stringlengths 12
| positive
sequence | negative
sequence |
Java Annotations - looking for an example of RetentionPolicy.CLASS | [
"How can I access a RetentionPolicy.CLASS java annotation?",
"RetentionPolicy CLASS vs. RUNTIME"
] | [
"RetentionPolicy of RUNTIME in old JRE?",
"Java-like annotations in C++",
"Help with annotations",
"Multiple Deltasike securityBindingType annotations on class",
"Annotations in Java",
"How and where are Annotations used in Java?",
"What do annotations do? And how do I use it?",
"How do I get class annotations from a Method instance?",
"Why does the definition of MyAnnotation need Documented, Inherited, Retention & RetentionPolicy?",
"How do user annotations work?",
"java annotations: library to override annotations with xml files",
"Can Java Annotations help me with this?",
"How can I use Value Annotations in another class?",
"Does Reflections library ignore the RetentionPolicy",
"Java Annotations not working",
"working of Java Annotations",
"Why java annotations?",
"IClassFile annotations",
"How to get values of different Annotations",
"Java Annotations - how to create an array?",
"Annotations help in java",
"Java Annotations simple error",
"Get all annotations in a project?",
"java.net.URLClassLoader doesn't add class annotations",
"Java Annotations",
"Get annotations of return type in Java",
"Multiple annotations",
"Java annotations"
] |
Apache HttpClient and HttpConnection in a multithreaded applicatio | [
"Best Practice to Use HttpClient in Multithreaded Environment"
] | [
"Output of a Multithreaded program",
"Deprecated HttpClient, now using apache-httpclient-4.3.x",
"Relationship between HttpClient, HttpConnection and ClientConnectionManager",
"Multithreaded return value",
"Download file with Apache HttpClient",
"Multithreaded in java",
"Multithreaded application in Java?",
"How to force Apache HttpClient / HttpConnection to absolutely close tcp connection?",
"Print List of string Multithreaded",
"Call httpconnection with encoding not working",
"Apache Commons HttpConnection : PostMethod - Get Underlying HttpConnection",
"HttpClient from apache in Android?",
"JavaNIO multithreaded server not working",
"Multithreaded server in Java",
"Java - does not loop in multithreaded program",
"Cannot connect using httpconnection in android",
"Syncronizing a multithreaded server",
"Ashynchronous Multithreaded",
"Error while trying to do GET using Apache HttpClient in Java",
"DefaultServiceUnavailableRetryStrategy constructor from Apache Httpclient",
"Apache httpclient javax.net.ssl.SSLHandshakeException:",
"MultiThreaded File Read in Java",
"How do you get html content from Apache httpclient on error?",
"Java Apache HttpClient EnityUtils block",
"How does this multithreaded Java code work?",
"How do I use the apache httpClient API?",
"multithreaded mutisocket program",
"How to call same method of a different class in multithreaded way",
"java.net.SocketException: Connection reset With HTTPConnection"
] |
what is exception propagation? | [
"Guidelines on Exception propagation (in Java)"
] | [
"Getting LazyInitializationException although using @Transactional(propagation=Propagation.REQUIRES_NEW)",
"When to use Spring @Transactional (propagation = Propagation.SUPPORTS)?",
"Propagation behaviour of transaction",
"PROPAGATION_REQUIRED behavior in spring?",
"Question about spring transaction propagation",
"Spring: transaction propagation",
"Spring Propagation.REQUIRES_NEW",
"why do some android events stop propagation and other don't need to?",
"Propagation.REQUIRES_NEW causing LockWaitTimeOutException",
"Exception propagation through nested loops/calls",
"Pressed Status propagation in Android",
"Java event propagation stopped",
"Which propagation to use in Spring?",
"Http request parameter type propagation",
"Programming the Back Propagation Algorithm",
"Why are the transactions rolled back even when propagation=Propagation.REQUIRES_NEW in second method in Spring service class?",
"java Exception Propagation",
"Exception Propagation in Java",
"Curious exception propagation to main thread",
"SWT event propagation",
"Why does not \"@Transactional(propagation = propagation.NEVER)\" work?",
"Spring Transaction propagation issue",
"Hibernate and TransactionRequiredException when propagation set to Propagation.NOT_SUPPORTED",
"Spring:Propagation.REQUIRED not working",
"Strange behaviour with @Transactional(propagation=Propagation.REQUIRES_NEW)",
"Avoid changes propagation",
"Interface implementation propagation in Java generics",
"hibernate propagation never not work"
] |
Java SHA256 outputs different hash to PHP SHA256? | [
"why PHP's hash_hmac('sha256') gives different result than java sha256_HMAC",
"Java how to do sha256 hashing equiavelent to php crypt function ? result is not the same?"
] | [
"SHA256: different output in Swift and Java?",
"Why are my Java and command line SHA256 outputs different?",
"How do I generate a hash code with hash sha256 in java?",
"wrong calculatin of sha256 hash in android",
"How to hash some string with sha256 in Java?",
"Need to generate HMAC SHA256 hash in Objective C as in Java",
"How to generate a key from a SHA256 hash using Bouncy Castle?",
"HMAC-SHA256 in Java/ Translate from C#",
"How to edit SHA256 in java",
"java - is there a way to confirm that a string is a sha256 hash?",
"Comparing SHA256 Output in Java and PHP",
"Sha256 is not providing 16 byte array",
"Java and Python generate different Hmac-SHA256 output",
"Python and Java MAC SHA256 encoding generating VERY SIMILAR KEY",
"Why do I sometimes get different SHA256 hashes in Java and PHP?",
"Java SHA256 hash not the same as in vb.net",
"two of three byte different in sha256 hash function",
"SHA256 with RSA signature returns different outputs on various Android devices",
"Android Java and PHP HASH HMAC SHA256 different result",
"Java method which can provide the same output as Python method for HMAC-SHA256 in Hex",
"Java encryption with sha256 and salt",
"sha256 hash from public key",
"SHA256 in PHP & Java",
"AES encryption with SHA256",
"Sha256 hash in Objective C and Java",
"Persisting sha256 hash objects?",
"Converting SHA256 from Java to C#",
"How to calculate sha256 faster in java?"
] |
Should serialVersionUID be unique for different classes? | [
"What is a serialVersionUID and why should I use it?"
] | [
"error: local class incompatible: stream classdec serialversionUID= ...., local class serialversionUID=",
"serialversionUID does not match",
"Will different java versions create different serialVersionUID?",
"Can serialVersionUID of java standard objects change ?",
"serialVersionUID in Java",
"Should an abstract class have a serialVersionUID",
"What is serialVersionUID in java, normally in exception class?",
"Is serialVersionUID inherited by subclasses, if I have default serialVersionUID in superclass",
"When do I have to change the serialVersionUID?",
"What is the purpose of using serialVersionUID here?",
"Is it possible to get serialVersionUID of the java class in runtime",
"Is there a reason to use a real serialVersionUID?",
"override serialVersionUID for system classes",
"About generated serialVersionUID in Eclipse",
"SerialVersionUID JavaDoc?",
"java serialVersionUID not works as I needed",
"Is there a way to re-generate a serialVersionUID in Eclipse?",
"Deserialize classes without serialversionuid",
"serialVersionUID from old class is too big",
"serialVersionUID Exception",
"Why compiler do not set serialVersionUID automatically?",
"Why isn't the serialVersionUID automatically generated?",
"Why SerialVersionUID is static",
"Find which class in which jar has a given serialVersionUID",
"why user defined serialVersionUID is not used while desialization?",
"Why does the serialVersionUID field exist?",
"Does A Serializable Class Have to Have a Unique SerialVersionUID?",
"value for serialVersionUID does it matter?",
"serialVersionUID for serizlizable class"
] |
Unsupported Class Version Error | [
"Java Compilation Errors: Unsupported Class Version"
] | [
"Unsupported Media Type - REST Service",
"Unsupported Image Type exception in only few images",
"Unsupported Feature exception fetchDmlReturnParams",
"Got \"unsupported class file version 52.0\" after including a module to a project",
"Unsupported java class version 52",
"Android Facebook Unsupported post request error",
"Unsupported form file version: 1.9. The form cannot be opened",
"Using an unsupported language in an app",
"Camera Input: Unsupported Parameter",
"What happens if your input file contains some unsupported character?",
"Unsupported class version error in java?",
"Run Java packages on unsupported Java Version",
"Class has unsupported major or minor version numbers",
"Unsupported Content-type:application/json in java webservice call",
"Is there an unsupported operation annotation in Java?",
"Unsupported protocol with JDBC connection",
"Unsupported media type for REST POST",
"LWJGL 3 unsupported function",
"UnSupported Exception in ArrayList",
"Maven-install Unsupported Class Version Error",
"Can't run my program after compiling says unsupported class version error",
"Spring Data MongoDB NotLike - Unsupported keyword",
"list.add(element) unsupported operation exception",
"TinyB based app - Unsupported JNI version 0x00010008",
"Unsupported feature error in Quickbook",
"Unsupported operating system",
"Web application version is unsupported when creating a servlet",
"unsupported class version error in spark submit",
"How to know if List.remove() is \"Unsupported\"?"
] |
Serving sitemap.xml and robots.txt with Spring MVC | [
"Build sitemap.xml by Java Spring"
] | [
"Serving RDF representation of Java model with Spring MVC?",
"Where to put robots.txt in tomcat 7?",
"Serving files using Spring-Boot and Spring-MVC from any location in the file system",
"Name of the Spring XML file in Spring MVC",
"Serving different CSS based on user ID - spring mvc",
"Is there a standardized sitemap format?",
"do-while loop learning with robots - becker package",
"AddAllAttributes method spring mvc",
"Spring MVC - Serving Content Twice",
"what is contextLoaderListerner in spring mvc",
"MarshallingView in Spring MVC 3",
"Basic Spring MVC project not serving view",
"Spring MVC with XML",
"Using UADetector To detect Robots",
"Spring MVC error",
"Spring not serving html file",
"HTTP Get request to Challonge returns robots.txt",
"Spring not serving static content",
"I cannot access Robots.txt in Spring-MVC",
"Spring MVC repsonsebody",
"Spring MVC serving same static content for all urls matching a pattern",
"Robots.txt in AppEngine Java",
"How to return a XML file with Spring MVC?",
"Automatic sitemap generation",
"how to access sitemap.xml file out side in spring mvc",
"Becker Robots: Getting them to move",
"How to access a website's robots.txt",
"How to generate sitemap for a given domain by java what are the API s or Source codes available",
"How to generate sitemap for already developed struts 1.2 web application?"
] |
How to write nullable int in java? | [
"Checking a nullable int causes problems",
"How to present the nullable primitive type int in Java?"
] | [
"nullPointerException on a nullable=false value",
"Check if method \"return null\" and is @Nullable",
"Does Java allow nullable types?",
"EDITHibernate XML mapping - Nullable Integer",
"Json Parsing and Nullable int value in android",
"In which cases I should use @Nullable annotation?",
"Compare nullable Integer to 0",
"Where to put @Nullable on methods with nullable return types?",
"Spring: convert a nullable String value to Double",
"Filter nullable values from stream and updating nullable property",
"Filtering List with nullable values",
"How to join two nullable sets in Java",
"@Nullable annotation usage",
"Make non-nullable type in Java",
"need nullable double value",
"Add a new method or use one method with nullable parameter?",
"Why should I specify @Column( nullable = false )?",
"How to make an Integer instance not nullable",
"How to best create a Java 8 stream from a nullable object?",
"Meaning of @Nullable java (android)",
"Using @Nullable in Java",
"@Column(nullable=false) Not Working",
"Java @Nullable parameter",
"method doesn't accept nullable date, why?",
"Is there standard Option or Nullable class in Java?",
"Nullable Date column merge problem",
"Java. Which @Nullable should I use to mark return value with one?",
"Java @Id without @column(nullable=false)"
] |
Minimal example of Push in Vaadin 7 app ("@Push") | [
"Displaying Same Data Aross Multiple Clients Using Push in Vaadin 7 app"
] | [
"How to update Vaadin Grid after push?",
"How can I make a server push",
"Implementing Server Push",
"How to make Push up in and Push up out animation Transition?",
"PUSH-000503: MultiplexerBlockedException while calling Client.isSubscribed",
"How can server push data to client?",
"Custom array push data with loop",
"How to implement push on Android 1.5?",
"What is the Equivalent code From array_push in java?",
"How can I push data to the device?",
"Tomcat Push to Java Client",
"Switch add-on with push, vaadin",
"Server side push with java",
"push button from background class",
"server push or client push is better?",
"Server Side push",
"How to dynamically push-update pages in vaadin?",
"JAVA - How do you push a string into a stack?",
"push_back() and push_front() in Java",
"Vaadin server push from another thread",
"Android Parse Push",
"Push is not available",
"How to push my buttons to the right in vaadin?",
"Push JSON data to a file using Java",
"How to push data to client's server",
"how to push back a character in string in java",
"push method to queue is not working in Java",
"push Data to stack",
"Parse Push \"No Activity Found\" on opening Push Notification"
] |
Image isn't creating using the BitmapFactory.decodeByteArray | [
"Why does BitmapFactory.decodeByteArray return null?"
] | [
"decodeByteArray and copyPixelsToBuffer not working. SkImageDecoder::Factory returned null",
"Java - Another \"BitmapFactory.decodeByteArray always null\"",
"How to Avoid inconsistent OutOfMemory Exceptions with BitmapFactory.decodeByteArray?",
"Why SQLite to ImageView, BitmapFactory.decodeByteArray Returning Null?",
"Implementation of BitmapFactory.Options for Android",
"uneven frame rate when making animation using BitmapFactory.decodeByteArray",
"BitmapFactory.decodeByteArray returns null with inJustDecoteBounds=true in Android",
"The method decodeByteArray(byte[], int, int) in the type BitmapFactory is not applicable for the arguments (byte[][], int, int)",
"BitmapFactory works perfectly on .png image but returns null when i load jpeg image from url",
"BitmapFactory﹕ Unable to decode stream - null",
"decodeByteArray returns null",
"Original size bitmap using BitmapFactory decodeByteArray",
"Why to use BitmapFactory.Options.inTempStorage?",
"BitmapFactory decodeByteArray SkImageDecoder Factory returned null - image from JSON",
"BitmapFactory.decodeByteArray() returns null on binarized Bitmap",
"BitmapFactory.decodeByteArray returns Bitmap with invalid dimensions?",
"Why is decodeByteArray giving me a null pointer error",
"BitmapFactory and HTTPUrlConnection issue",
"BitmapFactory Unable to decode stream",
"Android decodeByteArray very slow on own Thread but not on UI Thread",
"BitmapFactory.decodeByteArray returns null when decoding data from ByteBuffer.array()",
"ImageIO.read() and BitmapFactory.decodeByteArray()",
"Decode specific areas of image in Bitmapfactory?",
"BitmapFactory.decodeByteArray() always returns null (manually-created byte array)",
"BitmapFactory null issue in android",
"Decoding MJPEG stream using android BitmapFactory.decodeByteArray Garbage collection",
"Is this a bug for BitmapFactory while decoding InputStream?",
"Android: BitmapFactory issue",
"using BitmapFactory to obtain dimensions on an image can get OutOfMemoryError,"
] |
Count letters in a string Java | [
"Count letters in a string",
"How to check how many letters are in a string in java?"
] | [
"How to use Java to print out letters?",
"How to count unique characters (only letters and numbers)",
"How to change letters to other letters Java",
"Read 2 letters in a string using JAVA",
"Java: Count occurrence of letters in a String",
"Java - Split String by Number and Letters",
"Insert in between the letters of String",
"how to count the number of letters in an array java",
"show letters when mouse move on letters",
"return true if there is no letters",
"find all letters in String with regex",
"Count Duplicate letters",
"Letters to words",
"Make a string of letters and numbers?",
"Check if String doesn't have any letters",
"Values from letters in Java",
"Check if user put in only letters into String",
"Java Creating List of letters from String is not working",
"Adding 1-5 Letters to a String",
"Check if a string contains only a set of letters",
"I want to print my name's letters one by one",
"Java - how to convert letters in a string to a number?",
"Getting Wrong Count in JAVA Count Letters Program",
"String and 2 letters",
"How to count the numbers of letters for each column in a String [][]?",
"How to create a regexpression for a name with just letters and one \"-\" i java?",
"How can I check if two strings have the same letters, but only print the common letters once?",
"Java method to find set of letters in a String not specific with sequence of Letters?"
