Spring cannot propagate transaction to ForkJoin's RecursiveAction
[ "How to propagate Spring transaction to another thread?" ]
[ "Changing values in array doesn't propagate into application", "How to propagate an exception in java", "Java 8 ForkJoin Unexplained Output", "Is it possible to propagate a transaction through different EJB 3.1 and several database servers?", "RecursiveAction thread pool size", "How to propagate exception from thread in java?", "Transaction in Spring", "Java exception does not propagate to Scala", "Why do Generic types not propagate to all class methods?", "Propagate spring transaction to sibling call", "Transaction error in Spring", "How to propagate variables in a stream in java 8", "MyIbatis-Spring Transaction closeSession", "Java ForkJoin Multi-threaded is slower than single thread", "How to read graph from ForkJoin paper by Shipilev?", "Finding the biggest number with ForkJoin", "how to avoid threadlocal corruption from forkjoin continuation", "RecursiveAction/ForkJoinPool with Blocking I/O", "invokeAll how it exactly work? (ForkJoin)", "Java - ForkJoin /MergeSort Stackoverflow", "How to propagate MySQL exceptions to Java program?", "Does a setting in Eclipse propagate to Maven?", "Java 7 ForkJoin freezes when it has to fork", "Exceptions propagate up Call Stack", "How to get an object with transaction in Spring?", "Propagate events in java", "Can Java 8 streams cause a O(1) memory reduction on unbounded data to become O(n) memory because of the underlying ForkJoin implementation", "@Transaction in Spring", "Java ForkJoin Future seems to finish prematurely" ]
Java implementation for Min-Max Heap?
[ "Is there a Heap in java?" ]
[ "I want to find max and min values in java", "Difference between \"on-heap\" and \"off-heap\"", "Java Min Max Method", "min heap java implementation arraylist vs array", "How to get the max/min value of a String[] array?", "How is the min heap being created?", "How to manage Heap (Min heap) if the value of already added item changes", "Is it good to set the max and min JVM heap size the same?", "Java's Heap Structure Implementation", "Finding max element in a min-heap?", "Using a Min-Heap to Sort Words", "creating a max-heap using java", "Trying to get the max/min in array", "How to print max and min value?", "What implementation of heap does Java use?", "In Java how do i find the max and min from a text file?", "java 1.6 32-bit min and max heap memory issue", "limit for max heap size in java heap setting", "Java Min Heap Priority Queue Implementation", "how to get the min and max heap size settings of a JVM from within a Java program", "Min/Max Values of an Array", "Is the heap actually a heap?", "How do I set Java's min and max heap size through environment variables?", "How can I see what is in my heap in Java?", "Why is there are max heap setting in Java?", "heap polution, java", "Building a min heap using java", "Java Arraylist Heap Implementation" ]
java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: javax.persistence.Table.indexes()[Ljavax/persistence/Index;
[ "Getting NoSuchMethodError: javax.persistence.Table.indexes() while performing JPA query", "NoSuchMethodError in javax.persistence.Table.indexes()[Ljavax/persistence/Index" ]
[ "java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: javax.persistence.JoinColumn.foreignKey", "java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: javax.persistence.JoinTable.indexes()[Ljavax/persistence/Index;", "Error: javax.persistence.JoinColumn.foreignKey()Ljavax/persistence/ForeignKey with Spring controller", "What is a persistence object?", "java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: javax.persistence.Table.indexes()", "Persistence object cannot find persistence unit from persistence.xml", "What's wrong with my persistence?", "Error creating bean entityManagerFactory, NoSuchMethodError: javax/persistence/Table.indexes", "What hibernate error java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: javax.persistence.Persistence means?", "Object persistence doesn't work", "Which persistence method?", "Persistence Error", "Spring boot Hibernate error java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: javax.persistence.JoinColumn.foreignKey()Ljavax/persistence/ForeignKey;", "Class not persistence?", "javax.persistence.EntityManager.getCriteriaBuilder()Ljavax/persistence/criteria/CriteriaBuilder", "java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: javax.persistence.spi.PersistenceUnitInfo.getValidationMode()Ljavax/persistence/ValidationMode;", "Exception in thread \"main\" java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: javax.persistence.Table.indexes()[Ljavax/persistence/Index;", "Persistence Class in Java", "Spring : java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: javax.persistence.Table.indexes()[Ljavax/persistence/Index;", "Java object persistence question", "javax.persistence.Persistence.getPersistenceUtil()Ljavax/persistence/PersistenceUtil", "Problem with persistence", "Weblogic + Hibernate Error: javax.persistence.JoinTable.indexes()[Ljavax/persistence/Index", "OpenShift with JBOSS server 7.1.1.Final java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: javax.persistence.JoinColumn.foreignKey()Ljavax/persistence/ForeignKey;", "How to list all data in Persistence", "Spring Maven, MySQL, Hibernate, GlassFish : javax.persistence.JoinColumn.foreignKey()Ljavax/persistence/ForeignKey", "javax.persistence one to many - how does it work?", "AbstractMethodError for getValidationMode()Ljavax/persistence/ValidationMode" ]
Java - Store byte array as String in DB and create byte array using String value
[ "Java Byte Array to String to Byte Array" ]
[ "Convert from byte array to string and string to byte array in java", "byte array[] to byte is it possible in java?", "Using a byte array", "Convert Java byte array to Python byte array", "File to array of byte", "Java byte to string", "String to byte array in java", "How to get byte array from list?", "Interconversion of String into byte[] and byte[] into String in JAVA", "Java String from byte array", "String with byte array to byte", "Java - byte array from string", "byte array to string in java", "Create string from byte[]", "from string to byte array and then to string", "Byte to String| Java", "return a byte array from a java method", "java byte array to String", "String to byte in java", "Java String to byte", "Create a list from a byte array", "byte array to string", "How to AND byte array in Java?", "deepHashCode with byte array", "Array of byte[]", "String(byte array) to byte array", "String to Byte[] and Byte to String", "How to get a file name from a file's byte array?", "How to store into Byte or Byte array" ]
ANTLR - NoViableAltException
[ "ANTLR NoViableAltException with JAVA", "Antlr NoViableAltException During Interpretation" ]
[ "ANTLR: Is there a simple example?", "Antlr : suppress console logs from antlr", "NoViableAltException using jpa", "Basic help with ANTLR", "antlr return values as key-value", "How to save a file after parsing it with ANTLR (using java)?", "Antlr: Could not find or local main class even when it is there", "Antlr 3.3 return values in java", "The ANTLR output and their order", "Return a value in generated java code in ANTLR", "Simple ANTLR error", "NoViableAltException while using Spring Data query with Hibernate", "ANTLR- syntax error(100)", "Parsing a log file with ANTLR", "How do I get this encoding right with ANTLR?", "ANTLR basic example in Java", "NoViableAltException: Unexpected token in @NamedQuery", "Get Text from ~(';')+ in ANTLR", "Antlr NoViableAltException", "ANTLR - Boolean satisfiabilty", "Catching ANTLR's NoViableAltException in Java and ANTLRWorks Debugger", "ANTLR exception handling with \"$\", Java", "Regex, ANTLR or any other solution?", "ANTLR from Java to C#", "ANTLR: parse configuration file", "Is ANTLR the right approach for something like this?", "Using ANTLR 4 to parse file into an array?", "ANTLR 3 parsing problem" ]
How to extract audio from a video file and make it as JavaSound AudioInputStream?
[ "how can i extract audio from a video file through java program" ]
[ "Setting a Timeout on an AudioInputStream", "JavaSound: Extract one channel of stereo audio", "what is the alternative class for AudioInputStream in java (Android)?", "AudioInputStream from InputStream ( load from resource directory)", "How to get progress of downloading a file with audioinputstream java", "Issue playing audio with Stackoverflow's javasound tag example", "Random Access on AudioInputStream java", "How to remove LOOP_CONTINUOUSLY in Javasound? [code inside]", "AudioInputStream to base64", "How to select a microphone in Javasound?", "AudioInputStream is not working", "How can I get duration of AudioInputStream?", "AudioInputStream.getFrameLength returns incorrect length", "Sample Frame in Context of AudioInputStream", "Looping Java AudioInputStream", "Cannot read a single byte from AudioInputStream", "url for audioInputStream seems empty", "Does AudioInputStream's read method exclude header?", "How to cast from InputStream to AudioInputStream", "Capturing audio in a non exclusive mode with JavaSound API", "Using a byte array to create an AudioInputStream", "How to convert a byte array into an AudioInputStream in Java", "Error playing AudioInputStream", "AudioInputStream() does not stop", "Java (JavaSound): Is \"clip.play()\" an expensive call?", "Using a URL with AudioInputStream", "AudioInputStream not working", "Can I create AudioInputStream from compressed audio byte array?", "AudioInputStream to an array" ]
key-value pairs collection maintaining order and retrieving by key and by pair index?
[ "Best Java Collection to store key, value pairs and access its objects by Index or by key name" ]
[ "Retrieving all the pairs of numbers that sum to a target in a list", "Maintaining a billion of key:value pairs in a file", "Java | retrieving data", "What is a Key-Value Pair?", "How to hashmap a JSON's key-value pair where Value type and number of key-value pairs not known", "Maintaining order of items in java", "How can I update values in a Map, maintaining the order", "Retrieving values of a Set collection?", "Split string into key-value pairs", "Retrieving value from a method", "Java retrieving a custom key object from a map", "saving and retrieving key-value pairs in an sqlite database android", "Retrieving the type of a Collection", "How to store key value pairs in Java without using HashMap or any other collection?", "Java : Best collection for small number of key value pairs", "Java generics Pair<String, String> stored in HashMap not retrieving key->value properly", "java collection usage as map and retrieving data", "Check for values with same key in a list of key-value pairs", "Retrieving values from nested collection", "Java Collection with index, key and value", "Java: Data structure for sorting objects/maintaining a key in that order?", "Which data structure should I use for maintaining this information?", "Same key for all key-value pairs?", "How to get a value from a key value pair which is of type String?", "How to do a Collection of integer pairs?", "Java - maintaining order of collection of objects", "Maintaining a separate application time in Java?", "Maintaining order in HashMap", "retrieving first value from collection" ]
sizeof java object
[ "why there is no sizeof in java", "Is sizeof a keyword in Java" ]
[ "Java Class and Object", "what's T[] object?", "How big is an Object? Why is there no sizeof?", "Why is there no StrongReference object?", "Best practice for getting datatype size(sizeof) in Java", "In Java, what does object.class do?", "What is a object in java and what does it do", "What is a <T> object in Java?", "How to implement in jna a structure sizeof() with an union type", "what does Object do in java?", "How to 'derefence' an object in Java", "How to get a OneDriveClient object in java class", "Java \"Object\" to \"?\"", "What is the Object class in Java?", "object = this in java", "Question about sizeof. I want to reverse bits in number", "In java can i have more than one class/object in a file?", "Can a Java class be an object and object be a class?", "Sizeof unknown type object", "Everlasting java object", "Java object in object", "what happen if I don't override sizeof when using LruCache class", "Is there any sizeof-like method in Java?", "Object.callGenericMethod() in java", "Object[] to Class[] in Java", "Equivalent of \"sizeof() of C\" in Java", "Java: NullExceptionPointer in object[]", "What object is this?" ]
How can i resolve java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.hibernate.util.DTDEntityResolver when using Spring 3.1 with Hibernate 4.0.1?
[ "Hibernate java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/hibernate/util/DTDEntityResolver" ]
[ "java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.openx.data.jsonserde.JsonSerDe", "findByCriteria in hibernate", "Hibernate (mapping) ClassNotFoundException", "Java Hibernate: How to?", "hibernate and Java.util.set problem", "How to Resolve \"java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/hibernate/util/IdentitySet\" Error in Struts2 with Hibernate?", "org.hibernate.QueryTimeoutException:", "Hibernate 3.6.0.Final ClassNotFoundException ReflectionManager", "org.hibernate.ResourceClosedException", "Spring Hibernate", "Hibernate ClassNotFoundException for Configuration", "UnknownServiceException from hibernate", "Java and Hibernate, how to", "Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.hibernate.Interceptor", "Java/Hibernate-Try to start my web application and an java.lang.ClassNotFoundException occurs", "java with hibernate", "Spring Hibernate error", "Beginining with Spring Hibernate", "Hibernate CriteriaBuiler .or()", "Hibernate pluralization", "org.hibernate.PropertyValueException", "Hibernate HttpMessageNotWritableException", "How do I resolve ClassNotFoundException?", "Hibernate LockModes/LockOptions", "Spring And Hibernate", "Spring + Hibernate confuguration", "ClassNotFoundException: org.hibernate.service.jndi.JndiException", "I have this error 'java.lang.ClassNotFoundException' - Spring", "Spring boot java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.hibernate.engine.jndi.JndiException" ]
GZIPInputStream - Corrupt GZIP Trailer
[ "Is this a bug in the Java GZipInputStream class?" ]
[ "Gets the uncompressed size of this GZIPInputStream?", "Java- gzip member trailer", "Java GzipInputStream into DataInputStream", "Corrupt Gzip string due to character encoding", "Decompressing to a byte[] using GzipInputStream", "Get Entry from GZIPInputStream using Java", "Reading Last *n* lines from GZIPInputStream", "GZIPInputStream throws exception when reading GZIP FIle", "DataInputStream , GZIPInputStream and InputStream differences", "GZIPInputStream: Read first n bytes from decompressed file", "Java GZipInputStream unexpected end of ZLib input stream", "How to read from GZIPInputstream", "Unordered trailer linked list implementation of a set add method issue", "Corrupt jar file", "GZIPInputStream shows bad data", "java GZIPInputStream and GZIPOutputStream not working as expected", "Is there a way to manually corrupt a file?", "GZIPInputStream to String", "size limit gzipinputstream", "GZIPInputStream reading line by line", "Reading large number of bytes from GZIPInputStream", "GZIPInputStream .read() limitations", "GZipInputStream .read() insert zeros into buffer", "GZIPInputStream padding zeroes at end?", "Error wrapping InputStream in GZIPInputStream while running Play project", "Java: Error creating a GZIPInputStream: Not in GZIP format", "Can't get Java's GZIPInputStream to read \"gzip\" response from server when using \"Range\" header", "How do I get Java to use my multi-core processor with GZIPInputStream?", "Why GZIPInputStream takes quite long time?" ]
No hs_err_pid.log file created and core dumped from jvm on Solaris
[ "How can I suppress the creation of the hs_err_pid file?" ]
[ "Advantages to use Java on Solaris", "copy files from one solaris 9 to another using java", "Not able to open selector in solaris for non root user", "Character set on Solaris", "Need help with performance of Java's ProcessBuilder under Solaris", "solaris 10, java 6 , file.exists cant see the existing file", "Ambiguous output redirect on solaris", "Unloading dll rxtx before exit to avoid jvm crashes or hide hs_err_pid.log files", "How to connect to Oracle DB in Solaris OS using JDBC?", "Solaris FTP client implementation", "How to clear hs_err_pid log file in home directory", "why java regex pattern error comes in windows but not in solaris environment", "Gradle daemon crashes on start with hs_log_pid####.log", "Building a jar with MySQL jdbc on solaris", "Solaris unix NLWP limit", "Java: AWT on Solaris", "Jenkins on Solaris 10 64 bit", "I want to benchmark solaris and linux with java", "Oracle JDBC connection exception in Solaris but not Windows?", "It is posible to write hs_err_pid*.log in a specific directory (different than the class directory) when java virtual machine crash?", "JVM Crash hs_err_pidXXXX.log file is created. But hprof file is not generated", "How to add library/jar files in java application when deployed in solaris server?", "Very slow Java startup in Solaris 10", "Live Memory not matching Core Dumped Memory", "java - Need assistance in reading hs_err_pid file", "How to get remote debugging work for Java on Solaris", "Any Java Code Coverage Tool for Solaris", "No hs_err_pid fiile are created on Windows 7 for installed Application", "How to analyze JVM crash file hs_err_pidXYZ.log" ]
Calling PL/SQL procedure with SYS_REFCURSOR as IN parameter using JDBC
[ "Create and pass SYS_REFCURSOR as an input parameter to Oracle procedure from Java" ]
[ "Execute a PL/SQL procedure using Java code", "PL/SQL procedure call in Java", "JPA and SYS_REFCURSOR like OUT parameter", "Calling an Oracle PL/SQL procedure with Custom Object return types from 0jdbc6 JDBCthin drivers", "How should I pass key-values to a PL/SQL procedure?", "How to return an array from Java to PL/SQL?", "How to call oracle function which return sys_refcursor using java + hibernate", "Using JDBC to call a PL/SQL stored procedure with custom type input parameter, all fields are null", "Send PL/SQL to Oracle without creating a stored procedure", "Getting pl/sql array of struct from stored procedure using JdbcSimpleCall", "How to access the procedure that return setof refcursor from PostgreSQL in Java?", "Calling stored procedure in jdbc", "SQL Server stored procedure and jdbc", "Calling Java from PL/SQL", "Calling PL/SQL package code in a Java Program", "Java call PL/SQL procedure with table of records", "Calling PL/SQL procedure with user defined record as its IN parameter using JDBC", "Error while calling java from PL/SQL", "Map refcursor of PostgreSQL to java entity using Hibernate", "Call pl/sql function in java?", "{Core Java with Spring} calling PL SQL stored procedure via plain JDBC - who should ideally do transaction management", "Running PL/SQL and T-SQL Through JDBC", "Can I update the result (sys_refcursor) of an Oracle stored procedure (in Java)?", "JDBC + PL/SQL = Is it so simple, or is there a catch?", "To write java method in PL/SQL", "How to construct oracle.sql.ANYDATA in Java and pass it in PL/SQL procedure", "java - Calling a PL/SQL Stored Procedure With Arrays", "Refcursor value is invalid/Bigger type length than Maximum/Protocol violation", "Java JDBC Procedure Call" ]
Javax JMenuBar with Mac
[ "How do I move my JMenuBar to the screen menu bar on Mac OS X?" ]
[ "JMenuBar not showing up", "My JMenuBar not showing", "java JMenuBar not visible? Why?", "JMenuBar not showing when it should", "Why won't my JMenuBar show up?", "Java GUI JMenuBar", "Image for the File Menu of JMenuBar", "Can't add JMenuBar to Applet", "Calling a JMenuBar from another class", "java remove JMenuBar", "JMenuBar with paint method", "set JMenuBar's background color?", "How to use a created JMenuBar in each of the java swing form?", "Having JFrame's with the same JMenuBar instance", "JMenuBar not showing", "Why is my JmenuBar not showing", "JMenuBar cannot find symbol error", "JMenuBar is / is not Displayed in sucsessive runs", "add JMenuBar to a JPanel?", "Components on the JMenuBar", "Java Swing JMenuBar", "MouseInputAdapter on JMenuBar - not all methods get called", "can't set JMenuBar", "java null pointer exception JMenuBar", "How do I put the JMenuBar on top in mac and change the background of a JButton", "JMenuBar and a item array - bad idea?", "JMenuBar Cannot Find Symbol", "JMenuBar is not visible", "JMenubar error?" ]
Check orientation on Android phone
[ "android - how can I get current orientation?", "Getting the actual orientation of the phone" ]
[ "How to get any file from android phone", "Changing orientation of a particular page in android", "get Phone numbers from android phone", "Android default screen orientation", "Android Java Login Activity Orientation Change", "Full screen on orientation change android", "Android orientation changing exceptions", "How to get time on Android phone programmatically?", "android Change orientation removing button", "I am getting error while trying to check orientation of app?", "orientation change while in service", "Android: Orientation Change Only on One Tab?", "How to get data from Android phone?", "Eclipse android java: Orientation", "Android application crashes with orientation change", "Savedinstance class not found on orientation change", "Orientation change during server side call", "Image orientation and ExifInterface", "Changing orientation of android app at runtime", "Changing the orientation in app", "problem while changing the orientation in app", "Issue in changing orientation in android", "Setting Multi Orientation - Android", "Image Orientation - Android", "Android: Orientation Change Based On Screen Size", "Layout orientation?", "Device orientation on Android", "Few questions about android's screen orientation" ]
Which compression (is GZIP the most popular) servlet filter would you suggest?
