What does the name of the EDUCATION?
Gunti Vinay DOB
Gunti Vinay DOB - 16 Oct, 2000 [email protected] | +91 8500475337 | Lin kedIn - Gunti Vinay | Git - guntivinay2416 EDUCATION LOVELY PROFESSIONAL UNIVERSITY B.TECH IN COMPUER SCIENCE Grad
What is a name for the EDUCATION?
Gunti Vinay DOB
Gunti Vinay DOB - 16 Oct, 2000 [email protected] | +91 8500475337 | Lin kedIn - Gunti Vinay | Git - guntivinay2416 EDUCATION LOVELY PROFESSIONAL UNIVERSITY B.TECH IN COMPUER SCIENCE Grad
What was the name of the EDUCATION in Gunti Vinay DOB?
Gunti Vinay DOB - 16 Oct, 2000 [email protected] | +91 8500475337 | Lin kedIn - Gunti Vinay | Git - guntivinay2416 EDUCATION LOVELY PROFESSIONAL UNIVERSITY B.TECH IN COMPUER SCIENCE Grad
What year did the CGPA report that would be released?
What date was CGPA?
May 2023
When was CGPA appointing?
May 2019
What is the purpose of using Python and Pandas?
to clean and preprocess large datasets
May 2019 | CGPA : 8.53 COURSEWORK UNDERGRADUAGE • Object Oriented Programming • Analysis and Design Algorithms • Introduction to Prog ramming • Data Structures • Data Analysis Fund amentals • Data Wrangling & Visualization • Machine Learning Algorithms • Deep Learning Neural Network SKILLS PROGRAMMING Languages : • Advance : Python , Java • Intermediate : C , C++ • Novice : Java Script , R Framework & Library : • Scikit -Learn • Tensor Flow • PyTorch • Apache Spark • Num Py • Pandas • SciPy • Matplotlib • Seabron Data manipulation Tools: • SQL • Excel Data Visu alization Tools • Tableau • Power BI Mathematics • Probability • Statistic • Algebra • Calculus EXPERIENCE 3 Months UNIFIED MENTOR INTERNSHIP | APR 2024 - Present | Online DATA SCIENCE PYTHON • Utilizing Python and Pandas to clean and preprocess large datasets Performing (EDA) to uncover patterns and trends
What does the DA offer to Python and Pandas?
clean and preprocess large datasets Performing
May 2019 | CGPA : 8.53 COURSEWORK UNDERGRADUAGE • Object Oriented Programming • Analysis and Design Algorithms • Introduction to Prog ramming • Data Structures • Data Analysis Fund amentals • Data Wrangling & Visualization • Machine Learning Algorithms • Deep Learning Neural Network SKILLS PROGRAMMING Languages : • Advance : Python , Java • Intermediate : C , C++ • Novice : Java Script , R Framework & Library : • Scikit -Learn • Tensor Flow • PyTorch • Apache Spark • Num Py • Pandas • SciPy • Matplotlib • Seabron Data manipulation Tools: • SQL • Excel Data Visu alization Tools • Tableau • Power BI Mathematics • Probability • Statistic • Algebra • Calculus EXPERIENCE 3 Months UNIFIED MENTOR INTERNSHIP | APR 2024 - Present | Online DATA SCIENCE PYTHON • Utilizing Python and Pandas to clean and preprocess large datasets Performing (EDA) to uncover patterns and trends
What is a part of the DAS?
Python and Pandas
May 2019 | CGPA : 8.53 COURSEWORK UNDERGRADUAGE • Object Oriented Programming • Analysis and Design Algorithms • Introduction to Prog ramming • Data Structures • Data Analysis Fund amentals • Data Wrangling & Visualization • Machine Learning Algorithms • Deep Learning Neural Network SKILLS PROGRAMMING Languages : • Advance : Python , Java • Intermediate : C , C++ • Novice : Java Script , R Framework & Library : • Scikit -Learn • Tensor Flow • PyTorch • Apache Spark • Num Py • Pandas • SciPy • Matplotlib • Seabron Data manipulation Tools: • SQL • Excel Data Visu alization Tools • Tableau • Power BI Mathematics • Probability • Statistic • Algebra • Calculus EXPERIENCE 3 Months UNIFIED MENTOR INTERNSHIP | APR 2024 - Present | Online DATA SCIENCE PYTHON • Utilizing Python and Pandas to clean and preprocess large datasets Performing (EDA) to uncover patterns and trends
What are the algorithms used to solve business problems?
scikit -learn and TensorFlow
• Develop ing predictive models using scikit -learn and TensorFlow, applied algorithms to solve business problems
What type of models are applied to solve business problems?
predictive models
• Develop ing predictive models using scikit -learn and TensorFlow, applied algorithms to solve business problems
What do scikit -learn and TensorFlow have?
applied algorithms to solve business problems
• Develop ing predictive models using scikit -learn and TensorFlow, applied algorithms to solve business problems
What was the focus of my work?
