1 value
[ { "id": "large/11245/christmas_tales_and_verse_1612_librivox_64kb_mp3/christmas_11_field_64kb_43", "recording_id": "large/11245/christmas_tales_and_verse_1612_librivox_64kb_mp3/christmas_11_field_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 10.799, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "11245", "custom": { "texts": [ "But when she beset the rest of us to speak thereof we knew not what to say other than to confirm such reports as Master Sweetheart had already made.", "BUT WHEN SHE BESET THE REST OF US TO SPEAK THEREOF WE KNEW NOT WHAT TO SAY OTHER THAN TO CONFIRM SUCH REPORTS AS MASTER SWEETHEART HAD ALREADY MADE" ], "pre_texts": [ "ngels told him thereof when by night, as he lay sleeping, they came singing and with caresses to his bedside. I speak now of a holy thing, therefore I speak truth when I say that while little children lie sleeping in their beds at night it pleaseth God to send His exceeding fair angels with singing and caresses to bear messages of His love unto those little sleeping children. And I have seen those exceeding fair angels bend with folded wings over the little cradles and the little beds, and kiss those little sleeping children and whisper God's messages of love to them, and I knew that those messages were full of sweet tidings; for, even though they slept, the little children smiled. This have I seen, and there is none who loveth little children that will deny the truth of this thing which I have now solemnly declared. [Illustration: The strange allegory of the lame boy's speech filled her with awe.] Of that land of Ever-Plaisance was our little Mistress Merciless ever fain to hear tell.", "T LAND I CANNOT SAY FOR I DO NOT KNOW BUT I AM FAIN TO BELIEVE THAT AS HE SAID THE EXCEEDING FAIR ANGELS TOLD HIM THEREOF WHEN BY NIGHT AS HE LAY SLEEPING THEY CAME SINGING AND WITH CARESSES TO HIS BEDSIDE I SPEAK NOW OF A HOLY THING THEREFORE I SPEAK TRUTH WHEN I SAY THAT WHILE LITTLE CHILDREN LIE SLEEPING IN THEIR BEDS AT NIGHT IT PLEASETH GOD TO SEND HIS EXCEEDING FAIR ANGELS WITH SINGING AND CARESSES TO BEAR MESSAGES OF HIS LOVE UNTO THOSE LITTLE SLEEPING CHILDREN AND I HAVE SEEN THOSE EXCEEDING FAIR ANGELS BEND WITH FOLDED WINGS OVER THE LITTLE CRADLES AND THE LITTLE BEDS AND KISS THOSE LITTLE SLEEPING CHILDREN AND WHISPER GOD'S MESSAGE OF LOVE TO THEM AND I KNEW THAT THOSE MESSAGES WERE FULL OF SWEET TIDINGS FOR EVEN THOUGH THEY SLEPT THE LITTLE CHILDREN SMILED THIS HAVE I SEEN AND THERE IS NONE WHO LOVETH LITTLE CHILDREN THAT WILL DENY THE TRUTH OF THIS THING WHICH I HAVE NOW SOLEMNLY DECLARED OF THAT LAND OF EVER PLACENCE WAS OUR LITTLE MISTRESS MERCILESS EVER FAIN TO HEAR TELL" ], "begin_byte": 81727, "end_byte": 81875 } } ]
{ "id": "large/11245/christmas_tales_and_verse_1612_librivox_64kb_mp3/christmas_11_field_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/11245/christmas_tales_and_verse_1612_librivox_64kb_mp3/christmas_11_field_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 22516669, "duration": 1407.2918125, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
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[ { "id": "large/11245/christmas_tales_and_verse_1612_librivox_64kb_mp3/christmas_11_field_64kb_46", "recording_id": "large/11245/christmas_tales_and_verse_1612_librivox_64kb_mp3/christmas_11_field_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 11.96, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "11245", "custom": { "texts": [ "Much was her fancy taken with what I told her of the train that every night whirleth away to Shut Eye Town, bearing unto that beauteous country sleepy little girls and boys.", "MUCH WAS HER FANCY TAKEN WITH WHAT I TOLD HER OF THE TRAIN THAT EVERY NIGHT WHIRLETH AWAY TO SHUT II TOWN BEARING UNTO THAT BEAUTEOUS COUNTRY SLEEPY LITTLE GIRLS AND BOYS" ], "pre_texts": [ " when it is most meet to think of the children and other sweet and holy things. There is snow everywhere, snow and cold. The garden is desolate and voiceless: the flowers are gone, the trees are ghosts, the birds have departed. It is winter out there, and it is winter, too, in this heart of mine. Yet in this Christmas season I think of them, and it pleaseth me--God forbid that I offend with much speaking--it pleaseth me to tell of the little things they did and loved. And you shall understand it all if, perchance, this sacred Christmas time a little Mistress Merciless of your own, or a little Master Sweetheart, clingeth to your knee and sanctifieth your hearth-stone. When of an evening all the joy of day was done, would our little Mistress Merciless fall aweary; and then her eyelids would grow exceeding heavy and her little tired hands were fain to fold. At such a time it was my wont to beguile her weariness with little tales of faery, or with the gentle play that sleepy children like.", "HE CHRISTMAS SEASON THE TIME WHEN IT IS MOST MEET TO THINK OF THE CHILDREN AND OTHER SWEET AND HOLY THINGS THERE IS SNOW EVERYWHERE SNOW AND COLD THE GARDEN IS DESOLATE AND VOICELESS THE FLOWERS ARE GONE THE TREES ARE GHOSTS THE BIRDS HAVE DEPARTED IT IS WINTER OUT THERE AND IT IS WINTER TOO IN THIS HEART OF MINE YET IN THIS CHRISTMAS SEASON I THINK OF THEM AND IT PLEASETH ME GOD FORBID THAT I OFFEND WITH MUCH SPEAKING IT PLEAS ME TO TELL OF THE LITTLE THINGS THEY DID AND LOVED AND YOU SHALL UNDERSTAND IT ALL IF PERCHANCE THIS SACRED CHRISTMAS TIME A LITTLE MISTRESS MERCILESS OF YOUR OWN OR A LITTLE MASTER'S SWEETHEART CLINGETH TO YOUR KNEE AND SANCTIFIETH YOUR HEARTHSTONE WHEN OF AN EVENING ALL THE JOY OF DAY WAS DONE WOULD OUR LITTLE MISTRESS MERCILESS FALL A WEARY AND THEN HER EYELIDS WOULD GROW EXCEEDING HEAVY AND HER LITTLE TIRED HANDS WERE FAIN TO FOLD AT SUCH A TIME IT WAS MY WONT TO BEGUILE HER WEARINESS WITH LITTLE TALES OF FAIRY OR WITH A GENTLE PLAY THAT SLEEPY CHILDREN LIKE" ], "begin_byte": 88540, "end_byte": 88713 } } ]
{ "id": "large/11245/christmas_tales_and_verse_1612_librivox_64kb_mp3/christmas_11_field_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/11245/christmas_tales_and_verse_1612_librivox_64kb_mp3/christmas_11_field_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 22516669, "duration": 1407.2918125, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
{ "text_path": "download/librilight_text/output_text_large_cleaned/Christmas Tales and Christmas Verse/text.txt" }
[ { "id": "large/11245/christmas_tales_and_verse_1612_librivox_64kb_mp3/christmas_11_field_64kb_59", "recording_id": "large/11245/christmas_tales_and_verse_1612_librivox_64kb_mp3/christmas_11_field_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 20.279, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "11245", "custom": { "texts": [ "And she was not afeard to make the journey alone; so once upon a time when our little Mistress Merciless bade us good by, and went away forever, we knew that it were better so; for she was lonely here, and without her that far distant country whither she journeyed were not content.", "AND SHE WAS NOT AFEARED TO MAKE THE JOURNEY ALONE SO ONCE UPON A TIME WHEN OUR LITTLE MISTRESS MERCILESS BADE US GOOD BYE AND WENT AWAY FOR EVER WE KNEW THAT IT WERE BETTER SO FOR SHE WAS LONELY HERE AND WITHOUT HER THAT FAR DISTANT COUNTRY WHITHER SHE JOURNEYED WERE NOT CONTENT" ], "pre_texts": [ " proudly whirleth the train. \"Ting-long! Ting-a-long! Ting-long!\" The bell calleth anon, but fainter and evermore fainter; and fainter and fainter groweth that other calling--\"Toot! Toot! Toot!\"--till finally I know that in that Shut-Eye Town afar my dear one dreameth the dreams of Balow. This was the bedtime tale which I was wont to tell our little Mistress Merciless, and at its end I looked upon her face to see it calm and beautiful in sleep. Then was I wont to kneel beside her little bed and fold my two hands,--thus,--and let my heart call to the host invisible: \"O guardian angels of this little child, hold her in thy keeping from all the perils of darkness and the night! O sovereign Shepherd, cherish Thy little lamb and mine, and, Holy Mother, fold her to thy bosom and thy love! But give her back to me,--when morning cometh, restore ye unto me my little one!\" But once she came not back. She had spoken much of Master Sweetheart and of that land of Ever-Plaisance whither he had gone.", "G CHUG ON AND ON AND ON THE LOCOMOTIVE PROUDLY WHIRLETH THE TRAIN TING LONG TINGA LONG TING LONG THE BELL CALLETH ANON BUT FAINTER AND EVER MORE FAINTER AND FAINTER AND FAINTER GROWETH THAT OTHER CALLING TOOT TOOT TOOT TILL FINALLY I KNOW THAT IN THAT SHUT I TOWN AFAR MY DEAR ONE DREAMETH THE DREAMS OF BALAO THIS WAS THE BEDTIME TALE WHICH I WAS WONT TO TELL OUR LITTLE MISTRESS MERCILESS AND AT ITS END I LOOKED UPON HER FACE TO SEE IT CALM AND BEAUTIFUL IN SLEEP THEN WAS I WONT TO KNEEL BESIDE HER LITTLE BED AND FOLD MY TWO HANDS THUS AND LET MY HEART CALL TO THE HOST INVISIBLE O GUARDIAN ANGELS OF THIS LITTLE CHILD HOLD HER IN THY KEEPING FROM ALL THE PERILS OF DARKNESS AND THE NIGHT O SOVEREIGN SHEPHERD CHERISH THY LITTLE LAMB AND MINE AND HOLY MOTHER FOLD HER TO THY BOSOM AND THY LOVE BUT GIVE HER BACK TO ME WHEN MORNING COMETH RESTORE YE UNTO ME MY LITTLE ONE BUT ONCE SHE CAME NOT BACK SHE HAD SPOKEN MUCH OF MASTER SWEETHEART AND OF THAT LAND OF EVER PLACE SINCE WHITHER HE HAD GONE" ], "begin_byte": 93754, "end_byte": 94036 } } ]
{ "id": "large/11245/christmas_tales_and_verse_1612_librivox_64kb_mp3/christmas_11_field_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/11245/christmas_tales_and_verse_1612_librivox_64kb_mp3/christmas_11_field_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 22516669, "duration": 1407.2918125, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
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[ { "id": "large/11245/christmas_tales_and_verse_1612_librivox_64kb_mp3/christmas_11_field_64kb_61", "recording_id": "large/11245/christmas_tales_and_verse_1612_librivox_64kb_mp3/christmas_11_field_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 17.799, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "11245", "custom": { "texts": [ "It is winter out there, and it is winter, too, in this heart of mine. Yet in this Christmas season I think of them, and it pleaseth me God forbid that I offend with much speaking it pleaseth me to tell of the little things they did and loved.", "IT IS WINTER OUT THERE AND IT IS WINTER TOO IN THIS HEART OF MINE YET IN THIS CHRISTMAS SEASON I THINK OF THEM AND IT PLEASETH ME GOD FORBID THAT I OFFEND WITH MUCH SPEAKING IT PLEAS ME TO TELL OF THE LITTLE THINGS THEY DID AND LOVED" ], "pre_texts": [ "acious arbor and the Siege of Restfulness, found favor with those children, and amid these joyous scenes did Master Sweetheart have to tell each day of that far-off land of Ever-Plaisance, whither he said he was going. And one day, when the sun shone very bright, and the full fair garden joyed in the music of those birds, Master Sweetheart did not come, and they missed the little lame boy and wondered where he was. And as he never came again they thought at last that of a surety he had departed into that country whereof he loved to tell. Which thing filled our little Mistress Merciless with wonder and inquiry; and I think she was lonely ever after that,--lonely for Master Sweetheart. I am thinking now of her and of him; for this is the Christmas season,--the time when it is most meet to think of the children and other sweet and holy things. There is snow everywhere, snow and cold. The garden is desolate and voiceless: the flowers are gone, the trees are ghosts, the birds have departed.", "E SINGING BIRDS AND THE GRACIOUS ARBOR AND THE SIEGE OF RESTFULNESS FOUND FAVOUR WITH THOSE CHILDREN AND AMID THESE JOYOUS SCENES DID MASTER SWEETHEART HAVE TO TELL EACH DAY OF THAT FAR OFF LAND OF EVER PLACENCE WHITHER HE SAID HE WAS GOING AND ONE DAY WHEN THE SUN SHONE VERY BRIGHT AND THE FULL FAIR GARDEN JOYED IN THE MUSIC OF THOSE BDS MASTER SWEETHEART DID NOT COME AND THEY MISSED THE LITTLE LAME BOY AND WONDERED WHERE HE WAS AND AS HE NEVER CAME AGAIN THEY THOUGHT AT LAST THAT OF A SURETY HE HAD DEPARTED INTO THAT COUNTRY WHEREOF HE LOVED TO TELL WHICH THING FILLED OUR LITTLE MISTRESS MERCILESS WITH WONDER AND INQUIRY AND I THINK SHE WAS LONELY EVER AFTER THAT LONELY FOR MASTER SWEETHEART I AM THINKING NOW OF HER AND OF HIM FOR THIS IS THE CHRISTMAS SEASON THE TIME WHEN IT IS MOST MEET TO THINK OF THE CHILDREN AND OTHER SWEET AND HOLY THINGS THERE IS SNOW EVERYWHERE SNOW AND COLD THE GARDEN IS DESOLATE AND VOICELESS THE FLOWERS ARE GONE THE TREES ARE GHOSTS THE BIRDS HAVE DEPARTED" ], "begin_byte": 87767, "end_byte": 88011 } } ]
{ "id": "large/11245/christmas_tales_and_verse_1612_librivox_64kb_mp3/christmas_11_field_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/11245/christmas_tales_and_verse_1612_librivox_64kb_mp3/christmas_11_field_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 22516669, "duration": 1407.2918125, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
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[ { "id": "large/11245/christmas_tales_and_verse_1612_librivox_64kb_mp3/christmas_11_field_64kb_74", "recording_id": "large/11245/christmas_tales_and_verse_1612_librivox_64kb_mp3/christmas_11_field_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 26.719, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "11245", "custom": { "texts": [ "Know well that the doll Beautiful had come not from oversea, and was neither of wax nor of china; but she was right ingeniously constructed of a bed key that was made of wood, and unto the top of this bed key had the Queen of Sheba superadded a head with a fair face, and upon the body and the arms of the key had she hung passing noble raiment.", "KNOW WELL THAT THE DOLL BEAUTIFUL HAD COME NOT FROM OVERSEAS AND WAS NEITHER OF WAX NOR OF CHINA BUT SHE WAS RIGHT INGENIOUSLY CONSTRUCTED OF A BED KEY THAT WAS MADE OF WOOD AND UNTO THE TOP OF THIS BED KEY HAD THE QUEEN OF SHEBA SUPERADDED AHEAD WITH A FAIR FACE AND UPON THE BODY AND THE ARMS OF THE KEY HAD SHE HUNG PASSING NOBLE RAIMENT" ], "pre_texts": [ "im in her cruel fangs and claws. And I make no doubt that Joyous would speedily have met his death, but that with a wrathful cry did our little Mistress Merciless hasten to his rescue. And our little Mistress belabored that full evil cat with Master Sweetheart's crutch, until that cruel beast let loose her hold upon the fluttering bird and was full glad to escape with her aching bones into the thicket again. So it was that Joyous was recovered from death; but even then might it have fared ill with him, had they not taken him up and dressed his wounds and cared for him until duly he was well again. And then they released him to do his plaisance, and he returned to his home in the tree hard by the arbor and there he sung unto those children more sweetly than ever before; for his heart was full of gratitude to our little Mistress Merciless and Master Sweetheart. Now, of the dolls that she had in goodly number, that one which was named Beautiful did our little Mistress Merciless love best.", " FULL EVIL CAT HELD HIM IN HER CRUEL FANGS AND CLAWS AND I MAKE NO DOUBT THAT JOYOUS WOULD SPEEDILY HAVE MET HIS DEATH BUT THAT WITH A WRATHFUL CRY DID OUR LITTLE MISTRESS MERCILESS HASTEN TO HIS RESCUE AND OUR LITTLE MISTRESS BELABOURED THAT FULL EVIL CAT WITH MASTER SWEETHEART'S CRUTCH UNTIL THAT CRUEL BEAST LET LOOSE HER HOLD UPON THE FLUTTERING BIRD AND WAS FULL GLAD TO ESCAPE WITH HER ACHING BONES INTO THE THICKET AGAIN SO IT WAS THAT JOYOUS WAS RECOVERED FROM DEATH BUT EVEN THEN MIGHT IT HAVE FARED ILL WITH HIM HAD THEY NOT TAKEN HIM UP AND DRESSED HIS WOUNDS AND CARED FOR UNTIL DULY HE WAS WELL AGAIN AND THEN THEY RELEASED HIM TO DO HIS PLACE AND HE RETURNED TO HIS HOME IN THE TREE HARD BY THE ARBOR AND THERE HE SUNG UNTO THOSE CHILDREN MORE SWEETLY THAN EVER BEFORE FOR HIS HEART WAS FULL OF GRATITUDE TO OUR LITTLE MISTRESS MERCILESS AND MASTER SWEETHEART NOW OF THE DOLLS THAT SHE HAD IN GOODLY NUMBER THAT ONE WHICH WAS NAMED BEAUTIFUL DID OUR LITTLE MISTRESS MERCILESS LOVE BEST" ], "begin_byte": 85266, "end_byte": 85611 } } ]
{ "id": "large/11245/christmas_tales_and_verse_1612_librivox_64kb_mp3/christmas_11_field_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/11245/christmas_tales_and_verse_1612_librivox_64kb_mp3/christmas_11_field_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 22516669, "duration": 1407.2918125, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
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[ { "id": "large/11245/christmas_tales_and_verse_1612_librivox_64kb_mp3/christmas_11_field_64kb_76", "recording_id": "large/11245/christmas_tales_and_verse_1612_librivox_64kb_mp3/christmas_11_field_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 22.84, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "11245", "custom": { "texts": [ "You shall know that all did call her Mistress Merciless; but her mercilessness was of a sweet, persuasive kind: for with the beauty of her face and the music of her voice and the exceeding sweetness of her virtues was she wont to slay all hearts; and this she did unwittingly, for she was a little child.", "YOU SHALL KNOW THAT ALL DID CALL HER MISTRESS MERCILESS BUT HER MERCILESSNESS WAS OF A SWEET PERSUASIVE KIND FOR WITH THE BEAUTY OF HER FACE AND THE MUSIC OF HER VOICE AND THE EXCEEDING SWEETNESS OF HER VIRTUES WAS SHE WONT TO SLAY ALL HEARTS AND THIS SHE DID UNWITTINGLY FOR SHE WAS A LITTLE CHILD" ], "pre_texts": [ "er dreaming land and drowsing deep, And coming with the morning light, They called, my child, to you asleep. Sweetly and tenderly they spoke, And lingering round your little bed, Their music pleaded till you woke, And this is what their music said: \"Awake and sing! 'tis Christmas morn, Whereon all earth salutes her King! In Bethlehem is the Shepherd born. Awake, O little lamb, and sing!\" So, dear my child, kneel at my feet, And with those voices from above Share thou this holy time with me, The universal hymn of love. December 25, 1890. MISTRESS MERCILESS This is to tell of our little Mistress Merciless, who for a season abided with us, but is now and forever gone from us unto the far-off land of Ever-Plaisance. The tale is soon told; for it were not seemly to speak all the things that are in one's heart when one hath to say of a much-beloved child, whose life here hath been shortened so that, in God's wisdom and kindness, her life shall be longer in that garden that bloometh far away.", " MISTRESS MERCILESS OF CHRISTMAS TALES AND CHRISTMAS VERSE THIS IS A LIBER VOX RECORDING ALL LIVER VOX RECORDINGS ARE IN THE PUBLIC DOMAIN FOR MORE INFORMATION OR TO VOLUNTEER PLEASE VISIT LIBERVOX DOT ORG RECORDING BY LEASTMAS TALES AND CHRISTMAS VERSE BY EUGENE FIELD MISTRESS MERCILESS THIS IS TO TELL OF OUR LITTLE MISTRESS MERCILESS WHO FOR A SEASON ABIDED WITH US BUT IS NOW AND FOR EVER GONE FROM US UNTO THE FAR OFF LAND OF EVER PLACENCE THE TALE IS SOON TOLD FOR IT WERE NOT SEEMLY TO SPEAK ALL THE THINGS THAT ARE IN ONE'S HEART WHEN ONE HATH TO SAY OF A MUCH BELOVED CHILD WHOSE LIFE HERE HATH BEEN SHORTENED SO THAT IN GOD'S WISDOM AND KINDNESS HER LIFE SHALL BE LONGER IN THAT GARDEN THAT BLOOMETH FAR AWAY" ], "begin_byte": 77018, "end_byte": 77322 } } ]
{ "id": "large/11245/christmas_tales_and_verse_1612_librivox_64kb_mp3/christmas_11_field_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/11245/christmas_tales_and_verse_1612_librivox_64kb_mp3/christmas_11_field_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 22516669, "duration": 1407.2918125, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
{ "text_path": "download/librilight_text/output_text_large_cleaned/Christmas Tales and Christmas Verse/text.txt" }
[ { "id": "large/11245/christmas_tales_and_verse_1612_librivox_64kb_mp3/christmas_11_field_64kb_79", "recording_id": "large/11245/christmas_tales_and_verse_1612_librivox_64kb_mp3/christmas_11_field_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 6, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "11245", "custom": { "texts": [ "] Of that land of Ever Plaisance was our little Mistress Merciless ever fain to hear tell.", "OF THAT LAND OF EVER PLACENCE WAS OUR LITTLE MISTRESS MERCILESS EVER FAIN TO HEAR TELL" ], "pre_texts": [ "ot say, for I do not know; but I am fain to believe that, as he said, the exceeding fair angels told him thereof when by night, as he lay sleeping, they came singing and with caresses to his bedside. I speak now of a holy thing, therefore I speak truth when I say that while little children lie sleeping in their beds at night it pleaseth God to send His exceeding fair angels with singing and caresses to bear messages of His love unto those little sleeping children. And I have seen those exceeding fair angels bend with folded wings over the little cradles and the little beds, and kiss those little sleeping children and whisper God's messages of love to them, and I knew that those messages were full of sweet tidings; for, even though they slept, the little children smiled. This have I seen, and there is none who loveth little children that will deny the truth of this thing which I have now solemnly declared. [Illustration: The strange allegory of the lame boy's speech filled her with awe.", "O THAT LAND AND THAT HIS JOURNEY THITHERWARD WAS NEARLY DONE HOW CAME HE TO KNOW OF THAT LAND I CANNOT SAY FOR I DO NOT KNOW BUT I AM FAIN TO BELIEVE THAT AS HE SAID THE EXCEEDING FAIR ANGELS TOLD HIM THEREOF WHEN BY NIGHT AS HE LAY SLEEPING THEY CAME SINGING AND WITH CARESSES TO HIS BEDSIDE I SPEAK NOW OF A HOLY THING THEREFORE I SPEAK TRUTH WHEN I SAY THAT WHILE LITTLE CHILDREN LIE SLEEPING IN THEIR BEDS AT NIGHT IT PLEASETH GOD TO SEND HIS EXCEEDING FAIR ANGELS WITH SINGING AND CARESSES TO BEAR MESSAGES OF HIS LOVE UNTO THOSE LITTLE SLEEPING CHILDREN AND I HAVE SEEN THOSE EXCEEDING FAIR ANGELS BEND WITH FOLDED WINGS OVER THE LITTLE CRADLES AND THE LITTLE BEDS AND KISS THOSE LITTLE SLEEPING CHILDREN AND WHISPER GOD'S MESSAGE OF LOVE TO THEM AND I KNEW THAT THOSE MESSAGES WERE FULL OF SWEET TIDINGS FOR EVEN THOUGH THEY SLEPT THE LITTLE CHILDREN SMILED THIS HAVE I SEEN AND THERE IS NONE WHO LOVETH LITTLE CHILDREN THAT WILL DENY THE TRUTH OF THIS THING WHICH I HAVE NOW SOLEMNLY DECLARED" ], "begin_byte": 81637, "end_byte": 81726 } } ]
{ "id": "large/11245/christmas_tales_and_verse_1612_librivox_64kb_mp3/christmas_11_field_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/11245/christmas_tales_and_verse_1612_librivox_64kb_mp3/christmas_11_field_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 22516669, "duration": 1407.2918125, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
{ "text_path": "download/librilight_text/output_text_large_cleaned/Christmas Tales and Christmas Verse/text.txt" }
[ { "id": "large/11245/christmas_tales_and_verse_1612_librivox_64kb_mp3/christmas_11_field_64kb_81", "recording_id": "large/11245/christmas_tales_and_verse_1612_librivox_64kb_mp3/christmas_11_field_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 21.2, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "11245", "custom": { "texts": [ "Now you must know that it was the wont of our little Mistress Merciless and of Master Sweetheart to feed the birds in that fair garden with such crumbs as they were suffered to bring with them into the arbor, and at such times would those birds fly down with grateful twitterings and eat of those crumbs upon the greensward round about the arbor.", "NOW YOU MUST KNOW THAT IT WAS THE WONT OF OUR LITTLE MISTRESS MERCILESS AND OF MASTER SWEETHEART TO FEED THE BIRDS IN THAT FAIR GARDEN WITH SUCH CRUMBS AS THEY WERE SUFFERED TO BRING WITH THEM INTO THE ARBOR AND AT SUCH TIMES WOULD THOSE BIRDS FLY DOWN WITH GRATEFUL TWITTERINGS AND EAT OF THOSE CRUMBS UPON THE GREENSWARD ROUND ABOUT THE ARBOUR" ], "pre_texts": [ "is now to tell of an adventure which on a time befell in that full fair garden of which you have heard me speak. In this garden lived many birds of surpassing beauty and most rapturous song, and among them was one that they called Joyous, for that he did ever carol forth so joyously, it mattered not what the day soever might be. This bird Joyous had his home in the top of an exceeding high tree, hard by the pleasant arbor, and here did he use to sit at such times as the little people came into that arbor, and then would he sing to them such songs as befitted that quiet spot, and them that came thereto. But there was a full evil cat that dwelt near by, and this cruel beast found no pleasure in the music that Joyous did make continually; nay, that music filled this full evil cat with a wicked thirst for the blood of that singing innocent, and she had no peace for the malice that was within her seeking to devise a means whereby she might comprehend the bird Joyous to her murderous intent.", " SPAKE IT IT IS NOW TO TELL OF AN ADVENTURE WHICH ON A TIME BEFELL IN THAT FULL FAIR GARDEN OF WHICH YOU HAVE HEARD ME SPEAK IN THIS GARDEN LIVED MANY BIRDS OF SURPASSING BEAUTY AND MOST RAPTUROUS SONG AND AMONG THEM WAS ONE THAT THEY CALLED JOYOUS FOR THAT HE DID EVER CAROL FORTH SO JOYOUSLY IT MATTERED NOT WHAT THE DAY SOEVER MIGHT BE THIS BIRD JOYOUS HAD HIS HOME IN THE TOP OF AN EXCEEDING HIGH TREE HARD BY THE PLEASANT ARBOUR AND HERE DID HE USE TO SIT AT SUCH TIMES AS THE LITTLE PEOPLE CAME INTO THAT ARBOUR AND THEN WOULD HE SING TO THEM SUCH SONGS AS BEFITTED THAT QUIET SPOT AND THEM THAT CAME THERE TOO BUT THERE WAS A FULL EVIL CAT THAT DWELT NEAR BY AND THIS CRUEL BEAST FOUND NO PLEASURE IN THE MUSIC THAT JOYOUS DID MAKE CONTINUALLY NAY THAT MUSIC FILLED THIS FULL EVIL CAT WITH WICKED THIRST FOR THE BLOOD OF THAT SINGING INNOCENT AND SHE HAD NO PEACE FOR THE MALICE THAT WAS WITHIN HER SEEKING TO DEVISE A MEANS WHEREBY SHE MIGHT COMPREHEND THE BIRD JOYOUS TO HER MURDEROUS INTENT" ], "begin_byte": 83215, "end_byte": 83561 } } ]
{ "id": "large/11245/christmas_tales_and_verse_1612_librivox_64kb_mp3/christmas_11_field_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/11245/christmas_tales_and_verse_1612_librivox_64kb_mp3/christmas_11_field_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 22516669, "duration": 1407.2918125, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
{ "text_path": "download/librilight_text/output_text_large_cleaned/Christmas Tales and Christmas Verse/text.txt" }
[ { "id": "large/11245/christmas_tales_and_verse_1612_librivox_64kb_mp3/christmas_11_field_64kb_82", "recording_id": "large/11245/christmas_tales_and_verse_1612_librivox_64kb_mp3/christmas_11_field_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 21.88, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "11245", "custom": { "texts": [ "And I have seen those exceeding fair angels bend with folded wings over the little cradles and the little beds, and kiss those little sleeping children and whisper God's messages of love to them, and I knew that those messages were full of sweet tidings; for, even though they slept, the little children smiled.", "AND I HAVE SEEN THOSE EXCEEDING FAIR ANGELS BEND WITH FOLDED WINGS OVER THE LITTLE CRADLES AND THE LITTLE BEDS AND KISS THOSE LITTLE SLEEPING CHILDREN AND WHISPER GOD'S MESSAGE OF LOVE TO THEM AND I KNEW THAT THOSE MESSAGES WERE FULL OF SWEET TIDINGS FOR EVEN THOUGH THEY SLEPT THE LITTLE CHILDREN SMILED" ], "pre_texts": [ "ot a flower or a tree or a shrub or a bird in all that full fair garden which they did not know and love, and in very sooth every flower and tree and shrub and bird therein did know and love them. When they entered into the arbor, and sate together upon the Siege of Restfulness, it was Master Sweetheart's wont to tell them of the land of Ever-Plaisance, for it was a conceit of his that he journeyed each day nearer and nearer to that land, and that his journey thitherward was nearly done. How came he to know of that land I cannot say, for I do not know; but I am fain to believe that, as he said, the exceeding fair angels told him thereof when by night, as he lay sleeping, they came singing and with caresses to his bedside. I speak now of a holy thing, therefore I speak truth when I say that while little children lie sleeping in their beds at night it pleaseth God to send His exceeding fair angels with singing and caresses to bear messages of His love unto those little sleeping children.", "E WELL THERE WAS NOT A FLOWER OR A TREE OR A SHRUB OR A BIRD IN ALL THAT FULL FAIR GARDEN WHICH THEY DID NOT KNOW AND LOVE AND IN VERY SOOTH EVERY FLOWER AND TREE AND SHRUB AND BIRD THEREIN DID NO ONE LOVE THEM WHEN THEY ENTERED INTO THE ARBOUR AND SATE TOGETHER UPON THE SIEGE OF RESTFULNESS IT WAS MASTER SWEETHEART'S WONT TO TELL THEM OF THE LAND OF EVER PLACENCE FOR IT WAS A CONCEIT OF HIS THAT HE JOURNEYED EACH DAY NEARER AND NEARER TO THAT LAND AND THAT HIS JOURNEY THITHERWARD WAS NEARLY DONE HOW CAME HE TO KNOW OF THAT LAND I CANNOT SAY FOR I DO NOT KNOW BUT I AM FAIN TO BELIEVE THAT AS HE SAID THE EXCEEDING FAIR ANGELS TOLD HIM THEREOF WHEN BY NIGHT AS HE LAY SLEEPING THEY CAME SINGING AND WITH CARESSES TO HIS BEDSIDE I SPEAK NOW OF A HOLY THING THEREFORE I SPEAK TRUTH WHEN I SAY THAT WHILE LITTLE CHILDREN LIE SLEEPING IN THEIR BEDS AT NIGHT IT PLEASETH GOD TO SEND HIS EXCEEDING FAIR ANGELS WITH SINGING AND CARESSES TO BEAR MESSAGES OF HIS LOVE UNTO THOSE LITTLE SLEEPING CHILDREN" ], "begin_byte": 81105, "end_byte": 81416 } } ]
{ "id": "large/11245/christmas_tales_and_verse_1612_librivox_64kb_mp3/christmas_11_field_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/11245/christmas_tales_and_verse_1612_librivox_64kb_mp3/christmas_11_field_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 22516669, "duration": 1407.2918125, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
{ "text_path": "download/librilight_text/output_text_large_cleaned/Christmas Tales and Christmas Verse/text.txt" }
[ { "id": "large/11245/mountain_spring_1611_librivox_64kb_mp3/mountainspring_11_glass_64kb_6", "recording_id": "large/11245/mountain_spring_1611_librivox_64kb_mp3/mountainspring_11_glass_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 12.039, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "11245", "custom": { "texts": [ "Captives by Babel's limpid streams, We hung our harps on willows there; Wept over Zion; and our dreams, Waking or sleeping, she did share.", "CAPTIVES BY BABEL'S LIMPID STREAMS WE HUNG OUR HARPS ON WILLOWS THERE WEPT OVER ZION AND OUR DREAMS WAKING OR SLEEPING SHE DID SHARE" ], "pre_texts": [ " In him the truth, the way, Are in possession of the key To heaven's eternal day. WEALTH _He heapeth up riches and knoweth not who shall gather them._--Psalm 39:6. O soul, it is not thine, But lent to thee in trust That thou may'st make God's glory shine, Secured from moth and rust. Thou can'st not take one mite Except as thou dost give And waft it in the golden light Where heaven's glories live. Go look for those in need-- The hungry and the cold. Kind words and actions are the seed Which yield their fruits of gold. Give to the heathen world Knowledge of Christ our Lord; Pray that his banner be unfurled; Send forth, his priceless word. He lived for us and died, And intercedes above. His blood, a sacrificial tide, Redeems us by his love. \"Barbarian, bond and free, The wise and the unwise\"-- 'Tis ours to give and theirs to see Salvation's blood-bought prize. We know not 'neath the sky Who'll gather of our store, But if we lay it up on high, 'Tis ours forevermore. THE CAPTIVES Psalm 137.", " THE CAPTIVES BY NANNIE REBECCA GLASS READ FOR LIBERVOX DOT ORG BY LEAND PSALM ONE THREE SEVEN" ], "begin_byte": 9391, "end_byte": 9529 } } ]
{ "id": "large/11245/mountain_spring_1611_librivox_64kb_mp3/mountainspring_11_glass_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/11245/mountain_spring_1611_librivox_64kb_mp3/mountainspring_11_glass_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 1474189, "duration": 92.1368125, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
{ "text_path": "download/librilight_text/output_text_large_cleaned/Mountain Spring and Other Poems/text.txt" }
[ { "id": "large/11245/mountain_spring_1611_librivox_64kb_mp3/mountainspring_24_glass_64kb_6", "recording_id": "large/11245/mountain_spring_1611_librivox_64kb_mp3/mountainspring_24_glass_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 13.399, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "11245", "custom": { "texts": [ "We read That Hagar cast him 'neath a shrub, and then, Withdrawing quite a space, she prayed, \"O God, Let me not see his death!\"", "WE READ THAT HAGAR CAST HIM NEATH A SHRUB AND THEN WITHDRAWING QUITE A SPACE SHE PRAYED O GOD LET ME NOT SEE HIS DEATH" ], "pre_texts": [ "ness. While yet the air Was cool, and nature locked in the embrace Of morn, likely the child was blithe and gay, Unheeding the sad face and drooping form Of her who doubtless turned from childhood's tents In tears of woe. Thrilled with his Arab blood He raced along; and thus to fancy's ear He prattled on: \"O mother, do not weep! The Princess Sarah cannot chide us now. We're free! I love the wilderness! I love The earth and sky! Look at those birds, Far as the fleecy clouds! And here Are flowers with which to wreathe my bow. With it I'll bring thee deer and fowl to dress, When by and by we reach a babbling stream Where we may safely dwell.\" On, still on, Through arid plains, with blistering feet, Beneath a burning sky, they toil along. The lad no longer talks of birds and flowers, But begs for water--water just to cool His parching throat; and likely 'twas that when Noon's shadows mirrored the encircling hills, He saw the empty flask, and must at last Have fainted on the scorching sand.", "NE WITHIN BATHSHEBA'S WILDERNESS WHILE YET THE AIR WAS COOL AND NATURE LOCKED IN THE EMBRACE OF MORN LIKELY THE CHILD WAS BLITHE AND GAY UNHEEDING THE SAD FACE AND DROOPING FORM OF HER WHO DOUBTLESS TURNED FROM CHILDHOOD'S TENTS IN TEARS OF WOE THRILLED WITH HIS AIR OF BLOOD HE RACED ALONG AND THUS TO FANCY'S EAR HE PRATTLED ON O MOTHER DO NOT WEEP THE PRINCESS SARAH CANNOT CHIDE US NOW WE ARE FREE I LOVE THE WILDERNESS I LOVE THE EARTH AND SKY LOOK AT THOSE BIRDS FAR AS THE FLEECY CLOUDS AND HERE ARE FLOWERS WITH WHICH TO WREATHE MY BOUGH WITH IT I'LL BRING THEE DEAR AND FOUL TO DRESS WHEN BY AND BY WE REACH A BABBLING STREAM WHERE WE MAY SAFELY DWELL ON STILL ON THROUGH ARID PLAINS WITH BLISTERING FEET BENEATH A BURNING SKY THEY TOIL ALONG THE LAD NO LONGER TALKS OF BIRDS AND FLOWERS BUT BEGS FOR WATER WATER JUST TO COOL HIS PARCHING THROAT AND LIKELY TWAS THAT WHEN NOON'S SHADOWS MIRRORED THE ENCIRCLING HILLS HE SAW THE EMPTY FLASK AND MUST AT LAST HAVE FAINTED ON THE SCORCHING SAND" ], "begin_byte": 24005, "end_byte": 24132 } } ]
{ "id": "large/11245/mountain_spring_1611_librivox_64kb_mp3/mountainspring_24_glass_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/11245/mountain_spring_1611_librivox_64kb_mp3/mountainspring_24_glass_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 4996562, "duration": 312.285125, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
{ "text_path": "download/librilight_text/output_text_large_cleaned/Mountain Spring and Other Poems/text.txt" }
[ { "id": "large/11245/mountain_spring_1611_librivox_64kb_mp3/mountainspring_27_glass_64kb_6", "recording_id": "large/11245/mountain_spring_1611_librivox_64kb_mp3/mountainspring_27_glass_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 14.12, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "11245", "custom": { "texts": [ "Jesus received this sin sick soul, Salvation to his house was given; And while time's cycles onward roll, His faith and works will point toward heaven.", "JESUS RECEIVED THIS SIN SICK SOUL SALVATION TO HIS HOUSE WAS GIVEN AND WHILE TIME'S CYCLES ONWARD ROLL HIS FAITH IN WORKS WILL POINT TOWARD HEAVEN" ], "pre_texts": [ "favor thee, And centuries ring the novel way A soul was made both glad and free? Zacchæus knew that through thy gates Came One he oft had longed to see; Alas! how adverse were the fates-- So dense the throng, so small was he! Considering, he ran before And climbed into a wayside tree, And ever since the sycamore Is blended with his history. While peering eagerly below, Above the tumult of the town That soothing voice to mortal woe Bade him to hasten quickly down. \"Come,\" Jesus said, \"I must abide And tarry at thy house with thee.\" Zacchæus the honor swift applied, And entertained him joyfully. The people frowned that Christ should dine With a rich sinner publican, Nor knew his act of grace would shine, A star of hope, to fallen man. Zacchæus assured his royal guest, \"Lord, half my goods I give the poor; And if I falsely have opprest, Fourfold I unto men restore.\" His listener reads the human heart And all its thoughts unerringly; Alone such wisdom can impart And judge of its sincerity.", " ON THAT DAY THE LORD OF LIFE WOULD FAVOUR THEE AND CENTURIES WRING THE NOVEL WAY A SOUL WAS MADE BOTH GLAD AND FREE ZACHEUS KNEW THAT THROUGH THY GATES CAME ONE HE OFT HAD LONGED TO SEE ALAS HOW ADVERSE WERE THE FATES SO DENSE THE THRONG SO SMALL WAS HE CONSIDERING HE RAN BEFORE AND CLIMBED INTO A WAYSIDE TREE AND EVER SINCE THE SYCAMORE IS BLENDED WITH HIS HISTORY WHILE PEERING EAGERLY BELOW ABOVE THE TUMULT OF THE TOWN THAT SOOTHING VOICE TO MORTAL WOE BADE HIM TO HASTEN QUICKLY DOWN COME JESUS SAID I MUST ABIDE AND TARRY AT THY HOUSE WITH THEE ZACHEUS THE HONOR SWIFT APPLIED AND ENTERTAINED HIM JOYFULLY THE PEOPLE FROWNED THAT CHRIST SHOULD DINE WITH A RICH SINNER PUBLICAN NOR KNEW HIS ACT OF GRACE WOULD SHINE A STAR OF HOPE TO FALLEN MAN ZACHEUS ASSURED HIS ROYAL GUEST LORD HALF MY GOODS I GIVE THE POOR AND IF I FALSELY HAVE OPPREST FOURFOLD I UNTO MEN RESTORE HIS LISTENER READS THE HUMAN HEART AND ALL ITS THOUGHTS UNERRINGLY ALONE SUCH WISDOM CAN IMPART AND JUDGE OF ITS SINCERITY" ], "begin_byte": 28870, "end_byte": 29021 } } ]
{ "id": "large/11245/mountain_spring_1611_librivox_64kb_mp3/mountainspring_27_glass_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/11245/mountain_spring_1611_librivox_64kb_mp3/mountainspring_27_glass_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 2668995, "duration": 166.8121875, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
{ "text_path": "download/librilight_text/output_text_large_cleaned/Mountain Spring and Other Poems/text.txt" }
