What Is the Maximum Housing Ratio?
Lenders will vary in their requirements for your maximum housing expenses ratio, but they generally want that ratio to be under 28% or 25%. Even if a lender approves you for a particular amount, that does not mean you can actually afford it. Carefully consider how a mortgage payment will fit into your budget.
Who Was Responsible for the Collapse of Enron?
Several key executive team members are often noted as being responsible for the fall of Enron. The executives include Kenneth Lay (founder and former Chief Executive Officer), Jeffrey Skilling (former Chief Executive officer replacing Lay), and Andrew Fastow (former Chief Financial Officer).
What Is Included in Stockholders' Equity?
Total equity effectively represents how much a company would have left over in assets if the company went out of business immediately
How Did Cap and Trade Work in California?
California began operating a cap-and-trade program in 2013, and as of 2022, it is one of the largest emissions trading systems in the world. The ambitious program aimed to reduce greenhouse gas emissions to 1990 levels by 2020 (a goal that was met in 2016), and now aims to reduce the emissions by 40% below 1990 levels by 2030, and 80% below 1990 levels by 2050. California also has additional goals of achieving 100% carbon-free electricity by 2045 and economy-wide carbon neutrality by 2045.
How Do I Send a Remittance?
You can send it by visiting your bank and requesting a wire transfer or ACH transfer. Or, you can send it using a money transfer service that specializes in transfers, domestic and international. You can use an app such as PayPal to send a remittance to another country. These electronic services move money quickly, often within a day. If you prefer, you can always send a money order by U.S. mail but how soon it will arrive at its destination depends on which service you use (e.g., first-class international mail or Express mail).
What Are B-Shares in China?
B-shares in China are shares of companies based in China that trade on the Shanghai Stock Exchange and the Shenzhen Stock Exchange. They are denominated in renminbi and on the Shanghai exchange they settle in USD and on the Shenzhen, they settle in HKD.
How Much Does Gap Insurance Cost?
As with all car insurance, your cost may vary based on your state, driving record, age, vehicle and other factors. Your insurer may be able to add gap insurance as an endorsement to your other coverage. Car dealerships may also offer gap insurance, though it may be more expensive than adding this coverage to your existing car insurance policy.
What Role Do Commercial Banks Play in the Economy?
Commercial banks are crucial to the fractional reserve banking system, currently found in most developed countries. This allows banks to extend new loans of up to (typically) 90% of the deposits they have on hand, theoretically growing the economy by freeing capital for lending.
Does GDP Include Tax Revenue?
Tax revenue includes revenues collected from taxes on income and profits, social security contributions, taxes levied on goods and services, payroll taxes, and taxes on the ownership and transfer of property. Total tax revenue is considered part of a country's GDP. As a percentage of GDP, total tax revenue indicates the share of a country's output that the government collects through taxes.
What are some drawbacks of issuing bonus shares?
A company could potentially better utilize earnings set aside for a bonus issue to fund other activities that may generate a greater return on investment for shareholders. Additionally, bonus shares could reduce dividend payments, as they don’t generate cash for a company. 
Why Are Random Variables Important?
Random variables produce probability distributions based on experimentation, observation, or some other data-generating process. Random variables, in this way, allow us to understand the world around us based on a sample of data, by knowing the likelihood that a specific value will occur in the real world or at some point in the future.
What Are the 5 C's of Internal Audit?
Internal audit reports often outline the criteria, condition, cause, consequence, and corrective action. These five areas report why the audit was performed, what caused the reason for the audit, how the audit will be performed, what the auditor aims to achieve, and what steps will be taken after the audit findings are presented.
What Is a Tax Bracket?
A tax bracket defines a range of incomes subject to an income tax rate. Tax brackets are part of a progressive tax, in which the level of tax rates progressively increases as an individual’s income grows. Low incomes fall into tax brackets with lower tax rates, while higher earners fall into brackets with higher rates.
What Are the Advantages of EBITDA Margin?
The EBITDA margin measures a company's operating profit as a percentage of its revenue, revealing how much operating cash is generated for each dollar of revenue earned. Therefore, a good EBITDA margin is a relatively high number in comparison with its peers. The simplicity of using one metric as a comparative benchmark can be helpful to investors.
Why Is Accounts Receivable Aging Important?
