naimul011's picture
  - bn
  - toxic comments
  - 10K<n<100K

Dataset Card for Dataset Name

Dataset Description

Dataset Summary

Since the deep learning approach needs a huge number of data for model training so it was a major challenge for us to collect a large amount of data to train our model. Some sample comments that we have collected are given below: ছাগেলর বাƐা ছাগল েদেখ পুড়াই িহজড়ার মেতা েদখেত পাডার েপা পাডা েতাের ময্ানেহােল ডু বাইয়া মারেত পারতাম যিদ We have collected almost 4141 labeled data from the previous work of Bangla toxic comment by Jubaer et al. [6], which are described in table 1. For more data, we have collected a total of 22, 000 comments have been collected from Tiktok, the majority of which are toxic comments. Our experts labeled these comments based on 6 categories that are not mutually exclusive. All the annotators are given clear guidelines on how to rate these comments. The guidelines can be summarized in Table I. Alt text The annotated comments are cleaned by removing emoticons, unnecessary punctuation marks, characters, digits, and other symbols as they contribute very little to the context of the comments.

Supported Tasks and Leaderboards

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Dataset Structure

Data Instances

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Data Fields

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Data Splits

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Dataset Creation

Curation Rationale

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Source Data

Initial Data Collection and Normalization

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Who are the source language producers?

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Annotation process

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Who are the annotators?

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Personal and Sensitive Information

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Considerations for Using the Data

Social Impact of Dataset

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Discussion of Biases

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Other Known Limitations

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Additional Information

Dataset Curators

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Licensing Information

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Citation Information

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