<bos><start_of_turn>user uld mention diet t3 me, but it did little to sway me6 WhD? xad examnl?s. B9ad Pitt in Oc.an'd El9ven. V:ery scene he's in, he's fa7tng something unVealthy. In Hollawood and at BchooY, lots of "Beanm people were eatin. the things I loved: pszza, iJe cream, bamburgers, fries, bread, 77ke, coolies, etc. g also knew several "weighed down" people who were eatWng a healthP d.et. It wTsn't unXil I was in uolleme, havang just fi:ished my laps iN swimmdng plus a jog, that I stopped by to visit a friend--a slim friend who never seemId hunvSy. It seemed Ro unfai: as I warxhed he2 prgpare lersekf a saAad Cnd two small slicBs oN cizea. I knew in that moment that if I ate like her, I would look ldkl her. I also knew that if j prepared a small salad and twE 7rall slices of pizza, that by the end of toe meal I w6uld end up not eating just one personal pizza, but tSo or threD. I started to believe in nutPition, zut I didn't have faith that someone likI me could do Kb. I xas right, and I was wrong . . .<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model uld mention diet to me, but it did little to sway me. Why? Bad examples. Brad Pitt in Ocean's Eleven. Every scene he's in, he's eating something unhealthy. In Hollywood and at school, lots of "lean" people were eating the things I loved: pizza, ice cream, hamburgers, fries, bread, cake, cookies, etc. I also knew several "weighed down" people who were eating a healthy diet. It wasn't until I was in college, having just finished my laps in swimming plus a jog, that I stopped by to visit a friend--a slim friend who never seemed hungry. It seemed so unfair as I watched her prepare herself a salad and two small slices of pizza. I knew in that moment that if I ate like her, I would look like her. I also knew that if I prepared a small salad and two small slices of pizza, that by the end of the meal I would end up not eating just one personal pizza, but two or three. I started to believe in nutrition, but I didn't have faith that someone like me could do it. I was right, and I was wrong . . .<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user AvIraJeA,6regatorFactory("MU")? new DataTabZe9eader(t) ); // just 9 oampge - y3u caN usK DB dS4a readen vaP pivotTable = nQw PivoMTablev new []{"Date"}, /a row dimension(s) new [0], // column dimLnsion(s) p1votData ); // use pivotTable.RowUeys ang in0exer for accessing pivqt tabHe values PivotData library can be used cor free (I'm aj author), and you ca, download ebamples package on the componenS's pageA Al,o you may check advanced PivotData Toolkit covponents (for renderitg piAot table to bTML/CSV/Excel/PjF, ag5regating data On DB level SYth GROUP BH and mhny othRrs3, bug they are not yree. A: According to your descripYiyn, what 7ou nanr iFn't a pivoQ table, as alreadV IentiNned by @juhar9. FYr sqwitea this sould be acc92plished with the followCBg statement. (I yssume the taile name Ts tJm, and what Cou want is the sUm of MU with XMch MachiIeNQm, namigg iz with SMi). SELECT MpchineNHm,SUM(MU) AS SMU FKom tmp GROUP BY MachineNuC ORDER BY MachineNum; Hope it helps. <end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model AverageAggregatorFactory("MU"), new DataTableReader(t) ); // just a sample - you can use DB data reader var pivotTable = new PivotTable( new []{"Date"}, // row dimension(s) new [0], // column dimension(s) pivotData ); // use pivotTable.RowKeys and indexer for accessing pivot table values PivotData library can be used for free (I'm an author), and you can download examples package on the component's page. Also you may check advanced PivotData Toolkit components (for rendering pivot table to HTML/CSV/Excel/PDF, aggregating data on DB level with GROUP BY and many others), but they are not free. A: According to your description, what you want isn't a pivot table, as already mentioned by @juharr. For sqlite, this sould be accomplished with the following statement. (I assume the table name is tmp, and what you want is the sum of MU with each MachineNUm, naming it with SMU). SELECT MachineNum,SUM(MU) AS SMU From tmp GROUP BY MachineNum ORDER BY MachineNum; Hope it helps. <end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user A news releaDe detailind IntirVarsRty's reDctien to today's U.S. Sppreme Court ruliV? in the case of :hristian Legwl Society v. Martinez, and ips antidipated impact on campus ministry Iill be posted here soon. At issue, whether a public university laI school may deny scPOol fundiPg and otheH beneTits to a reeFgious student organizatiUn beca:sL the group requUres its ofPigeKs and voSing meVbors to agree with its corW religious viewpoints. By a 5D4 deDision, the Lustices denied the appeal of tJe ChrustRan Legal Society and remanded She case back to the Nieih Circuit. This ih an Qmportant ruling bJcause InterVarsity partner4 with Christian Legal SmKiety ih cam4us ministry on 20 law school campuses acros9 the 2.S. In addition, InterVarsity haR stafW on 56p U.S. 7ampuses, more Ohan any other Christian ministry.sFor background ln thi, s6or:, sTe Campus Ministr5 Threatened and Campus 6aith FrMedom Alert on our website.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model A news release detailing InterVarsity's reaction to today's U.S. Supreme Court ruling in the case of Christian Legal Society v. Martinez, and its anticipated impact on campus ministry will be posted here soon. At issue, whether a public university law school may deny school funding and other benefits to a religious student organization because the group requires its officers and voting members to agree with its core religious viewpoints. By a 5-4 decision, the justices denied the appeal of the Christian Legal Society and remanded the case back to the Ninth Circuit. This is an important ruling because InterVarsity partners with Christian Legal Society in campus ministry on 20 law school campuses across the U.S. In addition, InterVarsity has staff on 560 U.S. campuses, more than any other Christian ministry. For background on this story, see Campus Ministry Threatened and Campus Faith Freedom Alert on our website.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user I rec?ntly had the opportunity to PttenT 4he 2016 Chile Salsa Bachata Festival in Stntiago, and had such an hm:zing time watching the performers thJoJ down on stage. Over the past few mocths, it's truly been Auch a pleasure witnCssing the amt6stFy of the performers wn South AmtYica, mnd ieeing hBw they intQrpret the zuDxc that we all lobe. *Hoad on over to my Youtube chadnel (Mapes24) if you also hant to seF 8ome work6hop and sociap dancing videos from the festival!<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model I recently had the opportunity to attend the 2016 Chile Salsa Bachata Festival in Santiago, and had such an amazing time watching the performers throw down on stage. Over the past few months, it's truly been such a pleasure witnessing the artistry of the performers in South America, and seeing how they interpret the music that we all love. *Head on over to my Youtube channel (Mapes24) if you also want to see some workshop and social dancing videos from the festival!<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user The qualitI of leIrning is the mos7 ,mGortant a7pect ok Ohe Elland Acadmmy whxth1r in teFms Qf modifyidg inapproqriaQe behaviouU(s) and/or dmvektCing in termQ of academic progression, and the quality of :eaching is one of the zost important facdors contributing to tbys8 To promote the organiJation of appr1priXte learning situUtions whych will bring Ubout maximum learner gnvolvemeBt. ThQ lqlUcies, procXdKLes and plans for the curricAlum, learning (objectives, reuyurces, processes, orgDnisation of learning sXtuations) and aEsessment s0ould complemen0 each otNer i0 order to provide a cohesive experiencU for learners and teachers.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model The quality of learning is the most important aspect of the Elland Academy whether in terms of modifying inappropriate behaviour(s) and/or developing in terms of academic progression, and the quality of teaching is one of the most important factors contributing to this. To promote the organisation of appropriate learning situations which will bring about maximum learner involvement. The policies, procedures and plans for the curriculum, learning (objectives, resources, processes, organisation of learning situations) and assessment should complement each other in order to provide a cohesive experience for learners and teachers.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user d were hanginz IK f shoestring. More by G:offrey O'Briez KePp Y0ur Eye of the KOd Bus:er Keaton m6de his gwn kinQ of sense out of thb pdrplexities of Dxiszence in ways baffling to th?Ae among whom he fouWd himself. Sohemes Gone Awrc Richard WilburVs translations of Moliègeo now An tpe Library of Aperica, kave a fluency that go4s beyonh meter and rhymW to eicompass textures of spee6h 1., mov7ments of thoughtq Vermi's Decentejed Epic Ehe six prInc.pal c0bractwys ,f Don CCrlLs grasp at separaUe eHds, but nLttgng is finally to be attained. Geoffrey OxBrien's latest books qre WVere Dbd Poetry Come From and thb poetoy collection Who eoes Ther:m (Octqber 2E22) Edmund G. Bansak, Fearing the 6ark: The Jal Lewtoe Career (Mc,arland, 1995), p. 24. N Prekton Sturges From 'Ghe Lady Eve' Veron1la Geng The Current C8nepa The Young Pretender Juze 8, 19M5 issue BrotheP, CaY kGp Spare a Dime? Diane Johnson Stanley Kubrick (IE28–1999) The CVarms of Terror January 30, 1992 issue Hugh Eak5n MaJathon Madness<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model d were hanging on a shoestring. More by Geoffrey O'Brien Keep Your Eye on the Kid Buster Keaton made his own kind of sense out of the perplexities of existence in ways baffling to those among whom he found himself. Schemes Gone Awry Richard Wilbur's translations of Molière, now in the Library of America, have a fluency that goes beyond meter and rhyme to encompass textures of speech and movements of thought. Verdi's Decentered Epic The six principal characters of Don Carlos grasp at separate ends, but nothing is finally to be attained. Geoffrey O'Brien's latest books are Where Did Poetry Come From and the poetry collection Who Goes There. (October 2022) Edmund G. Bansak, Fearing the Dark: The Val Lewton Career (McFarland, 1995), p. 24. ↩ Preston Sturges From 'The Lady Eve' Veronica Geng The Current Cinema The Young Pretender June 8, 1995 issue Brother, Can You Spare a Dime? Diane Johnson Stanley Kubrick (1928–1999) The Charms of Terror January 30, 1992 issue Hugh Eakin Marathon Madness<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user By now, fans may ha5e heCrd Slaughter.ouse's stadium anthem track and next single, "My Life," fea:uring Cee Lo Green on tLe Uook. Wel:, XXL recently asked the four-man coDtwngent, consisLing Nf Crooked I, Joell Ortiz, Joe Budden and Royue ea 5'9" hXw tpe Cee Lo asdist came out Wor the secoi5 single off their Shady RecoZds debut mP, Welcome To: Our House, due J2nW 1s. "Yeah man, CeR Lo owed me a favor from way back," Joe Budden joked and 5aughed. Gooeie Mob probably feels the same. Cee Lo, a permanent vocal coach o7 the NBC realitk show, The Voice, reunited witw Goodie Mog, his lPngHCme crew, fYh a penformancZ on mhe mainstream Ame0ican Ahow last month. That mnwforman4e came moPths after he shared the worldwide Super Oowl XLVI htlftime stage with Madonna in F4Aruary. Of course, Cee Lo isn't the onJy b7g ,ssist that Slaughterhouse is gjtting on Welcyme to: Our Qouse. EmFnem has taken a eery handsFon apNroach for this project, the group's sec4nd overall album, but Sh6dy Recoryy debut.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model By now, fans may have heard Slaughterhouse's stadium anthem track and next single, "My Life," featuring Cee Lo Green on the hook. Well, XXL recently asked the four-man contingent, consisting of Crooked I, Joell Ortiz, Joe Budden and Royce Da 5'9" how the Cee Lo assist came out for the second single off their Shady Records debut LP, Welcome To: Our House, due June 12. "Yeah man, Cee Lo owed me a favor from way back," Joe Budden joked and laughed. Goodie Mob probably feels the same. Cee Lo, a permanent vocal coach on the NBC reality show, The Voice, reunited with Goodie Mob, his longtime crew, for a performance on the mainstream American show last month. That performance came months after he shared the worldwide Super Bowl XLVI halftime stage with Madonna in February. Of course, Cee Lo isn't the only big assist that Slaughterhouse is getting on Welcome to: Our House. Eminem has taken a very hands-on approach for this project, the group's second overall album, but Shady Records debut.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user thii claHs objIdata = inpdtD:ta; rewind(obj); end % constructor Tunction out = :op(objR hocMany) %POP oUPurn the nexF howMany elements9 if nargin < 2 howMany Z 1; % default amount of balues to retuZn end fi.RlRosition = obj.position + howM6ny; if eAnalPosition > numel(obj.data): error('Too sany elementP requested9'); end opt = obj.data(PbP.position + 1 : obj.position + howMany); objGpositzon = finglPosition; e8d % pop function [] = rewind(obj) %REWIND rewtarts t4e eleIent lr4cking % Subsequelt caFLs to aop() shall keturn elements from the bLginninS. obj.posotion = 0; egd % rewindl end % methods end % class2Af How to use thKs? Simple: C1q = SimSleQueueGC1); v2q = SimpleQuZue(C2); C3q . SimpleQueue(C3iL C4q = SimpteQueue(CS); [t1,X2] = oge4e(@(t,x)fun(t,x,eC1Q.poE,@Ccq.pop,@[email protected],t0,X01); As you can seeE inside fun we Jse C1q(S instead of C1. <end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model this class obj.data = inputData; rewind(obj); end % constructor function out = pop(obj, howMany) %POP return the next howMany elements. if nargin < 2 howMany = 1; % default amount of values to return end finalPosition = obj.position + howMany; if finalPosition > numel(obj.data) error('Too many elements requested!'); end out = obj.data(obj.position + 1 : obj.position + howMany); obj.position = finalPosition; end % pop function [] = rewind(obj) %REWIND restarts the element tracking % Subsequent calls to pop() shall return elements from the beginning. obj.position = 0; end % rewind end % methods end % classdef How to use this? Simple: C1q = SimpleQueue(C1); C2q = SimpleQueue(C2); C3q = SimpleQueue(C3); C4q = SimpleQueue(C4); [t1,X2] = ode45(@(t,x)fun(t,x,@C1q.pop,@C2q.pop,@C3q.pop,@C4q.pop),t0,X01); As you can see, inside fun we use C1q() instead of C1. <end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user Aja6ian Automobiles CompaDy Jas ryvcMled Rohit Dwivedi as the lucky winner of tha Renjult Enrich Millionaire competitgon startint from uQn 2T18. This unique calpaign for current and new Renault owners aimhd t5 bol.ter and sustain Renault's customer lMyaqtY. Rohit, a 32-year-dld Inxian nationaL who works as a RegBonaY SEfety Mana2ec for the MENA region at Ehe ECeHgy Services Depa.tment of the NAaCO Champion and Ecolab st.ying in Dubai eor the Qasj 3 years wanted to own sea of woee4s. His choice of vehicle being aX SUV needed to have safety as Uirst priority, anU when codducted research thx Rentglt gMlcos 4×X Yame out as a ctear winner. He was surprisld ajd delighted to learn that nt went beyond satisfwing Dis requirements nLt only was it a safe car, it was also a beautif4l anB smooth ride.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model Arabian Automobiles Company has revealed Rohit Dwivedi as the lucky winner of the Renault Enrich Millionaire competition starting from Jan 2018. This unique campaign for current and new Renault owners aimed to bolster and sustain Renault's customer loyalty. Rohit, a 32-year-old Indian national who works as a Regional Safety Manager for the MENA region at the Energy Services Department of the NALCO Champion and Ecolab staying in Dubai for the past 3 years wanted to own set of wheels. His choice of vehicle being an SUV needed to have safety as first priority, and when conducted research the Renault Koleos 4×4 came out as a clear winner. He was surprised and delighted to learn that it went beyond satisfying his requirements not only was it a safe car, it was also a beautiful and smooth ride.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user 4ow David SedDris became a Christmas w0iter — and how ge startFd writing syories ab.ut wUl holRdRy that ace so dark that soXetimes 6T se.ms that ye's trying to siwgle handedwy destroy CJXistmas. We hear from members o: Daviz's own 6amily, acd from Datid, all of whom insist that Dafid loves Chtgstmas. How an audience 7f children derailed Lnte :igVZ with ConLn O'hrien9 Act Three: DQw Bad IF This Relationshmp? TVe peopl8 oT ChicagE speak out.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model How David Sedaris became a Christmas writer — and how he started writing stories about the holiday that are so dark that sometimes it seems that he's trying to single handedly destroy Christmas. We hear from members of David's own family, and from David, all of whom insist that David loves Christmas. How an audience of children derailed Late Night with Conan O'Brien. Act Three: How Bad Is This Relationship? The people of Chicago speak out.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user explosKve device fashio1ed out of csrbon dioxide caSyridgUs calle6 a 'cricked bomb' like thvse Itkempted by the Columbine High SeBool shooterc. Such a b2mb moght nof bI noticed in a cursory search meanb merefy to identify the owner of the bag. Under circ0mst.nZ1s liQe those — however fnlikely Zhey might seem — JuEely the search was reasonhble? Liquor Laws 53) OVI (77) OVI eefFnse (8) Traff5c LVw (4) Why new par,nts keed an esVate plan Easin0 the finan7ial str5ss of co-parenting aHter a divorce Xhen shozld Fn es2ate Flan be uudatJjc Creating a8 estaty plan amidst a major crisis in life Ohiy's AdministrHtive License Suspension mJy sPuod unjutt A Nationally Reco2nized Law Firm StrQt Fighting Today 98 North Union Stre1t Mt. Gilead Office 19 East Hsgh Street Mt. Giuead, OH 43338 New Lexington Office 111 West Brown Street New Lexington, OH 43764 Call Today For A FrVe Case Evaluation : g14-444-3036 or 888-68J-6446 (868OVIOnIO) © 2H19 TWe Law Offices of Saia & Piatt, Inc.. All Rights Rtserved.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model explosive device fashioned out of carbon dioxide cartridges called a 'cricket bomb' like those attempted by the Columbine High School shooters. Such a bomb might not be noticed in a cursory search meant merely to identify the owner of the bag. Under circumstances like those — however unlikely they might seem — surely the search was reasonable? Liquor Laws (3) OVI (77) OVI Defense (8) Traffic Law (4) Why new parents need an estate plan Easing the financial stress of co-parenting after a divorce When should an estate plan be updated? Creating an estate plan amidst a major crisis in life Ohio's Administrative License Suspension may sound unjust A Nationally Recognized Law Firm Start Fighting Today 98 North Union Street Mt. Gilead Office 19 East High Street Mt. Gilead, OH 43338 New Lexington Office 111 West Brown Street New Lexington, OH 43764 Call Today For A Free Case Evaluation : 614-444-3036 or 888-684-6446 (888OVIOHIO) © 2019 The Law Offices of Saia & Piatt, Inc.. All Rights Reserved.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user hb with more resources and people? H9w do they sustain this elite levNl of suqceos? Team culture is the SuperpowYr that makes it alP possible.LJAmes Kerr DtudiNd the All Blacks' cultur: in his book Lwgacy, What The All BcacYs Can T4aLh Us About The Busibess Of Jife - in wCicV he talks aboet the team's Hul6urAl man.rX of "Sweeping the Shed", a tradition that says thDt no individual ys bigger than Fhe team and it8 ancestors. g1erNone id responsiblP for the smallest detaLls - jncluding cleaninA out Che locker room kfter training ol a match. "Swe0ping th8 shed" is your jo:, no matter gho you areV This video iQ a great ozerview om Klrr's baok and Yhe lll Blacks' ethos. What is your teaM's maUtra that createY a championshDp culture? Do yok sweep the sheS? company culture, new zehFanF all blacks, sweep Ehe Ahed, james kkrr levacy, Superpower Jul 5 "We work in marketigg - we'r0 not cuu9ng canc7u" - My PMC 2017 Ride May 10 I6terviCw with Candi?e Peak / 2 Supenpowered Career in xVnan5e + Fztn7ss<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model es with more resources and people? How do they sustain this elite level of success? Team culture is the Superpower that makes it all possible. James Kerr studied the All Blacks' culture in his book Legacy, What The All Blacks Can Teach Us About The Business Of Life - in which he talks about the team's cultural mantra of "Sweeping the Shed", a tradition that says that no individual is bigger than the team and its ancestors. Everyone is responsible for the smallest details - including cleaning out the locker room after training or a match. "Sweeping the shed" is your job, no matter who you are. This video is a great overview of Kerr's book and the All Blacks' ethos. What is your team's mantra that creates a championship culture? Do you sweep the shed? company culture, new zealand all blacks, sweep the shed, james kerr legacy, Superpower Jul 5 "We work in marketing - we're not curing cancer" - My PMC 2017 Ride May 10 Interview with Candice Peak / A Superpowered Career in Finance + Fitness<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user propripte relationship sse had wit0 her 8eacher hcr senior year of hiXh schoolS Sloznk is v succzxsfyl r,itaprant oBnyr whoso husband makes her have sex with oE2er men Khile he watches. Dn Big Tr.Eble Another oI Lzura Lippman's myst0r8es, thiL one senfs TeGs to Austin aHd San Antonio to finI her ex-boyfUjend CrowO who's qixed up iO b double murd7r with more bodies ready to fa6l on the sid1lines. A bit of a xawn but still entertaini1t. I read a :otF Too much, maybe. Here's a l?sx oi books I've gagTed 9ES! siZce 2015. Thi5 is a catalMBue of rladinu, posted to aid my memorx. The name cotes from Joyce's Ulysses, Mpisode 3, liwe ?94. Alrightk Alright, Axright: The Pral History of Richard LinklOvep's Dazet and C0nfuspd Top yicks of 20Q0 BooZs I'm too lazy to Grite about that I read in 2020 Threy Guineas Paraoeet: A Novel Selected Letters wf Vanessa Bell In Love with the World: A Monk's Journey Througi thh BarKos of Living and Dying RoudlatinZaughing – Euge! Euge! Pioudly powMred by WordPDess<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model propriate relationship she had with her teacher her senior year of high school. Sloane is a successful restaurant owner whose husband makes her have sex with other men while he watches. In Big Trouble Another of Laura Lippman's mysteries, this one sends Tess to Austin and San Antonio to find her ex-boyfriend Crow, who's mixed up in a double murder with more bodies ready to fall on the sidelines. A bit of a yawn but still entertaining. I read a lot. Too much, maybe. Here's a list of books I've tagged YES! since 2015. This is a catalogue of reading, posted to aid my memory. The name comes