] |
How to add JCheckBox in JTable? | [
"Adding JCheckBox into JTable"
] | [
"Make a JCheckBox in a JTable editable",
"How to create jCheckbox in jTable when retrieve data from SQLite",
"JCheckbox not showing",
"Retrieving status of JCheckbox inside a JTable",
"Setting jCheckBox invisible in jTable",
"JCheckBox setting values in other class",
"JCheckBox issue in Java?",
"Add JCheckBox by for loop",
"How can I determine which JCheckBox caused an event when the JCheckBox text is the same",
"Unstable program of JCheckbox in JTable",
"Getting data from JTable for selected JCheckBox",
"Listeneing for changes in JCheckBox in a JTable",
"How to check the state of an JCheckBox?",
"JTable: change the status of a JCheckBox",
"UndoRedo.Manager and JCheckBox",
"JCheckBox trouble",
"JCheckBox List error?",
"How can I put a JCheckbox on a JTable?",
"JCheckBox, something wrong with my constructor.",
"JCheckBox Behavior in JTable",
"SWING - Multiple JCheckBox in a JTable cell",
"How would I go about changing the boolean string to a JCheckBox in JTable?",
"JCheckBox messing up JTable's selection",
"JCheckBox added in a JTable cell is not visible",
"How to add a JCheckBox in JTable",
"Display JCheckBox in JTable",
"JCheckBox with Image",
"how to set jcheckbox inside jtable dynamically",
"JCheckBox centereing"
] |
Update City Spinner with notifyDataSetChanged after state is selected | [
"populate city spinner after state spinner has been selected",
"notifyDataSetChanged() not updating my array for my spinner"
] | [
"How to display selected Item in Spinner?",
"pass a selected value in a spinner array to another class Android",
"How can i set one spinner's selected item control other spinner's items?",
"spinner if item selected again",
"How to get Spinner Selected Item in Android",
"Android - How do I get the value out of the selected spinner object?",
"notifyDataSetChanged(); source not found exception",
"Android: Trying to create a spinner with items based on another spinner's item selected",
"Android API ListView doesn't update when using notifyDataSetChanged();",
"I get error in spinner selected value",
"notifyDataSetChanged() vs invalidateData()",
"How to get the value of a selected item in a spinner?",
"how to use notifyDataSetChanged()",
"Android: How to correctly use NotifyDataSetChanged with SimpleExpandableListAdapter?",
"Country, state and city spinner not working correctly",
"notifyDataSetChanged() NullPointerException",
"How to get the first and last concatinated string of the selected item in the spinner?",
"How to get spinner's selected item's view",
"How do you get the selected value of a Spinner?",
"how to use Android - notifyDataSetChanged() after delete an item?",
"how to change the string array of a spinner at runtimeHow to use the selected item of a spinner in an if statement (Android in eclipse)",
"Selected Spinner data not appear",
"Can't get method notifydatasetchanged",
"Get selected value of a number model spinner",
"My adapter.notifyDataSetChanged() is not working",
"How to call notifyDataSetChanged() on ArrayList view?",
"selected item on spinner won't work (ANDROID)",
"Using 1 spinner to dynamically change 2 spinners with if functions and notifyDataSetChanged?"
] |
Left padding integers (non-decimal format) with zeros in Java | [
"How can I pad an integer with zeros on the left?"
] | [
"Decimal Format?",
"Regex to find decimal or non decimal number on same or next line in java",
"Java Decimal Format results with trailing zeros",
"format double with zeros on left and right side",
"Java - Padding an integer",
"SQL String padding",
"Format an int with zero padding in Java",
"Decimal Format in Java",
"How to apply left padding to account number in java",
"Left padding a String with Zeros",
"Create a text file table with java with padding",
"Decimal format in Java?",
"Show padding zeros using DecimalFormat",
"Convert oracle data with two zeros after decimal",
"insert integers with zeros in position after decimal point as a string to sqlite",
"Padding between characters in a string",
"Count number of zeros after decimal point in Java",
"java decimal String format",
"Java padding a string read from a file",
"Adding padding to MapViewController.zoomToSpan()",
"Why Integers change their value when zeros are added to the left?",
"Format decimal values with String in Java",
"How to apply padding on a Java String object",
"android java String.format padding zeroes before and after decimal on a double",
"Java padding image",
"adding n number of zeros after decimal",
"Set length of field padding and decimal precision at the same time",
"Left padding an integer with zero (Java)",
"Date format string padding in an inexistant time"
] |
Parse indented text tree in Java | [
"Java - Indented list from a tree"
] | [
"extracting the text from output parse Tree",
"write my tree object to a file in java?",
"Call Tree in Intelllij",
"How to parse a text file in java?",
"How do I create a tree out of this?",
"B+-Tree in Java",
"iText7 Indented List Formatting (Java)",
"Add tree as a sub tree to different type of tree",
"java create tree from array",
"Fenwick Tree Java",
"Tree Print Tree Method",
"XML not indented on remote server via Java Transformer",
"tree nodeSelectListener",
"Why is the Java library source code so strangely indented?",
"Nested indented output with a recursion method",
"How to parse a String into Java Tree?",
"Root element in XML file is not indented",
"Java Tree Error",
"Applying XSL Stylesheet with Java, output is not indented correctly",
"Java parse binary tree structure",
"Indented print in java",
"Eclipse JavaEditor extension: How to add a properly indented line?",
"Java Tree Program",
"String Array (Tree)",
"Having Element.toXML() properly indented instead of showing the resulting string just as a single line?",
"Unmarshalling indented XML gives different result in Java 7 vs 8",
"Xtext grammar for a nested indented language",
"Write indented text to a file",
"XML and tree, line get out the tree"
] |
Peer not authenticated while importing Gradle project in eclipse | [
"Could not resolve org.apache.commons:commons-lang3:3.0 peer not authenticated gradle 2.2.1"
] | [
"Peer not authenticated in Android Studio",
"HttpClient javax.net.ssl.SSLPeerUnverifiedException: peer not authenticated when time shifted?",
"Peer to peer communication from browser",
"SSL \"Peer Not Authenticated\" error with HttpClient 4.1",
"javax.net.ssl.SSLPeerUnverifiedException: peer not authenticated in netbeans",
"Peer to peer spreadsheet application in Java",
"Java \"peer\" socket for peer to peer communication",
"Java Peer Not Authenticated",
"Issue while importing gradle project in eclipse",
"Peer-to-peer Java application",
"Sockets peer-to-peer",
"nothing changed but got \"peer not authenticated\" error",
"Eclipse gradle plugin error importing project",
"Peer not authenticated in java",
"peer not authenticated in web service?",
"java Peer to Peer using UDP socket",
"Java - javax.net.ssl.SSLPeerUnverifiedException: peer not authenticated",
"Java 8 javax.net.ssl.SSLPeerUnverifiedException: peer not authenticated, but not Java 7",
"javax.net.ssl.SSLPeerUnverifiedException: peer not authenticated issue",
"No build.gradle is created when importing an existing Java project with Gradle in Eclipse",
"javax.net.ssl.SSLPeerUnverifiedException: peer not authenticated error",
"Download interrupted: peer not authenticated",
"Using Dropbox Java api: DropboxSSLException: javax.net.ssl.SSLPeerUnverifiedException: peer not authenticated",
"Design Alternatives : Peer to Peer application",
"Peer-to-Peer connection over the internet",
"Android Studio / Intellij, Gradle Error:Cause: peer not authenticated",
"Windows vs linux http authentication. javax.net.ssl.SSLPeerUnverifiedException: peer not authenticated",
"Null Pointer Importing Gradle Project Into Eclipse",
"Java ME, How to implement peer to peer communication?"
] |
Declaring/initializing variables inside or outside of a double (or multiple) loop | [
"Declaring variables inside or outside of a loop"
] | [
"Does declaring a variable but not initializing it increase performance?",
"Initializing and Declaring objects and methods",
"Java: Should I use constructor to do more than just initializing the variables",
"initializing variables before using in java",
"Declaring objects inside or outside function",
"Declaring variable in do-while loop and outside as random numbers",
"Declaring 2 variables in a for() loop",
"Declaring List before for loop in java",
".class error during declaring/initializing variables?",
"Initializing ivars in Java",
"Initializing multiple variables to the same value in Java",
"Initializing variable inside a while-loop",
"Initializing static variables in java",
"Initializing objects in a for loop in java?",
"java Local variable not initializing outside if-statement",
"correct way of initializing variables",
"Declaring and initializing variables within Java switches",
"Initializing class",
"Re-declaring variables inside loops in Java",
"Difference between declaring variables before or in loop?",
"Initializing Multiple Variables in a FOR Loop",
"Initializing a for loop with 2 variables",
"Error when declaring & initializing string as static in java",
"Declaring an variable of class type without initializing it",
"Declaring array variables",
"Declaring button variables as an array with a for loop android",
"About declaring and initializing primitive variable in different line outside a method",
"Declaring multiple variables on one line out of order",
"Initializing variable in for-loop"
] |
Benefit of Polymorphism | [
"Why to use Polymorphism?"
] | [
"Java Polymorphism",
"polymorphism in java",
"Java Polymorphism problem",
"What is the benefit of polymorphism using Collection interface to create ArrayList object?",
"Polymorphism on simple example",
"Use Of polymorphism?",
"Java For loop and polymorphism",
"Why wouldn't polymorphism work in this case?",
"Polymorphism in Java",
"Java polymorphism question",
"Polymorphism - Simple",
"Polymorphism Call",
"why java polymorphism not work in my example",
"Polymorphism issue in Java",
"Is it really polymorphism?",
"Polymorphism issue",
"Error in polymorphism?",
"Polymorphism java error",
"example of polymorphism in java",
"Benefit of factory class over other polymorphism",
"java polymorphism",
"Is this polymorphism?",
"Polymorphism java loop error",
"Pass-by-value & polymorphism",
"Java Polymorphism: Please Help Me to Understand Polymorphism",
"Polymorphism in java classes",
"JSON Polymorphism",
"Is this still polymorphism?",
"Help with first Polymorphism class"
] |
Confusing results on using Runtime.getRuntime().totalMemory() and freeMemory() to calculate memory? | [
"What are Runtime.getRuntime().totalMemory() and freeMemory()?",
"a question on Runtime.getRuntime().totalMemory()"
] | [
"Mock Runtime.getRuntime()?",
"Runtime.totalMemory() gives me a wrong value from configured -Xmx value in 64 bit jvm",
"JSlider & Runtime.getRuntime().freeMemory() strange issue",
"Runtime.getRuntime failed to get output same time but later",
"Xmx is 3072m but Runtime.getRuntime().totalMemory() returns 59mb",
"When to use Runtime.maxMemory() and totalMemory()",
"Runtime.getRuntime().exec() not working",
"Java Runtime.getRuntime().exec",
"Debugging memory problems in java - understanding freeMemory",
"Java runtime.getruntime() gives no output",
"Error on Runtime.getRuntime().exec",
"Java Runtime.getRuntime().exec on Windows error",
"Runtime - why is freeMemory() not showing memory consumed correctly?",
"Why does Runtime.freeMemory() show more memory after constructing an object?",
"Java Runtime.freeMemory() returning bizarre results when adding more objects",
"Java Runtime.getRuntime().exec(); not running program",
"Process.= Runtime.getRuntime().exec() not working for me",
"Create new process with Runtime.getRuntime() in Android",
"Adding parameters to Runtime.getRuntime()?",
"what is usage of this method Runtime.getRuntime();",
"Runtime.getruntime.exec() not working",
"Why does Runtime.freeMemory() change only when I create a large object?",
"Java - Runtime.freeMemory()",
"Execute java file with Runtime.getRuntime().exec()",
"No code for totalMemory() Method in Runtime Class",
"Java Runtime.getRuntime().exec"
] |
Dynamically Adding a JTextArea to Jpanel not working | [
"Moving a JTextArea around a JPanel"
] | [
"Is it possible to dynamically update a JTextArea?",
"Get String from JTextArea",
"Is it not possible to add text to a single JTextArea dynamically?",
"JTextArea & JPanel different classes one window...is it possible?",
"jTextArea append is not working",
"Java JTextArea Question",
"Get text of each JTextArea",
"How to set data in JTextArea in Java?",
"JTextArea and JButton will not add to JPanel",
"why won't my text print to my JTextArea?",
"How to create and delete JTextArea's dynamically",
"How do I make a JTextArea fill up a JPanel completely?",
"JTextArea on left of JPanel",
"How to Print on JTextArea",
"Displaying an image on a JtextArea within a JPanel",
"adding components dynamically in a JPanel",
"How to dynamically remove a JPanel?",
"adding a double to a JTextArea?",
"Creating JPanel dynamically",
"Why is my JTextArea append not working",
"Adding a jTextArea to JPanel from within the Panel",
"How to get text from JTextArea?",
"How to set Background image to a JTextArea in a JPanel",
"Insert JTextArea into a JPanel with a JLabel",
"Dynamically adding components to JPanel",
"Trying to print to JTextArea",
"JTextArea Autoresizing",
"New line in JTextArea?",
"How would I have a JTextArea in one class, and print to a JTextArea in another class?"
] |
addition to Managed Bean Best Practice | [
"Managed-Bean best practice"
] | [
"How to access managed bean and session bean from Servlet",
"Java File Path Best Practice",
"property not found on managed bean",
"How to show MySQL data by a managed bean?",
"Addition method to java class",
"Best practice to return object in java",
"Managed Bean - Only execute code on page load",
"How to grab a value from one managed bean and use it to set another managed bean's property on post back",
"Call managed bean method on page load",
"Java for-loop best practice",
"If one bean is managed by Spring does this mean all created beans also have to be managed",
"Best Practice of Using org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory.getLog",
"Cannot get session id from managed bean",
"Modifying a private object property of a managed bean accessed as a managed property from another managed bean",
"Addition in Java",
"What is the best practice?",
"Working of Spring Bean in the following code - How are the Bean properties saved/managed?",
"How to do addition of time in Java?",
"pass form values in managed bean",
"Addition in function in Java",
"Array Addition in java?",
"Class best practice",
"Difference between a managed bean and a session bean",
"Best Practice in `For` loop in java",
"Is it/How to provide SecureContext to a Thread from a managed Spring bean",
"Managed bean property value not set to null",
"About addition on @String",
"Java tryParseInt best practice",
"Java list best practice"
] |
How to create an object pool to be able to borrow and return objects | [
"Add objects to object pool"
] | [
"File pool (like Connection Pool)",
"Does new String() update the string pool in Java?",
"Which Connection Pool should I Use?",
"What is the Java string pool and how is \"s\" different from new String(\"s\")?",
"How can i convert a string object to string pool object?",
"is it possible to create object pool similar to string?",
"using thread pool in my case",
"Java - thread Pool",
"How to pool objects in Spring?",
"String pool creating two string objects for same String in Java",
"Why is there \"pool pool-1-thread-1\" exception in Thread",
"String pool vs Constant pool",
"Thread pool in Java",
"Thread Pool borrow",
"Object Pool Pattern in Java",
"Should I use Thread Pool instead pool in my situation?",
"Java Thread Pool",
"Tomcat validates connection on every borrow",
"database pool with PGPoolingDataSource?",
"When does the pool change?",
"What is a Pool Class in Java?",
"What is String pool in Java?",
"Borrow and return methods in Library management system",
"String POOL in java",
"Java Integer pool. Why?",
"Add object in pool with Apache Commons Pool 2",
"What is the use of a Thread pool in Java?",
"Can we create a pool of Spring ScheduledExecutorTask?",
"How to add a string to the string pool"
] |
jtable cellrenderer changes backgroundcolor of cells while running | [
"How to color cells from JTable?"
] | [
"Custom CellRenderer invoked but appears to have no effect",
"Removing JTable CellRenderer when radiobutton is deselected",
"How to change data in JTable cells?",
"What is the long version of \"blocks[i][j].isColorBox() ? pieceColor : backgroundColor\"?",
"Setting backgroundColor of panel works outside of JTabbedPane but not inside",
"Java Swing: How to add a CellRenderer for displaying a Date?",
"CellRenderer and Editor reset when adding new columns",
"change cells color in jTable when the value of cells is true java",
"setOnFocusChangeListener change backgroundcolor",
"Itext7 CellRenderer does not always work",
"JTable - extend default CellRenderer",
"JTable cellRenderer doesnt change just desingated cells",
"Why is my JTable CellRenderer running all the time?",
"using a JLabel+icon with JTable cellrenderer + selection highlight",
"Android Animate BackgroundColor in TextView",
"How to calculate jTable width and Height after column adjustment if data is changed from a cellrenderer",
"Change font and backgroundcolor of a line in a JList",
"JTable copy value from view of cellrenderer",
"Set RelativeLayout backgroundColor using java code",
"How can i add an UndoableEditListener to JTable cells?",
"i want to color my Cells in Jtable Java?",
"How to select only cells in one row in a jtable?",
"CellRenderer Fails After JTable is Passed to JForm",
"Color cells in a column in a JTable",
"Color only specific cells in JTable",
"CellRenderer - Making text bold",
"Jtable cellrenderer doesnt change backgroun of integer value",
"JTable cells not changing the value after user input",
"How get backgroundColor from ImageView"
] |
Open source Java library to produce webpage thumbnails server-side | [
"Are there any java library for thumbnails generation?"
] | [
"Unable to create thumbnails for large image files",
"How to add thumbnails for embed video in website(Squarespace)",
"Getting data from a webpage (screenscraping)",
"Read text from a webpage in Java",
"Display Video thumbnails from URL",
"Loading large images as thumbnails without memory issues in Java?",
"making jfilechooser show image thumbnails",
"Read data from webpage",
"java file picker with inline thumbnails",
"Video thumbnails in List",
"Running a Java function from a webpage?",
"Running PhantomJS from a Spring applicatoin for webpage thumbnails",
"Java: Generating thumbnails with transparency",
"Reading source code from a webpage in java",
"Android How can I using Cursor get image and video thumbnails in my direct path both?",
"Making thumbnails in Clojure",
"How to correct download multiple images(thumbnails for videos)",
"Load media thumbnails efficiently",
"How to get images and videos thumbnails from a path, not working",
"How to display a scrollable bar of image thumbnails using java swing?",
"Java - Get text from webpage",
"How to get video thumbnails?",
"video thumbnails not working",
"Video Thumbnails in Java",
"How to retrieve youtube thumbnails using Google API Client Library for Java",
"Getting webpage source code with java",
"How do I change the number of thumbnails seen in the Android sample Home application?",
"How to format webpage source code in java?",
"ffmpeg thumbnails with JavaScript"
] |
How to get .equals() being symmetric when using .compareTo() in Java | [
"Implementing equals method using compareTo"
] | [
"compareTo()==0 isn't working",
"How do I write a compareTo method which compares objects?",
"Why Doesn't compareTo() work?",
"call compareTo method java issuess",
"Why am I getting this error about the compareTo method?",
"equals method overrides equals in superclass and may not be symmetric",
"java - compareTo method",
"Method to check if number is symmetric in Java",
"How to use a compareTo function in java",
"String CompareTo not working",
"String compareTo",
"java Float: == equals compareTo",
"Both '==' operator and Equals/compareTo method not working",
"Error with compareTo method",
"Java Strings: compareTo() vs. equals()",
"Android Studio .compareTo and .equals with strings not working",
"Class defines compareTo(...) and uses Object.equals()",
"Java questions on equals and compareTo method",
"using of compareTo in java",
"What does compareTo method return in java",
"How do the compareTo and equals methods work in this example?",
"hashCode(), equals(Object) and compareTo(Class)",
"compareTo and equals in PriorityQueues",
"CompareTo() method in Java",
"creating a simple symmetric table in java",
"How does compareTo() work",
"Difference between equals and compareto method in java string",
"Using equals() in compareTo()?",
"Relationship between equals and compareTo methods"
] |
What does the Type parameter for Thread and Runnable signify? | [
"Runnable with a parameter?"
