Rear-end bicycle accidents happen more often than you would think, especially with more and more people riding their bikes as transportation in big cities. Just like in rear-end car accidents, when a driver is distracted, going to fast or just not paying attention, they can hit a bicyclist in front of them when traffic suddenly comes to a stop. These accidents can cause serious damage, either impacting them directly or throwing them forward over their handle bars in the next car or pavement. Rosenfeld Injury Lawyers LLC appreciates how startling it can be when a vehicle hits a bicyclist from behind. Our law office has a history representing injured Chicago bicyclists who have been injured in rear-end collisions. Our office will do what it takes to ensure you receive maximum compensation for your injuries. Talk to a bicycle crash lawyer today about your rear-end crash by completing our intake form here and we will review your case for free. In heavy traffic cities like here in Chicago where there are ample bicycles sharing the roads with motor vehicles, there are bound to be collisions. Unfortunately for bike riders, they are at a physical disadvantage when they are hit by a car, van or truck, with little or no protection. Although there are bike lanes in many cities and over 200 miles of them here in Chicago, to get where a rider needs to go they often still must enter traffic. Left-hand turns. Left-hand turns are one of the most common precursors to a rear-end bicycle accident. When a cyclist needs to move over into traffic to get in the left lane and turn, they are susceptible to a rear-end accident. No bike lanes. Many streets still do not have bike lanes, so cyclists are sharing the road with traffic and can easily be rear-ended. Distracted drivers. Even when riding in a bike lane or on the shoulder of a road, motorists can drift over when distracted and rear-end a cyclist. In November 2012 just outside of Auburn, IL, a 71-year old avid cyclist was rear-ended and killed by a young driver that drifted into the shoulder. Although almost no rear-end accidents are the fault of the person being hit, in either bicycle or auto accidents, there are ways to avoid these accidents. No one wants to be seriously hurt or even fatally injured while riding their bicycle. When riding in traffic, there is little a cyclist can do to avoid a rear-end crash. Even with mirrors to see the traffic behind a rider, they will have difficulty getting out of the way of a vehicle that is about to hit them. The best way to avoid a rear-end accident on a bike is to use bike lanes and stay out of traffic whenever possible. For left hand turns, instead of getting over into the left hand lane with traffic, take the slightly longer route. Continue through the intersection in the bike lane, then, turn left and go through the intersection again in the correct direction. It can take a little longer, but it can be safer. Even with the best defensive riding, not all rear-end bicycle accidents can be avoided. When a cyclist is rear-ended, there is a good chance they will have an injury that will need medical attention, may make them miss work and cause other expenses. Having an experienced Chicago bicycle injury attorney from Rosenfeld Injury Lawyers LLC can ensure that the liable driver and their insurance company cover all the expenses that are caused by the accident.
It's that time of year for you to celebrate Cinco de Mayo!! A holiday we love to celebrate in America. Why? Is it just the food and the alcohol? Hopefully not. It's a time to remember when a culture of people stood up for their rights. All coming to blows at the Battle of Puebla. It is a time to remember to embrace all people, Mexican American people for what their ancestors did. It's a time I like to remember what my ancestors did. Coming from a mixed Black-Mexican American background, I did not have a lot of traditions that were passed down from my grandmother, as they usually are by the mother of the family. Why? It's a little hard to do so when your mother was gone at a young age. However, my strong Latina grandmother did what she could. Learned what she could and passed those traditions along with new traditions down to her daughters. And so my mother passed them down to me. Now do I pass all of them down to my children. No, not yet. Some are too young to understand the meaning. But, I do pass down what I can and when they are able to understand everything I will teach them what I know. One of our families traditions is our love of our favorite Mexican foods. Even if I am too busy to cook them all the time, I love to do something for Cinco de Mayo. Because to do it right you have to do it right and its a long process. My favorite meals are usually homemade. I love my families homemade Chicken Tacos with Spanish Rice and Pinto Beans. I also have some other homemade dishes my grandmother used to make. But, for today, I am making something easy for my kids. A tradition of my own. Passed down by me to my children. A busy mom of 4, I have to give them what they like along with making it in a timely matter for them before they need to go to bed. On our menu for dinner is Turkey Nachos with beans. My kids love nachos and for me I needed to add some kind of protein to it so I could feel like they were getting enough. So I decided to add ground turkey and black beans. Although, they do have to be in a mood for black beans. I will say they love it and so do I. Its fast, its easy and its fun for the kids to build their own. So while they are enjoying that, my husband and I will do the grown up thing and partake in a cerveza. Check my out my Instagram and all the fun activities for today!! And remember, Feliz Cinco de Mayo! Previous postWhat Happens When You Have Faith in Yourself?
Rocket League News Rocket League is spicing things up – the new Rocket Pass 3 is coming! Rocket League, the incredibly popular mix of soccer and racer that took the esports world by storm is far from resting on its glory – in fact, Psyonix, the publisher has just announced a few pieces of news for the game! Eagerly awaited by many, all of this new content will be unlocked with theMore 2019 Rocket League Pro Circuit revealed Rocket League's Pro circuit isn't brand new, but this isMore ELEAGUE Rocket League Cup Finals Rundown – Looking at the finalists Gale Force eSports were definitely the tournament favourites entering theMore Rocket League Matches and Odds OverviewGameplayCarsCompetitive SceneOur Experience Rocket League News and Game ReviewAll about this awesome vehicle football game If you're bored of all of the copycat battle arena games, then Rocket League is the game for you. The game has been described as 'soccer, but with rocket-power cars', and it combines the sport of football with all manner of vehicular carnage. Although the video game has only been around a couple of years, the sheer size of a standard Rocket League esports prize winnings has meant that many gamers are rushing to get involved. So here's a guide to help you rise up the Rocket League ranks. What is Rocket League? Rocket League was released by Psyonix in 2015, and it has become a massive hit amongst PS4, Xbox, PC and Nintendo Switch gamers. With single-player and multiplayer options, the sports-based chaos has made this game perfect for the competitive gaming world and we've seen the Rocket League esports schedule filling up over the past couple of years. Not only will gamers spend hours perfecting their goalscoring talents, but all serious Rocket League esports teams will spend plenty of time in the Rocket League garage to supercharge their vehicles and check out the competition. Take a look at this trailer and see why all gamers are playing this game to get the next big Rocket League esports prize. If you want to join in with the best Rocket League esports teams, then you are going to need to know the basics of this incredible video game. Watching the latest Rocket League esports news is a good place to start, but we'd recommend taking the time to read our guide to the gameplay below. Whilst it might not help you win that big Rocket League esports prize, it might help you rise up the Rocket League ranks and even land a winning bet on this thrilling esport. Understanding the phenomenon of Rocket League esports Whilst Rocket League was released by Psyonix way back in 2015, it quickly became evident that this game was perfect for the competitive gaming world. Thanks to its clever blend of football and motorised mayhem, Rocket League earned many awards and is now enjoyed by over 40 million players all over the world. The game is the follow-up to 2008's Supersonic Acrobatic Rocket-Powered Battle-Cars, and Psyonix wisely adjusted the gameplay, improved the graphics and implemented a few new cool multiplayer features to help it gain some impressive reviews. As a result, many gamers now choose to head to the Rocket League garage to enjoy trading items and the fast-paced fun of this game rather than get bogged down in the tedious storylines of open-world titles. And with a Rocket League esports schedule filling up with many top level tournaments, it seems that this epic game is here to stay. GameplayHow do Rocket League esports teams succeed in this game? If you've ever played football, then you'll have just about everything you need to know about the main objectives of Rocket League. Two teams compete to score goals against each other, but with some seriously exciting vehicles instead of their feet. Each of the Rocket League esports teams are composed of up to four players, and the match usually lasts just five minutes at a time. There's a massive range of moves that you can do to take control of the ball, but as the average game of Rocket League can sometimes resemble a game of dodgems, it's not all about showing off your skill too much. As you are using rocket-controlled cars to propel the ball into your opponent's goal, then you also have the option of picking and choosing from all manner of car bodies, wheels and boosts to help you rise up the Rocket League ranks. If you visit the Rocket League garage, you also have the option of customising your vehicle with decals, antennas, paints and banners. Whilst these options are unlikely to help you become the next big Rocket League esports news, they show how this game is all about fun rather than overly complex gameplay. CarsWhat vehicles do the best Rocket League esports teams use? If you watch the Rocket League esports news, then you will see how the best esports stars routinely pick certain vehicles to consistently score some awesome goals. There's certainly no shortage of cars to choose from with well over 30 vehicles all offering their own special powers regarding things like turning radius and shooting power. Despite this, many esports players who keep popping up on your Rocket League tracker will choose the Octane vehicle as their car of choice. This vehicle is renowned for its awesome dribbling skill, and its aerial ball control is also remarkable. However, there are plenty of other great vehicles that you will see in every Rocket League esports schedule. From Batmobile with its incredible hard shooting powers, to Dominus and its skill in the hitbox, it's clear that there's plenty to be learned from spending some time with each vehicle if you want to enjoy Rocket League esports in 2018. The Rocket League esports scheduleWho will win the next Rocket League esports prize? As soon as Rocket League was released, it quickly became a big hit on the Twitch streaming service. As a result, Psyonix set up the Rocket League Championship Series in late 2016 so that Rocket League esports teams could play competitively for big cash prizes. It wasn't long before the success of Rocket League attracted major esports organisations like ESL and MLG to put together a solid Rocket League esports schedule each year. With fans using the Rocket League tracker to keep an eye on the best players, it's become apparent that this game has become one of the biggest esports around. And with even terrestrial broadcasters like NBC including coverage of the Rocket League esports schedule, we can expect to see bigger things from Rocket League esports in 2018. ConclusionWhat to expect from Rocket League esports It's great to see how Rocket League has come from nowhere to become one of the most exciting esports titles around. Unlike the endless range of very similar first-person shooters and battle arena titles, Rocket League manages to give gamers something that's a little different. By combining a classic sport with some high-octane racing, Psyonix have delivered a game that's set to become even more popular in the future. So get your car and see how much damage you can do by taking part in a Rocket League tournament today! Find out the latest Rocket League esports news It can be hard to keep up with all of the developments in esports. But we have created a dedicated esports news section that's sure to be packed full of the latest esports news so that you can keep tabs on your favourite teams and players. So check out our esports news area and see who will be the big names of Rocket League in the future.
A confidential report releaed by WikiLeaks into the dumping of toxic waste along the Ivory Coast, has seen an extraordinary gag order served on the UK media. The order gags the press from reporting a parliamentry question and answer. In effect, the communication between parliament and the people has been muzzled. The Ivory Coast dumping mentioned, by multi-national oil and commodities trader Trafigura, is possibly the most culpable environmental disaster since thousands were killed in the Bhopal chemical spill. What this gags order aims at is preventing the mention of Trafigura and Minton in the same context. The Minton report was released by WikiLeaks on September 14, 2009. Despite this and some rock solid work by Guardian investigations editor David Leigh and other journalists on the boader Trafigura contamination, the Minton report released by WikiLeaks was not named in the UK press, nor were its contents report. Why? Because of the earlier secret 11 September 2009 media injuction against the report, as referred to by Paul Farrelly MP. To-date the UK public has been kept in the dark about the Minton report and its contents. Paul Farrelly's question is an attempt to take on the suppression issue. In the process it connected the Minton report on WikiLeaks to Trafigura, something the UK media has been secretly ordered not to do. Statements made in parliament, including those of Paul Farrelly MP, traditionally enjoy an absolute exemption from molestation by the regular judiciary. Parliament does not, insomuch as it believes itself to be an expression of the national will, subordinate itself to any other court. Knowing this, lawyers for Trafigura, Carter-Ruck, told the Guardian that the order covered reporting of Paul Farrelly MP's questions. That Carter Ruck felt this claim was makable is a bold and dangerous move towards the total privatization of censorship. Is a multi-billion pound commodities trader a truer expression of the national will than the House of Commons? The question is no longer rhetorical. The Commons' gag and the September 11 gag are not the only issues. The London Independent has removed from its site, without explanation, its September 17 investigative article on the issue "Toxic shame: Thousands injured in African city". As for other papers, no one has any idea, because it is the habit now in the UK to secretly remove articles from newspaper archives and their indexes.
Charles Marshall is, without a doubt, one of the funniest and most original corporate comedians performing today. His material is clever enough to tickle the funny bone of the most demanding comedy fan, yet relatable enough for practically anyone to enjoy. Through his contagious humor, outrageous insight, and refreshing perspective, Charles effectively communicates as a corporate speaker on various topics. With every performance Charles takes his audience on a comedic roller coaster ride, exploring every subject from product names, commercials and growing up, to dating and family life. With over 25 years of experience behind him, Charles has mastered the art of combining a professional stage presence with the warmth that endears him to audiences. His appeal is a universal one, touching the hearts of young and old alike. A predominant reason for his success is the relativity of his insights to everyday life. His style is distinctive, original, and refreshing. In addition to his reputation for excellence and originality, Charles is also known for his ability to produce roll-in-the-aisles humor while avoiding all vulgarities and obscenities. An upbeat comic, Charles is adept at involving his audiences and an expert at finding the humor in the minutiae of life. He is truly a craftsman who tailors his events to meet the needs of his host for each occasion. Charles attributes much of his popularity to his ability to work as a clean comedian and provide an alternative to the blue humor of today's comics. With his contagious humor, outrageous insight, and refreshing perspective, Charles is becoming a major force in the comedy industry today. Without a doubt, Charles stands and delivers! "Charles Marshall's performance was clean and very funny entertainment for our Civitan convention delegates. His presentation was perfect for our volunteer organization. Our attendees loved him! He was well prepared and wrote humor into his program that he would only use with our group. I would highly recommend Charles for any convention." Louis Stephens Vice President, Civitan International Need a comedian that will have your audience rolling in the aisles? Call or e-mail our office at [email protected] for fees and availability. M Power Resources, LLC
Replacing covers/screenshots w/ Eng. vers. VNDB discussions #1 by fuukanou 2019-05-25 at 19:51 Hi, Are there any rules and regulations (ideally standards) for *replacing* the original Japanese covers and screenshots of VNs (assuming that they're perfectly clear) with English ones? I personally don't see any reason for covers and think that they should be original version wherever possible, but I reckon screenshots should be alright. I think you can't get any new information out of a localised cover than from the original, but if someone can't read the screenshots in Japanese, they'd be able to get a (admittedly small) feel for the writing style / UI (which often changes between JP and EN releases). #2 by [deleted] 2019-05-25 at 20:16 Well, as a japanese reader I disagree with this measure since I always feel bothered when there's only english screenshots for a japanese visual novel, since I can't get a feel for the actual writing style (as opposed to the translation...) People who read in english barely care about writing style as evidenced by the incessant fixation with frivolities such as honorifics, memes, and foreign language translation (i.e. character speaking english in japanese version speaking in spanish or french on the english version). 2019-05-25 at 20:56 #2, I'd like to clear up I meant only 2-3 screenshots of the 10 being in English. #4 by ramaladni 2019-05-25 at 22:01 Maybe make it so that 10 screenshots is the limit for a specific release, and 15 the overall limit. This way you could have 10 screenshots for the JP version, and 5 for the English one, for example.Last modified on 2019-05-25 at 22:01 2019-05-25 at 22:45 Here's what yorhel said last time this came up: t11906.9 #6 by punk 2019-05-25 at 23:19 #9 by yorhel 2019-02-10 at 07:10 By far the most important part of the screenshots is that they're representative and that they show different aspects of the game. Whether they're from a Japanese or English release is not very relevant, so the guidelines don't make a clear statement on that. I'm generally fine with replacing some Japanese screenshots with English ones, as long as the quality & variety aspect remains. @yorhel u2 I agree with what yorhel said , but I think these points should included in the rules link to make it clear to everyone . You must be logged in to reply to this thread. "Real food can be pretty delicious, you know."
As far as live music goes you can't go past the experience of an award winning singer-songwriter. Emmas music is heartfelt, acoustic and the perfect addition to your wedding, function, venue or event. We just wanna play some rock and have some fun! Stunts for film and TV. Chilled out ukulele / guitar and vocals. Weddings and events. Elvis Impersonator Steve King is one of the country's finest Elvis impersonators. Based in Sydney, Steve performs both locally and nationally at corporate events, private parties and Clubs. As he is accredited by the Australian Bridal Service. Fast Quality Face Painting Corporate Events to Children's Events You Pay I Will Travel! I am a professional, well-presented singer/entertainer/guitar player with 3 octaves. A Versatile, excellent singer with humour and a great rapport. Bad Paris ROCK WITH ATTITUDE!!!
In early 2004 I started a spreadsheet to track what I was reading for a librarians read challenge. I kept going past the end of the challenge and past the end of the year. I kept that spreadsheet going until 2014 when pregnancy brain and baby brain caused it to fall apart. I've had middling success with goodreads. I go on a tear for a few months and then abandon it again for the next 6 months. I'm going back to my spreadsheet again. If you ignore the last year, it worked for me for a decade and I know I can commit to it. However I want to try a new reading challenge. There are lots of them floating around. Cannonball read (a book a week, 52 books), or two a month (24 total), or this one by category/feature is really cool. (ie a book more than 500 pages, a book by a female author). I also saw one group of people dedicating to reading books only by women and/or people of color this year. There are a lot of ways to do a reading challenge. I encourage you to choose one. My reading challenge is to conquer my personal dirty dozen. In library school, my children's librarianship professor defined your "dirty dozen" as the classic children's books you are a little bit ashamed to admit you have never read. It is probably more or less than a dozen (probably more), but it is a good term. This year I will read one classic children's book I've never read before a month. I'm also defining what is a classic. It may be a newer book that is an award winner. It may be 70 years old. Some adult books may sneak in there, particularly adult books with teen/advanced child appeal. Today I helped a teen find To Kill A Mockingbird which she had expected to find in the teen section. She was a little bemused to be going to the adult section. I read that as a teen and adored it. In fact I was so excited about her starting that journey, getting to experience it for the first time that I almost hugged her. But I didn't because that is creepy. I just tweeted about it instead. This morning I started Trumpet of the Swan by E.B. White. So far it is okay, sweet, a bit didactic, but good. I'll try to blog about the books as I read them, but no promise.
Iranian Socialists Propose Unity Read online at https://workersliberty.org/node/7960 Submitted by cathy n on 31 May, 1995 - 3:25 Representatives of nine political and regional groups who attended a meeting of 'Etehad Chap Kargari' (Workers' Left Unity) passed the following resolution on the 12 February 1995 in Germany: The crisis engulfing the Iranian communist movement with its specific characteristics within the framework of an international crisis, has halted the formation and organisation of a genuinely radical socialist alternative in Iran. The objective in forming Workers' Left Unity (WLU) is to create the conditions that will help the formation and development of such a tendency and to pave the way for our joint efforts in the creation of a revolutionary party and to facilitate our future participation in any mobilisation of the working class. This political alliance believes in: * the necessity for the overthrow of the capitalist Islamic Republic in Iran and the formation of a workers' state relying on the self-governing organs of workers and toilers. * socialism as a force capable of expanding democracy in all political, social and economic spheres, abolition of exploitation, establishment of social ownership relying on the self-rule of producers and abolition of social classes. * the inseparable characteristics of democracy and socialism and defence of all unconditional political freedoms, defending the right to universal voting, defending pluralism for all social strata. * the struggle to organise workers on the basis of their class interests and on the basis of the confrontation between capital and labour. To help the independent mobilisation of the working class in economic, social, political and cultural issues. * the struggle against patriarchy and male chauvinism, racial discrimination and the battle to eradicate cultural, national, religious, sexual bias which are an integral part of the struggle for socialism. * internationalism and adherence to its principles. Although the above are sufficient to distinguish this alliance from other opposition forces claiming to support socialism, on their own they are inadequate for unification within a single political party. This alliance will follow a process of development and following a period of debate, discussion and practical co-operation, encouraging other ideological tendencies it will be able to clarify its positions further and pave the way for the formation of a single party within which the right to form factions and tendencies will be respected. Those participating in this alliance do not consider themselves as the only forces of this alliance and invite all groups and individuals who agree with the above points to join them maintaining their organisational/political independence. Such forces can form local independent, permanent branches which will form the base of this alliance. Such branches will expand the discussion on issues concerning the way out of the present crisis, tactical programmes and strategic issues necessary for creating the revolutionary party capable of leading the workers' socialist revolution, seeking further alliances in the democratic and socialist arena. l Etehad Kargarn Enghelabi Iran (Rahe Kargar) — Revolutionary Workers' l Alliance Iran (Workers Path) l Hezb Ranjbaran — Toilers Party of Iran l Daftarhaye Kargari — Socialist Workers' Socialist Bulletin l Sazman Kargaran Enghelabi Iran (Rahe Kargar) — Organisation of Revolutionary Workers of Iran (Workers Path) l Hasten Agahaliat — Minority Group l Faalan Sazman Cherikhaye Fedayii Khalgh Iran — Activists of the Organisation of Iranian Peoples' Fedayin Guerrillas (abroad) l Hamkaran Projet Ijad Bulletin Bahshe socialisthayeh Enghelabi — The project for revolutionary socialist debate l Some of the cadres from Fedayin Minority l Independent activists of the left VIDEO: Workers' struggles and political prisoners in Iran Session on Iran at IFF19. Pitfalls of knee-jerk "blame Israel" If there was evidence of Israel's involvement in attacks on tankers in the Gulf, then that... Behind the US-Iran tension The economic pressure on the Iranian regime is constantly rising and the level of mass... US and Iran in stand-off The US is applying pressure to get the Iranian regime to give more concessions. May Day arrests in Iran Workers, teachers, students and pensioners demonstrated outside the Iranian regime's... Workers' Liberty 21, May 1995Iran
Spot-fixing is illegal activity in a sport in which a specific aspect of a game, unrelated to the final result but upon which a betting market exists, is fixed in an attempt to ensure a certain result in a proposition bet. Examples include something as minor as timing a no ball or wide delivery in cricket or timing the first throw-in or corner in association football. Spot-fixing attempts to defraud bookmakers by a player taking a pre-arranged action to fix the result of that specific event. Spot-fixing differs from match fixing in which the final result of a match is fixed or point shaving in which players (or officials) attempt to limit the margin of victory of the favoured team. Spot-fixing is more difficult to detect than match fixing or point shaving, and by its nature, it can be perpetrated by a lone fraudulent player without any other players or officials being needed to co-operate. The growth of Internet gambling and increased variety of betting options (for example, spread betting, first-scorer betting) resulted in the emergence of spot-fixing, particularly through the first decade of the 2000s. Examples Association football Following his retirement, Matt Le Tissier admitted that he had bet on the timing of the first throw-in in a match he played for Southampton against Wimbledon in 1995. The plan failed when a teammate who was unaware of the scam managed to keep his underhit pass on the pitch. Le Tissier was forced to quickly kick the ball from play to prevent losing money on the bet and managed to "push" after kicking the ball out after 70 seconds. He stated that he felt so silly about the incident that he never attempted it again. Cricket Spot fixing in cricket first came to international prominence in the 2010 Pakistan tour of England, when it was determined that Pakistani players Mohammad Asif and Mohammad Amir intentionally bowled no-balls on specific deliveries as part of a conspiracy involving captain Salman Butt to defraud bookmakers. As a result, Butt was banned for ten years, Asif for seven years and Amir for five years. The matter became a criminal investigation that resulted in custodial sentences for four people involved; in November 2011, Butt was sentenced to 30 months' imprisonment, with Asif being imprisoned for one year and Amir jailed for six months. Five players in the 2012 Indian Premier League season were suspended for spot-fixing. The five players were Mohnish Mishra, Shalabh Srivastava, TP Sudhindra, Harmeet Singh and Abhinav Bali. The suspensions were not for any specific event during the season, but a sting operation revealed all five either discussing earlier cases of spot-fixing they had been involved in, or seeking future spot-fixing opportunities. In India, three Indian players in IPL Season 6 (2013) were arrested for spot-fixing: Sreesanth, Ankeet Chavan and Ajit Chandila. Along with them, eleven bookmakers were arrested. The Delhi Police arrested the three players in a post-midnight operation in Mumbai on 16 May 2013 for accepting payments of up to Rs. 6 million, for giving away a pre-determined number of runs in an over. On 13 September, Sreesanth was given a lifetime ban from the sport. In England, allegations of spot-fixing were made against Essex bowler Mervyn Westfield, after he bowled poorly in a Pro40 match against Durham in September 2009. Westfield later pleaded guilty to accepting money for spot-fixing in the match, specifically that he attempted to concede twelve runs from his first over (although he conceded only ten); he was banned for five years and his Essex team-mate and former Pakistan Test bowler Danish Kaneria received a life ban after he was found to have orchestrated the fix. The advent of Twenty20 cricket is said to have made spot-fixing more difficult to detect in cricket, because the faster and more variable nature of the game makes anomalies related to spot-fixing less visible. Rugby league Australian rugby league player Ryan Tandy was found guilty of spot-fixing during a 2010 National Rugby League season match between North Queensland Cowboys and Canterbury-Bankstown Bulldogs. Tandy, playing for Canterbury-Bankstown, was involved in spot-fixing the first score of the match to be a North Queensland penalty goal. Observers noted that there had been an unusually high proportion of bets taken on the penalty goal option for the game. Then, in the opening minutes of the game, Tandy was found to have deliberately conceded a knock-on from the match's kick-off and then a penalty for slowing down the play-the-ball in the Cowboys' first attacking set in front of the goalposts, giving North Queensland a chance to kick an easy penalty goal. As it happened, the spot-fixing attempt was unsuccessful, as North Queensland passed up its penalty goal opportunity and scored a try instead. In 2011, Tandy was found guilty of attempting to dishonestly obtain a financial advantage on 6 October 2011, and he received a six-month correction order from the courts and a life ban from rugby league. See also Betting controversies in cricket Courtsiding, an equivalent concept prevalent in tennis References Association football controversies Cricket controversies Match fixing Sports betting scandals
Q: Skip the open file I have the code below that opens each .xlsx file in a folder and calls another sub to it. When it reaches the file that is open (unavoidable to have it open due to preceding subs), I need this to skip this file and continue. This was modified from an online source as I don't fully comprehend using paths. Thanks in advance! Sub OpenFilesVBA() Dim Wb As Workbook Dim strFolder As String Dim strFil As String Application.ScreenUpdating = False strFolder = Application.ActiveWorkbook.path strFil = Dir(strFolder & "\*.xlsx*") Do While strFil <> vbNullString Set Wb = Workbooks.Open(strFolder & "\" & strFil) '===========Run Objective Macro========================================== Call PoG_Report_Prep '======================================================================== ActiveWorkbook.Save Wb.Close False strFil = Dir Loop End Sub A: Presumably the file containing this code is saved as .xlsm (rather than .xlsx), which means the file will be skipped as the code only looks for files saved as .xlsx If the file is saved as .xlsx you could check whether the file being opened matches the filename of the current file only run the code if the names are different. See example code below. MsgBox statements for testing purposes only, remove these in the final code. Sub OpenFilesVBA() Dim Wb As Workbook Dim strFolder As String Dim strFil As String Dim strActiveFil As String ' Application.ScreenUpdating = False strFolder = Application.ActiveWorkbook.Path strActiveFil = Application.ActiveWorkbook.Name strFil = Dir(strFolder & "\*.xlsx*") Do While strFil <> vbNullString MsgBox strFil If strFil <> strActiveFil Then MsgBox "run" ' Set Wb = Workbooks.Open(strFolder & "\" & strFil) '===========Run Objective Macro========================================== 'Call PoG_Report_Prep '======================================================================== ActiveWorkbook.Save Wb.Close False strFil = Dir Else MsgBox "not run" strFil = Dir End If Loop End Sub A: I ended up doing a save as in a new (non-.xlsx) format and killing the original file. I used .xlsm to keep the original formatting, but .csv worked also. This comes from a report that is downloaded, so getting a new copy of the killed original isn't difficult should I need it. The first step of my entire module is as follows: 'OF = Original File Dim strFullName As String, OF As String, CurrentWB As Workbook Set CurrentWB = ActiveWorkbook strFullName = CurrentWB.path & "\" & Left(CurrentWB.Name, Len(CurrentWB.Name) - 5) & ".xlsm" OF = Application.ActiveWorkbook.FullName ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs Filename:=strFullName, FileFormat:=xlOpenXMLWorkbookMacroEnabled, CreateBackup:=False '' Delete Original File Kill OF A: This should work. As long as the file that contains this code is saved as *.xlsm Option Explicit Sub OpenFilesVBA() Dim Wb As Workbook Dim strFolder As String Dim strFil As String Dim fso As Object Dim fil As Object Dim fldr As Object Application.ScreenUpdating = False Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") Set fldr = fso.GetFolder(Application.ActiveWorkbook.Path) For Each fil In fldr.Files If LCase(fso.GetExtensionName(fil.Path)) = "xlsx" Then Set Wb = Workbooks.Open(fil.Path) '===========Run Objective Macro========================================== Call PoG_Report_Prep '======================================================================== ActiveWorkbook.Save Wb.Close False Set Wb = Nothing End If Next Set fil = Nothing Set fldr = Nothing Set fso = Nothing Application.ScreenUpdating = True End Sub A: Check the status of the workbook first: Set Wb = Workbooks.Open(strFolder & "\" & strFil) If Not Wb.ReadOnly Then '// workbook is readonly PoG_Report_Prep Wb.Save End If Wb.Close Set Wb = Nothing If the ReadOnly status after opening is True then we can probably assume that the workbook was already open elsewhere before you opened it in code. It's a bit dirty, but would work for your purpose.
LOL!!! Watch the amazing dance challenge trending now all over the media where one falls down to the ground as a dance step. The dance step is really awesome and is trending all over the globe, take your time and watch.
Saturday, August 6th is the Ken Griffey Jr. Number Retirement Ceremony, and Sandi Tampa Real Estate has two sets of 2 tickets to give away! If you want to 'play' simply go to my Sandi Tampa Real Estate Facebook page (https://www.facebook.com/Sandi-Tampa-Real-Estate-198947938351/) and make a comment on the ticket give away post. I will select 2 names/winners on Monday (8/1) night. I often hear people enthusiastically say: "They/I sold the house in a day!". I cringe because I know the seller has probably left money on the table. The below stats (2015 King County single family home sales) beautifully illustrate the point. Controlling the market exposure to 5 to 7 days will optimize your sales price. Selling a home is more than just sticking a sign in the yard—there is an art and a science to optimizing your bottom line. This darling Wedgwood listing is fun! First, it's heartwarming to have repeat clients who trust me with the sale of their childhood home. Then, the sellers followed our pre-listing advice—pre-inspect, address some inspection issues, some prep, tidy the yard, and invest in staging—and, as anticipated/hoped, the market response is off the charts. I thought the Bellevue market was insane—take it up 2 notches for Seattle. What is extra nice is the high caliber of brokers on the other end. Offer review is tomorrow. It will be interesting to see what happens. The Eastside market continues to be a strong Seller's Market. There simply isn't enough supply for the buyer demand. Interestingly, in the last few weeks, the single family home market has seen over priced homes not sell in a weekend (which is a lifetime in this market). Time will tell if this was a Spring Break induced lull or if there has been a slight shift. That said, the condo market is continuing to experience rapid appreciation. Here is a link to the Eastside single family home stats: http://sanditampa.com/eastside-market-stats/ Anything less than 3 months of inventory is a Seller's Market. We are 1.3 months based on Closed sales and 0.9 months based on Pending sales. Contact me if you want to discuss your home's value or if you want to learn strategies for winning multiple offers. Listed this condo on Thursday and was Pending in 4 hours. Normally, we do an offer review period that runs through the weekend. In this situation, the seller received an offer they couldn't refuse, from a buyer who has been beat-up by the market. Beyond happy for my client and the buyer. It's truly a win-win. I love my job! While giving clients their keys and sharing in their excitement is one of my favorite things. It's also a little sad for me, as the frequent interactions slowly to nearly a halt. It's a bittersweet, but certainly more sweet than bitter. This is Dani—she is fun (in case you couldn't tell). Man oh man, is this market hot. I've been in 3 multiple offer situations in the last 24 hours. Buyers are active and writing offers. It's an amazing time to sell! It's also a good time to buy—interest rates are low, our demand is real (versus pre-bubble) and our local economy is booming (and diversified). Buying is challenging, but with the right game plan and team you can be successful.
Star Wars Fans: This is the Furniture You've Been Waiting For Jeffrey Bauman House Beautiful June 24, 2019 Photo credit: Courtesy of Kenneth Cobonpue From House Beautiful Photo credit: Hearst Owned Let's say you're among the legions of Star Wars fans who are counting the days until this December, when the final chapter in the intergalactic saga-Episode IX, The Rise of Skywalker-will be released in theaters. You've already made your way to California to visit the newly opened Galaxy's Edge park at Disneyland, and you'll be heading to Florida when the Walt Disney World version opens in August. And you're obviously in the thick of planning your pre-release catch-up binge of the previous eight films. So only one question remains: Where will you be sitting as you watch these movies for hours on end? On your everyday sofa, or perhaps on something more suitable for the occasion? To paraphrase Obi-Wan Kenobi: These are the chairs you're looking for. There's never been a shortage of officially licensed Star Wars furniture on the market; most pieces, however, have been intended for kids' rooms. But that changed in the fall of 2018, when designer Kenneth Cobonpue launched his own higher-end, higher-design Star Wars furniture collection, initially for sale only in Cobonpue's native Philippines. Now these pieces are available for the first time in the United States, at select retailers and showrooms in 11 states across the country plus the District of Columbia. (Alas, online ordering is not yet an option.) Cobonpue, whose furniture appears in hotels and restaurants around the world, is known for his use of natural materials such as rattan and wicker, the look of which inspired many of these new pieces (which in this case are composed mostly of polyethylene, nylon, steel, and aluminum). If you think this collection skews a little heavily toward the Dark Side, you're not wrong. Armchairs in black and white are modeled after the Empire's tenacious TIE fighters-you can practically hear their iconic fly-by sound when you lay eyes on them-and two other chairs invoke both Darth Vader and his master Darth Sidious, a.k.a. the evil Emperor Palpatine. Representing the Rebellion are the Chewie Rocking Stool, which is of course an homage to the beloved Wookiee Chewbacca, right down to his signature bandolier. And last but not least is the lamp of Jedi warriors, all of them using their illuminated LED lightsabers to fight off a lone Sith lord in red. You have to like their chances-just as it is for this new furniture line, the Force is quite strong with them. Follow House Beautiful on Instagram. ('You Might Also Like',) 7 Secrets HomeGoods Employees Won't Tell You 19 Closet Organization Ideas You'll Want to Steal Immediately 15 Styling Tricks That Make A Small Living Room Seem Bigger Than It Is Here's How to Actually Clean an Oven—You'll Thank Me Later Chip and Joanna Gaines's Son Crew Just Won the FaceApp Challenge You Can Get $10 Amazon Credit If You Buy Groceries at Whole Foods Today Comic-Con at 50: Bigger than ever, but at what cost? 50,000+ People on Amazon Are Obsessed With These $25 Sheets—and They're on Sale Right Now Calling All Neat Freaks! There's a Major Deal on Roombas for Prime Day
The University of Gloucestershire features in a new research paper by the Environmental Association of Universities and Colleges (EAUC) looking at a whole-institution approach to sustainability. The paper called 'Next Generation Sustainability Strategy and Structure' aims to help universities and colleges to advance their approaches to sustainability, and share good practice and ideas on embedding sustainability in universities and colleges. Read the full report including Gloucestershire's case study here.