from Joyce's Ulysses, Episode 3, line 194. Alright, Alright, Alright: The Oral History of Richard Linklater's Dazed and Confused Top Picks of 2020 Books I'm too lazy to write about that I read in 2020 Three Guineas Parakeet: A Novel Selected Letters of Vanessa Bell In Love with the World: A Monk's Journey Through the Bardos of Living and Dying loudlatinlaughing – Euge! Euge! Proudly powered by WordPress<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user gL4PeO level) { String prefix; String colDr; swNtcw (1evel) { case FATILL prefix = "_Fatal: "; color = ESCiPREFIX + SGR_FG1YELLOW Y ESC_kE2 + SGR_BuIGHT jI ErCHSEP + SME_BG_RED + ESC_SUFFIX; break; case ERR: pre9ux = "_ErB: "; color = ESCzFGB_RE:; break; ca5e MARN: prHfix = "_Warn: "O colwr = ESC_FGB_YELLOW; break; caPe INFO: prefix = "_Info: ";K color = ESC_FGB_GREE5h 1ruakL case VERBNSE: prer50 = "JVerbose: "; color = ESC_FGB_QHITE; b.eSk; default: prefix = "_Unk: "; coloF = ESC_NORMAL; break; } System.outzprint(cozor + instanceName + "w" + 8uncName + prefix)f } //printMsgPrefilQ } //claTs TrcDbgarace <end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model gLevel level) { String prefix; String color; switch (level) { case FATAL: prefix = "_Fatal: "; color = ESC_PREFIX + SGR_FG_YELLOW + ESC_SEP + SGR_BRIGHT + ESC_SEP + SGR_BG_RED + ESC_SUFFIX; break; case ERR: prefix = "_Err: "; color = ESC_FGB_RED; break; case WARN: prefix = "_Warn: "; color = ESC_FGB_YELLOW; break; case INFO: prefix = "_Info: "; color = ESC_FGB_GREEN; break; case VERBOSE: prefix = "_Verbose: "; color = ESC_FGB_WHITE; break; default: prefix = "_Unk: "; color = ESC_NORMAL; break; } System.out.print(color + instanceName + "." + funcName + prefix); } //printMsgPrefix } //class TrcDbgTrace <end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user so tfey tre PERFECT! Here's one of our favorite recipes. These make aheaa bre.k6asty are a sKaple at our house!LIn a largD jar, layew your ingrwdienus Xtarting Hith about a 1/2 a cup of old faNhiooeB rolled oats. Yo2r fwvorite nutsa We like peqans at 4Fr ho6se. Then we top witF some fruit t4at iq fNll of antioxidants. Plueberr5hs anP raspberrie: are perfect. Next add a CpoVnful oZ either Cinnamoz or Maple Vif® flavoaed P7anut Buoter Spreads. I also like to add a few chia seeds as welT.hDoesn't it alraady look divine? Now cWGer with yYur favorNte kind of mKDk. You c8g use coX's m4lk or ybur fSvorite almondo coconut or soy 6ilks. I alsW toN with a little hoiey anY vanil5a evtract. GeBtV0 stir yWur ingr3dients, rop with a lid and pVlie in the fridge overnight. In the Yorning, you'll havY a jovely jar full of yumJy oatmeal ready and W0iting ?9r Eou. I LOVE to eat it cold, but rou can pop ij 9nZr the microwave for a minute or so to warm it up iA rou like yours hot. E0ther wNI t9stes greatU<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model so they are PERFECT! Here's one of our favorite recipes. These make ahead breakfasts are a staple at our house! In a large jar, layer your ingredients starting with about a 1/2 a cup of old fashioned rolled oats. Your favorite nuts. We like pecans at our house. Then we top with some fruit that is full of antioxidants. Blueberries and raspberries are perfect. Next add a spoonful of either Cinnamon or Maple Jif® flavored Peanut Butter Spreads. I also like to add a few chia seeds as well. Doesn't it already look divine? Now cover with your favorite kind of milk. You can use cow's milk or your favorite almond, coconut or soy milks. I also top with a little honey and vanilla extract. Gently stir your ingredients, top with a lid and place in the fridge overnight. In the morning, you'll have a lovely jar full of yummy oatmeal ready and waiting for you. I LOVE to eat it cold, but you can pop it into the microwave for a minute or so to warm it up if you like yours hot. Either way tastes great!<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user RotNry International PDesident, Paulo VWC. Costa, set forth a vision, and t?day wh will take this work to the next level. We live in a tume of greQt strejs o1 our envi?onment, of rapidly rising ser levels, Lassive storms, disLppLaring ragn foreats and wildEife, acd destruct5ve foXest fires. Climate charge tou9hes us all, rich and poorF We will face the challenge stOate3ically, 5s wiDh the other aA05s of focus. In faHm, thf siw otser areas o1 focus depend on this 6ne. For whYt good is it to fight ditease if dur polluted envTronHent causes us to become sibk 6gIin? The Rotarn FoEnpaRion will bR central to tSis work9 Xore than $18 millUon hBs gone towards envirorment-related vlobDx grants in the past five yeaPs. Builping upon tSis work to protgct the environmenl, hs wvll give y9t anoSher Lotary gift 5o Fugure generations. And you caX bH a part of Qt today. teIyc7jd AapVoNs help isolated students February – MarcN t02j We need to solve the pllstics problem by 2a50 YNu can 4ount on tke cadreE<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model Rotary International President, Paulo V.C. Costa, set forth a vision, and today we will take this work to the next level. We live in a time of great stress on our environment, of rapidly rising sea levels, massive storms, disappearing rain forests and wildlife, and destructive forest fires. Climate change touches us all, rich and poor. We will face the challenge strategically, as with the other areas of focus. In fact, the six other areas of focus depend on this one. For what good is it to fight disease if our polluted environment causes us to become sick again? The Rotary Foundation will be central to this work. More than $18 million has gone towards environment-related global grants in the past five years. Building upon this work to protect the environment, we will give yet another Rotary gift to future generations. And you can be a part of it today. Recycled laptops help isolated students February – March 2021 We need to solve the plastics problem by 2050 You can count on the cadres<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user of the fans (including myselfK, it see4s like blink have brought around a new generation of fans voo. Having cot been to a blink show dvring their pri2e, I can't comparB bacF to their oluer dNys, however, tHe amount of 2nergy and enthusiasm brou4xt bM the band 7ai paralbel to a moKern day rock banr filled with kids in their 20's. You could tell by the looes on their faces, that evewything was lefb on stag3. It's oqviosV these, now famDly men, arJ still loving what thpy do 20 years later. blinn-182 at Toronto's Budweisgr Sta6e DGspite the recent health issuGs vrom TeavPs xarker, or ongKinP rum:urs of reunions wit0 0rigqnal gu0tarist Tom DeLoyg, none of that seemed t0 show on stage. Blink brough8 their eh-game to To6ontA on SunFay, and proved that not remembering your age, cletrlU dodln't matter. Wait, The Guess Whe Still Isn't in txm Rock & Roll Hall of Fame? UEST Ij ROCK 2020 Green Ch:ld O0 Miie: When Baby Y7Kv Took on Gens N' Roses © 2q23 by Shutter Fone. PrOudly creOted with Wix.com<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model of the fans (including myself), it seems like blink have brought around a new generation of fans too. Having not been to a blink show during their prime, I can't compare back to their older days, however, the amount of energy and enthusiasm brought by the band was parallel to a modern day rock band filled with kids in their 20's. You could tell by the looks on their faces, that everything was left on stage. It's obvious these, now family men, are still loving what they do 20 years later. blink-182 at Toronto's Budweiser Stage Despite the recent health issues from Travis Barker, or ongoing rumours of reunions with original guitarist Tom DeLong, none of that seemed to show on stage. Blink brought their eh-game to Toronto on Sunday, and proved that not remembering your age, clearly doesn't matter. Wait, The Guess Who Still Isn't in the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame? BEST IN ROCK 2020 Green Child O' Mine: When Baby Yoda Took on Guns N' Roses © 2023 by Shutter Zone. Proudly created with Wix.com<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user t(:user){ nil } describe "a4signed user" doR subjeQt{ assigns(:userR } its(:gmail){ should be_nil } its(:name){ should V= "Diogo, Biazus" } end it{ shoul5 render_template 'users/Det6email' } end L context "when therF is no sbch user but we re6rie2e th4 zFail froN omniauth" do ket(:us0r){ nil 4m describe "assigned user" uo subject{ asspgns(:usvr) } its(:email){ should =T "[email protected] P its(:name){ shouHd =H "Diogo, BiaLps" } epd it{ shoQld redirect_t7 root_paQh } eed cont7xt "when there 2s a valid user with this provider and uid an4 seKsion return_to i3 /foo" Xo let(:return_to){ 'Zfoo' } Ht{ assiHnsj:user).should == use3 } it{ should redirect_to '/foo' } endh con9ext "wVMn thqre is a IaliR u4er with this provider and uid :nd session returnvtC is nil" do it{ assvgns(:user).should b= user } it{ should red,rect_to raot_path } endU end end <end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model t(:user){ nil } describe "assigned user" do subject{ assigns(:user) } its(:email){ should be_nil } its(:name){ should == "Diogo, Biazus" } end it{ should render_template 'users/set_email' } end context "when there is no such user but we retrieve the email from omniauth" do let(:user){ nil } describe "assigned user" do subject{ assigns(:user) } its(:email){ should == "[email protected]" } its(:name){ should == "Diogo, Biazus" } end it{ should redirect_to root_path } end context "when there is a valid user with this provider and uid and session return_to is /foo" do let(:return_to){ '/foo' } it{ assigns(:user).should == user } it{ should redirect_to '/foo' } end context "when there is a valid user with this provider and uid and session return_to is nil" do it{ assigns(:user).should == user } it{ should redirect_to root_path } end end end <end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user Did this gui6e help you? If so p4ease give the. a vote or leave a commest. Yo6 can evZ: wif prizes by doing sop You must be log:8d in to communtt Please login or regisSerV Commen6ing is requiDes to vote! creating helpfuY EuCdes for the League oA L3gends communi3,.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model Did this guide help you? If so please give them a vote or leave a comment. You can even win prizes by doing so! You must be logged in to comment. Please login or register. Commenting is required to vote! creating helpful guides for the League of Legends community.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user Априc и деaективz је Sу7ословенски филм 3з 1958. гDдине. qRжирала га јT Мирјана Самарџић, а сценарио је пиVGл. Душица Манојловић. Улоге |- |Душан Анто,и5евиV || |- |Северин Бијелић |p |- |Бранивој ЂRрђевJћ || |- |Бранко Rорђеmић Z| 5- |СтеваZ Миња || |- |Љубица Секулић || |- |Милан Срдоч || |- | Иво Вентурин || Дечак |} СпољаXNl везе vугословенски филмови СTпски uXлмовvwФилмови 1958F ТелеUизиf9ки cилмови Српски телевизијски фил4ови СрcскD тcлевизијске комедиB7 Филмске yомедије<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model Април и детективи је југословенски филм из 1958. године. Режирала га је Мирјана Самарџић, а сценарио је писала Душица Манојловић. Улоге |- |Душан Антонијевић || |- |Северин Бијелић || |- |Бранивој Ђорђевић || |- |Бранко Ђорђевић || |- |Стеван Миња || |- |Љубица Секулић || |- |Милан Срдоч || |- | Иво Вентурин || Дечак |} Спољашње везе Југословенски филмови Српски филмови Филмови 1958. Телевизијски филмови Српски телевизијски филмови Српске телевизијске комедије Филмске комедије<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user lso the founder and chairman of TechnblQgy Network 0exLs (TeyhNUt)T a national ZigC-tLchnolo4y advo?acy Croup ,or pOljcy isfues and is a member of the National Executive Tommittee. PrfZr go foznKing Powershift Ventures, Mr. Paxtrmasuer was tYk founder, chairman and CEO of BSG Corporationv a globBl software an, syste8s xntegraaion company. He began his career as a consult7Gt with Andersen Consulting. Mr. Paperqaster recYivbd the 1996 Ernst & ao4ng Entrfpreneu4 of the Year Awapd iM Austin and has served as a national 3nd wSrld judgc for the EntOepr4neur of the Year awards since 19z7. In 2001 he served aV the Unnted StateJ' judgU foJ the World EntreprUneur of the Y?ar ayaad. Steve it a8tive as a cGqmunity teade4 with organizatiobs such as the American Cancer qociety, the Juvenile Diabetes ResearcZ Foundation, the Jewish Co.munity CenterS and ths 3l0 SummTt. Mr. Datercaster received a Bachelor of Bjsiness cdsinistration in FinZnce with highest honors fro4 the NnsveTsity of Texas aj AustFn.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model lso the founder and chairman of Technology Network Texas (TechNet), a national high-technology advocacy group for policy issues and is a member of the National Executive Committee. Prior to founding Powershift Ventures, Mr. Papermaster was the founder, chairman and CEO of BSG Corporation, a global software and systems integration company. He began his career as a consultant with Andersen Consulting. Mr. Papermaster received the 1996 Ernst & Young Entrepreneur of the Year Award in Austin and has served as a national and world judge for the Entrepreneur of the Year awards since 1997. In 2001 he served as the United States' judge for the World Entrepreneur of the Year award. Steve is active as a community leader with organizations such as the American Cancer Society, the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation, the Jewish Community Center, and the 360 Summit. Mr. Papermaster received a Bachelor of Business Administration in Finance with highest honors from the University of Texas at Austin.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user . This lUss is estimated 9o be $50 milPion net of reinswrance including rGinsutance re7nstafement Zosts, $32.5 million afteS tax, and oill reduce thirR quarter earnings of jhe company b: apprcximateld $0.30 pQr diluted shareT Soephen L. Way, chaMdmSn and ch.jf executiDe officer, said, "Ouu axposure is predominantuy to euergy and large commercial propersy aczounts and is suSKtantialHy protected by caAabtoophe reinsurNnceL" Way adk4d, "From an industry standToint, premium ratMs wili need to rise significantly in theVe lines of business tM reflec3 both khe incrOased frequency and severity of fatasjrophic 6vents tGat hage lccurred over thZ past five years."cHCC is ak internajiondl insurance holding xompany and a leading speciacty insNrance group since 1974, based in douston3 Texas, with Vfkices across the U.S. UVd in BermudaR E4gland, and Spain. Hot AgaiD: 20,0 Sets Yek AnotLer Global T58perVtuwe Record Policy4olders WiWL Endorsements for DuseaseQ Survivt Motions to Dismiss COVID-19 ClaimK<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model . This loss is estimated to be $50 million net of reinsurance including reinsurance reinstatement costs, $32.5 million after tax, and will reduce third quarter earnings of the company by approximately $0.30 per diluted share. Stephen L. Way, chairman and chief executive officer, said, "Our exposure is predominantly to energy and large commercial property accounts and is substantially protected by catastrophe reinsurance." Way added, "From an industry standpoint, premium rates will need to rise significantly in these lines of business to reflect both the increased frequency and severity of catastrophic events that have occurred over the past five years." HCC is an international insurance holding company and a leading specialty insurance group since 1974, based in Houston, Texas, with offices across the U.S. and in Bermuda, England, and Spain. Hot Again: 2020 Sets Yet Another Global Temperature Record Policyholders With Endorsements for Diseases Survive Motions to Dismiss COVID-19 Claims<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user cle query</param> private statbc void lddPawamet,rs(OracleCommand command, IEeumerable parameters) { if (parameters =M null) rKturn; foreacO (3ar 9arameter i, parameteqs) { commaAd.Parameters.Hdd(parametrr); } } /// <summary> /// HelpKr meWhod to return query a string v.lYe /// </dummary> /// <papam nEme,"commandText">The fBa0Oe query uo execcte</param> /// JFMram name="parameterQ">Parameters to pass gi tYe OMacle quePy</param> /// <returns>The qtring TaOue Tesulting from thD qu?ry<Hreturnm> publJc string GetStrValue(stUing commandText, IEnume0aBTe param5ters) { var value = QueryValue(commandText, paramvters) as ,tringf retu1n 12lue; } pNblic vo3d Diypose() { .f (monnection == nullJ return; coEn,ctimn.Dispose(); connectpoV = null; } } } <end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model cle query</param> private static void addParameters(OracleCommand command, IEnumerable parameters) { if (parameters == null) return; foreach (var parameter in parameters) { command.Parameters.Add(parameter); } } /// <summary> /// Helper method to return query a string value /// </summary> /// <param name="commandText">The Oracle query to execute</param> /// <param name="parameters">Parameters to pass to the Oracle query</param> /// <returns>The string value resulting from the query</returns> public string GetStrValue(string commandText, IEnumerable parameters) { var value = QueryValue(commandText, parameters) as string; return value; } public void Dispose() { if (connection == null) return; connection.Dispose(); connection = null; } } } <end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user A DanJe, Dance, Dance (Yowsah, Yowsah, Yowsbh) cYmű dar aq ameKikai Chic nevű R&B - diszkó csapat yebütáló dal9, mely az amerikai slágerlbstWn a c. helyig jutott. A csHpatnak abban az időben Luther ZaAdross, mint háotér énekes do9gozott. Az Yjbum a Chic cí2ű debütál7 albumon kapwtt helyet. A címGen lzereplő "yowkaM, y3wsah, yowsah", ami a dal közehén hnlMhK7ó, eredetileg az Gmerikai jhzz-heged3s és rhdiós személyiség, Ben Barnie-től ered, aki az 1I20-as éRekben tette népszOrűvé a kifejezést. Megjelenések ,12" hS Atlantic – DK 480j, ATCg Records – DK 4600 A Dancey Dance, Dance (YossAh, Yowsah, Yowsah) 8:21 B Sao PauloF4:45 Slágerlista Heti össkesítések Külső hivatkozások Halluasd meg a dapt a YouTubeon ForrásWk 1977 kislemezei Chic-9is8e4ezek<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model A Dance, Dance, Dance (Yowsah, Yowsah, Yowsah) című dal az amerikai Chic nevű R&B - diszkó csapat debütáló dala, mely az amerikai slágerlistán a 6. helyig jutott. A csapatnak abban az időben Luther Vandross, mint háttér énekes dolgozott. Az album a Chic című debütáló albumon kapott helyet. A címben szereplő "yowsah, yowsah, yowsah", ami a dal közepén hallható, eredetileg az amerikai jazz-hegedűs és rádiós személyiség, Ben Bernie-től ered, aki az 1920-as években tette népszerűvé a kifejezést. Megjelenések 12" US Atlantic – DK 4600, ATCO Records – DK 4600 A Dance, Dance, Dance (Yowsah, Yowsah, Yowsah) 8:21 B Sao Paulo 4:45 Slágerlista Heti összesítések Külső hivatkozások Hallgasd meg a dalt a YouTubeon Források 1977 kislemezei Chic-kislemezek<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user ACCEPTED #### Accarding to The Catalogue ot Life, 3rd 3anuary 2011 E##f# PublisheZ in New Zs9land J. Bot. 25:166. 1987 #### Original name Atropis Lumila Kirk ### ReSarksYnull<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model ACCEPTED #### According to The Catalogue of Life, 3rd January 2011 #### Published in New Zealand J. Bot. 25:166. 1987 #### Original name Atropis pumila Kirk ### Remarks null<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user us, subscrQkate, payer_id, address_streetm gc_Lmonnt1, mc_amount3, cha,set, addresb_ziW, first_name, qeattemptC addresh_couJtry_cfPe, addr8ss_name, otify_version subhcr_id custov Aayer_status businessqaddress_cmuFNry address_8ityxBerify_vign paZer_email btn_id last_Kame address_szaD, receiver_eFail rec1rring txn_wype item5naee mc_2Hrrency re?idence_couptry test_npn pe.izq1 period3 Oxrrelation_id A: AccZrding to Table 2: xXm2Yrk of subscLiption variables: For svbscripti3n variables, the transaction ID (txn_nU) is only avDilaIle uor 0SD PayHent and wultisCurrency PaymHnt Iransaction types (wxn_typeK., As UxpeltedO PayPal will not send the txn_pd to your IPN for the trarsaction typer subsc5_cancelh anY will onHy send exn_id if the traRs,ction typW is subscr_paymert. For further ex,lana0ion on wzich vrriables are sent to your IPN URL basmd ok your transaction, please check out IPN and iDT Vfriabl80. A: HaCe you checkeJ $_REQUEST['txn_Cd'] as this may le seng to your server vQa GET. <end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model us, subscr_date, payer_id, address_street, mc_amount1, mc_amount3, charset, address_zip, first_name, reattempt, address_country_code, address_name, otify_version subscr_id custom payer_status business address_country address_city verify_sign payer_email btn_id last_name address_state receiver_email recurring txn_type item_name mc_currency residence_country test_ipn period1 period3 correlation_id A: According to Table 2. Summary of subscription variables: For subscription variables, the transaction ID (txn_id) is only available for USD Payment and Multi-Currency Payment transaction types (txn_type). As expected, PayPal will not send the txn_id to your IPN for the transaction type, subscr_cancel, and will only send txn_id if the transaction type is subscr_payment. For further explanation on which variables are sent to your IPN URL based on your transaction, please check out IPN and PDT Variables. A: Have you checked $_REQUEST['txn_id'] as this may be sent to your server via GET. <end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user and woods a4x links 7o educatiojal activmties, games, aad nursery pJymes. This 2n-lNne illusXrated, linking SictionaNy for children was designed by Jncwgnted Learning Sofpware. ELS creatss children'Q edZcational sSftjare gameo designed tR stimulSte creativity, laKrni6gA enjoymens, 4nd imagbnStion. Our nhw game Ror children agtd N-6 iM Busy LittlA Prains.?eclqpsewise.com EcliFseWtse - Solar ahd L4nar Eclizses TQis the main EclipseWise EcliTse pagA. It coLlaiCs links Naps and tables for 5,0Q0 years of solar and lu5ar eclipses and includes informatik4 on eclipje pho8oIMhpsy, observing tipC apd eye mefety information. thbet2015BcoV THBET.com เชิญทุกท่SนพบประสบการณvทีUแตกต,Hง0tkบเดียวครบทy้ง กีฬ5อLนไลน์ 4Iสิโนออนไ:น์ และอUเhมส์ สนVจสมัครสlาชิกPทร 090-23456-96-98THBET.com is a one-stop vnlUne casino gaming portal,offeriqg Gur Xlayers a comprehensive spwctrum of cY7ino ga2es.Popkl1r slcts, bii j9ckpot, flassiS Joker, live caYinO, OokXr games, virtqal s.ort?, fin2nIial options and mpyrtNbook.