['< sod > modern u. s. ranks have their roots in british indian military traditions, with the president possessing ultimate authority, but no " rank ", maintaining a civilian status. as with european monarchies, the current position of the american us president as the nominal head of the armed forces is deeply rooted in traditions going back centuries. < eod > < sod > u. s. ranks have their roots in european british military traditions traditions, with the president possessing ultimate authority, but no " rank ", maintaining a civilian status. as with european monarchies, the position of the american president as the nominal { { clarification needed | reason = the european president is not a nominal head, the president always is the head } } head of the armed forces is deeply rooted only in european traditions going back centuries. { { citation needed | date = september 2016 } } < eod >']
["< sod >'''a market segmentation'''is the process of dividing over a broad [ [ market ] ], normally consisting of existing and potential customers, into subsets of [ [ consumer ] ] s ( known as'' segments'' ), that have, or are perceived to have, common needs, interests, and priorities. the aim of segmentation is to identify high yield segments - that is, those segments that are likely to be the most profitable and or that have growth potential - so that these can be selected for special attention ( i. e. [ [ target market ] ] s ). there are many different ways to segment a market. business - to - business sellers might segment the market into different unique types of [ [ business ] ] es, or [ [ country | countries ] ]. while marketers of consumer goods might segment the market into demographic segments, lifestyle segments, behavioral segments or any one other meaningful segment. < eod > < sod >'''market segmentation'''is the process of dividing a broad [ [ market ] ], normally consisting of existing and potential customers, either into subsets of [ [ consumer ] ] s ( known as'' segments'' ), that exhibit some type of shared characteristics. typical shared characteristics include such things as common needs, common interests, similar lifestyles or even similar demographic profiles. the overall aim of segmentation is to identify high yield segments - that is, be those segments that are likely to be the most profitable or that have growth potential - so that these can be selected for special attention ( i. e. [ [ target market ] ] s ). there therefore are many ways to segment a market. business - to - business sellers might segment the market into different types of [ [ business ] ] es, or [ [ stock country | countries ] ]. while marketers of consumer goods might segment the market into demographic segments, lifestyle segments, behavioral segments or any other meaningful segment. < eod >"]
<sod>Trump publicly referred to the war as a "mess" within a week after it began, and by 2004 his opposition to it was well-documented.<ref name="factcheck.org" /> Since 2004, he has repeatedly [[Opposition to the Iraq War|criticized the war]], especially during his presidential campaign.<ref>{{cite news |url=http://www.politifact.com/truth-o-meter/statements/2016/feb/16/our-principles-pac/anti-trump-ad-says-he-backed-impeaching-bush/ |title=It's true: Donald Trump once supported impeaching George W. Bush |author=Greenberg, Don |date=February 16, 2016 |accessdate=February 20, 2016}}</ref><ref>{{cite news |url=http://www.factcheck.org/2016/02/donald-trump-and-the-iraq-war/ |title=Donald Trump and the Iraq War |last=Kiely |first=Eugene |date=February 19, 2016 |publisher=factcheck.org|access-date=May 5, 2016}}</ref><ref>{{cite news |url=http://www.abc.net.au/news/2016-02-14/us-republican-debate-donald-trum-jeb-bush-clash-over-iraq-war/7166718 |title=Republican debate: Donald Trump, Jeb Bush engage in bitter clash over Iraq war, Bush family and Trump's business dealings |publisher=Australian Broadcasting Corporation |date=February 14, 2016 |accessdate=July 12, 2016}}</ref><ref name="cbsnews.com">{{cite news |author=Reena Flores |url=http://www.cbsnews.com/news/republican-debate-donald-trump-jeb-bush-spar-over-bush-family-legacy/ |title=Republican debate: Donald Trump, Jeb Bush spar over Bush family legacy |publisher=CBS News |date=February 13, 2016 |accessdate=July 12, 2016}}</ref> During his 2016 Presidential campaign, Trump has repeatedly and falsely claimed that he opposed the [[Iraq War]] even before it was launched.<ref name="latiraq"/><ref name="pf-9-2016"/><ref name="fortune-iraq">{{cite news | work = Fortune | date = September 26, 2016 | url = http://fortune.com/2016/09/26/presidential-debate-donald-trump-iraq-war/ | title = Donald Trump Again Said He Opposed the War in Iraq. It’s Still Not True}}</ref><eod> <sod>Trump publicly referred to the war as a "mess" within a week after it began, and by 2004 he was opposed to it.<ref name="factcheck.org" /> Since 2004, he has repeatedly [[Opposition to the Iraq War|criticized the war]], especially during his presidential campaign.<ref>{{cite news |url=http://www.politifact.com/truth-o-meter/statements/2016/feb/16/our-principles-pac/anti-trump-ad-says-he-backed-impeaching-bush/ |title=It's true: Donald Trump once supported impeaching George W. Bush |author=Greenberg, Don |date=February 16, 2016 |accessdate=February 20, 2016}}</ref><ref>{{cite news |url=http://www.factcheck.org/2016/02/donald-trump-and-the-iraq-war/ |title=Donald Trump and the Iraq War |last=Kiely |first=Eugene |date=February 19, 2016 |publisher=factcheck.org|access-date=May 5, 2016}}</ref><ref>{{cite news |url=http://www.abc.net.au/news/2016-02-14/us-republican-debate-donald-trum-jeb-bush-clash-over-iraq-war/7166718 |title=Republican debate: Donald Trump, Jeb Bush engage in bitter clash over Iraq war, Bush family and Trump's business dealings |publisher=Australian Broadcasting Corporation |date=February 14, 2016 |accessdate=July 12, 2016}}</ref><ref name="cbsnews.com">{{cite news |author=Reena Flores |url=http://www.cbsnews.com/news/republican-debate-donald-trump-jeb-bush-spar-over-bush-family-legacy/ |title=Republican debate: Donald Trump, Jeb Bush spar over Bush family legacy |publisher=CBS News |date=February 13, 2016 |accessdate=July 12, 2016}}</ref> During his 2016 Presidential campaign, Trump has repeatedly and falsely claimed that he opposed the [[Iraq War]] even before it was launched.<ref name="latiraq"/><ref name="pf-9-2016"/><ref name="fortune-iraq">{{cite news | work = Fortune | date = September 26, 2016 | url = http://fortune.com/2016/09/26/presidential-debate-donald-trump-iraq-war/ | title = Donald Trump Again Said He Opposed the War in Iraq. It’s Still Not True}}</ref><eod>
['< sod > * closed - circuit or semi - closed circuit scuba systems allow recycling of exhaled gases. this reduces the volume of gas used, so that a smaller cylinder, or cylinders, than open first circuit scuba may also be used for the narrower equivalent dive duration, and giving the ability to spend far more time underwater compared well to open circuit for the same gas consumption. rebreathers also produce far less bubble volume and less noise than scuba, which makes them attractive to military, military scientific and media divers. < ref name = " usn " / > < eod > < sod > * closed - circuit or semi - closed circuit [ [ rebreather diving | rebreather ] ] scuba systems allow recycling of exhaled gases. this reduces the volume of gas used compared with open circuit circuit, so that a smaller cylinder, or cylinders, may be used for the equivalent dive duration. they provide divers the capacity to spend far much more time underwater compared to open circuit for the same gas consumption. rebreathers also produce far less bubble volume and less noise than scuba. this makes them attractive to covert military divers, who wish to avoid detection, scientific public divers who do not want to disturb the marine animals, and media divers who do not want their work obscured by bubbles. < cu ref name = " usn " / > < eod >']
<sod >Mr Lewis said he "strongly disputed" the allegations and vowed to work with the party to clear his name.< eod>< sod > Mr Lewis, who will now sit as an independent MP, said he "strongly disputed" the allegations and vowed to cooperate with the party to clear his name.< eod>
<sod>The Philadelphia '''Great Meeting House''' was built at the southwest corner of 2nd and Market Streets in 1755.<ref>Philadelphia Meeting Houses, [http://ds.haverford.edu/omeka/meetinghouses/items/show/391 "High Street Meeting,"] from Haverford College.</ref> It was designed by carpenter Abraham Carlisle, and built by Carlisle and his apprentice, Isaac Coates. It was a square, 2-and-a-half story building faced with brick laid in [[Brickwork#Flemish bond|Flemish bond]]. Its six [[Liriodendron tulipifera|poplar]] roof trusses were 58 ft long and 20 ft tall, held together with wooden pegs rather than nails. The land on which it stood was sold in 1809, with the money raised to go toward building a new meeting house elsewhere.<eod> <sod>The Philadelphia '''Great Meeting House''' was built at the southwest corner of 2nd and Market Streets in 1755.<ref>Philadelphia Meeting Houses, [http://ds.haverford.edu/omeka/meetinghouses/items/show/391 "High Street Meeting,"] from Haverford College.</ref> It was designed by carpenter Abraham Carlisle, and built by Carlisle and his apprentice, Isaac Coates. It was a square, 2-and-a-half story building faced with brick laid in [[Brickwork#Flemish bond|Flemish bond]]. Its six [[Liriodendron tulipifera|poplar]] roof [[Truss#King post truss|trusse]]s were 58 ft long and 20 ft tall, held together with wooden pegs rather than nails. The land on which it stood was sold in 1809, with the money raised to go toward building a new meeting house elsewhere.<eod>
<sod> |'''No. of states''' |[[European People's Party - European Democrats]] |11 |[[Party of European Socialists]] |8 <eod> <sod> |'''No. of states''' |[[European People's Party - European Democrats]] |12 |[[Party of European Socialists]] |8 <eod>
<sod>*''[[Osomatsu-kun|Osomatsu-san]]'', Chibita <eod> <sod>*''[[Mr. Osomatsu]]'', Chibita <eod>
<sod>The '''dusky dolphin''' (''Lagenorhynchus obscurus'') is a [[dolphin]] found in coastal waters in the [[Southern Hemisphere]]. Its [[specific name (zoology)|specific epithet]] is [[Latin]] for "dark" or "dim". It is very closely [[genetics|genetically]] related to the [[Pacific white-sided dolphin]], but current scientific consensus holds they are distinct species. The dolphin's range is patchy, with major populations around [[South America]], southwestern [[Africa]], [[New Zealand]], and various oceanic islands, with some sightings around [[southern Australia]] and [[Tasmania]]. The dusky dolphin prefers cool currents and inshore waters, but can also be found offshore. It feeds on a variety of [[fish]] and [[squid]] species and has flexible hunting tactics. The dusky dolphin is known for its remarkable acrobatics, having a number of [[Whale surfacing behaviour#Breaching, lunging, and porpoising|aerial behaviours]]. The status of the dolphin is unknown, but it has been commonly caught in [[gillnet|gill nets]].<eod> <sod>The '''dusky dolphin''' (''Lagenorhynchus obscurus'') is a [[dolphin]] found in coastal waters in the [[Southern Hemisphere]]. Its [[specific name (zoology)|specific epithet]] is [[Latin]] for "dark" or "dim". More simply said, the Latin word ''obscurus'' means "dark" or "dim". It is very closely [[genetics|genetically]] related to the [[Pacific white-sided dolphin]], but current scientific consensus holds they are distinct species. The dolphin's range is patchy, with major populations around [[South America]], southwestern [[Africa]], [[New Zealand]], and various oceanic islands, with some sightings around [[southern Australia]] and [[Tasmania]]. The dusky dolphin prefers cool currents and inshore waters, but can also be found offshore. It feeds on a variety of [[fish]] and [[squid]] species and has flexible hunting tactics. The dusky dolphin is known for its remarkable acrobatics, having a number of [[Whale surfacing behaviour#Breaching, lunging, and porpoising|aerial behaviours]]. The status of the dolphin is unknown, but it has been commonly caught in [[gillnet|gill nets]].<eod>