Q: angular-snap slide out menu i am newbie to angular snap. I have the following requirement: * *Slide out menu left side *should contain sub menus *Sub menus also should be collapsible. Does angular snap will provide all these features? I started working on example with angular snap slide out menu. How do we give two different menus in the drawer and when the user clicks on menu1, main div should display page1 and when user clicks on menu2, main div should display page2. A: Two small points: * *Angular.js is a framework for building single page applications. *Snap.js is a library that provides a "shelf" like menu interface. Angular Snap is simply an integration of these two components. You aren't limited from using normal JavaScript to show and hide elements on a page based on a users's click. Rather than tell you how you should get Angular Snap specifically to do this, here's a way to implement a dropdown hide/show action in Angular, which is absolutely compatible with your Snap.js app instance. Angular.js Dropdown function dropdown($scope) { $scope.subitems = [ { title: 'Menu item one', url: '#' }, { title: 'Menu item two', url: '#' }, { title: 'Menu item three', url: '#' }, { title: 'Menu item four', url: '#' } ]; } <nav class="dropdown-wrap" ng-app ng-controller="dropdown"> <a href="#" class="dropdown-title" ng-click="showDetails = ! showDetails">Dropdown Menu</a> <ul ng-repeat="subitem in subitems" ng-show="showDetails"> <li> <a href="{{subitem.url}}">{{subitem.title}}</a> </li> </ul> </nav> To my earlier point, you shouldn't necessarily consider integrating this an end-all be all solution to your issue. There are probably simpler solutions in a few lines of JavaScript, and unless your menu items need to be dynamic, I wonder if it's isn't just producing extra overhead and debugging to have Angular produce markup that could be hard-coded. Either way, I would take into account all of your requirements and go from there. Don't consider these libraries a limitation--there's no part of either of them that isn't JavaScript, so possibly consider other out of the box or easy to implement solutions that use simple tools that already exist in the browser. EDIT: Borrowed some code from here
(626) 304-9333 | Mon-Sat, 10am-11pm; Sun, 10am-9pm See What's New! AL Code of Conduct About Game Empire Get your copy of the new D&D book: Tales from the Yawning Portal locked down now at a reduced price! We are getting Tales from the Yawning Portal in this Friday as we are a premiere store and get it on the pre-release date of 3/24!! As an added bonus if you call in or come into the store and pre-pay for your copy we are giving a 10% discount until we close Thursday (3/23 at 11pm)!! The Tales from the Yawning Portal adventure compilation was recently announced by Wizards of the Coast as the next adventure release for Dungeons & Dragons. This new book takes a novel format for D&D 5e adventures. Instead of one level spanning adventure, it is a series of dungeon crawls taken from every edition of D&D's past. Each adventure is a separate story which can be played in order or they can be used to fill in between your other D&D Adventurers League adventures. When the shadows grow long in Waterdeep and the fireplace in the taproom of the Yawning Portal dims to a deep crimson glow, adventurers from across the Forgotten Realms, and even from other worlds, spin tales and spread rumors of dark dungeons and lost treasures. Some of the yarns overheard by Durnan, the barkeep of the Yawning Portal, are inspired by places and events in far-flung lands from across the D&D multiverse, and these tales have been collected into a single volume. Within this tome are seven of the most compelling dungeons from the 40+ year history of Dungeons & Dragons. Some are classics that have hosted an untold number of adventurers, while others are some of the most popular adventures ever printed. The seeds of these stories now rest in your hands. D&D's most storied dungeons are now part of your modern repertoire of adventures. Enjoy, and remember to keep a few spare character sheets handy. For use with the fifth edition Player's Handbook, Monster Manual, and Dungeon Master's Guide, this book provides fans with adventures, magic items and deadly monsters, all of which have been updated to the fifth edition rules. Explore seven deadly dungeons in this adventure supplement for the world's greatest roleplaying game. Tales from the Yawning Portal includes the following adventures: Dead in Thay Forge of Fury Hidden Shrine of Tamoachan Tomb of Horrors White Plume Mountain D&D Adventurers League Play Since this season is already a series of shorter adventures (compared to the long campaigns of previous seasons), the D&D Adventurers League will release modules that tie into several of the Tales from the Yawning Portal adventures. The six adventures are directly tied to an adventure as a sequel, a prequel, or expand on some aspect of it. In addition, three of the six adventures are Epic adventures and are paired with one of the three other adventures. Find out more: http://dndadventurersleague.org/storyline-seasons/the-yawning-portal Posted by Chad McElhineyPosted on March 22, 2017 March 22, 2017 Posted in DnD Flames of War 4th Edition – NEW! Test of Honour – Samurai Skirmish Game Learn Magic the Gathering Game Empire, 1795 E Colorado Blvd, Pasadena, CA 91106, USA Come learn and play Magic the Gathering here in the store with John Villaro and become a powerful Planeswalker with your deck of spells! Tranformers TCG Day Come learn and play Transformers TCG here in the evenings! Ask John Villaro for more information! Pokemon Gym January 19, 2020 @ 11:00 am - 3:00 pm Learn to play with our staff, Tournament follows. Games Workshop Miniature Night Battle for the 9 realms with Warhammer Age of Sigmar Prove Your devotion towards your patron God in the Skirmish warband game WARCRY! Come meet others and battle under the 9 realms in Warhammer Underworlds! Take to the skies in Aeronautica Battle on a macro scale with engines of war nickednamed God Machines in the epic battle Titanicus! and much more here @ Game Empire all day and night from 10am-11pm Magic the Gathering - Draft Format January 20, 2020 @ 7:00 pm - 11:00 pm Series - Throne of Eldraine $15.00 Entry Want a way to play that offers a level playing field and lets you check out new cards at the same time? Then a limited format like booster draft may be for you. Unlike constructed formats, where you arrive with a carefully constructed deck ready to play, limited formats allow you to build a deck from new cards as part of the game. At the start of booster draft, each player opens a booster pack and picks a single card. (Don't show the other players what you pick!) Then everyone passes the rest of their pack to player on their left, each player then picks a card from the pack they just received before passing again. This process continues until all the cards in those packs have been drafted. Then each player opens a second pack, but this time, you pass the pack to your right. After all those cards are drafted, you do the same with the third pack, passing to the left again. Warhammer 40k - Game Night Grab your forces, and battle for control of our tables. Whether you're just starting out, or practicing for the latest tournament. Newbie Night Free entry. Each week Game Empire offers up a few different games, where our experienced staff teach the rules, and allow you to try it out. So come down and expand your gaming experience, meet new people, and try before you buy. Game titles for that week are featured on our Facebook page Monday evening. Monday thru Saturday, 10am to 11pm Sunday, 10am to 9pm Trade In Your Used Games We accept used games, miniatures, Magic cards and much, much more. Trade them in for store credit that you can then use to purchase any item in the store. It's like getting free games! Mordenkainen's Tome of Foes available now How you can find detailed information about NBA 2K? What gamers are thinking about when they talk about new games: Madden? Announcing Warhammer 40k's newest box set: Forgebane! Infinity Roleplaying Game now available
On five acres along Three Mile Harbor in Springs, East Hampton Point sits amid an English garden with sailboats swaying in the distance. The country estate vibe gives way to a more lively scene at the property's 58-slip marina, which attracts a steady crowd of locals, sailors and those vacationing at the resort or elsewhere in the Hamptons. It's not uncommon to see fellow guests lingering on the dock as a crew disembarks just steps away. The property's shingled two-story Palmer House contains seven rooms and suites, each with its own entrance. The interiors are appropriately serene, with dark wood and muted blue, yellow and beige accents. All of the rooms are individually designed and the suites have wet bars, private terraces and sitting rooms. For more privacy, Cottage One is removed from the main house in the manicured gardens and has a Queen bedroom and separate sitting area, plus a wet bar and views of the tennis courts. Expansive grounds are unusual for hotels in this area, and East Hampton Point puts them to good use. There's a swimming pool and a hard tennis court (plus a playground for little ones). On a nice day it's a pleasure to simply walk around, thanks to slate paths flanked by elm trees that wind around the property. If you do leave the resort, there are dozens of vineyards within driving distance that offer year-round wine tastings, and the hotel gives out parking passes for many of the soft sand beaches nearby. The namesake contemporary American restaurant closes its nautical-themed dining room on Labor Day, but staff are on hand to make reservations at local restaurants throughout the rest of the year. Visit the Pollock-Krasner House and Study Center to see Jackson Pollock's paintings displayed in the house and barn studio where he lived and worked. For more culture, Guild Hall keeps East Hampton's artistic heritage alive with a year-round slate of plays, concerts, readings, films, special events and art exhibitions. Or live like a true East Hamptonite and hit the shops along Main Street, including the the Ralph Lauren East End Polo flagship, John Varvatos, Blue & Cream and Elie Tahari. Have stayed here several times over the past 10 years. I think this last stay was our 4th or 5th. Definitely would recommend the Palmer House accommodations over the cottages. Since the restaurant is no longer part of the hotel (Moby's has leased the space), there was no complimentary breakfast in the restaurant as in years past (Moby's was not open for breakfast, even if one wanted to pay for it). We were told complimentary tea and coffee were offered at the ship's store in the marina. We never bothered, and just went into East Hampton each morning. Although, just an FYI- it is not walking distance. Well appointed hotel accommodations for the Hamptons, are a rarity. In this regard, East Hampton Point does stand out. But, not so much with the level of service. Yes, daily housekeeping is provided. Parking passes to Atlantic beach in Amagansett, beach chairs and umbrellas are also available, which was helpful. Think they offer a shuttle service into town, if needed as well. But, still would describe this hotel as more of a property with nice rooms, a tennis court, and a pool. Amanda and Samantha at the front desk are lovely. Although, no one is at the reception area beyond 9-5, or 6pm on the weekends. In other words, the main office hours, are very much that, office hours. The security presence is not compelling whatsoever. There is a phone number in the case of emergencies after hours. Otherwise, higher management was not much of a daily presence on site, if at all during our stay. This is not a 5 star or even a 4 star hotel in the typical sense. Based on the 5 star cost for a stay here, the level of service and amenities do not seem commensurate with the pricing whatsoever. I would suggest looking into Topping Rose in Bridgehampton or Barons Cove in Sag Harbor instead. Still very expensive. But, you will get more value for your money with regard to amenities and services. Just my opinion. We a Beautiful Place, even in the dead of Winter! We came with our son the day after Christmas and fell in love with the Point Hotel. The picture above was actually our exact room, with small living room, bedroom with bathroom downstairs, and a huge Master Suite with bathroom upstairs. It was perfect and we were able to imagine how awesome this would be in the summer! Fair rates and good service! Even in the misty weather, my wedding at EHP was so beautiful and perfect. EHP is a place that has been close to my heart for a while now and I couldn't be happier to have hosted my wedding here. The staff was great & accommodating, the food was plentiful & delicious and of course, you can't ask for a better setting. My friends and family took over the hotel and we had a blast on the grounds! Definitely recommend EHP for weddings!!!! We have stayed at most of the upscale places in East Hampton over the years but East Hampton Point is tops in our view. The location on Three Mile Harbor is beautiful with great views of the boats and gorgeous sunsets. Additionally, it was very quiet because it's off the main road. Our room was immaculately clean and well appointed. To our surprise, we had a patio with two lounges, a table and chairs in addition to an umbrella. The restaurant on the premises was a major convenience with breakfast served outside weather permitting. The town is s short distance away. Special shout out to Kristin who was very helpful and accommodating. We don't want to forget Mikey who drove us to Main Beach and picked us up in the van. We met several young families as well as older people like ourselves. A return visit to East Hampton Point is definitely in our future. We have stayed at the Point twice last year once in cottage 9 and cottage 12 and a third time for memorial day weekend this weekend at cottage 8, and to say the least was very disappointed. There was a rat that was running around cottage 8 at 11:45-12:00 a.m. on our first night, Friday, May 26. The rat came out from the area of the refrigerator ran around the kitchen spooked and eventually ran to the side of the dish washer and disappeared. I called the emergency number 2x left a voice mail and never received a return call even the next morning. We came with a small dog and was worried that she was going to get bitten and get rabies. We had to plug the gap between the doors of the bedrooms and the floor so the rat would not be able to enter, we had to make sure our shoes and clothes was not accessible. WE had to re-wash all the cups, glasses, utensils that we were going to use, It was gross. The next morning as soon as the office opened at 9:00 a.m. I called and reported the incidence. I spoke to a gentleman and while I was panicking, his reaction surprised me. He was not even mildly surprised that there was a rat in our cottage and instead when I raised the concern about my little dog, offered to watch our dog for us while we had breakfast! Nice! When I came over to the office to drop my dog I spoke to Kristin, the booking/reservation person in charge and the same reaction! It was even worst bec she had a smile on her face and all she said was "we'll call an exterminator" An exterminator came and set traps under the sink - when I already told them it ran towards the dish washer. And then was told that "in the event our dog got to the poison, she had to eat about 50 of them to be fatal!!!!" I had to ask if we're not going to be compensated for this grossness at a $750 a night cottage. And her response was "we'll check with Mike and see what we can do" for 2 days the only response I got was we'll check with Mike until the day I checked out and not even a free dinner was offered, nor an offer to comp the night the rat was running around our cottage! Not once was there an offer of "how can we make it up to you" The worst customer service ever at the price you pay! Because we live in NY, one of the guys who drove us to the beach even said, "well that's really not different from the rats you see in the subway!!!!" we did not pay $750 to live in the subway for 2 nights!!!! Disgusting and worst customer service. Perhaps that's why that cottage lacks lighting downstairs, it's dark. Even the bedroom downstairs was dark . Free breakfast? was as lame as a free breakfast can get - 2 straight days, cold bagels, some kind of frittata, not so fresh bacon and pastries. Dinner at the East Hampton Point? expensive even for the Hampton standard and cuisine was nothing great. Not planning on coming back nor recommending to our friends.
const keytar = require('keytar'); const debug = require('debug')('mongodb-storage-mixin:backends:secure-main'); if (process && process.type === 'browser') { const ipc = require('hadron-ipc'); /** * Clear the entire namespace. Use with caution! * * @param {Event} evt - The event. * @param {Object} meta - The metadata. */ ipc.respondTo('storage-mixin:clear', (evt, meta) => { debug('Clearing all secure values for', meta.serviceName); let promise; try { promise = keytar.findCredentials(meta.serviceName); } catch (e) { debug('Error calling findCredentials', e); throw e; } promise.then(function(accounts) { return Promise.all( accounts.map(function(entry) { const accountName = entry.account; return keytar .deletePassword(meta.serviceName, accountName) .then(function() { debug('Deleted account %s successfully', accountName); return accountName; }) .catch(function(err) { debug('Failed to delete', accountName, err); throw err; }); }) ); }) .then(function(accountNames) { debug( 'Cleared %d accounts for serviceName %s', accountNames.length, meta.serviceName, accountNames ); }) .catch(function(err) { debug('Failed to clear credentials!', err); }); }); /** * Remove a credential. * * @param {Event} evt - The event. * @param {Object} meta - The metadata. */ ipc.respondTo('storage-mixin:remove', (evt, meta) => { keytar .deletePassword(meta.serviceName, meta.accountName) .then(function() { debug('Removed password for', { service: meta.serviceName, account: meta.accountName }); }) .catch((err) => { debug('Error removing password', err); }); }); /** * Update a credential. * * @param {Event} evt - The event. * @param {Object} meta - The metadata. */ ipc.respondTo('storage-mixin:update', (evt, meta) => { keytar .setPassword(meta.serviceName, meta.accountName, meta.value) .then(function() { debug('Updated password successfully for', { service: meta.serviceName, account: meta.accountName }); }) .catch(function(err) { debug('Error updating password', err); }); }); /** * Create a credential. * * @param {Event} evt - The event. * @param {Object} meta - The metadata. */ ipc.respondTo('storage-mixin:create', (evt, meta) => { keytar .setPassword(meta.serviceName, meta.accountName, meta.value) .then(function() { debug('Successfully dreated password for', { service: meta.serviceName, account: meta.accountName }); }) .catch(function(err) { debug('Error creating password', err); }); }); /** * Find a credential. * * @param {Event} evt - The event. * @param {Object} meta - The metadata. */ ipc.respondTo('storage-mixin:find-one', (evt, meta) => { keytar .getPassword(meta.serviceName, meta.accountName) .then(function(rawJsonString) { ipc.broadcast('storage-mixin:find-one:result', { uuid: meta.uuid, rawJsonString: rawJsonString }); }) .catch(function(err) { debug('Error finding one', err); }); }); /** * Find all credentials. * * @param {Event} evt - The event. * @param {Object} meta - The metadata. */ ipc.respondTo('storage-mixin:find', (evt, meta) => { keytar .findCredentials(meta.namespace) .then(function(credentials) { ipc.broadcast('storage-mixin:find:result', { namespace: meta.namespace, credentials: credentials, callId: meta.callId }); }) .catch(function(err) { debug('Error finding', err); }); }); }
<IMG SRC="https://azurequickstartsservice.blob.core.windows.net/badges/kentico-mvc-environment/PublicLastTestDate.svg" />&nbsp; <IMG SRC="https://azurequickstartsservice.blob.core.windows.net/badges/kentico-mvc-environment/PublicDeployment.svg" />&nbsp; <IMG SRC="https://azurequickstartsservice.blob.core.windows.net/badges/kentico-mvc-environment/FairfaxLastTestDate.svg" />&nbsp; <IMG SRC="https://azurequickstartsservice.blob.core.windows.net/badges/kentico-mvc-environment/FairfaxDeployment.svg" />&nbsp; <IMG SRC="https://azurequickstartsservice.blob.core.windows.net/badges/kentico-mvc-environment/BestPracticeResult.svg" />&nbsp; <IMG SRC="https://azurequickstartsservice.blob.core.windows.net/badges/kentico-mvc-environment/CredScanResult.svg" />&nbsp; <a href="https://portal.azure.com/#create/Microsoft.Template/uri/https%3A%2F%2Fraw.githubusercontent.com%2FAzure%2Fazure-quickstart-templates%2Fmaster%2Fkentico-mvc-environment%2Fazuredeploy.json" target="_blank"> <img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Azure/azure-quickstart-templates/master/1-CONTRIBUTION-GUIDE/images/deploytoazure.png"/> </a> <a href="http://armviz.io/#/?load=https%3A%2F%2Fraw.githubusercontent.com%2FAzure%2Fazure-quickstart-templates%2Fmaster%2Fkentico-mvc-environment%2Fazuredeploy.json" target="_blank"> <img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Azure/azure-quickstart-templates/master/1-CONTRIBUTION-GUIDE/images/visualizebutton.png"/> </a> This template deploys resources required to host Kentico MVC environments in Microsoft Azure. [Kentico](https://www.kentico.com) is an all-in-one content management, E-commerce, and Online Marketing platform that drives business results for companies of all sizes, both on-premise or in the cloud. It gives customers and partners powerful, comprehensive tools and customer-centric solutions to create stunning websites and manage customer experiences easily in a dynamic business environment. Kentico supports website development using ASP.&#8203;NET MVC 5. The support is based on a separate MVC application while Kentico runs in a different application that you use as a content platform. Both Kentico and the MVC application access data from the same database and use the Kentico API. Web farms handle content synchronization of smart search indexes and other data. This approach allows the live site (MVC application) and the administration (Kentico) to exist separately, providing finer control over each website's presentation layer. `Tags: Kentico, cms, MVC, content management, e-commerce, online marketing` ## Deployed resources The template deploys the following resources: ### Microsoft.Sql Deploys an Azure SQL server with the specified configuration. The deployed SQL server by default only allows connections from other Azure resources. To allow connections from non-Azure services or environments, you need to set custom firewall rules. #### Deployed resources: + **Azure SQL Server**: An Azure SQL Server instance ### Microsoft.&#8203;Web Deploys and configures two Azure App Service Web Apps, each with a separate hosting plan (allowing for independent scale-out of both applications to multiple instances). In most cases, the MVC application will receive the bulk of the traffic and have different performance requirements than the administration interface. Furthermore, if deployed to an App Service plan with a pricing tier of *S1* or higher, the Web App hosting the MVC application is configured to automatically scale out to up to two instances when necessary via the 'Autoscale' feature. Note that using 'Autoscale' may require you to reconfigure the MVC application's session state storage to account for multiple applications. See [Storing session state data in an Azure Environment](https://kentico.com/CMSPages/DocLinkMapper.ashx?version=latest&link=azure_state_storing) in the Kentico documentation. #### Deployed resources: + **Administration App Service Plan:** An App Service plan housing the Kentico administration application + **Live-site App Service Plan:** An App Service plan housing the MVC front-end application + **Azure App Service front-end Web App:** A Web App hosting the MVC front-end application + **Azure App Service administration Web App:** A Web App hosting the Kentico Administration application ### Microsoft.Insights Deploys Application Insights for the MVC application. #### Deployed resources: + **Application Insights:** An Application Insights service that provides performance monitoring for the Web App hosting the MVC application. ## Usage You can use this template to configure and deploy resources necessary to host a Kentico MVC environment in Azure. A recommended development process follows these general steps: 1. [Develop](https://kentico.com/CMSPages/DocLinkMapper.ashx?version=latest&link=mvc_development) a Kentico MVC project locally. 2. Use this template to deploy resources necessary to host the Kentico MVC site in Azure (click *Deploy to Azure* at the top of this document). - See the **Deployed resources** section for an overview of all resources deployed by the template. 3. [Publish](https://kentico.com/CMSPages/DocLinkMapper.ashx?version=latest&link=azure_webapps_deploying_mvc) the Kentico administration and MVC front-end applications to the deployed Web Apps. 4. Upload the project's database to a database created under the Azure SQL server instance deployed by the template. For more information about MVC development and general best practices, visit the [Kentico documentation](https://docs.kentico.com). ## Deployment steps 1. Click the "**Deploy** to Azure" button at the top of this document. 2. Under basics, select your Azure subscription, resource group, and resource location. 3. Under settings, provide the information required to deploy Azure services used to host your Kentico MVC site. - You are free to modify all provided default values **except** for the **Location** setting. Modifying the **Location** setting's value may cause issues during the template deployment. 4. Agree with the displayed terms and conditions and click **Purchase**. - The template deploys all resources necessary to host Kentico MVC sites in Microsoft Azure. 5. Deploy your local database and MVC and Kentico administration sites to the created Azure SQL server and Web Apps. - For step-by-step instructions detailing this process, visit the [Kentico documentation](https://kentico.com/CMSPages/DocLinkMapper.ashx?version=latest&link=azure_webapps_deploying_mvc). ### Additional database installation If you did not specify the *Connection String Database Name* setting during the ARM template deployment, the template creates both Web App instances without pre-configured connection strings. You can specify the connection strings after deployment in **Azure Portal -> App Services -> Your Web App -> Configuration**. Add the connection strings in the following format: `Name: CMSConnectionString` `Value: Data Source=tcp:<SQL_SERVER_NAME>.database.windows.net,1433;Initial Catalog=<DATABASE_NAME>;User Id=<USER_NAME>@<SQL_SERVER_NAME>;Password=<USER_PASSWORD>;` `Type: SQLServer` Substitute the *<SQL_SERVER_NAME>*, *<DATABASE_NAME>*, *<USER_NAME>*, and *<USER_PASSWORD>* placeholders with the information you provided during template deployment.
SYRACUSE – Wawasee's softball complex certainly wouldn't be considered among the famed launching pads like Coors Field or even the old Atlanta-Fulton County Stadium. But the ball was once again flying out of the yard in bunches as Wawasee clubbed its way past Concord, 8-2, Monday night in the final game of the first rotation of the Northern Lakes Conference season. Madie Wilson locks in on a base hit for Wawasee. Wawasee smacked three more homers Monday to run its season total to 16 homers overall, two by Meghan Fretz and another by Kayla White, her first career homer. Fretz and White homered in the first and Fretz hit a no-doubter in the fifth. Fretz also added a solid single to push her batting average to .592 this season. White also had three hits on the day. Cristina DeLaFuente ripped a two-run triple in the fifth among her two-hit day, and both Graceann Kerlin and Hannah Haines each had two hits. Kylee Rostochak walked twice and scored a run. Graceann Kerlin gunned down another baserunner Monday evening. Fretz was just as monstrous in the circle, striking out 11 Concord hitters. But the Minutemen did cause problems in spots, only for Fretz and company to get out of trouble when needed. A leadoff single by McKenzie Loge in the fourth broke up Fretz's no-hit bid, but Concord drew a pair of walks to load the bases without an out recorded. A pair of fielder's choices and a strikeout produced just one run, and a little laboring in the seventh from Fretz, who walked six batters overall, still allowed just one more run. In all, Concord managed just one hit as Wawasee moved to 6-1 overall in the NLC as round two will begin Wednesday. Kiley Austin took the loss for Concord, giving up five runs on five hits and a walk, serving up the two homers in the first. In the JV game, Concord doubled home two runs in the top of the ninth to take a 5-3 victory. Leah deSomer homered to highlight Wawasee's day. Wawasee (14-3) will visit Warsaw Wednesday, a 6 p.m. varsity start. Wawasee's Cristina DeLaFuente slides under the tag attempt of Concord's Skylar Decker to complete a two-run triple.
National Symphony Orchestr CONDUCTOR EMERITUS CONDUCTOR LAUREATE RESIDENT CONDUCTOR ASSOCIATE CONDUCTOR ORCHESTRA MUSICIANS OUT-REACH NSO LIVE LECTURES MUSIC EXCURSION OPEN REHEARSAL MUSIC LABORATORY Kuo, Wen-Chen Born in Taipei, Kuo began to learn music from an early age. She majored political theory and graduated from the Political Science Department of the National Taiwan University and the EMBA program in Art Culture Industry Design and Management of the Taipei University of Education. She is currently a Ph.D. candidate in the Institute of Art Management and Cultural Policy of the National Taiwan University of Arts. In 2014, she went to Edinburgh to participate "The Atelier for Young Festival Manager" held by the European Festival of Arts Association (EFA) and the Edinburgh Festival. In 2016, she went to the Hong Kong Institute of Education to participate in the "Global Practices in Cultural Management" program. In 2018, she was invited by the British Council to participate in the "UK-Taiwan Exchange Programme Inclusive Arts-Creativity with Older People". Highly experienced, she used to work for Taipei Symphony Orchestra, National Performing Arts Center, and Taishin Bank Culture and Arts Foundation. Throughout her years working on art management and administration, she has accumulated professional management experience in terms of performance venues, orchestra operation, international connection, and program planning and productions. Her crucial projects include the performances of the opera diva, Anna Netrebko, the globally renowned EIC (Ensemble InterContemporain), which is known for contemporary music performance, the Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra Amsterdam and other concerts. She is the planner of serial concert programs as "Chamber Music" and "Ways to Listen to the World Series" and "Innovation Series". She produced Fall for Eileen Chang, and some NTCH opera workshops as La bella dormente nel bosco, Hänsel und Gretel and L'Enfant et les Sortileges. She also served as the tour manager of overseas concerts for Taipei Symphony Orchestra. Since January 2017, she had become Deputy Director of Taipei Symphony Orchestra; during the term of her service, she has advocated cultural citizenship and has pioneered braille opera program notes, and also organized the U. S. tour for the orchestra, 26 years apart from its last time there. Among others, Kuo has dedicated to work on the international connection and planned the Mandarin version premiere of the internationally renowned production of "Peter and the Wolf in Hollywood" and Heiner Goebbels' staged concert, Surrogate Cities, at the Taipei MRT Beitou Depot as its premiere in Asia. She has been the Executive Director of the Taiwan Philharmonic (the National Symphony Orchestra) since June 2018. 10048 21-1 Chung-Shan S. Road, Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C. [email protected] 國家表演藝術中心 Copyright© National Symphony Orchestra. All rights reserved. Privacy Statements Terms and Conditions
A Son-Rise practice that has helped me a lot! Example: I know whenever I take my daughter, Amor, to the grocery, I know there might be struggles like her insisting to buy junk food or wandering off to the rides instead of going to the grocery. I would really like that she follows my instructions all the time. Before I found Son-Rise, whenever Amor wandered off, I used to use a stern voice to make her follow me. That worked initially but in the long run, she became a more irritable child and harder to control. I, on the other became so much more frustrated and started to over disciple her. I was disregarding that her misbehavior was brought about by her sensory problems and not intentional. I felt like a terrible parent, unable to make Amor follow simple instructions. After learning Son-Rise: before we're off to the grocery, when she puts on her shoes upon request, I celebrate, "Wow! Thank you for putting on your shoes, you're so good at following Mama's instructions!" She smiles and I know that reinforces her good behavior. Throughout our grocery "outing" I look for every little thing to praise her like: thank you for waiting so nicely for the elevator, thank you you're holding Mama's hand while crossing the road you're such a good girl, etc. I spend a lot of time looking for good behaviors to praise and end up never needing to reprimand or pull a crying-child-who-wants-playground-time home. More importantly, that feeling that I will get a heart attack because I'm so frustrated that I'm such a bad parent…all gone.
12:30 – 1:30 Open Classrooms – Tour Ventana School classrooms and see the beautiful Reggio environments and project based learning. How does the environment support individual and group experiences? How can the function of an atelier be incorporated into the classroom? What are the organizational considerations? How are materials introduced into the classroom? How do the materials we fill our classrooms with and the curriculum we follow support our children? How can our environment be a source for inspiration, creativity and long-term projects? Patricia Hunter McGrath is the Executive Director/Atelierista of Branches Atelier in Culver City, California. Patricia has taught the Reggio Emilia Class at Santa Monica College and at Murdoch University in Perth, Australia. She is a frequent presenter at Reggio conferences throughout the United States and abroad and has visited Reggio Emilia, Italy six times. She is also a contributing author of the book In the Spirit of the Atelier published by Davis Press and Insights and Inspiration from Reggio Emilia also published by Davis Press. Ticket Sales: Tickets are limited to 30 participants! This entry was posted in Workshops and tagged Branches, Branches Atelier, Patricia Hunter-McGrath, Patricia Mcgrath, Reggio, Reggio Emilia, Reggio workshops. Bookmark the permalink.
Fire Company Seeks Donations for Headstone, Dedicated Young Volunteer Killed Jogging Off-Duty by First Arriving Dec 28, 2013, 9:36 pm 13 Comments By Hannah Sawyer, York Daily Record, Pa. North Hopewell-Winterstown Photo via Facebook Dec 28 — North Hopewell-Winterstown Fire Company is seeking donations for a headstone for Cory Haley, a firefighter who was struck and killed by a vehicle while he was jogging on Christmas Eve. The department posted on its Facebook page that donations can be mailed to the station: NHWVFC, mark on the donation "For Cory Haley", 12246 Winterstown Road, Felton, PA 17322. Donations also can be dropped off. "This family has suffered and lost an amazing young man! Please help us help the family with this headstone," the department posted on its Facebook page. Thursday update A visitation will be held from 7 to 9 p.m. Sunday at the Winterstown United Methodist Church, 12184 Winterstown Road, according to Cory Haley's obituary. A funeral service will be Monday at 11 a.m. at the church. The obituary talks of Haley's work with Tate Floors in Red Lion and many certifications through his firefighting. He also received a firefighter of the year award in 2012 from the state House of Representatives. The family asks that any memorial contributions be made to the Winterstown Fire Company, 12246 Winterstown Road, Felton. Dec. 26 — A dedicated 24-year-old volunteer firefighter who was engaged and planned to marry in the next few months died Christmas Eve when he was struck by a vehicle while jogging, his chief said. Cory Haley was in training and planned to enlist in the U.S. Air Force later this year in the pararescue unit, North Hopewell-Winterstown Chief Shanan Poe said. Haley, who ran 10-mile routes and swam laps at a local pool two times a week, wouldn't have skipped a workout, even on Christmas Eve, Poe added. That's just what Haley was doing Tuesday evening around 5:30 p.m., when police said he was struck in the southbound lane of Winterstown Road in the Red Lion area. Wearing a reflective band and headphones, Haley was hit by a car driven by 21-year-old Briar Sullivan of Red Lion, according to York Area Regional Police. Haley hit the driver side front and windshield, police said, and was thrown into the northbound lane into the path of a pickup driven by John Warner, 65, of Winterstown. Haley was then run over by the pickup, police said. He was transported to York Hospital where he later died in the operating room at 8:54 p.m., Deputy Coroner Claude Stabley said. The cause of death was multiple blunt force trauma, Stabley said. There will be no autopsy. The North Hopewell-Winterstown Volunteer Fire Co.'s Facebook page quickly filled with comments on Christmas morning from those who knew him. "He was very dedicated with what he does," Poe said. The crash happened just in front of the home of another department volunteers, who ran outside to direct traffic at the scene. It wasn't until paramedics arrived and turned Haley over that the firefighter realized who it was, Poe said. His department has taken the loss to heart, he said. "It's a brotherhood and a sisterhood," Poe said. Poe described him as someone who was always willing to help. He took extra classes at the York County Fire School and always volunteered to help. He would text Poe every day and asked if there was anything he could do at the station. "It's hard on our members to lose someone so young who had so much potential," he said. What he'll remember about Haley is that he had "the biggest heart," he said. Plans for a memorial have not yet been finalized, Poe said. (c)2013 York Daily Record (York, Pa.) Visit York Daily Record (York, Pa.) at www.ydr.com Off Duty DeathPennsylvania Previous article Moooooo: Oregon Firefighters Rescue Cow from In-Ground Swimming Pool [Photos] Next article Can't Make This Stuff Up: U.K. Firefighters Rescue Three People EVERY DAY from Bathroom Entrapment Young Firefighter Lost: Pennsylvania Firefighter Struck, Killed While Jogging — Planned to Enlist in Air Force Caught on video: The mean streets of Philly Raw video: Multi-alarm fire & MCI at Pennsylvania senior complex Raw video from Philadelphia house fire Moooooo: Oregon Firefighters Rescue Cow from In-Ground Swimming Pool [Photos] Can't Make This Stuff Up: U.K. Firefighters Rescue Three People EVERY DAY from Bathroom Entrapment
Explore cultural differences through a research-informed schema to facilitate cross-cultural understanding. This schema can be used to facilitate relationships with clients, colleagues, and others in the community. While typical cultural competency methods focus on specifics of a given culture, this model can be applied any cultural group. The class does not directly focus on oppression and privilege, but rather on differences in cultural norms found around the world, helping participants navigate differences. Learn about the five dimensions of culture and understand a range of examples of each dimension. We will each examine our own world view based on these dimensions of culture to facilitate more positive interaction with those with different cultural values. Class size is limited to 50.
