1 value
[ { "id": "large/10730/mummy_miss_nitocris_1803_librivox_64kb_mp3/mummymissnitocris_04_griffith_64kb_1", "recording_id": "large/10730/mummy_miss_nitocris_1803_librivox_64kb_mp3/mummymissnitocris_04_griffith_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 18.08, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "10730", "custom": { "texts": [ "\"Stolen, my dear, I am sorry to say,\" replied the Professor gravely. \"Did you hear any noises in the house last night, or were you sleeping too soundly?\" \"I seem to have an idea that I did,\" she said, \"but only a dim one; I thought I only dreamt it.", "STOLEN MY DEAR I'M SORRY TO SAY REPLIED THE PROFESSOR GRAVELY DID YOU HEAR ANY NOISES IN THE HOUSE LAST NIGHT OR WERE YOU SLEEPING TOO SOUNDLY I SEEM TO HAVE AN IDEA THAT I DID SHE SAID BUT ONLY A DIM ONE I THOUGHT I ONLY DREAMT IT" ], "pre_texts": [ "ready. If I called the police I could send you both to prison for house-breaking and attempted robbery; but I don't want any fuss, and perhaps you have been punished enough for the present. Ah, I see your accomplice is coming round. You came in by the window, I suppose. Now get out by it as quick as you can, and mind you keep your mouths shut as to what has happened to-night. If you don't,\" he went on, suddenly changing into Coptic, \"beware of the anger of your Lord--of Him who never forgives!\" The man scrambled to his feet, whimpering: \"I go, Lord, I go, and my lips shall be silent as the lips of----\" He cast a frightened glance towards the mummy-case, and then, grasping the woman roughly by the arm, he dragged her towards the open window, saying: \"Come, Neb-Anat, come ere the wrath of our Lord consumes us!\" * * * * * \"Why, where's the Mummy, Dad?\" said Miss Nitocris, as she came into her father's study just before breakfast the next morning, and looked in amazement at the empty case.", "K YOU WHAT YOU TWO WERE DOING HERE HE SAID STERNLY BECAUSE I KNOW ALREADY IF I CALLED THE POLICE I COULD SEND YOU BOTH TO PRISON FOR HOUSEBREAKING AND ATTEMPTED ROBBERY BUT I DON'T WANT ANY FUSS AND PERHAPS YOU'VE BEEN PUNCHED ENOUGH FOR THE PRESENT AH SEE YOUR ACCOMPLICE IS COMING AROUND YOU CAME IN BY THE WINDOW I SUPPOSE NOW GET OUT BY IT AS QUICK AS YOU CAN AND MIND YOU KEEP YOUR MOUTH SHUT AS TO WHAT HAPPENED TO NIGHT IF YOU DON'T HE WENT ON SUDDENLY CHANGING INTO KOPTIC BEWARE THE ANGER OF YOUR LORD OF HIM WHO NEVER FORGIVES THE MAN SCRAMBLED TO HIS FEET WHIMPERING I GO LORD I GO AND MY LIPS SHALL BE SILENT AS THE LIPS OF HE CAST A FRIGHTENED GLANCE TOWARDS THE MUMMY CASE AND THEN GRASPING THE WOMAN ROUGHLY BY THE ARM HE DRAGGED HER TOWARDS THE OPEN WINDOW SAYING COME NEB ANAUT COME ERE THE WRATH OF OUR LORD CONSUMES US WHY WHERE'S THE MUMMY DAD SAID MISS NUTICROUS AS SHE CAME INTO HER FATHER'S STUDY JUST BEFORE BREAKFAST THE NEXT MORNING AND LOOKED IN AMAZEMENT AT THE EMPTY CASE" ], "begin_byte": 64504, "end_byte": 64753 } } ]
{ "id": "large/10730/mummy_miss_nitocris_1803_librivox_64kb_mp3/mummymissnitocris_04_griffith_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/10730/mummy_miss_nitocris_1803_librivox_64kb_mp3/mummymissnitocris_04_griffith_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 16904274, "duration": 1056.517125, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
{ "text_path": "download/librilight_text/output_text_large_cleaned/Mummy and Miss Nitocris A Phantasy of the Fourth Dimension/text.txt" }
[ { "id": "large/10730/mummy_miss_nitocris_1803_librivox_64kb_mp3/mummymissnitocris_04_griffith_64kb_3", "recording_id": "large/10730/mummy_miss_nitocris_1803_librivox_64kb_mp3/mummymissnitocris_04_griffith_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 8.68, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "10730", "custom": { "texts": [ "He went on thinking and wondering until he began to half believe that he was dreaming again, so he got up and switched on the electric light.", "HE WENT ON THINKING AND WONDERING UNTIL HE BEGAN TO HALF BELIEVE THAT HE WAS DREAMING AGAIN SO HE GOT UP AND SWITCHED ON THE ELECTRIC LIGHT" ], "pre_texts": [ "man. His faculties were preternaturally alert, and he had a feeling of what might properly be called mental extension--it was not exaltation--- which seemed to widen his mental vision enormously. Problems which had puzzled him to desperation suddenly became as obvious as the first axioms of geometry. In short, he felt as though he had become a new man, re-born, or re-incarnated, into another world which contained the one he had so far lived in, but which was infinitely vaster in some undefined way which was not yet plain to him. He lay for some time thinking over the extraordinary happenings of the evening and his dream, which he remembered with astonishing exactness of detail. Then a sudden turn of thought carried his mind to the subject of miracles, apparitions, ghosts, and mathematical impossibilities such as squaring the circle and doubling the cube--and to his amazement he found that the impossible of yesterday had become the possible--nay, the almost absurdly obvious of to-night.", "OST SUPERHUMAN HIS FACULTIES WERE PRETERNATURALLY ALERT ANNIE HAD A FEELING OF WHAT MIGHT PROPERLY BE CALLED MENTAL EXTENSION IT WAS NOT EXULTATION WHICH SEEMED TO WIDEN HIS MENTAL VISION ENORMOUSLY PROBLEMS WHICH HAD PUZZLED HIM TO DESPERATION SUDDENLY BECAME AS OBVIOUS AS THE FIRST AXIOMS OF GEOMETRY IN SHORT HE FELT AS THOUGH HE HAD BECOME A NEW MAN REBORN OR REINCARNATED INTO ANOTHER WORLD WHICH CONTAINED ONE WHICH HE HAD SO FAR LIVED IN BUT WHICH WAS INFINITELY VASTER IN SOME UNDEFINED WAY WHICH WAS NOT YET PLAIN TO HIM HE LAY FOR SOME TIME THINKING OVER THE EXTRAORDINARY HAPPENINGS OF THE EVENING AND HIS DREAM WHICH HE REMEMBERED WITH AN ASTONISHING EXACTNESS OF DETAIL THAT A SUDDEN TURN OF THOUGHT CARRIED HIS MIND TO THE SUBJECT OF MIRACLES APPARITIONS GHOSTS AND MATHEMATICAL IMPOSSIBILITIES SUCH AS THE SQUARING OF THE CIRCLE AND DOUBLING THE CUBE AND TO HIS AMAZEMENT HE FOUND THAT THE IMPOSSIBILITY OF YESTERDAY HAD BECOME THE POSSIBLE NAY THE ALMOST ABSURDLY OBVIOUS OF TO NIGHT" ], "begin_byte": 51814, "end_byte": 51955 } } ]
{ "id": "large/10730/mummy_miss_nitocris_1803_librivox_64kb_mp3/mummymissnitocris_04_griffith_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/10730/mummy_miss_nitocris_1803_librivox_64kb_mp3/mummymissnitocris_04_griffith_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 16904274, "duration": 1056.517125, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
{ "text_path": "download/librilight_text/output_text_large_cleaned/Mummy and Miss Nitocris A Phantasy of the Fourth Dimension/text.txt" }
[ { "id": "large/10730/mummy_miss_nitocris_1803_librivox_64kb_mp3/mummymissnitocris_04_griffith_64kb_48", "recording_id": "large/10730/mummy_miss_nitocris_1803_librivox_64kb_mp3/mummymissnitocris_04_griffith_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 19.519, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "10730", "custom": { "texts": [ "\"They will wake her if this goes on much longer,\" said the Professor to himself again. \"I had better stop this little comedy before it becomes a tragedy. Poor Niti would go half mad if she found these two scoundrels by her bedside and yet if I do anything out of the way they will yell. Ah, I think I have it!\"", "THEY WILL WAKE HER IF THIS GOES ON MUCH LONGER SAID THE PROFESSOR TO HIMSELF AGAIN I HAD BETTER STOP THIS LITTLE COMEDY BEFORE IT BECOMES A TRAGEDY POOR KNITTY WOULD GO HALF MAD IF SHE FOUND THESE TWO SCOUNDRELS BY HER BEDSIDE AND YET IF I DO ANYTHING OUT OF THE WAY THEY WILL YELL AH I THINK I HAVE IT" ], "pre_texts": [ "k much harder, yet will its accomplishment be all the more glorious for you and me, and greatly will our Lord reward us if we can restore to his keeping, not the ravished mummy of Nitocris, but the Queen herself, warm and breathing and beautiful, as she was in the ancient days of the great Rameses.\" \"I'll be hanged if you do!\" said the Professor to himself, \"not, at least, if Her Majesty's legacy to me is worth anything. Abduct my daughter at the dead of night, would you, you scoundrels? We'll see about that. If you don't leave this house as thoroughly frightened as ever you were in your lives, I know nothing about the fourth dimension.\" Meanwhile he heard them both groping about the floor after the lamp. The woman found it, and pressed the button. The ray fell on the man's face, and he saw that the olive of his skin had turned to a ghastly grey. His eyes were wide open, and his mouth and nostrils were working with intense excitement. Then the woman turned the ray on Niti's face again.", " AGAIN NOW O PENT AH IS OUR TASK MUCH HARDER YET WILL ITS ACCOMPLISHMENT BE ALL THE MORE GLORIOUS FOR YOU AND ME AND GREATLY WILL OUR LORD REWARD US IF WE GREW RESTORED TO HIS KEEPING NOT THE RAVISHED MUMMY OF NIDICHRUS BUT THE QUEEN HERSELF WARM AND BREATHING AND BEAUTIFUL AS SHE WAS IN THE ANCIENT DAYS OF THE GREAT RAMESES I'LL BE HANGED IF YOU DO SAID THE PROFESSOR TO HIMSELF NOT AT LEAST IF HER MAJESTY'S LEGACY TO ME IS WORTH ANYTHING ABDUCT MY DAUGHTER AT THE DEAD OF NIGHT WOULD YOU YOU SCOUNDRELS WELL SEE ABOUT THAT IF YOU DON'T LEAVE THIS HOUSE AS THOUGHLY FRIGHTENED AS EVER YOU WERE IN YOUR LIVES I KNOW NOTHING ABOUT THE FOURTH DIMENSION MEANWHILE HE HEARD THEM BOTH GROPING ABOUT THE FLOOR AFTER THE LAMP THE WOMAN FOUND IT AND PRESSED A BUTTON THE RAY FELL ON THE MAN'S FACE AND HE SAW THAT THE OLIVE OF HIS SKIN HAD TURNED TO A GHASTLY GREY HIS EYES WERE WIDE OPEN AND HIS MOUTH AND NOSTRILS WERE WORKING WITH INTENSE EXCITEMENT THEN THE WOMAN TURNED THE RAY ON KNITTY'S FACE AGAIN" ], "begin_byte": 59465, "end_byte": 59776 } } ]
{ "id": "large/10730/mummy_miss_nitocris_1803_librivox_64kb_mp3/mummymissnitocris_04_griffith_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/10730/mummy_miss_nitocris_1803_librivox_64kb_mp3/mummymissnitocris_04_griffith_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 16904274, "duration": 1056.517125, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
{ "text_path": "download/librilight_text/output_text_large_cleaned/Mummy and Miss Nitocris A Phantasy of the Fourth Dimension/text.txt" }
[ { "id": "large/10730/mummy_miss_nitocris_1803_librivox_64kb_mp3/mummymissnitocris_04_griffith_64kb_59", "recording_id": "large/10730/mummy_miss_nitocris_1803_librivox_64kb_mp3/mummymissnitocris_04_griffith_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 13, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "10730", "custom": { "texts": [ "These heathen ravishers have not been content with stealing the body of our Queen from its sacred resting place and bringing it here, whither we have traced it with so much labour.", "THESE HEATHEN RAVISHERS HAVE NOT BEEN CONTENT WITH STEALING THE BODY OF OUR QUEEN FROM ITS SACRED RESTING PLACE AND BRINGING IT HERE WHETHER WE HAVE TRACED IT WITH SO MUCH LABOUR" ], "pre_texts": [ "himself reflected in it. The mirror seemed to have vanished, and in its place was a window looking into his study. He saw the mummy-case leaning up against the wall, but it was empty. In front of it stood a man and a woman. Both were plainly, almost meanly, dressed; the man in a tightly-buttoned black frock-coat and baggy grey trousers; the woman in a plain gown of dark stuff, and a shawl which was draped round her head and shoulders in somewhat Eastern fashion. He could see their faces distinctly in profile. They were of the classic Coptic type which so persistently reproduces the features of the old Egyptians as we see them outlined in the wall-paintings of the temples and the half-mutilated carvings and statues. The window of the study was open, but the door was shut; so was the door of his own room, but for all that he distinctly heard the man say to the woman in Coptic, which, curiously enough, sounded as familiar to his ears as the faces seemed to his eyes: \"Neb-Anat, it is gone!", " AMAZEMENT HE DID NOT SEE HIMSELF REFLECTED IN IT THE MIRROR SEEMED TO HAVE VANISHED AND IN ITS PLACE WAS A WINDOW LOOKING INTO HIS STUDY HE SAW THE MARMING CASE LEANING AGAINST THE WALL BUT IT WAS EMPTY IN FRONT OF IT STOOD A MAN AND A WOMAN BOTH WERE PLAINLY ALMOST MEANLY DRESSED THE MAN IN TIGHTLY BUTTONED BLACK FROCK COAT AND BAGGY GREY TROUSERS THE WOMAN IN A PLAIN GOWN OF DARK STUFF AND A SHAWL WHICH WAS DRAPED AROUND HER HEAD AND SHOULDERS IN SOMEWHAT EASTERN FASHION HE COULD SEE THEIR FACES DISTINCTLY IN PROFILE THEY WERE OF THE CLASSIC KOPTIC TYPE WHICH SO PERSISTENTLY REPRODUCES THE FEATURES OF THE OLD EGYPTIANS AS WE SEE THEM OUTLINED IN THE WALL PANINGS OF THE TEMPLES AND THE HALF MUTILATED CARVINGS AND STATUES THE WINDOW OF THE STUDY WAS OPEN BUT THE DOOR WAS SHUT SO WAS THE DOOR OF HIS OWN ROOM BUT FOR ALL THAT HE DISTINCTLY HEARD THE MAN SAY TO THE WOMAN IN KOPDIC WHICH CURIOUSLY ENOUGH SOUNDED AS FAMILIAR TO HIS EARS AS THE FACES SEEMED TO HIS EYES NEB OR NOT IT IS GONE" ], "begin_byte": 53106, "end_byte": 53286 } } ]
{ "id": "large/10730/mummy_miss_nitocris_1803_librivox_64kb_mp3/mummymissnitocris_04_griffith_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/10730/mummy_miss_nitocris_1803_librivox_64kb_mp3/mummymissnitocris_04_griffith_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 16904274, "duration": 1056.517125, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
{ "text_path": "download/librilight_text/output_text_large_cleaned/Mummy and Miss Nitocris A Phantasy of the Fourth Dimension/text.txt" }
[ { "id": "large/10730/mummy_miss_nitocris_1803_librivox_64kb_mp3/mummymissnitocris_04_griffith_64kb_67", "recording_id": "large/10730/mummy_miss_nitocris_1803_librivox_64kb_mp3/mummymissnitocris_04_griffith_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 17.279, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "10730", "custom": { "texts": [ "What if she had not locked her door securely, or if they had some means of opening it? She was the living image of the dead Nitocris. He did not dare to think of what might happen to her. Would these new found, strangely given powers of his suffice to protect her?", "WHAT IF SHE HAD NOT LOCKED HER DOOR SECURELY OR IF THEY HAD SOME MEANS OF OPENING IT SHE WAS THE LIVING IMAGE OF THE DEAD NINIKRUS HE DARED NOT THINK OF WHAT MIGHT HAPPEN TO HER WOULD THESE NEW FOUND STRANGELY GIVEN POWERS OF HIS SUFFICE TO PROTECT HER" ], "pre_texts": [ "well suited the comeliness of her face; \"but though the priceless treasure has been taken from its casket, it cannot have been carried out of the house, for you know that every approach has been watched closely since it was brought here. Come, in this house it must be, and to find it is our task. Every one is asleep; take off thy shoes and let us search.\" She took off her own shoes as she spoke, and he saw the man do the same. Then, as the man opened the door and they passed out of the study, the picture vanished from the mirror. Amazement at what he had seen and heard--the disappearance of the Mummy, the presence of the man and woman, evidently charged with what they believed to be the sacred mission of stealing it back again, and their evident purpose of searching the house for it--instantly gave place to a quick thrill of fear. His daughter's bedroom was on the same floor as the study, only a couple of doors away round the corner of the landing. These people would search every room.", " SOFT MUSICAL VOICE WHICH WAS WELL SUITED FOR THE COMELINESS OF HER FACE BUT THOUGH THE PRICELESS TREASURE HAS BEEN TAKEN FROM ITS CASKET IT CANNOT HAVE BEEN CARRIED OUT OF THE HOUSE FOR YOU KNOW THAT EVERY APPROACH HAS BEEN WATCHED CLOSELY SINCE IT WAS BROUGHT HERE COME IN THIS HOUSE IT MUST BE AND TO FIND IT IS OUR TASK EVERYONE IS ASLEEP TAKE OFF THY SHOES AND LET US SEARCH SHE TOOK OFF HER OWN SHOES AS SHE SPOKE AND HE SAW THE MAN DO THE SAME THEN AS THE MAN OPENED THE DOOR THEY PASSED OUT OF THE STUDY THE PICTURE VANISHED FROM THE MIRROR AMAZEMENT AT WHAT HE HAD SEEN AND HEARD THE DISAPPEARANCE OF THE MUMMY THE PRESENCE OF THE MAN AND THE WOMAN EVIDENTLY CHARGED WITH WHAT THEY BELIEVED TO BE THE SACRED MISSION OF STEALING IT BACK AGAIN AND THE EVIDENT PURPOSE OF SEARCHING THE HOUSE FOR IT INSTANTLY GAVE PLACE TO A QUICK THRILL OF FEAR DAUGHTER'S BEDROOM WAS ON THE SAME FLOOR AS THE STUDY ONLY A COUPLE DOORS AWAY AROUND THE CORNER OF THE LANDING THESE PEOPLE WOULD SEARCH EVERY ROOM" ], "begin_byte": 54613, "end_byte": 54877 } } ]
{ "id": "large/10730/mummy_miss_nitocris_1803_librivox_64kb_mp3/mummymissnitocris_04_griffith_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/10730/mummy_miss_nitocris_1803_librivox_64kb_mp3/mummymissnitocris_04_griffith_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 16904274, "duration": 1056.517125, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
{ "text_path": "download/librilight_text/output_text_large_cleaned/Mummy and Miss Nitocris A Phantasy of the Fourth Dimension/text.txt" }
[ { "id": "large/10730/mummy_miss_nitocris_1803_librivox_64kb_mp3/mummymissnitocris_04_griffith_64kb_68", "recording_id": "large/10730/mummy_miss_nitocris_1803_librivox_64kb_mp3/mummymissnitocris_04_griffith_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 17.08, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "10730", "custom": { "texts": [ "He walked softly out of the room, and when he got into the passage he whispered in the tongue that had become so strangely familiar to him: \"Pent Ah, Neb Anat, come hither instantly! Who are you that you should disturb the slumbers of your Lady the Queen!\"", "HE WALKED SOFTLY OUT OF THE ROOM AND WHEN HE GOT INTO THE PASSAGE HE WHISPERED IN A TONGUE THAT HAD BECOME SO STRANGELY FAMILIAR TO HIM PENT AH NEB ANACHT COME HITHER INSTANTLY WHO ARE YOU THAT YOU SHOULD DISTURB THE SLUMBERS OF YOUR LADY THE QUEEN" ], "pre_texts": [ "anged if you do!\" said the Professor to himself, \"not, at least, if Her Majesty's legacy to me is worth anything. Abduct my daughter at the dead of night, would you, you scoundrels? We'll see about that. If you don't leave this house as thoroughly frightened as ever you were in your lives, I know nothing about the fourth dimension.\" Meanwhile he heard them both groping about the floor after the lamp. The woman found it, and pressed the button. The ray fell on the man's face, and he saw that the olive of his skin had turned to a ghastly grey. His eyes were wide open, and his mouth and nostrils were working with intense excitement. Then the woman turned the ray on Niti's face again. \"They will wake her if this goes on much longer,\" said the Professor to himself again. \"I had better stop this little comedy before it becomes a tragedy. Poor Niti would go half mad if she found these two scoundrels by her bedside--and yet if I do anything out of the way they will yell. Ah, I think I have it!", "YS OF THE GREAT RAMESES I'LL BE HANGED IF YOU DO SAID THE PROFESSOR TO HIMSELF NOT AT LEAST IF HER MAJESTY'S LEGACY TO ME IS WORTH ANYTHING ABDUCT MY DAUGHTER AT THE DEAD OF NIGHT WOULD YOU YOU SCOUNDRELS WELL SEE ABOUT THAT IF YOU DON'T LEAVE THIS HOUSE AS THOUGHLY FRIGHTENED AS EVER YOU WERE IN YOUR LIVES I KNOW NOTHING ABOUT THE FOURTH DIMENSION MEANWHILE HE HEARD THEM BOTH GROPING ABOUT THE FLOOR AFTER THE LAMP THE WOMAN FOUND IT AND PRESSED A BUTTON THE RAY FELL ON THE MAN'S FACE AND HE SAW THAT THE OLIVE OF HIS SKIN HAD TURNED TO A GHASTLY GREY HIS EYES WERE WIDE OPEN AND HIS MOUTH AND NOSTRILS WERE WORKING WITH INTENSE EXCITEMENT THEN THE WOMAN TURNED THE RAY ON KNITTY'S FACE AGAIN THEY WILL WAKE HER IF THIS GOES ON MUCH LONGER SAID THE PROFESSOR TO HIMSELF AGAIN I HAD BETTER STOP THIS LITTLE COMEDY BEFORE IT BECOMES A TRAGEDY POOR KNITTY WOULD GO HALF MAD IF SHE FOUND THESE TWO SCOUNDRELS BY HER BEDSIDE AND YET IF I DO ANYTHING OUT OF THE WAY THEY WILL YELL AH I THINK I HAVE IT" ], "begin_byte": 59776, "end_byte": 60033 } } ]
{ "id": "large/10730/mummy_miss_nitocris_1803_librivox_64kb_mp3/mummymissnitocris_04_griffith_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/10730/mummy_miss_nitocris_1803_librivox_64kb_mp3/mummymissnitocris_04_griffith_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 16904274, "duration": 1056.517125, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
{ "text_path": "download/librilight_text/output_text_large_cleaned/Mummy and Miss Nitocris A Phantasy of the Fourth Dimension/text.txt" }
[ { "id": "large/10730/mummy_miss_nitocris_1803_librivox_64kb_mp3/mummymissnitocris_04_griffith_64kb_70", "recording_id": "large/10730/mummy_miss_nitocris_1803_librivox_64kb_mp3/mummymissnitocris_04_griffith_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 12.64, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "10730", "custom": { "texts": [ "Do you not see her? It is she the Queen alive again, as the ancient prophecy said she should be. What magic have these heathens used?\"", "DO YOU NOT SEE HER IT IS SHE THE QUEEN ALIVE AGAIN AS THE AGENT PROPHES SAID SHE WOULD BE WHAT MAGIC HAVE THESE HEATHENS USED" ], "pre_texts": [ "e-stab left her undefended? But to his amazement, although they were both looking straight at him, the expression of neither face changed in the slightest. They had not seen him. The Queen had answered his prayer. He was no longer in the world of three dimensions, and so he was invisible to all dwellers in it. For him, then, there was evidently no danger--but Niti----? They moved along to the next door. That was hers. The woman put her hand on the knob and turned it. To his horror, the door opened. She had forgotten to lock it. They both crept in, and he followed them boldly enough now, knowing what he did. The ray leapt rapidly about the room till it fell on the bed with its pale blue silken coverlet, and then on the pillow, on which rested the head of the sleeping, breathing image of the long-dead Queen. With a half-stifled gasp the man shrank back and dropped the lamp, and the Professor heard him say to the woman in a shuddering whisper: \"By the High Gods, Neb-Anat, it is a miracle!", "ING OF KNITTIE AND WHAT IF A KNIFE STAB LEFT HER UNDEFENDED BUT TO HIS AMAZEMENT ALTHOUGH THEY WERE BOTH LOOKING STRAIGHT AT HIM THE EXPRESSION OF NEITHER FACE CHANGED IN THE SLIGHTEST THEY HAD NOT SEEN HIM THE QUEEN HAD ANSWERED HIS PRAYER HE WAS NO LONGER IN A WORLD OF THREE DIMENSIONS AND SO HE WAS INVISIBLE TO ALL DWELLERS IN IT FOR HIM THEN THERE WAS EVIDENTLY NO DANGER BUT NETTIE THEY MOVED ALONG TO THE NEXT DOOR THAT WAS HERS THE WOMAN PUT HER HAND ON THE KNOB AND TURNED IT TO HIS HORROR THE DOOR OPENED SHE HAD FORGOTTEN TO LOCK IT THEY BOTH CREPT IN AND HE FOLLOWED THEM BOLDLY ENOUGH NOW KNOWING WHAT HE DID THE RAY LEAPT RAPIDLY ABOUT THE ROOM TILL IT FELL ON THE BED WITH ITS PALE BLUE SILKEN COVERLET AND THEN ON A PILLOW ON WHICH RESTED THE HEAD OF THE SLEEPING BREATHING IMAGE OF THE LONG DEAD QUEEN WITH A HALF STIFLED GASP THE MAN SHRANK BACK AND DROPPED THE LAMP AND THE PROFESSOR HEARD HIM SAY TO THE WOMAN IN A SHUDDERING WHISPER BY THE HIGH GODS NEB ANNAUGHT IT IS A MIRACLE" ], "begin_byte": 58120, "end_byte": 58256 } } ]
{ "id": "large/10730/mummy_miss_nitocris_1803_librivox_64kb_mp3/mummymissnitocris_04_griffith_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/10730/mummy_miss_nitocris_1803_librivox_64kb_mp3/mummymissnitocris_04_griffith_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 16904274, "duration": 1056.517125, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
{ "text_path": "download/librilight_text/output_text_large_cleaned/Mummy and Miss Nitocris A Phantasy of the Fourth Dimension/text.txt" }
[ { "id": "large/10730/mummy_miss_nitocris_1803_librivox_64kb_mp3/mummymissnitocris_04_griffith_64kb_71", "recording_id": "large/10730/mummy_miss_nitocris_1803_librivox_64kb_mp3/mummymissnitocris_04_griffith_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 3.08, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "10730", "custom": { "texts": [ "In front of it stood a man and a woman.", "IN FRONT OF IT STOOD A MAN AND A WOMAN" ], "pre_texts": [ "aster in some undefined way which was not yet plain to him. He lay for some time thinking over the extraordinary happenings of the evening and his dream, which he remembered with astonishing exactness of detail. Then a sudden turn of thought carried his mind to the subject of miracles, apparitions, ghosts, and mathematical impossibilities such as squaring the circle and doubling the cube--and to his amazement he found that the impossible of yesterday had become the possible--nay, the almost absurdly obvious of to-night. He went on thinking and wondering until he began to half-believe that he was dreaming again, so he got up and switched on the electric light. Then he turned involuntarily towards the wardrobe, which, as usual, had a long mirror running down the middle of it. To his amazement he did not see himself reflected in it. The mirror seemed to have vanished, and in its place was a window looking into his study. He saw the mummy-case leaning up against the wall, but it was empty.", "INITELY VASTER IN SOME UNDEFINED WAY WHICH WAS NOT YET PLAIN TO HIM HE LAY FOR SOME TIME THINKING OVER THE EXTRAORDINARY HAPPENINGS OF THE EVENING AND HIS DREAM WHICH HE REMEMBERED WITH AN ASTONISHING EXACTNESS OF DETAIL THAT A SUDDEN TURN OF THOUGHT CARRIED HIS MIND TO THE SUBJECT OF MIRACLES APPARITIONS GHOSTS AND MATHEMATICAL IMPOSSIBILITIES SUCH AS THE SQUARING OF THE CIRCLE AND DOUBLING THE CUBE AND TO HIS AMAZEMENT HE FOUND THAT THE IMPOSSIBILITY OF YESTERDAY HAD BECOME THE POSSIBLE NAY THE ALMOST ABSURDLY OBVIOUS OF TO NIGHT HE WENT ON THINKING AND WONDERING UNTIL HE BEGAN TO HALF BELIEVE THAT HE WAS DREAMING AGAIN SO HE GOT UP AND SWITCHED ON THE ELECTRIC LIGHT THEN HE TURNED INVOLUNTARILY TOWARDS THE WARDROBE WHICH AS USUAL HAD A LONG MIRROR RUNNING DOWN THE MIDDLE OF IT TO HIS AMAZEMENT HE DID NOT SEE HIMSELF REFLECTED IN IT THE MIRROR SEEMED TO HAVE VANISHED AND IN ITS PLACE WAS A WINDOW LOOKING INTO HIS STUDY HE SAW THE MARMING CASE LEANING AGAINST THE WALL BUT IT WAS EMPTY" ], "begin_byte": 52289, "end_byte": 52328 } } ]
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{ "text_path": "download/librilight_text/output_text_large_cleaned/Mummy and Miss Nitocris A Phantasy of the Fourth Dimension/text.txt" }
[ { "id": "large/10730/mummy_miss_nitocris_1803_librivox_64kb_mp3/mummymissnitocris_05_griffith_64kb_2", "recording_id": "large/10730/mummy_miss_nitocris_1803_librivox_64kb_mp3/mummymissnitocris_05_griffith_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 11.679, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "10730", "custom": { "texts": [ "He took a piece of string out of his pocket, tied the two ends, and then with the greatest ease tied another knot in the string without undoing the first.", "HE TOOK A PIECE OF STRING OUT OF HIS POCKET TIED THE TWO ENDS AND THEN WITH THE GREATEST OF EASE TIED ANOTHER KNOT IN THE STRING WITHOUT UNDOING THE FIRST" ], "pre_texts": [ " be both true and false at the same time? No, the thought of overthrowing such a venerable authority and plunging the scientific world into a hopeless state of intellectual chaos sent a shudder through his nerves. He could not do it. And yet it was only the bare, solid truth that he did possess these powers. The dream of the death-bridal of Nitocris might possibly have been nothing more than just a dream, or possibly the revival of an episode in a past existence; but the other experiences certainly were not. He had taken off his ring without unbending his finger. Yes, he could do it again now; it was just as easy as taking it off in the ordinary way. He certainly had not been dreaming when the Mummy had become Queen Nitocris and given him the wine. He could not have been mad or dreaming, because his daughter was there. The episode of the strange stealers who had come into his house--that too was real, for they had left their lamp and the man's shoes behind them, and the Mummy was gone!", "D UNDER DIFFERENT CONDITIONS BE BOTH TRUE AND FALSE AT THE SAME TIME NO THE THOUGHT OF OVERTHROWING SUCH A VENERABLE AUTHORITY AND PLUNGING THE SCIENTIFIC WORLD INTO A HOPELESS STATE OF INTELLECTUAL CHAOS SENT A SHUDDER THROUGH HIS NERVES HE COULD NOT DO IT AND YET IT WAS ONLY THE BARE SOLID TRUTH THAT HE DID POSSESS THESE POWERS THE DREAM OF THE DEATH BRIDAL OF NIDICHRUS MIGHT POSSIBLY HAVE BEEN NOTHING MORE THAN JUST A DREAM OR POSSIBLY THE REVIVAL OF AN EPISODE IN A PAST EXISTENCE BUT THE OTHER EXPERIENCES CERTAINLY WERE NOT HE HAD TAKEN OFF HIS RING WITHOUT UNBENDING HIS FINGER YES HE COULD DO IT AGAIN NOW IT WAS JUST AS EASY AS TAKING IT OFF THE ORDINARY WAY HE CERTAINLY HAD NOT BEEN DREAMING WHEN THE MUMMY HAD BECOME QUEEN NIDIKRUS AND GIVEN HIM THE WINE HE COULD NOT HAVE BEEN MAD OR DREAMY BECAUSE HIS DAUGHTER WAS THERE THE EPISODE OF THE STRANGE STEALERS WHO HAD COME INTO HIS HOUSE THAT TOO WAS REAL FOR THEY LEFT THEIR LAMP AND THE MAN'S SHOES BEHIND THEM AND THE MUMMY WAS GONE" ], "begin_byte": 70597, "end_byte": 70751 } } ]
{ "id": "large/10730/mummy_miss_nitocris_1803_librivox_64kb_mp3/mummymissnitocris_05_griffith_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/10730/mummy_miss_nitocris_1803_librivox_64kb_mp3/mummymissnitocris_05_griffith_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 20686773, "duration": 1292.9233125, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
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{ "text_path": "download/librilight_text/output_text_large_cleaned/Mummy and Miss Nitocris A Phantasy of the Fourth Dimension/text.txt" }
[ { "id": "large/10730/mummy_miss_nitocris_1803_librivox_64kb_mp3/mummymissnitocris_05_griffith_64kb_8", "recording_id": "large/10730/mummy_miss_nitocris_1803_librivox_64kb_mp3/mummymissnitocris_05_griffith_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 18.88, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "10730", "custom": { "texts": [ "Only infinity of space and duration are possible, and yet we can't grasp them; still, they are the only possible states in which we can exist. And now, as I have had a glimpse of the past, I wonder what this place would be like in ten thousand years?", "ONLY INFINITY OF SPACE AND DURATION ARE POSSIBLE AND YET WE CAN'T GRASP THEM STILL THEY ARE ONLY POSSIBLE STATES IN WHICH WE CAN EXIST AND NOW AS I HAVE HAD A GLIMPSE OF THE PAST I WONDER WHAT THIS PLACE WOULD BE LIKE IN TEN THOUSAND YEARS" ], "pre_texts": [ "refore to reason. In other words, from a merely living organism it would, in the old Scriptural language, have become a living soul. That is, obviously, what the words in Genesis were really intended to mean. It would then become capable of development, of proceeding from the partly-known to the more fully known, until, granted perfect physical and mental health, it reached what are generally called the limits of human knowledge.\" The Professor's thumb and finger went up to his chin again. He walked another two or three hundred yards in silence; then he recommenced his spoken argument with himself: \"Limits of human knowledge? Yes, that sounds all very well in ordinary language, but are there any? Who was it said that a man trying to reach those limits was like the child who saw a rainbow for the first time, and started out to find the place where it rested? The simile is not bad, not by any means. Just in the same way, we try to imagine the limits of time and space, and we can't do it.", " ABILITY TO THINK AND THEREFORE TO REASON IN OTHER WORDS FROM A MERELY LIVING ORGANISM IT WOULD IN THE OLD SCRIPTURAL LANGUAGE HAVE BECOME A LIVING SOUL THAT IS OBVIOUSLY WHAT THE WORDS IN GENESIS WERE REALLY INTENDED TO MEAN IT WOULD THEN BECOME CAPABLE OF DEVELOPMENT A PROCEEDING FROM THE PARTLY KNOWN TO THE MORE FULLY KNOWN UNTIL GRANTED PERFECT PHYSICAL AND MENTAL HEALTH IT REACHED WHAT ARE GENERALLY CALLED THE LIMITS OF HUMAN KNOWLEDGE THE PROFESSOR'S THUMB AND FINGER WENT UP TO HIS CHIN AGAIN HE THEN WALKED ANOTHER TWO OR THREE HUNDRED YARDS IN SILENCE THEN HE RECOMMENCED HIS SPOKEN ARGUMENT WITH HIMSELF LIMITS OF HUMAN KNOWLEDGE YES THAT ALL SOUNDS VERY WELL IN ORDINARY LANGUAGE BUT ARE THERE ANY WHO WAS IT SAID THAT A MAN TRYING TO REACH THOSE LIMITS WAS LIKE THE CHILD WHO SAW A RAINBOW FOR THE FIRST TIME AND STARTED OUT TO FIND THE PLACE WHERE IT RESTED THE SIMILE IS NOT BAD NOT BY ANY MEANS JUST IN THE SAME WAY WE TRY TO IMAGINE THE LIMITS OF SPACE AND TIME AND WE CAN'T DO IT" ], "begin_byte": 75554, "end_byte": 75804 } } ]
{ "id": "large/10730/mummy_miss_nitocris_1803_librivox_64kb_mp3/mummymissnitocris_05_griffith_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/10730/mummy_miss_nitocris_1803_librivox_64kb_mp3/mummymissnitocris_05_griffith_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 20686773, "duration": 1292.9233125, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
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[ { "id": "large/10730/mummy_miss_nitocris_1803_librivox_64kb_mp3/mummymissnitocris_05_griffith_64kb_23", "recording_id": "large/10730/mummy_miss_nitocris_1803_librivox_64kb_mp3/mummymissnitocris_05_griffith_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 6.159, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "10730", "custom": { "texts": [ "Curiously enough, his mind seemed to be running on this subject of all things that morning.", "CURIOUSLY ENOUGH HIS MIND SEEMED TO BE RUNNING ON THIS SUBJECT OF ALL THINGS THAT MORNING" ], "pre_texts": [ " his practice on fine days, lit his pipe, and went out for a stroll on the Common to put in a little hard thinking, while Miss Nitocris, after seeing to certain household matters, sat down in his study and read the papers, in order that she might be able to give him a synopsis of the world's news at lunch. He did not read the newspapers himself, except, perhaps, in the train, when he had nothing better to do. He took no interest in politics, for one thing, and he had still less interest in professional cricket and football, racing, and what is generally called sport. He had a fixed opinion that all the events happening in the world which really mattered, not even excepting the proceedings of learned societies and the criminal and civil Law Courts, could be adequately recorded on a couple of sheets of notepaper. In other words, he had an absolute contempt for everything that makes a newspaper sell, and therefore his daughter had very soon learnt to omit these fascinating items entirely.", "OFESSOR MARMION ACCORDING TO HIS PRACTICE ON FINE DAYS LIT HIS PIPE AND WENT OUT FOR A STROLL ON THE COMMON TO PUT IN A LITTLE HARD THINKING WHILE MISS NIDICHUS AFTER SEEING TO CERTAIN HOUSEHOLD MATTERS SAT DOWN IN HIS STUDY AND READ THE PAPERS IN ORDER THAT SHE MIGHT BE ABLE TO GIVE HIM A SYNOPSIS OF THE WORLD'S NEWS AT LUNCH HE DID NOT READ THE NEWSPAPERS HIMSELF EXCEPT PERHAPS IN THE TRAIN WHEN HE HAD NOTHING BETTER TO DO HE TOOK NO INTEREST IN POLITICS FOR ONE THING AND HE HAD LESS INTEREST IN PROFESSIONAL CRICKET AND FOOTBALL RACING IN WHAT IS GENERALLY CALLED SPORT HE HAD A FIXED OPINION THAT ALL THE EVENTS HAPPENING IN THE WORLD WHICH REALLY MATTERED NOT EVEN EXCEPTING THE PROCEEDINGS OF LEARNED SOCIETIES AND THE CRIMINAL AND CIVIL LAW COURTS COULD ADEQUATELY BE RECORDED ON A COUPLE OF SHEETS OF NEW PAPER IN OTHER WORDS HE HAD AN ABSOLUTE CONTEMPT FOR EVERYTHING THAT MAKES A NEWSPAPER SELL AND THEREFORE HIS DAUGHTER HAD VERY SOON LEARNED TO ADMIT THESE FASCINATING ITEMS ENTIRELY" ], "begin_byte": 66249, "end_byte": 66340 } } ]
{ "id": "large/10730/mummy_miss_nitocris_1803_librivox_64kb_mp3/mummymissnitocris_05_griffith_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/10730/mummy_miss_nitocris_1803_librivox_64kb_mp3/mummymissnitocris_05_griffith_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 20686773, "duration": 1292.9233125, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
{ "text_path": "download/librilight_text/output_text_large_cleaned/Mummy and Miss Nitocris A Phantasy of the Fourth Dimension/text.txt" }