[ "GZip compression of REST response" ]
[ "GZIP string compression fails to decompress '£' characters", "Path Compression , How does this code is path compression?", "Java Path compression", "Trouble using python's gzip/\"How do I know what compression is being used?\"", "Android HttpURLConnection: gzip compression", "Tomcat Compression Does Not Add a Content-Encoding: gzip in the Header", "Gzip compression and http post from python to java", "Enable gzip compression in CXF client", "Gzip compression and decompression between python and java", "Gzip for Android", "gzip maximum compression using ant", "How do we set compression on ConcurrentUpdateSolrServer?", "File Compression", "Gzip not working?", "Problems with gzip compression with jersey", "Enable Gzip compression in Dropwizard", "GZIP Compression & Decompression Issue", "Difference between Deflater and GZip compression", "Compression library for Java", "GZip Compression between Java and AS3?", "gzip compression wont work with my custom java HTTP server", "Java string data compression", "Not in GZIP format Java", "GZIP compression to a byte array", "Jersey 2 gzip compression not have Content-Encoding header in response", "File compression library for Java", "How to set the max tomcat gzip compression size?", "Java: Gzip string to output string", "GZIP compression and decompression" ]
Short circuit vs non short circuit operators
[ "Reason for the existence of non-short-circuit logical operators" ]
[ "Does Java run each conditional operator or does it short-circuit in If statements?", "Is short-circuit evaluation possible in multiplication?", "While java provides non short-circuit version of logical operators (like logical |, &), when are these required?", "Short circuit logical operators over Iterable", "Is Short Circuit Evaluation guaranteed In C++ as it is in Java?", "Short-circuit in Struts2 validation", "How to short-circuit reduce on Stream?", "Is it possible short circuit evaluation happens in the following case", "How to short-circuit a reduce() operation on a Stream?", "Java: short circuit evaluation in boolean expressions", "programming with short-circuit evaluation in Java", "Short circuit operator for JSF(P) EL", "What (in the specs) warrants that 'non short circuit logical operators will in fact not short circuit?", "What is wrong with the short circuit logic in this Java code?", "Do &= and |= short-circuit in Java?", "Java short circuit evaluation", "Why does this not short circuit?", "How to short-circuit a @CustomValidator?", "Is the &= operator a short circuit operator in Java?", "Logical operator OR without short circuit", "Java 8 stream short-circuit", "Try-catch short-circuit/fall-through java", "Is there a way to disable short circuit evaluation in Java?", "Eclipse and short circuit evaluation", "Java logical operator (&&, ||) short-circuit mechanism", "Java short circuit confusion", "How Java Logical short circuit Operators Work", "java short circuit operators", "AND Short Circuit Operator using Object as Parameters in Java" ]
Error inflating when extending a class
[ "Android - Error inflating layout" ]
[ "Android Error inflating class fragment", "Error inflating class fragment with Android", "Error inflating class com.android.internal.widget.ActionBarContainer", "Android : Error Inflating Fragment Class", "Error inflating Binary XML file", "Android Error - Error inflating class", "Fragment - Error inflating", "Error inflating class fragment", "Inflating view from within instance not working", "Binary XML file line #2: Error inflating class", "Error inflating class com.actionbarsherlock.internal.widget.ActionBarContainer", "Error inflating View", "Error inflating map View", "Error inflating Map with fragment", "Error inflating class fragment", "Problem Inflating byte[] in Java?", "Binary XML file Error inflating class", "Error inflating MaterialAnimatedSwitch", "Am I inflating my custom view correctly?", "Error:inflating class fragment", "error inflating class fragment android", "SectionedListView android error inflating class include", "Error inflating fragment in android", "Android error inflating class <unknown>", "Error on inflating a fragment", "inflating view vs inflating an element", "Android : Error inflating class fragment", "Error inflating class in a view", "Error when inflating class Fragment" ]
JUnit Plug-in Tests Ignoring Target Platform
[ "JUnit Plug-in Test Ignores Target Platform in Eclipse Neon" ]
[ "How to run all tests in junit", "JUnit Could not launch the JUnit plug-in tests. why?", "Why is RemoteFileTemplate ignoring the value set in setFileNameExpression?", "How do I get JUnit Tests? It is not under file>new?", "JUnit tests in files", "Running JUnit tests with different data", "junit: no tests found", "Where should I put my JUnit tests?", "Run all tests in Junit 4", "Not ignoring 0 on Java", "Plug-In Error in Eclipse", "Should JUnit tests be javadocced?", "How to find jUnit tests in a Java project?", "JUnit run tests command line", "How do I run JUnit tests from inside my java application?", "How to have two sets of tests in JUnit Platform in Gradle", "Writing JUnit Tests", "Ignoring tests in Infinitest", "code coverage for junit plug-in tests with maven", "Error while trying to execute junit tests", "How to write JUnit tests?", "Not ignoring a value?", "How does JUnit find tests?", "java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError when running JUnit plug-in test", "The plug-in is null : problem in an eclipse plug-in", "JUnit Tests - what do i test?", "How to create an eclipse plug-in?", "ScalarFunctionMultiPageEditor cannot be found by Plug-in", "Conditionally ignoring tests in JUnit 4" ]
can't import javax.servlet.annotation.WebServlet;
[ "WebServlet cannot be resolved to a type", "not able to resolve @WebServlet(\"/FileDao\") error in servlet" ]
[ "can we use common javax.annotation's in my servlet class", "Servlet container didnt found a servlet (WebServlet annotation doesn't work)", "Java Servlet 3.0 and @webservlet", "@webServlet not working with tomcat 7 eclipse", "Can't start tomcat server when using @Webservlet annotation", "@WebServlet annotation not recognized; init doesn't run", "Is it possible to forward a Request from a WebServlet to rest helper servlet (javax.ws.rs.core.Application)", "Java webservlet API: HTTP 400 error - bad request", "How to use @WebServlet to accept arguments (in a RESTFul way)?", "JSF 2.0 and custom path in @WebServlet", "Servlet Mapping Error appears when \"@WebServlet\" annotation is present", "@WebServlet annotation web.xml welcome-file", "Why there is an error in import javax.servlet.*?", "Cannot import org.h2.server.web.WebServlet", "How to use @WebServlet Annotation with Apache Tomcat 8.0.27", "I want to using @WebServlet annotation and @Path annotation to same time in jetty", "Interceptor in @WebServlet not activated", "@WebServlet with init parameters from xml", "Where do I get the javax.servlet.http.annotation package from?", "web.xml or @WebServlet?", "@WebServlet in Weblogic server", "page attribute in <jsp:include> with @WebServlet and web.xml", "@WebServlet annotation support in java 1.6.013", "Why can't IntelliJ find the correct WebServlet class?", "jetty 9.0.4 -> 9.1.2: WebServlet not loading any more", "Spring 3.1 and Servlet API 3.0. How to use @WebServlet annotation", "I don't want to use @WebServlet in my servlet in Eclipse" ]
Dynamically loading plugin jars using ServiceLoader
[ "How to customize where ServiceLoader looks for Plugin Jars" ]
[ "ServiceLoader using ClassLoader pointing to different path", "does java.util.ServiceLoader load only a single instance of a service", "How does Java ServiceLoader work during development time? (Unit test before building JARs?)", "Where to put ServiceLoader config file in a web app", "Java 9 dependency issues regarding serviceloader", "Loading generic service implementations via java.util.ServiceLoader", "ServiceLoader to find implementations of an interface", "Java ServiceLoader: no error, but also no implementations found", "ServiceLoader + EJB injection", "How to make Java serviceLoader of a external library work", "Testing ServiceLoader in Eclipse Plugins", "ServiceLoader doesn't load implementation", "what is best pattern to apply while loading jars dynamically", "Unit test ServiceLoader", "how java.util.ServiceLoader works?", "ServiceLoader in Android \"Couldn't instantiate class\"", "Using ServiceLoader within an annotation processor", "Java SPI - ServiceLoader - adding multiple JAR's to APP classpath", "How to make the java ServiceLoader work in a NetBeans 6.9 module application", "In Java, how can I mock a service loaded using ServiceLoader?", "ServiceLoader double iterator issues", "Java ServiceLoader explanation", "ServiceLoader with maven, when dependency not given in the pom", "Using Java ServiceLoader results NoSuchElementException error", "ServiceLoader.next causing a NoClassDefFoundError", "Dynamically loading jars from remote location", "Is something similar to ServiceLoader in Java 1.5?", "What else can be used in Java as the ServiceLoader alternative?", "When to use ServiceLoader over something like OSGi" ]
Generic method inside interface
[ "How implement an interface Generic Method" ]
[ "Implement a generic interface", "Java 1.6: Pass generic interface to generic class", "Why can't a Java Generic implement an Interface?", "generic method in interface", "Generic Type from Interface with Generic Type in Implementation", "Using a generic interface as a return type in java", "Java interface generic type", "Get generic interface class object", "Generic type in interface method Java", "Using a generic interface inside another generic interface", "How to return the generic type of an object inside generic class?", "Issue with Generic interface", "generic interface: list of something specific", "Why should declear type when use generic interface?", "How to return generic type in a method interface", "Problem with Java generic interface", "getting generic interface in java", "Generic java interface", "Generic interface with a method that return a list", "Java Generic Interface Return Type", "How to use generic in interface in this case?", "Generic method with return type from interface", "How to make return type generic in interface?", "Generic interface - Java", "Correct way to do a generic interface method?", "Using class method inside generic function", "Array of Generic Interface", "Generic Interface", "Generic interface error" ]
How to parse a cookie string
[ "How to parse the 'Cookie' header into `javax.servlet.http.Cookie` with Spring?" ]
[ "SameSite cookie in Java application", "SetSecure to true for a Cookie", "How get only value cookie", "Why is my cookie value not set?", "How to store cookie Android like in Java?", "Get cookie value in java", "How to use value of a cookie in html code?", "Cookie values are coming up as cookie name in Java Spring?", "Why getting cookie back for HttpHead method?", "Java: Is there a simple way to get cookie by name?", "How to remove a cookie", "java url connection set cookie", "Cookie not being read", "Cookie gives an error with date", "Is it possible to get the cookie value over the application?", "Can't get Set-Cookie property in Java", "Delete a cookie by its value", "Cookie Java Project", "Get cookie value in jsp", "how to parse raw cookie", "Java web start application failed to retrieve cookie value of Set-Cookie", "set cookie in java", "What is the return type of a cookie?", "Cookie issue, old cookie remains when making request", "Java http cookie", "Creating a new cookie in Android", "Parse Regex in Cookie Response", "way to delete cookie", "Get JSON with Cookie Android" ]
How to make Hibernate ignore a method?
[ "Make hibernate ignore class variables that are not mapped" ]
[ "Hibernate setParamater a class", "Hibernate mapping: ignore a super class field", "Hibernate mapping order-by ignore case", "Hibernate or 'Do-It-Yourself\"?", "findByCriteria in hibernate", "user input ignore case", "Why would Hibernate ignore package-info.java?", "Hibernate TypeResolver", "how to ignore a value in a text?", "Java Hibernate: How to?", "What is transaction.commit() in Hibernate?", "How o create an INSERT IGNORE query in Hibernate?", "UnknownServiceException from hibernate", "Java and Hibernate, how to", "How to ignore \"--\" but not \"-\"", "How do I get Hibernate to ignore subclasses?", "Hibernate CriteriaBuiler .or()", "Hibernate pluralization", "Hibernate HttpMessageNotWritableException", "Is it possible to ignore an exception?", "Hibernate NoCacheRegionFactoryAvailableException", "Hibernate : object.org.hibernate.MappingException", "Make Hibernate ignore fields on certain HTTP requests", "Hibernate LockModes/LockOptions", "Performasure and hibernate", "Include JAR in project but ignore Hibernate configuration files", "Hibernate ignore field on certain condition", "Ignore a java class file", "hibernate deproxy" ]
Get Enum Instance from Class<? extends Enum> using String value?
[ "Getting Enum from an integer having a Class<? extends Enum> object" ]
[ "Using enum as a class in java", "Get enum values from Enum object", "Java enum: Return value other than String", "Why do I have to create an instance of an enum in Java?", "INSTANCE in a Java Enum", "Should I be using enum here?", "Why instance field of 'enum' is 'enum' in java?", "How do I get an enum value from a string?", "How to extends Enum in Java?", "how to print all enum value in java?", "how to get the ENUM from the string value - JAVA", "enum with string and list?", "Method Enum isBigger()", "enum class in java", "What is a Java enum?", "Use of enum with INSTANCE", "How to get value from a Java enum", "object is to class as enum is to ...?", "Class Enum java", "How to get a value from enum?", "Java enum class", "What is \"enum\"?", "Get Enum instance", "Java Enum List from Class", "get stylable enum name from value", "How to get an Enum using its value", "Error enum java", "Java String to enum", "get enum name from enum value" ]
Grizzly Standalone Logging
[ "grizzly does not log Exceptions in requests" ]
[ "Access log is empty with Grizzly server and Jersey", "Use Grizzly as a web service engine", "Using Jersey with Grizzly", "Loading a Grizzly/Jersey server in a JAR", "Grizzly Server 500 RESPONSE when returning JSON", "Basic Authentication for Grizzly Server", "SSL with Grizzly and Jersey", "ConnectionLimit in Grizzly HttpServer", "Is there a way to remove a header in Grizzly server?", "How to set default index page in Grizzly", "Grizzly web server with domain", "Grizzly server exception", "Grizzly Jersey - Only @Path(\"/\") works", "maven dependency conflicts with grizzly-websockets and grizzly-http-servlet", "How to use jersey with Grizzly 2.3", "Basic Authentication at Grizzly Server", "Running Jersey on Grizzly on Linux and Windows", "Grizzly 1.9.x vs Grizzly 2.3.x", "Problems trying to add a filter to a Grizzly+Jersey app", "Serve the index.html page at root in grizzly", "How to set session timeout with Grizzly 2.2.X?", "Grizzly Server with static content and REST resource", "Grizzly and Jersey standalone jar", "Grizzly server index page not working", "Deploy war file in a grizzly server", "Configure session cookie name in Grizzly", "How to add JerseyJaxrsConfig class to grizzly as servlet", "Running Jersey with Grizzly", "Grizzly and ServletContainerContext" ]
using dll library in android application
[ "How to import .dll to Android java project (working with eclipse)" ]
[ "Convert static windows library to dll", "Call C# dll from a Java Application", "C# dll method call from Java", "Using DLL's written in C# from Java", "Check if a dll library is already loaded? (Java)", "using functions in dll, in java", "C++ DLL to be used in C# or Java", "how to call DLL from java?", "Java create .dll file", "Can I used a dll file in JAVA?", "call c++ dll from java", "Is it possible to use Java to create dll?", "How can I get the path of a given dll in java?", "JAVA library path INPUT/OUTPUT for DLL", "Calling C++ dll from Java", "Setting library path for dll which is in jar file", "How to import DLL into the JAVA project in Eclipse?", "Can I use dll files in android application?", "how to use .dll files in java code?", "how to call methods from a c# dll in java?", "dll extration from a jar file", "Java I/O using inpout32.dll", "Access C# method in DLL from Java", "Problems with using a dll in a JNI-created dll", "call DLL library method/function from Java code", "Creating objects of a Class in a dll in Java", "Where does the JVM.dll search for dependent dll's", "PDCurses.dll file", "Call dll (C++ library) methods from Java" ]
Why is UncaughtExceptionHandler not called by ExecutorService?