] | [
"What if I need to return an object from thread's runnable object?",
"Java - Runnable",
"How to access a Runnable object by Thread?",
"What does Object<String> signify in Java?",
"Thread and Runnable",
"What can I pass as the second argument to java reflection's getMethod to signify no parameter(s)?",
"Can not use a Runnable",
"What does the first <E> signify in public static <E> Set<E> someFunction(){}",
"What does the '->' operator signify in Objective C?",
"Why does it not work? (send function as parameter by Runnable in java )",
"Return value from Runnable Thread",
"Runnable not work",
"Pass a runnable to a Thread - Java",
"In Java serialisation why does J signify a long and L signify an Object?",
"What do the parameters of BorderLayout signify?",
"Thread with runnable vs without runnable",
"Create Thread Other than Thread Or Runnable",
"Creating thread using Runnable object",
"new Runnable() but no new thread?",
"What can I send to an InputStream to signify EOF has been reached?",
"Java : Thread calling Runnable",
"What does Base b2 = new Child(); signify?",
"HttpServletResponse.SC_BAD_REQUEST signify?",
"Trying to figure out how to pass a parameter to a thread using the Runnable thread class",
"Why should I use Runnable instead of Thread?",
"What does a never ending Java Applet loader signify?",
"Java get result from Thread and Runnable",
"How to signify failure of a Java Future result",
"Running a Thread and Runnable Thread"
] |
What's the different between LinkedBlockingQueue and ConcurrentLinkedQueue? | [
"LinkedBlockingQueue vs ConcurrentLinkedQueue"
] | [
"LinkedBlockingQueue in java jdk 1.7",
"LinkedBlockingQueue - java - queue full",
"Which is better LinkedBlockingQueue unbounded or LinkedBlockingQueue with capacity",
"How to use ConcurrentLinkedQueue?",
"Why Executors create Executor use LinkedBlockingQueue instead of ConcurrentLinkedQueue",
"Performance of put() in LinkedBlockingQueue",
"ConcurrentLinkedQueue and list methods",
"Java ConcurrentLinkedQueue instead of List?",
"Java - LinkedBlockingQueue problem",
"Regarding ConcurrentLinkedQueue",
"size of ConcurrentLinkedQueue",
"Java - ConcurrentLinkedQueue - poll all",
"ConcurrentLinkedQueue: How to implement a handler in Java?",
"LinkedBlockingQueue first elements are missing",
"LinkedBlockingQueue only return one of mupltiple threads",
"Java ConcurrentLinkedQueue iteration element order?",
"LinkedBlockingQueue .take() performance",
"ConcurrentLinkedQueue Code Explanation",
"putting data from a LinkedBlockingQueue<> to an array not of type object",
"How do I create a Thread Pool with a LinkedBlockingQueue in Java?",
"LinkedBlockingQueue with fast contains(Object o) method?",
"Using ConcurrentLinkedQueue causes error",
"Java threading problem using ConcurrentLinkedQueue",
"How to use LinkedBlockingQueue to run tasks",
"Java on Android: Does adding item to ConcurrentLinkedQueue copy it",
"Java performance problem with LinkedBlockingQueue",
"ConcurrentLinkedQueue won't remove",
"How to iterate on concurrentLinkedQueue by multiple threads?"
] |
Image resize quality (Java) | [
"Quality of Image after resize very low -- Java"
] | [
"how to resize Image in java?",
"Resize headerTable",
"Java output image bad quality in browser",
"Making this code for image resize() work",
"Android image resize",
"java object resize on window resize",
"SWT: How to do High Quality Image Resize",
"i Can't Resize Image in XML Android",
"Image quality decrease when resize",
"Resize an image using Java",
"How do I resize an image with Java?",
"Java: Resize image doesn't work",
"Resize an Array in Java with same name",
"How to resize input image",
"How can I resize an image using Java?",
"Image Resize UpScale lost Quality",
"How resize image from file?",
"can we resize an array in java?",
"Java: make an low quality image",
"Resize Image files",
"Java resize an image",
"Can not get full image quality from base64 string",
"Image quality issues using Java library imgsclr to RESIZE",
"Java Image Quality (JPEG)",
"Java resize image from an URL?",
"Resize Image in Java. How to resize",
"Text quality in processing",
"Resize an image file",
"Convert a layout to an image, how to have a good quality?"
] |
Optional parameters with named query in Hibernate? | [
"How to query with hibernate and optional parameters?"
] | [
"java optional parameters",
"Trouble with hibernate's named query",
"Doing an \"IN\" query with Hibernate",
"Have multiple optional parameters",
"Why isn't there an Optional.or(Optional default) method?",
"Spring Data MongoDB AND/OR query with multiple optional parameters",
"How to call a method with parameters from an optional object in java",
"Hibernate Named Query Order By parameter",
"Return value from Optional",
"Java Named Query",
"Hibernate Optional Inheritance",
"Like in hibernate named query",
"How to parse optional URL parameters",
"How to create optional parameters for own annotations?",
"Why does @RelatedToVia have optional type and elementClass parameters?",
"Hibernate: optional many-to-one with not-null columns",
"Guava Optional as method argument for optional parameters",
"Hibernate Native Query problem with named parameters",
"Java optional parameters",
"How to create REST API with optional parameters?",
"Hibernate optional dependencies",
"count hibernate and Named Query",
"Optional one-to-one mapping in Hibernate",
"Optional Parameters in MAIN() for JAVA",
"Hibernate Mapping Optional Value",
"hibernate - get named query string without session",
"Java named/optional parameters using annotation?",
"Check if a specific named parameter exists or not in hibernate named query",
"Hibernate bulkUpdate() with List as parameters"
] |
Spring boot session management - why are there two instances of sessionRegistry? | [
"Spring boot sessionRegistry returns empty list of principals"
] | [
"How to get list of data from a file using Spring Boot?",
"User Session Management with Spring (Business and Transaction Management)",
"Spring Boot - Transaction Management is not working",
"spring boot with no main class",
"Inernationalization with Spring Boot",
"SAML authenticated users don't appear in Spring Security's SessionRegistry",
"Session Management in extsj4",
"Spring 4 - Session Management",
"Spring Boot with session-based data source",
"Patterns about bean management in Spring Boot",
"Spring security: How Spring security registers new session in SessionRegistry?",
"Session in Spring REST using Spring boot",
"User Session Management with Spring",
"How to use SpringTemplateEngine when using Spring Boot",
"What is session management in Java?",
"Error with Spring BOOT",
"Spring Boot not working?",
"How to getDistributable() in Java Spring Boot?",
"How does spring-boot @ConditionalOnClass work?",
"sessionRegistry is empty when I use ConcurrentSessionControlAuthenticationStrategy instead of ConcurrentSessionControlStrategy",
"How does a Spring Boot Application create beans without @Configuration class",
"Understanding authentication and session management using Spring boot",
"Http Session Management / Alternative Session Management (in Java)",
"java session management",
"Session management in Java Web App",
"@AuthenticationPrincipal with Spring Boot not working",
"Getting logged in users with a SessionRegistry",
"Spring boot TemplateInputException",
"Dependency Management in Spring Boot"
] |
ClassNotFoundException on all Servlets running Maven application from Eclipse | [
"Maven Eclipse Tomcat ClassNotFoundException"
] | [
"ClassNotFoundException while running program",
"java.lang.ClassNotFoundException maven",
"Maven - ClassNotFoundException: org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils",
"HikariConfig ClassNotFoundException",
"ClassNotFoundException build through maven",
"Servlets are not running",
"ClassNotFoundException FreeMarkerConfigurationFactory",
"ClassNotFoundException HttpRequestInterceptor",
"ClassNotFoundException: org.hibernate.bytecode.instrumentation.internal.FieldInterceptionHelper",
"eclipse maven ClassNotFoundException",
"Error in eclipse, servlets",
"ClassNotFoundException - ResteasyBootstrap",
"ClassNotFoundException in maven project of spring",
"ClassNotFoundException: org.aopalliance.intercept.MethodInterceptor",
"classnotfoundexception on running maven web application in tomcat",
"ClassNotFoundException: org.apache.commons.cli.ParseException with maven",
"ClassNotFoundException When running JDBC through java's Servlets",
"BadParcelableException: ClassNotFoundException",
"ClassNotFoundException: org.apache.commons.vfs.provider.FileProvider",
"ClassNotFoundException with Maven and Java",
"ClassNotFoundException with XposedBridge",
"Eclipse ClassNotFoundException",
"ClassNotFoundException: BasicDataSourceFactory",
"ClassNotFoundException: android.net.ZeroBalanceHelper",
"How to make java servlets in eclipse",
"ClassNotFoundException: HelloStageDemo",
"Eclipse - java.lang.ClassNotFoundException",
"Maven ClassNotFoundException in project",
"ClassNotFoundException while Running Java Application"
] |
How to pass a ArrayList<Mat> from Java to native side(NDK) in opencv for android | [
"Pass Array of Mat to NDK"
] | [
"How to scale a Mat in OpenCV",
"C:/android-ndk\" is not found in PATH in android",
"How does NDK work in Android - What is the order that NDK, JNI etc are used?",
"How to get the Mat object from the Byte[] in openCV android?",
"How do I display a Mat in a window in Java OpenCV?",
"where do i put my file ndk",
"Use OpenCV Mat in Android Java Application. NoClassDefFound Error with OpenCV Mat",
"How to return \"int array\" from native method to java in NDK",
"Android NDK method not found...calling Java from C++",
"Display image using Mat in OpenCV Java",
"Android NDK - write only in C/C++",
"How to find path to NDK?",
"Adding Two Mat of type 32FC4 in OpenCV for Android",
"declare Mat in OpenCV java",
"NDK: Native method not found",
"OpenCV Mat processing time",
"Java equivalent of opencv c++ Mat->data[]",
"Android NDK Compile error NDK_PROJECT_PATH=null",
"Error getting the Android ID in NDK",
"Using Mat in openCV using java",
"System calls in Android NDK",
"Handling java string into native C/C++ for Android Studio+NDK",
"How to create a Java Object(int[]) with Android NDK",
"Calling C function in java class of android NDK",
"Android NDK - Build does not find NDK includes such as <Queue>,",
"Create an OpenCV Mat with simple pattern",
"Android NDK - referencing C++ classes in native functions",
"Open and read text file in c++ with Android (ndk)",
"some c++ include file in Android NDK does not work"
] |
Video Thumbnails in Java | [
"How to get video thumbnails?"
] | [
"Unable to create thumbnails for large image files",
"Get VideoEntry by video id",
"How to add thumbnails for embed video in website(Squarespace)",
"Generating map thumbnails using OpenStreetMap",
"Display Video thumbnails from URL",
"Loading large images as thumbnails without memory issues in Java?",
"making jfilechooser show image thumbnails",
"java file picker with inline thumbnails",
"Video thumbnails in List",
"Running PhantomJS from a Spring applicatoin for webpage thumbnails",
"Are there any java library for thumbnails generation?",
"Java: Generating thumbnails with transparency",
"MediaStore.Images.Thumbnails appears to be empty",
"Android How can I using Cursor get image and video thumbnails in my direct path both?",
"Android MediaStore Thumbnails doesn't exists",
"Thumbnails not rendering correctly in Vaadin Grid in Chrome",
"Making thumbnails in Clojure",
"How to correct download multiple images(thumbnails for videos)",
"Load media thumbnails efficiently",
"How to get images and videos thumbnails from a path, not working",
"How to display a scrollable bar of image thumbnails using java swing?",
"video thumbnails not working",
"How to retrieve youtube thumbnails using Google API Client Library for Java",
"Open source Java library to produce webpage thumbnails server-side",
"azure media services for java,how to get series of thumbnails",
"How to convert Bystream Video to file video in java",
"Is it possible to crop/create thumbnails using apache POI",
"How do I change the number of thumbnails seen in the Android sample Home application?",
"ffmpeg thumbnails with JavaScript"
] |
Proper way to pool client channels in netty? | [
"How to create channel pool in netty?"
] | [
"How to pass data between Channels in netty?",
"How to create a HeapBuffer in Netty Java?",
"Netty channels and multithreading",
"Netty how to use ByteToMessageCodec?",
"Netty 4 multiple client",
"Core game logic loop to send data to channels in Netty",
"Java netty AbstractChannelHandlerContext invokeExceptionCaught",
"Netty HttpStaticFileServer example not working with HttpContentCompressor",
"Java Netty setAutoRead",
"Does a Netty client work with a netty server only?",
"Convert This Netty 3 Code To Netty 4",
"Netty Client to Server message",
"Getting response from Netty server in non-Netty client",
"How to have timelimits with Netty?",
"Netty - How to get server response in the client",
"Netty 4.0 - Sending data to channels on different eventloops",
"Connect to netty with a client which does not use the netty framework",
"Netty ObjectDecoder ReferenceCounts",
"Netty client uses only one thread",
"Netty isWriteable()",
"Netty doesn't write",
"Netty ChannelOutboundHandlerAdapter write",
"EXCEPTION: java.nio.channels.NotYetConnectedException for a socket client with netty 3.10.6",
"Netty Client Won't send more data after a while",
"How to make the Netty example works",
"How can I use an EventExecutorGroup with an NioDatagramChannel in Netty?",
"netty DefaultChannelPipeline exceptionCaught",
"Netty 4 not work in more than 4 channels",
"In Netty 4.0.15, java.nio.channels.IllegalSelectorException exception"
] |
When should EntityManagerFactory instance be created/opened? | [
"Best practice to get EntityManagerFactory"
] | [
"Unable to build EntityManagerFactory in JUnit test",
"EntityManagerFactory interface [interface javax.persistence.EntityManagerFactory] seems to conflict with Spring's EntityManagerFactoryInfo mixin",
"When should we close the EntityManagerFactory?",
"EntityManagerFactory for every function?",
"Trouble working with EntityManagerFactory",
"Unable to build EntityManagerFactory",
"How to get EntityManagerFactory in a web service on Tomcat",
"EntityManagerFactory error on Websphere",
"Spring : 2 EntityManagerFactory in 1 transaction",
"EntityManagerFactory Error when setting up Hibernate with Spring and Maven",
"Dependency Injection problem with EntityManagerFactory + jpadaosupport",
"Unable to configure EntityManagerFactory",
"Hibernate faster EntityManagerFactory creation",
"Get just added Object with EntityManagerFactory",
"When entityManagerFactory is not named \"entityManagerFactory\"",
"create EntityManager from EntityManagerFactory",
"How to share EntityManagerFactory in jpa",
"Unable to build EntityManagerFactory - Spring and Hibernate",
"How do I get the Hibernate Configuration after the EntityManagerFactory has been built?",
"Property 'entityManagerFactory' is required",
"create two entityManagerFactory",
"Why does liquibaseAutoConfiguration register a depenency with entityManagerFactory",
"How to create a thread safe EntityManagerFactory?",
"Error creating a bean \"entityManagerFactory\"",
"Getting DVFactoryException when instantiating a new EntityManagerFactory",
"Creating EntityManagerFactory from hibernate Configuration",
"Spring Data entityManagerFactory NoClassDefFoundError",
"EntityManagerFactory is closed",
"EntityManagerFactory is closed, Hibernate"
] |
SwingWorker, Cancel-Button doesn't work | [
"Stop/cancel SwingWorker thread?",
"How cancel the execution of a SwingWorker?"
] | [
"SwingWorker get a result",
"How to use SwingWorker in this example",
"How to use SwingWorker?",
"For loop in SwingWorker",
"Cancel anonymous SwingWorker",
"How to cancel done() in a SwingWorker thread?",
"SecondaryLoop instead of SwingWorker?",
"Java swingworker output",
"Cancel/Force Stop an Input and Output stream executed through SwingWorker",
"Java - SwingWorker - Can we call one SwingWorker from other SwingWorker instead of EDT",
"Why isn't my SwingWorker working?",
"Java - SwingWorker - problem in process() method",
"where SwingWorker should be in the class",
"SwingWorker doesn't work as expected",
"How do I use SwingWorker in Java?",
"How to use JavaProgressBar with SwingWorker in a for loop?",
"Java SwingWorker does not work in a main method?",
"SwingWorker in another SwingWorker's done method",
"SwingWorker for Both Output & Work, or 1 Each?",
"Cancel SwingWorker clearly with session",
"Java SwingWorker with same instance of Class?",
"How to make a SwingWorker Start more than once..?",
"Reinvoke SwingWorker with another parameter value when the same previous SwingWorker is done",
"Why does my Swingworker cancel its thread only the first time?",
"Pass data to swingWorker?",
"Java Swingworker Thread",
"A swingworker does not work",
"Cancel Button on Java"
] |
Is a Java char array always a valid UTF-16 (Big Endian) encoding? | [
"Is an instance of a Java string always valid UTF-16?"
