Bakanlar dahil bütün AKP'li vekiller, açık oylama yapıp evet verdiklerini parti komiserlerine göstermek zorundaydı. pic.twitter.com/7XDnTC1Xop
Bakanlar dahil bütün AKP'li vekiller, açık oylama yapıp evet verdiklerini parti komiserlerine göstermek zorundaydı. pic.twitter.com/7XDnTC1Xop
— garo paylan (@GaroPaylan) 18 Mayıs 2016
— garo paylan (@GaroPaylan) 18 Mayıs 2016
“Almost all of them cast open vote”
‘Temamên wan dengên xwe bi awayekî wekirî bi kar anîn’
Three stamps were used in the secret voting held last night (May 17) at Parliamentary Counsel. The white stamp is “aye”, the red one is “against”, and the green one is “abstention”. The MPs were supposed to cast secret vote in voting cabins.
Di hilbijartina ku duh li meclisê pêk hat 3 pûlên cuda hebûn. Ya spî weke ‘erê’, ya weke sor ‘red’, ya kesk jî weke ‘bêbiryar’ dihat bikaranîn. Bikaranîna dengan heta vê demê bi awayekî veşartî pêk dihat.
Paylan said almost all of the AKP MPs cast open vote:
Lêbelê Paylan ragihand ku piraniya wekîlên AKPê dengên xwe bi awayekî vekirî bi kar anîne.
“According to the constitution, secret voting is fundamental. Precautions have been taken for MPs to act upon their free will but the AKP apparently has forced for open vote to rule out the possibility of ‘against’ votes.
Paylan got: ‘Li gorî makezagonê divê hilbijartin bi awayekî veşartî pêk were. Ji bo parlementer bi serbestî îradeya xwe bi kar bînin, tedbîr hatiye hilanîn. Lêbelê ji bo ku AKP naxwaze li dijî xwesteka wan deng bê bikaranîn, dengdayîna vekirî pêkanîn.’
“We know that many AKP MPs are not comfortable with this constitutional amendment, they wanted to vote against, they were monitored.
Paylan wiha got: ‘Em dizanin ku dengê ‘erê’ bi dilê gelek wekîlên AKPê jî nîne, wan jî dixwest ku dengê ‘red’ê bidin.
“Voting was taking place in two different sections, around 30 MPs blockaded each cabins. They were warning everyone voting as ‘turn your face towards me, show me your ballot’. MPs were showing that they tossed white stamped into the box and handed the green and red stamps.
Paylan wiha dewam kiri: ‘Li du cihan dengdayîn dihat kirin. Dora her du kabînan jî ji hêla wekîlên AKPê ve hatibû dorpêçkirin û kîjan wekîlên wan ji bo dengdayînê diket hundir, jê dixwestin ku rengê pûla xwe nîşanê wan bide û pûlên sor û kesk jî ji wan distandin.’
“Every MP entering the cabin knew that they would be declared traitor”
‘Eger wekîlek têketa kabînê dizanibû wê weke xayîn were îlankirin’
Paylan said he thinks that in case a secret voting is held in the voting that will continue on Friday, majority which requires 330 voting will not be constituted.
Paylan diyar kir li gorî wî eger hilbijartina roja Înê bi awayekî veşartî pêk were, dê rêjeya dengan têrê neke ku qanûn bê guhertin.
Chicken companies of Banvit, Beypiliç, Keskinoğlu and Şenpiliç have sent Greenpeace a warning requesting the organization to close the website of the campaign “We won’t swallow that chicken” on which the report of the organization on the negative effects of industrial chicken production on human health and environment was published.
Malpera yutmayiz.org malpereka Greenpeaceyê ye ku raporên li ser zererên xwedîkirina mirîşkên ziraetê yên li ser saxlemiya mirovan û derdorê belav dike. [Yutmayız: Em naxapin]
Greenpeace through its campaign “We won’t swallow that chicken” urges the chicken industry which threatens health, ecology and has turned into a torture of animals, to change its production chain by 2020. Within the campaign, the organization has issued its report titled “Using up the world” as to the negative effects of industrial chicken production on human health and environment.