There are two main reasons to track accounts receivable aging. First, to track overdue or delinquent accounts so that the company can continue to decide what to do with old debts. These may be sold to collections, pursued in court, or simply written off. The second reason is so that the company can calculate the number of accounts for which it does not expect to receive payment. Using the allowance method, the company uses these estimates to include expected losses in its financial statement.
What Are the Main Goals of Rational Choice Theory?
The main goal of rational choice theory is to explain why individuals and larger groups make certain choices, based on specific costs and rewards. According to rational choice theory, individuals use their self-interests to make choices that will provide them with the greatest benefit. People weigh their options and make the choice they think will serve them best.
Why Is Sampling Error Important?
Being aware of the presence of sampling errors is important because it can be an indicator of the level of confidence that can be placed in the results. Sampling error is also important in the context of a discussion about how much research results can vary.
What Is the Journal Entry for Accrued Expenses?
Accrued expenses are recognized by debiting the appropriate expense account and crediting an accrued liability account. A second journal entry must then be prepared in the following period to reverse the entry.For example, a company wants to accrue a $10,000 utility invoice to have the expense hit in June. The company’s June journal entry will be a debit to Utility Expense and a credit to Accrued Payables. On July 1st, the company will reverse this entry (debit to Accrued Payables, credit to Utility Expense). Then, the company theoretically pays the invoice in July, the entry (debit to Utility Expense, credit to cash) will offset the two entries to Utility Expense in July. 
What's the Difference Between Quantitative and Qualitative Analysis?
Quantitative analysis applies mathematics and statistics and uses hard data and numbers. Qualitative analysis, on the other hand, involves elements that cannot be measured or expressed as a number. It can include features that are subjective and opinions.
Is it true that some hedge funds have direct links (e.g. fiber optic cable) to major financial exchanges?
Yes. The largest and most sophisticated hedge funds have direct fiber optic connections to the largest financial exchanges. Most High Frequency Trading (HFT) outfits rely on such connections to gain a nano-second advantage over their competitors and to satisfy the demands of their high-frequency algorithms.
How Do I Start Planning for Retirement?
Retirement planning isn't difficult. It's as easy as setting aside some money every month—every little bit counts. The easiest way is to start contributing through an employer-sponsored plan if your company offers one. You may also want to consider talking to a professional, such as a financial planner or investment broker who can steer you in the right direction. The earlier you start, the better. That's because your investments grow over time by earning interest. And you'll earn interest on that interest.
What Is the Yearly Probability of Living?
The yearly probability of living is basically the flip side of the yearly probability of dying. Also based on mortality tables, it is an estimate of the likelihood of an individual still being alive a year into the future, based on their age, sex, and sometimes other factors. Like the yearly probability of dying, it is widely used in the insurance industry.While a person’s yearly probability of dying rises as they age, their yearly probability of living goes in the opposite direction.
Which U.S. President Imposed the First Federal Income Tax?
President Abraham Lincoln was the president to impose the first federal income tax by signing the Revenue Act on Aug. 5, 1861. The reason he did so was to finance the Civil War. A 3% tax was imposed on all annual incomes over $800.
Does a Disregarded Entity Pay Taxes?
Yes, a disregarded entity pays taxes. But since by definition it's usually a single-person business or company, it's not treated or taxed separately from its owner by the IRS. It reports its income on the owner's personal tax return.Disregarded entities pay two types of taxes, similar to sole proprietorships:Self-employment tax (a flat rate)Income tax (variable rate, depending on the individual owner's tax bracket)
What Is the Difference Between Ex Works and FOB?
In shipping arrangements, the difference between Free on Board and Ex Works is based on transferring the liability of goods between the buyer and seller. In free-on-board contracts, the seller takes responsibility for bringing goods to a terminal in addition to customs costs and loading the goods onto the ship. The buyer, meanwhile, is liable for shipping costs, insurance, and customs costs at the final point of arrival. In other words, once the goods are shipped, the buyer assumes liability and ownership of the goods, known as “FOB origin” or “FOB shipping point.” By contrast, in an Ex Works agreement, the seller is only responsible for delivering goods to an agreed-upon location.
What Are the Different Types of Philanthropy?
Philanthropy can take on many different forms. It can be done by individuals and corporations. There can be a combination of both, where a company does matching donations whenever someone makes a donation. Or it can be done by bequest, which means instructions are left to give money and other assets to charity in a trust or someone's will. People can donate money directly to charity, fund scholarships, or offer grants and stipends. And it isn't just money that falls under the philanthropic umbrella. In fact, people can donate their time through volunteer work.