[ { "id": "large/11245/mountain_spring_1611_librivox_64kb_mp3/mountainspring_32_glass_64kb_9", "recording_id": "large/11245/mountain_spring_1611_librivox_64kb_mp3/mountainspring_32_glass_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 15.6, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "11245", "custom": { "texts": [ "First must the gospel plan of love To every land and tribe be given, Ere He'll return who from above Is God's best gift to earth from heaven.", "FIRST MUST THE GOSPEL PLAN OF LOVE TO EVERY LAND AND TRIBE BE GIVEN ERE HE'LL RETURN WHO FROM ABOVE IS GOD'S BEST GIFT TO EARTH FROM HEAVEN" ], "pre_texts": [ "h in his life and in his death. They haunt the tomb in which he lay, Grief-stricken, desolate, and lone; But Magdalene at break of day Found that her precious charge was gone. Two angels said, \"Why weepest thou?\" The angels knew ere they inquired. They knew her heart could triumph now, These sinless ones by love inspired. She, weeping, told her loss and woe, Then answered thus a questioner near: \"Sir, if thou dost his refuge know, Tell me. I seek him vainly here.\" \"Mary!\" She listened to her name Uttered by Christ, her risen Lord. \"Master?\" her trembling lips exclaim, Then wondered, worshipped, and adored. Her joy is ours! Oh, may we see That joy more plainly every day! Christ lives and loves eternally,-- Swift feet such tidings should convey. Eternal life and heavenly rest He purchased by death's agony, That whosoever will be blest With glorious immortality. May we our sisters of the past In life and character revere, Like them be faithful to the last, Like them be loving and sincere.", "T BREATH THAT LOVE HAD OUR REDEMPTION PLANN'D BOTH IN HIS LIFE AND IN HIS DEATH THEY HAUNT THE TOMB IN WHICH HE LAY GRIEF STRICKEN DESOLATE AND LONE BUT MAGDALEN AT BREAK OF DAY FOUND THAT HER PRECIOUS CHARGE WAS GONE TWO ANGELS SAID WHY WEEPEST THOU THE ANGEL'S NEW EAR THEY INQUIRED THEY KNEW HER HEART COULD TRIUMPH NOW THE SINLESS ONES BY LOVE INSPIRED SHE WEEPING TOLD HER LOSS AND WOE THEN ANSWERED THUS A QUESTIONER NEAR SIR IF THOU DOST HIS REFUGE KNOW TELL ME I SEEK HIM VAINLY HERE MARY SHE LISTENED TO HER NAME UTTERED BY CHRIST HER RISEN LORD MASTER HER TREMBLING LIPS EXCLAIM THEN WONDERED WORSHIPPED AND ADORED HER JOY IS OURS ALL MAY WE SEE THAT JOY MORE PLAINLY EVERY DAY CHRIST LIVES AND LOVES ETERNALLY SWIFT FEET SUCH TIDINGS SHOULD CONVEY ETERNAL LIFE AND HEAVENLY REST HE PURCHASED BY DEATH'S AGONY THAT WHOSOEVER WILL BE BLEST WITH GLORIOUS IMMORTALITY MAY WE OUR SISTERS OF THE PAST IN LIFE AND CHARACTER REVERE LIKE THEM BE FAITHFUL TO THE LAST LIKE THEM BE LOVING AND SINCERE" ], "begin_byte": 36302, "end_byte": 36443 } } ]
{ "id": "large/11245/mountain_spring_1611_librivox_64kb_mp3/mountainspring_32_glass_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/11245/mountain_spring_1611_librivox_64kb_mp3/mountainspring_32_glass_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 5210187, "duration": 325.6366875, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
{ "text_path": "download/librilight_text/output_text_large_cleaned/Mountain Spring and Other Poems/text.txt" }
[ { "id": "large/11245/mountain_spring_1611_librivox_64kb_mp3/mountainspring_32_glass_64kb_12", "recording_id": "large/11245/mountain_spring_1611_librivox_64kb_mp3/mountainspring_32_glass_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 13.12, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "11245", "custom": { "texts": [ "Susanna's name is intertwined, A gem as sparkling and as clear As those with which it is enshrined; And this is all we know of her.", "SUSANNA'S NAME IS INTERTWINED A GEM AS SPARKLING AND AS CLEAR AS THOSE WITH WHICH IT IS ENSHRINED AND THIS IS ALL WE KNOW OF HER" ], "pre_texts": [ "ace upon the distant air That scroll which written on the sky Told of the hand which led them there. Could we upon our heavenward way From tempting snares as far remove And be as disenthralled as they, We'd plainer show a guiding love. We skim too closely to the earth, We press too slowly for the prize, Let thoughts and cares of trivial worth Retard our journey to the skies. Oh, let us watch and pray to have A loftier flight from transient things, Inspired like swans at last to lave In streams of bliss our wearied wings! MINISTERING WOMEN _And Joanna, the wife of Chuza, Herod's steward, and Susanna and many others who ministered unto him of their substance._--Luke 8:3. Mark 14:3-9. John 12:3-8. Matthew 26:6-13. Luke 7:37-50. John 11:3. Those women who their Christ and Lord Aided by gentle ministry, Have gained their race a rich reward, Treasured in sacred history. Joanna is unknown at court, Although entitled to be there; The record of her life's report In fadeless glory has its share.", " MINISTERING WOMEN BY NANNIE REBECCA GLASS READ FOR LIVER VOXTA ORG BY LEAND AUNT JOANNA THE WIFE OF CHUSA HEROD'S STEWART AND SUSANNAH AND MANY OTHERS WHO MINISTERED UNTO HIM OF THEIR SUBSTANCE LUKE EIGHT VERSE THREE MARK FOURTEEN VERSE THREE TO NINE JOHN TWELVE VERSE THREE TO EIGHT MATTHEW TWENTY SIX VERSE SIX TWO THIRTEEN LUKE SEVEN VERSE THIRTY SEVEN THROUGH FIFTY JOHN ELEVEN VERSE THREE THOSE WOMEN WHO THEIR CHRIST AND LORD AIDED BY GENTLE MINISTRY HAVE GAINED THEIR RACE A RICH REWARD TREASURED IN SACRED HISTORY JOANNA IS UNKNOWN AT COURT ALTHOUGH ENTITLED TO BE THERE THE RECORD OF HER LIFE'S REPORT IN FADELESS GLORY HAS ITS SHARE" ], "begin_byte": 34028, "end_byte": 34159 } } ]
{ "id": "large/11245/mountain_spring_1611_librivox_64kb_mp3/mountainspring_32_glass_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/11245/mountain_spring_1611_librivox_64kb_mp3/mountainspring_32_glass_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 5210187, "duration": 325.6366875, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
{ "text_path": "download/librilight_text/output_text_large_cleaned/Mountain Spring and Other Poems/text.txt" }
[ { "id": "large/11245/mountain_spring_1611_librivox_64kb_mp3/mountainspring_32_glass_64kb_17", "recording_id": "large/11245/mountain_spring_1611_librivox_64kb_mp3/mountainspring_32_glass_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 29.679, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "11245", "custom": { "texts": [ "Those chimes from Bethany will ring With power that will not, cannot die; Martha's and Mary's names will sing Long as the flitting centuries fly. That spikenard, which 'twas wholly meet Mary should pour upon his head, Has filled with fragrance rare and sweet Succeeding ages as they've fled.", "THOSE CHIMES FROM BETHANY WILL RING WITH POWER THAT WILL NOT CANNOT DIE MARTHA'S AND MARY'S NAMES WILL SING LONG AS THE FLITTING CENTURIES FLY THAT SPIKE NOT WHICH TWAS HOLY MEET MARY SHOULD POUR UPON HIS HEAD HAS FILLED WITH FRAGRANCE RARE AND SWEET SUCCEEDING AGES AS THEY'VE FLED" ], "pre_texts": [ "m transient things, Inspired like swans at last to lave In streams of bliss our wearied wings! MINISTERING WOMEN _And Joanna, the wife of Chuza, Herod's steward, and Susanna and many others who ministered unto him of their substance._--Luke 8:3. Mark 14:3-9. John 12:3-8. Matthew 26:6-13. Luke 7:37-50. John 11:3. Those women who their Christ and Lord Aided by gentle ministry, Have gained their race a rich reward, Treasured in sacred history. Joanna is unknown at court, Although entitled to be there; The record of her life's report In fadeless glory has its share. Susanna's name is intertwined, A gem as sparkling and as clear As those with which it is enshrined; And this is all we know of her. And those whose names have not been given Are now in realms of light and love, Praising him mid the choirs of heaven, Crowned with his joy and peace and love. Mary of Magdala was brought From mysteries strange and dark and drear To heights with joy and gladness fraught; She radiates a luster clear.", "RG BY LEAND AUNT JOANNA THE WIFE OF CHUSA HEROD'S STEWART AND SUSANNAH AND MANY OTHERS WHO MINISTERED UNTO HIM OF THEIR SUBSTANCE LUKE EIGHT VERSE THREE MARK FOURTEEN VERSE THREE TO NINE JOHN TWELVE VERSE THREE TO EIGHT MATTHEW TWENTY SIX VERSE SIX TWO THIRTEEN LUKE SEVEN VERSE THIRTY SEVEN THROUGH FIFTY JOHN ELEVEN VERSE THREE THOSE WOMEN WHO THEIR CHRIST AND LORD AIDED BY GENTLE MINISTRY HAVE GAINED THEIR RACE A RICH REWARD TREASURED IN SACRED HISTORY JOANNA IS UNKNOWN AT COURT ALTHOUGH ENTITLED TO BE THERE THE RECORD OF HER LIFE'S REPORT IN FADELESS GLORY HAS ITS SHARE SUSANNA'S NAME IS INTERTWINED A GEM AS SPARKLING AND AS CLEAR AS THOSE WITH WHICH IT IS ENSHRINED AND THIS IS ALL WE KNOW OF HER AND THOSE WHOSE NAMES HAVE NOT BEEN GIVEN ARE NOW IN REALMS OF LIGHT AND LOVE PRAISING HIM MID THE CHOIRS OF HEAVEN CROWNED WITH HIS JOY AND PEACE AND LOVE MARY OF MAGDALE WAS BROUGHT FROM MYSTERY STRANGE AND DARK AND DREAR TO HEIGHTS WITH JOY AND GLADNESS FRAUGHT SHE RADIATES A LUSTRE CLEAR" ], "begin_byte": 34460, "end_byte": 34751 } } ]
{ "id": "large/11245/mountain_spring_1611_librivox_64kb_mp3/mountainspring_32_glass_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/11245/mountain_spring_1611_librivox_64kb_mp3/mountainspring_32_glass_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 5210187, "duration": 325.6366875, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
{ "text_path": "download/librilight_text/output_text_large_cleaned/Mountain Spring and Other Poems/text.txt" }
[ { "id": "large/11245/mountain_spring_1611_librivox_64kb_mp3/mountainspring_32_glass_64kb_18", "recording_id": "large/11245/mountain_spring_1611_librivox_64kb_mp3/mountainspring_32_glass_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 26.2, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "11245", "custom": { "texts": [ "Such love they could not understand, Such love unto his latest breath; That love had our redemption planned Both in his life and in his death. They haunt the tomb in which he lay, Grief stricken, desolate, and lone; But Magdalene at break of day Found that her precious charge was gone.", "SUCH LOVE THEY COULD NOT UNDERSTAND SUCH LOVE UNTO HIS LATEST BREATH THAT LOVE HAD OUR REDEMPTION PLANN'D BOTH IN HIS LIFE AND IN HIS DEATH THEY HAUNT THE TOMB IN WHICH HE LAY GRIEF STRICKEN DESOLATE AND LONE BUT MAGDALEN AT BREAK OF DAY FOUND THAT HER PRECIOUS CHARGE WAS GONE" ], "pre_texts": [ "t been given Are now in realms of light and love, Praising him mid the choirs of heaven, Crowned with his joy and peace and love. Mary of Magdala was brought From mysteries strange and dark and drear To heights with joy and gladness fraught; She radiates a luster clear. Those chimes from Bethany will ring With power that will not, cannot die; Martha's and Mary's names will sing Long as the flitting centuries fly. That spikenard, which 'twas wholly meet Mary should pour upon his head, Has filled with fragrance rare and sweet Succeeding ages as they've fled. And when a critic standing near Censured her act, misunderstood, Christ spoke so that the world might hear; He said, \"She hath done what she could.\" This her memorial while the sun Traverses the blue dome of heaven, Fulfilling while time's cycles run Christ's prophecy which then was given. Unto the end these faithful few, Regardless of all pain and loss, Did what their hearts and hands could do, Though bowed with wonder at the cross.", " AND THOSE WHOSE NAMES HAVE NOT BEEN GIVEN ARE NOW IN REALMS OF LIGHT AND LOVE PRAISING HIM MID THE CHOIRS OF HEAVEN CROWNED WITH HIS JOY AND PEACE AND LOVE MARY OF MAGDALE WAS BROUGHT FROM MYSTERY STRANGE AND DARK AND DREAR TO HEIGHTS WITH JOY AND GLADNESS FRAUGHT SHE RADIATES A LUSTRE CLEAR THOSE CHIMES FROM BETHANY WILL RING WITH POWER THAT WILL NOT CANNOT DIE MARTHA'S AND MARY'S NAMES WILL SING LONG AS THE FLITTING CENTURIES FLY THAT SPIKE NOT WHICH TWAS HOLY MEET MARY SHOULD POUR UPON HIS HEAD HAS FILLED WITH FRAGRANCE RARE AND SWEET SUCCEEDING AGES AS THEY'VE FLED AND WHEN A CRITIC STANDING NEAR CENSERS HER ACT MISUNDERSTOOD CHRIST SPOKE SO THAT THE WORLD MIGHT HEAR HE SAID SHE HATH DONE WHAT SHE COULD THIS HER MEMORIAL WHILE THE SUN TRAVERSES THE BLUE DOME OF HEAVEN FULFILLING WHILE TIME'S CYCLES RUN CHRIST'S PROPHECY WHICH THEN WAS GIVEN UNTO THE END THESE FAITHFUL FEW REGARDLESS OF ALL PAIN AND LOSS DID WHAT THEIR HEARTS AND HANDS COULD DO THOUGH BOWED WITH WONDER AT THE CROSS" ], "begin_byte": 35190, "end_byte": 35476 } } ]
{ "id": "large/11245/mountain_spring_1611_librivox_64kb_mp3/mountainspring_32_glass_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/11245/mountain_spring_1611_librivox_64kb_mp3/mountainspring_32_glass_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 5210187, "duration": 325.6366875, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
{ "text_path": "download/librilight_text/output_text_large_cleaned/Mountain Spring and Other Poems/text.txt" }
[ { "id": "large/11245/mountain_spring_1611_librivox_64kb_mp3/mountainspring_32_glass_64kb_19", "recording_id": "large/11245/mountain_spring_1611_librivox_64kb_mp3/mountainspring_32_glass_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 12.319, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "11245", "custom": { "texts": [ "Those women who their Christ and Lord Aided by gentle ministry, Have gained their race a rich reward, Treasured in sacred history.", "THOSE WOMEN WHO THEIR CHRIST AND LORD AIDED BY GENTLE MINISTRY HAVE GAINED THEIR RACE A RICH REWARD TREASURED IN SACRED HISTORY" ], "pre_texts": [ "Mingled with visions as they come Of shimmering waves where lilies grow And open lakes are fresh and clear, Fit mirror for a plumaged breast, Shaded by moss-grown trees. 'Tis here They'll dip and dive in gleeful rest. Vanished! and vainly do we try To trace upon the distant air That scroll which written on the sky Told of the hand which led them there. Could we upon our heavenward way From tempting snares as far remove And be as disenthralled as they, We'd plainer show a guiding love. We skim too closely to the earth, We press too slowly for the prize, Let thoughts and cares of trivial worth Retard our journey to the skies. Oh, let us watch and pray to have A loftier flight from transient things, Inspired like swans at last to lave In streams of bliss our wearied wings! MINISTERING WOMEN _And Joanna, the wife of Chuza, Herod's steward, and Susanna and many others who ministered unto him of their substance._--Luke 8:3. Mark 14:3-9. John 12:3-8. Matthew 26:6-13. Luke 7:37-50. John 11:3. ", " MINISTERING WOMEN BY NANNIE REBECCA GLASS READ FOR LIVER VOXTA ORG BY LEAND AUNT JOANNA THE WIFE OF CHUSA HEROD'S STEWART AND SUSANNAH AND MANY OTHERS WHO MINISTERED UNTO HIM OF THEIR SUBSTANCE LUKE EIGHT VERSE THREE MARK FOURTEEN VERSE THREE TO NINE JOHN TWELVE VERSE THREE TO EIGHT MATTHEW TWENTY SIX VERSE SIX TWO THIRTEEN LUKE SEVEN VERSE THIRTY SEVEN THROUGH FIFTY JOHN ELEVEN VERSE THREE " ], "begin_byte": 33774, "end_byte": 33903 } } ]
{ "id": "large/11245/mountain_spring_1611_librivox_64kb_mp3/mountainspring_32_glass_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/11245/mountain_spring_1611_librivox_64kb_mp3/mountainspring_32_glass_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 5210187, "duration": 325.6366875, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
{ "text_path": "download/librilight_text/output_text_large_cleaned/Mountain Spring and Other Poems/text.txt" }
[ { "id": "large/11245/mountain_spring_1611_librivox_64kb_mp3/mountainspring_34_glass_64kb_5", "recording_id": "large/11245/mountain_spring_1611_librivox_64kb_mp3/mountainspring_34_glass_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 16.239, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "11245", "custom": { "texts": [ "Is there a saint, however poor, However lowly born, That earthly treasure could allure Thee to mistreat or scorn? These queries, are they answered well?", "IS THERE A SAINT HOWEVER POOR HOWEVER LOWLY BORNE THAT EARTHLY TREASURE COULD ALLURE THEE TO MISTREAT OR SCORN THESE QUERIES ARE THEY ANSWERED WELL" ], "pre_texts": [ ":24. Thou saddened one whose longing eyes Seek quickening thoughts to glean, Whose views of Christ, the Heavenly prize, Clouds often veer between, That rapture which may be expressed By others constantly Is not thine own; in truth confessed, Where is the mystery? Ask now these questions of thy soul: My heart, is it sincere? Do I his holy name extol, And is He truly dear? Like Peter can I, too, record And urge his earnest plea, \"Thou knowest all things, gracious Lord; Thou knowest I love Thee\"? There is no music like his voice: To this can'st thou attest? No message makes thee so rejoice As \"Come to me and rest\"? If there's been left within thine heart By word or deed a thorn, Can prayer extract the cruel dart And heal it ere the morn? Does prayer cast out disquietude And every bitter thought; All hate and enmity exclude By Love with patience fraught? Or, if perchance there may be found A hurt that festers still, Is this the balm that soothes the wound-- \"'Twas needed; 'tis God's will\"?", " IN SINCERITY EPHESIAN SIX VERSE TWENTY FOUR THOU SADDEN'D ONE WHOSE LONGING EYES SEEK QUICKENING THOUGHTS TO GLEAN WHOSE VIEWS OF CHRIST THE HEAVENLY PRIZE CLOUDS OFTEN VEER BETWEEN THAT RAPTURE WHICH MAY BE EXPRESSED BY OTHERS CONSTANTLY IS NOT THINE OWN IN TRUTH CONFESSED WHERE IS THE MYSTERY ASK NOW THESE QUESTIONS OF THY SOUL MY HEART IS IT SINCERE DO I HIS HOLY NAME EXTOL AND IS HE TRULY DEAR LIKE PETER CAN I TOO RECORD AND URGE HIS EARNEST PLEA THOU KNOWEST ALL THINGS GRACIOUS LORD THOU KNOWEST I LOVE THEE THERE IS NO MUSIC LIKE HIS VOICE TO THIS CANST THOU ATTEST NO MESSAGE MAKES THEE SO REJOICE AS COME TO ME AND REST IF THERE'S BEEN LEFT WITHIN THINE HEART BY WORD OR DEED A THORN CAN PRAYER EXTRACT THE CRUEL DART AND HEAL IT EAR THE MORN DOES PRAYER CAST OUT DISQUIETUDE AND EVERY BITTER THOUGHT ALL HATE AND ENMITY EXCLUDE BY LOVE WITH PATIENCE FRAUGHT OR IF PERCHANCE THERE MAY BE FOUND A HURT THAT FESTERS STILL IS THIS THE BOMB THAT SOOTHES THE WOUND TWAS NEEDED TIS GOD'S WILL" ], "begin_byte": 38471, "end_byte": 38623 } } ]
{ "id": "large/11245/mountain_spring_1611_librivox_64kb_mp3/mountainspring_34_glass_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/11245/mountain_spring_1611_librivox_64kb_mp3/mountainspring_34_glass_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 2863671, "duration": 178.9794375, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
{ "text_path": "download/librilight_text/output_text_large_cleaned/Mountain Spring and Other Poems/text.txt" }
[ { "id": "large/11299/affectionate_godmother_1701_librivox_64kb_mp3/godmother_01_glyn_64kb_9", "recording_id": "large/11299/affectionate_godmother_1701_librivox_64kb_mp3/godmother_01_glyn_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 15.239, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "11299", "custom": { "texts": [ "But if there is plain indication that it can degrade or injure others who are near to you, or the community at large to which you belong, then the sin of it \"jumps to the eyes,\" as the French say.", "BUT IF THERE IS PLAIN INDICATION THAT IT CAN DEGRADE OR INJURE OTHERS WHO ARE NEAR TO YOU OR THE COMMUNITY ENLARGED WHICH YOU BELONG THEN THE SIN OF IT JUMPS TO THE EYES AS THE FRENCH SAY" ], "pre_texts": [ "es, because, once a person realized that, even if no one on earth could ever know of his small action, his own soul would be aware of it, and become tarnished in consequence--then surely he would hesitate to commit that which would injure his own self-respect. There is another point to be considered: how best to arrive at what is actually right or wrong. And this can only be done by psychological deduction, through effect back to cause. If the results of an action produce pain and sorrow and evil, then the action--which is cause--must be bad. And, as there is nothing new under the sun--and all actions you would be likely to commit have already been committed by others in the past--you can get a general idea as to their probable result. But, above all other sides, the one to be examined is the effect upon the community. If the result of the action can only affect yourself, then you have the right to consider whether or no you will be prepared to pay the price of it before you commit it.", "ROY ALL PALTRY MEANNESS BECAUSE ONCE A PERSON REALIZE THAT EVEN IF NO ONE ON EARTH COULD EVER KNOW OF HIS SMALL ACTION HIS OWN SOUL WOULD BE AWARE OF IT AND BECOME TARNISHED IN CONSEQUENCE THEN SURELY HE WOULD HESITATE TO COMMIT THAT WHICH WOULD INJURE HIS OWN SELF RESPECT THERE IS ANOTHER POINT TO BE CONSIDERED HOW BEST TO ARRIVE AT WHAT IS ACTUALLY RIGHT OR WRONG AND THIS CAN ONLY BE DONE BY PSYCHOLOGICAL DEDUCTION THROUGH EFFECT BACK TO CAUSE IF THE RESULTS OF AN ACTION PRODUCE PAIN AND SORROW AND EVIL THEN THE ACTION WHICH IS THE CAUSE MUST BE BAD AND AS THERE IS NOTHING NEW UNDER THE SUN AND ALL ACTIONS YOU WOULD BE LIKELY TO COMMIT HAVE ALREADY BEEN COMMITTED BY OTHERS IN THE PAST YOU CAN GET A GENERAL IDEA AS TO THEIR PROBABLE RESULT BUT ABOVE ALL OTHER SIDES THE ONE TO BE EXAMINED IS THE EFFECT UPON THE COMMUNITY IF THE RESULT OF THE ACTION CAN ONLY AFFECT YOURSELF THEN YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO CONSIDER WHETHER OR NO YOU WILL BE PREPARED TO PAY THE PRICE OF IT BEFORE YOU COMMIT IT" ], "begin_byte": 17623, "end_byte": 17819 } } ]
{ "id": "large/11299/affectionate_godmother_1701_librivox_64kb_mp3/godmother_01_glyn_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/11299/affectionate_godmother_1701_librivox_64kb_mp3/godmother_01_glyn_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 22159360, "duration": 1384.96, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
{ "text_path": "download/librilight_text/output_text_large_cleaned/Your Affectionate Godmother/text.txt" }
[ { "id": "large/11299/affectionate_godmother_1701_librivox_64kb_mp3/godmother_01_glyn_64kb_10", "recording_id": "large/11299/affectionate_godmother_1701_librivox_64kb_mp3/godmother_01_glyn_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 8.559, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "11299", "custom": { "texts": [ "ELINOR: Then doing the thousand and one actions which defile the soul are in shocking taste also.", "ELEANOR THEN DOING THE THOUSAND AND ONE ACTIONS WHICH DEFILE THE SOUL ARE IN SHOCKING TASTE ALSO" ], "pre_texts": [ "shed. We were, so to speak, on our honor with the thing. I suddenly understood that it was unspeakable disgrace to commit paltry actions just because people would not know about them--that even if one had to admit the necessity of bluff in the affairs of men sometimes it was perfectly childish to use it in dealing with God--and not only childish, but useless. JOHN: You would be honest with God! Tut, tut!--a pretty state of things! A theory like that could upset the world. ELINOR: _Tant pis!_--I am not talking of expediency. I am stating my beliefs. JOHN: Go ahead. ELINOR: I felt that because we had received this divine triple loan from God of understanding, apprehension, and emotion, with its branches of deduction, critical faculty, and appreciation--all things beyond the material--we at least owed Him something in return. You will admit, I suppose, that decent people do not accept the loan of a friend’s house and then utterly neglect and defile it? JOHN: It would be in shocking taste.", "T HAVE LENT IT TO US AT ALL IF HE HAD NOT WISHED WE WERE SO TO SPEAK ON OUR HONOR WITH THE THING I SUDDENLY UNDERSTOOD THAT IT WAS UNSPEAKABLE DISGRACE TO COMMIT PALTRY ACTIONS JUST BECAUSE PEOPLE WOULD NOT KNOW ABOUT THEM THAT EVEN IF ONE HAD TO ADMIT THE NECESSITY OF BLUFF IN THE AFFAIRS OF MEN SOMETIMES IT WAS PERFECTLY CHILDISH TO USE IT IN DEALING WITH GOD AND NOT ONLY CHILDISH BUT USELESS JOHN YOU WOULD BE HONEST WITH GOD TUT TUT A PRETTY STATE OF THINGS A THEORY THAT COULD UPSET THE WORLD ELEANOR TOMPEY I AM NOT TALKING OF EXPEDIENCY I AM STATING MY BELIEFS JOHN GO AHEAD ELEANOR I FELT THAT BECAUSE WE HAD RECEIVED THIS DIVINE TRIP ALONE FROM GOD OF UNDERSTANDING APPREHENSION AND EMOTION WITH ITS BRANCHES OF DEDUCTION CRITICAL FACULTY AND APPRECIATION ALL THINGS BEYOND THE MATERIAL WE AT LEAST OWED HIM SOMETHING IN RETURN YOU WILL ADMIT I SUPPOSE THAT DECENT PEOPLE DO NOT ACCEPT THE LOAN OF A FRIEND'S HOUSE AND THEN UTTERLY NEGLECT AND DEFILE IT JOHN IT WOULD BE IN SHOCKING TASTE" ], "begin_byte": 10294, "end_byte": 10391 } } ]
{ "id": "large/11299/affectionate_godmother_1701_librivox_64kb_mp3/godmother_01_glyn_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/11299/affectionate_godmother_1701_librivox_64kb_mp3/godmother_01_glyn_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 22159360, "duration": 1384.96, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
{ "text_path": "download/librilight_text/output_text_large_cleaned/Your Affectionate Godmother/text.txt" }
[ { "id": "large/11299/affectionate_godmother_1701_librivox_64kb_mp3/godmother_01_glyn_64kb_44", "recording_id": "large/11299/affectionate_godmother_1701_librivox_64kb_mp3/godmother_01_glyn_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 28.88, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "11299", "custom": { "texts": [ "I believe I had better enclose you a dialogue I once wrote when strongly under the influence of the style of Lucian, that later Greek master of inimitable cynical humor. Your appreciation of style and your sense of humor, I trust, have been cultivated sufficiently to be able to grasp the fact that a reverent and divine belief is wrapped up in what at first reads as flippant language.", "I BELIEVE I HAD BETTER ENCLOSE YOU A DIALOGUE I ONCE WROTE WHEN STRONGLY UNDER THE INFLUENCE OF THE STYLE OF LUCIAN THAT LATER GREEK MASTER OF INIMITABLE CYNICAL HUM YOUR APPRECIATION OF STYLE AND YOUR SENSE OF HUMOUR I TRUST HAVE BEEN CULTIVATED SUFFICIENTLY TO BE ABLE TO GRASP THE FACT THAT A REVERENT AND DIVINE BELIEF IS WRAPPED UP IN WHAT AT FIRST READS AS FLIPPANT LANGUAGE" ], "pre_texts": [ " keep your receptive faculties always on the alert to continue to acquire good things even when you have obtained that position. Then you will never need to demonstrate your supremacy _in words_, every human being who comes in contact with you will see it. And you will have the dignity of the one country and the ability of the other in your possession. The advice which was generally given to girls was a mixture of altruistic idealism coupled with the intention to throw dust in their eyes upon most of the facts of life. We have fortunately changed all that now. But, before we come to any material points, we shall have to get down to the bedrock of the main principle of life which is our religion. And I do hope, Caroline, that I shall not bore you by speaking of this--for my religion, and the one I want you to believe in as yours, is a very simple one, and will not take me long to explain. You see, we cannot possibly go on until this point is settled, because it is the key to all others.", " YOU ASPIRE TO AND TO KEEP YOUR RECEPTIVE FACULTIES ALWAYS ON THE ALERT TO CONTINUE TO ACQUIRE GOOD THINGS EVEN WHEN YOU HAVE OBTAINED THAT POSITION THEN YOU WILL NEVER NEED TO DEMONSTRATE YOUR SUPREMACY IN WORDS EVERY HUMAN BEING WHO COMES IN CONTACT WITH YOU WILL SEE IT AND YOU WILL HAVE THE DIGNITY OF THE ONE COUNTRY AND THE ABILITY OF THE OTHER IN YOUR POSSESSION THE ADVICE WHICH WAS GENERALLY GIVEN TO GIRLS WAS A MIXTURE OF ALTRUISTIC IDEALISM COUPLED WITH THE INTENTION TO THROW DUST IN THEIR EYES UPON MOST OF THE FACTS OF LIFE WE HAVE FORTUNATELY CHANGED ALL THAT NOW BUT BEFORE WE COME TO ANY MATERIAL POINTS WE SHALL HAVE TO GET DOWN TO THE BEDROCK OF THE MAIN PRINCIPLE OF LIFE WHICH IS OUR RELIGION AND I DO HOPE CAROLINE THAT I SHALL NOT BORE YOU BY SPEAKING OF THIS FOR MY RELIGION AND THE ONE I WANT YOU TO BELIEVE IN AS YOURS IS A VERY SIMPLE ONE AND WILL NOT TAKE ME LONG TO EXPLAIN YOU SEE WE CANNOT POSSIBLY GO ON UNTIL THIS POINT IS SETTLED BECAUSE IT IS THE KEY TO ALL OTHERS" ], "begin_byte": 5543, "end_byte": 5929 } } ]
{ "id": "large/11299/affectionate_godmother_1701_librivox_64kb_mp3/godmother_01_glyn_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/11299/affectionate_godmother_1701_librivox_64kb_mp3/godmother_01_glyn_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 22159360, "duration": 1384.96, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
{ "text_path": "download/librilight_text/output_text_large_cleaned/Your Affectionate Godmother/text.txt" }
[ { "id": "large/11299/affectionate_godmother_1701_librivox_64kb_mp3/godmother_01_glyn_64kb_52", "recording_id": "large/11299/affectionate_godmother_1701_librivox_64kb_mp3/godmother_01_glyn_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 19.599, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "11299", "custom": { "texts": [ "The evolution of the world has been perfectly necessary, my good John you don't ask children to play golf before they can walk. JOHN: No but now I gather from your remarks that you would sweep away the incumbrances and restrictions of orthodox religions.", "THE EVOLUTION OF THE WORLD HAS BEEN PERFECTLY NECESSARY MY GOOD JOHN YOU DON'T ASK CHILDREN TO PLAY GOLF BEFORE THEY CAN WALK JOHN NO BUT NOW I GATHER FROM YOUR REMARKS THAT YOU WOULD SWEEP AWAY THE INCUMBRANCES AND RESTRICTIONS OF ORTHODOX RELIGIONS" ], "pre_texts": [ "wed mankind, whom he created--chief of these being common sense. JOHN: Go on. ELINOR: It is hardly likely, then, that He is perpetrating a colossal joke upon His creation by making the whole system experimental. It is conceivable that a brain which could evolve the intricate organism of a minute ant might be far-seeing enough to devise an immutable law which, when our evolution is sufficiently advanced, we shall be able to perceive, and to fall in with its action. JOHN: We are all as yet struggling in the dark, then? ELINOR: More or less. You see time is no object to God--these cycles which to us mean so much may be no more than a day to Him. I think you will admit we have let in a good deal of light in the last hundred years or so. JOHN: Well, yes. But just think, then, of the waste of time all the religions and conventions and superstitions have entailed in the past. It makes one giddy to realize it! Where would we be if we had always understood your basic principle? ELINOR: Nowhere.", " WITH WHICH HE HAS ENDOWED MANKIND WHOM HE CREATED CHIEF OF THESE BEING COMMON SENSE JOHN GO ON ELEANOR IT IS HARDLY LIKELY THEN THAT HE IS PERPETRATING A COLOSSAL JOKE UPON HIS CREATION BY MAKING THE WHOLE SYSTEM EXPERIMENTAL IT IS CONCEIVABLE THAT A BRAIN WHICH COULD EVOLVE THE INTRICATE ORGANISM OF A MINUTE ANT MIGHT BE FAR SEEING ENOUGH TO DEVISE AN IMMUTABLE LAW WHICH WHEN OUR EVOLUTION IS SUFFICIENTLY ADVANCED WE SHALL BE ABLE TO PERCEIVE AND TO FALL IN WITH ITS ACTION JOHN WE ARE ALL AS YET STRUGGLING IN THE DARK THEN ELEANOR MORE OR LESS YOU SEE TIME IS NO OBJECT TO GOD THESE CYCLES WHICH TO US MEAN SO MUCH MAY BE NO MORE THAN A DAY TO HIM I THINK YOU WILL ADMIT WE HAVE LET IN A GOOD DEAL OF LIGHT IN THE LAST HALF HUNDRED YEARS OR SO JOHN WELL YES BUT JUST THINK THEN OF THE WASTE OF TIME ALL THE RELIGIONS AND CONVENTIONS AND SUPERSTITIONS HAVE ENTAILED IN THE PAST IT MAKES ONE GIDDY TO REALIZE IT WHERE WOULD WE BE IF WE HAD ALWAYS UNDERSTOOD YOUR BASIC PRINCIPLE ELEANOR NOWHERE" ], "begin_byte": 14041, "end_byte": 14297 } } ]
{ "id": "large/11299/affectionate_godmother_1701_librivox_64kb_mp3/godmother_01_glyn_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/11299/affectionate_godmother_1701_librivox_64kb_mp3/godmother_01_glyn_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 22159360, "duration": 1384.96, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
{ "text_path": "download/librilight_text/output_text_large_cleaned/Your Affectionate Godmother/text.txt" }
[ { "id": "large/11299/affectionate_godmother_1701_librivox_64kb_mp3/godmother_01_glyn_64kb_68", "recording_id": "large/11299/affectionate_godmother_1701_librivox_64kb_mp3/godmother_01_glyn_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 8.2, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "11299", "custom": { "texts": [ "JOHN: We are all as yet struggling in the dark, then? ELINOR: More or less.", "JOHN WE ARE ALL AS YET STRUGGLING IN THE DARK THEN ELEANOR MORE OR LESS" ], "pre_texts": [ " mean to tell me that each unit is always to behave in the purest manner and do his level best simply to return to God at death an untarnished soul? ELINOR: Certainly. JOHN: But you would do away with all priestcraft, all politics, all society! ’Pon my word, this is worse than Socialism. You know I never bargained for that! ELINOR: Nothing of the kind! The basic principle is that God is omnipotent. Granted this, and the poorest intelligence might then credit Him with having the best of all the attributes with which He has endowed mankind, whom he created--chief of these being common sense. JOHN: Go on. ELINOR: It is hardly likely, then, that He is perpetrating a colossal joke upon His creation by making the whole system experimental. It is conceivable that a brain which could evolve the intricate organism of a minute ant might be far-seeing enough to devise an immutable law which, when our evolution is sufficiently advanced, we shall be able to perceive, and to fall in with its action.", " PUNISHMENTS JOHN THEN YOU MEAN TO TELL ME THAT EACH UNIT IS ALWAYS TO BEHAVE IN THE PUREST MANNER AND DO HIS LEVEL BEST SIMPLY TO RETURN TO GOD A DEATH AND UNTARNISHED SOUL ELEANOR CERTAINLY JOHN BUT YOU WOULD DO AWAY WITH ALL PRIESTCRAFT ALL POLITICS ALL SOCIETY UPON MY WORD THIS IS WORSE THAN SOCIALISM YOU KNOW I NEVER BARGAINED FOR THAT ELEANOR NOTHING OF THE KIND THE BASIC PRINCIPLE IS THAT GOD IS OMNIPOTENT GRANTED THIS AND THE POOREST INTELLIGENCE MAY THEN CREDIT HIM WITH HAVING THE BEST OF ALL THE ATTRIBUTES WITH WHICH HE HAS ENDOWED MANKIND WHOM HE CREATED CHIEF OF THESE BEING COMMON SENSE JOHN GO ON ELEANOR IT IS HARDLY LIKELY THEN THAT HE IS PERPETRATING A COLOSSAL JOKE UPON HIS CREATION BY MAKING THE WHOLE SYSTEM EXPERIMENTAL IT IS CONCEIVABLE THAT A BRAIN WHICH COULD EVOLVE THE INTRICATE ORGANISM OF A MINUTE ANT MIGHT BE FAR SEEING ENOUGH TO DEVISE AN IMMUTABLE LAW WHICH WHEN OUR EVOLUTION IS SUFFICIENTLY ADVANCED WE SHALL BE ABLE TO PERCEIVE AND TO FALL IN WITH ITS ACTION" ], "begin_byte": 13509, "end_byte": 13584 } } ]
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[ { "id": "large/11299/affectionate_godmother_1701_librivox_64kb_mp3/godmother_01_glyn_64kb_79", "recording_id": "large/11299/affectionate_godmother_1701_librivox_64kb_mp3/godmother_01_glyn_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 25.76, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "11299", "custom": { "texts": [ "Therefore you must \"make good,\" and show that, when art and science, directed by common sense, have done their best for a young girl, she can prove in herself that it is worth while to use these two things for the perfecting of the coming woman who is to be the mother of that race of mental giants which we hope the middle of this, our century, will produce.", "THEREFORE YOU MUST MAKE GOOD AND SHOW THAT WHEN ART AND SCIENCE DIRECTED BY COMMON SENSE HAVE DONE THEIR BEST FOR A YOUNG GIRL SHE CAN PROVE IN HERSELF THAT IT IS WORTH WHILE TO USE THESE TWO THINGS FOR THE PERFECTING OF THE COMING WOMAN WHO IS TO BE THE MOTHER OF THAT RACE OF MENTAL GIANTS WHICH WE HOPE THE MIDDLE OF THIS OUR CENTURY WILL PRODUCE" ], "pre_texts": [ "and all actions you would be likely to commit have already been committed by others in the past--you can get a general idea as to their probable result. But, above all other sides, the one to be examined is the effect upon the community. If the result of the action can only affect yourself, then you have the right to consider whether or no you will be prepared to pay the price of it before you commit it. But if there is plain indication that it can degrade or injure others who are near to you, or the community at large to which you belong, then the sin of it “jumps to the eyes,” as the French say. The test of every action is whether or no it would injure your own _self-respect_; firstly, entirely for you; and, secondly, in regard to the community--because your self-respect would be injured if you felt you had hurt the community. You are a responsible being, you know, Caroline, a being with naturally fine qualities, and one who has had the fortune to have received the highest education.", " IS NOTHING NEW UNDER THE SUN AND ALL ACTIONS YOU WOULD BE LIKELY TO COMMIT HAVE ALREADY BEEN COMMITTED BY OTHERS IN THE PAST YOU CAN GET A GENERAL IDEA AS TO THEIR PROBABLE RESULT BUT ABOVE ALL OTHER SIDES THE ONE TO BE EXAMINED IS THE EFFECT UPON THE COMMUNITY IF THE RESULT OF THE ACTION CAN ONLY AFFECT YOURSELF THEN YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO CONSIDER WHETHER OR NO YOU WILL BE PREPARED TO PAY THE PRICE OF IT BEFORE YOU COMMIT IT BUT IF THERE IS PLAIN INDICATION THAT IT CAN DEGRADE OR INJURE OTHERS WHO ARE NEAR TO YOU OR THE COMMUNITY ENLARGED WHICH YOU BELONG THEN THE SIN OF IT JUMPS TO THE EYES AS THE FRENCH SAY THE TEST OF EVERY ACTION IS WHETHER OR NO IT WOULD INJURE YOUR OWN SELF RESPECT FIRSTLY ENTIRELY FOR YOU AND SECONDLY IN REGARD TO THE COMMUNITY BECAUSE YOUR SELF RESPECT WOULD BE INJURED IF YOU FELT YOU HAD HURT THE COMMUNITY YOU ARE A RESPONSIBLE BEING YOU KNOW CAROLINE A BEING WITH NATURALLY FINE QUALITIES AND ONE WHO HAS HAD THE FORTUNE TO HAVE RECEIVED THE HIGHEST EDUCATION" ], "begin_byte": 18216, "end_byte": 18575 } } ]
{ "id": "large/11299/affectionate_godmother_1701_librivox_64kb_mp3/godmother_01_glyn_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/11299/affectionate_godmother_1701_librivox_64kb_mp3/godmother_01_glyn_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 22159360, "duration": 1384.96, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
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[ { "id": "large/11299/affectionate_godmother_1701_librivox_64kb_mp3/godmother_01_glyn_64kb_84", "recording_id": "large/11299/affectionate_godmother_1701_librivox_64kb_mp3/godmother_01_glyn_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 25.84, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "11299", "custom": { "texts": [ "I believe that I personally, and each one of us, have received from God, for the term of our sojourn on earth, a spark of Himself, and, since He has had the intelligence to construct this planet and a number of others, He cannot be so wholly wanting in logic as deliberately to throw this spark of Himself into temptation, and then deliberately to punish it for falling.", "I BELIEVE THAT I PERSONALLY AND EACH ONE OF US HAVE RECEIVED FROM GOD FOR THE TERM OF OUR SOJOURN ON EARTH A SPARK OF HIMSELF AND SINCE HE HAS HAD THE INTELLIGENCE TO CONSTRUCT THIS PLANET AND A NUMBER OF OTHERS HE CANOT BE SO WHOLLY WANTING IN LOGIC AS DELIBERATELY TO THROW THE SPARK OF HIMSELF INTO TEMPTATION AND THEN DELIBERATELY TO PUNISH IT FOR FALLING" ], "pre_texts": [ " state of things! A theory like that could upset the world. ELINOR: _Tant pis!_--I am not talking of expediency. I am stating my beliefs. JOHN: Go ahead. ELINOR: I felt that because we had received this divine triple loan from God of understanding, apprehension, and emotion, with its branches of deduction, critical faculty, and appreciation--all things beyond the material--we at least owed Him something in return. You will admit, I suppose, that decent people do not accept the loan of a friend’s house and then utterly neglect and defile it? JOHN: It would be in shocking taste. ELINOR: Then doing the thousand-and-one actions which defile the soul are in shocking taste also. Don Quixote was infinitely nearer a true knowledge of the obligation entailed by the possession of this loan than any of us modern people! JOHN: Oh, heavens! are you going to drag in fictional characters to illustrate your tirade? I feel the yawn coming. ELINOR: Then I will state what to me are the facts of religion.", "ULD BE HONEST WITH GOD TUT TUT A PRETTY STATE OF THINGS A THEORY THAT COULD UPSET THE WORLD ELEANOR TOMPEY I AM NOT TALKING OF EXPEDIENCY I AM STATING MY BELIEFS JOHN GO AHEAD ELEANOR I FELT THAT BECAUSE WE HAD RECEIVED THIS DIVINE TRIP ALONE FROM GOD OF UNDERSTANDING APPREHENSION AND EMOTION WITH ITS BRANCHES OF DEDUCTION CRITICAL FACULTY AND APPRECIATION ALL THINGS BEYOND THE MATERIAL WE AT LEAST OWED HIM SOMETHING IN RETURN YOU WILL ADMIT I SUPPOSE THAT DECENT PEOPLE DO NOT ACCEPT THE LOAN OF A FRIEND'S HOUSE AND THEN UTTERLY NEGLECT AND DEFILE IT JOHN IT WOULD BE IN SHOCKING TASTE ELEANOR THEN DOING THE THOUSAND AND ONE ACTIONS WHICH DEFILE THE SOUL ARE IN SHOCKING TASTE ALSO DON QUIXOTE WAS INFINITELY NEARER A TRUE RELIGION OF THE OBLIGATION ENTAILED BY THE POSSESSION OF THIS LOAN THAN ANY OF ITS MODERN PEOPLE JOHN OH HEAVENS ARE YOU GOING TO DRAG IN FICTIONAL CHARACTERS TO ILLUSTRATE YOUR TIRADE I FEEL THE YAWN COMING ELEANOR THEN I WILL STATE WHAT TO ME ARE THE FACTS OF RELIGION" ], "begin_byte": 10711, "end_byte": 11081 } } ]