[ "Choose between ExecutorService's submit and ExecutorService's execute" ]
[ "Why is Guice throwing $ComputationException from UncaughtExceptionHandler in main?", "UncaughtExceptionHandler changes exception message", "Do errors thrown within UncaughtExceptionHandler get swallowed?", "How Executorservice works in java?", "How to use an UncaughtExceptionHandler in Servlets", "Thread.interrupt is not called when using ExecutorService", "ListenableFutureTask / ExecutorService", "Using UncaughtExceptionHandler effectively", "Any difference between ExecutorService.submit and ExecutorService.execute?", "ExecutorService where to store", "How can there be a dot(.) in interfaces like Thread.UncaughtExceptionHandler or Map.Entry?", "UncaughtExceptionHandler not catching exception", "Is there anything wrong with my ExecutorService code?", "Should I use ExecutorService?", "ExecutorService for Do-While Loop in Java", "Escape instance of in UncaughtExceptionHandler", "Java: ExecutorService error", "UncaughtExceptionHandler behaves unexpectedly, then freezes", "Defining one global UncaughtExceptionHandler for all threads of my application", "ExecutorService: the output is not expected", "Default UncaughtExceptionHandler not being called from nested thread", "What happens if you throw an Exception from inside UncaughtExceptionHandler?", "osx maven running tests Exception: java.lang.OutOfMemoryError thrown from the UncaughtExceptionHandler in thread \"main\"", "Implement UncaughtExceptionHandler in Java 1.3", "Maven exec:java and UncaughtExceptionHandler", "Java UncaughtExceptionHandler haven't got any exception using JNI", "How to set UncaughtExceptionHandler for a thread group", "How to use return value from ExecutorService", "Attach UncaughtExceptionHandler to a TimerTask" ]
How can you pass data from a Filter to the endpoint in Jersey
[ "Jersey: Pass value from ContainerRequestFilter to endpoint" ]
[ "Intercept jersey endpoint methods", "What am I doing wrong in this jersey Java class?", "JsonParseExceptionMapper not called by Jersey", "java jersey build a login/password consuming endpoint", "What is a Jersey Filter?", "How to ChunkOutput using Jersey 1?", "Jersey error JAXBStringReaderProviders$RootElementProvider", "404 when calling Jersey 2 REST endpoint on Glassfish", "jersey. why doesn't parameter pass?", "Jersey with Java 5", "Jersey: get URL of a method", "Why my simple filter in Jersey doesn't work?", "Jersey: Is it possible to override return type of Jersey filter()?", "In jersey 2.x filter implementation does not work?", "Jersey GET endpoint not allowing multiple GET params", "ChunkedInput not working in jersey", "Can't import jersey in Java", "Jersey LoggingFeature Without MaxEntitySize", "Return an array with jersey", "How to send the list of entities from the jersey service endpoint?", "Add name to array using jersey", "Which Jersey version should I use?", "Sending a stream of documents to a Jersey @POST endpoint", "Jersey endpoint not found", "Integrating both spring mvc and Jersey, getting a null pointer when viewing a jersey endpoint", "Jersey Response Filter", "Jersey Exception", "Thread in Jersey 2", "ConstraintAnnotations of jersey 2 don't work" ]
Multiply table insert using JDBC
[ "How to get the insert ID in JDBC?" ]
[ "Multiply a string in Java", "Dynamically insert data in the table using JDBC", "Multiply percantage values", "JDBC INSERT not working", "Insert or update table using JDBC", "How to multiply in Java", "Java JDBC batchExecute insert", "JDBC insert error", "Multiple insert in a loop in jdbc", "Why can't I multiply an object?", "Multiply array by java", "Java Jdbc Insert", "how can I insert data with thread in jdbc?", "Multiply strings?", "INSERT SELECT JAVA JDBC", "Simple Java Insert using JDBC", "Insert multiple data (List) in MyQSL using JDBC", "Multiply an int in Java by itself", "JDBC Code Won't Create Table", "Why do we multiply 2 inside the for loop?", "how to insert array in table using JDBC insert", "Java multiply value from a List and Map", "How to multiply String in java", "JDBC program to select data from one table and insert into another table in different db", "Java: loop and multiply", "Java doesn't know how to multiply? What?", "Spring insert using jdbc", "Multiply each number in an array by n - java", "Can not insert into a table using JDBC" ]
@RolesAllowed cannot be resolved with Jersey
[ "How do I get the @RolesAllowed annotation to work for my Web application?" ]
[ "Apply @RolesAllowed annotations to existing users stored in database", "Java Jersey cannot find resoruce", "MessageEvent cannot be resolved", "SpringUtilities cannot be resolved", "cannot be resolved", "The import org.eclipse.ui.internal.ShowViewAction cannot be resolved", "Using @RolesAllowed to filter entity properties with RESTEasy and Jackson", "JAX-RS (Jersey 2) security, @PermitAll and @RolesAllowed not working as expected", "@RolesAllowed has no effect on my RESTful Service", "Java jersey RestService ignoring @RolesAllowed", "The import org.apache.olingo.commons.api.format.ODataFormat cannot be resolved", "Java: file cannot be resolved", "EnableTwitter and EnableFacebook cannot be resolved", "How to invoke a @RolesAllowed protected method from an EJB Timer?", "Difference between @Secured vs @RolesAllowed in Spring? And the concept of Role Based Security?", "The import org.apache.commons.lang3 cannot be resolved", "Import XXX cannot be resolved for Java SE standard classes", "Spring, @RolesAllowed and database to secure pages", "Jersey declarative linking permissions using RolesAllowed", "Servlet 3.0 AsyncContext and EJB @RolesAllowed in JBoss", "@RolesAllowed is not working with custom SecurityContext in Jersey?", "TIntProcedure cannot be resolved", "the import com.google.gms.drive.internal.r cannot be resolved", "@RolesAllowed doesn't work", "Combining @Context and @RolesAllowed in a JAX-RS resource?", "CalEventServiceUtil cannot be resolved", "The import com.google.android.gms.common.GooglePlayServicesAvailabilityException cannot be resolved", "Use Enum type as a value parameter for @RolesAllowed-Annotation", "Using @RolesAllowed on Controller and getting \"object is not an instance of declaring class\"" ]
Which Swing layout(s) do you recommend?
[ "What's the most common used layout in Swing?" ]
[ "Java Swing Layout", "Which java swing layout should I use", "Swing Layout Ideas", "need help on java swing layout", "Swing layout problem", "How I can do swing complex layout Java", "Java Swing Custom Layout Issue", "Java swing layout problems", "Java Swing layout issue", "Custom Swing layout", "Java - What Swing layout should i use?", "Custom Layout Swing Application", "Java swing layout doesn't do what I'm trying to", "Java Swing, how to change the layout after a Next button", "How would I do this layout in Java swing?", "Best swing's layout solution in java", "Create a simple console with swing layout", "Java swing layout", "Explain which layout to be used when in swing", "Which Swing layout manager should I use?", "Java Swing Layout block", "How can I create the following layout in Swing?", "Java Swing UI Layout", "Using null layout in Java Swing", "Layout using Java Swing", "How to make this layout with Java swing?", "Simple layout - java swing", "Variable Layout in Swing", "How to make this GUI layout in Swing" ]
Bidirectional binding with ObjectBinding in JavaFX
[ "Custom bidirectional bindings in JavaFX" ]
[ "JavaFX bidirectional binding not working with the control becoming not editable", "javafx: How can I format a double property for binding?", "Multiple Boolean Binding in JavaFX", "Java EE - One to many bidirectional", "Is this a bidirectional one-to-many relationship?", "JavaFX: adapter, ObjectProperty and bidirectional binding", "Binding in JavaFX 2.0", "Bidirectional Many to One Mapping", "JavaFx 8 Bidirectional binding", "How to create custom binding types in JavaFx", "Copy object with bidirectional relationship", "Binding to javafx properties of a object that can be null", "JavaFX Property Binding", "Hibernate bidirectional parent/child problem", "JavaFX: Bind List<A> bidirectional to List<B> throws StackOverflowError", "Bidirectional mapping done right?", "Java: Many-to-one bidirectional lookup", "jpa hibernate one-to-many bidirectional", "JavaFX binding Label with int value", "[JavaFx ]What is wrong with this binding?", "How to save bidirectional maps in a database?", "Bidirectional mapping in hibernate", "Is there a bidirectional function in Guava?", "JavaFX: Bidirectional Binding does not update TextField", "JavaFX Binding to Nested Column", "Label Binding Exception in Javafx", "Bidirectional cascade", "Binding Image in Javafx", "Javafx bidirectional binding SimpleDoubleProperty SimpleStringProperty Array out of bounds" ]
new ObjectInputStream() blocks
[ "Socket ObjectOutpuStream ObjectInputStream" ]
[ "Java objectInputStream back to java class", "Java ObjectInputStream reading from different Application", "Android convert string to ObjectInputStream", "ObjectInputStream read Array", "Unable to Create ObjectInputStream Object", "Cannot get ObjectInputStream to work", "Java:ObjectInputStream returns same Object", "ObjectInputStream", "objectinputstream available() returns 0", "ObjectInputStream instance of", "Java ObjectInputStream: How to check for new data?", "ObjectInputStream and Binary Data", "Java ObjectInputStream Won't Read Object?", "get the ObjectInputStream to see the different objects", "Java ObjectInputStream (server\\client)", "Exception with ObjectInputStream", "Java Creating a new ObjectInputStream Blocks", "Java: ObjectInputStream", "Java: can´t get ObjectInputStream from socket", "java socket ObjectInputStream", "ObjectInputStream exception", "ObjectInputStream - How to wait for new data?", "ObjectInputStream not working", "Java: Reading from ObjectInputStream", "Client - Server ObjectInputStream Error", "Java: ObjectInputStream + Socket", "ObjectInputStream haults program", "ObjectInputStream Not Reading More Than Once", "Java Socket - ObjectInputStream" ]
A range intersection algorithm better than O(n)?
[ "Java algorithm for find intersection between intervals" ]
[ "Difference between intersection algorithm and Rectangle.intersects(Rectangle r)", "Intersection of two strings in Java", "Path intersection in android", "java package com.google.common.collect.Range< LocalDate > intersection returns a wrong intersection", "Intersection of two string array list in java", "Algorithm to check intersection between two objects", "Java, find intersection of two arrays", "How to get intersection by a value in java for a list of Objects?", "Find intersection of two arrays", "Error in the return of the intersection points", "Checking whether intersection of two lists is valid, returning intersection itself not necessary", "List Intersection", "Line-Triangle Intersection Check Returns Wrong Intersection Point", "Intersection of Two Arrays", "intersection of p", "Error with Intersection of two sets in Java", "Why is this line intersection code not working?", "How to speed up array intersection in Java?", "Intersection between two arrays", "Intersection of all N sets in Java", "Java find intersection of two lines", "JSON files fields intersection in JAVA", "Efficient intersection of two List<String> in Java?", "How do I get the intersection between two arrays as a new array?", "Java: Find possible intersection", "List intersection in java", "Algorithm: Regex character intersection", "Java - check intersection of two strings", "Intersection of list of lists java" ]
How to align image to center of table cell (SWT Table)
[ "How to align image to center of table cell (SWT Table) RAP Platform" ]
[ "Can not see table items in SWT Table", "How to add a tooltip for TableViewer cell's in Java SWT", "Center align image in ImageView - Android", "How to set a value in a cell of the table in a GridControl with OpenSwing", "Set width of SWT Table Column", "align text center with android", "How can I sort a table by column in SWT", "How to add image on the right side of the table column and table cell using SWT in java", "Quick find for an SWT Table", "How to right-align text in a SWT Table cell?", "SWT: How to right align items in a toolbar", "How to update data in a specific row in SWT Table", "How can I right align a RichTextString in a cell?", "How to center align background image in JPanel", "How do I right align the check box in my Java SWT application", "How to display the row number in a SWT Table", "SWT Table don't see items from other columns", "Why does this piece of code make text center align?", "Align an image in a SWT TableViewer", "Width of a column in SWT Table", "How to create a cell with a button using SWT?", "SWT Image to/from String", "How to find index of SWT table column?", "Add selectListener to table in SWT", "SWT - show multiple table items", "Simple Example of a Table in SWT", "Align different elements to the center - Android", "swt table has limitation on text length in a cell?", "Align the center of an image to the bottom of the screen" ]
Load classes from a jar file from a url to memory and then run the main class out of all the classes
[ "How to load classes from jar file in-memory stream" ]
[ "Create Classes from File with a Jar", "Java Class classes", "Error when load JAR file classes at run time", "Two classes in the same file", "Import classes In Java", "How to run classes inside Jar file?", "No main classes found", "Java classes problem", "Jar file couldn't load or find main class", "Import classes with the same name", "add data in in-memory database using Java Classes?", "How to print out the value through classes?", "List of Classes in Java", "How to make a .jar file with multiple classes?", "Deport classes in java?", "Classes in Java", "Java using classes from jar", "How to load classes from jar file in correct order", "java Load classes from string", "How to load Classes at runtime from a folder or JAR?", "Java 2 classes in one class?", "Why don't I have to import some classes?", "Get Classes from File", "Using Classes in Java", "How to load all classes of a jar file at runtime?", "How to use classes from .jar files?", "Find classes within Jar", "no main classes not found" ]
How to setup Main class in manifest file in jar produced by NetBeans project
[ "Netbeans Maven Project Not adding Main Class to Manifest" ]
[ "No Main Manifest Attribute in ----.jar Netbeans", "I can't add epubcheck jar to my code in netbeans", "Can't use class from jar in netbeans", "Need some help to create .jar file using NetBeans", "Run java jar - no main manifest attribute error", "Using Java to read a .jar manifest file", "import .java file to Java project in Netbeans", "how to create jar file in netbeans", "Java can't execute jar file no main manifest attribute", "no main manifest attribute (But I have the manifest file in the jar)", "How do I modify my manifest file in NetBeans?", "Why executable jar file produced from netbeans doesn't work as I run project from Netbeans itslef?", "Java jar - no main manifest attribute", "Too long line in manifest file while trying to create jar", "Running .JAR file from java code (netbeans)", "How to run a class from Jar which is not the Main-Class in its Manifest file", "Export project as jar file using manifest", "Netbeans and Java. Import jar and use main method inside it", "How Can I import a project in Netbeans?", "Java manifest file", "Manifest attribute for java jar", "Netbeans: \"main\" class in java project", "How to add a JAR in NetBeans", "Jar file don't works like in NetBeans", "MANIFEST issue - JAR package", "Create a manifest file without a .jar file", "Netbeans java creating jar", "Reading my own Jar's Manifest", "How to make exexutable file from netbeans project?" ]
Java's WeakHashMap and caching: Why is it referencing the keys, not the values?