[ { "id": "large/10730/mummy_miss_nitocris_1803_librivox_64kb_mp3/mummymissnitocris_05_griffith_64kb_28", "recording_id": "large/10730/mummy_miss_nitocris_1803_librivox_64kb_mp3/mummymissnitocris_05_griffith_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 11.44, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "10730", "custom": { "texts": [ "That instant the motor vanished, and he found himself standing in a little glade surrounded by huge forest trees with not so much as a foot track in sight.", "THAT INSTANT THE MOTOR VANISHED AND HE FOUND HIMSELF STANDING IN A LITTLE GLADE SURROUNDED BY A HUGE FOREST OF TREES WITH NOT SO MUCH AS A FOOT TRACK IN SIGHT" ], "pre_texts": [ " powers. The dream of the death-bridal of Nitocris might possibly have been nothing more than just a dream, or possibly the revival of an episode in a past existence; but the other experiences certainly were not. He had taken off his ring without unbending his finger. Yes, he could do it again now; it was just as easy as taking it off in the ordinary way. He certainly had not been dreaming when the Mummy had become Queen Nitocris and given him the wine. He could not have been mad or dreaming, because his daughter was there. The episode of the strange stealers who had come into his house--that too was real, for they had left their lamp and the man's shoes behind them, and the Mummy was gone! He took a piece of string out of his pocket, tied the two ends, and then with the greatest ease tied another knot in the string without undoing the first. A motor-car came humming along the road towards him, and he began to think what this place was like a thousand years before motors were heard of.", "HAT HE DID POSSESS THESE POWERS THE DREAM OF THE DEATH BRIDAL OF NIDICHRUS MIGHT POSSIBLY HAVE BEEN NOTHING MORE THAN JUST A DREAM OR POSSIBLY THE REVIVAL OF AN EPISODE IN A PAST EXISTENCE BUT THE OTHER EXPERIENCES CERTAINLY WERE NOT HE HAD TAKEN OFF HIS RING WITHOUT UNBENDING HIS FINGER YES HE COULD DO IT AGAIN NOW IT WAS JUST AS EASY AS TAKING IT OFF THE ORDINARY WAY HE CERTAINLY HAD NOT BEEN DREAMING WHEN THE MUMMY HAD BECOME QUEEN NIDIKRUS AND GIVEN HIM THE WINE HE COULD NOT HAVE BEEN MAD OR DREAMY BECAUSE HIS DAUGHTER WAS THERE THE EPISODE OF THE STRANGE STEALERS WHO HAD COME INTO HIS HOUSE THAT TOO WAS REAL FOR THEY LEFT THEIR LAMP AND THE MAN'S SHOES BEHIND THEM AND THE MUMMY WAS GONE HE TOOK A PIECE OF STRING OUT OF HIS POCKET TIED THE TWO ENDS AND THEN WITH THE GREATEST OF EASE TIED ANOTHER KNOT IN THE STRING WITHOUT UNDOING THE FIRST A MOTOR CAR CAME HUMMING ALONG THE ROAD TOWARDS HIM AND HE BEGAN TO THINK WHAT THIS PLACE WAS LIKE A THOUSAND YEARS BEFORE MOTIVES WERE HEARD OF" ], "begin_byte": 70898, "end_byte": 71053 } } ]
{ "id": "large/10730/mummy_miss_nitocris_1803_librivox_64kb_mp3/mummymissnitocris_05_griffith_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/10730/mummy_miss_nitocris_1803_librivox_64kb_mp3/mummymissnitocris_05_griffith_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 20686773, "duration": 1292.9233125, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
{ "text_path": "download/librilight_text/output_text_large_cleaned/Mummy and Miss Nitocris A Phantasy of the Fourth Dimension/text.txt" }
[ { "id": "large/10730/mummy_miss_nitocris_1803_librivox_64kb_mp3/mummymissnitocris_05_griffith_64kb_45", "recording_id": "large/10730/mummy_miss_nitocris_1803_librivox_64kb_mp3/mummymissnitocris_05_griffith_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 5.52, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "10730", "custom": { "texts": [ "Then the scientific Press would take it up, and a very merry battle of wits would begin.", "THEN THE SCIENTIFIC PRESS WOULD TAKE IT UP AND A VERY MERRY BATTLE OF WITS WOULD BEGIN" ], "pre_texts": [ "ind seemed to be running on this subject of all things that morning. He had been reading an article in the _Fortnightly_ on the growing sensationalism, and therefore the general decadence of the English Press a day or two before, and this had got connected up in his thoughts with the amazing happenings of the last twelve hours, and he asked himself what would happen if he were to give the narrative of his experiences in a letter to the _Times_, supported by the authority of his own distinguished and irreproachable name. Certainly it would be the most sensational communication that had ever appeared in a newspaper. In a day or two, granted always that the _Times_ had no doubts as to his sanity and printed the letter, the whole Press would be ablaze with it; Wimbledon would be besieged by reporters eager to see miracles; and then they would go away and write lurid articles, some about the miracles, if they saw them, and some about an absolutely new form of conjuring that he had invented.", "S ENTIRELY CURIOUSLY ENOUGH HIS MIND SEEMED TO BE RUNNING ON THIS SUBJECT OF ALL THINGS THAT MORNING HE HAD BEEN READING AN ARTICLE IN A FORTNIGHT ON A GROWING SENSATIONALISM AND THEREFORE A GENERAL DECADENCE OF THE ENGLISH PRESS A DAY OR TWO BEFORE AND THIS HAD GOT CONNECTED UP IN HIS THOUGHTS WITH THE AMAZING HAPPENINGS OF THE LAST TWELVE HOURS AND HE ASKED HIMSELF WHAT WOULD HAPPEN IF HE WOULD GIVE THE NARRATIVE OF HIS EXPERIENCES IN A LETTER TO THE TIMES SUPPORTED BY THE AUTHORITY OF HIS OWN DISTINGUISHED AND IRREPROACHABLE NAME CERTAINLY IT WOULD BE THE MOST SENSATIONAL COMMUNICATION THAT HAD EVER APPEARED IN A NEWSPAPER IN A DAY OR TWO GRANTED ALWAYS THAT THE TIMES HAD NO DOUBTS AS TO HIS SANITY AND PRINTED THE LETTER THE WHOLE PRESS WOULD BE ABLAZE WITH IT WIMBLETON WOULD BE BESIEGED BY REPORTERS EAGER TO SEE MIRACLES AND THEN THEY WOULD GO AWAY AND WRITE LURID ARTICLES SOME ABOUT THE MIRACLES IF THEY SAW THEM AND SOME ABOUT AN ABSOLUTELY NEW FORM OF CONJURING THAT HAD BEEN EVEN" ], "begin_byte": 67273, "end_byte": 67361 } } ]
{ "id": "large/10730/mummy_miss_nitocris_1803_librivox_64kb_mp3/mummymissnitocris_05_griffith_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/10730/mummy_miss_nitocris_1803_librivox_64kb_mp3/mummymissnitocris_05_griffith_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 20686773, "duration": 1292.9233125, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
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[ { "id": "large/10730/mummy_miss_nitocris_1803_librivox_64kb_mp3/mummymissnitocris_05_griffith_64kb_58", "recording_id": "large/10730/mummy_miss_nitocris_1803_librivox_64kb_mp3/mummymissnitocris_05_griffith_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 5.839, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "10730", "custom": { "texts": [ "No one took the slightest notice of him. And then a chill of awful loneliness struck him.", "NO ONE TOOK THE SLIGHTEST NOTICE OF HIM AND THEN A CHILL OF AWFUL LONELINESS STRUCK HIM" ], "pre_texts": [ "ard voices; and then past the end of the avenue half a dozen armoured knights, followed by their squires and a string of men-at-arms guarding a covered waggon, and after these came a motley little crowd of travellers, some on horseback and some on foot, evidently taking advantage of the escort to protect them from robbers. \"Dear me!\" said the Professor to himself, not without a little shiver of apprehension, \"this is very interesting. I seem to have put myself back into the tenth century. Yes, that is certainly tenth-century armour that they're wearing. I mustn't let them see me, or there's no telling what they'd think of an elderly gentleman in a soft hat and a twentieth-century morning suit. But perhaps,\" he went on with his reasoning, \"they can't see me at all. My condition is N to the fourth now. There's a thousand years between us; I forgot that. At any rate, I'll try it.\" He walked quickly down the avenue, and stood by the side of the rugged path looking at the strange spectacle.", "LITTERING UPON SOMETHING MOVING AND HEARD VOICES AND THEN PAST THE END OF THE AVENUE HALF A DOZEN ARMORED KNIGHTS FOLLOWED BY THEIR SQUIRES AND A STRING OF MEN AT ARMS GUARDING A COVERED WAGON AND AFTER THESE CAME A MOTLEY LITTLE CROWD OF TRAVELLERS SOME ON HORSEBACK AND SOME ON FOOT EVIDENTLY TAKING ADVANTAGE OF THE ESCORT TO PROTECT HIM FROM ROBBERS DEAR ME SAID THE PROFESSOR TO HIMSELF NOT WITHOUT A LITTLE SHIVER OF APPREHENSION THIS IS VERY INTERESTING I SEEM TO HAVE PUT MYSELF BACK INTO THE TENTH CENTURY YES THAT CERTAINLY TENTH CENTURY ARMOR THAT THEY'RE WEARING I MUSTN'T LET THEM SEE ME AH THERE'S NO TELLING WHAT THEY'D THINK OF AN ELDERLY GENTLEMAN IN A SOFT HAT AND A TWENTIETH CENTURY MORNING SUIT BUT PERHAPS HE WENT ON WITH HIS REASONING THEY CAN'T SEE ME AT ALL MY CONDITION IS END TO THE FOURTH NOW THERE'S A THOUSAND YEARS BETWEEN US I FORGOT THAT AT ANY RATE I'LL TRY IT HE QUICKLY WALKED ON THE AVENUE AND STOOD BY THE SIDE OF THE RUGGED PATH LOOKING AT THE STRANGE SPECTACLE" ], "begin_byte": 72241, "end_byte": 72330 } } ]
{ "id": "large/10730/mummy_miss_nitocris_1803_librivox_64kb_mp3/mummymissnitocris_05_griffith_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/10730/mummy_miss_nitocris_1803_librivox_64kb_mp3/mummymissnitocris_05_griffith_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 20686773, "duration": 1292.9233125, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
{ "text_path": "download/librilight_text/output_text_large_cleaned/Mummy and Miss Nitocris A Phantasy of the Fourth Dimension/text.txt" }
[ { "id": "large/10730/mummy_miss_nitocris_1803_librivox_64kb_mp3/mummymissnitocris_05_griffith_64kb_63", "recording_id": "large/10730/mummy_miss_nitocris_1803_librivox_64kb_mp3/mummymissnitocris_05_griffith_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 7.72, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "10730", "custom": { "texts": [ "But perhaps,\" he went on with his reasoning, \"they can't see me at all. My condition is N to the fourth now.", "BUT PERHAPS HE WENT ON WITH HIS REASONING THEY CAN'T SEE ME AT ALL MY CONDITION IS END TO THE FOURTH NOW" ], "pre_texts": [ "d himself standing in a little glade surrounded by huge forest trees with not so much as a foot-track in sight. He made his way through the trees in what he remembered to be the direction of the road, and presently, through an opening avenue, he saw the sun glittering upon something moving, and heard voices; and then past the end of the avenue half a dozen armoured knights, followed by their squires and a string of men-at-arms guarding a covered waggon, and after these came a motley little crowd of travellers, some on horseback and some on foot, evidently taking advantage of the escort to protect them from robbers. \"Dear me!\" said the Professor to himself, not without a little shiver of apprehension, \"this is very interesting. I seem to have put myself back into the tenth century. Yes, that is certainly tenth-century armour that they're wearing. I mustn't let them see me, or there's no telling what they'd think of an elderly gentleman in a soft hat and a twentieth-century morning suit.", "OTOR VANISHED AND HE FOUND HIMSELF STANDING IN A LITTLE GLADE SURROUNDED BY A HUGE FOREST OF TREES WITH NOT SO MUCH AS A FOOT TRACK IN SIGHT HE MADE HIS WAY THROUGH THE TREES IN WHAT HE REMEMBERED TO BE THE DIRECTION OF THE ROAD AND PRESENTLY THROUGH AN OPENING AVENUE HE SAW THE SUN GLITTERING UPON SOMETHING MOVING AND HEARD VOICES AND THEN PAST THE END OF THE AVENUE HALF A DOZEN ARMORED KNIGHTS FOLLOWED BY THEIR SQUIRES AND A STRING OF MEN AT ARMS GUARDING A COVERED WAGON AND AFTER THESE CAME A MOTLEY LITTLE CROWD OF TRAVELLERS SOME ON HORSEBACK AND SOME ON FOOT EVIDENTLY TAKING ADVANTAGE OF THE ESCORT TO PROTECT HIM FROM ROBBERS DEAR ME SAID THE PROFESSOR TO HIMSELF NOT WITHOUT A LITTLE SHIVER OF APPREHENSION THIS IS VERY INTERESTING I SEEM TO HAVE PUT MYSELF BACK INTO THE TENTH CENTURY YES THAT CERTAINLY TENTH CENTURY ARMOR THAT THEY'RE WEARING I MUSTN'T LET THEM SEE ME AH THERE'S NO TELLING WHAT THEY'D THINK OF AN ELDERLY GENTLEMAN IN A SOFT HAT AND A TWENTIETH CENTURY MORNING SUIT" ], "begin_byte": 71943, "end_byte": 72051 } } ]
{ "id": "large/10730/mummy_miss_nitocris_1803_librivox_64kb_mp3/mummymissnitocris_05_griffith_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/10730/mummy_miss_nitocris_1803_librivox_64kb_mp3/mummymissnitocris_05_griffith_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 20686773, "duration": 1292.9233125, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
{ "text_path": "download/librilight_text/output_text_large_cleaned/Mummy and Miss Nitocris A Phantasy of the Fourth Dimension/text.txt" }
[ { "id": "large/10730/mummy_miss_nitocris_1803_librivox_64kb_mp3/mummymissnitocris_05_griffith_64kb_74", "recording_id": "large/10730/mummy_miss_nitocris_1803_librivox_64kb_mp3/mummymissnitocris_05_griffith_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 26.92, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "10730", "custom": { "texts": [ "\"Really, I can hardly make myself understand it as far as words and phrases are concerned; still, there it is; and now the question arises: Having got this power, as I certainly have, of transferring myself from one existence to another by a mere effort of thought, because it is very evident that this power is really only an extension or an exaltation confound the language of the third dimension I can't say it!", "REALLY I CAN HARDLY MAKE MYSELF UNDERSTAND IT AS FAR AS WORDS AND PHRASES ARE CONCERNED STILL THERE IT IS AND NOW THE QUESTION ARISES HAVING GOT THIS POWER AS I CERTAINLY HAVE OF TRANSFERRING MYSELF ON ONE EXISTENCE TO ANOTHER BY MERE EFFORT OF THOUGHT BECAUSE IT IS VERY EVIDENT THAT THIS POWER IS REALLY ONLY AN EXTENSION OR AN EXULTATION CONFOUND THE LANGUAGE OF THE THIRD DIMENSION I CAN'T SAY IT" ], "pre_texts": [ "orning for his lecture--and in the same instant he was walking back across the turf towards his house through the warm May sunshine. \"Yes,\" he said to himself, as he drew a deep breath of the sweet spring air. \"I was right; that's it. The fourth dimension is a form of duration in some way correlated with space. I shall have to work that out in the light of the greater knowledge, which Her vanished Majesty has given me, and which I almost attained to in Egypt. Wherefore, existence in a state of four dimensions, or the world of N4, as I have always called it, is, roughly speaking, one. Time and space are, as it were, two sides of the same shield, and a person living in that world can see both of them at once. Wherefore, past, present, future, length, breadth, thickness, here and there are all the same thing to him. It's a great pity there isn't a fourth dimensional language as well, so that one could state these things a little more precisely. But that, of course, is out of the question.", " HAD TO COMPLETE THAT MORNING FOR HIS LECTURE AND IN THE SAME INSTANT HE WAS WALKING BACK ACROSS THE TURF TOWARDS HIS HOUSE THROUGH THE WARM MAY SUNSHINE YES HE SAID TO HIMSELF AS HE DREW A DEEP BREATH OF THE SWEET SPRING AIR I WAS RIGHT THAT'S IT THE FOURTH DIMENSION IS A FORM OF DURATION IN SOME WAY CORRELATED WITH SPACE I SHALL HAVE TO WORK THAT OUT IN THE LIGHT OF THE GREATER KNOWLEDGE WHICH HER VANISHED MAJESTY HAS GIVEN ME AND WHICH I ALMOST ATTAINED IN EGYPT WHEREFORE EXISTENCE IN THE STATE OF FOUR DIMENSIONS OR THE WORLD OF END TO THE FOURTH AS I HAVE ALWAYS CALLED IT IS ROUGHLY SPEAKING ONE TIME AND SPACE ARE AS IT WERE TWO SIDES OF THE SAME SHIELD AND A PERSON LIVING IN THAT WORLD CAN SEE BOTH OF THEM AT ONCE WHEREFORE PAST PRESENT FUTURE LENGTH BREADTH THICKNESS HERE AND THERE ARE ALL THE SAME THING TO HIM IT IS A GREAT PITY THERE ISN'T A FOURTH DIMENSIONAL LANGUAGE AS WELL SO THAT ONE COULD STATE THESE THINGS A LITTLE MORE PRECISELY BUT THAT OF COURSE IS OUT OF THE QUESTION" ], "begin_byte": 77912, "end_byte": 78328 } } ]
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[ { "id": "large/10730/mummy_miss_nitocris_1803_librivox_64kb_mp3/mummymissnitocris_05_griffith_64kb_75", "recording_id": "large/10730/mummy_miss_nitocris_1803_librivox_64kb_mp3/mummymissnitocris_05_griffith_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 30.719, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "10730", "custom": { "texts": [ "That won't do at all she has reached the Higher Plane too, so, of course, she can't be dead \" And then with the force of a powerful electric shock, the terrible fact struck him that, for those who had reached that plane, there was no death! Here was a new light on the weird problem which he had somehow been called upon to deal with. \"I wonder what Her Majesty would really think of it?\" he murmured, after a few moments of mental bewilderment.", "THAT WON'T DO AT ALL SHE HAS REACHED A HIGHER PLANE TOO SO OF COURSE SHE CAN'T BE DEAD AND THEN WITH THE FORCE OF A POWERFUL ELECTRIC SHOCK THE TERRIBLE FACT STRUCK HIM THAT FOR THOSE WHO HAD REACHED THAT PLAIN THERE WAS NO DEATH HERE WAS A NEW LIGHT ON THE WEIRD PROBLEM WHICH HE HAD SOMEHOW BEEN CALLED UPON TO DEAL WITH I WONDER WHAT HER MAJESTY WOULD REALLY THINK OF IT HE MURMURED AFTER A FEW MOMENTS OF MENTAL BEWILDERMENT" ], "pre_texts": [ "cerned; still, there it is; and now the question arises: Having got this power, as I certainly have, of transferring myself from one existence to another by a mere effort of thought, because it is very evident that this power is really only an extension or an exaltation--confound the language of the third dimension--I can't say it! Although I understand what it is, it won't go into words. What am I to do with it? Its possibilities are, of course, a little appalling--that is to say, from the point of view of N3. I have not the slightest desire to shake the fabric of Society to pieces, as I could do, and still less have I taste for spending the rest of my scientific career in what the world would very easily believe to be conjuring tricks. I hope I am not going to be another of the unnumbered proofs of Solomon's wisdom when he said, 'Whoso getteth knowledge, getteth sorrow.' I wonder what sort of advice Her late Majesty of Egypt---- \"Dear me, what nonsense I am talking! Her late Majesty?", "AS WORDS AND PHRASES ARE CONCERNED STILL THERE IT IS AND NOW THE QUESTION ARISES HAVING GOT THIS POWER AS I CERTAINLY HAVE OF TRANSFERRING MYSELF ON ONE EXISTENCE TO ANOTHER BY MERE EFFORT OF THOUGHT BECAUSE IT IS VERY EVIDENT THAT THIS POWER IS REALLY ONLY AN EXTENSION OR AN EXULTATION CONFOUND THE LANGUAGE OF THE THIRD DIMENSION I CAN'T SAY IT ALTHOUGH I UNDERSTAND WHAT IT IS IT WON'T GO INTO WORDS WHAT AM I TO DO WITH IT ITS POSSIBILITIES ARE OF COURSE A LITTLE APPALLING THAT IS TO SAY FROM THE POINT OF VIEW OF END TO THE THIRD I HAVE NOT THE SLIGHTEST DESIRE TO SHAKE THE FABRICS OF SOCIETY TO PIECES AS I COULD DO AND STILL LESS TASTE FOR SPENDING THE REST OF MY SCIENTIFIC CAREER IN WHAT THE WORLD WOULD VERY EASILY BELIEVE TO BE CONJURING TRICKS I HOPE I'M NOT GOING TO BE ANOTHER ONE OF THE UNNUMBERED PROOFS OF SOLOMON'S WISDOM WHEN HE SAID WHOSO GETTETH KNOWLEDGE GETTETH SORROW I WONDER WHAT SORT OF VICE HER LATE MAJESTY OF EGYPT DEAR ME WHAT NONSENSE MY TALKING HER LATE MAGISTRACY" ], "begin_byte": 78996, "end_byte": 79445 } } ]
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[ { "id": "large/10730/rhomboidal_dirge_1604/dirge_wither_jdl_64kb_14", "recording_id": "large/10730/rhomboidal_dirge_1604/dirge_wither_jdl_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 19.399, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "10730", "custom": { "texts": [ "And still untouched, as at some safer games, Played with the burning coals of love, and beauty's flames? Was't I could dive, and sound each passion's secret depth at will? And from those huge o'erwhelmings rise, by help of reason still?", "AND STILL UNTOUCHED AS AT SOME SAFER GAMES PLAYED WITH THE BURNING COALS OF LOVE AND BEAUTY'S FLAMES WHILST I COULD DIVE AND SOUND EACH PASSION'S SECRET DEPTH AT WILL AND FROM THOSE HUGE O'ERWHELMINGS RISE BY HELP OF REASON STILL" ], "pre_texts": [ "had not seen A sweeter plot of earth than this had been. From _Faire Virtue_. Her Beauty Her true beauty leaves behind Apprehensions in my mind Of more sweetness than all art Or inventions can impart; Thoughts too deep to be expressed, And too strong to be suppressed.... ... What pearls, what rubies can Seem so lovely fair to man, As her lips whom he doth love When in sweet discourse they move: Or her lovelier teeth, the while She doth bless him with a smile! Stars indeed fair creatures be; Yet amongst us where is he Joys not more the whilst he lies Sunning in his mistress' eyes. Than in all the glimmering light Of a starry winter's night? Note the beauty of an eye, And if aught you praise it by Leave such passion in your mind, Let my reason's eye be blind. Mark if ever red or white Anywhere gave such delight As when they have taken place In a worthy woman's face. From _Faire Virtue_. Rhomboidal Dirge. Ah me! Am I the swain That late from sorrow free Did all the cares on earth disdain?", " RUMBOIDAL DIRGE BY GEORGE WITHER READ FOR LIVERPOXTA ORG BY JAMES LEAN AH ME AM I THE SWAIN THAT LATE FROM SORROW FREE DID ALL THE CARES ON EARTH DISDAIN" ], "begin_byte": 32790, "end_byte": 33026 } } ]
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{ "text_path": "download/librilight_text/output_text_large_cleaned/Rhomboidal Dirge/text.txt" }
[ { "id": "large/10730/rhomboidal_dirge_1604/dirge_wither_jdl_64kb_21", "recording_id": "large/10730/rhomboidal_dirge_1604/dirge_wither_jdl_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 3.839, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "10730", "custom": { "texts": [ "Farewell! Sweet groves, to you!", "FAREWELL SWEET ROSE TO YOU" ], "pre_texts": [ "hat doleful be; And I will sing, Ah me! But why, O fatal time, Dost thou constrain that I Should perish in my youth's sweet prime? I, but awhile ago, (you cruel powers!) In spite of fortune, cropped contentment's sweetest flowers, And yet unscornèd, serve a gentle nymph, the fairest she, That ever was beloved of man, or eyes did ever see! Yea, one whose tender heart would rue for my distress; Yet I, poor I! must perish ne'ertheless. And (which much more augments my care) Unmoanèd I must die, And no man e'er Know why. Thy leave, My dying song, Yet take, ere grief bereave The breath which I enjoy too long, Tell thou that fair one this: my soul prefers Her love above my life; and that I died her's: And let him be, for evermore, to her remembrance dear, Who loved the very thought of her whilst he remained here. And now farewell! thou place of my unhappy birth, Where once I breathed the sweetest air on earth; Since me my wonted joys forsake, And all my trust deceive; Of all I take My leave.", "AIN AND LET DESPAIRS THAT SORROW STRING FOR STRAINS THAT DOLEFUL BE AND I WILL SING AH ME BUT WHY O FATAL TIME DOST THOU CONSTRAIN THAT I SHALL PERISH IN MY YOUTH'S SWEET PRIME I BUT A WHILE AGO YOU CRUEL POWERS IN SPITE OF FORTUNE CROPT CONTENTMENT SWEET FLOWERS AND YET UNSCORNED SERVE A GENTLE NYMPH THE FAIREST SHE THAT EVER WAS BELOVED OF MAN HER EYES DID EVER SEE YEA ONE WHOSE TENDER HEART WOULD RUE FOR MY DISTRESS YET I FOR I MUST PERISH NE'ERLESS AND WHICH MUCH MORE ARGUMENTS MAY CARE UNMOANED I MUST DIE AND NO MAN E'ER KNOW WHY THY LEAVE MY DYING SONG YET TAKE ERE GRIEF BEREAVE THE BREATH WHICH I ENJOY TOO LONG TELL THOU THAT FAIR ONE THIS MY SOUL PREFERS HER LOVE ABOVE MY LIFE AND THAT I DIED HERS AND LET HIM BE FOR EVERMORE TO HER REMEMBRANCE DEAR WHO LOVED THE VERY THOUGHT OF HER WHILST HE REMAINED HERE AND NOW FAREWELL THOU PLACE OF MY UNHAPPY BIRTH WHERE ONCE I BREATHED THE SWEETEST AIR ON EARTH SEND ME MY WONTED JOYS FORSAKE AND ALL MY TRUSTS DECEIVE OF ALL I TAKE MY LEAVE" ], "begin_byte": 34168, "end_byte": 34199 } } ]
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[ { "id": "large/10730/rhomboidal_dirge_1604/dirge_wither_jdl_64kb_24", "recording_id": "large/10730/rhomboidal_dirge_1604/dirge_wither_jdl_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 2.239, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "10730", "custom": { "texts": [ "And now, oh!", "AND NOW HO" ], "pre_texts": [ "ad annoy, That erst did with me dwell, And all other joys, Farewell! Adieu! Fair shepherdesses! Let garlands of sad yew Adorn your dainty golden tresses. I, that loved you, and often with my quill, Made music that delighted fountain, grove, and hill; I, whom you loved so, and with a sweet and chaste embrace. Yea, with a thousand rather favours, would vouchsafe to grace, I now must leave you all alone, of love to plain; And never pipe, nor never sing again! I must, for evermore, be gone; And therefore bid I you, And every one, Adieu! I die! For, oh! I feel Death's horrors drawing nigh, And all this frame of nature reel. My hopeless heart, despairing of relief, Sinks underneath the heavy weight of saddest grief; Which hath so ruthless torn, so racked, so tortured every vein, All comfort comes too late to have it ever cured again. My swimming head begins to dance death's giddy round; A shuddering chillness doth each sense confound; Benumbed is my cold sweating brow A dimness shuts my eye.", "T PITY BROKE THE TRUEST HEARTS SIGHS TEARS AND EVERY SAD ANNOY THAT ERST DID WITH ME DWELL AND OTHER JOYS FAREWELL ADIEU FAIR SHEPHERDESS LIKE GARLANDS OF SAD YEW ADORN YOUR DAINTY GOLDEN DRESSES I THAT LOVED YOU AND OFTEN WITH MY QUILL MADE MUSIC THE DELIGHTED FOUNTAIN GROVE AND HILL I WHOM LOVED YOU SO AND WITH A SWEET AND CHASTE EMBRACE YEA WITH A THOUSAND RATHER FAVOURS WOULD VOUCHSAFE TO GRACE I MUST NOW LEAVE YOU ALL ALONE OF LOVE TO PLANE AND NEVER PIPE NOR NEVER SING AGAIN I FOR EVERMORE BE GONE AND THEREFORE BID I YOU AND EVERY ONE ADIEU I DIE FOR O I FEEL DEATH'S HORRORS DRAWING NIGH AND FOR ALL THIS FRAME OF NATURE REAL MY HOPELESS HEART DESPAIRING OF RELIEF SINKS UNDERNEATH THE HEAVY WEIGHT OF SADDEST GRIEF WHICH HATH SO RUTHLY TORN SO RACKED SO TORTURED EVERY VEIN ALL COMFORT COMES TOO LATE TO HEAVEN EVER CURED AGAIN MY SWIMMING HEAD BEGINS THE DANCE DEATH'S GIDDY ROUND A SHUDDERING CHILLNESS DOTH EACH SENSE CONFOUND BENUMBED IS MY COLD SWEATING BROW A DIMNESS SHUTS MY EYE" ], "begin_byte": 35605, "end_byte": 35617 } } ]
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{ "text_path": "download/librilight_text/output_text_large_cleaned/Rhomboidal Dirge/text.txt" }
[ { "id": "large/10730/the_sleeper_1603/sleeper_poe_jdl_64kb_6", "recording_id": "large/10730/the_sleeper_1603/sleeper_poe_jdl_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 15.92, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "10730", "custom": { "texts": [ "An opiate vapor, dewy, dim, Exhales from out her golden rim, And, softly dripping, drop by drop, Upon the quiet mountain top, Steals drowsily and musically Into the universal valley.", "IN OPIATE VAPOUR DEWY DIM EXHALES OUT FROM HER GOLDEN RIM AND SOFTLY DRIPPING DROP BY DROP UPON THE QUIET MOUNTAIN TOP STEALS DROWSILY AND MUSICALLY INTO THE UNIVERSAL VALLEY" ], "pre_texts": [ "at all seem pendulous in air, While from a proud tower in the town Death looks gigantically down. There open fanes and gaping graves Yawn level with the luminous waves; But not the riches there that lie In each idol's diamond eye-- Not the gaily-jewelled dead Tempt the waters from their bed; For no ripples curl, alas! Along that wilderness of glass-- No swellings tell that winds may be Upon some far-off happier sea-- No heavings hint that winds have been On seas less hideously serene. But lo, a stir is in the air! The wave--there is a movement there! As if the towers had thrust aside, In slightly sinking, the dull tide-- As if their tops had feebly given A void within the filmy Heaven. The waves have now a redder glow-- The hours are breathing faint and low-- And when, amid no earthly moans, Down, down that town shall settle hence, Hell, rising from a thousand thrones, Shall do it reverence. 1835? * * * * * THE SLEEPER At midnight, in the month of June, I stand beneath the mystic moon.", " THE SLEEPER BY EDGAR ALLAN POE READ FOR BY LIVERBOX TOT ORB BY JAMES LE PEE AT MIDNIGHT IN THE MONTH OF JUNE I STAND BENEATH THE MYSTIC MOON" ], "begin_byte": 80094, "end_byte": 80276 } } ]
{ "id": "large/10730/the_sleeper_1603/sleeper_poe_jdl_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/10730/the_sleeper_1603/sleeper_poe_jdl_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 3149828, "duration": 196.86425, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
{ "text_path": "download/librilight_text/output_text_large_cleaned/Sleeper/text.txt" }
[ { "id": "large/10730/welshfairytales_1607_librivox_64kb_mp3/welshfairytales_02_griffis_64kb_7", "recording_id": "large/10730/welshfairytales_1607_librivox_64kb_mp3/welshfairytales_02_griffis_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 12.919, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "10730", "custom": { "texts": [ "Although it was very fond of cows and sheep, yet the wool and hair of these animals stuck in its big teeth, it often felt very miserable and its usually bad temper grew worse.", "ALTHOUGH IT WAS VERY FOND OF COWS AND SHEEP YET THE WOOL AND HAIR OF THESE ANIMALS STUCK IN ITS BIG TEETH IT OFTEN FELT VERY MISERABLE AND ITS USUALLY BAD TEMPER GREW WORSE" ], "pre_texts": [ "monkey's, or a gorilla's, with long straggling gray hairs around its cheeks like those of a walrus. It always looked as if a napkin, as big as a bath towel, would be necessary to keep its mouth clean. Yet even then, it slobbered a good deal, so that no nice fairy liked to be near the monster. When the Afang growled, the bushes shook and the oak leaves trembled on the branches, as if a strong wind was blowing. But after its dinner, when it had swallowed down a man, or two calves, or four sheep, or a fat heifer, or three goats, its body swelled up like a balloon. Then it usually rolled over, lay along the ground, or in the soft mud, and felt very stupid and sleepy, for a long while. All around its lair, lay wagon loads of bones of the creatures, girls, women, men, boys, cows, and occasionally a donkey, which it had devoured. But when the Afang was ravenously hungry and could not get these animals and when fat girls and careless boys were scarce, it would live on birds, beasts and fishes.", "NS THE ATHANG'S FACE WAS MUCH LIKE A MONKEY'S OR GORILLAS WITH LONG STRAGGLING GRAY HAIRS AROUND ITS CHEEK LIKE THOSE OF A WALRUS IT ALWAYS LOOKED AS IF A NAPKIN AS BIG AS A BATHTOWEL WOULD BE NECESSARY TO KEEP ITS MOUTH CLEAN YET EVEN THEN IT SLOPPERED A GOOD DEAL SO THAT NO NICE FAIRY LIKED TO BE NEAR THE MONSTER WHEN THE AE FANG GROWLED THE BUSHES SHOOK AND THE OAK LEAVES TREMBLED ON THE BRANCHES AS IF A STRONG WIND WAS BLOWING BUT AFTER ITS DINNER WHEN IT HAD SWALLOWED DOWN A MAN OR TWO CALVES OR FOUR SHEEP OR A FAT HEIFER OR THREE GOATS ITS BODY SWELLED UP LIKE A BALLOON THEN IT USUALLY ROLLED OVER LAY ALONG THE GROUND OR IN THE SOFT MUD AND FELT VERY STUPID AND SLEEPY FOR A LONG WHILE ALL AROUND ITS LAIR LAY WAGON LOADS OF BONES OF THE CREATURES GIRLS WOMEN MEN BOYS COWS AND OCCASIONALLY A DONKEY WHICH IT HAD DEVOURED BUT WHEN THE AE FANG WAS ROUNDOUSLY HUNGRY AND COULD NOT GET THESE ANIMALS AND WHEN FAT GIRLS AND CARELESS BOYS WERE SCARCE IT WOULD LIVE ON BIRDS BEASTS AND FISHES" ], "begin_byte": 9961, "end_byte": 10136 } } ]
{ "id": "large/10730/welshfairytales_1607_librivox_64kb_mp3/welshfairytales_02_griffis_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/10730/welshfairytales_1607_librivox_64kb_mp3/welshfairytales_02_griffis_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 13632095, "duration": 852.0059375, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
{ "text_path": "download/librilight_text/output_text_large_cleaned/Welsh Fairy Tales/text.txt" }
[ { "id": "large/10730/welshfairytales_1607_librivox_64kb_mp3/welshfairytales_02_griffis_64kb_9", "recording_id": "large/10730/welshfairytales_1607_librivox_64kb_mp3/welshfairytales_02_griffis_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 17.839, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "10730", "custom": { "texts": [ "Gadern went all over the country, summoning the farmers to bring their ox teams and log chains. Then he set the blacksmiths to work, forging new and especially heavy ones, made of the best native iron, from the mines, for which Wales is still famous.", "GADURN WENT ALL OVER THE COUNTRY SUMMONING THE FARMERS TO BRING THEIR OX TEAMS AND LOG CHAINS THEN HE SET THE BLACKSMITH TO WORK FORGING NEW AND ESPECIALLY HEAVY ONES MADE OF THE BEST NATIVE IRON FROM THE MINES FOR WHICH WALES IS STILL FAMOUS" ], "pre_texts": [ " monster, but nothing made of iron could pierce that hide of his. This was like armor, or one of the steel battleships of our day, and the Afang always spit out fire or poison breath down the road, up which a man was coming, long before the brave fellow could get near him. Nothing would do, but to go up into his lair, and drag him out. But what man or company of men was strong enough to do this, when a dozen giants in a gang, with ropes as thick as a ship's hawser, could hardly tackle the job? Nevertheless, in what neither man nor giant could do, a pretty maiden might succeed. True, she must be brave also, for how could she know, but if hungry, the Afang might eat her up? However, one valiant damsel, of great beauty, who had lots of perfumery and plenty of pretty clothes, volunteered to bind the monster in his lair. She said, \"I'm not afraid.\" Her sweetheart was named Gadern, and he was a young and strong hunter. He talked over the matter with her and they two resolved to act together.", "OF BRAVE FELLOWS READY TO FIGHT THE MONSTER BUT NOTHING MADE OF IRON COULD PIERCE THAT HIDE OF HIS THIS WAS LIKE ARMOR OR ONE OF THE STEEL BATTLESHIPS OF OUR DAY AND THE A FANG ALWAYS SPIT OUT FIRE OR POISON BREATH DOWN THE ROAD UP WHICH A MAN WAS COMING LONG BEFORE THE BRAVE FELLOW COULD GET NEAR HIM NOTHING WOULD DO BUT GO UP INTO HIS LAIR AND DRAG HIM OUT BUT WHAT MAN OR COMPANY OF MEN WAS STRONG ENOUGH TO DO THIS WHEN A DOZEN GIANTS IN A GANG AND ROPES AS THICK AS A SHIP'S HAWSER COULD HARDLY TACKLE THE JOB NEVERTHELESS IN WHAT NEITHER MAN NOR GIANT COULD DO A PRETTY MAIDEN MIGHT SUCCEED TRUE SHE MUST BE BRAVE ALSO FOR HOW COULD SHE KNOW BUT IF HUNGRY THAT THE A FANG MIGHT EAT HER UP HOWEVER ONE VALIANT DAMSEL OF GREAT BEAUTY WHO HAD LOTS OF PERFUMERY AND PLENTY OF PRETTY CLOTHES VOLUNTEERED TO BIND THE MONSTER IN HIS LAIR SHE SAID I'M NOT AFRAID HER SWEETHEART WAS NAMED GODURN AND HE WAS A YOUNG AND STRONG HUNTER HE TALKED OVER THE MATTER WITH HER AND THEY RESOLVED TO ACT TOGETHER" ], "begin_byte": 13725, "end_byte": 13975 } } ]
{ "id": "large/10730/welshfairytales_1607_librivox_64kb_mp3/welshfairytales_02_griffis_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/10730/welshfairytales_1607_librivox_64kb_mp3/welshfairytales_02_griffis_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 13632095, "duration": 852.0059375, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
{ "text_path": "download/librilight_text/output_text_large_cleaned/Welsh Fairy Tales/text.txt" }
[ { "id": "large/10730/welshfairytales_1607_librivox_64kb_mp3/welshfairytales_02_griffis_64kb_37", "recording_id": "large/10730/welshfairytales_1607_librivox_64kb_mp3/welshfairytales_02_griffis_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 11.12, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "10730", "custom": { "texts": [ "If the bones of the Afang still lie at the bottom, they must have sunk down very deep, for the monster had no more power to get out, or to break the river banks.", "IF THE BONES OF THE AFANG STILL LIE AT THE BOTTOM THEY MUST HAVE SUNK DOWN VERY DEEP FOR THE MONSTER HAD NO MORE POWER TO GET OUT OR TO BREAK THE RIVER BANKS" ], "pre_texts": [ " big tree to wrap its tail around. But all his writhings or plungings were of no use. The drovers plied their whips and the oxen kept on with one long pull together and forward. They strained so hard, that one of them dropped its eye out. This formed a pool, and to this day they call it The Pool of the Ox's Eye. It never dries up or overflows, though the water in it rises and falls, as regularly as the tides. For miles over the mountains the sturdy oxen hauled the monster. The pass over which they toiled and strained so hard is still named the Pass of the Oxen's Slope. When going down hill, the work of dragging the Afang was easier. In a great hole in the ground, big enough to be a pond, they dumped the carcass of the Afang, and soon a little lake was formed. This uncanny bit of water is called \"The Lake of the Green Well.\" It is considered dangerous for man or beast to go too near it. Birds do not like to fly over the surface, and when sheep tumble in, they sink to the bottom at once.", " AFANG LOOKED ABOUT FOR SOME BIG TREE TO WRAP ITS TAIL AROUND BUT ALL ITS WRITHINGS OR PLUNGINGS WERE OF NO USE THE DROVERS PLIED THEIR WHIPS AND THE OXEN KEPT ON WITH ONE LONG PULL TOGETHER AND FORWARD THEY STRAINED SO HARD THAT ONE OF THEM DROPPED ITS EYE OUT THIS FORMED A POOL AND TO THIS DAY THEY CALL IT THE PULL THE OX'S EYE IT NEVER DRIES UP OR OVERFLOWS THOUGH THE WATER IN IT RISES AND FALLS AS REGULARLY AS THE TIDES FOR MILES OVER THE MOUNTAINS THE STURDY OXEN HAULED THE MONSTER THE PASS OVER WHICH THEY TOILED AND STRAINED SO HARD IS STILL NAMED THE PASS OF THE OXEN SLOPE WHEN GOING DOWN HILL THE WORK OF DRAGGING THE AFANG WAS EASIER IN A GREAT HOLE IN THE GROUND BIG ENOUGH TO BE A POND THEY DUMPED THE CARCASS OF THE AFHANG AND SOON A LITTLE LAKE WAS FORMED THIS UNCANNY BIT OF WATER IS CALLED THE LAKE OF THE GREEN WELL IT IS CONSIDERED DANGEROUS FOR MEN OR BEASTS TO GO TOO NEAR IT BIRDS DO NOT LIKE TO FLY OVER THE SURFACE AND WHEN SHEEP TUMBLE IN THEY SINK TO THE BOTTOM AT ONCE" ], "begin_byte": 17950, "end_byte": 18111 } } ]
{ "id": "large/10730/welshfairytales_1607_librivox_64kb_mp3/welshfairytales_02_griffis_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/10730/welshfairytales_1607_librivox_64kb_mp3/welshfairytales_02_griffis_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 13632095, "duration": 852.0059375, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