What Is the Fed Funds Rate?
The federal funds rate is the rate at which depository institutions lend available balances held by the Fed to each other overnight.
What Is the Difference Between Tapering and Tightening?
Tight, or contractionary policy is a course of action by a central bank to slow down economic growth, constrict spending in an economy that is seen to be accelerating too quickly, or curb inflation when it is rising too fast. The Fed tightens monetary policy by raising short-term interest rates through policy changes to the discount rate, also known as the federal funds rate. The Fed may also sell assets on the central bank's balance sheet to the market through open market operations (OMO). Tapering refers to the period of reversal between expansionary policy and contractionary monetary policy.
Is Total Gross Income Your Salary?
Yes, total gross income is your salary. It is the amount of money you have before taxes and other adjustments are deducted. For example, if you had an annual salary from your employer of $100,000, that would be your gross income. After taxes and other adjustments, you take home $65,000, which is your net income.
What is the most important concept in all of macroeconomics?
The most important concept in all of macroeconomics is said to be output, which refers to the total amount of good and services a country produces. Output is often considered a snapshot of an economy at a given moment.
What Is OPEC+?
In December 2016, OPEC formed an alliance with other oil-exporting nations that were not a part of the organization, creating an entity that is commonly referred to as OPEC+, or OPEC Plus. Prominent members of OPEC+ include Russia, Mexico, and Kazakhstan. Working in coordination with additional oil-exporting countries makes the organization even more influential when it comes to international energy prices and the global economy.
Why Made Jack Welch a Good Leader?
Jack Welch was considered a good leader because of his vision of quick growth during times of economic slowdown. As chair and CEO of GE, he looked for inconsistencies and streamlined the company's businesses. He eliminated wasteful divisions and unproductive management personnel. He also attempted to remove the formalities of business by creating an informal environment.
Which Is a Primary Use for National Income Accounting?
National income accounting is used to measure economic growth and activity. It can also be useful in tracking trends and guiding monetary policy, such as policy tax rate setting.
What Does Assurance Mean in an Audit?
Assurance in auditing refers to the opinions issued by a professional regarding the accuracy and completeness of what's analyzed. For example, an accountant assuring that financial statements are accurate and valid asserts that they have reviewed the documents using acceptable accounting standards and principles.
Why Would I Use a PERT Chart Instead of a Gantt Chart?
A PERT chart requires a project manager to think through three possible timelines: Optimistic time is the shortest possible route to completion. Pessimistic time is the longest it might take if everything goes wrong. The most likely time is a reasonable estimate of the best-case scenario.From the outset, the project manager has defined the ideal outcome of a project but also identified the possible barriers to achieving that outcome.
Are Credit Card Application Fees Regulated by Law?
Yes, according to the Federal Reserve Board, "application fees cannot total more than 25% of the initial credit limit. For example, if your initial credit limit is $500, the fees for the first year cannot be more than $125." This limit also applies to annual credit card fees.
Why Is a Bill of Lading Important?
The importance of a bill of lading lies in the fact that it’s a legally binding document that provides the carrier and the shipper with all of the necessary details to accurately process a shipment. This implies that it can be used in litigation if the need should arise and that all parties involved will take great pains to ensure the accuracy of the document.Essentially, a bill of lading works as undisputed proof of shipment. Furthermore, a bill of lading allows for the segregation of duties that is a vital part of a firm’s internal control structure to prevent theft.
What Does Trading Away Mean?
Trading away means executing a trade through another broker or dealer. One of the benefits of trading away is that the trader is able to place trades with multiple brokers but from one centralized account. This can be useful when one broker, usually the main broker, does not have access to certain markets or instruments.
Can You Lose Money on a CD?
Practically speaking, it is almost impossible to lose money on a CD for two reasons. First, they are guaranteed by the bank or credit union that offers them, meaning that they are legally required to pay you exactly the amount of interest and principal agreed upon. Second, they are generally also insured by the federal government for up to $250,000. That means that even if the bank or credit union went bankrupt, your principal would very likely still be repaid. For these reasons, CDs are considered one of the safest investments available.
What Are the 5 Major Branches of Social Science?
