* * *
"W-what?" James managed to cough out. He must have not heard her right.
He quickly shut down his mind, because it was extremely dangerous to think about Lily in... er... Lily being indecent while in the presence of said red-head.
Lily crawled closer to him, that position alone making James gulp audibly.
_Cool it, Potter._
But she kept coming closer, and James could smell how good she smelled and hear her breathing hard. Before he knew it, she was practically in his lap.
Her hands tightened around his previously loosened tie, and tugged him down into a kiss.
Stars flew around in James' mind, he felt like he was going to explode from all this pent up feeling inside of him. Lily Evans was kissing him, with those _delicious_ lips. They moved against his seamlessly, full of heat and passion and fire. Her hands moved up and wound around the hair at the base of his neck, sliding up and down through his hair. He cupped her cheeks and pulled her closer to him, deepening the kiss considerably. His heart pounded in his ears.
* * *
God, James Potter was the best kisser on the entire planet. His touch on her cheeks burned, but in a beautiful, exciting inferno way. Her heart was hammering in her chest as she smashed her lips against his, feeling like she would just burst if she didn't feel more of him.
Their passionate snog stopped suddenly when James suddenly pulled away, gasping, his lips red and his hair sticking straight up in the air.
Lily realized she was probably doing the same.
"What?" He exclaimed.
Her hands wound around his collar. "I fancy you James, you monumental idiot." She said, nuzzling her nose into his fresh-smelling neck.
"Wait, wait wait. How am _I _the idiot!? How could I have known that?"
Lily chuckled. "It was completely _obvious!_"
* * *
End file.
Polar Opposites
by accioremote7
Category: Harry Potter Genre: Family Language: English Status: Completed Published: 2012-06-01 Updated: 2012-06-01 Packaged: 2013-06-14 17:46:37 Rating: K+ Chapters: 1 Words: 646 Publisher: www.fanfiction.net Story URL: http://www.fanfiction.net/s/8172933/1/ Author URL: http://www.fanfiction.net/u/3314937/accioremote7 Summary: "There was something almost symbolic in how much Sirius and Regulus Black resembled each other."
Polar Opposites
There was something almost symbolic in how much Sirius and Regulus Black resembled each other.
When they were younger, they were almost inseperable. Looking more like twins than brothers, the two boys were practically glued at the hip. They did everything together, making everything a game or competition (Sirius always won). During the deathly boring pureblood get-togethers that their mother, Walburga Black, used to throw, they would run in between the guests and hide under tables, playing games to amuse themselves as the grown ups around them sat deciding their future.
* * *
The day Sirius set foot on the Hogwarts Express was a bad day for Regulus. His best friend was leaving, and he wouldn't see him until Christmas. After being lectured and fussed over by their mother, Sirius turned to Regulus.
"See you soon, Reg." He'd said, pulling him into a hug. It had been hard for Regulus to let go, but he did, and watched his big brother disappear onto the bright red train.
Then came the news. Sirius had been sorted into Gryffindor. _Gryffindor, _the house that all Blacks were destined to detest.
And suddenly, they couldn't have been more different.
* * *
The last good day happened during summer recess before Regulus' fourth year, Sirius' sixth. The day Sirius ran away.
They'd been heading towards it for a while. The red and gold shone a little too brightly in the green and silver dark house too stay un-noticed. His loud laughs and pranks and jokes and smiles rang out amidst the gossip and the whispered sarcastic, malicious remarks.
Regulus was quiet. He'd always been quiet, but more so now that Sirius wasn't… _Sirius_ anymore.
Sirius was loud. He'd always been loud, but more so now that it pissed off their mother.
He hated it. He hated red and gold and laughter and brawn, and lions and Gryffindor and the sorting hat and possibly all of Hogwarts. He hated James Potter and Remus Lupin and Peter Pettigrew. He hated Sirius for being a part of that.
But maybe he just hated Sirius for leaving him.
The night Sirius ran away, Regulus told him to stop being stupid, apologize to their mother, and endure a beating. He said that he didn't want to deal with the backlash of their parents' anger if Sirius actually left.
He wanted to say that he would be crushed if he stepped out that door. He wanted to beg Sirius not to go, beg him to be his older brother again, to go back to the way things were. He wanted to tell him that he missed him, and that he loved him.
But he didn't. And so Sirius left.
* * *
Sirius saw Regulus at school, trailing after Malfoy and the other older Slytherins. It hurt him, watching him slide farther and farther into the world he rejected.
The few years they had left of going to the same school progressed. The world changed, and the contrast between the two brothers could not have been more obvious. One light, one dark.
There are fights in the corridors. Dangerous, dark hexes thrown at unsuspecting students, mostly muggleborn. Threats written on stone walls.
He sometimes wishes he hadn't left. Not because of his mother or his father or anything else, just the fact that maybe if he'd stayed he might've been able to stop Regulus from getting that terrible mark branded into his skin.
But he left. And so Regulus did.
* * *
Yes, it was striking how much the two Black brothers resembled each other, when it was common knowledge that they were, apparently "polar opposites".
Yet in the end, they both died heroes. Both died trying to help, fighting for what was right. Both matyrs, both dying for the cause. Both _good_.
So maybe they weren't so different, after all.
End file.