[ "When would you use a WeakHashMap or a WeakReference?" ]
[ "WeakHashMap vs HashMap", "What is a WeakHashMap and when to use it?", "WeakHashMap with weakly referenced values instead of keys", "Java WeakHashMap with multiple keys?", "WeakHashMap and strongly referenced value", "WeakHashMap - what is its purpose and how should it be used correctly", "WeakHashMap with types like Long, Int or String", "Usage of WeakHashMap?", "Why is WeakReferenced object not removed by WeakHashMap", "How to effectively use a String as a WeakHashMap key in Java, or an alternative solution", "WeakHashMap example", "Java Can I guarantee that WeakHashMap entry will not disappear after check", "WeakHashMap doesn't remove obsolete entries", "Are keySet entries of a WeakHashMap never null?", "Is there java.util.concurrent equivalent for WeakHashMap?", "WeakHashMap iteration and garbage collection", "What is the reasoning behind the double call to WeakHashMap.put( .. )?", "Why WeakHashMap holds strong reference to value after GC?", "How to typecast a HashMap to a WeakHashMap?", "@Caching With Multiple Keys", "Set equivalent of WeakHashMap?", "Java : how does weakhashmap determine if the key is 'obsolete' or not?", "Java WeakHashMap Class", "Are WeakHashMap cleared during a full GC?", "WeakHashMap or HashMap?", "Recreate the same key on WeakHashMap", "Reduce Memory Usage With WeakHashMap", "new to java - relationship between new String() and weakHashMap", "Java WeakHashMap reference not being updated" ]
Update a java thread's stack size at runtime
[ "How can I change the stack size (of a thread) in my Android Application?" ]
[ "Difference between \"call stack\" and \"thread stack\"", "Runtime error - Java", "Stack using stack in java", "Stack Memory during Runtime", "How to use Runtime", "Change stack size at runtime", "What is the default stack size, can it grow, how does it work with garbage collection?", "Xss set thread stack size for 1 thread, what is the limitation for all thread's stack size", "Java get runtime class of this?", "is my code a stack?", "Problem with Runtime", "Java stack class", "Java create list at runtime", "Java Runtime Error", "How can I write a Java application that can update itself at runtime?", "SwitchCompat setTextOn() and setTextOff() doesn't work on runtime", "How to set java.net.preferIPv4Stack=true at runtime?", "Can a Java class add a method to itself at runtime?", "What is a \"runtime class\" in Java?", "class at runtime", "Java, drawing the runtime stack", "Runtime error Java", "Update Java code during runtime", "Stack Oveflow error", "How to know db size at runtime", "How to set stack size of main Thread", "create a stack in java", "Java - Runtime.xmemory()", "Thread Stack Size Not Matching Native Memory Tracking Thread Stack Size" ]
org.hibernate.loader.MultipleBagFetchException: cannot simultaneously fetch multiple bags
[ "Hibernate cannot simultaneously fetch multiple bags" ]
[ "Java make thread start simultaneously", "Cannot fetch multiple bags: why @IndexColumn returns wrong results?", "How can I call methods simultaneously in Java?", "Work on application and library simultaneously?", "Fetching multiple bags efficiently", "Read and Writing to a file simultaneously in java", "Java For Loop Multiple Lists Simultaneously", "class loader", "Run two classes simultaneously", "org.hibernate.QueryTimeoutException:", "org.hibernate.ResourceClosedException", "Iteration through data structures(queue, stacks, bags)", "How to run java 6 and java 7 simultaneously", "interface org.hibernate.engine.jdbc.WrappedBlob is not visible from class loader", "Running multiple Asyntasks simultaneously", "I cannot get One-to-one relationship and inheritance to work simultaneously in Hibernate", "Hibernate @Any could't fetch the object", "Hibernate - multiple many to many associations - cannot simultaneously fetch multiple bags", "How to make a file loader in java", "org.hibernate.PropertyValueException", "Hibernate: fetching objects collections without multiple bags", "Hibernate : org.hibernate.loader.MultipleBagFetchException: cannot simultaneously fetch multiple bags", "How to call a method simultaneously from multiple threads?", "what class loader is used?", "how to fetch data from database in Hibernate", "Algorithm design: inserting bags into containers with a limited size", "How to fetch data from multiple table query using hibernate?", "Can a thread run two method simultaneously?", "Which Class Loader should I use?" ]
Binding a list in @RequestParam
[ "Using @RequestParam for multiple POST-Parameters" ]
[ "Can I use @Requestparam annotation for a Post request?", "Requestparam is getting incorrect values", "Custom @RequestParam type handler", "JSON posted with @RequestParam", "Get Spring @RequestParam in ajax request", "Getting \"null\" value from bean when using @RequestParam", "How to pass the symbol & in @RequestParam?", "getting an error in sending a value to RequestParam from JSP file", "can we get id=\"CodeTxt\" using @RequestParam(\"custCode\")", "Binding a list in @RequestParam includes square brackets", "How to deal with the @RequestParam(required=true) better", "@RequestParam annotation", "How to map @RequestParam to object?", "JSON object and Spring @RequestParam", "Get value from @RequestParam without specified name", "Java spring @RequestParam JSP", "Spring @RequestParam with class", "Spring File Upload with RequestParam", "Spring @RequestParam Date Formatting", "@RequestParam array mapping issues", "List of Objects as RequestParam in Spring MVC", "@RequestParam is null (Spring MVC)", "@requestparam spring always is null", "Spring's @RequestParam with Enum", "Java Spring RequestParam is null", "Spring default value of RequestParam equal to a method call", "Can we validate @RequestParam value with a pattern", "How to get Map<String, String[]> data with @RequestParam in controller?", "How does Spring MVC convert @RequestParam values?" ]
Android abstract parcelable class
[ "Parcelable and inheritance in Android", "Abstract class as parcelable" ]
[ "How to implement the write & read in Parcelable Class", "Help with creating a Parcelable class", "When to use parcelable in android?", "How does Parcelable work?", "How to use Parcelable in Java Code", "Unable to read a parcelable object within another parcelable object", "Android: How to save an instance of parcelable object?", "Nested Class Parcelable", "How to implement Parcelable for an Arraylist of Object which does not implement parcelable?", "how to properly implement Parcelable with an ArrayList<Parcelable>?", "Using Parcelable model classes outside Android, with a Parcelable wrapper", "Writing a List to Parcelable?", "Parcelable class with exception as attribute (Android)", "Android: How to implement Parcelable to my objects?", "How should I use Parcelable for abstract classes?", "Android Parcelable Takes Up More Memory", "Android: Object.list is empty after passing it as parcelable", "Parcelable List that contains a custom object", "Issues with parcelable array class in Android", "How to check if Parcelable is NULL", "Implement Parcelable", "Parcelable of Custom Classes", "Creating parcelable class", "Android: Parcelable returns nothing", "Arraylist in parcelable object", "Android Parcelable Arraylist", "Android Parcelable List<String[]>", "Android Parcelable trouble" ]
Is there any way for DBUnit to automatically create tables?
[ "DBUnit setup method not called?" ]
[ "DbUnit and recursive entity", "Wrong table count in DbUnit + springtestdbunit", "Reading Excel Using DBUnit", "how to customizely replace dbunit's dataset Object", "Reset sequence in DBUnit?", "NoSuchTableException being thrown from dbunit test cases", "Using DbUnit with tables which do not have primary keys", "Is there a DbUnit alternative that works with MongoDB?", "DBunit - DbAssertionFailedError", "Error using DBunit to export a DB \"java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/dbunit/database/IDatabaseConnection\"", "DBUnit and SQL Server getting a socket closed", "How to test for not null value result in dbunit", "DBUnit : NoSuchTableException caught", "NoPrimaryKeyException from DBUnit when loading a dataset into a database", "DBUnit ignores xml element", "Dbunit throws NullPointerException for onSetup()", "Spring Test DBunit Warning", "DbUnit - Warning: AbstractTableMetaData", "Ignore columns in ExpectedDataSet (dbunit)", "Getting started with DBUnit", "Expoting Dataset to a xml file giving error in DBunit", "Integration testing - Hibernate & DbUnit", "org.dbunit.dataset.NoSuchColumnException", "Getting DbUnit to Work with Hibernate Transaction", "Simple dbunit table comparison fails", "DBUnit : Setting properties from maven", "IDataSet manipulation in DBunit", "Question about DBUNIT and Junit", "Oracle + dbunit gets AmbiguousTableNameException" ]
Use REST API support in local development environment for Hyperledger Fabric V1.0
[ "Issue while using fabric client java sdk (since there is no Rest API support) in local development environment for Hyperledher Fabric V1.0" ]
[ "How to get list of followers using Twitter Fabric Android?", "How to do Java web development without a local environment", "REST API Parse.com Java", "Can I use Python for Android development?", "Deploying Java service fabric application on windows cluster fails - no jFabricRuntime", "Unable to get the list of followers in twitter using Fabric Android", "How to create android studio library with fabric sdk?", "Development under Android", "Azure Service Fabric Java SSL/HTTPS server", "Rest API Example", "Twitter fabric, get user's name", "Android: \"400 bad request\" error when trying to tweet with media using Fabric and Twitter REST API", "How do you run the fabric-java-sdk 1.0.1 end to end test?", "MicroService path /api/v1/ or /v1/api/", "Get Tweets with Fabric", "Call rest API from java rest API", "What is the best way to support both google map apis (v1 and v2)?", "How to send Twitter Fabric Session from Activity to Another Activity?", "What framework + application server + development environment to use for Java services?", "Android Twitter login not working with Fabric SDK - Callback must not be null", "Hyperledger Fabric V1.0", "show timeline of twitter using fabric : Must Initialize Fabric before using singleton()", "Why did Java not support generics from v1.0?", "Rest api development", "REST API for Java?", "How to set Hibernate Configuration properties to connect to Mysql using Fabric driver", "REST/XML Api with Java", "Java EE 5 Development Environment", "What's your development environment for JBoss 5?" ]
Default value of boolean and Boolean in Java
[ "Is Java's default value for Boolean 'true'?" ]
[ "When should I use Boolean instead of boolean?", "Convert Boolean to boolean (java)", "Java boolean isSymmetric", "My method can't return boolean", "How to return a boolean method in java?", "How to create boolean method?", "Error Using the boolean", "How to return an error in a Boolean method?", "IsFlush boolean", "How do I return boolean in Java?", "Default Boolean value in Java", "How do I call a InventoryClickEvent in a boolean?", "Method to return boolean when LeftMouseIsDown", "String object to Boolean", "String Boolean error java", "do-while error boolean?", "java boolean method", "Using Value of 1 for boolean in Java", "Boolean \"!\" Java", "How to create an ObservableBooleanValue from a boolean value", "Using Boolean in Java", "How to print a boolean value?", "set a boolean value", "boolean.class?", "Boolean and Method", "Java boolean method return", "&& won't work in a boolean method", "Need boolean value isTouched()", "How do I print out the value of this boolean? (Java)" ]
Contradictory explanations of MVC in JSF
[ "What components are MVC in JSF MVC framework?", "Understanding JSF as a MVC framework" ]
[ "Available JSF MVC components", "Need explanations on how this code processes Arraylist values", "Java Regex won't match, any explanations?", "JSF: make A.jsf a default page to go to when type mydomain.com", "How to set a variable in JSF?", "How do I set the value of HtmlOutputTag in JSF?", "Can I use JSF 2.0 annotations in a JSF 1.2 application?", "JPA where can I found some basic explanations", "how to set dynamic variable and pass it to JSF like spring mvc?", "JSF with Spring Controllors", "Constructing a jagged array in Java and hitting two contradictory errors", "JSF - UISelectItems problem", "Class found in a Java application but not in JSF?", "Spring MVC vs JSF", "Create XML with JSF", "JSF 2.0 Problem", "JSF download file returns index.jsf", "Why do i have this error on JSF page?", "JSF FacesTagExtraInfo class not in JSF 1.2 v", "Type Erasure in Java contradictory: how does the compiled class file ensures type checking?", "JSF 1.0 vs JSF 2.0", "C for each of jsf is not working . JSF", "Are getters and setters poor design? Contradictory advice seen", "JSF 2 can't find my xhml files", "How to implement contradictory interfaces", "Two contradictory errors about Type mismatch in Java?", "JSF selectManyCheckboxes doesn't work", "How to run a JSF 2.0 application on JavaEE5?" ]
Is that a right way of using interface callback?
[ "What is callback in Android?" ]
[ "Java using interface as a callback", "Android:Method Callback is not working", "Why interface can be used to get callback on java?", "Append String to file with Callback", "Java callback function on every class method", "Callback with java 8", "How can i use callback method on my java code?", "Creating a callback on a class method", "Getting data to callback method", "How can class.this in a callback can be null?", "on click interface callback gives null in Android", "Android Callback Error", "Should an interface contain its own callback class?", "Callback function on Android", "How to create a callback in Java", "How to pass Object Context to a callback interface in Java", "Java interface and callback method", "How to test a function with a callback?", "How can I call a class variable from a callback function?", "Java simple callback", "Java, using an interface as a callback", "What is a callback in java", "return String from a callback - Java", "Java Interface Callback on Android", "How to register and reference callback interface?", "Android: how to use callback on Crouton onDisplayed()", "How can I get the Object value from a callback interface?", "Android LocationServices - how to test onConnectionSuspended callback", "Interface callback method not called" ]
How to know when a CompletionService is finished delivering results?
[ "When should I use a CompletionService over an ExecutorService?" ]
[ "LDAP is not delivering results", "Akka Remote - Messages are not delivering (Java)", "How do I cancel that tasks that are taking too long using CompletionService", "How can I implement or find the equivalent of a thread-safe CompletionService?", "Message not delivering to Client in Java", "How can I shutdown CompletionService", "Embedded Jetty is not delivering my web app", "Necessary component while delivering the Ant based Java Project", "QuickSort in Java not delivering sorted results", "Delivering a large String Array as a VarChar2 into SQL", "Best factory pattern for delivering app data object based on application type in http header", "Processing a large number of tasks with CompletionService", "realtime output of finished threads in multithreading program (CompletionService)", "Delivering a Java application with SQL Server 2008 database", "completionservice: how to kill all threads and return result through 5 seconds?", "Delivering json content to different browser types using restlet", "netty.io delivering static web content", "CompletionService - submit() does not block to ensure all threads are created", "javax.websocket - timeout for delivering message", "CompletionService.take().isDone() always true?", "Enforce executorService.awaitTermination while using CompletionService", "How to shutdown CompletionService after completing currently executed tasks", "Need help debugging: Failure delivering result - java.lang.NullPointerException", "invokeAll vs CompletionService", "Java using ExecutorService,CompletionService,BlockingQueue,and Observer correctly?", "Java random is always delivering a negative trend on the long run?", "Retry policy in CompletionService", "Check cancelled tasks through CompletionService", "Failure Delivering Result Result Info" ]
How to modify the clip string ellipses used by Swing when laying out text components
[ "I don't want JTable to truncate text with ellipses" ]
[ "Painting Ellipses in Java", "Laying out a collection of strings in columns", "Laying out a JTextField as wrappable JLabel - unwelcome behaviour", "javafx gui using ellipses's issues", "Superimposing Swing components", "NullPointer on Clip after Clip was initialized in for loop", "Laying out JPanels to make a simple GUI", "C# - Laying out form as in Java's Swing", "laying out components in GridBagLayout not as expected", "How can I show ellipses on my TextView if it is greater than the 1 line?", "Setting file path using Clip method. Java", "java :clip line not working", "Recursively adding ellipses to a Pane", "JFrame laying out multiple JPanels", "Making an ArrayList containing objects (Ellipses, Rectangles etc.)", "Laying grids above images", "How to split words that are connected with ellipses using Java API", "List of all swing components", "trying to draw a clock with ellipses in Java", "How to clip a line?", "set time interval between repeating audio clip in java when using clip.loop(Clip.LOOP_CONTINUOUSLY);", "Laying out a keyboard in Swing", "Java Clip (Clip.Stop not working)", "Java Swing components", "Which swing components to use", "Fix malformed ellipses in a string", "Box laying out components strangely", "Laying out components cardlayout", "Java - I want to draw multiple 2D Ellipses using a timer, but it's not working" ]
Examples of Java CPU-intensive calculations that can not be optimized
[ "Simulating CPU-intensive Task having fixed amount of work" ]
[ "code for calculations in android", "How can I most efficiently execute this recursive/iterative CPU intensive android task?", "How cpu intensive is opening a socket", "Graphics Intensive Application in Java", "can array access be optimized?", "Android/Java: Time calculations", "Can we speed-up CPU intensive tasks in java?", "Java compute intensive task", "Can I place lot of CPU and IO intensive code in ShutDown Hook", "How to read some number and then use it in calculations", "CPU Intensive Calculation Examples?", "Java Calculations", "Pixels Array Too CPU Intensive", "What is the right data type for calculations in Java", "Writing file in a CPU-intensive program in Java", "I can't get the calculations to work", "Spring Boot Batch: CPU Performance Optimized Example", "How is it better to handle time-consuming / CPU intensive queries?", "Can this regex be further optimized?", "Can this code be optimized any further than this?", "Intensive use of lists in configuration files", "Calculations through user input", "How do I give this CPU-intensive Java application a GUI?", "Which is optimized way?", "Hadoop Java vs C/C++ on cpu-intensive tasks", "How can an EJB parallelize a long, CPU intensive process?", "Does running many IO threads impact performance of a few CPU-intensive threads?", "Program will not do calculations", "best (python) setup for cpu / memory intensive task" ]
How do I add the new currency code to Java?