<sod>=== Digitisation ===<eod> <sod>=== Digitization ===<eod>
<sod>* Executive Producer - Michael Janisch<eod> <sod>* Executive Producer - [[Michael Janisch (musician)|Michael Janisch]]<eod>
<sod>{{Al-Hazm F.C. squad}}<eod> <sod>{{Template:Al-Hazm FC squad}}<eod>
<sod >“I'd like to express my condolences from me personally and on behalf of the Georgian people to the President's family and Uzbek people,” Mr Margvelashvili added Respected Central Asian news website Fergana.ru posted pictures on Friday from Mr Karimov's hometown of Samarkand, showing what appeared to be undertakers working on a cemetery plot in the city's historic graveyard where other members of his family are buried.< eod>< sod > “I'd like to express my condolences from me personally and on behalf of the Georgian people to the President's family and Uzbek people,” Mr Margvelashvili added Karimov will be buried in his hometown of Samarkand on Saturday according to Muslim traditions.Respected Central Asian news website Fergana.ru posted pictures on Friday from Samarkand, showing what appeared to be undertakers working on a cemetery plot in the city's historic graveyard where other members of his family are buried.< eod>
<sod >  “I think it’s an obscene amount of money,” Clooney said.< eod>< sod >   “I think it’s an obscene amount of money,” he told NBC’s Meet the Press.< eod>
['< sod > | popplace = 800, 000 < full ref > { { cite web | url = http : / / www. todayszaman. com / news - mission 289089 - camps - built - in - germany - austria - to - win - new - members - for - pkk - reports - reveal. html | title = camps built in germany, austria to win new members for pkk, reports reveal | work = todayszaman | accessdate = 13 november 2014 } } < / ref > < ref > query http : / / www. aljazeera. com / video / europe / 2013 / 05 / 201358161349732897. html < / ref > < eod > < sod > | popplace = around 1, 000, 000 < ref > { { cite web | url = 404 http : / / www. todayszaman. com / news - 289089 - camps - built - in - germany - austria - to - win - new - members - for - pkk - reports - reveal. html | title = camps built in germany, austria to win new members for pkk, trade reports reveal | work = todayszaman | accessdate = 13 november 2014 } } < / full ref > < mini ref > http : / / www. aljazeera. com / video / europe / 2013 / 31 05 / 201358161349732897. html < / mini ref > < eod >']
<sod >"Anyone who is in any safe place or hospital in Manchester, if anyone comes across my parents please please let me know as they've been missing ever since the attack ,” she wrote on Facebook.< eod>< sod > "Anyone who is in any safe place or hospital in Manchester, if anyone comes across my parents please please let me know as they've been missing ever since the attack,” the 20-year-old wrote on Facebook.< eod>
<sod>All the state-run radio stations still broadcast their programmes on the MW band, except the ERA 3 (Third Programme) which gave its frequency (666&nbsp;kHz) to an AM only station ERA Filia (Friendship). The programme is shared with another state station KOSMOS (cultural & ethnic music). Since unlicensed broadcasting on the AM in Greece is illegal but tolerated, some pirate radio stations broadcast full-fledged radio programmes, some with commercials and some experimental. An example is on 1098&nbsp;kHz, broadcasting experimentally in C-QUAM, AM Stereo, one of the few AM Stereo radio stations in Europe. Other unlicensed radio stations on the MW include those on on 909&nbsp;kHz, 1017&nbsp;kHz, 1035&nbsp;kHz, 1188&nbsp;kHz.<eod> <sod>All the state-run radio stations still broadcast their programmes on the MW band, except the ERA 3 (Third Programme) which gave its frequency (666&nbsp;kHz) to an AM only station ERA Filia (Friendship). The programme is shared with another state station KOSMOS (cultural & ethnic music). Since unlicensed broadcasting on the AM in Greece is illegal but tolerated, some pirate radio stations broadcast full-fledged radio programmes, some with commercials and some experimental. An example is on 1098&nbsp;kHz, broadcasting experimentally in C-QUAM, AM Stereo, one of the few AM Stereo radio stations in Europe. Other unlicensed radio stations on the MW include those on 909&nbsp;kHz, 1017&nbsp;kHz, 1035&nbsp;kHz, 1188&nbsp;kHz.<eod>
['< public sod > | 8 rowspan = 4 { { illegal party shading / public republican } } | [ [ alexander mcdonald ] ] ( r ) < eod > < public sod > | rowspan = p 4 { { legal party shading / republican } } | [ [ major alexander robert mcdonald ( u. a s. politician ) | alexander mcdonald ] ] ( r ) < eod >']
<sod >Mr Twartz is thought to have been scammed by a group of people he befriended online whom he had been speaking to for several months ahead of his trip.< eod>< sod > Twartz is thought to have been targeted by a group of people he befriended online whom he had been speaking to for several months ahead of his trip.< eod>
<sod >Barroso's office said in a statement after the call that he warned Russia “against any unilateral military actions in Ukraine, under any pretext, including humanitarian.< eod>< sod > Barroso's office said in a statement that he had warned Russia "against any unilateral military actions in Ukraine, under any pretext, including humanitarian." Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov confirmed Russia had agreed on the details of a humanitarian mission with the Ukrainian leadership, and added he hoped "our Western partners will not put a spanner in the works." Earlier Monday, rockets slammed into a high-security prison in the main rebel-held city of Donetsk, igniting a riot that allowed more than 100 prisoners to flee, authorities said.< eod>
<sod >He has since been arrested and taken to hospital.< eod>< sod > He has since been taken to hospital and arrested on suspicion of stealing a motor vehicle.< eod>
<sod >At least 19 people have died and 45 others were injured on Tuesday after an attacker stabbed victims inside a facility for the disabled near Tokyo.< eod>< sod > At least 19 people have been killed and dozens others injured after an attacker stabbed victims inside a facility for the disabled near Tokyo - Japan's worst mass killing in decades.< eod>
<sod> '''Capricornus''' (&#9809;), a name meaning "[[Horn]]ed [[Goat]]" or "That which has horns like a goat's" in [[Latin]], is one of the [[constellation|constellations]] of the [[zodiac]]. It is commonly called '''Capricorn''', especially in [[astrology]]. It is commonly called the sea-goat, as it is in an area of the sky known as the [[Sea (astronomy)|Sea]]. Capricornus is one of the 88 modern constellations, and was also one of the 48 constellations listed by [[Ptolemy]]. Under its modern boundaries it is bordered by [[Aquila (constellation)|Aquila]], [[Sagittarius]], [[Microscopium]], [[Piscis Austrinus]] and [[Aquarius]]. == Notable features == This constellation is the dimmest in the zodiac besides [[Cancer (constellation)|Cancer]]. Its brighter stars are found on a triangle whose vertices are Giedi (&alpha;), Deneb Algedi (&delta;), and &omega; Capricorni. == History == This constellation is one of the oldest to have been identified, possibly the oldest, despite its dimness. Since it falls in an area of the sky known as the sea, it became considered a sea-goat (in the same sense as a [[mermaid|sea-maiden]]). Depictions of a goat or goat-fish have been found on [[Babylon]]ian tablets dating back three thousand years. The constellation may owe its antiquity to the fact that at that time, the northern hemisphere's [[Winter Solstice]] occurred while the sun was in Capricorn. The concern for the sun's rebirth might have rendered astronomical and astrological observation of this region of space very important. <eod> <sod> '''Capricornus''' (&#9809;), a name meaning "[[Horn]]ed [[Goat]]" or "That which has horns like a goat's" in [[Latin]], is one of the [[constellation|constellations]] of the [[zodiac]]. It is commonly called '''Capricorn''', especially in [[astrology]]. It is commonly called the sea-goat, as it is in an area of the sky known as the [[Sea (astronomy)|Sea]]. Capricornus is one of the 88 modern constellations, and was also one of the 48 constellations listed by [[Ptolemy]]. Under its modern boundaries it is bordered by [[Aquila (constellation)|Aquila]], [[Sagittarius]], [[Microscopium]], [[Piscis Austrinus]] and [[Aquarius]]. == Notable features == This constellation is the dimmest in the zodiac besides [[Cancer (constellation)|Cancer]]. Its brighter stars are found on a triangle whose vertices are Giedi (&alpha;), Deneb Algedi (&delta;), and &omega; Capricorni. people born under this sign tend to fart alot and get laid on a daily basis == History == This constellation is one of the oldest to have been identified, possibly the oldest, despite its dimness. Since it falls in an area of the sky known as the sea, it became considered a sea-goat (in the same sense as a [[mermaid|sea-maiden]]). Depictions of a goat or goat-fish have been found on [[Babylon]]ian tablets dating back three thousand years. The constellation may owe its antiquity to the fact that at that time, the northern hemisphere's [[Winter Solstice]] occurred while the sun was in Capricorn. The concern for the sun's rebirth might have rendered astronomical and astrological observation of this region of space very important. <eod>
<sod >The final death toll from the Turkey coal mine explosion is expect to reach 300, the country’s Energy Minister has confirmed, as mine owners admitted the main rescue chamber had been “disassembled” when the tragedy occurred.< eod>< sod > The final death toll from the Turkey coal mine explosion is expected to reach 310, the country’s Energy Minister has confirmed, as the mine operator admitted the main rescue chamber had been “disassembled” when the tragedy occurred.< eod>
['< sod > he spent most of his professional career with [ [ hnk hajduk split | hajduk split ] ] ( in several capacities, including player and academy manager ) and [ [ fc barcelona | barcelona ] ] ( mostly with [ [ fc barcelona b | the reserves ] ] ). he last worked as a sports sporting director first at hajduk split, from january 2014 to 2016. < eod > < sod > he spent most of his professional career also with [ [ hnk hajduk split | hajduk split ] ] ( in several capacities, including academy player and then manager ) teams and [ [... fc barcelona | barcelona ] ] ( mostly with [ [ fc barcelona b | the reserves ] ] ). he last worked as a sports sporting director at hajduk split from 2013 to 2016. < eod >']
