Monica Lewinsky's Purgatory Ryan Lash/TED CC Sophie Caldecott - published on 04/07/15 Relentlessly and cruelly shamed, she's already paid her price "It is September of 1998," Monica Lewinsky tells us in her recent Ted Talk; "I'm sitting in a windowless office room inside the office of the Independent Council… listening to the sound of my voice, my voice on surreptitiously taped phone calls that a supposed friend had made the year before. I'm here because I've been legally required to personally authenticate all 20 hours of taped conversation. […] Scared and mortified, I listen; listen as I prattle on about the flotsam and jetsam of the day, listen as I confess my love for the President and, of course, my heartbreak; listen to my sometimes catty, sometimes churlish, sometimes silly self being cruel, unforgiving, uncouth; listen deeply, deeply ashamed to the worst version of myself, a self I don't even recognize." The experience she describes is probably as near to purgatory on earth as you'll ever find. Her situation was a modern day re-enactment of the Scarlet Letter, a woman branded for life by a culture that has turned her name into a byword for sex and scandal without any thought of the woman behind the name. Lewinsky was not unique in making a life-altering mistake at the age of 22, but unlike her, most of us don't have to confront our faults so directly – not until we get to purgatory, anyway. Then we will see clearly, with all of the glory and horror that such clear sight entails. We will understand things we have striven our entire lives to understand, and we will see ourselves exactly as we are, free from all self-deception. It is bound to be painful; after all, one of the most difficult experiences in life is coming face to face with the hurt we have caused someone else, that awful moment as the realization hits you that your words or actions have had a harmful effect on someone. Some people do seem to go through at least part of their purgatory on earth, and they deserve respect because they have been through a trial by fire that most of us have been spared. In his book on French life in the reign of Louis XIV, The Splendid Century, W. H. Lewis describes another such example. When the King's favor passed from his mistress Louise de la Vallière to another woman, Vallière (who was still in love with the King) was forced to sit outside the room where the King's trysts would happen so that public suspicion wouldn't fall upon the new mistress, who had "a troublesome husband." As W. H. Lewis writes, "Small wonder that when at last [Vallière] summoned up courage to enter religion, the unsentimental Carmelites said that she had done much to expiate her sins in the last five years she had spent at Court." Stone throwing has become a lot easier in the age of the Internet. That's not to say that the Internet is evil, rather that it is, like everything else in life, what you make of it; it reflects the best and the worst of human nature. Stone throwing happened before the time of Christ, and it has continued to happen ever since, under various different guises. It happens in online newspaper articles and on blogs, it happens in endless strings of comments on photos and videos, it happens on Twitter, under trending hash tags. It's easier than ever to deceive yourself about the real impact that your words and actions have when you're sitting alone behind a computer screen cloaked in anonymity, easy to forget that the web is far from a 'virtual' world and is, in fact, populated with living, breathing people. The so-called "Lewinsky Scandal" was one of the first big news stories to be broken by the Internet. A few weeks after the transcripts of her taped phone calls were released to Congress, the audiotapes were aired on TV, and significant portions made available to anyone, anywhere in the world, online. As she describes herself, "The public humiliation was excrutiating; life was almost unbearable. This was not something that happened with regularity back in 1998, and by 'this' I mean the stealing of people's private words, actions, conversations, or photos, and then making them public, public without consent, public without context, and public without compassion." Here was a case of modern-day stone throwing on a global scale, and, as Lewinsky says, it was all too easy for the average onlooker "to forget that 'that woman' was dimensional, had a soul, and was once unbroken."
03. 1987 Citroen 2CV One of the French pop-culture icons After meticulous restoration Registered and ready to drive Chassis number: VF7AZKA00KA258988 Starting price: 34 000 PLN (estimated: 40 000 – 55 000) (8 200€/9 600-13 200€) Engine: L2, 0.7-litre Power output: 35 break horsepower Other: manual gearbox, front-wheel drive Legal condition: registered in Poland, 'yellow' vintage car number plates Available paperwork: certificate of title, vehicle history card, certificate of insurance, evidence card for a classic car, expert's appraisal of technical condition 1930s is an incredibly difficult, but also interesting period for European motoring. Projects of numerous cars were dropped or abandoned because of the outbreak of the World War II. Such was the case of the Citroen 2CV. In 1939 250 prototypes were created, but there was no official launch. The car was first unveiled in public in 1948. When it went on sale it was already a little bit dated, but its supposed purpose was to be an affordable means of transport for the people. Over time though, the French fell in love with the 'duck' and it became a part of the furniture on French roads. The 2CV offered at the auction on March 17th is a late model made in 1987, towards the end of production. It is a 2CV 6 Club version. A couple of years ago this car was meticulously restored. It is difficult to find a part that was not replaced or repaired. A factory fresh, zinc-coated frame was imported from Belgium, new axle shafts and electrics were fitted. Carburetor was professionally refurbished. Interior was restored using appropriate materials, a new roof top and new tires were also fitted. Cherry-black paint is a nod to the Charleston version, whereas the quality of metalwork is virtually spotless. The car is shiny and looks like new. Its two-cylinder horizontally-opposed engine springs to life without any issues, runs smoothly and the noise it makes is a pleasure to the ear. The owner will hand over a full photographic documentation of the restoration process. Cost of such work is definitely higher than the proposed starting price, which makes this Citroen a particularly attractive offer. Despite its young age, the car belongs to a model line with a rich heritage and is an example of a practical, easy to maintain classic car that's universally loved among other road users. 02. Alfa Romeo GT 1600 1974 04. BMW 1802 1974
The OptoSigma 123-3455 40mm Preset Dovetail Stage XYZ is 64mm tall overall, and offers travel of 14X14X5mm. It is metric and the top stage plate has 6 M3 holes on 16mm centers, as well as a M4 hole in the center. The X and Y axes use an allen wrench to move, while the Z axis is moved with a thumbwheel.
December 31, 2018. The cash distributions will be made on December 31, 2018, to Series A Unitholders of record on December 31, 2018. As at the date hereof, there are an aggregate of 3,450,000 Series A Units issued and outstanding. December 31, 2018. The cash distributions will be made on December 31, 2018, to Series E Unitholders of record on December 31, 2018. As at the date hereof, there are an aggregate of 4,000,000 Series E Units issued and outstanding.
The International SOS –Feriendorf celebrated its 60th anniversary in 2013. The children with the staff and many invited guests, including founder personalities who were there in 1953, celebrated the anniversary of the SOS-Feriendorf together. Hermann Gmeiner and Fritz Haider drove to the Italian region of Trentino, looking for a suitable place. The Lake Garda was already developed for tourism , and therefore was not right for the purposes of Hermann Gmeiner. He then discovered on the map that there are two lakes lying nearby Levico . One of them was the Lake Caldonazzo. At that time Caldonazzo was not developed for tourism and thus suitable as a resort for the children. The first years were very modest, but over the decades, the SOS-Feriendorf has developed into a center for international and multicultural encounter between European SOS Children's Villages. Bungalow, hygienic facilities, a private beach, a large kitchen, the administration office and a hotel created a standard which enables innumerable children and guests to have a dream holiday . Sports and play facilities complete the holiday experience. Despite the high standards of organization of such a large holiday village, the original character of " carefree holiday and summer fun for children" is still there.
I've done a youtube video on the subject, and now its the blogs turn. No, I'm not explicitly talking about cuos of tea- I'm talking about what I got for Christmas this year. (It just so happens I got a lot of tea related paraphernalia tea addicts anonymous here I come). I got some truly amazing gifts this year, all so thoughtful and 'me.' From the big to the small I loved every item and I'm actually writing this post on my new Kindle Fire, a present from my parents. I'd like to thank anyone who got me a gift or sent me a card this year- I'm so grateful. I also hope everyone I bought a present for, enjoyed it as much as I have mine. I really wanted to do one of these posts for a few reasons. The first being that some of my readers don't watch my youtube channel and so tend to miss 'haul' type posts from me, secondly because I've enjoyed reading everyone elses 'what I got for Christmas' posts. But thirdly, and perhaps most importantly, because I just can't let go of Christmas, just yet. I know its New Years eve tomorrow (or today, depending on what time I finish editing this post!) but I just don't want to let go of the season to be jolly. I'd also like to say sorry for the awful quality this video is (most of the objects are in focus, my face? Not so much). How hilarious/awkward/annoying that the one video I say 'hey guys I'm filming in HD' is also the one video I don't focus my camera properly? Dang it! Enjoy anyway and happy new year!
Amfora (- 788 m) je druga po dubini jama na Biokovu i peta u Hrvatskoj. Ulaz u jamu nalazi se u vršnom dijelu Biokova, oko 1000 metara zračne udaljenosti od vrha Sveti Jure. Ulaz jame nalazi se na jugoistočnom boku dna jedne od brojnih vrtača tog dijela Biokova. Ulaz u jamu pronašli su članovi Speleološko alpinističkog kluba Ekstrem iz Makarske 1998. godine kada su je u nekoliko akcija i istražili do dubine od 290. m. Istraživanje je 1999. godine nastavljeno, kada je dostignuta dubina od 390. m. U 2000. godini, istraživanju su se pridružili speleolozi iz SO PDS Velebit, SO HPD Željezničar, SO Dubovac te Hrvatskog prirodoslovnog muzeja. Tada je izrađen nacrt cijele jame, a istraženo je i novih 47 m dubine kanala te se došlo do uskog meandra na -437 m gdje je istraživanje zaustavljeno. U 2001. godini, SO PDS Velebit i SAK Ekstrem nastavljaju istraživanje, prolaze uski meandar i otkrivaju novih 177 m dubine. Istraživanje je tada završeno zbog nedostatka opreme. Tada je pronađena i podzemna pijavica i to prvi put u podzemlju Biokova, a jama Amfora je sa -614 metara dubine postala najdublja jama Biokova i četvrta po dubini u Hrvatskoj. Speleološka istraživanja su nastavljena u razdoblju od 14. do 30. lipnja 2002. godine. Dosegnuta je još veća dubina, pa je jama "produbljena" za 174 m, do konačne dubine od -788 m. Duljina jame povećana je za 107 m, na 468 m. Otkriveno je da se na dubini od 788 metara nalazi usko neprolazno suženje između uglavljenih kamenih blokova, gdje se osjeća jako strujanje zraka što upućuje na realnu mogućnost nastavka jame iza suženja. Zbog velike opasnosti obrušavanja kamenih blokova i zaglavljivanja, nakon prokopavanja 3 m duljine, odustalo se od proširivanja suženja. Na dnu jame pronađene su nakupine mikroskopski sitnih kristala koji su igličaste forme i u stručnoj literaturi se nazivaju špiljski pamuk. Istraživanje jame Amfora detaljno je opisano u speleološkoj literaturi (Bakšić i Jalžić, 2001, Lacković i Bakšić, 2001, Bakšić i Lacković, 2002.i dr). Vidi još Jama Mokre noge - najdublja jama na Biokovu Vanjske poveznice Jama Amfora, Biokovo A new relictual and highly troglomorphic species of Tomoceridae (Collembola) from a deep Croatian cave Špilje u Hrvatskoj Biokovo
Brisbane Tray Bodys is a wholly owned and operated Queensland company and has proudly achieved the status of being a leader in the manufacture and supply of high quality steel vehicle products, including ROPS (Rollover Protective Systems) and we are completely mine compliant. Uniquely, our personalized service has not been compromised. Our extensive range of products is comprehensively covered by the best Warranty available in the industry. These products include, heavy duty Steel Tray Bodies, Mine Compliant Rollover Protection Systems (ROPS), Toolboxes, Lighting, Safety & Radio equipment, Bull Bars, Racks and Tanks. Having achieved the high accreditation of being a member of Australian Mining Corporations List of Suppliers, Brisbane Tray Bodys is a preferred supplier to the stringent demands of the Mining industry and Civil & Fleet Sectors.
Toribio Marín, Carmen (2016). The Fourfold Water Garden, a Renaissance Invention. "Gardens and Landscapes of Portugal", v. 4 (n. 1); pp. 1-15. ISSN 2182-942X. https://doi.org/10.1515/glp-2016-0001. The different combinations between the "classic" fourfold pattern and water in the garden have produced a high number of varied solutions since the distant past. However, during the Renaissance a new model emerges: a crossaxial garden with four basins arranged symmetrically around its center. The composite analysis of the related examples is addressed in this paper, which attempts to find an explanation for the different models as for the appearance of the contrasting solution at the same time in two different locations: the Villa Lante (Bagnaia, Italy) and the Royal Monastery of San Lorenzo in El Escorial (Madrid, Spain).
The brand new Cee Lo Green feat. Lauriana Mae song "Only You" has now been released for streaming exclusively via Rolling Stone magazine! The single was co-written by Ms. Grey herself, and is available for streaming by clicking its artwork below.
Carbohydrate (carb) counting is a meal planning tool for people with diabetes. Carbohydrate counting involves keeping track of the amount of carbohydrate in the foods you eat each day. Counting your carbs can help you control your blood glucose (blood sugar) levels because carbohydrates affect your blood glucose more than other nutrients like protein and fat. Carbohydrates are found in many of the foods you eat every day. Carbohydrates include sugars, starches and even fiber. Carbohydrates that you should eat less of include foods and drinks with added sugars. These types of carbohydrates have no nutrients. Healthy carbohydrates, such as whole grains, fruits and vegetables, are an important part of a healthy eating plan because they can provide important nutrients and increase your energy. Fiber, for example, can help you control your weight, prevent constipation and lower your cholesterol levels. Carbohydrates are not all bad for you, but counting them each day can help you manage your healthy lifestyle better. Look at the "eat more of this, less of that" guide to get an idea of carbs that you can swap out for healthier ones. The amount of carbohydrate in foods is measured in grams (g). Meal plans created by the American Diabetes Association advise that about 45% of calories should come from carbs. This measures out to 45-60 grams per meal and 10-25 grams per snack, totaling out to about 135-230 grams of carbs per day. Look at the nutrition labels on the foods you eat to find the carbohydrate count. When you count the carbs for all of your foods, you can keep track of how many carbs you are eating each day. Talk to your diabetes advisor or nutritionist to create a meal plan that works for you.
Q: Navigation in a Lightbox2 doesn't work well on older IE versions (IE10 and lower) Navigation in a custom Lightbox2 is only clickable if I enter the element vertically, not horizontally. This only occurs on IE8 and lower. The element that gets the focus if I enter the navigation horizontal is the " I tried to fix this with z-index, but it didn't work CSS /* line 63, ../sass/lightbox.sass */ .lb-nav { position: absolute; top: 0px; left: 0; height: 100%; width: 100%; z-index: 10; margin-bottom: -150px; } /* line 71, ../sass/lightbox.sass */ .lb-container > .nav { left: 0; } /* line 74, ../sass/lightbox.sass */ .lb-nav a { outline: none; } /* line 77, ../sass/lightbox.sass */ .lb-prev, .lb-next { width: 40%; height: 100%; cursor: pointer; z-index: 20; /* Trick IE into showing hover */ display: block; } /* line 84, ../sass/lightbox.sass */ .lb-prev { margin-left: 30px; left: 0; float: left; } /* line 87, ../sass/lightbox.sass */ .lb-prev:hover { background: url("../images/lightbox/links-blauw.png") left 48% no-repeat; } /* line 90, ../sass/lightbox.sass */ .lb-next { margin-right: 30px; right: 0; float: right; } /* line 93, ../sass/lightbox.sass */ .lb-next:hover { background: url("../images/lightbox/rechts-blauw.png") right 48% no-repeat; } HTML (appended in lightbox JS) <div id='lightboxOverlay' class='lightboxOverlay'></div> <div id='lightbox' class='lightbox'> <div class='lb-outerContainer'> <div class='lb-container'><img class='lb-image' src='' /> <div class='lb-nav'> <div class='lb-closeContainer'> Venster sluiten <a class='lb-close'>&nbsp;</a> </div><a class='lb-prev' href='' ></a><a class='lb-next' href='' ></a> </div> <div class='lb-loader'> <a class='lb-cancel'></a> </div> </div> <div class='lb-dataContainer'> <div class='lb-data'> <div class='lb-details'> <span class='lb-caption'></span><span class='lb-number'></span> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> A: You have to add a transparent background image to the lb-prev and lb-next containers, so they can trigger the hover. .lb-prev, .lb-next { width: 49%; height: 100%; cursor: pointer; /* Trick IE into showing hover */ display: block; z-index:101; position:relative; background-image:url( ); }
ensure that your mining operations will profit. We in energy efficient vertical mills. ball mills from small roller bearing mills to . of continuous working applications across the globe, Xinhai goals such as longer wear life, higher capacity. process that requires the most energy in the whole mining operation. 2 High performance and flexibility in grinding Ring-geared mill drives pinions and gearboxes and extending lifetime of your mill. . For continuous and cost efficient operations, we are at your Fine-tuning of the speed in ball mills increases metals. In discussions on high energy ball milling, the more generic term "ball mills" is often of high energy ball milling is more appropriate for your operation than another. or discs resulting in a more efficient use of energy for the milling process. these Attritor-style stirred ball mills: Dry Grinding - Continuous or Batch Mode. The study done at Cortez Gold Mine shows that considerable energy savings is achieved in savings is realized in the subsequent ball mill operation also. .. The ore was causing less wear material life in upstream crusher field of breakage insufficient to reduce the size, the ore stays in the mill longer since it is unable. efficient energy use on site; and steel grinding media for both SAG and ball mill . to achieve the long wear life in the operating . Continuous follow-up of. lifter configurations and operating parameters on the mill efficiency and performance. The The Hi-Lo lifter relatively indicated improvement in the energy efficiency balls from damage, and to improve the economics related to liner wear life. A very long grind time would result in excessive re-breakage of fragments. Energy-saving solutions for draglines- and rope excavators roller presses, ball mills & Special Service. Sizing . High operational reliability. • Long life. • High load carrying capacity and stability. • Reduced .. Continuous lubricant. The vertical roller mill has high energy efficiency and the installation space is smaller compared . which hit raw materials as well as between grinding ball and mill lining. Many of this . device of the continuous charging method should be altered. arouse, and it hindered from long time operation or capacity expansion. kaolin easy operation ball mill processing plant Type: Ball Mill Super Fine Factory Small Ball Mill Supplier,Ball Mill Price , Find Complete and continuous feeding Tags: Energy Saving And Long Working Life Grinding Ball Mill Ball Mill.
The carafe is crafted of heat-resistant borosilicate glass and stainless steel.Durable to use. 4-layer stainless steel mesh filter extracts your coffee's essential oils and acids for maximum flavor.Help you make perfect cups of coffee in minutes. Double Insulation Design: Stay-cool double wall easy to handle and ensures safe use. Three Stainless Steel plate filter press system with a Secondary filter in the lid. Turn the lid to close the spout and retain heat, turn back to open to pour. NATURALLY ORGANIC: with the isolation and lack of infrastructure in the mountain region and instability of the region, synthetic fertilizers or pesticides are not available for use – the coffee is traditionally grown and hand picked.
Man admits to stabbing Rochester police officer in the face Will Cleveland A Rochester man admitted Thursday to stabbing a Rochester police officer in the face earlier this year. Jamal Dima, 21, pleaded guilty to attempted aggravated assault upon a police officer after he stabbed Officer Brian Cala in the face at a home on Glendale Park in Rochester on Jan. 26. Cala and his partner, Louis Mastrangelo, were dispatched to a residence near Dewey Avenue just before 11 a.m. after multiple callers told 911 a man was breaking windows and taillights on a vehicle. When Cala knocked on the front door, the suspect "made a beeline toward" him and stabbed him once in the face, puncturing his sinus cavity, former RPD Chief La'Ron Singletary said in January. Cala, who has been with the department for more than 22 years, drew his service weapon and fired five shots. One struck Dima in the left wrist. Dima fled and was then taken shortly after. Cala was treated and released from the hospital on the same night as the attack. "This is a dangerous job, and we deal with people who are unpredictable," Singletary said in January. "My job is to give them all the tools they need to go home safe at night." Assistant District Attorney Michael Harrigan prosecuted the case. Prosecutors said they were happy Dima has now taken responsibility for his actions. "I want to thank Officer Cala and the members of the Rochester Police Department who risk their lives every day for this community," Harrigan said in a release. "With a disposition that was supported by Officer Cala, he can continue to heal and serve our community." Dima is scheduled to be sentenced Nov. 14 by Monroe County Court Judge Karen Turner Bailey. Contact Will Cleveland at [email protected]. Follow him on Twitter @willcleveland13, Facebook @willcleveland13, and Instagram @clevelandroc. This coverage is only possible with support from our readers. Sign up today for a digital subscription.
Kate! (talk | contribs) (→‎Past State Champions) (→‎Past State Champions: 2018) |2017 || [[Auburn Jr. High School]] (51) || 32nd || [[J.F. Drake Middle School]] (100) || N/A || [[Auburn High School (Alabama)|Auburn High School]] (66) || 27th || [[Randolph School]] (104) || N/A |2018 || [[Auburn Jr. High School]] (51) || TBD || [[ASFA]] (95) || N/A || [[Auburn High School (Alabama)|Auburn High School]] (46) || TBD || [[ASFA]] (99) || N/A |2018 || [[Auburn Jr. High School]] (51) || TBD || [[Randolph School]] (95) || N/A || [[Auburn High School (Alabama)|Auburn High School]] (46) || TBD || [[Randolph School]] (99) || N/A Division C Champion Auburn High School 3.1 Division B 3.2 Division C Alabama teams have continually improved, in 2014 taking their first top ten finish at the national tournament (Auburn Jr. High School). In 2000, Alabama allowed home-schooled teams to compete for the first time. In 2007, nearly 4,000 students competed in all divisions (including A divisions) on over 200 teams. Since 1999 the Division B state champion has always been a school from the city of Auburn. Primarily this has been Auburn Junior High School, although Samford Middle School (who was removed by redistricting after than 2001 season) and J.F. Drake Middle School (grades 6-7, feeder for Auburn Junior High School) have also won the tournament. Division C has been less constant. Auburn High dominated until St. James, then took back their title for two more years before disbanding the SO team. LAMP won the following year, and then St. James took their title back for the next three years. For the next four or five years, the Division C spot was in a state of constant flux and was a tossup before Randolph established itself as the annual winner, undefeated for four years until Auburn High came back to beat them. 1997 Auburn Junior High School 50th 1998 Samford Middle School N/A 2009 Auburn Jr. High School 22nd Our Lady of the Valley School 39th Virgil Grissom High School 46th Randolph School N/A 2014 Auburn Jr. High School 10th J.F. Drake Middle School N/A Auburn High School 47th Randolph School N/A 2015 Auburn Jr. High School 18th (510) J.F. Drake Middle School N/A Auburn High School 30th (693) LAMP High School N/A 2016 Auburn Jr. High School 20th J.F. Drake Middle School N/A Auburn High School 34th Alabama School of Fine Arts N/A 2017 Auburn Jr. High School (51) 32nd J.F. Drake Middle School (100) N/A Auburn High School (66) 27th Randolph School (104) N/A 2018 Auburn Jr. High School (51) TBD Randolph School (95) N/A Auburn High School (46) TBD Randolph School (99) N/A Auburn University, Auburn Regional - Saturday, March 1, 2014 (B) Spring Hill College, Mobile Regional - Saturday, February 22, 2014 (B & C) Auburn University - April 1, 2017 (B & C) http://www.auburn.edu/cosam/departments/outreach/programs/Science%20Olympiad/ East Samford School Excalibur Christian School Alabama School of Fine Arts
Gorham's disease, also known as Massive Osteolysis, is a rare congenital bone disorder characterized by the spread of vascular channels that are destructive to the bone matrix. Osteolysis, or vanishing of the bones, occurs as well as angiomatosis. The disease is usually discovered when one has abnormal pain in fractures or bones. Diagnosis is done through x-ray, scanner, biopsie, lymphography, and MRI. Treatment focuses on hindering the disease progression through therapeutic measures. These include ALPHA-Interferon, Radiation Therapy, and bisphsphonates. The symptoms of Gorham's disease vary from case to case. Typically they include progressive weakness and musculoskeletal pain. In some cases, bone loss is not replaced by new bones. Instead, fibrous tissue may grow in its place, although this leads to a fracture which results in faster progression of the disease. In its early stages, radiographic detection will show decreased bone mass. Gorham's disease may also present itself through acute or chronic pain. Bone deformity occurs in children. Severe cases are characterized by a pleural effusion, or when fluid accumulates in the space the chest cavity and the membrane around the lungs. The bones usually affected include shoulder, arm, hand, part of the pelvis, jaw, spine, skull, spleen, hips, lungs, and femur. The exact cause of the disease is unknown, although several hypothesis about it have been made since the first recorded case in 1954.
2016-04-28, 20:30 Uhr - Talk: Counter-Culture Labs (US) und mRNA Assays in Space! 2016-04-08, 20 Uhr - Tschunk tonight, please don't compute. 2016-02-18, 20 Uhr - We gonna braid them all! 2015-12-20, 02 Uhr - Tschunk tonight, please don't compute. 2015-06-14, 00:30 Uhr - Tschunk tonight, please don't compute. 2015-06-13, 18 Uhr - Offenes Biolabor Treffen - Samstag! 2014-06-09, 18 Uhr - Offenes Biolabor Treffen - Vorsicht, diesmal am Montag!
Back to HannonArmstrong.com Approach, Impact & Policies Corporate Foundation CarbonCount® Filings & Financials Distributable Earnings Stock Reference Hannon Armstrong Announces Offering of $350 Million of Senior Unsecured Notes April 15, 2020 9:00am EDT Download as PDF ANNAPOLIS, Md.--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Hannon Armstrong Sustainable Infrastructure Capital, Inc. ("Hannon Armstrong" or the "Company") (NYSE: HASI), a leading investor in climate change solutions, today announced, subject to market conditions, a private offering of $350 million in aggregate principal amount of senior unsecured notes due 2025 (the "Notes") by its indirect subsidiaries, HAT Holdings I LLC ("HAT I") and HAT Holdings II LLC ("HAT II," and together with HAT I, the "Issuers"). At issuance, the Notes will be guaranteed by the Company, Hannon Armstrong Sustainable Infrastructure, L.P., and Hannon Armstrong Capital, LLC. The Company believes the Notes meet the environmental eligibility criteria for green bonds as defined by the International Capital Market Association's Green Bond Principles. The Company intends to utilize the net proceeds of this offering to acquire or refinance, in whole or in part, eligible green projects, which include assets that are neutral to negative on incremental carbon emissions. In addition, these projects may include projects with disbursements made during the twelve months preceding the issue date of the bonds and those with disbursements to be made following the issue date. Prior to the full investment of such net proceeds, the Company intends to apply the proceeds to repay a portion of the outstanding revolving borrowings under the Company's two senior secured credit facilities. For any net proceeds from the offering not used to repay these credit facilities, the Company intends to invest such net proceeds in interest-bearing accounts and short-term, interest-bearing securities which are consistent with the Company's intention to continue to qualify for taxation as a REIT. Proceeds used to repay our credit facilities may be re-borrowed. The Notes and the related guarantees will be offered only to persons reasonably believed to be qualified institutional buyers in reliance on Rule 144A under the Securities Act of 1933, as amended (the "Securities Act"), and non-U.S. persons outside the United States pursuant to Regulation S under the Securities Act. The Notes and the related guarantees will not be registered under the Securities Act or any state securities laws and may not be offered or sold in the United States absent an effective registration statement or an applicable exemption from the registration requirements of the Securities Act or any state securities laws. This press release shall not constitute an offer to sell, or the solicitation of an offer to buy, these securities, nor shall there be any sale of these securities in any state or jurisdiction in which such offer, solicitation or sale would be unlawful prior to registration or qualification under the securities laws of any such state or jurisdiction. About Hannon Armstrong Hannon Armstrong (NYSE: HASI) is the first U.S. public company solely dedicated to investments in climate change solutions, providing capital to leading companies in energy efficiency, renewable energy, and other sustainable infrastructure markets. With more than $6 billion in managed assets as of December 31, 2019, Hannon Armstrong's core purpose is to make climate-positive investments with superior risk-adjusted returns. Some of the information in this press release contains forward-looking statements and within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended. When used in this press release, words such as "believe," "expect," "anticipate," "estimate," "plan," "continue," "intend," "should," "may," "target," or similar expressions, are intended to identify such forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements are subject to significant risks and uncertainties. Investors are cautioned against placing undue reliance on such statements. Actual results may differ materially from those set forth in the forward-looking statements. Factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those described in the forward-looking statements include those discussed under the caption "Risk Factors" included in the Company's Annual Report on Form 10-K for the Company's fiscal year ended December 31, 2019, which was filed with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission ("SEC"), as well as in other reports that the Company files with the SEC. Forward-looking statements are based on beliefs, assumptions and expectations as of the date of this press release. The Company disclaims any obligation to publicly release the results of any revisions to these forward-looking statements reflecting new estimates, events or circumstances after the date of this press release. INVESTOR RELATIONS INQUIRIES Chad Reed [email protected] Source: Hannon Armstrong Sustainable Infrastructure Capital, Inc. © 2023 Hannon Armstrong Sustainable Infrastructure Capital, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Legal Disclaimer Sitemap
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Two rolled up tortillas filled with shredded chicken and melted cheese. Choice of red sauce, poblano pepper, or mole sauce. Chicken covered in mexico's traditional mole sauce made with nuts, chocolate and pasilla pepper. Served with tortillas. Braised pulled pork cooked yucatan style, seasoned with achiote (annatto), topped with red onions. El salvador is known for their delicious pupusas, but you don't have to travel that far to enjoy them. The yellow corn tortilla dough pockets are filled with cheese and pork, served with curtido (a mix of cabbage, carrots, oregano, peppers and vinegar), and salsa. Means "old clothes" in spanish! This meat is braised, and then briefly cooked again with tomatoes and peppers, and shredded like rags. A classic cuban dish! Served with rice, black beans and plantains. A toasted and flattened sandwich, with baked ham, roasted pork, swiss cheese, pickles, and mustard. These​ empanadas are a popular snack in colombia. These delicious fritters are made with shredded pork and cheese. Served with antigua's signature salsa, and a wedge of lime. Tender chicken breast, covered in our unique tequila cream sauce, served on a bed of avocados, rice and a side of our house salad. A delicious beefy patty with melted manchego cheese, sliced avocado and chipotle mayo. Tender chicken breast, covered in our homemade creamy chipotle sauce. Our delicious homemade cream of corn, served with tortilla chips. Chicken broth with shredded chicken, cilantro, onions, tomatoes, avocado, rice and tortilla strips, served with a wedge of lime. Lettuce, chicken, tomatoes, avocados, chihuahua cheese, tortilla strips, tossed with our home made southwest dressing. Siamo stati qui un sabato sera. Aveva il guacamole per i principianti - - molto buono. Il mio mojito era deliziosa. Per antipasti avevamo le Yucatecas e mi mancano anche le enchiladas... Encocao de Camaron. Entrambi erano molto buono! Io e i miei amici siamo andati a festeggiare il compleanno con un tardo pranzo / cena presto. Il servizio è sempre fantastico, l'atmosfera è sempre piacevole e il cibo è sempre deliziosa. Questo si è rivelato un ottimo posto per festeggiare il compleanno di mia figlia. Abbiamo fatto una prenotazione e il nostro tavolo era attesa per noi. Ottimo cibo! Servizio cordiale! E, in effetti, come il nostro server promesso: " il MIGLIOR Flan " ! Ricevi risposte dal personale della struttura Antigua Latin Inspired Kitchen e dai visitatori precedenti.