6 Months EPAM SYSTEMS INTERSNHIP | JAN 2023 – JUN 2023 | Online AUTOMATION TESTER J AVA | SELENIUM • I actively participated in developing and executing automated test scripts using industry -standard testing frameworks and tools
What was the process that I used for testing?
automated test scripts
6 Months EPAM SYSTEMS INTERSNHIP | JAN 2023 – JUN 2023 | Online AUTOMATION TESTER J AVA | SELENIUM • I actively participated in developing and executing automated test scripts using industry -standard testing frameworks and tools
What did I participate in developing and executing automated test scripts?
industry -standard testing frameworks and tools
6 Months EPAM SYSTEMS INTERSNHIP | JAN 2023 – JUN 2023 | Online AUTOMATION TESTER J AVA | SELENIUM • I actively participated in developing and executing automated test scripts using industry -standard testing frameworks and tools
What were the goals of training sessions?
I eagerly participated in training sessions, workshops,
• I eagerly participated in training sessions, workshops, and team discussions to expand my knowledge and skills
What did I do to expand my skills?
Develop ing predictive models using scikit -learn and TensorFlow
• I eagerly participated in training sessions, workshops, and team discussions to expand my knowledge and skills
What kind of activities did I do?
training sessions, workshops, and
• I eagerly participated in training sessions, workshops, and team discussions to expand my knowledge and skills
What is the purpose of CNN?
to uncover patterns and trends
PROJECTS EMOTION RECOGNITIO N | PYTHON | TENSORFLOW | KERAS | CONVOLUTION NEURAL NETWORK • Implemented CNN for emotion recognition tasks, utilizing deep learning frameworks like TensorFlow and Keras
What were the results of CNN?
Object Oriented Programming • Analysis and Design Algorithms
PROJECTS EMOTION RECOGNITIO N | PYTHON | TENSORFLOW | KERAS | CONVOLUTION NEURAL NETWORK • Implemented CNN for emotion recognition tasks, utilizing deep learning frameworks like TensorFlow and Keras
What deep learning frameworks were used in CNN?
Neural Network SKILLS PROGRAMMING Languages
PROJECTS EMOTION RECOGNITIO N | PYTHON | TENSORFLOW | KERAS | CONVOLUTION NEURAL NETWORK • Implemented CNN for emotion recognition tasks, utilizing deep learning frameworks like TensorFlow and Keras
What types of tools are used to classify emotions transfer learning?
SQL • Excel Data Visu alization Tools
• Trained and fine -tuned CNN models on diverse datasets to classify emotions transfer learning and data augmentation techniques to enhance model performance
What is a technique that allows CNN models to be trained and fine-tuned?
• Trained and fine -tuned CNN models on diverse datasets to classify emotions transfer learning and data augmentation techniques to enhance model performance
What is the purpose of CNN models?
solve business problems
• Trained and fine -tuned CNN models on diverse datasets to classify emotions transfer learning and data augmentation techniques to enhance model performance
What model did SCIKIT -LEARN develop to predict stock prices using historical market data?
STOCK MARKET PRICE PREDICTION | PYTHON | N UMPY | PANDAS | RANDOM FOREST | SCIKIT -LEARN • Developed a machine learning model to predict stock prices using historical market data
What model did SCIKIT-LEARN develop to predict stock prices?
STOCK MARKET PRICE PREDICTION | PYTHON | N UMPY | PANDAS | RANDOM FOREST | SCIKIT -LEARN • Developed a machine learning model to predict stock prices using historical market data
What model did machine learning build to predict stock prices using historical market data?
scikit -learn
STOCK MARKET PRICE PREDICTION | PYTHON | N UMPY | PANDAS | RANDOM FOREST | SCIKIT -LEARN • Developed a machine learning model to predict stock prices using historical market data
What did time series analysis techniques do?
solve business problems
Employed various time series analysis techniques to extract meaningful patterns and trends from the data
What did time series analysis techniques employ?
Data Structures
Employed various time series analysis techniques to extract meaningful patterns and trends from the data
What techniques were employed to extract meaningful patterns and trends from the data?
scikit -learn and TensorFlow
Employed various time series analysis techniques to extract meaningful patterns and trends from the data
What is the name of a group of attendees that receives attendance certification in collage?
Gunti Vinay DOB
ACHIVEMENTS COMPETATIVE PROGRAMMING • 160/19296 HackerEarth March Circle 2021 ACADEMICS • 100 % Attendance Certification in collage CERTIFICATION • DATA SCIENCE From EDYODA | A UG 2023 – FEB 2024 • MACHINE LEARNING FROM UDEMY | J AN 2023 – JUN 2023 • JAVA FROM PREPBYTES | O CT 2022 – MAR 2023
What is the name of the group that contains attendance certifications in collage?
Gunti Vinay DOB
ACHIVEMENTS COMPETATIVE PROGRAMMING • 160/19296 HackerEarth March Circle 2021 ACADEMICS • 100 % Attendance Certification in collage CERTIFICATION • DATA SCIENCE From EDYODA | A UG 2023 – FEB 2024 • MACHINE LEARNING FROM UDEMY | J AN 2023 – JUN 2023 • JAVA FROM PREPBYTES | O CT 2022 – MAR 2023
What do ACADEMICS expect to achieve?
clean and preprocess large datasets
ACHIVEMENTS COMPETATIVE PROGRAMMING • 160/19296 HackerEarth March Circle 2021 ACADEMICS • 100 % Attendance Certification in collage CERTIFICATION • DATA SCIENCE From EDYODA | A UG 2023 – FEB 2024 • MACHINE LEARNING FROM UDEMY | J AN 2023 – JUN 2023 • JAVA FROM PREPBYTES | O CT 2022 – MAR 2023 exists but content is empty. Use the Edit dataset card button to edit it.
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