change constant value, for that use value!(x,y) """ value(x::Constant{T}) where {T} = convert(T,x.o._value) """ isconst(x::Constant) True if the symbol value cannot be modified within an Operator (and thus its value is provided by the user directly from Python-land), False otherwise. """ Base.isconst(x::Constant) = x.o.is_const """ value!(x::Constant{T},y::T) Change the numerical value of a constant, x, after creation to y, after converting y to datatype T of constant x. """ function value!(x::Constant{T},y::Real) where {T} = PyObject(convert(T,y)) end """ SpaceDimension(;kwargs...) Construct a space dimension that defines the extend of a physical grid. See # Example ```julia x = SpaceDimension(name="x", spacing=Constant(name="h_x", value=5.0)) ```` """ function SpaceDimension end Base.:(==)(x::AbstractDimension,y::AbstractDimension) = x.o == y.o PyCall.PyObject(x::AbstractDimension) = x.o """ ConditionalDimension(;kwargs) Symbol defining a non-convex iteration sub-space derived from a parent Dimension, implemented by the compiler generating conditional “if-then” code within the parent Dimension’s iteration space. See: # Example ```julia size, factor = 16, 4 i = SpaceDimension(name="i") grid = Grid(shape=(size,),dimensions=(i,)) ci = ConditionalDimension(name="ci", parent=i, factor=factor) g = Devito.Function(name="g", grid=grid, shape=(size,), dimensions=(i,)) f = Devito.Function(name="f", grid=grid, shape=(div(size,factor),), dimensions=(ci,)) op = Operator([Eq(g, 1), Eq(f, g)],name="Cond") ``` """ function ConditionalDimension end factor(x::ConditionalDimension) = x.o.factor export factor Base.parent(x::Union{ConditionalDimension,SteppingDimension}) = x.o.parent # # Grid # struct Grid{T,N} o::PyObject end """ Grid(; shape[, optional key-word arguments...]) Construct a grid that can be used in the construction of a Devito Functions. See: # Example ```julia x = SpaceDimension(name="x", spacing=Constant(name="h_x", value=5.0)) z = SpaceDimension(name="z", spacing=Constant(name="h_z", value=5.0)) grid = Grid( dimensions = (x,z), # z is fast (row-major) shape = (251,501), origin = (0.0,0.0), extent = (1250.0,2500.0), dtype = Float32) ``` """ function Grid(args...; kwargs...) o = pycall(devito.Grid, PyObject, args...; reversedims(kwargs)...) T = numpy_eltype(o.dtype) N = length(o.shape) Grid{T,N}(o) end PyCall.PyObject(x::Grid) = x.o Base.:(==)(x::Grid{T,N},y::Grid{T,N}) where{T,N} = x.o == y.o Base.size(grid::Grid{T,N}) where {T,N} = reverse((grid.o.shape)::NTuple{N,Int}) extent(grid::Grid{T,N}) where {T,N} = reverse((grid.o.extent)::NTuple{N,Float64}) """ origin(grid) returns the tuple corresponding to the grid's origin """ origin(grid::Grid{T,N}) where {T,N} = reverse((grid.o.origin)::NTuple{N,Float64}) size_with_halo(grid::Grid{T,N}, h) where {T,N} = ntuple(i->size(grid)[i] + h[i][1] + h[i][2], N) Base.size(grid::Grid, i::Int) = size(grid)[i] Base.ndims(grid::Grid{T,N}) where {T,N} = N Base.eltype(grid::Grid{T}) where {T} = T spacing(x::Grid{T,N}) where {T,N} = reverse(x.o.spacing) spacing_map(x::Grid{T,N}) where {T,N} = Dict( key => convert( T, val) for (key, val) in pairs(PyDict(x.o."spacing_map"))) # # SubDomain # abstract type AbstractSubDomain{N} end struct SubDomain{N} <: AbstractSubDomain{N} o::PyObject end PyCall.PyObject(x::AbstractSubDomain) = x.o """ subdomains(grid) returns subdomains associated with a Devito grid """ function subdomains(x::Grid{T,N}) where {T,N} dictpre = x.o.subdomains dict = Dict() for key in keys(dictpre) dict[key] = SubDomain{N}(dictpre[key]) end return dict end """ interior(x::grid) returns the interior subdomain of a Devito grid """ interior(x::Grid{T,N}) where {T,N} = SubDomain{N}(x.o.interior) Base.:(==)(x::AbstractSubDomain,y::AbstractSubDomain) = x.o == y.o # # Functions # abstract type DevitoMPI end struct DevitoMPITrue <: DevitoMPI end struct DevitoMPIFalse <: DevitoMPI end abstract type DiscreteFunction{T,N,M} end struct Function{T,N,M} <: DiscreteFunction{T,N,M} o::PyObject end ismpi_distributed(o::PyObject) = (o._distributor === nothing) || (o._distributor.nprocs == 1) ? DevitoMPIFalse : DevitoMPITrue """ Devito.Function(; kwargs...) Tensor symbol representing a discrete function in symbolic equations. See: # Example ``` x = SpaceDimension(name="x", spacing=Constant(name="h_x", value=5.0)) z = SpaceDimension(name="z", spacing=Constant(name="h_z", value=5.0)) grid = Grid( dimensions = (x,z), shape = (251,501), # assume x is first, z is second (i.e. z is fast in python) origin = (0.0,0.0), extent = (1250.0,2500.0), dtype = Float32) b = Devito.Function(name="b", grid=grid, space_order=8) ``` """ function Function(args...; kwargs...) o = pycall(devitopro.Function, PyObject, args...; reversedims(kwargs)...) T = numpy_eltype(o.dtype) N = length(o.dimensions) M = ismpi_distributed(o) Function{T,N,M}(o) end function Function(o::PyObject) # ensure pyobject corresponds to a devito function isafunction = (:is_Function ∈ propertynames(o)) && (o.is_Function == true) isatimefunction = ((:is_TimeFunction ∈ propertynames(o)) && (o.is_TimeFunction == true)) isasparsefunction = ((:is_SparseFunction ∈ propertynames(o)) && (o.is_SparseFunction == true)) if (isafunction && ~(isatimefunction || isasparsefunction)) T = numpy_eltype(o.dtype) N = length(o.dimensions) M = ismpi_distributed(o) return Function{T,N,M}(o) else error("PyObject is not a devito.Function") end end struct SubFunction{T,N,M} <: DiscreteFunction{T,N,M} o::PyObject end struct TimeFunction{T,N,M} <: DiscreteFunction{T,N,M} o::PyObject end """ TimeFunction(; kwargs...) Tensor symbol representing a discrete function in symbolic equations. See # Example ```julia x = SpaceDimension(name="x", spacing=Constant(name="h_x", value=5.0)) z = SpaceDimension(name="z", spacing=Constant(name="h_z", value=5.0)) grid = Grid( dimensions = (x,z), shape = (251,501), # assume x is first, z is second (i.e. z is fast in python) origin = (0.0,0.0), extent = (1250.0,2500.0), dtype = Float32) p = TimeFunction(name="p", grid=grid, time_order=2, space_order=8) ``` """ # function TimeFunction(args...; kwargs...) # local o # o = pycall(devitopro.TimeFunction, PyObject, args...; reversedims(kwargs)...) # T = numpy_eltype(o.dtype) # N = length(o.dimensions) # M = ismpi_distributed(o) # TimeFunction{T,N,M}(o) # end function TimeFunction(args...; lazy=false, kwargs...) if lazy o = pycall(devitopro.TimeFunction, PyObject, args...; reversedims(kwargs)...) else if ~has_devitopro() @error "Automatic serialization only supported with devito pro" end # this is inelegant, TODO: find better way to handle layers. # Issue is that PyCall interpets the layers as tuple, eliminating key metadata. # TODO: Generate MFE and submit as issue to PyCall o = utils."serializedtimefunc"(; Devito.reversedims(kwargs)...) end T = numpy_eltype(o.dtype) N = length(o.dimensions) M = ismpi_distributed(o) TimeFunction{T,N,M}(o) end function TimeFunction(o::PyObject) # ensure pyobject corresponds to a devito timefunction isatimefunction = ((:is_TimeFunction ∈ propertynames(o)) && (o.is_TimeFunction == true)) if (isatimefunction) T = numpy_eltype(o.dtype) N = length(o.dimensions) M = ismpi_distributed(o) return TimeFunction{T,N,M}(o) else error("PyObject is not a devito.TimeFunction") end end function serial2str(x::TimeFunction) mypath = "" if hasproperty(x.o, :_fnbase) mypath = py"str"(x.o._fnbase) else @warn "Object doesn't have serialized path!" end return mypath end str2serial(y::String) = utils."str2path"(y) abstract type SparseDiscreteFunction{T,N,M} <: DiscreteFunction{T,N,M} end struct SparseTimeFunction{T,N,M} <: SparseDiscreteFunction{T,N,M} o::PyObject end """ SparseTimeFunction(; kwargs...) Tensor symbol representing a space- and time-varying sparse array in symbolic equations. See: # Example ```julia x = SpaceDimension(name="x", spacing=Constant(name="h_x", value=5.0)) z = SpaceDimension(name="z", spacing=Constant(name="h_z", value=5.0)) grid = Grid( dimensions = (x,z), shape = (251,501), # assume x is first, z is second (i.e. z is fast in python) origin = (0.0,0.0), extent = (1250.0,2500.0), dtype = Float32) time_range = 0.0f0:0.5f0:1000.0f0 src = SparseTimeFunction(name="src", grid=grid, npoint=1, nt=length(time_range)) ``` """ function SparseTimeFunction(args...; kwargs...) o = pycall(devito.SparseTimeFunction, PyObject, args...; reversedims(kwargs)...) T = numpy_eltype(o.dtype) N = length(o.shape) M = ismpi_distributed(o) SparseTimeFunction{T,N,M}(o) end function SparseTimeFunction(o::PyObject) if (:is_SparseTimeFunction ∈ propertynames(o)) && (o.is_SparseTimeFunction == true) T = numpy_eltype(o.dtype) N = length(o.shape) M = ismpi_distributed(o) return SparseTimeFunction{T,N,M}(o) else error("PyObject is not a devito.SparseTimeFunction") end end struct SparseFunction{T,N,M} <: SparseDiscreteFunction{T,N,M} o::PyObject end """ SparseFunction(; kwargs...) Tensor symbol representing a sparse array in symbolic equations. See: # Example ```julia x = SpaceDimension(name="x", spacing=Constant(name="h_x", value=5.0)) z = SpaceDimension(name="z", spacing=Constant(name="h_z", value=5.0)) grid = Grid( dimensions = (x,z), shape = (251,501), # assume x is first, z is second (i.e. z is fast in python) origin = (0.0,0.0), extent = (1250.0,2500.0), dtype = Float32) src = SparseFunction(name="src", grid=grid, npoint=1) ``` """ function SparseFunction(args...; kwargs...) o = pycall(devito.SparseFunction, PyObject, args...; reversedims(kwargs)...) T = numpy_eltype(o.dtype) N = length(o.shape) M = ismpi_distributed(o) SparseFunction{T,N,M}(o) end function SparseFunction(o::PyObject) if ((:is_SparseFunction ∈ propertynames(o)) && (o.is_SparseFunction == true)) && ~((:is_SparseTimeFunction ∈ propertynames(o)) && (o.is_SparseTimeFunction == true)) T = numpy_eltype(o.dtype) N = length(o.shape) M = ismpi_distributed(o) return SparseFunction{T,N,M}(o) else error("PyObject is not a devito.SparseFunction") end end function CoordSlowSparseFunction(args...; kwargs...) @pydef mutable struct coordslowsparse <: devito.SparseFunction _sparse_position = 0 end return SparseFunction(coordslowsparse(args...; reversedims(kwargs)...)) end PyCall.PyObject(x::DiscreteFunction) = x.o """ grid(f::DiscreteFunction) Return the grid corresponding to the discrete function `f`. """ grid(x::Function{T,N}) where {T,N} = Grid{T,N}(x.o.grid) grid(x::TimeFunction{T,N}) where {T,N} = Grid{T,N-1}(x.o.grid) function grid(x::SparseDiscreteFunction{T}) where {T} N = length(x.o.grid.shape) Grid{T,N}(x.o.grid) end """ halo(x::DiscreteFunction) Return the Devito "outer" halo size corresponding to the discrete function `f`. """ halo(x::DiscreteFunction{T,N}) where {T,N} = reverse(x.o.halo)::NTuple{N,Tuple{Int,Int}} """ inhalo(x::DiscreteFunction) Return the Devito "inner" halo size used for domain decomposition, and corresponding to the discrete function `f`. """ inhalo(x::DiscreteFunction{T,N}) where {T,N} = reverse(x.o._size_inhalo)::NTuple{N,Tuple{Int,Int}} """ size(x::DiscreteFunction) Return the shape of the grid for the discrete function `x`. """ Base.size(x::DiscreteFunction{T,N}) where {T,N} = reverse(x.o.shape)::NTuple{N,Int} """ ndims(x::DiscreteFunction) Return the number of dimensions corresponding to the discrete function `x`. """ Base.ndims(x::DiscreteFunction{T,N}) where {T,N} = N """ size_with_halo(x::DiscreteFunction) Return the size of the grid associated with `x`, inclusive of the Devito "outer" halo. """ size_with_halo(x::DiscreteFunction{T,N}) where{T,N} = reverse(convert.(Int, x.o.shape_with_halo))::NTuple{N,Int} """ size_with_inhalo(x::DiscreteFunction) Return the size of the grid associated with `z`, inclusive the the Devito "inner" and "outer" halos. """ size_with_inhalo(x::DiscreteFunction{T,N}) where {T,N} = reverse(x.o._shape_with_inhalo)::NTuple{N,Int} Base.size(x::SparseDiscreteFunction{T,N,DevitoMPITrue}) where {T,N} = size(data(x)) size_with_halo(x::SparseDiscreteFunction) = size(x) localmask(x::DiscreteFunction{T,N}) where {T,N} = ntuple(i->convert(Int,x.o._mask_domain[N-i+1].start)+1:convert(Int,x.o._mask_domain[N-i+1].stop), N)::NTuple{N,UnitRange{Int}} localmask_with_halo(x::DiscreteFunction{T,N}) where {T,N} = ntuple(i->convert(Int,x.o._mask_outhalo[N-i+1].start)+1:convert(Int,x.o._mask_outhalo[N-i+1].stop), N)::NTuple{N,UnitRange{Int}} localmask_with_inhalo(x::DiscreteFunction{T,N}) where {T,N} = ntuple(i->convert(Int,x.o._mask_inhalo[N-i+1].start)+1:convert(Int,x.o._mask_inhalo[N-i+1].stop), N)::NTuple{N,UnitRange{Int}} localindices(x::DiscreteFunction{T,N,DevitoMPIFalse}) where {T,N} = localmask(x) localindices_with_halo(x::DiscreteFunction{T,N,DevitoMPIFalse}) where {T,N} = localmask_with_halo(x) localindices_with_inhalo(x::DiscreteFunction{T,N,DevitoMPIFalse}) where {T,N} = localmask_with_inhalo(x) """ space_order(x::Union{TimeFunction,Function}) Returns the space order for spatial derivatives defined on the associated TimeFunction or Function """ space_order(x::Union{TimeFunction,Function}) = x.o.space_order """ forward(x::TimeFunction) Returns the symbol for the time-forward state of the `TimeFunction`. See: """ forward(x::TimeFunction) = x.o.forward """ backward(x::TimeFunction) Returns the symbol for the time-backward state of the `TimeFunction`. See: """ backward(x::TimeFunction) = x.o.backward """ time_dim(x::Union{Grid,TimeFunction}) Returns the time dimension for the associated object. """ time_dim(x::Union{Grid,TimeFunction}) = dimension(x.o.time_dim) """ stepping_dim(x::Grid) Returns the stepping dimension for the associated grid. """ stepping_dim(x::Grid) = dimension(x.o.stepping_dim) export time_dim, stepping_dim """ subs(f::DiscreteFunction{T,N,M},dict::Dict) Perform substitution on the dimensions of Devito Discrete Function f based on a dictionary. # Example ```julia grid = Grid(shape=(10,10,10)) z,y,x = dimensions(grid) f = Devito.Function(grid=grid, name="f", staggered=x) subsdict = Dict(x=>x-spacing(x)/2) g = subs(f,subsdict) ``` """ subs(f::DiscreteFunction{T,N,M},dict::Dict) where {T,N,M} = f.o.subs(dict) """ evaluate(x::PyObject) Evaluate a PyCall expression """ evaluate(x::PyObject) = x.evaluate """ data(x::DiscreteFunction) Return the data associated with the grid that corresponds to the discrete function `x`. This is the portion of the grid that excludes the halo. In the case of non-MPI Devito, this returns an array of type `DevitoArray`. In the case of the MPI Devito, this returns an array of type `DevitoMPIArray`. The `data` can be converted to an `Array` via `convert(Array, data(x))`. In the case where `data(x)::DevitoMPIArray`, this also *collects* the data onto MPI rank 0. """ data(x::DiscreteFunction{T,N,DevitoMPIFalse}) where {T,N} = view(DevitoArray{T,N}(x.o."_data_allocated"), localindices(x)...) """ data_with_halo(x::DiscreteFunction) Return the data associated with the grid that corresponds to the discrete function `x`. This is the portion of the grid that excludes the inner halo and includes the outer halo. In the case of non-MPI Devito, this returns an array of type `DevitoArray`. In the case of the MPI Devito, this returns an array of type `DevitoMPIArray`. The `data` can be converted to an `Array` via `convert(Array, data(x))`. In the case where `data(x)::DevitoMPIArray`, this also *collects* the data onto MPI rank 0. """ data_with_halo(x::DiscreteFunction{T,N,DevitoMPIFalse}) where {T,N} = view(DevitoArray{T,N}(x.o."_data_allocated"), localindices_with_halo(x)...) """ data_with_inhalo(x::DiscreteFunction) Return the data associated with the grid that corresponds to the discrete function `x`. This is the portion of the grid that includes the inner halo and includes the outer halo. In the case of non-MPI Devito, this returns an array of type `DevitoArray`. In the case of the MPI Devito, this returns an array of type `DevitoMPIArray`. The `data` can be converted to an `Array` via `convert(Array, data(x))`. In the case where `data(x)::DevitoMPIArray`, this also *collects* the data onto MPI rank 0. """ data_with_inhalo(x::DiscreteFunction{T,N,DevitoMPIFalse}) where {T,N} = view(data_allocated(x), localindices_with_inhalo(x)...) """ data_allocated(x::DiscreteFunction) Return the data associated with the grid that corresponds to the discrete function `x`. This is the portion of the grid that includes the inner halo and includes the outer halo. We expect this to be equivalent to `data_with_inhalo`. The `data` can be converted to an `Array` via `convert(Array, data(x))`. In the case where `data(x)::DevitoMPIArray`, this also *collects* the data onto MPI rank 0. """ data_allocated(x::DiscreteFunction{T,N,DevitoMPIFalse}) where {T,N} = DevitoArray{T,N}(x.o."_data_allocated") function localindices(x::DiscreteFunction{T,N,DevitoMPITrue}) where {T,N} localinds = PyCall.trygetproperty(x.o,"local_indices",nothing) if localinds === nothing return ntuple(i -> 0:-1, N) else return ntuple(i->convert(Int,localinds[N-i+1].start)+1:convert(Int,localinds[N-i+1].stop), N) end end function one_based_decomposition(decomposition) for idim = 1:length(decomposition) if decomposition[idim] !== nothing for ipart = 1:length(decomposition[idim]) decomposition[idim][ipart] .+= 1 end end end decomposition end function getdecomp(x::DiscreteFunction) decomppre = reverse(x.o._decomposition) funcshape = reverse(x.o.shape) decompout = () # if the decomp at a level is nothing, replace it with decomp over whole dim for i in 1:length(decomppre) if decomppre[i] === nothing decompout = (decompout..., ([0:funcshape[i]-1;],)) else decompout = (decompout..., decomppre[i]) end end return decompout end function getdecompwithhalo(x::DiscreteFunction) decomppre = reverse(x.o._decomposition_outhalo) funcshape = reverse(x.o.shape_with_halo) decompout = () # if the decomp at a level is nothing, replace it with decomp over whole dim for i in 1:length(decomppre) if decomppre[i] === nothing decompout = (decompout..., ([0:funcshape[i]-1;],)) else decompout = (decompout..., decomppre[i]) end end return decompout end function topology(x::DiscreteFunction) # this checks for non-distributor dimensions and tacks them on in the right position distributordims = reverse(x.o._distributor.dimensions) functiondims = reverse(x.o.dimensions) topopre = reverse(x.o._distributor.topology) topoout = () j = 1 for i in 1:length(functiondims) if (j <= length(distributordims)) && (functiondims[i] == distributordims[j]) topoout = (topoout..., topopre[j]) j = j+1 else topoout = (topoout..., 1) end end return topoout end function mycoords(x::DiscreteFunction) # this checks for non-distributor dimensions and tacks them on in the right position distributordims = reverse(x.o._distributor.dimensions) functiondims = reverse(x.o.dimensions) mycoordspre = reverse(x.o._distributor.mycoords) .+ 1 mycoordsout = () j = 1 for i in 1:length(functiondims) if (j <= length(distributordims)) && (functiondims[i] == distributordims[j]) mycoordsout = (mycoordsout..., mycoordspre[j]) j = j+1 else mycoordsout = (mycoordsout..., 1) end end return mycoordsout end decomposition(x::DiscreteFunction) = one_based_decomposition(getdecomp(x)) decomposition_with_halo(x::DiscreteFunction) = one_based_decomposition(getdecompwithhalo(x)) function decomposition_with_inhalo(x::DiscreteFunction{T,N,DevitoMPITrue}) where {T,N} _decomposition = getdecomp(x) h = inhalo(x) ntuple( idim->begin if _decomposition[idim] === nothing nothing else M = length(_decomposition[idim]) ntuple( ipart->begin n = length(_decomposition[idim][ipart]) strt = _decomposition[idim][ipart][1] + (h[idim][1] + h[idim][2])*(ipart-1) + 1 stop = _decomposition[idim][ipart][end] + (h[idim][1] + h[idim][2])*ipart + 1 [strt:stop;] end, M ) end end, N ) end function localindices_with_inhalo(x::DiscreteFunction{T,N,DevitoMPITrue}) where {T,N} h = inhalo(x) localidxs = localindices(x) n = size_with_inhalo(x) _mycoords = mycoords(x) _decomposition = decomposition(x) ntuple(idim->begin local strt,stop if _decomposition[idim] == nothing strt = 1 stop = n[idim] else strt = localidxs[idim][1] + (_mycoords[idim]-1)*(h[idim][1] + h[idim][2]) stop = strt + length(localidxs[idim]) - 1 + h[idim][1] + h[idim][2] end strt:stop end, N) end function localindices_with_halo(x::DiscreteFunction{T,N,DevitoMPITrue}) where {T,N} h = halo(x) localidxs = localindices(x) n = size_with_halo(x) _mycoords = mycoords(x) _topology = topology(x) _decomposition = decomposition(x) ntuple(idim->begin local strt,stop if _decomposition[idim] == nothing strt = 1 stop = n[idim] else strt = _mycoords[idim] == 1 ? localidxs[idim][1] : localidxs[idim][1] + h[idim][1] stop = _mycoords[idim] == _topology[idim] ? localidxs[idim][end] + h[idim][1] + h[idim][2] : localidxs[idim][end] + h[idim][1] end strt:stop end, N) end function data(x::Function{T,N,DevitoMPITrue}) where {T,N} p = sview(parent(data_allocated(x)), localmask(x)...) d = decomposition(x) t = topology(x) idxs = localindices(x) n = _size_from_local_indices(idxs) DevitoMPIArray{T,N,typeof(p),typeof(d)}(x.o."_data_allocated", p, idxs, d, t, n) end function data_with_halo(x::Function{T,N,DevitoMPITrue}) where {T,N} p = sview(parent(data_allocated(x)), localmask_with_halo(x)...) d = decomposition_with_halo(x) t = topology(x) idxs = localindices_with_halo(x) n = _size_from_local_indices(idxs) DevitoMPIArray{T,N,typeof(p),typeof(d)}(x.o."_data_allocated", p, idxs, d, t, n) end function data_with_inhalo(x::Function{T,N,DevitoMPITrue}) where {T,N} p = sview(parent(data_allocated(x)), localmask_with_inhalo(x)...) d = decomposition_with_inhalo(x) t = topology(x) idxs = localindices_with_inhalo(x) n = _size_from_local_indices(idxs) DevitoMPIArray{T,N,typeof(p),typeof(d)}(x.o."_data_allocated", p, idxs, d, t, n) end function data_allocated(x::Function{T,N,DevitoMPITrue}) where {T,N} DevitoMPIArray{T,N}(x.o."_data_allocated", localindices_with_inhalo(x), decomposition(x), topology(x)) end function data(x::TimeFunction{T,N,DevitoMPITrue}) where {T,N} p = sview(parent(data_allocated(x)), localmask(x)...) d = decomposition(x) t = topology(x) idxs = localindices(x) n = _size_from_local_indices(idxs) DevitoMPITimeArray{T,N,typeof(p),length(t),typeof(d)}(x.o."_data_allocated", p, idxs, d, t, n) end function data_with_halo(x::TimeFunction{T,N,DevitoMPITrue}) where {T,N} p = sview(parent(data_allocated(x)), localmask_with_halo(x)...) d = decomposition_with_halo(x) t = topology(x) idxs = localindices_with_halo(x) n = _size_from_local_indices(idxs) DevitoMPITimeArray{T,N,typeof(p),length(t),typeof(d)}(x.o."_data_allocated", p, idxs, d, t, n) end function data_with_inhalo(x::TimeFunction{T,N,DevitoMPITrue}) where {T,N} p = sview(parent(data_allocated(x)), localmask_with_inhalo(x)...) d = decomposition_with_inhalo(x) t = topology(x) idxs = localindices_with_inhalo(x) n = _size_from_local_indices(idxs) DevitoMPITimeArray{T,N,typeof(p),length(t),typeof(d)}(x.o."_data_allocated", p, idxs, d, t, n) end function data_allocated(x::TimeFunction{T,N,DevitoMPITrue}) where {T,N} DevitoMPITimeArray{T,N}(x.o."_data_allocated", localindices_with_inhalo(x), decomposition(x), topology(x)) end function data_allocated(x::SubFunction{T,2,DevitoMPITrue}) where {T} topo = (1, MPI.Comm_size(MPI.COMM_WORLD)) # topo is not defined for sparse decompositions d = DevitoMPIArray{T,2}(x.o."_data_allocated", localindices(x), decomposition(x), topo) end sparsetopo(x::Union{SparseFunction{T,N,DevitoMPITrue},SparseTimeFunction{T,N,DevitoMPITrue}}) where {T,N} = ntuple(i-> length(decomposition(x)[i]) > 1 ? MPI.Comm_size(MPI.COMM_WORLD) : 1, N) localindxhelper(x) = length(x) > 1 ? x[MPI.Comm_rank(MPI.COMM_WORLD)+1] : x[1] sparseindices(x::Union{SparseFunction{T,N,DevitoMPITrue},SparseTimeFunction{T,N,DevitoMPITrue}}) where {T,N} = localindxhelper.(decomposition(x)) function data_with_inhalo(x::SparseFunction{T,N,DevitoMPITrue}) where {T,N} d = DevitoMPISparseArray{T,N}(x.o."_data_allocated", sparseindices(x), decomposition(x), sparsetopo(x)) MPI.Barrier(MPI.COMM_WORLD) d end # TODO - needed? <-- function data_with_inhalo(x::SparseTimeFunction{T,N,DevitoMPITrue}) where {T,N} d = DevitoMPISparseTimeArray{T,N}(x.o."_data_allocated", sparseindices(x), decomposition(x), sparsetopo(x)) MPI.Barrier(MPI.COMM_WORLD) d end function data_with_inhalo(x::SparseDiscreteFunction{T,N,DevitoMPIFalse}) where {T,N} d = DevitoArray{T,N}(x.o."_data_allocated") d end data_with_halo(x::SparseDiscreteFunction{T,N,M}) where {T,N,M} = data_with_inhalo(x) data(x::SparseDiscreteFunction{T,N,M}) where {T,N,M} = data_with_inhalo(x) data(x::SubFunction{T,N,M}) where {T,N,M} = data_allocated(x) # --> """ coordinates(x::SparseDiscreteFunction) Returns a Devito function associated with the coordinates of a sparse time function. Note that contrary to typical Julia convention, coordinate order is from slow-to-fast (Python ordering). Thus, for a 3D grid, the sparse time function coordinates would be ordered x,y,z. """ coordinates(x::SparseDiscreteFunction{T,N,M}) where {T,N,M} = SubFunction{T,2,M}(x.o.coordinates) """ coordinates_data(x::SparseDiscreteFunction) Returns a Devito array associated with the coordinates of a sparse time function. Note that contrary to typical Julia convention, coordinate order is from slow-to-fast (Python ordering). Thus, for a 3D grid, the sparse time function coordinates would be ordered x,y,z. """ coordinates_data(x::SparseDiscreteFunction{T,N,M}) where {T,N,M} = data(coordinates(x)) export DevitoArray, localindices, SubFunction function dimension(o::PyObject) if :is_Dimension ∈ propertynames(o) if o.is_Conditional return ConditionalDimension(o) elseif o.is_Stepping return SteppingDimension(o) elseif o.is_Space return SpaceDimension(o) elseif o.is_Time return TimeDimension(o) elseif o.is_Default return DefaultDimension(o) elseif o.is_Dimension return Dimension(o) end end error("not implemented") end """ dimensions(x::Union{Grid,DiscreteFunction}) Returns a tuple with the dimensions associated with the Devito grid. """ function dimensions(x::Union{Grid{T,N},DiscreteFunction{T,N},AbstractSubDomain{N}}) where {T,N} ntuple(i->dimension(x.o.dimensions[N-i+1]), N) end """ inject(x::SparseDiscreteFunction; kwargs...) Generate equations injecting an arbitrary expression into a field. See: Generate equations injecting an arbitrary expression into a field. # Example ```julia x = SpaceDimension(name="x", spacing=Constant(name="h_x", value=5.0)) z = SpaceDimension(name="z", spacing=Constant(name="h_z", value=5.0)) grid = Grid( dimensions = (x,z), shape = (251,501), # assume x is first, z is second (i.e. z is fast in python) origin = (0.0,0.0), extent = (1250.0,2500.0), dtype = Float32) time_range = 0.0f0:0.5f0:1000.0f0 src = SparseTimeFunction(name="src", grid=grid, npoint=1, nt=length(time_range)) src_term = inject(src; field=forward(p), expr=2*src) ``` """ inject(x::SparseDiscreteFunction, args...; kwargs...) = pycall(PyObject(x).inject, Injection, args...; kwargs...) """ interpolate(x::SparseDiscreteFunction; kwargs...) Generate equations interpolating an arbitrary expression into self. See: # Example ```julia x = SpaceDimension(name="x", spacing=Constant(name="h_x", value=5.0)) z = SpaceDimension(name="z", spacing=Constant(name="h_z", value=5.0)) grid = Grid( dimensions = (z,x), shape = (501,251), # assume z is first, x is second origin = (0.0,0.0), extent = (2500.0,1250.0), dtype = Float32) p = TimeFunction(name="p", grid=grid, time_order=2, space_order=8) time_range = 0.0f0:0.5f0:1000.0f0 nz,nx,δz,δx = size(grid)...,spacing(grid)... rec = SparseTimeFunction(name="rec", grid=grid, npoint=nx, nt=length(time_range)) rec_coords = coordinates_data(rec) rec_coords[1,:] .= 10.0 rec_coords[2,:] .= δx*(0:nx-1) rec_term = interpolate(rec, expr=p) ``` """ interpolate(x::SparseDiscreteFunction; kwargs...) = pycall(PyObject(x).interpolate, PyObject; kwargs...) """ apply( operator::Operator; kwargs...) Execute the Devito operator, `Operator`. See: Note that this returns a `summary::Dict` of the action of applying the operator. This contains information such as the number of floating point operations executed per second. """ function apply(x::Operator, args...; kwargs...) _summary = pycall(PyObject(x).apply, PyObject, args...; kwargs...) summary = Dict() for (k,v) in _summary.items() summary[k] = Dict( "time"=>v[1], "gflopss"=>v[2], "gpointss"=>v[3], "oi"=>v[4], "ops"=>v[5], "itershape"=>v[6]) end summary["globals"] = Dict() if haskey(_summary.globals, "fdlike") summary["globals"]["fdlike"] = Dict( "time"=>_summary.globals["fdlike"][1], "gflopss"=>_summary.globals["fdlike"][2], "gpointss"=>_summary.globals["fdlike"][3], "oi"=>_summary.globals["fdlike"][4], "ops"=>_summary.globals["fdlike"][5], "itershape"=>_summary.globals["fdlike"][6]) end if haskey(_summary.globals, "vanilla") summary["globals"]["vanilla"] = Dict( "time"=>_summary.globals["vanilla"][1], "gflopss"=>_summary.globals["vanilla"][2], "gpointss"=>_summary.globals["vanilla"][3], "oi"=>_summary.globals["vanilla"][4], "ops"=>_summary.globals["vanilla"][5], "itershape"=>_summary.globals["vanilla"][6]) end summary end # derivative function """ Derivative(x::Union{Constant, Number}, args...; kwargs...) Returns the derivative of a constant or number, which is zero. """ Derivative(x::Union{Constant, Number}, args...; kwargs...) = PyObject(0) """ Derivative(x::Union{DiscreteFunction,PyObject}, args...; kwargs...) An unevaluated Derivative, which carries metadata (Dimensions, derivative order, etc) describing how the derivative will be expanded upon evaluation. Parameters ---------- expr : expr-like Expression for which the Derivative is produced. dims : Dimension or tuple of Dimension Dimenions w.r.t. which to differentiate. fd_order : int or tuple of int, optional Coefficient discretization order. Note: this impacts the width of the resulting stencil. Defaults to 1. deriv_order: int or tuple of int, optional Derivative order. Defaults to 1. side : Side or tuple of Side, optional Side of the finite difference location, centered (at x), left (at x - 1) or right (at x +1). Defaults to ``centered``. transpose : Transpose, optional Forward (matvec=direct) or transpose (matvec=transpose) mode of the finite difference. Defaults to ``direct``. subs : dict, optional Substitutions to apply to the finite-difference expression after evaluation. x0 : dict, optional Origin (where the finite-difference is evaluated at) for the finite-difference scheme, e.g. Dict(x=> x, y => y + spacing(y)/2). Examples -------- Creation ```julia using Devito grid = Grid((10, 10)) y, x = dimensions(grid) u = Devito.Function(name="u", grid=grid, space_order=2) Derivative(u, x) # You can also specify the order as a keyword argument Derivative(u, x, deriv_order=2) # Or as a tuple Derivative(u, (x, 2)) ``` """ Derivative(x::Union{DiscreteFunction,PyObject}, args...; kwargs...) = pycall(devito.Derivative, PyObject, PyObject(x), args...; kwargs...) # metaprograming for various derivative shorthands for F in (:dx,:dy,:dz,:dxr,:dyr,:dzr,:dxl,:dyl,:dzl,:dx2,:dy2,:dz2,:dxdy,:dxdz,:dydz) @eval begin $F(x::Union{DiscreteFunction,PyObject}, args...; kwargs...) = ( hasproperty(PyObject(x),Symbol($F)) ? pycall(PyObject(x).$F, PyObject, args...; kwargs...) : PyObject(0) ) $F(x::Union{Constant,Number}, args...; kwargs...) = PyObject(0) export $F end end """ dx(f::Union{DiscreteFunction,PyObject,Constant,Number}, args...; kwargs...) Returns the symbol for the first derivative with respect to x if f is a Function with dimension x. Otherwise returns 0. Thus, the derivative of a function with respect to a dimension it doesn't have is zero, as is the derivative of a constant. """ function dx end """ dy(f::DiscreteFunction, args...; kwargs...) Returns the symbol for the first derivative with respect to y if f is a Function with dimension y. Otherwise returns 0. Thus, the derivative of a function with respect to a dimension it doesn't have is zero, as is the derivative of a constant. """ function dy end """ dz(f::DiscreteFunction, args...; kwargs...) Returns the symbol for the first derivative with respect to z if f is a Function with dimension z. Otherwise returns 0. Thus, the derivative of a function with respect to a dimension it doesn't have is zero, as is the derivative of a constant. """ function dz end """ dxl(f::DiscreteFunction, args...; kwargs...) Returns the symbol for the first backward one-sided derivative with respect to x if f is a Function with dimension x. Otherwise returns 0. Thus, the derivative of a function with respect to a dimension it doesn't have is zero, as is the derivative of a constant. """ function dxl end """ dyl(f::DiscreteFunction, args...; kwargs...) Returns the symbol for the first backward one-sided derivative with respect to y if f is a Function with dimension y. Otherwise returns 0. Thus, the derivative of a function with respect to a dimension it doesn't have is zero, as is the derivative of a constant. """ function dyl end """ dzl(f::DiscreteFunction, args...; kwargs...) Returns the symbol for the first backward one-sided derivative with respect to z if f is a Function with dimension y. Otherwise returns 0. Thus, the derivative of a function with respect to a dimension it doesn't have is zero, as is the derivative of a constant. """ function dzl end """ dxr(f::DiscreteFunction, args...; kwargs...) Returns the symbol for the first forward one-sided derivative with respect to x if f is a Function with dimension x. Otherwise returns 0. Thus, the derivative of a function with respect to a dimension it doesn't have is zero, as is the derivative of a constant. """ function dxr end """ dyr(f::DiscreteFunction, args...; kwargs...) Returns the symbol for the first forward one-sided derivative with respect to y if f is a Function with dimension y. Otherwise returns 0. Thus, the derivative of a function with respect to a dimension it doesn't have is zero, as is the derivative of a constant. """ function dyr end """ dzr(f::DiscreteFunction, args...; kwargs...) Returns the symbol for the first forward one-sided derivative with respect to z if f is a Function with dimension z. Otherwise returns 0. Thus, the derivative of a function with respect to a dimension it doesn't have is zero, as is the derivative of a constant. """ function dz end """ dx2(f::Union{DiscreteFunction,PyObject,Constant,Number}, args...; kwargs...) Returns the symbol for the second derivative with respect to x if f is a Function with dimension x. Otherwise returns 0. Thus, the derivative of a function with respect to a dimension it doesn't have is zero, as is the derivative of a constant. """ function dx2 end """ dy2(f::DiscreteFunction, args...; kwargs...) Returns the symbol for the second derivative with respect to y if f is a Function with dimension y. Otherwise returns 0. Thus, the derivative of a function with respect to a dimension it doesn't have is zero, as is the derivative of a constant. """ function dy2 end # metaprograming for various derivatives for F in (:dt,:dt2) @eval begin $F(x::Union{TimeFunction,PyObject}, args...; kwargs...) = pycall(PyObject(x).$F, PyObject, args...; kwargs...) export $F end end """ dt(f::TimeFunction, args...; kwargs...) Returns the symbol for the first time derivative of a time function """ function dt end """ dt2(f::TimeFunction, args...; kwargs...) Returns the symbol for the second time derivative of a time function """ function dt2 end # metaprogramming for basic operations for F in ( :+, :-, :*, :/, :^) @eval begin Base.$F(x::Real,y::Union{DiscreteFunction,Constant,AbstractDimension}) = $F(PyObject(x),PyObject(y)) Base.$F(x::Union{DiscreteFunction,Constant,AbstractDimension}, y::Union{DiscreteFunction,Constant,AbstractDimension}) = $F(PyObject(x),PyObject(y)) Base.$F(x::Union{DiscreteFunction,Constant,Dimension}, y::PyObject) = $F(x.o,y) Base.$F(x::PyObject, y::Union{DiscreteFunction,Constant,AbstractDimension}) = $F(x,y.o) Base.$F(x::Union{DiscreteFunction,Constant,AbstractDimension}, y::Real) = $F(PyObject(x),PyObject(y)) end end Base.:(-)(x::Union{AbstractDimension,DiscreteFunction,PyObject,Constant}) = -1*x Base.:(+)(x::Union{AbstractDimension,DiscreteFunction,PyObject,Constant}) = x # metaprogramming to access Devito dimension boolean attributes for F in (:is_Dimension, :is_Space, :is_Time, :is_Default, :is_Custom, :is_Derived, :is_NonlinearDerived, :is_Sub, :is_Conditional, :is_Stepping, :is_Modulo, :is_Incr) @eval begin $F(x::AbstractDimension) = x.o.$F::Bool export $F end end # metaprogramming for devito conditionals for (M,F) in ((:devito,:Ne),(:devito,:Gt),(:devito,:Ge),(:devito,:Lt),(:devito,:Le),(:devito,:CondEq),(:devito,:CondNe)) @eval begin $F(x::Union{Real,DiscreteFunction,PyObject,AbstractDimension},y::Union{Real,DiscreteFunction,PyObject,AbstractDimension}) = $M.$F(PyObject(x),PyObject(y)) export $F end end # metaprogramming for symbolic operations on Devito dimensions for F in (:symbolic_min, :symbolic_max, :spacing, :symbolic_size) @eval begin $F(x::AbstractDimension) = PyObject(x).$F export $F end end """ symbolic_min(x::Dimension) Symbol defining the minimum point of the Dimension """ function symbolic_min end """ symbolic_max(x::Dimension) Symbol defining the maximum point of the Dimension """ function symbolic_max end """ spacing(x::Dimension) Symbol representing the physical spacing along the Dimension. """ function spacing end """ is_Derived(x::Dimension) Returns true when dimension is derived, false when it is not """ function is_Derived end """ symbolic_size(x::Dimension) Symbol defining the size of the Dimension """ function symbolic_size end # metaprograming for Devito functions taking variable number of arguments for (M,F) in ((:devito,:Min), (:devito,:Max),(:sympy,:And)) @eval begin $F(args...) = $M.$F((PyObject.(args))...) export $F end end """ Min(args...) Can be used in a Devito.Eq to return the minimum of a collection of arguments Example: ```julia eqmin = Eq(f,Min(g,1)) ``` Is equivalent to f = Min(g,1) for Devito functions f,g """ function Min end """ Max(args...) Can be used in a Devito.Eq to return the minimum of a collection of arguments Example: ```julia eqmax = Eq(f,Max(g,1)) ``` Is equivalent to f = Max(g,1) for Devito functions f,g """ function Max end # metaprograming for Devito mathematical operations ( more exist and may be added as required, find them at ) # these are broken out into four groups to help keep track of how they behave for unit testing # functions defined on real numbers with equivalent in base for F in (:cos, :sin, :tan, :sinh, :cosh, :tanh, :exp, :floor) @eval begin Base.$F(x::Union{AbstractDimension,DiscreteFunction,PyObject,Constant}) = devito.$F(PyObject(x)) end end # functions defined on real numbers who are written differently in base for F in (:Abs,:ceiling) @eval begin $F(x::Union{AbstractDimension,DiscreteFunction,PyObject,Constant}) = devito.$F(PyObject(x)) export $F end end # functions defined on positive numbers with equivalent in base for F in (:sqrt,) @eval begin Base.$F(x::Union{AbstractDimension,DiscreteFunction,PyObject,Constant}) = devito.$F(PyObject(x)) end end # functions defined on positive numbers who are written differently in base for F in (:ln,) @eval begin $F(x::Union{AbstractDimension,DiscreteFunction,PyObject,Constant}) = devito.$F(PyObject(x)) export $F end end """ Mod(x::AbstractDimension,y::Int) Perform Modular division on a dimension """ Mod(x::AbstractDimension,y::Int) = sympy.Mod(PyObject(x),PyObject(y)) export Mod """Get symbolic representation for function index object""" function Base.getindex(x::Union{TimeFunction,Function},args...) return utils."indexobj"(x,reverse(args)...) end # helper functions for mapping arguments to python shiftarg(x::Int) = x-1 shiftarg(x) = x function pygetindex(x::PyObject,args...) return utils."indexobj"(x,reverse(shiftarg.(args))...) end struct IndexedData o::PyObject end """ The wrapped IndexedData object. """ indexed(x::DiscreteFunction) = IndexedData(x) IndexedData(x::DiscreteFunction) = IndexedData(x.o.indexed) PyCall.PyObject(x::IndexedData) = x.o Base.getindex(x::IndexedData,args...) = Indexed(pygetindex(x.o, args...)) struct Indexed o::PyObject Indexed(o) = ( hasproperty(o, :is_Indexed) && getproperty(o, :is_Indexed) ? new(o) : error("not indexed")) end PyCall.PyObject(x::Indexed) = x.o """ ccode(x::Operator; filename="") Print the ccode associated with a devito operator. If filename is provided, writes ccode to disk using that filename """ function ccode(x::Operator; filename="") utils."ccode"(x.o,filename) return nothing end """ SubDomain(name, instructions) Create a subdomain by passing a list of instructions for each dimension. Using an instruction with (nothing,) implies that the whole dimension should be used for that subdomain, as will ("middle",0,0) Examples: ```julia instructions = ("left",2),("middle",3,3) SubDomain("subdomain_name",instructions) ``` or ```julia instructions = [("right",4),("middle",1,2)] SubDomain("subdomain_name",instructions) ``` or ```julia SubDomain("subdomain_name",("right",2),("left",1)) ``` """ SubDomain(name::String, instructions::Vector) = SubDomain(name, instructions...) SubDomain(name::String, instructions::Tuple{Vararg{Tuple}}) = SubDomain(name, instructions...) function SubDomain(name::String, instructions...) # copy and reverse instructions instructions = reverse(instructions) N = length(instructions) return SubDomain{N}(utils."subdom"(name,instructions)) end struct Buffer o::PyObject end """ Buffer(value::Int) Construct a devito buffer. This may be used as a save= keyword argument in the construction of TimeFunctions. """ Buffer(value::Int) = Buffer(pycall(devito.Buffer, PyObject, value)) PyCall.PyObject(x::Buffer) = x.o """ nsimplify(expr::PyObject; constants=(), tolerance=none, full=false, rational=none, rational_conversion="base10") Wrapper around `sympy.nsimplify`. Find a simple representation for a number or, if there are free symbols or if ``rational=True``, then replace Floats with their Rational equivalents. If no change is made and rational is not False then Floats will at least be converted to Rationals. # Explanation For numerical expressions, a simple formula that numerically matches the given numerical expression is sought (and the input should be possible to evalf to a precision of at least 30 digits). Optionally, a list of (rationally independent) constants to include in the formula may be given. A lower tolerance may be set to find less exact matches. If no tolerance is given then the least precise value will set the tolerance (e.g. Floats default to 15 digits of precision, so would be tolerance=10**-15). With ``full=True``, a more extensive search is performed (this is useful to find simpler numbers when the tolerance is set low). When converting to rational, if rational_conversion='base10' (the default), then convert floats to rationals using their base-10 (string) representation. When rational_conversion='exact' it uses the exact, base-2 representation. See . # Examples: ```julia nsimplify(π) # PyObject 314159265358979/100000000000000 ``` ```julia nsimplify(π; tolerance=0.1) # PyObject 22/7 ``` """ nsimplify(expr::PyObject; constants=(), tolerance=nothing, full=false, rational=nothing, rational_conversion="base10") = pycall(sympy.nsimplify, PyObject, expr, constants=constants, tolerance=tolerance, full=full, rational=rational, rational_conversion=rational_conversion) nsimplify(x::Number; kwargs...) = nsimplify(PyObject(x); kwargs...) """ solve(eq::PyObject, target::PyObject; kwargs...) Algebraically rearrange an Eq w.r.t. a given symbol. This is a wrapper around ``devito.solve``, which in turn is a wrapper around ``sympy.solve``. # Parameters * `eq::PyObject` expr-like. The equation to be rearranged. * `target::PyObject` The symbol w.r.t. which the equation is rearranged. May be a `Function` or any other symbolic object. ## kwargs * Symbolic optimizations applied while rearranging the equation. For more information. refer to `sympy.solve.__doc__`. """ solve(eq::PyObject, target::PyObject; kwargs...) = pycall(devito.solve, PyObject, eq, target, kwargs...) """ name(x::Union{SubDomain, DiscreteFunction, TimeFunction, Function, Constant, AbstractDimension, Operator}) returns the name of the Devito object """ name(x::Union{SubDomain, DiscreteFunction, Constant, AbstractDimension, Operator}) = Base.isequal(x::Union{SubDomain, DiscreteFunction, Constant, AbstractDimension, Operator, Grid, Eq, Inc, Injection, SparseDiscreteFunction}, y::Union{SubDomain, DiscreteFunction, Constant, AbstractDimension, Operator, Grid, Eq, Inc, Injection, SparseDiscreteFunction}) = isequal(PyObject(x), PyObject(y)) Base.hash(x::Union{SubDomain, DiscreteFunction, Constant, AbstractDimension, Operator, Grid, Eq, Inc, Injection}) = hash(PyObject(x)) # metaprogramming for unary ops for F in (:Byref, :Deref, :Cast) @eval begin struct $F o::PyObject end $F(base::Union{DiscreteFunction,IndexedData,Indexed,String}, kwargs...) = pycall(devito.symbolics.$F, $F, base, kwargs...) # Todo: support Sympy.Basic as well PyCall.PyObject(x::$F) = x.o Base.convert(::Type{$F}, x::PyObject) = $F(x) export $F end end """ Symbolic representation of the C notation `&expr`. """ function Byref end """ Symbolic representation of the C notation `*expr`. """ function Deref end """ Symbolic representation of the C notation `(type)expr`. """ function Cast end # metaprograming for various devito types for use in C for F in (:Pointer,) @eval begin struct $F o::PyObject end $F(args...; kwargs...) = pycall(devito.types.$F, $F, args...; kwargs...) PyCall.PyObject(x::$F) = x.o Base.convert(::Type{$F}, x::PyObject) = $F(x) export $F end end """ Symbolic representation of a pointer in C """ function Pointer end # DevitoPro Stuff struct ABox{N} <: Devito.AbstractSubDomain{N} o::PyObject end function ABox(src::Union{Devito.SparseTimeFunction,Nothing}, rcv::Union{Devito.SparseTimeFunction,Nothing}, vp::Devito.Function{T,N}, space_order::Int; kwargs...) where {T,N} if ~has_devitopro() @error "ABox only supported with DevitoPro" end o = pycall(devitopro.ABox, PyObject, src, rcv, vp, space_order; kwargs...) ABox{N}(o) end intersection(box::ABox{N}, sub::Devito.SubDomain{N}) where {N} = ABox{N}(pycall(PyObject(box).intersection, PyObject, PyObject(sub))) vp(abox::ABox) = Devito.Function(abox.o.vp) eps(abox::ABox) = abox.o.eps src(abox::ABox) = (typeof(abox.o.src) <: Nothing ? nothing : Devito.SparseTimeFunction(abox.o.src)) rcv(abox::ABox) = (typeof(abox.o.rcv) <: Nothing ? nothing : Devito.SparseTimeFunction(abox.o.rcv)) grid(abox::ABox) = Devito.grid(vp(abox)) function subdomains(abox::ABox{N}) where {N} dict = Dict() for dom in abox.o._subdomains dict[] = SubDomain{N}(dom) end return dict end compute(abox::ABox; dt) = abox.o._compute(; dt=dt) export ABox struct CCall o::PyObject end PyCall.PyObject(x::CCall) = x.o function CCall(name::String; header=nothing, header_dirs = (), libs = (), lib_dirs = (), target = "host", types = ()) if ~has_devitopro() @error "CCall only supported with DevitoPro" end classname = Symbol(uppercasefirst(name)) @eval begin @pydef mutable struct $classname <: devitopro.CCall name = $name header = $header header_dirs = $header_dirs libs = $libs lib_dirs = $lib_dirs target = $target types = $types end return CCall($classname) end end name(x::CCall) = header(x::CCall) = x.o.header header_dirs(x::CCall) = x.o.header_dirs libs(x::CCall) = x.o.libs lib_dirs(x::CCall) = x.o.lib_dirs target(x::CCall) = types(x::CCall) = x.o.types (f::CCall)(args...; kwargs...) = f.o(args...; kwargs...) export CCall export Buffer, Constant, CoordSlowSparseFunction, Derivative, DiscreteFunction, Grid, Function, SparseFunction, SparseTimeFunction, SubDomain, TimeFunction, apply, backward, ccode, configuration, configuration!, coordinates, coordinates_data, data, data_allocated, data_with_halo, data_with_inhalo, dimension, dimensions, dx, dy, dz, evaluate, extent, forward, grid, halo, indexed, inject, interpolate, localindices, localindices_with_halo, localindices_with_inhalo, localsize, name, nsimplify, origin, size_with_halo, simplify, solve, space_order, spacing, spacing_map, step, subdomains, subs, thickness, value, value! end