The five major branches of social science are anthropology, economics, political science, psychology, and sociology. Some people also consider history, law, and geography to be core social sciences.
What Is Adjusted Gross Income?
Adjusted gross income (AGI) is measure of income used by the IRS to asses a taxpayer's tax liability. It equals your gross income minus tax deductions and adjustments to income.
Why Is Notching Important?
Notching is important because it helps investors to make informed decisions about the creditworthiness of the various bonds and debt instruments issued by the same issuers by using easy to understand ratings, grades, or scores. By understanding the likelihood of default, investors can determine the level of risk they are willing to take on when investing in a particular bond or debt issuer. This is especially important for investors who are considering purchasing high-yield bonds, as these bonds are generally considered to be more risky than investment-grade bonds. Notching can also be used by bond and debt issuers to determine their own creditworthiness, as it can help them to identify any areas where they may need to improve their financial health in order to attract investors.
Why Do Banks Sell Mortgage Servicing Rights?
Banks sell mortgage servicing rights as a way to free up lines of credit. This allows them to lend out more money, ultimately helping more people afford properties.
Is VBA Easy to Learn?
Compared to other complex languages, VBA is relatively easier to learn. It is considered a beginner-friendly language, and VBA-coders often do not need to have prior experience as a coder to learn the language. In addition, the VBA community has many resources available for individuals new to programming.
What Is Better: A Higher or Lower PEG Ratio?
Lower PEG ratios are better, especially ratios under 1.0.
What Are the Types of Title Insurance?
There are two types of title insurance: lender’s title insurance and owner’s title insurance (including extended policies). Almost all lenders require the borrower to purchase a lender’s title insurance policy to protect the lender in the event that the seller was not legally able to transfer the title of ownership rights. A lender’s policy only protects the lender against loss.Since title searches are not infallible and the owner remains at risk of financial loss, there is a need for additional protection in the form of an owner’s title insurance policy. Owner’s title insurance, often purchased by the seller to protect the buyer against defects in the title, is optional.
What is a "sponsored" ADR?
A depositary bank works with a foreign company and its custodian bank with a sponsored American depositary receipt. ADRs are otherwise issued by brokers or dealers that own common stock in the foreign company. Unsponsored ADRs aren't commonly available on exchanges.
Is 7% a Good Pretax Profit Margin?
That depends on the company. In some sectors, particularly those with higher fixed costs, stiff competition, and fluctuating demand, a 7% pretax profit margin might be considered good. In others, it would hint at a lack of efficiency, which could perhaps be the symptom of limited pricing power or poor management of costs.
Why Is It Called a Distribution Waterfall?
Imagine a waterfall cascading down into a series of vertically-aligned buckets. The water represents money, and the buckets represent investors, partners, or stakeholders. The water fills the first bucket first. The second bucket will fill only after the first is completely full and spills over. As water flows, more buckets are filled in the order in which they appear.
Where Does the IMF Get Its Money?
The IMF gets its money through quotas and subscriptions from its member countries. These contributions are based on the size of the country's economy, making the U.S., with the world's largest economy, the largest contributor.
What Are Some Qualities of an Effective Leader?
There are several qualities that a good leader should have. Among these include the ability to motivate individuals, a willingness to listen, being trustworthy, having competence, decisiveness, good communication skills, and selflessly understanding the goals of the team or organization.
What Is the Difference Between the Federal Budget Deficit and the Federal Government Debt?
A federal budget deficit occurs when government spending outpaces revenue or income from taxes, fees, and investments. Deficits add to the national debt or federal government debt. If government debt grows faster than gross domestic product (GDP), the debt-to-GDP ratio may balloon, possibly indicating a destabilizing economy.
Why Is the Natural Unemployment Rate Significant?
The natural rate of unemployment is considered the lowest acceptable level that a healthy economy can sustain without creating inflation.
Why Would a Business Want to Become a Multinational Company?
Usually, the primary goal of a business is to increase profits and growth. If it can grow a global customer base and increase its market share abroad, it may believe opening offices in foreign countries is worth the expense and effort. Companies may benefit from certain tax structures or regulatory regimes found abroad.
Is M2 a Leading Economic Indicator?
M2 is seen as a reliable predictor of inflation, so it might be counted among the leading economic indicators. M3 is considered by some economists to be an even better predictor of inflation. This is published quarterly rather than monthly and includes data on large liquid assets held by financial institutions.