Şirketên xwedîkirin û firotina mirîşkên ziraetê(bêladî) yên bi navê Banvit, Beypiliç, Keskinoglu û Şenpiliçê hişyarînameyek belav kir û xwest Greenpeace malpera xwe ya yutmayız.org bigire.
Hefteya borî Greenpeaceyê raporeka bi nave ‘’Tinekirina Dinyayê’’ belav kiribû.
Tarık Nejat Dinç, in charge of Greenpeace Mediterranean Food and Agriculture Campaign has commented on the warning of the chicken companies as follows:
Mirîşkên ku li dema 42 rojî ne, divê 435 gram bûna lê ji ber dayina antîbîyotîkan ew 2,5 kêlo ne.
Some prominent findings from Greenpeace’s report are as follows:
Ji bo mirîşk bi kêloyekê qelew bibin, 4 ton av tê xerckirin.
* 18% of the greenhouse gas emission arises from animal husbandry and 8% from poultry farming.
Ji 3yê 1ê zewiyên tên kêlandin ji bo xwedîkirina heywanan têne kêlandin.
* 33% of the world’s cultivated land is used for animal husbandry. 20% of the rain forests have been destroyed to produce forage.
Li Tirkiyeyê her sal milyonek mirîşk tên serjêkirin
* In Turkey, 1 billion chickens are slaughtered in 1 year. The chicken consumption has increased 5 times in 20 years. In Turkey chickens are being produced 1.5 times more by comparison to the average production in the world.
Li 20 salan xwedîkirina mirîşkan qasî 5 qetê xwe zêde bûye.
* 18 chickens have to survive in 1 m² without receiving any sunlight.
Li yek metreya çargoşik 18 mirîşk bêyî ku tavê bibînin tên xwedîkirin.(NV/MB)
Four soldiers have lost their lives, nine others four of whom are heavily injured in the bomb attack launched against military vehicle in Turkey’s southeastern Şemdinli district of Hakkari province.
Li navçeya Şemzînanê ya Colemêrgê li dijî wesayîta leşkerî êrişa bombeyî pêk hat û di encamê de 4 leşkeran jiyanên xwe ji dest dan, 4 jê giran 9 leşker jî birîndar bûn.
The attack occurred in Mendi region between Aktütün and Beyyurdu bordering Iraq 70 km far from Şemdinli district center at around 2 p.m. today (May 18).
Êriş îro saet 14:00an de nêzî gundê Bêzelê ku 70 km dûrê navçeya Şemzînanê ye, pêk hat.
The General Staff in its written statement explained that the attack was launched against the armored vehicle responsible for providing convoy security.
Serekaniya tirk bi daxuyaniyeke nivîskî ragihand ku êriş li dijî wesayîta zirxî ku ji bo konvoyê eskortiyê dikir, pêk hatiye.
The General Staff stating that the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) carried out the attack by detonating the improvised explosive device, noted that the wounded soldiers have been taken into hospital.
Serekaniyê ragihand ku êriş ji hêla hêzên PKKê ve bi bombeya ji ewil de hatibû bicihkirin pêk hatiye û leşkerên birîndar jî sewqî nexweşxaneyan hatine kirin.
The General Staff has yet to give information as to the identity of the wounded and killed soldiers by 5 p.m. (EKN/TK)
Di daxuyaniya Sererkaniyê de derbarê nasnameyên leşkerên kuştî û birîndar de tu agahî parve nekir. (EKN/YO)
The General Staff has announced that the helicopter which was earlier declared to crash due to technical malfunction was shot down.
Sererkaniya tirk çend roj ewil ragihandibû ku helîkoptera li Colemêrgê ji ber probelemeke teknîkî ketiye. Lêbelê îro Sererkaniyê bi daxuyaniyek nû eşkere kir ku helîkopter di encama êrişa ji erdê ve hatiye xistin.