[ "MIT" ]
using Devito, PyCall, Test const ctypes = PyNULL() copy!(ctypes, pyimport("ctypes")) @testset "Devito Pointer" begin p = Pointer(name="pointer") @test getproperty(PyObject(p), :_C_ctype) == ctypes.c_void_p end @testset "Devito Unary Ops" begin g = Grid(shape=(4,4)) f = Devito.Function(name="f", grid=g) bref = Byref(f) @test getproperty(PyObject(bref), :_op) == "&" dref = Deref(f) @test getproperty(PyObject(dref), :_op) == "*" cst = Cast(f, "char *") @test getproperty(PyObject( cst), :_op) == "(char *)" end
[ "MIT" ]
using Devito, Test @testset "ABox Expanding Source" begin g = Grid(shape=(8,8), extent=(7.0,7.0)) nt = 3 coords = [0.5 2.5; 2.5 2.5; 0.5 4.5; 2.5 4.5] vp = Devito.Function(name="vp", grid=g, space_order=0) src = SparseTimeFunction(name="src", grid=g, nt=nt, npoint=size(coords)[1], coordinates=coords) data(vp) .= 1.0 abox = ABox(src, nothing, vp, -1) dt = 1.0 srcbox_discrete = Devito.compute(abox; dt=dt) @test srcbox_discrete ≈ [0 4 2 2; 0 3 1 1; 0 2 0 0] @test isequal(g, Devito.grid(abox)) @test isequal(src, Devito.src(abox)) @test isequal(nothing, Devito.rcv(abox)) @test isequal(vp, Devito.vp(abox)) end # 2024-08-15 JKW these two ABox tests are broken -- some kind of API change? @test_skip @testset "ABox Time Function" begin g = Grid(shape=(5,5), extent=(4.0,4.0)) nt = 3 coords = [2. 2. ;] space_order = 0 vp = Devito.Function(name="vp", grid=g, space_order=space_order) src = SparseTimeFunction(name="src", grid=g, nt=nt, npoint=size(coords)[1], coordinates=coords, space_order=0) data(vp) .= 1.0 dt = 1.0 t = time_dim(g) abox = ABox(src, nothing, vp, space_order) u = TimeFunction(name="u", grid=g, save=nt, space_order=space_order) op = Operator([Eq(forward(u), t+1, subdomain=abox)]) apply(op, dt=dt) @test data(u)[:,:,1] ≈ zeros(Float32, 5 , 5) @test data(u)[2:end-1,2:end-1,2] ≈ ones(Float32, 3, 3) data(u)[2:end-1,2:end-1,2] .= 0 @test data(u)[:,:,2] ≈ zeros(Float32, 5 , 5) @test data(u)[:,:,3] ≈ 2 .* ones(Float32, 5 , 5) end @test_skip @testset "ABox Intersection Time Function" begin mid = SubDomain("mid",[("middle",2,2),("middle",0,0)]) g = Grid(shape=(5,5), extent=(4.0,4.0), subdomains=mid) nt = 3 coords = [2. 2. ;] space_order = 0 vp = Devito.Function(name="vp", grid=g, space_order=space_order) src = SparseTimeFunction(name="src", grid=g, nt=nt, npoint=size(coords)[1], coordinates=coords, space_order=0) data(vp) .= 1.0 dt = 1.0 t = time_dim(g) abox = ABox(src, nothing, vp, space_order) intbox = Devito.intersection(abox,mid) u = TimeFunction(name="u", grid=g, save=nt, space_order=space_order) op = Operator([Eq(forward(u), t+1, subdomain=intbox)]) apply(op, dt=dt) @test data(u)[:,:,1] ≈ zeros(Float32, 5 , 5) @test data(u)[3,2:4,2] ≈ ones(Float32, 3) data(u)[3,2:4,2] .= 0 @test data(u)[:,:,2] ≈ zeros(Float32, 5 , 5) @test data(u)[3,:,3] ≈ 2 .* ones(Float32, 5) data(u)[3,:,3] .= 0 @test data(u)[:,:,3] ≈ zeros(Float32, 5 , 5) end @testset "CCall with printf" begin # CCall test written to use gcc configuration!("compiler","gcc") pf = CCall("printf", header="stdio.h") @test == "printf" @test Devito.header(pf) == "stdio.h" printingop = Operator([pf([""" "hello world!" """])]) ccode(printingop, filename="helloworld.c") # read the program code = read("helloworld.c", String) # check to make sure header is in the program @test occursin("#include \"stdio.h\"\n", code) # check to make sure the printf statement is in the program @test occursin("printf(\"hello world!\" );\n", code) # test to make sure the operator compiles and runs @test try apply(printingop) true catch false end # remove the file rm("helloworld.c", force=true) end # JKW: removing for now, not sure what is even being tested here # @testset "Serialization with CCall T=$T" for T in (Float32,Float64) # space_order = 2 # time_M = 3 # filename = "testserialization.bin" # fo = CCall("fopen", header="stdio.h") # fw = CCall("fwrite", header="stdio.h") # fc = CCall("fclose", header="stdio.h") # grid = Grid(shape=(4, 3), dtype=T) # time = time_dim(grid) # t = stepping_dim(grid) # stream = Pointer(name="stream") # pointer to file object # elesize = (T == Float32 ? 4 : 8) # u = TimeFunction(name="u", grid=grid, space_order=space_order) # @show size_with_halo(u) # @show prod(size_with_halo(u)[1:end-1]) # nele = prod(size_with_halo(u)[1:end-1]) # eqnswrite = [ fo([""" "$filename" """,""" "w" """], stream), # Eq(forward(u), u + 1.), # fw([Byref(indexed(u)[-space_order+1, -space_order+1, t+1]), elesize, nele, stream], implicit_dims=(time,)), # fc([stream]) # ] # # CCall test written to use gcc # opwrite = Operator(eqnswrite, compiler="gcc") # apply(opwrite,time_M=time_M) # holder = zeros(T, size_with_halo(u)[1:end-1]..., time_M) # read!(filename, holder) # for it in 1:time_M # @test holder[space_order+1:end-space_order, space_order+1:end-space_order, it] ≈ it .* ones(T, size(u)[1:end-1]...) # end # rm(filename, force=true) # end
[ "MIT" ]
using Devito, PyCall, Test configuration!("log-level", "DEBUG") configuration!("language", "openmp") configuration!("mpi", false) # test independent derivatives function python_test_individual_derivatives() python_code = py""" import numpy as np from numpy.testing import assert_almost_equal from devito import Grid, Function, Eq, Operator nx,ny,nz = 11,11,11 dx,dy,dz = 10,10,10 grid = Grid(extent=(dx*(nx-1),dy*(ny-1),dz*(nz-1)), shape=(nx,ny,nz), origin=(0,0,0), dtype=np.float32) x,y,z = grid.dimensions fx = Function(name='fx', grid=grid, space_order=2) fy = Function(name='fy', grid=grid, space_order=2) fz = Function(name='fz', grid=grid, space_order=2) gx = Function(name='gx', grid=grid, space_order=2) gy = Function(name='gy', grid=grid, space_order=2) gz = Function(name='gz', grid=grid, space_order=2) a,b,c = 2,3,4 eq_x0 = Eq(fx, x.spacing * a * x) eq_y0 = Eq(fy, y.spacing * b * y) eq_z0 = Eq(fz, z.spacing * c * z) eq_dx = Eq(gx, fx.dx(x0 = x + x.spacing / 2)) eq_dy = Eq(gy, fy.dy(x0 = y + y.spacing / 2)) eq_dz = Eq(gz, = z + z.spacing / 2)) spacing_map = grid.spacing_map op = Operator([eq_x0, eq_y0, eq_z0, eq_dx, eq_dy, eq_dz], subs=spacing_map, name="Op1") op.apply() print([5,5,5]) print([5,5,5]) print([5,5,5]) assert_almost_equal(a,[nx//2,ny//2,nz//2], decimal=6) assert_almost_equal(b,[nx//2,ny//2,nz//2], decimal=6) assert_almost_equal(c,[nx//2,ny//2,nz//2], decimal=6) f = open("operator1.python.c", "w") print(op, file=f) f.close() """ end # test folding two discretiations in a mixed derivative function python_test_mixed_derivatives() python_code = py""" import numpy as np from numpy.testing import assert_almost_equal from devito import Grid, Function, Eq, Operator nx,ny,nz = 11,11,11 dx,dy,dz = 10,10,10 grid = Grid(extent=(dx*(nx-1),dy*(ny-1),dz*(nz-1)), shape=(nx,ny,nz), origin=(0,0,0), dtype=np.float32) x,y,z = grid.dimensions f = Function(name='f', grid=grid, space_order=2) g = Function(name='g', grid=grid, space_order=2) a,b,c = 2,3,4 eq = Eq(g, spacing_map = grid.spacing_map op = Operator([eq], subs=spacing_map, name="Op2") op.apply() print([5,5,5]) print([5,5,5]) print([5,5,5]) assert_almost_equal(a,[nx//2,ny//2,nz//2], decimal=6) assert_almost_equal(b,[nx//2,ny//2,nz//2], decimal=6) assert_almost_equal(c,[nx//2,ny//2,nz//2], decimal=6) f = open("operator2.python.c", "w") print(op, file=f) f.close() """ end # test subdomain creation function python_test_subdomains() python_code = py""" import numpy as np from devito import SubDomain, Grid, Function, Eq, Operator class fs1(SubDomain): name = "fs" def define(self, dimensions): x, y = dimensions return {x: ("middle", 0, 0), y: ("left", 1)} grid = Grid(shape=(4,4), dtype=np.float32, subdomains=(fs1())) fs = grid.subdomains["fs"] all = grid.subdomains["domain"] f = Function(name="f", grid=grid, space_order=4)[:] = 0 op1 = Operator([Eq(f, 1, subdomain=all)], name="subop1") op1.apply() out = open("subdomain.operator1.python.c", "w") print(op1, file=out) out.close()[:] = 0 op2 = Operator([Eq(f, 1, subdomain=fs)], name="subop2") op2.apply() out = open("subdomain.operator2.python.c", "w") print(op2, file=out) out.close() """ end @testset "GenCodeDerivativesIndividual" begin # python execution python_test_individual_derivatives() # julia with Devito.jl executionl nz,ny,nx = 11,11,11 dz,dy,dx = 10,10,10 grid = Grid(extent=(dx*(nx-1),dy*(ny-1),dz*(nz-1)), shape=(nx,ny,nz), origin=(0,0,0), dtype=Float32) z,y,x = dimensions(grid) fz = Devito.Function(name="fz", grid=grid, space_order=2) fy = Devito.Function(name="fy", grid=grid, space_order=2) fx = Devito.Function(name="fx", grid=grid, space_order=2) gz = Devito.Function(name="gz", grid=grid, space_order=2) gy = Devito.Function(name="gy", grid=grid, space_order=2) gx = Devito.Function(name="gx", grid=grid, space_order=2) a,b,c = 2,3,4 eq_z0 = Eq(fz, spacing(z) * c * z) eq_y0 = Eq(fy, spacing(y) * b * y) eq_x0 = Eq(fx, spacing(x) * a * x) eq_dz = Eq(gz,,x0=z+spacing(z)/2)) eq_dy = Eq(gy, Devito.dy(fy,x0=y+spacing(y)/2)) eq_dx = Eq(gx, Devito.dx(fx,x0=x+spacing(x)/2)) spacing_map = Devito.spacing_map(grid) op = Operator([eq_x0, eq_y0, eq_z0, eq_dx, eq_dy, eq_dz], subs=spacing_map, name="Op1") apply(op) ccode(op; filename="operator1.julia.c") @show data(gx)[5,5,5] @show data(gy)[5,5,5] @show data(gz)[5,5,5] @test data(gx)[5,5,5] == a @test data(gy)[5,5,5] == b @test data(gz)[5,5,5] == c # check parity of generated code @test success(`cmp --quiet operator1.julia.c operator1.python.c`) rm("operator1.python.c", force=true) rm("operator1.julia.c", force=true) end @testset "GenCodeDerivativesMixed" begin # python execution python_test_mixed_derivatives() # julia with Devito.jl executionl nz,ny,nx = 11,11,11 dz,dy,dx = 10,10,10 grid = Grid(extent=(dx*(nx-1),dy*(ny-1),dz*(nz-1)), shape=(nx,ny,nz), origin=(0,0,0), dtype=Float32) z,y,x = dimensions(grid) f = Devito.Function(name="f", grid=grid, space_order=2) g = Devito.Function(name="g", grid=grid, space_order=2) a,b,c = 2,3,4 eq = Eq(g, spacing_map = Devito.spacing_map(grid) op = Operator([eq], subs=spacing_map, name="Op2") apply(op) ccode(op; filename="operator2.julia.c") # check parity of generated code @test success(`cmp --quiet operator2.julia.c operator2.python.c`) rm("operator1.python.c", force=true) rm("operator1.julia.c", force=true) end @testset "GenCodeSubdomain" begin # python execution python_test_subdomains() # julia with Devito.jl implementation fs = SubDomain("fs", [("left",1), ("middle",0,0)]) grid = Devito.Grid(shape=(4,4), dtype=Float32, subdomains=(fs,)) f = Devito.Function(name="f", grid=grid, space_order=4) fs = subdomains(grid)["fs"] all = subdomains(grid)["domain"] data(f)[:,:] .= 0 op1 = Operator([Eq(f, 1, subdomain=all)], name="subop1") apply(op1) ccode(op1; filename="subdomain.operator1.julia.c") op2 = Operator([Eq(f, 1, subdomain=fs)], name="subop2") apply(op2) ccode(op2; filename="subdomain.operator2.julia.c") # check parity of generated codes @test success(`cmp --quiet subdomain.operator1.julia.c subdomain.operator1.python.c`) @test success(`cmp --quiet subdomain.operator2.julia.c subdomain.operator2.python.c`) # check that generated code w/o subdomains is different than that with subdomains @test ~success(`cmp --quiet subdomain.operator1.julia.c subdomain.operator2.julia.c`) # clean up rm("subdomain.operator1.julia.c", force=true) rm("subdomain.operator2.julia.c", force=true) rm("subdomain.operator1.python.c", force=true) rm("subdomain.operator2.python.c", force=true) end
[ "MIT" ]
using Devito, MPI, Random, Strided, Test MPI.Init() configuration!("log-level", "DEBUG") configuration!("language", "openmp") configuration!("mpi", true) @testset "DevitoMPIArray, fill!, with halo, n=$n" for n in ( (11,10), (12,11,10) ) grid = Grid(shape=n, dtype=Float32) b = Devito.Function(name="b", grid=grid, space_order=2) b_data = data_with_halo(b) @test isa(b_data, Devito.DevitoMPIArray{Float32,length(n)}) if length(n) == 2 @test size(b_data) == (15,14) else @test size(b_data) == (16,15,14) end b_data .= 3.14f0 for rnk in 0:1 if MPI.Comm_rank(MPI.COMM_WORLD) == rnk if length(n) == 2 @test parent(b_data) ≈ 3.14*ones(Float32, 15, 7) else @test parent(b_data) ≈ 3.14*ones(Float32, 16, 15, 7) end @test isa(parent(b_data), StridedView) end MPI.Barrier(MPI.COMM_WORLD) end end @testset "DevitoMPIArray, fill!, no halo, n=$n" for n in ( (11,10), (12,11,10) ) grid = Grid(shape=n, dtype=Float32) b = Devito.Function(name="b", grid=grid, space_order=2) b_data = data(b) @test isa(b_data, Devito.DevitoMPIArray{Float32,length(n)}) @test size(b_data) == n b_data .= 3.14f0 b_data_test = data(b) for rnk in 0:1 if MPI.Comm_rank(MPI.COMM_WORLD) == rnk if length(n) == 2 @test parent(b_data_test) ≈ 3.14*ones(Float32, 11, 5) else @test parent(b_data_test) ≈ 3.14*ones(Float32, 12, 11, 5) end @test isa(parent(b_data_test), StridedView) end MPI.Barrier(MPI.COMM_WORLD) end end @testset "DevitoMPIArray, copy!, inhalo, n=$n" for n in ( (11,10), (12,11,10) ) grid = Grid(shape=n, dtype=Float32) b = Devito.Function(name="b", grid=grid, space_order=2) b_data = data_with_inhalo(b) @test isa(b_data, Devito.DevitoMPIArray{Float32,length(n)}) _n = length(n) == 2 ? (15,18) : (16,15,18) @test size(b_data) == _n b_data_test = zeros(Float32, _n) if MPI.Comm_rank(MPI.COMM_WORLD) == 0 b_data_test = reshape(Float32[1:prod(_n);], _n) end copy!(b_data, b_data_test) b_data_test = reshape(Float32[1:prod(_n);], _n) for rnk in 0:1 if MPI.Comm_rank(MPI.COMM_WORLD) == rnk if rnk == 0 if length(n) == 2 @test parent(b_data) ≈ b_data_test[:,1:9] else @test parent(b_data) ≈ b_data_test[:,:,1:9] end elseif rnk == 1 if length(n) == 2 @test parent(b_data) ≈ b_data_test[:,10:18] else @test parent(b_data) ≈ b_data_test[:,:,10:18] end end end MPI.Barrier(MPI.COMM_WORLD) end end @testset "DevitoMPIArray, copy!, halo, n=$n" for n in ( (11,10), (12,11,10) ) grid = Grid(shape=n, dtype=Float32) b = Devito.Function(name="b", grid=grid, space_order=2) b_data = data_with_halo(b) @test isa(b_data, Devito.DevitoMPIArray{Float32,length(n)}) _n = length(n) == 2 ? (15,14) : (16,15,14) @test size(b_data) == _n b_data_test = zeros(Float32, _n) if MPI.Comm_rank(MPI.COMM_WORLD) == 0 b_data_test = reshape(Float32[1:prod(_n);], _n) end copy!(b_data, b_data_test) b_data_test = reshape(Float32[1:prod(_n);], _n) for rnk in 0:1 if MPI.Comm_rank(MPI.COMM_WORLD) == rnk if rnk == 0 if length(n) == 2 @test parent(b_data) ≈ b_data_test[:,1:7] else @test parent(b_data) ≈ b_data_test[:,:,1:7] end end if rnk == 1 if length(n) == 2 @test parent(b_data) ≈ b_data_test[:,8:14] else @test parent(b_data) ≈ b_data_test[:,:,8:14] end end @test isa(parent(b_data), StridedView) end MPI.Barrier(MPI.COMM_WORLD) end end @testset "DevitoMPIArray, copy!, no halo, n=$n" for n in ( (11,10), (12,11,10) ) grid = Grid(shape=n, dtype=Float32) b = Devito.Function(name="b", grid=grid, space_order=2) b_data = data(b) @test isa(b_data, Devito.DevitoMPIArray{Float32,length(n)}) @test size(b_data) == n b_data_test = zeros(Float32, n) if MPI.Comm_rank(MPI.COMM_WORLD) == 0 b_data_test = reshape(Float32[1:prod(n);], n) end copy!(b_data, b_data_test) _b_data = data(b) b_data_test = reshape(Float32[1:prod(n);], n) for rnk in 0:1 if MPI.Comm_rank(MPI.COMM_WORLD) == rnk if rnk == 0 if length(n) == 2 @test parent(_b_data) ≈ b_data_test[:,1:5] @test parent(b_data) ≈ b_data_test[:,1:5] else @test parent(_b_data) ≈ b_data_test[:,:,1:5] @test parent(b_data) ≈ b_data_test[:,:,1:5] end @test isa(parent(_b_data), StridedView) end if rnk == 1 if length(n) == 2 @test parent(_b_data) ≈ b_data_test[:,6:10] @test parent(b_data) ≈ b_data_test[:,6:10] else @test parent(_b_data) ≈ b_data_test[:,:,6:10] @test parent(b_data) ≈ b_data_test[:,:,6:10] end @test isa(parent(_b_data), StridedView) end end MPI.Barrier(MPI.COMM_WORLD) end end @testset "convert data from rank 0 to DevitoMPIArray, then back, inhalo, n=$n" for n in ( (11,10), (12,11,10) ) grid = Grid(shape=n, dtype=Float32) b = Devito.Function(name="b", grid=grid, space_order=2) b_data = data_with_inhalo(b) _n = length(n) == 2 ? (15,18) : (16,15,18) b_data_test = zeros(Float32, _n) if MPI.Comm_rank(MPI.COMM_WORLD) == 0 b_data_test .= reshape(Float32[1:prod(_n);], _n) end MPI.Barrier(MPI.COMM_WORLD) copy!(b_data, b_data_test) b_data_out = convert(Array, b_data) if MPI.Comm_rank(MPI.COMM_WORLD) == 0 @test b_data_out ≈ b_data_test end MPI.Barrier(MPI.COMM_WORLD) end @testset "convert data from rank 0 to DevitoMPIArray, then back, halo, n=$n" for n in ( (11,10), (12,11,10) ) grid = Grid(shape=n, dtype=Float32) b = Devito.Function(name="b", grid=grid, space_order=2) b_data = data_with_halo(b) _n = length(n) == 2 ? (15,14) : (16,15,14) b_data_test = zeros(Float32, _n) if MPI.Comm_rank(MPI.COMM_WORLD) == 0 b_data_test .= reshape(Float32[1:prod(_n);], _n) end copy!(b_data, b_data_test) _b_data = data_with_halo(b) b_data_out = convert(Array, _b_data) if MPI.Comm_rank(MPI.COMM_WORLD) == 0 @test b_data_out ≈ b_data_test end end @testset "Convert data from rank 0 to DevitoMPIArray then back, no halo, n=$n" for n in ( (11,10), (12,11,10) ) grid = Grid(shape=n, dtype=Float32) b = Devito.Function(name="b", grid=grid, space_order=2) b_data = data(b) b_data_test = zeros(Float32, n) if MPI.Comm_rank(MPI.COMM_WORLD) == 0 b_data_test .= reshape(Float32[1:prod(n);], n) end copy!(b_data, b_data_test) _b_data = data(b) b_data_out = convert(Array, _b_data) if MPI.Comm_rank(MPI.COMM_WORLD) == 0 @test b_data_out ≈ b_data_test end MPI.Barrier(MPI.COMM_WORLD) end @testset "DevitoMPITimeArray, copy!, data, inhalo, n=$n" for n in ( (11,10), (12,11,10)) grid = Grid(shape = n, dtype = Float32) b = Devito.Function(name="b", grid=grid, space_order=2) p = TimeFunction(name="p", grid=grid, time_order=2, space_order=2) p_data = data_with_inhalo(p) _n = length(n) == 2 ? (15,18,3) : (16,15,18,3) p_data_test = zeros(Float32, _n) if MPI.Comm_rank(MPI.COMM_WORLD) == 0 p_data_test .= reshape(Float32[1:prod(_n);], _n) end copy!(p_data, p_data_test) p_data_test .= reshape(Float32[1:prod(_n);], _n) p_data_local = parent(p_data) if MPI.Comm_rank(MPI.COMM_WORLD) == 0 if length(n) == 2 @test p_data_local ≈ p_data_test[:,1:9,:] else @test p_data_local ≈ p_data_test[:,:,1:9,:] end end if MPI.Comm_rank(MPI.COMM_WORLD) == 1 if length(n) == 2 @test p_data_local ≈ p_data_test[:,10:18,:] else @test p_data_local ≈ p_data_test[:,:,10:18,:] end end MPI.Barrier(MPI.COMM_WORLD) end @testset "DevitoMPIArray localsize, n=$n" for n in ((5,4),(6,5,4)) g = Grid(shape=n) f = Devito.Function(name="f", grid=g) h = Devito.TimeFunction(name="h", grid=g, time_order=2) for func in (f,h) @test localsize(data(func)) == length.(Devito.localindices(data(func))) end end @testset "DevitoMPISparseArray localsize, n=$n, npoint=$npoint" for n in ((5,4),(6,5,4)), npoint in (1,5,10) g = Grid(shape=n) sf = SparseFunction(name="sf", grid=g, npoint=npoint) @test localsize(data(sf)) == length.(Devito.localindices(data(sf))) end @testset "DevitoMPISparseTimeArray localsize, n=$n, npoint=$npoint" for n in ((5,4),(6,5,4)), npoint in (1,5,10) g = Grid(shape=n) nt = 11 stf = SparseTimeFunction(name="stf", grid=g, nt=11, npoint=npoint) @test localsize(data(stf)) == length.(Devito.localindices(data(stf))) end @testset "DevitoMPITimeArray, copy!, data, halo, n=$n" for n in ( (11,10), (12,11,10)) grid = Grid(shape = n, dtype = Float32) b = Devito.Function(name="b", grid=grid, space_order=2) p = TimeFunction(name="p", grid=grid, time_order=2, space_order=2) p_data = data_with_halo(p) _n = length(n) == 2 ? (15,14,3) : (16,15,14,3) p_data_test = zeros(Float32, _n) if MPI.Comm_rank(MPI.COMM_WORLD) == 0 p_data_test .= reshape(Float32[1:prod(_n);], _n) end copy!(p_data, p_data_test) p_data_test .= reshape(Float32[1:prod(_n);], _n) p_data_local = parent(p_data) if MPI.Comm_rank(MPI.COMM_WORLD) == 0 if length(n) == 2 @test p_data_local ≈ p_data_test[:,1:7,:] else @test p_data_local ≈ p_data_test[:,:,1:7,:] end end if MPI.Comm_rank(MPI.COMM_WORLD) == 1 if length(n) == 2 @test p_data_local ≈ p_data_test[:,8:14,:] else @test p_data_local ≈ p_data_test[:,:,8:14,:] end end MPI.Barrier(MPI.COMM_WORLD) end @testset "DevitoMPITimeArray, copy!, data, no halo, n=$n" for n in ( (11,10), (12,11,10)) grid = Grid(shape = n, dtype = Float32) b = Devito.Function(name="b", grid=grid, space_order=2) p = TimeFunction(name="p", grid=grid, time_order=2, space_order=2) p_data = data(p) _n = length(n) == 2 ? (11,10,3) : (12,11,10,3) p_data_test = zeros(Float32, _n) if MPI.Comm_rank(MPI.COMM_WORLD) == 0 p_data_test .= reshape(Float32[1:prod(_n);], _n) end copy!(p_data, p_data_test) p_data_test .= reshape(Float32[1:prod(_n);], _n) p_data_local = parent(p_data) if MPI.Comm_rank(MPI.COMM_WORLD) == 0 if length(n) == 2 @test p_data_local ≈ p_data_test[:,1:5,:] else @test p_data_local ≈ p_data_test[:,:,1:5,:] end end if MPI.Comm_rank(MPI.COMM_WORLD) == 1 if length(n) == 2 @test p_data_local ≈ p_data_test[:,6:10,:] else @test p_data_local ≈ p_data_test[:,:,6:10,:] end end MPI.Barrier(MPI.COMM_WORLD) end @testset "convert data from rank 0 to DevitoMPITimeArray, then back, inhalo, n=$n" for n in ( (11,10), (12,11,10) ) grid = Grid(shape = n, dtype = Float32) b = Devito.Function(name="b", grid=grid, space_order=2) p = TimeFunction(name="p", grid=grid, time_order=2, space_order=2) p_data = data_with_inhalo(p) _n = length(n) == 2 ? (15,18,3) : (16,15,18,3) p_data_test = zeros(Float32, _n) if MPI.Comm_rank(MPI.COMM_WORLD) == 0 p_data_test .= reshape(Float32[1:prod(_n);], _n) end copy!(p_data, p_data_test) p_data_test .= reshape(Float32[1:prod(_n);], _n) _p_data_test = convert(Array, p_data) if MPI.Comm_rank(MPI.COMM_WORLD) == 0 @test p_data_test ≈ _p_data_test end end @testset "convert data from rank 0 to DevitoSparseMPIArray, then back, extra dimension n=$n, nextra=$nextra, npoint=$npoint, first=$first" for n in ( (11,10), (12,11,10) ), nextra in (1,2,5), first in (true,false), npoint in (1,2,5) grid = Grid(shape = n, dtype = Float32) extradim = Dimension(name="extra") space_order = 2 prec = Dimension(name="prec") npoint = 8 sparsedims = (extradim, prec) sparseshape = (nextra, npoint) if ~first sparsedims = reverse(sparsedims) sparseshape = reverse(sparseshape) sf = SparseFunction(name="sf", grid=grid, dimensions=sparsedims, shape=sparseshape, npoint=npoint) else sf = CoordSlowSparseFunction(name="sf", grid=grid, dimensions=sparsedims, shape=sparseshape, npoint=npoint) end sf_data_test = zeros(Float32, sparseshape...) if MPI.Comm_rank(MPI.COMM_WORLD) == 0 sf_data_test .= reshape(Float32[1:prod(sparseshape);], sparseshape) end copy!( data(sf), sf_data_test) _sf_data_test = convert(Array, data(sf)) if MPI.Comm_rank(MPI.COMM_WORLD) == 0 @test sf_data_test ≈ _sf_data_test end end @testset "convert data from rank 0 to DevitoSparseMPITimeArray, then back, extra dimension n=$n, nextra=$nextra, npoint=$npoint, nt=$nt" for n in ( (11,10), (12,11,10) ), nextra in (1,2,5), npoint in (1,2,5), nt in (1,5,10) grid = Grid(shape = n, dtype = Float32) extradim = Dimension(name="extra") space_order = 2 t = time_dim(grid) prec = Dimension(name="prec") npoint = 8 sparsedims = (prec, extradim, t) sparseshape = (npoint, nextra, nt) sf = SparseTimeFunction(name="sf", grid=grid, dimensions=sparsedims, shape=sparseshape, npoint=npoint, nt=nt) sf_data_test = zeros(Float32, sparseshape...) if MPI.Comm_rank(MPI.COMM_WORLD) == 0 sf_data_test .= reshape(Float32[1:prod(sparseshape);], sparseshape) end copy!( data(sf), sf_data_test) _sf_data_test = convert(Array, data(sf)) if MPI.Comm_rank(MPI.COMM_WORLD) == 0 @test sf_data_test ≈ _sf_data_test end end @testset "convert data from rank 0 to DevitoMPIArray, then back, halo, n=$n" for n in ( (11,10), (12,11,10) ) grid = Grid(shape = n, dtype = Float32) b = Devito.Function(name="b", grid=grid, space_order=2) p = TimeFunction(name="p", grid=grid, time_order=2, space_order=2) p_data = data_with_halo(p) _n = length(n) == 2 ? (15,14,3) : (16,15,14,3) p_data_test = zeros(Float32, _n) if MPI.Comm_rank(MPI.COMM_WORLD) == 0 p_data_test .= reshape(Float32[1:prod(_n);], _n) end copy!(p_data, p_data_test) p_data_test .= reshape(Float32[1:prod(_n);], _n) _p_data_test = convert(Array, p_data) if MPI.Comm_rank(MPI.COMM_WORLD) == 0 @test p_data_test ≈ _p_data_test end end @testset "convert data from rank 0 to DevitoMPITimeArray, then back, no halo, n=$n" for n in ( (11,10), (12,11,10) ) grid = Grid(shape = n, dtype = Float32) b = Devito.Function(name="b", grid=grid, space_order=2) p = TimeFunction(name="p", grid=grid, time_order=2, space_order=2) p_data = data(p) _n = length(n) == 2 ? (11,10,3) : (12,11,10,3) p_data_test = zeros(Float32, _n) if MPI.Comm_rank(MPI.COMM_WORLD) == 0 p_data_test .= reshape(Float32[1:prod(_n);], _n) end copy!(p_data, p_data_test) p_data_test .= reshape(Float32[1:prod(_n);], _n) _p_data_test = convert(Array, p_data) if MPI.Comm_rank(MPI.COMM_WORLD) == 0 @test p_data_test ≈ _p_data_test end end @testset "convert data from rank 0 to DevitoMPIArray, then back, extra dimension, n=$n, nextra=$nextra, first=$first" for n in ( (11,10), (12,11,10) ), nextra in (1,2,5), first in (true,false) grid = Grid(shape = n, dtype = Float32) extradim = Dimension(name="extra") space_order = 2 time = stepping_dim(grid) if first funcdims = (extradim, dimensions(grid)...) funcshap = (nextra, n...) else funcdims = (dimensions(grid)..., extradim) funcshap = (n..., nextra) end timedims = (funcdims..., time) timeshap = (funcshap..., 2) b = Devito.Function(name="b", grid=grid, space_order=space_order, dimensions=funcdims, shape=funcshap) p = TimeFunction(name="p", grid=grid, time_order=2, space_order=space_order, dimensions=timedims, shape=timeshap) b_data = data(b) p_data = data(p) b_data_test = zeros(Float32, funcshap) p_data_test = zeros(Float32, timeshap) if MPI.Comm_rank(MPI.COMM_WORLD) == 0 b_data_test .= reshape(Float32[1:prod(funcshap);], funcshap) p_data_test .= reshape(Float32[1:prod(timeshap);], timeshap) end copy!(b_data, b_data_test) copy!(p_data, p_data_test) b_data_test .= reshape(Float32[1:prod(funcshap);], funcshap) p_data_test .= reshape(Float32[1:prod(timeshap);], timeshap) _b_data_test = convert(Array, b_data) _p_data_test = convert(Array, p_data) if MPI.Comm_rank(MPI.COMM_WORLD) == 0 @test b_data_test ≈ _b_data_test @test p_data_test ≈ _p_data_test end end @testset "convert data from rank 0 to DevitoMPIArray, then back, extra dimensions inhalo, n=$n, nextra=$nextra, first=$first" for n in ( (11,10), (12,11,10) ), nextra in (1,2,5), first in (false,true) grid = Grid(shape = n, dtype = Float32) extradim = Dimension(name="extra") space_order = 2 time = stepping_dim(grid) padded = (length(n) == 2 ? (15, 18) : (16, 15, 18)) if first funcdims = (extradim, dimensions(grid)...) funcshap = (nextra, n...) arrayshap = (nextra, padded...) else funcdims = (dimensions(grid)..., extradim) funcshap = (n..., nextra) arrayshap = (padded..., nextra) end timedims = (funcdims..., time) timeshap = (funcshap..., 2) timearrayshap = (arrayshap..., 2) b = Devito.Function(name="b", grid=grid, space_order=space_order, dimensions=funcdims, shape=funcshap) p = TimeFunction(name="p", grid=grid, time_order=2, space_order=space_order, dimensions=timedims, shape=timeshap) b_data = data_with_inhalo(b) p_data = data_with_inhalo(p) b_data_test = zeros(Float32, arrayshap) p_data_test = zeros(Float32, timearrayshap) if MPI.Comm_rank(MPI.COMM_WORLD) == 0 b_data_test .= reshape(Float32[1:prod(arrayshap);], arrayshap) p_data_test .= reshape(Float32[1:prod(timearrayshap);], timearrayshap) end copy!(b_data, b_data_test) copy!(p_data, p_data_test) b_data_test .= reshape(Float32[1:prod(arrayshap);], arrayshap) p_data_test .= reshape(Float32[1:prod(timearrayshap);], timearrayshap) _b_data_test = convert(Array, b_data) _p_data_test = convert(Array, p_data) if MPI.Comm_rank(MPI.COMM_WORLD) == 0 @test b_data_test ≈ _b_data_test @test p_data_test ≈ _p_data_test end end @testset "convert data from rank 0 to DevitoMPIArray, then back, extra dimensions with halo, n=$n, nextra=$nextra, first=$first" for n in ( (11,10), (12,11,10) ), nextra in (1,2,5), first in (false,true) grid = Grid(shape = n, dtype = Float32) extradim = Dimension(name="extra") space_order = 2 time = stepping_dim(grid) padded = (length(n) == 2 ? (15, 14) : (16, 15, 14)) if first funcdims = (extradim, dimensions(grid)...) funcshap = (nextra, n...) arrayshap = (nextra, padded...) else funcdims = (dimensions(grid)..., extradim) funcshap = (n..., nextra) arrayshap = (padded..., nextra) end timedims = (funcdims..., time) timeshap = (funcshap..., 2) timearrayshap = (arrayshap..., 2) b = Devito.Function(name="b", grid=grid, space_order=space_order, dimensions=funcdims, shape=funcshap) p = TimeFunction(name="p", grid=grid, time_order=2, space_order=space_order, dimensions=timedims, shape=timeshap) b_data = data_with_halo(b) p_data = data_with_halo(p) b_data_test = zeros(Float32, arrayshap) p_data_test = zeros(Float32, timearrayshap) if MPI.Comm_rank(MPI.COMM_WORLD) == 0 b_data_test .= reshape(Float32[1:prod(arrayshap);], arrayshap) p_data_test .= reshape(Float32[1:prod(timearrayshap);], timearrayshap) end copy!(b_data, b_data_test) copy!(p_data, p_data_test) b_data_test .= reshape(Float32[1:prod(arrayshap);], arrayshap) p_data_test .= reshape(Float32[1:prod(timearrayshap);], timearrayshap) _b_data_test = convert(Array, b_data) _p_data_test = convert(Array, p_data) if MPI.Comm_rank(MPI.COMM_WORLD) == 0 @test b_data_test ≈ _b_data_test @test p_data_test ≈ _p_data_test end end @testset "DevitoMPITimeArray coordinates check, 2D" begin ny,nx = 4,6 grd = Grid(shape=(ny,nx), extent=(ny-1,nx-1), dtype=Float32) time_order = 1 fx = TimeFunction(name="fx", grid=grd, time_order=time_order, save=time_order+1, allowpro=false) fy = TimeFunction(name="fy", grid=grd, time_order=time_order, save=time_order+1, allowpro=false) sx = SparseTimeFunction(name="sx", grid=grd, npoint=ny*nx, nt=time_order+1) sy = SparseTimeFunction(name="sy", grid=grd, npoint=ny*nx, nt=time_order+1) cx = [ix-1 for iy = 1:ny, ix=1:nx][:] cy = [iy-1 for iy = 1:ny, ix=1:nx][:] coords = zeros(Float32, 2, ny*nx) coords[1,:] .= cx coords[2,:] .= cy copy!(coordinates_data(sx), coords) copy!(coordinates_data(sy), coords) datx = reshape(Float32[ix for iy = 1:ny, ix=1:nx, it = 1:time_order+1][:], nx*ny, time_order+1) daty = reshape(Float32[iy for iy = 1:ny, ix=1:nx, it = 1:time_order+1][:], nx*ny, time_order+1) copy!(data(sx), datx) copy!(data(sy), daty) eqx = inject(sx, field=forward(fx), expr=sx) eqy = inject(sy, field=forward(fy), expr=sy) op = Operator([eqx, eqy], name="CoordOp") apply(op) x = convert(Array, data(fx)) y = convert(Array, data(fy)) if MPI.Comm_rank(MPI.COMM_WORLD) == 0 if VERSION >= v"1.7" @test x ≈ [0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0; 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0; 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0; 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0;;; 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0; 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0; 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0; 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0] @test y ≈ [0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0; 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0; 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0; 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0;;; 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0; 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0; 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0; 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0] else _x = zeros(Float32, ny, nx, 2) _x[:,:,1] .= [0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0; 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0; 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0; 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0] _x[:,:,2] .= [1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0; 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0; 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0; 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0] @test x ≈ _x _y = zeros(Float32, ny, nx, 2) _y[:,:,1] .= [0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0; 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0; 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0; 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0] _y[:,:,2] .= [1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0; 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0; 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0; 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0] @test y ≈ _y end end end @testset "DevitoMPITimeArray coordinates check, 3D" begin nz,ny,nx = 4,5,6 grd = Grid(shape=(nz,ny,nx), extent=(nz-1,ny-1,nx-1), dtype=Float32) time_order = 1 fx = TimeFunction(name="fx", grid=grd, time_order=time_order, allowpro=false, save=time_order+1) fy = TimeFunction(name="fy", grid=grd, time_order=time_order, allowpro=false, save=time_order+1) fz = TimeFunction(name="fz", grid=grd, time_order=time_order, allowpro=false, save=time_order+1) sx = SparseTimeFunction(name="sx", grid=grd, npoint=nz*ny*nx, nt=time_order+1) sy = SparseTimeFunction(name="sy", grid=grd, npoint=nz*ny*nx, nt=time_order+1) sz = SparseTimeFunction(name="sz", grid=grd, npoint=nz*ny*nx, nt=time_order+1) cx = [ix-1 for iz = 1:nz, iy = 1:ny, ix=1:nx][:] cy = [iy-1 for iz = 1:nz, iy = 1:ny, ix=1:nx][:] cz = [iz-1 for iz = 1:nz, iy = 1:ny, ix=1:nx][:] coords = zeros(Float32, 3, nz*ny*nx) coords[1,:] .= cx coords[2,:] .= cy coords[3,:] .= cz copy!(coordinates_data(sx), coords) copy!(coordinates_data(sy), coords) copy!(coordinates_data(sz), coords) datx = reshape(Float32[ix for iz = 1:nz, iy = 1:ny, ix=1:nx, it = 1:time_order+1][:], nx*ny*nz, time_order+1) daty = reshape(Float32[iy for iz = 1:nz, iy = 1:ny, ix=1:nx, it = 1:time_order+1][:], nx*ny*nz, time_order+1) datz = reshape(Float32[iz for iz = 1:nz, iy = 1:ny, ix=1:nx, it = 1:time_order+1][:], nx*ny*nz, time_order+1) copy!(data(sx), datx) copy!(data(sy), daty) copy!(data(sz), datz) eqx = inject(sx, field=forward(fx), expr=sx) eqy = inject(sy, field=forward(fy), expr=sy) eqz = inject(sz, field=forward(fz), expr=sz) op = Operator([eqx, eqy, eqz], name="CoordOp") apply(op) x = convert(Array, data(fx)) y = convert(Array, data(fy)) z = convert(Array, data(fz)) if MPI.Comm_rank(MPI.COMM_WORLD) == 0 if VERSION >= v"1.7" @test x ≈ [0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0; 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0; 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0; 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0;;; 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0; 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0; 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0; 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0;;; 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0; 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0; 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0; 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0;;; 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0; 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0; 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0; 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0;;; 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0; 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0; 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0; 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0;;; 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0; 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0; 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0; 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0;;;; 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0; 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0; 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0; 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0;;; 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0; 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0; 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0; 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0;;; 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0; 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0; 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0; 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0;;; 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0; 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0; 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0; 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0;;; 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0; 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0; 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0; 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0;;; 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0; 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0; 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0; 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0] @test y ≈ [0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0; 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0; 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0; 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0;;; 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0; 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0; 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0; 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0;;; 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0; 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0; 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0; 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0;;; 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0; 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0; 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0; 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0;;; 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0; 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0; 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0; 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0;;; 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0; 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0; 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0; 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0;;;; 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0; 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0; 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0; 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0;;; 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0; 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0; 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0; 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0;;; 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0; 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0; 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0; 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0;;; 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0; 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0; 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0; 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0;;; 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0; 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0; 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0; 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0;;; 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0; 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0; 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0; 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0] @test z ≈ [0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0; 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0; 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0; 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0;;; 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0; 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0; 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0; 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0;;; 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0; 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0; 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0; 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0;;; 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0; 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0; 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0; 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0;;; 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0; 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0; 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0; 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0;;; 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0; 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0; 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0; 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0;;;; 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0; 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0; 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0; 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0;;; 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0; 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0; 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0; 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0;;; 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0; 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0; 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0; 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0;;; 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0; 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0; 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0; 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0;;; 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0; 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0; 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0; 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0;;; 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0; 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0; 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0; 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0] end end end @testset "Sparse function coordinates, n=$n, npoint=$npoint" for n in ( (11,10), (12,11,10) ), npoint in (1, 5, 10) grid = Grid(shape=n, dtype=Float32) sf = SparseFunction(name="sf", npoint=npoint, grid=grid) sf_coords = coordinates_data(sf) @test isa(sf_coords, Devito.DevitoMPIArray) @test size(sf_coords) == (length(n),npoint) x = reshape(Float32[1:length(n)*npoint;], length(n), npoint) copy!(sf_coords, x) if MPI.Comm_rank(MPI.COMM_WORLD) == 0 if npoint == 1 @test isempty(parent(sf_coords)) elseif npoint == 5 @test parent(sf_coords) ≈ (x[:,1:2]) elseif npoint == 10 @test parent(sf_coords) ≈ (x[:,1:5]) end else if npoint == 1 @test parent(sf_coords) ≈ x elseif npoint == 5 @test parent(sf_coords) ≈ (x[:,3:end]) elseif npoint == 10 @test parent(sf_coords) ≈ (x[:,6:end]) end end # round trip _sf_coords = convert(Array,coordinates_data(sf)) if MPI.Comm_rank(MPI.COMM_WORLD) == 0 @test _sf_coords ≈ x end end @testset "Sparse time function coordinates, n=$n, npoint=$npoint" for n in ( (11,10), (12,11,10) ), npoint in (1, 5, 10) grid = Grid(shape=n, dtype=Float32) stf = SparseTimeFunction(name="stf", npoint=npoint, nt=100, grid=grid) stf_coords = coordinates_data(stf) @test isa(stf_coords, Devito.DevitoMPIArray) @test size(stf_coords) == (length(n),npoint) x = reshape(Float32[1:length(n)*npoint;], length(n), npoint) copy!(stf_coords, x) if MPI.Comm_rank(MPI.COMM_WORLD) == 0 if npoint == 1 @test isempty(parent(stf_coords)) elseif npoint == 5 @test parent(stf_coords) ≈ (x[:,1:2]) elseif npoint == 10 @test parent(stf_coords) ≈ (x[:,1:5]) end else if npoint == 1 @test parent(stf_coords) ≈ x elseif npoint == 5 @test parent(stf_coords) ≈ (x[:,3:end]) elseif npoint == 10 @test parent(stf_coords) ≈ (x[:,6:end]) end end # round trip _stf_coords = convert(Array,coordinates_data(stf)) if MPI.Comm_rank(MPI.COMM_WORLD) == 0 @test _stf_coords ≈ x end end @testset "Sparse function size npoint=$npoint" for npoint in (1,5) grid = Grid(shape=(11,12), dtype=Float32) nt = 100 sf = SparseFunction(name="sf", npoint=npoint, grid=grid) @test size(sf) == (npoint,) @test size_with_halo(sf) == (npoint,) end @testset "Sparse time function size npoint=$npoint" for npoint in (1,5) grid = Grid(shape=(11,12), dtype=Float32) nt = 100 stf = SparseTimeFunction(name="stf", npoint=npoint, nt=nt, grid=grid) @test size(stf) == (npoint,nt) @test size_with_halo(stf) == (npoint,nt) end @testset "Sparse function, copy!, n=$n, npoint=$npoint" for n in ( (11,10), (12,11,10) ), npoint in (1, 5, 10) grid = Grid(shape=n, dtype=Float32) sf = SparseFunction(name="sf", npoint=npoint, grid=grid) x = Array{Float32}(undef,0) if MPI.Comm_rank(MPI.COMM_WORLD) == 0 x = Float32[1:npoint;] end _x = data(sf) copy!