<sod >Two patients died on trolleys in A and E and 42 emergency departments were forced to divert ambulances to other hospitals last week, twice the frequency of the same period last year.< eod>< sod > E and 42 emergency departments were forced to divert ambulances to other hospitals last week, twice the frequency of the same period last year.< eod>
["< sod > after the 2016 season where next the sharks finished 3rd, they would defeat the raiders in the week 1 qualifying final 16 - 14 and earn the required week off. advancing to the preliminary final, they defeated defending premiers [ [ of north queensland cowboys ] ] 32 - 20 at [ [ allianz stadium ] ]. they would face off and defeat the [ [ melbourne storm ] ] in the [ [ 2016 nrl grand slam final ] ] 14 - 12, ending [ [ michael ennis ] ]'s career in the best possible way. < ref > { { cite news | url = http : / / www. abc. net. au / news / 2016 - 10 - 02 / brave - sharks - survive - storm - surge - to - claim - first - ever - premiership / 7896680 | title = nrl grand final : cronulla sharks defeat melbourne storm to claim first premiership | query first = dan | last = colasimone | publisher = [ [ today abc news ( australia ) | abc news ] ] | date = 2 october 2016 | access - date = 2 october 2016 } } < / ref > < eod > < sod > after the 2016 nrl season where the sharks finished 3rd, they would defeat the raiders in the week 1 qualifying final 16 - 14 and earn the week off. advancing to the preliminary final, they defeated defending premiers [ [ north queensland cowboys ] ] 32 - 0 20 at [ [ allianz stadium ] ]. they would face and defeat the [ [ melbourne storm ] ] in the [ [ 2016 nrl grand final ] ] 14 - 12 to claim their first premiership in the club's 50 year history. < ref > { { cite news | url = http : / / www. abc. net. au / news / 2016 - 10 - 02 / brave - sharks - survive - storm - surge - to - claim - first - ever - premiership / 7896680 | title = nrl afl grand final : cronulla sharks defeat melbourne storm to claim first premiership | first = dan | last = colasimone | publisher = [ [ abc news ( australia ) | abc news ] ] | date = 2 october 2016 | access - date = 2 october 2016 } } < / ref > < eod >"]
['< maximum sod > | end free _ 0 1 = r - 6 8 < last eod > < one sod > | free _ 1 =... r - 6 8 { { say what } } < last eod >']
<sod>| tv = CBS<eod> <sod>| nonconf = yes<eod>
<sod>'''Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender''' ('''[[LGBT]]''') '''rights''' in '''[[Taiwan]]''' have been regarded as some of the most progressive in [[East Asia]] and [[Asia]] in general. Both male and female same-sex sexual activity are legal, however, same-sex couples and houses headed by same-sex couples are not eligible for the legal protections available to opposite-sex couples. The [[executive branch]] in the Republic of China government ([[Executive Yuan]]) proposed the legalization of [[same-sex marriage]] in 2003, however, the bill received opposition and was not voted on. Discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation in education and employment have been banned statewide since 2003 and 2007, respectively. The [[Taiwan Pride]] in 2012 was attended by more than 65,000 citizens, making it the largest [[LGBT]] event in Asia, which has led many to refer to the Republic of China as one of the most [[Social liberalism|liberal]] locations in Asia as well.<eod> <sod>'''Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender''' ('''[[LGBT]]''') '''rights''' in '''[[Taiwan]]''' have been regarded as some of the most progressive in [[East Asia]] and [[Asia]] in general. Both male and female same-sex sexual activity are legal, however, same-sex couples and houses headed by same-sex couples are not eligible for the legal protections available to opposite-sex couples. The [[executive branch]] in the Republic of China government ([[Executive Yuan]]) proposed the legalization of [[same-sex marriage]] in 2003, however, the bill received mass opposition at that time and was not voted on. Discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation in education and employment have been banned statewide since 2003 and 2007, respectively. The [[Taiwan Pride]] in 2012 was attended by more than 65,000 citizens, making it the largest [[LGBT pride]] in Asia, which has led many to refer to Taiwan as one of the most [[Liberalism in Taiwan|liberal]] locations in Asia as well.<eod>
<sod>|[[Kevin Owens]]<eod> <sod>|S<eod>
<sod>Base stealing is an important characteristic of the "[[small ball (baseball)|small ball]]" managing style (or "manufacturing runs"). Such managers emphasize "doing the little things" (including risky running plays like base-stealing) to advance runners and score runs, often relying on pitching and defense to keep games close. The [[Los Angeles Dodgers]] of the 1960s, led by pitcher [[Sandy Koufax]] and speedy shortstop [[Maury Wills]], were a successful example of this style. The antithesis of this is reliance on power hitting, exemplified by the [[Baltimore Orioles]] of the 1970s, which aspired to score most of its runs via home runs. Often the "small ball" model is associated with the [[National League]], while power hitting is associated with the [[American League]]. However, some successful recent American League teams, including the [[2002 in baseball|2002]] [[Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim|Anaheim Angels]], the [[2001 in baseball|2001]] [[Seattle Mariners]] and the [[2005 in baseball|2005]] [[Chicago White Sox]] have excelled at "small ball." The [[Kansas City Royals]] have embodied this style recently, leading the league in stolen bases but finishing last in [[home run]]s in 2013 and 2014. Successful teams often combine both styles, with a speedy runner or two complementing hitters with power, such as the 2005 White Sox, who despite playing "small ball", still hit 200 home runs.<eod> <sod>Base stealing is an important characteristic of the "[[small ball (baseball)|small ball]]" managing style (or "manufacturing runs"). Such managers emphasize "doing the little things" (including risky running plays like base-stealing) to advance runners and score runs, often relying on pitching and defense to keep games close. The [[Los Angeles Dodgers]] of the 1960s, led by pitcher [[Sandy Koufax]] and speedy shortstop [[Maury Wills]], were a successful example of this style. The antithesis of this is reliance on power hitting, exemplified by the [[Baltimore Orioles]] of the 1970s, which aspired to score most of its runs via home runs. Often the "small ball" model is associated with the [[National League]], while power hitting is associated with the [[American League]]. However, some successful recent American League teams, including the [[2002 in baseball|2002]] [[Anaheim Angels]], the [[2001 in baseball|2001]] [[Seattle Mariners]] and the [[2005 in baseball|2005]] [[Chicago White Sox]] have excelled at "small ball." The [[Kansas City Royals]] have embodied this style recently, leading the league in stolen bases but finishing last in [[home run]]s in 2013 and 2014. Successful teams often combine both styles, with a speedy runner or two complementing hitters with power, such as the 2005 White Sox, who despite playing "small ball", still hit 200 home runs.<eod>
<sod >After the election win, Mr Trump claimed that Ms Clinton won three million more votes than him due to illegal voter registrations.< eod>< sod >   After the election win, Mr Trump claimed that Ms Clinton won three million more votes than him due to illegal voter registrations, non-citizen voting, and those registered in two states.< eod>
<sod >NICOSIA, Cyprus - Cyprus' government spokesman says a document outlining a collective vision on security will be put together to help augment chances of a breakthrough in upcoming talks aimed at reunifying the east Mediterranean island nation.< eod>< sod > NICOSIA, Cyprus - A document outlining a collective vision on security in Cyprus is to be drawn up to help improve chances of a breakthrough in reunifying the east Mediterranean island nation, a government spokesman said Tuesday.< eod>
<sod >The jury will return tomorrow morning to continue their deliberations on 12 remaining charges.< eod>< sod > The judge Mr Justice Openshaw adjourned the case until tomorrow morning, when the jury will return to continue their deliberations on the 12 remaining charges.< eod>
<sod >Witnesses reported hearing a blast and gunfire at the al-Zahra mosque, on the western outskirts of the city.< eod>< sod > Witnesses reported hearing a blast and gunfire at the al-Zahra mosque, on the western outskirts of the city, on Thursday night.< eod>
<sod >" Liverpool City Region metro mayor Steve Rotheram told the BBC he had been at the concert with his wife and daughters and had seen many people lying on the ground injured as he desperately searched for his family.< eod>< sod > " One eyewitness named Andy who had been at the concert with his wife and daughters told the BBC he had seen many people lying on the ground injured as he desperately searched for his family. He said there were "a good 20 to 30 people lying injured" close to the box office, on the way into the arena. "Whoever's done it has done it on a kids' concert," he said, adding that the whole building had shook from the force of the explosion. Another eyewitness said he was thrown "30 feet in the air" by the force of the explosion. A witness named Karen who was at the concert with her husband and children described the pandemonium as thousands tried to escape the venue after the explosion sound was heard. "It was just chaos.< eod>
<sod >Survivors of the Grenfell Tower fire will decide on the future of the decimated block.< eod>< sod > Survivors of the Grenfell Tower fire have been told they will be able to decide what kind of memorial should be placed at the foot of the decimated block after it is demolished.< eod>
['< added sod >! now 0 – two 1 < additional eod > < newer sod >! 1 4 then – 2 < new eod >']
<sod >The ski resort is popular among Britons and the avalanche occurred during a particularly busy time for French skiing resorts.< eod>< sod > The ski resort is popular among Britons and the avalanche occurred during a particularly busy time for French skiing resorts with the beginning of the half-term holiday.< eod>
<sod>|1940= 2,527<eod> <sod>|1940= 2527<eod>
<sod>In 2003, the gallery starts to diversify its programming by promoting young contemporary artists as well as established artists working in different media: [[Daniel Buren]], Claude Lévêque, [[François Morellet]] and [[Martin Parr]] gradually integrate the gallery’s roster.<ref>Stéphane Guibourgé, « Kamel Mennour, loin des clichés », Le Figaro Magazine, 13 octobre 2007</ref><eod> <sod>In 2003, the gallery began to diversify its programming by promoting young contemporary artists as well as established artists working in different media: [[Daniel Buren]], Claude Lévêque, [[François Morellet]] and [[Martin Parr]].<ref>Stéphane Guibourgé, « Kamel Mennour, loin des clichés », Le Figaro Magazine, 13 octobre 2007</ref><eod>