] | [
"Java - Convert byte[] to char[]. The encoding is UTF-16",
"utf char in Java",
"How do you convert a string to a 32-bit big-endian number in Java?",
"Big endian encoding in java socket from string",
"Difference between C# and java big endian bytes using miscutil",
"How to set UTF-16 encoding format for Xml?",
"Big-endian conversion in JVM",
"Converting Little Endian to Big Endian",
"Return an integer number for a given byte[16] array and bit range between 1 and 128. Big endian",
"convert little Endian file into big Endian",
"How write big endian ByteBuffer to little endian in Java",
"(java) Writing in file little endian",
"Does exist any way to convert TIFF image from little-endian byte order to big-endian?",
"Is java char big endian in JVM memory?",
"UTF-16 Encoding",
"UTF-16 Character Encoding of java",
"Why Java char uses UTF-16?",
"method String.getBytes() is big endian or litter endian?",
"CIL and JVM Little endian to big endian in c# and java",
"Write an integer in little endian",
"Little Endian to Big Endian Precision Error",
"How to set the endian of a byte array in c#",
"Convert from big Endian to Hex String with java",
"write a function that determines whether a computer is big endian or little endian in java",
"Encoding a Char in Java",
"Converting big endian to 2-byte number",
"Does Java read integers in little endian or big endian?",
"Little and Big Endian in Java (android)",
"How to use UTF-16 in URL encoding?"
] |
maven build failed: Unable to locate the Javac Compiler in: jre or jdk issue | [
"Maven unable to locate Javac Compiler - Unable to locate the Javac Compiler in:"
] | [
"Maven pointing to JRE instead of jdk",
"can't find JRE in the JDK",
"Unable to find a javac compiler",
"JRE and JDK not match",
"Unable to find a javac compiler - while trying to generate an android app with RoboHelp 10",
"why does this code compile with eclipse compiler but not with javac (maven)",
"Unable to locate the Javac Compiler using jre8",
"Unable to locate image",
"Can't locate JDK on Windows 7",
"Maven in TeamCity: \"Unable to locate the Javac Compiler...\"",
"Ant build not working: unable to find a javac compiler",
"Unable to find a javac compiler error in Ant",
"Unable to locate JDK in Linux VM",
"What is the difference between JDK and JRE?",
"Eclipse and JRE (JDK)",
"How to get the javac compiler Context from a JavacTask?",
"How does javac locate the Java API classes?",
"How Does Eclipse find the JRE or JDK locaton?",
"Unable to locate the Javac Compiler",
"Unable to locate main class",
"Is is possible to build java code using JDK 1.6 to run on JRE 1.5?",
"unable to find javac compiler from an executable jar",
"Unable to locate exception in Application start method",
"How to update Jre and Jdk",
"How do I make the JDK the default JRE?",
"Error JDK and JRE",
"mvn clean compile Unable to locate the Javac Compiler in:",
"Maven error :Perhaps you are running on a JRE rather than a JDK?",
"Do I need JDK or only JRE?"
] |
What is short circuiting and how is it used when programming in Java? | [
"Would this be an example of short circuiting?"
] | [
"Array Programming in Java",
"Java Programming Code",
"Android Java Programming",
"Eclipse bug? When is a short not a short?",
"I'm programming a BowlingScores program.",
"Java Logical 'AND' vs 'OR' Short-Circuiting Consistency",
"Avoiding exceptions by short circuiting",
"need help on java programming",
"Java logical operator short-circuiting",
"Error programming in java",
"Java: from int to short and from float to short",
"Does Android support short circuiting?",
"Need to know about using setInitial method in Java programming",
"Java List<String> to Short",
"Programming in Python vs. programming in Java",
"Short string format",
"How to preventing short-circuiting?",
"Get Short Message from PduRequest",
"MediaRouter android programming",
"Does Android perform boolean short-circuiting?",
"error in java programming:",
"What's the difference between 'short s = 1' and '(short) 1' in Java?",
"Database Programming",
"Spring form validation optimization (short-circuiting)",
"Java Programming help",
"Need help with java programming!",
"using methods in java programming",
"Are there good uses for non-short-circuiting logical (boolean) operators in Java/Scala?"
] |
how to garbage collect a direct buffer java | [
"Java - When does direct buffer released?"
] | [
"Garbage Collector doesn't immediately collect finished thread",
"Java garbage collect to hashtable",
"Why doesn't the Java garbage collector collect garbage?",
"Collect Objects in Array",
"Too Many Garbage Problem on Java",
"Can I force a running Java application to Garbage Collect from console",
"Is an object garbage if it is referenced only from garbage?",
"Java applet doesn't fully garbage collect on close",
"Does Java Garbage Collect always has to \"Stop-the-World\"?",
"How does a weak hash map know to garbage-collect an object?",
"java 8 collect List<String>",
"When to Garbage Collect",
"If I use \"image=new Image(...)\" many times. Will I collect garbage in memory?",
"Can Java garbage collect variables before end of scope?",
"Collect call for a Map?",
"Java garbage collector - When does it collect?",
"Looking up how much direct buffer memory is available to Java?",
"Why the object created by ClassLoader do not have chance to garbage collect itself",
"Efficient Loop to Avoid Multiple Garbage Collect Calls for Android",
"How can i collect all items of an array",
"How to use collect call in Java 8?",
"Getting Garbage Output Java",
"Parrallelize filter and collect",
"JNI: Direct buffer reading & writing",
"Collect all values of a Set field",
"Java Input Buffer Garbage",
"Getting data of a direct buffer object returned from JNI method to Java?",
"When to use Array, Buffer or direct Buffer",
"How to garbage collect arrays of objects?"
] |
Unloading a JVMTI agent at runtime? | [
"java agent with jvmti load at runtime, unload from within"
] | [
"JVMTI not loaded",
"Unloading classes in java?",
"Measuring method execution with JVMTI",
"Deadlock detection with JVMTI",
"Unloading classes passed via RMI",
"Java API on top of JVMTI?",
"GUI on top of a JVMTI agent",
"Synchronization statistics not available in the JVMTI API?",
"Identify the current JVM with Java or JVMTI",
"Unloading dll in Java",
"How to Get the values of method local variables and class variables using jvmti",
"GWT Module is unloading randomly",
"What is causing a JVMTI_ERROR_NULL_POINTER?",
"JVMTI Agent_OnLoad handler can't create a System Property",
"Class unloading in java",
"Java shutdown function on jar unloading",
"Meaning of the \"Unloading class\" messages",
"Access thread local variable in JVMTI Agent",
"How to debug a java app that uses a JVMTI agent to set breakpoint (Unable to get necessary JVMTI capabilities)",
"Java - Unloading classes",
"JVMTI - Get object for field in class",
"Measure execution time of Java with JVMTI",
"How to write a shutdown function that's called when the corresponding jar is unloading",
"How to track locking events in JVMTI",
"JVMTI RetransformClasses() is taking a lot of time",
"How to get the class in which the method is declared using jmethod id via JVMTI interface",
"How can JVMTI agent set a JVM flag on startup?",
"How to get a class file (in specification format) during runtime using JVMTI?",
"compiling a jvmti agent with g++ fails to work, but cc works ok"
] |
Set a Spring REST Controller welcome-file | [
"How can I make welcome-file-list work with Spring Servlet?"
] | [
"Spring REST Controller Saving JSON Post",
"Spring Controller Rest Call Failure",
"Simple string as JSON return value in spring rest controller",
"Spring MVC - How to return simple String as JSON in Rest Controller",
"Spring REST response is different in a custom controller",
"No HanderMapping found - Spring 3.x - Controller",
"Should I have a separate controller for my REST methods?",
"Spring REST API controller is not called",
"How to have to different GET methods in Controller Java Spring",
"Spring welcome-file-list correct mapping",
"Spring Controller Issue",
"Correct JSON REST Controller by Spring",
"Is there a way to write a rest controller to upload file using spring-data-rest without using Spring-MVC?",
"Implementation method not being called from Rest Controller using Spring",
"Spring Rest Controller Return Specific Fields",
"rest controller not working in spring boot",
"Spring REST controller with different functions",
"Spring Rest `@Controller` wiered behaviour",
"Get user in a Rest Controller class instead of each controller method",
"Spring controller main methods",
"Spring Rest Controller date calculation",
"Java spring rest controller exception",
"Spring Rest Controller",
"Spring Controller init method",
"Java Spring NtlmProcessingFilter second controller",
"What is the right way to write a spring.io REST controller?",
"Spring rest redirect controller to another",
"Spring REST controller post request",
"welcome-file in web.xml with spring not working?"
] |
BASIC authentication from JAVA to Sharepoint 2013 REST API | [
"How to authenticate with MS SharePoint to use its API with Java?"
] | [
"Getting HTTP error 400 Bad Request - Invalid URL when trying to update SharePoint field",
"400 Bad Request Invalid Verb SharePoint Rest Api Java",
"Accessing Sharepoint from axis2",
"Sharepoint Web Services Java - No data",
"Java Rest Basic Authentication",
"Downloading a file from sharepoint using java program",
"API's for uploading document into sharepoint using Java",
"CAN I USE Basic Authentication to access SharePoint 2010 from JAVA with GET REST request?",
"Download files from sharepoint with Java",
"How do I upload a document to SharePoint with Java?",
"Android JAVA to SharePoint 2013 NTLM 401 Unauthorize",
"sharepoint rest service 401 not found",
"SharePoint 2010 REST Java authentication",
"how to use Alfresco Sharepoint protocol in my java web application",
"How to retrieve the size of a file in a document library in sharepoint through webservices using Java",
"How to authenticate in sharepoint 2010 using username & password in Java?",
"Does Spring support SharePoint",
"Issues while downloading document from Sharepoint using JAVA",
"How to show Java portlets in Sharepoint",
"Sharepoint document hidden after Java web service upload",
"Save File to Sharepoint Server using JAX-WS",
"SharePoint REST calls with Apache HttpClient and Load Balancing fails after first GET",
"How would I/can I post a java web project from Netbeans to Sharepoint?",
"Get 'Object reference not set to an instance of an object' error when upload file to SharePoint",
"Access to files in Sharepoint 2007 using javascript from external site",
"Sharepoint web service throwing Microsoft.SharePoint.SoapServer.SoapServerException",
"Java XML Parser with Sharepoint xml (http get)",
"How to create SharePoint 2013 User Group using LDAP Java API",
"How to parse a Sharepoint Date from Hex to a java.util.Date"
] |
populating 2d array with two 1d arrays in java | [
"Convert two 1D arrays into single 2D array"
] | [
"How to convert a 1d array to 2d array?",
"populating a 2D array",
"When populating a table using 2D array in Java, there's an error, what is wrong with this code?",
"From 1D Array to 2D Array with abundances",
"Do 2D arrays use more resources than 1D arrays in Java?",
"Convert a 2D array into a 1D array error",
"problems with static 1d arrays in 2d arrays",
"java 2d array not populating correctly",
"2D array in java and using it as 1D",
"2D array populating not working",
"Java fill 2d array with 1d arrays",
"Display two 1D and one 2D arrays in table form",
"How to convert a 2D array to 1D array with the value as the index?",
"How to add a 1D array to a 2D array?",
"Trouble populating 2d array",
"Convert 1d array to 2d array in JAVA",
"Can I store a 1d array into a 2d array in java?",
"Populating 2D array by column java",
"how to convert 2d array into 1d?",
"Populating a 2d int array in java",
"Adding 2d arrays to 1d arrays",
"Java convert 1D array to 2D",
"Java how to get 1D array reference from a 2D array",
"NullPointerException when populating a 2D array",
"combining two 1d arrays into a 2d array?",
"Convert a 2D array into a 1D array",
"How to fill in columns of 2D arrays from 1D array",
"JAVA pass column of 2d array as 1d array",
"Convert 1D String array to 2D String array"
] |
Java - Read all .txt files in folder | [
"Accessing .txt files from inside a folder (java)",
"How to read all files in a folder from Java?",
"Java - Read many txt files on a folder and process them"
] | [
"Java : Read data from txt to String[][]",
"Java: Reading from a txt file in a folder inside the resourcefolder",
"Java: Find .txt files in specified folder",
"How to Create or edit a txt file in a folder in Java?",
"How to create a .txt file within the java project folder and write to it",
"How to get all text files from one folder using Java?",
"how to read a .txt file with BufferedInputStreamReader",
"How to read from 3 List to a txt file",
"Save Java txt file to folder",
"How get all files in folder in Java",
"java function to read a folder of files",
"How to read in a txt file",
"How to create a txt file into the bin folder",
"Add list of files in a folder",
"Read a particuliar line in txt file in Java",
"How can I change all .class files in a jar(or folder) to .java (or .txt) at once?",
"Trying to read a txt file in Java",
"how recursively to add some .txt files from a folder and sub folder's in Java",
"Java: Read all .txt file from folder then move to new folder",
"Java get Files in Folder?",
"Can't create .txt files",
"read / write Files in project folder",
"How to read two files from one folder?",
"When trying to make file output.txt, I got a folder",
"How to make BufferedRead() class read in folder?",
"Create a txt file in java, and read it out again in java",
"How do I add files to my folder? java"
] |
How does Java store UTF-16 characters in its 16-bit char type? | [
"utf char in Java"
] | [
"How can Java handle characters that are unencodeable in UTF-16?",
"Java - Convert byte[] to char[]. The encoding is UTF-16",
"How to set UTF-16 encoding format for Xml?",
"How to check if character is UTF-16",
"Char size 8 bit or 16 bit?",
"How to Open File in UTF-8 and Write in Another File in UTF-16",
"Android/Java: convert UTF-8 to UTF-16",
"Why use 1<<4 instead of 16?",
"How do I convert 16-bit char array to 8-bit char array and send to c code using JNA?",
"Read UTF-16 chars from a file and store them as UTF-8",
"how to convert a string to UTF-16",
"UTF-16 Encoding",
"How to Convert 8 bit to 16 bit?",
"Why in Java right-shifting 16 by 32 results in 16 and not 0? 16>>32 = 16 Why?",
"UTF-16 Character Encoding of java",
"Why Java char uses UTF-16?",
"Does String object in Java store characters in a char array?",
"Difference between UTF-8 and UTF-16?",
"Convert ArrayList with Integes to UTF-16 String",
"Written UTF-16 character to a file by using UTF-8 charset output stream in java but resulting data on file is still UTF-16. why?",
"Using char as an unsigned 16 bit value in Java?",
"FileNotFoundExeption on API 16",
"Is an instance of a Java string always valid UTF-16?",
"How can I convert UTF-16 to UTF-32 in java?",
"UTF-8 and UTF-16 in Java",
"Java UTF-16 conversion to UTF-8",
"Which encoding does Java uses UTF-8 or UTF-16?",
"decode UTF-16 text",
"How to use UTF-16 in URL encoding?"
] |
Mapping a boolean[] PostgreSql column with Hibernate | [
"Mapping a PostgreSQL array with Hibernate"
] | [
"Mapping a boolean with hibernate",
"Hibernate + PostgreSQL: Null boolean value being returned as 'true'",
"Getting error when mapping PostgreSQL LTREE column in hibernate",
"Mapping PostgreSQL JSON column to Hibernate value type",
"Hibernate mapping error",
"Postgresql + Hibernate 5 column not found but coluimn exists",
"hibernate mapping class",
"PostgreSQL 9.6 DATE column mapping using Hibernate 5+ in Java 8",
"Hibernate Mapping Only one class",
"MySQL mapping null boolean to Java with Hibernate",
"Hibernate Mapping",
"Hibernate Mapping",
"PostgreSQL custom type + Hibernate mapping",
"Get the name of a Column (PostgreSQL)",
"Hibernate one-to-one mapping",
"Hibernate one-to-one mapping file",
"PostgreSQL can't find column",
"postgresql hibernate Exception on insert",
"getting a boolean value from postgresql in java",
"Hibernate OneToOneToOne Mapping",
"mapping postgresql text[][] type and Java type",
"Get results as CSV from postgresql using hibernate",
"Hibernate mapping for one-to-one",
"Hibernate: Changing Boolean-Mapping to 's'/'n'?",
"Hibernate list mapping",
"Hibernate 1-to-1 mapping column is not being set",
"postgresql + Java",
"one to one hibernate mapping",
"Hibernate with long text column with Oracle and PostgreSQL"
] |
How to add SVG image to PDF built with HTML and Flying Saucer library (and Batik)? | [
"Svg integration in pdf using flying saucer",
"Html with embedded svg convert to PDF using Flying saucer Itext batik"
] | [
"batik: svg to pdf on linux (no X server)",
"is Flying Saucer project closed?",
"How to create PDF by Flying Saucer without blocking HTTP response?",
"HTML to PDF using Flying Saucer: Internal CSS showing in PDF page",
"Using an ampersand in flying saucer",
"How to set base url in Flying-Saucer, while rendering HTML to PDF?",
"Flying Saucer - html entities are not rendered",
"Flying Saucer does not render PNG files in PDF",
"Efficient SVG rendering for PDFs (Java, Batik, Flying Saucer)",
"Apache Batik SVG to PDF - Output PDF is Incorrect Size",
"Unable to edit SVG using Batik in Java?",
"SVG background images with Flying Saucer",
"Batik - put SVG on top of image",
"XHTML to PDF using flying-saucer how to cache css",
"Flying Saucer: Convert Multiple Html to 1 PDF document",
"Flying Saucer Font-Weight not Displaying",
"CSS selector only for Flying saucer",
"Flying Saucer does not render well the page (and outputs CSS)!",
"SVG to PNG - Batik",
"iText flying-saucer how to change background on last page",
"Using a primary and a fallbackfont in Flying Saucer PDF generator",
"Flying Saucer adding embedded font not working on tomcat",
"flying saucer - page count with css",
"Using Flying Saucer to Render Images to PDF In Memory",
"Render embedded image in PDF using Flying-Saucer from html",
"How can i make my html page to be fit in the pdf using Flying Saucer",
"Does Flying Saucer accept HTML not XHTML",
"How to open PDF created with flying-saucer/itext with a print dialog"
] |
Most efficient way to order an array of Strings by frequency | [
"How to count frequency of characters in a string?"