(_x, x) x = Float32[1:npoint;] if MPI.Comm_rank(MPI.COMM_WORLD) == 0 if npoint == 1 @test isempty(parent(_x)) elseif npoint == 5 @test parent(_x) ≈ x[1:2] elseif npoint == 10 @test parent(_x) ≈ x[1:5] end else if npoint == 1 @test parent(_x) ≈ x elseif npoint == 5 @test parent(_x) ≈ x[3:5] elseif npoint == 10 @test parent(_x) ≈ x[6:10] end end end @testset "Sparse time function, copy!, n=$n, npoint=$npoint" for n in ( (11,10), (12,11,10) ), npoint in (1, 5, 10) grid = Grid(shape=n, dtype=Float32) nt = 100 stf = SparseTimeFunction(name="stf", npoint=npoint, nt=nt, grid=grid) x = Matrix{Float32}(undef,0,0) if MPI.Comm_rank(MPI.COMM_WORLD) == 0 x = reshape(Float32[1:prod(nt*npoint);], npoint, nt) end _x = data(stf) copy!(_x, x) x = reshape(Float32[1:prod(nt*npoint);], npoint, nt) if MPI.Comm_rank(MPI.COMM_WORLD) == 0 if npoint == 1 @test isempty(parent(_x)) elseif npoint == 5 @test parent(_x) ≈ x[1:2,:] elseif npoint == 10 @test parent(_x) ≈ x[1:5,:] end else if npoint == 1 @test parent(_x) ≈ x elseif npoint == 5 @test parent(_x) ≈ x[3:5,:] elseif npoint == 10 @test parent(_x) ≈ x[6:10,:] end end end @testset "Sparse function, copy! and convert, n=$n, npoint=$npoint" for n in ( (11,10), (12,11,10) ), npoint in (1, 5, 10) grid = Grid(shape=n, dtype=Float32) sf = SparseFunction(name="sf", npoint=npoint, grid=grid) x = zeros(Float32, npoint) if MPI.Comm_rank(MPI.COMM_WORLD) == 0 x .= Float32[1:npoint;] end MPI.Barrier(MPI.COMM_WORLD) _x = data(sf) @test isa(data(sf), Devito.DevitoMPISparseArray) copy!(_x, x) x .= Float32[1:npoint;] __x = convert(Array, _x) if MPI.Comm_rank(MPI.COMM_WORLD) == 0 @test __x ≈ x end end @testset "Sparse time function, copy! and convert, n=$n, npoint=$npoint" for n in ( (11,10), (12,11,10) ), npoint in (1, 5, 10) grid = Grid(shape=n, dtype=Float32) nt = 100 stf = SparseTimeFunction(name="stf", npoint=npoint, nt=nt, grid=grid) x = zeros(Float32, npoint, nt) if MPI.Comm_rank(MPI.COMM_WORLD) == 0 x .= reshape(Float32[1:prod(nt*npoint);], npoint, nt) end MPI.Barrier(MPI.COMM_WORLD) _x = data(stf) @test isa(data(stf), Devito.DevitoMPISparseTimeArray) copy!(_x, x) x .= reshape(Float32[1:prod(nt*npoint);], npoint, nt) __x = convert(Array, _x) if MPI.Comm_rank(MPI.COMM_WORLD) == 0 @test __x ≈ x end end @testset "DevitoMPISparseTimeArray copy! axes check, n=$n" for n in ( (11,10), (12,11,10) ) grid = Grid(shape=n, dtype=Float32) stf = SparseTimeFunction(name="stf", npoint=10, nt=100, grid=grid) stf_data = data(stf) @test size(stf_data) == (10,100) x = rand(100,10) if MPI.Comm_rank(MPI.COMM_WORLD) == 0 @test_throws ArgumentError copy!(stf_data, x) end end @testset "MPI Getindex for Function n=$n" for n in ( (11,10), (5,4), (7,2), (4,5,6), (2,3,4) ) N = length(n) rnk = MPI.Comm_rank(MPI.COMM_WORLD) grid = Grid(shape=n, dtype=Float32) f = Devito.Function(name="f", grid=grid) arr = reshape(1f0*[1:prod(size(grid));], size(grid)) copy!(data(f), arr) nchecks = 10 Random.seed!(1234); for check in 1:nchecks i = rand((1:n[1])) j = rand((1:n[2])) I = (i,j) if N == 3 k = rand((1:n[3])) I = (i,j,k) end @test data(f)[I...] == arr[I...] end if N == 2 @test data(f)[1:div(n[1],2),:] ≈ arr[1:div(n[1],2),:] else @test data(f)[1:div(n[1],2),div(n[2],3):2*div(n[2],3),:] ≈ arr[1:div(n[1],2),div(n[2],3):2*div(n[2],3),:] end end @testset "MPI Getindex for TimeFunction n=$n" for n in ( (11,10), (5,4), (7,2), (4,5,6), (2,3,4) ) N = length(n) nt = 5 rnk = MPI.Comm_rank(MPI.COMM_WORLD) grid = Grid(shape=n, dtype=Float32) f = TimeFunction(name="f", grid=grid, save=nt, allowpro=false) arr = reshape(1f0*[1:prod(size(data(f)));], size(data(f))) copy!(data(f), arr) nchecks = 10 Random.seed!(1234); for check in 1:nchecks i = rand((1:n[1])) j = rand((1:n[2])) I = (i,j) if N == 3 k = rand((1:n[3])) I = (i,j,k) end m = rand((1:nt)) I = (I...,m) @test data(f)[I...] == arr[I...] end if N == 2 @test data(f)[1:div(n[1],2),:,1:div(nt,2)] ≈ arr[1:div(n[1],2),:,1:div(nt,2)] else @test data(f)[1:div(n[1],2),div(n[2],3):2*div(n[2],3),:,1:div(nt,2)] ≈ arr[1:div(n[1],2),div(n[2],3):2*div(n[2],3),:,1:div(nt,2)] end end @testset "MPI Getindex for SparseFunction n=$n npoint=$npoint" for n in ( (5,4),(4,5,6) ), npoint in (1,5,10) N = length(n) nt = 5 rnk = MPI.Comm_rank(MPI.COMM_WORLD) grid = Grid(shape=n, dtype=Float32) f = SparseFunction(name="f", grid=grid, npoint=npoint) arr = reshape(1f0*[1:prod(size(data(f)));], size(data(f))) copy!(data(f), arr) nchecks = 10 Random.seed!(1234); for check in 1:nchecks i = rand((1:npoint)) I = (i,) @test data(f)[I...] == arr[I...] end if npoint > 1 @test data(f)[1:div(npoint,2)] ≈ arr[1:div(npoint,2)] else @test data(f)[1] == arr[1] end end @testset "MPI Getindex for SparseTimeFunction n=$n npoint=$npoint" for n in ( (5,4),(4,5,6) ), npoint in (1,5,10) N = length(n) nt = 5 rnk = MPI.Comm_rank(MPI.COMM_WORLD) grid = Grid(shape=n, dtype=Float32) f = SparseTimeFunction(name="f", grid=grid, nt=nt, npoint=npoint) arr = reshape(1f0*[1:prod(size(data(f)));], size(data(f))) copy!(data(f), arr) nchecks = 10 Random.seed!(1234); for check in 1:nchecks i = rand((1:npoint)) j = rand((1:nt)) I = (i,j) @test data(f)[I...] == arr[I...] end if npoint > 1 @test data(f)[1:div(npoint,2),2:end-1] ≈ arr[1:div(npoint,2),2:end-1] else @test data(f)[1,2:end-1] ≈ arr[1,2:end-1] end end @testset "MPI setindex! for Function n=$n, T=$T" for n in ( (11,10), (5,4), (7,2), (4,5,6), (2,3,4) ), T in (Float32,Float64) N = length(n) my_rnk = MPI.Comm_rank(MPI.COMM_WORLD) grid = Grid(shape=n, dtype=T) f = Devito.Function(name="f", grid=grid) base_array = reshape(one(T)*[1:prod(size(grid));], size(grid)) send_arr = zeros(T, (0 .* n)...) expected_arr = zeros(T, (0 .* n)...) if my_rnk == 0 send_arr = base_array expected_arr = zeros(T, n...) end nchecks = 10 Random.seed!(1234); local indexes if N == 2 indexes = [rand((1:n[1]),nchecks) rand((1:n[2]),nchecks) ;] else indexes = [rand((1:n[1]),nchecks) rand((1:n[2]),nchecks) rand((1:n[3]),nchecks);] end for check in 1:nchecks data(f)[indexes[check,:]...] = (my_rnk == 0 ? send_arr[indexes[check,:]...] : zero(T)) if my_rnk == 0 expected_arr[indexes[check,:]...] = base_array[indexes[check,:]...] end @test data(f)[indexes[check,:]...] == base_array[indexes[check,:]...] end made_array = convert(Array,data(f)) if my_rnk == 0 @test made_array ≈ expected_arr end end @testset "MPI setindex! for TimeFunction n=$n, T=$T" for n in ( (11,10), (5,4), (7,2), (4,5,6), (2,3,4) ), T in (Float32,Float64) N = length(n) time_order = 2 my_rnk = MPI.Comm_rank(MPI.COMM_WORLD) grid = Grid(shape=n, dtype=T) f = TimeFunction(name="f", grid=grid, time_order=time_order) base_array = reshape(one(T)*[1:prod(size(data(f)));], size(data(f))) send_arr = zeros(T, (0 .* size(data(f)))...) expected_arr = zeros(T, (0 .* size(data(f)))...) if my_rnk == 0 send_arr = base_array expected_arr = zeros(T, size(base_array)...) end nchecks = 10 Random.seed!(1234); local indexes if N == 2 indexes = [rand((1:n[1]),nchecks) rand((1:n[2]),nchecks) rand((1:time_order+1),nchecks);] else indexes = [rand((1:n[1]),nchecks) rand((1:n[2]),nchecks) rand((1:n[3]),nchecks) rand((1:time_order+1),nchecks);] end for check in 1:nchecks data(f)[indexes[check,:]...] = (my_rnk == 0 ? send_arr[indexes[check,:]...] : zero(T) ) if my_rnk == 0 expected_arr[indexes[check,:]...] = base_array[indexes[check,:]...] end @test data(f)[indexes[check,:]...] == base_array[indexes[check,:]...] end made_array = convert(Array,data(f)) if my_rnk == 0 @test made_array ≈ expected_arr end end @testset "MPI settindex! for SparseTimeFunction n=$n, npoint=$npoint, T=$T" for n in ( (5,4),(4,5,6) ), npoint in (1,5,10), T in (Float32,Float64) N = length(n) nt = 11 my_rnk = MPI.Comm_rank(MPI.COMM_WORLD) grid = Grid(shape=n, dtype=T) f = SparseTimeFunction(name="f", grid=grid, nt=nt, npoint=npoint) base_array = reshape(one(T)*[1:prod(size(data(f)));], size(data(f))) send_arr = zeros(T, (0 .* size(data(f)))...) expected_arr = zeros(T, (0 .* size(data(f)))...) if my_rnk == 0 send_arr = base_array expected_arr = zeros(T, size(base_array)...) end nchecks = 10 Random.seed!(1234); indexes = [rand((1:npoint),nchecks) rand((1:nt),nchecks);] for check in 1:nchecks data(f)[indexes[check,:]...] = (my_rnk == 0 ? send_arr[indexes[check,:]...] : zero(T) ) if my_rnk == 0 expected_arr[indexes[check,:]...] = base_array[indexes[check,:]...] end @test data(f)[indexes[check,:]...] == base_array[indexes[check,:]...] end made_array = convert(Array,data(f)) if my_rnk == 0 @test made_array ≈ expected_arr end end @testset "MPI settindex! for SparseFunction n=$n, npoint=$npoint, T=$T" for n in ( (5,4),(4,5,6) ), npoint in (1,5,10), T in (Float32,Float64) N = length(n) my_rnk = MPI.Comm_rank(MPI.COMM_WORLD) grid = Grid(shape=n, dtype=T) f = SparseFunction(name="f", grid=grid, npoint=npoint) base_array = reshape(one(T)*[1:prod(size(data(f)));], size(data(f))) send_arr = zeros(T, (0 .* size(data(f)))...) expected_arr = zeros(T, (0 .* size(data(f)))...) if my_rnk == 0 send_arr = base_array expected_arr = zeros(T, size(base_array)...) end nchecks = 10 Random.seed!(1234); indexes = [rand((1:npoint),nchecks);] for check in 1:nchecks data(f)[indexes[check,:]...] = (my_rnk == 0 ? send_arr[indexes[check,:]...] : zero(T) ) if my_rnk == 0 expected_arr[indexes[check,:]...] = base_array[indexes[check,:]...] end @test data(f)[indexes[check,:]...] == base_array[indexes[check,:]...] end made_array = convert(Array,data(f)) if my_rnk == 0 @test made_array ≈ expected_arr end end
[ "MIT" ]
using Devito, MPI, Random, Strided, Test MPI.Init() configuration!("log-level", "DEBUG") configuration!("language", "openmp") configuration!("mpi", true) @testset "DevitoMPIArray, copy!, no halo, n=$n" for n in ( (11,10), (12,11,10)) grid = Grid(shape=n, dtype=Float32) b = Devito.Function(name="b", grid=grid, space_order=2) b_data = data(b) @test isa(b_data, Devito.DevitoMPIArray{Float32,length(n)}) @test size(b_data) == n b_data_test = zeros(Float32, n) if MPI.Comm_rank(MPI.COMM_WORLD) == 0 b_data_test = reshape(Float32[1:prod(n);], n) end copy!(b_data, b_data_test) _b_data = data(b) b_data_test = reshape(Float32[1:prod(n);], n) for rnk in 0:3 if MPI.Comm_rank(MPI.COMM_WORLD) == rnk if rnk == 0 if length(n) == 2 @test parent(_b_data) ≈ b_data_test[1:6,1:5] @test parent(b_data) ≈ b_data_test[1:6,1:5] else @test parent(_b_data) ≈ b_data_test[:,1:6,1:5] @test parent(b_data) ≈ b_data_test[:,1:6,1:5] end @test isa(parent(_b_data), StridedView) end if rnk == 1 if length(n) == 2 @test parent(_b_data) ≈ b_data_test[7:11,1:5] @test parent(b_data) ≈ b_data_test[7:11,1:5] else @test parent(_b_data) ≈ b_data_test[:,7:11,1:5] @test parent(b_data) ≈ b_data_test[:,7:11,1:5] end @test isa(parent(_b_data), StridedView) end if rnk == 2 if length(n) == 2 @test parent(_b_data) ≈ b_data_test[1:6,6:10] @test parent(b_data) ≈ b_data_test[1:6,6:10] else @test parent(_b_data) ≈ b_data_test[:,1:6,6:10] @test parent(b_data) ≈ b_data_test[:,1:6,6:10] end @test isa(parent(_b_data), StridedView) end if rnk == 3 if length(n) == 2 @test parent(_b_data) ≈ b_data_test[7:11,6:10] @test parent(b_data) ≈ b_data_test[7:11,6:10] else @test parent(_b_data) ≈ b_data_test[:,7:11,6:10] @test parent(b_data) ≈ b_data_test[:,7:11,6:10] end @test isa(parent(_b_data), StridedView) end end MPI.Barrier(MPI.COMM_WORLD) end end @testset "Convert data from rank 0 to DevitoMPIArray then back, no halo, n=$n" for n in ( (11,10), (12,11,10) ) grid = Grid(shape=n, dtype=Float32) b = Devito.Function(name="b", grid=grid, space_order=2) b_data = data(b) b_data_test = zeros(Float32, n) if MPI.Comm_rank(MPI.COMM_WORLD) == 0 b_data_test .= reshape(Float32[1:prod(n);], n) end copy!(b_data, b_data_test) _b_data = data(b) b_data_out = convert(Array, _b_data) if MPI.Comm_rank(MPI.COMM_WORLD) == 0 @test b_data_out ≈ b_data_test end MPI.Barrier(MPI.COMM_WORLD) end @testset "DevitoMPITimeArray, copy!, data, no halo, n=$n" for n in ( (11,10), (12,11,10)) grid = Grid(shape = n, dtype = Float32) b = Devito.Function(name="b", grid=grid, space_order=2) p = TimeFunction(name="p", grid=grid, time_order=2, space_order=2) p_data = data(p) _n = length(n) == 2 ? (11,10,3) : (12,11,10,3) p_data_test = zeros(Float32, _n) if MPI.Comm_rank(MPI.COMM_WORLD) == 0 p_data_test .= reshape(Float32[1:prod(_n);], _n) end copy!(p_data, p_data_test) p_data_test .= reshape(Float32[1:prod(_n);], _n) p_data_local = parent(p_data) if MPI.Comm_rank(MPI.COMM_WORLD) == 0 if length(n) == 2 @test p_data_local ≈ p_data_test[1:6,1:5,:] else @test p_data_local ≈ p_data_test[:,1:6,1:5,:] end end if MPI.Comm_rank(MPI.COMM_WORLD) == 1 if length(n) == 2 @test p_data_local ≈ p_data_test[7:11,1:5,:] else @test p_data_local ≈ p_data_test[:,7:11,1:5,:] end end if MPI.Comm_rank(MPI.COMM_WORLD) == 2 if length(n) == 2 @test p_data_local ≈ p_data_test[1:6,6:10,:] else @test p_data_local ≈ p_data_test[:,1:6,6:10,:] end end if MPI.Comm_rank(MPI.COMM_WORLD) == 3 if length(n) == 2 @test p_data_local ≈ p_data_test[7:11,6:10,:] else @test p_data_local ≈ p_data_test[:,7:11,6:10,:] end end MPI.Barrier(MPI.COMM_WORLD) end @testset "convert data from rank 0 to DevitoMPIArray, then back, extra dimension, n=$n, nextra=$nextra, first=$first" for n in ( (11,10), (12,11,10) ), nextra in (1,2,5), first in (true,false) grid = Grid(shape = n, dtype = Float32) extradim = Dimension(name="extra") space_order = 2 time = stepping_dim(grid) if first funcdims = (extradim, dimensions(grid)...) funcshap = (nextra, n...) else funcdims = (dimensions(grid)..., extradim) funcshap = (n..., nextra) end timedims = (funcdims..., time) timeshap = (funcshap..., 2) b = Devito.Function(name="b", grid=grid, space_order=space_order, dimensions=funcdims, shape=funcshap) p = TimeFunction(name="p", grid=grid, time_order=2, space_order=space_order, dimensions=timedims, shape=timeshap) b_data = data(b) p_data = data(p) @debug "making test data on rank $(MPI.Comm_rank(MPI.COMM_WORLD))" b_data_test = zeros(Float32, funcshap) p_data_test = zeros(Float32, timeshap) if MPI.Comm_rank(MPI.COMM_WORLD) == 0 b_data_test .= reshape(Float32[1:prod(funcshap);], funcshap) p_data_test .= reshape(Float32[1:prod(timeshap);], timeshap) end copy!(b_data, b_data_test) copy!(p_data, p_data_test) b_data_test .= reshape(Float32[1:prod(funcshap);], funcshap) p_data_test .= reshape(Float32[1:prod(timeshap);], timeshap) _b_data_test = convert(Array, b_data) _p_data_test = convert(Array, p_data) if MPI.Comm_rank(MPI.COMM_WORLD) == 0 @test b_data_test ≈ _b_data_test @test p_data_test ≈ _p_data_test end end @testset "convert data from rank 0 to DevitoMPIArray, then back, extra dimensions inhalo, n=$n, nextra=$nextra, first=$first" for n in ( (11,10), (12,11,10) ), nextra in (1,2,5), first in (false,true) grid = Grid(shape = n, dtype = Float32) extradim = Dimension(name="extra") space_order = 2 time = stepping_dim(grid) padded = (length(n) == 2 ? (19, 18) : (16, 19, 18)) if first funcdims = (extradim, dimensions(grid)...) funcshap = (nextra, n...) arrayshap = (nextra, padded...) else funcdims = (dimensions(grid)..., extradim) funcshap = (n..., nextra) arrayshap = (padded..., nextra) end timedims = (funcdims..., time) timeshap = (funcshap..., 2) timearrayshap = (arrayshap..., 2) b = Devito.Function(name="b", grid=grid, space_order=space_order, dimensions=funcdims, shape=funcshap) p = TimeFunction(name="p", grid=grid, time_order=2, space_order=space_order, dimensions=timedims, shape=timeshap) b_data = data_with_inhalo(b) p_data = data_with_inhalo(p) b_data_test = zeros(Float32, arrayshap) p_data_test = zeros(Float32, timearrayshap) if MPI.Comm_rank(MPI.COMM_WORLD) == 0 b_data_test .= reshape(Float32[1:prod(arrayshap);], arrayshap) p_data_test .= reshape(Float32[1:prod(timearrayshap);], timearrayshap) end copy!(b_data, b_data_test) copy!(p_data, p_data_test) b_data_test .= reshape(Float32[1:prod(arrayshap);], arrayshap) p_data_test .= reshape(Float32[1:prod(timearrayshap);], timearrayshap) _b_data_test = convert(Array, b_data) _p_data_test = convert(Array, p_data) if MPI.Comm_rank(MPI.COMM_WORLD) == 0 @test b_data_test ≈ _b_data_test @test p_data_test ≈ _p_data_test end end @testset "convert data from rank 0 to DevitoMPIArray, then back, extra dimensions with halo, n=$n, nextra=$nextra, first=$first" for n in ( (11,10), (12,11,10) ), nextra in (1,2,5), first in (false,true) grid = Grid(shape = n, dtype = Float32) extradim = Dimension(name="extra") space_order = 2 time = stepping_dim(grid) padded = (length(n) == 2 ? (15, 14) : (16, 15, 14)) if first funcdims = (extradim, dimensions(grid)...) funcshap = (nextra, n...) arrayshap = (nextra, padded...) else funcdims = (dimensions(grid)..., extradim) funcshap = (n..., nextra) arrayshap = (padded..., nextra) end timedims = (funcdims..., time) timeshap = (funcshap..., 2) timearrayshap = (arrayshap..., 2) b = Devito.Function(name="b", grid=grid, space_order=space_order, dimensions=funcdims, shape=funcshap) p = TimeFunction(name="p", grid=grid, time_order=2, space_order=space_order, dimensions=timedims, shape=timeshap) b_data = data_with_halo(b) @show size(b_data) p_data = data_with_halo(p) b_data_test = zeros(Float32, arrayshap) p_data_test = zeros(Float32, timearrayshap) if MPI.Comm_rank(MPI.COMM_WORLD) == 0 b_data_test .= reshape(Float32[1:prod(arrayshap);], arrayshap) p_data_test .= reshape(Float32[1:prod(timearrayshap);], timearrayshap) end copy!(b_data, b_data_test) copy!(p_data, p_data_test) b_data_test .= reshape(Float32[1:prod(arrayshap);], arrayshap) p_data_test .= reshape(Float32[1:prod(timearrayshap);], timearrayshap) _b_data_test = convert(Array, b_data) _p_data_test = convert(Array, p_data) if MPI.Comm_rank(MPI.COMM_WORLD) == 0 @test b_data_test ≈ _b_data_test @test p_data_test ≈ _p_data_test end end @testset "convert data from rank 0 to DevitoSparseMPIArray, then back, extra dimension n=$n, nextra=$nextra, npoint=$npoint, first=$first" for n in ( (11,10), (12,11,10) ), nextra in (1,2,5), first in (true,false), npoint in (1,2,5) grid = Grid(shape = n, dtype = Float32) extradim = Dimension(name="extra") space_order = 2 prec = Dimension(name="prec") npoint = 8 sparsedims = (extradim, prec) sparseshape = (nextra, npoint) if ~first sparsedims = reverse(sparsedims) sparseshape = reverse(sparseshape) sf = SparseFunction(name="sf", grid=grid, dimensions=sparsedims, shape=sparseshape, npoint=npoint) else sf = CoordSlowSparseFunction(name="sf", grid=grid, dimensions=sparsedims, shape=sparseshape, npoint=npoint) end sf_data_test = zeros(Float32, sparseshape...) if MPI.Comm_rank(MPI.COMM_WORLD) == 0 sf_data_test .= reshape(Float32[1:prod(sparseshape);], sparseshape) end copy!( data(sf), sf_data_test) _sf_data_test = convert(Array, data(sf)) if MPI.Comm_rank(MPI.COMM_WORLD) == 0 @test sf_data_test ≈ _sf_data_test end end @testset "convert data from rank 0 to DevitoSparseMPITimeArray, then back, extra dimension n=$n, nextra=$nextra, npoint=$npoint, nt=$nt" for n in ( (11,10), (12,11,10) ), nextra in (1,2,5), npoint in (1,2,5), nt in (1,5,10) grid = Grid(shape = n, dtype = Float32) extradim = Dimension(name="extra") space_order = 2 t = time_dim(grid) prec = Dimension(name="prec") npoint = 8 sparsedims = (prec, extradim, t) sparseshape = (npoint, nextra, nt) sf = SparseTimeFunction(name="sf", grid=grid, dimensions=sparsedims, shape=sparseshape, npoint=npoint, nt=nt) sf_data_test = zeros(Float32, sparseshape...) if MPI.Comm_rank(MPI.COMM_WORLD) == 0 sf_data_test .= reshape(Float32[1:prod(sparseshape);], sparseshape) end copy!( data(sf), sf_data_test) _sf_data_test = convert(Array, data(sf)) if MPI.Comm_rank(MPI.COMM_WORLD) == 0 @test sf_data_test ≈ _sf_data_test end end @testset "DevitoMPITimeArray coordinates check" begin ny,nx = 4,6 grd = Grid(shape=(ny,nx), extent=(ny-1,nx-1), dtype=Float32) time_order = 1 fx = TimeFunction(name="fx", grid=grd, time_order=time_order, save=time_order+1, allowpro=false) fy = TimeFunction(name="fy", grid=grd, time_order=time_order, save=time_order+1, allowpro=false) sx = SparseTimeFunction(name="sx", grid=grd, npoint=ny*nx, nt=time_order+1) sy = SparseTimeFunction(name="sy", grid=grd, npoint=ny*nx, nt=time_order+1) cx = [ix-1 for iy = 1:ny, ix=1:nx][:] cy = [iy-1 for iy = 1:ny, ix=1:nx][:] coords = zeros(Float32, 2, ny*nx) coords[1,:] .= cx coords[2,:] .= cy copy!(coordinates_data(sx), coords) copy!(coordinates_data(sy), coords) datx = reshape(Float32[ix for iy = 1:ny, ix=1:nx, it = 1:time_order+1][:], nx*ny, time_order+1) daty = reshape(Float32[iy for iy = 1:ny, ix=1:nx, it = 1:time_order+1][:], nx*ny, time_order+1) copy!(data(sx), datx) copy!(data(sy), daty) eqx = inject(sx, field=forward(fx), expr=sx) eqy = inject(sy, field=forward(fy), expr=sy) op = Operator([eqx, eqy], name="CoordOp") apply(op) x = convert(Array, data(fx)) y = convert(Array, data(fy)) if MPI.Comm_rank(MPI.COMM_WORLD) == 0 if VERSION >= v"1.7" @test x ≈ [0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0; 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0; 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0; 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0;;; 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0; 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0; 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0; 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0] @test y ≈ [0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0; 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0; 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0; 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0;;; 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0; 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0; 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0; 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0] else _x = zeros(Float32, ny, nx, 2) _x[:,:,1] .= [0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0; 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0; 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0; 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0] _x[:,:,2] .= [1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0; 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0; 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0; 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0] @test x ≈ _x _y = zeros(Float32, ny, nx, 2) _y[:,:,1] .= [0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0; 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0; 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0; 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0] _y[:,:,2] .= [1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0; 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0; 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0; 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0] @test y ≈ _y end end end @testset "DevitoMPITimeArray coordinates check, 3D" begin nz,ny,nx = 4,5,6 grd = Grid(shape=(nz,ny,nx), extent=(nz-1,ny-1,nx-1), dtype=Float32) time_order = 1 fx = TimeFunction(name="fx", grid=grd, time_order=time_order, save=time_order+1, allowpro=false) fy = TimeFunction(name="fy", grid=grd, time_order=time_order, save=time_order+1, allowpro=false) fz = TimeFunction(name="fz", grid=grd, time_order=time_order, save=time_order+1, allowpro=false) sx = SparseTimeFunction(name="sx", grid=grd, npoint=nz*ny*nx, nt=time_order+1) sy = SparseTimeFunction(name="sy", grid=grd, npoint=nz*ny*nx, nt=time_order+1) sz = SparseTimeFunction(name="sz", grid=grd, npoint=nz*ny*nx, nt=time_order+1) cx = [ix-1 for iz = 1:nz, iy = 1:ny, ix=1:nx][:] cy = [iy-1 for iz = 1:nz, iy = 1:ny, ix=1:nx][:] cz = [iz-1 for iz = 1:nz, iy = 1:ny, ix=1:nx][:] coords = zeros(Float32, 3, nz*ny*nx) coords[1,:] .= cx coords[2,:] .= cy coords[3,:] .= cz copy!(coordinates_data(sx), coords) copy!(coordinates_data(sy), coords) copy!(coordinates_data(sz), coords) datx = reshape(Float32[ix for iz = 1:nz, iy = 1:ny, ix=1:nx, it = 1:time_order+1][:], nx*ny*nz, time_order+1) daty = reshape(Float32[iy for iz = 1:nz, iy = 1:ny, ix=1:nx, it = 1:time_order+1][:], nx*ny*nz, time_order+1) datz = reshape(Float32[iz for iz = 1:nz, iy = 1:ny, ix=1:nx, it = 1:time_order+1][:], nx*ny*nz, time_order+1) copy!(data(sx), datx) copy!(data(sy), daty) copy!(data(sz), datz) eqx = inject(sx, field=forward(fx), expr=sx) eqy = inject(sy, field=forward(fy), expr=sy) eqz = inject(sz, field=forward(fz), expr=sz) op = Operator([eqx, eqy, eqz], name="CoordOp") apply(op) x = convert(Array, data(fx)) y = convert(Array, data(fy)) z = convert(Array, data(fz)) if MPI.Comm_rank(MPI.COMM_WORLD) == 0 if VERSION >= v"1.7" @test x ≈ [0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0; 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0; 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0; 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0;;; 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0; 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0; 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0; 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0;;; 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0; 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0; 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0; 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0;;; 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0; 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0; 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0; 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0;;; 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0; 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0; 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0; 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0;;; 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0; 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0; 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0; 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0;;;; 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0; 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0; 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0; 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0;;; 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0; 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0; 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0; 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0;;; 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0; 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0; 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0; 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0;;; 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0; 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0; 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0; 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0;;; 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0; 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0; 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0; 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0;;; 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0; 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0; 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0; 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0] @test y ≈ [0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0; 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0; 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0; 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0;;; 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0; 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0; 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0; 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0;;; 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0; 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0; 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0; 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0;;; 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0; 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0; 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0; 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0;;; 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0; 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0; 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0; 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0;;; 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0; 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0; 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0; 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0;;;; 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0; 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0; 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0; 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0;;; 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0; 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0; 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0; 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0;;; 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0; 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0; 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0; 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0;;; 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0; 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0; 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0; 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0;;; 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0; 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0; 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0; 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0;;; 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0; 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0; 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0; 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0] @test z ≈ [0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0; 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0; 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0; 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0;;; 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0; 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0; 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0; 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0;;; 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0; 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0; 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0; 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0;;; 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0; 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0; 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0; 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0;;; 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0; 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0; 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0; 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0;;; 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0; 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0; 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0; 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0;;;; 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0; 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0; 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0; 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0;;; 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0; 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0; 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0; 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0;;; 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0; 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0; 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0; 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0;;; 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0; 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0; 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0; 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0;;; 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0; 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0; 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0; 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0;;; 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0; 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0; 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0; 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0] end end end @testset "Sparse function, copy!, n=$n, npoint=$npoint" for n in ( (11,10), (12,11,10) ), npoint in (1, 5, 10) grid = Grid(shape=n, dtype=Float32) nt = 100 sf = SparseFunction(name="sf", npoint=npoint, grid=grid) x = Vector{Float32}(undef,0) if MPI.Comm_rank(MPI.COMM_WORLD) == 0 x = Float32[1:npoint;] end _x = data(sf) copy!(_x, x) x = Float32[1:npoint;] if MPI.Comm_rank(MPI.COMM_WORLD) == 0 if npoint == 1 @test isempty(parent(_x)) elseif npoint == 5 @test parent(_x) ≈ x[1:1] elseif npoint == 10 @test parent(_x) ≈ x[1:2] end elseif MPI.Comm_rank(MPI.COMM_WORLD) == 1 if npoint == 1 @test isempty(parent(_x)) elseif npoint == 5 @test parent(_x) ≈ x[2:2] elseif npoint == 10 @test parent(_x) ≈ x[3:4] end elseif MPI.Comm_rank(MPI.COMM_WORLD) == 2 if npoint == 1 @test isempty(parent(_x)) elseif npoint == 5 @test parent(_x) ≈ x[3:3] elseif npoint == 10 @test parent(_x) ≈ x[5:6] end elseif MPI.Comm_rank(MPI.COMM_WORLD) == 3 if npoint == 1 @test parent(_x) ≈ x elseif npoint == 5 @test parent(_x) ≈ x[4:5] elseif npoint == 10 @test parent(_x) ≈ x[7:10] end end end @testset "Sparse time function, copy!, n=$n, npoint=$npoint" for n in ( (11,10), (12,11,10) ), npoint in (1, 5, 10) grid = Grid(shape=n, dtype=Float32) nt = 100 stf = SparseTimeFunction(name="stf", npoint=npoint, nt=nt, grid=grid) x = Matrix{Float32}(undef,0,0) if MPI.Comm_rank(MPI.COMM_WORLD) == 0 x = reshape(Float32[1:prod(nt*npoint);], npoint, nt) end _x = data(stf) copy!(_x, x) x = reshape(Float32[1:prod(nt*npoint);], npoint, nt) if MPI.Comm_rank(MPI.COMM_WORLD) == 0 if npoint == 1 @test isempty(parent(_x)) elseif npoint == 5 @test parent(_x) ≈ x[1:1,:] elseif npoint == 10 @test parent(_x) ≈ x[1:2,:] end elseif MPI.Comm_rank(MPI.COMM_WORLD) == 1 if npoint == 1 @test isempty(parent(_x)) elseif npoint == 5 @test parent(_x) ≈ x[2:2,:] elseif npoint == 10 @test parent(_x) ≈ x[3:4,:] end elseif MPI.Comm_rank(MPI.COMM_WORLD) == 2 if npoint == 1 @test isempty(parent(_x)) elseif npoint == 5 @test parent(_x) ≈ x[3:3,:] elseif npoint == 10 @test parent(_x) ≈ x[5:6,:] end elseif MPI.Comm_rank(MPI.COMM_WORLD) == 3 if npoint == 1 @test parent(_x) ≈ x elseif npoint == 5 @test parent(_x) ≈ x[4:5,:] elseif npoint == 10 @test parent(_x) ≈ x[7:10,:] end end end @testset "Sparse function, copy! and convert, n=$n, npoint=$npoint" for n in ( (11,10), (12,11,10) ), npoint in (1, 5, 10) grid = Grid(shape=n, dtype=Float32) nt = 100 sf = SparseFunction(name="sf", npoint=npoint, grid=grid) x = zeros(Float32, npoint) if MPI.Comm_rank(MPI.COMM_WORLD) == 0 x .= Float32[1:npoint;] end MPI.Barrier(MPI.COMM_WORLD) _x = data(sf) @test isa(data(sf), Devito.DevitoMPISparseArray) copy!(_x, x) x .= Float32[1:npoint;] __x = convert(Array, _x) if MPI.Comm_rank(MPI.COMM_WORLD) == 0 @test __x ≈ x end end @testset "Sparse time function, copy! and convert, n=$n, npoint=$npoint" for n in ( (11,10), (12,11,10) ), npoint in (1, 5, 10) grid = Grid(shape=n, dtype=Float32) nt = 100 stf = SparseTimeFunction(name="stf", npoint=npoint, nt=nt, grid=grid) x = zeros(Float32, npoint, nt) if MPI.Comm_rank(MPI.COMM_WORLD) == 0 x .= reshape(Float32[1:prod(nt*npoint);], npoint, nt) end MPI.Barrier(MPI.COMM_WORLD) _x = data(stf) @test isa(data(stf), Devito.DevitoMPISparseTimeArray) copy!(_x, x) x .= reshape(Float32[1:prod(nt*npoint);], npoint, nt) __x = convert(Array, _x) if MPI.Comm_rank(MPI.COMM_WORLD) == 0 @test __x ≈ x end end @testset "MPI Getindex for Function n=$n" for n in ( (11,10), (5,4), (7,2), (4,5,6), (2,3,4) ) N = length(n) rnk = MPI.Comm_rank(MPI.COMM_WORLD) grid = Grid(shape=n, dtype=Float32) f = Devito.Function(name="f", grid=grid) arr = reshape(1f0*[1:prod(size(grid));], size(grid)) copy!(data(f), arr) nchecks = 10 Random.seed!(1234); for check in 1:nchecks i = rand((1:n[1])) j = rand((1:n[2])) I = (i,j) if N == 3 k = rand((1:n[3])) I = (i,j,k) end @test data(f)[I...] == arr[I...] end if N == 2 @test data(f)[1:div(n[1],2),:] ≈ arr[1:div(n[1],2),:] else @test data(f)[1:div(n[1],2),div(n[2],3):2*div(n[2],3),:] ≈ arr[1:div(n[1],2),div(n[2],3):2*div(n[2],3),:] end end @testset "MPI Getindex for TimeFunction n=$n" for n in ( (11,10), (5,4), (7,2), (4,5,6), (2,3,4) ) N = length(n) nt = 5 rnk = MPI.Comm_rank(MPI.COMM_WORLD) grid = Grid(shape=n, dtype=Float32) f = TimeFunction(name="f", grid=grid, save=nt, allowpro=false) arr = reshape(1f0*[1:prod(size(data(f)));], size(data(f))) copy!(data(f), arr) nchecks = 10 Random.seed!(1234); for check in 1:nchecks i = rand((1:n[1])) j = rand((1:n[2])) I = (i,j) if N == 3 k = rand((1:n[3])) I = (i,j,k) end m = rand((1:nt)) I = (I...,m) @test data(f)[I...] == arr[I...] end if N == 2 @test data(f)[1:div(n[1],2),:,1:div(nt,2)] ≈ arr[1:div(n[1],2),:,1:div(nt,2)] else @test data(f)[1:div(n[1],2),div(n[2],3):2*div(n[2],3),:,1:div(nt,2)] ≈ arr[1:div(n[1],2),div(n[2],3):2*div(n[2],3),:,1:div(nt,2)] end end @testset "MPI Getindex for SparseFunction n=$n npoint=$npoint" for n in ( (5,4),(4,5,6) ), npoint in (1,5,10) N = length(n) nt = 5 rnk = MPI.Comm_rank(MPI.COMM_WORLD) grid = Grid(shape=n, dtype=Float32) f = SparseFunction(name="f", grid=grid, npoint=npoint) arr = reshape(1f0*[1:prod(size(data(f)));], size(data(f))) copy!(data(f), arr) nchecks = 10 Random.seed!(1234); for check in 1:nchecks i = rand((1:npoint)) I = (i,) @test data(f)[I...] == arr[I...] end if npoint > 1 @test data(f)[1:div(npoint,2)] ≈ arr[1:div(npoint,2)] else @test data(f)[1] == arr[1] end end @testset "MPI Getindex for SparseTimeFunction n=$n npoint=$npoint" for n in ( (5,4),(4,5,6) ), npoint in (1,5,10) N = length(n) nt = 5 rnk = MPI.Comm_rank(MPI.COMM_WORLD) grid = Grid(shape=n, dtype=Float32) f = SparseTimeFunction(name="f", grid=grid, nt=nt, npoint=npoint) arr = reshape(1f0*[1:prod(size(data(f)));], size(data(f))) copy!(data(f), arr) nchecks = 10 Random.seed!(1234); for check in 1:nchecks i = rand((1:npoint)) j = rand((1:nt)) I = (i,j) @test data(f)[I...] == arr[I...] end if npoint > 1 @test data(f)[1:div(npoint,2),2:end-1] ≈ arr[1:div(npoint,2),2:end-1] else @test data(f)[1,2:end-1] ≈ arr[1,2:end-1] end end @testset "MPI setindex! for Function n=$n, T=$T" for n in ( (11,10), (5,4), (7,2), (4,5,6), (2,3,4) ), T in (Float32,Float64) N = length(n) my_rnk = MPI.Comm_rank(MPI.COMM_WORLD) grid = Grid(shape=n, dtype=T) f = Devito.Function(name="f", grid=grid) base_array = reshape(one(T)*[1:prod(size(grid));], size(grid)) send_arr = zeros(T, (0 .* n)...) expected_arr = zeros(T, (0 .* n)...) if my_rnk == 0 send_arr = base_array expected_arr = zeros(T, n...) end nchecks = 10 Random.seed!(1234); local indexes if N == 2 indexes = [rand((1:n[1]),nchecks) rand((1:n[2]),nchecks) ;] else indexes = [rand((1:n[1]),nchecks) rand((1:n[2]),nchecks) rand((1:n[3]),nchecks);] end for check in 1:nchecks data(f)[indexes[check,:]...] = (my_rnk == 0 ? send_arr[indexes[check,:]...] : zero(T)) if my_rnk == 0 expected_arr[indexes[check,:]...] = base_array[indexes[check,:]...] end @test data(f)[indexes[check,:]...] == base_array[indexes[check,:]...] end made_array = convert(Array,data(f)) if my_rnk == 0 @test made_array ≈ expected_arr end end @testset "MPI setindex! for TimeFunction n=$n, T=$T" for n in ( (11,10), (5,4), (7,2), (4,5,6), (2,3,4) ), T in (Float32,Float64) N = length(n) time_order = 2 my_rnk = MPI.Comm_rank(MPI.COMM_WORLD) grid = Grid(shape=n, dtype=T) f = TimeFunction(name="f", grid=grid, time_order=time_order) base_array = reshape(one(T)*[1:prod(size(data(f)));], size(data(f))) send_arr = zeros(T, (0 .* size(data(f)))...) expected_arr = zeros(T, (0 .* size(data(f)))...) if my_rnk == 0 send_arr = base_array expected_arr = zeros(T, size(base_array)...) end nchecks = 10 Random.seed!(1234); local indexes if N == 2 indexes = [rand((1:n[1]),nchecks) rand((1:n[2]),nchecks) rand((1:time_order+1),nchecks);] else indexes = [rand((1:n[1]),nchecks) rand((1:n[2]),nchecks) rand((1:n[3]),nchecks) rand((1:time_order+1),nchecks);] end for check in 1:nchecks data(f)[indexes[check,:]...] = (my_rnk == 0 ? send_arr[indexes[check,:]...] : zero(T) ) if my_rnk == 0 expected_arr[indexes[check,:]...] = base_array[indexes[check,:]...] end @test data(f)[indexes[check,:]...] == base_array[indexes[check,:]...] end made_array = convert(Array,data(f)) if my_rnk == 0 @test made_array ≈ expected_arr end end @testset "MPI settindex! for SparseTimeFunction n=$n, npoint=$npoint, T=$T" for n in ( (5,4),(4,5,6) ), npoint in (1,5,10), T in (Float32,Float64) N = length(n) nt = 11 my_rnk = MPI.Comm_rank(MPI.COMM_WORLD) grid = Grid(shape=n, dtype=T) f = SparseTimeFunction(name="f", grid=grid, nt=nt, npoint=npoint) base_array = reshape(one(T)*[1:prod(size(data(f)));], size(data(f))) send_arr = zeros(T, (0 .* size(data(f)))...) expected_arr = zeros(T, (0 .* size(data(f)))...) if my_rnk == 0 send_arr = base_array expected_arr = zeros(T, size(base_array)...) end nchecks = 10 Random.seed!(1234); indexes = [rand((1:npoint),nchecks) rand((1:nt),nchecks);] for check in 1:nchecks data(f)[indexes[check,:]...] = (my_rnk == 0 ? send_arr[indexes[check,:]...] : zero(T) ) if my_rnk == 0 expected_arr[indexes[check,:]...] = base_array[indexes[check,:]...] end @test data(f)[indexes[check,:]...] == base_array[indexes[check,:]...] end made_array = convert(Array,data(f)) if my_rnk == 0 @test made_array ≈ expected_arr end end @testset "MPI settindex! for SparseFunction n=$n, npoint=$npoint, T=$T" for n in ( (5,4),(4,5,6) ), npoint in (1,5,10), T in (Float32,Float64) N = length(n) my_rnk = MPI.Comm_rank(MPI.COMM_WORLD) grid = Grid(shape=n, dtype=T) f = SparseFunction(name="f", grid=grid, npoint=npoint) base_array = reshape(one(T)*[1:prod(size(data(f)));], size(data(f))) send_arr = zeros(T, (0 .* size(data(f)))...) expected_arr = zeros(T, (0 .* size(data(f)))...) if my_rnk == 0 send_arr = base_array expected_arr = zeros(T, size(base_array)...) end nchecks = 10 Random.seed!(1234); indexes = [rand((1:npoint),nchecks);] for check in 1:nchecks data(f)[indexes[check,:]...] = (my_rnk == 0 ? send_arr[indexes[check,:]...] : zero(T) ) if my_rnk == 0 expected_arr[indexes[check,:]...] = base_array[indexes[check,:]...] end @test data(f)[indexes[check,:]...] == base_array[indexes[check,:]...] end made_array = convert(Array,data(f)) if my_rnk == 0 @test made_array ≈ expected_arr end end
[ "MIT" ]
using Devito for testscript in ("serialtests.jl", "gencodetests.jl", "csymbolicstests.jl") include(testscript) end # JKW: disabling mpi tests for now, we expect to remove MPI features from Devito.jl in future PR # run(`$(mpiexec()) -n 2 julia --code-coverage mpitests_2ranks.jl`) # run(`$(mpiexec()) -n 4 julia --code-coverage mpitests_4ranks.jl`) if Devito.has_devitopro() include("devitoprotests.jl") end
[ "MIT" ]