{ "text_path": "download/librilight_text/output_text_large_cleaned/Welsh Fairy Tales/text.txt" }
[ { "id": "large/10730/welshfairytales_1607_librivox_64kb_mp3/welshfairytales_02_griffis_64kb_57", "recording_id": "large/10730/welshfairytales_1607_librivox_64kb_mp3/welshfairytales_02_griffis_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 14.32, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "10730", "custom": { "texts": [ "Sometimes the floods rose so high as to wash away the houses and float the cradles. Even those with little babies in them were often seen on the raging waters, and sent dancing on the waves down the river, to the sea.", "SOMETIMES THE FLOODS ROSE SO HIGH AS TO WASH AWAY THE HOUSES AND FLOAT THE CRADLES EVEN THOSE WITH LITTLE BABIES IN THEM WERE OFTEN SEEN ON THE RAGING WATERS AND SENT DANCING ON THE WAVES DOWN THE RIVER TO SEA" ], "pre_texts": [ "or fresh human victims to eat, especially juicy maidens; just as children like cake more than bread. The Cymric men were not surprised at this, for they knew that girls were very sweet and they almost worshiped women. So they learned to guard their daughters and wives. They saw that to do such things as eating up people was in the nature of the beast, which could never be taught good manners. But what made them mad beyond measure was the trick which the monster often played upon them by breaking the river banks, and the dykes which with great toil they had built to protect their crops. Then the waters overflowed all their farms, ruined their gardens and spoiled their cow houses and stables. This sort of mischief the Afang liked to play, especially about the time when the oat and barley crops were ripe and ready to be gathered to make cakes and flummery; that is sour oat-jelly, or pap. So it often happened that the children had to do without their cookies and porridge during the winter.", " AND EAGER FOR FRESH HUMAN VICTIMS TO EAT ESPECIALLY JUICY MAIDENS JUST AS CHILDREN LIKE CAKE MORE THAN BREAD THE CUMBRICK MEN WERE NOT SURPRISED AT THIS FOR THEY KNEW THAT GIRLS WERE VERY SWEET AND THEY ALMOST WORSHIPPED WOMEN SO THEY LEARNED TO GUARD THEIR DAUGHTERS AND WIVES THEY SAW THAT TO DO SUCH THINGS AS EATING UP PEOPLE WAS IN THE NATURE OF THE BEAST WHICH COULD NEVER BE TAUGHT GOOD MANNERS BUT WHAT MADE THEM MAD BEYOND MEASURE WAS THE TRICK WHICH THE MONSTER OFTEN PLAYED UPON THEM BY BREAKING THE RIVER BANKS AND THE DIKES WHICH WITH GREAT TOIL THEY HAD BUILT TO PROTECT THEIR CROPS THEN THE WATERS OVERFLOWED ALL THEIR FARMS RUINED THEIR GARDENS AND SPOILED THEIR COW HOUSES AND STABLES THIS SORT OF MISCHIEF THE AE FANG LIKED TO PLAY ESPECIALLY ABOUT THE TIME WHEN THE OAT AND BARLEY CROPS WERE RIPE AND READY TO BE GATHERED TO MAKE CAKES AND FLUMMERY THAT IS SOUR OAT JELLY OR PAP SO IT OFTEN HAPPENED THAT THE CHILDREN HAD TO DO WITHOUT THEIR COOKIES AND PORRIDGE DURING THE WINTER" ], "begin_byte": 11298, "end_byte": 11515 } } ]
{ "id": "large/10730/welshfairytales_1607_librivox_64kb_mp3/welshfairytales_02_griffis_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/10730/welshfairytales_1607_librivox_64kb_mp3/welshfairytales_02_griffis_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 13632095, "duration": 852.0059375, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
{ "text_path": "download/librilight_text/output_text_large_cleaned/Welsh Fairy Tales/text.txt" }
[ { "id": "large/10730/welshfairytales_1607_librivox_64kb_mp3/welshfairytales_02_griffis_64kb_59", "recording_id": "large/10730/welshfairytales_1607_librivox_64kb_mp3/welshfairytales_02_griffis_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 13.92, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "10730", "custom": { "texts": [ "Someone may ask, why did not some brave man shoot the Afang, with a poisoned arrow, or drive a spear into him under the arms, where the flesh was tender, or cut off his head with a sharp sword?", "SOME ONE MAY ASK WHY DID NOT SOME BRAVE MAN SHOOT THE APEHANG WITH A POISON ARROW OR DRIVE A SPEAR INTO HIM UNDER THE ARMS WHERE THE FLESH WAS TENDER OR CUT OFF HIS HEAD WITH A SHOP SWORD" ], "pre_texts": [ "g waters, and sent dancing on the waves down the river, to the sea. Once in a while, a mother cat and all her kittens were seen mewing for help, or a lady dog howling piteously. Often it happened that both puppies and kittens were drowned. So, whether for men or mothers, pussies or puppies, the Cymric men thought the time had come to stop this monster's mischief. It was bad enough that people should be eaten up, but to have all their crops ruined and animals drowned, so that they had to go hungry all winter, with only a little fried fish, and no turnips, was too much for human patience. There were too many weeping mothers and sorrowful fathers, and squalling brats and animals whining for something to eat. Besides, if all the oats were washed away, how could their wives make flummery, without which, no Cymric man is ever happy? And where would they get seed for another year's sowing? And if there were no cows, how could the babies or kitties live, or any grown-up persons get buttermilk?", "BIES IN THEM WERE OFTEN SEEN ON THE RAGING WATERS AND SENT DANCING ON THE WAVES DOWN THE RIVER TO SEA ONCE IN A WHILE A MOTHER CAT AND ALL HER KITTENS WERE SEEN MEWING FOR HELP OR A LADY DOG HOWLING PITEOUSLY OFTEN IT HAPPENED THAT BOTH PUPPIES AND KITTENS WERE DROWNED SO WHETHER FOR MEN OR MOTHERS PUSSIES OR PUPPIES THE CUMBRICHMAN THOUGHT TIME HAD COME TO STOP THIS MONSTER'S MISCHIEF IT WAS BAD ENOUGH THAT PEOPLE SHOULD BE EATEN UP BUT TO HAVE ALL THEIR CROPS RUINED AND ANIMALS DROWNED SO THEY HAD TO GO HUNGRY ALL WINTER WITH ONLY A LITTLE FRIED FISH AND NO TURNIPS WAS TOO MUCH FOR HUMAN PATIENCE THERE WERE TOO MANY WEEPING MOTHERS AND SORROWFUL FATHERS AND SQUALLING BRATS AND ANIMALS WHINING FOR SOMETHING TO EAT BESIDES IF ALL THE OATS WERE WASHED AWAY HOW COULD THEIR WIVES MAKE FLUMMERY WITHOUT WHICH NO COMRACK MAN IS EVER HAPPY AND WHERE WOULD THEY GET SEED FOR ANOTHER YEAR'S SEWING AND IF THERE WERE NO COWS HOW COULD THE BABIES OR KITIES LIVE OR ANY GROWN UP PERSON GET BUTTERMILK" ], "begin_byte": 12449, "end_byte": 12642 } } ]
{ "id": "large/10730/welshfairytales_1607_librivox_64kb_mp3/welshfairytales_02_griffis_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/10730/welshfairytales_1607_librivox_64kb_mp3/welshfairytales_02_griffis_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 13632095, "duration": 852.0059375, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
{ "text_path": "download/librilight_text/output_text_large_cleaned/Welsh Fairy Tales/text.txt" }
[ { "id": "large/10730/welshfairytales_1607_librivox_64kb_mp3/welshfairytales_02_griffis_64kb_64", "recording_id": "large/10730/welshfairytales_1607_librivox_64kb_mp3/welshfairytales_02_griffis_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 14.36, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "10730", "custom": { "texts": [ "It was bad enough that people should be eaten up, but to have all their crops ruined and animals drowned, so that they had to go hungry all winter, with only a little fried fish, and no turnips, was too much for human patience.", "IT WAS BAD ENOUGH THAT PEOPLE SHOULD BE EATEN UP BUT TO HAVE ALL THEIR CROPS RUINED AND ANIMALS DROWNED SO THEY HAD TO GO HUNGRY ALL WINTER WITH ONLY A LITTLE FRIED FISH AND NO TURNIPS WAS TOO MUCH FOR HUMAN PATIENCE" ], "pre_texts": [ ", and the dykes which with great toil they had built to protect their crops. Then the waters overflowed all their farms, ruined their gardens and spoiled their cow houses and stables. This sort of mischief the Afang liked to play, especially about the time when the oat and barley crops were ripe and ready to be gathered to make cakes and flummery; that is sour oat-jelly, or pap. So it often happened that the children had to do without their cookies and porridge during the winter. Sometimes the floods rose so high as to wash away the houses and float the cradles. Even those with little babies in them were often seen on the raging waters, and sent dancing on the waves down the river, to the sea. Once in a while, a mother cat and all her kittens were seen mewing for help, or a lady dog howling piteously. Often it happened that both puppies and kittens were drowned. So, whether for men or mothers, pussies or puppies, the Cymric men thought the time had come to stop this monster's mischief.", "Y BREAKING THE RIVER BANKS AND THE DIKES WHICH WITH GREAT TOIL THEY HAD BUILT TO PROTECT THEIR CROPS THEN THE WATERS OVERFLOWED ALL THEIR FARMS RUINED THEIR GARDENS AND SPOILED THEIR COW HOUSES AND STABLES THIS SORT OF MISCHIEF THE AE FANG LIKED TO PLAY ESPECIALLY ABOUT THE TIME WHEN THE OAT AND BARLEY CROPS WERE RIPE AND READY TO BE GATHERED TO MAKE CAKES AND FLUMMERY THAT IS SOUR OAT JELLY OR PAP SO IT OFTEN HAPPENED THAT THE CHILDREN HAD TO DO WITHOUT THEIR COOKIES AND PORRIDGE DURING THE WINTER SOMETIMES THE FLOODS ROSE SO HIGH AS TO WASH AWAY THE HOUSES AND FLOAT THE CRADLES EVEN THOSE WITH LITTLE BABIES IN THEM WERE OFTEN SEEN ON THE RAGING WATERS AND SENT DANCING ON THE WAVES DOWN THE RIVER TO SEA ONCE IN A WHILE A MOTHER CAT AND ALL HER KITTENS WERE SEEN MEWING FOR HELP OR A LADY DOG HOWLING PITEOUSLY OFTEN IT HAPPENED THAT BOTH PUPPIES AND KITTENS WERE DROWNED SO WHETHER FOR MEN OR MOTHERS PUSSIES OR PUPPIES THE CUMBRICHMAN THOUGHT TIME HAD COME TO STOP THIS MONSTER'S MISCHIEF" ], "begin_byte": 11814, "end_byte": 12041 } } ]
{ "id": "large/10730/welshfairytales_1607_librivox_64kb_mp3/welshfairytales_02_griffis_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/10730/welshfairytales_1607_librivox_64kb_mp3/welshfairytales_02_griffis_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 13632095, "duration": 852.0059375, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
{ "text_path": "download/librilight_text/output_text_large_cleaned/Welsh Fairy Tales/text.txt" }
[ { "id": "large/10730/welshfairytales_1607_librivox_64kb_mp3/welshfairytales_02_griffis_64kb_67", "recording_id": "large/10730/welshfairytales_1607_librivox_64kb_mp3/welshfairytales_02_griffis_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 13.359, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "10730", "custom": { "texts": [ "Often it happened that both puppies and kittens were drowned. So, whether for men or mothers, pussies or puppies, the Cymric men thought the time had come to stop this monster's mischief.", "OFTEN IT HAPPENED THAT BOTH PUPPIES AND KITTENS WERE DROWNED SO WHETHER FOR MEN OR MOTHERS PUSSIES OR PUPPIES THE CUMBRICHMAN THOUGHT TIME HAD COME TO STOP THIS MONSTER'S MISCHIEF" ], "pre_texts": [ " the nature of the beast, which could never be taught good manners. But what made them mad beyond measure was the trick which the monster often played upon them by breaking the river banks, and the dykes which with great toil they had built to protect their crops. Then the waters overflowed all their farms, ruined their gardens and spoiled their cow houses and stables. This sort of mischief the Afang liked to play, especially about the time when the oat and barley crops were ripe and ready to be gathered to make cakes and flummery; that is sour oat-jelly, or pap. So it often happened that the children had to do without their cookies and porridge during the winter. Sometimes the floods rose so high as to wash away the houses and float the cradles. Even those with little babies in them were often seen on the raging waters, and sent dancing on the waves down the river, to the sea. Once in a while, a mother cat and all her kittens were seen mewing for help, or a lady dog howling piteously.", "ING UP PEOPLE WAS IN THE NATURE OF THE BEAST WHICH COULD NEVER BE TAUGHT GOOD MANNERS BUT WHAT MADE THEM MAD BEYOND MEASURE WAS THE TRICK WHICH THE MONSTER OFTEN PLAYED UPON THEM BY BREAKING THE RIVER BANKS AND THE DIKES WHICH WITH GREAT TOIL THEY HAD BUILT TO PROTECT THEIR CROPS THEN THE WATERS OVERFLOWED ALL THEIR FARMS RUINED THEIR GARDENS AND SPOILED THEIR COW HOUSES AND STABLES THIS SORT OF MISCHIEF THE AE FANG LIKED TO PLAY ESPECIALLY ABOUT THE TIME WHEN THE OAT AND BARLEY CROPS WERE RIPE AND READY TO BE GATHERED TO MAKE CAKES AND FLUMMERY THAT IS SOUR OAT JELLY OR PAP SO IT OFTEN HAPPENED THAT THE CHILDREN HAD TO DO WITHOUT THEIR COOKIES AND PORRIDGE DURING THE WINTER SOMETIMES THE FLOODS ROSE SO HIGH AS TO WASH AWAY THE HOUSES AND FLOAT THE CRADLES EVEN THOSE WITH LITTLE BABIES IN THEM WERE OFTEN SEEN ON THE RAGING WATERS AND SENT DANCING ON THE WAVES DOWN THE RIVER TO SEA ONCE IN A WHILE A MOTHER CAT AND ALL HER KITTENS WERE SEEN MEWING FOR HELP OR A LADY DOG HOWLING PITEOUSLY" ], "begin_byte": 11626, "end_byte": 11813 } } ]
{ "id": "large/10730/welshfairytales_1607_librivox_64kb_mp3/welshfairytales_02_griffis_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/10730/welshfairytales_1607_librivox_64kb_mp3/welshfairytales_02_griffis_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 13632095, "duration": 852.0059375, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
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[ { "id": "large/10730/welshfairytales_1607_librivox_64kb_mp3/welshfairytales_03_griffis_64kb_7", "recording_id": "large/10730/welshfairytales_1607_librivox_64kb_mp3/welshfairytales_03_griffis_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 15.04, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "10730", "custom": { "texts": [ "When he was ready to go to bed, he said to the ladies: \"It is my custom to keep a light burning in my room, all night, but I will not ask for candles, for I have enough to last me until sunrise.\" So saying, he bade them good night.", "WHEN HE WAS READY TO GO TO BED HE SAID TO THE LADIES IT IS MY CUSTOM TO KEEP A LIGHT BURNING IN MY ROOM ALL NIGHT BUT I WILL NOT ASK FOR CANDLES FOR I HAVE ENOUGH TO LAST ME UNTIL SUNRISE SO SAYING HE BADE THEM GOOD NIGHT" ], "pre_texts": [ "hief was done. With the key in the keyhole, they had kept their doors locked during the night. They were sure that no one had entered the room. There were no signs of men's boots, or of anyone's footsteps in the garden, while nothing was visible on the lock or door, to show that either had been tampered with. Everything was in order as when they went to bed. Some people doubted their stories, but when they applied to Hugh the conjurer, he believed them and volunteered to solve the mystery. His motto was \"Go anywhere and everywhere, but catch the thief.\" When Hugh applied one night for lodging at the inn, nothing could be more agreeable than the welcome, and fine manners of his two hostesses. At supper time, and during the evening, they all chatted together merrily. Hugh, who was never at a loss for news or stories, told about the various kinds of people and the many countries he had visited, in imagination, just as if he had seen them all, though he had never set foot outside of Wales.", "ULD NOT BLAME ANYONE NOR TELL HOW THE MISCHIEF WAS DONE WITH A KEY IN THE KEYHOLE THEY HAD KEPT THEIR DOORS LOCKED DURING THE NIGHT THEY WERE SURE NO ONE HAD ENTERED THE ROOM THERE WERE NO SIGN OF MEN'S BOOTS OR ANY ONE'S FOOTSTEPS IN THE GARDEN WHILE NOTHING WAS VISIBLE ON THE LOCK OR DOOR TO SHOW THAT EITHER HAD BEEN TAMPERED WITH EVERYTHING WAS IN ORDER AS WHEN THEY WENT TO BED SOME PEOPLE DOUBTED THEIR STORIES BUT WHEN THEY APPLIED TO YOU THE CONJUROR HE BELIEVED THEM AND VOLUNTEERED TO SOLVE THE MYSTERY HIS MOTTO WAS GO ANYWHERE AND EVERYWHERE BUT CATCH THE THIEF WHEN YOU APPLIED ONE NIGHT FOR LODGING AT THE INN NOTHING COULD BE MORE AGREEABLE THAN THE WELCOME AND FINE MANNERS OF HIS TWO HOSTESSES AT SUPPER TIME AND DURING THE EVENING THEY ALL CHATTED TOGETHER MERRILY YOU WHO WAS NEVER AT A LOSS FOR NEWS OR STORIES TOLD ABOUT THE VARIOUS KINDS OF PEOPLE AND THE MANY COUNTRIES HE HAD VISITED IN IMAGINATION JUST AS HE HAD SEEN THEM ALL ALTHOUGH HE HAD NEVER SET FOOT OUTSIDE OF WALES" ], "begin_byte": 22175, "end_byte": 22406 } } ]
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[ { "id": "large/10730/welshfairytales_1607_librivox_64kb_mp3/welshfairytales_03_griffis_64kb_17", "recording_id": "large/10730/welshfairytales_1607_librivox_64kb_mp3/welshfairytales_03_griffis_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 18.959, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "10730", "custom": { "texts": [ "After that, the patient was sure that he felt better. There was always great rivalry between these conjurers and those who made money from the Pilgrims at Holy Wells and visitors to the relic shrines, but this fellow, named Hugh, and the monks, kept on mutually good terms.", "AFTER THAT THE PATIENT WAS SURE THAT HE FELT BETTER THERE WAS ALWAYS GREAT RIVALRY BETWEEN THESE CONJURORS AND THOSE WHO MADE MONEY FROM THE PILGRIMS AT HOLY WELLS AND VISITORS TO RELIC SHRINES BUT THIS FELLOW NAMED YOU AND THE MONKS KEPT ON MUTUALLY GOOD TERMS" ], "pre_texts": [ "was believed that the seventh son, in a family of sons, was a conjurer by nature. That is, he could work wonders like the fairies and excel the doctors in curing diseases. If he were the seventh son of a seventh son, he was himself a wonder of wonders. The story ran that he could even cure the \"shingles,\" which is a very troublesome disease. It is called also by a Latin name, which means a snake, because, as it gets worse, it coils itself around the body. Now the eagle can attack the serpent and conquer and kill this poisonous creature. To secure such power, Hugh, the conjurer, ate the flesh of eagles. When he wished to cure the serpent-disease, he uttered words in the form of a charm which acted as a talisman and cure. After wetting the red rash, which had broken out over the sick person's body, he muttered: \"He-eagle, she-eagle, I send you over nine seas, and over nine mountains, and over nine acres of moor and fen, where no dog shall bark, no cow low, and no eagle shall higher rise.", "T WITCHES IN THE OLD DAYS IT WAS BELIEVED THAT THE SEVENTH SON AND A FAMILY OF SONS WAS A CONJUROR BY NATURE THAT IS HE COULD WORK WONDERS LIKE THE FAIRIES AND EXCEL DOCTORS IN CURING DISEASES IF HE WERE THE SEVENTH SON OF A SEVENTH SON HE WAS HIMSELF A WONDER OF WONDERS THE STORY RAN THAT HE COULD EVEN CURE THE SHINGLES WHICH WAS A VERY TROUBLESOME DISEASE IT IS CALLED ALSO BY A LATIN NAME WHICH MEANS A SNAKE BECAUSE AS IT GETS WORSE IT COILS ITSELF AROUND THE BODY NOW THE EAGLE CAN ATTACK THE SERPENT AND CONQUER AND KILL THIS POISONOUS CREATURE TO SECURE SUCH POWER YOU THE CONJUROR ATE THE FLESH OF EAGLES WHEN HE WISHED TO CURE THE SERPENT DISEASE HE UTTERED THE WORDS IN THE FORM OF A CHARM WHICH ACTED AS A TALISMAN AND A CURE AFTER WETTING THE RED RASH WHICH HAD BROKEN OUT OVER THE SICK PERSON'S BODY HE MUTTERED HE EAGLE SHE EAGLE I SEND YOU OVER THE NINE SEAS AND OVER NINE MOUNTAINS AND OVER NINE ACRES OF MOOR AND FEN WHERE NO DOG SHALL BARK NO COW LO AND NO EAGLE SHALL HIGHER RISE" ], "begin_byte": 19592, "end_byte": 19866 } } ]
{ "id": "large/10730/welshfairytales_1607_librivox_64kb_mp3/welshfairytales_03_griffis_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/10730/welshfairytales_1607_librivox_64kb_mp3/welshfairytales_03_griffis_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 7361128, "duration": 460.0705, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
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[ { "id": "large/10730/welshfairytales_1607_librivox_64kb_mp3/welshfairytales_03_griffis_64kb_26", "recording_id": "large/10730/welshfairytales_1607_librivox_64kb_mp3/welshfairytales_03_griffis_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 16.08, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "10730", "custom": { "texts": [ "In spite of the other lady's many excuses, he was admitted to the sick lady's room. After polite greetings and mutual compliments, Hugh offered his hand to say \"good by.\" The sick lady smiled at once and put out her hand, but it was her left one.", "IN SPITE OF THE OTHER LADY'S MANY EXCUSES HE WAS ADMITTED TO THE SICK LADY'S ROOM AFTER POLITE GREETINGS AND MUTUAL COMPLIMENTS HUGH OFFERED HIS HAND TO SAY GOOD BYE BUT THE SICK LADY SMILED AT ONCE AND PUT OUT HER HAND BUT IT WAS HER LEFT ONE" ], "pre_texts": [ " snored. It was not long before, peeping between his eyelids, only half closed, he saw two cats come stealthily down the chimney. When in the room, the animals frisked about, and then gamboled and romped in the most lively way. Then they chased each other around the bed, as if they were trying to find out whether Hugh was asleep. Meanwhile, the supposed sleeper kept perfectly motionless. Soon the two cats came over to his clothes and one of them put her paw into the pocket that contained his purse. At this, with one sweep of his sword, Hugh struck at the cat's paw. The beast howled frightfully, and both animals ran for the chimney and disappeared. After that, everything was quiet until breakfast time. At the table, only one of the sisters was present. Hugh politely inquired after the other one. He was told that she was not well, for which Hugh said he was very sorry. After the meal, Hugh declared he must say good-by to both the sisters, whose company he had so enjoyed the night before.", "EN HE PRETENDED TO BE ASLEEP AND EVEN SNORED IT WAS NOT LONG BEFORE PEEPING BETWEEN HIS EYELIDS ONLY HALF CLOSED HE SAW TWO CATS COME STEALTHILY DOWN THE CHIMNEY WHEN IN THE ROOM THE ANIMALS FRISKED ABOUT AND THEN GIMBOD AND ROMPED IN THE MOST LIVELY WAY THEY THEN CHASED EACH OTHER ROUND THE BED AS IF THEY WERE TRYING TO FIND OUT WHETHER YOU WAS ASLEEP MEANWHILE THE SUPPOSED SLEEPER KEPT PERFECTLY MOTIONLESS SOON THE TWO CATS CAME OVER TO HIS CLOTHES AND ONE OF THEM PUT HER PAW IN THE POCKET THAT CONTAINED HIS PURSE AT THIS WITH ONE SWEEP OF HIS SWORD YOU STRUCK AT THE CAT'S PAW THE BEAST HOWLED FRIGHTFULLY AND BOTH ANIMALS RAN FOR THE CHIMNEY AND DISAPPEARED AFTER THAT EVERYTHING WAS QUIET UNTIL BREAKFAST TIME AT THE TABLE ONLY ONE OF THE SISTERS WAS PRESENT YOU POLITELY INQUIRED AFTER THE OTHER ONE HE WAS TOLD THAT SHE WAS NOT WELL FOR WHICH YOU SAID HE WAS VERY SORRY AFTER THE MEAL YOU DECLARED HE MUST SAY GOOD BYE TO BOTH THE SISTERS WHOSE COMPANY HE HAD SO ENJOYED THE NIGHT BEFORE" ], "begin_byte": 23649, "end_byte": 23895 } } ]
{ "id": "large/10730/welshfairytales_1607_librivox_64kb_mp3/welshfairytales_03_griffis_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/10730/welshfairytales_1607_librivox_64kb_mp3/welshfairytales_03_griffis_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 7361128, "duration": 460.0705, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
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[ { "id": "large/10730/welshfairytales_1607_librivox_64kb_mp3/welshfairytales_03_griffis_64kb_35", "recording_id": "large/10730/welshfairytales_1607_librivox_64kb_mp3/welshfairytales_03_griffis_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 26.6, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "10730", "custom": { "texts": [ "From that day they were like other women, and kept one of the best of those inns clean, tidy, comfortable and at modest prices for which Wales is, or was, noted. Neither as cats with paws, nor landladies, with soaring bills, did they ever rob travelers again. IV HOW THE CYMRY LAND BECAME INHABITED In all Britain to day, n", "FROM THAT DAY THEY WERE LIKE OTHER WOMEN AND KEPT ONE OF THE BEST OF THOSE INNS CLEAN TIDY COMFORTABLE AND AT MODERATE PRICES FOR WHICH WALES IS OR WAS NOTED NEITHER AS CATS WITH PAWS NOR LANDLADIES WITH SOARING BILLS DID THEY EVER ROB TRAVELERS AGAIN AND OF CHAPTER THIS RECORDING IS IN THE PUBLIC DOMAIN" ], "pre_texts": [ "ter the meal, Hugh declared he must say good-by to both the sisters, whose company he had so enjoyed the night before. In spite of the other lady's many excuses, he was admitted to the sick lady's room. After polite greetings and mutual compliments, Hugh offered his hand to say \"good-by.\" The sick lady smiled at once and put out her hand, but it was her left one. \"Oh, no,\" said Hugh, with a laugh. \"I never in all my life have taken any one's left hand, and, beautiful as yours is, I won't break my habit by beginning now and here.\" Reluctantly, and as if in pain, the sick lady put out her hand. It was bandaged. The mystery was now cleared up. The two sisters were cats. By the help of bad fairies they had changed their forms and were the real robbers. Hugh seized the hand of the other sister and made a little cut in it, from which a few drops of blood flowed, but the spell was over. \"Henceforth,\" said Hugh, \"you are both harmless, and I trust you will both be honest women.\" And they were.", "WELL FOR WHICH YOU SAID HE WAS VERY SORRY AFTER THE MEAL YOU DECLARED HE MUST SAY GOOD BYE TO BOTH THE SISTERS WHOSE COMPANY HE HAD SO ENJOYED THE NIGHT BEFORE IN SPITE OF THE OTHER LADY'S MANY EXCUSES HE WAS ADMITTED TO THE SICK LADY'S ROOM AFTER POLITE GREETINGS AND MUTUAL COMPLIMENTS HUGH OFFERED HIS HAND TO SAY GOOD BYE BUT THE SICK LADY SMILED AT ONCE AND PUT OUT HER HAND BUT IT WAS HER LEFT ONE OH NO SAID YOU WITH A LAUGH I NEVER IN ALL MY LIFE HAVE TAKEN ANY ONE'S LEFT HAND AND AS BEAUTIFUL AS YOURS IS I WON'T BREAK MY HABIT BEGINNING NOW AND HERE RELUCTANTLY AS IF IN PAIN THE SICK LADY PUT OUT HER HAND IT WAS BANDAGED THE MYSTERY WAS NOW CLEARED UP THE TWO SISTERS WERE CATS BY THE HELP OF BAD FAIRIES THEY HAD CHANGED THEIR FORMS AND WERE THE REAL ROBBERS YOU SEIZED THE HAND OF THE OTHER SISTER AND MADE A LITTLE CUT IN IT FROM WHICH A FEW DROPS OF BLOOD FLOWED BUT THE SPELL WAS OVER HENCEFORTH SAID YOU YOU ARE BOTH HARMLESS AND I TRUST YOU WILL BE BOTH HONEST WOMEN AND THEY WERE" ], "begin_byte": 24531, "end_byte": 24856 } } ]
{ "id": "large/10730/welshfairytales_1607_librivox_64kb_mp3/welshfairytales_03_griffis_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/10730/welshfairytales_1607_librivox_64kb_mp3/welshfairytales_03_griffis_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 7361128, "duration": 460.0705, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
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[ { "id": "large/10730/welshfairytales_1607_librivox_64kb_mp3/welshfairytales_05_griffis_64kb_27", "recording_id": "large/10730/welshfairytales_1607_librivox_64kb_mp3/welshfairytales_05_griffis_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 7.839, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "10730", "custom": { "texts": [ "Everyone at the table looked at the boy, and all recognized the lad at once as the child of Powell and Rhiannon.", "EVERY ONE AT THE TABLE LOOKED AT THE BOY AND ALL RECOGNIZED THE LAD AT ONCE AS THE CHILD OF PAUL AND RHIANNON" ], "pre_texts": [ "block at the gate. When they were about to dismount from their horses, the lovely woman spoke to them thus: \"Chieftains, go no further thus. I will carry everyone of you on my back, into the palace.\" Seeing their looks of astonishment, she explained: \"This is my penance for the charge brought against me of slaying my son and devouring him.\" One and all the four refused to be carried and went into the castle on their own feet. There Powell, the prince, welcomed them and made a feast in their honor. It being night, Rhiannon sat beside him. After dinner when the time for story telling had come, the chief guest told the tale of his mare and the colt, and how he cut the clawed hand, and then found the boy on the doorstep. Then to the joy and surprise of all, the owner of the Co-ed mare, putting the golden-haired boy before Rhiannon, cried out: \"Behold lady, here is thy son, and whoever they were who told the story and lied about your devouring your own child, have done you a grievous wrong.", "FUL RHIANNON SITTING ON THE HORSE BLOCK AT THE GATE WHEN THEY WERE ABOUT TO DISMOUNT FROM THEIR HORSES THE LOVELY WOMAN SPOKE TO THEM THUS CHIEFTAINS GO NO FURTHER THUS I WILL CARRY EVERY ONE OF YOU ON MY BACK INTO THE PALACE SEEING THEIR LOOKS OF ASTONISHMENT SHE EXPLAINED THIS IS MY PENANCE FOR THE CHARGE BROUGHT AGAINST ME OF SLAYING MY SON AND DEVOURING HIM ONE AND ALL THE FOUR REFUSED TO BE CARRIED AND WENT INTO THE CASTLE ON THEIR OWN FEET THERE PAUL THE PRINCE WELCOMED THEM AND MADE A FEAST IN THEIR HONOR IT BEING NIGHT RHIANNON SAT BESIDE HIM AFTER DINNER WHEN THE TIME FOR STORY TELLING HAD COME THE CHIEF GUEST TOLD HIS TALE OF THE MARE AND THE COLT AND HOW HE CUT THE CLAWED HAND AND THEN FOUND THE BOY ON THE DOORSTEP THEN TO THE JOY AND SURPRISE OF ALL THE OWNER OF THE COAD MAYOR PUTTING THE GOLDEN HAIRED BOY BEFORE RHIANNON CRIED OUT BEHOLD LADY HERE IS THY SON AND WHOEVER THEY WERE WHO TOLD THE STORY AND LIED ABOUT YOUR DEVOURING YOUR OWN CHILD HAVE DONE YOU A GRIEVOUS WRONG" ], "begin_byte": 43227, "end_byte": 43340 } } ]
{ "id": "large/10730/welshfairytales_1607_librivox_64kb_mp3/welshfairytales_05_griffis_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/10730/welshfairytales_1607_librivox_64kb_mp3/welshfairytales_05_griffis_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 7079934, "duration": 442.495875, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
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[ { "id": "large/10730/welshfairytales_1607_librivox_64kb_mp3/welshfairytales_10_griffis_64kb_2", "recording_id": "large/10730/welshfairytales_1607_librivox_64kb_mp3/welshfairytales_10_griffis_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 9.36, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "10730", "custom": { "texts": [ "\"Take me to thy bosom, monk Wyland,\" she shrieked, laughing hideously and showing what looked like green snags in her mouth.", "TAKE ME TO THY BOSOM MONK WYN SHE SHRIEKED LAUGHING HIDEOUSLY AND SHOWING WHAT LOOKED LIKE GREEN SNAGS IN HER MOUTH" ], "pre_texts": [ " Green Forest Maiden. He moved forward to the mouth of the cave. Then summoning into his presence the spirits of the air and the cave, he informed them as to Benlli's vow to enrich the monastery, and to deliver the Green Forest Maiden to himself. Then, calling aloud, he said: \"Let her forever be, as she now appears, and never leave my side.\" \"Bring her, before the break of day, to the cross near the town of the White Minster, and there will I wed her, and swear to make her my own.\" Then, by the power of his magic, he made it impossible for any person or power to recall or hinder the operation of these words. Leaving the cave's mouth, in order to be at the cross, before day should dawn, the first thing he met was a hideous ogress, grinning and rolling her bleared red eyes at him. On her head seemed what was more like moss, than hair. She stretched out a long bony finger at him. On it, flashed the splendid diamond, which Benlli had given his bride, the beautiful Maid of the Green Forest.", "N THE MONK'S OWN AND THOSE OF THE GREEN FOREST MAIDEN HE MOVED FORWARD TO THE MOUTH OF THE CAVE THEN SUMMONING INTO HIS PRESENCE THE SPIRITS OF THE AIR AND THE CAVE HE FORMED THEM AS TO BENTLEY'S BOW TO ENRICH THE MONASTERY AND TO DELIVER THE GREEN FOREST MAIDEN TO HIMSELF THEN CALLING ALOUD HE SAID LET HER FOREVER BE AS SHE APPEARS NOW AND NEVER LEAD MY SIDE BRING HER BEFORE THE BRICK OF DAY TO THE CROSS NEAR THE TOWN OF THE WHITE MINSTER AND THERE I WILL WED HER AND SWEAR TO MAKE HER MY OWN THEN BY THE POWERS OF HIS MAGIC HE MADE IT IMPOSSIBLE FOR ANY PERSON OR POWER TO RECALL OR HINDER THE OPERATION OF THESE WORDS LEAVING THE CAVE'S MOUTH IN ORDER TO BE AT THE CROSS BEFORE THE DAY SHOULD DAWN THE FIRST THING HE MET WAS A HIDEOUS OGRESS GRINNING AND ROLLING HER BLEARED RED EYES AT HIM ON HER HEAD SEEMED WHAT WAS MORE LIKE MOSS THAN HAIR SHE STRETCHED OUT A LONG BONY FINGER AT HIM ON IT FLASHED A SPLENDID DIAMOND WHICH BENTLEY HAD GIVEN HIS BRIDE THE BEAUTIFUL MAID OF THE GREEN FOREST" ], "begin_byte": 95277, "end_byte": 95401 } } ]
{ "id": "large/10730/welshfairytales_1607_librivox_64kb_mp3/welshfairytales_10_griffis_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/10730/welshfairytales_1607_librivox_64kb_mp3/welshfairytales_10_griffis_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 10003466, "duration": 625.216625, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
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[ { "id": "large/10730/welshfairytales_1607_librivox_64kb_mp3/welshfairytales_10_griffis_64kb_21", "recording_id": "large/10730/welshfairytales_1607_librivox_64kb_mp3/welshfairytales_10_griffis_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 14.399, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "10730", "custom": { "texts": [ "He had not long to wait, for soon, with a crown on her head, a lady, royally arrayed, passed by out of the silvery moonlight into the dark cave. It was none other than the Maiden of the Green Forest.", "HE HAD NOT LONG TO WAIT FOR SOON WITH A CROWN ON HER HEAD A LADY ROYALLY ARRAYED PASSED OUT OF THE SILVERLY MOONLIGHT INTO THE DARK CAVE IT WAS NONE OTHER THAN THE MAIDEN OF THE GREEN FOREST" ], "pre_texts": [ "n my soul. Despite all my wealth, and my strong castle, with feasting and music by night and hunting by day, I am the most miserable man in Cymric land. No beggar is more wretched than I.\" Wyland, the monk, listened and his eyes glittered. There came into his head the idea of enriching the monastery. He saw his chance, and improved it at once. He could make money by solving the secret for a troubled soul. \"Prince Benlli,\" said he, \"if you will bestow upon the monks of the White Minster, one tenth of all the flocks that feed within your domain, and one tenth of all that flows into the vaults of your palace, and hand over the Maiden of the Green Forest to me, I shall warrant that your soul will be at peace and your troubles end.\" To all this, Prince Benlli agreed, making solemn promise. Then the monk Wyland took his book, leather bound, and kept shut by means of metal clasps, and hid himself in the cranny of a rock near the Giant's Cave, from which there was entrance down into Fairyland.", "CH A MYSTERY THAT THE SECRET LIES HEAVY ON MY SOUL DESPITE ALL MY WEALTH AND MY STRONG CASTLE WITH FEASTING AND MUSIC BY NIGHT AND HUNTING BY DAY I AM THE MOST MISERABLE MAN IN THE COMIC LAND NO BEGGAR IS MORE WRETCHED THAN I WHYLAND THE MONK LISTENED AND HIS EYES GLITTERED THERE CAME INTO HIS HEAD THE IDEA OF ENRICHING THE MONASTERY HE SAW HIS CHANCE AND IMPROVED IT AT ONCE HE COULD MAKE MONEY BY SOLVING THE SECRET FOR A TROUBLED SOUL PRINCE BENTLEY SAID HE IF YOU BESTOW UPON THE MONKS OF THE WHITE MINSTER ONE TENTH OF THE FLOCKS THAT FEED WITHIN YOUR DOMAIN AND ONE TENTH OF ALL THAT FLOWS INTO THE VAULT OF YOUR PALACE AND HAND OVER THE MAIDEN OF THE GREEN FOREST TO ME I SHALL WARRANT YOUR SOUL WILL BE AT PEACE AND YOUR TROUBLES END TO ALL THIS PRINCE BENTLEY AGREED MAKING A SOLEMN PROMISE THEN THE MONK VIOLEN TOOK HIS BOOK LEATHER BOUND AND KEPT SHUT BY MEANS OF METAL CLASPS AND HID HIMSELF IN THE CRANNY OF A ROCK NEAR THE GIANT'S CAVE FROM WHICH THERE IS ENTRANCE DOWN INTO FAIRYLAND" ], "begin_byte": 93995, "end_byte": 94194 } } ]
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[ { "id": "large/10730/welshfairytales_1607_librivox_64kb_mp3/welshfairytales_10_griffis_64kb_27", "recording_id": "large/10730/welshfairytales_1607_librivox_64kb_mp3/welshfairytales_10_griffis_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 8.24, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "10730", "custom": { "texts": [ "So, caught in his own dark, sordid plot, the monk, who played conjurer, had become the victim of his own craft.", "SO CAUGHT IN HIS OWN DOCK'S SWORD PLOT THE MONK WHO PLAYED CONJURER HAD BECOME THE VICTIM OF HIS OWN CRAFT" ], "pre_texts": [ " looked like green snags in her mouth. \"For I am the wife you are sworn to wed. Thirty years ago, I was Benlli's blooming bride. When my beauty left me, his love flew out of the window. Now I am a foul ogress, but magic makes me young again every seventh night. I promised that my beauty should last until the tall flag reeds and the long green rushes grow in his hall.\" Amazed at her story, Wyland drew in his breath. \"And this promise, I have kept. It is already fulfilled. Your spell and mine are both completed. Yours brought to him the peace of the dead. Mine made the river floods rush in. Now, waters lap to and fro among the reeds and rushes that grow in the banqueting hall, which is now sunk deep below the earth. With the clash of our spells, no charm can redress our fate. \"Come then and take me as thy bride, for oath and spell have both decreed it as thy reward. As Benlli's promise to you is fulfilled, for the waters flow in the palace vaults, the pike and the dare (fish) feed there.", "HRIEKED LAUGHING HIDEOUSLY AND SHOWING WHAT LOOKED LIKE GREEN SNAGS IN HER MOUTH FOR I AM THE WIFE YOU ARE SWORN TO WED THIRTY YEARS AGO I WAS BENTLEY'S BLOOMING BRIDE WHEN MY BEAUTY LEFT ME HIS BLOOD FLEW OUT THE WINDOW NOW I AM IN A FOUL OGRESS BUT MAGIC MAKES ME YOUNG AGAIN EVERY SEVENTH NIGHT I PROMISED THAT MY BEAUTY SHOULD LAST UNTIL THE TALL FLAG REEDS AND THE LONG GREEN RUSHES GROW IN HIS HALL AMAZED BY THE STORY WYLAND DREW HIS BREATH AND THIS PROMISE I HAVE KEPT IT HAS ALREADY FULFILLED YOUR SPELL AND MINE ARE BOTH COMPLETED YOURS BROUGHT TO HIM THE PEACE OF THE DEAD MINE MADE THE RIVERS RUSH IN NOW WATERS LAP TO AND FRO AMONG THE REEDS AND RUSHES THAT GROW IN THE BANQUETING HALL WHICH IS NOW SUNK DEEP BELOW THE EARTH WITH THE CLASH OF OUR SPELLS NO CHARM CAN REDRESS OUR FATE COME THEN AND TAKE ME AS THY BRIDE FOR OATH AND SPELL HAVE BOTH DECREED IT AS THY REWARD AS BENTLEY'S PROMISED USE FULFILLED FOR THE WATERS FLOW IN THE PALACE VAULTS THE PIKE AND THE DARE FISH FEED THERE" ], "begin_byte": 96364, "end_byte": 96476 } } ]
