int32 1
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401 | And when the people were going to market at twelve o'clock they found the Giant playing with the children in the most beautiful garden they had ever seen. | 0joy
402 | 我们整天为他们卖苦力,他们在金库里堆砌金子,我们的孩子们过早夭折了,我们热爰的那些人的脸变得冷酷而邪恶。 | 2anger
403 | You must sing to me with your breast against a thorn. | 3fear
404 | 他老婆开了门,看见她丈夫平安回到身边,便把两条胳膊缠在丈夫脖子上亲吻丈夫,接着从他背上取下那捆柴火,扫掉他靴子上的雪,要他进屋子里来。 | 0joy
405 | 两只苍鹭在船周围飞来飞去。 | 3fear
406 | 可是孩子们说他们并不知道他住在哪里,过去从来也没有见过他;巨人觉得伤心极了。 | 1sadness
407 | 但是爱情比生命更可贵,比起人的心,鸟的心又算得了什么? | 4love
408 | 她的歌儿越来越细弱,她觉得有什么东西堵住了她的喉咙。 | 3fear
409 | 你给我听着,你这人好无礼,你以为你是谁? | 2anger
410 | 你就快快离开这里吧,别再让我看见你这张难看的脸。 | 2anger
411 | But they would not, and pricked him with their spears. | 3fear
412 | It is a very dangerous thing to know one's friends. | 3fear
413 | How very silly of him not to stay here! said the Rocket. | 2anger
414 | 他在幻觉中看见自己站立于大教堂高高的祭坛上,身穿华贵的龙袍,他那孩童般的嘴角露出顽皮而持久的微笑,他那黑髏黯林地般的眼睛放射岀明亮的光芒。 | 0joy
415 | Now I go in for domesticity, and look after my family." | 0joy
416 | I tell you what, you are very rude, and, after all, who are you? | 2anger