{ "id": "large/11299/affectionate_godmother_1701_librivox_64kb_mp3/godmother_01_glyn_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/11299/affectionate_godmother_1701_librivox_64kb_mp3/godmother_01_glyn_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 22159360, "duration": 1384.96, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
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[ { "id": "large/11299/affectionate_godmother_1701_librivox_64kb_mp3/godmother_02_glyn_64kb_4", "recording_id": "large/11299/affectionate_godmother_1701_librivox_64kb_mp3/godmother_02_glyn_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 15.92, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "11299", "custom": { "texts": [ "Why play games to death, turning a pleasure into a grind? All is out of balance; and by these unattractive methods girls have often had to become the seekers, not the sought after!", "WHY PLAY GAMES TO DEATH TURNING A PLEASURE INTO A GRIND ALL IS OUT OF BALANCE AND BY THESE UNATTRACTIVE METHODS GIRLS HAVE OFTEN HAD TO BECOME THE SEEKERS NOT THE SOUGHT AFTER" ], "pre_texts": [ "rs as well, so that the young men you play with, while admiring your skill, will not feel they can treat you as “another fellow,” hardly with courtesy, and with no consideration. Try not to swing your arms and be ungraceful in walking. Try not to sit in every awkward position that may be comfortable. Do not cross your legs and display yards of ankle, and, above all, do not lean both elbows upon the table and eat as though at a picnic where gipsy’s ways were good enough. One sees all these defects so constantly now that one has almost ceased to remark upon them. The very tight skirts have done one thing for women--they have enormously improved their walk, making those long, manly strides impossible. I suppose no nation in the world has such naturally perfectly-shaped bones and proportions--and no nation spoils these advantages so much by their atrocious movements as we do. Well, what a pity! And why cannot common sense step in and rectify this failing? Why do anything with exaggeration?", "L AND GRACIOUS MANNERS AS WELL SO THAT THE YOUNG MEN YOU PLAY WITH WHILE ADMIRING YOUR SKILL WILL NOT FEEL THEY CAN TREAT YOU AS ANOTHER FELLOW HARDLY WITH COURTESY AND WITH NO CONSIDERATION TRY NOT TO SWING YOUR ARMS AND BE UNGRACEFUL IN WALKING TRY NOT TO SIT IN EVERY AWKWARD POSITION THAT MAY BE COMFORTABLE DO NOT CROSS YOUR LEGS AND DISPLAY YARDS OF ANKLE AND ABOVE ALL DO NOT LEAN BOTH ELBOWS UPON THE TABLE AND EAT AS THOUGH AT A PICNIC WHERE GIPSY'S WAYS WERE GOOD ENOUGH ONE SEES ALL THESE DEFECTS SO CONSTANTLY NOW THAT ONE HAS ALMOST CEASED TO REMARK UPON THEM THE VERY TIGHT SKIRTS HAVE WHAT DONE ONE THING FOR WOMEN THEY HAVE ENORMOUSLY IMPROVED THEIR WALK MAKING THOSE LONG MANLY STRIDES IMPOSSIBLE I SUPPOSE NO NATION IN THE WORLD HAS SUCH NATURALLY PERFECTLY SHAPED BONES AND PROPORTIONS AND NO NATION SPOILS THESE ADVANTAGES SO MUCH BY THEIR ATROCIOUS MOVEMENTS AS WE DO WELL WHAT A PITY AND WHY CANNOT COMMON SENSE STEP IN AND RECTIFY THIS FAILING WHY DO ANYTHING WITH EXAGGERATION" ], "begin_byte": 22362, "end_byte": 22542 } } ]
{ "id": "large/11299/affectionate_godmother_1701_librivox_64kb_mp3/godmother_02_glyn_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/11299/affectionate_godmother_1701_librivox_64kb_mp3/godmother_02_glyn_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 20137528, "duration": 1258.5955, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
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[ { "id": "large/11299/affectionate_godmother_1701_librivox_64kb_mp3/godmother_02_glyn_64kb_39", "recording_id": "large/11299/affectionate_godmother_1701_librivox_64kb_mp3/godmother_02_glyn_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 14.88, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "11299", "custom": { "texts": [ "There used to be an idea that girls must be warned about wolves in sheep's clothing, who wandered in society ready to lead them astray, corrupt their morals, and break their hearts!", "THERE USED TO BE AN IDEA THAT GIRLS MUST BE WARNED ABOUT WOLVES AND SHEEP'S CLOTHING WHO WANDERED IN SOCIETY READY TO LEAD THEM ASTRAY CORRUPT THEIR MORALS AND BREAK THEIR HEARTS" ], "pre_texts": [ " lies with you, therefore, what impression on his heart and brain you wish to create. I do assure you, Caroline, that it is infinitely more agreeable when he thinks you all that is perfect, and is passionately in love, than when he is mildly attracted by your golf and your _camaraderie_, while his unemployed senses, left at liberty to roam, stray to the more cunning young women of the chorus, who have realized that some feminine allurements are not bad things to cultivate. By all means play your golf and your tennis if they give you pleasure, but try and make your partner feel that these things are a means to securing the end he desires: namely, your company and companionship; not that you are the means to his enjoyment of the game. Do not throw away all mystery and appear a loud, jolly schoolboy, because, if you do, naturally the other “boys” will treat you as one of themselves, or as a sister--not as “another fellow’s sister,” to be considered, and whose favors are to be schemed for.", "IM THE PRESENTIMENT OF IT ENTIRELY LIES WITH YOU THEREFORE WHAT IMPRESSION OF HIS HEART AND BRAIN YOU WISH TO CREATE I DO ASSURE YOU CAROLINE THAT IT IS INFINITELY MORE AGREEABLE WHEN HE THINKS YOU ALL THAT IS PERFECT AND IS PASSIONATELY IN LOVE THAN WHEN HE IS MILDLY ATTRACTED BY YOUR GOLF AND YOUR CAMARADERIE WHILE HIS UNEMPLOYED SENSES LEFT AT LIBERTY TO ROME STRAY TO THE MORE CUNNING YOUNG WOMEN OF THE CHORUS WHO HAVE REALIZED THAT SOME FEMINE ALLUREMENTS ARE NOT BAD THINGS TO CULTIVATE BY ALL MEANS PLAY YOUR GOLF AND YOUR TENNIS IF THEY GIVE YOU PLEASURE BUT TRY TO MAKE YOUR PARTNER FEEL THAT THESE THINGS ARE A MEANS TO SECURING THE END HE DESIRES NAMELY YOUR COMPANY AND COMPANIONSHIP NOT THAT YOU ARE THE MEANS TO HIS ENJOYMENT OF THE GAME DO NOT THROW AWAY ALL MYSTERY AND APPEAR A LOUD JOLLY SCHOOLBOY BECAUSE IF YOU DO NATURALLY THE OTHER BOYS WILL TREAT YOU AS ONE OF THEMSELVES OR AS A SISTER NOT AS ANOTHER FELLOW'S SISTER TO BE CONSIDERED AND WHOSE FAVOURS ARE TO BE SCHEMED FOR" ], "begin_byte": 29945, "end_byte": 30126 } } ]
{ "id": "large/11299/affectionate_godmother_1701_librivox_64kb_mp3/godmother_02_glyn_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/11299/affectionate_godmother_1701_librivox_64kb_mp3/godmother_02_glyn_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 20137528, "duration": 1258.5955, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
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[ { "id": "large/11299/affectionate_godmother_1701_librivox_64kb_mp3/godmother_02_glyn_64kb_40", "recording_id": "large/11299/affectionate_godmother_1701_librivox_64kb_mp3/godmother_02_glyn_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 9.599, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "11299", "custom": { "texts": [ "If a man is not free to marry a girl, his assiduous attentions are an impertinence, to say the least of it.", "IF A MAN IS NOT FREE TO MARRY A GIRL HIS ASSIDUOUS ATTENTIONS ARE AN IMPERTINENCE TO SAY THE LEAST OF IT" ], "pre_texts": [ "ne of themselves, or as a sister--not as “another fellow’s sister,” to be considered, and whose favors are to be schemed for. There used to be an idea that girls must be warned about wolves in sheep’s clothing, who wandered in society ready to lead them astray, corrupt their morals, and break their hearts! But, if these fabulous creatures ever existed, they only survive now in a few daring, youngish married men who make it their business to flirt with girls. I need not warn you against these, Caroline, because [Illustration: “_Numbers of young women do the seeking and the hunting._”] I know that you are a proud little lady, and one, therefore, whose instincts would tell you that the attentions of a married man were merely an insult, disguised in whatever form they happened to be. It is only the lowest and cheapest sort of girl who willingly encourages such people, blazoning to the world that her vanity is colossal and her self-respect _nil_. So we need not touch more upon this subject.", "RY AND APPEAR A LOUD JOLLY SCHOOLBOY BECAUSE IF YOU DO NATURALLY THE OTHER BOYS WILL TREAT YOU AS ONE OF THEMSELVES OR AS A SISTER NOT AS ANOTHER FELLOW'S SISTER TO BE CONSIDERED AND WHOSE FAVOURS ARE TO BE SCHEMED FOR THERE USED TO BE AN IDEA THAT GIRLS MUST BE WARNED ABOUT WOLVES AND SHEEP'S CLOTHING WHO WANDERED IN SOCIETY READY TO LEAD THEM ASTRAY CORRUPT THEIR MORALS AND BREAK THEIR HEARTS BUT IF THESE FABULOUS CREATURES EVER EXISTED THEY ONLY SURVIVE NOW IN A FEW DARING YOUNGISH MARRIED MEN WHO MAKE IT THEIR BUSINESS TO FLIRT WITH GIRLS I NEED NOT WARN YOU AGAINST THESE CAROLINE BECAUSE I KNOW THAT YOU ARE A PROUD LITTLE LADY AND ONE THEREFORE WHOSE INSTINCTS WOULD TELL YOU THAT THE INTENTIONS OF A MARRIED MAN WERE MERELY AN INSULT DISGUISED IN WHATEVER FORM THERE HAPPENED TO BE IT IS ONLY THE LOWEST AND CHEAPEST SORT OF GIRL WHO WILLINGLY ENCOURAGES SUCH PEOPLE BLAZONING TO THE WORLD THAT HER VANITY IS COLOSSAL AND HER SELF RESPECT NIL SO WE NEED NOT TOUCH MORE UPON THIS SUBJECT" ], "begin_byte": 30820, "end_byte": 30927 } } ]
{ "id": "large/11299/affectionate_godmother_1701_librivox_64kb_mp3/godmother_02_glyn_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/11299/affectionate_godmother_1701_librivox_64kb_mp3/godmother_02_glyn_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 20137528, "duration": 1258.5955, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
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[ { "id": "large/11299/affectionate_godmother_1701_librivox_64kb_mp3/godmother_02_glyn_64kb_63", "recording_id": "large/11299/affectionate_godmother_1701_librivox_64kb_mp3/godmother_02_glyn_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 29.72, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "11299", "custom": { "texts": [ "The children of those days, who are now mothers of the present young girls, went a step further, with the best intentions, and augmented, by the craze for exercise and out of door games, the effect of the lax rules of deportment, so that now one hardly ever sees a really gracious and graceful young girl, and some of them are the most unattractive specimens of youthful females in consequence.", "THE CHILDREN OF THOSE DAYS WHO ARE NOW MOTHERS OF THE PRESENT YOUNG GIRLS WENT A STEP FURTHER WITH THE BEST INTENTIONS AND AUGMENTED BY THE CRAZE FOR EXERCISE AND OUT OF DOOR GAMES THE EFFECTS OF THE LAX RULES OF DEPORTMENT SO THAT NOW ONE HARDLY EVER SEES A REALLY GRACIOUS AND GRACEFUL YOUNG GIRL AND SOME OF THEM ARE THE MOST UNATTRACTIVE SPECIMENS OF YOUTHFUL FEMALES IN CONSEQUENCE" ], "pre_texts": [ "his small company of the survival of other days! The modern young woman is so innately selfish that, as a rule, her manners are only good when some definite momentary gain to herself makes their display worth while. She is too short-sighted to look ahead and see their value, and she is no longer a proud person remembering what is due to herself, and, therefore, that good manners ought to be the stamp of her breeding. She is often as primitive as a young savage, with a smattering of a fair mental education on top. Numbers of kind-hearted mothers about forty years ago began to think that their own training had been horribly stiff and cruel, and gave a much greater license to their offspring. Deportment masters and mistresses grew to be less and less in vogue, and ridicule was cast upon the rules that had been in practice for every girl entering society. People began to laugh at numbers of things, a sense of humor was reviving, and it attacked the methods and fashions of “young ladyhood.”", "T YOU TO BE AMONG THIS SMALL COMPANY OF THE SURVIVAL OF OTHER DAYS THE MODERN YOUNG WOMAN IS SO INNATELY SELFISH THAT AS A RULE HER MANNERS ARE ONLY GOOD WHEN SOME DEFINITE MOMENTARY GAIN TO HERSELF MAKES THEIR DISPLAY WORTH WHILE SHE IS TOO SHORT SIGHTED TO LOOK AHEAD AND SEE THEIR VALUE AND SHE IS NO LONGER A PROUD PERSON REMEMBERING WHAT IS DUE TO HERSELF AND THEREFORE THAT GOOD MANNERS OUGHT TO BE THE STAMP OF HER BREEDING SHE IS OFTEN AS PRIMITIVE AS A YOUNG SAVAGE WITH A SMATTERING OF A FAIR MENTAL EDUCATION ON TOP NUMBERS OF KIND HEARTED MOTHERS ABOUT FORTY YEARS AGO BEGAN TO THINK THAT THEIR OWN TRAINING HAD BEEN HORRIBLY STIFF AND CRUEL AND GAVE A MUCH GRACERD LICENCE TO THEIR OFFSPRING DEPORTMENT MASTERS AND MISTRESSES GREW TO BE LESS AND LESS IN VOGUE AND RIDICULE WAS CAST UPON THE RULES THAT HAD BEEN IN PRACTICE FOR EVERY GIRL ENTERING SOCIETY PEOPLE BEGAN TO LAUGH AT NUMBERS OF THINGS A SENSE OF HUMOUR WAS REVIVING AND IT ATTACKED THE METHODS AND FASHIONS OF YOUNG LADYHOOD" ], "begin_byte": 20768, "end_byte": 21162 } } ]
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[ { "id": "large/11299/affectionate_godmother_1701_librivox_64kb_mp3/godmother_02_glyn_64kb_67", "recording_id": "large/11299/affectionate_godmother_1701_librivox_64kb_mp3/godmother_02_glyn_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 28.36, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "11299", "custom": { "texts": [ "If your tastes incline to violent outdoor games, assiduously cultivate beautiful and gracious manners as well, so that the young men you play with, while admiring your skill, will not feel they can treat you as \"another fellow,\" hardly with courtesy, and with no consideration. Try not to swing your arms and be ungraceful in walking.", "IF YOUR TASTES INCLINE TO VIOLENT OUTDOOR GAMES ASSIDUOUSLY CULTIVATE BEAUTIFUL AND GRACIOUS MANNERS AS WELL SO THAT THE YOUNG MEN YOU PLAY WITH WHILE ADMIRING YOUR SKILL WILL NOT FEEL THEY CAN TREAT YOU AS ANOTHER FELLOW HARDLY WITH COURTESY AND WITH NO CONSIDERATION TRY NOT TO SWING YOUR ARMS AND BE UNGRACEFUL IN WALKING" ], "pre_texts": [ "mental education on top. Numbers of kind-hearted mothers about forty years ago began to think that their own training had been horribly stiff and cruel, and gave a much greater license to their offspring. Deportment masters and mistresses grew to be less and less in vogue, and ridicule was cast upon the rules that had been in practice for every girl entering society. People began to laugh at numbers of things, a sense of humor was reviving, and it attacked the methods and fashions of “young ladyhood.” The children of those days, who are now mothers of the present young girls, went a step further, with the best intentions, and augmented, by the craze for exercise and out-of-door games, the effect of the lax rules of deportment, so that now one hardly ever sees a really gracious and graceful young girl, and some of them are the most unattractive specimens of youthful females in consequence. Now, Caroline, I want you to be a cunning creature and combine the methods of the old and the new.", "MATTERING OF A FAIR MENTAL EDUCATION ON TOP NUMBERS OF KIND HEARTED MOTHERS ABOUT FORTY YEARS AGO BEGAN TO THINK THAT THEIR OWN TRAINING HAD BEEN HORRIBLY STIFF AND CRUEL AND GAVE A MUCH GRACERD LICENCE TO THEIR OFFSPRING DEPORTMENT MASTERS AND MISTRESSES GREW TO BE LESS AND LESS IN VOGUE AND RIDICULE WAS CAST UPON THE RULES THAT HAD BEEN IN PRACTICE FOR EVERY GIRL ENTERING SOCIETY PEOPLE BEGAN TO LAUGH AT NUMBERS OF THINGS A SENSE OF HUMOUR WAS REVIVING AND IT ATTACKED THE METHODS AND FASHIONS OF YOUNG LADYHOOD THE CHILDREN OF THOSE DAYS WHO ARE NOW MOTHERS OF THE PRESENT YOUNG GIRLS WENT A STEP FURTHER WITH THE BEST INTENTIONS AND AUGMENTED BY THE CRAZE FOR EXERCISE AND OUT OF DOOR GAMES THE EFFECTS OF THE LAX RULES OF DEPORTMENT SO THAT NOW ONE HARDLY EVER SEES A REALLY GRACIOUS AND GRACEFUL YOUNG GIRL AND SOME OF THEM ARE THE MOST UNATTRACTIVE SPECIMENS OF YOUTHFUL FEMALES IN CONSEQUENCE NOW CAROLINE I WANT YOU TO BE A CUNNING CREATURE AND COMBINE THE METHODS OF THE OLD AND THE NEW" ], "begin_byte": 21262, "end_byte": 21596 } } ]
{ "id": "large/11299/affectionate_godmother_1701_librivox_64kb_mp3/godmother_02_glyn_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/11299/affectionate_godmother_1701_librivox_64kb_mp3/godmother_02_glyn_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 20137528, "duration": 1258.5955, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
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[ { "id": "large/11299/affectionate_godmother_1701_librivox_64kb_mp3/godmother_03_glyn_64kb_19", "recording_id": "large/11299/affectionate_godmother_1701_librivox_64kb_mp3/godmother_03_glyn_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 20.959, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "11299", "custom": { "texts": [ "These preliminary remarks, I dare say, are calculated to provoke the fiercest argument among many girls; but wait, Caroline, until I have finished explaining the reasons and dissecting the aspects, keeping in view our end common sense and happiness.", "THESE PRELIMINARY REMARKS I DARE SAY ARE CALCULATED TO PROVOKE THE FIERCEST ARGUMENT AMONG MANY GIRLS BUT WAIT CAROLINE UNTIL I HAVE FINISHED EXPLAINING REASONS AND DISSECTING THE ASPECTS KEEPING IN VIEW OUR END COMMON SENSE AND HAPPINESS" ], "pre_texts": [ "d you select has a stronger character than you have, and if he is also extremely desirable to other women, the only way you will be able to keep him through all the years to come will be by being invariably sweet, loving, and gentle to him, so that, no matter what tempers and caprices he experiences in his encounters with the many others of your sex who will fling themselves at his head, he will never have a memory but of love and peace at home. Never mind _what_ he does, supposing you really love him and want to keep him, this is the only method to use. It may even seem to bore him at the end of about the first two years, but continue. If he is young and handsome and attractive he must have his fling, and you should let him have whatever tether he requires, while you influence him to good and beautiful things, and always know and feel certain in your heart that the intense magnetic force of your love and sweetness will inevitably draw him back the moment the outside fascination palls.", " THEM IF THE HUSBAND YOU SELECT HAS A STRONGER CHARACTER THAN YOU HAVE AND IF HE IS ALSO EXTREMELY DESIRABLE TO OTHER WOMEN THE ONLY WAY YOU WILL BE ABLE TO KEEP HIM THROUGH ALL THE YEARS TO COME WILL BE BY BEING INVARIABLY SWEET LOVING AND GENTLE TO HIM SO THAT NO MATTER WHAT TEMPERS AND CAPRICES HE EXPERIENCES IN HIS ENCOUNTERS WITH THE MANY OTHERS OF YOUR SEX WHO WILL FLING THEMSELVES AT HIS HEAD HE WILL NEVER HAVE A MEMORY BUS OF LOVE AND PEACE AT HOME NEVER MIND WHAT HE DOES SUPPOSING YOU REALLY LOVE HIM AND WANT TO KEEP HIM THIS IS THE ONLY METHOD TO USE IT MAY EVEN SEEM TO BORE HIM AT THE END OF ABOUT THE FIRST TWO YEARS BUT CONTINUE IF HE IS YOUNG AND HANDSOME AND ATTRACTIVE HE MUST HAVE HIS FLING AND YOU SHOULD LET HIM HAVE WHATEVER TETHER HE REQUIRES WHILE YOU INFLUENCE HIM TO GOOD AND BEAUTIFUL THINGS AND ALWAYS KNOW AND FEEL CERTAIN IN YOUR HEART THAT THE INTENSE MAGNETIC FORCE OF YOUR LOVE AND SWEETNESS WILL INEVITABLY DRAW HIM BACK THE MOMENT THE OUTSIDE FASCINATION PULLS" ], "begin_byte": 50313, "end_byte": 50563 } } ]
{ "id": "large/11299/affectionate_godmother_1701_librivox_64kb_mp3/godmother_03_glyn_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/11299/affectionate_godmother_1701_librivox_64kb_mp3/godmother_03_glyn_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 20897439, "duration": 1306.0899375, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
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[ { "id": "large/11299/affectionate_godmother_1701_librivox_64kb_mp3/godmother_03_glyn_64kb_26", "recording_id": "large/11299/affectionate_godmother_1701_librivox_64kb_mp3/godmother_03_glyn_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 9.48, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "11299", "custom": { "texts": [ "But love that exquisite essence which turned the world into Paradise is a thing flown away.", "BUT LOVE THAT EXQUISITE ESSENCE WHICH TURNED THE WORLD INTO PARADISE IS A THING FLOWN AWAY" ], "pre_texts": [ " aim and end of all sensible girls._”] realize that it is for life, and it is therefore a very serious step, and not to be taken lightly. The rushing into unions without sufficient thought is the main cause of much of the modern unhappiness. How can you expect to spend peaceful, blissful years with a man whom you have taken casually just because you liked chaffing with him and dancing with him, or playing golf? Think of the hours you must spend with him when these things will be impossible, and if you have no other tastes in common you will find yourself terribly bored. In one of my books I once wrote this maxim: “It is better to marry the life you like, because after a while the man does not matter!” It was a very cynical sentence, but unfortunately true. It is only in the rarest cases that “after a while” either individual really matters to the other. They have at best become habits; they are friendly and jolly, and if “the life” is what they both like all rubs along smoothly enough.", "Y IN THE LAST EXTREMITY SO CAROLINE DEAR WHEN YOU MARRY YOU MUST REALIZE THAT IT IS FOR LIFE AND IT IS THEREFORE A VERY SERIOUS STEP AND NOT TO BE TAKEN LIGHTLY THE RUSHING INTO UNIONS WITHOUT SUFFICIENT THOUGHT IS THE MAIN CAUSE OF MUCH OF THE MODERN UNHAPPINESS HOW CAN YOU EXPECT TO SPEND PEACEFUL BLISSFUL YEARS WITH A MAN WHOM YOU HAVE TAKEN CASUALLY JUST BECAUSE YOU LIKE CHAFFING WITH HIM OR DANCING WITH HIM OR PLAYING GOLF THINK OF THE HOURS YOU MUST SPEND WITH HIM WHEN THESE THINGS WILL BE IMPOSSIBLE AND IF YOU HAVE NO OTHER TASTES IN COMMON YOU WILL FIND YOURSELF TERRIBLY BORED IN ONE OF MY BOOKS I ONCE WROTE THIS MAXIM IT IS BETTER TO MARRY THE LIFE YOU LIKE BECAUSE AFTER A WHILE THE MAN DOES NOT MATTER IT WAS A VERY CYNICAL SENTENCE BUT UNFORTUNATELY TRUE IT IS ONLY IN THE RAREST CASES THAT AFTER A WHILE EITHER INDIVIDUAL REALLY MATTERS TO THE OTHER THEY HAVE AT BEST BECOME HABITS THEY ARE FRIENDLY AND JOLLY BUT IF THE LIFE IS WHAT THEY BOTH LIKE ALL RUBS ALONG SMOOTHLY ENOUGH" ], "begin_byte": 45183, "end_byte": 45276 } } ]
{ "id": "large/11299/affectionate_godmother_1701_librivox_64kb_mp3/godmother_03_glyn_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/11299/affectionate_godmother_1701_librivox_64kb_mp3/godmother_03_glyn_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 20897439, "duration": 1306.0899375, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
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[ { "id": "large/11299/affectionate_godmother_1701_librivox_64kb_mp3/godmother_03_glyn_64kb_30", "recording_id": "large/11299/affectionate_godmother_1701_librivox_64kb_mp3/godmother_03_glyn_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 10.759, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "11299", "custom": { "texts": [ "Then let us suppose you have done so, and marry him. You are then contracting a bargain, and you have to fulfil your half.", "THEN LET US SUPPOSE YOU HAVE DONE SO AND MARRY HIM YOU ARE THEN CONTRACTING A BARGAIN AND YOU HAVE TO FULFIL YOUR HALF" ], "pre_texts": [ "husband? [Illustration: “‘_It is better to marry the life you like, because after a while the man does not matter._’”] Think what it would be to be with him always, at the interminable meals, for years and years, through all the tedious duties which must come with responsibility. Ask yourself if his tastes suit yours, if his bent of mind is the same, if you will be likely to agree upon general points of view. And, if you are obliged honestly to answer these questions in the negative, then have the strength of mind to crush whatever attraction is beginning to spring in your heart. Once it goes on to passion, no reason is of any use, so it is only in the beginning that judgment can be employed. You must remember that like draws like with more or less intensity according to the force of [Illustration: “_Think what it would be to be with him always._”] characters. I know you are highly educated, Caroline, and if you do not let yourself become priggish you should draw a very nice young man.", "P CONTINUES IN PERFECT SYMPATHY SO WHEN YOU FEEL YOURSELF BECOMING ATTRACTED BY A YOUNG MAN PULL YOURSELF TOGETHER IN TIME AND ASK YOURSELF IF THE AFFAIR GOES ON WOULD YOU REALLY LIKE HIM FOR A HUSBAND THINK WHAT IT WOULD BE TO BE WITH HIM ALWAYS AT THE INTERMINABLE MEALS FOR YEARS AND YEARS THROUGH ALL THE TEDIOUS DUTIES WHICH MUST COME WITH RESPONSIBILITY ASK YOURSELF IF HIS TASTES SUIT YOURS IF HIS BENT OF MIND IS THE SAME IF YOU WILL BE LIKELY TO AGREE UPON GENERAL POINTS OF VIEW AND IF YOU ARE OBLIGED HONESTLY TO ANSWER THESE QUESTIONS IN THE NEGATIVE THEN HAVE THE STRENGTH OF MIND TO CRUSH WHATEVER ATTRACTION IS BEGINNING TO SPRING IN YOUR HEART ONCE IT GOES ON TO PASSION NO REASON IS OF ANY USE SO IT IS ONLY IN THE BEGINNING THAT JUDGMENT CAN BE EMPLOYED YOU MUST REMEMBER THAT LIKE DRAWS LIKE WITH MORE OR LESS INTENSITY ACCORDING TO THE FORCE OF CHARACTERS I KNOW YOU ARE HIGHLY EDUCATED CAROLINE AND IF YOU DO NOT LET YOURSELF BECOME PRIGGISH YOU SHOULD DRAW A VERY NICE YOUNG MAN" ], "begin_byte": 46609, "end_byte": 46731 } } ]
{ "id": "large/11299/affectionate_godmother_1701_librivox_64kb_mp3/godmother_03_glyn_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/11299/affectionate_godmother_1701_librivox_64kb_mp3/godmother_03_glyn_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 20897439, "duration": 1306.0899375, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
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[ { "id": "large/11299/affectionate_godmother_1701_librivox_64kb_mp3/godmother_03_glyn_64kb_36", "recording_id": "large/11299/affectionate_godmother_1701_librivox_64kb_mp3/godmother_03_glyn_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 8.079, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "11299", "custom": { "texts": [ "So you must play fair also, and try to understand the rules and follow them.", "SO YOU MUST PLAY FAIR ALSO AND TRY TO UNDERSTAND THE RULES AND FOLLOW THEM" ], "pre_texts": [ "e way of their increasing individuality; but meanwhile it does not tend toward their happiness. Now, Caroline, I am sure you will agree with me that to aim at happiness is a wiser and more agreeable thing than just to express the growing individuality of your sex! I must reiterate what I said in my former letters; I am advising you for a _first start_ in all things. Circumstances may arise which may alter possibilities, but, to begin upon, we may as well aim at the best, and not fight windmills; storming that men _ought_ to be different, and that women should not give way, being their superiors in most things! It will take much longer than your lifetime (and I personally hope, in spite of the wrath I shall excite in stating this,--much longer than many lifetimes) to change the nature of men. So do not let us bother over these abstract points, but accept men as they are, dear, attractive, selfish darlings! with generous hearts and a quite remarkable faculty for playing fair in any game.", " A BAD THING IT IS PROOF IN ONE WAY OF THEIR INCREASING INDIVIDUALITY BUT MEANWHILE IT DOES NOT TEND TOWARDS THEIR HAPPINESS NOW CAROLINE I AM SURE YOU WILL AGREE WITH ME THAT TO AIM AT HAPPINESS IS A WISER AND MORE AGREEABLE THING THAN JUST TO EXPRESS THE GROWING INDIVIDUALITY OF YOUR SEX I MUST REITERATE WHAT I SAID IN MY FORMER LETTERS I AM ADVISING YOU FOR A FIRST START IN ALL THINGS CIRCUMSTANCES MAY ARISE WHICH MAY ALTER POSSIBILITIES BUT TO BEGIN UPON WE MAY AS WELL AIM AT THE BEST AND NOT FIGHT WINDMILLS STORMING THAT MEN OUGHT TO BE DIFFERENT AND THAT WOMEN SHOULD NOT GIVE WAY BEING THEIR SUPERIORS IN MOST THINGS IT WILL TAKE MUCH LONGER THAN YOUR LIFETIME AND I PERSONALLY HOPE IN SPITE OF THE WRATH I SHALL EXCITE IN STATING THIS MUCH LONGER THAN MANY LIFETIMES TO CHANGE THE NATURE OF MEN SO DO NOT LET US BOTHER OVER THESE ABSTRACT POINTS BUT ACCEPT MEN AS THEY ARE DEAR ATTRACTIVE SELFISH DARLINGS WITH GENEROUS HEARTS AND A QUITE REMARKABLE FACULTY FOR PLAYING FAIR IN ANY GAME" ], "begin_byte": 49222, "end_byte": 49298 } } ]
{ "id": "large/11299/affectionate_godmother_1701_librivox_64kb_mp3/godmother_03_glyn_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/11299/affectionate_godmother_1701_librivox_64kb_mp3/godmother_03_glyn_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 20897439, "duration": 1306.0899375, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
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[ { "id": "large/11299/affectionate_godmother_1701_librivox_64kb_mp3/godmother_03_glyn_64kb_65", "recording_id": "large/11299/affectionate_godmother_1701_librivox_64kb_mp3/godmother_03_glyn_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 10.479, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "11299", "custom": { "texts": [ "Go to one good bootmaker and let him make a study of your foot, and then have the simplest, neatest, and daintiest things made for you.", "GO TO ONE GOOD BOOT MAKER AND LET HIM MAKE A STUDY OF YOUR FEET AND THEN HAVE THE SIMPLEST NEATEST AND DAINTIEST THINGS MADE FOR YOU" ], "pre_texts": [ "se your eyes and observation to see what is the prettiest note in passing fashion, you can counteract the rather commonplace, though pretty, appearance Nature has endowed you with, and turn it into a quaint, picturesque little individuality. Never buy things that you do not actually want just because they are cheap. Cheap things nearly always have disadvantages, or they would not be cheap. Have few clothes and good ones. Take care of them, and do not ruthlessly crush and rumple them when you have them on, even though you have a good maid to repair your ravages afterwards. I know you will not have to bother about money, but I say all this because I see by the blouse you are wearing in your picture that you have a leaning toward these rubbishy things. Be extremely particular about your foot-covering, too, Caroline. You look as though you had nice feet. Never buy any of the eccentric fashions that you see in every shop window, and on the feet of every little person trotting in the street.", "VATE THESE POINTS AND USE YOUR EYES AND OBSERVATION TO SEE WHAT IS THE PRETTIEST NOTE IN PASSING FASHION YOU CAN COUNTERACT THE RATHER COMMONPLACE THOUGH PRETTY APPEARANCE NATURE HAS ENDOWED YOU WITH AND TURN IT INTO A QUAINT PICTURESQUE LITTLE INDIVIDUALITY NEVER BY THINGS THAT YOU DO NOT ACTUALLY WANT JUST BECAUSE THEY ARE CHEAP CHEAP THINGS NEARLY ALWAYS HAVE DISADVANTAGES OR THEY WOULD NOT BE CHEAP HAVE FEW CLOTHES AND GOOD ONES TAKE CARE OF THEM AND DO NOT RUTHLESSLY CRUSH AND RUMPLE THEM WHEN YOU HAVE THEM ON EVEN THOUGH YOU HAVE A GOOD MAID TO REPAIR YOUR RAVAGES AFTERWARDS I KNOW YOU WILL NOT HAVE TO BOTHER ABOUT MONEY BUT I SAY ALL THIS BECAUSE I SEE BY THE BLOUSE YOU ARE WEARING IN YOUR PICTURE THAT YOU HAVE A LEANING TOWARD THESE RUBBISHY THINGS BE EXTREMELY PARTICULAR ABOUT YOUR FOOT COVERING TOO CAROLINE YOU LOOK AS THOUGH YOU HAD NICE FEET NEVER BY ANY OF THE ECCENTRIC FASHIONS THAT YOU SEE IN EVERY SHOP WINDOW AND ON THE FEET OF EVERY LITTLE PERSON TROTTING IN THE STREET" ], "begin_byte": 41838, "end_byte": 41973 } } ]
{ "id": "large/11299/affectionate_godmother_1701_librivox_64kb_mp3/godmother_03_glyn_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/11299/affectionate_godmother_1701_librivox_64kb_mp3/godmother_03_glyn_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 20897439, "duration": 1306.0899375, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
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[ { "id": "large/11299/affectionate_godmother_1701_librivox_64kb_mp3/godmother_03_glyn_64kb_68", "recording_id": "large/11299/affectionate_godmother_1701_librivox_64kb_mp3/godmother_03_glyn_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 14.32, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "11299", "custom": { "texts": [ "If you were a poor girl, Caroline, coming out in society on the narrowest means, I would send you all sorts of hints how to arrange and manage to look sweet and lovely upon a very small sum.", "IF YOU WERE A POOR GIRL CAROLINE COMING OUT IN SOCIETY ON THE NARROWEST MEANS I WOULD SEND YOU ALL SORTS OF HINTS OF HOW TO ARRANGE AND MANAGE TO LOOK SWEET AND LOVELY UPON A VERY SMALL SUM" ], "pre_texts": [ "things nearly always have disadvantages, or they would not be cheap. Have few clothes and good ones. Take care of them, and do not ruthlessly crush and rumple them when you have them on, even though you have a good maid to repair your ravages afterwards. I know you will not have to bother about money, but I say all this because I see by the blouse you are wearing in your picture that you have a leaning toward these rubbishy things. Be extremely particular about your foot-covering, too, Caroline. You look as though you had nice feet. Never buy any of the eccentric fashions that you see in every shop window, and on the feet of every little person trotting in the street. Go to one good bootmaker and let him make a study of your foot, and then have the simplest, neatest, and daintiest things made for you. You see, I am writing to one who has ample money for whatever is required, so I am giving her the best advice, because I fear her own taste is not sound--and she is young enough to learn!", "USE THEY ARE CHEAP CHEAP THINGS NEARLY ALWAYS HAVE DISADVANTAGES OR THEY WOULD NOT BE CHEAP HAVE FEW CLOTHES AND GOOD ONES TAKE CARE OF THEM AND DO NOT RUTHLESSLY CRUSH AND RUMPLE THEM WHEN YOU HAVE THEM ON EVEN THOUGH YOU HAVE A GOOD MAID TO REPAIR YOUR RAVAGES AFTERWARDS I KNOW YOU WILL NOT HAVE TO BOTHER ABOUT MONEY BUT I SAY ALL THIS BECAUSE I SEE BY THE BLOUSE YOU ARE WEARING IN YOUR PICTURE THAT YOU HAVE A LEANING TOWARD THESE RUBBISHY THINGS BE EXTREMELY PARTICULAR ABOUT YOUR FOOT COVERING TOO CAROLINE YOU LOOK AS THOUGH YOU HAD NICE FEET NEVER BY ANY OF THE ECCENTRIC FASHIONS THAT YOU SEE IN EVERY SHOP WINDOW AND ON THE FEET OF EVERY LITTLE PERSON TROTTING IN THE STREET GO TO ONE GOOD BOOT MAKER AND LET HIM MAKE A STUDY OF YOUR FEET AND THEN HAVE THE SIMPLEST NEATEST AND DAINTIEST THINGS MADE FOR YOU YOU SEE I'M WRITING TO ONE WHO HAS AMPLE MONEY FOR WHATEVER IS REQUIRED SO I'M GIVING HER THE BEST ADVICE BECAUSE I FEAR HER OWN TASTE IS NOT SOUND AND SHE IS YOUNG ENOUGH TO LEARN" ], "begin_byte": 42162, "end_byte": 42352 } } ]
{ "id": "large/11299/affectionate_godmother_1701_librivox_64kb_mp3/godmother_03_glyn_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/11299/affectionate_godmother_1701_librivox_64kb_mp3/godmother_03_glyn_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 20897439, "duration": 1306.0899375, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
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[ { "id": "large/11299/affectionate_godmother_1701_librivox_64kb_mp3/godmother_03_glyn_64kb_69", "recording_id": "large/11299/affectionate_godmother_1701_librivox_64kb_mp3/godmother_03_glyn_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 27.04, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "11299", "custom": { "texts": [ "To digress a moment I went to a party the other night, a musical party where the guests were obliged to sit still round the room quietly; and I counted no less than thirteen of the younger women with their legs crossed, which in some cases, on account of these very narrow skirts we are all wearing, caused the sights to be perfectly grotesque.", "TO DIGRESS A MOMENT I WENT TO A PARTY THE OTHER NIGHT A MUSICAL PARTY WHERE THE GUESTS WERE OBLIGED TO SIT STILL ROUND THE ROOM QUIETLY AND I COUNTED NO LESS THAN THIRTEEN OF THE YOUNGER WOMEN WITH THEIR LEGS CROSSED WHICH IN SOME CASES ON ACCOUNT OF THESE VERY NARROW SKIRTS WE ARE ALL WEARING CAUSE THE SIGHTS TO BE PERFECTLY GROTESQUE" ], "pre_texts": [ " a workmanlike thing, as neat as a man’s, and with long sleeves finished by real shirt-cuffs with links. It can be composed of silk, flannel, or linen, but if it is a shirt--that is, a garment for the morning, and to be worn with a rough serge or tweed winter suit--it should have no meaningless fripperies about it. If you want trimmed-up things, have a regular blouse, and then wear it with an afternoon costume. Short-sleeved blouses should only be indulged in in the summer, and when they are made of the finest material. And even then, if the wearer has what the little girl in this picture seems to have--thick wrists and rather big hands--it is wiser to avoid them altogether! Now that I have torn her garments and hair-dressing to pieces, Caroline!--I must scold about her attitude. She is doing two of the most ungraceful things: putting her arm akimbo and crossing her legs! You may say every girl does them--which may be true, but that is no proof that they are pretty or desirable habits!", "THE CUFF NOW A SHIRT SHOULD BE A WORKMANLIKE THING AS NEAT AS A MAN'S AND WITH LONG SLEEVES FINISHED BY REAL SHIRT CUPS WITH LYNX IT CAN BE COMPOSED OF SILK FLANNEL OR LINEN BUT IF IT IS A SHIRT THAT IS A GARMENT FOR THE MORNING AND TO BE WORN WITH A ROUGH SERGE OR TWEED WINTER SUIT IT SHOULD HAVE NO MEANINGLESS FRIPPERIES AROUND IT IF YOU WANT TRIMMED UP THINGS HAVE A REGULAR BLOUSE AND THEN WEAR IT WITH AN AFTERNOON COSTUME SHORT SLEEVED BLOUSES SHOULD ONLY BE INDULGED IN IN THE SUMMER AND WHEN THEY ARE MADE OF THE FINEST MATERIAL AND EVEN THEN IF THE WEARER HAS WHAT THE LITTLE GIRL IN THIS PICTURE SEEMS TO HAVE THICK WRISTS AND RATHER BIG HANDS IT IS WISER TO AVOID THEM ALTOGETHER NOW THAT I HAVE TORN HER GARMENTS AND HAIR DRESSING TO PIECES CAROLINE I MUST SCOLD ABOUT HER ATTITUDE SHE IS DOING TWO OF THE MOST UNGRACEFUL THINGS PUTTING HER ARM AKIMBO AND CROSSING HER LEGS YOU MAY SAY EVERY GIRL DOES THEM WHICH MAY BE TRUE BUT THAT IS NO PROOF THAT THEY ARE PRETTY OR DESIRABLE HABITS" ], "begin_byte": 38393, "end_byte": 38738 } } ]
{ "id": "large/11299/affectionate_godmother_1701_librivox_64kb_mp3/godmother_03_glyn_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/11299/affectionate_godmother_1701_librivox_64kb_mp3/godmother_03_glyn_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 20897439, "duration": 1306.0899375, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