{ "id": "large/10730/welshfairytales_1607_librivox_64kb_mp3/welshfairytales_10_griffis_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/10730/welshfairytales_1607_librivox_64kb_mp3/welshfairytales_10_griffis_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 10003466, "duration": 625.216625, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
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[ { "id": "large/10730/welshfairytales_1607_librivox_64kb_mp3/welshfairytales_10_griffis_64kb_36", "recording_id": "large/10730/welshfairytales_1607_librivox_64kb_mp3/welshfairytales_10_griffis_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 15.679, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "10730", "custom": { "texts": [ "They say that Wyland's Cross still recalls the monk, while fishermen on the Welsh border, can, on nights with smooth water, see towers and chimneys far below, sunk deep beneath the waves.", "THEY SAY THAT WHYLAN'S CROSS STILL RECALLS THE MONK WHILE FISHERMEN ON THE WELSH BORDER CAN ON NIGHTS WITH SMOOTH WATER SEE TOWERS AND CHIMNEYS FAR BELOW SUNK DEEP BENEATH THE WAVES" ], "pre_texts": [ "blooming bride. When my beauty left me, his love flew out of the window. Now I am a foul ogress, but magic makes me young again every seventh night. I promised that my beauty should last until the tall flag reeds and the long green rushes grow in his hall.\" Amazed at her story, Wyland drew in his breath. \"And this promise, I have kept. It is already fulfilled. Your spell and mine are both completed. Yours brought to him the peace of the dead. Mine made the river floods rush in. Now, waters lap to and fro among the reeds and rushes that grow in the banqueting hall, which is now sunk deep below the earth. With the clash of our spells, no charm can redress our fate. \"Come then and take me as thy bride, for oath and spell have both decreed it as thy reward. As Benlli's promise to you is fulfilled, for the waters flow in the palace vaults, the pike and the dare (fish) feed there.\" So, caught in his own dark, sordid plot, the monk, who played conjurer, had become the victim of his own craft.", "SWORN TO WED THIRTY YEARS AGO I WAS BENTLEY'S BLOOMING BRIDE WHEN MY BEAUTY LEFT ME HIS BLOOD FLEW OUT THE WINDOW NOW I AM IN A FOUL OGRESS BUT MAGIC MAKES ME YOUNG AGAIN EVERY SEVENTH NIGHT I PROMISED THAT MY BEAUTY SHOULD LAST UNTIL THE TALL FLAG REEDS AND THE LONG GREEN RUSHES GROW IN HIS HALL AMAZED BY THE STORY WYLAND DREW HIS BREATH AND THIS PROMISE I HAVE KEPT IT HAS ALREADY FULFILLED YOUR SPELL AND MINE ARE BOTH COMPLETED YOURS BROUGHT TO HIM THE PEACE OF THE DEAD MINE MADE THE RIVERS RUSH IN NOW WATERS LAP TO AND FRO AMONG THE REEDS AND RUSHES THAT GROW IN THE BANQUETING HALL WHICH IS NOW SUNK DEEP BELOW THE EARTH WITH THE CLASH OF OUR SPELLS NO CHARM CAN REDRESS OUR FATE COME THEN AND TAKE ME AS THY BRIDE FOR OATH AND SPELL HAVE BOTH DECREED IT AS THY REWARD AS BENTLEY'S PROMISED USE FULFILLED FOR THE WATERS FLOW IN THE PALACE VAULTS THE PIKE AND THE DARE FISH FEED THERE SO CAUGHT IN HIS OWN DOCK'S SWORD PLOT THE MONK WHO PLAYED CONJURER HAD BECOME THE VICTIM OF HIS OWN CRAFT" ], "begin_byte": 96477, "end_byte": 96664 } } ]
{ "id": "large/10730/welshfairytales_1607_librivox_64kb_mp3/welshfairytales_10_griffis_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/10730/welshfairytales_1607_librivox_64kb_mp3/welshfairytales_10_griffis_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 10003466, "duration": 625.216625, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
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[ { "id": "large/10730/welshfairytales_1607_librivox_64kb_mp3/welshfairytales_10_griffis_64kb_48", "recording_id": "large/10730/welshfairytales_1607_librivox_64kb_mp3/welshfairytales_10_griffis_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 9.36, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "10730", "custom": { "texts": [ "A prince named Benlli, of the Powys region, found this out to his grief, for he had always supposed that wives could be had simply for the asking.", "A PRINCE NAMED BENTLEY OF THE POWARS REGION FOUND US OUT TO HIS GRIEF FOR HE ALWAYS SUPPOSED THAT WIVES COULD BE HAD SIMPLY FOR THE ASKING" ], "pre_texts": [ "ated, wife and husband, one from the other; but by her coming as near as could be allowed, she showed her undying love. Even to-day, good people sometimes see a little island floating on the lake, and this, they point out as the place where the fairy mother was wont to come and hold converse with her dear ones. When they merrily eat the pink delicacy, called \"floating island,\" moving it about with a spoon on its yellow lake of eggs and cream, they call this \"the Fairy Mother's rocking chair.\" X THE MAIDEN OF THE GREEN FOREST Many a palace lies under the waves that wash Cymric land, for the sea has swallowed up more than one village, and even cities. When Welsh fairies yield to their mortal lovers and consent to become their wives, it is always on some condition or promise. Sometimes there are several of these, which the fairy ladies compel their mortal lovers to pledge them, before they agree to become wives. In fact, the fairies in Cymric land are among the most exacting of any known.", " CHAPTER TEN OF WALSH FAIRY TALES THIS IS THE LIBEROXYCORDING ALL LEPERVOX ACCORDINGS ARE IN THE PUBLIC DOMAIN FOR MORE INFORMATION OR TO VOLUNTEER PLEASE VISIT LIEBER BOX DOT ORG RECORDING BY JAMES LEAN WALSH FAIRY TALES BY WILLIAM ELLIOT GRIFFITH CHAPTER TEN THE MAIDEN OF THE GREEN FOREST MANY A PALACE LIES UNDER THE WAVES THAT WASH THE COMRACK LAND FOR THE SEA HAS SWALLOWED UP MORE THAN ONE VILLAGE AND EVEN CITIES WHEN WELSH FAIRIES YIELD TO THEIR MORTAL LOVERS AND CONSENT TO BECOME THEIR WIVES IT IS ALWAYS ON SOME CONDITION OR PROMISE SOMETIMES THERE ARE SEVERAL OF THESE WHICH THE FAIRY LADIES COMPEL THEIR MORTAL LOVERS TO PLEDGE THEM BEFORE THEY AGREE TO BECOME WIVES" ], "begin_byte": 88500, "end_byte": 88646 } } ]
{ "id": "large/10730/welshfairytales_1607_librivox_64kb_mp3/welshfairytales_10_griffis_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/10730/welshfairytales_1607_librivox_64kb_mp3/welshfairytales_10_griffis_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 10003466, "duration": 625.216625, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
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[ { "id": "large/10730/welshfairytales_1607_librivox_64kb_mp3/welshfairytales_11_griffis_64kb_16", "recording_id": "large/10730/welshfairytales_1607_librivox_64kb_mp3/welshfairytales_11_griffis_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 17.76, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "10730", "custom": { "texts": [ "Seeing this, before he fell asleep, the boy resolved that on the morrow, he would go up to the mountains, and talk to his fairy friends about the matter. So early in the morning, he hurried to the hill tops, and going into one of the caves, met the fairies and told them his troubles.", "SEEING THIS BEFORE HE FELL ASLEEP THE BOY RESOLVED THAT ON THE MORROW HE WOULD GO UP TO THE MOUNTAINS AND TALK TO HIS FAIRY FRIENDS ABOUT THE MATTER SO IN THE EARLY MORNING HE HURRIED TO THE HILL TOPS GOING INTO ONE OF THE CAVES MET THE FAIRIES AND TOLD THEM HIS TROUBLES" ], "pre_texts": [ "t dig, or pull, or pry, until doomsday, but in vain. Till the right one came, the treasure was as safe as if in heaven. But the boy's father and mother were now very poor and his sisters now grown up wanted pretty clothes so badly, that the lad hoped that he or his father might be the deserving one. He would help him to win the treasure for he felt sure that his parent would share his gains with all his friends. Though his neighbors were not told of the generous intentions credited to the boy's father, by his loving son, they all came with horses, ropes, crowbars, and tackle, to help in the enterprise. Yet after many a long days' toil, between the sun's rising and setting, their end was failure. Every day, when darkness came on, the stone lay there still, as hard and fast as ever. So they gave up the task. On the final night, the lad saw that father and mother, who were great lovers, were holding each other's hands, while their tears flowed together, and they were praying for patience.", "UDGE THE STONE ANY AND ALL UNWORTHY MEN MIGHT DIG OR PULL OR PRY UNTIL DOOMSDAY BUT IN VAIN TO THE RIGHT ONE CAME THE TREASURE WAS SAFE AS IF IN HEAVEN BUT THE BOY'S FATHER AND MOTHER WERE NOW VERY POOR AND HIS SISTERS NOW GROWN UP WANTED PRETTY CLOTHES SO BADLY THAT THE LAD HOPED HE OR HIS FATHER MIGHT BE THE DESERVING ONE HE WOULD HELP HIM WIN THE TREASURE FOR HE FELT SURE THAT HIS PARENT WOULD SHARE HIS GAINS WITH ALL HIS FRIENDS THOUGH HIS NEIGHBORS WERE NOT TOLD OF THE GENEROUS INTENTIONS CREDITED TO THE BOY'S FATHER BY HIS LOVING SON THEY ALL CAME WITH HORSES ROPES CROW BARS AND TACKLE TO HELP IN THE ENTERPRISE YET AFTER MANY A LONG DAY'S TOIL BETWEEN THE SUN'S RISING AND SETTING THEIR END WAS FAILURE EVERY DAY WHEN DARKNESS CAME ON THE STONE LAY THERE STILL AS HARD AND FAST AS EVER SO THEY GAVE UP THE TASK ON THE FINAL NIGHT THE LAD SAW THE FATHER AND MOTHER WHO WERE GREAT LOVERS WERE HOLDING EACH OTHER'S HANDS WHILE THEIR TEARS FLOWED TOGETHER AND THEY WERE PRAYING FOR PATIENCE" ], "begin_byte": 104517, "end_byte": 104801 } } ]
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[ { "id": "large/10730/welshfairytales_1607_librivox_64kb_mp3/welshfairytales_11_griffis_64kb_23", "recording_id": "large/10730/welshfairytales_1607_librivox_64kb_mp3/welshfairytales_11_griffis_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 5.92, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "10730", "custom": { "texts": [ "She asked her boy where he had got them. He told her what a nice time he had enjoyed.", "SHE ASKED HER BOY WHERE HE HAD GOT THEM HE TOLD HER WHAT A NICE TIME HE HAD ENJOYED" ], "pre_texts": [ " at the end of the day, on coming back home, from the hills, the boy met some lovely children. They were dressed in very fine clothes, and had elegant manners. They came up, smiled, and invited him to play with them. He joined in their sports, and was too much interested to take note of time. He kept on playing with them until it was pitch dark. Among other games, which he enjoyed, had been that of \"The King in his counting house, counting out his money,\" and \"The Queen in her kitchen, eating bread and honey,\" and \"The Girl hanging out the clothes,\" and \"The Saucy Blackbird that snipped off her nose.\" In playing these, the children had aprons full of what seemed to be real coins, the size of crowns, or five-shilling pieces, each worth a dollar. These had \"head and tail,\" beside letters on them and the boy supposed they were real. But when he showed these to his mother, she saw at once from their lightness, and because they were so easily bent, that they were only paper, and not silver.", "OULD BE QUITE AS SWEET AS SHE WAS ONCE AT THE END OF A DAY ON COMING BACK HOME FROM THE HILLS THE BOY MET SOME LOVELY CHILDREN THEY WERE DRESSED IN THEIR VERY FINE CLOTHES AND HAD ELEGANT MANNERS THEY CAME UP SMILED AND INVITED HIM TO PLAY WITH THEM HE JOINED IN THEIR SPORTS AND WAS TOO MUCH INTERESTED TO TAKE NOTE OF TIME HE KEPT ON PLAYING WITH THEM UNTIL IT WAS PITCH DARK AMONG OTHER GAMES WHICH HE ENJOYED HAD BEEN THAT OF THE KING AND HIS COUNTING HOUSE COUNTING OUT HIS MONEY AND THE QUEEN IN THEIR KITCHEN EATING BREAD AND HONEY AND THE GIRL HANGING OUT CLOTHES AND THE SAUCY BLACKBIRD THAT SNIPPED OFF HER NOSE IN PLAYING THESE THE CHILDREN HAD APRONS FULL OF WHAT SEEMED TO BE REAL COINS THE SIZE OF CROWNS OR FIVE SHILLING PIECES EACH WORTH A DOLLAR THESE HAD HEAD AND TAIL BESIDES LETTERS ON THEM AND THE BOY SUPPOSED THEY WERE REAL BUT WHEN HE SHOWED THESE TO HIS MOTHER SHE SAW AT ONCE FROM THEIR LIGHTNESS AND BECAUSE THEY WERE SO EASILY BENT THAT THEY WERE ONLY PAPER AND NOT SILVER" ], "begin_byte": 100211, "end_byte": 100296 } } ]
{ "id": "large/10730/welshfairytales_1607_librivox_64kb_mp3/welshfairytales_11_griffis_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/10730/welshfairytales_1607_librivox_64kb_mp3/welshfairytales_11_griffis_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 10592044, "duration": 662.00275, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
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[ { "id": "large/10730/welshfairytales_1607_librivox_64kb_mp3/welshfairytales_11_griffis_64kb_40", "recording_id": "large/10730/welshfairytales_1607_librivox_64kb_mp3/welshfairytales_11_griffis_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 30.52, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "10730", "custom": { "texts": [ "But early one morning of the twenty fifth month, before breakfast, his mother, on opening the door, found him sitting on the steps, with a bundle under his arm, but dressed in the same clothes, and not looking a day older or in any way different, from the very hour he disappeared. \"Why my dear boy, where have you been, all these months, which have now run into the third year so long a time that they have seemed to me like ages?\"", "BUT EARLY ONE MORNING ON THE TWENTY FIFTH MONTH BEFORE BREAKFAST HIS MOTHER ON OPENING THE DOOR FOUND HIM SITTING ON THE STEPS WITH A BUNDLE UNDER HIS ARM BUT DRESSED IN THE SAME CLOTHES AND NOT LOOKING A DAY OLDER OR IN ANY WAY DIFFERENT FROM THE VERY HOUR HE DISAPPEARED WHY MY DEAR BOY WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN ALL THESE MONTHS WHICH HAVE NOW RUN INTO THE THIRD YEAR SO LONG A TIME THAT THEY HAVE SEEMED TO ME LIKE THE AGES" ], "pre_texts": [ "from their lightness, and because they were so easily bent, that they were only paper, and not silver. She asked her boy where he had got them. He told her what a nice time he had enjoyed. Then she knew that these, his playmates, were fairy children. Fearing that some evil might come of this, she charged him, her only son, never to go out again alone, on the mountain. She mistrusted that no good would come of making such strange children his companions. But the lad was so fond of play, that one day, tired of seeing nothing but byre and garden, while his sisters liked to play girls' games more than those which boys cared most for, and the hills seeming to beckon him to come to them, he disobeyed, and slipped out and off to the mountains. He was soon missed and search was made for him. Yet nobody had seen or heard of him. Though inquiries were made on every road, in every village, and at all the fairs and markets in the neighborhood, two whole years passed by, without a trace of the boy.", "O HIS MOTHER SHE SAW AT ONCE FROM THEIR LIGHTNESS AND BECAUSE THEY WERE SO EASILY BENT THAT THEY WERE ONLY PAPER AND NOT SILVER SHE ASKED HER BOY WHERE HE HAD GOT THEM HE TOLD HER WHAT A NICE TIME HE HAD ENJOYED THEN SHE KNEW THAT THESE HIS PLAYMATES WERE FAIRY CHILDREN FEARING THAT SOME EVIL MIGHT COME OF THIS SHE CHARGED HIM HER ONLY SON NEVER TO GO OUT AGAIN ALONE ON THE MOUNTAIN SHE MISTRUSTED THAT NO GOOD WOULD COME OF THE MAKING OF SUCH STRANGE CHILDREN HIS COMPANION BUT THE LAD WAS SO FOND OF PLAY THAT ONE DAY TIRED OF SEEING NOTHING BUT BYRE AND GARDEN WHILE HIS SISTERS LIKED TO PLAY GIRLS GAMES MORE THAN THOSE WHICH BOYS CARED MOST FOR AND THE HILLS SEEMING TO BECKON TO HIM TO COME TO THEM HE DISOBEYED AND SLEPT OUT AND OFF TO THE MOUNTAINS HE WAS SOON MISSED AND A SEARCH WAS MADE FOR HIM YET NO ONE HAD SEEN OR HEARD OF HIM THOUGH INQUIRIES WERE MADE ON EVERY ROAD IN EVERY VILLAGE AND AT THE FAIRS AND MARKETS IN THE NEIGHBOROD TWO WHOLE YEARS PASSED BY WITHOUT TRACE OF THE BOY" ], "begin_byte": 101109, "end_byte": 101542 } } ]
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[ { "id": "large/10730/welshfairytales_1607_librivox_64kb_mp3/welshfairytales_12_griffis_64kb_3", "recording_id": "large/10730/welshfairytales_1607_librivox_64kb_mp3/welshfairytales_12_griffis_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 7.48, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "10730", "custom": { "texts": [ "\"Better save your breath to cool your porridge, you big boaster, and come out and fight,\" said Tom.", "BETTER SAVE YOUR BREATH TO COOL YOUR PORRIDGE YOU BIG BOASTER AND COME OUT AND FIGHT SAID TOM" ], "pre_texts": [ "rewery saw through Tom's purpose. He winked, and only said: \"Go ahead, my boy. I'll pay you double wages, if you will open that road again; but see that Giant Blubb does not get my load of kegs, or that your carcass doesn't count with those of the twenty wives in his vaults and make twenty-one.\" Again he winked his eye knowingly to his workmen. Tom drove off. He occupied all the room on the seat of the cart, which two men usually filled and left plenty of room on either side. Cracking his whip, the new driver kept the four horses on a galloping pace, until very soon he called out \"whoa,\" before the frowning high gateway of Giant Blubb. Tom shouted from the depth of his lungs: \"Open the gate and let me drive through. This is the King's Highway.\" The only reply, for a minute, was the barking of the curs. Then a rattling of bolts was heard, and the great gates swung wide open. \"Who are you, you impudent fellow? Go round over the hill, or I'll thrash you,\" blustered Giant Blubb, in a rage.", "NG'S HIGHWAY THE MASTER OF THE BREWERY SAW THROUGH TOM'S PURPOSE HE WINKED AND ONLY SAID GO AHEAD MY BOY I'LL PAY YOU DOUBLE WAGES IF YOU WILL OPEN THAT ROAD AGAIN BUT SEE THAT GIANT BLUB DOES NOT GET A LOAD OF MY KEGS OR THAT YOUR CARCASS DOESN'T COUNT WITH THOSE OF THE TWENTY WIVES IN HIS VAULTS AND MAKE TWENTY ONE AGAIN HE WINKED HIS EYE KNOWINGLY TO HIS WORKMEN TOM DROVE OFF HE OCCUPIED ALL THE ROOM ON THE SEAT OF THE CART WHICH TWO MEN USUALLY FILLED AND LEFT PLENTY OF ROOM ON EITHER SIDE CRACKING HIS WHIP THE NEW DRIVER KEPT THE FOUR HORSES ON A GALLOPING PACE UNTIL VERY SOON HE CALLED OUT WOE BEFORE THE FROWNING HIGH GATEWAY OF GIANT BLUB TOM SHOUTED FROM THE DEPTHS OF HIS LUNGS OPEN THE GATE AND LET ME DRIVE THROUGH THIS IS THE KING'S HIGHWAY THE ONLY REPLY FOR A MINUTE WAS THE BARKING OF THE CURS THEN THE RATTLING OF BOLTS WAS HEARD AND THE GREAT GATES SWUNG WIDE OPEN WHO ARE YOU YOU IMPRUDENT FELLOW GO AROUND OVER THE HILL OR I'LL THRASH YOU BLUSTERED THE GIANT BLUB IN A RAGE" ], "begin_byte": 113917, "end_byte": 114016 } } ]
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[ { "id": "large/10730/welshfairytales_1607_librivox_64kb_mp3/welshfairytales_12_griffis_64kb_7", "recording_id": "large/10730/welshfairytales_1607_librivox_64kb_mp3/welshfairytales_12_griffis_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 19.559, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "10730", "custom": { "texts": [ "Cracking his whip, the new driver kept the four horses on a galloping pace, until very soon he called out \"whoa,\" before the frowning high gateway of Giant Blubb. Tom shouted from the depth of his lungs: \"Open the gate and let me drive through. This is the King's Highway.\"", "CRACKING HIS WHIP THE NEW DRIVER KEPT THE FOUR HORSES ON A GALLOPING PACE UNTIL VERY SOON HE CALLED OUT WOE BEFORE THE FROWNING HIGH GATEWAY OF GIANT BLUB TOM SHOUTED FROM THE DEPTHS OF HIS LUNGS OPEN THE GATE AND LET ME DRIVE THROUGH THIS IS THE KING'S HIGHWAY" ], "pre_texts": [ ", by building a great wall and tower across the road, to shut it up, to the grief of many honest men. \"Never mind, boys. I'll attend to his bacon,\" said Tom. \"Leave the matter with me, and don't bother to tell the King about it.\" Tom went the next day into town and hired himself out to a beer brewer to drive the wagon. Perhaps he hoped, also, while in this occupation, to keep down his thirst. He asked the boss to give him the route that led past Giant Blubb's castle, over the old King's Highway. The master of the brewery saw through Tom's purpose. He winked, and only said: \"Go ahead, my boy. I'll pay you double wages, if you will open that road again; but see that Giant Blubb does not get my load of kegs, or that your carcass doesn't count with those of the twenty wives in his vaults and make twenty-one.\" Again he winked his eye knowingly to his workmen. Tom drove off. He occupied all the room on the seat of the cart, which two men usually filled and left plenty of room on either side.", "G BULLY HAD RUINED THE KING'S HIGHWAY BY BUILDING A GREAT WALL AND TOWER ACROSS THE ROAD TO SHUT IT UP TO THE GRIEF OF MANY HONEST MEN NEVER MIND BOYS I'LL ATTEND TO HIS BACON SAID TOM LEAVE THE MATTER WITH ME AND DON'T BOTHER TO TELL THE KING ABOUT IT TOM WENT THE NEXT DAY INTO TOWN AND HIRED HIMSELF OUT AS A BEER BREWER TO DRIVE THE WAGON PERHAPS HE HOPED ALSO WELL IN THIS OCCUPATION TO KEEP DOWN HIS THIRST HE ASKED THE BOSS TO GIVE HIM THE ROUTE THAT LED PAST GIANT BLUB'S CASTLE OVER THE OLD KING'S HIGHWAY THE MASTER OF THE BREWERY SAW THROUGH TOM'S PURPOSE HE WINKED AND ONLY SAID GO AHEAD MY BOY I'LL PAY YOU DOUBLE WAGES IF YOU WILL OPEN THAT ROAD AGAIN BUT SEE THAT GIANT BLUB DOES NOT GET A LOAD OF MY KEGS OR THAT YOUR CARCASS DOESN'T COUNT WITH THOSE OF THE TWENTY WIVES IN HIS VAULTS AND MAKE TWENTY ONE AGAIN HE WINKED HIS EYE KNOWINGLY TO HIS WORKMEN TOM DROVE OFF HE OCCUPIED ALL THE ROOM ON THE SEAT OF THE CART WHICH TWO MEN USUALLY FILLED AND LEFT PLENTY OF ROOM ON EITHER SIDE" ], "begin_byte": 113397, "end_byte": 113670 } } ]
{ "id": "large/10730/welshfairytales_1607_librivox_64kb_mp3/welshfairytales_12_griffis_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/10730/welshfairytales_1607_librivox_64kb_mp3/welshfairytales_12_griffis_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 13186804, "duration": 824.17525, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
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[ { "id": "large/10730/welshfairytales_1607_librivox_64kb_mp3/welshfairytales_12_griffis_64kb_11", "recording_id": "large/10730/welshfairytales_1607_librivox_64kb_mp3/welshfairytales_12_griffis_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 12.76, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "10730", "custom": { "texts": [ "\"You've beaten me on the square, and I like you. Don't think I killed my twenty wives. They all died naturally. But call the dogs by name, and they will let you pass.", "YOU'VE BEATEN ME ON THE SQUARE AND I LIKE YOU DON'T THINK I KILLED MY TWENTY WIVES THEY ALL DIED NATURALLY BUT CALL THE DOGS BY NAME AND THEY WILL LET YOU PASS" ], "pre_texts": [ "en he punched him in the stomach, with the wagon tongue, so hard that the big fellow slipped and rolled over in the mud: Picking himself up, Giant Blubb, now half blind with rage, rushed against Tom, who, this time, made a lunge which planted the cart tongue inside Blubb's bowels, and knocked him over. But Tom was not a cruel fellow, and had no desire to kill anyone. So he threw down his war tools, and tearing up a yard or two of grassy sod rolled it together, and made a plug of it, as big around as a milk churn. With this, he stopped up the big hole in Giant Blubb's huge body. But instead of thanking Tom, Giant Blubb rushed at him again. He was in too much of a rage to see anything clearly, while Tom, perfectly cool, gave the angry monster such a kick, in the place where he kept his dinner, that he rolled over, and Tom gave him another kick. Then the plug of sod fell out of his wound. As he was bleeding to death, Giant Blubb beckoned to Tom to come up close, for he could only whisper.", "F THE BLOW WITH HIS WHEEL SHIELD THEN HE PUNCHED HIM IN THE STOMACH WITH THE WAGON TONGUE SO HARD THAT THE BIG FELLOW SLIPPED AND ROLLED OVER IN THE MUD PICKING HIMSELF UP GIANT BLUB NOW HALF BLIND WITH RAGE RUSHED AGAINST TOM WHO THIS TIME MADE A LUNGE WHICH PLANTED THE CAR TONGUE INSIDE BLUB'S BOWELS AND KNOCKED HIM OVER BUT TOM WAS NOT A COOL FELLOW AND HAD NO DESIRE TO KILL ANY ONE SO HE THREW DOWN HIS WAR TOOLS TEARING UP A YARD OR TWO OF GRASSY SOD ROLLED IT TOGETHER TO MAKE A PLUG OF IT AS BIG AND ROUND AS A MILK CHURN WITH THIS HE STOPPED UP AT THE BIG HOLE IN GIANT BLUB'S HUGE BODY BUT INSTEAD OF THANKING TOM GIANT BLUB RUSHED AT HIM AGAIN HE WAS IN TOO MUCH OF A RAGE TO SEE ANYTHING CLEARLY WHILE TOM PERFECTLY COOL GAVE THE ANGRY MONSTER SUCH A KICK IN THE PLACE WHERE HE KEPT HIS DINNER THAT HE ROLLED OVER AND TOM GAVE HIM ANOTHER KICK AND THEN A PLUG OF SOD FELL OUT OF HIS WOUND AS HE WAS BLEEDING TO DEATH GIANT BLUB BECKONED TO TOM TO COME UP CLOSE FOR HE COULD ONLY WHISPER" ], "begin_byte": 115757, "end_byte": 115923 } } ]
{ "id": "large/10730/welshfairytales_1607_librivox_64kb_mp3/welshfairytales_12_griffis_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/10730/welshfairytales_1607_librivox_64kb_mp3/welshfairytales_12_griffis_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 13186804, "duration": 824.17525, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
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[ { "id": "large/10730/welshfairytales_1607_librivox_64kb_mp3/welshfairytales_12_griffis_64kb_23", "recording_id": "large/10730/welshfairytales_1607_librivox_64kb_mp3/welshfairytales_12_griffis_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 10, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "10730", "custom": { "texts": [ "Here was a new region, rich in every kind of minerals. Ages before, the Phoenicians had named it Britain or the Land of Tin.", "HERE WAS A NEW REGION RICH IN EVERY KIND OF MINERALS AGES BEFORE THE PHOENICIANS HAD NAMED IT BRITAIN OR THE LAND OF TIN" ], "pre_texts": [ "yone who has read anything of Welsh history--though not of the sort that is written by English folks--knows also that Cornwall is, in soul, a part of Wales. Before the Romans, first, and the Saxons, next, invaded Britain, the Cymric people lived all over the island, south of Scotland. They were the British people, and nobody ever heard the German name, \"Wales,\" which means a foreign land; or the word \"Welsh,\" which refers to foreigners, until men who were themselves outsiders came into Britain. Since that time, it has been much the same, as when a British Jack Tar, when rambling in Portugal, or China, calls the natives \"foreigners,\" and tells them to \"get out of the way.\" Ages ago, when the Cymric men, with their wives and little ones rowed over in their coracles, from Gallia, or the Summer Land, to Britain, the Honey Land, they came first to the promontory which we know as Cornwall; that is, the Cornu Galliae, or Walliae, which means Horn or Cape of the new country now called England.", "M ELIOT GRIFFITH CHAPTER TWELVE GIANT TOM AND GIANT BLUB EVERYBODY WHO HAS ANYTHING OF WELSH HISTORY THOUGH NOT THE SORT THAT IS WRITTEN BY ENGLISH FOLKS KNOW THAT CORNWALL IS THE SOUL A PART OF WALES BEFORE THE ROMANS FIRST AND THE SAXONS NEXT INVADED BRITAIN THE COMIC PEOPLE LIVED ALL OVER THE ISLAND SOUTH OF SCOTLAND THEY WERE THE BRITISH PEOPLE AND NOBODY EVER HEARD THE GERMAN NAME WALES WHICH MEANS A FOREIGN LAND OR THE WORD WELSH WHICH REFERS TO FOREIGNERS UNTIL THE MEN WHO WERE THEMSELVES OUTSIDERS CAME INTO BRITAIN SINCE THAT TIME IT HAS BEEN MUCH THE SAME AS WHEN A BRITISH JACK TAR WHEN RAMBLING IN PORTUGAL OR CHINA CALLS THE NATIVES FOREIGNERS AND TELLS THEM TO GET OUT OF THE WAY AGES AGO WHEN THE COMIC MEN WITH THEIR WIVES AND LITTLE ONES RODE OVER IN THEIR CORACLES FROM GALIDAY OR THE SUMMER LAND TO BRITAIN THE HONEYLAND THEY CAME FIRST TO THE PROMONTORY WHICH WE KNOW AS CORNWALL THAT IS CORNU GALILEE OR WALLAIS WHICH MEANS HORN OR CAPE OF THE NEW COUNTRY NOW CALLED ENGLAND" ], "begin_byte": 106958, "end_byte": 107082 } } ]
{ "id": "large/10730/welshfairytales_1607_librivox_64kb_mp3/welshfairytales_12_griffis_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/10730/welshfairytales_1607_librivox_64kb_mp3/welshfairytales_12_griffis_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 13186804, "duration": 824.17525, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
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[ { "id": "large/10730/welshfairytales_1607_librivox_64kb_mp3/welshfairytales_12_griffis_64kb_24", "recording_id": "large/10730/welshfairytales_1607_librivox_64kb_mp3/welshfairytales_12_griffis_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 11.84, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "10730", "custom": { "texts": [ "In Cornwall, as part of the Cymric realm, King Arthur found and married Guinevere, his queen. It was in Cornwall, also, that Merlin was hidden.", "IN CORNWALL AS PART OF THE COMIC REALM KING ARTHUR FOUND AND MARRIED GUENEVERE HIS QUEEN IT WAS IN CORNWALL ALSO THAT MERLIN WAS HIDDEN" ], "pre_texts": [ "l over the island, south of Scotland. They were the British people, and nobody ever heard the German name, \"Wales,\" which means a foreign land; or the word \"Welsh,\" which refers to foreigners, until men who were themselves outsiders came into Britain. Since that time, it has been much the same, as when a British Jack Tar, when rambling in Portugal, or China, calls the natives \"foreigners,\" and tells them to \"get out of the way.\" Ages ago, when the Cymric men, with their wives and little ones rowed over in their coracles, from Gallia, or the Summer Land, to Britain, the Honey Land, they came first to the promontory which we know as Cornwall; that is, the Cornu Galliae, or Walliae, which means Horn or Cape of the new country now called England. Here was a new region, rich in every kind of minerals. Ages before, the Phoenicians had named it Britain or the Land of Tin. Within the memory of men now living, Cornishmen, that is, the miners of Cornwall, on going to California, discovered gold.", "S NEXT INVADED BRITAIN THE COMIC PEOPLE LIVED ALL OVER THE ISLAND SOUTH OF SCOTLAND THEY WERE THE BRITISH PEOPLE AND NOBODY EVER HEARD THE GERMAN NAME WALES WHICH MEANS A FOREIGN LAND OR THE WORD WELSH WHICH REFERS TO FOREIGNERS UNTIL THE MEN WHO WERE THEMSELVES OUTSIDERS CAME INTO BRITAIN SINCE THAT TIME IT HAS BEEN MUCH THE SAME AS WHEN A BRITISH JACK TAR WHEN RAMBLING IN PORTUGAL OR CHINA CALLS THE NATIVES FOREIGNERS AND TELLS THEM TO GET OUT OF THE WAY AGES AGO WHEN THE COMIC MEN WITH THEIR WIVES AND LITTLE ONES RODE OVER IN THEIR CORACLES FROM GALIDAY OR THE SUMMER LAND TO BRITAIN THE HONEYLAND THEY CAME FIRST TO THE PROMONTORY WHICH WE KNOW AS CORNWALL THAT IS CORNU GALILEE OR WALLAIS WHICH MEANS HORN OR CAPE OF THE NEW COUNTRY NOW CALLED ENGLAND HERE WAS A NEW REGION RICH IN EVERY KIND OF MINERALS AGES BEFORE THE PHOENICIANS HAD NAMED IT BRITAIN OR THE LAND OF TIN WITHIN THE MEMORY OF MEN NOW LIVING CORNISHMEN THAT IS THE MINERS OF CORNWALL ON GOING TO CALIFORNIA DISCOVERED GOLD" ], "begin_byte": 107206, "end_byte": 107349 } } ]
{ "id": "large/10730/welshfairytales_1607_librivox_64kb_mp3/welshfairytales_12_griffis_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/10730/welshfairytales_1607_librivox_64kb_mp3/welshfairytales_12_griffis_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 13186804, "duration": 824.17525, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
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[ { "id": "large/10730/welshfairytales_1607_librivox_64kb_mp3/welshfairytales_12_griffis_64kb_50", "recording_id": "large/10730/welshfairytales_1607_librivox_64kb_mp3/welshfairytales_12_griffis_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 18.24, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "10730", "custom": { "texts": [ "Everybody had to submit to this extortion, until there came along Giant Tom, of whom we shall now tell. His real name was Rolling Stone, for he never stuck long in one place at a job, and cared not a cucumber for money, or fine clothes.", "EVERYBODY HAD TO SUBMIT TO THIS EXTORTION UNTIL THERE CAME ALONG GIANT TOM OF WHOM WE SHALL NOW TELL HIS REAL NAME WAS ROLLING STONE FOR HE NEVER STUCK LONG IN ONE PLACE AT ONE JOB AND HE CARED NOT A CUCUMBER FOR MONEY OR FOR FINE CLOTHES" ], "pre_texts": [ " out, was the latest Mrs. Blubb. Yet she was in constant fear of her life, lest her big husband should sometime make a meal of her. For even she had heard the story that Blubb was a cannibal and looked at all plump women simply as delicacies, exactly as a boy peers into the window of a candy shop. What made all the country round hate this cruel giant was not wholly on account of his awful appetite. It was because he had ruined the King's High Road. Ever since the time of King Lud, whose name we read in Ludgate Hill, in London, where His Cymric Majesty had lived, this highway had been free to all. It ran all the way through Cornwall, from Penzance, and thence eastward to London and beyond. When Giant Blubb wished to enlarge his castle, he had the walls and towers built down to the river's edge. This closed up the big road, so that people had to go far around and up over the hill, or by boat along the river. Such a roundabout way took much time and toil, and was too much trouble for all.", "E GIANT WENT OUT WAS THE LATEST MISSUS BLUB YET SHE WAS IN CONSTANT FEAR OF HER LIFE THAT HER BIG HUSBAND SHOULD SOMETIME MAKE A MEAL OF HER FOR EVEN SHE HAD HEARD THE STORY THAT BLUB WAS A CANNIBAL AND LOOKED AT ALL THE PLUMP WOMEN SIMPLY AS DELICACIES EXACTLY AS A BOY PEERS INTO THE WINDOW OF A CANDY SHOP WHAT MADE ALL THE COUNTRY ROUND HATE THIS CRUEL GIANT WAS NOT WHOLLY ON ACCOUNT OF HIS AWFUL APPETITE IT WAS BECAUSE HE HAD RUINED THE KING'S HIGH ROAD EVER SINCE THE TIME TIME OF KING LUD WHOSE NAME WE READ IN LUDGATE HILL IN LONDON WHERE HIS COMRACK MAJESTY HAD LIVED THIS HIGHWAY HAD BEEN FREE TO ALL AND RAN ALL THE WAY THROUGH CORNWALL FROM PENZANCE AND THENCE EASTWARD TO LONDON AND BEYOND WHEN GIANT BLOOD WISHED TO ENLARGE HIS CASTLE HE HAD THE WALLS AND TOWERS BUILT DOWN TO THE RIVER'S EDGE THIS CLOSED UP THE BIG ROAD SO THAT PEOPLE HAD TO GO FAR AROUND AND UP OVER THE HILL OR BY BOAT ALONG THE RIVER SUCH A ROUNDABOUT WAY TOOK MUCH TIME AND TOIL AND WAS TOO MUCH TROUBLE FOR ALL" ], "begin_byte": 110973, "end_byte": 111209 } } ]
{ "id": "large/10730/welshfairytales_1607_librivox_64kb_mp3/welshfairytales_12_griffis_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/10730/welshfairytales_1607_librivox_64kb_mp3/welshfairytales_12_griffis_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 13186804, "duration": 824.17525, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
{ "text_path": "download/librilight_text/output_text_large_cleaned/Welsh Fairy Tales/text.txt" }
[ { "id": "large/10730/welshfairytales_1607_librivox_64kb_mp3/welshfairytales_12_griffis_64kb_56", "recording_id": "large/10730/welshfairytales_1607_librivox_64kb_mp3/welshfairytales_12_griffis_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 14.4, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "10730", "custom": { "texts": [ "They were the British people, and nobody ever heard the German name, \"Wales,\" which means a foreign land; or the word \"Welsh,\" which refers to foreigners, until men who were themselves outsiders came into Britain.", "THEY WERE THE BRITISH PEOPLE AND NOBODY EVER HEARD THE GERMAN NAME WALES WHICH MEANS A FOREIGN LAND OR THE WORD WELSH WHICH REFERS TO FOREIGNERS UNTIL THE MEN WHO WERE THEMSELVES OUTSIDERS CAME INTO BRITAIN" ], "pre_texts": [ "had heard, his parents had a hearty laugh at the idea of a boy succeeding where men, with the united strength of many horses and oxen, had failed. Yet, after brooding awhile, they were so dejected, that anything seemed reasonable. So they said, \"Go ahead and try it.\" Returning to the mountain, the fairies, in a band, went with him to the great rock. One touch of his hand, and the mighty boulder trembled, like an aspen leaf in the breeze. A shove, and the rock rolled down from the hill and crashed in the valley below. There, underneath, were little heaps of gold and silver, which the boy carried home to his parents, who became the richest people in the country round about. XII GIANT TOM AND GIANT BLUBB Everyone who has read anything of Welsh history--though not of the sort that is written by English folks--knows also that Cornwall is, in soul, a part of Wales. Before the Romans, first, and the Saxons, next, invaded Britain, the Cymric people lived all over the island, south of Scotland.", " CHAPTER TWELVE OF WELSH FAIRY TALES THIS IS THE LEPER BOX RECORDING ALL LEVER BOX ACCORDINGS ARE IN A PUBLIC DOMAIN FOR MORE INFORMATION OR TO VOLUNTEER PLEASE VISIT LEPER BOX DOT ORG RECORDING BY JAMES LEPINE WELSH FAIRY TALES BY WM ELIOT GRIFFITH CHAPTER TWELVE GIANT TOM AND GIANT BLUB EVERYBODY WHO HAS ANYTHING OF WELSH HISTORY THOUGH NOT THE SORT THAT IS WRITTEN BY ENGLISH FOLKS KNOW THAT CORNWALL IS THE SOUL A PART OF WALES BEFORE THE ROMANS FIRST AND THE SAXONS NEXT INVADED BRITAIN THE COMIC PEOPLE LIVED ALL OVER THE ISLAND SOUTH OF SCOTLAND" ], "begin_byte": 106243, "end_byte": 106456 } } ]