[ "How do I add a new Currency to java.util.Currency for an existing country code in Java 7?" ]
[ "Formatting currency in Java", "how to convert currency format to double in java", "How to Convert Time in JAVA Swing into currency", "Java Converting long into currency", "How to get currency name by country code?", "Android currency format returning different currency symbol", "Java String.format with currency symbol", "How to format currency value from another class - Java", "Currency code to currency symbol mapping", "Using integers for currency", "Number/Currency Formatting", "What's the most precision you might lose if you use double to convert a currency value to another currency and back?", "How do I create an edit text with currency on left and value on right", "How to use the currency format without the currency symbol or dollar sign", "Java Currency Number format", "Using currency format without currency code", "Formatting currency in String from different locale currency formats", "Currency Parsing in Java", "Format String currency in java", "Java get number or currency format from string", "Java Spring View formatatting currency", "How to handle Currency in Java 8?", "Currency library for Java", "Format currency without currency symbol", "Parsing a currency String in java", "Location of currency symbol for a particular currency in java", "Get number from Text only with currency Java", "How to validate the Currency String in java" ]
JDBC connection pool runs out of connections when Context reload="true" is enabled in Tomcat
[ "Tomcat JDBC connection pool issue: \"Statement is closed\"" ]
[ "Getting Tomcat to reload a web app with a static context", "Where do I have to place the JDBC driver for Tomcat's connection pool?", "Is Hibernate also use connection pool as JDBC?", "How to force re-use of connections in jdbc pool?", "Tomcat 6 fails on context reload", "Tomcat JDBC Connection Pool - Connections stuck on active", "Problems using Tomcat JDBC Connection Pool in Tomcat 7", "Reload class file in tomcat", "Tomcat Context and JDBC... what am I doing wrong?", "Tomcat JDBC connection pool (releasing connection)", "Database Connections from Web Application without connection pool", "Closing JDBC Connections in Pool", "What is wrong with my JDBC connection pool?", "Tomcat jdbc pool doesn't work", "Connection pool in tomcat 7", "How to use Java JDBC connection pool?", "Tomcat JDBC connection pool for different schema", "Few JDBC connections", "JDBC Open 2 Connections at the \"same\" time", "tomcat context exception with jdbc pool", "Attribute (pool-name=\"pool_name_here\") value is not found in list of jdbc connections", "Tomcat JDBC Pool: Too many connections", "What are maven coordinates of Tomcat JDBC Connection Pool?", "tomcat 7 JDBC connection pool - separate pool for each database?", "Why does my Tomcat only open 8 JDBC connections", "Is it necessary to explicitly close connections in Tomcat JDBC pool?", "Tomcat JDBC pool connections all stuck at Socket Read, and no new connection is created", "JDBC Pool for Tomcat 6", "Can I set the password of a JDBC connection from the Connection Pool? (Tomcat 5.5.17)" ]
How to parse XML for <![CDATA[]]>
[ "How can i parse an XML file with HTML tags inside CDATA section?" ]
[ "Java output XML file and CDATA", "CDATA in XML with ]] in the content", "format (pretty print) the content of a xml CDATA value in java", "How to parse element tags present in the CDATA section of any tag in XML using java", "Parse CDATA from XML to enable editing Java", "HTML CDATA issue", "Alternative to CDATA for HTML", "How to unmarshal an XML containing a CDATA section within a CDATA in Java?", "Remove \"error\" mark from web.xml file (CDATA item)", "How to create SOAP request with CDATA", "Handle CDATA in JAXB", "reading cdata with binary data in xml by java", "using CDATA in an xml file for to parsing html data", "How to parse XML file with multi level tags and CDATA by using java?", "Reading CDATA XML in Java", "How define a CDATA type in XSD so user doesn't have to escape characters or use \"<![CDATA\" tag?", "Bug reading CDATA from xml element in Java", "Replace all that match [.*] in ![CDATA[xxx]] without replacing CDATA", "How to send request through SOAP UI with CDATA within CDATA to Java Application?", "how to pass a <![CDATA[(...)]]> String to a XML file?", "<![CDATA[ url ]]>", "java jdbc xml sql condtional with in cdata", "String from Servlet with control characters in XML CDATA", "Retrieve value from CDATA", "Best way to convert xml to have CDATA around text (in java)", "How to parse many XML files (with CDATA) in a folder and import to MySQL using Java batch?", "JSON - is there any XML CDATA equivalent?", "Unable to get data from CDATA in Java", "java adding cdata to xml string" ]
What is the "owning side" in an ORM mapping?
[ "Hibernate bidirectional @ManyToOne, updating the not owning side not working" ]
[ "Are there any advantages to using a getter inside the owning class?", "a.neo4j.mapping.Neo4jPersistentProperty: 73 - Owning ClassInfo is null for field", "JPA - difference in the use of the mappedBy property to define the owning entity", "Java JPA ORM mapping", "Obtain value of a field in an \"owning\" class using reflection", "Inner class modifying owning class's attribute", "JPA QL for selecting non-owning side of ManytoMany relationship?", "How is the \"Owning Side\" of this many-to-many relationship determined?", "Java orm problem", "Hibernate owning entity side with shared primary key", "What does object owning a thread mean?", "How to use ORM in android", "An object owning another object", "ORM from Google", "ORM in the realworld", "Has Spring an ORM, or just use ORM Frameworks?", "Distinguish owning and inverse side of a JPA relationship without \"mappedBy\"", "EJB3 mapped by? whose owning of OR mapping?", "Three-way hibernate ORM mapping - how to?", "How to do Hibernate ORM mapping for a 2D Array", "Find the owning Part of a node element with docx4j", "That IllegalMonitorStateException...thread not owning the object? Can't be, there's only one", "Jackson: Serialization to JSON on Objects using nested Objects, merge child fields into owning class", "What does owning side really mean?", "Hibernate ManyToMany mapping updating the non owning side", "OneToOne mapping to an Entity from multiple owning entities", "JPA: which side should be the owning side in a m:n relationship?", "Java ORM with functions similar to Django's default ORM?", "Owning Side vs Non-Owning Side In hibernate and its usage in reference of mapped by element?" ]
Zoom in and out of images in Java
[ "Zoom an Image after ActionListener" ]
[ "Free Java Swing component to view images with zoom + scroll -> wanted", "can we zoom in zoom out the drawing we draw on the Canvas?", "save zoom image level to file", "Zoom-in and zoom-out of a grid and an Image in swing", "How to zoom properly into a canvas?", "Android - Zoom to the user location and display the map", "how to zoom in and zoom out animation to the image in android", "CameraPosition zoom and target doesn't work in Android 6", "Google Maps API Java Default Zoom", "Google maps zoom level", "How to speed up zoom-in/zoom-out of the image with swing?", "Zoom out an image with java", "Android: Zoom Out/In of a GridLayout", "Abnormal Behaviour of the Zoom In and Zoom Out Functionality of the JFreeChart?", "Android - Image zoom library", "Zoom In/out image on Button Click in Android?", "Where can I find globalOffsetX, globalOffsetY and zoom in class extending new JRGraphics2DExporter?", "Scaling and zoom", "How zoom into a Textbox", "how to zoom image", "Java android ImageView with zoom", "Zoom In and Zoom out using selenium", "JScrollPane setViewPosition After \"Zoom\"", "Zoom in and out of jPanel", "Zoom In and Zoom out functionality on a button click on JfreeChart line graph?", "Zoom in Java Swing application", "Android Google maps Api doesn't uncluster while zoom in", "Zoom in/out the whole page layout", "How to set default zoom value of pdf response in java" ]
Weblogic setting for proxy
[ "Proxy Implementation with WebLogic 11g" ]
[ "weblogic.socket.UnrecoverableConnectException", "Setting Java Heap Space in Weblogic Server", "Where will WebLogic look for files by default?", "Database connection from weblogic", "Issue in weblogic 8.1 with soaphttpsurlconnection", "How to start WebLogic server using Java code", "I want to make weblogic startupclass as singletonservice", "Weblogic error (Application Server)", "weblogic java parameters", "application not working in weblogic", "Weblogic 10 application name", "How to work with Weblogic in Eclipse?", "weblogic sample/example code", "How to change the java version in weblogic 10.3 (10gR3)?", "List all the user in weblogic by java", "Weblogic Config Files - weblogic-application.xml, weblogic.xml, application.xml, web.xml", "How to prefer JARs from Weblogic domain over those from weblogic system", "How to use eclipse with weblogic server", "exception in Weblogic when i run my application?", "where is weblogic.Server class?", "Start java web application under weblogic --> error", "What is weblogic.socket.Muxer?", "Issue while connecting to remote weblogic server over proxy", "How do I access a file with Weblogic?", "System proxy setting, Java", "Restarting Managed Server in weblogic using weblogic API", "Do I have to set hibernate to weblogic?", "Can't debug using eclipse and weblogic 8.1 ( weblogic 10 works fine)", "Class not found Exception from Weblogic 9.2" ]
read file from remote pc where directory contain user name and password authentication
[ "Read remote file in java which needs username and password" ]
[ "Client/server username/password authentication", "How to run a batch file from android to remote PC", "Reading a password from a file for authentication purpose Java", "Number format exception at the remote PC : what could be the reason?", "PCFMessageAgent - Authentication", "Accessing function of remote pc", "user and password authentication", "dokuwiki authentication from java", "How to get password from HTTP basic authentication", "How to get current PC name?", "How to change other user password after authentication of one user", "FirebaseError Exception Email/Password Authentication", "Java and system user authentication", "List Files of Remote Directory", "How to handle, if .class contain password?", "Is it possible to write files to a remote directory using java?", "user authentication password check in database", "Running a Java Application on a server from my PC", "TokenStorage for Authentication in Java", "Java is not working in my PC", "Where can i find which version of java my pc uses", "Java - Access file with user authentication", "Local PC can't read socket of other PC in the same network", "Get MAC address of remote PC?", "AndroidBootstrap: Authentication - how does it work?", "Error when I read file on JSP page using PC remote", "Android Server Pc Client", "How to send files between two pc" ]
Use of overriding getPreferredSize() instead of using setPreferredSize() for fixed size Components
[ "Overriding getPreferredSize() breaks LSP" ]
[ "setPreferredSize does not work", "Why setPreferredSize does not change the size of the button?", "Java's setPreferredSize won't resize JPanel", "how can i use setPreferredSize in java?", "Components in Grid with fixed size", "JFrame setPreferredSize results in a slightly larger screen size", "Paint() is called after getPreferredSize()", "setSize() v/s setPreferredSize() and pack()", "Java: Difference between the setPreferredSize() and setSize() methods in components", "Overriding method", "setPreferredSize changed after the fact but GridBagLayout not updating", "Why setting setPreferredSize() on JFrame is bad?", "I can't get BoxLayout's setPreferredSize() method to work the way I want it to", "Force-recall getPreferredSize() in JPanel", "Is it okay to use setPreferredSize when using a custom panel?", "getPreferredSize() only called twice after pack()", "setPreferredSize is not working", "no suitable method found for setPreferredSize(int,int)", "Spring, annotation based, overriding of components", "What are side effects of setPreferredSize?", "Why is getPreferredSize() returning a size that is too small for this JDialog?", "overriding findResource", "Difference between overriding getPreferredSize() of a JPanel and setPreferredSize() from the outside", "Overriding setPreferredSize() and getPreferredSize()", "PaintComponent() not called despite setPreferredSize of JPanel", "Method overriding", "Overriding in Java", "How to use setPreferredSize(...) in sub class of JComponent?", "get/setPreferredSize without allocating a Dimension object every time" ]
Turn off java.util.logging for a specific package programmatically
[ "How can I turn off extra logging?" ]
[ "How to turn off Android phone programmatically?", "Add ShaderImageView programmatically", "write java.util.logging to a file", "java.util.logging: Remove date time line", "How to change the logging level for a particular package using java.util.logging.Logger", "Logging a specific package in log4j programmatically", "Why not use java.util.logging?", "Turn off Hibernate logging", "How to programmatically import Java class", "How to set up java logging using a properties file? (java.util.logging)", "Logging into website programmatically", "How can I set the adUnitId programmatically?", "Repressing logging from another package", "How do I get Java logging to use modified java.util.logging.Level class", "WAS Logging - Java Util Logging and Log4j", "How to get the code of a contentPlaceHolder programmatically", "How to start JHiccup programmatically?", "How to run .class file programmatically in java from another .java file", "How to find a specific char in string programmatically", "Using the java.util.logging package in a Swing application", "Logging in on website programmatically", "Set text of StyleClassedTextArea programmatically", "How do I programmatically create XML from Java?", "Programmatically running a Java program", "How to change root logging level programmatically", "How do I add a GestureOverlayView programmatically?", "java.util.logging.config", "Turn off tomcat logging", "java.util.logging assign logger to a specific package" ]
Building an absolute URL from a relative URL in Java
[ "How to extract the relative url from the absolute url in Java", "Append relative URL to java.net.URL" ]
[ "Relative to absolute path in java", "Find relative path from one URL to another in Java", "Java URL with relative address", "How to convert a URL containing \"/../\" into an absolute URL?", "File.exists() in Java - Relative or Absolute path?", "Can I use relative URL in a .properties file?", "Wicket: Relative to absolute URL or get base URL", "how to get URL using relative path", "How to check whether the path is relative or absolute in java", "Error in building a URL string in java", "How to get the absolute path of a file when given a relative or absolute path and the absolute path it is relative to", "How to get absolute URL parh without files", "Relative path in absolute URI: java.net.URI.checkPath(URI.java:1823)", "Find relative path based on absolute path", "Absolute to Relative File Path in Java", "relative url and absolute url difference", "Relative URL to Absolute Path", "Relative or absolute path on JSP?", "Absolute/relative path in java (jar, ide)", "Get Absolute path of a url in java", "creating a URL object with a relative path", "Relative/Absolute Path in Java", "How can I get the relative and absolute cursor position?", "Converting anchor tag with relative URL to absolute URL in HTML content using Java", "Java Relative URL for URL class", "Absolute URL incorrect when converted from relative URL Android JSoup", "java.net.URL and relative url", "Open url with relative path" ]
Correlation between Java EE / J2EE to J2SE / JDK versions
[ "Difference between JDK, J2EE and J2SE codename" ]
[ "Why J2EE 1.4 and Java EE 5 naming?", "Trying to figure out how to run J2SE application on Ubuntu", "Using J2se for phone", "Is there a Java EE JDK", "How to remove log calls in J2SE/J2EE application (not Android)", "Switching J2SE versions on Mac OS (SnowLeopard)", "j2se application best practice", "Convert J2EE 1.3 application into Java EE 5 or above", "Bluetooth in java (J2SE)", "J2SE simple event handling library", "J2EE application: package does not exist", "how to add support for character set IBM437 to J2SE 1.4 API", "How to test android method with J2SE", "What is the difference between Java EE and J2EE?", "Tomcat version 7.0 only supports J2EE 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, and Java EE 5 and 6 Web modules", "Access Control-j2ee", "Java J2SE Code Compatibility in any OS", "J2SE and Database Access", "Java (J2SE) and Bluetooth", "Getting error during J2EE configuration", "J2SE and Java DB", "J2SE Question, constructor auto run?", "Data correlation in Java API", "Eclipse JRE System Library [J2SE-1.5]", "How to coordinate J2EE and Java EE database access?", "About Using Hibernate in a Web Application (J2EE)", "JDK = Java SE && JDK != Java EE?", "Class Cast Exception error in j2ee", "spring kafkatemplate correlation id" ]
Java getDate date-x days
[ "adding days to a date" ]
[ "android getDate from milliseconds stored in String field", "how does DATENAME(q, getDate()) work in MS sql server?", "Adding days to date in Java Error", "JDBC ResultSet getDate losing precision", "Resultset getDate() returned incorrect date value", "Resultset.getDate() throwing exception java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: \"Name of Month\"", "Any chance of formatting Date object returned by resultset getDate() method", "How to add days to a date in Java", "Java Resultset - Compare java date with SQL getDate()", "ParseUser.getDate(\"createdAt\") is always null", "How to replace getDate() from the type Date which is deprecated?", "Java getDate 0000/00/00 return strange value", "no suitable method found for getDate(Date)", "Jdatechooser getDate() method is not working", "NullPointerException on calling ResultSet.getDate()", "ResultSet#getDate() semantics", "MySql Date read incorrectly using getDate", "getdate from datepicker android", "getdate() query via resultset throwing no current row exception", "getDate from mysql", "Java Date getDate() deprecated, refactored to use calendar but looks ugly", "Java Add 3 days to a date", "How to parse values returned by getDate() in java?", "Add days to current date", "Getting yesterday - The method getDate() from the type Date is deprecated", "Java get the date X days later", "PHP getdate() conversion to Java Date", "Number of Days into Date Android", "MAPIMessage's getdate function returning ChunkNotFoundException" ]
Java collect function gives cyclic inference error
[ "cyclic inference java lambda groupingby" ]
[ "How to get Class from a Type Inference argument?", "Cyclic generic dependenices", "Cyclic group generator", "Why doesn't type inference work in this case", "Java 8 type inference static method call", "Is this type inference in java?", "How does java type inference work?", "Java files with cyclic imports", "Java 8 type inference error", "Cyclic Thread start in Android", "Will Cyclic Module Dependencies be Possible in Java 9?", "Cyclic inheritance uses", "java cyclic annotations", "Inference algorithm of Shenoy and Shafer", "Maven cyclic dependency", "How can I remove this cyclic class dependency?", "Java class level type inference", "F.Promise - cyclic inference", "Collectors::toList cyclic inference", "Java 8: groupingBy with associated object's property? [Cyclic Inference]", "Type inference in java", "Type inference in Java 7, When and why should it be used?", "Cyclic dependencies- always wrong?", "Find cyclic dependency", "Java implementing cyclic loop", "Java generic type inference", "maven cyclic dependencies", "Java Type Inference in Static Methods", "How to loop in cyclic order?" ]
SwingWorker get a result
[ "How do I use SwingWorker in Java?" ]
[ "Java - using Thread instead of SwingWorker", "SwingWorker.process does not get called", "How to use SwingWorker in this example", "How to use SwingWorker?", "For loop in SwingWorker", "Java SwingWorker now to update model", "Java swingworker output", "SecondaryLoop instead of SwingWorker?", "Problems with a SwingWorker", "Java - SwingWorker - Can we call one SwingWorker from other SwingWorker instead of EDT", "Why isn't my SwingWorker working?", "Java - SwingWorker - problem in process() method", "where SwingWorker should be in the class", "SwingWorker doesn't work as expected", "Problems with SwingWorker", "SwingWorker: process() method is not being called", "How to use JavaProgressBar with SwingWorker in a for loop?", "Java SwingWorker does not work in a main method?", "SwingWorker in another SwingWorker's done method", "SwingWorker for Both Output & Work, or 1 Each?", "How to make a SwingWorker Start more than once..?", "Java SwingWorker with same instance of Class?", "Can I run one SwingWorker within another?", "Pass data to swingWorker?", "Java Swingworker Thread", "SwingWorker problems", "SwingWorker, done() method not called", "Reinvoke SwingWorker with another parameter value when the same previous SwingWorker is done", "A swingworker does not work" ]
How to call Mono for Android class from within Android application?