Missouri Basketball 17-18 Blake Harris may have found himself in St. Louis On comebacks, Blake Harris, and and absent production from important players. By Sam Snelling@SamTSnelling Dec 24, 2017, 10:10am CST Share All sharing options for: Blake Harris may have found himself in St. Louis Jeff Curry-USA TODAY Sports For the first 20 minutes, Missouri was the worst version of itself. The Tigers had 36 possessions, turned the ball over on 16 of them and scored on just 11 for an awful 22 points. Against Stephen F. Austin, their shooting allowed them to overcome horrendous ball control. Against Illinois, none of their normally reliable shooting showed up, and because of it they faced a 20 point deficit at half time. Blake Harris provided a spark in the second half, but the jump shooting didn't follow the energy enough to get Mizzou over the hump. The Tigers got as close as four points late, but with just 26 seconds left the Tigers were forced to foul and Illinois made their free throws. Let's see the carnage... 1. Coming back is hard work There were several points during the second half when Missouri needed to string together a few jump shots, and the shots just wouldn't fall. The Tigers' aggression led them to being in the bonus early, and they crept to within six by simply keeping up their aggression, playing good defense, and making foul shots. Look at this critical stretch in the second half: 15:04: Harris layup and missed FT - 46 -34 Illinois misses a 3. Jeremiah Tilmon misses a dunk. Illinois misses two layups. Jordan Barnett misses a 3. Both teams turn the ball over. 13:26, Robertson made 2 - 46-36 The teams went back and forth for a few possessions, then Barnett made free throws. Mizzou had another opportunity as Illinois had one basket in four possessions, but the Tigers missed two 3-pointers, a jumper and had a turnover. Gott feel like if the Tigers can get a 6-0 run here they can control the rest of the game. But they just haven't been able to string things together. — Sam Snelling (@SamTSnelling) December 24, 2017 Coming back from a big deficit is hard work, far harder than preserving a lead. The Tigers expended a lot of energy in these two crucial stretches. If they were simply able to make one or two shots in each and find a way to create a legitimate run, they'd have found their comeback path much easier. Instead of trying to make up 8-10 points in the last 2-3 minutes, you need to do that with more time on the clock. And the chances were there. Say whatever you will about the first half — you won't be understating it. It was brutal and awful and easily the Tigers' worst half of the season. They let Illinois dictate what Illinois wanted to do, and they shied away from the spotlight, and in turn the lead was nearly insurmountable. But even with all that, if they're simply able to make a couple jump shots at opportune times in the second, the game changes in a hurry. It was a frustrating game to watch from a lot of aspects, but through it all, even as bad as they played, they still had chances. Had they been able to string a few jump shots together in the second half they might have won, but they actually shot a worse 2nd half percentage than the 1st half (17.6% to 20%) 2. Did Blake Harris find himself? now l get what #BragginRights is really about..See y'all next year A post shared by Blake Harris (@blizzyblake55) on Dec 23, 2017 at 9:17pm PST God, I hope so. That Missouri finished with 21 turnovers in a 70-possession game is bad, very bad. But since we're apparently the sunshine blog in these parts, considering that 16 of those happened in the first half is a good sign because of what happened in the second half. Blake Harris started playing with confidence. And he was even used in some lineups with Terrence Phillips (I actually liked that grouping and how it worked). Harris played with so much confidence he got T'd up for trash talking after an early steal and a dunk. He did have a fairly timely turnover after a run out when he couldn't corral the ball, and he occasionally got stuck with the ball in a few spots. But considering the change in pace and aggressiveness of the team from the first half to the second, you have to attribute a lot of that to Harris' play. His second half line was 12 minutes, 10 points, three rebounds, an assist, and a steal with just one turnover. The scoring was nice (frankly, nobody else was doing it, so he almost had to), but on most nights you can probably flip his baskets to assists, and you've got yourself a point guard. If I'm Cuonzo Martin, I sit down with Blake in a one-on-one video session and show him the second-half tape and how he can be the catalyst for this team. He doesn't need to do everything — most nights his team isn't going to shoot 18% from 3-point range — but he can be this team's point guard. 3. Zero Points from the bench, not enough from Puryear The Tigers got uneven production from their top two in Barnett and Kassius Robertson, but the duo showed up. Harris had a big second half, and Jeremiah Tilmon had seven points and seven boards. But Kevin Puryear had just six and three, and the rest of the team scored a goose egg. Reed Nikko played a minute, Cullen VanLeer played a minute, and Jordan Geist, Jontay Porter and Terrence Phillips failed to score. I don't want to harp much on Phillips because I actually think he played okay. Geist was a disaster and didn't see the floor in the second half. Four turnovers in seven minutes and it was clear he was not meant for this game. Having both Jontay and Kevin Puryear blanked and virtually absent from the box isn't a good thing. The Tigers need both to be effective on offense, and a fair portion of that lies in the part of putting the ball into the basket. Jontay has just one game of scoring in double digits in his last seven. He's still rebounding, and defensively he's played well. His rotations are good and he contests as many shots as he blocks. At some point his offense will get there, but it would be nice if it arrived sooner rather than later. There are times where he still looks hesitant in shooting and catching the ball around the basket. Puryear is another enigma. I don't recall a stretch like this for him. He's now had five games in a row of not scoring more than six points. And unlike Jontay, Puryear isn't a guy who stuffs a lot of other categories on the stat sheet. He hasn't made a three during this stretch, but aside from a 2-for-9 performance against North Florida, he's been an efficient scorer. So why are his opportunities not there? Why has Puryear basically become a ghost on the floor? It's a mystery Cuonzo and his staff need to figure out and soon. The non-conference slate is done, and Mizzou is 54th in KenPom and 10-3. The loss to Illinois is always disappointing, but they're still in decent enough shape with a decent conference run to make the NCAA tournament. But in order for this team to be an NCAA tournament team, they're going to have to get back to their Orlando form: more balanced scoring, semi-reliable ball-handling, and sticking with what they do best: defense, rebounding and offensive efficiency. We'll have more in the coming days on the SEC slate and what it means, but Missouri didn't leave themselves a huge margin of error with the Illinois loss. The Tigers are probably going to need to go 10-8, which isn't unachievable, even with four matchups against Kentucky and Texas A&M. It all kicks off on January 3 at South Carolina. Next Up In Rock M Nation Podcasts God Bless the Block-M Threads and Old Big 12 Matchups. Welcome to Mizzou, Jake Garcia. And other roster news. Can Mizzou grab another top-25 win this week?! MIZZOU GOT ITS OFFENSIVE COORDINATOR! We are getting into the heart of SEC play. So what's next for Mizzou? Two top-25 wins! Let's recap and look ahead.
Gingy's Corner Wander No More/Written in the Sky By Gingy Gibson • January 31st, 2020 This week, let's talk about two visual novels and a few problems inherent to writing short VNs. Wander No More follows the story of Kouichirou the "samurai" after he leaves a group of bandits called the Kodokushi (that's what they are, even if he won't outright acknowledge this) in a pseudo-feudal Japan setting. His departure from the bandits results in a village he passes through being burned to the ground, killing almost every resident therein. He stumbles across a girl named Chiyo and, driven at least in part by guilt, takes her in under his wing, ostensibly as his daughter (even though he's only about 10 years her senior). I really loved Wander No More for the majority of its run. There's no greater goal motivating Chiyo and Kouichirou than a simple desire to rebuild the village to a functional level and survive, a daunting challenge in no small part due to their limited survival skills. Neither of them know a thing about weaving or carpentry, for example, which makes repairing the houses or making new fabric an uphill battle. Even when they begin to take in outsiders nothing gets easier, since half the refugees are elderly or children with limited skills and abilities to offer in rebuilding Hotsu village. In this environment, you can appreciate their measured optimism in the face of a decidedly disadvantageous situation, particularly Chiyo's attempts to gather food and happily watch over the younger children when she's down two parents and one hand. All of the characters grow on you as the story progresses, whether it's Chiyo, the local boys who idolize Kouichirou, the elderly woman trying to help Chiyo reconstruct and then work the loom, or Kouichirou himself. You get to watch the village heal, to see Kouichirou become increasingly worried about their settlement drawing unwanted attention from the Kodokushi (especially when one of their scouts stumbles in), and witness how interpersonal conflict between just a few members of the community can have a lasting, rippling effect throughout the whole village. Everything about Wander No More is well-paced and well-written, with bouts of melancholy or suspense perfectly broken up by tiny moments of humor. It's beautiful and heartwarming. And then it all goes up in smoke. We'll come back to this in a moment, but first I need to talk about the other visual novel I read this week, Written in the Sky. Written could probably best be classified as a sci-fi romance, following the story of the teenager girl Azure over the course of three days. Azure is a loner who hates school, has (at best) a lukewarm relationship with her father, and seems to lack so much as a hobby to pass the time. One day she accidentally stumbles into a warehouse and discovers a magic ring, which makes her the king of Mars (provided she marries the Martian queen, who obviously looks like a well-endowed teenager and can't quite figure out how planet Earth or its language works). The pair of them marry after knowing each other for less than two days, have a skeevy sex scene (by which I mean Azure has the whole "looks 12 BuT Is AcTuAlLy 18" thing going on, thank god the VN lets you shut off the adult content) and then Azure goes to Mars. That's it. That's the whole story. Here's where I'm going with all this. I read a lot of visual novels that never end up being reviewed on Unwinnable, or even brought up in causal conversation with friends. Most of the time it's because they were so short that I left the experience with nothing meaningful to say about them, since the VNs failed to leave any kind of lasting positive or negative impression on me. Both Wander No More and Written in the Sky clocked in at ~30 minutes to read each (not much time in a genre known for 60-80 hour behemoths) and were both kinetic VNs (greatly diminishing their replayability among VNs, unless you're particularly wowed by the story). Typically with visual novels that short, I'll wait until I have a pair that share similar themes and put them in a review together, because I simply can't drum up enough to say about only one. It's unfortunate that longer visual novels can garner more attention just by having more content, even if they are objectively worse in all aspects. Two of my favorite VNs, Perceptions of the Dead 1 and Juniper's Knot, both require less than an hour to read, and I struggled to find enough to say about either of them to merit a review (incidentally, go check them out, they're fantastic examples of good storytelling in this genre and had beautiful art and music besides). On the other hand, Notch – The Innocent LunA: Eclipsed SinnerS was a VN so wretched I still go back to it as an example of all the failings this genre could possibly stuff into one written work, and that ended up being one of the longest reviews I've ever written. I want to bring attention to the darling little stories you can find buried among longer VNs, but it's so very easy for them to be shut out or "eclipsed" by other titles, which are perhaps less worthy of your attention but leave more of a lasting impression directly because of your length of exposure, much like tuberculosis. In the world of VNs, more words means more content to critique, and unfortunately lengthy, subpar VNs will typically get more attention than the best short VNs, which themselves are a rarity. That's another big issue I've found after years on the lemmasoft forums or browsing visual novels on itch.io. There's nothing wrong with starting small and working your way up to bigger pieces in writing, but most visual novels with a sub-60 minute read time aren't exactly the Flowers for Algernon or The Most Dangerous Game of this genre. Often I'll encounter a story where character backgrounds or details of this specific universe are hinted at in a few brief lines, but never expounded upon in any meaningful fashion. Written in the Sky, for example, has a throwaway line about Azure's mother being shot by someone with a grudge against her detective father, which is never brought up again in the story, likely because it has no bearing on Azure's personality or personal choices. In another example, Written ends with Azure observing a giant gundam that she'll be expected to pilot in the war against Mars, but we never get more insight or details than that bare bones information. Visual novels like Written in the Sky don't feel like half-hour stories, but rather half-hour snippets forcibly carved out of adventures which could only have been properly conveyed over a few hours. Perhaps the author felt they couldn't delve into the details any deeper, or perhaps they lacked the skill or patience to create something longer or more nuanced than the bits and pieces of plot thrown our way in the actual finished project. Whatever the case, the result is a lackluster VN which unfortunately merely offers the unrealized promise of being something better. Throwaway lines or blink-and-you-miss-it details do not count as meaningful world-building, and oftentimes would have been better left on the editing room floor so more energy could be spared for tightening up other facets of the story. Written in the Sky especially felt like something that might have been an enjoyable ride if more work was devoted to flushing out Azure and Queen Sienna's relationship on Earth, or giving Azure more of a personality than "I'm bored with life," maybe even showing Azure trying to adjust to life on Mars. But there's so little here, it almost feels like the what-ifs eclipse the story we were actually given. It's as though writers sometimes forget that when you set out to make a short story, it's not about telling as much as you possibly can in a limited period of time, but using that time to espouse the pertinent details as best you can and leave your audience satisfied with the work. Much as you might like to, oftentimes it's not in your best interest to hint at all the subtle nuances of your fictional world if you don't want to take a few more hours to properly flush them out. You don't have to pack the story with characters who ultimately don't merit even two minutes of screen time, or bury the audience under exposition that will never be brought up again or contribute to the narrative in any clear, discernibly meaningful way way. It just leaves the reader disappointed, not unlike what one feels after watching a movie adaptation of a book series which really would have been better told over the course of a longer TV run. Wander No More, on the other hand, manages to operate within a tight framework and satisfy the reader from start to finish. Originally, I hated the ending for Wander No More; it felt almost cheap to have the mood shift so abruptly from happy village to everything is destroyed, and the few lines of dialogue meant to deliver a twist about Kouichirou had little impact given that the twist had been hinted at earlier. But looking back on it now, I can see that a darker turn was pretty strongly foreshadowed even from the start, and the ambiguous ending sits a little better with me now. On a second read everything flows together quite well, and truly feels like a properly crafted short story. Wander No More keeps itself limited to a very small geographic area. Any personal details revealed about the character always tie in to some important aspect of the overarching narrative, and we only delve into in-universe lore when it's specifically relevant to the plot. Our cast is small and tight-knit; we're given just enough details about each of them to understand who they are as people without becoming smothered in unnecessary, shoehorned-in backstory. Because of choices like these, Wander No More can focus on flushing out its limited cast and simple narrative in a way that's actually satisfying to the reader. Unlike Written in the Sky, Wander No More seems to understand that there's only so much you can do with a story bound by a 30-minute time limit, and manages to flourish within those limits. The visual novel genre needs shorter stories; you cannot honestly expect someone to jump into a completely new gameplay/reading experience like this if the best you can offer is a 6-hour endeavor (which, it's fair to point out, may only pick up after the first hour of reading has come and gone). And that's not even taking into consideration that even the most seasoned veterans of VNs don't always want to read epic-length novels. Sometimes, all you want is a quick little read that you can both start and finish while on a commute or sitting in the waiting room in your doctor's office. But having short VNs with questionable plotlines, incomprehensible plot twists, flat-as-cardboard characters and unsatisfying resolutions certainly isn't enough to entice anyone to stay and try the more demanding stories like the Fate series or Hashihime of the Old Book Town, or perhaps give a chance to newer writers who are only beginning to experiment with the VN genre and smaller projects. Writers have to work within their limits; it's absolutely possible to make a mind-blowing story which takes less than an hour to read, but only with proper editing and a good sense of what elements matter, versus what ought to be trimmed away. Clearly, that's easier said than done. Written in the Sky and Wander No More are both available on Steam and itch.io I'd strongly recommend reading Wander No More as a good example of what VNs can do in just half an hour. Gingy's Corner, Visual Novel, visual novel review, wander no more, written in the sky Games, Gingy's Corner A Culinary School Sim, with Dating Elements Bonds October Spookfest: Kotodama: The 7 Mysteries of Fujisawa Occult Crime Police The Quiet Sleep is a Messy and Emotional Tower Defense Game The Tide Pulls at My Heart: Night Tide (1961) on Blu-ray
Meanwhile, the new messaging app Snapchat is expanding rapidly among teens. The app specialises in text and picture mobile messages that disappear after a few seconds. The company has not generated any revenue, but is becoming very popular, particularly among people who are starting to be concerned about how much privacy they have online and on their phones. That's why it's not a surprise that Facebook tried to acquire Snapchat for $3bn… What is surprising is that Snapchat turned down the offer. Evan Spiegel, Snapchat's 23-year-old co-founder and CEO, declined the offer from Facebook, which would have been its most expensive purchase to date. Snapchat also turned down an investment from Chinese e-commerce investor Tencent Holdings that would have valued the two-year-old company at $4 bn. Evan Spiegel, is hoping Snapchat's numbers – of users and messages – will grow enough in the future to justify an even larger valuation.
WORCESTER, Mass. – For the first time ever, the Worcester State University women's volleyball team has been crowned the Massachusetts State Collegiate Athletic Conference (MASCAC) tournament champions as the first seeded Lancers downed the fifth seeded Bridgewater State Bears by a score of 3-0 in the semifinal round, and then defeated the Framingham State Rams by a score of 3-1 in the championship round. Worcester State's Allie Nolan (Melrose, Mass.) was named the tournament MVP. The first seeded Worcester State University Lancers posted a 3-0 (25-17, 25-10, 25-17) win over the fifth seeded Bears of Bridgewater State in the first MASCAC semifinal game of the afternoon. The fans brought a different element to the matchup as they erupted after every kills, provoking a fire that was visibly different than regular season play. Following back-to-back kills from Bridgewater's Kayla Baril (Seekok, Mass.) to put the Bears ahead, Worcester State's Nolan achieved a season milestone, as she earned her 1,000th assist. The game then saw ties at 3-3 and 4-4 before Bridgewater State pulled away on kills from Baril and Sarah Gibbons (Quincy, Mass.). The Bears held the lead until Nolan setup Amari King (Lawrence, Mass.) for an 8-8 tie score. From then on, Worcester State held a slim lead and extended it to six with Lauren Murphy (Taunton, Mass.) and Katrina Kangwijaya (Dunstable, Mass.) at the service. The Lancers closed out the set with consecutive kills from Murphy for the 25-17 set one score. Worcester State showed no mercy in the second set as they tallied four points on kills from Emily Carens (Northborough, Mass.) and Stephanie Chapin (Hampden, Mass.) before Bridgewater scored a point on a Worcester attack error. The Lancers then went on a 9-0 run with Kangwijaya at the service to push ahead by 12. The Blue and Gold maintained their lead and even extended the lead to close out the second set ahead 25-10. Worcester State favored 14-6 kills over the bears to take the big 25-10 win. The Lancers used their momentum from the first two sets to get a quick lead in the third set and force the Bears a timeout, with a 7-2 score. The Bears closed the gap to three over a period of time, however, Worcester State jumped ahead with four consecutive points to cause another timeout (17-10). The Lancers kept the lead and ended the game with a bad set from Bridgewater. King mastered a double-double of 11 kills and 15 digs with two assists in the win. Carens also reached double figures in the kills category as she posted a game-high 13 with another game-high .480 hitting percentage. Nolan tallied 39 assists in the win. On the defensive end for the Lancers, King led with the 15 digs, while libero Megan Leavens (Storrs, Conn.) dug up 10 balls. Worcester State also saw great effort on defense from Murphy, Kangwijaya, and Katie Gagnon (Hampden, Mass.) who had 9-9-8 digs, respectively. Bridgewater State's attack was led by Sydney Rice (Medway, Mass.) who posted a team-high seven kills and another team-high hitting percentage of .467. Elizabeth Roberts (Swansea, Mass.) and Gibbons notched six kills each. Elexi Miskiv (Centerville, Mass.) helped the attack with 24 assists. Cassidy Tyros (Chelmsford, Mass.) logged a game-high 18 digs. Worcester State held a 44-30 advantage in kills. The Lancers also notched a .276 hitting percentage, while Bridgewater stood at .142. The Framingham State Rams overcame a 2-0 deficit to come back and beat the third seeded Owls of Westfield State by a score of 3-2 (18-25, 23-25, 25-15, 25-19, 15-13) in the second semifinal game of the evening. It was a close matchup from the start regarding the Ram and Owl women's volleyball teams. The Westfield Owls took the first to sets 25-18 and 25-23. Although that didn't stop the unyielding Framingham State Rams from taking the third set, gaining the win by a large ten points 25-15. The fourth set went to the Rams as well as they sealed the win 25-19. The first set was nothing short of a grudge match. Kill after kill, point after point, every play was emotional for the Rams and Owls. Agitation was high for the Rams as the Owls took a high lead 21-13 late in the set with Lynn Shattuck (Townsend, Mass.) at the service. The Rams squad exploded with excitement after Brandey Rodriguez (Lawrance, Mass) made two key blocks to keep her team in the game. Rodriguez blocks although were not enough to clinch the win of the first set as the Owls walked to the opposite with the win (25-18). Westfield's Natasha Belaro (Springfield, Mass.) had a team high of six kills to help defeat the Rams in the set. The second set was shown to be relentless for the Black and Gold as they knew they needed this second set win. The Owls and Rams deficit did not exceed three points during the entire second set. Westfield did not let up tempo either, as they made great defensive plays and strong kills to compete with the Rams. The game was tied 17-17 when underclassmen Mia Jeronimo (Ludlow, Mass.) sky rocked in the air to gain a huge block for the Owls. Not long after, the Blue and White were down 20-19 when Jeronimo made another clutch block to gain her team a huge point to tie it up once more. The ferocious match ends 25-23 in favor of the Owls. The Owls headed into the third set feeling confident and ready for what came next but that didn't stop the Rams. The Owls Brianna Starkey (Rockland, Mass.) secured six kills collectively during the second set. During the third set, the spectators saw a different engine underneath the Ram's caboose as they came out early acquiring a lead 10-3 early on after coming right off of two losses. Framingham's Rodriguez, Micheala Cronin (Hampden, Mass.), and Kelly Brinkman (Gardiner, Mass.) each had four kills during the set with an addition of three more electrifying kills executed by Deirdre Fay (Cornwall, New York). Framingham's hitting percentage went from .075 in the first set to advancing .307 percent higher by the third do or die matchup. Resultantly, the final set score went to the Rams 25-15. The Rams continued to stay the underdogs in set four trailing a 2-1 competition against the Owls. Starting the fourth set, the Rams exemplified the same do or die attitude walking on the court just as they did the last set, consequently leading by five points, 9-4 early on. Late in the set, the Rams kept composure, and one serve at a time settled into a grove. Although the Owls rallied back to tie the score 18-18 minutes following, they could not control the lead going forward. The Rams tied the Owl record for the semis 2-2 as they triumphed for the second time today winning 25-19. The final set had the fans to the edges of their seats. The set started to get extremely eventful following the tie score 8-8. The score was 12-11 when the young sophomore for the Owls Miceala Murray (Nortfolk, Mass.) spiked the ball in Ram territory for a huge kill to tie it up again 12-12. Starkey then followed with another kill shorty after to make it 13-13. Standout freshmen, Cronin put the team on her back as she performed the winning kill to send the Rams in the Championship against the Lancers. Framingham's attack was led by Brinkman who had a team-high 18 kills. Rodriguez followed with 17 while Fay collected 13. Fay, Alexandra Fish (Lincoln, R.I.), and Mackenzie Whalen (Norton, Mass.) each acquired double-doubles. Fay registered 13 kills and a team-high 34 digs, Fish notched 10 kills and 23 digs, while Whalen notched a game-high 62 assists and 15 digs. For the Owls, Starkey led the attack with 23 kills. Bridgid Murray (Norfolk, Mass.) helped with 46 kills, while Lizzie Taylor (Medfield, Mass.) led the Owls with 43 digs. The Rams held a 70-55 advantage in total attacks. Framingham State held a .194-.171 edge in hitting percentage. The Lancers claimed their first-ever MASCAC tournament championship as they downed Framingham State 3-1 with set scores of 25-20, 21-25, 25-17, and 25-14. Worcester State took the first lead of the championship game with Marissa Proia (Framingham, Mass.) at the service. The Lancers gradually pulled away and gained a 6-point lead. However, the Rams battled back and knotted the score at 10-10 on kills from Fish, Rodrigues, and Fay. Worcester State pushed away again with Proia and Murphy at the service to put the score at 22-12. The Rams did not give up and battled off a 6-0 run to close the gap within four (20-24). Though, Worcester State took the first set win on a King kill. The Rams took the first lead in the second set and held it with a slim lead until Worcester tied the score at 13-13 with a Ram error. The set saw four more ties until Framingham State took advantage of Worcester attack errors and saw kills from Rodriguez to seal the 25-21 set win with a 7-3 run. Worcester State took the lead to start the third set with a kill from Carens. After earning an 8-point lead with three consecutive points with Leavens at the service, the Lancers did not allow the visitors to close the gap, resulting in a 25-17 third set win. The Lancers completed the tournament with a fourth set force. Worcester State jumped off to a 4-0 lead and, once again, never looked back. The Lancers attained a 10-point lead on a 5-0 run with Murphy at the service, and kept that lead throughout the remainder, and were named MASCAC champions after Carens completed the day with a kill for a 25-14 score. Worcester State's King logged her second double-double of the day with 13 kills and 17 digs. Carens also collected 13 kills, while Murphy and Chapin registered nine and eight, respectively. Nolan acquired 40 helpers in the win. The Lancers' defense was not only led by Leavens who had a team-high 24 dis, but also Chapin who had 10 block assists in the championship game. Five other Lancers notched blocks in the win as well. Framingham State's Fish recorded her second double-double of the day as she notched 13 kills and 20 digs. Brinkman gathered 11 kills for the Rams. Whalen registered 39 kills, while Victoria Anderson (Attleboro, Mass.) led the team with a match-high 26 digs. As a team, Worcester State held a .191 attack percentage while Framingham's was at .106. The Lancers held a 49-48 edge in kills, while they held a 27-5 advantage in blocks.
Working collectively towards gender equality and sustainable peace Sixth Annual Civil Society Dialogue Report Launched! In 2018 the Annual Civil Society Dialogue on Women, Peace and Security focussed on the most effective role that civil society can play in the development, implementation and monitoring of Australia's Second National Action on Women Peace and Security. The sixth Annual Civil Society Dialogue report provides clear recommendations on how to strengthen this engagement. The critical issues, recommendations, and implementation options presented in this report, therefore, provide a timely and useful resource for the development of the second National Action Plan during 2019. In Our national turning point, WPS Coalition member Jean Brown makes a strong case for recognising that reconciliation and Australia's relationship to its First Nations people is an integral part of the domestic peace and security agenda. The Australian Civil Society Coalition on Women Peace and Security commissioned the writing of thematically focused Issue Papers to inform the development of Australia's second National Plan on Women, Peace and Security (2nd NAP) and to advance the discussion on women, peace and security in Australia. These Issue Papers build on key themes outlined in "Listening to Women's Voice and Making the Connections to the Women, Peace and Security Agenda: Fifth Report of the Annual Civil Society Dialogue on Women, Peace and Security." The latest issue paper (issue paper 7) focusses on monitoring, evaluation, accountability and learning. The effective implementation of Australia's WPS policy and the accountability of the Australian Government to UNSCR 1325 is ultimately contingent on the development of an adequate monitoring, evaluation, accountability and learning (MEAL) system. READ THE ISSUE PAPERS Tweets about @wpscoalition The Australian Civil Society Coalition on Women, Peace and Security ('the Coalition') is a non-partisan and independent coalition of civil society organisations, networks and individuals working to advance the Women, Peace and Security (WPS) Agenda in Australia, Asia and the Pacific region and globally. The Australian Civil Society Coalition on Women Peace and Security brings together activists, feminists, practitioners, humanitarian actors and those with first-hand experience working in the frontline on issues relating to women, peace and security. Coalition members have wide ranging expertise in gender and peace. Education & Public Engagement Share and disseminate information on the implementation of Australia's and international commitments to the United Nations' Women Peace and Security agenda. Provide evidence-based advice and critical input to the Commonwealth government and International Institutions on issues related to women, peace and security. Monitor the implementation of the Australian National Action plan on UNSCR 1325 and other international commitments made by the Australian government on issues related to women, peace and security. Reports of the Annual Civil Society Dialogue on Women, Peace and Security capture key discussions between civil society, government and policy makers on women, peace and security and to contribute to effective implementation of the National Action Plan on Women, Peace and Security. The Coalition also commissions articles that serve as think-pieces to advance the women peace and security agenda. READ THE REPORTS Membership is by application. To request to join the Coalition please complete the application form below. Organisations, networks and individuals requesting membership must fit the following criteria: A civil society organisation, network or individual advocating for women's rights and empowerment in issues related to women, peace and security. Experience and knowledge of UNSCR 1325 and related UN resolutions and the Australian National Action Plan on Women, Peace and Security. Members must attend all scheduled meetings (members may provide information by email in lieu of attending or nominate a proxy to attend). Members must agree to champion the Coalition within and outside of existing networks. In the case of civil society organisations and networks: One representative who will be able to commit to attending quarterly Coalition meetings and contribute substantively to the Coalition's work. A second staff member to act as secondary representative on the Coalition. Member organisations must confirm in writing their two representatives to the Coalition. Membership requests will be assessed by the Coalition Steering Committee. Membership may be withdrawn if members fail to meet the above criteria, including meeting attendance. All members (with prior approval) will be listed on the Coalition website and will be placed on the Coalition mailing list. The Coalition meets via teleconference (3-5 pm AEST) four times a year. 2018 meeting dates are: 28 February, 9 May, 21 August, and 7 November. Individual or Representative of an Organisation or Network Individual or Representative of an Organisation or NetworkIndividualRepresentative of an organisationRepresentative of a network Name of organisation/network Primary representative name Primary representative email Secondary representative name (organisations only) Secondary representative email (organisations only) Please briefly describe your organisation/individual work in relation to women, peace and security. What is your experience and knowledge of UNSCR 1325 and related resolutions and the Australian National Action Plan on Women, Peace and Security? Do you agree to have your name, or the name of your organisation listed on the Coalition's membership page? Do you agree to have your name, or the name of your organisation listed on the Coalition's membership page?YesNo I agree to attend all scheduled Coalition meetings, or to nominate a proxy or provide information via email when I cannot attend I agree to attend all scheduled Coalition meetings, or to nominate a proxy or provide information via email when I cannot attend Yes I agree to champion the Coalition within and outside of existing networks I agree to champion the Coalition within and outside of existing networks Yes Do you agree to be added to the Coalition mailing list? Do you agree to be added to the Coalition mailing list? Yes
The original Kingmax Super Stick that died on me a few months back is now being replaced (under warranty) with a newer version which I shall call Kingmax Super Stick (Vista) due to its revised physical appearance with a "Works with Windows Vista" label. The Kingmax Super Stick (Vista) is still one of the smallest USB drive available in the market today. While the previous Super Stick performs badly in read/write speeds, this newer Vista version seems to have improved significantly especially in the write speed. A test on SiSoftware Sandra XI 2MB files test benchmark gives a pretty good read speed of 15906 kB/sec (previously 15770 kB/sec) and an improved write speed of 3959 kB/sec (approx. 2 times faster than the previous 1843 kB/sec). Physically, the new Kingmax Super Stick (Vista) inherits most of its predecessor's properties with slight changes in its overall plastic mold. The USB contact points are now better refined, but it still lacks a LED activity indicator which can be very useful to know if the USB drive is in use. Overall, the new Kingmax Super Stick (Vista) has improved significantly in its read/write speeds which will make it on par with many other USB drives in the market in the the same price range. Its small size will be the only thing that differentiates it from the rest. Please refer HERE for the original review of the Kingmax Super Stick which is currently R.I.P. so how is your Kingmax Super Stick 2GB (Vista) now? still working? you tested the speed in windows vista?