{ "id": "large/10730/welshfairytales_1607_librivox_64kb_mp3/welshfairytales_12_griffis_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/10730/welshfairytales_1607_librivox_64kb_mp3/welshfairytales_12_griffis_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 13186804, "duration": 824.17525, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
{ "text_path": "download/librilight_text/output_text_large_cleaned/Welsh Fairy Tales/text.txt" }
[ { "id": "large/10730/welshfairytales_1607_librivox_64kb_mp3/welshfairytales_12_griffis_64kb_61", "recording_id": "large/10730/welshfairytales_1607_librivox_64kb_mp3/welshfairytales_12_griffis_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 13.84, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "10730", "custom": { "texts": [ "Centuries afterward, when Christ's gospel came into the land, they restored Giant Tom's tomb and on it were chiseled these words: THE RESTORER OF PATHS TO DWELL IN.", "CENTURIES AFTERWARDS WHEN CHRIST'S GOSPEL CAME INTO THE LAND THEY RESTORED GIANT TOM'S TOMB AND ON IT WERE CHISELLED THESE WORDS THE RESTORER OF PAST TO DWELL IN" ], "pre_texts": [ "t Blubb rushed at him again. He was in too much of a rage to see anything clearly, while Tom, perfectly cool, gave the angry monster such a kick, in the place where he kept his dinner, that he rolled over, and Tom gave him another kick. Then the plug of sod fell out of his wound. As he was bleeding to death, Giant Blubb beckoned to Tom to come up close, for he could only whisper. \"You've beaten me on the square, and I like you. Don't think I killed my twenty wives. They all died naturally. But call the dogs by name, and they will let you pass. Then, in my vaults, you'll find gold, silver, and copper. Make these your own and bury me decently. This is all I ask.\" Tom made himself owner of the castle and all its treasures. He opened the King's Highway again. He took care of his aged mother, married the twenty-first wife of Giant Blubb, now a widow, and was always kind to the sick and poor. To-day in Cornwall, they still tell stories of the big fellow who abolished Giant Blubb's toll gate.", "EAD OF THANKING TOM GIANT BLUB RUSHED AT HIM AGAIN HE WAS IN TOO MUCH OF A RAGE TO SEE ANYTHING CLEARLY WHILE TOM PERFECTLY COOL GAVE THE ANGRY MONSTER SUCH A KICK IN THE PLACE WHERE HE KEPT HIS DINNER THAT HE ROLLED OVER AND TOM GAVE HIM ANOTHER KICK AND THEN A PLUG OF SOD FELL OUT OF HIS WOUND AS HE WAS BLEEDING TO DEATH GIANT BLUB BECKONED TO TOM TO COME UP CLOSE FOR HE COULD ONLY WHISPER YOU'VE BEATEN ME ON THE SQUARE AND I LIKE YOU DON'T THINK I KILLED MY TWENTY WIVES THEY ALL DIED NATURALLY BUT CALL THE DOGS BY NAME AND THEY WILL LET YOU PASS THEN IN MY VAULTS YOU'LL FIND GOLD SILVER AND COPPER MAKE THESE YOUR OWN AND BURY ME DECENTLY THIS IS ALL I ASK TOM MADE HIMSELF THE OWNER OF THE CASTLE AND ALL ITS TREASURES HE OPENED THE KING'S HIGHWAY AGAIN HE TOOK CARE OF HIS AGED MOTHER MARRIED THE TWENTY FIRST WIFE OF THE GIANT BLUB NOW A WIDOW AND WAS ALWAYS KIND TO THE SICK AND POOR TO THIS DAY IN CORNWALL THEY STILL TELL STORIES OF THE BIG FELLOW WHO ABOLISHED GIANT BLUB'S TOLL GATE" ], "begin_byte": 116375, "end_byte": 116539 } } ]
{ "id": "large/10730/welshfairytales_1607_librivox_64kb_mp3/welshfairytales_12_griffis_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/10730/welshfairytales_1607_librivox_64kb_mp3/welshfairytales_12_griffis_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 13186804, "duration": 824.17525, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
{ "text_path": "download/librilight_text/output_text_large_cleaned/Welsh Fairy Tales/text.txt" }
[ { "id": "large/10730/welshfairytales_1607_librivox_64kb_mp3/welshfairytales_13_griffis_64kb_0", "recording_id": "large/10730/welshfairytales_1607_librivox_64kb_mp3/welshfairytales_13_griffis_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 7.28, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "10730", "custom": { "texts": [ "All fear, or desire to go home, or to risk either schooling or a thrashing, passed away also.", "ALL FEAR OR DESIRE TO GO HOME OR TO RISK EITHER SCHOOLING OR A THRASHING PASSED AWAY ALSO" ], "pre_texts": [ "s long as a week. Meanwhile, he discovered that he had a stomach, which seemed to grow more and more into an aching void. He was glad when the sunset and darkness came. His bed was no softer in the cave, as he lay down with a stone for his pillow. Yet he had no dreams like those of Jacob and the angels. When daylight came, the question in his mind was still, whether to stay and starve, or to go home and get two thrashings--one from his daddy, and another from the monks. But how about that thing inside of him, which seemed to be a live creature gnawing away, and which only something to eat would quiet? Finally, he came to a stern resolve. He started out, ready to face two whippings, rather than one death by starvation. But he did not have to go home yet, for at the cave's mouth, he met two elves, who delivered a most welcome message. \"Come with us to a land full of fun, play, and good things to eat.\" All at once, his hunger left him and he forgot that he ever wanted to swallow anything.", "BOOKS RODS AND SCOLDINGS BUT THE DAY SEEMED LONG AS A WEEK MEANWHILE HE DISCOVERED THAT HE HAD A STOMACH WHICH SEEMED TO GROW MORE AND MORE INTO AN ACHING VOID HE WAS GLAD WHEN THE SUNSET AND DARKNESS CAME HIS BED WAS NO SOFTER IN THE CAVE AS HE LAY DOWN WITH A STONE FOR HIS PILLOW YET HE HAD NO DREAMS LIKE THOSE OF JACOB AND THE ANGELS WHEN DAYLIGHT CAME THE QUESTION IN HIS MIND WAS STILL WHETHER TO STAY AND STARVE OR GO HOME AND GET TWO THRASHINGS ONE FROM HIS DADDY AND ANOTHER FROM THE MONKS BUT HOW ABOUT THE THING INSIDE HIM WHICH SEEMED TO BE A LIVE CREATURE GNAWING AWAY AND WHICH ONLY SOMETHING TO EAT WOULD QUIET FINALLY HE CAME TO A STERN RESOLVE HE STARTED OUT READY TO FACE TWO WHIPPINGS RATHER THAN ONE DEATH BY STARVATION BUT HE DID NOT HAVE TO GO HOME YET FOR AT THE CAVE'S MOUTH HE MET TWO ELVES WHO DELIVERED A MOST WELCOME MESSAGE COME WITH US TO LAND FULL OF FUN PLAY AND GOOD THINGS TO EAT ALL AT ONCE HIS HUNGER LEFT HIM AND HE FORGOT THAT HE EVER WANTED TO SWALLOW ANYTHING" ], "begin_byte": 119645, "end_byte": 119738 } } ]
{ "id": "large/10730/welshfairytales_1607_librivox_64kb_mp3/welshfairytales_13_griffis_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/10730/welshfairytales_1607_librivox_64kb_mp3/welshfairytales_13_griffis_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 12556330, "duration": 784.770625, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
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[ { "id": "large/10730/welshfairytales_1607_librivox_64kb_mp3/welshfairytales_13_griffis_64kb_1", "recording_id": "large/10730/welshfairytales_1607_librivox_64kb_mp3/welshfairytales_13_griffis_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 18.64, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "10730", "custom": { "texts": [ "While talking thus, the Prince, the King's only son appeared. He was dressed in white velvet and gold, and had a long feather in his cap. In the pleasantest way, he took Elidyr's hand and said: \"Glad to see you. Come and let us play together.\"", "WHILE TALKING THUS THE PRINCE THE KING'S ONLY SON APPEARED HE WAS DRESSED IN WHITE VELVET AND GOLD AND HAD A LONG FEATHER IN HIS CAP IN THE PLEASANTEST WAY HE TOOK ELIDER'S HAND AND SAID GLAD TO SEE YOU COME LET US PLAY TOGETHER" ], "pre_texts": [ "lovely. [Illustration: THE KING SPOKE KINDLY TO ELIDYR, ASKING HIM WHO HE WAS] Soon, in front of the broad path along which they were traveling, there rose up before him a glorious palace. It had a splendid gateway, and the silver-topped towers seemed to touch the blue sky. \"What building is this?\" asked the lad of his two guides. They made answer that it was the palace of the King of Fairyland. Then they led him into the throne room, where, sat in golden splendor, a king, of august figure and of majestic presence, who was clad in resplendent robes. He was surrounded by courtiers in rich apparel, and all about him was magnificence, such as this boy, Elidyr, had never even read about or dreamed. Yet everything was so small that it looked like Toy Land, and he felt like a giant among them, even though many of the little men around him were old enough to have whiskers on their cheeks and beards on their chins. The King spoke kindly to Elidyr, asking him who he was, and whence he had come.", "WERS BLOOMED ALL AROUND COULD BE HEARD THE JOYFUL SHOUTS OF LITTLE FOLKS AT PLAY NEVER DID THINGS LOOK SO LOVELY SOON IN FRONT OF THE BROAD PATH ALONG WHICH THEY WERE TRAVELLING THERE ROSE UP BEFORE HIM A GLORIOUS PALACE IT WAS A SPLENDID GATEWAY AND THE SILVER TOPPED TOWERS SEEMED TO TOUCH THE BLUE SKY WHAT BUILDING IS THIS ASKED THE LAD OF HIS TWO GUIDES THEY MADE AN ANSWER THAT WAS THE PALACE OF THE KING OF FAIRYLAND THEN THEY LED THEM INTO THE THRONE ROOM WHERE SAT IN GOLDEN SPLENDOUR A KING OF AUGUST FIGURE AND OF MAJESTIC PRESENCE WHO WAS CLAD IN RESPLENDENT ROBES HE WAS SURROUNDED BY COURTIERS IN RICH APPAREL AND ALL ABOUT HIM WAS MAGNIFICENCE SUCH AS THIS BOY ELDIR HAD NEVER READ OR DREAMED ABOUT YET EVERYTHING WAS SO SMALL THAT LOOKED LIKE TOYLAND AND HE FELT LIKE A GIANT AMONG THEM EVEN THOUGH MANY OF THE LITTLE MEN AROUND HIM WERE OLD ENOUGH TO HAVE WHISKERS ON THEIR CHEEKS AND BEARDS ON THEIR CHINS THE KING SPOKE KINDLY TO ALADIR ASKING HIM WHO HE WAS AND WHENCE HE HAD COME" ], "begin_byte": 120963, "end_byte": 121206 } } ]
{ "id": "large/10730/welshfairytales_1607_librivox_64kb_mp3/welshfairytales_13_griffis_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/10730/welshfairytales_1607_librivox_64kb_mp3/welshfairytales_13_griffis_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 12556330, "duration": 784.770625, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
{ "text_path": "download/librilight_text/output_text_large_cleaned/Welsh Fairy Tales/text.txt" }
[ { "id": "large/10730/welshfairytales_1607_librivox_64kb_mp3/welshfairytales_13_griffis_64kb_6", "recording_id": "large/10730/welshfairytales_1607_librivox_64kb_mp3/welshfairytales_13_griffis_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 8.279, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "10730", "custom": { "texts": [ "That was just what Elidyr liked to hear. The King smiled and said to his visitor, \"You will attend my son?\"", "THAT WAS JUST WHAT ELIDIR LIKED TO HEAR THE KING SMILED AND SAID TO HIS VISITOR YOU WILL TEND MY SON" ], "pre_texts": [ "s seemed to touch the blue sky. \"What building is this?\" asked the lad of his two guides. They made answer that it was the palace of the King of Fairyland. Then they led him into the throne room, where, sat in golden splendor, a king, of august figure and of majestic presence, who was clad in resplendent robes. He was surrounded by courtiers in rich apparel, and all about him was magnificence, such as this boy, Elidyr, had never even read about or dreamed. Yet everything was so small that it looked like Toy Land, and he felt like a giant among them, even though many of the little men around him were old enough to have whiskers on their cheeks and beards on their chins. The King spoke kindly to Elidyr, asking him who he was, and whence he had come. While talking thus, the Prince, the King's only son appeared. He was dressed in white velvet and gold, and had a long feather in his cap. In the pleasantest way, he took Elidyr's hand and said: \"Glad to see you. Come and let us play together.", " SPLENDID GATEWAY AND THE SILVER TOPPED TOWERS SEEMED TO TOUCH THE BLUE SKY WHAT BUILDING IS THIS ASKED THE LAD OF HIS TWO GUIDES THEY MADE AN ANSWER THAT WAS THE PALACE OF THE KING OF FAIRYLAND THEN THEY LED THEM INTO THE THRONE ROOM WHERE SAT IN GOLDEN SPLENDOUR A KING OF AUGUST FIGURE AND OF MAJESTIC PRESENCE WHO WAS CLAD IN RESPLENDENT ROBES HE WAS SURROUNDED BY COURTIERS IN RICH APPAREL AND ALL ABOUT HIM WAS MAGNIFICENCE SUCH AS THIS BOY ELDIR HAD NEVER READ OR DREAMED ABOUT YET EVERYTHING WAS SO SMALL THAT LOOKED LIKE TOYLAND AND HE FELT LIKE A GIANT AMONG THEM EVEN THOUGH MANY OF THE LITTLE MEN AROUND HIM WERE OLD ENOUGH TO HAVE WHISKERS ON THEIR CHEEKS AND BEARDS ON THEIR CHINS THE KING SPOKE KINDLY TO ALADIR ASKING HIM WHO HE WAS AND WHENCE HE HAD COME WHILE TALKING THUS THE PRINCE THE KING'S ONLY SON APPEARED HE WAS DRESSED IN WHITE VELVET AND GOLD AND HAD A LONG FEATHER IN HIS CAP IN THE PLEASANTEST WAY HE TOOK ELIDER'S HAND AND SAID GLAD TO SEE YOU COME LET US PLAY TOGETHER" ], "begin_byte": 121206, "end_byte": 121314 } } ]
{ "id": "large/10730/welshfairytales_1607_librivox_64kb_mp3/welshfairytales_13_griffis_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/10730/welshfairytales_1607_librivox_64kb_mp3/welshfairytales_13_griffis_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 12556330, "duration": 784.770625, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
{ "text_path": "download/librilight_text/output_text_large_cleaned/Welsh Fairy Tales/text.txt" }
[ { "id": "large/10730/welshfairytales_1607_librivox_64kb_mp3/welshfairytales_13_griffis_64kb_15", "recording_id": "large/10730/welshfairytales_1607_librivox_64kb_mp3/welshfairytales_13_griffis_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 20.359, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "10730", "custom": { "texts": [ "Yet everything was so small that it looked like Toy Land, and he felt like a giant among them, even though many of the little men around him were old enough to have whiskers on their cheeks and beards on their chins. The King spoke kindly to Elidyr, asking him who he was, and whence he had come.", "YET EVERYTHING WAS SO SMALL THAT LOOKED LIKE TOYLAND AND HE FELT LIKE A GIANT AMONG THEM EVEN THOUGH MANY OF THE LITTLE MEN AROUND HIM WERE OLD ENOUGH TO HAVE WHISKERS ON THEIR CHEEKS AND BEARDS ON THEIR CHINS THE KING SPOKE KINDLY TO ALADIR ASKING HIM WHO HE WAS AND WHENCE HE HAD COME" ], "pre_texts": [ "to go home, or to risk either schooling or a thrashing, passed away also. Into a dark passage all three went, but they soon came out into a beautiful country. How the birds sang and the flowers bloomed! All around could be heard the joyful shouts of little folks at play. Never did things look so lovely. [Illustration: THE KING SPOKE KINDLY TO ELIDYR, ASKING HIM WHO HE WAS] Soon, in front of the broad path along which they were traveling, there rose up before him a glorious palace. It had a splendid gateway, and the silver-topped towers seemed to touch the blue sky. \"What building is this?\" asked the lad of his two guides. They made answer that it was the palace of the King of Fairyland. Then they led him into the throne room, where, sat in golden splendor, a king, of august figure and of majestic presence, who was clad in resplendent robes. He was surrounded by courtiers in rich apparel, and all about him was magnificence, such as this boy, Elidyr, had never even read about or dreamed.", "L AT ONCE HIS HUNGER LEFT HIM AND HE FORGOT THAT HE EVER WANTED TO SWALLOW ANYTHING ALL FEAR OR DESIRE TO GO HOME OR TO RISK EITHER SCHOOLING OR A THRASHING PASSED AWAY ALSO INTO A DARK PASSAGE ALL THREE WENT BUT THEY SOON CAME OUT INTO A BEAUTIFUL COUNTRY HOW THE BIRDS SANG AND THE FLOWERS BLOOMED ALL AROUND COULD BE HEARD THE JOYFUL SHOUTS OF LITTLE FOLKS AT PLAY NEVER DID THINGS LOOK SO LOVELY SOON IN FRONT OF THE BROAD PATH ALONG WHICH THEY WERE TRAVELLING THERE ROSE UP BEFORE HIM A GLORIOUS PALACE IT WAS A SPLENDID GATEWAY AND THE SILVER TOPPED TOWERS SEEMED TO TOUCH THE BLUE SKY WHAT BUILDING IS THIS ASKED THE LAD OF HIS TWO GUIDES THEY MADE AN ANSWER THAT WAS THE PALACE OF THE KING OF FAIRYLAND THEN THEY LED THEM INTO THE THRONE ROOM WHERE SAT IN GOLDEN SPLENDOUR A KING OF AUGUST FIGURE AND OF MAJESTIC PRESENCE WHO WAS CLAD IN RESPLENDENT ROBES HE WAS SURROUNDED BY COURTIERS IN RICH APPAREL AND ALL ABOUT HIM WAS MAGNIFICENCE SUCH AS THIS BOY ELDIR HAD NEVER READ OR DREAMED ABOUT" ], "begin_byte": 120666, "end_byte": 120962 } } ]
{ "id": "large/10730/welshfairytales_1607_librivox_64kb_mp3/welshfairytales_13_griffis_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/10730/welshfairytales_1607_librivox_64kb_mp3/welshfairytales_13_griffis_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 12556330, "duration": 784.770625, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
{ "text_path": "download/librilight_text/output_text_large_cleaned/Welsh Fairy Tales/text.txt" }
[ { "id": "large/10730/welshfairytales_1607_librivox_64kb_mp3/welshfairytales_13_griffis_64kb_26", "recording_id": "large/10730/welshfairytales_1607_librivox_64kb_mp3/welshfairytales_13_griffis_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 13.92, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "10730", "custom": { "texts": [ "The same two elves or dwarfs, who had brought him into fairyland, were chosen to conduct him back. When they had led him again through the underground passage into the sunlight, they made him invisible until he arrived at his mother's cottage.", "THE SAME TWO ELVES OR DWARFS WHO HAD BROUGHT HIM INTO FAIRYLAND WERE CHOSEN TO CONDUCT HIM BACK WHEN THEY LED HIM AGAIN THROUGH THE UNDERGROUND PASSAGE INTO SUNLIGHT THEY MADE HIM INVISIBLE UNTIL HE ARRIVED AT HIS MOTHER'S COTTAGE" ], "pre_texts": [ " grayhounds. No meat was ever seen on the table, but always plenty of milk. They never told a lie, nor used bad language, or swear-words. They often talked about mortal men, but usually to despise them; because what they liked to do, seemed so absurd and they always wanted foolish and useless things. To the elves, human beings were never satisfied, or long happy, even when they got what they wanted. Everything in this part of fairyland was lovely, but it was always cloudy. No sun, star or moon was ever seen, yet the little men did not seem to mind it and enjoyed themselves every day. There was no end of play, and that suited Elidyr. Yet by and by, he got tired even of games and play, and grew very homesick. He wanted to see his mother. So he asked the King to let him visit his old home. He promised solemnly to come back, after a few hours. His Majesty gave his permission, but charged him not to take with him anything whatever from fairyland, and to go with only the clothes on his back.", "NO LARGER THAN SMALL DOGS OR GREYHOUNDS NO MEAT WAS EVER SEEN ON THE TABLE BUT ALWAYS PLENTY OF MILK THEY NEVER TOLD A LIE NOR HUGE BAD LANGUAGE OR SWEAR WORDS THEY OFTEN TALKED ABOUT MORTAL MEN BUT USUALLY TO DESPISE THEM BECAUSE THAT'S WHAT THEY LIKE TO DO SEEMED SO ABSURD THAT THEY ALWAYS WANTED FOOLISH AND USELESS THINGS TO THE ELVES HUMAN BEINGS WERE NEVER SATISFIED OR LONG HAPPY EVEN WHEN THEY GOT WHAT THEY WANTED EVERYTHING IN THIS PART OF FAIRYLAND WAS LOVELY BUT IT WAS ALWAYS CLOUDY NO SUN STAR OR MOON WAS EVER SEEN YET THE LITTLE MEN DID NOT SEEM TO MIND AND ENJOYED THEMSELVES EVERY DAY THERE WAS NO END OF PLAY AND THAT SUITED ELDER YET BY AND BY HE GOT TIRED EVEN OF GAMES AND PLAY AND GREW VERY HOMESICK HE WANTED TO SEE HIS MOTHER SO HE ASKED THE KING TO LET HIM TO VISIT HIS OLD HOME HE PROMISED SOLEMNLY TO COME BACK AFTER A FEW HOURS HIS MAJESTY GAVE PERMISSION BUT CHARGED THEM NOT TO TAKE WITH HIM ANYTHING WHATEVER FROM FAIRYLAND AND TO GO ONLY WITH THE CLOTHES ON HIS BACK" ], "begin_byte": 122913, "end_byte": 123156 } } ]
{ "id": "large/10730/welshfairytales_1607_librivox_64kb_mp3/welshfairytales_13_griffis_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/10730/welshfairytales_1607_librivox_64kb_mp3/welshfairytales_13_griffis_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 12556330, "duration": 784.770625, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
{ "text_path": "download/librilight_text/output_text_large_cleaned/Welsh Fairy Tales/text.txt" }
[ { "id": "large/10730/welshfairytales_1607_librivox_64kb_mp3/welshfairytales_13_griffis_64kb_29", "recording_id": "large/10730/welshfairytales_1607_librivox_64kb_mp3/welshfairytales_13_griffis_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 19.44, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "10730", "custom": { "texts": [ "But when, towards noon, he could find nothing to eat, and his inside cavity seemed to enlarge with very emptiness, his hunger grew every minute. Then he thought that a bit of oat cake, a leek, or a bowl of oat meal, whether porridge or flummery, might suit a king.", "BUT WHEN TOWARDS NOON HE COULD FIND NOTHING TO EAT AND HIS INSIDE CAVITY SEEMED TO ENLARGE WITH VERY EMPTINESS HIS HUNGER GREW EVERY MINUTE THEN HE THOUGHT OF A BIT OF OAK CAKE A LEAK OR A BOWL OF OATMEAL WHETHER PORRIDGE OR FLUMMERY MIGHT SUIT A KING" ], "pre_texts": [ "oks and loved play, that in his case spankings and whippings were almost of daily occurrence. Still he made no improvement. He was in the habit also of playing truant, or what one of the monks called \"traveling to Bagdad.\" One of the consequences was that certain soft parts of his body--apparently provided by nature for this express purpose--often received a warming from his daddy. His mother loved her boy dearly, and she often gently chided him, but he would not listen to her, and when she urged him to be more diligent, he ran out of the room. The monks did not spare the birch rod, and soon it was a case of a whipping for every lesson not learned. One day, though he was only twelve years old, the boy started on a long run into the country. The further he got, the happier he felt--at least for one day. At night, tired out, he crept into a cave. When he woke up, in the morning, he thought it was glorious to be as free as the wild asses. So like them, he quenched his thirst at the brook.", "UCH A POOR SCHOLAR AND HE SO HATED BOOKS AND LOVED TO PLAY THAT IN HIS CASE SPANKINGS AND WHIPPINGS WERE ALMOST A DAILY OCCURRENCE STILL HE MADE NO IMPROVEMENT HE WAS IN THE HABIT ALSO OF PLAYING TRUANT OR WHAT ONE OF THE MONKS CALLED TRAVELLING TO BAGDAD ONE OF THE CONSEQUENCES WAS THAT CERTAIN SOFT PARTS OF HIS BODY APPARENTLY PROVIDED BY NATURE FOR THIS EXPRESS PURPOSE OFTEN RECEIVED A WARMING FROM HIS DADDY HIS MOTHER LOVED HER BOY DEARLY AND SHE OFTEN GENTLY CHIDED HIM BUT HE WOULD NOT LISTEN TO HER AND WHEN SHE URGED HIM TO BE MORE DILIGENT HE RAN OUT OF THE ROOM THE MONKS DID NOT SPARE THE BIRCH ROD AND SOON IT WAS A CASE OF A WHIPPING FOR EVERY LESSON NOT LEARNED ONE DAY THOUGH HE WAS ONLY TWELVE YEARS OLD THE BOY STARTED ON A LONG RUN INTO THE COUNTRY THE FURTHER HE GOT THE HAPPER HE FELT AT LEAST FOR ONE DAY AT NIGHT TIRED OUT HE CREPT INTO A CAVE WHEN HE WOKE IN THE MORNING HE THOUGHT IT WAS GLORIOUS TO BE FREE AS A WILD ASS'S SO LIKE THEM HE QUENCHED HIS THIRST AT THE BROOK" ], "begin_byte": 118184, "end_byte": 118448 } } ]
{ "id": "large/10730/welshfairytales_1607_librivox_64kb_mp3/welshfairytales_13_griffis_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/10730/welshfairytales_1607_librivox_64kb_mp3/welshfairytales_13_griffis_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 12556330, "duration": 784.770625, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
{ "text_path": "download/librilight_text/output_text_large_cleaned/Welsh Fairy Tales/text.txt" }
[ { "id": "large/10730/welshfairytales_1607_librivox_64kb_mp3/welshfairytales_13_griffis_64kb_34", "recording_id": "large/10730/welshfairytales_1607_librivox_64kb_mp3/welshfairytales_13_griffis_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 11.44, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "10730", "custom": { "texts": [ "She asked him many questions, and he told her all he had seen, felt, or known. When he rose up to go, she begged him to stay longer, but he said he must keep his word.", "SHE ASKED HIM MANY QUESTIONS AND HE TOLD HER ALL HE HAD SEEN FELT OR KNOWN WHEN HE ROSE UP TO GO SHE BEGGED HIM TO STAY LONGER BUT HE SAID HE MUST KEEP HIS WORD" ], "pre_texts": [ " long happy, even when they got what they wanted. Everything in this part of fairyland was lovely, but it was always cloudy. No sun, star or moon was ever seen, yet the little men did not seem to mind it and enjoyed themselves every day. There was no end of play, and that suited Elidyr. Yet by and by, he got tired even of games and play, and grew very homesick. He wanted to see his mother. So he asked the King to let him visit his old home. He promised solemnly to come back, after a few hours. His Majesty gave his permission, but charged him not to take with him anything whatever from fairyland, and to go with only the clothes on his back. The same two elves or dwarfs, who had brought him into fairyland, were chosen to conduct him back. When they had led him again through the underground passage into the sunlight, they made him invisible until he arrived at his mother's cottage. She was overjoyed to find that no wolf had torn him to pieces, or wild bull had pushed him over a precipice.", "S HUMAN BEINGS WERE NEVER SATISFIED OR LONG HAPPY EVEN WHEN THEY GOT WHAT THEY WANTED EVERYTHING IN THIS PART OF FAIRYLAND WAS LOVELY BUT IT WAS ALWAYS CLOUDY NO SUN STAR OR MOON WAS EVER SEEN YET THE LITTLE MEN DID NOT SEEM TO MIND AND ENJOYED THEMSELVES EVERY DAY THERE WAS NO END OF PLAY AND THAT SUITED ELDER YET BY AND BY HE GOT TIRED EVEN OF GAMES AND PLAY AND GREW VERY HOMESICK HE WANTED TO SEE HIS MOTHER SO HE ASKED THE KING TO LET HIM TO VISIT HIS OLD HOME HE PROMISED SOLEMNLY TO COME BACK AFTER A FEW HOURS HIS MAJESTY GAVE PERMISSION BUT CHARGED THEM NOT TO TAKE WITH HIM ANYTHING WHATEVER FROM FAIRYLAND AND TO GO ONLY WITH THE CLOTHES ON HIS BACK THE SAME TWO ELVES OR DWARFS WHO HAD BROUGHT HIM INTO FAIRYLAND WERE CHOSEN TO CONDUCT HIM BACK WHEN THEY LED HIM AGAIN THROUGH THE UNDERGROUND PASSAGE INTO SUNLIGHT THEY MADE HIM INVISIBLE UNTIL HE ARRIVED AT HIS MOTHER'S COTTAGE SHE WAS OVERJOYED TO FIND THAT NO WOLF HAD TORN HIM TO PIECES OR WILD BULL HAD PUSHED HIM OVER A PRECIPICE" ], "begin_byte": 123266, "end_byte": 123433 } } ]
{ "id": "large/10730/welshfairytales_1607_librivox_64kb_mp3/welshfairytales_13_griffis_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/10730/welshfairytales_1607_librivox_64kb_mp3/welshfairytales_13_griffis_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 12556330, "duration": 784.770625, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
{ "text_path": "download/librilight_text/output_text_large_cleaned/Welsh Fairy Tales/text.txt" }
[ { "id": "large/10730/welshfairytales_1607_librivox_64kb_mp3/welshfairytales_13_griffis_64kb_37", "recording_id": "large/10730/welshfairytales_1607_librivox_64kb_mp3/welshfairytales_13_griffis_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 12.8, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "10730", "custom": { "texts": [ "At night, tired out, he crept into a cave. When he woke up, in the morning, he thought it was glorious to be as free as the wild asses. So like them, he quenched his thirst at the brook.", "AT NIGHT TIRED OUT HE CREPT INTO A CAVE WHEN HE WOKE IN THE MORNING HE THOUGHT IT WAS GLORIOUS TO BE FREE AS A WILD ASS'S SO LIKE THEM HE QUENCHED HIS THIRST AT THE BROOK" ], "pre_texts": [ "ries ago, the good monks of St. David had a school where lads were taught Latin and good manners. One of their pupils was a boy named Elidyr. He was such a poor scholar and he so hated books and loved play, that in his case spankings and whippings were almost of daily occurrence. Still he made no improvement. He was in the habit also of playing truant, or what one of the monks called \"traveling to Bagdad.\" One of the consequences was that certain soft parts of his body--apparently provided by nature for this express purpose--often received a warming from his daddy. His mother loved her boy dearly, and she often gently chided him, but he would not listen to her, and when she urged him to be more diligent, he ran out of the room. The monks did not spare the birch rod, and soon it was a case of a whipping for every lesson not learned. One day, though he was only twelve years old, the boy started on a long run into the country. The further he got, the happier he felt--at least for one day.", "THE FLOWERS BLOOM CENTURIES AGO THE GOOD MONKS OF SAINT DAVID HAD A SCHOOL WHERE LADS WERE TAUGHT LATIN AND GOOD MANNERS ONE OF THEIR PUPILS WAS A BOY NAMED ELDIR HE WAS SUCH A POOR SCHOLAR AND HE SO HATED BOOKS AND LOVED TO PLAY THAT IN HIS CASE SPANKINGS AND WHIPPINGS WERE ALMOST A DAILY OCCURRENCE STILL HE MADE NO IMPROVEMENT HE WAS IN THE HABIT ALSO OF PLAYING TRUANT OR WHAT ONE OF THE MONKS CALLED TRAVELLING TO BAGDAD ONE OF THE CONSEQUENCES WAS THAT CERTAIN SOFT PARTS OF HIS BODY APPARENTLY PROVIDED BY NATURE FOR THIS EXPRESS PURPOSE OFTEN RECEIVED A WARMING FROM HIS DADDY HIS MOTHER LOVED HER BOY DEARLY AND SHE OFTEN GENTLY CHIDED HIM BUT HE WOULD NOT LISTEN TO HER AND WHEN SHE URGED HIM TO BE MORE DILIGENT HE RAN OUT OF THE ROOM THE MONKS DID NOT SPARE THE BIRCH ROD AND SOON IT WAS A CASE OF A WHIPPING FOR EVERY LESSON NOT LEARNED ONE DAY THOUGH HE WAS ONLY TWELVE YEARS OLD THE BOY STARTED ON A LONG RUN INTO THE COUNTRY THE FURTHER HE GOT THE HAPPER HE FELT AT LEAST FOR ONE DAY" ], "begin_byte": 117997, "end_byte": 118183 } } ]
{ "id": "large/10730/welshfairytales_1607_librivox_64kb_mp3/welshfairytales_13_griffis_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/10730/welshfairytales_1607_librivox_64kb_mp3/welshfairytales_13_griffis_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 12556330, "duration": 784.770625, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
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[ { "id": "large/10730/welshfairytales_1607_librivox_64kb_mp3/welshfairytales_13_griffis_64kb_61", "recording_id": "large/10730/welshfairytales_1607_librivox_64kb_mp3/welshfairytales_13_griffis_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 10.32, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "10730", "custom": { "texts": [ "The King was so pleased at the lad's promptness in returning, and keeping his word, and telling the truth, that he allowed him to go see his mother as often as he wanted to do so.", "THE KING WAS SO PLEASED AT THE LAD'S PROMPTNESS OF RETURNING AND KEEPING HIS WORD AND TELLING THE TRUTH THEY ALLOWED HIM TO GO TO HIS MOTHER AS OFTEN AS HE WANTED TO DO SO" ], "pre_texts": [ "im visit his old home. He promised solemnly to come back, after a few hours. His Majesty gave his permission, but charged him not to take with him anything whatever from fairyland, and to go with only the clothes on his back. The same two elves or dwarfs, who had brought him into fairyland, were chosen to conduct him back. When they had led him again through the underground passage into the sunlight, they made him invisible until he arrived at his mother's cottage. She was overjoyed to find that no wolf had torn him to pieces, or wild bull had pushed him over a precipice. She asked him many questions, and he told her all he had seen, felt, or known. When he rose up to go, she begged him to stay longer, but he said he must keep his word. Besides, he feared the rod of the monks, or his daddy, if he remained. So he made his mother agree not to tell anything--not even to his father, as to where he was, or what he was doing. Then he made off and reported again to his playmates in fairyland.", "S MOTHER SO HE ASKED THE KING TO LET HIM TO VISIT HIS OLD HOME HE PROMISED SOLEMNLY TO COME BACK AFTER A FEW HOURS HIS MAJESTY GAVE PERMISSION BUT CHARGED THEM NOT TO TAKE WITH HIM ANYTHING WHATEVER FROM FAIRYLAND AND TO GO ONLY WITH THE CLOTHES ON HIS BACK THE SAME TWO ELVES OR DWARFS WHO HAD BROUGHT HIM INTO FAIRYLAND WERE CHOSEN TO CONDUCT HIM BACK WHEN THEY LED HIM AGAIN THROUGH THE UNDERGROUND PASSAGE INTO SUNLIGHT THEY MADE HIM INVISIBLE UNTIL HE ARRIVED AT HIS MOTHER'S COTTAGE SHE WAS OVERJOYED TO FIND THAT NO WOLF HAD TORN HIM TO PIECES OR WILD BULL HAD PUSHED HIM OVER A PRECIPICE SHE ASKED HIM MANY QUESTIONS AND HE TOLD HER ALL HE HAD SEEN FELT OR KNOWN WHEN HE ROSE UP TO GO SHE BEGGED HIM TO STAY LONGER BUT HE SAID HE MUST KEEP HIS WORD BESIDES HE FEARED THE RODS OF THE MONKS OR HIS DADDY IF HE REMAINED SO HE MADE HIS MOTHER AGREE NOT TO TELL ANY THING NOT EVEN TO HIS FATHER AS WHERE HE WAS OR WHAT HE WAS DOING THEN HE MADE OFF AND REPORTED AGAIN TO HIS PLAYMATES IN FAIRYLAND" ], "begin_byte": 123688, "end_byte": 123867 } } ]
{ "id": "large/10730/welshfairytales_1607_librivox_64kb_mp3/welshfairytales_13_griffis_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/10730/welshfairytales_1607_librivox_64kb_mp3/welshfairytales_13_griffis_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 12556330, "duration": 784.770625, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
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[ { "id": "large/10730/welshfairytales_1607_librivox_64kb_mp3/welshfairytales_13_griffis_64kb_63", "recording_id": "large/10730/welshfairytales_1607_librivox_64kb_mp3/welshfairytales_13_griffis_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 14.479, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "10730", "custom": { "texts": [ "Then he knew that he had been discovered. He glanced over his shoulder and there were the two little men, who had led him first and had formerly been his guards. They scowled at him as if they were mad enough to bite off the heads of tenpenny nails.", "THEN HE KNEW THAT HE HAD BEEN DISCOVERED HE GLANCED OVER HIS SHOULDER AND THERE WERE TWO LITTLE MEN WHO HAD LED HIM FIRST AND HAD FORMERLY BEEN HIS GUARDS THEY SCALDED HIM AS THOUGH THEY WERE MAD ENOUGH TO BITE OFF THE HEADS OF TEN PENNY NAILS" ], "pre_texts": [ "t his daddy, or one of the monks was coming. He never saw any of these men. One day, in telling his mother of the fun and good times he had in fairyland, he spoke of the heavy yellow balls, with which he and the King's sons played, and how these rolled around. Before leaving home, this boy had never seen any gold, and did not know what it was, but his mother guessed that it was the precious metal, of which the coins called sovereigns, and worth five dollars apiece, were made. So she begged him to bring one of them back to her. This, Elidyr thought, would not be right; but after much argument, his parents being poor, and she telling him that, out of hundreds in the King's palace, one single ball would not be missed, he decided to please her. So one day, when he supposed no one was looking, he picked up one of the yellow balls and started off through the narrow dark passageway homeward. But no sooner was he back on the earth, and in the sunlight again, than he heard footsteps behind him.", " TO PAY A VISIT OR WHEN HE THOUGHT HIS DADDY OR ONE OF THE MONKS WAS COMING HE NEVER SAW ANY OF THESE MEN ONE DAY IN TELLING HIS MOTHER OF THE FUN AND GOOD TIMES HE HAD IN FAIRYLAND HE SPOKE OF THE HEAVY YELLOW BALLS WITH WHICH HE AND THE KING'S SON PLAYED AND HOW THESE ROLLED AROUND BEFORE LEAVING HOME THIS BOY HAD NEVER SEEN ANY GOLD AND DID NOT KNOW WHAT IT WAS BUT HIS MOTHER GUESSED THAT IT WAS PRECIOUS METAL OF WHICH THESE COINS CALLED SOVEREIGNS AND WORTH FIVE DOLLARS APIECE WERE MADE SO SHE BEGGED HIM TO BRING ONE OF THEM HOME TO HER THIS ELIDIR THOUGHT WOULD NOT BE RIGHT BUT AFTER MUCH ARGUMENT HIS PARENTS BEING POOR AND SHE TELLING HIM THAT OUT OF HUNDREDS IN THE KING'S PALACE ONE SINGLE BALL WOULD NOT BE MISSED HE DECIDED TO PLEASE HER SO ONE DAY WHEN HE SUPPOSED NO ONE WAS LOOKING HE PICKED UP ONE OF THE YELLOW BALLS AND STARTED OFF THROUGH THE NARROW DARK PASSAGEWAY HOME BUT NO SOONER WHEN HE WAS BACK ON THE EARTH AND IN THE SUNLIGHT AGAIN THAN HE HEARD FOOTSTEPS BEHIND HIM" ], "begin_byte": 125256, "end_byte": 125505 } } ]
{ "id": "large/10730/welshfairytales_1607_librivox_64kb_mp3/welshfairytales_13_griffis_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/10730/welshfairytales_1607_librivox_64kb_mp3/welshfairytales_13_griffis_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 12556330, "duration": 784.770625, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
