<s>[INST] Here are Title and Description of a dataset. Title :'Council; Files of Inactive Pardons and Pardons Not Granted, Case of Washington Goode, GC3/series 771, Petition of John H. Noble' Description:'<p>Petition subject: Execution case </p> <p>Original: <a href="http://nrs.harvard.edu/urn-3:FHCL:12233051">http://nrs.harvard.edu/urn-3:FHCL:12233051</a> </p> <p>Date of creation: (unknown) </p> <p>Petition location: Boston </p> <p>Selected signatures:<ol><li>John H. Noble</li><li>William Murray</li><li>Solomon Pratt</li></ol> </p> <p>Total signatures: 71 </p> <p>Legal voter signatures (males not identified as non-legal): 39 </p> <p>Female signatures: 19 </p> <p>Unidentified signatures: 13 </p> <p>Female only signatures: No </p> <p>Identifications of signatories: inhabitants, [females] </p> <p>Prayer format was <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Printing">printed</a> vs. <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Manuscript">manuscript</a>: Printed </p> <p>Signatory column format: not column separated </p> <p>Additional non-petition or unrelated documents available at archive: additional documents available </p> <p>Additional archivist notes: Washington Goode </p> <p>Location of the petition at the Massachusetts Archives of the Commonwealth: Files of pardons inactive and not granted, Case of Washington Goode </p> <p>Acknowledgements: Supported by the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-5105612), Massachusetts Archives of the Commonwealth, Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study at Harvard University, Center for American Political Studies at Harvard University, Institutional Development Initiative at Harvard University, and Harvard University Library.</p>'. And this are subject categories: ['Medicine, Health and Life Sciences','Arts and Humanities','Computer and Information Science','Social Sciences','Mathematical Sciences','Physics','Earth and Environmental Sciences','Chemistry','Engineering','Other','Law','Business and Management','Astronomy and Astrophysics','Agricultural Sciences']. Please return only a json list of at most 3 elements corresponding to the text labels:[/INST] ['Social Sciences']. </s>
[ "Social Sciences" ]
Here are Title and Description of a dataset. Title :'Council; Files of Inactive Pardons and Pardons Not Granted, Case of Washington Goode, GC3/series 771, Petition of John H. Noble' Description:'<p>Petition subject: Execution case </p> <p>Original: <a href="http://nrs.harvard.edu/urn-3:FHCL:12233051">http://nrs.harvard.edu/urn-3:FHCL:12233051</a> </p> <p>Date of creation: (unknown) </p> <p>Petition location: Boston </p> <p>Selected signatures:<ol><li>John H. Noble</li><li>William Murray</li><li>Solomon Pratt</li></ol> </p> <p>Total signatures: 71 </p> <p>Legal voter signatures (males not identified as non-legal): 39 </p> <p>Female signatures: 19 </p> <p>Unidentified signatures: 13 </p> <p>Female only signatures: No </p> <p>Identifications of signatories: inhabitants, [females] </p> <p>Prayer format was <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Printing">printed</a> vs. <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Manuscript">manuscript</a>: Printed </p> <p>Signatory column format: not column separated </p> <p>Additional non-petition or unrelated documents available at archive: additional documents available </p> <p>Additional archivist notes: Washington Goode </p> <p>Location of the petition at the Massachusetts Archives of the Commonwealth: Files of pardons inactive and not granted, Case of Washington Goode </p> <p>Acknowledgements: Supported by the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-5105612), Massachusetts Archives of the Commonwealth, Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study at Harvard University, Center for American Political Studies at Harvard University, Institutional Development Initiative at Harvard University, and Harvard University Library.</p>'. And this are subject categories: ['Medicine, Health and Life Sciences','Arts and Humanities','Computer and Information Science','Social Sciences','Mathematical Sciences','Physics','Earth and Environmental Sciences','Chemistry','Engineering','Other','Law','Business and Management','Astronomy and Astrophysics','Agricultural Sciences']. Please return only a json list of at most 3 elements corresponding to the text labels:
<p>Petition subject: Execution case </p> <p>Original: <a href="http://nrs.harvard.edu/urn-3:FHCL:12233051">http://nrs.harvard.edu/urn-3:FHCL:12233051</a> </p> <p>Date of creation: (unknown) </p> <p>Petition location: Boston </p> <p>Selected signatures:<ol><li>John H. Noble</li><li>William Murray</li><li>Solomon Pratt</li></ol> </p> <p>Total signatures: 71 </p> <p>Legal voter signatures (males not identified as non-legal): 39 </p> <p>Female signatures: 19 </p> <p>Unidentified signatures: 13 </p> <p>Female only signatures: No </p> <p>Identifications of signatories: inhabitants, [females] </p> <p>Prayer format was <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Printing">printed</a> vs. <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Manuscript">manuscript</a>: Printed </p> <p>Signatory column format: not column separated </p> <p>Additional non-petition or unrelated documents available at archive: additional documents available </p> <p>Additional archivist notes: Washington Goode </p> <p>Location of the petition at the Massachusetts Archives of the Commonwealth: Files of pardons inactive and not granted, Case of Washington Goode </p> <p>Acknowledgements: Supported by the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-5105612), Massachusetts Archives of the Commonwealth, Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study at Harvard University, Center for American Political Studies at Harvard University, Institutional Development Initiative at Harvard University, and Harvard University Library.</p>
Council; Files of Inactive Pardons and Pardons Not Granted, Case of Washington Goode, GC3/series 771, Petition of John H. Noble
<s>[INST] Here are Title and Description of a dataset. Title :'Kaiser Family Foundation/Pew Hispanic Center: 2002 National Survey of Latinos' Description:'Hispanic/Latin descent (1); prefer to be interviewed in English/Spanish (1); born in what country (2); prefer to be called Hispanic/Latino (2); what country parents/grandparents/ancestors from (4); what country identify with more (1); what race consider self to be (4); trust in government (1); role of government (1); services to people in need (1); two most important issues for government to address (2); two most important health care issues for government to address (2); political leaders' interest in problems of particular concern to Hispanics/Latinos living here (1); personal finances (4); employment status (1); how long been employed (1); type of work/occupation (1); some things people do acceptable/unacceptable (4); abortion (1); Hispanic/Latino children growing up now in U.S. (4); better in U.S. or country where respondent/respondent's parents came from (4); immigrants (6); values/attitudes in American workplaces (3); OK/not OK to express emotions in public (1); important/not important to obey all the rules all the time (1); description of self (6); religion (3); family issues (6); health insurance (2); medical bills (2); self/family member did not get needed medical care in past year (2); postponed seeking health care (2); problems with getting health care (2); how well can carry on a conversation in Spanish (1); how well can read in Spanish (1); how well can carry on conversation in English (1); how well can read in English (1); would prefer written instructions in English/Spanish (1); speak English/Spanish at home (1); speak English/Spanish at work (1); watch TV/listen to radio in English/Spanish (1); children speak English/Spanish with friends (1); discrimination against Hispanics/Latinos (14); how many years lived in U.S. (1); U.S. citizenship (2); Hispanics/Latinos from different countries (2); Democrats/Republicans have more concern for Hispanics/Latinos (1); registered to vote (1); ever voted in an election in U.S. (1); most important issue in deciding vote in an election (2); how important is candidate's position on HIV/AIDS (1); economy (2); legal citizen of country of origin (1); have/have not voted in country of origin since moved to U.S. (1); regularly send money back to country of origin (1); return to country of birth for a visit (2); which country consider to be real homeland (1); plan to some day move back to country of origin (1); have any credit cards (1); have a bank account (1); parents born outside U.S. (1); how long ago did parents come to U.S. (1); grandparents born outside U.S. (1).'. And this are subject categories: ['Medicine, Health and Life Sciences','Arts and Humanities','Computer and Information Science','Social Sciences','Mathematical Sciences','Physics','Earth and Environmental Sciences','Chemistry','Engineering','Other','Law','Business and Management','Astronomy and Astrophysics','Agricultural Sciences']. Please return only a json list of at most 3 elements corresponding to the text labels:[/INST] ['Social Sciences']. </s>
[ "Social Sciences" ]
Here are Title and Description of a dataset. Title :'Kaiser Family Foundation/Pew Hispanic Center: 2002 National Survey of Latinos' Description:'Hispanic/Latin descent (1); prefer to be interviewed in English/Spanish (1); born in what country (2); prefer to be called Hispanic/Latino (2); what country parents/grandparents/ancestors from (4); what country identify with more (1); what race consider self to be (4); trust in government (1); role of government (1); services to people in need (1); two most important issues for government to address (2); two most important health care issues for government to address (2); political leaders' interest in problems of particular concern to Hispanics/Latinos living here (1); personal finances (4); employment status (1); how long been employed (1); type of work/occupation (1); some things people do acceptable/unacceptable (4); abortion (1); Hispanic/Latino children growing up now in U.S. (4); better in U.S. or country where respondent/respondent's parents came from (4); immigrants (6); values/attitudes in American workplaces (3); OK/not OK to express emotions in public (1); important/not important to obey all the rules all the time (1); description of self (6); religion (3); family issues (6); health insurance (2); medical bills (2); self/family member did not get needed medical care in past year (2); postponed seeking health care (2); problems with getting health care (2); how well can carry on a conversation in Spanish (1); how well can read in Spanish (1); how well can carry on conversation in English (1); how well can read in English (1); would prefer written instructions in English/Spanish (1); speak English/Spanish at home (1); speak English/Spanish at work (1); watch TV/listen to radio in English/Spanish (1); children speak English/Spanish with friends (1); discrimination against Hispanics/Latinos (14); how many years lived in U.S. (1); U.S. citizenship (2); Hispanics/Latinos from different countries (2); Democrats/Republicans have more concern for Hispanics/Latinos (1); registered to vote (1); ever voted in an election in U.S. (1); most important issue in deciding vote in an election (2); how important is candidate's position on HIV/AIDS (1); economy (2); legal citizen of country of origin (1); have/have not voted in country of origin since moved to U.S. (1); regularly send money back to country of origin (1); return to country of birth for a visit (2); which country consider to be real homeland (1); plan to some day move back to country of origin (1); have any credit cards (1); have a bank account (1); parents born outside U.S. (1); how long ago did parents come to U.S. (1); grandparents born outside U.S. (1).'. And this are subject categories: ['Medicine, Health and Life Sciences','Arts and Humanities','Computer and Information Science','Social Sciences','Mathematical Sciences','Physics','Earth and Environmental Sciences','Chemistry','Engineering','Other','Law','Business and Management','Astronomy and Astrophysics','Agricultural Sciences']. Please return only a json list of at most 3 elements corresponding to the text labels:
Hispanic/Latin descent (1); prefer to be interviewed in English/Spanish (1); born in what country (2); prefer to be called Hispanic/Latino (2); what country parents/grandparents/ancestors from (4); what country identify with more (1); what race consider self to be (4); trust in government (1); role of government (1); services to people in need (1); two most important issues for government to address (2); two most important health care issues for government to address (2); political leaders' interest in problems of particular concern to Hispanics/Latinos living here (1); personal finances (4); employment status (1); how long been employed (1); type of work/occupation (1); some things people do acceptable/unacceptable (4); abortion (1); Hispanic/Latino children growing up now in U.S. (4); better in U.S. or country where respondent/respondent's parents came from (4); immigrants (6); values/attitudes in American workplaces (3); OK/not OK to express emotions in public (1); important/not important to obey all the rules all the time (1); description of self (6); religion (3); family issues (6); health insurance (2); medical bills (2); self/family member did not get needed medical care in past year (2); postponed seeking health care (2); problems with getting health care (2); how well can carry on a conversation in Spanish (1); how well can read in Spanish (1); how well can carry on conversation in English (1); how well can read in English (1); would prefer written instructions in English/Spanish (1); speak English/Spanish at home (1); speak English/Spanish at work (1); watch TV/listen to radio in English/Spanish (1); children speak English/Spanish with friends (1); discrimination against Hispanics/Latinos (14); how many years lived in U.S. (1); U.S. citizenship (2); Hispanics/Latinos from different countries (2); Democrats/Republicans have more concern for Hispanics/Latinos (1); registered to vote (1); ever voted in an election in U.S. (1); most important issue in deciding vote in an election (2); how important is candidate's position on HIV/AIDS (1); economy (2); legal citizen of country of origin (1); have/have not voted in country of origin since moved to U.S. (1); regularly send money back to country of origin (1); return to country of birth for a visit (2); which country consider to be real homeland (1); plan to some day move back to country of origin (1); have any credit cards (1); have a bank account (1); parents born outside U.S. (1); how long ago did parents come to U.S. (1); grandparents born outside U.S. (1).
Kaiser Family Foundation/Pew Hispanic Center: 2002 National Survey of Latinos
<s>[INST] Here are Title and Description of a dataset. Title :'2008 Utah Colleges Exit Poll - Primary' Description:'Congress: Chaffetz vs. Cannon, vote confidence, immigration, candidate attributes, No Child Left Behind, abortion, and populism.'. And this are subject categories: ['Medicine, Health and Life Sciences','Arts and Humanities','Computer and Information Science','Social Sciences','Mathematical Sciences','Physics','Earth and Environmental Sciences','Chemistry','Engineering','Other','Law','Business and Management','Astronomy and Astrophysics','Agricultural Sciences']. Please return only a json list of at most 3 elements corresponding to the text labels:[/INST] ['Social Sciences']. </s>
[ "Social Sciences" ]
Here are Title and Description of a dataset. Title :'2008 Utah Colleges Exit Poll - Primary' Description:'Congress: Chaffetz vs. Cannon, vote confidence, immigration, candidate attributes, No Child Left Behind, abortion, and populism.'. And this are subject categories: ['Medicine, Health and Life Sciences','Arts and Humanities','Computer and Information Science','Social Sciences','Mathematical Sciences','Physics','Earth and Environmental Sciences','Chemistry','Engineering','Other','Law','Business and Management','Astronomy and Astrophysics','Agricultural Sciences']. Please return only a json list of at most 3 elements corresponding to the text labels:
Congress: Chaffetz vs. Cannon, vote confidence, immigration, candidate attributes, No Child Left Behind, abortion, and populism.
2008 Utah Colleges Exit Poll - Primary
<s>[INST] Here are Title and Description of a dataset. Title :'Replication Data for: Social Connectedness and Political Behavior' Description:'Replication data for the article "Social Connectedness and Political Behavior"'. And this are subject categories: ['Medicine, Health and Life Sciences','Arts and Humanities','Computer and Information Science','Social Sciences','Mathematical Sciences','Physics','Earth and Environmental Sciences','Chemistry','Engineering','Other','Law','Business and Management','Astronomy and Astrophysics','Agricultural Sciences']. Please return only a json list of at most 3 elements corresponding to the text labels:[/INST] ['Social Sciences']. </s>
[ "Social Sciences" ]
Here are Title and Description of a dataset. Title :'Replication Data for: Social Connectedness and Political Behavior' Description:'Replication data for the article "Social Connectedness and Political Behavior"'. And this are subject categories: ['Medicine, Health and Life Sciences','Arts and Humanities','Computer and Information Science','Social Sciences','Mathematical Sciences','Physics','Earth and Environmental Sciences','Chemistry','Engineering','Other','Law','Business and Management','Astronomy and Astrophysics','Agricultural Sciences']. Please return only a json list of at most 3 elements corresponding to the text labels:
Replication data for the article "Social Connectedness and Political Behavior"
Replication Data for: Social Connectedness and Political Behavior
<s>[INST] Here are Title and Description of a dataset. Title :'Pew Research Center Poll: September, 1998 Political Poll' Description:'Bill Clinton job performance (6); Clinton Administration (6); Republicans in Congress job performance (1); news stories interest (5); 2000 presidential election (2); political party (2); 1998 Congressional election (2); reasons for voting (1); political party respondent will vote for (1); vote for/against Clinton (1); satisfied with country (2); responsible for the country (1); interest in politics (2); registered to vote (2); frequency of voting (1); vote in November (2); topics of interest (13); economy (2); personal financial situation (2); re-elect Congressmen (2); political leaders job performance (7); Bill Clinton (1); Congress (2); solving most important problem (1); opinion of organizations (13); Clinton vs. Republicans (2); programs and proposals (11); HMOs (3); budget surplus (1); social security (2); employment (3); describe political party (21); computer (1); Internet (2); Clinton/Monica Lewinsky (5).'. And this are subject categories: ['Medicine, Health and Life Sciences','Arts and Humanities','Computer and Information Science','Social Sciences','Mathematical Sciences','Physics','Earth and Environmental Sciences','Chemistry','Engineering','Other','Law','Business and Management','Astronomy and Astrophysics','Agricultural Sciences']. Please return only a json list of at most 3 elements corresponding to the text labels:[/INST] ['Social Sciences']. </s>
[ "Social Sciences" ]
Here are Title and Description of a dataset. Title :'Pew Research Center Poll: September, 1998 Political Poll' Description:'Bill Clinton job performance (6); Clinton Administration (6); Republicans in Congress job performance (1); news stories interest (5); 2000 presidential election (2); political party (2); 1998 Congressional election (2); reasons for voting (1); political party respondent will vote for (1); vote for/against Clinton (1); satisfied with country (2); responsible for the country (1); interest in politics (2); registered to vote (2); frequency of voting (1); vote in November (2); topics of interest (13); economy (2); personal financial situation (2); re-elect Congressmen (2); political leaders job performance (7); Bill Clinton (1); Congress (2); solving most important problem (1); opinion of organizations (13); Clinton vs. Republicans (2); programs and proposals (11); HMOs (3); budget surplus (1); social security (2); employment (3); describe political party (21); computer (1); Internet (2); Clinton/Monica Lewinsky (5).'. And this are subject categories: ['Medicine, Health and Life Sciences','Arts and Humanities','Computer and Information Science','Social Sciences','Mathematical Sciences','Physics','Earth and Environmental Sciences','Chemistry','Engineering','Other','Law','Business and Management','Astronomy and Astrophysics','Agricultural Sciences']. Please return only a json list of at most 3 elements corresponding to the text labels:
Bill Clinton job performance (6); Clinton Administration (6); Republicans in Congress job performance (1); news stories interest (5); 2000 presidential election (2); political party (2); 1998 Congressional election (2); reasons for voting (1); political party respondent will vote for (1); vote for/against Clinton (1); satisfied with country (2); responsible for the country (1); interest in politics (2); registered to vote (2); frequency of voting (1); vote in November (2); topics of interest (13); economy (2); personal financial situation (2); re-elect Congressmen (2); political leaders job performance (7); Bill Clinton (1); Congress (2); solving most important problem (1); opinion of organizations (13); Clinton vs. Republicans (2); programs and proposals (11); HMOs (3); budget surplus (1); social security (2); employment (3); describe political party (21); computer (1); Internet (2); Clinton/Monica Lewinsky (5).
Pew Research Center Poll: September, 1998 Political Poll
<s>[INST] Here are Title and Description of a dataset. Title :'Data: Maritime Post of Spanish America, 1764-1808' Description:'Generalized routes of the regular maritime ships of the Royal maritime post and subsidiary routes, 1764-1808. Full metadata in the attached textfile'. And this are subject categories: ['Medicine, Health and Life Sciences','Arts and Humanities','Computer and Information Science','Social Sciences','Mathematical Sciences','Physics','Earth and Environmental Sciences','Chemistry','Engineering','Other','Law','Business and Management','Astronomy and Astrophysics','Agricultural Sciences']. Please return only a json list of at most 3 elements corresponding to the text labels:[/INST] ['Arts and Humanities']. </s>
[ "Arts and Humanities" ]
Here are Title and Description of a dataset. Title :'Data: Maritime Post of Spanish America, 1764-1808' Description:'Generalized routes of the regular maritime ships of the Royal maritime post and subsidiary routes, 1764-1808. Full metadata in the attached textfile'. And this are subject categories: ['Medicine, Health and Life Sciences','Arts and Humanities','Computer and Information Science','Social Sciences','Mathematical Sciences','Physics','Earth and Environmental Sciences','Chemistry','Engineering','Other','Law','Business and Management','Astronomy and Astrophysics','Agricultural Sciences']. Please return only a json list of at most 3 elements corresponding to the text labels:
Generalized routes of the regular maritime ships of the Royal maritime post and subsidiary routes, 1764-1808. Full metadata in the attached textfile
Data: Maritime Post of Spanish America, 1764-1808
<s>[INST] Here are Title and Description of a dataset. Title :'Executive Agreements Database, Statement Regarding Memorandum of Understanding Between The U.S. Geological Survey of the Department of the Interior and The Nicaraguan Institute Of Territorial and The Studies Of Nicaragua Concerning Scientific and Technical Cooperation In The Earth Sciences Signed At Reston, Virginia, March 4, 1999, Managua, Nicaragua, March 10, 1999' Description:'First signed 03/04/1999 Last signed 03/10/1999 Entry in force (supplemented by last signed) 03/10/1999 Stamped 99-48 C06534910 cover memo'. And this are subject categories: ['Medicine, Health and Life Sciences','Arts and Humanities','Computer and Information Science','Social Sciences','Mathematical Sciences','Physics','Earth and Environmental Sciences','Chemistry','Engineering','Other','Law','Business and Management','Astronomy and Astrophysics','Agricultural Sciences']. Please return only a json list of at most 3 elements corresponding to the text labels:[/INST] ['Law', 'Social Sciences']. </s>
[ "Law", "Social Sciences" ]
Here are Title and Description of a dataset. Title :'Executive Agreements Database, Statement Regarding Memorandum of Understanding Between The U.S. Geological Survey of the Department of the Interior and The Nicaraguan Institute Of Territorial and The Studies Of Nicaragua Concerning Scientific and Technical Cooperation In The Earth Sciences Signed At Reston, Virginia, March 4, 1999, Managua, Nicaragua, March 10, 1999' Description:'First signed 03/04/1999 Last signed 03/10/1999 Entry in force (supplemented by last signed) 03/10/1999 Stamped 99-48 C06534910 cover memo'. And this are subject categories: ['Medicine, Health and Life Sciences','Arts and Humanities','Computer and Information Science','Social Sciences','Mathematical Sciences','Physics','Earth and Environmental Sciences','Chemistry','Engineering','Other','Law','Business and Management','Astronomy and Astrophysics','Agricultural Sciences']. Please return only a json list of at most 3 elements corresponding to the text labels:
First signed 03/04/1999 Last signed 03/10/1999 Entry in force (supplemented by last signed) 03/10/1999 Stamped 99-48 C06534910 cover memo
Executive Agreements Database, Statement Regarding Memorandum of Understanding Between The U.S. Geological Survey of the Department of the Interior and The Nicaraguan Institute Of Territorial and The Studies Of Nicaragua Concerning Scientific and Technical Cooperation In The Earth Sciences Signed At Reston, Virginia, March 4, 1999, Managua, Nicaragua, March 10, 1999
<s>[INST] Here are Title and Description of a dataset. Title :'A88_1985.jpg' Description:'Link to OCHRE database: <a href = 'http://pi.lib.uchicago.edu/1001/org/ochre/de7a6b80-f139-8069-48e5-45cda30c3b08'>http://pi.lib.uchicago.edu/1001/org/ochre/de7a6b80-f139-8069-48e5-45cda30c3b08'. And this are subject categories: ['Medicine, Health and Life Sciences','Arts and Humanities','Computer and Information Science','Social Sciences','Mathematical Sciences','Physics','Earth and Environmental Sciences','Chemistry','Engineering','Other','Law','Business and Management','Astronomy and Astrophysics','Agricultural Sciences']. Please return only a json list of at most 3 elements corresponding to the text labels:[/INST] ['Arts and Humanities']. </s>
[ "Arts and Humanities" ]
Here are Title and Description of a dataset. Title :'A88_1985.jpg' Description:'Link to OCHRE database: <a href = 'http://pi.lib.uchicago.edu/1001/org/ochre/de7a6b80-f139-8069-48e5-45cda30c3b08'>http://pi.lib.uchicago.edu/1001/org/ochre/de7a6b80-f139-8069-48e5-45cda30c3b08'. And this are subject categories: ['Medicine, Health and Life Sciences','Arts and Humanities','Computer and Information Science','Social Sciences','Mathematical Sciences','Physics','Earth and Environmental Sciences','Chemistry','Engineering','Other','Law','Business and Management','Astronomy and Astrophysics','Agricultural Sciences']. Please return only a json list of at most 3 elements corresponding to the text labels:
Link to OCHRE database: <a href = 'http://pi.lib.uchicago.edu/1001/org/ochre/de7a6b80-f139-8069-48e5-45cda30c3b08'>http://pi.lib.uchicago.edu/1001/org/ochre/de7a6b80-f139-8069-48e5-45cda30c3b08
<s>[INST] Here are Title and Description of a dataset. Title :'Summary statistics for GWAS of voluntary exercise behaviors in the Netherlands' Description:'These files contain the GWAS summary statistics as described in van der Zee, M.D., et al. (2021, manuscript submitted). If summary statistics are used, please make sure to include a reference to the original manuscript.'. And this are subject categories: ['Medicine, Health and Life Sciences','Arts and Humanities','Computer and Information Science','Social Sciences','Mathematical Sciences','Physics','Earth and Environmental Sciences','Chemistry','Engineering','Other','Law','Business and Management','Astronomy and Astrophysics','Agricultural Sciences']. Please return only a json list of at most 3 elements corresponding to the text labels:[/INST] ['Medicine, Health and Life Sciences', 'Social Sciences']. </s>
[ "Medicine, Health and Life Sciences", "Social Sciences" ]
Here are Title and Description of a dataset. Title :'Summary statistics for GWAS of voluntary exercise behaviors in the Netherlands' Description:'These files contain the GWAS summary statistics as described in van der Zee, M.D., et al. (2021, manuscript submitted). If summary statistics are used, please make sure to include a reference to the original manuscript.'. And this are subject categories: ['Medicine, Health and Life Sciences','Arts and Humanities','Computer and Information Science','Social Sciences','Mathematical Sciences','Physics','Earth and Environmental Sciences','Chemistry','Engineering','Other','Law','Business and Management','Astronomy and Astrophysics','Agricultural Sciences']. Please return only a json list of at most 3 elements corresponding to the text labels:
These files contain the GWAS summary statistics as described in van der Zee, M.D., et al. (2021, manuscript submitted). If summary statistics are used, please make sure to include a reference to the original manuscript.
Summary statistics for GWAS of voluntary exercise behaviors in the Netherlands
<s>[INST] Here are Title and Description of a dataset. Title :'06_SS36112-air_vs_co2_puff' Description:'Neural responses of ANs from SS36112 to puffs of CO2 or air. Please follow the instructions in Git to download these data to the proper location and to run the associated analysis pipeline.'. And this are subject categories: ['Medicine, Health and Life Sciences','Arts and Humanities','Computer and Information Science','Social Sciences','Mathematical Sciences','Physics','Earth and Environmental Sciences','Chemistry','Engineering','Other','Law','Business and Management','Astronomy and Astrophysics','Agricultural Sciences']. Please return only a json list of at most 3 elements corresponding to the text labels:[/INST] ['Medicine, Health and Life Sciences']. </s>
[ "Medicine, Health and Life Sciences" ]
Here are Title and Description of a dataset. Title :'06_SS36112-air_vs_co2_puff' Description:'Neural responses of ANs from SS36112 to puffs of CO2 or air. Please follow the instructions in Git to download these data to the proper location and to run the associated analysis pipeline.'. And this are subject categories: ['Medicine, Health and Life Sciences','Arts and Humanities','Computer and Information Science','Social Sciences','Mathematical Sciences','Physics','Earth and Environmental Sciences','Chemistry','Engineering','Other','Law','Business and Management','Astronomy and Astrophysics','Agricultural Sciences']. Please return only a json list of at most 3 elements corresponding to the text labels:
Neural responses of ANs from SS36112 to puffs of CO2 or air. Please follow the instructions in Git to download these data to the proper location and to run the associated analysis pipeline.
<s>[INST] Here are Title and Description of a dataset. Title :'Gallup Omnibus Survey # 1993-4280802: Presidential Popularity' Description:'Bill Clinton job performance (1); respondent was/was not home at certain days and times (3); respondent is/is not chief wage earner (1).'. And this are subject categories: ['Medicine, Health and Life Sciences','Arts and Humanities','Computer and Information Science','Social Sciences','Mathematical Sciences','Physics','Earth and Environmental Sciences','Chemistry','Engineering','Other','Law','Business and Management','Astronomy and Astrophysics','Agricultural Sciences']. Please return only a json list of at most 3 elements corresponding to the text labels:[/INST] ['Social Sciences']. </s>
[ "Social Sciences" ]
Here are Title and Description of a dataset. Title :'Gallup Omnibus Survey # 1993-4280802: Presidential Popularity' Description:'Bill Clinton job performance (1); respondent was/was not home at certain days and times (3); respondent is/is not chief wage earner (1).'. And this are subject categories: ['Medicine, Health and Life Sciences','Arts and Humanities','Computer and Information Science','Social Sciences','Mathematical Sciences','Physics','Earth and Environmental Sciences','Chemistry','Engineering','Other','Law','Business and Management','Astronomy and Astrophysics','Agricultural Sciences']. Please return only a json list of at most 3 elements corresponding to the text labels:
Bill Clinton job performance (1); respondent was/was not home at certain days and times (3); respondent is/is not chief wage earner (1).