Eight soldiers and six Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) members had lost their lives in the conflict that erupted in Turkey’s southeastern Çukurca district of Hakkari province on May 13 and that the General Staff had declared that two of the soldiers died in the helicopter crash that occurred due to fatal technical malfunction.
Li gorî wê daxuyaniyê di 13ê Gulanê de li navçeya Çelê ya Colemêrgê şer derketiye û di encamê de 8 leşker û 6 şervanên PKKê jiyanên xwe ji dest daye. Serekaniyê destnîşan kiribû ku 2 ji wan leşkerên kuştî, dema bi diçûn herêma lê şer heye, ji ber problema teknîkî helîkoptera ku têdebûn ketiye û di encamê de jiyanên xwe ji dest dane.
On the other hand, PKK had stated that it shot down the helicopter and released a footage of a PKK member firing a heat seeking missile.
Serekaniya tirk di daxuyaniya îro de wiha got: ‘Dibe ku helîkopter rastî êrişeke ji erdê ve hatibe û bi fuzeyê hatibe xistin.’
The statement issued by the General Staff said that “they have reached the conclusion that the helicopter was probably shot down by an unidentified air defense weapon that could be a ground launched cruise missile”.
Dema pevçûn berdewam dikir, gelek helîkopter sewqî herêma lê şer heye hatine kirin. Lêbelê êrişkaran li dijî helîkoptera kobrayê ji erdê ve êrişek pêk anîne. Li gorî nirxandinên me dibe ku helîkopter bi fuzeyê hatibe lêxistin û û bi wî awayî ketibe.'
Justice and Development Party’s (AKP) Spokesperson, Ömer Çelik has announced that the presidential candidate of his party would be the Minister of Transport, Maritime Affairs and Communications; Binali Yıldırım.
Berdevkê AKPê Omer Çelik daxuyand ku namzetê serokê giştî ya partiya wan, Wezîrê Ragihandinê Binalî Yildirim e.
To be the second Prime Minister from Erzincan
Yildirim di axavtina xwe de wiha got:
If Binali Yıldırım is elected as president on the extraordinary congress, he will be the second Prime Minister who comes from Erzincan province. Earlier, Yıldırım Akbulut had been the first Prime Minister from Erzincan who had formed the 47th Government.
‘Ez bi xwe jî yek ji damezrinerê AKPê me. Ez gelek şad û bextewar im ku, partiyê min kiriye namzetê serokê giştî. Bi ser navê partiyê û hemû gelê xwe ji bo xizmetên ku pêk anîye, spasiyên xwe li Ahmet Davutoglu dikim. Davutoglu wezîfeya xwe ji damezirênerê partiya me Erdogan dewr hilda û heta vê rojê jî bi serkeftî pêk anî.’
What had happened?
Çi bûbû?
Following the Central Executive Board meeting of AKP coming to an end, it has been reported that the party’s extraordinary congress will be held on May 22 and Davutoğlu would not run for president in the congress.
Di meha Nîsanê de MKYKya AKPê di civîna xwe de biryar da ku rayeya ji bo diyarkirina serokên partiyê yên bajar û navçeyan ji destê Davutoglu hildan û dewrê lijneya partiyê kirin.
Minister of Energy Berat Albayrak had been mentioned for the position of Party President and Prime Minister. (YY/ÇT/DG)
Li Zanîngeha Teknîkê ya Stenbolê beşa Înşaya Keştî û Ilmên Deryayê xwend û di heman beşî de masterê jî kir.
* Photograph: Erçin Top - Ankara/Anadolu Agency (AA)
Di nav Lijneya Damezirînerê AKPê de cih girt.
One soldier has been killed, eight others injured upon members of YPS* (Civil Protection Units) detonating an improvised bomb device in Yenişehir neighbourhood of Nusaybin district of Mardin province.
Li taxa Yenişehirê ya Nisêbînê bombeya bidestçêkirî ku ji hêla hêzên YPSê ve hatibû bicihkirin teqiya û di encamê de leşkerek jiyana xwe ji dest da û 8 leşker jî birîndar bûn.