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[ { "id": "large/10730/welshfairytales_1607_librivox_64kb_mp3/welshfairytales_15_griffis_64kb_19", "recording_id": "large/10730/welshfairytales_1607_librivox_64kb_mp3/welshfairytales_15_griffis_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 12.239, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "10730", "custom": { "texts": [ "When they saw her, several learned fairies, who had come from a distance, fell at once into conversation on this subject. One remarked: \"How would the Queen like to add another syllable to her name?", "WHEN THEY SAW HER SEVERAL LEARNED FAIRIES WHO HAD COME FROM A DISTANCE FELL AT ONCE INTO A CONVERSATION ON THIS SUBJECT ONE REMARKED HOW WOULD THE QUEEN LIKE TO ADD ANOTHER SYLLABLE TO HER NAME" ], "pre_texts": [ "ked fairies were in the habit of putting in the cradles of mortal mothers, when they stole away their babies, were allowed to be present, even if they should come with their mothers. This was to be a perfectly respectable company, and no bawling, squealing, crying, or blubbering was to be permitted. When they had all gathered together, at the evening hour, there was seen, in the moonlight, the funniest lot of creatures, that one could imagine, but all were neatly dressed and well behaved. Quite a large number of the famous Fair Family, that moved only in the best society of fairyland, fathers, mothers, cousins, uncles and aunts, were on hand. In fact, some of them had thought it was to be a wake, and were ready for whatever might turn up, whether solemn or frivolous. These were dressed in varied costume. Queen Mab, who above all else, was a Welsh fairy, and whose name, as everybody knows who talks Cymric, suggested her extreme youth and lively disposition, was present in all her glory.", "F IMITATIONS NO UGLY BRATS SUCH AS THE WICKED FAIRIES WERE IN THE HABIT OF PUTTING IN THE CRADLE OF MORTAL MOTHERS WHEN THEY STOLE AWAY THEIR BABIES WERE ALLOWED TO BE PRESENT EVEN IF THEY SHOULD COME WITH THEIR MOTHERS THIS WAS TO BE A PERFECTLY RESPECTABLE COMPANY AND NO BAWLING SQUEALING CRYING OR BLUBBERING WAS TO BE PERMITTED WHEN THEY ALL HAD GATHERED TOGETHER AT THE EVENING HOUR THERE WAS SEEN IN THE MOONLIGHT THE FUNNIEST LOT OF CREATURES THAT ONE COULD IMAGINE BUT ALL WERE NEATLY DRESSED AND WELL BEHAVED QUITE A LARGE NUMBER OF THE FAMOUS FAIR FAMILY THAT MOVED ONLY IN THE BEST SOCIETY OF FAIRYLAND FATHERS MOTHERS COUSINS UNCLES AND AUNTS WERE ON HAND IN FACT SOME OF THEM THOUGHT IT WAS TO BE AWAKE AND WERE READY FOR WHATEVER MIGHT TURN UP WHETHER SOLEMN OR FRIVOLOUS THESE WERE DRESSED IN BURIED CUSTOM QUEEN MOB WHO ABOVE ALL ELSE WAS A WELSH FAIRY AND WHOSE NAME AS EVERYONE KNOWS WHO TALKS COMRACK SUGGESTED HER EXTREME YOUTH AND LIVELY DISPOSITION WAS PRESENT IN ALL HER GLORY" ], "begin_byte": 145687, "end_byte": 145885 } } ]
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[ { "id": "large/10730/welshfairytales_1607_librivox_64kb_mp3/welshfairytales_15_griffis_64kb_21", "recording_id": "large/10730/welshfairytales_1607_librivox_64kb_mp3/welshfairytales_15_griffis_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 9.32, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "10730", "custom": { "texts": [ "Then they tell you to come next day and find out what is to happen. Or, as they say in a story paper, \"to be continued in our next.\"", "THEN THEY TELL YOU TO COME THE NEXT DAY AND FIND OUT WHAT IS TO HAPPEN OR AS THEY SAY IN THE STORY PAPER TO BE CONTINUED IN OUR NEXT" ], "pre_texts": [ "many stunts as he can. I've heard from a mortal, named Shakespeare, that, in one performance, Puck could be a horse, a hound, a hog, a bear without any head, and even kindle himself into a fire; while his vocal powers, as we know, are endless. He can neigh, bark, grunt, roar, and even burn up things. Now, I should like to see the fairy that could beat him at tricks. It was Puck himself, who told the world that he was in the habit of doing all these things, and I want to see whether he was boasting.\" \"Tut, tut, don't talk that way, about our king,\" said a fourth fairy. All this was only chaff and fun, for all the fairies were in good humor. They were only talking, to fill up the interval until the music began. Now the canny Welsh fairies had learned the trick of catching farthings, pennies and sixpences from the folks who have more curiosity in them than even fairies do. These human beings, cunning fellows that they are, let the curtain fall on a show, just at the most interesting part.", "TRANSFORMATIONS I SHOULD LIKE TO SEE HIM DO FOR US AS MANY STUNTS AS HE CAN I'VE HEARD FROM A MORTAL NAMED SHAKESPEARE THAT IN ONE PERFORMANCE PUCK COULD BE A HORSE A HOUND A HOG A BEAR WITHOUT ANY HEAD AND EVEN KINDLE HIMSELF INTO A FIRE WHILE HIS VOCAL POWERS AS WE KNOW ARE ENDLESS HE CAN NEIGH BARK GRUNT ROAR AND EVEN BURN UP THINGS NOW I SHOULD LIKE TO SEE A FAIRY THAT COULD BE HIM AT TRICKS IT WAS PUCK HIMSELF WHO TOLD THE WORLD THAT HE WAS IN THE HABIT OF DOING THESE THINGS AND I WANT TO SEE WHETHER HE WAS BOASTING TUT TUT DON'T TALK THAT WAY ABOUT OUR KING SAID A FOURTH FAIRY ALL THIS WAS ONLY CHAFF AND FUN FOR THE FAIRIES WERE IN GOOD HUMOR THEY WERE ONLY TALKING TO FILL UP THE INTERVAL UNTIL THE MUSIC BEGAN NOW THE CANNY WELSH FAIRIES HAD LEARNED THE TRICK OF CATCHING FARTHINGS PENNIES AND SIXPENCES FROM THE FOLK WHO HAVE MORE CURIOSITY IN THEM THAN EVEN FAIRIES DO THESE HUMAN BEINGS CUNNING FELLOWS THAT THEY ARE LET THE CURTAIN FALL ON A SHOW JUST AT THE MOST INTERESTING PART" ], "begin_byte": 151065, "end_byte": 151197 } } ]
{ "id": "large/10730/welshfairytales_1607_librivox_64kb_mp3/welshfairytales_15_griffis_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/10730/welshfairytales_1607_librivox_64kb_mp3/welshfairytales_15_griffis_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 12778103, "duration": 798.6314375, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
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[ { "id": "large/10730/welshfairytales_1607_librivox_64kb_mp3/welshfairytales_15_griffis_64kb_22", "recording_id": "large/10730/welshfairytales_1607_librivox_64kb_mp3/welshfairytales_15_griffis_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 5.96, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "10730", "custom": { "texts": [ "The fact was, that many of the most lively fairies showed their frivolous disposition at once.", "THE FACT WAS THAT MANY OF THE MOST LIVELY FAIRIES SHOWED THEIR FRIVOLOUS DISPOSITION AT ONCE" ], "pre_texts": [ "rper.\" Now such a thing as inquiring into each other's ages was not common in Fairy Land. Very few ever asked such a question, for it was not thought to be polite. For, though we hear of ugly fairy brats being put into the cradles, in place of pretty children, no one ever heard, either of fairies being born or of dying, or having clocks, or watches, or looking to see what time it was. Nor did doctors, or the census clerks, or directory people ever trouble the fairy ladies, to ask their age. Occasionally, however, there was one fairy, so wise, so learned, and so able to tell what was going to happen to-morrow, or next year, that the other fairies looked up to such an one with respect and awe. Yet these honorables would hardly know what you were talking about, if you asked any of them how old they might be, or spoke of \"old\" or \"young.\" If, by any chance, a fairy did use the world \"old\" in talking of their number, it would be for honor or dignity, and they would mean it for a compliment.", "L AT ONCE BUT LET US ASK OUR OLD FRIEND THE HARPER NOW SUCH A THING AS THEIR INQUIRING INTO EACH OTHER'S AGES WAS NOT COMMON IN FAIRYLAND VERY FEW EVER ASKED SUCH A QUESTION FOR IT WAS NOT THOUGHT TO BE POLITE FOR THOUGH WE HEAR OF UGLY RATS BEING PUT INTO CRADLES IN PLACE OF PRETTY CHILDREN NO ONE EVER HEARD EITHER OF FAIRIES BEING BORN OR OF DYING OR OF HAVING CLOCKS OR WATCHES OR LOOKING TO SEE WHAT TIME IT WAS NOR DID DOCTORS OR THE CENSUS CLERKS OR DIRECTORY PEOPLE EVER TROUBLE THE FAIRY LADIES TO ASK THEIR AGE OCCASIONALLY HOWEVER THERE WAS ONE FAIRY SO WISE SO LEARNED AND SO ABLE TO TELL WHAT WAS GOING TO HAPPEN TO MORROW OR NEXT YEAR THAT THE OTHER FAIRIES LOOKED UP TO SUCH A ONE WITH RESPECT AND AWE YET THESE HONOURS WOULD HIGHLY KNOW WHAT YOU WERE TALKING ABOUT IF YOU ASKED ANY OF THEM HOW OLD THEY MIGHT BE OR SPOKE OF OLD OR YOUNG IF BY ANY CHANCE A FAIRY DID USE THE WORD OLD IN TALKING OF THEIR NUMBER IT WOULD BE FOR HONOUR OR DIGNITY AND THEY WOULD MEAN IT FOR A COMPLIMENT" ], "begin_byte": 147635, "end_byte": 147729 } } ]
{ "id": "large/10730/welshfairytales_1607_librivox_64kb_mp3/welshfairytales_15_griffis_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/10730/welshfairytales_1607_librivox_64kb_mp3/welshfairytales_15_griffis_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 12778103, "duration": 798.6314375, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
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[ { "id": "large/10730/welshfairytales_1607_librivox_64kb_mp3/welshfairytales_15_griffis_64kb_24", "recording_id": "large/10730/welshfairytales_1607_librivox_64kb_mp3/welshfairytales_15_griffis_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 6.119, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "10730", "custom": { "texts": [ "Thus they renew their love for the Fatherland and what they received long ago from their ancestors.", "THUS THEY RENEW THEIR LOVE FOR THE FATHERLAND AND WHAT THEY RECEIVED LONG AGO FROM THEIR ANCESTORS" ], "pre_texts": [ ", whom the story-teller saw when he visited our Independence Hall in 1860--loved to be the servant of his people. What was it that wrought this peaceful wonder of the sixteenth century? Was it a fairy spell magic ointment, star-tipped wand, treasures of caves, or ocean depths? Was it anything that dragons, giants, ogres, or even swords, spears, catapults, or whips and clubs, or elves or gnomes could do? Not a bit of it! Only justice and kindness, instead of brutality and force. XV THE WELSH FAIRIES HOLD A MEETING In the ancient Cymric gatherings, the Druids, poets, prophets, seers, and singers all had part. The one most honored as the president of the meeting was crowned and garlanded. Then he was led in honor and sat in the chair of state. They called this great occasion an Eistedfodd, or sitting, after the Cymric word, meaning a chair. All over the world, the Welsh folks, who do so passionately love music, poetry and their own grand language, hold the Eistedfodd at regular intervals.", " CHAPTER FIFTEEN OF WELSH FAIRY TALES THIS IS A LEAP OF OX ACCORDING ALL LEAP OF OX ACCORDINGS ARE IN THE PUBLIC DOMAIN FOR MORE INFORMATION OR TO VOLUNTEER PLEASE VISIT LEAP OF OX DH ORG RECORDING BY JAMES O'PENE WELSH FAIRY TALES BY WILLIAM ELIOT GRIFFITH CHAPTER FIFTEEN THE WELSH FAIRIES HOLD A MEETING IN THE ANCIENT COMAC GATHERINGS THE DRUIDS POETS PROPHETS SEERS AND SINGERS ALL HAD A PART THE ONE MOST HONORED AS THE PRESENT OF THE MEETING WAS CROWNED AND GARLAND THEN HE WAS LED IN HONOUR AND SET IN A CHAIR OF STATE THEY CALLED THIS GREAT OCCASION AN ICE DAUDE OR SITTING AFTER THE COMIC WORD MEANING A CHAIR ALL OVER THE WORLD THE WELSH FOLK WHO SO PASSIONATELY LOVE MUSIC POETRY AND THEIR OWN GRAND LANGUAGE HOLD THE ICE TO FOD AT REGULAR INTERVALS" ], "begin_byte": 140566, "end_byte": 140665 } } ]
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{ "id": "large/10730/welshfairytales_1607_librivox_64kb_mp3/welshfairytales_17_griffis_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/10730/welshfairytales_1607_librivox_64kb_mp3/welshfairytales_17_griffis_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 14261258, "duration": 891.328625, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
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[ { "id": "large/10730/welshfairytales_1607_librivox_64kb_mp3/welshfairytales_17_griffis_64kb_34", "recording_id": "large/10730/welshfairytales_1607_librivox_64kb_mp3/welshfairytales_17_griffis_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 14.279, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "10730", "custom": { "texts": [ "Rushing up to the top of a rock, overhanging the deepest part of the lake, he was just about to leap into the water and drown himself, when he heard a voice behind him, saying: \"Hold rash lad, come here!\"", "RUSHING UP TO THE TOP OF A ROCK OVERHANGING THE DEEPEST PART OF A LAKE HE WAS JUST ABOUT TO LEAP INTO THE WATER AND DROWN HIMSELF WHEN HE HEARD A VOICE BEHIND HIM SAYING HOLD RASH LAD COME HERE" ], "pre_texts": [ "k for many seconds. He noticed that she had sandals on her feet, and the one on the right foot was tied in a way rather unusual. Under her winsome smile, at last, he regained the use of his tongue. Then he burst out: \"Lady I love you, more than all the world besides. Will you be my wife?\" She did not seem at all willing at first, but love begets love. Finally yielding to his pleadings, she said, rather solemnly: \"I will be your bride but only on this condition, that if you strike me three times, without cause, I will leave your house and you only will be to blame, and it will be forever.\" These words stuck in his mind, and he inwardly made a vow never to give his lovely wife cause to leave him. But not yet did happiness come, for, even while he took oath that he would rather cut off his right hand, than offend her, she darted away like an arrow, and, diving in the lake, disappeared. At this sudden blow to his hopes and joy, Gwyn was so sorely depressed, as to wish to take his own life.", " HER ON LAND HE COULD NOT SPEAK FOR MANY SECONDS HE NOTICED THAT SHE HAD SANDALS ON HER FEET AND THE ONE ON HER RIGHT FOOT WAS TIED IN A WAY RATHER UNUSUAL UNDER HER WINSOME SMILE AT LAST HE REGAINED THE USE OF HIS TONGUE THEN HE BURST OUT LADY I LOVE YOU MORE THAN ALL THE WORLD BESIDE WILL YOU BE MY WIFE SHE DID NOT SEEM AT ALL WILLING AT FIRST BUT LOVE BEGETS LOVE FINALLY YIELDING TO HIS PLEADINGS SHE SAID RATHER SOLEMNLY I WILL BE YOUR BRIDE BUT ONLY ON THIS CONDITION THAT IF YOU STRIKE ME THREE TIMES WITHOUT CAUSE I WILL LEAVE YOUR HOUSE AND YOU WILL ONLY BE TO BLAME AND IT WILL BE FOR EVER THESE WORDS STUCK IN HIS MIND AND HE INWARDLY MADE A BOW NEVER TO GIVE HIS LOVELY WIFE CAUSE TO LEAVE HIM BUT NOT YET DID HAPPINESS COME FOR EVEN AS HE TOOK THE OATH THAT HE WOULD RATHER CUT OFF HIS OWN RIGHT HAND THAN OFFEND HER SHE DARTED AWAY LIKE AN ARROW AND DIVING INTO THE LAKE DISAPPEARED AT THIS SUDDEN BLOW TO HIS HOPES AND JOY GWEN WAS SO SORELY DEPRESSED AS TO WISH TO TAKE HIS OWN LIFE" ], "begin_byte": 168069, "end_byte": 168273 } } ]
{ "id": "large/10730/welshfairytales_1607_librivox_64kb_mp3/welshfairytales_17_griffis_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/10730/welshfairytales_1607_librivox_64kb_mp3/welshfairytales_17_griffis_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 14261258, "duration": 891.328625, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
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[ { "id": "large/10730/welshfairytales_1607_librivox_64kb_mp3/welshfairytales_17_griffis_64kb_44", "recording_id": "large/10730/welshfairytales_1607_librivox_64kb_mp3/welshfairytales_17_griffis_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 7.839, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "10730", "custom": { "texts": [ "Now the two maidens were so beautiful, yet so exactly alike, that Gwyn could not note any difference.", "NOW THE TWO MAIDENS WERE SO BEAUTIFUL YET SO EXACTLY ALIKE THAT GWEN COULD NOT NOTE ANY DIFFERENCE" ], "pre_texts": [ "ade a vow never to give his lovely wife cause to leave him. But not yet did happiness come, for, even while he took oath that he would rather cut off his right hand, than offend her, she darted away like an arrow, and, diving in the lake, disappeared. At this sudden blow to his hopes and joy, Gwyn was so sorely depressed, as to wish to take his own life. Rushing up to the top of a rock, overhanging the deepest part of the lake, he was just about to leap into the water and drown himself, when he heard a voice behind him, saying: \"Hold rash lad, come here!\" He looked and there down on the shore of the lake, stood a grand looking old man, with a long white beard. On either side of him was a lovely maiden. These were his daughters. Trembling with fear, the lad slipped down from the rock and drew near. Then the old man spoke comfortably to him, though in a very cracked voice. \"Mortal, do you wish to marry one of my daughters? Show me the one you love more than the other, and I will consent.", " IN HIS MIND AND HE INWARDLY MADE A BOW NEVER TO GIVE HIS LOVELY WIFE CAUSE TO LEAVE HIM BUT NOT YET DID HAPPINESS COME FOR EVEN AS HE TOOK THE OATH THAT HE WOULD RATHER CUT OFF HIS OWN RIGHT HAND THAN OFFEND HER SHE DARTED AWAY LIKE AN ARROW AND DIVING INTO THE LAKE DISAPPEARED AT THIS SUDDEN BLOW TO HIS HOPES AND JOY GWEN WAS SO SORELY DEPRESSED AS TO WISH TO TAKE HIS OWN LIFE RUSHING UP TO THE TOP OF A ROCK OVERHANGING THE DEEPEST PART OF A LAKE HE WAS JUST ABOUT TO LEAP INTO THE WATER AND DROWN HIMSELF WHEN HE HEARD A VOICE BEHIND HIM SAYING HOLD RASH LAD COME HERE HE LOOKED AND THERE DOWN ON THE SHORE OF THE LAKE STOOD A GRAND LOOKING OLD MAN WITH A LONG WHITE BEARD ON EITHER SIDE OF HIM WAS A LOVELY MAIDEN THESE WERE HIS DAUGHTERS TREMBLING WITH FEAR THE LAD SLIPPED DOWN FROM THE ROCK AND DREW NEAR THEN THE OLD MAN SPOKE COMFORTABLY TO HIM THOUGH IN A VERY CRACKED VOICE MORTAL DO YOU WISH TO MARRY ONE OF MY DAUGHTERS SHOW ME THE ONE YOU LOVE MORE THAN THE OTHER AND I WILL CONSENT" ], "begin_byte": 168713, "end_byte": 168815 } } ]
{ "id": "large/10730/welshfairytales_1607_librivox_64kb_mp3/welshfairytales_17_griffis_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/10730/welshfairytales_1607_librivox_64kb_mp3/welshfairytales_17_griffis_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 14261258, "duration": 891.328625, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
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[ { "id": "large/10730/welshfairytales_1607_librivox_64kb_mp3/welshfairytales_17_griffis_64kb_51", "recording_id": "large/10730/welshfairytales_1607_librivox_64kb_mp3/welshfairytales_17_griffis_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 13.559, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "10730", "custom": { "texts": [ "Near one of these lakes dwelt a widow, with only one son, named Gwyn. One day he took his lunch of barley bread and cheese, and went out, as usual, to tend the cows.", "NEAR ONE OF THESE LAKES DWELT A WIDOW WITH ONLY ONE SON NAMED GWEN ONE DAY HE TOOK HIS LUNCH OF BARLEY BREAD AND CHEESE AND HE WENT OUT AS USUAL TO TEND A COWS" ], "pre_texts": [ "heir bread. XVII THE LADY OF THE LAKE One easily gets acquainted with the Welsh fairies, for nearly all the good ones are very fond of music. Or, they live down in the lakes, or up in the mountains. They are always ready to help kind or polite people, who treat them well or will give them a glass of milk, or a saucer of flummery. But, oh, what tricks and mischief they do play on mean or stingy or grumpy folks with bad tempers! They tangle up the harness of the horses; milk the cows, letting the milk go to waste, on the stable floor; tie knots in their tails, or keep the dog's mouth shut, when the robbers come sneaking around. Better not offend a fairy, even though no higher than a thimble! A favorite place for the elfin ladies of the lake is high up in one of the fresh water mountain ponds. They are cousins to the mermaids, that swim in the salt water. They say that these lake maidens love to come up close to the shore, to smell the sweet grass and flowers, which the cows like so much.", "ALES BY WM ELLIOT GRIFFITH CHAPTER SEVENTEEN THE LADY OF THE LAKE ONE EASILY GETS ACQUAINTED WITH THE WALSH FAIRIES FOR NEARLY ALL THE GOOD ONES ARE VERY FOND OF MUSIC OR THEY LIVE DOWN IN THE LAKES OR UP IN THE MOUNTAINS THEY ARE ALWAYS READY TO HELP KIND OR POLITE PEOPLE WHO TREAT THEM WELL OR WILL GIVE THEM A GLASS OF MILK OR A SAUCER OF FLUMMERY BUT OH WHAT TRICKS AND MISCHIEF THEY DO PLAY ON MEAN OR STINGY OR GRUMPY FOLKS WITH BAD TEMPERS THEY TANGLE UP THE HARNESSES OF THE HORSES MILK THE COWS LETTING THE MILK GO THE WASTE ON THE STABLE FLOOR TIE KNOTS IN THE TAILS OR KEEP THE DOG'S MOUTH SHUT WHEN THE ROBBERS COME SNEAKING AROUND BETTER NOT OFFEND A FAIRY EVEN THOUGH NO HIGHER THAN A THIMBLE A FAVORITE PLACE FOR THE ELFIN LADIES OF THE LAKE IS HIGH UP IN ONE OF THE FRESH WATER MOUNTAIN PONDS THEY ARE COUSINS TO THE MERMAIDS THAT SWIM IN SALT WATER THEY SAY THAT THESE LAKE MAIDENS LOVED TO COME UP CLOSE TO THE SHORE TO SMELL THE SWEET GRASS AND FLOWERS WHICH THE COWS LIKE SO MUCH" ], "begin_byte": 163991, "end_byte": 164156 } } ]
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[ { "id": "large/10730/welshfairytales_1607_librivox_64kb_mp3/welshfairytales_17_griffis_64kb_59", "recording_id": "large/10730/welshfairytales_1607_librivox_64kb_mp3/welshfairytales_17_griffis_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 28.6, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "10730", "custom": { "texts": [ "Three times the cradle was filled, and each time with a baby boy. Eight long and happy years followed. They loved each other so dearly and were so happy together, that Gwyn's vow passed entirely out of his mind, and he thought no more of it. On the seventh birthday of the oldest boy, there was a wedding at some distance away, and the father and mother walked through a field where their horses were grazing.", "THREE TIMES THE CRADLE WAS FILLED EACH TIME WITH A BABY BOY EIGHT LONG AND HAPPY YEARS FOLLOWED THEY LOVED EACH OTHER SO DEARLY AND WERE SO HAPPY TOGETHER THAT GWEN'S VOW PASSED ENTIRELY OUT OF HIS MIND AND HE THOUGHT OF IT NO MORE ON THE SEVENTH BIRTHDAY OF THE OLDEST BOY THERE WAS A WEDDING AT SOME DISTANCE AWAY AND THE FATHER AND MOTHER WALKED THROUGH THE FIELD WHERE THEIR HORSES WERE GRAZING" ], "pre_texts": [ "h. Take her and you shall have as many cattle, sheep, horses, hogs, and goats, as she can count, of each, without drawing in her breath. But I warn you that three blows, without cause, will send her back to me.\" While the old man smiled, and Gwyn renewed his vow, the new wife began to count by fives--one, two, three, four, five. At the end of each count drawing in a fresh breath, there rose up, out of the lake, as many sheep, cattle, goats, pigs, and horses, as she had counted. So it happened that the lad, who went out of his mother's cottage, in the morning, a poor boy, came back to her, a rich man, and leading by the hand the loveliest creature on whom man or woman had ever looked upon. As for the old man and the other daughter, no one ever saw them again. Gwyn and his wife went out to a farm which he bought, and oh, how happy they were! She was very kind to the poor. She had the gift of healing, knew all the herbs, which were good for medicine, and cured sick folk of their diseases.", "ERED THE OLD MAN THIS IS MY DAUGHTER NELFRICH TAKE HER AND YOU SHALL HAVE AS MANY CATTLE SHEEP HORSES HOGS AND GOATS AS SHE CAN COUNT OF EACH WITHOUT DRAWING IN HER BREATH BUT I WARN YOU THAT THREE BLOWS WITHOUT CAUSE WILL SEND HER BACK TO ME WHILE THE OLD MAN SMILED AND GWEN RENEWED HIS VOW THE NEW WIFE BEGAN TO COUNT BY FIVE ONE TWO THREE FOUR FIVE AT THE END OF EACH COUNT DRAWING IN A FRESH BREATH THERE ROSE UP OUT OF THE LAKE AS MANY SHEEP CATTLE GOATS PIGS AND HORSES AS SHE HAD COUNTED SO IT HAD HAPPENED THAT THE LAD WHO WENT OUT OF HIS MOTHER'S COTTAGE IN THE MORNING A POOR BOY CAME BACK TO HER A RICH MAN AND LEADING BY THE HAND THE LOVELIEST CREATURE ON WHOM MAN OR WOMAN HAD EVER LOOKED UPON AS FOR THE OLD MAN AND THE OTHER DAUGHTER NO ONE EVER SAW THEM AGAIN GWEN AND HIS WIFE WENT OUT TO A FARM WHICH HE BOUGHT AND OH HOW HAPPY THEY WERE SHE WAS VERY KIND TO THE POOR SHE HAD THE GIFT OF HEALING KNEW ALL THE HERBS WHICH WERE GOOD FOR MEDICINE AND CURED SICK FOLK OF THEIR DISEASES" ], "begin_byte": 170476, "end_byte": 170885 } } ]
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[ { "id": "large/10730/welshfairytales_1607_librivox_64kb_mp3/welshfairytales_18_griffis_64kb_8", "recording_id": "large/10730/welshfairytales_1607_librivox_64kb_mp3/welshfairytales_18_griffis_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 8.559, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "10730", "custom": { "texts": [ "Again the brothers were transformed into animal shape. This time, as wolves, and were driven out to the hills.", "AGAIN THE BROTHERS WERE TRANSFORMED INTO ANIMAL SHAPE THIS TIME AS WOLVES AND WERE DRIVEN OUT TO THE HILLS" ], "pre_texts": [ " their punishment. But at last, tired of being deserted by all good men and women, they repented in sorrow. Hungry, ragged and forlorn, they came to their uncle, the king to submit themselves to be punished. When they appeared, Math spoke roughly to them, and said: \"You cannot make amends for the shame you have brought upon me. Yet, since you obey and are sorry, I shall punish you for a time and then pardon you. You are to do penance for three years at least.\" Then they were changed into wild deer, and he told them to come back after twelve months. At the end of the year they returned, bringing with them a young fawn. As this creature was entirely innocent, it was given a human form and baptized in the church. But the two brothers were changed into wild swine, and driven off to find their food in the forest. At the end of the year, they came back with a young pig. The king had the little animal changed into a human being, which, like every mother's child in that time, received baptism.", "MONS OF THE KING TO COME AND RECEIVE THEIR PUNISHMENT BUT AT LAST TIRED OF BEING DESERTED BY ALL GOOD MEN AND WOMEN THEY REPENTED IN SORROW HUNGRY RAGGED AND FORLORN THEY CAME TO THEIR UNCLE THE KING TO SUBMIT THEMSELVES TO BE PUNISHED WHEN THEY APPEARED MATH SPOKE ROUGHLY TO THEM AND SAID YOU CANNOT MAKE AMENDS FOR THE SHAME YOU HAVE BROUGHT UPON ME YET SINCE YOU OBEY AND ARE SORRY I SHALL PUNISH YOU FOR A TIME AND THEN PARDON YOU YOU ARE TO DO PENANCE FOR THREE YEARS AT LEAST THEN THEY WERE CHANGED INTO WILD DEER AND HE TOLD THEM TO COME BACK AFTER TWELVE MONTHS AT THE END OF THE YEAR THEY RETURNED BRINGING WITH THEM A YOUNG FAWN AS THIS CREATURE WAS ENTIRELY INNOCENT IT WAS GIVEN A HUMAN FORM AND BAPTIZED INTO CHURCH BUT THE TWO BROTHERS WERE CHANGED INTO WILD SWINE AND DRIVEN OFF TO FIND THEIR FOOD IN THE FOREST AT THE END OF THE YEAR THEY CAME BACK WITH A YOUNG PIG THE KING HAD THAT LITTLE ANIMAL CHANGED INTO HUMAN BEING WHICH LIKE EVERY MOTHER'S CHILD AT THE TIME RECEIVED BAPTISM" ], "begin_byte": 183539, "end_byte": 183649 } } ]
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[ { "id": "large/10730/welshfairytales_1607_librivox_64kb_mp3/welshfairytales_18_griffis_64kb_36", "recording_id": "large/10730/welshfairytales_1607_librivox_64kb_mp3/welshfairytales_18_griffis_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 16.919, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "10730", "custom": { "texts": [ "After burying the hero, King Math came back to his palace and found out what Gily had done. Then he took Goewen away from Gily, and to make amends for her trouble, in being thus torn from his palace, King Math made her his queen.", "AFTER BURYING THE HERO KING MATH CAME BACK TO HIS PALACE AND FOUND OUT WHAT GILLI HAD DONE THEN HE TOOK GOWEN AWAY FROM GILLI AND TO MAKE AMENDS FOR HER TROUBLE IN BEING THUS TORN FROM HIS PALACE KING MATH MADE HER HIS QUEEN" ], "pre_texts": [ " in knavery, \"the illusion will only last until the same hour to-morrow.\" And so it happened. For when Pryderi's men went to the stables, to groom the horses and feed the hounds, there was nothing in either the stables or the kennels. When they told this to Pryderi, he at once blew his horn and assembled his knights, to invade the country of Gwynedd, to recover his swine. Hearing of his coming, King Math went out to meet Pryderi in battle. But while he was away with his army, Gily, the lover, seized the beautiful maiden Goewen, who held the king's feet in her lap. She was not willing to marry Gily, but he eloped with her, and carried her off to his cottage. The war which now raged was finally decided by single combat, as was the custom in old days. By this, the burning of the peasants' houses, and the ruin which threatened the whole country, ended, and peace came. It was not alone by the strength and fierceness of King Math, but also by the magic spells of Gwyd, that Pryderi was slain.", "WHISPERED TO HIS COMPANION FELLOWS IN KNAVERY THE ILLUSION WILL ONLY LAST UNTIL THE SAME HOUR TO MORROW AND SO IT HAPPENED FOR WHEN PRIDARY'S MEN WENT TO THE STABLES TO GROOM THE HORSES AND FEED THE HOUNDS THERE WAS NOTHING IN EITHER THE STABLES OR THE KENNELS WHEN THEY TOLD THIS TO PRYDARY HE AT ONCE BLEW HIS HORN AND ASSEMBLED HIS KNIGHTS TO INVADE THE COUNTRY OF GWEND TO RECOVER HIS SWINE HEARING OF HIS COMING KING MATH WENT OUT TO MEET PRIDARY IN BATTLE BUT WHILE HE WAS AWAY WITH HIS ARMY GILLI THE LOVER SEIZED THE BEAUTIFUL MAIDEN GO IN WHO HELD THE KING'S FEET IN HER LAP SHE WAS NOT WILLING TO MARRY GILLY BUT HE LOOKED WITH HER AND CARRIED HER OFF TO HIS COTTAGE THE WAR WHICH NOW RAGED WAS FINALLY DECIDED BY SINGLE COMBAT AS WAS THE CUSTOM IN OLD DAYS BY THIS THE BURNING OF THE PEASANTS HOUSES AND THE RUIN WHICH THREATENED THE WHOLE COUNTRY ENDED AND PEACE CAME IT WAS NOT ALONE BY THE STRENGTH AND FIERCENESS OF KING MATH BUT ALSO BY THE MAGIC SPELLS OF GWYD THAT PRIDARY WAS SLAIN" ], "begin_byte": 181806, "end_byte": 182035 } } ]
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[ { "id": "large/10730/welshfairytales_1607_librivox_64kb_mp3/welshfairytales_18_griffis_64kb_56", "recording_id": "large/10730/welshfairytales_1607_librivox_64kb_mp3/welshfairytales_18_griffis_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 11.359, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "10730", "custom": { "texts": [ "The king was gracious, and thereafter she held his feet at all the banquets. She was looked up to with reverence by all, and held the office for many years.", "THE KING WAS VERY GRACIOUS AND THEREAFTER SHE HELD HIS FEET AT ALL BANQUETS SHE WAS LOOKED UP TO WITH REVERENCE BY ALL AND HELD THE OFFICE FOR MANY YEARS" ], "pre_texts": [ "n that time, received baptism. Again the brothers were transformed into animal shape. This time, as wolves, and were driven out to the hills. At the end of a twelve months' period, they came back, three in number, for one was a cub. By this time, the penance of the naughty nephews was over, and they were now to be delivered from all magic spells. So their human nature was restored to them, but they must be washed thoroughly. In the first place, it took much hot water and lye, made from the wood ashes, and then a great deal of scrubbing, to make them presentable. Then they were anointed with sweet smelling oil, and the king ordered them to be arrayed in elegant apparel. They were appointed to hold honorable office at court, and from time to time to go out through the country, to call the officers to attend to public business. When the time came that the king sought for one of the most beautiful maidens, who should hold his feet, Gwyd nominated to the prince's notice his sister Arianrod.", "ING WHICH LIKE EVERY MOTHER'S CHILD AT THE TIME RECEIVED BAPTISM AGAIN THE BROTHERS WERE TRANSFORMED INTO ANIMAL SHAPE THIS TIME AS WOLVES AND WERE DRIVEN OUT TO THE HILLS AT THE END OF TWELVEMONTHS PERIOD THEY CAME BACK THREE IN NUMBER FOR ONE WAS A CUB BY THIS TIME THE PENANCE OF THE NAUGHTY NEPHEWS WAS OVER AND THEY WERE NOW TO BE DELIVERED FROM ALL MAGIC SPELLS SO THE HUMAN NATURE WAS RESTORED TO THEM BUT THEY MUST BE WASHED THOROUGHLY IN THE FIRST PLACE IT TOOK MUCH HOT WATER AND LYE MADE FROM THE WOOD ASHES AND THEN A GREAT DEAL OF SCRUBBING TO MAKE THEM PRESENTABLE THEN THEY WERE ANOINTED WITH A SWEET SMELLING OIL AND THE KING ORDERED THEM TO BE ARRAYED IN ELEGANT APPAREL THEY WERE APPOINTED TO HOLD HONOURABLE OFFICE AT COURT AND FROM TIME TO TIME GO OUT THROUGH THE COUNTRY AND CALL THE OFFICERS TO ATTEND PUBLIC BUSINESS WHEN THE TIME CAME THAT THE KING SOUGHT FOR ONE OF THE MOST BEAUTIFUL MAIDENS WHO SHOULD HOLD HIS FEET GWEN NOMINATED TO THE PRINCE'S NOTICE HIS SISTER AARONROD" ], "begin_byte": 184509, "end_byte": 184665 } } ]
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[ { "id": "large/10730/welshfairytales_1607_librivox_64kb_mp3/welshfairytales_19_griffis_64kb_18", "recording_id": "large/10730/welshfairytales_1607_librivox_64kb_mp3/welshfairytales_19_griffis_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 20.199, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "10730", "custom": { "texts": [ "They must tell him whether they thought him a good king during the year past. All shouted in chorus of approval. Then their spokesman addressed Powell thus: \"My lord, never was thy wisdom so great, thy generosity more free, nor thy justice more manifest, than during the past year.\"", "THEY MUST TELL HIM WHETHER THEY THOUGHT HIM A GOOD KING DURING THE YEAR PAST ALL SHOUTED IN CHORUS OF APPROVAL THEN AS SPOKESMAN ADDRESSED PAUL THUS MY LORD NEVER WAS THY WISDOM SO GREAT THY GENEROSITY MORE FREE NOR THY JUSTICE MORE MANIFEST THAN DURING THE PAST YEAR" ], "pre_texts": [ "tive; whereas, for a whole year, every night, he had been as silent and immovable as a log. How could it be, in either case? But this time, the wife was silent as a statue. Even though Arawn spoke to her three times, he received no reply. Then he asked directly of her, why she was so silent. She made an answer that, for a whole year, no word had been spoken in their bedroom. \"What?\" said he, \"did we not talk together, as always before?\" \"No,\" said she, \"not for a year has there been talk or caress between us.\" At this answer, Arawn was overcome with surprise, and as struck with admiration at having so good a friend. He burst out first in praise of Powell, and then told his wife all that had happened during the past twelve months. She, too, was full of admiration, and told her husband that in Powell he had certainly found a true friend. In Dyfed, when Powell had returned to his own land and castle, he called his lords together. Then he asked them to be perfectly frank and free to speak.", "OW VERY TENDER TO HER AND WAS ALSO VERY TALKATIVE WHEREAS FOR A WHOLE YEAR EVERY NIGHT HE HAD BEEN AS SILENT AND AS MOVABLE AS A LOG HOW COULD IT BE IN EITHER CASE BUT THIS TIME THE WIFE WAS SILENT AS A STATUE EVEN THOUGH HEROINE SPOKE TO HER THREE TIMES HE RECEIVED NO REPLY THEN HE ASKED DIRECTLY OF HER WHY SHE WAS SO SILENT SHE MADE AN ANSWER THAT FOR A WHOLE YEAR NO WORD HAD BEEN SPOKEN IN THEIR BEDROOM WHAT HE SAID DID WE NOT TALK TOGETHER AS ALWAYS BEFORE NO SHE SAID NOT FOR A YEAR HAS THERE BEEN TALK OR CARESSES BETWEEN US AT THIS ANSWER EREWHON WAS OVERCOME WITH SURPRISE AND STRUCK WITH ADMIRATION AT HAVING SO GOOD A FRIEND HE BURST OUT FIRST IN PRAISE OF PAUL AND THEN TOLD HIS WIFE ALL THAT HAD HAPPENED DURING THE PAST TWELVE MONTHS SHE TOO WAS FULL OF ADMIRATION AND TOLD HER HUSBAND THAT IN PAUL HE HAD CERTAINLY FOUND A TRUE FRIEND IN DIIPHET WHEN PAUL HAD RETURNED TO HIS OWN LAND AND CASTLE HE CALLED HIS LORD TOGETHER THEN HE ASKED THEM TO BE PERFECTLY FRANK AND FREE TO SPEAK" ], "begin_byte": 190845, "end_byte": 191127 } } ]
{ "id": "large/10730/welshfairytales_1607_librivox_64kb_mp3/welshfairytales_19_griffis_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/10730/welshfairytales_1607_librivox_64kb_mp3/welshfairytales_19_griffis_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 8463983, "duration": 528.9989375, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
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[ { "id": "large/10730/welshfairytales_1607_librivox_64kb_mp3/welshfairytales_19_griffis_64kb_19", "recording_id": "large/10730/welshfairytales_1607_librivox_64kb_mp3/welshfairytales_19_griffis_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 8.239, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "10730", "custom": { "texts": [ "So the two kings confirmed the friendship they had made. Each sent the other rich gifts of jewels, horses and hounds.", "SO THE TWO KINGS CONFIRMED THE FRIENDSHIP THEY HAD MADE EACH SENT THE OTHER RICH GIFTS OF JEWELS HORSES AND HOUNDS" ], "pre_texts": [ "d and castle, he called his lords together. Then he asked them to be perfectly frank and free to speak. They must tell him whether they thought him a good king during the year past. All shouted in chorus of approval. Then their spokesman addressed Powell thus: \"My lord, never was thy wisdom so great, thy generosity more free, nor thy justice more manifest, than during the past year.\" When he ceased, all the vassals showed their approval of this speech. Then Powell, smiling, told the story of his adventures in exchanging his form and tasks; at the end of which, the spokesman taking his cue from the happy faces of all his fellow vassals, made reply: \"Of a truth, lord, we pray thee, do thou give thanks to Heaven that thou hast formed such a fellowship. Please continue to us the form of the kingdom and rule, that we have enjoyed for a year past.\" Thereupon King Powell took oath, kissing the hilt of his sword, and called on Heaven to witness his promise that he would do as they had desired.", "T WHEN PAUL HAD RETURNED TO HIS OWN LAND AND CASTLE HE CALLED HIS LORD TOGETHER THEN HE ASKED THEM TO BE PERFECTLY FRANK AND FREE TO SPEAK THEY MUST TELL HIM WHETHER THEY THOUGHT HIM A GOOD KING DURING THE YEAR PAST ALL SHOUTED IN CHORUS OF APPROVAL THEN AS SPOKESMAN ADDRESSED PAUL THUS MY LORD NEVER WAS THY WISDOM SO GREAT THY GENEROSITY MORE FREE NOR THY JUSTICE MORE MANIFEST THAN DURING THE PAST YEAR WHEN HE CEASED ALL THE VASSALS SHOWED THEIR APPROVAL OF THIS SPEECH THEN PAUL SMILING TOLD HIM THE STORY OF HIS ADVENTURES IN EXCHANGING HIS FORM AND TASKS AT THE END OF WHICH THE SPOKESMAN TAKING HIS CUE FROM THE HAPPY FACES OF ALL HIS FELLOW VASSALS MADE REPLY OF A TRUTH LORD WE PRAY THEE DO THOU GIVE THANKS TO HEAVEN THAT THOU HAST FORMED SUCH A FELLOWSHIP PLEASE CONTINUE TO US THE FORM OF THE KINGDOM AND RULE THAT WE HAVE ENJOYED FOR YEARS PAST THEREUPON KING PAUL TOOK OATH KISSING THE HILT OF HIS SWORD AND CALLED ON HEAVEN TO WITNESS HIS PROMISE THAT HE WOULD DO AS THEY HAD DESIRED" ], "begin_byte": 191742, "end_byte": 191859 } } ]