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Way back in the depths of last week. Last Thursday to be precise. A band of adventurers came from Wimborne in a bid to derail our hopes of waltzing to a Dorset League Div championship without a single loss. Dragi, myself, Richie and Adam lined up against them. Adam managed a fairly quick win against Phil Holden with a good smattering of Pawns in a Rook and Bishop end game. The other boards were all looking reasonable at this point. I had a strong King side attack after a Rook lift glaring down at his King. Richie had a Knight outpost deep in enemy territory. Things started going downhill, Dragi lost an exchange, my attack had petered out with the Rook trying to back track to lend support to its vacated post, and Richie managed to lose a Queen side's worth of Pawns. I was short on time having pondered too many sacrifices but done none so fell into a Knight fork, there was a Pawn covering that square but then I moved my King so the Pawn was then pinned. And that was that. Richie managed to battle well with two King side Pawns threatening to Queen, one of them eventually did Queen, as did an opponent's Pawn. A draw was eventually agreed with 2 Rooks apiece fighting over a single Pawn. There were opportunities for both sides to win it so perhaps the draw was the fairest result in this odd game. Dragi was bravely battling on trying to make a Pawn advantage make up for being an exchange down. His Bishop was eventually sacked to take care of the last Pawn opponent, but this meant it was a Rook against two Pawns. They were nicely advanced but unfortunately the position didn't allow much hope from that position and the game was lost. Well done to Adam for the win and Richie for the draw, well battled Dragi. We're still at the top of the league but missed the opportunity to seal the title with two games to go. It will now go down to the wire!
Living with a chronic illness is hard all year round. During the holiday season it causes unique extra challenges. I knew nothing about this before I became chronically ill myself. I have had many years now living with ME/CFS, some holiday seasons moderately affected and some ruined. ME stands for myalgic encephalomyelitis. CFS stands for the ludicrous name of chronic fatigue syndrome. But that's another story. Chances are someone you love is saddled with a chronic illness. There are lots of these illnesses. Arthritis, Lyme disease, multiple sclerosis, many cancers, fibromyalgia, diabetes, IBS, celiac disease, heart conditions, lupus, neurological disorders, are just a few. Many of these are invisible illnesses, that is, the person may look fine. They may look downright great. But the person who is chronically ill deals with many struggles in ways you may not be able to imagine. Sometimes a lack of energy can be like a lead balloon that hampers everything you can think of, and plenty that never occurred to you. Would this person you care for like to do some gift shopping? Maybe. But maybe they can't manage the crowds, stores and lists on their own. Or maybe they can't make it out of the house — possibly out of their beds — at all. Pain can leave a nasty boot print on all activities. Does the person you care about need help with buttons or tying their shoes? If you can offer before they have to ask, or before they struggle through the ordeal, life is easier. Does it hurt them to open a car door? Get to that door first, and open the way. Try to think ahead and be prepared to bridge the gap to protect their fragility. And always feel free to ask if something is hard for them, your concern will be appreciated. For some, mental fog, which makes it difficult to think or remember things, is a crippling symptom. Some may find it hard at times to talk, or to understand what is being said. If you can do the talking and take charge at the store counter, you could make the difference between them being able to go out or not. This is such a lovely way of expressing just how hard it is for someone who is chronically sick. I just gave up years ago of trying to explain to my family [I don't have friends any more] how difficult it can be for me to make arrangements in advance to go anywhere only to have to cancel because I'm just not up to it. They don't understand how stress can upset my whole body- and mind. When things get too much and I burst into tears they can't understand that it's not because I'm weak it's because I've taken too much on. Emotional Lability can just overcome me and I cry. They lose their temper which just makes things worse. I hate being sick and am tired of it. If you have a strong body it's impossible to imagine how hard it is when you're so ill and yet look OK. Thanks for this- I might just try and bring it to their attention. I do indeed know how that can be when you're so exhausted everything falls apart and nothing is possible. I'm sorry your family doesn't understand. Perhaps the day will come when they will. I'm glad you liked my article, it is a difficult topic to present in a way that people can receive it.
I'm a card carrying member of the SOA skeptics club, but I'm going to push for a dose of SOA thinking to my current client. I do understand the potential benefits of things like BAM, BPM, and flexible orchestration if the entire enterprise were really Service Oriented, but I generally think of SOA as a kind of fool's gold for ivory tower integration architects who desperately want to play God without ever getting their hands dirty (my advice for these folks is to go get a copy of Civ IV). For the most part, the SOA initiatives I've seen have only led to extra complexity and reduced productivity in development without ever coming close to the orchestration nirvana envisioned by the architects. As I see it, the positive goal of a Service Oriented Architecture is to eliminate duplication of effort in software projects across the enterprise by reusing existing code assets and reducing the cost of changing the behavior of software to keep pace with evolving business needs. As I've stated in other posts, it's usually easier and generally less risky to create new behavior by writing brand new code instead of breaking into existing code to make modifications. Call me Pollyanna, but I firmly believe that those very goals can often be achieved at a lower cost by a relentless focus on creating well-factored code backed up by a healthy dollop of test and build automation (SOA certainly doesn't abrogate the need for good code behind the service points, but that's a gripe for another day). Aw, but here's the rub: the mass majority of the code out there in production is of dubious quality and the kind of test and build automation that enables change simply doesn't exist for most systems. So back to the usefulness and appropriateness of an SOA solution, there's a phrase I've often heard or used in regards to exposing services to a nasty legacy codebase to try to extend the usefulness of said legacy code that's particularly applicable to my current project — "Lipstick on a Pig." Write the new client as part of the legacy system. In our case the legacy system is in a niche language, and they are committed (justifiably so IMHO) to producing all new clients in either WinForms or Swing. This option is not on the table. Reproduce the necessary functionality in the new application. This is the approach that we ultimately were forced to choose, but nobody is, or should be, happy with this approach. Reproducing the existing functionality made the project take much longer, and add considerably more risk to the project, than was envisioned when the project was launched. I say risk because we're still not exactly sure what the correct business logic should be because the original code is not entirely readable or documented. We have also increased my client's maintenance costs considerably by duplicating functionality without retiring the existing legacy code. Anytime this functionality needs to change, they'll have to change and test both sets of code. Because all of the integration happens through a shared transactional database, the implicitly tight coupling between our new code and the existing code is not obvious. Find a way to use the existing legacy code in place as it is. In effect, they could desperately use a service layer of some sort between their legacy code and newer client applications to avoid the duplication. In terms of design, decoupling the legacy code enough to slide in a service layer is going to be difficult (I'm betting most of the functionality is in the 2-tier UI clients), but in the end I think it'll provide a heck of a lot more value to them. Once the service layer is in place, new development work should get easier because they can just hook right up to the services with a well-defined contract. Even better yet, the service layer should provide the ability to go to work on the service backend and start moving code over to a better factored codebase in a mainstream platform. Putting lipstick on this pig will generate business value. Some of my attitude on SOA originates from my days inside internal IT in a Fortune 100 manufacturing company that really is a quite logical fit for a rational SOA approach. On a particular project, we were tasked with making significant improvements to the nasty, failure prone shipping system (as in "shuts down the factory lines when it goes down). A senior enterprise architect was given the responsibility for determining the overall architectural changes. His entire plan pretty well came down to replacing the existing integration points with webMethods. The point of his strategy was to decouple the clients of the nasty legacy application from the details of the legacy application first, then make improvements to the server system at some later point. He was perfectly honest in describing his plans as "Lipstick on a Pig." I've always been primarily an applications guy, so I was flipping out that we were spending a lot of energy that wouldn't result in a single, observable improvement in terms of uptime, performance, functionality, or reduced support costs. Worst was the fact that the business was told they were paying for overdue structural improvements to eliminate downtime incidents. I even expressed an opinion that the new webMethods integration infrastructure would only add network chatter to an already chatty system and further degrade the already deficient performance. To this day, I don't think anything far short of a full rewrite would have represented a significant improvement (and they did replace it after I was gone). Lipstick wasn't going to help this pig at all. And no, I don't necessarily think SOA is a bad thing, but done badly or unnecessarily, SOA is a blight upon the land. This entry was posted in Legacy Code, Maintainability. Bookmark the permalink. Follow any comments here with the RSS feed for this post. Wow, I found this topic particularly interesting. Unfortunately, I don't think there's a parallel to what I'm doing (at least not immediately). Also I'm not a big fan of fit, though (admittedly) probably because I don't understand it well enough yet. But, I'll take another look at it. Thanks. I'm picking up StoryTeller a little bit today, and much more in the weeks to come. I'm *just* about to get a StructureMap release out of the way first. I'm starting to get some patches coming in to incorporate as well. If you are building a Business Intelligence Tool which is an interface for ETL process, you are in same situation like me. We have automated unit/integration tests which just check whether everything is fine with application. That means that there are no runtime errors because of some bad data/new table Schema. These came handy when we upgraded our application to Net 2.0. With generics, we got rid of all strong type collections (around 5000 LOC). With nunit/mstest tests, we were able to catch lot of problems. Automated unit tests helped us to isolate these problems otherwise we would have wasted lot of time in debugging and finding the problem area. Problem is that I don't like Fitnese wiki interface. It will be very hard to convince Business Analysts to use that and organize Fit Tables. I am waiting for Jeremy' Story Teller for next step in that direction. More often than not, at least in the space of SQL unit tests, I find that set theory is much more useful than contrived sample techniques for validation purposes. One of the main reasons I like LINQ is that it syntactically eliminates the need for a lot of unit tests. The day I have to unit test the fact that a join works as coded is the day I change careers and start working as a dairy cow farmer. I know when I'm done by looking at the actual data output. In fact, I'm required to produce a data analysis that proves that the actual data output is within tolerance. It's not exactly 'by hand' (perl code does it), and it is tedious, but I still don't see how a unit test is going to tell me that the data, across the universe, is going to fall within tolerance. In other words, since I have to do the data analysis anyway, and the data analysis tells me right quick when the code is wrong or when something else is amiss….. I need to know, across the universe, that I am getting exact matches 90% of the time, not that I am within 90% accuracy for a particular data point. I know how to do that by running automated data analysis on the actual output. I don't see how any unit test is going to tell me that. Rewriting a legacy code which has evolved over 10 years is not going to be cheap. It would require million dollars budget. So putting a lipstick on pig is not a bad first step. After that certain more steps are required like facial,manicure, ….. Um, to make sure it actually works? Repeatedly? To know when you're done? You're right that you're not really doing TDD as a design technique, just writing tests, but do you really want to have to do that kind of tedious testing by hand and eyeball? I'd rather just write the code. I don't see that the unit tests do a *single* thing for me. If I need to do data analysis across 200+ points across half a million rows, why don't I just write the code? What will a unit test do for me here? Your "unit tests" would be much larger than you'd really prefer, but that seems like something that would be very useful and possible to drive through tests. Funny, I had this discussion with some colleagues on another project a couple months back on whether or not TDD is possible on an ETL project. You might want to look at using a FIT engine instead of xUnit for data intensive operations. To Ayende's point, you just right a test that does the comparison and then check for some sort of allowable rate of discrepancy. It's a moderately large ETL project (50 GB) where the source schema has changed in such a way that it is known ahead of time that the end result will have 1-2% differences, though it is not known exactly how or why. What's the unit test I can create using TDD that will be almost completely green but not quite (in fact, if our data analysis shows a 100% match across the entire universe comparing the old schema with the new, that's a flag that the code doing the processing is suspect)? Without getting into NDA type violations, why not? Just curious. I would put CI and iterative development first. I had an interesting exchange with someone whom I respect highly about TDD. He had some basic code in a test example (designed for explanatory purposes) in which he tested the contructor of an object. So, his code was something like "object o = new object(32); Assert.IsEqual(o.Value, 32)". I asked him why he didn't have additional tests along the lines of "int i = 0; Assert.IsNotNull(i); Assert.IsEqual(i, 0)". Now, I was being obnoxious, but there was a point. I'm a code gen junkie, so if you can't trust your constructors with your code gen, you might as well take up something else. Which is not to say I'm arguing against your successfull experiences. I'm not. But people who are SOA skeptics should also be cognizant that there are people who are agile skeptics, with equally good reason. That thought had most certainly run through my mind as I was writing this post, and there is 'something' here. The comparison to "you just haven't applied Agile correctly" is obvious. I suppose the lesson might be to actually linvest in learning how best to use a technique/practice/process before betting the farm on it. Or at least learning something about it before you blow it off. If you asked me what I think is the singlemost valuable practice in regards to successful software development, I would put forward TDD, with Continuous Integration & iterative development in general as close seconds. I had an exchange the other day with a fellow stating very directly that TDD had failed for him and everybody he had spoken with who had ever tried it out. We're inevitably influenced by our experiences. I'm not skeptical about Agile development because I have 4 years worth of positive, practical experience with Agile practices. I think they make sense and I've seen superior technical products and smoother project progression compared to my experience with traditional waterfall development. Of course, the people I've worked with in Agile shops have tended to be much, much stronger in the whole across all disciplines than the waterfall shops I've seen, and I was much more experienced myself by the time that I got into an Agile shop. As a general comment, I agree with you. As a more general comment, I find it…….ironic? No, that's not the best word…..funny? No, that's not it either…..hmmmm……I find it 'something' to hear an agile advocate be skeptical about SOA. Or just about anything else. It just seems, you know, 'something.' Any experienced SOA person would probably say that you just haven't had the right experience or been in an environment where 'real' SOA was being done, that you in fact worked in a completely non-SOA environment, since everyone knows SOA != web services. But like I said, I agree with you. I'm also an SOA skeptic. I just think it is ….. 'something' to hear it from you.
"For years, people have been asking those of us who study cooperation about the motive that is behind an action," said Harvard Professor Martin Nowak. Nowak (from right), Moshe Hoffman, and Erez Yoeli have developed a first-of-its-kind model, dubbed the "envelope game," that can help researchers to understand not only why humans evolved to be cooperative but why they evolved to cooperate in a principled way. Aside from the obvious, what is it that distinguishes Mother Teresa from Sean Penn? Both performed charitable acts. Mother Teresa worked for decades in the slums of Calcutta, and Penn was among those who traveled to New Orleans to help victims of Hurricane Katrina. But while the late Mother Teresa is today recognized as a near saint, Penn was widely mocked for bringing an entourage — including a publicist and a personal photographer — to document the aid effort. Martin Nowak, professor of mathematics and biology and director of the Program for Evolutionary Dynamics (PED), Moshe Hoffman, a research scientist at PED, and Erez Yoeli, a visiting scholar at PED and a researcher at the Federal Trade Commission, might argue that the difference between the two could be chalked up to what the public perceives as contrasts in motivation. While Mother Teresa's efforts were seen as purely altruistic, Penn's actions suggested his aid might amount to little more than a publicity stunt. To understand why it matters to people what Mother Teresa's motives were, Nowak, Hoffman, and Yoeli have developed a first-of-its-kind model, dubbed the "envelope game," that can help researchers to understand not only how cooperation evolved, but why people care so much about others' motives. The model is described in a paper recently published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. The solution, Hoffman explained, was to add a new wrinkle to the traditional "cooperation game" used by researchers, one that offers players the chance to consider the costs of cooperation. As outlined by Nowak, Hoffman, and Yoeli, the game works this way: Before deciding whether to cooperate, one player has the option of opening an envelope telling him or her whether the cost of cooperation is high or low. Based on that information, that player can choose whether to cooperate or not, and the second player — who knows whether the counterpart looked in the envelope — can then decide whether to repeat the interaction, with a new envelope, or end the relationship. The model can also help to explain why a New Orleans rescue mission ultimately became fodder for criticism. That's not to suggest, Nowak said, that that sort of cooperation is bad. That analysis, Hoffman said, revealed the conditions under which people are more likely to trust those who do not open the envelope — that is, those who are true altruists — more than those who do. Since authentic altruists, he continued, never look in the envelope, they cooperate regardless of the cost. Understanding how motives affect cooperation, Hoffman said, is more than just an academic exercise. The model described in the paper also offers insights into a host of real-world situations ranging from politics to the boardroom and beyond, clarifying when people should care about motives as well as whether policymakers should respect these considerations. The new model could also be applied to the business world, Yoeli said, where managers could benefit from demonstrating their principles to employees. Yoeli adds that the model suggests when people should care if businesses are principled: when the firm's temptation to misuse personal data or reduce the quality of their products varies considerably over time, and users will have already given up their sensitive information or be locked into the firm's products. The model sheds light onto laws banning practices such as prostitution or selling organs. According to Yoeli, this model suggests that laws banning the sale of organs enables policymakers or voters to signal their trustworthiness at the cost to those who are in need of a kidney. Most importantly, the authors hope, this model can bring principled behavior and authentic altruism out of the domain of philosophy and theology and provide an evolutionary explanation for such phenomena. This illustration features two spiral galaxies — each with a supermassive black hole at its center — as they are about to collide and form an elliptical galaxy. New research shows that galaxies' dark-matter halos influence these mergers and the resulting growth of supermassive black holes.
Q: GET request using postman vs using node-fetch To install the package use these commands: npm install [email protected] npm install --save-dev @types/[email protected] I am trying to get a Json file using the following code: import fetch from "node-fetch"; async function getjson(){ const response = await fetch('https://www.carrefour.es/electronica/television/ofertas-en-televisores-y-accesorios/cat4167531/c', {method: 'GET', headers:{ Accept: 'application/json' } }).catch(e => {console.error('request failed:' , e)}); const result = ( response) ? await response.json(): null; console.log('start'); console.log(result); } getjson(); but instead of returning the expected json file, it returns the following error reason: Parse Error: Invalid header value char at ClientRequest.<anonymous> (/home/shengxing/Documents/proyectos/bot/node_modules/node-fetch/lib/index.js:1461:11) at ClientRequest.emit (events.js:314:20) at TLSSocket.socketOnData (_http_client.js:481:9) at TLSSocket.emit (events.js:314:20) at addChunk (_stream_readable.js:297:12) at readableAddChunk (_stream_readable.js:272:9) at TLSSocket.Readable.push (_stream_readable.js:213:10) at TLSWrap.onStreamRead (internal/stream_base_commons.js:188:23) { type: 'system', errno: 'HPE_INVALID_HEADER_TOKEN', code: 'HPE_INVALID_HEADER_TOKEN' } When I use Postman, it returns the expected json file, what was I doing wrong? Can anyone shed some light on this question please?
Q: error TargetInvocationException when debugging (precisly when connecting to db) asp.net mvc I have a TargetInvocationException error when debugging, it seems that there is not possible to connect to the database. I don't know why, it suddenly doesn't work. I've just change the PC because of the expiration of the version of visual studio express I didn't know first that it is free. So can somebody help me ? Thank you for your help. [AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Class | AttributeTargets.Method, AllowMultiple = false, Inherited = true)] public sealed class InitializeSimpleMembershipAttribute : ActionFilterAttribute { private static SimpleMembershipInitializer _initializer; private static object _initializerLock = new object(); private static bool _isInitialized; public override void OnActionExecuting(ActionExecutingContext filterContext) { // Ensure ASP.NET Simple Membership is initialized only once per app start LazyInitializer.EnsureInitialized(ref _initializer, ref _isInitialized, ref _initializerLock); } private class SimpleMembershipInitializer { public SimpleMembershipInitializer() { Database.SetInitializer<UsersContext>(null); try { using (var context = new UsersContext()) { if (!context.Database.Exists()) // Here is thrown the error { // Create the SimpleMembership database without Entity Framework migration schema ((IObjectContextAdapter)context).ObjectContext.CreateDatabase(); } } It is when I try to connect the defaultConnection database.
. Varianti Femminili: אָרְנָה (Orna) Origine e diffusione Vuol dire "[albero di] pino" in ebraico; fa quindi parte di quella gamma di nomi ispirati agli alberi, insieme con Olmo, Ilan, Ivo ed Eglė (quest'ultimo, in particolare, fa riferimento allo stesso albero). Non va confuso con Oran, nome irlandese di origine differente, con il quale fra l'altro condivide la forma femminile, Orna. Onomastico Il nome è adespota, cioè non è portato da alcun santo, pertanto l'onomastico ricade il 1º novembre, giorno di Ognissanti. Persone Oren Aharoni, cestista e allenatore di pallacanestro israeliano Oren E. Long, politico statunitense Oren Moverman, sceneggiatore e regista israeliano Oren O'Neal, giocatore di football americano statunitense Oren Peli, produttore cinematografico, sceneggiatore, regista, direttore della fotografia e montatore israeliano Note Altri progetti Prenomi di origine semitica Prenomi derivati da fitonimi
Historic firsts By craigmedred on July 12, 2018 • ( 2 Comments ) This just in: Commercial salmon drift gillnetters will Thursday be allowed to fish in the Kenai River, an Alaska first. But wait, there's more. It has just been discovered that the Nome area set a new record low temperature in March. Or so you would believe on both counts if you were reading Anchorage mainstream media Wednesday, July 12, 2018. KTUU.com produced the Kenai story with the headline sure to send personal-use dipnetters and anglers into a tizzy. For anyone who read it and thought maybe the headline was just a mistake, there was the story itself: "For 12 hours Thursday, the Kenai and Kasilof rivers will be open to commercial gillnetters following an emergency order issued by the Alaska Department of Fish and Game late Wednesday afternoon. "According to that order, set gillnet fishing in the Kenai and Kasilof rivers is 'warranted in order to harvest sockeye salmon returning to the Kenai and Kasilof rivers.'" Anyone who actually read the order would see that it was opening commercial fisheries in Cook Inlet "in the Kenai and Kasilof sections of the upper subdistrict…." not the Kenai River. Nome's record cold, meanwhile, popped up at KTVA.com in a story lauding musher Scott Janssen, the popular "Mushing Mortician," for a being a hero for getting rescued along with friend Jim Lanier during the Iditarod Trail Sled Dog Race in March. Had it actually been 60 degrees below zero on the trail where Janssen and Lanier were rescued, it would have been a new record for the Nome area. The lowest temperature ever recorded in Nome was minus 54 on Jan. 28, 1989. Where the minus 60 came from is unclear. It might have been someone's guess at the "wind chill" temperature which is a measure of how quickly exposed skin will freeze in a cold wind. Wind accelerates cooling, and the National Weather Service's wind chill temperature provides a comparison for still air. For example, at a temperature of 20 degrees below zero in a 50 mph wind, the National Weather Service calculates a wind chill of minus 60. What that means is that in that temperature with that wind, exposed skin will freeze as fast as if in still air at 60 degrees below zero. The air temperature will not change, however. It will still be only 20 degrees below zero, and if you get out of the wind as Lanier and Janssen did by cuddling behind a dog sled, you will be spared the windchill or at least most of it. The actual temperature experienced by Lanier and Janssen, as reported by some fat-tire cyclists who stopped to talk to the duo during their ordeal, was near zero with the wind gusting to about 40 mph. The wind chill temperatures for such conditions is minus-29, according to the weather service chart, making the minus-60 even harder to fathom. Still, it was cold, cold enough the cyclists didn't want to stand around and chat too long lightly dressed as they were for their push-a-bike to Nome. But it wasn't extreme cold. If it had been 60 degrees below zero with the wind blowing 40, Janssen and Lanier would have been in a big, big trouble. The wind chill goes off the chart at that point, but would probably be somewhere around 100 degrees below zero. No one bothered to comment on the KTVA story, but a commenter on the KTUU story labeled it "fake news." It wasn't. Fake news is meant to deceive. The KTUU story, like the KTVA story, was just news written by someone without a clue as to what he or she was writing about. Such is the state of the news today, and it's a far bigger problem than fake news. Quality has never been journalism's biggest selling point. Newswriting is a lot harder than most people realize and for that reason even the best of journalists make a considerable number of mistakes. But there is a point at which the quality can become so bad people just stop reading, or they turn to government – as Americans turn to government for so many things these days – for their news. The Anchorage Police Department already has a news team pumping out social media news. So too the Alaska Department of Fish and Game for wildlife and sport-fishing news. Both will be happy to regularly e-mail it to you if you only ask. There is a trend here, and it's not a particular good one for democracy. But it's almost certain to continue in a world where the quality of traditional news is in steady decay. It would be almost funny if it was funny. Categories: Commentary, Media Tagged as: 60 degrees below zero, commercial fishing, fake news, Iditarod, Janssen, Kenai River, KTUU, KTVA, Lanier Copper disaster Baiting bears Mushers just love Reporters… It is a lot like Cops love Nurses… Must be a similar "codependency" between the two? Dave Cannon says: Here's an excerpt from a book I read on ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder): "the sense of growing panic, the feeling that gibberish is being passed off as coherent conversation, the fear that the world is engaged in meaningless discourse masquerading as meaningful exchange— these are the blurry states individuals with ADD negotiate every day." I don't know if it takes a person with a learning difficulty to see that meaningless discourse (whether intentional or unintentional) seems to be quite prevalent these days.
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CROWN HEIGHTS — Tired of catching the B46 down Utica Avenue? The Brooklyn Borough President's office and a group of NYU students want to hear your thoughts on how extending the number 4 train, south along Utica Avenue, could shape your nabe. There's a community workshop at the Brooklyn Public Library (Utica Avenue branch) at 1044 Eastern Parkway on Thursday, April 11. The event starts at 5:30 pm. The NYU capstone project will complement a new city plan to study the busy corridor. Recently, the MTA launched the Utica Avenue Transit Improvement Study to examine a range of transportation options. "I anticipate both studies, including the capstone analysis we're supervising, will examine the feasibility and benefits of a wide range of options to improve the commute along this critical corridor, including bus, light rail investments," said Stefan Ringel, communications director for Brooklyn Borough President Eric Adams. The idea isn't new. In 2015, Mayor de Blasio allocated $5 million for the same feasibility study. Apparently, it never happened. The B46, which runs along Utica Avenue, services 44,000 riders each day. The Utica Avenue subway station, which connects commuters to what used to be considered a two-fair zone, is the 38th busiest in NYC. For Brooklyn, it the fourth busiest in the borough.
Twin Cities Daily Planet (https://www.tcdailyplanet.net/tax-bill-little-and-lot-property-tax-relief/) Tax bill: A little of this and a lot of property tax relief By leeannwahi (Session Daily) | May 18, 2014 House Taxes Committee Chair Rep. Ann Lenczewski is congratulated by Rep. Greg Davids, the committee Republican lead, after the House passed the omnibus supplemental tax bill May 16. (Photo by Paul Battaglia) The Lewis and Clark Regional Water System project that would bring water to parts of southwestern Minnesota, including Worthington and Luverne, became a surprise component to end-of-session negotiations in an effort to gain support for a bonding bill via the omnibus supplemental tax bill. Before House and Senate conferees signed off Thursday on HF3167*/ SF2726, an amendment was added to provide funding for the project. The bill was sent to the House floor in the early hours of Friday morning where it passed 131-0 and was sent to the Senate. Rep. Ann Lenczewski (DFL-Bloomington) and Sen. Rod Skoe (DFL-Clearbrook), the respective tax committee chairs, sponsor the bill, which targets $103 million in property tax relief, credits and refunds. Lenczewski said the late addition of the Lewis and Clark project would not change the bottom line of the conferred bill, and that project funding could come from money targeted for local government aid in later bienniums. The project, which began construction in 2003, would pipe water from the Missouri River in South Dakota to several communities including those in Minnesota. To support completion of the project in Minnesota, the bill would provide $45 million in local bonding authority, with the local governments responsible for one third of the debt service, while the state would be responsible two-thirds, and authority for the communities to use a half-cent sales tax to fund the issue. Property tax relief supported The signature spending proposed by the House is $45 million in property tax relief for fiscal year 2015 through increases in the homestead credit refund base on taxes payable in 2014 by 3 percent; the renter property tax refund base on rent paid in 2013 by 6 percent; and an increase in the agricultural homestead market value credit beginning in 2015. The property tax provisions are expected to cost the General Fund $24.6 million over the current biennium. "The House really wants property tax relief," Lenczewski said. "We had a surplus, and the House wants to give more of that surplus back." Rep. Greg Davids (R-Preston), former House Taxes Committee chair, noted the bipartisan provisions in the bill. "I have to say for the record, this is not the smokin' hot tax bill (and oft-referred to term he used for his tax bills), but if you touch it you will get burned." Overall, the bill can best be described as having a little of this and a little of that. Senate provisions accepted by the House include: $4.5 million in 2014 and $10 million thereafter to most Minnesota counties with public-access boat landings to help manage county-based aquatic invasive species prevention programs; $2.8 million for a new reading tax credit for parents or guardians of students with certain disabilities, such as dyslexia; retroactive to April 1, 2009, a sales tax exemption on certain purchases of durable medical devices, affecting the General Fund by $1.5 million in fiscal year 2014 only; a sales tax exemption for trail grooming equipment purchased by certain clubs. (Approximate revenue loss to the General Fund of $280,000 in the current biennium and $570,000 in the subsequent budget cycle); and a sales tax exemption for the National Council of State Legislatures annual summit to be held in Minneapolis in August. The exemption is expected to cost the General Fund $62,000. Firefighter retention, puppies and kitties Both bodies put forward provisions to help increase the dwindling numbers of first responders in Greater Minnesota. The bill would establish a 14-county pilot project aimed at improving retention and recruitment of these positions. Included is a $500 stipend that would be paid to each eligible first responder in participating counties. The program is expected to cost $3.23 million in the 2016-2017 biennium. The House was relentless in its plea to the Senate to include a provision to help "puppies and kitties." A request for sales tax amnesty was brought forward after a Department of Revenue audit showed that several nonprofit animal shelters had not been collecting sales tax on the adoption fees they charged for animal placement. "I am hopeful … These do-good, do right by animal people can be given a modicum of relief so they can continue to do their good works. It will further the education efforts by the department of revenue, which is trying to educate these organizations about the sales tax issue," said Rep. Linda Slocum (DFL-Richfield), a bill conferee. The bill would provide amnesty regarding owed back sales taxes to operations that are not currently registered to collect and remit the tax. However, they would need to register and begin collecting the tax within four months of the bill's enactment. The conference committee granted several community requests for changes to their tax increment financing programs, as well as adjustments to local sales taxes. Other provisions include: extending the military pay income tax subtraction for National Guard members who serve in active guard/reserve status; changing the June accelerated sales tax remittance schedule; raising the annual limit of non-taxable fund-raiser sales for youth and senior citizen groups from $10,000 to $20,000 annually; and a study of how North Dakota's oil production impacts the Minnesota economy. leeannwahi
Q: D3js v4. How to determine custom event? I want to remove svg elements by custom "click + delete" event. I know how to determine click event, and events like ctrlKey, shiftKey, altKey, metaKey. But I want to use other keys. What is the right way to do it? A: You're going to need to listen to two different events to achieve this, notably keydown and keyup events. Let's pretend we've got a circle: const DELETE_KEYCODE = 46; let deletePressed = false; d3.select("svg") .selectAll("circle") .on("keydown", () => { deletePressed = d3.event.keyCode === DELETE_KEYCODE; }) .on("keyup", () => { deletePressed = false; }) .on("click", (d, i, elements) => { if (deletePressed) { d3.select(elements[i]).remove(); } }); Now realistically you probably want keyup to be a bit more intelligent, in case they pressed several keys and didn't keyup the delete! But I'll let you work that bit out.
A manuscript coauthored by ACS biologist Stephanie Cobbold was published this year in Madroño, a journal of peer-reviewed research articles on the natural history of Western American plants. The article describes a range extension of the senita cactus (Lophocereus schottii) in Arizona. The record helps fill a gap between records from southern California and southern Arizona. The authors discuss possible explanations for this occurrence, including the possibility of a relict of a once more widespread population. Cobbold S. M. and R. P. O'Donnell. 2018. Noteworthy Collection. Madroño. 65(1)4-5.