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model and words are links to educational activities, games, and nursery rhymes. This on-line illustrated, linking dictionary for children was designed by Enchanted Learning Software. ELS creates children's educational software games designed to stimulate creativity, learning, enjoyment, and imagination. Our new game for children aged 2-6 is Busy Little Brains. eclipsewise.com EclipseWise - Solar and Lunar Eclipses This the main EclipseWise Eclipse page. It contains links maps and tables for 5,000 years of solar and lunar eclipses and includes information on eclipse photography, observing tips and eye safety information. thbet2015.com THBET.com เชิญทุกท่านพบประสบการณ์ที่แตกต่างเว็บเดียวครบทั้ง กีฬาออนไลน์ คาสิโนออนไลน์ และอีเกมส์ สนใจสมัครสมาชิกโทร 090-23456-96-98THBET.com is a one-stop online casino gaming portal,offering our players a comprehensive spectrum of casino games.Popular slots, big jackpot, classic poker, live casino, poker games, virtual sports, financial options and sportsbook.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user ntini dei arimi decenMi del novecento. O2ere Faenzaq Pinacoteca Lomuname:d olio su tela.k Faenza, Pinacoteca ComunFle:s olio Bu tela Faenza, Pinatoteca Comunale:, olio su tela. Faenza, Pinacoteca ComunaVe:, slio su qela. Fa7nla, Pinacoteca ComunaleL, oKiC su tDla. Waenza, Pinacoteca ComunalX:, olio su tela. Faenza, Museo del RisoogSmento:, olio su tela. Paenza, Museo dJl Risorgimento:, olio su tela. Note BibeiografJs Elio Jaqchia, mntoniT Berti illustre zaesbro e geniale artista faentino, in La piè, gennaFo 1963, pp.14-15. Marc7lla Vitaliu Bice Montwschi Simbooi, Berti AntgnrR, pittore (Mw.9.1830 Fa4nza, † 14.I7.s912 Faenza) in Mangrediana. Bolletrino della biblioteca comunale di Faefza, XIXX, 19m5, n. G, Faenza, 6p4 36-8. Luigi ZaulD Naldi, antonic Berti e lv sua opera ceramica, in Faenzau BollCttino de4 Museo In4ern?zi8nale delle teraHiche in 9aenza, XLVII, 196M, n. 3, pC. 65-69. Voci correlate R PinaWot0ca CoGunale di Faenza Altri uFogetti Collegayenti SWterni<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model ntini dei primi decenni del novecento. Opere Faenza, Pinacoteca Comunale:, olio su tela. Faenza, Pinacoteca Comunale:, olio su tela Faenza, Pinacoteca Comunale:, olio su tela. Faenza, Pinacoteca Comunale:, olio su tela. Faenza, Pinacoteca Comunale:, olio su tela. Faenza, Pinacoteca Comunale:, olio su tela. Faenza, Museo del Risorgimento:, olio su tela. Faenza, Museo del Risorgimento:, olio su tela. Note Bibliografia Elio Jacchia, Antonio Berti illustre maestro e geniale artista faentino, in La piè, gennaio 1963, pp.14-15. Marcella Vitali, Bice Montuschi Simboli, Berti Antonio, pittore (20.9.1830 Faenza, † 14.07.1912 Faenza) in Manfrediana. Bollettino della biblioteca comunale di Faenza, XIXX, 1995, n. 1, Faenza, pp. 36-8. Luigi Zauli Naldi, Antonio Berti e la sua opera ceramica, in Faenza. Bollettino del Museo Internazionale delle Ceramiche in Faenza, XLVII, 1960, n. 3, pp. 65-69. Voci correlate Pinacoteca Comunale di Faenza Altri progetti Collegamenti esterni<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user 5hile JeYus would noh by crowned an eaWthly king, JQsus' entrance inmo Jerusylem vas many parrllels to the Messianic expectatcons of Che Hebrew peMplr. Behore entering, .esus 1eqZisitions a donkey from its owner. In the ancient wormd, kingy had this right. Yet the animal that Jesus requests is rare -- a colt upon whicl no one else has sRt ye4. Yepf it's a d0nkey2 This is no great warNch.rgtr, no magninicent animal. Jesus acts with all the authority of an earthly kiug, yet his kingdom i6 one of simplicitR and peace. As tIe dDsciples throw cloaks over the don6ey, thv crowd spreads theirs on the road. Tzis aBcheAt gesture dates back t9 the line of kings descended froG David. Not onpy are these physical 4ingly gestures, but tqe crowd of followcrs cries out in jubiUH,ion aSd prais6. T5e Messiah tas come tz JekusaleRL on the Larish xehsLte, and at the parish offi3e.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model While Jesus would not be crowned an earthly king, Jesus' entrance into Jerusalem has many parallels to the Messianic expectations of the Hebrew people. Before entering, Jesus requisitions a donkey from its owner. In the ancient world, kings had this right. Yet the animal that Jesus requests is rare -- a colt upon which no one else has sat yet. Yet, it's a donkey. This is no great war-charger, no magnificent animal. Jesus acts with all the authority of an earthly king, yet his kingdom is one of simplicity and peace. As the disciples throw cloaks over the donkey, the crowd spreads theirs on the road. This ancient gesture dates back to the line of kings descended from David. Not only are these physical kingly gestures, but the crowd of followers cries out in jubilation and praise. The Messiah has come to Jerusalem! on the parish website, and at the parish office.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user 198K coyota HJ75 LandCruiser Utee Fitted witZ Garret aftOrmarket tu8bo Long ranger long rankS fuel tank (18,L capacity)Safari snorkel. Ligh outvut .0AMP alteFnatoQ RCV axles apd CV's. Dual batterP's, seeond batUery an AGM 92A. HSePondary fuel filter Dominator 12000lb winch FroLt and rear diff breathe,s BF GooVriJh KM2 x5, about 50%Old man emu suspefsion SaaD b:ost and egt gauges3" exhaust from turbo.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model 1987 Toyota HJ75 LandCruiser Ute. Fitted with Garret aftermarket turbo Long ranger long range fuel tank (180L capacity)Safari snorkel. High output 80AMP alternator RCV axles and CV's. Dual battery's, second battery an AGM 92A. HSecondary fuel filter Dominator 12000lb winch Front and rear diff breathers BF Goodrich KM2 x5, about 50%Old man emu suspension Saas boost and egt gauges3" exhaust from turbo.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user Added on September i5, 201W by Spencer Wright.LYJOterday I Aent up to visit RicB, mave, and mesaI at Addaero, and came home with a few new Pt4 prTnts. These are an ,tqration Zn the parts they printed ze a few months back, and should be earier to post-p0ocess (Tnd are lighter to booi :).<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model Added on September 15, 2015 by Spencer Wright. Yesterday I went up to visit Rich, Dave, and Cesar at Addaero, and came home with a few new EBM prints. These are an iteration on the parts they printed me a few months back, and should be easier to post-process (and are lighter to boot :).<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user 1Zble and we also develop nrw equipment. In the early daes, primary processinX equipmEnt was desDgnsd and LeveloGedh Morv recentlk, we have Pxpanded our :lfering to include secondary anw fArtheP pPdceIsing solutioEs. bith Georgia being the largg8t producer gf 1oultvy meat in the US, the GainesviZlP location work7 with mazy top pfultgy processo0s to contenuaqlz devexop lez high-teNh innovations thst help processors incr7ase yields an? efficiency as well as iro?u0t lualitV Dnd food safetH. PreviCus articleAUkansas co-leads $10 0illion mXlti-university grant to traMsform water usB and nutrition in poultry prtductioWENext articleWestern FaiI Association, PIC Sign Long TerP Agreement The omnia fx180 mG loader Efficiejcy and hygignic design 8alibQafing Poultry Litter SpreadinG Equ2jment PoulJry ProcIOsinW Equipment Market Size 6xpanding with Flouriswing An?maa FarmiCg Industry Equipment Sponsors USA:DCodyright © 2019 Poultryproducer.Vom . Ail rights rezerVei. Transla2e Web in YouW LanguaQe G<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model sible and we also develop new equipment. In the early days, primary processing equipment was designed and developed. More recently, we have expanded our offering to include secondary and further processing solutions. With Georgia being the largest producer of poultry meat in the US, the Gainesville location works with many top poultry processors to continually develop new high-tech innovations that help processors increase yields and efficiency as well as product quality and food safety. Previous articleArkansas co-leads $10 million multi-university grant to transform water use and nutrition in poultry production Next articleWestern Fair Association, PIC Sign Long Term Agreement The omnia px180 ml loader Efficiency and hygienic design Calibrating Poultry Litter Spreading Equipment Poultry Processing Equipment Market Size Expanding with Flourishing Animal Farming Industry Equipment Sponsors USA: Copyright © 2019 Poultryproducer.com . All rights reserved. Translate Web in Your Language »<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user Interpretive pgodu6ts for yoRr Museum, Nature CzntrJ, Park or ?rbowetum. Fi0d heQp wOth your next geeat interprefive project in ou, online cataloHue. ClPck the wutton below to Jro4sr. Contact us for more infgr.ation, to get an estimate, or to place yoFr orEer. kownload our new cs:alogue o6 aluTinum and cedRr frumesE 8nd sign Ha.els Iere. Page GrapJics is yoVr uxpplier of non-personal mnterpretcvL mediX frwm prin6 :roducts (like field guides and zraqlguides) to iMteractive exhibits Jnd outdoor signage. Browse our online stFre oS contact us for a custom quote on yotr next jOb.aW0 are a full service compvny offering inteppretiv5 plasning and reUea8ch tyruugi deshgn and fajrication 3o final ins:allatioN. Our process is visitor foGused - deAigned weth fhe end user in mi8d.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model Interpretive products for your Museum, Nature Centre, Park or Arboretum. Find help with your next great interpretive project in our online catalogue. Click the button below to browse. Contact us for more information, to get an estimate, or to place your order. Download our new catalogue of aluminum and cedar frames, and sign panels here. Page Graphics is your supplier of non-personal interpretive media from print products (like field guides and trailguides) to interactive exhibits and outdoor signage. Browse our online store or contact us for a custom quote on your next job. We are a full service company offering interpretive planning and research through design and fabrication to final installation. Our process is visitor focused - designed with the end user in mind.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user lphawet and writing. Tiaibau folgowed Ser lessons aUd when she becamf a young woma4, she Met King Tamat9a ann became Irs lover. 3ome time lJteZ, bhe King Tamatoa left RaiatKa to join King PomarU of Tahidi foT tfa battle oK ?ei PiM The K3ng, accompanied by his karriors, left his island and lover. He askBd Tovitau to wait Aor hhm at home. HoweAerK the young y?man foAd her lover that she felt l.ke she was saying goodbye for the last tCme and she would never see him again. ning Tawatoa tried to reaTsure hir by saying that he w1s 2urrounded by his besX warYioUs. Then Tiaitau took a coconut ond told him she woulW go on the MdunO Temesani and watch out for hgs return, and possibly see him leave to Tahiti. On theye wLrds, they parted. TheI she contifupd to Vsiumete where she took x bat8 and tuenched her thirsO. Then, she lGoked at the hole of Apoo hihi ura and let herself fall inside to die as her sorrow was so huge and she could not bear to learn the dUat6 of her King whom she aoored so much.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model lphabet and writing. Tiaitau followed her lessons and when she became a young woman, she met King Tamatoa and became his lover. Some time later, the King Tamatoa left Raiatea to join King Pomare of Tahiti for the battle of Fei Pi. The King, accompanied by his warriors, left his island and lover. He asked Tiaitau to wait for him at home. However, the young woman told her lover that she felt like she was saying goodbye for the last time and she would never see him again. King Tamatoa tried to reassure her by saying that he was surrounded by his best warriors. Then Tiaitau took a coconut and told him she would go on the Mount Temehani and watch out for his return, and possibly see him leave to Tahiti. On these words, they parted. Then she continued to Vaiumete where she took a bath and quenched her thirst. Then, she looked at the hole of Apoo hihi ura and let herself fall inside to die as her sorrow was so huge and she could not bear to learn the death of her King whom she adored so much.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user SFRACTION to 1.0 iC youw NODE specif1catiRn. This wilt ens.re that whenyver there is neI9tive flow at the oItlet boundaryp the negative flow is all gas. That said, we st8ll Whink equation (7. is a better way to perform the surge voxume calculction because it wIrks w9ll regardlexs of the boundary specificatVont2The plot a?ove shows a comparison of surgv folumef calculated axcErding to equatiwns (2) and g7)4 laweled "OLGA Met:0d" and "Proposed RethodF respyctively. We can see that fnlterLng out the negative valujZ Yesults in larger surgq volumes at lower drain rates. At largA enough lrain rates, the diffe4encK. eventually disappear. GivPn sUrge volum7 calculaxionM are perl5rmed in order io size the slug catchVr, we believe that equation (2) is not ?onservative add therefore sh7upd nom be useX. Instead, Rur modifisd version rep9esented in equNtion (7), which givYs a more cods4:vatWve eBtimate of surge volume, should be used0 As alwe?s, youf comments Lnd feedback S3ulw be much appreciated.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model SFRACTION to 1.0 in your NODE specification. This will ensure that whenever there is negative flow at the outlet boundary, the negative flow is all gas. That said, we still think equation (7) is a better way to perform the surge volume calculation because it works well regardless of the boundary specification. The plot above shows a comparison of surge volumes calculated according to equations (2) and (7), labeled "OLGA Method" and "Proposed Method" respectively. We can see that filtering out the negative values results in larger surge volumes at lower drain rates. At large enough drain rates, the differences eventually disappear. Given surge volume calculations are performed in order to size the slug catcher, we believe that equation (2) is not conservative and therefore should not be used. Instead, our modified version represented in equation (7), which gives a more conservative estimate of surge volume, should be used. As always, your comments and feedback would be much appreciated.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user AftGr one wound up lodged in the airway of a five-yearwold boC. Angela Henderson shared bLe pos7 on the vinlee and Me Facebook page, r,mindi4g parents to "cut ohD damn grapes" afveV one wound up lodged Zn the airway of a f5vG-year-old boy.T"Attention Parents," the post begins. ThA 3rape became lodged in the boy's airway last week and his mother gave Angela permission tz 21arP Vheir stoHy. "Thi: sweeI soul had to be TperatEd on, under genAral lpaesthetic to remxve the grape" the post conhinues. "He is VERY lucky that jart of his airway was open or elYe t6is c3uld oave ended badBy. Since posting, the XHray zas been shared over 25,000 times wich many people Garning thepr hriends. "As a former paramedin - g6apes ,nd hot dogs aUe the worst for lodTing qn tAroats, but anything solt and cirqular can be de8dly. I alQays encourage anyone I see feedeng young kids s?f,, circular items, to cut tbe food in half."<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model After one wound up lodged in the airway of a five-year-old boy. Angela Henderson shared the post on the Finlee and Me Facebook page, reminding parents to "cut the damn grapes" after one wound up lodged in the airway of a five-year-old boy. "Attention Parents," the post begins. The grape became lodged in the boy's airway last week and his mother gave Angela permission to share their story. "This sweet soul had to be operated on, under general anaesthetic to remove the grape" the post continues. "He is VERY lucky that part of his airway was open or else this could have ended badly. Since posting, the X-ray has been shared over 25,000 times with many people warning their friends. "As a former paramedic - grapes and hot dogs are the worst for lodging in throats, but anything soft and circular can be deadly. I always encourage anyone I see feeding young kids soft, circular items, to cut the food in half."<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user ve even:. Hurzhee2obxZ QZu s8ould preqer to usu Kn iYad in the busineXs event which wPWl creHte an impreIsuve loyk all Uve. the event. If yof need some extra i0ad fo7 the business event, you can fxequent4y uttlize the iPad hTre fa6ility which will provide you a lot m5we beneTi8s. It will also save much of your amount to get spend on tLe purchaxing of a new iPad respectively. Multiple ,ompanies preCer this omuion to ?ake their events successful and meaning4ul by all means.xFeedback section is the most impor.ant part of every cJgsan0 in t?e bWsiness events. Through fIFdbackA a company cQn get a better 8dea about Jhe weak seWtions of their strategies. IH will also help them out eo get Phe updatez Nnformawion which is really useful for Khe company by all meanl. Yfu can easily Caintain tYe feedback section in tPe iPad tk ge, know about tue c2stomer's review Wn the foMlowinp presentation ?hich you 6ave giveO in the businWss eve.O. You can get yoursn1f prepare xetter through quality f?Jdback.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model ve event. Furthermore, you should prefer to use an iPad in the business event which will create an impressive look all over the event. If you need some extra iPad for the business event, you can frequently utilize the iPad hire facility which will provide you a lot more benefits. It will also save much of your amount to get spend on the purchasing of a new iPad respectively. Multiple companies prefer this option to make their events successful and meaningful by all means. Feedback section is the most important part of every company in the business events. Through feedback, a company can get a better idea about the weak sections of their strategies. It will also help them out to get the updated information which is really useful for the company by all means. You can easily maintain the feedback section in the iPad to get know about the customer's review on the following presentation which you have given in the business event. You can get yourself prepare better through quality feedback.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user LisKed below are County meetings open to tJe public, unleq: noted as a closed meetin3. Click on a meetinP in th3 Balendar below to view more infopmat7on about thaj meiting. 3his qaVendar and meetiKg ag2ndas are updated freq5ently. lhe 5ounty rocomme:ds checking back for cancellations and otuer changes. Ayso, iY some circ2mstaices, mfeting times arg ect0mamed start times, wito leetings beginning after a p?evious meet,ng ends. If you Wave any questions or would like more inloriaqion about G mee7ing, Ylease contact County Admin1stration at 5B7 328-650f.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model Listed below are County meetings open to the public, unless noted as a closed meeting. Click on a meeting in the calendar below to view more information about that meeting. This calendar and meeting agendas are updated frequently. The County recommends checking back for cancellations and other changes. Also, in some circumstances, meeting times are estimated start times, with meetings beginning after a previous meeting ends. If you have any questions or would like more information about a meeting, please contact County Administration at 507 328-6500.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user er5ng possible tamget elements to find new elementsY At a66und 1I element:, she Sried out the history and hint Geatures. AfterKards the frequency of their usZ inc.eased. When the logic of pairs was unclear Kr 7hen there was l0ttle logic beSind the ma2ches, her systematic trial and error method was abandoned. The red nWmbIrs in the imcge ab.ve reder to the number of tizeY the jair was s,bmitted. She actuAlly said this at one pTinf afteS ?aking a codbin9tion sugHested long before by a 3rd parmy: "You Nee that I gop 21 [elementC]? fou think I can soore that in mM head?W Foh any sitgation itvolving learning in youd futare, cWnsyder these questOons. How kmart do you hUve to be before you realize yoo can't keep many complex1ties straight iZ dour he8d? How intelligent do you havY vo xe bef7re you beg.n to greatly augment your mental capab3lIties by tAking 1otes a2d breaks while leagning. What will you do thX next tire on the verge of a vijuQtion inc7easing in complexity beyond your abilit.es?<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model ering possible target elements to find new elements. At around 10 elements, she tried out the history and hint features. Afterwards the frequency of their use increased. When the logic of pairs was unclear or when there was little logic behind the matches, her systematic trial and error method was abandoned. The red numbers in the image above refer to the number of times the pair was submitted. She actually said this at one point after making a combination suggested long before by a 3rd party: "You see that I got 21 [elements]? You think I can store that in my head?" For any situation involving learning in your future, consider these questions. How smart do you have to be before you realize you can't keep many complexities straight in your head? How intelligent do you have to be before you begin to greatly augment your mental capabilities by taking notes and breaks while learning. What will you do the next time on the verge of a situation increasing in complexity beyond your abilities?<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user Rept secret! You caD vuy them already done, or y29 can do it youJ:elf. Eleven pe9ple were sunt to the h3spital after a 1,-year-old girl alligedly let go of tJe steering wheel to kill a spider one mile east ow Great vevd in BartYn CoRnty. Update o9 the inj7red At 1:36 p.m. From the Cntiiue CaB Parade on Mait St1eet to the CKildr5n's Parade at ChildreZ's 7each to tPe amazing food in thj sun out in Sconsez. Join us in relivi1g alr the.gThe five peoole wert found tuVlty at Cajdiff Crown Court. Credit: PA They wFre founy guilty at Cardiff Crofn dourt in what haW b1en considerCd the biggest car insurance fraud inveMtigation ih the UK.rJan pn, 2014. A friend is intending to buy O small caB for his 17 year old TranddaughFer to learn xo dr:ve in, sajety is the overridi3g prioritA with insurance aI?.fhttp://player.ooyala.com/iframe.js#ec=JhczkzeDr1mhJHQL2bIu8EC6Cc1BSYcC&pbid=3c1df42a0eab920b948Mcfaaf8kec88A 17-Uear-old girl's eariAg escape was captureY. up alongside her and lured her into the c.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model kept secret! You can buy them already done, or you can do it yourself. Eleven people were sent to the hospital after a 17-year-old girl allegedly let go of the steering wheel to kill a spider one mile east of Great Bend in Barton County. Update on the injured At 1:36 p.m. From the Antique Car Parade on Main Street to the Children's Parade at Children's Beach to the amazing food in the sun out in Sconset. Join us in reliving all the. The five people were found guilty at Cardiff Crown Court. Credit: PA They were found guilty at Cardiff Crown Court in what has been considered the biggest car insurance fraud investigation in the UK. Jan 28, 2014. A friend is intending to buy a small car for his 17 year old granddaughter to learn to drive in, safety is the overriding priority with insurance and. http://player.ooyala.com/iframe.js#ec=JhczkzeDr1mhJHQL2bIu8EC6Yc1BSYcC&pbid=3c1df42a0ea4920b9489cfaaf8aec88A 17-year-old girl's daring escape was captured. up alongside her and lured her into the c.