{ "id": "large/10730/welshfairytales_1607_librivox_64kb_mp3/welshfairytales_19_griffis_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/10730/welshfairytales_1607_librivox_64kb_mp3/welshfairytales_19_griffis_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 8463983, "duration": 528.9989375, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
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[ { "id": "large/10730/welshfairytales_1607_librivox_64kb_mp3/welshfairytales_19_griffis_64kb_22", "recording_id": "large/10730/welshfairytales_1607_librivox_64kb_mp3/welshfairytales_19_griffis_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 8.52, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "10730", "custom": { "texts": [ "The stranger at once began to upbraid Powell for being impolite. He asked why his hounds should not be allowed to hunt the deer.", "THE STRANGER AT ONCE BEGAN TO UPBRAID PAUL FOR BEING IMPOLITE HE ASKED WHY HIS HOUND SHOULD NOT BE ALLOWED TO HUNT THE DEER" ], "pre_texts": [ "oldest of the Welsh fairy tales tells us about Pwyle, King of Fairyland and father of the numerous clan of the Powells. He was a mighty hunter. He could ride a horse, draw a bow, and speak the truth. He was always honored by men, and he kept his faith and his promises to women. The children loved him, for he loved them. In the castle hall, he could tell the best stories. No man, bard, or warrior, foot holder or commoner, could excel him in gaining and keeping the attention of his hearers, even when they were sleepy and wanted to go to bed. One day, when out a hunting in the woods, he noticed a pack of hounds running down a stag. He saw at once that they were not his own, for they were snow white in color and had red ears. Being a young man, Powell did not know at this time of his life, that red is the fairy color, and that these were all dogs from Fairyland. So he drove off the red-eared hounds, and was about to let loose his own pack on the stag, when a horseman appeared on the scene.", "OWELL THE PRINCE OF DIIPHED ONE OF THE OLDEST OF THE WELSH FAIRY TALES TELLS US OF PULL KING OF FAIRYLAND AND THE FATHER OF THE NUMEROUS CLAN OF THE PALLS HE WAS A MIGHTY HUNTER HE COULD RIDE A HORSE DRAW A BOW AND SPEAK THE TRUTH HE WAS ALWAYS HONORED BY MEN AND HE KEPT HIS FAITH AND HIS PROMISES TO WOMEN THE CHILDREN LOVED HIM FOR HE LOVED THEM IN THE CASTLE HALL HE COULD TELL THE BEST STORIES NO MAN BARD OR WARRIOR FOOTHOLDER OR COMMONER COULD EXCEL HIM IN GAINING AND KEEPING THE ATTENTION OF HIS HEARERS EVEN WHEN THEY WERE SLEEPY AND WANTED TO GO TO BED ONE DAY WHEN OUT HUNTING IN THE WOODS HE NOTICED A PACK OF HOUNDS RUNNING DOWN A STAG HE SAW AT ONCE THAT THEY WERE NOT HIS OWN FOR THEY WERE SNOW WHITE IN COLOR AND HAD RED EARS BEING A YOUNG MAN PAUL DID NOT KNOW AT THIS TIME OF HIS LIFE THAT RED IS THE FAIRY COLOR AND THAT THESE DOGS WERE FROM FAIRYLAND SO HE DROVE OFF THESE RED EARED HOUNDS AND WAS ABOUT TO LET LOOSE HIS OWN PACK ON THE STAG WHEN A HORSEMAN APPEARED ON THE SCENE" ], "begin_byte": 185769, "end_byte": 185897 } } ]
{ "id": "large/10730/welshfairytales_1607_librivox_64kb_mp3/welshfairytales_19_griffis_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/10730/welshfairytales_1607_librivox_64kb_mp3/welshfairytales_19_griffis_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 8463983, "duration": 528.9989375, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
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[ { "id": "large/10730/welshfairytales_1607_librivox_64kb_mp3/welshfairytales_19_griffis_64kb_26", "recording_id": "large/10730/welshfairytales_1607_librivox_64kb_mp3/welshfairytales_19_griffis_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 8.399, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "10730", "custom": { "texts": [ "He told him that one stroke of his sword would finish the enemy. He must then sheathe his weapon, and not, on any account, strike a second time.", "HE TOLD HIM THAT ONE STROKE OF HIS SWORD WOULD FINISH THE ENEMY HE MUST THEN SHEATHE HIS WEAPON AND NOT ON ANY ACCOUNT STRIKE A SECOND TIME" ], "pre_texts": [ "he woods, he noticed a pack of hounds running down a stag. He saw at once that they were not his own, for they were snow white in color and had red ears. Being a young man, Powell did not know at this time of his life, that red is the fairy color, and that these were all dogs from Fairyland. So he drove off the red-eared hounds, and was about to let loose his own pack on the stag, when a horseman appeared on the scene. The stranger at once began to upbraid Powell for being impolite. He asked why his hounds should not be allowed to hunt the deer. Powell spoke pleasantly in reply, making his proper excuses to the horseman. The two began to like each other, and soon got acquainted and mutually enjoyed being companions. It turned out that the stranger was Arawn, a king in Fairyland. He had a rival named Hargan, who was beating him and his army in war. So Arawn asked Powell to help him against his enemy. He even made request that one year from that time, Powell should meet Hargan in battle.", "ED ONE DAY WHEN OUT HUNTING IN THE WOODS HE NOTICED A PACK OF HOUNDS RUNNING DOWN A STAG HE SAW AT ONCE THAT THEY WERE NOT HIS OWN FOR THEY WERE SNOW WHITE IN COLOR AND HAD RED EARS BEING A YOUNG MAN PAUL DID NOT KNOW AT THIS TIME OF HIS LIFE THAT RED IS THE FAIRY COLOR AND THAT THESE DOGS WERE FROM FAIRYLAND SO HE DROVE OFF THESE RED EARED HOUNDS AND WAS ABOUT TO LET LOOSE HIS OWN PACK ON THE STAG WHEN A HORSEMAN APPEARED ON THE SCENE THE STRANGER AT ONCE BEGAN TO UPBRAID PAUL FOR BEING IMPOLITE HE ASKED WHY HIS HOUND SHOULD NOT BE ALLOWED TO HUNT THE DEER PAUL SPOKE PLEASANTLY IN REPLY MAKING HIS PROPER EXCUSES TO THE HORSEMEN THE TWO BEGAN TO LIKE EACH OTHER AND SOON GOT ACQUAINTED AND MUTUALLY ENJOYED BEING COMPANIONS IT TURNED OUT THE STRANGER WAS EREWHON THE KING IN FAIRYLAND AND HE HAD A RIVAL NAMED ARRAGON WHO WAS BEATING HIM IN HIS ARMY IN WAR SO EREWHON ASKED PAUL TO HELP HIM AGAINST HIS ENEMY HE EVEN MADE REQUEST THAT ONE YEAR FROM THAT TIME PAUL SHOULD MEET HARGAN IN BATTLE" ], "begin_byte": 186347, "end_byte": 186491 } } ]
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[ { "id": "large/10730/welshfairytales_1607_librivox_64kb_mp3/welshfairytales_19_griffis_64kb_29", "recording_id": "large/10730/welshfairytales_1607_librivox_64kb_mp3/welshfairytales_19_griffis_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 16.68, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "10730", "custom": { "texts": [ "In memory of so wonderful and happy union, of a mortal and a fairy, Powell was thereafter, in addition to all his titles, saluted as Lord of Anwyn, which is only another name for the Land of the Fairies.", "IN MEMORY OF SO WONDERFUL AND HAPPY A UNION OF A MORTAL AND A FAIRY PAUL WAS THEREAFTER IN ADDITION TO ALL HIS TITLES SALUTED AS LORD OF ANWIN WHICH IS ONLY ANOTHER NAME FOR THE LAND OF THE FAIRIES" ], "pre_texts": [ " him whether they thought him a good king during the year past. All shouted in chorus of approval. Then their spokesman addressed Powell thus: \"My lord, never was thy wisdom so great, thy generosity more free, nor thy justice more manifest, than during the past year.\" When he ceased, all the vassals showed their approval of this speech. Then Powell, smiling, told the story of his adventures in exchanging his form and tasks; at the end of which, the spokesman taking his cue from the happy faces of all his fellow vassals, made reply: \"Of a truth, lord, we pray thee, do thou give thanks to Heaven that thou hast formed such a fellowship. Please continue to us the form of the kingdom and rule, that we have enjoyed for a year past.\" Thereupon King Powell took oath, kissing the hilt of his sword, and called on Heaven to witness his promise that he would do as they had desired. So the two kings confirmed the friendship they had made. Each sent the other rich gifts of jewels, horses and hounds.", "FRANK AND FREE TO SPEAK THEY MUST TELL HIM WHETHER THEY THOUGHT HIM A GOOD KING DURING THE YEAR PAST ALL SHOUTED IN CHORUS OF APPROVAL THEN AS SPOKESMAN ADDRESSED PAUL THUS MY LORD NEVER WAS THY WISDOM SO GREAT THY GENEROSITY MORE FREE NOR THY JUSTICE MORE MANIFEST THAN DURING THE PAST YEAR WHEN HE CEASED ALL THE VASSALS SHOWED THEIR APPROVAL OF THIS SPEECH THEN PAUL SMILING TOLD HIM THE STORY OF HIS ADVENTURES IN EXCHANGING HIS FORM AND TASKS AT THE END OF WHICH THE SPOKESMAN TAKING HIS CUE FROM THE HAPPY FACES OF ALL HIS FELLOW VASSALS MADE REPLY OF A TRUTH LORD WE PRAY THEE DO THOU GIVE THANKS TO HEAVEN THAT THOU HAST FORMED SUCH A FELLOWSHIP PLEASE CONTINUE TO US THE FORM OF THE KINGDOM AND RULE THAT WE HAVE ENJOYED FOR YEARS PAST THEREUPON KING PAUL TOOK OATH KISSING THE HILT OF HIS SWORD AND CALLED ON HEAVEN TO WITNESS HIS PROMISE THAT HE WOULD DO AS THEY HAD DESIRED SO THE TWO KINGS CONFIRMED THE FRIENDSHIP THEY HAD MADE EACH SENT THE OTHER RICH GIFTS OF JEWELS HORSES AND HOUNDS" ], "begin_byte": 191860, "end_byte": 192063 } } ]
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[ { "id": "large/10730/welshfairytales_1607_librivox_64kb_mp3/welshfairytales_19_griffis_64kb_31", "recording_id": "large/10730/welshfairytales_1607_librivox_64kb_mp3/welshfairytales_19_griffis_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 16.68, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "10730", "custom": { "texts": [ "Being a young man, Powell did not know at this time of his life, that red is the fairy color, and that these were all dogs from Fairyland. So he drove off the red eared hounds, and was about to let loose his own pack on the stag, when a horseman appeared on the scene.", "BEING A YOUNG MAN PAUL DID NOT KNOW AT THIS TIME OF HIS LIFE THAT RED IS THE FAIRY COLOR AND THAT THESE DOGS WERE FROM FAIRYLAND SO HE DROVE OFF THESE RED EARED HOUNDS AND WAS ABOUT TO LET LOOSE HIS OWN PACK ON THE STAG WHEN A HORSEMAN APPEARED ON THE SCENE" ], "pre_texts": [ "Arianrod. The king was gracious, and thereafter she held his feet at all the banquets. She was looked up to with reverence by all, and held the office for many years. Thus King Math's reputation for grace and mercy was confirmed. XIX POWELL, PRINCE OF DYFED One of the oldest of the Welsh fairy tales tells us about Pwyle, King of Fairyland and father of the numerous clan of the Powells. He was a mighty hunter. He could ride a horse, draw a bow, and speak the truth. He was always honored by men, and he kept his faith and his promises to women. The children loved him, for he loved them. In the castle hall, he could tell the best stories. No man, bard, or warrior, foot holder or commoner, could excel him in gaining and keeping the attention of his hearers, even when they were sleepy and wanted to go to bed. One day, when out a hunting in the woods, he noticed a pack of hounds running down a stag. He saw at once that they were not his own, for they were snow white in color and had red ears.", " CHAPTER NINETEEN OF WALSH FAIRY TALES THIS IS THE LIBERVOX COURTING ALL LIBERVOX COURTINGS ARE IN THE PUBLIC DOMAIN FOR MORE INFORMATION OR TO VOLUNTEER PLEASE VISIT LIEBERVOX DOT ORG WALSH FAIRY TALES CHAPTER NINETEEN BY WILLIAM ELIOT GRIFFITH POWELL THE PRINCE OF DIIPHED ONE OF THE OLDEST OF THE WELSH FAIRY TALES TELLS US OF PULL KING OF FAIRYLAND AND THE FATHER OF THE NUMEROUS CLAN OF THE PALLS HE WAS A MIGHTY HUNTER HE COULD RIDE A HORSE DRAW A BOW AND SPEAK THE TRUTH HE WAS ALWAYS HONORED BY MEN AND HE KEPT HIS FAITH AND HIS PROMISES TO WOMEN THE CHILDREN LOVED HIM FOR HE LOVED THEM IN THE CASTLE HALL HE COULD TELL THE BEST STORIES NO MAN BARD OR WARRIOR FOOTHOLDER OR COMMONER COULD EXCEL HIM IN GAINING AND KEEPING THE ATTENTION OF HIS HEARERS EVEN WHEN THEY WERE SLEEPY AND WANTED TO GO TO BED ONE DAY WHEN OUT HUNTING IN THE WOODS HE NOTICED A PACK OF HOUNDS RUNNING DOWN A STAG HE SAW AT ONCE THAT THEY WERE NOT HIS OWN FOR THEY WERE SNOW WHITE IN COLOR AND HAD RED EARS" ], "begin_byte": 185500, "end_byte": 185768 } } ]
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[ { "id": "large/10730/welshfairytales_1607_librivox_64kb_mp3/welshfairytales_20_griffis_64kb_3", "recording_id": "large/10730/welshfairytales_1607_librivox_64kb_mp3/welshfairytales_20_griffis_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 19.839, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "10730", "custom": { "texts": [ "Evidently the lady, who lived in the time of castles and courts, did not care to be wooed in the style of the cave men. Such manners did not suit her, but with a change of method of making love, her heart melted. Besides, she was a kind woman. She took pity on horses, as well as on men.", "EVIDENTLY THE LADY WHO LIVED IN A TIME OF CASTLES AND COURTS DID NOT CARE TO BE WOOED IN THE STYLE OF THE CAVE MAN SUCH MANNERS DID NOT SUIT HER BUT A CHANGE OF METHOD OF MAKING LOVE HER HEART MELTED BESIDES SHE WAS A KIND WOMAN SHE TOOK PITY ON HORSES AS WELL AS ON MEN" ], "pre_texts": [ "edicted wonder took place. She moved away from them, yet at a quiet pace that suited her. Though the knights spurred their horses, and rode fast and furiously, they could not come any nearer to her. They galloped back, and reported their failure to reach the lady. Then Powell picked out others and sent them riding after the lady, but each time, one and all returned, chagrined with failure. A woman had beaten them. So the day closed with silence in the castle hall. There was no merry making or story telling that night. The next day, Powell sat again on the mound and once more the golden lady came near. This time, Powell himself left his seat on the mound, leaped on his fleetest horse, and pursued the maiden, robed in gold, on the white horse. But she flitted away, as she had done before from the knights. Again and again, though he could get nearer and nearer to her, he failed. Then the baffled king cried out, in despair, \"O maiden fair, for the sake of him whom thou lovest, stay for me.", "LY AND INQUIRE WHO SHE WAS BUT NOW THE PREDICTED WONDER TOOK PLACE SHE MOVED AWAY FROM THEM YET AT A QUIET PACE THAT SUITED HER THOUGH THE KNIGHTS SPURRED THEIR HORSES AND RODE FAST AND FURIOUSLY THEY COULD NOT COME ANY NEARER TO HER THEY GALLOPED BACK AND REPORTED THEIR FAILURE TO REACH THE LADY THEN PAUL PICKED OUT OTHERS AND SENT THEM WRITING AFTER LADY BUT EACH TIME ONE AND ALL RETURNED SHE GRINNED WITH FAILURE A WOMAN HAD BEATEN THEM SO THE DAY CLOSED WITH SILENCE IN THE CASTLE HALL THERE WAS NO MERRY MAKING OR STORY TELLING THAT NIGHT THE NEXT DAY PAUL SAT AGAIN ON THE MOUND AND ONCE MORE THE GOLDEN LADY CAME NEAR THIS TIME PAUL HIMSELF LEFT HIS SEAT ON THE MOUND LEAPED ON HIS FLEETEST HORSE AND PURSUED THE MAIDEN ROBED IN GOLD ON THE WHITE HORSE BUT SHE FLITTED AWAY AS SHE HAD DONE BEFORE FROM THE KNIGHTS AGAIN AND AGAIN THOUGH HE COULD GET NEARER AND NEARER TO HER HE FAILED THEN THE BAFFLED KING CRIED OUT IN DESPAIR O MAIDEN FAIR FOR THE SAKE OF HIM WHOM THOU LOVEST STAY FOR ME" ], "begin_byte": 194581, "end_byte": 194869 } } ]
{ "id": "large/10730/welshfairytales_1607_librivox_64kb_mp3/welshfairytales_20_griffis_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/10730/welshfairytales_1607_librivox_64kb_mp3/welshfairytales_20_griffis_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 10013683, "duration": 625.8551875, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
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[ { "id": "large/10730/welshfairytales_1607_librivox_64kb_mp3/welshfairytales_20_griffis_64kb_15", "recording_id": "large/10730/welshfairytales_1607_librivox_64kb_mp3/welshfairytales_20_griffis_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 19.08, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "10730", "custom": { "texts": [ "He would receive blows, or wounds, or else he would see something wonderful. Thus it came to pass, that none but peaceful bards had ever sat upon the mound. Never a warrior or a common man had risked sitting there. The general fear felt, and the awe inspired by the place, was too great.", "HE WOULD RECEIVE BLOWS OR WOUNDS OR ELSE HE WOULD SEE SOMETHING WONDERFUL THUS CAME TO PASS THAT NONE BUT PEACEFUL BARDS HAD EVER SET UPON THE MOUND NEVER A WARRIOR OR COMMON MAN HAD RISKED SITTING THERE THE GENERAL FEAR FELT THAT THE AWE INSPIRED BY THE PLACE WAS TOO GREAT" ], "pre_texts": [ "of which, the spokesman taking his cue from the happy faces of all his fellow vassals, made reply: \"Of a truth, lord, we pray thee, do thou give thanks to Heaven that thou hast formed such a fellowship. Please continue to us the form of the kingdom and rule, that we have enjoyed for a year past.\" Thereupon King Powell took oath, kissing the hilt of his sword, and called on Heaven to witness his promise that he would do as they had desired. So the two kings confirmed the friendship they had made. Each sent the other rich gifts of jewels, horses and hounds. In memory of so wonderful and happy union, of a mortal and a fairy, Powell was thereafter, in addition to all his titles, saluted as Lord of Anwyn, which is only another name for the Land of the Fairies. XX POWELL AND HIS BRIDE Not far from the castle where King Powell had his court, there was a hillock called the Mount of Macbeth. It was the common belief that some strange adventure would befall anyone who should sit upon that mound.", " CHAPTER TWENTY OF WALSH'S FAIRY TALES THIS IS THE LEAP OF OX ACCORDING ALL LEAP OF OX ACCORDINGS ARE IN THE PUBLIC DOMAIN FOR MORE INFORMATION OR TO VOLUNTEER PLEASE VISIT LEPERS DOT ORG RECORDING BY JAMES O'KEENE WALSH FAIRY TALES BY WILLIAM ELIOT GRIFFITH CHAPTER TWENTY PAUL AND HIS BRIDE NOT FAR FROM THE CASTLE WHERE KING PAUL HAD HIS COURT THERE WAS A HILLOCK CALLED THE MOUNT OF MACBETH IT WAS THE COMMON BELIEF THAT SOME STRANGE ADVENTURE WOULD BEFALL ANY ONE WHO SHOULD SIT UPON THAT MOUND" ], "begin_byte": 192299, "end_byte": 192586 } } ]
{ "id": "large/10730/welshfairytales_1607_librivox_64kb_mp3/welshfairytales_20_griffis_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/10730/welshfairytales_1607_librivox_64kb_mp3/welshfairytales_20_griffis_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 10013683, "duration": 625.8551875, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
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[ { "id": "large/10730/welshfairytales_1607_librivox_64kb_mp3/welshfairytales_20_griffis_64kb_29", "recording_id": "large/10730/welshfairytales_1607_librivox_64kb_mp3/welshfairytales_20_griffis_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 8.04, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "10730", "custom": { "texts": [ "But after his adventure of being King of Fairy Land for a whole year, everything else to Powell seemed dull and commonplace.", "BUT AFTER HIS ADVENTURE OF BEING KING OF FAIRYLAND FOR A WHOLE YEAR EVERYTHING ELSE TO PAUL SEEMED DULL AND COMMONPLACE" ], "pre_texts": [ "ar past.\" Thereupon King Powell took oath, kissing the hilt of his sword, and called on Heaven to witness his promise that he would do as they had desired. So the two kings confirmed the friendship they had made. Each sent the other rich gifts of jewels, horses and hounds. In memory of so wonderful and happy union, of a mortal and a fairy, Powell was thereafter, in addition to all his titles, saluted as Lord of Anwyn, which is only another name for the Land of the Fairies. XX POWELL AND HIS BRIDE Not far from the castle where King Powell had his court, there was a hillock called the Mount of Macbeth. It was the common belief that some strange adventure would befall anyone who should sit upon that mound. He would receive blows, or wounds, or else he would see something wonderful. Thus it came to pass, that none but peaceful bards had ever sat upon the mound. Never a warrior or a common man had risked sitting there. The general fear felt, and the awe inspired by the place, was too great.", " CHAPTER TWENTY OF WALSH'S FAIRY TALES THIS IS THE LEAP OF OX ACCORDING ALL LEAP OF OX ACCORDINGS ARE IN THE PUBLIC DOMAIN FOR MORE INFORMATION OR TO VOLUNTEER PLEASE VISIT LEPERS DOT ORG RECORDING BY JAMES O'KEENE WALSH FAIRY TALES BY WILLIAM ELIOT GRIFFITH CHAPTER TWENTY PAUL AND HIS BRIDE NOT FAR FROM THE CASTLE WHERE KING PAUL HAD HIS COURT THERE WAS A HILLOCK CALLED THE MOUNT OF MACBETH IT WAS THE COMMON BELIEF THAT SOME STRANGE ADVENTURE WOULD BEFALL ANY ONE WHO SHOULD SIT UPON THAT MOUND HE WOULD RECEIVE BLOWS OR WOUNDS OR ELSE HE WOULD SEE SOMETHING WONDERFUL THUS CAME TO PASS THAT NONE BUT PEACEFUL BARDS HAD EVER SET UPON THE MOUND NEVER A WARRIOR OR COMMON MAN HAD RISKED SITTING THERE THE GENERAL FEAR FELT THAT THE AWE INSPIRED BY THE PLACE WAS TOO GREAT" ], "begin_byte": 192587, "end_byte": 192711 } } ]
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[ { "id": "large/10730/welshfairytales_1607_librivox_64kb_mp3/welshfairytales_20_griffis_64kb_52", "recording_id": "large/10730/welshfairytales_1607_librivox_64kb_mp3/welshfairytales_20_griffis_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 9.6, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "10730", "custom": { "texts": [ "Without guile or suspicion, Powell replied innocently. \"Ask what you will. If in my power, it shall be yours.\"", "WITHOUT GUILE OR SUSPICION PAUL REPLIED INNOCENTLY ASK WHAT YOU WILL IF IN MY POWER IT SHALL BE YOURS" ], "pre_texts": [ " any man.\" \"As Heaven is my witness, were I to choose among all the damsels and ladies of the world, thee would I choose,\" cried Powell. After that, it was agreed that, when a year had sped, Powell should go to the Palace of the August and Venerable One of old, and claim her for his bride. So, when twelve months had passed, Powell with his retinue of a hundred knights, all splendidly horsed and finely appareled, presented himself before the castle. There he found his fair lady and a feast already prepared at which he sat with her. On the other side of the table, were her father and mother. In the midst of this joyous occasion, when all was gayety, and they talked together, in strode a youth clad in sheeny satin. He was of noble bearing and had auburn hair. He saluted Powell and his knights courteously. At once Powell, the lord of Narberth, invited the stranger to come and sit down as guest beside him. \"Not so,\" replied the youth. \"I am a suitor, and have come to crave a boon of thee.\" ", "ND AND IF YOU REJECT ME I WILL NEVER MARRY ANY MAN AS HEAVEN IS MY WITNESS WERE I TO CHOOSE AMONGST ALL THE DAMSELS AND LADIES OF THE WORLD THEE I WOULD CHOOSE CRIED PAUL AFTER THAT IT WAS AGREED THAT WHEN A YEAR HAD SPED PAUL SHOULD GO TO THE PALACE OF THE AUGUST AND VENERABLE ONE OF OLD AND CLAIM HER FOR HIS BRIDE SO WHEN TWELVE MONTHS HAD PASSED PAUL WITH HIS RETINUE OF A HUNDRED KNIGHTS ALL SPLENDIDLY HORSED AND FINELY APPARELLED PRESENTED HIMSELF BEFORE THE CASTLE THERE HE FOUND HIS FAIR LADY AND A FEAST ALREADY PREPARED AT WHICH HE SAT WITH HER ON THE OTHER SIDE OF THE TABLE WERE HER FATHER AND MOTHER IN THE MIDST OF THIS JOYOUS OCCASION WHEN ALL WAS GAYETY AND THEY TALKED TOGETHER IN STRODE A YOUTH CLAD IN SHEENY SATIN HE WAS OF NOBLE BEARING AND HAD AUBURN HAIR HE SALUTED PAUL AND HIS KNIGHTS COURTEOUSLY AT ONCE PAUL THE LORD OF NARBETH INVITED THE STRANGER TO COME AND SIT DOWN AS A GUEST BESIDE HIM NOT SO REPLIED THE YOUTH I AM A SUITOR AND HAVE COME TO CRAVE A BOON FROM THEE " ], "begin_byte": 196394, "end_byte": 196503 } } ]
{ "id": "large/10730/welshfairytales_1607_librivox_64kb_mp3/welshfairytales_20_griffis_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/10730/welshfairytales_1607_librivox_64kb_mp3/welshfairytales_20_griffis_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 10013683, "duration": 625.8551875, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
{ "text_path": "download/librilight_text/output_text_large_cleaned/Welsh Fairy Tales/text.txt" }
[ { "id": "large/10801/boatclub_1608_librivox_64kb_mp3/boatclub_12_optic_64kb_3", "recording_id": "large/10801/boatclub_1608_librivox_64kb_mp3/boatclub_12_optic_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 9.72, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "10801", "custom": { "texts": [ "ARTICLE V. The clerk shall keep a record of the meetings, and of all business pertaining to the club, and shall hold his office for four weeks.", "ARTICLE FIVE THE CLERK SHALL KEEP A RECORD OF THE MEETINGS AND OF ALL BUSINESS PERTAINING TO THE CLUB AND SHALL HOLD HIS OFFICE FOR FOUR WEEKS" ], "pre_texts": [ "rles, with the assistance of Captain Sedley. To make the business look more important and dignified, Charles insisted on remaining out a few moments, during which time they talked over the matter with Uncle Ben. When they returned, the constitution was duly reported, and adopted article by article. Perhaps my young readers would not readily appreciate the moral of my story without reading this important document; therefore I add, in full, the CONSTITUTION. ARTICLE I. This association shall be called the Zephyr Boat Club. ARTICLE II. The objects of the association shall be the instruction and amusement of the members, and the acquiring of good morals, good manners, and good habits in general. ARTICLE III. The officers of the club shall consist of a coxswain, as president, and a clerk. ARTICLE IV. It shall be the duty of the coxswain to command the boat, to preside at the meetings of the club, and to exercise a general supervision over its affairs. He shall hold his office for two weeks.", "RED BY FRANK AND CHARLES WITH THE ASSISTANCE OF CAPTAIN SEDLEY TO MAKE THE BUSINESS LOOK MORE IMPORTANT AND DIGNIFIED CHARLES INSISTED ON REMAINING OUT A FEW MOMENTS DURING WHICH TIME THEY TALKED OVER THE MATTER WITH UNCLE BEN WHEN THEY RETURNED THE CONSTITUTION WAS DULY REPORTED AND ADOPTED ARTICLE BY ARTICLE PERHAPS MY YOUNG READERS WOULD NOT READILY APPRECIATE THE MORAL OF MY STORY WITHOUT READING THIS IMPORTANT DOCUMENT THEREFORE I ADD IN FULL THE CONSTITUTION ARTICLE ONE THIS ASSOCIATION SHALL BE CALLED THE ZEPHYR BOAT CLUB ARTICLE TWO THE OBJECTS OF THE ASSOCIATION SHALL BE THE INSTRUCTION AND AMUSEMENT OF THE MEMBERS AND THE ACQUIRING OF GOOD MORALS GOOD MANNERS AND GOOD HABITS IN GENERAL ARTICLE THREE THE OFFICERS OF THE CLUB SHALL CONSIST OF A COXSWAIN AS PRESIDENT AND A CLERK ARTICLE FOUR IT SHALL BE THE DUTY OF THE COXSWAIN TWO COMMAND THE BOAT TO PRESIDE AT THE MEETINGS OF THE CLUB AND TO EXERCISE A GENERAL SUPERVISION OVER ITS AFFAIRS HE SHALL HOLD HIS OFFICE FOR TWO WEEKS" ], "begin_byte": 147228, "end_byte": 147371 } } ]
{ "id": "large/10801/boatclub_1608_librivox_64kb_mp3/boatclub_12_optic_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/10801/boatclub_1608_librivox_64kb_mp3/boatclub_12_optic_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 12077359, "duration": 754.8349375, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
{ "text_path": "download/librilight_text/output_text_large_cleaned/Boat Club or The Bunkers of Rippleton/text.txt" }
[ { "id": "large/10801/boatclub_1608_librivox_64kb_mp3/boatclub_12_optic_64kb_4", "recording_id": "large/10801/boatclub_1608_librivox_64kb_mp3/boatclub_12_optic_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 14, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "10801", "custom": { "texts": [ "I am very grateful to you for the honor to my name and family which is contemplated by the excellent member on the other side of the table; but for reasons of my own, I must beg the gentleman to withdraw his motion.\"", "I AM VERY GRATEFUL TO YOU FOR THE HONOUR TO MY NAME AND FAMILY WHICH IS CONTEMPLATED BY THE EXCELLENT MEMBER ON THE OTHER SIDE OF THE TABLE BUT FOR REASONS OF MY OWN I MUST BEG THE GENTLEMAN TO WITHDRAW HIS MOTION" ], "pre_texts": [ "owing to the member who had obtained the floor. \"I move that this hall, hereafter, henceforward, and for all time to come, be called Sedley Hall,\" said Charles, who, in the absence of any work on parliamentary tactics in his father's library, had carefully studied the \"Business Man's Assistant,\" from which he had stored his memory with a variety of legal and technical phrases. He had the jingle of them in his head, and did not mind much about the substance. Captain Sedley entered the hall just as he made his motion. \"Second the motion,\" said Fred Harper. \"It is moved and seconded that this room be called Sedley Hall,\" continued the coxswain, rising from the chair. \"The question is open for discussion.\" \"Mr. Chairman,\" said Captain Sedley, scarcely able to control his inclination to indulge in a hearty laugh at the dignity and formality of the proceedings, \"though not, strictly speaking, a member of the club, perhaps you will indulge me in a few remarks on the question before the house.", "RLES HARDY SAID THE YOUNG CHAIRMAN BOWING TO THE MEMBER WHO HAD OBTAINED THE FLOOR I MOVE THAT THIS HALL HEREAFTER HENCEFORWARD AND FOR ALL TIME TO COME BE CALLED SEDLEY HALL SAID CHARLES WHO IN THE ABSENCE OF ANY WORK ON PARLIAMENTARY TACTICS IN HIS FATHER'S LIBRARY HAD CAREFULLY STUDIED THE BUSINESS MAN'S ASSISTANT FROM WHICH HE HAD STORED HIS MEMORY WITH A VARIETY OF LEGAL AND TECHNICAL PHRASES HE HAD THE JINGLE OF THEM IN HIS HEAD AND DID NOT MIND MUCH ABOUT THE SUBSTANCE CAPTAIN SEDLEY ENTERED THE HALL JUST AS HE MADE HIS MOTIONS SECOND THE MOTION SAID FRED HARPER IT IS MOVED AND SECONDED THAT THIS ROOM BE CALLED SEDLEY HALL CONTINUED THE COXSWAIN RISING FROM THE CHAIR THE QUESTION IS OPEN FOR DISCUSSION MISTER CHAIRMAN SAID CAPTAIN SEDLEY SCARCELY ABLE TO CONTROL HIS INCLINATION TO INDULGE IN A HEARTY LAUGH AT THE DIGNITY AND FORMALITY OF THE PROCEEDINGS THOUGH NOT STRICTLY SPEAKING A MEMBER OF THE CLUB PERHAPS YOU WILL INDULGE ME IN A FEW REMARKS ON THE QUESTION BEFORE THE HOUSE" ], "begin_byte": 142426, "end_byte": 142642 } } ]
{ "id": "large/10801/boatclub_1608_librivox_64kb_mp3/boatclub_12_optic_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/10801/boatclub_1608_librivox_64kb_mp3/boatclub_12_optic_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 12077359, "duration": 754.8349375, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
{ "text_path": "download/librilight_text/output_text_large_cleaned/Boat Club or The Bunkers of Rippleton/text.txt" }
[ { "id": "large/10801/boatclub_1608_librivox_64kb_mp3/boatclub_12_optic_64kb_23", "recording_id": "large/10801/boatclub_1608_librivox_64kb_mp3/boatclub_12_optic_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 8.679, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "10801", "custom": { "texts": [ "Three days before, the grand jury had found a bill against Tony; but his friends still continued to regard and treat him as an innocent person.", "THREE DAYS BEFORE THE GRAND JURY HAD FOUND A BILL AGAINST TONY BUT HIS FRIENDS STILL CONTINUED TO REGARD AND TREAT HIM AS AN INNOCENT PERSON" ], "pre_texts": [ " clerk!\" laughed his father. \"The next business will be to choose a clerk,\" continued Frank, laughing. \"Please to bring in your ballots for a clerk.\" There were paper and pens at the other end of the table; and Fred Harper, who seemed to have a very good idea of \"the manner in which the public business is transacted,\" commenced writing votes. In a few moments they were all supplied. \"I move that a committee of three be appointed by the chair to collect, sort, and count the votes, and report to the meeting,\" said Fred. \"Second the motion,\" added Tom Greene. The motion was put and carried. \"The chair appoints Frederic Harper, Thomas Greene, and Mark Leman.\" The votes were collected and reported. \"Whole number of votes, thirteen,\" repeated Frank; \"necessary for a choice, seven; Frederic Harper has one; Anthony Weston has twelve, and is elected.\" Captain Sedley clapped his hands at this evidence of good will on the part of the members, and the club all joined heartily in the demonstration.", "IS SON WE HAVE NO CLERK YET DOING BUSINESS WITHOUT A CLERK LAUGHED HIS FATHER THE NEXT BUSINESS WILL BE TO CHOOSE A CLERK CONTINUED FRANK LAUGHING PLEASE TO BRING IN YOUR BALLOTS FOR A CLERK THERE WERE PAPER AND PENS AT THE OTHER END OF THE TABLE AND FRED HARPER WHO SEEMED TO HAVE A VERY GOOD IDEA OF THE MANNER IN WHICH THE PUBLIC BUSINESS IS TRANSACTED COMMENCED WRITING VOTES IN A FEW MOMENTS THEY WERE ALL SUPPLIED I MOVE THAT A COMMITTEE OF THREE BE APPOINTED BY THE CHAIR TO COLLECT SORT AND COUNT THE VOTES AND REPORT TO THE MEETING SAID FRED SECOND THE MOTION ADDED TOM GREEN THE MOTION WAS PUT AND CARRIED THE CHAIR POINTS FREDERICK HARPER THOMAS GREEN AND MARK LEEMAN THE VOTES WERE COLLECTED AND REPORTED WHOLE NUMBER OF VOTES THIRTEEN REPEATED FRANK NECESSARY FOR A CHOICE SEVEN FREDERIC HARPER HAS ONE ANTHONY WESTON HAS TWELVE AND IS ELECTED CAPTAIN SEDLEY CLAPPED HIS HANDS AT THIS EVIDENCE OF GOOD WILL ON THE PART OF THE MEMBERS AND THE CLUB ALL JOINED HEARTILY IN THE DEMONSTRATION" ], "begin_byte": 145176, "end_byte": 145319 } } ]
{ "id": "large/10801/boatclub_1608_librivox_64kb_mp3/boatclub_12_optic_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/10801/boatclub_1608_librivox_64kb_mp3/boatclub_12_optic_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 12077359, "duration": 754.8349375, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
{ "text_path": "download/librilight_text/output_text_large_cleaned/Boat Club or The Bunkers of Rippleton/text.txt" }
[ { "id": "large/10801/boatclub_1608_librivox_64kb_mp3/boatclub_12_optic_64kb_29", "recording_id": "large/10801/boatclub_1608_librivox_64kb_mp3/boatclub_12_optic_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 18.44, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "10801", "custom": { "texts": [ "But the members, not feeling disposed to indulge in any flights of eloquence before Captain Sedley, maintained an obstinate silence for full five minutes. The chairman, impressed with the idea that some speeches must be made, anyhow, did not interrupt the dignified quiet by putting the question.", "BUT THE MEMBERS NOT FEELING DISPOSED TO INDULGE IN ANY FLIGHTS OF ELOQUENCE BEFORE CAPTAIN SEDLEY MAINTAINED AN OBSTINATE SILENCE FOR FULL FIVE MINUTES THE CHAIRMAN IMPRESSED WITH THE IDEA THAT SOME SPEECHES MUST BE MADE ANYHOW DID NOT INTERRUPT THE DIGNIFIED QUIET BY PUTTING THE QUESTION" ], "pre_texts": [ "though not, strictly speaking, a member of the club, perhaps you will indulge me in a few remarks on the question before the house. I am very grateful to you for the honor to my name and family which is contemplated by the excellent member on the other side of the table; but for reasons of my own, I must beg the gentleman to withdraw his motion.\" \"He cannot withdraw without the consent of the house--of the club, I mean,\" said Frank, blushing at his blunder. \"It is customary when no objection is made,\" replied Captain Sedley gravely, \"to permit a motion to be withdrawn.\" \"Mr. Chairman,\" said Charles, rising, \"for the obvious reasons mentioned by the honorable and distinguished gentleman, I withdraw my motion.\" At the risk of disturbing the dignity of the meeting, Captain Sedley remarked that he had stated no reasons. \"I move that the room be called Zephyr Hall,\" said Tony Weston. \"Second the motion,\" said Charles. Frank stated the question, and observed that it was open for any remarks.", "NITY AND FORMALITY OF THE PROCEEDINGS THOUGH NOT STRICTLY SPEAKING A MEMBER OF THE CLUB PERHAPS YOU WILL INDULGE ME IN A FEW REMARKS ON THE QUESTION BEFORE THE HOUSE I AM VERY GRATEFUL TO YOU FOR THE HONOUR TO MY NAME AND FAMILY WHICH IS CONTEMPLATED BY THE EXCELLENT MEMBER ON THE OTHER SIDE OF THE TABLE BUT FOR REASONS OF MY OWN I MUST BEG THE GENTLEMAN TO WITHDRAW HIS MOTION HE CANNOT WITHDRAW WITHOUT THE CONSENT OF THE HOUSE OF THE CLUB I MEAN SAID FRANK BLUSHING AT HIS BLUNDER IT IS CUSTOMARY WHEN NO OBJECTION IS MADE REPLIED CAPTAIN SEDLEY GRAVELY TO PERMIT A MOTION TO BE WITHDRAWN MISTER CHAIRMAN SAID CHARLES RISING FOR THE OBVIOUS REASONS MENTIONED BY THE HONOURABLE AND DISTINGUISHED GENTLEMAN I WITHDRAW MY MOTION AT THE RISK OF DISTURBING THE DIGNITY OF THE MEETING CAPTAIN SEDLEY REMARKED THAT HE HAD STATED NO REASONS I MOVE THAT THE ROOM BE CALLED ZEPHYR HALL SAID TONY WESTON SECOND THE MOTION SAID CHARLES FRANK STATED THE QUESTION AND OBSERVED THAT IT WAS OPEN FOR ANY REMARKS" ], "begin_byte": 143295, "end_byte": 143591 } } ]