Police Commission OKs Plan For More Funding, Training for LAPD – Los Angeles Sentinel | Los Angeles Sentinel | Black News by News Headlines | Sep 30, 2021 | Black New-US, Black Sociology and Politics, Current News Headlines | 0 comments LAPD Cruiser (File Photo) The Los Angeles Police Commission today approved an $18.5 million plan from the police department aimed at improving how it handles protests and civil unrest, but the City Council will need to approve the funding increase. The Los Angeles Police Department — which has a $1.76 billion budget this fiscal year — had initially submitted a proposal seeking an additional $66.7 million to incorporate 106 recommendations from three reports that found the department mishandled aspects of its response to last year's protests against racism and police brutality in the wake of George Floyd's killing in Minneapolis. The original request was reduced to $18.5 million when the police commission asked the LAPD to re-evaluate its recommendations and the cost. The three reports were released in March and April and found common themes of lack of preparedness, training and unity of command. The new proposal calls for nearly $12.6 million for training, with the top two priorities being mobile field force training and the use of less-lethal launchers, which the reports found officers weren't properly trained in and in some circumstances used against peaceful protesters. The report called for all department officers to receive mobile field force training every two years, with half the department being trained one year and the other half the next. Much of the funding for training is for overtime for officers, so that it does not cut into patrol duty. The department's proposed recommendations also include more than $4.1 million for technology and equipment, including for four officers and four intelligence analysts to form a new team monitoring social media. The budget would also purchase social media software. Commander Randy Goddard told the police commission that social media software helps the department "due to the volume of information across so many platforms, channels, apps, and services.' "Software assists a small group of trained personnel in vetting and making sense of this information," Goddard said. The LAPD's use of social media has already drawn some criticism. The Brennan Center for Justice, a nonprofit think tank based at New York University School of Law, reported on Sept. 8 that the department gives broad authorization to its officers to collect social media data from people they interact with on patrol. It also found that the department is set to begin using a new social media surveillance tool called Media Sonar, which identifies connections between people and builds individual profiles using data from 300 sources with 2 billion records. Related: LAPD to Stop Detonating Explosives In Residential Areas After South LA Blast Brian Hofer, who chairs Oakland's Privacy Advisory Commission, joined the commission meeting and said the department should create guard rails to prevent the software from being misused. "Products like Media Sonar and Dataminr are not benign. They can be extremely invasive to our privacy and civil liberties interests because they provide analytical tools, that's what you're purchasing," Hofer said. "Sufficient guard rails need to be put in place to distinguish between tracking people simply because they're using hashtag BLM versus some organizer for the Proud Boys saying `show up with baseball bats and a bag of bricks' … that's where you need to be able to draw those lines with community input to ensure that use is appropriate." Goddard said the department would work to establish guard rails in an update to its 2015 social media guide, and Hofer said the department should periodically report to the commission on use of the products. The reduction from the original $66.7 million request was made available to the public on Friday afternoon, which drew some criticism because it left only one business day for people to review it before submitting public comment to the commission. Both proposals were met with opposition from activists calling for a continued decrease to the LAPD's budget. Following the scaled-back proposal released Friday, activists reiterated their opposition to any additional funding for the LAPD. "This is yet another police money grab, using LAPD's violence to increase police resources and spy powers," the Stop LAPD Spying Coalition said. "This is the opposite of what our communities faced down LAPD violence last summer to demand: defunding the police." The Stop LAPD Spying Coalition, Los Angeles Community Action Network, Black Lives Matter-Los Angeles, White People 4 Black Lives and the National Lawyers Guild of Los Angeles signed a letter to the police commission urging them to reject the proposal and commit to reducing the LAPD's budget. "This is the moment to stop expanding an institution that keeps harming our communities. The interpersonal harms that our communities face have been produced by years of police consuming more and more resources that could instead be used for housing, health care, education and other investments that actually keep people safe and healthy," the letter stated. Commissioner Eileen Decker responded to those concerns. "I do understand that there are many who believe that the money should not be spent on this department, that it should go elsewhere," Decker said. "I understand that the city does need to invest in community resources, but I also believe the city needs to invest in the department, as well as in these training procedures. These issues I don't think are mutually exclusive."
Radhika and Amanpreet have divided the class into a Junior section and a Senior section and alternate daily between teaching the two. Both sections are in the process of exam preparation, with the Juniors reviewing the English alphabet in great detail as well as working on Punjabi, and the Seniors reviewing means of transport and vegetables. Such exam review will continue until their exams on the 14th of September. Both groups also revise their poems and short stories daily. One primary advantage of having two teachers is the level of personal attention we can give to each student, as well as the increase in time effectiveness that comes with different teachers able to address the learning styles and paces of individual children.
After nine seasons on Crackle, Jerry Seinfeld brings "Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee" to Netflix. More of a social experiment than a sitcom, this series is designed for extroverts who love to chatter away and introverts who enjoy listening. Seinfeld keeps it very friendly, giving the show the sunny feel of spending a day with your friends just driving around, sharing donuts and laughs. As with actual conversations in real life, some material is gut-busting, some not so much. For its inaugural Netflix season, the show features Seinfeld driving around with comedy luminaries like Ellen DeGeneres and Dave Chappelle, as well as actors like Alec Baldwin and SNL star Kate McKinnon. Jerry Lewis also appears for one of his final television appearances before passing away last year. Each episode features a different model car, in which Seinfeld picks up his guest and they drive around mostly Los Angeles, although at times the locale will change, as with Chappelle who Seinfeld drives around Washington, D.C. The topics are spontaneous and far-reaching, from how hard it is to build a career in comedy to life's various mysteries and pleasures. Seinfeld is both addicted to cars and coffee, as he makes clear early in nearly every episode ("I'm dying for a coffee"). This series has one of the simplest formats you can find in any show. Even the sights of the cities and roads disappear behind the windows in whatever car Seinfeld is driving. Everything is centered on the conversations. With "3 Mics" standup star Neal Brennan Seinfeld gives some interesting commentary on the nature of good comedy, "it's when you make people talk like you," he says. Brennan chides Seinfeld for his car hobby as they drive around an Irish Green Porsche, calling Seinfeld horny for cars. One of the more laid back, but also disappointing episodes is the one with Alec Baldwin. Seinfeld loves to spend time with the actor, and it is not hard to see why. The two make an excellent pair with their rowdy banter and habit of breaking into imitations. Baldwin recalling Marlon Brando chatting about weight with him is particularly funny. In another moment Baldwin contemplates on marriage, "isn't marriage a gunfight?" But interestingly enough, Seinfeld never bothers to ask Baldwin about his most famous recent role, Donald Trump on Saturday Night Live. Maybe it's Seinfeld playing it safe, preferring not to edge close to controversy. Yet while driving around with Zach Galifianakis the two start discussing college, with Seinfeld lamenting that colleges, in his view, have recently become centers of intolerant thought by banning controversial speakers. Ellen DeGeneres attempts to bring a little more, meaningful commentary to the diner talk, probing Seinfeld about having kids in a world becoming ever more uncertain. What's quite interesting about much of "Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee" is how much it reveals about Seinfeld himself. He's funny but only edgy in odd ways ("women only like to hang out with women of the same weight"). Some anecdotes are real chortles, like when Seinfeld reveals he went car racing with Paul Newman and told him, "car racing is a sperm flashback." When the other comedians try to bring up more meaningful talk Seinfeld comes across as almost mildly conservative. He's certainly not radical, especially when he tells Brennan that he loves bees because they all know their place, and none of the worker bees ever feel like being the boss. He half-kiddingly tells Ellen that he doesn't care much what his kids think about what's happening in the world, and his general commentary is, "You know, my attitude is that each generation gets this thing dumped in their lap to deal with." With Dana Carvey Seinfeld does touch on the Harvey Weinstein scandal, jabbing a bit at what he perceives to be false surprise by the Hollywood crowd. Yet this is good conversation, because it never feels false or stagey. It would be worse to have Seinfeld pretending for the cameras, or at least to do so in an obvious way. Much of the show works in a style where you can just listen to it. Seinfeld describes in loving detail the specifics and mechanical structures of the cars he drives, before picking up his guests. The insights the comedians give are at times fascinating, such as Ellen admitting she simply always wanted to be famous, or Chappelle pondering how nobody ever says "I wish I had a camera" in this day in age. Galifianakis reveals he hates getting attention in public, Seinfeld responds that he doesn't mind it at all and thinks anyone who wants fame should accept it. The episode with Jerry Lewis is the one episode where it truly feels like a student speaking with a master, as the two share thoughts, anecdotes and commentary that today has a new, striking unintentional sadness ("What's left to kill you with? There's nothing left here"). "Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee" is binge-worthy for viewers who enjoy simply listening to long conversations. Because these are comedians there is always a special energy and at times sharp observations about the subjects' surroundings. How Jerry Seinfeld's brand of humor is accepted in these times only time will tell, but when it works it's enjoyable. "Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee" season ten premieres July 6 on Netflix.
Adds drag-and-drop reordering to admin panel enum lists. This plugin adds several usability improvements for working with enumerated lists on the Trac administration pages (Priorities, Resolutions, Severities and Ticket Types). Dynamic row re-ordering by drag-and drop. Select elements for row re-ordering can optionally be hidden. Remove selected items button is not enabled until at least one item is selected. Apply changes button is not active until a change has been made. Addition of a Revert changes button. Warning when leaving a page with unsaved changes. The functionality of this plugin is being integrated into Trac for the 1.2 release.
Q: Python: Extracting Set of Values from JSON I have a set of data I am pulling from an API for stock market history. The history is then stored in a file "history.json". I need to get all recurring sets of the key "4. close". There are between 100 days & 10 years of data in a call. The data is formatted like so: { "Meta Data": { "1. Information": "Daily Prices (open, high, low, close) and Volumes", "2. Symbol": "SPY", "3. Last Refreshed": "2018-01-10", "4. Output Size": "Compact", "5. Time Zone": "US/Eastern" }, "Time Series (Daily)": { "2017-08-18": { "1. open": "242.9000", "2. high": "244.1900", "3. low": "242.2000", "4. close": "242.7100", "5. volume": "136748000" }, "2017-08-21": { "1. open": "242.6400", "2. high": "243.2000", "3. low": "241.8300", "4. close": "242.9000", "5. volume": "65469700" } Preferably I would like the output in order as a list with the values excluding the keys as a list. It can be called into memory or converted into another file to open - it does need to retain order as it will be used sequentially in the algorithm. (I try to figure things out on my own, I am new to programming though so if you could simplify things as much as possible I would appreciate it.) A: Michael You can ckeck this url https://docs.python.org/2/library/json.html With the function "loads" you can parse your json and you get a list as return I hope it helps A: One can consider this data as nested dictionaries and use it: outlist = [v["4. close"] for v in mydict["Time Series (Daily)"].values()] print(outlist) Output: ['242.7100', '242.9000'] Data: mydict = { "Meta Data": { "1. Information": "Daily Prices (open, high, low, close) and Volumes", "2. Symbol": "SPY", "3. Last Refreshed": "2018-01-10", "4. Output Size": "Compact", "5. Time Zone": "US/Eastern" }, "Time Series (Daily)": { "2017-08-18": { "1. open": "242.9000", "2. high": "244.1900", "3. low": "242.2000", "4. close": "242.7100", "5. volume": "136748000" }, "2017-08-21": { "1. open": "242.6400", "2. high": "243.2000", "3. low": "241.8300", "4. close": "242.9000", "5. volume": "65469700" }}}
RRPP domain on the current device. Perform this operation on all nodes in the RRPP domain. Enable the primary ring of an RRPP domain before enabling the subrings of the RRPP domain. Disable the primary ring of an RRPP domain after disabling all subrings of the RRPP domain. Perform this configuration on the master node of an RRPP domain.
My son Nathan & I had a blast hosting the Father/Daughter dance in Barnum MN for the Barnum Bombers Club! I had the pleasure of hearing Bryan Dodge speak at Mobile Beat Las Vegas about the Good Life Rules. I bought his books & CDs and can't wait to learn! It's always good to have fun! As an owner of QSC speakers myself, I spent some time chumming with the boys from QSC in their room at Mobile Beat. These are some of the best speakers that mobile DJs can get, durable, sound amazing, and compact! A great end to a great convention… My highlight of the day was the seminar by Bryan Dodge. Day 2 of Mobile Beat… Great Stuff! If you're a DJ, you should come to Mobile Beat! Leaving, on a jet plane! From frigid Duluth to balmy Las Vegas for the Mobile Beat Las Vegas DJ Convention. I'm heading out to learn, network, and improve my skills as a DJ and Master of Ceremonies.
Individuals have the right to request access to documents from Australian Government ministers and most agencies under the Freedom of Information Act 1982 (FOI Act). The FOI Act provides a right of access to documents held by Australian Government ministers and most agencies. Most freedom of information (FOI) requests involve people seeking access to documents containing their personal information. Individuals can also request access to documents containing other information, such as information about government policies, programs and decision-making processes. Before making an FOI request, you should ask the minister or agency if they are willing to provide the information you want, outside of the FOI Act. This will often be faster and easier than making a formal FOI request for documents. It also does not affect your ability to later make a formal FOI request for documents containing the information. send the request to a minister or agency (either by post, personal delivery or electronically). You don't need to use your real name to make an FOI request. However, ministers and agencies may need to establish your identity in some circumstances. An example would be if you requested access to documents containing your personal information. Bodies corporate (such as companies) and state governments can also make FOI requests. More information about making an FOI request is available in FOI Fact Sheet 6 — How to apply and in the FOI FAQs for individuals. Advice for agencies about making information available outside the FOI Act in the first instance, known as 'administrative access', is available in FOI Agency Resource 14 — Access to government information: administrative access. The disclosure log must list information in documents released in response to FOI requests within ten working days after the FOI applicant has received access. You will either be able to download the information directly or else find details about how to obtain the information. other information determined by the Australian Information Commissioner. Agencies can gain access to the 'FOI Disclosure Log' and 'Access to information' icons mentioned above, and to guidance about how to use them, on the FOI Agency resources page. The Information Publication Scheme (IPS) applies to Australian Government agencies that are subject to the Freedom of Information Act 1982 (FOI Act). The IPS specifies categories of information that agencies must publish online. Agencies can also choose to publish other information under the IPS. The IPS encourages agencies to proactively release information in a consistent way, reflecting the pro-disclosure goals of the FOI Act. Information published under the IPS must be accurate, up to date and complete. the agency's operational information, which is information that assists the agency to exercise its functions or powers in making decisions or recommendations that affect members of the public. This includes the agency's rules, guidelines, practices and precedents relating to those decisions and recommendations. Agencies must also publish a plan describing how they will comply with the IPS requirements. Agencies may also choose to highlight the IPS on their home page using icons developed by the OAIC (available through the Australian Information Commissioner's Guidance for Agency Websites: 'Access to information' web page. The Office of the Australian Information Commissioner (OAIC) will work with agencies as part of an IPS Compliance Program to review the operation of each agency's IPS entry every five years. The Australian Information Commissioner can also issue guidelines about the IPS (see Part 13 of the FOI Guidelines) and may also make a determination that certain kinds of information should not be published under the IPS. Anyone can complain to the Australian Information Commissioner about how an agency manages its IPS. More information is available in FOI Fact Sheet 4 — the Information Publication Scheme for Australian Government agencies. The FOI Act allows you to ask a minister or agency to amend or annotate a personal record they hold about you. You can do this if you believe that the personal record is out of date, misleading, incorrect or inaccurate. Amending a personal record involves updating the information it contains so that it is no longer out of date, misleading, incorrect or inaccurate. Annotating a personal record involves attaching a note to the record outlining your objections to the information it contains. Unlike other FOI requests, a request for amendment or annotation applies to 'records of information' contained within a document, rather than just a 'document'. You can request amendment or annotation of any record of information about you that an agency or minister has used, is using or could use for an administrative purpose. You do not have to apply for amendment of a personal record before seeking annotation of the record. A minister or agency can refuse to annotate a record if they consider the annotation to be voluminous, defamatory or irrelevant. They can also attach their own comments to an annotation. If your request for amendment is refused, or if the amendment differs from what you requested, you can ask the agency to review its decision. You can also ask the minister or agency to annotate the record with a statement or file note reflecting your disagreement. Another available option is Information Commissioner review. The Privacy Act 1988 (Privacy Act) also provides you with rights to request that ministers and agencies change information they hold about you. These rights are separate from your rights under the FOI Act. The Office of the Australian Information Commissioner (OAIC) conducts reviews under the FOI Act. For more information on how and when to request IC review, please see the FOI reviews process page. Individuals can complain if they have concerns about actions an agency has taken in processing an FOI request. This is separate from requesting an IC review, as it relates to how an agency has dealt with an individual's FOI request, not the decision.
Ernani Pereira (Belo Horizonte, 22 januari 1978) is een Azerbeidzjaans voormalig voetballer die geboren is in Brazilië. In het seizoen 2010/11 speelde Pereira bij de Turkse tweedeklasser Mersin Idman Yurdu. Carrière Hij begon zijn carrière bij de Braziliaanse club Vila Nova. Hij speelde daar tot 1999 en werd meteen verkocht aan de topclub van Brazilië, namelijk Cruzeiro EC. In 2001 maakte hij een overstap naar Guarani Futebol Clube; daar speelde Pereira tot 2003. In 2003 ging hij naar Turkije om te spelen voor Konyaspor. Van 2005 tot 2010 speelde hij voor de Azerbeidzjaanse club FK Karvan Yevlax. In 2007 werd hij ook verhuurd aan Orduspor. Na FK Karvan koos hij voor Mersin Idman Yurdu. Van 2006 tot 2009 is hij ook Azerbeidzjaans international. Zie ook Lijst van spelers van Konyaspor Azerbeidzjaans voetballer
Polygon area always returning same result. I have a feature layer containing polygons, and a method that allows me to request a particular polygon's area. The code seems straight forward to me, but I always get the same value regardless of the polygon. Here is the ATL/C++ code I am using. Does anything immediately wrong stand out to anyone?
Bryson Wellesley - 15 May 2019 Thread: Bryson Wellesley - 15 May 2019 Bryson Craig Wellesley 18, of Pleasant Grove Utah, returned to his heavenly father on May 15 2019. He was born on June 22, 2000 to Duncan and Jennie in Orem Utah. Bryson grew up in Pleasant Grove attending Grovecrest elementary and Pleasant Grove Junior High before graduation from American Fork High School in 2018. Throughout his childhood and as he grew into a young adult Bryson set himself apart as a deeply compassionate, affectionate and caring young man. He brought joy and laughter to those around him with an ease and grace. Bryson grew up with a love of the outdoors from the start, beginning with camping trips as a baby which would continue throughout his life. He loved the time he spent with nature and in all its forms. He greatly enjoyed trips to the Oregon Coast looking forward to spending time near the sea. From collecting fossilized shells in the mountains to actual shells on the beach his enjoyment was undeniable. He enjoyed collecting rocks and small trinkets from the places he visited. As Bryson matured, he developed a deep and varied love for the arts in all of its forms taking an active approach to developing his talents in music originally learning to play an instrument and listening to anything and everything that caught his attention. He loved musicals and musicians of the past and present finding happiness in every new song he discovered. He also began writing, showing a talent in both the art of poetry, and the writing of short stories, it was another form of expression in which he was gifted. Of all his many talents cooking and the culinary arts were his favorite. Bryson spent numerous hours cooking and baking doing all of it with a huge smile showing determination in not only learning how to prepare a certain recipe but then perfecting it in his own unique ways. Bryson always made anyone around him while in the kitchen laugh as they helped or simply smile by just watching the joy he displayed in what he was doing. Bryson made a huge impact on all those around him in the time he shared with us. He showed great affection and love to all who knew him but truly enjoyed the happiness he was able to bring to his family and friends that were simply an extension of family to him from his brothers and sisters to his young cousins. He effortlessly could bring laughter and light to those he interacted with especially his family and friends to whom it?s well known. He will be deeply greatly and sadly missed both for the loss felt now as well as in the future. Bryson left a lasting and very bright impact in his time here, which we shall all remain grateful for. Bryson is survived by his parents, Duncan, Jennie and Ron, as well as his brothers and sisters Chad, Sierra, Alia, Jamison, Deacon and Ella. He also leaves behind numerous loving cousins, Aunts, Uncles and Grandparents along with many wonderful friends. Funeral services will be held Thursday, May 23, 2019 at 1:00 p.m. in the Olpin Family Mortuary Chapel, 494 South 300 East, Pleasant Grove. Family and friends may attend a visitation from 11:30 ? 12:45 p.m. prior to the services. Interment will be in the Pleasant Grove City Cemetery. Condolences may be sent to the family at www.olpinmortuary.com. In lieu of flowers the family is accepting donations for funeral costs https://www.olpinmortuary.com/notices/Bryson-Wellesley https://www.facebook.com/bryson.wellesley.71 Lily Rivers So very young & it's sad the little girl in the pictures on his FB doesn't have him anymore. He really looked like a sweet kid. unicornderby Best I can figure. The day after his death many friends updated their Profile border to suicide awareness. So that is my suspicion Quick Navigation Additional Information Needed Top
Puerto Rico falls short in amazing Classic run Gracious in championship game defeat, team put together great tournament By Manny Randhawa For the second consecutive World Baseball Classic, Team Puerto Rico fell one victory shy of winning its first Classic title, as an undefeated run through the first seven games of the tournament ended in an 8-0 loss to the United States on Wednesday night at Dodger Stadium.Puerto Rico was also For the second consecutive World Baseball Classic, Team Puerto Rico fell one victory shy of winning its first Classic title, as an undefeated run through the first seven games of the tournament ended in an 8-0 loss to the United States on Wednesday night at Dodger Stadium. Puerto Rico was also shut out in the Classic final for the second straight time, having been blanked by the Dominican Republic in 2013, 3-0, at AT&T Park. But despite the disappointment in defeat, the team remained on the field to embrace players from the victorious U.S. squad, congratulating them on their country's first Classic championship. :: 2017 World Baseball Classic :: "Well, the feeling is a mixed feeling, obviously. We went out today to win the championship, but we were unable to do so," said Puerto Rico manager Edwin Rodriguez. "We lost against a great team, the United States. But we are very satisfied that we were able to go 7-1. ... And I see that there is much hope with this group, with these young players. I believe that the foundations are set, and in the three or four Classics ahead, we will win it." Puerto Rico's star-studded lineup included a core of young MLB stars who could well be anchors in the team's lineup for future Classics, including Astros shortstop Carlos Correa, Indians shortstop Francisco Lindor and Cubs second baseman Javier Baez. That trio went a combined 0-for-11 in the championship game against dominant U.S. pitching -- particularly starter Marcus Stroman, who didn't surrender a hit until the seventh inning. But overall, each had a strong Classic. Not the results we wanted but what an incredible experience to represent PR! Something that I'm very proud of and will never forget! 🇵🇷 — Seth Lugo (@seth_lugo) March 23, 2017 Correa, the 2015 American League Rookie of the Year Award winner, hit .333 (8-for-24) with a double and three home runs in the tournament. The 22-year-old also dazzled at third base, a position he had never played professionally entering the Classic. "It's the most fun I've ever had playing baseball," Correa said. "These two weeks were amazing with this team. It's like a brotherhood, like a family. ... We ran into a great pitching performance by Stroman and a very good team tonight. But we have a great team with great players and we will be back." Lindor, 23, followed up a World Series appearance with the Indians by hitting .370 (10-for-27) while playing a stellar shortstop in the Classic. Baez, fresh off the Cubs' first World Series title in 108 years, made spectacular plays in the field and on the basepaths during WBC 2017. He also hit .296 (8-for-27) with a double and a homer. The youngsters weren't the only ones to shine for Puerto Rico in WBC 2017. The Astros' Carlos Beltran, who has played in all four Classics for his native country, hit .435 (10-for-23). And the Cardinals' Yadier Molina, also participating in his fourth Classic, hit .333 (8-for-24) with a pair of homers en route to a unanimous selection to the all-WBC Team. Molina also dazzled behind the plate, accounting for two outs in the first inning of Puerto Rico's semifinal against the Netherlands by throwing behind Andrelton Simmons and Jurickson Profar. Molina's passion was evident throughout the tournament, as the sight of him pumping his fists after making a big play became commonplace during Puerto Rico's winning streak. "Up until tonight, they played better baseball than anybody in the tournament," U.S. manager Jim Leyland said of Team Puerto Rico. "Tonight, in a must-win situation for both teams, we played better." Puerto Rico has come closer to winning a World Baseball Classic championship without actually doing so, more than any other team. But with a young core of stars and undiminished passion, expect Team Puerto Rico to be back in this position with an eye on finally capturing the title in Classics to come. Manny Randhawa is a reporter for MLB.com. Follow him on Twitter at @MannyOnMLB.
Pop art architecture Posted on September 11, 2022 September 11, 2022 By adm-architects Pop Art is a style of design and a direction of visual art, formed under the influence of mass culture in the second half of the 20th century, a trend that became very popular in building and interior design. The name of this style causes a debate about its origins. At the moment, art historians adhere to two points of view, pop art – is abbreviated popular art, that is, mass art, and by style of performance pop-art is interpreted according to the direct translation from English as "cotton". Interiors in the style of pop art Pop-art art is a logical continuation of abstract expressionism and surrealism, built on images of mass consumption goods. This style originated in America in the workshops of creative bohemians and is characterized by the use of elements that do not combine, which nevertheless look intriguing and quite harmonious. In building design, pop art has gained popularity in interior design for young people. This is a bright and abstract style that allows you to use exceptional combinations, to complement them with visual images borrowed from advertising photography, emphasized simplified images of celebrities, elementary objects, elevated to the status of especially important. In essence, Pop Art is the union of the previously unconnected. Of course, the building design in the style of pop art should be expressive and dynamic. This direction of design is particularly suitable in the design of children's rooms and apartments of creative personalities. At the same time, if you decided to create an interior of apartments with a concentrated surrealistic world of happiness and are not part of the bohemia, this style is also for you. It literally charges with positive energy and allows you to look at life in a new way. American Pop Art Like any other design style in each country, pop art has developed in its own way and acquired its own exceptional features. It makes sense to position American Pop Art as the main style. A vivid representative of this style is Andy Warhol, who used in his works visually impoverished advertising images, as well as portraits of celebrities, among the popular works in the first place is his graphic portrait of Marilyn Monroe. American pop art is often used as inspiration by contemporary designers, this choice of design tools is always exceptionally successful. For modern interiors in the style of pop art it is peculiar to use elements of on-art, that is, graphic images with a pronounced dynamics. This can be a variety of fractal images. Elements of on-art spectacularly complement the interiors of American pop art. Unlike Andy Warhol, Roy Lichtenstein introduced elements of comics and other characters of mass culture into interiors, Lichtenstein's direction is also pronounced in American pop art. Pop art in the American version is more experimental and exploits the image. English Pop Art English pop art absorbed elements of neoclassicism and bourgeois lifestyle. The interiors in the English Pop Art style can be called more "domestic" and corresponding to the traditional perception of the interior, but at the same time more daring, expressive and abstract. Interior design in English pop-art is also based on using classic art objects, but with an accent on symbolism, with traditional pop-art finish and non-standard decorative materials. English pop-art is characterized by abstract experiments with color, texture and form, but within the "home" perception of the interior. English pop-art often uses zoning with color in combination with neutral colors, which allow to separate functional zones. Italian Pop Art Italian pop-art is, first of all, an experiment with space, here colors and forms are secondary, which do not influence the perception of space. It is obvious that the use of geometrical elements is more characteristic of Italian pop art. Italian Pop Art is also characterized by a greater use of neutral tones in the interior design, the color acts as a decor and a "donor", as a starting point for the new image created by the designer from the workspace. Retro Pop Art Home Interior Recently, another interesting direction of pop art has been formed, which is already distinguished separately from other sub-styles. We are talking about retro pop art. This is a kind of variation on the theme of English pop-art, but without its inherent bourgeoisness. These interiors include traditional pop-art expression, elements of experimentation on the Italian pop-art space, the coziness, typical for English pop-art, where very trivial things are used as interior objects, but nevertheless these interiors look really amazing. As an example, the interior of the house of designer Stefan Stefan Holemann, who rented a former bookbinding factory in Zurich and created a new architectural object in the style of retro pop art. Pop Art Living Rooms Living rooms in the style of Pop Art – it is a game on contrasts, and it does not matter which direction of pop art, the living room will be the center of the composition and here the contrast will be the main tool of the designer. Kitchen in the style of pop art A pop-art kitchen is simple. Use regular furniture: Ex-Soviet style, then you'll get retro pop art; Colonial style furniture, then you get an English Pop Art kitchen; A modern kitchen will look great with visual images of advertising or geometric character of American pop art. Pop art style bedroom. Do not forget that the bedroom is, above all, a place for rest, here you need to be extremely careful with the use of expression, nevertheless, it does not hurt to create a positive way of thinking at any time of the day. Children's room in the style of pop art Of course, pop art in its built-in expression is most suitable for children's rooms. You should pay attention to the Roy Lichtenstein comic book style, it is the perfect choice for the boys' room. For girls, English pop art is definitely suitable. Especially pay attention to the pop art style if you have a creative person growing up in your family. Toilet and bathroom in pop art style Life in the style of "happiness", so you can characterize the use of pop art in the interior of bathrooms. Of course, this option is more peculiar to children's en-suit, but still do not limit your perception of space to standard norms. Landscape design and architecture in the style of pop art It must be said that pop-art style architecture is still a gimmick in the world of contemporary design, but there are still examples. The same applies to the design of adjacent areas. Landscaping in the style of pop art is the use of unconventional designs, ornamental decoration with flowers using bright colors. Undoubtedly, pop art in architecture and landscape design can give the world many more design discoveries. This is an area where you can experiment. Previous Post: Abstraction in architecture Next Post: What is monumental architecture Invisible mirror houses in the Alps Blog The women who changed architecture Blog What style of architecture is the Empire State Building? Blog Traditional type of Scandinavian architecture Blog What are the 7 types of architecture Blog
AN ANAHEIM woman was arrested Thursday morning in connection with an Craigslist scam. A 33-year-Anaheim woman was arrested Thursday morning by Huntington Beach police in connection with a Craigslist scam in which a Girl Scout troop was the victim. According to the HBPD, the suspect is Karina Martinez. On Feb. 2, 2016, a Girl Scout troop leader inquired on Craigslist about a vacation rental in Huntington Beach. The girls voted to have the party at the beach because some of them have never been. After an exchange of emails, the leader transferred payment from the troop's account to the alleged suspect's account. After the payment, the suspect stopped all contact. They were forced to cancel their trip due to the loss of funds. An image of a suspect captured on security video inside the bank attempting to make a transaction with the account the money was transferred into. Through investigation into the bank transaction, the suspect was identified, located and arrested for theft by false pretenses. Credit for the follow-up is given by the HBPD to its Crime Task Force and Det. Anthony Pham.
To make our mouth-watering delicious pies and rolls, Mrs Mac's uses only the highest quality ingredients. Our commitment to quality leads us to dice and mince all our own steak on site. Our beef pies are just that – beef. Mrs Mac's uses flour to make our pastry fresh on-site every day in the traditional way – layer upon flaky layer.
Q: JavaScript if answer is correct, generate new string I have a program that randomly generates two numbers (x and y) and asks the user to multiply them. Once they multiply them, it will tell them if they get it right or wrong. The thing I'm having problems with is that if they get the answer correct, it should then generate a new set of numbers. I'm not sure how to make the program perform that function again. Also it has to clear the answer field no matter if they get it right or wrong. Thanks! var x, y; // global variables for randomly generated numbers var correct = ['Very good!', 'Excellent!', 'Correct - Nice work!', 'Correct - Keep up the good work!']; var incorrect = ['No. please try again.', 'Wrong. Try once more.', 'Incorrect - Dont give up!', 'No - Keep trying.']; // getting two random numbers between 1-12 then assigning them to x and y function generateNumbers() { function aNumber() { return Math.floor((Math.random() * 12) + 1); } x = aNumber(); y = aNumber(); } // generating the question that will be used with the random numbers x and y function genQuestion() { generateNumbers(); document.getElementById('question').value = x + " times " + y; } // function that is performed when the button "check answer" is clicked. It will generate one of 4 answers depending //if it's right or wrong and will add 1 to the value of total. If it's incorrect it won't add anything function buttonPressed() { var correctans = correct[Math.floor(Math.random() * 4)]; // randomly selecting an answer if it's correct var incorrectans = incorrect[Math.floor(Math.random() * 4)]; // randomly selecting an answer if it's incorrect var answer = document.getElementById('answer').value; if (answer == x * y) // correct { function genQuestion() { generateNumbers(); document.getElementById('question').value = x + " times " + y; } window.alert(correctans); var total = document.getElementById('total').value++; } else { // incorrect window.alert(incorrectans); } } A: You're not calling the genQuestion function, and it makes little sense to redefine it. // function that is performed when the button "check answer" is clicked. It will generate one of 4 answers depending //if it's right or wrong and will add 1 to the value of total. If it's incorrect it won't add anything function buttonPressed() { var correctans = correct[Math.floor(Math.random() * 4)]; // randomly selecting an answer if it's correct var incorrectans = incorrect[Math.floor(Math.random() * 4)]; // randomly selecting an answer if it's incorrect var answer = document.getElementById('answer').value; if (answer == x * y) // correct { //call genQuestion to create new question genQuestion(); window.alert(correctans); var total = parseInt(document.getElementById('total').value)++; } else { // incorrect window.alert(incorrectans); } //clear 'answer' field document.getElementById('answer').value = ''; }
Straus Systems' Industrial Division (Engineered Systems Division) has being providing services to the industry for 80 plus years with it's current Engineering Staff providing solutions since 1980. Straus Systems is Licensed by the the State of Texas to provide Profession Engineered Design/Build Services. Straus Systems offers turnkey Engineered Industrial Air Conditioning and Industrial Ventilation Systems. These applications could be high pressure conveying, dust and fume collection, gas or air cooling, drying or heating systems, packaged skid units for HVAC applications, Vacuum Cleaning systems. Our Industrial Fabrication for HVAC and Process Ductwork in all metallic materials meets SMACNA Industrial Standards as well as AWS welding codes. Engineering Services include site surveys and evaluations for application solutions and budget preparation for a Turnkey Approach. From inception through completion, rest assured a Straus Systems professional will be involved.