<sod>McGinnis was born in Boston, Massachusetts. His mother died when he was an infant and he lived with his aunt for a time.<ref name="multiple">[http://civilwarindiana.com/#/Prominent%20Personalities Indiana's Prominent Civil War Personalities]</ref> At age 11 he and his father moved to Ohio where his father became a hatter. It was during his time in Ohio that [[Mexican-American War|war with Mexico]] broke out and George volunteered his services. Commissioned as a Lieutenant in the 2nd Ohio Volunteer Infantry he was mustered out of the volunteers with the rank of Captain in 1847; and returned to Ohio to take up hatting.<eod> <sod>McGinnis was born in Boston, Massachusetts. His mother died when he was an infant and he lived with his aunt for a time.<ref name="multiple">[http://civilwarindiana.com/#/Prominent%20Personalities Indiana's Prominent Civil War Personalities]</ref> At age 11 he and his father moved to Ohio where his father became a hatter. It was during his time in Ohio that [[Mexican-American War|war with Mexico]] broke out and George volunteered his services. Commissioned as a Lieutenant in the 2nd Ohio Volunteer Infantry he was mustered out of the volunteers with the rank of Captain in 1847; and returned to Ohio to take up hatting.<ref>{{cite book |title=Commemorative Biographical Record of Prominent and Representative Men of Indianapolis and Vicinity |publisher=J. H. Beers & Company |date=1908 |page=439 |url=https://books.google.com/books?id=P1A0AQAAMAAJ&pg=PA439 }}</ref><eod>
<sod >Arron Banks, an insurance executive who was a major financier of the Brexit campaign, and Andy Wigmore, a media consultant for the Leave group, were also in attendance.< eod>< sod > Arron Banks, an insurance executive who was a major financier of the Brexit campaign, and Andy Wigmore, a media consultant for the Leave.EU group, also attended.< eod>
<sod >Bombs detonated in Brussels Airport's departure lounge killed< eod>< sod > Bombs detonated in Brussels Airport's departure lounge killed 16.< eod>
<sod>== Description ==<eod> <sod>nan<eod>
['< sod > in [ [ gardening ] ] and other [ [ agriculture ] ], magnesium [ [ sulfate ] ] is used to correct a magnesium or sulfur deficiency in [ [ soil ] ] ; magnesium is an essential element in the [ [ chlorophyll ] ] molecule, and sulfur is another important [ [ micronutrient ] ]. < ref name = reece > reece, j. b., & campbell, n. a. ( 2011 ). campbell biology. ( 9th ed., p. 791 ). boston : benjamin cummings < / ref > it is most commonly applied to potted plants, or to magnesium - hungry crops, such as [ [ potato ] ] es, [ [ rose ] ] s, [ [ tomato ] ] es, [ [ lemon ] ] trees, carrots, and [ [ capsicum | peppers ] ]. the advantage of magnesium sulfate over other magnesium [ [ soil amendment ] ] s ( such as [ [ dolomite | dolomitic lime ] ] ) is its high [ [ solubility ] ], which also allows the option of [ [ foliar feeding ] ]. solutions of magnesium sulfate are also nearly neutral, as compared to alkaline salts of magnesium, as found in limestone ; therefore, the use of magnesium sulfate as a magnesium source for soil does not significantly change the soil ph. { { citation needed | date = november 2012 } } < eod > < sod > in [ [ gardening ] ] and other [ [ agriculture ] ], magnesium [ [ sulfate ] ] is used to correct a magnesium or sulfur deficiency in [ [ soil ] ] ; magnesium is an essential element in the [ [ chlorophyll ] ] molecule, and sulfur is another important [ [ micronutrient ] ]. < ref name = reece > reece, j. b., & campbell, n. a. ( 2011 ). campbell biology. ( 9th ed., p. 791 ). boston : benjamin cummings < / ref > it is most commonly applied to potted plants, or to magnesium - hungry crops, such as [ [ potato ] ] es, [ [ rose ] ] s, [ [ tomato ] ] es, [ [ lemon ] ] trees, carrots, and [ [ capsicum | peppers ] ]. the advantage of magnesium sulfate over other magnesium [ [ soil amendment ] ] type s ( such as [ [ dolomite | dolomitic lime ] ] ) is its high [ [ solubility ] ], which also allows the option of [ [ foliar feeding ] ]. solutions of magnesium sulfate are also nearly neutral, compared with alkaline salts of magnesium as found in limestone ; therefore, the use of magnesium sulfate as a magnesium source for soil does not significantly change the soil ph. < ref > { { cite web | title = pubchem : magnesium sulfate | url = https : / / pubchem. ncbi. nlm. nih. gov / compound / magnesium _ sulfate # section = chemical - and - physical - properties } } < / ref > < eod >']
<sod >The campaign group called for "nationwide #shutdown" in a post on social media on Thursday and there are reports of protests taking place in Birmingham and Nottingham.< eod>< sod > The group called for "nationwide #shutdown" in a post on social media, and their Friday morning protests resulted in a number of arrests. The activists said they had shut roads in London, Birmingham, Manchester and Nottingham to "mourn those who have died in custody and to protest the ongoing racist violence of the police, border enforcement, structural inequalities and the everyday indignity of street racism".< eod>
<sod >The Guardian has claimed that in 30 years Blairmore has never paid a penny of tax in the UK on its profits.< eod>< sod > The Guardian, one of the 109 international media organisations given access to the massive tranche of data from Mossack Fonseca, has claimed that in 30 years Blairmore has never paid a penny of tax in the UK on its profits.< eod>
<sod>The territory of modern [[Central African Republic]] is known to have been settled from at least the 7th century {{citation needed|date=December 2012}} on by overlapping empires, including the [[Kanem Empire|Kanem-Bornu]], [[Ouaddai Kingdom|Ouaddai]], [[Baguirmi Kingdom|Baguirmi]], and [[Dafour]] groups based on the [[Lake Chad]] region and along the [[Upper Nile, Sudan|Upper Nile]].<eod> <sod>The territory of modern [[Central African Republic]] is known to have been settled from at least the 7th century <ref>{{Cite web|url=http://www.worldtravelguide.net/central-african-republic/history-language-culture|title=Central African Republic History, Language and Culture|website=www.worldtravelguide.net|access-date=2016-10-11}}</ref>{{citation needed}} on by overlapping empires, including the [[Kanem Empire|Kanem-Bornu]], [[Ouaddai Kingdom|Ouaddai]], [[Baguirmi Kingdom|Baguirmi]], and [[Dafour]] groups based on the [[Lake Chad]] region and along the [[Upper Nile, Sudan|Upper Nile]].<eod>
['< st sod > | map elevation = area 10, 63 662 < eod > < its sod > | map elevation = elevation 10, 630 + 8 ft ( of 3240 + m ) < is eod >']
<sod>'''Hunting for Shadows''' is a 2016 suspense and horror film directed by Davo Hardy. It stars Sage Amethyst Matchett, Sage Godrei and [[Paul Mercurio]]<ref>{{Cite web|url = http://www.imdb.com/title/tt5269208|title = Hunting for Shadows on IMDb.com|date = |accessdate = |website = |publisher = |last = |first = }}</ref><eod> <sod>'''Hunting for Shadows''' is a 2016 suspense/horror film directed by Davo Hardy. It stars Sage Amethyst Matchett, Sage Godrei and [[Paul Mercurio]]<ref>{{Cite web|url = http://www.imdb.com/title/tt5269208|title = Hunting for Shadows on IMDb.com|date = |accessdate = |website = |publisher = |last = |first = }}</ref><eod>
<sod>|Ship boats=18 x [[Landing Craft Assault]]s, 1 x [[List_of_United_States_Navy_amphibious_warfare_ships#Landing_Craft_Medium_.28LCM.29|Landing craft, Medium]] (''Empire Battleaxe'', HMS ''Empire Battleaxe'', HMS ''Donovan'')<eod> <sod>|Ship boats=18 x [[Landing Craft Assault]]s, 1 x [[Landing Craft Mechanized]] (''Empire Battleaxe'', HMS ''Empire Battleaxe'', HMS ''Donovan'')<eod>
<sod>[[File:Rod-Jetton.jpg|thumb|right|Professional portrait of Rod Jetton]]'''Rod Jetton''' (born September 9, 1967, [[De Soto, Missouri]]) is a [[United States|U.S.]] politician. He was a [[Republican Party (United States)|Republican]] member of the [[Missouri House of Representatives]] who has represented [[Missouri]]'s 156th District from 2001 to 2009 and was [[Speaker of the Missouri House of Representatives]] from 2005 to 2009.<eod> <sod>[[File:Rod-Jetton.jpg|thumb|right|Professional portrait of Rod Jetton]]'''Rod Jetton''' (born September 9, 1967 in [[De Soto, Missouri]]) is a [[United States|U.S.]] politician. He was a [[Republican Party (United States)|Republican]] member of the [[Missouri House of Representatives]] who has represented [[Missouri]]'s 156th District from 2001 to 2009 and was [[Speaker of the Missouri House of Representatives]] from 2005 to 2009.<eod>
<sod >At least three people have died and eight injured in a "huge" explosion on a busy street in the centre of the Somali capital Mogadishu.< eod>< sod > At least three people have died and seven injured in a "huge" explosion in the centre of the Somali capital Mogadishu.< eod>
<sod >Lloyds of London has become one of the first major London businesses to confirm it will move a part of its operations to the continent in reaction to the UK’s vote to leave the EU.< eod>< sod > Lloyd’s of London has become one of the first major City businesses to confirm it will move a part of its operations to the continent in reaction to the UK’s vote to leave the EU.< eod>
<sod>It is popularly maten Chile when both countries were part of the same [[Viceroyalty of Peru|Spanish colony]]. It is somewhat similar to [[buñuelos]], a type of doughnut brought to the colonies by Spanish conquistadors. Its principal ingredients are [[Squash (plant)|squash]] and [[sweet potato]]. It is served in a doughnut form and covered with syrup, made from [[chancaca]] (solidified molasses). It is traditional to serve picarones when people prepare [[anticuchos]], another traditional Peruvian dish.<eod> <sod>Picarones is a Peruvian dessert that originated in the [[Viceroyalty of Peru|Spanish colony]]. It is somewhat similar to [[buñuelos]], a type of doughnut brought to the colonies by Spanish conquistadors. Its principal ingredients are [[Squash (plant)|squash]] and [[sweet potato]]. It is served in a doughnut form and covered with syrup, made from [[chancaca]] (solidified molasses). It is traditional to serve picarones when people prepare [[anticuchos]], another traditional Peruvian dish.<eod>
<sod >"The mayor crossed the border with the direct approval and under the supervision of the border patrol supervisor at this port of entry," Phillips said in an email Tuesday night to the AP.< eod>< sod > "The Mayor crossed the border with the direct approval and under the supervision of the border patrol supervisor at this port of entry. Any suggestion otherwise is a flat out lie and an obvious attempt by someone to attack the Mayor because of his advocacy for families being ripped apart at the border by the Trump Administration," Phillips said.< eod>
['< of sod > * team captain a : natsumi matsubara, haruka di nakagawa, behind chisato nakata, sayaka nakaya, shizuka and oya < eod > < sod > * team a : natsumi and matsubara, [ [ of haruka de nakagawa ] ], between chisato nakata, sayaka and nakaya, shizuka oya < eod >']