{ "text_path": "download/librilight_text/output_text_large_cleaned/Your Affectionate Godmother/text.txt" }
[ { "id": "large/11299/affectionate_godmother_1701_librivox_64kb_mp3/godmother_03_glyn_64kb_75", "recording_id": "large/11299/affectionate_godmother_1701_librivox_64kb_mp3/godmother_03_glyn_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 27.88, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "11299", "custom": { "texts": [ "Now, a shirt should be a workmanlike thing, as neat as a man's, and with long sleeves finished by real shirt cuffs with links. It can be composed of silk, flannel, or linen, but if it is a shirt that is, a garment for the morning, and to be worn with a rough serge or tweed winter suit it should have no meaningless fripperies about it.", "NOW A SHIRT SHOULD BE A WORKMANLIKE THING AS NEAT AS A MAN'S AND WITH LONG SLEEVES FINISHED BY REAL SHIRT CUPS WITH LYNX IT CAN BE COMPOSED OF SILK FLANNEL OR LINEN BUT IF IT IS A SHIRT THAT IS A GARMENT FOR THE MORNING AND TO BE WORN WITH A ROUGH SERGE OR TWEED WINTER SUIT IT SHOULD HAVE NO MEANINGLESS FRIPPERIES AROUND IT" ], "pre_texts": [ "her a big head, and thick, bushy dark hair--which I grieve to observe she has done in a large bun of sausage curls!--a fashion which was never in vogue really among ladies, and for over two or three years has been relegated to the pates of “roof-garden” waitresses and third-class shop assistants. And further to provoke my ire, although this girl in the picture is drawn in an ordinary morning skirt and boots, she wears a light-colored ribbon in her hair! Caroline, dearest, where could her eyes and observation and sense of the fitness of things have been--with the example of the exquisite Parisiennes in front of her--to be able to perpetrate these incongruities! But there is more to come! Her skirt is a rough, useful serge skirt, and her boots, although the heels are too high, are not a bad shape--but with this she has put on one of those cheap, impossible blouses, cut all in one piece--“kimono,” I believe they are called--with short sleeves and an unmeaning black bow tacked to the cuff!", "EATURES IS INSIGNIFICANT SHE HAS A RATHER BIG HEAD AND THICK BUSHY DARK HAIR WHICH I GRIEVE TO OBSERVE SHE HAS DONE IN A LARGE BUND OF SAUSAGE CURLS A FASHION WHICH WAS NEVER IN VOGUE REALLY AMONG LADIES AND OVER TWO OR THREE YEARS HAS BEEN RELEGATED TO THE PATES OF ROOF GARDEN WAITRESSES AND THIRD CLASS SHOP ASSISTANCE AND FURTHER TO PROVOKE MY EYRE ALTHOUGH THIS GIRL IN THE PICTURE IS DRAWN IN AN ORDINARY MORNING SKIRT AND BOOTS SHE WEARS A LIGHT COLORED RIBBON IN HER HAIR CAROLINE DEAREST WHERE COULD HER EYES AND OBSERVATION AND SENSE OF THE FITNESS OF THINGS HAVE BEEN WITH THE EXAMPLE OF THE EXQUISITE PARISIANS IN FRONT OF HER TO BE ABLE TO PERPETRATE THESE INCONGRUITIES BUT THERE IS MORE TO COME HER SKIRT IS A ROUGH USEFUL SERGE SKIRT AND HER BOOTS ALTHOUGH THE HEELS ARE TOO HIGH ARE NOT A BAD SHAPE BUT WITH THIS SHE HAS PUT ON ONE OF THOSE CHEAP IMPOSSIBLE BLOUSES CUT ALL IN ONE PIECE KIMONO I BELIEVE THEY'RE CALLED WITH SHORT SLEEVES AND AN UNMEANING BLACK BOW TACKED TO THE CUFF" ], "begin_byte": 37370, "end_byte": 37708 } } ]
{ "id": "large/11299/affectionate_godmother_1701_librivox_64kb_mp3/godmother_03_glyn_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/11299/affectionate_godmother_1701_librivox_64kb_mp3/godmother_03_glyn_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 20897439, "duration": 1306.0899375, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
{ "text_path": "download/librilight_text/output_text_large_cleaned/Your Affectionate Godmother/text.txt" }
[ { "id": "large/11299/affectionate_godmother_1701_librivox_64kb_mp3/godmother_04_glyn_64kb_1", "recording_id": "large/11299/affectionate_godmother_1701_librivox_64kb_mp3/godmother_04_glyn_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 10, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "11299", "custom": { "texts": [ "But this possibility I must leave the discussion of to another letter; it would be a digression in this one.", "BUT THIS POSSIBILITY I MUST LEAVE THE DISCUSSION OF TO ANOTHER LETTER IT WOULD BE A DIGRESSION IN THIS ONE" ], "pre_texts": [ "just cause to do so, but because giving way to this outlet for your injured emotions would only defeat your own end, that of bringing him back to yourself. You may be perfectly certain that if that aim of your being remains unchanged, and your love continues strong enough to make your methods vitally intelligent, you will eventually draw him away from anything on earth back to the peaceful haven of your tender arms. All this I am saying presupposing that you are “in love” with the man, and the greatest desire of your life is to keep his love in return. But supposing that his actions kill your affection (this, though, is not so likely to happen as that your actions will damp his--because of that hunting instinct in man making him more fickle by nature)--but supposing it does happen that you find yourself utterly disillusioned and disgusted, then all you can aim at is to obtain peace and dignity in your home, and at least merit your husband’s respect, and the respect of all who know you.", "AUSE YOU MAY NOT HAVE JUST CAUSE TO DO SO BUT BECAUSE GIVING WAY TO THIS OUTLET FOR YOUR INJURED EMOTIONS WOULD ONLY DEFEAT YOUR OWN END THAT OF BRINGING HIM BACK TO YOURSELF YOU MAY BE PERFECTLY CERTAIN THAT IF THAT AIM OF YOUR BEING REMAINS UNCHANGED AND YOUR LOVE CONTINUES STRONG ENOUGH TO MAKE YOUR METHODS VICILY INTELLIGENT YOU WILL EVENTUALLY DRAW HIM AWAY FROM ANYTHING ON EARTH BACK TO THE PEACEFUL HAVEN OF YOUR TENDER ARMS ALL THIS I AM SAYING PRESUPPOSING THAT YOU ARE IN LOVE WITH THE MAN AND THE GREATEST DESIRE OF YOUR LIFE IS TO KEEP HIS LOVE IN RETURN BUT SUPPOSING THAT HIS ACTIONS KILL YOUR AFFECTION THIS THOUGH IS NOT SO LIKELY TO HAPPEN AS THAT YOUR ACTION WILL DAMP HIS BECAUSE OF THAT HUNTING INSTINCT IN MAN MAKING HIM MORE FICKLE BY NATURE BUT SUPPOSING IT DOES HAPPEN THAT YOU FIND YOURSELF UTTERLY DISILLUSIONED AND DISGUSTED THEN ALL YOU CAN AIM AT IS TO OBTAIN PEACE AND DIGNITY IN YOUR HOME AND AT LEAST MERIT YOUR HUSBAND'S RESPECT AND THE RESPECT OF ALL WHO KNOW YOU" ], "begin_byte": 64005, "end_byte": 64113 } } ]
{ "id": "large/11299/affectionate_godmother_1701_librivox_64kb_mp3/godmother_04_glyn_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/11299/affectionate_godmother_1701_librivox_64kb_mp3/godmother_04_glyn_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 22257344, "duration": 1391.084, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
{ "text_path": "download/librilight_text/output_text_large_cleaned/Your Affectionate Godmother/text.txt" }
[ { "id": "large/11299/affectionate_godmother_1701_librivox_64kb_mp3/godmother_04_glyn_64kb_9", "recording_id": "large/11299/affectionate_godmother_1701_librivox_64kb_mp3/godmother_04_glyn_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 10.559, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "11299", "custom": { "texts": [ "We will suppose that you desire to retain the love and devotion of your husband, and have not only married him for a home and a place in society.", "WE WILL SUPPOSE THAT YOU DESIRE TO RETAIN THE LOVE AND DEVOTION OF YOUR HUSBAND AND HAVE NOT ONLY MARRIED HIM FOR A HOME AND A PLACE IN SOCIETY" ], "pre_texts": [ "prefer to spend all his spare time with you as that he will break away immediately if you do not. All human beings unconsciously in their leisure moments do what they _like best_. If you find a man in his free hours doing something which he obviously cannot like, it is because to _accomplish his duty_ is the thing he _likes best_. Thus, if you bore your husband in his leisure, he may stay with you for a while from a sense of duty, but he will begin to make excuses of work to curtail the moments, and he will snatch time from his real work for his pleasure elsewhere. Whether you keep your husband’s love and devotion lies almost entirely with yourself and your own intelligence, and I might say sagacity! Remember this maxim: “A fool can win the love of a man, but it requires a woman of _resources_ to keep it”--the difficulty being much greater in a country like England, where the women are in the majority, than in another where they have to be fought for, and the men are the more numerous.", "RTAIN THAT HE WILL PREFER TO SPEND ALL HIS SPARE TIME WITH YOU AS THAT HE WILL BREAK AWAY IMMEDIATELY IF YOU DO NOT ALL HUMAN BEINGS UNCONSCIOUSLY IN THEIR LEISURE MOMENTS DO WHAT THEY LIKE BEST IF YOU FIND A MAN IN HIS FREE HOURS DOING SOMETHING WHICH HE OBVIOUSLY CANNOT LIKE IT IS BECAUSE TO ACCOMPLISH HIS DUTY IS THE THING HE LIKES BEST THUS IF YOU BORE YOUR HUSBAND IN HIS LEISURE HE MAY STAY WITH YOU FOR A WHILE FROM A SENSE OF DUTY BUT HE WILL BEGIN TO MAKE EXCUSES OF WORK TO CUR TAIL THE MOMENTS AND HE WILL SNATCH TIME FROM HIS REAL WORK FOR HIS PLEASURE ELSEWHERE WHETHER YOU KEEP YOUR HUSBAND'S LOVE AND DEVOTION LIES ALMOST ENTIRELY WITH YOURSELF AND YOUR OWN INTELLIGENCE AND I MIGHT SAY SAGACITY REMEMBER THIS MAXIM A FOOL CAN WIN THE LOVE OF A MAN BUT IT REQUIRES A WOMAN OF RESOURCES TO KEEP IT THE DIFFICULTY BEING MUCH GREATER IN A COUNTRY LIKE ENGLAND WHERE THE WOMEN ARE IN THE MAJORITY THAN IN ANOTHER COUNTRY WHERE THEY HAVE TO BE FOUGHT FOR AND THE MEN ARE THE MORE NUMEROUS" ], "begin_byte": 53496, "end_byte": 53641 } } ]
{ "id": "large/11299/affectionate_godmother_1701_librivox_64kb_mp3/godmother_04_glyn_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/11299/affectionate_godmother_1701_librivox_64kb_mp3/godmother_04_glyn_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 22257344, "duration": 1391.084, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
{ "text_path": "download/librilight_text/output_text_large_cleaned/Your Affectionate Godmother/text.txt" }
[ { "id": "large/11299/affectionate_godmother_1701_librivox_64kb_mp3/godmother_04_glyn_64kb_50", "recording_id": "large/11299/affectionate_godmother_1701_librivox_64kb_mp3/godmother_04_glyn_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 13.239, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "11299", "custom": { "texts": [ "But if you want to keep him in the blissful state, attend far more to pleasing his eye and his ear when alone with him than to pleasing the world when you go out.", "BUT IF YOU WANT TO KEEP HIM IN THE BLISSFUL STATE ATTEND FAR MORE TO PLEASING HIS EYE AND HIS EAR WHEN ALONE WITH HIM THAN TO PLEASING THE WORLD WHEN YOU GO OUT" ], "pre_texts": [ "it, the prize being continued happiness. You may reply, “If Charlie requires all this management and thinking over, let him go! I would not demean myself by pandering to such things.” And I answer, “Certainly, if to let him go will make you as happy as to keep him!” But if, on the contrary, it will make you perfectly miserable, then it will be more prudent to use a little common sense about it. Ask yourself the question frankly and then settle upon your course of conduct. If you decide to try to keep him, attend to your means of attraction. While you were engaged to him you would not have allowed him to see you looking ugly or unappetizing for the world--such things are even more important after you are married. Never under any circumstances let him have the chance of feeling physically repulsed--for the very first time he experiences this sensation that will be the beginning of the end of his being _in love_ with you, although he may go on treating you in a very kind and friendly way.", " YOUR INTELLIGENCE TO WIN IT THE PRIZE BEING CONTINUED HAPPINESS YOU MAY REPLY IF CHARLIE REQUIRES ALL THIS MANAGEMENT AND THINKING OVER LET HIM GO I WOULD NOT DEMEAN MYSELF BY PANDERING TO SUCH THINGS AND I ANSWER CERTAINLY IF TO LET HIM GO WILL MAKE YOU AS HAPPY AS TO KEEP HIM BUT IF ON THE CONTRARY IT WILL MAKE YOU PERFECTLY MISERABLE THEN IT WILL BE MORE PRUDENT TO USE A LITTLE COMMON SENSE ABOUT IT ASK YOURSELF THE QUESTION FRANKLY AND THEN SETTLE UPON YOUR COURSE OF CONDUCT IF YOU DECIDE TO TRY TO KEEP HIM ATTEND TO YOUR MEANS OF ATTRACTION WHILE YOU WERE ENGAGED TO HIM YOU WOULD NOT HAVE ALLOWED HIM TO SEE YOU LOOKING UGLY OR AN APPETIZING FOR THE WORLD SUCH THINGS ARE EVEN MORE IMPORTANT AFTER YOU ARE MARRIED NEVER UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES LET HIM HAVE THE CHANCE OF FEELING PHYSICALLY REPULSED FOR THE VERY FIRST TIME HE EXPERIENCES THIS SENSATION THAT WILL BE THE BEGINNING OF THE END OF HIS BEING IN LOVE WITH YOU ALTHOUGH HE MAY GO ON TREATING YOU IN A VERY KIND AND FRIENDLY WAY" ], "begin_byte": 55858, "end_byte": 56020 } } ]
{ "id": "large/11299/affectionate_godmother_1701_librivox_64kb_mp3/godmother_04_glyn_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/11299/affectionate_godmother_1701_librivox_64kb_mp3/godmother_04_glyn_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 22257344, "duration": 1391.084, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
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[ { "id": "large/11299/affectionate_godmother_1701_librivox_64kb_mp3/godmother_04_glyn_64kb_60", "recording_id": "large/11299/affectionate_godmother_1701_librivox_64kb_mp3/godmother_04_glyn_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 10, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "11299", "custom": { "texts": [ "You certainly will not draw him back to you by making the contrast between yourself and his new attraction the greater through being disagreeable.", "YOU CERTAINLY WILL NOT DRAW HIM BACK TO YOU BY MAKING THE CONTRAST BETWEEN YOURSELF AND HIS NEW ATTRACTION THE GREATER THROUGH BEING DISAGREEABLE" ], "pre_texts": [ "er when she herself had abandoned all the ways of a sweetheart and had assumed little habits which would be enough to put off any man! If you have done everything a woman can possibly do to be physically and mentally desirable to your husband, and yet have failed to keep his love, you must search more deeply for the reason, and when you have found it, no matter how the discovery may wound your vanity or self-esteem, you must use the whole of your wits to remedy its result if you are unable to eradicate its cause. He may have idiosyncrasies--watch them and avoid irritating them. He may have some taste which you do not share, and have shown your antagonism to. Try to hide this, and if the taste is not a low one try to take an interest in it. Try always and ever to keep the atmosphere between you in harmony. If the lessening of your attraction for him has been engendered by the arrival of a stronger magnet on the scene, your efforts must be redoubled to replenish your own magnetic powers.", "ER HUSBAND AS A LOVER WHEN SHE HERSELF HAD ABANDONED ALL THE WAYS OF A SWEETHEART AND HAD ASSUMED LITTLE HABITS WHICH WOULD BE ENOUGH TO PUT OFF ANY MAN IF YOU HAVE DONE EVERYTHING A WOMAN CAN POSSIBLY DO TO BE PHYSICALLY AND MENTALLY DESIRABLE TO YOUR HUSBAND AND YET HAVE FAILED TO KEEP HIS LOVE YOU MUST SEARCH MORE DEEPLY FOR THE REASON AND WHEN YOU HAVE FOUND IT NO MATTER HOW THE DISCOVERY MAY WOUND YOUR VANITY OR SELF ESTEEM YOU MUST USE THE WHOLE OF YOUR WITS TO REMEDY ITS RESULT IF YOU ARE UNABLE TO ERADICATE ITS CAUSE HE MAY HAVE IDIOSYNCRASIES WATCH THEM AND AVOID IRRITATING THEM HE MAY HAVE SOME TASTE WHICH YOU DO NOT SHARE AND HAVE SHOWN YOUR ANTAGONISM TO TRY TO HIDE THIS AND IF THE TASTE IS NOT A LOW ONE TRY TO TAKE AN INTEREST IN IT TRY ALWAYS AND EVER TO KEEP THE ATMOSPHERE BETWEEN YOU IN HARMONY THE LESSENING OF YOUR ATTRACTION FOR HIM HAS BEEN ENGENDERED BY THE ARRIVAL OF A STRONGER MAGNET ON THE SCENE YOUR EFFORTS MUST BE REDOUBLED TO REPLENISH YOUR OWN MAGNETIC POWERS" ], "begin_byte": 62732, "end_byte": 62878 } } ]
{ "id": "large/11299/affectionate_godmother_1701_librivox_64kb_mp3/godmother_04_glyn_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/11299/affectionate_godmother_1701_librivox_64kb_mp3/godmother_04_glyn_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 22257344, "duration": 1391.084, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
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[ { "id": "large/11299/affectionate_godmother_1701_librivox_64kb_mp3/godmother_04_glyn_64kb_74", "recording_id": "large/11299/affectionate_godmother_1701_librivox_64kb_mp3/godmother_04_glyn_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 29.48, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "11299", "custom": { "texts": [ "There are numbers of girls who at the end of a month of marriage have done, said, and looked things which they would have died rather than let their fiancés perceive, hear, or see, and yet who are much astonished and feel resentful and aggrieved because they begin to reap the harvest of their own actions in the fact of their husbands showing less love and respect for them. How illogical! How foolish!", "THERE ARE NUMBERS OF GIRLS WHO AT THE END OF A MONTH OF MARRIAGE HAVE DONE SAID AND LOOKED THINGS WHICH THEY WOULD HAVE DIED RATHER THAN LET THEIR FIANCES PERCEIVE HEAR OR SEE AND YET WHO ARE MUCH ASTONISHED AND FEEL RESENTFUL AND AGGRIEVED BECAUSE THEY BEGIN TO REAP THE HARVEST OF THEIR OWN ACTIONS IN THE FACT OF THE HUSBAND'S SHOWING LESS LOVE AND RESPECT FOR THEM HOW ILLOGICAL HOW FOOLISH" ], "pre_texts": [ "man, it is his fault or misfortune, not yours. These are truths which ninety-nine women out of a hundred do not care to face. But the wise hundredth, realizing that she is the magnet, tries her uttermost to keep her magnetic power strong enough to withstand all misfortune or the attacks of other magnets--that is, if she wishes to keep the man who is the needle. And if he leaves her she must ask herself _how she is in fault_. She must _never blame him_. If she cannot discover that she is in fault at all, she is then in the position of the first magnet--and it is her misfortune; but misfortune can be turned into success by intelligence, and, with skill, a magnet can be recharged. Now do you clearly understand this argument, Caroline? I hope so, because I have put it plainly enough to make you conscious of your personal responsibility in the matter of being able to retain your husband’s love. So we can get back to the subject of the vital importance of keeping his senses pleased with you.", "AS IF YOU CEASE TO LOVE THE MAN IT IS HIS FAULT OR MISFORTUNE NOT YOURS THESE ARE TRUTHS WHICH NINETY NINE WOMEN OUT OF A HUNDRED DO NOT CARE TO FACE BUT THE WISE HUNDREDS REALIZING THAT SHE IS THE MAGNET TRIES HER UTTERMOST TO KEEP HER MAGNETIC POWER STRONG ENOUGH TO WITHSTAND ALL MISFORTUNE OR THE ATTACKS OF OTHER MAGNETS THAT IS IF SHE WISHES TO KEEP THE MAN WHO IS THE NEEDLE AND IF HE LEAVES HER SHE MUST ASK HERSELF HOW SHE IS IN FAULT SHE MUST NEVER BLAME HIM IF SHE CANNOT DISCOVER THAT SHE IS IN FAULT AT ALL SHE IS THEN IN THE POSITION OF THE FIRST MAGNET AND IT IS HER MISFORTUNE BUT MISFORTUNE CAN BE TURNED INTO SUCCESS BY INTELLIGENCE AND WITH SKILL A MAGNET CAN BE RECHARGED NOW DO YOU CLEARLY UNDERSTAND THIS ARGUMENT CAROLINE I HOPE SO BECAUSE I HAVE PUT IT PLAINLY ENOUGH TO MAKE YOU CONSCIOUS OF YOUR PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY IN THE MATTER OF BEING ABLE TO RETAIN YOUR HUSBAND'S LOVE SO WE CAN GET BACK TO THE SUBJECT OF THE VITAL IMPORTANCE OF KEEPING HIS SENSES PLEASED WITH YOU" ], "begin_byte": 61033, "end_byte": 61436 } } ]
{ "id": "large/11299/affectionate_godmother_1701_librivox_64kb_mp3/godmother_04_glyn_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/11299/affectionate_godmother_1701_librivox_64kb_mp3/godmother_04_glyn_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 22257344, "duration": 1391.084, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
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[ { "id": "large/11299/affectionate_godmother_1701_librivox_64kb_mp3/godmother_05_glyn_64kb_8", "recording_id": "large/11299/affectionate_godmother_1701_librivox_64kb_mp3/godmother_05_glyn_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 10.88, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "11299", "custom": { "texts": [ "Recognize that you are happy and decide what makes you so, and how you can continue to employ the methods to keep this joyous state.", "RECOGNIZE THAT YOU ARE HAPPY AND DECIDE WHAT MAKES YOU SO AND HOW YOU CAN CONTINUE TO EMPLOY THE METHODS TO KEEP THIS JOYOUS STATE" ], "pre_texts": [ "gratification of vanity, to open a door which will let in complete disillusion for the life which you have undertaken to live. Because all forbidden excitements are like drugs--they have to be taken in stronger and stronger doses to produce their effect, until the patient is a wretched maniac or dies under the strain. Suggestion and a strong will are such great helps to happiness. Suggest to your subconscious mind that you are perfectly happy and contented with your legitimate mate--make the current between you one of tenderness and charm, and sternly control every unbalanced fancy. I quote here another of my maxims: “It is a wise man who knows when he is happy and can appreciate the divine bliss of the tangible _now_. Most of us retrospect or anticipate, and so lose the present.” Do not retrospect--do not anticipate. Go on from day to day enjoying the good things which fate has given you: _ménage_ them like a careful housewife--use forethought--quite a different thing to anticipation!", "HILE FOR THE MOMENTARY GRATIFICATION OF VANITY TO OPEN A DOOR WHICH WILL LET IN COMPLETE DISILLUSION FOR THE LIFE WHICH YOU HAVE UNDERTAKEN TO LIVE BECAUSE ALL FORBIDDEN EXCITEMENTS ARE LIKE DRUGS THEY HAVE TO BE TAKEN IN STRONGER AND STRONGER DOSES TO PRODUCE THEIR EFFECT UNTIL THE PATIENT IS A WRETCHED MANIAC OR DIES UNDER THE STRAIN SUGGESTION AND A STRONG WILL ARE SUCH GREAT HELPS TO HAPPINESS SUGGEST TO YOUR SUBCONSCIOUS MIND THAT YOU ARE PERFECTLY HAPPY AND CONTENTED WITH YOUR LEGITIMATE MATE MAKE THE CURRENT BETWEEN YOU ONE OF TENDERNESS AND CHARM AND STERNLY CONTROL EVERY UNBALANCED FANCY I QUOTE HERE ANOTHER OF MY MAXIMS IT IS A WISE MAN WHO KNOWS WHEN HE IS HAPPY AND CAN APPRECIATE THE DIVINE BLISS OF THE TANGIBLE KNELL MOST OF US RETROSPECT OR ANTICIPATE AND SO LOSE THE PRESENT DO NOT RETROSPECT DO NOT ANTICIPATE GO ON FROM DAY TO DAY ENJOYING THE GOOD THINGS WHICH FATE HAS GIVEN YOU MENAGE THEM LIKE A CAREFUL HOUSEWIFE USE FORETHOUGHT QUITE A DIFFERENT THING TO ANTICIPATION" ], "begin_byte": 78354, "end_byte": 78486 } } ]
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[ { "id": "large/11299/affectionate_godmother_1701_librivox_64kb_mp3/godmother_05_glyn_64kb_42", "recording_id": "large/11299/affectionate_godmother_1701_librivox_64kb_mp3/godmother_05_glyn_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 16.32, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "11299", "custom": { "texts": [ "So you can see, Caroline, the tremendous responsibility you will be taking upon yourself when you marry, and how terribly, tragically foolish it will be of you to enter into this bond lightly and without due reflection.", "SO YOU CAN SEE CAROLINE THE TREMENDOUS RESPONSIBILITY YOU WILL BE TAKING UPON YOURSELF WHEN YOU MARRY AND HOW TERRIBLY TRAGICALLY FOOLISH IT WILL BE OF YOU TO ENTER INTO THIS BOND LIGHTLY AND WITHOUT DUE REFLECTION" ], "pre_texts": [ "tiful than the position of the woman of forty-five who has made scandals in her youth, quarreled with her husband and broken up her home, just because she herself was unhappy and the man was a brute. She is then left with none of the consolations of middle age. No one considers her; she is spoken of by her friends and relations as “poor So-and-so.” If she has had children, they have grown up under the wretched conditions of an atmosphere of partisanship for either parent. She is ever conscious of an anomalous position, and has to go through more humiliations than she would have had to do if she had borne bravely the anguishes of the time of trial, and used the whole of her intelligence to better the state of things. However much a man may turn into a brute, if he has once loved the woman she must in some way be to blame, because love is so strong a master that it can soften the greatest wretch, and if the woman had kept him loving her she would have kept her influence over him as well.", " NOTHING IS MORE PITIFUL THAN THE POSITION OF THE WOMAN OF FORTY FIVE WHO HAS MADE SCANDALS IN HER YOUTH QUARRELLED WITH HER HUSBAND AND BROKEN UP HER HOME JUST BECAUSE SHE HERSELF WAS UNHAPPY AND THE MAN WAS A BRUTE SHE IS THEN LEFT WITH NONE OF THE CONSOLATIONS OF MIDDLE AGE NO ONE CONSIDERS HER SHE SPOKEN OF BY HER FRIENDS AND RELATIONS AS POOR SO AND SO IF SHE HAS HAD CHILDREN THEY HAVE GROWN UP UNDER THE WRETCHED CONDITIONS OF AN ATMOSPHERE OF PARTISANSHIP FOR EITHER PARENT SHE IS EVER CONSCIOUS OF AN ANOMALOUS POSITION AND HAS TO GO THROUGH MORE HUMILIATIONS THAN SHE WOULD HAVE HAD TO DO IF SHE HAD BORNE BRAVELY THE ANGUISHES OF THE TIME OF TRIAL AND USED THE WHOLE OF HER INTELLIGENCE TO BETTER THE STATE OF THINGS HOWEVER MUCH A MAN MAY TURN INTO A BRUTE IF HE HAS ONCE LOVED THE WOMAN SHE MUST IN SOME WAY BE TO BLAME BECAUSE LOVE IS SO STRONG A MASTER THAT IT CAN SOFTEN THE GREATEST WRETCH AND IF THE WOMAN HAD KEPT HIM LOVING HER SHE WOULD HAVE KEPT HER INFLUENCE OVER HIM AS WELL" ], "begin_byte": 76481, "end_byte": 76700 } } ]
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[ { "id": "large/11299/affectionate_godmother_1701_librivox_64kb_mp3/godmother_05_glyn_64kb_43", "recording_id": "large/11299/affectionate_godmother_1701_librivox_64kb_mp3/godmother_05_glyn_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 20.64, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "11299", "custom": { "texts": [ "If you fall in love with one who may be of good family and position but is much less rich than yourself, Caroline, do not, when you are married, ever under any circumstances taunt him with the fact, as, I am sorry to say, some of the rich American women who have married Englishmen have done.", "IF YOU FALL IN LOVE WITH ONE WHO MAY BE OF GOOD FAMILY AND POSITION BUT IS MUCH LESS RICH THAN YOURSELF CAROLINE DO NOT WHEN YOU ARE MARRIED EVER UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES TAUNT HIM WITH THE FACT AS I AM SORRY TO SAY SOME OF THE RICH AMERICAN WOMEN WHO HAVE MARRIED ENGLISHMEN HAVE DONE" ], "pre_texts": [ "d distinction as well. And when you see people with a fine title or great riches commanding no prestige, you may know it is because in themselves they have failed to come up to the standard of what the best society requires. It is also the fashion to say wealth is necessary to a position in society. It may be, if you are only trying to enter it, but it is certainly not the case if you have a right to your position, and are already there. Then, if you have just a sufficiency to swim with the tide, and are charming and agreeable in yourself, you can create a position for yourself and be the desired guest at all the best houses. My aim for you, Caroline, is that you should come out this May with every chance to have a glorious springtime of life, and then marry the nicest young man, and live as happily as is possible ever afterwards. But you must not start with impossible illusions. Men are not angels, but spoilt, attractive darlings! And very few come anywhere near the heroes of romance.", "AN ATMOSPHERE OF TASTE AND DISTINCTION AS WELL AND WHEN YOU SEE PEOPLE WITH A FINE TITLE OR GREAT RICHES COMMANDING NO PRESTIGE YOU KNOW IT IS BECAUSE IN THEMSELVES THEY HAVE FAILED TO COME UP TO THE STANDARD OF WHAT THE BEST SOCIETY REQUIRES IT IS ALSO THE FASHION TO SAY WEALTH IS NECESSARY TO A POSITION IN SOCIETY IT MAY BE IF YOU ARE ONLY TRYING TO ENTER IT BUT IT IS CERTAINLY NOT THE CASE IF YOU HAVE A RIGHT TO YOUR POSITION AND ARE ALREADY THERE THEN IF YOU HAVE JUST A SUFFICIENCY TO SWIM WITH THE TIDE AND ARE CHARMING AND AGREEABLE IN YOURSELF YOU CAN CREATE A POSITION FOR YOURSELF AND BE THE DESIRED GUEST AT ALL THE BEST HOUSES MY AIM FOR YOU CAROLINE IS THAT YOU SHOULD COME OUT THIS MAY WITH EVERY CHANCE TO HAVE A GLORIOUS SPRINGTIME OF LIFE AND THEN MARRY THE NICEST YOUNG MAN AND LIVE AS HAPPILY AS IS POSSIBLE EVER AFTERWARDS BUT YOU MUST NOT START WITH IMPOSSIBLE ILLUSIONS MEN ARE NOT ANGELS BUT SPOILED ATTRACTIVE DARLINGS AND VERY FEW COME ANYWHERE NEAR THE HEROES OF ROMANCE" ], "begin_byte": 81863, "end_byte": 82155 } } ]
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[ { "id": "large/11299/affectionate_godmother_1701_librivox_64kb_mp3/godmother_05_glyn_64kb_71", "recording_id": "large/11299/affectionate_godmother_1701_librivox_64kb_mp3/godmother_05_glyn_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 18, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "11299", "custom": { "texts": [ "A large section of the world rave and storm that people are snobs who desire to be in the best society, but they forget that it is entirely the most amusing, the most intelligent and the most desirable, and therefore a very natural goal for newcomers to aim at.", "A LARGE SECTION OF THE WORLD RAVE AND STORM THAT PEOPLE ARE SNOBS WHO DESIRE TO BE IN THE BEST SOCIETY BUT THEY FORGET THAT IT IS ENTIRELY THE MOST AMUSING THE MOST INTELLIGENT AND THE MOST DESIRABLE AND THEREFORE A VERY NATURAL GOAL FOR NEW COMERS TO AIM AT" ], "pre_texts": [ " would desire to occupy yourself, and what are the causes of your friends being in whatever places they are. You will get a number of advantageous hints if you do this before you embark upon marriage yourself. You will find that simplicity, good manners, and absence of all pretense are things which attract everyone. You will be wise never to be drawn into a set one iota lower than the one you wish to shine in. Weed your acquaintances and remain faithful to your friends. Society is composed, so to speak, of three loops. There is the very common loop which, at its upper edge, slightly overlaps the one above it, so that the best of these common people will just be seen at the worst of the middle loop’s parties. The middle loop, in its turn, overlaps at its highest point the third and great loop, which never mingles with the first and lowest one. You, Caroline, will enter society by the best door, so see that you are not drawn to the lower edge of your loop, and so into the vortex beneath.", "AND PUBLIC OPINION YOU WOULD DESIRE TO OCCUPY YOURSELF AND WHAT ARE THE CAUSES OF YOUR FRIENDS BEING IN WHATEVER PLACES THEY ARE YOU WILL GUESS A NUMBER OF ADVANTAGEOUS HINTS IF YOU DO THIS BEFORE YOU EMBARK UPON MARRIAGE YOURSELF YOU WILL FIND THAT SIMPLICITY GOOD MANNERS AND ABSENCE OF ALL PRETENCE ARE THINGS WHICH ATTRACT EVERY ONE YOU WILL BE WISE NEVER TO BE DRAWN INTO A SET ONE IOTA LOWER THAN THE ONE YOU WISH TO SHINE IN WEED YOUR ACQUAINTANCES AND REMAIN FAITHFUL TO YOUR FRIENDS SOCIETY IS COMPOSED SO TO SPEAK OF THREE LOOPS THERE IS THE VERY COMMON LOOP WHICH AT ITS UPPER EDGE SLIGHTLY OVERLAPS THE ONE ABOVE IT SO THAT THE BEST OF THESE COMMON PEOPLE WILL JUST BE SEEN AT THE WORST OF THE MIDDLE LOOPS PARTIES THE MIDDLE LOOP IN ITS TURN OVERLAPS AT ITS HIGHEST POINT THE THIRD AND GREAT LOOP WHICH NEVER MINGLES WITH THE FIRST AND LOWEST ONE YOU CAROLINE WILL ENTER SOCIETY BY THE BEST DOOR SO SEE THAT YOU ARE NOT DRAWN TO THE LOWER EDGE OF YOUR LOOP AND SO INTO THE VORTEX BENEATH" ], "begin_byte": 80113, "end_byte": 80374 } } ]
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[ { "id": "large/11299/affectionate_godmother_1701_librivox_64kb_mp3/godmother_06_glyn_64kb_52", "recording_id": "large/11299/affectionate_godmother_1701_librivox_64kb_mp3/godmother_06_glyn_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 18.68, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "11299", "custom": { "texts": [ "Numbers of foolish feather brains, bitten with the idea that they have this high mission of showing their individuality, have upset all possibility of their own happiness and that of their families. Numbers of the poor suffragettes are composed of these.", "NUMBERS OF FOOLISH FEATHER BRAINS BITTEN WITH THE IDEA THAT THEY HAVE THIS HIGH MISSION OF SHOWING THEIR INDIVIDUALITY HAVE UPSET ALL POSSIBILITY OF THEIR OWN HAPPINESS AND THAT OF THEIR FAMILIES NUMBERS OF THE POOR SUFFRAGETTES ARE COMPOSED OF THESE" ], "pre_texts": [ "fulness and shyness are as great faults as boldness, and perhaps cause more unhappiness. The antithesis of shyness is bumptiousness, and this also comes from egotism; it is a different expression of the same fundamental fault. Try to eradicate the root if you have a tendency to either of its demonstrations. There are all sorts of modern philosophers (in petticoats mostly, but still some of them are _men!_) who, with more or less subtle reasoning, are trying to inculcate an idea of the necessity of individualism in all women. They urge _every unit_ to express her individuality, with the result that the average female, who is little higher than the animal world in intelligence, and not half so endowed with instinct, is becoming a perfect bore! She has not the sense to see that, if she were really gifted, nothing on earth could keep her from being individual, and that, if she is not so, to try to push forward her commonplace ideas only clogs the wheels of progress for the general company.", "YOU SO AND OVERCOME IT BASHFULNESS AND SHYNESS ARE AS GREAT FAULTS AS BOLDNESS AND PERHAPS CAUSE MORE UNHAPPINESS THE ANTITHESIS OF SHYNESS IS BUMPTIOUSNESS AND THIS ALSO COMES FROM EGOTISM IT IS A DIFFERENT EXPRESSION OF THE SAME FUNDAMENTAL FAULT TRY TO ERADICATE THE ROOT IF YOU HAVE A TENDENCY TO EITHER OF ITS DEMONSTRATIONS THERE ARE ALL SORTS OF MODERN PHILOSOPHERS AND PETTICOATS MOSTLY BUT STILL SOME OF THEM ARE MEN WHO WITH MORE OR LESS SUBTLE REASONING ARE TRYING TO INCULCATE AN IDEA OF THE NECESSITY OF INDIVIDUALISM IN ALL WOMEN THEY URGE EVERY UNIT TO EXPRESS HER INDIVIDUALITY WITH THE RESULT THAT THE AVERAGE FEMALE WHO IS LITTLE HIGHER THAN THE ANIMAL WORLD IN INTELLIGENCE AND NOT HALF SO ENDOWED WITH INSTINCT IS BECOMING A PERFECT BALL SHE HAS NOT THE SENSE TO SEE THAT IF SHE WERE REALLY GIFTED NOTHING ON EARTH COULD KEEP HER FROM BEING INDIVIDUAL AND THAT IF SHE IS NOT SO TO TRY TO PUSH FORWARD HER COMMONPLACE IDEAS ONLY CLOGS THE WHEELS OF PROGRESS FOR THE GENERAL COMPANY" ], "begin_byte": 101690, "end_byte": 101944 } } ]
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[ { "id": "large/11299/affectionate_godmother_1701_librivox_64kb_mp3/godmother_06_glyn_64kb_61", "recording_id": "large/11299/affectionate_godmother_1701_librivox_64kb_mp3/godmother_06_glyn_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 8.959, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "11299", "custom": { "texts": [ "Servants have \"rights,\" because they are doing specified work for food and wages they have made a bargain.", "SERVANTS HAVE RIGHTS BECAUSE THEY ARE DOING SPECIFIED WORK FOR FOOD AND WAGES THEY HAVE MADE A BARGAIN" ], "pre_texts": [ "al notorious cases of this kind in society which you will be able to observe, Caroline. Supposing, by chance, that your tastes should turn to more serious matters than just the amusements of balls and games and the pleasures of your age, never be carried away by any fad or any new idea, as are numbers of girls who are so highly educated that they have come rather away from their more frivolous sisters. Fads are abnormal, and always show some unbalance. One often hears would-be deep thinkers announcing platitudes in cant phrases, and they frequently influence the young and impressionable. You have often, for instance, heard them making remarks about the “Rights of Man.” Now, ask yourself a common-sense question: What are the Rights of Man? You will find that the answer is that there are no such things! Man has evolved, and certain civilizations have conceded him certain privileges, but as he made no bargain with the Creator when he entered the world he cannot possibly have any “rights.”", "R SPIRIT THERE ARE SEVERAL NOTORIOUS CASES OF THIS KIND IN SOCIETY WHICH YOU WILL BE ABLE TO OBSERVE CAROLINE SUPPOSING BY CHANCE THAT YOUR TASTES SHOULD TURN TO MORE SERIOUS MATTERS THAN JUST THE AMUSEMENTS OF BALLS AND GAMES AND THE PLEASURES OF YOUR AGE NEVER BE CARRIED AWAY BY ANY FAD OR ANY NEW IDEA AS ARE NUMBERS OF GIRLS WHO ARE SO HIGHLY EDUCATED THAT THEY HAVE COME RATHER AWAY FROM THEIR MORE FRIVOLOUS SISTERS FADS ARE ABNORMAL AND ALWAYS SHOW SOME UNBALANCE WHAT OFTEN HEARS WOULD BE DEEP THINKERS ANNOUNCING PLATITUDES IN CANT PHRASES AND THEY FREQUENTLY INFLUENCE THE YOUNG AND IMPRESSIONABLE YOU HAVE OFTEN FOR INSTANCE HEARD THEM MAKING REMARKS ABOUT THE RIGHTS OF MAN NOW ASK YOURSELF A COMMON SENSE QUESTION WHAT ARE THE RIGHTS OF MAN YOU WILL FIND THAT THE ANSWER IS THAT THERE ARE NO SUCH THINGS MAN HAS EVOLVED AND CERTAIN CIVILIZATIONS HAVE CONCEDED HIM CERTAIN PRIVILEGES BUT AS HE MADE NO BARGAIN WITH THE CREATOR WHEN HE ENTERED THE WORLD HE CANNOT POSSIBLY HAVE ANY RIGHTS" ], "begin_byte": 98204, "end_byte": 98311 } } ]
{ "id": "large/11299/affectionate_godmother_1701_librivox_64kb_mp3/godmother_06_glyn_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/11299/affectionate_godmother_1701_librivox_64kb_mp3/godmother_06_glyn_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 23776677, "duration": 1486.0423125, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
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[ { "id": "large/11299/affectionate_godmother_1701_librivox_64kb_mp3/godmother_06_glyn_64kb_67", "recording_id": "large/11299/affectionate_godmother_1701_librivox_64kb_mp3/godmother_06_glyn_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 10.44, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "11299", "custom": { "texts": [ "While we are talking of personal habits and such things you will notice that quantities of girls are not particular about their hands in these days.", "WHILE WE ARE TALKING OF PERSONAL HABITS AND SUCH THINGS YOU WILL NOTICE THAT QUANTITIES OF GIRLS ARE NOT PARTICULAR ABOUT THEIR HANDS THESE DAYS" ], "pre_texts": [ "e, with standards of behavior which are the result of centuries of evolution. It is not a primeval forest, where you can climb trees and roll on the grass at will! No one forces you to enter society, but for heaven’s sake, if you do, decide to do it well! [Illustration: “_I wonder if you smoke, dear girl?_”] I wonder if you smoke, dear girl? There would be no use in my saying that I personally think it looks utterly unattractive to see a very young girl puffing her cigarette, because I know that I am old-fashioned and, in this, have not gone with the times--but such is my opinion. Should you not have begun to smoke yet, Caroline, put it off as long as possible, and, if you do take to it, let it be because you really like it, not for a pose, as some girls do. If you have acquired the habit already, be very careful of your teeth as you get older, and to have your hair beautifully brushed both night and morning--the smell of stale smoke in the hair and breath and clothes is so disgusting.", "E NO BUSINESS TO TRY TO ENTER SOCIETY AT ALL WHICH IS ADMITTEDLY A CIVILIZED CIRCLE WITH STANDARDS OF BEHAVIOR WHICH ARE THE RESULT OF CENTURIES OF EVOLUTION IT IS NOT A PRIMEVAL FOREST WHERE YOU CAN CLIMB TREES AND ROLL ON THE GRASS AT WILL NO ONE FORCES YOU TO ENTER SOCIETY BUT FOR HEAVEN'S SAKE IF YOU DO DECIDE TO DO IT WELL I WONDER IF YOU SMOKE DEAR GIRL THERE WOULD BE NO USE IN MY SAYING THAT I PERSONALLY THINK IT LOOKS UTTERLY UNATTRACTIVE TO SEE A VERY YOUNG GIRL PUFFING HER CIGARETTE BECAUSE I KNOW THAT I'M OLD FASHIONED AND IN THIS HAVE NOT GONE WITH THE TIMES BUT SUCH IS MY OPINION SHOULD YOU NOT HAVE BEGUN TO SMOKE YET CAROLINE PUT IT OFF AS LONG AS POSSIBLE AND IF YOU DO TAKE TO IT LET IT BE BECAUSE YOU REALLY LIKE IT NOT FOR REPOSE AS SOME GIRLS DO IF YOU HAVE ACQUIRED THE HABIT ALREADY BE VERY CAREFUL OF YOUR TEETH AS YOU GET OLDER AND TO HAVE YOUR HAIR BEAUTIFULLY BRUSHED BOTH NIGHT AND MORNING THE SMELL OF STALE SMOKE IN THE HAIR AND BREATH AND CLOTHES IS SO DISGUSTING" ], "begin_byte": 91668, "end_byte": 91816 } } ]