Gallup Omnibus Survey # 1993-4280802: Presidential Popularity
<s>[INST] Here are Title and Description of a dataset. Title :'Yield constraints of rainfed lowland rice in Central Java, Indonesia' Description:'The low and unstable yields of rainfed lowland rice in Central Java can be attributed to drought, nutrient stress, pest infestation or a combination of these factors. Field experiments were conducted in six crop seasons from 1997 to 2000 at Jakenan Experiment Station to quantify the yield loss due to these factors. Experimental treatments—two water supply levels (wellwatered, rainfed) in the main plots and five fertilizer levels (0-22-90, 120-0-90, 120-22-0, 120-22-90, 144-27-108 kg NPK ha-1) in the subplots—were laid out in a split-plot design with four replications. Crop, soil, and water parameters were recorded and pest infestations were assessed. In all seasons, rice yield was significantly influenced by fertilizer treatments. Average yield reduction due to N omission was 42%, to K omission 33–36%, and to P omission 3–4%. Water by nutrient interactions did not affect rice yield and biomass production. In two of the three dry seasons, an average of 20% of the panicles were damaged by pests and estimated yield loss from pests was 56–59% in well-watered and well-fertilized treatments. In one out of six seasons, yields under rainfed conditions were 20–23% lower than under well-watered conditions. Drought, N and K deficiencies, and pest infestation are the major determinants for high yields in rainfed environments in Jakenan. Supplying adequate nutrient and good pest control are at least as important as drought management for increasing crop productivity of rainfed rice-growing areas in Central Java. The relative importance of drought, nutrient and pest management may vary in other rainfed areas. Yield constraints analysis should be systematically carried out to identify appropriate management strategies.'. And this are subject categories: ['Medicine, Health and Life Sciences','Arts and Humanities','Computer and Information Science','Social Sciences','Mathematical Sciences','Physics','Earth and Environmental Sciences','Chemistry','Engineering','Other','Law','Business and Management','Astronomy and Astrophysics','Agricultural Sciences']. Please return only a json list of at most 3 elements corresponding to the text labels:[/INST] ['Earth and Environmental Sciences']. </s>
[ "Earth and Environmental Sciences" ]
Here are Title and Description of a dataset. Title :'Yield constraints of rainfed lowland rice in Central Java, Indonesia' Description:'The low and unstable yields of rainfed lowland rice in Central Java can be attributed to drought, nutrient stress, pest infestation or a combination of these factors. Field experiments were conducted in six crop seasons from 1997 to 2000 at Jakenan Experiment Station to quantify the yield loss due to these factors. Experimental treatments—two water supply levels (wellwatered, rainfed) in the main plots and five fertilizer levels (0-22-90, 120-0-90, 120-22-0, 120-22-90, 144-27-108 kg NPK ha-1) in the subplots—were laid out in a split-plot design with four replications. Crop, soil, and water parameters were recorded and pest infestations were assessed. In all seasons, rice yield was significantly influenced by fertilizer treatments. Average yield reduction due to N omission was 42%, to K omission 33–36%, and to P omission 3–4%. Water by nutrient interactions did not affect rice yield and biomass production. In two of the three dry seasons, an average of 20% of the panicles were damaged by pests and estimated yield loss from pests was 56–59% in well-watered and well-fertilized treatments. In one out of six seasons, yields under rainfed conditions were 20–23% lower than under well-watered conditions. Drought, N and K deficiencies, and pest infestation are the major determinants for high yields in rainfed environments in Jakenan. Supplying adequate nutrient and good pest control are at least as important as drought management for increasing crop productivity of rainfed rice-growing areas in Central Java. The relative importance of drought, nutrient and pest management may vary in other rainfed areas. Yield constraints analysis should be systematically carried out to identify appropriate management strategies.'. And this are subject categories: ['Medicine, Health and Life Sciences','Arts and Humanities','Computer and Information Science','Social Sciences','Mathematical Sciences','Physics','Earth and Environmental Sciences','Chemistry','Engineering','Other','Law','Business and Management','Astronomy and Astrophysics','Agricultural Sciences']. Please return only a json list of at most 3 elements corresponding to the text labels:
The low and unstable yields of rainfed lowland rice in Central Java can be attributed to drought, nutrient stress, pest infestation or a combination of these factors. Field experiments were conducted in six crop seasons from 1997 to 2000 at Jakenan Experiment Station to quantify the yield loss due to these factors. Experimental treatments—two water supply levels (wellwatered, rainfed) in the main plots and five fertilizer levels (0-22-90, 120-0-90, 120-22-0, 120-22-90, 144-27-108 kg NPK ha-1) in the subplots—were laid out in a split-plot design with four replications. Crop, soil, and water parameters were recorded and pest infestations were assessed. In all seasons, rice yield was significantly influenced by fertilizer treatments. Average yield reduction due to N omission was 42%, to K omission 33–36%, and to P omission 3–4%. Water by nutrient interactions did not affect rice yield and biomass production. In two of the three dry seasons, an average of 20% of the panicles were damaged by pests and estimated yield loss from pests was 56–59% in well-watered and well-fertilized treatments. In one out of six seasons, yields under rainfed conditions were 20–23% lower than under well-watered conditions. Drought, N and K deficiencies, and pest infestation are the major determinants for high yields in rainfed environments in Jakenan. Supplying adequate nutrient and good pest control are at least as important as drought management for increasing crop productivity of rainfed rice-growing areas in Central Java. The relative importance of drought, nutrient and pest management may vary in other rainfed areas. Yield constraints analysis should be systematically carried out to identify appropriate management strategies.
Yield constraints of rainfed lowland rice in Central Java, Indonesia
<s>[INST] Here are Title and Description of a dataset. Title :'Belsele_2008_parochiekerk' Description:'Dendrochronological research project'. And this are subject categories: ['Medicine, Health and Life Sciences','Arts and Humanities','Computer and Information Science','Social Sciences','Mathematical Sciences','Physics','Earth and Environmental Sciences','Chemistry','Engineering','Other','Law','Business and Management','Astronomy and Astrophysics','Agricultural Sciences']. Please return only a json list of at most 3 elements corresponding to the text labels:[/INST] ['Arts and Humanities', 'Earth and Environmental Sciences']. </s>
[ "Arts and Humanities", "Earth and Environmental Sciences" ]
Here are Title and Description of a dataset. Title :'Belsele_2008_parochiekerk' Description:'Dendrochronological research project'. And this are subject categories: ['Medicine, Health and Life Sciences','Arts and Humanities','Computer and Information Science','Social Sciences','Mathematical Sciences','Physics','Earth and Environmental Sciences','Chemistry','Engineering','Other','Law','Business and Management','Astronomy and Astrophysics','Agricultural Sciences']. Please return only a json list of at most 3 elements corresponding to the text labels:
Dendrochronological research project
<s>[INST] Here are Title and Description of a dataset. Title :'Replication Data for: The Institutionalization of a Cleavage: How Differential Treatment Affects State Behavior in the Climate Negotiations' Description:'Differential treatment is a key norm in multilateral environmental agreements. Its main objective is to increase compliance and reduce the free-rider problem by apportioning the costs and benefits of implementation more equitably across the parties in an agreement. The question of how to differentiate those burdens is inextricably linked to national interests, and while in some instances differential treatment is well designed and facilitates cooperation, in other cases a rigid divide—or cleavage—leads to a stalemate and constant conflict. This article studies the consequences of differential treatment as institutionalized under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). Previous research has shown that the separation of UNFCCC parties into two opposing groups has deepened the polarization in the negotiations. We identify two causal mechanisms that may have driven this polarization, namely socialization through material incentives and the formation of group identity. We draw on an original dataset that records (dis)agreements between country pairs, coded from negotiation summaries between 1995 and 2013. Using a relational events model, we show that the division of UNFCCC parties into Annex I (with obligations) and non-Annex I (without obligations) is related primarily to material incentives and less to group identity formation.'. And this are subject categories: ['Medicine, Health and Life Sciences','Arts and Humanities','Computer and Information Science','Social Sciences','Mathematical Sciences','Physics','Earth and Environmental Sciences','Chemistry','Engineering','Other','Law','Business and Management','Astronomy and Astrophysics','Agricultural Sciences']. Please return only a json list of at most 3 elements corresponding to the text labels:[/INST] ['Social Sciences']. </s>
[ "Social Sciences" ]
Here are Title and Description of a dataset. Title :'Replication Data for: The Institutionalization of a Cleavage: How Differential Treatment Affects State Behavior in the Climate Negotiations' Description:'Differential treatment is a key norm in multilateral environmental agreements. Its main objective is to increase compliance and reduce the free-rider problem by apportioning the costs and benefits of implementation more equitably across the parties in an agreement. The question of how to differentiate those burdens is inextricably linked to national interests, and while in some instances differential treatment is well designed and facilitates cooperation, in other cases a rigid divide—or cleavage—leads to a stalemate and constant conflict. This article studies the consequences of differential treatment as institutionalized under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). Previous research has shown that the separation of UNFCCC parties into two opposing groups has deepened the polarization in the negotiations. We identify two causal mechanisms that may have driven this polarization, namely socialization through material incentives and the formation of group identity. We draw on an original dataset that records (dis)agreements between country pairs, coded from negotiation summaries between 1995 and 2013. Using a relational events model, we show that the division of UNFCCC parties into Annex I (with obligations) and non-Annex I (without obligations) is related primarily to material incentives and less to group identity formation.'. And this are subject categories: ['Medicine, Health and Life Sciences','Arts and Humanities','Computer and Information Science','Social Sciences','Mathematical Sciences','Physics','Earth and Environmental Sciences','Chemistry','Engineering','Other','Law','Business and Management','Astronomy and Astrophysics','Agricultural Sciences']. Please return only a json list of at most 3 elements corresponding to the text labels:
Differential treatment is a key norm in multilateral environmental agreements. Its main objective is to increase compliance and reduce the free-rider problem by apportioning the costs and benefits of implementation more equitably across the parties in an agreement. The question of how to differentiate those burdens is inextricably linked to national interests, and while in some instances differential treatment is well designed and facilitates cooperation, in other cases a rigid divide—or cleavage—leads to a stalemate and constant conflict. This article studies the consequences of differential treatment as institutionalized under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). Previous research has shown that the separation of UNFCCC parties into two opposing groups has deepened the polarization in the negotiations. We identify two causal mechanisms that may have driven this polarization, namely socialization through material incentives and the formation of group identity. We draw on an original dataset that records (dis)agreements between country pairs, coded from negotiation summaries between 1995 and 2013. Using a relational events model, we show that the division of UNFCCC parties into Annex I (with obligations) and non-Annex I (without obligations) is related primarily to material incentives and less to group identity formation.
Replication Data for: The Institutionalization of a Cleavage: How Differential Treatment Affects State Behavior in the Climate Negotiations
<s>[INST] Here are Title and Description of a dataset. Title :'Replication Data for: Natural Language Models as Political Communicators' Description:'Replication dataset for "Natural Language Models as Political Communicators" by Sarah Kreps, Olaf Willner, Jakob Richi, Elliott Ash'. And this are subject categories: ['Medicine, Health and Life Sciences','Arts and Humanities','Computer and Information Science','Social Sciences','Mathematical Sciences','Physics','Earth and Environmental Sciences','Chemistry','Engineering','Other','Law','Business and Management','Astronomy and Astrophysics','Agricultural Sciences']. Please return only a json list of at most 3 elements corresponding to the text labels:[/INST] ['Computer and Information Science', 'Social Sciences']. </s>
[ "Computer and Information Science", "Social Sciences" ]
Here are Title and Description of a dataset. Title :'Replication Data for: Natural Language Models as Political Communicators' Description:'Replication dataset for "Natural Language Models as Political Communicators" by Sarah Kreps, Olaf Willner, Jakob Richi, Elliott Ash'. And this are subject categories: ['Medicine, Health and Life Sciences','Arts and Humanities','Computer and Information Science','Social Sciences','Mathematical Sciences','Physics','Earth and Environmental Sciences','Chemistry','Engineering','Other','Law','Business and Management','Astronomy and Astrophysics','Agricultural Sciences']. Please return only a json list of at most 3 elements corresponding to the text labels:
Replication dataset for "Natural Language Models as Political Communicators" by Sarah Kreps, Olaf Willner, Jakob Richi, Elliott Ash
Replication Data for: Natural Language Models as Political Communicators
<s>[INST] Here are Title and Description of a dataset. Title :'TCF_Relf2D: Stochastic inversion of Gaussian random media using transverse coherence functions for reflected waves: theory and method' Description:'This is the Matlab package for TCF_Relf2D, for Hu, H. and Zheng, Y., Stochastic inversion of Gaussian random media using transverse coherence functions for reflected waves: theory and method, JGR Solid Earth.'. And this are subject categories: ['Medicine, Health and Life Sciences','Arts and Humanities','Computer and Information Science','Social Sciences','Mathematical Sciences','Physics','Earth and Environmental Sciences','Chemistry','Engineering','Other','Law','Business and Management','Astronomy and Astrophysics','Agricultural Sciences']. Please return only a json list of at most 3 elements corresponding to the text labels:[/INST] ['Earth and Environmental Sciences']. </s>
[ "Earth and Environmental Sciences" ]
Here are Title and Description of a dataset. Title :'TCF_Relf2D: Stochastic inversion of Gaussian random media using transverse coherence functions for reflected waves: theory and method' Description:'This is the Matlab package for TCF_Relf2D, for Hu, H. and Zheng, Y., Stochastic inversion of Gaussian random media using transverse coherence functions for reflected waves: theory and method, JGR Solid Earth.'. And this are subject categories: ['Medicine, Health and Life Sciences','Arts and Humanities','Computer and Information Science','Social Sciences','Mathematical Sciences','Physics','Earth and Environmental Sciences','Chemistry','Engineering','Other','Law','Business and Management','Astronomy and Astrophysics','Agricultural Sciences']. Please return only a json list of at most 3 elements corresponding to the text labels:
This is the Matlab package for TCF_Relf2D, for Hu, H. and Zheng, Y., Stochastic inversion of Gaussian random media using transverse coherence functions for reflected waves: theory and method, JGR Solid Earth.
TCF_Relf2D: Stochastic inversion of Gaussian random media using transverse coherence functions for reflected waves: theory and method
<s>[INST] Here are Title and Description of a dataset. Title :'A12_23866.JPG' Description:'Link to OCHRE database: <a href = ''http://pi.lib.uchicago.edu/1001/org/ochre/4ca01def-62b8-45df-817e-718cec90179a'>http://pi.lib.uchicago.edu/1001/org/ochre/4ca01def-62b8-45df-817e-718cec90179a'. And this are subject categories: ['Medicine, Health and Life Sciences','Arts and Humanities','Computer and Information Science','Social Sciences','Mathematical Sciences','Physics','Earth and Environmental Sciences','Chemistry','Engineering','Other','Law','Business and Management','Astronomy and Astrophysics','Agricultural Sciences']. Please return only a json list of at most 3 elements corresponding to the text labels:[/INST] ['Arts and Humanities']. </s>
[ "Arts and Humanities" ]
Here are Title and Description of a dataset. Title :'A12_23866.JPG' Description:'Link to OCHRE database: <a href = ''http://pi.lib.uchicago.edu/1001/org/ochre/4ca01def-62b8-45df-817e-718cec90179a'>http://pi.lib.uchicago.edu/1001/org/ochre/4ca01def-62b8-45df-817e-718cec90179a'. And this are subject categories: ['Medicine, Health and Life Sciences','Arts and Humanities','Computer and Information Science','Social Sciences','Mathematical Sciences','Physics','Earth and Environmental Sciences','Chemistry','Engineering','Other','Law','Business and Management','Astronomy and Astrophysics','Agricultural Sciences']. Please return only a json list of at most 3 elements corresponding to the text labels:
Link to OCHRE database: <a href = ''http://pi.lib.uchicago.edu/1001/org/ochre/4ca01def-62b8-45df-817e-718cec90179a'>http://pi.lib.uchicago.edu/1001/org/ochre/4ca01def-62b8-45df-817e-718cec90179a
<s>[INST] Here are Title and Description of a dataset. Title :'Supplemental Data S1-S3 and S26-S37' Description:'Supplemental Data for Weiss and Martindale paper. Student and Professor Survey Questions and Results as well as statistical analyses of the data.'. And this are subject categories: ['Medicine, Health and Life Sciences','Arts and Humanities','Computer and Information Science','Social Sciences','Mathematical Sciences','Physics','Earth and Environmental Sciences','Chemistry','Engineering','Other','Law','Business and Management','Astronomy and Astrophysics','Agricultural Sciences']. Please return only a json list of at most 3 elements corresponding to the text labels:[/INST] ['Earth and Environmental Sciences']. </s>
[ "Earth and Environmental Sciences" ]
Here are Title and Description of a dataset. Title :'Supplemental Data S1-S3 and S26-S37' Description:'Supplemental Data for Weiss and Martindale paper. Student and Professor Survey Questions and Results as well as statistical analyses of the data.'. And this are subject categories: ['Medicine, Health and Life Sciences','Arts and Humanities','Computer and Information Science','Social Sciences','Mathematical Sciences','Physics','Earth and Environmental Sciences','Chemistry','Engineering','Other','Law','Business and Management','Astronomy and Astrophysics','Agricultural Sciences']. Please return only a json list of at most 3 elements corresponding to the text labels:
Supplemental Data for Weiss and Martindale paper. Student and Professor Survey Questions and Results as well as statistical analyses of the data.
Supplemental Data S1-S3 and S26-S37
<s>[INST] Here are Title and Description of a dataset. Title :'Cañal-Bruland, Meyerhoff & Müller (2022) - Context modulates the impact of auditory information on visual anticipation' Description:'Data of both studies described in: Cañal-Bruland, Meyerhoff & Müller (2022). Context modulates the impact of auditory information on visual anticipation. Cognitive Research: Principles and Implications, 7:76. https://doi.org/10.1186/s41235-022-00425-2'. And this are subject categories: ['Medicine, Health and Life Sciences','Arts and Humanities','Computer and Information Science','Social Sciences','Mathematical Sciences','Physics','Earth and Environmental Sciences','Chemistry','Engineering','Other','Law','Business and Management','Astronomy and Astrophysics','Agricultural Sciences']. Please return only a json list of at most 3 elements corresponding to the text labels:[/INST] ['Social Sciences']. </s>
[ "Social Sciences" ]
Here are Title and Description of a dataset. Title :'Cañal-Bruland, Meyerhoff & Müller (2022) - Context modulates the impact of auditory information on visual anticipation' Description:'Data of both studies described in: Cañal-Bruland, Meyerhoff & Müller (2022). Context modulates the impact of auditory information on visual anticipation. Cognitive Research: Principles and Implications, 7:76. https://doi.org/10.1186/s41235-022-00425-2'. And this are subject categories: ['Medicine, Health and Life Sciences','Arts and Humanities','Computer and Information Science','Social Sciences','Mathematical Sciences','Physics','Earth and Environmental Sciences','Chemistry','Engineering','Other','Law','Business and Management','Astronomy and Astrophysics','Agricultural Sciences']. Please return only a json list of at most 3 elements corresponding to the text labels:
Data of both studies described in: Cañal-Bruland, Meyerhoff & Müller (2022). Context modulates the impact of auditory information on visual anticipation. Cognitive Research: Principles and Implications, 7:76. https://doi.org/10.1186/s41235-022-00425-2
Cañal-Bruland, Meyerhoff & Müller (2022) - Context modulates the impact of auditory information on visual anticipation
<s>[INST] Here are Title and Description of a dataset. Title :'A15_29660.jpg' Description:'Link to OCHRE database: <a href = 'http://pi.lib.uchicago.edu/1001/org/ochre/7aeb975c-fcc7-42da-8bf6-0a1a367c8c28'>http://pi.lib.uchicago.edu/1001/org/ochre/7aeb975c-fcc7-42da-8bf6-0a1a367c8c28'. And this are subject categories: ['Medicine, Health and Life Sciences','Arts and Humanities','Computer and Information Science','Social Sciences','Mathematical Sciences','Physics','Earth and Environmental Sciences','Chemistry','Engineering','Other','Law','Business and Management','Astronomy and Astrophysics','Agricultural Sciences']. Please return only a json list of at most 3 elements corresponding to the text labels:[/INST] ['Arts and Humanities']. </s>
[ "Arts and Humanities" ]
Here are Title and Description of a dataset. Title :'A15_29660.jpg' Description:'Link to OCHRE database: <a href = 'http://pi.lib.uchicago.edu/1001/org/ochre/7aeb975c-fcc7-42da-8bf6-0a1a367c8c28'>http://pi.lib.uchicago.edu/1001/org/ochre/7aeb975c-fcc7-42da-8bf6-0a1a367c8c28'. And this are subject categories: ['Medicine, Health and Life Sciences','Arts and Humanities','Computer and Information Science','Social Sciences','Mathematical Sciences','Physics','Earth and Environmental Sciences','Chemistry','Engineering','Other','Law','Business and Management','Astronomy and Astrophysics','Agricultural Sciences']. Please return only a json list of at most 3 elements corresponding to the text labels:
Link to OCHRE database: <a href = 'http://pi.lib.uchicago.edu/1001/org/ochre/7aeb975c-fcc7-42da-8bf6-0a1a367c8c28'>http://pi.lib.uchicago.edu/1001/org/ochre/7aeb975c-fcc7-42da-8bf6-0a1a367c8c28
<s>[INST] Here are Title and Description of a dataset. Title :'A16_31376.jpg' Description:'Link to OCHRE database: <a href = 'http://pi.lib.uchicago.edu/1001/org/ochre/ce913166-1a6b-4ad2-9532-a15ebd553da8'>http://pi.lib.uchicago.edu/1001/org/ochre/ce913166-1a6b-4ad2-9532-a15ebd553da8'. And this are subject categories: ['Medicine, Health and Life Sciences','Arts and Humanities','Computer and Information Science','Social Sciences','Mathematical Sciences','Physics','Earth and Environmental Sciences','Chemistry','Engineering','Other','Law','Business and Management','Astronomy and Astrophysics','Agricultural Sciences']. Please return only a json list of at most 3 elements corresponding to the text labels:[/INST] ['Arts and Humanities']. </s>
[ "Arts and Humanities" ]
Here are Title and Description of a dataset. Title :'A16_31376.jpg' Description:'Link to OCHRE database: <a href = 'http://pi.lib.uchicago.edu/1001/org/ochre/ce913166-1a6b-4ad2-9532-a15ebd553da8'>http://pi.lib.uchicago.edu/1001/org/ochre/ce913166-1a6b-4ad2-9532-a15ebd553da8'. And this are subject categories: ['Medicine, Health and Life Sciences','Arts and Humanities','Computer and Information Science','Social Sciences','Mathematical Sciences','Physics','Earth and Environmental Sciences','Chemistry','Engineering','Other','Law','Business and Management','Astronomy and Astrophysics','Agricultural Sciences']. Please return only a json list of at most 3 elements corresponding to the text labels:
Link to OCHRE database: <a href = 'http://pi.lib.uchicago.edu/1001/org/ochre/ce913166-1a6b-4ad2-9532-a15ebd553da8'>http://pi.lib.uchicago.edu/1001/org/ochre/ce913166-1a6b-4ad2-9532-a15ebd553da8
<s>[INST] Here are Title and Description of a dataset. Title :'British Gallup Poll CQ 354' Description:'N/A'. And this are subject categories: ['Medicine, Health and Life Sciences','Arts and Humanities','Computer and Information Science','Social Sciences','Mathematical Sciences','Physics','Earth and Environmental Sciences','Chemistry','Engineering','Other','Law','Business and Management','Astronomy and Astrophysics','Agricultural Sciences']. Please return only a json list of at most 3 elements corresponding to the text labels:[/INST] ['Social Sciences']. </s>
[ "Social Sciences" ]
Here are Title and Description of a dataset. Title :'British Gallup Poll CQ 354' Description:'N/A'. And this are subject categories: ['Medicine, Health and Life Sciences','Arts and Humanities','Computer and Information Science','Social Sciences','Mathematical Sciences','Physics','Earth and Environmental Sciences','Chemistry','Engineering','Other','Law','Business and Management','Astronomy and Astrophysics','Agricultural Sciences']. Please return only a json list of at most 3 elements corresponding to the text labels:
British Gallup Poll CQ 354
<s>[INST] Here are Title and Description of a dataset. Title :'Replication Data for: Modulation of Democracy: Partisan Communication during and after Election Campaigns' Description:'It is well known that politicians speak differently when campaigning. The shadow of elections may affect candidates' change in tone during campaigns, but to date we lack a systematic study of the changes in communication patterns between campaign and non-campaign periods. In this study, we look at the sentiment in 4.3 million tweets posted by members of parliaments in the EU27 from 2018 to 2020. Our results show that (1) the opposition, even populists and Euroskeptics, sends more positive messages during campaigns, (2) parties trailing in the polls communicate more negatively, and (3) that the changes are similar in national and European elections. These findings show the need to look beyond campaign times to understand parties' appeals, and highlight the promises of social media data to move beyond traditional analyses of manifestos and speeches.'. And this are subject categories: ['Medicine, Health and Life Sciences','Arts and Humanities','Computer and Information Science','Social Sciences','Mathematical Sciences','Physics','Earth and Environmental Sciences','Chemistry','Engineering','Other','Law','Business and Management','Astronomy and Astrophysics','Agricultural Sciences']. Please return only a json list of at most 3 elements corresponding to the text labels:[/INST] ['Social Sciences']. </s>
[ "Social Sciences" ]
Here are Title and Description of a dataset. Title :'Replication Data for: Modulation of Democracy: Partisan Communication during and after Election Campaigns' Description:'It is well known that politicians speak differently when campaigning. The shadow of elections may affect candidates' change in tone during campaigns, but to date we lack a systematic study of the changes in communication patterns between campaign and non-campaign periods. In this study, we look at the sentiment in 4.3 million tweets posted by members of parliaments in the EU27 from 2018 to 2020. Our results show that (1) the opposition, even populists and Euroskeptics, sends more positive messages during campaigns, (2) parties trailing in the polls communicate more negatively, and (3) that the changes are similar in national and European elections. These findings show the need to look beyond campaign times to understand parties' appeals, and highlight the promises of social media data to move beyond traditional analyses of manifestos and speeches.'. And this are subject categories: ['Medicine, Health and Life Sciences','Arts and Humanities','Computer and Information Science','Social Sciences','Mathematical Sciences','Physics','Earth and Environmental Sciences','Chemistry','Engineering','Other','Law','Business and Management','Astronomy and Astrophysics','Agricultural Sciences']. Please return only a json list of at most 3 elements corresponding to the text labels:
It is well known that politicians speak differently when campaigning. The shadow of elections may affect candidates' change in tone during campaigns, but to date we lack a systematic study of the changes in communication patterns between campaign and non-campaign periods. In this study, we look at the sentiment in 4.3 million tweets posted by members of parliaments in the EU27 from 2018 to 2020. Our results show that (1) the opposition, even populists and Euroskeptics, sends more positive messages during campaigns, (2) parties trailing in the polls communicate more negatively, and (3) that the changes are similar in national and European elections. These findings show the need to look beyond campaign times to understand parties' appeals, and highlight the promises of social media data to move beyond traditional analyses of manifestos and speeches.
Replication Data for: Modulation of Democracy: Partisan Communication during and after Election Campaigns
<s>[INST] Here are Title and Description of a dataset. Title :'A12_20811.JPG' Description:'Link to OCHRE database: <a href = ''http://pi.lib.uchicago.edu/1001/org/ochre/c9cca5b7-66ad-4e70-867a-5c31cb34322e'>http://pi.lib.uchicago.edu/1001/org/ochre/c9cca5b7-66ad-4e70-867a-5c31cb34322e'. And this are subject categories: ['Medicine, Health and Life Sciences','Arts and Humanities','Computer and Information Science','Social Sciences','Mathematical Sciences','Physics','Earth and Environmental Sciences','Chemistry','Engineering','Other','Law','Business and Management','Astronomy and Astrophysics','Agricultural Sciences']. Please return only a json list of at most 3 elements corresponding to the text labels:[/INST] ['Arts and Humanities']. </s>
[ "Arts and Humanities" ]
Here are Title and Description of a dataset. Title :'A12_20811.JPG' Description:'Link to OCHRE database: <a href = ''http://pi.lib.uchicago.edu/1001/org/ochre/c9cca5b7-66ad-4e70-867a-5c31cb34322e'>http://pi.lib.uchicago.edu/1001/org/ochre/c9cca5b7-66ad-4e70-867a-5c31cb34322e'. And this are subject categories: ['Medicine, Health and Life Sciences','Arts and Humanities','Computer and Information Science','Social Sciences','Mathematical Sciences','Physics','Earth and Environmental Sciences','Chemistry','Engineering','Other','Law','Business and Management','Astronomy and Astrophysics','Agricultural Sciences']. Please return only a json list of at most 3 elements corresponding to the text labels:
Link to OCHRE database: <a href = ''http://pi.lib.uchicago.edu/1001/org/ochre/c9cca5b7-66ad-4e70-867a-5c31cb34322e'>http://pi.lib.uchicago.edu/1001/org/ochre/c9cca5b7-66ad-4e70-867a-5c31cb34322e
<s>[INST] Here are Title and Description of a dataset. Title :'A15_28989.jpg' Description:'Link to OCHRE database: <a href = 'http://pi.lib.uchicago.edu/1001/org/ochre/35fab280-4970-472e-bc94-5609a3a16ce0'>http://pi.lib.uchicago.edu/1001/org/ochre/35fab280-4970-472e-bc94-5609a3a16ce0'. And this are subject categories: ['Medicine, Health and Life Sciences','Arts and Humanities','Computer and Information Science','Social Sciences','Mathematical Sciences','Physics','Earth and Environmental Sciences','Chemistry','Engineering','Other','Law','Business and Management','Astronomy and Astrophysics','Agricultural Sciences']. Please return only a json list of at most 3 elements corresponding to the text labels:[/INST] ['Arts and Humanities']. </s>
[ "Arts and Humanities" ]
Here are Title and Description of a dataset. Title :'A15_28989.jpg' Description:'Link to OCHRE database: <a href = 'http://pi.lib.uchicago.edu/1001/org/ochre/35fab280-4970-472e-bc94-5609a3a16ce0'>http://pi.lib.uchicago.edu/1001/org/ochre/35fab280-4970-472e-bc94-5609a3a16ce0'. And this are subject categories: ['Medicine, Health and Life Sciences','Arts and Humanities','Computer and Information Science','Social Sciences','Mathematical Sciences','Physics','Earth and Environmental Sciences','Chemistry','Engineering','Other','Law','Business and Management','Astronomy and Astrophysics','Agricultural Sciences']. Please return only a json list of at most 3 elements corresponding to the text labels:
Link to OCHRE database: <a href = 'http://pi.lib.uchicago.edu/1001/org/ochre/35fab280-4970-472e-bc94-5609a3a16ce0'>http://pi.lib.uchicago.edu/1001/org/ochre/35fab280-4970-472e-bc94-5609a3a16ce0
<s>[INST] Here are Title and Description of a dataset. Title :'Replication Data for: Vaccine hesitancy among parents in Kuala Lumpur: a single center study' Description:'The data provided for this study include the Raw Data in sav format, the Output Data in PDF format, the Questionnaire in both Malay and English, and the Patient's Information Sheet and Informed Consent form in both Malay and English.'. And this are subject categories: ['Medicine, Health and Life Sciences','Arts and Humanities','Computer and Information Science','Social Sciences','Mathematical Sciences','Physics','Earth and Environmental Sciences','Chemistry','Engineering','Other','Law','Business and Management','Astronomy and Astrophysics','Agricultural Sciences']. Please return only a json list of at most 3 elements corresponding to the text labels:[/INST] ['Medicine, Health and Life Sciences']. </s>
[ "Medicine, Health and Life Sciences" ]
Here are Title and Description of a dataset. Title :'Replication Data for: Vaccine hesitancy among parents in Kuala Lumpur: a single center study' Description:'The data provided for this study include the Raw Data in sav format, the Output Data in PDF format, the Questionnaire in both Malay and English, and the Patient's Information Sheet and Informed Consent form in both Malay and English.'. And this are subject categories: ['Medicine, Health and Life Sciences','Arts and Humanities','Computer and Information Science','Social Sciences','Mathematical Sciences','Physics','Earth and Environmental Sciences','Chemistry','Engineering','Other','Law','Business and Management','Astronomy and Astrophysics','Agricultural Sciences']. Please return only a json list of at most 3 elements corresponding to the text labels:
The data provided for this study include the Raw Data in sav format, the Output Data in PDF format, the Questionnaire in both Malay and English, and the Patient's Information Sheet and Informed Consent form in both Malay and English.