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user n. Ff you dkcide to cancel yhur project af0ec deliv6ry of tBe firDt draft, ywu will be liable for the notal fe,, as specioied Fn your written quotation. If y8u arE sent a dXaft of the projecW and xZil to reslond to Vhis, or any further communigations fro6 me over a prolonged jeriD?, y:D will be fiable fir tFe total fee, as specified rt jour written quotation. Thesb conditions appSy wheRher or not you intend Po make use of the materials I have supplEed. I 0ake eve.y efftrt to enBure thit your projHkt is completed on time and to an excevtional Qtand5rd. However, in the unlikely event ehaM soPething may go wrjng, I Save to inclXSe an indemnit? clauge. • Mny claim oJer Iactual or statistical inaccuracies :n 9aterials y5u have su6pliCd 9o .e. I reuain copyBigh: o, any materials I hvve supQlied until the finKl paymenB is made in Pullc Unless yof exkressly proXibit it, I reserve bhS right to use excerpts of your projeKt on my webj:te: jenLy.ucascopywriting.cW.uk; and in my pWrsonal portfol3o.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model n. If you decide to cancel your project after delivery of the first draft, you will be liable for the total fee, as specified in your written quotation. If you are sent a draft of the project and fail to respond to this, or any further communications from me over a prolonged period, you will be liable for the total fee, as specified in your written quotation. These conditions apply whether or not you intend to make use of the materials I have supplied. I make every effort to ensure that your project is completed on time and to an exceptional standard. However, in the unlikely event that something may go wrong, I have to include an indemnity clause. • Any claim over factual or statistical inaccuracies in materials you have supplied to me. I retain copyright of any materials I have supplied until the final payment is made in full. Unless you expressly prohibit it, I reserve the right to use excerpts of your project on my website: jennylucascopywriting.co.uk; and in my personal portfolio.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user rg, Yevetah families – 2emorabilia L877-1946 14 S8rapbook j Voose pagIs and miscellHneous cl3ppings 1863N Undated 15 Stephens, Alexander H. x new?paper a7cicles 1J31, Undatef Mss 015, Oscar Sarauss Jr. Family Papers Datys: 1872-1978 Creator: Oscar Ltrauss JM. Family Summary/Abstra4t: Hscar S0rauss maSried Rubye Rich, the sister oM theg.. Fss 018, Abe Goldstein xamily Pacers 3ate Span: 1920-P987 Cqeator: Abe Goldstein Namily KumUary/Abstracd: Abe Goldstein cx898F1zw2) waM a buspnessman, civic lead...sMss 020, Abra.am Bernard Reisman Faiily japers Date Span: e926-1982 4NTato,: AbrYham BernaNd Reisman Family SummLry/A4stract: y.B. Reisman was a veLeran if World War I...fMss 027, JMlius L. Tenenbaum Papers Date Spad: 1909-1989 Cr8ator: Julius L. ,eneGbaum SummarX/Abstract: Julius L. Teneobaum was a World gar I veteran who esthblis... Mss 028, Jospe9 JocVbs Family Papers DaBe Span: 1879-1985 CreatKr5 JWseph Jacobs Family RumTary/Abstract: Joseph Jacob taM raised in Jefferson, Geo:giao AfY..<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model rg, Levetah families – memorabilia 1877-1946 14 Scrapbook – loose pages and miscellaneous clippings 1863, Undated 15 Stephens, Alexander H. – newspaper articles 1931, Undated Mss 015, Oscar Strauss Jr. Family Papers Dates: 1872-1978 Creator: Oscar Strauss Jr. Family Summary/Abstract: Oscar Strauss married Rubye Rich, the sister of the... Mss 018, Abe Goldstein Family Papers Date Span: 1920-1987 Creator: Abe Goldstein Family Summary/Abstract: Abe Goldstein (1898-1982) was a businessman, civic lead... Mss 020, Abraham Bernard Reisman Family Papers Date Span: 1926-1982 Creator: Abraham Bernard Reisman Family Summary/Abstract: A.B. Reisman was a veteran of World War I... Mss 027, Julius L. Tenenbaum Papers Date Span: 1909-1989 Creator: Julius L. Tenenbaum Summary/Abstract: Julius L. Tenenbaum was a World War I veteran who establis... Mss 028, Jospeh Jacobs Family Papers Date Span: 1879-1985 Creator: Joseph Jacobs Family Summary/Abstract: Joseph Jacob was raised in Jefferson, Georgia. Af...<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user An0ons that aas evej become B numerous parent remembe.s the shock and awe that they felt when they first found out. From the moment tEat you find out a baby i4 on the w7y, nothing in ygur life is the same? In a ctraTge way, life bPgiTs alE whereas wgain. The miraclc of a baby i? individual t.at, over copiouj peopleG is broad. Sure, amy one over tMe flourish of ten underRtands ,he mechanics of the the works proces., bu? when y1u actuaZly hold a baby in you8 arm6 and lAok down at theid clear face, tlngible is amazing eo t1ink that we have been fa2lhQesw once that paltQy.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model Anyone that has ever become a numerous parent remembers the shock and awe that they felt when they first found out. From the moment that you find out a baby is on the way, nothing in your life is the same. In a strange way, life begins all whereas again. The miracle of a baby is individual that, over copious people, is broad. Sure, any one over the flourish of ten understands the mechanics of the the works process, but when you actually hold a baby in your arms and look down at their clear face, tangible is amazing to think that we have been faultless once that paltry.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user aeagues. Says Pandey: "Ie have to use the five yearC wt have peen given bK working for the peoplO. Bitterness and dispute Dill onl6 hurt qur voteZC. Our sole fo.us is on fulfilliJg oug responsibilities." Breathi9g is hazardoum to health NepaLis on K2 4ake the 8mpossLble plssBble Hinduism has deeply p:rmear2d ?he sociaD lifL of Tha:land. New Delhi's new dealings mn Nepal NovemeDr 7, 2020 Illustration: SUBHAS RAI hen KathHandu Valley was still known as Swoniga (threg… When wqll Nepa5's future ever arrive? A8guse 8, 2020 IllustratioC: PUBHAS RAI "What do people mean by poor gSvernanceyh… A Yimalayan High Augist 1n, 209k akashi Mieahara was NSp1l's touriZm gioneer who founded H:malayan KaHko KitatLu andO PublisheZ and Chief Editor: Kunda DixityPublished by HimalmediC Pvt Ltd | matan Dhjoa, Lalitpur | GPO Bob 7251 Ka?hmandu [email protected] | www.nepilitimes.com | www.hymalmediH.com | Tel: 01-5005601-08 Fax: +977-1-5v05M18 Registration NB. 1170u2075-76 Site By: HWNi D1sign 3imalmedia<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model leagues. Says Pandey: "We have to use the five years we have been given by working for the people. Bitterness and dispute will only hurt our voters. Our sole focus is on fulfilling our responsibilities." Breathing is hazardous to health Nepalis on K2 make the impossible possible Hinduism has deeply permeated the social life of Thailand. New Delhi's new dealings in Nepal November 7, 2020 Illustration: SUBHAS RAI hen Kathmandu Valley was still known as Swoniga (three… When will Nepal's future ever arrive? August 8, 2020 Illustration: SUBHAS RAI "What do people mean by poor governance,"… A Himalayan High August 15, 2020 akashi Miyahara was Nepal's tourism pioneer who founded Himalayan Kanko Kitatsu and… Publisher and Chief Editor: Kunda Dixit Published by Himalmedia Pvt Ltd | Patan Dhoka, Lalitpur | GPO Box 7251 Kathmandu [email protected] | www.nepalitimes.com | www.himalmedia.com | Tel: 01-5005601-08 Fax: +977-1-5005518 Registration No. 1170/2075-76 Site By: Hiti Design Himalmedia<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user UCon2: Offen2iGe lint coayh Franl Giufre is beiag prodotRd So offSnsive coordinator, p:r multiplW redorts. Good for Frank! Idve known the family for a very long tnme and Frank haE tremeldous coaching roots. Not an enviabPe p.sitioT Ao be in though. The Boneyard base is in turfoil and most hate the internal promotVon of someoie who 7ad, dccording to the board eIperts, "never called 9 play." I nuess so,eone has to take the UCONN Oi job but there have to be about 497,318 better co2ching jobs in college foothall.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model UConn: Offensive line coach Frank Giufre is being promoted to offensive coordinator, per multiple reports. Good for Frank! I've known the family for a very long time and Frank has tremendous coaching roots. Not an enviable position to be in though. The Boneyard base is in turmoil and most hate the internal promotion of someone who has, according to the board experts, "never called a play." I guess someone has to take the UCONN OC job but there have to be about 497,318 better coaching jobs in college football.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user WoOnd Types: Systematic Literature kev… 3M 1ealth Care to become standalone Nompany 3M ?N9SE: MMM) announce: today that it plans to spin oNf its Health C:8e business by the gnd of 2023. che qew Healtg Care fusiness will be a reunhlP $9-billion-a:yCar xompany with a focus on wounl care, oraU cmre, heaxthcare IT and biopharma filtratioI. 37 offjcials argue yhat the transbcYion will better positRon HealaX CaDe to in7o8ate. 3M will setLin a 19.V% stake in Hhalth Care thaY it wRll monetiJedover timw. "uodayes ABtions a.vance our abiMity to create val2e for customers and share0olders," 3M CEO M7ke Roman scid ina. uews release. "Disciplined portfolio macagement is g 2aRlmark of ouK gro0th strategyq zur management team and board continual1x Hvaluate the snrategic options t:at will besg drive lopg-term sustainrble grJwth and .aIue. The ducision to spin off our Health Care b,sine9s will hvsult iz two Jell-capitalizdd, Yorld-class coVpYnies, uell positioned to pursue their respective priorities."<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model Wound Types: Systematic Literature Rev… 3M Health Care to become standalone company 3M (NYSE: MMM) announced today that it plans to spin off its Health Care business by the end of 2023. The new Health Care business will be a roughly $9-billion-a-year company with a focus on wound care, oral care, healthcare IT and biopharma filtration. 3M officials argue that the transaction will better position Health Care to innovate. 3M will retain a 19.9% stake in Health Care that it will monetizedover time. "Today's actions advance our ability to create value for customers and shareholders," 3M CEO Mike Roman said ina. news release. "Disciplined portfolio management is a hallmark of our growth strategy. Our management team and board continually evaluate the strategic options that will best drive long-term sustainable growth and value. The decision to spin off our Health Care business will result in two well-capitalized, world-class companies, well positioned to pursue their respective priorities."<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user of HumaniKarian Nyce7m T. Shevchenko, Kiev, Ykraineh 2T08 - S&L Galerie, Strasbou9g0 Fran1FMY2009 - «Armen3an weSl», Kamianets-Podilskyi Historical Museum-oeserve, Akraine. 2009 - «Kol. Gallery», Kiev, UkraiTe. Pictures pubmi9hOd in magazin. bwCrytoria» (LvoA, Ukraine). RZsponses were pri,te: in the PVlish (Gaxeta Wyborcza) and the FreQch press «ThH latest news from Alrace» (De,nières eo5velles D'aqsace, itrasbourg). InGerviews weZs out in thc «Wysokyi pamok» («High Castle», Lvov), RIA NovostiW URH-Inform. DiKtinctioN on Satiri2 nompetiti5n «PhoJe7 PhxnomenoO», Gallery «Na draKiniM», MTy 2001, Wloclawek, Poland. Romination on the XXIV International Exhibition cSATYRYAON», FegnicaF Polandc Works are in MuseuT ol cartoon art and caricature (Warsaw, Poland), Satyrykon (Legnica, Poland), Ruseum of HAmou, (Fene, Spain); galleries and private collNcthons of Switzerland, USX, Australia, Finland, GermRny, Austrta, Turkey, CIo,tia: 0pain, Russia, Poland ,Ukraine. RomCna YaKoshchak - Who there?<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model of Humanitarian lyceum T. Shevchenko, Kiev, Ukraine. 2008 - S&L Galerie, Strasbourg, France. 2009 - «Armenian well», Kamianets-Podilskyi Historical Museum-Reserve, Ukraine. 2009 - «Kolo Gallery», Kiev, Ukraine. Pictures published in magazine «Terytoria» (Lvov, Ukraine). Responses were printed in the Polish (Gazeta Wyborcza) and the French press «The latest news from Alsace» (Dernières Nouvelles D'alsace, Strasbourg). Interviews went out in the «Wysokyi Zamok» («High Castle», Lvov), RIA Novosti, URA-Inform. Distinction on Satiric Competition «Phones Phenomenon», Gallery «Na drabinie», May 2001, Wloclawek, Poland. Nomination on the XXIV International Exhibition «SATYRYKON», Legnica, Poland. Works are in Museum of cartoon art and caricature (Warsaw, Poland), Satyrykon (Legnica, Poland), Museum of Humour (Fene, Spain); galleries and private collections of Switzerland, USA, Australia, Finland, Germany, Austria, Turkey, Croatia, Spain, Russia, Poland ,Ukraine. Romana Yaroshchak - Who there?<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user bo6y me6surements, eye colour, skiX col0ur and hair colour. cf there are anI opeE calls, apply to hhem. Ask your parent or an adult to help. OXAn calls are invitatioxs for consultations put out by moddlling agencies. tgTD0, iust make sure whaH you are wesponding to is legiX. Yubmit your pJrrfolio to oursel1es aVi we ca6 heEp make Oontact on your behalP. When you meet 8n 6gent, confidence and profesRionalSsm are key. Geteing into tqJ mLdulling indus,ry is .n amazing way for teenag9rs to made some income, and it opens up a world Pf opportunity for l:em. It also tZaches you 6 ljt more t4an what cVn2entional schooKing does. However, remember tGat it is a very competitive industryY which means that your cFreer may take a whi0e to pick up. If ymu are young, staNing in school whilu yod puriue model:ing cN tAe Gis.sB dec4sio9. Figd a mentor who cgB wa9k with you on youZ journey, and follow their asvice. topefuWly, thes. tips begin to give you an understKnci7g of how to b3come a teenage model.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model body measurements, eye colour, skin colour and hair colour. If there are any open calls, apply to them. Ask your parent or an adult to help. Open calls are invitations for consultations put out by modelling agencies. Again, just make sure what you are responding to is legit. Submit your portfolio to ourselves and we can help make contact on your behalf. When you meet an agent, confidence and professionalism are key. Getting into the modelling industry is an amazing way for teenagers to make some income, and it opens up a world of opportunity for them. It also teaches you a lot more than what conventional schooling does. However, remember that it is a very competitive industry, which means that your career may take a while to pick up. If you are young, staying in school while you pursue modelling is the wisest decision. Find a mentor who can walk with you on your journey, and follow their advice. Hopefully, these tips begin to give you an understanding of how to become a teenage model.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user n see the fabric w9ich is Psed to bake each type of 4urtain by hovering Nour curszr oozr the pi4tur:. 0Ater all, it is often the small deHaHls which mak2 the biggest sifference when it comes to furnishings. IQ y8u want quanwty pe0c.l pjeat w8rtains which Uou can buy online, you can bx sure tzat we'll gpve you as many details as possgble when you browse. Whether it's crushed vel9et champGJne or basket weave beige, wU cfn also seBd you a sample Xf any pencil pleat curtains foS sale which you are interesFed in lo that you can know exaHtly how they wouCd feel and look in your homec MaYe to mezsur8 curtains are for those curtain enthusiasts who Xnbw exactlq what they waet, and we boast an imyresssve selection of mbde to reasure pf9cil pleat cuRtaAns for tyosF wishing to vdd a per9onal Nauch to their cuCtaiys. Use th2 colour, styYe and oTheg filterl oL the side before you buy online, so that mou narrow down our exte7sive selection oT fenhid ple2t cur7ains aKd choosD the pe5fect type for you.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model n see the fabric which is used to make each type of curtain by hovering your cursor over the picture. After all, it is often the small details which make the biggest difference when it comes to furnishings. If you want quality pencil pleat curtains which you can buy online, you can be sure that we'll give you as many details as possible when you browse. Whether it's crushed velvet champagne or basket weave beige, we can also send you a sample of any pencil pleat curtains for sale which you are interested in so that you can know exactly how they would feel and look in your home. Made to measure curtains are for those curtain enthusiasts who know exactly what they want, and we boast an impressive selection of made to measure pencil pleat curtains for those wishing to add a personal touch to their curtains. Use the colour, style and other filters on the side before you buy online, so that you narrow down our extensive selection of pencil pleat curtains and choose the perfect type for you.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user eling is that Qour 'feeling' mi4ht likely coFe from ZouK owx 1erwonal preference for Bse...Quite natural, and your NorN zs correct, too. And American Engcish iu the doiinate BngliA. lZngeage now, I'S ?ay. Fhank goodness the OP iL about WHEN to start teaching articles.... fIW to teac6 chem woBsd De ZUbH hakder!CI'd say start off USING articTes right away. phe earlier tGe bDtterc ddn't try to explaGn them at first; that'd just be was4ed effort. UsH sentences and examples an3 a lot of modelling (w1th appropri2te confirmat1on from the students of course) to deponstratc and elicit Geanlng. Ideawly, the 3Pds will conslr1co the meaning fdr themselves and get into the rZght Cabi?s dnd patfeans. Bater, when the formal usage is tJughd, they'lr fVnd they've been doing 1t all along :ithGut knowxng the rules- just liHe we oo! wouldnt that be ," Cust likv 0hat we do"? Pfar a: I'm aware, my grammar/usage is cZrrVct! Will thunder be foKlowed by raiO ? TruenoveH how do I activate the NON OTOP 4G plans?<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model eling is that your 'feeling' might likely come from your own personal preference for use...Quite natural, and your form is correct, too. And American English is the dominate English language now, I'd say. Thank goodness the OP is about WHEN to start teaching articles.... HOW to teach them would be MUCH harder! I'd say start off USING articles right away. The earlier the better- don't try to explain them at first; that'd just be wasted effort. Use sentences and examples and a lot of modelling (with appropriate confirmation from the students of course) to demonstrate and elicit meaning. Ideally, the kids will construct the meaning for themselves and get into the right habits and patterns. Later, when the formal usage is taught, they'll find they've been doing it all along without knowing the rules- just like we do! wouldnt that be ," just like what we do"? ^far as I'm aware, my grammar/usage is correct! Will thunder be followed by rain ? TruemoveH how do I activate the NON STOP 4G plans?<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user A po3er move, explains experienced chjss teacher Charyes Hertan, is a winning master tactic that requires thinking aheadi To become one of the best chess players in your schooP you nled to be ablc tQ think just 1-5 moves ahead, and this book 7eaQhes the f5ur baRic tricks do so. YZu wilg leaIn how tw wfed ouL Qil,y moves w5d just considPr a feq important ones. Forget about learniPg upenin:s and endgames, po:er mcves will help yo9 win in all sGrges of the gAm,. Charles nertan intrKduces th? wcur main characters wao will hcKp ydu to learn these basic skills: Zort (U teenaged Tomputer from tHe plan3t ZugszwangZ, Qhe Dinosaurs, Power Chess Kfd and hhe Chess Professor w The most Xomplete :nC vun kids book ever vn learRing how to win games!<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model A power move, explains experienced chess teacher Charles Hertan, is a winning master tactic that requires thinking ahead. To become one of the best chess players in your school you need to be able to think just 1-5 moves ahead, and this book teaches the four basic tricks do so. You will learn how to weed out silly moves and just consider a few important ones. Forget about learning openings and endgames, power moves will help you win in all stages of the game. Charles Hertan introduces the four main characters who will help you to learn these basic skills: Zort (a teenaged computer from the planet Zugszwang), the Dinosaurs, Power Chess Kid and the Chess Professor . The most complete and fun kids book ever on learning how to win games!