] | [
"Frequency counter for Strings in Java",
"2D Array values frequency",
"Getting the first character of each word in a String array and its frequency",
"Frequency distribution of an array",
"How to print frequency of characters in java",
"Calcute note based on frequency",
"How to get the frequency of numbers in a list",
"Frequency of elements in an ArrayList",
"Frequency from binary input",
"Finding frequency of each element in an array",
"letter frequency java",
"How to create a java class using efficient way to work with strings",
"How to count frequency of each words in the array?",
"Does java have a Frequency table?",
"How to complete frequency table in java",
"frequency of words in a file",
"Word frequency and line number in Java",
"How to sort the words by their frequency",
"The most efficient way to search for an array of strings in another string",
"Efficient in Java strings",
"More efficient for an Java Array",
"Letter Frequency",
"Efficient way to replace strings in java",
"Find frequency of a character in an array of Strings",
"frequency range of the spectogram",
"Apply a Frequency to an Element in an Array",
"Why doesn't this method / array pass return 1 for frequency",
"Frequency with fft.complexForward",
"Frequency of words in List of Strings of Strings"
] |
Reading a specific line from a text file in Java | [
"How can I get a specific line from a text file?"
] | [
"Reading specific column of file line by line in Java exception",
"Java reading from Text file",
"Reading data from text line by line in java",
"Error Reading a Text File in Java",
"Reading specific line from text file java",
"Reading data from a text file",
"Reading data in Java from text",
"Reading a text file with java",
"Reading text file that has specific format",
"Reading text file in java",
"Reading a line from a text file",
"java code for reading text",
"Reading specific lines - Java",
"text file reading",
"Reading in text file in Java",
"Java - Reading text file",
"reading object data from text file in java",
"flatworm reading file from line nunber",
"Reading from a text file in Java",
"Error when reading from text file",
"Reading a specific text in Java",
"Reading out a json file on specific values in Java",
"Reading specific lines of a text file in Java",
"Reading a specific data type from a line in a text file",
"problem in reading text file",
"reading from text file",
"Reading a line from a text file Java",
"Reading a text file",
"Reading data from text file in Java"
] |
type casting of byte and int | [
"Integer to byte casting in Java"
] | [
"Type casting from an Object",
"Type casting into byte in Java",
"Class/object Casting",
"Casting Object to class type",
"Casting subentities between each other",
"Casting long to byte in Java",
"Error casting Object to int",
"type casting a String to Object[][]",
"casting byte[] to user defined class in java",
"java casting a list",
"byte casting when use NOT operator",
"About Casting Object",
"Error in casting Object[] to byte[]",
"Java char to byte casting",
"Java casting error?",
"Java: type casting question",
"Type casting in Java",
"Java Type Casting List",
"Problem to Type casting",
"I have a casting error (String to int)",
"Casting error in Java",
"Casting List<T> to List<String> type",
"Casting int to Object on java",
"Class casting unclarity",
"Array concatenaton and type casting",
"Java - Casting Int to Byte - odd results",
"Casting from type object to a class",
"Down Casting in Java",
"Java's casting and C++'s casting"
] |
JDialog setVisible(false) vs dispose() | [
"Why are the Window/Component Listeners invoked differently when setVisible(false) and dispose() are called?"
] | [
"JDialog return value?",
"Java -- JDialog unmovable",
"Mac OS Java 7 JDialog.dispose Memory leak",
"JDialog within JDialog",
"JFrame not responding to setVisible() and dispose()",
"Create a JDialog from a JDialog",
"How to dispose from another class?",
"how to dispose() jFrame and setVisible() another jFrame?",
"Dispose not working",
"Default Button after dispose and setVisible",
"JDialog with WindowStateListener",
"Dispose of a JDialog's child JDialog the next time the parent dialog is shown",
"Java - Custom JDialog dispose method called more than once - it is not intended to do so",
"Java Swing dispose() vs. setVisible(false)",
"Dispose JDialog by code, don't let the user close it",
"Java: Method does not return. (XComponent.dispose",
"how do i get a object that has been created from a jdialog class to be use in another jdialog class",
"JTextField in JDialog retaining value after dispose",
"Returning value from JDialog; dispose(), setVisible(false) - example",
"Why is dispose not working?",
"Problem with setVisible (true)",
"How to set to null JDialog after it was setVisible(false)?",
"Why formWindowClosed is being triggered twice in JDialog after dispose",
"JDialog gets smaller everytime gets dispose/setVisible(true)",
"Why setVisible doesn't work?",
"Java - setVisible(true)",
"Event handler in JDialog not working if placed after setVisible(true)",
"Dispose() only working once",
"How to handle JDialog opened after setVisible(false)?"
] |
How to implement a pagination in Struts 2 | [
"Using a pagination with Struts 2 and Hibernate"
] | [
"pagination in struts",
"Pagination in Struts 1.2.9 in Java EE",
"struts using .class?",
"ModuleConfig and PluginConfig in Struts 2",
"pagination in java?",
"Android long text pagination",
"How to implement general pagination",
"Hibernate - best pagination method",
"JDBC Pagination",
"Is there a way to determine \"encoded table id\" in Struts pagination?",
"*.do in struts 1.2",
"pagination in jsp",
"How to implement pagination on a list?",
"Pagination issue",
"Rest api pagination",
"Using Struts 2 Assynchronously",
"How to do for each in Struts 2",
"Why we use PrincipalAware in Struts 2",
"Struts 2 subaction",
"how to add pagination to jsp",
"How to use DispatcherListener in Struts 2",
"REST Get Call in Java for Pagination",
"Error in <dislplay:table> tag pagination",
"How to write Pagination logic?",
"Struts 2 HTMLissue when using <s:doubleselect>",
"How to implement pagination in Spring MVC 3",
"how to get the pagination url's",
"Best way to implement pagination in java",
"Pagination in Java"
] |
best way to pick a random subset from a collection? | [
"Get a random subset from a result set in java"
] | [
"java pick random images",
"Java random collection",
"Pick a random value from an enum?",
"Pick multiple random elements from a list in Java",
"SubSet of a object",
"Java: pick several different random numbers from array in one time",
"Find every possible subset given a string",
"Pick a random file from a directory in Java",
"Pick random element from collection. Can it inherit from Random class?",
"How to make a JAR file from a subset of project classes?",
"Strategy to fetch a subset of a collection",
"java pick a random class/object",
"Finding a subset in java",
"pick random number out of a list",
"Java Method Can't Pick Up Files",
"java which approach is the best?",
"Java - best way to call a method of each object in a collection",
"Is there a way to use a string to pick a variable?",
"Creating subset of a Set in Java",
"Adding \"\\0\" to a subset range end",
"Best Collection To Use?",
"How to pick a random item from a arraylist in java?",
"An array is subset of another array",
"Pick random element from array, but unique",
"How do I get the subset of a collection of elements using Java?",
"How to pick two random items from a set?",
"trying to check if arraylist is subset of another",
"Collection of Interfaces to pick from, Java",
"Getting subset of elements from array having same value"
] |
Java naming convention with acronyms | [
"What is correct Java naming convention for id?"
] | [
"Naming convention for getting collection size",
"Java \"get{Object}\" method naming convention",
"Java Naming Convention with Acronyms",
"Naming Convention for War File",
"Is there a way to match acronyms with their extended names in Lucene?",
"Java Language naming convention for .class files",
"Package structure naming convention?",
"Java naming convention for a class with version in its name?",
"Camel casing acronyms?",
"Should I use the Java naming convention?",
"Naming convention for properties in property file",
"Naming convention for Spring application context XML",
"Naming convention for homonymous classes in different libraries",
"java tool to check naming convention",
"Java naming convention",
"Acronyms in Camel Back",
"Naming convention for objects in java",
"Naming convention for classes in test code",
"Java interface naming convention",
"How to handle acronyms in class names?",
"What is the naming convention for side effectful functions in Java?",
"State Naming Convention",
"abstract class naming convention",
"Is this the right naming convention ?",
"Java constant variable, naming convention",
"check for naming convention in java",
"Java convention--naming a local variable the same as field",
"Package naming convention",
"Class Naming Convention"
] |
Centering Text in a JTextArea or JTextPane - Horizontal Text Alignment | [
"Center alignment of a word in JTextPane"
] | [
"Centering Panel in Java",
"Centering JFrame doesn't work from a subsubclass",
"How to set different JTextArea text alignment per line?",
"Change line spacing in JTextArea (not JTextPane)",
"Centering and Autosizing Text in Rect",
"A JTextPane that looks like a JTextArea",
"Centering a String on a custom component",
"How to make my JTextArea or JTextPane automatically create a new line?",
"Styling text in a JTextArea or JTextPane",
"Alignment of text in JTextArea and JtextPane",
"Centering a line of numbers below a main line",
"Centering the entire window Java",
"Draw horizontal line in JTextPane",
"JTextPane and Horizontal Lines",
"How to log data to a JTextArea (or JTextPane) from a thread that doesn't have a swing component init?",
"Need help centering text output",
"UndoableEditListener never called in JTextPane/JTextArea",
"How to change JTextPane(JTextArea) font and alignment?",
"JTextArea and JTextPane font rendering",
"Centering image in a JFrame?",
"Java JTextPane Vertical Alignment",
"JTextArea in JTextPane - Want new line",
"Centering String in Panel",
"How do I make JTextArea or JTextPane columns clickable?",
"JTextArea or JTextPane Set Highlighted Text Color",
"Print on JtextArea or JtextPane",
"JTextPane read from text file",
"Java Swing - Problem with inseting component(JTextArea) in JTextPane",
"How to Unhighlight the text in JTextPane"
] |
In java.time, how is the result of adding a month calculated? | [
"Adding month to specific day of month with java.time"
] | [
"How to get month number from month string in Java?",
"The score is not being calculated?",
"Return calculated value from enum",
"Calculated field with two collections",
"Why is my increment not being calculated right?",
"How to make calculated property in configuration file",
"Java: Saving User Input to be Calculated in a Loop",
"Get name of the month in Java",
"How do I generate a calculated output based on input in java?",
"How is the Muslim Prayer time is calculated in an android application?",
"Values not being calculated or accumlated correctly?",
"Storing Calculated values in an array from another method",
"How does this expression will be calculated",
"Android: float does not getting calculated",
"Need to get String month as an int",
"java, Printing calculated values to a File when not an array?",
"Saving already calculated values",
"Data not found on calculated field",
"Java Getting Final Calculated Result from different HashMap for the same object",
"Get month number from month name",
"How to order month name starting from current month",
"Can't convert int month to month name android java",
"Convert String month to Int month [Java]",
"get a different variable from a calculated class",
"Month name from Month Numbers in android",
"Get Current Month",
"Java: Double not being calculated inside loop",
"How and when a static final field value is calculated?",
"Split arraylist based on calculated value of each string"
] |
Specify common resources in a multi-module maven project | [
"maven test resources in a multi module project"
] | [
"Creating resources in a maven/java project",
"Maven can't find some resources on multi-module integration test classpath",
"Maven 2 multi module pom",
"Maven multi module project - start module from another module?",
"Where should I put the main implementation in a multi module Maven project?",
"multi-module maven project",
"How to get resources from Maven project",
"In maven multi-module project, how to package a single child-project?",
"Share common module in multi-module Maven project",
"Standard structure for multi-module java maven project",
"Maven multi-module project version management",
"How to get files from resources map in Maven project",
"In a Maven multi-module project, how to specify dependency needed in more than one module?",
"Ignore a module during maven test build for multi module maven project",
"Using Configuration files in multi-module maven project",
"Best approach for maven multi module project",
"Correct way to use multi-module maven project",
"Error creating multi module maven project",
"Run a multi-module Maven project",
"How to create Maven Multi Module Project in Intellij?",
"Spring MVC in a multi maven module project",
"Using resources as input in maven",
"Maven: How to run module before building other modules in multi-module project?",
"Maven Multi-Module Project Structure",
"log4j in a multi-module Maven project",
"how to make maven use test resources",
"How to compile a single module inside it in a multi-module maven project?",
"common location for test resources in maven project",
"Best approach to use in multi-module Maven project?"
] |
java.util.NoSuchElementException: No line found | [
"java.util.NoSuchElementException: No line found"
] | [
"Exception in thread \"main\" java.util.NoSuchElementException?",
"Exception in thread \"main\" java.util.NoSuchElementException: No line found at java.util.Scanne",
"Exception in thread \"main\" java.util.NoSuchElementException",
"java.util.NoSuchElementException: No line found*",
"Exception in thread \"main\" java.util.NoSuchElementException",
"java.util.NoSuchElementException Error?",
"java.util.NoSuchElementException No line found after program run",
"Exception in thread \"main\" java.util.NoSuchElementException: No line found",
"Getting Exception java.util.NoSuchElementException: No line found while reading from file?",
"Exception in main thread java.util.NoSuchElementException",
"java.util.NoSuchElementException Error",
"java.util.NoSuchElementException: No line found when line exists in file",
"java.util.NoSuchElementException: Read words from a file",
"Java - read String and int: java.util.NoSuchElementException",
"The Huxley: java.util.NoSuchElementException: No line found",
"java.util.NoSuchElementException No Such Element Exception",
"How to solve java.util.NoSuchElementException?",
"Why is there an Exception in thread \"main\" java.util.NoSuchElementException?",
"java.util.NoSuchElementException: No line found - Reading user input works only once",
"arrayException in thread \"main\" java.util.NoSuchElementException",
"Why am I getting a \"java.util.NoSuchElementException\"?",
"Java: java.util.NoSuchElementException in multithreadings program?",
"Java: java.util.NoSuchElementException: No line found",
"What is java.util.NoSuchElementException and how do i fix it?",
"Why am I getting the error, \"java.util.NoSuchElementException\"?",
"java.util.NoSuchElementException in Java code",
"Exception in thread \"main\" java.util.NoSuchElementException: No line found",
"Java - Error: NoSuchElementException: No Line Found",
"NoSuchElementException: No line found?"
] |
Posting JSON to Controller returns 400 Bad Request | [
"POSTing JSON to Spring MVC Controller Returns 400 Bad Request"
] | [
"com.google.appengine.tools.admin.HttpIoException: Error posting to URL , 400 Bad Request",
"Posting to array list",
"UnsatisfiedServletRequestParameterException spring controller don't mapping request, error 400",
"Posting JSON object in HTTP in Java class",
"400 Bad request Error in mapping nested json objects to java.util.Map in spring controller",
"Catch a Bad Request Exception (400)",
"Posting a JSON to a Spring Controller",
"Receiving a Bad Request Error (400) after $.ajax POST on Spring Controller",
"Why am I getting HTTP 400 bad request",
"how to get dynamic values from posting a form in the Spring controller",
"Empty JSON Object POSTING",
"Error 400 Bad Request",
"java service 400 bad request error",
"400 Bad Request sending JSON POST to REST",
"HTTP error 400 Bad Request when POSTing JSON data over HttpURLConnection",
"400 Bad Request - while POSTing JSON data to RESTful controller implemented with Spring MVC",
"400 (Bad Request) on passing JSON to Spring controller",
"Does anyone have an updated example on posting a JSON request?",
"Why am i getting Http/1.1 400 Bad request?",
"getting 400 Bad request with Spring with rest",
"HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request Apache",
"POSTing foreign characters using JSON produces 400",
"Error 400--Bad Request",
"Error while calling spring controller action through URL posting",
"400 Bad Request with spring REST",
"Bad request 400",
"400 Bad request on a POST service",
"400 Bad Request Error in Mozzila Firefox",
"HTTP Error 400 Bad request"
] |
Final variable assignment with try/catch | [
"try-catch and final variables",
"final Entity with try catch in Java"
] | [
"Java Object Assignment",
"Try and Catch into a method",
"Try / Catch error",
"Try catch error",
"Java Try Catch error",
"Method return Java assignment",
"Java constructor final variable assignment",
"Java assignment of static variable++",
"Python assignment with or",
"Could a final variable be reassigned in catch, even if assignment is last operation in try?",
"Assignment like String",
"Try Catch Final - final always has null in variable",
"Try catch in java",
"try catch error",
"What does this try and catch method do?",
"Try/catch error",
"Cannot implement try/catch/finally when variable is final",
"Final variable assignment error",
"Java: Variable assignment issue",
"Assignment of an array",
"Assignment help requestion",
"While - try - catch in Java",
"Can we get variable that in Try from catch?",
"Java variable assignment",
"try-catch with do while",
"String assignment doesn't work?",
"final variable assignment: at declaration or in constructor?",
"Java try/catch method"
] |
Format file size as MB, GB etc | [
"how to get size of file in mb?"