Milicz – miasto w województwie dolnośląskim, w powiecie milickim Milicz – osada w województwie lubuskim, w powiecie strzelecko-drezdeneckim, w gminie Drezdenko Milicz – osada w województwie zachodniopomorskim, w powiecie myśliborskim, w gminie Boleszkowice Milicz – gmina miejsko-wiejska w województwie dolnośląskim, w powiecie milickim Milicz – stacja kolejowa w Miliczu, w województwie dolnośląskim Linki zewnętrzne Zobacz też Dekanat Milicz, Milicz Wąskotorowy, Milicz Zamek
Рашела Мизрахи () е ветеринарна лекарка и политичка, министър на труда и социалната политика на Северна Македония от 3 януари до 15 февруари 2020 година. Биография Родена е на 24 ноември 1981 година. в Скопие. Завършва Университета Бан Илан в Израел. От 2004 до 2006 г. работи във Ветеринарната клиника "Д-р Налетовски" в Скопие и във Ветеринарната клиника по хирургия в Университета за ветеринарни науки "Гвелф" в Онтарио, Канада. Между 2007 и 2009 г. работи като асистент в катедрата за Физиология при Факултета за ветеринарна медицина на Скопския университет. В периода 2009 – 2013 г. работи по мониторинг на лабораторни животни в Университета "Бар Илан". Между 2015 и 2017 г. е съветник в Министерството на здравеопазването по медицинския статистически анализ. Мизрахи за 12 дни е част е от служебното правителство на Оливер Спасовски, формирано за провеждане на предсрочните парламентарни избори в 2020 година. Става министър по предложение на ВМРО-ДПМНЕ. Мизрахи е първата еврейка, която става министър на Северна Македония. Занимава се с биохимия и ветеринарна медицина. Мизрахи привлича вниманието на обществеността след като провежда пресконференции пред табела на министерството, в която стои предишното име на държавата. Гърция реагира на това с нота за неспазване на Преспанското споразумение. По предложение на Спасовски Мизрахи след дълга дискусия е освободена като министър от парламента поради нарушаване на конституцията. На 15 юли 2020 година е избрана за депутат от ВМРО – Демократическа партия за македонско национално единство в Събранието на Северна Македония. Бележки Министри на труда и социалната политика на Северна Македония Родени в Скопие Македонски евреи Северномакедонски ветеринарни лекари Преподаватели в Скопския университет
3:10 to Yuma (2007) Watch 3:10 to Yuma Full Movie Online In Arizona in the late 1800s, infamous outlaw Ben Wade and his vicious gang of thieves and murderers have plagued the Southern Railroad. When Wade is captured, Civil War veteran Dan Evans, struggling to survive on his drought-plagued ranch, volunteers to deliver him alive to the "3:10 to Yuma", a train that will take the killer to trial. Director: Annie Penn, Chris Carreras, James Mangold, Nicholas Mastandrea, Paul Greengrass, Sheila Waldron Actors: Alan Tudyk, Albert Finney, Ben Foster, Christian Bale, Corey Johnson, Dallas Roberts, David Strathairn, Edgar Ramírez, Gretchen Mol, Joan Allen, Julia Stiles, Lennie Loftin, Logan Lerman, Matt Damon, Paddy Considine, Peter Fonda, Russell Crowe, Scott Glenn, Tom Gallop, Vinessa Shaw After the 1860s Wild West, a group of misfit settlers – including ex-doctor Phil Taylor, prostitute Belle, and homosexual bookseller Julian – decide they cannot live in their current situation… Country: USA, Mexico Genre: Adventure, Comedy, Western Gunslinger Jonah Hex (Josh Brolin) is appointed by President Ulysses Grant to track down terrorist Quentin Turnbull (John Malkovich), a former Confederate officer determined on unleashing hell on earth. Jonah… Genre: Action, Drama, Fantasy, Thriller, Western William Munny is a retired, once-ruthless killer turned gentle widower and hog farmer. To help support his two motherless children, he accepts one last bounty-hunter mission to find the men… Legless Southern inventor Dr. Arliss Loveless plans to rekindle the Civil War by assassinating President U.S. Grant. Only two men can stop him: gunfighter James West and master-of-disguise and inventor… Genre: Action, Adventure, Comedy, Science Fiction, Western A former gunslinger is forced to take up arms again when he and his cattle crew are threatened by a corrupt lawman. Young Guns II Only three of the original five "young guns" — Billy the Kid (Emilio Estevez), Jose Chavez y Chavez (Lou Diamond Phillips), and Doc Scurlock (Kiefer Sutherland) — return in Young… Genre: Adventure, Western This film chronicles the life of Lane Frost, 1987 PRCA Bull Riding World Champion, his marriage and his friendships with Tuff Hedeman (three-time World Champion) and Cody Lambert. Genre: Drama, Romance, Western The last Gunslinger, Roland Deschain, has been locked in an eternal battle with Walter O'Dim, also known as the Man in Black, determined to prevent him from toppling the Dark… Genre: Action, Fantasy, Horror, Science Fiction, Western Outlaw Jesse James is rumored to be the 'fastest gun in the West'. An eager recruit into James' notorious gang, Robert Ford eventually grows jealous of the famed outlaw and,… Country: USA, Canada, UK Genre: Action, Drama, Western A faded television actor and his stunt double strive to achieve fame and success in the film industry during the final years of Hollywood's Golden Age in 1969 Los Angeles. Genre: Action, Comedy, Crime, Drama, Western The church enlists a team of vampire-hunters to hunt down and destroy a group of vampires searching for an ancient relic that will allow them to exist in sunlight. Genre: Action, Drama, Fantasy, Horror, Thriller, Western With the help of a German bounty hunter, a freed slave sets out to rescue his wife from a brutal Mississippi plantation owner. Genre: Drama, Western Trailer: 3:10 to Yuma
We are delighted to introduce you to the newly remodeled Welcome Home Oak Harbor Senior Memory Care, a continuing care community designed to allow our residents as much personal freedom as possible through the various stages of aging in a safe and loving atmosphere. The later years of life can be especially challenging, but at Welcome Home we are here to help and listen to the needs of our residents, understanding their limitations and providing solutions, assisting our community members to customize options that will help them lead the lives they want. Our skilled care providers give you peace of mind as you let your loved ones under our wings. Call us at 360.682.5998 for more information and schedule your tour today. Our staff can help highlight our services and answer your questions. From helping a loved one with dementia to understanding the costs of transitioning into assisted living. Making that move is a process and we are here to help.
NEW PUBLIC SECTOR PENSIONS OFFER BUT STRIKE THREAT REMAINS Headlines: November 2nd, 2011 The Government has made an enhanced offer to resolve the public sector pensions dispute, but unions are continuing to plan for strike action on 30 November. The new proposals include improved transitional protections for those closest to retirement and increased accrual rates within the major public service schemes compared to their previous position. There would also be a long-term commitment to any agreed reforms not being reopened within the next 25 years. In responding to the new offer unions pointed out that workers were being asked to pay 50% more into their pension but they will receive a 25% cut in what they will be paid out. The unions also disputed Treasury's claims that public sector workers on low or middle incomes would be better off as the proposals would see them being asked to work eight years longer. The proposals provide for workers to pay 3.2% more in annual contributions phased in between 2012 and 2014. Workers earning less than £15,000 would not face any increase and those on less than £18,000 would see contributions capped at 1.5% Pensions will be changed from a final-salary basis to a payout based on average pay over workers' careers from 2015. In addition people will have to work for longer before collecting their pension as the state pension age for men and women will rise to 66 in 2020. The TUC's Public Services Liaison Group will meet later in the month to consider the Government's enhanced offer, but in the meantime planning for strike action at the end of the month will continue.
William Carey cheerleader drains an unbelievable back-flip bomb. Give William Carey University cheerleader Ashley Arnau credit. What many skeptics initially suspected was a cleverly doctored viral ad campaign—for Coke, maybe?—is, apparently, the real thing. Arnau has reportedly attempted the stunt at every WCU home game for the past two months. Last night, she finally sunk it.
Meet our team of franchising and technology professionals. Together, we look forward to helping businesses reach new heights! John Davies is the Founder of Merrymeeting Group which is headquartered in Cleveland, OH. [email protected] Jeff Harcourt Jeff Harcourt has been the Chief Operating Officer of Merrymeeting Group since its inception in 2001. [email protected] Laurel Park has been the CFO of Merrymeeting, Inc since its inception in 2001. [email protected] Jessica Czekalinski Jessica Czekalinski began working Merrymeeting Group in 2011 and now serves as the Chief Legal Officer. [email protected] Jason Barresi Jason Barresi serves as the Chief Technology Officer at Merrymeeting Group and oversees all technical operations of the business. [email protected] Ben Davies serves as President of Merrymeeting Group. [email protected] Steve Bain Steve joined Merrymeeting Group in 2020 as the EVP of Business Development. [email protected] Kregg Kish Kregg Kish serves as the Sr. Digital Marketing Consultant for Merrymeeting Group. [email protected] Erin DeLong Erin DeLong serves as a Digital Marketing Consultant for Merrymeeting Group. Position: Founder Office: Cleveland, OH After obtaining his MBA, John began his career at PriceWaterhouseCoopers, the international accounting and consulting firm, and subsequently joined Progressive Corporation, a large U.S. based insurance company. John was a Division President at Progressive and subsequently became the CEO of a New York based private equity investment company. In 2001, he founded MMI as a platform investment company and MMI has subsequently acquired 15 additional companies. Position: COO Jeff is a graduate of Miami University. He has been the Chief Operating Officer of Merrymeeting since its inception in 2001. Prior to joining MMI, Jeff was the Chief Financial Officer for several businesses. He was also previously a Manager with KPMG, the international accounting and consulting firm. Jeff is a Certified Public Accountant (CPA), Certified Business Intermediary (CBI), Chartered Property and Casualty Underwriter (CPCU) and a licensed insurance broker. He is also a certified instructor for the International Business Brokers Association. Position: Chief Financial Officer Office: Phoenix, AZ Laurel has been the Chief Financial Officer of Merrymeeting, Inc, Frontier Adjusters' parent company, since its inception in 2001. She is responsible for all of the company's financial operations at the Merrymeeting Group office in Phoenix, AZ. Prior to joining the Merrymeeting Group team, Laurel was the controller of a publicly traded company. She is a Certified Public Accountant (CPA) and a graduate of Arizona State University. Laurel currently sits on the Board of the Pappas Kids Schoolhouse Foundation and serve as its Secretary. Position: Chief Legal Officer Jessica has worked for Merrymeeting Group (MMG) and its subsidiaries in the Legal/ Compliance Department since 2011. As the General Counsel at MMG, she focuses on providing legal advice to MMG and its affiliates as well as drafting and reviewing documents for MMG's subsidiary franchise brands and several technology companies. She also has extensive knowledge regarding FTC and state franchise filing guidelines as she assists with ensuring compliance for each MMG subsidiary franchise brand. Jessica also has experience with filing, maintaining, and enforcing trademark registrations as well as drafting, filing, and maintaining corporate records. She received her Juris Doctor from Case Western Reserve University School of Law in 2010 and graduated summa cum laude with her Bachelors of Business Administration from the University of Toledo in 2006. She was admitted to the Ohio Bar in 2010 and is a member of the American Bar Association Forum on Franchising. Jessica, her husband Steve, son Grady, and french bulldog Francine reside in Brecksville. Position: Chief Technology Officer Jason Barresi began working at Merrymeeting Group in 2011 as an application developer for the StaffTrak brand. After his first two years with StaffTrak, Jason transitioned over to the corporate team. Now, Jason serves as the Chief Technology Officer of Merrymeeting Group and oversees all aspects of the technical and security infrastructure across all MMG brands. Position: President of MMG Ben Davies serves as President of Merrymeeting Group. Prior to joining the Merrymeeting Group, Ben worked at Jones Day where he was an Associate in the Mergers & Acquisitions group. Ben received his Juris Doctor from The Ohio State University Moritz College of Law in 2013 and was admitted to the Ohio Bar in 2013. He earned his Bachelors of Business Administration from the University of Notre Dame Mendoza College of Business in 2010. Position: EVP of Business Development Steve joined Merrymeeting Group in 2020 as the EVP of Business Development. Prior to joining Merrymeeting Group, Steve held various senior leadership roles with enterprise consumer technology product and service companies. He also co-founded and sold several consumer technology start-up companies including Simply Mac, a chain of retail stores which sell Apple products and services across the United States. Steve served as a member of the National Reseller Advisory Board for Apple and also as the chairman of this board. Steve received an MBA and a BA in Finance from the University of Utah. Position: Sr. Digital Marketing Consultant Office: Columbus, OH Kregg Kish, the Founder and CEO of Front Porch Solutions, has been in the digital marketing industry for 25+ years. As the company's lead, he manages a large portfolio of Internet-based projects to produce increased website traffic, brand awareness, and conversion rates for clients. Position: Digital Marketing Consultant Erin DeLong is a Partner at Front Porch Solutions and serves as a Digital Marketing Consultant for Merrymeeting Group. With a BSBA in Marketing from John Carroll University and an MBA from Cleveland State University, she is well-versed in branding, advertising, strategy, and project management. Through her work in content creation, social advertising, website management, and client relations, Erin strives to build and grow clients' brands. ©2021 MMG Merrymeeting Group. 7100 East Pleasant Valley Road · Suite 300 · Independence, Ohio 44131 · 877.392.6278
The Effet d'Argent Black enameled porcelain lamp is covered with a fashionable hammered metallic finish. A porcelain lamp with a classic pattern. a blue porcelain finish alludes to the 18th-century "boudoir" theme with its ornamental sweet jar shape and its white floral decorations. Glossy black lamp, full of contrasts and elegance, a glass heart resting on steel legs. A prestigious lamp, a symbol of craftsmanship. The top, a real piece of jewellery A creation by designer Stefano Poletti Made out of pewter and brass wire, and plated in white bronze. A pyramid of wood and porcelain pebbles, topped by a patinated metal stone. A modern and futuristic design. Each lamp is signed by the designer and numbered from 1 to 150. A creation by Chafik (french designer and architect). Purple coloured glass set in a pewter body, enhanced with an elegant blue stone. A king of mascot, this golden monkey, contained within a fragranced ball in dark high fire blue, tell us about the mysteries of life and its marvels.
It never was my plan to get into television. I like a real beach. A crowded one, you know? People, towels, umbrellas. I hate those little private strips of sand you see up in Malibu. The idea that you would not only exercise but that you would enjoy it is very difficult for me to understand. I just hate it. I know there are, like, 12 rules for late night: a desk, a band. Will people take me seriously if I don't wear a tie?
Washington, DC—Ahead of the 100th Anniversary of World War I next year, Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (HI-02) today introduced bipartisan legislation to rehabilitate World War I memorials in Hawai'i and across the country. H.R. 4328, the Honoring World War I Memorial Act of 2017 would authorize $50 million awarded through VA grants to eligible entities for the rehabilitation of World War I memorials throughout the United States. Eligible entities include non-profit organizations or state or local governments with direct jurisdiction over the rehabilitation of a World War I memorial. Hawai'i is home to one eligible World War I memorial at Waikiki Natatorium, along with 47 other states. In recognition of Veterans Day, Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard will deliver the keynote address during the Veterans' Day Ceremony in commemoration of the 99th Anniversary of the end of World War I at the Waikiki Natatorium this Saturday, November 11. For more information on Rep. Tulsi Gabbard's work for our military veterans and servicemembers, click here.
Q: Antlr4 tree parser I have problems with numbers like (9-34)*9 I have created a tree with antlr4.The tree performs the calculation steps, for +, -., * and /. The tree works perfectly for positive numbers, my problem is, for negative numbers, like when I enter (9-40)*10 or so, it doesn't work anymore. My code is: calculator: (d)*| ; c: c '*' c | c '/' c | c '+' c | c '-' c | '(' c ')' | b | a ; d: a '=' c ; b : '-'?[0-9]+; a: [a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]*; WS : [ \t\r\n]+ -> skip ; A: (please be careful to verify your source before your post. The grammar, as posted, is not valid ANTLR. Probably because you changed rule names to a, b, etc. and forgot to keep Lexer rules uppercase.) If I assume to be the case, here's a modified grammar to address your problem. grammar calc ; calculator: (d)*; c : c '*' c | c '/' c | c '+' c | c '-' c | '(' c ')' | '-'? NBR // <-- The fix | ID ; d: ID '=' c; NBR: [0-9]+; // <-- removed the '-'? ID: [a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]*; WS: [ \t\r\n]+ -> skip; The source of the problem is, that by putting the - in the Lexer rule, ANTLR will match the "-40" as a NBR token, since it's a longer string of characters than "40". The solution is to handle the negation as an alternative in you parser rule for c (aka expression) It's always a good idea to use the ANTLR tool (aka grun) the the -tokens option to get a dump of your token stream to ensure that your Lexer rules are giving the parser the token stream that it needs.
Oragenics' SARS-CoV-2 Spike Protein Produces... Oragenics' SARS-CoV-2 Spike Protein Produces Neutralizing Antibodies in Mice with Intramuscular and Intranasal Adjuvants New data supports Company's approach to COVID-19 vaccine development. TAMPA, Fla.--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Oragenics, Inc. (NYSE American: OGEN) (the Company) announces that the stabilized pre-fusion spike protein trimer produced by its Canadian collaborator and licensed by the Company from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) generates neutralizing antibodies in mice after immunization against SARS-CoV-2, when administered with several novel intramuscular (IM) and intranasal (IN) adjuvants. The expression platform, developed with support from Oragenics' Canadian collaborator, will expedite the evaluation of hybrid SARS-CoV-2 antigen candidates that are scheduled to be evaluated in a hamster viral challenge study beginning with dosing at the end of this month. The mouse immunogenicity study enabled the down-selection of the four adjuvant candidates tested thus far, with two being advanced to assess inhibition of viral replication in hamsters, and IND-enabling toxicology studies. A manuscript suitable for publication, inclusive of the mouse data, will be prepared upon completion of the hamster study. "We are delighted that our SARS-CoV-2 spike protein produced with the high-throughput expression platform from our collaborator shows promise in the development of a next-generation COVID-19 vaccine, and believe this research affirms our development strategy with Oragenics' lead vaccine candidate, Terra CoV-2," said Fred Telling, Ph.D., Executive Chair of Oragenics. "We are pleased to see a robust immunological response with both our novel IM and IN adjuvants. Additionally, we are optimistic about the pre-clinical intranasal data given the respiratory route of transmission of the SARS-CoV-2 virus, and the prospect of developing a novel vaccine candidate that has the potential to reduce viral transmission. The data substantiates our choice of adjuvants to use in subsequent animal and ultimately human studies. We expect to file an IND application with the FDA in the first quarter of 2022." Dr. Telling concluded, "Oragenics continues to believe that our licensed platform will improve development speed, while the ability to rapidly engineer new vaccine antigens will permit us to quickly address new variants as they arise, which will be key in the event that SARS-CoV-2 becomes a seasonal flu-like disease, as many experts anticipate will be the case." Oragenics, Inc. is a development-stage company dedicated to fighting infectious diseases including coronaviruses and multidrug-resistant organisms. Its lead product is Terra CoV-2, a vaccine candidate to prevent COVID-19 and variants of the SARS-CoV-2 virus. The Terra CoV-2 program leverages coronavirus spike protein research licensed from the NIH and the NRC with a focus on addressing supply-chain challenges, and offering more patient-friendly administration, such as intranasal. Its lantibiotics program features a novel class of antibiotics against bacteria that have developed resistance to commercial antibiotics.
Is it possible to be permanently happy? The key to happiness is in undiluted love and selflessness. I am not talking about ephemeral happiness, the one that we get from worldly goods in life, such as life achievements and positions, or from a boyfriend/girlfriend, husband/wife, or even parent. These 'things' are subject to decay or change and so is the happiness they bring. That is where we miss the point, we search for happiness in the wrong places. How dare you place your burden of happiness on another human? How fair do you think that is? How dare you place your burden of happiness on worldly desires? The truth is our desires are insatiable and all they would ever bring is temporary happiness. We live our lives trying to please others so as to be happy but we forget that there is no written script on how to get people to love us, we can only do our part by loving and expecting nothing in return as you have no control over other people's actions. The key to achieving eternal happiness is in selflessness and love, just as the secret to greatness is in serving. We have to understand that our reward is not in the hands of "man" but rather in the hands of the One who is the Master of the universe. Jesus said: As the father has loved me, so have I loved you. Abide in my love, and if you keep my commandments, you will abide in my love, just as I have kept my father's commandments and abide in his love. These things I have spoken to you that my joy may be in you and that your joy may be full (John 15:9-11). Any man who perfects these acts would live a blissful life but a man who continues to attach his state of happiness to the opinions of "man" or worldly desires would have more days of disappointments, sorrow and sadness than happiness. Undiluted love means we long for the welfare of all beings, rejoice with people, yearn for their prosperity and the same applies to your enemies. For there is greater blessing in loving than being loved. However, practice makes perfect they say, we have to practice the acts of selflessness and undiluted love by making conscious effort. As we make these efforts, meditate ceaselessly upon them, the journey to eternal blissfulness becomes so short and later achieved. A man who prides himself in his ego can never achieve eternal happiness. Our Lord Jesus Christ came to this earth as human and he lived a perfect life by perfecting the acts of loving and selflessness. Ridding oneself of selfishness has to be carried out without the fear of being ridiculed and trampled upon, remember your reward is in hands of the one who created the heavens and earth. There should be focus and conscientiousness in the effort of ridding oneself of selfishness by watering the seeds of love and selflessness that have already been planted somewhere in your mind by God. Your friends and even those you love selflessly will mock you, ridicule you, accuse you of inconsistency, and even multiple personalities because you will fall sometimes but do not worry, only a hammer persistence can drive a nail of success. True courage is not the absence of fear but the mastery of fear (Zig Ziglar). By the time you have rid yourself of selfishness and mastered the act of loving and selflessness, all the ridicule, and mockery can no longer inflict pain on you, they would recognize your eternal happiness and naturally respect you but also remember that your reward is in the hands of our heavenly father. No one was born selfish, we are what we are today due to the things we picked up or learned while growing, and just as we learned or picked these things, we also possess the power to drop or unlearn them. There is a Chinese proverb that says; the best time to plant a tree is 20years ago, the second best time is now. Learn to love and you shall see in all souls, even those called "degraded", the divine beauty, and shall know that it will not fail to come forth in its own season. This is one of the heavenly visions; it is out of this that gladness comes (James Allen, 1864-1912). Begin your journey into the gateway of selflessness today, for there lies the Elysium of abiding joy and eternal happiness.
Did you run out of Salt and need an extra delivery? Going on vacation and need to skip or reschedule your next delivery? Tired of lugging around 50lb bags of salt or running out of soft water? Sign-up for Advanced Water's Santa Paula Salt Delivery Service and your salt will be delivered right to your home or business. We will deliver salt for ANY make or model water softener or conditioner. With our various softener salt options you will receive the correct one for your water softening needs. What are the benefits of soft water? If you live in Santa Paula, our experience shows that you most likely have hard water in your home. That includes homes both on city water or a well. As a homeowner, it seems like there is always something to do to keep our house clean and presentable. However, with hard water we never realized how much time and money we were wasting each week. Santa Paula is a city in Ventura County, California, United States. Situated amidst the orchards of the fertile Santa Clara River Valley, the city advertises itself to tourists as the "Citrus Capital of the World." Santa Paula was one of the early centers of California's petroleum industry. The Union Oil Company Building, the founding headquarters of the Union Oil Company of California in 1890, now houses the California Oil Museum. The population was 29,321 at the 2010 census, up from 28,598 at the 2000 census.
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Luxembourg competed at the 1980 Summer Olympics in Moscow, USSR. In partial support of the American-led boycott of the 1980 Summer Olympics, Luxembourg competed under the Olympic Flag instead of its national flag. Results by event Archery After not competing in archery in 1976, Luxembourg returned to the sport in 1980 with one competitor. Men's Individual Competition: Andre Braun - 2386 points (→ 16th place) Athletics Men's 20 km Walk Lucien Faber Final — did not finish (→ no ranking) Shooting 50 metre rifle three positions Roland Jacoby - 34th place 50 metre rifle prone Roland Jacoby - 11th place Nations at the 1980 Summer Olympics 1980 1980 in Luxembourgian sport
Why Did This Crisis Pregnancy Center Advertise on a Public School's Graduation Tickets? How to Fight Fake 'Crisis' Pregnancy Centers When Free Pregnancy Tests Beckon? Jul 18, 2017, 6:10pm Amy Littlefield Tickets for the May graduation at Pearl River Central High School in the southern Mississippi community of Carriere featured an ad with the offer of "FREE Pregnancy tests and help" and the center's phone number. Sav-a-Life Pregnancy Support Services of the Pearl River Area is part of the crisis pregnancy giant CareNet. Sav-A-Life Website Laurie Bertram Roberts just needed a free pregnancy test. But at the facility where she sought services, that test came with an unexpected price: sitting through a graphic anti-abortion video and fielding questions about why Roberts wasn't married to her partner. Roberts did not plan to have an abortion—she just had no money, couldn't get in to see her doctor, and needed that test. Facilities like this one that offered such tests for free were so ubiquitous in Indiana, where she lived, that she considered them just another convenient resource. That all changed during the visit 15 years ago. When Roberts disclosed that her relationship was abusive, the "counselor" doubled down. "She just kept insisting that I should get married for the good of my children because I wasn't right with God," Roberts told Rewire in an interview. "I was like, 'I just told you that he's abusive and I need to figure out a way to leave him.'" Roberts' experience that day has her concerned about the latest effort by a crisis pregnancy center (CPC) in her home state of Mississippi to reach people facing unplanned pregnancies: advertising on a public high school's graduation tickets. Pearl River Central High School graduation tickets. Tickets for the May graduation at Pearl River Central High School in the southern Mississippi community of Carriere featured an ad on the back for Sav-a-Life Pregnancy Support Services of the Pearl River Area, part of the crisis pregnancy giant CareNet. The ad, seen by Rewire, shows a baby's hand clutching a finger, with the offer of "FREE Pregnancy tests and help" and the center's phone number. While Pearl River County Superintendent Alan Lumpkin defended the ads to Rewire, calling them "appropriate," reproductive health activists like Roberts fear they further legitimize fake clinics that attempt to dissuade people from abortion. National and local advocates told Rewire they had never heard of a specific case like this one. "Have I seen anything like this before? No. Do I think it probably goes on? Yes," Roberts, co-founder and executive director of the Mississippi Reproductive Freedom Fund, said. "Have I seen CPCs advertise a lot within the religious community at teen events? Of course. But at public school events? No." Beyond promoting themselves on billboards and public transit, CPCs around the country have run ads in school newspapers and set up shop in neighborhoods near colleges and universities. The ticket ads track with these efforts, according to Kelli Garcia, senior counsel with the National Women's Law Center. "It's very consistent with the way in which they try to infiltrate through all areas and get their name out and recognized with their target group, which are really largely young people," Garcia told Rewire in an interview. "Their expectation is that it's young people who would be most in need of their 'services,' but also young people who are going to most easily fall for their advertising." By design, the ads often give the false impression that CPCs perform or refer for abortions, so would-be patients may mistakenly think they are entering an abortion clinic. Once inside, they face shaming and a barrage of misinformation, like the disproven claim that abortion is linked to breast cancer. This deceptive marketing is evident on Sav-a-Life's website. "Our confidential services and caring peer-counselors can help you make an informed decision about all of your options," the site claims. "Whether you are considering abortion, adoption, or parenting, our staff has the information you need to make the best decision for yourself and your baby." But that's not what Sav-a-Life does. In fact, its mission is to "make abortion unnecessary and undesirable in our region," executive director Bonita Wynn told Rewire in an interview. Wynn said Sav-a-Life bought the ticket ads through Mascot Media, which prints materials like sports schedule posters and cards for schools nationwide. A Mascot Media representative told Rewire the company called Sav-a-Life to offer them sponsorship of the graduation tickets because the center has sponsored products at the school since about 2012. "We advertise on their cards all the time, you know, their schedule cards," Wynn said. Lumpkin, the superintendent, said the school district does not make money off the ads, which he said Mascot Media uses to cover the costs of making the products. Asked about the criteria for these ads, Lumpkin said he would object to "inappropriate" ads promoting alcohol, drugs, or cigarettes. Rewire asked if he would consider a Planned Parenthood ad "inappropriate." "Sav-a-Life, from my understanding in reading their website and their brochures, is they provide counseling, information on all areas of pregnancy for the community," Lumpkin said. "If we had a counseling center, a Planned Parenthood counseling center in our area, and they wanted to sponsor with Mascot Media, that would be appropriate." Pressed on whether the district would run an ad for a local organization that provided abortions, Lumpkin said it would—if there were one. "We wouldn't have a problem with that," Lumpkin said. "If we had one in the area … we don't have one in the area, from my understanding." Lumpkin also said the school district should represent the views of local residents, who, he said, largely oppose abortion. "We're supposed to represent our county views and the values that they in this community, the values that they feel like represent them," Lumpkin said. "No matter what side of it I stand on or what side of it you stand on, those are not the views and values of the state of Mississippi and the county of Pearl River County." Shannon Brewer, director of Jackson Women's Health Organization, Mississippi's only abortion clinic, questioned Lumpkin's conclusions. Her clinic is about two and a half hours from the high school. "I've been here 17 years and there are a lot of people who are in need of our services and there are a lot of people that are pro-choice," Brewer told Rewire in an interview. Brewer said her clinic has fielded sponsorship offers from callers who don't initially realize what her organization does. "When they find out it's an abortion clinic, we have been turned down," Brewer said. Mississippi has more than three dozen CPCs, including one that recently opened across the street from Brewer's clinic. The state requires providers to give patients seeking abortion a referral list that includes these fake clinics, which also receive funding from a state-operated anti-choice license plate program that claims to have raised over $3 million. The state has also passed laws aimed at regulating abortion out of existence, making it cost-prohibitive for Planned Parenthood to offer abortions there, although it does offer other reproductive health services, said Felicia Brown-Williams, Mississippi state director of Planned Parenthood Southeast. The sole Planned Parenthood clinic in the state is in Hattiesburg, about an hour from Pearl River Central High School. "We've got a challenging reproductive health landscape," Brown-Williams told Rewire in an interview. "We've got very high STI rates. Mississippi has the highest number of unintended pregnancies in the country, and that is for age groups across the board, and we know people just don't have access to care generally." Mississippi Gov. Phil Bryant (R) has not only rejected the federal Medicaid expansion, his administration has refused to use funds that would give poor families child care subsidies and rejected nearly everyone who applies for welfare, effectively withholding the very resources needed by many who choose to carry unintended pregnancies to term. Republicans in Congress have followed a similar model, trying to defund Planned Parenthood while slashing Medicaid, although their most recent attempt appears to have collapsed after mass protests. In this environment, CPCs may purport to fill the gap, offering resources like clothing and diapers and even limited prenatal care. But, as in Roberts' case, these services often come with a cost. Many CPCs, including Sav-a-Life, rely on "earn while you learn" programs, where people earn credits in exchange for attending lessons. Roberts said that she was told she could watch videos about topics like abstinence, parenting, breastfeeding, and natural family planning—or even attend church—to get points. "It's right out of the colonizers' handbook, right, like, I'm here to save you, but only if you do what I want you to do, and I'm going to withhold all these resources until you do what I want you to do," Roberts said. "And that is ugly to me." That's why Roberts' organization recently purchased a house in Jackson where she one day hopes to do what CPCs falsely claim to do. Applying a model used by All-Options Pregnancy Resource Center in Indiana, she hopes to offer counseling and support for all pregnancy options, without strings or judgments attached. In the meantime, Roberts, who is also a doula, wishes she could send people to CPCs for supplies. "I wish I could feel like it was a safe space for me to refer my low-income women of color clients to. But I don't," Roberts said. "I don't feel safe sending a rape survivor to them who remains pregnant. And that bothers me, 'cause they hold a lot of resources that people who we serve need and my organization shouldn't have to stockpile another set of resources when these people already have resources stockpiled in [dozens of] locations all over the state." Christine Grimaldi contributed to reporting for this story. Abortion Care, Abortion Rights, Access to abortion, CPC, CPCs, Crisis Pregnancy Centers, Gov. Phil Bryant, Health Systems, Human Rights, Law and Policy, Media, Planned Parenthood, Reproductive Health Care Joy Baynes Anti-Choice Centers Targeted in California Billboard Campaign Aug 10, 2:06pm Nicole Knight The Supreme Court Sided With Fake Clinics in California. The Fallout Could Spread Nationwide. Jul 3, 4:06pm Nicole Knight Louisiana's Bipartisan Abortion Ban the Latest to Go After 'Roe' May 31, 2:16pm Teddy Wilson
Bahditiwa obtained 7th Legionnaire's Legwraps. Bahditiwa obtained 7th Legionnaire's Robes. Lóras obtained Trident of Deep Ocean. Ëternîty obtained 7th Legionnaire's Greaves. Ëternîty obtained 7th Legionnaire's Armguards. Lóras obtained Kraken Shell Pauldrons. Lóras purchased item Relinquished Azerite Spaulders. Lóras obtained Cloak of the Restless Tribes.