How Do Investors Withdraw Money From a Unit Trust?
Investors can exit the fund by selling units at the bid price. To earn a profit, the bid price must be higher than the offer price initially paid for the unit. 
What Was the First Medium of Exchange?
The earliest medium of exchange may have been a coin issued about 2,600 years ago in Lydia, an ancient kingdom in what is now western Turkey. The coin was made of a gold and silver alloy, it was stamped with an official government image, and the metal had a guaranteed weight and purity.Gold and other metals may have been used earlier as a medium of exchange, but the Lydians were the first known to have issued it in a standardized form that could be accepted as having a set value.
Why Do Companies Issue Stock Dividends?
Dividends, whether in cash or in stock, are the shareholders' cut of the company's profit. They also are a reward for holding the stock rather than selling it. A company may issue a stock dividend rather than cash if it doesn't want to deplete its cash reserves.
What Is the Shortest Term for a Jumbo CD?
Jumbo CD terms can be as short as a few days, but these extremely short terms are hard to find. More commonly, the minimum term for a jumbo CD is three months.
Is an Assumable Mortgage Good?
When current interest rates are higher than an existing mortgage's rates, assuming a loan may be the favorable option. Also, there are not as many costs due at closing. On the other hand, if the seller has a considerable amount of equity in the home, the buyer will either have to pay a large down payment or secure a second mortgage for the balance not covered by the existing mortgage.
What Is the Difference Between Charity and Philanthropy?
While some use the words charity and philanthropy interchangeably, philanthropy often casts a broader net of giving. Its role is to help society or groups in the community flourish over a long-term period. Charity is usually based on individual giving and helping in a short-term way, like donating coats to the homeless in winter, helping out or contributing goods to a local food pantry, or sending money to a scholarship fund. These are all acts of charity but may not be considered philanthropic efforts like building a school or a library or donating millions to a scholarship fund.
What Is a Checking Account Used For?
A checking account lets you store cash safely and securely while enjoying easy access to your money with debit cards, electronic transfers, or checks. People typically use checking accounts for things like on-time, automatic bill payments and making purchases. People also use checking accounts to cash checks and receive direct deposits. 
Is Reg B Part of Fair Lending?
Yes. Regulation B of the Equal Credit Opportunity Act (ECOA) describes lending acts and practices that are specifically prohibited, permitted, or required. for fair lending practices.
What Is Price Fixing?
Price fixing is an agreement among competitors to raise, lower, maintain, or stabilize prices or price levels. Antitrust laws require that each company establish prices and other competitive terms independently, without agreeing with a competitor. Consumers make choices about what products and services to buy and expect that the price has been determined based on supply and demand, not by an agreement among competitors.
What Are Some Common Strategies for Trading Interest Rate Futures?
These include hedging against interest rate risk, speculating on future rate movements, and spread trading, where traders take positions in different interest rate futures contracts to capitalize on changes in the yield curve. Each strategy requires a thorough understanding of interest rates and the factors that influence them.
What Is the 28/36 Rule for Housing Expenses?
The 28/36 rule for housing expenses essentially states that you should spend no more than 28% of your gross monthly income on housing payments (like rent or mortgage payments) and no more than 36% of your gross income on total debt. Total debt would include payments such as those toward credit cards or personal loans.
What Is the Penalty for Bait and Switch Advertising?
The penalty will depend on the severity of the case and under which laws the case has been prosecuted. If it is a violation of false advertising, the bait and switcher may be fined up to $10,000 and/or up to one year in prison per offense, plus legal fees and damages.
Is there a Tax on Stock BuyBacks?
The Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) of 2022 introduced a 1% excise tax on share repurchases of over $1 million, of any US corporation trading on an established exchange. The tax applies if more than $1 million of stock is purchased over the course of the tax year.
What Are Moving Averages Used for?
Moving averages are widely used in technical analysis, a branch of investing that seeks to understand and profit from the price movement patterns of securities and indices. Generally, technical analysts will use moving averages to detect whether a change in momentum is occurring for a security, such as if there is a sudden downward move in a security’s price. Other times, they will use moving averages to confirm their suspicions that a change might be underway.
What Impact Does Technology and Automation Have on Economic Recovery?