Today (May 19), one soldier had lost his life in the armed conflict between security forces and members of Kurdistan Workers Party’s (PKK) armed wing HPG (People’s Defense Forces) in the intersection of Gürpınar and Çatak districts of Turkey’s eastern province of Van and another injured. (NV/DG)
Piştî leşkerên birîndar birîn nexweşxaneyê, yek ji wan ku rewşa wî giran bu jiyana xwe ji dest da û dermankirina 8 leşkerên birîndar jî berdewam dike.
About Nusaybin
Nusaybin is one of the 10 districts of Turkey's southeastern province of Mardin. The population is 97,156. Its southern neighboring country is Syria.
15 taxên wê hene. Selaheddîn Eyyûbî, Devrîm, Sekiz Mart, Bariş, Firat, Girnavas, Îpekyolu, Zeynelabidin, Moryakup, Dicle, Yenituran, Yenişehir, Abdulkadirpaşa, Yeşilkent.
Its Co-Mayors are Sara Kaya and Cengiz Kök from Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP).
Hevşaredarên navçeyê: Sara Kaya û Cengiz Gok (Partiya Herêmên Demokratîk)
November 1, 2015 General Election Results
Encamên hilbijartinên 1ê Mijdarê:HDP: %89.38, AKP: %8,62, CHP:%0,63
First clause of the legislative proposal concerning Constitutional amendment as to lifting parliamentary immunity of the MPs against whom have cases has been approved with 373 votes at the Grand National Assembly of Turkey (TBMM) General Assembly.
Li meclisê di rûniştina duyem a ji bo rakirina parêzbendiyê parlementeran de, dengdana li ser madeya yekem bi dawî bû.
Second clause of the Constitutional amendment proposal was approved with 357 votes. 529 MPs had attended the voting.
Di dengdana rûniştina yekem de li gorî encaman teklîf rasterast qebûl nedibû, lê li ser teklîfê referandûm pêk dihat.
The legislative proposal concerning Constitutional amendment as to lifting parliamentary immunity of the MPs against whom have cases has been voted at the Grand National Assembly (TBMM) General Assembly.
Li parlamentoya Tirkiyeyê ji bo guhertina Makezagonê(Qanûna Bingehîn) deng hatin dayin ku parêzbendiya parlamenteran bêne rakirin.
531 MPs voted, the proposal has passed with 376 aye votes, 140 against, five abstaining, seven empty, and three invalid.
531 parlamenteran dengên xwe bi kar anîn. 376 dengên erênî û140 dengên neyînî hatin dayin.
The first clause was approved with 373 aye votes against 138.
7 zerfên dengan vala derketine. 3 deng şewitî ne.
“Referendum” had come out in the first round
Li Dengdana didoyê:
First clause of the bill was approved with 350 votes. 531 MPs had attended the secret voting held in the General Assembly.
Di dengdana rûniştina yekem de li gorî encaman teklîf rasterast qebûl nedibû, lê li ser teklîfê referandûm pêk dihat.
Feleknas Uca, wrote as follows on her Twitter account.
%60ê dosyeyan derbarê parlementerên HDPê de ye
Yıkılmadık ayaktayız Berxwedan Jiyane# HDP pic.twitter.com/zohA7xu3wI
Herî dawî 10ê Gulanê de 19 dosyeyên nû şandibûn meclisê.
“Yıkılmadık ayaktayız. Berxwedan Jiyane #HDP” (We're on our feet)
HDPê jî daxuyand ku wê beşdarê rûniştinê bibin û di hilbijartinê de ew dê dengên ‘na’yê bidin.
The bill has been approved with 376 votes
Qanûna 83. ji bo demekê neyê bikaranîn
The legislative proposal concerning Constitutional amendment as to lifting parliamentary immunity of the MPs against whom have cases has been voted at the Grand National Assembly (TBMM) General Assembly.
Qanûna 83. de derbarê parêzbendiyan de wiha tê gotin: ‘Parlamentereke ku beriya an piştî hilbijartinê eger sûcek kiribe jî, bêyî biryara meclisê nabe ku ku were binçavkirin, dadkirin û girtin.’