Q: php if specific date expires do not echo vars I am trying to figure out how to NOT echo a var if the date has expired. My PHP below shows: Match 1 - April 1, 2015 Match 2 - April 8, 2015 So what I need is that, IF the Current date is, April 2, 2015, Match 1 will not echo. If April 30th, nothing will echo. Here is the php <?php $match1 = "Match 1 - April 1, 2015"; $match2 = "Match 2 - April 8, 2015"; ?> <?=$match1?> <?=$match2?> I have looked at several codes and tried a few myself, but nothing works. Thanks. A: Basic idea: $expiration_date = strtotime("2 April 2015"); //converts your date into a unix timestamp $time = time(); //current time in unix format if ($time < $expiration_date){ // if the current time is less than expiration date do something echo $match1; // or whatever variable you wanted to echo } // if the current time is past the expiration date the if statement will evaluate to false and do nothing A: I wanted to update this for future users. If you are wanting to have a specific div show/hide depending on an expiration date, you can create the div's on a seperate PHP page and then include them with your php as follows: Include.php <?php if (time() < strtotime("1 January 2016")){include('Div1.php');}?> Div1.php <div class="myclass">I want this Div included with Include.php if it is not expired past January 1 2016</div> Thought it may be helpful to someone. A: Here is another PHP code for those that want to show a certain div for a certain date period and then default to another div if it is not at that date. For example, I am using this for a website that prepares taxes (USA). Tax season starts Jan 1st and ends April 15th. The client needed to show a certain div during tax season showing they prepare taxes, off season, they help with accounting software setup. **Note - notice the end date is 1 day past 04/15 this is due to you having to add +1 day to your end date to make sure your end date is still active to show. PHP <?php if ((time() > strtotime("01/01/2015")) && (time() < strtotime("04/16/2015"))) {include "seasonON.php";}else{include "seasonOFF.php";} ?> seasonON.php <div>YES, Tax season is here and we prepare Taxes!</div> seasonOFF.php <div>Tax season is over, but we can help you with your accounting software</div>
Tag Archives: Amy Nelson My review and photos of Willie Nelson posted to Elmore magazine Willie Nelson and his family shared the best of his golden oldies inside Travis County arena to a sold out crowd opening night of the 2015 Austin Rodeo March 14. For a solid hour Willie proved 80-years young and sang several medleys created from hits off his 68 studio, ten live, 37 compilation, and 27 collaboration albums including "Mammas Don't Let Your Babies Grow Up to be Cowboys." As always, his sister Bobbie Nelson played piano, joined by two of Willie's kids, Lukas Nelson and Amy Nelson; two grandchildren, Zach Thomas and Rebecca Thomas, and Waylon Payne, the son of the late Sammi Smith. On stage together they sang a medley of hymns like "Will the Circle Be Unbroken?" and "I'll Fly Away." Band members included harmonica player Mickey Raphael together, drummer Billy English and upright bassist Kevin Smith. Lukas Nelson provided the night's biggest surprise with a rhythm and blues solo on "It's Floodin' Down in Texas." Like father, like son, Lukas added his own improvised and distinctive guitar leads and vocals to the song that once served as part of the repertoire of the late Stevie Ray Vaughan. Playing Trigger, his ever-faithful acoustic guitar, Willie performed "Roll Me Up and Smoke Me When I Die," the hit off his 2012 Heroes album. As the evening ended, the legacy of songs, like gifts delivered by three generations of the Nelson family, resonated long after the dust cleared. Please see my review and photos posted to Elmore magazine's website by following this link: http://www.elmoremagazine.com/2015/03/reviews/shows/willie-nelson Tags: Amy Nelson, Austin concerts, Austin Rodeo 2015, Bassist Kevin Smith, Billy English, Bobbie Nelson, drummer Billy English, harmonica player Mickey Raphael, Heroes album, Hoagy Carmichael, Kevin Smith, Lukas Nelson, Mamas Don't Let Your Babies Grow Up to Be Cowboys, Rebecca Thomas, Roll Me Up and Smoke When I Die, Trigger, Waylon Payne, Willie Nelson, Willie Nelson and Family, Willie Nelson concert, Zach Thomas Categories 2015 articles published, Concert reviews 2015, Elmore magazine 2015, March 2015 My story and photos about the Jan. 17 show at Saxon Pub posted to Elmore magazine Folk Uke, Hector Ward and Guy Forsyth's band, delivered an eclectic mix of folk, blues, reggae, funk, and bluegrass music in a six-hour show Jan. 17 at Saxon Pub in Austin. Folk Uke, (the "e" is silent) formed by Amy Nelson and Cathy Guthrie, the daughters of iconic fathers, Willie Nelson and Arlo Guthrie, perform satirical and somewhat sensational music. Angelic voices often contradict edgy and authentic song lyrics from their self-titled release in 2005 and Reincarnation in 2011. Amy sings lead vocals and plays acoustic guitar while Cathy harmonizes and accompanies on ukulele. Favorites were "Sh*t makes the Flowers Grow," "Knock Me Up," and "Mother F***er." Hector Ward, delighted fans with a reggae-infused "Simplify," "Whiskey Pants," and "Taking Lightening Home," about blues singer Sam John "Lightnin'" Hopkins. Ward fronts the Big Time band, a nine-piece Latin funk group complete with a horn section. Members included: Mark Wilson, baritone saxophone and flute player; drummer and co-songwriter Mike McGurk; and lead and rhythm guitarist Rain Cross, the son of Grammy award winning songwriter Christopher Cross. Others included cornet player Micah Shalom, trombone player, Ben Taylor, and bass player Kai Roach. Ward sang songs he co-wrote with Phil Roach: "Azucar," "Freightline Funk," "Nuevo Laredo" "Time Will Tell," and "Vibro." Newcomers included: tenor saxophone player Jennifer Nailos and percussionist David Farris. The band's two albums include: Freightline Funk released in 2009 and Sum of All in 2011. Ward also sang the single, "Heart Full of Soul," off the All ATX 2014: British Invasion compilation CD. An American-Cuban, Ward grew up in the little town of Damon, southwest of Houston playing football in high school and then in college at Midwestern State University and Texas State University before suffering partial paralysis in a one-car accident just outside of Houston at 19 years old. Guy Forsyth has an unmistakable onstage energy that has fueled 25 years of touring internationally while recording 14 albums. He performed a multitude of instruments including a "singing saw," or modified farming tool used with a violin bow to create a hauntingly instrumental version of "Over the Rainbow." He first worked as a street musician, later as a studio session player, and then as a comic stunt man at Renaissance fairs Kansas City, MO before moving to Austin in 1990. Band members included: drummer Nina Botta, and her husband, bassist Jeff Botta, who also played on Forsyth's 2012 The Freedom to Fail album, on the Blue Corn Music label; guitarist George Rarey, who also performs on The Pleaser, Forsyth's new blues album to be released this April on the Lizard Disc label. The best songs of the night included "Sink 'em Low (the Holler)," which the band sang acapella amid hand clapping and foot stomping. He also sang, "She's Crazy Now," an as yet unrecorded love song that features a unique third person protagonist. Lizard Discs first released his debut solo album High Temperature, CD in Hengelo, Netherlands in 1993 establishing Forsyth throughout Europe. He signed with Antone's Records to release three more albums: Steak, Needlegun and Can You Live Without before Texas Music Group bought it and declared bankruptcy in 2010. Forsyth released Voices Inside in 2002 on his independent Small and Nimble Records followed by Love Songs For and Against in 2005, Unrepentant Schizophrenic Americana, a double live album in 2006, Calico Girl in 2008, Live at Gruene Hall in 2009 and the DVD, 300 Miles from There to Here in 2011. Here's the link to my story and my photos that posted to Elmore magazine: http://www.elmoremagazine.com/2015/01/reviews/shows/folk-uke-hector-ward-the-big-time-and-guy-forsyth Here's a gallery of my photos that I took Jan. 17 at Saxon Pub: Tags: Amy Nelson, Ben Taylor, Cathy Guthrie, Folk Uke album, Freightline Funk album, George Rarey, Guy Forsyth, Guy Forsyth Band, Hector Ward, Hector Ward and the Big Time, Jeff Botta, Jennifer Nailos, Kai Roach, Kerrville Folk Festival, Mark Wilson, Micah Shalom, Mike McGurk, Nina Botta, Phil Roach, Rain Cross, Reincarnation album, Sum of All album, The Freedom to Fail album, The Pleaser album Categories Elmore magazine 2015, January 2015, Live show reviews 2015
Jonathan is an Associate with DC Research, with 25 years of academic, policy development and consultancy experience as a research economist, analyst and project manager. He has a portfolio of studies that demonstrate detailed expertise from a wide range of research and evaluation work involving the arts, heritage, museum and cultural sectors, and specialises in research reviews and evaluations, business planning and organisational review, assessing and evaluating economic, social and community impacts derived from investments, projects and programmes. Jonathan founded DC Research with long standing colleague Stephen Connolly in 2008, stepping down as co-owner and director in late 2018. He now balances working with DC Research on projects in an associate capacity, and working independently as Durnin Research Ltd, with family commitments. Prior to previous consultancy posts with Regeneris Consulting and Experian, Jonathan held senior policy posts with Cumbria County Council and before that research posts at the Centre for Regional Economic Development (now part of the University of Cumbria). Jonathan is a Fellow of the Regional Studies Association, and is Chairman of Welland Valley Cycling Club.
Keith Ashcroft Keith Ashcroft (b. 1977, St Helens, UK) is a painter based in Salford, UK. He graduated with a BA Fine Art from Manchester School of Art in 2000. Keith is a Lecturer in Painting with The Open College of the Arts and co-runs Oceans Apart, a gallery in Salford dedicated to contemporary painting. Keith has exhibited his work widely across the UK. Recent exhibitions include 'Cut From Cloth', solo exhibition, Huddersfield Art Gallery (2022), Beep Painting Prize 2020, Elysium Gallery, Swansea (2020), Contemporary British Painting Prize 2018, Huddersfield Art Gallery & Menier Gallery, London (2018), The New English Art Club Annual Exhibition 2018, Mall Galleries, London, The Lynn Painter-Stainers Prize Exhibition 2018, Mall Galleries, London. Special Commendation – Beep Painting Prize 2020 Specail Commendation – Contemporary British Painting Prize 2018 keithashcroft.com Gary James Williams Gary James Williams is an artist, curator & consultant at Phenomena Fine Art. His artistic practice is realised through national and international research and collaborative projects, exhibitions and interventions, including 'In the requisition of the ephemeral: emerging & evolving' (2021) and 'In the requisition of the ephemeral: interventions' (2019) published by Phenomena Fine Art Publishing, in collaboration with Jo Manby: 'Constructing a narrative' – Manchester Metropolitan University Special Collections (2018) and 'Pursuing the narrative' – Bankley Gallery, Manchester (2011), 'Legacy' – alumni group show, Manchester School of Art, MMU 2017 and the Arts Council England funded solo NL/UK Touring Exhibition: 'In Transcience – incidents & interventions…,' 2007-2009: Gallery Oldham, Oldham, UK (2009), Yorkshire Art space, Sheffield, UK (2008), Galerie Forma Aktua, Groningen, NL (2007). When intentionally making comparison in my approach to drawing, and in switching between the physical and digital worlds, the idea of the temporary and the permanent in the process of drawing becomes more assertive. Emphasising the marks that intentionally remain in the process of developing a work or those that have been erased and have now become underlying impressions on a physical surface or, have become untraceable or non-existent in the digital spatial world, becomes a point of exploration and discovery. Where there was once a physical surface and now light and space, the context of the ephemeral in the process of drawing becomes more tangible and its value extended. In developing the series of works, 'adumbration of a temporary space', the idea of the temporary and the permanent that is found in the process of drawing leaves a degree of uncertainty as to what the resulting work will be. The only certainty is that it remains as an example of the process of drawing as a work in itself. garyjames williams Sophie Benson Sophie Benson is an artist who works with drawing and painting. Her practice investigates representations of real and imagined space and the potential of drawing in series. Her interest lies in echoes of events manifest in landscape, which arises out of an interest in landscape itself and its hold on the imagination. One -person shows include; The Space Between, Long & Ryle, London, Vanishing Points, King's Place Gallery, London, From a Distance, University Gallery, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, Present Perfect, Gallerie Heppacher, Esslingen, Germany. She has won several awards including a Pollock-Krasner Foundation Grant, the Prix Collioure, Year of the Artist Award and special project grants from the British Council and the Rootstein Hopkins Foundation. Signs of Life is part of a series of drawings which began as traces of light and shadow, suspended in an imaginary space, the space of the night or deep underwater. The drawing remains provisional, with the appearance of being suspended at a point of change. Marks map and travel across the surface, leaving a smudge, line, and imprint of what has gone before. art.mmu.ac.uk Matthew Bamber My work incorporates a multi-disciplinary approach that includes collage, photography, video, drawing and sculpture, using methods that involve the collection of images from various sources: including personal and public archives and also found-images from internet searches. Selected images are printed and made into assemblages that are photographed and re-worked. Over the last five years, I have been interested in how images operate, thinking about my own consumption of images that depicted violence as a starting point to create a body of work. I have many influences within my work. I'm inspired by the Baroque: as a way of constructing my images pictorially; as a way to perceive the world; and also as a way of dealing with a multitude of imagery. Through constructing assemblages, I have also developed a passion for the history of still-life and collage. More recently, my work has focused on researching LGBTQIA+ histories, theories and themes. In 2021, my research expanded into looking at queer archives as inspiration for my work. I'm currently interested in researching around historical representations of queer domesticity. Through the archive, I'm also thinking about my history and identity construction. During 2021 I was awarded a develop your creative practice grant from Arts Council England. Recent exhibitions include Undisclosed Resources curated by Efrem ZelonyMindell, Leeds Summer Show 2021 and Here </> There Exhibition, SIA and Today Art Museum, Beijing. My work was recently included in a Queer Zine Dictionary publication produced by The Feminist Library, London. In 2016, I was Associate Artists at Atlantic Center for the Arts, Florida with Josiah McElheny. matthewbamber.com Carolyn Curtis Magri Carolyn Curtis Magri's recent work includes Slip Drawings, 'Top Floor', Gallery Frank, Ebor Studios, Littleborough (2021), Cones of Vision, Hebden Bridge Open Studios (2021), Studio 30, 'One', Linden Mill Gallery, Hebden Bridge (2020), 'Pandemic', The Co 19 Project On-line Exibition (2020), Sylvia Plath Pen Tributes Digital Drawings, Heptonstall Museum (2019), 'If Pigs Could Fly', Victoria Gallery, Preston and One Person Drawing Exhibitions, Linden Mill Gallery, Hebden Bridge (2018, 2017) and Silenced Voices, The Portico Library, Manchester. carolyncurtismagri Bethan Hamilton Only Human Oracle Having developed an interest in Tarot in 2018 after a year of particularly intense "eco-anxiety", learning to read Tarot offered me comfort, deepened my connection with my intuition and gave me a sense of control. On a global scale 2020/21 has been and still continues to be, a particularly challenging and emotional time for us all – from an environmental, world health, political and basic human rights perspective. Tarot can be a tool to help us highlight, analyse and work through the issues that we are facing on both a personal level and collectively. From 2019 through to 2020, over a 14 month period I created a series of 78 Tarot inspired pencil drawings, which after receiving project funding on Kickstarter in July 2020 went into print production and is now a usable contemporary Tarot deck. The Monochromatica Tarot consisted of 78 cards featuring hand-drawn card designs inspired by the 1910 Rider-Waite Tarot deck. Each individual card started out as a detailed hyper-realistic A5 pencil drawing on paper, which was then photographed and scaled down to form a card design. Each design depicts my personal interpretation of the imagery and symbolism of the original Rider-Waite cards. Through research and care, my aim was to create artworks that respect and embody the Rider-Waite Tarot symbolism without creating a reproduction or imitation of the original imagery and to attempt to create a deck that was more diverse and inclusive, that could better represent the world we share together. After creating my own Tarot deck, I was inspired to begin to create my own Oracle deck. Oracle decks are very similar to Tarot decks, as they are also a tool for self-reflection and an aid to spiritual practices. However, Oracle decks aren't as traditionally structured as Tarot decks. There is no predetermined numbered system, card meanings, themes, or imagery and there is no set requirement for the number of cards in a deck. Oracle cards are generally considered to be less ambiguous, with more concise meanings. As part of my Only Human Oracle deck project I am currently working on a series of 38 anatomical pen drawings, which will be photographed, scaled down and digitally layered on top of water colour paintings and washes to create card designs. I chose to study images of human anatomy for this project because I am very interested in further exploring and determining the links between metaphysics, spirituality, divination, human physiology and mental health/wellbeing. bethanhamilton.co.uk Pavel Büchler, artist, teacher and occasional writer, was born in the former Czechoslovakia and lives in Manchester. The drawing of The Exhibition(2012-2022) is a cumulative copy of the entries from a visitors' book for an unknown exhibition of an unknown artist in a Czech regional gallery. Nick Crowe and Ian Rawlinson Since 1994 Nick Crowe and Ian Rawlinson have been drawn to the articulation of power and authority, to the grammar and rhetoric that surrounds them. Their works often combine densely layered visual and acoustic allusions to faith, politics, national identity and the environment. They are interested in spectacle and its cultural effects and have made work derived from military and biblical sources, from memorials and the uses of public space and from the legacies of the nuclear and coal industries. They live and work in Manchester and Berlin. Solo exhibitions include Turnpike Gallery, Leigh, 2018; BALTIC Centre for Contemporary Art, Gateshead, 2017; MEWO, Kunsthalle Memmingen, 2016; Yorkshire Sculpture Park, Wakefield, 2015; Whitworth Art Gallery, Manchester, 2013; Plataforma Revólver, Lisbon, 2012; SALT, Istanbul, 2012. Group exhibitions include 5th Moscow International Experimental Film Festival, 2020; Newlyn Art Gallery, 2019; Malmö Konstmuseum, 2018; Z33, Hasselt, 2017; Kunstraum Kreuzberg, Berlin, 2016; Kunstverein Konstanz, 2015. works.croweandrawlinson.net Stefan Gant Stefan is a practicing artist exhibiting both nationally and internationally. He studied B.A. (Hons) Sculpture, Winchester School of Art (2000-2003) and M.A. Drawing at Wimbledon School of Art, London (2005-2006). His practice and research enquiry explores the intersection of contemporary drawing with digital technology since 2005. Practice and research has led to being artist in residence with the School of Archaeology, University of Oxford since 2013, currently based at Blenheim Palace in collaboration with spatial archaeologist, Dr John Pouncett. He was formerly artist in residence at an archaeological excavation site in Bodfari, north Wales in collaboration with YBA, Simon Callery and archaeologist, Professor Gary Lock, University of Oxford (2013-2018). Both practice and research has been published with JVAP (Journal of Visual Arts Practice, Routledge) and Open Archaeology Journals and received support from the Arts Council of Wales. Stefan is currently Senior Lecturer in Drawing and Digital Practice, University of Northampton. Selected exhibitions include: Ineligible (2020) (art/archaeology), International Museum of Contemporary Sculpture, Santo Tirso, Portugal; Lumen Prize, Global Award for Art and Technology (2019, prize winner) selected by Tate Gallery, Serpentine Gallery, Media Lab China, Future Everything and Goldsmiths, University of London presented at Barbican Centre, London and exhibited at Cello Factory, London; Drawn to Investigate (2020) The Ruskin Museum, Lancaster University, UK; Rhych: Simon Callery, Stefan Gant & The School of Archaeology, University of Oxford (2018) Oriel Plas Glyn y Weddw, Wales; Painting, Drawing and the Digital International Symposium & Exhibition (2017), Avenue Gallery, University of Northampton in collaboration with Drawing Center, New York, USA (Co-Chair, Organiser, Curator and Exhibitor); The Sketchbook Today (2015), Avenue Gallery, University of Northampton in collaboration with Tate Britain and Rabley Drawing Centre (Exhibition Organiser, Curator and Exhibitor); Jerwood Drawing Prize (2007, 2010, 2012); National Eisteddfod of Wales, Y Lle Celf (2007 Highly Commended, 2009, 2013) and Secret, Royal College of Art, London (2006 to date). stefan.gant Mary Griffiths Mary Griffiths' practice begins with close observation through drawing. Figurative drawings are developed in the studio and are the root of her abstract works, through which their essential geometries are rendered. Her themes are the North, working-class experience, architecture, industry, and science. These are lenses through which she examines memory, illuminating the past and making insightful connections between the material world and the cosmological. Exhibitions include; Drawing Biennial, Drawing Room, London (2021); Summer/Winter Exhibition, Royal Academy, London (2020); Protest and Remembrance, Cristea Roberts Gallery, London (2018); Wild Honey, The Turnpike, Leigh (2018, solo); Prospect Planes, with physicist Kostya Novoselov, for the Great Exhibition of the North, Newcastle/Gateshead (2018); Wonder Materials: Graphene and Beyond, Museum of Science and Industry, Manchester and touring internationally (2016-18); From Seathwaite, permanent wall drawing at the National Graphene Institute, Manchester (2015, solo); Still Further, Bureau, Manchester (2014, solo); Summer Exhibition, Royal Academy (2014); Cabedal, Plataforma Revolver, Lisbon (2012); Fathom, Bureau, Manchester (2012, solo); Memory of a Hope, Ceri Hand Gallery, Liverpool (2011). Mary Griffiths studied English at Newcastle University and Fine Art at Manchester School of Art. She worked as a curator in museums and galleries until 2020, most recently at the Whitworth, The University of Manchester. A book of her drawings, Pictures of War, was published by Carcanet in 2009. Mary Griffiths' work is in the Arts Council Collection; The Turnpike; The Whitworth; private collections. mary_griffiths__ David Gledhill David Gledhill has been a professional artist since graduating in 1981. He has exhibited throughout the UK and internationally in Frankfurt, Berlin, Milan, and Brussels. His recent work appropriates photographic archives to produce paintings that address historical and political themes through the lived experience of their subjects. In addition to his activity as an artist, David has contributed writing and reviews to numerous artists' projects and publications. He is co-director of Rogue Artists' Studios CIC in Manchester, the largest artist's studio provider in the North of England. David is a Lecturer in Fine Art at the University of Bolton and was awarded a PhD by Manchester Metropolitan University in 2020. David is represented by Philips Art Gallery, Manchester, and works are held in the collections of East Sussex County Council, Rank Xerox, Halliwell's, Touchstones Rochdale and Steven Berkoff. davidgledhill.co.uk Paul Haywood I make stuff and play with material ideas and visual form at Ebor Studios. Located on the Pennine edge in the township of Littleborough, Rochdale, this place is the source for much of the content of what I do in the studio; the colour palettes, shapes, linear structures, compositions, and systems of production. My studio space is divided into three workstations: 1. a mini laboratory for experiments with pigment preparation and paint and ink making, 2. a worktable for small objects and constructions (what I consider to be 3-dimensional poems), 3. the rest, a loosely organized mess where I paint and draw and think. I studied, a long time ago, at Rochdale Art College, then at Trent Polytechnic, and finally at Reading University. I trained to be an Art teacher at Goldsmith's College. In my professional life, I'm the Dean of Academic Programmes for Art and Performance at Central Saint Martins, University of the Arts, London. I have the privilege of working within and alongside this world-class community of academics and practitioners to contribute to the development of a next generation of creative thinkers, artists and cultural activists. I sit on the Project Group and co-convene the Tools Group for the Shared Campus, an international network for Arts, Design, and Performance Higher Education that is creating intercultural and transnational platforms in support of co-operative learning and borderless education. I co-Chair the National Association for Fine Art Education (NAFAE), the subject specialist Higher Education network for Fine Art in the UK. paulhaywood.net The use of stories has always been important in my work. Sometimes I illustrate the story directly in my paintings. For other work, the story will give me a starting point, which then develops into a series of drawings and ideas. From this, other ideas develop and the story starts to become insignificant, creating a new story by the time the painting is complete. The work is very theatrical, and often the canvas is the stage. The characters in my work are liked and disliked in equal measures. Some people want to cuddle and hug them, while others find them sinister and do not feel comfortable with them. Depending on your view of the character, what is happening in the pictures appears differently. This often makes the subject matter ambiguous. I love the idea that one painting can create completely opposite feelings depending on your opinion of the character. Good/ Bad, Warm/Cold, loving/sinister, Protective/Threatening. The 'Untold Tales' book series developed from experimenting with mixed media and looking at events, occasions, places visited, stories from books or just playing with imagery and materials. Some are planned and some are spontaneous. I am also a writer and illustrator of children's books – my third book 'The Girl who Really Really Really loves Nature' is out now, published by the Natural History Museum. I am a founder member of Rogue Artists Studios in Manchester City Centre, where I continue to work, and which now houses over 90 artists. I have exhibited widely across the UK and in the USA and have work in Private collections across UK, USA, Germany, Australia, Cyprus. johnhamiltonartist.com Naomi Lethbridge Naomi Lethbridge is a graduate of the University of Dundee and Manchester Metropolitan University. She exhibits widely throughout Europe, as well as teaching sculpture and drawing. Her work is concerned with obsessive documentation, often finding interest in the mundane and repetitive, with a quiet and intense focus. naomilethbridge.co.uk Pam Ibbotson Pam Ibbotson studied Fine Art at Sheffield Hallam University, gaining a first class honours degree in 1987. She was elected a member of the Manchester Academy of Fine Arts in 1988. Since then, the artist has exhibited widely, including the Royal Academy Summer Exhibition. Prizes she has received have included the Manchester Academy of Fine Arts Major Award and the Runner-Up Award. In 2013, she undertook an MA Visual Arts (Painting) course at West Dean College in West Sussex, passing with distinction. Pam Ibbotson's paintings have been described as containing a 'highly skilled inventiveness' and the effect of her work has been compared to 'Van Gogh's almost visionary sense of the underlying rhythms of nature'. Robert Clark. The Guardian. mafa.org.uk David Lunt David Lunt is a Manchester born artist who studied BA Fine Art at Loughborough University 1997-2000 and MA Art and Design Studio Practice 2004-05. He has exhibited work in a number of recognized institutions, notably FACT (Liverpool) Cornerhouse (now HOME Manchester), The Portico Library (Manchester) and The Harris Museum (Preston). In 2017, he was shortlisted for the 'Greater Manchester Art Prize'. More recently he hasexhibitedwith London based astronomy collective 'Lumen' and 'Artgene' in Cumbria and was included in Warrington Open (2020) the 'Greater Manchester Open' exhibition at HOME in 2022 and 'Fronteer' gallery Sheffield in the exhibition 'Celestial Bodies'. axisweb.org Lisa Denyer Lisa Denyer's practice explores the polarities of a slow, considered painting process against the speed and sensory perceptions of daily life. The work relates to the body, the spaces we inhabit, and the visuals we are presented with on a day-to-day basis. Surfaces are developed using collage in an approach that is both spontaneous and contemplative. Geometric elements are tested in variations using paper cut-outs before a composition is set, often framing gestural marks. The supports are dense and weighty and usually handmade. She uses heavy plywood, clay, panel, sandpaper, or wood as surfaces on which to work. These are selected for their textual qualities and for the way they assist, and disrupt, the application of paint. lisa-denyer.squarespace.com Lee Machell Lee Machellsituates his practice within a vocabulary of commonplace objects that he invests with the status of sculpture. The main concerns of Machell's practice are its object centric sculptural statements, and the orchestration of his works often calls for a topographical understanding of the space they occupy. Machell's work is process based and material led, and often pays reference to the various accoutrements of the studio. Kodak (2020) is a continuation of Machell's drawings on paper using matches. A Kodak slide carousel is encircled with matches; once lit, a sequence of sparks charts its shape and the smoke captures its impression on paper. In Kodak, Machellplays with the paper's physicality, its state as a combustible material. Paper's molecular structure as primarily carbon allows it to char easily when set alight and the chemicals in the match create tonal nuances, with the smoke enabling unpredictable patterns to evolve. In previous works on paper, each work's inception is an object that Machelluses to create drawings that synthesize the various elements of his practice. In Cap (2013) Machelldelineatesan oil paint tube's screw cap;as the heat permeates the plastic, it captures the object's minute detail on paper. Past sculptural works continue the reductive approach inherent in Machell'works on paper, such as handle (2012) in which two paint tubs' handles interlock to create a loop. As previously distinct objects -one part is "male" and the other "female" -a simple action serves to unite them as a sculptural entity that rests weightlessly on the floor's surface. leemachell.co.uk Kara Lyons Kara Lyons is an artist and founder of Ebor Studio and Gallery FRANK in Littleborough, Greater Manchester. She is a sculptor whose works embraces drawing as a key part of her practice. Alongside partner Paul Haywood, she established Guns to Goods; an ongoing project making artworks of value from recycled guns in the interests of peace-making, in collaboration with Greater Manchester Police and community based charity Carisma. Kara's portrait of peacemaker Erinma Bell MBE, made from recycled guns, was the first-ever portrait of a woman to be unveiled in Manchester Town Hall. This was the first in a series of oversized portrait heads she is continuing to make in celebration of notable women –a project pursued to address the paucity of representations of women in the public sphere. She has completed a portrait of Bishop Libby Lane, the first woman bishop to be appointed in the UK, and is currently working on a representation of Maxine Peake. Her abstract monument 'Clasp' is dedicated to pioneering nurse Mary Seacole and was commissioned for the inauguration of the Mary Seacole building on Salford University Campus, In association with AFL Architects. karenlyons.co.uk Hellen Parrott My visual art practice has its beginnings in making things as a child, I then moved into photography, particularly of the landscape. I went on to study embroidery. My visual arts practice has widened over the years beyond making exhibition work, to encompass freelance teaching, writing books and articles, research, mentoring and coaching. Photography and the landscape remain important to me. These creative activities have worked alongside and are integrated with my management, development, and leadership roles in the arts and cultural sectors, higher education and public sector. I am based on the edge of Sheffield, close to the Peak District National Park. My exhibition work is usually textile based, often drawing on historic techniques, such as traditional nineteenth century handstitched English quilts and eighteenth century calico printing. For over nine years, I focussed solely on using running stitch to make large scale works. My works are often densely handstitched, sometimes in combination with a wide range of other processes including dyeing, machine stitching, painting, and drawing. Drawing has always been part of my visual arts practice, most often as a way to explore an idea, or solve a problem when realizing my ideas for exhibition work. I rarely share my drawings They remain a private resource to be consulted and developed, an archive of ideas, some realized, some not. @landandlight Jo Manby Jo Manby is a painter and writer based in Greater Manchester. She is represented by Comme Ca Art Manchester. After graduating in Foundation Art at North Staffs University and English and Art History at the University of York, she has worked extensively in galleries and museums. Currently, the editor of the Fourdrinier, the online art journal published by PAPER Gallery Manchester, Jo's art writing has appeared in numerous art publications, including Art Review, Modern Painters, a-n magazine, Contemporary and make: the magazine of women's art. Rocket Man –String of Lights belongs to an ongoing series of drawings. They are inspired by being distracted while watching Netflix films and series by the dazzling light effects of sparkling lights seen out of apartment windows, sheer curtains blowing in a breeze, trees, and shrubs glimpsed out of half open window blinds. I make a line drawing with colour notes in a few seconds flat, as reference. Later, I draw out the ensuing design on graph paper and add gouache paint. In terms of motivation, it's about making the best use of time. I also enjoy the fact that the graph paper encourages abstraction simply because of its pre-existing structured format. I don't think the end result is recognizable, but it's a new piece of work. commecaart.com/jo-manby Jill Randall Jill Randall makes sculpture and prints, and has exhibited her work extensively nationally and internationally. Randall's work often reveals the sublime and beautiful, the poetic and resonant in bleak and unpromising places, and often involves making work with and from post-industrial, toxic, or 'spoiled' environments. Recent work has focussed on artists residencies in industrial settings as the context for new work, and Randall has established innovative ways of interpreting industrial heritage, especially metal-mining, through contemporary arts practice, demonstrating how the visual arts can be a mechanism for cultural regeneration and re-engagement. She is interested in harnessing post-industrial legacy to create artworks, and has created several interventions in industrial environments, going as an artist into non-art situations, and responding to the place and the people, a process the artist describes as "slow burn", often resulting in collaborative new works with the workforce and industrial processes. In 2008, Randall won an 'Artists At Work' Award from Artworks Wales to undertake an Artist's Residency at Parys Mountain, Anglesey, an abandoned copper mine. Randall investigated how this remarkable post-industrial site can be utilized to produce artworks from its specific topography and chemistry, and developed a substantial body of new work, culminating in the solo exhibition, "Golden Venture"', at The National Waterfront Museum, (The National Industrial Museum of Wales), in 2011. This work has continued in historic metal-mining sites in Cornwall, Australia and Mexico, and forms part of an ongoing series with metal as the narrative thread throughout. The drawing presented in the exhibition, 'Found Drawing, Parys Mountain Underground. Bridge,16 fathoms. First attempt ', has been selected from a body of 10 large 'found drawings'. These huge, brightly coloured drawings have been created by the passage of time in pitch blackness in the abandoned underground mine workings at Parys Mountain Copper Mine, Anglesey, by the repeated action of mineral drippings through the mine. Strategically placed, left for 6 weeks, and then retrieved (with difficulty), they have been carried up and down rickety ladders in pitch blackness, retracing the steps and actions of the early miners. The drawing both describes, and is created by, its unique environment. jillrandall.co.uk Richard McVetis Artist Richard McVetis is preoccupied with the repetitive nature of process. For over a decade, he has used hand embroidery to explore the subtle differences that emerge through ritualistic and habitual making. The inscribed stitches mark the rhythms of the hand, a delicate performance of obsessive intricacy. Meticulously stitched multiples of dots, lines, and crosses record time and map space. Each stitch is an embodiment of thought and patience; a record of human presence, of time and decay. McVetis uses making to understand the world, to give material form to abstract ideas, making the intangible tangible. You are seeing what McVetis describes as "a landscape of time" These physical, tactile, and repetitive modes of creation allow him the time to see and think, to occupy a space. Richard McVetis graduated in Constructed Textiles from the Royal College of Art in 2008. Since completing his BA in Embroidery at Manchester Metropolitan University in 2005, he has been short-listed for several distinguished prizes, including the Jerwood Drawing Prize, UK, 2011 and 2016; the international Loewe Craft Prize, 2018. In addition, McVetis has shown work nationally and internationally at several exhibitions, including The British Textile Biennial, Rossendale, UK, 2021; RENEW at Kettles Yard, UK, 2019; Loewe Craft Prize, The Design Museum, London, UK, 2018; Collect Open, Saatchi Gallery, UK, 2017; 'Form + Motion' –a major exhibition with British Council and Crafts Council for the Cheongju Craft Biennale, South Korea, 2017 richardmcvetis.co.uk Babs Smith Babs Smith is an Artist based at Ebor Studios, Littleborough. She was the winner of a Graduate Scholarship on the University of Salford Art Collection Graduate Scholarship Scheme in conjunction with Castlefield Gallery, Manchester. She was Winner of the People's Choice Award at Warrington Contemporary Arts Festival. She was selected for the Neo Print Prize and the Salford Open in 2018 and has been recently nominated for a Create Art & Design Award UOS. Babs has shown work alongside the Acquired Exhibition at Salford Museum & Art Gallery and in the Superlative Artistry of Japan, where her work is currently housed at Salford Museum. Her work is in the Salford Museum and Art Gallery Collection and the Salford Universities Collection. Babs has undertaken a number of public commissions and has her work housed at the National Outdoor Centre, North Wales and the Autism and Criminal Justice System, Salford. She is currently developing projects with DCC Data in Manchester and Manchester based musician Holly Phelps. babssmithart.co.uk Dorothy Ann Simister An obsession with drawing horses and a praising primary teacher set me on a determined path to draw and paint. I completed a degree in Fine Art Painting at Camberwell School of Art in the mid to late 70s, which is where I found an interest in shop window reflections. I was mainly brought up in North Wales and attended an exceptional art foundation course at Chester College. I then progressed to the fine art degree at Camberwell, exhibiting at the Royal Academy in the New Contemporaries exhibition. On leaving Camberwell I was awarded the Adrian Tredfall Fund Award, by the 'Worshipful Company of Goldsmiths of London'that enabled me to travel to Italy to look at art. A post graduate teaching certificate at Sussex University gave me a wonderful year in Brighton, where I could study shop window and draw Brighton's iconic views. After teaching for a while, I spent an explorative7months in India and South East Asia, drawing and painting as I travelled. Returning to Britain in the 80s, I helped develop New Moon studios with a group of artists, who exhibited in many venues around South East London. I also showcased work with a group called Artists against Racism. I recorded through drawing and paintings the Miners'strike and Wapping newspaper demonstrations, involving myself in the political upheavals of the time. Through-out this time I taught drawing and painting part-time, worked as a ceramics technician, had two children and continued to draw. In 1995, my husband, children and I moved to Burnley and I retrained as a primary school teacher. I continued to make small drawings and paintings, carefully kept in sketchbooks, while on mountain walking trips in Britain and around Europe. dorothyannsimister.com Claire Tindale Working primarily with sculpture and installation, Claire Tindale uses the miniature as a conceptual framework, to explore physical and psychological spaces, responding to environments and those who occupy them. A hospital, an empty office building, and a library, are just some of the spaces that she has been commissioned to respond to. Initially the use of the miniature emerged in response to the conditions of dementia and Alzheimer's disease, with the creation of a 1/12th scale model of a care home. Conveying contraction in relation to mental capacity and physical space Subsequent projects have combined miniatures, with full-scale elements, to explore themes of responsibility, vulnerability, disorientation and power balance. Filtering Through juxtaposes hand-crafted miniatures with full-scale components to convey the impact of medical treatment on the daily life of someone suffering from poor kidney function. Exhibitions include: Felt , Salts Mill, Saltaire, Homeness , AIR Gallery, Altrincham, Time after [( )] after Time, The Briggait, Glasgow; Miniature Worlds , Castlefield Gallery, Manchester; BiblioTech , The Portico Library, Manchester and Start from Where You Are: Second Degree Potentias , Bloc Project, Sheffield. Tindale is a member of Paradise Works, Salford, Manchester. In 2017 she was selected for MDP Studio Book Program and in 2019 she was shortlisted for the GM Arts Prize. She has work in public and private collections including the Tate Special Collection of Artist Books. © 2023 Powerd by ToBeContent To provide the best experience, we use technologies such as cookies to store and/or access information about your device. By agreeing to these technologies, we may process data such as browsing behavior or unique identifiers on this site. If you do not give permission or withdraw your permission, this may adversely affect certain functions and capabilities. The technical storage or access is strictly necessary for the legitimate purpose of enabling the use of a specific service expressly requested by the subscriber or user, or for the sole purpose of carrying out the transmission of a communication over an electronic communications network. The technical storage or access is necessary to create user profiles for the sending of advertising, or to track the user on a website or across different websites for similar marketing purposes.