{ "id": "large/11299/affectionate_godmother_1701_librivox_64kb_mp3/godmother_06_glyn_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/11299/affectionate_godmother_1701_librivox_64kb_mp3/godmother_06_glyn_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 23776677, "duration": 1486.0423125, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
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[ { "id": "large/11299/affectionate_godmother_1701_librivox_64kb_mp3/godmother_06_glyn_64kb_75", "recording_id": "large/11299/affectionate_godmother_1701_librivox_64kb_mp3/godmother_06_glyn_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 27, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "11299", "custom": { "texts": [ "Supposing, by chance, that your tastes should turn to more serious matters than just the amusements of balls and games and the pleasures of your age, never be carried away by any fad or any new idea, as are numbers of girls who are so highly educated that they have come rather away from their more frivolous sisters.", "SUPPOSING BY CHANCE THAT YOUR TASTES SHOULD TURN TO MORE SERIOUS MATTERS THAN JUST THE AMUSEMENTS OF BALLS AND GAMES AND THE PLEASURES OF YOUR AGE NEVER BE CARRIED AWAY BY ANY FAD OR ANY NEW IDEA AS ARE NUMBERS OF GIRLS WHO ARE SO HIGHLY EDUCATED THAT THEY HAVE COME RATHER AWAY FROM THEIR MORE FRIVOLOUS SISTERS" ], "pre_texts": [ "he second-best circle, and I want you to have _the best_ in everything, Caroline. Do not, as some girls do, look upon society as simply the means to the securing of a husband, for, although I told you in one of my former letters the goal of a sensible girl is matrimony, still she must come naturally to this state through having, by her own charm and complete equipment, mental and physical, attracted a suitable mate; she must not have in front of her marriage as a necessity, and so be ready to grab any creature who may show himself willing with her to enter the bond. But, again, real self-respect would ward off any of these dangers, so, if you have it, Caroline, my advice is unnecessary. The woman who secures a husband by maneuvers and scheming--often against the poor fellow’s will--is perfectly certain to secure unhappiness of some sort, as well as a certain degradation to her spirit. There are several notorious cases of this kind in society which you will be able to observe, Caroline.", " TO BE EVENTUALLY FOUND IN THE SECOND BEST CIRCLE AND I WANT YOU TO HAVE THE BEST IN EVERYTHING CAROLINE DO NOT AS SOME GIRLS DO LOOK UPON SOCIETY AS SIMPLY THE MEANS TO THE SECURING OF A HUSBAND FOR ALTHOUGH I TOLD YOU IN ONE OF MY FORMER LETTERS THE GOAL OF A SENSIBLE GIRL IS MATRIMONY STILL SHE MUST COME NATURALLY TO THIS STATE THROUGH HAVING BY HER OWN CHARM AND COMPLETE EQUIPMENT MENTAL AND PHYSICAL ATTRACTED A SUITABLE MATE SHE MUST NOT HAVE IN FRONT OF HER MARRIAGE AS A NECESSITY AND SO BE READY TO GRAB ANY CREATURE WHO MAY SHOW HIMSELF WILLING WITH HER TO ENTER THE BOND BUT AGAIN REAL SELF RESPECT WOULD WARD OFF ANY OF THESE DANGERS SO IF YOU HAVE IT CAROLINE MY ADVICE IS UNNECESSARY THE WOMAN WHO SECURES A HUSBAND BY MANOEUVERS AND SCHEMING OFTEN AGAINST THE POOR FELLOW'S WILL IS PERFECTLY CERTAIN TO SECURE UNHAPPINESS OF SOME SORT AS WELL AS A CERTAIN DEGRADATION TO HER SPIRIT THERE ARE SEVERAL NOTORIOUS CASES OF THIS KIND IN SOCIETY WHICH YOU WILL BE ABLE TO OBSERVE CAROLINE" ], "begin_byte": 97291, "end_byte": 97608 } } ]
{ "id": "large/11299/affectionate_godmother_1701_librivox_64kb_mp3/godmother_06_glyn_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/11299/affectionate_godmother_1701_librivox_64kb_mp3/godmother_06_glyn_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 23776677, "duration": 1486.0423125, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
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[ { "id": "large/11299/affectionate_godmother_1701_librivox_64kb_mp3/godmother_07_glyn_64kb_16", "recording_id": "large/11299/affectionate_godmother_1701_librivox_64kb_mp3/godmother_07_glyn_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 9.239, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "11299", "custom": { "texts": [ "There are only about three women in every age who can ever do this, so do not be offended with me for my plain speaking.", "THERE ARE ONLY ABOUT THREE WOMEN IN EVERY AGE WHO CAN EVER DO THIS SO DO NOT BE OFFENDED WITH ME FOR MY PLAIN SPEAKING" ], "pre_texts": [ "o refrain from participating actively. But try to be tolerant, Caroline, in your judgment of them. For this is another remarkable feature which the Spirit of this Age has brought--the intense desire in everyone to keep young, and it is a good desire at its base. I do not dance the Tango myself, although I am at the fashionable age for it here (over forty!), but it is not from principle, but because it would bore me terribly to have to do so--and I have arrived at a time of life when I can please myself about my amusements. But to you who are young I give this piece of worldly advice. Even if the Tango does not particularly attract you, _if it is the rage among your set try to learn it_ because otherwise you will soon begin to feel yourself left out and neglected, no matter how pretty and accomplished you are in other ways, for I know you well enough now to know that you are not strong enough, dear child, to turn a tide or make any considerable quantity of your friends follow your lead.", " AT WHICH THEY OUGHT TO REFRAIN FROM PARTICIPATING ACTIVELY BUT TRY TO BE TOLERANT CAROLINE IN YOUR JUDGMENT OF THEM FOR THIS IS ANOTHER REMARKABLE FEATURE WHICH THE SPIRIT OF THIS AGE HAS BROUGHT THE INTENSE DESIRE IN EVERYONE TO KEEP YOUNG AND IT IS A GOOD DESIRE AT ITS BASE I DO NOT DANCE THAT TANGER MYSELF ALTHOUGH I AM AT THE FASHIONABLE AGE FOR IT HERE OVER FORTY BUT IT IS NOT FROM PRINCIPLE BUT BECAUSE IT WOULD BORE ME TERRIBLY TO HAVE TO DO SO AND I HAVE ARRIVED AT A TIME OF LIFE WHEN I CAN PLEASE MYSELF ABOUT MY AMUSEMENTS BUT TO YOU WHO ARE YOUNG I GIVE THIS PIECE OF WORLDLY ADVICE EVEN IF THE TANGO DOES NOT PARTICULARLY ATTRACT YOU IF IT IS THE RAGE AMONG YOUR SET TRY TO LEARN IT BECAUSE OTHERWISE YOU WILL SOON BEGIN TO FEEL YOURSELF LEFT OUT AND NEGLECTED NO MATTER HOW PRETTY AND ACCOMPLISHED YOU ARE IN OTHER WAYS FOR I KNOW YOU WELL ENOUGH NOW TO KNOW THAT YOU ARE NOT STRONG ENOUGH DEAR CHILD TO TURN A TIDE OR MAKE ANY CONSIDERABLE QUANTITY OF YOUR FRIENDS FOLLOW YOUR LEAD" ], "begin_byte": 119805, "end_byte": 119925 } } ]
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[ { "id": "large/11299/affectionate_godmother_1701_librivox_64kb_mp3/godmother_07_glyn_64kb_17", "recording_id": "large/11299/affectionate_godmother_1701_librivox_64kb_mp3/godmother_07_glyn_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 12.279, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "11299", "custom": { "texts": [ "Since you came out last May, Caroline dear, we have seen so much of each other at intervals that I have been able to tell you things, and have had no occasion to write.", "SINCE YOU CAME OUT LAST MAY CAROLINE DEAR WE HAVE SEEN SO MUCH OF EACH OTHER AT INTERVALS THAT I HAVE BEEN ABLE TO TELL YOU THINGS AND HAVE HAD NO OCCASION TO WRITE" ], "pre_texts": [ "bliged to club us to get their own way! I am talking of this because I have often in these letters urged you to acquire prestige through individuality, so I must explain, that you may not misunderstand me. The thing I have been suggesting for you is social, the individuality which exquisite manners and courtesy and understanding can alone graft upon your natural talents and careful education. Any other sort in a young girl turns to eccentricity. And if when I see you I perceive that, though sweet and well educated, you are still of a commonplace turn of mind, I shall desist from teaching you to be a personage, but encourage you to take sensible pleasure in the things suitable to your brain capacity; and so you will become a happy little wife and a valuable atom of the community of England’s best society. And now, Caroline dear, I must conclude, and next week, when we meet in London, I hope we shall clasp hands in mutual contentment. Your affectionate Godmother, E. G. VII JANUARY, 1914.", " LETTER SEVEN OFF YOUR AFFECTIONATE GODMOTHER THIS IS A LIBERAL BOX RECORDING ALL LIBERAL BOOKS RECORDING CERTAIN PUBLIC DOMAIN FOR MORE INFORMATION OR TO VOLUNTEER PLEASE VISIT LIBERALK STOTT ORG RECORDING BY STORY LINES STEVEN YOUR AFFECTIONATE GODMOTHER BY ELEANOR GLEN LETTER SEVEN JANUARY NINETEEN FOURTEEN" ], "begin_byte": 103490, "end_byte": 103658 } } ]
{ "id": "large/11299/affectionate_godmother_1701_librivox_64kb_mp3/godmother_07_glyn_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/11299/affectionate_godmother_1701_librivox_64kb_mp3/godmother_07_glyn_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 22787134, "duration": 1424.195875, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
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[ { "id": "large/11299/affectionate_godmother_1701_librivox_64kb_mp3/godmother_07_glyn_64kb_20", "recording_id": "large/11299/affectionate_godmother_1701_librivox_64kb_mp3/godmother_07_glyn_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 9.6, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "11299", "custom": { "texts": [ "Never be ruled by the outcries of old fashioned people any more than you must be led away by the feather brains of your own age.", "NEVER BE RULED BY THE OUTCRIES OF OLD FASHION'D PEOPLE ANY MORE THAN YOU MUST BE LED AWAY BY THE FEATHER BRAINS OF YOUR OWN AGE" ], "pre_texts": [ "ufficiently distinguished personality, and is endowed with prestige and great social position, she can start originalities herself if she pleases. But, if she is a very young girl, this is most hazardous, and the really sensible thing to do is to follow the oft-quoted maxim of the Prime Minister and “wait and see!” It is as foolish to plunge with ardor into an untested new fad--which you may be ashamed of presently--as it is to treat it with antagonistic scorn and swear you will never have anything to do with it! Either course of action may possibly place you in an undesirable or ridiculous position after a while, when the fad or fashion has either shown itself to be vulgar and impossible--or has come to stay! Give no opinion upon any radically new departure, my child. Quietly and in your own mind weigh its merits and demerits, and see if they come above or below the standard of your own self-respect and the true sense of the fitness of things--and then presently decide for or against.", " A WOMAN IS OF A SUFFICIENTLY DISTINGUISHED PERSONALITY AND IS ENDOWED WITH PRESTIGE AND A GREAT SOCIAL POSITION SHE CAN START ORIGINALITIES HERSELF IF SHE PLEASES BUT IF SHE IS A VERY YOUNG GIRL THIS IS MOST HAZARDOUS AND THE REALLY SENSIBLE THING TO DO IS TO FOLLOW THE OFT QUOTED MAXIM OF THE PRIME MINISTER AND WAIT AND SEE IT IS AS FOOLISH TO PLUNGE WITH ARDOUR INTO AN UNTESTED NEW FAD WHICH YOU MAY BE ASHAMED OF PRESENTLY AS IT IS TO TREAT IT WITH ANTAGONISTIC SCORN AND SWEAR YOU WILL NEVER HAVE ANYTHING TO DO WITH IT EITHER CAUSE OF ACTION MAY POSSIBLY PLACE YOU IN AN UNDESIRABLE OR RIDICULOUS POSITION AFTER A WHILE WHEN THE FAD OR FASHION HAS EITHER SHOWN ITSELF TO BE VULGAR AND IMPOSSIBLE OR HAS COME TO STAY GIVE NO OPINION UPON ANY RADICALLY NEW DEPARTURE MY CHILD QUIETLY AND IN YOUR OWN MIND WEIGH ITS MERITS AND DEMERITS AND SEE IF THEY COME ABOVE OR BELOW THE STANDARD OF YOUR OWN SELF RESPECT AND THE TRUE SENSE OF THE FITNESS OF THINGS AND THEN PRESENTLY DECIDE FOR OR AGAINST" ], "begin_byte": 106849, "end_byte": 106977 } } ]
{ "id": "large/11299/affectionate_godmother_1701_librivox_64kb_mp3/godmother_07_glyn_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/11299/affectionate_godmother_1701_librivox_64kb_mp3/godmother_07_glyn_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 22787134, "duration": 1424.195875, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
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[ { "id": "large/11299/affectionate_godmother_1701_librivox_64kb_mp3/godmother_07_glyn_64kb_21", "recording_id": "large/11299/affectionate_godmother_1701_librivox_64kb_mp3/godmother_07_glyn_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 15.279, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "11299", "custom": { "texts": [ "I have no space here, or desire to bore you, Caroline dear, by giving instances in the past of what I mean, and besides most of them have been already cited in the papers over this matter of the Tango.", "I HAVE NO SPACE HERE OR DESIRE TO BORE YOU CAROLINE DEAR BY GIVING INSTANCES IN THE PAST OF WHAT I MEAN AND BESIDES MOST OF THEM HAVE BEEN ALREADY CITED IN THE PAPERS OVER THIS MATTER OF THE TANGO" ], "pre_texts": [ "our letter of yesterday. You write that you want to know what I think of the Tango and whether you ought to dance it? Let us take the subject from its broadest point of view, first--that of new fads and fashions in general, and then we can get down to this particular one which seems to be agitating so many minds in various countries. The first thing to realize is the _utter futility of going against the spirit of the Age_. From the earliest days of civilization, waves of an irresistible desire for some change--some freer expression of emotion--have periodically swept over society; all the people with limited horizons of thought have immediately launched forth their protests, and their horrified and outraged feelings upon whatever the subject happens to be have been expressed in frantic cries. But the spirit of the Age has just laughed at them, and gone its way and they have either eventually had to fall in with its mandates, or have been swept aside and left high and dry in loneliness.", " ONE CONTAINED IN YOUR LETTER OF YESTERDAY YOU WRITE THAT YOU WANT TO KNOW WHAT I THINK OF THE TANGO AND WHETHER YOU OUGHT TO DANCE IT LET US TAKE THE SUBJECT FROM ITS BROADEST POINT OF VIEW FIRST THAT OF NEW FADS AND FASHIONS IN GENERAL AND THEN WE CAN GET DOWN TO THIS PARTICULAR ONE WHICH SEEMS TO BE AGITATING SO MANY MINES IN VARIOUS COUNTRIES THE FIRST THING TO REALIZE IS THE UTTER FUTILITY OF GOING AGAINST THE SPIRIT OF THE AGE FROM THE EARLIER DAYS OF CIVILIZATION WAVES OF AN IRRESISTIBLE DESIRE FOR SOME CHANGE SOME FREER EXPRESSION OF EMOTION HAVE PERIODICALLY SWEPT OVER SOCIETY ALL THE PEOPLE WITH LIMITED HORIZONS OF THOUGHT HAVE IMMEDIATELY LAUNCHED FORTH THEIR PROTESTS AND THEIR HORRIFIED AND OUTRAGED FEELINGS UPON WHATEVER THE SUBJECT HAPPENS TO BE HAVE BEEN EXPRESSED IN FRANTIC CRIES BUT THE SPIRIT OF THE AGE HAS JUST LAUGHED AT THEM AND GONE ITS WAY AND THEY HAVE EITHER EVENTUALLY HAD TO FALL IN WITH ITS MANDATES OR HAVE BEEN SWEPT ASIDE AND LEFT HIGH AND DRY IN LONELINESS" ], "begin_byte": 105079, "end_byte": 105280 } } ]
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[ { "id": "large/11299/affectionate_godmother_1701_librivox_64kb_mp3/godmother_07_glyn_64kb_24", "recording_id": "large/11299/affectionate_godmother_1701_librivox_64kb_mp3/godmother_07_glyn_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 8.56, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "11299", "custom": { "texts": [ "Because there are always new questions cropping up, which you are sweet enough to want to ask my opinion about.", "BECAUSE THERE ARE ALWAYS NEW QUESTIONS CROPPING UP WHICH YOU ARE SWEET ENOUGH TO WANT TO ASK MY OPINION ABOUT" ], "pre_texts": [ "s to eccentricity. And if when I see you I perceive that, though sweet and well educated, you are still of a commonplace turn of mind, I shall desist from teaching you to be a personage, but encourage you to take sensible pleasure in the things suitable to your brain capacity; and so you will become a happy little wife and a valuable atom of the community of England’s best society. And now, Caroline dear, I must conclude, and next week, when we meet in London, I hope we shall clasp hands in mutual contentment. Your affectionate Godmother, E. G. VII JANUARY, 1914. Since you came out last May, Caroline dear, we have seen so much of each other at intervals that I have been able to tell you things, and have had no occasion to write. But as I shall be abroad for several months, and you in England, I shall have to begin again to help you in every way I can by letters,--as--far from my task being over after your presentation--we both found, did we not, dear child? that it had only just begun!", " LETTER SEVEN OFF YOUR AFFECTIONATE GODMOTHER THIS IS A LIBERAL BOX RECORDING ALL LIBERAL BOOKS RECORDING CERTAIN PUBLIC DOMAIN FOR MORE INFORMATION OR TO VOLUNTEER PLEASE VISIT LIBERALK STOTT ORG RECORDING BY STORY LINES STEVEN YOUR AFFECTIONATE GODMOTHER BY ELEANOR GLEN LETTER SEVEN JANUARY NINETEEN FOURTEEN SINCE YOU CAME OUT LAST MAY CAROLINE DEAR WE HAVE SEEN SO MUCH OF EACH OTHER AT INTERVALS THAT I HAVE BEEN ABLE TO TELL YOU THINGS AND HAVE HAD NO OCCASION TO WRITE BUT AS I SHALL BE ABROAD FOR SEVERAL MONTHS AND YOU IN ENGLAND I SHALL HAVE TO BEGIN AGAIN TO HELP YOU IN EVERY WAY I CAN BY LETTERS AS FAR FROM MY TASK BEING OVER AFTER YOUR PRESENTATION WE BOTH FOUND DID WE NOT DEAR CHILD THAT IT HAD ONLY JUST BEGUN" ], "begin_byte": 103921, "end_byte": 104032 } } ]
{ "id": "large/11299/affectionate_godmother_1701_librivox_64kb_mp3/godmother_07_glyn_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/11299/affectionate_godmother_1701_librivox_64kb_mp3/godmother_07_glyn_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 22787134, "duration": 1424.195875, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
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[ { "id": "large/11299/affectionate_godmother_1701_librivox_64kb_mp3/godmother_07_glyn_64kb_43", "recording_id": "large/11299/affectionate_godmother_1701_librivox_64kb_mp3/godmother_07_glyn_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 12.16, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "11299", "custom": { "texts": [ "If they have the dignity which they ought to have they will realize the situations and the entertainments in and at which they ought to refrain from participating actively.", "IF THEY HAVE THE DIGNITY WHICH THEY OUGHT TO HAVE THEY WILL REALIZE THE SITUATIONS AND THE ENTERTAINMENTS IN AND AT WHICH THEY OUGHT TO REFRAIN FROM PARTICIPATING ACTIVELY" ], "pre_texts": [ "ds--which seem whiter and more attractive looking than ever, with superlatively polished nails. It has brought in a regular cult of dainty fingers which I sincerely hope will spread across the Channel. Just consider how grateful we ought to be to the Tango if for no other reason! When one thinks of the unappetizing red fists such numbers of our country-women used to flourish! Here at first one had an inclination to laugh when one saw the mothers dancing the Tango as well as the daughters, but if they do this in England do not let yourself be spiteful about it, Caroline. The exercise is so splendid, and it keeps them young and inclined to be more sympathetic with their children. What is really ridiculous in these elderly ladies is to do anything--_soi-disant_--for pleasure which is in reality a labor and a fatigue, just because they want to be in the swim. But if mothers and chaperones honestly enjoy dancing and can find willing partners, why not let them indulge their desires in peace?", "AL CARE ABOUT THEIR HANDS WHICH SEEM WHITER AND MORE ATTRACTIVE LOOKING THAN EVER WITH SUPERLATIVELY POLISHED NAILS IT HAS BROUGHT IN A REGULAR CULT OF DAINTY FINGERS WHICH I SINCERELY HOPE WILL SPREAD ACROSS THE CHANNEL JUST CONSIDER HOW GRATEFUL WE OUGHT TO BE TO THE TANGLE IF FOR NO OTHER REASON WHEN ONE THINKS OF THE UNAPPETIZING RED FISTS SUCH NUMBERS OF OUR COUNTRYWOMEN USED TO FLOURISH HERE AT FIRST ONE HAD AN INCLINATION TO LAUGH WHEN ONE SAW THE MOTHERS DANCING THAT ANGER AS WELL AS THE DAUGHTERS BUT IF THEY DO THIS IN ENGLAND DO NOT LET YOURSELF BE SPITEFUL ABOUT IT CAROLINE THE EXERCISE IS SO SPLENDID AND IT KEEPS THEM YOUNG AND INCLINED TO BE MORE SYMPATHETIC WITH THEIR CHILDREN WHAT IS REALLY RIDICULOUS IN THESE ELDERLY LADIES IS TO DO ANYTHING SAUSON FOR PLEASURE WHICH IS IN REALITY A LABOR AND A FATIGUE JUST BECAUSE THEY WANT TO BE IN THE SWIM BUT IF MOTHERS AND CHAPERONS HONESTLY ENJOY DANCING AND CONFINED WILLING PARTNERS WHY NOT LET THEM INDULGE THEIR DESIRES IN PEACE" ], "begin_byte": 118670, "end_byte": 118842 } } ]
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[ { "id": "large/11299/affectionate_godmother_1701_librivox_64kb_mp3/godmother_07_glyn_64kb_47", "recording_id": "large/11299/affectionate_godmother_1701_librivox_64kb_mp3/godmother_07_glyn_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 6.679, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "11299", "custom": { "texts": [ "You are fortunately not of that turn of mind which twists sentences to your own liking.", "YOU ARE FORTUNATELY NOT OF THAT TURN OF MIND WHICH TWISTS SENTENCES TO YOUR OWN LIKING" ], "pre_texts": [ "asked her if she was interested in seeing the sights of the ancient city. “Why, no, Your Majesty,” the sprightly maiden replied, “I bicyclate--do you bicyclate? It is no end of fun.” The Queen became very pink and said coldly, “Such pastimes are hardly suitable to my age or position,” and passed on--but the nice point of the tale is that at that very moment the Sovereign was taking lessons in the strict privacy of her own royal garden! Only her perfect sense of the fitness of things made her not expose herself at that early day of the fashion in public, or even admit that she was countenancing the new exercise. Do not think for a moment, Caroline, that, in all this that I have been saying, I am advocating a hypocritical course of conduct which may be applied to other things. This “wait and see” attitude I am only suggesting as prudent to adopt over such light matters as fashions and fads. But this, I hope, child, you have been intelligent enough to understand as you have read my words.", " LADY OF PERHAPS FORTY FIVE ASKED HER IF SHE WAS INTERESTED IN SEEING THE SIGHTS OF THE ANCIENT CITY WHY KNOW YOUR MAJESTY THE SPRIGHTLY MAIDEN REPLIED I BUY CYCLATE DO YOU BUY CYCLATE IT IS NO END OF FUN THE QUEEN BECAME VERY PINK AND SAID COLDLY SUCH PASTIMES ARE HARDLY SUITABLE TO MY AGE OR POSITION AND PASSED ON BUT THE NICE POINT OF THE TALE IS THAT AT THAT VERY MOMENT THE SOVEREIGN WAS TAKING LESSONS IN THE STRICT PRIVACY OF HER OWN ROYAL GARDEN ONLY HER PERFECT SENSE OF THE FITNESS OF THINGS MADE HER NOT EXPOSE HERSELF AT THAT EARLY DAY OF THE FASHION IN PUBLIC OR EVEN ADMIT THAT SHE WAS COUNTENCING THE NEW EXERCISE DO NOT THINK FOR A MOMENT CAROLINE THAT IN ALL THIS THAT I HAVE BEEN SAYING I AM ADVOCATING A HYPOCRITICAL CAUSE OF CONDUCT WHICH MAY BE APPLIED TO OTHER THINGS THIS WEIGHT AND SEE ATTITUDE I AM ONLY SUGGESTING AS PRUDENT TO ADOPT OVER SUCH LIGHT MASSES AS FASHIONS AND FADS BUT THIS I HOPE CHILD YOU HAVE BEEN INTELLIGENT ENOUGH TO UNDERSTAND AS YOU HAVE READ MY WORDS" ], "begin_byte": 113081, "end_byte": 113168 } } ]
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[ { "id": "large/11299/affectionate_godmother_1701_librivox_64kb_mp3/godmother_07_glyn_64kb_65", "recording_id": "large/11299/affectionate_godmother_1701_librivox_64kb_mp3/godmother_07_glyn_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 12.44, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "11299", "custom": { "texts": [ "but it is not from principle, but because it would bore me terribly to have to do so and I have arrived at a time of life when I can please myself about my amusements.", "BUT IT IS NOT FROM PRINCIPLE BUT BECAUSE IT WOULD BORE ME TERRIBLY TO HAVE TO DO SO AND I HAVE ARRIVED AT A TIME OF LIFE WHEN I CAN PLEASE MYSELF ABOUT MY AMUSEMENTS" ], "pre_texts": [ "but if they do this in England do not let yourself be spiteful about it, Caroline. The exercise is so splendid, and it keeps them young and inclined to be more sympathetic with their children. What is really ridiculous in these elderly ladies is to do anything--_soi-disant_--for pleasure which is in reality a labor and a fatigue, just because they want to be in the swim. But if mothers and chaperones honestly enjoy dancing and can find willing partners, why not let them indulge their desires in peace? If they have the dignity which they ought to have they will realize the situations and the entertainments in and at which they ought to refrain from participating actively. But try to be tolerant, Caroline, in your judgment of them. For this is another remarkable feature which the Spirit of this Age has brought--the intense desire in everyone to keep young, and it is a good desire at its base. I do not dance the Tango myself, although I am at the fashionable age for it here (over forty!),", "R AS WELL AS THE DAUGHTERS BUT IF THEY DO THIS IN ENGLAND DO NOT LET YOURSELF BE SPITEFUL ABOUT IT CAROLINE THE EXERCISE IS SO SPLENDID AND IT KEEPS THEM YOUNG AND INCLINED TO BE MORE SYMPATHETIC WITH THEIR CHILDREN WHAT IS REALLY RIDICULOUS IN THESE ELDERLY LADIES IS TO DO ANYTHING SAUSON FOR PLEASURE WHICH IS IN REALITY A LABOR AND A FATIGUE JUST BECAUSE THEY WANT TO BE IN THE SWIM BUT IF MOTHERS AND CHAPERONS HONESTLY ENJOY DANCING AND CONFINED WILLING PARTNERS WHY NOT LET THEM INDULGE THEIR DESIRES IN PEACE IF THEY HAVE THE DIGNITY WHICH THEY OUGHT TO HAVE THEY WILL REALIZE THE SITUATIONS AND THE ENTERTAINMENTS IN AND AT WHICH THEY OUGHT TO REFRAIN FROM PARTICIPATING ACTIVELY BUT TRY TO BE TOLERANT CAROLINE IN YOUR JUDGMENT OF THEM FOR THIS IS ANOTHER REMARKABLE FEATURE WHICH THE SPIRIT OF THIS AGE HAS BROUGHT THE INTENSE DESIRE IN EVERYONE TO KEEP YOUNG AND IT IS A GOOD DESIRE AT ITS BASE I DO NOT DANCE THAT TANGER MYSELF ALTHOUGH I AM AT THE FASHIONABLE AGE FOR IT HERE OVER FORTY" ], "begin_byte": 119164, "end_byte": 119332 } } ]
{ "id": "large/11299/affectionate_godmother_1701_librivox_64kb_mp3/godmother_07_glyn_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/11299/affectionate_godmother_1701_librivox_64kb_mp3/godmother_07_glyn_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 22787134, "duration": 1424.195875, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
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[ { "id": "large/11299/affectionate_godmother_1701_librivox_64kb_mp3/godmother_07_glyn_64kb_81", "recording_id": "large/11299/affectionate_godmother_1701_librivox_64kb_mp3/godmother_07_glyn_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 13.52, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "11299", "custom": { "texts": [ "When it came to the turn of the American girl, the Queen a lady of perhaps forty five asked her if she was interested in seeing the sights of the ancient city.", "WHEN IT CAME TO THE TURN OF THE AMERICAN GIRL THE QUEEN A LADY OF PERHAPS FORTY FIVE ASKED HER IF SHE WAS INTERESTED IN SEEING THE SIGHTS OF THE ANCIENT CITY" ], "pre_texts": [ "to take this powerful factor into consideration, Caroline, dear, in all matters of innovations. I want you to realize that they will become unremarkable and unimportant--so that the only sensible, just and _sagacious_ way to look at them, if you should feel you wish to indulge in them, is to try to find out how far you can do so at that present moment of the day without making yourself ridiculous or looking unseemly. You can always exploit and expand your style when you see it is advisable. As I said before, there is no rigid law of right and wrong about such affairs, all are weighed by custom and suitability to present circumstances. As an illustration I will tell you a story of, perhaps, nineteen years ago. I was in one of the great capitals of Europe when bicycling was just starting, and at a court held a young American girl was presented to the Queen. The presentations there were arranged quite differently to ours in England and the august lady said a few words to each _débutante_.", "NTIPATHY SO I WANT YOU TO TAKE THIS POWERFUL FACTOR INTO CONSIDERATION CAROLINE DEAR IN ALL MATTERS OF INNOVATIONS I WANT YOU TO REALIZE THAT THEY WILL BECOME UNREMARKABLE AND UNIMPORTANT SO THAT THE ONLY SENSIBLE JUST AND SAGACIOUS WAY TO LOOK AT THEM IF YOU SHOULD FEEL YOU WISH TO INDULGE IN THEM IS TO TRY TO FIND OUT HOW FAR YOU CAN DO SO AT THAT PRESENT MOMENT OF THE DAY WITHOUT MAKING YOURSELF RIDICULOUS OR LOOKING UNSEEMLY YOU CAN ALWAYS EXPLOIT AND EXPAND YOUR STYLE WHEN YOU SEE IT IS ADVISABLE AS I SAID BEFORE THERE IS NO RIGID LAW OF RIGHT AND WRONG ABOUT SUCH AFFAIRS ALL ARE WEIGHED BY CUSTOM AND SUITABILITY TO PRESENT CIRCUMSTANCES AS AN ILLUSTRATION I WILL TELL YOU A STORY OF PERHAPS NINETEEN YEARS AGO I WAS IN ONE OF THE GREAT CAPITALS OF EUROPE WHEN BICYCLING WAS JUST STARTING AND AT A COURT HELD A YOUNG AMERICAN GIRL WAS PRESENTED TO THE QUEEN THE PRESENTATIONS THERE WERE ARRANGED QUITE DIFFERENTLY TO OURS IN ENGLAND AND THE AUGUST LADY SAID A FEW WORDS TO EACH DEBUTANTE" ], "begin_byte": 111992, "end_byte": 112153 } } ]
{ "id": "large/11299/affectionate_godmother_1701_librivox_64kb_mp3/godmother_07_glyn_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/11299/affectionate_godmother_1701_librivox_64kb_mp3/godmother_07_glyn_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 22787134, "duration": 1424.195875, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
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[ { "id": "large/11299/affectionate_godmother_1701_librivox_64kb_mp3/godmother_07_glyn_64kb_94", "recording_id": "large/11299/affectionate_godmother_1701_librivox_64kb_mp3/godmother_07_glyn_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 25.359, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "11299", "custom": { "texts": [ "I want you to realize that they will become unremarkable and unimportant so that the only sensible, just and _sagacious_ way to look at them, if you should feel you wish to indulge in them, is to try to find out how far you can do so at that present moment of the day without making yourself ridiculous or looking unseemly.", "I WANT YOU TO REALIZE THAT THEY WILL BECOME UNREMARKABLE AND UNIMPORTANT SO THAT THE ONLY SENSIBLE JUST AND SAGACIOUS WAY TO LOOK AT THEM IF YOU SHOULD FEEL YOU WISH TO INDULGE IN THEM IS TO TRY TO FIND OUT HOW FAR YOU CAN DO SO AT THAT PRESENT MOMENT OF THE DAY WITHOUT MAKING YOURSELF RIDICULOUS OR LOOKING UNSEEMLY" ], "pre_texts": [ "Suburbia, who afterwards danced in the ballroom. They indulged in wonderful “Bunny Hugs” and “Turkey Trots”--and probably the Tango, although its name had not become so famous then, and I did not recognize it. I recollect how we stood and watched them and laughed at some of the sights. Respectable, and often very plump, _mères de familles_ with agonized faces of strain in case they should forget a step, were bumping against and clinging in strange fashion to some equally preoccupied partner! I thought then how undignified, how even revolting it was. But now when I go out here in Paris, even among the most _recherchées grandes dames_ and see them (grandmothers some of them!) taking their hour or two of exercise by dancing the Tango, I am moved by no spirit of disgust, I merely feel critical as to whether or no they do it well--so far has custom and familiarity removed antipathy! So I want you to take this powerful factor into consideration, Caroline, dear, in all matters of innovations.", "DOORS TO A CROWD OF THE MOST ASPIRING INHABITANTS OF SUBURBIA WHO AFTERWARDS DANCED IN THE BALLROOM THEY INDULGED IN WONDERFUL BUNNY HUGS AND TURKEY TROTS AND PROBABLY THE TANGO ALTHOUGH ITS NAME HAD NOT BECOME SO FAMOUS THEN AND I DID NOT RECOGNIZE IT I RECOLLECT HOW WE STOOD AND WATCHED THEM AND LAUGHED AT SOME OF THE SIGHTS RESPECTABLE AND OFTEN VERY PLUMP MAY DEFAMY WITH AGONIZED FACES OF STRAIN IN CASE THEY SHOULD FORGET A STEP WERE BUMPING AGAINST AND CLINGING IN STRANGE FASHION TO SOME EQUALLY PREOCCUPIED PARTNER I THOUGHT THEN HOW UNDIGNIFIED HOW EVEN REVOLTING IT WAS BUT NOW WHEN I GO OUT HERE IN PARIS EVEN AMONG THE MOST RUSSICH GRANDMES AND SEE THEM GRANDMOTHER SOME OF THEM TAKING THEIR HOUR OR TWO OF EXERCISE BY DANCING THE TANGO I MOVED BY NO SPIRIT OF DISGUST I MERELY FEEL CRITICAL AS TO WHETHER OR NO THEY DO IT WELL SO FAR HAS CUSTOM AND FAMILIARITY REMOVED ANTIPATHY SO I WANT YOU TO TAKE THIS POWERFUL FACTOR INTO CONSIDERATION CAROLINE DEAR IN ALL MATTERS OF INNOVATIONS" ], "begin_byte": 111087, "end_byte": 111411 } } ]
{ "id": "large/11299/affectionate_godmother_1701_librivox_64kb_mp3/godmother_07_glyn_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/11299/affectionate_godmother_1701_librivox_64kb_mp3/godmother_07_glyn_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 22787134, "duration": 1424.195875, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
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[ { "id": "large/11299/urbain_grandier_1612_librivox_64kb_mp3/celebratedcrimes5_02_dumas_64kb_7", "recording_id": "large/11299/urbain_grandier_1612_librivox_64kb_mp3/celebratedcrimes5_02_dumas_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 12.199, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "11299", "custom": { "texts": [ "Hereupon Urbain's enemies saw they had no time to lose, and took advantage of his absence to make counter accusations against him.", "HEREUPON URBAY'S ENEMIES SAW THEY HAD NO TIME TO LOSE AND TOOK ADVANTAGE OF HIS ABSENCE TO MAKE COUNTER ACCUSATIONS AGAINST HIM" ], "pre_texts": [ "ut, who had got into the habit of saying and doing whatever came into his head without fear of being called to account, partly because of his wealth and partly because of the influence he had gained over the narrow-minded, who are so numerous in a small provincial town, and who regarded him as being much above them, was so furious at this public reprimand, that he raised his cane and struck Urbain. The opportunity which this affront afforded Grandier of being revenged on all his enemies was too precious to be neglected, but, convinced, with too much reason, that he would never obtain justice from the local authorities, although the respect due to the Church had been infringed, in his person he decided to appeal to King Louis XIII, who deigned to receive him, and deciding that the insult offered to a priest robed in the sacred vestments should be expiated, sent the cause to the high court of Parliament, with instructions that the case against Duthibaut should be tried and decided there.", " BOUGH WHO HAD GOT INTO THE HABIT OF SAYING AND DOING WHATEVER CAME INTO HIS HEAD WITHOUT FEAR OF BEING CALLED TO ACCOUNT PARTLY BECAUSE OF HIS WEALTH AND PARTLY BECAUSE OF THE INFLUENCE HE HAD GAINED OVER THE NARROW MINDED WHO WERE SO NUMEROUS IN A SMALL PROVINCIAL TOWN AND WHO REGARDED HIM AS BEING MUCH ABOVE THEM HE WAS SO FURIOUS AT THIS PUBLIC REPRIMAND THAT HE RAISED HIS CANE AND STRUCK URBAIN THE OPPORTUNITY WHICH THIS AFFRONT AFFORDED GONDIERE OF BEING REVENGED ON ALL HIS ENEMIES WAS TOO PRECIOUS TO BE NEGLECTED BUT CONVINCED WITH TOO MUCH REASON THAT HE WOULD NEVER OBTAIN JUSTICE FROM THE LOCAL AUTHORITIES ALTHOUGH THE RESPECT DUE TO THE CHURCH HAD BEEN INFRINGED IN HIS PERSON HE DECIDED TO APPEAL TO KING LOUIS THE THIRTEENTH WHO DEIGNED TO RECEIVE HIM AND DECIDING THAT THE INSULT OFFERED TO A PRIEST ROBED IN THE SACRED VESTMENTS SHOULD BE EXPIATED SENT THE CAUSE TO THE HIGH COURT OF PARLIAMENT WITH INSTRUCTIONS THAT THE CASESE AGAINST DUTIBON SHOULD BE TRIED AND DECIDED THERE" ], "begin_byte": 1609612, "end_byte": 1609742 } } ]
{ "id": "large/11299/urbain_grandier_1612_librivox_64kb_mp3/celebratedcrimes5_02_dumas_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/11299/urbain_grandier_1612_librivox_64kb_mp3/celebratedcrimes5_02_dumas_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 17920657, "duration": 1120.0410625, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
{ "text_path": "download/librilight_text/output_text_large_cleaned/Celebrated Crimes Vol 4 Part 2 Urbain Grandier/text.txt" }
[ { "id": "large/11299/urbain_grandier_1612_librivox_64kb_mp3/celebratedcrimes5_02_dumas_64kb_11", "recording_id": "large/11299/urbain_grandier_1612_librivox_64kb_mp3/celebratedcrimes5_02_dumas_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 16.679, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "11299", "custom": { "texts": [ "The court, not knowing what to think of the turn affairs had taken, decided that before considering the accusations brought by Grandier, he must appear before his bishop to clear himself of the charges, brought against himself.", "THE COURT NOT KNOWING WHAT TO THINK OF THE TURN AFFAIRS HAD TAKEN DECIDED THAT BEFORE CONSIDERING THE ACCUSATIONS BROUGHT BY GRANDIERE HE MUST APPEAR BEFORE HIS BISHOP TO CLEAR HIMSELF OF THE CHARGES BROUGHT AGAINST HIMSELF" ], "pre_texts": [ "d clerk, and also by the first royal sergeant, upon this warrant, and we request the aid of the secular authorities, and to them, or to any one of them, we hereby give power and authority to carry out this decree notwithstanding any opposition or appeal, and the said Grandier having been heard, such a decision will be given by our attorney as the facts may seem to warrant. \"Given at Dissay the 22nd day of October 1629, and signed in the original as follows: \"HENRI-LOUIS, Bishop of Poitiers.\" Grandier was, as we have said, at Paris when these proceedings were taken against him, conducting before the Parliament his case against Duthibaut. The latter received a copy of the decision arrived at by the bishop, before Grandier knew of the charges that had been formulated against him, and having in the course of his defence drawn a terrible picture of the immorality of Grandier’s life, he produced as a proof of the truth of his assertions the damning document which had been put into his hands.", "OR TONSHIRE CLERK AND ALSO BY THE FIRST ROYAL SERGEANT UPON HIS VORAND AND WE REQUEST THE AID OF THE SPECULAR AUTHORITIES AND TO THEM OR TO ANY OF THEM WE HEREBY GIVE POWER AND AUTHORITY TO CARRY OUT THIS DECREE NOTWITHSTANDING ANY OPPOSITION OR APPEAL AND THE SAID GRANDIERE HAVING BEEN HEARD SUCH A DECISION WILL BE GIVEN BY OUR ATTORNEY AS THE FACTS MAY SEEM TO WARRANT GIVEN A DISSAY ON TWENTY SECOND DAY OF OCTOBER SIXTEEN TWENTY NINE AND SIGNED IN THE ORIGINAL AS FOLLOWS AURE LOUIS BISHOP OF POURTIE CONGIER WAS AS WE HAVE SAID AT PARIS WHEN THESE PROCEEDINGS WERE TAKEN AGAINST HIM CONDUCTING BEFORE THE PARLIAMENT HIS CASE AGAINST DUTIBOURG THE LATTER RECEIVED A COPY OF THE DECISION ARRIVED AT BY THE BISHOP BEFORE GRANDIER KNEW OF THE CHARGES THAT HAD BEEN FORMULATED AGAINST HIM AND HAVING IN THE COURSE OF HIS DEFENCE DRAWN A TERRIBLE PICTURE OF THE IMMORALITY OF GORGIER'S LIFE HE PRODUCED AS A PROOF OF THE TRUTH OF HIS ASSERTIONS THE DAMNING DOCUMENT WHICH HAD BEEN PUT INTO HIS HANDS" ], "begin_byte": 1613067, "end_byte": 1613294 } } ]