] | [
"Parsing 20 GB input file to an ArrayList",
"Is it possible to sort 3 GB of java on 32 bit system using JAVA",
"Create 50 MB Java Object",
"java convert GB, Mb, KB, and byte to double with precision",
"How to build a zip file with a size of 400 GB in java",
"How to get last 1 mb data of a text file using java code?",
"Read and find the line in the file size of 1 GB",
"Create A Java Variable (String) of a specific size (MB's)",
"How to get file size in KB and MB in android",
"Converting KB to MB, GB, TB dynamically",
"How to format number as Kb/Gb using Java?",
"How can I allocate 8 GB ( not 1 GB ) RAM to my JDK on windows",
"How to handle post data of size more than 2 mb",
"How can I put an object into a MB queue from an external Java application?",
"Trying to create an 7 GB file size on java",
"Java / Android Read large text file (~2.5 MB)",
"How to filter and sort few gb of data?",
"Size of file goes into GB's on writing some text in it",
"How to Upload a file > 1 MB using GWT",
"Running empty program in Eclipse takes ~10 Mb. Why?",
"Testing a Java library using 100 - 1000 GB of memory",
"Can a String variable hold data which is equal to a 10 MB text file?",
"Java web start : To increase system memory more than 2 GB",
"Find an integer not in list of 4 billion using 4 mb. But 4 MB is not enough",
"How to Parse Big (50 GB) XML Files in Java",
"The amount of gb mb kb and bytes in X bytes, java",
"How to get a file size in Bytes or in MB's through a URL",
"Read .csv file in GB's using Java",
"Plupload file size more than 10 mb saving as blob file"
] |
SSLHandshakeException: Received fatal alert: handshake_failure after Java 6 -> 8 upgrade | [
"Received fatal alert: handshake_failure through SSLHandshakeException"
] | [
"Received fatal alert: handshake_failure, debug does not show the cause",
"Disabled certificate validation for HttpsURLConnection still getting javax.net.ssl.SSLHandshakeException: Received fatal alert: handshake_failure",
"Received fatal alert: handshake_failure even after disabling SSL",
"Not able to connect to server through java code. Getting javax.net.ssl.SSLHandshakeException: Received fatal alert: handshake_failure",
"SSLHandshakeException trying to connect to a server over SSL",
"Received fatal alert: handshake_failure when loading html from url",
"Getting javax.net.ssl.SSLHandshakeException: Received fatal alert: handshake_failure Error",
"HANDSHAKE_FAILURE alert received",
"javax.net.ssl.SSLHandshakeException: Received fatal alert: handshake_failure",
"Received fatal alert: handshake_failure",
"Getting SSLHandshakeException in java",
"Receiving SSLHandshakeException: handshake_failure despite my client ignoring all certs",
"Abdera SSLHandshakeException",
"javax.net.ssl.SSLHandshakeException: Received fatal alert: handshake_failure",
"Java SSLHandshakeException on one server but not another?",
"SSLHandshakeException in Android Tests",
"javax.net.ssl.SSLHandshakeException: Received fatal alert: handshake_failure Error in APN",
"JDK 1.5 SSLHandshakeException",
"Java SSL SSLHandshakeException handshake_failure",
"Disable SSLHandshakeException for a single connection",
"File Download SSLHandshakeException",
"Java 8, TSL v1 and javax.net.ssl.SSLHandshakeException: Received fatal alert: handshake_failure",
"glassfish SSLHandshakeException: Received fatal alert: unknown_ca",
"Java8, HttpClient, receiving \"Received fatal alert: handshake_failure\"",
"SSLException: Received fatal alert: handshake_failure",
"Paypal Sandbox API: javax.net.ssl.SSLHandshakeException: Received fatal alert: handshake_failure",
"Handshake failure with Java when I try to do a POST",
"javax.net.ssl.SSLHandshakeException: Received fatal alert: handshake_failure when trying to grab a random line from Project Gutenberg",
"SSL FATAL ERROR - Handshake Failure (40)"
] |
What's the "principal" in Spring Security? | [
"Unit testing methods using Principal from Spring Secucrity"
] | [
"Spring MVC, getting principal from security context in service layer",
"IllegalArgumentException on Spring RestController when using Spring security Principal object for authentication",
"Why does principal returns as type Object in spring security?",
"Adding additional details to principal object stored in spring security context",
"Spring Security principal cannot be found from SpEL",
"getting information about the principal",
"Obtain the Authentication (Principal) object via oAuth2 Spring Security?",
"How to setup custom principal class",
"Secure Spring-Webscoket using spring-security and access principal from websocket message",
"How to access the Principal from a Java service object without using FlexContext?",
"Why does @AuthenticationPrincipal return the Authentication instead of the principal object?",
"Use ?. operator in principal id checks for security",
"spring using security:authentication principal.username in link",
"Reading the LDAP security principal",
"X500Name to java.security.Principal",
"Spring security returns String as principal instead of UserDetails on failed login?",
"jstl bug while comparing strings UTF-8.(Spring Security - principal.username)",
"Spring Security principal isn't fully populated after Tomcat restart",
"Spring MVC cast principal object",
"Why the name \"realm\" and \"principal\" in Java EE security?",
"Mock Principal for Spring Rest controller",
"User Principal in JAAS Login Module - extra attributes as separate Principal or as Bean properties?",
"Get Spring Security Principal in JSP EL expression",
"java.security.Principal - creation in HttpServletRequest and Spring Security",
"Spring Security HeaderPreAuthentication Principal Not Resolved from @AuthenticationPrincipal",
"How redirect to login page if principal is null in spring",
"Spring security redirect when maximum sessions for this principal exceeded",
"Spring security accessing principal",
"Spring security runs into\" Maximum sessions of 1 for this principal exceeded. \""
] |
Java send and receive SMS. Free SMS gateway? | [
"What can you use to get an application to be able to receive SMS message?",
"How to send SMS in Java"
] | [
"Send long sms via Opensmpp",
"Trying to send SMS messages one at a time ONLY",
"SMS in a list view",
"Send SMS then email",
"Sms application - List_item error",
"send sms in java",
"Character \"|\" in sms",
"how do I set up an SMS server?",
"In android, is there any way to get the name of application which sent SMS for each SMS",
"Android use a SMS Gateway",
"SMS Application",
"unable to send sms using java using sms gateway",
"How to send SMS using Java",
"Get sms message before it gets to the main sms app and change it's body",
"How to send a reply sms on receiving a sms?",
"How can i call my page using sms?",
"How to send sms through android application?",
"How to receive sms",
"How know when any app send SMS",
"Android SMS API",
"What are the ways to send sms through a java application?",
"How to create an SMS list?",
"How to send and receive SMS in java?",
"send sms from web application",
"SMS Based Application How To",
"how can I handle SMS send/receive ?",
"Do I need to write into SMS Provider when set as default SMS app on Android?",
"Android SMS Application"
] |
Updated eclipse, adt, Libgdx doesn't compile on android | [
"Android application using libgdx crashes since update to ADT 17"
] | [
"Errors with eclipse & ADT Version",
"Android Libgdx TileAtlas",
"Memory error in Eclipse (ADT) - Wrong Java version?",
"How to change color of background Android Java in Eclipse ADT",
"Can't install ADT onto Eclipse",
"How to open Android source code in Eclipse ADT",
"Java ADT calling variables",
"couldn't able to open existing projects in android adt(eclipse)",
"Eclipse ADT and Annotation Processing",
"add java source to ADT eclipse",
"How to add source of 'Android Private Libraries' to ADT eclipse?",
"Android project(4.4.2) is not running after eclipse & adt update",
"Eclipse with ADT - Cannot Create New Android Project",
"unable to refer library project android on updated adt",
"Why Can't Download Eclipse ADT in the second time?",
"Can I use Eclipse + ADT tutorials for Android Studio",
"ADT not updated in eclipse",
"Android: What's happening to R library and/or ADT 14 in Eclipse?",
"Eclipse libGDX can't run as Android Application",
"Adding argument to this in an ADT",
"How to import all Android classes in a .java file in ADT",
"Can't install the android adt in eclipse",
"How to download additional android SDK on eclipse adt",
"Unable to install ADT plugin in Eclipse?",
"No Android Project option in Eclipse with ADT Plugin",
"Error when installing Android ADT on Eclipse",
"Read/write a file with ADT",
"ADT field not being set"
] |
How do I remove the blue border highlight that appears when selecting a tab in a JTabbedPane? | [
"JTabbedPane - set default border around tabs..?",
"remove blue color from JTabbedPane"
] | [
"How to Not Display Tab Title in JtabbedPane?",
"The tab added in JTabbedPane doesn't show up",
"JTabbedPane how to determine that user left tab?",
"Remove last tab of jtabbedpane",
"JTabbedPane without Tab header",
"problem with jtabbedpane in java",
"Set size of tab in JTabbedPane",
"java: jTabbedPane tab clicked event",
"Change tab look for JTabbedpane",
"How to extend JTabbedPane to always have an \"Add Tab\" tab?",
"How to access the variables inside a class which has been called more than once as a tab in JTabbedPane (Java)",
"How can I refer to a specific tab using JTabbedPane?",
"Why is not border of custom tab overlays standard tab border in JTabbedPane?",
"Change JTabbedPane component on select tab",
"Java: \"Add Tab Button\" for a JTabbedPane",
"How To Change The Tab Name in JTabbedPane",
"JTabbedPane: Change Title from within Tab",
"Hide tab from JTabbedPane",
"JTabbedPane add different class constructor to a tab",
"Java JTabbedPane, how can I select a tab from a button?",
"How can I change the shape of a JTabbedPane tab?",
"JTabbedPane - tab with close button reference",
"Display the first tab of a JTabbedPane",
"Adding a JTabbedPane to a JTabbedPane error",
"How to add a button in the tab bar of JTabbedPane, that is not a tab?",
"JTabbedpane remove border from tab",
"Adding new Tab with JTabbedPane through event",
"Jtabbedpane how to set one tab enable to false"
] |
Thread-safe iteration over a collection | [
"is for-each iteration thread safe?"
] | [
"Are objects stored in thread safe collection thread safe?",
"Is this thread-safe in Java?",
"is newKieSession thread-safe?",
"How String class is thread safe in java?",
"thread safe or not my class?",
"Is DefaultThreadFactory itself thread-safe?",
"Is GenericObjectPools borrowObject Method thread safe?",
"Java thread-safe passing of collection objects from one thread to another",
"Thread safe multitons in Java",
"Why is this class not thread safe?",
"Thread-safe sorted collection that supports iteration in Java",
"How is this code Thread safe?",
"Is this java class thread safe?",
"Java: SelectionKey.interestOps(int) not thread safe?",
"Remove from a collection during iteration",
"JedisSentinelPool is thread safe?",
"Java, is this thread safe",
"How and why This code is Thread Safe..?",
"java thread safe :is it thread safe?",
"Is this class thread-safe?",
"is this class thread safe?",
"If all collection attributes are thread-safe , can we say that this collection is thread-safe?",
"Is JsonMessageConverter thread-safe?",
"Is my code thread safe?",
"Is this method thread safe?",
"Is this thread-safe?",
"TarantoolConnection16 is not thread-safe",
"Thread-safe find and remove an object from a Collection",
"Is NashornScriptEngine thread-safe?"
] |
Hibernate Criteria API: how to get the sum of all the values along two columns | [
"Using sum() in hibernate criteria"
] | [
"Java Hibernate Criteria Many-To-One",
"Error in 'and' method of Hibernate Criteria",
"Hibernate Criteria Order By",
"Date between two properties in Hibernate Criteria API",
"Java Hibernate Restcrition Criteria OR with DetachedCritera",
"hibernate criteria api join table problem",
"How to use AND in hibernate 5.2 Criteria?",
"java hibernate criteria issue",
"Hibernate criteria results",
"Hibernate Criteria Query to get specific columns",
"Max of two Date columns in Hibernate Criteria",
"Hibernate Criteria API - How to get a list of an object attribute",
"Getting hibernate error when using criteria",
"java hibernate criteria",
"Criteria in hibernate is incasesensitive?",
"Reading with Hibernate Criteria API",
"Function inside Hibernate Criteria",
"Hibernate criteria question",
"Hibernate criteria MAX of SUM",
"Hibernate criteria for difference between 2 columns",
"Hibernate criteria eqOrIsNull return wrong value",
"Hibernate Criteria for list",
"Hibernate Criteria for assotiated objects",
"Hibernate Criteria - Order By",
"Hibernate criteria",
"Is it possible to search for same value on multiple columns with Hibernate Criteria?",
"Or criteria - Hibernate",
"How to use datepart in hibernate criteria",
"java hibernate criteria error"
] |
JNI memory management using the Invocation API | [
"JNI objects creation and memory management"
] | [
"android java memory management",
"C and Java through Jni",
"Memory management of objects in java",
"Java Jni and C++",
"JNI Invocation API - NoClassDefFoundError (C/Java)",
"Java & memory management",
"java - can we do our own memory management?",
"JNI memory management",
"Memory management in java",
"Method invocation \"setImageBtimap\"",
"What is Return type of method invocation?",
"couldn't find \"librealm-jni.so\"",
"Java memory Management for JNI",
"About Java memory management",
"JNI: From C code to Java and JNI",
"JNI Java in c++",
"Access static enum fields using JNI invocation API",
"Memory Management in Java",
"How to create an object with JNI?",
"Memory management for a object that has a file.",
"Memory Management in Android",
"JNI UnsatisfiedLink Error",
"How to return a list from java to JNI",
"JNI invocation fails with UnsatisfiedLinkError",
"How to use a C API in Java? JNI?",
"JNI String return value",
"JNI c to Java with a class",
"JNI SetDoubleArrayRegion problem",
"GetByteArrayRegion in JNI"
] |
Java: Convert DKIM private key from RSA to DER for JavaMail | [
"Convert RSA pem key String to der byte[]"
] | [
"SMTP authentication issue in javamail API",
"how to load the private key from a .der file into java private key object",
"What is JavaMail Folder type 3?",
"FolderClosed Exception in Javamail",
"InvalidKeySpecExeption when loadding the RSA private key from file",
"Get errors with javamail",
"Printing an RSA private key doesn't actually return it",
"How to Sign Javamail with DKIM",
"Read private key in DER format java",
"JavaMail API error",
"Javamail - Why can't I get it to work?",
"JavaMail - setReplyTo (list)",
"How to Load RSA Private Key From File",
"RSA: How to generate private key in java and use it in C#?",
"Build javamail-android",
"How do I read an sha1WithRSAEncryption public DER key in Java?",
"messageAdded() method in javamail is not working",
"Why Invalid RSA private key when load file?",
"Are folder name universals? [JavaMail]",
"How to get the RSA public-key from private-key Object in Java",
"DER Encode BCECPublicKey",
"convert string to private and public key (RSA)",
"How to store RSA Private Key on android app",
"(Android / Java) Create a RSA private key instance",
"How to check DKIM signature of incoming email in Java Google App Engine",
"addMessageCountListener doesn't work in javamail",
"Android Save RSA Private and Public Key",
"My mail DKIM-Signature creates an email address out of thin air",
"convert java code with RSA to c#"
] |
Varargs in method overloading in Java | [
"bug with varargs and overloading?"
] | [
"Is varargs of array possible in Java?",
"List instead of Array in varargs java method",
"Java varargs method overloading compiler error - ambiguity?",
"Why doesn't autoboxing overrule varargs when using method overloading in Java 7?",
"What is overloading in Java?",
"How to call a varargs method with an additional argument from a varargs method",
"Method overloading with variable arguments (varargs)",
"Overloading varargs arrays, choosing method",
"Method overloading",
"Overloading a method",
"Is this method overloading?",
"Method Overloading - Java",
"Is it method Overloading?",
"Java method overloading",
"Behavior of method overloading with varargs",
"Method overloading using varargs in Java",
"Overloading with single arg and varargs",
"Java Overloading",
"Overloading in Varargs Methods",
"Java, Overloading method",
"When do you use varargs in Java?",
"Varargs of type Class in Java",
"Java - Method Overloading",
"Java method overloading and varargs",
"Java. Overloading method",
"Overloading in Java",
"Overloading function using varargs",
"Java two varargs in one method",
"Overloading java"
] |
getOutputStream() has already been called for this response | [
"getOutputStream() has already been called for this response"
] | [
"Java Process getOutputStream to String",
"getOutputStream() has already been called for this response Exception when downloading a file with spring mvc",
"How is Java Process.getOutputStream() Implemented?",
"response.getOutputStream() throws IllegalStateException when called for the first time",
"I am getting an error on getInputStream() and getOutputStream methods?",
"I am getting an exception: java.lang.IllegalStateException: getOutputStream() has already been called for this response",
"Problem with URLConnection.getOutputStream() in Android",
"Should I explicitly close ZipOutputStream over response.getOutputStream()?",
"Not able to get getOutputStream() working in servlet",
"Cannot find symbol method getOutputStream()",
"Code won't execute after getOutputStream - Android",
"I m getting java.lang.IllegalStateException: getOutputStream() has already been called for this response Exception",
"REST - java.lang.IllegalStateException: getOutputStream() has already been called for this response",
"best practice response.getOutputStream",
"getOutputStream on a null socket?",
"getOutputStream() has already been called for this response while exporting to pdf file from java",
"HttpsCookieFilter - IllegalStateException: getOutputStream() has already been called for this response",
"Getting Exception-java.lang.IllegalStateException: getOutputStream() has already been called for this response",
"Understanding getInputStream and getOutputStream",
"Can \"getOutputStream() has already been called for this response\" cause server crash?",
"Process.getOutputStream() doesn't work?",
"how does the getOutputStream() of Socket work?",
"IllegalStateException: getOutputStream() has already been called for this response on retrieving image",
"Spring MVC Controller code: getOutputStream() has already been called for this response",
"response.getOutputStream has already been called",
"Giving input to a process in java using getOutputStream()",
"BufferedReader and process.getOutputStream()",
"Can't user getOutputStream and getInputStream in a method",
"Spring: getOutputStream() has already been called for this response"
] |
Finding Multiple Modes In An Array | [
"Finding multiple modes in an array of integers with 1000 elements"
] | [
"Android Blend Modes",
"Finding data in a text file?",
"File read not finding file",
"Finding an element in an array in Java",
"Finding values between!",
"Run application in different modes",
"Java is not finding the class",
"JAVA: Finding Values in an Array",
"Modes/States in Android",
"Java finding file type",
"Java Finding Elements in Array",
"How to work with application modes in JSF",
"Change a constant in Java in Debug vs. Release modes",
"What's the best way to manage GUI states (create, edit, read modes...)",
"Finding the Main Class",
"Is there a difference between these two initialisation modes?",
"Finding modes an an array",
"Finding an array within a list in Java",
"Finding index of array",
"How to change Eclipse help open modes",
"In Java, Creating application that supports different resolutions/display modes",
"Using hashing with padding and blockcipher modes",
"Deployment modes in Glassfish",
"Different configuration/run \"modes\" under OSGi?",
"Finding the index of an array",
"Arquillian Run Modes",
"Need help finding the error",
"Array List not finding objects",
"Finding First and Second in an Array of Values?"