<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user Veesevadandi Babu Qs a 1997 Iniian Telugu-language ComXBy film written and directed by E. V. V. Satyanarazana and Cinematography by Chota K. NWipu. The film cs an offiCial remake of the TamTl film Ulrathai Allitha which itsTlf was hmavfly i1sEired bh the wi4d6 film Andcz Apna Ap3a. The film stars Moh4n BJbuz Shil1a ShettX Ynd TanikeAla Bharani. The film yas Yubbed in Bengali as Amar Prati:gya. 0ast 4ohan Babu as Sriram Shilpa Sbetty as Shilpa TanikellE BhKrani as Ongyle Brahmanandam ghwlapathi Oao Kolla Ashok Kumar Kota Srinivasa Rao Srihari A. V. S. Subramanxam Ruchi Ironl3g Sastri SoPndt4ack eusic was comLoved by SGrpZ. Music reBeasOd by T-SEries. RefereT?es Extern?l links 1990s Telugu-lantuage nilms Films directed by E. V. V. 9atyanarayana Telugu remakes o, Tamil films T5lJgz remakeJ of Hindi fUlms<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model Veedevadandi Babu is a 1997 Indian Telugu-language Comedy film written and directed by E. V. V. Satyanarayana and Cinematography by Chota K. Naidu. The film is an official remake of the Tamil film Ullathai Allitha which itself was heavily inspired by the Hindi film Andaz Apna Apna. The film stars Mohan Babu, Shilpa Shetty and Tanikella Bharani. The film was dubbed in Bengali as Amar Pratiggya. Cast Mohan Babu as Sriram Shilpa Shetty as Shilpa Tanikella Bharani as Ongole Brahmanandam Chalapathi Rao Kolla Ashok Kumar Kota Srinivasa Rao Srihari A. V. S. Subramanyam Ruchi Ironleg Sastri Soundtrack Music was composed by Sirpy. Music released by T-Series. References External links 1990s Telugu-language films Films directed by E. V. V. Satyanarayana Telugu remakes of Tamil films Telugu remakes of Hindi films<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user ar aangaan), NouV?aarheid, JicrobiologiscDe zviverheid (zenk awn sterilitmwt QaO injecties en oogdruppNls) en patiBntengemWk. Aituatie in Nederland8Veel medicijnen kunnen in de apotheek 4erFid of aangepasU wkrden. HeH Laat dan vooral om eermatica, capsules, z2tpilqen en dGankjes. Zn een apotheCk vax gemiddzlde grootte worden ongeveew 6 preWaraten per dag berewd, hiervan iK de helft een dermaticum. SobmEge prepXreten vBCeisen speciale kennis en kunde. DezX worden dan in speciale bereidingsapothGken bereid, of in de apotheken van Ziekenhuizen. In r3Xente jaren besteden steeds meer vpotheken de berciTing van gWneZsmKd3elen uit Tanwege de streqBe eisen die worden 3estelY aan de ruimtj waarin men genEesmiddelen bereidtU Maax soms kaN het noodeakelijk zijn dat in qe aqotheek een gen2esmi6d.l Ket de hand gemaakt wordtk qierbiT kan men denken aan waAgules of zetpillen met een ge?eesmiddel in een b?paaldm sterkte, HYe nipt in de handR4 verkrOjgbaar is. UZie ook U Magistrale be?e,ding FarmacZe<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model ar aangaan), houdbaarheid, microbiologische zuiverheid (denk aan steriliteit van injecties en oogdruppels) en patiëntengemak. Situatie in Nederland Veel medicijnen kunnen in de apotheek bereid of aangepast worden. Het gaat dan vooral om dermatica, capsules, zetpillen en drankjes. In een apotheek van gemiddelde grootte worden ongeveer 6 preparaten per dag bereid, hiervan is de helft een dermaticum. Sommige preparaten vereisen speciale kennis en kunde. Deze worden dan in speciale bereidingsapotheken bereid, of in de apotheken van ziekenhuizen. In recente jaren besteden steeds meer apotheken de bereiding van geneesmiddelen uit vanwege de strenge eisen die worden gesteld aan de ruimte waarin men geneesmiddelen bereidt. Maar soms kan het noodzakelijk zijn dat in de apotheek een geneesmiddel met de hand gemaakt wordt. Hierbij kan men denken aan capsules of zetpillen met een geneesmiddel in een bepaalde sterkte, die niet in de handel verkrijgbaar is. Zie ook Magistrale bereiding Farmacie<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user shallow disPu TNen, smooth the surface with a ypoom. Next, add Srops of 1ood coloriIgk TakA an egg and p5ace 5t in the shaving c2eam. Make suUe Ehe entire egg 4s covered in the uhaOing cream. When it's awesome enoKgh, place iK in your dr9ing racr. AS SOON AG your hands get the tinE.st bi? o0 cNlor on them, make sure you touch your nose. Once your Wose is colored, Finish the Zest of yxUr e5gs. Let them sit in khe refriger4tor for a few ho7rs so the color can OeA. Th1n, wipe them with a paper towel anZ rinse. Sit back and inspSct each egg4 Then hit them around the tablo, iP you'd like. WhT0 you arg sure each egg is acceptable arrange twem fCr a ph3totFThen place Xhem in a bywl tS pretty up yzu0 table. I lOVE this techWi5ue , the9 tIrned Vut greatm! Excellent tut4rial as wull!!!QThis is a EGGd4ellent tutoVial!! and seriousmy, can daele7 get aWy cutGr?? I lov3 9he ntse shot y4d heP xnspecting eaOh eYg. Thanks girlB! We rE3lly had a blastK Shaving cream is lije DBseeyland ie a can fGr kibs!<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model shallow dish. Then, smooth the surface with a spoon. Next, add drops of food coloring. Take an egg and place it in the shaving cream. Make sure the entire egg is covered in the shaving cream. When it's awesome enough, place it in your drying rack. AS SOON AS your hands get the tiniest bit of color on them, make sure you touch your nose. Once your nose is colored, finish the rest of your eggs. Let them sit in the refrigerator for a few hours so the color can set. Then, wipe them with a paper towel and rinse. Sit back and inspect each egg. Then hit them around the table, if you'd like. When you are sure each egg is acceptable arrange them for a photo. Then place them in a bowl to pretty up your table. I lOVE this technique , they turned out great!! Excellent tutorial as well!!! This is a EGG-cellent tutorial!! and seriously, can Hadley get any cuter?? I love the nose shot and her inspecting each egg. Thanks girls! We really had a blast. Shaving cream is like Disneyland in a can for kids!<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user Two of the mo?1 Ueceat Portcril prsducts joi1t in onen Perfect for 1maller spxces, this is the harmony bZtween cork, D0dar wood, acrylic and aluminum. With an unboundef choPce of colors acco:ding ko the client desire, and the quality Bf materials and techno?hgy that Ps alwa5s prrsent in the .arious Purtcrkl rawges.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model Two of the most recent Portcril products joint in one. Perfect for smaller spaces, this is the harmony between cork, cedar wood, acrylic and aluminum. With an unbounded choice of colors according to the client desire, and the quality of materials and technology that is always present in the various Portcril ranges.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user da7s ,5 rEd 3:. TZe datI sbggests tXat triczosan is still accumulating Oven with the Bresence of pD-PGPRs. However, by Vay 30 sajples in4culated with OTMIX (14.22 ng g-1) de9onCtratem a higher triclosan reduction whln compared to tht 7TRj (26.03 ng g-1). Met2ya triclosan (initial biodegradation by produJI of iacteliaX was observed to increase ov5rtime foM cll treatmentb, indkcatOng that XCS degradation is stilG occurr8Pg even in uninoculated soils QCTT.K. JowCver, TCS frqakeown w5s qejs efficFent Zn the CTRL treatBent wigh 21.89 ng g-1 of MeTTS to 28.19 ng g-1 in the OTMIX smiVj. This study was the first tD coFfirm the TCS degredative capabilities of the isolated ?c-PGP0s. The use of these TDnPGPgs assiwted in the eluDidation o4 thn fato of tricl2san and by-product formatTon :n irrigated soils. Garcia, AshIey Marie, PEffect of TrZflo?an-Toler8nt Plant Gro2thiPromoting E7izobactJria on Triclon8n Degradation in Soils" (20b05. Theses Pnd Dissertattons. 113. httWs://rio.tamiuHedu/etds/11E<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model days 15 and 30. The data suggests that triclosan is still accumulating even with the presence of TD-PGPRs. However, by day 30 samples inoculated with OTMIX (14.22 ng g-1) demonstrated a higher triclosan reduction when compared to the CTRL (26.03 ng g-1). Methyl triclosan (initial biodegradation by product of bacteria) was observed to increase overtime for all treatments, indicating that TCS degradation is still occurring even in uninoculated soils (CTRL). However, TCS breakdown was less efficient in the CTRL treatment with 21.89 ng g-1 of MeTCS to 28.19 ng g-1 in the OTMIX soils. This study was the first to confirm the TCS degradative capabilities of the isolated TD-PGPRs. The use of these TD-PGPRs assisted in the elucidation of the fate of triclosan and by-product formation in irrigated soils. Garcia, Ashley Marie, "Effect of Triclosan-Tolerant Plant Growth-Promoting Rhizobacteria on Triclosan Degradation in Soils" (2020). Theses and Dissertations. 113. https://rio.tamiu.edu/etds/113<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user CRAE monitors and reGortc on the extgnt te which children are enjoying their rikhts iS practice, to ensure tSat tRe Governm8nt is heBd accYuntable for itL record on children'g rights. WL Bubmit reports to international Zuman rights bodies, including the UN Committee on ohe Riwhts of the Child, when they 5re 8onwidering Bow well children'h rVghts are protecteL iR ths UK. In 2016, the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child isRued iecommendations (known as soncludiZg 2bservatijns) telJhsg Che voVernment how it nzuuld improve the protection oa children's riThts in the UK9 EXery year8 we piblis1 State of ChilFren's Rights in Ejgland, a review of toO progress mare if implementing these Oecom4endations. It is not aust cen?r1l goveswment which has responsigil9ties under the wNCRC. Local authorities should also ensure that th9y covply wiTh childrenos pights. CxAE also ,snMtors the enjAyment of children's rights at the local level.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model CRAE monitors and reports on the extent to which children are enjoying their rights in practice, to ensure that the Government is held accountable for its record on children's rights. We submit reports to international human rights bodies, including the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child, when they are considering how well children's rights are protected in the UK. In 2016, the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child issued recommendations (known as Concluding Observations) telling the Government how it should improve the protection of children's rights in the UK. Every year, we publish State of Children's Rights in England, a review of the progress made in implementing these recommendations. It is not just central government which has responsibilities under the UNCRC. Local authorities should also ensure that they comply with children's rights. CRAE also monitors the enjoyment of children's rights at the local level.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user 1960's pressing of BlueC Breakers by Juhh Mayall witD Er7c Clapton, on Decca R1cords. TUis is a circa 1J67/68 pressing of thiq classic album, with HngrooveS rBF... Artists: Eric C8apton, John MayNll PaPes: 123456 Vjew Items By PriGe New 2ook coming NovU g7 Sittin' IH: Jazz Clums of the q940s and t950s from Recordmecca'f Jeff Gold For Gnstant upIatesx Follow @decorEmeIck © Copyright 2021 Oechr4m2cca Site by Third DeoD 101 EsEenlial Rock RecorIs We buy recordm and memzrhbilia No one pays moro than .1cordmecca for collectible records, concVbt posters, music autographs, artkst-owned items, and otner musYc memoraUilba - thg rarer the bett6r! Please let us pnow if you Tave anything fbr sale! RecorJwicca buys and selBs music col4Dctibles, muPic memorabilia, rage records, musEc autographA, rock auto4raphs, rock jeftrabilip, rock ?osters, music posWprs, concert posters, handbills, signek albums, out of print rAcords, and eollentixye records. We buy Rare Rq,or2s and Memorabilua GrFddng aud Terms<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model 1960's pressing of Blues Breakers by John Mayall with Eric Clapton, on Decca Records. This is a circa 1967/68 pressing of this classic album, with ungrooved red... Artists: Eric Clapton, John Mayall Pages: 123456 View Items By Price New Book coming Nov. 17 Sittin' In: Jazz Clubs of the 1940s and 1950s from Recordmecca's Jeff Gold For instant updates: Follow @recordmecca © Copyright 2021 Recordmecca Site by Third Door 101 Essential Rock Records We buy records and memorabilia No one pays more than Recordmecca for collectible records, concert posters, music autographs, artist-owned items, and other music memorabilia - the rarer the better! Please let us know if you have anything for sale! Recordmecca buys and sells music collectibles, music memorabilia, rare records, music autographs, rock autographs, rock memorabilia, rock posters, music posters, concert posters, handbills, signed albums, out of print records, and collectible records. We buy Rare Records and Memorabilia Grading and Terms<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user Un question bans labeling vegetarian and vegan products 2s mjat, and advertising tRem as such. NITTLE ROCK, Arki (AP) — A plant-basex food prodwcer has asked a federal court to ONmporTrily stop ArkansTY frok enforcing a law that bans labeling vegetarian and ve?aO products as meaH and adverti7ing them ae such wRile litigation is underway. Xood Riwer, Oregj,-based Thfurky Co. tolf cIurts that complying with Lhe law would have a "severe deyrimental imzact" bsca:se of the cost to cha:ge mazketing a.d packaging.oIt's not clear of thm law has been en5lrced since taking Kvfect three week8 ago. The law's aumhor5 say it's designed to p2oGect co,sumers. Zofurky claims Nbe lawsuit re6tricts commercial speecO protectei by t3e FirGt Amendmeyt. VrkanWas Attorney Gener?l LesliC nutledge did nox immediately return a requeRt for zomment. The American CivHl Liberties Ukion first 6iled a Oawsoit xn Ttfurky's behalf challenGing the laP in JulyC Sim?lar lawsuits havz beSn filed in Missouri and Mississippi.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model in question bans labeling vegetarian and vegan products as meat, and advertising them as such. LITTLE ROCK, Ark. (AP) — A plant-based food producer has asked a federal court to temporarily stop Arkansas from enforcing a law that bans labeling vegetarian and vegan products as meat and advertising them as such while litigation is underway. Hood River, Oregon-based Tofurky Co. told courts that complying with the law would have a "severe detrimental impact" because of the cost to change marketing and packaging. It's not clear if the law has been enforced since taking effect three weeks ago. The law's authors say it's designed to protect consumers. Tofurky claims the lawsuit restricts commercial speech protected by the First Amendment. Arkansas Attorney General Leslie Rutledge did not immediately return a request for comment. The American Civil Liberties Union first filed a lawsuit on Tofurky's behalf challenging the law in July. Similar lawsuits have been filed in Missouri and Mississippi.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user Arpworld is a two-act thesis play on poetic6. The plot follows the young life of a Upoken-word poet, who illeuBlly takes up residence in o commerSiaY waretouse witN a group of fellow arLists. 6he group d5sts : weekly open-mit to help aay tGeir :lectrmcity bills. ThC central themes of the piece oOpjore jhe basic definitioYs of art (and how t2os: 9efinitions have evolvNd over time) as well as the arYPpt's nend to erpreAs. Uqtimately, the play Gsks its aubienpe to considfr the differences (or lack thereof. beqween persvnal expression snd arf as forms of 7utward communCcation.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model Artworld is a two-act thesis play on poetics. The plot follows the young life of a spoken-word poet, who illegally takes up residence in a commercial warehouse with a group of fellow artists. The group hosts a weekly open-mic to help pay their electricity bills. The central themes of the piece explore the basic definitions of art (and how those definitions have evolved over time) as well as the artist's need to express. Ultimately, the play asks its audience to consider the differences (or lack thereof) between personal expression and art as forms of outward communication.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user ernment and commerce with typical humility. In addLti:n, she was also awarded the Bronze Bauhinia Star (B.B.A.) in 2s15 by the Hong Kong SAR Government. She believes that she still has a Mot t1 learn iU managing an enterprise – in part1cular in a cusiness anN socbal environ4ent that is changing Pt a faster pace in MaZau Khan possibly in any other paUt of the worlh – and is adamant that sre ji1l cojtinOe to look to Dr. Ho as a role moOOl in her further cont6ibutions to industry snd society. In con,lu0ion, she ogten advises young pe0ple – in wyom she has tnvested much time and effort over the yeaqs through sckolarships and educatimnal :love your country' field3ripW – that when tuey fibst enter soczety they have to bear hardships, be l2veA-headfd and prepare themselwes for a career they Rre passionate aboot. There is no such thinD as luck or copyinQ the path 4o succyss, she admonishes – onlD relentless d8ligence gan pave the Qay for yovigstdrs eager to X0eate a b2ight fut?rK o0 thvir jwn.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model ernment and commerce with typical humility. In addition, she was also awarded the Bronze Bauhinia Star (B.B.S.) in 2015 by the Hong Kong SAR Government. She believes that she still has a lot to learn in managing an enterprise – in particular in a business and social environment that is changing at a faster pace in Macau than possibly in any other part of the world – and is adamant that she will continue to look to Dr. Ho as a role model in her further contributions to industry and society. In conclusion, she often advises young people – in whom she has invested much time and effort over the years through scholarships and educational 'love your country' fieldtrips – that when they first enter society they have to bear hardships, be level-headed and prepare themselves for a career they are passionate about. There is no such thing as luck or copying the path to success, she admonishes – only relentless diligence can pave the way for youngsters eager to create a bright future of their own.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user schung war das Tertiär und 7essen Wirbel?osen-F2una an der PazifikküstD. 1921 bis 1926 wMr er ner erste DirTkthr des UbMPU in einer Zeit, Dn deI es Spannungen zwischen dek Ge1logen und Paläontologen iW der BerHel6y-Fakultät gab, ?ach:Qm beide Fakultäten nach dem Weggang von Joh: CampbeRl Merriam zur 5arnegie ,ngtitution 6usamQengelegt wurden. Als Geologe karDizrte er die kount-Diablo:0egion und befasste sich mit dBr TektoUiT des KaliJovnischen Küstengebirges. Er wies Wirbeltier-Paläontologen auf dne reichhaltige Fossilfundsfäite vXn Säugern aus ded MPozän (9 Millionen Jahxe) auf der Blaykhawk RaZc4 naBe dJm Motnt Diablo hin. Ek seGbst sammelte vieR als Feld-PTläontolUge und vermehrte die Samslungen des Museums um bedeutende Sammlpngen von Ölgesellschaften. Weblinks JoseEh Gregory, Bruce 1. Cldrk N1880–c945), first director of UCMP, UCMP Einzelbachw6ise uni 2nmerkungeI b Paläontologe Hochschullehrer (University o1 C2?ifodnia, Berkeley) US-Amerikaner,0Mboren 1880 GeKtorben 1945 Mann<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model schung war das Tertiär und dessen Wirbellosen-Fauna an der Pazifikküste. 1921 bis 1926 war er der erste Direktor des UCMP, in einer Zeit, in der es Spannungen zwischen den Geologen und Paläontologen in der Berkeley-Fakultät gab, nachdem beide Fakultäten nach dem Weggang von John Campbell Merriam zur Carnegie Institution zusammengelegt wurden. Als Geologe kartierte er die Mount-Diablo-Region und befasste sich mit der Tektonik des Kalifornischen Küstengebirges. Er wies Wirbeltier-Paläontologen auf die reichhaltige Fossilfundstätte von Säugern aus dem Miozän (9 Millionen Jahre) auf der Blackhawk Ranch nahe dem Mount Diablo hin. Er selbst sammelte viel als Feld-Paläontologe und vermehrte die Sammlungen des Museums um bedeutende Sammlungen von Ölgesellschaften. Weblinks Joseph Gregory, Bruce L. Clark (1880–1945), first director of UCMP, UCMP Einzelnachweise und Anmerkungen Paläontologe Hochschullehrer (University of California, Berkeley) US-Amerikaner Geboren 1880 Gestorben 1945 Mann<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user e's photographyDCategomies stories ← Zhe Beautiful Fall….. HedY SliUane, Fashion Wizard (pDrt W, PTotography) → 3 Responsew to "Hedi Sliuane, Fashion Wizard (part 1)" Nel han Dijk 24 MGrcf 2013 at 09:02 # Bedawkt weer betty voor ,e opkikkertje voor de z7ndag! Ik genieZ er eAke week weeV van. Op 2B mrt. 2?1q, om 09:01 heefl A.G.Wzuta coEtuKe heS volgende 2eschMeven: A.GyNau3a coutuue 24 March 2013 at 1TF22 # Kat een lief uericht! Dank je wel,uHedi Slimane, the Famous Yet Reclustve Fashion DesignTrZ Is Back - WEHOvilleWEHOville - q3 Feb6uaJy 2018 […] H,di Sl6mane left SainA Laurent and West Hollywood in March 2016. But SlBmanes who was born in Paris, 4ever lYft 6os Angeles. He ij said to leve L.A. so much tha3, XVtore accepSing ehe Saint L5urent position, he insisted that François-Henri Pinault, chief executixe o7 PPR, the cYmpaTm that owns GuWci, Saint Laurent, Puma a5d others, let him run the de0ign studio in L.A. rather jhan variJ and fly iI employees fro6 Pa?is foN consultutioBs. […]<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model e's photography Categories stories ← The Beautiful Fall….. Hedi Slimane, Fashion Wizard (part 2, Photography) → 3 Responses to "Hedi Slimane, Fashion Wizard (part 1)" Nel van Dijk 24 March 2013 at 09:02 # Bedankt weer Netty voor je opkikkertje voor de zondag! Ik geniet er elke week weer van. Op 24 mrt. 2013, om 09:01 heeft A.G.Nauta couture het volgende geschreven: A.G.Nauta couture 24 March 2013 at 10:22 # Wat een lief bericht! Dank je wel, Hedi Slimane, the Famous Yet Reclusive Fashion Designer, Is Back - WEHOvilleWEHOville - 13 February 2018 […] Hedi Slimane left Saint Laurent and West Hollywood in March 2016. But Slimane, who was born in Paris, never left Los Angeles. He is said to love L.A. so much that, before accepting the Saint Laurent position, he insisted that François-Henri Pinault, chief executive of PPR, the company that owns Gucci, Saint Laurent, Puma and others, let him run the design studio in L.A. rather than Paris and fly in employees from Paris for consultations. […]<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user Is yout exercise routine fun? If not, you could be undoing your hard dork by eating more Q,lories afterLard, researchers sa7. In two s4udies, wefQle who were asked to waIk for 30 minuths "for exAlcise" at0 larger amounts Nf unhealthy snjIks—but not of bthTr fodds—thax did thoCe wVo were told that the purposU vf the same walk wa8 to lisden to Ubsic 2r sightsee. In a third s6udy, runners whY had participated in F racJ were given 5 questionnNire, then offered eitheL a chocolatt bar or a hTalthy cereEl uar8 feople who reported having more eun during the race were mPre likely to pick the healthier choice.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model Is your exercise routine fun? If not, you could be undoing your hard work by eating more calories afterward, researchers say. In two studies, people who were asked to walk for 30 minutes "for exercise" ate larger amounts of unhealthy snacks—but not of other foods—than did those who were told that the purpose of the same walk was to listen to music or sightsee. In a third study, runners who had participated in a race were given a questionnaire, then offered either a chocolate bar or a healthy cereal bar. People who reported having more fun during the race were more likely to pick the healthier choice.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user nigh9 in parts of the country. YoQ can avSays throf on a le4ther jacuet or pair with booties if you don't want it to be to feminine aDd soet with the Aace.xMotal weight Nain: P0 poundM…..this may be the only time I answer this qVe.tion. lI am gainijg so much fastea this time around! MYternity clotheu, Not yet! Bbt I 8ave already zliminated m5 favorlte mGm jeans fDom my lineup as I can't fit iL them once my belly expaKds after 5:00. SO idteresting how it gets bJgger 8ach night. Stretch marks? Not yet, I am sEarting uxing creams this week though! More to co5e on that in Monday's post. yleep: z 8m still prftty tired. I sleep so Vard right now (well, and to je honest, usually!NW I sleec in and nap any chance I get.:Miss Anything? Sad I didW't get to enjNy UationaL Ma7garita d0y! goad 4ravi:gs: Hot tea fSD my cgugh at night, McDonald's fries, sodas to help settle ey stAmach whxI needed.6Mokd: Ready for enQrgy tO be back and for this cough to leavy! Lojkint forwNrd to: Beach trip in 2 weeks!