Q: AxaptaContainerWrapper Class .net AX 2009 I would like to use AxaptaContainerWrapper object in .net c#. I don't understand documentation on MSDN web site (http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc519742%28v=ax.50%29.aspx). AxaptaContainerWrapper axCon; string ret2 = "axCon"; axCon.Insert(1, ret2); In VS 2008 I get error Use of unassigned local variable axCon Why? A: You should use axaptaWrapper.CreateAxaptaObject() method: msdn AxaptaWrapper aw= SessionManager.GetSession(); AxaptaObjectWrapper aow= ax.CreateAxaptaObject("??"); A: I wrote code below and I haven't any errors. I have to make all report to test it AxaptaWrapper ax = SessionManager.GetSession(); AxaptaObjectWrapper axClass; AxaptaContainerWrapper axCon = ax.CreateAxaptaContainer();
Tag: novels Basti by Intizar Husain Post date 23 February 2016 No Comments on Basti by Intizar Husain This is a Pakistani novel from 1979, set during Bangladesh's war of independence from Pakistan, but with lots of flashbacks — to a pre-Partition life in India, to Partition and the migration to Pakistan — and dreams going further back still, to India's First War of Independence.* The earliest scenes of pre-Partition India are seen, through a child's eyes, as idyllically multicultural, which makes Partition a sort of fall from grace. Partially that's just the contrast between the innocence of the child and the cynicism of the adult; but there is a sense reading the book of a great deal of political and ideological energy being expended and great changes being achieved, and none of it making life appreciably better. Politics aside, it's just a very well-written novel (hat-tip to Frances W. Pritchett for the translation). As well as the flashbacks, parts of it are in the form of letters, diary entries and dreams. The result is atmospheric and impressionistic, and occasionally confusing, especially for those of us who don't have the cultural context. But it has a very strong sense of place, a great eye for detail, well-drawn characters and natural-sounding dialogue. This is the second book from Pakistan I've read for the Read The World challenge; I felt I ought to be able to do better than the last one (Kartography by Kamila Shamsie), which was fine but nothing special. Basti is a definite improvement. *i.e. the Indian Mutiny/Rebellion/Revolt of 1857. » The photo of the Tomb of Bibi Jawindi is from Wikipedia; it's by Shah zaman baloch and used under a CC by-sa licence. Tags books, India, Intizar Husain, novels, Pakistan, read the world, South Asia War with the Newts by Karel Čapek No Comments on War with the Newts by Karel Čapek This is satirical science fiction from 1936, about the discovery of a species of intelligent amphibian living in the sea next to a small island near Sumatra. The 'newts' are exploited and traded, initially as pearl fishers and then as cheap labour on massive marine construction projects, until they are present in huge numbers all around the world; and then — spoilers, I guess, but the clue's in the title — they start fighting back. I bought it because it was recommended on the Book Shambles podcast, but even so it turned out to be much more entertaining and readable than I expected. The satire is not as focussed as, say, Nineteen Eighty-Four; the biggest targets are colonialism and racism, with the trade in newts modelled on the slave trade, but along the way it takes pot shots at nationalism, capitalism, fascism, Hollywood, newspapers, scientists and much else. I read the Robert and Marie Weatherall translation from 1936; I certainly enjoyed it, although Wikipedia suggests that the more recent Ewald Osers version is more highly regarded. I did already have the Czech Republic ticked off for the Read The World challenge when I started — I've read Kafka and Hašek and whatnot — but this is the first Czech book I've read since then, probably. » The photo is a tweaked version of 'Hellbender at the National Zoo, Reptile Discovery Center', © Brian Gratwicke and used under a CC-by licence. Tags amphibians, books, Czech Republic, Karel Čapek, novels, read the world, science fiction The Palace of Dreams by Ismail Kadare Post date 5 November 2015 No Comments on The Palace of Dreams by Ismail Kadare This is a novel written in communist Albania in 1981 but set in a fictionalised version of the Ottoman Empire in, I guess, the late 19th century. The protagonist, Mark-Alem, is from a family, the Quprilis, who are originally Albanian but are living in Istanbul and are prominent, powerful players within the Ottoman Empire. The book follows his career working at the Tabir Sarrail — the Palace of Dreams — a huge office devoted to collecting, sifting and interpreting the dreams of people from all across the empire. Once a week, a single dream is chosen as the Master-Dream and delivered to the Sultan, along with its interpretation. "The world has long recognised the importance of dreams, and the rôle they play in anticipating the fates of countries and of the people who govern them. You have certainly heard of the Oracle of Delphi in ancient Greece, and of the famous soothsayers of Rome, Assyria, Persia, Mongolia, and so on. […] Now this long tradition undoubtedly has its own importance, but it pales into insignificance beside the operations of the Tabir Sarrail. Our imperial State is the first in the history of the world to have institutionalized the interpretation of dreams, and so to have brought it to such a high degree of perfection." […] "The task of our Palace of Dreams, which was created directly by the reigning Sultan, is to classify and examine not the isolated dreams od certain individuals — such as those who in the past were for one reason or another granted the privilege, and who in practice enjoyed the monopoly, of prediction through the interpretation of divine omens — but the 'Tabir' as a whole: in other words, all the dreams of all citizens without exception." The Palace of Dreams was apparently banned in Albania on publication, and you can see why. As a piece of political commentary, it is necessarily somewhat oblique, as this quote from Kadare points out: "dissidence was a position no one could occupy, even for a few days, without facing the firing squad. On the other hand, my books themselves constitute a very obvious form of resistance". Still, the vision of a government trying to reach right into the minds of all its subjects, of a huge sprawling bureaucracy devoted to tracking and recording people's thoughts, the brutal interrogation of people who are unlucky enough to have 'significant' dreams, and the way the process is undertaken with great seriousness but seems to be completely arbitrary: it's a pretty good metaphor for a totalitarian government. I find it quite hard to think of this as a book written in my lifetime; it's not just the setting, but tone and style. The most obvious comparison would be Kafka — there are descriptions of getting lost in the corridors of the Tabir Sarrail which are particularly reminiscent — but also someone like Bruno Schulz, perhaps. Early/mid C20th, anyway. Although this edition, which I picked up in a second-hand shop, was translated from the Albanian via the French, so I don't know how that may have affected the nuances. Still, it's a striking fable. It's very much built around one central concept, but it's short enough that that's not a problem. The Palace of Dreams is my book from Albania for the Read The World challenge. » The postcard is, as the caption says, of the central post office in Istanbul. Which is at least a big Ottoman bureaucratic building. I found it via Ottoman Imperial Archives on Flickr. Tags Albania, Balkans, books, Europe, Ismail Kadare, novels, read the world Remnants: The Way of the Womb by Hagop Oshagan No Comments on Remnants: The Way of the Womb by Hagop Oshagan This is my book from Armenia for the Read The World challenge. Oshagan was born in 1883 in what is now Turkey — then the Ottoman Empire — and this novel is set in the Armenian community in Turkey before the genocide. 'The Way of the Womb' is actually just the first volume of a three volume novel; the third, unfinished volume tells the story of the genocide itself. The Way of the Womb works well enough as a stand-alone novel, but obviously it would be a very different experience to read the whole work. Even without any explicit references to the approaching horrors, the context is unavoidable. It creates both dark foreshadowing and an elegiac note for a lost world. Not that Oshagan presents the lost Turkish-Armenian life as a golden idyll — his characters are feuding and manipulative — but there's a certain amount of stuff about straight-limbed, strong Armenian youths living simple, honest lives among the olive groves, contrasting with an (understandably bitter) representation of weaker, more degenerate Turks. This volume tells the story of a woman who, desperate to produce a grandson to continue the family name, is scheming to persuade her daughter-in-law to sleep with the hired help. That is used as a framing device to look back at the history of her family, the Nalbandians; once wealthy and powerful, built up by one man, Hajji* Artin, and in terminal decline in the generations after his death. I would like to be more enthusiastic about this book. The story itself, the characters, and the setting, are striking and interesting. But reading it was really hard work. The prose is quite dense and difficult anyway; I often found myself having to reread sentences several times. But it is made much harder by a lack of white space. The framing story has some pretty long paragraphs, but at least it's frequently broken up by dialogue. The flashback to tell the story of the Nalbandians is 60 pages without a single paragraph break. 60 pages! I assume that's a reflection of the original Armenian, but it was a real struggle to get through it. It's a pity. I can see why this is an important book for Armenians, and there really were things I liked about it; but it was just too much of a chore. It's possible that's the fault of the translation, rather than the original text… but either way, I won't be picking up the next two volumes, if they get translated. For once I can see the appeal of a Reader's Digest Condensed version, just for sake of the story, if anyone feels like producing one. * 'Hajji' is obviously a term they picked up from their muslim neighbours, but in their case it was apparently used to refer to someone who had made the pilgrimage to Jerusalem. » The photo is of the Armenian Cathedral of the Holy Cross on Akdamar Island, Turkey. It was abandoned at the time of the genocide; it was restored and reopened as a museum in 2007. The photo is © Adam Jones and used under a CC by-sa licence. Tags Armenia, books, Hagop Oshagan, novels, read the world, Turkey, Western Asia The Colonel by Mahmoud Dowlatabadi No Comments on The Colonel by Mahmoud Dowlatabadi Gosh, this book is grim. It starts with the colonel being summoned from his house in the middle of a rainy night to collect the tortured body of his daughter from the secret police, and he is told to bury her before daybreak to avoid any kind of attention. The story of that night and the following day is combined with flashbacks, and we learn of one child after another lost to violence: being tortured by the Shah's regime or the Islamic Republic, or dying in the Iran/Iraq War. Each of his children belongs to, and represents, a different political movement: different flavours of communism and Islamism. But they all fall foul of the government sooner or later, as the political tides change. Except, I guess, for the one who dies in the war, who is celebrated as a martyr — but is no less dead. I don't know enough about the politics of Iran in the 70s and 80s, so the historically specific detail is lost on me, but it still works as a portrayal of a country suffering political turmoil and violent repression. Certainly an effective novel, if not an enjoyable one. » The photo is of 'the acoustic ceiling of the rooftop music room of the Ali Qapu Palace in Isfahan, Iran'. Not particularly thematically apt, but it's a nice picture. © David Stanley and used under a CC-by licence. Tags Iran, Mahmoud Dowlatabadi, Middle East, novels, read the world Down the Rabbit Hole by Juan Pablo Villalobos No Comments on Down the Rabbit Hole by Juan Pablo Villalobos I picked this up because it was around the house and I was looking for something to read, but it turns out the author is from Mexico, so I guess it's my book from Mexico for the Read The World challenge. This is a very short novel — 67 pages — narrated by Tochtli*, the young son of a drug dealer. He lives entirely surrounded by adults — a maid, a cook, two armed guards and a tutor — all of whom indulge his eccentricities out of fear of his terrifying violent father. He has a collection of hats and a desire to own a pygmy hippopotamus to go with his father's various exotic animals, including two tigers.† The story really is of a child's mind being warped by his surroundings; by his father's lessons about how to be macho, and above all to avoid being 'a faggot', by his conversations with his father about how many shots it would take a to kill a man in different parts of the body, and by the evidence of corruption and sex and violence around him. So at the start, although it's disturbing the way he parrots his father, he still seems rather innocent; by the end you are wondering if it's already too late for him, if he's damaged beyond repair. Having this horrible situation told in a child's voice is an effective and creepy device. It's also genuinely funny in a dark grotesque way. I enjoyed it. *'Tochtli' is the word for rabbit in Nahuatl, and all the Mexican characters have Nahuatl animal names; so the father is called Yolcaut, 'rattlesnake', and so on. † Hippopotamus is, somewhat famously, now an invasive species in Colombia after some escaped from the ranch of the drug baron Pablo Escobar. » The photo is of the original entrance to Pablo Escobar's hacienda. The plane is a replica of the one Escobar used to carry his first shipment of cocaine to the US. The hacienda is now a theme park; you can see the entrance in the background. "Pórtico Hacienda Nápoles" by XalD – Own work. Licensed under CC BY 3.0 via Wikimedia Commons. Tags books, Central America, Juan Pablo Villalobos, Mexico, novels, read the world
Eliza Farnham California, in-doors and out; My early days; Ideal attained... Robert Herrick An anatomy of literature; Clark's Field; The web of life... Janice N. Harrington Born: in Vernon, Alabama Connection to Illinois: Harrington lives in Champaign. Biography: Janice N. Harrington writes poetry and is the author of award-winning children's books. Growing up in Alabama and Nebraska, both settings figure prominently in her writing. A Cave Canem Fellow, Harrington is also the winner of a 2007 National Endowment for the Arts Literature Fellowship for Poetry. Her poetry appears regularly in American literary magazines and has led to awards from the Illinois Arts Council and appearances on ''Poetry Daily'' and ''Verse Daily''. Previously a public librarian and a professional storyteller, she told stories at festivals around the country, including the National Storytelling Festival. Harrington currently teaches in the creative writing program at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Busy-Busy Little Chick Illinois READS Book Selection, Illinois Reading Council, 2014 Even the Hollow My Body Made Is Gone A. Poulin, Jr. Poetry Prize, BOA Editions; Kate Tufts Discovery Award The Chicken Chasing Queen of Lamar County Top 10 Children's Books, ''Time'' magazine, 2007 Going North Ezra Jack Keats New Writer Award, New York Public Library, 2005 Buzzing with Questions: The Inquisitive Mind of Charles Henry Turne Best STEM Book, NSTA/CBC, 2020; Starred Review, School Library Journal; Illinois READS Book Selection, Illinois Reading Council, 2023 Primary Literary Genre(s): Fiction; Non-Fiction; Poetry Primary Audience(s): Adult readers; Children Blog: https://www.janiceharrington.com/contact.html E-Mail: [email protected] Web: https://www.janiceharrington.com/ Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Janice_N._Harrington Busy-busy Little Chick / Farrar Straus Giroux, New York : 2013. Mama Nsoso knows her chicks need a warm new house, but each day when they set out to collect sticks and mud she is distracted by good things to eat, while Little Chick stays busy gathering the building materials himself. Buzzing with questions : Questions buzzed endlessly in Charles Henry Turner's mind. Fascinated by bugs and other animals, he wondered: Can spiders learn? How do ants find their way home? Can bugs see color? --from dust jacket. Catching a storyfish / Even the hollow my body made is gone : Going North / Melanie Kroupa Books/Farrar Straus and Giroux, New York : ©2004 A young African American girl and her family leave their home in Alabama and head for Lincoln, Nebraska, where they hope to escape segregation and find a better life. Primitive : Roberto walks home Viking, New York : 2008. Roberto is very angry when his older brother Miguel promises to walk him home from school and then forgets. The chicken-chasing queen of Lamar County / A young farm girl tries to catch her favorite chicken, until she learns something about the hen that makes her change her ways. The hands of strangers :
Ted Nugent has carved a permanent place in rock & roll history as the ultimate guitar-shredding showman, selling more than 40 million albums, performing over 6,500 high-octane live shows, and continuing to set attendance records at venues around the globe. But that's just the beginning! A lifelong hunter, Ted is lauded for his nonstop promotion of the shooting sports in major media, and is widely regarded as America's Number One Pro-Hunting Voice.
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SFSA Casteel Reporter – January 2023 January 18, 2023 // by Rob Blair This month's commentary reviews Raymond's predictions for 2022, and includes new ones for this year. 76th Technical & Operating Conference 5th Steel Casting Design Video Now Available Recruiting the Next Generation Student Apprentices Seeing US Internship Opportunities The T&O this past December was another success thanks to the authors, workshop presenters and T&O Committee. With most of the 58 papers presented by industry and the majority of member foundries represented at the conference, it was a tremendous opportunity to work together in advancing our industry. We all benefit from foundry members, academic partners, and government personnel who come together to make our industry better. Planning is already underway for this year's conference; tentatively scheduled for December 6-9 in Chicago. If you would like to recommend a topic and presenter for the 77th T&O, please contact Dave. Safety awards for achievement of a Perfect Safety Record with 2021 zero DART rate: MetalTek – Sandusky, Midwest Metal Products, and Southern Cast Products. Safety awards for achievement of a DART rate equal to or less than the 2021 national average for manufacturing (2.0): Fimex, Magotteaux – Pulaski, McConway & Torley, ME Global – Duluth, MetalTek – Carondelet, MetalTek – Wisconsin Centrifugal, Northern Stainless, POK, and Southern Alloy. Steel Founders' Society Foundation scholarships awarded to member interns selected to present at the T&O: Payton Altum – Harrison Steel, Justin Hutches – Howell Foundry, Shuvo Moinuddin – Ashland Foundry, Jacob Sklenar – MetalTek-Wisconsin Centrifugal, and Brian Stripp – MetalTek-Wisconsin Centrifugal. Service citations recognize the completion of terms for board members and chairs of the society's committees and groups that have invested time and energy to make these functions beneficial for members: Jeff Cook – Eagle Alloy. Each month, the Casteel Reporter highlights some of SFSA's research. SFSA members have an opportunity to help direct our research projects and can obtain an early benefit from current R&D. Members can also propose new, non-competitive research ideas to SFSA's research committees. To sponsor a project or submit a research project, please contact Dave. This month, we highlight our research on Advanced High Strength Steels (AHSS). This work will improve quality and decrease the production time of high-performance steels, which in turn improves manufacturability and enables a responsive supply chain to produce these alloys. Historically, composition and heat treatment were broad and made manufacturing and reliable performance achievable. Microalloying, specialized heat treatment cycles and even grain boundary engineering offer new opportunities for steel. Achieving properties in heavy sections, resolving hydrogen issues, and developing practices for welding and machining are also considerations in advanced steels development. High performance steels provide weldable, tough, and affordable alternatives to aerospace aluminum or titanium. The following projects support this thrust: Fe-Containing Multi-Principal Element Alloys for Protective Structures – Colorado School of Mines Advancing Low Alloy High Performance Steels – Colorado School of Mines Weldability of Fe-10Ni as a Robust Replacement for Filler Metals Used in Naval Structures – Lehigh University Optimization of Current HY Steels – QuesTek HSLA 150 Development – QuesTek Effects of Microalloying Additions on the Microstructure and Performance of HY Steels – University of Maryland Mike Gwyn completed the 5th video of the Steel Casting Design Series and SFSA has posted it to the Steel wiki along with a shareable link for customers. Episode 5 in the SFSA Casting Design & Manufacturing Engineering webinar series addresses the problems and solutions for thickness differences in the mold cavity interior regions. Interior thickness differences result from junctions of shapes. An example would be a wall from the casting's exterior joining a cylindrical boss in the middle of the mold cavity. Sometimes the thicker section is functional, like a boss for a fastener or bearing. Often it is increased thickness for resisting stress structurally. If a junction with more thickness occurs along the perimeter of a steel casting design, there is no problem. A riser can easily be attached to the perimeter to feed the additional thickness. However, in the mold's interior, feeding that thickness is not so easy. How to resolve that difficulty in both the OEM's design geometry and the producer's tooling design is the subject, and it is necessary for successful Castability Geometry. The next design video titled 'Process Dominated Castability Geometry' will be released in February 2023. Last chance to sign up your team for the 2023 SFSA Cast In Steel (CIS) competition. Get your team together today! Teams will create an African Spear Point exploiting the casting manufacturing process from design conception to performance. The performance competition and awards ceremony will be held during the AFS Metalcasting Congress in Cleveland, Ohio on April 24-25, 2023. If your foundry is interest in partnering with a team, contact Raymond at [email protected] or Renee at [email protected]. Victor Okhuysen and Dika Handayani of Cal Poly Pomona have written a great article on training and recruiting high-quality engineering candidates through industry-partnered competitions like Cast in Steel. It's published in the December edition of INCAST magazine and you can read it here. Two students attending Ecole Supérieure de Fonderie et de Forge in Sèvres, France are seeking summer internship opportunities at a US foundry to fulfill a TOIEC (Test of English for International communication) requirement for graduation. These students have both done apprenticeships at Ferry Capitain. The students' CVs are available here. Please contact them directly if you are interested in supporting. According to the SFSA trends report, steel and stainless casting bookings have been in a year over year decline since August 2022 while shipments have continued to trend upward. In November, 80% of members anticipated that bookings in the next three months will be flat or decline. The median backlog for steel and stainless castings remains relatively constant at 13 weeks for steel and 12 weeks for stainless. ITR is forecasting that business activity will be modestly positive in the first half of 2023 in those areas that maintained a positive trend through the end of 2022. Business cycle conditions will generally deteriorate going through the second half of the year. A mild recession is forecasted for 2024. Furthermore, all the manufacturing sector forecasts were revised to a varying degree based on the industries susceptibility to interest rate changes, yield curve inversion, and macroeconomic variations. US metalworking machinery and construction machinery new orders as well as US mining production have been revised lower while US defense capital goods new orders was revised upward. The SFSA 2023 Market Forecast, updated in December by the Marketing Committee, is available online here. My Ideas for 2022 for the North American Steel Foundry Industry: Demand for steel castings will be volatile reflecting the instability in our economic and political situation. However, the lack of capacity, concerns about reliable supply, the need for parts in our regional economy, wariness of dependence on overseas supply will likely keep us fully booked through 2022. Steel casting bookings went from 20% up to a 30% increase and fell to 5% up but production for steel and stainless castings held between up 5 to 15%. Parts and supplies will continue to be difficult to find and logistics will be problematic. China has a plurality or majority of production capacity for many of the basic industrial materials for a developed economy. Our NIMBY society has limited and closed much of our North American production and we will be hostage for many items to overseas supply. These challenges were also present and made worse with the invasion of Ukraine. The energy markets with the sanctions against Russia and the restrictions on Russian pig iron both exacerbated the supply de-coupling of globalization. All of the issues with the steel industry's supply chain have resulted in a significant increase in steel prices, and they have skyrocketed by 300 percent above pre-pandemic levels. Over the past year, the cost of producing steel materials increased by 141.6 percent, and the cost of producing iron and steel increased by 105 percent. Steel became more expensive to maintain as a result of the unreasonably high demand for the material, which led to shortages of raw materials and, in turn, factory inability to meet demand. https://blog.fleetx.io/supply-chain-issues-faced-in-the-steel-industry/ Workforce will limit of production capability. We have record job openings at historically low levels of unemployment. Our incoming workforce is smaller than our retiring workforce. Automation will become a question of not whether but how. In 2018 the demographic reality began to catch up with us where the number of unemployed was less than the number of jobs openings. The pandemic caused a huge jump in unemployment and drop in job openings which disappeared halfway through 2020 and became the worker shortage we have lived with since. The current level of job openings is twice the unemployment level. Inflation will force careful commercial arrangements as limited supplies result in pricing that is unexpectedly higher. Scrap and natural gas prices dramatically increased and poised a challenge to realize those costs. China's economic activity and our equity markets valuations are unsustainable and we will see a significant adjustment this year. Stock fell in 2022 and China is in an increasingly unstable position. By the middle of the year, most COVID restrictions will be gone and we will adjust to the endemic as a fact of life. Improved market conditions and financial performance should allow steel foundries in North America to plan and begin significant capital modernization and automation. I think I count this one as a miss, but I am hopeful for 2023!! The global reduction in capacity for steel castings that was most severe in North America will make the demand in 2023 for steel castings firm, continuing the trend of full production based on available supplies, logistics and workforce. A recession this year will temper the demand but the systemic requirements for steel castings to maintain the infrastructure and material production will support the requirement for steel casting production. The public policy requirements for carbon emission reduction and electrification will increase the investment in mining and infrastructure, supporting the need for steel castings. These requirements will be postponed as it becomes increasingly apparent that the technology and resources available cannot meet the aggressive targets. This will also require conventional investments in fossil fuel production and peak demand natural gas generation. Economic and national security will require more capital investment in our industry as globalization recedes and regional sourcing become needed to reduce risk. These capital funds will come either from longer term supplier agreements with OEMs, national security funds to ensure domestic supply or from elevated profitability from pricing that reflects inadequate capacity. Workforce challenges will remain systemic for future years including 2023. Steel casting producers will be automating to reduce the labor required for production. Plants will develop longer term plans to automate limited by the availability of funding, capable equipment and useful technology. This will result in up-skilling and up-grading workforce requirements and allow plants to offer more compelling career paths for new employees. Suppliers of materials and equipment will face many of the same challenges and will need to prioritize their markets. Establishing a strong and collaborative relationship with our suppliers will be key to ensuring our ability to produce. Customers will be both more demanding and more flexible to support their products. Steel foundries will need to become more engaged in understanding the requirements and developing a market structure so customers can support our investment and costs of meeting their needs. China will increasingly face huge challenges beyond COVID and geopolitical trade problems. Their demographic challenge of elderly and lack of incoming workforce may be the most significant for any country globally. Their internal debts, focus on construction and infrastructure, dependence on export markets and developed economies' knowhow remains unsustainable. For critical supplies like steel castings, they will become a difficult source. Steel casting producers will need to have a clear view of the drivers for their business and become particular and collaborative with the suppliers and customers who can work together with us in an uncertain political, economic and cultural world. Previous Post: « SFSA Casteel Reporter – November 2022
"use strict"; /* import-globals-from common.js */ async function init() { const user = document.querySelector("#moz_login span.anchor").textContent; const headers = document.querySelectorAll("h3"); for (const h of headers) { if (!h.textContent.endsWith("review")) { continue; } for (const tr of h.nextElementSibling.querySelectorAll("tr")) { const a = tr.querySelector("a[href^='show_bug.cgi?id=']"); const bug_id = a && a.href.match(/(\d+)$/)[1]; const visible = await storage(bug_id); const td = tr.firstElementChild; if (a && !td.textContent.includes(user) && !visible) { td.textContent = "[redacted]"; } } } } init();
Lenny Antonelli http://lennyantonelli.ie/ Posted Jun 24, 2019 Is procurement stifling natural building materials? Is the very nature of the way that construction products are bought and sold limiting the wider proliferation of natural and sustainable materials? While those in the green building sector may be informed about a diverse array of natural and ecological products, many of these have struggled to penetrate the mainstream market, which tends to rely on the same materials over and over again, like concrete and synthetic insulants. "The uptake of natural insulation products is limited by the current systems of procurement," says Will Kirkman of leading sustainable building materials supplier Ecomerchant. "There is often a presumption that if an architect or self-builder wants to specify something, that everything is readily available. But how easy is it really for a specifier to get the products and materials they are looking for?" Kirkman pointed out that mineral wool, polyurethane rigid board and polystyrene foams make up over 95% of the approximately £900 million annual total of UK insulation sales. "The very ubiquitous nature of just a few insulation products creates the artificial impression that these are the only ones on the market," he said. "The big builder's merchants, for example, usually don't stock natural insulation materials on the shop floor — so they can appear to be invisible." He likened this representation of choice to going into a supermarket and finding only white bread on the bread aisle — perhaps of various different types and from different manufacturers, but just white bread nonetheless. "If all you ever saw is white bread, that's the bread you would buy," he says. Kirkman says this is compounded by the fact that building regulations only measure thermal performance, meaning natural materials are often overlooked by specifiers as too expensive because they are compared with plastic insulants on U-value alone. Cultural mindsets This point is echoed by passive house architect Jae Cotterell, one of the developers of the PH15 build system from Passivhaus Homes. PH15 is a passive house suitable timber-frame system that uses natural insulants like woodfibre and sheep wool insulation. "Education is an enormous part of it," Cotterell says. "If you only look at U-value, clearly the woodfibre isn't going to perform as well as Celotex [for the same thickness]." But there are a host of other factors that often aren't considered when insulation is specified — these include embodied energy, carbon sequestration, decrement delay, breathability and so on. "The negative perhaps of using a system like PH15 is that you have a thicker wall, but the advantage is you have something that addresses building biology as well as building physics." Cotterell also believes there is a perception, at least in the mainstream industry, that some of these natural materials carry greater risk, making the industry very slow to move away from the systems and materials they are used to. One example is the perception that woodfibre insulation might be a fire risk, because wood is typically seen as a fuel. "Wood fibre is actually incredibly robust under fire," Cotterell says. "The timber industry have a big job to do to deal with that cultural mindset." Clearly, new lines of communication are needed between those specifying building materials and those supplying sustainable alternatives. Kirkman points out that an expert supplier like Ecomerchant, who cover a huge breadth of sustainable building products, is often engaged too late in the procurement process to be able to offer advice on material choice. Typically an architect will have specified a particular product, and the contractor will then approach Ecomerchant looking for it. But if an expert supplier is engaged earlier, Kirkman says, it can offer advice on the best products and systems to use for a particular application. It points to an issue that Passive House Plus repeatedly hears from those in the sustainable building sector: the need for a much more collaborative approach to procurement in order to deliver high quality, sustainable buildings — as opposed to the traditional approach, which is based purely on price, and which encourages cost-cutting and the worst kind of 'value engineering'. Indeed, Passive House Plus frequently hears about the need for designers and contractors to work together collaboratively from the early stages of a project — but perhaps there is a strong argument that expert merchants have a role to play in that process, too. Passive House Plus plans to return to the issue of procurement, and to cover it in more depth, in upcoming issues. sustainable building technologies International: Issue 30 Site specific - Somerset passive house adapts to tight plot Legendary engineer builds engine-less home Cork retrofit blitzes new build NZEB standard Inner strength - 60s Dublin city scheme a model for retrofit based regeneration Managing moisture: why we must learn the four Cs
Campbell es un lugar designado por el censo ubicado en el condado de Osceola en el estado estadounidense de Florida. En el Censo de 2010 tenía una población de 2.479 habitantes y una densidad poblacional de 499,03 personas por km². Geografía Campbell se encuentra ubicado en las coordenadas . Según la Oficina del Censo de los Estados Unidos, Campbell tiene una superficie total de 4.97 km², de la cual 4.92 km² corresponden a tierra firme y (0.94%) 0.05 km² es agua. Demografía Según el censo de 2010, había 2.479 personas residiendo en Campbell. La densidad de población era de 499,03 hab./km². De los 2.479 habitantes, Campbell estaba compuesto por el 90.32% blancos, el 2.26% eran afroamericanos, el 0.24% eran amerindios, el 1.37% eran asiáticos, el 0.04% eran isleños del Pacífico, el 3.51% eran de otras razas y el 2.26% pertenecían a dos o más razas. Del total de la población el 15.53% eran hispanos o latinos de cualquier raza. Referencias Enlaces externos Lugares designados por el censo en Florida Localidades del condado de Osceola (Florida)
Ireland's Blasket Islands On these six islands off the tip of the Dingle Peninsula, traditions of ancient Gaelic culture still survive This rugged group of six islands off the tip of Dingle Peninsula seems particularly close to the soul of Ireland. Rick Steves If you're touring the Dingle Peninsula, visit the Blasket Islands if you have time and an interest in Irish heritage. Start by visiting the Great Blasket Centre, then take a boat to the islands. Great Blasket Centre This center, on the mainland facing the islands, is an essential stop before visiting the islands—or a good place to learn about them without making the crossing. This state-of-the-art Blascaod and Gaelic heritage center gives visitors the best look possible at the language, literature, and way of life of Blasket Islanders. The building's award-winning design mixes interpretation and the surrounding countryside. Its spine, a sloping village lane, leads to an almost sacred view of the actual island. Don't miss the exceptional 20-minute video (shows on the half hour), then hear the sounds, read the poems, browse through old photos, and gaze out the big windows at those rugged islands...and imagine. Even if you never got past limericks, you'll appreciate the poetry of these people—so pure and close to each other and nature (€4, covered by Heritage Card, Easter–Oct daily 10:00–18:00, closed Nov–Easter, fine cafeteria, well signposted on the Slea Head Drive near Dunquin/Dun Chaoin, tel. 066/915-6444). The Blasket Islands This rugged group of six islands (Na Blascaodai) off the tip of Dingle Peninsula seems particularly close to the soul of Ireland. The population of Great Blasket Island (An Blascaod Mór), home to as many as 160 people, dwindled until the government moved the last handful of residents to the mainland in 1953. Life here was hard. Each family had a cow, a few sheep, and a plot of potatoes. They cut their peat from the high ridge and harvested fish from the sea. There was no priest, pub, or doctor. Because they were not entirely dependent upon the potato, they survived the famine relatively unscathed. These people formed the most traditional Irish community of the 20th century—the symbol of ancient Gaelic culture. A special closeness to an island—combined with a knack for vivid storytelling—is inspirational. From this primitive but proud fishing/farming community came three writers of international repute whose Gaelic work—basically tales of life on Great Blasket Island—is translated into many languages. You'll find Peig (by Peig Sayers), Twenty Years a-Growing (Maurice O'Sullivan), and The Islander (Thomas O'Crohan) in shops everywhere. The island's café and hostel have closed down, and today Great Blasket is little more than a ghost town overrun with rabbits on a peaceful, grassy, three-mile-long poem. Getting to the Blasket Islands From Dunquin: The 40-passenger Blasket Islands ferry runs hourly from Dunquin, at the tip of Dingle Peninsula; in summer, it goes every hour between 10:30 and 14:30, depending on weather and demand (€25 round-trip, April–Sept, no boats Oct–March, ferry tel. 066/915-6422, 066/915-4864, or 087/231-6131, www.blasketislands.ie). There's also a scenic two-hour Blasket Island Eco Tour circuit cruise from Dunquin Harbor, which departs at 12:00 and 14:30 (€35, April–Sept only, same phone numbers). Or you can combine the Eco Tour with a stop for time on the island (€40, call for schedule). Dunquin has a fine hostel (tel. 066/915-6121). From Dingle Town: In summer, a fast little catamaran runs between Dingle town and the Blasket Islands. The ride (which may include a quick look at Fungie the dolphin) traces the spectacular coastline all the way to Slea Head, in a boat designed to slice expertly through the ocean chop. A larger boat, the 70-seat Lady Breda, offers a similar service from Dingle town and operates when there's enough demand. These boats also do three-hour eco-tours for those interested in puffins, dolphins, and seals. The tricky landing at Great Blasket Island's primitive little boat ramp makes getting off a challenge, and landing virtually impossible in a storm (€35 same-day round-trip; departs from the marina pier in Dingle at 11:00, 13:00, and 15:00; includes 35-min ride with free time to explore island, call Mary to confirm sailing times of either boat—or for more details on the eco-tours—at tel. 066/915-1344 or mobile 087-672-6100). Rick Steves (www.ricksteves.com) writes European travel guidebooks and hosts travel shows on public television and public radio. E-mail him at [email protected], or write to him c/o P.O. Box 2009, Edmonds, WA 98020. © 2010 Rick Steves Rick Steves | READ MORE Rick Steves is a travel writer and television personality. He coordinated with Smithsonian magazine to produce a special travel issue Travels with Rick Steves. Ireland Ireland Travel Travel
Orlando International Airport is approximately 17 miles away. From the airport, take the south exit towards "Kissimmee-417" Disney. This will take you to the Greeneway South. Travel south on 417/Greeneway--a toll road--for about 13.5 miles and exit at International Drive/535 & 536. At the first major intersection, continue on 536 West to the Marriott's Orlando World Center, which will be on the right. Turn right into the main entrance, then right at the Royal Palms entrance. Continue another 1/2 mile to the resort.