using Devito, Random, PyCall, Strided, Test # configuration!("log-level", "DEBUG") configuration!("log-level", "WARNING") configuration!("language", "openmp") configuration!("mpi", false) # you need to use when testing locally due to the Libdl startup issue for the nv compiler configuration!("compiler", "gcc") configuration!("platform", "cpu64") @testset "configuration" begin configuration!("log-level", "INFO") @test configuration("log-level") == "INFO" configuration!("log-level", "DEBUG") c = configuration() @test c["log-level"] == "DEBUG" end @testset "Grid, n=$n, T=$T" for (n,ex,ori) in ( ( (4,5),(40.0,50.0), (10.0,-10.0) ), ( (4,5,6),(40.0,50.0,60.0),(10.0,0.0,-10.0) ) ), T in (Float32, Float64) grid = Grid(shape = n, extent=ex, origin=ori, dtype = T) @test size(grid) == n @test ndims(grid) == length(n) @test eltype(grid) == T @test extent(grid) == ex @test origin(grid) == ori @test spacing(grid) == ex ./ (n .- 1) for i in 1:length(n) @test size(grid,i) == n[i] end halo = [] for i in 1:length(n) push!(halo, [2*i 2*i+1;]) end @test size_with_halo(grid,halo) == size(grid) .+ (sum.(halo)...,) end @testset "DevitoArray creation from PyObject n=$n, T=$T" for n in ((5,6),(5,6,7)), T in (Float32, Float64) N = length(n) array = PyObject(ones(T,n...)) devito_array = DevitoArray(array) @test typeof(devito_array) <: DevitoArray{T,N} @test devito_array ≈ ones(T, reverse(n)...) end @testset "Function, data_with_halo n=$n" for n in ( (4,5), (4,5,6) ) grid = Grid(shape = n, dtype = Float32) b = Devito.Function(name="b", grid=grid, space_order=2) b_data = data_with_halo(b) @test ndims(b_data) == length(n) rand!(b_data) b_data_test = data_with_halo(b) @test b_data ≈ b_data_test end @testset "Function, grid, n=$n" for n in ( (4,5), (4,5,6) ) grid = Grid(shape = n, dtype = Float32) b = Devito.Function(name="b", grid=grid, space_order=2) @test grid == Devito.grid(b) @test ndims(grid) == length(n) end @testset "Function, halo, n=$n" for n in ( (4,5), (4,5,6) ) grid = Grid(shape = n, dtype = Float32) so = 2 b = Devito.Function(name="b", grid=grid, space_order=so) @test ntuple(_->(so,so), length(n)) == halo(b) end @testset "Function, ndims, n=$n" for n in ( (4,5), (4,5,6) ) grid = Grid(shape = n, dtype = Float32) b = Devito.Function(name="b", grid=grid, space_order=2) @test length(n) == ndims(b) end @testset "Function, data, n=$n" for n in ( (4,5), (4,5,6) ) grid = Grid(shape = n, dtype = Float32) b = Devito.Function(name="b", grid=grid, space_order=2) b_data = data(b) @test ndims(b_data) == length(n) copy!(b_data, rand(eltype(grid), size(grid))) b_data_test = data(b) @test b_data ≈ b_data_test end @testset "Function and TimeFunction, space_order, n=$n" for n in ( (4,5), (4,5,6) ) g = Grid(shape=n) for so in (1,2,5,8) f = Devito.Function(name="f", grid=g, space_order=so) u = Devito.TimeFunction(name="u", grid=g, space_order=so) @test space_order(f) == so @test space_order(u) == so end end @testset "Constant" begin a = Constant(name="a") @test isconst(a) @test typeof(value(a)) == Float32 @test value(a) == 0.0 @test value(a) == data(a) value!(a,2.0) @test typeof(value(a)) == Float32 @test value(a) == 2.0 @test value(a) == data(a) value!(a, π) @test value(a) == convert(Float32,π) @test typeof(convert(Constant,PyObject(a))) == Constant{Float32} @test convert(Constant,PyObject(a)) === a p = Constant(name="p", dtype=Float64, value=π) @test typeof(value(p)) == Float64 @test value(p) == convert(Float64,π) @test data(p) == value(p) @test typeof(convert(Constant,PyObject(p))) == Constant{Float64} @test convert(Constant,PyObject(p)) === p @test_throws ErrorException("PyObject is not a Constant") convert(Constant,PyObject(Dimension(name="d"))) end @testset "TimeFunction, data with halo, n=$n" for n in ( (4,5), (4,5,6) ) grid = Grid(shape = n, dtype = Float32) b = Devito.Function(name="b", grid=grid, space_order=2) p = TimeFunction(name="p", grid=grid, time_order=2, space_order=2) p_data = data_with_halo(p) @test ndims(p_data) == length(n)+1 copy!(p_data, rand(eltype(grid), size_with_halo(p))) p_data_test = data_with_halo(p) @test p_data ≈ p_data_test end @testset "TimeFunction, data, n=$n" for n in ( (4,5), (4,5,6) ) grid = Grid(shape = n, dtype = Float32) b = Devito.Function(name="b", grid=grid, space_order=2) p = TimeFunction(name="p", grid=grid, time_order=2, space_order=2) p_data = data(p) @test ndims(p_data) == length(n)+1 copy!(p_data, rand(eltype(grid), size(p))) p_data_test = data(p) @test p_data ≈ p_data_test end @testset "TimeFunction, grid, n=$n" for n in ( (4,5), (4,5,6) ) grid = Grid(shape = n, dtype = Float32) p = TimeFunction(name="p", grid=grid, time_order=2, space_order=2) @test grid == Devito.grid(p) @test ndims(grid) == length(n) end @testset "TimeFunction, halo, n=$n" for n in ( (4,5), (4,5,6) ) grid = Grid(shape = n, dtype = Float32) so = 2 p = Devito.TimeFunction(name="p", grid=grid, time_order=2, space_order=so) if length(n) == 2 @test ((so,so),(so,so),(0,0)) == halo(p) else @test ((so,so),(so,so),(so,so),(0,0)) == halo(p) end end @testset "TimeFunction, ndims, n=$n" for n in ( (4,5), (4,5,6) ) grid = Grid(shape = n, dtype = Float32) so = 2 p = Devito.TimeFunction(name="p", grid=grid, time_order=2, space_order=so) @test length(n)+1 == ndims(p) end @testset "SparseFunction Construction, T=$T, n=$n, npoint=$npoint" for T in (Float32, Float64), n in ((3,4),(3,4,5)), npoint in (1,5,10) g = Grid(shape=n, dtype=T) sf = SparseFunction(name="sf", grid=g, npoint=npoint) @test typeof(sf) <: SparseFunction{T,1} @test sf.o === PyObject(sf) end @testset "SparseFunction grid method, T=$T, n=$n, npoint=$npoint" for T in (Float32, Float64), n in ((3,4),(3,4,5)), npoint in (1,5,10) g = Grid(shape=n, dtype=T) sf = SparseFunction(name="sf", grid=g, npoint=npoint) @test grid(sf) == g end @testset "SparseFunction size methods, T=$T, n=$n, npoint=$npoint" for T in (Float32, Float64), n in ((3,4),(3,4,5)), npoint in (1,5,10) g = Grid(shape=n, dtype=T) sf = SparseFunction(name="sf", grid=g, npoint=npoint) @test size(sf) == (npoint,) @test Devito.size_with_inhalo(sf) == (npoint,) @test size_with_halo(sf) == (npoint,) end @testset "Sparse function coordinates, n=$n" for n in ( (10,11), (10,11,12) ) grid = Grid(shape=n, dtype=Float32) sf = SparseFunction(name="sf", npoint=10, grid=grid) @test typeof(coordinates(sf)) <: SubFunction{Float32,2} sf_coords = coordinates_data(sf) @test isa(sf_coords, Devito.DevitoArray) @test size(sf_coords) == (length(n),10) x = rand(length(n),10) sf_coords .= x _sf_coords = coordinates_data(sf) @test _sf_coords ≈ x end @testset "SparseFunction from PyObject, T=$T, n=$n, npoint=$npoint" for T in (Float32, Float64), n in ((3,4),(3,4,5)), npoint in (1,5,10) g = Grid(shape=n, dtype=T) sf = SparseFunction(name="sf", grid=g, npoint=npoint) @test SparseFunction(PyObject(sf)) === sf stf = SparseTimeFunction(name="stf", grid=g, npoint=npoint, nt=5) @test_throws ErrorException("PyObject is not a devito.SparseFunction") SparseFunction(PyObject(stf)) end @testset "Multidimensional SparseFunction, T=$T, n=$n, npoint=$npoint" for T in (Float32, Float64), n in ((3,4),(3,4,5)), npoint in (1,5,10) g = Grid(shape=n, dtype=T) recdim = Dimension(name="recdim") nfdim = 7 fdim = DefaultDimension(name="fdim", default_value=nfdim) sf = SparseFunction(name="sf", grid=g, dimensions=(recdim, fdim), npoint=npoint, shape=(npoint, nfdim)) @test dimensions(sf) == (recdim, fdim) @test size(data(sf)) == (npoint, nfdim) @test size(coordinates_data(sf)) == (length(n), npoint) end @testset "CoordSlowSparseFunction, T=$T, n=$n, npoint=$npoint" for T in (Float32, Float64), n in ((3,4),(3,4,5)), npoint in (1,5,10) g = Grid(shape=n, dtype=T) recdim = Dimension(name="recdim") nfdim = 7 fdim = DefaultDimension(name="fdim", default_value=nfdim) sf = CoordSlowSparseFunction(name="sf", grid=g, dimensions=(fdim,recdim), npoint=npoint, shape=(nfdim,npoint)) @test dimensions(sf) == (fdim, recdim) @test size(data(sf)) == (nfdim, npoint) @test size(coordinates_data(sf)) == (length(n), npoint) end @testset "Sparse time function grid, n=$n, T=$T" for n in ((5,6),(5,6,7)), T in (Float32, Float64) N = length(n) grd = Grid(shape=n, dtype=T) stf = SparseTimeFunction(name="stf", npoint=1, nt=5, grid=grd) @test typeof(grid(stf)) <: Grid{T,N} @test grid(stf) == grd end @testset "Sparse time function coordinates, n=$n" for n in ( (10,11), (10,11,12) ) grid = Grid(shape=n, dtype=Float32) stf = SparseTimeFunction(name="stf", npoint=10, nt=100, grid=grid) @test typeof(coordinates(stf)) <: SubFunction{Float32,2} stf_coords = coordinates_data(stf) @test isa(stf_coords, Devito.DevitoArray) @test size(stf_coords) == (length(n),10) x = rand(length(n),10) stf_coords .= x _stf_coords = coordinates_data(stf) @test _stf_coords ≈ x end @testset "Set Index Writing" begin grid = Grid(shape=(11,), dtype=Float32) f = Devito.Function(name="f", grid=grid) d = data(f) d .= 1.0 op = Operator([Eq(f[1],2.0)],name="indexwrite") apply(op) @test data(f)[2] == 2.0 end @testset "Subdomain" begin n1,n2 = 5,7 subdom_mid = SubDomain("subdom_mid", [("middle",1,1), ("middle",2,2)] ) subdom_lft = SubDomain("subdom_top", [("middle",0,0), ("left",div(n2,2)+1)] ) subdom_rgt = SubDomain("subdom_bot", [("middle",0,0), ("right",div(n2,2)+1)] ) subdom_top = SubDomain("subdom_lft", [("left",div(n1,2)+1), ("middle",0,0)] ) subdom_bot = SubDomain("subdom_rgt", [("right",div(n1,2)+1), ("middle",0,0)] ) grid = Grid(shape=(n1,n2), dtype=Float32, subdomains=(subdom_mid, subdom_lft, subdom_rgt, subdom_top, subdom_bot)) f0 = Devito.Function(name="f0", grid=grid) f1 = Devito.Function(name="f1", grid=grid) f2 = Devito.Function(name="f2", grid=grid) f3 = Devito.Function(name="f3", grid=grid) f4 = Devito.Function(name="f4", grid=grid) f5 = Devito.Function(name="f5", grid=grid) f6 = Devito.Function(name="f6", grid=grid) data(f0) .= 1 eqns = [] push!(eqns, Eq(f1,f0,subdomain=subdom_mid)) push!(eqns, Eq(f2,f0,subdomain=subdom_lft)) push!(eqns, Eq(f3,f0,subdomain=subdom_rgt)) push!(eqns, Eq(f4,f0,subdomain=subdom_top)) push!(eqns, Eq(f5,f0,subdomain=subdom_bot)) op = Operator(name="op", eqns) apply(op) _mid = zeros(n1,n2) _lft = zeros(n1,n2) _rgt = zeros(n1,n2) _top = zeros(n1,n2) _bot = zeros(n1,n2) _mid[2:4,3:5] .= 1 _lft[:,1:4] .= 1 _rgt[:,4:7] .= 1 _top[1:3,:] .= 1 _bot[3:5,:] .= 1 @test data(f1) ≈ _mid @test data(f2) ≈ _lft @test data(f3) ≈ _rgt @test data(f4) ≈ _top @test data(f5) ≈ _bot end @testset "Equation Equality, shape=$shape, T=$T" for shape in ((11,11),(11,11,11)), T in (Float32, Float64) g = Grid(shape=shape, dtype=T) f1 = Devito.Function(name="f1", grid=g, dtype=T) f2 = Devito.Function(name="f2", grid=g, dtype=T) u1 = TimeFunction(name="u1", grid=g, dtype=T) u2 = TimeFunction(name="u2", grid=g, dtype=T) eq1 = Eq(f1,1) eq2 = Eq(f2,1) eq3 = Eq(f1,1) eq4 = Eq(u1,1) eq5 = Eq(u2,1) eq6 = Eq(u1,1) eq7 = Eq(u2,u1+f1) eq8 = Eq(u2,u1+f1) @test eq1 == eq3 @test eq2 != eq1 @test eq4 == eq6 @test eq4 != eq5 @test eq1 != eq4 @test eq7 == eq8 end @testset "Symbolic Min, Max, Size, and Spacing" begin x = SpaceDimension(name="x") y = SpaceDimension(name="y") grid = Grid(shape=(6,11), dtype=Float64, dimensions=(x,y)) f = Devito.Function(name="f", grid=grid) g = Devito.Function(name="g", grid=grid) h = Devito.Function(name="h", grid=grid) k = Devito.Function(name="k", grid=grid) op = Operator([Eq(f,symbolic_max(x)),Eq(g,symbolic_min(y)),Eq(h,symbolic_size(x)),Eq(k,spacing(x))],name="SymMinMax") apply(op) @test data(f)[1,1] == 5. @test data(g)[1,1] == 0. @test data(h)[1,1] == 6. @test data(k)[1,1] ≈ 1.0/5.0 end @testset "Min & Max" begin grid = Grid(shape=(11,11), dtype=Float64) mx = Devito.Function(name="mx", grid=grid) mn = Devito.Function(name="mn", grid=grid) f = Devito.Function(name="f", grid=grid) df = data(f) df .= -1.0 op = Operator([Eq(mn,Min(f,4)),Eq(mx,Max(f,4))],name="minmax") apply(op) @test data(mn)[5,5] == -1.0 @test data(mx)[5,5] == 4 end @testset "Devito Mathematical Oparations" begin # positive only block with equivalent functions in base for F in (:sqrt,) @eval begin vals = (1., 2, 10, 100) gr = Grid(shape=(length(vals),), dtype=Float64) f = Devito.Function(name="f", grid=gr) g = Devito.Function(name="g", grid=gr) op = Operator([Eq(g,Devito.$F(f))],name="MathTest") data(f) .= vals apply(op) for i in 1:length(vals) @test abs(data(g)[i] - Base.$F(vals[i])) < eps(Float32) end end end # positive functions needing base pair specified for (F,B) in ((:ln,:log),(:ceiling,:ceil)) @eval begin vals = (1., 2, 10, 100) gr = Grid(shape=(length(vals),), dtype=Float64) f = Devito.Function(name="f", grid=gr) g = Devito.Function(name="g", grid=gr) op = Operator([Eq(g,Devito.$F(f))],name="MathTest") data(f) .= vals apply(op) for i in 1:length(vals) @test abs(data(g)[i] - Base.$B(vals[i])) < eps(Float32) end end end # positive and negative for F in (:cos, :sin, :tan, :sinh, :cosh, :tanh, :exp, :floor) @eval begin vals = (-10, -1, 0, 1., 2, pi, 10) gr = Grid(shape=(length(vals),), dtype=Float64) f = Devito.Function(name="f", grid=gr) g = Devito.Function(name="g", grid=gr) op = Operator([Eq(g,Devito.$F(f))],name="MathTest") data(f) .= vals apply(op) for i in 1:length(vals) @test abs(data(g)[i] - Base.$F(vals[i])) < eps(Float32) end end end # functions needing their own equivalent in base to be specified for (F,B) in ((:Abs,:abs),) @eval begin vals = (-10, -1, 0, 1., 2, pi, 10) gr = Grid(shape=(length(vals),), dtype=Float64) f = Devito.Function(name="f", grid=gr) g = Devito.Function(name="g", grid=gr) op = Operator([Eq(g,Devito.$F(f))],name="MathTest") data(f) .= vals apply(op) for i in 1:length(vals) @test abs(data(g)[i] - Base.$B(vals[i])) < eps(Float32) end end end end @testset "Unitary Minus" begin grid = Grid(shape=(11,), dtype=Float32) f = Devito.Function(name="f", grid=grid) g = Devito.Function(name="g", grid=grid) h = Devito.Function(name="h", grid=grid) x = dimensions(f)[1] data(f) .= 1.0 op = Operator([Eq(g,-f),Eq(h,-x)],name="unitaryminus") apply(op) @show data(f) @show data(g) for i in 1:length(data(f)) @test data(g)[i] ≈ -1.0 @test data(h)[i] ≈ 1-i end end @testset "Unitary Plus" begin grid = Grid(shape=(11,), dtype=Float32) f = Devito.Function(name="f", grid=grid) g = Devito.Function(name="g", grid=grid) h = Devito.Function(name="h", grid=grid) x = dimensions(f)[1] data(f) .= 1.0 op = Operator([Eq(g,+f),Eq(h,+x)],name="unitaryplus") apply(op) for i in 1:length(data(f)) @test data(g)[i] ≈ 1.0 @test data(h)[i] ≈ i-1 end end @testset "Mod on Dimensions" begin x = SpaceDimension(name="x") grid = Grid(shape=(5,), dtype=Float64, dimensions=(x,)) g = Devito.Function(name="g1", grid=grid) eq = Eq(g[x],Mod(x,2)) op = Operator([eq],name="Mod") apply(op) for i in 1:5 @test data(g)[i] == (i-1)%2 end end @testset "Multiply and Divide" begin x = SpaceDimension(name="x") grid = Grid(shape=(5,), dtype=Float64, dimensions=(x,)) g1 = Devito.Function(name="g1", grid=grid) g2 = Devito.Function(name="g2", grid=grid) f1 = Devito.Function(name="f1", grid=grid) f2 = Devito.Function(name="f2", grid=grid) f3 = Devito.Function(name="f3", grid=grid) f4 = Devito.Function(name="f4", grid=grid) f5 = Devito.Function(name="f5", grid=grid) ffuncs = (f1,f2,f3,f4,f5) scalar = 5 data(g2) .= 5 data(g1) .= 2 muleqns = [Eq(f1,g1*g2),Eq(f2,scalar*g1),Eq(f3,g1*scalar),Eq(f4,g1*symbolic_size(x)),Eq(f5,symbolic_size(x)*g1)] op = Operator(muleqns,name="Multiplier") apply(op) for func in ffuncs @test data(func)[2] == 10. end diveqns = [Eq(f1,g1/g2),Eq(f2,scalar/g1),Eq(f3,g1/scalar),Eq(f4,g1/symbolic_size(x)),Eq(f5,symbolic_size(x)/g1)] op = Operator(diveqns,name="Divider") apply(op) for (func,answer) in zip(ffuncs,(2/5,5/2,2/5,2/5,5/2)) @test data(func)[2] ≈ answer end end @testset "Symbolic Math" begin x = SpaceDimension(name="x") y = SpaceDimension(name="y") grd = Grid(shape=(5,5), dimensions=(y,x)) a = Constant(name="a") b = Constant(name="b") f = Devito.Function(name="f", grid=grd) g = Devito.Function(name="g", grid=grd) @test a != b @test x != y @test f != g @test x+x+y == 2*x+y @test x*y == y*x @test x*x == x^2 @test x+x+a == 2*x+a @test a+a+b == 2*a+b @test 2*a+b-a == a+b @test a*b == b*a @test a*a == a^2 @test f+f+x == 2*f+x @test 2*f+x-f == f+x @test f*f == f^2 @test f*g == g*f @test f+f+a == 2*f+a @test 2*f+a-f == f+a @test f+f+g == 2*f+g @test 2*f+g-f == f+g @test 0*(1+f+a+x) == 0 @test (1+f+a+x)*0 == 0 end @testset "Spacing Map" for T in (Float32,Float64) grid = Grid(shape=(5,6), dtype=T) smap = spacing_map(grid) @test typeof(smap) == Dict{PyCall.PyObject, T} y,x = dimensions(grid) @test smap[spacing(y)] ≈ 1 / (size(grid)[1] - 1) @test smap[spacing(x)] ≈ 1 / (size(grid)[2] - 1) end @testset "Constants in Operators, T=$T" for T in (Float32,Float64) a = Constant(name="a", dtype=T, value=1) b = Constant(name="b", dtype=T, value=2) grid = Grid(shape=(5,), dtype=T) f = Devito.Function(name="f", grid=grid, dtype=T) g = Devito.Function(name="g", grid=grid, dtype=T) op1 = Operator([Eq(f,a),Eq(g,f+b)],name="op1") apply(op1) for element in data(f) @test element == 1 end for element in data(g) @test element == 3 end value!(a,0) value!(b,1) apply(op1) for element in data(f) @test element == 0 end for element in data(g) @test element == 1 end end @testset "isequal on Devito Objects" begin a = Constant(name="a", dtype=Float32) b = Constant(name="b", dtype=Float64) @test ~isequal(a,b) a1 = Constant(a.o) @test isequal(a,a1) x = SpaceDimension(name="x") y = SpaceDimension(name="y") g = Grid(shape=(5,4), dtype=Float32, dimensions=(y,x)) @test spacing(x) ∈ keys(spacing_map(g)) @test spacing(y) ∈ keys(spacing_map(g)) y1, x1 = dimensions(g) @test isequal(x,x1) @test isequal(y,y1) f = Devito.Function(name="f", grid=g) eq = Eq(f,1) op = Operator(eq) dict = Dict(f=>true, g=>true, op=>true, eq=>true) for entry in (f, eq, op, g) @test dict[entry] = true end end @testset "Math on Dimensions" begin x = SpaceDimension(name="x") grid = Grid(shape=(5,), dtype=Float64, dimensions=(x,)) g1 = Devito.Function(name="g1", grid=grid) f1 = Devito.Function(name="f1", grid=grid) f2 = Devito.Function(name="f2", grid=grid) f3 = Devito.Function(name="f3", grid=grid) f4 = Devito.Function(name="f4", grid=grid) f5 = Devito.Function(name="f5", grid=grid) f6 = Devito.Function(name="f6", grid=grid) data(g1) .= 1.0 eq1 = Eq(f1,x+1) eq2 = Eq(f2,1+x) eq3 = Eq(f3,x+g1) eq4 = Eq(f4,g1+x) eq5 = Eq(f5,x+1.0*g1) eq6 = Eq(f6,1.0*g1+x) opl = Operator([eq1,eq3,eq5],name="Left") opr = Operator([eq2,eq4,eq6],name="Right") apply(opl) apply(opr) for f in (f1,f2,f3,f4,f5,f6) df = data(f) for i in 1:length(df) @test df[i] == i end end end @testset "Devito Dimension Constructors" begin attribtes = (:is_Dimension, :is_Space, :is_Time, :is_Default, :is_Custom, :is_Derived, :is_NonlinearDerived, :is_Sub, :is_Conditional, :is_Stepping, :is_Modulo, :is_Incr) a = Dimension(name="a") b = SpaceDimension(name="b") c = TimeDimension(name="c") d = SteppingDimension(name="d",parent=c) @test parent(d) == c e = DefaultDimension(name="e") f = ConditionalDimension(name="f", parent=c, factor=2) @test parent(f) == c for (dim,attribute) in ((_dim,_attribute) for _dim in (a,b,c,d,e,f) for _attribute in attribtes) @eval begin @test $attribute($dim) == $dim.o.$attribute end end for _dim in (a,b,c,d,e,f) @test typeof(dimension(PyObject(_dim))) == typeof(_dim) @test dimension(PyObject(_dim)) === _dim end # tests for ErrorExceptiosn grd = Grid(shape=(5,4)) @test_throws ErrorException("not implemented") dimension(PyObject(grd)) end @testset "Devito SubDimensions" begin d = SpaceDimension(name="d") dl = SubDimensionLeft(name="dl", parent=d, thickness=2) dr = SubDimensionRight(name="dr", parent=d, thickness=3) dm = SubDimensionMiddle(name="dm", parent=d, thickness_left=2, thickness_right=3) for subdim in (dl,dr,dm) @test parent(subdim) == d @test PyObject(subdim) == subdim.o end @test (thickness(dl)[1][2], thickness(dl)[2][2]) == (2, nothing) @test (thickness(dr)[1][2], thickness(dr)[2][2]) == (nothing, 3) @test (thickness(dm)[1][2], thickness(dr)[2][2]) == (2, 3) end @testset "Devito stepping dimension" begin grid = Grid(shape=(5,5),origin=(0.,0.),extent=(1.,1.)) f = TimeFunction(grid=grid,space_order=8,time_order=2,name="f") @test stepping_dim(grid) == time_dim(f) @test stepping_dim(grid) != time_dim(grid) @test stepping_dim(grid).o.is_Stepping end @testset "Sparse Function data with halo npoint=$npoint" for npoint in (1,5) grid = Grid(shape=(5,5)) sf = SparseFunction(name="sf", grid=grid, npoint=npoint) for i in 1:npoint data(sf)[i] = Float32(i) end for i in 1:npoint @test data_with_halo(sf)[i] == Float32(i) end end @testset "Sparse Time Function data with halo npoint=$npoint" for npoint in (1,5) grid = Grid(shape=(5,5)) nt = 10 stf = SparseTimeFunction(name="stf", grid=grid, npoint=npoint, nt=nt) for i in 1:npoint data(stf)[i,:] .= Float32(i) * [1:nt;] end for i in 1:npoint @test data_with_halo(stf)[i,:] ≈ Float32(i) * [1:nt;] end end @testset "Sparse Time Function Inject and Interpolate" begin dt = 0.01 nt = 101 time_range = 0.0f0:dt:dt*(nt-1) grid = Grid(shape=(5,5),origin=(0.,0.),extent=(1.,1.)) p = TimeFunction(grid=grid,space_order=8,time_order=2,name="p") y,x,t = dimensions(p) dt = step(time_range) smap = spacing_map(grid) smap[spacing(t)] = dt src = SparseTimeFunction(name="src", grid=grid, npoint=1, nt=nt) @test typeof(dimensions(src)[1]) == Dimension coords = [0; 0.5] src_coords = coordinates_data(src) src_coords .= coords src_data = data(src) src_data .= reshape(1e3*Base.sin.(time_range .* (3*pi/2)),1,:) pupdate = Eq(forward(p),1+p) src_term = inject(src; field=forward(p), expr=src*spacing(t)^2) rec = SparseTimeFunction(name="rec", grid=grid, npoint=2, nt=nt) rec_coords = coordinates_data(rec) rec_coords[:,1] .= coords rec_coords[:,2] .= reverse(coords) rec_term = interpolate(rec, expr=p) op = Operator([pupdate,src_term,rec_term],name="SparseInjectInterp", subs=smap) apply(op,time_M=nt-1) @test data(p)[3,1,end-1] ≈ (nt-1) + sum(src_data[1:end-1])*dt^2 @test data(rec)[1,end] ≈ (nt-1) + sum(src_data[1:end-1])*dt^2 @test data(rec)[2,end] ≈ (nt-1) end @testset "Sparse Function Inject and Interpolate" begin grid = Grid(shape=(5,5),origin=(0.,0.),extent=(1.,1.)) f = Devito.Function(grid=grid,space_order=8,time_order=2,name="f") y,x = dimensions(f) src = SparseFunction(name="src", grid=grid, npoint=1) @test typeof(dimensions(src)[1]) == Dimension coords = [0; 0.5] src_coords = coordinates_data(src) src_coords .= coords src_data = data(src) src_data .= 1 src_term = inject(src; field=f, expr=src) rec = SparseFunction(name="rec", grid=grid, npoint=2) rec_coords = coordinates_data(rec) rec_coords[:,1] .= coords rec_coords[:,2] .= reverse(coords) rec_term = interpolate(rec, expr=f) op = Operator([src_term,rec_term],name="SparseInjectInterp") apply(op) @test data(f)[3,1] == 1.0 # check that this was the only place where f became nonzero data(f)[3,1] = 0.0 @test data(f) ≈ zeros(Float32,size(f)...) @test data(rec)[1] == 1 @test data(rec)[2] == 0 end # dxl/dxr implement Fornberg 1988 table 3, derivative order 1, order of accuracy 2 @testset "Left and Right Derivatives" begin fornberg = Float64[-3/2, 2.0, -1/2] n = 5 grid = Grid(shape=(n),extent=(n-1,)) x = dimensions(grid)[1] fff = Devito.Function(name="fff", grid=grid, space_order=2) fxl = Devito.Function(name="fxl", grid=grid, space_order=2) fxr = Devito.Function(name="fxr", grid=grid, space_order=2) data(fff)[div(n,2)+1] = 1. eq1 = Eq(fxl, dxl(fff)) eq2 = Eq(fxr, dxr(fff)) op = Operator([eq1,eq2],name="Derivatives") apply(op) @test data(fxl)[3:5] ≈ -1 .* fornberg @test data(fxr)[1:3] ≈ +1 .* reverse(fornberg) end @testset "Derivative Operator and Mixed Derivatives" begin grid = Grid(shape=(12,16)) f = Devito.Function(grid=grid, name="f", space_order=8) y, x = dimensions(f) g1 = Devito.Function(grid=grid, name="g1", space_order=8) g2 = Devito.Function(grid=grid, name="g2", space_order=8) h1 = Devito.Function(grid=grid, name="h1", space_order=8) h2 = Devito.Function(grid=grid, name="h2", space_order=8) j1 = Devito.Function(grid=grid, name="j1", space_order=8) j2 = Devito.Function(grid=grid, name="j2", space_order=8) k1 = Devito.Function(grid=grid, name="k1", space_order=8) k2 = Devito.Function(grid=grid, name="k2", space_order=8) data(f) .= rand(Float32, size(f)...) eq1a = Eq(g1, dx2(f)) eq1b = Eq(g2, Derivative(f, (x,2))) eq2a = Eq(h1, dy2(f)) eq2b = Eq(h2, Derivative(f, (y,2))) eq3a = Eq(j1, dxdy(f)) eq3b = Eq(j2, Derivative(f, y, x)) eq4a = Eq(k1, dy(dx2(f))) eq4b = Eq(k2, Derivative(f, x, y, deriv_order=(2,1))) derivop = Operator([eq1a, eq1b, eq2a, eq2b, eq3a, eq3b, eq4a, eq4b], name="derivOp") apply(derivop) @test sum(abs.(data(g1))) > 0 @test sum(abs.(data(h1))) > 0 @test sum(abs.(data(j1))) > 0 @test sum(abs.(data(k1))) > 0 @test data(g1) ≈ data(g2) @test data(h1) ≈ data(h2) @test data(j1) ≈ data(j2) @test data(k1) ≈ data(k2) end @testset "Derivatives on Constants" begin for x in (Constant(name="a", value=2), Constant(name="b", dtype=Float64, value=2), 1, -1.0, π) @test dx(x) == 0 @test dxl(x) == 0 @test dxr(x) == 0 @test dy(x) == 0 @test dyl(x) == 0 @test dyr(x) == 0 @test dz(x) == 0 @test dzl(x) == 0 @test dzr(x) == 0 @test dx2(x) == 0 @test dy2(x) == 0 @test Derivative(x) == 0 @test dx(dx(x)+1) == 0 @test dxl(dxl(x)+1) == 0 @test dxr(dxr(x)+1) == 0 @test dy(dy(x)+1) == 0 @test dyl(dyl(x)+1) == 0 @test dyr(dyr(x)+1) == 0 @test dz(dz(x)+1) == 0 @test dzl(dzl(x)+1) == 0 @test dzr(dzr(x)+1) == 0 @test dx2(dx2(x)+1) == 0 @test dy2(dy2(x)+1) == 0 end end @testset "Derivatives on dimensions not in a function, T=$T" for T in (Float32,Float64) x = SpaceDimension(name="x") grid = Grid(shape=(5,), dimensions=(x,), dtype=T) f = Devito.Function(name="f", grid=grid, dtype=T) u = Devito.TimeFunction(name="u", grid=grid, dtype=T) a = Constant(name="a", dtype=T, value=2) b = Constant(name="b", dtype=T, value=2) for func in (f,u) @test dy(func) == 0 @test dyl(func) == 0 @test dyr(func) == 0 @test dz(func) == 0 @test dzl(func) == 0 @test dzr(func) == 0 @test dy(b*func+a-1) == 0 @test dyl(b*func+a-1) == 0 @test dyr(b*func+a-1) == 0 @test dz(b*func+a-1) == 0 @test dzl(b*func+a-1) == 0 @test dzr(b*func+a-1) == 0 end end @testset "Conditional Dimension Subsampling" begin size, factr = 17, 4 i = Devito.SpaceDimension(name="i") grd = Grid(shape=(size,),dimensions=(i,)) ci = ConditionalDimension(name="ci", parent=i, factor=factr) @test parent(ci) == i g = Devito.Function(name="g", grid=grd, shape=(size,), dimensions=(i,)) f = Devito.Function(name="f", grid=grd, shape=(div(size,factr),), dimensions=(ci,)) op = Operator([Eq(g, i), Eq(f, g)],name="Conditional") apply(op) for j in 1:div(size,factr) @test data(f)[j] == data(g)[(j-1)*factr+1] end end @testset "Conditional Dimension Honor Condition" begin # configuration!("log-level", "DEBUG") # configuration!("opt", "noop") # configuration!("jit-backdoor", false) # configuration!("jit-backdoor", true) # @show configuration() x = Devito.SpaceDimension(name="x") y = Devito.SpaceDimension(name="y") grd = Grid(shape=(5,5),dimensions=(y,x),extent=(4,4)) f1 = Devito.Function(name="f1", grid=grd, space_order=0, is_transient=true) f2 = Devito.Function(name="f2", grid=grd, space_order=0, is_transient=true) f3 = Devito.Function(name="f3", grid=grd, space_order=0, is_transient=true) g = Devito.Function(name="g", grid=grd, space_order=0, is_transient=true) data(f1) .= 1.0 data(f2) .= 1.0 data(g)[:,3:end] .= 1.0 ci1 = ConditionalDimension(name="ci1", parent=y, condition=And(Ne(g, 0), Lt(y, 2))) ci2 = ConditionalDimension(name="ci2", parent=y, condition=And(Ne(g, 0), Le(y, 2))) # Note, the order of dimensions feeding into parent seems to matter. # If the grid dimensions were (x,y) # the above conditional dimension would cause a compilation error on the operator at runtime. # write(stdout,"\n") # @show data(f1) # @show data(f2) # @show data(f3) # @show data(g) eq1 = Eq(f1, f1+g, implicit_dims=ci1) eq2 = Eq(f2, f2+g, implicit_dims=ci2) eq3 = Eq(f3, f2-f1) op = Operator([eq1,eq2,eq3], name="Implicit") # apply(op, nthreads=2) apply(op) # write(stdout,"\n") # @show data(f1) # @show data(f2) # @show data(f3) # @show data(g) # write(stdout,"\n") # @show view(DevitoArray{Float32,2}(f1.o."_data_allocated"), localindices(f1)...) @test data(f1)[1,1] == 1.0 @test data(f1)[1,3] == 2.0 @test data(f1)[1,5] == 2.0 @test data(f1)[2,2] == 1.0 @test data(f1)[2,3] == 2.0 @test data(f1)[3,3] == 1.0 @test data(f1)[5,1] == 1.0 @test data(f1)[5,3] == 1.0 @test data(f1)[5,5] == 1.0 @test data(f3)[1,1] == 0.0 @test data(f3)[3,1] == 0.0 @test data(f3)[3,2] == 0.0 @test data(f3)[3,3] == 1.0 @test data(f3)[3,4] == 1.0 @test data(f3)[3,5] == 1.0 @test data(f3)[2,3] == 0.0 @test data(f3)[2,4] == 0.0 @test data(f3)[2,5] == 0.0 @test data(f3)[4,3] == 0.0 @test data(f3)[4,4] == 0.0 @test data(f3)[4,5] == 0.0 end @testset "Retrieve time_dim" begin g = Grid(shape=(5,5)) @test time_dim(g) == dimension(g.o.time_dim) t = TimeDimension(name="t") f = TimeFunction(name="f",time_dim=t,grid=g) @test time_dim(f) == t @test time_dim(f) == dimensions(f)[end] end @testset "Dimension ordering in Function and Time Function Constuction, n=$n" for n in ((5,6),(4,5,6)) g = Grid(shape=n) dims = dimensions(g) f = Devito.Function(name="f", grid=g, dimensions=dims) @test dimensions(f) == dims t = stepping_dim(g) u = TimeFunction(name="u", grid=g, dimensions=(dims...,t)) @test typeof(dimensions(u)[end]) == Devito.SteppingDimension @test dimensions(u) == (dims...,t) end @testset "Dimension ordering in SparseTimeFunction construction, n=$n" for n in ((5,6),(4,5,6)) g = Grid(shape=n) p = Dimension(name="p") t = time_dim(g) dims = (p,t) stf = SparseTimeFunction(name="stf", dimensions=dims, npoint=5, nt=4, grid=g) @test dimensions(stf) == dims end @testset "Time Derivatives" begin grd = Grid(shape=(5,5)) t = TimeDimension(name="t") f1 = TimeFunction(name="f1",grid=grd,time_order=2,time_dim=t) f2 = TimeFunction(name="f2",grid=grd,time_order=2,time_dim=t) f3 = TimeFunction(name="f3",grid=grd,time_order=2,time_dim=t) data(f1)[:,:,1] .= 0 data(f1)[:,:,2] .= 1 data(f1)[:,:,3] .= 4 smap = spacing_map(grd) t_spacing = 0.5 smap[spacing(t)] = t_spacing op = Operator([Eq(f2,dt(f1)),Eq(f3,dt2(f1))],name="DerivTest",subs=smap) apply(op) @test data(f2)[3,3,2] == (data(f1)[3,3,3] - data(f1)[3,3,2])/t_spacing @test data(f3)[3,3,2] == (data(f1)[3,3,3] - 2*data(f1)[3,3,2] + data(f1)[3,3,1] )/t_spacing^2 end @testset "nsimplify" begin @test nsimplify(0) == 0 @test nsimplify(-1) == -1 @test nsimplify(1) == 1 @test nsimplify(π; tolerance=0.1) == nsimplify(22/7) @test nsimplify(π) != nsimplify(π; tolerance=0.1) g = Grid(shape=(5,)) x = dimensions(g)[1] @test nsimplify(x+1) == x+1 @test nsimplify(1+x) == x+1 end @testset "solve" begin g = Grid(shape=(11,11)) u = TimeFunction(grid=g, name="u", time_order=2, space_order=8) v = TimeFunction(grid=g, name="v", time_order=2, space_order=8) for k in 1:size(data(u))[3], j in 1:size(data(u))[2], i in 1:size(data(u))[1] data(u)[i,j,k] = k*0.02 + i*i*0.01 - j*j*0.03 end data(v) .= data(u) y,x,t = dimensions(u) pde = dt2(u) - (dx(dx(u)) + dy(dy(u))) - dy(dx(u)) solved = Eq(forward(u),solve(pde, forward(u))) eq = Eq(forward(v), (2 * v - backward(v)) + spacing(t)^2 * ( dx(dx(v)) - dy(dx(v)) + dy(dy(v)))) smap = spacing_map(g) smap[spacing(t)] = 0.001 op = Operator([solved,eq],subs=smap,name="solve") apply(op,time_M=5) @test data(v) ≈ data(u) end @testset "name" begin a = Constant(name="a") @test name(a) == "a" x = SpaceDimension(name="x") @test name(x) == "x" t = TimeDimension(name="t") @test name(t) == "t" t1 = ConditionalDimension(name="t1", parent=t, factor=2) @test name(t1) == "t1" time = SteppingDimension(name="time", parent=t) @test name(time) == "time" grid = Grid(shape=(5,)) f = Devito.Function(name="f", grid=grid) @test name(f) == "f" u = Devito.TimeFunction(name="u", grid=grid) @test name(u) == "u" sf = SparseFunction(name="sf", npoint=1, grid=grid) @test name(sf) == "sf" stf = SparseTimeFunction(name="stf", npoint=1, nt=10, grid=grid) @test name(stf) == "stf" op = Operator(Eq(f,1), name="op") @test name(op) == "op" end # jkw: had to switch to py"repr" to get string representation of PyObject # something must have changes somewhere as we can no longer directly compare like `g == evaluate(h)`` @testset "subs" begin grid = Grid(shape=(5,5,5)) dims = dimensions(grid) for staggered in ((dims[1],),(dims[2],),(dims[3],),dims[1:2],dims[2:3],(dims[1],dims[3]),dims) f = Devito.Function(name="f", grid=grid, staggered=staggered) for d in staggered stagdict1 = Dict() stagdict2 = Dict() stagdict1[d] = d-spacing(d)/2 stagdict2[d] = d-spacing(d) h = f g = f h = subs(h,stagdict1) g = .5 * (g + subs(g,stagdict2)) sg = py"repr"(g) sh = py"repr"(evaluate(h)) @show sg, sh, sg == sh @test sg == sh end end end @testset "ccode" begin grd = Grid(shape=(5,5)) f = Devito.Function(grid=grd, name="f") op = Operator(Eq(f,1),name="ccode") @test ccode(op) === nothing ccode(op; filename="/tmp/") code = open(f->read(f, String),"/tmp/") @test typeof(code) == String @test code != "" end @testset "Operator default naming" begin grid1 = Devito.Grid(shape=(2,2), origin=(0,0), extent=(1,1), dtype=Float32) f = Devito.Function(name="f", grid=grid1, space_order=4) op = Operator([Eq(f,1)]; name="foo") @test name(op) == "foo" op = Operator([Eq(f,1)]) @test name(op) == "Kernel" op = Operator(Eq(f,1)) @test name(op) == "Kernel" op = Operator( (Eq(f,1), Eq(f,1))) @test name(op) == "Kernel" op = Operator( [Eq(f,1), Eq(f,1)]) @test name(op) == "Kernel" op = Operator(Eq(f,1), opt="advanced") @test name(op) == "Kernel" op = Operator( (Eq(f,1), Eq(f,1)), opt="advanced") @test name(op) == "Kernel" op = Operator( [Eq(f,1), Eq(f,1)], opt="advanced") @test name(op) == "Kernel" end @testset "operator PyObject convert" begin grid = Grid(shape=(3,4)) f = Devito.Function(name="f", grid=grid) op = Operator(Eq(f,1), name="ConvertOp") @test typeof(convert(Operator, PyObject(op))) == Operator @test convert(Operator, PyObject(op)) === op @test_throws ErrorException("PyObject is not an operator") convert(Operator, PyObject(f)) end @testset "in_range throws out of range error" begin @test_throws ErrorException("Outside Valid Ranges") Devito.in_range(10, ([1:5],[6:9])) end @testset "Serial inner halo methods, n=$n, space_order=$space_order" for n in ((3,4),(3,4,5)), space_order in (1,2,4) grd = Grid(shape=n) N = length(n) time_order = 2 nt = 11 npoint=6 f = Devito.Function(name="f", grid=grd, space_order=space_order) u = TimeFunction(name="u", grid=grd, space_order=space_order, time_order=2) sf = SparseFunction(name="sf", grid=grd, npoint=npoint) stf = SparseTimeFunction(name="stf", grid=grd, npoint=npoint, nt=nt) for func in (f,u,sf,stf) data(func) .= 1.0 end halo_n = (2*space_order) .+ n @test size(data_with_inhalo(f)) == halo_n @test size(data_with_inhalo(u)) == (halo_n...,time_order+1) @test size(data_with_inhalo(sf)) == (npoint,) @test size(data_with_inhalo(stf)) == (npoint,nt) haloed_f = zeros(Float32, halo_n...) haloed_u = zeros(Float32, halo_n...,time_order+1) if N == 2 haloed_f[1+space_order:end-space_order,1+space_order:end-space_order] .= 1.0 haloed_u[1+space_order:end-space_order,1+space_order:end-space_order,:] .= 1.0 else haloed_f[1+space_order:end-space_order,1+space_order:end-space_order,1+space_order:end-space_order] .= 1.0 haloed_u[1+space_order:end-space_order,1+space_order:end-space_order,1+space_order:end-space_order,:] .= 1.0 end @test data_with_inhalo(f) ≈ haloed_f @test data_with_inhalo(u) ≈ haloed_u @test data_with_inhalo(sf) ≈ ones(Float32, npoint) @test data_with_inhalo(stf) ≈ ones(Float32, npoint, nt) end @testset "Buffer construction and use, buffer size = $value" for value in (1,2,4) b = Buffer(value) @test typeof(b) == Buffer shp = (5,6) grd = Grid(shape=shp) u = TimeFunction(name="u", grid=grd, save=b) @test size(u) == (shp...,value) end @testset "Generate Function from PyObject, n=$n" for n in ((3,4),(3,4,5)) g = Grid(shape=n) f1 = Devito.Function(name="f1", grid=g) f2 = Devito.Function(PyObject(f1)) @test isequal(f1, f2) # try to make Functions from non-function objects u = TimeFunction(name="u", grid=g) @test_throws ErrorException("PyObject is not a devito.Function") Devito.Function(PyObject(u)) c = Constant(name="c") @test_throws ErrorException("PyObject is not a devito.Function") Devito.Function(PyObject(c)) s = SparseFunction(name="s", grid=g, npoint=5) @test_throws ErrorException("PyObject is not a devito.Function") Devito.Function(PyObject(s)) st = SparseTimeFunction(name="st", grid=g, npoint=5, nt=10) @test_throws ErrorException("PyObject is not a devito.Function") Devito.Function(PyObject(st)) @test_throws ErrorException("PyObject is not a devito.Function") Devito.Function(PyObject(1)) end @testset "Generate SparseTimeFunction from PyObject, n=$n" for n in ((3,4),(3,4,5)) g = Grid(shape=n) s1 = SparseTimeFunction(name="s1", grid=g, nt=10, npoint=5) s2 = SparseTimeFunction(PyObject(s1)) @test isequal(s1, s2) # try to make Functions from non-function objects f = Devito.Function(name="f", grid=g) @test_throws ErrorException("PyObject is not a devito.SparseTimeFunction") SparseTimeFunction(PyObject(f)) u = TimeFunction(name="u", grid=g) @test_throws ErrorException("PyObject is not a devito.SparseTimeFunction") SparseTimeFunction(PyObject(u)) c = Constant(name="c") @test_throws ErrorException("PyObject is not a devito.SparseTimeFunction") SparseTimeFunction(PyObject(c)) s = SparseFunction(name="s", grid=g, npoint=5) @test_throws ErrorException("PyObject is not a devito.SparseTimeFunction") SparseTimeFunction(PyObject(s)) @test_throws ErrorException("PyObject is not a devito.SparseTimeFunction") SparseTimeFunction(PyObject(1)) end @testset "Indexed Data n=$n, T=$T, space_order=$so" for n in ((3,4), (3,4,5)), T in (Float32, Float64), so in (4,8) g = Grid(shape=n, dtype=T) f = Devito.Function(name="f", grid=g, space_order=so) fi = indexed(f) @test typeof(fi) <: Devito.IndexedData fi_index = fi[(n .- 1 )...] @show fi_index x = dimensions(g)[end] fd_index = fi[(n[1:end-1] .- 2)..., x] @test typeof(fi_index) <: Devito.Indexed @test typeof(fd_index) <: Devito.Indexed op = Operator([Eq(fi_index, 1), Eq(fd_index, 2)]) apply(op) @test data(f)[(n .- 1 )...] == 1 data(f)[(n .- 1 )...] = 0 @test data(f)[(n[1:end-1] .- 2)...,:] ≈ 2 .* ones(T, n[end]) data(f)[(n[1:end-1] .- 2)...,:] .= 0 @test data(f) ≈ zeros(T, n...) end @testset "Function Inc, shape=$n" for n in ((4,5),(6,7,8),) grid = Grid(shape=n) A = Devito.Function(name="A", grid=grid) v = Devito.Function(name="v", grid=grid, shape=size(grid)[1:end-1], dimensions=dimensions(grid)[1:end-1]) b = Devito.Function(name="b", grid=grid, shape=(size(grid)[end],), dimensions=(dimensions(grid)[end],)) data(v) .= 1.0 data(A) .= reshape([1:prod(size(grid));],size(grid)...) op = Operator([Inc(b, A*v)], name="inctest") apply(op) @test data(b)[:] ≈ sum(data(A), dims=Tuple([1:length(n)-1;]))[:] end nothing
[ "MIT" ]
# Devito.jl contributor guidelines ## Issue reporting If you have found a bug in Devito.jl or have any suggestions for changes to Devito.jl functionality, please consider filing an issue using the GitHub isssue tracker. Please do not forget to search for an existing issue which may already cover your suggestion. ## Contributing We try to follow GitHub flow ( for making changes to Devito.jl. Contributors retain copyright on their contributions, and the MIT license ( applies to the contribution. The basic steps to making a contribution are as follows, and assume some knowledge of git: 1. fork the Devito.jl repository 2. create an appropriately titled branch for your contribution 3. if applicable, add a unit-test to ensure the functionality of your contribution (see the `test` subfolder). 4. run `]test Devito` in the `test` folder 5. make a pull-request 6. have fun ## Coding conventions We try to follow the same coding conventions as This primarily means using 4 spaces to indent (no tabs). In addition, we make a best attempt to follow the guidelines in the style guide chapter of the julia manual:
[ "MIT" ]
# Devito.jl | **Documentation** | **Action Statuses** | |:---:|:---:| | [![][docs-dev-img]][docs-dev-url] [![][docs-stable-img]][docs-stable-url] | [![][doc-build-status-img]][doc-build-status-url] [![][build-status-img]][build-status-url] [![][code-coverage-img]][code-coverage-results] | Devito.jl is a Julia API supporting a sub-set of []( It provides support for Devito `Grid`'s, `Function`'s, `TimeFunction`'s, `SparseTimeFunction`'s, `SubDomain`'s, `Dimension`'s, etc... for both their serial and domain decomposed MPI variants. [docs-dev-img]: [docs-dev-url]: [docs-stable-img]: [docs-stable-url]: [doc-build-status-img]: [doc-build-status-url]: [build-status-img]: [build-status-url]:"Tests" [code-coverage-img]: [code-coverage-results]:
[ "MIT" ]
# Benchmarking We use [PkgBenchmark.jl]( which can be installed using `Pkg.add("PkgBenchmark")`. To run the benchmarks: ```julia using PkgBenchmark results=benchmarkpkg("Devito") export_markdown("", results) ``` In order to compare the benchmarks against a different version: ```julia results=judge("Devito", "e1d4076") export_markdown("", results) ``` where `e1d4076` is a Git SHA or the name of a Git branch. To run a specific benchmark: ```julia benchmarks=include("benchmarks.jl") run(benchmarks["Partition of unity"]["construct"]) ``` You can profile a benchmark. For example: ```julia benchmarks=include("benchmarks.jl") using Profile @profile run(benchmarks["Partition of unity"]["construct"]) ``` Use `Profile.print()` and `using ProfileView; ProfileView.view()` to inspect the profile. Note that `ProfileView.view()` requires [ProfileView.jl]( For more information, please see the documentation for [PkgBenchmark.jl]( and [BenchmarkTools.jl](
[ "MIT" ]
# Devito.jl This is a Julia API for Devito. it provides a Julia API's for a sub-set of Devito, supporting `Grid`'s, `Function`'s, `TimeFunction`'s and `SparseTimeFunction`'s for both their serial and domain decomposed MPI variants. ## Construction of a Devito stencil The procedure for constructing a stencil operator consists of five parts: 1. Construction of a Grid object containing grid size and spacing information on which the stencil will operate 2. Construction of TimeFunction or Function objects that hold the actual arrays on which the stencil will operate 3. Construction of SparseTimeFunction objects that hold source and receiver data for injection and retrieval during the stencil operation 4. Construction of Eqn objects (equation objects) that specify the equations that the stencil operator will carry out 5. Construction of the operator object which generates the low level C code fo rthe stencil operator Following this the operator may be executed. An example of these five steps is detailed below 1\. Definition of the Grid object The `Grid` object is specified by initializing extent, spacing, and origin tuples in the constructor. Dimension objects contain the abstract spacing variables used by SymPy in specifying abstract equations in the stencil definition ```julia dt=1. shpe=(20,20) spacing=(5.,5.) origin=(0.,0.) extent=(shpe.-1).*spacing spacet=Constant(name="h_t", dt) t=TimeDimension(name="t",spacing=spacet) spacex=Constant(name="h_x", spacing[1]) x=SpaceDimension(name="x",spacing=spacex) spacez=Constant(name="h_z", spacing[2]) z=SpaceDimension(name="z",spacing=spacez) grid=Grid(extent=extent, shape=shpe, origin=origin, dimensions=(x,z), time_dimension=t) ``` Note that unlike with the Devito Python implementation, which is column-major, all tuples involving dimensions are passed in row-major ordering. This row-major ordering convention is consistent throughout Devito.jl 2\. Construction of time and space functions Parameters on the grid are specified using Function objects, while time dependent fields are specified using TimeFunction objects, as in this 2D elastic example: ```julia so=4 bx=Devito.Function(name= "bx" ,grid=grid, staggered=x, space_order=so) bz=Devito.Function(name= "bz" ,grid=grid, staggered=z, space_order=so) c11=Devito.Function(name="c11",grid=grid, space_order=so) c33=Devito.Function(name="c33",grid=grid, space_order=so) c55=Devito.Function(name="c55",grid=grid, staggered=(x,z), space_order=so) c13=Devito.Function(name="c13",grid=grid, space_order=so) data(bx).=mp[:,:,1] data(bz).=mp[:,:,2] data(c11).=mp[:,:,3] data(c33).=mu[:,:,2] data(c55).=mp[:,:,4] data(c13).=mp[:,:,5] vx=TimeFunction(name="vx", grid=grid,space_order=so, staggered=x, time_order=1) vz=TimeFunction(name="vz", grid=grid,space_order=so, staggered=z, time_order=1) tauxx=TimeFunction(name="tauxx",grid=grid,space_order=so, time_order=1) tauzz=TimeFunction(name="tauzz",grid=grid,space_order=so, time_order=1) tauxz=TimeFunction(name="tauxz",grid=grid,space_order=so, staggered=(x,z), time_order=1) ``` In this example, the `data()` function returns a view to the Function's internal data, which is then initialized from an externally defined arrays mp and mu. 3\. Construction of SparseTimeFunctions `SparseTimeFunctions` are used to inject source and retrieve receiver information during the stencil operations ```julia src = SparseTimeFunction(name="src", grid=grid, npoint=1, nt=nt) src_coords = coordinates(src) src_coords .= [625.0; 5.0] src_data = data(src) src_data.= ricker(nt,dt,f0) src_term = inject(src; field=forward(tauxx), expr=src) ``` In this example, the source is created with an external function `ricker()`, which is then used to initialize the SparseTimeFunction data that will be injected into the time function `forward(tauxx)` 4\. Construction of stencil equations Stencil equations are created using the Eqn constructor ```julia eqvx = Eq(forward(vx), vx + dt*bx*dx(tauxx) + dt*bx*dz(tauxz, x0=z) - dt*damp*vx) eqvz = Eq(forward(vz), vz + dt*bz*dx(tauxz, x0=x) + dt*bz*dz(tauzz) - dt*damp*vz) ``` In this particular fragment from an elastic 2D example, damp is an externally defined array for damping at the boundaries, vx and vz are particle velocities, and the tau variables are the stresses 5\. Construction of the operator Construction of the operator requires a list containing all objects created using the `inject()`, `interpolate()`, and `Eq()` functions: ```julia op=Operator(op_list, subs=spacing_map(grid)) apply(op) ``` where op_list contains the objects comprising the stencil. ## Data access Devito.jl provides a Julia array interface for convenient and fast (copy-free) access to the Devito numpy arrays. For example, ```julia using Devito configuration!("language", "openmpi") configuration!("mpi", false) configuration() # show the Devito configuration g = Grid(shape=(10,20,30)) f = Devito.Function(name="f", grid=g, space_order=8) d = data(f) d_with_halo = data_with_halo(f) d_with_inhalo = data_with_inhalo(f) ``` In the above code listing: * `d` is a view of the underlying numpy array that excludes Devito's exterior and interior halo padding * `d_with_halo` is a view that includes Devito's exterior halo padding, but excludes its interior halo padding * `d_with_inhalo` is a view that includes Divito's exterior and interior halo padding If we are running with MPI turned on, then the `data`, `data_with_halo` and `data_with_inhalo` methods return a view to an MPI domain distributed array. This array can be gathered to the rank 0 MPI rank with the convert method: ```julia using Devito configuration!("language", "openmpi") configuration!("mpi", true) g = Grid(shape=(10,20,30)) f = Devito.Function(name="f", grid=g, space_order=8) d = data(f) p = parent(d) # array local to this MPI rank _d = convert(Array, d) # _d is an Array on MPI rank 0 gathered from `d` which is decomposed accross all MPI ranks ``` Please see the `demo` folder in this package for more details. In general, the wrapping of Devito functionality uses the same function and argument names as in the original Python implementation, with python class members being accessed in Julia through functions having the same name as the member, and taking the class object as the first argument. For more details, please refer to the Devito website
[ "MIT" ]
# Reference ```@autodocs Modules = [Devito] Order = [:function, :type] ```
[ "MIT" ]
using Documenter, DynamicGrids, CUDAKernels CI = get(ENV, "CI", nothing) == "true" || get(ENV, "GITHUB_TOKEN", nothing) !== nothing makedocs( modules = [DynamicGrids], sitename = "DynamicGrids.jl", checkdocs = :all, strict = true, format = Documenter.HTML( prettyurls = CI, ), pages = [ "DynamicGrids" => "", # "Examples" => "", ], ) deploydocs( repo = "", )
[ "MIT" ]