Replication Data for: Vaccine hesitancy among parents in Kuala Lumpur: a single center study
<s>[INST] Here are Title and Description of a dataset. Title :'British Gallup Poll CQ 12' Description:'Thatcher job performance(1); leadership of political parties(3); intent to vote in June 1983 general election(2); status of economic situation(6); timing for buying major household items(1) confidence in America to deal with World problems(2); job performance of President Reagan(1); opinion of President Reagan (1); Opinion of relations between Britain and America(1); opinion of role played by various countries in world affairs(5); relations between the U.S. and Libya(2).'. And this are subject categories: ['Medicine, Health and Life Sciences','Arts and Humanities','Computer and Information Science','Social Sciences','Mathematical Sciences','Physics','Earth and Environmental Sciences','Chemistry','Engineering','Other','Law','Business and Management','Astronomy and Astrophysics','Agricultural Sciences']. Please return only a json list of at most 3 elements corresponding to the text labels:[/INST] ['Social Sciences']. </s>
[ "Social Sciences" ]
Here are Title and Description of a dataset. Title :'British Gallup Poll CQ 12' Description:'Thatcher job performance(1); leadership of political parties(3); intent to vote in June 1983 general election(2); status of economic situation(6); timing for buying major household items(1) confidence in America to deal with World problems(2); job performance of President Reagan(1); opinion of President Reagan (1); Opinion of relations between Britain and America(1); opinion of role played by various countries in world affairs(5); relations between the U.S. and Libya(2).'. And this are subject categories: ['Medicine, Health and Life Sciences','Arts and Humanities','Computer and Information Science','Social Sciences','Mathematical Sciences','Physics','Earth and Environmental Sciences','Chemistry','Engineering','Other','Law','Business and Management','Astronomy and Astrophysics','Agricultural Sciences']. Please return only a json list of at most 3 elements corresponding to the text labels:
Thatcher job performance(1); leadership of political parties(3); intent to vote in June 1983 general election(2); status of economic situation(6); timing for buying major household items(1) confidence in America to deal with World problems(2); job performance of President Reagan(1); opinion of President Reagan (1); Opinion of relations between Britain and America(1); opinion of role played by various countries in world affairs(5); relations between the U.S. and Libya(2).
British Gallup Poll CQ 12
<s>[INST] Here are Title and Description of a dataset. Title :'MFRED 2019-2021 (public file, 15/15 aggregate version): 10 second interval real and reactive power in 390 US apartments of varying size and vintage, including Covid-19 pandemic-related changes in consumption patterns' Description:'10-second interval electricity data (real and reactive power) of 390 apartments located in >12 residential buildings in New York City (Jan 2019 - Dec 2021), published at level of 15 aggregated apartments per trace ("15/15 rule"). In line with stay-at-home and/or work-from-home patterns prompted by the pandemic, annual average load per apartment increased from 343 Watt in 2019 to 360 Watt in 2020, and then fell again to 347 Watt in 2021. This was accompanied by delayed load ramp-up during early morning hours, indicating changes in diurnal profiles, as well as an increase in phase angle, indicating higher portions of capacitive loads such as routers, computers, and other electronics. Files attached with this dataset cover 2020 and 2021 data. Data for 2019 as well as comprehensive explanations of the dataset can be found in Meinrenken et al. (doi.org/10.1038/s41597-020-00721-w), which is attached. Total number of files attached: 10.'. And this are subject categories: ['Medicine, Health and Life Sciences','Arts and Humanities','Computer and Information Science','Social Sciences','Mathematical Sciences','Physics','Earth and Environmental Sciences','Chemistry','Engineering','Other','Law','Business and Management','Astronomy and Astrophysics','Agricultural Sciences']. Please return only a json list of at most 3 elements corresponding to the text labels:[/INST] ['Earth and Environmental Sciences', 'Engineering', 'Medicine, Health and Life Sciences', 'Social Sciences']. </s>
[ "Earth and Environmental Sciences", "Engineering", "Medicine, Health and Life Sciences", "Social Sciences" ]
Here are Title and Description of a dataset. Title :'MFRED 2019-2021 (public file, 15/15 aggregate version): 10 second interval real and reactive power in 390 US apartments of varying size and vintage, including Covid-19 pandemic-related changes in consumption patterns' Description:'10-second interval electricity data (real and reactive power) of 390 apartments located in >12 residential buildings in New York City (Jan 2019 - Dec 2021), published at level of 15 aggregated apartments per trace ("15/15 rule"). In line with stay-at-home and/or work-from-home patterns prompted by the pandemic, annual average load per apartment increased from 343 Watt in 2019 to 360 Watt in 2020, and then fell again to 347 Watt in 2021. This was accompanied by delayed load ramp-up during early morning hours, indicating changes in diurnal profiles, as well as an increase in phase angle, indicating higher portions of capacitive loads such as routers, computers, and other electronics. Files attached with this dataset cover 2020 and 2021 data. Data for 2019 as well as comprehensive explanations of the dataset can be found in Meinrenken et al. (doi.org/10.1038/s41597-020-00721-w), which is attached. Total number of files attached: 10.'. And this are subject categories: ['Medicine, Health and Life Sciences','Arts and Humanities','Computer and Information Science','Social Sciences','Mathematical Sciences','Physics','Earth and Environmental Sciences','Chemistry','Engineering','Other','Law','Business and Management','Astronomy and Astrophysics','Agricultural Sciences']. Please return only a json list of at most 3 elements corresponding to the text labels:
10-second interval electricity data (real and reactive power) of 390 apartments located in >12 residential buildings in New York City (Jan 2019 - Dec 2021), published at level of 15 aggregated apartments per trace ("15/15 rule"). In line with stay-at-home and/or work-from-home patterns prompted by the pandemic, annual average load per apartment increased from 343 Watt in 2019 to 360 Watt in 2020, and then fell again to 347 Watt in 2021. This was accompanied by delayed load ramp-up during early morning hours, indicating changes in diurnal profiles, as well as an increase in phase angle, indicating higher portions of capacitive loads such as routers, computers, and other electronics. Files attached with this dataset cover 2020 and 2021 data. Data for 2019 as well as comprehensive explanations of the dataset can be found in Meinrenken et al. (doi.org/10.1038/s41597-020-00721-w), which is attached. Total number of files attached: 10.
MFRED 2019-2021 (public file, 15/15 aggregate version): 10 second interval real and reactive power in 390 US apartments of varying size and vintage, including Covid-19 pandemic-related changes in consumption patterns
<s>[INST] Here are Title and Description of a dataset. Title :'Adam Szulewski - PhD project data for study 5' Description:'Study 5: Starting to think like an expert: an analysis of resident cognitive processes during simulation-based resuscitation examinations. Simulation is commonly used to teach crisis resource management skills and assess them in emergency medicine residents. However, our understanding of the cognitive processes underlying crisis resource management skills is limited because these processes are difficult to assess and describe. The objective of this study is to uncover and characterize the cognitive processes underlying crisis resource management skills and to describe how these processes vary between residents according to performance in a simulation-based examination. Twenty-two of 24 eligible emergency medicine trainees from 1 tertiary academic center completed 1 or 2 resuscitation- based examinations in the simulation laboratory. Resident performance was assessed by a blinded expert using an entrustment- based scoring tool. Participants wore eye-tracking glasses that generated first-person video that was used to augment subsequent interviews led by an emergency medicine faculty member.'. And this are subject categories: ['Medicine, Health and Life Sciences','Arts and Humanities','Computer and Information Science','Social Sciences','Mathematical Sciences','Physics','Earth and Environmental Sciences','Chemistry','Engineering','Other','Law','Business and Management','Astronomy and Astrophysics','Agricultural Sciences']. Please return only a json list of at most 3 elements corresponding to the text labels:[/INST] ['Social Sciences']. </s>
[ "Social Sciences" ]
Here are Title and Description of a dataset. Title :'Adam Szulewski - PhD project data for study 5' Description:'Study 5: Starting to think like an expert: an analysis of resident cognitive processes during simulation-based resuscitation examinations. Simulation is commonly used to teach crisis resource management skills and assess them in emergency medicine residents. However, our understanding of the cognitive processes underlying crisis resource management skills is limited because these processes are difficult to assess and describe. The objective of this study is to uncover and characterize the cognitive processes underlying crisis resource management skills and to describe how these processes vary between residents according to performance in a simulation-based examination. Twenty-two of 24 eligible emergency medicine trainees from 1 tertiary academic center completed 1 or 2 resuscitation- based examinations in the simulation laboratory. Resident performance was assessed by a blinded expert using an entrustment- based scoring tool. Participants wore eye-tracking glasses that generated first-person video that was used to augment subsequent interviews led by an emergency medicine faculty member.'. And this are subject categories: ['Medicine, Health and Life Sciences','Arts and Humanities','Computer and Information Science','Social Sciences','Mathematical Sciences','Physics','Earth and Environmental Sciences','Chemistry','Engineering','Other','Law','Business and Management','Astronomy and Astrophysics','Agricultural Sciences']. Please return only a json list of at most 3 elements corresponding to the text labels:
Study 5: Starting to think like an expert: an analysis of resident cognitive processes during simulation-based resuscitation examinations. Simulation is commonly used to teach crisis resource management skills and assess them in emergency medicine residents. However, our understanding of the cognitive processes underlying crisis resource management skills is limited because these processes are difficult to assess and describe. The objective of this study is to uncover and characterize the cognitive processes underlying crisis resource management skills and to describe how these processes vary between residents according to performance in a simulation-based examination. Twenty-two of 24 eligible emergency medicine trainees from 1 tertiary academic center completed 1 or 2 resuscitation- based examinations in the simulation laboratory. Resident performance was assessed by a blinded expert using an entrustment- based scoring tool. Participants wore eye-tracking glasses that generated first-person video that was used to augment subsequent interviews led by an emergency medicine faculty member.
Adam Szulewski - PhD project data for study 5
<s>[INST] Here are Title and Description of a dataset. Title :'A07_16414.JPG' Description:'Link to OCHRE database: <a href = 'http://pi.lib.uchicago.edu/1001/org/ochre/fadf325a-eb8d-dff8-b7eb-5a1366593a2f'>http://pi.lib.uchicago.edu/1001/org/ochre/fadf325a-eb8d-dff8-b7eb-5a1366593a2f'. And this are subject categories: ['Medicine, Health and Life Sciences','Arts and Humanities','Computer and Information Science','Social Sciences','Mathematical Sciences','Physics','Earth and Environmental Sciences','Chemistry','Engineering','Other','Law','Business and Management','Astronomy and Astrophysics','Agricultural Sciences']. Please return only a json list of at most 3 elements corresponding to the text labels:[/INST] ['Arts and Humanities']. </s>
[ "Arts and Humanities" ]
Here are Title and Description of a dataset. Title :'A07_16414.JPG' Description:'Link to OCHRE database: <a href = 'http://pi.lib.uchicago.edu/1001/org/ochre/fadf325a-eb8d-dff8-b7eb-5a1366593a2f'>http://pi.lib.uchicago.edu/1001/org/ochre/fadf325a-eb8d-dff8-b7eb-5a1366593a2f'. And this are subject categories: ['Medicine, Health and Life Sciences','Arts and Humanities','Computer and Information Science','Social Sciences','Mathematical Sciences','Physics','Earth and Environmental Sciences','Chemistry','Engineering','Other','Law','Business and Management','Astronomy and Astrophysics','Agricultural Sciences']. Please return only a json list of at most 3 elements corresponding to the text labels:
Link to OCHRE database: <a href = 'http://pi.lib.uchicago.edu/1001/org/ochre/fadf325a-eb8d-dff8-b7eb-5a1366593a2f'>http://pi.lib.uchicago.edu/1001/org/ochre/fadf325a-eb8d-dff8-b7eb-5a1366593a2f
<s>[INST] Here are Title and Description of a dataset. Title :'A07_16476.JPG' Description:'Link to OCHRE database: <a href = 'http://pi.lib.uchicago.edu/1001/org/ochre/bba2b34d-5286-c868-1230-3d9bc3f5fcb1'>http://pi.lib.uchicago.edu/1001/org/ochre/bba2b34d-5286-c868-1230-3d9bc3f5fcb1'. And this are subject categories: ['Medicine, Health and Life Sciences','Arts and Humanities','Computer and Information Science','Social Sciences','Mathematical Sciences','Physics','Earth and Environmental Sciences','Chemistry','Engineering','Other','Law','Business and Management','Astronomy and Astrophysics','Agricultural Sciences']. Please return only a json list of at most 3 elements corresponding to the text labels:[/INST] ['Arts and Humanities']. </s>
[ "Arts and Humanities" ]
Here are Title and Description of a dataset. Title :'A07_16476.JPG' Description:'Link to OCHRE database: <a href = 'http://pi.lib.uchicago.edu/1001/org/ochre/bba2b34d-5286-c868-1230-3d9bc3f5fcb1'>http://pi.lib.uchicago.edu/1001/org/ochre/bba2b34d-5286-c868-1230-3d9bc3f5fcb1'. And this are subject categories: ['Medicine, Health and Life Sciences','Arts and Humanities','Computer and Information Science','Social Sciences','Mathematical Sciences','Physics','Earth and Environmental Sciences','Chemistry','Engineering','Other','Law','Business and Management','Astronomy and Astrophysics','Agricultural Sciences']. Please return only a json list of at most 3 elements corresponding to the text labels:
Link to OCHRE database: <a href = 'http://pi.lib.uchicago.edu/1001/org/ochre/bba2b34d-5286-c868-1230-3d9bc3f5fcb1'>http://pi.lib.uchicago.edu/1001/org/ochre/bba2b34d-5286-c868-1230-3d9bc3f5fcb1
<s>[INST] Here are Title and Description of a dataset. Title :'Replication Data for: How individuals’ social characteristics impact the likelihood to waste a vote – Evidence from Great Britain, Germany and France' Description:'Which social characteristics of voters reduce the chances to waste a vote? Surprisingly, little is known about the commonalities and differences of citizens who do (not) make their vote count. In this article, we argue that levels of education and income, gender and age shape the likelihood to waste a vote through two channels: the voting motivation and the ability to correctly asses the viability of candidates. Drawing on data from the Comparative Study of Electoral Systems, we analyse voting behaviour in six elections in Great Britain, Germany and France between 2005 and 2015. Our analyses demonstrate that holding a university degree is not related to effective voting. Differences in cognitive capacities as a consequence of formal education are hence not decisive for voters’ ability to assess candidates’ viability correctly. Instead, our results show that many of those wasting their ballots are male and young voters who tend to knowingly decide to support candidates unlikely to win. Overall, these findings shed light on wasted votes as one of the factors that might balance and reinforce existing social inequalities in the political process.'. And this are subject categories: ['Medicine, Health and Life Sciences','Arts and Humanities','Computer and Information Science','Social Sciences','Mathematical Sciences','Physics','Earth and Environmental Sciences','Chemistry','Engineering','Other','Law','Business and Management','Astronomy and Astrophysics','Agricultural Sciences']. Please return only a json list of at most 3 elements corresponding to the text labels:[/INST] ['Social Sciences']. </s>
[ "Social Sciences" ]
Here are Title and Description of a dataset. Title :'Replication Data for: How individuals’ social characteristics impact the likelihood to waste a vote – Evidence from Great Britain, Germany and France' Description:'Which social characteristics of voters reduce the chances to waste a vote? Surprisingly, little is known about the commonalities and differences of citizens who do (not) make their vote count. In this article, we argue that levels of education and income, gender and age shape the likelihood to waste a vote through two channels: the voting motivation and the ability to correctly asses the viability of candidates. Drawing on data from the Comparative Study of Electoral Systems, we analyse voting behaviour in six elections in Great Britain, Germany and France between 2005 and 2015. Our analyses demonstrate that holding a university degree is not related to effective voting. Differences in cognitive capacities as a consequence of formal education are hence not decisive for voters’ ability to assess candidates’ viability correctly. Instead, our results show that many of those wasting their ballots are male and young voters who tend to knowingly decide to support candidates unlikely to win. Overall, these findings shed light on wasted votes as one of the factors that might balance and reinforce existing social inequalities in the political process.'. And this are subject categories: ['Medicine, Health and Life Sciences','Arts and Humanities','Computer and Information Science','Social Sciences','Mathematical Sciences','Physics','Earth and Environmental Sciences','Chemistry','Engineering','Other','Law','Business and Management','Astronomy and Astrophysics','Agricultural Sciences']. Please return only a json list of at most 3 elements corresponding to the text labels:
Which social characteristics of voters reduce the chances to waste a vote? Surprisingly, little is known about the commonalities and differences of citizens who do (not) make their vote count. In this article, we argue that levels of education and income, gender and age shape the likelihood to waste a vote through two channels: the voting motivation and the ability to correctly asses the viability of candidates. Drawing on data from the Comparative Study of Electoral Systems, we analyse voting behaviour in six elections in Great Britain, Germany and France between 2005 and 2015. Our analyses demonstrate that holding a university degree is not related to effective voting. Differences in cognitive capacities as a consequence of formal education are hence not decisive for voters’ ability to assess candidates’ viability correctly. Instead, our results show that many of those wasting their ballots are male and young voters who tend to knowingly decide to support candidates unlikely to win. Overall, these findings shed light on wasted votes as one of the factors that might balance and reinforce existing social inequalities in the political process.
Replication Data for: How individuals’ social characteristics impact the likelihood to waste a vote – Evidence from Great Britain, Germany and France
<s>[INST] Here are Title and Description of a dataset. Title :'Angus Reid Group Poll: Angus Reid Report--Volume 12, Number 1' Description:'Most important problem in Canada (2); economy (6); economy of province (4); consumerism (8); business contributions to Canada (1); trade mission (1); job satisfaction rating (5); start your own business (6); television advertising (4); television watching habits (3); Canada's health care system (7); change in health-care in ten years (1); salary cap for doctors (2); encourage children to go into medicine (1); private health-care expenses (1); gun control (1); gun ownership (2); political party (6); government job performance (8); political party job performance (4); Prime Minister Jean Chretien job performance (3); Brian Mulrooney (1); future leisure time (1); achievements in the 21st century (2); most important in 21st century (1); new year's resolutions (4).'. And this are subject categories: ['Medicine, Health and Life Sciences','Arts and Humanities','Computer and Information Science','Social Sciences','Mathematical Sciences','Physics','Earth and Environmental Sciences','Chemistry','Engineering','Other','Law','Business and Management','Astronomy and Astrophysics','Agricultural Sciences']. Please return only a json list of at most 3 elements corresponding to the text labels:[/INST] ['Social Sciences']. </s>
[ "Social Sciences" ]
Here are Title and Description of a dataset. Title :'Angus Reid Group Poll: Angus Reid Report--Volume 12, Number 1' Description:'Most important problem in Canada (2); economy (6); economy of province (4); consumerism (8); business contributions to Canada (1); trade mission (1); job satisfaction rating (5); start your own business (6); television advertising (4); television watching habits (3); Canada's health care system (7); change in health-care in ten years (1); salary cap for doctors (2); encourage children to go into medicine (1); private health-care expenses (1); gun control (1); gun ownership (2); political party (6); government job performance (8); political party job performance (4); Prime Minister Jean Chretien job performance (3); Brian Mulrooney (1); future leisure time (1); achievements in the 21st century (2); most important in 21st century (1); new year's resolutions (4).'. And this are subject categories: ['Medicine, Health and Life Sciences','Arts and Humanities','Computer and Information Science','Social Sciences','Mathematical Sciences','Physics','Earth and Environmental Sciences','Chemistry','Engineering','Other','Law','Business and Management','Astronomy and Astrophysics','Agricultural Sciences']. Please return only a json list of at most 3 elements corresponding to the text labels:
Most important problem in Canada (2); economy (6); economy of province (4); consumerism (8); business contributions to Canada (1); trade mission (1); job satisfaction rating (5); start your own business (6); television advertising (4); television watching habits (3); Canada's health care system (7); change in health-care in ten years (1); salary cap for doctors (2); encourage children to go into medicine (1); private health-care expenses (1); gun control (1); gun ownership (2); political party (6); government job performance (8); political party job performance (4); Prime Minister Jean Chretien job performance (3); Brian Mulrooney (1); future leisure time (1); achievements in the 21st century (2); most important in 21st century (1); new year's resolutions (4).
Angus Reid Group Poll: Angus Reid Report--Volume 12, Number 1
<s>[INST] Here are Title and Description of a dataset. Title :'Gallup Poll # 624' Description:'Dwight Eisenhower job performance (1); Most important problem facing the country today (1); Presidential candidates for 1960 election (2); Adlai Stevenson vs John F. Kennedy (1); Stuart Syminton vs. Lyndon Baines Johnson (1); John F. Kennedy vs. Lyndon Johnson (1); Possible World war involving atomic and hydrogen bombs (1); Ease at which divorces should be made to get (1); Richard Nixon vs. John F. Kennedy (1); Adlai Stevenson vs. Richard Nixon (1); Richard Nixon vs. Lyndon Johnson (1); Knowledge of Presidential candidate's religion (1); Republican vs. Democratic Party (2); Vote in 1956 Presidential Election (1).'. And this are subject categories: ['Medicine, Health and Life Sciences','Arts and Humanities','Computer and Information Science','Social Sciences','Mathematical Sciences','Physics','Earth and Environmental Sciences','Chemistry','Engineering','Other','Law','Business and Management','Astronomy and Astrophysics','Agricultural Sciences']. Please return only a json list of at most 3 elements corresponding to the text labels:[/INST] ['Social Sciences']. </s>
[ "Social Sciences" ]
Here are Title and Description of a dataset. Title :'Gallup Poll # 624' Description:'Dwight Eisenhower job performance (1); Most important problem facing the country today (1); Presidential candidates for 1960 election (2); Adlai Stevenson vs John F. Kennedy (1); Stuart Syminton vs. Lyndon Baines Johnson (1); John F. Kennedy vs. Lyndon Johnson (1); Possible World war involving atomic and hydrogen bombs (1); Ease at which divorces should be made to get (1); Richard Nixon vs. John F. Kennedy (1); Adlai Stevenson vs. Richard Nixon (1); Richard Nixon vs. Lyndon Johnson (1); Knowledge of Presidential candidate's religion (1); Republican vs. Democratic Party (2); Vote in 1956 Presidential Election (1).'. And this are subject categories: ['Medicine, Health and Life Sciences','Arts and Humanities','Computer and Information Science','Social Sciences','Mathematical Sciences','Physics','Earth and Environmental Sciences','Chemistry','Engineering','Other','Law','Business and Management','Astronomy and Astrophysics','Agricultural Sciences']. Please return only a json list of at most 3 elements corresponding to the text labels:
Dwight Eisenhower job performance (1); Most important problem facing the country today (1); Presidential candidates for 1960 election (2); Adlai Stevenson vs John F. Kennedy (1); Stuart Syminton vs. Lyndon Baines Johnson (1); John F. Kennedy vs. Lyndon Johnson (1); Possible World war involving atomic and hydrogen bombs (1); Ease at which divorces should be made to get (1); Richard Nixon vs. John F. Kennedy (1); Adlai Stevenson vs. Richard Nixon (1); Richard Nixon vs. Lyndon Johnson (1); Knowledge of Presidential candidate's religion (1); Republican vs. Democratic Party (2); Vote in 1956 Presidential Election (1).
Gallup Poll # 624
<s>[INST] Here are Title and Description of a dataset. Title :'Replication Data for: "Campus Diversity: The Hidden Consensus"' Description:'This package includes all the results (+ some additional results) included in "Campus Diversity: The Hidden Consensus" (Cambridge University Press, 2020).'. And this are subject categories: ['Medicine, Health and Life Sciences','Arts and Humanities','Computer and Information Science','Social Sciences','Mathematical Sciences','Physics','Earth and Environmental Sciences','Chemistry','Engineering','Other','Law','Business and Management','Astronomy and Astrophysics','Agricultural Sciences']. Please return only a json list of at most 3 elements corresponding to the text labels:[/INST] ['Social Sciences']. </s>
[ "Social Sciences" ]
Here are Title and Description of a dataset. Title :'Replication Data for: "Campus Diversity: The Hidden Consensus"' Description:'This package includes all the results (+ some additional results) included in "Campus Diversity: The Hidden Consensus" (Cambridge University Press, 2020).'. And this are subject categories: ['Medicine, Health and Life Sciences','Arts and Humanities','Computer and Information Science','Social Sciences','Mathematical Sciences','Physics','Earth and Environmental Sciences','Chemistry','Engineering','Other','Law','Business and Management','Astronomy and Astrophysics','Agricultural Sciences']. Please return only a json list of at most 3 elements corresponding to the text labels:
This package includes all the results (+ some additional results) included in "Campus Diversity: The Hidden Consensus" (Cambridge University Press, 2020).
Replication Data for: "Campus Diversity: The Hidden Consensus"
<s>[INST] Here are Title and Description of a dataset. Title :'hou02665c01055' Description:'Report, Havana and Guanajay'. And this are subject categories: ['Medicine, Health and Life Sciences','Arts and Humanities','Computer and Information Science','Social Sciences','Mathematical Sciences','Physics','Earth and Environmental Sciences','Chemistry','Engineering','Other','Law','Business and Management','Astronomy and Astrophysics','Agricultural Sciences']. Please return only a json list of at most 3 elements corresponding to the text labels:[/INST] ['Arts and Humanities']. </s>
[ "Arts and Humanities" ]
Here are Title and Description of a dataset. Title :'hou02665c01055' Description:'Report, Havana and Guanajay'. And this are subject categories: ['Medicine, Health and Life Sciences','Arts and Humanities','Computer and Information Science','Social Sciences','Mathematical Sciences','Physics','Earth and Environmental Sciences','Chemistry','Engineering','Other','Law','Business and Management','Astronomy and Astrophysics','Agricultural Sciences']. Please return only a json list of at most 3 elements corresponding to the text labels:
Report, Havana and Guanajay
<s>[INST] Here are Title and Description of a dataset. Title :'A16_31706.jpg' Description:'Link to OCHRE database: <a href = 'http://pi.lib.uchicago.edu/1001/org/ochre/c1cb94f1-bfe4-4907-8778-24ada419912a'>http://pi.lib.uchicago.edu/1001/org/ochre/c1cb94f1-bfe4-4907-8778-24ada419912a'. And this are subject categories: ['Medicine, Health and Life Sciences','Arts and Humanities','Computer and Information Science','Social Sciences','Mathematical Sciences','Physics','Earth and Environmental Sciences','Chemistry','Engineering','Other','Law','Business and Management','Astronomy and Astrophysics','Agricultural Sciences']. Please return only a json list of at most 3 elements corresponding to the text labels:[/INST] ['Arts and Humanities']. </s>
[ "Arts and Humanities" ]
Here are Title and Description of a dataset. Title :'A16_31706.jpg' Description:'Link to OCHRE database: <a href = 'http://pi.lib.uchicago.edu/1001/org/ochre/c1cb94f1-bfe4-4907-8778-24ada419912a'>http://pi.lib.uchicago.edu/1001/org/ochre/c1cb94f1-bfe4-4907-8778-24ada419912a'. And this are subject categories: ['Medicine, Health and Life Sciences','Arts and Humanities','Computer and Information Science','Social Sciences','Mathematical Sciences','Physics','Earth and Environmental Sciences','Chemistry','Engineering','Other','Law','Business and Management','Astronomy and Astrophysics','Agricultural Sciences']. Please return only a json list of at most 3 elements corresponding to the text labels:
Link to OCHRE database: <a href = 'http://pi.lib.uchicago.edu/1001/org/ochre/c1cb94f1-bfe4-4907-8778-24ada419912a'>http://pi.lib.uchicago.edu/1001/org/ochre/c1cb94f1-bfe4-4907-8778-24ada419912a
<s>[INST] Here are Title and Description of a dataset. Title :'Christina Georgina Rossetti Collection (project REVEAL)' Description:'Christina Georgina Rossetti was an English poet born in London in 1830. Her lyric poetry is often described as romantic or devotional in nature. Her most famous collection, Goblin Market and Other Poems, was published in 1862, and established her as the leading female poet of the time. Two of her poems, "In the Bleak Midwinter" and "Love Came Down at Christmas," have been arranged as Christmas carols. Both Christina and her brother, the poet and painter Dante Gabriel Rossetti, were part of the Pre-Raphaelite literary and artistic movement. The Christina Georgina Rossetti collection contains manuscripts and letters written by the English poet. Handwritten manuscripts for two works, "Letter and Spirit: Notes on the Commandments" and "A Pageant and Other Poems" are included. Her correspondents include Ford Madox Brown, Katharine Tynan Hinkson, Charles Augustus Howell, Kate Howell, Edmund McClure, Dante Gabriel Rossetti, William Michael Rossetti, Frederic James Shields, Richard St. John Tyrwhitt, and others. This collection was digitized as part of Project REVEAL (Read and View English & American Literature).'. And this are subject categories: ['Medicine, Health and Life Sciences','Arts and Humanities','Computer and Information Science','Social Sciences','Mathematical Sciences','Physics','Earth and Environmental Sciences','Chemistry','Engineering','Other','Law','Business and Management','Astronomy and Astrophysics','Agricultural Sciences']. Please return only a json list of at most 3 elements corresponding to the text labels:[/INST] ['Arts and Humanities']. </s>
[ "Arts and Humanities" ]
Here are Title and Description of a dataset. Title :'Christina Georgina Rossetti Collection (project REVEAL)' Description:'Christina Georgina Rossetti was an English poet born in London in 1830. Her lyric poetry is often described as romantic or devotional in nature. Her most famous collection, Goblin Market and Other Poems, was published in 1862, and established her as the leading female poet of the time. Two of her poems, "In the Bleak Midwinter" and "Love Came Down at Christmas," have been arranged as Christmas carols. Both Christina and her brother, the poet and painter Dante Gabriel Rossetti, were part of the Pre-Raphaelite literary and artistic movement. The Christina Georgina Rossetti collection contains manuscripts and letters written by the English poet. Handwritten manuscripts for two works, "Letter and Spirit: Notes on the Commandments" and "A Pageant and Other Poems" are included. Her correspondents include Ford Madox Brown, Katharine Tynan Hinkson, Charles Augustus Howell, Kate Howell, Edmund McClure, Dante Gabriel Rossetti, William Michael Rossetti, Frederic James Shields, Richard St. John Tyrwhitt, and others. This collection was digitized as part of Project REVEAL (Read and View English & American Literature).'. And this are subject categories: ['Medicine, Health and Life Sciences','Arts and Humanities','Computer and Information Science','Social Sciences','Mathematical Sciences','Physics','Earth and Environmental Sciences','Chemistry','Engineering','Other','Law','Business and Management','Astronomy and Astrophysics','Agricultural Sciences']. Please return only a json list of at most 3 elements corresponding to the text labels:
Christina Georgina Rossetti was an English poet born in London in 1830. Her lyric poetry is often described as romantic or devotional in nature. Her most famous collection, Goblin Market and Other Poems, was published in 1862, and established her as the leading female poet of the time. Two of her poems, "In the Bleak Midwinter" and "Love Came Down at Christmas," have been arranged as Christmas carols. Both Christina and her brother, the poet and painter Dante Gabriel Rossetti, were part of the Pre-Raphaelite literary and artistic movement. The Christina Georgina Rossetti collection contains manuscripts and letters written by the English poet. Handwritten manuscripts for two works, "Letter and Spirit: Notes on the Commandments" and "A Pageant and Other Poems" are included. Her correspondents include Ford Madox Brown, Katharine Tynan Hinkson, Charles Augustus Howell, Kate Howell, Edmund McClure, Dante Gabriel Rossetti, William Michael Rossetti, Frederic James Shields, Richard St. John Tyrwhitt, and others. This collection was digitized as part of Project REVEAL (Read and View English & American Literature).