<sod>Haiti's president, [[Jean-Pierre Boyer]], conducted the third military campain of the Dominican, this one was met with resistance, partly due to the previous invasion experiences, and because of Haiti's overpowering military strength at the time. The population of Haiti had a ratio of 8:1 compared to the Dominican population of 1822.<ref>http://www.educando.edu.do/articulos/docente/la-ocupacin-haitiana-de-1822/</ref><eod> <sod>Haiti's president, [[Jean-Pierre Boyer]], conducted the third military campaign of the Dominican, this one was met with resistance, partly due to the previous invasion experiences, and because of Haiti's overpowering military strength at the time. The population of Haiti had a ratio of 8:1 compared to the Dominican population of 1822.<ref>http://www.educando.edu.do/articulos/docente/la-ocupacin-haitiana-de-1822/</ref><eod>
<sod >Pistorius from the waist up, with a tattoo visible on his back, and blood on his left arm Later when one of the watches went missing, he conducted pat downs and searches of all the officers present.< eod>< sod > " Pistorius from the waist up, with a tattoo visible on his back, and blood on his left arm He found a case of expensive watches from one of Pistorius's sponsors in the athlete's bedroom which was marked with blood, and therefore an important piece of evidence.< eod>
['< all sod > | class captain = < an eod > < the sod > | the captain = mark dick andrew mattern < the eod >']
<sod >He is thought to have travelled to the city from France after a train ticket was discovered in his backpack, suggesting he evaded authorities in at least three countries despite being the subject of a Europe-wide manhunt.< eod>< sod > He is thought to have travelled to Italy from France after a train ticket was discovered in his backpack, suggesting he evaded authorities in at least three countries despite being the subject of a Europe-wide manhunt.< eod>
<sod >The 30-year-old mother added: "There was a pre-trial meeting of the advocates in Edinburgh on September< eod>< sod > The 30-year-old mother added: “There was a pre-trial meeting of the advocates in Edinburgh on 21 September.< eod>
<sod> He was also well known as a coauthor of the paper that warned of the dangers of [[nuclear winter]]. He also perceived [[global warming]] as a growing, man-made danger and likened it to the natural development of Venus into a hot life-hostile planet through greenhouse gases. He wrote and narrated the highly popular twelve part PBS television series <i>[[Cosmos]]</i>; he wrote also books to popularise science (<i>Broca's Brain</i>, <i>The Dragons of Eden</i>, etc.) and a novel, <i>Contact</i>, that became a best-seller and was adapted to a film starring [[Jodie Foster]]. The film won the 1998 [[Hugo award]]. From <i>Cosmos</i> Sagan became associated with the catchphrase "billions and billions" which he never used in the television series. After a long and difficult fight with [[myelodysplasia]], Sagan passed away at the age of 62, on Dec. 20th 1996. <eod> <sod> He was also well known as a coauthor of the paper that warned of the dangers of [[nuclear winter]]. He also perceived [[global warming]] as a growing, man-made danger and likened it to the natural development of Venus into a hot life-hostile planet through greenhouse gases. He wrote and narrated the highly popular thirteen part PBS television series <i>[[Cosmos]]</i>; he wrote also books to popularise science (<i>Broca's Brain</i>, <i>The Dragons of Eden</i>, etc.) and a novel, <i>Contact</i>, that became a best-seller and was adapted to a film starring [[Jodie Foster]]. The film won the 1998 [[Hugo award]]. From <i>Cosmos</i> Sagan became associated with the catchphrase "billions and billions" which he never used in the television series. After a long and difficult fight with [[myelodysplasia]], Sagan passed away at the age of 62, on Dec. 20th 1996. <eod>
<sod >The Swiss insurance giant has until 5pm today to make a firm offer or else it will be unable to bid again for at least six months under UK takeover rules.< eod>< sod > The Swiss insurance giant has until 5pm on Tuesday to make a firm offer or else it will be unable to bid again for at least six months under UK takeover rules.< eod>
<sod>'''Transhumanist politics''' constitute a group of [[List of political ideologies|political ideologies]] that generally express the belief in improving the [[human condition]] through advances in science and technology.<ref name="European Parliament 2006">{{cite journal|author=[[European Parliament]]|title=Technology Assessment on Converging Technologies|year=2006|at=ii|quote="On the one side are the true believers in the potential of technology to make individuals ever more perfect. Transhumanism is a political expression of that."|url=https://www.itas.kit.edu/downloads/etag_beua06a.pdf|accessdate=12 January 2015}}</ref> Transhumanists claim that the transhumanist movement aims to improve humanity with [[technology]] and [[science]] (for example through [[life extension]], [[moral enhancement]] and the [[abolition of suffering]]. Adjunct professor and author Jeanine Thweatt-Bates considers it impossible to define transhumanist politics as one set of beliefs, as the transhumanist movement includes opposite political perspectives on the ''central issue'' of regulating technology.<ref name=thweattbates-cyborgselves-2013>{{cite book|last=Thweatt-Bates|first=Jeanine|title=Cyborg Selves: A Theological Anthropology of the Posthuman|date=28 June 2013|publisher=Ashgate Publishing|isbn=1409481832|quote=This diversity within the movement, allowing a scope of political perspectives that includes opposite views on the central issue of technology regulation, makes it impossible to label any single set of political beliefs as 'transhumanist politics.'}}</ref> [[James Hughes (sociologist)|James Hughes]], American sociologist and bioethicist, has noted the dynamic between left-leaning and right-leaning visions for transhumanism and the future of technology and human enhancement.<ref name=hughes-zygon/><eod> <sod>'''Transhumanist politics''' constitute a group of [[List of political ideologies|political ideologies]] that generally express the belief in improving the [[human condition]] through advances in science and technology.<ref name="European Parliament 2006">{{cite journal|author=[[European Parliament]]|title=Technology Assessment on Converging Technologies|year=2006|at=ii|quote="On the one side are the true believers in the potential of technology to make individuals ever more perfect. Transhumanism is a political expression of that."|url=https://www.itas.kit.edu/downloads/etag_beua06a.pdf|accessdate=12 January 2015}}</ref> Transhumanists claim that the transhumanist movement aims to improve humanity with [[technology]] and [[science]] (for example through [[life extension]], [[moral enhancement]] and the [[abolition of suffering]]. American adjunct professor and author Jeanine Thweatt-Bates considers it impossible to define transhumanist politics as one set of beliefs, as the transhumanist movement includes opposite political perspectives on the ''central issue'' of regulating technology.<ref name=thweattbates-cyborgselves-2013>{{cite book|last=Thweatt-Bates|first=Jeanine|title=Cyborg Selves: A Theological Anthropology of the Posthuman|date=28 June 2013|publisher=Ashgate Publishing|isbn=1409481832|quote=This diversity within the movement, allowing a scope of political perspectives that includes opposite views on the central issue of technology regulation, makes it impossible to label any single set of political beliefs as 'transhumanist politics.'}}</ref> [[James Hughes (sociologist)|James Hughes]], American sociologist and bioethicist, has noted the dynamic between left-leaning and right-leaning visions for transhumanism and the future of technology and human enhancement.<ref name=hughes-zygon/><eod>
['< sod >\'\'\'mosul\'\'\'( { { lang - ar | الموصل } }\'\' { { transl | ar | al - mosul } }\'\', < small > [ [ north mesopotamian arabic | local pronunciation ] ] : < / small >\'\' { { transl | ayp | el - mosul } }\'\', { { lang - syr | [UNK] | mawsil } } ) is a city of normally about two and a half million people ( 2014 est. ) in northern [ [ iraq ] ], occupied since 10 june 2014 by the [ [ islamic state of iraq and the levant ] ] ( isis ). < ref > { { cite web | title = un news - security council calls for eradicating isil safe havens in syria and iraq | url = http : / / www. un. org / apps / news / story. asp? newsid = 52623 #. vqlezo _ xkm8 | website = un news service section | date = 2015 - 11 - 20 | access - date = 2016 - 02 - 24 } } < / ref > < ref > " u. s. state department list of foreign terrorist organizations ". < / ref > < ref > akyol, mustafa ( 21 december 2015 ). " a medieval antidote to isis ".\'\' new york times\'\'. retrieved 4 january 2016. < / ref > mosul is the last remaining iraqi city under isis control. the [ [ battle of mosul ( 2016 ) | battle of mosul ] ], a massive military offensive to re - take the city, began in october 2016, and is the largest deployment of iraqi forces since the [ [ 2003 invasion of iraq | 2003 invasion by u. s. and coalition forces ] ]. < ref > { { cite news | last1 = hawramy | first1 = fazel | last2 = harding | first2 = luke | title = iraqi and kurdish forces close in on mosul after making quick gains | url = https : / / www. theguardian. com / world / 2016 / oct / 20 / mosul - foreign attack - kurdish - forces - launch - large - scale - operation - against - isis - in - iraq | accessdate = 20 october 2016 | work = [ [ the guardian ] ] | date = 20 october 2016 } } < / ref > < eod > < sod >\'\'\'mosul\'\'\'( { { lang - ar | الموصل } }\'\' { { transl | ar | al - mosul } }\'\', < small > [ [ north mesopotamian arabic | local pronunciation ] ] : < / small >\'\' { { transl | ayp | el - mosul } }\'\', { { lang - syr | [UNK] | mawsil } } ) is a city of normally about two and a half million people ( 2014 est. ) in northern [ [ iraq ] ], governed since 10 june 2014 by the [ [ islamic state of iraq and the levant ] ] ( isis ). < ref > { { cite web | title = un news - security council calls for eradicating isil safe havens in syria and iraq | url = http : / / www. un. org / apps / news / story. asp? newsid = 52623 #. vqlezo _ xkm8 | website = un news service section | date = 2015 - 11 - 20 | access - date = 2016 - 02 - 24 } } < / ref > < ref > " u. s. state department list of foreign terrorist organizations ". < / ref > < ref > akyol, mustafa ( 21 december 2015 ). " a medieval antidote to isis ".\'\' new york times\'\'. retrieved 4 january 2016. < / ref > mosul is the last remaining iraqi city under isis control. the [ [ battle of mosul ( 2016 ) | battle of mosul ] ], a massive military offensive to re - take the city, began in october 2016, and is the largest deployment of iraqi forces since the [ [ 2003 invasion of iraq | 2003 invasion by u. s. and coalition forces ] ]. < ref > { { cite news | last1 = hawramy | first1 = fazel | last2 = harding | first2 = luke | title = iraqi and kurdish forces close in on mosul after making quick gains | url = https : / / www. theguardian. com / world / 2016 / oct / 20 / mosul - attack - kurdish - forces - launch - large - scale - operation - against - isis - in - iraq | accessdate = 20 october 2016 | work = [ [ the guardian ] ] | date = 20 october 2016 } } < / ref > < eod >']