module DynamicGrids # Use the README as the module docs @doc let path = joinpath(dirname(@__DIR__), "") include_dependency(path) read(path, String) end DynamicGrids using Adapt, Colors, ConstructionBase, Crayons, DimensionalData, FreeTypeAbstraction, FileIO, LinearAlgebra, KernelAbstractions, OffsetArrays, REPL, Reexport, Requires, Setfield, StaticArrays, Test, UnicodeGraphics @reexport using ModelParameters import ModelParameters.Flatten using DimensionalData.LookupArrays, DimensionalData.Dimensions const DG = DynamicGrids const DD = DimensionalData using Base: tail, @propagate_inbounds import Base: show, getindex, setindex!, lastindex, size, length, push!, append!, broadcast, broadcast!, similar, eltype, iterate export sim!, resume!, step!, savegif, isinferred export rules export inbounds, isinbounds export gridsize, currentframe, currenttime, currenttimestep, timestep export add!, sub!, min!, max!, and!, or!, xor! export Extent, StaticExtent export Rule, NeighborhoodRule, CellRule, SetCellRule, SetNeighborhoodRule, SetGridRule export Cell, Neighbors, SetNeighbors, SetCell, Convolution, SetGrid, Life, CopyTo export RuleWrapper, Chain, RunIf, RunAt export AbstractRuleset, Ruleset, StaticRuleset export AbstractSimData export Processor, SingleCPU, ThreadedCPU, CPUGPU export PerformanceOpt, NoOpt, SparseOpt export BoundaryCondition, Remove, Wrap export ParameterSource, Aux, Grid, Delay, Lag, Frame export Output, ArrayOutput, ResultOutput, TransformedOutput export GraphicOutput, REPLOutput export ImageOutput, GifOutput export Renderer, Image, Layout, SparseOptInspector export TextConfig export ObjectScheme, Greyscale, Grayscale export CharStyle, Block, Braile # From Neighborhoods module export Neighborhood, Window, AbstractKernelNeighborhood, Kernel, Moore, VonNeumann, Positional, LayeredPositional export neighbors, neighborhood, kernel, kernelproduct, offsets, positions, radius, distances const DEFAULT_KEY = :_default_ const EXPERIMENTAL = """ WARNING: This feature is experimental. It may change in future versions, and may not be 100% reliable in all cases. Please file github issues if problems occur. """ include("Neighborhoods/Neighborhoods.jl") using .Neighborhoods import .Neighborhoods: neighbors, neighborhood, kernel, kernelproduct, offsets, positions, radius, distances, readwindow, setwindow, unsafe_readwindow, updatewindow, unsafe_updatewindow include("interface.jl") include("flags.jl") include("rules.jl") include("settings.jl") include("rulesets.jl") include("extent.jl") include("grid.jl") include("simulationdata.jl") include("parametersources.jl") include("gpu.jl") include("atomic.jl") include("chain.jl") include("condition.jl") include("outputs/interface.jl") include("outputs/output.jl") include("outputs/graphic.jl") include("outputs/schemes.jl") include("outputs/textconfig.jl") include("outputs/render.jl") include("outputs/image.jl") include("outputs/array.jl") include("outputs/transformed.jl") include("outputs/repl.jl") include("outputs/gif.jl") include("framework.jl") include("modifyrule.jl") include("sequencerules.jl") include("generated.jl") include("maprules.jl") include("boundaries.jl") include("sparseopt.jl") include("utils.jl") include("copyto.jl") include("life.jl") include("adapt.jl") include("show.jl") function __init__() global terminal terminal = REPL.Terminals.TTYTerminal(get(ENV, "TERM", Base.Sys.iswindows() ? "" : "dumb"), stdin, stdout, stderr) @require CUDAKernels = "72cfdca4-0801-4ab0-bf6a-d52aa10adc57" include("cuda.jl") end end
[ "MIT" ]
# Adapt method for DynamicGrids objects function Adapt.adapt_structure(to, x::AbstractSimData) @set! x.grids = map(g -> Adapt.adapt(to, g), x.grids) @set! x.extent = Adapt.adapt(to, x.extent) return x end function Adapt.adapt_structure(to, x::GridData) @set! x.source = Adapt.adapt(to, x.source) @set! x.source = Adapt.adapt(to, x.source) @set! x.mask = Adapt.adapt(to, x.mask) @set! x.dest = Adapt.adapt(to, x.dest) @set! x.optdata = Adapt.adapt(to, x.optdata) return x end function Adapt.adapt_structure(to, x::AbstractExtent) @set! x.init = _adapt_x(to, init(x)) @set! x.mask = _adapt_x(to, mask(x)) @set! x.aux = _adapt_x(to, aux(x)) return x end _adapt_x(to, A::AbstractArray) = Adapt.adapt(to, A) _adapt_x(to, nt::NamedTuple) = map(A -> Adapt.adapt(to, A), nt) _adapt_x(to, nt::Nothing) = nothing # Adapt output frames to GPU # TODO: this may be incorrect use of Adapt.jl, as the Output # object is not entirely adopted for GPU use, the CuArray # frames are still held in a regular Array. function Adapt.adapt_structure(to, o::Output) frames = map(o.frames) do f _adapt_x(to, f) end @set! o.extent = adapt(to, o.extent) @set! o.frames = frames return o end
[ "MIT" ]
# Atomic opterations const atomic_ops = ((:add!, :+), (:sub!, :-), (:min!, :min), (:max!, :max), (:and!, :&), (:or!, :|), (:xor!, :xor)) # Methods for writing to a WritableGridData grid from . These are # associative and commutative so that write order does not affect the result. for (f, op) in atomic_ops @eval begin @propagate_inbounds ($f)(d::AbstractSimData, x, I...) = ($f)(first(d), x, I...) @propagate_inbounds ($f)(d::WritableGridData{<:Any,R}, x, I...) where R = ($f)(d, proc(d), x, I...) @propagate_inbounds function ($f)(d::WritableGridData{<:Any,R}, ::Processor, x, I...) where R @boundscheck checkbounds(dest(d), I...) @inbounds _setoptindex!(d, x, I...) @inbounds dest(d)[I...] = ($op)(dest(d)[I...], x) end @propagate_inbounds function ($f)( d::WritableGridData{<:Any,R}, proc::Union{ThreadedCPU,CPUGPU}, x, I... ) where R lock(proc) ($f)(d, SingleCPU(), x, I...) unlock(proc) end end end
[ "MIT" ]
# See interface docs @inline inbounds(data::Union{GridData,AbstractSimData}, I::Tuple) = inbounds(data, I...) @inline inbounds(data::Union{GridData,AbstractSimData}, I...) = _inbounds(boundary(data), gridsize(data), I...) @inline function _inbounds(boundary::BoundaryCondition, size::Tuple, i1, i2) a, inbounds_a = _inbounds(boundary, size[1], i1) b, inbounds_b = _inbounds(boundary, size[2], i2) (a, b), inbounds_a & inbounds_b end @inline _inbounds(::Remove, size::Number, i::Number) = i, _isinbounds(size, i) @inline function _inbounds(::Wrap, size::Number, i::Number) if i < oneunit(i) size + rem(i, size), true elseif i > size rem(i, size), true else i, true end end # See interface docs @inline isinbounds(data::Union{GridData,AbstractSimData}, I::Tuple) = isinbounds(data, I...) @inline isinbounds(data::Union{GridData,AbstractSimData}, I...) = _isinbounds(gridsize(data), I...) @inline _isinbounds(size::Tuple, I...) = all(map(_isinbounds, size, I)) @inline _isinbounds(size, i) = i >= one(i) && i <= size # _updateboundary # Reset or wrap boundary where required. This allows us to ignore # bounds checks on neighborhoods and still use a wraparound grid. _updateboundary!(grids::Tuple) = map(_updateboundary!, grids) function _updateboundary!(g::GridData{<:Any,R}) where R R < 1 && return g return _updateboundary!(g, boundary(g)) end function _updateboundary!(g::GridData{S,R}, ::Remove) where {S<:Tuple{L},R} where {L} src = parent(source(g)) @inbounds src[1:R] .= Ref(padval(g)) @inbounds src[L+R+1:L+2R] .= Ref(padval(g)) return g end function _updateboundary!(g::GridData{S,R}, ::Remove) where {S<:Tuple{Y,X},R} where {Y,X} src = parent(source(g)) # Left @inbounds src[1:Y, 1:R] .= Ref(padval(g)) # Right @inbounds src[1:Y, X+R+1:X+2R] .= Ref(padval(g)) # Top middle @inbounds src[1:R, R+1:X+R] .= Ref(padval(g)) # Bottom middle @inbounds src[Y+R+1:Y+2R, R+1:X+R] .= Ref(padval(g)) return g end function _updateboundary!(g::GridData{S,R}, ::Wrap) where {S<:Tuple{L},R} where {L} src = parent(source(g)) startpad = 1:R endpad = L+R+1:L+2R startvals = R+1:2R+1 endvals = L:L+R @inbounds copyto!(src, CartesianIndices((startpad,)), src, CartesianIndices((endvals,))) @inbounds copyto!(src, CartesianIndices((endpad,)), src, CartesianIndices((startvals,))) return g end function _updateboundary!(g::GridData{S,R}, ::Wrap) where {S<:Tuple{Y,X},R} where {Y,X} src = parent(source(g)) nrows, ncols = gridsize(g) startpadrow = startpadcol = 1:R endpadrow = nrows+R+1:nrows+2R endpadcol = ncols+R+1:ncols+2R startrow = startcol = 1+R:2R endrow = nrows+1:nrows+R endcol = ncols+1:ncols+R rows = 1+R:nrows+R cols = 1+R:ncols+R # Sides --- # Left @inbounds copyto!(src, CartesianIndices((rows, startpadcol)), src, CartesianIndices((rows, endcol))) # Right @inbounds copyto!(src, CartesianIndices((rows, endpadcol)), src, CartesianIndices((rows, startcol))) # Top @inbounds copyto!(src, CartesianIndices((startpadrow, cols)), src, CartesianIndices((endrow, cols))) # Bottom @inbounds copyto!(src, CartesianIndices((endpadrow, cols)), src, CartesianIndices((startrow, cols))) # Corners --- # Top Left @inbounds copyto!(src, CartesianIndices((startpadrow, startpadcol)), src, CartesianIndices((endrow, endcol))) # Top Right @inbounds copyto!(src, CartesianIndices((startpadrow, endpadcol)), src, CartesianIndices((endrow, startcol))) # Botom Left @inbounds copyto!(src, CartesianIndices((endpadrow, startpadcol)), src, CartesianIndices((startrow, endcol))) # Botom Right @inbounds copyto!(src, CartesianIndices((endpadrow, endpadcol)), src, CartesianIndices((startrow, startcol))) _wrapopt!(g) return g end _wrapopt!(g) = _wrapopt!(g, opt(g)) _wrapopt!(g, ::PerformanceOpt) = g
[ "MIT" ]
""" Chain(rules...) Chain(rules::Tuple) `Chain`s allow chaining rules together to be completed in a single processing step, without intermediate reads or writes from grids. They are potentially compiled together into a single function call, especially if you use `@inline` on all `applyrule` methods. `Chain` can hold either all [`CellRule`](@ref) or [`NeighborhoodRule`](@ref) followed by [`CellRule`](@ref). [`SetRule`](@ref) can't be used in `Chain`, as it doesn't have a return value. ![Chain rule diagram]( """ struct Chain{R,W,T<:Union{Tuple{},Tuple{Union{<:NeighborhoodRule,<:CellRule},Vararg{<:CellRule}}}} <: RuleWrapper{R,W} rules::T end Chain(rules...) = Chain(rules) Chain(rules::Tuple) = begin rkeys = Tuple{union(map(k -> _asiterable(_readkeys(k)), rules)...)...} wkeys = Tuple{union(map(k -> _asiterable(_writekeys(k)), rules)...)...} Chain{rkeys,wkeys,typeof(rules)}(rules) end # Getter rules(chain::Chain) = chain.rules # Only the first rule in a chain can be a NeighborhoodRule radius(chain::Chain) = radius(chain[1]) neighborhoodkey(chain::Chain) = neighborhoodkey(chain[1]) neighborhood(chain::Chain) = neighborhood(chain[1]) neighbors(chain::Chain) = neighbors(chain[1]) @inline function setwindow(chain::Chain{R,W}, win) where {R,W} rules = (setwindow(chain[1], win), tail(chain.rules)...) Chain{R,W,typeof(rules)}(rules) end function Base.tail(chain::Chain{R,W}) where {R,W} chaintail = tail(rules(chain)) Chain{R,W,typeof(chaintail)}(chaintail) end Base.getindex(chain::Chain, i) = getindex(rules(chain), i) Base.iterate(chain::Chain) = iterate(rules(chain)) Base.length(chain::Chain) = length(rules(chain)) Base.firstindex(chain::Chain) = firstindex(rules(chain)) Base.lastindex(chain::Chain) = lastindex(rules(chain)) ruletype(chain::Chain) = ruletype(first(chain)) @generated function applyrule(data::AbstractSimData, chain1::Chain{R,W,T}, state1, index) where {R,W,T} expr = Expr(:block) nrules = length(T.parameters) for i in 1:nrules # Variables are numbered to make debugging type stability easier state = Symbol("state$i") nextstate = Symbol("state$(i+1)") rule = Symbol("rule$i") read = Symbol("read$i") write = Symbol("write$i") chain = Symbol("chain$i") nextchain = Symbol("chain$(i+1)") rule_expr = quote $rule = $chain[1] # Get the state needed by this rule $read = _filter_readstate($rule, $state) # Run the rule $write = applyrule(data, $rule, $read, index) # Create new state with the result and state from other rules $nextstate = _update_chainstate($rule, $state, $write) $nextchain = tail($chain) end push!(expr.args, rule_expr) end laststate = Symbol("state$(nrules+1)") push!(expr.args, :(_filter_writestate(chain1, $laststate))) expr end function modifyrule(chain::Chain{R,W}, simdata) where {R,W} Chain{R,W}(_modifyrules(rules(chain), simdata)) end # Get the state to pass to the specific rule as a `NamedTuple` or single value @generated function _filter_readstate(::Rule{R,W}, state::NamedTuple) where {R<:Tuple,W} expr = Expr(:tuple) keys = Tuple(R.parameters) for k in keys push!(expr.args, :(state[$(QuoteNode(k))])) end :(NamedTuple{$keys}($expr)) end @inline _filter_readstate(::Rule{R,W}, state::NamedTuple) where {R,W} = state[R] # Get the state to write for the specific rule @generated function _filter_writestate(::Rule{R,W}, state::NamedTuple) where {R<:Tuple,W<:Tuple} expr = Expr(:tuple) keys = Tuple(W.parameters) for k in keys push!(expr.args, :(state[$(QuoteNode(k))])) end expr end # Merge new state with previous state. # Returns a new `NamedTuple` with all keys having the most recent state @generated function _update_chainstate(rule::Rule{R,W}, state::NamedTuple{K,V}, writestate ) where {R,W,K,V} expr = Expr(:tuple) writekeys = W isa Symbol ? (W,) : W.parameters keys = (union(K, writekeys)...,) for (i, k) in enumerate(keys) if k in writekeys for (j, wkey) in enumerate(writekeys) if k == wkey push!(expr.args, :(writestate[$j])) end end else push!(expr.args, :(state[$i])) end end :(NamedTuple{$keys}($expr)) end
[ "MIT" ]
""" RunIf(f, rule) `RunIf`s allows wrapping a rule in a condition, passed the `SimData` object and the cell state and index. ```julia RunIf(dispersal) do data, state, I state >= oneunit(state) end `` ` """ struct RunIf{R,W,F,T<:Rule{R,W}} <: RuleWrapper{R,W} f::F rule::T end rule(runif::RunIf) = runif.rule # Forward ruletype, radius and neighborhoodkey to the contained rule ruletype(runif::RunIf) = ruletype(rule(runif)) radius(runif::RunIf) = radius(rule(runif)) neighborhoodkey(runif::RunIf) = neighborhoodkey(rule(runif)) neighborhood(runif::RunIf) = neighborhood(rule(runif)) neighbors(runif::RunIf) = neighbors(rule(runif)) @inline function setwindow(runif::RunIf{R,W}, win) where {R,W} f = runif.f r = setwindow(rule(runif), win) RunIf{R,W,typeof(f),typeof(r)}(f, r) end # We have to hook into cell_kernel! to handle the option of no return value @inline function cell_kernel!( simdata, ruletype::Val{<:Rule}, condition::RunIf, rkeys, wkeys, I... ) readval = _readcell(simdata, rkeys, I...) if condition.f(simdata, readval, I) writeval = applyrule(simdata, rule(condition), readval, I) _writecell!(simdata, ruletype, wkeys, writeval, I...) else # Otherwise copy source to dest without change _writecell!(simdata, ruletype, wkeys, _readcell(simdata, wkeys, I...), I...) end return nothing end # We have to hook into cell_kernel! to handle the option of no return value @inline function cell_kernel!( simdata, ::Type{<:SetRule}, condition::RunIf, rkeys, wkeys, I... ) readval = _readcell(simdata, rkeys, I...) if condition.f(data, readval, I) applyrule!(simdata, rule(condition), readval, I) end return nothing end """ RunAt(rules...) RunAt(rules::Tuple) `RunAt`s allow running a `Rule` or multiple `Rule`s at a lower frequeny than the main simulation, using a `range` matching the main `tspan` but with a larger span, or specific events - by using a vector of arbitrary times in `tspan`. """ struct RunAt{R,W,Ru<:Tuple,Ti<:AbstractVector} <: RuleWrapper{R,W} rules::Ru times::Ti end RunAt(rules...; times) = RunAt(rules, times) RunAt(rules::Tuple; times) = RunAt(rules, times) function RunAt(rules::Tuple, times) rkeys = Tuple{union(map(k -> _asiterable(_readkeys(k)), rules)...)...} wkeys = Tuple{union(map(k -> _asiterable(_writekeys(k)), rules)...)...} RunAt{rkeys,wkeys,typeof(rules),typeof(times)}(rules, times) end rules(runat::RunAt) = runat.rules # Only the first rule in runat can be a NeighborhoodRule, but this seems annoying... radius(runat::RunAt) = radius(first(rules(runat))) # Forward ruletype to the contained rule ruletype(runat::RunAt) = ruletype(first(rules(runat))) neighborhoodkey(runat::RunAt) = neighborhoodkey(first(rules(runat))) neighborhood(runat::RunAt) = neighborhood(neighborhood(rules(runat))) neighbors(runat::RunAt) = neighbors(rules(runat)) function sequencerules!(simdata::AbstractSimData, rules::Tuple{<:RunAt,Vararg}) runat = rules[1] if currenttime(simdata) in runat.times # Run the sequenced rule simdata = sequencerules!(simdata, DynamicGrids.rules(runat)) end # Run the rest of the rules recursively sequencerules!(simdata, tail(rules)) end function Base.tail(runat::RunAt{R,W}) where {R,W} rulestail = tail(rules(runat)) RunAt{R,W,typeof(rulestail),typeof(runat.times)}(rulestail, runat.times) end Base.getindex(runat::RunAt, i) = getindex(rules(runat), i) Base.iterate(runat::RunAt) = iterate(rules(runat)) Base.iterate(runat::RunAt, nothing) = iterate(rules(runat), nothing) Base.length(runat::RunAt) = length(rules(runat)) Base.firstindex(runat::RunAt) = firstindex(rules(runat)) Base.lastindex(runat::RunAt) = lastindex(rules(runat))
[ "MIT" ]
""" CopyTo <: CellRule CopyTo{W}(from) CopyTo{W}(; from) A simple rule that copies aux array slices to a grid over time. This can be used for comparing simulation dynamics to aux data dynamics. """ struct CopyTo{W,F} <: CellRule{Tuple{},W} "An Aux or Grid key for data source or a single value" from::F end CopyTo(from) = CopyTo{DEFAULT_KEY}(from) CopyTo(; from) = CopyTo{DEFAULT_KEY}(from) CopyTo{W}(from) where W = CopyTo{W,typeof(from)}(from) CopyTo{W}(; from) where W = CopyTo{W,typeof(from)}(from) ConstructionBase.constructorof(::Type{<:CopyTo{W}}) where W = CopyTo{W} DynamicGrids.applyrule(data, rule::CopyTo, state, I) = get(data, rule.from, I) DynamicGrids.applyrule(data, rule::CopyTo{W}, state, I) where W <: Tuple = ntuple(i -> get(data, rule.from, I), length(_asiterable(W)))
[ "MIT" ]
using .CUDAKernels, .CUDAKernels.CUDA import ModelParameters.Flatten export CuGPU """ CuGPU <: GPU CuGPU() CuGPU{threads_per_block}() ```julia ruleset = Ruleset(rule; proc=CuGPU()) # or output = sim!(output, rule; proc=CuGPU()) ``` """ struct CuGPU{X} <: GPU end CuGPU() = CuGPU{32}() # CUDA setup kernel_setup(::CuGPU{N}) where N = CUDAKernels.CUDADevice(), (N, N) # _proc_setup # Convert all arrays in SimData to CuArrays @noinline function _proc_setup(::CuGPU, simdata::AbstractSimData) Adapt.adapt(CuArray, simdata) end _copyto_output!(outgrid, grid::GridData, proc::GPU) = copyto!(outgrid, gridview(grid)) # Thread-safe CUDA atomic ops for (f, op) in atomic_ops atomic_f = Symbol(:atomic_, f) @eval begin function ($f)(d::WritableGridData{<:Any,R}, ::CuGPU, x, I...) where R A = parent(dest(d)) i = Base._to_linear_index(A, (I .+ R)...) (CUDA.$atomic_f)(pointer(A, i), x) end end end
[ "MIT" ]
""" AbstractExtent Abstract supertype for `Extent` objects, that hold all variables related to space and time in a simulation. Usually the field of an output. """ abstract type AbstractExtent{I,M,A,PV} end init(e::AbstractExtent) = e.init mask(e::AbstractExtent) = e.mask aux(e::AbstractExtent) = e.aux @inline aux(e::AbstractExtent, key) = aux(aux(e), key) @noinline aux(::Nothing, key) = throw(ArgumentError("No aux data available. Pass a NamedTuple to the `aux=` keyword of the Output")) padval(e::AbstractExtent) = e.padval tspan(e::AbstractExtent) = e.tspan # Never type-stable, only access in `modifyrule` methods gridsize(extent::AbstractExtent) = gridsize(init(extent)) Base.ndims(e::AbstractExtent{<:AbstractArray}) = ndims(init(e)) Base.ndims(e::AbstractExtent{<:NamedTuple}) = ndims(first(init(e))) Base.size(e::AbstractExtent{<:AbstractArray}) = size(init(e)) Base.size(e::AbstractExtent{<:NamedTuple}) = size(first(init(e))) (::Type{T})(e::AbstractExtent) where T<:AbstractExtent = T(init(e), mask(e), aux(e), padval(e), tspan(e)) const EXTENT_KEYWORDS = """ - `init`: initialisation `Array`/`NamedTuple` for grid/s. - `mask`: `BitArray` for defining cells that will/will not be run. - `aux`: NamedTuple of arbitrary input data. Use `aux(data, Aux(:key))` to access from a `Rule` in a type-stable way. - `padval`: padding value for grids with neighborhood rules. The default is `zero(eltype(init))`. - `tspan`: Time span range. Never type-stable, only access this in `modifyrule` methods """ """ Extent <: AbstractExtent Extent(init, mask, aux, padval, tspan) Extent(; init, tspan, mask=nothing, aux=nothing, padval=zero(eltype(init)), kw...) Container for extensive variables: spatial and timeseries data. These are kept separate from rules to allow application of rules to alternate spatial and temporal contexts. Extent is not usually constructed directly by users, but it can be passed to `Output` constructors instead of `init`, `mask`, `aux` and `tspan`. # Arguments/Keywords $EXTENT_KEYWORDS """ mutable struct Extent{I<:Union{AbstractArray,NamedTuple}, M<:Union{AbstractArray,Nothing}, A<:Union{NamedTuple,Nothing}, PV} <: AbstractExtent{I,M,A,PV} init::I mask::M aux::A padval::PV tspan::AbstractRange function Extent(init::I, mask::M, aux::A, padval::PV, tspan::T) where {I,M,A,PV,T} # Check grid sizes match gridsize = if init isa NamedTuple size_ = size(first(init)) if !all(map(i -> size(i) == size_, init)) throw(ArgumentError("`init` grid sizes do not match")) end size_ else size(init) end if (mask !== nothing) && (size(mask) != gridsize) throw(ArgumentError("`mask` size do not match `init`")) end new{I,M,A,PV}(init, mask, aux, padval, tspan) end end Extent(; init, mask=nothing, aux=nothing, padval=_padval(init), tspan, kw...) = Extent(init, mask, aux, padval, tspan) Extent(init::Union{AbstractArray,NamedTuple}; kw...) = Extent(; init, kw...) settspan!(e::Extent, tspan) = e.tspan = tspan _padval(init::NamedTuple) = map(_padval, init) _padval(init::AbstractArray{T}) where T = zero(T) # An immutable `Extent` object, for internal use. struct StaticExtent{I<:Union{AbstractArray,NamedTuple}, M<:Union{AbstractArray,Nothing}, A<:Union{NamedTuple,Nothing}, PV,T} <: AbstractExtent{I,M,A,PV} init::I mask::M aux::A padval::PV tspan::T end StaticExtent(; init, mask=nothing, aux=nothing, padval=_padval(init), tspan, kw...) = StaticExtent(init, mask, aux, padval, tspan) StaticExtent(init::Union{AbstractArray,NamedTuple}; kw...) = Extent(; init, kw...)
[ "MIT" ]
""" PerformanceOpt Abstract supertype for performance optimisation flags. """ abstract type PerformanceOpt end """ NoOpt <: PerformanceOpt NoOpt() Flag to run a simulation without performance optimisations besides basic high performance programming. Still fast, but not intelligent about the work that it does: all cells are run for all rules. `NoOpt` is the default `opt` method. """ struct NoOpt <: PerformanceOpt end """ Processor Abstract supertype for selecting a hardware processor, such as ia CPU or GPU. """ abstract type Processor end """ CPU <: Processor Abstract supertype for CPU processors. """ abstract type CPU <: Processor end """ SingleCPU <: CPU SingleCPU() [`Processor`](@ref) flag that specifies to use a single thread on a single CPU. Specifiy with: ```julia ruleset = Ruleset(rule; proc=SingleCPU()) # or output = sim!(output, rule; proc=SingleCPU()) ``` """ struct SingleCPU <: CPU end """ ThreadedCPU <: CPU ThreadedCPU() [`Processor`](@ref) flag that specifies to use a `Threads.nthreads()` CPUs. Specifiy with: ```julia ruleset = Ruleset(rule; proc=ThreadedCPU()) # or output = sim!(output, rule; proc=ThreadedCPU()) ``` """ struct ThreadedCPU{L} <: CPU spinlock::L end ThreadedCPU() = ThreadedCPU(Base.Threads.SpinLock()) Base.Threads.lock(opt::ThreadedCPU) = lock(opt.spinlock) Base.Threads.unlock(opt::ThreadedCPU) = unlock(opt.spinlock) """ BoundaryCondition Abstract supertype for flags that specify the boundary conditions used in the simulation, used in [`inbounds`](@ref) and to update [`NeighborhoodRule`](@ref) grid padding. These determine what happens when a neighborhood or jump extends outside of the grid. """ abstract type BoundaryCondition end """ Wrap <: BoundaryCondition Wrap() [`BoundaryCondition`](@ref) flag to wrap cordinates that boundary boundaries back to the opposite side of the grid. Specifiy with: ```julia ruleset = Ruleset(rule; boundary=Wrap()) # or output = sim!(output, rule; boundary=Wrap()) ``` """ struct Wrap <: BoundaryCondition end """ Remove <: BoundaryCondition Remove() [`BoundaryCondition`](@ref) flag that specifies to assign `padval` to cells that overflow grid boundaries. `padval` defaults to `zero(eltype(grid))` but can be assigned as a keyword argument to an [`Output`](@ref). Specifiy with: ```julia ruleset = Ruleset(rule; boundary=Remove()) # or output = sim!(output, rule; boundary=Remove()) ``` """ struct Remove <: BoundaryCondition end
[ "MIT" ]
""" sim!(output, rules::Rule...; kw...) sim!(output, rules::Tuple{<:Rule,Vararg}; kw...) sim!(output, [ruleset::Ruleset=ruleset(output)]; kw...) Runs the simulation rules over the `output` `tspan`, writing the destination array to `output` for each time-step. # Arguments - `output`: An [`Output`](@ref) to store grids or display them on the screen. - `ruleset`: A [`Ruleset`](@ref) containing one or more [`Rule`](@ref)s. If the output has a `Ruleset` attached, it will be used. # Keywords Theses are the taken from the `output` argument by default: - `init`: optional array or NamedTuple of arrays. - `mask`: a `Bool` array matching the init array size. `false` cells do not run. - `aux`: a `NamedTuple` of auxilary data to be used by rules. - `tspan`: a tuple holding the start and end of the timespan the simulaiton will run for. - `fps`: the frames per second to display. Will be taken from the output if not passed in. Theses are the taken from the `ruleset` argument by default: - `proc`: a [`Processor`](@ref) to specificy the hardware to run simulations on, like [`SingleCPU`](@ref), [`ThreadedCPU`](@ref) or [`CuGPU`](@ref) when KernelAbstractions.jl and a CUDA gpu is available. - `opt`: a [`PerformanceOpt`](@ref) to specificy optimisations like [`SparseOpt`](@ref) or [`NoOpt`](@ref). Defaults to `NoOpt()`. - `boundary`: what to do with boundary of grid edges. Options are [`Remove`](@ref) or [`Wrap`](@ref), defaulting to `Remove()`. - `cellsize`: the size of cells, which may be accessed by rules. - `timestep`: fixed timestep where this is required for some rules. eg. `Month(1)` or `1u"s"`. Other: - `simdata`: a [`SimData`](@ref) object. Keeping it between simulations can reduce memory allocation a little, when that is important. """ function sim!(output::Output, ruleset=ruleset(output); init=init(output), mask=mask(output), tspan=tspan(output), aux=aux(output), fps=fps(output), boundary=boundary(ruleset), proc=proc(ruleset), opt=opt(ruleset), cellsize=cellsize(ruleset), timestep=timestep(ruleset), simdata=nothing, ) isrunning(output) && error("Either a simulation is already running in this output, or an error occurred") setrunning!(output, true) || error("Could not start the simulation with this output") gridsize(init) == gridsize(DG.init(output)) || throw(ArgumentError("init size does not match output init")) # Rebuild Extent to allow kwarg alterations extent = Extent(; init=_asnamedtuple(init), mask=mask, aux=aux, tspan=tspan) simruleset = Ruleset(rules(ruleset); boundary=boundary, proc=proc, opt=opt, cellsize=cellsize, timestep=timestep, ) # Some rules are only valid for a set time-step size. step(simruleset) !== nothing && step(simruleset) != step(tspan) && throw(ArgumentError("tspan step $(step(tspan)) must equal rule step $(step(simruleset))")) # Set up output settspan!(output, tspan) # Create or update the combined data object for the simulation simdata = initdata!(simdata, output, extent, simruleset) init_output_grids!(output, init) # Set run speed for GraphicOutputs setfps!(output, fps) # Run any initialisation the output needs to do initialise!(output, simdata) # Show the first grid showframe(output, simdata) # Let the init grid be displayed for as long as a normal grid maybesleep(output, 1) # Run the simulation over simdata and a unitrange we keep # the original ruleset to allow interactive updates to rules. # We pass throught the original ruleset as a handle for e.g. # control sliders to update the rules. return runsim!(output, simdata, ruleset, 1:lastindex(tspan)) end sim!(output::Output, rules::Tuple; kw...) = sim!(output, rules...; kw...) sim!(output::Output, rules::Rule...; kw...) = sim!(output, Ruleset(rules...); kw...) """ resume!(output::GraphicOutput, ruleset::Ruleset=ruleset(output); tstop, kw...) Restart the simulation from where you stopped last time. For arguments see [`sim!`](@ref). The keyword arg `tstop` can be used to extend the length of the simulation. # Arguments - `output`: An [`Output`](@ref) to store grids or display them on the screen. - `ruleset`: A [`Ruleset`](@ref) containing one ore more [`Rule`](@ref)s. These will each be run in sequence. # Keywords (optional) - `tstop`: the new stop time for the simulation. Taken from the output length by default. - `fps`: the frames per second to display. Taken from the output by default. - `simdata`: a [`SimData`](@ref) object. Keeping it between simulations can improve performance when that is important """ function resume!(output::GraphicOutput, ruleset::Ruleset=ruleset(output); tstop=last(tspan(output)), fps=fps(output), simdata=nothing, ) # Check status and arguments isrunning(output) && error("A simulation is already running in this output") # Calculate new timespan new_tspan = first(tspan(output)):step(tspan(output)):tstop frame = stoppedframe(output) fspan = frame:lastindex(new_tspan) settspan!(output, new_tspan) # Use the last frame of the existing simulation as the init frame if frame <= length(output) init = output[frame] else init = output[1] end setfps!(output, fps) extent = Extent(; init=_asnamedtuple(init), mask=mask(output), aux=aux(output), tspan=new_tspan) simdata = initdata!(simdata, output, extent, ruleset) initialise!(output, simdata) setrunning!(output, true) || error("Could not start the simulation with this output") return runsim!(output, simdata, ruleset, fspan) end # Simulation runner. Runs a simulation synchonously or asynchonously # depending on the return value of `isasync(output)` - which may be a # fixed trait or a field value depending on the output type. # This allows interfaces with interactive components to update during the simulations. function runsim!(output, simdata, ruleset, fspan) if isasync(output) @async simloop!(output, simdata, ruleset, fspan) else simloop!(output, simdata, ruleset, fspan) end end # Loop over the frames in `fspan`, running the ruleset and displaying the output. # Operations on outputs and rulesets are allways mutable and in-place. # Operations on [`Rule`](@ref)s and [`SimData`](@ref) objects are in a # functional style, as they are used in inner loops where immutability improves # performance. function simloop!(output::Output, simdata, ruleset, fspan) # Set the frame timestamp for fps calculation settimestamp!(output, first(fspan)) # Initialise types etc simdata = _updatetime(simdata, 1) |> _proc_setup # Loop over the simulation for f in fspan[2:end] # Update the current simulation frame and time simdata = _updatetime(simdata, f) # Update any Delay parameters drules = _setdelays(rules(ruleset), simdata) # Run a timestep simdata = _step!(simdata, drules) # Save/do something with the the current grid storeframe!(output, simdata) # Let output UI things happen isasync(output) && yield() # Stick to the FPS maybesleep(output, f) # Exit gracefully if !isrunning(output) || f == last(fspan) showframe(output, simdata) setstoppedframe!(output, f) finalise!(output, simdata) break end end setrunning!(output, false) return output end _step!(sd::AbstractSimData, rules) = _updaterules(rules, sd) |> sequencerules! """ step!(sd::AbstractSimData) Allows stepping a simulation one frame at a time, for a more manual approach to simulation that `sim!`. This may be useful if other processes need to be run between steps, or the simulation is of variable length. `step!` also removes the use of `Output`s, meaning storing of grid data must be handled manually, if that is required. Of course, an output can also be updated manually, using: ```julia DynmicGrids.storeframe!(output, simdata) ``` Instead of an `Output`, the internal [`SimData`](@ref) objects are used directly, and can be defined using a [`Extent`](@ref) object and a [`Ruleset`](@ref). # Example ```julia using DynmicGrids, Plots ruleset = Ruleset(Life(); proc=ThreadedCPU()) extent = Extent(; init=(a=A, b=B), aux=aux, tspan=tspan) simdata = SimData(extent, ruleset) # Run a single step, which returns an updated `SimData` object simdata = step!(simdata) # Get a view of the grid without padding grid = DynmicGrids.gridview(simdata[:a]) heatmap(grid) ``` This example returns a `GridData` object for the `:a` grid, which is `<: AbstractAray`. """ step!(sd::AbstractSimData; rules=rules(sd)) = step!(sd::AbstractSimData, rules) step!(sd::AbstractSimData, r1::Rule, rs::Rule...) = step!(sd::AbstractSimData, (r1, rs...)) function step!(sd::AbstractSimData, rules::Tuple) _updatetime(sd, currentframe(sd) + 1) |> _proc_setup |> sd -> _step!(sd, rules) end # _proc_setup # Allows different processors to modify the simdata object # GPU needs this to convert arrays to CuArray _proc_setup(simdata::AbstractSimData) = _proc_setup(proc(simdata), simdata) _proc_setup(proc, simdata) = simdata
[ "MIT" ]
# Low-level generated functions for working with grids # _initialise_windows => NTuple{N,SMatrix} # Generate an SArray from the main array @generated function _initialise_windows(src::AbstractArray{T}, ::Val{R}, i, j) where {T,R} B = 2R; S = 2R + 1; L = S^2 columns = [] # This column is never used, so fill with zeros zerocol = Expr[] for r in 1:2B push!(zerocol, :(zero(T))) end push!(columns, zerocol) for c in 0:S-2 newcol = Expr[] for r in 0:2B-1 push!(newcol, :(@inbounds src[i + $r, j + $c])) end push!(columns, newcol) end newwindows = Expr(:tuple) for b in 1:B winvals = Expr(:tuple) for c in 1:S, r in b:b+B exp = columns[c][r] push!(winvals.args, exp) end push!(newwindows.args, :(SArray{Tuple{$S,$S},$T,2,$L}($winvals))) end return quote return $newwindows end end # _slide_windows => NTuple{N,SMatrix} # Generate a tuple of SArrays from the main array and the previous SArrays @generated function _slide_windows( windows::Tuple, src::AbstractArray{T}, ::Val{R}, i, j ) where {T,R} B = 2R; S = 2R + 1; L = S^2 newvals = Expr[] for n in 0:2B-1 push!(newvals, :(@inbounds src[i + $n, j + 2R])) end newwindows = Expr(:tuple) for b in 1:B winvals = Expr(:tuple) for n in S+1:L push!(winvals.args, :(@inbounds windows[$b][$n])) end for n in b:b+B push!(winvals.args, newvals[n]) end push!(newwindows.args, :(SArray{Tuple{$S,$S},$T,2,$L}($winvals))) end return quote return $newwindows end end # _readcell # Returns a single value or NamedTuple of values. # This occurs for every cell for every rule, so has to be very fast. @generated function _readcell(data, ::K, I...) where K<:Tuple expr = Expr(:tuple) keys = map(_unwrap, Tuple(K.parameters)) for (i, k) in enumerate(keys) push!(expr.args, :(@inbounds source(data[$(QuoteNode(k))])[I...])) end return quote keys = $keys vals = $expr NamedTuple{keys,typeof(vals)}(vals) end end @inline function _readcell(data::AbstractSimData, ::Val{K}, I...) where K @inbounds source(data[K])[I...] end # _writecell! => nothing # Write values to grid/s at index `I`. # This occurs for every cell for every rule, so has to be very fast. @generated function _writecell!(data, ::Val{<:CellRule}, wkeys::K, vals::Union{Tuple,NamedTuple}, I...) where K<:Tuple expr = Expr(:block) keys = map(_unwrap, Tuple(K.parameters)) for (i, k) in enumerate(keys) # MUST write to source(grid) - CellRule doesn't switch grids push!(expr.args, :(@inbounds source(data[$(QuoteNode(k))])[I...] = vals[$i])) end push!(expr.args, :(nothing)) return expr end @inline function _writecell!(data, ::Val{<:CellRule}, wkeys::Val{K}, val, I...) where K # MUST write to source(grid) - CellRule doesn't switch grids @inbounds source(data[K])[I...] = val return nothing end @generated function _writecell!(data, ::Val, wkeys::K, vals::Union{Tuple,NamedTuple}, I...) where K<:Tuple expr = Expr(:block) keys = map(_unwrap, Tuple(K.parameters)) for (i, k) in enumerate(keys) # MUST write to dest(grid) here, not grid K # setindex! has overrides for the grid push!(expr.args, :(@inbounds dest(data[$(QuoteNode(k))])[I...] = vals[$i])) end push!(expr.args, :(nothing)) return expr end @inline function _writecell!(data, ::Val, wkeys::Val{K}, val, I...) where K # MUST write to dest(grid) here, not grid K # setindex! has overrides for the grid @inbounds dest(data[K])[I...] = val return nothing end # _getreadgrids => Union{ReadableGridData,Tuple{ReadableGridData,Vararg}} # Retrieves `GridData` from a `SimData` object to match the requirements of a `Rule`. # Returns a `Tuple` holding the key or `Tuple` of keys, and grid or `Tuple` of grids. @generated function _getreadgrids(::Rule{R,W}, data::AbstractSimData) where {R<:Tuple,W} Expr(:tuple, Expr(:tuple, (:(Val{$(QuoteNode(key))}()) for key in R.parameters)...), Expr(:tuple, (:(data[$(QuoteNode(key))]) for key in R.parameters)...), ) end @generated function _getreadgrids(::Rule{R,W}, data::AbstractSimData) where {R,W} :((Val{$(QuoteNode(R))}(), data[$(QuoteNode(R))])) end # _getwritegrids => Union{WritableGridData,Tuple{WritableGridData,Vararg}} # Retrieves `GridData` from a `SimData` object to match the requirements of a `Rule`. # Returns a `Tuple` holding the key or `Tuple` of keys, and grid or `Tuple` of grids. @generated function _getwritegrids(::Rule{R,W}, data::AbstractSimData) where {R,W<:Tuple} Expr(:tuple, Expr(:tuple, (:(Val{$(QuoteNode(key))}()) for key in W.parameters)...), Expr(:tuple, (:(WritableGridData(data[$(QuoteNode(key))])) for key in W.parameters)...), ) end @generated function _getwritegrids(::Rule{R,W}, data::AbstractSimData) where {R,W} :((Val{$(QuoteNode(W))}(), WritableGridData(data[$(QuoteNode(W))]))) end # _combinegrids => AbstractSimData # Combine grids into a new NamedTuple of grids depending # on the read and write keys required by a rule. @inline function _combinegrids(data::AbstractSimData, wkeys, wgrids) allkeys = map(Val, keys(data)) allgrids = values(data) _combinegrids(data, allkeys, allgrids, wkeys, wgrids) end @inline function _combinegrids(data::AbstractSimData, rkeys, rgrids, wkeys, wgrids) @set data.grids = _combinegrids(rkeys, rgrids, wkeys, wgrids) end @inline function _combinegrids(rkey, rgrids, wkey, wgrids) _combinegrids((rkey,), (rgrids,), (wkey,), (wgrids,)) end @inline function _combinegrids(rkey, rgrids, wkeys::Tuple, wgrids::Tuple) _combinegrids((rkey,), (rgrids,), wkeys, wgrids) end @inline function _combinegrids(rkeys::Tuple, rgrids::Tuple, wkey, wgrids) _combinegrids(rkeys, rgrids, (wkey,), (wgrids,)) end @generated function _combinegrids(rkeys::Tuple, rgrids::Tuple, wkeys::Tuple, wgrids::Tuple) rkeys = _vals2syms(rkeys) wkeys = _vals2syms(wkeys) keysexp = Expr(:tuple, QuoteNode.(wkeys)...) dataexp = Expr(:tuple, :(wgrids...)) for (i, key) in enumerate(rkeys) if !(key in wkeys) push!(dataexp.args, :(rgrids[$i])) push!(keysexp.args, QuoteNode(key)) end end return quote keys = $keysexp vals = $dataexp NamedTuple{keys,typeof(vals)}(vals) end end # _replacegrids => AbstractSimData # Replace grids in a NamedTuple with new grids where required. function _replacegrids(data::AbstractSimData, newkeys, newgrids) @set data.grids = _replacegrids(grids(data), newkeys, newgrids) end @generated function _replacegrids(allgrids::NamedTuple, newkeys::Tuple, newgrids::Tuple) newkeys = map(_unwrap, newkeys.parameters) allkeys = allgrids.parameters[1] expr = Expr(:tuple) for key in allkeys if key in newkeys i = findfirst(k -> k == key, newkeys) push!(expr.args, :(newgrids[$i])) else push!(expr.args, :(allgrids.$key)) end end return quote vals = $expr NamedTuple{$allkeys,typeof(vals)}(vals) end end @generated function _replacegrids(allgrids::NamedTuple, newkey::Val, newgrid::GridData) newkey = _unwrap(newkey) allkeys = allgrids.parameters[1] expr = Expr(:tuple) for key in allkeys if key == newkey push!(expr.args, :(newgrid)) else push!(expr.args, :(allgrids.$key)) end end return quote vals = $expr NamedTuple{$allkeys,typeof(vals)}(vals) end end # _vals2syms => Union{Symbol,Tuple} # Get symbols from a Val or Tuple type @inline _vals2syms(x::Type{<:Tuple}) = map(v -> _vals2syms(v), x.parameters) @inline _vals2syms(::Type{<:Val{X}}) where X = X
[ "MIT" ]
""" GPU <: Processor Abstract supertype for GPU processors. """ abstract type GPU <: Processor end """ CPUGPU <: GPU CPUGPU() Uses the CUDA GPU code on CPU using KernelAbstractions, to test it. """ struct CPUGPU{L} <: GPU spinlock::L end CPUGPU() = CPUGPU(Base.Threads.SpinLock()) Base.Threads.lock(opt::CPUGPU) = lock(opt.spinlock) Base.Threads.unlock(opt::CPUGPU) = unlock(opt.spinlock) kernel_setup(::CPUGPU) = KernelAbstractions.CPU(), 1 function maprule!( data::AbstractSimData, proc::GPU, opt, ruletype::Val{<:Rule}, rule, rkeys, wkeys ) kernel! = ka_rule_kernel!(kernel_setup(proc)...) kernel!(data, ruletype, rule, rkeys, wkeys; ndrange=gridsize(data)) |> wait return nothing end # ka_rule_kernel! # Runs cell_kernel! on GPU after retrieving the global index # and setting the neighborhood buffer to a SArray window retrieved # from the first (neighborhood) grid @kernel function ka_rule_kernel!(data, ruletype::Val{<:NeighborhoodRule}, rule, rkeys, wkeys) I = @index(Global, NTuple) neighborhood_kernel!(data, _firstgrid(data, rkeys), ruletype, rule, rkeys, wkeys, I...) nothing end @kernel function ka_rule_kernel!(data, ruletype::Val, rule, rkeys, wkeys) I = @index(Global, NTuple) cell_kernel!(data, ruletype, rule, rkeys, wkeys, I...) nothing end ### Indexing. UNSAFE / LOCKS required # This is not safe for general use. # It can be used where only identical transformations of a cell # can happen from any other cell, such as setting all 1s to 2. @propagate_inbounds function _setindex!(d::WritableGridData, opt::GPU, x, I...) dest(d)[I...] = x end
[ "MIT" ]
""" GridData <: StaticArray Simulation data specific to a single grid. These behave like arrays, but contain both source and destination arrays as simulations need separate read and write steps to maintain independence between cells. `GridData` objects also contain other data and settings needed for optimisations. # Type parameters - `S`: grid size type tuple - `R`: grid padding radius - `T`: grid data type """ abstract type GridData{S,R,T,N} <: StaticArray{S,T,N} end function (::Type{G})(d::GridData{S,R,T,N}) where {G<:GridData,S,R,T,N} args = source(d), dest(d), mask(d), proc(d), opt(d), boundary(d), padval(d), optdata(d) G{S,R,T,N,map(typeof, args)...}(args...) end function ConstructionBase.constructorof(::Type{T}) where T<:GridData{S,R} where {S,R}{S,R} end # Getters radius(d::GridData{<:Any,R}) where R = R mask(d::GridData) = d.mask proc(d::GridData) = d.proc opt(d::GridData) = d.opt optdata(d::GridData) = d.optdata boundary(d::GridData) = d.boundary padval(d::GridData) = d.padval source(d::GridData) = d.source dest(d::GridData) = d.dest # Get the size of the grid gridsize(d::GridData) = size(d) gridsize(A::AbstractArray) = size(A) gridsize(nt::NamedTuple) = gridsize(first(nt)) gridsize(nt::NamedTuple{(),Tuple{}}) = 0, 0 # Get a view of the grid, without padding gridview(d::GridData) = sourceview(d) # Get a view of the grid source, without padding sourceview(d::GridData) = _padless_view(source(d), axes(d), radius(d)) # Get a view of the grid dest, without padding destview(d::GridData) = _padless_view(dest(d), axes(d), radius(d)) _padless_view(A::OffsetArray, axes, radius) = _padless_view(parent(A), axes, radius) function _padless_view(A::AbstractArray, axes, radius) ranges = map(axes) do axis axis .+ radius end return view(A, ranges...) end # Get an a view of the source, preferring the underlying array if it is not a padded OffsetArray source_array_or_view(d::GridData) = source(d) isa OffsetArray ? sourceview(d) : source(d) # Get an a view of the dest, preferring the underlying array if it is not a padded OffsetArray dest_array_or_view(d::GridData) = dest(d) isa OffsetArray ? destview(d) : dest(d) # Base methods function Base.copy!(grid::GridData{<:Any,R}, A::AbstractArray) where R pad_axes = map(ax -> ax .+ R, axes(A)) copyto!(parent(source(grid)), CartesianIndices(pad_axes), A, CartesianIndices(A)) return _update_optdata!(grid) end function Base.copy!(A::AbstractArray, grid::GridData{<:Any,R}) where R pad_axes = map(ax -> ax .+ R, axes(A)) copyto!(A, CartesianIndices(A), parent(source(grid)), CartesianIndices(pad_axes)) return A end function Base.copy!(A::AbstractDimArray{T,N}, grid::GridData{<:Any,R}) where {T,N,R} copy!(parent(A), grid) return A end function Base.copy!(grid::GridData{<:Any,R}, A::AbstractDimArray{T,N}) where {R,T,N} copy!(grid, parent(A)) return grid end function Base.copy!(dst::GridData{<:Any,RD}, src::GridData{<:Any,RS}) where {RD,RS} dst_axes = map(s -> RD:s + RD, size(dst)) src_axes = map(s -> RS:s + RS, size(src)) copyto!(parent(source(dst)), CartesianIndices(dst_axes), parent(source(src)), CartesianIndices(src_axes) ) return dst end @propagate_inbounds Base.getindex(d::GridData{s}, I...) where s = getindex(source(d), I...) @propagate_inbounds function Base.getindex(d::GridData{s}, i1::Int, I::Int...) where s getindex(source(d), i1, I...) end # Local utility methods # _addpadding => OffsetArray{T,N} # Find the maximum radius required by all rules # Add padding around the original init array, offset into the negative # So that the first real cell is still 1, 1 function _addpadding(init::AbstractArray{T,1}, r, padval) where T l = length(init) paddedsize = l + 2r paddedaxis = -r + 1:l + r sourceparent = fill(convert(T, padval), paddedsize) source = OffsetArray(sourceparent, paddedaxis) # Copy the init array to the middle section of the source array for i in 1:l @inbounds source[i] = init[i] end return source end function _addpadding(init::AbstractArray{T,2}, r, padval) where T h, w = size(init) paddedsize = h + 4r, w + 2r paddedaxes = -r + 1:h + 3r, -r + 1:w + r pv = convert(eltype(init), padval) sourceparent = similar(init, typeof(pv), paddedsize...) sourceparent .= Ref(pv) # Copy the init array to the middle section of the source array _padless_view(sourceparent, axes(init), r) .= init source = OffsetArray(sourceparent, paddedaxes...) return source end # _swapsource => ReadableGridData # Swap source and dest arrays of a grid _swapsource(d::Tuple) = map(_swapsource, d) function _swapsource(grid::GridData) src = grid.source dst = grid.dest @set! grid.dest = src @set! grid.source = dst _swapoptdata(opt(grid), grid) end _swapoptdata(opt::PerformanceOpt, grid::GridData) = grid _build_optdata(opt::PerformanceOpt, init, r) = nothing _update_optdata!(grid::GridData) = _update_optdata!(grid, opt(grid)) _update_optdata!(grid, opt) = grid # _indtoblock # Convert regular index to block index @inline _indtoblock(x::Int, blocksize::Int) = (x - 1) ÷ blocksize + 1 # _blocktoind # Convert block index to regular index @inline _blocktoind(x::Int, blocksize::Int) = (x - 1) * blocksize + 1 """ ReadableGridData <: GridData ReadableGridData(grid::GridData) ReadableGridData{S,R}(init::AbstractArray, mask, opt, boundary, padval) [`GridData`](@ref) object passed to rules for reading only. Reads are always from the `source` array. """ struct ReadableGridData{ S<:Tuple,R,T,N,Sc,D,M,P<:Processor,Op<:PerformanceOpt,Bo,PV,OD } <: GridData{S,R,T,N} source::Sc dest::D mask::M proc::P opt::Op boundary::Bo padval::PV optdata::OD end function ReadableGridData{S,R}( source::Sc, dest::D, mask::M, proc::P, opt::Op, boundary::Bo, padval::PV, optdata::OD ) where {S,R,Sc<:AbstractArray{T,N},D,M,P,Op,Bo,PV,OD} where {T,N} ReadableGridData{S,R,T,N,Sc,D,M,P,Op,Bo,PV,OD}( source, dest, mask, proc, opt, boundary, padval, optdata ) end @inline function ReadableGridData{S,R}( init::AbstractArray, mask, proc, opt, boundary, padval ) where {S,R} # If the grid radius is larger than zero we pad it as an OffsetArray if R > 0 source = _addpadding(init, R, padval) dest = _addpadding(init, R, padval) else source = deepcopy(init) dest = deepcopy(init) end optdata = _build_optdata(opt, source, R) grid = ReadableGridData{S,R}( source, dest, mask, proc, opt, boundary, padval, optdata ) return _update_optdata!(grid) end function Base.parent(d::ReadableGridData{S,<:Any,T,N}) where {S,T,N} SizedArray{S,T,N}(source_array_or_view(d)) end """ WritableGridData <: GridData WritableGridData(grid::GridData) [`GridData`](@ref) object passed to rules as write grids, and can be written to directly as an array, or preferably using `add!` etc. All writes handle updates to `SparseOpt()` and writing to the correct source/dest array. Reads are always from the `source` array, while writes are always to the `dest` array. This is because rules application must not be sequential between cells - the order of cells the rule is applied to does not matter. This means that using e.g. `+=` is not supported. Instead use `add!`. """ struct WritableGridData{ S<:Tuple,R,T,N,Sc<:AbstractArray{T,N},D<:AbstractArray{T,N}, M,P<:Processor,Op<:PerformanceOpt,Bo,PV,OD } <: GridData{S,R,T,N} source::Sc dest::D mask::M proc::P opt::Op boundary::Bo padval::PV optdata::OD end function WritableGridData{S,R}( source::Sc, dest::D, mask::M, proc::P, opt::Op, boundary::Bo, padval::PV, optdata::OD ) where {S,R,Sc<:AbstractArray{T,N},D<:AbstractArray{T,N},M,P,Op,Bo,PV,OD} where {T,N} WritableGridData{S,R,T,N,Sc,D,M,P,Op,Bo,PV,OD}( source, dest, mask, proc, opt, boundary, padval, optdata ) end Base.parent(d::WritableGridData{S}) where {S} = SizedArray{S}(destview(d)) ### UNSAFE / LOCKS required # Base.setindex! # This is not safe for general use. # It can be used where only identical transformations of a cell # can happen from any other cell, such as setting all 1s to 2. @propagate_inbounds function Base.setindex!(d::WritableGridData, x, I...) _setindex!(d, proc(d), x, I...) end @propagate_inbounds function Base.setindex!(d::WritableGridData, x, i1::Int, I::Int...) _setindex!(d, proc(d), x, i1, I...) end @propagate_inbounds function _setindex!(d::WritableGridData, proc::SingleCPU, x, I...) @boundscheck checkbounds(dest(d), I...) @inbounds _setoptindex!(d, x, I...) @inbounds dest(d)[I...] = x end @propagate_inbounds function _setindex!(d::WritableGridData, proc::ThreadedCPU, x, I...) # Dest status is not threadsafe, even if the # setindex itself is safe. So we LOCK lock(proc) @inbounds _setoptindex!(d, x, I...) unlock(proc) @inbounds dest(d)[I...] = x end # _setoptindex! # Do anything the optimisation needs on `setindex` _setoptindex!(d::WritableGridData{<:Any,R}, x, I...) where R = _setoptindex!(d, opt(d), x, I...) _setoptindex!(d::WritableGridData{<:Any,R}, opt::PerformanceOpt, x, I...) where R = nothing