Christina Georgina Rossetti Collection (project REVEAL)
<s>[INST] Here are Title and Description of a dataset. Title :'A12_23744.JPG' Description:'Link to OCHRE database: <a href = ''http://pi.lib.uchicago.edu/1001/org/ochre/4e78a165-3127-40ef-b600-48343c7d5aa0'>http://pi.lib.uchicago.edu/1001/org/ochre/4e78a165-3127-40ef-b600-48343c7d5aa0'. And this are subject categories: ['Medicine, Health and Life Sciences','Arts and Humanities','Computer and Information Science','Social Sciences','Mathematical Sciences','Physics','Earth and Environmental Sciences','Chemistry','Engineering','Other','Law','Business and Management','Astronomy and Astrophysics','Agricultural Sciences']. Please return only a json list of at most 3 elements corresponding to the text labels:[/INST] ['Arts and Humanities']. </s>
[ "Arts and Humanities" ]
Here are Title and Description of a dataset. Title :'A12_23744.JPG' Description:'Link to OCHRE database: <a href = ''http://pi.lib.uchicago.edu/1001/org/ochre/4e78a165-3127-40ef-b600-48343c7d5aa0'>http://pi.lib.uchicago.edu/1001/org/ochre/4e78a165-3127-40ef-b600-48343c7d5aa0'. And this are subject categories: ['Medicine, Health and Life Sciences','Arts and Humanities','Computer and Information Science','Social Sciences','Mathematical Sciences','Physics','Earth and Environmental Sciences','Chemistry','Engineering','Other','Law','Business and Management','Astronomy and Astrophysics','Agricultural Sciences']. Please return only a json list of at most 3 elements corresponding to the text labels:
Link to OCHRE database: <a href = ''http://pi.lib.uchicago.edu/1001/org/ochre/4e78a165-3127-40ef-b600-48343c7d5aa0'>http://pi.lib.uchicago.edu/1001/org/ochre/4e78a165-3127-40ef-b600-48343c7d5aa0
<s>[INST] Here are Title and Description of a dataset. Title :'Replication data for: The Elusive Search for Presidential Power' Description:'Unilateral presidential actions, such as executive orders, are widely cited as a key strategic tool for presidential power. However, is unilateral action evidence of unilateralism or might it represent executive acquiescence? We answer this by (1) specifying three competing models, each with a different presidential discretion assumption and generating alternative hypotheses; (2) extending the canonical item-response model to best measure executive-order significance; and (3) comparing competing theoretical models to data for 1947 through 2002. Theoretically, we show that legislative preferences may impact unilateral actions differently than previously thought and indicate how parties may be influential. Empirically, a model where the president is responsive to the chamber's majority-party median fits the data better than models assuming responsiveness to the chamber median or no presidential acquiescence. Unilateral action appears not tantamount to presidential power, as evidence implies that legislative parties, or the judicial actors enforcing their will, are key conditioning factors.'. And this are subject categories: ['Medicine, Health and Life Sciences','Arts and Humanities','Computer and Information Science','Social Sciences','Mathematical Sciences','Physics','Earth and Environmental Sciences','Chemistry','Engineering','Other','Law','Business and Management','Astronomy and Astrophysics','Agricultural Sciences']. Please return only a json list of at most 3 elements corresponding to the text labels:[/INST] ['Social Sciences']. </s>
[ "Social Sciences" ]
Here are Title and Description of a dataset. Title :'Replication data for: The Elusive Search for Presidential Power' Description:'Unilateral presidential actions, such as executive orders, are widely cited as a key strategic tool for presidential power. However, is unilateral action evidence of unilateralism or might it represent executive acquiescence? We answer this by (1) specifying three competing models, each with a different presidential discretion assumption and generating alternative hypotheses; (2) extending the canonical item-response model to best measure executive-order significance; and (3) comparing competing theoretical models to data for 1947 through 2002. Theoretically, we show that legislative preferences may impact unilateral actions differently than previously thought and indicate how parties may be influential. Empirically, a model where the president is responsive to the chamber's majority-party median fits the data better than models assuming responsiveness to the chamber median or no presidential acquiescence. Unilateral action appears not tantamount to presidential power, as evidence implies that legislative parties, or the judicial actors enforcing their will, are key conditioning factors.'. And this are subject categories: ['Medicine, Health and Life Sciences','Arts and Humanities','Computer and Information Science','Social Sciences','Mathematical Sciences','Physics','Earth and Environmental Sciences','Chemistry','Engineering','Other','Law','Business and Management','Astronomy and Astrophysics','Agricultural Sciences']. Please return only a json list of at most 3 elements corresponding to the text labels:
Unilateral presidential actions, such as executive orders, are widely cited as a key strategic tool for presidential power. However, is unilateral action evidence of unilateralism or might it represent executive acquiescence? We answer this by (1) specifying three competing models, each with a different presidential discretion assumption and generating alternative hypotheses; (2) extending the canonical item-response model to best measure executive-order significance; and (3) comparing competing theoretical models to data for 1947 through 2002. Theoretically, we show that legislative preferences may impact unilateral actions differently than previously thought and indicate how parties may be influential. Empirically, a model where the president is responsive to the chamber's majority-party median fits the data better than models assuming responsiveness to the chamber median or no presidential acquiescence. Unilateral action appears not tantamount to presidential power, as evidence implies that legislative parties, or the judicial actors enforcing their will, are key conditioning factors.
Replication data for: The Elusive Search for Presidential Power
<s>[INST] Here are Title and Description of a dataset. Title :'IFOP Poll: Abortion and Contraception' Description:'Agreement with political statements (14); legislative candidate preferences (1); political majority (2); majority descriptions (12); mock ballot (1); stocks held (1); legislation compared to social evolution (4); social issue leniency (4); abortion laws (4); justifying abortions (1); abortion Social Security reimbursement (1); human life beginning (1); abortion time limit (1); contraception (3); contraceptive parent permission (1); contraceptive Social Security reimbursement (1); agreement with contraceptive statements (3).'. And this are subject categories: ['Medicine, Health and Life Sciences','Arts and Humanities','Computer and Information Science','Social Sciences','Mathematical Sciences','Physics','Earth and Environmental Sciences','Chemistry','Engineering','Other','Law','Business and Management','Astronomy and Astrophysics','Agricultural Sciences']. Please return only a json list of at most 3 elements corresponding to the text labels:[/INST] ['Social Sciences']. </s>
[ "Social Sciences" ]
Here are Title and Description of a dataset. Title :'IFOP Poll: Abortion and Contraception' Description:'Agreement with political statements (14); legislative candidate preferences (1); political majority (2); majority descriptions (12); mock ballot (1); stocks held (1); legislation compared to social evolution (4); social issue leniency (4); abortion laws (4); justifying abortions (1); abortion Social Security reimbursement (1); human life beginning (1); abortion time limit (1); contraception (3); contraceptive parent permission (1); contraceptive Social Security reimbursement (1); agreement with contraceptive statements (3).'. And this are subject categories: ['Medicine, Health and Life Sciences','Arts and Humanities','Computer and Information Science','Social Sciences','Mathematical Sciences','Physics','Earth and Environmental Sciences','Chemistry','Engineering','Other','Law','Business and Management','Astronomy and Astrophysics','Agricultural Sciences']. Please return only a json list of at most 3 elements corresponding to the text labels:
Agreement with political statements (14); legislative candidate preferences (1); political majority (2); majority descriptions (12); mock ballot (1); stocks held (1); legislation compared to social evolution (4); social issue leniency (4); abortion laws (4); justifying abortions (1); abortion Social Security reimbursement (1); human life beginning (1); abortion time limit (1); contraception (3); contraceptive parent permission (1); contraceptive Social Security reimbursement (1); agreement with contraceptive statements (3).
IFOP Poll: Abortion and Contraception
<s>[INST] Here are Title and Description of a dataset. Title :'A99_12085.jpg' Description:'Link to OCHRE database: <a href = 'http://pi.lib.uchicago.edu/1001/org/ochre/5c0e368e-7d64-c856-b914-5881caea1faf'>http://pi.lib.uchicago.edu/1001/org/ochre/5c0e368e-7d64-c856-b914-5881caea1faf'. And this are subject categories: ['Medicine, Health and Life Sciences','Arts and Humanities','Computer and Information Science','Social Sciences','Mathematical Sciences','Physics','Earth and Environmental Sciences','Chemistry','Engineering','Other','Law','Business and Management','Astronomy and Astrophysics','Agricultural Sciences']. Please return only a json list of at most 3 elements corresponding to the text labels:[/INST] ['Arts and Humanities']. </s>
[ "Arts and Humanities" ]
Here are Title and Description of a dataset. Title :'A99_12085.jpg' Description:'Link to OCHRE database: <a href = 'http://pi.lib.uchicago.edu/1001/org/ochre/5c0e368e-7d64-c856-b914-5881caea1faf'>http://pi.lib.uchicago.edu/1001/org/ochre/5c0e368e-7d64-c856-b914-5881caea1faf'. And this are subject categories: ['Medicine, Health and Life Sciences','Arts and Humanities','Computer and Information Science','Social Sciences','Mathematical Sciences','Physics','Earth and Environmental Sciences','Chemistry','Engineering','Other','Law','Business and Management','Astronomy and Astrophysics','Agricultural Sciences']. Please return only a json list of at most 3 elements corresponding to the text labels:
Link to OCHRE database: <a href = 'http://pi.lib.uchicago.edu/1001/org/ochre/5c0e368e-7d64-c856-b914-5881caea1faf'>http://pi.lib.uchicago.edu/1001/org/ochre/5c0e368e-7d64-c856-b914-5881caea1faf
<s>[INST] Here are Title and Description of a dataset. Title :'Replication Data for: HIIT training effects on CS and D' from running 3MT' Description:'This is the dataset that can be used to re-create all the tables of the "HIIT training effects on CS and D' from running 3MT" study.'. And this are subject categories: ['Medicine, Health and Life Sciences','Arts and Humanities','Computer and Information Science','Social Sciences','Mathematical Sciences','Physics','Earth and Environmental Sciences','Chemistry','Engineering','Other','Law','Business and Management','Astronomy and Astrophysics','Agricultural Sciences']. Please return only a json list of at most 3 elements corresponding to the text labels:[/INST] ['Medicine, Health and Life Sciences']. </s>
[ "Medicine, Health and Life Sciences" ]
Here are Title and Description of a dataset. Title :'Replication Data for: HIIT training effects on CS and D' from running 3MT' Description:'This is the dataset that can be used to re-create all the tables of the "HIIT training effects on CS and D' from running 3MT" study.'. And this are subject categories: ['Medicine, Health and Life Sciences','Arts and Humanities','Computer and Information Science','Social Sciences','Mathematical Sciences','Physics','Earth and Environmental Sciences','Chemistry','Engineering','Other','Law','Business and Management','Astronomy and Astrophysics','Agricultural Sciences']. Please return only a json list of at most 3 elements corresponding to the text labels:
This is the dataset that can be used to re-create all the tables of the "HIIT training effects on CS and D' from running 3MT" study.
Replication Data for: HIIT training effects on CS and D' from running 3MT
<s>[INST] Here are Title and Description of a dataset. Title :'Puffin fish lengths, Hornøya 1980-2013' Description:'Estimates of lengths of fish brought in to Atlantic puffin chicks at Hornøya, 1980-2013.'. And this are subject categories: ['Medicine, Health and Life Sciences','Arts and Humanities','Computer and Information Science','Social Sciences','Mathematical Sciences','Physics','Earth and Environmental Sciences','Chemistry','Engineering','Other','Law','Business and Management','Astronomy and Astrophysics','Agricultural Sciences']. Please return only a json list of at most 3 elements corresponding to the text labels:[/INST] ['Earth and Environmental Sciences']. </s>
[ "Earth and Environmental Sciences" ]
Here are Title and Description of a dataset. Title :'Puffin fish lengths, Hornøya 1980-2013' Description:'Estimates of lengths of fish brought in to Atlantic puffin chicks at Hornøya, 1980-2013.'. And this are subject categories: ['Medicine, Health and Life Sciences','Arts and Humanities','Computer and Information Science','Social Sciences','Mathematical Sciences','Physics','Earth and Environmental Sciences','Chemistry','Engineering','Other','Law','Business and Management','Astronomy and Astrophysics','Agricultural Sciences']. Please return only a json list of at most 3 elements corresponding to the text labels:
Estimates of lengths of fish brought in to Atlantic puffin chicks at Hornøya, 1980-2013.
Puffin fish lengths, Hornøya 1980-2013
<s>[INST] Here are Title and Description of a dataset. Title :'Foursquare Community Mobility Data with Basemap (US)' Description:'The dataset is updated to 2021-06-22. 2, 2020. The dataset is scraped from https://visitdata.org/ and the original data source is from Foursquare Community Mobility Data. After harvesting data, it is integrated with US state and county basemap. Currently, only state-level mobility data are processed and published.'. And this are subject categories: ['Medicine, Health and Life Sciences','Arts and Humanities','Computer and Information Science','Social Sciences','Mathematical Sciences','Physics','Earth and Environmental Sciences','Chemistry','Engineering','Other','Law','Business and Management','Astronomy and Astrophysics','Agricultural Sciences']. Please return only a json list of at most 3 elements corresponding to the text labels:[/INST] ['Earth and Environmental Sciences', 'Other', 'Social Sciences']. </s>
[ "Earth and Environmental Sciences", "Other", "Social Sciences" ]
Here are Title and Description of a dataset. Title :'Foursquare Community Mobility Data with Basemap (US)' Description:'The dataset is updated to 2021-06-22. 2, 2020. The dataset is scraped from https://visitdata.org/ and the original data source is from Foursquare Community Mobility Data. After harvesting data, it is integrated with US state and county basemap. Currently, only state-level mobility data are processed and published.'. And this are subject categories: ['Medicine, Health and Life Sciences','Arts and Humanities','Computer and Information Science','Social Sciences','Mathematical Sciences','Physics','Earth and Environmental Sciences','Chemistry','Engineering','Other','Law','Business and Management','Astronomy and Astrophysics','Agricultural Sciences']. Please return only a json list of at most 3 elements corresponding to the text labels:
The dataset is updated to 2021-06-22. 2, 2020. The dataset is scraped from https://visitdata.org/ and the original data source is from Foursquare Community Mobility Data. After harvesting data, it is integrated with US state and county basemap. Currently, only state-level mobility data are processed and published.
Foursquare Community Mobility Data with Basemap (US)
<s>[INST] Here are Title and Description of a dataset. Title :'Replication Data for Figure 2' Description:'This dataset contains Blackrock recording files for data reported in Figure 2. Nstim, LM1(17,15)-I.'. And this are subject categories: ['Medicine, Health and Life Sciences','Arts and Humanities','Computer and Information Science','Social Sciences','Mathematical Sciences','Physics','Earth and Environmental Sciences','Chemistry','Engineering','Other','Law','Business and Management','Astronomy and Astrophysics','Agricultural Sciences']. Please return only a json list of at most 3 elements corresponding to the text labels:[/INST] ['Medicine, Health and Life Sciences']. </s>
[ "Medicine, Health and Life Sciences" ]
Here are Title and Description of a dataset. Title :'Replication Data for Figure 2' Description:'This dataset contains Blackrock recording files for data reported in Figure 2. Nstim, LM1(17,15)-I.'. And this are subject categories: ['Medicine, Health and Life Sciences','Arts and Humanities','Computer and Information Science','Social Sciences','Mathematical Sciences','Physics','Earth and Environmental Sciences','Chemistry','Engineering','Other','Law','Business and Management','Astronomy and Astrophysics','Agricultural Sciences']. Please return only a json list of at most 3 elements corresponding to the text labels:
This dataset contains Blackrock recording files for data reported in Figure 2. Nstim, LM1(17,15)-I.
Replication Data for Figure 2
<s>[INST] Here are Title and Description of a dataset. Title :'Singing and speech in Brazilian Portuguese: stressed, pre-stressed and post-stressed vowels' Description:'A set of pre-stressed, post-stressed and stressed vowels of Brazilian Portuguese, which were spoken and sung by ten subjects.'. And this are subject categories: ['Medicine, Health and Life Sciences','Arts and Humanities','Computer and Information Science','Social Sciences','Mathematical Sciences','Physics','Earth and Environmental Sciences','Chemistry','Engineering','Other','Law','Business and Management','Astronomy and Astrophysics','Agricultural Sciences']. Please return only a json list of at most 3 elements corresponding to the text labels:[/INST] ['Arts and Humanities']. </s>
[ "Arts and Humanities" ]
Here are Title and Description of a dataset. Title :'Singing and speech in Brazilian Portuguese: stressed, pre-stressed and post-stressed vowels' Description:'A set of pre-stressed, post-stressed and stressed vowels of Brazilian Portuguese, which were spoken and sung by ten subjects.'. And this are subject categories: ['Medicine, Health and Life Sciences','Arts and Humanities','Computer and Information Science','Social Sciences','Mathematical Sciences','Physics','Earth and Environmental Sciences','Chemistry','Engineering','Other','Law','Business and Management','Astronomy and Astrophysics','Agricultural Sciences']. Please return only a json list of at most 3 elements corresponding to the text labels:
A set of pre-stressed, post-stressed and stressed vowels of Brazilian Portuguese, which were spoken and sung by ten subjects.
Singing and speech in Brazilian Portuguese: stressed, pre-stressed and post-stressed vowels
<s>[INST] Here are Title and Description of a dataset. Title :'Executive Agreements Database, Statement Regarding Project Grant Agreement Between The United States and Egypt For Assistance For Customs and Trade Facilitation Signed At Cairo September 30, 2002' Description:'KAV 6561 cover memo'. And this are subject categories: ['Medicine, Health and Life Sciences','Arts and Humanities','Computer and Information Science','Social Sciences','Mathematical Sciences','Physics','Earth and Environmental Sciences','Chemistry','Engineering','Other','Law','Business and Management','Astronomy and Astrophysics','Agricultural Sciences']. Please return only a json list of at most 3 elements corresponding to the text labels:[/INST] ['Law', 'Social Sciences']. </s>
[ "Law", "Social Sciences" ]
Here are Title and Description of a dataset. Title :'Executive Agreements Database, Statement Regarding Project Grant Agreement Between The United States and Egypt For Assistance For Customs and Trade Facilitation Signed At Cairo September 30, 2002' Description:'KAV 6561 cover memo'. And this are subject categories: ['Medicine, Health and Life Sciences','Arts and Humanities','Computer and Information Science','Social Sciences','Mathematical Sciences','Physics','Earth and Environmental Sciences','Chemistry','Engineering','Other','Law','Business and Management','Astronomy and Astrophysics','Agricultural Sciences']. Please return only a json list of at most 3 elements corresponding to the text labels:
KAV 6561 cover memo
Executive Agreements Database, Statement Regarding Project Grant Agreement Between The United States and Egypt For Assistance For Customs and Trade Facilitation Signed At Cairo September 30, 2002
<s>[INST] Here are Title and Description of a dataset. Title :'Data Involved in "Improved Simultaneous Multi-slice Imaging with Composition of k-space Interpolations (SMS-COOKIE) for Myocardial T1 Mapping"' Description:'This dataset contains the data used for statistic analysis presented in "Improved Simultaneous Multi-slice Imaging with Composition of k-space Interpolations (SMS-COOKIE) for Myocardial T1 Mapping".'. And this are subject categories: ['Medicine, Health and Life Sciences','Arts and Humanities','Computer and Information Science','Social Sciences','Mathematical Sciences','Physics','Earth and Environmental Sciences','Chemistry','Engineering','Other','Law','Business and Management','Astronomy and Astrophysics','Agricultural Sciences']. Please return only a json list of at most 3 elements corresponding to the text labels:[/INST] ['Engineering']. </s>
[ "Engineering" ]
Here are Title and Description of a dataset. Title :'Data Involved in "Improved Simultaneous Multi-slice Imaging with Composition of k-space Interpolations (SMS-COOKIE) for Myocardial T1 Mapping"' Description:'This dataset contains the data used for statistic analysis presented in "Improved Simultaneous Multi-slice Imaging with Composition of k-space Interpolations (SMS-COOKIE) for Myocardial T1 Mapping".'. And this are subject categories: ['Medicine, Health and Life Sciences','Arts and Humanities','Computer and Information Science','Social Sciences','Mathematical Sciences','Physics','Earth and Environmental Sciences','Chemistry','Engineering','Other','Law','Business and Management','Astronomy and Astrophysics','Agricultural Sciences']. Please return only a json list of at most 3 elements corresponding to the text labels:
This dataset contains the data used for statistic analysis presented in "Improved Simultaneous Multi-slice Imaging with Composition of k-space Interpolations (SMS-COOKIE) for Myocardial T1 Mapping".
Data Involved in "Improved Simultaneous Multi-slice Imaging with Composition of k-space Interpolations (SMS-COOKIE) for Myocardial T1 Mapping"
<s>[INST] Here are Title and Description of a dataset. Title :'Gallup Poll # 1947-0388: Strikes/Radio/Truman' Description:'Require military service of all able-bodied young men (1); chief faults of labor unions (1); chief faults of employers (1); Selective Service Draft Law (1); Harry Truman job performance (1); Truman's policies (3); 1948 presidential election (3); meaning of the term jurisdictional strike (1); Congress should/should not outlaw jurisdictional strikes (1); term limit of Senators (3); greatest invention of all time (1); name of inventor who created the greatest invention of all time (1); radio quiz program questions (4); meaning of the term industry-wide strike (1); laws forbidding strikes in all public service industries (1); Voice of the People radio program (2); public figures in the news (6); political party respondent would vote for in the presidential election were held today (1); 1944 presidential election (1).'. And this are subject categories: ['Medicine, Health and Life Sciences','Arts and Humanities','Computer and Information Science','Social Sciences','Mathematical Sciences','Physics','Earth and Environmental Sciences','Chemistry','Engineering','Other','Law','Business and Management','Astronomy and Astrophysics','Agricultural Sciences']. Please return only a json list of at most 3 elements corresponding to the text labels:[/INST] ['Social Sciences']. </s>
[ "Social Sciences" ]
Here are Title and Description of a dataset. Title :'Gallup Poll # 1947-0388: Strikes/Radio/Truman' Description:'Require military service of all able-bodied young men (1); chief faults of labor unions (1); chief faults of employers (1); Selective Service Draft Law (1); Harry Truman job performance (1); Truman's policies (3); 1948 presidential election (3); meaning of the term jurisdictional strike (1); Congress should/should not outlaw jurisdictional strikes (1); term limit of Senators (3); greatest invention of all time (1); name of inventor who created the greatest invention of all time (1); radio quiz program questions (4); meaning of the term industry-wide strike (1); laws forbidding strikes in all public service industries (1); Voice of the People radio program (2); public figures in the news (6); political party respondent would vote for in the presidential election were held today (1); 1944 presidential election (1).'. And this are subject categories: ['Medicine, Health and Life Sciences','Arts and Humanities','Computer and Information Science','Social Sciences','Mathematical Sciences','Physics','Earth and Environmental Sciences','Chemistry','Engineering','Other','Law','Business and Management','Astronomy and Astrophysics','Agricultural Sciences']. Please return only a json list of at most 3 elements corresponding to the text labels:
Require military service of all able-bodied young men (1); chief faults of labor unions (1); chief faults of employers (1); Selective Service Draft Law (1); Harry Truman job performance (1); Truman's policies (3); 1948 presidential election (3); meaning of the term jurisdictional strike (1); Congress should/should not outlaw jurisdictional strikes (1); term limit of Senators (3); greatest invention of all time (1); name of inventor who created the greatest invention of all time (1); radio quiz program questions (4); meaning of the term industry-wide strike (1); laws forbidding strikes in all public service industries (1); Voice of the People radio program (2); public figures in the news (6); political party respondent would vote for in the presidential election were held today (1); 1944 presidential election (1).
Gallup Poll # 1947-0388: Strikes/Radio/Truman
<s>[INST] Here are Title and Description of a dataset. Title :'Pew Research Center Poll: Swing Voter Call Back Survey' Description:'Thought given to coming presidential election (1); plans to vote in election this November (2); George W. Bush and Dick Cheney vs. John Kerry and John Edwards vs. Ralph Nader and Peter Camejo (3); choice is more a vote for one candidate/against another (2); chance of voting for John Kerry (1); chance of voting for George W. Bush (1); read/heard anything over past month that made respondent think differently about candidates (5); has been hard/easy to make a decision about who to vote for this year (1); agree/disagree with statements about candidates (3); does/does not really matter who wins 2004 presidential election (1); presidential debates (2); most important issue in deciding who to vote for this year (1); opinion of candidates (2); knowledge of candidate opinions on certain issues (2); Iraq (1).'. And this are subject categories: ['Medicine, Health and Life Sciences','Arts and Humanities','Computer and Information Science','Social Sciences','Mathematical Sciences','Physics','Earth and Environmental Sciences','Chemistry','Engineering','Other','Law','Business and Management','Astronomy and Astrophysics','Agricultural Sciences']. Please return only a json list of at most 3 elements corresponding to the text labels:[/INST] ['Social Sciences']. </s>
[ "Social Sciences" ]
Here are Title and Description of a dataset. Title :'Pew Research Center Poll: Swing Voter Call Back Survey' Description:'Thought given to coming presidential election (1); plans to vote in election this November (2); George W. Bush and Dick Cheney vs. John Kerry and John Edwards vs. Ralph Nader and Peter Camejo (3); choice is more a vote for one candidate/against another (2); chance of voting for John Kerry (1); chance of voting for George W. Bush (1); read/heard anything over past month that made respondent think differently about candidates (5); has been hard/easy to make a decision about who to vote for this year (1); agree/disagree with statements about candidates (3); does/does not really matter who wins 2004 presidential election (1); presidential debates (2); most important issue in deciding who to vote for this year (1); opinion of candidates (2); knowledge of candidate opinions on certain issues (2); Iraq (1).'. And this are subject categories: ['Medicine, Health and Life Sciences','Arts and Humanities','Computer and Information Science','Social Sciences','Mathematical Sciences','Physics','Earth and Environmental Sciences','Chemistry','Engineering','Other','Law','Business and Management','Astronomy and Astrophysics','Agricultural Sciences']. Please return only a json list of at most 3 elements corresponding to the text labels:
Thought given to coming presidential election (1); plans to vote in election this November (2); George W. Bush and Dick Cheney vs. John Kerry and John Edwards vs. Ralph Nader and Peter Camejo (3); choice is more a vote for one candidate/against another (2); chance of voting for John Kerry (1); chance of voting for George W. Bush (1); read/heard anything over past month that made respondent think differently about candidates (5); has been hard/easy to make a decision about who to vote for this year (1); agree/disagree with statements about candidates (3); does/does not really matter who wins 2004 presidential election (1); presidential debates (2); most important issue in deciding who to vote for this year (1); opinion of candidates (2); knowledge of candidate opinions on certain issues (2); Iraq (1).