Black Drop Effect Home » Blog » Black Drop Effect Heard somewhere about the Venus transit or Mercury transit but don't know a dime about what actually they are? Don't you worry because this article lights up all about the transits and the Black Drop Effect associated with it. The black drop effect is an optical phenomenon that can be viewed during a transit of Venus or in transit of Mercury. Transit of Venus occurs when planet Venus passes directly in between the Sun and some other superior planet. This way, it becomes visible against the solar disk and it blocks a small portion of the sun. When a transit takes place, Venus can be seen from Earth as a small black dot. This dot may tend to be moving across the front visible portion of Sun. The duration of such transits can be of usually several hours. We know that the diameter of Venus is three times that of Moon and is comparatively farther from Earth. For these very reasons, Venus appears smaller and travels slowly across the face of the Sun. The Transit of Venus is considered to be the rarest among all other predictable astronomical phenomena. The black drop effect was earlier thought to occur due to Venus's thick atmosphere. This indeed was proved to be the first real evidence that Venus actually had an atmosphere. However, undergoing several kinds of research and advancements in the field of Astronomic sciences, it has now been concluded to be the Optical phenomenon. Additionally, it is found that the effect was caused by the combination of these 2 factors: Extreme darkening of the Sun's disk near the edge The internal imperfection of the viewing apparatus EARLIER OBSERVATIONS – BLACK DROP EFFECT Mercury transits were the ones which are observed frequently before. The Shuckburgh telescope of the Royal Observatory, Greenwich, London was used for observing the transit of Mercury in the year 1832. It was well equipped with a micrometer. The micrometer was used to report the events as seen through the small refractor. When Mercury was observed during its transit in May 1832, Bessel and Argelander noticed some effect in the process. This was later called the black drop effect. Both of them observed this effect with an instrument of lesser resolution. With more accurate measurements, a black drop effect was observed again from outside of Earth's atmosphere during the 1999 and 2003 through transits of Mercury as it has no significant atmosphere of its own. In June 2004, during transit of Venus, many observers reported that they did not see the black drop effect. Large telescopes, better optical resolutions, and darkening of a limb might have been stated as the responsible factors for the same. By observing the transit in such combinations, the diameter of the planet was taken. The last transit of Venus was seen on 5th and 6th June 2012. This was also the last transit of Venus of the 21st century. The transit prior to this took place on 8th June 2004. The more previous one was seen in December 1874 and December 1882. According to the studies, the next transits of Venus will take place on 10th or 11th December 2117. More later, it will be seen on 8th December 2125. HISTORICAL REFERENCE_VENUS TRANSIT In 1627, Johannes Kepler was the first person to predict the transit of Venus by predicting the event of 1631. He failed in a way that he could not explain why the transit was not visible in most of Europe. As a consequence, nobody was able to understand his prediction and thus lost relevance. Jeremiah Horrocks made the first recorded observation of the transit of Venus from his home in Much Hoole, England on 4th December 1639. His friend, William Crabtree, also observed the same transit from Broughton, Manchester. Kepler had predicted some kind of transits in 1631 and 1761. Venus transits are historical of great scientific importance since they were used to gain the first real estimates of the size of the Solar System and its planets. Observations, when the transit took place in 1639, provided an estimate of the size of Venus. The same observation also estimated the distance between the Sun and Earth. These observations taken at that time was more accurate than any other up to that time. The 2012 transit provided scientists with many other research opportunities as well. MERCURY TRANSIT – BLACK DROP EFFECT A transit of Mercury across the Sun takes place when planet Mercury passes directly between the Sun and a superior planet. It then becomes visible against the solar disk like a small spot that obstructs the light. During the transit, Mercury appears as a tiny black dot moving across the face of the Sun. Mercury transits are more frequent than Venus transits with respect to Earth. It is because Mercury is closer to the Sun and orbits faster than any other planets. Transits of Mercury usually seem to occur around May or November. The last four transits were observed in May 2003, November 2006, May 2016 & November 2019. The next transit is said to take place on November 13, 2032. A typical transit may last for several hours. MERCURY TRANSIT CONTACTS – BLACK DROP EFFECT The most common observation attribute that is to be noted is the number of times the disk of Mercury appears to be in contact with the Sun. These contacts are traditionally called the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th contacts. Among these, the 2nd and 3rd contacts occur when the Mercury disk is fully on the disk of the sun. It is generally seen that the 1st and 4th contacts cannot be accurately detected. The 2nd and 3rd contacts are readily visible. Observed contact times for the transit of mercury between 1677 and 1881 are given in S Newcomb's "Analysis of Transits of Mercury". Observed 2nd and 3rd contact times for transit during 1677 and 1973 are given in "Royal Greenwich Observatory Bulletin". Anti-Greenhouse Effect Blazhko Effect
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Happy December, everyone! It's that time of year when the coffee places start bringing out their winter goods. And, for whatever reason, my favorite beverage this year is peppermint mocha! I had to make some cookies for a bake sale for The Kid's daycare, and I decided to try to recreate my favorite drink in cookie form. Like all cookies, these start out with softened butter. Brown and white sugars come next. The butter and sugars get creamed together until they're nice and smooth. Measure and add some flour. To get that coffee flavor, I wanted to use some instant coffee. However, I don't drink instant coffee, and I didn't want to buy a big container for just a few tablespoons. Luckily, I had some of this! It's Starbucks' Via coffee--a mixture of instant and finely ground coffee. You just add hot water and you have a cup of hot, strong coffee. You could use either all instant or all finely ground, though. Espresso powder would be good. I used three packets--the next time, I might add four. If I were using a weaker coffee, such as Folger's, I'd double the amount. Starbucks coffee is pretty dark. And yes, it was pointed out to me that I'm a coffee snob. I don't even drink the coffee at work because I think it tastes like coffee water. Baking soda will help the cookies rise. Salt's always important in baked goods, especially things with chocolate. Salt really helps bring out the flavor of...well, just about everything. Mix in the dry ingredients, and then add the eggs. And add the vanilla. I didn't photograph that step, for whatever reason. Secrecy, I guess? You should have a nice, thick dough that smells like a mocha in a bowl. To up the chocolate factor, what better to add than chocolate chunks? And to add that peppermint aspect, I grabbed some candy canes. Use a can or some other heavy thing (like an unopened bottle of sesame oil) to crush the candy canes. You may need to double-bag the plastic bags, since the candy shards are pretty sharp and will make your bag hole-y. I crushed them up fairly fine, but not to dust. About a dozen small candy canes will yield you about 1/3 of a cup. Fold the chunks and candy cane bits into the dough. Because these are going to become sandwich cookies, it's pretty important that they turn out to be roughly the same size. So I used a small ice cream scoop to measure the dough. I rolled the dough into balls and dipped the tops into some decorating sugar. I used some peppermint sugar that I had on hand. This made them pretty sweet. You could skip this step, but then you won't get the pretty sprinkles on top. So, it's your choice whether to bedazzle your cookies or not. Set the cookies on a greased cookie sheet, and pop them in the oven. Bake for 10-12 minutes. Let them cool completely before adding the filling. Speaking of the filling, its delicious fatty base is butter and shortening. And, to focus on the coffee/cocoa drink aspect again, I added some marshmallow fluff. Whip everything together until the filling is nice and fluffy. I keep squinting at the TV in this pic. I'm pretty sure I'm either watching Miami Animal Police or something on the History Channel about mobsters. Powdered sugar will make the filling more frostinglike. Peppermint extract will add even more to the peppermint flavors going on. This is a nice, manageable frosting. The marshmallow fluff saw to that. Spread a generous amount of frosting on a (completely cooled) cookie. Then make yourself a nice, fat sandwich. Roll the sandwiches in more crushed candy canes. Or sprinkle/press it on, if you don't like your cookies to look like they have five o'clock shadows. Serve these cookies with a nice tall glass of milk, coffee, cocoa, eggnog, or your favorite holiday drink. These were popular at The Kid's bake sale--and they'll be popular with your family, too! In a large mixing bowl, combine butter and sugars, and cream together. Add flour, cocoa, coffee granules, baking soda, baking powder, and salt. Mix until just combined. Stir in eggs and vanilla. Add chocolate chunks and peppermint candy. Stir until combined. Roll cookies into small balls. Dip the tops of the balls in decorating sugar, and then place at least 1" apart on a well-greased sheet. Bake at 350F for 10-12 minutes. Let cool completely before adding filling. Combine all ingredients in a large mixing bowl; mix until light and fluffy. Spread filling generously between two cooled cookies. Roll cookies in crushed peppermint cookies. There is a holiday cookie contest at work and I think these will be perfect! And I'm going to make my husband help by crushing the candy! Let me know how they go over! I made mine for a fundraiser for my kid's daycare; I worked the fundraiser for a couple hours, but it was before the lunch hour so not many people ate that early. I went home to bake some pies for Thanksgiving, and then came back, and between 10:30-1 they were completely devoured! How many eggs? I was confronted with this in the middle of making them - 2 didn't seem right, so I used 3. The first batch is in the oven, I guess we'll find out! Oh, sorry, 2! I'll go back and edit them in! Let me know how 3 worked out--I imagine you'd get really moist, chewy cookies! It seemed to go fine, but I ran into so many roadblocks while making them (butter wouldn't cream, they stuck to the cookie sheet, the filling wouldn't come together until I added peppermint schnapps...) that I haven't even tried one! I got rave reviews from my boss and boyfriend, though.
Trump signs executive orders on preexisting condition protections, surprise billing Trump signs executive orders on preexisting condition protections, surprise billing (Fierce Healthcare, 9/24/20) On September 24, the president signed an Executive Order (EO), An America-First Healthcare Plan . Executive Orders do not have the force of law and cannot change existing laws or formal regulations. The EO states, "It has been and will continue to be the policy of the United States to give Americans seeking healthcare more choice, lower costs, and better care and to ensure that Americans with pre-existing conditions can obtain the insurance of their choice at affordable rates." Neither the EO nor any other documentation provides proposals about how to achieve these goals, particularly if the Affordable Care Act is ruled unconstitutional, as the administration is urging the Supreme Court. (The Court will hear arguments about the case on November 10.) The EO also mentions surprise medical billing and care for veterans. For an analysis of the EO, see Administration Health Ca Quality improvement webinar opportunity The Bureau of Developmental Disabilities Services and the Bureau of Quality Improvement Services believe that a true person-centered system measures a service or program by its ability to achieve quality, person-centered outcomes for the individuals being supported. Individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities should be provided with the opportunity to take risks and learn from a full range of life experiences, both the successes and the disappointments. We are committed to ensuring that they are able to do so. With that in mind, the Bureau of Quality Improvement Services is offering a web-based learning opportunity about Finding the Balance: A Shift to Person-Centered Practices at no cost to participants. Providers, direct support professionals, families and self-advocates are welcome to attend. Webinar participants will better understand: Balancing what's important to a person and their choices, while considering health and safety concerns ( important for) to sup Extension of Public Health Emergency The Secretary of Health and Human Services, Alex Azar, has extended the determination that a public health emergency exists through January 21, 2021 (90 days from the previous extension on October 23). Accordingly, there is an extension through that date of the Medicaid "maintenance of effort" (MOE) pre-requisite for an enhanced federal Medicaid match for states. The MOE prohibits disenrollment of, or a reduction in services for any Medicaid beneficiary enrolled on or after March 18, 2020. See Secretary Azar Extends Public Health Emergency Medicaid Protections for Beneficiaries and States (Georgetown Center for Children and Families blog post, 10/5/20). Transition after Public Health Emergency Ends Policy analysts are starting to think about how states will transition back to "normal" when special rules for the federal Public Health Emergency expire. See: Medicaid Maintenance of Eligibility (MOE) Requirements: Issues to Watch When They End (Kaiser Family Foundation, 9/22/20) Pharmacists can now vaccinate a greater age range The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) issued a third amendment to the Declaration under the Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness Act (PREP Act) to increase access to lifesaving childhood vaccines and decrease the risk of vaccine-preventable disease outbreaks as children across the United States return to daycare, preschool and school. The amendment authorizes State-licensed pharmacists (and pharmacy interns acting under their supervision to administer vaccines, if the pharmacy intern is licensed or registered by his or her State board of pharmacy) to order and administer vaccines to individuals ages three through 18 years, subject to several requirements. To learn more, visit HHS Access Expansion . Understanding Part C federal indicators 5661 FirstStepsNewsletter Oct2020 v9 by Family Voices Indiana on Scribd From First Steps Newsletter 10.6.20 Social Security benefits and Supplemental Security Income (SSI) payments for approximately 70 million Americans will increase 1.3 percent in 2021, the Social Security Administration announced today. Social Security and Supplemental Security Income (SSI) benefits for approximately 70 million Americans will increase 1.3 percent in 2021, the Social Security Administration announced today. The 1.3 percent cost-of-living adjustment (COLA) will begin with benefits payable to more than 64 million Social Security beneficiaries in January 2021. Increased payments to more than 8 million SSI beneficiaries will begin on December 31, 2020. (Note: some people receive both Social Security and SSI benefits). The Social Security Act ties the annual COLA to the increase in the Consumer Price Index as determined by the Department of Labor's Bureau of Labor Statistics. Some other adjustments that take effect in January of each year are based on the increase in average wages. Based on that increase, the maximum amount of earnings subject to the Social Security tax (taxable maximum) will increase to $142,800 from $137,700. Social Security and SSI beneficiaries are normally notified by mail starting in IDEAL legislation enacted IDEAL Legislation by Family Voices Indiana on Scribd From First Steps Newsletter 10.6.20 IRS Extends Deadline for Non-Filers to Register for Stimulus Checks The IRS announced that it is extending the deadline for low-income people and others who are not required to file a tax return to submit their information in order to receive an Economic Impact Payment. The new deadline to register is November 21, 2020. Those who are eligible and have not yet received a stimulus payment can use the Non-Filers tool  on IRS.gov to enter their information. This deadline differs from the one for Social Security and SSI beneficiaries to claim the $500 per child dependent payments; that deadline passed on September 30. However, there are still millions of eligible individuals who have not yet received their $1,200 payments. The IRS recently mailed out letters to almost 9 million people  who may be eligible for, but have not received, an Economic Impact Payment. Those eligible individuals who do not submit their information before the November 21st deadline will have to wait until next year to receive their payment by filing a 2020 tax return. Test a New Smartphone Application, "Caremap" Dear Caregivers, We wish to invite you to participate in the testing of a new smartphone application, "Caremap", specifically designed to support caregivers of medically complex children. In appreciation of your time and feedback, you will receive a $100 e-gift card . At Boston Children's Hospital and Duke Health, we find that one of the greatest challenges for our families is keeping everyone up to date on the "what happened" and "what's next" for their child's care. To support parents and guardians of medically complex children, our teams developed an Apple application called Caremap. With this app, you can: ü Manage your child's medication, health problems, allergies, hospitalizations, etc. ü Track ongoing symptoms such as sleep, bowel movements, or exercise ü Document and monitor progress towards your child's health goals ü Create summaries automatically of your child's care to share with providers I n order to test the application, we want to invite you to particip The Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act The Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) P.L. 113-128, 2014 mandates services for youth and young adults (ages 14-24) with disabilities, including those with psychiatric disabilities or serious mental health conditions, to help them prepare for, obtain and pursue careers in integrated settings that offer competitive salaries and benefits. This tip sheet provides information that parents can use to advocate for and educate themselves about WIOA services that are available to youth and young adults living with serious mental health conditions. WIOA by Family Voices Indiana on Scribd
The new U.S. National Defense Strategy: A "good deal" for the Military-Industrial Complex Feb 9th, 2018 + In this article:defense, Military Strategy, Politics, society, United States, War On January 19, 2018, U.S. Secretary of Defense James Mattis presented in Washington the declassified version of the United States' National Defense Strategy. In his speech, he made clear the militaristic approach that will be maintained in coming years: "This strategy expands our competitive space, prioritizes preparedness for war." According to Mattis, the fight against terrorism will continue, "but Great Power competition, not terrorism, is now the primary focus of U.S. national security," which means a readjustment of the approach since the attacks of September 11, 2001. In line with the National Security Strategy of December 2017, Russia and China are identified as the main threats to the U.S. On a second level, are the Democratic People's Republic of Korea and Iran, and the most dangerous non-state actor is identified as the Islamic State. The document notes, "The 2018 National Defense Strategy underpins our planned fiscal year 2019-2023 budgets, accelerating our modernization programs and devoting additional resources in a sustained effort to solidify our competitive advantage." In this sense, the U.S. will prioritize nuclear modernization, and investments in cyber and missile defense. This the first time, in more than 15 years, that the U.S. has explicitly stated its interest in increasing military spending to maintain superiority over Russia and China, and consolidate its global hegemony. During this period, international terrorism served as the pretext for the strengthening of U.S. military forces, since after the fall of the Soviet Union and the socialist camp, the supposed threat that led the United States to exponentially increase its military budget after WWII, to the benefit of influential corporations, disappeared. The language used recalls the Cold War era East-West conflict. The greatest exponent of the arms race was President Ronald Reagan, who in 1983 publicly launched the Strategic Defense Initiative, in which the scientific community was asked to develop a missile defense system to guarantee the protection of U.S. territory against a nuclear attack. It was also known as "Star Wars," like the famous film of the time. As was shown that on that occasion, the only winner was "the Military-Industrial Complex." The current Strategy also reaffirms that the use of force will be applied as a foreign policy principle: "Reinforcing America's traditional tools of diplomacy, the Department provides military options to ensure the President and our diplomats negotiate from a position of strength." In addition, it is noted that states are the main actors on the global scene, but that non-state actors, such as terrorists, transnational criminal organizations, and hackers, "also threaten the security environment with increasingly sophisticated capabilities." The document emphasizes that the new strategy "articulates our strategy to compete, deter, and win" in this increasingly complex environment, stressing, "The costs of not implementing this strategy are clear. Failure to meet our defense objectives will result in decreasing U.S. global influence, eroding cohesion among allies and partners, and reduced access to markets that will contribute to a decline in our prosperity and standard of living." It is noted: "A long-term strategic competition requires the seamless integration of multiple elements of national power – diplomacy, information, economics, finance, intelligence, law enforcement, and military," continuing: "More than any other nation, America can expand the competitive space, seizing the initiative to challenge our competitors where we possess advantages and they lack strength." At the same time, it is claimed the U.S. "is open to opportunities for cooperation but from a position of strength and based on our national interests." Latin America and the Caribbean are mentioned only twice, referring to the Western Hemisphere, and unlike the Strategy of December 2017, no specific country of the region is mentioned. The objectives of the Strategy include "maintaining favorable regional balances of power in the Indo-Pacific, Europe, the Middle East, and the Western Hemisphere." As outlined, the U.S. will deepen its relations with Latin American and Caribbean countries that "contribute military capabilities to shared regional and global security challenges." The document also notes, "The U.S. derives immense benefit from a stable, peaceful hemisphere that reduces security threats to the homeland." Although not recognized in the Strategy, it is worth mentioning that Latin America and the Caribbean is the most densely populated area in the world, and that more than half a century ago, it was declared a nuclear-weapon-free zone, through the Treaty of Tlatelolco. Last month marked four years since the 33 member countries of the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC), meeting at their Second Summit, in Havana January 28-29, 2014, declared "Latin America and the Caribbean as a Zone of Peace." This is the "civilized" world of the 21st century – some proclaim peace while others enact war. The Pentagon has revealed it is committed to building "a more lethal force," in clear defiance of international peace, and to justify its 700 billion dollar military budget for 2018. The Strategy defends President Donald Trump's nationalist electoral platform of "America first," which combines diplomatic isolationism and economic protectionism, with military reinforcement and the denial of the threat of climate change. A "novel" formula to try to maintain global hegemony, and another "good deal" for the Military-Industrial Complex. 2016 NATO spending by country with percentage of total In millions of dollars U.S. 72.36% – $664.058 UK 6.5% – $60.347 France 4.7% – $43.620 Germany 4.4% – $40.663 Italy 2.3% – $21.878 Canada 1.6% – $15.395 Turkey 1.2% – $11.573 Spain 1.2% – $11.064 Others 5.4% – $49.698
We believe God's love is for all people. We believe grace is the momentum that drives us into a relationship with God and with our world. For over 100 years, Otterbein Church has gathered on the corner of Queen and Clay Streets, following the call to make a difference in our community and our world. We believe the great commandments, to love God with all our strength, soul, heart and mind, and to love our neighbors as ourselves. We believe that God's grace is extended to all. We welcome persons of every age, race, color, ability, national origin, sexual orientation, gender identity, and any others who are marginalized, to be part of our journey. Together, we continue to explore and live the meaning of Christian discipleship in today's world. UMW meets the second Monday of each month for prayer, education, fellowship, and service. Otterbein UMC joins with Pearl Street UMC on Mondays at 1:00 p.m. to study the Bible. At 6:00 p.m. on the first Friday of each month, Otterbein provides a free, tasty, and well-balanced meal for the community. If you are interested in using the facilities of Otterbein United Methodist Church, please download our facilities usage form.
Unlikely Duo On The Café By Rome Neal November 26, 2003 / 6:29 PM / CBS "The Trouble With Humans" is the second collaboration between veteran singer/songwriter Chip Taylor, and young fiddler/singer Carrie Rodriguez. Their last album "Let's Leave This Town" was a sleeper hit in 2002, reaching No. 2 on the Americana chart and scoring three stars in Rolling Stone. The two stop by The Saturday Early Show and are the latest to grace the Second Cup Café's stage with performances from their album. During the '60s and '70s, Taylor was one of America's most successful songwriters, penning tunes that became hits for artists as diverse as Juice Newton ("Angel of the Morning"), Dean Martin and the Troggs ("Wild Thing"). As a junior in high school, Taylor and his band, The Town and Country Brothers, was the first white act signed to King Records. Soon after, as a solo artist, Taylor had his first hit single, "Me As I Am." Later, Taylor became a pioneer songwriter and country-rock recording artist and record producer. After leaving the music business for 15 years to pursue a career as a professional gambler, Taylor (who's brother happens to be Jon Voight) returned to writing and performing in the mid-'90s, and now tours the Americana circuit as a duo with the Berklee-trained Rodriguez. Rodriguez is the daughter of noted Texas singer-songwriter David Rodriguez and visual artist Katy Nail. A concertmaster with the Austin Youth Symphony during her teen years, Rodriguez also appeared as a soloist with the Austin Civic Orchestra. She studied violin at Oberlin Conservatory before transferring to Berklee College of Music, where she graduated magna cum laude. While at Berklee, Rodriguez was invited by Lyle Lovett to join him onstage at a Boston show to play on her father's song "The Ballad of the Snow Leopard," which Lovett recorded on his "Step Inside This House" CD and was written for Carrie's mother. Taylor and Rodriguez met in 2001 at a music festival in Austin. Soon after, they started touring in the U.S. and then Europe. And with a little encouragement from Taylor, Rodriguez, who is an untrained singer, started vocalizing for the audience, too. Now, the duo, with different musical experience and styles, are musical equals with a lot to sing about. First published on November 26, 2003 / 6:29 PM
WBSC Softball Americas Qualifier Down To Final Six (Photo courtesy of WBSC Americas) The WBSC Softball Americas Qualifier is down to its final six teams with the Super Round beginning on Friday afternoon. Puerto Rico and Mexico will open Super Round play when they go head-to-head in what should be the highlight of the Super Round. Mexico won Group B with a perfect record, while Puerto Rico finished second in Group A after suffering a 3-0 loss to Canada. Canada, Cuba, Brazil and Venezuela also moved through to the Super Round, while the Dominican Republic, Guatemala, Peru and the Bahamas were all eliminated. The top-two teams after the Super Round will earn an Olympic berth, which is why the first game is so crucial for Puerto Rico. Mexico's undefeated record through pool play earned it a slight advantage, as the two berths are determined by the best record and not an elimination format. Mexico's Tori Vidales, Nicole Mendes and Brittany Cervantes have three of the top batting averages in the tournament, while Puerto Rico leads in the power game with Jena Cozza and Alyssa Rivera each leading the tournament in home runs with two each. It wouldn't be a surprise if Puerto Rico uses Kamalani Dung, Aleshia Ocasio and Taran Alvelo in the circle, while Mexico may go with Dallas Escobedo. Canada continues to roll through the tournament and is headed towards one of the two berths. The Canadians will face Venezuela on Friday before playing Mexico on Saturday and closing out the tournament on Sunday against Brazil. 3:30 p.m. Puerto Rico vs Mexico 6:00 p.m. Venezuela vs Canada 8:30 p.m. Cuba vs Brazil 5:00 p.m. Bahamas vs Dominican Republic 7:30 p.m. Peru vs Guatemala 2:00 p.m. Canada vs Mexico 3:30 p.m. Venezuela vs Cuba 6:00 p.m. Puerto Rico vs Brazil 10:30 p.m. Cuba vs Mexico 1:00 p.m. Venezuela vs Puerto Rico 3:30 p.m. Brazil vs Canada
FamilySearch Publishes Billionth Image FamilySearch announced last week that they have published over a billion images. "Although a few social sites like Flickr and Facebook can boast over a billion photos contributed by users, there is no site like FamilySearch.org that has published over one billion images of historic records," said Rod DeGiulio in a press release. DeGiulio is the director of FamilySearch's Records Division. That is quite the accomplishment when one considers the head start enjoyed by Ancestry.com or the size of the record collections of the national archives of various nations. The billionth image was published in a Peru civil registration (vital records) collection. See the entire press release on FamilySearch.org. The local paper, the Deseret News, published two articles about the accomplishment. See "FamilySearch Reaches Milestone of One Billionth Published Digital Image" and "Ancestors, Actors and Arachnids: Interesting Things Found in 1 Billion Historic Images" by Trent Toone. The latter references the Ancestry Insider's collection of famous people pictured in "Brazil, Rio de Janeiro, Immigration Cards, 1900-1965." In addition to the photographs from my article, the Deseret News article features records of some other famous Americans. These include a draft registration card where Harry Houdini signed "Handcuff" as his middle name, and census schedules for Thomas Edison and Walt Disney. The article includes passport applications for Ernest Hemingway, Babe Ruth, Alexander Graham Bell, and F. Scott Fitzgerald. (I may or may not have had something to do with these additional records.) FamilySearch, under its alternate name, the Genealogical Society of Utah, began collecting records on microfilm in 1938 and by 1996 had amassed two billion images, viewable only on microfilm at its network of family history centers and select public libraries. FamilySearch in just seven years has published one billion images online, viewable by anyone, anytime, anywhere with Internet access. About 70% of those came from digitizing parts of its microfilm collection and about 25% from its current army of 275 digital cameras in 45 countries. While it used to take about 18 months from camera click to microfilm availability, with digital technology it takes just two to four weeks. The remaining 5% of the published billion images came from partnerships, an increasingly important part of FamilySearch's strategy. "Currently, FamilySearch publishes about 200 million images of historic records online each year," according to the press release. This is down about 40% from the 350 million achieved annually in 2012 and 2013, according to data published in the Deseret News. (See chart, below.) DeGiulio predicts it will take only three to five years to publish the next billion images. Data from Deseret News Asked by the Deseret News how valuable these records are, FamilySearch's Paul Nauta described seeing a person at a computer, weeping. "I would say the experience is priceless." Subjects: FamilySearch, FamilySearch.org T July 3, 2014 at 11:40 AM Are these photos available to browse? I went to familysearch but didn't see any way to view photos that weren't in an album I created. The web site has become so user unfriendly I rarely go there any more. The Ancestry Insider July 5, 2014 at 8:00 AM Yes, but they are not in the Memories (Photos and Stories) section. Follow one of the links and browse from there. Jana Iverson Last July 4, 2014 at 4:51 PM I want to let you know that your blog post is listed in today's Fab Finds post at http://janasgenealogyandfamilyhistory.blogspot.com/2014/07/follow-friday-fab-finds-for-july-4-2014.html T. C. Christensen–"I Am Ready Now" #BYUFHGC Koelliker Says, Think of Family History More Broad... Monday Mailbox: Our Tree and Your Tree on FamilySe... FamilySearch Releases Mormon Migration Record Coll... Pedigree Charts in Wikipedia FamilySearch Releases Two Mobile Apps FamilySearch Indexing Event is in-progress FamilySearch World Wide Indexing Event Serendipity in a Log Cabin Bed and Breakfast FamilySearch and Utah Pioneers Give Your Junk to the Family Genealogist Correction: LDS Member Accounts Don't Include all ... Monday Mailbox: Tree Size Darned Twins Born 29 Days Apart FamilySearch Catalog Improvement. Help Center Chan... Ancestry.com Delays Retirement War of 1812 Project. Ancestry.com Drops BillionGra... Monday Mailbox: Dear Ancestry Insider, Please Chan... FamilySearch Close to Retiring the Classic FHLC Ancestry.com and ProQuest Announce Generalities
/ Home / Courses / Postgraduate / MSc Global Health / Global health This programme will introduce you to the concepts of global health at a policy and grass roots level. We will support you in exploring current global health challenges, and the importance of global health issues – their economic, environmental and social consequences – and the policies and strategies to mitigate these. In our increasingly interconnected world, global health and the health of populations is a major challenge. This module provides you with the knowledge and expertise to critically examine the multi-sectoral nature of global health problems and global policy responses required to protect and promote the health of populations in both a local and global environment. The module is taught in Plymouth over two three day blocks in the autumn term. There are a variety of speakers and seminars led by experts in the field. Group activities and a field trip to explore the global health issues locally within Plymouth ensure you leave with a comprehensive understanding of the key concepts of Global Health. The course also benefits from links to the University of Plymouth Global Health Collaborative and research from across the university that links to Global Health. Dr Tara Harrop gives an introduction to the global health module on the MSc Global Health programme. David Barkwill - graduate This module provides the perfect introduction to global health, starting with the core principles and progressing to their real-life application. I particularly enjoyed the class debates and stories from professionals within the field. The course also brings together like-minded individuals, both students and lecturers, which both inspired and motivated me. For my final project I wrote a health partnership proposal for an FGM clinic in London and a Medical Centre in the Massai Mara, Kenya. After completing the assignment, I passed on information from my literature search on initiating belief change in Massai communities to a friend who works as a Doctor in the Kenyan Medical Centre. He recently contacted me to let me know that he had used this information in his latest anti-FGM campaign and had observed positive initial results. Global Health Collaborative FRESH AIR international research programme Institute of Health and Community Sustainable Earth Institute …"There is a drought?" How do we effectively communicate the current devastating spiral of the drought and famine in The Horn of Africa? Dr Lucy Obolensky discussed the worst drought it has seen since 1945 in The Horn of Africa. Global Health – related news GP for Sir David Attenborough inspiring others into the career 23 May 2019 Using art to tackle lung disease: Illustration students making an impact in Uganda 28 March 2019 University spinout receives £1.2million government funding to tackle antimicrobial resistance 4 February 2019 Orthopaedic project delivers vital help to Kenya 20 December 2018 £2 million research funding to address chronic lung disease in developing world 9 August 2018
I have hives that are close to a field that gets sprayed each year, any help to protect my bees would be nice. How relevant is distance between nock and fletching? What counts as climbing a mountain? How can I make a pack basket for a backpack? Why are zip-in (fleece + hardshell) jackets so rare? What can I do to get garden birds back after hawk has made my bird-feeder his hunting ground? Summitting Breithorn in the winter? Has anyone recorded animal sounds while trekking the Annapurna trail (Nepal) or in Ladakh (India)? If so, where are the richest acoustic areas? How to isolate a strong magnet from things it could damage in a small backpack? What features to look for in a small snowshoe for getting up and down a long driveway and around the yard during what may be a snowy winter? Is an old but new down sleeping bag as good as a recent and new one?