[ "Using C# library with Mono for Android from Java code?" ]
[ "Mono for Android or Java, coding a game on Android", "Does a Mono based application consume more battery (Android)", "How to get String from Mono<String> in reactive java", "Mono for Android: Displaying a file chooser?", "Mono - sharing code on client and server . .", "Mono async exception handling", "Is there a mono (.Net) equivalent to the Scanner-class in Java", "How to convert Mono<List<String>> into Flux<String>", "Mono.whenDelayError with 3 parameters are only taking the last 2 parameter", "How to compile and build C# projects with Ant and Mono?", "Call C# mono code from java under linux", "Testing Mono.delay with StepVerifier", "Calling Mono Assemblies from Java", "Android Java to Mono C# - MapView.LayoutParams", "Spring Reactor: Mono.zip fails on empty Mono", "Touch event can't be consumed in mono", "Java reflection for mono android", "C# on Linux - Anyone got an opinion based on experience using mono?", "How to convert a generic list from and to Java.Lang.Object in Mono for Android", "Mono for Android or Java and WCF", "Why use Mono?", "Java or mono for a new project", "Defining custom Mono \"using\" directive like for Java \"import\"", "OnGlobalLayoutListener in Mono for Android", "Use of Java code in other platforms using Mono", "How to use Mono.dematerialize()?", "What is the simplest way to use Java code in Mono for Android?", "How do I call a .Net dll (function) from Java on mono/linux", "Multithreading with Java / Benchmarking against Mono" ]
Jackcess "NoClassDefFoundError" exception
[ "How to select a column with Jackcess" ]
[ "Exceptions being thrown when trying to use Jackcess and JDBC", "Jackcess, loop with multiple matching rows very slow,", "Updating Rows in Java using Jackcess", "Issue with Jackcess ExportFilter", "Delete specific rows from an Access table using Jackcess", "Jackcess columns out of order?", "Finding Row with the column of Yes/No Type in jackcess", "Unable to drop table via Jackcess using getSystemTable and findFirstRow", "Using Jackcess Encrypt causes \"NoClassDefFoundError\" exception for Cobertura", "Reading all rows by using multiple columns in java jackcess", "Get Query data from a MS Access DB with jackcess?", "specified network name is no longer available when working with Jackcess", "Empty database file exception when trying to open an Access database file with Jackcess", "Jackcess Table Limit?", "How do I check email address and password in Java using Jackcess?", "Java Jackcess Find Row by More than one column", "Jackcess -- How to change Column Name?", "NoClassDefFoundError in jackcess", "How can I import files with specific encoding in Jackcess?", "Looping a result set for a condition in Java using Jackcess", "Changing datatype definition for Jackcess", "Sort a table in Jackcess", "How to retrieve data from a Query instead of from Tables with Jackcess", "jackcess delete row and set autoincrement column", "Column data substring matching with Jackcess", "How to delete (DROP) an Access table using Jackcess", "Jackcess decoding not supported warning", "Java Jackcess Library Documentation?", "Reading a Access file using Jackcess and creating a Jtable with the data" ]
Compiling java 7 for java 6 with Eclipse
[ "Compiling Java 7 to Java 6" ]
[ "compiling java file from another java class", "Eclipse compiling problem", "Compiling java code error", "Compiling Error Java", "Java Compiling Error:", "Compiling a .java file", "compiling an Eclipse project into a jar", "Code works on command line, but not in eclipse (compiling a class from a string...)", "Java Compiling Error", "Java - Not compiling error", "Compiling c++ file from java", "Compiling using Java 6", "In Application Compiling - Java", "why this class not compiling?", "Compiling with java version4.0", "Why this is not compiling in Java?", "gwan not re-compiling java files", "PageSlidingTabStrip library not compiling in Eclipse", "Error compiling java code generated by Ragel 6.7", "About java compiling", "Compiling java from python", "Java compiling error on Eclipse", "java program compiling", "Error compiling code", "Code compiling in eclipse but not on command line", "Compiling java code", "Eclipse Project Compiling, Or Not?", "Why is this Java code not compiling?", "Compiling Java files" ]
GlassFish SHA-256 digest authentication
[ "Glassfish Security - jdbcRealm: How to configure login with SHA-256 digest" ]
[ "Strange algorithm to convert binary SHA-1 digest to hex string", "Changing order of sha 256 update change the value", "Go SHA-256 hash differs from Java SHA-256 hash", "How can I calculate the SHA-256 hash of a string in Android?", "What is SHA-256 for? And how to create it in Java?", "How to decrypt SHA-256 encrypted String?", "SHA-256-encrypted string as directory name", "Generate SHA-256 hash for a XML in Java", "C# SHA-256 vs. Java SHA-256. Different results?", "FlexibleJDBCRealm and Digest", "SHA-256 hash return different results", "How to create a mysql \"sha-256\" column?", "wrong in calculationg the SHA 256", "Hash String via SHA-256 in Java", "Wrong result after hasing string with SHA-256", "SHA 256 from Java to C#", "Can't get to have SHA-256 hash working with my spring security", "Which SHA-256 is correct? The Java SHA-256 digest or the Linux commandline tool", "SHA-256 same string return different byte[]?", "SHA-256 Message Digest in Tomcat 6.0 in normal webapp form (no realm related)", "Tomcat 6 - How to Configure Digest SHA-256", "Java calculate hex representation of a SHA-1 digest of a String", "Java: How to create SHA-1 for a file?", "Digest authentication with Jersey Client", "Hash different data into SHA 256 - same results", "Java's SHA-256 sometimes returns 255 bits", "How to hash a string using SHA-256", "How to create SQL queries using an SHA-1 digest of a string using Python", "Set Glassfish to not use any Digest Algorithm" ]
Google Drive SDK API does not lists the file uploaded by Google Drive in java
[ "Google drive API does not list all my files" ]
[ "Error copying a file Google Drive SDK", "Save file in specific folder with Google Drive SDK", "Google Drive SDK Verify Error", "Google Drive SDK Exception", "Get size of files using Google drive API", "Using Google Drive API with Java, how to list only files in the Drive Section/Folder", "Insert file using Google Drive API?", "Google Drive SDK Activity Not Found Exception", "Google Drive Java Api - update file in the folder.", "Uploaded file does not show when using Google Drive API", "Is there a way to write and create a text file in the google drive?", "Android Open and Save String to/from Google Drive SDK", "google drive api java write file without need to create a java file first", "Using Drive API with Java", "How to download a file from google drive using drive api java?", "make a data file of google drive account using google drive api", "Is there a way to upload file to Google Drive from InputStream in Drive SDK?", "Google Drive API through Google App Engine", "Google Drive script doesn't work,", "Google Drive SDK Error", "Direct download from Google Drive using Google Drive API", "How to delete a file on google drive using Google Drive Android API", "Google drive api - com.google.api.services.drive.Drive.files() - None of the File objects have permissions?", "Setting uploadType in Google Drive Java API", "Google Drive SDK - Java sample not working", "Google Drive SDK - How to get the folder that a file is in?", "Google Drive error on import", "Google drive api services account view uploaded files to google drive using java", "How to set up Google Drive API on android?" ]
How to consume Page<Entity> response using Spring RestTemplate
[ "Get list of JSON objects with Spring RestTemplate" ]
[ "How do I log response in Spring RestTemplate?", "How to get STRING response from RestTemplate postForLocation?", "Why RestTemplate GET response is in JSON when should be in XML?", "Where to create RestTemplate in Spring?", "Spring RestTemplate not working", "Spring RESTtemplate POST", "How to use a RestTemplate xml file in MockClientHttpRequest/Response", "Spring RestTemplate post response", "How to send array with Spring RestTemplate?", "Spring/RestTemplate - PUT entity to server", "What happens when RestTemplate gets a null response from spring?", "How to get Response Header information from Spring RestTemplate GET request", "Spring: RestTemplate returns null object", "How to POST form data with Spring RestTemplate?", "Spring RestTemplate GET with parameters", "How can you pass an array in a POST with Spring RestTemplate?", "RestTemplate POST - handle response", "How do I read the response header from RestTemplate?", "Trying to consume HUGE JSON data using Spring RestTemplate resulting in java heap space exception", "Spring resttemplate", "Issue When Consume Rest Service with RestTemplate in Desktop App", "How RestTemplate parse response", "How to use RestTemplate with multiple response types?", "Spring Framework & RestTemplate: not being able to consume REST Service", "Spring RestTemplate unable to parse json response", "Spring RestTemplate, GsonHttpMessageConverter", "Spring RestTemplate Dependency Error", "Spring RestTemplate throws InvalidMediaTypeException", "Spring RestTemplate can not convert json response" ]
what is the difference between a portlet and a servlet?
[ "What does Servlet API and Portlet API mean?" ]
[ "how to Pass Object between Portlet (IPC) Liferay portlet", "How to run a Spring portlet", "Send the value back from pop up portlet to parent portlet", "How to call one portlet from another portlet in Liferay?", "Spring MVC 2.5 servlet/portlet compatible URL", "How to create a portlet URL in JSF-Portlet", "How to update the portlet view with a web page?", "Java Portlet API", "Java portlet settings", "How to call Generic Portlet methods from servlet?", "displaying portlet in another portlet without popup", "Can I add a java portlet to an existing java Web App?", "How to retrieve data from xml file in Portlet", "How do I get the URL of a .jsp (portlet)?", "Portlet Configuration window does not open", "Access to one portlet from another", "portlet 2.0 (jsr286) development with spring", "Stream File in Portlet with Java", "portlet class variable", "How to combine servlet with java portlet to handle requests from portlet?", "Using a common object in the portlet and in *LocalServiceImpl", "How to display servlet using liferay 6 and portlet?", "Can I make a struts based portlet remember its view when another portlet is used?", "How to create Java Portlet for Tomcat server?", "Spring Portlet MVC sentRedirect and setRenderParameter", "It it possible to read a page request parameter from portlet?", "How to navigate from portlet to portlet", "Refreshing a portlet from a portlet on a popup", "Spring 4.0.2 portlet MVC" ]
Populating a List with a contiguous range of shorts
[ "Populating a List with a contiguous range of integers" ]
[ "Get 8 shorts from a short", "populating mapOverlay", "How to write list to xml not populating list in memory", "Populating Object array with new Objects", "populating the array with the user input", "Java: are 1-d arrays always contiguous in memory?", "Java - insert \"-\" between contiguous digits in string", "Populating Array from File input", "How you decompress an array of shorts[][] using for loops?", "Selectlist not populating with right json data", "Is the Java Heap Memory contiguous?", "Typecasting array of floats into an array of shorts in Java", "How to save an array of floats and shorts in byte to disk in java?", "list view isn't populating", "Java - Populating an array from a constructor", "User input populating an array", "String not populating properly", "Reading in shorts in a RandomAccessFile .csv", "put two shorts to a byte array", "Populating ArrayList", "How can I access a byte array as shorts in Java", "Populating a String[] Array with data from Parse.com (Android)", "Android - Populating data into a list view", "ByteArrayOutputStream for shorts instead of bytes", "Shorts in Android and Java", "Reading shorts and chars from file", "Populating a string array using a string? (JAVA)", "Remove contiguous duplicate elements from an array list in Java (with panache)", "Split an int array of non-contiguous values into several contiguous int arrays" ]
How is instanceof implemented in modern JVM implementations?
[ "How instanceof is implemented inside JAVA?" ]
[ "Better way then If(x instanceof y) in Java?", "I don't want to use \"instanceof\" in java , what do I do?", "Is there something like instanceOf(Class<?> c) in Java?", "How to write instanceof with Java 8?", "Why is \"instanceof\" not working?", "Java: how to \"instanceof argument\"", "instanceof in java", "How to find type without using instanceof?", "instanceof doesn't work with \"or\"", "Example of ´instanceof´", "instanceof enthuware OCAJP", "Object is not an 'instanceof' it's own class", "Am I using instanceof \"wrong\"?", "The difference between \"instanceof List\" and 'o instanceof List<?>\"", "Modern Java. What is it?", "Java object instanceof class A only", "Java instanceof with class name", "Using instanceof with a class Object", "Null instanceof Object", "Java objects instanceof", "instanceof not working?", "The difference between instanceof List and instanceof List<?>", "How do I get the type of an object so that I can use it with instanceof?", "instanceof Class<?> parameter", "Java: How should look an instanceof method", "Java instanceof doesn't work in my case", "Object instanceof Object", "when should we use instanceof and when not", "Class with Two \"InstanceOf\"?" ]
How to unwrap the original object from a dynamic proxy
[ "Proxy in Java with a dynamic interface" ]
[ "Implementations of Java dynamic proxy", "Create a dynamic proxy for a class without no-argument constructor", "When to use \"Dynamic Proxy class\" or \"standard proxy\" pattern?", "Why can't I unwrap the root node and deserialize an array of objects?", "Serializing & Unwrap the Map object in POJO using Jackson annotation", "Jackson Unwrap / Wrap Object", "jackson desearlization: two keys at root. how do i unwrap one and ignore the other?", "Java Dynamic Proxy", "Dynamic Proxy - Class Loader parameter when creating a new proxy instance", "Unwrap an Optional only if it is present", "Why does this AES implementation unwrap and wrap the key again?", "Why the parameter 'proxy' is not used in jdk dynamic proxy implement?", "What are Dynamic Proxy classes and why would I use one?", "How can I unwrap a specific field in a JSON using Jackson?", "Why we use Dynamic Proxy", "How does Java's Dynamic Proxy actually work?", "How to unwrap and serialize java map in java using jackson?", "Is it possible to create dynamic proxy for enum in Java?", "How can I unwrap Guice ProvisionException?", "Java Dynamic Proxy without a target object?", "Java Proxy -> Why does have proxy object same hashCode like original object", "Why I'm not able to unwrap and serialize a Java map using the Jackson Java library?", "dynamic proxy and method annotation", "What is the meaning of using proxy ( dynamic proxy) in spring framework?", "Jackson unwrap object in array", "Unwrap NewProxyConnection and GetConnection from NewProxyConnection", "How do you get an interface array (Dynamic Proxy)", "Java dynamic proxy questions", "Can I make `new X()` in Java return a dynamic proxy?" ]
Printing with Attributes(Tray Control, Duplex, etc...) using javax.print library
[ "Print duplex in Java" ]
[ "System tray with Java", "Hide Java application to System Tray", "Change System tray Icon in java", "Full duplex communication through socket in java", "System tray text instead of icon", "System Tray image not loading java", "How to change the tray icon with Java?", "How to spring JFrame from System Tray in Java", "Position window above system tray", "How to add application to System Tray", "Run my java app (System Tray) when Windows starts", "How do I put a Java app in the system tray?", "java socket full duplex", "Update label in a Tray", "how to open and application from system tray?", "Select bin/tray when printing with javax.print", "Java HTTP full duplex", "System tray Java", "Java Change tray icon", "Java System Tray With NO Icon", "JavaFX 2.0 Window to Tray", "Creating single instance for system tray in java", "Java look and feel for tray does not work", "Do Java sockets support full duplex?", "Is UDP (in Java or otherwise) full duplex by default?", "Duplex streaming in Java EE", "SWT System Tray - Linux GTK Gnome Tray icons with \"SWT\" String on tray", "How can I put my Java program in the system tray?" ]
How to Sort Date in descending order From Arraylist Date in android?
[ "How to Sort an Arraylist of Date in ascending and descending order which is in String format" ]
[ "How to sort a hash map using key descending order", "sort array of objects in descending order", "Sorting two arrays in descending order, one is double arraylist, the other is string arraylist", "String sorted in descending order", "Java: Sorting an ArrayList<Object> in descending order", "Java Array Sort descending?", "Java - Descending order", "Sort ArrayList of Strings in descending order", "How to sort ArrayList in descending order", "How to add date in ArrayList of \"Date\" data type?", "How do I properly sort an array of objects in descending order and search for them in java?", "Selection sort didn't sort in descending order", "Sort ArrayList in descending order", "Sort objects in ArrayList by date?", "Sort ArrayList by Date in Java", "How to sort the string number in descending order?", "how to sort array in descending order and What are the different options to sort the array?", "Sort by date descending comparator not working as expected", "Sort Array By variable in the first then sort it descending order", "2 Classes, Sorting into ArrayList to Descending order", "sort specific index in array in descending order", "how to make this code do select & sort in descending order", "How to make it a descending order using List?", "How to sort an arrayList with string in descending order", "How to print the result in descending order in java?", "Is there a way to sort descending with a method reference?", "Sort an array of custom objects in descending order on an int property", "how to sort date in descending order using comparator", "How to sort descending contents from file and get it only 5 line" ]
What makes hot deployment a "hard problem"?