{ "id": "large/11299/urbain_grandier_1612_librivox_64kb_mp3/celebratedcrimes5_02_dumas_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/11299/urbain_grandier_1612_librivox_64kb_mp3/celebratedcrimes5_02_dumas_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 17920657, "duration": 1120.0410625, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
{ "text_path": "download/librilight_text/output_text_large_cleaned/Celebrated Crimes Vol 4 Part 2 Urbain Grandier/text.txt" }
[ { "id": "large/11299/urbain_grandier_1612_librivox_64kb_mp3/celebratedcrimes5_02_dumas_64kb_19", "recording_id": "large/11299/urbain_grandier_1612_librivox_64kb_mp3/celebratedcrimes5_02_dumas_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 28.199, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "11299", "custom": { "texts": [ "Duthibaut, who had got into the habit of saying and doing whatever came into his head without fear of being called to account, partly because of his wealth and partly because of the influence he had gained over the narrow minded, who are so numerous in a small provincial town, and who regarded him as being much above them, was so furious at this public reprimand, that he raised his cane and struck Urbain.", "DUTY BOUGH WHO HAD GOT INTO THE HABIT OF SAYING AND DOING WHATEVER CAME INTO HIS HEAD WITHOUT FEAR OF BEING CALLED TO ACCOUNT PARTLY BECAUSE OF HIS WEALTH AND PARTLY BECAUSE OF THE INFLUENCE HE HAD GAINED OVER THE NARROW MINDED WHO WERE SO NUMEROUS IN A SMALL PROVINCIAL TOWN AND WHO REGARDED HIM AS BEING MUCH ABOVE THEM HE WAS SO FURIOUS AT THIS PUBLIC REPRIMAND THAT HE RAISED HIS CANE AND STRUCK URBAIN" ], "pre_texts": [ "n a mortal combat between them would begin. But it was one of his convictions that to draw back was to acknowledge one’s guilt; besides, as far as he was concerned, it was probably too late for him to retrace his steps. He therefore went on his way, as unyielding, as scornful, and as haughty as ever. Among those who were supposed to be most active in spreading the slanders relative to Urbain was a man called Duthibaut, a person of importance in the province, who was supposed by the townspeople to hold very advanced views, and who was a \"Sir Oracle\" to whom the commonplace and vulgar turned for enlightenment. Some of this man’s strictures on Grandier were reported to the latter, especially some calumnies to which Duthibaut had given vent at the Marquis de Bellay’s; and one day, Grandier, arrayed in priestly garments, was about to enter the church of Sainte-Croix to assist in the service, he encountered Duthibaut at the entrance, and with his usual haughty disdain accused him of slander.", "NE PART TWO OF CELEBRATED CRIMES VOLUME FIVE URBAG RENDERE THIS IS A LIBERAL BOX RECORDING ALL LIBERAL BOX RECORDINGS ARE IN THE PUBLIC DOMAIN FOR MORE INFORMATION OR TO VOLUNTEER PLEASE VISIT LIBERAL STOT ORG RECORDING BY STORY LINES DEVON CELEBRATED CRIMES VOLUME FIVE URBANG HONGE BY ALEXANDRE VUMIN CHAPTER ONE PART TWO AMONG THOSE WHO WERE SUPPOSED TO BE MOST ACTIVE IN SPREADING THE SLANDERS RELATIVE TO ALBAY WAS A MAN CALLED DUTYBON A PERSON OF IMPORTANCE IN THE PROVINCE WHO WAS SUPPOSED BY THE TOWNSPEOPLE TO HOLD VERY ADVANCED VIEWS AND WHO WAS A SIR ORACLE TO WHOM THE COMMONPLACE AND VULGAR TURNED FOR ENLIGHTENMENT SOME OF THIS MAN'S STRICTURES ON CONDEER WERE REPORTED TO THE LATTER ESPECIALLY SOME CALUMNIES TO WHICH DUTY BALL HAD GIVEN VENT AT THE MARQUIS DE BELAIS AND ONE DAY CONGIER ARRAYED IN PRIESTLY GARMENTS WAS ABOUT TO ENTER THE CHURCH OF SAINT COIN TO ASSIST IN THE SERVICE HE ENCOUNTERED DUTY BOARD AT THE ENTRANCE AND WITH HIS USUAL HAUGHTY DISDAIN ACCUSED HIM OF SLANDER" ], "begin_byte": 1608604, "end_byte": 1609012 } } ]
{ "id": "large/11299/urbain_grandier_1612_librivox_64kb_mp3/celebratedcrimes5_02_dumas_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/11299/urbain_grandier_1612_librivox_64kb_mp3/celebratedcrimes5_02_dumas_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 17920657, "duration": 1120.0410625, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
{ "text_path": "download/librilight_text/output_text_large_cleaned/Celebrated Crimes Vol 4 Part 2 Urbain Grandier/text.txt" }
[ { "id": "large/11252/lizaoflambeth_1704_librivox_64kb_mp3/lizaoflambeth_01_maugham_64kb_34", "recording_id": "large/11252/lizaoflambeth_1704_librivox_64kb_mp3/lizaoflambeth_01_maugham_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 8.559, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "11252", "custom": { "texts": [ "The number of babies was prodigious; they sprawled about everywhere, on the pavement, round the doors, and about their mothers' skirts.", "THE NUMBER OF BABIES WAS PRODIGIOUS THEY SPRAWLED ABOUT EVERYWHERE ON THE PAVEMENT ROUND THE DOORS AND ABOUT THEIR MOTHER'S SKIRTS" ], "pre_texts": [ "o the other. This Saturday afternoon the street was full of life; no traffic came down Vere Street, and the cemented space between the pavements was given up to children. Several games of cricket were being played by wildly excited boys, using coats for wickets, an old tennis-ball or a bundle of rags tied together for a ball, and, generally, an old broomstick for bat. The wicket was so large and the bat so small that the man in was always getting bowled, when heated quarrels would arise, the batter absolutely refusing to go out and the bowler absolutely insisting on going in. The girls were more peaceable; they were chiefly employed in skipping, and only abused one another mildly when the rope was not properly turned or the skipper did not jump sufficiently high. Worst off of all were the very young children, for there had been no rain for weeks, and the street was as dry and clean as a covered court, and, in the lack of mud to wallow in, they sat about the road, disconsolate as poets.", " ONE END OF THE STREET TO THE OTHER THIS SATURDAY AFTERNOON THE STREET WAS FULL OF LIFE NO TRAFFIC CAME DOWN VERE STREET AND THE CEMENTED SPACE BETWEEN THE PAVEMENTS WAS GIVEN UP TO CHILDREN SEVERAL GAMES OF CRICKET WERE BEING PLAYED BY WILDLY EXCITED BOYS USING COATS FOR WICKETS AN OLD TENNIS BALL OR A BUNDLE OF RAGS TIED TOGETHER FOR A BALL AND GENERALLY AN OLD BROOMSTICK FOR A BAT THE WICKET WAS SO LARGE AND THE BAT SO SMALL THAT THE MAN IN WAS ALWAYS GETTING BOLD WHEN HEATED QUARRELS WOULD ARISE THE BATTER ABSOLUTELY REFUSING TO GO OUT AND THE BOWLER ABSOLUTELY INSISTING ON GOING IN THE GIRLS WERE MORE PEACEABLE THEY WERE CHIEFLY EMPLOYED IN SKIPPING AND ONLY ABUSED ONE ANOTHER MILDLY WHEN THE ROPE WAS NOT PROPERLY TURNED OR THE SKIPPER DID NOT JUMP SUFFICIENTLY HIGH WORST UP OF ALL WERE THE VERY YOUNG CHILDREN FOR THERE HAD BEEN NO RAIN FOR WEEKS AND THE STREET WAS AS DRY AND CLEAN AS A COVERED COURT AND IN THE LACK OF MUD TO WALLOW IN THEY SAT ABOUT THE ROAD DISCONSOLATE AS POETS" ], "begin_byte": 2565, "end_byte": 2700 } } ]
{ "id": "large/11252/lizaoflambeth_1704_librivox_64kb_mp3/lizaoflambeth_01_maugham_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/11252/lizaoflambeth_1704_librivox_64kb_mp3/lizaoflambeth_01_maugham_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 13488379, "duration": 843.0236875, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
{ "text_path": "download/librilight_text/output_text_large_cleaned/Liza of Lambeth/text.txt" }
[ { "id": "large/11252/lizaoflambeth_1704_librivox_64kb_mp3/lizaoflambeth_01_maugham_64kb_45", "recording_id": "large/11252/lizaoflambeth_1704_librivox_64kb_mp3/lizaoflambeth_01_maugham_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 5.52, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "11252", "custom": { "texts": [ "Her dance became gayer: her feet scarcely touched the ground, she whirled round madly.", "HER DANCE BECAME GAYER HER FEET SCARCELY TOUCHED THE GROUND SHE WHIRLED ROUND MADLY" ], "pre_texts": [ "'I'm abaht done,' said Sally, blowing and puffing. 'I've 'ad enough of it.' 'Go on, Liza!' cried out a dozen voices when Sally stopped. She gave no sign of having heard them other than calmly to continue her dance. She glided through the steps, and swayed about, and manipulated her skirt, all with the most charming grace imaginable, then, the music altering, she changed the style of her dancing, her feet moved more quickly, and did not keep so strictly to the ground. She was getting excited at the admiration of the onlookers, and her dance grew wilder and more daring. She lifted her skirts higher, brought in new and more difficult movements into her improvisation, kicking up her legs she did the wonderful twist, backwards and forwards, of which the dancer is proud. 'Look at 'er legs!' cried one of the men. 'Look at 'er stockin's!' shouted another; and indeed they were remarkable, for Liza had chosen them of the same brilliant hue as her dress, and was herself most proud of the harmony.", "NTS SO AS TO MAKE THE WHOLE A THING OF SYMMETRY AND BAD DONE SAID SALLIE BLOWING AND PUFFING I'VE HAD ENOUGH OF IT GO ON ELIZA CRIED OUT A DOZEN VOICES WHEN SALLIE STOPPED SHE GAVE NO SIGN OF HAVING HEARD THEM OTHER THAN CALMLY TO CONTINUE HER DANCE SHE GLIDED THROUGH THE STEPS AND SWAYED ABOUT AND MANIPULATED HER SKIRT ALL WITH THE MOST CHARMING GRACE IMAGINABLE THEN THE MUSIC ALTERING SHE CHANGED THE STYLE OF HER DANCING HER FEET MOVED MORE QUICKLY AND DID NOT KEEP SO STRICTLY TO THE GROUND SHE WAS GETTING EXCITED AT THE ADMIRATION OF THE ONLOOKERS AND HER DANCE GREW WILDER AND MORE DARING SHE LIFTED HER SKIRTS HIGHER BROUGHT IN NEW AND MORE DIFFICULT MOVEMENTS INTO IMPROVISATION KICKING UP HER LEGS SHE DID THE WONDERFUL TWIST BACKWARDS AND FORWARDS OF WHICH THE DANCER WAS PROUD LOOK AT HER LEGS CRIED ONE OF THE MEN LOOK AT HER STOCKINGS SHOUTED ANOTHER AND INDEED THEY WERE REMARKABLE FOR LIZA HAD CHOSEN OF THE SAME BRILLIANT HUE AS HER DRESS AND WAS HERSELF MOST PROUD OF THE HARMONY" ], "begin_byte": 12575, "end_byte": 12661 } } ]
{ "id": "large/11252/lizaoflambeth_1704_librivox_64kb_mp3/lizaoflambeth_01_maugham_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/11252/lizaoflambeth_1704_librivox_64kb_mp3/lizaoflambeth_01_maugham_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 13488379, "duration": 843.0236875, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
{ "text_path": "download/librilight_text/output_text_large_cleaned/Liza of Lambeth/text.txt" }
[ { "id": "large/11252/lizaoflambeth_1704_librivox_64kb_mp3/lizaoflambeth_01_maugham_64kb_53", "recording_id": "large/11252/lizaoflambeth_1704_librivox_64kb_mp3/lizaoflambeth_01_maugham_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 12.159, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "11252", "custom": { "texts": [ "'Look at 'er legs!' cried one of the men. 'Look at 'er stockin's!' shouted another; and indeed they were remarkable, for Liza had chosen them of the same brilliant hue as her dress, and was herself most proud of the harmony.", "LOOK AT HER LEGS CRIED ONE OF THE MEN LOOK AT HER STOCKINGS SHOUTED ANOTHER AND INDEED THEY WERE REMARKABLE FOR LIZA HAD CHOSEN OF THE SAME BRILLIANT HUE AS HER DRESS AND WAS HERSELF MOST PROUD OF THE HARMONY" ], "pre_texts": [ " other couples stood aside, so that Liza and Sally were left alone. They paced it carefully, watching each other's steps, and as if by instinct performing corresponding movements, so as to make the whole a thing of symmetry. 'I'm abaht done,' said Sally, blowing and puffing. 'I've 'ad enough of it.' 'Go on, Liza!' cried out a dozen voices when Sally stopped. She gave no sign of having heard them other than calmly to continue her dance. She glided through the steps, and swayed about, and manipulated her skirt, all with the most charming grace imaginable, then, the music altering, she changed the style of her dancing, her feet moved more quickly, and did not keep so strictly to the ground. She was getting excited at the admiration of the onlookers, and her dance grew wilder and more daring. She lifted her skirts higher, brought in new and more difficult movements into her improvisation, kicking up her legs she did the wonderful twist, backwards and forwards, of which the dancer is proud.", "TO THE PRESENT PLEASURE GRADUALLY THE OTHER COUPLE STOOD ASIDE SO THAT LIZA AND SALLIE WERE LEFT ALONE THEY PACED HER CAREFULLY WATCHING EACH OTHER'S STEPS AND AS IF BY INSTINCT PERFORMING CORRESPONDING MOVEMENTS SO AS TO MAKE THE WHOLE A THING OF SYMMETRY AND BAD DONE SAID SALLIE BLOWING AND PUFFING I'VE HAD ENOUGH OF IT GO ON ELIZA CRIED OUT A DOZEN VOICES WHEN SALLIE STOPPED SHE GAVE NO SIGN OF HAVING HEARD THEM OTHER THAN CALMLY TO CONTINUE HER DANCE SHE GLIDED THROUGH THE STEPS AND SWAYED ABOUT AND MANIPULATED HER SKIRT ALL WITH THE MOST CHARMING GRACE IMAGINABLE THEN THE MUSIC ALTERING SHE CHANGED THE STYLE OF HER DANCING HER FEET MOVED MORE QUICKLY AND DID NOT KEEP SO STRICTLY TO THE GROUND SHE WAS GETTING EXCITED AT THE ADMIRATION OF THE ONLOOKERS AND HER DANCE GREW WILDER AND MORE DARING SHE LIFTED HER SKIRTS HIGHER BROUGHT IN NEW AND MORE DIFFICULT MOVEMENTS INTO IMPROVISATION KICKING UP HER LEGS SHE DID THE WONDERFUL TWIST BACKWARDS AND FORWARDS OF WHICH THE DANCER WAS PROUD" ], "begin_byte": 12350, "end_byte": 12574 } } ]
{ "id": "large/11252/lizaoflambeth_1704_librivox_64kb_mp3/lizaoflambeth_01_maugham_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/11252/lizaoflambeth_1704_librivox_64kb_mp3/lizaoflambeth_01_maugham_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 13488379, "duration": 843.0236875, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
{ "text_path": "download/librilight_text/output_text_large_cleaned/Liza of Lambeth/text.txt" }
[ { "id": "large/11252/lizaoflambeth_1704_librivox_64kb_mp3/lizaoflambeth_02_maugham_64kb_13", "recording_id": "large/11252/lizaoflambeth_1704_librivox_64kb_mp3/lizaoflambeth_02_maugham_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 14.759, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "11252", "custom": { "texts": [ "Suddenly a dark form stepped in front of the open window. She gave a little shriek. ''Oo's thet?' she asked, for it was quite dark, and she did not recognize the man standing in front of her. 'Me, Liza,' was the answer. 'Tom?' 'Yus!'", "SUDDENLY A DARK FORK STEPPED IN FRONT OF THE OPEN WINDOW SHE GAVE A SHRIEK WHO'S THAT SHE ASKED FOR IT WAS QUITE DARK AND SHE DID NOT RECOGNIZE THE MAN STANDING IN FRONT OF HER ME LIZA WAS THE ANSWER TOM YES" ], "pre_texts": [ "s, talking as before on the same inexhaustible subjects, but a little subdued with the approach of night. The boys were still playing cricket, but they were mostly at the other end of the street, and their shouts were muffled before they reached Liza's ears. She sat, leaning her head on her hands, breathing in the fresh air and feeling a certain exquisite sense of peacefulness which she was not used to. It was Saturday evening, and she thankfully remembered that there would be no factory on the morrow; she was glad to rest. Somehow she felt a little tired, perhaps it was through the excitement of the afternoon, and she enjoyed the quietness of the evening. It seemed so tranquil and still; the silence filled her with a strange delight, she felt as if she could sit there all through the night looking out into the cool, dark street, and up heavenwards at the stars. She was very happy, but yet at the same time experienced a strange new sensation of melancholy, and she almost wished to cry.", "L SAT AT THEIR DOORSTEPS TALKING AS BEFORE ON THE SAME INEXHAUSTIBLE SUBJECTS BUT A LITTLE SUBDUED WITH THE APPROACH OF NIGHT THE BOYS WERE STILL PLAYING CRICKET BUT THEY WERE MOSTLY AT THE OTHER END OF THE STREET AND THEIR SHOUTS WERE MUFFLED BEFORE THEY REACHED LIZA'S EARS SHE SAT LEANING HER HEAD ON HER HANDS BREATHING IN THE FRESH AIR AND FEELING A CERTAIN EXQUISITE SENSE OF PEACEFULNESS WHICH SHE WAS NOT USED TO IT WAS SATURDAY EVENING AND SHE THANKFULLY REMEMBERED THAT THERE WOULD BE NO FACTORY ON THE MORROW SHE WAS GLAD TO REST SOMEHOW SHE FELT A LITTLE TIRED PERHAPS IT WAS THROUGH THE EXCITEMENT OF THE AFTERNOON AND SHE ENJOYED THE QUIETNESS OF THE EVENING IT SEEMED SO TRANQUIL AND STILL THE SILENCE FILLED HER WITH A STRANGE DELIGHT SHE FELT AS IF SHE COULD SIT THERE ALL THROUGH THE NIGHT LOOKING OUT INTO THE COOL DARK STREET AND UP HEAVENWARDS AT THE STARS SHE WAS VERY HAPPY BUT YET AT THE SAME TIME EXPERIENCED A STRANGE NEW SENSATION OF MELANCHOLY AND SHE ALMOST WISHED TO CRY" ], "begin_byte": 18422, "end_byte": 18655 } } ]
{ "id": "large/11252/lizaoflambeth_1704_librivox_64kb_mp3/lizaoflambeth_02_maugham_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/11252/lizaoflambeth_1704_librivox_64kb_mp3/lizaoflambeth_02_maugham_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 7152304, "duration": 447.019, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
{ "text_path": "download/librilight_text/output_text_large_cleaned/Liza of Lambeth/text.txt" }
[ { "id": "large/11252/lizaoflambeth_1704_librivox_64kb_mp3/lizaoflambeth_02_maugham_64kb_21", "recording_id": "large/11252/lizaoflambeth_1704_librivox_64kb_mp3/lizaoflambeth_02_maugham_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 5.719, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "11252", "custom": { "texts": [ "After which pious remark Mrs. Kemp went out of the house and turned into another a few doors up.", "AFTER WHICH PIOUS REMARK MISSUS KEMP WENT OUT OF THE HOUSE AND TURNED INTO ANOTHER A FEW DOORS UP" ], "pre_texts": [ " thet new dress of yours. Pretty waste of money thet is, instead of givin' it me ter sive up. An' for the matter of thet, I wanted a new dress far worse than you did. But, of course, I don't matter.' Liza did not answer, and Mrs. Kemp, having nothing more to say, continued her supper in silence. It was Liza who spoke next. 'There's some new people moved in the street. 'Ave you seen 'em?' she asked. 'No, wot are they?' 'I dunno; I've seen a chap, a big chap with a beard. I think 'e lives up at the other end.' She felt herself blushing a little. 'No one any good you be sure,' said Mrs. Kemp. 'I can't swaller these new people as are comin' in; the street ain't wot it was when I fust come.' When they had done, Mrs. Kemp got up, and having finished her half-pint of beer, said to her daughter: 'Put the things awy, Liza. I'm just goin' round to see Mrs. Clayton; she's just 'ad twins, and she 'ad nine before these come. It's a pity the Lord don't see fit ter tike some on 'em--thet's wot I say.", "RDAY I KNOW WHAT YOU WAS DOING YOU WAS SHOWING OFF THAT NEW DRESS OF YOURS PRETTY WASTE OF MONEY THAT IS INSTEAD OF GIVING IT TO ME TO SAVE UP AND FOR THE MATTER OF THAT I WANTED A NEW DRESS FAR WORSE THAN YOU DID BUT OF COURSE I DON'T MATTER LIZA DID NOT ANSWER AND MISSUS KEMP HAVING NOTHING MORE TO SAY CONTINUED HER SUPPER IN SILENCE IT WAS LIZA WHO SPOKE NEXT THAT SOME NEW PEOPLE MOVED IN THE STREET HAVE YOU SEEN EM SHE ASKED NO WHAT THEY I DUNNO I'VE SEEN A CHAP A BIG CHAP WITH A BEARD I THINK HE LIVES UP AT THE OTHER END SHE FELT HERSELF BLUSHING A LITTLE NO ONE ANY GOOD YOU BE SURE SAID MISSUS KEMP I CAN'T SWALLOW THESE NEW PEOPLE AS A COMIN IN THE STREET AIN'T WHAT IT WAS WHEN I FIRST COME WHEN THEY HAD DONE MISSUS KEMP GOT UP AND HAVING FINISHED HER HALF PINT OF BEER SAID TO HER DAUGHTER PUT THE THINGS AWAY ELIZA I'M JUST GOING ROUND TO SEE MISSUS CLAYTON SHE'S JUST HAD TWINS SHE HAD KNOWN BEFORE THESE COME IT'S A PITY THE LORD DON'T SEE FIT TO TAKE SOME ON EM THAT'S WHAT I SAY" ], "begin_byte": 16958, "end_byte": 17055 } } ]
{ "id": "large/11252/lizaoflambeth_1704_librivox_64kb_mp3/lizaoflambeth_02_maugham_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/11252/lizaoflambeth_1704_librivox_64kb_mp3/lizaoflambeth_02_maugham_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 7152304, "duration": 447.019, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
{ "text_path": "download/librilight_text/output_text_large_cleaned/Liza of Lambeth/text.txt" }
[ { "id": "large/11252/lizaoflambeth_1704_librivox_64kb_mp3/lizaoflambeth_02_maugham_64kb_26", "recording_id": "large/11252/lizaoflambeth_1704_librivox_64kb_mp3/lizaoflambeth_02_maugham_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 17.2, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "11252", "custom": { "texts": [ "When they had done, Mrs. Kemp got up, and having finished her half pint of beer, said to her daughter: 'Put the things awy, Liza. I'm just goin' round to see Mrs. Clayton; she's just 'ad twins, and she 'ad nine before these come. It's a pity the Lord don't see fit ter tike some on 'em thet's wot I say.'", "WHEN THEY HAD DONE MISSUS KEMP GOT UP AND HAVING FINISHED HER HALF PINT OF BEER SAID TO HER DAUGHTER PUT THE THINGS AWAY ELIZA I'M JUST GOING ROUND TO SEE MISSUS CLAYTON SHE'S JUST HAD TWINS SHE HAD KNOWN BEFORE THESE COME IT'S A PITY THE LORD DON'T SEE FIT TO TAKE SOME ON EM THAT'S WHAT I SAY" ], "pre_texts": [ "nothing. 'My rheumatics was thet bad to-dy, thet I didn't know wot ter do with myself. The doctor said I was to be rubbed with that stuff 'e give me, but yer won't never do nothin' for me.' 'Well, mother,' said Liza, 'your rheumatics was all right yesterday.' 'I know wot you was doin'; you was showin' off thet new dress of yours. Pretty waste of money thet is, instead of givin' it me ter sive up. An' for the matter of thet, I wanted a new dress far worse than you did. But, of course, I don't matter.' Liza did not answer, and Mrs. Kemp, having nothing more to say, continued her supper in silence. It was Liza who spoke next. 'There's some new people moved in the street. 'Ave you seen 'em?' she asked. 'No, wot are they?' 'I dunno; I've seen a chap, a big chap with a beard. I think 'e lives up at the other end.' She felt herself blushing a little. 'No one any good you be sure,' said Mrs. Kemp. 'I can't swaller these new people as are comin' in; the street ain't wot it was when I fust come.", "E I MIGHT HAVE BEEN DEAD FOR ALL YOU KNEW LIZA SAID NOTHING MY RHEUMATICS WAS THAT BAD TO DAY THOUGH I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO WITH MYSELF THE DOCTOR SAID I WAS TO BE ROBBED WITH THAT STUFF YOU GIVE ME BUT YOU WON'T NEVER DO NOTHING FOR ME WELL MOTHER SAID LIZA YOUR RHEUMATICS WAS ALL RIGHT YESTERDAY I KNOW WHAT YOU WAS DOING YOU WAS SHOWING OFF THAT NEW DRESS OF YOURS PRETTY WASTE OF MONEY THAT IS INSTEAD OF GIVING IT TO ME TO SAVE UP AND FOR THE MATTER OF THAT I WANTED A NEW DRESS FAR WORSE THAN YOU DID BUT OF COURSE I DON'T MATTER LIZA DID NOT ANSWER AND MISSUS KEMP HAVING NOTHING MORE TO SAY CONTINUED HER SUPPER IN SILENCE IT WAS LIZA WHO SPOKE NEXT THAT SOME NEW PEOPLE MOVED IN THE STREET HAVE YOU SEEN EM SHE ASKED NO WHAT THEY I DUNNO I'VE SEEN A CHAP A BIG CHAP WITH A BEARD I THINK HE LIVES UP AT THE OTHER END SHE FELT HERSELF BLUSHING A LITTLE NO ONE ANY GOOD YOU BE SURE SAID MISSUS KEMP I CAN'T SWALLOW THESE NEW PEOPLE AS A COMIN IN THE STREET AIN'T WHAT IT WAS WHEN I FIRST COME" ], "begin_byte": 16652, "end_byte": 16958 } } ]
{ "id": "large/11252/lizaoflambeth_1704_librivox_64kb_mp3/lizaoflambeth_02_maugham_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/11252/lizaoflambeth_1704_librivox_64kb_mp3/lizaoflambeth_02_maugham_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 7152304, "duration": 447.019, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
{ "text_path": "download/librilight_text/output_text_large_cleaned/Liza of Lambeth/text.txt" }
[ { "id": "large/11252/lizaoflambeth_1704_librivox_64kb_mp3/lizaoflambeth_03_maugham_64kb_2", "recording_id": "large/11252/lizaoflambeth_1704_librivox_64kb_mp3/lizaoflambeth_03_maugham_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 30.039, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "11252", "custom": { "texts": [ "She looked round and recognized the man whom Tom had told her was called Jim Blakeston. He was sitting on a stool at the door of one of the houses, playing with two young children, to whom he was giving rides on his knee. She remembered his heavy brown beard from the day before, and she had also an impression of great size; she noticed this morning that he was, in fact, a big man, tall and broad, and she saw besides that he had large, masculine features and pleasant brown eyes. She supposed him to be about forty.", "SHE LOOKED ROUND AND RECOGNIZED THE MAN WHOM TOM HAD TOLD HER WAS CALLED JIM BLAKESTONE HE WAS SITTING ON A STOOL AT THE DOOR OF ONE OF THE HOUSES PLAYING WITH TWO YOUNG CHILDREN TO WHOM HE WAS GIVING RIDES ON HIS KNEE SHE REMEMBERED HIS HEAVY BROWN BEARD FROM THE DAY BEFORE AND SHE HAD ALSO AN IMPRESSION OF GREAT SIZE SHE NOTICED THIS MORNING THAT HE WAS IN FACT A BIG MAN TALL AND BROAD AND SHE SAW BESIDES THAT HE HAD LARGE MASCULINE FEATURES AND PLEASANT BROWN EYES SHE SUPPOSED HIM TO BE ABOUT FORTY" ], "pre_texts": [ "then throw him over.' 'Well, you are a mug!' The two girls had strolled down towards the Westminster Bridge Road, and Sally, meeting her young man, had gone to him. Liza walked back, wishing to get home in time to cook the dinner. But she went slowly, for she knew every dweller in the street, and as she passed the groups sitting at their doors, as on the previous evening, but this time mostly engaged in peeling potatoes or shelling peas, she stopped and had a little chat. Everyone liked her, and was glad to have her company. 'Good old Liza,' they would say, as she left them, 'she's a rare good sort, ain't she?' She asked after the aches and pains of all the old people, and delicately inquired after the babies, past and future; the children hung on to her skirts and asked her to play with them, and she would hold one end of the rope while tiny little ragged girls skipped, invariably entangling themselves after two jumps. She had nearly reached home, when she heard a voice cry: 'Mornin'!", " WELL I COULDN'T GO WITH TOM AND THEN THROW HIM OVER WHERE YOU ARE MARK THE TWO GIRLS HAD STROLLED DOWN TOWARDS THE WESTMINSTER BRIDGE ROAD AND SALLIE MEETING HER YOUNG MAN HAD GONE TO HIM ELIZA WALKED BACK WISHING TO GET HOME IN TIME TO COOK THE DINNER SHE WENT SLOWLY BUT SHE KNEW EVERY DWELLER IN THE STREET AND AS SHE PASSED THE GROUP SITTING AT THEIR DOORS AS ON THE PREVIOUS EVENING BUT THIS TIME MOSTLY ENGAGED IN PEELING POTATOES OR SHELLING PEAS SHE STOPPED AND HAD A LITTLE CHAT EVERY ONE LIKED HER AND WAS GLAD TO HAVE HER COMPANY GOOD OLD LIZA THEY WOULD SAY AS IF SHE LEFT THEM SHE'S A RARE GOOD SOUL AIN'T SHE SHE ASKED AFTER THE ACHES AND PAINS OF ALL THE OLD PEOPLE AND DELICATELY INQUIRED AFTER THE BABIES PAST AND FUTURE THE CHILDREN HUNG ON TO HER SKIRTS AND ASKED HER TO PLAY WITH THEM AND SHE WOULD HOLD ONE END OF THE ROPE WHILE TINY LITTLE RAGGED GIRLS SKIPPED INVARIABLY ENTANGLING THEMSELVES AFTER TWO JUMPS SHE HAD VERY NEARLY REACHED HOME WHEN SHE HEARD A VOICE CRY MORNING" ], "begin_byte": 30725, "end_byte": 31244 } } ]
{ "id": "large/11252/lizaoflambeth_1704_librivox_64kb_mp3/lizaoflambeth_03_maugham_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/11252/lizaoflambeth_1704_librivox_64kb_mp3/lizaoflambeth_03_maugham_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 11365205, "duration": 710.3253125, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
{ "text_path": "download/librilight_text/output_text_large_cleaned/Liza of Lambeth/text.txt" }
[ { "id": "large/11252/lizaoflambeth_1704_librivox_64kb_mp3/lizaoflambeth_03_maugham_64kb_11", "recording_id": "large/11252/lizaoflambeth_1704_librivox_64kb_mp3/lizaoflambeth_03_maugham_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 5.919, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "11252", "custom": { "texts": [ "'Well, why won't you tell me?' 'Oh, a thing's sifer when only one person knows where it is.'", "WELL WHY WON'T YOU TELL ME OH THINGS SAFER WHEN ONLY ONE PERSON KNOWS WHERE IT IS" ], "pre_texts": [ "r the turf in no time.' She munched her bread-and-butter and drank her tea. 'When you've done breakfast, Liza,' she said, 'you can give the grate a cleanin', an' my boots'd do with a bit of polishin'. Mrs. Tike, in the next 'ouse, 'll give yer some blackin'.' She remained silent for a bit, then said: 'I don't think I shall get up ter-day. Liza. My rheumatics is bad. You can put the room straight and cook the dinner.' 'Arright, mother, you stay where you are, an' I'll do everythin' for yer.' 'Well, it's only wot yer ought to do, considerin' all the trouble you've been ter me when you was young, and considerin' thet when you was born the doctor thought I never should get through it. Wot 'ave you done with your week's money, Liza?' 'Oh, I've put it awy,' answered Liza quietly. 'Where?' asked her mother. 'Where it'll be safe.' 'Where's that?' Liza was driven into a corner. 'Why d'you want ter know?' she asked. 'Why shouldn't I know; d'you think I want ter steal it from yer?' 'Na, not thet.", "SIDES WELL I SAYS IF I DON'T HAVE A DROP OF BEER I SAYS TO BOIL ME TOGETHER I SHALL BE UNDER THE TURF IN NO TIME SHE MUNCHED HER BREAD AND BUTTER AND DRANK HER TEA WHEN YOU'VE DONE BREAKFAST LIZA SHE SAID YOU CAN GIVE THE GREAT A CLEANIN AND MY BOOTS OF DO WITH A BIT POLISHIN MISSUS TYKE IN THE NEW OUSE'LL GIVE YOU SOME BLACKING SHE REMAINED SILENT FOR A BIT THEN SAID I DON'T THINK I SHALL GET UP TO DAY LAZA MY RHEUMATICS IS BAD YOU CAN PUT THE ROOM STRAY AND COOK THE DINNER ALL RIGHT MOTHER YOU STAY WHERE YOU ARE AND I'LL DO EVERYTHING FOR YOU WHAT IS ONLY WHAT YOU OUGHT TO DO CONSIDERING ALL THE TROUBLE YOU'VE BEEN TO ME WHEN YOU WAS YOUNG AND CONSIDERING THAT WHEN YOU WAS BORN THE DOCTOR THOUGHT NEVER GET THROUGH IT WHAT'YE DONE WITH A WEEK'S MONEY LIZA I'LL OF PUT HER WAY ANSWERED LIZA QUIETLY WHERE ASKED HER MOTHER WHERE'LL BE SAFE WHERE'S THAT ELIZA WAS DRIVEN INTO A CORNER WHY DO YOU WANT TO KNOW SHE ASKED WHY SHOULDN'T I KNOW SHOULD THINK I WANT TO STEAL IT FROM YOU NA NOT THAT" ], "begin_byte": 23981, "end_byte": 24074 } } ]
{ "id": "large/11252/lizaoflambeth_1704_librivox_64kb_mp3/lizaoflambeth_03_maugham_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/11252/lizaoflambeth_1704_librivox_64kb_mp3/lizaoflambeth_03_maugham_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 11365205, "duration": 710.3253125, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
{ "text_path": "download/librilight_text/output_text_large_cleaned/Liza of Lambeth/text.txt" }
[ { "id": "large/11252/lizaoflambeth_1704_librivox_64kb_mp3/lizaoflambeth_03_maugham_64kb_56", "recording_id": "large/11252/lizaoflambeth_1704_librivox_64kb_mp3/lizaoflambeth_03_maugham_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 17.52, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "11252", "custom": { "texts": [ "'You dirty slut, you,' she said, 'yer think I tike yer money! Why, you ought ter give it me every week instead of savin' it up and spendin' it on all sorts of muck, while I 'ave ter grind my very bones down to keep yer.' 'Yer know, mother, if I didn't 'ave a little bit saved up, we should be rather short when you're dahn in yer luck.'", "YOU DIRTY SLUT YOU SHE SAID YOU THINK I'LL TAKE YOUR MONEY WHY YOU OUGHT TO GIVE IT TO ME EVERY WEEK INSTEAD OF SAVING IT UP AND SPENDING IT IN ALL SORTS OF MOCK WHILE I HAVE TO GRIND MY VERY BONES DOWN TO KEEP YE YOU KNOW MOTHER IF I DIDN'T HAVE A LITTLE BIT SAVED UP WE SHOULD BE RATHER SURE WHEN YOU'RE DOWN IN YOUR LUCK" ], "pre_texts": [ "Liza quietly. 'Where?' asked her mother. 'Where it'll be safe.' 'Where's that?' Liza was driven into a corner. 'Why d'you want ter know?' she asked. 'Why shouldn't I know; d'you think I want ter steal it from yer?' 'Na, not thet.' 'Well, why won't you tell me?' 'Oh, a thing's sifer when only one person knows where it is.' This was a very discreet remark, but it set Mrs. Kemp in a whirlwind of passion. She raised herself and sat up in the bed, flourishing her clenched fist at her daughter. 'I know wot yer mean, you ---- you!' Her language was emphatic, her epithets picturesque, but too forcible for reproduction. 'You think I'd steal it,' she went on. 'I know yer! D'yer think I'd go an' tike yer dirty money?' 'Well, mother,' said Liza, 'when I've told yer before, the money's perspired like.' 'Wot d'yer mean?' 'It got less.' 'Well, I can't 'elp thet, can I? Anyone can come in 'ere and tike the money.' 'If it's 'idden awy, they can't, can they, mother?' said Liza. Mrs. Kemp shook her fist.", "GET THROUGH IT WHAT'YE DONE WITH A WEEK'S MONEY LIZA I'LL OF PUT HER WAY ANSWERED LIZA QUIETLY WHERE ASKED HER MOTHER WHERE'LL BE SAFE WHERE'S THAT ELIZA WAS DRIVEN INTO A CORNER WHY DO YOU WANT TO KNOW SHE ASKED WHY SHOULDN'T I KNOW SHOULD THINK I WANT TO STEAL IT FROM YOU NA NOT THAT WELL WHY WON'T YOU TELL ME OH THINGS SAFER WHEN ONLY ONE PERSON KNOWS WHERE IT IS THIS WAS A VERY DISCREET REMARK BUT IT SET MISSUS KEMP IN A WHIRLWIND OF PASSION SHE RAISED HERSELF AND SAT UP IN THE BED FLOURISHING HER CLENCHED FIST AT HER DAUGHTER I KNOW WHAT YOU MEAN YOU YOU HER LANGUAGE WAS EMPHATIC HER EPITHETS PICTURESQUE BUT TOO FORCIBLE FOR REPRODUCTION YOU THINK I'D STEAL IT SHE WENT ON I KNOW YER D'Y YOU THINK I'D GO AND TAKE YOUR DIRTY MONEY WELL MOTHER SAID LIZA AND I'VE TOLD YOU BEFORE THE MONEY'S PERSPIRED LIKE WHAT YOU MEAN IT GOT LESS WELL I CAN'T HELP THAT CAN I ANY ONE CAN COME IN HERE AND TAKE THE MONEY IF IT'S IN THE WAY THEY CAN'T CAN THEY MOTHER SAID ELIZA MISSUS KEMP SHOOK HER FIST" ], "begin_byte": 24752, "end_byte": 25088 } } ]
{ "id": "large/11252/lizaoflambeth_1704_librivox_64kb_mp3/lizaoflambeth_03_maugham_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/11252/lizaoflambeth_1704_librivox_64kb_mp3/lizaoflambeth_03_maugham_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 11365205, "duration": 710.3253125, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
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[ { "id": "large/11252/lizaoflambeth_1704_librivox_64kb_mp3/lizaoflambeth_04_maugham_64kb_0", "recording_id": "large/11252/lizaoflambeth_1704_librivox_64kb_mp3/lizaoflambeth_04_maugham_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 6.76, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "11252", "custom": { "texts": [ "'Well, what can I do, Tom dear?' 'Why, come with me, of course. Oh. Liza, do say yes.'", "WELL WHAT CAN I DO TOM DEAR WHY COME WITH ME OF COURSE OH LIZA DO SAY YES" ], "pre_texts": [ "ything specially fine that she should renounce her pleasure. Sally merely thought her a fool. Tom was standing by her side, silent, and looking disappointed and rather unhappy. Jim said to her, in a low voice: 'I am sorry you're not comin'!' It was too much. She did want to go so badly, and she really couldn't resist any longer. If Tom would only ask her once more, and if she could only change her mind reasonably and decently, she would accept; but he stood silent, and she had to speak herself. It was very undignified. 'Yer know, Tom.' she said, 'I don't want ter spoil your day.' 'Well, I don't think I shall go alone; it 'ud be so precious slow.' Supposing he didn't ask her again! What should she do? She looked up at the clock on the front of the pub, and noticed that it only wanted five minutes to the half-hour. How terrible it would be if the brake started and he didn't ask her! Her heart beat violently against her chest, and in her agitation she fumbled with the corner of her apron.", "O GO OUT WITH TOM AND NO ONE THOUGHT IT ANYTHING SPECIALLY FINE THAT SHE SHOULD RENOUNCE HER PLEASURE SALLIE MILLY THOUGHT HER A FOOL TOM WAS STANDING BY HIS SIDE SILENT AND LOOKING DISAPPOINTED AND RATHER UNHAPPY JIM SAID TO HER IN A LOW VOICE I AM SORRY YOU'RE NOT COMING IT WAS TOO MUCH SHE DID WANT TO GO SO BADLY AND SHE REALLY COULDN'T RESIST ANY LONGER IF TOM WOULD ONLY ASK HER ONCE MORE AND IF SHE COULD ONLY CHANGE HER MIND REASONABLY AND DECENTLY SHE WOULD ACCEPT BUT HE STOOD SILENT AND SHE HAD TO SPEAK HERSELF IT WAS VERY UNDIGNIFIED YOU KNOW TOM SHE SAID I DON'T WANT TO SPOIL YOUR DAY WELL I DON'T THINK I SHALL GO ALONE IT UD BE SO PRECIOUS LOW SUPPOSING HE DIDN'T ASK HER AGAIN WHAT SHOULD SHE DO SHE LOOKED UP AT THE CLOCK ON THE FRONT OF THE PUB AND NOTICED THAT IT ONLY WANTED FIVE MINUTES TO THE HALF HOUR HOW TERRIBLE IT WOULD BE IF THE BRAKE STARTED AND HE DIDN'T ASK HER HER HEART BEAT VIOLENTLY AGAINST HER CHEST AND IN HER AGITATION SHE FUMBLED WITH THE CORNER OF HER APRON" ], "begin_byte": 40986, "end_byte": 41072 } } ]
{ "id": "large/11252/lizaoflambeth_1704_librivox_64kb_mp3/lizaoflambeth_04_maugham_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/11252/lizaoflambeth_1704_librivox_64kb_mp3/lizaoflambeth_04_maugham_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 9157765, "duration": 572.3603125, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
{ "text_path": "download/librilight_text/output_text_large_cleaned/Liza of Lambeth/text.txt" }
[ { "id": "large/11252/lizaoflambeth_1704_librivox_64kb_mp3/lizaoflambeth_04_maugham_64kb_7", "recording_id": "large/11252/lizaoflambeth_1704_librivox_64kb_mp3/lizaoflambeth_04_maugham_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 14.799, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "11252", "custom": { "texts": [ "''S'at right, Liza?' called Sally. And Liza feeling quite joyful and light of heart called back: 'Yus!' ''Oorray!' shouted Sally in answer. 'Thet's right, Liza,' called Jim; and he smiled pleasantly as she looked at him.", "SAT RIGHT'S LIZA CALLED SALLIE AND ELIZA FEELING QUITE JOYFUL AND LIGHT OF HEART CALLED BACK YES HOORAY SHOUTED SALLIE IN ANSWER THAT'S RIGHT LIZA CALLED JIM AND HE SMILED PLEASANTLY AS SHE LOOKED AT HIM" ], "pre_texts": [ "e minutes to the half-hour. How terrible it would be if the brake started and he didn't ask her! Her heart beat violently against her chest, and in her agitation she fumbled with the corner of her apron. 'Well, what can I do, Tom dear?' 'Why, come with me, of course. Oh. Liza, do say yes.' She had got the offer again, and it only wanted a little seemly hesitation, and the thing was done. 'I should like ter, Tom,' she said. 'But d'you think it 'ud be arright?' 'Yus, of course it would. Come on, Liza!' In his eagerness he clasped her hand. 'Well,' she remarked, looking down, 'if it'd spoil your 'oliday--.' 'I won't go if you don't--swop me bob, I won't!' he answered. 'Well, if I come, it won't mean that I'm keepin' company with you.' 'Na, it won't mean anythin' you don't like.' 'Arright!' she said. 'You'll come?' he could hardly believe her. 'Yus!' she answered, smiling all over her face. 'You're a good sort, Liza! I say, 'Arry, Liza's comin'!' he shouted. 'Liza? 'Oorray!' shouted Harry.", " UP AT THE CLOCK ON THE FRONT OF THE PUB AND NOTICED THAT IT ONLY WANTED FIVE MINUTES TO THE HALF HOUR HOW TERRIBLE IT WOULD BE IF THE BRAKE STARTED AND HE DIDN'T ASK HER HER HEART BEAT VIOLENTLY AGAINST HER CHEST AND IN HER AGITATION SHE FUMBLED WITH THE CORNER OF HER APRON WELL WHAT CAN I DO TOM DEAR WHY COME WITH ME OF COURSE OH LIZA DO SAY YES SHE HAD GOT THE OFFER AGAIN AND HAD ONLY WANTED A LITTLE SEEMLY HESITATION AND THE THING WAS DONE I SHOULD LIKE TO TOM SHE SAID BUT DID YOU THINK IT UD BE ALL RIGHT YES OF COURSE IT WOULD COME ON LIZA IN HIS EAGERNESS HE CLASPED HER HAND WELL SHE REMARKED LOOKING DOWN IF IT'D SPOIL YOUR HOLIDAY I WON'T GO IF YOU DON'T SWORP ME BOB I WON'T HE ANSWERED WELL IF I COME IT WON'T MEAN THAT I'M KEEPING COMPANY WITH YOU NOW WON'T MEAN ANYTHING IF YOU DON'T LIKE ALL RIGHT SHE SAID YOU'LL COME YOU COULD HARDLY BELIEVE HER YES SHE ANSWERED SMILING ALL OVER HER FACE YOU'RE A GOOD SORT LIZA I'LL SAY HARRY LIZA'S COMING HE SHOUTED LIZA HOORAY SHOUTED HARRY" ], "begin_byte": 41783, "end_byte": 42003 } } ]