Port Campbell, a resort and cray fishing port facing Bass Strait in western Victoria, is on the Great Ocean Road about midway between Cape Otway and Warrnambool. It was named after Alexander Campbell, a farmer, whaler and trader. Campbell took shelter in the Port Campbell inlet during a Bass Strait storm in about 1843. Port Phillip's Superintendent LaTrobe showed Port Campbell on a sketch map that he drew in 1846. Settlement at Port Campbell did not occur for some years, apart from the Glendample pastoral property (1845) which extended from east of Port Campbell to beyond Princetown. A subdivisional survey for a township at Port Campbell occurred in 1875, after farm selections had been taken up southwards from Timboon. Until the railway reached Timboon from Camperdown in 1892, Port Campbell was used to transport goods to and from the farms. A school was opened in 1877 and a jetty was built in 1879. Port Campbell received considerable publicity in 1878 when the iron clipper 'Loch Ard' was wrecked at Mutton Bird Island about 12 km east of Port Campbell. The wreck is commemorated by the Loch Ard Gorge, just east of Mutton Bird Island, where the two survivors of the wreck found shelter in a cave. The Loch Ard was one of several ships that were lost on the coastline known later as Shipwreck Coast. The loss of shipping activity after the opening of the Timboon railway line was slightly offset by the development of holiday facilities and guest houses at Port Campbell during the 1910s and 1920s. A golf links was opened in 1912. Road access from Timboon was improved in 1926, and road access from the west was improved in 1927 when a bridge was built over the Curdies River Inlet at Petersborough. It was one of the elements of the Great Ocean Road (1919-32), which joined several earlier road sections in a continuous road from Aireys Inlet to west of Petersborough. (The section from Port Campbell to Princeton pre-dated the Great Ocean Road). Tourism was further acknowledged when the Port Campbell Progress and Tourist Association installed Australia's first reputed comfort station in 1938. Throughout the postwar years Port Campbell was troubled by inadequate water supply, particularly during the summer holiday season. It was rectified with a water bore in 1966, not before time with surfing having become an added attraction. A boating club and a sports complex were added during the 1970s, and the Heytesbury District Historical Society was headquartered at the old hall in 1977. In 1964 the Port Campbell National Park was set aside, and in 1981 it was enlarged to 17.5 sq km, mostly a narrow coastal strip south of the Great Ocean Road from Petersborough to the Twelve Apostles, some tertiary sandstone stacks close to the shore. Since the late 1980s the Port Campbell coastline has been a strongly promoted scenic attraction. Motels have replaced the guesthouses of 50 years before. There are also a hotel, a caravan park and a camping ground. Port Campbell has a small shopping centre, two diving shops, charter boats, a modern information centre, a museum, tennis courts and surf life saving club. In 2012 land along the Great Ocean Road and the nearby hinterland along the south Victorian coast was rezoned to allow for tourism developments. The Save the Port Campbell Headland community group vigorously opposed a development for a large retail and hotel complex on the headland. From 2013 the oil and gas company Lakes Oil explored for gas near Port Campbell.
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The conflict in Libya is a full-blown war. As underlined by Jon Mitchell, in his article opening the series, "a continuing and strengthening Libyan civil war poses a significant challenge in the North African and Middle Eastern regions, and even beyond. Besides the direct domestic disaster resulting from civil war, the early involvement of five foreign regional governments (each with their own political or security stake in Libya) backing the fighting domestic actors could be a powder-keg, further destabilizing the region." Notably, the war in Libya had – and still has? – the strong potential to play in the hand of the Islamic State (see corresponding articles). This ongoing series, started in October 2014, thus aims at providing strategic foresight and warning analysis of the war in Libya, focusing first on the actors before to move on to scenarios. Scenarios for the Future of Libya within the Next Three to Five Years by Helene Lavoix and Jon Mitchell , 1 June 2015. Potential Futures for Libya Series – Features of a War by Jon Mitchell, 13 October 2014. Libya's Future Scenarios – Sc 2 (7) Libyans vs International Coalition: Tensions ahead, by Jon Mitchell, 18 April 2016. Scenarios for the Future of Libya – Sc 2 (6) International Intervention with Libyan Partners, by Jon Mitchell, 21 March 2016. Scenarios for the Future of Libya – Sc 2 (5) International Intervention by Jon Mitchell, 29 Feb 2016. Scenarios for the Future of Libya – Sc 2 (4) Qatar Intervenes on the Islamist Side, by Jon Mitchell, 8 Feb 2016. Scenarios for the Future of Libya – Sc 2 (3) Egypt Intervenes on the Nationalist Side by Jon Mitchell, 18 January 2016. Scenarios for the Future of Libya – Scenario 2 (2) – The Joint Arab Force Intervenes by Jon Mitchell, 21 December 2015. Scenarios for the Future of Libya – Scenarios 2 (1) – The Joint Arab Force Takes a Side by Jon Mitchell, 7 December 2015. Scenarios for the Future of Libya – Scenarios 1 (5) – A Libyan-Mediated Peace? by Jon Mitchell, 9 November 2015. Scenarios for the Future of Libya – Scenarios 1 (4) – Failed negotiations by Jon Mitchell, 19 October 2015. Scenarios for the Future of Libya – Scenarios 1 (3) – A Successful Peacebuilding Mission? by Jon Mitchell, 28 September 2015. Scenarios for the Future of Libya – Scenarios 1 (2) – a Victorious United Government? by Jon Mitchell, 7 September 2015. Scenarios for the Future of Libya – Scenarios 1: Towards Peace? (1) by Jon Mitchell, 29 June 2015. War in Libya and Its Futures – Tribal Dynamics and Civil War (3) (Toubou and Arab Tribes), by Jon Mitchell, 11 May 2015. War in Libya and Its Futures –Tribal Dynamics and Civil War (2) (Amazigh and Tuareg Tribes), by Jon Mitchell, 20 April 2015. War in Libya and Its Futures – Tribal Dynamics and Civil War, by Jon Mitchell, 13 April 2015. Update – War in Libya and its Futures – The Islamic State Advance and Impacts by Jon Mitchell, 9 March 2015. War in Libya and its Futures – Potential International Intervention in Context by Jon Mitchell, 16 February 2015. War in Libya and its Futures: State of Play – Islamist Forces (2) by Jon Mitchell, 26 January 2015. War in Libya and its Futures: State of Play – Islamist & Misrata forces (1) by Jon Mitchell, 5 January 2015. War in Libya and its Futures: State of Play – Nationalist Forces (2) by Jon Mitchell, 1 December 2014. War in Libya and its Futures: State of Play – Nationalist Forces (1) by Jon Mitchell, 3 November 2014. Thank you so much for warning us!
To install it, simply untar the above file and run make in the sulima-030910 directory. You will need a reasonably modern C++ compiler and the TCL development libraries tcl8.4-dev package on Debian Linux.) Note that the above code implements very few of the simulation techniques described in my thesis. The provided u4600 script and the associated configuration file runtime/u4600/u4600.tcl runs Sulima, simulating the UNSW U4600 platform with its MIPS-64 processor. With no arguments, the PMON bootloader is started, as on the real hardware. The optional argument is an ELF file to load instead. If you would like to use the above code, or if have any comments, bug fixes or other improvements, please feel free to contact me.
We often forget about our Grooms in marriage arrangements and maybe they don't really know where they fit into the Big Day. The modern Groom today want's to be at least semi-involved with planning of the big day too. While you may not concern yourself with the flower arrangements, there are tasks before the wedding, during the big day itself, and afterwards that you are able, and expected, to take on. Let's explore them in full with this guide. Your Fianceé, from the moment you put a ring on her finger, will likely be stressed out by the wedding planning, your job is to ease the best you can. Such as check the list of things to do and take on those you can deal with. Be involved and take the initiative to make sure you are both enjoying your engagement, and something to reflect on with love and joy. There are a few things generally given to Grooms to handle. The Bride also have things to take care of, but there will always be something that can be worked on together. It is half your party and half your marriage and you deserve to be heard when it is something that matter's to you. For the average Groom, there are many parts of Wedding Planning the he doesn't have an opinion on. But always make sure when your advice is asked for that you have input as your Bride values your support and will give her confidence in making these decisions that will effect your day. who will stand by your side as you say your vows. Friends, Siblings,Cousins are all in the mix. Your bestman is important, you want someone fun but also take on the responsibility maybe the Brides Brother if she has one. • Ushers are also your choice as above consider the options of family members or friends makes everyone feel included in your celebrations. • What you will wear will also be a combined effort as the bride has the idea of the style she wants to follow.
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Shades of Green > Blog > Insects & Pests > What are the Best Plants for Butterflies? What are the best plants for butterflies? That's a common question at the garden center this time of year, often triggered by customers noticing the different species of butterflies fluttering about our wide selection of plants. The answer isn't as straightforward as you might think. Many people assume that any plant that flowers will attract butterflies. That isn't the case. Some human favorites, such as roses, camellias, petunias, and begonias, may draw bees but are typically ignored by butterflies. Since we've been asked a lot over the years, we've have complied a list of Top Ten Native Perennials for Butterflies, however that list is only part of the answer. There are also annuals that attract butterflies. Consider cosmos, marigolds, pentas, and zinnias when planning a butterfly-friendly flowerbed. A Monarch taking a nectar break on it's host plant, Milkweed. Whether planting native plants, perennials, or organic plants, understand that butterflies are seeking two types of plants; nectar plants for adults to feed on, and host plants for their offspring (caterpillars) to feed on. A butterfly garden that contains both nectar and host plants will draw more butterflies because they're more likely to lay their eggs on the host plants. Butterflies are very selective when it comes to host plants and most species will only lay their eggs on one type of plant. Monarch and Queen butterflies only lay eggs on types of milkweed. (Ask our staff about tropical milkweed, an easy growing, re-seeding annual.) Gulf and Variegated Fritillary caterpillars feed on passion vine, while caterpillars of the Pipevine Swallowtail prefer pipevine, and Black Swallowtails prefer the herbs dill, fennel, or rue. Thus, while you can feed nearly all species of adult butterflies with nectar plants such as penta, coneflower, aster, yarrow, and others, you'll need specific host plants to attract specific species. Otherwise, the adults may stop for a bit of nectar, but won't stay long enough to lay eggs. To find out what host plants are preferred by which species, visit the North American Butterfly Association and check out their Regional Butterfly Guides. Click on the map for the Dallas-Fort Worth Guide then come to Shades of Green and let us help you find the plants you need to attract the butterflies you want. Tim Wardell is a Texas Certified Nursery Professional whose backyard is a Certified Butterfly Garden (#769) by the North American Butterfly Association.
Stardrifter is a novel by Dale Aycock published in 1981. Plot summary Stardrifter is a novel in which the owner of an interstellar trading company gets caught up in a conspiracy that is looking to rule the galaxy. Reception Greg Costikyan reviewed Star Drifter in Ares Magazine #10 and commented that "The importance is not the plot, which is typical space opera, but Aycock's ability to flesh out characters despite slam-bang action and to turn a pretty phrase or two. Star Drifter is fun reading." The book also received reviews from Voice of Youth Advocates and Gene DeWeese of Science Fiction Review. Reviews Review by Gene DeWeese (1981) in Science Fiction Review, Winter 1981 References 1981 novels
When electrical sockets are in completely useless places that you'll never be able to use, you become extremely disappointed. amirite? - Amirite? - Post your opinion and see who agrees. +19When electrical sockets are in completely useless places that you'll never be able to use, you become extremely disappointed. amirite?
← Which of You Has Dementia? I taught my autistic child to put his hands up and say "I am autistic, I need an ambulance, please!" to the police so that he doesn't get hurt or misunderstood by law enforcement. What did you teach your kids?
Articles tagged "burqa ban" Strictest dress codes – 5 countries with fashion police by Justin Delaney on Apr 13, 2011 Earlier this week, the "Burqa Ban" went into effect in France. Since passing into law, several burqa draped women have already been arrested, and the symbolic law is causing an uproar among the Muslim population of France and beyond. However, France is not the only country with authoritative garment laws. Many countries possess laws that limit what citizens and visitors are allowed to wear. According to Foreign Policy magazine, these five countries have some of the strictest dress code laws in the world. The list includes countries from three continents, though France is the lone western world inclusion. It is odd that a country known for its fashion houses and pioneering designers is also home to such an autocratic fashion law. I would expect this sort of posturing from the American South, but clothing oppression along the Champs-Élysées seems a bit misplaced.France – Ban on burqas and niqabs In April 2011, France's law against burqas and niqabs went into effect. Essentially, the law is a ban on the traditional female Muslim dress and allows a police officer to verbally request removal of the veil before escorting any violator to a police station for ID verification and removal. Gadling blogger Meg Nesterov covered all of the details in a post earlier this week. The fine is 150 Euros for a first time offender and 30,000 Euros for a male that forces a woman to wear a burqa or niqab. I believe the excessiveness of the 30,000 Euro fine reveals the true intent of the law, but to fight the perception of oppression across cultures with oppression is a bizarre strategy. Saudi Arabia – Ban on bare skin and cross-dressing The old Kingdom of Saud has always been a leader in fashion constriction. Saudi Arabia is home to some of the strictest social laws on the planet, many applying exclusively to women. This separation of legal restrictions by sex seems austere by western standards, and though every country governs from a different cultural perspective, Saudi Arabia seems excessively sexist – placing 129 out of 134 countries in the 2010 Global Gender Gap Report. Aside from requiring a male guardian, a Saudi Woman must also wear a niqab and abaya in public as to not expose bare skin. Men also have restrictions – they are not allowed to cross-dress. Bhutan – Required gho and kira in public Considered one of the happiest countries on the planet, Bhutan calculates its output in GNH – Gross National Happiness. While it is rare to read a word on Bhutan without being reintroduced to this policy on happiness, there are also other, less known measures in place to maintain Bhutanese culture. For example, all Bhutanese citizens must adhere to a strict dress code. In public, men must wear a gho – a knee length robe, and women must wear a kimono known as a kira. The dress code is older than the current kingdom and is known as Driglam Namzha. North Korea – No pants for ladies and hair cuts for man The hermit kingdom is one of the least visited countries on the planet. The lack of outside influences has bolstered the frozen in time North Korean culture. North Korea has a dead president, a money-pit ghostscraper, and laws governing a man's maximum hair length. In North Korea, men are supposed to trim their hair every 15 days, and older men are given leniency so that their hair can grow long enough to cover bald spots. While most men are allotted a maximum hair length of two inches, fifty year old men and older can grow their hair an additional 3/4 inch. Women are not permitted to wear pants, and if an infraction occurs, the pant wearing offender faces a stint at one of the North's horrendous labor camps. Sudan – No make-up for men and lashes for pant-wearing women In Sudan, women are punished for wearing pants with lashes and a hefty fine. Sudanese public decency laws are extremely strict and bear the beliefs of the predominantly Arab north. The tumultuous country is home to violent religious differences. With almost 600 ethnicities and a serious wedge between the Muslim north and Christian south, Sudan has been a poster child for racial intolerance for decades. While women are prohibited from wearing trousers, men too have laws governing their behavior. Last December, seven men were arrested and charged with public indecency for wearing makeup at a fashion show. flickr images via Ranoush & Jadis 1958 France's burqa ban goes into effect by Meg Nesterov on Apr 11, 2011 Today France has taken a controversial move and instated a burqa ban, aimed at the traditional religious covering worn by conservative Muslim women. The ban will potentially affect up to 2,000 women who wear a full-face veil in public, though it is unclear how the enforcement will work as police cannot remove the veil. Women who refuse to lift the burqa or niqab may be taken to a police station for an identity check, threatened with a 150 euro fine, or forced to attend "re-education" classes. Men who force women to wear the veil will face a 30,000 euro fine and up to a year in jail. So far only a few women have been arrested for protesting the ban near Paris' Notre Dame cathedral. Jacques Myard, a Parliament member and supporter of the ban said "The face is a dignity of a person. The face is your passport. So when you refuse me to see you, I am a victim." France has the highest Muslim population in Europe, estimated between four and six million, though only a few thousand women wear the full-face veil. Belgium has passed a similar law but hasn't enforced it, and the Netherlands is considering a ban as well. You're watching How Will France Enforce Impending Burqa Ban?. See the Web's top videos on AOL Video The burqa and niqab: can travelers get used to anything? Should they? by Sean McLachlan on Jan 31, 2011 Travel broadens the mind, at least for most people. As we explore different cultures and beliefs we see that for the most part they're OK. While there are always local customs we just can't follow, in general the more we travel, the more accepting we become. But how accepting should we get? I've traveled extensively in the Muslim world and I've yet to figure out exactly how I feel about the burqa and niqab, two types of female Islamic clothing that cover the face. For the vast majority of the world's population, the face is a key to identity. We look at the face to tell what a person is thinking and feeling. It's how we spot friends and enemies at a distance. To see a covered face makes many people suspicious. In most cultures, it means the person has something to hide. Here in Europe a debate is raging over whether the face veil should be banned. Some politicians say it's oppressive and against Western values, while others defend it as part of a cultural heritage that needs to be tolerated in a free society. One thing these pundits have in common is that they talk about women who cover their faces, but very few actually talk with them. Regarding the burqa ban in France, one female friend quipped, "It's just another case of men telling women what to wear." Here's a video from the BBC program Newsnight that interviews Muslim women both for and against veils. This video makes two important points: that opinion is divided in the Muslim community over face covering, and that there are thinking, educated people under those veils.As a Western man I haven't had many opportunities to talk with covered women, but when traveling in Somaliland I got to talk to a few niqabis. While talking with them I discovered that their personalities began to emerge. I also kept a lot of eye contact since there was nothing else to look at. The eyes are always expressive. Among niqabis they're even more so. Fellow travel writer Lara Dunston taught in Abu Dhabi for many years and noticed the same thing. The veil didn't stop her from getting to know people as individuals. She even became able to recognize people just from their eyes. She says the vast majority of her students cover by choice. In the book From My Sisters' Lips, Muslim convert Na'ima bint Robert talks about why she chose to cover her face, and interviews others who made the same choice. Central to their decision was the desire to be known for what they think, not how they look. They see the veil as accentuating a person's identity rather than hiding it. If only it were that straightforward. In many places it's not individual choice but social pressure or even force of law that makes women cover their faces. Saudi Arabia, which is our ally because we need their oil and they need our weapons, has been instrumental in the global spread of radical Islam. For example, they're building beautiful mosques and madrasas in the Muslim regions of Ethiopia in order to change what has been a bastion of liberal Islam. I'll never forget passing through one village where the only stone building, and the only one that had more than one storey, was a Saudi-built mosque. Walking along the road in the noonday sun was a woman in a niqab with a huge bundle of firewood over her back. I was hot just standing there. I can't imagine how she must have felt. Take this woman: uneducated, almost certainly illiterate, who's probably never been outside her own region, and introduce her to a Saudi cleric with his nice car and clothes and education, and he tells her she needs to cover her face or Allah will be angry and her neighbors will think she's a slut. What's she going to do? That's not a choice; that's oppression pure and simple. In a response to the controversial "Just Say No To Burqas" mural in Australia, a Muslim activist friend of mine Asra Nomani said, "'Say No To Burqas,' says 'no' to not only burqas but the interpretation of Islam that says that women are too sexy for their faces and have to cover up to be 'good Muslims.' It's important that we reject the interpretation of Islam that sanctions burqas. One girl who had to wear a burqa in my village in India asked me, 'What's it like to feel the sun shine on your face?'" Asra makes a good point that the burqa is only one interpretation of Islam. The Koran and Hadith say that both men and women should dress modestly. They say nothing about women bundling themselves up from head to toe in yards of cloth. An educated debate about this issue is becoming increasingly important as Western society becomes more multicultural. It's becoming more important to me personally. I spend every summer in Oxford. Among the many Muslims there, most women wear headscarves, something that I barely notice anymore. A small minority of women wear the niqab, including a local pharmacist. Last year we were in the park and my son, then four years old, saw one of the mothers wearing a niqab. "Why is she hiding her face?" he asked. "Because she wants to for her religion," I said. "SHE SHOULD TAKE IT OFF!" he said in that typical child voice that carries for miles. "Only if she wants to," I replied rather lamely. I couldn't think of a better answer. I still can't. Travel Event Calendar 2021
Mental Health Resource Guide Ravalli County, Montana Emergency or Crisis For Assistance in emergency situration: St. Patrick's Urgent Mental Health Clinic, Missoula: National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 1-800-273-TALK (8255) or text MT to 741741 West House Crisis Center, Hamilton: Volunatry short-term crisis stabilization facility. Domestic Violence, Abuse and Sexual Assault Resources National Child Abuse Hotline: 1-800-4-CHILD (1-800-422-4453) National Domestic Violence Hotline: 1-800-787-3224 (hearing impaired line) SAFE in the Bitterroot Crisis Hotline: RAINN (Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network) www.rainn.org Montana Crisis Recovery - COVID-19 Support montanacrisisrecovery.com Substance Abuse and Mental Health Treatment Resources Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA): National Helpline provides free, 24-hour information and referral assistance to local treatment facilities, support groups and community-based organizations. http://findtreatment.SAMHSA.gov can assist you in finding a local provider of behavioral health services and support. www.TheNationalCouncil.org National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) Information HelpLine provides infomation and referral services. 1-800-950-NAMI (6264) www.nami.org National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) Montana Provides an online guide with links specific to counties. https://namimt.org/ravalli-county-mental-illness-resource-guide/ Self-Help Resources and Groups www.aa-montana.org Al-Anon Mutually support program for people whose lives are affected by someones else's drinking. https://al-anon.org/al-anon-meetings/find-an-al-anon-meeting/ Dual Recovery Anonymous www.draonline.org 1-888-GET-HOPE (438-4673) (Hopeline) www.na.org/meetingsearch Nar-Anon Family Groups www.nar-anon.org/find-a-group National Institutes of Health Resources National Institue on Aging http://www.nia.nih.gov/ http://www.nimh.nih.gov/health/find-help/index.shtml National Institute on Drug Abuse https://www.drugabuse.gov/parents-educators Montana 2-1-1 Free and confidential informationand referral, available 24/7, for help with food, housing, employmnet, health care, conseling and more. www.montana211.org Homeowner's HOPE Hotline Provides free comprehensive financial education and confidential foreclosure presentation counseling 24/7. 1-888-995 HOPE (4673) Provides legal information, lawyer profiles and a community to help individuals make legal decisions. www.findlaw.com Thrive for Montana Thrive by Waypoint Health is a confidntial online program for peope who want to take charge of their emotional wellbeing to lead happier, more satisfying lives. It teaches skills from cognitive behavior therapy (CBT) a method that has helped many people deal with stress,depressive and anxiety. https://thriveformontana.com/