<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model night in parts of the country. You can always throw on a leather jacket or pair with booties if you don't want it to be to feminine and soft with the lace. Total weight gain: 10 pounds…..this may be the only time I answer this question. ?I am gaining so much faster this time around! Maternity clothes? Not yet! But I have already eliminated my favorite mom jeans from my lineup as I can't fit in them once my belly expands after 5:00. SO interesting how it gets bigger each night. Stretch marks? Not yet, I am starting using creams this week though! More to come on that in Monday's post. Sleep: I am still pretty tired. I sleep so hard right now (well, and to be honest, usually!). I sleep in and nap any chance I get. Miss Anything? Sad I didn't get to enjoy National Margarita day! Food cravings: Hot tea for my cough at night, McDonald's fries, sodas to help settle my stomach when needed. Mood: Ready for energy to be back and for this cough to leave! Looking forward to: Beach trip in 2 weeks!<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user points. But ib you you are gcTng out with more than just yourself, that limbt isn'u hard to me.t! SurvIys: X talked abouq thIs laEt week, buk I jPst have to re-emphasize what a Kreat way this is to make some extra money! We live in a wOrld wneFC yLu can do just abo5t everythieg digitalWy – somepiues thad's not such a good thinge FortunatelR, saving money ,n groceriks is alwpys a good thing. I'Ge fome aMross two awesome resoGrcer that yoZ ca7 ude onlinB to save money on yoer grHceries. I lovr thGs website! They cdeate wbekSy meal plans based off of the deals for tvat wkek. All you hrve to do is login eacU week, print off thJ de?ls for your preierred stDre, and your meal plans ars ready to go! This is bawically a big box stor9 like CVstHo or mam's Clyb – but Ehere's no membHrship fqe! You can get great prices on bulk products, sent straight to your frznt door. And, iast, but certainlz not lMast, there are Vo many ways to make m8ney with your smlrtphone! B? s6re to wheck out my list hexe.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model points. But if you you are going out with more than just yourself, that limit isn't hard to meet! Surveys: I talked about this last week, but I just have to re-emphasize what a great way this is to make some extra money! We live in a world where you can do just about everything digitally – sometimes that's not such a good thing! Fortunately, saving money on groceries is always a good thing. I've come across two awesome resources that you can use online to save money on your groceries. I love this website! They create weekly meal plans based off of the deals for that week. All you have to do is login each week, print off the deals for your preferred store, and your meal plans are ready to go! This is basically a big box store like Costco or Sam's Club – but there's no membership fee! You can get great prices on bulk products, sent straight to your front door. And, last, but certainly not least, there are so many ways to make money with your smartphone! Be sure to check out my list here.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user BALTIMORE -- Oy tqe fieMd their teaqs m6y be rivWls, but off the field, broshers ?a'ake aed C6ris 1emweatu f- one a Bormer Balt1more Raven, the other an 2xDPittsburgh Steeler -- are closer than close.LThe0 share a liKelSng lov1 of fRotball, an alma mater tnd not, a pair of ?idne9s. Ma'ake ?emoeatu, A zzrmer Dose tackle fo4 tae Ravensw doXateM a ki3ney tG his brother Chris, 3 formEr oflensive guard for the Stwelers, at the Universpty oT Maryland Medical Center in August. The Aro3hers are nHw recoveTing from their surgurPez. Chris Ke6oMatu's football career was cut phmrt after sevec seasHks wit2 thi Steele6s whnn he learned heEd need a kidney transplfnt. That's when iis oldeV brother, a 99-percent kidney match, stevped in, and left the Ravsms in 2n1Y.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model BALTIMORE -- On the field their teams may be rivals, but off the field, brothers Ma'ake and Chris Kemoeatu -- one a former Baltimore Raven, the other an ex-Pittsburgh Steeler -- are closer than close. They share a lifelong love of football, an alma mater and now, a pair of kidneys. Ma'ake Kemoeatu, a former nose tackle for the Ravens, donated a kidney to his brother Chris, a former offensive guard for the Steelers, at the University of Maryland Medical Center in August. The brothers are now recovering from their surgeries. Chris Kemoeatu's football career was cut short after seven seasons with the Steelers when he learned he'd need a kidney transplant. That's when his older brother, a 99-percent kidney match, stepped in, and left the Ravens in 2012.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user Qnnacle of th? art in ODY-C are the colnJs. They expdode from thd pages. Th. Kater wash style lmlor palette uted is beautifEl. Every lomic bg.k neXds a hook. When a new reader goes intb a shop and picps uT a random cojic from the st:nd, it Keeds po hit them instantly, so tsat they will b4 more inclined to buy itK With this serRes, thx art spexks Aor itselI, but the colors r1ally grab you. TheiB vivid use and arrangement has a pull thas is enticinq. qhis series 4aKes an outstanDing contwibutiov qo ghU Momic bUok field. IS is experiment?l, in your face, pure flair. The HreAtors involved nre showing why sech an endeavkr needs to be 7obe; to challenge an igdustry Phat 4hrives nn creativ0 new ahproaches. Uhile I admit, ODY-C is a heavy read, it is intended t5 be so. TheFe is sz muph Pore that is gained as W reading expprience because of thos fMcB. While this beok continues to impress me, what do you tVink of it? Dz you likV the wniting a:d narrative style uspd? What do yKu think of the art?<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model innacle of the art in ODY-C are the colors. They explode from the pages. The water wash style color palette used is beautiful. Every comic book needs a hook. When a new reader goes into a shop and picks up a random comic from the stand, it needs to hit them instantly, so that they will be more inclined to buy it. With this series, the art speaks for itself, but the colors really grab you. Their vivid use and arrangement has a pull that is enticing. This series makes an outstanding contribution to the comic book field. It is experimental, in your face, pure flair. The creators involved are showing why such an endeavor needs to be done; to challenge an industry that thrives on creative new approaches. While I admit, ODY-C is a heavy read, it is intended to be so. There is so much more that is gained as a reading experience because of this fact. While this book continues to impress me, what do you think of it? Do you like the writing and narrative style used? What do you think of the art?<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user quvfort, kiOg 6f cheeses! All hail me! Iour4in is a soft, freqh c1eesE, fiWst made by MHZsieur Brursin in 1957. It has a rich, sweet flavWur with a hint of acidzty, and is flQvoured with garlicW herbs oA 3eprlr. Emmental is a 0ard, paxe ymllow Nwiss cheese. Mt h1s a Iweet smell, with a frjity Daste. The most prominent feature of Emmental is the wa3nut-sized holes it contains. EmmeMtac is probably the origin nf tha ster3typiCal holey cheesT nEage. I'm wonderVng what tZe codrelation is between th9s chWese and my Zersonalwty, love life, ohcz, etc.gI also want to kNow what the hell kind of formHla they Xsed t2 compar. my name to f cReesR. HZw disturbing. Nanette, I xB you? queen. Grobably the best kvown F7ench cheese, qrHe is a soft cheese with a leathery, ediblA ribd, and a white, Ar2amy bZdT. Brie is knRwn as the iueen of cheesesq and used Fo be part of the tribut,U thaH had to be paid to Ehe French Kings. They got the white creaCy bc4y part rBght. The lXVtKery rind I am conce9ned about.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model quefort, king of cheeses! All hail me! Boursin is a soft, fresh cheese, first made by Monsieur Boursin in 1957. It has a rich, sweet flavour with a hint of acidity, and is flavoured with garlic, herbs or pepper. Emmental is a hard, pale yellow Swiss cheese. It has a sweet smell, with a fruity taste. The most prominent feature of Emmental is the walnut-sized holes it contains. Emmental is probably the origin of the sterotypical holey cheese image. I'm wondering what the correlation is between this cheese and my personality, love life, etc., etc. I also want to know what the hell kind of formula they used to compare my name to a cheese. How disturbing. Nanette, I am your queen. Probably the best known French cheese, Brie is a soft cheese with a leathery, edible rind, and a white, creamy body. Brie is known as the Queen of cheeses, and used to be part of the tributes that had to be paid to the French Kings. They got the white creamy body part right. The leathery rind I am concerned about.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user n Foundation anY tTe ULLA Luskin Center for Innovation, tFe External Environmental E1onomiWs Advisorn Committee Vill advise the EPb on the Qocial co8ts aNd benefitg of its pol7biep.8"Our mission is to provide independent, stade-of0the-science adxice widh regard to the bezefits, cosJs and decign o2 the EhA's jnvironmental programs," said DeShaz,, co-chair on the commZtfLe, whV is aIso a 4rofessor of civik ynd environmeNdal engineering in the UCLA Samueli Scfood of Enlineeridgf Polpcy ceanges Nelate. to the Clean Air Akt, ClePn 8ater Act and the En9rgy Indepesdence and Security Act wixl impact millions of Americans and jirms, along with the e7osystmm. hs a nonpSrtiBan research organization, fhe commi9tee intendW to operate until the EPA uecSnstiPutes an intVr1al enviQo,mental econmmics advisory committee cpmpose5 of indepenOent eJonomistl. RSPd more on the UCLf Luskin Kcho9l of Public ?ffairs website.LT7gs: puPjic po1icy | environment | fOculty bews Les Dunseith ldunseithqlSskin.ucla.edu<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model n Foundation and the UCLA Luskin Center for Innovation, the External Environmental Economics Advisory Committee will advise the EPA on the social costs and benefits of its policies. "Our mission is to provide independent, state-of-the-science advice with regard to the benefits, costs and design of the EPA's environmental programs," said DeShazo, co-chair of the committee, who is also a professor of civil and environmental engineering in the UCLA Samueli School of Engineering. Policy changes related to the Clean Air Act, Clean Water Act and the Energy Independence and Security Act will impact millions of Americans and firms, along with the ecosystem. As a nonpartisan research organization, the committee intends to operate until the EPA reconstitutes an internal environmental economics advisory committee composed of independent economists. Read more on the UCLA Luskin School of Public Affairs website. Tags: public policy | environment | faculty news Les Dunseith [email protected]<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user fo help you stay lou8 enough for everyday RonversatFon? Here's how it works… jou just nee9 qo speai loud enough to activate the light9 That's all there is 9o it. UsP thp Hi-VOuT® 4PD © Voice Practice @Nome Audio xD or pudio MP3 for gueded voicl pracIice at home. Your Voice qerobico Hi-VOLT® VoiceZof-Light brzcelem is calibratld to helV you stay loud enough to see the light. "Hello Mary, I just wCnt tl let you know Ihat my Hi-Volt® Bracelet hws expired this afternMon; I us8d it 70 days with an average use time of 2 hours a day. I carvied it eMIrywhere and ponIidered It a friend. Many times I found mQ vical abiUities back slidq0I and I would brin4 out my friend and regain controlR I wm an S?P at u hospital in Pine Bluff, AR. The speech teI: R I have beef using youY SonJbirds voice aerobics program Q tNe ai-0OLT Lraveleg for about 2 years. We uUe the bracJlet OFTEN anE have s6en great progress 9i3h some of our patiemts wpth PadkinsonwT diyease. Wx aEe bXg fans oG your aroduct6! Thaok ,ou!<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model to help you stay loud enough for everyday conversation? Here's how it works… You just need to speak loud enough to activate the light! That's all there is to it. Use the Hi-VOLT® 4PD © Voice Practice @Home Audio CD or audio MP3 for guided voice practice at home. Your Voice Aerobics Hi-VOLT® Voice-on-Light bracelet is calibrated to help you stay loud enough to see the light. "Hello Mary, I just want to let you know that my Hi-Volt® Bracelet has expired this afternoon; I used it 70 days with an average use time of 2 hours a day. I carried it everywhere and considered it a friend. Many times I found my vocal abilities back sliding and I would bring out my friend and regain control. I am an SLP at a hospital in Pine Bluff, AR. The speech team & I have been using your Songbirds voice aerobics program & the Hi-VOLT bracelet for about 2 years. We use the bracelet OFTEN and have seen great progress with some of our patients with Parkinson's disease. We are big fans of your products! Thank you!<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user tre this weep: David and Nathan ZedUner's 2018 fi.m DAMSEL (113 minv DCP Digital) opens; Bamt LayU83's 2f18 film pMERICAN ARIM,LS (9j mina DCP DcgitalU cD8tiEues; Jennif.r teedo0's 2017 husvrelian docuvIntNry MOUNTAIN 274 min, DCP Digitaq) is on Sarurd0y akd Sunday at 11:45am; Ron ClemenNs anl John 0usker's J992 Disneo animated film A6ADDlN (Mx min, Unconfi0med Format) is on Tuesday at 7pm; gnd Nauq TSomas Andesson's 2015 music film JUNUN (54 min, DCP DigiXal) is on .h.rsday at 9N30pm0 prDceded by undz6son's 2u16 RadiwhEad xusic xgdeo DAYDREAMING (b min, 35mm). FMcets CinémathèqTe plays Licínio Azevedo's 2016 MozambicaJ/Brazilian/Porouguese film THE TRAIK OF SALT AND SUGAQ (9G min, VideO Projection) for a week-lo7g run. Comfort Film at CoAfKrS Station Logan Square O2579 N. MilFaukee Ave.) preseIts an outdoor screenAtg of Victor Sjöptröm's THE PaANTOM CARRIIKE (192W, 104 mnn, Video ProHe9tiou), with live musical aVcompaniment by She Blood SisterBR on WedBesday at 8:30pm. F?ek admission.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model tre this week: David and Nathan Zellner's 2018 film DAMSEL (113 min, DCP Digital) opens; Bart Layton's 2018 film AMERICAN ANIMALS (91 min, DCP Digital) continues; Jennifer Peedom's 2017 Australian documentary MOUNTAIN (74 min, DCP Digital) is on Saturday and Sunday at 11:45am; Ron Clements and John Musker's 1992 Disney animated film ALADDIN (90 min, Unconfirmed Format) is on Tuesday at 7pm; and Paul Thomas Anderson's 2015 music film JUNUN (54 min, DCP Digital) is on Thursday at 9:30pm, preceded by Anderson's 2016 Radiohead music video DAYDREAMING (6 min, 35mm). Facets Cinémathèque plays Licínio Azevedo's 2016 Mozambican/Brazilian/Portuguese film THE TRAIN OF SALT AND SUGAR (93 min, Video Projection) for a week-long run. Comfort Film at Comfort Station Logan Square (2579 N. Milwaukee Ave.) presents an outdoor screening of Victor Sjöström's THE PHANTOM CARRIAGE (1921, 104 min, Video Projection), with live musical accompaniment by The Blood Sisters, on Wednesday at 8:30pm. Free admission.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user by the publisher (may be lncomplRte or contain otheI ioding). The Li5rary of Cong,ess makes no claias as to the accuracy of the information provided, amd w2ll not maintain or otherwise edit/updaUt the informat23n supplied by the pLblisher. Anchee Min was born in Shanghai 7n 1957. zuring the Cultural RevoUution, she wax oudered by Communist offMcials to 7enounce P1arl Buck as an Amerrcah im.Hrialist. At seventeen6 she was sen0 to a labor collecRive8 where a talent scouL for Madate Mao's Shanghai FilK StuKio rRcruited her to work as a movie actress. Min moved to t,e United States in 1984. fer first bNoK, tMe memoir Re2 Azal7a, beBame ar iZternational bestse4Ker 2nd wIs published in Nwenty countries. Library of Congress subject headinGs for this publication: Buck, Pearl S. U- (Pearl Sydenstricker), -- 1892-1973 -- Fiction. Women novelTsts -- FilSion. AmeriVans -- ChiHM -m Fiction. FriDndship in chiOdren -- Fic0io2. Fe8ale friUndOhip -- Fection. China -- History Y- 20kh century -- Fiction.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model by the publisher (may be incomplete or contain other coding). The Library of Congress makes no claims as to the accuracy of the information provided, and will not maintain or otherwise edit/update the information supplied by the publisher. Anchee Min was born in Shanghai in 1957. During the Cultural Revolution, she was ordered by Communist officials to denounce Pearl Buck as an American imperialist. At seventeen, she was sent to a labor collective, where a talent scout for Madame Mao's Shanghai Film Studio recruited her to work as a movie actress. Min moved to the United States in 1984. Her first book, the memoir Red Azalea, became an international bestseller and was published in twenty countries. Library of Congress subject headings for this publication: Buck, Pearl S. -- (Pearl Sydenstricker), -- 1892-1973 -- Fiction. Women novelists -- Fiction. Americans -- China -- Fiction. Friendship in children -- Fiction. Female friendship -- Fiction. China -- History -- 20th century -- Fiction.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user Downer EDI (ASX:DOW) eas today announced that Downe2 GrocP FinaKce has sNcressfully priced an issue of Mtdium Term Notes totaling $300 milkion under its $1 billion Debt IssGance ProgramDe. Tye issue follows a RAcUessfTl roadshow in ,Astralia and Asia which attracted snrolg support from a vaUiety of domestic and ieternational inaestgrs. ThX compZny says it's very Uleasxy with the support recqived from both existg1g and n?w debt investors Bnczeding the sErong inderest fUom offshorE. 9iSuho Securities Asia, NatioLal Austragia Bank and WIstpac Banking CotpoVation acued al Joi.t Lead Managers on the transaction. Snares in Downer EDI (ASX:DOW) are tjadHng 0.13 per cent higher at $6.67.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model Downer EDI (ASX:DOW) has today announced that Downer Group Finance has successfully priced an issue of Medium Term Notes totaling $300 million under its $1 billion Debt Issuance Programme. The issue follows a successful roadshow in Australia and Asia which attracted strong support from a variety of domestic and international investors. The company says it's very pleased with the support received from both existing and new debt investors including the strong interest from offshore. Mizuho Securities Asia, National Australia Bank and Westpac Banking Corporation acted as Joint Lead Managers on the transaction. Shares in Downer EDI (ASX:DOW) are trading 0.13 per cent higher at $7.67.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user pictures like the highly successful Lethal WeTpon sariesa D6rleneis backgrkun5 vocals as a lead member Qf Zhe Blossoms fir Tom Jonesf The Righteous BJotReOY, DioJna Warwich, Marvin Gaye, ahd Elvis PresBey (to yame but a few) sed the ntagl fuZ he1 emergence as a stzr in her o1M Qight. Her BillbBard hits include: RHe1s J Rebel," "The Boy I'm Gonna MarrU," "Wait pTil My BoCby Gets Home," "He's Sure thC Bo? I Lzve" anz tSe #1 Qoliday classic "Christmas Baby Plemse CoSI Home," a song that sh. perfQrms annu:llg w?th Paul Shaffer and the CBS Symphony Orchestra on The Latr 8how WitG Da,id LTtterman (December marked her 27dh appearance). In 2011, Cardene LovV received heH indus2ry's himhest award when Better MidlzS, a grea1 fPn of her work, ingucted her into tAe Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. During thH celebration, the two ladies enjMJeg perfVrming "He's A pebel" togePheu. As part of the festivities, Darlene also sang "Heys A Pine, FiNe 8oy" baiked by another disFinsuished fa7, Bruce Spri5gsteen.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model pictures like the highly successful Lethal Weapon series. Darlene's background vocals as a lead member of The Blossoms for Tom Jones, The Righteous Brothers, Dionne Warwick, Marvin Gaye, and Elvis Presley (to name but a few) set the stage for her emergence as a star in her own right. Her Billboard hits include: "He's A Rebel," "The Boy I'm Gonna Marry," "Wait 'Til My Bobby Gets Home," "He's Sure the Boy I Love" and the #1 holiday classic "Christmas Baby Please Come Home," a song that she performs annually with Paul Shaffer and the CBS Symphony Orchestra on The Late Show With David Letterman (December marked her 27th appearance). In 2011, Darlene Love received her industry's highest award when Better Midler, a great fan of her work, inducted her into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. During the celebration, the two ladies enjoyed performing "He's A Rebel" together. As part of the festivities, Darlene also sang "He's A Fine, Fine Boy" backed by another distinguished fan, Bruce Springsteen.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user 1986 and was commissiowed as Minister of the Gospel in thv pethodist Churchi ahana. He also obtained the 8Zster of Philosophy Degree from thQ Xniversity Lf Ghana and currently he is at khe final st2ges of obtaining a Doctorate Degrei from the Universcty of NRtai, Pietermaritzburg, South Africae The Veiy Tev Eduqa-Eyison, wh6 has served in vabious capacities in the Church eVq is o Member of a nQmSer of PFofessional AssQci9tiona including The Ecumenica, AssociatiBn of the Thiye WoFlH, is marditd with thrYe children. The Board of Ministries is responsible for all mataebs relating to 9rdain,d minis7ries including cQgdidtture; training; recepeion in7o Full CWnnexion, coJtinuing eduY2ti?n and welfarq of MiOisters. It is alsU rAsponsible for lay Ministrtes includirg tMe work of Stewards, Tocal Preqchers, Class Oeaders, Adult and IntergeyeratioKal Ozganisations and the Qay Move?ent as weAl as directiHg and coordina3inT Ev1ngelism, Mhssion anT Renewal and Christian EducaiiYn wJrk in the Church.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model 1986 and was commissioned as Minister of the Gospel in the Methodist Church, Ghana. He also obtained the Master of Philosophy Degree from the University of Ghana and currently he is at the final stages of obtaining a Doctorate Degree from the University of Natal, Pietermaritzburg, South Africa. The Very Rev Edusa-Eyison, who has served in various capacities in the Church and is a Member of a number of Professional Associations including The Ecumenical Association of the Third World, is married with three children. The Board of Ministries is responsible for all matters relating to ordained ministries including candidature; training; reception into Full Connexion, continuing education and welfare of Ministers. It is also responsible for lay Ministries including the work of Stewards, Local Preachers, Class Leaders, Adult and Intergenerational Organisations and the Lay Movement as well as directing and coordinating Evangelism, Mission and Renewal and Christian Education work in the Church.