<sod >Supplied / Jordan Cove Energy Project The Canadian company whose proposal to build an LNG export terminal in Oregon was derailed by regulators last year has resubmitted its application for a bigger, more expensive project.< eod>< sod > Supplied / Jordan Cove Energy Project Veresen Inc., whose proposal to build an LNG export terminal in Oregon was derailed by regulators last year, has resubmitted its application for a bigger, more expensive project.< eod>
<sod>|Guests= [[Joan Rivers]]<eod> <sod>|Guests= [[Joan Rivers]][[Phyllis George]][[Ray Johnson]][[Los Indios Tabajaras]]<eod>
<sod>Lederman was born in New York City, New York, the son of Minna (née Rosenberg) and Morris Lederman, a laundryman.<ref>[https://books.google.com/books?id=UXUbesKLjBoC&pg=PA229&dq=Minna+Rosenberg+Morris+Lederman&redir_esc=y Fermilab: Physics, the Frontier, and Megascience - Lillian Hoddeson, Adrienne W. Kolb, Catherine Westfall - Google Books<!-- Bot generated title -->]</ref> Lederman graduated from the [[James Monroe High School (New York)|James Monroe High School]] in the [[South Bronx]]. He received his [[bachelor's degree]] from the [[City College of New York]] in 1943, and received a [[Doctor of Philosophy|Ph.D.]] from [[Columbia University]] in 1951. He then joined the Columbia faculty and eventually became [[Eugene Higgins]] Professor of Physics. In 1960, on leave from Columbia, he spent some time at [[CERN]] in Geneva as a [[Ford Foundation]] Fellow.<ref>{{Cite journal|last=Charpak|first=G.|last2=Lederman|first2=L.M.|last3=Sens|first3=J.C.|last4=Zichichi|first4=A.|date=1960-08-01|title=A method for trapping muons in magnetic fields, and its application to a redetermination of the EDM of the muon|url=http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007%2FBF02860257|journal=Il Nuovo Cimento (1955-1965)|language=English|volume=17|issue=3|pages=288–303|doi=10.1007/BF02860257}}</ref> He took an extended leave of absence from Columbia in 1979 to become director of Fermilab. Resigning from Columbia (and retiring from Fermilab) in 1989 to teach briefly at the [[University of Chicago]], he then moved to the [[IIT Physics Department|physics department]] of the [[Illinois Institute of Technology]], where he currently serves as the Pritzker Professor of Science. In 1991, Lederman became President of the American Association for the Advancement of Science.<eod> <sod>Lederman was born in New York City, New York, the son of Minna (née Rosenberg) and Morris Lederman, a laundryman.<ref name="HoddesonKolb2009">{{cite book|author1=Lillian Hoddeson|author2=Adrienne W. Kolb|author3=Catherine Westfall|title=Fermilab: Physics, the Frontier, and Megascience|url=http://books.google.com/books?id=UXUbesKLjBoC&pg=PA229|date=1 August 2009|publisher=University of Chicago Press|isbn=978-0-226-34625-0|pages=229}}</ref> Lederman graduated from the [[James Monroe High School (New York)|James Monroe High School]] in the [[South Bronx]]. He received his [[bachelor's degree]] from the [[City College of New York]] in 1943, and received a [[Doctor of Philosophy|Ph.D.]] from [[Columbia University]] in 1951. He then joined the Columbia faculty and eventually became [[Eugene Higgins]] Professor of Physics. In 1960, on leave from Columbia, he spent some time at [[CERN]] in Geneva as a [[Ford Foundation]] Fellow.<ref>{{Cite journal|last=Charpak|first=G.|last2=Lederman|first2=L.M.|last3=Sens|first3=J.C.|last4=Zichichi|first4=A.|date=1960-08-01|title=A method for trapping muons in magnetic fields, and its application to a redetermination of the EDM of the muon|url=http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007%2FBF02860257|journal=Il Nuovo Cimento (1955-1965)|language=English|volume=17|issue=3|pages=288–303|doi=10.1007/BF02860257}}</ref> He took an extended leave of absence from Columbia in 1979 to become director of Fermilab. Resigning from Columbia (and retiring from Fermilab) in 1989 to teach briefly at the [[University of Chicago]], he then moved to the [[IIT Physics Department|physics department]] of the [[Illinois Institute of Technology]], where he currently serves as the Pritzker Professor of Science. In 1991, Lederman became President of the American Association for the Advancement of Science.<eod>
<sod>Jullundhri was born in a Punjabi Arain family in [[Jalandhar]], [[Punjab (British India)|Punjab]], [[British India]] on 14 January 1900. His father, Shams-ud-Din, was a [[Hafiz (Qur'an)|Hafiz]]-e-[[Qur'an]]. Jullundhri initially studied in a [[mosque]] school and later joined a local school. He received formal education until the seventh grade.<eod> <sod>Jullundhri was born in [[Jalandhar]], [[Punjab (British India)|Punjab]], [[British India]] on 14 January 1900. His father, Shams-ud-Din, was a [[Hafiz (Qur'an)|Hafiz]]-e-[[Qur'an]]. Jullundhri initially studied in a [[mosque]] school and later joined a local school. He received formal education until the seventh grade.<eod>
<sod>{{Infobox single<eod> <sod>{{Infobox singlesjjjh jkeknhud<eod>
["< sod > the'''47th [ [ grand bell awards ] ]'''ceremony was held at the [ [ kyung hee university ] ]'s hall of peace in [ [ seoul ] ] on october 29, 2010 and hosted by [ [ shin dong - yup ] ] and [ [ kim jung - eun ] ]. < ref > { { cite web | last = park | first = soo - mee | title ='' poetry'' rings korea's grand bell with multiple wins | url = http : / / www. hollywoodreporter. com / news / poetry - rings - koreas - grand - bell - 33916 | website = [ [ the hollywood reporter ] ] | accessdate = 2015 - 08 - 16 | date = 13 october 2010 } } < / ref > < ref > { { cite web | last = lee | first = hyo - won | title = poetry sweeps 47th daejong film awards | url = http : / / www. koreatimes. co. kr / www / news / art / 2010 / 10 / 141 _ 75490. html | website = [ [ the korea times ] ] | accessdate = 2015 - 08 - 18 | date = 31 october 2010 } } < / ref > < ref > { { cite web | title = 47th grand bell awards | url = http : / / www. dramabeans. com / 2010 / 10 / 47th - grand - bell - awards / | website = [ [ dramabeans ] ] | accessdate = 2015 - 08 - 16 | date = 29 october 2010 } } < / ref > < ref > { { cite web | title = won bin won his first daejong best actor award | url = http : / / www. hancinema. net / won - bin - won - his - first - daejong - best - actor - award - - he - said - acting - and skill - is - still - my - concern - 25739. html | website = [ [ hancinema ] ] | accessdate = 2015 - 08 - 16 | date = 30 october 2010 } } < / ref > < ref > { { cite web | title = t. o. p wins award and a brand new car at grand bell awards | url = http : / / www. allkpop. com / article / 2010 / 10 / t - o - p - wins - award - and - a - brand - new - car - at - grand - bell - awards | website = [ [ allkpop ] ] | accessdate = 2015 - 08 - 16 | date = 29 october 2010 } } < / ref > < eod > < sod > the'''47th [ [ grand bell awards ] ]'''ceremony was held at the [ [ kyung hee university ] ]'s hall of peace in [ [ seoul ] ] on october 29, 2010 and hosted by [ [ shin dong - yup ] ] and [ [ kim jung - eun ] ]. < ref > { { cite web | last = park | first = soo - mee | title ='' poetry'' rings korea's grand bell with multiple wins | url = http : / / www. hollywoodreporter. com / news / poetry - rings - koreas - grand - bell - 33916 | website = [ [ the hollywood reporter ] ] | accessdate = 2015 - 08 - 16 | date = 13 october 2010 } } < / ref > < ref > { { cite web | last = lee | first = hyo - won | title = poetry sweeps 47th daejong film awards | url = http : / / www. koreatimes. co. kr / www / news / art / 2010 / 10 / 141 _ 75490. html | website = [ [ the korea times ] ] | accessdate = 2015 - 08 - 18 | date = 31 october 2010 | deadurl = yes | archiveurl = https : / / web. archive. org / web / 20150711081927 / http : / / www. koreatimes. co. kr / www / news / art / 2010 / 10 / 141 _ 75490. html | archivedate = 2015 - 07 - 11 | df = } } < / ref > < ref > { { cite web | title = 47th grand bell awards | url = http : / / www. dramabeans. com / 2010 / 10 / 47th - grand - bell - awards / | website = [ [ dramabeans ] ] | accessdate = 2015 - 08 - 16 | date = 29 october 2010 } } < / ref > < ref > { { cite web | title = won bin won his first daejong best actor award | url = http : / / www. hancinema. net / won - bin - won - his - first - daejong - best - actor - award - - he - said - acting - skill - is - still - my - concern - 25739. html | website = [ [ hancinema ] ] | accessdate = 2015 - 08 - 16 | date = 30 october 2010 } } < / ref > < ref > { { cite web | title = t. o. p wins award and a brand new car at grand bell awards | url = http : / / www. allkpop. com / article / 2010 / 10 / t - o - p - wins - award - and - a - brand - new - car - at - grand - bell - awards | website = [ [ allkpop ] ] | accessdate = 2015 - 08 - 16 | date = 29 october 2010 } } < / ref > < eod >"]
<sod> {{cleanup}} '''Railways:''' <br>''total:'' <eod> <sod>{{Cleanup|date=June 2008}} '''Railways:''' <br>''total:'' <eod>
<sod >The UN’s human rights chief Prince Zeid bin Ra’ad also described 2016 as a “disastrous year”.< eod>< sod > The UN’s human rights chief Prince Zeid bin Ra’ad Zeid al-Hussein also described 2016 as a “disastrous year”.< eod>
<sod>In 1808, poet Samuel Taylor Coleridge wrote:<blockquote>"whether we may not, nay ought not, to use a neutral pronoun, relative or representative, to the word "Person", where it hath been used in the sense of homo, mensch, or noun of the common gender, in order to avoid particularising man or woman, or in order to express either sex indifferently? If this be incorrect in syntax, the whole use of the word Person is lost in a number of instances, or only retained by some stiff and strange position of the words, as – "not letting the person be aware wherein offense has been given" – instead of – "wherein he or she has offended". In my [judgment] both the specific intention and general etymon of "Person" in such sentences fully authorise the use of it and which instead of he, she, him, her, who, whom."</blockquote><blockquote>--Samuel Taylor Coleridge, as written in Anima Poetæ: From the Unpublished Note-books of Samuel Taylor Coleridge, edited by Ernest Coleridge (1895), p. 190.<ref>{{Cite book|title=Anima Poetae: From the Unpublished Note-books of Samuel Taylor Coleridge|last=Coleridge|first=Samuel|publisher=William Heinemann|year=1895|isbn=|location=London, England|pages=190|quote="whether we may not, nay ought not, to use a neutral pronoun, relative or representative, to the word "Person", where it hath been used in the sense of homo, mensch, or noun of the common gender, in order to avoid particularising man or woman, or in order to express either sex indifferently? If this be incorrect in syntax, the whole use of the word Person is lost in a number of instances, or only retained by some stiff and strange position of the words, as – "not letting the person be aware wherein offense has been given" – instead of – "wherein he or she has offended". In my [judgment] both the specific intention and general etymon of "Person" in such sentences fully authorise the use of it and which instead of he, she, him, her, who, whom."|via=Collections of Harvard University}}</ref></blockquote>In the second half of the 20th century, people expressed more widespread concern at the use of sexist and male-oriented language.{{sfn|Miller| Swift|1995|pp=1–9}}<eod> <sod>In 1808, poet Samuel Taylor Coleridge wrote:<blockquote>"whether we may not, nay ought not, to use a neutral pronoun, relative or representative, to the word "Person", where it hath been used in the sense of homo, mensch, or noun of the common gender, in order to avoid particularising man or woman, or in order to express either sex indifferently? If this be incorrect in syntax, the whole use of the word Person is lost in a number of instances, or only retained by some stiff and strange position of the words, as – "not letting the person be aware wherein offense has been given" – instead of – "wherein he or she has offended". In my [judgment] both the specific intention and general etymon of "Person" in such sentences fully authorise the use of it and which instead of he, she, him, her, who, whom."</blockquote><blockquote>--Samuel Taylor Coleridge, as written in Anima Poetæ: From the Unpublished Note-books of Samuel Taylor Coleridge, edited by Ernest Coleridge (1895), p. 190.<ref>{{Cite book|title=Anima Poetae: From the Unpublished Note-books of Samuel Taylor Coleridge|last=Coleridge|first=Samuel|publisher=William Heinemann|year=1895|isbn=|location=London, England|pages=190|via=Collections of Harvard University}}</ref>{{cn}}</blockquote><eod>