Technology and automation impact economic recovery by influencing employment patterns and income distribution. While driving efficiency, the transition to automation may create job displacement challenges, therefore reducing consumer spending opportunities. However, companies may find they can be more efficient and incur fewer costs when implementing innovation solutions like this. Therefore, individuals must adapt and upskill to continue to not be entirely displaced by emerging technology.
What Is a Disadvantage of Using Electronic Money?
Fraud may be an issue when money can be transferred from one party to another without the necessity for verification of the original owner’s true identity. 
What Does MENA Stand for?
MENA stands for the Middle East and Northern Africa, referring to the countries between Iran in the East and Tunisia and Morocco in the West.
How Can Investing Grow My Money?
Investing is not reserved for the wealthy. You can invest nominal amounts. For example, you can purchase low-priced stocks, deposit small amounts into an interest-bearing savings account, or save until you accumulate a target amount to invest. If your employer offers a retirement plan, such as a 401(k), allocate small amounts from your pay until you can increase your investment. If your employer participates in matching, you may realize that your investment has doubled.You can begin investing in stocks, bonds, and mutual funds or even open an IRA. Starting with $1,000 is nothing to sneeze at. A $1,000 investment in Amazon's IPO in 1997 would yield millions today. This was largely due to several stock splits, but it does not change the result: monumental returns. Savings accounts are available at most financial institutions and don't usually require a large amount to invest. Savings accounts don't typically boast high-interest rates; so, shop around to find one with the best features and most competitive rates.Believe it or not, you can invest in real estate with $1,000. You may not be able to buy an income-producing property, but you can invest in a company that does. A real estate investment trust (REIT) is a company that invests in and manages real estate to drive profits and produce income. With $1,000, you can invest in REIT stocks, mutual funds, or exchange-traded funds.
What Is Marginal Cost?
Marginal cost is the change in production cost from producing or making one additional unit. You can find it by dividing the change in production costs by the change in quantity produced. If the price per unit is higher than the marginal cost, a business can make a profit. Tracking marginal costs allows businesses to achieve economies of scale.
What Are Common Entry Points for Trading Pennant Breakouts?
Common entry points for trading pennant breakouts are typically just above the upper trendline for bullish pennants and just below the lower trendline for bearish pennants.
What Is a Validation Code?
A validation code often called a CVV code, is a three- or four-digit number on the front or back of your credit or debit card. The code adds a layer of protection in online or phone transactions. Thieves who attempt to use your card number without the physical card can’t supply the validation code if asked.
What Position Is Higher Than CEO?
A CEO often reports to a board of directors. The board oversees the performance of the CEO and can elect to remove or replace the CEO if they feel the executive's performance isn't producing the results they want to see.
What Makes a Company a Blue Chip?
Blue chip stocks are the titans of their sectors—industry-defining companies that are well-known, well-capitalized, long-term stable plays with solid financial prospects.
How Is GPI Different From GDP?
Genuine Progress Indicator (GPI) factors in all the components of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and includes environmental and social elements that impact the economy, such as pollution, volunteerism, crime, and climate change. Some economists suggest that GPI is a better metric than GDP as it gives a holistic view of the wellbeing of a nation's economy.
What Impact Does Brain Drain Have on Developing Nations?
Brain drain or the exodus of human capital often has a big impact on developing nations. It often leaves a hole that is hard to fill since there may not be as many people with similar skills to fill that void. It also leads to a loss in tax revenue, which can lead to higher taxation to make up for the shortfall. Citizens may not be able to access quality resources, such as education and health care, which also affects their quality of life.
Why Do Alaska and Hawaii Have Different Poverty Lines?
Poverty guidelines for Alaska and Hawaii are slightly higher than the rest of the states to account for increased costs of living in those regions. The separate set of guidelines is an extension of a practice that has been in place since 1966.
How Do Macroeconomic Factors Affect a Business?
Macroeconomic factors impact the whole population, including businesses. Cyclical companies, in particular, are likely to be more affected by macroeconomic factors as their fate is more closely tied to the state of the economy.
Who Owns the New York Stock Exchange?
The NYSE was acquired by the Intercontinental Exchange (ICE) group in 2013.
What Is a Mixed Random Variable?
A mixed random variable combines elements of both discrete and continuous random variables.
Is Genesis Block 0 or 1?
The first block on the Bitcoin blockchain is the Genesis Block, which has a block height of zero.