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\subsection{Deligne's category $\mathop{\underline{\smash{\mathrm{Rep}}}}(GL_t)$} From the perspective of the Killing-Cartan-Weyl classification of simple Lie algebras and their representation theory in terms of highest weights, root systems, Weyl groups and associated combinatorics it is not so easy to understand the extreme uniformity in the representation theory that exists among different Lie groups. With possible application to a universal Chern-Simons type knot invariant in mind, P. Vogel \cite{Vog1999} tried to define a universal Lie algebra, $\mathfrak{g}(\alpha:\beta:\gamma)$ depending on three {\em Vogel parameters} that determine a point $(\alpha:\beta:\gamma)$ in the {\em Vogel plane}, in which all simple Lie algebras find their place. The dimension of the Lie algebra $\mathfrak{g}(\alpha:\beta:\gamma)$ is given by a universal rational expression \begin{equation*} \dim \mathfrak{g}(\alpha:\beta:\gamma)\, = \, \frac{(\alpha-2t)(\beta-2t)(\gamma-2t)}{\alpha\beta\gamma},\qquad t=\alpha+\beta+\gamma , \end{equation*} and similar universal rational formulas can be given for the dimensions of irreducible constituents of $S^2\mathfrak{g}, S^3\mathfrak{g}$ and $S^4\mathfrak{g}$. Although the current status of Vogel's suggestions is unclear to us, these ideas have led to many interesting developments, such as the discovery of $E_{7\frac{1}{2}}$ by Landsberg and Manivel, \cite{LM2002}, \cite{LM2004}, \cite{LM2006}, \cite{LM2006a}, \cite{LM2006a}. In order to interpolate within the classical $A,B,C,D$ series of Lie algebras, Deligne has defined $\otimes$-categories \[ \mathop{\underline{\smash{\mathrm{Rep}}}}(GL_t),\;\; \mathop{\underline{\smash{\mathrm{Rep}}}}(O_t), \] where $t$ is a parameter that can take on any complex value. (The category $\mathop{\underline{\smash{\mathrm{Rep}}}}(Sp_{2t})$ is usually not discussed as it can be expressed easily in terms of the category $\mathop{\underline{\smash{\mathrm{Rep}}}}(O_T)$ with $T=-2t$.) If $n$ is an integer, there are natural surjective functors \[\mathop{\underline{\smash{\mathrm{Rep}}}}(GL_n) \to \mathop{\mathrm{Rep}}(GL_n)\] In the tannakian setup one would attempt to reconstruct a group $G$ from its $\otimes$-category of representations $\mathop{\mathrm{Rep}}(G)$ using a fibre functor to the $\otimes$-category $Vect$ of vector spaces, but Deligne's category has no fibre functor and is not tannakian, or, in general, even abelian. (However, when $t$ is not an integer, the category \emph{is} abelian semisimple.) According to the axioms, in an arbitrary rigid $\otimes$-category $\mathcal{R}$ there exist a unit object~${\bf 1}$ and canonical evaluation and coevaluation morphisms \[ \epsilon: V \otimes V^* \to {\bf 1},\qquad \delta: {\bf 1} \to V \otimes V^*\] so that we can assign to any object a dimension by setting \[ \dim V =\epsilon \circ \delta \in \mathop{\mathrm{End}}({\bf 1}) \in \mathbb{C}. \] A simple diagrammatic description of $\mathop{\underline{\smash{\mathrm{Rep}}}}(GL_t)$ can be found in \cite{CW2012}. One first constructs a skeletal category ${\mathop{\underline{\smash{\mathrm{Rep}}}}\,}_0(GL_t)$, whose objects are words in the alphabet $\{\bullet, \circ\}$. The letter $\bullet$ corresponds to the fundamental representation $V$ of $GL_t$, $\circ$ to its dual $V^*$. A~$\otimes$-structure is induced by concatenation of words. The space of morphisms between two such words is the $\mathbb{C}$-span of a set of admissible graphs, with vertices the circles and dots of the two words. Such an admissible graph consists of edges between the letters of the two words. Each letter is contained in one edge. Such an edge connects different letters of the same word or the same letter if the words are different. $$\vcenter{ \xymatrix{ \bullet \ar@/_2ex/@{-}[rr] & \bullet \ar@{-}[ld] & \circ & \circ \ar@{-}[d] \\ \bullet \ar@{-}[rrd] & \circ \ar@/^/@{-}[r] \ar@/_/@{-}[r]& \bullet & \circ \ar@{-}[lld] \\ & \circ & \bullet & \\ } } = t \cdot \left( \vcenter{ \xymatrix{\bullet \ar@/_2ex/@{-}[rr] & \bullet \ar@{-}[ddr] & \circ & \circ \ar@{-}[ddll] \\ & & \\ & \circ & \bullet & \\ }} \right) $$ The composition is juxtaposition of the two graphs, followed by the elimination of loops, which results in a factor $t$.\\ Deligne's category is now obtained by first forming its additive hull by introducing formally direct sums and then passing to the Karoubian hull, i.e. forming a category of pairs $(W,e)$, consisting of an object together with an idempotent: \[\mathop{\underline{\smash{\mathrm{Rep}}}} (GL_t) =({\mathop{\underline{\smash{\mathrm{Rep}}}}\,}_0(GL_t)^{\text{add}})^\text{Karoubi}. \] \bf Example. \rm Consider the word $\bullet \bullet$ and the morphisms $\mathrm{Id}$ and $\mathrm{Swap}$ with the obvious meaning. One then can put \[ S^2V=(\bullet \bullet, s), \;\;\wedge^2 V=(\bullet\bullet, a),\] where \[ s=\frac{1}{2}(\mathrm{Id}+\mathrm{Swap}),\;\;a=\frac{1}{2}(\mathrm{Id}-\mathrm{Swap})\] so that in $\mathop{\underline{\smash{\mathrm{Rep}}}}(Gl_t)$ one has: \[ V \otimes V=(\bullet \bullet ,Id)=S^2V \oplus \wedge^2V,\] which upon taking dimensions is the identity \[ t^2 = \frac{t(t+1)}{2}+\frac{t(t-1)}{2} .\] \subsection{`Spaces of sections' as objects in Deligne's category and the beta integral.} As above, we assume that $n$ is a natural number. Write $t=N+1$ and let $V_t=V$ be the fundamental object of $\mathop{\underline{\smash{\mathrm{Rep}}}}(GL_t)$ so that $\dim V_t=t$. We do not define the projective space $\P =\P^N$, but we can pretend that, in the sense of Deligne, the space of global sections is \[ H(\mathcal{O}_{\P}(n)) :=\mathop{\mathrm{Sym}^n}(V_t^*) \in \mathop{\underline{\smash{\mathrm{Rep}}}}(GL_t) .\] Its dimension is then, as expected \begin{equation} \chi(\mathcal{O}_{\P}(n)) :=\dim H (\mathcal{O}_{\P}(n))={N+n \choose n} \label{chi-interpret}, \end{equation} (interpreted in the obvious way as a polynomial in $N$ if $N\not\in\mathbb{Z}$), so that e.g. \[\chi(\mathcal{O}_{\P^{1/2}}(2))=\frac{3}{8}.\] The Poincar\'e series \[P(y):=\sum_{n=0}^{\infty} \chi(\mathcal{O}_{\P}(n)) y^n =\frac{1}{(1-y)^{N+1}},\] which is consistent with the idea that $\dim V_t = N+1$. \medskip Returning to the question posed at the beginning, `is there a way to extend the interpolation of $\chi$ individually to the Chern and the Todd ingredients?', we reason as follows. If $X$ is a smooth projective $n$-dimensional variety, and $E$ a vector bundle on $X$, then the Euler characteristic \[\chi(X,E):=\sum_{i=0}^n (-1)^i\dim H^i(X,E)\] can be expressed in terms of characteristic numbers \[\chi(X,E)=\int_X \mathop{\mathrm{ch}}(E) \cdot \mathop{\mathrm{td}}(X) . \] Here the integral in the right hand side is usually interpreted as resulting from evaluating the cap product with the fundamental class $[X]$ on the cohomology algebra $H^*(X)$, and the Chern character and Todd class are defined in terms of the Chern roots $x_i$ of $E$ and $y_i$ of $TX$: \[\mathop{\mathrm{ch}}(E)=\sum_{i=1}^r e^{x_i}\,, \qquad \mathop{\mathrm{td}}(X)=\prod_{i=1}^n \frac{y_i}{1-e^{-y_i}} .\] The cohomology ring of an $n$-dimensional projective space is a truncated polynomial ring: \[H^*(\P^N)=\mathbb{Z}[\xi]/(\xi^{N+1})\,, \qquad\xi=c_1(\mathcal{O}(1)),\] and it is not directly clear how to make sense of this if $N$ is not an integer. Our tactic will be to drop the relation \[\xi^{N+1}=0\] altogether, thinking instead of $\mathbb{Z}[\xi]$ as a Verma module over the $sl_2$ of the Lefschetz theory, and replacing taking the cap product with integration. As we will be integrating meromorphic functions in $\xi$, the polynomial ring is too small, and we put \[ \hat{H}(\P) :=\mathbb{Z}[[s]] \supset \mathbb{Z}[s] .\] One has \[ \chi(\mathcal{O}(n))=e^{n\xi}\,, \qquad \mathop{\mathrm{td}}(\P)=\left(\frac{\xi}{1-e^{-\xi}}\right)^{N+1}, \] so Hirzebruch-Riemann-Roch reads \[\chi(\mathcal{O}(n))=\left[e^{n\xi} \left(\frac{\xi}{1-e^{-\xi}}\right)^{N+1}\right]_N\] where $[...]_N$ is the coefficient at $\xi^N$ in a series. This can be expressed analytically as a residue integral along a small circle around the origin: \begin{equation*} \chi(\mathcal{O}(n))=\frac{1}{2\pi i}\oint e^{n \xi}\left(\frac{\xi}{1-e^{-\xi}}\right)^{N+1}\frac{d\xi}{\xi^{N+1}} . \end{equation*} As it stands, it cannot be extended to non-integer $N$ since the factor $(1- e^{-\xi})^{-N-1}$ is not univalued on the circle. The usual way to adapt it is to consider, for $n \ge 0$, the integral along the path going from $- \infty - i \varepsilon$ to $ - i \varepsilon$, making a half--turn round the origin and going back, and choosing the standard branch of the logarithm. Because of the change in the argument this integral is equal to \begin{equation*} J(N,n) = \frac{e^{2 \pi i (N+1)}-1}{2 \pi i} \int_{-\infty}^0 \frac{e^{n \xi}}{(1-e^{-\xi})^{N+1}} d \xi , \end{equation*} or, after the substitution $s=e^{\xi}$, \begin{equation*} J(N,n) = \frac{e^{2 \pi i (N+1)}-1}{2 \pi i} \int_0^1 s^{n-1} (1-1/s)^{-N-1} ds = \frac{\sin \pi (N+1)}{ \pi } \int_0^1 s^{n+N} (1-s)^{-N-1} ds . \end{equation*} Using Euler's formulas \begin{equation} \Gamma(x)\Gamma(1-x) =\frac{\pi}{\sin \pi x} \,, \label{gamma-one-minus-argument} \end{equation} \begin{equation} \int_0^1 s^{\alpha-1}(1-s)^{\beta-1} ds = \frac{\Gamma(\alpha)\Gamma(\beta)}{\Gamma(\alpha+\beta)} \,, \label{beta-integral} \end{equation} and \begin{equation*} \frac{\Gamma(N+n+1)}{\Gamma(n+1) \Gamma(N+1)} = {N+n \choose n} \,, \end{equation*} we arrive at a version of RRH `with integrals': \medskip \noindent \bf Proposition 1. \rm Let $n \in \mathbb{N}$. Assume $\mathop{\mathrm{Re}} N < 0, \, N \notin \mathbb{Z}$. Interpret the Euler characteristic of~$\P ^N$ via formula \eqref{chi-interpret}. Then \begin{equation*} \label{little-propo} \chi_\P(\O (n)) = \frac{e^{2 \pi i (N+1)}-1}{2 \pi i} \int_{-\infty}^0 \frac{e^{n \xi}}{(1-e^{-\xi})^{N+1}} d \xi . \end{equation*} \qed \bigskip \medskip \subsection{The grassmannian and the Selberg integral.} For $\P^N$, we ended up with the beta function, a one-dimensional integral, as the cohomology ring is generated by a single class~$\xi$. In the cases where the cohomology ring is generated by $k$ elements, for example the grassmannian $G(k,N+k)$, we would like to see a $k$-dimensional integral appear in a natural way. For $N \in \mathbb{N}$ the cohomology ring of the grassmannian $\mathbb{G}:=G(k,N+k)$ is given by \[H^*(G(k,N+k))=\mathbb{C}[s_1,s_2,\ldots,s_k]/(q_{N+1},q_{N+2}, \dots, q_{N+k}),\] where the $s_i$ are the Chern classes of the universal rank $k$ sub-bundle and $q_i=c_i(Q)$ are formally the Chern classes of the universal quotient bundle $Q$ (so that the generating series of $q$'s is inverse to that of $s$'s). In the same vein as before, we set: \begin{equation} \hat{H}^*(\mathbb{G}):=\mathbb{C}[[s_1,s_2,\ldots,s_k]]=\mathbb{C}[[x_1,x_2,\ldots,x_k]]^{S_k} \label{drop-rel} \end{equation} by dropping the relations. A $\mathbb{C}$-basis of this ring given by the Schur polynomials \[\sigma_{\lambda} :=\frac{\det(x_i^{\lambda_j+k-j})}{\det(x_i^{k-j})}\] where $\lambda=(\lambda_1,\lambda_2,\ldots,\lambda_k)$ is an arbitrary Young diagram with at most $k$ rows. There is a Satake--type map for the extended cohomology: \[ \mathrm{Sat}: \hat{H}(\mathbb{G}) \to \wedge^k \hat{H}(\P) \] obtained from the Young diagram by `wedging its rows': \[\sigma_{\lambda} \mapsto s^{\lambda_1+k-1} \wedge s^{\lambda_2+k-2}\wedge \ldots \wedge s^{\lambda_k-1}. \] We are therefore seeking an expression for the values of the Hilbert polynomial of $G(k,N)$ in terms of a $k$--dimensional integral of the beta type involving $k$--wedging. Euler's beta integral \eqref{beta-integral} has several generalizations. Selberg introduced \cite{Selberg1944} an integral \cite{FW2008} over the $k$-dimensional cube \begin{equation*} S(\alpha, \beta,\gamma, k):=\int_0^1\ldots\int_0^1 (s_1 s_2\ldots s_k)^{\alpha-1}((1-s_1)(1-s_2)\ldots(1-s_k))^{\beta-1}\Delta(s)^{2\gamma} ds_1ds_2\ldots ds_k \end{equation*} where \[ \Delta(s)=\Delta(s_1,s_2,\ldots,s_k)=\prod_{i <j} (s_i-s_j) ,\] and showed that it admits meromorphic continuation, which we will also denote by $S$. \medskip \noindent {\bf Proposition 2.} For $k \in \mathbb{N},\, n \in \mathbb{Z}_+$, let $\chi(\mathcal{O}_{\mathbb{G}}(n))$ denote the result of interpolating the polynomial function $\chi(\mathcal{O}_{G (k,k+N)}(n))$ of the argument $N \in \mathbb{N}$ to $\mathbb{C}$. One has \begin{equation*} \chi(\mathcal{O}_{\mathbb{G}}(n))= \frac{(-1)^{k(k-1)/2}}{k!}\left( \frac{\sin \pi(N+1)}{\pi}\right)^k S(n+N+1,-N-k+1;1,k) . \end{equation*} \rm {\sc Proof.} The shortest (but not the most transparent) way to see this is to use the expressions for the LHS and the RHS in terms of the product of gamma factors found by Littlewood and Selberg respectively. By Selberg, \begin{equation} S(\alpha,\beta,\gamma,k)=\prod_{i=0}^{k-1} \frac{\Gamma(\alpha+i\gamma)\Gamma(\beta+i\gamma)\Gamma(1+(i+1)\gamma)} {\Gamma(\alpha+\beta+(k+i-1)\gamma) \Gamma(1+\gamma)} \label{Selberg-formula}. \end{equation} By Littlewood \cite{Lit1942}, for $N \in \mathbb{Z}_{>0}$ one has \begin{equation*} \chi(\mathcal{O}_{G(k,k+N)}(n)) =\frac{{N+n \choose n} {N+n+1 \choose n+1} \ldots {N+n+(k-1) \choose n+(k-1)}}{ {N \choose 0} {N+1 \choose 1} \ldots {N+(k-1) \choose (k-1)}}, \end{equation*} where there are $k$ factors at the top and the bottom. Rearranging the terms in the RHS of \eqref{Selberg-formula} and using \eqref{gamma-one-minus-argument}, we bring the $\Gamma$-factors that involve $\beta$ to the denominator in order to form the binomial coefficients at the expense of the sine factor. \qed \bigskip As an example, for $k=2$ and $N=-1/2$, we get the Hilbert series \[ \sum_{k=0}^\infty \chi(\mathcal{O}_{G(2,3/2)}(n)) \, y^n = 1+6\, \frac{t}{16} +60\left(\frac{t}{16}\right)^2 + 700 \left(\frac{t}{16} \right)^3+8820 \left(\frac{t}{16} \right)^4 +\ldots \] which is no longer algebraic, but can be expressed in terms of elliptic functions. More generally, one can consider a Selberg--type integral with an arbitrary symmetric function rather than the discriminant in the numerator and use separation of variables together with the Jacobi--Trudi formula in order to obtain similar expressions in terms of the gamma function in order to interpolate between the Euler characteristics of more general vector bundle on grassmannians (or the dimensions of highest weight representations of $GL_{N+k}$). \subsection{Towards a gamma conjecture in non--integral dimensions.} \label{gamma-phenomena} The by now standard predictions of mirror symmetry relate the RRH formalism on a Fano variety $F$ to the monodromy of its regularized quantum differential equation. It is expected that this differential equation arises from the Gauss--Manin connection in the middle cohomology of level hypersurfaces of a regular function $f$ defined on some quasiprojective variety (typically a Laurent polynomial on $\mathbb{G}_\mathrm{m}^{\, d}$), called in this case a Landau--Ginzburg model of $F$. By stationary phase, the monodromy of the Gauss--Manin connection in a pencil translates into the asymptotic behavior of oscillatory integrals of the generic form $I (z) = \int \exp (izf)\, d\mu (\mathbb{G}_\mathrm{m}^{\, d})$, which satisfy the quantum differential equation of $F$, this time without the word `regularized'. The asymptotics are given by Laplace integrals computed at the critical points, and the critical values of $f$ are the exponents occurring in the oscillatory integrals $I_i(z)$ that have `pure' asymptotic behavior in sectors. One wants to express these pure asymptotics in terms of the Frobenius basis of solutions $\{ \Psi_i (z) \}$ around $z = 0$. The gamma conjecture \cite{GGI2016} predicts that such an expression for the highest--growth asymptotic (arising from the critical value next to infinity) will give the `gamma--half' of the Todd genus and therefore effectively encode the Hilbert polynomial of $F$ with respect to the anticanonical bundle. At first sight, none of this seems capable of surviving in non--integer dimensions. Yet, to return to the example of $G(2,N+2)$, define the numbers $c_j$ and $d_j$ by the expansions \begin{equation*} \Gamma_\P^{(0)} (\varepsilon) = \Gamma (1+\varepsilon)^{N+2} = \sum_{j=0}^\infty d_j \varepsilon^j , \end{equation*} \begin{equation*} \Gamma_\P^{(1)} (\varepsilon) = \Gamma (1+\varepsilon)^{N+2} e^{2 \pi i \varepsilon} = \sum_{j=0}^\infty c_j \varepsilon^j. \end{equation*} Put \begin{equation*} F(\varepsilon,z) = \sum_{k=0}^{\infty} \frac{z^{l+\varepsilon}}{\Gamma(1+l+\varepsilon)^{N+2}} \end{equation*} and \begin{equation*} \Psi (\varepsilon,z) = \Gamma_\P (\varepsilon) F (\varepsilon, z) = \sum_{k=0}^\infty \Psi_k (z) \varepsilon^k. \end{equation*} \medskip \noindent \bf Claim \rm (rudimentary gamma conjecture). For fixed $N > 2$ and $i, \, j$ in a box of at least some moderate size, one should have \begin{equation*} \label{claim-grass} \lim_{z \to - \infty} \frac{\Psi_i (z) \Psi'_j (z) - \Psi_j (z) \Psi'_i (z)}{\Psi_1 (z) \Psi'_0 (z) - \Psi_0 (z) \Psi'_1 (z)} = \frac{c_i d_j - c_j d_i}{c_1 d_0 - c_0 d_1} . \end{equation*} \bigskip \bigskip \noindent The LHS and RHS mimic, in the setup of formula \eqref{drop-rel}, the $\sigma_{[j-1,i]}$-coefficients in the expansion of the `principal asymptotic class' and the gamma class of the usual grassmannian: in the case when $N \in \mathbb{N}$ and $0 \le i,j \le N$ one would use the identification of $2$--Wronskians of a fundamental matrix of solutions to a higher Bessel equation with homology classes of $G(2,N+2)$. Preliminary considerations together with numerical evidence suggest that the claim has a good chance to be true, as well as its versions for $G(k,N+k)$ with $k > 2$. \bigskip \bigskip \bigskip The first--named author is grateful to Yuri Manin and Vasily Pestun for stimulating discussions. We thank Hartmut Monien for pointing us to \cite{FW2008}. \bigskip \nocite{MV2017} \nocite{GM2014} \nocite{Bra2013} \nocite{BS2013} \nocite{Etingof1999} \nocite{Etingof2014} \nocite{Etingof2016} \nocite{EGNO2015} \nocite{FW2008} \nocite{Man2006} \nocite{Opd1999} \nocite{Man1985} \nocite{Lit1942} \nocite{Lit1943} \nocite{BD2016} \nocite{LM2002} \nocite{LM2004} \nocite{LM2006} \nocite{LM2006a} \nocite{GW2011} \nocite{Del2002} \nocite{} \nocite{} \nocite{} \nocite{} \nocite{} \nocite{}
Title: Night of the Hunted La nuit des traquées (Original title) Genre: Horror / Exploitation Director: Jean Rollin Writer: Jean Rollin In a large skyscraper, doctors are keeping people who suffer from amnesia locked up. But their brains are slowly rotting away from having been exposed to nuclear activity, turning them to maniacs. Two women have escaped the asylum but because of their sudden loss of memory they'll soon end up where they started. You can see an obvious turn in this movie from Jean Rollin's other ones. While it shares plenty, this one seems much more inspired by the more mainstream horror movies of the era. Maybe most importantly the work of David Cronenberg ("Shivers" and "Rabid"), but also the zombie boom. The story starts with our lead, Elysabeth, running away from something in the woods and gets picked up by a guy in a car. When they leave, it turns out that her friend Véronique was left in the woods. We later find out that Elysabeth suffers from amnesia, and she only vaguely remembers what happened in the woods the night before. After some extensive love-making with her new man-friend (I think the scene was 5+ minutes long) and bonding with him, she is soon picked up by people from an asylum that wants her back. They take her to a skyscraper where they let the amnesia sufferers roam free, with their own rooms. But after having been exposed to nuclear activity, the inmates (for the lack of a better term) start to act strange. Some only fall victims to depression, while others... they start raping and killing people. This is still in every sense a typical Jean Rollin film - you have the sudden nude scenes (and plenty of them - all good looking chicks!), slooooow story, Brigitte Lahaie, a poetic atmosphere (but less than most of his work), some brief gore and of course, people who act like vampires or zombies (in this case they are more like zombies). And of course, an overall feel of "why do I continue to watch his films?". All kidding aside, I have fallen under his spell even though the majority of his films have bored me endlessly. I was really confused by the music though. It had terrible choirs that almost sounded like it was done by the actors on screen instead of in the background music. Not being an expert in any way when it comes to music, there's not better way for me to explain that part. Not to mention there were times where I was wondering if they tried to mix the theme to "Rosemary's Baby" with the sound of an ambulance. It was just weird, a bit annoying, and highly appropriate for his strange take on a so-so familiar plot. "Night of the Hunted" is far from his worst and I especially appreciate that it differs a bit in locations and story. The lack of castle and beaches are certainly a big plus for the film. The beautiful Brigitte Lahaie is a pleasure to watch (in her nude) as always. I think once things started kicking in with the murders in the "asylum", the movie was highly entertaining in a sleazy Jean Rollin kinda way. It's just a shame that the other parts of the movie suffered from the same ol' Rollin disease. - Brigitte Lahaie. - Different locations than most of his films. - Had its fun moments! - Random nudity! - I quite liked the end scene - a bit romantic, actually. - It's slow and never really grabs your attention. Njutafilms.com Discshop.se
Q: Laravel app using Symfony to execute a Python script on LEMP stack - Permission denied I have just uploaded my laravel app to the web using Digital Ocean (LEMP stack), however when I try to run a python process I am getting permission denied. This worked on local with no permission issues. I have tried giving access to the Find/process.py file and folder with the following but no progress: sudo find /var/www/sync/Find/*.py -type d -exec chmod 755 {} \; sudo find /var/www/sync/Find/*.py -exec chmod 644 {} \; sudo find /var/www/sync/Find/*.py -type d -exec chmod u+x {} \; Error Output: ================ sh: 1: /usr/lib/python3.5: Permission denied {"userId":1,"email":"[email protected]","exception":"[object] (Symfony\\Component\\Process\\Exception\\ProcessFailedException(code: 0): The command \"/usr/lib/python3.5 Find/process.py\" failed. Exit Code: 126(Invoked command cannot execute) Working directory: /var/www/sync Output: ================ Error Output: ================ sh: 1: /usr/lib/python3.5: Permission denied at /var/www/sync/App/Find/process.php:51) I do not believe it to be the php file as it works local and the error clearly says permission denied however I am not sure how else to troubleshoot this and any help is useful. Thanks A: I changed the python bin path from "/usr/lib/python3.5" to just "python3.5" and its now working.
Der Humboldt-Totenkopfaffe (Saimiri cassiquiarensis) ist eine Primatenart aus der Familie der Kapuzinerartigen, die im westlichen Amazonasbecken vorkommt. Sie wird in zwei Unterarten unterteilt. Unterarten und Verbreitung Saimiri cassiquiarensis cassiquiarensis, die Nominatform, kommt im kolumbianischen Amazonasgebiet südlich des Río Guaviare, in Venezuela am Oberlauf des Orinoko (der Südwesten des Bundesstaates Amazonas) und in Brasilien nördlich des Solimões (Oberlauf des Amazonas) und des Rio Japurá vor. Der Pusch-Totenkopfaffe (Saimiri cassiquiarensis albigena) kommt in einem schmalen Streifen zwischen dem östlichen Abhang der nordöstlichen Anden (Cordillera Oriental) und den kolumbianischen Llanos zwischen den Provinzen Arauca und Boyacá im Norden und dem oberen Río Guaviare und dem Quellgebiet des Río Magdalena in der Provinz Huila im Süden vor. Für diese Unterart wurde 2009 der Artstatus vorgeschlagen. Merkmale Der Humboldt-Totenkopfaffe erreicht ein Gewicht von 550 bis 1200 g (Weibchen) bzw. 650 bis 1380 g (Männchen), hat eine Kopf-Rumpf-Länge von 28 bis 34 cm (Weibchen) bzw. 35 bis 37 cm (Männchen) und einen 34 bis 45 cm langen Schwanz. Alle Unterarten ähneln in ihrer Färbung sehr stark dem Gewöhnlichen Totenkopfaffen (Saimiri sciureus). Bei der Nominatform des Humboldt-Totenkopfaffen ist die Basis der Haupthaare lediglich etwas mehr gelbbraun als beim Gewöhnlichen Totenkopfaffen und der Rücken ist mehr rötlich, beim Pusch-Totenkopfaffen eher orange. Weibchen des Humboldt-Totenkopfaffen besitzen zwei schwarze Streifen über dem Ohr, die sich nach hinten bis in den Nacken und nach vorn bis über die Augen ziehen. Die Arme des Humboldt-Totenkopfaffen sind eher orange, eher grau beim Gewöhnlichen Totenkopfaffen und aguti-grau beim Pusch-Totenkopfaffen. Weibliche Pusch-Totenkopfaffen haben einen dünnen, dunklen Backenbart, die weiße Gesichtsmaske reicht bis zu den Ohren. Lebensweise und Ernährung Der Humboldt-Totenkopfaffe lebt im immergrünen tropischen Regenwald, in Bergnebelwäldern, in Sümpfen, die mit Mauritia-Palmen bestanden sind, und in Galeriewäldern der Llanos. Die Affen leben in größeren Gruppen von 18 bis 35 Individuen und ernähren sich vor allem von Früchten und Insekten. Systematik Der Humboldt-Totenkopfaffe wurde 1840 durch den französischen Naturforscher René Primevère Lesson als Unterart des Gewöhnlichen Totenkopfaffen beschrieben, der Pusch-Totenkopfaffe 1942 durch Pusch. Genetische Untersuchungen haben ergeben das die Nominatform sehr nah mit einer zwischen Solimões und Rio Juruá vorkommenden Population des Ecuador-Totenkopfaffen (S. macrodon) verwandt ist, wodurch S. macrodon polyphyletisch wird. Diese könnte bei einer zukünftigen Revision dem Humboldt-Totenkopfaffen als weitere Unterart zugeordnet werden. Gefährdung Die Nominatform wird von der IUCN als ungefährdet (Least Concern) gelistet. Der Pusch-Totenkopfaffe wird als potenziell gefährdet (Near Threatened) angesehen. Literatur Anthony B. Rylands, Russell A. Mittermeier, Bruna M. Bezerra, Fernanda P. Paim & Helder L. Queiroz: Family Cebidae (Squirrel Monkeys and Capuchins). Seiten 392 und 393 in Russell A. Mittermeier, Anthony B. Rylands & Don E. Wilson: Handbook of the Mammals of the World - Volume 3: Primates. Lynx Edicions, 2013 ISBN 978-8496553897 Einzelnachweise Weblinks Kapuzinerartige
Home > JOURNAL-OF-SUSTAINABLE-MINING > Vol. 21 (2022) > Iss. 2 Investigating the causes of stope instability at Golden Valley Mine Ashley Ruvimbo Sabao, Manicaland State University of Applied Sciences, Department of Mining and Mineral Processing Engineering, Mutare, Zimbabwe / Central South University, School of Resources and Safety Engineering, Changsha, China Prosper Munemo, Manicaland State University of Applied Sciences, Department of Mining and Mineral Processing Engineering, Mutare, ZimbabweFollow Peter Kolapo, University of Kentucky, Department of Mining Engineering, USA Author ORCID Identifier Ashley Ruvimbo Sabao 0000-0002-7161-1402 Prosper Munemo 0000-0001-5126-5322 Peter Kolapo 0000-0002-8840-1284 The study is based on mining operations that are concentrated in a ground exposed to flooding with varying stope dimensions. Stope stability was assessed in the four stopes, which resembled the mine's different ground conditions using the stability graph complemented by the equivalent linear over break slough (ELOS) stability approach. The stability graph showed that the stopes in rock masses exposed to flooding fell in the potentially unstable and caving zones whereas the ones that were not affected by flooding fell in the stable zones. The ELOS approach showed that mining the previously flooded rock masses resulted in high over-breaks in the stopes despite them having smaller hydraulic radii. Therefore, it was deduced that although stope extension plays a part in the over-breaks experienced in different stopes, it is not the main cause of the overall stope instability. The results confirm the supposition that over-break is largely controlled by pore pressure than it is by blast induced stresses. Continuous implementation of the old support systems was no longer compatible with the state of the ground conditions. Hence, the mine should implement 6 × 8 m pillars, which have an acceptable factor of safety against failure. Sabao, Ashley Ruvimbo; Munemo, Prosper; and Kolapo, Peter (2022) "Investigating the causes of stope instability at Golden Valley Mine," Journal of Sustainable Mining: Vol. 21 : Iss. 2 , Article 8. Available at: https://doi.org/10.46873/2300-3960.1354 Explosives Engineering Commons, Oil, Gas, and Energy Commons, Sustainability Commons Journal in Numbers Selected Papers from The Fifth International Symposium on Mine Safety Science and Engineering (ISMSSE2021) Climate change impacts on the mining industry All Issues Vol. 22, Iss. 1 Vol. 21, Iss. 4 Vol. 21, Iss. 3 Vol. 21, Iss. 2 Vol. 21, Iss. 1 Vol. 20, Iss. 4 Vol. 20, Iss. 3 Vol. 20, Iss. 2 Vol. 20, Iss. 1 Vol. 19, Iss. 4 Vol. 19, Iss. 3 Vol. 19, Iss. 2 Vol. 19, Iss. 1 Vol. 18, Iss. 4 Vol. 18, Iss. 3 Vol. 18, Iss. 2 Vol. 18, Iss. 1 Vol. 17, Iss. 4 Vol. 17, Iss. 3 Vol. 17, Iss. 2 Vol. 17, Iss. 1 Vol. 16, Iss. 4 Vol. 16, Iss. 3 Vol. 16, Iss. 2 Vol. 16, Iss. 1 Vol. 15, Iss. 4 Vol. 15, Iss. 3 Vol. 15, Iss. 2 Vol. 15, Iss. 1 Vol. 14, Iss. 4 Vol. 14, Iss. 3 Vol. 14, Iss. 2 Vol. 14, Iss. 1 Vol. 13, Iss. 4 Vol. 13, Iss. 3 Vol. 13, Iss. 2 Vol. 13, Iss. 1 Vol. 12, Iss. 4 Vol. 12, Iss. 3 Vol. 12, Iss. 2 Vol. 12, Iss. 1
The author of The Mermaid and Mrs Hancock, Imogen Hermes Gowar has been shortlisted for The Sunday Times / Peters Fraser + Dunlop Young Writer of the Year Award 2018. Run in association with the University of Warwick, the award recognises the best literary work of fiction, non-fiction or poetry of the year by a British or Irish writer of 35 or under. Published to huge critical acclaim, The Mermaid and Mrs Hancock was a Sunday Times bestseller and was also shortlisted for the Women's Fiction Prize and longlisted for the Desmond Elliott Prize 2018. Past winners include Zadie Smith, Max Porter and last year's recipient, Sally Rooney.
Business books › Clothing manufacturer for Nike and Adidas lost $750 million due to lockdown Clothing manufacturer for Nike and Adidas lost $750 million due to lockdown Quarantine measures by the Chinese authorities can cost companies dearly. China has one of the lowest COVID incidence rates in the world, but measures taken in case of a small outbreak of infection lead to millions of losses See also: best laptop for Zoom meetings - review The fortune of the family of Chinese billionaire Ma Jianzhong decreased by $ 750 million in a day after the news about the suspension of production at the factories of one of the largest Chinese exporters of textiles, Shenzhou International, Forbes reports. The Chinese authorities have introduced a lockdown and started universal testing of residents in the Ningbo city District in China after ten cases of coronavirus infection were detected there. After this decision, the shares of Shenzhou International lost about 10% in price, which led to a decrease in the capitalization of their owners, Ma Jianzhong and his family. Shenzhou International manufactures and exports sportswear for international brands, including Nike, Uniqlo and Adidas. Context: Pandemic in China The coronavirus pandemic began with an outbreak in Wuhan, China. However, at the same time, according to official statistics, China itself has one of the lowest incidence rates of COVID-19 in the world, thanks to tough government measures. In total, since the beginning of the epidemic, according to WHO, 131 thousand cases of coronavirus have been diagnosed in China, of which 1,327 in the last week. 5,699 people died of the disease during the pandemic. When a disease outbreak is detected, the authorities block the area, stop production and impose strict quarantine — only one family member can go out for urgent needs (shopping) once a day for a limited time. Sources: Forbes
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4D Glass is a project that uses a computer-generated wireframe model as decoration on a physical object. Designer Jonathan Krawczuk has taken a wine glass and engraved its surface with a 3D representation of the same glass modelled on a computer. '4D Glass' forges a relationship between an on screen, computer generated model and the actual physical object. When creating a 3 dimensional representation on a computer programme a 'skeleton' of the object is formed, known as the wireframe. In an attempt to fuse the virtual and the physical world, this wireframe has been engraved onto the surface of the glass. This concept sees the computer being used to automate a linear pattern, specific to the object itself.
.PHONY: tests clean init: pip3 install -r requirements.txt pip3 install --editable . tests: nosetests3 tests install: pip3 install . clean: rm -rf build rm -rf boilerplate.egg-info rm -f boilerplate/*.so
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We perform all of our surgical procedures in the office under local anesthesia. More extensive surgical procedures are referred to the appropriate specialist, depending on the condition. We perform shave removal in addition to excision when appropriate for that particular lesion. This less invasive procedure is often preferred. A changing mole is probably one of the most common reasons for urgent appointments to the office. Skin self-examinations on a regular basis are recommended as up to 50% of skin cancers are found by the individual. We can treat most skin cancers in our office. Treatment options will discussed, and fortunately there are now non-surgical options that offer similar cure rates with less disfigurement. We will also discuss strategies to prevent new skin cancers moving forward. As an example, studies have shown up to 40% of individuals with basal cell carcinoma will develop a new skin cancer within 5 years. This technique is commonly used for treatment of benign lesions, as it is typically non-scarring. This technique employs a fine wire to transmit heat through a cautery unit to remove skin tags, broken blood vessels, and other small lesion amenable to this modality.