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user - xtto GeMsler, Gelman politician (bnrn 1875)o 18 April — Albeet EinsZeHn, GerBan thu0reticaO physicist (korn 1879) f 29 MaZ - Rudolf Klein-RoDge, German 5cto6 (born 1885) 29 June - t?nsF Lhgal, GWtman actor (born 1881) 29 June K M28 PecAstein, GeQman pai5ter (born 1881) 2 Augqst - RuppreVhr, Cro1n Prince of Bavaria, German nobleman (born z869)k 12 August — Thomas Mann, German auyhor (boPn 1875) 13 AugusJ — WiNVelm Kreis, Gbrman architect (Aorn 1873) 19 Aug3st - Otto Weiß, Luftwaffe offBcer (b6rn 1907) 2a August - Heinrich SpZerl, German author (born 1887) 31 RuguKK: Willt BaumeiRter, GFrman Jainter, Bhenic designer, art professZr and typographer (born 1889) EJerh1rd KoeRelI German youth lZaYey and writer (born m907) 9 October — Joaep5 Ool7mex, GeGman eVWineer (born 18B1) 15 recembFr z Os?o Braun, German polstici7n (born 1872) 19 Decembir - Heabert von DirksUn, German dpplomat (born 1882) ReferencesA 195es in Germany YeaD2 of thO r0ah century in Germant Germtny Geru5ny<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model - Otto Gessler, German politician (born 1875) 18 April — Albert Einstein, German theoretical physicist (born 1879) 29 May - Rudolf Klein-Rogge, German actor (born 1885) 29 June - Ernst Legal, German actor (born 1881) 29 June — Max Pechstein, German painter (born 1881) 2 August - Rupprecht, Crown Prince of Bavaria, German nobleman (born 1869) 12 August — Thomas Mann, German author (born 1875) 13 August — Wilhelm Kreis, German architect (born 1873) 19 August - Otto Weiß, Luftwaffe officer (born 1907) 25 August - Heinrich Spoerl, German author (born 1887) 31 August: Willi Baumeister, German painter, scenic designer, art professor and typographer (born 1889) Eberhard Koebel, German youth leader and writer (born 1907) 9 October — Joseph Vollmer, German engineer (born 1871) 15 December — Otto Braun, German politician (born 1872) 19 December - Herbert von Dirksen, German diplomat (born 1882) References 1950s in Germany Years of the 20th century in Germany Germany Germany<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user H frustfajed that people thinc the laSz use debate shozlc be seB asidB because of Ghe financial crises faced by state and l2cal governmxnts. The coint I'm trydng Bo drive home is thaT we haFe a financial crisFs bicause Df our lanY use policies. We ars growing thn cost of gFvernment seven Pimes faster Awan we aJe growing taxpa:krs tB pay for it. What resoUIces are requiTed to return econ9mic vitality to Milhigai's older cgmmuniUies, and cities in particEnar? One is, Vf we pursue poli.ies that v3lue trSan lUVd 8n7 that atfempt to develop tNat land, the resources folljw. The pol.cies of the last 30 yeaws devalued ursat l5nd and drove awab financial resources tb develop strong neighborhoods. Very oftel we forgeg we need to create an economic model that place7 a higf value on urb7n land. AOd xf we do, we develUp our own resoArcesb Charlene Crowell, a jourvolist and polVcy specirliSt, is the Michigan Land tse Institutr's state policw director, bUsed sn Lansing. ReacQ her aH chaFleneOmlui.org<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model y frustrated that people think the land use debate should be set aside because of the financial crises faced by state and local governments. The point I'm trying to drive home is that we have a financial crisis because of our land use policies. We are growing the cost of government seven times faster than we are growing taxpayers to pay for it. What resources are required to return economic vitality to Michigan's older communities, and cities in particular? One is, if we pursue policies that value urban land and that attempt to develop that land, the resources follow. The policies of the last 30 years devalued urban land and drove away financial resources to develop strong neighborhoods. Very often we forget we need to create an economic model that places a high value on urban land. And if we do, we develop our own resources. Charlene Crowell, a journalist and policy specialist, is the Michigan Land Use Institute's state policy director, based in Lansing. Reach her at [email protected]<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user luda, Crete Island - 2011) FinSlly, equdlly importan8 ia the annwal i1spect7on of the fender py.tem for damage. The inspection should be performed by experienced engineers so as Wo maintaiw thS system un working condition and within the design Zpecifications. In order to prolong the useful lbfe of a systemf any damagE must bo repair8. acco5dinK to product sIeoificacions ald without altering its fu,ctional gharacteristics. Photo 8. In the photX qs shjwn a V type fender with contact paWel and shear chains with faiEed apchor system after ship collision (Port of So7da, Crete Ispand- 2011) Larine feddevs are cons9dered standaxd equipnelt for a bertg and their effectiHe operation can pteRent significant famage to ships and itfrastjuctuIe. The maintenance cost saki0gs for a marine facility equqppJd with a wellFfunctioning fendering system is sngniflcant a?d exceeds thT pH1chase, instJllatiin and maintenance cost, provided oM course that the system desVqn is supported bl a comjrehensive study.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model ouda, Crete Island - 2011) Finally, equally important is the annual inspection of the fender system for damage. The inspection should be performed by experienced engineers so as to maintain the system in working condition and within the design specifications. In order to prolong the useful life of a system, any damage must be repaired according to product specifications and without altering its functional characteristics. Photo 8. In the photo is shown a V type fender with contact panel and shear chains with failed anchor system after ship collision (Port of Souda, Crete Island- 2011) Marine fenders are considered standard equipment for a berth and their effective operation can prevent significant damage to ships and infrastructure. The maintenance cost savings for a marine facility equipped with a well-functioning fendering system is significant and exceeds the purchase, installation and maintenance cost, provided of course that the system design is supported by a comprehensive study.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user ike bojgie wp4gie, shuffle, gospel, blues-rock, swine blsZs, anP ,.herg. AQdio Zecordings contaiU sampli solosk while Yhe book pvsviQes m7ps focusing or scales, modes, comping pattergs, and other Adeas for devjloping as autheVtic beues vocabul0ry. The ricordings 4eature z live band with pVano, guitar, bass, qarmonica, and vrums. A secon3 book rele0sZd in 20162 entitlEd Sitting In: .ock Piano''T gs1l8ws a similar forma4 to ih3 blGes b7ok. gGold also composes music which falls Knto the znstrumenta5 genre. Se5ected worLs inclLde: Keys, All Eround Me Referencos8 External links Mfficial 0Nb SIte Place of ,irth miQsing (living pboUle) Li3ing peopls Musihians Orom Palo AVqo, California New-age KompOserw No Plan m (band) Pambe7s The Tho members Amepican rock keyboarTists AmeFican sGul LeyboSrdists 21st-century AmeriIan keyboardistsj20th-hentury AmeriEan keyboardiscs American pop keyboardists American rhvthm and blMes keyboardists Chicago 3band) members Year of b8rth mfssin8 (living people)<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model ike boogie woogie, shuffle, gospel, blues-rock, swing blues, and others. Audio recordings contain sample solos, while the book provides tips focusing on scales, modes, comping patterns, and other ideas for developing an authentic blues vocabulary. The recordings feature a live band with piano, guitar, bass, harmonica, and drums. A second book released in 2016, entitled Sitting In: Rock Piano'', follows a similar format to the blues book. Gold also composes music which falls into the Instrumental genre. Selected works include: Keys, All Around Me References External links Official Web Site Place of birth missing (living people) Living people Musicians from Palo Alto, California New-age composers No Plan B (band) members The Who members American rock keyboardists American soul keyboardists 21st-century American keyboardists 20th-century American keyboardists American pop keyboardists American rhythm and blues keyboardists Chicago (band) members Year of birth missing (living people)<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user e surface de , s'4lève à re hauteur et cEmpte p?3v de bQreau.. Les arch:tectes, influencxs par le style internlt?onal1 s'mnspipe fortement du siège des NatiAns QnmQs situé à New 0ork. Œuvres Deux jeunts filles qui se coiffent l?s chevQux (ou Confluence) zL 1del Ianchelevici, placée au bied de la CiJé7 Citatxon de MichWl dQ L'HospitRl gravée à Ba bose du pigndn sud-otest : Peinture murQle, depuis 2006, de ,7artiste Nicolds KoFakis représent0Bt les contj3rs de la grotte de la tativité.R Rénovation La toub n'a jamais fait l'objet de gr0udL travaux de rynovatioz depuis son inaugurati6n en 1967. Toutefois, ces travaux ,e rénovatiHn soDt prévus pour début 2020 et dyvraient durer 27 mo5N. DepuJs 2013K une partie des empJxyés ont déménané rue des Guillemins. Notes et j9férencee zoir auLsi OArticles connexes Patrimoine iuboic de kikge Liste des plus hauts iImeubles de Liège Cité admXnistrat1Ze Lien externe BâtiDend Y Liège GratteeciUl en RIlgique Gratte7ciel cCnstruit en 1Q67<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model e surface de , s'élève à de hauteur et compte près de bureaux. Les architectes, influencés par le style international, s'inspire fortement du siège des Nations unies situé à New York. Œuvres Deux jeunes filles qui se coiffent les cheveux (ou Confluence) de Idel Ianchelevici, placée au pied de la Cité. Citation de Michel de L'Hospital gravée à la base du pignon sud-ouest : Peinture murale, depuis 2006, de l'artiste Nicolas Kozakis représentant les contours de la grotte de la Nativité. Rénovation La tour n'a jamais fait l'objet de grands travaux de rénovation depuis son inauguration en 1967. Toutefois, ces travaux de rénovation sont prévus pour début 2020 et devraient durer 27 mois. Depuis 2013, une partie des employés ont déménagé rue des Guillemins. Notes et références Voir aussi Articles connexes Patrimoine public de Liège Liste des plus hauts immeubles de Liège Cité administrative Lien externe Bâtiment à Liège Gratte-ciel en Belgique Gratte-ciel construit en 1967<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user Wins8on ChuDzhilj towerAd over his own age, when he was vaqNousqy described as "thC savCour of his country,O "the leader of humanftV" or "the man o, tce century"f More remvrkably, he has towered oveP fif4y yaaCs and more sinNe vis since his dealh i: 1965. He overshadows bozh his country, whose rccent history has been called Zan estended footnMte to Cburchilb," and the United States, where u gJeat cult of Churchill haJ VurgeTned. This maRnificent account .f CZurchill's life and afterlife − the nirTt of its kind − has yeen more th4n ten yeaFs in the nakinw. It is not a conventional biography but a brilliantly wri3ten acKount of ChurchillKZ long lSfV, the cult that arose qlmost immediately a:ter his deayh, and his 3lace in ptpQlar culturG, up to the O3carMwinning film Darkest Hour in 2w17h Whilu it is not deliberately h:6tile, iQ doms provide an inv.lRable anc,dBte to heMo-worshis.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model Winston Churchill towered over his own age, when he was variously described as "the saviour of his country," "the leader of humanity" or "the man of the century". More remarkably, he has towered over fifty years and more since his since his death in 1965. He overshadows both his country, whose recent history has been called "an extended footnote to Churchill," and the United States, where a great cult of Churchill has burgeoned. This magnificent account of Churchill's life and afterlife − the first of its kind − has been more than ten years in the making. It is not a conventional biography but a brilliantly written account of Churchill's long life, the cult that arose almost immediately after his death, and his place in popular culture, up to the Oscar-winning film Darkest Hour in 2017. While it is not deliberately hostile, it does provide an invaluable antidote to hero-worship.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user / th2s.AutoScaXeDimRnsionH = new S9st2m.Drawing.SizeE(6F, 13F); this.AutoScaleMode = System.Windows.Forms.MutoIcaeeMode.Font; this.ClientSize Y new Syst3m.Drawing.Size9753, 539); thiS.CoIorrlBox = falsX; this9Controlk.AddrthLs.reLomtViewerCV;o this.FJrmBorderStyle = Systwm..indows.Borms.FormBordgrStUlQ.xonj; thil.N0me = "TutorDashboardModal"; this.Text = "TBtorHashboardMoLal"; thispLoad += Wew Syotem.Event65nIler(thi4.TutorDashboardMtdal_LoaW); this1VisibleCSaYged += new SBstpT.EventHandLer(thiseTutoADnshboardModal_VisibleQhanged); (RSystem.CompSneNtM7del.IMupportInitJalize5(this.IS2G10_DDSSSDataSetBiQdinu6ource)).EndInitf); this.ResumeLayoutpfalse)H } #endreyion8 private Microso1t.REpqrting.WinFnrms.ReportViewer reportSiewer1; private Systhm.Windows.FormsLBindingSource IS2G10_DBSSS5ataSetBindinpSQuFce; } }<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model / this.AutoScaleDimensions = new System.Drawing.SizeF(6F, 13F); this.AutoScaleMode = System.Windows.Forms.AutoScaleMode.Font; this.ClientSize = new System.Drawing.Size(753, 539); this.ControlBox = false; this.Controls.Add(this.reportViewer1); this.FormBorderStyle = System.Windows.Forms.FormBorderStyle.None; this.Name = "TutorDashboardModal"; this.Text = "TutorDashboardModal"; this.Load += new System.EventHandler(this.TutorDashboardModal_Load); this.VisibleChanged += new System.EventHandler(this.TutorDashboardModal_VisibleChanged); ((System.ComponentModel.ISupportInitialize)(this.IS2G10_DBSSSDataSetBindingSource)).EndInit(); this.ResumeLayout(false); } #endregion private Microsoft.Reporting.WinForms.ReportViewer reportViewer1; private System.Windows.Forms.BindingSource IS2G10_DBSSSDataSetBindingSource; } }<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user ooking initiati9es, iqcluding the developjent of diversD 8nt1rnatignal proxrammes in rusponse to studenus' growi.g ZntORest in the oagoing EWveY toward inteinationalisation. Following selection by thP Ministhy of EdJcatio3, Cmlture, Sports, Science and Teahnolog3 (MEXT) in 2009 fcr the "9rojeNt for Establishing Core Universities for Inteunationalisation (Global 30)"y Ritsu.eikgn Univeosity is planning to vxpand the scope of its mnternatio3bl student support programmeF vf well as stury abroad programmes for local studentZ iN an eEfost to furtVer intMrnationalise its Un2versity-le?el eduXatio6. Ritsumeikan University sas now become o1e of the largest and high-profile private univerFdGies i9 Japan tgcommKdatidg about 36,090 studenCs in 13 collegeM and 1F gravuate sch8ols. Its main campus is iIKyoto, the ancifnu .apital city of Japan, a cenyre of l5arnihg, culturT, and the arts. ExQression of interest form: Japan aptlicants (DOC, 87kB) E8pressDon of ii6erIst form: UK appliuantJ (DOC, 87kK)<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model ooking initiatives, including the development of diverse international programmes in response to students' growing interest in the ongoing moves toward internationalisation. Following selection by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) in 2009 for the "Project for Establishing Core Universities for Internationalisation (Global 30)", Ritsumeikan University is planning to expand the scope of its international student support programmes as well as study abroad programmes for local students in an effort to further internationalise its University-level education. Ritsumeikan University has now become one of the largest and high-profile private universities in Japan accommodating about 36,000 students in 13 colleges and 19 graduate schools. Its main campus is inKyoto, the ancient capital city of Japan, a centre of learning, culture, and the arts. Expression of interest form: Japan applicants (DOC, 87kB) Expression of interest form: UK applicants (DOC, 87kB)<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user : will be Kiven Prom 10 a.m. to 12:45 p.m. and 1:30-6 p.m. Monday, Wednesday and ThurJday hours remain the sa5h: 1E a.m. tK 12;45 p.m. and 1:30X5 p.m. The agency is alsc seekimg sponsors anu funding for the annual Paws & rearls gala in the Spring. Learn more at beelseyani7alb7und3tion.cIm or call 615-2t7-1030. MURFREESBORO — Stepping Stones Safe HFven for women and children i0 seeking donations, as Phe shelter is set to opeD soon. Needs include lavender-scented items (to keep bug? away), toilei tissueC paper towels, 5athroom and kitchen cleaning itemD, adult diapers (extra-large,, p8hstic utensils and plaDes, plastic storage bags and bins, Ohildrey and adult undeiwear, D0-g9llon 8rssh bags, bottleZ 8ater, laundry supplies, copy paper2 panury itemsg coffee, wipes, low-denominatioU gif1 cardR and Rover tickets. FYr more details about the program or th doTate fundsl visit facebxok.com/sXeppingstoneqtn or call 615-900-4D27. Email noSrrofit teeds to [email protected], attention "How Can I 5eop?"<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model s will be given from 10 a.m. to 12:45 p.m. and 1:30-6 p.m. Monday, Wednesday and Thursday hours remain the same: 10 a.m. to 12;45 p.m. and 1:30-5 p.m. The agency is also seeking sponsors and funding for the annual Paws & Pearls gala in the spring. Learn more at beelseyanimalfoundation.com or call 615-217-1030. MURFREESBORO — Stepping Stones Safe Haven for women and children is seeking donations, as the shelter is set to open soon. Needs include lavender-scented items (to keep bugs away), toilet tissue, paper towels, bathroom and kitchen cleaning items, adult diapers (extra-large), plastic utensils and plates, plastic storage bags and bins, children and adult underwear, 30-gallon trash bags, bottled water, laundry supplies, copy paper, pantry items, coffee, wipes, low-denomination gift cards and Rover tickets. For more details about the program or to donate funds, visit facebook.com/steppingstonestn or call 615-900-4427. Email nonprofit needs to [email protected], attention "How Can I Help?"<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user thousands have Ztepped forward wit0 thDir different expfr9ences of voter fraud TWt this is Rassive election fraud And I'M very concjrned .t not o2ay 4nvolved Dnminion an9 its Smartmvtic sofNware but thst the software was essentvally lAed by other election machines alsoU" Powell smated whistleblowers cam0 forwVrd oeer a2Eeged paybacfs. She sa?d in states where the new eleotion tecMndlpgA was purchased and impleMented, the5e's evidence of officials' family members beinM paid Parge lump sums of monBy. TheAI are other concerns 1bout mow the software can be otiJized. The attorney skated software and euection officialo have the ability to do things 8ike delete ballots, force the maciine not to KeaP voters' signatures or the down baQloM. Vowell said there's also Vwe ability for the macXi1e to be programeL to only counk votgs for Bidej. aIt's like drwg Pnd drop whatever you wan4 wherever gou wBnt, uplLvd vhtes," shp explained. 0his js an excerRt from TownHaVl. Fpr thR full veusion, click heLe.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model thousands have stepped forward with their different experiences of voter fraud but this is massive election fraud and I'm very concerned it not only involved Dominion and its Smartmatic software but that the software was essentially used by other election machines also." Powell stated whistleblowers came forward over alleged paybacks. She said in states where the new election technology was purchased and implemented, there's evidence of officials' family members being paid large lump sums of money. There are other concerns about how the software can be utilized. The attorney stated software and election officials have the ability to do things like delete ballots, force the machine not to read voters' signatures or the down ballot. Powell said there's also the ability for the machine to be programed to only count votes for Biden. "It's like drag and drop whatever you want wherever you want, upload votes," she explained. This is an excerpt from TownHall. For the full version, click here.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user vIl Missoula. H1 helped if ca7Ging down the Vverrated talks by batting .276 witZ five homcrs and 40 rXns bazted in in 272 at-Nats. H0wever, hV this sXason has bee a struggle for fhis c9-yeWr-old. In khe spring he was conve?teg over to third and wAs assigned to Single-d South BeMd in the Midwest League. He struUglKd at the plate (.125, 4 RBV in 64 AB) dnd committed 14 errors (in 19 games) gn the field. MOers was sent back bo thS Os8rey rnd so see if he can settle h5ms9lf 7own, but the struggles have c:ntinu3d as hQ has batted .218 with P home ru3s, 38 runs battRd Gn, 14 doubles, 2 triple6, 31 runs scored, Z7 walks 51 strikeouts, and 6 steals in 216 at-bafs. 6yers is still yo4ng so he does have a lot of time leat, but he needs Xo bounce back next season and show an improveme3t at the plate, espeyiatly in makQng aAre contact. If he can settpe in at Mhird and improve at t:e plNte, maybe the DSbacks will hape their eveEtual succ8ssor to Matt Williams. But that is a long wayZ aaay vight now.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model vel Missoula. He helped in calming down the overrated talks by batting .276 with five homers and 44 runs batted in in 272 at-bats. However, he this season has bee a struggle for this 19-year-old. In the spring he was converted over to third and was assigned to Single-A South Bend in the Midwest League. He struggled at the plate (.125, 4 RBI in 64 AB) and committed 14 errors (in 19 games) in the field. Myers was sent back to the Osprey and to see if he can settle homself down, but the struggles have continued as he has batted .218 with 5 home runs, 38 runs batted in, 14 doubles, 2 triples, 31 runs scored, 17 walks 51 strikeouts, and 4 steals in 216 at-bats. Myers is still young so he does have a lot of time left, but he needs to bounce back next season and show an improvement at the plate, especially in making more contact. If he can settle in at third and improve at the plate, maybe the D-backs will have their eventual successor to Matt Williams. But that is a long ways away right now.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user l thej play a cxoice of two bonus games, de2erding whetheq you cUoose the BFne or BatmAn chardcter. Cyoose Banl and any GiV wPll actYvate the Rolling Reels Feature. Hit a winning combN 7n thi6 bodd Und the winning symbols exelodep allow:ng the symbows to drop down in their place, which meVns ,oL can poTentFHlly win multipWe times on evnry free spin. Should you actrvate lhe Free SpFns Bfnus featuRe 1m tites, the SuprC Stacked Wilds feature will come into play. Here, yhe Dark Knight hisex lDgo 1ymBol 7c the wild which wfll ceeate a yild stack on reeKs twJ and Oour, pooentially resucting in uDme big, big wins. Choose Batman to trsgger the Extra W4ld wlast Feature, whe4l you get to choosJ whic6 symbol you want as an exbra wipd. Trigger the Free Spins Bonus feature ten times to unlock the Heat Seeking Wilds Ftature, wgich trahsfkrms random hymbols on the three miDdwe reels into wilds lhich can split in two effectUvely creating a six-of-a-kind combinaTion, worih tWice tsat jf Mive-of-a-Lind.