Pew Research Center Poll: Swing Voter Call Back Survey
<s>[INST] Here are Title and Description of a dataset. Title :'Survey of Volunteer Activity, 1987 [Canada]: Organization File' Description:'The Survey of Volunteer Activity (VAS) was undertaken by Statistics Canada to profile the characteristics of individual volunteers. This survey provides previously unavailable information regarding the activities of volunteers, the organizational settings in which these activities take place, reasons for becoming volunteers, the amount and pattern of time spent on these activities, the cost of volunteering as well as personal opinions on aspects of voluntary experience. The Organization File contains information for the organizations reported by formal volunteers as well as personal characteristics and summary variables from the volunteer file. This file was created to simplify tabulation in studies where the organization, rather than the person, is to be the unit of analysis. The Survey of Volunteer Activity was conducted as a supplement to Statistics Canadas November 1987 Labour Force Survey (LFS). Coverage includes all Canadian individuals aged 15 and over excluding residents of the Yukon and Northwest Territories, inmates of institutions, full-time members of the Canadian Armed Forces and residents of Indian reserve s.'. And this are subject categories: ['Medicine, Health and Life Sciences','Arts and Humanities','Computer and Information Science','Social Sciences','Mathematical Sciences','Physics','Earth and Environmental Sciences','Chemistry','Engineering','Other','Law','Business and Management','Astronomy and Astrophysics','Agricultural Sciences']. Please return only a json list of at most 3 elements corresponding to the text labels:[/INST] ['Law']. </s>
[ "Law" ]
Here are Title and Description of a dataset. Title :'Survey of Volunteer Activity, 1987 [Canada]: Organization File' Description:'The Survey of Volunteer Activity (VAS) was undertaken by Statistics Canada to profile the characteristics of individual volunteers. This survey provides previously unavailable information regarding the activities of volunteers, the organizational settings in which these activities take place, reasons for becoming volunteers, the amount and pattern of time spent on these activities, the cost of volunteering as well as personal opinions on aspects of voluntary experience. The Organization File contains information for the organizations reported by formal volunteers as well as personal characteristics and summary variables from the volunteer file. This file was created to simplify tabulation in studies where the organization, rather than the person, is to be the unit of analysis. The Survey of Volunteer Activity was conducted as a supplement to Statistics Canadas November 1987 Labour Force Survey (LFS). Coverage includes all Canadian individuals aged 15 and over excluding residents of the Yukon and Northwest Territories, inmates of institutions, full-time members of the Canadian Armed Forces and residents of Indian reserve s.'. And this are subject categories: ['Medicine, Health and Life Sciences','Arts and Humanities','Computer and Information Science','Social Sciences','Mathematical Sciences','Physics','Earth and Environmental Sciences','Chemistry','Engineering','Other','Law','Business and Management','Astronomy and Astrophysics','Agricultural Sciences']. Please return only a json list of at most 3 elements corresponding to the text labels:
The Survey of Volunteer Activity (VAS) was undertaken by Statistics Canada to profile the characteristics of individual volunteers. This survey provides previously unavailable information regarding the activities of volunteers, the organizational settings in which these activities take place, reasons for becoming volunteers, the amount and pattern of time spent on these activities, the cost of volunteering as well as personal opinions on aspects of voluntary experience. The Organization File contains information for the organizations reported by formal volunteers as well as personal characteristics and summary variables from the volunteer file. This file was created to simplify tabulation in studies where the organization, rather than the person, is to be the unit of analysis. The Survey of Volunteer Activity was conducted as a supplement to Statistics Canadas November 1987 Labour Force Survey (LFS). Coverage includes all Canadian individuals aged 15 and over excluding residents of the Yukon and Northwest Territories, inmates of institutions, full-time members of the Canadian Armed Forces and residents of Indian reserve s.
Survey of Volunteer Activity, 1987 [Canada]: Organization File
<s>[INST] Here are Title and Description of a dataset. Title :'Attitudes Toward Violence' Description:'Interest in current events; TV program and film preferences; government action should Tupamaros kill Brazilian Consul; penalty for kidnapping; respondent's likely reactions to various listed hypothetical personal dilemmas involving in, causes of physical fights; necessity of aggression to assert manhood; approval of police brutality; role of the Death Squadron for society; relative safety in the city; change in Brazilian people's response to violent types; relationship of acquisitiveness to violence; the present as violent and comparison of our society with the past.'. And this are subject categories: ['Medicine, Health and Life Sciences','Arts and Humanities','Computer and Information Science','Social Sciences','Mathematical Sciences','Physics','Earth and Environmental Sciences','Chemistry','Engineering','Other','Law','Business and Management','Astronomy and Astrophysics','Agricultural Sciences']. Please return only a json list of at most 3 elements corresponding to the text labels:[/INST] ['Social Sciences']. </s>
[ "Social Sciences" ]
Here are Title and Description of a dataset. Title :'Attitudes Toward Violence' Description:'Interest in current events; TV program and film preferences; government action should Tupamaros kill Brazilian Consul; penalty for kidnapping; respondent's likely reactions to various listed hypothetical personal dilemmas involving in, causes of physical fights; necessity of aggression to assert manhood; approval of police brutality; role of the Death Squadron for society; relative safety in the city; change in Brazilian people's response to violent types; relationship of acquisitiveness to violence; the present as violent and comparison of our society with the past.'. And this are subject categories: ['Medicine, Health and Life Sciences','Arts and Humanities','Computer and Information Science','Social Sciences','Mathematical Sciences','Physics','Earth and Environmental Sciences','Chemistry','Engineering','Other','Law','Business and Management','Astronomy and Astrophysics','Agricultural Sciences']. Please return only a json list of at most 3 elements corresponding to the text labels:
Interest in current events; TV program and film preferences; government action should Tupamaros kill Brazilian Consul; penalty for kidnapping; respondent's likely reactions to various listed hypothetical personal dilemmas involving in, causes of physical fights; necessity of aggression to assert manhood; approval of police brutality; role of the Death Squadron for society; relative safety in the city; change in Brazilian people's response to violent types; relationship of acquisitiveness to violence; the present as violent and comparison of our society with the past.
Attitudes Toward Violence
<s>[INST] Here are Title and Description of a dataset. Title :'House Unpassed Legislation 1844, Docket 1410, SC1/series 230, Petition of Rufus K. Trott' Description:'<p>Petition subject: Abolition of capital punishment </p> <p>Original: <a href="http://nrs.harvard.edu/urn-3:FHCL:13481337">http://nrs.harvard.edu/urn-3:FHCL:13481337</a> </p> <p>Date of creation: (unknown) </p> <p>Petition location: Massachusetts </p> <p>Legislator, committee, or address that the petition was sent to: Benjamin F. Newhall, Saugus </p> <p>Selected signatures:<ol><li>Rufus K. Trott</li><li>Adoram Clapp</li><li>Chapin Thayer</li><li>Enoch Lathrop</li></ol> </p> <p>Actions taken on dates: 1844-03-09 </p> <p>Legislative action: Tabeled on March 9, 1844 </p> <p>Total signatures: 24 </p> <p>Legislative action summary: Tabeled </p> <p>Legal voter signatures (males not identified as non-legal): 24 </p> <p>Female only signatures: No </p> <p>Identifications of signatories: citizens, ["others"] </p> <p>Prayer format was <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Printing">printed</a> vs. <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Manuscript">manuscript</a>: Printed </p> <p>Additional non-petition or unrelated documents available at archive: no additional documents </p> <p>Additional archivist notes: Towns next to names including Weymouth, Braintree; clergymen appointed as executioners [religious, clergy, ministers, hangmen] </p> <p>Location of the petition at the Massachusetts Archives of the Commonwealth: House Unpassed 1844, Docket 1410 </p> <p>Acknowledgements: Supported by the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-5105612), Massachusetts Archives of the Commonwealth, Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study at Harvard University, Center for American Political Studies at Harvard University, Institutional Development Initiative at Harvard University, and Harvard University Library.</p>'. And this are subject categories: ['Medicine, Health and Life Sciences','Arts and Humanities','Computer and Information Science','Social Sciences','Mathematical Sciences','Physics','Earth and Environmental Sciences','Chemistry','Engineering','Other','Law','Business and Management','Astronomy and Astrophysics','Agricultural Sciences']. Please return only a json list of at most 3 elements corresponding to the text labels:[/INST] ['Social Sciences']. </s>
[ "Social Sciences" ]
Here are Title and Description of a dataset. Title :'House Unpassed Legislation 1844, Docket 1410, SC1/series 230, Petition of Rufus K. Trott' Description:'<p>Petition subject: Abolition of capital punishment </p> <p>Original: <a href="http://nrs.harvard.edu/urn-3:FHCL:13481337">http://nrs.harvard.edu/urn-3:FHCL:13481337</a> </p> <p>Date of creation: (unknown) </p> <p>Petition location: Massachusetts </p> <p>Legislator, committee, or address that the petition was sent to: Benjamin F. Newhall, Saugus </p> <p>Selected signatures:<ol><li>Rufus K. Trott</li><li>Adoram Clapp</li><li>Chapin Thayer</li><li>Enoch Lathrop</li></ol> </p> <p>Actions taken on dates: 1844-03-09 </p> <p>Legislative action: Tabeled on March 9, 1844 </p> <p>Total signatures: 24 </p> <p>Legislative action summary: Tabeled </p> <p>Legal voter signatures (males not identified as non-legal): 24 </p> <p>Female only signatures: No </p> <p>Identifications of signatories: citizens, ["others"] </p> <p>Prayer format was <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Printing">printed</a> vs. <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Manuscript">manuscript</a>: Printed </p> <p>Additional non-petition or unrelated documents available at archive: no additional documents </p> <p>Additional archivist notes: Towns next to names including Weymouth, Braintree; clergymen appointed as executioners [religious, clergy, ministers, hangmen] </p> <p>Location of the petition at the Massachusetts Archives of the Commonwealth: House Unpassed 1844, Docket 1410 </p> <p>Acknowledgements: Supported by the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-5105612), Massachusetts Archives of the Commonwealth, Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study at Harvard University, Center for American Political Studies at Harvard University, Institutional Development Initiative at Harvard University, and Harvard University Library.</p>'. And this are subject categories: ['Medicine, Health and Life Sciences','Arts and Humanities','Computer and Information Science','Social Sciences','Mathematical Sciences','Physics','Earth and Environmental Sciences','Chemistry','Engineering','Other','Law','Business and Management','Astronomy and Astrophysics','Agricultural Sciences']. Please return only a json list of at most 3 elements corresponding to the text labels:
<p>Petition subject: Abolition of capital punishment </p> <p>Original: <a href="http://nrs.harvard.edu/urn-3:FHCL:13481337">http://nrs.harvard.edu/urn-3:FHCL:13481337</a> </p> <p>Date of creation: (unknown) </p> <p>Petition location: Massachusetts </p> <p>Legislator, committee, or address that the petition was sent to: Benjamin F. Newhall, Saugus </p> <p>Selected signatures:<ol><li>Rufus K. Trott</li><li>Adoram Clapp</li><li>Chapin Thayer</li><li>Enoch Lathrop</li></ol> </p> <p>Actions taken on dates: 1844-03-09 </p> <p>Legislative action: Tabeled on March 9, 1844 </p> <p>Total signatures: 24 </p> <p>Legislative action summary: Tabeled </p> <p>Legal voter signatures (males not identified as non-legal): 24 </p> <p>Female only signatures: No </p> <p>Identifications of signatories: citizens, ["others"] </p> <p>Prayer format was <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Printing">printed</a> vs. <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Manuscript">manuscript</a>: Printed </p> <p>Additional non-petition or unrelated documents available at archive: no additional documents </p> <p>Additional archivist notes: Towns next to names including Weymouth, Braintree; clergymen appointed as executioners [religious, clergy, ministers, hangmen] </p> <p>Location of the petition at the Massachusetts Archives of the Commonwealth: House Unpassed 1844, Docket 1410 </p> <p>Acknowledgements: Supported by the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-5105612), Massachusetts Archives of the Commonwealth, Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study at Harvard University, Center for American Political Studies at Harvard University, Institutional Development Initiative at Harvard University, and Harvard University Library.</p>
House Unpassed Legislation 1844, Docket 1410, SC1/series 230, Petition of Rufus K. Trott
<s>[INST] Here are Title and Description of a dataset. Title :'Oklahoma Bird Species Richness' Description:'This contains a zipped shapefile of bird species richness by county in Oklahoma.'. And this are subject categories: ['Medicine, Health and Life Sciences','Arts and Humanities','Computer and Information Science','Social Sciences','Mathematical Sciences','Physics','Earth and Environmental Sciences','Chemistry','Engineering','Other','Law','Business and Management','Astronomy and Astrophysics','Agricultural Sciences']. Please return only a json list of at most 3 elements corresponding to the text labels:[/INST] ['Medicine, Health and Life Sciences']. </s>
[ "Medicine, Health and Life Sciences" ]
Here are Title and Description of a dataset. Title :'Oklahoma Bird Species Richness' Description:'This contains a zipped shapefile of bird species richness by county in Oklahoma.'. And this are subject categories: ['Medicine, Health and Life Sciences','Arts and Humanities','Computer and Information Science','Social Sciences','Mathematical Sciences','Physics','Earth and Environmental Sciences','Chemistry','Engineering','Other','Law','Business and Management','Astronomy and Astrophysics','Agricultural Sciences']. Please return only a json list of at most 3 elements corresponding to the text labels:
This contains a zipped shapefile of bird species richness by county in Oklahoma.
Oklahoma Bird Species Richness
<s>[INST] Here are Title and Description of a dataset. Title :'Pew Research Center Poll: September 2010, Omnibus Week 5--News Interest Index' Description:'Congressional party job performance (2); parties working together (1); following certain news stories (6); news story followed most closely (1); news making situations seem worse (4); knowledge of certain occurrences (5); desirable characteristics in a candidate (8); congressional accomplishments (2).'. And this are subject categories: ['Medicine, Health and Life Sciences','Arts and Humanities','Computer and Information Science','Social Sciences','Mathematical Sciences','Physics','Earth and Environmental Sciences','Chemistry','Engineering','Other','Law','Business and Management','Astronomy and Astrophysics','Agricultural Sciences']. Please return only a json list of at most 3 elements corresponding to the text labels:[/INST] ['Social Sciences']. </s>
[ "Social Sciences" ]
Here are Title and Description of a dataset. Title :'Pew Research Center Poll: September 2010, Omnibus Week 5--News Interest Index' Description:'Congressional party job performance (2); parties working together (1); following certain news stories (6); news story followed most closely (1); news making situations seem worse (4); knowledge of certain occurrences (5); desirable characteristics in a candidate (8); congressional accomplishments (2).'. And this are subject categories: ['Medicine, Health and Life Sciences','Arts and Humanities','Computer and Information Science','Social Sciences','Mathematical Sciences','Physics','Earth and Environmental Sciences','Chemistry','Engineering','Other','Law','Business and Management','Astronomy and Astrophysics','Agricultural Sciences']. Please return only a json list of at most 3 elements corresponding to the text labels:
Congressional party job performance (2); parties working together (1); following certain news stories (6); news story followed most closely (1); news making situations seem worse (4); knowledge of certain occurrences (5); desirable characteristics in a candidate (8); congressional accomplishments (2).
Pew Research Center Poll: September 2010, Omnibus Week 5--News Interest Index
<s>[INST] Here are Title and Description of a dataset. Title :'Replication Data for: An Efficient Solution for Semantic Segmentation of Three Ground-based Cloud datasets' Description:'The code will update when the paper is accepted.'. And this are subject categories: ['Medicine, Health and Life Sciences','Arts and Humanities','Computer and Information Science','Social Sciences','Mathematical Sciences','Physics','Earth and Environmental Sciences','Chemistry','Engineering','Other','Law','Business and Management','Astronomy and Astrophysics','Agricultural Sciences']. Please return only a json list of at most 3 elements corresponding to the text labels:[/INST] ['Earth and Environmental Sciences']. </s>
[ "Earth and Environmental Sciences" ]
Here are Title and Description of a dataset. Title :'Replication Data for: An Efficient Solution for Semantic Segmentation of Three Ground-based Cloud datasets' Description:'The code will update when the paper is accepted.'. And this are subject categories: ['Medicine, Health and Life Sciences','Arts and Humanities','Computer and Information Science','Social Sciences','Mathematical Sciences','Physics','Earth and Environmental Sciences','Chemistry','Engineering','Other','Law','Business and Management','Astronomy and Astrophysics','Agricultural Sciences']. Please return only a json list of at most 3 elements corresponding to the text labels:
The code will update when the paper is accepted.
Replication Data for: An Efficient Solution for Semantic Segmentation of Three Ground-based Cloud datasets
<s>[INST] Here are Title and Description of a dataset. Title :'Data fo: Reporting requirements of case reports in medical journals' Description:'50 journals were selected from the Scopus citation database (the world's largest knowledge base) that published most of case reports and the authors' guideline section on the type and requirements of writing case reports was analyzed by inductive content analysis.'. And this are subject categories: ['Medicine, Health and Life Sciences','Arts and Humanities','Computer and Information Science','Social Sciences','Mathematical Sciences','Physics','Earth and Environmental Sciences','Chemistry','Engineering','Other','Law','Business and Management','Astronomy and Astrophysics','Agricultural Sciences']. Please return only a json list of at most 3 elements corresponding to the text labels:[/INST] ['Medicine, Health and Life Sciences']. </s>
[ "Medicine, Health and Life Sciences" ]
Here are Title and Description of a dataset. Title :'Data fo: Reporting requirements of case reports in medical journals' Description:'50 journals were selected from the Scopus citation database (the world's largest knowledge base) that published most of case reports and the authors' guideline section on the type and requirements of writing case reports was analyzed by inductive content analysis.'. And this are subject categories: ['Medicine, Health and Life Sciences','Arts and Humanities','Computer and Information Science','Social Sciences','Mathematical Sciences','Physics','Earth and Environmental Sciences','Chemistry','Engineering','Other','Law','Business and Management','Astronomy and Astrophysics','Agricultural Sciences']. Please return only a json list of at most 3 elements corresponding to the text labels:
50 journals were selected from the Scopus citation database (the world's largest knowledge base) that published most of case reports and the authors' guideline section on the type and requirements of writing case reports was analyzed by inductive content analysis.
Data fo: Reporting requirements of case reports in medical journals
<s>[INST] Here are Title and Description of a dataset. Title :'Heinberg (D), Sparkasse. Projectnummer dendrochronologie (Stichting RING): 2005070' Description:'Dendrochronological research project'. And this are subject categories: ['Medicine, Health and Life Sciences','Arts and Humanities','Computer and Information Science','Social Sciences','Mathematical Sciences','Physics','Earth and Environmental Sciences','Chemistry','Engineering','Other','Law','Business and Management','Astronomy and Astrophysics','Agricultural Sciences']. Please return only a json list of at most 3 elements corresponding to the text labels:[/INST] ['Arts and Humanities', 'Earth and Environmental Sciences']. </s>
[ "Arts and Humanities", "Earth and Environmental Sciences" ]
Here are Title and Description of a dataset. Title :'Heinberg (D), Sparkasse. Projectnummer dendrochronologie (Stichting RING): 2005070' Description:'Dendrochronological research project'. And this are subject categories: ['Medicine, Health and Life Sciences','Arts and Humanities','Computer and Information Science','Social Sciences','Mathematical Sciences','Physics','Earth and Environmental Sciences','Chemistry','Engineering','Other','Law','Business and Management','Astronomy and Astrophysics','Agricultural Sciences']. Please return only a json list of at most 3 elements corresponding to the text labels:
Dendrochronological research project
Heinberg (D), Sparkasse. Projectnummer dendrochronologie (Stichting RING): 2005070
<s>[INST] Here are Title and Description of a dataset. Title :'A89_3155.jpg' Description:'Link to OCHRE database: <a href = 'http://pi.lib.uchicago.edu/1001/org/ochre/67f665cc-6644-f8f3-c3ea-3593a2cef9da'>http://pi.lib.uchicago.edu/1001/org/ochre/67f665cc-6644-f8f3-c3ea-3593a2cef9da'. And this are subject categories: ['Medicine, Health and Life Sciences','Arts and Humanities','Computer and Information Science','Social Sciences','Mathematical Sciences','Physics','Earth and Environmental Sciences','Chemistry','Engineering','Other','Law','Business and Management','Astronomy and Astrophysics','Agricultural Sciences']. Please return only a json list of at most 3 elements corresponding to the text labels:[/INST] ['Arts and Humanities']. </s>
[ "Arts and Humanities" ]
Here are Title and Description of a dataset. Title :'A89_3155.jpg' Description:'Link to OCHRE database: <a href = 'http://pi.lib.uchicago.edu/1001/org/ochre/67f665cc-6644-f8f3-c3ea-3593a2cef9da'>http://pi.lib.uchicago.edu/1001/org/ochre/67f665cc-6644-f8f3-c3ea-3593a2cef9da'. And this are subject categories: ['Medicine, Health and Life Sciences','Arts and Humanities','Computer and Information Science','Social Sciences','Mathematical Sciences','Physics','Earth and Environmental Sciences','Chemistry','Engineering','Other','Law','Business and Management','Astronomy and Astrophysics','Agricultural Sciences']. Please return only a json list of at most 3 elements corresponding to the text labels:
Link to OCHRE database: <a href = 'http://pi.lib.uchicago.edu/1001/org/ochre/67f665cc-6644-f8f3-c3ea-3593a2cef9da'>http://pi.lib.uchicago.edu/1001/org/ochre/67f665cc-6644-f8f3-c3ea-3593a2cef9da
<s>[INST] Here are Title and Description of a dataset. Title :'Los Angeles Times Poll #252: California Politics and the State Budget Crisis' Description:'Direction of the State(1); water shortage(1); California economy(2); personal finances(2); Governor Pete Wilson(5); state legislature job performance(2); U.S. Senate: Feinstein vs. Davis(1); Democratic choices for U.S. Senate(1); Republican choices for U.S. Senate(3); general election for U.S. Senate(2); quality of state government services(1); quality of local government services(1); quality of education(2); budget deficit(30); police brutality(1); U.S. trade with Mexico(1).'. And this are subject categories: ['Medicine, Health and Life Sciences','Arts and Humanities','Computer and Information Science','Social Sciences','Mathematical Sciences','Physics','Earth and Environmental Sciences','Chemistry','Engineering','Other','Law','Business and Management','Astronomy and Astrophysics','Agricultural Sciences']. Please return only a json list of at most 3 elements corresponding to the text labels:[/INST] ['Social Sciences']. </s>
[ "Social Sciences" ]
Here are Title and Description of a dataset. Title :'Los Angeles Times Poll #252: California Politics and the State Budget Crisis' Description:'Direction of the State(1); water shortage(1); California economy(2); personal finances(2); Governor Pete Wilson(5); state legislature job performance(2); U.S. Senate: Feinstein vs. Davis(1); Democratic choices for U.S. Senate(1); Republican choices for U.S. Senate(3); general election for U.S. Senate(2); quality of state government services(1); quality of local government services(1); quality of education(2); budget deficit(30); police brutality(1); U.S. trade with Mexico(1).'. And this are subject categories: ['Medicine, Health and Life Sciences','Arts and Humanities','Computer and Information Science','Social Sciences','Mathematical Sciences','Physics','Earth and Environmental Sciences','Chemistry','Engineering','Other','Law','Business and Management','Astronomy and Astrophysics','Agricultural Sciences']. Please return only a json list of at most 3 elements corresponding to the text labels:
Direction of the State(1); water shortage(1); California economy(2); personal finances(2); Governor Pete Wilson(5); state legislature job performance(2); U.S. Senate: Feinstein vs. Davis(1); Democratic choices for U.S. Senate(1); Republican choices for U.S. Senate(3); general election for U.S. Senate(2); quality of state government services(1); quality of local government services(1); quality of education(2); budget deficit(30); police brutality(1); U.S. trade with Mexico(1).
Los Angeles Times Poll #252: California Politics and the State Budget Crisis
<s>[INST] Here are Title and Description of a dataset. Title :'Executive Agreements Database, Statement Regarding Economic, Technical and Related assistance Agreement Between The United States and Angola Signed At Luanda April 9, 1996' Description:'TIAS 12741 cover memo'. And this are subject categories: ['Medicine, Health and Life Sciences','Arts and Humanities','Computer and Information Science','Social Sciences','Mathematical Sciences','Physics','Earth and Environmental Sciences','Chemistry','Engineering','Other','Law','Business and Management','Astronomy and Astrophysics','Agricultural Sciences']. Please return only a json list of at most 3 elements corresponding to the text labels:[/INST] ['Law', 'Social Sciences']. </s>
[ "Law", "Social Sciences" ]
Here are Title and Description of a dataset. Title :'Executive Agreements Database, Statement Regarding Economic, Technical and Related assistance Agreement Between The United States and Angola Signed At Luanda April 9, 1996' Description:'TIAS 12741 cover memo'. And this are subject categories: ['Medicine, Health and Life Sciences','Arts and Humanities','Computer and Information Science','Social Sciences','Mathematical Sciences','Physics','Earth and Environmental Sciences','Chemistry','Engineering','Other','Law','Business and Management','Astronomy and Astrophysics','Agricultural Sciences']. Please return only a json list of at most 3 elements corresponding to the text labels:
TIAS 12741 cover memo
Executive Agreements Database, Statement Regarding Economic, Technical and Related assistance Agreement Between The United States and Angola Signed At Luanda April 9, 1996
<s>[INST] Here are Title and Description of a dataset. Title :''s-Hertogenbosch, onbekend' Description:'Dendrochronological research project'. And this are subject categories: ['Medicine, Health and Life Sciences','Arts and Humanities','Computer and Information Science','Social Sciences','Mathematical Sciences','Physics','Earth and Environmental Sciences','Chemistry','Engineering','Other','Law','Business and Management','Astronomy and Astrophysics','Agricultural Sciences']. Please return only a json list of at most 3 elements corresponding to the text labels:[/INST] ['Arts and Humanities', 'Earth and Environmental Sciences']. </s>
[ "Arts and Humanities", "Earth and Environmental Sciences" ]
Here are Title and Description of a dataset. Title :''s-Hertogenbosch, onbekend' Description:'Dendrochronological research project'. And this are subject categories: ['Medicine, Health and Life Sciences','Arts and Humanities','Computer and Information Science','Social Sciences','Mathematical Sciences','Physics','Earth and Environmental Sciences','Chemistry','Engineering','Other','Law','Business and Management','Astronomy and Astrophysics','Agricultural Sciences']. Please return only a json list of at most 3 elements corresponding to the text labels:
Dendrochronological research project
's-Hertogenbosch, onbekend
<s>[INST] Here are Title and Description of a dataset. Title :'Yankelovich/Time Magazine/CNN Poll: 1992 Presidential Election' Description:'Party preference (1); national situation (1); voter registration (1); voting intentions (8); presidential candidates (9); George Bush job performance (1); opinion of political leaders (6); voting record (1); most important issue (1); economy (4); political parties (2); women (2); moral issues (2).'. And this are subject categories: ['Medicine, Health and Life Sciences','Arts and Humanities','Computer and Information Science','Social Sciences','Mathematical Sciences','Physics','Earth and Environmental Sciences','Chemistry','Engineering','Other','Law','Business and Management','Astronomy and Astrophysics','Agricultural Sciences']. Please return only a json list of at most 3 elements corresponding to the text labels:[/INST] ['Social Sciences']. </s>
[ "Social Sciences" ]
Here are Title and Description of a dataset. Title :'Yankelovich/Time Magazine/CNN Poll: 1992 Presidential Election' Description:'Party preference (1); national situation (1); voter registration (1); voting intentions (8); presidential candidates (9); George Bush job performance (1); opinion of political leaders (6); voting record (1); most important issue (1); economy (4); political parties (2); women (2); moral issues (2).'. And this are subject categories: ['Medicine, Health and Life Sciences','Arts and Humanities','Computer and Information Science','Social Sciences','Mathematical Sciences','Physics','Earth and Environmental Sciences','Chemistry','Engineering','Other','Law','Business and Management','Astronomy and Astrophysics','Agricultural Sciences']. Please return only a json list of at most 3 elements corresponding to the text labels:
Party preference (1); national situation (1); voter registration (1); voting intentions (8); presidential candidates (9); George Bush job performance (1); opinion of political leaders (6); voting record (1); most important issue (1); economy (4); political parties (2); women (2); moral issues (2).
Yankelovich/Time Magazine/CNN Poll: 1992 Presidential Election
<s>[INST] Here are Title and Description of a dataset. Title :'National Political Journey' Description:'N/A'. And this are subject categories: ['Medicine, Health and Life Sciences','Arts and Humanities','Computer and Information Science','Social Sciences','Mathematical Sciences','Physics','Earth and Environmental Sciences','Chemistry','Engineering','Other','Law','Business and Management','Astronomy and Astrophysics','Agricultural Sciences']. Please return only a json list of at most 3 elements corresponding to the text labels:[/INST] ['Social Sciences']. </s>
[ "Social Sciences" ]
Here are Title and Description of a dataset. Title :'National Political Journey' Description:'N/A'. And this are subject categories: ['Medicine, Health and Life Sciences','Arts and Humanities','Computer and Information Science','Social Sciences','Mathematical Sciences','Physics','Earth and Environmental Sciences','Chemistry','Engineering','Other','Law','Business and Management','Astronomy and Astrophysics','Agricultural Sciences']. Please return only a json list of at most 3 elements corresponding to the text labels:
National Political Journey
<s>[INST] Here are Title and Description of a dataset. Title :'CEDOP Study: Pre-Electoral Survey' Description:'National situation(6); local problems(3); national problems(1); economic situation(1); presidential election(3); women in politics(1); attitude toward political parties(7); voter registration(3); political participation(1); candidates issues(18); voting intentions(2); evaluation of government performance(9); approval of President's job(3); opinion of presidential message(2); relations with Cuba(1); opinion of MIR(1); moral issues(4); party identification(1); ideology(1); personal economic situation(2).'. And this are subject categories: ['Medicine, Health and Life Sciences','Arts and Humanities','Computer and Information Science','Social Sciences','Mathematical Sciences','Physics','Earth and Environmental Sciences','Chemistry','Engineering','Other','Law','Business and Management','Astronomy and Astrophysics','Agricultural Sciences']. Please return only a json list of at most 3 elements corresponding to the text labels:[/INST] ['Social Sciences']. </s>
[ "Social Sciences" ]
Here are Title and Description of a dataset. Title :'CEDOP Study: Pre-Electoral Survey' Description:'National situation(6); local problems(3); national problems(1); economic situation(1); presidential election(3); women in politics(1); attitude toward political parties(7); voter registration(3); political participation(1); candidates issues(18); voting intentions(2); evaluation of government performance(9); approval of President's job(3); opinion of presidential message(2); relations with Cuba(1); opinion of MIR(1); moral issues(4); party identification(1); ideology(1); personal economic situation(2).'. And this are subject categories: ['Medicine, Health and Life Sciences','Arts and Humanities','Computer and Information Science','Social Sciences','Mathematical Sciences','Physics','Earth and Environmental Sciences','Chemistry','Engineering','Other','Law','Business and Management','Astronomy and Astrophysics','Agricultural Sciences']. Please return only a json list of at most 3 elements corresponding to the text labels:
National situation(6); local problems(3); national problems(1); economic situation(1); presidential election(3); women in politics(1); attitude toward political parties(7); voter registration(3); political participation(1); candidates issues(18); voting intentions(2); evaluation of government performance(9); approval of President's job(3); opinion of presidential message(2); relations with Cuba(1); opinion of MIR(1); moral issues(4); party identification(1); ideology(1); personal economic situation(2).