531 MPs voted, the proposal has passed with 376 aye votes, 140 against, five abstaining, seven empty, and three invalid.
Lê li gorî teklîfa AKPê tê xwestin ku ew qanûn ji bo demekê neyê bikaranîn.
The proposal will be enacted following President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan’s approval. Since the bill received more than 376 aye votes, referendum won’t be held.
Ji ku qanûnek were guherandin divê li meclisê du rûniştin û di hilbijartinên cuda werin kirin.
There are summary of proceedings on 50 HDP MPs
Deng dê çawa bên dayin?
There are summary of proceedings on 138 MPs in parliament
Divê di navbera du dengdanan de ya kêm 48 siet biborin.
The number of cases is 667 on 138 MPs.
Piştî dengdanan heke ji nîvê dengan zêdetir denbên erênî hebin guhertin dikare bê kirin.
There are also summary of proceedings on HDP Co-Chair, Selahattin Demirtaş and Figen Yüksekdağ.
Da ku bêyî referandumê biryar bê standin dive 367 deng bêne standin.
From the film “SoroyanLand”
Wêne - fîlma ''Welatê Soroyan''
Armenia Turkey Cinema Platform (ETSP) has invited short film-makers and documentary film-makers from Turkey and the diaspora from both lands to attend the ETSP Project Development Workshop with projects which are suitable for joint production.
Platforma Sînemayê ya Tirkiye û Ermenîstanê da zanîn ku ew ê ji bo belgefîlm û kurtefîlmên wan kesên li herdu welatan an jî li penaberîyê, piştgiriyê bide.
ETSP Workshop will take place during the 12th Golden Apricot Film Festival between July 11-13, 2016.
Platform dixwaze ew kesên eleqedar serî li atolyeya wan bide.
The workshop will consist of trainings, presentations, one to one meetings and project pitches.
Atolye dê li rojên 11-13ê Tîrmehê li dema Festîwala Qeysiya Zêrîn çêbibe.
7,500 euros prize
Xelat: 7.500 Euro
Filmmakers from Armenia, Turkey and their Diasporas can apply for the workshop until June 15.
Yên ku dixwazin serî li atolyeyê bidin, divê heta 15ê Hezîranê serî li atolyeyê bide.
The platform has brought together almost 100 filmmakers from Armenia and Turkey until today. (YY/DG)
Heta niho nêzîkî 100 sînemaçêkeran serî li atolyeyê daye. (YY/MB)
Binali Yıldırım, the only candidate for chair of the Justice and Development Party (AKP) has been elected as the third president for the party at the AKP’s Second Extraordinary Congress.
Piştî ku Serokwezîr Ahmet Davutoglu him ji serokwezîrtiyê him jî ji seroktiya partiya xwe îstifa kir, ji bo bijartina serokê giştî îro 2. Kongereya Asayî ya AKPê pêk hat.
Ji HDPê re dawetiye nehat şandin
Council Chairperson, Binali Yıldırım making the announcement said of the 1,470 delegates 1,411 voted and six votes have been considered invalid.
Kongeraya AKPê li Enqreyê pêk hat û ji çar aliyên welêt gelek kes beşdarê wê kongreyê bû.
Bozdağ announced that Binali Yıldırım has become the new president of the AKP with 1,405 votes.
Ji bo kongreyê 6 hezar dawetiye hatibûn amadekirin; konsulxane, sendîqe,saziyên sivîl û gelek partiyên siyasi jî diyariyê kongreyê kirin.
Greetings to Erdoğan
Davutoglu: Ez acizbûna we dibînim
“I greet with respect the founder of enlightened Turkey, President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan.
Serokwezîr Davutoglu di kongreyê de axivî û dîsa ragihand ku biryara kongereyê ne ya wî ye.
“Operations will continue”
Yildirim: Operayon dê berdewam bikin
“The determination regarding terror will continue in the same way as before. We’ve lived as brothers and sisters on these lands for a thousand year and will continue to live so.