[ "MIT" ]
""" applyrule(data::AbstractSimData, rule::Rule{R,W}, state, index::Tuple{Int,Int}) -> cell value(s) Apply a rule to the cell state and return values to write to the grid(s). This is called in `maprule!` methods during the simulation, not by the user. Custom `Rule` implementations must define this method. ## Arguments - `data` : [`AbstractSimData`](@ref) - `rule` : [`Rule`](@ref) - `state`: the value(s) of the current cell - `index`: a (row, column) tuple of Int for the current cell coordinates Returns the value(s) to be written to the current cell(s) of the grids specified by the `W` type parameter. """ function applyrule end """ applyrule!(data::AbstractSimData, rule::{R,W}, state, index::Tuple{Int,Int}) -> Nothing Apply a rule to the cell state and manually write to the grid data array. Used in all rules inheriting from [`SetCellRule`](@ref). This is called in internal `maprule!` methods during the simulation, not by the user. Custom [`SetCellRule`](@ref) implementations must define this method. Only grids specified with the `W` type parameter will be writable from `data`. ## Arguments - `data` : [`AbstractSimData`](@ref) - `rule` : [`Rule`](@ref) - `state`: the value(s) of the current cell - `index`: a (row, column) tuple of Int for the current cell coordinates - `t`: the current time step """ function applyrule! end """ modifyrule(rule::Rule, data::AbstractSimData) -> Rule Precalculates rule fields at each timestep. Define this method if a [`Rule`](@ref) has fields that need to be updated over time. `Rule`s are immutable (it's faster and works on GPU), so `modifyrule` is expected to return a new rule object with changes applied to it. Setfield.jl or Acessors.jl may help with updating the immutable struct. The default behaviour is to return the existing rule without change. Updated rules are discarded after use, and the `rule` argument is always the original object passed in. # Example We define a rule with a parameter that is the total sum of the grids current, and update it for each time-step using `modifyrule`. This could be used to simulate top-down control e.g. a market mechanism in a geographic model that includes agricultural economics. ```jldoctest using DynamicGrids, Setfield struct MySummedRule{R,W,T} <: CellRule{R,W} gridsum::T end function modifyrule(rule::MySummedRule{R,W}, data::AbstractSimData) where {R,W} Setfield.@set rule.gridsum = sum(data[R]) end # output modifyrule (generic function with 1 method) ``` """ function modifyrule end """ add!(data::WritableGridData, x, I...) Add the value `x` to a grid cell. ## Example useage ```jldoctest using DynamicGrids rule = SetCell{:a}() do data, a, cellindex dest, is_inbounds = inbounds(data, (jump .+ cellindex)...) # Update spotted cell if it's on the grid is_inbounds && add!(data[:a], state, dest...) end # output SetCell{:a,:a}( f = var"#1#2" ) ``` """ function add! end """ sub!(data::WritableGridData, x, I...) Subtract the value `x` from a grid cell. See `add!` for example usage. """ function sub! end """ min!(data::WritableGridData, x, I...) Set a gride cell to the minimum of `x` and the current value. See `add!` for example usage. """ function min! end """ max!(data::WritableGridData, x, I...) Set a gride cell to the maximum of `x` and the current value. See `add!` for example usage. """ function max! end """ and!(data::WritableGridData, x, I...) and!(A::AbstractArray, x, I...) Set the grid cell `c` to `c & x`. See `add!` for example usage. """ function and! end """ or!(data::WritableGridData, x, I...) or!(A::AbstractArray, x, I...) Set the grid cell `c` to `c | x`. See `add!` for example usage. """ function or! end """ xor!(data::WritableGridData, x, I...) xor!(A::AbstractArray, x, I...) Set the grid cell `c` to `xor(c, x)`. See `add!` for example usage. """ function xor! end """ inbounds(data::AbstractSimData, I::Tuple) -> Tuple{NTuple{2,Int}, Bool} inbounds(data::AbstractSimData, I...) -> Tuple{NTuple{2,Int}, Bool} Check grid boundaries for a coordinate before writing in [`SetCellRule`](@ref). Returns a `Tuple` containing a coordinates `Tuple` and a `Bool` - `true` if the cell is inside the grid bounds, `false` if not. [`BoundaryCondition`](@ref) of type [`Remove`](@ref) returns the coordinate and `false` to skip coordinates that boundary outside of the grid. [`Wrap`](@ref) returns a tuple with the current position or it's wrapped equivalent, and `true` as it is allways in-bounds. """ function inbounds end """ isinbounds(data, I::Tuple) -> Bool isinbounds(data, I...) -> Bool Check that a coordinate is within the grid, usually in [`SetCellRule`](@ref). Unlike [`inbounds`](@ref), [`BoundaryCondition`](@ref) status is ignored. """ function isinbounds end """ init(obj) -> Union{AbstractArray,NamedTUple} Retrieve the mask from an [`Output`](@ref), [`Extent`](@ref) or [`AbstractSimData`](@ref) object. """ function init end """ mask(obj) -> AbstractArray Retrieve the mask from an [`Output`](@ref), [`Extent`](@ref) or [`AbstractSimData`](@ref) object. """ function mask end """ aux(obj, [key]) Retrieve auxilary data `NamedTuple` from an [`Output`](@ref), [`Extent`](@ref) or [`AbstractSimData`](@ref) object. Given `key` specific data will be returned. `key` should be a `Val{:symbol}` for type stability and zero-cost access inside rules. `Symbol` will also work, but may be slow. """ function aux end """ tspan(obj) -> AbstractRange Retrieve the time-span `AbstractRange` from an [`Output`](@ref), [`Extent`](@ref) or [`AbstractSimData`](@ref) object. """ function tspan end """ timestep(obj) Retrieve the timestep size from an [`Output`](@ref), [`Extent`](@ref), [`Ruleset`](@ref) or [`AbstractSimData`](@ref) object. This will be in whatever type/units you specify in `tspan`. """ function timestep end """ currentframe(simdata::AbstractSimData) -> Int Retrieve the current simulation frame a [`AbstractSimData`](@ref) object. """ function currentframe end """ currenttime(simdata::AbstractSimData) Retrieve the current simulation time from a [`AbstractSimData`](@ref) object. This will be in whatever type/units you specify in `tspan`. """ function currenttime end """ currenttimestep(simdata::AbstractSimData) Retrieve the current timestep from a [`AbstractSimData`](@ref) object. This may be different from the `timestep`. If the timestep is `Month`, `currenttimestep` will return `Seconds` for the length of the specific month. """ function currenttimestep end
[ "MIT" ]
""" Life <: NeighborhoodRule Life(neighborhood, born=3, survive=(2, 3)) Rule for game-of-life style cellular automata. This is a demonstration of Cellular Automata more than a seriously optimised game of life rule. Cells becomes active if it is empty and the number of neightbors is a number in the `born`, and remains active the cell is active and the number of neightbors is in `survive`. ## Examples (gleaned from CellularAutomata.jl) ```julia using DynamicGrids, Distributions # Use `Binomial` to tweak the density random true values init = Bool.(rand(Binomial(1, 0.5), 70, 70)) output = REPLOutput(init; tspan=1:100, fps=25, color=:red) # Morley sim!(output, Ruleset(Life(born=[3, 6, 8], survive=[2, 4, 5]))) # 2x2 sim!(output, Ruleset(Life(born=[3, 6], survive=[1, 2, 5]))) # Dimoeba init = rand(Bool, 400, 300) init[:, 100:200] .= 0 output = REPLOutput(init; tspan=1:100, fps=25, color=:blue, style=Braile()) sim!(output, Life(born=(3, 5, 6, 7, 8), survive=(5, 6, 7, 8))) ## No death sim!(output, Life(born=(3,), survive=(0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8))) ## 34 life sim!(output, Life(born=(3, 4), survive=(3, 4))) # Replicator init = fill(true, 300,300) init[:, 100:200] .= false init[10, :] .= 0 output = REPLOutput(init; tspan=1:100, fps=25, color=:yellow) sim!(output, Life(born=(1, 3, 5, 7), survive=(1, 3, 5, 7))) nothing # output ``` ![REPL Life]( """ struct Life{R,W,N,B,S,L} <: NeighborhoodRule{R,W} "A Neighborhood, usually Moore(1)" neighborhood::N "Int, Array, Tuple or Iterable of values that match sum(neighbors) when cell is empty" born::B "Int, Array, Tuple or Iterable of values that match sum(neighbors) when cell is full" survive::S lookup::L end function Life{R,W}( neighborhood::N, born::B, survive::S, lookup_ ) where {R,W,N<:Neighborhood{<:Any,<:Any,L},B,S} where L lookup = ntuple(i -> (i - 1) in born, L+1), ntuple(i -> (i - 1) in survive, L+1) Life{R,W,N,B,S,typeof(lookup)}(neighborhood, born, survive, lookup) end function Life{R,W}(neighborhood, born, survive) where {R,W} Life{R,W}(neighborhood, born, survive, nothing) end function Life{R,W}(; neighborhood=Moore(1), born=Param(3, bounds=(0, 8)), survive=(Param(2, bounds=(0, 8)), Param(3, bounds=(0, 8))), ) where {R,W} Life{R,W}(neighborhood, born, survive, nothing) end function setwindow(r::Life{R,W,N,B,S,LU}, buffer) where {R,W,N,B,S,LU} hood = setwindow(r.neighborhood, buffer) Life{R,W,typeof(hood),B,S,LU}(hood, r.born, r.survive, r.lookup) end function applyrule(data, rule::Life, state, I) rule.lookup[state + 1][sum(neighbors(rule)) + 1] end
[ "MIT" ]
# Map a rule over the grids it reads from, updating the grids it writes to. # This is broken into setup methods and application methods, # for dispatch and to introduce a function barrier for type stability. maprule!(data::AbstractSimData, rule) = maprule!(data, Val{ruletype(rule)}(), rule) function maprule!(data::AbstractSimData, ruletype::Val{<:CellRule}, rule) rkeys, _ = _getreadgrids(rule, data) wkeys, _ = _getwritegrids(rule, data) maprule!(RuleData(data), ruletype, rule, rkeys, wkeys) return data end function maprule!(data::AbstractSimData, ruletype::Val{<:NeighborhoodRule}, rule) rkeys, rgrids = _getreadgrids(rule, data) wkeys, wgrids = _getwritegrids(rule, data) # NeighborhoodRule will read from surrounding cells # so may incorporate cells from the masked area _maybemask!(rgrids) # Copy or zero out boundary where needed _updateboundary!(rgrids) _cleardest!(data[neighborhoodkey(rule)]) maprule!(RuleData(data), ruletype, rule, rkeys, wkeys) # Swap the dest/source of grids that were written to # and combine the written grids with the original simdata return _replacegrids(data, wkeys, _swapsource(_to_readonly(wgrids))) end function maprule!(data::AbstractSimData, ruletype::Val{<:SetRule}, rule) rkeys, _ = _getreadgrids(rule, data) wkeys, wgrids = _getwritegrids(rule, data) map(_astuple(wkeys, wgrids)) do g copyto!(parent(dest(g)), parent(source(g))) end ruledata = RuleData(_combinegrids(data, wkeys, wgrids)) maprule!(ruledata, ruletype, rule, rkeys, wkeys) return _replacegrids(data, wkeys, _swapsource(_to_readonly(wgrids))) end function maprule!(data::AbstractSimData, ruletype::Val{<:SetGridRule}, rule) rkeys, rgrids = _getreadgrids(rule, data) wkeys, wgrids = _getwritegrids(rule, data) _maybemask!(rgrids) # TODO... mask wgrids? ruledata = RuleData(_combinegrids(data, wkeys, wgrids)) # Run the rule applyrule!(ruledata, rule) return data end function maprule!(data::AbstractSimData, ruletype::Val, rule, rkeys, wkeys) maprule!(data, proc(data), opt(data), ruletype, rule, rkeys, wkeys) end # Most Rules # 2 dimensional, with processor selection and optimisations in `optmap` function maprule!(data::AbstractSimData{<:Tuple{Y,X}}, proc::CPU, opt, ruletype::Val, rule, rkeys, wkeys) where {Y,X} let data=data, proc=proc, opt=opt, rule=rule, rkeys=rkeys, wkeys=wkeys, ruletype=ruletype optmap(data, proc, opt, ruletype, rkeys) do I cell_kernel!(data, ruletype, rule, rkeys, wkeys, I...) end end end # Arbitrary dimensions, no proc/opt selection beyond CPU/GPU function maprule!(data::AbstractSimData, proc::CPU, opt, ruletype::Val, rule, rkeys, wkeys) let data=data, proc=proc, opt=opt, rule=rule, rkeys=rkeys, wkeys=wkeys, ruletype=ruletype for I in CartesianIndices(first(grids(data))) cell_kernel!(data, ruletype, rule, rkeys, wkeys, Tuple(I)...) end end end # Neighborhood rules # 2 dimensional, with processor selection and optimisations function maprule!( data::AbstractSimData{<:Tuple{Y,X}}, proc::CPU, opt, ruletype::Val{<:NeighborhoodRule}, rule, rkeys, wkeys ) where {Y,X} hoodgrid = _firstgrid(data, rkeys) let data=data, hoodgrid=hoodgrid, proc=proc, opt=opt, ruletyp=ruletype, rule=rule, rkeys=rkeys, wkeys=wkeys B = 2radius(hoodgrid) # UNSAFE: we must avoid sharing status blocks, it could cause race conditions # when setting status from different threads. So we split the grid in 2 interleaved # sets of rows, so that we never run adjacent rows simultaneously procmap(proc, 1:2:_indtoblock(Y, B)) do bi row_kernel!(data, hoodgrid, proc, opt, ruletype, rule, rkeys, wkeys, bi) end procmap(proc, 2:2:_indtoblock(Y, B)) do bi row_kernel!(data, hoodgrid, proc, opt, ruletype, rule, rkeys, wkeys, bi) end end return nothing end # Arbitrary dimensions, no proc/opt selection beyond CPU/GPU function maprule!( data::AbstractSimData, proc::CPU, opt, ruletype::Val{<:NeighborhoodRule}, rule, rkeys, wkeys ) hoodgrid = _firstgrid(data, rkeys) for I in CartesianIndices(hoodgrid) neighborhood_kernel!(data, hoodgrid, ruletype, rule, rkeys, wkeys, Tuple(I)...) end return nothing end ### Rules that don't need a neighborhood window #################### # optmap # Map kernel over the grid, specialising on PerformanceOpt. # Run kernel over the whole grid, cell by cell: function optmap( f, simdata::AbstractSimData{S}, proc, ::NoOpt, ::Val{<:Rule}, rkeys ) where S<:Tuple{Y,X} where {Y,X} procmap(proc, 1:X) do j for i in 1:Y f((i, j)) # Run rule for each row in column j end end end # Use @simd for CellRule function optmap( f, simdata::AbstractSimData{S}, proc, ::NoOpt, ::Val{<:CellRule}, rkeys ) where S<:Tuple{Y,X} where {Y,X} procmap(proc, 1:X) do j @simd for i in 1:Y f((i, j)) # Run rule for each row in column j end end end # procmap # Map kernel over the grid, specialising on Processor # Looping over cells or blocks on CPU @inline procmap(f, proc::SingleCPU, range) = for n in range f(n) # Run rule over each column end @inline procmap(f, proc::ThreadedCPU, range) = Threads.@threads for n in range f(n) # Run rule over each column, threaded end # cell_kernel! # runs a rule for the current cell @inline function cell_kernel!(simdata, ruletype::Val{<:Rule}, rule, rkeys, wkeys, I...) readval = _readcell(simdata, rkeys, I...) writeval = applyrule(simdata, rule, readval, I) _writecell!(simdata, ruletype, wkeys, writeval, I...) writeval end @inline function cell_kernel!(simdata, ::Val{<:SetRule}, rule, rkeys, wkeys, I...) readval = _readcell(simdata, rkeys, I...) applyrule!(simdata, rule, readval, I) nothing end # neighborhood_kernel! # Runs a rule for the current cell/neighborhood, when there is no # row-based optimisation @inline function neighborhood_kernel!( data, hoodgrid, ruletype::Val{<:NeighborhoodRule}, rule, rkeys, wkeys, I... ) rule1 = unsafe_updatewindow(rule, source(hoodgrid), I...) cell_kernel!(data, ruletype, rule1, rkeys, wkeys, I...) end # row_kernel! # Run a NeighborhoodRule rule row by row. When we move along a row by one cell, we # access only a single new column of data with the height of 4R, and move the existing # data in the neighborhood windows array across by one column. This saves on reads # from the main array. function row_kernel!( simdata::AbstractSimData, grid::GridData{<:Tuple{Y,X},R}, proc, opt::NoOpt, ruletype::Val, rule::Rule, rkeys, wkeys, bi ) where {Y,X,R} B = 2R i = _blocktoind(bi, B) i > Y && return nothing # Loop along the block ROW. src = parent(source(grid)) windows = _initialise_windows(src, Val{R}(), i, 1) blocklen = min(Y, i + B - 1) - i + 1 for j = 1:X windows = _slide_windows(windows, src, Val{R}(), i, j) # Loop over the COLUMN of windows covering the block for b in 1:blocklen @inbounds rule1 = setwindow(rule, windows[b]) cell_kernel!(simdata, ruletype, rule1, rkeys, wkeys, i + b - 1, j) end end return nothing end #### Utils _to_readonly(data::Tuple) = map(ReadableGridData, data) _to_readonly(data::WritableGridData) = ReadableGridData(data) # _maybemask! # mask the source grid _maybemask!(wgrids::Union{Tuple,NamedTuple}) = map(_maybemask!, wgrids) _maybemask!(wgrid::GridData) = _maybemask!(wgrid, proc(wgrid), mask(wgrid)) _maybemask!(wgrid::GridData, proc, mask::Nothing) = nothing function _maybemask!( wgrid::GridData{<:Tuple{Y,X}}, proc::CPU, mask::AbstractArray ) where {Y,X} procmap(proc, 1:X) do j @simd for i in 1:Y source(wgrid)[i, j] *= mask[i, j] end end end function _maybemask!( wgrid::GridData{<:Tuple{Y,X}}, proc, mask::AbstractArray ) where {Y,X} sourceview(wgrid) .*= mask end # _cleardest! # only needed with optimisations _cleardest!(grid) = _cleardest!(grid, opt(grid)) _cleardest!(grid, opt) = nothing
[ "MIT" ]
# _updaterules # Update the StaticRuleset in the SimData object with # a (potentially) modifed version of the original rules tuple. # This must be passed in to allow async updating from a live # interface while the simulation runs. function _updaterules(rules::Tuple, sd::AbstractSimData) newrs = ModelParameters.setparent( ruleset(sd), _modifyrules(_proc_setup(proc(sd), ModelParameters.stripparams(rules)), sd) ) @set sd.ruleset = newrs end # _modifyrules # Run `modifyrule` for each rule, recursively. _modifyrules(rules::Tuple, simdata) = (modifyrule(rules[1], simdata), _modifyrules(tail(rules), simdata)...) _modifyrules(rules::Tuple{}, simdata) = () # The default `modifyrule` returns the rule unchanged. modifyrule(rule, simdata) = rule
[ "MIT" ]
""" ParameterSource Abstract supertypes for parameter source wrappers such as [`Aux`](@ref), [`Grid`](@ref) and [`Delay`](@ref). These allow flexibility in that parameters can be retreived from various data sources not specified when the rule is written. """ abstract type ParameterSource end """ get(data::AbstractSimData, source::ParameterSource, I...) get(data::AbstractSimData, source::ParameterSource, I::Union{Tuple,CartesianIndex}) Allows parameters to be taken from a single value or a [`ParameterSource`](@ref) such as another [`Grid`](@ref), an [`Aux`](@ref) array, or a [`Delay`](@ref). Other `source` objects are used as-is without indexing with `I`. """ @propagate_inbounds Base.get(data::AbstractSimData, val, I...) = val @propagate_inbounds Base.get(data::AbstractSimData, key::ParameterSource, I...) = get(data, key, I) @propagate_inbounds Base.get(data::AbstractSimData, key::ParameterSource, I::CartesianIndex) = get(data, key, Tuple(I)) """ Aux <: ParameterSource Aux{K}() Aux(K::Symbol) Use auxilary array with key `K` as a parameter source. Implemented in rules with: ```julia get(data, rule.myparam, I) ``` When an `Aux` param is specified at rule construction with: ```julia rule = SomeRule(; myparam=Aux{:myaux}) output = ArrayOutput(init; aux=(myaux=myauxarray,)) ``` If the array is a DimensionalData.jl `DimArray` with a `Ti` (time) dimension, the correct interval will be selected automatically, precalculated for each timestep so it has no significant overhead. Currently this is cycled by default. Note that cycling may be incorrect when the simulation timestep (e.g. `Week`) does not fit equally into the length of the time dimension (e.g. `Year`). This will reuire a `Cyclic` index mode in DimensionalData.jl in future to correct this problem. """ struct Aux{K} <: ParameterSource end Aux(key::Symbol) = Aux{key}() _unwrap(::Aux{X}) where X = X _unwrap(::Type{<:Aux{X}}) where X = X @inline aux(nt::NamedTuple, ::Aux{Key}) where Key = nt[Key] @propagate_inbounds function Base.get(data::AbstractSimData, key::Aux, I::Tuple) _getaux(data, key, I) end # _getaux # Get the value of an auxilliary array at index I and/or the synchonised time-step @propagate_inbounds function _getaux( data::AbstractSimData, key::Union{Aux,Symbol}, I::Tuple ) _getaux(aux(data, key), data, key, I) end # For an Array just return the value for the index @propagate_inbounds function _getaux( A::AbstractArray, data::AbstractSimData, key::Union{Aux,Symbol}, I::Tuple ) A[I...] end # For a DimArray with a time dimension we return the value at the # current auxframe, also using the index `I` if aux is multidimensional. @propagate_inbounds function _getaux( A::AbstractDimArray{<:Any,1}, data::AbstractSimData, key::Union{Aux,Symbol}, I::Tuple ) hasdim(A, TimeDim) ? A[auxframe(data, key)] : A[I...] end @propagate_inbounds function _getaux( A::AbstractDimArray, data::AbstractSimData, key::Union{Aux,Symbol}, I::Tuple ) if hasdim(A, TimeDim) last(dims(A)) isa TimeDim || throw(ArgumentError("The time dimensions in aux data must be the last dimension")) A[I..., auxframe(data, key)] else A[I...] end end # boundscheck_aux # Bounds check the aux arrays ahead of time function boundscheck_aux(data::AbstractSimData, key::Aux) boundscheck_aux(data, aux(data), key) end function boundscheck_aux(data::AbstractSimData, A::Nothing, key::Aux{Key}) where Key _auxmissingerror(Key, a) end function boundscheck_aux(data::AbstractSimData, aux::NamedTuple, key::Aux{Key}) where Key boundscheck_aux(data, aux[_unwrap(key)], key) end function boundscheck_aux(data::AbstractSimData, A::AbstractArray, key::Aux{Key}) where Key size(A) === size(data) || _auxsizeerror(Key, size(A), size(data)) end function boundscheck_aux(data::AbstractSimData, A::AbstractDimArray{<:Any,1}, key::Aux{Key}) where Key hasdim(A, TimeDim) || size(data) === size(A) || _auxsizeerror(Key, size(A), size(data)) end function boundscheck_aux(data::AbstractSimData, A::AbstractDimArray, key::Aux{Key}) where Key if hasdim(A, TimeDim) asize = size(otherdims(A, TimeDim)) asize == size(data) || _auxsizeerror(Key, asize, size(data)) else size(A) == size(data) || _auxsizeerror(Key, size(A), size(data)) end end # _calc_auxframe # Calculate the frame to use in the aux data for this timestep. # This uses the index of any AbstractDimArray, which must be a # matching type to the simulation tspan. # This is called from _updatetime in simulationdata.jl _calc_auxframe(data::AbstractSimData) = _calc_auxframe(aux(data), data) function _calc_auxframe(aux::NamedTuple, data::AbstractSimData) map(A -> _calc_auxframe(A, data), aux) end function _calc_auxframe(A::AbstractDimArray, data) hasdim(A, TimeDim) || return nothing curtime = currenttime(data) firstauxtime = first(dims(A, TimeDim)) auxstep = step(dims(A, TimeDim)) # Use julias range objects to calculate the distance between the # current time and the start of the aux i = if curtime >= firstauxtime length(firstauxtime:auxstep:curtime) else 1 - length(firstauxtime-timestep(data):-auxstep:curtime) end # TODO use a cyclic mode DimensionalArray # and handle the mismatch of e.g. weeks and years return _cyclic_index(i, size(A, Ti)) end _calc_auxframe(aux, data) = nothing # _cyclic_index # Cycle an index over the length of the aux data. function _cyclic_index(i::Integer, len::Integer) return if i > len rem(i + len - 1, len) + 1 elseif i <= 0 i + (i ÷ len -1) * -len else i end end """ Grid <: ParameterSource Grid{K}() Grid(K::Symbol) Use grid with key `K` as a parameter source. Implemented in rules with: ```julia get(data, rule.myparam, I) ``` And specified at rule construction with: ```julia SomeRule(; myparam=Grid(:somegrid)) ``` """ struct Grid{K} <: ParameterSource end Grid(key::Symbol) = Grid{key}() _unwrap(::Grid{X}) where X = X _unwrap(::Type{<:Grid{X}}) where X = X @propagate_inbounds Base.get(data::AbstractSimData, key::Grid{K}, I::Tuple) where K = data[K][I...] """ AbstractDelay <: ParameterSource Abstract supertype for [`ParameterSource`](@ref)s that use data from a grid with a time delay. $EXPERIMENTAL """ abstract type AbstractDelay{K} <: ParameterSource end @inline frame(delay::AbstractDelay) = delay.frame @propagate_inbounds function Base.get( data::AbstractSimData, delay::AbstractDelay{K}, I::Tuple ) where K _getdelay(frames(data)[frame(delay, data)], delay, I) end # The output may store a single Array or a NamedTuplea. @propagate_inbounds function _getdelay(frame::AbstractArray, ::AbstractDelay, I::Tuple) frame[I...] end @propagate_inbounds function _getdelay( frame::NamedTuple, delay::AbstractDelay{K}, I::Tuple ) where K _getdelay(frame[K], delay, I) end """ Delay <: AbstractDelay Delay{K}(steps) `Delay` allows using a [`Grid`](@ref) from previous timesteps as a parameter source as a field in any `Rule` that uses `get` to retrieve it's parameters. It must be coupled with an output that stores all frames, so that `@assert DynamicGrids.isstored(output) == true`. With [`GraphicOutput`](@ref)s this may be acheived by using the keyword argument `store=true` when constructing the output object. # Type Parameters - `K::Symbol`: matching the name of a grid in `init`. # Arguments - `steps`: As a user supplied parameter, this is a multiple of the step size of the output `tspan`. This is automatically replaced with an integer for each step. Used within the code in a rule, it must be an `Int` number of frames, for performance. # Example ```julia SomeRule(; someparam=Delay(:grid_a, Month(3)) otherparam=1.075 ) ``` $EXPERIMENTAL """ struct Delay{K,S} <: AbstractDelay{K} steps::S end Delay{K}(steps::S) where {K,S} = Delay{K,S}(steps) ConstructionBase.constructorof(::Delay{K}) where K = Delay{K} steps(delay::Delay) = delay.steps # _to_frame # Replace the delay step size with an integer for fast indexing # checking that the delay matches the simulation step size. # Delays at the start just use the init frame. function _to_frame(delay::Delay{K}, data::AbstractSimData) where K nsteps = steps(delay) / step(tspan(data)) isteps = trunc(Int, nsteps) nsteps == isteps || _delaysteperror(delay, step(tspan(data))) frame = max(currentframe(data) - isteps, 1) Frame{K}(frame) end """ Lag <: AbstractDelay Lag{K}(frames::Int) `Lag` allows using a [`Grid`](@ref) from a specific previous frame from within a rule, using `get`. It is similar to [`Delay`](@ref), but an integer amount of frames should be used, instead of a quantity related to the simulation `tspan`. The lower bound is the first frame. # Type Parameter - `K::Symbol`: matching the name of a grid in `init`. # Argument - `frames::Int`: number of frames to lag by, 1 or larger. # Example ```julia SomeRule(; someparam=Lag(:grid_a, Month(3)) otherparam=1.075 ) ``` $EXPERIMENTAL """ struct Lag{K} <: AbstractDelay{K} nframes::Int end # convert the Lag to a Frame object # Lags at the start just use the init frame. function _to_frame(ps::Lag{K}, data::AbstractSimData) where K Frame{K}(frame(ps, data)) end @inline frame(ps::Lag, data) = max(1, currentframe(data) - ps.nframes) """ Frame <: AbstractDelay Frame{K}(frame) `Frame` allows using a [`Grid`](@ref) from a specific previous timestep from within a rule, using `get`. It should only be used within rule code, not as a parameter. # Type Parameter - `K::Symbol`: matching the name of a grid in `init`. # Argument - `frame::Int`: the exact frame number to use. $EXPERIMENTAL """ struct Frame{K} <: AbstractDelay{K} frame::Int Frame{K}(frame::Int) where K = new{K}(frame) end ConstructionBase.constructorof(::Frame{K}) where K = Frame{K} @inline frame(ps::Frame) = ps.frame @inline frame(ps::Frame, data) = frame(ps) # Delay utils # Types to ignore when flattening rules to <: AbstractDelay const DELAY_IGNORE = Union{Function,SArray,AbstractDict,Number} @inline function hasdelay(rules::Tuple) # Check for Delay as parameter or used in rule code length(_getdelays(rules)) > 0 || any(map(needsdelay, rules)) end # needsdelay # Speficy that a rule needs a delay frames present # to run. This will throw an early error if the Output # does not store frames, instead of an indexing error during # the simulation. needsdelay(rule::Rule) = false # _getdelays # Get all the delays found in fields of the rules tuple _getdelays(rules::Tuple) = Flatten.flatten(rules, AbstractDelay, DELAY_IGNORE) # _setdelays # Update any AbstractDelay anywhere in the rules Tuple. # These are converted to Frame objects so the calculation # happens only once for each timestep, instead of for each cell. function _setdelays(rules::Tuple, data::AbstractSimData) delays = _getdelays(rules) if length(delays) > 0 newdelays = map(d -> _to_frame(d, data), delays) _setdelays(rules, newdelays) else rules end end _setdelays(rules::Tuple, delays::Tuple) = Flatten.reconstruct(rules, delays, AbstractDelay, DELAY_IGNORE) # Errors @noinline _notstorederror() = throw(ArgumentError("Output does not store frames, which is needed for a Delay. Use ArrayOutput or any GraphicOutput with `store=true` keyword")) @noinline _delaysteperror(delay::Delay{K}, simstep) where K = throw(ArgumentError("Delay $K size $(steps(delay)) is not a multiple of simulations step $simstep")) @noinline _auxmissingerror(key, aux) = error("Aux data $key is not present in aux") @noinline _auxsizeerror(key, asize, gsize) = error("Aux data $key is size $asize does not match grid size $gsize")
[ "MIT" ]
""" Rule A `Rule` object contains the information required to apply an `applyrule` method to every cell of every timestep of a simulation. The [`applyrule`](@ref) method follows the form: ```julia @inline applyrule(data::AbstractSimData, rule::MyRule, state, I::Tuple{Int,Int}) = ... ``` Where `I` is the cell index, and `state` is a single value, or a `NamedTuple` if multiple grids are requested. the [`AbstractSimData`](@ref) object can be used to access current timestep and other simulation data and metadata. Rules can be updated from the original rule before each timestep, in [`modifyrule`](@ref). Here a paremeter depends on the sum of a grid: ```jldoctest using DynamicGrids, Setfield struct MySummedRule{R,W,T} <: CellRule{R,W} gridsum::T end function modifyrule(rule::MySummedRule{R,W}, data::AbstractSimData) where {R,W} Setfield.@set rule.gridsum = sum(data[R]) end # output modifyrule (generic function with 1 method) ``` Rules can also be run in sequence, as a `Tuple` or in a [`Ruleset`](@ref)s. DynamicGrids guarantees that: - `modifyrule` is run once for every rule for every timestep. The result is passed to `applyrule`, but not retained after that. - `applyrule` is run once for every rule, for every cell, for every timestep, unless an optimisation like [`SparseOpt`](@ref) is used to skip empty cells. - the output of running a rule for any cell does not affect the input of the same rule running anywhere else in the grid. - rules later in the sequence are passed grid state updated by the earlier rules. - masked areas, and wrapped or removed `boundary` regions are updated between rules when they have changed. ## Multiple grids The keys of the init `NamedTuple` will be match the grid keys used in `R` and `W` for each rule, which is a type like `Tuple{:key1,:key1}`. Note that the names are user-specified, and should never be fixed by a `Rule`. Read grid names are retrieved from the type here as `R1` and `R2`, while write grids are `W1` and `W2`. ```jldoctest using DynamicGrids struct MyMultiSetRule{R,W} <: SetCellRule{R,W} end function applyrule( data::AbstractSimData, rule::MyMultiSetRule{Tuple{R1,R2},Tuple{W1,W2}}, (r1, r2), I ) where {R1,R2,W1,W2} add!(data[W1], 1, I) add!(data[W2], 1, I) end # output applyrule (generic function with 1 method) ``` The return value of an `applyrule` is written to the current cell in the specified `W` write grid/s. `Rule`s writing to multiple grids simply return a `Tuple` in the order specified by the `W` type params. ## Rule Performance Rules may run many millions of times during a simulation. They need to be fast. Some basic guidlines for writing rules are: - Never allocate memory in a `Rule` if you can help it. - Type stability is essential. [`isinferred`](@ref) is useful to check if your rule is type-stable. - Using the `@inline` macro on `applyrule` can help force inlining your code into the simulation. - Reading and writing from multiple grids is expensive due to additional load on fast cahce memory. Try to limit the number of grids you use. - Use a graphical profiler, like ProfileView.jl, to check your rules overall performance when run with `sim!`. """ abstract type Rule{R,W} end # Rules are also traits - because we use wrapper rules ruletype(::Rule) = Rule #= Default constructors for all Rules. Sets both the read and write grids to `:_default`. This strategy relies on a one-to-one relationship between fields and type parameters, besides the initial `R` and `W` params. =# # No {R,W} with args or kw function (::Type{T})(args...; kw...) where T<:Rule T{DEFAULT_KEY,DEFAULT_KEY}(args...; kw...) end # {R,W} with args function (::Type{T})(args...) where T<:Rule{R,W} where {R,W} # _checkfields(T, args) T{map(typeof, args)...}(args...) end # Only R specified function (::Type{T})(args...; kw...) where T<:Rule{R} where R T{R}(args...; kw...) end @generated function Base.keys(rule::Rule{R,W}) where {R,W} Expr(:tuple, QuoteNode.(union(_asiterable(W), _asiterable(R)))...) end @inline _writekeys(::Rule{R,W}) where {R,W} = W @generated function _writekeys(::Rule{R,W}) where {R,W<:Tuple} Expr(:tuple, QuoteNode.(W.parameters)...) end @inline _readkeys(::Rule{R,W}) where {R,W} = R @generated function _readkeys(::Rule{R,W}) where {R<:Tuple,W} Expr(:tuple, QuoteNode.(R.parameters)...) end # Define the constructor for generic rule reconstruction in Flatten.jl and Setfield.jl function ConstructionBase.constructorof(::Type{T}) where T<:Rule{R,W} where {R,W}{R,W} end # Find the largest radius present in the passed in rules. function radius(rules::Tuple{Vararg{<:Rule}}) allkeys = Tuple(union(map(keys, rules)...)) maxradii = Tuple(radius(rules, key) for key in allkeys) return NamedTuple{allkeys}(maxradii) end radius(rules::Tuple{}) = NamedTuple{(),Tuple{}}(()) # Get radius of specific key from all rules radius(rules::Tuple{Vararg{<:Rule}}, key::Symbol) = reduce(max, radius(ru) for ru in rules if key in keys(ru); init=0) radius(rule::Rule, args...) = 0 """ RuleWrapper <: Rule A `Rule` that wraps other rules, altering their behaviour or how they are run. """ abstract type RuleWrapper{R,W} <: Rule{R,W} end """ Cellrule <: Rule A `Rule` that only writes and uses a state from single cell of the read grids, and has its return value written back to the same cell(s). This limitation can be useful for performance optimisation, such as wrapping rules in [`Chain`](@ref) so that no writes occur between rules. `CellRule` is defined with : ```jldoctest yourcellrule using DynamicGrids struct MyCellRule{R,W} <: CellRule{R,W} end # output ``` And applied as: ```jldoctest yourcellrule function applyrule(data, rule::MyCellRule, state, I) state * 2 end # output applyrule (generic function with 1 method) ``` As the index `I` is provided in `applyrule`, you can use it to look up [`Aux`](@ref) data. """ abstract type CellRule{R,W} <: Rule{R,W} end ruletype(::CellRule) = CellRule """ Call <: CellRule Cell(f) Cell{R,W}(f) A [`CellRule`](@ref) that applies a function `f` to the `R` grid value, or `Tuple` of values, and returns the `W` grid value or `Tuple` of values. Especially convenient with `do` notation. ## Example Double the cell value in grid `:a`: ```jldoctest Cell using DynamicGrids simplerule = Cell{:a}() do data, a, I 2a end # output Cell{:a,:a}( f = var"#1#2" ) ``` `data` is an [`AbstractSimData`](@ref) object, `a` is the cell value, and `I` is a `Tuple` holding the cell index. If you need to use multiple grids (a and b), use the `R` and `W` type parameters. If you want to use external variables, wrap the whole thing in a `let` block, for performance. This rule sets the new value of `b` to the value of `a` to `b` times scalar `y`: ```jldoctest Cell y = 0.7 rule = let y = y rule = Cell{Tuple{:a,:b},:b}() do data, (a, b), I a + b * y end end # output Cell{Tuple{:a, :b},:b}( f = var"#3#4"{Float64} ) ``` """ struct Cell{R,W,F} <: CellRule{R,W} "Function to apply to the R grid values" f::F end Cell{R,W}(; kw...) where {R,W} = _nofunctionerror(Cell) @inline function applyrule(data, rule::Cell, read, I) let data=data, rule=rule, read=read, I=I rule.f(data, read, I) end end """ SetRule <: Rule Abstract supertype for rules that manually write to the grid in some way. These must define methods of [`applyrule!`](@ref). """ abstract type SetRule{R,W} <: Rule{R,W} end ruletype(::SetRule) = SetRule """ SetCellRule <: Rule Abstract supertype for rules that can manually write to any cells of the grid that they need to. For example, `SetCellRule` is applied with like this, here simply adding 1 to the current cell: ```jldoctest SetCellRule using DynamicGrids struct MySetCellRule{R,W} <: SetCellRule{R,W} end function applyrule!(data::AbstractSimData, rule::MySetCellRule{R,W}, state, I) where {R,W} # Add 1 to the cell 10 up and 10 accross I, isinbounds = inbounds(I .+ 10) isinbounds && add!(data[W], 1, I...) return nothing end # output applyrule! (generic function with 1 method) ``` Note the `!` bang - this method alters the state of `data`. To update the grid, you can use atomic operators [`add!`](@ref), [`sub!`](@ref), [`min!`](@ref), [`max!`](@ref), and [`and!`](@ref), [`or!`](@ref) for `Bool`. These methods safely combined writes from all grid cells - directly using `setindex!` would cause bugs. It there are multiple write grids, you will need to get the grid keys from type parameters, here `W1` and `W2`: ```jldoctest SetCellRule function applyrule(data, rule::MySetCellRule{R,Tuple{W1,W2}}, state, I) where {R,W1,W2} add!(data[W1], 1, I...) add!(data[W2], 2, I...) return nothing end # output applyrule (generic function with 1 method) ``` DynamicGrids guarantees that: - values written to anywhere on the grid do not affect other cells in the same rule at the same timestep. - values written to anywhere on the grid are available to the next rule in the sequence, or in the next timestep if there are no remaining rules. - if atomic operators like `add!` and `sub!` are always used to write to the grid, race conditions will not occur on any hardware. """ abstract type SetCellRule{R,W} <: SetRule{R,W} end ruletype(::SetCellRule) = SetCellRule """ SetCell <: SetCellRule SetCell(f) SetCell{R,W}(f) A [`SetCellRule`](@ref) to manually write to the array where you need to. `f` is passed a [`AbstractSimData`](@ref) object, the grid state or `Tuple` of grid states for the cell and a `Tuple{Int,Int}` index of the current cell. To update the grid, you can use: [`add!`](@ref), [`sub!`](@ref) for `Number`, and [`and!`](@ref), [`or!`](@ref) for `Bool`. These methods safely combined writes from all grid cells - directly using `setindex!` would cause bugs. ## Example Choose a destination cell and if it is in the grid, update it based on the state of both grids: ```jldoctest SetCell using DynamicGrids rule = SetCell{Tuple{:a,:b},:b}() do data, (a, b), I dest = your_dest_pos_func(I) if isinbounds(data, dest) destval = your_dest_val_func(a, b) add!(data[:b], destval, dest...) end end # output SetCell{Tuple{:a, :b},:b}( f = var"#1#2" ) ``` """ struct SetCell{R,W,F} <: SetCellRule{R,W} "Function to apply to data, index and read grid values" f::F end SetCell{R,W}(; kw...) where {R,W} = _nofunctionerror(Set) @inline function applyrule!(data, rule::SetCell, read, I) let data=data, rule=rule, read=read, I=I rule.f(data, read, I) end end """ NeighborhoodRule <: Rule A Rule that only accesses a neighborhood centered around the current cell. `NeighborhoodRule` is applied with the method: ```julia applyrule(data::AbstractSimData, rule::MyNeighborhoodRule, state, I::Tuple{Int,Int}) ``` `NeighborhoodRule` must have a `neighborhood` method or field, that holds a [`Neighborhood`](@ref) object. `neighbors(rule)` returns an iterator over the surrounding cell pattern defined by the `Neighborhood`. For each cell in the grids the neighborhood buffer will be updated for use in the `applyrule` method, managed to minimise array reads. This allows memory optimisations and the use of high-perforance routines on the neighborhood buffer. It also means that and no bounds checking is required in neighborhood code. For neighborhood rules with multiple read grids, the first is always the one used for the neighborhood, the others are passed in as additional state for the cell. Any grids can be written to, but only for the current cell. """ abstract type NeighborhoodRule{R,W} <: Rule{R,W} end ruletype(::NeighborhoodRule) = NeighborhoodRule neighbors(rule::NeighborhoodRule) = neighbors(neighborhood(rule)) neighborhood(rule::NeighborhoodRule) = rule.neighborhood offsets(rule::NeighborhoodRule) = offsets(neighborhood(rule)) kernel(rule::NeighborhoodRule) = kernel(neighborhood(rule)) kernelproduct(rule::NeighborhoodRule) = kernelproduct(neighborhood(rule)) positions(rule::NeighborhoodRule, args...) = positions(neighborhood(rule), args...) neighborhoodkey(rule::NeighborhoodRule{R,W}) where {R,W} = R # The first argument is for the neighborhood grid neighborhoodkey(rule::NeighborhoodRule{<:Tuple{R1,Vararg},W}) where {R1,W} = R1 radius(rule::NeighborhoodRule, args...) = radius(neighborhood(rule)) @inline function setwindow(rule, window) @set rule.neighborhood = setwindow(neighborhood(rule), window) end @inline function unsafe_updatewindow(rule::NeighborhoodRule, A::AbstractArray, I...) setwindow(rule, unsafe_readwindow(neighborhood(rule), A, I...)) end @inline function unsafe_readwindow(rule::Rule, A::AbstractArray, I...) unsafe_readwindow(neighborhood(rule), A, I) end """ Neighbors <: NeighborhoodRule Neighbors(f, neighborhood=Moor(1)) Neighbors{R,W}(f, neighborhood=Moore()) A [`NeighborhoodRule`](@ref) that receives a [`Neighborhood`](@ref) object for the first `R` grid, followed by the cell value/s for the required grids, as with [`Cell`](@ref). Returned value(s) are written to the `W` grid/s. As with all [`NeighborhoodRule`](@ref), you do not have to check bounds at grid edges, that is handled for you internally. Using [`SparseOpt`](@ref) may improve neighborhood performance when a specific value (often zero) is common and can be safely ignored. ## Example Runs a game of life glider on grid `:a`: ```jldoctest using DynamicGrids const sum_states = (0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0), (0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0) life = Neighbors{:a}(Moore(1)) do data, hood, a, I sum_states[a + 1][sum(hood) + 1] end init = Bool[ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ] output = REPLOutput((; a=init); fps=25, tspan=1:50) sim!(output, Life{:a}(); boundary=Wrap()) output[end][:a] # output 5×15 Matrix{Bool}: 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ``` """ struct Neighbors{R,W,F,N} <: NeighborhoodRule{R,W} "Function to apply to the neighborhood and R grid values" f::F "Defines the neighborhood of cells around the central cell" neighborhood::N end Neighbors{R,W}(; kw...) where {R,W} = _nofunctionerror(Neighbors) Neighbors{R,W}(f; neighborhood=Moore(1)) where {R,W} = Neighbors{R,W}(f, neighborhood) @inline function applyrule(data, rule::Neighbors, read, I) let rule=rule, hood=neighborhood(rule), read=read, I=I rule.f(data, hood, read, I) end end """ Convolution <: NeighborhoodRule Convolution(kernel::AbstractArray) Convolution{R,W}(kernel::AbstractArray) A [`NeighborhoodRule`](@ref) that runs a convolution kernel over the grid. `kernel` must be a square matrix. ## Performance Small radius convolutions in DynamicGrids.jl will be comparable or even faster than using DSP.jl or ImageConvolutions.jl. As the radius increases these packages will be a lot faster. But `Convolution` is convenient to chain into a simulation, and combined with some other rules. It should perform reasonably well with all but very large kernels. Values are not normalised, so make sure the kernel sums to `1` if you need that. ## Example A streaking convolution that looks a bit like sand blowing. Swap out the matrix values to change the pattern. ```julia using DynamicGrids, DynamicGridsGtk streak = Convolution([0.0 0.01 0.48; 0.0 0.5 0.01; 0.0 0.0 0.0]) output = GtkOutput(rand(500, 500); tspan = 1:1000, fps=100) sim!(output, streak; boundary=Wrap()) ``` """ struct Convolution{R,W,N} <: NeighborhoodRule{R,W} "The neighborhood of cells around the central cell" neighborhood::N end Convolution{R,W}(A::AbstractArray) where {R,W} = Convolution{R,W}(Kernel(SMatrix{size(A)...}(A))) Convolution{R,W}(; neighborhood) where {R,W} = Convolution{R,W}(neighborhood) @inline applyrule(data, rule::Convolution, read, I) = kernelproduct(neighborhood(rule)) """ SetNeighborhoodRule <: SetRule A [`SetRule`](@ref) that only writes to its neighborhood, and does not need to bounds-check. [`positions`](@ref) and [`offsets`](@ref) are useful iterators for modifying neighborhood values. `SetNeighborhoodRule` rules must return a [`Neighborhood`](@ref) object from the function `neighborhood(rule)`. By default this is `rule.neighborhood`. If this property exists, no interface methods are required. """ abstract type SetNeighborhoodRule{R,W} <: SetRule{R,W} end ruletype(::SetNeighborhoodRule) = SetNeighborhoodRule neighborhood(rule::SetNeighborhoodRule) = rule.neighborhood offsets(rule::SetNeighborhoodRule) = offsets(neighborhood(rule)) kernel(rule::SetNeighborhoodRule) = kernel(neighborhood(rule)) positions(rule::SetNeighborhoodRule, args...) = positions(neighborhood(rule), args...) radius(rule::SetNeighborhoodRule, args...) = radius(neighborhood(rule)) neighborhoodkey(rule::SetNeighborhoodRule{R,W}) where {R,W} = R neighborhoodkey(rule::SetNeighborhoodRule{<:Tuple{R1,Vararg},W}) where {R1,W} = R1 """ SetNeighbors <: SetNeighborhoodRule SetNeighbors(f, neighborhood=Moor(1)) SetNeighbors{R,W}(f, neighborhood=Moor(1)) A [`SetCellRule`](@ref) to manually write to the array with the specified neighborhood. Indexing outside the neighborhood is undefined behaviour. Function `f` is passed four arguments: a [`SimData`](@ref) object, the specified [`Neighborhood`](@ref) object, the grid state or `Tuple` of grid states for the cell, and the `Tuple{Int,Int}` index of the current cell. To update the grid, you can use: [`add!`](@ref), [`sub!`](@ref) for `Number`, and [`and!`](@ref), [`or!`](@ref) for `Bool`. These methods can be safely combined writes from all grid cells. Directly using `setindex!` is possible, but may cause bugs as multiple cells may write to the same location in an unpredicatble order. As a rule, directly setting a neighborhood index should only be done if it always sets the samevalue - then it can be guaranteed that any writes from othe grid cells reach the same result. [`neighbors`](@ref), [`offsets`](@ref) and [`positions`](@ref) are useful methods for `SetNeighbors` rules. ## Example This example adds a value to all neighbors: ```jldoctest using DynamicGrids rule = SetNeighbors{:a}() do data, neighborhood, a, I add_to_neighbors = your_func(a) for pos in positions(neighborhood) add!(data[:b], add_to_neighbors, pos...) end end # output SetNeighbors{:a,:a}( f = var"#1#2" neighborhood = Moore{1, 2, 8, Nothing} ) ``` """ struct SetNeighbors{R,W,F,N} <: SetNeighborhoodRule{R,W} "Function to apply to the data, index and R grid values" f::F "The neighborhood of cells around the central cell" neighborhood::N end SetNeighbors{R,W}(; kw...) where {R,W} = _nofunctionerror(SetNeighbors) SetNeighbors{R,W}(f; neighborhood=Moore(1)) where {R,W} = SetNeighbors{R,W}(f, neighborhood) @inline function applyrule!(data, rule::SetNeighbors, read, I) let data=data, hood=neighborhood(rule), rule=rule, read=read, I=I rule.f(data, hood, read, I) end end """ SetGridRule <: Rule A `Rule` applies to whole grids. This is used for operations that don't benefit from having neighborhood buffering or looping over the grid handled for them, or any specific optimisations. Best suited to simple functions like `rand!(grid)` or using convolutions from other packages like DSP.jl. They may also be useful for doing other custom things that don't fit into the DynamicGrids.jl framework during the simulation. Grid rules specify the grids they want and are sequenced just like any other grid. ```julia struct MySetGridRule{R,W} <: SetGridRule{R,W} end ``` And applied as: ```julia function applyrule!(data::AbstractSimData, rule::MySetGridRule{R,W}) where {R,W} rand!(data[W]) end ``` """ abstract type SetGridRule{R,W} <: Rule{R,W} end ruletype(::SetGridRule) = SetGridRule """ SetGrid{R,W}(f) Apply a function `f` to fill whole grid/s. Broadcasting is a good way to update values. ## Example This example simply sets grid `a` to equal grid `b`: ```jldoctest using DynamicGrids rule = SetGrid{:a,:b}() do a, b b .= a end # output SetGrid{:a,:b}( f = var"#1#2" ) ``` """ struct SetGrid{R,W,F} <: SetGridRule{R,W} "Function to apply to the read values" f::F end SetGrid{R,W}(; kw...) where {R,W} = _nofunctionerror(SetGrid) @inline function applyrule!(data, rule::SetGrid{R,W}) where {R,W} let data = data, rule=rule read = map(r -> source(getindex(data, r)), _asiterable(R)) write = map(w -> source(getindex(data, w)), _asiterable(W)) rule.f(read..., write...) end end # Utils @noinline _nofunctionerror(t) = throw(ArgumentError("No function passed to $t. Did you mean to use a do block?")) # Check number of args passed in as we don't get a normal method # error because of the splatted args in the default constructor. # @generated function _checkfields(::Type{T}, args::A) where {T,A<:Tuple} # length(fieldnames(T)) == length(fieldnames(A)) ? :(nothing) : :(_fielderror(T, args)) # end # @noinline function _fielderror(T, args) # throw(ArgumentError("$T has $(length(fieldnames(T))) fields: $(fieldnames(T)), you have used $(length(args))")) # end