{ "id": "large/10801/boatclub_1608_librivox_64kb_mp3/boatclub_12_optic_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/10801/boatclub_1608_librivox_64kb_mp3/boatclub_12_optic_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 12077359, "duration": 754.8349375, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
{ "text_path": "download/librilight_text/output_text_large_cleaned/Boat Club or The Bunkers of Rippleton/text.txt" }
[ { "id": "large/10801/boatclub_1608_librivox_64kb_mp3/boatclub_13_optic_64kb_0", "recording_id": "large/10801/boatclub_1608_librivox_64kb_mp3/boatclub_13_optic_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 9.559, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "10801", "custom": { "texts": [ "They made but slow progress through the water, and the Zephyrs could scarcely refrain from laughing at the singular spectacle.", "THEY MADE BUT SLOW PROGRESS THROUGH THE WATER AND THE ZEPHYRS COULD SCARCELY REFRAIN FROM LAUGHING AT THE SINGULAR SPECTACLE" ], "pre_texts": [ "t; but she had been very much altered. Apparently she had been sawed in two and lengthened out. She had been painted bright yellow, with a red streak round her; and on the bows, after the manner of the Zephyr, was inscribed, in black letters, the name \"Thunderbolt,\" which was in accordance with Tim Bunker's taste. She was pulled by eight oars, and the redoubtable leader of the gang sat in the stern-sheets as coxswain. Forward floated a blue cotton rag, with the letter \"T\" daubed upon it in white paint, and surrounded by half a dozen ill-shaped stars. At the stern was a ragged piece of bunting, which had once been the flag of the Republic, but which had been curtailed of nine of its stripes and a part of its stars. The Bunkers evidently had not practised rowing much; for their stroke was irregular, and they splashed the water about like so many porpoises. Occasionally one of them got hit in the back by his neighbor's oar, which produced a great deal of swearing and wrangling among them.", " HAD DECLARED JOE BRAYMAN'S BOAT BUT SHE HAD VERY MUCH BEEN ALTERED APPARENTLY SHE'D BEEN SAWED IN TWO AND LENGTHENED OUT SHE HAD BEEN PAINTED BRIGHT YELLOW WITH A RED STREAK ROUND HER AND ON THE BOWS AFTER THE MANNER OF THE ZEPHYR WAS INSCRIBED IN BLACK LETTERS THE NAME THUNDERBOLT WHICH WAS IN ACCORDANCE WITH TIM BUNKER'S TASTE SHE WAS PULLED BY EIGHT OARS AND THE REDOUBTABLE LEADER OF THE GANG SAT IN THE STERN SHEETS AS COXSEN FORWARD FLOATED A BLUE COTTON RAG WITH A LETTER TEA DAUBED UPON IT IN WHITE PAINT AND SURROUNDED BY HALF A DOZEN ILL SHAPED STARS AT THE STERN WAS A RAGGED PIECE OF BUNTING WHICH HAD ONCE BEEN THE FLAG OF THE REPUBLIC BUT WHICH HAD BEEN CURTAILED OF NINE OF ITS STRIPES AND A PART OF ITS STARS THE BUNKERS EVIDENTLY HAD NOT PRACTISED ROWING MUCH FOR THEIR STROKE WAS IRREGULAR AND THEY SPLASHED THE WATER ABOUT LIKE SO MANY PORPOISES OCCASIONALLY ONE OF THEM GOT HID IN THE BACK BY HIS NEIGHBOUR'S OAR WHICH PRODUCED A GREAT DEAL OF SWEARING AND WRANGLING AMONG THEM" ], "begin_byte": 158786, "end_byte": 158912 } } ]
{ "id": "large/10801/boatclub_1608_librivox_64kb_mp3/boatclub_13_optic_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/10801/boatclub_1608_librivox_64kb_mp3/boatclub_13_optic_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 9408223, "duration": 588.0139375, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
{ "text_path": "download/librilight_text/output_text_large_cleaned/Boat Club or The Bunkers of Rippleton/text.txt" }
[ { "id": "large/10801/boatclub_1608_librivox_64kb_mp3/boatclub_13_optic_64kb_5", "recording_id": "large/10801/boatclub_1608_librivox_64kb_mp3/boatclub_13_optic_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 16.12, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "10801", "custom": { "texts": [ "Taking a course in the direction of Rippleton village, Frank kept the boat as near the shore as her safety would permit. The boys rowed with remarkable precision, but with a very slow and measured stroke, so as to reserve their strength for the long pull before them.", "TAKING A COURSE IN THE DIRECTION OF RIPPLETON VILLAGE FRANK KEPT THE BOAT AS NEAR THE SHORE AS HER SAFETY WOULD PERMIT THE BOYS RODE WITH REMARKABLE PRECISION BUT WITH A VERY SLOW AND MEASURED STROKE SO AS TO RESERVE THEIR STRENGTH FOR THE LONG PULL BEFORE THEM" ], "pre_texts": [ "oors which gave egress from the boat-house to the lake were thrown open by Uncle Ben. \"Now, back her steady,\" continued Frank, standing up in the stern-sheets. \"Don't let her rub, Tony. Steady; one hard push; now she goes;\" and the Zephyr shot out into the lake. \"The flags, Frank,\" said Charles. \"Ay, ay; Tony, hoist yours;\" and at the same time Frank raised the American flag at the stern. \"Ready; now for the oars. Up oars!\" \"Let fall!\" \"Give way together!\" Frank felt like a prince as the Zephyr darted away. \"Where are you going, Frank?\" asked Charles. \"I don't know; anywhere that the club wish to go.\" \"Up to Squaw Rock,\" suggested one. \"Down to Rippleton,\" said another. \"Over to the sawmill,\" added a third. \"Way enough!\" cried Frank. \"Lay on your oars, and we will decide it.\" \"What do you say to circumnavigating the lake?\" said Fred Harper. \"So I say,\" cried several. \"Those in favor of going round the lake say 'Ay.'\" \"Ay,\" shouted a large majority. \"Round it is,\" said Frank. \"Give way!", "S POSITION AS COMMANDER OF THE ZEPHYR TAKE YOUR PLACES IN THE BOAT TONY NUMBER THEM THE DOORS WHICH GAVE EGRESS FROM THE BOAT HOUSE TO THE LAKE WERE THROWN OPEN BY UNCLE BEN NOW BACK HER STEADY CONTINUED FRANK STANDING UP IN THE STERN SHEETS DON'T LET HER RUB TONY STEADY ONE HARD PUSH NOW SHE GOES AND THE ZEPHYR SHOT OUT INTO THE LAKE THE FLAGS FRANK SAID CHARLES AY AY TONY HOIST YOURS AND AT THE SAME TIME FRANK RAISED THE AMERICAN FLAG AT THE STERN READY NOW FOR THE OARS UP OARS LET FALL GIVE WAY TOGETHER FRANK FELT LIKE A PRINCE AS THE ZEPHYR DARTED AWAY WHERE ARE YOU GOING FRANK ASKED CHARLES I DON'T KNOW ANYWHERE THAT THE CLUB WISHED TO GO UP TO SQUAW ROCK SUGGESTED ONE DOWN TO RIPPLETON SAID ANOTHER OVER TO THE SAWMILL AT IT A THIRD WAY ENOUGH CRIED FRANK LAY ON YOUR OARS AND WE WILL DECIDE IT WHAT DO YOU SAY TO CIRCUMNAVIGATING THE LAKE SAID FRED HARPER SO I SAY CRIED SEVERAL THOSE IN FAVOR OF GOING ROUND THE LAKE SAY AY AY SHOUTED A LARGE MAJORITY ROUND IT IS SAID FRANK GIVE WAY" ], "begin_byte": 151237, "end_byte": 151505 } } ]
{ "id": "large/10801/boatclub_1608_librivox_64kb_mp3/boatclub_13_optic_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/10801/boatclub_1608_librivox_64kb_mp3/boatclub_13_optic_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 9408223, "duration": 588.0139375, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
{ "text_path": "download/librilight_text/output_text_large_cleaned/Boat Club or The Bunkers of Rippleton/text.txt" }
[ { "id": "large/10801/boatclub_1608_librivox_64kb_mp3/boatclub_13_optic_64kb_16", "recording_id": "large/10801/boatclub_1608_librivox_64kb_mp3/boatclub_13_optic_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 30.559, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "10801", "custom": { "texts": [ "\"They haven't been seen on their raft for several days.\" \"I suppose they got sick of it when they saw the Zephyr,\" suggested Fred Harper. \"Very likely; their old raft didn't look much like our craft when we went round them the other day,\" added Mark Leman. Charles laughed at the contrast. \"What do you say to landing at Rippleton?\" suggested he, as they approached the outlet of the lake. \"What for?\" asked Frank. \"They haven't seen our new uniform down here,\" replied Charles. \"I think we had better not,\" said the coxswain.", "THEY HAVEN'T BEEN SEEN ON THEIR RAFT FOR SEVERAL DAYS I SUPPOSE THEY GOT SICK OF IT WHEN THEY SAW THE ZEPHYR SUGGESTED FRED HARPER VERY LIKELY THEIR OLD RAFT DIDN'T LOOK MUCH LIKE OUR CRAFT WHEN WE WENT ROUND THEM THE OTHER DAY ADDED MARK LEEMAN CHARLES LAUGHED AT THE CONTRAST WHAT DO YOU SAY TO LANDING AT RIPPLETON SUGGESTED HE AS THEY APPROACHED THE OUTLET OF THE LAKE WHAT FOR ASKED FRANK THEY HAVEN'T SEEN OUR NEW UNIFORM DOWN HERE REPLIED CHARLES I THINK WE HAD BETTER NOT SAID THE COXSWAIN" ], "pre_texts": [ " yours;\" and at the same time Frank raised the American flag at the stern. \"Ready; now for the oars. Up oars!\" \"Let fall!\" \"Give way together!\" Frank felt like a prince as the Zephyr darted away. \"Where are you going, Frank?\" asked Charles. \"I don't know; anywhere that the club wish to go.\" \"Up to Squaw Rock,\" suggested one. \"Down to Rippleton,\" said another. \"Over to the sawmill,\" added a third. \"Way enough!\" cried Frank. \"Lay on your oars, and we will decide it.\" \"What do you say to circumnavigating the lake?\" said Fred Harper. \"So I say,\" cried several. \"Those in favor of going round the lake say 'Ay.'\" \"Ay,\" shouted a large majority. \"Round it is,\" said Frank. \"Give way!\" Taking a course in the direction of Rippleton village, Frank kept the boat as near the shore as her safety would permit. The boys rowed with remarkable precision, but with a very slow and measured stroke, so as to reserve their strength for the long pull before them. \"I wonder where the Bunkers are,\" said Charles.", " ZEPHYR SHOT OUT INTO THE LAKE THE FLAGS FRANK SAID CHARLES AY AY TONY HOIST YOURS AND AT THE SAME TIME FRANK RAISED THE AMERICAN FLAG AT THE STERN READY NOW FOR THE OARS UP OARS LET FALL GIVE WAY TOGETHER FRANK FELT LIKE A PRINCE AS THE ZEPHYR DARTED AWAY WHERE ARE YOU GOING FRANK ASKED CHARLES I DON'T KNOW ANYWHERE THAT THE CLUB WISHED TO GO UP TO SQUAW ROCK SUGGESTED ONE DOWN TO RIPPLETON SAID ANOTHER OVER TO THE SAWMILL AT IT A THIRD WAY ENOUGH CRIED FRANK LAY ON YOUR OARS AND WE WILL DECIDE IT WHAT DO YOU SAY TO CIRCUMNAVIGATING THE LAKE SAID FRED HARPER SO I SAY CRIED SEVERAL THOSE IN FAVOR OF GOING ROUND THE LAKE SAY AY AY SHOUTED A LARGE MAJORITY ROUND IT IS SAID FRANK GIVE WAY TAKING A COURSE IN THE DIRECTION OF RIPPLETON VILLAGE FRANK KEPT THE BOAT AS NEAR THE SHORE AS HER SAFETY WOULD PERMIT THE BOYS RODE WITH REMARKABLE PRECISION BUT WITH A VERY SLOW AND MEASURED STROKE SO AS TO RESERVE THEIR STRENGTH FOR THE LONG PULL BEFORE THEM I WONDER WHERE THE BUNKERS ARE SAID CHARLES" ], "begin_byte": 151554, "end_byte": 152080 } } ]
{ "id": "large/10801/boatclub_1608_librivox_64kb_mp3/boatclub_13_optic_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/10801/boatclub_1608_librivox_64kb_mp3/boatclub_13_optic_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 9408223, "duration": 588.0139375, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
{ "text_path": "download/librilight_text/output_text_large_cleaned/Boat Club or The Bunkers of Rippleton/text.txt" }
[ { "id": "large/10801/boatclub_1608_librivox_64kb_mp3/boatclub_13_optic_64kb_41", "recording_id": "large/10801/boatclub_1608_librivox_64kb_mp3/boatclub_13_optic_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 5.519, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "10801", "custom": { "texts": [ "\"Mutiny!\" laughed Fred Harper. \"Well, I ain't a going to be snubbed round in that way.\"", "MUTINY LAUGHED FRED HARPER WELL I AIN'T A GOING TO BE SNUBBED ROUND IN THAT WAY" ], "pre_texts": [ " suppose they got sick of it when they saw the Zephyr,\" suggested Fred Harper. \"Very likely; their old raft didn't look much like our craft when we went round them the other day,\" added Mark Leman. Charles laughed at the contrast. \"What do you say to landing at Rippleton?\" suggested he, as they approached the outlet of the lake. \"What for?\" asked Frank. \"They haven't seen our new uniform down here,\" replied Charles. \"I think we had better not,\" said the coxswain. \"Why not, Frank? Let us march through the streets, and get up a sensation.\" \"I would rather not. Some accident might happen to the boat while we are gone.\" \"Oh, nonsense!\" \"Suppose the Bunkers should happen to see it?\" suggested Frank. \"They wouldn't dare to touch it,\" replied Charles. \"I am afraid they would.\" \"If I were coxswain, I would let you land,\" said Charles sulkily. \"That isn't fair,\" said Tony. \"Humph!\" sneered Charles. \"Don't get cross, Charley,\" interposed Frank. \"Who's cross?\" said Charles, throwing down his oar.", "NKERS ARE SAID CHARLES THEY HAVEN'T BEEN SEEN ON THEIR RAFT FOR SEVERAL DAYS I SUPPOSE THEY GOT SICK OF IT WHEN THEY SAW THE ZEPHYR SUGGESTED FRED HARPER VERY LIKELY THEIR OLD RAFT DIDN'T LOOK MUCH LIKE OUR CRAFT WHEN WE WENT ROUND THEM THE OTHER DAY ADDED MARK LEEMAN CHARLES LAUGHED AT THE CONTRAST WHAT DO YOU SAY TO LANDING AT RIPPLETON SUGGESTED HE AS THEY APPROACHED THE OUTLET OF THE LAKE WHAT FOR ASKED FRANK THEY HAVEN'T SEEN OUR NEW UNIFORM DOWN HERE REPLIED CHARLES I THINK WE HAD BETTER NOT SAID THE COXSWAIN WHY NOT FRANK LET US MARCH THROUGH THE STREETS AND GET UP A SENSATION I WOULD RATHER NOT SOME ACCIDENT MIGHT HAPPEN TO THE BOAT WHILE WE ARE GONE OH NONSENSE SUPPOSE THE BUNKERS SHOULD HAPPEN TO SEE IT SUGGESTED FRANK THEY WOULDN'T DARE TO TOUCH IT REPLIED CHARLES I AM AFRAID THEY WOULD IF I WERE COXON I WOULD LET YOU LAND SAID CHARLES SULKILY THAT ISN'T FAIR SAID TONY HUM SNEERED CHARLES DON'T GET CROSS CHARLEY INTERPOSED FRANK WHO'S CROSS SAID CHARLES THROWING DOWN HIS OAR" ], "begin_byte": 152614, "end_byte": 152701 } } ]
{ "id": "large/10801/boatclub_1608_librivox_64kb_mp3/boatclub_13_optic_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/10801/boatclub_1608_librivox_64kb_mp3/boatclub_13_optic_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 9408223, "duration": 588.0139375, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
{ "text_path": "download/librilight_text/output_text_large_cleaned/Boat Club or The Bunkers of Rippleton/text.txt" }
[ { "id": "large/10801/boatclub_1608_librivox_64kb_mp3/boatclub_13_optic_64kb_49", "recording_id": "large/10801/boatclub_1608_librivox_64kb_mp3/boatclub_13_optic_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 11.12, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "10801", "custom": { "texts": [ "The doors which gave egress from the boat house to the lake were thrown open by Uncle Ben. \"Now, back her steady,\" continued Frank, standing up in the stern sheets. \"Don't let her rub, Tony.", "THE DOORS WHICH GAVE EGRESS FROM THE BOAT HOUSE TO THE LAKE WERE THROWN OPEN BY UNCLE BEN NOW BACK HER STEADY CONTINUED FRANK STANDING UP IN THE STERN SHEETS DON'T LET HER RUB TONY" ], "pre_texts": [ " THE THUNDERBOLT The appearance of the Zephyr Club in uniform was unique and pleasing, and each of the members was \"every inch a sailor.\" Uncle Ben was delighted with the change; \"they looked so much more shipshape than in their shore togs.\" \"Come, Uncle Ben, we are all ready,\" said Frank. \"I arn't goin' with you this time.\" \"You must go without him to-day, Frank,\" added Captain Sedley. \"Uncle Ben must take the things over to the island for the collation.\" \"Are we to go alone?\" \"Certainly.\" \"Hurrah!\" cried Charles, who always used this word to express his gratification. \"But, boys, you must preserve good discipline. According to the constitution you must all obey the coxswain. And, Frank, be very careful; don't get aground on the rocks at the north shore, and if you go down the river, don't go too near the dam.\" \"I will not, father,\" replied Frank, who was fully impressed by the responsibility of his position as commander of the Zephyr. \"Take your places in the boat. Tony, number them.", "FORMATION OR TO VOLUNTEER PLEASE VISIT LIVERVOX DOT ORG THE THUNDERBOLT THE APPEARANCE OF THE ZEPHYR CLUB IN UNIFORM WAS UNIQUE AND PLEASING AND EACH OF THE MEMBERS WAS EVERY INCH A SAILOR UNCLE BEN WAS DELIGHTED WITH THE CHANGE THEY LOOKED SO MUCH MORE SHIP SHAPED THAN IN THEIR SHORE DOGS COME UNCLE BEN WE ARE ALL READY SAID FRANK I AREN'T GOING WITH YOU THIS TIME YOU MUST GO WITHOUT HIM TO DAY FRANK ADDED CAPTAIN SEDLEY UNCLE BEN MUST TAKE THE THINGS OVER TO THE ISLAND FOR THE COLLATION ARE WE TO GO ALONE CERTAINLY HURRAH CRIED CHARLES WHO ALWAYS USED THIS WORD TO EXPRESS HIS GRATIFICATION BUT BOYS YOU MUST PRESERVE GOOD DISCIPLINE ACCORDING TO THE CONSTITUTION YOU MUST ALL OBEY THE COXSWAIN AND FRANK BE VERY CAREFUL DON'T GET AGROUND ON THE ROCKS AT THE NORTH SHORE AND IF YOU GO DOWN THE RIVER DON'T GO TOO NEAR THE DAM I WILL NOT FATHER REPLIED FRANK WHO WAS FULLY IMPRESSED BY THE RESPONSIBILITY OF HIS POSITION AS COMMANDER OF THE ZEPHYR TAKE YOUR PLACES IN THE BOAT TONY NUMBER THEM" ], "begin_byte": 150230, "end_byte": 150421 } } ]
{ "id": "large/10801/boatclub_1608_librivox_64kb_mp3/boatclub_13_optic_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/10801/boatclub_1608_librivox_64kb_mp3/boatclub_13_optic_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 9408223, "duration": 588.0139375, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
{ "text_path": "download/librilight_text/output_text_large_cleaned/Boat Club or The Bunkers of Rippleton/text.txt" }
[ { "id": "large/10801/boatclub_1608_librivox_64kb_mp3/boatclub_14_optic_64kb_3", "recording_id": "large/10801/boatclub_1608_librivox_64kb_mp3/boatclub_14_optic_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 12.559, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "10801", "custom": { "texts": [ "\"Who stole the wallet?\" said he. This taunt roused a feeling of indignation in the soul of Fred Harper; and he so far forgot the requirements of the constitution as to reply, \"Tim Bunker.\"", "WHO STOLE THE WALLET SAID HE THIS TAUNT ROUSED A FEELING OF INDIGNATION IN THE SOUL OF FRED HARPER AND HE SO FAR FORGOT THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE CONSTITUTION AS TO REPLY TIM BUNKER" ], "pre_texts": [ "provements made as would fit it for the purposes of a club boat. \"Isn't she one of the boats?\" laughed Charles. \"Silence, forward!\" said Frank, shaking his head as a gesture of warning to the boys not to provoke any ill nature. \"Who yer lookin' at?\" cried Tim Bunker, as the Thunderbolt came near the Zephyr. \"Good-morning, Tim,\" said Frank pleasantly. \"Why don't yer pull, yer lubbers?\" shouted Tim. \"You have a new boat, I see.\" \"I'll bet we have,\" replied Tim, bringing the Thunderbolt round the stern of the Zephyr. \"Isn't that Joe Braman's boat?\" asked Charles. \"No, sir-ee! It's my boat,\" answered Tim. \"Did you buy it off him?\" \"Didn't do nothin' else.\" \"What did you give?\" \"Ten dollars, and five for fixin' her up,\" replied Tim with a great deal of importance. \"She looks very well,\" continued Charles. \"She'll go some, you better believe.\" Tony Weston could not help smiling at this conversation, and Tim Bunker unfortunately perceived the funny expression on his face. It roused his anger.", "NED OUT A SHARP FALSE BOW ATTACHED TO IT PAINTED AND SUCH OTHER IMPROVEMENTS MADE AS WOULD FIT IT FOR THE PURPOSES OF A CLUB BOAT ISN'T SHE ONE OF THE BOATS LAUGHED CHARLES SILENCE FORWARD SAID FRANK SHAKING HIS HEAD AS A GESTURE OF WARNING TO THE BOYS NOT TO PROVOKE ANY ILL NATURE WHO YOU'RE LOOKING AT CRIED TIM BUNKER AS THE THUNDERBOLT CAME NEAR THE ZEPHYR GOOD MORNING TIM SAID FRANK PLEASANTLY WHY DON'T YOU PULL YOUR LUBBERS SHOUTED TIM YOU HAVE A NEW BOAT I SEE I'LL BET WE HAVE REPLIED TIM BRINGING THE THUNDERBOLT ROUND THE STERN OF THE ZEPHYR ISN'T THAT JOE BRAYMAN'S BOAT ASKED CHARLES NO SIR REE IT'S MY BOAT ANSWERED TIM DID YOU BIDE OFF HIM DIDN'T DO NOTHING ELSE WHAT DID YOU GIVE TEN DOLLARS AND FIVE FOR FIXING HER UP REPLIED TIM WITH A GREAT DEAL OF IMPORTANCE SHE LOOKS VERY WELL CONTINUED CHARLES SHE'LL GO SOME YOU BETTER BELIEVE TONY WESTON COULD NOT HELP SMILING AT THIS CONVERSATION AND TIM BUCKER UNFORTUNATELY PERCEIVED THE FUNNY EXPRESSION ON HIS FACE IT ROUSED HIS ANGER" ], "begin_byte": 160784, "end_byte": 160974 } } ]
{ "id": "large/10801/boatclub_1608_librivox_64kb_mp3/boatclub_14_optic_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/10801/boatclub_1608_librivox_64kb_mp3/boatclub_14_optic_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 9779108, "duration": 611.19425, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
{ "text_path": "download/librilight_text/output_text_large_cleaned/Boat Club or The Bunkers of Rippleton/text.txt" }
[ { "id": "large/10801/boatclub_1608_librivox_64kb_mp3/boatclub_14_optic_64kb_44", "recording_id": "large/10801/boatclub_1608_librivox_64kb_mp3/boatclub_14_optic_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 9.52, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "10801", "custom": { "texts": [ "\"Let him alone!\" shouted Frank with frantic earnestness. \"Up oars! Let fall! Give way!\" Frank was fully roused, and his orders were delivered with rapidity and energy.", "LET HIM ALONE SHOUTED FRANK WITH FRANTIC EARNESTNESS UP OARS LET FALL GIVE WAY FRANK WAS FULLY ROUSED AND HIS ORDERS WERE DELIVERED WITH RAPIDITY AND ENERGY" ], "pre_texts": [ "e is free.\" \"Heave again!\" said Tony. Their exertions were now crowned with entire success, and the Zephyr darted back into deep water; but an unfortunate occurrence rendered all their labor futile. As the boat slid off the mud-bank, Tony and Fred, in their attempt to spring on board, embarrassed each other's movements, so that the former lost his hold, and remained standing in the mud and water. At this instant the Thunderbolt reached the spot; and Tim steered directly for poor Tony, whose situation he discovered the moment the Zephyr was free. \"Hit him!\" screamed Tim. \"Pound him with yer oars! Drownd him!\" Frank's blood seemed to freeze in his veins, as he perceived the imminent peril of his friend. He knew the Bunkers would not spare him, and that his life was even in danger. Fortunately the Thunderbolt grounded, or Tony would inevitably have been borne under her bottom. Tim seized an oar, and with the ferocity of a madman sprang forward to execute his vengeance on the helpless boy.", "N IT SLEEP IN TONY AND FRED WHEN SHE IS FREE HEAVE AGAIN SAID TONY THEIR EXERTIONS WERE NOW CROWNED WITH ENTIRE SUCCESS AND THE ZEPHYR DARTED BACK INTO DEEP WATER BUT AN UNFORTUNATE OCCURRENCE RENDERED ALL THEIR LABOR FUTILE AS THE BOAT SLID OFF THE MUDBANK TONY AND FRED IN THEIR ATTEMPT TO SPRING ON BOARD EMBARRASSED EACH OTHER'S MOVEMENTS SO THAT THE FORMER LOST HIS HOLD AND REMAINED STANDING IN THE MUD AND WATER AT THIS INSTANT THE THUNDERBOLT REACHED THE SPOT AND TIM STEERED DIRECTLY FOR POOR TONY WHOSE SITUATION HE DISCOVERED THE MOMENT THE ZEPHYR WAS FREE HIT HIM SCREAMED TIM POUND HIM WITH YOUR OARS DROWN HIM FRANK'S BLOOD SEEMED TO FREEZE IN HIS VEINS AS HE PERCEIVED THE IMMINENT PERIL OF HIS FRIEND HE KNEW THE BUNKERS WOULD NOT SPARE HIM AND THAT HIS LIFE WAS EVEN IN DANGER FORTUNATELY THE THUNDERBOLT GROUNDED OR TONY WOULD INEVITABLY HAVE BEEN BORNE UNDER HER BOTTOM TIM SEIZED AN OAR AND WITH THE FEROCITY OF A MADMAN SPRANG FORWARD TO EXECUTE HIS VENGEANCE ON THE HELPLESS BOY" ], "begin_byte": 166860, "end_byte": 167027 } } ]
{ "id": "large/10801/boatclub_1608_librivox_64kb_mp3/boatclub_14_optic_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/10801/boatclub_1608_librivox_64kb_mp3/boatclub_14_optic_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 9779108, "duration": 611.19425, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
{ "text_path": "download/librilight_text/output_text_large_cleaned/Boat Club or The Bunkers of Rippleton/text.txt" }
[ { "id": "large/10801/boatclub_1608_librivox_64kb_mp3/boatclub_15_optic_64kb_0", "recording_id": "large/10801/boatclub_1608_librivox_64kb_mp3/boatclub_15_optic_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 22.76, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "10801", "custom": { "texts": [ "Captain Sedley mused a moment. \"The cars start at two o'clock,\" said he, consulting his watch. \"Boys, I must go to Boston, and you must row me down to the village as quickly as you can.\" \"Zephyrs, ahoy!\" shouted Frank. The club were in their seats in a moment, and the Zephyr darted away towards Rippleton.", "CAPTAIN SEDLEY MUSED A MOMENT THE CAR STARTED TWO O'CLOCK SAID HE CONSULTING HIS WATCH BOYS I MUST GO TO BOSTON AND YOU MUST ROW ME DOWN TO THE VILLAGE AS QUICKLY AS YOU CAN ZEPHYR'S AHOI SHOUTED FRANK THE CLUB WERE IN THEIR SEATS IN A MOMENT AND THE ZEPHYR DARTED AWAY TOWARDS RIPPLETON" ], "pre_texts": [ "been stationed in the grove near them, struck up \"Hail Columbia.\" \"Hurrah!\" cried Charles Hardy in a burst of enthusiastic delight. The music was an unexpected treat; and as the Rippleton Brass Band poured forth its most inspiring strains, there were no bounds to the delight of the boys. But the music did not prevent their doing ample justice to the viands set before them. After the collation was finished, Frank told his father all the circumstances of their morning excursion. Captain Sedley did not blame Fred very much for the taunt he had used, considering the provocation. He was satisfied that the boat club organization would correct such indiscretions in due time. He decided, however, that Fred should submit to some penalty, to be affixed at another time, and that Frank was right in not leaving Tony at the mercy of the Bunkers. Frank continued his story, and incidentally remarked that the Bunkers had just rowed Joe Braman to Rippleton, where he intended to take the cars for Boston.", "HE BOYS A BAND WHICH HAD BEEN STATIONED IN THE GROVE NEAR THEM STRUCK UP HALE COLUMBIA HURRAH CRIED CHARLES HARDY IN A BURST OF ENTHUSIASTIC DELIGHT THE MUSIC WAS AN UNEXPECTED TREAT AND AS THE RIPPLETON BRASS BAND POURED FORTH ITS MOST INSPIRING STRAINS THERE WERE NO BOUNDS TO THE DELIGHT OF THE BOYS BUT THE MUSIC DID NOT PREVENT THEIR DOING AMPLE JUSTICE TO THE VIANDS SET BEFORE THEM AFTER THE COLLATION WAS FINISHED FRANK TOLD HIS FATHER ALL THE CIRCUMSTANCES OF THEIR MORNING EXCURSION CAPTAIN SEDLEY DID NOT BLAME FRED VERY MUCH FOR THE TAUNT HE HAD USED CONSIDERING THE PROVOCATION HE WAS SATISFIED THAT THE BOAT CLUB ORGANIZATION WOULD CORRECT SUCH INDISCRETIONS IN DUE TIME HE DECIDED HOWEVER THAT FRED SHOULD SUBMIT TO SOME PENALTY TO BE AFFIXED AT ANOTHER TIME AND THAT FRANK WAS RIGHT IN NOT LEAVING TONY AT THE MERCY OF THE BUNKERS FRANK CONTINUED HIS STORY AND INCIDENTALLY REMARKED THAT THE BUNKERS HAD JUST RODE JOB BRAYMAN TO RIPPLETON WHERE HE INTENDED TO TAKE THE CARS FOR BOSTON" ], "begin_byte": 179713, "end_byte": 180019 } } ]
{ "id": "large/10801/boatclub_1608_librivox_64kb_mp3/boatclub_15_optic_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/10801/boatclub_1608_librivox_64kb_mp3/boatclub_15_optic_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 11841781, "duration": 740.1113125, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
{ "text_path": "download/librilight_text/output_text_large_cleaned/Boat Club or The Bunkers of Rippleton/text.txt" }
[ { "id": "large/10801/boatclub_1608_librivox_64kb_mp3/boatclub_15_optic_64kb_8", "recording_id": "large/10801/boatclub_1608_librivox_64kb_mp3/boatclub_15_optic_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 13.16, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "10801", "custom": { "texts": [ "\"Pull,\" said Tim, steering directly towards the Zephyr. \"Most twelve,\" suggested Fred Harper, with a significant glance at Frank. \"Give way!\" replied the latter, smiling. \"Want to race?\" shouted Tim.", "PULL SAID TIM STEERING DIRECTLY TOWARD THE ZEPHYR MOST TWELVE SUGGESTED FRED HARPER WITH A SIGNIFICANT GLANCE AT FRANK GIVE WAY REPLIED THE LATTER SMILING WANT TO RACE SHOUTED TIM" ], "pre_texts": [ "examining the nature of the damages the boat had sustained. \"What does he say, Tony?\" asked Fred. \"He says he can easily fix it.\" \"Give way!\" said Frank, giving the rowers slow time. Steering the boat round by Joe Braman's landing, they saw Joe go into the house, and return with a hammer and some nails, with which he proceeded to nail a piece of board over the fracture in the side of the Thunderbolt. \"I can't fix it any better to-day; I'm going to Boston in the two-o'clock train.\" \"Will that hold?\" asked Tim. \"Yes; she won't leak. Now just row me over to Rippleton.\" \"There is the villains of long faces,\" said Tim, pointing at the Zephyr. \"Jump in, fellers, and just throw some of them stones into the boat. We'll give it to 'em yet.\" \"Joe's going to Boston,\" said Fred. \"So he says.\" The Bunkers threw the stones into their boat, and then got in themselves. In imitation of the discipline of the Zephyr, the oars were first placed in a perpendicular position, and then dropped into the water.", "ST PUT IN THERE AND AS THEY APPROACHED JOE AND TIM WERE EXAMINING THE NATURE OF THE DAMAGES THE BOAT HAD SUSTAINED WHAT DOES HE SAY TONY ASKED FRED HE SAYS HE CAN EASILY FIX IT GIVE WAY SAID FRANK GIVING THE ROWERS SLOW TIME STEERING THE BOAT ROUND BY JOE BRAYMAN'S LANDING THEY SAW JOE GO INTO THE HOUSE AND RETURN WITH A HAMMER AND SOME NAILS WITH WHICH HE PROCEEDED TO NAIL A PIECE OF BOARD OVER THE FRACTURE IN THE SIDE OF THE THUNDERBOLT I CAN'T FIX IT ANY BETTER TO DAY I'M GOING TO BOSTON IN THE TWO O'CLOCK TRAIN WILL THAT HOLD ASKED TIM YES SHE WON'T LEAK NOW JUST ROW ME OVER TO RIPPLETON THERE'S THE VILLAINS OF LONGFACES SAID TIM POINTING AT THE ZEPHYR JUMP IN FELLERS AND JUST THROW SOME OF THEM STONES INTO THE BOAT WE'LL GIVE IT TO EM YET JOE'S GOING TO BOSTON SAID FRED SO HE SAYS THE BUNKERS THREW THE STONES INTO THEIR BOAT AND THEN GOT IN THEMSELVES IN IMITATION OF THE DISCIPLINE OF THE ZEPHYR THE OARS WERE FIRST PLACED IN A PERPENDICULAR POSITION AND THEN DROPPED INTO THE WATER" ], "begin_byte": 175711, "end_byte": 175910 } } ]
{ "id": "large/10801/boatclub_1608_librivox_64kb_mp3/boatclub_15_optic_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/10801/boatclub_1608_librivox_64kb_mp3/boatclub_15_optic_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 11841781, "duration": 740.1113125, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
{ "text_path": "download/librilight_text/output_text_large_cleaned/Boat Club or The Bunkers of Rippleton/text.txt" }
[ { "id": "large/10801/boatclub_1608_librivox_64kb_mp3/boatclub_15_optic_64kb_9", "recording_id": "large/10801/boatclub_1608_librivox_64kb_mp3/boatclub_15_optic_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 29.759, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "10801", "custom": { "texts": [ "\"Why need you tell him anything about it, Frank?\" asked Charles. \"Because it is right that he should know it. Suppose we should conceal it, and then he should find it out?\" \"That would only make a bad matter worse,\" replied Tony. \"For one, I am satisfied to have any fellow that tries to get us into a scrape put ashore,\" said Fred Harper. \"So am I,\" added Tony. All the rest of the club expressed themselves willing to comply with this arrangement.", "WHY NEED YOU TELL HIM ANYTHING ABOUT IT FRANK ASKED CHARLES BECAUSE IT IS RIGHT THAT HE SHOULD KNOW IT SUPPOSE WE SHOULD CONCEAL IT AND THEN HE SHOULD FIND IT OUT THAT WOULD ONLY MAKE A BAD MATTER WORSE REPLIED TONY FOR ONE I AM SATISFIED TO HAVE ANY FELLOW THAT TRIES TO GET US INTO A SCRAPE PUT ASHORE SAID FRED HARPER SO AM I ADDED TONY ALL THE REST OF THE CLUB EXPRESSED THEMSELVES WILLING TO COMPLY WITH THIS ARRANGEMENT" ], "pre_texts": [ "relentless foes. Fred Harper had done wrong in replying to the taunt of Tim, and this would make a case for the decision of their Director. \"We must keep away from them hereafter,\" said he, as the Zephyr came about, and the crew gave way again. \"That will be the best way,\" added Tony. \"So I think,\" said Charles; \"we shall be all the time getting into scrapes if we go near them.\" \"We can go near them without meddling,\" interposed Fred Harper. \"But, Fred, you remember what made all the fuss.\" \"It was my fault, I know.\" \"I don't want to be hard with you while I am coxswain; but if any member says or does anything while we are on the lake to get us into a scrape, I shall consider it my duty to land him immediately at the boat-house. What do you say to that?\" No boy spoke for a moment; but at last Tony said,-- \"That would be perfectly fair.\" \"I want to have it understood,\" continued Frank. \"My father will not let us come out alone again if we are likely to have such a time as this has been.", "JUSTIFIED HE FELT IN LEAVING TONY AT THE MERCY OF HIS RELENTLESS FOES FRED HARPER HAD DONE WRONG IN REPLYING TO THE TAUNT OF TIM AND THIS WOULD MAKE A CASE FOR THE DECISION OF THEIR DIRECTOR WE MUST KEEP AWAY FROM THEM HEREAFTER SAID HE AS THE ZEPHYR CAME ABOUT AND THE CREW GAVE WAY AGAIN THAT WILL BE THE BEST WAY ADDED TONY SO I THINK SAID CHARLES WE SHALL BE ALL THE TIME GETTING INTO SCRAPES IF WE GO NEAR THEM WE CAN GO NEAR THEM WITHOUT MEDDLING INTERPOSED FRED HARPER BUT FRED YOU REMEMBER WHAT MADE ALL THE FUSS IT WAS MY FAULT I KNOW I DON'T WANT TO BE HARD WITH YOU WHILE I AM COXING BUT IF ANY MEMBER SAYS OR DOES ANYTHING WHILE WE ARE ON THE LAKE TO GET US INTO A SCRAPE I SHALL CONSIDER IT MY DUTY TO LAND HIM IMMEDIATELY AT THE BOAT HOUSE WHAT DO YOU SAY TO THAT NO BOY SPOKE FOR A MOMENT BUT AT LAST TONY SAID THAT WOULD BE PERFECTLY FAIR I WANT TO HAVE IT UNDERSTOOD CONTINUED FRANK MY FATHER WILL NOT LET US COME OUT ALONE AGAIN IF WE ARE LIKELY TO HAVE SUCH A TIME AS THIS HAS BEEN" ], "begin_byte": 170625, "end_byte": 171075 } } ]
{ "id": "large/10801/boatclub_1608_librivox_64kb_mp3/boatclub_15_optic_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/10801/boatclub_1608_librivox_64kb_mp3/boatclub_15_optic_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 11841781, "duration": 740.1113125, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
{ "text_path": "download/librilight_text/output_text_large_cleaned/Boat Club or The Bunkers of Rippleton/text.txt" }
[ { "id": "large/10801/boatclub_1608_librivox_64kb_mp3/boatclub_15_optic_64kb_50", "recording_id": "large/10801/boatclub_1608_librivox_64kb_mp3/boatclub_15_optic_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 5.599, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "10801", "custom": { "texts": [ "The wind was so light, we could not sail. Will you row her over?\" \"Oh, yes, father.\"", "THE WIND WAS SO LIGHT WE COULD NOT SAIL WILL YOU ROW HER OVER OH YES FATHER" ], "pre_texts": [ "y little exertion on the part of the club was sufficient to keep them out of the reach of the Bunkers, and they continued their course leisurely towards Centre Island. Joe Braman saw that the chase was hopeless; and at his suggestion the Thunderbolt abandoned the pursuit, and steered towards Rippleton. \"Those are dreadful bad boys,\" said Mary Weston, when, to her intense relief, she saw them give up the chase. \"That they are; but our boat is so much swifter than theirs that we can easily keep out of their way.\" \"Do you suppose they really meant to stone you?\" \"I have no doubt of it.\" \"Nearly twelve,\" said Fred Harper, looking at his watch. \"Give way, my lads; we will be there in time.\" The clock on the distant church was striking twelve when they touched at the island. The Zephyr was turned round and backed in shore, so that Mary could land conveniently. \"How do you do, Mary? I am glad to see you,\" said Captain Sedley, as he helped her on shore. \"And, Frank, your mother is coming over.", "AID JOE BUT FRANK GAVE THE COVE A WIDE BERTH A VERY LITTLE EXERTION ON THE PART OF THE CLUB WAS SUFFICIENT TO KEEP THEM OUT OF THE REACH OF THE BUNKERS AND THEY CONTINUED THEIR COURSE LEISURELY TOWARDS CENTRE ISLAND JOE BRAYMAN SAW THAT THE CHASE WAS HOPELESS AND AT HIS SUGGESTION THE THUNDERBOLT ABANDONED THE PURSUIT AND STEERED TOWARDS RIPPLETON THOSE ARE DREADFUL BAD BOYS SAID MARY WESTON WHEN TO HER INTENSE RELIEF SHE SAW THEM GIVE UP THE CHASE THAT THEY ARE BUT OUR BOAT IS SO MUCH SWIFTER THAN THEIRS THAT WE CAN EASILY KEEP OUT OF THEIR WAY DO YOU SUPPOSE THEY REALLY MEANT TO STONE YOU I HAVE NO DOUBT OF IT NEARLY TWELVE SAID FRED HARPER LOOKING AT HIS WATCH GIVE WAY MY LADS WE WILL BE THERE IN TIME THE CLOCK ON THE DISTANT CHURCH WAS STRIKING TWELVE WHEN THEY TOUCHED AT THE ISLAND THE ZEPHYR WAS TURNED ROUND AND BACKED IN SHORE SO THAT MARY COULD LAND CONVENILY HOW DO YOU DO MARY I'M GLAD TO SEE YOU SAID CAPTAIN SEDLEY AS HE HELPED HER ON SHORE AND FRANK YOUR MOTHER'S COMING OVER" ], "begin_byte": 177444, "end_byte": 177528 } } ]
{ "id": "large/10801/boatclub_1608_librivox_64kb_mp3/boatclub_15_optic_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/10801/boatclub_1608_librivox_64kb_mp3/boatclub_15_optic_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 11841781, "duration": 740.1113125, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
{ "text_path": "download/librilight_text/output_text_large_cleaned/Boat Club or The Bunkers of Rippleton/text.txt" }