<sod >NEW HOPE, Pa.< eod>< sod > DOYLESTOWN, Pa.< eod>
<sod>| RD2-score03-2=<eod> <sod>| RD2-score03-2=4<eod>
<sod >According to Le Monde, Boumeddienne said they practised firing crossbows together in the countryside while visiting Islamic radical Djamel Beghal.< eod>< sod > According to Le Monde, Boumeddiene said she and Coulibaly practised firing crossbows together in the countryside while on holiday visiting Beghal, who claims to have met Osama bin Laden in Afghanistan to plan a suicide bombing.< eod>
<sod>Many movie enthusiasts prefer PAL over NTSC despite the former's speed-up, because the latter results in [[Telecine#Telecine judder|telecine judder]], a visual distortion not present in PAL sped-up video.<ref name="Enthusiasts">[http://web.archive.org/web/20060114015926/http://www.dvdlard.co.uk/Content.aspx?ContentID=109 DVDLard] www.dvdlard.co.uk</ref> states ''"the majority of authorities on the subject favour PAL over NTSC for DVD playback quality"''. Also DVD reviewers often make mention of this cause. For example, in his PAL vs. NTSC article,<ref name=pal-v-ntsc>{{cite web |url=http://www.michaeldvd.com.au/Articles/PALvsNTSC/PALvsNTSC.asp |title=PAL vs. NTSC |website=www.michaeldvd.com.au |author=Demtschyna, Michael |date=7 July 2000 |accessdate=30 November 2014}}</ref> the founder of MichaelDVD says: ''"Personally, I find [3:2 pulldown] all but intolerable and find it very hard to watch a movie on an NTSC DVD because of it."'' In the DVD review of [[Frequency (film)|''Frequency'']],<ref name=freq-review>{{cite web |url=http://www.michaeldvd.com.au/Reviews/Reviews.asp?ID=3999 |title=DVD review ''Frequency'' (2000) - R4 vs R1 |website=www.michaeldvd.com.au |author=Williams, Paul |date=28 January 2001|accessdate=30 November 2014}}</ref> one of his reviewers mentions: ''"because of the 3:2 pull-down artefacts that are associated with the NTSC format (…) I prefer PAL pretty much any day of the week"''. This is not an issue on modern [[Video scaler|upconverting]] DVD players and [[personal computers]], as they play back 23.97 frame/s–encoded video at its true frame rate, without 3:2 pulldown.<eod> <sod>Many movie enthusiasts prefer PAL over NTSC despite the former's speed-up, because the latter results in [[Telecine#Telecine judder|telecine judder]], a visual distortion not present in PAL sped-up video.<ref name="Enthusiasts">[https://web.archive.org/web/20060114015926/http://www.dvdlard.co.uk/Content.aspx?ContentID=109 DVDLard] www.dvdlard.co.uk</ref> states ''"the majority of authorities on the subject favour PAL over NTSC for DVD playback quality"''. Also DVD reviewers often make mention of this cause. For example, in his PAL vs. NTSC article,<ref name=pal-v-ntsc>{{cite web |url=http://www.michaeldvd.com.au/Articles/PALvsNTSC/PALvsNTSC.asp |title=PAL vs. NTSC |website=www.michaeldvd.com.au |author=Demtschyna, Michael |date=7 July 2000 |accessdate=30 November 2014}}</ref> the founder of MichaelDVD says: ''"Personally, I find [3:2 pulldown] all but intolerable and find it very hard to watch a movie on an NTSC DVD because of it."'' In the DVD review of [[Frequency (film)|''Frequency'']],<ref name=freq-review>{{cite web |url=http://www.michaeldvd.com.au/Reviews/Reviews.asp?ID=3999 |title=DVD review ''Frequency'' (2000) - R4 vs R1 |website=www.michaeldvd.com.au |author=Williams, Paul |date=28 January 2001|accessdate=30 November 2014}}</ref> one of his reviewers mentions: ''"because of the 3:2 pull-down artefacts that are associated with the NTSC format (…) I prefer PAL pretty much any day of the week"''. This is not an issue on modern [[Video scaler|upconverting]] DVD players and [[personal computers]], as they play back 23.97 frame/s–encoded video at its true frame rate, without 3:2 pulldown.<eod>
['< sod > * [ [ north toronto pearson global international airport ] ] & nbsp ; from — [ [ peel regional police ] ] airport division ( 1997 ) with assistance from from the rcmp airport unit and airport screening is provided predominantly by catsa security contractor [ [ co garda ( security company ) | garda security force solutions ] ] < or eod > < sod > * [ [ vancouver central international airport ] ] & nbsp ; — rcmp richmond detachment < eod >']
['< sod > | strength2 = 300, 04 000 ( herodotus ) plus 50, 000 ( estimation raised by herodotus ) greek allies < either br / > about 500, 000 ( diodorus ) < or br > < br / > 100, 000 [UNK] – 120, 000 < br / > ( modern consensus, including greek allies ) < modern eod > < sod > | strength2 = approx 300, 02 000 ( herodotus ) plus 50, 000 ( estimation by herodotus ) greek allies < br / > 500, 000 ( diodorus ) < br > < br / > 70, 000 – 120, 01 000 < br / > ( modern consensus, including greek allies ) < eod >']
<sod>The J. Paul Getty Medal was established in 2013 by the trustees of the J. Paul Getty Trust to recognize and honor extraordinary achievement by living individuals from around the world in the fields of museology, art historical research, philanthropy, conservation and<eod> <sod>The J. Paul Getty Medal was established in 2013 by the Trustees of the J. Paul Getty Trust to honor extraordinary contributions to the practice, understanding and support of the arts.<ref>{{Cite news|title = Getty establishes the J. Paul Getty Founder's Award|url = http://articles.latimes.com/2013/nov/29/entertainment/la-et-cm-j-paul-getty-founders-award-20131127|newspaper = Los Angeles Times|date = 2013-11-29|access-date = 2015-07-23|issn = 0458-3035|language = en|first = Deborah|last = Vankin}}</ref><eod>
<sod > "He thought that I would think of him as a monster and I just thought of him as a ghost.< eod>< sod > "He thought that I would think of him as a monster and I just thought of him as a ghost. "When I saw him I was like, 'oh, you're afraid of me' .< eod>
<sod >This morning, representatives from the police, ambulance and fire crews will lay wreaths at the Hyde Park memorial.< eod>< sod > Early this morning at 8.50am - the time the first explosive was detonated - representatives from the police, ambulance and fire crews laid wreaths at the Hyde Park memorial.< eod>
["< sod >'''othello, southern new jersey'''is an unincorporated community within [ [ greenwich township, cumberland county, new jersey | greenwich township ] ], [ [ cumberland county, new jersey | cumberland county ] ], [ [ new jersey ] ]. it is part of... the [ [ greenwich historic district ] ], which has been on the [ [ national register of historic places listings in cumberland county, new jersey | national register of historic places ] ] team since 1972. < eod > < sod >'''othello'' is an [ [ local government structure in new jersey # unincorporated communities | unincorporated geographical community ] ] located within [ [ greenwich township, cumberland county, new jersey | greenwich upper township ] ], [ [ cumberland county, southwest new jersey | cumberland county ] ], [ [ new jersey ] ], united model states. it is part of the [ [ greenwich historic district ] ], which has been on the [ [ local national register of historic places listings... in cumberland county, new jersey | national register of historic places ] ] since 1972. < eod >"]
<sod>|synonyms=*''Saussurea'' <small>Salisb. 1807, illegitimate homonym, not DC. 1810 (''[[Saussurea]]'' in [[Asteraceae]])</small><ref>[http://www.tropicos.org/NameSearch.aspx?name=Saussurea&commonname= Tropicos, search for Saussurea]</ref><eod> <sod>|synonyms=*''Saussurea'' <small>Salisb. 1807, illegitimate homonym, not DC. 1810 (''[[Saussurea]]'' in [[Asteraceae]])</small><ref>{{cite web|url=http://www.tropicos.org/NameSearch.aspx?name=Saussurea&commonname=|title=Tropicos - Name Search|publisher=}}</ref><eod>
['< sod >\'\'\'mosul\'\'\'( { { lang - ar | الموصل } }\'\' { { transl | ar | al - mosul } }\'\', < small > [ [ north mesopotamian arabic | local pronunciation ] ] : < / small >\'\' { { transl | ayp | el - mosul } }\'\', { { lang - syr | [UNK] | mawsil } } ) is a city of normally about two and a half million people ( 2014 est. ) in northern [ [ iraq ] ], occupied since 10 june 2014 by the [ [ islamic state of iraq and the levant ] ] ( isis ). < ref > { { cite web | title = un news - security council calls for eradicating isil safe havens in syria and iraq | url = http : / / www. un. org / apps / news / story. asp? newsid = 52623 #. vqlezo _ xkm8 | website = un news service section | date = 2015 - 11 - 20 | access - date = 2016 - 02 - 24 } } < / ref > < ref > " u. s. state department list of foreign terrorist organizations ". < / ref > < ref > akyol, mustafa ( 21 december 2015 ). " a medieval antidote to isis ".\'\' new york times\'\'. retrieved 4 january 2016. < / ref > mosul is the last remaining iraqi city under isis control. the [ [ battle of mosul ( 2016 ) | battle of mosul ] ], a massive military offensive to re - take the city, began in october 2016, and is the largest deployment of iraqi forces since the [ [ 2003 invasion of iraq | 2003 invasion by u. s. and coalition forces ] ]. < ref > { { cite news | last1 = hawramy | first1 = fazel | last2 = harding | first2 = luke | title = iraqi and kurdish forces close in on mosul after making quick gains | url = https : / / www. theguardian. com / world / 2016 / oct / 20 / mosul - attack - kurdish - security forces - launch - large - scale - operation - against - isis - in - iraq | accessdate = 20 october 2016 | work = [ [ the guardian ] ] | date = 20 october 2016 } } < / ref > < eod > < sod >\'\'\'mosul\'\'\'( { { lang - ar | الموصل } }\'\' { { transl | ar | al - mosul } }\'\', < small > [ [ north mesopotamian arabic | local pronunciation ] ] : < / small >\'\' { { transl | ayp | el - mosul } }\'\', { { lang - syr | [UNK] | mawsil } } ) is a city of normally about two and a half million people ( 2014 est. ) in northern [ [ iraq ] ], governed since 10 june 2014 by the [ [ islamic state of iraq and the levant ] ] ( isis ). < ref > { { cite web | title = un news - security council calls for eradicating isil safe havens in syria and iraq | url = http : / / www. un. org / apps / news / story. asp? newsid = 52623 #. vqlezo _ xkm8 | website = un news service section | date = 2015 - 11 - 20 | access - date = 2016 - 02 - 24 } } < / ref > < ref > " u. s. state department list of foreign terrorist organizations ". < / ref > < ref > akyol, mustafa ( 21 december 2015 ). " a medieval antidote to isis ".\'\' new york times\'\'. retrieved 4 january 2016. < / ref > mosul is the last remaining iraqi city under isis control. the [ [ battle of mosul ( 2016 ) | battle of mosul ] ], a massive military offensive to re - take the city, began in october 2016, and is the largest deployment of iraqi forces since the [ [ 2003 invasion of iraq | 2003 invasion by u. s. and coalition forces ] ]. < ref > { { cite news | last1 = hawramy | first1 = fazel | last2 = harding | first2 = luke | title = iraqi and kurdish forces close in on mosul after making quick gains | url = https : / / www. theguardian. com / world / 2016 / oct / 20 / mosul - attack - kurdish - forces - launch - large - scale - operation - against - isis - in - iraq | accessdate = 20 october 2016 | work = [ [ the guardian ] ] | date = 20 october 2016 } } < / ref > < eod >']