[ "MIT" ]
""" AbstractRuleset <: ModelParameters.AbstractModel Abstract supertype for [`Ruleset`](@ref) objects and variants. """ abstract type AbstractRuleset <: AbstractModel end # Getters ruleset(rs::AbstractRuleset) = rs rules(rs::AbstractRuleset) = rs.rules settings(rs::AbstractRuleset) = rs.settings boundary(rs::AbstractRuleset) = boundary(settings(rs)) proc(rs::AbstractRuleset) = proc(settings(rs)) opt(rs::AbstractRuleset) = opt(settings(rs)) cellsize(rs::AbstractRuleset) = cellsize(settings(rs)) timestep(rs::AbstractRuleset) = timestep(settings(rs)) radius(set::AbstractRuleset) = radius(rules(set)) Base.step(rs::AbstractRuleset) = timestep(rs) # ModelParameters interface Base.parent(rs::AbstractRuleset) = rules(rs) ModelParameters.setparent!(rs::AbstractRuleset, rules) = rs.rules = rules ModelParameters.setparent(rs::AbstractRuleset, rules) = @set rs.rules = rules """ Rulseset <: AbstractRuleset Ruleset(rules...; kw...) Ruleset(rules, settings) A container for holding a sequence of `Rule`s and simulation details like boundary handing and optimisation. Rules will be run in the order they are passed, ie. `Ruleset(rule1, rule2, rule3)`. # Keywords - `proc`: a [`Processor`](@ref) to specificy the hardware to run simulations on, like [`SingleCPU`](@ref), [`ThreadedCPU`](@ref) or [`CuGPU`](@ref) when KernelAbstractions.jl and a CUDA gpu is available. - `opt`: a [`PerformanceOpt`](@ref) to specificy optimisations like [`SparseOpt`](@ref). Defaults to [`NoOpt`](@ref). - `boundary`: what to do with boundary of grid edges. Options are `Remove()` or `Wrap()`, defaulting to [`Remove`](@ref). - `cellsize`: size of cells. - `timestep`: fixed timestep where this is required for some rules. eg. `Month(1)` or `1u"s"`. """ mutable struct Ruleset{S} <: AbstractRuleset # Rules in Ruleset are intentionally not type-stable. # But they are when rebuilt in a StaticRuleset later rules::Tuple{Vararg{<:Rule}} settings::S end Ruleset(rule1, rules::Rule...; kw...) = Ruleset((rule1, rules...); kw...) Ruleset(rules::Tuple; kw...) = Ruleset(rules, SimSettings(; kw...)) Ruleset(rs::AbstractRuleset) = Ruleset(rules(rs), settings(rs)) function Ruleset(; rules=(), settings=nothing, kw...) settings1 = settings isa Nothing ? SimSettings(; kw...) : settings Ruleset(rules, settings1) end struct StaticRuleset{R<:Tuple,S} <: AbstractRuleset rules::R settings::S end StaticRuleset(rule1, rules::Rule...; kw...) = StaticRuleset((rule1, rules...); kw...) StaticRuleset(rules::Tuple; kw...) = StaticRuleset(rules, SimSettings(; kw...)) StaticRuleset(rs::AbstractRuleset) = StaticRuleset(rules(rs), settings(rs)) function StaticRuleset(; rules=(), settings=nothing, kw...) settings1 = settings isa Nothing ? SimSettings(; kw...) : settings StaticRuleset(rules, settings1) end const SRuleset = StaticRuleset
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# Sequence rules over the [`SimData`](@ref) object, # calling [`maprule!`](@ref) for each individual `Rule`. function sequencerules!(simdata::AbstractSimData) newsimdata = sequencerules!(simdata, rules(simdata)) # We run masking here to mask out cells that are `false` in the # `mask` array, if it exists. Not all rules run masking, so it is # applied here so that the final grid is always masked. _maybemask!(grids(newsimdata)) newsimdata end function sequencerules!(simdata::AbstractSimData, rules::Tuple) rule = rules[1] rest = tail(rules) # Run the first rules newsimdata = maprule!(simdata, rule) # Run the rest of the rules recursively sequencerules!(newsimdata, rest) end sequencerules!(simdata::AbstractSimData, rules::Tuple{}) = simdata
[ "MIT" ]
""" AbstractSimSettings Abstract supertype for [`SimSettings`](@ref) object and variants. """ abstract type AbstractSimSettings end """ SimSettings <: AbstractSimSettings Holds settings for the simulation, inside a `Ruleset` or `SimData` object. """ Base.@kwdef struct SimSettings{B,P,O,C,T} <: AbstractSimSettings boundary::B = Remove() proc::P = SingleCPU() opt::O = NoOpt() cellsize::C = 1 timestep::T = nothing end boundary(s::AbstractSimSettings) = s.boundary proc(s::AbstractSimSettings) = s.proc opt(s::AbstractSimSettings) = s.opt cellsize(s::AbstractSimSettings) = s.cellsize timestep(s::AbstractSimSettings) = s.timestep
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function, mime::MIME"text/plain", ruleset::Ruleset) indent = " " ctx = IOContext(io, :compact => true, :indent => indent) printstyled(io, Base.nameof(typeof(ruleset)), "(\n"; color=:blue) println(io, indent * "rules = (") rulectx = IOContext(ctx, :indent => indent * indent) for rule in rules(ruleset) show(rulectx, mime, rule) print(io, ",\n") end print(io, indent * "),\n") _showsettings(ctx, mime, settings(ruleset)) print(io, ")\n\n") ModelParameters.printparams(io, ruleset) end function, ::MIME"text/plain", rule::T) where T<:Rule{R,W} where {R,W} indent = get(io, :indent, "") if R === :_default_ && W === :_default_ printstyled(io, indent, Base.nameof(typeof(rule)); color=:red) else printstyled(io, indent, Base.nameof(typeof(rule)), "{", sprint(show, R), ",", sprint(show, W), "}"; color=:red) end print(io, "(") if !get(io, :compact, false) if nfields(rule) > 0 println(io) for fn in fieldnames(T) if fieldtype(T, fn) <: Union{Number,Symbol,String} println(io, indent, " ", fn, " = ", repr(getfield(rule, fn))) else # Avoid prining arrays etc. Just show the type. println(io, indent, " ", fn, " = ", fieldtype(T, fn)) end end end end print(io, ")") end function, mime::MIME"text/plain", s::SimSettings) string = """ SimSettings(; $(_showsettings(io, mime, s))) """ print(io, string) end function _showsettings(io::IO, ::MIME"text/plain", s::SimSettings) indent = get(io, :indent, "") settings = """ $(indent)boundary = $(s.boundary), $(indent)proc = $(s.proc), $(indent)opt = $(s.opt), $(indent)cellsize = $(s.cellsize), $(indent)timestep = $(s.timestep), """ print(io, settings) end function, mime::MIME"text/plain", chain::Chain{R,W}) where {R,W} indent = get(io, :indent, "") ctx = IOContext(io, :compact => true, :indent => indent * " ") printstyled(io, indent, string("Chain{", sprint(show, R), ",", sprint(show, W), "}"); color=:green) print(io, "(") for rule in rules(chain) println(io) show(ctx, mime, rule) print(io, ",") end print(io, "\n)") end
[ "MIT" ]
""" AbstractSimData Supertype for simulation data objects. Thes hold [`GridData`](@ref), [`SimSettings`](@ref) and other objects needed to run the simulation, and potentially required from within rules. An `AbstractSimData` object is accessable in [`applyrule`](@ref) as the first parameter. Multiple grids can be indexed into using their key if you need to read from arbitrary locations: ```julia funciton applyrule(data::AbstractSimData, rule::SomeRule{Tuple{A,B}},W}, (a, b), I) where {A,B,W} grid_a = data[A] grid_b = data[B] ... end ``` In single-grid simulations `AbstractSimData` objects can be indexed directly as if they are a `Matrix`. ## Methods - `currentframe(data)`: get the current frame number, an `Int` - `currenttime(data)`: the current frame time, which `isa eltype(tspan)` - `aux(data, args...)`: get the `aux` data `NamedTuple`, or `Nothing`. adding a `Symbol` or `Val{:symbol}` argument will get a field of aux. - `tspan(data)`: get the simulation time span, an `AbstractRange`. - `timestep(data)`: get the simulaiton time step. - `boundary(data)` : returns the [`BoundaryCondition`](@ref) - `Remove` or `Wrap`. - `padval(data)` : returns the value to use as grid border padding. These are also available, but you probably shouldn't use them and their behaviour is not guaranteed in furture versions. Using them will also mean a rule is useful only in specific contexts, which is discouraged. - `settings(data)`: get the simulaitons [`SimSettings`](@ref) object. - `extent(data)` : get the simulation [`AbstractExtent`](@ref) object. - `init(data)` : get the simulation init `AbstractArray`/`NamedTuple` - `mask(data)` : get the simulation mask `AbstractArray` - `source(data)` : get the `source` grid that is being read from. - `dest(data)` : get the `dest` grid that is being written to. - `radius(data)` : returns the `Int` radius used on the grid, which is also the amount of border padding. """ abstract type AbstractSimData{S,N} end # Getters extent(d::AbstractSimData) = d.extent frames(d::AbstractSimData) = d.frames grids(d::AbstractSimData) = d.grids auxframe(d::AbstractSimData) = d.auxframe currentframe(d::AbstractSimData) = d.currentframe # Forwarded to the Extent object gridsize(d::AbstractSimData) = gridsize(extent(d)) padval(d::AbstractSimData) = padval(extent(d)) init(d::AbstractSimData) = init(extent(d)) mask(d::AbstractSimData) = mask(extent(d)) aux(d::AbstractSimData, args...) = aux(extent(d), args...) auxframe(d::AbstractSimData, key) = auxframe(d)[_unwrap(key)] tspan(d::AbstractSimData) = tspan(extent(d)) timestep(d::AbstractSimData) = step(tspan(d)) # Calculated: # Get the current time for this frame currenttime(d::AbstractSimData) = tspan(d)[currentframe(d)] # Get the actual current timestep, e.g. in seconds instead of variable periods like Month currenttimestep(d::AbstractSimData) = currenttime(d) + timestep(d) - currenttime(d) # Base methods forwarded to grids NamedTuple Base.keys(d::AbstractSimData) = keys(grids(d)) Base.values(d::AbstractSimData) = values(grids(d)) Base.first(d::AbstractSimData) = first(grids(d)) Base.last(d::AbstractSimData) = last(grids(d)) Base.getindex(d::AbstractSimData, key::Symbol) = getindex(grids(d), key) Base.ndims(d::AbstractSimData{<:Any,N}) where N = N Base.size(d::AbstractSimData{S}) where S = Tuple(StaticArrays.Size(S)) # Indexing forwarded to the first grid @propagate_inbounds Base.setindex!(d::AbstractSimData, x, I...) = setindex!(first(grids(d)), x, I...) @propagate_inbounds Base.getindex(d::AbstractSimData, I...) = getindex(first(grids(d)), I...) # Uptate timestamp function _updatetime(simdata::AbstractSimData, f::Integer) @set! simdata.currentframe = f @set simdata.auxframe = _calc_auxframe(simdata) end """ SimData <: AbstractSimData SimData(extent::AbstractExtent, ruleset::AbstractRuleset) Simulation dataset to hold all intermediate arrays, timesteps and frame numbers for the current frame of the simulation. Additional methods not found in [`AbstractSimData`](@ref): - `rules(d::SimData)` : get the simulation rules. - `ruleset(d::SimData)` : get the simulation [`AbstractRuleset`](@ref). """ struct SimData{S<:Tuple,N,G<:NamedTuple,E,RS,F,CF,AF} <: AbstractSimData{S,N} grids::G extent::E ruleset::RS frames::F currentframe::CF auxframe::AF end function SimData{S,N}( grids::G, extent::E, ruleset::RS, frames::F, currentframe::CF, auxframe::AF ) where {S,N,G,E,RS,F,CF,AF} SimData{S,N,G,E,RS,F,CF,AF}(grids, extent, ruleset, frames, currentframe, auxframe) end SimData(o, ruleset::AbstractRuleset) = SimData(o, extent(o), ruleset) SimData(o, r1::Rule, rs::Rule...) = SimData(o, extent(o), Ruleset(r1, rs...)) function SimData(o, extent::AbstractExtent, ruleset::AbstractRuleset) frames_ = if hasdelay(rules(ruleset)) isstored(o) || _notstorederror() frames(o) else nothing end SimData(extent, ruleset, frames_) end # Convenience constructors SimData(extent::AbstractExtent, r1::Rule, rs::Rule...) = SimData(extent, (r1, rs...)) SimData(extent::AbstractExtent, rs::Tuple{<:Rule,Vararg}) = SimData(extent, Ruleset(rs)) # Convert grids in extent to NamedTuple function SimData(extent::AbstractExtent, ruleset::AbstractRuleset, frames=nothing) SimData(_asnamedtuple(extent), ruleset) end function SimData( extent::AbstractExtent{<:NamedTuple{Keys}}, ruleset::AbstractRuleset, frames=nothing ) where Keys # Calculate the neighborhood radus (and grid padding) for each grid S = Val{Tuple{gridsize(extent)...}}() radii = map(k-> Val{get(radius(ruleset), k, 0)}(), Keys) radii = NamedTuple{Keys}(radii) grids = _buildgrids(extent, ruleset, S, radii) # Construct the SimData for each grid SimData(grids, extent, ruleset, frames) end function SimData( grids::G, extent::AbstractExtent, ruleset::AbstractRuleset, frames ) where {G<:Union{<:NamedTuple{<:Any,<:Tuple{<:GridData,Vararg}},<:GridData}} currentframe = 1; auxframe = nothing S = Tuple{size(extent)...} N = ndims(extent) # SimData is isbits-only, so use Static versions s_extent = StaticExtent(extent) s_ruleset = StaticRuleset(ruleset) SimData{S,N}(grids, s_extent, s_ruleset, frames, currentframe, auxframe) end # Build the grids for the simulation from the exebnt, ruleset, init and padval function _buildgrids(extent, ruleset, s, radii::NamedTuple) map(radii, init(extent), padval(extent)) do r, in, pv _buildgrids(extent, ruleset, s, r, in, pv) end end function _buildgrids(extent, ruleset, ::Val{S}, ::Val{R}, init, padval) where {S,R} ReadableGridData{S,R}( init, mask(extent), proc(ruleset), opt(ruleset), boundary(ruleset), padval ) end ConstructionBase.constructorof(::Type{<:SimData{S,N}}) where {S,N} = SimData{S,N} # Getters ruleset(d::SimData) = d.ruleset rules(d::SimData) = rules(ruleset(d)) boundary(d::SimData) = boundary(ruleset(d)) proc(d::SimData) = proc(ruleset(d)) opt(d::SimData) = opt(ruleset(d)) settings(d::SimData) = settings(ruleset(d)) # When no simdata is passed in, create new AbstractSimData function initdata!(::Nothing, output, extent::AbstractExtent, ruleset::AbstractRuleset) SimData(output, extent, ruleset) end # Initialise a AbstractSimData object with a new `Extent` and `Ruleset`. function initdata!( simdata::SimData, output, extent::AbstractExtent, ruleset::AbstractRuleset ) # TODO: make sure this works with delays and new outputs? map(copy!, values(simdata), values(init(extent))) @set! simdata.extent = StaticExtent(extent) @set! simdata.ruleset = StaticRuleset(ruleset) if hasdelay(rules(ruleset)) isstored(o) || _not_stored_delay_error() @set! simdata.frames = frames(o) end simdata end """ RuleData <: AbstractSimData RuleData(extent::AbstractExtent, settings::SimSettings) [`AbstractSimData`](@ref) object that is passed to rules. Basically a trimmed-down version of [`SimData`](@ref). The simplified object actually passed to rules with the current design. Passing a smaller object than `SimData` to rules leads to faster GPU compilation. """ struct RuleData{S<:Tuple,N,G<:NamedTuple,E,Se,F,CF,AF} <: AbstractSimData{S,N} grids::G extent::E settings::Se frames::F currentframe::CF auxframe::AF end function RuleData{S,N}( grids::G, extent::E, settings::Se, frames::F, currentframe::CF, auxframe::AF ) where {S,N,G,E,Se,F,CF,AF} RuleData{S,N,G,E,Se,F,CF,AF}(grids, extent, settings, frames, currentframe, auxframe) end function RuleData(d::AbstractSimData{S,N}) where {S,N} RuleData{S,N}(grids(d), extent(d), settings(d), frames(d), currentframe(d), auxframe(d)) end ConstructionBase.constructorof(::Type{<:RuleData{S,N}}) where {S,N} = RuleData{S,N} # Getters settings(d::RuleData) = d.settings boundary(d::RuleData) = boundary(settings(d)) proc(d::RuleData) = proc(settings(d)) opt(d::RuleData) = opt(settings(d))
[ "MIT" ]
""" SparseOpt <: PerformanceOpt SparseOpt() An optimisation flag that ignores all padding valuesin the grid, by default zeros. For low-density simulations performance may improve by orders of magnitude, as only used cells are run. Specifiy with: ```julia ruleset = Ruleset(rule; opt=SparseOpt()) # or output = sim!(output, rule; opt=SparseOpt()) ``` `SparseOpt` is best demonstrated with this simulation, where the grey areas do not run except where the neighborhood partially hangs over an area that is not grey: ![SparseOpt demonstration]( """ struct SparseOpt{F<:Function} <: PerformanceOpt f::F end SparseOpt() = SparseOpt(==(0)) @inline _isactive(val, opt::SparseOpt{<:Function}) = !opt.f(val) sourcestatus(d::GridData) = optdata(d).sourcestatus deststatus(d::GridData) = optdata(d).deststatus # Run kernels with SparseOpt, block by block: function optmap( f, simdata::AbstractSimData{S}, proc, ::SparseOpt, ruletype::Val{<:Rule}, rkeys ) where {S<:Tuple{Y,X}} where {Y,X} # Only use SparseOpt for single-grid rules with grid radii > 0 grid = _firstgrid(simdata, rkeys) R = radius(grid) if R == 0 optmap(f, simdata, proc, NoOpt(), ruletype, rkeys) return nothing end B = 2R status = sourcestatus(grid) let f=f, proc=proc, status=status procmap(proc, 1:_indtoblock(X+R, B)) do bj for bi in 1:_indtoblock(Y+R, B) status[bi, bj] || continue # Convert from padded block to init dimensions istart, jstart = _blocktoind(bi, B) - R, _blocktoind(bj, B) - R # Stop at the init row/column size, not the padding or block multiple istop, jstop = min(istart + B - 1, Y), min(jstart + B - 1, X) # Skip the padding istart, jstart = max(istart, 1), max(jstart, 1) for j in jstart:jstop @simd for i in istart:istop f((i, j)) end end end end end return nothing end function row_kernel!( simdata::AbstractSimData, grid::GridData{<:Tuple{Y,X},R}, proc, opt::SparseOpt, ruletype::Val, rule::Rule, rkeys, wkeys, bi ) where {Y,X,R} # No SparseOpt for radius 0 if R === 0 return row_kernel!(simdata, grid, proc, NoOpt(), ruletype, rule, rkeys, wkeys, bi) end B = 2R S = 2R + 1 nblockcols = _indtoblock(X+R, B) src = parent(source(grid)) srcstatus, dststatus = sourcestatus(grid), deststatus(grid) # Blocks ignore padding! the first block contains padding. i = _blocktoind(bi, B) i > Y && return nothing # Get current bloc skippedlastblock = true # Initialise block status for the start of the row # The first column always runs, it's buggy otherwise. @inbounds bs11, bs12 = true, true @inbounds bs21, bs22 = true, true # New block status newbs12 = false newbs22 = false windows = _initialise_windows(src, Val{R}(), i, 1) for bj = 1:nblockcols # Shuffle current window status bs11, bs21 = bs12, bs22 @inbounds bs12, bs22 = srcstatus[bi, bj + 1], srcstatus[bi + 1, bj + 1] # Skip this block if it and the neighboring blocks are inactive if !(bs11 | bs12 | bs21 | bs22) skippedlastblock = true # Run the rest of the chain if it exists and more than 1 grid is used if rule isa Chain && length(rule) > 1 && length(rkeys) > 1 # Loop over the grid COLUMNS inside the block jstart = _blocktoind(bj, B) jstop = min(jstart + B - 1, X) for j in jstart:jstop # Loop over the grid ROWS inside the block blocklen = min(Y, i + B - 1) - i + 1 for b in 1:blocklen cell_kernel!(simdata, ruletype, rule, rkeys, wkeys, i + b - 1, j) end end end continue end # Define area to loop over with the block. # It's variable because the last block may be partial jstart = _blocktoind(bj, B) jstop = min(jstart + B - 1, X) # Reinitialise neighborhood windows if we have skipped a section of the array if skippedlastblock windows = _initialise_windows(src, Val{R}(), i, jstart) skippedlastblock = false end # Shuffle new window status newbs11 = newbs12 newbs21 = newbs22 newbs12 = newbs22 = false # Loop over the grid COLUMNS inside the block for j in jstart:jstop # Update windows unless feshly populated windows = _slide_windows(windows, src, Val{R}(), i, j) # Which block column are we in, 1 or 2 curblockj = (j - jstart) ÷ R + 1 # Loop over the COLUMN of windows covering the block blocklen = min(Y, i + B - 1) - i + 1 for b in 1:blocklen # Set rule window rule1 = setwindow(rule, windows[b]) # Run the rule kernel for the cell writeval = cell_kernel!(simdata, ruletype, rule1, rkeys, wkeys, i + b - 1, j) # Update the status for the current block cs = _cellstatus(opt, wkeys, writeval) curblocki = R == 1 ? b : (b - 1) ÷ R + 1 if curblocki == 1 curblockj == 1 ? (newbs11 |= cs) : (newbs12 |= cs) else curblockj == 1 ? (newbs21 |= cs) : (newbs22 |= cs) end end # Combine new block status with deststatus array @inbounds dststatus[bi, bj] |= newbs11 @inbounds dststatus[bi+1, bj] |= newbs21 @inbounds dststatus[bi, bj+1] |= newbs12 @inbounds dststatus[bi+1, bj+1] |= newbs22 end end return nothing end @inline _cellstatus(opt::SparseOpt, wkeys::Tuple, writeval) = _isactive(writeval[1], opt) @inline _cellstatus(opt::SparseOpt, wkeys, writeval) = _isactive(writeval, opt) # SparseOpt methods # _build_status => (Matrix{Bool}, Matrix{Bool}) # Build block-status arrays # We add an additional block that is never used so we can # index into it in the block loop without checking function _build_optdata(opt::SparseOpt, source, r::Int) r > 0 || return nothing hoodsize = 2r + 1 blocksize = 2r nblocs = _indtoblock.(size(source), blocksize) .+ 1 sourcestatus = zeros(Bool, nblocs) deststatus = zeros(Bool, nblocs) return (; sourcestatus, deststatus) end function _swapoptdata(opt::SparseOpt, grid::GridData) isnothing(optdata(grid)) && return grid od = optdata(grid) srcstatus = od.sourcestatus dststatus = od.deststatus @set! od.deststatus = srcstatus @set! od.sourcestatus = dststatus return @set grid.optdata = od end # Initialise the block status array. # This tracks whether anything has to be done in an area of the main array. function _update_optdata!(grid, opt::SparseOpt) isnothing(optdata(grid)) && return grid blocksize = 2 * radius(grid) src = parent(source(grid)) for I in CartesianIndices(src) # Mark the status block (by default a non-zero value) if _isactive(src[I], opt) bi = _indtoblock.(Tuple(I), blocksize) @inbounds sourcestatus(grid)[bi...] = true @inbounds deststatus(grid)[bi...] = true end end return grid end # Clear the destination grid and its status for SparseOpt. # NoOpt writes to every cell, so this is not required function _cleardest!(grid, opt::SparseOpt) dest(grid) .= source(grid) if !isnothing(optdata(grid)) deststatus(grid) .= false end end # Sets the status of the destination block that the current index is in. # It can't turn of block status as the block is larger than the cell # But should be used inside a LOCK function _setoptindex!(grid::WritableGridData{<:Any,R}, opt::SparseOpt, x, I...) where R isnothing(optdata(grid)) && return grid blockindex = _indtoblock.(I .+ R, 2R) @inbounds deststatus(grid)[blockindex...] |= !(opt.f(x)) return nothing end # _wrapopt! # Copies status from opposite sides/corners in Wrap boundary mode function _wrapopt!(grid, ::SparseOpt) isnothing(optdata(grid)) && return grid status = sourcestatus(grid) # !!! The end row/column is always empty !!! # Its padding for block opt. So we work with end-1 and end-2 # We should probably re-write this using the known grid sizes, # instead of `end` # This could be further optimised by not copying the end-2 # block column/row when the blocks are aligned at both ends. # Sides status[1, :] .|= status[end-1, :] .| status[end-2, :] status[:, 1] .|= status[:, end-1] .| status[:, end-2] status[end-1, :] .|= status[1, :] status[:, end-1] .|= status[:, 1] status[end-2, :] .|= status[1, :] status[:, end-2] .|= status[:, 1] # Corners status[1, 1] |= status[end-1, end-1] | status[end-2, end-1] | status[end-1, end-2] | status[end-2, end-2] status[end-1, 1] |= status[1, end-1] | status[1, end-2] status[end-2, 1] |= status[1, end-1] | status[1, end-2] status[1, end-1] |= status[end-1, 1] | status[end-2, 1] status[1, end-2] |= status[end-1, 1] | status[end-2, 1] status[end-1, end-1] |= status[1, 1] status[end-2, end-2] |= status[1, 1] return grid end """ SparseOptInspector() A [`Renderer`](@ref) that checks [`SparseOpt`](@ref) visually. Cells that do not run show in gray. Errors show in red, but if they do there's a bug. """ struct SparseOptInspector{A} <: SingleGridRenderer accessor::A end SparseOptInspector() = SparseOptInspector(identity) accessor(p::SparseOptInspector) = p.accessor function cell_to_pixel(p::SparseOptInspector, mask, minval, maxval, data::AbstractSimData, val, I::Tuple) opt(data) isa SparseOpt || error("Can only use SparseOptInspector with SparseOpt grids") r = radius(first(grids(data))) blocksize = 2r blockindex = _indtoblock.((I[1] + r, I[2] + r), blocksize) normedval = normalise(val, minval, maxval) # This is done at the start of the next frame, so wont show up in # the image properly. So do it preemtively? _wrapopt!(first(data)) status = sourcestatus(first(data)) if status[blockindex...] if normedval > 0 to_rgb(normedval) else to_rgb((0.0, 0.0, 0.0)) end elseif normedval > 0 to_rgb((1.0, 0.0, 0.0)) # This (a red cell) would mean there is a bug in SparseOpt else to_rgb((0.5, 0.5, 0.5)) end end # Custom SimSettings constructor: SparseOpt does not work on GPU function SimSettings( boundary::B, proc::P, opt::SparseOpt, cellsize::C, timestep::T ) where {B,P<:GPU,C,T} @info "SparseOpt does not work on GPU. Using NoOpt instead." SimSettings{B,P,NoOpt,C,T}(boundary, proc, NoOpt(), cellsize, timestep) end
[ "MIT" ]
""" ismasked(data, I...) Check if a cell is masked, using the `mask` array. Used used internally during simulations to skip masked cells. If `mask` was not passed to the `Output` constructor or `sim!` it defaults to `nothing` and `false` is always returned. """ ismasked(data::AbstractSimData, I...) = ismasked(mask(data), I...) ismasked(data::GridData, I...) = ismasked(mask(data), I...) ismasked(mask::Nothing, I...) = false ismasked(mask::AbstractArray, I...) = @inbounds !(mask[I...]) """ isinferred(output::Output, ruleset::Ruleset) isinferred(output::Output, rules::Rule...) Test if a custom rule is inferred and the return type is correct when `applyrule` or `applyrule!` is run. Type-stability can give orders of magnitude improvements in performance. """ isinferred(output::Output, rules::Rule...) = isinferred(output, rules) isinferred(output::Output, rules::Tuple) = isinferred(output, Ruleset(rules...)) function isinferred(output::Output, ruleset::Ruleset) simdata = _updaterules(rules(ruleset), SimData(output, ruleset)) map(rules(simdata)) do rule isinferred(simdata, rule) end return true end isinferred(simdata::AbstractSimData, rule::Rule) = _isinferred(simdata, rule) function isinferred(simdata::AbstractSimData, rule::Union{NeighborhoodRule,Chain{<:Any,<:Any,<:Tuple{<:NeighborhoodRule,Vararg}}} ) grid = simdata[neighborhoodkey(rule)] r = max(1, radius(rule)) T = eltype(grid) S = 2r + 1 window = SArray{Tuple{S,S},T,2,S^2}(Tuple(zero(T) for i in 1:S^2)) rule = setwindow(rule, window) return _isinferred(simdata, rule) end function isinferred(simdata::AbstractSimData, rule::SetCellRule) rkeys, rgrids = _getreadgrids(rule, simdata) wkeys, wgrids = _getwritegrids(rule, simdata) simdata = @set simdata.grids = _combinegrids(rkeys, rgrids, wkeys, wgrids) readval = _readcell(simdata, rkeys, 1, 1) @inferred applyrule!(simdata, rule, readval, (1, 1)) return true end function _isinferred(simdata, rule) rkeys, rgrids = _getreadgrids(rule, simdata) wkeys, wgrids = _getwritegrids(rule, simdata) simdata = @set simdata.grids = _combinegrids(rkeys, rgrids, wkeys, wgrids) readval = _readcell(simdata, rkeys, 1, 1) _example_writeval(grids::Tuple) = map(_example_writeval, grids) _example_writeval(grid::WritableGridData) = grid[1, 1] ex_writeval = Tuple(_example_writeval(wgrids)) writeval = @inferred applyrule(simdata, rule, readval, (1, 1)) typeof(Tuple(writeval)) == typeof(ex_writeval) || error("return type `$(typeof(Tuple(writeval)))` doesn't match grids `$(typeof(ex_writeval))`") return true end # _zerogrids # Generate a Vector of zero valued grids _zerogrids(initgrid::AbstractArray, length) = [zero(initgrid) for f in 1:length] _zerogrids(initgrids::NamedTuple, length) = [map(grid -> zero(grid), initgrids) for f in 1:length] # _asiterable # Return some iterable value from a # Symbol, Tuple or tuple type @inline _asiterable(x) = (x,) @inline _asiterable(x::Symbol) = (x,) @inline _asiterable(x::Type{<:Tuple}) = x.parameters @inline _asiterable(x::Tuple) = x @inline _asiterable(x::AbstractArray) = x # _astuple # Wrap a value in a tuple if the matching keys are not a tuple # we cant just dispatch on state, as it may be meant to be a tuple. @inline _astuple(rule::Rule, state) = _astuple(_readkeys(rule), state) @inline _astuple(keys::Tuple, state) = state @inline _astuple(key, state) = (state,) # _asnamedtuple => NamedTuple # Returns a NamedTuple given a NamedTuple or an Array. # the Array will be called _default_. @inline _asnamedtuple(x::NamedTuple) = x @inline _asnamedtuple(x::AbstractArray) = (_default_=x,) @inline function _asnamedtuple(e::Extent) @set! e.init = _asnamedtuple(init(e)) @set e.padval = _samenamedtuple(init(e), padval(e)) end # _samenamedtuple => NamedTuple # Returns a NamedTuple with length and keys matching the `init` # NamedTuple, for another NamedTuple, a Tuple, or a scalar. @inline _samenamedtuple(init::NamedTuple{K}, x::NamedTuple{K}) where K = x @noinline _samenamedtuple(init::NamedTuple{K}, x::NamedTuple{J}) where {K,J} = error("Keys $K and $J do not match") @inline _samenamedtuple(init::NamedTuple{K}, x::Tuple) where K = NamedTuple{K}(x) @inline _samenamedtuple(init::NamedTuple, x) = map(_ -> x, init) # Unwrap a Val or Val type to its internal value _unwrap(x) = x _unwrap(::Val{X}) where X = X _unwrap(::Type{<:Val{X}}) where X = X @inline _firstgrid(simdata, ::Val{K}) where K = simdata[K] @inline _firstgrid(simdata, ::Tuple{Val{K},Vararg}) where K = simdata[K]
[ "MIT" ]
module Neighborhoods using ConstructionBase, StaticArrays export Neighborhood, Window, AbstractKernelNeighborhood, Kernel, Moore, VonNeumann, AbstractPositionalNeighborhood, Positional, LayeredPositional export neighbors, neighborhood, kernel, kernelproduct, offsets, positions, radius, distances export setwindow, updatewindow, unsafe_updatewindow export pad_axes, unpad_axes export broadcast_neighborhood, broadcast_neighborhood! """ Neighborhood Neighborhoods define the pattern of surrounding cells in the "neighborhood" of the current cell. The `neighbors` function returns the surrounding cells as an iterable. The main kinds of neighborhood are demonstrated below: ![Neighborhoods]( Neighborhoods can be used in `NeighborhoodRule` and `SetNeighborhoodRule` - the same shapes with different purposes. In a `NeighborhoodRule` the neighborhood specifies which cells around the current cell are returned as an iterable from the `neighbors` function. These can be counted, summed, compared, or multiplied with a kernel in an `AbstractKernelNeighborhood`, using [`kernelproduct`](@ref). In `SetNeighborhoodRule` neighborhoods give the locations of cells around the central cell, as [`offsets`] and absolute [`positions`](@ref) around the index of each neighbor. These can then be written to manually. """ abstract type Neighborhood{R,N,L} end ConstructionBase.constructorof(::Type{<:T}) where T <: Neighborhood{R,N,L} where {R,N,L} ={R,N,L} """ kernelproduct(rule::NeighborhoodRule}) kernelproduct(hood::AbstractKernelNeighborhood) kernelproduct(hood::Neighborhood, kernel) Returns the vector dot product of the neighborhood and the kernel, although differing from `dot` in that the dot product is not take for vector members of the neighborhood - they are treated as scalars. """ function kernelproduct end """ radius(rule, [key]) -> Int Return the radius of a rule or ruleset if it has one, otherwise zero. """ function radius end radius(hood::Neighborhood{R}) where R = R """ neighbors(x::Union{Neighborhood,NeighborhoodRule}}) -> iterable Returns an indexable iterator for all cells in the neighborhood, either a `Tuple` of values or a range. Custom `Neighborhood`s must define this method. """ function neighbors end neighbors(hood::Neighborhood) = begin map(i -> _window(hood)[i], window_indices(hood)) end """ offsets(x) -> iterable Returns an indexable iterable over all cells, containing `Tuple`s of the index offset from the central cell. Custom `Neighborhood`s must define this method. """ function offsets end offsets(hood::Neighborhood) = offsets(typeof(hood)) _window(hood::Neighborhood) = hood._window """ positions(x::Union{Neighborhood,NeighborhoodRule}}, cellindex::Tuple) -> iterable Returns an indexable iterable, over all cells as `Tuple`s of each index in the main array. Useful in `SetNeighborhoodRule` for setting neighborhood values, or for getting values in an Aux array. """ function positions end @inline positions(hood::Neighborhood, I::CartesianIndex) = positions(hood, Tuple(I)) @inline positions(hood::Neighborhood, I::Int...) = positions(hood, I) @inline positions(hood::Neighborhood, I::Tuple) = map(o -> o .+ I, offsets(hood)) """ distances(hood::Neighborhood) Get the center-to-center distance of each neighborhood position from the central cell, so that horizontally or vertically adjacent cells have a distance of `1.0`, and a diagonally adjacent cell has a distance of `sqrt(2.0)`. Vales are calculated at compile time, so `distances` can be used inside rules with little overhead. """ @generated function distances(hood::Neighborhood{N,R,L}) where {N,R,L} expr = Expr(:tuple, ntuple(i -> :(bd[bi[$i]]), L)...) return quote bd = window_distances(hood) bi = window_indices(hood) $expr end end @generated function window_indices(H::Neighborhood{R,N}) where {R,N} # Offsets can be anywhere in the window, specified with # all dimensions. Here we transform them to a linear index. bi = map(offsets(H)) do o # Calculate strides S = 2R + 1 strides = ntuple(i -> S^(i-1), N) # Offset indices are centered, we want them as regular array indices # Return the linear index in the square window sum(map((i, s) -> (i + R) * s, o, strides)) + 1 end return Expr(:tuple, bi...) end @generated function window_distances(hood::Neighborhood{R,N}) where {R,N} values = map(CartesianIndices(ntuple(_ -> SOneTo{2R+1}(), N))) do I sqrt(sum((Tuple(I) .- (R + 1)) .^ 2)) end x = SArray(values) quote return $x end end Base.eltype(hood::Neighborhood) = eltype(_window(hood)) Base.length(hood::Neighborhood{<:Any,<:Any,L}) where L = L Base.ndims(hood::Neighborhood{<:Any,N}) where N = N # Note: size is radial, and may not relate to `length` in the same way # as in an array. A neighborhood does not have to include all cells includeding # in the area covered by `size` and `axes`. Base.size(hood::Neighborhood{R,N}) where {R,N} = ntuple(_ -> 2R+1, N) Base.axes(hood::Neighborhood{R,N}) where {R,N} = ntuple(_ -> SOneTo{2R+1}(), N) Base.iterate(hood::Neighborhood, args...) = iterate(neighbors(hood), args...) Base.getindex(hood::Neighborhood, i) = begin # @show _window(hood) window_indices(hood) getindex(_window(hood), window_indices(hood)[i]) end """ Moore <: Neighborhood Moore(radius::Int=1; ndims=2) Moore(; radius=1, ndims=2) Moore{R}(; ndims=2) Moore{R,N}() Moore neighborhoods define the neighborhood as all cells within a horizontal or vertical distance of the central cell. The central cell is omitted. Radius `R = 1`: ``` N = 1 N = 2 ▄ ▄ █▀█ ▀▀▀ ``` Radius `R = 2`: ``` N = 1 N = 2 █████ ▀▀ ▀▀ ██▄██ ▀▀▀▀▀ ``` Using `R` and `N` type parameters removes runtime cost of generating the neighborhood, compated to passing arguments/keywords. """ struct Moore{R,N,L,W} <: Neighborhood{R,N,L} _window::W end Moore(radius::Int=1; ndims=2) = Moore{radius,ndims}() Moore(args...; radius=1, ndims=2) = Moore{radius,ndims}(args...) Moore{R}(_window=nothing; ndims=2) where R = Moore{R,ndims,}(_window) Moore{R,N}(_window=nothing) where {R,N} = Moore{R,N,(2R+1)^N-1}(_window) Moore{R,N,L}(_window::W=nothing) where {R,N,L,W} = Moore{R,N,L,W}(_window) @generated function offsets(::Type{<:Moore{R,N}}) where {R,N} exp = Expr(:tuple) for I in CartesianIndices(ntuple(_-> -R:R, N)) if !all(map(iszero, Tuple(I))) push!(exp.args, :($(Tuple(I)))) end end return exp end @inline setwindow(n::Moore{R,N,L}, win::W2) where {R,N,L,W2} = Moore{R,N,L,W2}(win) """ VonNeumann(radius=1; ndims=2) -> Positional VonNeumann(; radius=1, ndims=2) -> Positional VonNeumann{R,N}() -> Positional A Von Neuman neighborhood is a damond-shaped, omitting the central cell: Radius `R = 1`: ``` N = 1 N = 2 ▄ ▄ ▄▀▄ ▀ ``` Radius `R = 2`: ``` N = 1 N = 2 ▄█▄ ▀▀ ▀▀ ▀█▄█▀ ▀ ``` In 1 dimension it is identical to [`Moore`](@ref). Using `R` and `N` type parameters removes runtime cost of generating the neighborhood, compated to passing arguments/keywords. """ struct VonNeumann{R,N,L,W} <: Neighborhood{R,N,L} _window::W end VonNeumann(; radius=1, ndims=2) = VonNeumann(radius; ndims) VonNeumann(radius, _window=nothing; ndims=2) = VonNeumann{radius,ndims}(_window) VonNeumann{R}(_window=nothing; ndims=2) where R = VonNeumann{R,ndims}(_window) function VonNeumann{R,N}(_window=nothing) where {R,N} L = 2sum(1:R) + 2R VonNeumann{R,N,L}(_window) end VonNeumann{R,N,L}(_window::W=nothing) where {R,N,L,W} = VonNeumann{R,N,L,W}(_window) @inline setwindow(n::VonNeumann{R,N,L}, win::W2) where {R,N,L,W2} = VonNeumann{R,N,L,W2}(win) @generated function offsets(::Type{T}) where {T<:VonNeumann{R,N}} where {R,N} offsets_expr = Expr(:tuple) rngs = ntuple(_ -> -R:R, N) for I in CartesianIndices(rngs) manhatten_distance = sum(map(abs, Tuple(I))) if manhatten_distance in 1:R push!