CEDOP Study: Pre-Electoral Survey
<s>[INST] Here are Title and Description of a dataset. Title :'A98_10492.jpg' Description:'Link to OCHRE database: <a href = 'http://pi.lib.uchicago.edu/1001/org/ochre/076bcf2f-b827-d62e-92a9-4d403ce81364'>http://pi.lib.uchicago.edu/1001/org/ochre/076bcf2f-b827-d62e-92a9-4d403ce81364'. And this are subject categories: ['Medicine, Health and Life Sciences','Arts and Humanities','Computer and Information Science','Social Sciences','Mathematical Sciences','Physics','Earth and Environmental Sciences','Chemistry','Engineering','Other','Law','Business and Management','Astronomy and Astrophysics','Agricultural Sciences']. Please return only a json list of at most 3 elements corresponding to the text labels:[/INST] ['Arts and Humanities']. </s>
[ "Arts and Humanities" ]
Here are Title and Description of a dataset. Title :'A98_10492.jpg' Description:'Link to OCHRE database: <a href = 'http://pi.lib.uchicago.edu/1001/org/ochre/076bcf2f-b827-d62e-92a9-4d403ce81364'>http://pi.lib.uchicago.edu/1001/org/ochre/076bcf2f-b827-d62e-92a9-4d403ce81364'. And this are subject categories: ['Medicine, Health and Life Sciences','Arts and Humanities','Computer and Information Science','Social Sciences','Mathematical Sciences','Physics','Earth and Environmental Sciences','Chemistry','Engineering','Other','Law','Business and Management','Astronomy and Astrophysics','Agricultural Sciences']. Please return only a json list of at most 3 elements corresponding to the text labels:
Link to OCHRE database: <a href = 'http://pi.lib.uchicago.edu/1001/org/ochre/076bcf2f-b827-d62e-92a9-4d403ce81364'>http://pi.lib.uchicago.edu/1001/org/ochre/076bcf2f-b827-d62e-92a9-4d403ce81364
<s>[INST] Here are Title and Description of a dataset. Title :'Executive Agreements Database, Statement Concerning the Agreement with Mexico on Cooperation in the Management and Protection of National Parks and other Protected Natural Areas. Signed At Washington March 23, 2006. Entered into force March 23, 2006.' Description:'KAV 7785 cover memo'. And this are subject categories: ['Medicine, Health and Life Sciences','Arts and Humanities','Computer and Information Science','Social Sciences','Mathematical Sciences','Physics','Earth and Environmental Sciences','Chemistry','Engineering','Other','Law','Business and Management','Astronomy and Astrophysics','Agricultural Sciences']. Please return only a json list of at most 3 elements corresponding to the text labels:[/INST] ['Law', 'Social Sciences']. </s>
[ "Law", "Social Sciences" ]
Here are Title and Description of a dataset. Title :'Executive Agreements Database, Statement Concerning the Agreement with Mexico on Cooperation in the Management and Protection of National Parks and other Protected Natural Areas. Signed At Washington March 23, 2006. Entered into force March 23, 2006.' Description:'KAV 7785 cover memo'. And this are subject categories: ['Medicine, Health and Life Sciences','Arts and Humanities','Computer and Information Science','Social Sciences','Mathematical Sciences','Physics','Earth and Environmental Sciences','Chemistry','Engineering','Other','Law','Business and Management','Astronomy and Astrophysics','Agricultural Sciences']. Please return only a json list of at most 3 elements corresponding to the text labels:
KAV 7785 cover memo
Executive Agreements Database, Statement Concerning the Agreement with Mexico on Cooperation in the Management and Protection of National Parks and other Protected Natural Areas. Signed At Washington March 23, 2006. Entered into force March 23, 2006.
<s>[INST] Here are Title and Description of a dataset. Title :'Driver Behavior and Performance with In-Vehicle Display Based on Speed Compliance' Description:'Traffic-control devices are integral to driver-to-infrastructure and vehicle-to-infrastructure interactions. The non-conformation with (or nonperception of) signage by the driver leads to several compounded safety problems. The need exists for a more robust, low-cost, and user-centric mechanism of delivering information to the driver that can directly bear on safety. Technology has now advanced to the point where we can deliver information from a real-world physical environment to the driver in a noninvasive manner using holographic display [1]. With this rapid advancement in in-vehicle display technology, the transportation industry must undergo a transition period before entering the world of connected and autonomous vehicles. Here, the integration of in-vehicle display will play major role. The advantage is the level of flexibility and control offered by a dynamic in-vehicle display that allows us to provide very specific traffic-control information to the driver at situations and times deemed appropriate. The research questions will be focused on how such safety-critical traffic-control information, and what specific information, can be delivered effectively to the driver using a dynamic in-vehicle display without causing any form of distraction or engagement-related problems. Vehicles exceeding the posted speed limit present an optimal application. With regard to the hierarchy of traffic-control devices, there is an urgent need for drivers to comply with speed limits. According to NHTSA, 26% of traffic fatalities in 2017 resulted from crashes where at least one of the drivers was speeding [2]. In addition, the act of unintentional speeding has been identified in research as the most frequent driving violation [3]. This forms the primary objective, which is to investigate driver behavior and compliance with invehicle display speed alerts. This research investigates the characteristics of visual cues that minimize the driver’s perception time without adding to redundant visual clutter and at the same time accounting for the safety aspects required in a driving environment. This research endeavor evaluated drivers in a controlled environment using a full-scale driving simulator with active invehicle displays and eye-tracking equipment. The experiment investigated driving parameters such as head and eye movements, vehicle-handling measures, task-engagement behaviors, and physiological parameters. Ultimately, the goal of this study was to understand driver-sign compliance with the implementation of an in-vehicle display in the driving-simulator environment. The results were helpful in gaining a better understanding of drivers’ responsiveness depending on the nature of the cue.'. And this are subject categories: ['Medicine, Health and Life Sciences','Arts and Humanities','Computer and Information Science','Social Sciences','Mathematical Sciences','Physics','Earth and Environmental Sciences','Chemistry','Engineering','Other','Law','Business and Management','Astronomy and Astrophysics','Agricultural Sciences']. Please return only a json list of at most 3 elements corresponding to the text labels:[/INST] ['Engineering']. </s>
[ "Engineering" ]
Here are Title and Description of a dataset. Title :'Driver Behavior and Performance with In-Vehicle Display Based on Speed Compliance' Description:'Traffic-control devices are integral to driver-to-infrastructure and vehicle-to-infrastructure interactions. The non-conformation with (or nonperception of) signage by the driver leads to several compounded safety problems. The need exists for a more robust, low-cost, and user-centric mechanism of delivering information to the driver that can directly bear on safety. Technology has now advanced to the point where we can deliver information from a real-world physical environment to the driver in a noninvasive manner using holographic display [1]. With this rapid advancement in in-vehicle display technology, the transportation industry must undergo a transition period before entering the world of connected and autonomous vehicles. Here, the integration of in-vehicle display will play major role. The advantage is the level of flexibility and control offered by a dynamic in-vehicle display that allows us to provide very specific traffic-control information to the driver at situations and times deemed appropriate. The research questions will be focused on how such safety-critical traffic-control information, and what specific information, can be delivered effectively to the driver using a dynamic in-vehicle display without causing any form of distraction or engagement-related problems. Vehicles exceeding the posted speed limit present an optimal application. With regard to the hierarchy of traffic-control devices, there is an urgent need for drivers to comply with speed limits. According to NHTSA, 26% of traffic fatalities in 2017 resulted from crashes where at least one of the drivers was speeding [2]. In addition, the act of unintentional speeding has been identified in research as the most frequent driving violation [3]. This forms the primary objective, which is to investigate driver behavior and compliance with invehicle display speed alerts. This research investigates the characteristics of visual cues that minimize the driver’s perception time without adding to redundant visual clutter and at the same time accounting for the safety aspects required in a driving environment. This research endeavor evaluated drivers in a controlled environment using a full-scale driving simulator with active invehicle displays and eye-tracking equipment. The experiment investigated driving parameters such as head and eye movements, vehicle-handling measures, task-engagement behaviors, and physiological parameters. Ultimately, the goal of this study was to understand driver-sign compliance with the implementation of an in-vehicle display in the driving-simulator environment. The results were helpful in gaining a better understanding of drivers’ responsiveness depending on the nature of the cue.'. And this are subject categories: ['Medicine, Health and Life Sciences','Arts and Humanities','Computer and Information Science','Social Sciences','Mathematical Sciences','Physics','Earth and Environmental Sciences','Chemistry','Engineering','Other','Law','Business and Management','Astronomy and Astrophysics','Agricultural Sciences']. Please return only a json list of at most 3 elements corresponding to the text labels:
Traffic-control devices are integral to driver-to-infrastructure and vehicle-to-infrastructure interactions. The non-conformation with (or nonperception of) signage by the driver leads to several compounded safety problems. The need exists for a more robust, low-cost, and user-centric mechanism of delivering information to the driver that can directly bear on safety. Technology has now advanced to the point where we can deliver information from a real-world physical environment to the driver in a noninvasive manner using holographic display [1]. With this rapid advancement in in-vehicle display technology, the transportation industry must undergo a transition period before entering the world of connected and autonomous vehicles. Here, the integration of in-vehicle display will play major role. The advantage is the level of flexibility and control offered by a dynamic in-vehicle display that allows us to provide very specific traffic-control information to the driver at situations and times deemed appropriate. The research questions will be focused on how such safety-critical traffic-control information, and what specific information, can be delivered effectively to the driver using a dynamic in-vehicle display without causing any form of distraction or engagement-related problems. Vehicles exceeding the posted speed limit present an optimal application. With regard to the hierarchy of traffic-control devices, there is an urgent need for drivers to comply with speed limits. According to NHTSA, 26% of traffic fatalities in 2017 resulted from crashes where at least one of the drivers was speeding [2]. In addition, the act of unintentional speeding has been identified in research as the most frequent driving violation [3]. This forms the primary objective, which is to investigate driver behavior and compliance with invehicle display speed alerts. This research investigates the characteristics of visual cues that minimize the driver’s perception time without adding to redundant visual clutter and at the same time accounting for the safety aspects required in a driving environment. This research endeavor evaluated drivers in a controlled environment using a full-scale driving simulator with active invehicle displays and eye-tracking equipment. The experiment investigated driving parameters such as head and eye movements, vehicle-handling measures, task-engagement behaviors, and physiological parameters. Ultimately, the goal of this study was to understand driver-sign compliance with the implementation of an in-vehicle display in the driving-simulator environment. The results were helpful in gaining a better understanding of drivers’ responsiveness depending on the nature of the cue.
Driver Behavior and Performance with In-Vehicle Display Based on Speed Compliance
<s>[INST] Here are Title and Description of a dataset. Title :'A85_31.jpg' Description:'Link to OCHRE database: <a href = 'http://pi.lib.uchicago.edu/1001/org/ochre/56a7676a-87dc-22bb-131d-49eacb03b2da'>http://pi.lib.uchicago.edu/1001/org/ochre/56a7676a-87dc-22bb-131d-49eacb03b2da'. And this are subject categories: ['Medicine, Health and Life Sciences','Arts and Humanities','Computer and Information Science','Social Sciences','Mathematical Sciences','Physics','Earth and Environmental Sciences','Chemistry','Engineering','Other','Law','Business and Management','Astronomy and Astrophysics','Agricultural Sciences']. Please return only a json list of at most 3 elements corresponding to the text labels:[/INST] ['Arts and Humanities']. </s>
[ "Arts and Humanities" ]
Here are Title and Description of a dataset. Title :'A85_31.jpg' Description:'Link to OCHRE database: <a href = 'http://pi.lib.uchicago.edu/1001/org/ochre/56a7676a-87dc-22bb-131d-49eacb03b2da'>http://pi.lib.uchicago.edu/1001/org/ochre/56a7676a-87dc-22bb-131d-49eacb03b2da'. And this are subject categories: ['Medicine, Health and Life Sciences','Arts and Humanities','Computer and Information Science','Social Sciences','Mathematical Sciences','Physics','Earth and Environmental Sciences','Chemistry','Engineering','Other','Law','Business and Management','Astronomy and Astrophysics','Agricultural Sciences']. Please return only a json list of at most 3 elements corresponding to the text labels:
Link to OCHRE database: <a href = 'http://pi.lib.uchicago.edu/1001/org/ochre/56a7676a-87dc-22bb-131d-49eacb03b2da'>http://pi.lib.uchicago.edu/1001/org/ochre/56a7676a-87dc-22bb-131d-49eacb03b2da
<s>[INST] Here are Title and Description of a dataset. Title :'Replication Data for: BISG: When inferring race or ethnicity, does it matter that people often live near their relatives?' Description:'This repository includes predictions of subpopulation membership based on surname and geolocation for various U.S. states using raking and BISG'. And this are subject categories: ['Medicine, Health and Life Sciences','Arts and Humanities','Computer and Information Science','Social Sciences','Mathematical Sciences','Physics','Earth and Environmental Sciences','Chemistry','Engineering','Other','Law','Business and Management','Astronomy and Astrophysics','Agricultural Sciences']. Please return only a json list of at most 3 elements corresponding to the text labels:[/INST] ['Mathematical Sciences', 'Social Sciences']. </s>
[ "Mathematical Sciences", "Social Sciences" ]
Here are Title and Description of a dataset. Title :'Replication Data for: BISG: When inferring race or ethnicity, does it matter that people often live near their relatives?' Description:'This repository includes predictions of subpopulation membership based on surname and geolocation for various U.S. states using raking and BISG'. And this are subject categories: ['Medicine, Health and Life Sciences','Arts and Humanities','Computer and Information Science','Social Sciences','Mathematical Sciences','Physics','Earth and Environmental Sciences','Chemistry','Engineering','Other','Law','Business and Management','Astronomy and Astrophysics','Agricultural Sciences']. Please return only a json list of at most 3 elements corresponding to the text labels:
This repository includes predictions of subpopulation membership based on surname and geolocation for various U.S. states using raking and BISG
Replication Data for: BISG: When inferring race or ethnicity, does it matter that people often live near their relatives?
<s>[INST] Here are Title and Description of a dataset. Title :'Amsterdam Oude Kerk. Projectnummer dendrochronologie (Stichting RING): 1965008' Description:'This datset contains dendrochronological research and interpretations by A.J. Brongers in the 1960's-1970's. Digitization of the analog measurement series: Benno Ridderhof (VU, 2008); further additions and reformatting: Esther Jansma (2011). The dendrochronological quality of this research has not been evaluated.'. And this are subject categories: ['Medicine, Health and Life Sciences','Arts and Humanities','Computer and Information Science','Social Sciences','Mathematical Sciences','Physics','Earth and Environmental Sciences','Chemistry','Engineering','Other','Law','Business and Management','Astronomy and Astrophysics','Agricultural Sciences']. Please return only a json list of at most 3 elements corresponding to the text labels:[/INST] ['Arts and Humanities', 'Earth and Environmental Sciences']. </s>
[ "Arts and Humanities", "Earth and Environmental Sciences" ]
Here are Title and Description of a dataset. Title :'Amsterdam Oude Kerk. Projectnummer dendrochronologie (Stichting RING): 1965008' Description:'This datset contains dendrochronological research and interpretations by A.J. Brongers in the 1960's-1970's. Digitization of the analog measurement series: Benno Ridderhof (VU, 2008); further additions and reformatting: Esther Jansma (2011). The dendrochronological quality of this research has not been evaluated.'. And this are subject categories: ['Medicine, Health and Life Sciences','Arts and Humanities','Computer and Information Science','Social Sciences','Mathematical Sciences','Physics','Earth and Environmental Sciences','Chemistry','Engineering','Other','Law','Business and Management','Astronomy and Astrophysics','Agricultural Sciences']. Please return only a json list of at most 3 elements corresponding to the text labels:
This datset contains dendrochronological research and interpretations by A.J. Brongers in the 1960's-1970's. Digitization of the analog measurement series: Benno Ridderhof (VU, 2008); further additions and reformatting: Esther Jansma (2011). The dendrochronological quality of this research has not been evaluated.
Amsterdam Oude Kerk. Projectnummer dendrochronologie (Stichting RING): 1965008
<s>[INST] Here are Title and Description of a dataset. Title :'The Southern Focus Poll' Description:'Southerners(5); party preference(8); Hillary Clinton(3); religious affiliation(4); religious guidance(12); religious beliefs(5); moral values(11); television depiction of South(6); race relations(2); gender equality(4); exercise(4) eating habits(5); the arts(7).'. And this are subject categories: ['Medicine, Health and Life Sciences','Arts and Humanities','Computer and Information Science','Social Sciences','Mathematical Sciences','Physics','Earth and Environmental Sciences','Chemistry','Engineering','Other','Law','Business and Management','Astronomy and Astrophysics','Agricultural Sciences']. Please return only a json list of at most 3 elements corresponding to the text labels:[/INST] ['Social Sciences']. </s>
[ "Social Sciences" ]
Here are Title and Description of a dataset. Title :'The Southern Focus Poll' Description:'Southerners(5); party preference(8); Hillary Clinton(3); religious affiliation(4); religious guidance(12); religious beliefs(5); moral values(11); television depiction of South(6); race relations(2); gender equality(4); exercise(4) eating habits(5); the arts(7).'. And this are subject categories: ['Medicine, Health and Life Sciences','Arts and Humanities','Computer and Information Science','Social Sciences','Mathematical Sciences','Physics','Earth and Environmental Sciences','Chemistry','Engineering','Other','Law','Business and Management','Astronomy and Astrophysics','Agricultural Sciences']. Please return only a json list of at most 3 elements corresponding to the text labels:
Southerners(5); party preference(8); Hillary Clinton(3); religious affiliation(4); religious guidance(12); religious beliefs(5); moral values(11); television depiction of South(6); race relations(2); gender equality(4); exercise(4) eating habits(5); the arts(7).
The Southern Focus Poll
<s>[INST] Here are Title and Description of a dataset. Title :'CBS News Poll: Campaign Finance Reform/Retirement/Federal Budget/Afghanistan/Enron' Description:'George W. Bush job performance (4); Congress job performance (1); Economy (1); Influence of big business on the government (2); Campaign finance reform (2); Foreign policy (3); Threats of other nations (2); Retirement (9); Federal budget (8); Social Security surplus (2); Propaganda and foreign views (2); Islam (2); Enron (4); Attack on Afghanistan (2); Osama bin Laden (3); Future terrorist attacks (1); Media coverage of War (1); Stopping terrorism (1); Military action in Iraq (2); Civil liberties (3); Paranormal activities (2); Airport security (2).'. And this are subject categories: ['Medicine, Health and Life Sciences','Arts and Humanities','Computer and Information Science','Social Sciences','Mathematical Sciences','Physics','Earth and Environmental Sciences','Chemistry','Engineering','Other','Law','Business and Management','Astronomy and Astrophysics','Agricultural Sciences']. Please return only a json list of at most 3 elements corresponding to the text labels:[/INST] ['Social Sciences']. </s>
[ "Social Sciences" ]
Here are Title and Description of a dataset. Title :'CBS News Poll: Campaign Finance Reform/Retirement/Federal Budget/Afghanistan/Enron' Description:'George W. Bush job performance (4); Congress job performance (1); Economy (1); Influence of big business on the government (2); Campaign finance reform (2); Foreign policy (3); Threats of other nations (2); Retirement (9); Federal budget (8); Social Security surplus (2); Propaganda and foreign views (2); Islam (2); Enron (4); Attack on Afghanistan (2); Osama bin Laden (3); Future terrorist attacks (1); Media coverage of War (1); Stopping terrorism (1); Military action in Iraq (2); Civil liberties (3); Paranormal activities (2); Airport security (2).'. And this are subject categories: ['Medicine, Health and Life Sciences','Arts and Humanities','Computer and Information Science','Social Sciences','Mathematical Sciences','Physics','Earth and Environmental Sciences','Chemistry','Engineering','Other','Law','Business and Management','Astronomy and Astrophysics','Agricultural Sciences']. Please return only a json list of at most 3 elements corresponding to the text labels:
George W. Bush job performance (4); Congress job performance (1); Economy (1); Influence of big business on the government (2); Campaign finance reform (2); Foreign policy (3); Threats of other nations (2); Retirement (9); Federal budget (8); Social Security surplus (2); Propaganda and foreign views (2); Islam (2); Enron (4); Attack on Afghanistan (2); Osama bin Laden (3); Future terrorist attacks (1); Media coverage of War (1); Stopping terrorism (1); Military action in Iraq (2); Civil liberties (3); Paranormal activities (2); Airport security (2).
CBS News Poll: Campaign Finance Reform/Retirement/Federal Budget/Afghanistan/Enron
<s>[INST] Here are Title and Description of a dataset. Title :'Replication Data for: "Does Receiving Government Assistance Shape Political Attitudes? Evidence from Agricultural Producers"' Description:'This Dataverse contains replication data and code, supplemental materials, a codebook, and human subjects research certificates for the article, "Does Receiving Government Assistance Shape Political Attitudes? Evidence from Agricultural Producers."'. And this are subject categories: ['Medicine, Health and Life Sciences','Arts and Humanities','Computer and Information Science','Social Sciences','Mathematical Sciences','Physics','Earth and Environmental Sciences','Chemistry','Engineering','Other','Law','Business and Management','Astronomy and Astrophysics','Agricultural Sciences']. Please return only a json list of at most 3 elements corresponding to the text labels:[/INST] ['Social Sciences']. </s>
[ "Social Sciences" ]
Here are Title and Description of a dataset. Title :'Replication Data for: "Does Receiving Government Assistance Shape Political Attitudes? Evidence from Agricultural Producers"' Description:'This Dataverse contains replication data and code, supplemental materials, a codebook, and human subjects research certificates for the article, "Does Receiving Government Assistance Shape Political Attitudes? Evidence from Agricultural Producers."'. And this are subject categories: ['Medicine, Health and Life Sciences','Arts and Humanities','Computer and Information Science','Social Sciences','Mathematical Sciences','Physics','Earth and Environmental Sciences','Chemistry','Engineering','Other','Law','Business and Management','Astronomy and Astrophysics','Agricultural Sciences']. Please return only a json list of at most 3 elements corresponding to the text labels:
This Dataverse contains replication data and code, supplemental materials, a codebook, and human subjects research certificates for the article, "Does Receiving Government Assistance Shape Political Attitudes? Evidence from Agricultural Producers."
Replication Data for: "Does Receiving Government Assistance Shape Political Attitudes? Evidence from Agricultural Producers"
<s>[INST] Here are Title and Description of a dataset. Title :'modbm_AC8_T6265_817p_pds' Description:'Torrey, Jesse, active 1787-1834. A portraiture of domestic slavery, in the United States: with reflections on the practicability of restoring the moral rights of the slave, without impairing the legal privileges of the possessor; and a project of a colonial asylum for free persons of colour: including memoirs of facts on the interior traffic in slaves, and on kidnapping : Illustrated with engravings. Philadelphia: Published by the author. ([Philadelphia] John Bioren, printer.) 1817. AC8 T6365 817p. Houghton Library, Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass.'. And this are subject categories: ['Medicine, Health and Life Sciences','Arts and Humanities','Computer and Information Science','Social Sciences','Mathematical Sciences','Physics','Earth and Environmental Sciences','Chemistry','Engineering','Other','Law','Business and Management','Astronomy and Astrophysics','Agricultural Sciences']. Please return only a json list of at most 3 elements corresponding to the text labels:[/INST] ['Arts and Humanities']. </s>
[ "Arts and Humanities" ]
Here are Title and Description of a dataset. Title :'modbm_AC8_T6265_817p_pds' Description:'Torrey, Jesse, active 1787-1834. A portraiture of domestic slavery, in the United States: with reflections on the practicability of restoring the moral rights of the slave, without impairing the legal privileges of the possessor; and a project of a colonial asylum for free persons of colour: including memoirs of facts on the interior traffic in slaves, and on kidnapping : Illustrated with engravings. Philadelphia: Published by the author. ([Philadelphia] John Bioren, printer.) 1817. AC8 T6365 817p. Houghton Library, Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass.'. And this are subject categories: ['Medicine, Health and Life Sciences','Arts and Humanities','Computer and Information Science','Social Sciences','Mathematical Sciences','Physics','Earth and Environmental Sciences','Chemistry','Engineering','Other','Law','Business and Management','Astronomy and Astrophysics','Agricultural Sciences']. Please return only a json list of at most 3 elements corresponding to the text labels:
Torrey, Jesse, active 1787-1834. A portraiture of domestic slavery, in the United States: with reflections on the practicability of restoring the moral rights of the slave, without impairing the legal privileges of the possessor; and a project of a colonial asylum for free persons of colour: including memoirs of facts on the interior traffic in slaves, and on kidnapping : Illustrated with engravings. Philadelphia: Published by the author. ([Philadelphia] John Bioren, printer.) 1817. AC8 T6365 817p. Houghton Library, Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass.
<s>[INST] Here are Title and Description of a dataset. Title :'Acontece 2013 JAN' Description:'Newspaper'. And this are subject categories: ['Medicine, Health and Life Sciences','Arts and Humanities','Computer and Information Science','Social Sciences','Mathematical Sciences','Physics','Earth and Environmental Sciences','Chemistry','Engineering','Other','Law','Business and Management','Astronomy and Astrophysics','Agricultural Sciences']. Please return only a json list of at most 3 elements corresponding to the text labels:[/INST] ['Social Sciences']. </s>
[ "Social Sciences" ]
Here are Title and Description of a dataset. Title :'Acontece 2013 JAN' Description:'Newspaper'. And this are subject categories: ['Medicine, Health and Life Sciences','Arts and Humanities','Computer and Information Science','Social Sciences','Mathematical Sciences','Physics','Earth and Environmental Sciences','Chemistry','Engineering','Other','Law','Business and Management','Astronomy and Astrophysics','Agricultural Sciences']. Please return only a json list of at most 3 elements corresponding to the text labels:
Acontece 2013 JAN
<s>[INST] Here are Title and Description of a dataset. Title :'USIA Poll # 1987-I87086: American Image in Western Europe' Description:'Attitudes towards society (1); opinion of countries (8); German values similar/different to other countries (2); policies of other countries (4); foreign investment in Germany (1); countries as military threats (2); countries to aid in the defense of Germany (2); opinion of the United States (2); opinion of the Soviet Union (2); nationalism (6); foreign countries influence on Germany (4); US/German relations (2); Soviet Union/German relations (1); economy (2); US policies (17); political activity (5); protest against the United States (9); US/German military relations (3); US/Soviet Union relations with other countries (8); US influence on the arts (6); US influence on technology (5); member of an organization/group (1); confidence in US defense of Germany (1); national security (7); risk of war (1); Central American conflicts (2); Soviet troops in Afghanistan (2); human rights in the Soviet Union (1); human rights in the United States (1); sources of information (2); political party vote for in the next general election (1); political party voted for in the 1987 general election (1).'. And this are subject categories: ['Medicine, Health and Life Sciences','Arts and Humanities','Computer and Information Science','Social Sciences','Mathematical Sciences','Physics','Earth and Environmental Sciences','Chemistry','Engineering','Other','Law','Business and Management','Astronomy and Astrophysics','Agricultural Sciences']. Please return only a json list of at most 3 elements corresponding to the text labels:[/INST] ['Social Sciences']. </s>
[ "Social Sciences" ]
Here are Title and Description of a dataset. Title :'USIA Poll # 1987-I87086: American Image in Western Europe' Description:'Attitudes towards society (1); opinion of countries (8); German values similar/different to other countries (2); policies of other countries (4); foreign investment in Germany (1); countries as military threats (2); countries to aid in the defense of Germany (2); opinion of the United States (2); opinion of the Soviet Union (2); nationalism (6); foreign countries influence on Germany (4); US/German relations (2); Soviet Union/German relations (1); economy (2); US policies (17); political activity (5); protest against the United States (9); US/German military relations (3); US/Soviet Union relations with other countries (8); US influence on the arts (6); US influence on technology (5); member of an organization/group (1); confidence in US defense of Germany (1); national security (7); risk of war (1); Central American conflicts (2); Soviet troops in Afghanistan (2); human rights in the Soviet Union (1); human rights in the United States (1); sources of information (2); political party vote for in the next general election (1); political party voted for in the 1987 general election (1).'. And this are subject categories: ['Medicine, Health and Life Sciences','Arts and Humanities','Computer and Information Science','Social Sciences','Mathematical Sciences','Physics','Earth and Environmental Sciences','Chemistry','Engineering','Other','Law','Business and Management','Astronomy and Astrophysics','Agricultural Sciences']. Please return only a json list of at most 3 elements corresponding to the text labels:
Attitudes towards society (1); opinion of countries (8); German values similar/different to other countries (2); policies of other countries (4); foreign investment in Germany (1); countries as military threats (2); countries to aid in the defense of Germany (2); opinion of the United States (2); opinion of the Soviet Union (2); nationalism (6); foreign countries influence on Germany (4); US/German relations (2); Soviet Union/German relations (1); economy (2); US policies (17); political activity (5); protest against the United States (9); US/German military relations (3); US/Soviet Union relations with other countries (8); US influence on the arts (6); US influence on technology (5); member of an organization/group (1); confidence in US defense of Germany (1); national security (7); risk of war (1); Central American conflicts (2); Soviet troops in Afghanistan (2); human rights in the Soviet Union (1); human rights in the United States (1); sources of information (2); political party vote for in the next general election (1); political party voted for in the 1987 general election (1).