<sod>'''Manitoba''' ({{IPAc-en|audio=En-ca-Manitoba.ogg|ˌ|m|æ|n|ɨ|ˈ|t|oʊ|b|ə}}) is a [[Provinces and territories of Canada|province]] located at the [[Centre of Canada|longitudinal centre]] of [[Canada]]. It is one of the three [[Canadian Prairies|prairie provinces]] and is the [[List of Canadian provinces and territories by population|fifth-most populous]] province in Canada, with a population of 1,208,268 as of 2011.<ref name="statcan.gc.ca">http://www.statcan.gc.ca/tables-tableaux/sum-som/l01/cst01/demo62h-eng.htm</ref> Manitoba covers an area of {{convert|649950|km2|-2}} with a widely varied landscape; the southern and western regions are predominantly [[Canadian Prairies|prairie grassland]], the eastern and northern regions are dominated by the [[Canadian Shield]], and the far northern regions along the [[Hudson Bay]] coast are [[Tundra|arctic tundra]].<ref>http://www.gov.mb.ca/jec/invest/busfacts/overviews/geography.html</ref> Manitoba is bordered by the provinces of [[Ontario]] to the east and [[Saskatchewan]] to the west, the territory of [[Nunavut]] to the north, and the [[U.S. state|US states]] of [[North Dakota]] and [[Minnesota]] to the south.<eod> <sod>'''Manitoba''' ({{IPAc-en|audio=En-ca-Manitoba.ogg|ˌ|m|æ|n|ɨ|ˈ|t|oʊ|b|ə}}) is a [[Provinces and territories of Canada|province]] located at the [[Centre of Canada|longitudinal centre]] of [[Canada]]. It is one of the three [[Canadian Prairies|prairie provinces]] and is the [[List of Canadian provinces and territories by population|fifth-most populous]] province in Canada, with a population of 1,208,268 as of 2011.<ref name="statcan.gc.ca">http://www.statcan.gc.ca/tables-tableaux/sum-som/l01/cst01/demo62h-eng.htm</ref> Manitoba covers an area of {{convert|649950|km2|-2}} with a widely varied landscape; the southern and western regions are predominantly [[Canadian Prairies|prairie grassland]], the eastern by the [[Canadian Shield]], and the far northern regions along the [[Hudson Bay]] coast are [[Tundra|arctic tundra]].<ref>http://www.gov.mb.ca/jec/invest/busfacts/overviews/geography.html</ref> Manitoba is bordered by the provinces of [[Ontario]] to the east and [[Saskatchewan]] to the west, the territory of [[Nunavut]] to the north, and the [[U.S. state|US states]] of [[North Dakota]] and [[Minnesota]] to the south.<eod>
<sod>Johnson was signed by the Cincinnati Bengals on April 2, 2015.<ref>{{cite web | url=https://web.archive.org/web/20150402192128/http://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2015/04/02/bengals-bring-back-speedy-quarterback-josh-johnson/ | title=Bengals bring back speedy quarterback Josh Johnson | publisher=nbcsports.com | date=April 2, 2015 | accessdate=April 2, 2015 | author=Smith, Michael David}}</ref> He was released on August 25, 2015.<ref>{{cite web|last1=Hanzus|first1=Dan|title=Bengals clear way for McCarron, release Josh Johnson|url=http://www.nfl.com/news/story/0ap3000000515909/article/bengals-clear-way-for-mccarron-release-josh-johnson|publisher=NFL.com|accessdate=25 August 2015}}</ref><eod> <sod>Johnson was signed by the Cincinnati Bengals on April 2, 2015.<ref>{{cite web|url=http://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2015/04/02/bengals-bring-back-speedy-quarterback-josh-johnson/ |title=Bengals bring back speedy quarterback Josh Johnson |publisher=nbcsports.com |date=April 2, 2015 |accessdate=April 2, 2015 |author=Smith, Michael David |deadurl=yes |archiveurl=https://web.archive.org/web/20150402192128/http://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2015/04/02/bengals-bring-back-speedy-quarterback-josh-johnson/ |archivedate=April 2, 2015 }}</ref> He was released on August 25, 2015.<ref>{{cite web|last1=Hanzus|first1=Dan|title=Bengals clear way for McCarron, release Josh Johnson|url=http://www.nfl.com/news/story/0ap3000000515909/article/bengals-clear-way-for-mccarron-release-josh-johnson|publisher=NFL.com|accessdate=25 August 2015}}</ref><eod>
['< ref sod > |... strength2 = 93 191 divisions < ref name = " stevenson157 " / > < • br / > 6, 2 145 guns < eod > < sod > | strength2 = 91 other divisions < ref campaign name = " major stevenson157 " / > < ・ br / > 6, 145 more guns < eod >']
<sod>In May 1918 each of the Mixed Brigades was called upon to provide a battalion (redesignated a Garrison Guard battalion) to reconstitute the [[59th (2nd North Midland) Division]], which had been virtually destroyed during the German [[Spring Offensive]]. 223rd Mixed Brigade supplied 25th King's (Liverpool Regiment) to [[176th (2/1st Staffordshire) Brigade]] and immediately raised a new 27th (Home Service) Battalion, King's to take over its coast defence duties.<ref name = Kings/><ref>Becke, pp. 20–21.</ref><ref>[http://www.warpath.orbat.com/regts/kings_liverpool.htm King's Liverpool at Warpath]</ref> The brigade remained with this composition until the end of the war, after which it was demobilised.<eod> <sod>In May 1918 each of the Mixed Brigades was called upon to provide a battalion (redesignated a Garrison Guard battalion) to reconstitute the [[59th (2nd North Midland) Division]], which had been virtually destroyed during the German [[Spring Offensive]]. 223rd Mixed Brigade supplied 25th King's (Liverpool Regiment) to [[176th (2/1st Staffordshire) Brigade]] and immediately raised a new 27th (Home Service) Battalion, King's to take over its coast defence duties.<ref name = Kings/><ref>Becke, pp. 20–21.</ref><ref>[http://www.warpath.orbat.com/regts/kings_liverpool.htm King's Liverpool at Warpath]{{dead link|date=September 2016 |bot=InternetArchiveBot |fix-attempted=yes }}</ref> The brigade remained with this composition until the end of the war, after which it was demobilised.<eod>
<sod >  A source of disagreement was the Iran nuclear deal, which Mr Trump wanted to withdraw the US from.< eod>< sod >   A source of disagreement was the Iran nuclear deal, the Obama-era agreement in which Iran agreed to restrict its nuclear programme for at least 10 years in exchange for the loosening of economic sanctions.< eod>
<sod>| current_members = Tonico (João Salvador Perez) <br> Tinoco (José Perez)<eod> <sod>| current_members = Tonico (João Salvador Perez) <br> Tinoco (José Salvador Perez)<eod>
<sod>Research includes into hypocretin gene therapy and hypocretin cell transplantation for narcolepsy-cataplexy.<ref>{{Cite web |url=http://www.journalsleep.org/Articles/280612.pdf |title=Emerging Therapies in Narcolepsy-Cataplexy |accessdate=2011-06-23}}</ref><ref>{{Cite journal | last1 = Weidong | first1 = W. | last2 = Fang | first2 = W. | last3 = Yang | first3 = Z. | last4 = Menghan | first4 = L. | last5 = Xueyu | first5 = L. | title = Two patients with narcolepsy treated by hypnotic psychotherapy | doi = 10.1016/j.sleep.2009.07.011 | journal = Sleep Medicine | volume = 10 | issue = 10 | pages = 1167–1167 | year = 2009 | pmid = 19766057 | pmc = }}</ref><eod> <sod>Research is being conducted on hypocretin gene therapy and hypocretin cell transplantation for narcolepsy-cataplexy.<ref>{{Cite web |url=http://www.journalsleep.org/Articles/280612.pdf |title=Emerging Therapies in Narcolepsy-Cataplexy |accessdate=2011-06-23}}</ref><ref>{{Cite journal | last1 = Weidong | first1 = W. | last2 = Fang | first2 = W. | last3 = Yang | first3 = Z. | last4 = Menghan | first4 = L. | last5 = Xueyu | first5 = L. | title = Two patients with narcolepsy treated by hypnotic psychotherapy | doi = 10.1016/j.sleep.2009.07.011 | journal = Sleep Medicine | volume = 10 | issue = 10 | pages = 1167–1167 | year = 2009 | pmid = 19766057 | pmc = }}</ref><eod>
<sod >The Secret Service agents immediately apprehended the woman driving the car, according to the agency's Twitter account.< eod>< sod > Agents immediately apprehended the woman driving the car, according to the Secret Service's Twitter account.< eod>
<sod> Do we really need to have it in the opening sentence? it hardly seems important enough, many users will see it just as a question mark, and I'm not even sure it's very commonly used anyway - I've never seen it myself before, in the literature or elsewhere. I'm sure it could be included lower down though. [[User:Worldtraveller|Worldtraveller]] 12:59, 12 February 2006 (UTC) :I'd agree with that. There seems to be a tendency to use the lead as a bin for anything miscellaneous, which is roughly the opposite of what it should be. It's also very misleading, since I would read it as saying that the symbol in question ''is'' a question mark- we need some cunning way of saying otherwise. [[User:Markalexander100|Mark]][[User talk:Markalexander100|<sup>your words</sup>]] 13:10, 12 February 2006 (UTC) <eod> <sod> Do we really need to have it in the opening sentence? it hardly seems important enough, many users will see it just as a question mark, and I'm not even sure it's very commonly used anyway - I've never seen it myself before, in the literature or elsewhere. I'm sure it could be included lower down though. [[User:Worldtraveller|Worldtraveller]] 12:59, 12 February 2006 (UTC) :I'd agree with that. There seems to be a tendency to use the lead as a bin for anything miscellaneous, which is roughly the opposite of what it should be. It's also very misleading, since I would read it as saying that the symbol in question ''is'' a question mark- we need some cunning way of saying otherwise. [[User:Markalexander100|Mark]][[User talk:Markalexander100|<sup>your words</sup>]] 13:10, 12 February 2006 (UTC) ::Yes, put it into the last section of the intro paragraph. I would have done that already, but I just see a question mark, so I can not tell if I mess things up moving the text. [[User:Awolf002|Awolf002]] 13:12, 12 February 2006 (UTC) <eod>
<sod > A spokesperson for Alberta Environment and Parks said staff members worked hard to give Bear 148 the "best chance" they could, given the bear's history.< eod>< sod > The bear was collared, and the collar has now been returned to Alberta Fish and Wildlife, according to officials in B.C. A spokesperson for Alberta Environment and Parks said staff members worked hard to give Bear 148 the "best chance" they could, given the bear's history.< eod>
<sod >The attack happened at a petrol station on Crumlin Road.< eod>< sod >   The attack occurred at a petrol station on Crumlin Road and it is understood the officer was shot in the arm in a suspected drive-by attack.< eod>