[ "How hot deployment works internally?" ]
[ "Why is this method a hot spot?", "DropWizard - Hot Deployment, No Restarts, static resources", "Java - Hot deployment", "Using JSP Hot deployment for application that need frequent update", "Java Deployment in TorqueBox", "java project deployment with different name", "Java Web Application Deployment", "how to execute java program before deployment", "modify files in WEB-INF folder - tomcat as hot deployment", "Hot to make a class for my program JAVA", "How to change the eclipse hot key?", "Deployment- Java Application", "Can Jetty pick up changes to WEB-INF/lib on hot deployment? How?", "How can a servlet do a hot re-deploy of itself", "how to list all files in directory - deployment", "How to test java server without deployment?", "Eclipse : Hot Code Replace Failed", "Hot code swap is not working, why?", "Hot deployment location in Wildfly 8 AS", "Java hot code replace failed for specific class", "How to run a deployment task on application deployment and application start", "Jetty Tapestry Hot Deployment = server restart?", "Does Google App Engine Java support Hot Deployment in Eclipse?", "Java Deployment", "Hot deployment of class files in jboss", "Hot code deployment in Jetty", "Java framework for hot code deployment and scheduling jar file deployment", "Can CDI scan a configured folder at injection time for beans? (hot deployment)", "why am I getting the deployment error?" ]
Eclipse Java Virtual Machine Launcher jvm.cfg Error
[ "Java path..Error of jvm.cfg" ]
[ "eclipse won't start - no java virtual machine was found", "Java application launcher", "eclipse not working - No java virtual machine was found", "Can Java be run without a Java Virtual Machine?", "starting java executable from batch file yields error \"Java Virtual Machine Launcher Could not find main class\"", "Could not create the Java virtual machine", "Running Ant Build.xml getting: Java Virtual Machine Launcher: Could not find the main class. Program will exit", "Java command line launcher", "No launcher activity found in eclipse java android", "How to fix Eclipse Java Virtual Machine Launcher Error?", "Why does Eclipse use a native launcher?", "Android: No Launcher activity found! Did check LAUNCHER", "Error with the java command (jvm.cfg)", "How does an application launcher update itself?", "JVM Launcher cannot find main class", "No java Virtual Machine was found to run eclipse", "Error: Could not create the Java Virtual Machine", "Set Java Application's virtual machine max memory without access to VM parameters because of custom launcher?", "How would one create a custom JVM launcher?", "Java Virtual Machine Error When Trying To Run an Application From Java", "Java virtual machine (JVM) - In what language JVM coded?", "Lauch4j doesn't copy launcher", "Java Virtual Machine Launcher : A JNI Error with Spring", "Eclipse executable launcher error", "Error : Could not create the Java Virtual Machine", "Can't print on virtual machine with java code", "Tomcat fails to start from Eclipse with JVM Launcher exception", "Eclipse - Failed to create the java virtual machine", "failed to create the java virtual machine eclipse" ]
Error: Unable to access jarfile. Encoding issue
[ "UTF-8 characters in a path to a jarfile" ]
[ "java: \"Unable to access jarfile ...\"", "Unable to access jarfile from a script on MAC", "Java web app on Heroku: Unable to access jarfile", "unable to access jarfile using java Runtime from another jar on linux platform", "How to add a new jarfile to eclipse project", "Why I obtain this \"Unable to access jarfile\" error when I try to execute my jar?", "Can't play sounds inside a jarfile", "Loading Images from a Jarfile", "Unable to access jarfile error", "Java Load image from jarfile", "Error: Unable to access jarfile sailfin-installer-v1-b60g-linux.jar", "Unable to access jarfile? [Ubuntu, Linux]", "Unable to access jarfile under cygwin", "unable to access jarfile", "Error: unable to access jarfile localhost", "How to create an in-memory JarFile?", "JarFile from inside a *.jar or inputstream to file?", "How to detect directory inside JarFile", "Error unable to access jarfile C:\\Jar", "Build JAR file with IntelliJ 14: Unable to access jarfile?", "Get the filename of running jarfile", "Unable to access jarfile, `ProcessBuilder`", "how does one access a picture from within a jarfile? ie what would i use for a directory string?", "Invalid or corupt jarfile", "Eclipse is asking for a jarfile from a folder that I no longer have", "Unable to read jar manifest with java.util.jar.JarFile", "Spring Boot Gradle app on Heroku: Unable to access jarfile", "Unable to access jarfile on server using VNC", "Unable to access jarfile in linux land" ]
JSoup.connect throws 403 error while apache.httpclient is able to fetch the content
[ "403 error while getting the google result using jsoup" ]
[ "jsoup connect parameter", "JSoup will not fetch all items?", "Deprecated HttpClient, now using apache-httpclient-4.3.x", "Download file with Apache HttpClient", "HttpClient 403 error when using valid client certificate", "Apache HttpClient throws a NoClassDefFoundError", "JSoup.connect with some requests has 403 error", "Use data retrieved from HTTPClient into JSoup", "HttpClient from apache in Android?", "JSoup getting content type then data", "HttpClient throws 403", "why Jsoup can't connect with some URL?", "Jsoup on imdb 403 error", "commons io 403 for URL but httpclient is ok", "How to install HttpClient library from Apache?", "Android getting response after 403 in HttpClient", "Apache HttpClient response content length returns -1", "Error while trying to do GET using Apache HttpClient in Java", "DefaultServiceUnavailableRetryStrategy constructor from Apache Httpclient", "Apache httpclient javax.net.ssl.SSLHandshakeException:", "jsoup 403 error. Simple webpage works fine", "How do you get html content from Apache httpclient on error?", "Apache HttpClient 4 And JavaScript", "Apache HttpClient Session not working", "Java Apache HttpClient EnityUtils block", "How do I use the apache httpClient API?", "JSON is showing error 403 while trying to fetch data from database in android", "WGET and HttpClient work but Jsoup doesn't work in java", "apache httpclient content length issue" ]
Understanding this warning: The serializable class does not declare a static final serialVersionUID
[ "how to remove the warning The serializable class ClASSNAME does not declare a static final serialVersionUID field of type long" ]
[ "serialversionuid is static and final but then why is it serializable", "Understanding of FindBugs warning about serialVersionUID field", "Add a serialVersionUID to a serializable class that is already in use", "What is the difference of declaring private static final long serialVersionUID = xxxxxxxxL in classes that implements Serializable", "Why serialVersionUID is of type long for Serializable classes", "warning: [serial] serializable class SomeClass has no definition of serialVersionUID", "How to generate serialVersionUID for Serializable?", "serialVersionUID in Java", "What does it mean: The serializable class does not declare a static final serialVersionUID field?", "Where do I change the setting in Eclipse so that it would generate serialVersionUID for Serializable classes?", "When do I have to change the serialVersionUID?", "Java Serializable: Importance of serialVersionUID?", "SerialVersionUID for Serializable", "What does the \"declare a static final serialVersionUID\" warning mean and how to fix?", "What is a serialVersionUID and why should I use it?", "java serialVersionUID not works as I needed", "The serializable class X does not declare a static final serialVersionUID field of type long", "Android: what happens if I add serialVersionUID to old serializable objects?", "serialVersionUID Exception", "Does it matter what I choose for serialVersionUID when extending Serializable classes in Java?", "The serializable class Employee does not declare a static final serialVersionUID field of type long", "Java: Should serializable inner & anonymous classes have SerialVersionUID?", "Why some APIs implemented Serializable interface but did not declare serialVersionUID?", "Why SerialVersionUID is static", "why user defined serialVersionUID is not used while desialization?", "Does A Serializable Class Have to Have a Unique SerialVersionUID?", "serialVersionUID field warning in eclipse", "serialversionUID does not match", "serialVersionUID for serizlizable class" ]
Public key from private key in java is incorrect
[ "Get public key from private in Java" ]
[ "What about public method returns private class instance?", "Generate public and private key using a string", "How to make a private variable in a public method", "Java Convert Public and private Key to string and then back", "Incorrect return?", "How to Generate an AES Key using a Local Private Key and a Remote Public Key in Java?", "Can a class have both public and private constructor?", "Extensions for Private and Public Key", "public method returns private class instance in Java?", "private String or public static String?", "Can a object be private and public?", "Java: Generate a custom Private and Public key?", "How to store Private Key and Public Key into KeyStore", "Java possible to have private class and public variables?", "How can a public method return a private type?", "How to use private key", "Read public key from file", "Why is the following method incorrect in Java?", "How to get the RSA public-key from private-key Object in Java", "Use package-private class in the public class", "java call public method from private class", "f# private class inside public one", "What does it mean for a method to be public/private/other in java?", "How to get the public key?", "Pass value from public method to private array", "Call Private Class from Main. Both in Public Class", "Public constructor of a private class", "Why some methods are not either private or public?", "Private class as return type from public method" ]
creating a map with duplicate keys
[ "Map implementation with duplicate keys", "java map with duplicate keys" ]
[ "Duplicate keys in map", "How to duplicate a LinkedBinaryTree java?", "Merge two Maps (Map<String, Map<String, Object>>) with duplicate keys", "duplicate entry in map in Java", "Get key using value from a Map containing duplicate keys or values", "Duplicate output", "How to Duplicate an array list in Java?", "What happens to the values of duplicate keys in a tree map", "Map with duplicate key but with different values?", "Removing duplicate results from a Map (Not techinally duplicate)", "Why am I getting duplicate keys in Java HashMap?", "Creating an add method that doesn't add to the list if its a duplicate?", "Duplicate values - Map", "Duplicate String Array in java", "A map with two keys", "Duplicate string in java", "getting duplicate values in map for every key", "Get the map keys and not the map values", "Get array of Map's keys", "java - duplicate class", "Why does my code duplicate the text of a file?", "Print out keys and values of a map", "Map with duplicate values", "Duplicate value in array and no duplicate value found", "Function duplicate call", "How to check if a Map has duplicate key?", "Find duplicate values in Java Map?", "How can i have a HashMap in Java with duplicate keys?" ]
Difference between dispose and exit on close in java
[ "JFrame.dispose() vs System.exit()" ]
[ "Why can't Java close properly even though I'm using dialog.dispose()?", "frame.dispose() method error", "Swing - Dispose a frame", "Why cant I dispose()?", "Java. How is possible statements be working after dispose();", "Dispose JFrame from another class", "How to dispose from another class?", "Dispose not working", "Dispose a Shell without dispose the Display (parent)", "Basic Java Swing, how to exit and dispose of your application/JFrame", "Java dialog does not dispose", "JFrame doesn't dispose()", "How to Dispose a JPanel - jPanel1.dispose() Or equivalent", "Java Datasource, how to dispose it", "Dispose JDialog by code, don't let the user close it", "Java: Method does not return. (XComponent.dispose", "How to use dispose() properly?", "LibGDX - Should texture.dispose() execute first and then batch.dispose()? or no different?", "call object on click and wait for dispose", "Why is dispose not working?", "how to dispose() current JIntenalFrame in java", "dispose() is not the same as setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE)", "Why won't this application terminate with DISPOSE_ON_CLOSE?", "Error in dispose() Selenium", "Dispose() doesn't work on every frame", "how to add actionlisten upon dispose", "Can't dispose of jframe window?", "Dispose() only working once", "unable to stop stream when i DISPOSE_ON_CLOSE" ]
ERROR: No enclosing instance of type OOPTutorial is accessible
[ "Java - No enclosing instance of type Foo is accessible", "No enclosing instance of type Server is accessible" ]
[ "a coding about reflection has a error \"No enclosing instance of type student is accessible\"", "Is not an enclosing class Java", "No enclosing instance of type MainRender is accessible", "SigninActivity is not an enclosing class", "create instance of enclosing class", "No enclosing instance of the type QuestionActivity is accessible in scope[help]", "android java is not enclosing class", "No enclosing instance of (class here) is accessible", "No enclosing instance is accessible. Must qualify the allocation with an enclosing instance of type (e.g. x.new A() where x is an instance of )", "No Enclosing instance error", "Getting a \"No enclosing instance of type...\" error", "Error: No enclosing instance of type zad_II_1 is accessible", "Getting error: No enclosing instance of type **** is accessible", "get Name of enclosing Method", "No enclosing instance of type ITask is accessible.", "Trying to create a instance of class inherting from Thread, Getting error saying \"No enclosing instance of type cBitrex is accessible\"", "No enclosing instance of the type DonationsActivity is accessible", "No enclosing instance of type fbMain is accessible. Must qualify the allocation with an enclosing instance of type fbMain", "Java - No enclosing instance of the type ... is accessible in scope", "not an enclosing class", "Java No enclosing instance of type is accessible", "Java Android Not an enclosing class error", "No enclosing instance of type is accessible", "No enclosing instance of type mProgram is accessible. Must qualify the allocation with an enclosing instance of type mProgram", "No enclosing instance of type test is accessible. Must qualify the allocation with an enclosing instance of type test error on a simple test Program", "How do I access the instance of an enclosing class?", "No enclosing instance of type ... is accessible", "no enclosing instance of the type Polylinje is accessible in scope" ]
Maven: compile aspectj project containing Java 1.6 source
[ "AspectJ with Maven (still) not working", "Which maven plugin do I use for AspectJ?", "How to build aspectj project using maven?" ]
[ "aspectj-maven-plugin and Java 7", "Using AspectJ Without Spring on Maven", "Aspectj not work when use ant to do compile", "AspectJ: how to get a Thread name?", "How to use aspectj-maven-plugin", "adviceexecution() is not working in AspectJ", "Autoproxying with @AspectJ elements", "Aspectj maven plugin error", "What is AspectJ good for?", "Getting error in AspectJ sample project", "AspectJ not working with @Before", "Maven vs. AspectJ - Example?", "adding aspectJ jar in maven project", "AspectJ not working in maven project in IntelliJ", "Advice AspectJ a method call from different Maven project", "AspectJ Maven Plugin cannot compile my project", "what is aspectj-maven-plugin used for", "aspectj - Intertype method declaration not working with Maven", "AspectJ and Maven", "CodeSignature aspectJ", "After() in aspectj", "How to tell maven to compile a project as an aspectj project", "AspectJ works with Java 7?", "How to create a Maven project in Eclipse with AspectJ support?", "aspectj-maven-plugin multi module project", "How does AspectJ work?", "AspectJ thisEnclosingJoinPointStaticPart does not compile" ]
CEF development in Eclipse with Java
[ "Setting up CEF development in Eclipse for Java?" ]
[ "Web application development to desktop application development in java", "Android App Development", "Setting up Android Development Tools in Eclipse", "Errors Using Eclipse for Android Development", "Group Java Development", "Eclipse add plugin development", "Can I use Python for Android development?", "which version of Eclipse I should use for Android Development", "Setting up Eclipse for Android Development and testing", "Eclipse & web development", "Python or Java for android app development?", "Java web development without Eclipse", "Eclipse Remote Development, what are the options?", "Eclipse Plugin Development Questions", "Development under Android", "Eclipse plugin development: How to include another project?", "Basic Android Eclipse Development Errors", "Which eclipse is the best fit for Android development ?", "Java CEF - Is it possible to access DOM document and elements of loaded page?", "Best Eclipse version for Java development", "Can I \"use\" Java 8 with Android Development now?", "How to set up Eclipse for Java Web Development with Spring?", "PouchDB with Windows Java development", "what should I use for android app development : Java or Python?", "New Eclipse use for dynamic web development", "Remote Java development with Eclipse (or something else)?", "Eclipse plugin development for Eclipse", "FPC/Lazarus and Android development?", "Get IResources methods in eclipse development?" ]
Android Studio error: "Environment variable does not point to a valid JVM installation"
[ "Android Studio - No JVM Installation found" ]
[ "Android Studio pass variable", "Java - Android studio", "Android Studio can't open because of invalid because of JVM installation", "Adcolony with Android Studio", "Android Studio Error: org.gradle.process.internal.ExecException", "How to set the PATH environment variable for JVM", "Android Studio was unable to find a valid Jvm (Related to MAC OS)", "How to import MenuDrawer from SimonVT in Android Studio", "EMDK Android Studio", "Android Studio : Failed to create JVM error code : -1", "processDebugManifest error - Android Studio", "How can I improve my android studio installation?", "AdbCommandRejectedException in Android Studio", "Android Studio: HorizontalView", "Android Studio, No JVM Installation Found", "android studio: how to get variable from another class", "Android Studio : com.android.ide.common.process.ProcessException:", "getRecources method error [Android Studio]", "Android Studio installation issue in ubuntu", "How to import class in android studio", "Using a variable value from one method in different one in Android Studio", "no class def error android studio", "Installing Android Studio, does not point to a valid JVM installation error", "Android Studio: No JVM installation found, define JAVA_HOME even after doing so", "IntelliJ - Can't start - \"JAVA_HOME does not point to a valid JVM installation\"", "Android Studio : \" No JVM installation found. Please install a 32-bit JDK \"", "With android studio no jvm found, JAVA_HOME has been set", "Android Studio 3.0 DexArchiveBuilderException" ]