{ "id": "large/11252/lizaoflambeth_1704_librivox_64kb_mp3/lizaoflambeth_04_maugham_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/11252/lizaoflambeth_1704_librivox_64kb_mp3/lizaoflambeth_04_maugham_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 9157765, "duration": 572.3603125, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
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[ { "id": "large/11252/lizaoflambeth_1704_librivox_64kb_mp3/lizaoflambeth_04_maugham_64kb_18", "recording_id": "large/11252/lizaoflambeth_1704_librivox_64kb_mp3/lizaoflambeth_04_maugham_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 17.439, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "11252", "custom": { "texts": [ "Liza said this with just a little regret in her voice. 'Come on dahn to the \"Red Lion\", Liza, and see us off,' said Sally. 'No, I'm damned if I do!' answered Liza, with some warmth. 'You might as well. P'raps 'Arry won't be there, an' you can keep me company till 'e comes. An' you can see the 'orses.'", "LIZA SAID THIS WITH JUST A LITTLE REGRET IN HER VOICE COME ON DOWN TO THE RED LION ELIZA AND SEE US OFF SAID SALLIE NO I'M DAMNED IF I DO ANSWERED ELIZA WITH SOME WARMTH YOU MIGHT AS WELL PERHAPS HARRY WON'T BE THERE AND YOU CAN KEEP ME COMPANY TILL HE COMES AND YOU CAN SEE THE ORSES" ], "pre_texts": [ "t her a little enviously. ''Ulloa!' she answered quietly. 'I'm just goin' to the \"Red Lion\" to meet 'Arry.' 'At what time d'yer start?' 'The brake leaves at 'alf-past eight sharp.' 'Why, it's only eight; it's only just struck at the church. 'Arry won't be there yet, will he?' 'Oh, 'e's sure ter be early. I couldn't wite. I've been witin' abaht since 'alf-past six. I've been up since five this morning.' 'Since five! What 'ave you been doin'?' 'Dressin' myself and doin' my 'air. I woke up so early. I've been dreamin' all the night abaht it. I simply couldn't sleep.' 'Well, you are a caution!' said Liza. 'Bust it, I don't go on the spree every day! Oh, I do 'ope I shall enjoy myself.' 'Why, you simply dunno where you are!' said Liza, a little crossly. 'Don't you wish you was comin', Liza?' asked Sally. 'Na! I could if I liked, but I don't want ter.' 'You are a coughdrop--thet's all I can say. Ketch me refusin' when I 'ave the chanst.' 'Well, it's done now. I ain't got the chanst any more.", "IRITS HALLO ELIZA SHE CALLED AS SOON AS SHE SAW HER AT THE WINDOW ELIZA LOOKED AT HER A LITTLE ENVIOUSLY HOLLOA SHE ANSWERED QUIETLY I'M JUST GOING TO THE RED LION TO MEET HARRY AT WHAT TIME DID YOU START THE BREAKLEAVES ARE HALF PAST EIGHT SHARP WHY IT'S ONLY EIGHT IT'S JUST STRUCK AT THE CHURCH HARRY WON'T BE THERE YET WILL HE OH HE'S SURE TO BE EARLY I COULDN'T WAIT I'VE BEEN WITTIN ABOUT SINCE HALF PAST SIX I'VE BEEN UP SINCE FIVE THIS MORNING SINCE FIVE WHAT HAVE YOU BEEN DOING DRESSIN MESELF AND DO IN MY AIR I WOKE UP SO EARLY I'VE BEEN DREAMING ALL THE NIGHT ABOUT IT I SIMPLY COULDN'T SLEEP WELL YOU ARE A CAUTION SAID LIZA BUST IT I DON'T GO ON THE SPREE EVERY DAY OH I DO HOPE I SHALL ENJOY MYSELF WHY YOU SIMPLY DUNNO WHERE YOU ARE SAID LIZA A LITTLE CROSSLY DON'T YOU WISH YOU WAS COMING ELIZA ASKED SALLIE NA I COULD IF I LIKED BUT I DON'T WANT TO YOU ARE A COUGH DROP THAT'S ALL I CAN SAY CATCH ME REFUSING WHEN I HAVE THE CHANCE WELL IT'S DONE NOW I AIN'T GOT THE CHANCE ANY MORE" ], "begin_byte": 35719, "end_byte": 36022 } } ]
{ "id": "large/11252/lizaoflambeth_1704_librivox_64kb_mp3/lizaoflambeth_04_maugham_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/11252/lizaoflambeth_1704_librivox_64kb_mp3/lizaoflambeth_04_maugham_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 9157765, "duration": 572.3603125, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
{ "text_path": "download/librilight_text/output_text_large_cleaned/Liza of Lambeth/text.txt" }
[ { "id": "large/11252/lizaoflambeth_1704_librivox_64kb_mp3/lizaoflambeth_04_maugham_64kb_19", "recording_id": "large/11252/lizaoflambeth_1704_librivox_64kb_mp3/lizaoflambeth_04_maugham_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 9.36, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "11252", "custom": { "texts": [ "She had reaped the benefit of keeping her hair in curl papers since Saturday, and her sandy fringe stretched from ear to ear. She was in enormous spirits.", "SHE HAD REAPED THE BENEFIT OF KEEPING HER HAIR IN CURL PAPERS SINCE SATURDAY AND HER SANDY FRINGE STRETCHED FROM EAR TO EAR SHE WAS IN ENORMOUS SPIRITS" ], "pre_texts": [ "ired victorious into her own house and began cooking the dinner. 4 Bank Holiday was a beautiful day: the cloudless sky threatened a stifling heat for noontide, but early in the morning, when Liza got out of bed and threw open the window, it was fresh and cool. She dressed herself, wondering how she should spend her day; she thought of Sally going off to Chingford with her lover, and of herself remaining alone in the dull street with half the people away. She almost wished it were an ordinary work-day, and that there were no such things as bank holidays. And it seemed to be a little like two Sundays running, but with the second rather worse than the first. Her mother was still sleeping, and she was in no great hurry about getting the breakfast, but stood quietly looking out of the window at the house opposite. In a little while she saw Sally coming along. She was arrayed in purple and fine linen--a very smart red dress, trimmed with velveteen, and a tremendous hat covered with feathers.", "RECORDING BY HUNDRED AND FORTY THREE BLOCKE DE LA CAN'SE END DOT WORD PRESS D'ARCON BANK HOLIDAY WAS A BEAUTIFUL DAY THE CLOUDLESS SKY THREATENED A STIFLING HEAT FOR NOONTIDE BUT EARLY IN THE MORNING WHEN LIZA GOT OUT OF BED AND THREW OPEN THE WINDOW IT WAS FRESH AND COOL SHE DRESSED HERSELF WONDERING HOW SHE SHOULD SPEND HER DAY SHE THOUGHT OF SALLIE GOING OFF TO CHINGFORD WITH HER LOVER AND OF HERSELF REMAINING ALONE IN THE DULL STREET WITH HALF THE PEOPLE AWAY SHE ALMOST WISHED IT WERE AN ORDINARY WORK DAY AND THAT THERE WERE NO SUCH THINGS AS BANK HOLIDAYS AND IT SEEMED TO BE A LITTLE LIKE TWO SUNDAYS RUNNING BUT WITH THE SECOND RATHER WORSE THAN THE FIRST HER MOTHER WAS STILL SLEEPING AND SHE WAS IN NO GREAT HURRY ABOUT GETTING THE BREAKFAST BUT STOOD QUIETLY LOOKING OUT OF THE WINDOW AT THE HOUSE OPPOSITE IN A LITTLE WHILE SHE SAW SALLIE COMING ALONG SHE WAS ARRAIGNED IN PURPLE AND FINE LINEN A VERY SMART RED DRESS TRIMMED WITH VELVETEEN AND A TREMENDOUS HAT COVERED WITH FEATHERS" ], "begin_byte": 34485, "end_byte": 34639 } } ]
{ "id": "large/11252/lizaoflambeth_1704_librivox_64kb_mp3/lizaoflambeth_04_maugham_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/11252/lizaoflambeth_1704_librivox_64kb_mp3/lizaoflambeth_04_maugham_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 9157765, "duration": 572.3603125, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
{ "text_path": "download/librilight_text/output_text_large_cleaned/Liza of Lambeth/text.txt" }
[ { "id": "large/11252/lizaoflambeth_1704_librivox_64kb_mp3/lizaoflambeth_04_maugham_64kb_31", "recording_id": "large/11252/lizaoflambeth_1704_librivox_64kb_mp3/lizaoflambeth_04_maugham_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 29.8, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "11252", "custom": { "texts": [ "At that moment a man came out of the public house with a horn in his hand; her heart gave a great jump, for if there was anything she adored it was to drive along to the tootling of a horn. She really felt it was very hard lines that she must stay at home when all these people were going to have such a fine time; and they were all so merry, and she could picture to herself so well the delights of the drive and the picnic. She felt very much inclined to cry. But she mustn't go, and she wouldn't go: she repeated that to herself twice as the trumpeter gave a preliminary tootle.", "AT THAT MOMENT A MAN CAME OUT OF THE PUBLIC HOUSE WITH A HORN IN HIS HAND HER HEART GAVE A GREAT JUMP FOR IF THERE WAS ANYTHING SHE ADORED IT WAS TO DRIVE ALONG TO THE TOOTING OF A HORN SHE REALLY FELT IT WAS VERY HARD LINES THAT SHE MUST STAY AT HOME WHEN ALL THESE PEOPLE WERE GOING TO HAVE SUCH A FINE TIME AND THEY WERE ALL SO MERRY SHE COULD PICTURE TO HERSELF SO WELL THE DELIGHTS OF THE DRIVE AND THE PICNIC SHE FELT VERY MUCH INCLINED TO CRY BUT SHE MUSTN'T GO AND SHE WOULDN'T GO SHE REPEATED THAT TO HERSELF TWICE AS THE TRUMPETER GAVE A PRELIMINARY TOOTLE" ], "pre_texts": [ "iously been able to accept it. Sally and her friend came up; attired in his Sunday best, he was a fit match for his lady-love--he wore a shirt and collar, unusual luxuries--and be carried under his arm a concertina to make things merry on the way. 'Ain't you goin', Liza?' he asked in surprise at seeing her without a hat and with her apron on. 'Na,' said Sally, 'ain't she a soft? Tom said 'e'd tike 'er, an' she wouldn't.' 'Well, I'm dashed!' Then they climbed the ladder and took their seats, so that Liza was left alone again. More people had come along, and the brake was nearly full. Liza knew them all, but they were too busy taking their places to talk to her. At last Tom came. He saw her standing there and went up to her. 'Won't yer change yer mind, Liza, an' come along with us?' 'Na, Tom, I told yer I wouldn't--it's not right like.' She felt she must repeat that to herself often. 'I shan't enjoy it a bit without you,' he said. 'Well, I can't 'elp it!' she answered, somewhat sullenly.", " INVITATION BUT SHE DID WISH THAT SHE HAD CONSCIENTIOUSLY BEEN ABLE TO ACCEPT IT SALLIE AND HER FRIEND CAME UP ATTIRED IN HIS SUNDAY BEST HE WAS A FIT MATCH FOR HIS LADY LOVE HE WORE A SHIRT AND COLLAR UNUSUAL LUXURIES AND HE CARRIED UNDER HIS ARM A CONCERTINA TO MAKE THINGS MERRY ON THE WAY AIN'T SHE GOIN LIZA HE ASKED IN SURPRISE AT SEEING HER WITHOUT A HAT AND WITH HER APRON ON NA SAID SALLIE AIN'T SHE A SOFT TOM SAID HE'D TAKE HER AND SHE WOULDN'T WELL I'M DASHED THEN THEY CLIMBED THE LADDER AND TOOK THEIR SEATS SO THAT LIZA WAS LEFT ALONE AGAIN ALL PEOPLE HAD COME ALONG AND THE BREAK WAS NEARLY FULL LIZA KNEW THEM ALL BUT THEY WERE TOO BUSY TAKING THEIR PLACES TO TALK TO HER AT LAST TOM CAME HE SAW HER STANDING THERE AND WENT UP TO HER WON'T YOU CHANGE YOUR MIND ELIZA AND COME ALONG WITH US NOW TOM I TOLD YOU I WOULDN'T IT'S NOT RIGHT LIKE SHE FELT SHE MUST REPEAT THAT TO HERSELF OFTEN I SHA'N'T ENJOY IT A BIT WITHOUT YOU HE SAID WELL I CAN'T HELP IT SHE ANSWERED SOMEWHAT SULLENLY" ], "begin_byte": 38714, "end_byte": 39295 } } ]
{ "id": "large/11252/lizaoflambeth_1704_librivox_64kb_mp3/lizaoflambeth_04_maugham_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/11252/lizaoflambeth_1704_librivox_64kb_mp3/lizaoflambeth_04_maugham_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 9157765, "duration": 572.3603125, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
{ "text_path": "download/librilight_text/output_text_large_cleaned/Liza of Lambeth/text.txt" }
[ { "id": "large/11252/lizaoflambeth_1704_librivox_64kb_mp3/lizaoflambeth_04_maugham_64kb_33", "recording_id": "large/11252/lizaoflambeth_1704_librivox_64kb_mp3/lizaoflambeth_04_maugham_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 10.32, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "11252", "custom": { "texts": [ "Tom was standing by her side, silent, and looking disappointed and rather unhappy. Jim said to her, in a low voice: 'I am sorry you're not comin'!' It was too much.", "TOM WAS STANDING BY HIS SIDE SILENT AND LOOKING DISAPPOINTED AND RATHER UNHAPPY JIM SAID TO HER IN A LOW VOICE I AM SORRY YOU'RE NOT COMING IT WAS TOO MUCH" ], "pre_texts": [ " to herself so well the delights of the drive and the picnic. She felt very much inclined to cry. But she mustn't go, and she wouldn't go: she repeated that to herself twice as the trumpeter gave a preliminary tootle. Two more people hurried along, and when they came near Liza saw that they were Jim Blakeston and a woman whom she supposed to be his wife. 'Are you comin', Liza?' Jim said to her. 'No,' she answered. 'I didn't know you was goin'.' 'I wish you was comin',' he replied, 'we shall 'ave a game.' She could only just keep back the sobs; she so wished she were going. It did seem hard that she must remain behind; and all because she wasn't going to marry Tom. After all, she didn't see why that should prevent her; there really was no need to refuse for that. She began to think she had acted foolishly: it didn't do anyone any good that she refused to go out with Tom, and no one thought it anything specially fine that she should renounce her pleasure. Sally merely thought her a fool.", "E TIME AND THEY WERE ALL SO MERRY SHE COULD PICTURE TO HERSELF SO WELL THE DELIGHTS OF THE DRIVE AND THE PICNIC SHE FELT VERY MUCH INCLINED TO CRY BUT SHE MUSTN'T GO AND SHE WOULDN'T GO SHE REPEATED THAT TO HERSELF TWICE AS THE TRUMPETER GAVE A PRELIMINARY TOOTLE TWO MORE PEOPLE HURRIED ALONG WHEN THEY CAME NEAR LIZA SAW THAT THEY WERE JIM BLAKESTON AND A WOMAN WHOM SHE SUPPOSED TO BE HIS WIFE ARE YOU COMIN LIZA JIM SAID TO HER NO SHE ANSWERED I DIDN'T KNOW YOU WAS GOING I WISH SHE WAS COMIN HE REPLIED WE SHALL HAVE AGAIN SHE COULD ONLY JUST KEEP BACK THE SOBS SHE SO WISHED SHE WERE GOING IT DID SEEM HARD THAT SHE MUST REMAIN BEHIND AND ALL BECAUSE SHE WASN'T GOING TO MARRY TOM AFTER ALL SHE DIDN'T SEE WHY THAT SHOULD PREVENT HER THERE REALLY WAS NO NEED TO REFUSE FOR THAT SHE BEGAN TO THINK SHE HAD ACTED FOOLISHLY IT DIDN'T DO ANY GOOD THAT SHE REFUSED TO GO OUT WITH TOM AND NO ONE THOUGHT IT ANYTHING SPECIALLY FINE THAT SHE SHOULD RENOUNCE HER PLEASURE SALLIE MILLY THOUGHT HER A FOOL" ], "begin_byte": 40079, "end_byte": 40243 } } ]
{ "id": "large/11252/lizaoflambeth_1704_librivox_64kb_mp3/lizaoflambeth_04_maugham_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/11252/lizaoflambeth_1704_librivox_64kb_mp3/lizaoflambeth_04_maugham_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 9157765, "duration": 572.3603125, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
{ "text_path": "download/librilight_text/output_text_large_cleaned/Liza of Lambeth/text.txt" }
[ { "id": "large/11252/lizaoflambeth_1704_librivox_64kb_mp3/lizaoflambeth_04_maugham_64kb_50", "recording_id": "large/11252/lizaoflambeth_1704_librivox_64kb_mp3/lizaoflambeth_04_maugham_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 30.2, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "11252", "custom": { "texts": [ "She was in enormous spirits. ''Ulloa, Liza!' she called as soon as she saw her at the window. Liza looked at her a little enviously. ''Ulloa!' she answered quietly. 'I'm just goin' to the \"Red Lion\" to meet 'Arry.' 'At what time d'yer start?' 'The brake leaves at 'alf past eight sharp.' 'Why, it's only eight; it's only just struck at the church. 'Arry won't be there yet, will he?' 'Oh, 'e's sure ter be early. I couldn't wite. I've been witin' abaht since 'alf past six. I've been up since five this morning.'", "SHE WAS IN ENORMOUS SPIRITS HALLO ELIZA SHE CALLED AS SOON AS SHE SAW HER AT THE WINDOW ELIZA LOOKED AT HER A LITTLE ENVIOUSLY HOLLOA SHE ANSWERED QUIETLY I'M JUST GOING TO THE RED LION TO MEET HARRY AT WHAT TIME DID YOU START THE BREAKLEAVES ARE HALF PAST EIGHT SHARP WHY IT'S ONLY EIGHT IT'S JUST STRUCK AT THE CHURCH HARRY WON'T BE THERE YET WILL HE OH HE'S SURE TO BE EARLY I COULDN'T WAIT I'VE BEEN WITTIN ABOUT SINCE HALF PAST SIX I'VE BEEN UP SINCE FIVE THIS MORNING" ], "pre_texts": [ "ned a stifling heat for noontide, but early in the morning, when Liza got out of bed and threw open the window, it was fresh and cool. She dressed herself, wondering how she should spend her day; she thought of Sally going off to Chingford with her lover, and of herself remaining alone in the dull street with half the people away. She almost wished it were an ordinary work-day, and that there were no such things as bank holidays. And it seemed to be a little like two Sundays running, but with the second rather worse than the first. Her mother was still sleeping, and she was in no great hurry about getting the breakfast, but stood quietly looking out of the window at the house opposite. In a little while she saw Sally coming along. She was arrayed in purple and fine linen--a very smart red dress, trimmed with velveteen, and a tremendous hat covered with feathers. She had reaped the benefit of keeping her hair in curl-papers since Saturday, and her sandy fringe stretched from ear to ear.", "UDLESS SKY THREATENED A STIFLING HEAT FOR NOONTIDE BUT EARLY IN THE MORNING WHEN LIZA GOT OUT OF BED AND THREW OPEN THE WINDOW IT WAS FRESH AND COOL SHE DRESSED HERSELF WONDERING HOW SHE SHOULD SPEND HER DAY SHE THOUGHT OF SALLIE GOING OFF TO CHINGFORD WITH HER LOVER AND OF HERSELF REMAINING ALONE IN THE DULL STREET WITH HALF THE PEOPLE AWAY SHE ALMOST WISHED IT WERE AN ORDINARY WORK DAY AND THAT THERE WERE NO SUCH THINGS AS BANK HOLIDAYS AND IT SEEMED TO BE A LITTLE LIKE TWO SUNDAYS RUNNING BUT WITH THE SECOND RATHER WORSE THAN THE FIRST HER MOTHER WAS STILL SLEEPING AND SHE WAS IN NO GREAT HURRY ABOUT GETTING THE BREAKFAST BUT STOOD QUIETLY LOOKING OUT OF THE WINDOW AT THE HOUSE OPPOSITE IN A LITTLE WHILE SHE SAW SALLIE COMING ALONG SHE WAS ARRAIGNED IN PURPLE AND FINE LINEN A VERY SMART RED DRESS TRIMMED WITH VELVETEEN AND A TREMENDOUS HAT COVERED WITH FEATHERS SHE HAD REAPED THE BENEFIT OF KEEPING HER HAIR IN CURL PAPERS SINCE SATURDAY AND HER SANDY FRINGE STRETCHED FROM EAR TO EAR" ], "begin_byte": 34611, "end_byte": 35123 } } ]
{ "id": "large/11252/lizaoflambeth_1704_librivox_64kb_mp3/lizaoflambeth_04_maugham_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/11252/lizaoflambeth_1704_librivox_64kb_mp3/lizaoflambeth_04_maugham_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 9157765, "duration": 572.3603125, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
{ "text_path": "download/librilight_text/output_text_large_cleaned/Liza of Lambeth/text.txt" }
[ { "id": "large/11252/lizaoflambeth_1704_librivox_64kb_mp3/lizaoflambeth_04_maugham_64kb_53", "recording_id": "large/11252/lizaoflambeth_1704_librivox_64kb_mp3/lizaoflambeth_04_maugham_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 30.28, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "11252", "custom": { "texts": [ "said Tom. 'I must jest go an' get a 'at an' tell mother,' said Liza. 'There's just three minutes. Be quick!' answered Tom, and as she scampered off as hard as she could go, he shouted to the coachman: ''Old 'ard; there' another passenger comin' in a minute.' 'Arright, old cock,' answered the coachman: 'no 'urry!' Liza rushed into the room, and called to her mother, who was still asleep: 'Mother! mother! I'm going to Chingford!' Then tearing off her old dress she slipped into her gorgeous violet one; she kicked off her old ragged shoes and put on her new boots.", "SAID TOT I MUST JUST GO AND GET HER HAT AND TELL MOTHER SAID LIZA THERE'S JUST THREE MINUTES BE QUICK ANSWERED TOM AND AS SHE SCAMPERED OFF AS HARD AS SHE COULD GO HE SHOUTED TO THE COACHMAN OLD HEART THERE'S ANOTHER PASSENGER COMING IN A MINUTE ALL RIGHT OLD COCK ANSWERED THE COACHMAN NO HARRY ELIZA RUSHED INTO THE ROOM AND CALLED TO HER MOTHER WHO WAS STILL ASLEEP MOTHER MOTHER I'M GOING TO CHEINGFORD AND TEARING OFF HER OLD DRESS SHE SLIPPED INTO A GORGEOUS VIOLET ONE SHE KICKED OFF HER OLD RAGGED SHOES AND PUT ON HER NEW BOOTS" ], "pre_texts": [ "it only wanted a little seemly hesitation, and the thing was done. 'I should like ter, Tom,' she said. 'But d'you think it 'ud be arright?' 'Yus, of course it would. Come on, Liza!' In his eagerness he clasped her hand. 'Well,' she remarked, looking down, 'if it'd spoil your 'oliday--.' 'I won't go if you don't--swop me bob, I won't!' he answered. 'Well, if I come, it won't mean that I'm keepin' company with you.' 'Na, it won't mean anythin' you don't like.' 'Arright!' she said. 'You'll come?' he could hardly believe her. 'Yus!' she answered, smiling all over her face. 'You're a good sort, Liza! I say, 'Arry, Liza's comin'!' he shouted. 'Liza? 'Oorray!' shouted Harry. ''S'at right, Liza?' called Sally. And Liza feeling quite joyful and light of heart called back: 'Yus!' ''Oorray!' shouted Sally in answer. 'Thet's right, Liza,' called Jim; and he smiled pleasantly as she looked at him. 'There's just room for you two 'ere,' said Harry, pointing to the vacant places by his side. 'Arright!", "EAR WHY COME WITH ME OF COURSE OH LIZA DO SAY YES SHE HAD GOT THE OFFER AGAIN AND HAD ONLY WANTED A LITTLE SEEMLY HESITATION AND THE THING WAS DONE I SHOULD LIKE TO TOM SHE SAID BUT DID YOU THINK IT UD BE ALL RIGHT YES OF COURSE IT WOULD COME ON LIZA IN HIS EAGERNESS HE CLASPED HER HAND WELL SHE REMARKED LOOKING DOWN IF IT'D SPOIL YOUR HOLIDAY I WON'T GO IF YOU DON'T SWORP ME BOB I WON'T HE ANSWERED WELL IF I COME IT WON'T MEAN THAT I'M KEEPING COMPANY WITH YOU NOW WON'T MEAN ANYTHING IF YOU DON'T LIKE ALL RIGHT SHE SAID YOU'LL COME YOU COULD HARDLY BELIEVE HER YES SHE ANSWERED SMILING ALL OVER HER FACE YOU'RE A GOOD SORT LIZA I'LL SAY HARRY LIZA'S COMING HE SHOUTED LIZA HOORAY SHOUTED HARRY SAT RIGHT'S LIZA CALLED SALLIE AND ELIZA FEELING QUITE JOYFUL AND LIGHT OF HEART CALLED BACK YES HOORAY SHOUTED SALLIE IN ANSWER THAT'S RIGHT LIZA CALLED JIM AND HE SMILED PLEASANTLY AS SHE LOOKED AT HIM THERE'S JUST ROOM FOR YOU TO EAR SAID HARRY POINTING TO THE VACANT PLACES BY HIS SIDE ALL RIGHT" ], "begin_byte": 42107, "end_byte": 42674 } } ]
{ "id": "large/11252/lizaoflambeth_1704_librivox_64kb_mp3/lizaoflambeth_04_maugham_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/11252/lizaoflambeth_1704_librivox_64kb_mp3/lizaoflambeth_04_maugham_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 9157765, "duration": 572.3603125, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
{ "text_path": "download/librilight_text/output_text_large_cleaned/Liza of Lambeth/text.txt" }
[ { "id": "large/11252/lizaoflambeth_1704_librivox_64kb_mp3/lizaoflambeth_04_maugham_64kb_56", "recording_id": "large/11252/lizaoflambeth_1704_librivox_64kb_mp3/lizaoflambeth_04_maugham_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 26.799, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "11252", "custom": { "texts": [ "She began to think she had acted foolishly: it didn't do anyone any good that she refused to go out with Tom, and no one thought it anything specially fine that she should renounce her pleasure. Sally merely thought her a fool. Tom was standing by her side, silent, and looking disappointed and rather unhappy. Jim said to her, in a low voice: 'I am sorry you're not comin'!' It was too much. She did want to go so badly, and she really couldn't resist any longer.", "SHE BEGAN TO THINK SHE HAD ACTED FOOLISHLY IT DIDN'T DO ANY GOOD THAT SHE REFUSED TO GO OUT WITH TOM AND NO ONE THOUGHT IT ANYTHING SPECIALLY FINE THAT SHE SHOULD RENOUNCE HER PLEASURE SALLIE MILLY THOUGHT HER A FOOL TOM WAS STANDING BY HIS SIDE SILENT AND LOOKING DISAPPOINTED AND RATHER UNHAPPY JIM SAID TO HER IN A LOW VOICE I AM SORRY YOU'RE NOT COMING IT WAS TOO MUCH SHE DID WANT TO GO SO BADLY AND SHE REALLY COULDN'T RESIST ANY LONGER" ], "pre_texts": [ "ored it was to drive along to the tootling of a horn. She really felt it was very hard lines that she must stay at home when all these people were going to have such a fine time; and they were all so merry, and she could picture to herself so well the delights of the drive and the picnic. She felt very much inclined to cry. But she mustn't go, and she wouldn't go: she repeated that to herself twice as the trumpeter gave a preliminary tootle. Two more people hurried along, and when they came near Liza saw that they were Jim Blakeston and a woman whom she supposed to be his wife. 'Are you comin', Liza?' Jim said to her. 'No,' she answered. 'I didn't know you was goin'.' 'I wish you was comin',' he replied, 'we shall 'ave a game.' She could only just keep back the sobs; she so wished she were going. It did seem hard that she must remain behind; and all because she wasn't going to marry Tom. After all, she didn't see why that should prevent her; there really was no need to refuse for that.", "VE A GREAT JUMP FOR IF THERE WAS ANYTHING SHE ADORED IT WAS TO DRIVE ALONG TO THE TOOTING OF A HORN SHE REALLY FELT IT WAS VERY HARD LINES THAT SHE MUST STAY AT HOME WHEN ALL THESE PEOPLE WERE GOING TO HAVE SUCH A FINE TIME AND THEY WERE ALL SO MERRY SHE COULD PICTURE TO HERSELF SO WELL THE DELIGHTS OF THE DRIVE AND THE PICNIC SHE FELT VERY MUCH INCLINED TO CRY BUT SHE MUSTN'T GO AND SHE WOULDN'T GO SHE REPEATED THAT TO HERSELF TWICE AS THE TRUMPETER GAVE A PRELIMINARY TOOTLE TWO MORE PEOPLE HURRIED ALONG WHEN THEY CAME NEAR LIZA SAW THAT THEY WERE JIM BLAKESTON AND A WOMAN WHOM SHE SUPPOSED TO BE HIS WIFE ARE YOU COMIN LIZA JIM SAID TO HER NO SHE ANSWERED I DIDN'T KNOW YOU WAS GOING I WISH SHE WAS COMIN HE REPLIED WE SHALL HAVE AGAIN SHE COULD ONLY JUST KEEP BACK THE SOBS SHE SO WISHED SHE WERE GOING IT DID SEEM HARD THAT SHE MUST REMAIN BEHIND AND ALL BECAUSE SHE WASN'T GOING TO MARRY TOM AFTER ALL SHE DIDN'T SEE WHY THAT SHOULD PREVENT HER THERE REALLY WAS NO NEED TO REFUSE FOR THAT" ], "begin_byte": 39851, "end_byte": 40315 } } ]
{ "id": "large/11252/lizaoflambeth_1704_librivox_64kb_mp3/lizaoflambeth_04_maugham_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/11252/lizaoflambeth_1704_librivox_64kb_mp3/lizaoflambeth_04_maugham_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 9157765, "duration": 572.3603125, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
{ "text_path": "download/librilight_text/output_text_large_cleaned/Liza of Lambeth/text.txt" }
[ { "id": "large/11252/lizaoflambeth_1704_librivox_64kb_mp3/lizaoflambeth_05_maugham_64kb_8", "recording_id": "large/11252/lizaoflambeth_1704_librivox_64kb_mp3/lizaoflambeth_05_maugham_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 6.719, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "11252", "custom": { "texts": [ "'I can't,' he answered. 'I'm not a singin' sort.' At which Blakeston got up and offered to sing again.", "I CAN'T HE ANSWERED I'M NOT A SINGING SORT AT WHICH BLAKESTON GOT UP AND OFFERED TO SING AGAIN" ], "pre_texts": [ " an' eat the coconuts.' There was one for each couple, and after the ladies had sucked the juice they divided them and added their respective shares to their dinners and teas. Supper came next. Again they fell to sausage-rolls, boiled eggs, and saveloys, and countless bottles of beer were added to those already drunk. 'I dunno 'ow many bottles of beer I've drunk--I've lost count,' said Liza; whereat there was a general laugh. They still had an hour before the brake was to start back, and it was then the concertinas came in useful. They sat down on the grass, and the concert was begun by Harry, who played a solo; then there was a call for a song, and Jim stood up and sang that ancient ditty, 'O dem Golden Kippers, O'. There was no shyness in the company, and Liza, almost without being asked, gave another popular comic song. Then there was more concertina playing, and another demand for a song. Liza turned to Tom, who was sitting quietly by her side. 'Give us a song, old cock,' she said.", " TART REMARKED HER HUSBAND LET'S GO AND EAT THE COCOANUTS THERE WAS ONE FOR EACH COUPLE AND AFTER THE LADIES HAD SUCKED THE JUICE THEY DIVIDED THEM AND ADDED THEIR RESPECTIVE SHARES TO THEIR DINNERS AND TEAS SUPPER CAME NEXT AGAIN THEY FELL TO SAUSAGE ROLLS BOILED EGGS AND SABBOYS AND COUNTLESS BOTTLES OF BEER WERE ADDED TO THOSE ALREADY DRUNK I DON'T KNOW HOW MANY BOTTLES OF BEER I'VE DRUNK I'VE LOST COUNT SAID ELIZA WHEREAT THERE WAS A GENERAL LAUGH THEY STILL HAD AN HOUR BEFORE THE BREAK WAS TO START BACK AND IT WAS THEN THE CONCERTINAS CAME IN USEFUL THEY SAT DOWN ON THE GRASS AND THE CONCERT WAS BEGUN BY HARRY WHO PLAYED A SOLO THEN THERE WAS A CALL FOR A SONG AND JIM STOOD UP AND SANG THAT ANCIENT DITTY O DAMN GOLDEN KIPPER'S O THERE WAS NO SHYNESS IN THE COMPANY AND LIZA ALMOST WITHOUT BEING ASKED GAVE ANOTHER POPULAR COMIC SONG THEN THERE WAS MORE CONCERTINA PLAYING ANOTHER DEMAND FOR A SONG LIZA TURNED TO TOM WHO WAS SITTING QUIETLY BY HER SIDE GIVE US A SONG OLD COCK SHE SAID" ], "begin_byte": 60744, "end_byte": 60846 } } ]
{ "id": "large/11252/lizaoflambeth_1704_librivox_64kb_mp3/lizaoflambeth_05_maugham_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/11252/lizaoflambeth_1704_librivox_64kb_mp3/lizaoflambeth_05_maugham_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 24804020, "duration": 1550.25125, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
{ "text_path": "download/librilight_text/output_text_large_cleaned/Liza of Lambeth/text.txt" }
[ { "id": "large/11252/lizaoflambeth_1704_librivox_64kb_mp3/lizaoflambeth_05_maugham_64kb_32", "recording_id": "large/11252/lizaoflambeth_1704_librivox_64kb_mp3/lizaoflambeth_05_maugham_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 13.16, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "11252", "custom": { "texts": [ "'Na you've got to get up at five.' 'Oh, I only said thet not ter go inter the pub with them.' 'So as yer might come 'ere with me?' asked Liza. 'Yus!' 'No, I'm not comin'. Good night.'", "NOW YOU'VE GOT TO GET UP AT FIVE OH I ONLY SAID THAT NOT TO GO INTO THE PUB WITH THEM SO AS YOU MIGHT COME HERE WITH ME ASKED LIZA YES NO I'M NOT COMING GOOD NIGHT" ], "pre_texts": [ "e. Suddenly she heard a footstep, she started and looked back. It was a man hurrying behind her, and in a moment she had recognized Jim. He beckoned to her, and in a low voice called: 'Liza!' She stopped till he had come up to her. 'Wot 'ave yer come aht again for?' she said. 'I've come aht ter say good night to you, Liza,' he answered. 'But yer said good night a moment ago.' 'I wanted to say it again--properly.' 'Where's yer missus?' 'Oh, she's gone in. I said I was dry and was goin' ter 'ave a drink after all.' 'But she'll know yer didn't go ter the pub.' 'Na, she won't, she's gone straight upstairs to see after the kid. I wanted ter see yer alone, Liza.' 'Why?' He didn't answer, but tried to take hold of her hand. She drew it away quickly. They walked in silence till they came to Liza's house. 'Good night,' said Liza. 'Won't you come for a little walk, Liza?' 'Tike care no one 'ears you,' she added, in a whisper, though why she whispered she did not know. 'Will yer?' he asked again.", "OME DESERT PLACE AS IF EVERYONE WERE DEAD OR A FIRE HAD RAGED AND LEFT IT ALL DESOLATE SUDDENLY SHE HEARD A FOOTSTEP SHE STARTED AND LOOKED BACK IT WAS A MAN HURRYING BEHIND HER IN A MOMENT SHE HAD RECOGNIZED JIM HE BECKONED TO HER AND IN A LOW VOICE CALLED LISA SHE STOPPED TILL HE HAD COME UP TO HER WHAT HAVE YE COME OUT AGAIN FOR SHE SAID I'VE COME OUT SAY GOOD NIGHT TO ELIZA HE ANSWERED BUT YOU SAID GOOD NIGHT A MOMENT AGO I WANTED TO SAY AGAIN PROPERLY WHERE'S YOUR MISSUS OH SHE'S GONE IN I SAID I WAS DRY AND WAS GOING TO HAVE A DRINK AFTER ALL BUT SHE'LL KNOW YOU DIDN'T GO TO THE PUB NA SHE WON'T SHE'S GONE STRAIGHT UPSTAIRS TO SEE AFTER THE KID I WANTED TO SEE HER ALONE LIZA WHY HE DIDN'T ANSWER BUT HE TRIED TO TAKE HOLD OF HER HAND SHE DREW IT AWAY QUICKLY THEY WALKED IN SILENCE TILL THEY CAME TO LIZA'S HOUSE GOOD NIGHT SAID LIZA WHEN YOU COME FOR A LITTLE WALK LISA TAKE CARE NO ONE AIRS YOU SHE ADDED IN A WHISPER THOUGH WHY SHE WHISPERED SHE DID NOT KNOW WILL YOU HE ASKED AGAIN" ], "begin_byte": 67001, "end_byte": 67185 } } ]
{ "id": "large/11252/lizaoflambeth_1704_librivox_64kb_mp3/lizaoflambeth_05_maugham_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/11252/lizaoflambeth_1704_librivox_64kb_mp3/lizaoflambeth_05_maugham_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 24804020, "duration": 1550.25125, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
{ "text_path": "download/librilight_text/output_text_large_cleaned/Liza of Lambeth/text.txt" }
[ { "id": "large/11252/lizaoflambeth_1704_librivox_64kb_mp3/lizaoflambeth_05_maugham_64kb_34", "recording_id": "large/11252/lizaoflambeth_1704_librivox_64kb_mp3/lizaoflambeth_05_maugham_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 8.96, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "11252", "custom": { "texts": [ "He didn't answer, but tried to take hold of her hand. She drew it away quickly. They walked in silence till they came to Liza's house.", "HE DIDN'T ANSWER BUT HE TRIED TO TAKE HOLD OF HER HAND SHE DREW IT AWAY QUICKLY THEY WALKED IN SILENCE TILL THEY CAME TO LIZA'S HOUSE" ], "pre_texts": [ "y, with its swarms of people, and now, when there was neither sound nor soul besides herself, that even she was struck by it. The regular line of houses on either side, with the even pavements and straight, cemented road, seemed to her like some desert place, as if everyone were dead, or a fire had raged and left it all desolate. Suddenly she heard a footstep, she started and looked back. It was a man hurrying behind her, and in a moment she had recognized Jim. He beckoned to her, and in a low voice called: 'Liza!' She stopped till he had come up to her. 'Wot 'ave yer come aht again for?' she said. 'I've come aht ter say good night to you, Liza,' he answered. 'But yer said good night a moment ago.' 'I wanted to say it again--properly.' 'Where's yer missus?' 'Oh, she's gone in. I said I was dry and was goin' ter 'ave a drink after all.' 'But she'll know yer didn't go ter the pub.' 'Na, she won't, she's gone straight upstairs to see after the kid. I wanted ter see yer alone, Liza.' 'Why?", "LISE HER SOLITUDE THERE WAS SUCH A DIFFERENCE BETWEEN THE STREET AT MIDDAY WITH ITS SWARMS OF PEOPLE AND NOW WHEN THERE WAS NEITHER SOUND NOR SOUL BESIDES HERSELF THAT EVEN SHE WAS STRUCK BY IT THE REGULAR LINE OF HOUSES ON EITHER SIDE WITH THE EVEN PAVEMENTS AND STRAIGHT CEMENTED ROAD SEEMED TO HER LIKE SOME DESERT PLACE AS IF EVERYONE WERE DEAD OR A FIRE HAD RAGED AND LEFT IT ALL DESOLATE SUDDENLY SHE HEARD A FOOTSTEP SHE STARTED AND LOOKED BACK IT WAS A MAN HURRYING BEHIND HER IN A MOMENT SHE HAD RECOGNIZED JIM HE BECKONED TO HER AND IN A LOW VOICE CALLED LISA SHE STOPPED TILL HE HAD COME UP TO HER WHAT HAVE YE COME OUT AGAIN FOR SHE SAID I'VE COME OUT SAY GOOD NIGHT TO ELIZA HE ANSWERED BUT YOU SAID GOOD NIGHT A MOMENT AGO I WANTED TO SAY AGAIN PROPERLY WHERE'S YOUR MISSUS OH SHE'S GONE IN I SAID I WAS DRY AND WAS GOING TO HAVE A DRINK AFTER ALL BUT SHE'LL KNOW YOU DIDN'T GO TO THE PUB NA SHE WON'T SHE'S GONE STRAIGHT UPSTAIRS TO SEE AFTER THE KID I WANTED TO SEE HER ALONE LIZA WHY" ], "begin_byte": 66672, "end_byte": 66807 } } ]
{ "id": "large/11252/lizaoflambeth_1704_librivox_64kb_mp3/lizaoflambeth_05_maugham_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/11252/lizaoflambeth_1704_librivox_64kb_mp3/lizaoflambeth_05_maugham_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 24804020, "duration": 1550.25125, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
{ "text_path": "download/librilight_text/output_text_large_cleaned/Liza of Lambeth/text.txt" }
[ { "id": "large/11252/lizaoflambeth_1704_librivox_64kb_mp3/lizaoflambeth_05_maugham_64kb_39", "recording_id": "large/11252/lizaoflambeth_1704_librivox_64kb_mp3/lizaoflambeth_05_maugham_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 17.719, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "11252", "custom": { "texts": [ "He bent down and, taking her in his arms, kissed her passionately. 'You do kiss nice, Liza,' he said, making the others laugh. 'Thanks for tikin' me aht, old man,' she said as they parted. 'Arright, Liza,' he answered, and added, almost to himself: 'God bless yer!'", "HE BENT DOWN AND TAKING HER IN HIS ARMS KISSED HER PASSIONATELY YOU DO KISS NICE LIZA HE SAID MAKING THE OTHERS LAUGH THANKS FOR TAKING ME OUT OLD MAN SHE SAID AS THEY PARTED ALL RIGHT LIZA HE ANSWERED AND ADDED TO HIMSELF GOD BLESS YOU" ], "pre_texts": [ "respective slaves and the Blakestons, marched off homewards. At the corner of Vere Street Harry said to Tom and Blakeston: 'I say, you blokes, let's go an' 'ave another drink before closin' time.' 'I don't mind,' said Tom, 'after we've took the gals 'ome.' 'Then we shan't 'ave time, it's just on closin' time now.' answered Harry. 'Well, we can't leave 'em 'ere.' 'Yus, you can,' said Sally. 'No one'll run awy with us.' Tom did not want to part from Liza, but she broke in with: 'Yus, go on, Tom. Sally an' me'll git along arright, an' you ain't got too much time.' 'Yus, good night, 'Arry,' said Sally to settle the matter. 'Good night, old gal,' he answered, 'give us another slobber.' And she, not at all unwilling, surrendered herself to him, while he imprinted two sounding kisses on her cheeks. 'Good night, Tom,' said Liza, holding out her hand. 'Good night, Liza,' he answered, taking it, but looking very wistfully at her. She understood, and with a kindly smile lifted up her face to him.", "THEY GOT DOWN THEY ALL SAID GOOD NIGHT AND SALLY ELIZA WITH THEIR RESPECTIVE SLAVES AND THE BLAKESTONS MARCHED OFF HOMEWARDS AT THE CORNER OF THEIR STREET HARRY SAID TO TOM AND BLAKESTON I'LL SAY YOU BLOKES LET'S GO AND HAVE ANOTHER DRINK BEFORE CLOSING TIME I DON'T MIND SAID TOM AFTER WE'VE TOOK THE GALS HOME THEN WE SHAN'T HAVE TIME IT'S JUST ON CLOSING TIME NOW ANSWERED HARRY BUT WE CAN'T LEAVE EM ERE YES YOU CAN SAID SALLIE NOW WE'LL RUN AWAY WITH US TOM DID NOT WANT TO PART FROM LIZA BUT SHE BROKE IN WITH YES GO ON TOM SALLIE AND ME'LL GET ALONG ALL RIGHT AND YOU AIN'T GOT TOO MUCH TIME YES GOOD NIGHT HARRY SAID SALLIE TO SETTLE THE MATTER GOOD NIGHT OLD GAL HE ANSWERED GIVE US ANOTHER SLOBBER AND SHE NOT AT ALL UNWILLING SURRENDERED HERSELF TO HIM WHILE HE IMPRINTED TWO SOUNDING KISSES ON HER CHEEKS GOOD NIGHT TOM SAID LIZA HOLDING OUT HER HAND GOOD NIGHT ELIZA HE ANSWERED TAKING IT BUT LOOKING VERY WISTFULLY AT HER SHE UNDERSTOOD AND WITH A KINDLY SMILE LIFTED UP HER FACE TO HIM" ], "begin_byte": 64637, "end_byte": 64902 } } ]
{ "id": "large/11252/lizaoflambeth_1704_librivox_64kb_mp3/lizaoflambeth_05_maugham_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/11252/lizaoflambeth_1704_librivox_64kb_mp3/lizaoflambeth_05_maugham_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 24804020, "duration": 1550.25125, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
{ "text_path": "download/librilight_text/output_text_large_cleaned/Liza of Lambeth/text.txt" }