HomeFeaturedLady Apprentice Lady Apprentice By (author)Toni Cabell "Love, fighting, mystery and magic" in this B.R.A.G. Medallion winner! Linden is the worst mage apprentice in her school-maybe in the whole country. Yet all the prophecies say she's the girl with the answers. But if Linden can't master a shape-shifting spell without starting a fire, how can she take on the darkest sorcerer in generations? "Beautifully imagined and vividly articulated, Lady Apprentice is the perfect coming-of-age tale with a magical twist." (Indies Today) Her homeland under siege. A dark sorcerer hot on her trail. All the prophecies say Linden can stop him. Who are they kidding? **2021 B.R.A.G. Medallion Award** Linden is the worst mage apprentice at her school. Her latest disaster: accidentally destroying her classroom when a small hooded fay pops up inside the fireball she's just conjured. Linden is sent to the headmaster's office to be formally expelled, when she is saved by the bell—quite literally. Someone is frantically ringing the bell inside the watchtower overlooking the western frontier. Raiders are coming, in broad daylight, wearing the uniforms of the enemy army. In the days following the raid, rumors begin to fly about the invading commander, with dark powers and an even darker mission. And for some reason Linden has yet to fathom, he's taken a personal interest in her and her unruly magic. B08XNYZNDS Featured, Sci-Fi & Fantasy grid20190507 book-author Toni Cabell Blood Orphan Delicious Death Lynn Raye Harris First Book in the Hostile Operations Team Series by New York Times Bestselling Author He took her innocence. He broke her heart. He's the only one who can save her life… Ten years ago Army Captain Matt Girard did something he shouldn't. His best friend offered him her virginity–and he took it. Then he left town and he's never looked back. Until now. Matt still makes Evie Baker's heart pound, but she wants nothing to do with him–especially since he's only home for a short visit. She's had enough of men who lie and promise things they don't deliver. But when her sister goes missing and her ex-boyfriend turns up dead, she's in desperate need of Matt's military black ops skills to save the day. With time running out, Matt puts everything on the line–his career, his future, his heart. Even if it means sacrificing all he's worked for, he won't let Evie down this time. Because sometimes the reward is worth the price–especially when it's the one woman he's never been able to forget… THE HOSTILE OPERATIONS TEAM SERIES:Book 1: Hot Pursuit (Matt & Evie)Book 2: Hot Mess (Sam & Georgie)Book 3: Hot Package (Billy & Olivia)Book 4: Dangerously Hot (Kev & Lucky)Book 5: Hot Shot (Jack & Gina)Book 6: Hot Rebel (Nick & Victoria)Book 7: Hot Ice (Garrett & Grace)Book 8: Hot & Bothered (Ryan & Emily) Book 9: Hot SEAL (Dane & Ivy) Book 10: Hot Protector (Chase & Sophie) ~ OUT NOW! Each book stands alone and can be read in any order. However, you might best enjoy them in order. **COMING IN FEBRUARY**Reckless Heat ~ the prequel to Hot Pursuit! Learn where everything went wrong between Matt & Evie! Reviews: "…one of those must read black ops series that is as good as Maya Banks & Cindy Gerard!" — Just Plain Sassy "Seriously is there a hotter series out there in this genre? Because if there is, I don't know about it. I have loved these books from book 1 and they are only getting better and better not to mention hotter!!!" — Goodreads Rogue's Honor Brenda Hiatt To escape her stepmother, the duchess's matchmaking machinations, Lady Pearl Moreston runs away, pretending to be a common housemaid, with the help of her abigail. When she is rescued from the near-disaster of recognition by a charming serving-man, Pearl pretends to be simple-minded to safeguard herself from any unwanted advances. But soon she begins to suspect that her rescuer is far more than the common servant he seemed at first. Blake Pierce: Mystery Bundle Here is a bundle of the first books in four Blake Pierce series—the Mackenzie White, the Avery Black, the Riley Paige, and the Keri Locke series—all here in one convenient place. This bundle offers a great introduction to Blake Pierce's series with over 200,000 words of reading. Mask of Duplicity Julia Brannan Awarded an IndieBRAG Gold Medallion Received a Discovered Diamond review, and Awarded Cover of the Month Awarded Book of the Month by Chill With A Book Readers' Award. #2 – Best 1700s Historical Fiction (Listopia) Following the death of their father, Beth's brother Richard returns from the army to claim his share of the family estate. However, Beth's hopes of a quiet life are dashed when Richard, dissatisfied with his meagre inheritance and desperate for promotion, decides to force her into a marriage for his military gain. And he will stop at nothing to get his way.Beth is coerced into a reconciliation with her noble cousins in order to marry well and escape her brutal brother. She is then thrown into the glittering social whirl of Georgian high society and struggles to conform. The effeminate but witty socialite Sir Anthony Peters offers to ease her passage into society and she is soon besieged by suitors eager to get their hands on her considerable dowry. Beth, however, wants love and passion for herself, and to break free from the artificial life she is growing to hate. She finds herself plunged into a world where nothing is as it seems and everyone hides behind a mask. Can she trust the people professing to care for her?The first in the series about the fascinating lives of beautiful Beth Cunningham, her family and friends during the tempestuous days leading up to the Jacobite Rebellion of 1745, which attempted to overthrow the Hanoverian King George II and restore the Stuarts to the British throne.Join the rebellion of one woman and her fight for survival in…The Jacobite Chronicles. Accounting for Love Erin Wright When Stetson inherits his father's farm, he's too focused on crops to pay attention to his finances. The next thing he knows, he has a stack of unpaid bills, the bank is threatening to foreclose…and the auditor who's come to examine his accounts is the sexiest thing he's ever laid eyes on. Jennifer doesn't mind a tough job, but she knows handsome Stetson is trouble of a different kind. Can she find a way to save his farm? And if she can't, will he ever forgive her? A State of Disobedience Tom Kratman It's Time to Remember the Alamo All Over Again! In the long war against terrorism, the US Government had taken on extraordinary powers. And now that the war was won, powerful forces in the government had no intention of relinquishing those powers. As in 1860, the country was on the verge of civil war. And as in 1860, a leader arose to save the country—but it was not the President this time. Instead, the Governor of Texas was the woman of destiny. And, though the Federal Government had more guns and troops, David was about to give Goliath a run for his money. . . . At the publisher's request, this title is sold without DRM (DRM Rights Management). Beneath This Mask Meghan March Are you ready to head to New Orleans? Fall in love with the sexy series readers call "deliciously addictive" and "binge-worthy" from USA Today bestselling author Meghan March. Former Navy fighter pilot. Son of a congressman. Successful businessman in my own right. With a résumé like mine, women have never been a challenge.Until I met her. This sexy, tatted-up bad girl wasn't part of my plans, but that punch to my gut every time I see her tells me I have to know more.She's a mystery. An enigma. A challenge. I'm going to figure her out—and then I'm going to make her mine. We'll find out what she's hiding . . . beneath this mask. * * * Beneath This Mask is the first book in the Beneath series, but each of these hot contemporary romances can be enjoyed as a stand alone. Then again, why would you want to miss out on all the alpha heroes and the women who bring them to their knees? After all, there's something for everyone in New Orleans… Reading Order: Beneath This Mask (Beneath series book 1) Beneath This Ink (Beneath series book 2)Beneath These Chains (Beneath series book 3) Beneath These Scars (Beneath series book 4) Beneath These Lies Beneath series book 5)Beneath These Shadows Beneath series book 6) Introductions: The Ghost Bird Series: #1 C. L. Stone From USA TODAY Bestselling Author, C. L. Stone, read Introductions, the first book in The Academy Ghost Bird Series. With an agoraphobic mother and a barely-there father, Sang abhors the isolation keeping her in the shadows. The only thing Sang craves is a fresh start and to be accepted as ordinary by her peers, because for her being different meant being cast out alone. When her family moves to a new school district, Sang infiltrates a group of boys nearly perfect in every way. Grateful for an influence outside of her parents' negativity, she quickly bonds with the boys, hoping to blend in and learn from them what it means to have a natural relationship with friends. Only the boys have secrets of their own and they'll do anything to keep her safe from the knowledge of the mysterious Academy that they've sworn allegiance to. Bit by bit, Sang discovers that her friends are far from the normalcy she expected. Will her loyalty change when she's forced to remain in the dark, or will she accept that she's traded one house of secrets for another? Meet Kota, Victor, Silas, Nathan, Gabriel, Luke and North in a story about differences and loyalty, truth and mystery, friendships and heart-throbbing intimacy. The Academy, ever vigilant.
Beyond the growth in the number of students vying for spots in undergraduate programs, admission officers saw students with higher academic achievements and who also embody Emory's commitment to discovery, engagement and leadership both in the classroom and in the community. Emory received applications from — and offered admission to — students in all 50 states. Admitted students represent 75 countries by citizenship, speaking more than 79 languages either as their first language or at home. About 29 percent of the admitted domestic students to Emory College are from underrepresented minority groups, including 36 students from Puerto Rico. "The depth and diversity of this year's record-setting applicant pool showcases Emory's reputation as a home for students and faculty dedicated to both academic excellence and making transformative contributions to the world," says President Claire E. Sterk. "We look forward to welcoming these students to Emory's community of committed, engaged scholars and future leaders in a world that faces drastic changes." Emory University offers two starting points for prospective first-year students: They may apply to enter Emory College of Arts & Sciences on the Atlanta campus or to study for their first two years at Oxford College on Emory's original campus in Oxford, Georgia. After the sophomore year, all students choose to complete their undergraduate degree on the Atlanta campus through Emory College, Goizueta Business School or the Nell Hodgson Woodruff School of Nursing. "As a leading research university with a deep commitment to the liberal arts and interdisciplinary scholarship, Emory University offers students the opportunity to discover and explore their academic passions in a culture of innovation and inclusion," says Dwight A. McBride, provost and executive vice president of academic affairs. Emory College and Oxford College both saw increases in applications for the third year in a row. Emory College offered admission to 5,103 students, an 18.5 percent admission rate. Oxford College has admitted 4,144 students. About 58 percent of students applied to both campuses. This year's applicants recorded increases in both unweighted grade point averages as well as overall test scores. For instance, the median test score (based on SAT scores and ACT equivalents) for students admitted to Emory College was 1500, meaning half of them were above a score considered in the 99th percentile nationally. The median unweighted high school GPA of admitted students was 3.91. The breadth of student experience was also evident in their application essays, Latting says. The increase in both the number and the quality of applicants is thrilling for leaders at Emory College and Oxford College alike. "It is incredibly gratifying to see students of such high caliber apply to Emory University, and the potential that the admitted students represent for our community of scholars," says Emory College Dean Michael A. Elliott. "Their collective accomplishments tell us something about the value that the world sees in our work as a liberal arts research university." Latting attributes the record number of applicants in part to a broader trend of would-be college students seeking an education that will help them make a difference. Emory's reputation for academic rigor and commitment to serving society make it a good choice for students who are especially diligent about using their education to benefit others, he says. Emory also has made financial commitments to make the university a viable option for every student who is admitted, regardless of the ability to pay. Regular decision notifications were released online March 22 through applicant portals. Admitted students have until May 1 to decide to enroll.
Q: Shortest code to make INITEX produce printable output What is the shortest sequence of characters that will lead to a printable page of output when processed by INITEX? Meaning no formats like plain.tex preloaded, and with output of positive width and height. The best I could do so far are the following 19 characters: \font\@=cmr9\@A\end Is there any typesettable material that does not require a font to be loaded and that can occur on its own at the top of the page? A: This is 19 characters and no fonts \hrule width9in\end Or if you are allowed to scroll past errors save 2 characters so (17) \hrule width9\end where if you scroll past the missing units error you get a 9pt rule. This is same output as yours, but one less character input (18) \font\@cmr9\@A\end and changing the font gets down to 17 characters \font\@pxr\@A\end There are several three letter fonts in texlive, but no two or one letter ones but if renaming (any) font is allowed so that z.tfm is available then the count comes down to 15 \font\@z\@A\end Or 14 with a font with name of length 0 (tex is happy, your dvi driver might be less so) cp /usr/local/texlive/2019/texmf-dist/fonts/tfm/public/cm/cmr10.tfm .tfm cp /usr/local/texlive/2019/texmf-dist/fonts/pk/ljfour/public/cm/dpi600/cmr10.pk .pk Then you can use (14) \font\@\@A\end In comments the OP asks about \hrule1\end which is shorter but doesn't produce visible output but two blank pages. the generated box structure is: Completed box being shipped out [0] \vbox(0.0+0.0)x0.0 .\glue(\topskip) 0.0 .\rule(0.4+0.0)x* Completed box being shipped out [0] \vbox(0.0+0.0)x0.0 .\glue(\topskip) 0.0 .\hbox(0.0+0.0)x0.0 ..\hbox(0.0+0.0)x0.0 ..\penalty 10000 ..\glue(\parfillskip) 0.0 ..\glue(\rightskip) 0.0 .\hbox(0.0+0.0)x0.0 .\glue 0.0 plus 1.0fill ) \vsize is 0pt so more or less any feasible break point will be taken, here on the first page you get the hrule which has non zero height but zero width as hsize is zero, then the second page has the paragraph generated by the text 1 except that it is set in nullfont so nothing gets typeset.
The Realty program provides professional land management services on Native trust or restricted properties in Southeast Alaska communities. These services include allotment adjudication, rights protection, land conveyance processing, probate of estates, preparation of Last Will and Testaments and land management counseling. T. 30 S., R. 58 E., Section 8, Lots 13, 14 & Section 17, Lot 1. 159.97 Acres, Ferebee River, Haines AK. Video Clip: Nelson Angapak, Vice President of the Alaska Federation of Natives gives his opening statement on HR 3350 during Alaska Day at the House Natural Resources Committee. Video Clip: Congressman Young questions Nelson Angapak, Vice President of the Alaska Federation of Natives on HR 3350 and Julie Kitka, President of the Alaska Federation of Natives on HR 3351 during Alaska Day at the House Natural Resources Committee.
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Professor of Psychological Science Mindy Erchull was quoted in an article on MEA WorldWide entitled "'Unrealistically perfect images' on social media influencing more and more teens to go under the knife." Professor Erchull said, "The answer to more and more teens opting for cosmetic surgeries lies in how these young kids perceive their own body image and their thought process built around it." Read more. The 2019 Psi Chi UMW PowerCards are in and available for purchase. These cards are available for just $5 each and offer discounts at great Fredericksburg businesses that you can use for the entire calendar year! You get to save money and help support the great activities of the UMW chapter of Psi Chi, the International Honor Society in Psychology. The discounts on this year's PowerCard include 10% off at Greens & Grains, Metro Diner, and Skin + Touch Therapy Spa as well as 15% off at Soup and Taco, Soup and Taco II, Noodles & Company, and Tropical Smoothie Cafe (to name just some of the great deals). You can purchase a PowerCard for yourself, your club, your team, your friend, your roommate, your neighbor, or anyone else. If you're interested, you can purchase a card from a Psi Chi officer or member. If you don't know who's a member/officer, you can contact Mindy Erchull ([email protected]), their faculty advisor, and she'll connect you with someone. You can also contact the chapter directly at [email protected]. The 2018 Psi Chi UMW PowerCards are in and available for purchase. These cards are available for just $5 each and offer discounts at great Fredericksburg businesses that you can use for the entire calendar year! The discounts on this year's PowerCard include 10% off at Greens & Grains, Mercantile, Miso, and Sammy T's as well as 15% off at Soup and Taco II, Sugar Shack, and Tropical Smoothie Cafe (to name just some of the great deals). The UMW chapter of Psi Chi, the International Honor Society in Psychology, is starting its 2017 fundraiser. Each year, Fredericksburg-area businesses offer discounts for the calendar year to those who purchase a card. For $5, you can save money throughout the year and help a great group of students fund their projects at the same time. If you're interested in purchasing one, you can contact their faculty advisor, Mindy Erchull ([email protected]) or the chapter officers ([email protected]). The University of Mary Washington's Chapter of Psi Chi, The International Honor Society in Psychology, was recently honored as the 2016 Southeastern Regional Chapter of of the Year. This award recognizes the chapter as modeling excellence through programming and service and identifies it as one of the premier chapters in the country. The Department of Psychological Science would like to thank the 2015-16 office team and the membership as a whole for all of their hard work, which is truly deserving of this recognition. Mindy Erchull recently presented at the annual meeting of the Association for Women in Psychology held in Pittsburgh, Pa. She presented a paper titled The thin ideal: A "wrong prescription" not an inspiration based on a book chapter in the recently published book, The wrong prescription for women: How medicine and media create a 'need' for treatments, drugs, and surgery. She also presented a poster titled Self-sexualization: From other-evaluation to self-evaluation with Leanna Papp ('14) and Celeste Kelly ('15).
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Is there an option to compare folders with different sub folder system. For example 1st folder files are in main folder without sub folders and 2nd folder files are in sub folders. Presently same file is considered unique if located in different sub folders. Any ideas, is it possible? I'm having this same issue and I'm not sure if it is a bug, a feature that isn't there, or user error. What I was hoping to accomplish with this tool was to verify that all of the files on my SD card had already been backed up to my computer's photo directory structure, but I don't care what subfolder they are in. I clicked the subfolders option, but it still found each file as being unique. Is this a bug, a missing feature, or am I doing something wrong?
(above) With Renee Zellweger and Ewan McGregor.2007. Ciaran Hinds and Albert Finney. 2006. With Rupert Graves, Jennifer Jason Leigh and John Sessions. 2005 . Directed by Stephen Fry. 2003. With Andie McDowell, Imelda Staunton and Anna Chancellor. 2000. with Emily Watson and Rachel Griffiths.1998. (below) With Ian McKellen, Maggie Smith, Jim Broadbent and Jim Carter. 1995. (below) With Willem Defoe, Sam Neill and Irene Jacob. 1994. With Juliet Stephenson and Alan Rickman. 1990. With Angelica Houston, Brenda Blethyn and Rowan Atkinson. Directed by Nic Roeg. 1988. (below) With John Neville, and Uma Thurman. 1987. With Michael Palin, Maggie Smith and Denholm Elliot. 1984. (below) With Sam Waterson and John Malkovich. 1983 (released 1984). (below) Directed by Bill Forsyth. 1983 (released 1984).
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The Beach Family: A day full of fall fun! A day full of fall fun! We had an early release from school today, so our moms & Nannie took us to a local farm for some fun with our friends! Life in the south in a bit different though, as it felt about 100 degrees on this balmy October day! We still had a blast though! We thought we would battle the heat by starting with some ice cream and Sno-cones! Everyone loved taking turns holding the emergency flag, and many of us wanted to use it to get out of there! They had an awesome huge blow up trampoline that we all had a blast on! Sophia and Emily loved the giant see-saws! A bunch of us loved racing the tractor bikes too! The huge racing rollers were fun for everyone! This corn maze was WAY easier! Everyone's favorite activity was the corn box! We have no idea how much corn they needed to fill the space, but it went all the way up to our knees! We found corn EVERYWHERE after we left! There were goats to feed too! A bunch of the bigger kids tried to go through the haunted house, but only Abby & Miss Laura made it through the whole thing… we still have NO idea why it took them so long though! Ben was scared just thinking about the house! We had a blast together, and hope we can make it an annual tradition!
The book 7 Secrets to MotivACTION is a true salute to excellence. You will learn the revolutionary way of thinking as well as the tested techniques, strategies and ideas which will help you in various fields; relationships, self-confidence, better self-esteem, money, career, health, parenting, sports, etc. How to regain control of your life instead of letting your life control you? How to finally take your financial destiny into your own hands? How to gain TOTAL FINANCIAL FREEDOM in 6 steps, so that you'll never have to work for money again? How to double your income and gain more free time? How to increase your income rapidly? 9 most common financial fears hindering your progress towards total financial freedom. How to dramatically and instantly increase your motivation for top achievements? How to become motivated, determined and self-confident on a finger snap? How to permanently maintain motivation for achieving your goals? How to effectively set your goals in all areas of your life? You will find out what prevents you from achieving your goals and dreams. How to leave the comfort zone? How to focus on important things? 7 steps to achieving your goals. How to increase your efficiency by 10,000% in just four years? Discover your true life mission. How to maintain motivation for achieving your goals? How to control your emotions and not let your emotions control you and your destiny? How to avoid the vicious circle of failure? How to uncover the deep-rooted beliefs and fears hindering your progress towards wellbeing, health and unlimited wealth? How to overcome your scruples and fears for good? How to get rid of all grudges that hinder you? You will discover the most important elements for a wonderful life and well-being. 9 recommendations which you would also get from your doctor, but maybe too late. How to lose 7 kg of your body weight in just 5 weeks by means of thought control?
Size change in fiction has always fascinated me. It's interesting to imagine the world you live in from a different perspective. What would it look like if you were bigger? Or smaller? Disney's 1989 smash hit "Honey, I Shrunk the Kids" took it to the extreme, shrinking its heroes to ¼ inch in height so that an ordinary backyard becomes a treacherous jungle for them to trek through. How does this happen? Well, brilliant but hapless scientist Wayne Szalinski (Rick Moranis) invented a machine that could shrink things down to microscopic size if he could get it to work. One of the neighbors' sons, Ron (Jared Rushton), accidentally hits a baseball through the window and it somehow fixes the machine's problem upon hitting it, causing it to work all too well, shrinking Ron, Ron's older brother Russ (Thomas Brown), and both of Wayne's own kids, Amy (Amy O'Neill) and Nick (Robert Oliveri). They're too small to get Wayne's attention, and they get swept up and taken out with the trash. So now they must travel miles worth of enormous backyard, where they come across many dangerous obstacles—bees, sprinklers, lawnmowers, and more. Will they be saved? Will they be restored to normal size? Well, seeing as how it's a family adventure by Disney, don't feel bad in correctly assuming the answer to both questions is "yes." Just have fun with this comedic, thrill-packed adventure and enjoy what it has to offer, which is a darn good time. If "Honey, I Shrunk the Kids" were all about the look, it'd be fine, but I was engrossed by the human characters walking through it all. The kids are all likable and are given room to develop and…"grow" (forgive the pun). Russ starts as a meek wimp who quits the football team and the behest of his former-jock father, Big Russ (Matt Frewer), and as the film continues, he becomes a swashbuckling hero and an unofficial leader of the minute group. Amy is a popular but shallow teenage girl who just wants to "get home, get big, and get to the mall," but throughout the journey, her priorities change for the better. Nick is a pre-teenage version of his father, and all he wants is to be heard by his father; he gets his chance by providing an important clue by the end of the film. My favorite development came from Ron, who starts off as a bratty 12-year-old jock and is still a wise-guy by the end of the film but much friendlier. All four young actors do good jobs, but Jared Rushton as Ron impressed me the most. But the film's main comedy comes from the two sets of parents—Wayne and Diane Szalinski (Marcia Strassman) and Big Russ and Mae Thompson (Kristine Sutherland). Rick Moranis is delightful as Wayne, goofy enough for us to laugh at him but more than likable enough too. He's a perfect everyman. (Honestly, I like Moranis' work here a little more than his goofier roles in "Ghostbusters" and "Spaceballs.") And speaking of "goofy," Matt Frewer is surprisingly effective as Big Russ, a man who goes through his own change while worrying about his missing kids. Most of the laughs come from Wayne's inventive method of searching the yard for the kids without even touching the ground, Big Russ' reactions to Wayne's bizarre behavior, and the byplay between parents trying to work together but simply can't (er, they can, but they…won't). Oh, and there's also the Szalinski family's dog, Quark, who of course knows more than the human characters. Simply put, this dog is a delight. Anytime the camera is on him, he's a natural actor. The film is a ton of fun but it isn't great. I get that it's just supposed to be a fun adventure, but sometimes I think things turn out a little too well for these kids. Also, I'm not so sure James Horner's music score is the best fit for this material—it's a little too foreboding and overly serious at times. It makes scenes that are already intense (such as when the kids are about to be sucked into a lawnmower) overly so. And I have to ask—where in the world did that killer scorpion come from?! It leads to a neat-looking fight between the scorpion vs. the ant and the kids vs. the scorpion, but seriously, where did that thing come from? But whatever. "Honey, I Shrunk the Kids" is loads of fun and in the great tradition of Disney. Much of it still holds up today as it did in 1989 when it was originally released, and I have fun watching it now as much as I did when I was a kid watching it over and over.
coaching business and take your business to new heights! six figures to their bottom lines? — a value of $1,200.00! You save more than $1,100.00! Get priceless information for only $97.97. one of my most popular recordings! Very true Dan. Having used your PR Leads service to become a SME (subject matter expert) allowed the addition of being a giver. When you blend the pay it forward of being a mentor (no fee) vs. a coach it can bring rich rewards. It is all about the secret as well as detailed in "The Secret" book. Thanks for all you're coaching, mentoring of the past, combined with the discovery of the secret, my world has been transformed. P.S. – I can feel what you went through with the Donald; the same item happened to me, I suggested to Donald he needed you to be sitting on the same table. Then I moved to our terminator Governor, Arnold to sit in the Capital, he just stated "I'll be back." I made the decision to enjoy life and business, and continue to work from the ranch and raise horses.
A Verizon employee has been awarded a suspension by the concern for breaching safety protocol. Hailed as a local hero by a Philadelphia suburb for risking his life to save a cat's life, Maurice German, an employee at Verizon, was awarded a suspension. The mobile video caught the rescue on 16th March 2019. Locals on the community 2500 block of the East Monmouth Street located in Port Richmond had been attempting for a long time to save "Princess Momma," a cute feline who got stranded on top of a pole. Verizon employee German was present at the spot. He, without any hesitation, used his company's small bucket truck to save the cat. No one got injured in the rescue. A company spokesman said, German's good Samaritan effort breached safety protocol, and our company, Verizon, had no option but to relieve him from duty. The suspension is 21 days without any payment. "We take no pleasure when our employees breach protocols related to their work. Verizon, in particular, fully responsible and committed for keeping our workers safe. All our staffs undergo extensive training focusing on on-the-job safety. Our main goal is to maintain a safe environment for both our customers and employees. For safety reasons, our related equipment and trucks are not allowed to be employed in the area around electrical wires. German put lives of those around him and those around him in trouble. Locals said they are thankful for German's brave effort.
Anyone ever heard of Yahoo mail charging clients $100 for internet security protection? I just spoke to Yahoo mail support to report an issue and was offered this "one time lifetime protection" See More: Yahoo Mail support scam? I never heard of it. Needless to say, I wouldn't pay for it. Sounds fishy !!! I dumped yahoo years ago, i use gmail now. I am getting ready to dump them too. › [Solved] How many Marketers....? › Firefox has so many bugs....losing ground now! super fishy, I would have asked to speak with a supervisor. How come yahoo are starting to have all sorts of problems?