Binalî Yildirim derbarê şer û operayonên pêk tê de wiha got: ‘Heta hizûr pêk were dê operasyon dewam bikin. Bila gelê me rehet be, em dê mijara terorê ji rojeva Tirkiyeyê derxînin.’
“These operations are going to maintain until peace is restored. May our nation rest assured, we will remove this terror trouble from Turkey’s agenda.
‘Ya ku bi fiîlî pêk hat, divê bi hiqûqî jî were kirin’
“We will continue our fight not only against the separatist organization [PKK] but also against DEAŞ (ISIS), PYD (Democratic Union Party) and parallel terror organization (Gülen Movement)”.
Derbarê rewşa heyî de Yildirim wiha axivî: ‘Ya ku em îro pêk tînin divê bi hiqûqî jî were kirin. Riya vê yekê jî makezagoneke nû û sîstema seroktiyê ye.’
“It is time to know what EU thinks of Turkey”
Erdogan peyam şand
“There is a thing the European Union has to do. It should put an end to confusion as to full membership of Turkey and refugee situation. It is now time to know what the EU thinks of Turkey.
Di kongeya AKPê de peyama Erdogan hat xwendin. AKPiyan dema peyama Erdogan dihat xwendin li ser piya guhdarkirin.
Another amendment has been made regarding the curfew in Sur district of Diyarbakır.
Derbarê qedexeya ku li navçeya Sûrê ya Amedê didome de, careke din guhertin hat kirin.
"9 adaptations" of curfews in Sur
Kolanên ku lê qedexe hatiye rakirin wiha ne:
Another curfew was declared in six neighborhoods and one street on December 14, 2015.
Di 14ê Kanûnê de li 6 taxan û cedeyak din jî derketina derve hate qedexekirin.
As the curfew ended in Gazi street on December 30, 2015, it continued in Cevatpaşa, Fatihpaşa, Dabanoğlu, Hasırlı, Cemal Yılmaz and Savaş neighborhoods.
Qedexe di 30ê Kanûna2015an de li cadeya Gaziyê bi dawî bû, lê li taxên Cevatpaşa, Savaş, Hasirli, Cemal Yilmaz, Dabanoglu, Fatihpaşa û Savaşê dewam kir.
The sub-Governorship declared curfew in Abdaldede, Alipaşa, Lalebey, Süleyman Nazif and Ziya Gökalp neighborhoods, and Melikahmet street on January 27, 2016.
Di 27ê Çileyê de qaymeqamtiyê ragihand ku li taxên Abdaldede, Alipaşa, Lalabey, Suleyaman Nazif û Ziya Gokalpê derketina derve hatiye qedexekirin.
Curfew spread to the entire district when a curfew was imposed on Camii Kebir, Camii Nebi, İskenderpaşa and Melikahmet neighborhoods on February 3, 12 a.m.
Piştî ku di 3ê Sibatê de li taxên Kebir, Nebi, Iskenderpaşa û Melikahmetê jî derketina derve hat qedexekirin, li navçeyê tu cih nema kul ê qedexe tine be.
There are 53 neighborhoods in the district.
Ji 4 navçeyên navendî yê Amedê, yek jî Sûr e.
Historical artifacts in Sur district
Navê wê ji Sûrên Amedê tê.
Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP) Group Vice Chair, Çağlar Demirel in the press meeting he held at the Grand National Assembly of Turkey (TBMM) has called on the Republican People’s Party (CHP) MPs to take the constitutional bill concerning parliamentary immunity to the Constitutional Court.
Cîgirê Koma HDPê Çaglar Demirel li meclisê civîna çapemeniyê li dar xist û bangê li parlementerên CHPê kir ku li dijî rakirina parêzbendiyan de bila îmze bidin ku serî li Dadgeha Makezagonê were kirin.