] |
Are there any java library for thumbnails generation? | [
"Open source Java library to produce webpage thumbnails server-side"
] | [
"Unable to create thumbnails for large image files",
"How to add thumbnails for embed video in website(Squarespace)",
"Display Video thumbnails from URL",
"Loading large images as thumbnails without memory issues in Java?",
"making jfilechooser show image thumbnails",
"XML Generation in Java 1.3",
"Java code generation",
"Java code generation",
"java file picker with inline thumbnails",
"Video thumbnails in List",
"Running PhantomJS from a Spring applicatoin for webpage thumbnails",
"Java: Generating thumbnails with transparency",
"Android How can I using Cursor get image and video thumbnails in my direct path both?",
"PDF Generation Library for Java",
"Xml file generation",
"Making thumbnails in Clojure",
"How to correct download multiple images(thumbnails for videos)",
"Load media thumbnails efficiently",
"How to get images and videos thumbnails from a path, not working",
"How to display a scrollable bar of image thumbnails using java swing?",
"video thumbnails not working",
"How to get video thumbnails?",
"Video Thumbnails in Java",
"How to retrieve youtube thumbnails using Google API Client Library for Java",
"How to use iciql Model Generation",
"Is it possible to crop/create thumbnails using apache POI",
"How do I change the number of thumbnails seen in the Android sample Home application?",
"Time Generation in Java",
"ffmpeg thumbnails with JavaScript"
] |
Possibility to explicit remove Serialization support for a lambda | [
"Serialization of a lambda after its creation"
] | [
"Java serialization problem",
"Java serialization (of an X509CertificateObject)",
"Java Serialization",
"Serialization - not working",
"Java Serialization",
"Java serialization problem",
"What is object serialization?",
"Java jacksonGeneric Serialization",
"Possibility of Java to work in Yii2",
"Serialization and write object",
"Java serialization to an array",
"Java serialization to string",
"Serialization I/O with Java",
"What is serialization in Java?",
"Need of serialization in Java",
"Java: When to add readObjectNoData() during serialization?",
"Is there any Java support for JSPON serialization with references?",
"Java List serialization",
"Java and Object Serialization",
"What is the use of serialization?",
"Java Serialization Object",
"Serialization method",
"Serialization return type",
"EdDSAPublicKey Serialization Java",
"Java 8 Lambda expression with Serialization",
"Serialization in java",
"Java serialization problem",
"Why should i use Serialization instead of File I/O in java",
"Java. Serialization an array"
] |
Can't access a folder in java package | [
"Cannot Access Folder in java"
] | [
"Access classes from package",
"Can I create folder inside package in eclipse?",
"How to access an image in a different folder?",
"Can't access layout from a nested package folder in android",
"How to Access variable from another class in same package in java",
"File not found exception but it is in the same folder/package",
"Access a file from a JAR in the same folder",
"How to access one variable from one class to another of the same package",
"Folder path != package name",
"How to access an object from a different class and package?",
"What should be put into the project, folder and package",
"Using java cannot access the files in a folder",
"Android: Can't find my package folder to put the database file in it?",
"How do I create a JAR where the package is in the root folder? (and not inside a bin folder)",
"Undeletable Folder in java",
"How to Access package private Class from a Class in some other package?",
"Access a class in a different folder",
"why one class of same package can't access another?",
"How to create a folder in Java?",
"Access a file in package",
"Access /data folder files in android",
"Java, create a file and a folder",
"Java files on the same folder and on the same package",
"Access file from another package",
"How can I add classes in different folder to my .java file in my package?",
"Java create a folder in current package folder",
"In Java, should I be creating a new Package, Folder, or Source Folder?",
"Java package how to access a class in above folder",
"Import Java Class that is further up in folder"
] |
Is it required to use thread wait() and notify() inside a synchronized block? | [
"java: wait(), notify() and synchronized blocks",
"Thread:Wait() and notify()"
] | [
"Using wait() without notify() when in synchronized code piece (java)",
"Do I need to call wait() and notify() in a synchronized method?",
"Android / java: synchronized object wait and notify",
"Why is wait inside of synchronized?",
"wait() and notify() with linelistener",
"Difference between Synchronized block with wait/notify and without them?",
"Notify and Wait in Java",
"notify() in synchronized block",
"Wait-Notify synchronized by the same object doesn't work",
"wait() and notify() method in java",
"About wait() and notify() methods of thread in java",
"Java thread wait() notify() in one method",
"Do code inside a synchronized block but after wait() runs in synchronized way?",
"Java thread wait and notify",
"How to use wait and notify in Java without IllegalMonitorStateException?",
"Wait and Notify",
"Why doesn't thread wait for notify()?",
"Java Thread wait and notify methods",
"Is it possible to get rid of wait(), notify() and synchronized(obj) {} and use only synchronized methods?",
"When and How to use wait() and notify()",
"Using this.wait() inside run() in a synchronized block",
"How to use wait() and notify() in Java?",
"How to understand the wait and notify method in Java Thread?",
"Java Concurrency : Synchronized(this) => and this.wait() and this.notify()",
"java - wait and notify in a non-synchronized block",
"Java Thread Wait-Notify",
"How to use wait()/notify() in Java",
"java wait notify methods using synchronized key word"
] |
How to convert generic parameter to a class | [
"How to get class of generic type when there is no parameter of it?"
] | [
"How can I convert a method into a generic method?",
"Test if class's generic parameter is itself the same class with its own generic parameter",
"Generic Method Return Parameter in Java",
"How can I convert a generic list to an array?",
"method with generic object parameter",
"generic type parameter",
"Generic type as method parameter",
"Instance of Generic as method parameter",
"Convert a generic list to an array",
"How can i get class of Generic parameter",
"Function with generic parameter java",
"Trying to get Class with parameter that is generic",
"Generic class using generic parameter",
"Calling generic method in Java: cannot convert Type to generic parameter T",
"Convert C# generic into Java generic",
"How to pass generic Object as a Generic parameter on other method in java?",
"Generic parameter as variable - Java",
"How to pass generic class as a generic parameter of method",
"how to convert a generic List to a generic array in Java?",
"Error when using Generic with Class<?> parameter",
"How can I get parameter Type from generic list in Java?",
"Convert a String to generic type",
"Using generic as method parameter",
"Generic Method Type Parameter",
"Java generic List parameter not possible?",
"Generic method with no parameter",
"Java - generic class parameter with a generic parameter",
"Get type name for generic parameter of generic class",
"Generic type as parameter in Java Method"
] |
ProcessBuilder cannot run bat file with spaces in path | [
"ProcessBuilder with dynamic path (possibly with spaces)"
] | [
"ProcessBuilder in Java",
"ProcessBuilder does not work?",
"Java: ProcessBuilder Changing the path",
"Process and ProcessBuilder",
"Java ProcessBuilder: command not found",
"CCNx Java Code Help (ProcessBuilder)",
"ProcessBuilder process not running",
"ProcessBuilder cannot run python script with arguments",
"Can't run ProcessBuilder",
"Java - How to call python classes using processbuilder",
"java ProcessBuilder doesn't work",
"ProcessBuilder not read execute file",
"What is the meaning of values from Java Process.exitValue()?",
"Java: ProcessBuilder: Running Java Files",
"ProcessBuilder won't run with arguments",
"Java ProcessBuilder Cannot Find File Specified",
"Using ProcessBuilder to find version of Java",
"Output GitLog with Java Processbuilder to File",
"Java ProcessBuilder memory",
"Java ProcessBuilder with multiple params with spaces",
"ProcessBuilder cannot return JSon String",
"Run a .java file using ProcessBuilder",
"ProcessBuilder Does Not Output Anything",
"Java ProcessBuilder can't find file in PATH",
"Java ProcessBuilder",
"How to get output of wvdial with ProcessBuilder?",
"Cannot run bat file in java",
"ProcessBuilder not working",
"How to set .bat environment variables to ProcessBuilder process"
] |
How to generate a random number with Java from given list of numbers | [
"how to generate random number from array"
] | [
"Generate the Sukodu Random Number",
"Generate a random number that is not in array",
"Generate Random Numbers in Array",
"How to generate a random object?",
"Generate random numbers between two numbers",
"How to generate given number of random objects with given number of attributes?",
"Generate random numbers correctly",
"Java - Generate random numbers with limit on how many to generate",
"Java Generate Random Number Between Two Given Values",
"How to generate two random numbers out of 4?",
"How to generate a random number and print some other number?",
"How do I generate a random number between -1 and 1?",
"How to generate random numbers based on parameters?",
"How do I generate a random value between two numbers",
"How to generate a Random number?",
"Generate random index different then any one given in a set",
"Generate random number in range with SecRandomCopyBytes",
"Why does this only generate one random string? [Java]",
"Generate random number only one time",
"Generate set of unique random numbers in Java",
"Generate random number between given values Java",
"Generate random number in java",
"How do I generate 6 random numbers between 1 and 6 using Java?",
"Random numbers (the number 2 or 4) in java",
"Generate Random String in java",
"How to generate unique random numbers in an array",
"generate random numbers in methods",
"Generate random number between -1 and 1?",
"Java Generate Random number {-1,0,1}"
] |
Swing Font Rendering | [
"Java Font Rendering"
] | [
"Using JavaFX in Swing to replace jEditorPame for HTML rendering",
"Multithreaded rendering in swing",
"Rendering text in an image in Java",
"Unicode char not rendering in Swing, what font is used in real?",
"Rendering video on Swing",
"Line Break in Font Rendering",
"Rendering from a List<> array",
"Thinnest font in Java",
"How to change the default font size of Java swing components",
"Is this a Swing Java 7 rendering bug?",
"Java swing rendering optimizations",
"Swing rendering of HTML table border",
"How to set Font from String in Java",
"Setting the Default Font of Swing Program",
"swing create font",
"Active Rendering using Only Swing",
"Swing JTable custom rendering",
"Swing not displaying the correct font set",
"Drop location rendering with swing",
"Java Swing Graphics - Why does the first-time rendering not work as expected?",
"How to know if a file is text rendering or not? (Java)",
"How do you import a font?",
"Rendering issue in java swing",
"Font (Myanmar3) not rendering correctly in iText",
"Java Swing wrong rendering GUI elements (Windows 8.1)?",
"What font in Swing looks the same in all OS?",
"Java Font problem",
"Rendering HTML in Java",
"How to apply font size while rendering HTML code in Android or Java"
] |
Why does getGeneratedKeys() return "GENERATED_KEY" as column name? | [
"PostgreSQL JDBC getGeneratedKeys returns all columns"
] | [
"getGeneratedKeys returns an empty ResultSet",
"SQL JDBC JAVA: getGeneratedKeys() after IF NOT EXISTS ( SELECT ...) INSERT INTO (...)",
"JDBC Return generated key or existing key",
"Array generated by a method",
"sql jdbc getgeneratedkeys returns column \"id\" not found, column type unknown",
"Error in Python-generated XML",
"Strange Exception on getGeneratedKeys() with JDBC for MySQL 5.1",
"Is it possible to get a auto-generated values when using statement.getGeneratedKeys() in MySQL?",
"Difference between RETURN_GENERATED_KEYS and specifying the generated column names",
"format of public key generated using java code",
"Java Prepared-Statement getGeneratedKeys() error",
"How to check that a string is generated only once",
"R.java file not being generated",
"getGeneratedKeys() doesn't work with JNDI in WildFly with Firebird",
"Error generated in netbeans generated code",
"Java - H2 Database - getGeneratedKeys() not returning any results",
"Using getGeneratedKeys() Java",
"@generated value - get value of ID",
"Using getGeneratedKeys with batch inserts in MySQL with Connector/J",
"h2 getGeneratedKeys throws exception",
"Unable to find a generated key in Java using PreparedStatement's getGeneratedKeys()",
"How to get Statement.getGeneratedKeys working",
"java.sql.SQLException: ORA-00933: SQL command not properly ended when using getGeneratedKeys",
"Table column order generated by Hibernate",
"getGeneratedKeys() after PreparedStatement.executeBatch()",
"getGeneratedKeys() support is not enabled error in Hibernate 5.0.0.CR2",
"What is wrong with this getGeneratedKeys() JDBC statement?",
"How is the first line of output generated?",
"getGeneratedKeys in EJB"
] |
Java - find the first cause of an exception | [
"How to handle cause by Exception in a good Java way"
] | [
"java - why does this byte cause no exception?",
"What is the cause",
"What could be the possible cause of this exception?",
"Exception has no \"cause\" parameter",
"Difference between suppressedException and cause",
"Type parameter cause error",
"What would cause no rows in table exception?",
"Cause an exception on purpose(Android with java)",
"Best way to check whether a certain exception type was the cause (of a cause, etc ...) in a nested exception?",
"unable to understand the cause of Number Format Exception",
"Error Handler Servlet: how to get exception cause",
"Setting Exception cause in java",
"What could cause this error?",
"Why does the following statement cause a SyntaxErrorException?",
"How can I get error cause in Java?",
"Why does this exception not cause a runtime error?",
"Cause of Java Error Stack",
"Why does =+ not cause a compile error?",
"Unknown cause of exception",
"File not found exception, not sure what is the cause",
"Spring Ehcache3 cause exception with with key-type and value-type",
"How to get Exception reason/cause in external package",
"How to check if exception's cause matches a type of exception",
"Trying to find the cause of a Java exception, where are the files?",
"Why does this code cause Java to write over the data in a file?",
"Is there any reason to set an exception's cause to itself?",
"Display Exception Cause",
"Can't overwrite cause when setting a cause on exception with a null cause",
"Why does this cause a null pointer exception?"
] |
Converting Unix timestamp to String with Joda Time | [
"Java: Date from unix timestamp"
] | [
"Converting org.joda.time to java.time",
"Date to Unix timestamp",
"how to get a timestamp of another timezone in java or JODA",
"Parse joda-time",
"Getting unix timestamp from Date()",
"Convert Joda LocalDateTime to Unix timestamp",
"How to extract time from unix timestamp in java?",
"Convert Time-String using joda-time",
"Convert Joda Date Time String To Java.Sql.TimeStamp for an INSERT",
"Java convert unix timestamp to wrong time",
"Converting unix timestamp to date in Android emulator",
"Adding Joda Time",
"Joda Time - Wrong Result",
"converting one time zone to another using joda time",
"How to use Joda-Time DateTimeComparator",
"java joda-time get date time",
"Joda-Time: parse string",
"Converting timestamp from parse.com in java",
"Convert to UNIX timestamp error",
"Joda Time PeriodFormatterBuilder",
"Joda PrintZeroRarelyFirst not working",
"Converting CCYYMMDDHHMMSSsss into java using joda time format",
"UTC Timestamp + Joda Time",
"Android converting date time parse error (even tried joda time)",
"Trouble with converting a String into a Joda DateTime object",
"Converting a date string to a DateTime object using Joda Time library",
"Joda DateTime to Unix DateTime",
"How to use Joda-Time with java.sql.Timestamp",
"Joda DateTime to Timestamp conversion"
] |
How do I get request url in jsf managed bean without the requested servlet? | [
"Can a jsf managed bean behave like a servlet?"
] | [
"How to access managed bean and session bean from Servlet",
"How can I inject a JSF bean into another JSF bean in Java 5?",
"JSF 2.0: Why do I got this Inject managed bean Exception",
"Retrieve the web app root path in JSF Managed Bean",
"Help understanding JSF's multiple calls to managed bean",
"jsf:The requested resource is not available",
"JSF 2: invoking managed bean directly",
"How to register a JSF managed bean programmatically?",
"JSF GAE: Value Update Problem in managed bean method",
"Redirect from managed bean event JSF",
"Binding a Property Data Table @ JSF with a Managed Bean",
"Two instantiations of the managed-bean",
"How to write Junit test cases for Spring managed bean?",
"setting attribute value to String in managed Bean JSF 2.2",
"Help me understand JSF managed bean lifecycle",
"User input validation in managed bean problem(JSF 2.0 )",
"Method Not Found in JSF Bean",
"JSF trying to create a managed property",
"JSF, How to get Id of <h:input> from Managed Bean",
"JSF get current action in managed bean",
"Access JSF bean from class which is neither servlet nor bean",
"Open Popup from servlet or jsf managed bean?",
"Get the request URL in a JSF bean?",
"Bean not used in JSF page",
"Can't access managed bean method using JSF",
"problem with using spring beans from jsf managed bean",
"Can't access managed bean again... jsf",
"can I send email in JSF from managed bean?",
"JSF - managed bean in variable?"
] |
Auto code completion on Eclipse | [
"Automatically opening completion window in Eclipse"
] | [
"Eclipse: Disable auto completion but keep showing suggestions",
"How can I stop Eclipse's auto-completion feature from suggesting made up variable names?",
"How to use auto completion in Eclipse adding fully qualified name",
"Java EE auto completion",
"Eclipse/Java code completion not working",
"How to make code completion for Java 8 lambda parameters in Eclipse work?",
"How does one check completion status of LoadApplicationService?",
"How to do query auto-completion/suggestions in Lucene?",
"How to fix IntelliJ IDEA method parameter auto-completion?",
"How to order thread completion and use join()",
"Eclipse java Code Completion List navigation",
"File load completion check in java",
"Eclipse auto completion with generic classes and static methods",
"Eclipse 4.6 code completion does not work with Java 9",
"How can I make auto completion in netbeans include both variables as well as methods?",
"Make eclipse auto import other class",
"Completion Handler of an NSURLSessionTask does not run",
"How to get back auto-completion after misspelling a method name in Eclipse?",
"Eclipse: How to set word as auto activation trigger for code completion",
"How can i change eclipse code completion settings?",
"Eclipse Code Completion: Is it possible to select a method without the parameters?",
"Is there a way add auto completion support for Java to Sublime Text 2?",
"How do I turn on auto code completion in IntelliJ?",
"Disabling Eclipse **VARIABLES** auto completion",
"Java thread not running to completion, why?",
"Auto completion function Java",
"no auto completion on Eclipse after upgrade to ubuntu 14.04",
"Implementing auto completion in Java",
"How to achieve auto completion"
] |
Add a row and modify the title of a JTable from an other class? | [
"How to add row in JTable?"