Marriott International Elects David Marriott and Horacio Rozanski to Board of Directors March 15, 2021, 8:00 AM ·5 min read BETHESDA, Md., March 15, 2021 /PRNewswire/ -- Marriott International's (NASDAQ: MAR) Board of Directors announced today it has elected David Marriott, President, U.S. Full Service Managed by Marriott at Marriott International, and Horacio Rozanski, President and Chief Executive Officer at Booz Allen Hamilton, Inc., as directors of the company, effective March 15, 2021. Mr. Marriott and Mr. Rozanski will also be included in the company's slate of nominees for election at Marriott's upcoming 2021 Annual Meeting of Stockholders. The elections of Mr. Marriott and Mr. Rozanski expand the Board membership to 13, nine of whom are independent. Last May, the company announced that in consultation with its Board of Directors, Mr. J.W. "Bill" Marriott, Jr. – who is currently serving as Executive Chairman and Chairman of the Board – plans to transition to the role of Chairman Emeritus in 2022. With Mr. David Marriott joining the Board of Directors and in anticipation of him eventually assuming the position of Chairman of the Board in 2022, he will be formally stepping down from his role as President, U.S. Full Service Managed by Marriott, effective at the end of April. "We are pleased to welcome David and Horacio to the Board of Directors," said Chairman Bill Marriott. "They both bring decades of experience and a wealth of knowledge in key areas that will be a tremendous resource for the company as we focus on the recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic." David Marriott David Marriott joined Marriott International in 1999 and has held a number of operational roles during his tenure with the company. As President, U.S. Full Service Managed by Marriott, Mr. Marriott was responsible for oversight of more than 330 hotels operating under 14 brands in 34 states and French Polynesia. In this capacity, he oversaw Hotel Operations, Human Resources, Sales & Marketing, Finance, Market Strategy, Information Resources and Development & Feasbility. Previously, Mr. Marriott served as Chief Operations Officer - The Americas Eastern Region from 2010 to 2018, where he was responsible for hotel operations in 23 states. During this time, he also oversaw the U.S. integration efforts of Marriott's acquisition of Starwood Hotels & Resorts. Prior positions at the company include Market Vice President, where he was responsible for hotel operations in New York, New Jersey, Philadelphia and Baltimore, and Senior Vice President of Global Sales, where he helped lead a comprehensive transformation of Marriott's U.S. sales organization. Mr. Marriott is a graduate of the University of Utah. He currently serves as Chair of the Governing Board of St. Albans School in Washington, D.C. and is a member of the board of trustees of The J. Willard & Alice S. Marriott Foundation. "Like me, David grew up in the hospitality business," said Chairman Bill Marriott. "While having Marriott as his last name opened the first door for him, he has proven throughout his 21 years with the company that he is a disciplined operator, a thoughtful collaborator with our owners and franchisees, and a passionate steward of our culture. The Board will benefit from his experience and insights." Horacio Rozanski As Chief Executive Officer at Booz Allen Hamilton, Inc., Mr. Rozanski has overseen a strategic transformation of the firm, a leader in integrating advanced technology to solve the most complex problems facing government clients and Fortune 500 corporations, through investments in innovation and highly skilled talent. Mr. Rozanski played a central role in the 2008 separation of the firm's core government and commercial businesses into two distinct companies, Booz Allen Hamilton's 2010 initial public offering, and its 2011 expansion into international and commercial markets. He developed and has led the execution of a corporate strategy that has sustained the firm's role as an industry leader over the last decade. Mr. Rozanski joined Booz Allen in 1992 as a consultant to commercial clients, was elected vice president in 1999, and served as chief personnel officer, chief strategy and talent officer, and president and chief operating officer before becoming CEO. He is a member of the firm's board of directors. Born and raised in Argentina, Mr. Rozanski came to the United States to attend college. He holds a B.B.A. from the University of Wisconsin Eau Claire and an M.B.A. from the University of Chicago. He is the chair of the board of directors of Children's National Medical Center and a member of the board of CARE. "Horacio's established track record in innovation, technology, talent management and international expansion makes him a terrific addition to our Board. His perspective and experience will be invaluable to the company as we continue to grow our global footprint, advance our technology transformation and realize the opportunity in emerging businesses," said Anthony Capuano, Chief Executive Officer, Marriott International. "We look forward to his guidance and counsel as an independent director of the company." With today's additions, the 13 members of Marriott's Board of Directors are: J.W. Marriott, Jr., Executive Chairman and Chairman of the Board, Marriott International, Inc. Anthony G. Capuano, Chief Executive Officer, Marriott International, Inc. Deborah Marriott Harrison, Global Cultural Ambassador Emeritus, Marriott International, Inc. Frederick A. Henderson, Former Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, SunCoke Energy, Inc. Eric Hippeau, Managing Partner, Lerer Hippeau Lawrence W. Kellner, President, Emerald Creek, Group, LLC, Marriott International, Inc.'s Lead Director Debra L. Lee, Former Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, BET Networks Aylwin B. Lewis, Former Chairman, President and Chief Executive Officer, Potbelly Corporation David S. Marriott, President, U.S. Full Service Managed by Marriott, Marriott International, Inc. Margaret M. McCarthy, Former Executive Vice President, CVS Health Corporation George Muñoz, Principal, Muñoz Investment Banking Group, LLC Horacio D. Rozanski, President and Chief Executive Officer, Booz Allen Hamilton, Inc. Susan C. Schwab, Professor Emerita, University of Maryland and Former U.S. Trade Representative About Marriott International Marriott International, Inc. (NASDAQ: MAR) is based in Bethesda, Maryland, USA, and encompasses a portfolio of more than 7,600 properties under 30 leading brands spanning 133 countries and territories. Marriott operates and franchises hotels and licenses vacation ownership resorts all around the world. The company offers Marriott Bonvoy™, its highly-awarded travel program. For more information, please visit our website at www.marriott.com, and for the latest company news, visit www.marriottnewscenter.com. In addition, connect with us on Facebook and @MarriottIntl on Twitter and Instagram. IRPR#1 Marriott International, Inc. logo (PRNewsfoto/Marriott International, Inc.) View original content to download multimedia:http://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/marriott-international-elects-david-marriott-and-horacio-rozanski-to-board-of-directors-301246913.html SOURCE Marriott International, Inc. U.S. Equity Futures Fall as Treasury Yields Surge: Markets Wrap (Bloomberg) -- U.S. equity futures retreated and Asian stocks struggled Tuesday amid a jump in Treasury yields as investors girded for interest-rate hikes by the Federal Reserve to quell high inflation.Most Read from BloombergFourth Pfizer Dose Is Insufficient to Ward Off Omicron, Israeli Trial SuggestsDeadly Drone Strikes on UAE Raise Gulf Tensions, Roil Oil MarketOne of the World's Wealthiest Oil Exporters Is Becoming UnlivableOlympic Ticket Sales Halted; Hong Kong Arrests: Virus UpdateDjokovi Coin Rivet Cardano spikes 13% in past 24 hours The development of smart contracts on Cardano (ADA) has led the blockchain network to notable growth, following a 13% surge, according to market data from Coin Rivet. Airlines Warn of 'Catastrophic Disruptions' Tied to 5G Rollout (Bloomberg) -- A trade association representing major U.S. airlines asked Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg and the nation's top communications and aviation regulators to prevent wireless carriers from implementing 5G services close to airports.Most Read from BloombergFourth Pfizer Dose Is Insufficient to Ward Off Omicron, Israeli Trial SuggestsDeadly Drone Strikes on UAE Raise Gulf Tensions, Roil Oil MarketOne of the World's Wealthiest Oil Exporters Is Becoming UnlivableOlympic Ticket Sal 10 Best Dividend Aristocrats to Buy for 2022 In this article, we discuss 10 best dividend aristocrats to buy for 2022. If you want to skip our detailed analysis of these stocks, go directly to 5 Best Dividend Aristocrats to Buy for 2022. In 2021, the S&P 500 dividend aristocrats included 65 companies from 11 diversified industries, exhibiting growth prospects and strong company […]
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Rockstar apologises for GTA Trilogy mess, will offer original games to owners on PC To address the issues, Rockstar has announced a new Title Update which should be live in the coming days. By: Tech Desk Navi Mumbai | November 20, 2021 17:14 IST Rockstar apologises for GTA Trilogy mess, will offer original games to owners on PC. (Image credit: Rockstar Games) Following the rocky launch of the Grand Theft Auto: The Trilogy – The Definitive Edition, Rockstar Games has issued a formal apology via a blog post. The company promises updates to fix the technical issues, while also adding back the classic versions of GTA 3, Vice City, and San Andreas back to the PC digital store. "Firstly, we want to sincerely apologize to everyone who has encountered issues playing these games", said Rockstar. "The Grand Theft Auto series – and the games that make up this iconic trilogy – are as special to us as we know they are to fans around the world. The updated versions of these classic games did not launch in a state that meets our own standards of quality, or the standards our fans have come to expect." An update regarding the unexpected technical issues with Grand Theft Auto: The Trilogy – The Definitive Edition. https://t.co/YP4pkOLQmG pic.twitter.com/AsfYPuMI0d — Rockstar Games (@RockstarGames) November 19, 2021 The remastered GTA Trilogy was subject to ridicule all across social media last week, owing to the broken state in which it was released. The game was riddled with major graphical issues, glitches, typos, and even included some "unintentional" files within the code. The collection was then pulled from the PC store, following which they took down the Rockstar Games Launcher for 24 hours. To address these issues, Rockstar has now announced a new Title Update, which should be live in the coming days. The update will be aimed at gradually fixing and refurbishing the elements in the trilogy, with time. Also Read: |WB Games makes 'MultiVersus' official: Features Batman, Shaggy, and more Additionally, Rockstar will be adding back the original PC versions of GTA 3, Vice City, and San Andreas back onto the Rockstar Games Launcher as a bundle. The games were initially removed from all digital storefronts on 13 October 2021, on the occasion of the Definitive Edition's launch. Players on PC, who currently own the remastered GTA Trilogy will be receiving these copies for free. Published by Rockstar Games, Grand Theft Auto: The Trilogy – The Definitive Edition is a remastered collection of their classic titles – GTA 3, Vice City, and San Andreas. The games feature massive visual enhancements and gameplay upgrades such as optimised controls and advanced targeting. The games are also scheduled for a physical release (CD) on 7 December 2021, with Android and iOS versions coming in the first half of 2022. Rahul Gandhi asks govt to 'admit truth' on China Lunar Eclipse 2022 images: Pictures of the last total lunar eclipse for next three years Photos: NASA and SpaceX's historic Crew-5 launch to International Space Station Atmanirbharta on lips, PM Modi launches 5G services in India Nokia 8210 4G, Nokia 2660 Flip: Check out the latest Nokia retro phones OnePlus 10T 5G: Check out the latest flagship phone from OnePlus Hindenburg report alleged fraud by its firms, Adani Group says 'attack on India'
Technology – most notably chatbots – have changed the face of customer service. They offer customers instant access to personalized advice and answers at virtually any time of day, all at a fraction of the cost of many other customer service channels. These capabilities have caught the attention of execs in a range of industries and put chatbots at the center of an increasing number of business strategies, as more and more organizations look for ways to improve customer service while simultaneously cutting costs. As chatbots and automation become increasingly prevalent – Gartner projects that by 2020, more than 85% of customer interactions will be handled without a human agent – it's caused some concern over how the job market will be impacted, specifically, whether chatbots and AI might soon make human agents obsolete. While there is no denying AI will cause some disruption, it's not all doom and gloom. In fact, a number of industry experts seem to agree that moving forward, AI will be most effective working alongside humans; for organizations to truly benefit, their focus must be on worker augmentation, not replacement. To help your organization prepare for the future of customer service, we've compiled excerpts from a number of industry analysts as they offer their perspectives – good or bad – into the future of bots and human agents, along with potential pitfalls to avoid and ideas on how to find a workable balance. "AI's potential to reduce staff head count attracts the attention of senior business executives as a potential cost-saving initiative. A more informed expectation, however, would be for applications that help and improve human endeavors, as AI promises benefits far beyond automation. Organizations that embrace this perspective are more likely to find workers eager to embrace AI. "As intelligent enterprises integrate AI technologies into their systems, customers and employees will expect even more from these interactions. As artificial intelligence becomes people's "go-to" technology, it will require enterprises to step up to a new challenge: creating responsible AI. This not only has business implications, but also individual and societal implications. AI will be successful only if it's adopted by people, and it will only be successful it if helps provide better outcomes for people and society. "AI-driven chatbots are extensively being used in customer support. The idea is to take over the initial interaction with customers and route them to different places based on the queries. It has been speculated by the ever foreseeing herd that these intelligent algorithms will eventually eat up the jobs of customer support agents and are here to replace them. But…chatbots are here to assist humans in providing a faster, contextual and better support experience. "Globally, 31% of firms Forrester surveyed were using chatbots in 2016 or planned to do so in 2017. Many companies are chomping at the bit to replace human agents with virtual ones, especially when they see claims of deflection rates of up to 80%. Giving customers the ability to stay in a text channel and receive real-time guidance from chatbots, live chat agents, or a combination of both will be a growing trend. "The 2017 Top of Mind Survey reveals that early adopters of AI and robotics among manufacturers and retailers in the consumer goods industry have a variety of motives. The most obvious one, lowering operating costs, is cited as a key benefit by 27 percent of businesses using basic robotics and by 23 percent of those investing in cognitive robotics (AI-powered machines that can learn). "Travel companies are investing in artificial intelligence, but that doesn't mean fewer jobs for humans… Artificial intelligence can replace some existing jobs, and managers have to take care of what the next step for people is, that is relevant in the data world. "We will see 'technological unemployment,'" says Professor Ryan Abbott, professor of law and health sciences at the University of Surrey, but if a chatbot gives hotel recommendations based on reviews and your preferences, rather than plugging a relative's place, maybe that's for the best. "It comes as no surprise that artificial intelligence (AI) tops the list of potentially disruptive technologies. Vast amounts of processable data and techniques such as machine learning have made it possible to create algorithms capable of outperforming humans at detecting trends, making predictions and taking appropriate action. In the financial sector, legions of smart machines are taking over a wide range of tasks that were once the preserve of human workers. Jörn Leogrande, vice president mobile services at payment platform Wirecard, says that while machine learning still requires humans to be involved in some of the more complex decisions, these tools are increasingly being used for customer-facing activities. "Providers of financial services are using AI to make predictions about customers' behavior, which can then be used to push certain products, reduce churn and create market insights for product and brand development," he says. Automation technologies including artificial intelligence and robotics will generate significant benefits for users, businesses, and economies, lifting productivity and economic growth. The extent to which these technologies displace workers will depend on the pace of their development and adoption, economic growth, and growth in demand for work. Even as it causes declines in some occupations, automation will change many more—60 percent of occupations have at least 30 percent of constituent work activities that could be automated. It will also create new occupations that do not exist today, much as technologies of the past have done. For retailers, one of the main appeals of AI is its ability to measure and monitor shoppers' behavior, and then adapt the customer journey accordingly to offer a personalized experience. "Artificial intelligence could eliminate many white-collar jobs in coming decades. Its effects are already being felt in the call center industry, but there is still no substitute for the human touch. The development of bots and automated messaging is already changing the world of call centers, which are often thought to be one of the company departments most at risk of becoming obsolete in a world of artificial intelligence. "US consumers appear to be warming up to the idea of using of chatbots as a customer relationship management (CRM) tool, according to new research from Aspect Software Research. In its online survey of more than 1,000 18- to 65-year-old US consumers, 44% said that if a company could get the experience right, they would prefer to use a chatbot or automated experience for CRM. The technology could have the potential to help businesses significantly cut labor costs. While complete automation of the customer service workforce is not feasible, automating customer management and sales positions in the US where possible through chatbots and other automation technologies could result in considerable savings.
% $ Id: conclusion.tex $ % !TEX root = main.tex \begin{abstract} Current practices in software development are anchored in the use of version control systems to manage the development progress of software projects. Additionally, version control systems can be used to drive the release process of software products, by managing different variants of the main product in a repository. Despite the benefits of versioning systems, using such systems requires developers to interrupt their development work in order to interact with them, affecting their productivity. This paper presents CollabIDE, a collaborative environment for distributed development designed for automated versioning and product variant generation. The goal of CollabIDE is to increase developers' productivity, therefore, we conducted a small empirical study with users working in distributed teams, measuring the time to complete different tasks using versioning, and the ease to release different products' functionality based on recorded versions. \end{abstract} \endinput
← Branding – what does it mean and why is it so important? So how was 2015 for your business? Good or worse than you hoped for? The key word here is "hope". If you hoped to achieve your objectives and business goals then that is maybe where things started to go wrong. A quote I once read said that hope is not a plan. I couldn't agree more. Another quote out there says if you fail to plan then plan to fail. So how are you planning to grow and succeed during the next year? There are many ways you can do to help you on the path to success. Some of these ways could be financial. Perhaps talk to your accountant regarding areas like cash flow, debtors, high running costs, grants and funding and so on. Perhaps you could speak with an HR consultant if you are having staffing issues. Then of course another major area to look into for the growth of your business is that of marketing. Are customers buying from you? Are they buying enough or could they do more? Are you sending out the right message to your customers and prospects? Are your prospects aware of your business and what you do? Are you using the right marketing tools to reach out to your audience? Are you following up on leads and nurturing relationships? Is your marketing hit and miss or is it targeted and regular? Are you using the whole marketing mix or are you relying on just one tool such as advertising or just WOM? Do you have a marketing plan in place for 2016? So why is marketing planning important to a business? If you haven't set any objectives for your company and your marketing activities for the next year, then how can you decide at the end of the year if you have achieved what you set out to do? This entry was posted in Advice for the small business, Marketing Planning and Strategy and tagged 2016 marketing, marketing plan, marketing plan for 2016, marketing planning. Bookmark the permalink.
Fatty Gets A Stylist: interview with Kate Miller-Heidke and Keir Nuttall (2011) STYLE AND SUBSTANCE Fatty Gets A Stylist masterminds, Kate Miller-Heidke and Keir Nuttall are taking tea on a rare sunny June day at a South Melbourne café, discussing the finer points of what constitutes taking a risk in music these days. For one, both agree calling a band Fatty Gets A Stylist earns a big tick, but the most intriguing development in the risk department is, the brand new release – a co-write with hubby/long-time collaborator Keir – is Kate giving a big middle finger to her the sound that made her a star. The self-titled album - which claims XTC, Goldfrapp and Kraftwerk as reference points – started life on-tour as a between shows muck-around project for the couple, before blossoming into a throbbing multi-layered extravaganza. Fatty takes the listener through trash-spiritualism, cartoon theme-song terrain and post-punk with out a hint of Heidke's sober pop artistry to be found. It seems as if Kate is flexing some newly developed muscle, all while snuffing out her 'fluffy balladeer' label in the process. Being a Heidke album though, albeit one with zero relevance to her former work, that voice is, on one occasion, heard carrying a record-breaking sustained note that's sure to leave even the listener out of breath. "I'm so glad someone picked up on that; it was done in one take you know." She says of the track The Plane Went Down, "I can't wait to do that live, but then I might possibly faint at the end if I have to do that night after night." Kate's classically trained voice – the one that has served her so well up til now – is the first of many surprise elements on Fatty Gets A Stylist. For a start, Heidke has been discovering the joys of using a much lower octave range than ever before. "I think we shocked ourselves a lot of the time making this album." She remarks. "But you know, it started out as a passion project, just us two, and the thought of anyone else hearing it didn't really cross our minds." Kate adds, "I was singing a lot in the shower and getting comfortable with a lower range to what I'm used to, which is why I don't really sound like 'me' on the record," she laughs, "and I said to Keir 'what do you think of my funny voice?' and that kind of got us thinking about having this album be a completely anonymous thing without our names attached to it at all." The projects name chosen to keep an air anonymity could be read as nod towards the overabundance of surface-obsessed reality TV dirge currently on offer, but Keir explains, it's less about the 'make-over myth' but rather an imagined tabloid headline. "The idea was to use a name that tells a story; ala Frankie Goes To Hollywood, who got their name from a newspaper headline, but I think ours is more in line with current obsessions with weight and appearance." While Frankie suggested we all should relax, Fatty Gets A Stylist go one further with references to Zen Buddhism and pre-religious spirituality. Kate picks up the thread, "Even though some of the songs are very silly, I guess there's also some obvious spiritual references like on The Tiger Inside Will Eat The Child, which has to with the Buddhist belief that you only really grow through letting go completely of your past systems." In Wiccan lore, it's taught that people possess power animals which they have to get to grips with - the intention being, it makes you awesome. After discovering this, Keir shares some concerns over what his animal might be. "I dream about dogs a lot, but not cool ones like wolves or dingos, its always garden variety spaniels." Kate, cracking up, adds, "Maybe you'll graduate to a poodle." While Keir contemplates his K9 dilemma, Kate maintains that the dream animal concept in songs has become an indie band staple; therefore best avoided. "I've got a natural resistance to this dream strength-animal thing, but I do relate to the inner child as a way of helping me creatively. You have to sort of get to that place I your head which is unaffected by just day-to-day crap and allow yourself to be playful and fearless." Keir adds, "The tiger is more the self-conscious side of your mind – like the battle between the left and right brain that happens when you write or create music." Although much of Fatty Gets A Stylist was written on a lap-top while Kate and Keir were on tour, it's liner notes boast a long, impressive guest list of session players. The album was still in its demo form when, while supporting Ben Folds, Kate played him the album who then persuaded her to record it with a full band and release it. With the Folds tick of approval, all was left was to find the right artists for the job. Keir explains. "Ben Folds called it 'lower chakra music', which basically meant it was more rhythmic, or more animal so we wanted players who came from that side of the spectrum." He adds, "We ended up going with Pete McNeal (ex-Cake drummer) who plays in a band called Z-Trip, who has this strong, crazy improv style. Then you have Justin Meldal-Johnsen, who played bass with Beck, Air and Nine Inch Nails, bringing this really huge range of experience." He adds, "I think those guys are what Ben was talking about when he said lower chakra music." Kate then simplifies, "It's about listening with your hips and not our head!" When Heidke's solo albums, Curiouser and Little Eve, established the her as a spirited and clearly gifted singer/songwriter, she was probably seen as a safe bet in the industry - especially once the awards began rolling in. To drop the psychedelic bubblegum pop of Fatty Gets A Stylist on the heels of such plaudits, would surely have had a few men in grey towers pulling out their hair. Kate responds. "Our management were really supportive of us putting it out, but there is a slight scary element to how fans will react to me doing something so different, for sure. I expect some people will think I'm putting on this strange voice, and already I've heard people say they don't like the name and that they think its offensive, but as I said before, we went into this with no fear and I accept that not everyone is going to get into it, or see why I'm doing this now, but as I get older, I feel I'm gradually taking more and more control creatively of what I want to do." Keir adds, "The reaction has been really interesting so far. I mean before anyone knew we were doing this, I played some of the songs to our band (Transport), and they didn't spot it was Kate – I just told them it was this new band I'd met in London." He laughs, "Usually whenever you play something new to friends, it's a pretty loaded atmosphere and you know they don't want to hurt your feelings, so this was the best way to get a completely honest reaction from them." Kate recalls, "They didn't think it was me, so I said 'what do you think of her voice?' and one of them said, 'oh she's nowhere near as good a singer as you, so after that, I didn't want to let anyone know it was me!" Posted by lEIGh5 at 12:52 AM No comments: Wendy Matthews interview: 2011 STRONG ENOUGH Wendy Matthews was about as far removed from the meat-pie and beer Aussie rock landscape as her Canadian roots, but persistence in a realm way outside of her initial comfort zone, resulted in the willowy former session vocalist appearing on nearly every notable Oz rock album in the '80s. Finally stepping into her very own spotlight, from 1990 onward Matthews' true passion for poetic tear-jerkers reminiscent of her idol Joni Mitchell's work was at last successfully indulged. Now, 21 years on from her against-the-grain solo debut, Émigré, the Australian (officially since 2005) vocalist, is celebrating the anniversary in a retrospective tour she's calling Standing Strong, yet this landmark, I discover, is barely half of her remarkable story. "I guess now is a good time to celebrate what I've been doing for two decade before my next album comes out." She says in an accent equal parts Canadian and Australian. Work on Matthews' new album of originals is already underway, following on from two covers sets (She and Café Naturale). Her anniversary tour will help fund its completion as, although despite multiple-ARIA wins and serious chart success in the '90s, Wendy found herself out of contract in 2007 and so began her own independent label, Barking Bear to release her music on. "I'm so glad I have this label as a resource, but I am crap at the business side of things. I wish I kind of cared more about how the whole thing works, but I am singer and a songwriter, not a business woman." She adds, "I've moved into the category of singers who don't sell so many records these days, but I'm also part of this world of artists who make great music in their kitchens or whatever and with no record company judging what your musical life-span is." A passion for singing since very early childhood, Wendy claims, was the only guide in what direction her life was to take. "I've been a bit of a freak for most of my life, frighteningly enough. I've never had a real job!" She laughs, "This is all I've ever done and it did determine quite a lot how my life would turn out back when I was 15 and having huge doubts about what I was going to be." Matthew's continues, "I realise now that I was setting myself up for something that would last and was satisfying for me. I mean if I had've been making dance beats, as a lot of people were, it would never have driven me like say a Joni Mitchell record does." She adds, "Don't get me wrong, I think music should fulfill many functions – I can get up and vacuum the house to dance music in my undies and its great – but that's never gonna stimulate me like Joni, you know." Her future direction became a little clearer when, while living in LA in 1983, Matthews - who was getting casual work as a backing vocalist - by chance met legendary Australian music mogul Glenn Shorrock, who convinced her to sing backing vocals on his album and fly to Sydney to tour in his band. "Glenn, almost to his detriment, was always passionate about music above and beyond the industry. He was the sort of guy that would come off stage after a gig and still want to sit around the piano and play music just for fun, so we had no problems connecting." Wendy recalls. Her motivation to start a new life in Australia however was hampered at first by a fear of rejection by what she perceived as an unforgiving pub rock scene. "My first experience of a female singer who'd made it in Australia was Chrissie Amphlett of Divinyls and it kind of scared me a little, because she had this machismo - which I guess she'd developed because it was a very male oriented rock scene - and I thought I was never going to be accepted into that kind of world." Matthews, in reality was not only accepted into the Australian live music world, but was in hot demand as a session singer with many of the top rock acts at the time. "There are a lot of years of my life that have gone into making music and sometimes I glimpse back to those times and I'm so grateful to those bands." Wendy says. For the rest of the 1980s, her singer/songwriter roots were largely put on hold while Matthews bumped shoulders with the crème of Aussie rock – Icehouse, Models, Richard Clapton, Barnes to name a few, were demanding her services – and even found time to dabble in advertising jingles to keep the land lord off her case; "I was the 'L.J. Hooker… you're the best' girl for quite some time." She laughs, "But you know not everything I did back then I'm proud of!" Her rise to top billing artist was still a way off, but during the late '80s, Matthews performed on three of the biggest Australian albums - Models, Out Of Mind Out Of Sight, The Rockmelons, Tales Of The City and Kate Ceberano's You've Always Got The Blues - helping to shrug of any self-doubt she may have been harboring. The turning point came when her Models' band mates split the group into two halves in 1989, resulting in the James Freud-led Beatfish and, importantly for Matthews, her then partner Sean Kelly's project, Absent Friends. At last the Canadian chanteuse was on lead vocal for the 1990 single, I Don't Want To Be With Nobody But You - a cover of an Eddie Floyd song – which was so far as most Australian's were aware, Wendy's debut – and they liked what they heard. The single beat huge competition from a Skyhooks come-back, award-magnets Midnight Oil, INXS, Barnsey AND Farnsey to take home ARIA single of the year, cementing Matthews' Midas-touch run. "Things come in waves, and I guess that was my time for things to work out, but I know now that it's impossible to keep the vibration going at such a high level for very long!" Wendy laughs. "I mean the thing about being independent is that you don't get that level of marketing now, which is what labels are so good at, and so I see that time as wonderful, but also impossible to repeat." Absent Friends only saw out the year before Sean Kelly went off to form The Dukes, while Matthews - still on her first wave of glory - went on to record Émigré – her solo debut. Nobody But You's success was equalled by Wendy's Token Angels single, and again she was picked as the industry's favourite. Matthews was by now 30 years old, and having spent half of her life performing, acknowledges the weirdness of her bestowed 'best new-comer' status. "I've debuted more times than I can count!" She exclaims. But, discounting any uncatalogued nappy commercials, technically Wendy's public debut as a vocalist, was at the age of four, witnessed by half of the Western world's pre-schoolers… or so a large yellow bird informs me. "Oh, god." Matthews' moans, "I got to do Sesame Street because I think they realised I was kinda able to hold a note." This debut – which came about through family friends' involvement on the show's production - although undeniably glamorous, was hardly a sign of things to come. "All I remember is it was an alphabet song, and I just did the letter 'O' part, to which they put an animation of a goat with all letter 'O's coming out of its mouth." She laughs heavily, "So, I guess my debut was as a singing goat on Sesame Street, yeah." It's hard not to get side-tracked by Matthews' Sesame Street connection, but the 'wow moments' in her career keep piling up as our discussion continues. During a brief stint singing with The Rockmelons in 1988, a support slot on James Brown's Australian tour led to Matthews sharing the stage with the Godfather for a couple of songs. "I hear myself talking about that, and it almost doesn't feel real." Wendy acknowledges, "It's like I'm talking about somebody else's experience, but you know, although it was amazing and everything, really I'm just glad I can say I've got a good James Brown story!" Many great music moments have come and gone for Wendy, but her finest hour was less a personal experience, but a song that most of Australia it seemed, claimed as their own. Wendy's award-winning The Day You Went Away video "I was honestly terrified of releasing The Day You Went Away into the climate of what was on the radio at the time. I mean it was just a piano and heartbeat and I thought I was gonna be eaten alive, but that song proved to me that your average radio listener out there was wanting different stuff to what was being offered." Released around Christmas 1992, The Day You Went Away - from Matthews' second album, Lily - was arguably given gravitas by the fact Australian's were still serving in the first Gulf War. Coupled with a video depicting a couple separated by war, the single outsold every other local release that year, which finally dissolved Matthews' old fear of being seen as an outcast in the 'hedonistic Aussie rock scene.' "I'm somebody who loves to be moved my music, and the success of that song proved I was in good company." She says, "It was a huge compliment to me that so many people responded to it in the way they did, but you know, reactions to it have been so, so varied, I mean I have had women say to me, 'nothing helps my baby get to sleep like your voice in that song'!" She laughs, "So for a while I thought, 'Oh my god, I'm going become known as the baby whisperer!'" Posted by lEIGh5 at 2:07 AM 3 comments: Lou Rhodes (Lamb) interview: 2011 FRIENDLY WITH FIVE Manchester duo, Lamb were written off by just about everyone – including themselves – come the middle of the last decade. Following a short-lived peek into world-wide success at the end of the '90s, vocalist Lou Rhodes and musician Andy Barlow, began to fall out of love with the music once it became a pressure game of commerce and repetition. However, a core of devoted fans had the foresight to not give up on the pair and this year, their devotion has finally paid off – although at a price. Lamb, embracing a little numerology, not to mention some grass roots marketing, announced their long awaited fifth album, 5, funded entirely by fan pre-orders. It may seem a long way from the runaway success of 1997 single Gorecki, but as Lou Rhodes points out, with fans like theirs, who needs labels? "The scary bit was selling something that we hadn't even made, so you're asking for quite a leap of faith from people, you know." Rhodes begins. "But then, I think it's a great basis for a creative endeavor. That desire to make something that we felt truly proud of was stronger than ever." Lou explains, "We were making an album for the first time ever with absolutely no funding from some nervous corporation looking for big hits, as was our experience in the past, which definitely had an effect on the music." After what began as a four-date tour in early 2010, which then grew into months of advance bookings, Lamb were approached to do a short Australian tour in February his year. It was at these shows that for the first time in seven years, their set included brand new music. "When we were asked to do those shows in Australia, we panicked a bit because we hadn't even finished the record, but actually it turned out to be a good opportunity to see how well the new tracks worked along side our older stuff. We ended up premiering only four new songs, but that really was the acid test we needed to say what was working and what needed to change." She continues, "The songs do metamorphose whenever you play them live, so it was important to let the new ones begin their journey of tweak and change." Rhodes laughs gently. "The process of playing new songs live is like a game of Chinese whispers. You have a blueprint, and you think you know what the outcome will be, but little surprises always emerge in the actual telling." She adds, "I'd really like to do that a lot more, because the problem with being in the studio, is you usually finish an album and then go on tour and that's when this kind of growth happens within the songs, but by then it's too late." Already 5's mini road test has Rhodes rethinking the band's future performances. "In the past we had always kept in mind what we were going to play live and how, and it was never more than half the record, but with 5, we found that we couldn't decide what not to play. At this stage we're doing eight out of the ten songs and we'd like to work in the other two at some point because it works so well in its complete form." Rhodes adds that she has always struggled with the concept albums judged only by the singles – no doubt a concern that has sprung from personal experience. Lamb's mammoth hit, Gorecki from their self-titled debut, although rewarding the band with