[ { "id": "large/11252/lizaoflambeth_1704_librivox_64kb_mp3/lizaoflambeth_05_maugham_64kb_51", "recording_id": "large/11252/lizaoflambeth_1704_librivox_64kb_mp3/lizaoflambeth_05_maugham_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 7.44, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "11252", "custom": { "texts": [ "Liza, too, had foreseen the separation into couples after dinner, and had been racking her brains to find a means of getting out of it.", "LIZA TOO HAD FORESEEN THE SEPARATION INTO COUPLES AFTER DINNER AND HAD BEEN RACKING HER BRAINS TO FIND A MEANS OF GETTING OUT OF IT" ], "pre_texts": [ "lligent foreigner seeing them thus dispose of their food would have understood why England is a great nation. He would have understood why Britons never, never will be slaves. They never stopped except to drink, and then at each gulp they emptied their glass; no heel-taps! And still they ate, and still they drank--but as all things must cease, they stopped at last, and a long sigh of content broke from their two-and-thirty throats. Then the gathering broke up, and the good folk paired themselves and separated. Harry and his lady strolled off to secluded byways in the forest, so that they might discourse of their loves and digest their dinner. Tom had all the morning been waiting for this happy moment; he had counted on the expansive effect of a full stomach to thaw his Liza's coldness, and he had pictured himself sitting on the grass with his back against the trunk of a spreading chestnut-tree, with his arm round his Liza's waist, and her head resting affectionately on his manly bosom.", "THEIR THROATS UNMASTICATED THE INTELLIGENT FOREIGNER SEEING THEM THUS DISPOSE OF THEIR FOOD WOULD HAVE UNDERSTOOD WHY ENGLAND IS A GREAT NATION HE WOULD HAVE UNDERSTOOD WHY BRITONS NEVER NEVER WILL BE SLAVES THEY NEVER STOPPED EXCEPT TO DRINK AND THEN AT EACH GULP THEY EMPTIED THEIR GLASSES NO HEEL TAPS AND STILL THEY ATE AND STILL THEY DRANK BUT AS ALL THINGS MUST CEASE THEY STOPPED AT LAST AND A LONG SIGH OF CONTENT BROKE FROM THEIR TWO AND THIRTY THROATS THEN THE GATHERING BROKE UP AND THE GOOD FOLK PAIRED THEMSELVES AND SEPARATED HARRY AND HIS LADY STROLLED OFF TO SECLUDED BY WAYS IN THE FOREST SO THAT THEY MIGHT DISCOURSE OF THEIR LOVES AND DIGEST THEIR DINNER TOM HAD ALL MORNING BEEN WAITING FOR THIS HAPPY MOMENT HE HAD COUNTED ON THE EXPANSIVE EFFECT OF A FULL STOMACH TO THAW ELIZA'S COLDNESS HE HAD PICTURED HIMSELF SITTING ON THE GRASS WITH HIS BACK AGAINST THE TRUNK A SPREADING CHESTNUT TREE WITH HIS ARM ROUND LIZA'S WAIST AND HER HEAD RESTING AFFECTIONATELY ON HIS MANLY BOSOM" ], "begin_byte": 53315, "end_byte": 53450 } } ]
{ "id": "large/11252/lizaoflambeth_1704_librivox_64kb_mp3/lizaoflambeth_05_maugham_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/11252/lizaoflambeth_1704_librivox_64kb_mp3/lizaoflambeth_05_maugham_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 24804020, "duration": 1550.25125, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
{ "text_path": "download/librilight_text/output_text_large_cleaned/Liza of Lambeth/text.txt" }
[ { "id": "large/11252/lizaoflambeth_1704_librivox_64kb_mp3/lizaoflambeth_05_maugham_64kb_56", "recording_id": "large/11252/lizaoflambeth_1704_librivox_64kb_mp3/lizaoflambeth_05_maugham_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 18.32, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "11252", "custom": { "texts": [ "'But she'll know yer didn't go ter the pub.' 'Na, she won't, she's gone straight upstairs to see after the kid. I wanted ter see yer alone, Liza.' 'Why?' He didn't answer, but tried to take hold of her hand. She drew it away quickly. They walked in silence till they came to Liza's house.", "BUT SHE'LL KNOW YOU DIDN'T GO TO THE PUB NA SHE WON'T SHE'S GONE STRAIGHT UPSTAIRS TO SEE AFTER THE KID I WANTED TO SEE HER ALONE LIZA WHY HE DIDN'T ANSWER BUT HE TRIED TO TAKE HOLD OF HER HAND SHE DREW IT AWAY QUICKLY THEY WALKED IN SILENCE TILL THEY CAME TO LIZA'S HOUSE" ], "pre_texts": [ " the lamp-posts, far apart, threw a dim light which only served to make Lisa realize her solitude. There was such a difference between the street at midday, with its swarms of people, and now, when there was neither sound nor soul besides herself, that even she was struck by it. The regular line of houses on either side, with the even pavements and straight, cemented road, seemed to her like some desert place, as if everyone were dead, or a fire had raged and left it all desolate. Suddenly she heard a footstep, she started and looked back. It was a man hurrying behind her, and in a moment she had recognized Jim. He beckoned to her, and in a low voice called: 'Liza!' She stopped till he had come up to her. 'Wot 'ave yer come aht again for?' she said. 'I've come aht ter say good night to you, Liza,' he answered. 'But yer said good night a moment ago.' 'I wanted to say it again--properly.' 'Where's yer missus?' 'Oh, she's gone in. I said I was dry and was goin' ter 'ave a drink after all.", "E REST OF THE WAY HOME THE STREET WAS PERFECTLY SILENT AND THE LAMP POSTS FAR APART THROUGH A DIM LIGHT WHICH ONLY SERVED TO MAKE ELIZA REALISE HER SOLITUDE THERE WAS SUCH A DIFFERENCE BETWEEN THE STREET AT MIDDAY WITH ITS SWARMS OF PEOPLE AND NOW WHEN THERE WAS NEITHER SOUND NOR SOUL BESIDES HERSELF THAT EVEN SHE WAS STRUCK BY IT THE REGULAR LINE OF HOUSES ON EITHER SIDE WITH THE EVEN PAVEMENTS AND STRAIGHT CEMENTED ROAD SEEMED TO HER LIKE SOME DESERT PLACE AS IF EVERYONE WERE DEAD OR A FIRE HAD RAGED AND LEFT IT ALL DESOLATE SUDDENLY SHE HEARD A FOOTSTEP SHE STARTED AND LOOKED BACK IT WAS A MAN HURRYING BEHIND HER IN A MOMENT SHE HAD RECOGNIZED JIM HE BECKONED TO HER AND IN A LOW VOICE CALLED LISA SHE STOPPED TILL HE HAD COME UP TO HER WHAT HAVE YE COME OUT AGAIN FOR SHE SAID I'VE COME OUT SAY GOOD NIGHT TO ELIZA HE ANSWERED BUT YOU SAID GOOD NIGHT A MOMENT AGO I WANTED TO SAY AGAIN PROPERLY WHERE'S YOUR MISSUS OH SHE'S GONE IN I SAID I WAS DRY AND WAS GOING TO HAVE A DRINK AFTER ALL" ], "begin_byte": 66518, "end_byte": 66807 } } ]
{ "id": "large/11252/lizaoflambeth_1704_librivox_64kb_mp3/lizaoflambeth_05_maugham_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/11252/lizaoflambeth_1704_librivox_64kb_mp3/lizaoflambeth_05_maugham_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 24804020, "duration": 1550.25125, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
{ "text_path": "download/librilight_text/output_text_large_cleaned/Liza of Lambeth/text.txt" }
[ { "id": "large/11252/lizaoflambeth_1704_librivox_64kb_mp3/lizaoflambeth_05_maugham_64kb_62", "recording_id": "large/11252/lizaoflambeth_1704_librivox_64kb_mp3/lizaoflambeth_05_maugham_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 19.6, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "11252", "custom": { "texts": [ "They exchanged cheers and greetings as they passed, the 'Red Lion' brake being noticeable above all for its uproariousness. As the day wore on the sun became hotter, and the road seemed more dusty and threw up a greater heat. 'I am getting 'ot!' was the common cry, and everyone began to puff and sweat.", "THEY EXCHANGED CHEERS AND GREETINGS AS THEY PASSED THE RED LION BRAKE BEING NOTICEABLE ABOVE ALL FOR ITS UPROARIOUSNESS AS THE DAY WORE ON THE SUN BECAME HOTTER AND THE ROAD SEEMED MORE DUSTY AND THREW UP A GREATER HEAT I AM GET NOT WAS THE COMMON CRY AND EVERYON BEGAN TO PUFF AND SWEAT" ], "pre_texts": [ "ep off the grass!' 'Well, I only wanted ter know if you'd got any.' 'Garn; yer don't git round me like thet.' He still kept as he was. 'Na then,' she repeated, 'tike yer 'and away. If yer touch me there you'll 'ave ter marry me.' 'Thet's just wot I wants ter do, Liza!' 'Shut it!' she answered cruelly, and drew his arm away from her waist. The horses scampered on, and the man behind blew his horn with vigour. 'Don't bust yerself, guv'nor!' said one of the passengers to him when he made a particularly discordant sound. They drove along eastwards, and as the hour grew later the streets became more filled and the traffic greater. At last they got on the road to Chingford, and caught up numbers of other vehicles going in the same direction--donkey-shays, pony-carts, tradesmen's carts, dog-carts, drags, brakes, every conceivable kind of wheel thing, all filled with people, the wretched donkey dragging along four solid rate-payers to the pair of stout horses easily managing a couple of score.", " ROUND HER WAIST TO FEEL NOW THEN SHE SAID KEEP OFF THE GRASS WELL I ONLY WANTED TO KNOW IF YOU'D GOT ANY GONE YOU DON'T GET ROUND ME LIKE THAT HE STILL KEPT AS HE WAS NOW THEN SHE REPEATED TAKE YOUR HAND AWAY IF YOU TOUCH ME THERE YOU'LL HAVE TO MARRY ME THAT'S JUST WHAT I WANTS TO DO LIZA SHUT IT SHE ANSWERED CRUELLY AND DREW HIS ARM AWAY FROM HER WAIST THE HORSES SCAMPERED ON AND THE MAN BEHIND BLEW HIS HORN WITH VIGOUR DON'T BUST YOURSELF GOVERNOR SAID ONE OF THE PASSENGERS TO HIM WHEN HE MADE A PARTICULARLY DISCORDANT SOUND THEY DROVE ALONG EASTWARDS AND AS THE HOUR GREW LATER THE STREETS BECAME MORE FILLED AND THE TRAFFIC GREATER AT LAST THEY GOT ON THE ROAD TO CHINGFORD AND CAUGHT UP NUMBERS OF OTHER VEHICLES GOING IN THE SAME DIRECTION DONKEY CHAISE PONY CARTS TRADESMEN'S CARTS DOG CARTS DRAGS BRAKES EVERY CONCEIVABLE KIND OF WHEEL THING ALL FILLED WITH PEOPLE THE WRETCHED DONKEY DRAGGING ALONG FOUR SOLID RAPE PAYERS TO THE PAIR OF STOUT HORSES EASILY MANAGING A COUPLE OF SCORE" ], "begin_byte": 46695, "end_byte": 46998 } } ]
{ "id": "large/11252/lizaoflambeth_1704_librivox_64kb_mp3/lizaoflambeth_05_maugham_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/11252/lizaoflambeth_1704_librivox_64kb_mp3/lizaoflambeth_05_maugham_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 24804020, "duration": 1550.25125, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
{ "text_path": "download/librilight_text/output_text_large_cleaned/Liza of Lambeth/text.txt" }
[ { "id": "large/11252/lizaoflambeth_1704_librivox_64kb_mp3/lizaoflambeth_05_maugham_64kb_77", "recording_id": "large/11252/lizaoflambeth_1704_librivox_64kb_mp3/lizaoflambeth_05_maugham_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 14, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "11252", "custom": { "texts": [ "But Tom kept walking alongside of them, and as Jim slightly quickened his pace so as to get Liza on in front, Tom quickened his, and Mrs. Blakeston, who didn't want to be left behind, had to break into a little trot to keep up with them.", "BUT TOM KEPT WALKING ALONGSIDE OF THEM AND AS JIM SLIGHTLY QUICKENED HIS PACE SO AS TO GET LIES ON IN FRONT TOM QUICKENED HIS AND MISSUS BLAKESTON WHO DIDN'T WANT TO BE LEFT BEHIND HAD TO BREAK INTO A LITTLE TROT TO KEEP UP WITH THEM" ], "pre_texts": [ "he separation into couples after dinner, and had been racking her brains to find a means of getting out of it. 'I don't want 'im slobberin' abaht me,' she said; 'it gives me the sick, all this kissin' an' cuddlin'!' She scarcely knew why she objected to his caresses; but they bored her and made her cross. But luckily the blessed institution of marriage came to her rescue, for Jim and his wife naturally had no particular desire to spend the afternoon together, and Liza, seeing a little embarrassment on their part, proposed that they should go for a walk together in the forest. Jim agreed at once, and with pleasure, but Tom was dreadfully disappointed. He hadn't the courage to say anything, but he glared at Blakeston. Jim smiled benignly at him, and Tom began to sulk. Then they began a funny walk through the woods. Jim tried to go on with Liza, and Liza was not at all disinclined to this, for she had come to the conclusion that Jim, notwithstanding his 'cheek', was not ''alf a bad sort'.", " MANLY BOSOM LIZA TOO HAD FORESEEN THE SEPARATION INTO COUPLES AFTER DINNER AND HAD BEEN RACKING HER BRAINS TO FIND A MEANS OF GETTING OUT OF IT I DON'T WANT HIM SLOBBERING ABOUT ME SHE SAID IT GIVES ME THE SICK ALL HIS KISSING AND CUDDLING SHE SCARCELY KNEW WHY SHE OBJECTED TO HIS CARESSES BUT THEY BORED HER AND MADE HER CROSS BUT LUCKILY THE BLESSED INSTITUTION OF MARRIAGE CAME TO HER RESCUE FOR JIM AND HIS WIFE NATURALLY HAD NO PARTICULAR DESIRE TO SPEND THE AFTERNOON TOGETHER AND LIZA SEEING A LITTLE EMBARRASSMENT ON THEIR PART PROPOSED THAT THEY SHOULD GO FOR A WALK TOGETHER IN THE FOREST JIM AGREED AT ONCE AND WITH PLEASURE BUT TOM WAS DREADFULLY DISAPPOINTED HE HADN'T THE COURAGE TO SAY ANYTHING BUT HE GLARED AT BLAKESTON JIM SMILED BENIGNLY AT HIM AND TOM BEGAN TO SULK THEN THEY BEGAN A FUNNY WALK THROUGH THE WOODS JIM TRIED TO GO ON WITH LIZA AND LIZA WAS NOT AT ALL DISINCLINED TO THIS FOR SHE HAD COME TO THE CONCLUSION THAT JIM NOTWITHSTANDING HIS CHEEK WAS NOT OFF A BAD SORT" ], "begin_byte": 54341, "end_byte": 54578 } } ]
{ "id": "large/11252/lizaoflambeth_1704_librivox_64kb_mp3/lizaoflambeth_05_maugham_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/11252/lizaoflambeth_1704_librivox_64kb_mp3/lizaoflambeth_05_maugham_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 24804020, "duration": 1550.25125, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
{ "text_path": "download/librilight_text/output_text_large_cleaned/Liza of Lambeth/text.txt" }
[ { "id": "large/11252/lizaoflambeth_1704_librivox_64kb_mp3/lizaoflambeth_05_maugham_64kb_96", "recording_id": "large/11252/lizaoflambeth_1704_librivox_64kb_mp3/lizaoflambeth_05_maugham_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 19.08, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "11252", "custom": { "texts": [ "He collected himself and spat again, further than before, she followed him, and in this idyllic contest they remained till the tootling horn warned them to take their places. * * * * * At last they reached Chingford, and here the horses were taken out and the drag, on which they were to lunch, drawn up in a sheltered spot.", "HE COLLECTED HIMSELF AND SPAT AGAIN FURTHER THAN BEFORE SHE FOLLOWED HIM AND IN THE SADILIC CONTEST THEY REMAINED TILL THE TOODLING HORN WARNED THEM TO TAKE THEIR PLACES AT LAST THEY REACHED SHINGFORD AND HERE THE HORSES WERE TAKEN OUT AND THE DRAG ON WHICH THEY WERE TO LUNCH DRAWN UP IN A SHELTERED SPOT" ], "pre_texts": [ "ong sigh, and said: 'Well, I could do with some more!' 'For the matter of thet, I could do with a gargle!' Thus encouraged, the gallant returned to the bar, and soon brought out a second pint. 'You 'ave fust pop,' amorously remarked Phyllis, and he took a long drink and handed the pot to her. She, with maiden modesty, turned it so as to have a different part to drink from; but he remarked as he saw her: 'You are bloomin' particular.' Then, unwilling to grieve him, she turned it back again and applied her ruby lips to the place where his had been. 'Now we shan't be long!' she remarked, as she handed him back the pot. The faithful swain took out of his pocket a short clay pipe, blew through it, filled it, and began to smoke, while Phyllis sighed at the thought of the cool liquid gliding down her throat, and with the pleasing recollection gently stroked her stomach. Then Corydon spat, and immediately his love said: 'I can spit farther than thet.' 'I bet yer yer can't.' She tried, and did.", "EEPLY THE FAITHFUL SWAIN HAVING FINISHED GAVE A LONG SIGH AND SAID WELL I COULD DO WITH SOME MORE FOR THE MATTER OF THAT I COULD DO WITH A GARGLE THUS ENCOURAGED THE GALLANT RETURNED TO THE BAR AND SOON BROUGHT OUT A SECOND PINT YOU HEAR FIRST POP AMOROUSLY REMARKED PHYLLIS AND HE TOOK A LONG DRINK AND HANDED THE POT TO HER SHE WITH MAIDEN MODESTY TURNED IT SO AS TO HAVE A DIFFERENT PART TO DRINK FROM BUT HE REMARKED AS HE SAW HER YOU ARE BLOOMIN PARTICULAR THEN UNWILLING TO GRIEVE HIM SHE TURNED IT BACK AGAIN AND APPLIED HER RUBY LIPS TO THE PLACE WHERE HIS HAD BEEN NOW WE SHAN'T BE LONG SHE REMARKED AS SHE HANDED HIM BACK THE POT THE FAITHFUL SWAIN TOOK OUT OF HIS POCKET A SHORT CLAY PIPE BLEW THROUGH IT FILLED IT AND BEGAN TO SMOKE WHILE PHYLLIS SIGHED AT THE THOUGHT OF THE COOL LIQUID GLIDING DOWN HER THROAT AND WITH THE PLEASING RECOLLECTION GENTLY STROKED HER STOMACH THEN CURRIED AND SPAT AND IMMEDIATELY HIS LOVE SAID I CAN SPIT FARTHER THAN THAT I BET YOU CAN'T SHE TRIED AND DID" ], "begin_byte": 49930, "end_byte": 50254 } } ]
{ "id": "large/11252/lizaoflambeth_1704_librivox_64kb_mp3/lizaoflambeth_05_maugham_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/11252/lizaoflambeth_1704_librivox_64kb_mp3/lizaoflambeth_05_maugham_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 24804020, "duration": 1550.25125, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
{ "text_path": "download/librilight_text/output_text_large_cleaned/Liza of Lambeth/text.txt" }
[ { "id": "large/11252/lizaoflambeth_1704_librivox_64kb_mp3/lizaoflambeth_05_maugham_64kb_97", "recording_id": "large/11252/lizaoflambeth_1704_librivox_64kb_mp3/lizaoflambeth_05_maugham_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 13.119, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "11252", "custom": { "texts": [ "Tom did not want to part from Liza, but she broke in with: 'Yus, go on, Tom. Sally an' me'll git along arright, an' you ain't got too much time.' 'Yus, good night, 'Arry,' said Sally to settle the matter.", "TOM DID NOT WANT TO PART FROM LIZA BUT SHE BROKE IN WITH YES GO ON TOM SALLIE AND ME'LL GET ALONG ALL RIGHT AND YOU AIN'T GOT TOO MUCH TIME YES GOOD NIGHT HARRY SAID SALLIE TO SETTLE THE MATTER" ], "pre_texts": [ "r leg, and her hand was grasped and gently pressed. It was Jim Blakeston. She started a little and began trembling so that Tom noticed it, and whispered: 'You're cold, Liza.' 'Na, I'm not, Tom; it's only a sort of shiver thet went through me.' His arm gave her waist a squeeze, and at the same time the big rough hand pressed her little one. And so she sat between them till they reached the 'Red Lion' in the Westminster Bridge Road, and Tom said to himself: 'I believe she does care for me after all.' When they got down they all said good night, and Sally and Liza, with their respective slaves and the Blakestons, marched off homewards. At the corner of Vere Street Harry said to Tom and Blakeston: 'I say, you blokes, let's go an' 'ave another drink before closin' time.' 'I don't mind,' said Tom, 'after we've took the gals 'ome.' 'Then we shan't 'ave time, it's just on closin' time now.' answered Harry. 'Well, we can't leave 'em 'ere.' 'Yus, you can,' said Sally. 'No one'll run awy with us.", "NT ON THE OTHER SIDE OF HER A HAND WAS ADVANCED ALONG HER LEG AND HER HAND WAS GRASPED AND GENTLY PRESSED IT WAS JIM BLAKESTON SHE STARTED A LITTLE AND BEGAN TREMBLING SO THAT TOM NOTICED IT AND WHISPERED YOU'RE COLD LIZA NOW I'M NOT TOM IT'S ONLY A SORT OF SHIVER THAT WENT THROUGH ME HIS ARM GAVE HER WAIST A SQUEEZE AND AT THE SAME TIME THE BIG ROUGH HAND PRESSED HER LITTLE ONE AND SO SHE SAT BETWEEN THEM TILL THEY REACHED THE RED LINE IN THE WESTMINSTER BRIDGE ROAD AND TOM SAID TO HIMSELF I BELIEVE SHE DOES CARE FOR ME AFTER ALL WHEN THEY GOT DOWN THEY ALL SAID GOOD NIGHT AND SALLY ELIZA WITH THEIR RESPECTIVE SLAVES AND THE BLAKESTONS MARCHED OFF HOMEWARDS AT THE CORNER OF THEIR STREET HARRY SAID TO TOM AND BLAKESTON I'LL SAY YOU BLOKES LET'S GO AND HAVE ANOTHER DRINK BEFORE CLOSING TIME I DON'T MIND SAID TOM AFTER WE'VE TOOK THE GALS HOME THEN WE SHAN'T HAVE TIME IT'S JUST ON CLOSING TIME NOW ANSWERED HARRY BUT WE CAN'T LEAVE EM ERE YES YOU CAN SAID SALLIE NOW WE'LL RUN AWAY WITH US" ], "begin_byte": 64057, "end_byte": 64262 } } ]
{ "id": "large/11252/lizaoflambeth_1704_librivox_64kb_mp3/lizaoflambeth_05_maugham_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/11252/lizaoflambeth_1704_librivox_64kb_mp3/lizaoflambeth_05_maugham_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 24804020, "duration": 1550.25125, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
{ "text_path": "download/librilight_text/output_text_large_cleaned/Liza of Lambeth/text.txt" }
[ { "id": "large/11252/lizaoflambeth_1704_librivox_64kb_mp3/lizaoflambeth_05_maugham_64kb_134", "recording_id": "large/11252/lizaoflambeth_1704_librivox_64kb_mp3/lizaoflambeth_05_maugham_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 3.759, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "11252", "custom": { "texts": [ "he felt that he had never in his life been so deliciously happy.", "HE FELT THAT HE HAD NEVER IN HIS LIFE BEEN SO DELICIOUSLY HAPPY" ], "pre_texts": [ "ingford they saw Tom standing in solitude looking at them. Liza was struck by the woebegone expression on his face; she felt she had been cruel to him, and leaving the Blakestons went up to him. 'I say, Tom,' she said, 'don't tike on so; I didn't mean it.' He was bursting to apologize for his behaviour. 'Yer know, Tom,' she went on, 'I'm rather 'asty, an' I'm sorry I said wot I did.' 'Oh, Liza, you are good! You ain't cross with me?' 'Me? Na; it's you thet oughter be cross.' 'You are a good sort, Liza!' 'You ain't vexed with me?' 'Give me Liza every time; that's wot I say,' he answered, as his face lit up. 'Come along an' 'ave tea, an' then we'll go for a donkey-ride.' The donkey-ride was a great success. Liza was a little afraid at first, so Tom walked by her side to take care of her, she screamed the moment the beast began to trot, and clutched hold of Tom to save herself from falling, and as he felt her hand on his shoulder, and heard her appealing cry: 'Oh, do 'old me! I'm fallin'!", "ING HER HOUSEHOLD OR HER FAMILY WHEN THEY GOT BACK TO CHINGFORD THEY SAW TOM STANDING IN SOLITUDE LOOKING AT THEM ELIZA WAS STRUCK BY THE WOEBEGONE EXPRESSION ON HIS FACE SHE FELT SHE HAD BEEN CRUEL TO HIM AND LEAVING THE BLAKSTONS WENT UP TO HIM I SAY TOM SHE SAID DON'T TAKE ON SO I DIDN'T MEAN IT HE WAS BURSTING TO APOLOGISE FOR HIS BEHAVIOUR YOU KNOW TOM SHE WENT ON I'M RATHER HASTY AND I'M SORRY I SAID WHAT I DID OH LIZA YOU ARE GOOD YOU AIN'T CROSS WITH ME ME NA IT'S YOU THAT OUGHT TO BE CROSS YOU ARE A GOOD SORT LIZA YOU AIN'T VEXED WITH ME GIVE ME LIZA EVERY TIME THAT'S WHAT I SAY HE ANSWERED AS HIS FACE LIT UP COME ALONG AND HAVE TEA AND THEN WE'LL GO FOR A DONKEY RIDE THE DONKEY RIDE WAS A GREAT SUCCESS LIZA WAS A LITTLE AFRAID AT FIRST SO TOM WALKED BY HER SIDE TO TAKE CARE OF HER SHE SCREAMED AT THE MOMENT THE BEAST BEGAN TO TROT AND CLUTCHED HOLD OF TOM TO SAVE HERSELF FROM FALLING AND AS HE FELT HER HAND ON HIS SHOULDER AND HEARD HER APPEALING CRY OH DO HOLD ME I'M FALLING" ], "begin_byte": 57699, "end_byte": 57764 } } ]
{ "id": "large/11252/lizaoflambeth_1704_librivox_64kb_mp3/lizaoflambeth_05_maugham_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/11252/lizaoflambeth_1704_librivox_64kb_mp3/lizaoflambeth_05_maugham_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 24804020, "duration": 1550.25125, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
{ "text_path": "download/librilight_text/output_text_large_cleaned/Liza of Lambeth/text.txt" }
[ { "id": "large/11252/lizaoflambeth_1704_librivox_64kb_mp3/lizaoflambeth_06_maugham_64kb_23", "recording_id": "large/11252/lizaoflambeth_1704_librivox_64kb_mp3/lizaoflambeth_06_maugham_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 12.4, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "11252", "custom": { "texts": [ "It represented two rooms and a passage in between; in one room a dead man was lying on the floor, while two others were standing horror stricken, listening to a youth who was in the passage, knocking at the door.", "IT REPRESENTED TWO ROOMS AND A PASSAGE IN BETWEEN IN ONE ROOM A DEAD MAN WAS LYING ON THE FLOOR WHILE TWO OTHERS WERE STANDING HORROR STRICKEN LISTENING TO A YOUTH WHO WAS IN THE PASSAGE KNOCKING AT THE DOOR" ], "pre_texts": [ " thought. 'Wot are you shiverin' for, Liza?' asked one of the girls. 'You ain't cold.' 'Not much,' answered Liza, blushing awkwardly on her meditations being broken into. 'Why, I'm sweatin' so--I'm drippin' wet.' 'I expect yer caught cold in the Faurest yesterday.' 'I see your mash as I was comin' along this mornin'.' Liza stared a little. 'I ain't got one, 'oo d'yer mean, ay?' 'Yer only Tom, of course. 'E did look washed aht. Wot was yer doin' with 'im yesterday?' ''E ain't got nothin' ter do with me, 'e ain't.' 'Garn, don't you tell me!' The bell rang, and, throwing over their work, the girls trooped off, and after chattering in groups outside the factory gates for a while, made their way in different directions to their respective homes. Liza and Sally went along together. 'I sy, we are comin' aht!' cried Sally, seeing the advertisement of a play being acted at the neighbouring theatre. 'I should like ter see thet!' said Liza, as they stood arm-in-arm in front of the flaring poster.", "IS LIPS AGAIN A SHUDDER RAN THROUGH HER FROM THE VIVIDNESS OF THE THOUGHT WHAT YE SHIVERING FOR LIZA ASKED ONE OF THE GIRLS YOU HAIN'T COLD NOT MUCH ANSWERED LIZA BLUSHING AWKWARDLY ON HER MEDITATIONS BEING BROKEN INTO WHY I'M SWEATIN SO I'M DRIPPING WET I EXPECT YOU CAUGHT COLD IN THE FOREST YESTERDAY I SEE YER MASH AS I WAS COMING ALONG THIS MORNING ELIZA STARED A LITTLE I AIN'T GOT ONE WHO D'YE MEANH YOU'RE ONLY TOM OF COURSE HE DID LOOK WASHED OUT WHAT WAS YOU DOING WITH HIM YESTERDAY HE AIN'T GOT NOTHING TO DO WITH ME HE AIN'T GO ON DON'T YOU TELL ME THE BELL RANG AND THROWING OVER THEIR WORK THE GIRLS TROOPED OFF AND AFTER CHATTERING IN GROUPS OUTSIDE THE FACTORY GATES FOR A WHILE MADE THEIR WAY IN DIFFERENT DIRECTIONS TO THEIR RESPECTIVE HOMES LIZA AND SALLIE WENT ALONG TOGETHER I SAY WE ARE COMING OUT CRIED SALLIE SEEING THE ADVERTISEMENT OF A PLAY BEING ACTED AT THE NEIGHBOURING THEATRE I SHOULD LIKE TO SEE THAT SAID LIZA AS THEY STOOD ARM IN ARM IN FRONT OF THE FLARING POSTER" ], "begin_byte": 72587, "end_byte": 72799 } } ]
{ "id": "large/11252/lizaoflambeth_1704_librivox_64kb_mp3/lizaoflambeth_06_maugham_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/11252/lizaoflambeth_1704_librivox_64kb_mp3/lizaoflambeth_06_maugham_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 15669244, "duration": 979.32775, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
{ "text_path": "download/librilight_text/output_text_large_cleaned/Liza of Lambeth/text.txt" }
[ { "id": "large/11252/lizaoflambeth_1704_librivox_64kb_mp3/lizaoflambeth_06_maugham_64kb_36", "recording_id": "large/11252/lizaoflambeth_1704_librivox_64kb_mp3/lizaoflambeth_06_maugham_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 8.239, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "11252", "custom": { "texts": [ "'I say, Bill,' she said at last to one of the boys who was fielding close beside her, 'that there Blakeston d'you know 'im?'", "I SAY BILL SHE SAID AT LAST TO ONE OF THE BOYS WHO WAS FIELDING CLOSE BESIDE HER OUT THERE BLAKESTON DID YOU KNOW HIM" ], "pre_texts": [ ", with mock gravity. 'It's a bad 'abit ter git into,' and he began rolling and swaying about like a drunken man. If Liza had been 'in form' she would have gone straight away and given the whole lot of them a sample of her strength; but she was only rather bored and vexed that they should disturb her quietness, so she let them talk. They saw she was not to be drawn, and leaving her, set to their game. She watched them for some time, but her thoughts gradually lost themselves, and insensibly her mind was filled with a burly form, and she was again thinking of Jim. ''E is a good sort ter want ter tike me ter the ply,' she said to herself. 'Tom never arst me!' Jim had said he would come out in the evening; he ought to be here soon, she thought. Of course she wasn't going to the theatre with him, but she didn't mind talking to him; she rather enjoyed being asked to do a thing and refusing, and she would have liked another opportunity of doing so. But he didn't come and he had said he would!", "OULDN'T DRINK IF I WAS YOU LIZA ADDED ANOTHER WITH MOCK GRAVITY IT'S A BAD ABBOT TO GET INTO HE BEGAN ROLLING AND SWAYING ABOUT LIKE A DRUNKEN MAN IF LIZA HAD BEEN INFORMED SHE WOULD HAVE GONE STRAIGHTWAY AND GIVEN THE WHOLE LOT OF THEM A SAMPLE OF HER STRENGTH BUT SHE WAS ONLY RATHER BORED AND VEXED THAT THEY SHOULD DISTURB HER QUIETNESS SO SHE LET THEM TALK THEY SAW SHE WAS NOT TO BE DRAWN AND LEAVING HER SET TO THEIR GAME SHE WATCHED THEM FOR SOME TIME BUT HER THOUGHTS GRADUALLY LOST THEMSELVES AND INSENSIBLY HER MIND WAS FILLED WITH A BURLY FORM AND SHE WAS AGAIN THINKING OF JIM HE'S A GOOD SORT TO WANT TO TAKE ME TO THE PLAY SHE SAID TO HERSELF TOM NEVER ASKED ME JIM HAD SAID HE WOULD COME OUT IN THE EVENING HE OUGHT TO BE HERE SOON SHE THOUGHT OF COURSE SHE WASN'T GOING TO THE THEATRE WITH HIM BUT SHE DIDN'T MIND TALKING TO HIM SHE RATHER ENJOYED BEING ASKED TO DO A THING AND REFUSING AND SHE WOULD HAVE LIKED ANOTHER OPPORTUNITY OF DOING SO HE DIDN'T COME AND HE HAD SAID HE WOULD" ], "begin_byte": 81847, "end_byte": 81972 } } ]
{ "id": "large/11252/lizaoflambeth_1704_librivox_64kb_mp3/lizaoflambeth_06_maugham_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/11252/lizaoflambeth_1704_librivox_64kb_mp3/lizaoflambeth_06_maugham_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 15669244, "duration": 979.32775, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
{ "text_path": "download/librilight_text/output_text_large_cleaned/Liza of Lambeth/text.txt" }
[ { "id": "large/11252/lizaoflambeth_1704_librivox_64kb_mp3/lizaoflambeth_06_maugham_64kb_56", "recording_id": "large/11252/lizaoflambeth_1704_librivox_64kb_mp3/lizaoflambeth_06_maugham_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 6.84, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "11252", "custom": { "texts": [ "I can say this, there ain't a soberer woman than myself in all London. Why, my first 'usband never touched a drop.", "I CAN SAY THIS THERE AIN'T A SOBERER WOMAN THAN MYSELF IN ALL LONDON WHY MY FIRST HUSBAND NEVER TOUCHED A DROP" ], "pre_texts": [ "ys, \"Na,\" says 'e, \"don't do thet, for God's sike, Kitie, I'll git three months.\" \"An' serve yer damn well right!\" says I, an' I went aht an' left 'im. But, Lor' bless yer, I wouldn't charge 'im! I know 'e don't mean it; 'e's as gentle as a lamb when 'e's sober.' She smiled quite affectionately as she said this. 'Wot did yer do, then?' asked Liza. 'Well, as I wos tellin' yer, I went to the 'orspital, an' the doctor 'e says to me, \"My good woman,\" says 'e, \"you might have been very seriously injured.\" An' me not been married eighteen months! An' as I was tellin' the doctor all about it, \"Missus,\" 'e says ter me, lookin' at me straight in the eyeball. \"Missus,\" says 'e, \"'ave you been drinkin'?\" \"Drinkin'?\" says I; \"no! I've 'ad a little drop, but as for drinkin'! Mind,\" says I, \"I don't say I'm a teetotaller--I'm not, I 'ave my glass of beer, and I like it. I couldn't do withaht it, wot with the work I 'ave, I must 'ave somethin' ter keep me tergether. But as for drinkin' 'eavily! Well!", "LIKE A BLOOMIN PIG I SHOOK MY FIST AT HIM AND I SAYS I'LL CHARGE YE SEE IF I DON'T THEN HE SAYS NAY SAYS HE DON'T DO THAT FOR GOD'S SAKE KATY I'LL GET THREE MONTHS AND SERVE YO DOWN WELL RIGHT SAYS I AND I WENT THAT AND I LEFT HIM BUT LORD BLESS YO I WOULDN'T CHARGE HIM I KNOW HE DON'T MEAN IT HE'S AS GENTLE AS A LAMB WHEN HE'S SOBER SHE SMILED AFFECTIONATELY AS SHE SAID THIS WHAT DID YOU DO THEN ASKED LIZA WELL AS I WAS TELLING YOU I WENT TO THE HOSPITAL AND THE DOCTOR SAYS TO ME MARGARET WOMAN SAYS HE YOU MIGHT HAVE BEEN VERY SERIOUSLY INJURED AND ME NOT BEEN MARRIED EIGHTEEN MONTHS AND AS I WAS TELLING THE DOCTOR ALL ABOUT IT MISSUS HE SAYS TO ME LOOKING AT ME STRAIGHT IN THE ARBOR MISSUS SAYS HE HAVE YOU BEEN DRINKING DRINKING SAYS I NO FAD A LEETLE DROP BUT AS FOR DRINKING MIND SAYS I I DON'T SAY I'M A TEETOTAL I'M NOT I'VE HAD MY GLASS OF BEER AND I LIKE IT I COULDN'T DO WITHOUT IT WHAT WITH THE WORK I HAVE I MUST HAVE SOMETHING TO KEEP ME TOGETHER BUT AS FOR DRINKIN EVERLEY WELL" ], "begin_byte": 77980, "end_byte": 78094 } } ]
{ "id": "large/11252/lizaoflambeth_1704_librivox_64kb_mp3/lizaoflambeth_06_maugham_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/11252/lizaoflambeth_1704_librivox_64kb_mp3/lizaoflambeth_06_maugham_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 15669244, "duration": 979.32775, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
{ "text_path": "download/librilight_text/output_text_large_cleaned/Liza of Lambeth/text.txt" }
[ { "id": "large/11252/lizaoflambeth_1704_librivox_64kb_mp3/lizaoflambeth_06_maugham_64kb_58", "recording_id": "large/11252/lizaoflambeth_1704_librivox_64kb_mp3/lizaoflambeth_06_maugham_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 12.88, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "11252", "custom": { "texts": [ "I don't mind thet, an' when 'e don't tike a mean advantage of me I can stand up for myself an' give as good as I tike; an' many's the time I give my fust husband a black eye. But the language 'e used, an' the things 'e called me!", "I DON'T MIND THAT AND WHEN HE DON'T TAKE A MEAN ADVANTAGE OF ME I CAN STAND UP FOR MYSELF AND GIVE AS GOOD AS I TAKE AND MANY'S A TIME I GAVE MY FIRST HUSBAND A BLACK EYE BUT THE LANGUAGE HE USED AND THE THINGS HE CALLED ME" ], "pre_texts": [ " drop. Ah, my first 'usband, 'e was a beauty, 'e was.\"' She stopped the repetition of her conversation and addressed herself to Liza. ''E was thet different ter this one. 'E was a man as 'ad seen better days. 'E was a gentleman!' She mouthed the word and emphasized it with an expressive nod. ''E was a gentleman and a Christian. 'E'd been in good circumstances in 'is time; an' 'e was a man of education and a teetotaller, for twenty-two years.' At that moment Liza's mother appeared on the scene. 'Good evenin', Mrs. Stanley,' she said, politely. 'The sime ter you, Mrs. Kemp.' replied that lady, with equal courtesy. 'An' 'ow is your poor 'ead?' asked Liza's mother, with sympathy. 'Oh, it's been achin' cruel. I've hardly known wot ter do with myself.' 'I'm sure 'e ought ter be ashimed of 'imself for treatin' yer like thet.' 'Oh, it wasn't 'is blows I minded so much, Mrs. Kemp,' replied Mrs. Stanley, 'an' don't you think it. It was wot 'e said ter me. I can stand a blow as well as any woman.", "MAN THAN MYSELF IN ALL LONDON WHY MY FIRST HUSBAND NEVER TOUCHED A DROP AH MY FIRST HUSBAND HE WAS A BEAUTY HE WAS SHE STOPPED THE REPETITION OF HER CONVERSATION AND ADDRESSED HERSELF TO ELIZA HE WAS NOW DIFFERENT TO THIS ONE HE WAS A MAN AS HAD SEEMED BETTER DAYS HE WAS A GENTLEMAN SHE MOUTHED THE WORD AND EMPHASIZED IT WITH AN EXPRESSIVE NOD HE WAS A GENTLEMAN AND A CHRISTIAN HE'D BEEN IN GOOD CIRCUMSTANCES IN HIS TIME AND HE WAS A MAN OF EDUCATION AND A TEETOT FOR TWENTY TWO YEARS AT THAT MOMENT ELIZA'S MOTHER APPEARED ON THE SCENE GOOD EVENING MISSUS STANLEY SHE SAID POLITELY THE SAME TO YOU MISSUS KEMP REPLIED THAT LADY WITH EQUAL COURTESY NOW IS YOUR POOR ED ASKED LIZA'S MOTHER WITH SYMPATHY OH IT'S BEEN ACHE AND CRUEL I'VE HARDLY KNOWN WHAT TO DO WITH MYSELF I'M SURE WE OUGHT TO BE ASHAMED OF HIMSELF FOR TREATING YOU LIKE THAT OH IT WASN'T BLOWS I MINDED SO MUCH MISSUS KEMP REPLIED MISSUS STANLEY AND ONLY THINK IT IT WAS WHAT HE SAID TO ME I CAN STAND A BLOW AS WELL AS ANY WOMAN" ], "begin_byte": 79089, "end_byte": 79318 } } ]
{ "id": "large/11252/lizaoflambeth_1704_librivox_64kb_mp3/lizaoflambeth_06_maugham_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/11252/lizaoflambeth_1704_librivox_64kb_mp3/lizaoflambeth_06_maugham_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 15669244, "duration": 979.32775, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
{ "text_path": "download/librilight_text/output_text_large_cleaned/Liza of Lambeth/text.txt" }
[ { "id": "large/11252/lizaoflambeth_1704_librivox_64kb_mp3/lizaoflambeth_06_maugham_64kb_64", "recording_id": "large/11252/lizaoflambeth_1704_librivox_64kb_mp3/lizaoflambeth_06_maugham_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 30.68, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "11252", "custom": { "texts": [ "I've 'ad a little drop, but as for drinkin'! Mind,\" says I, \"I don't say I'm a teetotaller I'm not, I 'ave my glass of beer, and I like it. I couldn't do withaht it, wot with the work I 'ave, I must 'ave somethin' ter keep me tergether. But as for drinkin' 'eavily! Well! I can say this, there ain't a soberer woman than myself in all London. Why, my first 'usband never touched a drop. Ah, my first 'usband, 'e was a beauty, 'e was.\"' She stopped the repetition of her conversation and addressed herself to Liza.", "FAD A LEETLE DROP BUT AS FOR DRINKING MIND SAYS I I DON'T SAY I'M A TEETOTAL I'M NOT I'VE HAD MY GLASS OF BEER AND I LIKE IT I COULDN'T DO WITHOUT IT WHAT WITH THE WORK I HAVE I MUST HAVE SOMETHING TO KEEP ME TOGETHER BUT AS FOR DRINKIN EVERLEY WELL I CAN SAY THIS THERE AIN'T A SOBERER WOMAN THAN MYSELF IN ALL LONDON WHY MY FIRST HUSBAND NEVER TOUCHED A DROP AH MY FIRST HUSBAND HE WAS A BEAUTY HE WAS SHE STOPPED THE REPETITION OF HER CONVERSATION AND ADDRESSED HERSELF TO ELIZA" ], "pre_texts": [ "-it bled all dahn' my fice, and went streamin' like a bust waterpipe. Well, it fair frightened my old man, an' I says ter 'im, \"I'll charge yer,\" an' although I was bleedin' like a bloomin' pig I shook my fist at 'im, an' I says, \"I'll charge ye--see if I don't!\" An' 'e says, \"Na,\" says 'e, \"don't do thet, for God's sike, Kitie, I'll git three months.\" \"An' serve yer damn well right!\" says I, an' I went aht an' left 'im. But, Lor' bless yer, I wouldn't charge 'im! I know 'e don't mean it; 'e's as gentle as a lamb when 'e's sober.' She smiled quite affectionately as she said this. 'Wot did yer do, then?' asked Liza. 'Well, as I wos tellin' yer, I went to the 'orspital, an' the doctor 'e says to me, \"My good woman,\" says 'e, \"you might have been very seriously injured.\" An' me not been married eighteen months! An' as I was tellin' the doctor all about it, \"Missus,\" 'e says ter me, lookin' at me straight in the eyeball. \"Missus,\" says 'e, \"'ave you been drinkin'?\" \"Drinkin'?\" says I; \"no!", "CTOR OF THE HOSPITAL SAYS TO ME I'D TO GO TO THE OSPIT YOU SHOULD HAVE SEEN HOW IT BLED IT BLED ALL DOWN THE FACE AND WENT STREAMING LIKE A BUST WATER PIPE WELL IT FAIR FRIGHTENED MY OLD MAN AND I SAYS TO HIM I'LL CHARGE YER NOT THOUGH I WAS BLEEDIN LIKE A BLOOMIN PIG I SHOOK MY FIST AT HIM AND I SAYS I'LL CHARGE YE SEE IF I DON'T THEN HE SAYS NAY SAYS HE DON'T DO THAT FOR GOD'S SAKE KATY I'LL GET THREE MONTHS AND SERVE YO DOWN WELL RIGHT SAYS I AND I WENT THAT AND I LEFT HIM BUT LORD BLESS YO I WOULDN'T CHARGE HIM I KNOW HE DON'T MEAN IT HE'S AS GENTLE AS A LAMB WHEN HE'S SOBER SHE SMILED AFFECTIONATELY AS SHE SAID THIS WHAT DID YOU DO THEN ASKED LIZA WELL AS I WAS TELLING YOU I WENT TO THE HOSPITAL AND THE DOCTOR SAYS TO ME MARGARET WOMAN SAYS HE YOU MIGHT HAVE BEEN VERY SERIOUSLY INJURED AND ME NOT BEEN MARRIED EIGHTEEN MONTHS AND AS I WAS TELLING THE DOCTOR ALL ABOUT IT MISSUS HE SAYS TO ME LOOKING AT ME STRAIGHT IN THE ARBOR MISSUS SAYS HE HAVE YOU BEEN DRINKING DRINKING SAYS I NO" ], "begin_byte": 77707, "end_byte": 78221 } } ]
{ "id": "large/11252/lizaoflambeth_1704_librivox_64kb_mp3/lizaoflambeth_06_maugham_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/11252/lizaoflambeth_1704_librivox_64kb_mp3/lizaoflambeth_06_maugham_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 15669244, "duration": 979.32775, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
{ "text_path": "download/librilight_text/output_text_large_cleaned/Liza of Lambeth/text.txt" }