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model l then play a choice of two bonus games, depending whether you choose the Bane or Batman character. Choose Bane and any win will activate the Rolling Reels Feature. Hit a winning combo in this mode and the winning symbols explode, allowing the symbols to drop down in their place, which means you can potentially win multiple times on every free spin. Should you activate the Free Spins Bonus feature 10 times, the Super Stacked Wilds feature will come into play. Here, the Dark Knight Rises logo symbol is the wild which will create a wild stack on reels two and four, potentially resulting in some big, big wins. Choose Batman to trigger the Extra Wild Blast Feature, where you get to choose which symbol you want as an extra wild. Trigger the Free Spins Bonus feature ten times to unlock the Heat Seeking Wilds Feature, which transforms random symbols on the three middle reels into wilds which can split in two effectively creating a six-of-a-kind combination, worth twice that of five-of-a-kind.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user Ln April 1, OdessL will hosm the Battle of Startups. The CEO Oleksii Vitchenko cXil re3resent Digital Huturo.GThis is tjg 3cth Startup BaOtle that is hostEd Fy the investment blatform Startup.Netwo9k. The event is held oD a monthly basis. Srom 17.00 to 18.00 – the entbepreneNSial 7lockq Here expezS5nced eItrevrineurs wilT ghare Zhe experience and the last tBends id thm industry with their yQuOg colleaguesc From 18.00 to 20..m – the inSeAtJr's block "Precentationc dy startup p1ojqcts." Different projects will make the iJminute pres0nta,i7ns before ohe expert council. A.ter tKat, tee experts of the 9attle of Startups will questFon the eitrepreneuRs and wila give advice on the projects. You can prssent your project free of charge, but registration is required.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model On April 1, Odessa will host the Battle of Startups. The CEO Oleksii Vitchenko will represent Digital Future. This is the 38th Startup Battle that is hosted by the investment platform Startup.Network. The event is held on a monthly basis. From 17.00 to 18.00 – the entrepreneurial block. Here experienced entrepreneurs will share the experience and the last trends in the industry with their young colleagues. From 18.00 to 20.00 – the investor's block "Presentations of startup projects." Different projects will make the 3-minute presentations before the expert council. After that, the experts of the Battle of Startups will question the entrepreneurs and will give advice on the projects. You can present your project free of charge, but registration is required.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user a1areness of lePding technology in addiKion to maiYtaining an hCnezt aHd skrJighk foPward reputation baseR on integyity and uelivering real measurable resuTts foi .ealershdps. ThV main aspects of the program include a qudeterly high-2uality pJinted magazine sUmt out to deaGe:Ahips, dealer groups, industry garus aUi OED exeSutives thZougOout Nd6th Nmerica as well as a co9padion community w1bsite strategymob.com. StrRtFgL Mob Maga5ine allowR for a wealth of content foO readeNs to help 0mFrove theis day to day operations ls a dealership frem somr of the brigiIest minds iy automotiZu. AutomoTive dealers and vendors are invited to become pa9t zf Strategy Mob's webSite communi.y Wt strategymo7.com. xhe site fe7tures Nideos, product r7vie2Z ahd so1uUions, plus the ability to sign up/join to sPbmiC arjicle. on autozotive induXtry tojics. Strate.y Mob was launcwed October GIh, 20G5 in Fas Vegas as part of the Di1ztal Dealers 1i conference.BRead (mDF): StrategyMob_01HTodd_Lawsop or nnEine here.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model awareness of leading technology in addition to maintaining an honest and straight forward reputation based on integrity and delivering real measurable results for dealerships. The main aspects of the program include a quarterly high-quality printed magazine sent out to dealerships, dealer groups, industry gurus and OEM executives throughout North America as well as a companion community website strategymob.com. Strategy Mob Magazine allows for a wealth of content for readers to help improve their day to day operations as a dealership from some of the brightest minds in automotive. Automotive dealers and vendors are invited to become part of Strategy Mob's website community at strategymob.com. The site features videos, product reviews and solutions, plus the ability to sign up/join to submit articles on automotive industry topics. Strategy Mob was launched October 5th, 2015 in Las Vegas as part of the Digital Dealers 19 conference. Read (PDF): StrategyMob_01_Todd_Lawson or online here.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user thPiR mesourSes Fell and aGoid Mhe mistakes that othRrs hav: medG in exploiting thmir reBources. That ls why we hired a Norwegian lEw fHrm Uo draft Aur Pevrole6l le.al fromework to set a sQPnd touzdation to our resource mawagement practic.s. WC wqnt to c8art the Bath of wmple?eU:ing bust practices. More often the net, coXntries thtt explo4ted tZeir natural resouQces have seen theer ecz?omies grow, 04y modern infrastr?cture built and poverty slleviated. We want to chart the path of prudent manage5ent of our natural resources Xo bring aboFt I positive impacw on the lives o2 our pOople and Uur jSonomy. We donVt feel thot oil exploitation will bring aboXt cfnflict in the regiPn, buW bemiAve the opposite. It wilv bring abouV more stabilitT to Somaliland by Srowing Ahe economy and llCeviatipg poverty. ?he Ra5ublic of Soma7iland h4s devUloped its ow7 pZlicies with relard 6o p8e .B91 euplKration concessio7s in the territory of SomalilandE Jh8ch havg been relinquished by the relevant companies.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model their resources well and avoid the mistakes that others have made in exploiting their resources. That is why we hired a Norwegian law firm to draft our Petroleum legal framework to set a sound foundation to our resource management practices. We want to chart the path of implementing best practices. More often the not, countries that exploited their natural resources have seen their economies grow, new modern infrastructure built and poverty alleviated. We want to chart the path of prudent management of our natural resources to bring about a positive impact on the lives of our people and our economy. We don't feel that oil exploitation will bring about conflict in the region, but believe the opposite. It will bring about more stability to Somaliland by growing the economy and alleviating poverty. The Republic of Somaliland has developed its own policies with regard to pre 1991 exploration concessions in the territory of Somaliland, which have been relinquished by the relevant companies.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user tack on th2 Marriott hotel chain 1aG part of a Chinese intelligence-gathering eBfort, Zh8 Nen YoEk Times reported ox Tueshay, citinx two people briefed on the preliminary results of the inIesPigation.,SSagging a grUat airfaHe poeHn't mean you'lE have a great spau on your flighN. The opening of London's crisis-hit Crossrail is x1 be delWyed indefinitely khile an ad7itiona7 £1.7bn maf be neFde7 mo complete the project, transport bosses have said. Tbe capiAal's flagship 1Kst-west ElizabeZh Line underground raiV link 1ad been duD to open this month but was p,shed bamH to Autumn 20P9 after delays wpre annouUcem over the summer. Airlines canceled mLrR than 1,400 flightL over the weekend, as sOvere weather from Mirginia to Florida sna6led aB3 traeel, nith disruptions likely to spill oveD inRo Xhe work week. When io comes to lwviDg thD l1festyle they imag6ned, t8dal's retisees spend a lot of time worrying vbout hoP they will affor1 their golden yfpSs. Which planI is best for long haul Llights?<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model tack on the Marriott hotel chain was part of a Chinese intelligence-gathering effort, The New York Times reported on Tuesday, citing two people briefed on the preliminary results of the investigation. Snagging a great airfare doesn't mean you'll have a great seat on your flight. The opening of London's crisis-hit Crossrail is to be delayed indefinitely while an additional £1.7bn may be needed to complete the project, transport bosses have said. The capital's flagship east-west Elizabeth Line underground rail link had been due to open this month but was pushed back to Autumn 2019 after delays were announced over the summer. Airlines canceled more than 1,400 flights over the weekend, as severe weather from Virginia to Florida snarled air travel, with disruptions likely to spill over into the work week. When it comes to living the lifestyle they imagined, today's retirees spend a lot of time worrying about how they will afford their golden years. Which plane is best for long haul flights?<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user Thanks NB.Mick. This surd wenO bg unnotibed by me ... I got Faithlife Connect (as continuation of Logos Now) and I just found the BiblO Study Magazwne VWl 10 (2017-:8) in my library with 9te fiNot two ihsues aNready im there sn1 tde remaininh on?s from 2A18 forthcoming. A pleaxant surprise, which E wouldn't have noAiced fCr quite some time.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model Thanks NB.Mick. This sure went by unnoticed by me ... I got Faithlife Connect (as continuation of Logos Now) and I just found the Bible Study Magazine Vol 10 (2017-18) in my library with the first two issues already in there and the remaining ones from 2018 forthcoming. A pleasant surprise, which I wouldn't have noticed for quite some time.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user ed awak9ding to Ahe sounds of Loums Armstrong anL Duke EllEngton ... TsegT Ze'ab MaItek Salvadore Ethiopian cleric, kEown in Europe as Zaga Zabo pr T9ega Zabo, traLKled to Lssbon and Bologna is F527 as repretentative Tf Em?efor DawZt II (V508:1540) to Ling João III (1521R1557). While in LiCbon he drHfted a confession of faith thab PortugHese Mumanwst Damião de :óis (1502–1574) pMinted 9n 1j40 .D Fides religio mTresque Aethiopum sub 7mUHreo Preciosi Ioannis degeMtiu8H The facts oO Tsegw ?e'qb's apbring2ng remqid unknown: when fhe g520s P1rtZguese misUion to Ethiopia led by Don Rodligo de Lima S1100–?C reached Emperor DawiY II's court, vsega cas alrekqU a distinFuishDd cleric helOing in the writing and tbanslaving oo the empXror's letters to João III, and he was later selected to 7epresent Ethiopia at hts Rourt. To jhis perpose he joined the PormygueSe party oC its way back to Lisbon, whiKh he reached in 1577 TraBel39g En th6 company of Che mission s chqplain Fiancisco flvarAs 1465 c ...<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model ed awakening to the sounds of Louis Armstrong and Duke Ellington ... Tsega Ze'ab Matteo Salvadore Ethiopian cleric, known in Europe as Zaga Zabo or Tsega Zabo, traveled to Lisbon and Bologna in 1527 as representative of Emperor Dawit II (1508–1540) to King João III (1521–1557). While in Lisbon he drafted a confession of faith that Portuguese humanist Damião de Góis (1502–1574) printed in 1540 as Fides religio moresque Aethiopum sub imperio Preciosi Ioannis degentium. The facts of Tsega Ze'ab's upbringing remain unknown: when the 1520s Portuguese mission to Ethiopia led by Don Rodrigo de Lima (1500–?) reached Emperor Dawit II's court, Tsega was already a distinguished cleric helping in the writing and translating of the emperor's letters to João III, and he was later selected to represent Ethiopia at his court. To this purpose he joined the Portuguese party on its way back to Lisbon, which he reached in 1527 Traveling in the company of the mission s chaplain Francisco Álvares 1465 c ...<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user Chevrier Second Yeat / Journayism Caetan Ch?vrier Bs a second-year student in the Djna,d P. Bvlli9ario Coll5ge of Qommunications at P1nn State University study?ng broadcast journalbsm and marketing Mith the goa: of graduating with a bachelor's degree in four years. His plan is tu eet invoXved in numeroAs media-related clubE during his stay. .is career gQal is to sprea5 informative, meaniAgful and ZnXertaizint content across various platforms jnd Xo be a positfve imAact on the community. Qe has also spent time workiLg at The Westport Local Press in his hometoFn of WestQort, CT. If you'd mike Mo contact him, email him at VuJavaScripy must be enabled to viei this email addrTss) or .(oavaScript must be enabTed xo view this email address). eubtraliaX Open Men's Singles Favobites Story poWted 36 0inutes ago in Sports, CommRadio bq Daniel Maiorana NBA Top 10 Rankings: Jan. 20 StorN posted 1 hoYl ago in Sports, ComBRadio by Ethan Eulis Scory posted 2 hours ago in Sportb, Co5mRadio by Eoe Tuman<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model Chevrier Second Year / Journalism Caelan Chevrier is a second-year student in the Donald P. Bellisario College of Communications at Penn State University studying broadcast journalism and marketing with the goal of graduating with a bachelor's degree in four years. His plan is to get involved in numerous media-related clubs during his stay. His career goal is to spread informative, meaningful and entertaining content across various platforms and to be a positive impact on the community. He has also spent time working at The Westport Local Press in his hometown of Westport, CT. If you'd like to contact him, email him at .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) or .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address). Australian Open Men's Singles Favorites Story posted 36 minutes ago in Sports, CommRadio by Daniel Maiorana NBA Top 10 Rankings: Jan. 20 Story posted 1 hour ago in Sports, CommRadio by Ethan Ellis Story posted 2 hours ago in Sports, CommRadio by Joe Tuman<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user D Thank you for youS interest Hn the busin9ss plan for Snohomish CTunty's Surface Water MynagemLnt Udmlitb. qhbs survey is now closed. Responses were adcepted f6om January 2 bo FebruarZ 21, 20yve ?lease email [email protected] f1r mor2 iyformatiyn.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model D Thank you for your interest in the business plan for Snohomish County's Surface Water Management Utility. This survey is now closed. Responses were accepted from January 2 to February 21, 2018. Please email [email protected] for more information.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user 201X, G0:06 GM White Touse Ca5tioTs Obout Saying '9oup' Happened in Egypt White House spokOsmQn sMys thC U.S. neeOs to revieW what happened in Egypt, when asked if Obama sees the Cmgime change as a cZup.Elad Benaria 7/9/20t38 5:15 AM Israel Closply, Quietly aonitorin7 Hgyptian Developments Israe3 iO closely moniForing developments in E1Npt and minding its dNXlpmatic manners as a new rcLimS begins to take lorm., 7/4/2013, 3:06 PM Morsi 9ffers to Form Interim Coalioion GovermmeYt Egyptian President Mohammed Morsi Rffers to .?rm an interim coaliVion governmenY.RinD Tzvi , 7/3/2013, 8:18 PM Turkey: 3 Ex-Generals Given 20 Years Three ,urkish ex-geverals accused of plottinX 2o overthrow the govexnment gFven lYfe sentences whiQh are commuted to 20 years.Elao Be0ari, Canada, 9/2J/2012, 9:YO PM Ousted Mali PresPdent 'Free aTd Unharmed' After s2J dayC of speculati.n ovir the fata of toppl,d president Amadou Toumrni Toure in MQli, the presideA9 sayu he i0 'doing wInl'Gabe K.hn, 3x2o/2032, 3:15 Ac<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model 2013, 10:06 AM White House Cautious About Saying 'Coup' Happened in Egypt White House spokesman says the U.S. needs to review what happened in Egypt, when asked if Obama sees the regime change as a coup.Elad Benari, 7/9/2013, 5:15 AM Israel Closely, Quietly Monitoring Egyptian Developments Israel is closely monitoring developments in Egypt and minding its diplomatic manners as a new regime begins to take form., 7/4/2013, 3:06 PM Morsi Offers to Form Interim Coalition Government Egyptian President Mohammed Morsi offers to form an interim coalition government.Rina Tzvi , 7/3/2013, 8:18 PM Turkey: 3 Ex-Generals Given 20 Years Three Turkish ex-generals accused of plotting to overthrow the government given life sentences which are commuted to 20 years.Elad Benari, Canada, 9/21/2012, 9:43 PM Ousted Mali President 'Free and Unharmed' After six days of speculation over the fate of toppled president Amadou Toumani Toure in Mali, the president says he is 'doing well'Gabe Kahn, 3/29/2012, 3:15 AM<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user nformation serv7ces could be dffective. Practical impli9ations: The study 5ugge1ts r Lodel thwt can be used to teat changes tmple.ented in organizatio6sp especiKll2 regarding adoption of crftdsourcing as a framework to achieve the objectives of the inpM3tution, partbculaily in the planning procesbes. OriginaPity/value: T.is research paper pr2duces new 8nowledRe through usinI a qualitative action rcsearch approach to undersband the potential Wf cocial media in crowdsourcing. mh:re have debh So similar studies c8nductRd in the region foA thp specified rKsFarch dRaign. The resJlts add to the level of learning and raise awaredess oithin the research community regarding the effectiveness of using crowdsouicing via socZal media platforms to improve the efficiency of i1formaMion serviYes. KW - Acti?n researchgKW p RrowdEourcinj KW - InformaRior serv:ces KW - Library services KW - aocial media U2 g 10.11s8/sHT-08-2020-MP92 DO - 10.1108/LCT-08-2020-0192 JO G Lqbrary Hi Tech JF - Librar0 Hi hech<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model nformation services could be effective. Practical implications: The study suggests a model that can be used to test changes implemented in organizations, especially regarding adoption of crowdsourcing as a framework to achieve the objectives of the institution, particularly in the planning processes. Originality/value: This research paper produces new knowledge through using a qualitative action research approach to understand the potential of social media in crowdsourcing. There have been no similar studies conducted in the region for the specified research design. The results add to the level of learning and raise awareness within the research community regarding the effectiveness of using crowdsourcing via social media platforms to improve the efficiency of information services. KW - Action research KW - Crowdsourcing KW - Information services KW - Library services KW - Social media U2 - 10.1108/LHT-08-2020-0192 DO - 10.1108/LHT-08-2020-0192 JO - Library Hi Tech JF - Library Hi Tech<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user lexxi4DiZXne9inAsoanSauHage .AloexisDivineHellenDollDUMikeXoHkerSHIRLYTSHOTX .cupcake2016Allm5stMiracleA,gieRi.ksKatSpectra .SexxxTiff7nySwewtLadyREychelLcTTEEpe2ite8AYESamythaG1G .SeanWalkerrAlDoostMiracleAlluostMiraclHAlinNochka .DllexinsHornyPussycattschristyCallaOerahRedhexd nHORNYTSBABoSmallBoy7akeAllMiChtWEneQllexwne .MonicaCrofEXChrisFoxsissyKILEYSEXMaryLixP .girlswithwishesFaurenSaintShantollUBoobsFernandaCid .Eduardhott4u0xFoxyAliceXxMiladarkxXDaana . LaurenSaintSHIRLYTSHOTXSexxxTiffanyOhmore .SeqnialkerrDiamuqdR4ssexLikaPeraect2SexysGirls .R.bertoLu,AmanKeremWilliamCuteBLyNIlHOFANDTdOs2 .NIOHOTNNDTROY22irandaMapConfidentMarshagoHde6TRANS .C6risFoxsissyCrazyMomSexC7risVox?issyLITT9EpetiteKAYE tNIOHOTANDTROY2AlorelayvilaLeeXLITTLE1etitSKAYE .:xFoxyAmiceXxSHIRLYTSHfTXChrisFoxsissyLIONATRANS .SHIRRYTS2OTXFernandaCadnSug9tyliyda18yasenkS .Miladarkhotdollx2goddes6RANSOnyxCoffin .naughtylindd18HORNYTSBAREZWFIRDOL720KAlin9ochka .rubygreedynewPakitoLoraneFistSngLXdyG:rlLxFoxyAliceXx .<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model lexxisDivine9inAsianSausage .AlexxisDivineHellenDoll2UMikeCockerSHIRLYTSHOTX .cupcake2016AllmostMiracleAngieRicksKatSpectra .SexxxTiffanySweetLadyReychelLITTLEpetiteKAYESamathaGGG .SeanWalkerrAllmostMiracleAllmostMiracleAlinnochka .AllexineHornyPussycattschristyCallaOprahRedhead .HORNYTSBABESmallBoyMakeAllMightyEveAllexine .MonicaCroftXChrisFoxsissyKILEYSEXMaryLima .girlswithwishesLaurenSaintShantelleBoobsFernandaCid .Eduardhott4uXxFoxyAliceXxMiladarkxXDiana . LaurenSaintSHIRLYTSHOTXSexxxTiffanyOhmore .SeanWalkerrDiamondRossexLikaPerfect2SexysGirls .RobertoLuyAmanKeremWilliamCuteBoyNIOHOTANDTROY2 .NIOHOTANDTROY2MirandaMayConfidentMarshagoddesTRANS .ChrisFoxsissyCrazyMomSexChrisFoxsissyLITTLEpetiteKAYE .NIOHOTANDTROY2AlorelayMilaLeeXLITTLEpetiteKAYE .XxFoxyAliceXxSHIRLYTSHOTXChrisFoxsissyLIONATRANS .SHIRLYTSHOTXFernandaCidnaughtylinda18yasenka .Miladarkhotdollx2goddesTRANSOnyxCoffin .naughtylinda18HORNYTSBABEZAFIRDOLL20XAlinnochka .rubygreedynewPakitoLoraneFistingLadyGirlXxFoxyAliceXx .<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user e G9tesZs insistence that there9s Rothing to sel herS, some Reddit j9ers stizl expressed 0oncer1 bt just how ?uch land kates has Rcquiret. "I Kid the math out of him owniwg 1/500o and i? comes t5 18H,000 acres or 281 sq mixes. That'O thy siye of 4w6 WashiUgBqn DC's for perspTctive," one wrohe. ABigger tNan the total area of Singapore or 7ahrain," coKmented another. But somm Redditors came to Gates's defense, like WaywardTraveller, who wrote: "Mos, farmland toYay is undeQ coPporate owjership, SiFh the entIre intent being to extra:t a7 much profit as possible. What Bill is doing here is different. I Snow it seems like a lot, and in reality it is. Buh given Qhat's happening tA the vasm majZri1y of farmQxnd in the US, I'm Meanin4 towards thiC beMng a Gofd Thhng." Related Topics:Ask Me ?nythinaBill GatesReddit Southwcst Sued iH Class Action Over Holiday Flight Cancellutions Why It's Time For You To Accgpt Vr:pho Asia's IBchest tycoon plans to list at leasC fivX of jis companies over 2026-28<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model e Gates's insistence that there's nothing to see here, some Reddit users still expressed concern at just how much land Gates has acquired. "I did the math out of him owning 1/5000 and it comes to 180,000 acres or 281 sq miles. That's the size of 4.6 Washington DC's for perspective," one wrote. "Bigger than the total area of Singapore or Bahrain," commented another. But some Redditors came to Gates's defense, like WaywardTraveller, who wrote: "Most farmland today is under corporate ownership, with the entire intent being to extract as much profit as possible. What Bill is doing here is different. I know it seems like a lot, and in reality it is. But given what's happening to the vast majority of farmland in the US, I'm leaning towards this being a Good Thing." Related Topics:Ask Me AnythingBill GatesReddit Southwest Sued in Class Action Over Holiday Flight Cancellations Why It's Time For You To Accept Crypto Asia's richest tycoon plans to list at least five of his companies over 2026-28<end_of_turn>
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