USIA Poll # 1987-I87086: American Image in Western Europe
<s>[INST] Here are Title and Description of a dataset. Title :'A98_9865.jpg' Description:'Link to OCHRE database: <a href = 'http://pi.lib.uchicago.edu/1001/org/ochre/59da8222-fe92-474e-9f1b-1c826ff950ea'>http://pi.lib.uchicago.edu/1001/org/ochre/59da8222-fe92-474e-9f1b-1c826ff950ea'. And this are subject categories: ['Medicine, Health and Life Sciences','Arts and Humanities','Computer and Information Science','Social Sciences','Mathematical Sciences','Physics','Earth and Environmental Sciences','Chemistry','Engineering','Other','Law','Business and Management','Astronomy and Astrophysics','Agricultural Sciences']. Please return only a json list of at most 3 elements corresponding to the text labels:[/INST] ['Arts and Humanities']. </s>
[ "Arts and Humanities" ]
Here are Title and Description of a dataset. Title :'A98_9865.jpg' Description:'Link to OCHRE database: <a href = 'http://pi.lib.uchicago.edu/1001/org/ochre/59da8222-fe92-474e-9f1b-1c826ff950ea'>http://pi.lib.uchicago.edu/1001/org/ochre/59da8222-fe92-474e-9f1b-1c826ff950ea'. And this are subject categories: ['Medicine, Health and Life Sciences','Arts and Humanities','Computer and Information Science','Social Sciences','Mathematical Sciences','Physics','Earth and Environmental Sciences','Chemistry','Engineering','Other','Law','Business and Management','Astronomy and Astrophysics','Agricultural Sciences']. Please return only a json list of at most 3 elements corresponding to the text labels:
Link to OCHRE database: <a href = 'http://pi.lib.uchicago.edu/1001/org/ochre/59da8222-fe92-474e-9f1b-1c826ff950ea'>http://pi.lib.uchicago.edu/1001/org/ochre/59da8222-fe92-474e-9f1b-1c826ff950ea
<s>[INST] Here are Title and Description of a dataset. Title :'A97_9144.jpg' Description:'Link to OCHRE database: <a href = 'http://pi.lib.uchicago.edu/1001/org/ochre/ec3e7f7d-64a1-4953-3646-8a58b7e35f43'>http://pi.lib.uchicago.edu/1001/org/ochre/ec3e7f7d-64a1-4953-3646-8a58b7e35f43'. And this are subject categories: ['Medicine, Health and Life Sciences','Arts and Humanities','Computer and Information Science','Social Sciences','Mathematical Sciences','Physics','Earth and Environmental Sciences','Chemistry','Engineering','Other','Law','Business and Management','Astronomy and Astrophysics','Agricultural Sciences']. Please return only a json list of at most 3 elements corresponding to the text labels:[/INST] ['Arts and Humanities']. </s>
[ "Arts and Humanities" ]
Here are Title and Description of a dataset. Title :'A97_9144.jpg' Description:'Link to OCHRE database: <a href = 'http://pi.lib.uchicago.edu/1001/org/ochre/ec3e7f7d-64a1-4953-3646-8a58b7e35f43'>http://pi.lib.uchicago.edu/1001/org/ochre/ec3e7f7d-64a1-4953-3646-8a58b7e35f43'. And this are subject categories: ['Medicine, Health and Life Sciences','Arts and Humanities','Computer and Information Science','Social Sciences','Mathematical Sciences','Physics','Earth and Environmental Sciences','Chemistry','Engineering','Other','Law','Business and Management','Astronomy and Astrophysics','Agricultural Sciences']. Please return only a json list of at most 3 elements corresponding to the text labels:
Link to OCHRE database: <a href = 'http://pi.lib.uchicago.edu/1001/org/ochre/ec3e7f7d-64a1-4953-3646-8a58b7e35f43'>http://pi.lib.uchicago.edu/1001/org/ochre/ec3e7f7d-64a1-4953-3646-8a58b7e35f43
<s>[INST] Here are Title and Description of a dataset. Title :'Function Implementations for: Error metrics for partially coherent wavefields' Description:'This dataset contains a python/pytorch implementation of the square-root fidelity, partially coherent mean squared error, and partially coherent fourier ring correlation, as defined in the paper <a href=https://doi.org/10.1364/OL.455955>Error metrics for partially coherent wavefields</a>.'. And this are subject categories: ['Medicine, Health and Life Sciences','Arts and Humanities','Computer and Information Science','Social Sciences','Mathematical Sciences','Physics','Earth and Environmental Sciences','Chemistry','Engineering','Other','Law','Business and Management','Astronomy and Astrophysics','Agricultural Sciences']. Please return only a json list of at most 3 elements corresponding to the text labels:[/INST] ['Physics']. </s>
[ "Physics" ]
Here are Title and Description of a dataset. Title :'Function Implementations for: Error metrics for partially coherent wavefields' Description:'This dataset contains a python/pytorch implementation of the square-root fidelity, partially coherent mean squared error, and partially coherent fourier ring correlation, as defined in the paper <a href=https://doi.org/10.1364/OL.455955>Error metrics for partially coherent wavefields</a>.'. And this are subject categories: ['Medicine, Health and Life Sciences','Arts and Humanities','Computer and Information Science','Social Sciences','Mathematical Sciences','Physics','Earth and Environmental Sciences','Chemistry','Engineering','Other','Law','Business and Management','Astronomy and Astrophysics','Agricultural Sciences']. Please return only a json list of at most 3 elements corresponding to the text labels:
This dataset contains a python/pytorch implementation of the square-root fidelity, partially coherent mean squared error, and partially coherent fourier ring correlation, as defined in the paper <a href=https://doi.org/10.1364/OL.455955>Error metrics for partially coherent wavefields</a>.
Function Implementations for: Error metrics for partially coherent wavefields
<s>[INST] Here are Title and Description of a dataset. Title :'Five-year quality of life of endometrial cancer patients treated in the randomised Post Operative Radiation Therapy in Endometrial Cancer (PORTEC-2) trial and comparison with norm data [Dataset]' Description:'N/A'. And this are subject categories: ['Medicine, Health and Life Sciences','Arts and Humanities','Computer and Information Science','Social Sciences','Mathematical Sciences','Physics','Earth and Environmental Sciences','Chemistry','Engineering','Other','Law','Business and Management','Astronomy and Astrophysics','Agricultural Sciences']. Please return only a json list of at most 3 elements corresponding to the text labels:[/INST] ['Social Sciences']. </s>
[ "Social Sciences" ]
Here are Title and Description of a dataset. Title :'Five-year quality of life of endometrial cancer patients treated in the randomised Post Operative Radiation Therapy in Endometrial Cancer (PORTEC-2) trial and comparison with norm data [Dataset]' Description:'N/A'. And this are subject categories: ['Medicine, Health and Life Sciences','Arts and Humanities','Computer and Information Science','Social Sciences','Mathematical Sciences','Physics','Earth and Environmental Sciences','Chemistry','Engineering','Other','Law','Business and Management','Astronomy and Astrophysics','Agricultural Sciences']. Please return only a json list of at most 3 elements corresponding to the text labels:
Five-year quality of life of endometrial cancer patients treated in the randomised Post Operative Radiation Therapy in Endometrial Cancer (PORTEC-2) trial and comparison with norm data [Dataset]
<s>[INST] Here are Title and Description of a dataset. Title :'A16_31164.jpg' Description:'Link to OCHRE database: <a href = 'http://pi.lib.uchicago.edu/1001/org/ochre/2383eea2-a5bf-43eb-840f-929bbb8056cb'>http://pi.lib.uchicago.edu/1001/org/ochre/2383eea2-a5bf-43eb-840f-929bbb8056cb'. And this are subject categories: ['Medicine, Health and Life Sciences','Arts and Humanities','Computer and Information Science','Social Sciences','Mathematical Sciences','Physics','Earth and Environmental Sciences','Chemistry','Engineering','Other','Law','Business and Management','Astronomy and Astrophysics','Agricultural Sciences']. Please return only a json list of at most 3 elements corresponding to the text labels:[/INST] ['Arts and Humanities']. </s>
[ "Arts and Humanities" ]
Here are Title and Description of a dataset. Title :'A16_31164.jpg' Description:'Link to OCHRE database: <a href = 'http://pi.lib.uchicago.edu/1001/org/ochre/2383eea2-a5bf-43eb-840f-929bbb8056cb'>http://pi.lib.uchicago.edu/1001/org/ochre/2383eea2-a5bf-43eb-840f-929bbb8056cb'. And this are subject categories: ['Medicine, Health and Life Sciences','Arts and Humanities','Computer and Information Science','Social Sciences','Mathematical Sciences','Physics','Earth and Environmental Sciences','Chemistry','Engineering','Other','Law','Business and Management','Astronomy and Astrophysics','Agricultural Sciences']. Please return only a json list of at most 3 elements corresponding to the text labels:
Link to OCHRE database: <a href = 'http://pi.lib.uchicago.edu/1001/org/ochre/2383eea2-a5bf-43eb-840f-929bbb8056cb'>http://pi.lib.uchicago.edu/1001/org/ochre/2383eea2-a5bf-43eb-840f-929bbb8056cb
<s>[INST] Here are Title and Description of a dataset. Title :'A12_21420.JPG' Description:'Link to OCHRE database: <a href = ''http://pi.lib.uchicago.edu/1001/org/ochre/5017e235-282d-4969-aaea-14278cd70a42'>http://pi.lib.uchicago.edu/1001/org/ochre/5017e235-282d-4969-aaea-14278cd70a42'. And this are subject categories: ['Medicine, Health and Life Sciences','Arts and Humanities','Computer and Information Science','Social Sciences','Mathematical Sciences','Physics','Earth and Environmental Sciences','Chemistry','Engineering','Other','Law','Business and Management','Astronomy and Astrophysics','Agricultural Sciences']. Please return only a json list of at most 3 elements corresponding to the text labels:[/INST] ['Arts and Humanities']. </s>
[ "Arts and Humanities" ]
Here are Title and Description of a dataset. Title :'A12_21420.JPG' Description:'Link to OCHRE database: <a href = ''http://pi.lib.uchicago.edu/1001/org/ochre/5017e235-282d-4969-aaea-14278cd70a42'>http://pi.lib.uchicago.edu/1001/org/ochre/5017e235-282d-4969-aaea-14278cd70a42'. And this are subject categories: ['Medicine, Health and Life Sciences','Arts and Humanities','Computer and Information Science','Social Sciences','Mathematical Sciences','Physics','Earth and Environmental Sciences','Chemistry','Engineering','Other','Law','Business and Management','Astronomy and Astrophysics','Agricultural Sciences']. Please return only a json list of at most 3 elements corresponding to the text labels:
Link to OCHRE database: <a href = ''http://pi.lib.uchicago.edu/1001/org/ochre/5017e235-282d-4969-aaea-14278cd70a42'>http://pi.lib.uchicago.edu/1001/org/ochre/5017e235-282d-4969-aaea-14278cd70a42
<s>[INST] Here are Title and Description of a dataset. Title :'Video recordings of spawning behavior of Arctic charr; date: 2016-09-19; spawning ground: 3; time: afternoon; camera no: 3' Description:'<p>This dataset contains video recordings of spawning behavior of Arctic charr (<em>Salvelinus alpinus</em>) in Lake Fjellfrøsvatnet (69°08′N 19°34′E), Troms, Northern Norway. The recordings were made with camera no. 3 at spawning ground 3 in the afternoon of 19 September 2016.</p><p></p><p>A description of the data structure and format is gathered in the documentation dataset: Egeland, Torvald B.; Folstad, Ivar; Nordeide, Jarle Tryti, 2021, "Documentation of the Spawning behavior of Arctic charr video collection", DataverseNO, https://doi.org/10.18710/VIQB0B</p><p></p><p><b>This dataset is part of a larger collection: Egeland, Torvald B.; Folstad, Ivar; Nordeide, Jarle Tryti, 2021, "The Spawning behavior of Arctic charr video collection". DataverseNO. https://doi.org/10.18710/HTM6-F146.</b></p>'. And this are subject categories: ['Medicine, Health and Life Sciences','Arts and Humanities','Computer and Information Science','Social Sciences','Mathematical Sciences','Physics','Earth and Environmental Sciences','Chemistry','Engineering','Other','Law','Business and Management','Astronomy and Astrophysics','Agricultural Sciences']. Please return only a json list of at most 3 elements corresponding to the text labels:[/INST] ['Medicine, Health and Life Sciences']. </s>
[ "Medicine, Health and Life Sciences" ]
Here are Title and Description of a dataset. Title :'Video recordings of spawning behavior of Arctic charr; date: 2016-09-19; spawning ground: 3; time: afternoon; camera no: 3' Description:'<p>This dataset contains video recordings of spawning behavior of Arctic charr (<em>Salvelinus alpinus</em>) in Lake Fjellfrøsvatnet (69°08′N 19°34′E), Troms, Northern Norway. The recordings were made with camera no. 3 at spawning ground 3 in the afternoon of 19 September 2016.</p><p></p><p>A description of the data structure and format is gathered in the documentation dataset: Egeland, Torvald B.; Folstad, Ivar; Nordeide, Jarle Tryti, 2021, "Documentation of the Spawning behavior of Arctic charr video collection", DataverseNO, https://doi.org/10.18710/VIQB0B</p><p></p><p><b>This dataset is part of a larger collection: Egeland, Torvald B.; Folstad, Ivar; Nordeide, Jarle Tryti, 2021, "The Spawning behavior of Arctic charr video collection". DataverseNO. https://doi.org/10.18710/HTM6-F146.</b></p>'. And this are subject categories: ['Medicine, Health and Life Sciences','Arts and Humanities','Computer and Information Science','Social Sciences','Mathematical Sciences','Physics','Earth and Environmental Sciences','Chemistry','Engineering','Other','Law','Business and Management','Astronomy and Astrophysics','Agricultural Sciences']. Please return only a json list of at most 3 elements corresponding to the text labels:
<p>This dataset contains video recordings of spawning behavior of Arctic charr (<em>Salvelinus alpinus</em>) in Lake Fjellfrøsvatnet (69°08′N 19°34′E), Troms, Northern Norway. The recordings were made with camera no. 3 at spawning ground 3 in the afternoon of 19 September 2016.</p><p></p><p>A description of the data structure and format is gathered in the documentation dataset: Egeland, Torvald B.; Folstad, Ivar; Nordeide, Jarle Tryti, 2021, "Documentation of the Spawning behavior of Arctic charr video collection", DataverseNO, https://doi.org/10.18710/VIQB0B</p><p></p><p><b>This dataset is part of a larger collection: Egeland, Torvald B.; Folstad, Ivar; Nordeide, Jarle Tryti, 2021, "The Spawning behavior of Arctic charr video collection". DataverseNO. https://doi.org/10.18710/HTM6-F146.</b></p>
Video recordings of spawning behavior of Arctic charr; date: 2016-09-19; spawning ground: 3; time: afternoon; camera no: 3
<s>[INST] Here are Title and Description of a dataset. Title :'Gallup/The Kettering Foundation Poll # 1978-POS951: 10th Annual Survey of the Public's Attitudes Toward the Public Schools' Description:'Biggest problems with which the public schools in this community must deal (1); what grade would respondent give the local public schools (1); children should/should not be promoted from grade to grade only if they can pass examinations (1); students who fail should be required to take special remedial classes in the subjects they fail/should be required to repeat the whole year's work (1); tests given in different subjects for promotion should be prepared on a local/state/national basis (1); black children and other minorities in respondent's community do/do not have the same educational opportunities as white children (1); use of marijuana by junior high or high school students here is/is not a serious problem (1); use of alcohol by students here is/is not a serious problem (1); use of hard drugs among students here is/is not a serious problem (1); respondent is/is not now taking or has/has not ever taken any courses in an adult education program (2); would/would not be interested next year in taking any special courses or training in any fields or subjects (1); what requirements would respondent set for high school graduation for students who do not plan on going to college but who plan to take a job or job training following graduation (10); importance of a college education today (1); importance of extracurricular activities to a young person's education (1); opportunities for young people to obtain part-time jobs in this community (1); would/would not like to see a plan enabling all juniors and seniors in high school to perform some kind of community service for course credit (1); parents should/should not be made financially responsible for damage to school property done by their children (1); vocational education should/should not be separated from the school and conducted in a separate location by other agencies (1); students who are frequently absent without good reason should be dismissed from school/forced to attend (1); parents should/should not be held responsible for their children's school attendance (1); respect and confidence in local school board's ability to deal with school problems (1); any group of people in community that has more influence than it should have in the way schools are run (1); regulations adopted by state and federal government are more likely to help/hinder public school education here (1); where most of the money comes from to finance schools in respondent's community (2); how much does respondent's eldest child enjoy going to school (1); how much time does respondent usually have to devote to child in the evening to assist with homework (1).'. And this are subject categories: ['Medicine, Health and Life Sciences','Arts and Humanities','Computer and Information Science','Social Sciences','Mathematical Sciences','Physics','Earth and Environmental Sciences','Chemistry','Engineering','Other','Law','Business and Management','Astronomy and Astrophysics','Agricultural Sciences']. Please return only a json list of at most 3 elements corresponding to the text labels:[/INST] ['Social Sciences']. </s>
[ "Social Sciences" ]
Here are Title and Description of a dataset. Title :'Gallup/The Kettering Foundation Poll # 1978-POS951: 10th Annual Survey of the Public's Attitudes Toward the Public Schools' Description:'Biggest problems with which the public schools in this community must deal (1); what grade would respondent give the local public schools (1); children should/should not be promoted from grade to grade only if they can pass examinations (1); students who fail should be required to take special remedial classes in the subjects they fail/should be required to repeat the whole year's work (1); tests given in different subjects for promotion should be prepared on a local/state/national basis (1); black children and other minorities in respondent's community do/do not have the same educational opportunities as white children (1); use of marijuana by junior high or high school students here is/is not a serious problem (1); use of alcohol by students here is/is not a serious problem (1); use of hard drugs among students here is/is not a serious problem (1); respondent is/is not now taking or has/has not ever taken any courses in an adult education program (2); would/would not be interested next year in taking any special courses or training in any fields or subjects (1); what requirements would respondent set for high school graduation for students who do not plan on going to college but who plan to take a job or job training following graduation (10); importance of a college education today (1); importance of extracurricular activities to a young person's education (1); opportunities for young people to obtain part-time jobs in this community (1); would/would not like to see a plan enabling all juniors and seniors in high school to perform some kind of community service for course credit (1); parents should/should not be made financially responsible for damage to school property done by their children (1); vocational education should/should not be separated from the school and conducted in a separate location by other agencies (1); students who are frequently absent without good reason should be dismissed from school/forced to attend (1); parents should/should not be held responsible for their children's school attendance (1); respect and confidence in local school board's ability to deal with school problems (1); any group of people in community that has more influence than it should have in the way schools are run (1); regulations adopted by state and federal government are more likely to help/hinder public school education here (1); where most of the money comes from to finance schools in respondent's community (2); how much does respondent's eldest child enjoy going to school (1); how much time does respondent usually have to devote to child in the evening to assist with homework (1).'. And this are subject categories: ['Medicine, Health and Life Sciences','Arts and Humanities','Computer and Information Science','Social Sciences','Mathematical Sciences','Physics','Earth and Environmental Sciences','Chemistry','Engineering','Other','Law','Business and Management','Astronomy and Astrophysics','Agricultural Sciences']. Please return only a json list of at most 3 elements corresponding to the text labels:
Biggest problems with which the public schools in this community must deal (1); what grade would respondent give the local public schools (1); children should/should not be promoted from grade to grade only if they can pass examinations (1); students who fail should be required to take special remedial classes in the subjects they fail/should be required to repeat the whole year's work (1); tests given in different subjects for promotion should be prepared on a local/state/national basis (1); black children and other minorities in respondent's community do/do not have the same educational opportunities as white children (1); use of marijuana by junior high or high school students here is/is not a serious problem (1); use of alcohol by students here is/is not a serious problem (1); use of hard drugs among students here is/is not a serious problem (1); respondent is/is not now taking or has/has not ever taken any courses in an adult education program (2); would/would not be interested next year in taking any special courses or training in any fields or subjects (1); what requirements would respondent set for high school graduation for students who do not plan on going to college but who plan to take a job or job training following graduation (10); importance of a college education today (1); importance of extracurricular activities to a young person's education (1); opportunities for young people to obtain part-time jobs in this community (1); would/would not like to see a plan enabling all juniors and seniors in high school to perform some kind of community service for course credit (1); parents should/should not be made financially responsible for damage to school property done by their children (1); vocational education should/should not be separated from the school and conducted in a separate location by other agencies (1); students who are frequently absent without good reason should be dismissed from school/forced to attend (1); parents should/should not be held responsible for their children's school attendance (1); respect and confidence in local school board's ability to deal with school problems (1); any group of people in community that has more influence than it should have in the way schools are run (1); regulations adopted by state and federal government are more likely to help/hinder public school education here (1); where most of the money comes from to finance schools in respondent's community (2); how much does respondent's eldest child enjoy going to school (1); how much time does respondent usually have to devote to child in the evening to assist with homework (1).
Gallup/The Kettering Foundation Poll # 1978-POS951: 10th Annual Survey of the Public's Attitudes Toward the Public Schools
<s>[INST] Here are Title and Description of a dataset. Title :'Executive Agreements Database, Statement Concerning the Agreement with Nicaragua Regarding the Cooperating Nation Information Exchange System (CNIES) Effected By Exchange Of Notes Act Managua October 18 and November 23, 2004 Entered Into Force November 23, 2004' Description:'TIAS 04-1123 cover memo'. And this are subject categories: ['Medicine, Health and Life Sciences','Arts and Humanities','Computer and Information Science','Social Sciences','Mathematical Sciences','Physics','Earth and Environmental Sciences','Chemistry','Engineering','Other','Law','Business and Management','Astronomy and Astrophysics','Agricultural Sciences']. Please return only a json list of at most 3 elements corresponding to the text labels:[/INST] ['Law', 'Social Sciences']. </s>
[ "Law", "Social Sciences" ]
Here are Title and Description of a dataset. Title :'Executive Agreements Database, Statement Concerning the Agreement with Nicaragua Regarding the Cooperating Nation Information Exchange System (CNIES) Effected By Exchange Of Notes Act Managua October 18 and November 23, 2004 Entered Into Force November 23, 2004' Description:'TIAS 04-1123 cover memo'. And this are subject categories: ['Medicine, Health and Life Sciences','Arts and Humanities','Computer and Information Science','Social Sciences','Mathematical Sciences','Physics','Earth and Environmental Sciences','Chemistry','Engineering','Other','Law','Business and Management','Astronomy and Astrophysics','Agricultural Sciences']. Please return only a json list of at most 3 elements corresponding to the text labels:
TIAS 04-1123 cover memo
Executive Agreements Database, Statement Concerning the Agreement with Nicaragua Regarding the Cooperating Nation Information Exchange System (CNIES) Effected By Exchange Of Notes Act Managua October 18 and November 23, 2004 Entered Into Force November 23, 2004
<s>[INST] Here are Title and Description of a dataset. Title :'Voices from the Pagan Census: A National Survey of Witches and Neo-Pagans in the United States, 1993-1995' Description:'Voices from the Pagan Census provides unprecedented insight into the expanding but largely unstudied religious movement of Neo-Paganism in the United States. Helen A. Berger, Evan A. Leach, and Leigh S. Shaffer present the findings of "The Pagan Census," which was created and distributed by Berger and Andras Corban Arthen of the Earthspirit Community. Analyzing the most comprehensive and largest-scale survey of Neo-Pagans to date, the authors offer a portrait of this emerging religious community, including an examination of Neo-Pagan political activism, educational achievements, family life, worship methods, experiences with the paranormal, and beliefs about such issues as life after death. <br /><br /> A collection of religious groups whose practices evolved from Great Britain's Wicca movement of the 1940s, Neo-Paganism spread to the United States in the 1960s. While the number of people who identify themselves with the religion has continued to rise, quantitative study of Neo-Paganism has been difficult given the movement's lack of centralized leadership and doctrine and its development as scattered, independent groups and individuals. Endorsed by all major Neo-Pagan leaders, "The Pagan Census" generated a demographically diverse response. In contrast to most previous surveys, which were limited to Neo-Pagan festivals, this survey incorporates input from the large population of practitioners who do not participate in such events. <br /><br /> Keenly anticipated by the academic and Neo-Pagan communities, the results of the census provide the most in-depth information about the group yet assembled. Comparing Neo-Pagans with American society at large, Berger, Leach, and Shaffer show that although the two groups share certain statistical characteristics, there are differences as well. The scholars also identify variations within the Neo-Pagan population, including those related to geography and to the movement's multiple spiritual paths.<br /><br />'. And this are subject categories: ['Medicine, Health and Life Sciences','Arts and Humanities','Computer and Information Science','Social Sciences','Mathematical Sciences','Physics','Earth and Environmental Sciences','Chemistry','Engineering','Other','Law','Business and Management','Astronomy and Astrophysics','Agricultural Sciences']. Please return only a json list of at most 3 elements corresponding to the text labels:[/INST] ['Social Sciences']. </s>
[ "Social Sciences" ]
Here are Title and Description of a dataset. Title :'Voices from the Pagan Census: A National Survey of Witches and Neo-Pagans in the United States, 1993-1995' Description:'Voices from the Pagan Census provides unprecedented insight into the expanding but largely unstudied religious movement of Neo-Paganism in the United States. Helen A. Berger, Evan A. Leach, and Leigh S. Shaffer present the findings of "The Pagan Census," which was created and distributed by Berger and Andras Corban Arthen of the Earthspirit Community. Analyzing the most comprehensive and largest-scale survey of Neo-Pagans to date, the authors offer a portrait of this emerging religious community, including an examination of Neo-Pagan political activism, educational achievements, family life, worship methods, experiences with the paranormal, and beliefs about such issues as life after death. <br /><br /> A collection of religious groups whose practices evolved from Great Britain's Wicca movement of the 1940s, Neo-Paganism spread to the United States in the 1960s. While the number of people who identify themselves with the religion has continued to rise, quantitative study of Neo-Paganism has been difficult given the movement's lack of centralized leadership and doctrine and its development as scattered, independent groups and individuals. Endorsed by all major Neo-Pagan leaders, "The Pagan Census" generated a demographically diverse response. In contrast to most previous surveys, which were limited to Neo-Pagan festivals, this survey incorporates input from the large population of practitioners who do not participate in such events. <br /><br /> Keenly anticipated by the academic and Neo-Pagan communities, the results of the census provide the most in-depth information about the group yet assembled. Comparing Neo-Pagans with American society at large, Berger, Leach, and Shaffer show that although the two groups share certain statistical characteristics, there are differences as well. The scholars also identify variations within the Neo-Pagan population, including those related to geography and to the movement's multiple spiritual paths.<br /><br />'. And this are subject categories: ['Medicine, Health and Life Sciences','Arts and Humanities','Computer and Information Science','Social Sciences','Mathematical Sciences','Physics','Earth and Environmental Sciences','Chemistry','Engineering','Other','Law','Business and Management','Astronomy and Astrophysics','Agricultural Sciences']. Please return only a json list of at most 3 elements corresponding to the text labels:
Voices from the Pagan Census provides unprecedented insight into the expanding but largely unstudied religious movement of Neo-Paganism in the United States. Helen A. Berger, Evan A. Leach, and Leigh S. Shaffer present the findings of "The Pagan Census," which was created and distributed by Berger and Andras Corban Arthen of the Earthspirit Community. Analyzing the most comprehensive and largest-scale survey of Neo-Pagans to date, the authors offer a portrait of this emerging religious community, including an examination of Neo-Pagan political activism, educational achievements, family life, worship methods, experiences with the paranormal, and beliefs about such issues as life after death. <br /><br /> A collection of religious groups whose practices evolved from Great Britain's Wicca movement of the 1940s, Neo-Paganism spread to the United States in the 1960s. While the number of people who identify themselves with the religion has continued to rise, quantitative study of Neo-Paganism has been difficult given the movement's lack of centralized leadership and doctrine and its development as scattered, independent groups and individuals. Endorsed by all major Neo-Pagan leaders, "The Pagan Census" generated a demographically diverse response. In contrast to most previous surveys, which were limited to Neo-Pagan festivals, this survey incorporates input from the large population of practitioners who do not participate in such events. <br /><br /> Keenly anticipated by the academic and Neo-Pagan communities, the results of the census provide the most in-depth information about the group yet assembled. Comparing Neo-Pagans with American society at large, Berger, Leach, and Shaffer show that although the two groups share certain statistical characteristics, there are differences as well. The scholars also identify variations within the Neo-Pagan population, including those related to geography and to the movement's multiple spiritual paths.<br /><br />
Voices from the Pagan Census: A National Survey of Witches and Neo-Pagans in the United States, 1993-1995
<s>[INST] Here are Title and Description of a dataset. Title :'A15_30134.jpg' Description:'Link to OCHRE database: <a href = 'http://pi.lib.uchicago.edu/1001/org/ochre/db54ea02-3435-4494-ac78-111feed81cd0'>http://pi.lib.uchicago.edu/1001/org/ochre/db54ea02-3435-4494-ac78-111feed81cd0'. And this are subject categories: ['Medicine, Health and Life Sciences','Arts and Humanities','Computer and Information Science','Social Sciences','Mathematical Sciences','Physics','Earth and Environmental Sciences','Chemistry','Engineering','Other','Law','Business and Management','Astronomy and Astrophysics','Agricultural Sciences']. Please return only a json list of at most 3 elements corresponding to the text labels:[/INST] ['Arts and Humanities']. </s>
[ "Arts and Humanities" ]
Here are Title and Description of a dataset. Title :'A15_30134.jpg' Description:'Link to OCHRE database: <a href = 'http://pi.lib.uchicago.edu/1001/org/ochre/db54ea02-3435-4494-ac78-111feed81cd0'>http://pi.lib.uchicago.edu/1001/org/ochre/db54ea02-3435-4494-ac78-111feed81cd0'. And this are subject categories: ['Medicine, Health and Life Sciences','Arts and Humanities','Computer and Information Science','Social Sciences','Mathematical Sciences','Physics','Earth and Environmental Sciences','Chemistry','Engineering','Other','Law','Business and Management','Astronomy and Astrophysics','Agricultural Sciences']. Please return only a json list of at most 3 elements corresponding to the text labels:
Link to OCHRE database: <a href = 'http://pi.lib.uchicago.edu/1001/org/ochre/db54ea02-3435-4494-ac78-111feed81cd0'>http://pi.lib.uchicago.edu/1001/org/ochre/db54ea02-3435-4494-ac78-111feed81cd0