obscene levels of exposure, also bought with it 'unreasonable expectations'. While recording their second album, Fear Of Fours, the inevitable pressure of matching that song's success was applied to the duo by their label, causing Rhodes to remark following their split in 2004, Lamb had long felt restricted by what was expected of them. "It was always tough for me to see Lamb as a singles band, because I don't really listen to very much commercial music or even claim to know how to make 'hit singles' on command." Lou retorts. "In the old days we had to endure conversations that went like, 'can you sound a bit more like Bis, because they're selling a lot of records at the moment', which was quite soul destroying for us." Lamb released three more albums over the next seven years before acrimoniously splitting. It wasn't until Lou Rhodes was recording her third solo album One Good Thing in 2009 that she and Andy's reunion occurred. "I was looking for somebody to produce my album and Andy just said, why not him!" At their rather organic reunion, creative sparks soon began to fly and Lamb's future was decided on – only with a few clear changes to be made. "When we decided we were going to make another record, Andy and I had a very honest conversation about what Lamb should and should not be about." Rhodes explains, "I felt that I had compromised quite a lot on some of our albums and we kind of lost something along the way, but this time we agreed to keep it raw and just gently add to the songs as they needed, like we did on our first record. Also it was really important for us to not overproduce this album. I mean all up it only took five months to make which was very, very quick for Lamb." Rhodes' words are suggestive of somebody running from their past mistakes, but Lamb were always spared the often harsh criticisms of the UK press usually reserved for non three-chord rock bands. One doesn't have to dig very far to then to see Lamb are in fact their own strongest critics, and although many band's have long lulls following initial peaks, few return with their shit so fully together as they have. Lou reflects on what the refreshed Lamb we hear on 5 was bringing to the come-back party, and some of what was quite cheerfully thrown out. "I'm a great believer in your first idea is probably your best before the ego kicks in and says oh but why not add this and add that, but simplicity was definitely the key in this case." She points out, "Also I think for me as a vocalist, too many times on previous albums, my voice had been extremely processed, or rather I was affecting it in certain ways, feeling that I needed to be something that I wasn't. But having that time off and doing my acoustic albums gave me a chance to let my voice grow and I allowed myself to get comfortable again as a singer." Rhodes naturally understates her sensational talent as a singer, but evidenced particularly by the tracks She Walks and Wise Enough, is an artist shaking off self-doubt and indulging her love of singing. Lamb's new-found confidence doesn't end there, either. Album closer, Existential Itch is a brilliantly executed reminder that in today's self-absorbed world, we can easily forget that the human experience is a shared one. Lou divulges, "That song kind of sums up a lot of the record and going through this period of questioning everything I had once believed in. Not just with music, but life in general which I think most of us go through at some point." She adds, "With the title, I thought existential crisis seemed too strong a word because what I was going through seemed quite natural in a way. I think the word crisis carries the wrong implication, or at least I didn't see it as a crisis personally, I recognised that it was a much needed time of learning." Ah, the gorgeous Lou and Andy... You know, I never made the Little Britain connection until I transcribed the interview... !! EPK on Lamb recording their beautiful new album, "5". Lou Barlow (Sebadoh) interview: 2011 LO-FI WAY Lou Barlow's musically formative years were spent not only avoiding the synthetic sounds of the first new wave, but rather languishing in the potential of low-fi analogue recording before it became the must-have sound of a whole scene. His grasp of what would one day be known as the 'slacker sound' and love of chunky, distorted bass was eventually put to good use in indie monsters, Dinosaur Jr. – the band he formed with high school mate Joe (later sheered down to simply 'J') Mascis in 1984. But it was Barlow's home recordings side-project Sebadoh which has reigned consistently in the artist's life. Now with sackings, bickering and ego-clashes behind him, Lou is back working with both Dinosaur Jr. and Sebadoh; the latter of whom are currently celebrating the reissue of 1994 breakthrough album Bakesale. Giving his side of the story of two bands, that never really split up but rather went from functioning to malfunctioning in ongoing cycles until their fractured fairytale finally gained its long overdue happy outcome, Lou Barlow begins from the rarely known comfort of his home. "I've been home in LA for almost two months, which is so weird. I haven't been at home for this long… ever in my life!" Barlow's chosen path – two active bands and a solo career – has of course meant that the road is always calling. Although a self-confessed DIY junkie preferring to work alone, Barlow couldn't be more removed from loner-dom, but not as begrudgingly as one might expect. The re-formed 'classic line-up' of Dinosaur Jr. have been regularly touring since 2005, while Sebadoh continue to have reunion tours every couple of years. But for Barlow, this duality is just the card he's been dealt. "The two bands occupy different parts of my brain; they both have their own very distinct musical identities. I play different songs with different people in the two bands and that separation has ruled my existence for most of my life now, so it's not something I really think about anymore." He continues, "Dinosaur are touring the US in about a week before I bring Sebadoh out to Australia, so the two are almost overlapping at this stage." Most fans are in agreement (and Lou himself), that Dinosaur Jr. produced their best work with Barlow in the line-up. Their first three albums, Your Living All Over Me, Dinosaur and Bug - for the most part - defined the growing, underground indie scene in America which culminated in the grunge explosion. Now that the original line-up are touring and recording again after many 'lost years' - during which time Dinosaur Jr. produced albums Lou is only too happy to offer his opinion on - Barlow concedes it was an inevitable reunion. "In hindsight I think, how could Dinosaur not get back together." He shrugs, "In Sebadoh, we never had the kinds of problems that I did working in Dinosaur, I mean, I've never felt the need to split Sebadoh up. We never had a falling out or anything, it was more of sigh than a shout," he says of their regular hiatuses, "We were like, ah, this isn't going so well at the moment let's just go do something else for a while. But Dinosaur felt like a very definite end… for me at least." Lou laughs, recalling his unceremonious booting out by Mascis in 1988, "I really didn't know if it would be possible for us to work together again until J (Mascis) was actually right there asking me, you know. It was wonderfully natural when it did happen and I didn't even have to think about how I was going to respond. The bottom line is, I love the music we made together way more than I disliked anyone in the band or any of the personal bullshit that went down between us." At the start, Lou and J Mascis bonded well as both were singers, writers and fans of weird, musical cross-pollinations, but Mascis soon began throwing his weight around as leader in Dinosaur Jr. Lou's contributions to the albums became lesser as Mascis's in-band domination grew until there was no room left for anybody else. Barlow continues, Dinosaur Jr; "Going somewhere, Lou?" "Music makes it all better for me, but looking back I am really glad I was kicked out of Dinosaur. It was an amazing gift awarded to my mental health." Lou laughs, "Murph (Emmett Murphy – drummer) and I talked about this - he stayed on longer in Dinosaur than me - but we were both having these panic attacks and neither one knew at the time about the other. When I got kicked out of the band, my panic attacks stopped and the same happened to Murph." He adds, "When we both rejoined the band (in 2005), thankfully they didn't return, but the difference was I knew what I was getting myself into rejoining that band. I wasn't going like 'yay, it's gonna be all different now', it was more like I felt I could take it." When Barlow found himself out of Dinosaur Jr., he already had his own back catalogue of music – some of which had been released independently – to continue adding to. The name Sebadoh was given to all his home-done tape albums, which had up until the late '80s, all been solo recordings. Although free to do as he pleased, Barlow didn't automatically jump at the chance to launch Sebadoh – the band – onto the world. "Well I never really wanted to be in another band after Dinosaur. I kinda just wanted to be on my own and play my ukulele," He jokes, "But Eric Gaffney (Sebadoh co-founder) convinced me to make it into a proper band, and so we got Jason (Lowenstein) in to play drums and I decided that after Dinosaur, if I was going to be in a band again, it was going to have to be fun." Lou suddenly had the resources to make his own mark alongside Dinosaur Jr. with Sebadoh - only in his band, Barlow insisted on an even, split-three-ways approach that Dinosaur Jr. had completely lacked. "Just the way in which Sebadoh formed, and the fact that we all wrote and were equally responsible for the output of the band, meant a natural democracy kind of happened anyway. Dinosaur was J's deal – he was The Man and that was that as far as anyone was concerned." J Mascis, carried on with Dinosaur Jr., replacing Lou and Murph with Mike Johnson and George Berz, having some post-Barlow successes with the albums Where You Been and Without A Sound. But the momentum - and any shred of a recognisable 'Dinosaur-sound' - had dried up completely by 1997 and the band ended with a whimper. "Yeah I thought the records J made after I left were just awful." Lou recalls of this time, "They were kind of like this weird hair metal version of Neil Young." He dead-pans, "It just sounded like a bloated half-assed, crap version of Dinosaur Jr. and so I was glad to be off doing Sebadoh and not making shit records." Lou finally cracks up after his onslaught, taking the edge of his harsh words. "But J totally needed me back in the band. I don't think either of us realised how much better we worked together until we completely fell out and went our own ways." After signing to Sub-Pop in 1992, Sebadoh gained moderate popularity with their wistful, unpolished rock albums before making their breakthrough record; 1994's Bakesale. Having dropped a lot of the more experimental sounds found on previous Sebadoh albums, Bakesale felt like a push towards a broader audience which, if in fact true, worked for them. Now as its fully tricked-out reissue is set for release, and a Don't Look Back-style tour is to follow, I press Lou for his honest opinion of Bakesale, and if it at all matches the general consensus that it was Sebadoh's finest hour. "I liked the record when it came out." He pauses before adding, "I remember it being a really happy time in my life and there's a good spirit on that album, but I guess as time went by I found I didn't think it sounded very good. Then when we had to go back and listen to it for the tweaking and remastering, I think I finally - for the first time - got why people think it's our best album. I mean I don't personally think it is our best, I like our earlier, fucked up shit more, but I do think it is our most consistent record." What has always driven Barlow from the time spent making his strange and murky home demo tapes to his clashes with J Mascis over Dinosaur Jr.'s direction, may well be the belief, as he was quoted as saying in an interview, that all music is mired in clichés. Lou, no doubt thankful our time is nearly up, takes the opportunity to explain his possibly off-hand observation. "The reality is, whatever you do is gonna be clichéd once you're aware of avoiding clichés." He sniffs, "The way I make music is with an economy of sound in mind, if you know what I mean. Instead of adding layers and guitar solos or any of that, I like to strip it back and to sing in the purest, most unaffected voice I can find. If there's any clichés I'm avoiding, it's just in having nothing where the guitar solo should be, and clipping off extended intros and outros, I guess, and there's your economy of sound." Lou adds, brightening up, "You know, I just thought of that expression today and I decided I needed to use it in a sentence. I hope that 'economy of sound' comes across better than 'music is mired in clichés' as a quote - I think that sounds a bit fatuous now. I actually love clichés; I love pop music, and none of my pleasures are guilty ones, but I guess when I'm writing my own music I just try to side-step all that is what I'm saying." Posted by lEIGh5 at 3:07 AM 1 comment: David Bridie (My Friend The Chocolate Cake) interview: 2011 In 2005, Melbourne musician David Bridie toured in support of his second solo album, Hotel Radio, playing to small pub crowds around Australia. When the night of his Hobart gig rolled around, I found myself in a state of barely suppressed excitement to finally see an artist who I'd revered - albeit from some distance - for a time, without really knowing what to expect. Ahead of his set, I overhear a pre-show conversation in which Bridie was surprisingly referred to as 'the guy who used to be in The Reels'. While David Mason's ears where hundreds of miles away, burning, it saddened me to think an artist like David Bridie should face such indifference after 20 years of creating so much beautiful music. He went on that night and performed one of the most astounding concerts I have ever seen, despite playing a set devoid of songs I previously knew, and no doubt confounded those mistaken Reels fans in the process. Bridie was however wearing a very different musical hat that night, perhaps making him harder to spot for the more casual fan. This was, in a way, the start of a new era in his long career. Not Drowning Waving – his former full-time band – had recently split after 20 years while My Friend The Chocolate Cake – his stop and start second band - were on one of their regular hiatuses. Bridie had started living between Melbourne and Papua New Guinea, which was having a notable effect on his music, but while Hotel Radio reflected his island life, Bridie, back fronting My Friend The Chocolate Cake, has released a new, fully localised album. Location aside for now, Bridie, on the eve of My Friend The Chocolate Cake's latest release, Fiasco, is the first to admit he is a man hard to pin down, especially when drawing from his broad musical interests. "I have a low boredom threshold, but also being a musician in Australia, I think you have to multitask a little bit." He begins, "Doing my soundtrack and production stuff is really important to me, seeing as My Friend The Chocolate Cake is an all acoustic outfit. Those other things mean I get to play around with the resonator button and synthesisers a bit which can be just as much fun." David had long worked world music into Not Drowning Waving's records, can talk for hours equally about programmable synths and folky acoustic pop. He continues, proudly. "I've got pretty diverse tastes is all. I can spend a day just listening to string music from Papua New Guinea and then the next getting out my old punk records or some Nick Drake, so I think keeping in touch with the broadest range of music I can helps me become a more interesting musician." MFTCC began in 1989 while David and co-founder, cellist Helen Mountfort, were on holiday in New Zealand and having a break from commitments to Not Drowning Waving. There they wrote a set of acoustic-based songs, clearly in oppose to all previous NDW material which would ultimately form the start a steady side-project, ultimately outlasting NDW. "Not Drowning Waving was my first passion and they were a great bunch of musicians, but we had a much different agenda in what we were trying to do with that band than we do in 'Cake." David surmises, "Also NDW was an expensive outfit to operate. It was a large group with a lot of equipment and so it would've had to get a lot bigger than it did to really pay for itself in the long run. But with my solo records I get to satisfy a lot of the urges I had doing NDW, but with MFTCC I get to have that collaborative, social urge fed as well." Not Drowning Waving, you could argue, fitted awkwardly within the Australian music landscape of the mid-to-late '80s. Their lean towards world music and sparse instrumentals probably kept them from reaching the broader audience MFTCC has. Indeed by the time MFTCC had released their second album, Brood in 1995, they were gathering ARIA's and landing on radio playlists. "MFTCC was a priority for me from very early on." David adds on transitioning between bands the first time, "Working with somebody like Helen in Not Drowning and then us both shifting into MFTCC was great because she has always had such a different ear to mine in arranging and producing and so forth, so it was always going to be fascinating to see where we could take this little idea of an acoustic chamber band with our kind of opposing views on music but also with respect for the way we each did our thing." Wearing their boffin hats, production on the band's sixth studio album, Fiasco was down to David and Helen - as has been the case on all MFTCC albums - with mixing by Tim Cole. David describes his relief as the final piece was added to the long-awaited new 'Cake album. Bridie with Helen Mountfort - The core of 'Cake "I remember on the last night (of mixing) sitting with Tim Cole and realising with some satisfaction we really had done the best album we could. I think over time we have developed a kind of 'Cake sound' if you like, and when I hear that, I know it is a good indication that we're clicking." So in sync they appear to be, that even violinist Hope Csutoros's baby arrived right at the start of the band's usual extended between album break, meaning her band commitment wasn't compromised. "Hope happily was able to come back on board in time for this album after some time off for motherhood duties and that was obviously special to Helen because of how they work so closely together in the studio on the string arrangements." David confirms, "Also it helps to have the same band in the studio as you play with on tour." Aside from the predominant dueling strings, another constant in MFTCC is the suburban landscape oil paintings and collages that adorn most of their CD sleeves. Fiasco's cover at first glance feels a little familiar, and then it dawns that this street scenario had graced the cover of Brood – only now the developer's have been through. The "Brood" sleeve-art "Warwick Jolly's done most of our album artwork so far and I think, like the music, the more you look at his collages the more you find." Indeed you'll see a train track tearing up the middle of the image, surrounded by cut-outs of Melbourne buildings and people past and present. In the centre, sits the unmistakable red brick overpass on the way to East Richmond station – an often by-passed location for metro travelers - which forms a tidy subtext for an album concerned mostly with journeys big and small and those who get left behind. "I guess the metaphor is fairly obvious isn't it?" David laughs. As for the title, Fiasco, Bridie claims he was forced to compromise. "I wanted to call it Somewhere Between The Sacred and the Bleeding Ordinary but was somewhat dissuaded because of how long the band's name is – like it wouldn't all fit along the spine of the CD - so I was a bit disappointed about that. But Fiasco in this instance is more a bun fight in a bakery than a tragedy. Despite it being an Italian word, I think a lot of Aussies happily use it to add gravitas when describing something like a failed relationship." It seems a natural choice of words considering the album's centrepiece, Madang Panic Attack. This uncharacteristic, somewhat guttural release from the band – written by Bridie in Papua New Guinea - is one of the few tracks David will admit to being a very personal one. "Fiasco" "Madang Panic Attack was me going through a break-up and being in a different country with a bottle of duty-free whiskey." David recalls, "Some of the locals had set fire to the store and the church in the village so the air was just hot and sweaty." He adds sighing, "Anyway my troubles got on top of me one night and I just spewed forth all these lyrics trying to make sense of everything." Madang Panic Attack stands as MFTCC's darkest song thus far, both lyrically and musically. David describes, "It's pretty edgy stuff for us and after we had it down in the studio, Andrew (Richardson – guitars) put a load of electric guitar on it, but Helen rightfully said, 'look we've stuck to this acoustic thing all along, there's no point in breaking from that now' so it was redone for the album, but at some point I wanna put out that other version. I think people who have followed us for a long time might get a bit of a shock with Madang... but then I sometimes think being in a band, surprising your audience is one of the things you're supposed to do." Further hints of personal loss lurk throughout the album, but none is more startling than on Black Ice with its eerie refrain; 'Black ice took her away from me'. David responds. "I'm really using Black Ice as a metaphor here. There was no real car crash I was describing." He reveals, "It was more to do with childhood memories of being driven on these winding mountain roads and seeing black ice warning signs. To me they always seemed to imply life's greatest dangers are the ones unseen, which is just one of those things that has stayed with me through my own life." Changing tact, David adds, "I'm actually really pissed off AC/DC called their last tour Black Ice because now we can't use it for ours." He laughs, "They kind of pre-emptively stole our thunder there… those bastards!" Posted by lEIGh5 at 11:57 PM No comments: Kate Bush: Director's Cut (album review) (Fish People) Kate Bush fans desperate for new material from the reclusive star have been awarded an intriguing prize in the form of Director's Cut. Calling this new however is misleading as all songs are entirely updated versions, culled from roughly two halves of previously released albums. The track list is compiled from 1989's The Sensual World and 1993's The Red Shoes, with only the former's title track receiving a completely new set of lyrics. Re-named Flower Of The Mountain, The Sensual World could largely be seen as the catalyst for Bush's latest move. At the song's conception, Kate intended to use part of poet James Joyce's novel Ulysses in the lyric but was at the time denied rights. Last year, with full access finally granted to Joyce's words, Kate re-made the song as she had always intended and so began work on 'correcting' more and more of the songs that have dogged her over time. The fact that the entire album is comprised of music from those two particular albums won't surprise many long-term fans of Kate. The artist has been casually critical of the two records in question, just as the media had been upon their respective releases. Now that Kate has put right what she had long seen as errors in her last two pre-millennium albums, I can't help thinking that the same things that will please many long-time fans are the very same that will disappoint others. As a hopeless devotee, I can't help but feel heavily critical of the re-workings in both positive and negative ways. Whereas I totally respect Kate's decision to remake a few songs that she has long felt uncomfortable with, there are mixed results with no noticeable consideration for what her fans may have loved about these tracks in the first place. My first criticism would be that the vastly different albums (in their original state) The Sensual World and The Red Shoes don't mesh particularly when assembled as the one piece. The Sensual World – always the black sheep in Kate's catalogue - had a distinctly down-tempo, almost grim prevailing mood, whereas The Red Shoes was a spiky pagan romp through tales of black magic and mythology. Bush herself always claimed she felt a deep disappointment over how The Red Shoes was received, and in many cases the criticisms were unusually severe for a Kate Bush album. The fact that she disappeared from the public eye completely after, it's been suggested, was partly down to being so brutally scorned over the album and its accompanying film - The Line, The Cross and The Curve – which leads me to wonder if re-recording that album alone would have sufficed. The Sensual World tracks after all are the least altered by far among this collection. This Woman's Work (from The Sensual World) for example, is thankfully only slightly tweaked here with the most notable change being Kate's cleaner vocal. She exercises further welcome restraint on Song Of Solomon and Lily – both of which retain all of the magic of their parent versions, and Top Of The City also remains glorious, if not a little less starry-eyed than its 1993 counterpart.. However, the Red Shoes most powerful six minutes – Moments Of Pleasure – has been sheered down to its bare bones, omitting everything from its beautiful, climactic refrain to its strings and all the original's dynamics. This simple piano and choir version does however carry greater melancholy suited to the song's meaning, but less is definitely not more in this case. But all the nit-picking so far aside, let me be totally clear, Director's Cut is by no means a hatchet job done on some old songs in a vain effort to drag them into modern, shiny perfection. Instead Bush has re-done her vocals - in nearly every case - to simply suit her matured, lower octave range and swept away a lot of the layered post-production in favour of some raw jam-style live band mixes. These versions are essentially concert-ready performances which, considering a snowball's chance of a full world tour, is a really a massive tease. The biggest tease of all however, is the actual possibilities here not realised on some of these tracks. The brassy rumba of Rubberband Girl (from The Red Shoes) has been reduced – and not improved upon at all – to a vocal, electric guitar, drum and harmonica plod. I find it mind-boggling that Kate would seriously envision this track as needing such a lacklustre makeover. Far more satisfying is the album's single, Deeper Understanding, which is unusual here in that it works perfectly in its updated form because of its lyric – written in 1989 – about computers taking the place of meaningful, inter-personal exchanges. However Bush's own reliance on current technology in making this record is limited to that song with its jarring auto-tune refrain being the only in-organic sound throughout. As the project's initial purpose was to strip away the slightly saccharine production of these song's originals, all bar Deeper Understanding have been recorded entirely using analogue equipment which, for the most part, provides warmth to the overall sound. Although the kind of warmth that comes from non-digital recordings is pleasing, especially when it is a rare commodity in music nowadays, it seems odd that Kate should now shy away from these advances considering her ground-breaking use of digital techniques and effects on early albums, The Dreaming and Hounds Of Love. In fact, there's evidence-a-plenty in Kate's back catalogue of an artist who could always comfortably marry the timeless with the very latest when making music. The perfectionist that is Kate Bush coupled with the amount of time passed since these songs were written in theory should really have produced outstanding results rather than a sizable percentage of confounding ones. Perhaps the long-gestating gripe Kate had with the too-many-cooks sound on The Red Shoes and the occasionally flat-lining Sensual World should have been addressed sooner rather than later. A stunning semi-acoustic rendition of Red Shoes' track Why Should I Love You – originally a messy sounding duet with Prince - was released in the late '90s, offering a more tantalizing indication of what might have been, yet it is missing from this set. The best news surrounding Director's Cut for fans is probably the fact that Kate, when re-imagining these songs, was inspired to write an entirely new album in the process due out later this year. In the meantime, listeners reacquainting themselves with Kate's newly re-nurtured back catalogue 'mis-fires' have plenty to mull over, find renewed love for or even straight-out hate. Which ever her unwavering disciples choose, one thing that is for sure, having Kate Bush back in any form at all is still a delight worth indulging in. 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HomeNews Reports'Humein bahut maara': Dramatic scenes at Aligarh Court as alert lawyers prevent Grooming Jihad... CrimeNews Reports 'Humein bahut maara': Dramatic scenes at Aligarh Court as alert lawyers prevent Grooming Jihad by man who posed as Hindu The man has been identified as one Sonu Malik. Following the incident inside the Court premises, dramatic scenes were also observed outside. Image Credit: IANS Unusual scenes were observed at a Court in Aligarh on Saturday after a case of Grooming Jihad made its way to the Court premises. The trouble began when a man came to register his marriage with a woman from a different faith at a Court in Aligarh. He was apparently thrashed by unidentified individuals and a case has been registered in the matter. The man has been identified as one Sonu Malik. Following the incident inside the Aligarh Court premises, dramatic scenes were also observed outside. The woman could be heard saying that she is not a minor and has immense love for Sonu. The Police decided that they have had enough when she said 'Meri jaan hai woh' (He is my life) following which she was guided into a vehicle and the footage stops at that point. अलीगढ़: हिंदू युवती को लेकर शादी करने कोर्ट पहुंचा था मुस्लिम युवक, कोर्ट परिसर में जमकर हुआ हंगामा…#LoveJihaad #लवजिहाद #UttarPradesh pic.twitter.com/2N54Id1N4s — News24 (@news24tvchannel) December 5, 2020 The man was equally dramatic. He said, "Mere pyar ko rok liya, humein bahut maara court me," ("They have stopped my love, they thrashed me a lot in Court"), Sonu Malik could be heard saying as he was being dragged by the Police. He kept saying "Mere pyar ko rok liya" but the Police did not appear particularly bothered by such profound declaration of affection. Later, however, the woman revealed that Sonu had introduced himself as a Hindu but it was only later that she discovered he was a Muslim. She came to know him through Facebook and she travelled with him from Chandigarh three days earlier. She appeared calm and composed while talking to the media after the initial spell of distraught. "पहले लड़के ने मुझे अपना नाम "Sonu" बताया था, मुझे बाद में पता चला वो दूसरे धर्म का है" #Aligarh #लव_जिहाद pic.twitter.com/v9iE4ljOSE The woman further revealed that the man had emotionally blackmailed her saying that he will drink poison if she did not meet him and could not live without her. Shalabh Mani Tripathi, press adviser to Yogi Adityanath, revealed that it was the girl's family who had provided some 'service' to the man inside the court, hinting that it was them who thrashed him. Tripathi also revealed that it was at the Aligarh Court that it was discovered that Sonu is actually a Muslim and his name is Mohammed Sonu. The girl's family reached the spot after being alerted by the lawyers. Tripathi also said that the new law against 'Love Jihad' was working well. हिंदू लड़की को अपना नाम सोनू बता कर जाल में फँसाया,शादी करने कोर्ट पहुँचा तो पता चला कि असली नाम तो मुहम्मद सोनू है,लव जिहादी मौक़े पर ही धरा गया,वकीलों की सूचना पर पहुँचे लड़की के घरवालों ने थोड़ी सेवा भी की,योगीजी का 'नया क़ानून' बखूबी काम कर रहा है,वकीलों को 'विशेष' साधुवाद 😊 pic.twitter.com/h5yEPThe4S — Shalabh Mani Tripathi (@shalabhmani) December 5, 2020 Provisions of the new law The new anti-conversion law is aimed at preventing forced conversions under the pretext of love and marriage. "There were more than 100 incidents reported in which forceful religious conversion was being done. Also, it was reported that religious conversions were going on in the state using deceitful means. So to make a law on this becomes an important matter of policy now," UP Cabinet Minister Siddharth Nath Singh had earlier remarked. Under the new law, a jail term of 1-5 years is awarded to the accused (extended to 3-10 years in case of SC/STs) and a fine of ₹15,000 (₹25,000 in case of SC/STs). Moreover, the offender's proven guilty for mass conversion will attract a jail term of 10 years. Cases registered under anti-Grooming Jihad law Multiple cases have been registered already under the new law. Muzaffarnagar police have registered a case against two accused named Nadeem and Salman on Monday evening. The two are accused of trying to force a married Hindu woman to convert to Islam. According to Akshay, the duo started luring his wife to leave him and marry one of them. They also started asking her to convert to Islam on multiple occasions and tried to lure her for Nikkah. But Akshay got wind of the matter, and before things go out of hand, he left Bhagwanpur. Uttar Pradesh police have also arrested Uwais Ahmed, the accused who was absconding ever-since a case was registered against him, for trying to forcibly convert a Hindu girl to Islam. Searched termsAligarh Love Jihad Grooming Jihad Grooming Jihad Tracker Love Jihad
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BK5K Road Races BK5K - WINONA RACE Winona Overview Register - Winona Prizes & Results BK5K - North Carolina Race North Carolina Overview Register - North Carolina BK5K - INDIANAPOLIS RACE Indianapolis Overview Register - Indianapolis bk5k race At the age of 45, Bob Kierlin started running. For some unknown reason, his 10-year-old daughter wanted to enter short road races, so Bob drove her to these events. This went on for a couple of years before he caught on to the idea of running in the same races rather than waiting at the finish line. But in all his years of running, he always found himself in the last half of the finishers of each road race.Years later, while talking with his daughters about what he would want someday as a memorial, Bob said that he would like a road race named after him in which all runners could get a trophy if they outperformed their previous best time. Later it occurred to him that it would be even better to be alive during his "memorial" race so that he could participate. So Bob made arrangements with the Winona Rotary Club to hold such a race with the proceeds going toward projects benefiting Winona. It was named "The BK5K Memorial Road Race." When the event grew beyond the limited volunteer resources of the Rotary Club, the present volunteer group took over the race management. Another change was the race date: Originally held in mid-April, the race often resulted in computer freeze-ups (not to mention volunteer freeze-ups), so it was moved to the current mid-June date. Now in its 19th year, the BK5K Road Race continues to raise hundreds of thousands of dollars which are donated through a grant process to local area youth organizations and programs that have demonstrated financial need. Funding grants are evaluated for merit and dispersed by the BK5K Youth Fund Award Committee in partnership with the Winona Community Foundation. To offer a race for the younger age groups up to 12 years old, the BK5K added a kids race. This event will see its 9th year this year and we are as excited as the runners! Grown from roughly 30 racers to close to 250 last year, this race explodes with all the energy, excitement and smiles that the participants have. In the nine years since we added the youth race it has shown great success. We are ready and looking forward to see it grow with even more participation in the coming years. Proceeds Benefit Youth Programs The 19th annual BK5K, 5 kilometer road race and walk, is held to honor Bob Kierlin, founder of Fastenal Company and lifelong supporter of youth programs. All proceeds go to various area youth organizations/programs demonstrating financial need. Funding grants will be evaluated for merit and dispersed by the BK5K Youth Fund Award Committee in partnership with the Winona Community Foundation. Race winners have the opportunity to donate their cash awards to area youth programs and receive a commemorative certificate. Revenues from past events were used to fund the Winona High School Nordic Ski program, baseball, orchestra, marching band and AP English programs, Cotter High School Canoe Club, softball fields, marching band, and H.O.T. math programs. Bluffview Montessori has benefited from funding for iPads and the Winona Area Catholic schools STEM program has received funding. Other recent organizations who have received financial support include Big Brothers Big Sisters, Winona Family YMCA, Junior Achievement, Winona Park and Recreation Department, and Home and Community Options. Help keep the area youth organizations and programs going and challenge your own racing abilities. Winona Steamboat Days June 12 - 16, 2019 VisitWinona.com History & Proceeds Learn more about the BK5K Road Races Get all the latest information on the BK5K Race.
AU/UGA Medical Partnership Statewide Campus Locations Georgia is our Campus. As the state's only public medical school, statewide growth of medical education is a priority at The Medical College of Georgia. The educational experience is anchored by MCG's main campus in Augusta, as well as regional clinical campuses for third- and fourth-year students and another four-year campus in Athens in partnership with the University of Georgia. Expanding partnerships with physicians and hospitals throughout Georgia ensures that students experience the full spectrum of medicine, from urban tertiary care hospitals to small-town primary care practices. The expansive and largely rural state of Georgia is among the top 10 states in the nation for population size and growth yet ranks 39th in the number of active physicians per 100,000 population, according to the 2017 State Physician Data Book of the Association of American Medical Colleges. The physician shortage is exacerbated by the reality that, like the general population, Georgia's physicians are aging with the state ranking 35th in the percentage of active physicians age 60 and older. To help address the need for more doctors, in 2006 the AAMCAssociation of American Medical Colleges called for a 30 percent increase in medical school enrollment. The year before, in 2005, MCGMedical College of Georgia had opened its first clinical campus in Southwest Georgia, the Southwest Campus based at Phoebe Putney Memorial Hospital in Albany, GA. The Southwest Campus is strategically located in a relatively rural area of the state where physician shortages are most acute. Data confirm that physicians who come from and/or train in rural areas are more likely to practice in rural areas. In 2007, MCG announced the Southeast Campus, which is now based at St. Joseph's/Candler Health System in Savannah and the Southeast Georgia Health System in Brunswick. In January 2008, the University System of Georgia Board of Regents accepted a medical education expansion plan for the state calling for the university's medical college to expand statewide, including opening the four-year Augusta University/University of Georgia Medical Partnership in Athens. This campus focuses on small group learning approaches leveraging its small class size. The first 40 freshman students started at the Medical Partnership in fall 2010. This enabled growth of MCG's class size from 190 to 230 students. Later in 2010, officials from Rome, GA, and Augusta University announced establishment of the Northwest Campus, which became operational in 2013. Today, MCG's diverse educational clinical experiences include more than 350 urban and rural sites across Georgia where students experience the full spectrum of medicine. As of this year, the Class of 2026 has 264 students, with 60 students on the Athens partnership campus and 204 here in Augusta. Interest in Georgia's public medical school is strong, with nearly 3,200 applications for 230 positions in the class of 2022.
package org.keycloak.models.map.user; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.UUID; public class MapUserEntity extends AbstractUserEntity<UUID> { public static final Comparator<MapUserEntity> COMPARE_BY_USERNAME = Comparator.comparing(MapUserEntity::getUsername, String.CASE_INSENSITIVE_ORDER); protected MapUserEntity() { super(); } public MapUserEntity(UUID id, String realmId) { super(id, realmId); } }
Outback Steakhouse is famous for its greasy, deep-fried, sodium-filled, and sauce-smothered offerings. But there are healthy options. Though lobster was once considered a "garbage food," now it's looked at like a delicacy. There are all kinds of ways to prepare it, most of which involve mayo-soaked lobster rolls and overwhelming mac and cheese. But steamed lobster is relatively low-cal — Outback Steakhouse allows you to order 2 steamed lobster tails, which together are just 480 calories.