Building JPA Criteria API query - sorting by number of elements in collection
[ "Order in JPA Criteria API" ]
[ "Criteria API JPA", "JPA Criteria API: How to select property in nested collection", "Using JPA Criteria API to return all object where a Collection property contains a certain value", "Sorting an array using two different criteria", "Spring Data JPA query method for more than one criteria", "Sorting a list in Java using 2 criteria", "building a criteria query with jpa 2.0 by using a dynamic list", "JPA Criteria API with multiple parameters", "Do you like the Criteria api of JPA 2.0? Do you use it with framework?", "JPA criteria API order by NULL last", "How to write this query using JPA Criteria query?", "Need help creating JPA criteria query", "Sorting two int[] by same criteria", "Jpa criteria count", "JPA Criteria api with CONTAINS function", "Using JPA Criteria Query API for Many-to-Many Example", "Java sorting collection/api", "JPA Criteria API in with two lists", "Spring data jpa Criteria like", "JPA sorting query by property of last element in child collection", "Dynamic JPA 2.0 query using Criteria API", "JPA/Criteria API - Like & equal problem", "JPA Criteria API join", "JPA Criteria Query API and order by null last", "Hibernate JPA Criteria Query", "JPA Criteria API - how to select like \"field not in\"", "JPA Criteria API: join on another query", "How to do it with JPA Criteria API?", "How to make it in JPA Criteria?" ]
Unable to obtain OffsetDateTime from TemporalAccessor
[ "Unable to obtain ZonedDateTime from TemporalAccessor when parsing a Date" ]
[ "Unable to obtain LocalDateTime from TemporalAccessor when parsing LocalDateTime (Java 8)", "MappingException: No property null found on entity class java.time.OffsetDateTime to bind constructor parameter to! with Spring MongoDB", "OffsetDateTime yielding \"No injection source found for a parameter of type public javax.ws.rs.core.response\" in GET method", "DateTimeParseException with LocalDateTime: Unable to obtain LocalDateTime from TemporalAccessor", "DateTimeParseException: Text could not be parsed: Unable to obtain LocalDateTime from TemporalAccessor", "Convert OffsetDateTime to UTC Timestamp", "How to convert ZonedDateTime/OffsetDateTime to Date using ThreeTenABP?", "Instant Time parsing error (Unable to obtain Instant from TemporalAccessor)", "What's the difference between java 8 ZonedDateTime and OffsetDateTime?", "How to preserve the offset while deserializing OffsetDateTime with Jackson", "How to make jaxb plugin use OffsetDateTime", "Does EBean (4.5.x) support mapping Java 8's time types such as OffsetDateTime", "Converting ISO 8601 timestamp String to java.time.OffsetDateTime", "Java: Unable to obtain LocalDate from TemporalAccessor", "Unable to obtain ZonedDateTime from TemporalAccessor using DateTimeFormatter and ZonedDateTime in Java 8", "OffsetDateTime parsing", "Consuming OffsetDateTime in Jersey", "Java 8 ZonedDateTime or OffsetDateTime to replace Joda DateTime", "Extract time/datetimes with time zone info intact into Java8 OffsetTime / OffsetDateTime", "Convert string to OffsetDateTime in Java", "Error: \"Unable to obtain ZonedDateTime from TemporalAccessor\" for format \"yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss z\"", "Scala Slick 3.0 implicit mapping between java8 OffsetDateTime and Timestamp", "Remove minutes, seconds, and nanoseconds from OffsetDateTime", "Jackson date-format for OffsetDateTime in Spring Boot", "Incorrect deserialisation of OffsetDateTime from JSON with ObjectMapper", "timestamp with time zone mapped to LocalDateTime instead of OffsetDateTime", "Why can't OffsetDateTime parse '2016-08-24T18:38:05.507+0000' in Java 8", "H2 Database - mapping between Java's OffsetDateTime and h2 type", "Exception Unable to obtain LocalDateTime from TemporalAccessor while parsing DateTime using LocalDateTime" ]
Log4j: One log file per request
[ "Log4j - file log for each thread" ]
[ "log4j log problem", "log4j does not create a log file in the system", "Multiple log files with log4j", "Writing to a log file using log4j", "log4j - one file per run", "why can't I log method name and code line in log4j when I extend log4j", "Log4J does not log anything", "Set log4j log level", "Error - cannot log with log4j", "How do you create log files in log4j per program execution?", "Not able to log in different files: Log4j", "Log4j: add parameter to log file name", "Log file is empty (log4j)", "log4j does not log for file", "Can't find log file on server using log4j", "Create log file with date using log4j", "Log4j Not Writing Log File", "Log4j - Can't find the log file", "Log4j log into multiple files", "Log4j to write to one file per instance", "Create Log4j xml log file", "How to make log4j not log anything?", "log4j doesn't create log files", "log4j log file names?", "Datewise log files using Log4j", "Log4j is not writing the log into the file", "log4j trying to log in the file", "A different log for every user using Log4j", "log4j with timestamp per log entry" ]
JNI - native method with ByteBuffer parameter
[ "How to send Java ByteBuffer to C using JNI?" ]
[ "JNI - Free ByteBuffer from C++", "ByteBuffer.array() returns a larger array than byteBuffer Android", "how to write and read from bytebuffer passing from java to jni", "Java ByteBuffer to String", "Create a DataBufferUShort from a ByteBuffer", "Java JNI: How to set String [ ] field Of Java class from native method of C++", "JNI ByteBuffer put bytes", "How to convert byte[] to bytebuffer native memory?", "JNI - exception on native method", "What is the use of ByteBuffer in Java?", "jbyte* as ByteBuffer from Native C++ method in JNI", "Native method in Java, C in Java, Java Native Interface (JNI)", "Get the pointer of a Java ByteBuffer though JNI", "How to use a ByteBuffer return from C++ to Java", "How to write/read the direct ByteBuffer in the native?", "JNI:how to call c++ function from Java Native Method", "Is it possible that in Java 7 (byte) ((char) ByteBuffer.get(X)) != ByteBuffer.get(X)?", "Error in java jni native", "Get index from bytebuffer", "Safe to store pointer in JNI direct bytebuffer?", "Returning bytebuffer from jni is copy or reference?", "Is it possible to create ByteBuffer from a List<ByteBuffer>?", "ByteBuffer to String in Java", "Calling a Java Method from the native code using jni", "How can I read a smaller ByteBuffer from a larger ByteBuffer?", "How to create native class using JNI?", "java, ByteBuffer to parse data from file", "Java ByteBuffer class", "Is there a way to call a native main function using JNI?" ]
Why does java.util.Properties implement Map<Object,Object> and not Map<String,String>
[ "How to convert Map<Object, Object> to Map<String, String> in java?" ]
[ "Getting values from java.util.Map", "Convert Map<String, String[]> to Map<String, Object[]> in java", "synchrozie get method from map?", "java.util.Map with HtmlDataTable", "What is the class of Map<MyClassType1,Object>", "How to extract the data in a java.util.Map object?", "read java.util.Map<String,?> from a file", "Map<String, ?> how to use it", "class file for java.util.Map not found", "How to map from a Map to List", "Convert Map<String,Object> to Map<String,String>", "java.util.Properties Vs java.util.Map<String, String>", "How to map String to Java class?", "How to get List value from map object", "How should I implement a map of string to method in Java?", "When to use Properties and when Map in Java?", "How do I convert a Map of <String, List<Object>> into a Map of <Object, List<String>>?", "Map<S,S> to List<S>", "Itetrate Map<String, Map<String, String>> using java", "Convert Map<String, Object> to Map<String, List<Object>>", "Get values of Map from a Map", "How can I map a String to a function in Java?", "how to add value into List<Map<String, Object>>?", "Java Map of Map", "want to create a map<String , Object> ,Object can be String and can be class Object", "Selma map List<T> to T", "List<Map> to Object[]", "String to Map<String,Object>", "Map to String in Java" ]
Java String Immutability and Using same string value to create a new string
[ "Immutability of Strings in Java" ]
[ "String Immutability memory Issue", "Confusion over Java's pass-by-value and immutability", "Immutability and Readability", "About String immutability in Java", "Unit testing for object immutability", "Why is immutability a desired feature in classes?", "Immutability of Java objects in Scala", "Understanding String Immutability in Java", "Strings Immutability", "Java String Immutability storage when String object is changed", "immutability of a class when an instance variable present as arraylist", "how to achieve immutability in Java 8 stream api", "Immutability in Java", "Immutability vs state change in a class", "Java Immutability of Strings, with the \"+=\" operator", "Java : Integer Immutability", "String immutability question", "Immutability property in java", "Immutability of string objects in java", "Strong immutability vs weak immutability in Java?", "Immutability of maps and lists", "Recursion and Immutability", "In Java, is the immutability of Strings considered in the implementation of String.format()?", "Java: String immutability and operator ==", "Strings and Immutability", "Confusion on string immutability", "Immutability of String in JAVA", "Does Immutability mean the reference can't be changed", "Java:Immutability and serialization" ]
Can I re-order an existing XML to adhere to an XSD
[ "Create XML from XSD using Java" ]
[ "How to use xsd:any element to return xml as a string", "Application validates XML against XSD: allow XSD reference in XML", "Create XSD from Java Class or from XML?", "Create XML based on XSD in Java", "How to created xsd and java class from xml", "XML + XSD => Java?", "What's wrong with this XML/XSD?", "Create Java Class from XSD at run time", "Read XSD using org.eclipse.xsd.util.XSDResourceImpl", "How to merge more than one XSD file to one XSD file?", "XSD for one element only", "XML against XSD not valid", "Java int type from XSD", "How do I parse a .xsd file using Java", "open xsd file in web-inf/xsd", "How to generate xsd file using java code?", "How to call an external xsd in an xml file?", "How to create a jar file from xsd", "Does java.util.HashSet not Adhere to its Specification?", "Java: string xml validation against xsd that include another xsd", "java Map to XML through XSD", "Java to XSD or XSD to Java", "Generic XSD for all type of XML", "XSD Import issue", "Dynamically loading classes which adhere to an interface", "How to import XSD in Another XSD", "XML with XSD JAVA", "How can I convert the below xsd file to java file?", "Should we strictly adhere set/get rule" ]
How to set up multiple source folders within a single Eclipse project?
[ "Two different source folders with different output folders in eclipse having same type java source files;not getting compiled" ]
[ "Java Path Directory, Open Folders within Folders", "Adding source Folders to my Eclipse Project at generate-sources", "Can Eclipse have multiple output folders just like multiple source folders", "How to delete files and folders except few folders using java", "Folders mess up after import project into Eclipse", "Running two java source folders in Eclipse where one is a sub-folder of the other", "list folders and sub folders in java", "How to configure eclipse for 2 source folders correctly?", "How to access Jar file located within source folders?", "How can I add class folders into Eclipse?", "Eclipse: Is there a way to create dependencies between source folders?", "In Eclipse, can a single source folder be built to multiple output folders?", "How to create packages (folders) in an Eclipse project via plugin", "How can I have 2 files of the same name in an eclipse project but in 2 different sub-folders?", "Java Source Folders Eclipse", "build.gradle for eclipse project with multiple source folders", "Source folders for a maven project in eclipse", "Import many folders in Eclipse to one project each", "Adding folders to my Eclipse (Android) project", "Different pictogram for folders in eclipse?", "How to make folders within folders in Google Drive?", "Get all folders with a given name", "Why Eclipse duplicate folders and files?", "Eclipse confuses source folders with package folders", "Restrict access between source folders in Eclipse", "How do I add multiple source folders to a JAR?", "Eclipse Output Folders", "Eclipse, Java from 2 src. folders?", "Create a new Java project with standard folders" ]
Java MergeSort - Out Of Memory Error: Java Heap Space
[ "mergeSort with List interface" ]
[ "Mergesort an array of numbers", "3-way mergesort", "Correct Mergesort implementation?", "MergeSort not working", "Mergesort or Database?", "out of heap space memory error", "out of memory error, java heap space", "MergeSort wonkiness", "MergeSort index", "Going from IntroSort to a MergeSort", "Java heap space::Out of memory error", "How to implement mergeSort?", "Mergesort in java", "JAVA-mergeSort returning array", "why i am getting exception mergesort in java?", "java out of memory error-heap space", "What's wrong in this \"mergeSort\"?", "Java String Array Mergesort", "Use MergeSort to process user input", "Is this MergeSort?", "MergeSort problems", "mergesort and java implementation", "mergesort string method java", "Runtime error in my mergesort implementation", "Java: Mergesort for ArrayList does not work", "Out of Memory: Java heap space", "Is there a space efficient implementation of mergesort?", "Mergesort implementation not correct", "MergeSort algorithm - java" ]
No enclosing instance of type test is accessible. Must qualify the allocation with an enclosing instance of type test error on a simple test Program
[ "Java - No enclosing instance of type Foo is accessible" ]
[ "'Must qualify the allocation with an enclosing instance of type Types'", "No enclosing instance of type Server is accessible", "Must qualify the allocation with an enclosing instance of type Main (e.g. x.new A() where x is an instance of Main)", "Must qualify the allocation with an enclosing instance of type GeoLocation", "Is not an enclosing class Java", "No enclosing instance of type MainRender is accessible", "SigninActivity is not an enclosing class", "create instance of enclosing class", "No enclosing instance of the type QuestionActivity is accessible in scope[help]", "No enclosing instance of (class here) is accessible", "No enclosing instance is accessible. Must qualify the allocation with an enclosing instance of type (e.g. x.new A() where x is an instance of )", "No Enclosing instance error", "Getting a \"No enclosing instance of type...\" error", "Getting error: No enclosing instance of type **** is accessible", "get Name of enclosing Method", "No enclosing instance of type ITask is accessible.", "Trying to create a instance of class inherting from Thread, Getting error saying \"No enclosing instance of type cBitrex is accessible\"", "No enclosing instance of the type DonationsActivity is accessible", "No enclosing instance of type fbMain is accessible. Must qualify the allocation with an enclosing instance of type fbMain", "Java - No enclosing instance of the type ... is accessible in scope", "not an enclosing class", "Java No enclosing instance of type is accessible", "Java Android Not an enclosing class error", "No enclosing instance of type is accessible", "No enclosing instance of type mProgram is accessible. Must qualify the allocation with an enclosing instance of type mProgram", "How do I access the instance of an enclosing class?", "No enclosing instance of type ... is accessible", "no enclosing instance of the type Polylinje is accessible in scope", "ERROR: No enclosing instance of type OOPTutorial is accessible" ]
Appending line to file with FileLock
[ "Java FileLock for Reading and Writing" ]
[ "When using Java's FileLock, is it ok to let close() to automatically do a lock.release()?", "Appending two XmlObjects", "FileLock on Android doesn't do anything?", "How to check FileLock without truncating file?", "Java Filelock to prevent multiple writes by multiple JVM processes not working", "Is a Java FileLock a POSIX advisory (fcntl) lock", "Lock a file in Java with FileLock", "Appending the string", "Appending List to List", "Java Writing/Appending a File", "Appending String[][] object", "What is the correct method for appending to a text file in java?", "Appending to a file in android", "Appending a set with a text file", "How to use FileLock on android?", "what happens with FileLock on JVM crash?", "Appending to an Image File", "Java appending XML data", "Random access file FileLock: java.io vs. java.nio", "Appending to a file is not working", "add new line to file when appending", "Appending values in a string in java", "Unable to lock files on Linux using java.nio.channels.FileLock", "Appending to a file in java", "Appending to text file", "Appending to array in Java", "Appending one text file to another in Java", "Appending a string to an array", "Appending data to Map in Java" ]
Tomcat: use FTP connection via JNDI
[ "How do you use global JNDI URL resources in Tomcat 8?", "URL Connection (FTP) in Java - Simple Question" ]
[ "JNDI modifyAttributes and NameNotFoundError", "Tomcat JNDI: managed stack of objects", "How to FTP in Java", "problem with JNDI", "FTP to 1and1.com", "how to correctly configure jndi data source in tomcat 8", "Where is the JNDI name in my code?", "JNDI.What is the thing?", "FTP connection java", "JNDI InvalidNameException", "FTP connection drivehq", "Java JNDI Name java:/", "getting files off ftp connection", "How to read a text file via FTP?", "trouble with JNDI Data Source in Tomcat", "Connection is not open FTP Android", "tomcat's JNDI sharing", "Common JNDI resources in Tomcat", "simple string value by JNDI in Java", "jndi look up for DefaultFtpSessionFactory", "Why JNDI resource can only be called once in Tomcat?", "Tomcat +jndi.properties", "JNDI configuration in Tomcat", "Creating A File Resource Using Tomcat JNDI", "About jndi database connection", "Project's exception Spring Hibernate Jndi Tomcat", "Java connection pool without JNDI?", "I can't use JNDI in tomcat to connect MySQL" ]