<s>[INST] Here are Title and Description of a dataset. Title :'Passed Resolves; Resolves 1838, c.34, SC1/series 228, Petition of Josiah Little' Description:'<p>Petition subject: Annexation of Texas </p> <p>Original: <a href="http://nrs.harvard.edu/urn-3:FHCL:10670545">http://nrs.harvard.edu/urn-3:FHCL:10670545</a> </p> <p>Date of creation: (unknown) </p> <p>Petition location: Newbury </p> <p>Legislator, committee, or address that the petition was sent to: Benjamin W. Hale, Newbury; committee on the annexation of Texas </p> <p>Selected signatures:<ol><li>Josiah Little</li><li>Enoch Chase</li><li>Josiah L. Atkinson</li></ol> </p> <p>Actions taken on dates: 1838-01-17 </p> <p>Legislative action: Received in the House on January 17, 1838 and referred to the committee on the annexation of Texas and received in the Senate and concurred </p> <p>Total signatures: 67 </p> <p>Legislative action summary: Received, referred, received, concurred </p> <p>Legal voter signatures (males not identified as non-legal): 67 </p> <p>Female only signatures: No </p> <p>Identifications of signatories: inhabitants, ["others"] </p> <p>Prayer format was <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Printing">printed</a> vs. <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Manuscript">manuscript</a>: Printed </p> <p>Additional non-petition or unrelated documents available at archive: additional documents available </p> <p>Location of the petition at the Massachusetts Archives of the Commonwealth: Resolves 1838, c.34, passed March 16, 1838 </p> <p>Acknowledgements: Supported by the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-5105612), Massachusetts Archives of the Commonwealth, Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study at Harvard University, Center for American Political Studies at Harvard University, Institutional Development Initiative at Harvard University, and Harvard University Library.</p>'. And this are subject categories: ['Medicine, Health and Life Sciences','Arts and Humanities','Computer and Information Science','Social Sciences','Mathematical Sciences','Physics','Earth and Environmental Sciences','Chemistry','Engineering','Other','Law','Business and Management','Astronomy and Astrophysics','Agricultural Sciences']. Please return only a json list of at most 3 elements corresponding to the text labels:[/INST] ['Social Sciences']. </s>
[ "Social Sciences" ]
Here are Title and Description of a dataset. Title :'Passed Resolves; Resolves 1838, c.34, SC1/series 228, Petition of Josiah Little' Description:'<p>Petition subject: Annexation of Texas </p> <p>Original: <a href="http://nrs.harvard.edu/urn-3:FHCL:10670545">http://nrs.harvard.edu/urn-3:FHCL:10670545</a> </p> <p>Date of creation: (unknown) </p> <p>Petition location: Newbury </p> <p>Legislator, committee, or address that the petition was sent to: Benjamin W. Hale, Newbury; committee on the annexation of Texas </p> <p>Selected signatures:<ol><li>Josiah Little</li><li>Enoch Chase</li><li>Josiah L. Atkinson</li></ol> </p> <p>Actions taken on dates: 1838-01-17 </p> <p>Legislative action: Received in the House on January 17, 1838 and referred to the committee on the annexation of Texas and received in the Senate and concurred </p> <p>Total signatures: 67 </p> <p>Legislative action summary: Received, referred, received, concurred </p> <p>Legal voter signatures (males not identified as non-legal): 67 </p> <p>Female only signatures: No </p> <p>Identifications of signatories: inhabitants, ["others"] </p> <p>Prayer format was <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Printing">printed</a> vs. <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Manuscript">manuscript</a>: Printed </p> <p>Additional non-petition or unrelated documents available at archive: additional documents available </p> <p>Location of the petition at the Massachusetts Archives of the Commonwealth: Resolves 1838, c.34, passed March 16, 1838 </p> <p>Acknowledgements: Supported by the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-5105612), Massachusetts Archives of the Commonwealth, Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study at Harvard University, Center for American Political Studies at Harvard University, Institutional Development Initiative at Harvard University, and Harvard University Library.</p>'. And this are subject categories: ['Medicine, Health and Life Sciences','Arts and Humanities','Computer and Information Science','Social Sciences','Mathematical Sciences','Physics','Earth and Environmental Sciences','Chemistry','Engineering','Other','Law','Business and Management','Astronomy and Astrophysics','Agricultural Sciences']. Please return only a json list of at most 3 elements corresponding to the text labels:
<p>Petition subject: Annexation of Texas </p> <p>Original: <a href="http://nrs.harvard.edu/urn-3:FHCL:10670545">http://nrs.harvard.edu/urn-3:FHCL:10670545</a> </p> <p>Date of creation: (unknown) </p> <p>Petition location: Newbury </p> <p>Legislator, committee, or address that the petition was sent to: Benjamin W. Hale, Newbury; committee on the annexation of Texas </p> <p>Selected signatures:<ol><li>Josiah Little</li><li>Enoch Chase</li><li>Josiah L. Atkinson</li></ol> </p> <p>Actions taken on dates: 1838-01-17 </p> <p>Legislative action: Received in the House on January 17, 1838 and referred to the committee on the annexation of Texas and received in the Senate and concurred </p> <p>Total signatures: 67 </p> <p>Legislative action summary: Received, referred, received, concurred </p> <p>Legal voter signatures (males not identified as non-legal): 67 </p> <p>Female only signatures: No </p> <p>Identifications of signatories: inhabitants, ["others"] </p> <p>Prayer format was <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Printing">printed</a> vs. <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Manuscript">manuscript</a>: Printed </p> <p>Additional non-petition or unrelated documents available at archive: additional documents available </p> <p>Location of the petition at the Massachusetts Archives of the Commonwealth: Resolves 1838, c.34, passed March 16, 1838 </p> <p>Acknowledgements: Supported by the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-5105612), Massachusetts Archives of the Commonwealth, Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study at Harvard University, Center for American Political Studies at Harvard University, Institutional Development Initiative at Harvard University, and Harvard University Library.</p>
Passed Resolves; Resolves 1838, c.34, SC1/series 228, Petition of Josiah Little
<s>[INST] Here are Title and Description of a dataset. Title :'A93_5456.jpg' Description:'Link to OCHRE database: <a href = 'http://pi.lib.uchicago.edu/1001/org/ochre/3a7b5293-5a2d-947e-cfe7-757d87d5e00d'>http://pi.lib.uchicago.edu/1001/org/ochre/3a7b5293-5a2d-947e-cfe7-757d87d5e00d'. And this are subject categories: ['Medicine, Health and Life Sciences','Arts and Humanities','Computer and Information Science','Social Sciences','Mathematical Sciences','Physics','Earth and Environmental Sciences','Chemistry','Engineering','Other','Law','Business and Management','Astronomy and Astrophysics','Agricultural Sciences']. Please return only a json list of at most 3 elements corresponding to the text labels:[/INST] ['Arts and Humanities']. </s>
[ "Arts and Humanities" ]
Here are Title and Description of a dataset. Title :'A93_5456.jpg' Description:'Link to OCHRE database: <a href = 'http://pi.lib.uchicago.edu/1001/org/ochre/3a7b5293-5a2d-947e-cfe7-757d87d5e00d'>http://pi.lib.uchicago.edu/1001/org/ochre/3a7b5293-5a2d-947e-cfe7-757d87d5e00d'. And this are subject categories: ['Medicine, Health and Life Sciences','Arts and Humanities','Computer and Information Science','Social Sciences','Mathematical Sciences','Physics','Earth and Environmental Sciences','Chemistry','Engineering','Other','Law','Business and Management','Astronomy and Astrophysics','Agricultural Sciences']. Please return only a json list of at most 3 elements corresponding to the text labels:
Link to OCHRE database: <a href = 'http://pi.lib.uchicago.edu/1001/org/ochre/3a7b5293-5a2d-947e-cfe7-757d87d5e00d'>http://pi.lib.uchicago.edu/1001/org/ochre/3a7b5293-5a2d-947e-cfe7-757d87d5e00d
<s>[INST] Here are Title and Description of a dataset. Title :'Catch and effort monitoring 2010-2020, 2 rural villages (anon), Western Province, Solomon Islands' Description:'Co-management is a mainstream approach for governing social and ecological aspects of small-scale fisheries. Yet while many assessments of co-management are available for single time periods, they are rare across longer time-scales – meaning the dynamic nature, and long-term outcomes, of co-management are poorly understood. In this study we analyse ten-years of catch and effort data from a co-managed, multi-species reef fishery in Solomon Islands. We collected fishing trip and catch data from two villages. Although fishing took place in pelagic and mangrove areas, we only consider data from reef fishing grounds. Sampling coincided with community-planned openings of periodically-harvested closures and were opened to harvesting, during the full period of openings, and for at least two weeks during closures. Observers asked fishers to provide details of their fishing trip as soon as they returned to shore fishing trips), including: time of departure and time of return, method of transport (i.e., paddle canoe or boat with engine), number of fishers on the trip, gear(s) used, name of fishing ground(s), fished area description(s) (i.e., reef or other), and the harvesting strategy applied in the area (i.e., continuously open reef or periodically-harvested closure). Where method or fishing ground varied within a trip, these were specified and assigned to the appropriate fish or invertebrates within the catch. Trips were classified according to target type: finfish, invertebrate, mixed (i.e., finfish and invertebrates collected in the same trip) and ‘other’ (e.g., seaweed). Catch was weighed (i.e., total wet weight) using hanging scales (either a 10 kg/5 g digital scale or 22 kg/250 g analogue scale, depending on the size of the catch). Local nomenclature ([39], unpublished data) was used for counting and recording purposes.'. And this are subject categories: ['Medicine, Health and Life Sciences','Arts and Humanities','Computer and Information Science','Social Sciences','Mathematical Sciences','Physics','Earth and Environmental Sciences','Chemistry','Engineering','Other','Law','Business and Management','Astronomy and Astrophysics','Agricultural Sciences']. Please return only a json list of at most 3 elements corresponding to the text labels:[/INST] ['Medicine, Health and Life Sciences']. </s>
[ "Medicine, Health and Life Sciences" ]
Here are Title and Description of a dataset. Title :'Catch and effort monitoring 2010-2020, 2 rural villages (anon), Western Province, Solomon Islands' Description:'Co-management is a mainstream approach for governing social and ecological aspects of small-scale fisheries. Yet while many assessments of co-management are available for single time periods, they are rare across longer time-scales – meaning the dynamic nature, and long-term outcomes, of co-management are poorly understood. In this study we analyse ten-years of catch and effort data from a co-managed, multi-species reef fishery in Solomon Islands. We collected fishing trip and catch data from two villages. Although fishing took place in pelagic and mangrove areas, we only consider data from reef fishing grounds. Sampling coincided with community-planned openings of periodically-harvested closures and were opened to harvesting, during the full period of openings, and for at least two weeks during closures. Observers asked fishers to provide details of their fishing trip as soon as they returned to shore fishing trips), including: time of departure and time of return, method of transport (i.e., paddle canoe or boat with engine), number of fishers on the trip, gear(s) used, name of fishing ground(s), fished area description(s) (i.e., reef or other), and the harvesting strategy applied in the area (i.e., continuously open reef or periodically-harvested closure). Where method or fishing ground varied within a trip, these were specified and assigned to the appropriate fish or invertebrates within the catch. Trips were classified according to target type: finfish, invertebrate, mixed (i.e., finfish and invertebrates collected in the same trip) and ‘other’ (e.g., seaweed). Catch was weighed (i.e., total wet weight) using hanging scales (either a 10 kg/5 g digital scale or 22 kg/250 g analogue scale, depending on the size of the catch). Local nomenclature ([39], unpublished data) was used for counting and recording purposes.'. And this are subject categories: ['Medicine, Health and Life Sciences','Arts and Humanities','Computer and Information Science','Social Sciences','Mathematical Sciences','Physics','Earth and Environmental Sciences','Chemistry','Engineering','Other','Law','Business and Management','Astronomy and Astrophysics','Agricultural Sciences']. Please return only a json list of at most 3 elements corresponding to the text labels:
Co-management is a mainstream approach for governing social and ecological aspects of small-scale fisheries. Yet while many assessments of co-management are available for single time periods, they are rare across longer time-scales – meaning the dynamic nature, and long-term outcomes, of co-management are poorly understood. In this study we analyse ten-years of catch and effort data from a co-managed, multi-species reef fishery in Solomon Islands. We collected fishing trip and catch data from two villages. Although fishing took place in pelagic and mangrove areas, we only consider data from reef fishing grounds. Sampling coincided with community-planned openings of periodically-harvested closures and were opened to harvesting, during the full period of openings, and for at least two weeks during closures. Observers asked fishers to provide details of their fishing trip as soon as they returned to shore fishing trips), including: time of departure and time of return, method of transport (i.e., paddle canoe or boat with engine), number of fishers on the trip, gear(s) used, name of fishing ground(s), fished area description(s) (i.e., reef or other), and the harvesting strategy applied in the area (i.e., continuously open reef or periodically-harvested closure). Where method or fishing ground varied within a trip, these were specified and assigned to the appropriate fish or invertebrates within the catch. Trips were classified according to target type: finfish, invertebrate, mixed (i.e., finfish and invertebrates collected in the same trip) and ‘other’ (e.g., seaweed). Catch was weighed (i.e., total wet weight) using hanging scales (either a 10 kg/5 g digital scale or 22 kg/250 g analogue scale, depending on the size of the catch). Local nomenclature ([39], unpublished data) was used for counting and recording purposes.
Catch and effort monitoring 2010-2020, 2 rural villages (anon), Western Province, Solomon Islands
<s>[INST] Here are Title and Description of a dataset. Title :'Per-emb-47, image data' Description:'Imaged continuum and spectral line cubes for Per-emb-47 (Per47, IRAS 03254+3050)'. And this are subject categories: ['Medicine, Health and Life Sciences','Arts and Humanities','Computer and Information Science','Social Sciences','Mathematical Sciences','Physics','Earth and Environmental Sciences','Chemistry','Engineering','Other','Law','Business and Management','Astronomy and Astrophysics','Agricultural Sciences']. Please return only a json list of at most 3 elements corresponding to the text labels:[/INST] ['Astronomy and Astrophysics']. </s>
[ "Astronomy and Astrophysics" ]
Here are Title and Description of a dataset. Title :'Per-emb-47, image data' Description:'Imaged continuum and spectral line cubes for Per-emb-47 (Per47, IRAS 03254+3050)'. And this are subject categories: ['Medicine, Health and Life Sciences','Arts and Humanities','Computer and Information Science','Social Sciences','Mathematical Sciences','Physics','Earth and Environmental Sciences','Chemistry','Engineering','Other','Law','Business and Management','Astronomy and Astrophysics','Agricultural Sciences']. Please return only a json list of at most 3 elements corresponding to the text labels:
Imaged continuum and spectral line cubes for Per-emb-47 (Per47, IRAS 03254+3050)
Per-emb-47, image data
<s>[INST] Here are Title and Description of a dataset. Title :'Replication Data for: Concealing Disease: Trade and Travel Barriers and the Timeliness of Outbreak Reporting' Description:'Slow outbreak reporting by states is a key challenge to effectively responding to global health emergencies like Zika, Ebola, and H1N1. Current policy focuses on improving domestic outbreak surveillance capacity globally in order to reduce reporting lags. However, governments also face economic and political incentives to conceal outbreaks, and these incentives largely are ignored in policy discussions. In spite of the policy implications for outbreak response, the “capacity” and “will” explanations have not been systematically examined. Analysis of a dataset coding the timeliness of outbreak reporting from 1996-2014 finds evidence that states’ unwillingness to report—rather than just their inability—leads to delayed reporting. The findings suggest that though building surveillance capacity is critical, doing so may not be sufficient to reduce reporting lags. Policy aimed at encouraging rapid reporting must also mitigate the associated economic and political costs.'. And this are subject categories: ['Medicine, Health and Life Sciences','Arts and Humanities','Computer and Information Science','Social Sciences','Mathematical Sciences','Physics','Earth and Environmental Sciences','Chemistry','Engineering','Other','Law','Business and Management','Astronomy and Astrophysics','Agricultural Sciences']. Please return only a json list of at most 3 elements corresponding to the text labels:[/INST] ['Social Sciences']. </s>
[ "Social Sciences" ]
Here are Title and Description of a dataset. Title :'Replication Data for: Concealing Disease: Trade and Travel Barriers and the Timeliness of Outbreak Reporting' Description:'Slow outbreak reporting by states is a key challenge to effectively responding to global health emergencies like Zika, Ebola, and H1N1. Current policy focuses on improving domestic outbreak surveillance capacity globally in order to reduce reporting lags. However, governments also face economic and political incentives to conceal outbreaks, and these incentives largely are ignored in policy discussions. In spite of the policy implications for outbreak response, the “capacity” and “will” explanations have not been systematically examined. Analysis of a dataset coding the timeliness of outbreak reporting from 1996-2014 finds evidence that states’ unwillingness to report—rather than just their inability—leads to delayed reporting. The findings suggest that though building surveillance capacity is critical, doing so may not be sufficient to reduce reporting lags. Policy aimed at encouraging rapid reporting must also mitigate the associated economic and political costs.'. And this are subject categories: ['Medicine, Health and Life Sciences','Arts and Humanities','Computer and Information Science','Social Sciences','Mathematical Sciences','Physics','Earth and Environmental Sciences','Chemistry','Engineering','Other','Law','Business and Management','Astronomy and Astrophysics','Agricultural Sciences']. Please return only a json list of at most 3 elements corresponding to the text labels:
Slow outbreak reporting by states is a key challenge to effectively responding to global health emergencies like Zika, Ebola, and H1N1. Current policy focuses on improving domestic outbreak surveillance capacity globally in order to reduce reporting lags. However, governments also face economic and political incentives to conceal outbreaks, and these incentives largely are ignored in policy discussions. In spite of the policy implications for outbreak response, the “capacity” and “will” explanations have not been systematically examined. Analysis of a dataset coding the timeliness of outbreak reporting from 1996-2014 finds evidence that states’ unwillingness to report—rather than just their inability—leads to delayed reporting. The findings suggest that though building surveillance capacity is critical, doing so may not be sufficient to reduce reporting lags. Policy aimed at encouraging rapid reporting must also mitigate the associated economic and political costs.
Replication Data for: Concealing Disease: Trade and Travel Barriers and the Timeliness of Outbreak Reporting
<s>[INST] Here are Title and Description of a dataset. Title :'Study 3 – Twin testosterone transfer effect' Description:'Study 3 – Twin testosterone transfer effect'. And this are subject categories: ['Medicine, Health and Life Sciences','Arts and Humanities','Computer and Information Science','Social Sciences','Mathematical Sciences','Physics','Earth and Environmental Sciences','Chemistry','Engineering','Other','Law','Business and Management','Astronomy and Astrophysics','Agricultural Sciences']. Please return only a json list of at most 3 elements corresponding to the text labels:[/INST] ['Business and Management']. </s>
[ "Business and Management" ]
Here are Title and Description of a dataset. Title :'Study 3 – Twin testosterone transfer effect' Description:'Study 3 – Twin testosterone transfer effect'. And this are subject categories: ['Medicine, Health and Life Sciences','Arts and Humanities','Computer and Information Science','Social Sciences','Mathematical Sciences','Physics','Earth and Environmental Sciences','Chemistry','Engineering','Other','Law','Business and Management','Astronomy and Astrophysics','Agricultural Sciences']. Please return only a json list of at most 3 elements corresponding to the text labels:
Study 3 – Twin testosterone transfer effect
Study 3 – Twin testosterone transfer effect
<s>[INST] Here are Title and Description of a dataset. Title :'Dataset for: Eliciting farmers’ demand for quality and nutritionally enhanced sweetpotato planting material in Rwanda' Description:'Sweetpotato (Ipomoea batatas L.) is an important staple and food security crop in Rwanda. It is widely consumed by many households, mostly in boiled form . Per capita sweetpotato production in Rwanda is among the highest in SSA. Sweetpotato, especially the biofortified orange-fleshed varieties with proven efficacy , can play a greater role on the immediate and long-term food and nutrition security in Rwanda. However, improving the productivity of sweetpotato is hindered by several factors, most importantly, the access to quality planting material. The existing material, mainly sourced informally from farmers, is recycled, hence oftentimes heavily infected with yield-degenerating virus diseases and pests (especially weevils). To date, however, projects and NGOs are the major buyers of quality vines from Descentralized Vine Multipliers while the majority of farmers obtain their sweetpotato planting material from own sources or neighboring farmers. This leads to the following research questions: what premium price are farmers willing to pay for quality vines and what are the drivers of the demand for quality vines? Are farmers willing to pay a premium for the high beta carotene nutritious biofortified varieties? The database present the data of the a willingness to pay (WTP) approach using auctions. Based on this design, each participant had a total of 11 bids (3 bids in Round 1 and 2 bids in the subsequent 4 rounds). In addition to estimating the average WTP for quality seed and a biofortified sweetpotato (i.e., OFSP) variety, econometric models will be estimated to examine the factors that affect WTP for quality seed and the biofortified sweetpotato variety.'. And this are subject categories: ['Medicine, Health and Life Sciences','Arts and Humanities','Computer and Information Science','Social Sciences','Mathematical Sciences','Physics','Earth and Environmental Sciences','Chemistry','Engineering','Other','Law','Business and Management','Astronomy and Astrophysics','Agricultural Sciences']. Please return only a json list of at most 3 elements corresponding to the text labels:[/INST] ['Social Sciences']. </s>
[ "Social Sciences" ]
Here are Title and Description of a dataset. Title :'Dataset for: Eliciting farmers’ demand for quality and nutritionally enhanced sweetpotato planting material in Rwanda' Description:'Sweetpotato (Ipomoea batatas L.) is an important staple and food security crop in Rwanda. It is widely consumed by many households, mostly in boiled form . Per capita sweetpotato production in Rwanda is among the highest in SSA. Sweetpotato, especially the biofortified orange-fleshed varieties with proven efficacy , can play a greater role on the immediate and long-term food and nutrition security in Rwanda. However, improving the productivity of sweetpotato is hindered by several factors, most importantly, the access to quality planting material. The existing material, mainly sourced informally from farmers, is recycled, hence oftentimes heavily infected with yield-degenerating virus diseases and pests (especially weevils). To date, however, projects and NGOs are the major buyers of quality vines from Descentralized Vine Multipliers while the majority of farmers obtain their sweetpotato planting material from own sources or neighboring farmers. This leads to the following research questions: what premium price are farmers willing to pay for quality vines and what are the drivers of the demand for quality vines? Are farmers willing to pay a premium for the high beta carotene nutritious biofortified varieties? The database present the data of the a willingness to pay (WTP) approach using auctions. Based on this design, each participant had a total of 11 bids (3 bids in Round 1 and 2 bids in the subsequent 4 rounds). In addition to estimating the average WTP for quality seed and a biofortified sweetpotato (i.e., OFSP) variety, econometric models will be estimated to examine the factors that affect WTP for quality seed and the biofortified sweetpotato variety.'. And this are subject categories: ['Medicine, Health and Life Sciences','Arts and Humanities','Computer and Information Science','Social Sciences','Mathematical Sciences','Physics','Earth and Environmental Sciences','Chemistry','Engineering','Other','Law','Business and Management','Astronomy and Astrophysics','Agricultural Sciences']. Please return only a json list of at most 3 elements corresponding to the text labels:
Sweetpotato (Ipomoea batatas L.) is an important staple and food security crop in Rwanda. It is widely consumed by many households, mostly in boiled form . Per capita sweetpotato production in Rwanda is among the highest in SSA. Sweetpotato, especially the biofortified orange-fleshed varieties with proven efficacy , can play a greater role on the immediate and long-term food and nutrition security in Rwanda. However, improving the productivity of sweetpotato is hindered by several factors, most importantly, the access to quality planting material. The existing material, mainly sourced informally from farmers, is recycled, hence oftentimes heavily infected with yield-degenerating virus diseases and pests (especially weevils). To date, however, projects and NGOs are the major buyers of quality vines from Descentralized Vine Multipliers while the majority of farmers obtain their sweetpotato planting material from own sources or neighboring farmers. This leads to the following research questions: what premium price are farmers willing to pay for quality vines and what are the drivers of the demand for quality vines? Are farmers willing to pay a premium for the high beta carotene nutritious biofortified varieties? The database present the data of the a willingness to pay (WTP) approach using auctions. Based on this design, each participant had a total of 11 bids (3 bids in Round 1 and 2 bids in the subsequent 4 rounds). In addition to estimating the average WTP for quality seed and a biofortified sweetpotato (i.e., OFSP) variety, econometric models will be estimated to examine the factors that affect WTP for quality seed and the biofortified sweetpotato variety.
Dataset for: Eliciting farmers’ demand for quality and nutritionally enhanced sweetpotato planting material in Rwanda
<s>[INST] Here are Title and Description of a dataset. Title :'A14_26748.jpg' Description:'Link to OCHRE database: <a href = 'http://pi.lib.uchicago.edu/1001/org/ochre/2222f21d-ea9a-4ed4-8891-37ad42406b11'>http://pi.lib.uchicago.edu/1001/org/ochre/2222f21d-ea9a-4ed4-8891-37ad42406b11'. And this are subject categories: ['Medicine, Health and Life Sciences','Arts and Humanities','Computer and Information Science','Social Sciences','Mathematical Sciences','Physics','Earth and Environmental Sciences','Chemistry','Engineering','Other','Law','Business and Management','Astronomy and Astrophysics','Agricultural Sciences']. Please return only a json list of at most 3 elements corresponding to the text labels:[/INST] ['Arts and Humanities']. </s>
[ "Arts and Humanities" ]
Here are Title and Description of a dataset. Title :'A14_26748.jpg' Description:'Link to OCHRE database: <a href = 'http://pi.lib.uchicago.edu/1001/org/ochre/2222f21d-ea9a-4ed4-8891-37ad42406b11'>http://pi.lib.uchicago.edu/1001/org/ochre/2222f21d-ea9a-4ed4-8891-37ad42406b11'. And this are subject categories: ['Medicine, Health and Life Sciences','Arts and Humanities','Computer and Information Science','Social Sciences','Mathematical Sciences','Physics','Earth and Environmental Sciences','Chemistry','Engineering','Other','Law','Business and Management','Astronomy and Astrophysics','Agricultural Sciences']. Please return only a json list of at most 3 elements corresponding to the text labels:
Link to OCHRE database: <a href = 'http://pi.lib.uchicago.edu/1001/org/ochre/2222f21d-ea9a-4ed4-8891-37ad42406b11'>http://pi.lib.uchicago.edu/1001/org/ochre/2222f21d-ea9a-4ed4-8891-37ad42406b11
<s>[INST] Here are Title and Description of a dataset. Title :'Los Angeles Times Poll # 1988-141: Iowa Democratic Caucus Exit Poll' Description:'Democratic caucus for president (6); vote for president (2); least liked candidate (2); Ronald Reagan job performance (2); opinion of certain statements (2); direction of country (1); candidate with greatest effort (1); caucus attendance (1); ideology (1); partisanship (1); labor union/organization membership (1); farm for living (1).'. And this are subject categories: ['Medicine, Health and Life Sciences','Arts and Humanities','Computer and Information Science','Social Sciences','Mathematical Sciences','Physics','Earth and Environmental Sciences','Chemistry','Engineering','Other','Law','Business and Management','Astronomy and Astrophysics','Agricultural Sciences']. Please return only a json list of at most 3 elements corresponding to the text labels:[/INST] ['Social Sciences']. </s>
[ "Social Sciences" ]
Here are Title and Description of a dataset. Title :'Los Angeles Times Poll # 1988-141: Iowa Democratic Caucus Exit Poll' Description:'Democratic caucus for president (6); vote for president (2); least liked candidate (2); Ronald Reagan job performance (2); opinion of certain statements (2); direction of country (1); candidate with greatest effort (1); caucus attendance (1); ideology (1); partisanship (1); labor union/organization membership (1); farm for living (1).'. And this are subject categories: ['Medicine, Health and Life Sciences','Arts and Humanities','Computer and Information Science','Social Sciences','Mathematical Sciences','Physics','Earth and Environmental Sciences','Chemistry','Engineering','Other','Law','Business and Management','Astronomy and Astrophysics','Agricultural Sciences']. Please return only a json list of at most 3 elements corresponding to the text labels:
Democratic caucus for president (6); vote for president (2); least liked candidate (2); Ronald Reagan job performance (2); opinion of certain statements (2); direction of country (1); candidate with greatest effort (1); caucus attendance (1); ideology (1); partisanship (1); labor union/organization membership (1); farm for living (1).
Los Angeles Times Poll # 1988-141: Iowa Democratic Caucus Exit Poll
<s>[INST] Here are Title and Description of a dataset. Title :'A12_22465.JPG' Description:'Link to OCHRE database: <a href = ''http://pi.lib.uchicago.edu/1001/org/ochre/d00f9095-b91a-4dd7-bfd8-d692b48fc01d'>http://pi.lib.uchicago.edu/1001/org/ochre/d00f9095-b91a-4dd7-bfd8-d692b48fc01d'. And this are subject categories: ['Medicine, Health and Life Sciences','Arts and Humanities','Computer and Information Science','Social Sciences','Mathematical Sciences','Physics','Earth and Environmental Sciences','Chemistry','Engineering','Other','Law','Business and Management','Astronomy and Astrophysics','Agricultural Sciences']. Please return only a json list of at most 3 elements corresponding to the text labels:[/INST] ['Arts and Humanities']. </s>
[ "Arts and Humanities" ]
Here are Title and Description of a dataset. Title :'A12_22465.JPG' Description:'Link to OCHRE database: <a href = ''http://pi.lib.uchicago.edu/1001/org/ochre/d00f9095-b91a-4dd7-bfd8-d692b48fc01d'>http://pi.lib.uchicago.edu/1001/org/ochre/d00f9095-b91a-4dd7-bfd8-d692b48fc01d'. And this are subject categories: ['Medicine, Health and Life Sciences','Arts and Humanities','Computer and Information Science','Social Sciences','Mathematical Sciences','Physics','Earth and Environmental Sciences','Chemistry','Engineering','Other','Law','Business and Management','Astronomy and Astrophysics','Agricultural Sciences']. Please return only a json list of at most 3 elements corresponding to the text labels:
Link to OCHRE database: <a href = ''http://pi.lib.uchicago.edu/1001/org/ochre/d00f9095-b91a-4dd7-bfd8-d692b48fc01d'>http://pi.lib.uchicago.edu/1001/org/ochre/d00f9095-b91a-4dd7-bfd8-d692b48fc01d
<s>[INST] Here are Title and Description of a dataset. Title :'British Gallup Poll CQ 624' Description:'N/A'. And this are subject categories: ['Medicine, Health and Life Sciences','Arts and Humanities','Computer and Information Science','Social Sciences','Mathematical Sciences','Physics','Earth and Environmental Sciences','Chemistry','Engineering','Other','Law','Business and Management','Astronomy and Astrophysics','Agricultural Sciences']. Please return only a json list of at most 3 elements corresponding to the text labels:[/INST] ['Social Sciences']. </s>
[ "Social Sciences" ]
Here are Title and Description of a dataset. Title :'British Gallup Poll CQ 624' Description:'N/A'. And this are subject categories: ['Medicine, Health and Life Sciences','Arts and Humanities','Computer and Information Science','Social Sciences','Mathematical Sciences','Physics','Earth and Environmental Sciences','Chemistry','Engineering','Other','Law','Business and Management','Astronomy and Astrophysics','Agricultural Sciences']. Please return only a json list of at most 3 elements corresponding to the text labels:
British Gallup Poll CQ 624