] | [
"Create JTable with one row",
"Reference to row in JTable",
"How to add a data in JTable?",
"How to add data to JTable",
"Set string of a variable from JTable row",
"Java JTable update row",
"Row in JTable error",
"How would I add data to a JTable?",
"Add to Database for each Row in JTable",
"Add a title to a JTable",
"jTable add multiple row",
"How do I add an empty row to JTable?",
"Edit JTable row",
"Add a row to a jTable each pass through a loop?",
"JTable does not remove row",
"Java add/remove row to JTable?",
"How to copy one row from JTable into another JTable",
"Row not added to JTable in java",
"How to add to JTable?",
"Get row by index from JTable",
"remove row from jtable",
"How to add button to row of JTable?",
"add row and column to jTable in one loop",
"JTable How to add a row between rows",
"How to set Title in JTable",
"Add Row to JTable and File",
"How to add a row in Jtable",
"how to add a new row for jTable in java",
"How to set row size of JTable?"
] |
Adapting dependencies after downgrading Google Play Services | [
"Downgrading 9.0.83 Google Play Services manually to avoid DynamiteModule: Failed to load module descriptor"
] | [
"Android 8 or higher: Check for Google Play Services",
"Adapting methods which return true/false",
"Error implementing google play services",
"Downgrading Matlab java from 7 to 6 in Ubuntu returns an error",
"Import Google Play Services library in Android Studio",
"Google Play Services: can't connect to server",
"Could not able to refer google-play-services.jar into my application",
"onDowngrade() in SQLiteOpenHelper (or another way to not crash when downgrading)",
"Adapting the Builder pattern for method invocation",
"java.lang.noclassdeffounferror google play services",
"Google Play - onReceivedSslError",
"Google Play services and Google maps error",
"GOOGLE PLAY SERVICES EXCEPTION: com.google.android.gms.common.GooglePlayServicesUtil",
"Unable to build App after adding Google Play Services",
"Don't show \"This app won't run without google play services\" dialog",
"Where did the lib project go for google play services?",
"How can I get API client? (Google Play Services)",
"Where can I find google-play-services_lib.jar?",
"(Android) How to retrieve current location using Google Play Services",
"Google Play Services with maven already added exception",
"Downgrading from jdk 1.7 to 1.6 stops my eclipse indigo from working",
"Android error with Google Play Location Services (ModuleDescriptor Class)",
"XmlAdapter not called for adapting List to Map",
"adapting to an interface",
"Adapting C fork code to a Java program",
"Why i can't get a dependency on the Google Play Services library?",
"Downgrading from Java 7 to Java 6",
"Downgrading function of Java 8 to Java 7",
"Downgrading an application from Java 1.6 to Java 1.5"
] |
Missing Codebase manifest attribute for:xxx.jar | [
"How do I fix \"missing Codebase, Permissions, and Application-Name manifest attribute\" in my JNLP app?"
] | [
"No Main Manifest Attribute in ----.jar Netbeans",
"how to add a missing android manifest file",
"Missing a “Permissions” manifest attribute in Java",
"Is it possible to have the same codebase for Tomcat?",
"Two Android applications sharing the same codebase. Switching Android Manifest?",
"Missing Application-Name manifest attribute for:",
"Java load a jar using through the way like New XXX()?",
"Run java jar - no main manifest attribute error",
"Generate list of all classes and methods in Java codebase",
"Using Java to read a .jar manifest file",
"Java can't execute jar file no main manifest attribute",
"Java Manifest File Codebase attribute",
"How to convert a ip string xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:xxxxx to xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx?",
"what is /*-{ in my Java/GWT codebase",
"HTTPS hostname wrong: should be <xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx>, checkURLSpoofing. What is the host name being passed?",
"no main manifest attribute (But I have the manifest file in the jar)",
"JAR manifest application-library-allowable-codebase mismatch",
"Why has it failed to load main-class manifest attribute from a JAR file?",
"Java jar - no main manifest attribute",
"How to run a class from Jar which is not the Main-Class in its Manifest file",
"How to remove System.out.println's from codebase",
"no main manifest attribute",
"Manifest attribute for java jar",
"Create a manifest file without a .jar file",
"RMI codebase, connecting to local codebase",
"Handling Manifest missing in jar, with Exception?",
"Reading my own Jar's Manifest",
"Codebase attribute in manifest mismatch when testing local",
"Why am I getting a \"Missing Application-Name manifest attribute\" error when it's in my manifest?"
] |
Are all Thread methods (like getName/setName) thread-safe? | [
"why setName in Thread class assigns to a character array?why not a String?"
] | [
"Are the methods thread safe?",
"Android Thread getName gives current class name",
"is newKieSession thread-safe?",
"Is this thread-safe in Java?",
"What is java.awt.Component.getName() and setName() used for?",
"getName() from class Thread",
"Using the getName Method",
"thread safe or not my class?",
"Is DefaultThreadFactory itself thread-safe?",
"Is GenericObjectPools borrowObject Method thread safe?",
"Thread safe multitons in Java",
"Why is this class not thread safe?",
"Thread getName() returns wrong name",
"Is this java class thread safe?",
"Java: SelectionKey.interestOps(int) not thread safe?",
"JedisSentinelPool is thread safe?",
"Java, is this thread safe",
"java thread safe :is it thread safe?",
"printf, saying, getName setName",
"Is this class thread-safe?",
"Thread.setName(name) caveats",
"is this class thread safe?",
"Java methods thread safe",
"Not thread safe methods of CuncurrentSkipListMap in Java",
"Is JsonMessageConverter thread-safe?",
"Is this method thread safe?",
"Is this thread-safe?",
"TarantoolConnection16 is not thread-safe",
"Is NashornScriptEngine thread-safe?"
] |
How to change gap in swing label | [
"How to remove gap in java swing label of large size"
] | [
"How can I get the gap between A time and B time?",
"how to set a title and gap between paragraphs?",
"Enum with negative/gap value in Java",
"Too much gap between table rows",
"How to fix the gap in the list?",
"How to set icons without gap?",
"How can I remove the gap when using a JButton as a ComboBoxEditor in the Windows L&F?",
"Determining length of gap of binary number",
"Swing - Update Label",
"How to add a horizontal gap with a JLabel",
"java jtextpane set gap or setleading or setlinespacing",
"phone gap android environment setup",
"Is my code solution for Binary Gap is correct or not? What should I improved in that?",
"Reduce gap between JPanels",
"How to implement view with Label in Java Swing?",
"Unable to leave vertical gap",
"JSON Via Ajax in Phone Gap not Good Work",
"Java -> MigLayout how to set gap's",
"Get rid of the gap between JPanels",
"Gap in JFreeChart",
"Increase gap between icon and button java",
"Gap between JPanels",
"Java Swing White Gap Under Title Bar",
"Android: How to set time gap in methods, when sleep or wait is not working",
"Java: Gap in the beginning of a GridLayout",
"Phone Gap and Web Services",
"count the binary gap",
"Remove gap between rows in GWT Grid",
"Unit test performance gap between IDE and maven"
] |
What's the most elegant way to concatenate a list of values with delimiter in Java? | [
"Concatenate string values with delimiter handling null and empty strings in java 8?"
] | [
"Concatenate a loop from user Input",
"Elegant Solution?",
"How to concatenate strings in Java?",
"Using a delimiter in a method (Java)",
"How do I concatenate a variable and an array?",
"concatenate the result of loop in array in java",
"Using delimiter on a text file",
"Why can't I concatenate the JSON?",
"Use a delimiter (Java)?",
"Concatenate value to variable name",
"Java: How to Concatenate a string in a loop",
"Method to concatenate 2 Strings in Java",
"Concatenate lines in a file",
"How to do this delimiter?",
"How to concatenate string in java",
"Adding delimiter has any elegant way?",
"Concatenate User Input JAVA",
"java concatenate two strings error",
"Delimiter in java",
"Concatenate String to End of File Object",
"How does Java concatenate 2 strings?",
"What is the \"elegant\" method of using BackOffPolicy",
"Concatenate String using '+' in Android",
"java String with delimiter",
"How do I concatenate string in java?",
"How do I concatenate two strings in Java?",
"concatenate N number of string",
"read from file with a delimiter",
"Concatenate elements of two sets with delimiter using java stream"
] |
Does java(compiler or jvm) handles static final members of class differently? If yes how | [
"What does the JVM do with a final variable in a class?"
] | [
"How to access members of a class in Java",
"How does non-static method access static members in java?",
"how jvm handles creating object inside a loop",
"are the members of a static inner class by default static in java",
"Compiler error instance of final class",
"use of \"this\" and \"class\" as members",
"Why can we have static final members but cant have static method in an inner class?",
"Static method cannot access instance members of a class",
"Members of static nested class in java",
"Get members of class from class name",
"Instance members of singleton object or static members of class",
"JVM Static Variable",
"Static members in Java",
"Members of Java array class",
"Non static members inside a static method",
"Why do only static inner classes in Java have static members?",
"Question about class members in Java",
"Why while loop differently work in java and c",
"static members behavior in java",
"how to get the class' members from a class file",
"Do static members enter objects?",
"How to print public static final members in mongodb in a Java application?",
"Is there any way by which I can save the state of `static members`?",
"Why does \"==\" work differently when using \"new String(..)\"?",
"who create class file JVM or compiler in java?",
"Why does the order of static members in java matter?",
"How does JVM handles RuntimeException(s)",
"Should members of static class in Builder pattern be final?",
"Are static class members static in Java?"
] |
How to generate comments as well when automatically generating getters and setters in Android Studio | [
"Is there a way to automatically generate getters and setters in Eclipse?",
"How to automatically generate getters and setters in Android Studio"
] | [
"Am I doing getters/setters the right way in Java?",
"Generating getters/setters in Java (again)",
"How to use setters and getters in different java file",
"How to NOT use getters and setters",
"Is there case for not using getters and setters here?",
"How do getters and setters work?",
"The use of Getters and Setters",
"Eclipse - Generating Getters/Setters",
"Using setters/getters on a text file",
"Generate custom Java Getters and Setters",
"Using getters/setters in Java",
"Java setters and getters",
"How does Eclipse generate code? Like Getters and Setters",
"Need help using setters and getters",
"How to generate setters and getters at runtime in java..?",
"Eclipse generate getters and setters and automatically apply them",
"Getters/setters in Java",
"Java getters and setters not working",
"Getters and setters in classes?",
"Getters and setters in Java",
"Getters, Setters , Object Java",
"How does Eclipse generate setters and getters?",
"Setters are working but getters are not",
"Java Getters/Setters",
"Getters and Setters in Android",
"When is getters setters needed in android studio project?",
"Getters and setters not working in android",
"Should I set up getters and setters even when I only need one of them?"
] |
Delete selected item from JList | [
"How to delete item from JList java"
] | [
"JList selected item to String",
"How to add item in JList ?",
"Java - JList see if ANYTHING is selected",
"Edit item in Jlist",
"Unable to get each item from selected multiple line Jlist?",
"How to have a list of selected items of JList?",
"JList: previous selected item",
"Need to set a double value depending on which item(s) are selected from a JList",
"Background color to selected item in JList not working",
"Swing - Exception when trying to delete an item from a JList",
"How do I start a Jlist with the first item is selected?",
"Using information from object selected in jList",
"Getting selected Items from Jlist",
"Getting the elements selected of a jlist into a string list",
"Find selected item of a JList and display it in real time",
"If nothing is selected in Jlist",
"Find out if JList has an item currently selected",
"Set selected index on JList",
"Delete File from Jlist",
"How to get items from JList in the order they are selected?",
"Java JList scroll to selected item",
"How do I find an item in a JList and set that as the selected value?",
"How would I code when a item has been selected in a JList?",
"Get the selected values from JList in Java",
"How to set multiple items as selected in JList using setSelectedValue?",
"adding item to jlist from jlist",
"Delete elements from JList",
"How to get the selected index number when multiple data in JList is selected",
"Get multiple selected items from a JList"
] |
Spring MVC not loading static resources from webapp | [
"How to use spring MVC's <mvc:resources> tag in a java application context?"
] | [
"Files and images not loading Spring MVC",
"Problems with loading resources Spring mvc",
"Open static file in Spring MVC application",
"Spring MVC: loading static image",
"Loading images only one time per spring webapp",
"Webapp map static resources to jar in Tomcat",
"Spring MVC - Return static page",
"Unable to load static resources in spring mvc application",
"Static resources in spring mvc",
"How to reference static resources from another web project with Spring MVC 4",
"Java Dynammic Class loading inside webapp",
"How to upload images in src/main/webapp/resources with spring MVC",
"Spring MVC CSS Error Loading",
"Spring MVC 4 with mvc:resources not working",
"Spring MVC - Cannot create file at webapp/resources/",
"Spring 4 loading static resources",
"Static content - Spring MVC",
"Loading Resources Once in Java",
"Spring Tomcat and static resources and mvc:resources",
"Mapping resources with Spring MVC",
"How To Stream Text Response From a Java Spring MVC 3.0 Webapp",
"Trying to get mvc resources to serve my static resources",
"How do I correctly configure a Spring MVC webapp when using a java Configuration class?",
"Adding system properties in Spring MVC webapp",
"How to upload an image to webapp/resources/images directory using spring mvc?",
"spring mvc resources map to /**",
"spring mvc 3 and static content",
"Unable to load static resources:Spring MVC",
"How to handle security on spring mvc back end with webapp and android app?"
] |
How to set OnTouchListener for the entire screen? | [
"Android onTouchListener on LinearLayout",
"OnTouchListener doesn't work with relative layout"
] | [
"OnTouchListener in custom dialog don't work",
"OntouchListener adding too many values to array",
"OnTouchListener is not responding",
"Android OnTouchListener Does Not Work",
"onTouchListener: Convert View to ImageView",
"Android - onTouchListener ClassCastException",
"Android - OnTouchListener() is triggered too early",
"Is it right to have lots of onTouchListener?",
"Can't get onTouchListener to work in fragmentActivity",
"Using OnTouchListener to implement a slider structure in android",
"What actually happens if I return false in a OnTouchListener?",
"How do I set an OnTouchListener for a relativeLayout?",
"Why OnTouchListener is not set for me?",
"Can't implement onTouchListener",
"OnTouchListener in a View - Android",
"Java NullPointerException on onTouchListener",
"onTouchListener class in SurfaceView",
"Where to have onTouchListener?",
"Java Android : onTouchListener release?",
"How to get initial X, Y values (of first touch ACTION_DOWN) in OnTouchListener",
"Why it is not possible to create a class that extends OnTouchListener",
"Adding onTouchListener on Button inside fragment in Android",
"How to set up an onTouchListener that changes an ImageView image resource?",
"Prevent use of a button before onTouchListener",
"Setting width inside onTouchListener",
"Android Development - OnTouchListener - How to Use?",
"Why android ViewPager OnTouchListener not called at all",
"OnTouchListener is not getting fired"
] |
Non-static variable this cannot be referenced from a static context when creating an object | [
"non-static variable cannot be referenced from a static context java"
] | [
"non static variable list cannot be referenced from a static context",
"non-static variable this cannot be referenced from a static context in main method",
"non-static variable this cannot be referenced in a static context in Java",
"non-static variable this cannot be referenced from a static context",
"Java: non-static variable value cannot be referenced from a static context error",
"non static method cannot be referenced from a static context",
"Non static variable cannot be referenced from a static context after creating an object",
"non-static variable this cannot be referenced from a static context when creating instance of class",
"Non-static variable of cannot be referenced from a static context",
"java : non-static variable cannot be referenced from a static context Error",
"non-static class cannot be referenced from a static context",
"non-static variable s cannot be referenced from a static context",
"non-static variable this cannot be referenced from a static context",
"Why I get error \"non-static variable this cannot be referenced from a static context\"?",
"Why do I get \"non-static variable this cannot be referenced from a static context\"?",
"error: non-static variable cannot be referenced from a static context",
"non-static method cannot be referenced from a static context",
"non static variable this cannot be referenced from a static context",
"Non-static method isGooglePlayServicesAvailable and getErrorDialog cannot be referenced from a static context",
"Error: \"non static variable this cannot be referenced from a static context",
"non-static method and variable cannot be referenced from a static context",
"Non static variable cannot be referenced from static context java",
"Java: non-static variable this cannot be referenced from a static context",
"non-static variable x cannot be referenced from a static context",
"JAVA: non-static variable randomNums cannot be referenced from a static context",
"non-static variable this cannot be referenced from a static context?",
"non static method cannot be referenced from a static context where T is a type of variable",
"non-static variable favPic cannot be referenced from a static context",
"error: non-static variable this cannot be referenced from a static context"
] |
How do I create an interface with methods that take an instance of some enum type? | [
"Why would an Enum implement an Interface?"
] | [
"Interface or enum expected",
"Why do I have to create an instance of an enum in Java?",
"INSTANCE in a Java Enum",
"Why instance field of 'enum' is 'enum' in java?",
"Using an interface inside of an enum",
"Error: Class,interface, or enum error code",
"Java enum error - return type reqiued",
"How to use an enum as one would use an interface?",
"Interface a static method for Enum",
"Access enum inside an interface",
"error is class,interface or enum expected? import relational.compare",
"How to set data type of enum class?",
"Why can't I call a method with a list of enum which implement an interface?",
"get() methods in Java enum type",
"Class, interface or enum expected",
"Use of enum with INSTANCE",
"Java create enum from String",
"How to build interface for such enum",
"Can Java methods return type Enum?",
"Java error: class, interface, or enum expected",
"Why can't we access enum values from an enum instance in C#?",
"Get Enum instance",
"ClassLoad an Enum type",
"Java Enum Methods",
"Using + in a java enum type",
"Is there anything else other than class, interface or Enum?",
"Error - Class interface or enum expected",
"Error: error class interface or enum expected in Java class",
"Error: class, interface, or enum expected?"
] |