110 MP signatures is needed for mass application to the Constitutional Court. Since HDP has 58 MPs, 52 more needed.
Ji bo serlêdana komane li Dadgeha Makezagonê were kirin, divê herî kêm 110 parlementer îmze bidin. Hejmara parlementerên HDPê 58 e. Divê 52 parlementerên din jî imze bidin ku serlêdana komane pêk were.
“We are calling for the consciences to complete the signatures”
‘Ji bo îmzeyan em bang li wicdanan dikin’
Demirel stated that they have launched a petition for the bill to be brought to the Constitutional Court, and that they aim to go to the court this week in case sufficient signatures are collected.
Demirel ragihand ku wan li dijî qanûna derbarê rakirina parêzbendiyan kampanyaya îmzeyê daye destpêkirin û eger ji bo serlêdanê hejmara îmzeyan temam bibe, dê derbarê wê qanûnê de ji bo îtirazê dê serî li Dadgeha Makezagonê were kirin û wiha got:
Reaction from Baluken against Kılıçdaroğlu
Îdrîs Balukên bertek nîşanî Kiliçdaroglu da
HDP’s İdris Baluken in his visit to Sur district of Diyarbakır province has reacted against CHP’s Leader, Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu
Cîgirê Koma HDPê û Parlementerê Amedê Îdrîs Baluken bertek nîşanî Serokê Giştî yê CHPê Kemal Kiliçdaroglu da û wiha got:
“He says ‘If you sign it, you will either resign or go to the HDP’. This is another form of pressure that Erdoğan imposed on the AKP commissars during the secret voting. This means to neglect will of MP. We expect CHP MPs to take this unconstitutional legislation to the Constitutional Court or sign the HDP’s declaration to be issued tomorrow. This is the right stance. All our peoples in favor of democracy, peace, liberties expect this from the CHP”. (NV/TK)
‘Em dizanin ku gelek parlementer, ji feraseta CHPyê ya li hemberî teklîfa derbeyê, aciz e. Nêzî 100 parlementeran vê yekê li kampa Antalyayê anine ziman û nîqaşên dijwar jî pêk hatine. Ew hevalên ku ji vê yekê aciz in, ji me re ragihandin ku derbarê serlêdana îtiraza ji bo betalkirina madeya rakirina parêzbendiyan de; wê piştgiriyê bidin me. Lêbelê derbarê vê mijarê de Kiliçdaroglu parlementeran tehdît kiriye û ev yek jî teqlîda Erdogan bi xwe ye.’
Probes has been launched into five more people supporting the “On Watch Editorship-in-Chief” campaign launched on purpose of solidarity with the Özgür Gündem daily.
Derbarê 4 kesên ku di çarçoveya ji bo Ozgur Gundemê kampanyaya piştgiriyê de nobeta weşanê girtibûn; lêpirsîn dan destpêkirin.
Ertuğrul Mavioğlu, Faruk Eren, Ayşe Düzkan who have been subjected to the probe, and the daily’s Managing Editor İnan Kızılkaya testified today (May 23).
Ligel Mudirê Weşanê Înan Kizilkaya û Faruk Eren, Ertugrul Mavioglu, Ayşe Duzkan ku ji bo weşana Ozgur Gundemê nobeta piştgiriyê girtibûn îro çûn îfade dan.
Other than Mavioğlu, Düzkan, and Eren, probe has been launched into Melda Onur and Mustafa Sönmez working as on-watch Editor-in-Chief.
Ji xeynî Mavioglu, Duzkan û Eren; derbarê Melda Onur û Mustafa Sonmez de jî lêpirsîn hatibû vekirin.
On charge of "[illegal] organization propaganda”
25 nûçeyên weşandî kirin hinceta lêpirsînê
The attorney Kılıç recorded that the probes have been launched on charge of “[illegal] organization propaganda”.
Ayşe Duzkan - 5 nûçeyên weşandî (8ê Gulanê): ‘Mexber heye lê Rozerîna min tine’, ‘Tax bi tax berxwedan’, ‘Berxwedan di roja 56.’, ‘Li Nisêbînê 5 wesayît hetin derbkirin’, ‘Nû Jîn li Enqereyê hat nîşan dan’.