(offsets_expr.args, Tuple(I)) end end return offsets_expr end """ Window <: Neighborhood Window(; radius=1, ndims=2) Window{R}(; ndims=2) Window{R,N}() A neighboorhood of radius R that includes the central cell. Radius `R = 1`: ``` N = 1 N = 2 ▄▄▄ ███ ▀▀▀ ``` Radius `R = 2`: ``` N = 1 N = 2 █████ ▀▀▀▀▀ █████ ▀▀▀▀▀ ``` """ struct Window{R,N,L,W} <: Neighborhood{R,N,L} _window::W end Window(; radius=1, ndims=2) = Window{radius,ndims}(args...) Window(R::Int, args...; ndims=2) = Window{R,ndims}(args...) Window{R}(_window=nothing; ndims=2) where {R} = Window{R,ndims}(_window) Window{R,N}(_window=nothing) where {R,N} = Window{R,N,(2R+1)^N}(_window) Window{R,N,L}(_window::W=nothing) where {R,N,L,W} = Window{R,N,L,W}(_window) Window(A::AbstractArray) = Window{(size(A, 1) - 1) ÷ 2,ndims(A)}() # The central cell is included @inline function offsets(::Type{<:Window{R,N}}) where {R,N} D = 2R + 1 ntuple(i -> (rem(i - 1, D) - R, (i - 1) ÷ D - R), D^N) end distances(hood::Window) = Tuple(window_distances(hood)) @inline setwindow(::Window{R,N,L}, win::W2) where {R,N,L,W2} = Window{R,N,L,W2}(win) window_indices(hood::Window{R,N}) where {R,N} = SOneTo{(2R + 1)^N}() neighbors(hood::Window) = _window(hood) """ AbstractKernelNeighborhood <: Neighborhood Abstract supertype for kernel neighborhoods. These can wrap any other neighborhood object, and include a kernel of the same length and positions as the neighborhood. """ abstract type AbstractKernelNeighborhood{R,N,L,H} <: Neighborhood{R,N,L} end neighbors(hood::AbstractKernelNeighborhood) = neighbors(neighborhood(hood)) offsets(::Type{<:AbstractKernelNeighborhood{<:Any,<:Any,<:Any,H}}) where H = offsets(H) positions(hood::AbstractKernelNeighborhood, I::Tuple) = positions(neighborhood(hood), I) """ kernel(hood::AbstractKernelNeighborhood) => iterable Returns the kernel object, an array or iterable matching the length of the neighborhood. """ function kernel end kernel(hood::AbstractKernelNeighborhood) = hood.kernel """ neighborhood(x) -> Neighborhood Returns a neighborhood object. """ function neighborhood end neighborhood(hood::AbstractKernelNeighborhood) = hood.neighborhood """ kernelproduct(hood::AbstractKernelNeighborhood) kernelproduct(hood::Neighborhood, kernel) Take the vector dot produce of the neighborhood and the kernel, without recursion into the values of either. Essentially `` without recursive calls on the contents, as these are rarely what is intended. """ function kernelproduct(hood::AbstractKernelNeighborhood) kernelproduct(neighborhood(hood), kernel(hood)) end function kernelproduct(hood::Neighborhood{<:Any,<:Any,L}, kernel) where L sum = zero(first(hood)) @simd for i in 1:L @inbounds sum += hood[i] * kernel[i] end return sum end function kernelproduct(hood::Window{<:Any,<:Any,L}, kernel) where L sum = zero(first(hood)) @simd for i in 1:L @inbounds sum += _window(hood)[i] * kernel[i] end return sum end """ Kernel <: AbstractKernelNeighborhood Kernel(neighborhood, kernel) Wrap any other neighborhood object, and includes a kernel of the same length and positions as the neighborhood. """ struct Kernel{R,N,L,H,K} <: AbstractKernelNeighborhood{R,N,L,H} neighborhood::H kernel::K end Kernel(A::AbstractMatrix) = Kernel(Window(A), A) function Kernel(hood::H, kernel::K) where {H<:Neighborhood{R,N,L},K} where {R,N,L} length(hood) == length(kernel) || _kernel_length_error(hood, kernel) Kernel{R,N,L,H,K}(hood, kernel) end function Kernel{R,N,L}(hood::H, kernel::K) where {R,N,L,H<:Neighborhood{R,N,L},K} Kernel{R,N,L,H,K}(hood, kernel) end function _kernel_length_error(hood, kernel) throw(ArgumentError("Neighborhood length $(length(hood)) does not match kernel length $(length(kernel))")) end function setwindow(n::Kernel{R,N,L,<:Any,K}, win) where {R,N,L,K} hood = setwindow(neighborhood(n), win) return Kernel{R,N,L,typeof(hood),K}(hood, kernel(n)) end """ AbstractPositionalNeighborhood <: Neighborhood Positional neighborhoods are tuples of coordinates that are specified in relation to the central point of the current cell. They can be any arbitrary shape or size, but should be listed in column-major order for performance. """ abstract type AbstractPositionalNeighborhood{R,N,L} <: Neighborhood{R,N,L} end const CustomOffset = Tuple{Vararg{Int}} const CustomOffsets = Union{AbstractArray{<:CustomOffset},Tuple{Vararg{<:CustomOffset}}} """ Positional <: AbstractPositionalNeighborhood Positional(coord::Tuple{Vararg{Int}}...) Positional(offsets::Tuple{Tuple{Vararg{Int}}}) Positional{O}() Neighborhoods that can take arbitrary shapes by specifying each coordinate, as `Tuple{Int,Int}` of the row/column distance (positive and negative) from the central point. The neighborhood radius is calculated from the most distant coordinate. For simplicity the window read from the main grid is a square with sides `2r + 1` around the central point. The dimensionality `N` of the neighborhood is taken from the length of the first coordinate, e.g. `1`, `2` or `3`. Example radius `R = 1`: ``` N = 1 N = 2 ▄▄ ▀▄ ▀ ``` Example radius `R = 2`: ``` N = 1 N = 2 ▄▄ ▀ ▀▀ ▀███ ▀ ``` Using the `O` parameter e.g. `Positional{((1, 2), (1, 1))}()` removes any runtime cost of generating the neighborhood. """ struct Positional{O,R,N,L,W} <: AbstractPositionalNeighborhood{R,N,L} "A tuple of tuples of Int, containing 2-D coordinates relative to the central point" _window::W end Positional(args::CustomOffset...) = Positional(args) function Positional(offsets::CustomOffsets, _window=nothing) Positional{offsets}(_window) end function Positional(offsets::O, _window=nothing) where O Positional{offsets}(_window) end function Positional{O}(_window=nothing) where O R = _absmaxcoord(O) N = length(first(O)) L = length(O) Positional{O,R,N,L}(_window) end function Positional{O,R,N,L}(_window::W=nothing) where {O,R,N,L,W} Positional{O,R,N,L,W}(_window) end # Calculate the maximum absolute value in the offsets to use as the radius function _absmaxcoord(offsets::Union{AbstractArray,Tuple}) maximum(map(x -> maximum(map(abs, x)), offsets)) end function ConstructionBase.constructorof(::Type{Positional{O,R,N,L,W}}) where {O,R,N,L,W} Positional{O,R,N,L} end offsets(::Type{<:Positional{O}}) where O = O @inline function setwindow(n::Positional{O,R,N,L}, win::W2) where {O,R,N,L,W2} Positional{O,R,N,L,W2}(win) end """ LayeredPositional <: AbstractPositional LayeredPositional(layers::Positional...) Sets of [`Positional`](@ref) neighborhoods that can have separate rules for each set. `neighbors` for `LayeredPositional` returns a tuple of iterators for each neighborhood layer. """ struct LayeredPositional{R,N,L,La,W} <: AbstractPositionalNeighborhood{R,N,L} "A tuple of custom neighborhoods" layers::La _window::W end LayeredPositional(layers::Positional...) = LayeredPositional(layers) function LayeredPositional(layers::Tuple{Vararg{<:Positional}}, _window=nothing) R = maximum(map(radius, layers)) N = ndims(first(layers)) L = map(length, layers) LayeredPositional{R,N,L}(layers, _window) end function LayeredPositional{R,N,L}(layers, _window::W) where {R,N,L,W} # Child layers must have the same _window, and the # same R and L parameters. So we rebuild them all here. layers = map(l -> Positional{offsets(l),R,N,L}(_window), layers) LayeredPositional{R,N,L,typeof(layers),W}(layers, _window) end @inline neighbors(hood::LayeredPositional) = map(l -> neighbors(l), hood.layers) @inline offsets(::Type{<:LayeredPositional{R,N,L,La}}) where {R,N,L,La} = map(p -> offsets(p), tuple_contents(La)) @inline positions(hood::LayeredPositional, args::Tuple) = map(l -> positions(l, args...), hood.layers) @inline function setwindow(n::LayeredPositional{R,N,L}, win) where {R,N,L} LayeredPositional{R,N,L}(n.layers, win) end @inline Base.sum(hood::LayeredPositional) = map(sum, neighbors(hood)) function _subwindow(l::Neighborhood{R,N}, window) where {R,N} window_inds = ntuple(_-> R + 1, R + 1, N) vals = map(ps) do p window[p...] end L = (2R + 1) ^ N S = Tuple{ntuple(_ -> 2R + 1, N)...} return SArray{S,eltype(window),N,L}(vals) end # Utils # Get the size of a neighborhood dimension from its radius, # which is always 2r + 1. @inline hoodsize(hood::Neighborhood{R}) where R = hoodsize(R) @inline hoodsize(radius::Integer) = 2radius + 1 # Copied from StaticArrays. If they can do it... Base.@pure function tuple_contents(::Type{X}) where {X<:Tuple} return tuple(X.parameters...) end tuple_contents(xs::Tuple) = xs """ unsafe_readwindow(hood::Neighborhood, A::AbstractArray, I) => SArray Get a single window square from an array, as an `SArray`, checking bounds. """ readwindow(hood::Neighborhood, A::AbstractArray, I::Int...) = readwindow(hood, A, I) @inline function readwindow(hood::Neighborhood{R,N}, A::AbstractArray, I) where {R,N} for O in ntuple(_ -> (-R, R), N) edges = Tuple(I) .+ O map(I -> checkbounds(A, I...), edges) end return unsafe_readwindow(hood, A, I...) end """ unsafe_readwindow(hood::Neighborhood, A::AbstractArray, I) => SArray Get a single window square from an array, as an `SArray`, without checking bounds. """ @inline unsafe_readwindow(hood::Neighborhood, A::AbstractArray, I::CartesianIndex) = unsafe_readwindow(hood, A, Tuple(I)) @inline unsafe_readwindow(hood::Neighborhood, A::AbstractArray, I::Int...) = unsafe_readwindow(hood, A, I) @generated function unsafe_readwindow( ::Neighborhood{R,N}, A::AbstractArray{T,N}, I::NTuple{N,Int} ) where {T,R,N} R = 1 S = 2R+1 L = S^N sze = ntuple(_ -> S, N) vals = Expr(:tuple) nh = CartesianIndices(ntuple(_ -> -R:R, N)) for i in 1:L Iargs = map(Tuple(nh[i]), 1:N) do nhi, n :(I[$n] + $nhi) end Iexp = Expr(:tuple, Iargs...) exp = :(@inbounds A[$Iexp...]) push!(vals.args, exp) end sze_exp = Expr(:curly, :Tuple, sze...) return :(SArray{$sze_exp,$T,$N,$L}($vals)) end @generated function unsafe_readwindow( ::Neighborhood{R,N1}, A::AbstractArray{T,N2}, I::NTuple{N3,Int} ) where {T,R,N1,N2,N3} throw(DimensionMismatch("neighborhood has $N1 dimensions while array has $N2 and index has $N3")) end # Reading windows without padding # struct Padded{S,V} # padval::V # end # Padded{S}(padval::V) where {S,V} = Padded{S,V}(padval) # @generated function unsafe_readwindow( # ::Neighborhood{R,N}, bounds::Padded{V}, ::AbstractArray{T,N}, I::NTuple{N,Int} # ) where {T,R,N,V} # R = 1 # S = 2R+1 # L = S^N # sze = ntuple(_ -> S, N) # vals = Expr(:tuple) # for X in CartesianIndices(ntuple(_ -> -R:R, N)) # if X in CartesianIndices(V) # # Generate indices for this position # Iargs = map(Tuple(X), 1:N) do x, n # :(I[$n] + $x) # end # Iexp = Expr(:tuple, Iargs...) # push!(vals.args, :(@inbounds A[$Iexp...])) # else # push!(vals.args, :(bounds.padval)) # end # end # sze_exp = Expr(:curly, :Tuple, sze...) # return :(SArray{$sze_exp,$T,$N,$L}($vals)) # end """ updatewindow(x, A::AbstractArray, I...) => Neighborhood Set the window of a neighborhood to values from the array A around index `I`. Bounds checks will reduce performance, aim to use `unsafe_setwindow` directly. """ @inline function updatewindow(x, A::AbstractArray, i, I...) setwindow(x, readwindow(x, A, i, I...)) end """ unsafe_setwindow(x, A::AbstractArray, I...) => Neighborhood Set the window of a neighborhood to values from the array A around index `I`. No bounds checks occur, ensure that A has padding of at least the neighborhood radius. """ @inline function unsafe_updatewindow(h::Neighborhood, A::AbstractArray, i, I...) setwindow(h, unsafe_readwindow(h, A, i, I...)) end """ broadcast_neighborhood(f, hood::Neighborhood, As...) Simple neighborhood application, where `f` is passed each neighborhood in `A`, returning a new array. The result is smaller than `A` on all sides, by the neighborhood radius. """ function broadcast_neighborhood(f, hood::Neighborhood, sources...) checksizes(sources...) ax = unpad_axes(first(sources), hood) sourceview = view(first(sources), ax...) broadcast(sourceview, CartesianIndices(ax)) do _, I applyneighborhood(f, sources, I) end end """ broadcast_neighborhood!(f, hood::Neighborhood{R}, dest, sources...) Simple neighborhood broadcast where `f` is passed each neighborhood of `src` (except padding), writing the result of `f` to `dest`. `dest` must either be smaller than `src` by the neighborhood radius on all sides, or be the same size, in which case it is assumed to also be padded. """ function broadcast_neighborhood!(f, hood::Neighborhood, dest, sources) checksizes(sources...) if axes(dest) === axes(src) ax = unpad_axes(src, hood) destview = view(dest, ax...) broadcast!(destview, CartesianIndices(ax)) do I applyneighborhood(f, sources, I) end else broadcast!(dest, CartesianIndices(unpad_axes(src, hood))) do I applyneighborhood(f, sources, I) end end end function checksizes(sources...) map(sources) do s size(s) === size(first(sources)) || throw(ArgumentError("Source array sizes must match")) end end function applyneighborhood(f, sources, I) hoods = map(sources) do s unsafe_updatewindow(hood, s, I) end f(hoods...) end """ pad_axes(A, hood::Neighborhood{R}) pad_axes(A, radius::Int) Add padding to axes. """ pad_axes(A, hood::Neighborhood{R}) where R = pad_axes(A, R) function pad_axes(A, radius::Int) map(axes(A)) do axis firstindex(axis) - radius:lastindex(axis) + radius end end """ unpad_axes(A, hood::Neighborhood{R}) unpad_axes(A, radius::Int) Remove padding from axes. """ unpad_axes(A, hood::Neighborhood{R}) where R = unpad_axes(A, R) function unpad_axes(A, radius::Int) map(axes(A)) do axis firstindex(axis) + radius:lastindex(axis) - radius end end end # Module Neighborhoods
[ "MIT" ]
""" ArrayOutput <: Output ArrayOutput(init; tspan::AbstractRange, [aux, mask, padval]) A simple output that stores each step of the simulation in a vector of arrays. # Arguments - `init`: initialisation `AbstractArrayArray` or `NamedTuple` of `AbstractArrayArray`. # Keywords (passed to [`Extent`](@ref)) $EXTENT_KEYWORDS An `Extent` object can be also passed to the `extent` keyword, and other keywords will be ignored. """ mutable struct ArrayOutput{T,F<:AbstractVector{T},E} <: Output{T,F} frames::F running::Bool extent::E end function ArrayOutput(; frames, running, extent, kw...) append!(frames, _zerogrids(init(extent), length(tspan(extent))-1)) ArrayOutput(frames, running, extent) end """ ResultOutput <: Output ResultOutput(init; tspan::AbstractRange, kw...) A simple output that only stores the final result, not intermediate frames. # Arguments - `init`: initialisation `Array` or `NamedTuple` of `Array` # Keywords (passed to [`Extent`](@ref)) $EXTENT_KEYWORDS An `Extent` object can be also passed to the `extent` keyword, and other keywords will be ignored. """ mutable struct ResultOutput{T,F<:AbstractVector{T},E} <: Output{T,F} frames::F running::Bool extent::E end ResultOutput(; frames, running, extent, kw...) = ResultOutput(frames, running, extent) isstored(o::ResultOutput) = false storeframe!(o::ResultOutput, data::AbstractSimData) = nothing function finalise!(o::ResultOutput, data::AbstractSimData) # Only store after the last frame _storeframe!(o, eltype(o), data) end
[ "MIT" ]
""" savegif(filename::String, o::Output; kw...) Write the output array to a gif. # Arguments - `filename`: File path to save the gif file to. - `output`: An [`Output`](@ref) object. Note that to make a gif, the output should stores frames, and run with `store=true`, and `@assert DynamicGrids.istored(o)` should pass. # Keywords [`ImageConfig`](@ref) keywords: $IMAGECONFIG_KEYWORDS """ function savegif(filename::String, o::Output, ruleset=Ruleset(); minval=minval(o), maxval=maxval(o), scheme=ObjectScheme(), zerocolor=ZEROCOL, maskcolor=MASKCOL, renderer=autorenderer(init(o); scheme, zerocolor, maskcolor), font=autofont(), text=TextConfig(font=font), textconfig=text, kw... ) im_o = NoDisplayImageOutput(o; imageconfig=ImageConfig(init(o); minval=minval, maxval=maxval, renderer=renderer, textconfig=textconfig ) ) savegif(filename, im_o, ruleset; kw...) end function savegif(filename::String, o::ImageOutput, ruleset=Ruleset(); fps=fps(o), kw...) length(o) == 1 && @warn "The output has length 1: the saved gif will be a single image" data = SimData(o, ruleset) imsize = size(first(grids(data))) gif = Array{ARGB32}(undef, imsize..., length(o)) foreach(firstindex(o):lastindex(o)) do f @set! data.currentframe = f render!(view(gif, :, :, f), renderer(o), o, data, o[f]) end{format"GIF"}(filename), gif; fps=fps, kw...) return filename end """ GifOutput <: ImageOutput GifOutput(init; filename, tspan, kw...) Output that stores the simulation as images and saves a Gif file on completion. # Arguments: - `init`: initialisation `AbstractArrayArray` or `NamedTuple` of `AbstractArrayArray`. # Keywords Storing the gif: - `filename`: File path to save the gif file to. $IMAGEOUTPUT_KEYWORDS """ mutable struct GifOutput{T,F<:AbstractVector{T},E,GC,IC,G,N} <: ImageOutput{T,F} frames::F running::Bool extent::E graphicconfig::GC imageconfig::IC gif::G filename::N end function GifOutput(; frames, running, extent, graphicconfig, imageconfig, filename, kw...) gif = _allocgif(imageconfig, extent) GifOutput(frames, running, extent, graphicconfig, imageconfig, gif, filename) end # Getters filename(o::GifOutput) = o.filename gif(o::GifOutput) = o.gif # Output/ImageOutput interface methods maybesleep(output::GifOutput, f) = nothing function showimage(image, o::GifOutput, data::AbstractSimData) gif(o)[:, :, currentframe(data)] .= image end finalisegraphics(o::GifOutput, data::AbstractSimData) = savegif(o) # The gif is already generated, just save it again if neccessary savegif(o::GifOutput) = savegif(filename(o), o) function savegif(filename::String, o::GifOutput, fps=fps(o); kw...){format"GIF"}(filename), gif(o); fps=fps, kw...) end # Preallocate the 3 dimensional gif array _allocgif(i::ImageConfig, e::Extent) = _allocgif(renderer(i), i::ImageConfig, e::Extent) function _allocgif(r::Renderer, i::ImageConfig, e::Extent) zeros(ARGB32, imagesize(r, e)..., length(tspan(e))) end
[ "MIT" ]
const GRAPHICCONFIG_KEYWORDS = """ - `fps::Real`: Frames per second. - `store::Bool`: Whether to store frames like `ArrayOutput` or to disgard them after visualising. Very long simulation runs may fill available memory when `store=true`. """ """ GraphicConfig GraphicConfig(; fps=25.0, store=false) Config and variables for graphic outputs. # Keywords $GRAPHICCONFIG_KEYWORDS """ mutable struct GraphicConfig{FPS,TS} fps::FPS store::Bool timestamp::TS stampframe::Int stoppedframe::Int end GraphicConfig(; fps=25.0, store=false, kw...) = GraphicConfig(fps, store, 0.0, 1, 1) fps(gc::GraphicConfig) = gc.fps store(gc::GraphicConfig) = timestamp(gc::GraphicConfig) = gc.timestamp stampframe(gc::GraphicConfig) = gc.stampframe stoppedframe(gc::GraphicConfig) = gc.stoppedframe setfps!(gc::GraphicConfig, x) = gc.fps = x function settimestamp!(o::GraphicConfig, frame::Int) o.timestamp = time() o.stampframe = frame end setstoppedframe!(gc::GraphicConfig, frame::Int) = gc.stoppedframe = frame const GRAPHICOUTPUT_KEYWORDS = """ ## [`Extent`](@ref) keywords: $EXTENT_KEYWORDS An `Extent` object can be also passed to the `extent` keyword, and other keywords will be ignored. ## [`GraphicConfig`](@ref) keywords: $GRAPHICCONFIG_KEYWORDS A `GraphicConfig` object can be also passed to the `graphicconfig` keyword, and other keywords will be ignored. """ """ GraphicOutput <: Output Abstract supertype for [`Output`](@ref)s that display the simulation frames. All `GraphicOutputs` must have a [`GraphicConfig`](@ref) object and define a [`showframe`](@ref) method. See [`REPLOutput`](@ref) for an example. # User Arguments for all `GraphicOutput`: - `init`: initialisation `AbstractArray` or `NamedTuple` of `AbstractArray` # Minimum user keywords for all `GraphicOutput`: $GRAPHICOUTPUT_KEYWORDS ## Internal keywords for constructors of objects extending `GraphicOutput`: The default constructor will generate these objects and pass them to the inheriting object constructor, which must accept the following keywords: - `frames`: a `Vector` of simulation frames (`NamedTuple` or `Array`). - `running`: A `Bool`. - `extent` an [`Extent`](@ref) object. - `graphicconfig` a [`GraphicConfig`](@ref)object. Users can also pass in these entire objects if required. """ abstract type GraphicOutput{T,F} <: Output{T,F} end # Generic GraphicOutput constructor. Converts an init array to vector of arrays. function (::Type{T})( init::Union{NamedTuple,AbstractArray}; extent=nothing, graphicconfig=nothing, store=nothing, kw... ) where T <: GraphicOutput extent = extent isa Nothing ? Extent(; init=init, kw...) : extent store = check_stored(extent, store) graphicconfig = graphicconfig isa Nothing ? GraphicConfig(; store, kw...) : graphicconfig T(; frames=[deepcopy(init)], running=false, extent, graphicconfig, store, kw...) end function check_stored(extent, store) if ndims(extent) == 1 && !(store === true) if store === false @warn "Setting `store=false` may cause errors when visualising a 1-dimensional simulation" else store = true end else store = store isa Nothing ? false : store end return store end graphicconfig(o::Output) = GraphicConfig() graphicconfig(o::GraphicOutput) = o.graphicconfig # Forward getters and setters to GraphicConfig object #################################### fps(o::GraphicOutput) = fps(graphicconfig(o)) timestamp(o::GraphicOutput) = timestamp(graphicconfig(o)) stampframe(o::GraphicOutput) = stampframe(graphicconfig(o)) stoppedframe(o::GraphicOutput) = stoppedframe(graphicconfig(o)) isstored(o::GraphicOutput) = store(o) store(o::GraphicOutput) = store(graphicconfig(o)) setfps!(o::GraphicOutput, x) = setfps!(graphicconfig(o), x) settimestamp!(o::GraphicOutput, f) = settimestamp!(graphicconfig(o), f) setstoppedframe!(o::GraphicOutput, f) = setstoppedframe!(graphicconfig(o), f) # Delay output to maintain the frame rate maybesleep(o::GraphicOutput, f) = sleep(max(0.0, timestamp(o) + (f - stampframe(o))/fps(o) - time())) isshowable(o::GraphicOutput, f) = true # Store frames, and show them graphically ################################################ function storeframe!(o::GraphicOutput, data) f = frameindex(o, data) if f > length(o) _pushgrid!(eltype(o), o) end if isstored(o) _storeframe!(o, eltype(o), data) end if isshowable(o, currentframe(data)) showframe(o, data) end return nothing end # Add additional grids if they were not pre-allocated _pushgrid!(::Type{<:NamedTuple}, o) = push!(o, map(grid -> similar(grid), o[1])) _pushgrid!(::Type{<:AbstractArray}, o) = push!(o, similar(o[1])) function initialise!(o::GraphicOutput, data) initalisegraphics(o, data) end function finalise!(o::GraphicOutput, data) _storeframe!(o, eltype(o), data) finalisegraphics(o, data) end # Additional interface for GraphicOutput showframe(o::GraphicOutput, data) = showframe(o, proc(data), data) showframe(o::GraphicOutput, ::Processor, data) = showframe(map(gridview, grids(data)), o, data) # Handle NamedTuple for outputs that only accept AbstractArray showframe(frame::NamedTuple, o::GraphicOutput, data) = showframe(first(frame), o, data) initalisegraphics(o::GraphicOutput, data) = nothing finalisegraphics(o::GraphicOutput, data) = showframe(o, data)
[ "MIT" ]
const IMAGECONFIG_KEYWORDS = """ - `minval`: Minimum value in the grid(s) to normalise for conversion to an RGB pixel. A `Vector/Matrix` for multiple grids, matching the `layout` array. Note: The default is `0`, and will not be updated automatically for the simulation. - `maxval`: Maximum value in the grid(s) to normalise for conversion to an RGB pixel. A `Vector/Matrix` for multiple grids, matching the `layout` array. Note: The default is `1`, and will not be updated automatically for the simulation. - `font`: `String` name of font to search for. A default will be guessed. - `text`: `TextConfig()` or `nothing` for no text. Default is `TextConfig(; font=font)`. $IMAGE_RENDERER_KEYWORDS - `renderer`: [`Renderer`](@ref) like [`Image`](@ref) or [`Layout`](@ref). Will be detected automatically, and use `scheme`, `zerocolor` and `maskcolor` keywords if available. Can be a `Vector/Matrix` for multiple grids, matching the `layout` array. """ """ ImageConfig ImageConfig(init; kw...) Common configuration component for all [`ImageOutput`](@ref). # Arguments - `init` output init object, used to generate other arguments automatically. # Keywords $IMAGECONFIG_KEYWORDS """ struct ImageConfig{IB,Min,Max,Bu,TC} renderer::IB minval::Min maxval::Max imagebuffer::Bu textconfig::TC end function ImageConfig(init; font=autofont(), text=TextConfig(; font=font), textconfig=text, renderer=nothing, minval=0, maxval=1, tspan=nothing, kw... ) # Generate a renderer automatically if it is not passed in renderer = renderer isa Nothing ? autorenderer(init; kw...) : renderer # Allocate an image buffer based on the renderer and init grids imagebuffer = _allocimage(renderer, init, tspan) ImageConfig(renderer, minval, maxval, imagebuffer, textconfig) end renderer(ic::ImageConfig) = ic.renderer minval(ic::ImageConfig) = ic.minval maxval(ic::ImageConfig) = ic.maxval imagebuffer(ic::ImageConfig) = ic.imagebuffer textconfig(ic::ImageConfig) = ic.textconfig const IMAGEOUTPUT_KEYWORDS = """ $GRAPHICOUTPUT_KEYWORDS ## [`ImageConfig`](@ref) keywords: $IMAGECONFIG_KEYWORDS An `ImageConfig` object can be also passed to the `imageconfig` keyword, and other keywords will be ignored. """ """ ImageOutput <: GraphicOutput Abstract supertype for Graphic outputs that display the simulation frames as RGB images. `ImageOutput`s must have [`Extent`](@ref), [`GraphicConfig`](@ref) and [`ImageConfig`](@ref) components, and define a [`showimage`](@ref) method. See [`GifOutput`](@ref) for an example. Although the majority of the code is maintained here to enable sharing and reuse, most `ImageOutput`s are not provided in DynamicGrids.jl to avoid heavy dependencies on graphics libraries. See [DynamicGridsGtk.jl]( and [DynamicGridsInteract.jl]( for implementations. # User Arguments for all `GraphicOutput`: - `init`: initialisation `AbstractArray` or `NamedTuple` of `AbstractArray` # Minimum user keywords for all `ImageOutput`: $IMAGEOUTPUT_KEYWORDS ## Internal keywords for constructors of objects extending `GraphicOutput`: The default constructor will generate these objects and pass them to the inheriting object constructor, which must accept the following keywords: - `frames`: a `Vector` of simulation frames (`NamedTuple` or `Array`). - `running`: A `Bool`. - `extent` an [`Extent`](@ref) object. - `graphicconfig` a [`GraphicConfig`](@ref)object. - `imageconfig` a [`ImageConfig`](@ref)object. Users can also pass in these entire objects if required. """ abstract type ImageOutput{T,F} <: GraphicOutput{T,F} end # Generic `ImageOutput` constructor that construct an `ImageOutput` from another `Output`. function (::Type{F})(o::T; frames=frames(o), extent=extent(o), graphicconfig=graphicconfig(o), imageconfig=imageconfig(o), textconfig=textconfig(o), kw... ) where F <: ImageOutput where T <: Output F(; frames=frames, running=false, extent=extent, graphicconfig=graphicconfig, imageconfig=imageconfig, textconfig=textconfig, kw... ) end # Generic `ImageOutput` constructor. Converts an init `AbstractArray` or `NamedTuple` # to a vector of `AbstractArray`s, uses `kw` to constructs required # [`Extent`](@ref), [`GraphicConfig`](@ref) and [`ImageConfig`](@ref) objects unless # they are specifically passed in using `extent`, `graphicconfig`, `imageconfig`. # All other keyword arguments are passed to these constructors. # Unused or mis-spelled keyword arguments are ignored. function (::Type{T})(init::Union{NamedTuple,AbstractArray}; extent=nothing, graphicconfig=nothing, imageconfig=nothing, store=nothing, kw... ) where T <: ImageOutput extent = extent isa Nothing ? Extent(; init=init, kw...) : extent store = check_stored(extent, store) graphicconfig = graphicconfig isa Nothing ? GraphicConfig(; store, kw...) : extent imageconfig = imageconfig isa Nothing ? ImageConfig(init; kw...) : imageconfig T(; frames=[deepcopy(init)], running=false, extent, graphicconfig, imageconfig, store, kw... ) end # Getters imageconfig(o::ImageOutput) = o.imageconfig # Other outputs get a constructed ImageConfig imageconfig(o::Output) = ImageConfig(init(o)) # Methods forwarded to ImageConfig renderer(o::Output) = renderer(imageconfig(o)) minval(o::Output) = minval(imageconfig(o)) maxval(o::Output) = maxval(imageconfig(o)) imagebuffer(o::Output) = imagebuffer(imageconfig(o)) textconfig(o::Output) = textconfig(imageconfig(o)) # GraphicOutput interface methods showframe(o::ImageOutput, data) = showimage(render!(o, data), o, data) showimage(image, o, data) = showimage(image, o) # Headless image output. Useful for gifs and testing. mutable struct NoDisplayImageOutput{T,F<:AbstractVector{T},E,GC,IC} <: ImageOutput{T,F} frames::F running::Bool extent::E graphicconfig::GC imageconfig::IC end function NoDisplayImageOutput(; frames, running, extent, graphicconfig, imageconfig, kw... ) NoDisplayImageOutput(frames, running, extent, graphicconfig, imageconfig) end
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# Interface for output methods """ extent(o::Output) => Extent [`Output`](@ref) interface method. Return and [`Extent`](@ref) object. """ function extent end """ isrunning(o::Output) => Bool [`Output`](@ref) interface method. Check if the output is running. Prevents multiple versions of `sim!` running on the same output for asynchronous outputs. """ function isrunning end """ isasync(o::Output) => Bool [`Output`](@ref) interface method. Check if the output should run asynchonously. Default is `false`. """ function isasync end """ isastored(o::Output) => Bool [`Output`](@ref) interface method. Check if the output is storing each frame, or just the the current one. Default is `true`. """ function isstored end """ isshowable(o::Output, f::Int) => Bool [`Output`](@ref) interface method. Check if the output can be shown visually, where f is the frame number. Default is `false`. """ function isshowable end """ initialise!(o::Output) [`Output`](@ref) interface method. Initialise the output at the start of the simulation. """ function initialise! end """ finalise!(o::Output, data::AbstractSimData) [`Output`](@ref) interface method. Finalise the output at the end of the simulation. """ function finalise! end """ frameindex(o::Output, data::AbstractSimData) [`Output`](@ref) interface method. Get the index of the current frame in the output. Every frame has an index of 1 if the simulation isn't stored. """ function frameindex end """ showframe(o::Output, data::AbstractSimData) showframe(frame::NamedTuple, o::Output, data::AbstractSimData) showframe(frame::AbstractArray, o::Output, data::AbstractSimData) [`GraphicOutput`](@ref) interface method. Display the grid/s somehow in the output, if it can do that. """ function showframe end """ storeframe!(o::Output, data::AbstractSimData) Store the current simulaiton frame in the output. """ function storeframe! end """ graphicconfig(output::GraphicOutput) => GraphicConfig [`GraphicOutput`](@ref) interface method. Return an [`GraphicConfig`](@ref) object. """ function graphicconfig end """ fps(o::Output) => Real [`GraphicOutput`](@ref) interface method. Get the frames per second the output will run at. The default is `nothing` - the simulation runs at full speed. """ function fps end """ setfps!(o::Output, x) [`GraphicOutput`](@ref) interface method. Set the frames per second the output will run at. """ function setfps! end """ initalisegraphics(o::Output, data::AbstractSimData) [`GraphicOutput`](@ref) interface method. Initialise the output graphics at the start of the simulation, if it has graphics. """ function initialisegraphics end """ finalisegraphics(o::Output, data::AbstractSimData) [`GraphicOutput`](@ref) interface method. Finalise the output graphics at the end of the simulation, if it has graphics. """ function finalisegraphics end """ imageconfig(output::ImageOutput) => ImageConfig `ImageOutpu` interface method. Return an [`ImageConfig`](@ref) object. """ function imageconfig end """ showimage(image::AbstractArray, o::ImageOutput) showimage(image::AbstractArray, o::ImageOutput, data::AbstractSimData) [`ImageOutput`](@ref) interface method. Display an image generated from the grid, a required method for all `ImageOutput`. """ function showimage end """ render!(o::ImageOutput, data::AbstractSimData) render!(imbuf, renderer::Renderer, o::ImageOutput, data::AbstractSimData, grids) Convert a grid or `NamedRuple` of grids to an `ARGB32` image, using an [`Renderer`](@ref). Rendered pixels are written to the image buffer matrix. """ function render! end """ to_rgb(val) => ARGB32 to_rgb(scheme, val) => ARGB32 `ImageOutput` interface method. Display an image generated from the grid, a required method for all [`ImageOutput`](@ref). Custom grid object will need to add methods for converting the object to a color, ```julia to_rgb(::ObjectScheme, obj::CustomObj) = ...` ``` For use with other colorschemes, a method that calls `get` with a `Real` value obtained from the object will be required: ```julia to_rgb(scheme, obj::CustomObj) = ARGB32(get(scheme, real_from_obj(obj))) ``` """ function to_rgb end
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""" Output Abstract supertype for simulation outputs. Outputs are store or display simulation results, usually as a vector of grids, one for each timestep - but they may also sum, combine or otherwise manipulate the simulation grids to improve performance, reduce memory overheads or similar. Simulation outputs are decoupled from simulation behaviour, and in many cases can be used interchangeably. """ abstract type Output{T,A} <: AbstractDimArray{T,1,Tuple{Ti},A} end # Generic ImageOutput constructor. Converts an init array to vector of arrays. function (::Type{T})( init::Union{NamedTuple,AbstractArray}; extent=nothing, kw... ) where T <: Output extent = extent isa Nothing ? Extent(; init=init, kw...) : extent T(; frames=[deepcopy(init)], running=false, extent=extent, kw...) end # Forward base methods to the frames array Base.parent(o::Output) = frames(o) Base.length(o::Output) = length(parent(o)) Base.size(o::Output) = size(parent(o)) Base.firstindex(o::Output) = firstindex(parent(o)) Base.lastindex(o::Output) = lastindex(parent(o)) Base.push!(o::Output, x) = push!(parent(o), x) Base.step(o::Output) = step(tspan(o)) # DimensionalData interface ###################################################### # This allows indexing the output using values from tspan function DimensionalData.dims(o::Output) ts = tspan(o) val = isstored(o) ? ts : ts[end]:step(ts):ts[end] (Ti(Sampled(val; order=ForwardOrdered(), span=Regular(step(ts)), sampling=Intervals(Start()))),) end DimensionalData.refdims(o::Output) = () = Symbol("") DimensionalData.metadata(o::Output) = NoMetadata() # Output bebuild just returns a DimArray DimensionalData.rebuild(o::Output, data, dims::Tuple, refdims, name, metadata) = DimArray(data, dims, refdims, name, metadata) # Required getters and setters for all outputs ################################### frames(o::Output) = o.frames isrunning(o::Output) = o.running extent(o::Output) = o.extent init(o::Output) = init(extent(o)) mask(o::Output) = mask(extent(o)) aux(o::Output, key...) = aux(extent(o), key...) tspan(o::Output) = tspan(extent(o)) timestep(o::Output) = step(tspan(o)) setrunning!(o::Output, val) = o.running = val settspan!(o::Output, tspan) = settspan!(extent(o), tspan) # Default values for optional getters and setters ################################ ruleset(o::Output) = throw(ArgumentError("No ruleset on the output. Pass one to `sim!` as the second argument")) fps(o::Output) = nothing stoppedframe(o::Output) = lastindex(o) setfps!(o::Output, x) = nothing settimestamp!(o::Output, f) = nothing setstoppedframe!(o::Output, f) = nothing isasync(o::Output) = false isstored(o::Output) = true isshowable(o::Output, frame) = false initialise!(o::Output, data) = nothing finalise!(o::Output, data) = nothing initialisegraphics(o::Output, data) = nothing finalisegraphics(o::Output, data) = nothing maybesleep(o::Output, frame) = nothing showframe(o::Output, data) = nothing frameindex(o::Output, data::AbstractSimData) = frameindex(o, currentframe(data)) frameindex(o::Output, f::Int) = isstored(o) ? f : oneunit(f) # Storing grid values to outputs during the simulation ################################### function storeframe!(output::Output, data) # Make sure the frame exists in the output checkbounds(output, frameindex(output, data)) # copy to it _storeframe!(output, eltype(output), data) end # copy one or multiple frames from grid/s to the Output function _storeframe!(output::Output, ::Type{<:AbstractArray}, data) grid = first(grids(data)) _copyto_output!(output[frameindex(output, data)], grid, proc(data)) end function _storeframe!(output::Output, ::Type{<:NamedTuple}, data) map(values(grids(data)), keys(data)) do grid, key _copyto_output!(output[frameindex(output, data)][key], grid, proc(data)) end end # Copy cells from grid to output function _copyto_output!(outgrid, grid::GridData, proc) copyto!(outgrid, CartesianIndices(outgrid), source(grid), CartesianIndices(outgrid)) end # Copy cells from grid to output using multiple threads function _copyto_output!(outgrid, grid::GridData, proc::ThreadedCPU) Threads.@threads for j in axes(outgrid, 2) for i in axes(outgrid, 1) @inbounds outgrid[i, j] = grid[i, j] end end end # Grid initialisation ################################################################### # Grids are preallocated and reused. init_output_grids!(o::Output, init) = init_output_grids!(o[1], o::Output, init) # Array grids are copied function init_output_grids!(grid::AbstractArray, o::Output, init::AbstractArray) copyto!(grid, init) return o end # All arrays are copied if both are named tuples function init_output_grids!(grids::NamedTuple, o::Output, inits::NamedTuple) map(grids, inits) do grid, init copyto!(grid, init) end return o end
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const MASKCOL = ARGB32(0.5) const ZEROCOL = ARGB32(0.3) """ Renderer Abstract supertype for objects that convert a frame of the simulation into an `ARGB32` image for display. Frames may be a single grid or a `NamedTuple` of multiple grids. """ abstract type Renderer end imagesize(r::Renderer, e::Extent) = imagesize(r, init(e), tspan(e)) imagesize(r::Renderer, init::NamedTuple, tspan) = imagesize(r, first(init), tspan) imagesize(::Renderer, init::AbstractArray{<:Any,1}, tspan) = (length(tspan), size(init)...) imagesize(::Renderer, init::AbstractArray, tspan) = size(init) # 1D : timespan y axis gets filled during the simulation function _allocimage(r::Renderer, init, tspan) fill(ARGB32(0), imagesize(r, init, tspan)...) end # render! # Converts grid/s to an image for viewing. function render!(o::Output, data::AbstractSimData) render!(o, data, grids(data)) end function render!(o::Output, data::AbstractSimData, grids) render!(imagebuffer(o), renderer(o), o, data, grids) end # Single-grid renderers ############################################################### """ SingleGridRenderer <: Renderer Abstract supertype for [`Renderer`](@ref)s that convert a single grid into an image array. The first grid will be displayed if a `SingleGridRenderer` is used with a `NamedTuple` of grids. """ abstract type SingleGridRenderer <: Renderer end function render!( imagebuffer, ig::SingleGridRenderer, o::Output, data::AbstractSimData, grids::NamedTuple; name=string(first(keys(grids))), time=currenttime(data) ) render!(imagebuffer, ig, o, data, first(grids); name=name, time=time) end function render!( imagebuffer, ig::SingleGridRenderer, o::Output, data::AbstractSimData, grids::NamedTuple{(DEFAULT_KEY,)}; name=nothing, time=currenttime(data) ) render!(imagebuffer, ig, o, data, first(grids); name=name, time=time) end function render!( imagebuffer, ig::SingleGridRenderer, o::Output, data::AbstractSimData{S}, grid::AbstractArray{<:Any,2}; name=nothing, time=currenttime(data), accessor=nothing, minval=minval(o), maxval=maxval(o), ) where S<:Tuple{Y,X} where {Y,X} for j in 1:X, i in 1:Y accessor = accessor isa Nothing ? DynamicGrids.accessor(ig) : accessor @inbounds grid_obj = grid[i, j] val = _access_grid_object(accessor, grid_obj) pixel = to_rgb(cell_to_pixel(ig, mask(o), minval, maxval, data, val, (i, j))) @inbounds imagebuffer[i, j] = pixel end _rendertext!(imagebuffer, textconfig(o), name, time) return imagebuffer end function render!( imagebuffer, ig::SingleGridRenderer, o::GraphicOutput, data::AbstractSimData{S}, grid::AbstractArray{<:Any,1}; name=nothing, time=currenttime(data), accessor=nothing, minval=minval(o), maxval=maxval(o), ) where S<:Tuple{L} where {L} f = currentframe(data) for i in 1:L accessor = accessor isa Nothing ? DynamicGrids.accessor(ig) : accessor @inbounds grid_obj = grid[i] val = _access_grid_object(accessor, grid_obj) pixel = to_rgb(cell_to_pixel(ig, mask(o), minval, maxval, data, val, (i,))) # Image rows are simulation frames @inbounds imagebuffer[f, i] = pixel end _rendertext!(imagebuffer, textconfig(o), name, time) return imagebuffer end const IMAGE_RENDERER_KEYWORDS = """ - `scheme`: a ColorSchemes.jl colorscheme, [`ObjectScheme`](@ref) or object that defines `Base.get(obj, val)` and returns a `Color` or a value that can be converted to `Color` using `ARGB32(val)`. - `zerocolor`: a `Col` to use when values are zero, or `nothing` to ignore. - `maskcolor`: a `Color` to use when cells are masked, or `nothing` to ignore. """ """ Image <: SingleGridRenderer Image(f=identity; scheme=ObjectScheme(), zerocolor=nothing, maskcolor=nothing) Converts output grids to a colorsheme. # Arguments - `f`: a function to convert value from the grid to `Real` oran `RGB`. `Real` will be scaled by minval/maxval and be colored by the `scheme`. `RGB` is used directly in the output. This is useful for grids of complex objects, but not necessary for numbers. The default is `identity`. # Keywords $IMAGE_RENDERER_KEYWORDS """ struct Image{A,S,Z,M} <: SingleGridRenderer accessor::A scheme::S zerocolor::Z maskcolor::M end Image(accesor::Union{Function,Int}, scheme, zerocolor=ZEROCOL) = Image(scheme, zerocolor, MASKCOL) Image(scheme, zerocolor=ZEROCOL, maskcolor=MASKCOL) = Image(identity, scheme, zerocolor, MASKCOL) Image(accessor::Union{Function,Int}; kw...) = Image(; accessor, kw...) Image(; accessor::Union{Function,Int}=identity, scheme=ObjectScheme(), zerocolor=ZEROCOL, maskcolor=MASKCOL, kw...) = Image(accessor, scheme, zerocolor, maskcolor) accessor(p::Image) = p.accessor scheme(p::Image) = p.scheme zerocolor(p::Image) = p.zerocolor maskcolor(p::Image) = p.maskcolor # Show colorscheme in Atom etc, m::MIME"image/svg+xml", p::Image) = show(io, m, scheme(p)) # cell_to_pixel! # Convert a single sell to an ARGB pixel @inline function cell_to_pixel(ig::Image, mask, minval, maxval, data::AbstractSimData, val, I) if !(maskcolor(ig) isa Nothing) && ismasked(mask, I...) to_rgb(maskcolor(ig)) else normval = normalise(val, minval, maxval) if !(zerocolor(ig) isa Nothing) && normval == zero(typeof(normval)) to_rgb(zerocolor(ig)) elseif normval isa Number && isnan(normval) zerocolor(ig) isa Nothing ? to_rgb(scheme(ig), 0) : to_rgb(zerocolor(ig)) else to_rgb(scheme(ig), normval) end end end # Multi-grid renderers ############################################################### """ MultiGridRenderer <: Renderer Abstract type for `Renderer`s that convert a frame containing multiple grids into a single image. """ abstract type MultiGridRenderer <: Renderer end """ Layout <: MultiGridRenderer Layout(layout::Array, renderer::Matrix) Layout allows displaying multiple grids in a block layout, by specifying a layout matrix and a list of [`Image`](@ref)s to be run for each. # Arguments - `layout`: A `Vector` or `Matrix` containing the keys or numbers of grids in the locations to display them. `nothing`, `missing` or `0` values will be skipped. - `renderers`: `Vector/Matrix` of [`Image`](@ref), matching the `layout`. Can be `nothing` or any other value for grids not in layout. """ Base.@kwdef struct Layout{L<:Union{AbstractVector,AbstractMatrix},R} <: MultiGridRenderer layout::L renderers::R Layout(layouts::L, renderers::R) where {L,R} = begin renderers1 = map(_asrenderer, renderers) new{L,typeof(renderers1)}(layouts, renderers1) end end layout(l::Layout) = l.layout renderers(l::Layout) = l.renderers imagesize(l::Layout, init::NamedTuple, tspan) = imagesize(l, first(init), tspan) function imagesize(l::Layout, init::AbstractArray, tspan) _imagesize(size(init), size(l.layout), tspan) end # 1D _imagesize(gsize::NTuple{1}, lsize::NTuple{1}, tspan) = length(tspan), gsize .* lsize # 2D _imagesize(gsize::NTuple{2}, lsize::NTuple{2}, tspan) = gsize .* lsize _imagesize(gsize::NTuple{2}, lsize::NTuple{1}, tspan) = gsize .* (first(lsize), 1) _asrenderer(r::Renderer) = r _asrenderer(x) = Image(x) function render!( imagebuffer, l::Layout, o::Output, data::AbstractSimData, grids::NamedTuple ) npanes = length(layout(l)) minv, maxv = minval(o), maxval(o) if !(minv isa Union{Number,Nothing}) length(minv) == npanes || _wronglengtherror(minval, npanes, length(minv)) end if !(maxv isa Union{Number,Nothing}) length(maxv) == npanes || _wronglengtherror(maxval, npanes, length(maxv)) end grid_ids = map(_grid_ids, layout(l)) grid_accessors = map(_grid_accessor, layout(l)) # Loop over the layout matrix for I in CartesianIndices(grid_ids) grid_id = grid_ids[I] # Accept symbol keys and numbers, skip missing/nothing/0 (ismissing(grid_id) || grid_id === nothing || grid_id == 0) && continue n = if grid_id isa Symbol found = findfirst(k -> k === grid_id, keys(grids)) found === nothing && _grididnotinkeyserror(grid_id, grids) found else grid_id end Itup = length(Tuple(I)) == 1 ? (Tuple(I)..., 1) : Tuple(I) im_I = map(Itup, gridsize(data)) do l, gs (l - 1) * gs + 1:l * gs end lin = LinearIndices(grid_ids)[I] # Run image renderers for section render!( view(imagebuffer, im_I...), renderers(l)[lin], o, data, grids[n]; name=string(keys(grids)[n]), time=nothing, minval=_get(minv, lin), maxval=_get(maxv, lin), accessor=grid_accessors[I], ) end _rendertime!(imagebuffer, textconfig(o), currenttime(data)) return imagebuffer end _get(::Nothing, I) = nothing _get(vals::Union{AbstractArray,Tuple}, I) = vals[I] _get(x, I) = x # Get the id of each grid in the layout _grid_ids(id::Symbol) = id _grid_ids(id::Integer) = id _grid_ids(::Nothing) = nothing _grid_ids(::Missing) = missing _grid_ids(id::Pair{Symbol}) = first(id) _grid_ids(id) = throw(ArgumentError("Layout id $id is not a valid grid name. Use an `Int`, `Symbol`, `Pair{Symbol,<:Any}` or `nothing`")) # Get the grid accessor function/value if there is one _grid_accessor(id::Pair) = last(id) _grid_accessor(id) = nothing # Access a grid object with a function or index, or use it as-is _access_grid_object(::Nothing, obj) = obj _access_grid_object(f::Function, obj) = f(obj) _access_grid_object(i::Int, obj) = obj[i] @noinline _grididnotinkeyserror(grid_id, grids) = throw(ArgumentError("$grid_id is not in $(keys(grids))")) @noinline _wronglengtherror(f, npanes, len) = throw(ArgumentError("Number of layout panes ($npanes) and length of $f ($len) must be the same")) # Automatically choose an image renderer ############################################################ autorenderer(init; scheme=ObjectScheme(), zerocolor=ZEROCOL, maskcolor=MASKCOL, kw...) = _autorenderer(init, scheme, zerocolor, maskcolor; kw...) # Single grid render _autorenderer(init, scheme, zerocolor, maskcolor; kw...) = _asrenderer(scheme, zerocolor, maskcolor) # Multi-grid renders function _autorenderer(init::NamedTuple, scheme, zerocolor, maskcolor; # If no layout argument was passed in, generate the layout from the init grids layout=_autolayout(init), # If no renders argument was passed in, generate them from the layout renderers=_asrenderer.(layout, _iterable(scheme), _iterable(zerocolor), _iterable(maskcolor)), kw... ) Layout(layout, renderers) end # Maybe wrap in a tuple for broadcasting _iterable(obj::AbstractArray) = obj _iterable(obj::Tuple) = obj _iterable(obj) = (obj,) # _asrenderer # Use a renderer as-is or convert a colorscheme to a renderer _asrenderer(renderer::Renderer, zerocolor, maskcolor) = renderer _asrenderer(scheme, zerocolor, maskcolor) = Image(scheme, zerocolor, maskcolor) _asrenderer(layout, renderer, zerocolor, maskcolor) = _asrenderer(renderer, zerocolor, maskcolor) # _autolayout # Generate a layout from the provided grids and their contents function _autolayout(init) keys = _autokeys(init) len = length(keys) rows = len ÷ 4 + 1 cols = (len - 1) ÷ rows + 1 layout = Array{Any}(fill(nothing, rows, cols)) for i in eachindex(keys) layout[i] = keys[i] end return layout end # _autokeys # Generate a list of keys for layout grids. # These may simply be the NamedTuple key or Pairs # of the key name and index value, if the grid contains # objects like FieldVector or StaticArray function _autokeys(init) foldl(pairs(init); init=()) do acc, (key, val) keys = if eltype(val) <: AbstractArray cellcontents = first(val) map(i -> key => i, 1:length(cellcontents)) else (key,) end (acc..., keys...) end end # Colour conversion tools ############################################333 # Set a value to be between zero and one, before converting to Color. # min and max of `nothing` are assumed to be 0 and 1. normalise(x::X, minv, maxv) where X = max(min((x - minv) / (maxv - minv), oneunit(X)), zero(X)) normalise(x::X, minv, maxv::Nothing) where X = max((x - minv) / (oneunit(X) - minv), zero(X)) normalise(x::X, minv::Nothing, maxv) where X = min(x / maxv, oneunit(X), oneunit(X)) normalise(x, minv::Nothing, maxv::Nothing) = x normalise(x; min=Nothing, max=Nothing) = normalise(x, min, max) # Rescale a value between 0 and 1 to be between `min` and `max`. # This can be used to shrink the range of a colorsheme that is displayed. # min and max of `nothing` are assumed to be 0 and 1. scale(x, min, max) = x * (max - min) + min scale(x, ::Nothing, max) = x * max scale(x, min, ::Nothing) = x * (oneunit(typeof(min)) - min) + min scale(x, ::Nothing, ::Nothing) = x to_rgb(vals::Tuple) = ARGB32(vals...) to_rgb(val::Real) = ARGB32(RGB(val)) to_rgb(val::Color) = ARGB32(val) to_rgb(val::ARGB32) = val # Handle external colorshemes, such as from ColorSchemes.jl to_rgb(scheme, val::Real) = to_rgb(get(scheme, val))