What fees do RIAs charge?
RIAs can charge fees in several ways. The most common type of fee is the annual management fee, which is based on the value of a client’s assets under management (AUM) with the RIA. RIAs can also charge fees based on performance, asset class, or hours worked.
What Are Some Major Stock Indexes?
In the United States, the three leading stock indexes are the Dow Jones Industrial Average, the S&P 500, the Nasdaq Composite, and the Russell 2000. For international markets, the Financial Times Stock Exchange 100 (FTSE 100) Index and the Nikkei 225 Index are popular proxies for the British and Japanese stock markets, respectively. Most countries with stock exchanges publish at least one index for their major stocks.
Why Are Ginnie Mae Securities Considered a Safe Investment?
Ginnie Mae does not buy or sell loans or issue mortgage-backed securities (MBS) and its balance sheet doesn't use derivatives to hedge or carry long-term debt.
What Is a Keltner Channel Strategy?
If the price action breaks above the band, the trader should consider initiating long positions while liquidating short positions. If the price action breaks below the band, the trader should consider initiating short positions while exiting long or buy positions.
What Role Does an Investor Relations Division Play Before a Company Goes Public?
Before a company goes public, an investor relations division may assist with establishing corporate governance, conducting internal financial audits, and disseminating information to prospective IPO investors.
Is There a Standard Definition of Income?
The definition of income depends on the context in which the term is used. For example, the tax law uses the concepts of gross income, which includes all income in all its forms, and taxable income, which is gross income net of expenses and other adjustments. On the other hand, the standard for financial accounting—generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP)—uses the term revenue reduced by expenses to determine net income. In addition, the calculation of income will vary depending on the scope of the context—e.g., an individual, a household, an industry, a nation, etc.
What Does Work-in-Progress Mean in Accounting?
In supply-chain management, work-in-progress (WIP) refers to goods that are partially completed. They may also be referred to as in-process inventory. This covers everything from the overhead costs to the raw materials that come together to form the end product at a given stage in the production cycle. In accounting, WIP is considered a current asset and is categorized as a type of inventory.
How Are Demographic Changes Important for Economists?
Economists recognize that one of the major drivers of economic growth is population growth or decline. There is a straightforward relationship when identifying this: Growth Rate of Gross Domestic Product (GDP)=Growth Rate of Population+Growth Rate of GDP per capita, where GDP per capita is simply GDP divided by population. The more people around, the more available workers there are in the labor force, and also more people to consume items like food, energy, cars, and clothes. There are also demographic problems that lie on the horizon, such as an increasing number of retirees who, while no longer in the workforce, are nonetheless expected to live longer lives. Unfortunately, the number of new births seems to be too low to replace those retirees in the workforce.
What Is an Example of a Dividend?
If a company's board of directors decides to issue an annual 5% dividend per share, and the company’s shares are worth $100, the dividend is $5. If the dividends are issued every quarter, each distribution is $1.25.
Why Is the World Trade Organization Important?
The World Trade Organization (WTO) is the body that keeps global trade running smoothly. It oversees the rules and mediates disputes among its member nations. It now has 164 member nations and 25 observer nations (out of a total 195 nations in the world).
How Can I Get a Rent-Controlled Apartment?
Unfortunately, in most cases, including in New York City, unless a family member who lives in a rent-controlled apartment passes the lease down to you, they are not available to the general public, and rules surrounding the succession of a rent-controlled lease can be complex.
What Is the Difference Between QQQ and QQQQ?
QQQ is the stock ticker symbol for the Invesco 100 Trust exchange-traded fund. QQQQ is the ticker used previously and replaced in 2011.
What Is the Difference Between Title Insurance and a Warranty Deed?
A title company completes a title search and examines public records for any issues or errors. The guarantees and disclosures in a general warranty deed allow the new owner to hold the former owner responsible if there is a title defect or if a claim is made against the title. Title insurance covers a wider range of potential claims than the general warranty deed does, including conflicting estate wills or tax liens.
Who Does the Uniform Commercial Code Protect?
The Uniform Commercial Code (UCC) was established to protect all individuals engaged in a business transaction. It was created to standardize commerce across the states.
What Does Technical Analysis Look for?
Technical analysis examines volume and price movements to predict the behavior of other traders in the market. Because these trades cause price movements, technical analysts hope to predict future price movements based on current market behavior.