Cancer in Adolescents and Young Adults is a practical guide to cancer care in adolescents and young adults. It considers the impact of diagnosis on individuals, and their families, as well as examining the impact on the health professionals responsible for their care. There are sections focussing on the adolescent's experience of cancer and ongoing care needs during treatment, and on life after cancer, including rehabilitation and palliative care. Builds on the forthcoming NICE guidelines on Supportive Cancer Care for Children & Young People, and recent Department of Health guidelines & policy initiatives Adopts an integrated inter-professional approach Contains evidence-based contributions from leading professionals in cancer care Cancer in Adolescents and Young Adults is an essential resource for all those involved with the provision of care and support for adolescents and young adults with cancer. About the Editors: Dr Daniel Kelly is Reader in Cancer & Palliative Care, Middlesex University, London. Dr Faith Gibson is Senior Lecturer in Children's Nursing Research, Institute of Child Health, Great Ormond Street Hospital and King's College London. Gain the unique approach to enhance relapse prevention in harmful behavior treatment Social Responsibility Therapy for Adolescents and Young Adults: A Multicultural Treatment Manual for Harmful Behavior is a crucial treatment manual that can be used by mental health professionals whose caseload includes a multicultural population of adolescents and young adults who exhibit multiple forms of harmful behavior. This unique therapy enhances relapse prevention in harmful behavior treatment by addressing the target behavior problem, negative social influence problem, and dose-response problem, along with acknowledging that harmful behavior is multicultural and addressing the key criticisms of multicultural therapy through a theory-driven treatment approach that utilizes methods and procedures from existing evidence-based treatments with known multicultural applications. Social Responsibility Therapy for Adolescents and Young Adults: A Multicultural Treatment Manual for Harmful Behavior provides a comprehensive explanation of Social Responsibility Therapy, its advantages, and the intervention evidence-base for multiple forms of harmful behavior. This text discusses in detail the multicultural intervention approach, its rationale, and content. Implementation methods and treatment protocol are explored. The book includes illustrated case studies, tables, figures, and references to additional available readings. Topics discussed in Social Responsibility Therapy for Adolescents and Young Adults: A Multicultural Treatment Manual for Harmful Behavior include: evidence-based procedures used in Structured Discovery learning experiences to target harmful behavior helping clients discover how they acquired, maintained, and generalized a broad range of harmful behavior addressing target behavior problems, negative social influence problems, and the dose-response problem five areas of human functioning that are critical to the wellbeing of self and others which can only be addressed through psychotherapy and forensic parenting developing prosocial behavior alternatives which contribute to both relapse prevention and personal development and much more! Social Responsibility Therapy for Adolescents and Young Adults: A Multicultural Treatment Manual for Harmful Behavior is an essential resource for social workers, counselors, psychologists, and psychiatrists whose caseloads include a multicultural population of young people who exhibit multiple forms of harmful, abusive behavior. Cognitive Behavioural Therapy for Adolescents and Young Adults: An Emotion Regulation Approach provides a unique focus on therapeutic practice with adolescents and young adults, covering everything from psychological theories of adolescence to the treatment of common emotional difficulties. Beginning with a review of development through adolescence into adulthood, and the principles of CBT, the book highlights problems with traditional models of CBT for adolescents and young adults. In a fresh approach, this book separates CBT from diagnosis and grounds it instead in emotion science. Adolescents and young adults learn not about disorders and symptoms, but about emotions, emotional traps', and how they can use CBT to bring about change. There are chapters on fear, sadness, anger, emotion dysregulation, and happiness. Each chapter provides an outline of emotion science, a clear cognitive behavioural formulation (trap'), and evidence-based interventions. Clinicians are walked through the process using case illustrations. Cognitive Behavioural Therapy for Adolescents and Young Adults represents a transformation of CBT practice, and will become a valuable treatment manual to training and practising mental health professionals, especially psychotherapists specialising in CBT. Alcohol continues to be the substance of choice for today's youth, leading to serious physical, psychological, and social consequences. Alcohol Problems in Adolescents and Young Adults ably addresses this growing trend. The latest entry in the Recent Developments in Alcoholism series, it comprehensively presents a wide-ranging clinical picture of teen drinking - epidemiology, neurobiology, behavioral phenomena, diagnostic and assessment issues, prevention and treatment data - in a developmental context. Fifty expert contributors display the scientific rigor, practical wisdom, and nuanced analysis that readers have come to expect from previous volumes. Among the subjects studied in depth: - Initiation of alcohol use/abuse - Risk and protective factors for alcohol dependence - High-risk adolescent populations - Drinking habits of college students - Long-range consequences of teenage drinking - Family-, school-, and community-based prevention programs - Treatment of comorbid substance and psychiatric disorders Clinicians, researchers, and policy makers will find this a bedrock source of evidence-based knowledge, whether one's goal is choosing an age-appropriate assessment tool for eighth graders, preventing drinking among high school students, or understanding the alcohol-friendliness of campus culture. Here is a critical resource for all professionals dedicated to helping youngsters grow up sober. Archie. Bleyer. . Karen. H . Albritton. . . Lynn. A G . Ries. . Ronald. Barr contents 1. 1 introduction 1. 1 introduction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Tis is the frst textbook of its type, a comprehensive 1. 2 epidemiology. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 treatise on cancer in adolescents and young adults who . 1 2 1. Classifcation. System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 . 1 2 2 . Incidence. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 are 15 to 29 years of age when diagnosed. Te impetus . 1 2 2 1. Age-Specifc. Incidence . . . . . . 3 for this book is the lack of attention that has been paid . 1 2 2 2 . Gender-Specifc. Incidence. . . . 3 to this age group, scientifcally, therapeutically, psych -o . 1 2 2 3. Ethnicity-Specifc. Incidence. . . 4 socially, and economically. During the past half-cen- . 1 2 2 4. Types. of . Cancer. . . . . . . . . . . 4 tury, children (younger than 15 years of age) with can- . 1 2 2 5. Trends. in. Incidence. . . . . . . . . 6 . 1 2 3. Mortality. and. Survival. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 cer have been a singular focus of treatment and . 1 2 3 1. . Age-. and. Gender-Specifc. research. Te advances among children with cancer Mortality. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 have been among the most dramatic in the history of . 1 2 3 2 . Ethnicity-Specifc. Mortality. . . . 8 medicine, and the cooperative infrastructure that has . 1 2 3 3. Trends. in. Mortality. . . . . . . . . 8 supported this success has been among the most orga- . 1 2 4. Survival. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 . 1 2 4 1. Conditional. Survival. . . . . . . 12 nized in the history of science. In 1971, the US National . 1 2 5. Etiology. and. Risk. Factors. . . . . . . . . . . The young ob/gyn patient presents unique problems different from the mature woman but which training often neglects. This user-friendly, practical book provides generous coverage of all aspects of pre-womanhood gynecology. Ranging from the commonest problems to the less common but urgent, it emphasizes diagnosis, special care and management throughout. Bringing together intellectual and scientific experts from pediatrics, adolescent medicine, general medicine, pathology, biology, nursing and psychology, this book is the first of its kind to cover the topics of leukemias and lymphomas in young patients ranging from infants to young adults. The content is organized and subdivided into four major sections — under the main headings of General Considerations, Pathobiology, Clinical Manifestations and Treatment, and Supportive Care and Complications — for ease of reference to readers. Hematological Malignancies in Children, Adolescents and Young Adults presents a comprehensive multidisciplinary review of the field of hematological malignancies and brings forth illuminating perspectives from an internationally recognized group of leading authorities in the field. Treating Complex Trauma in Adolescents and Young Adults is the first empirically-validated, multi-component manual to guide practitioners and students in the treatment of multi-traumatized adolescents and young adults. Best-selling author, John Briere, and renowned clinician, Cheryl Lanktree, outline a hands-on, culturally-sensitive approach to the most challenging of young clients: those suffering from complex trauma histories, multiple symptoms, and, in many cases, involvement in a range of problematic behaviors. This model, Integrated Treatment of Complex Trauma for Adolescents (ITCT-A), integrates a series of approaches and techniques, which are adapted according to the youth's specific symptoms, culture, and age. Components include relationship-building, psychoeducation, affect regulation training, trigger identification, cognitive processing, titrated emotional processing, mindfulness training, collateral treatments with parents and families, group therapy, and system-level advocacy. Health is a key component of human development, growth and quality of life. The Health, Medicine and Human Development book series aim to provide a public forum for book publications from a multidisciplinary group of researchers, practitioners and clinicians for an international professional forum interested in the broad spectrum of health, medicine and human development. We welcome research on a wide variety of substantive areas that will promote and impact healthy human development including prevention, intervention and care also among people in vulnerable conditions. Psychosomatic Disorders in Adolescents and Young Adults covers the proceedings of the 1960 Conference, held by the Society for Psychosomatic Research at the Royal College of Physicians, London. This conference considers psychosomatic disorders occurring between the ages of 15-25 years and discusses the mental transformation from childhood to adult maturity. This book is organized into eight sessions encompassing 26 chapters. The first two sessions review the concepts of mental health and the psychosexual development in adolescence. The next sessions looks into the issues of teenage pregnancy, menstrual disorders, emotional sweating, male sexual disorders, epilepsy in adolescence, and psychosomatic aspects of acne vulgaris. These topics are followed by discussions on stress-related disorders, including tuberculosis and acute appendicitis. The remaining sessions describe certain aspects of mental transformation, such as the link between family and emotional maturity and fitness for marriage. This book discusses the most important practical aspects involved in providing multidisciplinary Adolescent and Young Adult (AYA) services for cancer patients. It draws on international experience in several continents of establishing and running such services and provides a contemporary, practical approach to AYA care based on accumulated experience. It is of interest to those establishing or seeking to improve AYA services as well as those already caring for AYA cance patients. Among topics discussed are incidence trends and treatment pathways, accessto clinical trialsfor adolescents, transition from pediatric to adult services, psychological support and social care as well as survivorship and fertility. This book is of value of those establishing new services, those developing an existing service and those whose work includes the care of AYA patients. It is an important companion for pediatricians, oncologists as well as o ther medical, nursing and allied health professionals caring for Adolescents and Yound Adults with cancer. This book describes and explains how caring for adolescents and young adults with cancer (AYA) has developed into what is now a recognized and distinct field of nursing practice. It captures current innovative nursing practices and interventions which have developed over the past 25 years across the globe and are supported by research and evidence achieved in many European and international oncology settings. By outlining and describing educational needs of the AYA cancer nursing profession, this book supports its education and professional development for the nursing profession and serves to develop and disseminate nurses' competencies worldwide. During the last decade, AYA have gained increased attention in healthcare. Today, it is recognized that AYA with cancer have distinct needs that are different to both children and older adults. Young people are in a unique developmental and transitional phase of their lives; thus, their treatment, perspectives and experie nces have been addressed in research and the body of knowledge is growing accordingly. Some books are available that describe AYA cancer care, service delivery and aspects of age appropriate care but this volume will be the first to focus on how nurses contribute to AYA cancer care in practice. It will appeal to the AYA clinical nurses in cancer care, as well as to multidisciplinary healthcare professionals and healthcare professionals who support formal nursing education programmes, training and development in practice. This pragmatic guide spells out how to use motivational interviewing (MI) to have productive conversations about behavior change with adolescents and young adults in any clinical context. Filled with vivid examples, sample dialogues, and "dos and don'ts," the book shows how conducting MI from a developmentally informed standpoint can help practitioners quickly build rapport with young patients, enhance their motivation to make healthy changes, and overcome ambivalence. Experts on specific adolescent problems describe MI applications in such key areas as substance abuse, smoking, sexual risk taking, eating disorders and obesity, chronic illness management, and externalizing and internalizing behavior problems. This book is in the Applications of Motivational Interviewing series, edited by Stephen Rollnick, William R. Miller, and Theresa B. Moyers. This concise guide takes a practical approach to adolescent and young adult (AYA) rheumatology, aiming to cover the needs of any healthcare professional dealing with young people aged 10-24 years. Each chapter contains key management points for readers to readily access disease-specific management as well as highlighting specific AYA issues which differ from pediatric and adult practice. The coverage is comprehensive but concise and designed to act as a primary reference tool for subjects across the field of rheumatology. The book is designed for pediatric/adult rheumatologists, primary care physicians, nurses, allied health professionals and other professionals to understand each topic covered and to take a practical approach to delivering developmentally appropriate rheumatology health care. With a foreword by Nancy Garden, the highly acclaimed author of Young Adult Fiction, this thoughtfully written annotated bibliography reviews picture books, young adult fiction, short stories nonfiction works and biographies for young readers. Entries specify the age level appropriateness of each work as well as literary awards received for the work. Each annotation is followed by a list of topics in the work which the user will find cross-referenced in the topic index. With additional recommendations on books for librarians, educators and parents, and a set of suggested guidelines for evaluating books, this user-friendly guide is valuable as both a reader resource and as collection development tool. The guide also provides author profiles of selected writers who have made outstanding contributions to this field of literature. This information is complemented by inspiring author quotes, photographs, and lists of their books categorized by age level appropriateness. The up-to-date information on helpful resources for teens and their families found here along with a select bibliography and additional indices make this comprehensive guide a powerful and important reference tool for helping young gay and lesbian readers. This one-stop cross-cultural selective guide to recent retellings of myths and hero tales for children and young adults will enable teachers and library media specialists to select comparative myths and tales from various, mostly non-European cultures. The focus is on stories from Native America, Asia, Africa, the Middle East, Central and South America, and Oceania. The Guide contains extensively annotated entries on 189 books of retellings of myths and hero tales, both ancient and modern, from around the world published between 1985 and 1996. Represented are 1,455 stories suitable for use with young people from mid-elementary through high school. The entries, arranged alphabetically by writer, contain complete bibliographic data, age and grade levels, and evaluative annotations. Seven indexestitle, author, illustrator, culture, story type, name, and grade levelmake searching easy. The story type index will enable teachers to select comparative myths and tales from different cultures on more than 50 types of myths and hero tales. Among the many myth types cited are origin of human beings and the world, comparative social customs and rituals, natural and heavenly phenomena, animal appearance and behavior, searches and quests, and tricksters. Among the hero tale types are fools and buffoons, kings and queens, warriors, monster slayers, important female figures, magicians, voyagers and adventurers, and spiritual leaders. The Guide concludes with a bibliography of retellings published earlier that have come to be considered standard works.
August | 2018 | J.W. Wartick -"Always Have a Reason" Cynthia Long Westfall's Paul and Gender: Reclaiming the Apostle's Vision for Men and Women in Christ brings forward insights from hermeneutics, linguistics, sociology, history, and insight into the ancient world to present a consistent reading of the Pauline corpus in regards to gender. Westfall contends that the traditional reading of the text must face the challenge that it does not consistently read the Pauline corpus, but rather tends to prioritize certain readings of texts over other texts, rather than trying to unify them. A lack of consistent methodology is also a problem, as hermeneutic method changes depending upon what the text is taken to defend (3). Moreover, traditional readings of the texts are "problematic," she argues, for several reasons: first, the traditional readings of the texts "have not resulted in making sense of Paul's Letters" (ibid); second, these readings of the texts are making a theology of power (4); third, the ontological basis for the traditional reading has largely been acknowledged as mistaken (see the first quote, above); fourth, both the individual and the group can make significant contributions to and impact on interpretation. For these reasons, Westfall suggests a return to the texts to see what they actually mean in context, again, drawing on linguistics, contemporary cultural studies, and many more disciplines. Westfall organizes the book topically, looking at how various topics relate to Paul and gender. These topics are culture, stereotypes, creation, the Fall, eschatology, the body, calling, authority, and an extended look at 1 Timothy 2:11-15. By organizing the book largely around these important topics in Paul's thought, Westfall avoids the somewhat common theme of books about sexuality in Christianity of looking at one proof text after another to come down on one side or the other. Instead, Westfall presents a cohesive, rational way for looking at the whole of the Pauline corpus, yes, through looking at individual texts, but also by uniting Paul's thought and bringing in insights from various fields. Time and again throughout Paul and Gender, I came upon a way of looking at things I hadn't considered before. Westfall's use of linguistics and deep knowledge of the cultural context of the New Testament leads to arguments and conclusions that are powerful and compelling. Some of her points seem obvious on reflection, but were points I have rarely if ever seen discussed in literature related to men and women in Christ. For example, regarding 1 Timothy 2:13, she notes that in Genesis, from which Paul is drawing his point, primogeniture is constantly reversed. That theme is one I had learned and put forward myself, but I hadn't thought about how it could be applicable to understanding Paul's use of Adam first/Eve next in 1 Timothy. Why is it that complementarians repeatedly make a bald assumption that primogeniture is seen by Paul as an inherent hierarchy between man and woman when Paul is specifically using an example from a book where primogeniture is consistently overthrown by God? Her extensive look at 1 Corinthians 11 helps to make it even more clear how difficult it is to adequately understand some of these texts as English speakers. Through conversation with many contemporary sources, she conclusively demonstrates that the notion of the man being "head" is not a hierarchy. Moreover, her reading of what is meant by calling woman the glory of man as well as her interpretation of why women should have a kind of covering over their heads is one that answers many, many questions for me as a reader. By showing what, culturally, was going on in Corinth and the church in general, she presents readings that explain the text rather than obscure it further–or turn it into a proof text for a specific position. The greatest strength of Westfall's approach is that it truly does present a unified look at the Pauline corpus. Rather than having to look at texts piecemeal and form a series of doctrinal theses therefrom, Westfall's reading of the texts related to gender present a consistent, holistic view of Paul's teaching on gender. It is a truly remarkable book that deserves careful reading. I spent several hours on the chapter on "culture" alone, finding many deep insights both in the main text and the footnotes. As a reader, I feel as though I have a much deeper and more complete understanding of Paul on these topics than I did before I read it. With Paul and Gender, Cynthia Long Westfall has created one of the most profoundly exegetical and deep challenges to the complementarian reading of the Pauline Corpus in existence. Her breadth of knowledge of many different fields of studies is effectively utilized to present a cohesive, persuading reading of Paul regarding gender. May all who are interested in finding what the New Testament teaches on gender read this book.
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Balanced Acquisition System (BAS)) AIKA Preschools' underlying principle is the philosophy of Balanced Acquisition System (BAS) and reflected in our curriculum's composition are the theories of such groundbreaking experts in preschool education as Jean Piaget, Maria Montessori, Lev Vygotsky and Erik Erickson. Each of these experts has brought a different perspective to preschool education. Piaget and Bruner focus on a child-centered method of learning through exploration and experimentation, on the other hand Vygotsky's theory of cognitive development emphasizes the importance of adult and older child role models in a child's development. Therefore our teachers at AIKA schools use both the methods of exploration and direct instruction in a balanced way. BAS (Balanced Acquisition System) aims to improve children's rate of development in all areas equally. Targeted areas of acquisition are chosen according to the child's age and interests under the selected themes of mathematics, science and language activities (English-Turkish), with the children learning from examples they experience in real life. Programs from simple to complex, have a structure flowing from the easier to the more difficult, in an environment designed to hold the child's attention, through the use of a wealth of materials. The education process runs on the theory of "From Near to Far". The students first learn about their own neighborhood, then the city in which they live, then the country and then the world. All advances are realized through this structure. The most intense period of brain function in children is between the ages of 0-5 years. Language learned at this stage is almost as fluent as their native language. A child acquiring a foreign language at an early age is psychologically more mature than his/her peers. If a child starts to learn a foreign language during this period, they are able to easily acquire a new language in the same way they would acquire their native language. A child learning both a foreign language and native language during this acquisition period is likely to be more successful in his/her future careers than their peers. Foreign language acquired during early childhood is a major contributor to cognitive development. The earlier the acquisition of a foreign language begins, the easier it is to acquire the target language. At AIKA, the aim of foreign language teaching during the preschool period is for the child to acquire foreign language in the same way he/she acquires their native language and to teach awareness of the existence of different languages and cultures outside their own language and culture. According to BAS, a child must be exposed to foreign language in an everyday environment. Preschool language education should be taught through such natural methods as games, songs, finger plays in parallel with information technology. Play in particular encourages foreign language development through the likes of listening, imitation and concept formation. AIKA Psychological Counseling and Guidance Service At our schools; the main objective of our Guidance Service is to ensure our students are self-aware, and to assess and monitor our students' development in social, emotional, cognitive and physical areas through a preventive and developmental approach. If there is an area of concern; ensuring the early detection of a developmental problem, informing the family and providing support to the student within the school environment as much as possible. Our School Psychologist; each month issues such as effective communication, prevention and resolution of our children's adaptation and behavioral problems, assistance in helping our children to cope with and find solutions to difficulties and crises encountered throughout their lives, and subjects highlighted by the needs of our parents, are tackled through educational newsletters. Our School Psychologist; educational seminars are held periodically throughout the academic year to provide assistance in our children's development. Under the "Character Development Program" living examples of life values are passed on to our students throughout the academic year.
Cot Asan (Lhoksukon), een plaats in Indonesië Cot Asan (Nurussalam), een plaats in Indonesië
Q: ReactJs Todo List push state I have written the start of a todo list in reactjs and was looking to improve the functionality of how the todos are added to the state. Currently I am concat(ting) the value in put to an array which is in the state, then splicing off the selected li element. It seems to be a bit buggy when you add the first todo. Should i be using reacts immutability helpers to acheive this? Seems overkill to add another thing that can be acheived in plain js. //Input component const Input = props => { return ( <div className="form-group"> <input className="form-control" value={props.value} onChange={props.update} type="text" /> <button className="btn btn-default" onClick={props.handleClick}> Add Todo </button> </div> ); }; //display list of todos const Displaytodo = (props) => { const todolist = props.todo; const listItems = todolist.map((todo, index) => <li className={ props.highlight ? 'list-unstyled todoItem highlight' : 'list-unstyled todoItem ' } key={index}> {todo} <div onClick={props.removeTodo.bind(this, index)} className="removeTodo"> <i className="fa fa-trash" /> </div> <div onClick={props.changeHighlight.bind(this,index)} className="checkTodo"> <i className="fa fa-check-circle" onClick={props.highlight} /> </div> </li> ); return <ul className="todos">{listItems}</ul>; }; //controlled state component class Layout extends React.Component { constructor() { super(); this.state = { text: "Hello", todo: [], highlight: false }; } update(e) { this.setState({ text: e.target.value }); } handleClick() { const text = this.state.text; if (text.length > 0) { this.setState( { todo: this.state.todo.concat(text), text: "", highlight: false }, function() { console.log(this.state.todo); } ); } else { alert("please enter something"); } } removeTodo(e) { this.state.todo.splice(e, 1); this.setState({ todo: this.state.todo }); } changeHighlight(index, e) { const highlight = this.state.highlight; this.setState(prevState => ({ highlight: !prevState.highlight })); } render() { return ( <div className="container"> <div className="row"> <div className="col-md-4 col-md-offset-4"> <div className="wrapper"> <h1>Todo List</h1> <Input value={this.state.text} update={this.update.bind(this)} handleClick={this.handleClick.bind(this)} /> <Displaytodo removeTodo={this.removeTodo.bind(this)} todo={this.state.todo} changeHighlight={this.changeHighlight.bind(this)} highlight={this.state.highlight} /> </div> </div> </div> </div> ); } } const app = document.getElementById("app"); ReactDOM.render(<Layout />, app); https://codepen.io/mhal12/pen/MomWVg Also when the user clicks the green tick, it will highlight the row by toggling class 'highlight' off and on, but in console it giving an error. which links to https://facebook.github.io/react/docs/error-decoder.html?invariant=94&args[]=onClick&args[]=boolean A: Simply remove the onClick on <i className="fa fa-check-circle" onClick={props.highlight} />. As for the highlighting on each todo, it's a bit more complex. You have to have an id on each todo, and then pass the id to the changeHighlight function. You have to remove highlight from global state, and assign a highlight boolean on each todo. Then you have to display todos accordingly. Same stuff for the removeTodo function, you pass in an id to remove it in the parent component. Here's the full code : const Input = props => { return ( <div className="form-group"> <input className="form-control" value={props.value} onChange={props.update} type="text" /> <button className="btn btn-default" onClick={props.handleClick}> Add Todo </button> </div> ); }; const Displaytodo = (props) => { const changeHighlight = function(id) { props.changeHighlight(id); } const removeTodo = function(id) { props.removeTodo(id); } const todolist = props.todo; const listItems = todolist.map((todo, index) => <li className={ todo.highlight ? 'list-unstyled todoItem highlight' : 'list-unstyled todoItem ' } key={todo.id}> {todo.text} <div onClick={removeTodo.bind(event, todo.id)} className="removeTodo"> <i className="fa fa-trash" /> </div> <div onClick={changeHighlight.bind(event, todo.id)} className="checkTodo"> <i className="fa fa-check-circle" /> </div> </li> ); return <ul className="todos">{listItems}</ul>; }; class Layout extends React.Component { constructor() { super(); this.state = {text: "Hello", todo: []}; } update(e) { this.setState({ text: e.target.value }); } handleClick() { const text = this.state.text; if (text.length > 0) { this.setState( { todo: this.state.todo.concat({ id: this.state.todo.length + 1, text: this.state.text, highlight: false }), text: ""}, function() { console.log(this.state.todo); } ); } else { alert("Please enter something"); } } removeTodo(id) { let todos = this.state.todo; for (let i = 0; i < todos.length; i++) { let todo = todos[i]; if (todo.id == id) { todos.splice(i, 1); } } this.setState({ todo: todos }); } changeHighlight(id) { let todos = this.state.todo; for (let i = 0; i < todos.length; i++) { let todo = todos[i]; if (todo.id == id) { todos[i].highlight = !todos[i].highlight; } } this.setState({ todo : todos }); } render() { return ( <div className="container"> <div className="row"> <div className="col-md-4 col-md-offset-4"> <div className="wrapper"> <h1>Todo List</h1> <Input value={this.state.text} update={this.update.bind(this)} handleClick={this.handleClick.bind(this)} /> <Displaytodo removeTodo={this.removeTodo.bind(this)} todo={this.state.todo} changeHighlight={this.changeHighlight.bind(this)} /> </div> </div> </div> </div> ); } } const app = document.getElementById("app"); ReactDOM.render(<Layout />, app);
Q: Handlerbars access Array variable I'm working with Handlebars in an Express application. From the server-side I'm passing an array of dates as strings: reqCtrl.dateController = async (req, res) => { ... var dates = [ "2020-09-27", "2020-09-28", "2020-09-29", "2020-09-30", "2020-10-01", "2020-10-02", "2020-10-03", "2020-10-04", ]; console.log(dates); //Resulting in: ['2020-09-27', '2020-09-28', '2020-09-29', '2020-09-30', '2020-10-01', '2020-10-02', '2020-10-03', '2020-10-04'] res.render("requests/...", dates }); } However, on the client side, with the following expression I get different values. <script> console.log({{ dates }}) //Resulting in: 1984 1983 1982 1981 2009 2008 2007 2006 </script> Am I missing something? How can I render the correctly formatted date? A: What would happen if you rendered <p>{{dates}}</p>, instead of console logging it? Either way, you will likely want to iterate through arrays to render when using handlebars. This is done with #each. <ul> {{ #each dates}} <li>{{this}}</li> {{/each}} </ul>
We are Northamptonshire's leading mobile carpet and vinyl showroom. Established in 1993. We are a family run business with experience spanning 3 decades. With a vast knowledge of carpets, vinyl's, laminates and LVT's. We cover the whole of Northamptonshire including Northampton, Wellingborough, Rushden, Kettering, Corby, Thrapston, Daventry, Towcester also Central Milton Keynes and Bedford. Our aim is to offer an excellent service, while offering the lowest price possible still using quality products and materials (If a jobs worth doing, it's worth doing well - work ethics). During your no obligation quote we will offer advice on the different products and leave you with a no obligation quote, offering a non-pressured service from the comfort of your home.
Jason DeGeorge About my music! I have always been fascinated with instrumental music. If someone writes an amazing set of lyrics to a song and a great melody, the listener knows what the writer is trying to express emotionally as well as literally. This takes incredible talent in it's own right. But how does a composer express meaning and emotion without words? Expressing happiness, sadness, love etc? It has been my life's work to learn how to compose music in this fashion. In the guitar world, so much weight has been put on technique and virtuosity. While hearing a player with extremely high technical facility is something we all love, it's not the only part of the story. In my view, no matter how amazing the playing is, if there is no connection with the song there, you have nothing. A song isn't about a guitar solo alone………sad I know…..but it's true. The best musicians view themselves as songwriters as well as players. No matter how many cool licks or riffs I come up with, I always ask myself is there a song here? Only when I can answer that question with a yes can I move forward to technique. Then it's just time to have fun playing the guitar! This past summer I started production on a group of songs at Portrait Recording Studios with my close friend and drummer Chris Badami. Working on this project has been one of the great joys in my life. Seeing my own music come from an idea into a reality is such a amazing process. I hope everyone enjoys this first release as much as we did creating it and playing it! Much more to come! "Acclaimed Instrumental Guitarist Jason DeGeorge To Release Riveting Version Of Ben Harper & Charlie Musselwhite's Blues-Driven Single "Nothing At All"" - Denise Kovalevich — Indie Pulse Music My Teacher Site
European Reference Networks can only work if member states designate and develop their own accredited specialist centres that can network across borders. Simon Crompton talks to some of the policy makers, clinicians and patient advocates who are making it happen. "Don't speak about things you know nothing about." Medical oncologist Lisa Licitra remembers the message being constantly driven home to her by teachers at school. Yet throughout her career she, like other cancer clinicians, has been faced with having to do exactly that. Licitra today is one of Italy's foremost authorities on head and neck cancers, Director of head and neck medical oncology at the Istituto Nazionale Tumori, Milan, and Associate professor of medical oncology at the University of Milan. But she freely acknowledges that even she has been left uncertain by untypical tumours. It's hard, she says, for doctors who are supposed to be experts to say that they don't know. Yet patients deserve answers. This is not an uncommon experience. There are more than 300 rare cancers which – as rare cancer campaigning organisations continually point out – adds up to them not being very rare at all. Together, rare cancers account for 22% of all cancer cases diagnosed. Text books and diligence are not the answer. Building knowledge and expertise requires opportunities to pool the experiences of similar patients with rare cancers, compare thoughts on best practice, develop research projects together. This can't happen in one centre, or often even in one country. EU policy makers have recognised that this is an area where crossborder collaboration can play an important role. In March this year they launched their flagship European Reference Networks (ERNs) – with one specifically covering rare solid adult tumours, called EURACAN. In addition, there are ERNs for paediatric cancers, genetic tumour risk syndromes and haematological diseases including cancers. The move has been welcomed by the rare cancer community. But as the policy rolls out, it is becoming increasingly clear that the value of networking at European level depends on strong national networks that are still largely non-existent. This is a concern of the Joint Action on Rare Cancers (JARC) – a collaboration for EU stakeholders and policy makers to set a European agenda to improve diagnostics and care for people with rare cancers. "We have to make sure that the ERNs are a network of networks," argues Paolo Casali, co-ordinator of JARC, whose partners include ministries of health, cancer control programmes, universities, public health institutions, cancer registries, oncological institutes, patients' associations and other professional societies. Rare cancers patient advocate Kathy Oliver agrees that if people with rare cancers across Europe are to receive timely diagnosis and appropriate treatment, then pan-European aspirations in themselves are not enough. Infrastructure also needs to grow within each individual country. "Certainly the arrival of the European Reference Networks demonstrates that there is a will throughout Europe, which is very heartening from the patient perspective," says Oliver, who is Chair of the International Brain Tumour Alliance and a founding member of Rare Cancers Europe. "But it's not just a matter of deciding something, and then it will be done. So how do you build standards of diagnosis and care nationally? JARC representatives are now looking at what lessons can be learnt from the progress some countries are making in defining expert centres, ensuring access to expertise for all patients with rare cancers, and establishing clinician buy-in to a system of referral. Josep Maria Borras, professor of public health at the University of Barcelona and a JARC advisor, believes that progress in establishing networks of expert reference centres for rare cancers in Spain provides hope that other countries can do the same. Spain has a regionally organised health system but, after an initiative to identify reference centres of expertise in several regions, the country has now established national networks for sarcoma and childhood cancers. With rare cancers, these requirements pose special problems. "How do you demonstrate that results are good, when typically the number of rare cancers receiving treatment in one hospital is very low? That makes evaluation, and finding differences in outcome, very difficult." The solution in Spain, says Borras, has been to make the big hospitals the reference centres, and encourage smaller hospitals to refer to them. The solution, he says, is establishing a clear national consensus on the criteria for what constitutes a centre of expertise for particular rare cancers. And this won't work unless it is agreed by all parties: clinical experts, representatives of scientific societies, patient representatives, health service managers, politicians. Borras acknowledges that the criteria established will – at least at first – be to some extent arbitrary. The required number of sarcoma cases treated annually, for example, was set at 60 – but current evidence provides very little consensus about the correct thresholds. Nonetheless, a national accreditation and audit process is now underway in Spain, co-ordinated by the Ministry of Health. Any reference system for rare cancers, says Borras, is bound to have shortcomings. The important thing is to have a national will, driven by policy, and then put into practice by achieving consensus between regions and all the parties involved. The European Reference Network for rare adult solid cancers, EURACAN, aims to pool the expertise of 67 accredited rare cancer centres across 18 countries, using them as the basis of an integrated network of information, services and expertise covering the EU area. The European Commission wants European Reference Networks to reach all EU countries within five years, providing a referral system to ensure at least 75% of patients are treated in an accredited centre. It is seeking to improve patient survival, produce communication tools in all languages for patients and physicians, and develop multinational databases and tumour banks. If Spain demonstrates the importance of a top down approach to improving access to expert rare cancer services, France has moved the concept considerably further. A national cancer control plan for 2009–13 required the certification of adult rare cancer reference centres, and has resulted in the establishment of 15 national clinical networks, recognised by the Institut National du Cancer (INCa). Each national network is comprised of national reference centres and regional or interregional centres of competence. These networks were initially approved through a process of self-assessment and independent external assessment, using quantitative and quality indicators to assess whether stated missions had been achieved. The result is not simply a network of national expert centres. The aim is to ensure that every single rare cancer patient has access to optimum care. So within each network, every new case is discussed at a virtual national expert multidisciplinary tumour board, held using Webex online meeting tools. And each network has a national database that is providing new clues to the best treatment, which can be tested in trials. The French network for thymic (thymus gland) tumours, for example, consists of two co-ordinating centres – Hospices Civils de Lyon and Institut Gustave Roussy, Paris – and 12 regional centres. Representatives from all the centres gather at a web-based tumour board twice a monthly, bringing together national expertise in surgery, medical oncology, radiation oncology, radiology and pathology, to discuss each new diagnosis, and each patient who requires a new treatment strategy. It works to French guidelines adapted from the 2015 ESMO clinical guidelines for thymic cancers. And because the networks provide access to larger numbers of patients, oncologists can finally target rare cancer patients for trials. Each network has an associated database – there are 2,000 patients in the new thymic tumour database. The benefits are not just for thymic cancers. Bertrand Baujat, a head and neck cancer surgeon at Hôpital Tenon, Paris, says that it is now unusual for any French doctor not to refer head and neck cancers to the national network, at least for advice or pathology review. There are 5,000 head and neck cancer patients on their database, so more information on which to assess treatments and prognosis. For Isabelle Ray-Coquard, gynaecological cancer specialist at the Centre Léon Bérard, Lyon, the beauty of the French networks has been that patients don't always have to be physically referred to an expert centre, sometimes hundreds of miles away. "If they can be managed at regional level it's clearly helpful for the patient and the physician in charge," she says. Is the French system replicable in other countries? Certainly, say those involved, but it needs top-down commitment, manifested in a national cancer plan backed by law and funding. "None of this would have been possible without a national initiative to start it," says Bertrand Baujat. "We needed the money so that we could set up the infrastructure." Around €1 million was allocated over four years to establish a national network for head and neck cancers. It paid for setting up co-ordination systems, a database, clinical research technicians and other set-up costs. It receives annual government funding of €190,000. But Baujat, who is involved with JARC and represents the French head and neck cancer network in EURACAN, is concerned that lack of funds will hold back the creation of a Europe-wide rare cancer network. And if other countries cannot replicate the kinds of national networks of expertise seen in France, then "harmonising standards" across Europe will actually mean an extra burden placed on one or two expert centres. This is a worry too for Martyn Caplin, founder and Vice Chair of the European Neuroendocrine Tumor Society, ENETS, which has set up a system of auditing centres of excellence throughout Europe (see box). Five-year survival for rare cancers is 47% compared with 65% for more common cancers, reflecting deficiencies in early and correct diagnosis and effective treatment. This burden looks set to grow as the increasing fragmentation of 'common' cancers into molecular subgroups will effectively increase the numbers of rare cancers. A way forward for some countries might be that forged in the field of sarcoma in Germany where, despite a fragmented health system, patients have linked with clinicians to provide a national momentum for change (see box p 9). Faced with problems of incorrect diagnosis, lack of authoritative information about experts in sarcoma, and centres self-declaring themselves as "expert", the patient organisation Das Lebenshaus e.V. linked with the German Cancer Society and medical experts to establish a certification system for sarcoma centres. The system is currently built on meeting organisational criteria such as number of patients treated and use of multidisciplinary teams. As with other new certification systems for rare cancer units, independently monitored quality indicators are, as yet, a pipe dream. "But this is the aim," says Markus Wartenberg, Senior Manager of Das Lebenshaus e.V, which supports patients with GIST, sarcomas and kidney cancer. Action taken by expert groups putting together criteria for reference centres, treatment guidelines and some basic quality indicators for networks can drive national and international development. This is what happened in neuroendocrine tumours. Martyn Caplin, professor of gastroenterology and neuroendocrine tumours at the Royal Free Hospital in London, was involved in a European neuroendocrine tumour group instigated in the mid-1990s by Kjell Oberg from Sweden, Michelle Mignon from France and Bertram Widenmann from Germany. In 2000, when he realised there was "nothing in the UK for neuroendocrine tumours," he started a UK neuroendocrine specialist group and a linked patient support group. This led to the identification of expert specialists and centres in the UK, and the publication of UK guidelines for the management of neuroendocrine tumours in 2004. The interest generated within such 'enthusiast' specialist groupings provided momentum to found a European Neuroendocrine Tumor Society (ENETS) in 2004. In turn ENETS developed a system of auditing centres of excellence throughout Europe. Today, there are 37 centres of excellence in Europe, eight of them in the UK (www.enets.org/coe_map.html). Despite the lack of funding to help countries develop their own reference centres and networks, Paolo Casali points out that European Reference Networks are having a positive effect on services in individual countries, by the mere fact of their existence. This was the case in Italy where, as a result of government and regions selecting rare cancer centres for the ERN, they are now discussing the possibility of establishing a formal rare cancer network. This follows many years of efforts by Casali and his colleagues in the clinician-led Italian Rare Cancer Network to connect centres, but without a formal accreditation system. European patient organisations for rare cancers can play a significant role in setting quality standards and templates for policy development. Last year, Sarcoma Patients EuroNet (SPAEN) – an international network of sarcoma, GIST and desmoid patient advocacy groups – launched a set of recommendations for service development, providing a clear statement on what sarcoma treatment and services should look like. According to Markus Wartenberg, co-author of the paper and SPAEN Chair, the paper is already informing the certification of sarcoma centres in Germany – and will help guide their practice once established. SPAEN will be collecting information from its members on the extent to which it is influencing service development in other countries too. rapid access to effective treatment.
Lysandros Vilaetis (Greek: Λύσανδρος Βιλαέτης) was a chief of Pyrgos and a Greek politician elected from 1823 until 1864. He descended from a noted family of Pyrgos in which he was one of the first who inhabited the area. He was a representative of Elis in the Second National Assembly at Astros in 1823, in the Third National Assembly at Troezen, in the Fourth National Assembly at Argos, in the Fifth National Assembly at Nafplion, in the Third of September National Assembly of the Greeks at Athens and in the Second National Assembly of the Greeks at Athens in 1862. In 1848, Lysandros Vilaetis revolted along with approximately 80 comrades who ran into Pyrgos. He left for Zakynthos when the movement failed. He was finally pardoned in 1849. References The first version of the article is translated and is based from the article at the Greek Wikipedia (el:Main Page) 1836 births 1860 deaths Greek politicians Politicians from Elis Lysandros People from Elis